#(and pain)
amariram · 8 months
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“I failed?”
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guillotine-girly · 6 months
A desolation avatar who is the embodiment of a blizzard, your car breaks down in the middle of a snowstorm, you exit calling out for help trying to see through the thick descending snow, you turn back, your car has been buried in snow and you cannot find it, everything you love and know has been buried in snow, encased in frigid ice and soon.
you will join.
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
“It always feels a little wrong when people say that he’s a good kid, because he had so many years where he wasn’t. But when Dick says it (when the Bats say it) it feels like they mean it. Like they really think it could be true”
Hey Erin, if you wanted to kill me you could have just run me over with a car you didn’t have to absolutely DESTROY me with three sentences ;-;
trust that this WITH context is going to feel equivalent to me obliterating you, resurrecting you, and then obliterating you again
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danksy-ns · 1 year
I’m holding them both so hard, thanks for existing
@tapakah0 @somerandomdudelmao
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isatohlee · 21 days
Victims of Circumstance
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squidwujun · 5 months
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bellysoupset · 1 month
Omg Max is such a sweetheart I loveee him!! Please can we get a part 2!!
She looked like Snow White, Max decided, as he sat in the little chair that was adjacent to Vince's dining table and separated his bedroom area from the kitchen.
Wendy was curled up in the bed, having all but blacked out the minute he dragged her inside of Vince's place. Max had found a mixing bowl and planted it on the ground next to her, managed to get a pillow under her head and well... That was it. He had no idea what else to do.
He had texted Vince, but the texts were marked as not received and Max didn't know if this was because Vince was driving or because he had no signal... Either way, Max couldn't just leave her.
On the bed, Wendy let out a groan and rolled on her side, curling up. Max was up in a second, unsure if he should step closer or not, so he just stood there in the most awkward way, whispering "Wendy?"
She stirred once more, the let out something close to a sob and Max couldn't just do nothing, so he tiptoed closer, crouching next to the bed, "hey..." he whispered, pushing the hair away from her eyes. Her face was scrunched up with pain, clammy with nausea as well, eyes squeezed shut, "you need anything?"
"Where- Where is Vin?" Wendy's voice was raspy, thick with tears she was trying and failing to keep at bay.
"He's coming," Max lied, hoping it wasn't a lie. He rubbed her arm, "can I-"
He never quite finished the sentence, because Wendy's bottom lip wobbled and she let out a pitiful sniffle, curling into a little ball and starting to openly cry.
"Shit, no, please don't cry..." Max planted a hand on her back, mentally cursing as she continued to sob like a family member had just died. Between her sobbing, though, Max could hear a mumbled mess of words, Vince's name and something about not being fair.
He was so not equipped to deal with this.
Under his hand, suddenly, Wendy's body jerked and Max heard clearly as a sob turned into a hiccup, followed by a whimper. He cringed, "hold on, I got you-" Max rolled her over the edge and brought up the bowl, holding it under her chin just in time to catch a thin dribble of vomit, "there you go..." he cooed and Wendy let out another small noise, more tears falling and causing his stomach to sink. Max was certain he was messing this up, he just hoped he wasn't hurting her.
Outside, he heard the roar of Vince's motorcycle, and Max's head snapped up, just as Wendy's let out an anguished noise and grabbed the pillow, smothering her face with it.
The door opened as Vince entered, carrying a bunch of groceries in one arm and his helmet in the other... Then he frowned, "what the hell?"
"Thank God you're-" Max cut himself short as his voice caused Wendy to whimper, reminding himself to lower it, "I don't know what to do," he whispered, gesturing to Wendy, while Vince dropped everything he was carrying on top of the couch and walked closer.
Max was very, very aware Vince was a big guy, but he hadn't truly seen him as threatening until this moment, as Monacelli towered over him with a big frown pulling his brows together and his lips down, arms crossed, "What happened?"
The blonde cringed, getting up from the edge of the bed quickly and moving away from the bed as fast and as much as the small room allowed him, "she's sick," he whispered, "I found her on the side of the road," a shorter version of the truth, "headache."
Vince's frown wasn't vanishing, but rather morphing into something different. He got closer to the bed, sitting on the spot Max was previously occupying, and touching Wendy's arm, "Wen? Honey?"
She whimpered and Max realized the frown now was guilt. Vince gently pulled away the pillow Wendy was trying to suffocate herself to death with, smoothing her hair as if she was made out of porcelain, "honey," he whispered, "how bad is it? Hospital bad?"
Wendy opened her eyes, the tears having glued her lashes together, "where were you?"
If Max wasn't right there — in the corner of the room, feeling like an intruder — he would've thought Vince got punched, judging by the look on his face. His voice cracked slightly as he said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm here now..." and leaned in, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "I'm gonna make it better."
He straightened up, letting out a breath, then stood up, "did she throw up?" Vince whispered, moving around the house. He wasn't making a single noise as he opened a dresser and got out a t-shirt and some shorts, throwing them on the bed, then returned from the bathroom with a hand towel soaking wet.
"Yeah, a bunch," Max whispered, wishing the ground would disappear and swallow him up, "back in the road when I found her and just now too..." and he still stunk like Monster Energy, oh yeah.
"She didn't drink any water?" Vince folded the wet towel and pressed it to Wendy's forehead. Her relieved sigh was audible. Max shook his head, feeling a wave of guilt.
"She seemed too nauseous so-"
"Okay," Vince wasn't even glancing his way, moving in a fury around the room, side stepping him and filling up a plastic bottle covered in glitter and stars with water. That was definitely not for adults.
He walked back to the bed, moving Wendy slightly so his hand was on the back of her head, propping her up against his chest slowly, "honey," Vince whispered, lips pressed to her temple, "I want you to try and drink some water, okay?"
"Noooo," Wendy turned her head, burying her face against her boyfriend's stomach, "not-not gon' stay down..."
Vince squeezed her a bit more, "we need to try just a little bit, sweetheart," he rolled her back, then waved his hand at Max, gesturing for him to come closer.
Eager to be useful, Max nearly tripped over himself, "yeah?"
"Drawer," Vince mouthed, pointing his bedside table, not making any sound. Max opened it, then looked at him quizzically, as Vince pointed a green and white bottle inside of it. He raised in front of the man's eyes and Vin nodded in approval, raising one single finger, before continuing to rub Wendy's arm in a soothing manner.
Max got one white pill in his palm, just as Vince said, "one big gulp for the meds and I'm going to let you sleep, okay Wen?"
She let out a little mewl sound, but whatever that meant Vince clearly took it an affirmation, because he took the pill from Max's hand, pushing it against Wendy's lip and then bringing the toddler bottle.
Max watched in apprehension, half convinced she was going to choke or puke it up, but Wendy gulped down the meds, then greedily took another gulp, before curling back up, pressing her forehead to the cold towel and going completely still.
What now?
The room was dead quiet and Max wanted to pace around, but he knew that wouldn't help, "I'm gonna go get her car," he whispered, grabbing Wendy's abandoned keys from the counter.
Vince's eyes snapped up, as if he had forgotten Max was there at all, then he nodded, the frown melting away for the first time since he had crossed over the threshold, a smile wrinkling his face and making Max realize he had vampy fangs, "thank you Max, really, thank you."
His stomach filled up with butterflies and Max cursed himself silently. So much for altruistic helping, uh?
"Yeah, uh-" his cheeks burned and he scratched at his beard, ready to bolt, "any time... I'll drop of her car and go home, alright? Unless you need anything?"
"No, we're alright... Thank you, man, I owe a big one."
"No, you don't," Max whispered, walking to the door, "but you do owe me a shirt, your girlfriend puked on mine."
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regulus: I wish you'd stayed
sirius: ...I wish I'd stayed too
Sirius: now I wish I'd stayed
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shyyuhh · 16 days
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head empty deadpool thoughts only
tumblr mightve lowered quality apologies
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arcsimper5 · 3 months
Headcanon time!
Pong Krell: Why is he such an a-hole?
Could it just be in his nature? Or is it something darker?
We know he's old enough to have been fully trained for some time.
Perhaps his Master was someone lost to the order... Maybe even one Sifo Dyas?
And when the clone army comes to light, well, his death was caused by their creation, in a sense. He blames the Clones for the death of his Master.
His anger towards them turns to hate. And he falls, all too easily.
Also because he's dumb and I hate him lol
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amsiib · 9 months
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that one tiktok trend w them </3
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Throuple pictures
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knightfire · 8 months
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The stage is finally set above Pentagram City for a musical “sparring concert”! Is Chance ready to get on Alastor’s level? (Probably not, but they’ll put on a hell of a show!)
(This is loosely inspired by the “Sparring Concert” short, with a couple of changes)
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A couple of detail close-ups 😄
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im-the-weirdo-one · 5 months
Me watching Dragons rising for the first time : Why did he say he couldn't be their master? Oh he probably just said 'I'm not fit'
Lloyd : I'm not skilled anough to be your master.
Me : I like your insecurities man.
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sunevial · 1 year
Mixed Heroes
A two-page ttrpg about saving the world, solving problems, and being mixed race. This was made in less than 18 hours out of pure, incandescent, white hot rage.
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Pick it up on my kofi! It's currently pay-what-you-want!
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spoiledmilks · 7 months
yayayay i did it i got many photos of dogs today i wonder how many-
over 300 photos
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