hinamie · 1 month
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long way home
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happyheidi · 2 months
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. August will bring blessings.
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 6 months
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POV: you are Willy Stampler
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stinastar · 2 years
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luckykiwiii101 · 2 months
✰ How To Accept Imagination As Your Real Reality & Allow The Feeling Of Fullfillment ✰
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Hey Upper East Siders.
Gossip girl here and if you didn’t know already, the topic of this gossip post is the key to everything. And without it, you have nothing.
Oh don’t tell me you believed me? I meant, without persistence, you have nothing. But hopefully (*definitely) after reading this post, everything will be a lot easier.
From experience I know everything that enters your ear flies out the other. So i’ll break this down into easy little steps for you. Can you handle that? Or is it too much to comprehend?
Now to the interesting part. Most upper east siders who struggle with persistence is because they watch the 3D in-front of them and freak out when something bad happens. Or get discouraged when they don’t wake up with what they want after 3 days. *Cough cough* In other words, all you’ve been doing since forever.
Well why’s that? Because you don’t accept imagination as your real & only reality. And you want to know what’s most ridiculous part about that? The fact that you ARE imagination. If imagination isn’t real, neither are you.
Don’t accept your imagination as your real and ONLY reality? Let me help you, and everything will be alright. But remember, it’ll only help if you get off your mental arse and do something about it.
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Phase One:
✰ Why Is Imagination The Real & Only Reality? ✰
Because if imagination didn’t exist, neither would you. Everything around you in your 3D is there because it is natural to you. Everything that exists was once imagined. There’s a reason why all successful people acknowledge this too.
Imagination is the real reality because the 3D cannot exist without it. Why would you accept the 3D as your real reality when it is CREATED by you (imagination). You are IMAGINATION. Your 3D (physical reality) is FULLY CREATED by Imagination. There is no exception. Everything that you are experiencing in your physical reality was created by YOU. Your imagination. You are Imagination. You are imagination. You are imagination. You are imagination.
For all the times i’ve called you “nothing”. I meant you are nothing but imagination.
Phase Two:
✰ How 2 Feel Imagination To Be The Real Reality ✰
There are things you have to remember and carve into your mind. Here are some quotes from Edward Art.
✰ “THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE OUTER MAN. The Outer Man is simply an expression of the inner man. The only man that exists is in inner man.” (Consciousness is the ONLY reality). ✰
✰ “I am imagination imagining being human. I am imagination. Imagination is my only reality.” ✰
These quotes are extremely important to understand. Read them over and over again until they are fully carved into your mind. Without this understanding, fulfillment appears as a struggle. Because how you can feel fulfilled having your desire in imagination if you don’t accept it as real?
Imagination is you. It is your safe zone. It is where you go to fullfill yourself. It is a fact that is real. It is a fact that it is your real & only reality. And that is why everything you accept to be real in imagination IS real. That is why you can feel fullfillment in simply feeling yourself to have your desires in your imagination.
Now that you accept your imagination as your real and only reality, you’re now going to apply this in ALLOWING the feeling of the wish fullfilled.
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First of all, do you know what the “feeling” is? If not then -> CLICK HERE
As Neville Goddard said “Feeling Is The Secret”. This feeling is all you need to focus on to manifest anything & everything you could possibly want.
Now this is how to allow yourself to freely feel fulfilled knowing that imagination is the true reality. Here is a quote from Edward Art. You are going to do this every time before you fulfill yourself in imagination ->
“So start with the feeling that, “I can have and feel whatever I want in my mind.” Once you make this the core feeling inside of you, you will naturally start to think FROM this position.”
Once you understand this, your imagination will feel like the unlimited and free zone that it is, where you can give yourself anything and everything that you want.
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✰ Remind yourself “I can have and feel whatever I want in my mind.” “Imagination is the real fact.”
✰ Now focus on that feeling. That feeling that imagination is your real reality because it is. You feel relieved don’t you. Or you feel nonchalant. But over everything, you feel that imagination is your real reality.
✰ Now with this feeling you are going to imagine what you want. Give yourself what you want in imagination. Affirm, visualise, etc. Do whatever imaginal act you want. Allow the feeling of having it. Remove all feelings of desire, and replace it with fullfillment. Repeat in accepting that you have it until you no longer feel the need to do so. You will know when you feel like it’s done in imagination. Feel it as a present fact in imagination. Know that what you are seeing is real. It is your reality. You already know how because of my post about feeling.
✰ Now you are fullfilled. You have now felt true fullfillment. You know that you have your desire in imagination. Now persist in that. Come back to this mini “meditation” every time you think of your “desire”. It is no longer a desire because you are fullfilled. Keep coming back and dwelling in this feeling and I promise you that your 3D will reflect your desires so fast.
You can thank me later. You know you love me. XOXO
- gossip girl 💋
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urfavstargirl · 3 months
you could have your desires by now.
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just think about it. remember when you joined loablr- was it days? weeks? months? years??
imagine if after the first post you saw that "really made it click for you", you just stopped scrolling. you stopped looking for success stories, informative posts, etc etc, and you started applying the law. you would probably be living your dream life right now.
but instead, you stay on loablr and delude yourself into thinking you're "looking for the key to loa", when in reality, you're just lazy and you don't want to apply!
"b-but i can't manifest! i have intrusive thoughts and difficult circumstances and should i use states or a&p and do i have to believe it and which technique should i use and i-"
this post is calling out everyone who's said stuff like that. this post is a sign to LOG TF OUT OF TUMBLR AND GET YOUR DESIRES!! You know what to do and how to apply, so WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU DOING IT?!
and i don't want to hear anybody going "well, i got off tumblr and persisted for a week, but i still don't have my desires!" THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM- YOU KEEP LOOKING FOR YOUR DESIRES IN THE 3D.
When are you gonna realize that when people say "persist in the 4d and understand that the 3d is irrelevant", THEY MEAN IT! FOCUS ON THE 4D!! STOP SAYING "i'm persisting in the 4d but i still don't have my desires? where are they?" IF YOU WERE ACTUALLY PERSISTING IN THE 4D, YOU WOULDN'T BE LOOKING FOR RESULTS IN THE 3D- YOU WOULD BE SATISFIED WITH IMAGINATION.
again, get off of tumblr. don't say "ok well i'm just gonna scroll for a little bit longer 🤪" i'm serious, get off of tumblr. screenshot 1 or 2 posts that really make you understand the law, then apply it!
xoxo, your fav stargirl aaliyah
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eamour · 3 months
don’t ever feel bad for knowing about the law but not being able to properly use it to your advantage. don’t blame nor bash yourself for having forgotten the functioning of the law and how it operates.
when neville wanted to manifest a divorce with his first wife — who he had fallen out of love with — in order to be in a relationship with the woman who he actually had feelings for, he admitted that he had no clue on how to do it. yes, he was pretty much wondering about the how. how was he gonna approach her? what was he gonna tell her? in which way could his desire be realised? he was struggling mentally, and probably emotionally as well.
so, what did he do? he completely turned his back on the outer world and abandoned himself to the law. neville practiced to fall asleep to the assumption that he was already together with the woman of his dreams and exercised this repeatedly and consistently. he remained persistent with his claim until his deepest desire materialised itself into his physical reality for him to witness.
within one week of accepting his assumption to be true in a state akin to sleep, he was ready to perceive his manifestation with his own senses. his desire appeared in a way which he didn’t even think of or believed in!
neville did not intervene or interfere with the contents of his world without. all he did was to feel his wish fulfilled, live in the end and think from his desire. in his mind, he was already experiencing what he wanted and wished for. he had faith in the unseen and trusted his imagination. and most importantly, his circumstances did not matter to him! all because he was ready to see beyond his human body and finally free himself from the limitations of his senses.
it may be difficult to look at life from a lens that doesn’t feel like it belongs to you, but neville didn’t look at his life from his body's eyes either. he looked at his life from his mind's eyes. see, the law works nonetheless. it doesn’t stop applying to you because it’s you or because you didn’t imagine "well" or long enough. the law's ability to realise your desires depends entirely on the naturalness of your feeling in regards to your desire. it’s possible to bring anything to life. if there's an ability to desire, there’s an ability to imagine. and after all, imagination creates reality.
"never blame, only resolve." — neville goddard
with love, ella.
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girlblogger16 · 2 months
your already in your dr, act like it.
i have some news for you lovely shifters out there.
• shifting found you for a reason.
think back on it. what was your life like when shifting found you? how did the knowing that you could shift realities make you feel? how did it change your life? not everyone out there has the privilege of knowing or even believing in shifting. i truly believe that being in the know of the powers of yourself and shifting is a great gift.
• you are in control of you life and your reality.
lets go back to the basics of loa 101. your thoughts create the reality around you. think about it. think about all the times you had a negative thought about yourself or thought you were "ugly" you ended up feeling worse, and even physically looking worse. thats because your genuine assumption about yourself shifted your reality. this is why mental diets and law of assumption are key to shifting. your thoughts and your consciousness are your greatest tools, use them to your advantage and realize you are already exactly where you want to be. you are in your desired reality. and so it is. and on that note.
dont dwell, you already have what you want. you are powerful.
once you know you are a master shifter and you are already in your desired reality, assume that role. no matter what, stick to your assumption. reflect that in the 3d. why are you desperately looking at methods and getting demotivated when your already in your dr? remind yourself who you are and the power you have over this reality.
i just wanted to give a bit of shifting advice that helped me greatly in my journey, please remember you are special, you have complete control of your reality, and its your world 🎀🎀
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stephofromcabin12 · 3 months
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Mojo dojo casa temple (in about five styles bc drawing in cars is harder than you’d think)
Buy me a coffee! ☕️
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joshuamj · 23 days
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asteriaas-stuffs · 1 year
Found something useful while scrolling tiktok. Credits to the creator(High vibe baddie) . Living in the end to make manifesting easier.
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hinamie · 26 days
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...........slips gege ¥2000
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eternal-forever · 4 months
*abt shifting, loa, and everything*
(Firstly, Hi if you don’t know me I’m Jonah I have success with manifestation, the void state, and shifting awareness)
So you know how if you ever make artwork or literally make anything, you might not like it that much? Or maybe think it could be better?
Yk why u might think that?
Because it’s yours.
Like if your best friend made the exact same thing, you would think that it’s so good!
So when it comes to shifting awareness, most people don’t REALLY believe that theirs.
Therefore, they start thinking that it’s wonderful, so good, greatest thing ever, etc.
Putting it on a pedestal.
I KNOW you’ve seen a bunch of times “don’t put shifting on a pedestal!”
And you know you shouldn’t.
But like.
It’s always been yours.
The you that’s wherever you are and doing whatever your doing. Is the SAME self that is in your dr.
Now. You MAY be thinking
“I speak a different language in that real that i don’t know in this real. that’s not exactly me” or something like that.
Um ok? So what if you know different things?
You do realize that all you are is your 4d. Right?
You know about the law of assumption. If you assume it to be true in your 4d, your 3d will reflect it.
You have to realize all you are and all you will ever be is your 4d.
(Might sound a little intimidating but it’s true.)
Some of you might think you know this, but do you believe it?
Ok I’ll leave you with that for now ☺️
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salemlunaa · 12 days
Shifting consciousness is all the void is
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That’s all the void is, folks. That’s it, a deep meditation state that allows you to shift consciousness to another reality, a reality that existed the second you thought about it. All you do is alter the physical plane, aka the infamous 3d. The void allowing you to alter the laws of the 3d may sound scary and huge but it’s not. You’re just shifting awareness, aka consciousness
If you guys put walking on this much of a pedestal, a lot more of you would need crutches and wheelchairs claiming that:
“I just can’t do it, i tried and got symptoms of beginning to walk but i fell at the last second”
If you guys put breathing, yes fucking breathing on this much of a pedestal then a lot of you would need ventilators, asthma pumps, you name it. I can seriously see some of you saying that:
“I tried everything but just can’t manage to breathe”
A lot more of you would need glasses if you guys made seeing this big spectacle like you do with the void:
“nothing works for me i just CANT see”
excluding those who genuinely can’t do these things, do you realise how dumb this sounds? now look at the void this way, you don’t need to try, just be.
And why have i used these things as an example? because the void is as easy as these things and as natural as these things, it was natural to us, IS natural to us and society forced us into unlearning these things, but let me tell you the void is just shifting consciousness and you can get to do that by just inducing yourself in a deep meditative state, the same way you may do breathing exercises if youre nervous about something.
Thats it that’s all. And it will take you seconds once you master it, once you do this, I SWEAR, I BET EVERYTHING I HAVE that you will be kicking yourself mentally because it was much easier than you made it out to be, you spent a year, a year and a half, two years or even three building up to something that took you seconds.
Here’s the only method you need and i don’t need any “but”s if you have a subconscious mind, which yes, yes you do, then this “method” shouldn’t be a problem for you. at all:
1. Focus on your breathing
2. Repeating “I AM” wether it be in your head or outloud
3. Either visualise yourself as faceless and formless OR shift your awareness outside of your body
and that’s it you’re done you’ve shifted.
you were born to do this, shifting awareness is a basic ability you were born with, not a talent to perfect, not a skill to be “good/bad at”. It’s a basic human ability.
So stfu about how you can’t do it, you can do it, you have done it. 🦧💋
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novakiart · 1 year
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gotta nurse the baby boy back to health, part i (next)
🕷️ written by me & nevi
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notsogreatpotoo · 6 months
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