#(i had found her before this and was sad when she got deleted lol)
tsubasaclones · 8 months
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now HERES a girlie i havent drawn in forever
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Manipulating Death: Chapter Three
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(Not my gif)
Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Warnings: major trigger warning for James and Lily death (I cried while writing, that's why its shorter), angst, tiny fluffy and my trash writing
a/n: This chapter is shorter than the previous ones bc tumblr deleted it for some reason and I had to rewrite it and I just got off an exam so please be patient with me :))
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Chapter One Chapter Two
"You three aren't even trying to be discreet." The girl mocked, rising from the basement, looking at the wizards.
Harry was sitting on the kitchen, blowing on an empty cup without even noticing.
Sirius had grabbed one book from the couch but was holding it upside down, moving his hand along his beard, pretending to be interested.
Remus was the only one unconspicuous, sitting down and eating the last piece of pie left, however his abnormally straight back gave him away.
The older Black pretended to be surprised by the two of them appearing, throwing his hands up. "Oh hey! Look Moony if it isn't the undead pair."
"Hi Sirius." Y/n said, a small smile appearing on her lips. "It's nice to finally meet you."
Sirius' smile became sad, tears glowing in his eyes, threatening to fall down his cheek. It came down on him, Y/n was alive this whole time.
One of the things he most blamed himself for years on end, edging him to fall into complete madness. Thinking that not only he was responsible for his best friend's death, but his niece too.
An innocent baby, with so much to experience, and she had completely been erased from existence.
And to think she was most attached to James hurted him even more.
But then, there she was. Breathing, alive, still standing after all those years.
And standing next to her, was his brother. The one that died without a second chance, thinking Sirius hated him.
It was almost everything he ever asked for, but it's better than it was before.
"I guess I should be thanking you for saving my life." He stated, approaching her and opening his arms, to which she happily accepted and hugged him back. "And thank you for saving my brother." He whispered on her ear, making her hum.
They let go and Sirius looked at the man standing by her.
The Black Brothers were never found of physical affection, for years the only touch they had were one another's.
"Reggie?" Y/n called, and Sirius thought he'd hex the girl, never really liking nicknames, but the man only looked at her. "Come on." She spoked gently, taking a step back.
The younger Black breathed in deeply, before closing his eyes and pulling his brother into a tight hug.
All air was pushed out Sirius' lungs, eyes open wide and looking at the girl in shock.
He held strongly to his younger brother, closing his eyes too and smiling.
He was back.
And willing to be his brother once again.
"Come here you two." Y/n whispered, holding her arms out to the wizards.
Harry hurried to her, burying his face on her neck and pulling her closer. Remus hugged her other side, one hand on the girl's head, lightly petting her, and the other one in the boy's shoulder.
She could her how Harry would sniff quietly and his breath was shaking, while Lupin sighed deeply, as if one massive weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"It's so nice!" She mumbled, lying her head against her brother's and smiling at her godfather. "I always wanted to meet you."
"And I know you guys have a lot of questions." She stated, seeing Regulus and Sirius loose their hug and look at each other awkwardly. "So why don't we go into the living room?"
Remus led the way, Harry and Y/n right behind him in a side hug because they didn't wanted to let go of each other. And the Black Brothers last, exchanging gazes like they used to do on family meetings.
The werewolf sat on a chair, the Potters sitting on the opposite side, in a tizzy couch, leaving a two-seats couch for the Blacks.
Harry kept his hands to himself, however left his knee touch his sister's, wanting some contact, desesperatly trying to make sure she was real.
"I think I'll start." Lupin coughed, looking at Y/n. "How are you alive?"
Sirius perked up at that, being way too obvious when leaning in.
It was October 31st. Halloween.
Despite keeping a low profile and keep hiding, the Potters where trying to make the best out the holiday.
Harry was in a pumpkin costume Remus gotten for him the second year in a row, it was beginning to look a little tight and Lily wanted to see him one last time in that bright orange outfit.
Y/n was wearing a princess dress, red and gold like gryffindor's colors and a silver tiara on her head.
"Can you believe it's been a year?"
"I know. It feels like yesterday when they were coming out of me." Lily smiled, picking the boy up, his eyes glossy and eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.
"Can you imagine when they start talking?" James asked, a huge smile looking at his daughter. "Like, actually talking instead of just 'mama'."
"Y/n already is, remember? She said 'moon' when she saw Remus."
"Please don't remind me of that." He answered. "That kind of betrayal I can't forgive."
"I can't imagine you not forgiving someone."
James thought about it. Of course he could forgive his own daughter, but he wondered if there was something he would never forgive, but all possibilities were so unreal he didn't even bothered.
"If one of them don't start saying 'daddy' soon, you'll see." He joked, seeing Lily disappear on the stairs to put Harry to bed.
Y/n always stood up a little later than her brother, watching James make colors and feathers appear with his wand.
Everybody knew she favored her father over Lily, but Harry never fell asleep on James' arms, so it was quite balanced.
"Y'know, it's not hard to say it." He started, sitting on the floor with her. "Come on, do it. 'Da-da'." He tried, but the girl was busy trying to chew her tiara. "No, that's not for eating. Come on, 'da-ddy'. Still no? What about 'pa-pa', huh? Oh please, even one syllable I'll accept. Anything!"
"Bodah!" She giggled, bouncing her little feet.
"Oh come on!" He groaned, smile big on his face. "I'm glad you love your brother, but you love daddy too, no?"
"Just leave her, James." Lily's voice came from upstairs, her tone breaking for bouncing Harry to sleep. "She'll say it when she's ready."
Easy for you to say it, he thought. Lily too was upset when her daughter's first word was her godfather's nickname, but only a few days later she started mumbling "mama".
"Okay then. Come on, it's time to sleep. We need to get that dress off you." He picked her up, leaving the wand on the floor, next to the couch.
He was only mid-way when something felt different, a chill running down his spine and his stomach turned.
The secret.
No time for running upstairs, he shoved a door of a cupboard under the stairs.
"Stay here. Daddy will be right back." He assured, lying his daughter on a picnic basket.
James started tapping himself, looking for his wand. Why, why? Why was this happening?
"Lily, he's here!" He shouted, closing the door behind and rushing to the living room.
If he could at least slow him, Lily could run away with Harry and come back for Y/n later. The prophecy was about a boy, so Voldemort wouldn't waste his time looking for a girl.
His heart was racing and he felt dizzy. He knew.
He knew he'd die, getting to his wand or not.
In his mind, he only prayed. That his kids and his wife could live.
James wasn't a religious man, but God did he prayed.
When he got to the living room, his heart sank.
Voldemort's sly figure was standing, a dark cape covering almost all of his appearance, wand visible. However, what broke his heart was the one standing on his shadow.
The one that used to be on his shadow at Hogwarts, one of his best friends. Peter Pettigrew.
That's when he knew. The betrayal he'd never forgive or forget.
James didn't even had time to look at his wand when the cold voice set the curse, and everything went black.
Upstairs, Lily started crying by hearing her husband's body hit the floor. Voldemort followed that sound, leaving the two marauders behind.
Peter looked hesitantly at James' body, not sure if he'd stand up despite the green lightning that hit him right on the chest.
They used to be best buddies, and now not a single tear left his eyes, staring at his corpse, laying there side by side with his daughter's tiara.
The curse was pronounced two more times, and Peter waited for his master to come downstairs and lead the way to the meeting. However, what he heard was someone on the garden.
It was Snape, but he didn't knew that and chose to runaway from the back, passing the door to the cupboard where Y/n was.
"Dada?" She finally said, but James wasn't there to hear.
In total, three people entered the house after the Dark Lord: Snape, Hagrid and Sirius. However, not even one could find her, well hid on the bottom of a closet.
It was only until many hours later, when Harry had just been left at the Privet Drive's house, someone found her.
It was Aberforth, Albus Dumbledore's brother. The headmaster of Hogwarts sent him to take care of Lily's and James' bodies so they'd have a proper funeral.
He had just started to go upstairs when he heard the crying, very low, very muffled, that couldn't have been heard if you even whispered.
Took him quite some time to find the girl, the steps on the stairs must've waked her up.
"Daddy." She said again when the door to the closet opened.
His head was spinning. The news of Harry Potter's survival was already running the world, together with the information his sister didn't had the same luck.
Taking the entire basket, he left the house, not caring too much for the bodies. Hell, Y/n was alive!
This would change everything. "The boy who lived" would turn into "The twins who lived".
If, of course, he didn't decided to keep it a secret.
Albus had ordered him to go to the house when everything was happening, he knew James and Lily would die. He wanted that to happen.
The same way he knew the traitor was Peter Pettigrew and Sirius was about to be send to Azkaban.
His brother never cared for anyone's life, so Aberforth couldn't risk. He wouldn't tell a soul.
Next Chapter
Taglist (lemme know if i forgot anyone, I'm still new to this): @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit
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ourpickwickclub · 6 months
OMG someone (GR? lol) must be reporting the comments on ET's IG, cuz some of the BEST ones are now hidden. Whoever screenshots them, can you please get the hidden ones too, cuz they are too good. like these:
I think I speak for all women Gavin, you cheated we don't give two s**** about your feelings, and you get to live with that until your kids you're a big cheating loser bag.
Here's how not to get divorced don't be a whore
You cheated and how she found out about it was humiliating and you wish there was more of a connection with the person you cheated on???!!! Your narcissistic, self centred, selfish side is showing. Go back under your rock and grow a sensitivity chip. Geez
Maybe he should have kept his 🍆 in his pants!
Wasn't he banging the nanny? That's what he should feel shame about
Should have thought about that when he was cheating with the nanny! 💩
Came to the comments to say what everyone else is saying YOU CHEATED THOUGH RIGHT? Woman are not centers for broken men 🖤 men need to grow up and hold themselves accountable for destroying things. This dude is a clown and I hope he knows it.
You never thought you would get divorced? Because you thought Gwen was a slave to your blatant and flagrant infidelity? What a pompous loser!!
The man shagged the nanny and now is blaming the ex for the family break up and lack of connection 😒
Oh, please. We know this type of guy. Effing Cheater!
Stupid m fu**er 🤷🏼‍♀️and with the Nanny 🤦🏼‍♀️stupider 😩
He’s a butthole
Somebody smack the audacity out of that man.
Well duh you wouldn’t have if you had kept you 🍆 in your pants ! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Don’t be a dirt bag cheater
Then he shouldn’t have been a cheating pig! Let that be a lesson to cheaters! You ruin lives.
So while he was running around the world putting his penis in strange women, he never thought "Hey, I wonder if this might lead to a divorce for me."
You feel bad for kids. Dude you cheated HELLO. Keep it moving your a disgrace as a lil man
Oh please now you want Gwen’s attention in your life? Give it up
Such a jerk
Well, he should have kept his pecker in his pants. That was his choice.
Well maybe he shouldn't have been a whore!
Well, you f’d the babysitter. Pretty sure that was not in your marriage vows! Idiot! She is much better now than she was when she was with him.
"I never thought id ever get divorced" he almost said "I thought she put up with it and stay for the sake of the kids cause he feels bad for them how stupid is he
Cheater . She’s happy. Let it be .
Yeah, it would have been nice if you didn't stick your d inside your nanny! Then maybe you wouldn't have any shame?
Should have kept your penis in your pants . You caused the break up of your marriage and now you’re crying about a lost connection with your kids . You didn’t just cheat on Gwen , you cheated on your 3 kids .
Helps if you keep your penis in your pants too
Sir we do not give a flying fck what u have to say.
Cheaters always come back to play the victim! Boy bye Go on and join in with Jimmie Allen, I’m sure they can be cheating besties!
He’s a cheating sack of ugly it’s no wonder she left
You f U — t someone else, a lot!
These things tend to happen when you’re at dirty Cheater
Right… while he was banging the nanny
Makes me so sad... What a moron cheating on her. ESP with a downgrade.
Cheaters deserve the worst
While then you shouldn’t have cheated! Loser
Perhaps if you’d kept your pecker in your pants things would be different. I’m glad for Gwen that she’s found so much happiness and rebuilt a beautiful home. The divorce must have been a painful time for her
You never deserved Gwen you pos
Cheaters always try to find an excuse to play the victim
Just wanted to post the hidden ones here in case they get deleted, although screenshots look better...it reminds me of when Gibson was deleting every facebook comment roasting ML in their ad last year. All of the comments were pure gold, did anyone happen to screenshot them before they got deleted? They were so funny. It feels good when people get what they deserve.
Even though it can never take away the pain that BG suffered, it's nice to see so many people on the side of TRUTH and not falling for lies and manipulation.
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eggman91 · 7 months
So feel free to delete this but I got this idea from this comic called “Miss Kitty and her Bodyguards” where a young child humanoid cat is the hero’s to a mafia group and is raised by the bodyguards who are protecting her. It’s a pretty good read so I suggest you give it a chance but anyway back to my request.
I was think of Atlas having a daughter before he died (you can choose if she was born before Atlas met Mitzi or if the daughter is their biological child) and she’s raised by the Lackadaisy crew.
Thank you for your time.
Nah fam it fine and anon I like this idea
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I’m going with the idea atlas had this child before he met Mitzi she would be like around Ivy age so I’m gonna just write their relationships because yeah also apologies this might be lazy
-atlas (your dad die lol)
you and your dad well, complicated you know he love you in his own way but he was a mix of distance and stoic probably because of all the booze empire, but he did pay for all your school and toys and stuff but still his death was hard but he did try to teach you some skills of his
(I feel like atlas, wouldn’t care about gender as long as you knew how to shoot a gun and run a business so he would’v try to teach both genders)
-Mitzi (your mom got it going on)
she just mom well you haven’t called her mom in a long time. Just Mitzi but when you first met she spoiled you alittle you never met your actual mom and well she became your strongest mother figure (one reason she liked you is she didn’t have to have a pregnancy to ruin her figure and especially if you’re like a girl )
but yeah but after atlas death you was one of her rock (well once she didn’t really use a lot but still) you learn lot of charisma from her even learning to play the ukulele
-Ivy (your “little” sister)
your sister from another mother and Father both of you grew up in the speakeasy. It was a little over there, so she was like your little sister, but little by little bit but you guys are thick is thieves and still are (if it male some people say you should dated, but that would’ve been weird) you’re a little overprotective of her but she a clever girl…
(if girl she would probably get you in to the more fashion sense buying clothes, for the both of you making me wear these flapper outfits and if boy the same but she get this pinstripe suits)
-viktor (uncle with big divorce, energy)
I’m just gonna do it again it’s the same with the IV but like there’s two IVs now you see the both of you like his metaphor children but to you he like your tall gruff slav uncle Ivy have a definite has a better relationship with him I guess but you understand him a bit
(like Ivy you learn some mechanical stuff from him )
-Mordecai ( estranged brother with big divorce energy)
well he like your older brother kind of he was more busy with Atlas (honestly made you a little jealous) but it was a OK acquaintance, but you did share a nice appreciation of crossword puzzles, to be honest you weren’t really close to him but he seems like he was an OK guy a serious weird OK guy your dad liked
but then he left after your dad death you don’t really have much feelings on him. Yeah, you were bit sad that he left but he kneecapped Viktor that oathbreaker
(he probably try to pass some more refined, intelligent words to you. Most of them went over your head, but some stuck)
-zib (your mess of a uncle and …..your mom ex)
oh boy this mess of a cat at he didn’t talk to you and try to ignore you didn’t know why but after you and Ivy shenanigans he open up a little more and more now he’s just zib you did play ukulele for the band from time to time when you was older he was just zib
then boom you found out he was your mom ex and your dad cucked him hard which was fucked up (he did teach you how to bum a cigarette )
-rocky and freckle
They’re both relatively new Rocky been here for a year and freckle only for a short while (also dating Ivy ) to be honest, you don’t mind honest….. anyway you rocky freckle and Ivy are the club main rumrunner now you know rocky better then freckle and freckles, a bit weird at least rocky is honest weird but freckle he has something in him those eyes when he get a gun
you sometime play with Rocky he with the violin you with the ukulele
(Sidenote rocky x Atlas daughter you alway thought rocky was cute in his own manic way he was one of your rock when Atlas died you cry on his shoulder and well you wouldn’t mind to date him )
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thistlecatfics · 12 days
hey, sorry if this is annoying but i just found your works today and fell for them completely. your descriptions of bellatrix made my very old fixations rear their heads again. i was wondering what your current opinions are on jk rowling? i tried to look here but only really found things from before her terf-turn and that’s what i’m really interested in your thoughts on. i’m just curious and will be very grateful if you’d be considerate enough to answer
Hello! Thank you so much! Definitely not annoying and if I ever got an ask I didn't feel like answering I could very easily ignore it or delete it :)
The short answer: fuck jkr. the world will be better off when she dies.
The long answer: Yes, I feel anger towards her (see above lol), but there's also grief there. These books (and the fandom but the root is the books) helped me so much as a kid. I loved them, and it felt like I could be loved back by them. When I did EMDR therapy for my experiences of incest, I used Sirius Black as a resource to help me through one particular thread of memory and one of the themes that came up for me repeatedly during reprocessing is how much fiction and storytelling helped me survive and how grateful I am for storytellers. When I was a kid, if I was asked which celebrity I'd want to meet, I'd always pick her. She was important to me. I'm sad. I'm hurt. It feels genuinely painful to try to reconnect with some of those feelings.
Everyone likes to mock her casual post-canon reveal of Dumbledore as being gay, but that happened exactly as I was starting to come out and actually accept that I was gay, and it genuinely, genuinely mattered to me, and I'm stubbornly resisting the urge to feel embarrassed about my teenage joy and relief now.
(I always say I had some practice with this feeling of betrayal because the other book/book series which was so important to me as a kid was Ender's Game and Orson Scott Card was such an extreme, violent homophobe, but it definitely hurt more with jkr.)
(I recognize I'm gliding over the genuine fatphobia, antisemitism, sexism and racism in her writing and extra-canon world building but I do think the transphobia piece is the central one here - the area where she's doing the most acute and extreme harm.)
The embarrassing longer answer is that I'm arrogant enough that I think I could pull her back to reality (and get her out of that mold infested house) if I was given enough time with her. I'm really patient and really convincing and I have a ton of empathy for women who have experienced extreme patriarchal violence which has shaped their political views - even in a way that disconnects them from reality.
I'm also someone who is put off by how in many progressive spaces there's the dominant view that gender is a playground, not a violent system of power relations, and so I can connect with her on that point enough that I can fantasize about helping connect her to the full humanity of trans people (and also herself because by dehumanizing others we dehumanize ourselves.) (there's a lot to be said about the unique balance of wealth and whiteness and gendered trauma (and social media) as creating a potent dehumanizing force.) BUT I recognize that's just my impulse to fix and rescue and want to recreate this safe adult figure in my life and it's definitely not fucking happening lol.
(I also have a lot of feelings about how the fandom tries to deal with the problem of jkr but this is already plenty long and you only asked about my feelings about her haha.) (but yeah in general I follow the 'no financial support of her - not even a little bit. not even watching the movies on max or purchasing anything that might give her a cent.')
going to finish off with this really beautiful short piece of writing from Chinese Canadian trans woman writer Kai Cheng Thom from her book "Falling Back in Love with Being Human." Her ability to lean into empathy and love is a north star I try to follow.
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cinnamon-todd · 11 months
bless the telephone - j. miller x f!reader
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authors note: It is set right before the outbreak, so it's bittersweet. I just love the song Bless the Telephone by Labi Siffre, so I was inspired. I keep deleting my fics, but this one I think I'm gonna keep up.
word count; 750
warnings; Pre-outbreak, Joel's birthday, no physical description of reader, long distance, fluff but really sad when you realise what's happening right after lol, but It's sweet prom!!
song; Bless the Telephone - Labi Siffre (listen if you haven't!!! there's also a Kelis version which is also good)
Business trips weren’t her favourite. Being separated from her family was a foreign feeling, sort of. She worked a lot, but she always came home before the clock struck twelve. She always tucked her girl to bed and kissed her husband good night. But business trips don’t give her that luxury. 
It was just a five-day excursion, but she found herself calling home every chance she got. She was glad Sarah was now old enough to have a phone, so she could stop bombarding Joel with questions about her day. Even though he didn’t mind. Oh, Sweet Joel. It was his birthday this week, yet she wasn’t even there to celebrate it. She tried everything in her power to get out of this trip, yet her boss didn’t budge one bit. 
She made it back late from a night out with her colleagues. It was a distraction to stop calling home, Joel’s constant nagging of wanting her to enjoy her time overseas and there was nothing to worry about back home. Giving in, she went out with them and had a few too many to drink. Her drunken giggles filled the empty hotel room as she stumbled into bed. It was almost twelve a.m., and she couldn’t even open her door without help from the hotel staff, let alone crunch the time and figure out what it was back home.
“Pick up…” her desperate calls ring him. Her legs are tucked snugly into the expensive sheets of the hotel bed as she waits for him to answer.
And he does, of course, “Damn it, girl, do you know what time it is?” his groggy voice rang.
“Mmmm,” a drunken giggle slips as she lays comfortably against the pillows. The room was dimly lit as she looked at the ceiling. “No, what is the time?”
The sound of sheets rustling can be heard on the other line, the thought of those sheets felt more expensive than the ones she was in now. Those sheets were tainted in Joel Miller, it was covered in it. “3 a.m..” his voice pulled her out of the daze.
“3 a.m.?” she gasps, and guilt fills her heart, she mumbles a drunken apology.
“No, it’s fine.” his small laugh can be heard, she envisions his naked body wrapped in their sheets as he, too, looks up at the ceiling. She can’t wait to come home, to shower him with love and make up for forgetting his birth-...
“Wait…” she sits up immediately, and a look of realisation appears. “It’s your birthday.”
“Ah…” he realises as well. “I guess you're right, technically.” his voice, smooth as butter, filled her ears again. A relaxing tone that sends shivers down her spine.
“Well, my birthday doesn’t start till I see you…”
“In that case, I better get home quickly…” her small smile pressed against the phone screen, her hunger to be near and hold him and give him the best birthday. A yawn escapes her mouth as she pulls the comforter closer to her chest. “It’s so cold here.” 
“I heard,” his rough voice rings, “Sarah said she has a surprise for me tomorrow, it’s gon’ be grand, apparently.” 
She smiles, remembering what they bought for him. A watch. It was Sarah’s idea, she wanted to give him something he could wear all the time, no matter where he was—a constant reminder of his two favourite girls. “It is, my love. It is something you would not expect.”
“Oh?” his interest peaked. “Are you gonna tell me what it is?”
“Nope. You’ll just have to wait and see.” She bites her lip, “I wish I were there to see your reaction.” 
“You’ve got two more days, you can do it.”
“I gotta remind Sarah to record it.” 
A chuckle is heard from the other line, “That girl doesn’t even know how to use her phone yet, she's gonna forget.” 
“Well then, you're gonna have to reenact it for me.” she teases. Her eyes grew heavy as the illuminating light from the screen became more painful. “Two more nights, then I’ll you both again. I can’t wait any longer. I’m not ever going on these trips again. I can’t wait to get back home.”
“I’ll always be here waiting for you.” 
“And I’ll always come back to you…” her eyes slowly begin to close, the line becomes more quiet. The couple falls asleep in each other's embrace, just as if they were at home, in bed, together.
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩-Too Late-✩
A/N: Sorry, this is so short lol also I was trying to make it sadder.
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x fem!reader
Warnings: Cussing, and Angst
Miguel lay on his bed, bored out of his mind. Not knowing what else to do he decided to listen to his fans and start a live since they have been on his ass about the lack of content lately. He walked to his bathroom to brush his hair and put it in a low ponytail, He then put on a hat. Before he set his phone up he decided to post something on his story about going live. He scrolled through Instagram for a little before he found his way onto tiktok, He was looking at your account, Admiring your beauty. "How can she be that gorgeous." He thought.
A notification popped up on his phone screen immediately grabbing his attention, "masonthamesofficial has posted on their story!" He clicked the notification and watched the video. "Hey y/n/n!" Mason yelled as he ran up to you, "What Mason?" You asked not noticing the camera in his hand. "I have a present for you," He giggled, You cocked a brow. "What is it?" Before you could blink you were being soaked by water guns from both sides. Madeleine and Brooke could be heard laughing as well as Mason who was stepping back to film the scene- also trying not to get wet- "Fuck you, Mason-" Miguel busted out laughing as the video ended, swiping up on the story and sending laughing emoji's (let's be honest he speaks emoji) He then sent the video to his sister Alondra who he knew would get a kick out of- since you and she are besties -Mason had replied with skull emoji's and said that Miguel should come up to visit.
"Do I have six toes?" He laughed and shook his head, "No I do not have six toes." He continued to look threw all the questions his fans sent him, Most of them being about him and y/n. Miguel didn't know how to work shit on live so it was a mess, "Oh, Mason joined!" He smiled. He accidentally clicked on a question, "What? oh," He began to read the comment out loud "Miguel and y/n-" he stopped and smiled at the question, he deleted it and moved on. "y/n is beside me," Mason wrote, Miguel's face flushed red as he tried to hide his smile "what is my favorite drink? Dr. Pepper." he scrolled down a few more before getting a notification saying mason wanted to join the live. He felt nervous as y/n was with Mason, "Maybe she went home." he thought as he clicked on the accept button, Mason popped up on the screen standing on a counter with sunglasses on and a hairbrush in his hand.
"Uhh, you good bro?" Miguel asked laughing, Mason just stood there and everybody was sending laughing and skull emoji's in the comments. All of a sudden 'My milkshake' starts playing and Mason starts singing and dancing on the counter. Miguel was in tears at this point just laughing, "what the fuck is wrong with my friend" He thought. "Mason where is my hairbrush!!" Miguel froze as he heard your voice on the other side of the screen. Mason stopped and looked at you, You stood there looking breathtaking as always. "Gimme my shit back bro!" you yelled as you tried to grab the brush, "No!" Mason laughed as he held the brush above his head. "Fine, I'll be back, but I won't be unarmed." you ran off into Brooke's room out of breath. "Jeuse you good?" she asked, you shook your head no. "Mason took my hairbrush and I need it back." she got up and ran to the kitchen where she saw Mason singing into y/n's hairbrush in front of the phone.
She grabbed the Nerf gun and shot him, y/n grabbed her hairbrush that fell to the ground. "Ugh y/n what do you even need it for, you're hair is fine." He groaned as he got up, "I'm going on a date, I need to do my hair." Everybody's face dropped. Including Miguels, He felt sick and sad, angry at himself for not asking you out sooner. He quickly ended the live and threw his phone on his bed. The smile on her face when she said it, He should be making her smile like that, Not somebody else. Mason knew how much Miguel liked y/n and he was trying to get them together. He looked at his phone and saw that the live ended, He looked down and sighed. "I'm happy for you y/n/n" You smiled and walked away. He just knew Miguel was blaming himself for this right now. But Miguel knew he was too late.
#list: @istgpleaseshutup @bonezisdeded @weehelers @brokenphonewires @deadghosy @shreksmilk
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mrsparrasblog · 4 months
Hellloooo finished your Makarov x Price's daughter reader ficcc, I loloveee it, but I wanna ask some questions (pls ignore if you want)
1) What makes Price neglected his daughter in the first place? Does Price harbor some distasteful feelings ? because as far as I know Price seems to give Tina enough attention she needs, so it's definitely not the military
2) What task 141, Laswell, Nick think about the reader, the whole neglecting and the kidnap of course? (Especially with Laswell because as far as I remember Laswell is mentioned as the reader's aunt, so she probably knows the reader ever since she's a little girl )❤️❤️❤️
3) and lastly I really want to know how old Tina might be? And what does Tina and the step mother think about what happened to the reader because, without the Stockholm syndrome I'm pretty sure it's pretty awful
That's all thank you very much. I love your au, it fuels my brain rot so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😖😖😖
So first of all, thank you. When someone takes the time to comment or send an ask, it makes my day. I'm just a big softy.
So, I don't know, the story isn't completely finished; the Makarov ending will be added soon - I'll try to write it, but I'm never satisfied and end up deleting it, lol.
1.) So it was mentioned that the reader was born when Price was still a teenager. To be honest, he didn't want her in the first place; he had plans and everything, but when she was born and looked so small, father's love kicked in hard. It is easier, though, to care for a child with someone together when you're older than when you're alone, still a teenager, and at the beginning of your career. So it's not that he hates her; I'd say, even, she's his favorite in some weird way he doesn't admit. The other thing is, Reader mentions Tina is so cool, while she's a hyper-fem nerd, I'd say, based on her interests. John doesn't get these things. And being cool is a subjective opinion; Tina is bad in school, skips school, smokes joints, while the reader gets straight A's and the only thing she does wrong is sleep with older men. So he thinks he doesn't need to look over her as much as he needs to look out for Tina.
2.) 141: Only Simon knew he had a daughter; Cap is very private, so no one does anything to his girls. Well, didn't work out, did it? He keeps her especially away from Gaz and Soap. Reader is like in her early 20s, so a similar age to Soap and Gaz. No way he introduces his beautiful daughter to them; he treats them like sons, but they're still not good enough, lol. I think Simon gets the Captain's pain the most and tries his best to help the Cap.
Aunt Kate: She has a major soft spot for Reader, exactly like her wife. Kate's wife screamed at John once for neglecting her. Kate isn't very fond of kids, but Reader is and always will be the exception; she sees her like a daughter. And when she got kidnapped, it broke her, her wife even more. She didn't show anyone, but she was devastated, cried. She accepts the fact that Reader is dead and doesn't hold hope like John. She works in the CIA; she knows that being held hostage is sometimes a worse fate than getting killed.
Uncle Nik: He was always the funny Russian uncle, the one who dances at parties (Uncle wowa style). Russian people know what I mean. He was sad that it happened to someone so nice like Reader. When he found out about Makarov, he wasn't surprised, honestly.
3.) Tina is in her early teen years. So Tina is sad and feels guilty that she was gone for three months, and no one told her Dad. Stepmom, well, she says she doesn't really care since she has a bad vibe with Reader. But when she finds out she didn't just run off, she got kidnapped, she felt incredibly guilty and looked out more for Tina than she did before.
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gin-draws · 1 year
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Hey! Sorry I didn't see these forever, but it's totally something I've been meaning to address and I just haven't had words for a while.
Firstly: fuck terfs.
The rest is long so it’s under the cut:
Having JKR alive and running around spewing hate has definitely not helped my love for the series. She uses money that we gave her to fuel her hateful bullshit, and to actively attack not just the trans community, but whatever issue she disagrees with in the UK. It hurts as someone that grew up putting myself into this world to have the creator openly using her power and influence to go after other marginalized people.
Even before JKR started openly being horrible I had worked hard to overlook my discomfort with stuff in the series (there's a lot of problematic stuff that 10 year old me could overlook but 32 year old me can't lol). A big part of me getting past that was just making her world my own through my art. I loved the community I found in the fandom on tumblr. I loved the people I could interact with over a shared interest and something that brought us all joy. Especially other creators that made the world their own.
Over time though, engagement kind of fell off on tumblr. (Where the reblogs at.. am I right?) And slowly I went from being able to ignore negative comments here and there because of the good interactions, to being worn out by the growing overwhelming negativity. People act like they can just demand things from creators and we somehow owe it to fandom to do what they specifically want.
Want that character to be white? Draw them yourself.
(Making characters bipoc brings out a shocking amount of anger from people for no reason but racism...)
I had tried to make the story I'd grown up loving into something that made me happy. I made the cast diverse because I grew up surrounded by all sorts of cultures and religions and it made my world a lot bigger. I sometimes played around with my own gender identity through my art, and it brought me a lot of joy. (Sirius was a fun playground for getting through a LOT of my own shit). But it brought out a lot of vitriol, and over time I just got tired of it.
I mostly stopped posting art because now it's something I do for me. My own characters and stories where nobody could send anon messages telling me "x should actually be white because---" I put a lot of time and love into my work and if it doesn't make me happy, I lose interest. Doesn’t mean I stopped drawing, it’s just not fanart as much anymore.
(I draw a LOT lol)
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I miss the story I grew up loving a lot. But I can't actively put money in JKR's pockets, which distanced me from the series. A lot of my interaction with the community became a little too negative to deal with. And so over time I drifted away. It makes me sad to have strayed from that world, but it just became a little too toxic for me.
It still brings me a lot of joy seeing the positive comments, and people appreciating my old art means a lot. But I kind of moved on for myself, and now I don't have to worry about hateful comments about canon and race when I post my dnd characters lol.
I’ll probably be moving hp art I’m not happy with anymore over to my old hp side blog instead of deleting it, but as an artist and creative I’ve moved on to my own characters and stories. (If I open up commissions and people liked my interpretations of the characters, I would love nothing more than to draw desi Harry, or black Hermione, or Sirius not giving a fuck about gender. Lmao)
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mrsamaroevans · 2 years
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Fandom: Mayans M.C.
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Female OC Adelaide Lancaster.
Summary: After her crush rejected her for so many years, Adelaide found the love of her life, but not everything is perfect. Not when she fell in love with the devil.
Words: 2,602.
A/N: So... HI. It's been sooooo long and I'm so sorry. I'm not gonna come up with excuses, just so you know, I'm sorry lol. Uh... I don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are... thank you so much. I was sad for the news that the next Mayans season is the last one we'll get and I finished this chapter. I don't know what I'm gonna do once the show is over, but I guess will be our time to keep on writing about them idk lol... As always: English is not my first language, so, sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if the redaction is poor. *gifs not mine*
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“Your husband called.”
It was eight in the morning and Adelaide woke up when a nurse walked into her room. The first she told her was that she’ll have an intravenous antibiotic, but she didn’t pay too much attention. Truth was that she barely listened since the doctor told her that they didn’t find her baby’s heartbeat.
Dita got into her room during the night to leave her purse and ask her to let Miguel inside. She just thanked her for taking her stuff and for being there. She completely ignores what she had told her about Miguel. She didn’t care how worried he could be; she didn’t want to see him.
“He said he’s coming to replace his mother and wanted us to ask you if you could let him in.” The nurse says once she pulls out the syringe. Adelaide doesn’t turn to her.
“I don’t want to see anyone.” She repeats and the nurse just nods and walks out of the room.
Adelaide lays on her right side, her back to the door and her gaze to the window. She knows that she has to face Miguel at some point, but she still doesn’t want to do it. She would like to think that he didn’t mean what he told her the night before, but his words keep repeating in her head, and she is not sure she could stop them.
When she started to work after she got married, she had the purpose to leave her work in her office and be completely present at home. Her only job when she was with her son, was protecting him. Make sure he was fine and… she couldn’t do it. With neither. Both of them are gone.
“I said I don’t want to see anybody.” She says when she hears the door being open. She’s not sure how much time has passed by now, but she’s sure it’s not a nurse or a doctor, they would have knocked on the door before. So, she keeps her gaze on the IV that’s on the back of her hand and wipes the tears off of her face.
“And you know how much I fucking don’t care?”
When she hears that voice, Adelaide turns around to see her best friend a couple of feet away from her bed.
“Who called you?” She asks, sitting up as fast as she can ‘cause her back still hurts from the epidural she got. Ez translates that as the chance to get closer to her.
“Emily.” EZ says, shrugging “She said you didn’t want to see anyone, that maybe you’d talk to me.”
Adelaide's eyes start to fill with tears and Ez sits at her side to hug her, letting her cry on his shoulder as much as she wants.
She doesn’t understand why but there is something in Ez that, somehow, calms her down. She had to be mad at him, she had to tell him to go away and not get close to her again, but now that she has him near, his closeness comforts her.
“Emily also said that Miguel deleted our numbers…” She hears Ez say once she controls her tears. She texted Emily Ez’s number once Dita brought her things during the night, and she also told her what had happened. She never thought her friend would dare to talk to Ez that soon “How did you get them back?”
“I called Riz’s sister and she gave me his number, then he gave me yours,” Adelaide explains, but she realizes that Ez doesn’t pay that much attention to her. He looks like he has so many things in his head “What?”
“I don’t like what he did… it’s not right.” Ez says after sighing.
“He knew I saw Angel yesterday…” Adelaide looks at his friend and when she sees the confusion on his face, she realizes he doesn’t know the context of the situation “He always loses his mind when your brother is involved.”
“Why?” Ez asks even more confused.
“Because he hates him.” She simply says.
“You’re not gonna let it go, right?”
Adelaide sighs and even though she’s not in the mood to tell him about her past with Angel, she does it.
“Before I knew Miguel, I confessed my feelings to your brother. At first, he said that he didn’t feel anything back, but then he did. We started dating, I guess… at least everybody thought that we were but we never talked about it, we never felt we needed to.” She half smiles. “We were like that for eight months or so, and it was everything I imagined since I was a teenager…”
“Ugh…” Ez looks disgusted and all Adelaide can do is hit his ribs with her arm.
“Shut up, you wanted to know.” They laugh for a few seconds, and once their laughs calm down, she continues “Then, one day out of the blue, Angel came and said that what we were doing wasn’t right. That you saw me like a sister and your father as a daughter. He said that the only relationship he wanted to have with me, was the brother-sister one, and he left before I could tell him I was pregnant.”
Adelaide feels his gaze on her, but for some reason, she can’t look at him.
“I was so mad, Ez… I’ve never felt like that before, and… what was I gonna do? He didn’t want anything with me and I didn’t feel ready to have a baby without a father, so, I went to Los Angeles to get an abortion.” She pauses, ‘cause the memories of last night come back to her. She waits until the lump in her throat vanishes and thanks Ez that he doesn’t push her to continue before she’s ready “Two weeks later, Angel came to me to ask me for a pregnancy test my mother found… I had other options; I could have lied to him, but I noticed he was happy and I felt the necessity to wipe that smile off of his face, I wanted him to feel the same that I felt so I told him, and I know it’s your brother but…”
“He’s an asshole most of the time, I know…” Ez says. Adelaide nods and even though she feels she doesn’t deserve it; she thanks the Lord because his best friend’s not judging her decisions.
“I got what I wanted. Angel was so mad, he even told me that he hated me for what I did. We stopped talking to each other until I went to the clubhouse for Coco’s birthday… I just went to give him a cake I baked but Angel asked me to stay, that he didn’t have any problem with that because I was Coco’s friend too, so I did… Angel got so drunk and he apologized for what he said. He told me he missed me, that he wanted us to go back to the friendship we had before all of that, and I missed him too so I pushed my feelings for him aside and I accepted.” She looks at the rings on her finger and she smiles ‘cause the words she’s about to say are forming a memory in her mind. She still can see it all perfectly and the butterflies are still there “A couple of months later I met Miguel…” she says “Angel didn’t like it at all when I started dating him. Even the club tried to convince me to leave him, but I loved him. It just… happened too fast. Then, two months before Miguel proposed to me, I had a pregnancy scare… I was at Lore’s house and I was crying when Riz stopped by. I tried to pretend to be okay but he knew something was wrong and he told Angel… When he asked me, I told him the truth and you know what he said?”
“Bullshit, I guess…”
Adelaide nods.
“His exact words were ‘Well... if you are, you already know how to get rid of the problem’.”
“What the fuck, Angel?” Ez mutters, shaking his head.
“That’s what I said.” Adelaide shrugs “I talked to him again the day after Miguel proposed…”
Ez doesn’t say anything for a moment. She sees him trying to digest everything she said. She also doesn’t add anything. She feels she talked way too much. Probably was way too honest.
“Miguel knows all of this.” Ez doesn’t ask. These few days, she’s been in charge of letting him know that Miguel is the one that she leans in, so he wouldn’t be surprised if she had told him everything.
“I had to tell him because your brother threw a scene at my parent’s house when I was pregnant with Cristobal. He held me in his arms the whole night while I cried.” That’s the moment when she can’t keep on with her words. It doesn’t matter how much she tries to put the events of the night aside; she can’t make them go away “I was thinking about all of that the whole night… that was the first thing I thought when the doctor told me that… that my baby was gone…”
Her hands land on her eyes trying to stop the tears from going out. But the blame she’s feeling for the decisions she made in the past is even stronger than when she made them.
“They told you why it happened?” Ez asks once she sighs and uncovers her face.
“No… they said that sometimes happens. It can be for long periods of stress, ‘cause the baby wasn’t completely fine… but I think it was karma.”
Ez shakes his head, disagreeing with her “You said Miguel loses his mind when Angel is involved… you can trust me, Addie. You can tell me what really happened…”
Adelaide takes her gaze up to him once she understands what he said between the lines. His words take her by surprise but she’s aware that more than one person in her social circle could and would think the same way.
“You think he did this? No… I mean, we argued but he didn’t touch me. He would nev—”
“I have seen him doing things that—”
“That I haven’t, I get it…” Adelaide says, a little bit mad ‘cause out of all the people in her life, she thought Ez would be the one that could never doubt her common sense “I know what he does, Ez, I know who he is. I don’t need anyone telling me about it.” Ez tries to speak, but Adelaide doesn’t give him the chance “I’m not that helpless little girl you met, anymore… you need to understand that.”
“I do…  I just… I don’t trust him.” He looks at her and, again, she’s not surprised by his words. It’s not the first time she hears them “The fact that he deleted our numbers because he was jealous…”
“Who said he was jealous?” She lets out a laugh and Ez throws her a glance “Miguel is not jealous of Angel…”
“No… he’s jealous about the life you used to have.” Ez tells her but she can’t imagine Miguel feeling that way “He’s insecure about you wanting to go back to that, after everything you left behind—”
“Why would I?” She interrupts him “I love him, and I know I said shit last night but I’m happy with him…”
Ez doesn’t insist anymore and she’s glad. She’s been listening to a lot of people saying that what she feels for Miguel isn’t love since the moment she started dating him. Even now that they’re married. She was tired of that.
“You said you saw Angel… what did you talk about?” He asks.
“You really don’t know?” She lifts an eyebrow and can see his regret for asking that crossing his face in less than a second.
“You know it…” Ez says and sighs “Listen, I didn’t know that she was trying to take Cristobal, if I knew, I would have warned you, I wouldn’t have—”
“Ez, I don’t care anymore.” Adelaide interrupts him, shaking her head no and making Ez turn to her “Cristobal’s fine and he has to come back tomorrow.”
“Adelita said something that I didn’t understand…” Ez says after a couple of seconds. Adelaide doesn’t say anything back ‘cause she knows Ez hasn’t finished talking “She said that she didn’t understand how could you marry one of the responsible for your father’s death.” At this point, Adelaide freezes. She doesn’t speak not because she doesn’t have anything to say, but ‘cause she doesn’t know how Adelita knows that “I thought your father died in a car crash…”
“I thought that too.” She finally says.
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| Then |
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“Your abuela made it…”
She wasn’t her grandmother, but Alonso’s mom loved her as her granddaughter and she almost threw a big party when Adelaide and Miguel told her they were expecting their first child.
Adelaide was almost six months pregnant. She could no longer hide her bump and that only made her and Miguel even more excited about starting their own family. The nursery was almost done; Adelaide and Bridget designed it and Miguel was also being part of the process it didn’t matter how tired he whenever he got home. Sure he had more money than what they needed to hire someone so his wife wouldn’t have to work, but he was enjoying so much being part of creating the place where his child would spend the first years of his life in.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.” Adelaide smiled as she looked at the white knitted sweater that Alonso gave her. She was so thrilled to know her son would be loved by many people and she couldn’t wait any longer to have him in her arms, but she couldn’t say anything else ‘case her parents’ doorbell ranged. “I’ll go…” Adelaide said and still with the sweater in hand, she went out of the kitchen towards the front door. There, she found someone unexpected “Angel…” Adelaide said surprised and the smile that was forming on her face, disappeared immediately when she noticed Angel’s gaze was on her bump.
“You were the one I wanted to talk to…”
With those words, she confirmed that he was drunk. She took a glance at the jeep outside and saw Gabriel about to walk towards them, but she shook her head to let him know everything was fine.
“What happens?” She asked looking down at his hand, he still had a bottle of beer.
Angel looked at the bump on her belly again and didn’t say anything, as if he couldn’t do something else than look at that spot on her body.
“I was about to tell you, it’s just that Miguel and I decided to keep it between us for a couple of months…” she started to say. The moment she told Miguel she was pregnant, he said the news had to stay in their inner circle, just family and very close friends like Bridget and Emily knew. But Angel didn’t seem to be listening to her words. He just shook his head and looked up at her face slowly.
“You’re a piece of shit…” He said. Hatred irradiated out of his eyes as she gave a little step back not understanding what he was talking about.
“Angel…” She whispered looking back to see if anyone listened to his words but there was nobody near “What are you saying?”
“You…” he repeated slower “Are. A fucking. Piece of shit.” Angel gave a step towards her, and leaned to be closer to her face “That’s what you are…”
“You should go, you’re drunk.” Adelaide asked giving another step back to close the door, but he didn’t let her by placing a hand on it “Angel…”
“Why?” he asked raising the tone of his voice “Who’s in here? Here’s your husband? I didn’t see his lap dog outside…”
“No, it’s fine.” He said lengthening his last word and stepping into the house “Let’s tell him what kind of woman he married…”
“It’s everything all right?” Amanda asked coming out of the living room.
“Yes, mom,” Adelaide said nodding and about to ask her to go back to the kitchen. She didn’t want anyone to hear ‘cause at that moment she knew exactly what Angel was talking about.
“You never told her, right?” Angel said laughing under his breath “You didn’t have the guts to…”
“What’s happening?” Adelaide’s mom asked again but she only shook her head.
“He’s drunk; he doesn’t know what he’s saying…”
“The fuck I know!” He shouted, “You… you’re walking around, really happy, showing your bump, so proud for Galindo’s baby, but… what did you do to the other one?”
“Angel, please…”
“You… you killed it!” Angel shouted again.
Amanda looked at her daughter, but Adelaide only could look at Angel. Now, both of them had tears in their eyes. She pressed her lips together and tried to hold back the tears.
“You didn’t tell me shit!” Angel continued getting angrier “I would have been there for you and him, or her… I wouldn’t have run!”
“Angel! Angel!” He said laughing “Is that everything you know how to say?” Angel looked at her, both of them forgetting about the fact that Amanda was there and now, Alonso too “You let some doctors kill my baby… our baby.” He pointed to her and then to himself, and that was the moment when neither of them could hold their tears “And that’s something I’ll never forgive you for.”
“You should go, mister.” Gabriel tried to grab Angel’s arm but the Mayan moved.
“I hope you remember what you did every time you see that kid’s face.”
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kdrama-movies-more · 1 month
놀아주는 여자 Web Novel Author: Park Soo-jung's Blog
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(google translate)
A: Visit to the Filming Set (2023)
"I visited the set of Playful Woman. I visited with the production company CEO and greeted the director and actors.
Because the weather was hot, we also sent a coffee truck to cheer them on. I went with Jun-soo and only Jun-soo took a certification photo…lol
The production company's PDs kindly guided me around the set so I was able to tour it all.
I didn't take any pictures because I was worried that someone might appear for an unreleased drama, but I looked around Ji-hwan's house, Go Yang-hee's office, Mi-ho's house, etc, and it was all so interesting.
I used to watch a lot of outdoor filming when I was a drama fan, but this is my first time on a set….
Ji-hwan's office and home really smell like a Romance male lead. Meow’s office was luxurious. Actually, seeing the appreciation plaque with Go Yang-hee's name on it was kind of amazing hahaha
(I will delete spoilers from below on haha)
On this day, Ji-hwan, Eun-ha, Dong-hee, and Il-young were on set.
Unfortunately, I guess Mi-ho and Hyun-woo actors didn't have any filming that day, and I was curious about Yena too...And the actor who played Miho's father is someone I like, so I was sad that I couldn't see him ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
First, I greeted the actors, watched them film, and got their autographs during the intermission after the scene ended.
First of all, our Eun-ha, Han Seon-hwa.
We happened to be filming a scene where Eunha was just throwing her heart out to Jihwan, and she was really pretty and good at it! He said it was amazing seeing the original author for the first time haha.
Before I met Uhm Tae-goo, I knew from entertainment shows that he was very shy, so I tried not to talk to him lol, but contrary to my expectations(?), he welcomed me very warmly.
When he signed it, he said, “I’m a lot smaller than you thought in the original…” (ㅠ_ㅠ) “No, you’re so cool!” I said that and I meant it lol.
He looks great on screen, but he's really cool in person.
I didn't get to tell you, but at the beginning of this year, I was actually wishing for Taegu Eom to have a huge success…
By the way, TMI but my husband's name is Uhm Tae-*, so Mr. Uhm Tae-goo is like no one else lol.
The next autograph is actor Yang Hyun-min, who plays the role of Jae-soo among the group.
Actually, the names and lineup of the characters are different from the original, lol. At first, I didn't know what their roles were. Sorry.
"But this author is a washout huh? I asked, and he was surprised and said, "The author is the best... How could I possibly say the author is a washout..."ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I also got the autograph of DKZ Jaechan, who plays Donghee.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Among the writers I'm close with, there's someone who enjoyed Jae-chan's dramas, so I had to brag about it, so I looked for Jae-chan's autograph diligently, and he was resting on a chair that looked like a male protagonist (you'll know him if you watch it on TV). Actually, before this Junsu came back from the bathroom and said, "There are two really handsome guys in the bathroom." I found out that one of them was Jaechan. As expected of a professional idol, he was really pretty and handsome.
The last one is Il-young, actor Kim Hyun-jin, who I loved the most in the original work.
He's really handsome, of course, and his tall height and his face is… small. Lol.
Since there is a tall person in my family, most people don't think as tall, but found out that I am really tall… and later I looked up his profile and found out that I am 189cm tall.
Anyway, our Il-young is cool from the visual standpoint. He said he hasn't signed much yet and was wondering what to write as a comment, so I just said, "I love you", and he really did lol. Now that look, he even drew a heart.
Il-young should've just been mine… I made him get with Mi-ho for nothing (groaning)
I greeted you warmly and finished my visit to the filming set.
The production company gave me the script for episode 12 as a gift. My name is also printed beautifully on the cover :) I originally thought it was going to be 12 episodes, but they said it was going to be 16 episodes.
I hope the remaining filming goes well, and I also want to see you on TV soon."
B. Watching Episode 2 Live (2024)
"While Jun-soo and I were watching the 2nd episode, the food poisoning milk episode came up.
I had a feeling from the moment Eunha ran into the hospital- "Now the mothers will throw milk at Eun-ha and Ji-hwan will block it with his body XD"
"Of course Mom would know because Mom wrote it."
"No, no that's not something I wrote. It's an episode created by a drama writer."
"But how do you know?"
"Mom has a knack for romance lol"
But I wonder what happens when I close my eyes and count to ten. Will he handle the parents while counting to ten...
I'm curious so I'll watch next week too.
Let’s all watch together hehe"
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mayzie-grobe · 1 year
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✨i've been playing the sims 4 since it came out, nine years ago !! and i wanted to show off as many of my legacy founders (and heirs) as i found the time to makeover. list of their challenges below !!✨
ellie cahill + rhiannon irving ⭐ classic legacy gen6 heirs
i've never completed a full 10 generation legacy, but the closest i ever came to was my mahi'ai family legacy--link to plumtree in case anyone's curious--that i made probably about four or five years ago. both of these girls are cousins and were my next gen heirs, sharing the title, but i never played passed their teenagehood because my cc became outdated and then my laptop died 😔
gunnaifer glock ⭐ vampire legacy founder
okay gunnaifer is..she's special to me, ok. my first semester at college, as a joke i had two of my friends make vampires in the sims and then i made gunnaifer so we would each have a vampire. because vampires (technically) don't die, the legacy didn't get very far...but maybe someday i will share her heir, and apprentice, kovo'lettre.
sienna kibo ⭐"i'm surrounded by idiots" challenge gen2 heir
i don't remember much from this challenge other than it being a lot of fun, and showing me the extent of the parenting skill (lol). maybe i'll pick it back up with sienna, but it has stayed unplayed for years so...who's to say.
cyra ⭐ black widow challenge founder
okay !! so cyra was created with a friend of mine a couple years ago, i think i played the challenge for about a week before outdated cc made me drop it (exactly like the classic legacy). cyra got to husband number 5 and she had 2 kids, and i don't remember her last name and i didn't write it down anywhere and i think that's both funny and sad. curse the game for automatically updating it when you get married !!! 😡
anika dreamer ⭐ nightmare legacy challenge gen2 heir
i don't remember much from my nightmare legacy, so when i opened it for the first time in a long time i was surprised to find all the sims i did remember had DIED. which. given the challenge made sense, but anyways so i revived anika to make her over. she had already completed her challenge and passed it on to one of her three sons, but she was a globally-renowned comedian and a stylish old lady. i love and miss her.
himiko kibo-tan ⭐ not-so-berry legacy gen3 heir
the one and only time i tried to do the nsb challenge, i got to himiko and i lost a lot of the motivation to play. i've thought about starting over, if not the whole thing than just generation three, but haven't gotten around to it. again, maybe someday !
rosalie ember ⭐ spellcaster legacy gen2 heir
THE LEGEND. im not even lying when i say that i spent multiple hours in the middle of the night, crazy out of my mind, trying to find this save. i must have deleted it for some reason ??? anyways, after accessing my old hard drive i finally found an older version of the save that had my baby rosalie in it. her makeover is probably my favorite. and yes, one of her parent's is morgyn ember. 🧙‍♂️
if you actually read ANY of that,, thank you,,, !! i don't think any of them will pop up on my blog again but..i don't know. anything is possible lmao 🤔
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mariaurore · 8 months
(OOC) You may recall from yesterday, Hitsu & Mari were having some stalking issues... (yes, past tense 😇)
I, the Sims 4 User-Overlord in this case, solved the issue 😈 - "Where there's a will, there's a way", amirite?
If you go to Manage Worlds and look at your bar on the Top Right corner, you'll see a button next to your Library that looks like 2 People Figures with a Pencil. When you click on that a new Window pops up.
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I was surprised to see not many households were placed down in "My Households" and I had to find her under "Other Households". That wasn't the only thing that caught my attention but I'll come back to this thought later.
So~ she is located in San Myshuno, huh? I had already gone through the trouble of searching every world before this, and didn't see her. But clearly I had missed her and travelled back to San Myshuno to check again.
Sure enough, she was in an apartment building. That explains alot.
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Well, not knowing how to "Delete" or "Remove" her from here, and realizing that was a bit pointless of me to do ��. I went back to the previous Manage Households window, lol.
This again 👇🏻
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From here 👆🏻 all you need to do is simply click that X button on the top right of the Sim's household window.
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"Am I sure?" ... "Am I sure?!" YES. Go the heck away!!! asdkjaskd 😑
Consider this your official restraining order. From the city. From all of Sims COUNTRY!? ... wait 🤔 ... UNIVERSE! It's probably universe. I don't flippen know. You have been formally removed. EXILED. Never return! <Insert Scar Meme from Disney's Lion King here>
Okay. To the other thing I wanted to discuss.
I noticed Hitsu's best friend wasn't placed in the world. But how could that be?
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He has a job at the Local Spa we visit quite often. He visits our house all the time. We see him at other local events all the time. Unfortunately it seems like he consistently has the sad moodlet (and I'm wondering if this is why tbh - he has nothing fun at home to keep his spirits up, because he has no home!).
My point is- he's one of the most active sims in the game, and he's not even placed. How?! What?!
I was like no. No no no. We're fixing this. Hitsu's best friend is gonna have a hoppin place.
I go into the library and start browsing through like 250+ houses. I have no idea how many it was but I probably spent over an hour at least. I downloaded about 10 to my library.
I try to stay within very strict parameters when I look up and download houses;
Obviously I need to own the DLCs.
Number of rooms need to fit the sims I'm buying for- in this case 1
Colors: He's a bachelor, I'm not looking for pastels (1 or 2 rooms would be okay but not the entire house - and yes I did find entire pastel houses. Arguably I could go in and manually change the colors but ehhhh. I just want to drop the house and move on.)
Functionality: Do they have the things my sim will need? This is a lot so bear with me. Mailbox, Bed, Kitchen, Dining Area, PC, Shower/Bath, Mirror, Fireplace (optional), Speakers (optional), Pool (optional), TV (optional), Bar (optional), Chess Table (optional), Exercise Equipment- for me this is a need cause pieces are large and most housing builds you can't adjust the house to make room for them. It has to be included in the build already.
Aside from that, I just go for whatever catches my eye, cause it's hard enough finding any with even just those few parameters. The DLC limitations is very restricting and I have 32 DLCs! That's insane! This is why I try to limit my builds to use as few DLCs as possible.
But anyways. I'm running off on a tangent.
At first I was going to put him on a 30x20 plot, until I found this wonderful build here:
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And thought this was perfect.
To match it, I even found this plot:
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Look at the names 😄 Mid-Nowhere Modern + Mid-Nowhere. They're meant to be 😊
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This is the house after placing it. I got a side angle to show that there is indeed a piece of exercise equipment there 😄
This plot is even next to Hitsu's other good friend Mori. So this works out great, haha.
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I'm just happy to see he's in the world. EA did him dirty making him a teleport in/out character? I don't even know what you'd call him. Clement is the same way but I mean... he's technically Santa and Magic & Mystery surrounds him- I kinda want to give him a pass.
After doing all this, I felt like I could do more. I mean, I did just download several housing builds. So I went to Newcrest and plopped down several of the other builds I got onto some plots.
If I decide I want to demo them later, I can. But chances are- I wont. I still have so many open plots in many other worlds and I really like the ones I just downloaded. It doesn't feel like I wasted any time this way, either.
The only reason I can see that'd I'd want, or need, to demo them- would be for creating my own builds. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But for now this is great 👍🏻 and my Newcrest was completely barren. It needed some buildings.
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Did you know you can go into your Library while on the world map (Newcrest in this case), pick a build, select a plot, and it'll construct?
vs. Going to the plot, going to the library, and building.
Yeah... I didn't know that. The second one is faster, but if you have tons of builds of different plot sizes, the first option is nifty- and let's you see the whole picture. Like painting a canvas.
I'm learning new things about this game, everyday.
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star2sworld · 1 year
Hiii 9/10/23
hi, I’m going to recap today :)
- my day started off bad.. last night I catched up with my cousin after 2 weeks and I told her about my hyper sexual issue and the fact I’m talking to very old guys and sending nudes and FaceTiming guys at the age of 16. She told me how her life has gotten a lot better and even has her first boyfriend now who loves her very much. I guess I was jealous. I envy her. Or envied her. So, I was upset. I am very happy for her but I was sad because I felt unlovable I’m never had a boyfriend or a first kiss. I haven’t had any talking stages either it makes me feel as if I’m unlovable and there is no one out there for me. I was listening to rap songs as this happened so I didn’t feel or care as much and I got over it quickly and realized there’s 7billion people in the world just because she has a boyfriend doesn’t mean I won’t get one!! Everyone’s path is different. I’m sure he will come once it’s time. I also blocked the 32year old guy I was talking to yesterday thanks to my online friend. It took a lot of courage but I blocked all the guys I sent to :) afterwards I went to sleep.
- today I woke up feeling extremely exhausted. Mentally and physically. Maybe it’s because I start my period at the end of this week? Or maybe todays is just one of those days. I ended up eating chips & watching the ultimatum for about 2 hours. Then I hated on my body because of my scars for about an hour. Afterwards I finally got up and took a shower. I did my after shower routine and I felt good. I smelled nice and I was CLEAN my hair was soft and clean. I went to sams club with my family besides my sister because she decided to stay home. I had created a list of things to do today before I took a shower so I wanted the shopping run to be quick. We got food and there was a slight problem at the end but it was solved. We went to Taco Bell after and I saw the guy I use to think was cute working there ( I’m shocked ) …. we came home and my brother and I put everything away. I thought I was going to get some of my work done but then my entire family went to my mama(uncle) house. He lives 35 minutes away … before we left I decided to delete social media for good. For at least a few months until I feel better about myself. My goals is 3 months to get my life together. I want to love myself and I feel like social media distracts me too much. Once we got there we ate some mango & grapes and I toured the house.
- We came home and i immediately went to go find my cat Angel :) after playing with her I got to cleaning. I vacuumed everywhere and wiped the floor. I picked my outfit for tomorrow and I think it’s so cute. I’m wearing a tube top and as I was searching for my patch one of my drawers got stuck. My sister gave me her patch and I pulled the drawer out & I found 145$!! I am shocked lol wtf!! I’m very happy and grateful I found my money though. I put my supplies back and put a blanket up on my door that connects to the kitchen for more privacy. I cleaned angles litter box, made my bed, too I picked up all the trash in my room, threw my trash outside, and put all my clothes on the floor away. My sister waxed my armpits & then I ate some corn that was cooked in the grill with my family. After I finished eating I did my algebra 2 homework it was quite confusing but after a bit of research I kind of got it. I made my grwm to sleep as I debrief tiktok video & then I brushed/flossed. My brother came in with snacks that we got from the store today. I went to the kitchen and divided the other snacks and my cat also came inside my room. I changed her water & gave her food. Now she’s sitting on my window seal as I’m writing this. I am currently under my blanket & am listening to music ( show me by kid Ink) on my Bluetooth speaker. Life feels good.
- I am very proud of myself for deleting Snapchat. When I was in my sending addiction for validation from men I made quite some genuine ( I hope ? ) friends. I wanted to continue talking to them even tho I knew they were holding my back from 100% focusing on myself. But, today I deleted it! Hopefully in 3months I don’t see myself blocked by them. I told them beforehand that I’m deleting snap and I’ll talk to them in a few months. Now im going to focus on myself 100%. Tomorrow I want to wake up early and put eyelashes on, put fake tattoos on & even do this day of the week outfit video. It’s now 11:41pm. I am quite tired. School also feels less stressful now that I’m not focused on making friends or being anxious about what people think about me. I remind myself I’m only there to get education and that once I’m out of school, I feel so much better. :).
My cat is starting to meow so I’m going to pet her until she sleeps and I’m going to sleep as well! I’m planning to wake up at 5:00 tomorrow to be make sure I have enough time for school. Goodnight ;) I feel happy right now.
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damagedgirlthought · 2 years
What Happened.
Hi, I'm a 23 year old female who has been in the most distraught and confusing time in my life for the past year. I'm here to tell my story and possibly receive insight and advice. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy. I'm just at a point where I need to write it all out.
   A little over a year ago i thought I had my life partner. We had met at work, which i left a little over a year into the relationship. We had been together for almost two years, had been living together, and I was brought to almost all his family parties with him. That was until I found out that he had been cheating on me for six months. I immediately felt lost, confused, sad, but most of all pissed. I discovered this one night when he left his phone to charge (from being dead) in the bedroom one night after his shift. I had figured out his pass code a couple of weeks before and had been checking his phone when he was asleep, but I hadn't found any solid evidence of anything, just suspicious messages. I'm pretty sure he had been deleting the messages and clearing the chat feed every night before he got home.
Yes I know I sound like I'm a psycho crazy girl when I say that but hear me out. I had a feeling he had been up to something, and i had questioned him a few times already.
So I'm going through his phone once it turns back on and find his messages between 8 different women. One being the girl he had been seeing for six months and had countless saved nudes from. Four being his exes. Two of them were pay for sex hookups and the last was the new female bartender at the spot we were both regulars at. I took pictures of everything i saw (so yes, i had a bunch of random girls nudes lol) so when he tried to deny it like he had been i had real evidence. The next day i go to work and my boss immediately knows something is wrong minutes into my shift. I tell her what i found and how i want to just run away and disappear. She tells me that i can stay in her spare room until i find a new place. Three days of later i moved out while he was at work. His friend who had been staying on the couch was there when i showed up with my truck and two people to help me. Once everything is of mine is out of the house I left a note on the back of a cute Valentine's gift i had given him from that year saying 'you know what you did'. After we leave we go to my storage unit down the road to get the rest of my stuff and that is when my phone starts blowing up. His friend asked him if he knew what had just happened. He's calling and texting me nonstop.  I'm not going to put every message in here but this is how it goes...
"What's going on? I'm panicking. Why are you leaving me in the dark? Do I really mean that little to you?"
He meant everything to me...
"You mean the world please talk to me, I'm so scared. I don't know what I did. Come home. I'll make it right whatever I did."
I'm seeing all the messages as they come in once we put everything in the truck and he's constantly trying to call throughout the whole thing. I know that he knows what he did and him lying again again just keeps making me more upset so my friend who was driving the truck just took my phone after about 20 minutes into the drive and put it where i couldn't see the notifications.
"i don't deserve someone like you. I'm so confused, lost, and heartbroken. And i'm sure you are. I need you"
"I'm sick to my stomach, I think I just quit my job over this. I'll write you a novel if I have to. Let me come to you, let me do whatever I can to prove to you that you are my one. Please let me win you back. Can you call me and scream at me, tell me it's over and that you hate me."
He walked out of work sobbing with guests in dining room and then threw up in the alley behind work. I'm getting calls from my old manager that we were both very close with. They left me a message after talking with him. They say that he's crying and looks lost. They ask me what happened, and if i'm okay and safe.
"I need you. Let me hold you. I'm throwing away everything in my life right now for you. I thought we were in love. I'll do anything for you."
I thought we were too until I found out what else he had been up to. The last message he sent before I gave him a response was...
"You are all I want in life, let me prove it."
I list off three girls names and he plays dumb
"What about them?" 
"You know exactly what about them."
"I'm not sleeping with these girls"
He had nudes from two of them saved and the other had conversations about hooking up again. I replied with a paraphrase of one of the messages from a girl.
"Really because you're checking your phone while [girl G] is sucking you off"
"Yeah YEARS ago, I promise you're mistaken about whatever you think i did. If i was cheating on you, if i didn't love you, if i was lying, do you think i'd be this destroyed right now? It's not too late, we can fix things. I'm scared of losing you. Come home. You belong with me. We belong together. Our lives together. What can I do to make this right?"
" You mean the world to me. I can't live without you. I love you more than anything. Please talk to me. You are my everything. Let me tell you I love you. You are my whole world. Call me baby please."
The calls and messages have been going on for a little bit over an hour and half now. I respond again with things I found in the messages.
"Sunday you were calling [girl C] baby and getting nudes from her on Wednesday. You were talking with [girl G] on Sunday about filling her slot"
He's still trying to deny it.
"You're mistaken and if you were here I would prove it to you. I will literally throw my phone off a bridge to prove to you that I'm yours, I'm all yours. I will be until I die."
I then told him that I have pictures of all the messages, and I found a whole sex kit in the closet (he said it was from years ago but we were together when he moved into that apartment). I ask why he still has it then to which he replies...
"Yes, I've been around and I used to be someone else. But now I'm devoted to you, and have been since I met you. Please Don't think that you're not the love of my life."
LOL he's still lying, i know he cheated and i have proof. Like one of these damn girls he had a whole ass relationship with.
"What can I do to win you back? I think you're interpreting things incorrectly. Losing you is the worst thing that has happened to me."
I then start sending some of the pictures I have from his snapchat. He says that it's all old but they were dated from the day before I went through his phone and earlier in the month.
"Pretty sure it updates the date when you re-download snap"
He had gotten a new phone a little bit before this all happened and tried to play me like im stupid. Snapchat doesn't do that oh my god. i've had to redownload it enough times to know. So in order to just avoid being played like im stupid anymore i send some of the actual messages that i also have.
"Well there's a text message, [girl S]  calling you baby."
"Yeah bad habit, we were supposed to catch up that day. Honest I swear to you I'm not sleeping with these girls."
He had nudes from her on snapchat that he had gotten while we were together, and made them a reservation at the sister restaurant to the place we both used to work at. He said that is supposed to be ironic and that it was there because [girl S] went to school with a server there. He had never made a reservation for us to go anywhere before...
"Why couldn't you talk to me before you did this? I need you more than anything. I will drive to you (about 45 minutes) right now and stand in the rain just to hear your voice. Do you not love me anymore?"
It's been almost a year since this all happened and I still love him.
"Losing you was the worst mistake I've ever made. I'm sorry I've caused you so much heartbreak. I love more than anything"
I then tell him that i'm going to talk to him later. It's been about two hours since i left to the storage unit and i had just finished putting my stuff in my friends basement for the time being. He's asking where i am and telling me he's worried about me. I tell him once im on my way to where i would be staying for the next couple of months and try to call him and get sent to voicemail. i thought he had just given up and turned his phone off. It was 12:45 am and he been messaging me since 9:45 pm. He replied instantly after i said that i thought his phone was off now.
"It's not off. You're my everything. I need you here with me"
I had just gotten what I needed out of my car and it was one in the morning. So I tell him that I'm not coming. I feel bad for what I had just done to him but I know that he deserved it. I somehow still see him as my best friend and I want to talk to him and get answers.
"I would just hold you and say nothing"
"Maybe another night I'll meet you out somewhere after work"
"I'm broken."
"So am I. I've been dry heaving for two days"
"I just feel like rotting alone in my apartment until I die. You are everything I aspired for. I have no goals that don't have you in them"
He starts to tell me about how he wanted me to meet his whole family and watch the children in his family grow into young adults and how he wanted us to be an example to them.
"I wanted everyone to look at us and be jealous of how happy we look."
"I wanted to watch our child grow up."
"That's what I dream about. Come home."
I tell him no again and it is now 1:30 am.
"Do you understand how huge our wedding would've been, a sea of people to see what could've been the best day of my life."
He had never really talked about our future like this before this night. While I had been trying to get him to move into a better place with me.  I had known I wanted him to be my husband for a year. And I still only can imagine doing the whole marriage and kids thing with him.
"Home is where your heart is"
"My heart is with you"
"And i can't be there (at his apartment)"
"Then my heart isn't here" So how do you call it home now?
So I start telling him that if he really wants me back then there's going to have to be changes. He broke my trust. I needed to see that all of the girls are blocked, and that he needs to get rid of the filthy kit I found.
I tell him how he can't keep getting defensive when I ask questions because I just want to know about his day. I then tell him that his apartment is now tainted with images of him having sex with these girls. I tell him how I'm not his maid and how housework is a split chore in a relationship when you both have full-time jobs and I actually had a full and part-time job.
The one time i got him to come do the laundry with me, just so i could show him how it works there so he could do it when i didn't have the time and get to spend some time together with him at the same time. He was on the call with "the boys" the entire time.
"I'm sorry I took you for granted, You deserve better than me. I feel defeated and want to die. I have nothing without you"
At first he was just trying to deny everything, he would tell me that everything I saw was just messages, but I contacted the girl he had a relationship with three months after i left. She was the one that told me when they started seeing each other  after i found her online and messaged her telling her who i was. He had told me that they only messaged.
She told me that he led her on for two months after he told me he ended things,  which he did by lying to her about a death in his family.. She told me that she thought she was the only person he was seeing and that he had covered up my clothing dresser with a sheet whenever she came over. She also told me then that they hung out often, mostly at night at the house and that she had stayed night a handful of times. She also told me that she had bought the gifts he gave to me that Valentine's day. He is still denying that one to this day.
So I told her how long we had been together and asked her to not tell him that I talked to her. She did talk to him almost immediately.  Like I get that she's also hurt and has the right to. I just knew he would then flip out on me for talking to her, which he did while at work.
I know I do but I still want him as an end goal a year later. I broke off contact a few times and tried to get over him. Let me tell you how many times I scream sang along to songs that relate to my situation and basically get over him girl songs as I like to call them. Well I don't actually have a number for you but you know what I mean. Anyhow, I still find myself going to see him, talking, missing, and loving but not able to trust him.  I'm pretty sure he loves me still, but a lot of other significant things have happened since that night.
I started going out with my friends again, had sugar momma that just got annoying, and i started working full-time at my part-time job instead of the other place and making more than him at the one job while his career was falling apart. I hooked up with a couple of people while still not talking to him. I found myself in a relationship with a controlling violent man for about a month before he had an episode and I once again, disappeared. His friend finally moved out but not long after that he was evicted and moved in with his cousin for a little bit. After which he moved in with his friend that was sleeping on the couch. I've had to move three times; the first being from his new place to my boss's spare room, then to the rent by room apartment that (someone who i thought was) my friend lived at, and lastly to my current place with my coworker who needed a roommate at the right time.
So when I say someone who I thought was my friend, she completely turned around and I wasn't the only one who thought it. Our mutual friend that introduced us didn't want to talk to her either after the trip we were all supposed to take together. She and her boyfriend (that I helped set her up with the guy this whole thing is about) drive almost 4 hours just to leave later in the day because something someone said to her made the boyfriend uncomfortable. That just doesn't seem like a reason to just abandon something that had been planned out for us to see our friend that moved back near home. We were all kinda like well that's awkward and weird when they left.
 Anyway, this is how she fits into this tale.  While we were living together and friends she told me the things that her boyfriend would tell her about how the guy i was with. Things like having orgy in his apartment while i was upstairs asleep, him showing different girls on his bed through his video camera on his computer for video hatting his discord groups, having girls come over sometime after i left for work around 5:20 in the morning or fuck them outside while i was asleep in the bedroom, randomly messaging her at 2 am (aka booty call) just to "talk" which her boyfriend was even weirded out about, and letting girls sit on his lap in front her. So sometime goes by and I want to try and make things work with him and she tells me she wants to get a restraining order against and just the other week he saw her at a bar and she was all friendly and hugging him. She then started to just not trust me i guess.  I wouldn't stay at the house every night, and when I did I just stayed in my very cramped room since I felt unwanted elsewhere in the house.
So just about now i when i get into the relationship with the guy for about a month. During that time her boyfriend and her broke up and he reached out to me. He asked if i could be home when he dropped off her stuff since she was out of state, but i work close to his house so i told him i could just grab it for her. You know, trying to be nice. He had a bag of her wet clothes, and her spare tire from when he changed it. I bring the bag into the apartment and just leave the tire in my trunk until i found time to put it in her trunk. AKA sometime when we were both home and it wasn't dark or first thing in the morning. That didn't end up happening. So it's still in my car and im quarantined at my new boyfriend's house since he insisted because he had already been exposed to me and i had some clothes and toiletries there.  I had told them that i had covid and that i wouldn't be home until i tested negative.
She ends up asking if she can come get her tire from my car. I don't have a problem with that but i do tell her that i'm about an hour away. 
"idk why my tire is in your car in the first place?"
To which I sent her a screenshot of the text her ex had sent me and told her I wasn't ever planning on bringing it inside and was trying to help (more-so her ex than her at this point since she's gone crazy), like having your spare tire in your house is just stupid. 
"Sorry that you think that is help. He could've held on to it until I came back. You decided to pick it up and now i don't have a spare tire until you decide your quarantine is over so you can "throw it in my car" lol"
I then send her a picture of my positive covid test from that morning
"I don't just 'decide', he said he was sick of seeing it there so I did what I could to help the guy out."
"thats so funny. glad you did something for someone. You didnt even tell me you had my tire until i asked if you were okay bc you kept leaving your cat here for days and not telling anyone. i didn't know if you were kidnapped or in the hospital. But no, you're just doing you're normal bullshit."
I had asked my other roommate to keep an eye on my cat while I was stuck in quarantine since she also had a cat. But she is referring to before that. I had been home everyday to check on her before I would go somewhere else for the night since I could almost always hear her talking shit about me through walls, either on the phone or just with someone else in the apartment.  I just didn't want to be there and I wish my cat liked car rides or I would've brought her with me. I moved out two months later to where I am now.
Out of the blue I got a follow from a friend of the girl he had a relationship with. I see that our only mutual follower is him so I ask him if knows anything about it. And his story doesn't really line with hers. He tells me that she also just followed him but i don't believe that. The timing is weird. She followed me around 4:30 pm, then I talked to him asking what the hell was going on and how I felt like I was being stalked online. After I talked to him I messaged her saying how weird it was she followed me out of nowhere etc, to which she sent me a screenshot of the message she got from him at 9 in the morning that day. He said,
"Hey! Sorry to bother you but if you could let [girl C] know that I'd like to talk to her, I'd appreciate it. She probably wants nothing to with me but I would just like to apologize about the way things left off"
She told some other stuff that i can't reference anymore but it was all a very alarming experience 8 months after i initially moved.
Just before i moved to where i am now i developed a FWB and still have it. We've spoken about our relationship, and he knows that i'm in this with absolutely no emotion to which he replies to with "I'm along for ride." During my time with this guy I've been on and off with the guy that this all about and we (FWB and I) have also had a couple of pauses that started back up again a couple of weeks ago. i like hanging out with him for the most part but its not in a romantic way. It's honestly just good sex and he seems to accept what I'm there for. I think it's gonna keep going on for another month or so.
So the other day i'm with the guy that cheated on me and he tells how he wants me to one day be the mother of his children. He's told me before that he imagines me pregnant with his kids sometimes.He seems to find it incredibly arousing. I was always unsure about kids with everyone else but him. I had dreamed the American Dream with him and i still do, just not right now. We both agree that work and financial stability is more important right now. I had been trying to get him reflect on everything that happened that caused me to leave him in the beginning and he's just now starting to realize how much we actually need to do that in order to move forward.
i just don't how ill be able to trust him and come completely back from this, i know i want to be each other's in the end. i just can't picture anything else.  Like when is a reasonable to really try again?
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my story and im sure i'll post more things relating to it and how it affected me and my growth as person. If you have any real advice, possibly from experience, I would love to hear it. Again thank you :)
Damaged Girl
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josilverdragon · 2 years
A frozen "todger" and lost tea
Been slogging through Prince Harry's "Spare" and it's not that it isn't good, or that it makes me sad I am reading it, it just is emotional, internal, and I cannot escape real life. The types of books and fanfiction that really allow me to read fast and fly through it are those that allow me to suspend belief, to forget about my life, and so on. His memoir is full of emotional trauma, internal turmoil, and a lot of truths he himself wanted to avoid. In other words, things myself I wish to avoid. LOL
I also have been flipping back and forth between using my old Kindle Keyboard (from 2010!) and my 2017 Kindle Fire 8 tablet because I love the lightness of the keyboard (3rd gen! if you can believe) and the backlighting of the Fire. I think when I get to a point when all my vehicle maintenance has been done and I finally get myself a newer laptop, I'll get a new ereader but for now I'll keep going back and forth. Unless of course the keyboard and the fire die suddenly lol.
Decided to divest my YouTube watch later list of Karen videos and car crash vids. They are guilty pleasures but also so negative and so I am removing them for now. I'll still follow the channels so I can go back if I need a distraction (not likely because I have so much other little projects that I want to do lol) or need to be mindless for a while (more likely, because I deleted Tiktok off my phone).
In the last two weeks, the week I had a cold and this week, where I no longer have one, I have increased my amount of tea intake many times that of what I had before. Indeed, I even went through our tea cupboard, which was lacking in attention and organization, with my mother who loves that sort of thing and we got rid of a lot of tea that neither of us drink. The roommate saved it all because when she moves out, she wanted it for her stash. Which neither Mom nor I minded because I was going to give it away anyway. My point is that I have drank tea every day for that last two weeks and I still enjoy my morning coffee, so you know what: win-win.
Continuing along those lines, there was a tea made by Celestial Seasons (which was founded by a cult leader apparently lol) called Imperial White Peach and it was my favorite for YEARS and I hadn't drank it for years, so I went searching and lo and behold, it's discontinued. I was so disappointed. Until I found the lone last tea bag of it that was hidden away in a enclosed container. So I shared that cup with my mother and it was as delicious as I remembered and it made me sad a little. Eventually I hope to find a good white tea with peach that tastes even a fraction as good and I will count myself satisfied.
Honestly, I don't know why I am suddenly blogging again. Maybe I said why in my last most recent post, but right now it's a mystery to me. I'm not complaining (other than I have a lot to say apparently, as I only intended to post about reading "Spare") but it's just surprising. I haven't blogged in any sort of regularity for, again (like tea-drinking) in many years. Anyhow, we'll see how long this stint lasts. Maybe it will last as I've been trying to get out of the habit of checking my phone for social media updates on Twitter (which is breaking, slowly, as the apartheid child gets his way with it) and tumblr, though I don't mind tumblr as much.
Anyway, hope you all are doing okay. Live long and prosper.
cross-posted here.
adventures in tea drinking, personal, reading, using that ending unironically
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