#(especially when it's at 3am while I'm sleeping and it wakes me up)
larstudy · 4 months
I'm sorry if I'm not active here these day, there's was a lot going on and I didn't feel like posting :((
Things seem to settle down but it's been complicated :((
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hauntedrain · 3 months
The Fortune Teller | Tom Cruise x Reader |
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Summary: You wake from a nightmare about Tom's next stunt which leads Tom to make a difficult decision
✮▹A/N: I never thought I would ever write about Tom Cruise but here I am. This is also based on dreams I have that have come true, which happens a lot now. (Also, badly written? idk I haven't written anything for a while so..)
✰▹Warnings/Notices: Nightmares, stunt , comfort, established relationship, Scientology (jk) NOT EDITED.
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Over 2 years and the hundreds of crazy stunts Tom has done you've never had nightmares about them. Yeah, maybe you weren't so fond of them or concerned about them, but never did you ever feel the way you felt with this stunt.
Actually, as a matter of fact, you were never told of this stunt, Tom doesn't like to tell you when he does certain stunts as he didn't want you to freak out about them. You guys had a routine when he did stunts, and that was him doing them (if you know or not), and then he'll call you afterward to ensure that you know he's okay. So you didn't know about this one, the only way you found out was after Tom woke up to you crying and shaking in your sleep.
It was around 3am when Tom woke up, it was one of the rare moments when both of you were home. He had filming in the city and production planned to do it here. He was going to film a stunt involving a helicopter in which he would be piloting, much like the ones he performed before in his career.
But apparently, to you, this one was different, and concerning enough that when he turned around to check on you he found you shaking and moving around while tears fell down your face,
"Sweetheart? Hey- wake up," Tom says as he shakes you awake, "Baby, what's wrong? wake up." You eventually wake up from the shaking, your face was covered in tears and you were still trembling.
"What happened? You okay?" He whispers as he pulls you to his chest.
Still out of it, not being able to fully comprehend what happened and how to reply you give a nod.
"bad dream?"
"Yeah, Nightmare," You state as you sit up and turn to look at Tom, "You have a stunt to do for filming yeah?"
"Yes baby, I always do." He says slightly smiling, you only being able to see from the muted but turned-on TV screen. "Nothing to worry about though, you know that."
Oh but it is everything to worry about, still thinking back to the dream you tense, it was a bad one. Tom was doing a helicopter stunt, like many he'd done before. However, your dream, this time didn't turn out well. It was a crash, a big one at that.
Tears still streaming slowly down your face you urge on, "What is it exactly you're doing?"
"Just flying the helicopter over the city then to the mountains out of it. Why?" at this point, he sits up along with you, moving you on top of him.
"You're not doing it."
"Sweetheart. Come on, it's my job, and it's nothing big."
"No, Tom. My dream it was- the dream was about you, the stunt. You cant do it. Not this one Tom." you state getting a bit more tense and panicked again.
"Baby, it's okay. It was just a dream, I'm right here." He turns to turn on the side lamp, which illuminates the dark room in a golden warm glow, when he turns back he sees you fully. Your reddened face and eyes were full of tears. He's never seen you in such distress, especially over a stunt. "Sweet girl, it's okay"
"Tommy please, just don't. This dream is the exact same stunt you're doing tomorrow right, there's no way I got it for no reason. I don't even dream in general Tom, just please. I- You can't." You hold his face in your hands while begging. "Please?"
Tom sighs and observes your state before replying in a soft tone, "You really don't want me to?" you nod before he continues, "I'll ask, but sweetheart I'm not certain that I can just cut it. I'll change the whole plot. I'll tell them about your dream, okay? I'll try." He says before pulling you back to his chest once again this time facing each other.
"Thank you, Tommy," you state finding some relief in his response, however, you know that getting through the film crew, especially those directing will be hard.
"I'm gonna get you something to drink, I'll be back. Then we can try to go back to bed." He states getting up to leave.
Once he comes back he has a hot tea for you, he moves back to the comfortable position before softly talking to you, "You okay now?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. I just didn't feel right about it, it was different. I've had dreams before like that, not about stunts, but smaller things. They came true, I don't wanna see this one come true." You state, sipping the tea slowly.
"It won't, I'll tell them I can't do it okay? Let's try to go back to bed okay?" he says before turning off the lights. you nod and set the now empty tea cup on the nightstand before fully laying down with Tom.
"Goodnight sweetheart."
"Goodnight Mr. Hollywood."
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⭒❃.✮:▹A/N: Sorry if this is bad, I literally got this idea in the middle of the night so it may be a bit odd. I hope you enjoy <3
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cyrusclouds · 5 months
dsaf headcanons!!,!
i know literally nobody asked and no one cares, but i'm going to be putting my dayshift at freddy's headcanons here for the soul. this'll definitely get edited fairly frequently sooo!! anywayz here we go :3 (angst warning for some of these??)
jack has frequent sleep paralysis!! the kicker to this is that he THINKS he has a sleep paralysis demon, but really, dave just breaks into his house through his bedroom window every night and stares at him while he's asleep. he refuses to break character whenever he wakes up because "maybe he won't see me" (he definitely sees you, dave)
while henry was alive, dave picked up the habit of shutting up and shutting down whenever henry got too annoyed. problem with that is that jack playfully presents as annoyed all the time to mess around, and dave takes it very seriously, so they get into a bad cycle of jack acting annoyed and dave shutting down for no reason *constantly* (dysfunctional doomed yaoi core!!!)
henry is a tea drinker, not a coffee drinker. he specifically drinks black tea without any add-ins (basically the same as drinking straight black coffee for my coffee drinkers out there) (also dave eats the fucking tea leaves when henry is done with the bags)
harry still gets war flashbacks fairly frequently and is set off decently easily. when this does happen, rebecca is literally always there to comfort him and stays with him until he's calm again (straight couple goals)
whenever henry was seeping into jack's mind (legacy jack core), dave could very distinctly tell. one of the worst instances of this would have been a time where jack slipped up and called dave 'william', which would have caused a very quick panic that confused the *shit* out of jack (homeboy does not know what he did)
!!!NOT MY HEADCANON!!!! belongs to orcatstra :]!!! but dave and jack totally got drunk as shit in vegas one time and got married. no if's and's or but's, it happened, canon, i was the fly on directdogman's wall when he made dsaf.
jack reminds dave a lot of henry (unfortunately), which has caused dave to be very easily set off by things that henry used to do or say to him if jack does or says something similar. jack has no idea why every single time it happens, but he always comforts him until he calms down anyways :)
henry has a habit of spinning things like pens and pencils in his fingers while he writes, but sometimes this expands to wrenches and actual tools while he's working on his creations. yes i think henry is strong as a bitch, how else is he carrying those literal hunks of metal
henry would be the type to hate basically every animal, but he would (begrudgingly) feed stray cats from time to time if nobody was around (god forbid he ever look weak in front of people)
henry had a god awful sleep schedule. he would stay up until around 2-3am every morning at the least working on his creations, sometimes taking it as far as full days if he was focused enough. it was very concerning to dave (who does not sleep), and he would loom outside of his office a lot listening in case he fell asleep. it wasn't terribly common, but sometimes he would, in which case dave would break in and move him to the little chair he had in there
henry was definitely the kind of guy to straight up call people an idiot or dumbass, and then go on a long ramble about exactly what they were wrong about and how wrong they were. expanding on this headcanon, i think henry would have been a major rambler about things he was passionate about, especially towards dave (since that's like the only person he was around in his later life)
henry was never the kind to take breaks. no matter what, he always kept working. but, he did allow himself one once because his physical health was severely deteriorating, and he spent most of the day reading anyways LMFAO, just in a more comfortable environment. he would have loved reading, dead convinced.
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I’d literally marry you if you’d please write some human kowalski boyfriend headcanons. Penguins fans are so content starved it’s not funny 🙏
Human Kowalski boyfriend headcanons coming righ up! I'll admit it took me a little to come up with some good ones but I think I did pretty good!
Human! Kowalski dating headcanons.
(Gender neutral pronouns used for the reader.)
I always feel like I should give them full names so Kowalski's first name in Johnathan.
(Also I kinda see human Kowalski looking like Corey Michael Smith, especially when he's the riddler in Gotham.)
Kowalski is definitely a little autistic so he tends to hyperfixate on his work. You'll have to pull him away from his work if you want him to eat or rest.
Kowalski had been sitting at his desk all day, working tirelessly on whatever it was he was doing for his job (he'd explained it to you at one point but it was all technical talk.) You came up behind him, gently draping your arms over his shoulders, planting a kiss on his temple. "Johnny, why don't you take a break and eat something? you haven't moved for hours."
A soft smile spread across Kowalski's face and he sat the papers he'd been reading down, removing his glasses. "Alright, love, I guess you're right. Do you want me to make you dinner?"
You chuckle softly. This man never stops working.
His love languages are gift giving, acts of service, and quality time, his gifts are always extremely thoughtful as well as useful. (His first gift to you was a can of military grade mace incase he wasn't there to protect you.)
Kowalski had tried to keep you away from his work but unfortunately that worked out as well as you'd expect. In the end he and Skipper had to train you in self defense.
Kowalski is a really good cook, and I mean REALLY good. You have a specific meal you haven't had since you were a child? This man will make it for you! You wake up at 3am craving a certain food? He will get up out of bed and make it for you. (Seriously, this man loves you so damn much.)
You stirred slightly, opening your eyes tiredly. Kowalski's arms were wrapped around your torso, hugging you close to his chest. Your stomach was ehat woke you up, growling loudly, causing you to let out an annoyed groan. Your groan woke your boyfriend, causing him to pull you closer. "What's wrong, lovely?" He asked, still extremely groggy. You shake your head slightly "Nothing, Johnny, go back to sleep." That wasn't enough for him though. He sat up slightly, looking down at you, the moon light coming in from the window illuminating you both in a dull glow. You let out a soft sigh "I'm just a little hungry." You admit. Kowalski let out a breathy chuckle "well let me go make you something then."
He loves explaining to you what he'd doing while he works. Especially if you sit beside him (or on his lap) while he talks. You may not understand any of what he's talking about, but you could listen to him talk for hours.
Kowalski is very romantic!.... in his own ways haha. He doesn't quite understand why anyone would want a bouquet of flowers that will wilt and die or going to expensive restaurants. Those those things jus don't seem very nice to him.
That's not saying he doesn't like going out! He just likes going to places where he can actually relax and let loose. He loves going to fairs and seeing movies. Getting ice cream (or any quick snack you'd like) and walking through the park is something you two do very often. (He really likes to feed the ducks at the pond.)
Fair warning, this man is very clingy! Kowalski needs to have his arms around you almost all the time (even when you're sleeping, which makes is very difficult if you need to get up to pee in the night.)
This man will read to you if you want! If you ask he'll get a little embarrassed but will happily oblige. Though he doesn't understand why you would want to listen to his voice for that long.
Kowalski LIVES for praise, compliments, and validation! Call him handsome and he'll deny it but his face will be bright red.
"You know, you're very handsome." You say, eyes trained on your boyfriend as he worked. Kowalski paused, glancing over at you "I think you need your eyes checked, lovely." He denied the compliment, though you could see his face flushing a bright red.
I'll add more little blurbs under each Headcanon (and more headcanons) as I think of them but I hope you enjoy what I have so far! I'd also like to add the Penguins proposing to their partners and what rings they'd choose. Hopefully this will be the start of me writing more headcanons and oneshots!
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
Yesterday was a good day of drinking enough water, getting exercise, eating well, and marking things off my to-do list. I know everyday can't be like that for ADHDers and the like, but it's always so nice when you can have those days where you're just on lol. I also made a point to not drink since I've been drinking too much lately - almost daily, even if it's just a single drink. That's not a habit I want to get into, especially if I'm trying to focus back on weight loss, and I haven't been sleeping well either. So with that and the cardio I did I was hoping to sleep well last night.
However, I still woke up a few times for a while. 😣 I can fall asleep but the issue is staying asleep. I think it's been more of a problem since starting the Wellbutrin, which I could still be adjusting to (also I'm still on the Effexor too, which also works on norepinephrine already). I took melatonin last night too but it's like it didn't last long enough - it doesn't help the insomnia that's at like 3am or later. I might try to buy some lower dose melatonin to pop if I wake up in the middle of the night (a method recommended by a friend) and see if that gets me through. I just hope I'm not drowsy in the morning if I do that. And I don't want to depend on melatonin either of course but it's just been some hard times lately. But hopefully these other changes I'm trying to incorporate will help things and soon I'll be used to the Wellbutrin too.
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ravynfyre · 8 months
“Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath, Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, Chief nourisher in life's feast.”
so, like, i am well aware that this is Not A Good Thing. but, true to the crux of the matter, i find that i am apathetic at best that i find no joy in much of anything right now. retail therapy is fun, but it's a crutch, and a pretty bad one at that... but everything else is very... meh. i'm not sleeping well. i'm on day... 10? 11? 15? of not being able to sleep until at least 3am or later, and it feels like each day it gets a little later than the day before. except for tonight, when it just completely went tits up and it's now 7am, with only about 45 minutes of sleep at 1am under my belt. (the first time in weeks that i crashed as soon as i went down... and it didn't even last an hour) when i try to sleep, i'm cold. i'm hot. i'm cold AND hot at the same fucking time. everything hurts, but it hurts in a way that seems... not significant enough to bother taking the advil and tylenol that are pretty much my only recourse for any levels of pain, due to being allergic to all but the most powerful narcotic analgesics, which no sane doctor would prescribe to me for my (life-altering but still somehow) "minor issues". reading fic is meh. writing fic is meh. drawing is meh. work is extra meh. youtube is meh. walking the pasture is meh. exercise is meh. even eating is meh, and i tend to self-medicate with carbs so that's especially concerning. except i don't care. the taste of water makes me feel sick, like a cannonball just wallowing in my gut. the only thing that does taste good, that quenches at all, is my one-mt.-dew-a-day, which i am cheating and having early in the hopes that the dose of caffeine will either spin me down enough to sleep, or spin me up enough to not feel so fucking exhausted. doesn't seem to be doing either just yet. i cuddle my dogs, which helps, but it's just... not enough, and even that becomes meh. not the dogs. i love my dogs. but the... activity, and the doggy expectation, and the way they worry for me. it feels like i'm failing somehow, and that makes even that failsafe meh. i am tired of getting snatches and snippets of songs stuck in my head so hard that i literally cannot get my brain to stop playing the same few bars over and over and over long enough for me to pass the fuck out. i just need some sleep, but i am so fucking tired of sleeping in until noon because i didn't manage to get TO sleep until, like, 4 am or later, and when i do sleep, waking up and just... not wanting to get up. not wanting to BE up. when i DO sleep, most of my dreams are nightmares, with the occasional night terror thrown in for shits and giggles. if it's not one of those, it's something so fucking random and weird that i find myself desperately trying to cling to sleep to finish the story out, because it's *interesting* in a way that nothing else has been for a while. there is so much work that needs to be done around my house and my farm, but i just don't have the energy or the give-a-shit to do it. i'm doing what needs to be done to keep everything else alive... but i... i just want to stop.
and i'd really like to get some sleep.
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The Wait (part 1)
Hello my beautiful people. Here's what happened.
8/15- a bit more cramping today vs. Transfer day. Decided NOT to take Tylenol today. Tried to relax my way through the pain. Made a post in one of my groups and most of the people were supportive. PIO shot has been horrible.
8/16 - woke up at around 2/3am nausea all morning with some cramping finally left a message with clinic . Talked with our coordinator. She said it can happen sometimes and that it could also be the medicine so try and eat a little something and drinks lots of fluids. Ate some saltines while I waited to get a 2nd call back about the medicine. They helped. Got confirmation that I could take the medicine, so I took 10ml (recommend dosage 15-30ml). This whole coach potato thing is not for me.. Not at all.
PIO shot has been horrible.
8/17- woke up about 230am with nausea. Tried to eat a saltine and started gagging. Took some medicine 10ml. This has sorta worked 😑 Ended up trying to eat tiny pieces of bread (no crust as sometimes I like crust and sometimes I don't) it worked for about 20mins and now the nausea is coming back. 😑 Eventually it subsided and I was able to go back to sleep. I did wake up slightly nauseous but it went away. I started back at work today and on the way there and back I got nauseous in the car which had never happened before (unless I'm already sick). I tried eating fries on the way home but it didn't help. I tried to take more medicine when I got home​, but it just made me gag more. PIO shot wasn't too bad. My butt is starting to hurt and my stomach is definitely getting marks.
8/18- woke up at about 340/4am to pee. Have been slightly nauseous but not as bad as it's been. I was supposed to work today for a makeup but I called it off. Even though we need the money, I just can't right now.
8/19- woke up around 240 as I need to use the bathroom. Started feeling nauseated with some stomach acid issues around 320. I tried to tough it out and eventually ate some bread which eventually helped and I was able to fall back sleep.
.... Ugh todays been a mess. I've been gagging and nauseous off and on all day. We went out to eat and that was good but hard as all the smells made me more nauseous. After hubby gave me the PIO shot there was a bit a blood and I got really dizzy.
+++++ first full day back at work
I got nauseous on the way to and from the first part of work. I got some Sonic as we hadn't had it in a while and I was craving it. The 2nd part on the way there and home I was fine. I forgot to bring my Pro Cap with me as I forgot that I needed to stay an extra 30mins. So I took it 30mins late.
Went on a short walk with the puppers and hubby and always nauseous and gagging the whole time.
8/20- been awake for a while and started to get nauseous after being awake for about 30 minutes.
+++ got nauseous on the car ride to and from work and have continued being nauseous while at work. The PIO didn't really hurt as much but the Love stung.
+++ I had a BM before bed so maybe that will help things as I hadn't had one in a few days. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
This stage is multifold. Theres the multiple different meds from oral, to vaginal, to shots. You have to take them at specific times and especially in the case of the shots they can be okay or hurt so bad you want to cry.
Then there are the symptoms. That's a roller coaster in it's self. It's so hard because the symptoms give me hope while at the same time I know it could just be the medicine as the medicine is straight up hormones.
And theres the waiting. This whole infertility business has taught me that I don't have as much patience as I thought I did. The closer it gets to beta, the stronger the urge to test early. I've looked at a variety of different post to see how other people have handled things. Within the group that tested at home early: some got the answer they wanted while other didn't. Some said that it added stress as the beta test results were different. I've also been checking my underwear to make sure I don't have period blood. I've also been struggling with hope. Throughout my life I've tried to be a hopeful but worrier of a person and I have learned through pain to not be too hopeful. This process though, it kicks that hopefulness into high gear and makes it often devastating to not have that hope bear fruit.
This is getting long so I'm going to create a part 2 for Wednesday-Sunday.
Love yourself and take care
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loserlvrss · 2 months
꒰ 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ꒱ 서창빈
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summary : you weren't in bed when your boyfriend woke up in the middle of the night, and he could never sleep without
genre : fluff, changbin x afab!reader, established relationship tws : kiss, pet names, skinship author notes : it was actually 3am when i wrote this word count : 0.4k
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he took it personally, you know he did. it didn't have to be light out to see the pout that adorned his lips. you didn’t have to have any lights on to see him searching around sleepily, making you stifle a chuckle.
only when he saw you curled up in the crevasse where the cushion met the arm of your couch did he stop dead in his tracks. 
you had not been able to sleep, tossing and turning all night. and the only reason you left him in bed by himself was because he needed the rest more than you did—you feared waking him up over anything. especially since he’d been non-stop working, and while he was home he designated all his time to you. you knew that sleeping was the only way he got actual down-time nowadays. 
“bub,” he mumbled through the stillness of the very early morning. “what are you doing?” you almost told him that this was a dream, prepared to gaslight him into going back to bed alone. but you didn’t, letting him approach you. “are you sick? what’s wrong? why’d you—” a loud bang cut him off, and you burst into a laugh. your boyfriend yelped, and stumbled onto the couch with you, head bumping against your thigh. he was now at a close enough proximity that you could make out his familiar features. 
“oh my god, bin.” you held back a further laugh, hands resting against his skull. “are you okay?”
“see, if you hadn’t left me i wouldn’t have gotten up to look for you, smacking my knee on the table, would i?”
you rolled your eyes. “shut up,” he pouted up at you. “i just wanted you to get some sleep, ‘cause i wasn’t.” 
ruffling filled your ears as he turned over, arms snaking around your midsection and pulling you deep into the cushions. he hummed, getting comfortable against you, cold hands resting on the skin underneath your (his) shirt. 
“what are you doing?” you asked through lighthearted giggles. “babe,”
he hmphed. “going to sleep, since you want me to so badly.”
“i meant in a bed, baby.” 
he now embraced you, turning sideways to be chest to chest comfortably. his head nuzzled into the crook of your neck, placing a featherlight kiss. “no, i'm comfy right here now.” you wanted to protest, but to be honest you had started to feel sleepy even before he’d come out; if it had been a couple minutes longer you would have ventured back to his warmth. 
your hand reached up, running your fingers through his bed-head and detangling it softly. “okay…” his breath on your skin sent goosebumps throughout your body, warmth soothing you. “but if you complain tomorrow that anything hurts, i’m going to say i told you so, okay?”
he chuckled softly, pulling you impossibly closer, hearts beating as one. “sure, baby. i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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gothtopus108 · 5 months
okay i need to rant about this stupid guy because i cant stop thinking about all of this shit
so, my boyfriend has this friend right and we have a LOT of common intrests, so we started talking about music we like ect ect, i didnt like him for a long time bc he made me anxious but i warmed up to him, eventually we got really close (at least i thought we were close) and now i've always had the problem of being way closer with people than they are with me, but I knew he pretty much had ducky, their other best friend, and pretty much no one else.
when we were talking it was a REALLY bad time in my life. Maybe one of the top worst, and I've had a lot of really shitty time. I'm bipolar, and i was balls-deep in a horrible mixed episode, i also was heavily restricting food and taking more ritalin than i am supposed to, so basically, i was in an insane hazy oblivion and basically just entierly zoned out but also really intense from the ritalin and mania. I was in the process of moving and trying to pack up all of my shit too and my parents were CONSTANTLY fighting also so badly it would wake me up from sleep when they got into it.
So we would talk for hours, texting until like 3am, mostly about will wood/other music artists we share obsessions with, but also a lot about life and our respective shitty mental health. Now, I was also convinced I was going to lose ducky, and i was going through yet another horrific mania-induced gender identity crisis. So, although he NEVER said anything about it, in retrospect I was defintly not being a normal human person in the way i was interacting with him. Its hard enough for me to interact normally, but throw in that shit-storm and I know i was being way too much for anyone to handle, let alone someone i only just started talking too
eventually, me and ducky did break up (thanks bpd)(we also got back together a few weeks later obvi) and I think the main thing i did was ranting to him, basically dumping my entiere thoughts while activly splitting on ducky. I think this was probally the final straw. The day ducky told him we broke up, he told me us talking "doesn't feel right" and he has not responed to a single text since then.
i asked him why, and nothing. it hurt almost as bad as breaking up with ducky, because at least with ducky we had talked about if for literal days before deciding to break up and we also kept talking as friends. I didnt text him for like two weeks and when I was in a much much better place mentally i reached out saying basically "hey im sorry for how i acted, i promise thats not how i normally am, you just need to be more firm with me on boundaries. also if you hate me please say that instead of just ghosting me" but nothing.
now heres the part thats fucking me up the most. I fucking TOLD him so many times how hard being ignored fucks me up. I told him that being ignored literally makes me suicicdal. I told him how i'd so much rather someone scream and yell at me, call me horrible names, even physically fucking hurt me than ignore me, yet he STILL refuses to even acknowledge me. He KNEW how i have absolutely NO friends but ducky, he KNEW i was in the worst time of my life, he KNEW all of my trauma around friendships ending, he KNEW ALL OF IT, but he still fucking ignores me. I hate it. I cant fucking stand it.
I JUST want to be his friend again so bad. I loved him he was so fun and we had so many common interests especially in things that ducky doesnt want to talk about as much with me. i just want him to tell me what i did wrong. I want him to be angry i want to hear everything i did wrong i want him to TELL me i cant stand him ignoring me it makes my skin crawl. Now ducky told me he blocked me which makes it even worse. I feel entierly out of control.
and the worst part is, ducky just says 'yeah he didn't handle it right, but your response to what he did is not his fault' when i tell him how hes making me actively suicidal. Like,, yes,, that is true,, but when i've told him how triggering it is, when i've told him about the time i attempted after someone stoped talking to me, when i text him begging him to text me back and he still wont, at what point does at least SOME blame fall on him? like if i had never told him any of that stuff and he was just oblivious to how triggering it is that would be one thing but NO, i fucking TOLD him SO many times.
im so upset and hurt and confused and angry and evberything feels so bad and i just know hes talking shit about me to ducky i know he is he thinks im a bad person and hes trying to convince ducky i am a bad person . i hat ehim somuch im so hurt and upset and i want to hurt myself i cant belive i even tried to be his friend i can ttak ethis
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abagofpennies · 7 months
Day 20 of being a mum
Writing this at 3AM while pumping milk.
Just some thoughts so far.
Taking care of a newborn is hard. I feel like I am constantly trying to play catch up with sleep, and this is with the presence of a confinement nanny. I have to wake up Q3H to pump milk for baby so that he will be able to get enough milk. But yet my supply is still not enough for baby. Giving him formula milk via a bottle causes him to have nipple rejection and that is quite difficult for me because I enjoy bonding with him as he latches on me. I don't have the mental capacity to enjoy my time with my husband because I'm so busy trying to catch up with sleep most of the time and I am not in the right headspace to chit chat - at times when I do, I feel like I don't have much to give. Why has God design parenthood to be so difficult? I mean.. look at other animals within the kingdom -- actually most of them are able to walk from birth and able to drink normally.. Yet we as humans struggle a lot. Was this part of God's intentional design? Why so?
I also find myself lacking in patience especially when baby starts to refuse to latch properly and wants the bottle instead as a form of 'quick fix'.. I can understand how he feels but I still can't help but feel frustrated.. Lord, please hear my plea - enlarge my capacity to be a good parent and to love my child. Give me your love for my child.
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appletreeduty · 1 year
a personal ramble while I have a single free moment in my day
hello tumblr. How are you. Listen I know it was my own fault for being away so long aside from random reblogs cos I knew how stressed and exhausted I'd be night after night after night taking a music job once again. Honestly glad I took it though, not just because I was needing $$$ but also because this shit genuinely makes me happy. the experience: Pass out in bed as soon as my head touches the pillow when I get home somewhere between 1am and 3am. Wake up go oh god oh god oh god oh god running around trying to get ready and get to work (worse if I'm traveling because I probably haven't packed until the morning of). Get to work go oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. Maybe go out after with some work friends if there's the time or energy. Repeat.
the pros: Financial stability (sort of, but soon. the job pays). Finally living a fucking life and it's just hitting me now, 3 months in - I get to see my friends a lot more, get to travel, dating the tatted cutie of my dreams. Can finally afford the more expensive meds my endo actually recommends, and they're working way better than the generics I was on before. Doing something I love day in and day out. Working with people who actually watch out and care for you, working hard as hell but being given the time when burning out, even if it's just a moment. Ability to give myself little gremlin gifts - extensions, one of them foldable walking mats for my work desk, new tatties, a beginner violin to learn to play on. the cons: Stressed and exhausted, but at least it's not financial stress. Brain broken all the time. I feel like I've been neglecting a lot of my hobbies, especially writing and reading. Sleep schedule is completely fucked. Job feeds my workaholic tendencies and it's hard to shut my brain off when I'm off work. Having to work with known assholes in the industry sometimes.
It's really frustrating, when I think about it, that I've basically not created or consumed a piece of media that is not tangentially related to this job in months, and kind of gives me whiplash since ASOIAF and the ASOIAF fics I wrote really were basically my life for like the better part of a year before I got this job. I can't remember the last time I opened a doc for one of my WIPs, and I'm so behind on the fics I follow I've forgotten what they all are and/or what the plot of all of them is. When did I read an actual book last? Watch a movie or show? Don't ask me, I can't remember. When's the last time I felt like I HAD to write something? When's the last time I rode my bike? When's the last time I cooked? Don't get me wrong - I'm grateful for this job, it's sick as hell, but since I've had it it's like my entire free time has turned into IRL social life and I desperately miss my quiet time and online time. Am I addicted to being on my computer, Google Docs, and talking with mutuals? Probably. Maybe it's just the complete lifestyle change fucking with me. Maybe I'm not social enough for a job in this industry.
I should be happy with my life. But moments like these when I get a moment to reflect put so much doubt in my mind that I hate experiencing. Guess we'll see how it goes. S-P-R-I-T SPIRIT LET'S HEAR IT goblino
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m-talks-shit · 2 years
Hey there, it's been a while.
I said in my very first post that I'm a quitter. I stopped doing workouts, I stopped yoga, I stopped having a morning routine at all, I stopped having a decent sleep schedule, and of course I stopped posting. I called it.
I'm not gonna force myself to start posting regularly again, it would be too much pressure. But I just wanted to talk, let some thoughts out.
T and I spent our first night together this weekend since his family was away. It was pretty underwhelming, I know he had some stuff planned but it all fell through one way or another. Plus I had a horrible headache since I hadn't eaten all day. We ordered some food but I couldn't even eat it because I felt so nauseous. He took care of me so sweetly, I fell asleep in his bed around 10pm. He said he would stay downstairs for a bit and then come up. I woke up around 3am and he wasn't there, I checked my phone and realised he messaged me saying that he didn't want to wake me up so he fell asleep on the sofa.
He's so adorable.. but I really wished he would've slept beside me. I messaged him and told him to come up as soon as he wakes up since I know he wakes up during the night. He came up around 5am and we slept together. It felt so intimate and sweet. We still haven't gotten past the fact that he can't seem to keep an erection whenever we try to have sex... I don't really have a problem with it, but it does kinda suck. It can get sorta frustrating for both of us, we both really want to do it.
Besides that, we've both said I love you to each other. It's crazy to think about since he told me that he's only ever really said it to one person before. I'm sort of an I love you whore to be honest, I might have actually said it to everyone I've dated. That being said, I was still a kid, I didn't really know what love was. I'm not sure I do now, but I do know that I feel really strongly about him and I don't know how else to communicate it, so I feel really comfortable using I love you.
I wish he was more receptive to my emotions. I'm a huge empath but I know he struggles with expressing feelings himself. It can be upsetting when he doesn't know how I'm feeling without me saying it directly, I wish he understood me more in that way. I know people can't be perfect. But if we managed to work on that, he would be pretty darn close to perfection. Considering the trauma, and the fact that he's never really been a proper boyfriend before, he's doing a god damn incredible job at it.
My 'ex-boyfriend' drove past me when I was walking home from the train station after staying at T's place. It was a strange coincidence. My lighter ran out so I had to go buy a new one, and for that I went to the shop that my old workplace was rivals with since they're right next door to each other. I was worried I'd see him around there since it's the street he's always on, plus it was around the time that he would be there. He didn't appear to be around so I thought I was in the clear. Lo and behold, about 5 minutes down the road from there, he drives past me. I wasn't sure it was him at first even though we very clearly met eyes. I embarrassingly did a double take, it was indeed a silver toyota, same car he had. I shook it out of my head and thought hey, there's lots of silver toyotas in this area, what are the odds right? That was until he texted me a while later. It wasn't much, just a 'u ok' like he would usually text me right before asking me to come over. I ignored the text and went on with whatever I was doing and a few minutes later he called me. I declined of course, I'm finally in a really happy, healthy, loving relationship, I was in no way going to jeopardize that.
I was an idiot to get with him in the first place. And an even worse idiot for staying with him as long as I did, especially considering the tons of red flags that I just completely dismissed. I guess I just didn't want to be lonely. The plan was always to drop him whenever I found a real partner. Something that made me sick to the stomach was the fact that I actually thought about going over to his place for sex, cheating on my perfect boyfriend just because I felt horny. Sometimes intrusive thoughts are utterly disgusting.
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myoddessy · 2 years
hola 🌝 could i possibley request some poly!lumax dating hcs if you’re comfortable with it?? thanksss!!!
it takes too much time to talk about how you guys actually got together so i'm going to go straight into the hcs but it must be said that lucas is down bad for you both.
a bit like i said in the poly!blyer hcs, whenever you guys cuddle you and max take turns being in the middle.
they've both lost so much and risked much more because of the upside down and everything that comes with it, that they need to feel as if they're protecting you by having you in the middle.
but max will often wake up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare that you and lucas died alongside billy and she just needs to hold both of you ( and you both to hold her ) to remind herself that it wasn't real and that you're safe.
building from that, if you guys aren't all sleeping together, or whenever max has to spend a night alone, expect a panicked 3am phone call or her knocking on your bedroom window because she needs to know you're safe.
you'd probably be the mediator between them tbh. especially with them being rlly on-and-off in s3, they'd realise how stressful it must be for you when they fight so they end up being a lot more mature about things.
they'll still start really petty and lighthearted arguments with each other about what movie to watch or who gets to be partners with you for a project in school but it's always entertaining because you know there's no actual threat behind it.
when max broke up with you both just before s4, it was really tough for you and lucas but you pulled through and obviously never stopped loving max because you knew she just needed time to heal.
max wouldn't really show it, but she really appreciated the way you two would smile at her when you crossed paths. it showed that you still cared and were willing to wait for her. but when you're finally back together, you're better than ever.
max was never really the type to show affection through words and because of the times you were in, it was difficult to show affection physically in public too. it was a lot easier to be touchy with you because she could play it off as best friends if the situation ever came to that. but with lucas it was a lot different because people knew you and him were together while max was still healing.
lucas' solution to this? you both sitting on his lap when you're in private or around the party ( but expect lots of teasing if you're around them ) you on one leg, max on the other, with lucas' arms around your waists.
it's literally his favourite thing ever because not only does he get that pride of being with the two most stunning people in hawkins, but it's easier for you both to show him affection which will always make him smile.
they think the world of you. you're their glue and they love you eternally for it. honestly, if anything happened to you, they'd never recover. they'd stay together because they know that would be what you wanted but it wouldn't ever be the same.
thankfully they'd rather cut off their limbs than let that happen, so it's nothing to worry about.
they both take turns kissing you. i can definitely imagine lucas getting annoyed at max for 'hogging' you and trying to pull you away but max doesn't let him and just giggles into your kiss.
they have an unspoken procedure for when you get cold when you're outside.
first, jokingly poke fun at you because they told you to bring a jacket or something warm.
second, lucas gives you his jacket ( the one he got from the basketball team and the comfiest thing on the planet ) while max takes your hands in hers to warm you up.
and third, they loop your arms between theirs so that you're sandwiched between them as you walk.
altogether, it's such a loving relationship and all of you would do anything for each other.
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strawberrysurecake · 2 years
Heyo! Love ur Bucci gang Hcs! (Especially the tsunderes ones!) Not sure if you're taking requests rn (sorry if ur not bsbdbdb) but I was wondering if I could request sum Bucci gang Hcs with a s/o who has Somniphobia! It's a phobia of sleeping, this can be due to being afraid of something bad happening while asleep or afraid of going to sleep due to nightmares and/or night terrors. S/o is afraid of going to sleep and tries to do everything in their power from falling asleep!
If your request aren't open or you don't want to do this request, you can totally disregard it! ^^
Bucci Gang + Trish with S/O Who Has Somniphobia
Contents: Giorno, Bucciarati, Mista, Narancia, Abbacchio, Fugo & Trish
Tags: G/N!reader, fluff
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Thanks for the request, Pomegranate! Somniphobia is actually something I can relate to. I don't have much problems with sleep anymore but in the past, I used to avoid going to bed until I got incredibly tired. I hope all you somniphobes reading get the chance to overcome your fear!
As for my status about requests, requests aren't officially open beyond the neko short fics but I like to take them anyway because it offers a break in between projects I have.
Psst. By the way, I'm trying out a new aesthetic and informative format for my posts. I made the webcore-styled header myself in MS Paint from scratch too so I'm pretty proud of it.
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❁ - - Giorno Giovanna - - ❁
He has a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night sometimes
It was during one of those nights that he heard you brewing coffee at 3AM
Shuffling downstairs and into the kitchen, he finds you nestling a hot mug of coffee with the darkest circles under your drooping eyes
He asks you if something is wrong but your answer of "no" doesn't satisfy him
"We have a day off tomorrow. There's no need for caffeine this late."
He learns of your fear of sleep and he's intrigued to hear you open up about a vulnerability to him so easily
He nudges the mug away from your lips and morphs the top buttons of his silk shirt into fragrant lavender buds
"Come. You need to rest. I'll sit by you until you're asleep."
❁ - - Bruno Bucciarati - - ❁
When coming home from a mission, he's used to having you run to the door to greet him but not at this unusual hour
It was 2AM when he returned and you were right there on the sofa, languid but ready to kiss him hello
"Amore, I won't be offended if you're asleep by the time I come home..."
Your explanation of how you can’t sleep unless he's there with you has him slightly concerned
After a little quick thinking, he zips together a concoction of fabric and cushions to create a crude cuddle buddy
"Let’s call him...Onurb. When I'm away and you can't sleep, Onurb will be here to keep you safe."
Although he'd rather be the one cuddling you to sleep, he supposes Onurb will have to do for a stand-in when he's away
Though he sincerely hopes you don't become too attached to Onurb...
❁ - - Guido Mista - - ❁
"Baby, it's 4AM. Why are you baking so early in the morning?"
He receives the most deadpan explanation for your fear of slumber, of nightmares and the inherent vulnerability that comes with sleep
Considering his superstitious fear over a single-digit number, he doesn't have much room to criticise your fear of a biological necessity so instead, he relents
He makes conversation with you while you bake but as soon as it hits 5AM, he's hauling your ass back to bed and keeping you there until you get some decent shut-eye
When you wake, the baked goods of 4AM have all been devoured by Sex Pistols
"See? Told you baking at 4AM was a bad idea!"
❁ - - Narancia Ghirga - - ❁
His little spoon is nowhere to be found and now he has to search the entire apartment for your whereabouts
If you're not in the living room, the bathroom or the kitchen then where the hell are you?
The front door suddenly clicks open and there you are with a small bag of snacks in one arm another bag in the other
"You went to the shops without me!?"
You could have at least bought him some orange juice
But what really matters is that you’re safe and you didn’t get kidnapped
"Why'd you go without me? And why this late?"
Though your somnophobia isn't something you want to bother him with, he insists you wake him up whenever your anxiousness gets the better of you
In his lean arms, he reminds you that he's always here to protect you from your fears
"How am I supposed to sleep well if you can't sleep well?"
❁ - - Leone Abbacchio - - ❁
He knows you don't have the best relationship with sleep so what he does is keep you locked tight in his strong arms until you fall sleep
He'll save you from your nightmares, shoo your sleep paralysis demons and hum a quiet lullaby to coax you into dreamland
He doesn't mean to hum you a lullaby; that's something he does on the cusp of sleep
If you mention this habit, he'll deny it
❁ - - Pannacotta Fugo - - ❁
"How come you're still awake?"
The evidence of an all-nighter are all etched into your features as he can tell
Despite how tired you look, there's a tenseness to your posture he can pick up on
"Is there something wrong? You can tell me anything."
Contrary to his suspicions, you're not sleep deprived because you're anxious over any upcoming missions but because of sleep itself
There's guilt over how he's never known this about fear of yours until now
The way he scoops you into his arms is tender
He's very attentive to your needs from that night onward and he takes rigid care to ensure your eight hours of sleep happens
Anyone who dares disturb your slumber will receive the biggest reprimanding of their lifetime
❁ - - Trish Una - - ❁
"Do you want some water? Tea? Warm milk with vanilla?"
She knows of your somnophobia and she won't rest until you're asleep
In the dim lighting of your bedside lamp, she shares a mug of hot milk with you as you share stories about your day
"That was the seventh phone call I received that morning. I wish they'd leave me alone while I'm getting my nails done. I kept hoping it was you who was calling."
She stays up later than she'd like but she can't help wanting to indulge in your company just a little more before fatigue takes over
So long as you sleep well, she sleeps well, too
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srslysierraa · 2 years
if i could have a they/you wake you/them up at 3 in the morning to do *insert activity* with kamaboko boys!
(ex for activity. monoploy baking cookies, makeup, strange things yet cute this to do with s/o at 3 am)
03:01 AM
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prompt ;; waking up in itself is a pain, especially waking up early. But when you see those gorgeous eyes of your lover, obviously bored to death, and silently begging for your attention. Suddenly the thought of baking a cake at 3AM doesn't sound too bad.
type ;; fluff. [headcanons]
chars. involved ;; tanjiro | zenitsu | inosuke
a/n ;; THIS IS SO CUTE, I'm a heavy sleeper, and being waken up for whatever reason IRKS ME to death. But the thought of Zenitsu asking me to spend time with him in the middle of the night??? Yes please. Also, I'd imagine this is modern AU? Please enjoy!
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He couldn't really sleep, for whatever reason.
And he wanted to do something to actually help him sleep instead of just laying down and tossing around.
He DID thought of waking you up but-
Do you really think he'll have the heart to wake you, his darling, up just because he couldn't sleep?
ESPECIALLY AT 3AM?? Nah, my man's a gentleman he's not gonna do that.
So instead he decided to just go watch a movie on his phone, next to you, with no earphones in.
The opening loud ass music startled both you- and him. In which he didn't know that his volume was full.
He apologize profusely when you woke up, realizing that he's not asleep yet.
"(Y/N)-! I'm so sorry- i didn't know that it was going to be this loud! Please, go back to sleep."
"..why are you still awake? What happened?"
He'll explain that he couldn't sleep and is trying to make himself fall asleep with a movie, or at least to tire him out, while also constantly trying to get you back to dreamland. Purely because he'll feel bad if you had to wake up because of him.
Well sucks for him because that's exactly what you're going to do.
You slowly sit up, telling him that you also want to watch the movie with him.
After a few back and forth of trying to tell him that, yes it is okay for you to stay awake for him, he'll let you.
But what's movie night without popcorn and soda, right?
You'll ask him to accompany you to the kitchen because it's 3AM and for some reason he chose to watch a horror movie, just to get a few snacks and drinks.
Putting on music while waiting for the microwave to finish cooking up your popcorn, all the while talking about what you just dreamed about. Or what to do when the sun comes up.
And when you're done, you'll go back to your room with him. Turning on the movie on the TV instead as you two cuddled close, leaning against eachother and hands perhaps touching once or twice when you two tried to reach the popcorn bowl in unison.
If you're scared of jumpscares, he'll purposely pull you closer, as if to shield you. If not, you two would just talk about what you would've done in the movie's situation.
If you can't stand horror, he'll change the movie. What do you want to watch? Action? Thriller? Fantasy? Anime? The same movie or series you've been rewatching 34 times? He'll happily put it on.
And when morning comes? He'll be the one yawning, since he didn't actually get any sleep. He'll try to stay awake, but fall asleep on your shoulder instead. And you can't help but admire his peacefulness as you slowly put his head on a pillow, cleaning the room of all the empty bottles, wrappings, and bowls.
But if you prefer to just stay and sleep in his arms, that's fine too! He'll hold you close, and snuggle closer.
Eitherway it ends up with him kissing you on your forehead as soon as he wakes up, so i say this is a win.
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I feel like he's the type of person that'll say something like 'one more video' when on YouTube and then stay up till morning. LMAO.
He'll be watching random cat videos, or like those "which one is actually cake?!" videos and would try to guess along but guesses wrong on almost each one.
How he went from analog horror to gameplays to asmr to cosplays to "how to survive" to cake videos? No one knows.
All he knew was this is entertaining and he keeps trying to stop but fails miserably thanks to YouTube's goddamn recommendation page.
But then of course, right as the clock strikes 3AM, he just had to see that one video.
"Hyper-Realistic Shoe Cake Tutorial!"
He needs to make it, okay? For scientific purposes.
But he still wants to stay beside you.. and he's not that good at baking as he is cooking-
And all that leads to this one moment.
"Wha- Zenitsu..? It's 3 AM.. what is it?"
"(Y/n)-chan!! Can- can we bake a cake together? Unlessyou'dprefertosleepthenthat'sokaytoo-"
"Bake a cake? What cake? Is it someone's birthday tomorrow?"
"Well, no, but— i found this cool tutorial on how to bake a cake and make it look like an actual shoe!"
You stayed silent, trying to comprehend what he had to say. You'd be lying if you say you don't find him adorable, but like.. really?
"Wh- babe, you woke me up at 3AM because you wanna bake a cake that looks like a shoe?"
...And now you can't even get mad.
"Goddammit, we're baking that shoe cake right now." "I know, I'm so- wait, huh?"
You spent the rest few hours getting confused because like- you don't have a few of the CRUCIAL ingredients in order to make it look realistic. So you kinda just made your own version of it based on the limited baking knowledge you know, trying to get it as close as the tutorial as possible.
The process was.. cute, to say the least. There was a time where the flour accidentally spilled out, which resulted in you becoming a sneezing mess due to the powdery bits in the air.
Zenitsu insisting he'll clean for you, and you telling him to not bother.
Not to mention when he tried to split the egg white from the yolk, failed miserably.
You two purposely putting on socks so you can slide across the kitchen floor thanks to the flour that fell, while waiting for the cake to be done baking.
Him accidentally messing up his own cake by cutting certain parts too small or thin, and you boasting about how good yours turned out.
Putting on sappy love songs as the sun rises, taking photos of the cake while trying to hide the mess you two made in the kitchen, and uploading it online.
His smile was arguably brighter than the shade of his hair, even the rising dawn couldn't match Zenitsu's grin as he looks at the results.
Not to mention the cleaning montage of you two trying to fix the kitchen after the absolute mess.
Of course, you'll be spending the rest of the day napping in his arms till evening, but you've been productive enough to make up for it, right?
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Now, this man..
He will wake you up, unapologetically.
You'll be dreaming of your perfect life, feeling all nice and cozy as the night changes.
And then he'll just scream next to your ear.
You almost had a heart attack with how he woke you up, looking up to see a pair of emerald eyes staring down at you.
An exaggerated sigh left your lips, and you almost told him to go make food himself.
But then you remember that time he almost burned down the house, so.
With no other choice, you got up, an excited Inosuke running out to go sit on the couch.
But you're not gonna cook anything, not when it's 3AM, so guess who's getting a McDonald's delivery soon?
And while waiting, you two decided to play a few rounds of video games. Making him promise that this'll go on until the food arrived and then he'll go back to sleep.
Spoiler. That didn't happen.
You two had too much fun roasting eachother at how bad you guys are at games, and Inosuke is particularly funny when raging while playing Fall Guys.
He also scared you on purpose a few times when you were taking turns playing Phasmophobia, laughing hysterically everytime you screamed in fear.
Or even something like FNAF, or games like Valorant, Overwatch or even Call of Duty. He loves competitive games so.
Seeing him happily jump whenever he wins something warms your heart, and though he wouldn't admit it, but the way he also jumps in victory whenever you kill someone in game is enough proof for you to know that he feels the same.
And when someone makes fun of you for sucking at the game?? He'll honestly would just ask you for the controller, ready to destroy the mf as he suddenly dominates the whole round. Before giving it back to you when he feels satisfied.
He'd randomly open his mouth while playing, asking to be fed a french fry as he focuses on the game. You being as invested as he is, just does it because you kinda also want him to win-
Also the way he'll put his arm around your shoulders, guiding you on what to do to win, well more like screaming at you- but only because he's too excited and loud for his own good. He loves you though, which is why he wants people to know that his (s/o) doesn't suck 💪🏻.
And when morning comes? That's when it hit you that gODDAMMIT YOU DIDN'T GET TO SLEEP.
But you know, maybe it's fine, you two did have an awesome night?
Especially with the amount of compliments he gives you whenever you win a game, all those "HELL YEAH, DESTROY THEM" "LET'S GO THAT'S MY (Y/N)!" "DIE ASSHOLE! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO MY (S/O)!"
You're sure your neighbors would complain sooner or later, but you don't really mind.
In fact, you'd happily do this with him again.
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hooterhorror · 3 years
Wait. I wanna know how you think Thomas, Michael, and Bubba would react to their s/o just getting random bursts of energy at like 3am. Say the s/o cooks or starts doing chores really early bc of said energy burst 😭
OMG BET I relate to this so hard wtf 😭 I hope this is good ❤️
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Thomas, Michael + Bubba with an s/o with bursts of energy
warnings: fluff but not proofread
format: headcanons
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Thomas has an on and off again schedule when it comes to sleep. He can be up doing household chores late into the night, so it's not uncommon for you to walk downstairs to do the dishes at 3am and already find him finishing them up
he does worry about you when he notices the random bursts of energy. Do you sleep at all? does this affect your awake hours during the day?
He'll pour you a glass of sweet tea when you join him downstairs, smiling sweetly at you
He'd also try and guide you to bed when he feels it's too late
he'll lay with you if that'll calm you down!
wraps his arms around you and anchors you against his chest 🥺 you literally can't help but relax when it's thomas
ESPECIALLY when he's stroking your head and shushes you so gently when you try to defy sleepy time
Luda mae probably insists you drink some tea before bed, but because of the caffeine it might make it worse. or better!
if she finds you and Thomas asleep on the couch, I swear she's gonna shed a few tears- wakes nubbins to take a photo, who's confused and tells the woman she's weird. probably.
Thomas ❤️
that's it. that's the post.
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Does this man even sleep?
His body hits the mattress and he doesn't move a muscle. still as a board but definitely not light as a feather. You've tried to snatch the blankets out from under him and acvide and flung yourself from the bed in the process before
Even if his eyes are closed, you're unsure of he's asleep because they can snap open so fast
of course a couple years into the relationship, you notice he sleeps deeper and even on his side now instead of on his back
Michael slowly wakes up to the smell of something cooking and sits up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before going downstairs to see what was up
immediately notices the time on the microwave, then sees you at the stove making a borderline buffet breakfast
and he's even more confused when you turn around and smile at him, seemingly wide awake.
sure, he'll accept the meal, but come on y/n! it's 3am and almost 4! why are you awake?
feeling his questioning glare burning a hole into you, you probably end up telling him about your energy and how these bursts just hit you. they control you more than you control them, you tell him.
he grows used to waking up or coming home to you cooking or deep cleaning the kitchen... for the fifth time.
he is worried. but just a little
eventually his sleep schedule changes to matches yours because he's woken up right after you so many times, and now you can just sense the silent man standing behind you when you're at the stove
won't hug you from behind while you cook, but god it's nice to think about isn't it?
"Michael, can you hand me the pepper?"
he's like your little helper now. don't call him that tho or he'll throw the eggs at your head lmfao
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I use she/he/they for Bubba!
Sleeps like a stone but wakes up as the bed gets colder without you beside them
feels around for you and the patting gets more and more anxious and desperate
he's wide awake now as they borderline stumble out of bed and run around the house looking for you
she relaxes when they see you folding laundry in the living room, babbling through heavy breaths about how worried he was and-
wait, what time is it!?
looks at the clock then back at you. that repeats for a while until you gently hold her face
the contact settles them down really fast, but he's still confused! Did something happen? did you have a bad dream?
she definitely worries the most out of these three, and it's harder to keep that worry out of his mind.
"I'm okay bubs, really!" yeah she doesn't believe that. he's dragging you back to bed right now!
does anything to get you back to sleep. runs a bath for you, massages your shoulders, etc.
he probably falls back to sleep before you do, and that's okay
because you get to cuddle up to them and OH MY GOD- even in their sleep he instinctively holds you closer and presses his face into your hair 🥺
just wake him up if you can't go back to sleep
she'll happily stay up with you as long as he can, soothing you back into a peaceful sleep eventually.
imagine Drayton finding the entire house cleaned and weeds out front pulled and taken care of because you "couldn't sleep"
he's jealous.
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