#(bc i brought a different one than my usual for this trip and BOY did my rosacea notice)
cyrassol · 11 months
man completely unrelated to DoL but if you've ever moved to a different country whose language you did not speak and were forced to use that language everyday CONGRATS IM SO PROUD OF YOU
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tossawary · 3 years
I need to know more about “SVSSS - Baby Brother Liu Qingge” bc I love tiny and very deadly baby LQG
I have a 3k-ish Shang Qinghua POV that was supposed to be the introduction to this fic concept! So... ah... baby Liu Qingge does not appear in this, but you can see the setup for how an 8yo-ish Liu Qingge was supposed to be introduced. My hope is that this will someday become a "Shang Qinghua and Shen Jiu go on a mission with Baby Brother Liu Qingge" one shot.
Shang Qinghua didn't really have the words to describe what it was like having Proud Immortal Demon Way's characters finally come into his second life.
He didn't have the words to describe a lot of his transmigration experience, honestly! His words had described a lot of this world already, haha, hadn't they? Sometimes a person just had to put up with it and keep going.
And then excuse himself later to go scream into a pillow! Many times!
At first, life was just him in a body that didn't fit and strange memories that slipped between his fingers like sand. His memories of a past life had settled eventually, the System finally came fully online, and his relationship with his second family was fully fucked forever. That was fine, though! That was fine! With some unsolicited prodding from his System, he left to go seek his fortune soon enough and he never had to talk to his character's birth parents or siblings again.
But Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky had never said much of anything about Shang Qinghua’s family or home village, besides saying that the man had dreamed of more than his mediocre origins, so everything had been unfamiliar and original and real. Getting to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, which he had described in great detail, was a real headfuck. There were no words for the experience of recognizing things that he’d written in another life.
He saw the glistening rainbow bridge and the intimidating sect entrance and the majestic meeting hall on Qiong Ding, and he nearly screamed. He definitely squawked. His vision got really fuzzy for a minute there and he had to sit down on the ground before he fell over. What the fuck?! What the fuck?! He’d made a world! The System had really made a world out of his web-novel! He was really stuck in Proud Immortal Demon Way!
There were upsides and downsides to joining Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. Downsides included: the hard training, the harder workload, the dangerous missions, the disrespect towards An Ding Peak, and being surrounded by arrogant and foolish teenagers looking to look down on someone. It was really something else to look some of them in the eye and think, "Bro, I don’t know your name, but you kind of owe your existence to me. Could you stop being such a fucking asshole about leaving your chores for me to do?! Respect your father!"
Upsides included: actually becoming a cultivator (pretty cool, even though the work of cultivation sucked more often than not), better living accommodations and food, and actually getting to see some of the cooler places, plants, monsters, and magic that were a part of his world. Sure, carting a monster corpse brought in by Bai Zhan Peak to Xi Jiao Peak for butchering was smelly and heavy and altogether miserable, but seeing an impossible animal was still kind of incredible. If this unwilling Shang Qinghua could stop being pushed around and stepped on long enough to appreciate the upsides, he’d really appreciate it!
It was interesting and infuriating to log the differences between what he’d imagined, what he’d written, and what the System had created. What sort of author described every single object in every single room? Who had time for that? Who wanted to read that? The System had filled in all the living details of An Ding Peak - the Leisure Houses, the training grounds, the storehouses, the warehouses, the kitchens, the lesson halls, the leisure gardens, the farming fields, the livestock fields, the stables, the cart lot, the water supply, the sewage systems, and so on - so that people could actually live here. Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky as an author had done many things worthy of complaint and criticism, but wasting his readers’ time with sewage systems was not one of them!
The System had also filled in all the little details and decorations - the paintings on the walls of sect history, the detailing on the rooftops supposedly offering protections from dream demons, the chipped and faded paint of old storehouses that disciples would be tasked with replacing, the statues in the fields to scare off scavengers, the carvings on the doors meant to reduce resentful energy, the childish etchings of bored students the surface of the lesson hall desks, the old bench where the An Ding Peak Lord liked to sit and eat flatcakes - so that it really seemed like people had built this place and maintained it and added to it for generations.
Shang Qinghua had his quibbles here and there. Sometimes the System had made choices that he objected to! He would have done it differently if it had asked him, the author, to contribute. He really felt as though the System should have asked him to clarify the plot holes and the gaps in detail, instead of choosing precedence randomly or building off random implications taken way too literally.
Sometimes he found out that the System had built things out of throwaway lines that Shang Qinghua himself had completely forgotten about. It turned out that Ku Xing Peak made a lot of purification tools and containment vessels because Airplane had offhandedly mentioned that this was their specialty, and now Shang Qinghua had to cart around delicate ceramics to be sold to city merchants or other cultivation sects. He never would have dared to write that if he’d known that it would one day in another life be his job to do things like take inventory and chase down signatures for successful deliveries.
Places, items, and creatures were one thing, but logging the differences between the people he met and the characters he’d created was something else. At first it was okay, because he was surrounded by nameless An Ding Peak nobodies - his fellow disciples, their teachers, the hardworking managers and merchants, even the peak lord - none of them had ever mattered in Proud Immortal Demon Way. If Airplane had been the one to name any of them, he didn’t recognize the names or remember them.
Then he met Yue Qingyuan.
Wow, it was a worse headfuck than first arriving at Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, when Shang Qinghua finally realized that this was the young version of one of his actual characters. It took him a minute. As a lowly outer disciple, Shang Qinghua hadn’t received “Qinghua” as a name yet (his name was Houhua, not that anyone ever used it) and the future Yue Qingyuan was still called Yue Qi.
Shang Qinghua was fourteen at the time. Yue Qingyuan must have been around the same age, so he didn’t strike the tall and handsome figure of the sect leader Airplane had described. The boy was broad, but actually a little short. He had freckles. He had acne.
But he also had a warm smile that seemed to go all the way to his eyes when he offered to give Shang Qinghua directions to the right office on Qiong Ding. He had a steady hand when he helped Shang Qinghua up, after the An Ding disciple had suddenly tripped over nothing upon being introduced. Yue Qingyuan - Yue Qi - walked him to the right office and did his best to make small talk, friendly and kind even though Shang Qinghua was having difficulty stringing more than a few words together in his shock.
Even then, it was obvious that the boy was developing the calm surety and the social charm that would make him a greatly admired sect leader someday! It was all Shang Qinghua could do not to blurt out: “Holy shit, you’re REAL?!” Which would be closely followed by: “Hey, is Shen Qingqiu really real too?!” And then maybe closely followed by: “FUCK!!!”
As the years went by, Shang Qinghua met more of Proud Immortal Demon Way’s characters, and it was weird every time. None of them were exactly like he was expecting. He kept expecting… well… he kept expecting them to look like the fanart, like flawless character models, more or less. Instead, he kept getting… people.
Wei Qingwei, head disciple of the sword-focused Wan Jian Peak, was also shorter than he was expecting, kind of stout, with a wide face and a wider smile. Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky had apparently had the man crack a few jokes upon his rare appearances in the web-novel, usually during tense situations, as he was reminded by the System upon thinking to himself: “Why is this guy LIKE THIS?!” So, because of just a few lines, the real Wei Qingwei had a relentless sense of humor and loved telling jokes.
Upon their first meeting, when Shang Qinghua was fifteen and had been sent over to help renovate some Wan Jian dormitories, fifteen-year-old Wei Qingwei had pretended to fumble a sword and, using a packet of dye and a sleight of hand, made it look like he’d accidentally cut off his own hand at the wrist. Of course Shang Qinghua had screamed and panicked! Anyone would panic! But Wei Qingwei had laughed at him and said, “Got you! Shang-Shidi, the sword wasn’t even unsheathed!” Asshole!
Qi Qingqi, the head disciple of Xian Shu Peak, was much taller than he was expecting. Apparently Airplane had once described a group of some of the peak lords by saying something like: “Each one of them was like a giant to young Luo Binghe.” That group had included Qi Qingqi. The System apparently had taken that to mean that Qi Qingqi was of a height with the likes of Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu. Shang Qinghua discovered this adaptational choice when he was almost sixteen, when this giraffe-like girl came to An Ding Peak to complain about an order someone along the pipeline had dropped completely, and he accidentally found himself (still waiting on a really good growth spurt) eye-level with Qi Qingqi’s chest.
Airplane had apparently once said in Proud Immortal Demon Way that Qian Cao Peak Lord Mu Qingfang appeared a little older than his colleagues, by which he’d probably meant that the man was just tired or something, but this head disciple Mu Qingfang appeared to have ten years on all the other head disciples. Which was good! Shang Qinghua approved of their future head healer not being a teenager and having more training!
On the bad side of things, Airplane had also once said in Proud Immortal Demon Way that the Zui Xian Peak Lord Zhang Qingyan liked his drink too much. This was the peak specializing in alcohol, so it had seemed to make sense! It was supposed to be funny, if anything! Well, at sixteen, Shang Qinghua found out that the System had focused too much on the “too much” part of that statement and now the head disciple of Zui Xian Peak was pretty clearly a budding alcoholic. (Sometimes a cultivator’s constitution and ability to “cure” themselves just… made a person drink more. A lot more.) Which was… not good.
At seventeen, Shang Qinghua met Mobei-Jun.
He didn’t know where to get started with Mobei-Jun.
Somehow he’d… forgotten that Mobei-Jun had been originally based on Airplane’s idea of “the perfect man” and not the super pretty, muscular but slim-waisted protagonist type? The real Mobei-Jun was… tall… and big… and thick. Mobei-Jun’s intimidating features were… more striking than pretty. The first time Shang Qinghua had come back to his Leisure House and found this spoiled brat of an ice demon napping shirtless on his bed, and gotten an eyeful of all that heavy muscle and chest hair, he’d nearly knocked himself out on the doorframe trying to turn away before he had a heart attack.
Mobei-Jun really was going to be the death of him, holy shit.
Especially because this ice demon really was a spoiled brat! Airplane had described this character as being arrogant and apathetic, so now Shang Qinghua had to deal with a Mobei-Jun who took long baths and then carelessly dripped water all over the floor and all over fresh sheets! Who ate all of Shang Qinghua’s cooking and ungratefully only demanded more food, sprawled over furniture not really fit for someone of his size, and then watched Shang Qinghua like a fat tiger! Ahhh, this demon really was lucky he was handsome!
Mobei-Jun was also kind of violent, and mean, which was… well, it sucked.
Back to the sect that Shang Qinghua was now actively betraying, however, as far as he could see, there was still one future peak lord missing.
It wasn’t Shen Qingqiu, who Shang Qinghua had thought would be the last one to show up. Shen Qingqiu had shown up and had been advancing through the ranks of Qing Jing Peak before Shang Qinghua had even met Mobei-Jun, which meant that Yue Qingyuan had finally stopped looking like someone had torn out his soul. (Shang Qinghua had been forced to grit his teeth every time that someone mentioned how privileged that Yue Qingyuan was to have been granted that year of secluded cultivation in the Lingxi Caves at such a young age.)
No, of all the peak lords, it was Liu Qingge who Shang Qinghua had yet to meet.
After meeting Mobei-Jun and becoming an inner disciple, the System had given Shang Qinghua three years to make it to head disciple, probably because the deadline for a new generation of peak lords to ascend was fast approaching. He was working hard to achieve that! Not only did he have to sabotage the current favorite, but he had to make sure all his own training, missions, work, and research were as close to flawless as he could get it! All while keeping an intruding ice demon happy! He wasn’t totally sure that he was going to make it at this rate, even though he’d been here for years.
So it was a little concerning that Liu Qingge hadn't shown up yet. There was so much left to do. A world-state that had yet to be established. Liu Qingge had work to do here!
Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu still had to develop a hatred for each other as disciples that would extend to everyone believing that Shen Qingqiu had murdered Liu Qingge as peak lords, after all. Granted, all Liu Qingge really had to do was beat everyone else on Bai Zhan Peak up to obtain the position, and it wasn’t exactly hard to get Shen Qingqiu to develop a lifelong grudge, but the guy was still cutting it pretty close.
It was possible that Liu Qingge was already on Bai Zhan Peak and making good progress, but that he was just so solitary and focused on searching out the next big battle that Shang Qinghua had just never had the opportunity to meet him. Shang Qinghua did his best to avoid Bai Zhan Peak most of the time, honestly! He was curious about where Liu Qingge was, about what the man looked like, but he didn’t let himself sweat at not seeing the future war god, when he already had so many things to sweat about. The System had taken care of bringing in everyone else, so Shang Qinghua was sure that Liu Qingge would follow sooner or later.
Shang Qinghua’s first sign that something was wrong was that, on the day that Liu Qingge finally announced his existence by beating up everyone on Bai Zhan Peak, everyone was saying things like, “I can’t believe some kid managed to topple all of Bai Zhan like that!”
He… may or may not have ignored this sign.
To be fair to this poor writer-turned-disciple, though, he’d been up all night finishing some paperwork catastrophe the An Ding Peak Lord had thrown at him to fix, as some kind of “test” of his logistics skills. Upon hearing the latest gossip, Shang Qinghua thought, “Oh, finally?” And then his overtired brain collapsed from the effort of thinking two words together in a sentence, and all he could manage from there was to feel the intense need to go to bed at a maximum, static-y volume. No words. No more thinky thoughts. Just the need for speedy sleep.
He stumbled through the rest of his day and then passed out for 18 hours straight. In hindsight, this would have been the time when the gossip was at its hottest. He missed all of it.
When he woke up, everyone was still dealing with the aftermath of what had happened on Bai Zhan Peak, but the conversation had shifted more towards replacing Qian Cao Peak’s depleted supplies and the repairs to Bai Zhan’s training grounds. Liu Qingge was the name on everyone’s lips, still, but everyone knew the basic information now. Now, everyone was just exclaiming over and over again how unbelievably young (and pretty) he was to have bested every other disciple on the sect battle-focused peak. This didn't seem too strange.
The System probably would have based the War God's appearance on his sister, Liu Mingyan, a strong contender for the most beautiful woman in all of Proud Immortal Demon Way. Liu Qingge apparently being a very pretty boy fell neatly into line with all the other character design surprises that Shang Qinghua had gotten smacked with so far.
If Airplane had known that he'd be transmigrating into his novel, maybe there would have been even more handsome men! And everyone would have lived happily ever after and nothing bad would have happened ever, probably, but also there might be more sexy guys too.
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catchmewiddershins · 3 years
if it's too much trouble, could I request a pt. 3 of the ‘overhearing their crush talking about them’ with oikawa, akaashi and yamaguchi?
Thanks in advance and have a nice day!💕
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Haikyuu Characters Overhearing their crush talking about them - pt 3:
Includes: Oikawa, Akaashi and Yamaguchi! 💖 SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 🥺 I’m so glad you asked bcs I needed a reason to write a third part hehe
He could barely keep his eyes open. Contrary to popular belief, Oikawa wasn’t a monster, he couldn’t keep pushing and pushing and never feel the consequences. Interhigh was approaching again and he was desperate to win, desperate to see the national court just one time before he left high school, desperate to prove that all of the blood, sweat and tears that he had poured into this sport wasn’t futile. So he’d stayed awake, he trained until late at night and woke before the crack of dawn to practice. And now he was feeling the toll, incapable of focusing on the words of the teacher at the front of the class, he let his mind drift, getting shocked out of his skin when the bell rang for lunch.
Floating down the corridors, he almost fell asleep standing up until he walked into a door frame. Then, as he rounded the corner he heard your voice. Oikawa had been harbouring feelings for you for a while now, ever since you’d been kind to him outside of the usual fangirl devotion - you’d helped him hide from a few of them while he was late for practice, and he’d been trying to work up the courage to confess to you. He was just... worried that you’d assume he was asking in a playboy manner, rather than from sincere feelings. Suddenly, he paused, having heard his name in passing from your conversation.
“Why do you want to go to a volleyball match? Like at interhigh?”
“Because Oikawa’s playing and I wanted to cheer him on!” There you were, you sounded so cheerful, it made his heart flutter and heat sprang to his face.
“Isn’t he that guy who’s really pretty? I hear that tons of people are swooning over him, you’ll have a lot of competition if you wanna blend in.”
“I mean yeah... he’s pretty but that’s not why I like him!”
“What, you’re different from the rest? Why do you like him then, if not his looks? They seem to be the only thing of his that are of note.”
His heart sank a little, there it was again, that focus. His hair, his eyes, his face, people complimented him on them left and right and it made him wonder if that was all he was worth - is that all he is? Just a pretty-boy athlete?
You sounded... indignant?
“I like him because of his skills, for one! Have you seen his serve? That thing looks as if it could turn my face into a pancake! And besides that, he’s such a great leader! His team clearly flourishes with him as captain, I saw one match where he couldn’t make it and they were only working at 3/4 max of the potential that Oikawa is able to draw out of them - it’s incredible! I worked on a project with him once and he was both in charge and so considerate! He’s more than his face, you know.” Your hands moved passionately and he could imagine the sparkles in your eyes as you talked, the way you occasionally did about your favourite media or facts.
He was in deep, and your rant at your friend gave him the nudge he needed to confess immediately... or maybe at interhigh.
He nodded as you spoke, having been asked to help tutor you for the upcoming exam, as you had a few things that you were stuck on. He’d accepted immediately, since he was absolutely smitten with you. Nobody had been told about this, not even Bokuto, because he would tease Akaashi to kingdom come if he found out - or he’d try to set you up, which would be even worse. Gently correcting a mistake you’d made in your work, he took the time to appreciate being so close to you. Akaashi loved to spend time with you, since you’d become tentative friends due to sitting adjacent to each other in Biology, and since you occasionally came to his matches, but only when you had the time.
There was a slight noise as his phone buzzed in his pocket, and, taking it out, he saw a text from Bokuto, saying that he’d forgotten where the bibs for practice were stored and that he was outside the classroom so that Akaashi could point him in the right direction. Stepping outside with a sigh, he showed Bokuto which way the storage cupboard was, and gave him very clear directions on how to get back to the gym from there, along with another, not really that sincere, apology for having to miss practice to tutor you. However, just before he opened the door again to the spare classroom that you were working in, his ears picked up the sound of your voice, on the phone to one of your friends.
“Yes I am getting tutored by Akaashi!” His curiosity was piqued, was your friend interested in him or something? He couldn’t hear the sound from your phone speaker, but your response sent sparks through him.
“No, of course I haven’t confessed to him - It’s not like he likes me back! Besides, we are actually supposed to be working!”
“Yes, I’m sure I like him! He’s so considerate, and he explains things really well, and he always knows how to help, and he’s gorgeous.”
Oh. Oh Oh Oh! You liked him! He couldn’t stop the beaming smile that shone across his face as your conversation with your friend trailed off, leaning against the wall outside and trying to quell the ache in his cheeks that came with such a wide, lovestruck grin. His ears were pink and his eyes sparkled, and if anyone had walked past him at that moment, they’d say that he’d never looked more alive.
He walked into the classroom, glowing, and sat back down next to you before clearing his throat. He could see redness in your face as well, and mustered all his courage to do what he’d been wanting to for a while.
“Hey... I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you today and... I was wondering if... you’d maybe like to go out with me sometime?” 
Your resounding yes made this the best day ever.
It was a Saturday, sunny, warm, and boring. Yamaguchi had decided to try and pass the time by going for a quick stroll down to his favourite café, passing through a lovely green park on the way, where he walked around, looking at the different species of flower, and the fish in the ponds, throwing a few crumbs of bread to them as he passed. To be honest, the only way for the day to be more perfect would have been a backing soundtrack, then it would have felt like something directly out of a feel-good film. 
Coming to a new street, he wandered past a few shops, until he came to where he’d been meaning to come. The sweets sold here were the best, and getting one, plus a lemonade, to take away while he walked was just an extremely relaxing thing to do. He was planning to go and read a book in the park, to soak up some of the sunlight and enjoy the lovely afternoon.
The bell tinkled as he pushed open the door, and his nose was caressed by the smell of baking bread and sugar. However, as he approached the front to order, he spotted you and a couple of your friends sitting in the corner, near the window, all of you nursing some cold drinks and chatting with one another. His heart jumped into his throat, the sound of it pounding in his ears. The lady at the countertop, who had got to know Yamaguchi relatively well, since he came here so often, leaned over and grinned at him.
“Do you know them?” She asked, a twinkle in her eyes. At his nod, she giggled and said to him, “Whichever of them you like, you should say so! I bet they’d say yes!”
He thanked her, quietly, and smiled, knowing that she only meant well, and waited at the side of the counter for his order to be ready. As he waited, your voice drifted over to him from your seat at the window.
“So, do you like anyone?” One of your friends said with a laugh, you appeared to be having one of those lighthearted discussions that good friends sometimes have about such things.
A blush sprang to your face, and you brought a hand to your eyes, “...Maybe...” Leaning forwards, your friend gestured for you to continue. You sunk further into your chair in embarrassment.
“Ok... so you know... Yamaguchi?”
“Yamaguchi?” Your friend replied excitedly.
“Yeah,” smiling, your gaze drifted a little, as if you were lost in thought. “He’s just the sweetest, honestly, so supportive and kind, he helped me out after I tripped over the other day, and, when I missed one of the maths lessons, he talked me through the material... he’s lovely...”
Grinning, your friend patted your hand, relaxing back into their chair, “Well, he’s definitely not the worst person for you to be crushing on, you’ll need to drop some hints though... want a hand?”
“Stop it!” You whined, bringing your hands up again to cover your tomato-red face as your friend laughed.
Yamaguchi left the café with three things, a pastry, a lemonade, and the resolve to ask you out the next time he saw you. He practically skipped down the lane as he went back to the park, joy filling his heart.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
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heyitsyn · 4 years
There Once Was A Man With No Arms-
Goshiki x Manager!Tendou!FirstYear!Sister!Reader
a/n: that was a mouthful
anon request: ahhh i loved your headcanons of iwaizumi dating oikawa's sister!!! this time, can i request goshiki x tendou's first year sis na manager din ng team nila? salamatttt hehe ingat ka lagiii💞
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this cute little bowl cut babie
so you are the little baby sister of our favorite red hair cutie and he was the one who offered you the manager position
ofc you accepted bc hello, you get to hang out w your brother and tease semi-semi-senpai everyday
pls let semi live
everyone likes you though bc you are their manager and you do a lot of things for them even though you dont need to
like sometimes, you stop by the store and pick up all kinds of snacks and if its really hot, popsicles and ice cream
ushijima farmer-san is known to be quite stoic and serious but he’s pretty chill around you and even ruffles your hair whenever you make a stupid joke
as a tendou, you are basically like a ctrl+v  with your brother 
the same cute teasing and bubbly personality but the quick change to serious and demeaning
the team gets stressed, especially mom, bc he has to take care of not one red-head freak but two
but he liked you more though bc you were a first year and you were this short little pumpkin and you were so nice and just all around A D O R A B L E
but you just didnt rub goshiki the right way
maybe bc he thought you were just doing this as an act and no person could really be this bubbly and cheerful
or hes just jealous his senpais attention is directed to you
whenever he gets a good spike, you cheer him on and say things like, ‘nice spike, tsu-chan!’ and he swears youre just doing this bc you want to kill him with a heart attack and he doesnt like feeling like this but you like torturing him
boi what is with this logic
even though he lives for praises, your praises and compliments just hits different than his senpais
before he even realized it, he started all out glaring at you and tendou, being the overprotective brother he was, pointed him out on it
‘oi, little kouhai, you got a problem with our y/n?’
at the mention of your name you turned around from talking to the coach and everyone turned to goshiki, expecting him to answer
unfortunately you didnt hear what your brother said so you were just confused
‘hm? i read the room and i am not comfortable with the energy in the gym today’
someone snorted while goshiki turned red at the attention being on him with the topic of you so he just walks away back to the court
‘oh? what was that all about?’ 
semi shushes tendou and gives you a smile
‘y/n, can you help tossing the ball for us?’
you nodded and quickly ran to the chair and waddled over to put it by the net before standing on it
everyone turned red, including goshiki and even shirabu, and busted their uwus
‘okay! let’s go!’
youve always noticed tsutomu and his determination to beat ushijima which youve appreciated bc he was so hard-working and he was talented enough
‘good one, tsu-chan!’
‘t-thanks, y/n-san’
even when no one noticed it, you were always there to give him compliments and he always grows flustered and hes just a big idiot babie and doesnt realize that your praises makes his heart beat faster bc he thinks youre freaking pretty and someone pretty complimenting him in his spikes boosts his ego
but eventually, it grew on him
instead of looking around for any senpai to praise him, he now turned to you and you would give him that adorable smile and he would bite his lip to stop himself from running over and hugging the life out of you
then he remembers who your brother is, well more like how protective the boys were
‘waka-senpai, nii-chan got sick so he wants you to stop by his dorm later today!’
since you were their teammate’s sister, theyve known you for a while and watched you grow from being this little middle school girl to a first year high schooler 
you were practically their sister
goshiki went to a different middle school so he never really realized how the guys treated you so differently but he knew it would be difficult to win them over for your hand
oops wait what
this thought struck him just as he was drinking water and he ended up choking on water causing you to run over from talking to semi so you could pat his back
‘omg, tsu-chan, you need to be careful!’
this was only the beginning of weeks of being weird
like he was so distracted and different that shirabu actually yelled at him and refused to give him any tosses
‘you talk big about being the ace but the slightest distraction could cost you a match. are you really being serious about being the ace or is it all just talk?’
he got all sad and mopey and he had to sit on the bench 
goshiki never got benched
he was too good to be benched!
but he was and he did not like it
you went over to him and sat next to him
‘tsu-chan, can you follow me?’
he looked up from the floor and he shrugged before following you out of the door
the others watched their first years exit the gym and they contemplated following
but tendou, surprise!, actually stopped them
‘my sister can sort him out herself. trust me’
goshiki didnt exactly know where you were taking him to until you stopped by by the baseball field where there was mud
‘y/n-san, why-’
‘you always say my name formally, why is that? im a first year too, tsu-chan’
he looked down
‘um, i-i don’t know-’
‘y/n-chan, tsu-chan. try it out’
you squealed at how cute he looked w red ears and a red face but you refrained from hugging him
then you remembered why you brought him out
‘oh right! come here, tsu-chan!’
you took a branch from a nearby tree and encouraged him to crouch down with you as you began to draw on the mud
‘there was once a man with no arms-’
you started happily singing and this was when goshiki really realized the resemblance between you and your brother
you both were happy and cheerful bc you wanted to radiate the energy to the others to be happy too
and it worked
tendou’s funny songs and jokes always made the others laugh and you did too
goshiki was happy that he was able to absorb that energy and he soon completely forgot about shirabu’s comments
once you were done, you have drawn a dog on the mud and the boy was so amazed at the sudden creation
he looked up at you with wide eyes and you laughed with a wide grin at his expression
‘hehe, its cool, right? nii-chan showed me something like that before when i got sad and it made me happy again. i thought it would work on you too’
he might have questionable feelings around you bc when you mentioned being sad, he felt weird
like he was relieved he wasnt there to see you sad bc he couldnt take it seeing your usual grin into a frown and your bright shining eyes filled with tears
‘y/n-chan, when you get sad, call me, okay? so i can go to you and make you smile like you did with me’
your eyes widened in surprise but you nodded, your grin even wider
‘im counting on you, tsu-chan!’
and he did
when he received a call late at night from you, he easily snuck out from his dorm and ran to the baseball field where he saw your crouching figure aimlessly dragging the stick in circles
he huffed and panted after running so fast and you looked up before running to hug him
‘im here now. youre okay’
you didnt release out your problems on him bc you didnt want to burden him
but he understood and just hugged you until you felt better enough to return to your crouching
goshiki hurriedly grabbed the stick and began to do the same thing you did for him before
‘then he jumped onto the lake and got stung by bees?’
he stopped and frowned, realizing he wasnt right
but the frown lifted when he heard your giggle
‘tsu-chan, he got stung by bees first and then he jumped on the lake!’
the corners of his mouth lifted and he chuckled
‘heh, i guess he did. but this is my version so listen closely, okay y/n-chan?’
this might be the reason you got close w the first year
the others noticed it too since you seem to pamper him and take more time taking care of him than them
like you even started wiping his sweat for him while he just giggles when you pull on the long strands of his hair
‘tsu-chan, i want to cut it!’
‘no, y/n-chan!’
he grabbed your hands and your arms around his torso so he could do the same to you and gently tugged on the ends of your long hair
‘you too then, y/n-chan. your hair is long too’
you pouted then gently punched his chest
‘mean, tsu-chan’
‘heh?! mean?! how?!’
tendou is like the best big brother ever and hes just like ‘yuhhhh get it tsutomu!!!!’
eventually, goshiki began playing even better
his complete spike percentage has increased and his jumping has gotten higher
but the team predicts that this was all because he’s trying to show off to you and your praising and compliments have motivated him to play better
forget being ace, he just wants you to praise him
‘y/n-chan! y/n-chan! did you see that?’
‘wahh!!!! so cool, tsu-chan!!”
bus trips to matches are so cute but yall lowkey annoy the players a bit
yall sit next to each other and are just leaning together as you giggle over stupid cat videos
like we get, goshiki is getting some quicker than us
i feel like before moving on to relationships, goshiki and you would be best friends first and then move on to the dating stuff
tbh, theres no difference bc yall have always been like that but theres just an offical label now
‘hey, tsu-chan, wanna date?’
‘u-um,, sure?’
yall would hang out in either his dorm or yours and yall would be alone bc the team actually trusts you but you dont know that they pass by the door ever 5 minutes and listen in to just to make sure yall are not doing anything bad
smh they so nosy but we luv them
you know of his insecurities about not being enough and his fears of not being the ace and his dreams of playing to the big leagues and his passion to continue playing on the court for as long as he can and how excited he is to be able to spend all those years with you
he knows of your insecurities about the way you look and being associated with your apparent freak of a brother but you didnt care about that and even fought someone when they said something and your deep protectiveness for the boys, especially your brother but it’s all because the boys were the ones to accept you with open arms and treat you like family
yall shared a lot of secrets amongst yourselves and tbh, your communication is just *chefs kiss*
so serious fights dont happen, like ever, just stupid little arguments that are usually resolved like an hour later
since youre also a manager, its also your job to make sure the boys are maintaining their good grades and you know that shira-senpai has given up on tutoring tsutomu
i mean,,, goshiki is smart but he gets distracted easily and ends up spacing out during lessons
thats when the little arguments bc youd be trying to teach him the damn phythagorean theorem and hed be distracted at how come your hair was styled like that today
‘goshiki tsutomu, i will leave your ass to fail right now if you dont stop touching my hair’
‘but babyyyyyy’
‘no, ‘dont baby’ me, you idiot! you’ll be crying like a baby when you fail and you’re bench during the next game!’
oof also!
hes a protective little babie and he gets jealous easily so whenever yall have games, he literally hangs all over you 
like he makes a show of putting his jacket over you and kissing your forehead so that the other teams know to stop looking over at your direction and whispering about you
ofc this gets on your nerves but you cant help but think how cute he looks when he gets jealous
he gets all pouty and touchy and youre just like, take my uwus you big babie
even tendou is like, ‘im her brother yet hes more protective than me’
he demands to be hugged 24/7 but thats not appropriate if youre in public so he ltr drags you outside and away from people just so he could hug you
he likes hugging you bc youre shorter than him and it makes him feel all special and soft since you like to burrow your face into his chest and your sweater paws are just like ugggggghhhhhhhhh
whenever he gets nervous, you kiss his fingers and his knuckles bc it soothes him and youre just his good luck charm and he feels like he can take over the world w a single kiss from you
‘baby, didja see that?! i was so cool, right?!’
‘so proud of you, tsu-chan! youre so cool!’
‘i love y/n like a sister but if she inflates his ego more, i will have to tape her mouth’
can you guess who said that?
overall a relationship i strive for and i really want a goshiki now thanks byeeeeeee
a/n: ngl goshiki’s hair lowkey triggered me when i first saw him bc why the heck does it look like that?! but now i actually like it on him and i cant imagine any other hairstyle fitting him
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mammons-sugarbaby · 4 years
Can you please write hc about the bois reading mc's diary where they might state somethings (why do they like the bois , their dreams with them , or the nice gestures they do to them)
Sorry this took so long! 
Okay so here’s the platonic version of the bros reading MC’s diary, there will be a romantic, and dirty version as well. Including the undateables (Luke’s obv is platonic only).
I’m putting most of it under a read more bc it’s a lot.
Lucifer ⦁ He'd started giving MC piano lessons after their RAD classes, they'd requested it and he wasn't going to pass up a chance to show off his talents. ⦁ After MC leaves he notices they forgot their things, namely a few schoolbooks and notebooks ⦁ He also notices when he gathers them up that one notebook seems different than the others and opens it to see what it is ⦁ It's a daily journal of their time in the devildom ⦁ He flips through a few more pages and lands on a page that, to his surprise, is about him ⦁ He goes to the beginning and sees where it becomes less about general happenings and more about him
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Lucifer seems more stressed lately....he played the piano for me once and he seemed really happy then. Maybe I can ask him to teach me to play, but he might see it as another thing on his already full plate. But it would be nice for him to have a break from the usual headaches."
⦁ "I asked him and he agreed! He seemed surprised but also has a small smile! I hope I'm not putting too much on him. "
⦁ "He's been teaching me for a few days now and he always seems much more relaxed and happier during our lessons. I'm happy I found something to get his mind off his stress, he works too much. He's nice deep down, but he has a lot going on that makes him irritated. Still, I'm glad he's my friend."
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ Lucifer is touched that MC was worried about him
⦁ And also surprised that they noticed his mood while playing the piano, and his reaction to them requesting he teach them to play, he hadn't realized they were so observant.
⦁ When he thought about it, he realized he had been enjoying their lessons, looking forward to them even. MC wasn't a bad student, they actually picked up the basics quickly. 
⦁ He wouldn't tell them he'd read their diary, but he couldn't help but smile he entire time when they joined him for their next lesson
Mammon ⦁ He was looking through MC's stuff to sell for quick grim ⦁ Finds an intricate looking book, it's looks expensive ⦁ He opens it and notices its a scrapbook ⦁ He soon realizes that there a lot of cut outs and pictures of him ⦁ And there are full pages of writing ⦁ Of course he's going to read about what they have to say about him, The Great Mammon!
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Mammon got another multi page spread! He's so cool."
⦁ "Mammon offered me some of the clothes he'd gotten from a recent shoot because his closet was full, they were super expensive brand names! I'm still in shock, I would have thought he'd sell them. They'd probably go for a good bit of grim since they were what he'd wore in the shoot, I mean he's one of the most in-demand models! But he gave them to me instead, I feel silly for being starstruck."
⦁ "I want to buy something to repay him, but he has everything.... If he wants something, he just buys it, so it's hard to get what he'd want that he doesn't already have...Maybe I could make something?"
⦁ "Went shopping today with him and bought the stuff to make his gift, he didn't even notice! I bought him a few things he asked for, I hope he likes my real present..."
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ He's SHOCKED. Yeah he always boasted about being the greatest, but he hadn't realized MC was an actual fan of his??
⦁ It seems like they had collected pictures from every shoot he'd ever had, and that was saying something.
⦁ He didn't even consider selling the clothes he'd gotten from the shoot that day, he just saw MC admiring them  and rather than try to find room for them, he just let MC have them. He hadn't even thought anything of it, but it made him happy that he'd brought so much joy to MC.
⦁ He wondered what they were making him and tried to think back on their shopping trip, but he'd been too focused on the things he liked, rather than what MC was buying.
⦁ Guilt hit him like a train, he may not have stolen anything, but he's going to buy MC something real nice to make up for trying.
Levi ⦁ He'd gone into MC's room to retrieve some games and manga he'd lent them ⦁ He saw a pile of books near a neat stack of games and assumed they'd left it on their desk for him. ⦁ It wasn't until he got back to his room and was organizing them that he realized he grabbed a book that wasn't his. ⦁ He opened it then quickly shut it after realizing it was their diary. ⦁ He argued with himself to read or not to read, but he saw his name! ⦁ Deciding, he opened the diary again, he just had to know what they were writing about him
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "I hung out with Levi today and watched him absolutely obliterate a raid! It seems like he's super high leveled on like, ever game he plays! He even gets me into some of them and helps me level up and get rare items."
⦁ "I don't know if he's joking or not when he calls me his best friend but I feel the same. He's my best friend. Though sometimes I worry he'll get bored of me since I'm not nearly as into gaming as he is. And I worry that some of the games and stuff I like he'd probably say the were such "normie" or "main stream" things...it doesn't mean they're not fun. I try to stick with games he likes to play, because I don't want to lose my best friend. Is that something I should actually worry over?"
⦁ "We were watching a new anime today and one of the characters said something that set him off. He paused it and went on an hour long rant about how out of character it was for them. It may be weird, but I love listening to him going off about things he's passionate about! It's both entertaining, and I get to hear his thought process, usually I end up learning a few things that I had missed while watching. It seems like he never misses anything! I know he'd never in a million years believe me, but I think he's actually really cool and fun to be around."
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ His heart is ready to explode, he really did think of MC as his best friend, but he was worried they just went along with it to make him happy. Reading that they thought the same thing, it was scary how alike they were!
⦁ When he got them into a game that he had been playing for a while, he wants them to be able to run raids with him as fast as possible, but he also likes MC's excitement when they complete a particularly difficult quest, because he felt the same way.
⦁ He feels guilty reading that MC thinks he'll get bored of them just because they like games he typically would scoff at, they're right, just because they're mainstream doesn't mean they aren't fun. They became mainstream BECAUSE they were fun. He makes a mental note to find out MC's favorite game. Their actual favorites.
⦁ He blushed because he did have a habit of going off on tangents in the middle of an episode and then not finishing it for the rest of the night. But reading that MC enjoyed his rants, this human really was his best friend, his Henry!
Satan ⦁ MC returned some books he'd lent them ⦁ While putting them away, Satan realized they'd accidentally given him one of their books ⦁ They'd already left though, he opened it to see what the book was about ⦁ It was a thick journal and he realized it was specifically a diary ⦁ And the page he'd opened to was about him ⦁ Intrigued, he sat down and flipped to the first page.
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Today I asked Satan if he had any books about devildom fauna and asked him since there was no sun in the devildom, what did the flowers use as a food source. He had a few books and was nice enough to sit down with me and go over the material. He asked why I wanted to know and I explained I wanted to try growing something."
⦁ "Satan saved me from failing the test today! If he hadn't suggested we study together, I wouldn't have realized I had studied the wrong thing! At first he seemed annoyed but when I apologized he asked 'For what' and I said for bothering him, I felt bad because we'd have to waste time studying something I should already have had a good grasp on. He seemed surprised and explained he wasn't mad, things happen. He told me that at least when the time came to test for what I accidentally studied, I'd be more prepared. After all knowledge is power. I'm glad he's patient with me."
⦁ "Satan showed me some of his favorite books today. A lot of them were books about curses and hexes and the like, but it made him laugh. He was so excited to try some of the new curses he'd learned on Lucifer. It shows a different side to him, a more playful side. Dangerous, but still playful. Hopefully he'll never try to prank me with a curse haha!
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ He remembered MC asking about local fauna and how things worked here in the devildom. He had almost laughed because things like that were basic knowledge, but he remembered that in the human realm, the sun was essential for most fauna growth. He admired MC for trying to learn new things and put that knowledge to use.
⦁ Satan smiled at MC remembering the phrase he had told them a few times. He'd been surprised when MC had opened to the wrong chapter to start studying, and the look of shock on their face when he told them, he felt bad. Nonetheless, this was a chance to see just how much he understood the reference material, now that he'd have to thoroughly explain so that they understood. He enjoyed his time with them and he was glad that their hard work paid off.
⦁ He hadn't realized how much he held back when around his brothers and MC, but he felt comfortable around MC, like they understood him. He felt like he could let down his guard a little with them, and he was glad to read they took his interests in curses and pranks in good humor. He might have to prank MC soon....nothing dangerous or over the top, but he wanted to tease them a bit.
Asmo ⦁ He went into MC's room to show off some new beauty products he'd bought ⦁ They weren't in their room, so he texted them, they replied they'd be there shortly ⦁ he takes a seat on their bed and notices a notebook on their nightstand ⦁ He opens it and sees it's their diary ⦁ And more importantly, they're writing about him
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Ugh, I had such a rough day today! I'm glad I ran into Asmo on my way back to my room. He wanted me to come with him and try some new stuff he got that was supposed to help with fatigue. At first I refused because I just wanted to lay down, but  he wouldn't take no for an answer and eventually he wore me down and practically dragged me to his room. He was right, the products he used really did make me feel more energetic!"
⦁ "I ran into Asmo in town today, he was on his way to majolish. I joked with him that he owned every item of clothing in the store and he told me that's why he was going to buy me clothes! Once again I found myself dragged along with him. I feel like I need to just start going with things when it comes to him, it always ends up for the better. I feel bad that he spent so much grim, but he kept finding clothes that I 'Absolutely had to have!!!' he does have a good sense for my style at least."
⦁ "Today I went to Asmo's room, I was feeling down and it seemed like spending time with him always cheered me up. At first he seemed annoyed to be interrupted, but as soon as he saw it was be he perked up and pulled me inside his room. He asked why I looked so down in the presence of someone as beautiful and him and I had to laugh. I told him a little bit of what was on my mind, and it didn't seem like he was listening, just going about his beauty ritual. But after I had stopped talking he started giving advice on the more important things I had complained about. He's a great listener, I'm really happy he's my friend, even if he keeps trying to get in my pants! Though at this point I think it's just habit because he doesn't seem as pushy as he did at first.
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ Asmo recalled when MC was more resistant towards him, to be fair though they needed a good spa day! A lot! And now that he had read that they were thankful for his impromptu self care sessions, he was going to make actual plans for spa days with MC. They'd thank him in the future.
⦁ To be fair, he was glad he ran into MC while on his way to majolish. He knew MC's size, but wasn't entirely sure about what they liked personally. He knew what he thought they would look good in, but when they had started trying on clothes, he quickly noted what they seemed uncomfortable in, and what they actually seemed to like. An outfit may look cute, but if the person wearing it looks like they'd rather be wearing anything else, then it defeated the purpose! Eventually Asmo tuned into the styles and materials MC liked and went from there. He didn't even spend half as much as he usually did, so he found it funny that MC was worried over the total price of their new wardrobe.
⦁ He remembered the night MC came to his room, they had indeed interrupted him in the middle of his usual nighttime ritual, but as soon as he saw the look on their face he had to pull them in. He listened to MC pour their heart out while he went about his routine and when they stopped talking he assumed they were done and started giving them pointers. When he looked back to them, they look surprised. It confused him at the time, but now he understood it was because they thought he wasn't listening. He was always listening darling! It's how he knows so much. 
⦁ He also hadn't realized that it had in fact, become more of a habit to flirt with MC, than to actually try to get somewhere with them. He didn't know how to feel about it.
Beel ⦁ To be fair, MC told him he could borrow their study notes, but didn't tell him where in their room they left the notebook ⦁ He sees what he assumes is the notebook on their bed and grabs it and heads to his room ⦁ Once he gets settled, he opens it and reads half the page before it clicks that these are definitely not study notes ⦁ This is their diary, and they were writing about him ⦁ He shuts it so fast, super embarrassed, but he can't stop thinking about what he'd read ⦁ Guilty, he opens it to read more
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Today I forgot my wallet today so I couldn't buy lunch, but on my way back to the classroom I ran into Beel. He was actually looking for me so we could have lunch together! He even grabbed my favorite foods. I don't think I've mentioned my favorites though...how did he know??"
⦁ "I had a major leg cramp today while walking with Beel today. After sitting down he asked if he could massage it to help. I agreed and it hurt so much at first!! He kept reassuring me through it though and after a while it stopped hurting. He told me I probably needed to drink more water and get some potassium. He also suggested I join him for his stretch warm ups to avoid cramps in the future. I had no clue he knew so much!"
⦁ "Beel is always so supportive and nice, he always makes my day brighter! I'm really glad to have him as a friend, a best friend even. Going to watch him at practice today, I'll make sure to bring his favorite snacks!"
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ He didn't realize MC had left their wallet that day, he just remembered how they looked so down, and then when he asked them to eat with him at lunch, and gave them their food, their face lit up. He wondered if that was how he looked when MC gave him his favorite snacks. It wasn't hard for him to tell when MC really liked something, they had an excited expression every time they saw certain food, was it usually a hard thing to notice?
⦁ Beel remembered that day, how MC practically dropped to the ground clutching their leg. They told him it was a cramp and as soon as it stopped hurting so much, they could just walk it off. He scoffed at the memory, but was glad he taught MC something, and they had been joining him for his warm-up stretches since.
⦁ He was touched, he definitely saw MC as a close friend, they were his second favorite person, after his twin of course. He was glad he could make their day brighter, and felt guilty again because he was reading their diary. ⦁ He'd admit what he'd done later and apologize, hopefully MC wouldn't be too angry...
Belphie ⦁ MC texts him asking if he could bring their notebooks they forgot ⦁ They were having a study session but it turned into a nap session instead ⦁ He opens one of the notebooks to quickly scan over the notes they were supposed to study ⦁ These are not school related ⦁ This is their diary, and whats more, there's a lot about him in it ⦁ A wicked grin spreads across his face and he settles in to read what MC had to say about him.
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Oof today Belphie made me laugh so hard I could barely breath today! I had tears and everything. He was doing impersonations of his brothers and when he did Lucifer, I lost it! Even aside from that he has a great sense of humor."
⦁ "I forgot it was may day to cook and took a 3 hour nap. Luckily Belphie covered for me and came to wake me up when dinner was ready. I owe him big time, which owing Belphie something....is a scary thought. I'm sure it'll be fine though!"
⦁ "Lucifer was running me ragged today! on top of homework he was making me help him with his paperwork! Belphie saw me on my way back to Lucifer's office and grabbed me and told me I was going to take a nap with him since I looked like I was about to drop anyway. I tried to argue, but as soon as Belphie tossed me onto the pile of pillows and blankets, honestly I'm pretty sure I just passed out. I had to hear it from Lucifer later on, but Belphie made me laugh after so all in all it was worth it.
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ He didn't realize MC thought he was actually funny, he thought they were laughing to make him feel better, but he remembered them near pissing themself when he mocked Lucifer and grinned. 
⦁ Belphie went to remind MC it was cooking duty but saw they were asleep. He knew what it was like to be woken up from a nap, so he just figured they could return the favor later on. It was funny to him that they thought he would have something insidious in mind for repayment. He might have to think of something besides covering for him for cooking duty...
⦁ He remembered vividly seeing MC's haggard face and realized they were heading to Lucifer's office. They looked dead on their feet so he grabbed them up. Part of it was and excuse to nap with them, the other was to piss off Lucifer. And maybe a little bit of pity for them. He had listened in on some of Lucifer's lecture to MC, and had a lot of new material to mock him about that he wanted to share with MC.
⦁ He was going to tease them so much about carrying their diary around and leaving it for whoever to read.
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kyidyl · 3 years
Kyidyl Explains Bone - Part 2
(these are collected under the KyidylBones tag bc I have the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy.) 
I decided to do this today since the other part was basically like boring intro stuff and that’s not really what you showed up for.  So today’s topic is: 
Human vs. Animal
Anthropology and archaeology departments the world over are often brought random bones people find to ID whether they’re human or animal, so you might be wondering how do we know the difference? Well...it takes practice.  And, honestly, if the pieces are too small we can’t tell without microscopic analysis of the bone structure, but most of the time we can tell.  
Human bone is very unique.  Our anatomy is unique because we’re the only living members of our genus Homo and the anatomical adaptations of Homo are unique among animals.  The weird combination of big brain, walks upright, fine motor control, and used to live in trees is just...weird.  Our internal microscopic structure is different than that of any other animal. We grow differently than any other animal because our young take so long to mature and are born so helpless.  So anatomically...we’re unique if you know what to look for, but fragmentary remains are super common so you can’t do it by anatomy alone.
One piece of info that’s important.  Bone is made of two components: collagen and minerals.  Squishy bits and crunchy bits respectively.  And, yes, if you’re wondering...scientists DO sometimes remove these bits for Reasons (TM).  
Where did you find this thing? Was it a single bone in a patch of woods in your backyard? Probably animal, but not always.  In a pit at a dig with burned animal bones? Probably not a human because people don’t toss the remains of their friends and families in with dinner.  Across cultures people treat their own dead differently than their animal dead or their food.  So if you find it with the food? 99% chance it’s animal, even at a disturbed site (tho it’s not *impossible* to find people in with animal, especially in caves, very disturbed sites, or very old sites.  With very old sites you have to get comfortable with the idea that sometimes people were food and it wasn’t even that uncommon.)
I’m doing this one first bc I can’t give you pictures of texture so it can go outside the cut.  That microscopic structure I mentioned and differences in bone growth all lead to a different texture in human bone.  Now, I want to preface this by saying: this varies with the age of the bone and the age of the individual and the environment in which you found it.  But human bone tends to be a bit less....greasy than animal bone.  I don’t know how else to describe this, because understanding the difference in texture is literally something you can only do by handling them, but I’ll do my best.  
See, animal bone found in association with humans is normally put through some kind of alteration process.  Cooking, smoking, etc.  Human bone sometimes is - after all, people cremate their dead or dry them out or mummify them or eat them all the time - but buried bone tends to be drier in texture than animal bone.  Animal bone won’t leave greasy stains or residue, but it will feel smoother - less porous.  As humans (and animals) decay, the collagen goes first and leaves behind the minerals.  This happens at different rates for different organisms in different conditions, but human bone that has been buried will have a different texture than animal bone, and it will be slightly less smooth or greasy (listen bone grease isn’t GREASE grease it’s just like a way of talking about how dried out it is. Older = less grease.  New things will leave like food grease on your fingers.). But after you’ve felt it a few times - buried human bone has a different texture than animal bone.  
Human bone is a different color from other kinds of bone.  It’s similar, but not the same.  And! Unless it has been bleached by the sun (something I’ll touch on more when I do the damage post.), it’s not white.  Not when it has been defleshed naturally.  So halloween decorations? Yeah, all the wrong color.  Anyway, this is where we start to get into images, so I’m going to start putting things behind the cut.  
Here is an image of mixed animal bone from my own collection: 
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Ooooo so many cool things in this one picture.  There’s burned bone, small bone, big bone, MgO staining, teef!, moar different burned bone...and one of the things that gets mistaken as human most often: turtle shell.  It’s the piece that’s in the top row, fourth from the right.  It looks very much like human skull when it’s fragmentary and is easy to mistake it as such.  It’s flat and the lines look like sutures (place where the bones in the skull fused, and are now the markers of separate bones.), but they don’t go all the way through.  Anyway, this is a good depiction of the wide variety of colors animal bone comes in.  The large piece in the very lower right is close to what I’d consider an average.  
Here’s an image of human femur that has been defleshed, but not buried: 
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Probably a young adult because the bone is in good condition, and the head has been fused but the suture isn’t completely grown over (obliterated).  
These are also human femurs: 
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Side note: they all probably had rickets and that center one is a juvenile, and I’ll teach you how to ID that later on.  They were found in a cave, a burial, and an archaeological site respectively.  
This is another femur: 
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Bottom is the femur, and it has a healed break in the middle.  The top is also a femur but it has....so...so...many problems.  SO MANY.  I could barely tell it’s a femur from this angle.  
Anyway, the color and texture on that front femur is what I would consider like an average color and texture for a human bone.  And it’s tan, sure, but it’s a different color tan than animal bone, especially IRL.  
In short: human bone looks different and feels different than animal bone, even before you take into consideration things like anatomy.  
Regarding anatomy, it’s...well, it’s an incredibly complex topic and I don’t know that I can really cover it appropriately here in my blog.  It mostly boils down to the impact that bipedalism has on our bodies, the impact that a big brain has on our skulls, and the impact that our manual dexterity on our fingers.  The walking thing is especially important because it changes *everything* about our anatomy.  Like...head to toe.  Everything.  
If you’re interested in human bone anatomy I have two resource recommendations for you.  First, The Human Bone Manual.  This is the one I used for school, and it’s the most useful textbook I’ve ever purchased.  I still use it all the time.  The ebook version is around $18.  Second, this app is called Essential Skeleton 4. It’s free, and it’s the most comprehensive skeletal anatomy app I’ve ever seen (and I’ve used a LOT of them.  It’s made by the same people who make essential anatomy - but EA isn’t free.).  Unfortunately, it’s iOS only and I’ve never found a decent alternative for android. :/ 
There is a lot more to telling human from animal, but my hope is that you’ll pick it up as I make the other entries into the series.  My best advice here is to develop an eye for detail.  Be like Elliot Spencer: it’s a very distinctive ___________. 
One final note on anatomy: people almost always do not realize what size bones actually are.  Human femurs are long and they’re heavy for their size.  They’re usually at least a foot or two in length (I mean...obviously...height is a factor.). The head is good and solid, and the shaft is thick with a lot of compact bone, but when the soft tissue is gone they’re hollow.  Most of the long bones are.  Foot bones are larger than most people expect. Skulls vary in size between softball-ish and volleyball-ish.  And human bone has a distinctive density which, unfortunately, you can’t learn the feel of without handling bone.  If you pick up a bone that looks right but doesn’t feel right - you know it.  I handled a human femur that felt like bird bone (bird bone is very light with a lot of spongy bone bc they fly.) because of a pathology (a non-standard but usually naturally occurring thing on the bone.  Breaks aren’t a pathology, but their regrowth can be.  Syphilis damage is a pathology because bacteria is naturally occurring, as are things like bone cancer, osteoporosis, etc.).  Other times it’s because your damned osteology prof mixed in a human-looking animal bone with the box of remains to trip you up because the differences can be real subtle and you need to learn that.  
Anyway, I think that’s it for today.  I’ll seeya tomorrow, peoples! 
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azaisya · 3 years
no art for this week bc its been crazy so have 1.7k of alternate ending/sequel to Sleeping Awake (my de-aged shen jiu fic). This was where I was going with the original before I decided I wanted to focus more on the qijiu, so some of the stuff in the beginning is repeated. If I was writing a sequel (which I probably won’t), then this would probably be how it started.
“Take one of my robes?” Yue Qingyuan asked, voice small. 
Shen Qingqiu hesitated, his awareness of how underdressed he was going to war with the instinct to refuse anything from Yue Qingyuan. He’d spent the last however-many-decades violently exploding every time Yue Qingyuan gave him a gift. He’d assumed they’d been given out of pity or obligation, expensive baubles to cover up the dirt of Shen Jiu’s past. 
He really was very underdressed. This robe was one of the outfits he’d worn to sneak out to the Warm Red Pavilion, back when he’d been a lesser disciple and in need of subterfuge to get off his Peak. 
Wordlessly, Shen Qingqiu picked up Yue Qingyuan’s outer robe from where they’d carelessly dumped it the night before and slid it over his arms. It was a little too big and he chafed at wearing another person’s colors, but the look on Yue Qingyuan’s face was worth it. 
With a sarcastic wave, Shen Qingqiu turned on his heel and strode from his room.
The robe was a little less worth it when Yue Qingyuan’s head disciple dropped a teapot in shock when she saw him. 
He ignored her. She was the overly candid girl who’d intercepted him and Luo Binghe yesterday, but that didn’t surprise him. Yue Qingyuan was too soft with his disciples, and she was clever. Of course she would be outspoken. 
At the thought of Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu grimaced. He’d specifically ordered that the beast wasn’t to be fed all weekend. Ning Yingying had probably ignored that and brought him food anyways, charmed as she was by Luo Binghe’s pretty, pitiable face. 
He should lock him in the woodshed for another week, just for that. 
The thought made him falter, and he spared a moment to be intensely grateful that nobody was around to see him trip on nothing. 
He’d always told himself that he was nothing like Qiu Jianluo. That he’d only ever beaten boys who deserved it, that they should be grateful that he hadn’t done worse. 
He’d never touched any of them, after all, no matter what the rumors said about him. 
But his younger self hadn’t even needed to think before equating Luo Binghe’s shizun with Qiu Jianluo. 
That was another revelation, Shen Qingqiu supposed, to add on to all the others he was having. He didn’t like that one very much. It wasn’t earth-shatteringly surprising in the way that Yue Qingyuan’s apparently unconditional devotion was. 
Perhaps that said something about him. 
He didn’t like that very much either. 
He was still turning the matter over in his mind when he arrived at Qing Jing Peak’s familiar landscape. It was late enough in the day that his disciples should already be at their lessons, and they would survive a few more hours without him. 
The bamboo house was almost exactly as he’d left it, but somebody had made his bed and moved the black and silver fan—Yue Qingyuan’s latest gift—onto a table. It was a deceptively plain thing, despite the value of its skeleton. Shen Qingqiu suspected that the painting—bamboo and distant birds—had been done by Yue Qingyuan himself. It had the hesitant, detailed brushwork of somebody unused to painting but had tried their best anyways. 
It was the most sentimental gift that Yue Qingyuan had ever given him. His other gifts were impersonal things worth exorbitant amounts of money that suit Shen Qingqiu’s carefully cultivated image. 
Shen Qingqiu would’ve thrown them away, if there wasn’t some part of him that balked at wasting that much money. Mostly, they just languished in the backs of drawers or vanished into boxes. He’d thrown some of the more egregious pieces into Yue Qingyuan’s face. 
The fan was different, though. He could see the time that Yue Qingyuan had spent on it, could see the care and emotion poured into every brush stroke. 
It’d broken him. 
With a sigh, Shen Qingqiu shrugged off the borrowed robe and, after a beat, laid it out on his bed. His own clothes were more complex. His younger self would have despaired at all the finicky ties and complicated layers, but Shen Qingqiu managed with ease. 
With each layer he pulled on, the more that strange, nervous energy in his chest settled. It was as if something inside of him had been knocked off-kilter by his qi deviation and then shoved even further askew by the discovery that Yue Qingyuan had returned for him and the sudden realization that he’d come far too close to the line that Qiu Jianluo had drawn. 
The clothes made him feel more like himself. A doubtful boon, given the scum that he was. 
He turned to leave again but then hesitated, eyes lingering on his bed. Yue Qingyuan’s robes were a streak of shadow across the green sheets. 
He’d been so afraid, when he’d woken up the morning before. 
He wondered if Qiu Haitang was still alive. He hoped she was. He hoped she was happy. 
Was that fucked up?
Setting his jaw, Shen Qingqiu snatched the closest fan—Yue Qingyuan’s fan, the one that had started this all—and swept from the room. He made his way towards the woodshed with a calm, steady stride, the black and silver fan held loosely in his hand. 
He could see the distant shapes of his disciples running around the mountain, tiny blobs of white and green. A sudden anxiety struck him, so sharply that the fan creaked as his grip tightened around it. 
What if Luo Binghe had told them?
Shen Qingqiu couldn’t imagine how his disciples—the children of wealthy lords and poor farmers alike—would look at him if they learned that he was nothing more than a worthless slave. 
A couple of his disciples—the quicker ones, talking cheerfully while their peers tried to finish their laps around the peak—noticed him and ran over. Shen Qingqiu panicked and opened his fan with a flick of his wrist, raising it over his face. 
“Shizun!” the short-haired girl—Lin Xieran—called, as uncomplicatedly delighted to see him as ever. Neither of them looked alarmed or disgusted. If anything, they seemed a little more cheerful than usual to see him, although they were well trained enough to bow instead of run up him and cling. 
Shen Qingqiu rewarded them both with gentle pats on the head. If his hand trembled, none of them mentioned it. 
Luo Binghe, he thought, that off-kilter uncertainty creeping back into his chest, What game are you playing?
Well. He would find out soon enough. Voice as smooth as ever, Shen Qingqiu asked, “Where is your Ming-shixiong?”
The shorter one—a round-faced boy named Sun Tiandou who looked younger than he was—wrinkled his nose. “Ming-shixiong is still running with everybody else.”
Shen Qingqiu nodded imperiously. That was good. Ming Fan had been raised by respectable parents on a comfortable estate, and so he was prone to panicking over even the most minor of injuries. If he’d gone out to run willingly without his shizun’s prompting, then he couldn’t be terribly injured. “Good. And—” The beast died in his tongue. 
Had Qiu Jianluo called him a beast? He couldn’t remember. 
“—and Luo Binghe?”
Sun Tiandou’s expression tilted uncomfortably, but Lin Xieran’s lip curled at the name. “Oh,” she said, waving a hand flippantly, “He’s still in the woodshed.”
Shen Qingqiu idly poked at his newfound disgust with himself and discovered that it didn’t extend far enough to compel him to scold Xieran for her coldness. “Very good,” he said instead, “You’ve both done well today.” 
Their expressions turned instantly starstruck, and Shen Qingqiu continued down the path towards the woodshed. 
To his displeasure, there was a figure sitting against the woodshed’s door. He would’ve thought it was Luo Binghe if it weren’t for the bright orange of Ning Yingying’s favorite hair ribbons. She spotted him and leaped to her feet, waving her arm with the enthusiasm of a child who’d never been punished before. 
Shen Qingqiu flicked his fan open and waved it gently at his face. “What are you do—” All his breath left him in a rush as Ning Yingying threw herself at him, hands flying around his waist. 
Shen Qingqiu sighed and waited for her to let go. She did quickly enough, dancing back a couple steps and grinning up at him. “Shizun!” 
He examined her over the edge of his fan, tracing the shape of her bright brown eyes and her round face. He wondered if she really did look like Qiu Haitang, or if his mind had just seen a bright girl with gentle smiles and made the connection for him. “What is Yingying doing here?”
Ning Yingying’s expressions turned as sly as it ever went. Mostly she just ducked her head and scuffed her feet. “Yingying is, um—” She looked around, spotted the dirty dishes lying where she’d been sitting earlier, and hastily said, “Cleaning! Yingying is cleaning.”
Shen Qingqiu raised one eyebrow and didn’t bother replying. 
Ning Yingying fidgeted with the edge of her sleeve. “And, um, waiting for Shizun!” She looked up, lips curling into a hopeful smile. “This one is glad that Shizun is feeling better!”
Fear beat another staccato rhythm against Shen Qingqiu’s spine, a desperate rattling of what did Luo Binghe say. He revealed none of it on his face. “Did Yingying bring food to Luo Binghe during his punishment?”
Ning Yingying visibly drooped. “He’s so small, Shizun—”
Shen Qingqiu opened his mouth and then shut it, feeling suddenly tired. The rebuke on the tip of his tongue faded, and he just sighed. “Take the plates back to the kitchens.” 
Ning Yingying peeked up at him, hope lighting her eyes. “Yes, Shizun!” She ran to grab the plates and then scuttled back, eyes wide. “Shizun isn’t going to punish A-Luo, right? He didn’t ask me to bring the food.”
Any other day, and Shen Qingqiu’s temper would have flared at the familiar address. Instead, he just said sharply, “I’ve warned you to keep your distance from him, Yingying. Do as I say.” 
Ning Yingying nodded. “Yes, Shizun.” 
Liar. He didn’t call her on it, though. “Go.” 
She sketched a bow, shallower than she should’ve, and dashed off. But that was alright, because she was his favorite and she knew it.
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mintchanniemint · 4 years
pairing: [still friends] bassist!chan x (fem)reader wordcount:  ~3.3k taglist: @100797-bc - @chansrms
[08:45 a.m]
"...So, since everyone seems ready and excited for this new project that involves more departments of our university, I think it's time to start! Be careful, everyone! And make sure to share all your thoughts with each other!" 
A wave of "yes, Prof." slowly lit up in the huge auditorium as every student sounded both tired and bored. You had to admit you strangely didn't really hate this project, you probably had to do worse things, like that time you ended up doing a cooking project and nearly poisoned that girl from the History Department. Whenever you reminded yourself of that little incident, you always made sure not to see her, not even accidentally in the college restrooms. But this time, the project not only sounded a bit safer, but you even ended up in a group with a certain someone. And that was the only reason why that morning you didn't fall asleep while the professor was giving you the guidelines and instructions for your tasks.  The project was related to the school systems around the world, and how they differed from each other, analysed under specific views. You were assigned a not-really-exciting topic, which was School Uniforms.  Now, you had to admit you felt quite lucky the university you were attending didn't force its students to have a uniform to wear, but just the thought of having to learn how to tie a tie made you fall asleep on the spot. 
Your train of thoughts got brutally interrupted by a way too familiar voice as you finally looked around, a bit confused, noticing that the hall was nearly empty. You looked in the direction of the voice that got your attention, to see a way too sleep deprived Bang Chan in front of you.  You couldn't help but giggle a bit, he sat down on the seat right in front of yours, crossing his arms on the chair and plopping his chin on them.  He looked at you for a couple of seconds, in silence, before slowly closing his eyes. 
"You really look like a cat, sometimes." You whispered with a smile, your hand automatically reaching his soft curls, playing with a brown strand of hair with two fingers. 
Wait… brown? 
"Chan, when did you dye your hair?" The alarm in your voice nearly made you sound a bit too concerned and he quickly looked at you, his eyes half open. 
"A couple of kids told me that I had to have a nice hair color for the project-" He then closed his eyes again, his head pushing a bit against your hand, as if asking you to keep playing with his hair. 
"They were so serious about it, but my red hair dye is not so cheap to be covered by some brown color so I just used some hair color spray." 
You looked at him, biting your lip trying your best not to burst out laughing. 
"Yes, that's such a Chan thing for you to do…" You mumbled to yourself, your voice clearly highlighting a smile on your lips. He hummed in response, probably asking you what you meant by that.  You shook your head and stood up, getting your bag from the seat next to yours. 
"C'mon, bass boy, we need to go and try the uniforms!" You said, trying to sound as exciting as possible, hoping to somehow give some life to that sleepyhead in front of you. 
"There's a reason why I always skip morning lectures." He mumbled, yawning and keeping his back on his shoulder. He followed you as you walked through the hallways of your department, not too familiar to him. 
"They said this is the class, right?" 
"Were you listening while that professor was assigning the classrooms to each group?" 
"Nah… not really." 
"Me neither." 
The both of you just looked at each other for a couple of seconds, as if mentally screaming and asking what to do if you got the wrong class.  Luckily enough, though, the door before you suddenly opened, revealing a black haired guy wearing round glasses, and a taller girl right behind him. They both looked at you, then the girl checked a pile of papers in her hands, nodding, and suddenly they smiled at you. 
"Welcome! We were waiting for you!"  The guy exclaimed, taking a couple of steps back and letting you and Chan enter the classroom.  It was empty, some desks were occupied by big boxes with black, confusing scribblings scribblings on them. 
"Those are the uniforms we are going to try, hopefully the sizes are gonna be fine! We thank you for submitting your essays and researching about school uniforms from various countries. Even though yours…" The guy mumbled, checking some of the papers the girl gave him, as he looked at Chan.  "... was submitted two minutes before the deadline. But we appreciate the effort! You also followed our little advice about your hair! " The girl interrupted her friend, trying not to make him say anything way too harsh. She smiled at Chan, getting his usual cold stare in response, which left her a bit confused. 
"Uh… yeah he really cares about this stuff, guys! Chan is just… not really good at expressing himself with words, yeah!"  You swiftly entered the little conversation too, probably making it worse since as a consequence you only got an embarrassing silence and four pairs of eyes looking at you. 
"Can we please see the uniforms now?"  You quickly whispered, nearly tripping over your own words as you felt your own mind screaming for five whole seconds. 
"Sure! Some students have already tried the uniforms they mentioned in their own essays and they're getting ready to take photos! We're really ambitious for this project!" 
"And we're sure that the magazine of this project will turn out amazing with our photos! Seungmin is gonna make you shine like models." 
They looked like those cartoon characters that completed each other's sentences, you couldn't help but find them a bit funny, though. Seeing them being so enthusiastic about this project made you feel a bit guilty too, since ten minutes earlier you were literally planning an escape with your fake-brown haired friend in case you didn’t get the right classroom.
You smiled at the two students in front of you and grabbed Chan by his arm, guiding him to a box on which you recognized your names were scribbled on with a black marker.  Other students, definitely more responsible than you and Chan fused together, told you about the stuff you had to do. It was quite simple: go to the improvised changing rooms, wear the uniform, take pictures. Write about your general thoughts and impressions of the project at the end of the day.  You just hoped Chan grasped all that, as he looked like he probably would have fallen asleep in the changing room. It didn't matter that much, you would have definitely helped him anyway. 
You two were given three uniforms, and since there would have been lunch break in a couple of hours, the students of your group were asked to wear one of those uniforms.  You didn't really understand why, but thinking about how other students had probably ended up in groups where they were supposed to cook, you felt quite lucky and didn't want to complain at all. 
Chan was given his first uniform to try, and he walked to the changing rooms to try it on quickly.  The photographer was taking quite some time taking those photos, and you didn't have to try the uniforms yet, since many other students were already waiting in line for the shoot. You just stood there, leaning on the wall, waiting for the moment Chan would have finally left that improvised changing room.  Suddenly, the black curtain moved and a not so amused Chan made his amazing appearance: he was wearing black trousers and a white shirt, a tie on his right hand.  He looked at you as he walked closer to you, and left the green and red tie on your hand. 
"I don't know how to do this."  He mumbled, as he finished buttoning his shirt up.  You looked at the piece of cloth in your hands and took a deep breath. 
"I don't know either but… Let's try, I guess?"  You mumbled in response as you brought the tie around his neck, trying your best to seem like you knew what you were doing.  Because of the little task you were asked to do, you had to get closer to Chan.  You could feel his calm, relaxed breath gently hitting your face as your eyes were completely focused on that tie. Suddenly you felt his hand resting on your waist when you finally figured out how to make that tie look presentable for the shoot. You felt quite proud of the result and, not minding too much about Chan's hand on your waist, you dragged him to the photoshoot corner. 
A cherry-red haired guy was there, a black bag right next to him, by his feet, as he was giving instructions about posing to a girl right in front of him. He then got his camera and, making sure everything was perfect, a loud "click" was heard. 
"Let's take a couple more. So we can, eventually, choose the best one!"  He smiled, getting a thumbs up by the girl who was temporarily his model.  Seungmin, hoping you got his name right, seemed quite professional, and it took you literally seconds to guess he was from the Arts Department. You felt quite out of place for a good minute, everyone around you seemed like they were genuinely interested in that project and then there was you, who didn't stay home just because that grumpy, quiet cat-owner sent that essay last minute and automatically made you want to go just to spend the day with him. 
Wow, that's embarrassing… And quite lame.
You shook your head, trying to let that thought drift off, when you suddenly heard someone call your name, announcing that you were able to try some of the uniforms you were assigned. You had to leave Chan's side, and you had to admit it felt way warmer when you had his arm around your waist. 
"It's my turn! Gotta go." 
"Make sure to button up the shirt properly." 
"Oh shut up."  You stuck your tongue out at him and you walked away, not before getting a gentle, quick squeeze on your waist by Chan, though. 
Okay, let's be honest. Both of us are embarrassing and lame… 
You mentally rolled your eyes at your own thoughts and quickly walked across the room to get your uniform, and headed towards the changing room.  You didn't have any problems trying the clothes on, the trousers felt quite comfortable and you also liked how pretty the colors were. You looked at your reflection on the mirror, which was probably lent by the drama club, and quietly wondered which country's school that was supposed to be. You didn't really remember, even though you were literally the one who wrote about it in that essay, but you just shrugged it off and left the changing room, your eyes quickly landing on the little photoshoot corner. 
It was Chan's turn, and that girl wasn't lying at all when she said that Seungmin was going to make everyone feel like a model. You nearly got caught staring at him and quickly walked closer to the queue of people standing, waiting for their turn to take photos.  Seungmin seemed not to let your friend go, he probably found a good subject to photograph. He took photos of him in at least four different poses when he usually asks for two poses per student. 
Chan left the spot with a small nod and walked away, leaving a satisfied Seungmin checking all the photos taken with his camera. Your friend quickly found you and walked closer to you, his eyes scanning the uniform you were wearing. 
"Looks nice."  He mumbled, one hand in the pocket of his trousers, the other one reaching a strand of hair that escaped from your ponytail. 
"Oh well, thank you school president."  You teased him with a smirk, before distractedly playing with his tie. 
As it was finally your turn to take the photos, you couldn't help but feel Chan's gaze constantly on you. Seungmin made you feel at ease in a matter of seconds and you had to admit the shots were really pretty. He clearly was working so hard to make everyone shine in those uniforms.  You thanked him with a smile and, followed by Chan, walked closer to those boxes containing other school uniforms.  You had to try three other pieces before the big clock on the wall finally signed that it was lunch break.  You were relieved half of the day had finally passed, but then you remembered you had to stay in that uniform you had just put on for the following two hours. 
"The last time I wore a uniform for school was ages ago!" 
"Wouldn't it be ten minutes ago?" 
"Chan, c’mon."  You sighed, exasperated, as you got your lunchbox from your bag and walked to the cafeteria with your friend.  You noticed the uniform he was wearing only when the two of you sat down at a table and looked at each other for a fraction of seconds. 
He was wearing a black turtleneck and a white shirt on it, his trousers were dark and looked more comfortable than the ones he had to wear for the second shoot. 
Uh oh… caught staring… 
"Oh, nothing! It's just… well, at least you don't have to wear a tie, hm?"  You cleared your throat and looked around, your mind in complete alarm mode. 
What an idiot. 
Chan, in response, nodded and opened his lunchbox. Meaning that his whole interest was now on the food in front of him.  You sighed in relief, you both loved and hated how naive that guy was. Definitely a double-edged sword. You shook your head at those thoughts and quickly opened your lunchbox, enjoying your meal and Chan's company for lunch. 
"You know…"  You said, between some bites. "Don't we look like high school students?"  Your lips quickly curved into a silly smirk. 
Chan looked at you, his eyebrows furrowed.  "Isn't that part of the project-" 
"No, Chan, I mean! Doesn't… this! Make you wonder what high school life would have been like if we were, you know, classmates-”
"Not really." 
"Absolutely no fun."  You pouted, your little rainbow-colored dream was completely destroyed before it could have even reached its completion because of Chan's straightforwardness. 
The two of you chatted a bit after finishing your lunch and, since you had quite some time before returning to your team's classroom, you decided to go for a walk in the huge hallways of the university.  You didn't feel as uncomfortable as you thought you would a few hours earlier; the uniform you were wearing was quite nice and warm too, and you were glad Chan had brought a scarf that morning, since you forgot yours at home because you were in a hurry.  Even though he probably didn't even agree on that, you were wearing his scarf as you were walking down the hallways.  Many students greeted you and way too many people were literally staring at Chan. You raised your eyebrows at the guy next to you, wondering exactly what they were so fascinated about. 
Just wait till he opens your mouth, everyone. 
You lightly giggled at your own thought, finding your mind funnier than usual when suddenly you walked past a group of students that stopped you.  Specifically, that stopped Chan.  You were a few steps back, looking at them quietly as some of them, definitely freshmen, gave Chan a few little pieces of paper.  As the group of younger students walked away, Chan looked at you, his eyes literally filled with question marks. 
"Wow Chan, you show up for morning lectures once and the whole Literature department falls for you."  You commented with a dry laugh as you walked closer to him, checking the little notes in his hand. He shrugged and put them in the pocket of his trousers, leaving you speechless for a second. 
" Wait, you're not throwing them away?"
"No, what if they actually need some tutoring." 
"Chan are you serious-" 
He looked at you for a second, his fake brown hair slightly touching his eyes.  You sighed and shook your head, looking away for a second, when suddenly a huge thought hit you like a train. 
What was that? You really couldn't tell, but something was burning. You felt annoyed.  By what?  You really didn't know how to explain it.  What was that for?  You had to calm down, those were just random phone numbers on a piece of paper, it wasn’t like that guy was going to contact them anyway.  … right? 
Breathe. Take a deep breath, you really need it before you do something dumb. Don't be dumb, don't be dumb, he's just a friend after all, he can do whatever he wants. Do not do anything dumb.
"Are you okay?"  His usual, dull voice interrupted your thoughts for a second, making you notice you were actually holding quite tight on the scarf that was gently keeping you warm. 
Your eyes finally met him, and you stayed silent. Complete silence. For at least five seconds. Your mind was running, gosh it was sprinting. From one thought to the other.  And that weird burning was growing, and growing, and growing inside you.  Your eyes were analyzing every single detail of his face. His brown eyes, that weird dye that was covering his usual beautiful dark red hair, his plump, full lips, that black turtleneck. And again, his eyes, his lips, his hair, his turtleneck, the ears that were usually adorned with beautiful earrings that were now completely bare.  
And again, his eyes, lips, the turtleneck, his hair… 
When suddenly, your hands moved before your mind could even realize that. You grabbed him by his arm. That was completely normal, you literally had always done that. But that time, that time you were dragging him to a small, quiet corner, far from those annoying and busy hallways. You were now in a small hallway, near two broken vending machines and an emergency exit. 
"What is wrong with you?"  He mumbled, his voice clearly expressing his confusion. You said nothing, you just pinned him against the wall, his hands quickly finding their way on your waist, and you looked at him straight in the eyes. 
Your hand reached the collar of his black turtleneck, pulling it down with not much delicacy and your lips softly met his warm, sweet skin. He squeezed your waist as you angrily, but lightly, bit his neck, making sure to leave at least a small mark. You took a step back and looked at it for a second before fixing quickly both his turtleneck and shirt. Your eyes slowly met his, and moved to look at his cheeks, who were tinted in a light, pastel red color. 
"Please don't contact any of them."  You whispered, unexpectedly out of breath due to the adrenaline rush.  You didn't let him say nor do anything, you just took a few more steps back before walking away in a rush, headed to the classroom. 
What the hell did I just do?!
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yejixan · 3 years
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[ CHAN LEE, HE/THEY, NONBINARY ]  —  [ YE-JIN AN ]  is a child of  [ ZEUS ]  with the power of  [ ELECTROKINSES ] .  they were born in  [ 1997 ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2009 ] .  with the change, they  [ GRADUATED FROM ]  the  [ BUSINESS ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ IN THE SQUARE OR WORKING ON THEIR THIRD CUP OF COFFEE OF THE DAY ] .  if you’d like to meet them try the  [ SUN ]  building . 
putting on my clown makeup bc alphonsine was supposed to be my last muse,,,, im the biggest fool around i fear
name: ye-jin an
age: 24
pronouns: he/they
birthday: june 4th
track/job: business & the rec’s lead
sexuality: queer
ethnicity: korean
He’s the product of two selfish and irresponsible individuals, Zeus and An Hyeri. They met on a random night, both with wild and unpredictable nature. One thing led to another and he was born, no tears, just a look of annoyance. Because he had to be brought into a world where he shared the blood with two careless individuals.
He never learned of his father ( better yet, sperm donor ) since his mother didn’t know him. Not like she cared, she was such a flimsy and go with the wind type of woman that it angered Ye-Jin. Constantly coming home late, always drinking, always sleeping, such a messy person, God why him. It was like Hyeri was the child and Ye-Jin was the parent. Her complete opposite, Ye-Jin was strong willed, upfront, mature, and independent. Even as a child he caught the eye of many adults who complimented him for his maturity, saying how they wished their own children were like him. He never liked those compliments because it wasn’t like he was like this on purpose, he had to be. He much rather be outside playing with the other boys his age, he just couldn’t.
Despite his annoyance about his mother and her childish personality, he did love her and couldn’t just leave her. She was a terrible mother but she was still a good person. Her cooking was horrid but it was thought that came with it. She was never around when he got out of school but she always made sure to buy his favorite ice cream every Friday. They couldn’t always hang out but she made an effort to show up for all school events. And whenever the two were spotted in public together, everyone always believed they were more like siblings than a mother and son. Ye-Jin also felt the same way. “Ye-Jin,” she would slur his name after a night of drinking. “You’re a good kid. Mom wouldn’t know what she would do without you.”
Hyeri needed him and in a way he also needed her.
However, their relationship soon collapsed as he turned twelve. Hyeri took the next few days off to go on a camping trip with Ye-Jin. He always wanted to go on one when he was younger but never could because his mother was always working. Until that week where she promised to dedicate all of her time to him. Things were going great, the two were having fun, they were smiling and acting like a normal family. He was at his happiest moment until it transformed into one of his most tragic ones. It was a monster that showed up and attacked the two. Luckily heroes arrived to save them but only when it was too late. Hyeri had been badly injured and Ye-Jin lost his right leg.
After taking the two to the hospital, the heroes told him that he was a demigod just like them, that was why he was attacked. He figured that he was something different after an incident a month ago occurred. Where he learned of his ability on a simple accident from messing around at home with the light board. He never told Hyeri of it because he didn’t want to worry or scare her, unfortunately, he ended up doing just that. When his mother awakened and was told of this new information, she looked at her child with pure horror and fear. As if he was the monster that attacked her. He couldn’t even stay in the same room as her without her shaking uncontrollably or screaming for him to leave. An Hyeri no longer needed him but he needed her more than ever.
The heroes brought up Nemean Lion as a safe haven for him, he’ll receive protection and be surrounded by fellow demigods. He accepted it right away, only to protect his mother from any more monsters. Unfortunately he had to wait a few weeks before boarding a plane to America, a foreign place where he didn’t know the language at all. All he had were the heroes who rescued him and the Greek language that came to him naturally.
Not only that, he had to continue with his rehabilitation in America. He felt even more distant and alone throughout this process, the one parent he used to rely on no longer wanted him. Then there was his father Zeus, the bastard who cursed him. Ye-Jin believed that if it wasn’t for the God’s selfish and reckless nature, none of this would’ve happened. His mother wouldn’t be in the hospital, she would be fine and healthy. As for Ye-Jin? He wouldn’t have been born and he was okay with that. He had given up on life, there was no need for him to continue living anymore. Only one other demigod gave him the hope to keep on going, the reminder that he was needed and that Hyeri will always love him. That soon enough, others will need and love him as well.
That was all a traumatized twelve year old needed to hear before getting his life together.
Once reserved and unable to speak, Ye-Jin snapped back to his usual straightforward and organized self. He made friends, learned how to control his ability, more about the Gods, the monsters, and how to coexist without his right leg. A temporary prosthetic leg was given to him, just to see if he’ll be fine with it. At first, he didn’t wear it unless told to, he kept to the wheelchair given to him. But as the months went on, he was seen using it more before deciding on getting a permanent prosthetic leg.
Ye-Jin never left NL, he had nowhere to go and he really didn’t want to leave. He stayed there and helped out, spending his years as an RA before aiming even higher by running the rec. Some of the money he gets, he would send it to Hyeri. He hasn’t talked to her since, the last he heard of her was that she was staying with his grandparents. An urge to pick up a phone and call her was always there but never enough to actually go through with it. He’ll be fine just sending her money and keeping his distance from her.
wanted connections : : 
the heroes that saved him (1/2) : : ye-jin is very much in debt of these two! they protected not only him but also his mother, so he owes them his life. in his eyes, the can do no wrong. like ever. 
the demigod who gave him the will to live : : now he holds this individual on a high pedestal because when he was at his lowest, they were there for him. literally has their back no matter what
best friend / a trio : : everyone needs a best friend or two, which includes ye-jin. i just want a group who he goes to whenever he’s feeling down or exhausted because of work 
demigods who are on his shit list : : he’s a perfectionist who needs everything to be in the right order, that includes everything that happens in the rec. and knowing the crazy demigods we all have, i’m sure one of them has pissed him off a few times. so he literally has their on his shit list ( it’s in his room! )
hookups : : ye-jin gets around during his freetime, he deserves it tbh 
literally ANYTHING! i’m down for whatever folks
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
the Viking!au about the day namjoon & tae fell in love with reader was so cute and showed how tae had got to see the reader when she saved him and just an overall softer side of her but it got me thinking how did the others know that they loved her? I’m especially interested in how hobi knew just bc their relationship was so tense in the beginning
i think that their love story is a little bit enemies to lovers at the beginning like obviously, Hoseok trusts her about as far as he can throw her. he becomes sort of like her guard, “i just want to make sure you don’t do anything stupid” “scared of me little alpha boy?” “oh i assure you, nothing about me is little” and meanwhile she’s like venting to jimin later, “I don’t understand how you live with the lot of them- especially Hoseok- he’s an alpha pig if ever I’ve seen one” and jimin trying to assure her- “he’s not all that bad i promise, he has a soft side i promise” and you grumble, thinking the only alpha in his pack who’s sweet at all is jungkook. 
it’s not until a hunting trip- or a scouting trip- when Jungkook and Hoseok come back banged up Jungkook bleeding from a wide rent in his side that you really see the panicked loving side, despite Hoseok’s injuries, he stays up by Jungkook’s bedside all through the night- even though yoongi does too. you coming by the next day to give yoongi a chance to sleep. you trying to Tugg Hoseoks sleeping form into a bed, though he wakes with a growl. you catch him trying to tug Jungkook’s hand into his own even a bed away, needing the other alphas hands in his to fall asleep.  
you’ve never known alphas to be so tender with each other- but the way Hoseok looks at Jungkook- it’s something different, something special and soft that you feel like you shouldn’t be intruding on. maybe jimin is right, maybe Hoseok does have a soft side that you just haven’t seen. 
one thing that makes you indisposable to the pack is the amount you care, it dosent matter who walks through the door of the infirmary you help. even that little bitch of an alpha Hoseok gets his cuts sown up by you. you have more than a few people to take care of, who need you here, yoongi and the dozen or so other healers in the pack take care of more than 500 pack members.
 you bring many things to the pack, including your knowledge. in the first few months, yoongi learns a lot from you, several tinctures and salves that make some of the regularly occurring injuries here non-existent when they’d been threatening, a herb that brings down fever, another that cures the infection, as well as a burn cream made from the leaf of this flower that cuts healing time in half and reduces scarring.
 it’s an accident really when a clumsy beta spills a pot of oil in the kitchens and it hits a young omega girl, spareing her face but not her shoulder and chest. you and yoongi do what you can, but you’re out of the cream that could save her from scarring and likely- the life of a pariah. yoongi and you do the best you can cooling down the burns with snow and setting over the usual salve that helps you heal, “do you have any more of this?” yoongi holds the empty container out for you and you shake your head, “shit then- what are we going to do?” 
yoongi is one of your biggest supporters to make the trip back to your home, even though it’s deep in the forbidden woods, there are other things there that you need, to gather. other antidotes to poisons and indisposable herbs that you could use here. You’re the only one who knows how to identify them and use them, but the thing is- namjoon is loathed to give you his blessing before you go- it’s dangerous in the north woods, where animals far larger than normal sizes grow and the very ground trembles with an older, wild sort of magic. many people that have gone into it haven’t survived. 
“I lived there for years namjoon don’t talk to me like I don’t know the dangers, and I can help her” namjoon can’t help but look at you, so soft and small, but firey and determined, and feel like it’s too dangerous for even you. the heads of families also listening in, grumbling in agreement, the parents of the child looking at you like you’re their only hope. Hoseok steps forward from where you’re gathered, “I’ll be her guide, and make sure she comes home safe.” you want to scrunch up your nose at him, to hiss almost- because everyone knows you don’t like Hoseok at all. 
needless to say, you see a different side of him during your trip, every time you slip his hand is there on your back, “stop doing that- I’m not some delicate omega i can handle myself, if I fall let gravity do its job and punish me I don’t need to touch you” him holding up his hands, looking stung, “yeah alright, that’s the last time I try to do anything nice for you.”
 in the forest, winter has fallen early, and you’d be loathed to admit you need any sort of warmth but the fire isn’t cutting it, and you know it will only be worse the further north you get, you’ve lived through these winters you know how dangerous they can be. you’re only half surprised when Hoseok scoots over spooning you from behind halfway through the night, “what are you doing?”
“Trying not to freeze to death” and you have to admit, waking up in the morning with his warmth pressed up against your back isn’t the worst thing, even if you do pretend it is. but it’s almost like Hoseok can tell that you didn’t really help it, your snuggly omega scent the same kind of sweet as Seokjin lets out when he’s nesting. 
“admit it- you’re comfortable around me- you like me more than you want me to think you do” you’re just about to reply when your footing falls out from underneath you. almost sending you plummeting down a steep ravine. Hoseok catches you at the last minute, hand on your forearm, he pulls you up and to safety.  “what was it you said yesterday? let gravity punish you?” “yeah fuck everything I’ve ever said to you” Hoseok can’t help but laugh at that, chest heaving as he lays back against the rocks.
It only takes you a few days to get to where your old camp was, it’s desolate and unkempt in the months its been since you’ve been there, most of your things where trash anyway compared to the quality of things available at namjoon’s compound. you don’t stop to take anything with you, but Hoseok does give it an appreciative glance. “you used to live here? all year round?” “yeah the winters sucked.” i like my cabin back home better you catch yourself thinking, but it’s true, your cabin back at the compound is home to you. you shake off what that means and hed onwards, gesturing for Hoseok to follow you, “come on its not far.”
The oasis and hot springs are warm and hazy, the red lily growing in great swathes around it, you drop your pack, it’s only halfway through the day, “we’ll camp here for the night,” Hoseok is basically in awe, but you’re ready to get to work, picking each flower and some of their roots- you’re going to try to grow these closer to the compound but you’ll need to find a hot spring as you’re pretty sure they can’t grow anywhere but there. you pick as many as you can fit in the bag you brought, but you quickly fill it.
“I can’t believe this place.” you eye Hoseok freezing when he starts to disrobe. “what are you doing?!” “are you kidding me? I’ve always wanted to see a hot spring, and I’m not risking getting my clothes wet in this weather.” you’re barely able to cover your eyes before he’s completely nude, turning away hoping he dosent see the flush on your face.
 you collect flowers until every single inch of the bag is stuffed full. but even then you still have more time, it’s not worth trying to find another spot to make camp you’re just setting out your bedroll on one of the few flat rocks when Hoseok calls from the water, “come on! you can’t honestly tell me you’re not freezing your ass off out there, come warm up” he badgers you, and eventually you agree, because honestly- you really really want to be warm right now. you make Hoseok turn around so you can disrobe in peace. 
you’re a few feet from each other when you finally let him turn around to see you, all of your sensitive parts below the edge of the water, so so warm. and yet, when you turn around Hoseok can still see the scars on your back. “you said that the cream you make from the flowers helped heal burns and scar tissue, so why didn’t you use it on yourself?” 
you turn back, careful to tie up your hair and keep it out of the water. “others needed it more than me- my scars are just that- scars- nothing compared to open wounds” he sees your fingers reaching low, hovering over one he can’t see by your side, his heart-tugging painfully as he sees you “and besides, most of them are too old, this salve is the most effective on new wounds, which is why we need to get home as quickly as possible” 
you don’t do anything more, even if what you can see of hoseok’s body has a flush coming to your cheeks. he steps closer to you, close enough for you to see down into the water if you looked, instinctively you cross your arms in front of your chest, but the way hoseok looks at you isn’t predatory, it’s sweet, the same soft look that he gave jungkook weeks ago when he was hurt.
 “but still- I know yoongi and you could put something together- something to help you” he leans in close, and your breath is so heavy as he presses a slight kiss against the edge of your hairline, where you know a tiny scar lingers at your temple, “you deserve to heal too” with any other alpha you’d be scared of them, with any other alpha you would have already buried a knife in his ribs. but Hoseok has saved your life twice now, and you can’t help but trust him. especially when he pulls away after that- giving you your space and relaxing in the water, asking you about other magical things in the forest. 
you end up pressed close to each other on the bedrolls that night regardless, and you pretend it dosent feel good to have his cheek pressed to the nape of your neck. you make the trip back carefully but quickly, getting back in time to heal the girls scars to the point where her skin is barely discolored.
 the rest of Packtan seem to notice something changed between you and Hoseok, easily the two of you where the ones who got along the least- save for you and namjoon who have the tensest relationship. they bug Hoseok but no matter what they say he said nothing happened even though it’s clear to them something has. 
though a few weeks later he does talk to yoongi about some healing supplies- what things are best for healing scars and the such, and the elder beta thinks he might know what hoseok’s asking after. you treat each other with the same banter but it’s kinder now. you’ll shout at him and hit him on the arm good-naturedly when he comes to the infirmary with a new scape, “how do you even walk? or are you so clumsy even the pups are more careful than you- i swear- how namjoon lets you near knives I have no idea-” and hoseok’s happy grin, “if i didn’t get hurt then you’d never get to see my beautiful face and we all know how you-” Hoseok gets a dirty cloth thrown in his face for that, making yoongi and the other healers laugh, “you totally deserved that”
 the others leave you be, let you have your banter. they can see it in your eyes, in the way you’re never anything more than Endeered by Hoseok, even when he throws your words back in your face, watching you slip and fall of the stone pathway when he walks you home after dinner, “There gravity goes, punishing you again” they just shake their heads when they watch. 
 love is only a matter of time and gravity. 
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Just Fine
November 12, 2020
Prompt - “I am a kid!”
Characters - Lela, Butchy, Miles, Mick, Royce and Bentley
Notes - It feels really good to be able to write again. I know this is shorter than I would like, but it just feels good to write again. I honestly thought I’d posted this about an hour ago, but I guess it switched the tab to “Save Draft” instead of “Post”, so I’m posting it now. I’m hoping to maybe work on another post bc of the nasty rain that’s making us stay inside.
It wasn’t unusual for their house to be full of noise. Bikers coming in and out, school friends stopping over now and then, and family popping in on their way through town with only a single phone call to warn them of their impending arrival. It happened so often that they usually left the back door unlocked just in case someone chose to stop by. Everyone in their friend group knew that if you just opened the back door a smidge and hollered, “Hey!” into the house that someone would answer. Their home was open to everyone and anyone.
Maybe that was when Butchy started treating people as family instead of just friends.
The first time someone had gotten really close to them, it had been entirely on accident. While they were hanging out at Big Momma’s, Butchy decided to show off a little and tripped, knocking into a chair and tripping over his own feet. If it hadn’t been for a boy a year younger than Butchy, he would’ve ended up on his face on the floor. Of course, Butchy had paid for the kid’s dinner and talked with him for most of the evening, befriending the boy almost immediately. Lela later found out that the boy’s name was Miles, a barely eighteen-year-old kid that had just moved from South Carolina.
Not long after he moved, Butchy insisted on taking him in. While Miles had been staying with Giggles and her family, Lela and Butchy could see that he didn’t like the idea that he was taking up space in their already fairly small house. Miles moved in with Butchy and Lela before the end of his first month in St. Pete Beach.
He had stayed with them for a little over a year and, within that short time, he’d progressed from a fairly shy, silent loner to a confident young man. While he and Lela were thick as thieves and got along really well, even she could tell that Miles favored spending time with Butchy. She understood why; both of them were boys and they shared a lot of the same interests, it was no wonder they were so close.
Even after Miles moved into his own house, he still spent a lot of time at their home. They were practically family at that point, it was only natural.
It was only a matter of time before somebody else came along.
Finders keepers, Lela would claim whenever someone asked why she was so close with her brother’s girlfriend. Even though they were from entirely different worlds, the two girls had always gotten along. Lela had met her first and, just like Butchy had done with Miles, she was attached to Mick almost instantly. During Mick’s stays with them, Lela would insist on the two of them sharing a room so they could spend more time together. The two were practically sisters.
Mick ended up moving in some of her stuff when Butchy proposed to her after she turned eighteen. Lela couldn’t be happier. They spent most of their time planning the wedding, but still took time to go to the movies or to Big Momma’s just to relax and talk with each other. Now and then, Lela would go with Mick back to her home and visit with Mick’s family and friends for a few days. It was nice to finally have another girl in the house.
Then, the balance of the scale tipped once more, adding two new factors to the equation. Miles had never told any of them about his life in South Carolina. Granted, he had plenty of pictures in his house of his friends and family from his old home and, if they asked him, he would answer who the people were, but nobody had ever recalled seeing a picture of two younger boys. One day, seemingly out of nowhere, Miles showed up to Big Momma’s with a lanky sixteen-year-old clutching a book to his chest and a bouncing fourteen-year-old with little designs scribbled on the cuffs of his jeans.
It was exceptionally easy to tell that the three of them were brothers as the similarities in their appearances were too uncanny to go unnoticed. Bentley, the youngest of the brothers, had Miles’ beaming smile and steely, almost grey, blue eyes. Royce, on the other hand, shared Miles’ curly brown hair and quick wit. It was obvious to Lela that the two boys would be mixed in with the rest of their family in no time; they had nearly everyone wrapped around their fingers without even knowing it. The first night the boys were there, Miles had invited over Mick, Lela and Butchy so that his two little brothers could get a feel for what it was like having them around.
The boys had slowly, but surely adjusted to the group, falling into conversation with each of them easily. Royce and Mick were quick to talk about all of the books they’d read, falling into conversation about plotlines and characters while Bentley and Lela chatted amiably about things like art and music. That left Butchy and Miles to their own devices, so Miles took Butchy to the kitchen to talk.
“So?” he asked as he turned to Butchy. “What do you think?”
Butchy smiled, peeking around the doorway to where they’d left the others. “I think they’ll fit in just fine around here.”
“What do I do?” Miles asked, wrapping his arms around himself. “I have no clue what I’m doing here. I’ve never raised kids before. Hell, I still am a kid!”
Butchy laughed quietly, “So was I when I took you in. Granted, you’re only a little younger than me, but I still had no clue what I was doing.”
“You did great taking care of me and Lela and you know it,” Miles claimed sternly, hopping up on the island counter.
“I made a lot of mistakes and we both know that,” Butchy said, lightly tapping Miles’ knee as he moved to sit on one of the island chairs.
Miles and Butchy sat in silence for a moment before Miles cleared his throat. “If I thought it was too much and asked you to take them in for me, would you?”
“Of course I would, but” Butchy watched Miles curiously, wondering what had brought that on, “what do you mean?”
“Butch, what happens if I end up like my father?” Miles mumbled, hoping his brothers wouldn’t hear him.
“You and I both know that isn’t possible,” Butchy said firmly. “Do you love Royce and Bentley?”
“Of course I do!” Miles replied instantly, nearly sending Butchy a glare at the mere idea that he could not love his brothers. “I love those boys with every fiber of my being. I would do anything for them.”
Butchy smiled, taking Miles by the shoulders. “Then do just that. Raise them the same way you wanted your dad to raise you.”
“He wasn’t exactly the warm, fuzzy type, Butch. I want to be a good role model for them, I don’t want to be anything like him.”
“Then love them just like Lela, Mickie and I love you. Love them the way you want to be loved,” Butchy said, giving Miles shoulder a squeeze. “If and when you need help, we’re all here for you. We love those boys already and we’ve only known them for a day.”
“Really?” Miles asked, glancing hopefully at Butchy.
“Come here,” Butchy said, holding a hand out to Miles. Miles took it, hopping down from the island and following Butchy to the doorway. Butchy took him by the shoulder and brought Miles ahead of him, leaning him to the side just enough that the younger man could see around the corner to the other room. “Look.”
In the living room, Lela and Bentley were laying on the floor next to each other, an art set Miles had given him a few years ago was spread out in front of them while they colored in a sketchbook Mick and Miles had bought for him before his and Royce’s arrival. The pair were talking and joking and seemingly enjoying each others’ company. Royce and Mick, on the other hand, were relaxing on the couch while Mick read aloud from a book Royce had taken from one of the shelves. Miles smiled as he watched Royce rest against Mick’s side and put his head on her shoulder while she read to him. His brothers looked so at ease with Lela and Mick. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen them so relaxed, let alone with people they barely knew.
Butchy’s hand gripped Miles arm, giving him a light squeeze and a smile. “I think, with all the love they’re going to get, those boys will be just fine.”
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 5 years
Finding Love by the Nile | pharaoh!th x fem!reader
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Summary: New Pharaoh Tom is young and handsome. After succeeding to his father at a very young age, he is now respected and loved by everyone – but mostly desired by the all ladies of the Egypt Kingdom. As big as his harem can be, one particular creature catches his attention since long time ago and now, he is determined to make her his.
Pairing: Pharaoh!Tom x Commoner!Reader
Warnings: some cute cocky Tom moments but full fluff power
Word Count: 3485
A/N: I’m such a sucker for Egyptian mythology since forever so I decided to combine this passion with Tom, because I’ve never read something like that(?). And there is actually a Tutankhamun exhibition in Paris (and I wish so hard I could go tbh), that’s how this idea popped up into my brain 😗 So yeah, we’ll see how it goes!! Hope you like it ✨
⚠️ For the sake of the plot with the time period and ethnic details (Antic Egypt), the reader (Y/N) will have black/brunette hair, brown eyes and a little tanned skin. Tom will also be a bit more tanned. Thank you for your understanding!! ⚠️
City of Giza, Egypt – c. 1539 BC
(Y/N) walks in the streets of the city center. It’s barely ten in the morning. People mill in the alleys and the merchants don’t hesitate to scream about their good deals in hope to tempt new customers. Children weave in and out the crowd playing tag, as their giggles full of life mix with the regular morning hubbub.
Always so much life, nothing changes.
This is the place where the young (Y/N) was born and grown up, in a kind family in a modest home but where it was good to live in. But nothing goes as we plan them to be. And (Y/N) still remembers that particular day where her destiny changed.
The old pharaoh left the world of the living to join the Other Side of god Osiris. All Egypt cried its deceased king who reigned for almost thirty years. And all Egypt got surprised to see a twelve-year old boy announced as his heir. His only child. When the boy was officially proclaimed as Pharaoh of the Egypt Kingdom, the population got to finally discover the face of its new ruler. So young but already with a disconcerting beauty. Wild brown hair due to ridiculous curls, but that seemed weirdly soft to touch. Big brown eyes so deep and sharp but warm at the same time. Him and (Y/N) were the same age at the time. She couldn’t stop but stare at him with marvel and astonishment. Both their worlds were different: the rich sovereign family on one side and the servant people on the other. But that didn’t stop the aforesaid people to cheer and honor their new king chosen by the Gods. And (Y/N) did the same.
Then time flew by and (Y/N) is now eighteen. Long and thick brunette hair cascades on her back, framing a luscious body as well as her gorgeous visage, with hazelnut eyes and soft lips. Stride across the streets of the city, on a market day, is one of her favorite hobbies. It is nearly impossible for her to miss this day, unless if her father needs some help for work.
‘(Y/N)!!’ As she hears her name, she turns her head toward the voice.
‘Oh, hi Nana! How are you?’ Asks (Y/N) with a warm smile.
It is “Nana”, as casually named, the old neighbor lady next to (Y/N)’s household. She is like a second grandmother to her and they truly are fond of each other. (Y/N) couldn’t miss an occasion to pay her a visit.
‘Good, my child, thank you. I bumped into you father while going out and he asked me to tell you, if I saw you, to join him in front of the bridge outside the city.’
Oh. (Y/N) knows more than well what that means.
‘Your father is making more and more return trips to the Royal Palace. It seems like the Pharaoh appreciates his fabrics a lot!’ Laughs Nana.
The Pharaoh. Just talking about it makes (Y/N) let out a big sigh. She is not the only one that grown up, the young Pharaoh from six years ago back then has also changed. Quite a lot.
(Y/N) observed his evolution during several visits to the Palace. Born in a modest family of linen farmers since decades, the young lady grown between fields and weavers and was determined to carry on the traditions. Everyone liked their textiles made of linen, including the royal family who put its trust in (Y/N)’s father. As soon as she was able to work (quite early), her father brought her with him to the Pharaoh’s Palace to deliver and propose new textiles. Of course she always stayed behind to let her father handle the family business, but she took advantage of it to observe the new “little king”, – as some people called him at first –, at any occasion. His mother and close advisers were always in sight to guide him at the beginning of his reign.
Still in power nowadays, he is now known as the young and handsome eighteen-year old Pharaoh idolized by all the country. Besides getting more self-confidence, he doesn’t stop and rush around like a madman to develop Egypt. And the people respect him for that matter. But what noticed (Y/N) over the years was, in addition to all that, that he became a true charmer. More like a lady-killer, in fact. He knew that. ‘The Pharaoh is so handsome!’, ‘He is more and more beautiful!’, ‘Did you see his muscles?’, ‘He must be blessed by Ra, God of the Sun!’ All the time. Any woman falls in love with him and, without anyone noticing well not really but anyway, the young Pharaoh created his own harem. Of course, like he would care. (Y/N) noticed with great regret even if she will never admit it out loud the number of young ladies increasing each time she visited the Royal Palace with her father. One even more beautiful than the other, wearing dresses too much fitted – probably created with the linen of her family – and some black kohl around the eyes, they were free to go around the Palace as they wish. But where (Y/N) could see them endlessly was next of him. All the damn time. This is what people call jealousy.
(Y/N) sighs again thinking about this all over again. She couldn’t stop, this feeling is stronger that she imagines. But it is time for her to accept her fated destiny…
‘Thanks Nana, I will go find him’ Replies finally (Y/N) while taking the granny in her arms for a hug, ‘And you, be careful at the market, okay? I’ll see you this evening!’ She then takes her leave and starts walking to the bridge, while waving to Nana on her way.
After a few minutes she catches sigh of her father who is rushing to reorganize some textiles in his barrow. (Y/N) speeds up to help him.
‘I’m here, father!’
‘Ah, there you are (Y/N)!’ exclaims her father, turning towards his daughter’s voice, smiling. ‘I was checking if I took all the textiles to show to the Pharaoh. There we go. Everything is ready, we can go.’
Both of them set off and cross the bridge heading to the Royal Palace. It is around twenty minutes walk on the other side of the river. This is the perfect time for father and daughter to chat together about anything. The Palace is located in the South of Giza by the Nile. The air is hot, as usual, but walking by the water creates a fresh breeze that lightens their steps.
‘I see you’re wearing the new dress you made yourself yesterday’ notices her father, a proud smile showing.
The dress worn by (Y/N) is her own creation. Her mother taught her at a young age how to weave textile to then sew it and create costumes, and (Y/N) took a great liking in it. Today she wears a straight mid-length dress in cream-colored linen she tinted, with the collar and straps sewed in big stripes of pearls. The bottom of it is embellished with some patterns of Isis’ feathers. Her feet are covered in strappy sandals in dark leather.
‘You really are talented, sweetheart. I am so proud of you’ continues her father. He adores his daughter more than anything in the world, and nothing could make him happier than seeing her walk on his steps. He is sure she will accomplish great things in the future.
‘Thank you, father’ smiles (Y/N), ‘Mother also helped me a lot with the pearls.’
‘You are both talented and beautiful women.’
A peaceful silent takes place in the discussion. Both of them were all smiles and little by little, the Royal Palace is appearing in the arid horizon. (Y/N)’s thoughts start to turn upside down again, her throat is dry, her hands sweaty and an uneasy feeling begins to grow in her stomach. For some time now, it was the same. A sort of odd stress that she felt as soon as she was near the Pharaoh’s Royal Palace. The Pharaoh.
‘Your mother and I combined two types of linen to create a new type of textile. I wonder if it will be to the Pharaoh’s liking.’
Everything goes blank around her and her father’s words wanders in the air. Could I appeal to the Pharaoh? That’s impossible… (Y/N) never spoke directly to the Pharaoh, or maybe if she had to present or give some information about a textile. She just assisted her father in his task so she couldn’t imagine getting herself noticed or, even worst, being seen as someone disrespectful to the royal family. And ruin all her father’s business.
But the Pharaoh has, in fact, an intriguing personality. (Y/N) could sometimes feel his eyes on her when she was displaying textiles, while her father kept explaining all the details and features. Or he would just call her and ask her to come closer to “see the textiles better”. Of course it was not the textiles he was looking at.
‘(Y/N), we are here.’
As waking up in the middle of a dream, (Y/N) gets a grip of herself and they in fact arrived. She can’t even remember passing near the guards at the entrance.
Come on, (Y/N). Breath in…. And out…
Her father put the barrow next to the entrance archway that leads to the throne room. He picks some textiles, keeps them under his arm and starts to walk inside the Palace.
‘Father, I err… I think I will stay outside a bit. I-I got a bit hot when walking so I will join you… A bit later…’ mumbles (Y/N) while playing with her thumbs.
‘Are you sure? Do you want me to ask some water to the Phara-‘
‘No! no no no, don’t worry, father… R-Really, I just need to rest a little’ insists (Y/N), showing him a begging look.
‘If you insist, sweetheart… Sit in a shade place and do not hesitate to ask if you need something. You can join me when you feel better’ finishes her father slightly worried, but still left a kiss on her forehead. Deciding not to insist on it, he enters the Palace before glancing one last time at (Y/N) who, to reassure him, smiles and waves at him to go.
Finally alone, (Y/N) moves the barrow and places it in the shade of a jasmine tree. She decides to sit down on the sandy ground, back against the open side of the barrow and head lying of some textiles that make great pillows. She closes her eyes and empties her mind. The jasmine above her leaves a delicate perfume in the air, big palm trees swing there leafs with the wind and some birds sing in the distance. So calm. The breeze of the Nile is still refreshing the air, to (Y/N)’s pleasure. This oasis is a true haven of peace and nobody here to disturb her.
‘At least I will not see him today…’
‘I hope you’re not talking about me?’
(Y/N) jumps and lets out a squeal. She then brutally stops in her tracks of standing up because she loses her balance and lands with a chaotic “BOOM” in the middle of textiles in the barrow. And she hears that same voice chuckling at her. Its seems kind of familiar… That’s weird… Wait- When she finds her way out the piles of textiles – careful not to damage something – and is ready to stand up, she can’t believe who is in front of her.
‘I didn’t think you would be that fearful, (Y/N).’
No, that’s not possible…
Well it is?! Right in front of her eyes is the Pharaoh himself. He stands there, towering her, his torso puffed out and hands on his hips. Clearly (Y/N) couldn’t help admiring that true masterpiece. His naked and defined torso displays a pectoral collar made of golden slab, beautify with many gemstones such as lapis lazuli, cornelian and turquoise. His wrists, biceps and ankles adorn very large bracelets that look heavy just by watching them. About his costume, he wears a classic shendyt around his waist, extending to above the knees and hold by embroiled gold and blue belt. His sandals are similar to (Y/N)’s but more sophisticated with gemstones. Finally rests on his head his shiny khepresh on which the uraeus stays in the middle of his forehead like a third eye. (Here is a link of Tom’s outfit -> https://goopics.net/i/WLDoV)
And it is after a few seconds of total blank but mostly of delicious contemplation that (Y/N) comes back to her senses (again) and becomes aware of what is happening. Panicked, she throws herself at the Pharaoh’s feet.
‘Calm down, (Y/N), no need to act like this!’ Laughs heartily the young king while looking at the trembling woman, forehead pressed against the ground. ‘Stand up, please.’
(Y/N) consents to his demand and begins to raise only her head but after another approving look of the Pharaoh, she stands on her two legs shaking the sand off her dress. She doesn’t dare to look at him in the eyes and her heart beats so hard it could jump out of her chest at any moment.
‘You are an emotional woman, (Y/N). Wait. Don’t move and close your eyes.’
The Pharaoh moves his hand closer to (Y/N)’s face so she instinctively shuts her eyes, before she feels fingers brushing the remaining sand off of her forehand. When they gently slide on her cheek and disappear, she then opens her eyes and flutters her long eyelashes a few times.
‘There you go, you are as gorgeous as before.’
‘I-I, my Pharaoh Tutankha-‘
The aforesaid Tutankhamun interrupts her by putting his index on her plump lips.
‘I already told you to call me “Tom” when we are alone.’ Another quirkiness of his. ‘And please forget about “my king”, “my Pharaoh” and other honorific titles, it makes me feel so much older than I look like…’ whines “Tom”.
He is still a child.
‘… As you wish, “Tom”’ answers (Y/N) with a simple but humble nod, smiling. Then she asks ‘My father is already inside the Palace to display our textiles, shouldn’t you be there?’
‘I told Mother to do the job today because I wanted to get some fresh air…’ He sigh before adding ‘… At least I got the opportunity to be in your company.’
And here is the smooth Pharaoh again.
‘I’m sure your concubines would appreciate your presence even more if you join them…’
‘Pff, they are not really useful to me besides-‘
‘With all due respect, Tom, these kind of details don’t concern me. At all’ suddenly interrupts (Y/N), looking away with displeasing eyes just by the thought of him being… Intimate with ALL these DIFFERENT women.
Stay calm (Y/N), don’t lose it.
There is a heavy silence between them and Tom doesn’t waste time to break it. ‘Excuse me, (Y/N)… It didn’t mean to broach this subject…’ He corrects himself while scratching the back of his neck, feeling a bit awkward and calling himself stupid in his head. And that is when (Y/N) could notice some strands of hair poking out his headgear. In fact she also notes that its way too forward on his forehead.
‘If you will allow me, Tom…’ She steps closer, stretching her arms out to finally grab his headgear between her head. ‘Your khepresh moved… I will arrange it.” And (Y/N) replaces it the right way. She decides not to mention about the adorable rebellious hair, choosing to gaze at them when he will not look.
Unconsciously, (Y/N)’s hands leave Tom’s headgear to slide and slowly caress his face, ending their way on his jawline.
Her hands are soft for a weaver… So soft, thoughts Tom, lost in his countless dreams and fantasies.
‘Thank you, (Y/N).’
When (Y/N) is aware of her action, she hurries to take away her hands but the young Pharaoh is faster and catches them back, his grasp firm but at the same time gentle.
‘These hands can create many beautiful textiles… I wonder what other wonderful things they could do for me…’
He brings her hands up to leave kisses on them. (Y/N)’s cheeks turn as red as she got sunburned. His eyes oh my his eyesstare deep in her soul, full of such desire that (Y/N) couldn’t think of something to say. She is like hypnotized, captivated by this man’s handsome figure and unctuous words.
‘C-Come on, Tom… Don’t say-’
‘Yes (Y/N), I insist… You are much more precious to me than you can imagine…’
Hands intertwined, they never look away. They stare hungrily at each other, like they could devour a one in front of them with the eyes. The only sound heard is the ibis flying over the gigantic garden to go to the Nile. How could (Y/N) even think about THE Pharaoh of Egypt himself being so interested in her, daughter of traders-weavers? And yet, Tom couldn’t look away or even think about doing so.
Is this a sign from Hathor, Goddess of love?
‘Follow me (Y/N), let’s have a walk around the oasis’ proposes Tom and before waiting for any answer, he drags her with him and goes down the stairs that leads to the Palace gardens. (Y/N) doesn’t even protest, she already knows that nothing can stop the young Pharaoh when he has an idea in mind.
Once they arrive in the oasis – that is a private place only reserved to the Royal Family – and walk for a bit, they stop in front of a huge pond liven up with tones of aquatic plants, fishes and birds. Rows of acacia and jasmine trees surround it, as if to hide the pond from curious eyes, but some sunrays continue to reflect on the clear water coming from the Nile nearby.
Astonished, (Y/N) gets close to the pond, full of life, while slowly letting loose on Tom’s grasp. He lets her go without a word and admires her in a loving way. He wishes he could keep this delightful image engraved in his mind until he dies: this woman with a goddess’ aura, the sun warming her impeccable skin and her hair dancing like her dress in rhythm with the wind and the leafs.
I want to make her mine.
Then (Y/N) turns and calls out to the Pharaoh ‘Tom, come see how beautiful the fishes are!’
In a snap (don’t you dare laugh at that word), the young king joins her at the water’s edge. He perfectly knows all species in the oasis, fishes included, but every second is a chance to be with the one he secretly loves so much. Once next to (Y/N), Tom wraps an arm around her hips and embraces her. Both of them, one head laying on the other, admire the exotic fishes shaking and splashing everywhere in the pond.
But in reality Tom and (Y/N) look at their reflection in the water. Both reflections, standing together, bodies interlacing lovingly.
And in a whisper Tom takes his chance ‘(Y/N), please, be my Queen.’
(Y/N) bits the inside of her cheek because it is like her dreams comes true, little by little but still is.
And stopping herself from laughing she answers ‘First, you get rid of the tones of kohl around your eyes and then of all your harem.’
‘Isn’t it more important to start with the girls and then the kohl?’
And (Y/N) couldn’t stop herself anymore and lets out a heartily laugh. Her answer is silly, his answer is also silly. But this entire situation is even sillier that (Y/N) could imagine. And Tom of course joins her and laughs.
‘No, first the kohl because there is too much of it and because I like looking at your eyes all natural.’
‘You’re right. Actually this thing is such a pain that my eyes get irritated at the end of the day’ huffs Tom blinking exaggeratedly his eyes at (Y/N) while approaching his face of hers, looking like a crazy man. (Y/N) doesn’t stop to laugh at him. And she impresses herself and dares to leave a kiss on the corner of his mouth, which gets him by surprise.
‘And then I want those girls out of here, and after we can discuss about this Queen thing’ murmurs (Y/N) still close to his lips.
‘Don’t tempt me (Y/N), I might get a bit too excited and do all that just for you’ adds seductively Tom brushing his lips against hers, while smirking.
‘Aren’t you the Pharaoh?’
‘I sure am the Pharaoh of Egypt, love…’
And all of the sudden Tom lifts (Y/N), making her leave her a surprised squeal, and carries her bride style. Now he can’t hold anymore and kisses her straight on the lips and they both savor this moment.
‘… And I will show you now.’
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rqs902 · 4 years
my beautiful boys in the same screeeenn ill just ignore the clothes lol man look at jin fan’s side profile 
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aw they look so happy lol how did dxy become kc 
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lol when volunteer li hao on his CELL PHONE is a better video editor than the entire youku paid staff
oof the video was so funny and highlighted a bunch of the kids qualities like lin mua and csp’s cuteness and it was touching.... lol ycw “I DONT HAVE SLEEVES LEND ME YOUR SLEEVE” to wipe his tears loll
LOL im amused cto were some of zlj’s first friends and they guilt trip him into joining their groupppp HAHHAHA
pretty sure that was xue en telling zlj to be careful and put safety first :’) 
im literally crying at this suitcase
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but also still wished they gave more screen time to everyone not-zlj LOL but i guess at least we saw some more lin ran and yzx. but zlj did do a great job!! i really appreciate his skill and im glad the non-cto kids said such nice things about cto aw but really their age difference is not that big??? LOLLLL making cto seem so old??? but xue en is only 1 year older than lin ran and 3 years older than cxh and ycw LOL plus 1998 is xikan’s age too lol.....
omg xo crew being all these creatives including li chenxu ayy thats cool, i feel like we havent gotten to know much about him so this puts him in a new perspective for me
is akey supposed to be in the group? LOL zhan yu is going wild for him tho LOL
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im happy akey is making more rap friends!!! i feel like hes been working on that since qcyn
cjh has always seemed so real, i respect that
LOL hwx looks so awkward standing on stage in the middle. jin fan’s vooooiceeee and huang junrong yessss HAHAHAHA THE AKEY STANDEE IM CRYING HAHAHHA man jin fan has gotten to live up to his vocal name in this show, i hope that makes him happy. he still !! has not !! shown off !! his bboy !! dancing skills !! :( 
LOL lin mo being so amused that akey had no idea about the standee. hes a dork. so were they not allowed to do 3 stages? bc i feel like akey wouldnt have needed that much extra prep time to do all 3 of his stages just sayinggg hahahha but ay extra tyger screen time ill take it! i can see why he picked the creatives group though, that performance definitely better fits his musical and stylistic interests. 
AYYY CSP DANCING but lol qby calling him cui duopeng aw 
omg so sparkly!! LOL syh looks so scandalized by their confetti ribbons HAHAHAHHA but yay for mxy really owning this stage! 
LOL the way lin mo’s face scrunches up when su er points out he’s “momo” and then he just nods and tells hwx “momo is supporting you from behind” awww
oh rip this luo jie gaokao segment, was this the last time they saw him? 
lol ycw is always the one with the doggo but i appreciate xzx for not abandoning him like everyone else so he could still do 100 ways and fulfill his dreams
aw good for them being able to make a fun and entertaining stage and do well and bring everyone amusement. lol ycw throwing random flower petals everywhere so casual 
LOL rip renyu hes just sitting there minding his own business and then gets personally attacked HAHAH TWICE hHHAHAHAHA 
LOLLL SBR YESS and sbh hahahhaha csp being all scared of why theyre watching him and sbr is just like oh nothing~
lolll xikan curling into a little ball when everyone else is laughing and csp’s “why did i lose again?” LOOL
oh rip bye yan an 
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ouch syh..... going back to singapore to do adult things gosh i appreciate him going after mhw after it seemed like he had given up
man ycw cries a lot
kinda sad they cut the tyger perf BUT they did perform my favorite song (always thankful for akey’s composition skills!!!) AND at least they showed off zhan yu’s high notes and listed akey as a composer and gave lin mo some screen time to talk i guess its okay bc i appreciate the performances that they have shown fully so far, and i get that they cant show everyones in full. and it looks like all the kids liked the perf so thats fun
OOF A JUNRONG FEATURE THIS IS WHAT WE ALL NEEDED YESSS man i didnt realize he had so many show experiences already man.... ooo dxy vocal time!! 
OH GOSH THEY BROUGHT UP FAN YUUUUUUUU man the way renyu smiles watching fan yu play piano im softtt oof renyu’s voice is so nice even when hes like on the verge of crying
ahhh xu zhaohao’s song has me crying... i really like his voice too. 
wow im surprised so many of them took footage of themselves on their way to snzm? lol wait did they cut out li chenxu’s part on stage? 
HAHHAHAHHA LI HAO OMGG xu shengen wow this is amazing li hao is gonna be like a great director one day i can FEEL it. THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE ONLY PART OF THE ENTIRE EPISODE THATS SUBBED HAHAHHAHA look at li hao, making better videos than youku since 2020. li hao’s story man.... he and shengen and chenxu must be close 
i see why people were like whoa theres actually tygers in the next ep preview! what a unusual experience!! but ay there was huang enyu too! ahh he looks like hes desperate oh gosh but everyones crying it looks like :c ill keep my hopes up that lin mo’s is happy tears but its still rough to see 
aw su er...... oof the fact that they put in clips of some kids on other shows (i even saw super idol omg) and him putting lin mua at the end, they must really have grown to like that haha i saw someone posted about li hao saying he liked the lin mua too and appreciated that it was something lin mo promised to his fans. im glad they dont make fun of him for it in a mean spirited way. 
im grateful for this “extra” episode outside of the actual competition. they did seem to get to do performances that they wanted to be in. im guessing some kids’ perfs didnt get aired? so im hoping they get released elsewhere so we can still watch them. again i will say that having only half the number of trainees compared to other shows and having them for 3 stages rather than the usual 1 has allowed me to feel like ive gotten to know most (if not all?) of these kids, similar to how i felt about ip, which is nice. like i at least know their names and faces. at least it wasnt like qcyn where kids got eliminated before they even had 1 stage ugh. grateful and excited to see yixing again too next ep! hopefully this means we wont get some nonsense judging like last time... also excited to see momo with his pink hair! and in the same perf as zhan yu and akey (what happened to jin fan lol) everyone having colorful hair will be exciting! 
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neoangelic · 5 years
Don’t Need Your Love
➳ an nct dream series
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After a horrible first love experience, Yang Ahn joins the Don’t Need Your Love club via invitation. Things don’t turn out the way they were supposed to. 
➳ a story of not-so-romance featuring: the coolest club on campus, the meaning of unrequited, teenagers, best friends, heartbreak, healing, first loves, and new ones. 
➳ masterlist 
➳ note: female oc, multiple pairings, ot7 dream, not saying anything more bc spoilers!
➳ word count: 2235
DNYL. A four-letter word—if you would even call it a word. DNYL: four letters that defined the rest of my youth. Four letters that changed my perspective of quite a few other four-letter words. These four consonants brought together a broken band of romance misfits, the love-lost and the lovelorn, and I was the unfortunate latter.
A scoff dared to spill from my lips when I heard Harvey’s voice crackle over the loudspeaker. It wasn’t abnormal for clubs to advertise themselves via intercom, but those were your usual clubs: basketball, taekwondo, art, math, and such. It started off one of those usual announcements at first, but his next words turned everything around.
“The coolest club on campus: DNYL—”
Such a declarative statement. It stopped me in my tracks on the way to homeroom.
“—Don’t Need Your Love.”
And like the rest of the student body, his audacious proposal of a club nearly made me laugh. Harvey was a sweet exchange student from the United Kingdom. A gregarious boy with a knack for gathering people’s interest. This stunt was no exception. Like the rest of Neo Culture Tech’s teenager-filled population, he droned on about relationships, though he spoke of the broken kind. 
Since I had no relation to such types of relationship, I let his voice fade into the background of chattering students and teachers ushering them off to class. At this point, all I paid attention to was the scuff on my Mary Janes as I walked and the way the spine of my notebooks sat uncomfortably against my bicep. My grip on them grew tighter as bits and pieces of Harvey’s speech were growing harder to suppress. Intrusive thoughts crawled its way into my mind. A whisper of an unforgotten forgotten name. Ghosts of conversations in a foreign language. A face began to form in my memory. One with cat-like, sharp eyes. Before my fingertips could come into contact with the cool metal of the doorknob in front of me and snap me out of my thoughts—something else did.  
“Do you feel down from all this unrequited love?” 
Do you feel down from all this unrequited love? Was that even a question?
I finally let a chuckle past my lips, once again turning my attention towards the scuff mark on my shoe, once again letting the name of first love to be forgotten and remembering that I had a class to attend.
“What’s so funny?”
“Lee Jeno, Jesus Christ,” my shoulders jumped to my ears. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“You looked dumb standing like that,” he gestured to my hand that floated above the doorknob.
“Are you trying to act like Hyuck-oppa by insulting me?”
“Well as your new best friend, I need to fill the void that Haechan left in our Ahn-ah’s heart.”
“You say that like he’s dead.”
“Yeah, dead to you.”
“Only sometimes,” I roll my eyes. “He’ll be back in one more month and I never said anything about you being my new best friend.”
He pouts, like a puppy. “Well haven’t I done a good job of taking care of you while he’s gone? You did post on your insta story about best friend applications being open and I remember sending you a resume that I don’t think you ever read. He’s been gone since like the beginning of last school year—”
Jeno continued to ramble on with loud hand gestures. It was odd to know that this was the boy I was introduced to during freshman year of high school. His features have grown to become more chiseled and—due to his resolution of ‘becoming fit’ over the summer—I couldn’t help but notice the outlines of muscle through his school uniform. Still retaining his puppy-like features, puberty didn’t steal away his cuteness just yet. The Lee Donghyuck he currently was ranting about was my best friend of now four years. I concluded that his one-sided competition for Donghyuck’s role as my best friend was his little way of reminiscing the devilish boy. Although, he’d never admit that he missed him. Neither would I.
Donghyuck was the funniest boy I ever met. He was like the sun at its brightest as it shone through a stormy day. His reactions were exaggerated and animated and he never failed at catching every opportunity for a quick-witted remark against me. But my favorite part about him was when he made jokes with a straight face. Sometimes I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not. He breathed life into my gloomy 7th-grade self. But I don’t think I could forgive him for not metaphorically holding my hand throughout first year. He had to leave Korea a quarter through the first semester because his parents won a trip to Canada. And I get it. Canada was a great place to be, but he failed to inform me that his trip would last about a year. Before he left, he introduced me to Jeno and told me that we would get along splendidly. 
In the words of my best friend; ‘you’d be too much of a loner while I’m gone, so I bestow this pity gift on you.’ 
Not to mention, our first meeting was hilarious. 
He was right. I missed him like the moon missed the sun in the cold night sky.
Luckily, Jeno and I had more in common than I thought and maybe Donghyuck knew that. Maybe that was why he introduced us. He always had an eye for such things. 
The first thing I said made him choke on his milk and flush cherry. Let’s just say I recognized him from an old advert he did as a child actor, featuring the said drink he choked on. The Lee Jeno I first got to know was awkward and shy, never without his crescent-crinkled eyes, a bashful smile, and fingers pulling on a hoodie string. The Lee Jeno that stood in front of me was wide-eyed, broad-shouldered, and confident as ever. 
He grew up a lot.
Don’t ever tell him this (lest you want his ego to inflate) but I really admired him for that. 
“—in conclusion, who was there for that whole fiasco? Not Haechan. What did he ever do? Facetime you every day? Pff I bought you ice cream. Now that’s a real friendship. You didn’t see him flying over from Canada to comfort you, did you? Maybe he was whisked away by a Canadian babe or hunk—”
“You got me my least favorite flavor,” I remarked.
“Ahn-ah,” he whined. “Give me some credit.”
“Tough love. If you wanna be Donghyuck try to be more annoying. He’d never greet me like that.”
“Oh yeah? And how would he have greeted you?” Jeno leaned forward to meet me eye level as if challenging me. Regret flashed in his eyes as I promptly jumped up to put him in a headlock, messing up his perfectly combed hair with my free hand.
“Aw isn’t our Jeno-oppa so grown up?” I pout, pulling and pinching at his cheeks. “Every morning that I see you, you seem to get taller. What am I going to do with you?”
He scrunched his nose in disgust, furrowing his brows. “I think I have cooties now.”
“That’s the spirit. Now keep that up and you’re on your way—maybe—to be just like Hyuckie.”
“The absolute disrespect you’re giving him while he’s gone, calling someone older than you so casually” he scoffs, wrestling his head out of my grasp. “How has he had this much influence on you while he’s gone?”
“Lee. Yang. I don’t suppose you’d want to be late for my class while having a lovers quarrel, don’t you?”
I push Jeno away from me and bowed, flustered. “Sorry, saem.”
“Saem-nim,” Jeno clicked his tongue at my rough gesture, running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t think I could think of her romantically even if I was paid five million won.”
Mr. Song tapped his knuckles against the boy’s head. “Be nice to girls, Jeno. I was joking. I guess you finally found another boy to bully, Ahn?”
“In my defense, sir, the last boy was the one who bullied me.”
“I liked you better with the other boy you were friends with, yes. Why don’t I see him with you anymore? You seemed to cause a lot less trouble with—”
Jeno swung the door open. “I think we should get to our seats, Ahn-ah. I’m sorry about the trouble Mr. Song.” His hands clasped around my shoulders and ushered me into the classroom, another scuff to probably form as I tried to not trip over my own feet or drop my books. He shoved me toward my seat.
“Shh,” he shot an annoying smile at my irritation. “Class is starting.”
“Rude. I think Donghyuck got to you too,” I grumble, sinking my face into the palm of my hand as my notebooks lay in disarray on my desk. It was unfortunate that our homeroom teacher was nice. He let Jeno sit next to me.
“I’ll call attendance now.” 
My unfortunate seatmate leaned closer toward me. I inched away, rolling my eyes as he whispered.
“So… does that make me better BFF material?” His eyes disappeared into crescents as he prodded me with is a pencil, chuckling deviously. I slapped his hand away.
“You’re still not as funny as him.”
“What the hell—”
“Lee, Jeno?” Mr. Song stared at the black-haired boy with a raised eyebrow.
To which he coughed loudly to cover up his expletive.
And aside from Harvey’s little announcement that morning, the rest of the day went on without a hitch. Soon enough, Monday turned into Tuesday, which morphed into Wednesday and bumped into Thursday. All the “day”s seemed the same. Monotonous. The only thing that was different was the slowly shifting breeze and the changing colors of the leaves of plants and trees. The autumn scenery was finally settling in.
And you know what they say about autumn.
It was a fitting season for the boy in front of me. A season of endings and changes—amongst all the other autumn things. 
“Why are you tearing them down?” I caught a piece of paper that fluttered down the stairway. It had been a while since I spoke English, the language strange on my tongue. “They’re cute.”
Harvey turned around and flashed a tight-lipped smile. He shook his head with a disappointed exhale. “Quite frankly, the whole thing was a bust.” His hand reached for another DNYL poster, one of many that scattered the walls of this place.
I picked up some rogue posters that fell onto the steps, approaching the foreign boy. I wasn’t lying about the posters being cute. They were handmade and created with color and illustration, the words written in an aesthetic way. Though, I didn’t mind to read them. 
“Why’d you make the club in the first place?”
“I guess I’ve just seen those people around campus who’ve just been so unhappy,” he said. “It felt horrible knowing that there was nothing I could do to help but I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, if I created a safe haven away from that heartbreak, then nobody would feel lonely enough to cry their heart out. Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to start something beautiful?” Harvey’s eyes were green and genuine. The golden light from the window was filtered through leaves, creating a taste of a nostalgic, bittersweet what-if. 
“Once,” I answered, a feeling pulling at my chest. An urge. A remembrance of what was and what could have been. There was a wish for warmth, even soaked in the honey glow of the sun. Longing. For new beginnings. 
Who hasn’t felt the wish for something to ignite?
For something to explode.
For undreamt dreams to just come true.
“I guess I also wanted to leave a small legacy before I leave. I need to go back home pretty soon.” A solemn sigh left Harvey once again as he stared down at one of his white posters. A pitiful silence hung in the air, dust fairies dancing and floating around us, falling and disappearing away from the light.
“Maybe you just need to find your targeted audience,” the words didn’t mean to come out of my lips, but they did anyway. “NCT is a highschool where teenage romance never sleeps. You’d be best off finding some outliers—y’know like the people you mentioned.”
“The ones I’ve seen around campus?”
“Yeah. Those who have been dumped, had a bad breakup, dealing with a broken heart… isn’t that what you said this club was for?”
“I wouldn’t suppose you’re one of those outliers?” He called out.
I looked behind at Harvey and the colorful papers that stuck out from his arms and his backpack. I looked at the empty walls and the tape that he wasn’t able to scrape off and half torn stickers that spelled ‘DN’. I look at him and smile without meaning to.
“If this is truly the coolest club on campus, then send a message my way.
“I don't have your number.”
“Who said you needed to text me to communicate? Send me something interesting—something special. I wanna feel like I’m being invited to the Phantom’s masquerade,” I turned away, biting at the inside of my cheek. My next words came at a frightening decrescendo as I realized what I was getting myself into. “If you find that I’m suited for your club…surprise me.
<< recruiting now | masterlist | boys are never worth it >>
footnotes -
saem: a shortened word for ‘seongsaeng-nim’ or teacher.
oppa: well, I think we all know this one but I mostly use it to signify respect or difference of age
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harryhighkey · 5 years
hello hi hi hi, it’s been one long ass minute but i’m back w another one shot!!! i’m v aware it’s not how you want him part 3 and that is what 90% of my messages are about, but, well this is not that at all, it’s something completely different
idk if u heard but thank u next dropped and i fucking love it!!!!!!! NASA is my favourite favourite favourite and this one shot is honestly a little inspired by it!! also, i’m kind of a little bit self-projecting bc of my own experiences lately lmao
but idk, like my last one shot i needed to write this for me right now and idk i love the idea of it and all that
it’s v angst i think, might do a part 2?????? might not???? sorry if there’s mistakes, i literally wrote it all down in one sitting bc i was just !!!!!! issa mood u know
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One hundred and fourteen days is a really long time to spend away from the person you love. A really fucking long time. It’s almost a third of the year, a whole season you could spend apart. And in your case, the season was autumn.
Harry had left during the last weeks of summer and you’d spent the entirety of autumn without him. Even communicating was a little difficult with him constantly changing timezones and countries. The first few weeks were hard. Really, really hard. You and Harry were seemingly still in that honeymoon phase when he was boarding his plane, even after seven months of officially being a couple you two were inseparable and couldn’t get enough of each other. And then all of a sudden he was just gone.
It was a weird thing to feel, it was something kind of a like a break up, except not that all at the same time. Your heart was left feeling empty when he left, but it wasn’t broken in a way that you knew he was gone forever. But you did know it was going to be a long time.
On day twenty-two, you felt a little change. You were perking up again, replying to messages from friends, adding to your Instagram story again. The longing was still there but that morning you awoke early and embarked on doing a massive clean out of your apartment on your days off from work and after everything was re-organised, you felt refreshed.
Day twenty-nine was when Harry noticed that change. He often felt bad when he would call you on a high from singing in front of thousands of his fans and you were cooped up in your one bedroom place. It was never your intention for him to feel bad, you loved that he got to do what he loved. It made you happy to see him happy you just wished you could be with him to experience the same happiness. That was until you realised you’d found happiness in other places. Suddenly you realised, your life had existed before Harry, and honestly, you kind of loved your life. Your apartment only seemed small because you’d been staying in lavish penthouses on weekends away. And your apartment had kind of begun become a pit where you would disregard clothes in a hurry to pack a new suitcase for the next little trip he would take you on. Without Harry there, you began to love the things about your apartment you did before and do the things you used to do before your boyfriend was someone who could be instantly recognised by millions of people.
Harry had Facetimed you and you didn’t answer as quickly as you normally did. You weren’t just sitting and waiting for him to call. Once you answered you could barely hear him. You were out with your friends, your smile was bright but honestly, you barely paid him any attention.
It was a quick call, one that had Harry left a bit perplexed. He was happy you were happy, but he couldn’t ignore the insulted way he felt that he didn’t have the full attention off of you that he had become so accustomed to receiving.
Day forty-four. He cried. Really cried because of how much he missed you. He’d had a really hard day with the media blasting headlines everywhere about him and a model he wasn’t even sure if he had met before. You felt for him, and listened as he vented and promised you none of it was true. You told him he didn’t have to reassure you, you knew the truth. Of course you believed him, you trusted his loyalty to you. However, you’d been so distracted by the good things happening for you, you hadn’t thought to check the TMZ YouTube or even search Harry Styles on twitter to see what was going on. You didn’t even have a clue any of this was being said. It wasn’t really an issue for you at all, until Harry had brought it up, the only reason it had an affect on you was because it had an affect on him.
Day seventy-six you were both so happy. So, so, so happy. Harry had just played to his biggest crowd yet and you’d been offered a promotion at work. Both of your lives were riding high in their own rights. They just weren’t two lives together at this point.
Day one hundred and thirteen at 11:02pm, he showed up at your front door. He’d managed to find a private jet and fly home early. He surprised you. And fuck, your heart flew high. You were so in love with that boy and as he kissed you for the first time in a long time, you melted right into him again. The two of you made love all night. You called in sick to work the next day and the two of you spent the entire day together just laughing, kissing and touching each other. You couldn’t get enough of him, he couldn’t get enough of you.
Day one hundred and thirty-two, it was well and truly winter now, the days were cold and the nights were freezing but you had Harry at night to keep you warm, now. Then again, your blankets did just as good of a job, too.
You weren’t that surprised, though, that wasn’t the first time you had a thought like that.
He had been home for nineteen days now, almost three full weeks. And fuck, did you love him, but fuck, did you want just a little room to breathe.
Three days ago, on day sixteen of him being home was when you really felt yourself getting annoyed. One of your favourite shows came back with a new season while Harry was away and you’d made a ritual every week of putting on a face mask and watching it in peace.
Harry thought he would watch it with you, and you didn’t mind. You were excited, at least at first you were. Then he started asking questions. From there it was a fast drop and everything he did started to annoy you. Eventually you told him to shut up and leave you alone. He went to bed, shocked.
The next day you didn’t talk about it, you woke up earlier than usual because you had an early start at work. You didn’t tell Harry.
Back to day one hundred and thirty-two, nineteen days into Harry being back and you came home from work to see him asleep on your little pink couch. Another time you would have found him so cute and endearing, but right now you felt like you couldn’t escape him. You went to your bedroom and his suitcase was opened, his clothes messily lingering around it. You went to your bathroom, he’d left the toothpaste opened. Again. Fuck you hated that.
Harry was staying with you, and when you said he could, you thought it would be fine. You thought it would be better than fine, you’d thought you would love it. He had sold his place before he left, the market was a good and his real estate agent told him he’d make a huge profit. He did, but now he was living in your little apartment with you and the place you once loved, then loathed and then loved again you were starting to loathe once more.
Or were you not loving Harry being there?
“Fuck this.” You murmured to yourself before you quickly got changed out of the clothes you wore to work and into something more comfortable before you grabbed your keys and left again.
It was 1:52am - or one hour and fifty-two minutes of day one hundred and thirty-three, twenty days of Harry being back - when you answered his call drunk.
“’lo boyfriend.”
“Oh my god, why haven’t you answered your phone?” He was relieved when you answered, after several attempts to contact you failed, he was starting to get desperate.
“I did right now?”
“You couldn’t answer any earlier?”
“Nah.” It was nice to have him on the phone, it reminded you of when he was away and when you missed him, you only thought about how much he loved you.
“Nah? What do you mean nah?” The word sounded so strange in his accent, you giggled. “What’re you laughing for?”
“You’re so pretty on the phone.”
“You’re really quite drunk. Did you drive?”
“Shit, you got a ride home?”
“You still at my place?”
“Yeah, want me to get you?”
“Nah, want you gone when I get home.”
“What?” All that wine had given you liquid courage and while right now you weren’t feeling remorseful over what you had said, Harry felt that blow, he felt it hard. “Y/N?”
“You heard me. I just..give me some room to breathe.”
“Where is this coming from?”
“Don’t know.” You did know, he was crowding in on the life you had found once again while he was away.
“Do, do you want to break up?” He went quiet when he asked that, as if he was afraid to ask the question. You were being brutally honest in this moment and he wasn’t sure what other kind of swings he was going to take from you right now.
“No, fuck no.” Your reply was instant, he was relieved again. “Love you so much, Harry, really. Never wan’ end it.”
“I don’t understand, then, what’s the issue?”
“I just, like, my place is a little too small for the both of us, you know?”
“I can get us a bigger place-”
“I don’t want a bigger place, I like my place.”
“What do you want, then? I'd give you the whole world if I could.” He was on the verge of tears, his eyes were welling up and you couldn’t see him but you could imagine it pretty well.
“Baby, s’okay. I don’t want the world, just want... a little space. Space. I want space, not the world.”
“You don’t want me here?”
“Not at the moment, I want a little me time, again.” 
“We were apart for so long.”
“Yeah.. and remember how good we were those first couple’a weeks. Go away again. Give me a chance to miss you.” You really thought you couldn’t have been more clear, but when Harry didn’t respond, you felt guilt creeping in. “It’s not a bad thing, Harry. I love you and I want you forever and all that, but shit, usually I love it when you stay, I do. I just- I’m on another kind of page right now. There’s nothing wrong with some me time.”
“Okay.” His reply was so simple, so quick you couldn’t at all get a hint at what he would be doing on the other end. “Are you coming back here tonight?”
“Nah, going to stay with a friend. Be there tomorrow sometime.”
“Text me when you’re there? Wanna know you’re safe.”
“I will.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night...I love you.” You were so sure of yourself when you’d been telling Harry exactly how you’d been feeling but now you were terrified of not hearing those words returned.
“I love you, too.” He hung up then.
Your emotions were all over the place as you stared at the picture that was your lockscreen background. Taken on day one hundred and seventeen, four days of him being home, he was laying on the couch with his arms lifted and bent and covering part of his face, but you could see his smile. His beautiful smile that made you smile, you were behind the camera and had been straddling his hips. You thought back to that moment of post lazy morning sex and he looked so gorgeous you couldn’t help but to take a photo, which he tried to avoid, but his smile was perfect. You swore that right now, you could hear the exact laugh he did on that perfect day. You wanted to feel like that again.
Did you make a mistake?
No, you were sure to get back to that moment, you needed the space. Right?
Right now, you couldn’t think about it, you weren’t going to let yourself have that internal battle. Instead, you went back inside the bar with your friends to have one last glass of wine and a hungover version of you on day one hundred and thirty-three could face the consequences.
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starryseo · 5 years
torn. | han jisung + lee felix
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pairing ↠ jisung x gender neutral!reader, felix x gn!reader
genre ↠ fluff? bit angsty- royalty au!
wc ↠ 5501
summary ↠ how can one follow their heart when it’s split in two?
warnings ↠ none!
a/n ↠ instead of writing 2 different fics for their bdays i’ve given u the best of both worlds :) enjoy :)
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being the only heir to the throne was extremely difficult
you had to go through so many different classes, formal events and gatherings in a single day
and it was vvv stressful
your parents insisted on you joining in on their meetings with other higher-ups so you could understand how to deal with each person
and although you knew it was only going to benefit you when you inevitably took over
you really just wanted a break
time alone was so fleeting and you hated that
whenever you had time to relax or enjoy yourself, you’d be too tired to actually do so properly
as much as you enjoyed some of the lessons, like archery (your personal trainer minho was definitely a Sight to see) and cookery (bc mrs han would always let you eat the food you made)
it was extremely tiring and you wished for just one day where you could do absolutely nothing
you always envied the people that werent of your status, people that didnt (quite literally) have a kingdom thrust upon their shoulders
they got to enjoy the finer things in life: normal conversations with their families; they could go out wherever, buy things for themselves and admire the country’s scenery
instead, you were stuck with only ever having meetings with your parents to discuss upcoming deals, people showering you with unwanted gifts to woo you over, and accompanied walks out into your garden
you couldn’t even walk in your own garden alone
there was, however, one special thing that you did look forward to seeing everyday
and that came in the form of an 18 year old boy
han jisung.
han jisung was as close to perfection you thought anyone could get
having practically grown up with the boy, you thought you knew everything there was to know about him
and vice versa, of course
he was your confidant
the only one you could go to when your stress was too high and you had no idea how to cope
he’d seen you through a lot of bad days but his smile alone could always brighten up your mood
he was extremely caring
always putting your needs before his own despite you insisting he treats you as an equal
you knew he didn’t do it bc of your status, it really was just how he was as a person
even to complete strangers, he was always so nice, helping them out without a care
you really wondered how he could be so carefree when outside the castle
this one time he had snuck you out of the castle during your lesson with him
you looked so sad when you came to the stable for your horseriding lesson and his heart ached as soon as he saw your frown
and almost instantly he knew what to do!!
since your horseriding lessons took place inside the castle, your bodyguard didn’t stay with you, entrusting jisung with your safety instead
and he decided that an impromptu trip to the great Outside was exactly what you needed!
so, sneaking out through the back of the stables, donning jisung’s jacket, hat and a face mask, you both escaped the castle
this side of the castle was for the common people that worked inside, like the maids, chefs, stableboys, and when mrs han, your favourite cookery teacher and also jisung’s mum, saw you trying to leave, she simply smiled, waving for the common guards to let you through
he shot a thankful grin at his mum before grabbing your hand, taking you out of the castle
when he wasnt training you and the horses, he spent his time going out of the castle, bringing back small things from his adventures
you didn’t like people showering you with riches, but the small flowers and hand-made bracelets jisung brought back were exceptions to that
he weaved expertly through the hustle and bustle, taking you to a quaint cafe nearby
your grip on his hand tightened - what if people recognised you? word would spread and you would be in so much trouble!
yet, as soon as jisung rubbed your hand soothingly, turning to give you a reassuring smile, all your worries vanished
this cafe was one you frequented (when you escaped your royal walls with jisung)
so when changbin, the owner’s son, saw jisung and a ridiculously-disguised figure (you) walk in, he snickered, ushering you two over into the backroom
he snuck some food and hot drinks to you both during his shift as you snuck away
although you always had to be on alert, jisung’s relaxed demeanour rubbed off on you
you enjoyed doing things like this with him, not caring about your next lesson, or the plethora of princes/esses you had to impress next
you loved just sitting on the floor with him, sharing a plate of cookies and all your secrets
“thank you for this, ji” you sighed, leaning your back against the wall as you sipped on your drink
“don’t worry ‘bout it!” you scrunched your nose when he grinned, cookie crumbs lining the corner of his lips
you raised your hand to wipe away the crumbs, but as soon as your finger touched him, he jumped back
“how indecent, sunshine! the royal highness touching someone as lowly as me? what would your parents say?”
you rolled your eyes at his joke, leaning your head on his shoulder
“you, lowly? you’re better than nearly everyone in that castle, ji”
“what do you mean ‘nearly’? i thought i was your best friend!” he nudged you, a massive pout on his face
 “well, you are my best friend, but that’s nothing compared to minho’s face, seriously,,,”
“yeah, im definitely telling your parents this now”
“hey i was joking,” you smiled, poking his side so he would laugh instead of pouting more, “you’re my favourite person in that castle”
“hey lovebirds, shouldn’t you be heading back to the castle?” changbin popped into the kitchen, hanging up his apron, “you’ve been here for almost an hour”
at that, both your and jisung’s carefree attitudes were gone like the wind, eyes wide and bodies rigid as you realised you had to leave. now.
as quickly as you both could, you ran out of the cafe
you don’t know when jisung reached back to hold your hand, pulling you along with him, but a sudden warmth filled you, and you were sure it wasn’t bc of the unexpected exercise
you arrived just a split second before guards had come into the common house, demanding to know where you were since you weren’t waiting by the stables like usual
“i’m fine, i was just a bit hungry so i asked mrs han for some food!”
your bodyguard nodded at that, waiting for you start walking so he could guard you
just as he went ahead to open the doors, you turned around, waving wildly at jisung who was already returning the gesture, and you mouthed a quick ‘thank you!’ before following your guard back to the castle grounds
han jisung was like a sunrise, you always thought
not only because he could brighten your days with the smallest of smiles, but because he was a wisp of fresh air from your tedious life
he always had a trick up his sleeve, something new and surprising to ignite your life, just like the sun rose and breathed life into everything it shone down upon
whenever you saw him, you were sure you could literally see him glow, a heavenly light outlining him because there was no way on earth jisung was anything less than an angel
he was, in simple terms, stunning
even tho he couldnt understand exactly what you went through on a daily basis, he tried so hard to relate to you, knowing exactly what to do to make you feel better
and for that, you couldn’t be more grateful
weeks had passed and your life went as it normally did until one thursday evening
the dining room was filled with its usual quietude, cutlery clinking against plates as you ate your food in peace
although you wished your parents would speak up more, ask you how your day went and not be so focussed on business, you took notice of their tired eyes and held-back yawns
nonetheless, you enjoyed simply being in their presence without deadlines looming over you and the constant nagging from your counsellors
just as you were about to break the silence your father spoke up
he cleared his throat to catch your attention before speaking, “tomorrow, the royal family from our sister country will be coming over to stay”
“o-oh? why?” you furrowed your eyebrows at your father’s announcement
it had been a while since you had last seen that family alone
of course you saw them whenever your family held large events but they hadn’t visited, and stayed over, at your castle in a while
“conflict has been rising at the borders, and you know we cannot be having wars start between our countries”
you nodded and your father continued eating, ending the talk there
you headed straight to bed after that, but you found it hard to sleep because your mind kept wondering back to the family that were arriving soon
or, more specifically, the prince
lee felix.
you woke up grumpily the next morning, having stayed up a few hours later than usual simply because you couldnt sleep
the knocking at your door was getting louder and you could barely hear your maid, hana, yell out your name
grumbling, you got out of bed, pulling open the door. “what’s the matter hana?”
“your highness, the lee family has arrived, why aren’t you ready?”
“i just woke up-”
“oh goodness!” you watched her panic, stuttering something about how your parents would have her head for your lateness, eyes wide in fear, and you laughed to ease her worries
“hana, please, calm down. i’ll wash up, but could you get my clothes?”
she nodded before scurrying off to piece together your attire and accessories
and you made the quickest run ever to get yourself cleaned and presentable
of all days to oversleep, you sighed, shaking your head to push away your fatigue
you groaned at the clothes hana haid lain out on your bed; they looked uncomfortably rich and you couldnt wait to get out of them already
you tried to walk into the dining hall as quietly as possible, but the conversation that was going on stopped as soon as you entered, 5 pairs of eyes on you the second you stepped past the door
you walked forward, bowing your head and greeting the family in front of you, them returning the gesture
king lee smiled as you sat down, joking, “how nice of you to finally join us!”
you stuttered out an apology, looking away nervously, but he shook his head to dismiss your worries
your eyes flittered to felix who was sitting in the seat furthest away from you
he was already looking at you, smiling when you caught his eye and you adored how his eyes crinkled at the corners
you had zoned out as the adults talked and, occasionally, when you and felix made eye contact, he’d pull a weird face
you bit your lips to hold back your laugh but he joined you in grinning
after finishing breakfast, your mother proposed you take felix on a tour of the house as the adults talked over the issues at hand
"anywhere you’d like to go in particular?”
“surprise me, your highness” he nudged your side, eyes eagerly wandering around the halls of your home
you rolled your eyes at what he called you, “since when have you been the formal type?”
he shrugged, smirking, “just thought it was fitting,” he winked at you before walking ahead, “let’s go to the gardens!”
“thought you wanted me to surprise you...” you mumbled, picking up your pace to catch up with him
he waited by the doors leading outside, just so he could hold them open for you and when you thanked him, he let out a teasing, “anything for you, your highness”
“i have a name for a reason, felix, please use it”
“but i like calling you ‘your highness’, your highness”
“it sounds so... so weird though, we’ve known each other since we were kids, we practically grew up together”
“better get used to it then, your royal highness”
you let out a horrid groan at his insistence on the nickname
if there was one thing you remembered about felix
it was that he was stubborn as anything
when you were kids this trait usually transferred into competitiveness and a desire to constantly beat you - he would always beg for rematches if you ever beat him
now his persisting nature made you want to poke him until he stopped, but, since he was your guest, you would try to hold off on doing that for as long as you could
“oh, you remember jisung, right?” you asked, leading him down a familiar path
when you were younger and felix visited, the 2 of you would play outside in the garden and then sneak away to the common area to play with jisung too
the visits became infrequent as you grew older, but jisung was always acting as a waiter at formal events, so the 2 boys still would have seen each other around the castle
“of course i do”
it was a normal reply, and yet you sensed some sort of underlying bitterness when he said that because the ever-present smile on his face wilted slightly at the mention of the other boy
you brushed it off as you overanalysing - felix really had no reason to hate jisung, and you’d never seen the 2 of them fight, nor had either come to you, complaining about the other
you led him to the common house, knocking on the door to the entrance, before going in
you greeted the people lounging around there, snickering slightly as they rushed to welcome felix in properly
you noticed how some of the staff blushed as felix smiled at them, nervously giggling in front of him and you cringed slightly
you held back your laguh as they grew nervous in his presence, but he didn’t seem to mind, his grin growing larger as though he knew what effect he was having on them
“hey mrs han, where’s ji?”
“good morning, your highnesses, he went out to get some food, he should be coming back soon”
“is it alright if we wait here for him?”
“of course!” she smiled, eyes tired but still shining - you admired her pure enthusiasm and the hard work she put into everything she did
she swatted off the other workers that were lazing around so you could sit down
“it’s a pleasure to see you again, prince felix,” mrs han said, placing a plate of warm cookies on the small table in front of you
“the pleasure is all mine, mrs han,” felix beamed, “and might i say, you look like you haven’t aged since the last time i saw you!”
“you are too kind, my prince,” she laughed at his compliment, “he’s a keeper, isn’t he, y/n?”
felix turned to you when mrs han said that, throwing you an exaggerated wink
“he’s a real catch,” you said, voice monotoned and he nudged you at your lack of enthusiasm
“c’mon your highness,” felix teased, lifting your hand to press a kiss in the back before ending with a wink, “admit it.”
you dont know why your hand warmed at the contact, nor why you felt a weird fluttery feeling in your stomach at the overused action, yet you didn’t exactly hate what you were going through
before you could reply, you heard someone clear their throat to break the conversation
“ji!” you exclaimed, jumping from your seat, “felix is here!”
“so it seems,” he murmured, eyes unmoving from felix’s face
you turned to felix, only to see him staring straight back at jisung, eyes unblinking
you looked at mrs han, raising a brow, confused at their awkward behaviour, and she just shook her head, mumbling, “boys...” before grabbing the bags from jisung’s hands and walking off
“alright,” you clapped, breaking both boys out of their stare-off, “let’s go outside!”
“you two go ahead, i’ve got something to do,” jisung murmured
“please, ji, we came here just for you,” you pouted, pulling his wrist to make him join you
“i’ll come later, i swear, y/n,” he replied, lightly squeezing your hand in promise
you nodded before leaving with felix, but you couldnt help feel something was off about him
he hadn’t called you by your name in years.
you and felix had decided to stay outside, sitting on one of the benches just to catch up with each other
mrs han had, kindly enough, sent someone over with a basket of food for you to snack on as you listened to felix talk about his friends
“i’ve missed this, you know?”
“missed what?” you asked, quickly swallowing a bite of your sandwich
“this, us, the two of us being with each other”
“o-oh” you mumbled, staring down at the food in your hand, “it has been a while hasn’t it?”
you tried to skirt around the topic, not knowing exactly what he meant or why he would miss you so much
you were avoiding his gaze, but you could still feel his eyes peering at the side of your face
“please look at me,” he whispered, and you dont know what exactly it was about his voice, but despite your sudden shyness at the topic, you felt compelled to look at him
he slowly grabbed your hand, the touch warming you instantly as he rubbed circles on the back of your hand
his eyes were glistening under the sun, roaming all over your face as soon as you turned to him
all you could focus on was him
his eyes
his freckles
his lips-
“hope i’m not interrupting anything!”
thank god for jisung bc you dont know how much longer you could stay unmoving under felix’s intense gaze
as soon as you looked at your best friend, felix had turned away too, scooting away from you and you wondered if he’d been that close to you the whole time
“you came!” you cheered as enthusiastically as possible, but felix’s actions were just replaying in your mind and jisung could tell there was something off about the both of you now
jisung had run the short distance left to you, sitting himself in the gap between you and felix
“so, sunshine, why’d you so desperately want to see me?”
“i wasn’t desperate, you fool, i just wanted all of us to hang out together, like old times”
“ah yes, the dream team plus felix,” although he was only joking, smirk on his face clearly showing that, only you and jisung had laughed at that
“hey, i was just kidding,” he said, nudging felix when said boy just carried on staring at the ground
“i gathered” felix grumbled, sighing before standing up, “i need to use the bathroom”
“i can show you-”
“i’ll find it myself.” he cut you off, walking in the direction of the castle
“whats got the prince so grumpy?” jisung asked rhetorically
you shrugged, his actions still reeling in your mind
“let me guess,” jisung started, “he got all moody as soon as i came, right?”
“now that you mention it, yes, he did, but what has that got to do with anything?”
in all your time knowing the two boys, they had never argued in front of you; the three of you always played together nicely, albeit they both were closer to you than they were to each other, but you just assumed that was because they never knew each other that well
now that you were all older, you hoped they had grown out of their childish ways, but apparently not
“um, everything??” jisung spoke, like everything he was saying was clear as day, “he’s probably jealous of us because i’m pretty sure he likes you.”
you laughed at that
felix??? liking you?? that was CrazyTM even for that wild child
“seriously jisung i dont know how you came up with that, but that was a good one”
“for once, y/n, im not joking”
your chuckles died down when you noticed he really wasnt laughing with you
your eyebrows furrowed, confusion already lacing your words as you asked “why would he even like me?”
“beats me,” he joked, shrugging his shoulders and, despite that being a harmless, dismissive action, it hurt
so much
sure, jisung was your best friend but was there really nothing about you that he liked?
you hated how much a small gesture like that got to you, but you couldnt stop the sadness bubbling inside of you even if you tried
“wow, thanks,” you scoffed, dusting off your clothes before standing up, “i’m going to see if felix is okay.”
“wait, y/n-” he jumped up, pulling you back to him by your wrist. “i didn’t mean it like that, i-”
“it’s whatever, jisung,” you tugged your hand out of his grasp before walking back to the castle
you wanted to hear him out, he looked so desperate to talk to you, but your mind was hazy with so many different thoughts and emotions you just need to get away from him
so you walked back inside, taking your time as you climbed the staircase to the room that felix was staying in
you knocked on his bedroom door, entering when you heard a low, “come in”
he was sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows resting on his knees as he stared at the ground, his hands covering his face
you rushed over to him, quickly shutting the door behind you, before you crouched in front of him
gently holding his wrists, you moved his hands away from his face
you brushed away his hair that had fallen in front of his face, glad to see that he wasn’t crying
but his crestfallen expression wasnt heartwarming either
he had barely glanced up at you, finding the carpet much more intriguing to stare at
“talk to me, felix, what’s the matter?”
“nothing, it’s stupid,” he sighed, falling back onto the bed. once again, he covered his eyes with his forearm.
you lay down besides him on the bed, staring at the ceiling
you both stayed like that for a while, completely silent, but it was comforting just being besides felix like that
jisung’s words were running through your head and, although you felt bad for leaving him like that, you were curious as to whether or not there was any truth behind his words
could lee felix really like you?
“hey, felix?”
he hummed, arm unmoving, to tell you he was listening
“has this got something to do with jisung?”
he let out a long sigh before turning onto his side to face you
you mirrored his position, staring at his face to see him doing the same
he bit his lip, closing his eyes as though he was contemplating what to say
when he finally opened his eyes again, you listened to him intently
“in a way, yes?” he started, chuckling a bit, “this is going to sound so stupid, but, i guess i just envy the two of you.”
you furrowed your brows, pouting slightly at hearing his confession - why did he feel jealous though? jisung was right about that part-
“stop doing that,” felix whined, his own lips pouting
your eyes widened at his sudden exclamation, “doing what exactly?”
“stop being so cute”
“i like you, okay? i’ve liked you for so long, but jisung likes you too and it kills me because i know that you’d pick him over me any day”
you couldnt believe jisung was actually right.
felix seriously liked you?
liked you as more than just a friend??
your thoughts were going haywire, his confession playing like a broken record in your mind
“i-i didn’t know-”
he laughed at that, facing the ceiling once more, “that’s kind of the whole point of a crush”
you were stunned.
how were you even supposed to reply to that??
“it’s hard not to like you, really.” he started, and you noticed his cheeks turning rosy with every word he spoke. “you’re so down-to-earth, unlike a lot of the other royals we meet who are conceited and full of themselves, you’re so kind to people, but you won’t ever let them push you around or take you for granted, y’know? and you’re always hands on, you love helping others out even when your parents or mrs han are telling you not to; god, i could go on for eternity about the little things i like about you y/n...”
by the time he had said all of that, he was facing you once more, hand slowly coming to rest on your cheek as he stared closely at you
“do you remember the first time we met?”
small smiles crossed both of your faces as you thought back to childhood memories
“of course i do, at the hwang palace”
hwang hyunjin was like a brother to felix, despite being the prince of a different country
the two were practically inseperable - whenever there was a formal event taking place, you would always find one right beside the other
you remembered that day very clearly. it was one of the first times you had actually left your country for a function. before that, your parents had kept you at home to review work since they thought you were too young to be out at large, noisy social events
so when you rocked up at the hwang party, hiding behind your dad’s leg as he greeted other kings, hyunjin and felix took the initiative to grab your hands and literally drag you away to the other kids there
hyunjin disappeared a little while after to beg the cooks to sneak you kids some food
and felix whisked you away to hyunjin’s room
at first you were scared (bc 2 boys were dragging you away and your parents were just smiling at you to have fun)
but you realised they werent all that bad. felix made you feel really welcome as he shared the food already in hyunjin’s room
you both played with the toys and half-built fort felix and hyunjin had already set up
and by the time hyunjin had come back with a massive bag full of sweets you were 100 per cent you didnt ever want to leave these two
you were literally on the verge of crying when hyunjin’s maid came up telling you that you had to go
you and felix were literally begging your parents to stay but to no avail :(((
that continued on for years after that until the 3 of you had grown up and it was no longer socially acceptable for 3 royals to go into a bedroom together for hours on end bc who knows what would be going on in there
you’d still catch felix sending you sly grins when you met him in the hall and he’d always jokingly ask you to dance with him
and each time you’d send him away or run to hyunjin to save you
spoiler: he never saves you
so you’d end up dancing with felix and it would be so bad
you knew he could dance bc he had put on performances at his own family’s events
but here you two were too busy laughing and chatting away to try to not step on the other’s feet
“i was so sad when hyunjin came back up, y’know?”
“why? we were in his room,” you laughed at his childish behaviour
“because,” he whined, “we were having so much fun together and you were the first kid that actually came up and joined us, everyone else stayed with their parents”
“i mean, i didnt have much choice did i? you two dragged me upstairs to play with you.”
by now both of you were staring at the ceiling again, thinking back on many childhood memories
“it wasn’t love,” he started, “we were 7 i dont think i even knew what love was then, but i could just- i don’t know, i could tell there was smth about you then. and when we met up after that i think i just fell for you a bit more each time.”
it was so odd hearing felix talk about how he liked you
the boy was always joking around, a grin plastered on his face, but here he was speaking so earnestly and it left you completely speechless
you couldnt lie to yourself
you had thought about felix in some romantic way before
as you grew up your parents would always make comments about how you and felix were so close
add that to the fact that both of your parents were very close too
you honestly thought you’d end up marrying felix one day to satisfy your parents and your nations
of course the topic of marriage wasnt for another few years but these thoughts had bombarded your mind every now and then - more so when your father announced the lees would be coming over
but right now, as you lay besides him, mind an utter mess, you had no clue how to respond to him
all thoughts abruptly stopped as soon felix spoke
“can i kiss you?”
your thoughts went wild after that, but somewhere in that mess you vaguely remember nodding before one of you moved close and the other even closer, diminshing any distance between the two of you
it was short but lasting
his hand came up and rested on your cheek, barely holding onto you like you were the finest china he had ever laid hands on
so scared to break you, yet unwilling to let you go
his touch was warm and comforting, like a sunrise, appreciation and love washing over you in blissful waves
you pulled away from him, his eyes slowly opening at crinkling at the edges as he grinned
“you dont know how long ive wanted to do that for”
you laughed at his excitement and the smile on his face, but the door slamming shut broke you out of this joyous moment
you had a sinking feeling you knew who was there and without wasting a second you got up
your mind barely registered felix calling your name out as you ran out, quickly catching up to jisung who was halfway down the stairs already
“ji, please wait!”
“why?? you seemed perfectly fine up there with prince charming!”
he stopped where he was, turning around and watching as you ran down until you were just a step in front of him
“can you just- can you please just talk to me, ji.” you sighed, holding onto his wrists gently so he wouldn’t run away again, although you felt he wouldn’t try anyways. “what’s wrong?”
“me! i’m what’s wrong!”
“i don’t underst-”
“god, y/n, i’m in love with you!”
and you froze.
you were glad jisung was holding onto your arms bc you lost your grip on any rational thoughts
you felt his hand slowly leave yours, instead trailing up your arm, your shoulder, your neck, until he reached your face, thumb running over your rosy cheek as he brushed away the stray hairs
“i’m sorry you had to find out like this,” he started, voice so quiet but so loud in your mind. “but i’m not sorry i feel this way. i probably should,” he chuckled, “but i don’t.”
you vaguely remember his fingers weaving through your hair as he pulled you closer to him, his breathing light as he murmured a small, “may i?”
and you nodded.
you dont know who moved first or who closed the gap between you, but you remember him.
his lips brushing yours gently before he pressed against you with more passion
his other hand dropped your wrist, finding sanctuary on your waist as he drew you closer and you gravitated towards him so naturally, so easily, he smiled into the kiss
your hands found purchase on his chest, his heart’s rythmic beating playing like a melody in your palm and you grinned too
soon enough you broke away, faces mere centimeters apart, both of you blushing and beaming
“you’re so stunning, sunshine” he breathed, not breaking the tranquility of the moment
and you couldn’t help but look away shyly, his gaze too endearing and intimate for you to handle
when you look back up his eyes are focussed on the top of the staircase and you worry your parents or staff are there, fuming
but when you turn around your heart dropped because there, at the end of the staircase, is felix.
hhhhhhhhhhh do i even need to explain how sorry i am that this took literal months to post??? the ending was killing me bc i didnt know how to write it and then personal stuff came up but nOW it’s finally done!!!! im gonna get smth up for jeongin’s bday too (lets pray i can actually post it before february ends). hope u enjoyed reading this!!!!
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