#(den literally said so lmao)
forcebookish · 1 year
so... in the drama where ray kissing mew (who has said he doesn't want to be with him) when he's asleep is explicitly wrong and there are real consequences for it,
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boston shoving top (who has repeatedly said he doesn't want to have sex with him) against a wall and groping him in a public place (twice) is... fine?
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continuing to touch top after he's said to stop and let go is... okay?
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hmmmmm, almost like this drama is trying to say something about consent... almost like it's a recurring theme........ 🤔
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chaotic-iguana · 1 year
Refuge | chapter three. 
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chapter three: damning rebirth
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wordcount: 3.8k - my longest work yet lmao summary: what if reader and joel were married before the outbreak? warnings: angst, estrangement, anger, violence, sad, its like centered around finding yourself again, reader and joel are both quite complicated broken ppl im trying to do them justice, not much joel he’ll be in the next chapter i promise.
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You didn’t speak to him for weeks after that first afternoon. You’d run out of words to say. You stopped speaking to his brother, too, for keeping you in the dark; ignoring Maria’s justifications, the constant droning of “…he did it to keep you safe, you know? So you wouldn’t leave Jackson’s safety and run after Joel. You could have died. Sarah’s death would have broken you, like it broke him, and you should be thankful that…” 
You tuned her out after a while. It was getting tiring coming up with rude adjectives to describe how wrong she was in your head. There was no fight left in you to even protest, so you just left the room while she was talking. You loved her, but there were days you thought she just enjoyed hearing herself talk. Which she was extremely welcome to do, but with the acknowledgement that you would rather walk into a bloaters' den unarmed than sit through it.
Tommy had lied to you, kept the truth about your family from you, and no matter how many ways he spun it, it wouldn’t change the fact that when your first fucking words to him were asking about Joel and Sarah, he had looked you in the eyes and lied through his goddamn teeth when he said he didn’t know. He could go crying to Maria all he liked. You’d need a while not to recoil with disgust every time you saw him no matter how many times you got told to stop acting like a child. When Tommy realised the extent of your anger, he attempted to remedy it by telling you everything. Sarah getting shot on outbreak day - you still winced when he said it- and Joel’s time in the QZ, with a woman called Tess. You didn’t even know what to make of that. You probably couldn’t unpack your feelings about it if you tried. How he found the girl you’d gotten alarmed by - the job he got, how he took her in, how he lied to her and why she won’t look at him now. 
You didn’t even bother forming opinions about any of it, let alone voice any. Thinking was futile; your thoughts or ideas or opinions or offense wouldn’t change anything, would they? You continued the same monotonous routine you had established for the past year or so since you arrived to Jackson, this time with even fewer occasions of leaving the house for a party or drink. 
The shop and your bedroom became your life, the only people you spoke to were those looking for books. You’d collected them for years in the hope that if the outbreak ever got under control, there would be literature somewhere for humanity to remember what it used to be. Or perhaps a relic, serving as a legacy for a species long gone. Something, just to yell at the world and all those to come after, that you were here, even when you weren’t really. You hadn’t quite been here since the day the world had ended. Since the day you had lost everything. And now, twelve years later, all of it just came crashing back. 
The pain was as if someone had crawled into your flesh, peeled your ribs back, and plucked your heart out.
Sarah had become less of a person and more of a concept to you over time. The intangibility that very literally gave you strength when you lay bruised and beaten, held down and overlooked by snarling strangers. She had been your salvation; your everything. Losing her wasn’t something you had truly came back from the first time around, suppressed guilt and fear and worry gnawing at the back of your mind. The reappearance of all of it, overshadowed this time by crippling guilt, was a cruel albeit welcome one. You wanted to feel bad - because much like Joel, it was what you deserved. You had failed - not only as a mother but as a wife, too. You should have just gone home on time that fucking night, but life got in the way as if often used to back then. All those little things that got blown out of proportion like work and deadlines and projects and careers didn’t even matter now. You should have come home. You should have been there.
You didn’t even want to imagine how Joel felt. To you, the ache was a phantom limb - trailing you wherever you went, interwoven with your shadow. To him, it was a stain on his hands that he never seemed to be able to rub out; he could always see a tinge of crimson coating his fingers, ever since that night.
Neither of you could look the other in the eye anymore. 
Yet, even after all of it life simply went on, stuttering but still relentless in its proceedings. Pink, jagged scars marred the flesh of time as it stretched around the metalwork of the lives you had fought to keep, yet lost the worth of anyways. Fate is seldom kind.
It wasn’t too peculiar, this distance. Ironically, even after all these years, you both understood the other perfectly - as if each thought either of you had, each feeling you felt, was respected and loved and relayed by the refuge of your marriage, still. You understood that he was too ashamed by his self-proclaimed failure to speak to you, and he understood that the loss had so wholly devoured you that you wouldn’t have the strength to look in his eyes and be reminded of hers for a while.
The song and dance continued, the delicate persuasion of ensuring not to jolt the fragile existences the other had created for themselves. Joel didn’t come near your bookshop, and you didn’t go near Tommy, lest the words ‘family dinner’ be spoken into existence. Truly, he was idiot enough to suggest it. As if all that your currently brilliant (more like fractured) relationship with your husband (was he still? what about tess?) needed was a dinner with his brother, his sister in law, and the kid he had apparently adopted, lied to, and was now in a rough spot with. Gotta love reunions, no?
In another life, you would have stepped in. You would have spoken to either of them - perhaps even made more of an effort to include Ellie in your own life to ensure that after all she had been through, she wouldn’t feel alone even when she wasn’t doing well with Joel. In this life, though, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Joel acted like a selfish, moronic liar, sure. But if this kid couldn’t see, that at his very core, he was just plain scared - that he practically shook in his (adorable) cowboy boots anytime someone mentioned what happened to Ellie - then, great, she deserved Joel not realising that it was her decision to save humanity; to pay the price, to do what it took; entirely independent of him, or anyone else. You tamped down on the cynical part of you sneering at the romantic heroism of it all. The world knew now, better than before, how selfish man was. How utterly human, for Joel to struggle to separate his feelings for his own daughter and the one he had taken in; for Ellie to be too caught up in her own view to even consider what Joel was going through. It was almost like one of those plays you used to enjoy reading - like a Greek tragedy. The hamartia of both heroes was humanity alone.
They’d come around, eventually. Joel and Sarah always did, too. 
The irony lay mostly in the fact that you had spent a decade craving him - his comfort and his warmth. The kneading of his large hands on your back after a long day; the scratch of his stubble when he nuzzled into your neck from behind. The years you didn’t have him were spent with only him in mind; a mindless worship of the love you had. Now that he was within reach; close enough to grasp and curl your fingers around, to sink an burrow into; you were… lost. The desperation; the wild frenzy with which you had remembered only them through the years - to have lost one now leaves you clueless about what to do with the other. The cracks that have made their way into your heart - the ones tainting your soul - you see them reflected in him, too. Your first look into his dark eyes told you that he, too, has done too much to be standing here today; that his first kill, too, had been the man he once was. No wonder you can’t bear to look at each other anymore. The grief - not only of what you have both lost, or what you once had, but the grief of who you both used to be - rears its ugly head in any room you find yourselves in together. Look at me, it screams. Look at what the years have done to me. I can’t recognise myself in mirrors anymore. I don’t see who I used to be. I was so beautiful. I was so good. Look at me. Look at me. Look-
Is this how the angels felt when they fell? You’d never know - there were no angels; there was no God. What divinity would allow for any of this to happen? This joke, this mockery of nature. You never were religious, but fumbled prayers had found their way into your vocabulary every night when you didn’t know where Joel and Sarah were. You - who had never even stepped into a church had prayed.
You must have forgotten there was nobody sitting in the sky to listen.
You had made your peace with the mutual decision to avoid him and the girl - not only because you didn’t even know how to start apologizing to her-but because you were content with the mere knowledge that he was here, that he was alive and breathing.
Tommy’s guilt worked in your favor, ensuring that he didn’t try pairing you and Joel up for patrols - likely fearful of the fallout that might occur (but like, what could even happen? another apocalypse?) but the comedown of that meant that you were paired up with Fred, instead. A man who infuriated you to no end, one who found it extremely interesting that you were once married, that you have a child. Had.
His ceaseless questions made you want to rip your hair out, but you refrained - if only so he wouldn’t have another reason to put his arms around you to try ‘calming’ you like last time. He was a bastard, but you didn’t have it in you to challenge him just yet.
Your answers to his enquiries were grunted or simply monosyllabic, your irritation clear as day in the set of your jaw, the slant of your brow. Nevertheless, like the dumbfuck he was, he persisted. So then how was this your fault?
It had been a decent morning. You’d gotten up early in time for the patrol, taken a shower, drank some water and arrived at the stables. But as you stood outside, you could hear the commotion of people inside - boisterous cheering and laughing as if one would hear in a pub. Interest piqued, you inched your way to the entrance of the barn silently, trying to understand what was going on. 
“…fuckin’ whore’s been leading me on for like half a year, turned out she was married the whole time. Dodged a bullet, though. Nearly lost her shit when he told her that her kid died. Went completely apeshit and ruined my goddamn shirt with her snot- nearly clawed through my arm, too. Feel bad for the poor husband, had to yell at everyone to get out just so he could calm her crazy ass down. Everyone’s lost someone, lady. Get over it, right? Plus, girl that age wouldn’t have done too well at a QZ, know what I mean? Wouldn’t have gone untouched, anyways.” He paused for them all to laugh at the supposed comedic gold in his words - him and his little pack of primitives - and all you could do was stand there, glued to the spot in shock.
The fucking audacity. Leading him on? You fucking tried your best to get him to stop talking to you, stop touching you - and you didn’t claw at his arm because you were crazy, you did it because you were fucking panicking and some idiot was making it worse by caging you in. And that was brushing aside what he said about Sarah. No, that had you seeing red, chest heaving.
Fuck, the old you would have broken his nose on the first day. Never is too late to do the right thing, is it? 
Just like before, a laugh was forming in your chest. A giggle at first, before you were chuckling, clapping a hand to your mouth and horrified with your own humour. The joke here was priceless, though. See - the world had ended, God was dead, and you were worried about being lightly reprimanded? Fuck that, and fuck him. You hadn’t let yourself feel fear out there. You hadn’t let yourself feel despair, and you sure as hell hadn’t let yourself feel hope. Joel’s arrival forced you to confront all the pain you had ignored. This cunt of a man was managing to unearth all the anger you had neglected, too. His fucking funeral.
Your tongue sat agitated against your teeth in anticipation, waiting to give way to the venom lacing the words in your brain. 
Fury sparked in your blood, washing away all your hesitation. Fragmented, she etched herself into the ring of black that blew out your pupils; the unfaltering thumping of your heart in your chest. The threads of your fate were now in her slender, silhouetted hands, and all that was left for you to do was obey. Not that you had a choice. 
Before you could so much as blink, you had burst into the crowd. Fred’s eyes widened at the wild snarl on your face, begging and apologizing.
He was unaware, though, of just how sick you had become of apologies. Tommy’s apologies, Joel’s apologies, Maria’s shitty ones, and then the sympathetic apologies you’d been getting from customers because apparently word of Sarah and her role in your life had spread like wildfire throughout Jackson. Joel wouldn’t have shared it, nor would Tommy- not when he knew you were two seconds away from breaking his nose just weeks ago. That left the kid Joel bought-Ellie-or Fred. And something just told you it wasn’t the girl. You’d trust Joel’s judgement blindly any day.
His empty sorrys fell upon deaf ears, his trembling voice cracking as he repeated them over and over.
You grinned, baring your teeth.
“Hello, Fred. Hello, everyone. Having a party and I wasn’t even invited?” You pouted mockingly. “Y’ know what I personally think is absolutely, knee-slappingly hilarious?” You paused, watching their curiosity grow as they fell hook, line and sinker for the cheerful façade, furrowing ther brows in question and stepping in closer. “How untouched you look, asshat.” Your grin dropped just as you rocked back on your heels, surging forward within a split second while throwing all your weight into your fist. 
Just as it collided with the asshat's jaw.
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“What the fuck were you thinking? You’ve been…frazzled since Joel came back, fine, but I cannot excuse your behaviour just because I know you or because you’re family. This was absolutely out of line, is that clear?” Maria stopped her pacing to turn to you, expecting a justification or an apology. You offered neither. When you refused to so much as look up from your split knuckles, she threw her hands up, huffing at her husband, who was leaning against the table sheepishly while wincing every time her voice rose as she yelled at you. 
The door swung open and Joel practically stumbled in, eyes searching wildly until they landed on you curled up on a chair with your hands in your lap. Did news seriously spread that fast, even now? Guess people don’t have much to do when the world has ended.
“Look- I know, I know you went through a lot. At first, you were spacey and Tommy told me to just leave it alone. Then, you got the bookshop and you just spent all your time there or on patrols, never even trying to integrate yourself here, and I’ve let it go because he-“ a finger in Tommy’s direction, “-begged me to. Let go of your little…tantrum with Ellie, too. I watched Tommy mope around and I said nothing even when you refused to accept that he hadn’t told you about Joel, for your own good.” Tommy flinched, but she went on. “I just can’t do it this time. You broke Fred’s jaw, you know? He is a contributing, well-liked citizen in Jackson. Not a recluse. I didn’t believe you’d done it until I saw the state of your hand. You’re always so quie-just-just give me one fucking reason you would punch him.” She was panting by the end, her chest falling rapidly under the weight of her own tirade. 
Joel had planted himself directly between you and Maria, as if trying to protect you from the onslaught of her words. He looked more apologetic than you did, hands extending towards her while he took a deep breath, attempting to placate her. 
“Maria-now just wait a damn minute, she wouldn’t-“ 
Was he defending you? When had that happened? When had you become this-this blubbering, weak version of yourself that Joel had to protect? 
The cold, unforgiving numbness loosened its grip; fear, guilt but most strongly, shame coiling in your gut. Maria was right, in her own fucked up way. You had retreated so far back into yourself that all that was left within your grasp now was mere tendrils of who you used to be. 
Sarah would have been proud of me for punching the bastard, though. 
The thought rang in your mind as you raised your head, squared your shoulders. Took the stutter out of your voice, and looked Maria right in the eyes. 
“Your contributing, well-liked citizen said Sarah was lucky to die. That she wouldn’t have gone untouched in a QZ. Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean. And thanks to how well liked he is, I didn’t get a chance to tell you that he’s been touching me for months. That he took advantage of the fact that I was too fucking broken to say anything, to anyone. It’s not like you would’ve believed me.” You watched both Millers’ faces harden, brows furrowing as fury began sinking her talons in their flesh. Joel looked murderous, jaw set at that angle you knew meant he was livid. Good. You had been, too. Tommy looked shocked, anger painting his features, and his wife just looked terrified, eyes darting from you to Joel, wide and panicked. It made you smile at her, the curl of your mouth dripping with condescension and mockery. 
“Maria, I’m so sorry you’ve had to overlook this many…grievances, let’s call them. I’ll work on my attitude here, I promise. I’ll go to book club and gossip about my husband and my dead daughter. I’ll do my hair and cut my nails and smile at people who don’t fucking deserve it. Hell, I’ll even forgive Tommy.” You pause, nodding at him, watching the relief in his eyes. Smile dropping, you meet Maria’s gaze again. 
“But here’s what I won’t do- I won’t stand in a room with that asshole again without breaking all the other bones in his body. I won’t stay quiet next time his hands are on me - I’ll snap his fucking neck. Anyone else with anything else to say about Sarah - even if it’s just goddamn condolences - will find themselves in a similar predicament. Is that clear?” She blinked at you, mouth wide open at the radical transformation in you as you spoke, taking so long to nod that you doubted she’d heard you at first. You didn’t blame her - you’d folded in on yourself, made yourself small these past few years. Become meek: looking at the floor, wringing your hands; doing absolutely anything to avoid confrontation or issue. You’d been too tired to fight or stand on your own two feet, and everyone had focused on the wobble in your voice; the wet lining in your eyes; the shake of your hands, and just decided that just because you chose not to challenge them, you weren’t capable of it. Fuck that. 
Joel’s eyes shone as he looked at you, chin dipping in acknowledgment as he, too, had a stunned look on his face. You just shrugged back at him, swinging your legs and getting up, walking out of the house without so much as a glance over your shoulder. 
The flame that had forged your spirit - the fire burning in your veins, the one snuffed out long ago - flickered back to life. Dim,  shaky, practically translucent - but ignited. 
And fuck, it felt good to be back. 
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hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @imherefordeanandbones, @theywhowriteandknowthings, @josephquinnswhore, @breakfastatjoels, @millerscoffee, @nostalxgic, @sscorpiiio, @pedrosaidsheispunk, @its-nebuleuse, @sofiparallel, @mandoisapunk, @bastardmandennis, @pawnshopb1ues. dividers by me! series taglist (same rule: message/comment to be added or removed, no hard feelings): @spookyxsam, @obscurexsorrows, @planet-marz1, @lunxramour, @anavatazes, @joeldjarin, @stunkbiggu, @joels-darlin, @casa-boiardi, @noisynightmarepoetry, @chiogarza, @jasminedragoon, @daddy-din, @moonlightdivine, @stickthegremlin, @jamesmasbone, @avampiregf, @amanitacowboy
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romsabombs · 4 months
GUYS the new malevolent is insane so i just thought i'd drop my notes in here✍️ ENJOY it's a lot
freaky ahh cavern
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!
the man is bathed in darkness👹 john thats racist
mf literally been crucified this is so arthurs religious trauma
that is not what bones sound like i think
shes so me awful posture
me at 4am in the kitchen looking for a snack
WAIT oh yuck :/
car accident thats so season 1
this is kind of like a hat in time maybe
omgg a witch :3
arthur survives the wildest shit but i think a mcdonalds sprite would kill him
cant we only do allat to corpses
omg spit it out john
omggg thats so janey :33
hes bein puppeted by the maggots thats crazy
omgg kaynes dagger <33
how can this mf be helpful
this is so tmp a bit
rotten flesh mentioned minecraft ref
the maggots be like i have your fucking eyes👹👹👹👹
OMG WHAT THE HELL zombie arc
claustrophobia again
imagine harlan recording this
omg that's so sexy 🔥🔥 decapitated his ass
LMAO john stop saying things
YES JOHN it WOULD have been helpful to know this guy didnt have any eyes
"this isnt new york anymore" thank god amiright
his head between our legs🤨
its so funny how he calls it a pinky. didnt someone on tumblr say john wouldnt know finger names
im surprised arthur still has a shirt
the flesh feels stiff😟
this guy is still alive😦 or. dead. i guess
arthur is like weirdly normal about this guy being a zombie. i know hes seen shit (no he hasnt) but come on
faroes song ☹️
oh what😐 the prince🙄
what did he sayy
oh gross come on guys😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 at this point just put it in your own mouth
"id like to think this is the most insane thing we've ever done" 💀
teehee they dont wanna seperate :3
"everyone we've ever loved" weak. also john doesnt care about anyone but you
"we cant afford to not use every resource anymore" HAHA this is so funny because didnt you throw away everything youve ever owned last episode
yippee welcome back vanguard :3
nothing😟 WAIT YIPPEE :3
omg names mentioned
wait. yorick? llorick? thats the thing arthur said
its not lorick that was the guy from the dreamlands
hey what the fuck did that mean😀
omg what. rumpelstiltskin
HAHA hes so loser
OMG wait they said stanzyck right
ofcourse anna is dead bruh we were never gonna meet her
arthur and john both being "kings"😟
this tooth is so silly🥰
everyones walking over arthur today💀
they're so miscommunication <3
hey😀 hey whats that sound
DONT SAY IT ugh the prince
"ahh yes :3"
this guy is so kayne. and a bit autistic
wait r we just carrying around this skull
bro arthur sounds so tired
ooo this would go hard as a cosplay
i cant believe he has a belt
ooo the black stone perchance?
ok i guess not
omg god forbid a girl has hobbies🙄
"im not saying its not risky. what im saying is, it might be worth the risk" that line goes hard
arthur agreeing to this is like a dad saying "okay fine we'll go to mcdonalds🙄"
no reward without risk✊💥
"we're in the lion's den already" "it is a hag's womb👹" HEHEHE
oooohh johnn 😶‍🌫️
OH 😦 ohhh �� u have his memories
clever girl
"thanks yorick😐" "you too my king🤗" "shut up🙄👹"
yorick is so me absolutely no sense of social cues
ofcourse we'd encounter a witch here it was so obvious
"try to keep straight" pff
did john say im serving
hey yeah maybe dont go towards the light😀
when is the jumpscare happening
i have no idea what he's saying
"too much to make out" MAKE OUT?🤭
LMAO he doesnt know
pregnant meat☹️⁉️
hey i thought asking the vanguard questions would have a price🤨😀
imagine if he just crushed that zombies skull like its a good thing we just decapitated him
hes literally describing my room
you're my eyes☹️
they're acting as if the lighter would give us much light
omgg shes a little interior decorator
tapestry lore!!💪
five minutes left whats gonna happen
wuh ohhh somethings gonna happen
ur literally in her home leave her alone
his ass is panicking
this is so part 18 the madness
we're trapped :( :(
"ingenious decision king🤓" "SHUT UP👹"
SPRINT!!!!!! 🏃🏃🏃🏃
OH???? 😦😦😦😦 WHAT
omggg he got marcy'd
i saw fanart of this but i lowkey couldnt tell if it was a spoiler or not💀
hot take but if he got bitten by that zombie he could prolly survive this
HUHHH bro this is like part 27 the roots. he was less dramatic about it this time tho
bro yorick finally shut up💀
sooo where did he get impaled. like if in the heart hes cooked😬
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 2
Also watching this while sketching now here we go!
Previously on TGCF… 
-And starting off at the Gambler’s Den!
-Hey you’ve heard the old saying, “It costs an arm and a leg” I think this fits perfectly for the red demon masked gambler
-Hey! No getting sweat on the gambling table!
-Hua Cheng: No Thanks~ *fans myself with a hand*
-Yeah those are the best house policies San Lang
-Man, the loop braided ghost assistant is literally all of us fawning over Hualian amirite? (that Ghost maiden is going places!)
-This den operates on Hubris Logic
-Stop decreasing your child’s lifespan!
-Now Roll!  That just made think of DND, I dunno why
-Those dice weren’t loaded (Anybody seen Road to El Dorado 10/10 totes recommend)
-Worst dad I’ve ever seen and he’s just a gambling NPC
-Hehehe Just imagine Toph in the Gambler’s Den (For those anticipating The Scrap Immortal and the Avatar, I’m afraid that’s going to be a scene that won’t come to fruition, really sry readers)
-“It’s despicable, and that’s coming from a ghost like me” that was a really great quote ngl
-Kinda hard to accomplish since you were talking to a ghost
-Yep prolly the worst Dad I’ve ever seen in all of TGCF
-Hi Rouye
-Hi Windmaster
-Honestly, the reason they have Qingxuan switch from Male to female in this season is that from a Union Standpoint, they had to allow Anjali Kunapaneni dub other series while Jacob Eiseman took over and vice versa.  That’s just my theory, I’m not sure if it might be true.
-Aw, he’s worried over his complexion
-Man, Xie Lian’s expression shifts as he inspects Qinqxuan’s complexion.  I love that little attention to detail in the animation.
-And then Qingxuan happily exclaims while putting both hands on his cheek was 100% precious!
-“If I were a mirror where would I be” they have the best lines of this Season 2 so far!
-Wind Master laugh is clearing my pores
-Hi Qianqiu, Hi Mengyou
-Not so smart to me
-All the ghosts have really unique and distinct designs (it’s that kind of uniqueness I’m trying so hard to capture in my TOH Oc murder mystery au)
-“Aw man!  What was his number!  Not cool Taihua!” - Literally every ghost in the Gambler’s den, and also me.
-Well, you’re not wrong, Qianqiu
-Hehehe the double facepalm XD
-Not the brightest candle on the altar
-Let’s face it, we all lost it during Hua Cheng soft chuckle!
- He noticed the laugh!
-Man the background ghost voices are on point
-And I’m like at Qingxuan, “You didn’t read the signs?” Does anybody other than the ghosts, read the signs???
-“He might be fine if he doesn’t reveal who he is” Qianqiu: *reveals who he is* Too soon dude
-That blue masked ghost woman sure has sass
-That blue beaked ghost also has a cool design tho
-Don’t mind me just fanning myself whenever Hua Cheng speaks cause it gives me the vapors~!
-The fact that they thought the same thing!
-No not the gambling table!  
-Woah he sent it right back!
-This is infinitely better than the live action martial acts films I’ve seen in my whole life
-It’s like a stake raising tennis match
-That glow in his eyes
-He’s going Super Saiyan
-That animation really did get better
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-“He’s stuck up there!” My comment: “Like a fly on fly paper” My sister’s comment: “Like an idiot on idiot paper” lmao
-Yep just point and laugh ghosts, point and laugh
-You mean from bad to worse
-I told you Ghost City’s the Las Vegas of Ancient China, told ya~
-A new table!
-You’re not wrong on luck
-Snake eyes is even worse
-“Like I said, biggest is so overdone!  Crazy idea, what if smallest wins? Sound fun?”  Qingxuan is spitting bars in the dub people!
-They’re just gonna believe that from two newcomers?
-Xie Lian, internally chanting: “Small…small…small…” His cursed and horrible misfortune: LOL nope :3
-Not your fault for looking like a snack Qianqiu
-Wait till you see the fandom, Taihua
-Alright, hat got Hua Cheng enticed
-Literally everybody witnessing a man in white robes desperately shake a pair of dice: Is…that guy ok?
-His smile widened!
-“I can’t watch!”  I can and it’s gonna be something!
-Oh he sees a lot in that raggedy jerk than you do right now buddy
-“What’s there to teach about shaking dice?  It’s just shakin dice!”  The best random quote of this episode, and the tone when that side character said it!
-“And you’re the expert!” He got sassed back
-*Hears Hong Lian Qian starting up like* Aw yeah, the best song of the new season! *Vibes out with writing and sketching like no tomorrow*
-Dude! Pass me the Aux cord!  You better not be playing mainstream garbage!  *Casually plays Hong Lian Qian like a G!*  WOO!!!
-There he is, just a red transparent curtain keeps them apart, also Hua Cheng’s status but let’s not get ahead of ourselves
-The wind animation!!!, and Wind master’s not even summoning it
-Literally when my older sister first saw this scene she was like: It’s the pottery scene from Ghost
-He rolled an 11!
-If my underaged TGCf OCs witness the infamous dice scene like in season 2, Qing Tao and Chun Xue(both 12) look up to their older friends: “..ssShould we be listening to this?”  And then Lan Hai and Nuan Yu (both 14) frantically respond with covering their younger friends’ ears: “…pProbably best if we played it safe.” (Quotes are from an episode of Close Enough) heck I can imagine the Gaang reacting like this witnessing the dice shaking too, just swap Qing Tao and Chun Xue with Aang and Toph, and Lan Hai and Nuan Yu with Sokka and Katara, (Zuko would also try to cover the Southern Water Tribe Sibs’ ears, but this hypothetical scene also won’t happen in my TGCF x ATLA xover, now back to the reaction!)
-The singing really is timed well with the animation!  10/10 baby!
-“You see, it’s bigger now” …I got the joke
-“It’s starting to feel like San Lang is just teasing me” Oh yes he is~
-They’re chucking their dice at him!
-It’s a 10!
-“Now I’m sure San Lang is just teasing me”  Told ya~
-The chibi scene!
-Welp, looks like those rolls were just practice rolls
-You gotta love Xie Lian’s internal monologue
-Qingxuan chucked his fan at Taihua, and it came back like Sokka’s boomerang (I had to make that reference!)
-That tapir/baku headed Ghost
-It’s a 12, and it timed well with the rising crescendo!
-That one monkey like ghost
-Right on the gambling table!
-Did he cheat?
-The music change!!!  The soundtrack team knew what they were doing!
-“Who cares it’s gorgeous!  He’s so handsome I think I might just die right here!”  “What are you talking about?  You’re already dead!”  That was a really great exchange!
-And he is seeing his real face!
-“Please my lord don’t tease me!”  Oh yes he will~!
-Now the ghosts are suspicious it took em like half an episode!
-Hey guys I think we’re all gonna get a kick outta this, “The stale half eaten bun from Ep 5 was in Xie Lian’s sleeve the whole time!”  I’ve always wanted to quote that, and it was totally worth it!
-Man, I can’t wait to write Aang’s reaction seeing Xie Lian and Hua Cheng interact together!
-“Um, I’m afraid it’s gotten a bit hard” Yep, they slipped that in, and James was a boss at writing the whole english script for the season
-He tosssed the bun up and down like San Lang did with a small piece of a broken sword in S1 Ep 6, the parallels people!  The parallels!!!
-And him biting the stale bun got XL all flustered! AAAHH!!!
-Look at him go!
-Not that random stand, wait it’s still in tact
-Slay that performance Qingxuan!
-Chide him good!
-And Xie Lian’s still does a great job as a strategizer and a mediator
-The introduction that would change the season forever, also Qingxuan’s emotion shift when it came to describing his new friend’s current occupation with collecting scraps as a living
-He knew San Lang was Hua Cheng?!?!?!
-Hua Cheng is messing with them!
-They’re using him as bait!
-Oh yeah, that’s right, they’re friends
-Geez savage, Wind master
-Hey, no dissing Ling Wen she’s doing her best!
-Gone from Season 1 eps 2-3 and Ling Wen still couldn’t find him???
-Welp, there’s the cliffhanger
Does this reaction count for Hua Cheng’s B-Day?  More reactions will be on the way, I’ve got 3 weeks left of my quarter and I’ve got two big projects to finish so hang tight everyone!
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im-out-of-it · 11 months
Jem deserved better 🥺
did anyone ever read TID and just think of how much he deserved better? I used to ship him and Tessa because I knew they would eventually find their way back but fucking hell, Tessa did not deserve Jem. I was just reading the part where they visit jessamine and Jem says he would forgive Tessa for anything. and she thinks of how glad Jem can’t see her so her reaction doesn’t betray her feelings. dude would do anything for Tessa and all she can think about is will. the same dude that has treated her like shit but oh, he kissed her passionately so maybe there’s something there.
I don’t hate Will (I tolerate him more than jace. though it does need to be said that if it wasn’t for Jem, he would not be tolerated.) but what the fuck is wrong with him and Tessa. beautiful and kind angel Jem is taking his time, befriending Tessa and making sure everything is good with her, having to be will’s parabatai (and don’t get me started on that whole trip to opium den.) and literally they have sex right after they confirm Jem is “dead”. I don’t think now I even want them together. he’s too good for Tessa. and I know it was CC’s way of saying: oh look, Tessa can have both men. it’s just weird to me. anybody else kind of switch sides and wish Jem had better? maybe I’m just in my feels because of reading again the series lmao
also want to add, I like this parabatai match more than the others but damn, Jem seriously deserved much more. makes me sad to see all he went through. adding anti tags because I feel like it fits this post.
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chthonicgodling · 5 months
Giiiiive us.... Maci's current living space! What does it look like. What is the the decore. The vibes!
bOyyy oh boy in a perfect world I could be like “ah yes, let me whip out these detailed schematics and background art of Maci’s bedroom and palace!” BUT I cannot do that because those drawings do not exist lmfao and, due to my whiny dislike of drawing anything that I personally do not like to draw - props, scenery, furniture 😔 - probably will not ever exist. HOWEVER!
you would think that I’d have given more thought into some of these details than the amount of thought I actually have over all these years so I’m about to make some split second canon decisions in this lengthy set of paragraphs, blended up with things that I HAVE given thought to and. I will not be specifying which is which so that I seem like I’m on top of my game ggkfkgkgkg soooo
Maci’s living space is the heart and soul and main setting of the entire Elysium’verse, as she and all her friends live in a giant palace in the middle of the Elysian Fields of the Underworld. It’s HER very own personal palace (separate from the main, bigger palace in the main, bigger Underworld); her parents gave it to her when she was an actual teenager even though she didn’t move into it until millennia later, with Tory, when that became their home ever after. I refer sometimes to “the palace” or “everyone else in the palace” its Maci’s one here that i’m referring to!
The Elysian Fields are a physical bubble of artificial bubbly sunlight in the middle of the afterlife but Maci’s palace is more on trend with the Underworld itself it’s a BIG ass goth castle. Loosely Greco-Roman in architectural style obviously — although I enjoy the thought of the palace being very anachronistic - mmmm idk really. there’s columns on it. it’s all black. whatever!!! it’s whatever you imagine it to be!!
Canonically I BELIEVE it’s got at least three floors but more importantly it’s got literally infinitely generating bedrooms because it’s maaggicccccc. Most everyone’s bedrooms are loosely near each others in the same wings or at least according to family units. Yes all the kids have their own rooms! The kids also have a huge playroom; Tory’s got multiple art studios of his own; there is NOT a throne room in the Elysium palace actually its my personal cute belief that this is what the living room den area was supposed to be and they just,, chucked a Regular Huge Family Style Sofa in there and a tv fgkfkfkg. Huge family kitchen-dining room….
There’s an expansive courtyard in the middle of the palace grounds, a pool as well (somewhere else?? I think that’s inside??) , the whole palace is surrounded by meticulously maintained gardens!
Everything is black. EVERYTHING is black. theres also sooo much marble (it’s just very fireproof), also there’s lights but also many candles it’s a blend,, like I said I love love love the thought of the palace being incredibly anachronisticz Big goth ornate palace with a..,, regular giant family couch and Legos from the kids scattered everywhere—
Maci’s PERSONAL living space aka her bedroom with Tory - honestly it’s, so lovingly, like a revolving door common area in and of itself too haha. Maci & Tory’s bedroom is nearly ballroom sized, it’s connected to their bathroom (with features such as a bathtub the size of a small swimming pool). Maci’s got paintings of herself and tory on her walls (Tory painted them all!! There’s sculptures of her and the kids scattered through the palace too - also done by Tory!) other features incluudeee ridiculous huge vanity, giant mirrors,, again lights but also goth pyromaniac shit like candelabras. Maci’s bed is ridiculously huge, it’s able to fit quite regularly and very comfortably like. Eight people PLUS at a time lmao. ouyughh I don’t actually know what her bed looks like except that it’s uhh. got a headboard and corner posts that are……. Handcuffable fgkfkgkgk
on that note turning nsfw VERY quickly when talking about Maci’s bedroom — Running joke forever that one of her bedroom walls behind a curtain inexplicably has CHAINS on it. though thats less inexplicable if you’re cute enough ;) the other running joke forever is Maci’s walk in closet, behind another curtain — The Closet™ breaks the laws of physics to be an infinite spiralling room of every sex toy known to man and presumably some that mortals have yet to discover. it’s her pride and joy, very well organized, frequently ransacked by the rest of the palace residents fgkfkfk
the vibe IS very distinct and honestly iconic its , giving.,,,, Ornate Luxurious Princess of the Dead/Sleazeball Royalty of the Underworld/Spoiled Beyond Your Imagination/Horny Vampires COULD Live Here. It gives VERY Maci. welcome to the palace!!! it’s 🖤home!
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turtlesocksv2 · 2 months
4 Minutes ep 3 Liveblogging
opening with another dead body, killed the same way and in the same place as Tonkla's brother. HMMM.
Yay my boy Dome is awake!
re: the intubation Something something Tyme having to be in control and desperately trying to stop the inevitable something something trying to save Great something something Great's powers. It's not fully formed, but it's in my brain bubbling.
The way the clocks change back to normal when other people are around and the message on the coffee changed... i love it. but lmao poor Great is going to have a breakdown. "Can you forgive me?" is very interesting! What exactly do you need forgiving for, alternate timeline Tyme???
"which friend?" because lmao Great knows he doesn't have friends. Tyme is such a stalker. luckily Great is into it. But it really is kinda Sus.
LMFAO at Great getting yeeted back 4 minutes because he tried to reschedule a date with Tyme for a night he didn't have an assignment due! Goddess of Time really said Fuck Them Grades, Get That Dick. The theory that the visions are all leading Great to Tyme just seems more and more accurate. Great opening up to Tyme about his visions is going to be Important.
Tyme asking Den the good questions. Why 4 Minutes. (it's totally the brain death thing)
they're so cute playing the rigged arcade games. the black and white stuffed kitties have Thematic Color Coding.
Hmm so wait, am I getting this right? Great's mom was a mistress? and became Second Wife after First Wife/Korn's Mom killed herself, and Great was already born then? I see... more rancid family dynamics.
Frizzy Hair girl is in danger, I feel it. She's gonna die at some point. Anyway no shame for the frizzy hair i know mine would also be looking a mess in the Bangkok heat and I don't think illegal gambling rings like, provide flat irons or curl cream. Aaaand she's immediately caught. Her name is Nan...what was Tyme's ex-girlfriend's name again? just pondering.
Chief himself taking Win off the case. Yup, sounds about right.
LMAO at Tonkla trying to get high to stop a breakdown and Immediately the Hot Cop shows back up at his door. double LMAO at Tonkla calling his ass out for liking him. i love Tonkla so much.
the transition from "I shouldn't be doing this you're still grieving" to them banging is perfection, love the classical music in the background it really fits the vibe.
Tonkla really just wants SOMEONE to fuck him raw but keeps getting denied. funniest plotline.
"you can call me anytime" Win already being a better situationship than Korn. This is gonna be so messy.
"If you don't stop prying I'll kill you!" hmmm that exclamation mark really makes me think it's Title. And that would certainly tie some plot things together...but what is the motive other than Title being The Worst?
Great diagramming everything out and well on his way to a murderboard is a Good Choice on his part. Keep track of everything. Anyway, he's right to be freaked out by the change to 11:02 that's some ominous countdown shit even if it's not literally a countdown.
"he's not answering my calls" he's literally a surgeon who sometimes works in an emergency room??? like, I get that you're freaked out I would be too you're so valid my needy wet cat of a man but like Tyme's prrrrrrrobably not ghosting you he could literally be wrist deep in someone's chest cavity right now. give the man a minute, damn.
Ahaha, that ending was so funny a perfect cliffhanger. I love this show so damn much.
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madstronaut · 7 months
baby's first konig longfic
(masterlist of my FaFiCoWriMo rambles at the Fuck It We Ball link below! looking forward to seeing this become a long untameable monstrous ouroboros of a list)
omg t h i s f i c. IT BARELY HAS ANY SMUT IN IT till the end and it is one of the hottest konig fics ive ever read (and honestly I think he takes home the trophy for man most thirsted over in COD fandom, sorry ghost but you’re all winners in my panties i mean heart I SAID HEART)
Reading: Cat/Mouse/Den by @papaver-decervicatus
idk wot it is - the tenderness and purity of their first few interactions? the forbiddenness of stumbling upon a private radio channel when they’re technically Not On The Same Side? the little GIFTS they give each other? How he can always find her despite her literally being a topranked sniper? the way their physical meet-cute is him literally catching her in his arms?! the knowledge maus can snipe him at any moment and yet konig willingly stepping into her crosshairs?  LLBLBLLLBLGLGB
That last “She’s pretty” comment for me was the emotional equivalent of stabbing me in the heart with a roughshod serrated knife in how cute it was (btw let me warn you if you haven’t already gotten the memo folx my whole brand is being aggressively encouraging and excited over fanfic and writers in an increasingly unhinged yet polite manner<3) 
in true konig fashion i love how excited he is that maus might be the literal death of him and that he would die happy if she was the one to snipe him lmao
also can anyone else relate to doing a private eye style deepdive into facebook archives stalking and searching for info about your crush and memorizing it like konig did here for mausy lmao
"It’s pathetic, the only place he feels any sort of peace is at war."
chef’s kiss, love this line. brief, but tells you so much about konig’s headspace
“A younger part of him is jealous. The older part smothers that part down as he takes in the view.”
I love this line!!! ive wondered sometimes about the science and why of attraction and maus basically living konig’s dream i feel must play a big part of why they’re so drawn to each other...and ofc no explanation needed for why she is attracted to konig because everyone is, undisputed law of nature, go look it up on wikipedia and jstor, thank you no questions at this moment
“There’s a creek at the bottom, and interesting flora marks the cliffs all the way down. He wonders what wildlife drinks from the stream down there and if there are any decent caves he could find an opening to.”
have u ever thought about what you or someone else might have been in another life, in alternate timeline? I can see biologist konig fitting in quite well in civilian life &lt;;3 LEMME DAYDREAM ABOUT ALL MY SOLDIER BOYS SAFELY RETURNING HOME FAR FROM OR NEVER HAVING TO ENDURE THE FOG AND TERROR AND HORROR OF WAR OKAY
“The exposed rock of the ravine flames to life with amazing browns and reds, and the stone sparkles like rubies and tiger’s eye stones as the sun's rays catch it.”
also sidenote the way the scenery is described here would make me want to go take a photo and download it and save it as my wallpaper; so descriptive and lovely i could see everything so clearly <3
“The sun is setting behind her. She’s very far away, but his skin prickles to life knowing that he’s being watched.”
I also love this usual role reversal of maus being the predator watching her prey (though is he arguably her prey if he wants to be caught? lol anyway putting aside the essay on existential questions in fanfic-)
It’s a beautiful place, really. It’s not such a bad place to die, he thinks. She’s a good shot. She’ll do it quickly. Nothing to fret about,really. It’s his own fault, anyways. 
I am obsessed with their chemistry but most of all something about this powerful man fully placing his life in her hands just does it for me
“I’ll bite, soldier.” She says, hurriedly, like someone might walk in on their little game. Like the teacher is about to find the two kissing in a supply closet at the school.
*me reading this line, giggling madly*
He sits down on the ground and opens his legs as wide as they’ll comfortably go and rests his cheek in his hand propped on his thigh. If he’s going to die, he’s going to give her a pretty show.
me: okay slut
also me: ✨o k a y slut✨
I also love how he’s imagining what she would be doing/how she’s reacting all based off what I assume is the equivalent of a shitty driver’s license photo he saw of her 🥰
i also feel like getting warning shots as foreplay IS so konig-coded (yes im fully aware as i type this that this man has so much fanlore, fan hcs, fanfic, faneverything out there despite not even being in the storyline of the main campaign lmao)
I also love the flip to maus’ POV - though when she notes how outrageous it is for him to keep his shiny knife on him i bet you my future firstborn that it’s to get her attention <3
also <3 sniper candy <3
also we love a girlboss who asks >100x to shoot him on sight lmao
It’s been months since the ravine and she’s seen him just about everywhere she’s been. When SpecGru was gathering intel on KorTacs drug affiliations, she saw him in the haunted deserts of Sonora, Mexico where she lies in the dirt redder than blood and coyotes sing her to sleep. She gazes down at him atop crumbling 16th-century Byzantine marble when she picks off the guards of a weapons supplier in Belgrade, Serbia. In the ancient and verdant bamboo forest of Yibin, China, hunting down spy affiliations, she camps across a creek from him for a night.
“we’ve got to stop meeting like this!” - konig, probably
He would’ve been a good sniper, in another life. If he wasn’t built like the trees she climbs for her shots.
mausy your crush is showing 🤭
He walks like a monster with three legs (and at some point about three months into their little game, she touches herself thinking about that third leg.
i mean honestly? give maus a medal for holding out for three months before succumbing, damn
The secret stays between them and their radios become the divining rods of close encounters.
secret forbidden relationship is one of my fave tropes <3
Mostly it’s just breathing on each line, mostly it’s just-
honestly this sounds more intimate than sex
She knows she should get a shrink or a good fuck to stop fucking thinking about him like this, but sometimes he whispers a joke into his radio and she laughs, and sometimes she tells him about the book she’s been reading, and sometimes he shows her his favorite knife tricks, and sometimes she tells him stories of before she was in the military and he always laughs and asks questions to show he’s actually engaged and he cares and-
this is so domestic and cute for warzone flirting <3
When they’re alone he’s the perfect gentleman, he gets no closer than when she reaches out to contact him first. When they’re not, it's a whole different story. He runs into the middle field like if he can just reach her, he can keep her. If he can carry back his conquest, well… kings get their war spoils, don’t they? It’s a terrible secret she keeps alive only in her heart, but she hopes one day he finally will.
mausy gettin bingo on all our fave kinks today, apparently
maus picking up on his knife skills and noticing his anxiety via the shaking hands (and that they don’t shake at all around her) is just peak PEAK PEAK PEAK fanfic vibes. feeling safe around someone is one of the biggest green flags in the universe and a gift <3
 It’s a shame, but she’s a little happy that it’ll be König, her cat, that’ll catch her corpse.
honestly these two were made for each other lmao
And the first thing he says is a promise. A promise of help. A promise of aid.
I was like speechless with joy and giddiness for a good minute or two reading this whole scene lmao SO SATISFYING esp with konig’s lil gasp when she falls into his arms <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 UGH PLS PAPS CAN I GIVE YOU A MEDAL??? A HUG??? A KISS???? MY UNDYING LOVE AND DEVOTION??? well in lieu of all this I’ll just give your fic multiple visits and so much rambling <3
He has created, against all odds, something beautiful and delicate out of a brutal tool and doomed material.
so this absolutely stunning construction of a sentence pretty much sums up why I love COD fandom/fanfic writers so much..
I forget where I read this somewhere on this hellsite but it went something like “it’s subversive to write these men made to die/made for war, made to be loved instead” and reminds me of one of my favorite quotes that I stumbled on a random reddit Q&A 
“I get discouraged sometimes - just like everyone. I question whether my music/life/work matters at all.
The danger is letting other people define your soul's worth. Sometimes folks will like what you do, other times they'll hate it.
But I continually remind myself that I do NOT matter as a result of what I do, I matter because of who I AM. I am not a "human doing" but a "human being. " I matter simply because I was made in the image of the unmade maker, and I am loved by Love.”
“I am not a human doing, but a human being” 
“I am made in the image of love, and I am loved by Love”
“we are, against all odds, something beautiful and delicate, created out of brutal tool and doomed material” 
these words touch such a deep and core and unspeakably true part of me - that i forget often, that i find hard to believe, that i struggle to remember and cling to - and tbh one of the most frequent places I find this much-needed encouragement is in FANFICTION! <3
fanfic writers you are truly some of the most beautiful people on this planet &lt;3
anyway yeah, fanfic as therapy is a helluva drug and so fucking real
 if I could give all my beloved writers a diploma i would pay a calligrapher to write this gold leaf ink or some shit and put on my best lipstick and smooch it all over and print it out on vellum for you all <3
ANYWAY WHERE TF WAS I- o yes, simping over both maus and konig
When he turns to go she thinks how much his hands must’ve hurt to make this little thing 
this is so real; everytime I try my hand at sewing/mending (and i got tiny hands yall) for an extended period of time my fingers always end up so crampy in a uniquely painful way
i also get big “gift of the magi by o. henry” (truly one of my favorite short stories of all time) vibes from this exchange <3
(tl;dr: here, my heart, let me cut out and gift you my heart - oshit what’s that? your heart? *scrambles to catch and not break it*)
cos honestly on one level how fucking hilarious that they basically exchange a piece of wood and a rock lmao but really THEY ARE GIVING SOMETHING SO SPECIAL TO EACH OTHER <333333
The next time she sees him, about a week later, she sees him sharpening his massive field knife with the tiny whetstone on his comically large thigh, and in response, she thumbs at the wooden effigy in her pocket. They laughed into their radios to each other. 
ok how fucking hilarious and sexy that they are basically watching each other finger each other…..s' gifts
the final dialogue in chapter two needs to be in the merriam-webster dictionary under “flirting 101: peak examples”
but also omg THE EXTRA LITTLE GIFTS SHE LEAVES BEHIND FOR KONIG? HER FLINTING A HEART AND HIM SHATTERING IT IMMEDIATELY IN HIS GIANT-ASS SEXY ASS HANDS AND LEAVING HIMSELF BLEEDING AS PENANCE????? HIM IMAGINING COOKING FOR HER AND READING ALL TEH BOOKS SHE RECS HIM??? Honestly him musing about actually fucking her at the end is the LEAST sexy part of all this and the line about him aching to make her mewl did…things to me
if I could distill the maus x konig energy here into an drink, I think I could run up everest naked without breakin a sweat
The man is quick, but König is quicker, taking off through the snow like he did as a child. Running with reckless abandon, long legs carrying him faster and further than anyone else when he and his cousins would play capture the flag at his Oma’s house in Gauso. 
i love papa’s (really need to find a better nickname for writer while I write this lol) way of capturing like…the sense of child-like wonder/safety and domesticity you return to when you are in love/find yourself in the presence (physical or not) of someone you love in her writing, also why i really love this fic so much
Slicing that man clean between his ribs like a lion strikes a lamb was the second most satisfying experience of his life, greatly eclipsed by the settling of her weight against his chest when she trusted him enough to jump into his arms. 
*chanting to summon my talented fellow konig simps to draw fanart of this scene*
“You big, everywhere? I mean, with hips like those… ”
“...” Fuck, bad time to get a boner.
hast thou not heard the term “video killed the radio star”???? you’re alone and miles away only talking via radiowaves, LITERALLY THE BEST TIME TO GET A BONER???? smh unless ofc the best time for konig is when he’s with maus &lt;3
“…he’d been chasing a little prayer in her shape. He wouldn’t have considered it ‘done’ when he gave it to her but-
Her warmth was still in his fingers, her beautiful eyes trained on him, her fantastic form somehow devoid of his blood or his filth in his rescue attempt, well. He had been praying, hadn’t he? It’s only right to pay tithing to the thing you worship. He gave her the figure, and he did so with the only real regret being that he couldn’t give her more and that he almost sullied her perfection with his violence.
also men near-worshipping the women they simp for is also a huge kink of mine (i mean whose isn’t it? also i hurt my brain trying to discern if that last sentence i wrote made sense but college was a long tiem ago for me soooo)
And to top it all off, when he wrenched himself away from her, heart heavy and entirely certain that she would never, could never, follow- she called him back and reciprocated. 
can confirm, reciprocated feelings is an indescribable feeling, war on drugs would’ve been game over day 1 if it was fought with requited feelings
When he turns away it is because his brain cannot comprehend a world in which she walks away with him.
well, snipe me right in the heart why dont you papi! (again, still need to find a different nickname for writer)
And in fairness, he would rather die than admit his treachery, not out of any misplaced moral but instead out of precaution for her safety.
honestly, husband goals
konig’s dream is p e r f e c t i o n “I love and trust you and feel safe enough to put my life into your thighshands, even if that means you’ll take it”
“Like dovetail joints, a great carpenter must have made them to fit together. There must be a God, and he must have made her to perfectly fit beside (and dare he hope, inside?) her. 
The only thing older than war to mankind is intimacy. You need soldiers for war, you need men for soldiers, and you need love to make those men. “
“He is remembering how to be human, to be a man and not a soldier, and he smiles back into her mouth.”
“She is giving him total control. Complete power and without hesitation. In her teary eyes, he sees a soldier’s trust, firm and unwavering. Ever faithful. Unquestioningly and genuinely she believes the man she’s at the mercy of will make her need no mercy. “
once again paps (yes yes need new nickname for writer, stfu mads) just dropping literary masterpieces casually
“König,” her eyes glaze over with worry. It’s a dangerous game they’re playing and they both know it. “Are you sure you want me?” She whispers, lips meeting the shell of his ear, he feels her fever pitch skin even through the fabric of his mask. His heart aches and he’s so angry with himself that she could even ask that. As if there were ever any questions. As if he has ever wanted anything else in his life like he wants this. As if there is anything else to want. As if there is anything else. 
Truly every beloved’s hopeful query and every lover’s debt to happily answer <3
 When he wakes up in his cold barracks, decidedly alone and not in between her thighs, he pounds the bed in frustration.ly ok the mood whiplash when i laughed out loud at konig pounding bed with his fists cos hes grumpy and horny
Not so dissimilar to the bride-stealing traditions his Oma had told him about as a boy.
damn oma what stories you be tellin to children lmao
though I AM recalling a medicinal anthropology class I took in college that was absolutely fascinating - we did touch on bride-napping as an actual thing in hmong culture (though from what I learned it has less IRL dubcon and more elopement vibes)
The fantasy of her is potent and life-consuming, but he is also viscerally aware that it is just that. A fantasy.
konig, thinking this, as he lives out most of his actual fantasies lmao
It is not real and despite his choking desire to be with her, he is not entirely sure she wants him.
ah yes, ‘idiots in love,’ an absolute banger of a trope
He wants so desperately to just be a fucking person for her. A person allowed weakness, a person allowed good-morning kisses, a person allowed terrible flirting, a person allowed to sit in the same room, a person allowed to touch and savor and make better another human. Allowed to heal, not harm. Allowed to save, not slaughter.
But he is a soldier, he’s not a person, and he’s not sure he ever really was a person in the first place.
The only thing he wants more than to have her is for her to want him. That hope is a delusion deeper than the ravine they met at, he’s sure. 
yep just uh nothing happening over here, not crying over fanfic what -how dare you insinuate-
He feels no shame when he wraps his arms around the bunched comforter on his chest, imagining it’s a slight body he faithfully cradles.
*tripping, stumbling, running to pay for a custom body pillow big enough for konig to hug for his comfort* (not for me, would be too big anyways)😉😏
no literally ive thought about it i might have to do olympic-level qualifying gymnastics stretching to fit someone of his stature anyway it’s not like i made to-scale stick figure models doodled out on post-its in various creative positions to work out the physics of it or anything cough
If she knew how obsessed he’s become that he cannot help himself from having dreams about her and cannot help himself from getting off to the idea that she killed him with her fucking thighs
i am ready to beat off the hordes of other women with a sharpened stick who would find this hot and respectful af
also obsessed with this soap who chews on pencaps and macguyvers radios to look like they’re fucking (or maus just has her head in the gutter, but really girl whose isnt??? and someone really needs to tell me if this is wrong grammatically every time i type it it sounds right)
also as a certified soap simp i also just have to say, you know you’ve got it bad when you look deep into soap’s eyes… and fantasize about another man LMAO
“No thanks,” she purrs as she finally sets herself into position.
i like this subtle nod to konig after she re-tells her katze’s joke <3 ooooo reading papaver’s writing is like eating a three-course meal at your fave comfort diner<3
The early morning light hits the streets the same way it had hit the forest ground that day.
i also love this line <3 i can picture those blue-orange sunrise hours in my head and it’s so lovely because the scene is also tinged with all the complex emotions from their first meeting
He throws it up and catches it without looking at it, instead his eyes are laser-focused on Mouse.
hothothothothothothothot (i realize just typing out hot over and over again leads you to also read thot, but honestly, still tracks)
She remembers her trigger finger twitching with sinful power, she remembers choking back the insistence at killing another lonely person, devoid of their autonomy on a basic level when they signed up for a mercenary-issued ticket to hell.
this line…is too real 
“Because they are weapons of maus-destruction. ” Konig replies like it’s not the stupidest thing she’s ever heard in her goddamn life.
somewhere simon ghost riley has to suppress the urge to put down his rifle, stand up, and do a slow golf clap
Suddenly, his eyes look lived in, like someone has just put up new curtains in an abandoned house. His whole affect changes hinging on what was an irresponsible outburst on her behalf at best.
And for the first time, she does not fear a monster hunting her through the woods, silent and purposeful in his pursuit of prey. Instead, she wants to understand a man, whose eyes have lit up like a princess has just laughed when he kissed her hand.) 
*i am suppressing the feminine urge to print out paper doll cutouts of maus and konig and just hang them around random parts of my apartment making heart eyes at each other*
Maybe, it's dangerous, to wave a steak in front of a mountain lion, but what if she wants to get mauled?
these two, a match made in heaven. truly there’s someone for everyone~
also i love this COD book club that is happening; i also have a semi-regular work meeting where I hit the jackpot of getting the most chill but passionate cohorts and our goal is basically shooting the shit & talking about stuff we love and how to share it with the world like a workhours book club and I hope everyond gets to experience a little joy in the middle of 9-5 capitalist hell that is the workweek like this <3
Soap says, pulling out a well-worn copy of The Silence of the Lambs from the bag.
“He said he picked it up years ago in Polish thinking it was a cooking field guide.”
 fucking dying
how she could rest entirely on top of his chest and not touch the ground beneath them and-
once again i fucking love their inadvertent mindreading/mirroring their shared desires unbeknownst to each other. MOVE THE FUCK ASIDE, JANE AUSTEN
also if gromsko gave me “special field medicine lessons” I would probably pay to continue them
she basks infatuated by the calamitous captivation he exhibits.
*fanning myself with ripped out pages of shakespeare and hemingway to burn at papaver’s altar*
When he lifts his hood to blow a kiss to her, she knows she will never get her traitorous heart back.
excuse me sir????
i thought you were told you couldn’t be a sniper? what the fuck is this tender bullshit of a snipe straight to my heart-
He’s always hoped to be able to pound down into her quaking form. 
the first time i read this i blacked out after seeing the phrase “pound down” and instead all i remember after slapping myself awake is actually reading the phrase “he’s always hoped to take her to pound town”
also why am i hot for righteous konig in shining armor being willing to go from zero to murder when he thinks maus is a pimp
The throbbing in his pants also suggests that he’s probably forgiven her by now as well. 
*nodding sagely* yes, boners never lie
also maus slapping konig while he’s holding a knife between his teeth is big step on me queen energy
also the requital and reciprocation of the lines and actions they feed each other is just- one moment: *goes to sephora to buy more lipgloss as i ran out while giving chef’s kisses in bulk to papaver*
i love that konig is passing the time just being horny for maus, an efficient king 🫡
also when i saw gosau austria mentioned i went down a hole googling where it is/pictures and it is absolutely beautiful!!!! 
I eagerly await updates papi <3 
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cockroachparty · 3 months
Cedar Pointe's Tired of It
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Black Sage stumbled over her oversized paws as she made a beeline toward her father. Cedar Pointe's tongue lolled from his maw, his tail swishing the air to-and-fro as he approached his little girl. The marking trip was a long one, but he was happy that he was able to make it back in time before sundown. Black Sage gazed up to her father in wonder; his enormous frame towered over her, as tall and steadfast as a cedar tree. The pair touched noses, and Cedar took a bow, making Sage chirp and paw at her father.
Their bonding was cut short, as an all too familiar voice shredded Cedar's ears.
"Bring back anything to eat?"
Amethyst Summit.
"No. I was out marking my territory." Cedar side-eyed Amethyst.
"Hm. Didn't know it was just your territory, considering we both created it together." Amethyst's voice was shrill.
"I'm the only one who upkeeps it." Cedar's low growl made Sage cower.
"Well, when you get the chance, the kids need to eat." Amethyst said in a yawn. She plopped down a few feet away from the den and sprawled out. Dusted Rose nudged her mother, her stomach grumbling. Cedar hid a sigh. Sages eyes were widened with concern, and he could tell that his children were beginning to notice the strain in his relationship with Amethyst. Not only were the pups physiques growing fast, but their minds, too. Gone were the days of Amethyst making excuses of not joining Cedar out on patrol because she needed to milk the pups, or because she still needed to rest after her pregnancy, or because there always needed to be at least one adult at the den at all times.
Cedar was getting sick of it. All his mate did was make excuse after excuse.
He was the hunter. He was the marker. He was the feeder. He was the provider. All Amethyst did was birth his children. And he can't pretend that he's in love with her forever.
okkkaaayyy!! so, this is based on a true story within one of my saves! god, amethyst summit is LEGIT THE WORST MATE ANY OF MY WOLVES HAVE EVER HAD!!! swear her laziness/energetic bar is set ALLLLL THE WAY TO LAZY!! no room for energetic at all!! she literally does nothing. she helped with hunting before cedar had his pups, but after the pups were born, she hasnt even so left the DEN SITE. she only goes anywhere when i howl for her to come with me.
she does hunt when i hunt, but she never leaves the den site on her own. and she never plays with the pups either!! my goodness is she worthless!! might have to get ahold of a bison and let em pull the ol hoof on her if yknow what i mean...
but cedars pups love him! especially black sage. she was especially happy to see him after this marking trip. when i came back to the den, sage was running over to me, while amethyst just sat there on top of the den... thats what inspired me to write this lmao.
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
oh re: futaba's autistic girl swag, her english va said she also saw her as autistic + i havent played much of p5 strikers but she literally uses the word infodump in it so :)
also the ending of p5r is like I have never wanted to tell a character to get off of their phone and look out of the window more. there is a deleted scene where The Guy is in rehab so he is literally alive . all that worry for nothing
and i second watching the bad end where u accept maruki's reality & then also going to the thieves den and looking at the caption for the bad end ending card its so much
i feel like if u dont see autistic futaba you just are not looking. part of the reason i love her so much is bc she reminds me A LOT of my little sister who is autistic LMAO. in my mind she and joker are siblings and she does the thing where she walks into joker's room unprompted and starts explaining her current special interest in extreme detail. he is very supportive of her even though he doesnt know what the hell shes saying
as for the p5r ending. UGH. LOOK UP YOU STUPID ASSHOLE. i hope they make a sequel where The Guy gets out of rehab and he and joker start hunting each other for sport. obviously he's fucking unkillable but i'd like to try (affectionate)
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tanushakyrano · 2 years
febuwhump day 24: bloody clothes
back to school hit me harder than expected so its been really hard to find any writing time unfortunately :( i’d hoped to have time and motivation this weekend since weekdays are really busy but i’ve gotten literally nothing done, schoolwork or otherwise lmao- but we’re getting there
characters: Kayo, John
additional warnings: blood
The villa was weirdly empty when John arrived.
Of course, he hadn’t exactly told anyone that he’d be coming down for a visit, so the lack of welcoming committee as he entered the den was understandable. Still, none of the family were out on rescues - he wouldn’t have come down from Five if they were - so the fact there was literally no one in sight was a little weird. Not concerning, though, just weird.
John checked the kitchen next. Also empty. The pool, too. He went back through the house, and was just about to head upstairs and check the bedrooms when a faint noise from the gym caught his attention. He poked his head around the door.
Kayo was there. Hair tied well up and out of the way, usual t-shirts and cargo trousers swapped out for a sports bra and leggings, hands wrapped. She was beating the living daylights out of one of the hanging punching bags; as he watched, Kayo let out a particularly aggressive kick, the bag swinging wildly.
“Remind me not to get on your bad side,” John remarked dryly as he walked over to her. 
Kayo huffed, throwing a few more punches. “Yeah, as if you need reminding.” Then she stilled, eyes flickering over to him. John could actually see the mental double-take showing on her face. “You’re not on Five.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” John deadpanned. He shifted his weight, tapping his fingers together awkwardly. “I, uh, thought I’d surprise everyone with a visit. But you’re the only person I’ve found so far, so…surprise, I guess.”
Kayo finally stopped attacking the punching bag, wiping the sweat from her brow. “They all went to the mainland. Alan wanted to get ice creams, I think, and then Gordon insisted they get them from an actual ice cream parlour, so Virgil and Scott got dragged into it.”
“Ah.” He paused. “And you didn’t want to go with them?”
“I thought I’d stay here, get caught up on work. You know.”
That was a barefaced lie. It was extremely obvious that Kayo had clearly been in the gym for a long time - not catching up with a backlog of paperwork, as she was claiming. Plus, she almost never let herself get behind.
John raised an eyebrow at her. “Work, huh?”
Kayo held his gaze for a good few seconds. Then her shoulders slumped slightly as she gave in. “I didn’t feel like going, all right? With the Hood and the Chaos Crew causing so much trouble right now, I just… I don’t know. Not really in the mood to do anything fun. I should be trying to stop them, put them back behind bars.”
“I know, I know. It’s not all on me. It’s up to the GDF to catch criminals, our job is search and rescue.” She exhaled slowly, sweeping the stray hairs that had fallen out of her ponytail away from her face. “Scott’s said it to me enough times.”
John opened his mouth slightly to respond, but furrowed his brow as Kayo’s movement drew his attention, the words forgotten. “Kayo, are your hands okay?”
He grabbed her left hand before she could answer him properly, running his fingers over the cloth wrap. She had used white hand wraps today, which meant that the red-brown bloodstains around her knuckles showed up starkly on the fabric. She hissed at the contact.
“We need to get this cleaned up,” he said eventually. Kayo shook her head.
“I’m fine,” she said sharply, pulling her hand out of his grasp. “It’s nothing. I’ll sort it.”
She looked at him wordlessly, her face a carefully composed mask.
“Let me help.”
In a family full of some of the most stubborn people John had ever met - including himself - it was an impressive feat to be considered the most stubborn. Scott had managed to claim that title, over many years of outright refusing to listen to anyone that was probably the reason that Grandma had gone grey as young as she had - but Kayo was a close second. They stood in the gym silently, at an impasse, for at least a minute. Finally, she closed her eyes and nodded. “Fine. But only because you’ll rat me out to Scott or Virgil otherwise, and I’m not in the mood for their smothering today.”
John cracked a smile at that. “I’ll go get the first-aid kit.”
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lionews · 10 months
"The mods have silenced us, Help us fight back in the revolution. Yes we know the topic has been locked by the mods. We need to fight back to make things right. https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429528459&page=1"
Lmao get fucked! Y'all are just pissy about Serval finally getting the loooong overdue and very well deserved boot! Y'all are getting "silenced" because you literally are breaking the rules and trying to find loopholes where there aren't any. Just get off the game if it's so traumatizing for you that you have to follow the rules and not be a dick.
Offering opinion is one thing BUT actively attacking and going after shit cause you don't like it is dumb. I don't think you realize how VASTLY a minority you fuckers are. There's over 400k players and most of em don't give a shit! I've been playing for 6 years and do. Not. Care. LD is independently owned and managed by a team of normal people with normal lives outside of this chronically online shitfest
Also.. those "revolution" posters are disgusting. Get that shit out of here and keep the butchered American Revolution image off your fucking dens. Unlike you, people died to make a difference and gain their freedom during those times, this is the equivalent of comparing "whining and complaining" about the game to women's rights. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys were the same people that said that. I'll be reporting ANY that I see~ happy negative account standing snookums ;*
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rotisseries · 2 years
Anyways ok as someone who lives in snow like tlou is showing (if not more they're out in forests and it's walkable in that's CHILDS PLAY) all their clothing irritates me. jeans are you FUCKING joking. but I believe Abby is just fine like girl is wearing absolutely nothing for her head and neck that beanie is such a joke. but she could do it. I believe her
😐 right as I said this joel saved abby. um ill be back I guess I just meant to send in 2 asks for today what the fuCK
and yeah THE CLOTHING. LMAO. the hoodies and jeans are bad enough but ellie is literally wearing converse. girl.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
I am down bad for Rowan plz send help 🥵. Could we get Rowan SFW alphabet too perhaps? 👉👈 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I really be out here creating men who were never supposed to become a big thing. That have literally become a thing 😅 I don't even think I've done a fuckin SFW alphabet for Volo lmao! Never mind Rowan! Hahahaha but I found a template so sure, I can do that for you 🤣💜
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they?)
Just like a pet dog, he needs to be close to you at all times. He's always pawing at you, needing your attention. If anything, YOUR affections spark his affections.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Friendships don't come too easily to Rowan, but once youve proven your trust, he's pretty great, fiercely loyal.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes! And as I've said before, it's more death grips haha, man loves a cuddle.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He'd have no problem settling down if it was for the right perosn. Unfortunately he's no "domestic goddess" he's messy and he doesn't cook, because his diet doesn't require cooking.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Ghost. Far away from you. You'd never see him again.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment?)
Once he's in love, BOOM. He'd want it all.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally, he CAN be gentle, depending who to obviously. But physically, in general, he's not a gentle person, he has to really focus on things to be gentle, like, he could open a door and pull it off its hinges by accident without meaning to.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs, he'll hug you any chance he gets, HARD overwhelming hugs. 🤣
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Rowan can fall in love very quickly depending, and he would have no issue dropping the L bomb when he feels it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Very jealous, he wouldn't handle it well. He'd take himself off for a while, then, whoevers making him jealous is going to GET it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
Rough, aggressive, and messy.
Your thighs and your lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around little children?)
Rowan isn't good around small children, they make him antsy.
M = Morning (What they are like in the mornings)
Mornings for Rowan are actually pretty eventful. He prefers to hunt very early mornings, so he's usually up and out very early to do that.
N = Night (What they're like at night?)
That totally depends on where he is. If he's somewhere with you, he likes to relax (and other things) but if he's at the Den, he's usually either fighting or enjoying the activities there.
O = Open(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
I mean, once he feels a little comfortable with you, he'll tell you anything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Short fuse, he gets irritated and angry easily and its not pretty.
Q = Quizzes  (How much would they remember about you?)
Oh, he'll remember EVERYTHING about a person.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
This is hard to answer, but I think his favourite part would be building up trust in those early days, like him realising that you're legit and genuine would be a big thing to him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
EXTREMELY protective..And you already know exactly how he'd protect you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into the relationship)
A lot, once he's got you, he wouldn't wanna lose you, so he'd really try his best to keep you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Messy in general, in most things. Getting wound up too easily, some could say acting TOO animalistic in his human form at times could be a bad trait too.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Well, he tries to keep his hair and beard neat, because if he didn't, he'd look like a tramp VERY quickly because his hair grows SO fast, it's like a daily thing he has to do, he looked a mess when Marvolo met him 🤣
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once he's love with you, yes, very much so.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Though Rowan doesn't NEED a full moon to transform, and can transform at will at any given time. When there IS a full moon, he prefers to be out in the woods in his wolf form, its just his thing, it's what he does.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they don't like?)
Small children, losing in general, COOKED meat.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleeping habits?)
Rowan will sleep ANYWHERE, in the most uncomfortable of postions, in the weirdest places. Naturally though,since joining the Den, he prefers a nice bed, but rarely sleeps under the covers. He's a space hogger and a terrible snorer.
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apexulansis · 1 year
What's some inconveniences of living with your muse?
First thing's first here's some that covers all of them, ESPECIALLY Yeskiv lmao
They're big and usually weigh a lot more than other aliens. That with their natural strength means they're just pretty incompatible in many different areas when it comes to alien architecture, objects, etc etc. Anything built for them needs to be built better so it doesn't break. It's not cost effective living with a Kariian.
White fur everywhere. They don't shed overly much outside of certain times, but during those times, it is relentless.
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He likes to collect things. This only extends into a few things, like alien masks or swords, but he does build a bit of a hoard. He doesn't want to get rid of them.
Cannot stay in one area for too long (if he isn't unconscious). Will get very restless and need to move or do some kind of physical activity, mostly preferring running / chasing something. Usually he will just leave to get out that energy and not bother whoever he might be living with, but if that isn't an option.... He gets stir-crazy. The only time he can be lazy is after exerting those bursts of activity.
Somehow, he's very quiet. That paired with his tendency to use scent nullifiers and his literal invisibility cloak, he sneaks up on people frequently. He doesn't mean to do it, but it's still probably incredibly startling because he's huge with glowing red eyes. Better hope you get used to that.
He'll store blood in your fridge sometimes.
It really depends on where the place is, as he doesn't do this in cities obviously, but if you live close by to the wilderness, he will bring animal corpses home. Big ones. Frequently.
He can be very nosy. If he's comfortable with you, he's very curiosity driven. He likes asking questions a lot.
If you're in a space that was his, then it's undoubtedly fucking booby-trapped. Like a very advanced Home Alone. He has to adjust it for guests. This tendency has saved his ass before on a handful of occasions.
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Doesn't care at all what time it is at any given point. They're so used to living in space, and regulating their sleeping schedule on a timeline that has nothing to do with any suns or time of day. Mostly it is absolutely incompatible with others. When they're on the Head-Hunter, they don't care about being quiet for the sake of sleeping guests. It's their space, so you can adjust to their schedule. Simple as that.
They are menacing as fuck and you're probably constantly going to be wondering if they're thinking of murdering you because they are. Even if they don't intend on doing it, they're still thinking about how they'd do it.
Likes keeping trophies. Gruesome ones. Blood, bones, eyeballs, teeth. They like keeping them and preserving them in some regard. Yes, it looks very macabre, and makes the space around them start to resemble a taxidermist's den.
The Head-Hunter has mechs, sentries, droids all over the place. Most of them are inactive, looking more like empty suits of armor, but they definitely give the feeling that you're being watched by them. You are.
They're not social. At all. They're very, very solitary, and they don't like sharing what they consider to be personal. They'll provide enough for their guests, but they'll be curt about some things simply being off limits. When they've decided that, there really isn't any changing their mind.
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Like Zovariy, she believes you adjust to her time. Thankfully her living quarters are so vast, and Yeskiv herself so quiet and reclusive, that it isn't really a problem.
Have you SEEN how big she is. For the sake of everyone involved, it's best if you live with her and not the other way around, unless you also happen to be around 20 feet tall.
That said, Yeskiv hates being constrained. What she considers to be her home or home-base, it's always going to be a large swath of territory, because she simply will not tolerate a too-small den.
She can be cuddly. If she feels like grabbing you and using you as a pillow to spoon in her sleep, unless you can overpower her in strength you will just not have a choice about it. She's very fluffy and warm though!
When she's not quiet, if she's not purposefully speaking softly, she's LOUD. If Yeskiv growls, you'll hear it from three rooms away. If you're in the same room, you'll feel that growl vibrate through your whole body. She has a very dominating presence.
Generally no compatibility with you using what's hers, and her using what's yours if you're under 15 feet.
When she's well and properly asleep, you're on your fuckin own. She HATES having her beauty-hibernation interrupted.
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
First off, I apologize that’s it’s been minute since I said a simple, how are you? Since all I’ve been doing is word spouting stuff about atx for the last hundred asks. So with that being said, Is your day going good? Hopefully someone not touching the sky with their age tries for you hand, it’s exhausting having only boomers hit on you right?
When I was working my last job, some of them found it quite delightful 😒😒 I was the youngest there and I will never not be traumatized about this one time this couple who worked we me both tried to go behind each others back trying to hit on me. I was so shook when I found out they were together 😭😭😭😭😭 I was like… nah fam I’m good.
Back on the atx note (sorry) but do the boys (those that don’t have a specific diet like jjongie) have any favorite meals, beverages, animals to snack on? And do some of them feed off of magical energy or emotions? (Ex: could woo potential feed off of cosmic or chaotic energy lingering in the air).
Its exhausting because im in a medical type job for these instances, you're expected to just smile and nod along and while i definitely do not do that shit, theres a limit to how rude i can be to defend myself. Which is ass bc i very much would like to tell them to go fuck themselves lmao. Yall cant even take care of yourselves and you got the unmedicated gall to hit on me??? Like ive had more sexual harassment in this place by mfs who are like. My grandma's age and that makes me wanna literally swallow a brick.
As far as how im doing aside form that...eh? Kind of stressing because ive been in a creative mood and i haven’t been able to get the shit i want done as fast as i want it done. Not to mention I've gotten back into drawing (Yeolanni's birthday is the same day as Yeosang’s and next week im going to be streaming with Penny and i want to have my avatars finished by time its stream time and im not satisfied with what i have so far). Im also kind of stressed because im cracking my ass to save for my car especially because i got this unfavorable time limit to get it and i feel like im getting nowhere.
That is,,,wild bro what the fuck?? This isnt rizz this is harizzment
Woo eats any and everything but he also a world eater. Piss him off? Chomp. Your planet is gone. Looking for something spicy? Swallow a star. Apparently it goes down like pop rocks.
Yunho eats souls but also people....mostly souls though.
Mingi goes hunting with San (the rare times the kitty comes out of the den without a fight), but he needs to eat bigger animals/monsters to even remotely get full. A party of dumbass human adventurers who think they can slay him to get his treasure works well too. They dont even get to see the twinkle of his treasure.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa eat your average seafood-based diet. With the occasional human thrown in the mix. Depends if we're in a silly goofy lil mood.
Yeosang is primarily one that feeds off of the energy of his forest. Thats why he can instantly tell when its disrupted. He also feeds off of fear (and joy but yknow)
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