#(and everything we vote on is a hell of a lot closer to being an academic matter than it is to farming or retail)
smooth-perceval · 1 year
“My love, my life.”
“We are going to be just fine…”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.
Warnings: 18+ you could say smut- but it’s not very ‘Smutty’ maybe if you squint, pregnancy, swearing, Google translate, Lando being Lando, no proof read.
Key: Y/N (your name), Y/L/N (your last name), biscuit= Cookie, Lando and reader are friends for about 4 years.
Word count: 2,949
A/N: Thank you for the votes 🖤 It has motivated me to now write something 🙂 I’m seeing how this goes, I might even turn it into a series. Anddd I love dad max 🖤
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The soft moans, and whispers of each others names was all that painted the walls of the vanilla hotel room. Us both sinning beyond hells gates… Something so wrong feeling so right- like we was both made perfectly for each other.
You could say it was the drink… or the pent up sexual attraction we both craved so badly from one another… either way we both bathed in the moment, showing one another what 3 years worth of “friendship” really meant.
The little touches and glances go along way… they turned into flirty comments and kisses so close to the lips if either had tilted our heads we would’ve been where we are now a lot sooner… Tonight, it turned into Max kissing that little more over, lips brushing slightly. Both breathing heavily questioning wether to go in for a second. And I did, I took the chance to grab him by the collar kissing him. Not just the once though, it turned into three or four little kisses before Max was pushing against the wall and shutting the door blindly.
So we could say Max is to blame here, Max is the reason I’m biting down onto my lip, suppressing any noise he is causing me to make- His blue eyes had me pinned, scared to turn away incase I lose this feeling- this intimacy, this entire moment.
Hovering over me, one hand holding my thigh up the other next to my head supporting himself, his bare chest on view, with only smudged lipstick stains coating him. His hair a little messy from my hands running through and tugging on every strand I could. Lips swollen from the rough kisses of need. The warmth in the room from our heavy breathing causing a thin layer of sweat over us both… and even in such a unhinged moment. He still looked perfect.
And after our night of pleasure, and we had both ‘cleaned up’ me putting on one of Max shirts, him sticking to fresh underwear. We left his room, as if we was naughty teenagers, we tiptoed down to my room, climbing into fresh bedding.
Both laying there staring at each other in complete awe, Max hand reaching up and stroking my cheek and along my jaw. Now letting the sleep slowly evade us, with my eyes closed I heard him whisper the three words I’ve always dreamt he would say… wether he did or not it still felt real to me.
“I love you”
And as if it was a reaction to the words I found myself shuffling closer to his chest. Like he was the protection I needed… the knight in shining armour in every princess story.
**3 Weeks later**
Back home, and was things awkward between me and Max? Yes. Very.
Even Lando picked up on the weird tension. Lando also being a close friend and noticing how we was both frightened to go near each other.
For me? It was scared of going near him and pushing him back into a hotel bed all over again… it was scared of getting to close and getting burned in the long run- because Max wasn’t the type of guy to stick around… not after his last breakup everything was fucked and chucked, and me unfortunately was one of them- or so it feels.
I was attending the Monaco GP, in support of Max & Lando them being my only two friends you could say.
However the weekend turned to not be the best of starts, I had picked up a stomach bug somewhere, as I’ve been sick nearly every morning, sometimes of an evening if I really give into the feeling. I realised eating something small like a biscuit would somewhat cure the sickness… it’s been horrible. I texted both Lando and Max saying I would leave my home once I had felt a bit better in myself, both sending back get well soon messages and updates on what’s happening.
I was adamant on attending the qualifying, so chomping down on a biscuit and sipping on a bottle of water I made my way to the GP. In my bag I had a little bag filled with biscuits. I wasn’t going to let a little tummy ache stop me from watching my boys-
I read online that a stomach bug doesn’t seem to be contagious after a few days, which I was praying was true. If not then I could only apologise to them and beg for forgiveness if I ruin their race…
My first stop was Lando, who was practically jumping when he saw me. Bringing me in the most tightest hug you could imagine-
“Lan- don’t I still feel like I could be sick…” mumbling I rub his back before pulling myself away.
“Oh shit- sorry… wait are you contagious?!” He jumped back holding his hands up like they would defend him.
“It says no online… if I am I’m sorry though…” pouting I shuffled about on my feet. “I just wanted to watch you both race-”
Tutting he rubbed my shoulder, before throwing an arm around both. “It’s okay, longs your not sick in here. We just washed the floors.”
Rolling my eyes I elbowed him in the ribs, “I won’t, I got my biscuits.” Patting my bag I smiled up at him. “And anyways if I was sick it’s normally first thing in the morning, or maybe later… if I stop eating these biscuits.” Eyebrows furrowed Lando tilted his head at me.
“First thing in the morning? Sounds like something else to me.” Humming a teasing tone he lead us both out the garage. Shaking my head in annoyance at him I look around. “Behave Lando.”
“I’m just saying-”
And well him just saying that had my mind reeling… what if? I couldn’t just pull out my phone and check when I was due on my ladies, Lando would see, seeing as his attached to my hip, so in my head I counted back. I should’ve started by now right? I doubt it- I think it’s next week.
Before I know it we was stopping outside red bull’s garage Lando practically screamed for Max, all the engineers turning to look up at him. Some in annoyance and some confused to why he was screaming…
And there he was- Max in all his glory shuffling his way through. Suit unzipped and hanging down at his waist, his fireproofs on show… showing every shape of his body- gulping, my eyes started to wander, slowly remembering every part of him I kissed, where the red lipstick marks were, where to touch that would make him shiver and whisper my name in a warning. As if I was triggering a ticking time bomb- I mean you could say I was that night. I was remembering it all in waves, before it was only a faint memory.
“Y/N! You made it finally…” smiling at each other he came and stood infront of us both. His hand brushing my arm slightly in a little pat/rubbing manner. Yeah it was tense… i felt like screaming, if we hadn’t pushed that boundary, it probably wouldn’t feel so awkward- I had the devil on my shoulder, shouting over the little angel, telling me I should just let him have me right here on the track and claim our own trophy, create our own ‘finish’.
Oh what have you done to me Verstappen.
Clearing his throat Lando patted my bag. “Well lets just ignore the awkwardness… She has her biscuits.” Confused Max looked between us both.
“To keep the sickness away.” Finishing Lando’s sentence with another shake of my head and a small smile at Max.
“Ah- makes sense.” Laughing a little Max turned back to the garage. “Lan I think we’re about to start quali”
“I’ll probably be back and fourth between you both- I’m just going to get some more water…” smiling a little at them both I gave a small wave. “Good luck both of you.”
Both quickly giving nods and a thanks, they ran into the garages suits getting pulled up and zipped in the process.
Now finally away from them both I checked my health app, going back to my last period…
Panic rises through me, I have been stressed so maybe it’s on its way- I’ll do a test later just in case but I’m sure it’s stress, or even many other reasonings but the one that makes sense is the one I’m praying against. I mean it’s only a week, so no panic.
But except I am panicking… Maybe I should go do a test now… put my mind at ease-
Quickly heading back out I sent a text to them both to see, incase I wasn’t back-
“Be back soon- wasn’t feeling great again.”
And then I went straight to the chemist…
Looking between test, hands shaking as I try and read the box, I finally gave up taking them both to the checkout, nervously looking around like somehow someone I knew would catch me. The lady behind the till offered a kind smile, which I quickly returned, paying for the tests and rushing out with the bag mumbling a thank you.
I felt sick again- maybe it was nerves who knew- I mean why am I panicking I have been so stressed lately it could be that- but still what if…
Once I got back to my apartment I headed straight to the bathroom fumbling with the test taking a stick from each and doing them both at the same time- Two test can’t lie…
I was pacing, doing circles around my bedroom as I bit down on my nails. Every few minutes sitting on my bed, before pacing again. It wasn’t until my alarm went off was I finally broken out of my trance. I took a few deep breaths and crept into the toilet, standing in the doorway, I rose to my tiptoes craning my neck-
My stomach dropped, and I found myself stumbling into the toilet reading both test, my head going from left to right as I held both sticks…
[2-3 Weeks] and the other [3+ weeks]
There it was the sickness again, dropping to my knees I curled myself around the toilet letting every little bit of sick come up… all the nerves building up in my body and raking through.
When I was finally able to get away from the toilet bowl, I got up brushing my teeth and washing my face… trying to stop the little tears, why am I crying? I’m terrified-
How the fuck do I tell Max?
Feeling sorry for myself, I crawled into my bed breathing in and out slowly… I am absolutely terrified.
Somewhere from my racing mind and the tossing and turning I dozed off only waking up to the sound of my door being nearly knocked down.
Rushing out of bed I head downstairs looking through the peep hole.
“Lando you knock like the police-” muttering I unlock the door letting him in.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at qualifying?” Frowning i move over to the door before turning back to look at him.
“Y/N that finished about an hour ago…” concerned flashed over his face as he brought me into a hug.
“Maybe we should go to the doctors, maybe he can get this sickness sorted…” mumbling he rubbed my back soothingly, rocking us a little.
“I know what it is Lan…” I felt it again the burning in my throat as I tried holding back the tears… my eyes welling up at even the thought.
“I know I know- but maybe he can give you something like an anti-sickness tablet?” I shook my head wiping underneath my nose with my sleeve, hand on the door handle as I went to shut it.
“Oh wait-”
“I’m pregnant…” whispering I covered my mouth hoping that if I trapped the sound it wouldn’t make it real.
Lando’s shock was evident as he stared back, hand in the air still pointing at the door, his mouth creating an ‘o’ shape.
“Did you say pregnant?” A familiar voice was heard that defiantly wasn’t Lando’s.
My head felt like it was going to snap as I looked back at the door, and once again there he was, trying to squeeze himself in the little gap I had left him from trying to shut the door…
My heart pounded as I watched him, hoping he would show some emotion to put my mind at ease but nothing… the silence in the room from us three was unbearable.
“Well congratulations!” Lando grabbed ahold of me again hugging me tight, my eyes were still glued on Max, waiting on anything. But nothing he just stood there frozen. And that somewhat annoyed me more- it was both our faults that I’m in this situation I don’t expect anything from him but the recognition.
Lando pulled away looking between us both with a smile, “So have we got uncle duties? Are you going for an early scan? Who’s the dad?”
Shaking my head at Lando I push past him, trying to get away. I would rather Max saying he doesn’t care there stand there saying nothing at all… “Y/N I didn’t mean to ask so many questions-” Lando was rushing in behind me, before more footsteps were heard and then Max was seen.
“Is it mine?” Eyebrows furrowed, was he angry? He has a right to be angry. I’m angry. Lando bursted out into a fit of laughter smacking Max’s arm “Flirting with each other doesn’t make someone pregnant you idiot.” Now both with confused looks we turned our heads looking at Lando.
“Of course it’s yours.” Shaking my head I looked back at Max.
“Are you sure?”
“What you trying to accuse me of here Max?”
The realisation finally hit Lando as he pointed between us both.
“I’m not accusing you of anything but, I have a right to ask if there had been anyone else don’t you think.”
“Yeah sure because I do that kind of stuff.” Stepping closer he shrugged slightly, which only added fuel to the fire, my voice getting slightly louder.
“Oh come on Max! You’ve known me 3 fucking years.” Tears started spilling down my face, and I couldn’t help it, I couldn’t stop them.
“You guys fucked?!” Once again we both was staring at Lando, merely a few feet away from each other. Both nodding our heads slowly.
“Is that why it’s so fucking awkward to be around you both?!” And once again we both just nodded our heads, both looking lost, like deers in some headlights.
“When did this happen?!” Lando’s hands went in the air as he stepped closer.
“Three weeks ago…” whispering I looked down at my feet.
“None of you told me that something happened. I’m supposed to be yours two friend as well. You were both my friends before each others! I should’ve been told!”
“Because that’s so important right now Lan.” Max glared at him as if he was trying to silence him with his eyes, but if anything that spurred him on more.
“It is to me. That’s just fucking unfair.”
“How is it unfair?! It was a silly drunk mistake Lando. It’s not like we’re hiding a big fucking thing from you. We aren’t together- it was one night.”
“Well Y/N is pregnant now. That’s a big thing?! It’s your baby!”
Sniffling I looked back up at Max. “It was a mistake?” I should’ve know, I somewhat did know but it still stung hearing him say the truth- maybe I was imagining what I heard that night…
Max hands came up tugging at his hair.
“Yeah it was a mistake you should’ve told me!” Lando raised his voice, throwing a tantrum like a child, foot stomping against the floor hands balled into fists.
“You both need to leave.” Turning away I went and sat down on the sofa, hands gripping the edge, trying to hold down any emotions that wanted to show.
“No we need to talk about this. I can’t do this Y/N!” Max was now moving closer gesturing wildly around.
“I didn’t ask you to do anything Max. Apart from leave.”
“No I want to stay, I want to talk.”
“Talk or scream at each other?” Tilting my head I looked up at him wiping my face. “Like you said it was a stupid mistake. I can deal with it on my own. Now go.” I looked between him and Lando.
“No, I can’t be involved in this stuff Y/N. What about my career?!” Scoffing I stood back up. “Your career?! This stuff?! Two was to blame for that night not just me.” Pushing his chest slightly moving him towards the door, grabbing Lando’s arm on the way who only hissed. Shoving them both out the door, both screaming their own protest but neither stopping me from pushing them away, I went to slam it behind them, only for Max to out his foot in the way.
“We can’t do this Y/N…” it felt as if he was staring into my soul, trying to change my mind on the matter, I wasn’t going to be doing anything stupid over our “stupid mistake”.
“I can… Now leave. And neither of you speak to me… years of friendship for what? Some friends you both are.” Spitting words with venom at them both I slammed the door against Max foot before using all my body weight I pushed against his foot until it slammed shut finally. Max giving up any chance he had to change my mind.
We are going to be just fine…
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A/N: So this is part one, as I felt like I was typing for ages and dragging on- it is a bit all confusing I think I had a skim read and I’m confusing myself lollll but this is going to be a little mini series I think, cause it gives me a chance to section everything I want out of this “love” story with Max.
I got the title idea from listening to ABBA 🙂 I was thinking about Max saying it to the baby or something idk we will see when we get there 🖤
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loredwy · 1 year
Good evening
Im here to show you all how normal I can be about comics I read (not normal)
Today, I will talk about Im the Grim Reaper, comic made by @/Graveweaver! (here in tumblr)
And this essay will contain reasons why you should vote for Scarlet, Chase and Brook in the @friends-to-lovers-tournament. So even if you dont read all this text because its way too long, please DO IT. FOR ME.
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Disclaimer: The following paper will be based in my headcanon of the three of them being a little polycule. Therefore, although it will describe actual content from the comics, they will be as unreliable as I can be <3
Disclairmer 2: This will contain SPOILERS, and even though I will be mentioning which chapters the spoilers are from when I show screencaps, I recommend stopping to read the comic if you think it sounds interesting, for you to not get spoiled too much.
So to put you all in context (tbh you can skip this all because I wrote a bit too much), the story goes about what Satan calls Grim Reapers, which are human souls he chose to work for him, sending sinners to hell by killing them. Reapers, however, are not regular humans, as their bodies are 'meat puppets' Satan made to put their souls into, along with demons that give them their reaper powers.
Our protagonist, Scarlet, reacted to being told she was sent to hell as anyone would: 'WHAT DID I DO', accompanied by multiple other questions like why she couldnt remember her past. Because of this, her past becomes a goal to achieve, wanting to discover what she could have done and why.
In the process, she encounters a detective (?) who, recognizing her appearance because of Scarlet's corpse, started suspecting she might be related to the mistery of her death. Which was true, although he didnt expect in which way tbh. -> they teamed up, decided to fuck around and find out
Then later on, investigating some of Scarlets memories, they ended up encountering the city's mafia. Which, funnily enough, had a reaper with them. Why? Because the reaper was way too entertained posting stuff in their blog he didnt want to go find sinners (canon).
Now, were reapers ever against each other? Not really? They have the same boss. So Chase, as the tumblr sexyman he is (<- questionable), convinced Brook of joining them and kill sinners who actually had done bad crimes.
Are you still there? I know I might be boring yall by just telling you the context, but I swear its important to understand (?)
But my point with this post is show you how over time, they start showing how much they care of each other on their own ways, Chase x Scarlet having the advantage because of them becoming closer before Brook joins. Having a confession (?) and everything. But even then they didnt dump Brook at all 🤩
[Spoilers of episodes 47 and 55-57]
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Up to this point, not only do the three of them live under the same roof (because Brook and Scarlet were homeless), but bond over their shared circumstance of being partners in crime (literally).
And because there are lots of fights in the comic (?) we can also see the extent at which they would go for each other. Including, but not limited to, sacrificing themselves (because comic readers are destined to suffer) 🥳.
But how much did they sacrifice themselves may you be asking? Well, if Im remembering correctly... Scarlet might have died about 3 times? I might be confusing some with the times she just got brutally hurt or severely traumatized, but lets say its around that number: just to save Chase and Brook <3 (different occasions). She even LET GO of her PAST to save them, which she wanted to know so bad before, to know herself better. She's honestly both impressive and scary by how much she could do for those she cares lol. In Brook's case, he almost gets doomed for eternity to save Scarlet, and im pretty sure he didnt escape fully from that (but hey, Scarlet is fine <3). And Chase... 👁👁 situations happened. Lets be honest tho, Chase was an emo child, like, what he did had to be dramatic as fuck 💔, otherwise it wouldnt have felt like a Chase thing. He was a theater kid, im sure. He is a Batman kinnie. That should tell you enough.
And hear me out, because im not crazy. THIS PEOPLE. They, who live thanks to drama and edgyness. Are you telling me it wouldnt be fucking easy for them to just explode out of anger and break up, and like, get to be enemies or something.
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[Spoilers of episode 70, 80 and 110]
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Anyways :3
Even if they dont win is ok, but if you got to this point read the webtoon its really good 👍
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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(vote for Scarlet, Chase and Brook....)
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shadowmaat · 21 days
"good" people doing nothing
The closer we get to the US election, the more I realize that the don't vote/third party group (aka aPathetics) are scarier than the MAGAts.
It's dangerous to assume that the aPathetics are "stupid" or "ignorant" and don't realize what the consequences of their actions will be. They know damn well what will happen and that's the outcome they want. They want death. They want suffering. And they want to be able to gloat about how none of it is their fault, while knowing damn well it is. They're just MAGAts with delusions of moral superiority. Hell, some of them have even said they'd rather have Trump than Biden.
Again, don't think that they've somehow forgotten how bad things were under Trump. They remember, they just don't care. They figure they'll be safe from whatever hellscape Trump builds, so who cares how many people suffer and die as a result? It won't be them, and that's all that matters.
The MAGAts, at least, for all their terrible terrible faults, side with Trump because they believe in him. Belief like that can be terrifying, especially when it's backed up by militias and people willing to die (or better yet KILL) for a cause.
The aPathetics don't care. They'll sit back and watch the world burn down around them and they won't lift a finger to help anyone. Why? Because the worse things get, the more it "proves" that they were right. Ooh, argh, The Government™ is corrupt! Ooh, argh, The System™ is a scam! Golly gee, maybe now people will realize it!
Oh, I'm sure there are a lot of Youngers who genuinely believe they can generate change this way; I can remember being young and bog-stupid enough to believe that kind of rhetoric in previous elections, but I guarantee this is being driven by people old enough to know that's a lie. I'm also sure there are outside agitators in the mix (either home-grown fascists or foreign ones) who are helping to drive all the lemmings off the cliff, but primarily I think it's still the aPathetics who want nothing more than to stand over the burning corpses of their neighbors, roasting marshmallows and gloating about how none of this is their fault because their moral perfection absolves them of everything.
May the gods cast judgement and guarantee that every single one of you suffers the consequences of your inaction. And may the gods do their best to protect us from your arrogance.
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unseededtoast · 10 months
Rectify | Bucky Barnes
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Part 31/37 | Part Thirty, Part Thirty Two
Summary: I've lived every day for the past five years looking over my shoulder. I knew they'd come for me, it was inevitable. I was foolish to think I could outrun my past. It's followed me everywhere I go, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Never would I have anticipated that the shadows would lead me to the light.
Bucky Barnes x OC
Series Warnings: Discussion of human trafficking, alcohol consumption, graphic depictions of violence, sexual content, discussion of suicidal thoughts.
a/n: Hi everyone, thank you for checking this out, I appreciate any and all support! This series is also posted on Ao3 and Wattpad if you prefer those formats/platforms! This is a completed series, and it's going to take some time for me to transfer it to Tumblr, so please bear with me!
It hits me like a brick wall as I realize this could be my last night spent with him.
I wake up to bright fluorescent lights in my eyes. I squint and move my head side to side, I don't know where I am. Restraints hold me to a table when I try to sit up. The last thing I remember is being on the ship fleeing from Sokovia. I hear a door open and someone walks in. The table starts moving and puts me in an upright position. Fury is standing in front of me, arms crossed. I know I didn't leave him on good terms. He scowls at me,
"You have a lot of explaining to do, Averina." He breaks the silence. I swallow, my throat hurting from being dry.
"I can explain everything." I say, voice raspy.
"There will be time to explain, they're putting you on trial." He says.
"Who is?" I ask. I knew when I made the decision to help Wanda and Pietro escape that this was a possibility.
"Shield is. You'll be detained until the council comes together. You could be facing the rest of your life in the Raft."
"The Raft?" I ask, never hearing of it before.
"Max security prison out by Riker's." He says.  He takes a few steps closer to me.
"All I have to say is that you better have a damn good explanation." I look into his eye before he turns and walks away.
I close my eyes as he walks out. When I explain what happened who knows if they'll buy it, they might still choose to lock me up. I know in my heart I did the right thing, at least I'll be going to prison with no regrets.
Someone else walks in and I open my eyes. Steve stands in front of me, scowl on his face.
"I don't even know what to say to you. I mean what happened?" He asks, obviously not happy with me.
"Bruce called and said Tony had done something with the gem and that there were rogue robots coming after us. I had to protect them all." I give him the abbreviated version of the whole story.
"And what was that with Bucky on the ship from Sokovia? I saw him kiss you." Is this really what he's concerned about right now?
"Steve, with all due respect I think there are bigger issues to focus on than my relationship with Bucky." This should be the least of our concerns right now and I'm baffled that it's even being brought up.
"I'll be on that council, just so you know." He says and turns to walk out.
"I figured out how to undo the programming, by the way. It's almost complete." He stops for a moment before walking out of the room completely. I hope he comes to his senses and votes logically during the hearing.
Almost immediately after Steve leaves, Bucky comes in. Finally someone I'm happy to see. I smile at him, and he smiles back but I can tell his mind is preoccupied.
"What happened?" I ask, trusting him to tell me everything.
"Well, we made it to the ship. Your arm got totally dislocated when I pulled you up and so they sent you here. They had to screw your arm back into the socket." He says and I nod.
"Well hey at least you're not the only one with a metal arm now." I try to lighten the mood a bit. He smiles and shakes his head,
"Only you could crack a joke when everything is going to hell." He says tenderly.
"Things going to hell is nothing new to me." I say and he sighs,
"Adalyn, I'm going to be honest with you. It's not looking good. They're putting you on trial and Tony is campaigning to put you away for life. There was talk about putting me on trial too but Steve struck a deal with Tony if they benched that." He looks into my eyes and things really start to set in.
"I mean I did commit crimes, Buck. I can't just expect to get off scot-free. If they do put me away, Wanda will undo everything. She has what she needs. I had the book and flash drive in my suit, you'll need to find that and destroy them." I say, giving him instructions in case I never see the light of day again.
"If anyone should be on trial it's Tony. He's the one who caused Sokovia's destruction." Bucky says with anger in his voice.
"Tony has money and connections, he'll never face any time." I say. Though it sucks, it's true.
"Yeah. Anyway, I'm here to get you. You're instructed to stay in the room until the trial." He says and undoes my restraints. He helps me onto the ground and out the door. I feel the pain in my shoulder. My arm is in a sling, which helps alleviate some of the pressure.
We walk quickly to the room to avoid the glances and glares from the others in the building. I can tell most of the people here are likely rooting for me to be put away. Hopefully if I can get my side of the story out they'll understand.
Once we get to the room I sit on the bed and Bucky locks the door. He runs a hand through his hair and sits next to me. I don't know what there is to say. I lean against him, and he puts an arm around me, being cautious to avoid my injured shoulder. If I am put away for life I'll probably never see Bucky again. I soak in the feeling of having him near.
"I don't want to go to prison." I say, the full effect of what might happen hitting me hard. I know I'll be in there with a clear conscience but I don't want to be away from Bucky. I don't think I could live without having him, I can't be without him again. He means too much. After all we've been through it can't end like this.
"We could run away. Disappear, like we never existed." He says. It sounds like a good idea, but I know it could never last long term. I look up into his eyes,
"You know that isn't sustainable." I say. He brushes my cheekbones with his thumb.
"We can make it work. Adalyn I can't live without you." He says and I see his nose turn red, he's holding back tears. With my good arm I pull him in for a hug.
"When is the trial?" I ask.
"First thing tomorrow." He says next to my ear. I know we're working with a limited timeframe. There's one last thing to do before I might get sent away.
"Go get Wanda and see if you can find the book and flash drive. We'll undo it here and be done with it finally. If I am sent away, at least I know you'll be okay and the Soldier is dead." I say and he backs away from the hug.
"Are you sure?" He asks, I nod.
"As long as you're ready." I say and he stands from the bed. He gives me a wordless nod and leaves the room. I stand from the bed and start nervously pacing. This isn't quite how I imagined this would go, but at least it's getting done after all this time.
After a few minutes the door opens again and both Bucky and Wanda walk in. Wanda smiles at me and the air in the room feels heavy and somber. I take a deep breath. I walk up to Bucky and look into his eyes, seeing the fear in them.
"Whenever you're ready we'll do this. It'll be okay, I'll be with you the entire time." I grab his hand and he squeezes it. He leans down and gives me a kiss, I feel the emotion and passion in it. I kiss him back with equal enthusiasm.
He breaks away from the kiss and brushes some hair behind my ear. He bites his bottom lip as he looks over my face. He gives me another quick kiss and then nods his head.
"Let's do this." Wanda hands me the book and flash drive. I place them on the bedside table and go to Bucky.
He sits on the bed and I kneel in front of him. I take both of his hands and hold them tightly. I can see that he's scared, I would be too if I were in his position but I know this will work. Wanda walks behind him quietly and takes a few breaths while she closes her eyes.
"Are we ready?" She asks, accent thick. Tears well in my eyes, along with Bucky's. He grips my hands, and I feel a tear trickle down my cheek.
"I'm ready." He says and keeps his eyes trained on me. I see Wanda behind him start to conjure her magic.
I don't give Bucky any indication of what's happening, I don't want to worry him. I smile and try to put him at ease the best I can. His baby blue eyes close as Wanda's magic touches his temples. His grip on my hands tighten, his metal hand almost crushing mine but I ignore the pain. His needs are more important right now.
I anxiously watch as Wanda works her magic on Bucky. Silently I say a prayer, hoping this goes smoothly. I know once this is done I'll have to say the words to make sure the Soldier is truly dead. I watch as Bucky's face contorts and relaxes, his eyebrows twitching every few seconds. I bite my lip, the waiting is unbearable.
Suddenly, his face is still. Wanda's magic starts retracting itself from his mind. I watch with wide eyes. This is the moment we've been waiting for. Wanda opens her eyes and has an unreadable expression on her face. The silence in the room is deafening. Bucky's grip on my hands goes lax and I watch eagerly, waiting for him to open his eyes.
His blue eyes shoot open and stare straight forward before landing on my face. I can't tell what's happening.
"Bucky?" I ask, more tears threatening to stream down my cheeks. What if something went wrong? He blinks a few times and stays silent, still looking at me.
I worry that it didn't work and he's having an adverse reaction. The simulation showed it would work, and it never failed me for the many years I used it. Tears spill onto my cheeks as my mind starts spiraling.
In the blink of an eye he stands and grabs me by the waist. For a split second I worry that he's the Soldier and that I might be getting killed. However, he spins us around and I see the look on his face, bliss. He sets me on the ground with the widest smile I've ever seen, the brightest twinkle in his ocean blue eyes.
"Adalyn." He says breathlessly. I smile as he leans down to kiss me, the taste of my tears intertwining with our lips. I break away and know there's one last step before we can truly celebrate. I lightly push him back onto the bed and he looks at me with confusion. I wipe my eyes and sigh,
"There's one last thing. I have to say the words to make sure it really works." I say and his face falls flat.
"Let's just get it over with." He says and I nod. I nervously crack the knuckles on my hand and stand in front of him.
"If for some reason it didn't work, I know how to control you. You won't hurt anyone, I promise." I say. He nods and sets his jaw tightly, staring straight. Wanda takes a few steps back. In my native tongue, I start the sequence I'm all too familiar with.
"Longing." I say, his face remains stoic.
"Rusted." My accent becomes more prominent. It's been a while since I've spoken in Russian, especially these cursed words.
"Furnace." His face remains still.
"Daybreak." I say, increasing the speed that I deliver the words. I'm feeling hopeful. Usually at this point he starts reacting to the programming.
"Seventeen." Still nothing.
"Benign." I see his jaw twitch. I pause, waiting to see if anything is going to happen. He doesn't seem to be struggling with anything at all.
"Nine." He licks his lips, still staring straight ahead.
"Homecoming." He turns his focus from the wall to me. I see life in his eyes.
"One." I say, feeling a smile threaten to show itself on my face. I don't want to get too hopeful just yet. There's one more word.
"Freight car." I say. I hold my breath and watch, our eyes locked on one another.
Breaking the tense atmosphere, Bucky stands and once again pulls me in for a hug. His body shakes and I feel wetness soak through my shirt. It worked. It really worked. We pull away from the hug and we're both crying. Tears stream down our faces as we kiss one another.
"You're free. You're finally free." I say, a sob coming over my body. My hands shake with excitement as I hold his face endearingly. I see Wanda back out of the room quietly. Bucky holds my face in his hands, his eyes red and streaming tears.
"I love you so much, Adalyn. You're my saving grace." He says and kisses me. My tummy flips as I hear his words. I kiss him back.
"I love you too, Buck." I say and he rejoins our lips. He's careful of my shoulder, and is gentle as he lays me down on the bed. He hovers over me, lips still attached.
His lips travel from mine, to my jaw, down to my neck and sends shivers down my body. He licks the sensitive skin on my neck and travels to my collarbones. His hands are firm on my waist, my body ignites with heat. I lean my head back against the bed and savor the feeling.
I feel his lips lightly suck on the thin skin covering my collar bones and a soft moan leaves my lips. His fingers travel from my waist and lift the hem of my shirt, exposing my skin to the cool air. His lips leave my skin as he hovers over me,
"Are you sure you want to?" He asks, lips plump and red. I nod my head, knowing I've never been more sure of anything.
"Yes, please." I say, wanting to feel his lips on me again. Without another word he trails kisses from my jaw, down to my neck, past my collar bones until he reaches my chest.
He places soft, tender kisses on me as his metal hand slides under my shirt and teases one of my nipples. A shiver comes over my body as my back arches into his touch. The coolness of the metal sends a feeling of pure bliss through me. My breathing picks up as he continues to tease me, his lips leaving wet marks over my chest and torso.
He slides my shirt up and over my head seamlessly. I watch as he admires my body, his usual bright blue eyes a shade darker, his pupils dilated. I lick my lips and wish he would return the favor for me. With my good hand I tug at the bottom of his shirt and he smirks,
"You want this off?" He asks and I nod my head. He stands straight and pulls it off, his perfectly toned torso on full display. I see the scars around his arm, nothing I haven't seen before. I've seen Bucky shirtless a number of times, but never in this context.
He tosses the shirt onto the floor and hovers over me again, our bare torsos touching each other. I arch into the contact and use my good hand to pull him down to me. I kiss him sloppily, feeling my body pulse with need and lust for him.
I wrap my legs around his waist and move so that I'm on top of him. His hands hold my waist and I lean down to kiss his jaw. His stubble tickles my face as I litter his jawline with soft, wet kisses. I feel his fingertips dig into my skin with each kiss. I grind my hips into his and moan as I feel him underneath me.
I kiss down his neck and flick my tongue on the spot he reacts to the most. He pushes my body down onto his, and I close my eyes in pleasure. I wiggle myself down to rest on his thighs and place a line of kisses down his torso. He tangles a hand in my hair and I look up at him as I lick from the top of his pants to the middle of his abs. He throws his head back onto the bed and his chest rises and falls quickly as he pants in pleasure.
I grind my hips on his thigh as I put my fingers in the waistband of his pants. He bucks his hips up and lets me pull his pants down. He's fully exposed and I waste no time. I lean down and put my mouth on the tip, my hand on the base. I start moving my hand up and down with my mouth, tasting his saltiness on my tongue. I hear a soft moan come from him and I smirk, happy that I'm pleasing him.
His hand tangled in my hair tugs lightly as he moves my head up and down. I take as much of him in my mouth as I can, and flick my tongue on the sensitive spot right underneath the tip. I feel his legs tense up and he moans again, tugging on my hair.
"Come here." He says through his heavy breathing and I move so that my face is above his. He moves his hands to my waist and flips us over so he's above me. He places sloppy kisses on my body, working his way down. He puts two fingers in my waistband on either side and slides my pants down. I feel the cool air hit the heat of my body.
His hands grip my hips and he kisses down from my belly button. I close my eyes and lean my head back as I feel his tongue on me. I push my hips into him, needing him closer. His tongue flicks up and down over my most sensitive part and I can't help but to let out a moan.
I feel two of his metal fingers slide inside me, causing me to gasp. One of my hands tangles in his long hair, keeping his face in place. His fingers pump inside of me, and I feel myself become more and more aroused. He continues this for a few more moments before he takes a break and comes back to me, his face above mine. I kiss him, tasting myself on his lips.
I reach down and grab him in my hands, pumping my hand back and forth. His eyes flutter, his lips wet from me. I guide him to where he needs to be and rub his tip on my clit before he slides inside of me.
We both moan, the feeling is indescribable. I feel myself grip him as he starts moving his hips back and forth. I bring my lips to his neck and flick my tongue back and forth, causing him to moan once more. I feel for his metal hand and guide it to my neck.
I show him how I want to be choked, and he applies pressure to the sides of my throat. He uses his other hand to hold the headboard. I feel the pleasure all over and moan out loudly. His hips grind into mine, hitting my sweet spot just right. I wrap my legs around his waist and look into his eyes, my mouth open and panting.
I see his eyebrows scrunch together as if he's focusing. I take my hand and move it to my chest, teasing myself. I moan again as I look into his eyes, his pupils grow wider. His lips fall open as he pushes himself into me over and over again.
As his hips keep hitting just the right spot over and over I feel my legs tense.
"Just like that, right there." I moan out, feeling that I'm close. He continues his fluid movements, pushing into me and hitting all of the right areas. I throw my head back onto the bed as my legs tighten around him and I clench around him over and over.
I feel his movements become less and less rhythmic until he pushes himself deep into me. He moves his metal hand from my neck as both of his hands grip my hips. I feel him twitch inside of me and I can't be bothered to care. It all feels too good to think straight.
We both breathe hard as he finishes inside of me, and I moan again as he slides out of me. He rests his head in the curve of my neck and I remove my legs from around his waist. I move over on the bed so he can lay next to me, and he does.
We lay silently next to one another. He kisses my forehead and pulls me close, so that my head is resting on his arm. I look into his eyes, happier than I've ever been before. I cup his face in my hand and run my thumb over the stubble on his jaw.
"I love you, so much." I say quietly. He leans in and kisses me, the two of us soaking in the moment.
It hits me like a brick wall as I realize this could be my last night spent with him.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 3 years
Bringer of Chaos
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With the reveal of you as the UA traitor, 1-A and the Pro Heroes now have to face the war coming to them. By the Bringer of Chaos.
Words- 6.6K
UA!Traitor x MHA, Tomura Shigaraki x Reader (Sibling Relationship)
Warnings: MAJOR Character death, violence, death, Stockholm syndrome, angst, and lots of sadness
A/N: For the readers quirk it’s chaos magic just like Scarlet Witch as well as hero costume. This isn’t a crossover making the reader Scarlet Witch, just that that quirk works for the story and I couldn’t think of any other villain costume. Anyways hope you all enjoy.
Was it fear that she felt.
All their eyes on her.
Heroes think they were in the right but how many people died by their hands. Why say you're a hero if you can’t save them all right?
You had always had a dangerous quirk when you were younger, both your parents were quirkless but when they had you, you had one. Chaos Magic is what they called it the ability to tap into and utilizes the chaotic forces of the universe, capable of warping, manipulating and/or reconstructing reality and probability as well as the very fabric of existence. They had no clue where it came from and from which side of the family passed it down. Two quirkless parents raising a child with a strong quirk, they had no clue what to do.
You were pulled out of school after your quirk had manifested and you made a stuffed animal bear come to life, scaring the class and teacher and forcing you to transform it back to a regular toy. With such a strong quirk your parents were afraid that you could hurt someone when your quirk grew stronger and you were homeschooled for the safety of you but mostly the safety of others.
Society deemed people without quirks useless and not successful, if you had one you better hope it was powerful and flashy or you wouldn’t be going anywhere with your life. When you were younger you looked up to heroes, they saved the day and kept everyone safe from the bad guys. You remembered sitting on the couch with your parents watching the news and seeing the heroes save the day and you would stand up and turn to your parents saying you would become a hero and save everyone. They would smile and tell you if you worked hard enough you would be the next number one hero. With your childhood you were happy everyone was safe, until they weren’t.
The police and heroes said there was nothing they could have done to save them, it was a break-in. They had shown up and slaughtered your parents leaving you there sitting in between their bleeding bodies alone. That was when you knew heroes couldn’t save everyone, the society they live among is corrupt. Heroes looking after popularity votes and looks instead of actually saving lives. Ironically there were others they had similar ideals as you did. You were passed around from foster home to foster home but, no one wanted to deal with a child whose quirk was too dangerous; they didn’t want a villain-like kid.
You were six when you ran away after another foster family sent you back after you had made the dog they had got as a welcoming gift disappear never to return. You kept running until your legs wouldn’t let you move anymore and that’s when he found you.
A portal had opened in the alleyway you had collapsed in and out came a man followed by a boy. The man wore a some sort of ventilator mask that covered the entire of his face and neck, next to him was a boy who had a disembodied hand covering his face. The man never told you his name just holding his hand telling you that you would be able to get revenge on the heroes. You grew to see him as your new father and the boy who told you his name was Tomura as a brother. He was a few years older than you but the time you spent together was when you were meeting father or him watching you train your quirk. Another person in your life when you joined what was now the League of Villains was Kurogiri, father was rarely around so he watched after you and Tomura, he taught you everything you would need to know.
When you joined UA you main goal was to bring down the hero society following after Tomura’s lead, him always reminding you that you would get your revenge. You played your part well not holding back when in fights against villains during the USJ, Kamino Ward, everything fell into place. With talk about the UA traitor within the teachers no one suspected the girl who seemed to have little hold on her quirk, but how wrong they were. All this led to now your former friends looking at you in fear and horror, when it was revealed you were the traitor.
You were completely surrounded by her former teachers standing around you ready to take you down and you kept your gaze on your class.
“Y/n don’t make this harder than it is, please just surrender.” Mr. Aizawa held his scarf in both hands ready to attack if you made any sudden moves.
“And if I don’t? Can you really stop me?” You glance at your teacher and he faltered slightly in his stance.
“You’re completely surrounded by pro heroes, so we can take you down.” Present Mic said making you smirk they have only seen what you showed at progression with your quirk. UA only knows the most you could do is change the integrity of a few objects, nothing on a large scale. They barely gave you time to react with Mr. Aizawa sends his capture weapon towards you to wrap it around you, activating his quirk making his hair rise up and float. The weapon goes straight to you half of it landing on the ground behind you.
You look at him with a bored expression, finding humor in him and the others' shocked expression. “Did you think it would be that easy?” You knelt grabbing the end of his capture weapon and he tries to use it but it doesn’t affect you. “What would a simple cloth feel like if it weighed more than that.” A red haze covers the cloth leading up to his neck and slams into the ground, the weight of the scarf alone slowly starts to suffocate him. Present Mic and Midnight rush to him trying to pry the scarf off him.
“Mr. Aizawa!” Class 1-A yells seeing their teacher struggle. Dropping the scarf from your end you look around at your teachers who know they can’t stop you and your classmates.
“Don’t think this is over,” You hear an explosion and someone running towards you, “You bastard get back here!” Bakugo yells, holding his hand out sending a huge explosion. The smoke clears and there is Bakugo panting out of breath looking around for you, but you’re nowhere to be found. The red haze surrounding Aizawa’s scarf disappears, sending him shooting upwards, throwing it off him as he coughs and wheezes. The 1-A and the Pros look to where you once stood, if that was just some of your power, they had no clue what was in store for them if you came back.
In an abandoned warehouse the league hears footsteps heading towards the room they were in. Each of them ready to fight and kill the intruder, the footsteps getting louder until it was right in front of the room.
“That’s funny thinking your quirks could stop me.” A familiar voice calls out through the door as they open it. You stand in front of them and they relax welcoming you in. Standing away from them was Tomura Shigaraki, he was scratching his neck frantically but stopped when he heard your voice. You walked closer to the man you saw as a mentor, as a brother. You stood next to him as he looked out the warehouse window showing the vast city that was part of Japan.
“Tomura...it’s time.”
With your reveal as the UA traitor the school was put on lockdown immediately once you left in fear you would return but not alone. Your face was plaster across the news worldwide ranking you as national alert. News articles found everything about you with your parent’s death, your disappearance from the orphanage to your life at UA. They speculated that you could be in correlation to the league which made you more of a threat, if you had connections to All for One or Tomura Shigaraki.
“Funny how one moment you were just a UA student, now you’re public enemy number one.” Spinner smirks, tossing you the latest newspaper that talked about you. You smirked as you made the newspaper disappear before it could hit you and reappear behind Spinner hitting him in the back of the head.
“They say the same crap as always, not my fault heroes don’t know how to do their jobs.” You go back to laying on the couch closing your eyes, blocking out the noise of the villains around you. You hear the door open and footsteps bounding towards you jumping on the couch crushing you under their weight. 
“Y/nnnnnn I missed you so much when you were gone. It’s boring being the only girl here with Mange gone and you always at UA.” Toga wraps her arms around you squeezing the living life out of you.
“Toga if you don’t let me go, I swear I will turn you into a bug.” You open one eye glaring at her and she sighs getting off you mumbling under her breath.
“How much longer do we have to keep waiting we’ve been in this stupid warehouse for the past week.” Dabi said, kicking a can away from where he was standing.
“Yeah I wanna fight, no let’s relax.” Twice responses, god they were annoying as hell.
You huff sitting up look at them, “When Tomura says he’s ready we’ll go until then shut up and let me rest.”
“And why should we listen to what you have to say, you’re younger than any of us.” Dabi gets up in your face and you clench your jaw waiting for him to do something.
“You should watch what you say next, we know who could win in this fight.” You stand both of you up in each other's face.
“Yeah what are you gonna do about it, huh” He smirks and he goes to speak again but his breath hitches as he grabs his throat.
“What’s the problem Dabi? Have something to say?” He falls to his knees as he tries to breath but is unable to. “You feel that right your lungs are failing on you, do you know how easy it is to kill you right now.” You squat in front of him grabbing his face, your hand covered in a red haze when you use your quirk. 
“You made your point Y/n stop it.” Toga grabs your shoulder.
“No, he seems like he has something to say right, Dabi.” Tears fill his eyes as he is practically blue in the face.
“That’s enough Y/n.” Tomura calls out and you stop using your quirk as him and Mr. Compress enter the room. Dabi sucks in air coughing profusely Twice, Toga, and Spinner goes to his aid as he regulates his breath lightheaded from the rush of new oxygen. “You all act like children.” Tomura says walking past you all going to the window looking out to the city.
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes sitting back on the couch. “The Nomus are ready, my army is ready.” He turns to look at you all. “You all know what you have to do, so get to it.” He says and they all leave, Dabi walking past you glaring at you with you glaring back. Leaving only the two of you left in the room, you stand next to him as you both look at the calm city that will be thrown into chaos. 
“Father would be proud of you Tomura.” You place your hand on his shoulder and he nods.
“You know what to do, you are the biggest piece in the puzzle. You know UA in and out, give them hell.” You nod looking at the man you see as family, the calm before the storm.
“I’ll see you on the other side Tomura.”
The van you were in stopped a few blocks away and you climbed out of it looking back at the villains sitting in it. “Don’t fuck it up Y/n.” Dabi says and you smirk. “You just do your job.” The clothes you were wearing transform into your old school uniform. The league drives away leaving you to walk the rest to UA, they would have no clue what hit them.
With your disappearance UA had been hesitant but continued school as normal, with the dorms they had up campus security and included a strict curfew for the safety of the students. Many students were surprised when they heard  that you were the traitor while others found it ironic that someone from 1-A the hero course was actually a villain. 1-A atmosphere had definitely change since the reveal, some were easier at coming to peace that who they thought was their friend was actually a traitor while others still couldn’t believe it. The class seemed dull with you gone. You had put on a convincing performance, actually forming friendships with your classmates some seeing you as family which broke them even more. Midoriya lost some sort of sparkle since you had left, he saw you as one of his closest friends and felt like this seemed like his fault why didn’t he see the signs. Your curiosity for everyone’s quirk specifically his, you seemed to have a love for heroes and he had shown you his notebook with list upon list of everyone with their quirks and their strength and weakness. He let her get exactly what she needed that would affect heroes and the students because he saw her as a friend.
Mr. Aizawa went on about the lesson but Izuku drowned out most of his talking his gaze to the window showing the walkway to the front of the school. Every few minutes he could see cars driving past the entrance, but what caught his eye was someone walking down the path that led to the building. From this distance he couldn’t make out a face but they were a student from the uniform, but why were they there? It was already the middle of the school day and they should be in class. As if his questions were answered an alarm went off shocking the students
“Intruder alert! Please evacuate the building. Intruder alert!” The intercoms repeat as the alarm continues.
Everyone is grabbing their bags, “It’s probably just the press like last time.” Kirishima says as they get ready to leave, but Midoriya is still locked onto the figure walking to the building, they had no school bag and didn’t seem like they were in a hurry as they got closer. Whoever was walking looked up towards the building and Midoriya felt ice enter his veins seeing their face.
“Hey Deku come on we have to go.” Uraraka grabs his arm to pull him away from the window but he is frozen in shock and fear. His classmates look at him confused at his unnaturally pale face.
“Deku you idiot we have to leave.” Bakugo yells at him standing at the door where Mr. Aizawa was waiting impatiently as they needed to evacuate as a group.
“She’s here.” Midoriya said, and the class had a pretty good idea who “she” was. 
“None of you leave this classroom, you got it.” Mr. Aizawa pushed them back in, closing the door, locking it and rushing to go to the other teachers leaving 1-A locked in the class unable to do anything but watch out the window.
“This is crazy, why is she back?” Kaminari said as they all tried to look out the window to see you.
“Whatever reason the Pros will stop her.” Ida said having faith in the heroes. 
“You saw what she did last time she was here she almost killed Mr. Aizawa!” Mineta cried out.
“If it’s a fight that’s coming I’m not gonna sit around and wait for her to get here. Where’s the button to open our lockers” Bakugo yelled, going to Mr. Aizawa's desk looking for the button so they could get their hero costumes.
“That isn’t smart Kacchan we thought she wasn’t that advanced with her quirk but if she is that strong and involved with the league of villains we are ants compared to her.” Midoriya tried to reason with him.
“I think Bakugo is right,” Momo said which shocked most of the class, “We need to be logical with this, she’s back here for a reason, she wouldn't be coming back if she didn’t have a plan or someone specific she’s after. She is not our friend anymore right now she’s the enemy and if we want any chance of surviving this we can’t be on a lower level than her.” With Momo’s speech their thoughts were decided, they would have to prepare to fight if they wanted to come out of this alive.
You knew the Pros would be here any minute after you heard the alarm go off. You stood in front of the fountain waiting for them to arrive, you knew that this fight some people wouldn’t make it out but the heroes need to get the punishment they deserve. The loud screech from Present Mic when using his quirk could bring anyone down caused you to press your hands against your ears. You could endure this if it meant saving up energy for your quirk. You felt the capture weapon surround your body and the screaming stop and you collapsed to the ground.
“Ms. Y/n we weren’t expecting you to show up but it seems that we were still able to take you down.” You knew you couldn’t use your quirk unlike last time when that had been an illusion you just needed to wait.
“Funny Nezu you always think you're one step ahead.” You smirk looking up at the principal, “I know I’m always one step ahead.” You could smell the fire and there it was the blue flames growing from the forest.
“It’s the League of Villains!” Midnight gasped coming out of the forest were hordes of Nomus each with different quirks.
“You're sure you’re one step ahead?” You smirk and they knew you were just a decoy. The teachers outside had no choice but to deal with the Nomus heading towards the school and to where you were.
Leaving just Aizawa and Nezu to deal with you, “You are much smarter than I expected.” You shrugged and Aizawa tightened his weapon making you laugh
“I was told to give them hell.” With that you swept your foot out from under Nezu and Aizawa causing them both to jump back, with the split second it that Aizawa eyes closed you vanished from his binds. “Truly wonderful time seeing you again, but the fight has barely begun.” Aizawa doesn’t have time to fight you as he is attacked by a Nomu.
Nezu studies you and you stare back at him, “I don’t understand why you’ve done this but we will stop you.”
You grin “You heroes say that but we both know how this ends.” You disappeared from the battle leaving the teachers fighting the Nomus and the students inside defenseless against you.
“Where did she go?!” Sero said seeing you disappear from their view. With the doors locked they couldn’t leave so they stood in the classroom in their hero costumes waiting for the fight to come to them.
“We know that she’s with the league for all we know they could be in the building already and with the teachers outside we would open for an attack.” Midoriya said seeing you easily get captured only for you to be a decoy for the league to appear, it was genius.
“Midoriya, always thinking about the correct things, that was something I liked about you.” You said making the class turn from the window to where you were sitting on top of your desk in the back. “Great to see you all again.” You smiled and your classmates grimaced at you.
“You're a bitch you know that.” Bakugo hissed, making you frown.
“That hurts my feeling, Kacchan.” You hopped off your desk walking towards them, none of them moving  when you stood in front of your classmates.
“You guys are smart putting on your costumes, cause out there seems like the final battle, but this is the beginning of the war.” You said and conveniently when you finished rumbling when through the building and loud explosions went off. 
Out the window the view showed buildings away from UA erupting into flames explosions happening every few blocks. 1-A watched in horror that this is what she meant by war not just UA and the league, the entirety of villains and heroes battling it out; utter chaos. “With that we sadly won’t be needing you all. I say this as your former classmate and friend, stay the hell out of my way I don’t wanna hurt you.” The class doesn’t have time to fight back or anything when it feels like the ground is taking out from under them and they are warped away.
The teachers outside are struggling with Nomus keep showing up, suddenly they all freeze and walk away from the heroes heading to the building stopping in front of it as if they were guarding it. Aizawa wipes away the blood from his face “What the hell is this.” He sighs.
“Mr. Aizawa!” He hears his students yell out to him and sees them running towards him.
“What are you all doing here I told you to stay inside.” He scolds them
Ida steps up from the group, “It was Y/n she appeared in the class and then warped us all away, there were other students as well. I believe everyone in the building is now outside.” Aizawa looked back to the building that was guarded by Nomus.
“We don’t know why they would take the building but remove the students but we need to take headcount to see if everyone is actually outside. With what is happening in the city and here heroes are spread thin. This is exactly what they had planned but why go after UA and how is Y/n involved in all this.” The teachers didn’t deal with any problems with the league or Nomu they all just seemed to stop after the students were outside. Part of the forest that was destroyed by the flames was used as a base for heroes and students, everyone was outside not a single student was missing. Which put out the question of what they were after.
“Not a single student is missing, heroes from outside of Musutafu are coming in, but even then we don’t know how many villains or Nomus they might have.” Midnight told Nezu. Some of the teachers were together discussing their next plan while others were watching the students.
“We can assume that the League is in the building, we need to figure out a plan to fight them but also keep the students safe.” Aizawa said, looking over to where his class was.
“The only two people that have a decent amount of info on the league would be Aizawa and All Might.” Nezu said, “You had Y/n as a student though she never showed us the full potential of her quirk, you know her as a student. Whether her personality she showed to everyone was a lie, lies are built on truth. We need to remember she is still a child she could be manipulated to believe what she’s doing is right.” The teachers nodded, you were just a child that could be forced in the middle of this war, “Does anyone know where All Might we need some more information on the League.” The teachers looked at each other, no one had seen All Might at all. With him becoming quirkless because of Kamino he wasn’t outside when the heroes fought the Nomus. Then it hit the heroes, that’s what they were after.
“You think they figured out you are gone yet? All Might.” You asked, turning away from the window to where All Might sat tied up. “Think the new Symbol of Peace is going to be able to stop this.” You walked over to where he was and sat down in front of him.
“Y/n I don’t know why you’ve done this, but being with the League of Villains will not help you get what you want.” He tries to reason with you.
“What I want you can’t give, the next best thing is getting revenge on those who failed to save them.” You looked at the frail man sitting in front of you. “Do you know what it’s like losing everyone in your life? My parents died because you heroes failed to protect them. You call yourself a hero but you still fail to help those in need. I wanted to become a hero but my quirk was too dangerous for the public. I had no one when they died, no one wanted the girl whose quirk was literally chaos. They found me, took me in and raised me, they were the only ones who actually cared for me.” You said, tears forming in your eyes recalling your horrible childhood.
“They took you in because they saw your quirk. All for One only saw you as a pawn in his game, Shigaraki “raised” you so you would fight alongside him instead of against him.” All Might explained and you stood up, the chair behind you slamming against the floor.
“You’re wrong..they care for me.” You point your finger at him proving to him but he could see that you were doubting yourself.
“They’re using you Y/n what you are doing is leading you down a path that you can’t turn back from.” You turned away from him looking out the window seeing the Pros standing on the pathway, waiting for the fight to begin. 
You could see heroes all around Japan here ready to fight, you could also see UA students ready to fight including 1-A. “Those idiots.” You mumbled. “This is the end for heroes All Might, I will get my revenge.” You exit the room walking down the hallway to the main conference room where the League was waiting as well as villains from all over Japan.
Tomura looks at you and you nod telling him you're ready, “Our time for hiding in the shadows is over, the reign of heroes will end today.” The villains cheer rushing out going to fight the heroes. You don’t move as villains pass by you including members of the League leaving as well. You feel a hand on your shoulder making you look up, “Are you alright?” Tomura asks and you nod, the sick feeling still in your stomach from what All Might said to you.
“Tomura...I’m not a pawn in all this.” You knew that you were needed in getting your revenge that’s what father told you, but were you expendable if need be. 
“You are the one that is going to change the future, a bringer of chaos, Master will be proud of us both.” Tomura said and you felt the tension in you loosen a bit, “You be safe okay Tomura.” He doesn’t say anything just nodded and left you alone. What you were doing was right, the path you were following was dark but was the right one.
The showdown between villains and heroes as they stood on opposite sides neither moving yet. “We have visuals on Shigaraki and other members of the League, no visual of Y/l/n.” Aizawa heard through the comm links everyone was given, there were four squads made, squad 1 deals with underground villains, squad 2 deals with the Nomus surrounding the building, squad 3 will deal with the League and Y/n if she shows up on the field, and squad 4 will being helping in the rescue of All Might. Most of the top Pros were involved in squad 2 and 3 while lesser heroes dealt with the lesser villains and the All Might rescue.
“How long are they going to keep standing here, either fight or surrender.” Endeavor said looking at the villains standing there waiting.
“Everyone behind us!” The heroes turned and there was Y/n with villains behind her as well as a few Nomus.
“It’s an ambush!” Aizawa yells and the villains on both sides rush to attack the heroes in the middle. The thundering footsteps rush past you as they attack heroes in front of you, with your entrance on the field you disappear appearing back in the room where All Might was in.
From the window you could see Villains and heroes fought for their lives, many getting injured, some fatally wounded. “You see this All Might, heroes and villains together fighting for their lives, where’s the peace now. There is only chaos.” You glanced behind you looking at the former Pro before turning back to watch the fight.
“I’m sorry.” You hear All Might say, “I’m sorry we couldn’t save your parents, you don’t deserve to have all this hate and sadness in your life.”
You froze staring down watching your comrades and allies being hurt and your former friends and mentors dying due to your goals. “I wanted to help people. I wanted to be the kind of hero that saves everyone so no one is alone in their life. You can’t save me All Might you said so yourself I’m too far down this path to be saved.” You turn to him and he sees glimpses of the person you were in school, a curious girl with a strong quirk ready to help anyone in her class. You were just a child but you have had more problems than anyone has dealt with in a lifetime. 
“We can help you, just help us stop this, we can get you the life you always wanted.” All Might pulled against the restraints pleading to you.
“We both know how this fight ends, I’m never going to get that happy ending.” You turned around to look back at the fight when you saw the door entering the room was slightly open. “Smart All Might, distract me with some sappy excuse so the heroes could get in and save you. Who’s here, someone who could be invisible, Hagakure or Asui I know you were working on camouflage with your quirk.” You call out a red haze surrounding your hands ready to fight the intruder. You have no time to react when the window you were standing in front of shatters due to an explosion, another being sent to you sending you flying across the room. You hit the wall, denting it slightly, looking up to see Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki, as well some heroes and other students from other classes. “You’re all so good, coming to save him it’s pathetic.” You spit out blood that pooled in your mouth.
“Fight then, though a school uniform wouldn’t be the best suited for this.” Bakugo smirks looking at the uniform you were still in. You smirk getting up groaning slightly from how hard you hit the wall.
“Let’s change into something more suitable.” You slowly walk to them your outfit changing as a red haze starts from your feet changing your clothes. You now wore a red chestplate with angular faulds extending into an ankle-length skirt, elbow-length red fingerless gloves, black trousers and thigh-high boots, and an intricate red crown.
“You had to ask.” Todoroki looks over to Bakugo. Bakugo rushes towards you sending an explosion at your face but it fazes right through you.
“Gonna have to try harder then that.” You laugh now on the other side of the room holding All Might in your grasp blasting the people by him away. A blast of ice is sent to you but you dodge out of the way, with the ice distracting you. Midoriya punches you in the gut sending you flying out of the building down to where the fight was. Bakugo jumps out of the building grabbing onto you using his other hand to send an explosion sending you both shooting straight into the ground making a small crater.
Bakugo hears a groan and smirks, “Not that quick are you..” The dust clears out and Bakugo is shocked to see Midoriya underneath him instead of you. “How the hell did she.” He gets up pulling up Midoriya who holds his ribs in pain. “Where the hell did she go.” He looks around at the fighting around him not given much time to think as villains attack him.
You smirk running through the fight trying to find Tomura even if they were able to rescue All Might the heroes had just as many casualties then you did. You see Tomura disintegrate someone's arm pushing them away, but you could see he was getting overwhelmed with many Pros after him. You rush towards him but a wall of orange flames blocks you from reaching him. You turn to see who sent the flames and there was the number one hero Endeavor.
“You killed innocent people.” He says making his way towards you.
“I’m reshaping the future” You get ready to fight and Endeavor sends a blast of fire towards you and you could feel the heat from the blast. Before it could hit you blue flames appear blocking the attack.
“Go we both have our jobs.” You see Dabi standing in front of you, the flames growing in both men’s hands, both him and Endeavor ready to fight. You nodded running off to Tomura, Dabi can handle himself, like he said we each had our own jobs. You see Snipe aiming his gun towards Tomura and you stand in front of him. The bullets float in midair and you send them flying back in different directions. Some hitting heroes, others hitting villains you couldn’t care as long as Tomura was safe.
“They got All Might, what now.” You stand back to back with him using your quirk to break heroes bones, sending people flying across the field.
“Get the league here we leave now.” He answers, pressing his hand on a hero's face instantly disintegrating them. You spread your hands out closing your eyes, getting a picture of each member on the field and warping them to your location. 
“That was a weird feeling.” Toga giggles, throwing a knife into someone’s leg. 
“Time to go now.” Tomura says.
You hold your hands out and a portal opens up in front of you. Villains that are close to the portal rush to it as they don’t want to be left behind, and the heroes see this and rush to stop you all.
“You guys go, I can handle them.” You sent a wave of energy towards the heroes nearby, sending them back. “See I got thi-”
You heard it before you felt it. In all the noise and chaos happening around you it’s funny how this small noise from far away you heard. Maybe your quirk knew what was going to happen and in some sick way warned you knowing you wouldn’t be fast enough to stop it. Two sharp pains went through your body and you jolted a bit when they hit you. Why did it suddenly feel like everything was in slow motion, why was it hard to breath, god why is everything so quiet.
You look over at the League and you see Toga screaming but being held back by Mr. Compress, Spinner was standing there shocked looking at you, and Twice and Dabi were holding Tomura back as he struggled in their grasp screaming your name. All this was happening but it was quiet. You look down at your costume and you see two bullet holes blood staining it, one in your chest where your heart is the other in your stomach. Time sped up and the noise returned as you fell to your knees coughing out blood.
“Y/N! NO LET ME GO!” You hear Tomura scream, you hold out your hand.
“Go!” You wheeze, grabbing your chest as you cough up more blood. You look at each of them taking in an image of them as Mr. Compress pulls Toga through the portal, Spinner following after him, you see Tomura still struggling trying to get to you. You make eye contact with Dabi and just nod and he gives you a solemn one back using all his and Twice’s strength to pull Tomura through. You look at Tomura and smile, you would see each other some day.
“Tomura you look after me just like a big brother does! That’s what Kurogiri told me when I asked him.” A younger version of you smiles up to Tomura and he looks at you kneeling down to your height.
“I’ll always be with you and protect you.” He placed his hand on your head making sure to keep one finger up. You smile and giggle hugging him tightly burying your face in your chest.
“Thanks Tomura.”
With the last amount of strength left in you, you wave your hand closing the portal once Tomura has completely disappeared. You feel your weight shift unable to keep yourself up on your knees and fall to the ground. You saw green lightning and they caught you before you hit the ground. You see Midoriya’s face above you yelling out to someone but you're focused on the sky and how you could see the colors change as it almost reaches sunset.
“Hey come on stay awake help is on the way just stay awake.” You see his tear filled eyes stare down at you.
“Why..I’m a bad guy.” You wheeze and he laughs, tears filling his eyes.
“No one is ever truly bad.” You smile looking back towards the sky, “Hey come on don’t give up on me.”
You hear footsteps run up and it’s Aizawa and All Might. “Come on Midoriya.” Aizawa goes to pull him away but you grab Izuku’s arm.
“Please don’t leave me.” You whimper, tears filling your eyes. Izuku nods with tears in his eyes falling. “You heroes...always see the good.. in others...it’s nice.” You smile looking up at the sky and a tear slides down your face, and you wince feeling the sharpness in your chest. “I don’t wanna die.” You cry and that breaks the heroes standing in front of you.
“Your not going to help is going to be here any minute.” Aizawa reassures you and nods.
“The sky it’s pretty…tell them I’m sorry.” You cough your breathing getting more shallow and faint and you could swear you saw two figures standing above you. “momma... papa.”
She felt fear at first but it was inner peace as you saw a bright light.
Midoriya looks down ready to comfort you to tell you that help is coming, but stops when he sees you. Your gaze is on the sky, your eyes blank, a small smile on your face finally at peace.
Izuku lets out an anguish cry when he sees your chest not rising anymore. He cries for many reasons, the pain you went through to make you a villain, the hate you must have felt fighting your former friends, and him and all the heroes failing you.
The battlefield was silent as they looked at the young boy holding her body, many heroes felt guilt ebb at them for letting a misguided child die due to this life. Students from UA are lost at words from the loss of a former friend and student, they never expected this to come this far. Students from 1-A cry, seeing their classmate hold the body of their former classmate. Teachers and heroes that knew her look away not wanting to see her body in fear they would fall apart or cry in front of others.
This day would be remembered for years to come as the day the heroes failed at saving one girl that needed the most saving.
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Kaz Brekker x male! Reader - Terribly Wrong
A/n: So this was really hard to write in a way for me but I hope you guys like it! Also, I do have a request so I should be finishing that up soon!
Warnings: homophobia, mentions of conversion therapy, abuse the reader doesn't think very good about himself, trauma, language, I think that's it? You have been warned!
Summary: Idk how to summarize but it ends in fluff so?...
(Not my image/art)
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He was a goner.
Y/n L/n was a sweet man who was always happy, always cheerful, always trying to see the good in everything.
That was anything but the truth.
That was the mask he let everyone see, and no one had ever seen past it. They always wondered how he, someone who must have been a literal ray of sunlight had gotten himself thrown into the barrel. Now, they didn't think he wasn't capable at his job it was more the fact that he was always so happy and everything around seemed to glow when he was there.
They just didn't understand how he could be so... Good.
He wore the mask well, being very careful to never even give a hint that he might not be okay, that he might not be as perfect as they think. And he always stayed through everything for the Crows and their ruthless leader.
But the cord had been cut and he was at his end.
He always felt so wrong in this world. It was like there was everyone else then there was him and he just felt out of place.
He grew up in a very religious household his parents weren't very great either. He was told that homosexuality was a sin beyond anything and that it was the worse thing that you could do.
After his parent's death, he was set off into an orphanage where it wasn't any better. It was worse. They reinforced their beliefs by beating the kids, starving them, and even using mental tricks. On kids.
But at least most of the children (that he knew of) didn't have anything wrong with them.
He was- He was gay.
There was no easy way to say how he felt. When he had finally gotten out and got swiped up by Dirtyhands because of his skills for fighting and his skills with a bow and arrow he had felt... Relief.
But it didn't last long.
He started developing something for Kaz. Something wrong and gross, it disgusted him when he would feel butterflies for a guy. Especially if it was Kaz. It nauseated him to think that he hadn't gotten rid of it. The sin, the homosexuality.
And slowly the Crows were formed and he watched them all come together (including him) and that feeling didn't go away but he felt like had finally belonged somewhere.
It was fucking amazing.
But it came with a price.
Slowly Kaz and he had gotten closer and they were beyond the point where Kaz would try and push him away. Y/n, he tried but it was useless. Tell him straight to his face that you would look away from those deep brown eyes that could look cold but then had glimpses of gold in them.
His mind was in peril, it was in constant combat with itself. Swords would clash together, the sound ringing in his head. He just couldn't get it out of his thoughts. One part of him would remember the way Kaz had first brushed his hand against his and how it felt right. But the other side of him would be repulsed that he even thought that, that was okay.
He was a mess.
That's what got him so lost while he was looking over Ketterdam on the rooftop of the Slat. Looking over Ketterdam and its darkness. pondering what the fuck he should be doing, because damn it, he had no idea. He was going through his head trying to decide what part to listen to, and how Kaz had broken his mask and seen the real him. How he loved how his lips had brushed against his knuckles, how he felt like he should be burned at the stake after he had left.
Don't get him wrong though, he supported when Wylan and Jesper got together. Never flinching or cringing when they kissed or did something sensual with each other (although sometimes he would fake gag). It was just the fact that when he was the one feeling that way, his trauma would hold a leash on him. He felt like an abused dog that's always been tied up and now that he's been let free he didn't know how to live without the leash.
While he was so lost in thought he didn't even hear Kaz come up. He felt a bare hand on his shoulder and he flinches in surprise, but he doesn't have to look up to know who it is.
It's him.
"You should go inside. We have a job tomorrow."
If Y/n had not been so lost in thought if he hadn't been so pent up about the feeling of Kaz's bare hand on his shoulder. How he couldn't breathe, how he could swear he could smell Kaz's sent and it was driving him crazy. He might have realized the deeper meaning of Kaz's words, the blunt words that any normal person would have brushed off or even felt hurt by. If he had not been so pent up with everything then a small smile might have been brought to his face knowing that this was Kaz's way of caring for him.
But it didn't. And that's when Kaz must have known something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
"I don't know." He blurts out. Really L/n? That's what you say 'I don't know!'
Kaz raises his eyebrow and shifts his body so he's facing the boy.
"Care to elaborate?"
Y/n is internally screaming at himself. Why the fuck did he have to say anything? He can't just deflect or walk away from this one, time to face the music he guessed. Or he would find a way out of this one like he did all those other times. Like he always would be doing for the rest of his life. Deflect and run. It was the mantra he played in his head to keep going and it had never failed him. But there's a first time for everything.
"I don't know how-" He cut himself off. How could he explain how he felt so wrong? How could he tell Kaz it was like he was in an alternate reality every time he was with him but when he left he did something unbelievably wrong there?
"I don't know how I-I love you."
Kaz's eyes flash with something unrecognizable but he doesn't tell him to stop so Y/n takes that as a vote of confidence and keeps on talking.
"I was always taught that loving the opposite sex was a horrible thing, a sin even and I just never thought that this- whatever we have, would happen. Or last..."
The man squeeze's his eyes shut pushing back all of the memories that had hurt him, broken him even. But then a new spark ignited in his eyes, they may have broken him but they just had made this, whatever he had with Kaz stronger. They had burned the flames of hell so high that he absorbed a portion of its power. He was more powerful because of it and using what they had used to burn him he let it fuel him. And he made a choice.
"But I realize I now that they're all wrong."
Y/n turns so he's looking directly into those dark eyes that look like beautiful black breathtaking suns. And he Y/n L/n was orbiting them and he realized he always would be.
Besides, maybe Kaz would never fully understand what he had to go through, what he had to overcome. Though no one else could steal his heart the way Brekker had and he was bubbling with real happiness for once and about what the future could hold.
"They should have warned me that a certain Demjin would steal my heart. Unfortunately for them, they did not."
Kaz leans forward a bit and a small smile grace's his lips and Y/n wants to see that smile again and again and he never wants it to stop.
"Good it made my job a lot more easier."
Their noses are brushing now and he sees Kaz stare at his lips and he blushes at the thought. The thought of kissing Kaz or the thought of Kaz wanting to kiss him.
And their lips slowly come together.
Words 1390
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien
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daisylore-au · 3 years
The Revival - Final Day, Part 2
MAN that was close - there was a difference of Three votes between who to save !! we got only one or two parts left depending on your next choices :’) let’s see what you pick!!
warnings: temporary character death, emotional distress, c!sam being a Bastard, temporary child death (rip)
She’s close to tears even before she makes her decision. 
Because deep down, she knows what she has to do, what all this has been for. She has to save Dream, doesn’t she? They’ve come all this way, travelled through what she thinks might have literally been hell - besides, she thinks, desperately optimistic, Darian will just wake up, won’t he? He’ll just wake up and he’ll be fine, if annoyed at her, and anyway, he won’t die - his dad won’t kill him. She knows Sam. He’s her Uncle, he’s Darian’s Dad, she’s sat on those shoulders before as a baby laughing and eating ice cream at their house. 
Sam won’t hurt Darian. He’s Sam.
Making her choice, Daisy stares at Darian, tries to convey how sorry she is, and leaps onto the bridge.
Sam’s trident whizzes inches from her chest, zooming past her and slamming into the cell. Daisy gasps, adrenaline making her legs wobbly, and she drops to the bridge, flattening herself against it to stop Sam trying to knock her off. Dream audibly whoops, and the closer she gets, the more delight she can see in his face - rough, wild, but genuine, and Daisy feels relief course down her. She’s done the right thing. She knows she has. They’re all okay. Sam had been bluffing-
It’s Darian. She turns, just in time, just in time to see-
To see-
Darian was slain by Awesamdude? in the Void.
(Out of the Void, Darian wakes up in bed with a scream ripped from his throat.)
No. No. Sam’s expression doesn’t change. In quick strides, he crosses to the levers, and slams down the third one. The bridge judders to a stop, and Daisy cries out in grief, in anger, in distress, too far to jump safely. This can’t have all been for nothing!
“Jump,” Dream says, firmly, unmoved by the death that had left Daisy reeling, “I’ll catch you.”
“Dream,” she sobs, “Darian-”
“I know.” He shoots a panicked look at Sam, who is pushing all the levers to bring the lava back down and drinking a fire resistance potion. “But you have to come here, Daisy. Trust me. He’ll be fine. This- This is The Void, after all. He’s just been taken out of it. Jump, Daisy. I promise I’ll catch you.”
Wobbly, tearful, stricken, Daisy stumbles to the edge and leaps. For a moment, she’s weightless, and the world is nothing but a blur of colours and a dizzying drop beneath her, and then-
Arms wrap around her and pull her into the cell, and Daisy collapses safely on the floor, breathing panicked. “Dream,” she gasps, bottom lip wobbling, “I didn’t- Uncle Sam-”
“We can make him pay, it’s okay, I promise,” Dream says, crouching at her side with a grimace. She’d forgotten he’d been injured, and more guilt pools in her stomach. “We can make everyone pay if we need to. Just- focus for now. Look at me, okay?”
Daisy does. Even in the harsh cell lighting, Dream’s eyes are brighten green here than they ever were back in his ghost form. He smiles, faintly, and for a second, Daisy feels safe, despite Darian dying, despite Sam yelling, despite the lava falling and everything that has happened to her since entering the Void. 
“I need your help to bring me back,” he tells her, “I need you to focus on me, okay? This is gonna be difficult, but, uhm, with both of our Admin powers, we should be able to manage it. I think. Is there anything I need to know before we try this that could affect the Revival Process?”
Daisy’s head whirls. For once, she’s been struck speechless. Where does she even begin with all this?
pick what daisy should ask ! only one of these will be asked / said so pick carefully !! u got fifteen minutes to decide :D
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INEFFABLE - Kaz Brekker
Chapter Two
If you would like to read this on Wattpad, it’s on there as well, my @ is in_my_feels_probably and there’s a few visuals and better descriptions and stuff on there. otherwise, enjoy, let me know what you think, and you can check out my masterlist for updates and more. don’t forget to read the prologue, it’s important to the story!
INEFFABLE – Kaz Brekker
ineffable (adj.) too great to be expressed in words, utterly indescribable; too sacred to speak of. 
Chapter Two
An hour later, and the Crows were headed to Dreesen’s estate, a Heartrender in tow. If Pekka Rollins wasn’t already pissed off, he would be now, considering they took the only Heartrender available for the night. She was rather nice, well dressed and polite, not something often seen in the Barrel, but it was clear she was beginning to grind down Kaz’s patience.
“I really appreciate the new business, but you’ve only paid for an hour of my time, and I have to be back at the Orchid.”
“The Orchid isn’t safe tonight. Your life’s in danger with this job. Make yourself scarce for a few days afterwards.” Kaz continued walking, the Heartrender growing increasingly anxious.
“Mr. Brekker, really? Are you threatening me? Even if I’m nice, my boss will call the stadwatch on you.”
“It’s not me you’re in danger with, it’s Pekka Rollins.” Kaz had turned around and stopped to speak, nearing the gate to the estate.
“My boss would call the stadwatch on him as well.”
Elham laughed at that. “You really think if Rollins got to your boss that he’s still alive? Your boss is already dead, how naive can you be? I suggest you start paying attention, nobody’s going to be around to save you when the Barrel comes to swallow you up.”
They continued towards the gate, when a man yelled across the courtyard. “Who are you lot?”
Kaz stopped behind the gate. “We’re here to see Dreesen.”
“You’re not with Pekka’s crew.”
Elham pulled the counterfeit coin from the gambling tables earlier that night out of her pocket, tossing it to the guard. Kaz let the tiniest smirk set on his face, before speaking again. “And you’re not in Pekka’s pocket anymore if you don’t owe him.”
He gave Elham a slight nod, and they continued through the gate to the estate’s front entrance. Jesper sped up to catch up with Elham. “Hey, where did you get that coin?” She smirked, only to have it fall from her face, when the guard yelled across the courtyard once more.
“Hey! One of these has a hole in it!”
Shit. Elham put her hand on the back of Jesper’s jacket, pushing him along quicker, picking up her pace, nodding for the rest of the crew to follow. “Go! Go, go, go.”
“Saints, Elham!” Jesper let out a laugh, making a dash for the entrance.
“Just get inside!”
They were led through the house by a guard, all the way to Dreesen’s office. The guard opened the door, and Kaz stepped in first, Elham finding her spot next to him. Dreesen looked up from his desk and sighed. “One look and I can tell. Criminals. I’m not meeting anyone till midnight.”
Elham smirked at that. Criminals? Isn’t everyone in the Barrel a criminal? And is it that easy to tell?
Kaz seemed to hold in his usual look of annoyance. “We heard you needed a Heartrender.”
Dreesen stood from his desk, contemplating. “Hmm. Alright, she stays. The rest of you, out.”
The Heartrender smiled and started walking forward, only for Kaz’s cane to swiftly come up and block her from walking any further. Elham wondered if they had any idea who they were talking to. Kaz Brekker seems to always get what he wants, and this wasn’t going to be any different.
“She stays. And we have an exclusive on the job.”
“Mr. Brekker, no businessman worth his salt hires his first applicant.”
Elham was growing impatient. Barrel men. Not good men. She had had enough of Dreesen’s company, and she spoke up. “Mr. Dreesen, we understand your predicament. What would I possibly know about conducting a business? It goes right over my head. Of course, I would have to report you to the guild for kidnapping a prisoner. Seems a little bit like criminal business to me. And we would know, right? Doesn’t really seem like an ethical thing you did, does it?”
Her voice was laced with sarcasm, feigning innocence and naivety. She played with the hilt of her sword that was wrapped around her waist, acting as a belt. One of Dreesen’s guards pulled back his coat to reveal a pistol on his hip. She glanced back at Jesper, who smirked at her, revealing his pistols. She casually unsheathed her sword, flicking her wrist to extend it.
“So, Mr. Dreesen. How about that prisoner? I’m sure the guild would love to hear about it.” She said casually, wiping the end of her blade with her shirt, before wrapping it back around her waist and into place.
Dreesen seethed. “You wouldn't.”
Kaz spoke up this time. “It’s like you said. No businessman worth his salt bargains for what he can take.”
Dreesen hopped up from his desk, moving to stand directly in front of Kaz, staring him down. He glanced down at Elham, who’s gaze was piercing, almost as if she was challenging him. He let out a sigh. “Saint’s, Brekker. Chain up your attack dog before she gets herself in an unwanted position.”
Kaz’s jaw clenched at the threat, Elham suddenly standing rigid and alert. “My attack dog? You must be mistaken. That’s my Valkyrie. She doesn’t take very kindly to threats either.”
Dreesen’s eyes momentarily flashed with fear at the mention of the Valkyrie, a few guards even took a step back. The room was tense, and Elham’s hand had returned to the hilt of her sword.
The Heartrender broke the moment of silence, raising her hand. “Excuse me? I have to be back at the Orchid in an hour.”
Inej eyed the Heartrender, before turning her gaze to the staring match going on in front of her. Dreesen finally caved. “Alright, come on.”
Kaz let out a breath, eyeing Elham. She knew she was going to get a lecture for that little show she put on. Dreesen led them down to the basement of the estate, where the prisoner was tied to a chair, a bag over his head.
Kaz looked unimpressed. “Who’s this?”
“Oh, so you don’t know everything after all? This...is Alexei Stepanov.” He took the bag off the prisoner's head, revealing a young man, covered in cuts and bruises, hair and clothes disheveled. “Two weeks ago, young Alexei here, crossed through the Fold on foot. Alone.”
The Crows glanced around at each other. Inej stepped forward. “How?”
“They’re keeping it quiet, but allegedly, he was one of a few witnesses to...an event.”
Alexei was now eyeing the crows. “Water.” He croaked out. Inej glared at Dreesen, and moved to the pitcher on the table, pouring a glass, taking it over to Alexei and helping him drink.
“What kind of event?”
“I know an expedition was swarmed by volcra. Should’ve been a total loss. But something happened. Some device detonated. Obliterated the volcra, lit up the dark like a forest fire. I know it wasn’t a fire or else no one would have survived. This was some invention no one had seen before. He knows, but he doesn't seem to be able to articulate his account of events. Some form of traumatic lapse. So…”
Dreesen had gone and stood by the Heartrender, gesturing towards Alexei. Inej stepped out of the way as she approached Alexei, kneeling beside him and taking a hold of his wrist.
“You’re safe now.” She began lowering his pulse. “Now you can just speak, and I will just listen.”
Alexei’s hesitation was gone as he stared intently at the Heartrender. “All right.”
“Tell me what happened in the Fold. What saved you?”
“You won’t believe me, but...it was a Sun Summoner.”
Inej inhaled, gasping. Elham moved closer to her. She had never believed in Saints, never having a reason to. But a Sun Summoner, even she could have some belief in. She had to. With the Fold looming, and Baghra’s warnings to her about the General, she had to believe in something that would give her hope.
Dreesen put his glass down, kneeling in front of Alexei. “Who was it?”
“If I tell you, you’ll set me free?”
Elham’s heart broke for him. She knew any promise to freedom was a hollow one, that Alexei was a liability, they’d never let him go. She took a deep breath, swallowing her rage, before listening back in on the conversation.
“Her name is...Alina Starkov.”
“Good boy.” Dreesen stood up, walking back to one of his guards. “Show me the manifest.” He glanced over the papers handed to him. “Ah, perfect.”
“You’ll set me free now?” Alexei asked, still being comforted by the Heartrender.
“Thank you, of course.” Dreesen pulled a pistol from his waist, turning around, and lodging a bullet right in Alexei’s skull. The Heartrender screamed, jumping back, and Alexei’s body tipped back in the chair, falling to the ground. Blood seeped onto the floor.
Elham seethed, gripping Inej’s hand. Dreesen walked to stand over Alexei’s body, then turned to the Crows.
“Hmm. We are now the only people west of the Fold with this information. My ship sails for West Ravka at dawn. If you can prove that you have a way through the Fold and back, I’ll put you on that ship with an advance. If you don’t, I’m giving this job to Pekka Rollins.”
Kaz inhaled at the name. “Give me a day. I’ll have a plan.”
“You have until sunrise, then your ship will have sailed, Mr. Brekker. The prize is one million kruge. Now bring me Alina Starkov.” Dreesen headed back up the stairs, leaving the Crows standing there. They turned, facing Alexei’s body.
Elham turned, facing Kaz, getting his attention. “Well. Looks like we have quite the job to do. I vote we get out of this house before I walk up those stairs and lodge my sword in Dreesen’s back, and we get no kruge at all.”
Jesper let out a chuckle at that, turning to head up the stairs. “Ah, I love when the Valkyrie comes out. She scares the absolute hell out of me, but still, very entertaining.”
A/N - here's chapter two, i'm excited to get further into this story and make it more interesting than just setting out the beginning plot. i have a lot planned, and i'm very excited. thank you so much for the support, and feel free to comment or message with anything!
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wonniesmile · 3 years
❥ ellie’s first step into ‘i-land’
⤷ ellie had just finished her entrance test, making it into i-land. hopefully, she doesn’t get kicked out.
⤷ word count: 1.4k+
⤷ warning: this is all purely fictional, none of the arguments and conflicts within this series is a true reflection of the trainees. everything you read is made up from my pea-sized brain.
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after a teary-eyed goodbye to the grounders, ellie and the i-landers go through the egg contraption. her mouth gapes open in awe, realizing just how high tech this building was. ellie follows the applicants into the egg, squeezing into the very back corner. 
“hi, i’m sunoo.” a boy introduces himself, “i’m ellie!” she replies. she recognizes him, “you guys performed crown, right? you were really awesome up there!” sunoo smiles, oh god her heart, he’s adorable. his cheeks bubble up to show his whisker dimples and she smiles.
the egg finally stops, gaining an amazing reaction from the rest of the applicants. she gets on her tip toes to get a better view of the inside of the building. giving up, she slouches and waits for everyone to leave the contraption. “wanna be friends?” sunoo asks from beside her, she happily accepts and they giggle. 
“oh my god...no this isn’t real...holy moly.” she examines the room they had just stepped into. 12 chairs were placed in a semi circle in front of the egg and right behind it was the coolest dance room she has ever set her eyes upon. banners decorated the top of the glass wall leading into the dance room. there were pillars set up around the room and steps leading down to the chairs. “how much money did they spend on this, my god!” she exclaims and sunoo replies, “probably billions...” he too was amazed at the sight of the room. 
suddenly, a booming voice echoes, yet again, throughout the space, “from now on, we will start the next stage to match the capacity of the i-land. decide 4 people to eliminate by your own vote.” a bunch of “no ways!” scattered around the room, everyone in pure shock at what the next step was. “the vote for elimination will start in two hours.” ellie puts her face in her hands, worrying about what could happen. the egg lights up with the timer and she gasps. “sunoo, what do i do?” sunoo pats her head to reassure her, “it’ll be fine.” she takes off her bag and sets it down in front of a chair, following along at what the others were doing. “shall we look around the first floor first?” a trainee by the name of jay asks, everyone agrees and they start their tour.
throughout the tour, ellie was way too excited at the sight of all the new rooms to even think about the elimination process, she has got to start speaking to people sooner or later. thank god she had sunoo.
“i think we should sit down and talk.” choi seon suggests. the 17 applicants, including ellie, take seats on the contemporary couch decorating the living space. sunoo pulls her to an empty seat next to jay, while pulling up a chair for himself. seon takes the lead, explaining to everyone that by the end, they HAVE to pick 12 out of the 17 trainees sitting in this room. everyone agrees with his statements and ellie nods her head. she gets lost in her thoughts, ‘so all i have to do is pick someone based on their performance and attitude...ok got it.’ on paper, it seems easy, but ellie knows that experiencing it will be a lot harder than she thinks.
“i would like to introduce you to jake sim.” sunoo pulls ellie towards him and she waves at the boy in front of her, “jake meet ellie, ellie meet jake.” jake waves back awkwardly. “i thought you two would get along well since ellie is also from australia.” jake’s eyes light up. “seriously?!” ellie nods her head, “g’day!” ellie says in her thick aussie accent, jake whispers a little ‘wah!’ and gets excited. “where from australia are you from?” he asks, “i was born in brisbane but moved to quebec, canada at the age of like 10.” jake nods his head to show he understood, “but the aussie accent stayed!” he giggles, “i can see that, i’m from brisbane as well!” ellie claps, feeling ecstatic after meeting her second friend of the day. “so, when’d you move here?” ellie asks, “2019! i passed a global audition and here i am, better than ever.” he says. ellie giggles at his response, “i also moved here early 2019!” her smile seemed to have reached her eyes. sunoo looks at the two of them adoringly...and cluelessly, not understanding a single word being spoken at the moment, “i knew you two would get along!” he says, clapping.
the three of them went on to converse for a few more minutes before sunoo left to go talk to some other people and jake left to go use the restroom. feeling uncomfortable with being alone, she walks over to the kitchen, where ta-ki and ni-ki were both showing off their dance moves, “i want to practice now” she overhears ta-ki say in japanese. ni-ki notices ellie watching the two from afar and he mentions her to come over, “ta-ki, she speaks japanese.” he ‘whispers’ to the boy. “hello!” ellie says, while bowing, “my name’s ellie!” she slaps herself mentally, ‘too much’ she told herself. “ah, ellie.” ta-ki says, cautiously, “yep, that’s me!” ellie replies, “are you also japanese?” ta-ki asks, “um...i actually learned the language myself after watching animes...” she awkwardly laughs, “wah! you’re so good!” ta-ki sticks both his thumbs out at you. ellie thanks him. a silence fills the air and ellie plays with her fingers, “well...i’m getting a bit hungry, so im gonna go get a bite to eat!” she tells the two, hoping to ease the awkwardness.
time passed and ellie felt more and more nervous. the timer got closer and closer to 0...what is she gonna do? sunoo and jake have both been by her side, feeling more comfortable with them, who the hell was she going to vote off?
“ellie, please head to the voting room.” the voice announces, her knees felt weak, here goes nothing.
a heavy air surrounded the voting room, it almost felt like she was suffocating. the monitor in front of her seemed to mock her. the 17 applicants (including herself) faced directly in front of her. “4 people...4 people is all i need to pick.” she says to herself. carefully her fingers tap a trainee’s profile, “i’m so sorry.” it was seon, “i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry.” now all she needed to do was pick the remaining 3, “god, i can’t do this.” she leans against the screen, contemplating her next decisions. (i’ll leave the other 3 trainees she chooses up to your interpretation ;) )
rubbing her hands together, she exhales the biggest breath, “that was harder than the entrance test...” she laughs at her response, “i’m so sorry.” she says one last time, before exiting the room.”
“the first dropout received 10 votes.” the booming voice seemed to haunt her more than ever. looking down at her lap, she bites her lips in worry. “kim sunoo.” her heart drops to her feet. no, this can’t be happening. she quickly looks to her side, sunoo’s lips forming a pout as he runs a hand through his hair, “sunoo...” ellie grabs his hand and he looks back at her, “i’ll be fine.” squeezing her hand for reassurance, ellie looks back down onto her lap.
“the second dropout received 9 votes.” ellie squeezes her eyes shut, “noh sungchul.” she looks around, not really familiar with the applicant’s face. “the third dropout received 9 votes, ta-ki.” ellie’s eyes go wide, he was the last trainee she would’ve thought of. “the fourth dropout received 6 votes, ej.” ellie releases a breath. “those who got eliminated, please move to the ground now.” ellie quickly looks up at sunoo, “yes, i get it.” he says with a smile on his face. ellie’s vision gets blurry as she watches him, “please come back.” she says as he pulls her in for a hug, “i will, you know i will.” sunoo lets go and looks into her eyes, “make new friends! bye bye!” he waves. ellie watches as he steps onto the egg. she waves her farewells, looking up to stop the tears from falling (it was a successful tactic btw). she smiles at sunoo and he mirrors it, “bye bye!” she mouths and sunoo waves as the contraption closes. here we go again...
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mi6-cafe · 3 years
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Now, let’s refresh your memory about the prompt
We have asked our writers to write between 100 and 150 words of an acrostic drabble for NO TIME. (We wanted each paragraph to start with the given letters.)
Now, how to vote?
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Yup, that’s pretty much the method, although the writing of the individual feedback full of love is very much optional. (And yes, we’re reusing this meme from last week.)
Read the drabbles below the line (or on wordpress) and GO VOTE when you’re done!
Title: Little Prick Author: sorion Warnings: none Summary: Just some bondy banter.
Now, that was just rude, Q thought, sipping his tea with his eyes on the computer screen and giving a weak attempt at not looking amused.
Other than the potted plant in the corner, nobody was convinced of said attempt, and neither was Bond at the other end of the satellite connection, and he couldn't even see Q.
The hand gesture Bond waved at the hidden camera was still rude, though less original.
"I can hear you laugh into your tea; don't think I can't," Bond's crystal-clear voice echoed through Q-Branch.
"Mmm," Q hummed in agreement. "I have to get my kicks from somewhere, Bond, and you're usually a reliable source."
Ever the gentleman, Bond conceded with grace. "Alright, you win," he said. "Provided, of course, that you stop laughing for long enough to get me out of here, so I can come home."
Title: White Knight Author: sunaddicted Warnings: none Summary: bratty agents really do get on Bill’s nerves
"Oh, come on!"
Tanner arched an eyebrow at the raised tone of voice 009 was directing at him: he definitely didn't appreciate being talked to in such manner by a bratty agent - how the man was Q's favorite (besides Bond, of course), Bill would never know.
 "I'm not messing around with the line-up just because you want to go to Malaysia." 
M cleared his throat from the entrance of Tanner's office, looking coldly at 009. "Of course you're not. You should go get kitted for your own mission, 009: I believe R is waiting for you in Q-Branch."
Exhaling loudly, 009 pursed his lips and left with a stiff and parting nod - it was absolutely satisfying to watch. "You didn't have to come and save me," Bill pointed out, smiling up at the other  even as M bent down to kiss him. "Thank you, though."
Title: Another Door Opens Author: soufflegirl91 Warnings: None Summary: Eve contemplates a door, and what led her to it
Now or never.
One way or another, things were about to change forever. In a way, everything from the moment she had shot James Bond off that bridge in Turkey had been leading to this.
The door loomed ahead, waiting for her to take the next step. There had been a time when she thought that with that one shot, she had ruined things forever. That any opportunity she had to prove herself in the field, any chance of a career, had crashed into the water with Bond’s body.
Instead, it had merely opened another door for her. Given her a chance to learn things she never would have in the field. The people, the politics. All the little games the field agents never saw.
“M,” her secretary greeted.
Eve nodded back at her, and walked through the door to her new office.
Title: Inside Information Author: starrboned / MrKsan Warnings: content warning: alcohol Summary: Bond is back again and bets are placed.
“No,” Q said over his glass of gin, finishing it off in one swig. “Not doing this again.”
“Or you could stop being such a wet blanket and place your bet already,” Moneypenny said, poking him in the ribs. He swatted at her, scooting closer to Tanner. “We all know Bond will ‘retire’ soon enough.”
“That’s all everyone’s talking about,” Q huffed, staring at his empty glass. “He’s back, he’s off again - it’s a never-ending cycle.” Almost wish he'd stay gone, he didn't say.
“It is,” Tanner sighs, nudging his half-full pint towards Q. “But even Mallory wagered a full six months."
“Mallory did?” Q almost choked on Tanner’s beer. “That’s - that’s unusual of him.”
“Eh, said something about how ‘Bond has something to prove' this time around.“ Tanner grinned. Q felt his cheeks warm under his knowing gaze. "Maybe he has some inside information, huh?"
Title: No Time Like The Present Author: storm_of_sharp_things Warnings: none Summary: Felix had been wondering if it was ever going to happen
“Not that you need to answer, but did you ever sleep with him?” Felix looked up from his glass as MI6’s Chief of Staff dropped into the chair next to him at the bar and quirked an eyebrow. It wasn’t how Felix would’ve started this conversation, but...
“Once,” he admitted. He tossed back the rest of his drink. “You?”
Tanner nodded, his gaze distant. “Once,” he said with a faint smile. “Seemed a good idea at the time.”
“I don’t regret it,” Felix said. Then he shrugged and smirked. “I think we’d have shot each other if we’d really tried to make it work. But I do miss him.”
“Me too.” Tanner paused long enough that Felix wondered if he’d follow through. “Listen, I’ve got some good bourbon back at mine. Want a drink where it’s quieter?”
“Easy answer,” Felix grinned. “Hell yes, thought you’d never ask, let’s go.”
Title: Entanglement Author: Nana-chan Warnings: Summary: In which 007 and Q trade places...
“Now take your clothes off slowly,” said Bond softly. “Goddammit, Q, I said slowly.”
“Oh, do piss off, Bond,” Q hissed, dropping his shirt to the floor while Bond continued to watch him through the CCTV live feed. “Now, help me with the leathers.”
“That actually sounds very sexy, coming from you,” Bond said conversationally, his eyes drifting all over Q’s bare midriff before focusing on the contraption strapped to him.
“I suppose it does, yeah,” replied Q archly. “Never mind my predicament.”
“Mm-hmm,” said Bond, unfazed. “Not enough time. The straps will have to stay for now. I’ll start, then.”
Entanglements such as this were usually Bond’s lot, not his, but what was he to do when someone had attached an IED to his person? At least he’d dispatched his would-be kidnapper. He sighed, relieved, as Bond typed in the code he’d devised to remotely disable the ticking bomb.
Title: Time Well Spent Author: IrishWitch58 / captain-magicalkitty Warnings: None Summary: A conversation over coms.
“Nine bloody days and the target hasn't moved at all.” Q could almost see the exasperated expression. Bond hated the need for surveillance and made his displeasure known.
“Once he does, I'm sure the resulting excitement will more than make up for your current boredom,” Q soothed. He managed to hide his smile from the rest of the branch late shift.
There was a disgusted snort from the coms. “You'll have to do better than that to make this up to me.” The tone was suggestive but only in the general Bond default setting. Q wasn't concerned about anyone overhearing.
“If you're still angling after an exploding pen, dream on.”
“Miser,” Bond accused, fond tone at odds with the statement.
Eventually the target would move and Bond would get the job done. Until then, they enjoyed time spent together, even far apart.
Title: N O T I M E Author: hexiva Warnings: Character death Summary: Bond confronts Blofeld.
No time to think as James rounds the corner, gun in hand, and comes face to face with Blofeld, with Franz. 
Only hatred in Franz’s eyes, he reaches for his gun.
Trigger burning against James’ finger, all he has to do is pull it, end this, end this, but - 
Ivy leaves underfoot, the sky blue above them, and they’re bickering but they’re just children still, not the killers they will become, and Franz laughs as James trips, and he reaches down to offer him a hand - 
Many years ago, they were brothers. Franz knew him before he was 007. He’s the last man left who did. Everyone else is gone, and James is tired of being alone and tired of being a killer.
Every muscle in his body aches with weariness as he lets his gun drop. And he looks Franz in the eyes as Franz pulls the trigger.
Title: A Change of The Story Author: scarytheory Warnings: (a little bit of) sci-fi Summary: She has seen the future. What she’ll do with it is up to her.
No time to waste when she’s got a glimpse of the future. She had seen Bond devastated by loss and full of rage. She had seen Q who was absorbed in his job, bitter and sad. And herself – composed and nice and so, so lonely. Or was it possible to change it? She decided to go to that beach instead of Bond. But before she left, she whispered to him: “You’ve got a secret admirer in the Q branch.” Will it be enough? And the girl on the beach… will she manage to save her? “Tracy!” she screamed as she was trying to get her out of the water.
“I don’t know you.” Not yet.
“Moneypenny, Eve Moneypenny.”
Eve decided that this time she wasn't going to let them be burned by the inevitability. This time, Tracy would live.
Title: Let the Record Show Author: anyawen Warnings: None Summary: They've read the same reports, but have arrived at differing conclusions.
"No, I don't think so," Q disagrees with forced lightness. "Not this time."
"Oh, honey," Eve sighs, not fooled in the least. She reaches across the table to squeeze his hand. "Every time. He always comes back."
"There's no reason for him to come back, not anymore," Q insists. "M is dead, and he's finished the last mission she ever gave him. He can retire now. Live a peaceful life with a beautiful woman. And a beautiful car."
"If you think he'll be happy with a peaceful life, you don't understand him as well as you think," Eve laughs.
"Maybe he doesn't want peaceful," Q allows, "but we've read his file. He doesn't want m— this either, or he wouldn't keep trying to leave."
"Eventually, he will come home. And when he does," Eve says, sitting back and angling to speak to someone over Q's shoulder, "you should tell him."
Title: TO DIE Author: Merc / moon_of_mercury Warnings: This one is depressing. Sorry! Summary: The End.
Never again...
Observing from behind his screen, Q takes in the smoking, crumbling scene of destruction. Police cars with flashing lights and blaring sirens swarm the streets. A familiar silhouette blends in with the by-passers, slipping out of his view around the corner.
This is the last time James Bond holsters his gun, dusts off his suit, and heads for the airport to catch a flight Moneypenny arranged for him.
“It’s done,” Q says into the expectant stillness of the room. It hurts a little, even though he’s relieved. The showdown could have gone so much worse, but this is just as final.
Memories of this mission will haunt him for different reasons than usual. Their blazing victory is a bittersweet consolation.
Everything ends here; even those things that never began.
Title: Mission Goal: Ideas Author: Venstar /1amvengeance Warnings: none Summary: well someone had to think of something.
“Now you're just showing off.” James’s voice drawled against Q’s ear.
“Oh, I'm showing off. Did you have any other ideas? No. Spies should have faster reflexes than asking me to 'Quick hide us!' My time and equipment are very expensive.” Q hissed quietly. They were still on a mission after all.
“That kiss was a far better idea than anything I had in mind. I'm happy to pay your asking price. Are you okay Q, your face has gone all red.”
“I will murder you in your sleep. I will end you. I will scatter your body parts to the farthest corners of the globe as a warning to those that think about blaming me for coming up with all the ideas!”
“Maybe instead of murder, you should think about our target. He’s escaping.”
“Escaping my arse. Someone is going to pay for your lack of ideas.”
Title: Losing and Having Author: solarmorrigan Warnings: None. Summary: Bond reflects and knows he can't have it any other way.
Never in all his life had Bond felt quite this level of terror.
Or – well, no. That wasn’t quite true.
There had been one other time.
In the murky water, watching everything he’d allowed himself to love and depend on slip away into oblivion. The fear had clutched him then, shaken him and wrecked him.
Maybe he should have listened to his own damn self when he’d designated the heart as nothing but a target.
Even so, even knowing this, Bond clutched Q’s hand, eyes locked on his bruised and battered quartermaster who had only just returned to him, and knew it was worth it. The fear of loss was nothing against the euphoria of having.
Title: Dreisamkeit (Or: Bliss comes in threes) Author: Misha / artsytarts / jelly-mish Warnings: Sickly sweet fluff, watch out for cavities Summary: Della, Felix and James are toying with the idea of having a lazy day in.
Nestled between the warm bodies of her boys, Della felt content.
“Occasionally, I’d like to just... stay here. All day.”, she said, letting her fingers brush through their hair in lazy strokes. James tightened his grip around her and made an approving noise.
Then the beeping started. Felix moved, banging his fist on the alarm clock. “Gosh darn it,” he growled. Della pouted in response, until a thought struck her. What if they took a sick day? Food poisoning? Good enough story. She suggested it out loud.
“If you take the blame,” James mumbled sleepily.
“Me? If anyone, it’d be Felix,” Della grinned at her husband's dirty look and carried on: “Remember when you forgot to add water to the pasta? The fumes were noxious.”
Eventually, reluctantly, they broke up their haven of safety and rolled out of bed. Della sighed. There never seemed to be enough time.
Title: Augment Author: oldestcharm Warnings: n/a Summary: Every week Q argues his case and wins. "No," M says, squinting and displeased. "Absolutely not."
"One million," Q attempts with a half-hearted smile, but he knows well enough that it wouldn't work in any other situation. He's not even trying that hard at this point, because he knows he'll win this argument every single time. "It's not that much. I should probably ask ten times that with the amount of shit Bond breaks. Remember last week? I deserve a better budget."
"Then stop supplying him with expensive equipment," M suggests, unsympathetic at best.
"I'll have you know he'll get his hands on it whether I supply it or not," Q says crossly.
"Maybe you aren't doing a good enough job at security."
"Exactly, I need a better budget!" Q insists, eyeing M with a bit of a manic expression as he sets down the tablet in front of him. "Now sign it or deal with the consequences."
Go Vote!
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
pel!ivan and fedyor went through a lot of ups and some downs from the end of pel and 2021 but they also celebrated 10 years together 🥳 i hope fedyor shoved cake into ivan’s face and also you know, im sure they were mushy like the saps they are
Ivan was supposed to be out of here ten minutes ago – actually, at this point, more like twenty – but the clients are still fucking talking, and if they keep it up much longer, he’s going to add it to the bill for “initial consultation.” Drew has a man-bun and unbearably hip black glasses, and works as a developer for some start-up app that he’s tried to convince Ivan to download at least twelve times. (What does the app actually do? Don’t know don’t care.) Mia is thin, blonde, waifish, smells like essential oils, and has been flitting around with her smartphone the entire time, getting in Ivan’s way as she snaps perfectly filtered pictures of the “developmental process” and posts them nonstop on Instagram. They both have a lot of opinions on how they want the energy of the space to feel, and a preapproved list of ethically sourced suppliers. They have paid some ludicrous price for this converted loft in Prospect Heights and chose the location for its proximity to the best farmer’s markets and hippie coffeehouses. Did Ivan die? Is this hell?
Somewhat ostentatiously, he looks at his watch. “Okay,” he announces. “I think that wraps up. You have work number, so – ”
“Oh, just one more thing!” Drew has recently read one (1) book on home design and thinks he’s an expert, so Ivan is forced to suffer his idiotic opinions about the kind of tile they want to use on the kitchen backsplash. Somehow, he manages not to roll his eyes directly out of his head, for which he should be commended. Ivan has discovered that the secret of successfully dealing with people, especially clients, is to smile and nod at everything they say, while mercilessly mocking them in your head. Amazing, the things you learn as a small-business owner in Brooklyn in the year of our lord 2021. Especially when it comes to renovating overpriced tiny gentrified apartments for insufferable techno-douchebags and their vapid influencer girlfriends. And people think Ivan might want to live like this more often? No fucking thank you.
Finally (it’s another ten minutes after that, this is definitely going on the bill), they more or less wrap up, except for the fact that Mia then wants a picture with the three of them. “It’s just so important to us that we’re supporting the immigrant community,” she explains earnestly. “After all, being open, tolerant, learning from our neighbors, people who are different from us, that’s what life is all about. We just love that you’re foreign. The energy feels so right, you know?”
Ivan wonders whether to inform her that he has lived in this country for eight years and been a full citizen (passport and voting rights and everything) for three, then decides that this would venture into sharing-personal-information territory and he is having none of it. His English has improved to the point where he can handle almost all business transactions by himself, but feigning incomprehension can sometimes get him out of them when they turn really stupid. Unfortunately, that isn’t an option here, and so he diligently leans into the frame, smiling half an inch, while Mia snaps a picture of “us and our adorable Russian contractor!!” Ivan informs her of the correct flag emoji to add to the filter, decides that he’s going to add an extra fifty bucks just for that, and finally, finally, makes his escape.
It’s rush hour, and the Q is crammed as Ivan heads into midtown. So much for social distancing and not getting too close to anyone, which is the only thing from the pandemic that he wouldn’t mind keeping. Only about half the crowd is wearing masks, including him, and so he gets off at Times Square, dodges the latest lunatic standing on a soapbox and shouting about how it is all a hoax, and walks several blocks uptown, just to get some space. He finally reaches the restaurant, where he has to flash his vaccination card to get inside (Ivan, who remains Russian to the marrow of his bones, is a little irked that he couldn’t get Sputnik here and had to settle for Pfizer) and climbs up to the open-air rooftop terrace. It is only when he spots his husband, waiting at a table that overlooks the glittering evening lights of the city, when Ivan pulls off his mask and allows himself to properly smile. “Sorry I’m late,” he says. “They are the worst.”
“I figured it was something like that.” Fedyor musters a smile in return, though his eyes look permanently tired these days and Ivan would bet that he’s been scrolling through more depressing emails on his phone. Technically Fedyor is on a two-month sabbatical from work, but he can’t stop himself, and Ivan has had to pry it from his fingers on a number of occasions. “But you’re here now. That’s what matters.”
Ivan nods stoutly, they are furnished with the drinks and appetizers list, and when the waiter asks if there’s any special occasion tonight, tell him that they are celebrating their ten-year anniversary, albeit somewhat late. This was supposed to happen last spring, but obviously, nobody in New York was going out to a restaurant in the early months of 2020, and Ivan himself had barely gotten home from the hospital and still could be knocked over in a strong breeze. They’re celebrating a lot of things tonight, in other words, even if it’s now been eleven years, not ten, since the day Ivan marched into a Red Square coffee shop and engaged in – well, Fedyor has made sure to inform him that the first date didn’t go nearly as well as Ivan always thought it did. But it worked, didn’t it? Here they are, wedding bands on their fingers, a couple of successful American urban professionals who have built a nice life for themselves and are, if anything, even more madly in love than they were when this whole nutty adventure together first began. So really, if you ask Ivan Sakharov Kaminsky, it went just fine after all.
The waiter congratulates them, gives them two drinks for the price of one, and they both relax and start to talk, fully at ease in the way they only are in each other’s company. Ivan does his Mia impression in an extremely convincing falsetto (after all, [NAME REDACTED] has practice at this) and Fedyor almost dies laughing. They hold hands on the table – no need to hold them under the table – and gaze into each other’s eyes all they want, order dinner and dessert, and take a long time about it. They raise several toasts to this, to them, to ten years, may there be many more. Ivan pays the bill, his treat, and they walk slowly back to Times Square, hand-in-hand, Fedyor’s head nestled on Ivan’s shoulder. It’s New York. Nobody cares.
They ride the Q home, in all its smelly, secondhand glory, taking an hour to bang out to Brighton Beach and descending the elevated stairs into the familiar down-at-heel comfort of their Russian-American neighborhood, neon Cyrillic signs glowing in windows and somebody shouting about how if Sergei ever shows his face here again, she is going to cut his dick off. Ivan and Fedyor look at each other and snort, resisting the urge to shout up and ask what exactly Sergei did, and walk a few more minutes to their building. They climb up three flights of stairs to their apartment, unlock the door and the deadbolt, and step inside.
The instant they are home, Rasputin shoots out of nowhere, yowling as if he has been neglected for months, and curls himself around Ivan’s ankles (he is still liable to give Fedyor evil looks when he feels that this interloper has been stealing his human too often). Ivan sighs, trudges to the kitchen, points out to Rasputin that his food bowl is still half full, gets a wounded look in return, and adds an extra scoopful. Once the cat is happily snarfing down, Fedyor pulls Ivan by the hand, into the dim living room with its blowing curtains. “Come here, my love,” he says. “Hold me.”
Ivan does as ordered, because it’s his favorite thing in the world: cuddling Fedyor close, nothing but the two of them in all of time and space, swaying slowly in the blue hour with fingers and arms and hearts entwined. Ivan kisses Fedyor’s temple, and Fedyor nestles even closer, melted into his embrace. “I love you, Vanya,” he mumbles against Ivan’s collarbone. “I love you so much. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, Fedya.” Ivan leans down and kisses him properly, sweet and slow and lingering, as they continue to waltz in stately time to a music that nobody except the two of them can hear. “I’m still not always sure why you married me, but I am very glad you did.”
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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PART 10 | previously: part 9 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing, ✨SPICY CONTENT✨ (16+ is probably best) (reminder that characters are aged up)
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hi hi!! ahhh the moment we’ve all been waiting for (or i have been at least☺️) this part is pretty long oops but honestly worth it ahah✨ thank you again for all the love on this, it means a lot 💕 enjoy xx
ten: say it
The day had come. It was the night before Prom. These agonizing months of planning would soon be over. All your hard work would be on display for your entire grade to see. But what seemed to be stressing you out the most was that you and Bakugou wouldn’t have an excuse to spend time together, or even talk. Odds were that the second the dance is over, you and Bakugou would go back to enemies, or worse, strangers. That thought didn’t sit well with you. After all, you now had such strong feelings for Bakugou. The last thing you wanted was for him to ignore you. Though you felt that was what probably would happen.
“Aren’t you all just so excited for tomorrow?” squealed Mina.
“Not like you haven't asked us the same question a hundred times,” groaned Denki. Mina huffed.
“Well excuse me for being excited for our first Prom.”
“And last gladly,” you added. Your friends looked at you.
“Damn Y/N you could at least pretend to be excited,” joked Kirishima. You laughed nervously.
“Ah sorry. I’ve never been one to like dances,” you admitted.
“Come on, everyone likes dances,” insisted Uraraka. You shook your head.
“I don’t. They are too loud, too crowded, too many idiots who think they can dance when they really can’t.”
“I don’t think anything could be much louder than your quirk Y/N,” laughed Sero. You playfully hit his arm.
“Whatever. Well if you dumb dumbs want a good Prom tomorrow, I have some last minute planning I need to take care of,” you explained. You got up the couch where you were seated and went over to your dorm room. You changed into your pajamas, just a t-shirt and shorts, and went down to the basement.
You had asked Bakugou for the keys earlier so you didn’t have to worry about the basement being locked. You opened the door, the familiar wave of dingy basement overwhelmed your senses just as it did the first time you went inside. You signed.
I definitely won’t miss the smell.
You went over to the endless piles of boxes, shuffling through them.
Where the fuck are they?
Finally you found just what you were looking for. The crowns for Prom King and Queen. Cheesy, yes, but some traditions never die. You grabbed the dusty crowns and a cleaning wipe and sat down on the table. You crossed your legs and began to clean off the plastic crowns.
“I figured I would find you down here.” You whipped your head around to see Bakugou.
“Nowhere else I’d rather be,” you joked. Bakugou joined you on the table.
“Who do you think is gonna win?” asked Bakugou, pointing to the crowns.
“I know Aoyama has been practically begging people to vote for him so I hope he wins. I think Momo had mentioned wanting to win, but so did Mina so I guess we'll know tomorrow,” you explained. Bakugou nodded. He took the queen crown from your hands and placed it on your head.
“Yeah, you’d look pretty stupid if you won so hopefully no one votes for you,” he said. You yanked the crown off of your head and slapped Bakugou’s arm.
“Fuck off,” you laughed. Bakugou sighed.
“I guess this is kinda it,” said Bakugou. You looked down.
“Yeah, I guess it is,” you whispered.
“You know what Y/N, you’re not all that bad really.”
“It only took you three years to realize that dumbass...but thanks,” you smiled.
The tension between you and Bakugou, well, you could cut it with a knife. He sat so close to you, your feet dangling over the edge of the table. Before you even realized what you were doing, you were moving. You hopped off of the table and stood in front of Bakugou, in between his legs.
“What are you doing dumbass-”
“Just shut up for a second.” You looked down, refusing to make any eye contact with him. You took the collar of Bakugou’s shirt with your shaky hands. You gripped onto it and pulled him towards you, still not looking at him. You weren’t even thinking at this point, just letting your actions take over.
“Y/N look at me,” ordered Bakugou. You took a deep breath and slowly lifted your head up. Your eyes met Bakugou’s. You began to slowly move closer to him.
“Katsuki I-I-”
“It’s past curfew, you two should be in your dorms.”
“Fucking hell-”
You immediately jumped away from Bakugou and both of you looked over to the familiar voice.
“Uh we’re sorry Mr. Aizawa,” you apologized.
“Whatever last minute planning you two need to do, you can do it in the morning. Get to your rooms.”
“Right.” You and Bakugou immediately sprinted out the door. Your skin burned, you were so embarrassed. How could you think to confess your feelings to Bakugou like that?
You caught your breath once you were back at the dorms. Bakugou stood next to you.
“Well goodnight Kat-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Bakugou had grabbed your hand and was leading you towards his room.
“Katsuki its late-”
“Then you should be quiet.” Bakugou unlocked the door to his room and brought you inside. He instantly closed the door behind you and pinned your wrists onto the door.
“What the hell was that?” he huffed. His breath was heavy on your face, which didn’t help the burning sensation you felt all over you.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lied.
“In the basement.”
“Well I-I...”
Bakugou looked you dead in the eyes.
“You were gonna kiss me, weren’t you?” Your eyes grew.
“W-what? Me? Kiss you? No…” Bakugou chuckled. He began to rub his thumbs up and down on your skin as he held your wrists to the door.
“Are you really getting timid on me Y/N? What happened to that hot-head personality we all love?” Bakugou was visibly taunting you. Every smirk, every glance up and down, every time he would tighten his grip on you. He wanted to see you flustered, and it was working.
“I-uh-” He laughed again.
“Come on princess, don’t play dumb with me. Go on, say it.”
“I haven’t got all day Y/N.”
“Say what?” Bakugou licked his lips and whispered in your ear.
“Say that you want me just as badly as I want you.”
Before you could even think, words spilled out of your mouth.
“Make me.”
Bakugou tilted his head back, letting out a breathy: “Fuck…” before looking back at you.
“You really wanna play this game dumbass?” You gulped.
Bakugou smirked at you, licking his lips once more.
“Alright, then how’s this?”
Bakugou let go of your wrists and snaked his hands around your waist, gripping around you tightly. He took another small shuffle closer to you. His thumbs rubbing the hem of your shirt, slowly exposing more skin.
“You’re gonna have to try a little harder than that Katsuki,” you said breathily, your heart pounding out of your chest.
“How about now?” Bakugou slowly moved his hands from your waist and down to your ass. You lost your breath at his touch. Bakugou brushed the tip of his nose against yours, a cheeky smile on his face.
“Nope,” you whispered. It was impressive enough that you could even form a sentence at this point. The entire room felt like a million degrees.
“Last chance Y/N…”
Bakugou removed one of his hands from his grip on you and brought it up to your face. He caressed your cheek softly. He then took his thumb and pressed it on your aching lips before painfully slowly dragging it down. He brought his face close to yours again, your lips almost touching.
“Go on...say it.”
You couldn’t take his teasing any longer. His hot breath mixing with yours. He was so close, smirking at you. He knew exactly what he was doing. So, there was only one thing for you to do.
“Fuck you Katsuki.”
You closed the gap between yours and Bakugou’s lips, kissing him intensely. Bakugou didn’t waste another second, immediately picking you up and carrying you towards his bed. He laid you down on your back, hovering over you as he continued to kiss you. You tugged at the collar of his shirt.
“Eager much?” he teased, pulling his shirt over his head. His perfectly sculpted body was breathtaking to say the least.
“You’re staring Y/N.”
“I am not,” you huffed. You took your t-shirt, taking it off as well. Bakugou’s eyes grew as he looked at you just in your bra.
“Look who is staring now?”
“Shut up.” Bakugou dipped back down, kissing you again. You brought your hands up to his hair, running your fingers through it. Bakugou began to trail his lips down to your neck, placing endless kisses all over you. He then began to suck on your neck, slowly.
“Maybe I’ll just have to spell my name all over you. Mark you up...make sure everyone knows you’re mine,” he groaned against your neck. Chills trailed down your spine.
“Fuck Katsuki…”
“God I love it when you say my name-”
Bakugou continued to kiss your neck, marking you up as promised. You started to breath a little faster, your heart pounding. You brought Bakugou’s head back up to face you, bringing your lips to his.
It was everything you wanted and more. The way he kissed you. The way his skin was pressed against yours. It was magic.
You continued to run your fingers through his hair, pulling slightly just to get him as to you as possible.
“God you’re so fucking gorgeous. Fuck princess-.” At this point, Bakugou was just spitting out whatever thoughts came to mind. You were intoxicating to him.
He tucked his arm under you, flipping you so that you were now straddling him. You held his warm face in between your rough hands. He gripped onto your hips, pulling you closer to him.
“Wait Katsuki I-I,” you broke away from the kiss for just a moment.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked. You smiled, shaking your head.
“No not at all. It just um-” Bakugou sat up, having you sit in his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“This is probably terrible timing but...Katsuki Bakugou, I think I’m in love with you,” you said nervously. Bakugou smiled.
“I know dumbass, I’m not stupid.” He placed a kiss on your forehead. You smiled shyly.
“That's all I wanted to say...we can go back to what we were doing.” Bakugou chuckled.
“So eager again.”
Your head rested on Bakugou’s chest as he traced his finger along your back. It had to be at least 3am.
“It’s way past your bedtime Katsuki,” you whispered.
“Who needs sleep when I’ve got you here,” he said. You looked up at him and smiled.
“We still do, silly,” You tapped his nose. Bakugou sat up.
“Hold on…” He got up from the bed and walked over to his closet.
“Your skull t-shirt?”
“Yeah…uh, you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to-”
“Of course I want to wear it.” You slipped his favorite shirt on. A smile now appeared on Bakugou’s face.
“Y-you look good,” he said nervously, his cheeks flushed red. You chucked grabbing his arm to lay back down with you.
“Maybe we should get some sleep,” he smiled, rubbing your back again. You nestled your head into the crook of Bakugou’s neck.
“Hmmm okay…” you yawned. Bakugou chuckled.
“Get some rest dumbass.” Bakugou wrapped his arms around you as you laid on his chest. Your breath and his were perfectly in time. Bakugou waited until you were asleep for him to sleep as well. The both of you drifting to sleep with silly smiles plastered on your faces.
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswritings @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife @addictofsupernatural @the-shota-king-masayuki @freyafolkvangr @fourteenow @tamaguchi @lalayy @athenarosaline @blxck-coffee @katsukibabe @thatonegeekchick @that-chick212 @bibly @nxynxy @theunknownrandom @flustered-blue-eyed-sex-muffin @94potterhead @moonlightaangel @katusukisbitch2000 @secondchoicealwaysandforever @salsaedx @ukaisgratefulwhore if your name is bold i couldnt tag you ]
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anxiousstark · 3 years
S3 14 | Illuminated Silver-Riddled
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 6603
Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, dementia, death, swearing (always), etc.
A/N: Three chapter together as the first two are fillers (however, necessary). KISS SCENE AT THE PARTY DIDN’T HAPPEN.
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I remained between Stiles and my brother while Kira and Lydia were sitting close to us. Rafe McCall was in front of us, not looking quite happy with us. "So when did you get there?"
Stiles sighed. "At the same time."
"At the same time as who?"
It was my brother's turn to speak. "At the same time as me."
"By coincidence?"
"What do you mean coincidence?" I intervened, simply because I wanted him to get mad. It was fun.
"That's what I'm asking you. The three of you arrived at the same time. Was that a coincidence?" I discerned how he was growing madder.
"Are you asking me?" Scott asked, resting his back against the couch.
"I think he's asking me." Stiles glanced at his best friend.
"He was looking at me when he asked." I interrupted again, receiving a glare for the older man.  
"Okay, let me answer the questions." He noticed that he had said it wrong. "Let me ask the questions." Stiles pointed at him, offering a wink, which made me chuckle. Noah Stilinski was behind Rafe, trying to hold his laugh. "Just, so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then, Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."
"Sounds about right." My boyfriend's raspy voice was the first one to sound.
"How did you know he'd take her to a power station?"
"Well, because he was an electrical engineer. So where else would he take her?" I nodded my head along.
Rafe made a gesture with his mouth. "That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles."
"Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement." He peeped at his dad, pointing at him and winking. I snickered aloud, and Noah wanted to do the same but tried to hide it while coughing.
"Stiles, just, uh...Just answer the man."
He listened to his father. "We made a good guess."
Rafe McCall decided that receiving a concrete answer from Stiles would be complicated. Therefore, his gaze shifted towards Kira and Scott. "What were the two of you doing?"
"Eating pizza," Scott said while Kira said sushi. Then, they exchanged words until they agreed that they had eaten both.
"You believe this?" McCall sighed while glancing at Mr. Stilinski.
"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak." The younger Stilinski nodded his head, agreeing. "But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time, and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it."
Agent McCall turned around. "Kira, is that how you remember it?"
We all shifted in our seats, staring at the girl and expecting her to say yes. Thankfully, she did, and after the interrogation, Rafe halted Scott and me.
I bid goodbye to my boyfriend, kissing him softly on the lips before walking to my brother. "I don't know why you guys are lying. Or why Stilinski is content to listen to this crap. But try and remember something. If half this story about Barrow is true, then not only did someone help set him loose, but he was a pawn in their little game. A mass murderer is bad enough. A mass murderer being controlled, by someone? Far worse."
"We know."
"All right, go home. It's a school night." Acting as a father now, uh.
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"Class starts in five minutes." I groaned as I leant against one of the lockers. "Just because there's no power don't expect there to be no school."
"That was a triple-negative. Very impressive, Coach." I sarcastically winked at him.
Coach wandered closer to where I was standing next to Stiles. "You are starting to sound like Stilinski right here!" He used his megaphone, making me whine as his voice was louder than usual.
Stiles pointed at me with a foolish smile decorating his features. "She's my girlfriend." Proudly opening his locker, a key fell to the ground. "Hello. Where did you come from?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Another mystery to discover," I added.
A couple of seconds later, my brother appeared next to us. His eyes were looking into the distance, meeting Kira's ones. He attempted to walk to her, but Stiles and I stopped him. "No. No. Stop. Stop."
"What?" He grumbled. "I need to talk to her."
"No, you need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her." I nodded my head, agreeing with my boyfriend.
"Which is why I need to talk to her."
"Scott, no way." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "I love you, and until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction," I whined. "I do love Kira for you. But not after what happened. I need to know you are safe."
"What if she's like me?"
"That girl walked through 1.21 jigawatts of electricity. She's not like you."
Of course, Scott McCall was someone who needed to experience everything for himself. You could tell him not to enter a cave as a bear awaits inside, and he would ignore you and go in to witness for himself. Hence, Stiles and I knew that he wasn't going to listen to us.
After a horrible day of classes, Stiles and I had decided to spend the rest of the day at his house. We wanted to have a date, even if it was inside the confines of his bedroom.
However, Scott had interrupted our time. He argued that Kira needed to get her phone back as she had some pictures she didn't want anyone to see.
We were meeting them in the parking lot of the police station.
I sighed as my boyfriend parked the jeep, seeing Kira and Scott getting off his bike.  "Okay, this one will get you into all of the perimeter doors, this one into the evidence room, and this one it is for my father's office." He started handing the key cards while I glared at my brother.
"You didn't steal these, did you?" His gaze shifted from his best friend as he saw my expression. "Why are you-."
"Date night, Scott." He offered me an apologizing look. I loved my brother. I truly do. But our date nights were always interrupted by the supernatural. We never had time for ourselves.
"No. I cloned them using the RFID emulator." I giggled.
"Is that worse than stealing?"
"It's smarter," I added, grasping Stiles's hand.
"Okay. So, now almost everybody's out dealing with the blackout. But there's always somebody at the front desk. There's Dispatch and usually a night shifter or two. You guys are gonna use the service door entrance by the dumpster. All right? Nobody uses it. Now, I'll text you if anyone comes out. But, Scott, if you get caught, I can't help you. My dad's under investigation for an impeachment because of your dad, so, if anything happens I will run and leave you both for dead." I tried to contain my chuckle as Kira breathed deeply. She seemed to think that it was just a joke.
"Got it. Thanks. Seriously, dude." He stared at me. "I'm sorry, baby sis." He pouted. I nodded my head, offering him a smile.
"I'd ask my dad, but you know..."
"No, I know. I get it."
"All right, just, uh, hurry up." As we saw both of them leaving, we sighed. "Should we make-out while they-." I slapped his arm playfully. "What? They are the ones in danger, not us."
A light blinded us. I attempted to push Stiles back as his lips were moving against mine, his tongue lapping my lower lip. "Swiles-." I shoved his chest, and he quickly departed from me, asking with his eyes if everything was okay. "Look."
We had been blinded, by Rafe McCall's car. "Fuck." We quickly opened the doors of the jeep. "Let's go, let's go!" Running as hard as we could, we were able to stop my sperm-donor from entering his office. "Hey, hey. Wow! Thank God you are here. Oh, boy! Thank the lord."
The man glanced at the two of us. "What do you want, Stiles?"
I gulped, squeezing Stiles's hand. "I was just...I was thinking on the case. I was thinking I should clue you in on my thinking. Here's my thinking." He swallowed. Both of us were hoping for Scott to notice that our father was here. "I was thinking this...I was thinking that Barrow, right? I was thinking that Barrow received the information about who to kill at the school, right, you know that? So I was thinking maybe the person who gave him that information, check this out, might actually be someone at the school. And that's, uh, my thinking." His free hand gently tapped Rafe's chest.
"You're right." He nodded his head.
"He is?" I asked, surprised.
"Yep. We, uh...We started looking for links between Barrow, faculty and students last night."
"So you already, then, know that stuff?" Stiles smiled nervously. "You already thought of that."
"Your dad did."
"His one useful suggestion." He spat as he used his car key to unlock the door of his office.
"You know," My boyfriend moved to stand in front of him, dragging me with him as our hands were intertwined. "This attitude that you have toward my dad? You can dress it up to all the professional disapproval that you want. But I know the real reason why you don't like him.
Rafe smirked. It was my time to calm my breathing, not wanting my eyes to flash. "Is that so?"
"Yeah. Because he knows something that you don't want him to know. And guess what." I was intrigued by Stiles's words. "I know it, too."
His face visibly paled. "Go home, Stiles. T-There's a curfew." He peered at me. "You and I need to a talk." His finger was too close to my face.
Before I could bite his finger off, my boyfriend had taken me away from there. Promptly, we were in a club, and everything was due to the key Stiles had found in his locker. But why here?
The four of us had gotten separated, and I ended up finding Lydia. "Hey," I screamed a little, hoping she would hear me. "What are you doing here?"
She made a gesture with her head, and I saw Aiden not too far from us, dancing with two other girls. "You?"
"Came with Stiles, Scott and Kira." I rested my hand on top of the bar. "But I lost them." I offered her a smile. "And to be honest, I don't feel good. I feel like I can't breathe." She furrowed her eyebrows. "You are going to think I'm crazy but," I glanced around. "I think someone is looking at me all the time. It's not a good sensation. It's bad, really bad." I saw a shadow, which disappeared as quickly as I noticed it. "Uhm, I need to get out of here." My hands were clutching the collar of my shirt, attempting to separate it from my throat as I felt my breath getting cut.
I was sweating, making my way through other sweaty bodies. The difference between us was that my sweating was out of fear.
I ignored Lydia's calls, exiting the party after finding a balcony. I slammed the doors behind me, taking a deep breath. My shaky legs brought me closer to the rail of the balcony, clutching it.
Hearing a strange noise, I twisted around. There was a black mist on the floor, and I gulped as I saw a hand coming out of it. Until the same shadow that I had seen back at the party, appeared again. It was completely black, except for its face. It seemed like it was wearing a mask.
I shifted, thinking of running to the other side. But I was only met by that adumbration again. Scream. They will hear you. But as soon as I did, the hand of the dark figure ended up in front of my mouth, shutting me up completely, muting me.
Its other hand rested on my cheek, and his yellow eyes seemed to turn green.
When I opened my eyes, Lydia was lying on the floor beside me, unconscious. Danny and Aiden were talking to us, asking what was going on. Lydia was grabbed by Aiden while Danny held me, getting both of us inside the club as we were freezing.
That's everything I remembered.
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Stiles had been quite worried as soon as he knew I was attacked by something that Mr. Argent had described as absolute darkness. He spent the entire party in search of me, almost having a heart attack when he saw me being held by Danny.
"Okay, so this girl at the party starts talking about phosphors and the key having chemicals on it, right?" We followed Stiles to the classroom where we discovered about Kira being the target. "And so that made me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in..." He stopped in front of the blackboard. "It's gone. Okay, it doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter. I've still got the key." He glanced down at his keys, searching for the one he wanted. "What the hell? I had it. I had it here. I had it here this morning, I swear to God, I had it this morning."
"The key you were talking about last night?" My brother asked.
"Yeah, I showed it to you, right? Didn't I show it to you?"
"No, you just told me about it. I never actually saw it."
"But I did saw it," I added. "I was there when the key fell from your locker."
"I was here a couple of hours ago. And the message left to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right there on the board in my handwriting, and I had the key to the chemistry closet." His breathing was shaky.
"So you unlocked the chemistry closet, so Barrow could hide in it from the cops and then you wrote him a message to kill Kira?"
Stiles shook his head, attempting to calm his breath. "I know how it sounds. But look at this. This is the news report that came out about Barrow when they caught him, okay?" He showed us a piece of paper. "About the shrapnel bomb that he used. See this? See what he did? He put nuts, bolts and screws. And then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a birthday present. What does that sound like to you?"
"Coach." We realized. "The joke we played on Coach."
"That was my idea. You remember?" My boyfriend glimpsed between both of us. "That was my idea. That's no coincidence. It can't be."
"I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tell you that you're wrong." My brother started to answer his friend, but I quickly interrupted him.
"I don't think you're trying to kill people." I knew Stiles. I knew everything that went through his mind.
"It was here." He squeezed the paper between his hands while his eyes were focused on the blackboard. "It was all here."
My brother and I glanced at each other. "Stiles baby, are you feeling okay? You're looking really tired."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping really."
"Why don't we go home?" I pleaded. "Take a sick day or something."
The next day was a mess. Stiles was more anxious than the habitual, looking around all the time as if he was waiting for something or someone. Scott seemed to be hiding something from us. But as soon as I asked him, he argued that 'I shouldn't worry'.
I was biting my lower lip while one of my hands rubbed the palm of one of Stiles's hands. We were in the hospital, his entire body shaking violently. "Blackouts. But not for that long. And sleepwalking, which I used to do a lot as a kid." Melissa was taking notes of everything the boy was telling. "Um. Also having some really bad anxiety."
"Panic attacks?"
"Yeah, a couple. Oh, and I temporarily lost the ability to read. But that might have had more to do with this giant magic tree and a whole human sacrifice thing." Melissa smirked while shaking her head. The Stilinski boy squeezed my hand.
"I recall something vaguely about that, yes." I sat down next to the boy. My chin resting on his shoulder while my free hand rubbed his entire back in serene patterns. "How many hours of sleep are you getting?"
"A night?"
"In the last three days," I reckoned, knowing he was having trouble to sleep.
"Been feeling irritable?"
"Yeah. Possibly to the point of homicide." Stiles looked quite sick. His skin paler than ever, and the dark circles under his eyes were starting to become scary.
"Inability to focus?"
"No. The Adderall's not working."
"Impulsive behaviour?"
"More than my usual? Hard to tell."
"Vivid dreams during the day?"
"Okay, basically all of the above. Do you know what this is?"
"I think so." Melissa came closer, holding a needle. "Do you trust me?"
"When you're not holding a needle."
"It's Midazolam." She rolled up his t-shirt, rubbing some alcohol with a pad. Then, she injected him. "A sedative."
"Why'd you give me a sedative?"
"Because you, Stiles, are one profoundly sleep-deprived young man." I got up from the bed as Mama McCall made a gesture with her head. "You need rest, and you need it now. Lie down." Her hands softly pushed Stiles to lie down on the bed.
"Okay, how long does it take to-." His eyes became droopy. "Oh. Not long at all."
She placed the blanket over the sleep-deprived boy as his eyes seemed to fight to stay open. "Get some rest." She whispered while my hand caressed his hair.
Both of us got surprised when the hazel-eyed boy gripped Melissa's hand, squeezing it. "Thanks, Mom." We looked at each other, aching for the boy that was now lying on the bed with his eyes closed.
"He is alright?" I gulped, fingers gently caressing his hair and forehead.
"You can stay in the room, okay?" She kissed my cheek. "He just needs to rest. Nothing to worry about." I thanked her, hugging her and loving the feeling of her arms around me. "If you need anything, let me know."
I must have fallen asleep, sitting on the chair because when I woke up, Stiles wasn't on the hospital bed. I ran out of the room, looking everywhere until I found him in a dark empty room.
"Stiles?" His back was turned to me. But as soon as he heard my voice, he swung around. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, fine." His eyes had seemed darker than before. However, it must have been the light of the room as they quickly went back to their usual colour. "Let's get out of here, sweetcheeks. I'm tired."
Sweetcheeks? What was that?
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My sweet dreams were interrupted as my body was shaken forcefully. I shifted, changing positions in my bed, attempting to ignore whoever had dared to try and wake me up.
"Wake up." The voice was quite familiar. "Please, wake up." I groaned when I recognized the voice of my brother, trying to move away from me. "Baby sister, please."
"Scott, let me-."
"Stiles is missing." That was it. I immediately sat down on my bed, eyes wide open as I scrutinised my brother's features in the dark. "He called me. He was crying. He made me promise not to tell Noah or you, but I had to inform you." My eyes were moving around his face, feeling dizzy. "He doesn't know where he is, but he said it looks like a basement and-." His hands squeezed my arms. "There might be someone with him."
I got dressed while shaking. We had decided to go to Stiles's house, break into it.
"How did you know? Did he call you too?" Scott asked as we entered my boyfriend's bedroom, finding Lydia and Aiden.
She shook her head, explaining that she had heard it while Aiden added not to ask how, as we would get even more confused. "Not as confusing as this." The strawberry blonde girl made a gesture with her face.
"He uses red for unsolved cases." I gulped, seeing the red threat punctured in his bed. It looked like someone had made that on purpose. Maybe Stiles Stilinski wasn't just sleepwalking.
"Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case?"
"Or is an unsolved case." Isaac added. Scott had asked him to come with us. He seemed as worried as us.
"Hold on." Lydia turned around to glance at us. "Is he still out there? You don't know where he is?"
My brother glanced at me, noticing the state I was in. "He said he was in an industrial basement somewhere. We came here to get a better scent." His fingers reached out for mine. "Something's wrong with his leg. It's bleeding. And he's freezing." I felt my eyes getting teary.
"Tonight's the coldest night of the year. It's going to drop into the 20s." Aiden replied, receiving a glare from me.
"What did his dad say?"
My brother shook his head. "He made me promise not to. We can find him by scent. If he was sleepwalking, he couldn't have gotten far, right?"
"H-His Jeep is gone," I mumbled, deciding to speak for the first time. "And he is hurt and freezing." My hands went to my hair, tugging on it. "And this is my fault because I was going to stay with him, but he said he didn't want to keep me awake and I just went home, and I should have stayed and-."
"Breathe." Lydia had grabbed my cheeks, wiping my tears. "He is Stiles. He is going to be alright. We are going to find him."
"You guys remember she gets these feelings when someone's about to die, right?"
I glared at Aiden. "Can I fucking kill him myself?" I asked while trying to get closer. Isaac was quick enough to stop me. "No, let me fucking kill him right now. Maybe Lydia felt me killing this ass-."
"Okay okay." My brother tried to calm everyone down. "Let's find Noah."
And we did.
Noah was trying to control his breathing, and I felt stupid as I couldn't control my feelings. Tears, running down my cheeks. "Come on. If his Jeep is gone, that's where we start." He glanced at another officer that was sitting behind his desk. "Parrish, let's get an APB out on a blue 1980 CJ-5 Jeep." Another officer. "Cordova, I want a list of any kind of industrial basement or sub-level of any building that he could've gotten into while sleepwalking. It's the coldest night of the year so far. So If he's out their barefoot in just a T-shirt, he could already be hypothermic. Let's move fast. Let's think fast. The three of you, come with me." We went inside the office as he closed the door behind himself. "Okay. Is there anything you need to tell me that I can't tell anyone out there?" He made a gesture with his arm, asking me to walk closer. As soon as I did, we hugged each other tightly. "We are going to find my son. We are going to find him." I nodded my head against his chest.
"Lydia knew he was missing."
"Can she help find him?" His hand rubbed my back. Noah Stilinski's son was missing, and here I was being comforted by him when we should be comforting him.
"Well, she's working on it."
"Anything else?"
"I called Derek and Allison for help."
Before Noah could speak again, the door of his office was opened by another officer. They had found Roscoe. They had found Stiles's jeep. However, there was no trace of Stiles at the hospital. Derek had offered to go to high school, in case he was there. Scott had gone with Isaac, Lydia, and Noah in search of Stiles as Lydia seemed to believe that she knew where he was.
However, they didn't let me go as my body wouldn't stop shaking fiercely. But they wouldn't keep me away from the case as I wandered with Melissa to the station.
"What are you two doing here?" Rafe McCall asked as he eyed the two of us. His arm was in a cast as he had been hurt.
"My shift was over. I just wanted to see if I could help."
"And you?" He pointed at me.
"The missing person is my boyfriend." I swallowed. It burned to say those words. But it hurt, even more, experiencing them.
"That's why you shouldn't be here." He shook his head. "You are weak right now," His gaze was fixed on me. "Like Noah is. You both shouldn't be involved in a case like this one." He coughed. "It can affect the procedure of the investigation."
"Yeah, nice ted-talk." I nodded my head. "When are we leaving to go find Stiles?"
"You are staying here." He replied.
"You don't order me." Melissa tried to calm us down, but the fierce stare between us was burning.
"Didn't your father teach you to respect elders?" He spat. "Oh, you said he left, right? Did you give him the same attitude you give everyone? That false confident of yours won't bring you far." His gaze was firm. "Life won't treat you right if you behave like that."
"I don't know about my father." I spat back. "He is a coward and an asshole." I stepped closer to him. "You both seem to have things in common."
"It's not my job to teach you what respect is." He glared. "Your father did a terrible job with you."
My eyes were teary, not because of pain or being hurt. They were teary because my boyfriend was out there, hurt and freezing. And I was crying out of rage and disgust for the man that was my father. "You are going to talk about being a father?" I scoffed. "Didn't you leave Scott? You fled from here as soon as you could."
"You don't know anything about me being a father."
"I do," I added, shaking violently. Melissa clutched my arm, trying to stop me from getting closer to the man in front of us. "I know you are an excuse of a father." I nodded my head. "Yes, you are. Leaving as soon as you have an opportunity. Not only did you leave ONE pregnant woman." I spat. "You decided to move to another city and leave another unstable woman pregnant. And what did you do with Scott?"
"Y/N, please." The sweet voice of Melissa almost snapped me back from my rage.
"No!" I shouted. "He wants to know. Let's tell him." I shifted my gaze towards the man all over again. "For how many years were you there for Scott? Did you teach him things about man? Were you there the first time he felt changes on his body? Or when he had to shave for the first time? Where you there?"
"Listen here, you little-."
"Where you there for Alice?" He glanced at me, confused. "Alice O'Sullivan." His eyes shone as her name rolled out of my mouth. "Yeah, you know her. Of course, you do. She was an unstable woman with trust issues. Drugs and alcohol were her only friends. Then, you came along, a married man with a pregnant wife and you decided to convince her that you would leave your wife for her." Tears ran down my cheeks. "And you would travel from family to family, destroying both of them. And your daughter, you completely left her. She was only three years old."
"What are you-."
"You had the little girl's custody. You asked for it, but you were never there for her. And you know what? Her mother wasn't either." Melissa was caressing my back. "At the age of 5, she said her first word because her development was slower due to the situation at home. There was glass all over the floors because she had this funny game of drinking lots of alcohol and throwing the bottles at a wall." I nodded my head. "Yeah, it was funny for Alice. Especially when she made the little girl clean it while disgusting men that she didn't know went to the bedroom with her mom. And she heard these noises, and she didn't know what they were until she grew up."
"Did you know she would put out her cigarettes on her skin? She would burn her." I glanced at the floor, biting my lip. "Did you know she grew up without anyone? And there was no one to answer her curiosities. She had to learn how to shave with a youtube video, and she had to educate herself in every aspect of life." I gulped. "And when she grew up a little more and understood that her father was nowhere to be seen, she was informed that he had disappeared even though he had her custody." I finally stared at him. "And she had to move from house to house until she started living with a friend of her mom's. Thankfully, that woman was clean." I sniffed. "However, she had to go to Beacon Hills and live with his father's other family. She had to step into a family that wasn't her own. A family that had suffered because of the same man. Because Alice and her daughter were the second family."
"What are you talking about?"
"Yeah. Scott, at first, didn't want anything to do with her. And even though Melissa accepted taking care of the girl, she was hesitant, and when she looked at the girl, she saw her husband cheating and having a child with another woman." His eyes opened wide. "For if you are interested, that girl had to go live with Melissa because YOU had the custody and Miriam, her mother's friend was sick and couldn't take care of you daughter anymore." I never talked about the real reason that bought me to Beacon Hills. "And Miriam was desperate because you weren't answering your phone and she found Melissa and explained the situation." I smiled. "And she was sweet enough to take care of her ex-husband's other child."
I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm that little girl. Y/N McCall." I swallowed. "So yeah, I know how you are as a father and yes, my father," I pointed at him. "Didn't show me respect because he taught me nothing." I wiped my eyes. "Now, if you don't mind. My boyfriend is out there, and we need to fucking find him." I spat, walking towards the door. "Aren't you coming, dad?"
The ride car was filled, with a conversation between Melissa and Rafe, but I decided not to pay attention as my body was still shaking due to the worry I was handling.
An awful noise made me furrow my eyebrows as my eyes were set on the figure in front of me. "You don't understand, do you?" Its voice sounded distorted, and I wasn't sure if it was my mind playing tricks on me or if it was real. My body was shaking as I was freezing, and my eyes were teary. "It's a riddle. Do you know any riddles, Stiles?"
"A few." A mere whisper came out of my mouth, not having any strength.
"What gets bigger the more you take away?" It asked. Its back still facing me.
"A hole." I replied.
"What gets wetter the more it dries?"
"A towel." I wanted to cry. I wanted to get out of here and be at home. I wanted to be with my dad and my friends and Y/N.
"When is a door not a door?"
I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "When it's ajar."
"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it." He whispered. "What is it?"
"I don't-."
The monster in front of me exhaled. And as he slowly turned around, I quivered even more. "Everyone has it, but no one can lose it." He shuffled closer. "What is it, Stiles?"
"I don't-. I don't know." I forced my eyes shut.
"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it." Its walk was strange, and I tried to avoid glancing at it. My eyes fixed on the floor, squeezed shut.
It started speaking in a language I couldn't understand at first until I noticed that it was Japanese. I continued shaking while crying, biting my knuckles not to cry loudly.
"I don't know." I met its face. It was full of bandages. The only feature I could observe was his mouth. It was dark with sharp teeth. Was this just a nightmare? This couldn't be a nightmare. This had to be real.
"No, no." He grabbed the chain that had my leg in a trap, dragging me from my injured leg while I scream as loud as I could. I was going to die. I would never thank my dad for everything he did to me and apologize for how troublesome I had always been. I will never be able to thank Scott for being my best friend, even if he had never watched Star Wars. I would never see my other friends. I would never thank Melissa for being a mother figure and talking to me as if she was the woman who birthed me. I would never be able to thank Y/N McCall for appearing in our lives.
Y/N McCall.
I would never be able to do all the things that I wanted to experience with her. I would never be able to kiss her again. I would never be able to hear her voice. In this instant, I was forgetting the sound of her voice.
I was shaking, tears falling down my cheeks, not knowing what to do. I was just standing there, observing how Melissa hugged Stiles from the back, trying to calm him down as he screamed. Oh god, it sounded as if someone was torturing him.
After shouting for a couple of minutes, he noticed that Melissa was the one embracing him. It seemed like relief invaded his body as he acknowledged Melissa, falling unconscious in her arms.
She glanced at me. "He is okay, sweetheart. He is okay." Rafe glimpsed at me as he saw me trembling. "He is okay, Y/N." Next thing, I was in Rafe's arms as he had grabbed me from falling to the ground. Exhaustion and relieve invading me in welcoming darkness.
"Hey, hey." A voice whispered. I slowly opened my eyelids, seeing a white light on top of my face. I rapidly closed my eyes until they adjusted to the blinding light. "Hello there." Scott?
"Hi," I replied, rubbing my eyes and slowly sitting down on the bed. I was in a hospital room. "What am I doing h-." I interrupted my own words as I remembered everything that had happened. "Stiles?" I glanced around the room. "Is Stiles okay? Is he-."
"Ssh," My brother's fingers caressed my head. "He is okay. I'm here to bring you with me." The light entering the room made me guess that I had slept through the entire night and part of the early morning. "They are going to do some tests on him."
My heart stopped. "Why?"
"Just in case," He sighed. "His mother had some problems, you know." He nodded his head while licking his lower lip. "They just want to make sure everything is alright."
Following my brother through the corridors of the hospital, I ignored the looks I was receiving as I was wearing one of the pyjamas. Entering a room, I saw my boyfriend sitting down while ready to go on with the tests they wanted to perform on him.
When his gaze met mine, we quickly walked to each other. "You are okay," I affirmed, trying to hear the same thing coming out of his mouth. "Fuck, Stiles. Are you okay?"
His nose was on my neck, breathing me in and embracing me as tight as he could. " I am now." His voice was a little shaky.
"Stiles, just to warn you," The doctor turned around to glance at the boy. My boyfriend sat down while I offered Melissa and Noah a tiny smile. "You're going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It's due to pulses of electricity going through metal coils inside the machine. Uh, if you want we can get you earplugs or headphones."
"Oh, no, no," He shook his head. "I don't need anything."
"Hey, we're just on the other side of that window. Okay?"
"Okay." He hugged his dad as the three adults left the room. "You know what they're looking for, right?" He stared at my brother. Then, he moved his gaze to me, asking for me to get closer. I sat down on his lap. "It's called frontotemporal dementia." My brother and I were silent as tears invaded our eyes. "Areas of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers. And there's no cure."
My brother and I continued being silent until he wiped his tears. "Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something. I'll do something."
I saw both boys, deeply looking into each other's eyes, and I remembered what Noah told me the night at the school. Boys also needed time to talk and express their feelings. Therefore, I got up from Stiles's lap, kissing his lips softly. It was hard to depart from him, especially when he continued keeping closer and whispering that he was terrified.
When we were strong enough to depart, I let him know that I would be behind the window too. When I walked to the other room, both Noah and Melissa kept me between them. Mama McCall rubbing my back while my head rested on Noah's shoulder. "He will be alright," I whispered.
Our eyes filled with more tears as the two boys hugged each other. Stiles sobbed, and for the first time in my life, I prayed. I prayed for Stiles to be alright.
"I'm going to go to have something to drink." My brother informed, keeping his eyes on the window that separated us from Stiles. "Anyone wants something?" The three of us shook our heads. Scott walked closer to me, kissing my forehead. "Derek is outside," He whispered.
Seeing my brother leaving the room, I just sighed.
"See this? The tissue here and there." The doctor pointed to his computer screen. There was a part of Stiles's head that seemed a little more orange than the rest. "Both those spots are showing signs of atrophy."
"Atrophy." Noah gulped.
"I'm sorry."
The lights went out. But as soon as they did, they also came back. "What was that?" Melissa asked as we all glanced at the ceiling.
"It sounded like a power surge."
"Where's my son?"
I wandered closer to the glass, my hands resting on it. Stiles was nowhere to be found again.
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker - @brithedemonspawn - @weirdowithnobeardo - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @azayamari - @poguestyle17 - @bibliophilewednesday - @10minutesofscreentime - @momentitodebruh - @drikawinchester - @perrytheplatypus11 - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @linkpk88 - @royalreadery - @sweetest-serpent01 - @teenwaywardasgardian - @sadcupofcoffee - @maliyamay - @seninjakitey​ - @tairisceana​ - @thegirlwhoimagined​ - @mackingjj​  -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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the-final-sif · 4 years
My head produced a scene, basically what happens after the ending to my blue core Katsuki vs Overhaul post where Dabi captures Katsuki after Katsuki defeated Overhaul. The whole fight/fights were broadcast out, and the heroes get free too late to stop Dabi from taking the heavily weakened Katsuki.
So, the LOV/PLF now have Katsuki. He’s still heavily weakened and injured, but they patch him up as best they can and he’s put on painkillers, which have the added benefit of keeping him hazy so escaping his harder for him. 
Aizawa is losing his fucking mind, as are a lot of class 1-A, but unlike before they have no leads on where Katsuki is, given that the league now has way more resources to keep him hidden.
Or at least, they think they have no leads.
Hawks, a double agent, is working on fixing that. Sort of. It doesn’t take him long to find out where Katsuki is. The league is wary about letting him have any information on the matter, but Hawks is a charmer and convinces them he just likes the kid and wants to be sure he’s okay.
Finally, Hawks gets down to where Katsuki is being kept. He’s meant to stay quiet so Katsuki doesn’t notice him. That was his plan anyways.
His plan did not involve a wide eyed Dabi being in the cell already.
Katsuki is high on painkillers, gaze bleary as he recounts his mother’s anger and blame after the last time he got kidnapped. His words are slurred and voice quiet, sad, weak. Towards the end of his story, he refocuses, red eyes seeming to see Dabi again, for just long enough for him to get out a single sentence.
“Guess you'd understand what that's like, huh Touya?”
And then he’s passed out. Leaving Hawks and Dabi both equally stunned and confused.
Dabi recovers first, pushing his way out of the cell almost in a frenzy, brushing past everyone else to get up to the roof. Desperate for fresh air and to be alone. He is not alone. Hawks is stunned for several seconds longer, but once he regains himself, once all the puzzle pieces fall into place, he’s surging after Dabi, frantic to not lose him. Not again.
When Hawks gets to the roof, Dabi is on the far side of it, sitting on the edge with his legs dangling off the side. The door was silent, Hawks was silent, Dabi is not looking at him. That doesn’t stop Dabi from speaking the moment Hawks pauses in indecision.
"I know you're there."
Throwing on a smile Hawks tries to play it off, stepping forward as if nothing is wrong. As if this doesn’t change everything.
"Hey, uh, sorry, didn't mean to intrude, I just saw you and you looked kinda upset-"
"Don't lie to me, spy. I know who you are. I know you heard him."
Hawks blood freezes, but Dabi's made no move to attack him, so he steps a little closer against his better judgment. He’s not afraid. How could he be?
"... So I'm guessing the kid got it right?"
"... Go away."
"That's a yes then."
Hawks is still a few steps back, and he's got so many mixed emotions but in the end, he's a hero. He does what he does best. Besides, there’s no way he could walk away from this. Not again.
"Listen, I don't know what hap-"
"Fuck off. I'm not doing this. I'm not someone you can save, Hawks. Don't waste your time. Just take the kid and go. I figured out you're a spy, your cover was blown, blah blah, so you didn't have any other choice but to cut your losses and save who you could."
Hawks' eyes soften, hesitation slipping away as he steps forward, hopping up onto the roof's edge to sit next to Dabi. They’re sitting too close together, but Dabi doesn’t try to move away despite his words. Both their gazes look out over the horizon as Hawks tone shifts to something regretful.
"I can't save him."
That gets Dabi to look at him, blue eyes angry and accusing.
"The fuck are you talking about? You could cut those damn chains and be gone before the damn alarm even sounds."
His words, an odd hostile vote of confidence, only serve to make Hawks' expression fall further into soft apologetic sadness.
"You’re right, I could do that, but I can't save him.” He pauses for a moment. “I figured out his location two days ago. I've been lying to the Commission about it since I found out. I’m going to keep lying to them about it."
Now Dabi just looks confused, eyes narrowed and face scrunched up as he tries to figure out Hawks’ game.
"Why the hell would you do that? What's stopping you from just taking his ass back to his shitty high school?"
Hawks' voice turned cold, eyes hallow. He looks more defeated than Dabi had ever seen him, which isn’t saying much. But he also looks more defeated than Touya had ever seen him, and that says a lot more.
"Because if I bring him back, if any hero brings him back, he won't be returning to UA. At all."
Then after a beat, almost as an afterthought, Hawks continued. There’s too casual a tone to his words, as if he’s on the news giving an update on a bad situation while trying not to let his mask break.
"The Commission saw the broadcast. Everyone did. Everyone saw a 16 year old unleash the equivalent of a small nuclear weapon in under 10 seconds. According to one of his classmates, the kid can do it with no real prep and a 12 to 24 hour recovery. No long lasting damage if the attacks are spaced out enough. After the Commission saw that, they gave me new orders."
It takes a moment for Dabi to process that. He's almost gaping at Hawks in horror and revulsion. Hawks doesn’t need to say what his orders are. Both of them already know what the Commission does.
"They can't- I mean I know they'd fucking try it, but UA wouldn't give up one of their best students. Fuck, that homeroom teacher of his wouldn't put up with that shit."
"His parents already signed the forms. Hardly took anything to convince them. UA has no legal ground to stop anything.”
Dabi tries a different approach, still unwilling to believe it.
"It wouldn't work. He's too old, you know how stubborn that damn kid is. I can tell you for a fact we aren’t gonna be able to break him, and they sure as hell won’t either."
"They can. They’ll make it work. One way or another.”
That’s all Hawks has to say, both of them know how true it is.
“The public wouldn’t-”
Hawks barks out a laugh, and it is an ugly, angry sound of resentment.
"They've got it all planned out, No matter what state he's in when he's recovered, the story is he got brainwashed by you lot and required a specialized recovery program along with extensive therapy. That excuses the personality change and sudden cooperation. UA can't do shit about it, even with their PR influence, they let the kid get kidnapped twice and the public is already upset with how they’ve handled him."
Hawks' gaze turns bitter and his voice is near venomous.
"The Commissions’ already got a new name picked out for him and everything. ‘Firecracker’ because they thought it'd ‘create positive associations’ and ‘make him more marketable to children’."
Both of them need a moment after that. Dabi looks away, furious now. Hawks takes a deep breath and gives him a watery grin of helplessness.
"Like I said, I could get the kid out of here, but I can't save him."
Dabi takes a deep breath too. Then another. His anger focuses, turning from unfiltered rage to a targeted fury. He knows what Hawks was saying now. Knows just how this story goes. How it’s already gone. But things are not the same as they were back then, and Dabi is sick of this fucking story.
"Alright. So, the kid can't go back until those fucks are out of the way. We're sitting on the roof of a fucking villain organization that's already trying to bring down the government. I'm one of it's fucking commanders. That’s not a problem. Or at least it won’t be for very long."
For the first time since he got the orders, hope sparks in Hawks' chest, and it's his turn to be wide eyed. If it was anyone else- anyone in the fucking world, there’d be no way. But this isn’t just anyone. This is Dabi. This is Touya. But doubt still taints his voice.
"I- It's not just one person. It's dozens and dozens, and they're all heavily protected.”
"So? We aren't one person either. There's a whole damn army here waiting to go."
Hawks bites his lip, but the hope only grows stronger. He used to have dreams of getting free. Of ending the people who trapped him here. It’d been a long time since he had those dreams. They’d been foolish, he had no where else to go but his pretty gilded cage. Nobody to turn to. No help, no savior. But that wasn’t true, maybe it never really had been. He’d gotten a feeling that someone had been bailing him out when he’d almost slipped up a few times as a double agent. Maybe someone had been.
"Will the kid be safe here in the meantime? This won't happen quickly. Even with all the resources in the world."
Dabi considers it, well and truly, before he nods firmly.
"Yeah, it'll be a pain to actually keep him here. Word going around is that he's a little escape artist. But Tomura's not gonna hurt him, he’s given a standing no harm order and nobody around here’s stupid enough to go against that. I'll keep my eye on him too. Just in case."
Then he pauses, plans taking shape in his head, growing and spinning, forming more completely.
"All we'll need from you is names and faces. We need to know who needs to go."
It's terrifying, it’s the wrong choice, it’s a stupid idea, but Hawks nods in agreement after a few seconds of internal debate. He wouldn't under any other circumstances- but fuck. He can't let them do what they did to him to someone else. He just can't. Hawks wants out of his cage, and he sure as fuck isn’t letting them drag another kid into it.
“I- I can do that. Give me a day to get everything together, I don’t know all the names, but I can get code names if nothing else.”
Dabi nods once more to affirm the plan, and the two of them sit in silence for a few more heartbeats, unsaid word lingering between them. It's Dabi who breaks the silence, an uncharacteristic softness to his voice.
"God, I can't believe you finally find out my name, and what, fucking five minutes later we're already back on our bullshit."
Hawks laughs, but this time it's light and childish like it used to be. Like it should be. He kicks his legs out, stretching out his wings behind him.
"What can I say? There was a reason the Commission hated it when I hung out with you, isn't that right Touya?"
It brings back memories Dabi had been suppressing for months now, pretending that they meant nothing to him, even as he let Hawks into the league, covered for him, erased camera footage and lied to protect him. He can't help but laugh too. His laugh is raspy from years of smoke and burned lungs. Hawks can’t help but take joy in hearing it again.
"I supposed so. You really haven't changed at all Keigo."
It's the first time in nearly 10 years Hawks heard that name, and it makes him grin ear to ear, silly and open and feeling comfortable like he hasn't since the last time he was called that. The last time he was Keigo.
Dabi takes another deep breath in and then twists to hop back onto the main part of the roof, pausing to meet Hawks' eyes with a long lost mischievous grin on his face.
"Come on slowpoke, we've got shit to do."
It’s not the first time he’s been called that. It’s the first time in a long time, but it’s just like every time before.
Just like every time before, Hawks' wings flutter in indignation (Touya was the only one who ever called him that, because he thought it was ever so funny how affronted Keigo got, so much so that no matter how fast he got, Touya refused to let it drop).
“You are the worst.”
Hawks grumbled, rolling his eyes as he hopped to his feet, snagging Dabi's hand to tug him back towards the door. Dabi is laughing at him again, but Hawks can't find it in himself to be actually annoyed.
How could he be? For the first time in too many years, he had his Touya back with him. He was allowed to be Keigo again, even if it was only for a short period. And for once, he had a feeling that things might be okay after all.
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neakco · 3 years
The Lost Temple Ch.3
Ao3 First Prev Next Masterlist
Tim and Marinette are captured by the enemy. At least they don't have to search for them anymore.
Ch.3 That's One Way...
Tim didn’t say much for the rest of the night. What is someone supposed to say when your told the entire universe will end?
After quietly making their way back to camp he watched her start on breakfast so he decided to make an attempt at coffee. He let himself get lost in thought as the water boiled, this was no longer a reconnaissance mission. Even without reporting back he knew that it was his duty to help save the world. There was no way he was going to make it home before the paperwork piled up again, he really wished Bruce would pay attention to his civilian work every once and a while.
He was distracted from his thoughts by an amazing smell. Looking up he could see that Marinette was cooking pastries. He looked around to make sure they were still in the jungle. How, just how? She was making more from scratch while others cooked over the fire.
Tim shook his head and focused on pouring his now boiled water into a French press while he let his thoughts wander back to the mission.
He knew he had to tell his friends something but Bart was loud. As long as there was a chance the enemy didn’t know what they were searching for. It wasn’t a large chance, especially since he was never that lucky.
It was still enough of a chance though that he didn’t want to risk informing Bart.
In the end he just asked Kin to casually sweep the ground to see if he was able to spot anything unusual. When asked why he casually answered that if they could find what the target was looking for first then they could go home that much sooner.
Marinette and Adrien both looked a bit surprised that he hadn’t told his friends everything. He did wonder how Adrien even knew she had told him but filed it under his ‘children of gods' theory. Less of a headache that way.
The rest of breakfast was filled with Bart's apologies for ever hating croissants and the revelation that Kon had never tried any French pastries before.
Adrien had tried to stop him from admitting this but he was too late. Marinette had already adopted Kon into her abused children club and sworn that she would bake him at least one of every pastry in existence after the mission was over.
She was still describing different mouth watering treats when Adrien finally shook her and reminded her that the mission came first.
Tim laughed while helping clean up as Marinette kept pouting cutely and muttering about noting being more important than good pastries.
Finally they split up to start their search. He made good time with Marinette despite her odd stops to check plants. Maybe it was a weird tracking habit.
They had been at this for awhile and he had just looked up to check for dropping snakes when Marinette tackled him to the ground. Before he did more then break the fall she had shoved sunglasses on his face, removed and hidden his Cape and had somehow pulled a long sleeved shirt over his head. He was actually impressed albeit a tad confused.
“Sorry" She whispered directly into his ear. “Don’t want our targets to know you’re a hero.”
“What..” He stopped as he picked up the sounds of several approaching voices. They were coming towards them in a semicircle and it was too early in the day for him to merge with the shadows.
Knowing it was probably pointless  he still swung Marinette onto his back and carried them as high into the trees as he could. Once high enough they flattened themselves as close to the branch as possible. Their only chance was to hope this group was stupid, but he doubted they would be that lucky. Their targets probably would have learned by now to keep an eye for jungle predators dropping on them from above, and they were easier to spot then a tiger.
It didn’t take long for the group of men to have guns pointed at them as the apparent leader gestured at them to climb down. They climbed down carefully and Tim just barely caught the small smirk and wink she gave him moments before hitting the ground.
In a blink she was a completely different person. Not only was she scared and rambling but she physically appeared smaller. His French was a little rusty but he was fairly positive she was rambling about getting lost and assuming they were a predator.
“Enough!” the leader yelled. Tim tried to act as startled and scared as Marinette. Pretty sure he failed, but it seemed to fool the men pointing guns at them.
“Tie up the tourists, we will release them once we have what we came for.” He paused and looked at his men, “Do any of you speak their gibberish?”
Marinette clung suddenly to Tim's arm and shook as if scared. He may have found it cute if he didn’t know it was all an act. It did give him a chance to act as if he was trying to be brave for her.
He swore internally as he realized he had been paying attention to Marinette instead of the threat. Thankfully he had been at least noting that none of them spoke French.
The apparent leader gestured to two of his group, “Drag them back to camp and toss ‘em in one of the cages, I will find a better solution tonight.”
As they lightly struggled against their captors to keep up the illusion Marinette started her panicked rambling again. “I really hope you can understand me. I vote we go along and escaped after we've learned what we need.”
Tim tired to make his voice sound scared as he responded in French, “Quick thinking, you have my vote. I'll contact the others when I can.”
She smiled to show she heard before bursting into quiet sobs. Tim was a little intimidated by her acting skills.
It was roughly an hour before their captors emerged into a clearing and tossed them into a cage at the far end. They were left bound as one of them men explained something about the boss’s orders and how the stupid tourists couldn’t even speak a proper language.
Tim waited until the men were out of earshot before activating the comm with his shoulder. “Marinette and I found the camp. Keep scanning the ground. We will join back when we can.”
He looked over to Marinette to see her analyzing the camp layout. There position was weirdly ideal for it. They had gotten lucky that the cages were on a small slope at the back.
He made sure to keep to French in case any of the men came to check on them. “So how did you know they were coming? I didn’t hear anything until after you forcefully dressed me.”
He thought he saw her cheeks colour but it was gone before she spoke.
“It wasn’t what I heard but rather what I didn’t.” a sly smile graced her face, “A quiet forest is a human filled forest.”
He blinked and listened. It was easy to hear the noises of camp, but there was no wildlife, not even birds.
“I can’t believe I missed that.” Some detective he was.
“Don’t feel bad, you work mostly in a busy city. It took quite a few wilderness adventures before Adrien and I learned that quiet always meant either humans or danger.”
There was a lot in that statement for Tim to try and unravel later, for now he had to focus on escape. He tapped the release on his wrist to loosen a knife and started to slice at the rope. He faltered briefly when he saw Marinette’s ropes fall behind her, untied and uncut. How did she?
The thought ended as she held out a long wire, “How good are you with locks?”
“A lock like this should only take seconds.”
Marinette smiled to herself, the lock would only distract his clever mind for a fee minutes. At least she could trust him not to bring it up until the were safe.
“Done.” She watched him creep forward before signalling to show it was clear.
Escape was slow. The whole operation was larger than she could possibly have imagined. So it took them longer than she would like to sneak past everyone in order to make it to the main tent. But make it they did.
Red Robin had led them expertly and with easy to follow hand signals . Sure she didn’t work quite as effortlessly with him as she did with her kitty, but Adrien and her had gone through Hell together.
Being Red Robin had only known her a day, he seemed to instinctively understand her. Or maybe he thought just similarly enough to her that they worked. They didn’t even exchange words as he stood watch for her to search the tent.
As soon as the flap closed behind her Tikki flew out to help with the search.
“Marinette, over here.”
Tikki had found a torn document written in the language of the guardians. She carefully shoved it into her bag before glancing at the poor translation next to it. After a brief moment she decided to leave that since it didn’t actually contain any useful information and snuck back out.
She quickly nodded to let Red know she had what she needed and he started to led them back into the jungle. She was happy to let someone else take the lead as she let her thoughts wander. Honestly with an operation this large they were lucky that the temple hadn’t been found yet.
It was three silent hours before they found their way to camp. Marinette was finally starting to feel the results of her sleepless night and wished she could take a nap. She had to share what she had found, Red Robin had been more than patient with her and her secrets.
Tim watched Marinette call Adrien over to their makeshift table. He was expecting them to discussing things among themselves first, so he was actually taken off guard when she took hold of his hand to pull him over.
“I know your mission is only supposed to be reconnaissance, but Adrien and I would really welcome the extra help.”
He watched as Adrien flattened the stolen document out. He leaned closer to try and make it out but saw that it was in some unknown and possibly ancient text.
Marinette waved Bart and Kon over and waited until everyone was settled before speaking.
“According to the translation I saw, our target believes they are looking for an ancient treasure guarded in an old temple.”
That isn’t quite the case.” Adrien point out a passage, “This actually translates roughly to ‘That which even gods fear.’ Not treasure.”
Tim could see the grim looks on the duo's faces.
Bart looked surprised, “You can read this?”
“Impulse, don't just ignore that these people are going to unknowingly unleash something bad.” Kon turned towards the duo accusingly, “but you already knew that, didn’t you?”
“Actually, no. Even after reading this we have no idea what the temple is guarding. We only know the temple was lost.” Adrien shrugged.
Tim looked closely at the two, once again suspicious and looking for any sign of deceit. “How did you know about the temple?”
Marinette sighed, “The monks sent us.”
“Threatened us.” Adrien corrected. Tim saw her glare before deciding to ignore him.
“The monks hail from a sister temple with their own well guarded secrets. They tasked us to go rescue the treasure.”
Adrien gestured to the paper, “This is written in their language.”
Tim could observe some anger on both their faces before it was gone with Bart's appearance in their space.
“You were threatened? But you two are so awesome.”
Adrien was laughing too hard to answer, Marinette looked at him briefly with concern and Tim remembered what they had said about laughing. That couldn’t be good.
He was about to ask if the blonde was okay when Marinette spoke, “We were unofficially inducted into their order by a rogue monk that believed he was the last. The currant group don’t  really like that they can’t remove us or make us follow their rules.”
Adrien's laughter died away suddenly, “We do this for them and the leave our loved ones alone. My girlfriend…” He trailed off as his eyes misted up.
“and my grandparents.” Marinette finished looking just as lost.
The heroes were all silent, this was a lot bigger than they thought.
Tim blinked in surprise as the pair's words fully settled. He would have bet money that the duo were dating. They had affectionate nicknames and absolutely no boundaries.
Kon looked to him and the duo which snapped Tim back to the problem at hand, “What's our plan?”
Tim spared only a small glance to Marinette before smiling confidently. “We find the temple first.”
Taglist @toodaloo-kangaroo
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12 Days of Danganronpa; Day 2: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Reader
Christmas at the Kuzuryu manor was always the same; the staff would make the food, then leave to their own families while Peko, Natsumi, Fuyuhiko and their parents would sit and eat. After the dinner, they would exchange presents to each other, then return to their separate activities. 
This year, however, would be different. You would be spending Christmas dinner at the Kuzuryu manor, and you weren’t the only one nervous.
“Peko! Make sure the cleaning crew gets every inch of the house!” The Ultimate Yakuza called to the swordswoman as he fixed a crooked painting that was hanging on the wall. “This place has to be fucking spotless when Y/N gets here, you got that?!”
“Understood, Young Master.” Peko responded, bowing at the waist before heading off further into the house.
Fuyuhiko looked frantically around the house, nervously fixing any little thing that seemed out of place.
“Jesus Christ, Fuyuhiko, will you calm down already? You’re freaking the hell out.” Natsumi complained from a doorway. “You’re going to scare your girl away before a messy house does.”
Her brother turned to glare at her. “Oh, shut the hell up, Natsumi!” He snapped, clenching his fists. “What do you know?!”
The younger Kuzuryu crossed her arms. “More than you, clearly!” She retorted. “Y/N doesn’t give a shit about the house. She cares about you, dipshit. The look on her face when she looks at you makes me sick.”
Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes and turned away from his sister. “Whatever.” He muttered. “I just wanna make sure she feels welcome. That she knows I care about her.”
The self-proclaimed ‘Ultimate Little Sister’ raised a brow. “And polishing the house until it’s blinding is gonna prove that?” She asked. 
The Yakuza heir paused, his hand on the mantle midway from brushing off dust. 
Natsumi snorted and shook her head. “Just relax, Fuyuhiko. Y/N’s nice. One of the few people I can actually bear being around.” She smirked. “If she won’t break up with you for your personality-” Fuyuhiko shot her an annoyed glare, causing Natsumi to chuckle before she continued. “-then she won’t leave you if there’s a speck of dust out of place.”
Fuyuhiko sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I just...I really like this girl, Natsumi.” He muttered quietly. “She’s the first person to take the time to get past the fact I’m a Yakuza and get to know me. She...makes me happy. And I don’t wanna lose her.”
Natsumi gave the older boy a small smile and placed a hand on his shoulder. “And you won’t. Like I said, she’s crazy about you. I don’t think there’s anything you can do to get her to leave your crazy ass.”
The short boy chuckled and looked over to his sister. He opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the sound of the doorbell going off. This caused Fuyuhiko to stiffen, and Natsumi snorted. 
“Looks like she’s here.” She informed Fuyuhiko with a smirk as Peko made her way to the front door. The younger sister looked to Fuyuhiko, then ran her finger over the mantle. When it came back with dust on it, she chuckled. “You missed a spot.” She teased, then ran the dust covered finger on Fuyuhiko’s shirt.
“Hey, what the fuck?!” He exclaimed as his sister quickly dashed away. He let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hand over his face as he turned towards the front door. There, he saw you moving back from a hug with Peko. The Yakuza tugged at his shirt collar before approaching the entrance. 
You smiled at Peko as you parted from the hug. “It’s great to see you, Peko.”
“And you as well, Y/N.” Your friend greeted you, smiling softly at you. “You look wonderful today.”
“Yeah, you look, uh...beautiful, Y/N.”
You and Peko both turned your heads at Fuyuhiko’s voice. You beamed when you saw your boyfriend, and you quickly made your way over to him, throwing your arms around the shorter boy. “Fuyu! Hey, babe!”
The baby faced gangster slowly returned the embrace, his cheeks flushing a light pink. “Hi, Y/N.” He greeted you as you parted from the hug. “It’s nice to see you.”
You giggled and looked around the house as Peko closed the door. “Wow, this is a really nice place, Fuyuhiko! Really neat, too.”
“Heh, thanks.” Your boyfriend smiled softly and reached his hand out to take yours. You happily accepted it, placing your hand in his and allowing him to lead you towards the dining room. “I hope you’re hungry. The staff was working all day preparing dinner, and there’s a lot of it.”
You looked over the table and saw enough food to feed an army. You snorted. “Dang, I didn’t know there was that much food in the country.” You teased.
Fuyuhiko chuckled. “Yeah, well, they always do end up making too much.” He explained as he pulled your seat out for you.
You smiled gratefully up at him as you sat in the chair and he pushed you closer to the table. He then took his seat beside you, and it wasn’t long until Natsumi and Peko joined as well, taking their seats at the large table. You looked around at the two empty chairs and frowned as the others there began to get ready to start eating. “Um, wait, what about your parents?”
There was an awkward silence.
Peko cleared her throat and looked sadly at you. “Uh...They haven’t joined us for Christmas Dinner for a few years now.” She informed you quietly.
Fuyuhiko and Natsumi both looked down at their plates, picking at their food.
You bit your lip and looked to your boyfriend. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine.” He interrupted you. “It’s normal here.”
“Mom and Dad are too busy with business to spend time with us anymore.” Natsumi spat out. “But hey, that’s just part of being a Yakuza. You’ll have to get used to it if you end up staying with Fuyuhiko.”
Fuyuhiko glared at his sister. “Shut the fuck up, Natsumi.” He snarled. “Just drop it.”
“Oh, well excuse me for warning Y/N that if she wants to be part of this family she’s gonna have to expect you to never pay her any attention!”
You watched as Fuyuhiko’s face turned an angry red. “Fuck you, I would never do that to Y/N!”
“Young Master, Young Mistress, please.” Peko called to them both softly yet sternly. She glanced at you. “Save this for later.”
Natsumi humped and began eating her food, while Fuyuhiko shot you a glance before doing the same.
You tried your best to shrink into your seat and disappear.
What the hell had happened?
After a very awkwardly silent dinner, Natsumi immediately left to her room and Peko began gathering the dishes to clean. Fuyuhiko looked to you and sighed, grabbing your arm and pulling you down to his office.
“F-Fuyuhiko, I’m sorry!” You apologized as he closed the door behind him and ran his hand over his face. “I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I-I didn’t know-”
“I know.” He assured you. “I know you didn’t. It’s fine. It’s just...Our parents are a really sore topic, especially during the holiday season.” He scratched at the back of his neck and looked up to you. “It’s...part of why I was excited to have you over. New company, something to fill that void.”
You smiled softly, before it faltered. “And then I fucked that up by bringing up your family.” You muttered. 
Fuyuhiko quickly shook his head. “No, no no! You didn’t know, and it makes sense you’d be curious!”
“But Natsumi got so mad at me!” You argued.
“She wasn’t mad at you, regardless of how it looked. Trust me.” He assured you. “She’s mad at our family. When she calms down she’ll come and apologize to you in her own way. She likes you. She told me herself.”
That soothed your worry a bit, though you were still anxious. “Still...I’m sorry I couldn’t make Christmas better for you.”
Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes and scoffed as he walked closer to you. “Please, that dinner was honestly one of the tamer we’ve had.” He told you. “Just you being there made it way more bearable than it would’ve been otherwise.” He reached forward and grabbed onto your waist, pulling you forward flush against him.
You blushed lightly at this motion. “R-really? You sure?” You asked quietly.
Your boyfriend nodded, a grin on his face. “Yeah, I’m sure.” He brought a hand up to your face and lowered it to meet his. “Look, just don’t worry.” He snickered. “Damn, and I thought I was freaking out about this.”
You raised a brow. “You were worried?”
Fuyuhiko nodded. “Yeah. I was worried if everything wasn’t perfect, you wouldn’t want to be with me. And after that fiasco, I thought you’d wanna break up with me for sure. But uh, seeing how worried you are kinda resolves my fears.”
You couldn’t help but giggle knowing you had both been worried about virtually nothing. You placed your forehead on your partner’s, now fully relaxed. 
The shorter boy smirked and closed his eyes before smashing his lips against yours, placing a hand on the back of your head to deepen the kiss. You followed suit, closing your eyes and gripping his shirt.
You lost track of time for how long you had been there, but eventually Fuyuhiko pulled away to breathe. “So perfect~” He breathed out, and you giggled.
Suddenly a knock was heard. As you both turned to see who it was, the door opened, and there stood Natsumi. 
“Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt, but I...wanted to...apologize, I guess.” She murmured. “I was...out of line earlier.”
Fuyuhiko gave you a knowing smile, and you smiled at Natsumi. “That’s really nice of you, Natsumi, though it’s really fine.” You looked between both Kuzuryus. “Why don’t we go watch a movie or something? Try to be...a family.”
Ngl, not super happy of this one. Not used to writing for Fuyuhiko, and I didn’t have an entire story planned, so it’s not my best work. I normally wouldn’t post this, but I needed to post something, so forgive me if it’s not up to my usual standards. But I hoped you enjoy Day 2 of 12 Days of Danganronpa! Fuyuhiko received three votes, coming in second to last! Come back tomorrow to see who got one vote higher then Fuyu and Hiro!
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