#(i never finished bc i tried to read them when i was really really fixated on pjo
woolydemon · 2 years
having mutuals that are into warriorcat books means I see discourse posts like "berrywhisker was MEAN and said a slur and killed bunnytoes and if u like them ur a misogynist" and I'm like "uh-huh yeah uh-huh. Ok. My cat would do that too"
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obsessive-mannerism · 2 years
Watching Eddie Sew
Hello everyone! Just a little something I wrote bc I miss Eddie. The title says it all tbh!
Eddie x Reader
Warnings: none really, he stitches himself but takes no severe damage ;)
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“Ouch”, you heard an angry voice quietly exclaim from the room next to you. You were in the kitchen, looking for something to drink for the both of you, but the curiosity got the better of you, so you grabbed a cold beer and a can of Dr. Pepper before you entered the room where you could hear more complaints.
Eddie was sitting on his bed, the denim vest on his lap, and his eyes intently fixated on the little needle and thread he was holding in his beautiful hands. You stood against the doorframe and watched him for a moment. He was so focused on his task that Eddie didn’t even notice you. He was hand-sewing a patch to his vest and seemed to struggle with the thick fabric, so he stitched into his finger. It made you smile.
You had watched him play the guitar and even hotwire a car, but you were constantly amazed by what his hands could do. His fingers were long and the big rings on them accentuated it. While he was looking down, his brown, shoulder-length curls framed his beautiful face and you noticed that the tip of his tongue was sticking out between his perfect lips - he always did that when he was really concentrated. Like when he was learning a new intricate riff or when he rolled a cigarette between his fingers. 
“Fuck”, his voice pulled you back from your thoughts, so you walked up to him and gently touched his arm with the cold bottle. When he looked up at you, puzzled, you smiled at him softly and he returned it, so you were able to see those cute dimples around the corners of his mouth. “What ya doin’?”, you asked, even though it was obvious. After he had secured the needle in the light blue fabric, he grabbed the bottle, took a sip, and put it next to him on the nightstand. “I got this sick new patch from a second-hand store”, he told you with a proud expression on his face, exposing the part of the vest where he was sewing it on, so you could take a look.
You leaned forward and nodded approvingly. When he saw that you liked it, his smile grew wider and your heart just skipped a beat. Eddie’s smile was so contagious and made you the happiest you could be, so you tried to catch it as often as you could. His free hand gently caressed your thigh while you were standing next to him and your eyes met. You never grew tired of the sight of them. Those big, brown eyes could see right through you. Whatever you felt, thought, or wanted - Eddie always seemed to read you like an open book with as little as your eyes. 
Slowly, he stole a soft kiss from you and you could taste the beer on his lips. Unfortunately, it ignited a fire between your thighs, as you could feel a longing, excited tickle in your stomach, but Eddie was on a quest - and when he started something he was passionate about, he wanted to finish it with as much undivided attention as he could bring up. So, you were a little disappointed when he took the little needle back between his index finger and thumb and looked back down on his lap to continue stitching. But you couldn’t mind for long. It was way too fascinating to watch him.
Therefore, you sat down next to his desk, opened up your can, and leaned back, your eyes observing his every move. Black Sabbath was playing in the background and while Eddie started to move his foot to the beat, you started to smile again, before taking another sip while he hissed again: “ouuuch!”.
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fangirlfics · 3 years
Trouble Sleeping (Loki x reader)
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I swear if this deletes for a third time Im gonna cry 
also I didn’t finish reading it over for mistakes bc I’m lazy 
summary: y/n and Loki used to be very close friends and sometimes when she had bad nightmares he’d use his magic to calm her mind, a few years have passed and they’ve grown apart. Her nightmares come back and hesitantly she seeks Loki’s help again 
word count: 3,592 wahahahaha
y/n leaned over one of the balconies that overlooked the kingdom’s private garden. The weather was perfect, the temperature ideal, sky blue, and the plants were all thriving feet below her. Despite the scenery however y/n’s attention was fixated elsewhere. 
Down in the depths of the garden, propped up on one of the fancy golden benches was the youngest Asgardian prince-Loki. His dark raven hair was combed back as he turned to the next page in his novel, the cover matching the shade of green displayed on his clothes. y/n couldn’t help but sigh as she watched the handsome prince, they had once had an unbreakable bond. It was always Loki and y/n-best friends, one wouldn’t be seen without the other. But somewhere among their late teenage years, Loki had become more cold and distant towards y/n-leaving her alone in the giant halls of the castle to wander alone. That’s when her and Thor’s relationship grew stronger-she had always been friends with the God of Thunder but after her and Loki’s relationship crumbled to pieces he was there to cheer her up. 
“Oh there you are!” Thor’s voice boomed-pulling y/n from her daydream. y/n glanced once more at Loki before turning her attention to her tall friend. “I was looking for you!” He beamed. 
“What can I do for you, your highness?” y/n asked with a playful voice.
Thor smiled, putting his hands together before continuing, “I was hoping that you would join me and-” his words faded as he glanced down to the gardens and caught sight of Loki. y/n’s attention soon turned to the railing in front of her as she traced her fingers along it’s smooth surface. “You still watch him.” Thor told her, his normally enthusiastic voice was now dry and serious. “How long have you been thinking of him?”
y/n furrowed her eyebrows, playing with her fingers. “I never stopped.” She confessed, “I know it’s foolish but I can’t help it, I..miss him more than I can even begin to explain.”
Thor was silent as he watched the girl glance back down at the gardens then to the sky. “Let’s go...horseback riding.” He suggested, getting y/n attention. “To lift your spirits, we can go with Sif a-”
“No.“ y/n blurted out, “nobody else-I don’t want to embarrass myself again by falling off my horse.“
Thor chuckled, “nobody is going to think low of you-” he looked at y/n once more sensing her silent plea ”very well then, just us.” He agreed, making her smile.
“Thank you.” She laughed, giving him a hug. It caught Thor by surprise but he then loosely wrapped his arms around y/n in return. “Thank you for everything,” y/n whispered, “really, I don’t know what’d I’d do without you. I’m blessed to have a friend like you.”
“Of course.” 
Neither of the two friends noticed that down in the gardens Loki clenched his jaw, snapping his book shut and silently retreated to his room-they also didn’t notice the pair of blue eyes staring through the window at them, when they returned laughing on horseback. 
 There was fire everywhere, thick black smoke made it impossible for her to breath. She was choking-desperate for air. She fell to the ground as the fire closed in quickly-it’s heat trapping her in the room. There was no hope, no help was coming and it was impossible to escape, with a loud crack the ceiling caved in leaving her trapped screaming out as the furious flames burned her alive. 
y/n woke up with a start, beads of sweat lined her forehead although her room was cool and she found that her hands were shaking. Realizing it was just a dream she lied back down, covering her face with her hands as she tried desperately to fall back asleep. She got no more sleep that night.
The same thing happened again in the coming days and three days later while in training, y/n who was running on less than four hours of sleep was doing rather well. In one quick movement she jumped up-kicking the sword right out of Fandral’s grip. 
“Very good!” Volstagg commented from across the room.
“Yes.” Fandral agreed, “show me that move and I’ll show you some of mine.” He winked.
“Just give me a time and place.” y/n responded playfully, earning a laugh. 
“Impressive.” Fandral commented at her response. (she normally responded to his joke flirting with an eye roll) 
“Yes impressive.” Loki commented from behind Fandral. “That y/n can apparently chase after two men at once.” He said this while staring casually at Thor. Sif went stiff inder the tension and Thor opened his mouth but y/n spoke first.
“I’m sorry?” 
“Well by the looks of it, you can’t seem to decide between Thor and-” 
“Brother that’s enough.” Thor warned, taking a step forward.
“I’m just putting out a warning, you do know what they say about these sort of things.” Loki remarked, not meeting her eyes.
“You know full well that I am not chasing after anyone.” y/n said, growing aggravated. 
“It sure seems that way.”He then opened the door to the room and left.
“You know what?” y/n responded, dropping her sword to the ground with a loud clang “I am tired of this.”
 “y/n I think it best if you ignore him.” Sif spoke up, “nobody is accusing you of anything, we all know you aren’t that sort of person-”
“Thank you Sif, but I am not taking this.“ y/n exited the room in pursuit of Loki, who was a few paces ahead of her walking calmly. 
“I don’t like being followed.“ He simply called out to her, because his room was only about a minute walk away from the training room he reached it fairly quickly.
“What is your problem?“ y/n asked him, putting her foot in between the door and it’s frame as Loki was about to shut it.
“I don’t have a problem, now if you’d excuse me I’d like you to leave me alone.“ 
 “Then leave me alone.” She huffed, “hold your silvertongue and stop acting as if you’re above me because you’re not.”
“Is that all?“ He asked her calmly, “you’re done with your childish tantrum?” 
“Oh you are so-“ y/n narrowed her eyes.
“So what?“ Loki asked with an eye roll.
“Terrible.“ y/n blurted, earning a cold laugh from the God of Mischief.
“So I’ve been told.“ He stated bored.
“No, I mean you’re really terrible and for so many reasons.”
“Such as?“  
“You want a list?“ y/n asked with a bitter laugh, “ok well you think you’re better than everyone and you’re not, you poke fun at other people because it’s amusing to you and-and everyone-I mean everyone thinks that you’re a snake, ever since we were younger, and I can’t believe I’m just now realizing that..they’re probably right.“ He swallowed hard furrowing his eyebrows, “you used to be my best friend Loki, I’d defend you from people’s accusations when you weren’t around and..I wasted my time because you are everything people say you are and worst.“ She saw the look in his eye, she hurt him-good now he understood how it felt. 
Loki glanced away-looking down at the girl again. “Is that all?” He asked, trying desperately to remain collected. y/n scoffed. “You may think you know me but I know you much more, don’t forget, I’ve been inside your head. People may think I’m a bad person but I can live with that, you on the other hand can’t stand the fact that someone might not like you, so much so that you’ll break down about it. You’re a weak fighter, you’re not as clever or as witty as you seem to think, and frankly I don’t understand the fascination Thor seems to have with you, you’re nothing special.”  
y/n pulled her foot from the doorway. What happened to us? She was about to cry and she did not want him seeing that. “Is that all?” She asked, reciting his previous question.
“Yes.“ He spat coldly. 
“Good.“ She turned to walk away as Loki stayed in his place trying to keep the impression that he didn’t care.
Late at night y/n tossed and turned in her bed, trying to fall asleep after waking up from a particularly realistic dream-she had thought that by laying still she’d trick her body into falling asleep but that didn’t happen. She knew that she had been able to power through the last few days with almost no sleep-but she’d certainly crash if she didn’t get any sleep soon. The thought of making a visit to Loki for help came to her mind, but she really didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing she wanted/needed his help. Screw it. She thought after another couple of hours, her clock read 2:35 as she swung her legs over her bed and slipped on her slippers and robe. 
The halls were dark and empty except for the occasional guards, which she was careful to avoid (she didn’t want to raise any suspicion). Thank God her room was only a three minute walk from Loki’s. It was once she was already in front of Loki’s door that she started getting second thoughts, but she was there already and the worst that could happen was getting the door slammed in her face or no answer. She raised her cold knuckle, letting it hover over the door’s fine wood before knocking. “It’s y/n..” She announced barely above a whisper, “trust me I really don’t want to ask for your help but I see no other option an-”
The door opened a small crack. “you do realize what time it is, right?” Loki’s annoyed voice asked-he didn’t sound like he had just woken up, maybe he was having trouble sleeping also.
“I know.” At her response Loki opened the door wider, revealing himself in a pair of emerald colored pajamas. “Look I know-” at the sound of approaching footsteps (guards) Loki stepped aside, giving her a cue to get in. She did, turning to face him one he closed the door again-his back facing the door he put his hands on his hips.
“What do you want?”
“I can’t sleep.” She said sheepishly, “I just-I’m getting the same nightmares again and I thought that maybe just this once you could, you know..” She put hands up, wiggling her fingers to imitate magic.
Loki rolled his eyes, “first off that’s not at all how magic looks, second why should I help you?”
“Just this once!“ y/n practically begged, “please. I’ve have not been sleeping at all I just need one hour. I won’t make you sleep on my couch like I did when we were younger, you can just...alter my thoughts or something and I’ll leave and-” 
“Fine.“ Loki agreed, grumpily. He walked back over to his bed, getting in between the covers on the left side. “Well?“ He asked when she stared blankly at him. He rolled his eyes again, “Obviously if you go back to your room I won’t be able to sense when I have to alter your thoughts and you’ll just come back to make a racket when you have another nightmare.“ y/n nodded slowly, making her way to the right side of the bed. “Besides it’s a big bed, just stay on that side-away from me.” She laid down, hesitant at first as she tightened her robe around herself. Loki leaned over, placing a finger and thumb over her temples to enter her mind. 
When she woke up she was in the same exact position that she was in when she went to bed and Loki was standing directly above her looking annoyed once again. It was still dark outside as he looked down at her from where he stood. “It’s about time, I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last two minutes.”
“What time is it?“
“6:05..the castles about to start waking up, you should leave before more people get uo to avoid being seen.“ y/n nodded in agreement. 
“Ok“ she walked to his door, turning to watch as he laid back down in his bed. “And Loki..“
“What?“ He sighed.
“Thank you.“ She said softly, leaving the room right after. Loki was left surprised.
“Look I know I said just once-” y/n whispered that night outside of Loki’s door, it was past 2 a.m. again, but surprisingly Loki let her in again.
“The faster you stop pestering me, the better.“ Loki told her harshly. He had woken her up at 6 a.m. again like he had done the the last time. The time after that Loki woke her up at 7 and the time after that she had woken up past 8 to see Loki sitting in a chair some feet from her sharpening his knives-when she had asked him why he hadn’t woken her up he had simply reminded that he could just teleport her back to her room, that way nobody would know she had spent the night there.
Flash forward a month later, y/n tiptoed to Loki’s room in her nightgown again, the nights were getting hotter which had led to her to leave her robe behind. When she had reached Loki’s room she didn’t need to knock, since he now left it unlocked for her. 
Once she laid down on the right side of the bed (more towards the middle now rather than all the way on the edge) Loki laid down about a foot from her. They didn’t go to bed right then however, since they had formed a habit of talking before falling asleep. “Have you been sleeping better?” Loki asked the girl beside him.
y/n rolled onto her side to face Loki, “Thank you again.” He nodded. “You know for someone who hates me, you’re actually quite kind to me.” The corner of Loki’s mouth folded up slightly,
“I don’t hate you...” He rolled over onto his side to face her, “but what I do hate-“ he then had explained the entire plot of a book just to express his hatred for one detail in it. 
y/n woke up in the middle of the night with a start, her nightmares had came back. As it turned out Loki wasn’t in the room but when he got back with a glass of water he noticed she was off right away. “I’m sorry.” He quickly apologized, sitting beside her, “I was just-I didn’t think-”   
“I know, it’s fine.“ y/n told him, but his hand was still on her shoulder and his blue eyes still held worry in them. “I’m just-I’m going back to bed...“ Loki nodded, watching as she laid down again. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?“ She nodded.
As she began drifting off she felt Loki take her hand in his. Later on in the night y/n woke up randomly, but she wasn’t facing Loki anymore-instead she was facing his dim window, she felt warm but not from the covers and to her surprise she realized that the prince’s arm was around her waist, keeping her close. Their legs were tangled mess at the bottom of the bed and she could hear his slow breathing as he slept peacefully. She looked around slowly, trying to figure out a way to move away to avoid the embarrassment when he wakes up-but just as she began to shift around she heard him speak up. “What time is it?” up. 
“Sorry...” She apologized growing red, “I don’t know how-“  
“It’s fine.“ She heard Loki whisper. 
“It is?“
“This is quite comfortable.“ He whispered again, then he moved slightly closer-resting his head on her shoulder and he fell asleep again-she assumed that he was half awake and didn’t fully process what had happened. She decided it didn’t matter and fell asleep again, after all he wasn’t wrong-it was comfortable.  
There was a loud noise that woke y/n right up, making her jump. Now she realized that she was facing Loki again, her arms were wrapped around his neck like in a hug, his head was nuzzled in the crook of her neck-their legs still a tangled mess. Bang! Bang! There it was again, she lifted her head, looking towards the door as it came again-bang! Bang! 
“Loki” She whispered, gently shaking his sleeping form. He ignored it, pulling her closer in response instead. “Loki, someone’s at the door.” She whispered, trying not to laugh. He sighed looking up towards his door.
“Just ignore it, they’ll go away it’s probably a servant or-”
“Loki!” Thor’s voice came from the other side of the door, “Loki, I know you’re in there! Open the door.” Loki rolled his eyes, standing up to make his way towards the door. 
He opened the door a few inches, “what do you want?” He hissed.
“I-” Thor paused, “are wearing your nightwear?”
“Why is that of any importance-what do you want?”
“er, Loki is there someone in there with you?“ Thor asked. 
y/n held her breath, afraid that somehow Thor would hear her from the doorway. “I-no!” Loki snapped, “What are you talking about?”
“Alright, alright I apologize. I’m here to ask if you have seen y/n? I’ve been searching for her, she’s normally turned up somewhere at this time it’s past 10.” 
“No I don’t know where she is, I haven’t seen her. Check the garden, she’s most likely wandering around there.“ He shut the door, turning back to y/n. 
“Past 10?“ y/n asked, covering her mouth, “I should’ve been awake two hours ago.” Loki shrugged. “Can you teleport me back to my room, I should go to the gardens since Thor’s looking for me.” Loki looked at the ground with an unfamiliar look in his eyes before nodding. “Thank you.”
The girl had spent more time with Thor training than she had expected that day, leading her to take an extra long shower at night to get clean. She hadn’t realized until she looked at her clock that it was past 10-normally she’d already be at Loki’s room by now. Quickly she dried her hair and changed into her nightwear. 
She was about to leave and opened her door and unexpectedly Loki was there with his hand raised looking like he was about to knock. They stared at each other for a moment before she spoke up, “Loki? What are you doing here?” 
He glanced to the side, not wanting to meet here eyes as she awaited his response, “I thought..” he said glancing at the ground before back to her, regaining his composure “that you-“
“Weren’t coming?“ She finished for him, he nodded.
“So I came to see if you were ok, I’ll leave.“
“Wait, no.“ She told him, grabbing his wrist and taking him by surprise, “I was just coming it was just taking me longer, but you can sleep here if you want since you’re already here...?” He nodded in agreement, stepping into her room.
He settled himself into the bed, opening his arms for her to crawl into which she quickly did. The two laid there for a moment, listening to the quietness as Loki slowly brushed through her hair with his fingers.      
“remember the other day when I said that you were terrible?“ y/n suddenly asked, getting Loki’s attention. He stopped running his fingers through her hair. 
“Yes, why do you ask?“ He responded cautiously. 
“I was just mad at you. I’m sorry.“
He took a moment to think to himself, “I didn’t mean what I said either."
“Can I ask you something?” y/n asked after a while later.
“Why did you push me away?” She asked, shifting herself to meet his eyes.
Loki sighed-only it wasn’t from being aggravated this time. He backed up a few inches from y/n-staring straight up at the ceiling. “It’s because..”
“Because what?”
“I had noticed that you and Thor were becoming closer and decided to..abandon you before you did me. I thought it’d hurt less that way.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, everyone always seems to choose Thor over me, I just assumed you would, in time, do the same.“ He confessed, still not meeting her gaze. 
“Loki...“ she set her hand on his shoulder waiting for him to look at her. “I would never abandon you for Thor, sure Thor is my friend but so is Fandral, so is Volstagg, so is Sif and I’m not abandoning anyone for them.“
He nodded.
“And tonight..“ y/n spoke up again, “when you thought I wasn’t coming-“
“I assumed you wouldn’t need me anymore, especially after you had spent so much time with Thor.“
“Don’t be like that!“ y/n told him, sitting up, “I do need you! I’ll always need you, I need you don’ t doubt that, and not just because of stupid nightmares, because I care for you and I love you, ok?”
Loki smiled to himself, “you love me?“
“Yes you stupid-“ she stopped talking because Loki had leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss, taking no time to hesitate she leaned into him further deepening the kiss. After about a minute they pulled apart-resting their foreheads together. 
“I love you too.“
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writingmessynaruto · 4 years
For the Madara request, could I get some romantic fluff for him?
I'm ace and it's really hard to find things for him that don't get very sexual and I'd love something that does not go beyond pecks you know?
Maybe brushing his hair scene? It's very self indulgence here bc unlike most ppl I headcanon his hair to be very damaged and messy, you don't throw all those fire jutsu with no heat damage you know? Little teasing about that would be nice 💖
No physical preferences, with this you don't need to specifiy gender either, you can keep it as vague as possible so it's more relatable for others too
Thanks so much for the ask! I loved writing something this sweet and affectionate. I hope you enjoy!
{ Curls and Camellia }
Madara x Reader
cw: fluff, hair-combing, romantic affection, pet names, mild cuddling
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It was clear Madara didn’t care too much about his appearance around you.
Certainly, he cared enough to impress you, or at least to look presentable. He wouldn’t describe himself as high-maintenance. But you knew better.
Considering he was the clanhead, it sort of baffled you that he didn’t take better care of his hair. His long hair was a symbol of tradition and honor in the clan, and as the clanhead, it was odd that he didn’t seem too interested in upholding that, despite his conviction to his people. After a while, you came to suppose that Madara just had his own way of doing things.
Still, that way had some clumsy side-effects. Fire style jutsus were unforgiving toward everything they touched, and that also sometimes included hair. Madara had no shortage of hair, and because he never took the time to tie it up during combat (something about not “interrupting the flow of chakra”), it could quite easily get fried. On top of that, his hair was wavy, nearly curly, and that made the damage far worse.
You had brought this up before. Even as recently as last week. Though he appreciated your concerns, he didn’t make time to take care of it. So, you had taken the liberty of buying some hair oils.
And, that night, you sprang it upon him.
“I found some rejuvenating oils today.”
He nodded in acknowledgement, not looking up from the scrolls he was studying. You continued.
“If you want, I can work them through your hair while you read.”
He slowly tore his gaze away from the scroll, clearly trying to process two things at once. “My hair?”
You gave him a look. “You’re singed, love.”
“Singed?” He blinked innocently and looked over his shoulder at the ends of his hair. You laughed.
“Really.” He pulled a handful of hair over his shoulder to inspect closer. You were already approaching with your supplies. As you knelt behind him, he glanced over what all you brought.
“Scissors?” he inquired.
“Some of it can’t be saved.”
Still, he was in disbelief as to how much was damaged. “How much?”
“I’ll see.”
“Not everything, right?”
“No, not everything.”
He nodded as you sorted through the most damaged sections. You snipped off a few chunks and softened the ends. It really was quite a shame he didn’t take better care of this mane. It was the envy of all his clanspeople.
“How bad is it?” He sounded nonchalant. Madara always sounded rather unconcerned about things. It was something he even intended to do. Most of the time, it was convincing. But right now, you could tell he was worrying, even if only a little.
“It’s like the aftermath of a battle.”
You were only teasing. Although he perhaps tried to hide it, you could feel him tense up. You rubbed his back in reassurance, his soft locks bunching effortlessly between your fingers.
“It’s fine,” you whispered, chuckling gently. “It won’t look any different, I promise.” If he didn’t notice the burnt hair, he probably wouldn’t notice the absence of it either.
He sighed with a smile, glancing back at you with that look. He was softer than most people realized. He enjoyed things like this, even though he didn’t take the time to do them himself. And he always had a way of making you feel appreciated. He was so easy to be near. Honestly, it was easy both of you.
You put aside the scissors, exchanging them for the comb. This wasn’t the first time you helped him with his hair, and it wouldn’t be the last. You didn’t mind that one bit. It was clear this felt just as good for him as it did for you.
Once the comb pulled through easily, it was on to the oil. You rubbed some between your hands, inhaling the fragrant smell of camellia.
“Don’t put too much in there,” Madara murmured calmly. “I don’t want to make my hair more flammable than it apparently already is.” Even from this angle, you could see the smile in his cheeks. It was contagious; as you went back to work, a smile adorned your face, too. You almost wanted to hug him. And as you smoothed the oil through his locks, a beautiful sheen began to accent his waves.
“I’ll braid it,” you assured him. “Just to keep the moisture in.” And that would protect the hair from further damage, too, you knew. It was worth another shot to ask him. “If you want, you can keep it in the braid, too. It will help prevent damage.”
“You’ll have to teach me how to do it.” Much more accepting.
“I can braid it before you leave next.” Easy. Your hands started to gather his hair into three thick sections.
“Thank you.” His voice had become even more tender now. Soon, he would likely be getting cuddly, too. He tended to get that way when his voice turned that gentle. For a war-hardened clanhead, he truly was the most gentle person you knew.
Down his back, you continued the braid until the curly ends. Once it was secured, Madara gently pulled the plait it forward to inspect it. It was like draping a thick snake over his shoulder, shiny and black and beautiful. His smile was small, almost bashful. He got like this too whenever you helped him with his hair. He could never quite look you in the eye by the time you finished. It made him go red in the face, and quite speechless.
You didn’t tease him for it. You liked his gentleness. And without a word or a nod, you scooted up next to him and stretched out on the floor. With your head rested on his lap, you could see all his scrolls laid out. Some of them you could faintly read, and others not.
He murmured overhead. “Thank you, my dove.”
When Madara got flustered, he really got flustered. His voice would hardly come out. It only made you smile.
Briefly, you glanced up at him. His hand came down to rest on your shoulder in a gentle caress, but his eyes were still fixated upon his braid. He was perhaps in wonder over how shiny it looked.
You contained a chuckle and relaxed your head again. Closing your eyes, you finally allowed yourself to deeply inhale, filling your nose with the sweet scent of camellia. You wouldn’t mind doing this more often, burnt hair aside. And you had a feeling Madara would make time for this now, even if he didn’t care much about the look of his hair -- perhaps, because, more importantly, it involved you.
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Want more personalized (and queer) Madara x Reader?
Read my post and send me an ask!
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realcube · 4 years
i would just like to thank you for crunching out sm stuff for us and blessing us with such good writing!! 💕💗💕💗😩😪 truly *chefs kiss*
also could i request hcs on how tendou, fukunaga, matsukawa, bokuto, and iwaizumi react to their s/o doing this tiktok trend?
(a/n): 🙏 i should be the one thanking y’all for reading my content tbh! 💕 oh and this request is absolutely adorable!
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summary of the video: a person peppers their cat with kisses to the audio of a man saying, ‘i love you. mwah mwah mwah. you set my soul on fire’
content warning: sexual references, choking & dick sizes
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satori tendō
♡ he would cackle if you tried to do the accent 
♡ i’d say he knows the trend but he doesn’t look like he uses tiktok and even if he did, he’d be on deep tiktok
♡ anyway, if you don’t do the accent and you just start kissing him while filming, he’ll just smile 
♡ like he just got all warm inside 
♡ he thinks his smile is subtle but when he rewatches the video and notices his foolishly large grin, he insists that you delete it 
♡ but plz don’t- he really appreciates the fact you aren’t ashamed to be dating it and you actually want to show everyone on social media that you love him
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you propped your phone up against the salt shaker on the dinner table so the camera was angled at you and tendō, then you turned to him with a mischievous grin plastered on your face which made him falter in eating his chicken nugget. 
“are you okay, babe?” he inquired through a mouthful of mcnugget as your eyes seemed fixated on him, though you weren’t doing anything besides stare. 
he was forced to swallow once the sound began and you started peppering his face with kisses to the beat, leaving him sitting like a statue in shock. the only part of his that moved was the corner of his lips twitching up to form a large grin. 
 once the sound finished, you snaked your arms under his and chest your head against his chest for a moment before grabbing your phone to watch the video, allowing tendō to peer over your shoulder and watch it too. then, he realised how insanely wide his smile was, “are you gonna post that?” 
“not if you don’t want me to.” you hummed against his chest, feeling his slender fingers slip through your hair to cradle the back of your head and hold it tight against his chest. 
“eh.” he shrugged. if you were to delete it, at least the world wouldn’t have to see him smiling like an idiot upon getting some sugar but if you were to post it, he’d be beyond flattered that you’d want to share you relationship publicly - it reassured him that you’re not embarrassed to be with him.
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hajime iwaizumi
♡ while you do it, he just sits and stares at you like ◉_◉
♡ he has no idea what’s going on UIEFLAERN why are you filming while kissing him and lipsyncing to some guy with a hot accent??????
♡ bc he wants to do it back to you but he’s just frozen in shock for a moment 
♡ but if you lipsync to the words, at the ‘you set my soul on fire’ part, he’d probably make a sarcastic comment like ‘you have one of those?’
♡ anyway, for the most part, he’s paralysed 
♡ like he doesn’t want to do anything embarrassing on camera yet he’s also extremely confused so as soon as you pick up your phone and end the recording, he literally tackles you to the ground 
♡ and he doesn’t just have hajime iwaizumi body btw- he’s got hajime iwaizumi (27) athletic trainer body 
♡ so don’t expect to escape his grip unless he lets you 
♡ but if you manage to get away with the video, plz don’t send it to any of his friends- they will tease him and use it as blackmail-
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you set your phone down on the coffee table then hit record, leaning back and shuffling even closer to iwaizumi on the couch. this caught his attention so his eyes momentarily shifted off the tv to look at you with a perplexed expression which became more prominent once he noticed that he was also being filmed.
“wha--” he cut himself off upon feeling your lips press against his forehead, then his cheek, then his chin; basically his whole face had felt your affection by the time the sound finished. 
he was taken aback, to say the least. the whole thing went by in a blur - a pleasant blur, but a blur none the less. he was too busy enjoying the feeling of your soft lips against his skin to realise that his resting expression looked similar to the one he wore when walked in on matsukawa and makki comparing dick sizes in the changing room.
once you pulled away and grabbed your phone to watch the video, he got the opportunity to observe the stupid look he wore and he instinctively tried to snatch the phone from your hand. This resulting in him lying on top of you on the couch, suffocating you with his cologne, trying to grab your phone but the frantic flailing of your arms posed challenge. 
“Gimme that damn phone! Don’t you dare send that to anyone! Did you see my fac--”
“Iwa, get the fuck off me!” you wheezed, your voice muffled from his beefy chest being pushed against your face.
RIP (Y/N). Cause of death: Iwaizumi Hajime’s muscles
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kōtarō bokuto 
♡ whenever you start filming him, he immediately goes like :) 
♡ but then when you sit down next to him and film y’all together then he goes like :D
♡ but fr, he melts 
♡ you’re just so damn cute
♡ he doesn’t really question what you are doing, he just enjoys it
♡ he probably wraps his arms around your waist too and tries give you kisses back
♡ oh! and if you repeat what they guy in the audio says (’i love you’ & ‘you set my soul on fire.’), bokuto will say the same back 🥺
♡ pulls you onto his lap if you weren’t already sitting on him
♡ he insists that you post it, no matter how silly either of you look - he wants the world to see how in love you two are 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you plop yourself down next to him as soon as you hit record on your phone then immediately began placing kisses all over bokuto’s face and if you wasn’t grinning like an idiot before, he sure was now.
“I love you!” you tried to do the accent while desperately stifling a giggle, continuing to peck his cheek, “you set my soul of fire-”
 you were forced to pause as bokuto caught your lips in his own, pressing down on the small of your back to deepen the kiss, “i love you more, baby! you set my soul on fire too - whatever that means.” he exclaimed, all while wearing a wide, toothy grin.
once you finally pull away to grab your phone, you held it in between you and bokuto so he could watch it along with you. he bounced giddily in place, squeezing your other hand tightly, “you’re precious, (y/n).” he muttered before pumping his fists and cheering, “post it! post it! post it! post it!”
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issei matsukawa 
♡ you tried this on him while he was studying chemistry and although neither of you thought much of it in the moment, he’ll never forgive you bc he ended up failing his chem test 😭
♡ anyway 
♡ he questions what you are doing at first but when he hears the sound, he realises what trend you’re doing immediately (bc i hc that he lowkey has a social media addiction)
♡ so he just sits there with this cocky ass smirk on his face while you shower him with your love
♡ not bc he’s unappreciative - like he think you’re cute as hell - but if you’re gonna post it, he wants to look cool, yk?
♡ also he wants to just keep up his nonchalant attitude towards all physical touch 
♡ yes, even sex 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you propped your phone up on the water bottle sat on his desk and stood a seat on his lap, to which he gladly welcomed as he slipped his arm around your waist to hold you in place as you straddled him.
your hands cupped his face so he looked you in the eye, hence he dropped his pencil and slammed the brakes on whatever studying he was doing as nothing was more important to him them tending to your prettyself. 
once you began pecking him along with lipsyncing along to words the guy said, he just stared at you with a smug smirk gracing his features, humming lowly in agreement whenever you’d say anything. of course, he ensured that his head was angled in a way that the camera got the holy sight of his sharp jawline. 
his gazed at you though hooded lips, staying frozen in place until your eventually picked up your phone, swiftly deleting the video with a pouty expression. “hey- whatcha going? why ya deleting it? did you see my jaw?” he asked, clearly offended.
“you’re so boring, issei.” you whined, trying to conceal the fact your pout was slowly becoming a smile. “You were supposed to rail me, that’s the whole point of the trend.” you joked, not expecting for matsukawa’s hand to immediately latch onto your throat, “hah, well, you could’ve just asked nicely, doll.”
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shōhei fukunaga 
♡ he kinda just chuckles at first 
♡ but as you continue, he’ll jerk his head around with his lips pursed to try capture your lips with his
♡ he’s honestly not sure what he’s supposed to do so please guide him 
♡ i’d say he seems like the sorta guy to hate being filmed but post-timeskip, he’s a comedian so he’d probably try put on a show for the camera 
♡ maybe subtly massage the back of your head, perhaps he’ll bite his bottom and give you ✨the look✨, or he’ll hold your jaw and longingly gaze at you- who knows?
♡ anything to keep you entertained (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
♡ like you’ll try show him the video but he just turns away and covers his eyes like 😑 ‘no i don’t want to see’
♡ if you try post it though he will go feral
♡ probably tickles you, snatches your phone then deletes it 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you clutched you phone as you looked at fukunaga dreamily while recording yourself. the noticed your odd behaviour but once he realised you were also recording, he just thought, ‘ah, that explains it.’
but what he didn’t expect was for you pounce on him then start covering his face in kisses. at first, he crinkles his nose and chuckled but just as you were about to say the second bit of dialog, an idea hit him. so without thinking, he gripped your throat then flipped y’all over so he was now on top, then he pressed his lips against your forehead while making the ‘mwah’ sound effect.
this took you by surprise so the last frame of the video was of you looking truly shocked and him looking down on your with a suggestive smirk - which was followed up by a sweet kiss but the video cut off before that. 
you both stared at the video as it replayed, neither of you liking what you were seeing. 
fukunaga was the first one to mention it though as he scrambled off you to grab your phone, “gimme that! you’re camera makes me look so weird.” you allowed him to yank your phone from your hands as you folded your hands behind your head, “my camera. sure.”
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
you kissed remus!
okay so this takes place before a dog in your past life and is when remus came out to the others, context: fifth year, remus came back from summer and is like “ayo when did sirius get so attractive??”, peter knows remus is gay bc he caught Remus and Cas kissing once, and if you haven’t read the other one - Cas is this guy Remus “dated” for a lil bit
The boys had found the “perfect” way to kick off their fifth year at Hogwarts. The train had arrived on a Friday this year, so after getting all the first years settled on their first day, the marauders had all of Saturday to themselves before they had to get in the “school mode”.
James had snuck a bottle of firewhiskey from his parent’s liquor cabinet and had just revealed it to the others.
“James,” Remus groaned, knowing exactly where this was going to end up. “How did you manage to sneak a whole bottle away?”
“Oh shush, Remus, you know you wanna try it.” James waggled his eyebrows as he settled on the floor, right in front of the foot of his bed. He motioned for the others to gather around, patting the ground.
“I’ve never tried firewhiskey,” Sirius admitted, sounding a tad bit too excited in Remus’ opinion. “Gimme gimme.”
Despite Remus’ reluctance, he sat down between Peter and Sirius, leaning back on his hands and watching the other settle down. He forced himself to keep his eyes away from Sirius, instead watching as Peter finished writing his letter to his mom. He had been writing his mom letters since first year, a tradition that had yet to die off.
Yet as James and Sirius argued over what game they should play with it, or if they should just chug it, Remus couldn’t help but glance at Sirius. His hair had been pulled back in a sloppy bun, seeing as he had been getting ready for bed when James pulled out the bottle, but a couple strands had slipped out, framing his face. If anything, it seemed to bring out his jawline, was it always this defined? And then when Sirius stretched out, much like a cat would, his shirt hitched up to reveal dark ink on his hip.
“Sirius, is that a tattoo?” Remus exclaimed and immediately leaned over to inspect it. If he hadn’t been so busy staring at the other boy’s new tattoo, he would’ve noticed the pink hue that had crawled onto Sirius’ cheeks.
“Er, yeah, I got it when I was at James’ house. It’s Canis Major, because it has-”
“Your star,” Remus breathes, reaching out to push Sirius’ shirt up higher. He was too busy looking at the splatter of ink on his stark white skin to realize just exactly what he was doing. “That’s wicked. Did it hurt?”
Sirius gingerly pulled his shirt out of Remus’ grasp and yanked it back down to cover up the tattoo that was the new center of attention. “I guess. Not the worst pain I’ve felt.”
The boys grew quiet at the thought of Sirius’ rough childhood, and Remus leaned back into his previous sitting spot. What was he thinking, just pulling Sirius’ shirt up like that?? Usually, they were all pretty affectionate with each other, but for some reason this just felt off.
Thankfully, the silence didn’t last long as James uncorked the bottle with a pop. He held the bottle up with a grin, “To fifth year!”
The other echoed him, smiles crawling onto their faces. Sirius had called being the first to try it and grabbed the bottle from James, tipping it back to take a sip. The others watched, wide-eyed, waiting for his reaction. He immediately began to cough, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, “Oh god, it’s hot.”
The boys burst into giggles at his reaction, holding their hands out for a turn. Once everyone had been acquainted with the drink, they had settled into a game of Never Have I Ever.
This game wasn’t the best to play when you’re trying to hide the fact that you’re gay, something that Remus didn’t consider until Peter’s turn came around, quite a few drinks in. He had decided to fully milk the fact that he had yet to get a girlfriend.
“Never have I ever kissed anyone,” he decided, grinning at the way Sirius groans, and in doing so, missing the daggers Remus glared at Peter.
“Not fair, you’re targeting me,” Sirius grumbles, sipping from his glass. It was no surprise that he drank, as the others had heard quite enough about his “relationship” with Mary last year. He set his cup back down, the alcohol quickly diminishing with the way he drank for almost everyone’s turn. They had ended up divvying up the bottle to see who finished their glass first.
“I’m saving myself for Lilly,” James declares proudly, shaking his head to get the dark hair out of his eyes before grinning lopsidedly. “I’m loyal.”
“Is it even being loyal if you’re not dating?” Remus snorts. It seemed the alcohol had rid him of his filter because he then sipped his drink, seeing as he had kissed Cas quite a few times.
Sirius didn’t miss it, turning to Remus with wide eyes, “You’ve kissed someone??”
“Moony!! You’ve kissed someone?? Why didn’t you tell us?” James exclaims, turning to Remus with his mouth agape and holding a hand to his heart in mock-betrayal. “I thought we’re best friends! When was it? Who was it?”
Peter jumped in, hurrying to fix the mess he caused, “Maybe he was just thirsty, I don’t think it wasn’t for the actual question.”
“S’okay, Peter, I’ll tell them,” Remus sighs, thankful that Peter tried, at least. He’s gotta tell them at some point... “It was last year.”
James didn’t miss the way he dodged the question of who, “Okay, but who was it? What’s her name, do we know her?”
“James,” Remus began softly, raising his eyes to James’ inquiring ones. He could feel his throat closing up so he spit the words out, as quick as he could, “I never said it was a girl.”
James’ mouth fell agape, “Blimey! I didn’t even know, what kind of friend am I?”
Remus couldn’t help but stare at him, “That’s it? You don’t care that I’m gay?”
He just shrugged and Remus wasn’t sure if it was because of the alcohol or if it was just James being James. “Don’t really care who you snog. I can’t believe I didn’t even know, we’ve been friends for five years.”
“I didn’t know until last year,” Remus admits with a small laugh. He pulled his legs closer so he could rest his chin on them, and watched James’ reaction. An hour or so had passed since they first started their games and the alcohol had taken a hold of all of them. The world seemed a bit more hazy than usual, but despite that he could feel Sirius’ gaze boring into his side profile. He decided to ignore it for now.
“Wait a minute.” James whirled around to point at Peter, “You knew! How did you know?”
Peter barely got a chance to open his mouth when James let out a sound of surprise.
“It was you, wasn’t it! You kissed Remus!” James exclaimed, seeming proud of himself for having figured it out. Remus couldn’t but fall into a fit of giggles at the thought of Peter and him.
“It was that boy, wasn’t it?” Sirius finally spoke up, leveling his steely gaze with Remus. His bun was falling apart completely at this point, and Remus itched to move the hair that hung in front of his eyes. “Carter, or something? The one you always hung around last year.”
“Cas,” Remus corrected, internally slapping himself for the way he had been staring at Sirius’ hair. “But yeah, we were together for a bit. He doesn’t go here anymore.”
James began on another tangent about how he should’ve known and that he had to admit Cas was a bit attractive, but Remus wasn’t interested. Sirius was uncharacteristically quiet. His dark brows were knitted together as he thought something over. Was he upset?
“Sirius?” Remus’ voice cracked as he whispered his best friend’s name. He needed him to say something more, tell him that it’s okay, that he doesn’t care.
Sirius was glaring now and Remus thought he might be sick, what if Sirius didn’t support him? He couldn’t bear the thought of losing his best friend. His worries only heightened when Sirius finally spoke, his voice unusually calm,“You didn’t tell us for months. Did you think we’d be mad?”
Remus wasn’t quite sure why he was so upset. “I wasn’t sure. It’s kind of controversial.”
“But we’re your best mates. You should be able to tell us stuff like this,” Sirius sighed, finally brushing his hair off his face. When he glanced up, Remus was surprised to see sadness swirling in his eyes. “And we scared you off. What kind of friends are we?”
So he wasn’t mad at Remus? But at himself?? Remus was thoroughly confused, why was Sirius so fixated on the fact that he didn’t tell them right away?
“I dunno,” Remus shrugged, wishing his sweater could swallow him whole. Why did Sirius need to question him like this, especially now?? “I didn’t want to take the chance and lose you guys. I don’t have anyone else.”
It was weird seeing Sirius so serious. He was usually as bouncy as James, cracking jokes and grinning 24/7. Remus decided that he preferred carefree Sirius, this one reminded him too much of the time Sirius returned from winter break with scars marring his back.
“You’re still my best friend, Sirius. I would’ve told you guys eventually.” Remus shifts over to sit a bit closer to Sirius and bumps their knees together. If he hadn’t drunk so much firewhiskey, he might’ve been more cautious about touching Sirius so casually, especially after confessing he liked guys. The last thing he needed was for his friends to think he was a creep. “It wasn’t that long ago.”
“You didn’t have to tell us, I’m not upset about that. I’m sorry you couldn’t come to us about it, I’m sure it had been kinda scary. We could’ve helped you figure it out, that’s what best friends are for.” Sirius bumps his knees back into Remus’, before giving him a sad smile. “I reckon not everyone reacts so nicely, do they?”
“I don’t think everyone’s so open to it,” Remus decided to say. Sirius already looked so sad for him, he didn’t want to add to it by bringing up how the kids in his neighborhood felt about gay people. Or even the way his parents spoke about it when seeing stories in the daily prophet. He hated the pity tainting Sirius’ voice.
Sirius’ eyes brightened as his gaze found Remus’, “So will you tell us about it, then? Cas? And everything? You didn’t get to tell us last year, tell us now!”
That caught James’ and Peter’s attention as they turned to Remus, eager to hear about his romantica adventures. Remus rarely brought it up, seeing as he never had much interest in their conversations about girls.
Remus could feel his cheeks heating up as he ducked his head, bashfully. “It was okay, nothing abnormal.”
“C’mon, Remus, you listen to us when we talk about girls. I talk about Lilly every day, tell us about who you like!” James prods, scooting closer.
Remus makes a point to keep his eyes on the ground at the topic of who he likes. He hated the way his mind immediately wandered to Sirius. He didn’t like Sirius, he was simply admiring his looks and he knew he couldn’t let those thoughts go anywhere. With a sigh, he started, “Okay, I guess I can tell you guys a bit about it. You know that I was friends with Cas for a bit, last year…”
Remus never thought he’d ever talk to his friends about boys, but here he was - describing his first kiss in detail.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Please dont hate me.
Griffin and Valtor and all the questions. :)
Okay, but just because you asked nicely... Kidding, of course. XD I don’t hate you. I just hope any of this will make sense.
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Valtor, actually. It takes Griffin a while until she can fall into being cuddly with someone but she is surprised by how open Valtor is to physical proximity. He’s also the one that is more about compliments.
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
Valtor is normally the big spoon which Griffin was a bit irate about at first because she is a lighter sleeper and, therefore, more likely to be getting up or moving around. She thought it would make more sense for her to be the big spoon but Valtor wanted to be the one holding her and she relented. She actually liked it a lot more than she expected to even if it took some getting used to.
3. Most common argument?
Bathroom dominion. They. Just. Cannot. Reason. About. It. They both take forever when getting ready and it is hell. Especially if they are going undercover to an official event. You do not want to be around.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Playing chess. They can’t help it. They are competitive and love messing with each other which is done through an array of side bets and whatnot. But they have a good time. Mostly.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Valtor. He is dramatic romantic like that. Griffin pretends to be annoyed by it... badly. She totally loves it. Even if it does make her think about things that might be impossible.
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
I feel like I might have answered that somewhere so excuse any mismatches in case I don’t remember my own headcanons.
(I am pretty sure I said Griffin’s favorite thing about Valtor is his voice but that is not a feature so I guess the inconsistencies have been prevented on merit of that alone.) Griffin might be a little fixated on Valtor’s hands bc of the fact that he only really takes his gloves off with her (and his skin is super soft). Also, the contrast between the destruction he can wreak with his magic and the tenderness of his touch on her skin.
I also think that I said Valtor’s favorite part of Griffin is her neck. Does that count as a feature? Well, it does now. He loves how delicate and sensitive her neck is. Griffin can’t pull him away from there when he starts kissing it, and biting it because it’s Valtor. He loves to leave marks there and listen to the sounds she makes while he’s doing it.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Valtor experiences selflessness for the first time. Or what is a weird mix of selflessness and selfishness because he does not necessarily expect anything in return when he does what is best for her but he still hopes that that will help their relationship develop. He’s not at all sure how to react to it. All he knows is that making her smile makes his day even if he has to endure some more bitching from his mothers because of what he did for Griffin.
What actually changes for Griffin is that she finally allows herself sexual fantasies about Valtor. She had noticed his attractiveness before but she wasn’t interested in getting involved with him. However, after they started getting to know each other and some emotional barriers got down, she found herself growing fonder of him. By the time she realized she liked him, pretty much everything else had changed.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Valtor does call her bookworm which is pretty obvious and generic. But other than that they don’t really have nicknames for each other.
9. Who worries the most?
They both worry. A lot. Griffin worries more openly, though, while Valtor will pretend he’s not worried but will keep looking for excuses to be close to her and touching her.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Griffin. Valtor tries his best but he has so many things on his head. He is in awe of how Griffin always manages to remember everything. She claims it is because she isn’t forced to do it but chooses to do so on her own.
11. Who tops?
Usually Valtor but that’s because Griffin lets him. He is happy to bottom if she feels like it even if the first time he might have needed a little convincing. He was grateful for having the insight to leave her in charge.
12. Who initiates kisses?
Valtor does that a lot. He will use any and all opportunities. Hell, even if the time is not right, he would still do it. He loves to kiss her and Griffin has learned that. She has no problem with it as long as it isn’t a really inopportune time.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Valtor. He likes holding her closer, even if it is just her hand in his. Besides, he is busy a big portion of the time and can’t do it so he needs to compensate for that whenever he has the opportunity.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Griffin has surprised him. And here he thought he was passionate. Griffin has it in her to surpass him. Not always but she does kiss very hard when she gets really into it.
15. Who wakes up first?
Griffin. She is the early bird. She is generally more excited about getting started on her day. Valtor isn’t too happy about having to bust himself because of his mothers yet again.
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Valtor. He could sleep all day if he had the free time for that kind of thing. It is honestly kind of a dream. Especially if Griffin is also there. He can feel her presence even when he’s asleep and it always makes everything better,
17. Who says I love you first?
Griffin does. Not because Valtor is scared to tell her how he feels (even though he is that too). He just doesn’t want to pressure her into saying it back if she isn’t ready (or doesn’t feel the same). He is kinda torn on whether he is actually being selfless or too scared to even admit that he is selfishly waiting for her to make the first move but considering the fact that she seems more secure in their relationship, he decides to trust his own motives.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
That would be Griffin. It is probably something only Valtor will get that is sure to cheer him up despite it most likely being sassy/sarcastic.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Griffin by virtue of Valtor not wanting to say anything and not being given the chance either. His mothers just know. Even though he would’ve liked to have kept it a secret. That’s not an option in the world in which he lives. Griffin does tell her mom even if she has cut contact with her friends.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Valtor’s mothers aren’t enchanted by the idea but they allow it on condition it won’t get in the way of Griffin and Valtor’s work. They pretty much use it as a way to pressure Valtor into doing even more than before. Emalyn isn’t thrilled either. Though, to be fair, she wasn’t thrilled by Griffin joining the Coven at all. She can see that Griffin is happy which is what makes her keep her thoughts to herself but she is worried about everything that can go wrong, including what will happen if Griffin and Valtor break up. She is worried Griffin may not be safe in that case.
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Griffin would. Valtor will try to protest before he realizes that they are just swaying around and he isn’t expected to perform some elaborate ceremonial dances. He relaxes and lets her drag him fully into it, They have a great time.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Griffin, obviously. She does make use of Valtor’s Dragon Fire but that is the way in which he can be more useful in the kitchen aside from tasting whatever she’s cooked. He isn’t all that great despite being sensitive to smells and tastes.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Valtor all the way. He does not know when to stop. Luckily, Griffin finds him adorable which might be why he hasn’t collided with the finish line yet.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Both of them do it, actually. They both know when the situation needs their full focus but they are also not above messing with each other. And of course, that requires revenge which results in more revenge and they just end up stuck in a loop. Not that they are complaining about it. Not really.
25. Who needs more assurance?
Valtor. Griffin can see how much she means to him once they actually get together and open up to each other. Valtor has a lot of insecurities, though, despite his confident facade and can always use some more reassurance even if everything is okay at the moment.
26. What would be their theme song?
As a couple? Young God by Halsey. It just fits them so well! Though, that is more a commentary on their full story during the war. If it is something they would pick in-verse, then idk. Maybe Powerful by Major Lazer and Ellie Goulding.
27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
They would both do it together. Griffin would have to teach Valtor all the lullabies he knows but he’d make sure to learn them.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
 Valtor forces himself to keep going about his day. He doesn’t have the time to sit around and wait for her return anyway. And work keeps him occupied but the moment he has an ounce of free time, his thoughts immediately drift to her.
Griffin tries working as well or reading a book but sometimes that’s not enough and she finds herself wondering how he’s doing and even worrying. She might go on a mission herself to keep herself occupied - pick out some herbs or hunt down a recipe she’s never come across before.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
All of them. Seriously, everything I come up with about them is heartbreaking. But here goes. The only thing Valtor doesn’t know about Griffin (prior to the seventeen years he was imprisoned) is that she was pregnant when she ran away from the Coven.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
I... am not sure I have any of these. I just love angst and heartbreak. Idk how well this fits but... Valtor did eventually come to appreciate the fact that Griffin was the only one who ever loved him. Even if she did leave. He can see how different their relations were from anything else he’s ever had with anyone and it did make him realize that she did truly love him despite everything.
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cummingforkylo · 5 years
I was wondering, if you could write a Kylo and reader smut where he’s got the readers back like presses against his front while he’s fucking her and maybe chokes her a bit. Cause like. I need they in my life. Maybe even someone like Hux walks in on them? I really just need some rough dominant kylo smut in my life. 🤪😍 your writing is amazing by the way
Okay so I may have wrote something really long, really smutty and like...really terrible. Like...Kylo is not even kind of a good guy in this. So I mixed this request with another one: “hey!!! Love love LOVE your blog!! 😍 alsooo could you write something in which Kylo and reader are not really together but they have really really rough sex and kinda dub con but not really and the reader asks him to stop bc it’s hurting a little too much and kylo realises and starts being super soft™️ and kissing her and saying he’s sorry?” but like...god he does not say sorry and is not soft. So maybe this isn’t anything either of you want, its entirely self indulgent, annndd actually kind of personal? But it is SUPER long so you know:
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Following Rating: Explicit/NSFWCW: dubcon/noncon, nasty sex, throat fuckingWord count: 2,234Prompt/summary:rough dominant Kylo, mildly obsessed reader. 
Your mind was always filled with daydreams, plans, fantasies, impossible ones but you couldn’t help but indulge them. You had lived on and off Star Destroyers and other ships your whole life. You mother was a highly regarded engineer, your father, the Captain of a Dreadnaught, they were decorated veterans of the Empire and now decorated in The First Order. You were supposed to follow in their footsteps, be smart, powerful, courageously  wage war agains the Resistance, but you couldn’t find that drive in you. What motivated you was the love of language, of stories, fantasies, and people. You always felt too connected with people to be part of the cold regime of the First Order. You couldn’t detach yourself the way others could, you couldn’t let go of your empathy. Your daydreams and feelings had always been a source of frustration in your parents, you were born into a good family, a good name with the chance to really make a name for yourself, they gave you all the opportunities. The best education. The best introductions. Yet, you still struggle.
You still lived in your father’s quarters on the Supremacy while you finished your schooling, but you had begun to fixate on something, The Supreme Leader. You didn’t see him often, but when you caught glimpses of him around the ship your imagination would run wild. You wondered what he was like, if he was really as hot tempered as everyone said, you wondered at how powerful he was and you tried to understand how someone so outwardly beautiful could be as dark and twisted as everyone said he was. You didn’t believe it so you did something stupid. You took to following him around the ship. You tried to stay back from him and of course, you could never go into rooms you didn’t have clearance to enter, but you lagged behind him as he walked through the halls. You listened to his hushed conversations with Generals and other leaders within the First Order.
You ever started to write about him, just little notes about the way he moved or the tilt of his head as he listened to something he didn’t like. Nothing of significance to anyone but yourself. You kept it all on your datapad, not thinking about if anyone would be able to read it. You were finishing writing something down in the hallway right after he had ducked into a door you couldn’t follow him through when the door unexpectedly opened with a blast of air. You jumped so bad you nearly dropped your datapad and you tried to step towards the wall so Kylo wouldn’t notice you but it was too late, he had stepped into your path, towering over you.
“Are you following me?” He asked, his voice filled with a dark anger.
“N-No!” You said immediately, but your voice was shaking. Kylo’s eyes darted over your face, taking you in.
“Then how come every time I turn around, I see you?” he asked, he took a step towards you, you stepped back but it didn’t do much, he was still directly in front of you. Your heart thudded in your chest hard, you had thought you had been so sneaky, you had thought no one noticed. That was obviously not the case.
“I…” You didn’t know what to say, you had no explanation. His dark brown eyes seemed black with anger and there was a spark of electricity that ran through his expression. His energy crackled with instability. It was everything that had attracted you to him in the first place. You swallowed, searching for something to say. You were at a loss though.
“Nothing to say?” he asked.
“I don’t f-follow you.” You insisted. His mouth twisted into a grimace at the lie and he lifted his hand. There was a moment where you wondered what he was doing but then he was in your mind. You felt as though your skull might crack open from the pressure. It came in waves that staggered you, you stumbled backwards again and your back in the wall. He must have followed you because as you tried to force your eyes open to look at him, he was still right in front of you. Each thought of him was pulled to the forefront of your mind, your attraction, your curiosity, your admiration, your interest, and your writing. The vice grip on your mind released in a whoosh and a gasp. You leaned forward, trying to catch your breath,
“Insolent, girl.” He snarled and his hand closed around your datapad. You lunged for it but your hand froze in the air, it tensed there, completely locked up. Panic swept through you as he looked at the datapad, scrolling through your pages of notes on…him. There were things in there that you would have never admitted to anyone. “You stupid girl, did you think I didn’t notice you lurking around me?” he asked, looking up from the datapad. He dropped it onto the ground, it didn’t smash but the screen went dark.
Kylo released the Force that had been holding you but his hand found your upper arm. His fingers closed in a vice grip reminiscent of what he had done to your mind earlier. He drags you away from the wall, across the hall to the door he had come out of. He placed his other palm against the scanner and the doors whooshed open again. He marched you inside and shoved you so hard that you lost your balance and fell to the ground in front of him.
“If you’re so obsessed with knowing the real me, why don’t I show you?” He asked, his voice had a tiny tremor in it, like he was trying to keep himself under some control.
“No, I didn’t mean-please!” You gasped but he strode up to you and grabbed the back of your head, his other hand worked on his trousers, unbuckling them with a swift precision. You found yourself in a position you had thought about a number of times.You were stiffened by fear much more now than you had been in your fantasies but at the same time, liquid excitement gathered in your belly. It made your nipples go stiff, it made your heart beat a little faster-or maybe that was the fear.
“I thought this is what you wanted, you dirty slut.” His breathing was rough, that strained lilt in his voice echoed in your mind. His hand had worked his pants down by now and the size of his cock panicked you and turned your bones to mush.  “You fantasized about it, little girl. You’ve never been fucked by anyone and yet you thought about getting on your knees and pleasing my cock, haven’t you?” he asked. He didn’t need to ask, he had seen it. He had watched your fantasies in your mind. “It’s almost endearing. Your obsession.” He said. Your face was hot with embarrassment and tears welled up, making your eyes prickle and you lip tremble. You had no words.
“I didn’t-“
“Didn’t what? Want this?” His hand curled into your hair, his fingers scraped your scalp as he gathered a fistful of it. “We both know that isn’t true.” He said through a nasty chuckle. You hated that he was right. “Open your mouth before I lose patience.” He said. His fist in your hair dragged you down towards his cock, your mouth opened almost instinctually and you felt the warmth of the tip of his cock thrust into your mouth. His hips rocked forward and his cock entered your mouth, enveloped in heat and wetness. Your tongue circled his head, while your lips struggled to wrap around how thick his cock was. His hand in your hair tightened, pulling you unquestioningly forward, the tip pressed into the back of your throat. Spit filled your mouth, slipping in streams and rivulets down out of your mouth and down the sides of his cock. You gagged and tried to pull back. His hand at the back of your head an immoveable barrier, keeping you locked on his cock.
You couldn’t breath, your body screamed for release from choking on the intrusion in your throat. Your throat contracted around his cock, tears streamed out of your eyes. Kylo ripped your head back from his cock and you sucked in air finally. You nearly retched. He caught your face in his hand, pinching your cheeks between his thumb and his fingers.
“Do you think I’m as dark as everyone says I am, yet?” his deep voice rolled out of him and that sparking energy around him burned through you.
“Yes,” you managed to garble out through your spit and tears. You regretted every thought you had had about him, everything you wrote wondering if he was really as fearful as everyone said seemed so foolish now.
“I dont think you understand just yet.” He said. He shoved you down by your hair, pushing you onto all fours.
“No, no, no no!” you sobbed, realizing what he was doing you struggled forward but he caught your hips in his big hands, keeping you in place. You said no, but your body was a traitor and it was screaming yes. Kylo’s hands shoved your skirt up. It would only take a flick of his hand and he would see your shame, he would see how excited you had gotten by being used by him. Kylo must have head this in your thoughts because his hand paused in its movements,
“You’re desperate for me, aren’t you, little slut?” he asked. You whined, unable to manage something else. He knew it was true. He could see your mind. There was no use arguing, and he was going to use you even more. You wanted it and didn’t at the same time. Your cunt was throbbing with need but you remembered his size, you remembered how rough he was and ice daggers of fear spiked through you.
“You write all about me, about how you know I would make you feel good and now you can’t even manage a ‘yes sir’ ? Disgusting.” Kylo ripped your underwear down and you moaned in shame, pleasure and fear. Course leather ran over your exposed pussy, dipping into the folds. He knelt behind you, your fear and burning pleasure mounted at the same time. He pressed the head of his cock against you, running it along your slit, it grazed against your clit and you yelped at the sensitive bundle of nerves being touched without warning. Involuntarily your hips shimmed back towards his cock,
“You nasty girl. If your cunt didn’t look so inviting I wouldn’t bother giving you what you want.” He growled. You wanted to sob that it wasn’t what you wanted, that you couldn’t take his cock but you doubted it would matter to him. He shoved himself forward and the breath was kicked out of you in a gasp. He filled your whole pussy, he had buried his  whole cock deep inside of you in one thrust. There was no room left for motion, you were sure of it. Pleasure, pain and a mix of desperation and distress filled your body, you felt weak and unable to move. His cock felt like it would split you in half but you could also feel how lubricated you were.
“Your cunt  is so tight,” he gasped, he started to drag his cock back out, looking down at it. “You didn’t even bleed, little girl. You’re just that desperate.” He growled. Your pussy was burning with the stretch, burning with the pleasure. His cock smacked into you again, you felt garbled, uncontrollable and lost. You felt like you were unfurling underneath him, your fantasies becoming reality was too much and you were losing your mind each time he slammed into you. Each thrust sent your jerking forward. Your face pressed into the floor and he held your hips up as he rocked into you. Your breath came out in gasps or low pained moans,
“Oh…ah…Oh! No! Oh…” each thrust sent fireworks bursting under your skin, not only in a good way, not only in a burning pain. All of the above.  Kylo leaned over your back, pressing his lips to your ear,
“Do you think you understand me now?” He asked. You sobbed in response. His fingers closed into your hair again and he ground your face against the floor. “Do you think I care even a iota about you? Or that you’re sobbing on my floor?” His hips hadn’t slowed, they snapped into you again and again and again.
“No!” you sobbed.
“Good job, whore. You’ve gotten one thing right.” He snarled, his hips smacked into yours over and over. Pleasure washed over you, but it was like an out of body pleasure. You could feel your own orgasm mounting. He must have heard this, “No. You don’t get to cum.” His hips sped again and the pleasure mingled with pain once again. With his hand in your hair, tugging your head back from the floor now he thrust one last time inside before ripping away, leaving your cunt dripping and clenching on air. Hot ropes of cum spilled over your back, ass and up into your hair. Kylo smacked your ass and stood up.
“Get out.” He said.
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kookiesjoonies · 4 years
all in | chapter nine.
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all in | chapter nine: wake up call.
main pairing: jeon jungkook x park jimin
side ships: vmin (mentioned)
word count: 3.1k
warnings: language (lots of f bombs bc these two are a mess), so much angst, oral sex, deep throat, choking, jealousy, dom!jungkook, possessive!jungkook, some fluff
A/N: make sure that you’ve read chapter eight and the chapter eight add on before reading this! some of the things jungkook talks about are in those chapters, including the pictures he mentions. also if you’d like to hurt even worse while reading this chapter, i suggest listening to jimin and jungkook’s cover of we don’t talk anymore to get the full effect. 
*not my gif*
you aren’t usually one to give out your number to strangers (let alone customers), but after you start talking to Namjoon and getting to know him, you decide that there’s no way you’re going to let him leave without it. however, he fails to mention that he’s one of the most popular rappers in South Korea. and it just so happens that one of your best friends ends up with an extra ticket to one of his shows.
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To say that Jimin was annoyed was an understatement. It was nine in the fucking morning, and he’d just been rudely awakened by the sound of aggressive thumping against his front door. He let out a long, frustrated groan and rolled himself out of his bed. He had no idea who would be brave enough to wake him up this early on a Saturday morning.
The knocking never ceased as he neared the door, and he was really getting aggravated now. Whoever this was, was relentless. And they obviously had a death wish.
“I’m fucking coming! Jeez.” Jimin called out before grabbing the handle of the door and swinging it open.
His look of anger had now been replaced by one of confusion as he stared up at his ex-boyfriend. It was then that he was sure he was dreaming. Jimin brought a hand up to rub the sleepiness from his eyes and expected Jungkook to be gone when he looked up again. However, he was wrong, and he was still very present.
Jimin was shocked, “Jungkook, what are you doing here? And why so early?”
Jungkook took a deep breath, and shook his head. But then he met Jimin’s eyes and began to speak, “I’m here because I’m pissed the fuck off at you.”
The look in Jungkook’s eyes wasn’t one that Jimin was familiar with, and he couldn’t quite figure it out.
Jimin scoffed, “What the fuck could I possibly have done? We don’t even speak unless it’s in the group chat.”
The taller man pushed his way through the entrance, and let out a long sigh. He ran both hands through his fluffed up locks before turning to face Jimin once again.
“Oh, please. Do come in.” Jimin said, tone laced with sarcasm.
He slammed the door shut behind him, fully awake now and standing in front of Jungkook, albeit a little too close.
“I asked you a question.” Jimin’s voice was firm. He’d crossed his arms over his chest now, searching Jungkook’s face for any sort of reason as to why he’d shown up here so angry.
“We spoke the other night, in person. At the concert.” Jungkook answered simply.
Jimin rolled his eyes. That wasn’t an answer.
“Talking to me in person is what pissed you off enough to make you show up at my house looking like you’re about to Hulk out?”
“No you fucking smartass. I’m pissed off because of what you did at the concert, and how it was so fucking disrespectful, but you didn’t care. Not that I’m shocked, you never fucking cared—“ Jimin raised a hand and cut him off before he could finish.
“Jungkook, what in the fuck are you talking about? When did I disrespect you?”
It’s as if Jungkook didn’t hear a word that he’d said. He just kept rambling, and the more he talked the closer he got to Jimin. So close now that Jimin could feel Jungkook’s breath against his nose.
“And not to mention the fucking pictures you posted. It’s not bad enough that I had to witness it in person, I have to see it whenever I open fucking Instagram or Twitter?!” He wasn’t quite yelling, but he was close.
And all of a sudden, something clicked. Jimin was getting heated now, and he rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time since this shit started.
“Are you seriously talking about the pictures I posted with Taehyung right now? Are you fucking kidding me?”
Jungkook made a noise that was similar to a growl, a low growl that seemed to only rile Jimin up more.
Jungkook mocked Jimin’s tone as he spoke, “Yes I seriously am talking about Taehyung right now. But it’s not just the fucking pictures, Jimin, God. It’s about how you were all fucking over him the other night backstage. With me sitting two feet away from you! You are so fucking disrespectful—“
Jimin cut him off again, only this time he did it by placing his finger over Jungkook’s mouth. And when he spoke again, he spoke through gritted teeth. The sound of his voice had lowered, barely above a whisper now, but still had a bite to it that made Jungkook’s breathing slow and sent chills running down his arms.
“Jungkook, I did not disrespect you. We are not together. I can flirt with whoever I want. And I can post pictures with whoever I want. I’m not yours anymore.”
Jungkook brought a hand up to swat Jimin’s away from his mouth, and he felt like he could spit in his face, “And whose fucking fault is that, Jimin?”
Jimin didn’t hesitate when he answered, “Yours. You’re the one who broke up with me.”
Jungkook laughed. He actually laughed, and didn’t stop. Jimin was sure he’d finally snapped.
“What the fuck is so funny?” Jimin asked, eyebrow raised as he watched Jungkook attempt to catch his breath.
“What’s fucking hilarious to me is that you think us breaking up was my fault. I might’ve broken up with you, but you’re the one that ended us.”
Jimin scowled and he took a step back from Jungkook. And maybe he took a step back because, subconsciously, he knew that Jungkook was right. It was his fault. But he’d never say that out loud.
Jungkook was quick to take a step forward as Jimin took his step back.
“Did you fuck him?”
Jungkook’s question caught Jimin off guard. He shook his head slightly and looked up at him, a look of utter confusion settling on his face.
“I said,” Jungkook spat, “Did. You. Fuck. Him.”
Jimin took a step forward, closing what little space remained between them. Their chests were touching now, and they could both feel how quickly the other’s heart was beating. Foreheads almost touching, Jimin let out a cold laugh.
“Maybe. But what the fuck is it to you? Like I said before, I’m not yours anymore.”
That was it. Jungkook was done. He’d had more than enough of this shit.
Before Jimin could even process what was happening, he was being pushed up against his front door with a hand wrapped firmly around his throat.
Jungkook was towering over him, and Jimin was looking up at him with daring eyes. Neither of them moved, they barely breathed.
Until finally, Jungkook spoke words right into Jimin’s ear. So quietly that he had to strain to hear what he’d said.
“If you say that you aren’t mine one more fucking time, I’ll make you regret even thinking it.”
Jimin’s knees had started to shake, but he tried to act as if he was unaffected by Jungkook’s actions. He brought a hand up to wrap around Jungkook’s wrist as he tilted his head up to look him in the eye.
He knew what he was about to say next was going to push Jungkook so far over the edge. And that’s exactly what he was hoping for.
“Maybe I don’t fucking want to be yours anymore. Maybe I want to be Taehyung’s.”
Jungkook’s jaw visibly tightened, and Jimin gulped at the sight. Which resulted in the sides of his throat being squeezed, causing him to let out a moan he didn’t even know he was holding back.
Jungkook smirked at the sound, shaking his head, “You sure about that? Because from where I’m standing,” he let his free hand travel slowly down Jimin’s torso to the growing bulge in his sweatpants, “it sure as fuck seems like you want to be mine.”
Jimin shamelessly let out another moan, only this time more high pitched and drawn out.
“What?” Jungkook questioned, running his thumb along Jimin’s shaft through the fabric, “no more smartass remarks?”
Jimin gasped, and Jungkook’s fingers tightened around his throat once again, surely leaving behind bruises. Jimin was already losing his mind, and they hadn’t even done anything yet. It never failed to amaze him how easily Jungkook could make him fall apart, because nobody else had ever been able to.
“Would you just fuck me already?” Jimin hissed.
He tried to act all nonchalant, but Jungkook knew better.
“You’re such a fucking brat.”
Jungkook’s lips crashed onto Jimin’s for the first time in over a year and the feeling was absolutely fucking euphoric. They both let out a sigh as their lips moved, and if it hadn’t been for the hold that Jungkook had on him keeping him up, Jimin was sure he’d have fallen straight to the floor.
Jungkook’s tongue moved to lick across Jimin’s lower lip, and Jimin easily opened up his mouth for him. Jungkook’s tongue curled around Jimin’s in a way that drove both of them fucking crazy. Jimin let out a whimper, followed by Jungkook letting out a low chuckle. The vibrations of it going straight from Jimin’s lips to his dick.
Jimin pulled his head back and tried to catch his breath. Jungkook’s hands were now on either side of Jimin’s head, palms lying flat against the surface of the door.
“To answer your earlier question,” Jungkook started, “no I will not fuck you already.”
Jimin felt his blood start to boil again, and he opened his mouth to protest. Because how the /fuck/ could Jungkook do all of that, and not follow through? But before Jimin could even get a word out, Jungkook was speaking again.
“I am going to fuck you, just so were clear,” He pushed a strand of Jimin’s hair out of his eyes and took it between his index and middle fingers and twirled it around, “but you’re going to choke on my dick first.”
His voice was stern, and his eyes stayed fixated on Jimin as he took a step back and began to undo his belt. His zipper came next, and Jimin’s mouth was beginning to water. But he didn’t dare move. He knew from past experiences that when Jungkook wanted something from him, he’d tell him.
Jungkook pushed his jeans down and let them pool around his ankles, his underwear following closely behind. He stepped out of them, and took a slow step toward Jimin. Jungkook wiped the bit of drool that was forming on the corner of Jimin’s lip before tilting his chin up and forcing him to meet his eyes.
“If I ever hear you say that you aren’t mine or that you want to be someone else’s again, Jimin, so help me.”
“You won’t.” Jimin didn’t hesitate in answering.
Because truth be told, he didn’t want to be anyone else’s. Even though they’d been broken up for what felt like ages now, he was still Jungkook’s. He had always been Jungkook’s. And he always would be.
The corner of Jungkook’s lips turned up and into a smirk, “That’s what I thought. Now, get down on those knees and let me mess that pretty mouth of yours up.”
Jimin didn’t need to be told twice. He was down on his knees the second that Jungkook finished his sentence.
Jungkook’s cock was a dream, really. Not too long, and perfectly thick. Perfect pink tip with a well trimmed base, Jimin couldn’t help but to lick his lips as he inched his face closer. As much as he wanted to take his time with it, he knew there was no way in hell that Jungkook was going to let him do that. So he pressed his tongue to the tip and swirled around the precum that had gathered there.
Jungkook let out a long groan as he looked down at him and pushed a hand through Jimin’s hair to get it out of his face. When Jimin’s lips wrapped around the head, Jungkook sighed and pushed his hips forward, forcing Jimin to take in more of his length.
“That’s good, baby. Taking my cock so well. I bet you’ve missed having those perfect lips wrapped around me, huh?”
But truth be told, Jungkook was sure he’d missed having Jimin on his knees in front of him more.
Jimin hollowed out his cheeks and kept taking him down his throat until his nose hit the base of his dick. Jungkook was biting down on his lower lip so hard that he was sure it was going to bleed, and Jimin internally smirked to himself as he reached a hand up to pay attention to Jungkook’s neglected balls.
“Oh, fuck.”
Jungkook’s breathing was uneven now as he spoke and his eyes had rolled into the back of his head as Jimin began to quickly bob his head. Jungkook growled, opening his eyes to look down and admire the sight below him.
“God, you look so fucking perfect like this. Mouth swollen, drool falling down your chin. You’re a fucking dream, Park Jimin.”
Jimin hummed in response, which just sent a string of vibrations through Jungkook’s dick. Which, in turn, had the younger man seeing stars. He moved both of his hands into Jimin’s hair and held his face completely still.
“Look up at me.”
And Jimin did, through hooded eyes as he swallowed around Jungkook’s cock. Jungkook’s hips snapped forward at a brutal pace and hit the back of Jimin’s throat every time. Jimin placed his hands on the backs of Jungkook’s thighs and tried to keep himself steady. He was loving this. The way Jungkook’s cock seemed to fit perfectly in his mouth, the way Jungkook was holding onto his hair for dear life, and the sounds that were coming out of Jungkook’s mouth. The fucking sounds. It was music to his ears, his favorite fucking song.
He let him have his way with him. Jimin’s teeth lightly grazing against his dick every so often, making Jungkook hiss and moan all at the same time. His thrusts became erratic, and Jimin knew that meant he was close. And he also knew what would push him straight over the edge.
He reached a hand up to cover the part of his shaft that his mouth wasn’t reaching, and began to quickly pump up and down. At the same time, he was continuously moaning against Jungkook’s cock, which again, caused those dreamy vibrations that made Jungkook feel like he was floating.
“Jesus, fuck! Jimin, I’m—“ Before he could even finish the sentence to warn him, he was spilling his cum down Jimin’s throat.
And Jimin swallowed and sucked down every last drop of it like his life depended on it. Jungkook pounded out his orgasm in Jimin’s mouth before pulling his hips back, his breathing hard and uneven. Jimin pulled off of Jungkook’s dick with a pop sound, a series of coughs making their way past his lips as he tried to steady his breathing.
With one hand still in Jimin’s hair, Jungkook pulled him up off of the floor and immediately pressed their lips together.
He mumbled in between kisses, “So. Fucking. Good.”
As their mouths separated, it was Jimin’s turn to smirk.
“Since I was, ‘so fucking good,’ does that mean you’re finally going to fuck me?”
“Baby, I’m going to make you regret asking me that question.”
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“Did you fuck him, though?” Jungkook couldn’t help himself. He had to know the answer.
Considering he had Jimin lying naked under the sheets beside of him, and the fact that Jungkook had just made him cum three times in a row, you’d think it wouldn’t bother him anymore. But it did.
Jimin cocked an eyebrow and rolled over on his side so that he could face him, “Is that really what you’re thinking about right now? After what we just did?”
Jungkook shrugged, a tired expression falling on his face, “Yeah.”
Jimin sighed as he sat up on the bed, bringing both of his hands up to rest on either side of Jungkook’s face. But Jungkook couldn’t look at him, afraid that if he did, he’d get the answer that he dreaded hearing most. So, instead, he kept his eyes fixed down toward his lap.
“Hey,” Jimin said softly, “look at me.”
“I’m scared to.”
“Kook, I didn’t fuck him.”
Jungkook let out a long sigh of relief, and finally lifted his head to look at Jimin, “Thank fucking God.”
“I haven’t been with anyone else since we broke up, actually.”
This honestly shocked Jungkook. He thought for sure Jimin would have been with at least a few people. He was undeniably attractive, and naturally an enormous flirt. People always wanted his attention.
“Neither have I.” Jungkook confessed.
“Then what the fuck are we doing, Kook? Why are we trying so hard to stay away from each other? When it’s so clear that we just want to be together.” Jimin questioned, and he had a sad look in his eyes that made Jungkook’s heart drop.
“I want to be with you, but—“
Jimin refused to let him finish that sentence. So instead, in an attempt to shut him up, he pressed his lips firmly against Jungkook’s. It was a sweet kiss that resulted in butterflies in both of their stomachs. Jungkook sighed against Jimin’s mouth and brought his hands up to wrap around his neck. He twirled the ends of Jimin’s hair around his fingers and Jimin kept a firm hold on Jungkook’s face. He thought that if he could just hold him there, and keep kissing him, Jungkook wouldn’t be able to reject him.
But Jungkook was the one who pulled away first, with Jimin’s lips chasing after him.
“Jimin,” Jungkook started, “I do want to be with you. But if that’s going to happen, then things have got to be different.”
Jimin’s response was immediate, “It will be. I swear. Look, I know I fucked up. And I know I took advantage of you, and I know I hurt you. I don’t ever want to be the reason that you’re upset ever again. So please believe me when I tell you that I am fucking determined to make you happy. From now until my last day on this Earth, Jungkook. I want you to be happy, and I want to be the reason that you are.”
Jungkook wanted to believe him, but there was just one more thing that he needed to hear Jimin say. And he wasn’t sure if he ever would.
As if he could hear what Jungkook was thinking, Jimin pleaded, “I’m sorry, Jungkook. For everything. Please believe me.”
Jungkook’s mouth turned up and into a wide smile, perfect white teeth fully on display. His nose was scrunched in the way that Jimin found unbelievably adorable, and he just wanted to kiss him again.
“I forgive you, Jimin.”
And so he did kiss him, but all over his face. Starting at his chin, then on both of his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, until finally landing a quick peck on his lips.
“So, does that mean we’re going to give this another shot?” Jimin asked, voice sounding hopeful.
Jungkook nodded, running his thumb over the top of Jimin’s cheek, “Yeah, we are.”
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A/N: are you guys as happy that they made up as i am, because whew! never thought i’d see the day. hope you don’t mind me giving them their own little chapter, i had fun doing it. i’ve been thinking about posting a one shot separate from this series about their breakup and what happened. so with that said, tell me why you think they broke up! i’d love to hear your theories because i really left it open to interpretation. 
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A/N: if you’d like to be added to the tag list, just send me an ask, message, or reply to this post to let me know! thank you to those who have taken the time to check this series out, send me an ask/message and let me know what you think!
tag list: @bbyxknj @kimnjss @justpeachyjoon @w1tchcraftt @rjsmochii @tiddieshakeshownu @doilooklikeinoe​ @maryseesthings​ @nerdycookiemonster-1222​ 
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lvmosity · 5 years
my only valentine | draco malfoy [2]
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pairing: draco malfoy x slytherin!reader
genre: fluff bc it’s a valentines day special ooh la la
summary: you and draco have been enemies since the start of hogwarts despite being in the same houses, but everyone knows you two secretly like each other. valentines day has arrived and you hope to receive a love confession from one boy only; your arch-enemy nevertheless. however, a minor incident occurs caused by draco and hurts you deeply. will your valentines day be rescued?
word count: 3.7k
warnings: minor swearing ?? sorry i swear a lot
a/n: final part is here! received a lot of love on my first one and that made me really happy! thank u all eeek <3 couldn’t hesitate to finish this off because i didn’t want to make u wait a long time so here it is! enjoy :-) also idk if there are errors in here even tho i proofread multiple times, so let me know if u see any !!
tags: @aus-pi-cially​ @biinspiration​ @iwritetrashimagines​ @juliemoney45​ @a-hoe-for-vanya​ @slytherclawmalfoy​ 
read part one → here 
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After the incident, you stayed in your dorm for the rest of the day. Professor McGonagall excused you out of classes, each visiting the Professors that you had a class with today to report that you wouldn’t be attending due to you falling ‘ill’. You mentally thanked her for that and you reminded yourself to thank her properly the next morning since you were too upset and embarrassed to walk out.
You knew that at this very moment that everyone was talking about you, you were once again the main gossiping topic. When some students had asked your classmates who were present at the incident, they simply explained the situation and one by one the information had quickly spread like wildfire. 
Many girls felt bad for you, some of the girls from your house even visited you during their frees and empathised with you. After stating that you were feeling alright, they started to bad-mouth Draco by calling him all sorts and making fun of him. You’d never thought you’d hear your own housemates mockingly make fun of Draco but it was a blessing to your ears. Although, you wished for their safety as you knew his father will hear about it and order expulsion upon them.
And by most girls, you mean everyone except a few girls such as Pansy Parkinson enjoyed you feeling dejected. You weren’t the only girl who liked him of course. Since Year One, Pansy has made sure to everyone that she likes loves Draco. You could visualise the look on her face when she heard about the situation, and she probably looked the happiest she’s ever been.
Pansy also made it clear that she hates you. At first, you both didn’t have a problem with each other since you were Slytherin housemates, however, you couldn’t hold back your slight annoyance with her once she showed attitude. But at the start of Year 4, she turned hostile towards you. Apparently, she sees you as a threat and you’d soon ruin her ‘plans’, whatever they were.
Your friends came by during dinner to give the gifts you left in class since you ran out without grabbing them. They each gave you a consoling hug, several uplifting words to cheer you up as well as desserts from the meal they were serving as a Valentines Day special. It did manage to bring your mood up which was a good thing as you were able to focus on something else.
However, the second you lay eyes on the gifts that laid on your bedside counter, you’d instantly be reminded about the incident turning your mood sour. You couldn’t help but tear up which escalates into a crying session. You’ve possibly had around five sessions since then and now it’s six because you just looked at it again.
It really hurt you. His words struck thorns in your heart, he really didn’t have feelings for you at all. You cursed at yourself for thinking he’d have a slight interest in you all this time but now you realised you were wrong; he has always hated you. He despised you. From the very start lasting to the very end.
What does this mean to you from now on? Obviously, it means your crush on Draco should be completely destroyed. No, it needs to be. You’d be a fool to continue liking Draco after that, he literally declared his hatred for you and he had an audience to hear it loud and clear. He’ll never see you anything more than an enemy. He only saw you as a despicable, loathsome, grotesque looking, ugly--
“Ugh, I’m such an idiot!” you cried out with despair and flipped the bed covers over your head.
You forced your eyes shut and tried to shut any thoughts of Draco but images of him kept coming back. It was hopeless. You were never going to get over him.
Time goes by and you watched the sky turn from grey to black indicating that it was night-time. It was time for everyone to head back to their dorms since classes had finished for the day. One by one you watch your roommates, as well as your friends, stumble into the room and hop into bed falling fast asleep minutes later.
You lie in bed, tossing back and forth multiple times unable to get in a comfortable position. It had been a while since everyone had fallen asleep, snores filled the room as well as the ticking of the clock. You concluded that you weren’t going to fall asleep any time soon as you weren’t tired despite feeling the heaviness on your eyelids.
Taking a quick glance at the clock, you saw that it was only beginning to hit 11PM. Sighing, you step out of bed, slipping your slippers on as you walk outside. You knew no one would be awake at this time judging by how late it was thus spending a bit of time sitting in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin Common Room would be a good way to fall asleep quicker and clear your thoughts.
You step into the Common Room and just as you thought; not one person was awake. The fireplace was still lit and burning strongly along with the violent crackling of the fire. The lamps had been switched off leaving the fireplace and the light from the windows to be the only source of light. It was awfully eerie without anyone else in the room but it didn’t bother you as much because you were used to it, it was located in the dungeons of course.
As you made your way downstairs, you were starting to feel the heat radiating from the fire inch by inch. You shuddered at the warmth wafting your face once you stood in front of the fireplace. Sitting yourself down on the carpet, you cross your legs and lifted your hands up to warm them up.
You give a long sigh, relaxing your shoulders and the muscles in your body. For a couple of minutes, you had stayed like this, welcoming the warmth that surrounded you and you felt at peace. You were able to clear your thoughts out to the point you felt like you had moved on from that horrific incident.
“Oh, you’re still up.”
You quickly look behind to see Draco leaning over the balcony, gazing at you. How long has he been standing there for? Why was he still wide awake at this time? More importantly, what the hell do you do now?
Your eyes widen out of shock, instantly turning back and stare at the fireplace and start to fidget with your hands. You could hear him walk down the steps, your heart is starting to beat fast. His footsteps are coming closer. Your mind was racing as you frantically look around. Should you try and run away so you wouldn’t have to face him? Do you stay sitting down and wait for him? Maybe If you thought of a good excuse, you can walk back to the dorm without any awkwardness. Or you can just run away right now and he wouldn’t even have the chance to say something--
Draco clears his throat as he calmly sits himself down next to you. Legs crossed, he also warms his hands up neither saying a word or glancing at you.
You didn’t want to peek at him but you could tell out of the corner of your eye that he doesn’t seem to have a scowl or an irritated look despite being next to you. Instead, he supports a blank face. It was difficult to guess how he’s feeling right now. 
Focusing back on the fireplace, you both sit there in silence, both not having the confidence to speak a single word. It stays like that for a while, listening to the crackling of the fire, hearing his and your quiet breathing, your heartbeat gradually ringing loud in your ears. You were starting to feel uncomfortable with the awkward atmosphere. You weren’t sure if Draco was feeling the same, you were too nervous to check his face.
“Can’t sleep?”
Draco breaks the silence. Finally encouraging yourself to look at him, you wait for him to turn to you and wait for your reply but he doesn’t. His eyes still fixated on the fire in front. You sigh internally. 
“Y-yeah...” Your words wavering at the end. You slowly uncross your legs before bending and pressing them against your chest. You cross your arms and place them on top of your knees, propping your chin on top afterwards.
Great. Draco now knows you’re basically shitting your pants right now. That made you even more nervous. He’s probably making fun of you right now in his head.
“Just wanted to clear my mind and it’s working out fairly good.” You try to laugh your nervousness off in hopes that Draco would ignore your slight tremor from before.
"Your brain must feel as good as new,” Draco said causing you to look at him again, “seeing that you’ve never used it in your whole life.”
You frown at him before rolling your eyes.
“You know, I’ve been trying to see things from your point of view but I can’t get my head that far up my arse.”
You snap back at Draco, waiting for him to give you his iconic nasty look and throw an insult back but to your surprise, he doesn’t. Draco sits there in silence again, he still hasn’t bothered trying to look at you. You were starting to debate whether he was only here to argue or have a normal chat for once or maybe even apologise.
But this was Draco Malfoy you were talking about. He would never in a million years apologise to someone unless they were his father or that he really meant it or if he knew he was in the wrong.
Maybe you should just go and leave him alone, you really weren’t in the mood to argue with him as well as be in the same room as him. Especially after what he said. This will possibly be the last time you exchange words with him, you figured it would be best to stray clear of Draco, ignoring any snide comments he makes and pretend he didn’t exist. It’ll be tough alright but you knew you had to do it.
You sigh once more and stand up, giving Draco one last look. “If you’re only here to tease me then It’s useless to even share the same air with you right now,” He’s still not turning to face you. You didn’t know why you continued standing there as if you’re expecting anything to happen. “so goodbye Malfoy. Nice knowing you by the way.”
You turn on your heels and swiftly walk away, each stepping closer to the stairs. You didn’t dare try to look back, it would only hold you back thus you kept your eyes in front.
“I’m sorry.”
You froze, standing in your spot motionless. Did he just apologise? There’s no way you heard that correctly, no, it’s your mind playing tricks on you convincing you to turn around and accompany him. Just keep walking, Draco didn’t say it.
“I’m sorry.” Apologising again.
You slowly turn around and see that Draco had finally faced you, his eyes bore into yours. Your mouth slightly gaped open as if to speak but no sound could be made. You felt weak under the stares of Draco, you could feel your legs starting to wobble.
“I, uh, didn’t mean what I said before... y’know... me calling you ugly,” Draco bites his bottom lips feeling slightly embarrassed now that he’s facing you. Bowing his head, he continues rambling on, “I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was a mistake, it came out so suddenly--”
“Thank you Draco.”
Draco’s head shoots up, his eyes wide open. He had heard his name come out of your mouth, and it was his first name instead of the usual ‘Malfoy’.
“I said thank you Draco.”
A blush crept along his cheeks as he quickly turns his head to the side in an attempt to conceal it. However, he knew it failed as you give a quiet giggle. You found it amusing to see Draco react in a way after hearing his name being said, especially since it was from you.
“For what?”
“You finally apologised to me... and you actually meant it this time without being sarcastic.”
Draco smiles sheepishly, scratching the side of his head with his head still turned away. He couldn’t meet the eyes of yours, he felt too ashamed at the fact that he couldn’t get the blush on his face to fade anytime soon. He gives a short nod as if to acknowledge your thanks causing you to smile in return.
Once again, the silence returns as both of you stand in front of each other, you looking down at your feet fidgeting whilst Draco did the same. Your throat started to dry up as you were too nervous to swallow, the atmosphere became awfully awkward.
“I don’t think you’re ugly by the way,” Draco suddenly said, “you’re the opposite actually.”
Raising your eyebrows, you question him, “Like what? I’m somewhat decent is what you’re trying to say.”
Draco immediately shakes his head.
“Then what?” You were starting to become impatient.
“You’re just not ugly okay? I can’t explain it.”
“Oh so I’m like above ugly but below average looking, maybe those are the words you’re looking for--”
“For Merlin’s sake, you’re pretty goddamn it!”
You instantly shut up, looking at him directly with your mouth slightly gaped open. Draco gives out a long sigh, calming himself down. He had almost shouted it out loud to wake anyone up.
“You’re not ugly, you’re pretty,” Draco said with a much quieter, soft tone. “Really fucking pretty. You were never ugly in my eyes, from the moment I met you up until now, I still find you pretty.”
He steps closer to you, closing in the gap between the both of you before stopping to have only a few metres left. He was practically an arm's length away, close enough for him to hear your heart beating frantically, as well as the heat radiating from you. Draco noticed how you were blushing like mad, after all, this was the closest you guys have ever been.
“I like you Y/N.”
And in the blink of an eye, he steps in further and grabs your chin to lift it upwards before he kisses you. Impulsively, you kiss back as you close your eyes, your lips moving in sync with his. His lips were slightly chapped but it had softened in time as it felt incredibly plumpy against your very own.
His hands gently move to the side of your face, his thumb lightly brushing your cheek. You squirm under his touch but your lips were still laced together, you swore you felt Draco subtly bite your bottom lip indicating that he was enjoying this. And so did you.
After what seemed like forever, Draco pulls apart and drops his hand. Still blushing furiously, you delicately touch your lips. Did you guys really just kiss?
Draco steps back and chuckles, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.” 
“I like you too.” You randomly blurt out causing Draco to laugh again.
“I know.”
“You knew?”
“I’m not an idiot. You made it quite obvious with your stares and flirting that it wasn’t hard to notice Y/N.” He rolls his eyes.
“Ah...” You said, tucking a bit of your hair behind your ear. “Whoops.”
You open your mouth to speak again. “I feel sorry for the guy who gave me those Valentines gifts.” Draco listens to you curiously, “I can’t imagine the look on his face when he finds out his crush has been kissed by another guy.”
He stares at you in disbelief. “Are you daft?”
“What?” You said, confused.
“I sent you those.” 
“As if. The Draco Malfoy sent me Valentines gifts?” You try to suppress your laughter since you found it amusing. 
Draco shoots you an offended look, “Yeah well, it’s not like I wanted to in the first place. Mother insisted that I man up and woo a girl so I don’t live my life as an old man that’s on the verge of dying as a loner.”
“Whatever you say Malfoy.” Giggling at his poor excuse.
He tuts before he leans back on the couch, crossing his arms, he lifts his head to look at you. He tilts his head to the side and smirks causing you to raise your eyebrows.
“So, does this mean we’re a thing now?”
“What? But I just made out with you.”
You turn red at his statement. “You don’t just automatically assume a couple gets together after kissing.” You explained. 
“Then do I have to do something more other than a kiss?” He winks suggestively. You scrunch your face in disgust.
“No, you dimwit, you have to ask them out first in the traditional way.”
Draco lets out an ‘ahh’ and nods slowly. He uncrosses his arms and stands up, still leaning on the couch. “Then will you be my girlfriend?”
You let out a disappointed whine, “Seriously Malfoy, I can’t tell if you’re doing this to be funny or what--”
“No,” Draco stands up and walks closer to you, his hand lifts to grasps yours, taking you by surprise. “I’m serious. I’d like to be your boyfriend Y/N.”
He softly brushes his thumb up and down your fingers, waiting patiently for your answer. He locks eyes with you making your heart flutter. Your mouth kept opening and closing, unable to get a word out. You didn’t know how to respond to his bold question. 
It had only been an hour since you had concluded it was best to discard your crush on Draco and move on with your life. It had only been a few hours since you and several other Slytherin girls were having the time of your lives, badmouthing him. It had been hours since Draco had completely crushed your heart with his hurtful comments. These were enough reasons for you to reject Draco on the spot.
But not enough for it to convince your heart otherwise. No, your heart was telling you to forgive Draco and accept him.
You finally pull out of your thoughts and look at him. Draco looks at you with anticipation and starts overthinking. He wishes that you would answer him anytime now otherwise, he’ll feel humiliated knowing he got rejected. But that quickly disappears when he sees you give a small smile.
Draco’s mouth forms into a grin, his heart leaping with joy. Oh, how he looked so cute.
“But what about Pansy?”
“What about her?”
“You do know that she’s always had this massive crush on you, right?”
Draco shrugs. “So what?”
You look at him dumbfounded. “I thought you two had a thing for each other.”
“You’re joking?” You shake your head. Draco sighs, “I’ve never liked Pansy, she gets on my nerves.”
“She’s been going around saying she was your Valentines, even showed a box of chocolates with your name on it but everyone could recognise her scruffy handwriting anywhere.” You revealed making Draco snortle.
“Ha! She wishes she was. What a freak.”
You nod trying to believe his words but you still had doubts. Draco notices your troubled look and intertwines his fingers with yours. “Besides,” he starts off. You gaze at him as he gazes back with a smile. “you’re my only valentine.”
Thus with that, he plants a kiss on your cheek making you genuinely smile at him.
“Ah, looks like Y/L/N finally stopped being emo and joined us back in class.” Mocked Pansy once she stepped inside Potions Class.
Her eyes lie on the back of your head as she struts over to your desk. You lazily sit back on your chair as you watch Pansy sit on the edge of the table.
“Welcome back,” She said with a sarcastic smile. “had an amazing time with your Valentines date?”
You respond by looking at her with a sinister smile. “Oh, you bet. ”
Pansy gives you a weird look before the door slams open and all heads turn to see the source of the loud sound. Draco walks in, his two other goons following behind. Ignoring the eyes of his classmates, he starts making his way to his desk.
You immediately stand up and march over to Draco. Your classmates start to whisper and watch you, thinking you were going to confront Draco and punch him for being an asshole.
Draco stops in his tracks once he saw you were walking towards him, and before he knew it, you grab the sides of his face and kiss him.
Everyone in the room shouts out of shock. They couldn’t believe the scene happening in front of them. One of your classmates, Seamus, makes a catcall causing a few of the boys to laugh. Draco’s goons, on the other hand, looked bewildered seeing him fraternising with the enemy. He definitely had some explaining to do.
The girls looked either jealous or happy. Your friends looked at each other with excited smiles, whilst Hermione just rolled her eyes at the view but aggressively elbowed Ron in his sides after he pulled a disgusted look. 
You pull away making Draco look at you confusingly, still taking in what had happened. 
You shoot a cheeky smile at Pansy over your shoulder, “I had an amazing time.” Pansy angrily glares at you before pushing past you and storms out of the room.
“Everyone’s going to assume we’re a thing now after you kissed me.” He teased as you looked back at him.
“Well, weren’t we always?” You wink at him and turn around, walking back to your desk leaving Draco stunned.
Draco grins to himself, “Touché.”
Both of you knew you two were going to be in the centre of attention again, the main topic to gossip about except this was going to be something new to you both. However, instead of hearing the common ‘Draco and Y/N are fighting again’, it’d turn to ‘Draco and Y/N are having a love quarrel again.’ And that made you excited.
Maybe Valentines Day isn’t a bad event after all.
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 years
2019 may not be the year I meet the love of my life, or get an amazing job, or become my best self, but goddamnit it is going to become the year I stop biting my nails
#i have been biting my nails since i was literally about 4 years old and became aware that i had nails#this boy i was friends with literally went ‘hey watch this!’ and bit his nails#i hate him. i would hunt him down and smack him around the head if i could#nature was unkind to him he looks like a cave troll now so i guess there’s nothing much else i can do to him#ANYWAY. yeah#i’ve had like. 2 times when i managed to stop biting for a few months?#one was when i was 18 and my level of stress was really low bc i just finished a-levels and was taking an accountancy course#(which sucked btw but it wasn’t stressful bc it was 1 night a week and i never did the work)#but then my dog went ahead and died and that put me in a depressive spiral and i wasted a year of my life and the biting started again#then i stopped again right before i went to america and my nails had grown kinda long but like... 12 hour flight#of COURSE i was going to end up biting them#that was september 2017 and i haven’t stopped for longer than like a day since#stopping is kind of a mess for me because it is no one thing that causes it. like sometimes it’s boredom sometimes it’s stress/anxiety#sometimes it’s a cosmetic thing like my cuticles are fucked ALL the way up and i always want to bite them#sometimes it’s my oral fixation. sometimes it’s fidgeting#sometimes i have nail polish on and i bite that off but then there’s a part i can’t get to w/o biting the nail#so then i’m like ‘what the hell’ so i bite the nail off to get at the polish#i think my plan should be to try to get my work done on time so i’m not stressed (this will be good anyway bc i graduate soon)#have my kindle on me all the time so i can read literally whenever i’m bored#i’m combatting the oral fixation w/ lip balm because i go through packs of gum so fast i would bankrupt myself if i tried that#so if i get the urge to bite something i’ll just apply lip balm instead and that should distract me for a bit#i’m going to start wearing jewellery again so i have something to fidget with#the cosmetic thing i can’t do much about.. i’ve started using nail oil & clear polish#so maybe that will help? honestly i have a couple of nails that just grow fucking weird and there’s nothing i can do abt it#yeah. that is my plan that nobody ever needed to know about#i’m just so sick of having like. torn cuticles. constant hangnails. half a nail missing bc i bit too deep. just random constant pain#having to eat crisps weirdly and being in pain when i use hand sanitiser#it SUCKS and i’m not doing it anymore#personal#rant
0 notes
karasuno-writings · 5 years
hello! could i get kenma, kuroo and iwaizumi with reader who plays video games and gets super competitive? and sometimes when theyre really focused and the boys maybe disturb them they get a bit snappy? tysm!!!
Hello nonie! I was actually looking forward for this request!! I love playing video games so much so this was fun, and I also love these boys!! I based the games I chose entirely on my personal love for Nintendo! I hope that is fine!! I hope you like them!! (Also I have to post these on mobile bc we are locked out for the moment, if there are any errors I’ll fix them ASAP)
The silence was unnerving, were it not for the happy racing music the tension would be unbearable.
Iwaizumi sat on the rug at the foot of his bed, brows furrowed and gaze intense, fixed on the television that stood on a desk before them. Y/N bit their lip as the race started, sitting on the bed as their legs lay at the sides of their boyfriend. This was the one and only all or nothing, if they won they would get a fairly deserved box of chocolates, and the sweetest treat of them all, victory .
It was a normal afternoon as every other, Y/N was out and about on their boyfriend Iwaizumi’s house, it was bound to be a lazy day, loose shirts and pants were worn comfortably by the two of them.
The sun was setting when a wonderful idea occurred to Y/N, mario kart; three races, two players and one winner.
“Hajime…” They smiled as they leaned on his shoulder.
His attention was immediately directed to them, as he lay his head on theirs, humming in acknowledgement.
“How about we play Mario Kart? Three races and a box of chocolates for the winner, what do you say?”. Iwaizumi furrowed his brows,thinking about it, and with a smile he stood up.
Y/N yelped as he wrapped his arms around them to lift them up, carrying them to his room. The game was officially on.
They sat down next to each other on the bed, playfully elbowing each other, the first race was just about to start. Y/N took the lead on the first lap and Iwaizumi, as hard as he tried, couldn’t keep up.
Feeling the need to concentrate in order to win, Iwaizumi slid to the floor closer to the television, Y/N shuffled to the position they currently held, he could feel their breath on his neck, intense.
The next round seemed to be his, which Y/N took with little grace, sticking their tongue out to their boyfriend, which turned to them with a very smug-looking smile.
However that meant this was the round that mattered most. The first lap was down and Y/N was once more in the lead, with their boyfriend close behind.
If they kept it up like this he would have to admit defeat; he stopped furrowing his brows as an idea came to mind and an evil smirk slid onto his face. Eyes still fixed on the game, as the second round carried on he shuffled to the side, now both of Y/N’s legs were hanging at his right side, they did not pay this too much attention considering how all-out for the win they were.
Last lap, Iwaizumi was just behind, Y/N was now smirking, glare in occasionally screaming at the tv as they doged green shells and banana peels.
In the spur of a moment however, a strong hand pulled them down in one swift movement, making them slide right into Hajime’s lap, whose hand returned to the controller just in time, as Y/N let go of theirs, taken aback by the sudden change of position and the sensation of falling. Their car stopped just as Iwaizumi’s crossed the finish line.
“Seems like I won Y/N”, he said contempt, eyes closed as he innocently smiled at them.
However, when he looked at Y/N who was laying on his lap his smile faltered, he usually was the intimidating one but good lord did they look mad.
“Iwaizumi! How dare you!?” They snapped at them, clearly angry at the boy, shuffled out of his lap and onto the floor next to him. They were about to say something else when strong hands held their arms, eyes meeting their boyfriends slightly panicked expression.
“Don’t worry Y/N, the victory was yours truly, and I promise I will get you your chocolates”. However, he knew it would take more than that to get them to forgive him, still he would say their current adorable pouty expression was worth it.
This was all too familiar to Kuroo, Y/N was laying with their head on his lap, however they were far from focused from him, instead they were intently fixated on the game in their hands. He did not mind, considering he was used to this antics from Kenma, so he absentmindedly played with their hair as he read a book he intended to catch up on.
They were thoroughly focused, tongue slightly sticking their tongue out and once in a while yelping or jumping, clearly struggling to pass a level.They squealed, Kuroo stopped reading and looked at them, adorable as the light lit up their face, squinting at the difficulty of the boss they were facing.
Kuroo ran his hand through their hair, “Hard level, kitten?”
Y/N eyes drifted to him momentarily as they paused the game, a small pout forming on their lips as they nodded. “I can’t seem to pass it, I can’t figure it out”
They showed him the game, Legend of zelda, stuck in a boss fight with only half a heart left. Kuroo hadn’t exactly played that one game yet, but he had played enough Legend of Zelda with Kenma to know what this was all about. Y/N returned their focus to the game, completely drifting away from Kuroo. He was not interested in the book anymore, he needed their attention but knew he wouldn’t get it until they were satisfied.
“Y/N, I have an idea” He spoke up, making them momentarily flash him a glance to acknowledge that he had got their attention.
“Let’s see who is able to pass the level first, if I win you have to come with me to get some coffee”.
They paused the game and looked at their boyfriend who was smiling down at them, squinting their eyes they sat down, “And if I win?”.
“Then I’ll go and fetch you coffee while you play, sounds good kitten?”. A small smile spread on their face.
“You got yourself a deal Tetsu”. Kuroo smirked and planted a kiss on their cheek, gabbing the console.
Five times, five times each of them had tried to pass the level and failed, however they had gotten the hang of it, it was now just up to the execution.
While Kuroo was good playing video games, there were two people he could never win to; Kenma and Y/N. It was Y/N’s turn now, they had already gotten the hang of it, it was just a matter of time before they passed the level.
Kuroo had to do something if he wanted to get you outside with him for a while, and he had to do it fast. He had also gotten the hang of the game, he just needed one more round but this one seemed to be the one for you.
He turned to look at Y/N, their lips pouted as their eyes moved avidly from side to side of the screen, that's when the idea came to his head.
Kuroo smirked, he scooted closer over to them, pretending to look at the screen as they were almost about to win. He looked at their sides, vulnerable as their hands were holding the console. Playing innocent, he ran a hand down their back, stopping right on the middle.
Y/N squirmed out of Kuroo’s grasp, gasping for air and trying their best not to drop the console. His hands however did not move from their ticklish spot.
“Let...go...of..me Tersurou!” They begged in between laughs. The game long forgotten, they managed to scurry away.
“Your laugh is adorable you know?”
Y/N looked at the screen, the legend game over plastered across it. Glaring, they turned to their boyfriend, who was still smiling innocently.
“You know how pissed I am right?” They huffed as they crossed their hands over their chest. Grabbing the console they started to leave to the other room.
“Just so you know, we are not getting any coffee”
Kuroo pouted, rushing to hug them from behind. “Even if it comes with your favorite cake?”
Y/N raised and eyebrow and smiled, “Fine ...I just have to actually pass this level”
“You got it kitten”
It was a normal day at your house, Y/N and their boyfriend naturally playing video games. Taking turns to choose exactly which game to play. Leaning softly against each other, ocasionally turning to kiss Kenma’s cheek as he watched them play Detroit. He loved the story and the game, however the two of them had been playing for a while now and he wanted something a little more challenging.
“Let’s play smash” he suggested, a small smile on his face.
He knew Y/N well and playing competitive with them was one of his favorite things, they were a worthy match to his wit and it amused him. It was always a close call, however he knew they could only play for so much ,considering their competitive nature.
“You know me well Kozume” smiling they stood up and changed the game, mind set on the challenge, their boyfriend could easily out best them, but not today.
Kenma is not a known as a prodigy strategiest for nothing, he knew exactly how to read their every move, specially since he had grown accustomed to them after dating for so long.
Y/N knowing this all too well, had developed a dynamic strategy, and while fooling Kozume was surely a hard job, they had mastered the element of surprise.
Kenma was pleasantly surprised by this, they were putting a challenge harder than the usual. They were both down to one life each was down to one life and he was taking too mucho damage for his liking.
Drastic measures were to be taken, if their game was surprise he would resort with a little trick up the sleeve of his own.
Cupping their cheek he placed a soft kiss on their lips, knowing exactly how things would go down.
Their eyes opened wide, taken aback by the unusual boldness of the usually collected boy. They wouldn’t go as far as to say that affection from him was unusual, as Kenma liked the attention between closed doors. He liked to be next to them, specially when they wrapped their arms around him or just made small contact, but to kiss them out of nowhere? That was new.
They found this pleasant, sinking into his sweet lips, oblivious to his true intentions. As soon as they closed their eyes he took the chance he was looking for, attacking them as much as he could until he was the ultimate winner.
A small smirk on his face as he pulled back. Now he jus had to live up to the consequences of his actions.
Y/N blinked as they looked the screen, then at Kenma, and back at their screen.
“You smug little...” they looked at him, squinting their eyes. “I can’t believe I fell for that, you cheater! That is not fair!” All composure lost, they were more annoyed at themselves for not even suspecting anything out of the odd gesture.
Kenma shrugged, not trying to hide the triumphant smirk on his face; “I did nothing wrong...maybe you should one up your game Y/N”, he placed a kiss on their cheek “however, you were an interesting challenge”
“Oh it’s on Kozume”
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fearfulkittenwrites · 4 years
Their first walks on the Wayne’s garden - Chapter 1: Dick Grayson
A glimpse into Bruce's relationships with his kids, seen through the first time he took each of them on a walk through his garden.
Or: Bruce Wayne actually tries to communicate and care for his children. Because fuck canon.
Word count: 1806
Notes: Hello! This is a multi-chaptered work. It doesn't exactly follow canon (bc canon had Bruce being an awful dad) but also doesn't disagree with most of it. It's simply short stories of the batfam, all set in the same environment. Each chapter will focus around Bruce and a certain kid. This one, as the title says, is focused on Dick and Bruce.
TW// This chapter talks about racism and bullying. I used a slur in one of the characters lines, but in no way do I (or the character) condone it's use. It's there because said character is reporting a bad event. Those mentions are not graphic and shouldn't make your experience reading this unpleasent, however, if you feel unconfortable with this, please, skip this chapter.
Bruce Wayne is an introspective man with too much to do. Inside the manor, there was usually this unspoken pressure he put on himself and other to always be occupied with something. Of course, living alone, that was probably due to the fact that everyone but him was working on something - working for him. So he felt his quiet restlessness was only fair. If he ever needed to be alone with his thoughs, he would take walks around the garden, when the gardeners – who also worked for him - had already left. Every afternoon, just before the sun would set, he’d stroll through the vast green area that surrounded the building, appreciating every tulip, lily and carnation planted there. He particularly liked the roses Alfred cared for.
He jokingly called them Alfred’s children once. The buttler had told him that if this were true, then Bruce could consider himself the plant’s foster brother.
When Dick moved in, he also took a liking of the garden, although for very different reasons. He liked to be there early in the morning, basking in the sunlight before he went to school, when it was brimming with life and movement. The gardeners treated him like a son, showed him how to care for all the different flowers and plants they had and allowed him to check the bushes for bugs he could save before they’d prune and shape them. Of course, Alfred wasn’t exactly pleased with the habit, since he would always get dirt all over himself before school, and would need to change into a new uniform after being called back inside. However, no matter how upset the extra laundry made him, he would never deny the boy such a simple pleasure; when he first got to the manor, his smile was a rarity to be cherished. Alfred kept a brief mental list of everything that could put a grin on Dick’s face.
One day, after school, Bruce’s stomach felt cold and tight. Something was up with Dick. He knew it, but couldn’t explain why the small boy was gloomier, less fidgety and more still than usual. When inquired, his answer would invariably be:
“It’s nothing B, I’m fine.”
After the third attempt, he decided to approach this matter through a different strategy.
Dick was sitting next to him on the couch, pretending to watch a movie.
“Come with me,” He said, extending his hand to him as he got up “Let’s take a walk.”
He hesitated for a moment, but decided to go. The sun was starting to set, but the clouds still painted the sky white. Bruce’s pace was slow; he wasn’t in a hurry. Dick kept his head down as they walked in silence, but grew more and more nervous by the second. He couldn’t bring himself to speak right now, even if he wasn’t the type to enjoy quiet. Thankfully, Bruce noticed his discomfort and started to talk.
“I do this every day.” He explained “For some reason, it’s almost like I can’t think properly inside. Like there’s not enough room.” Dick kept himself quiet, wich scared the man a little “Of course, that sounds a little silly considering where we live.” At least he could bring a little smile to the boys face. Good. Keep going. “Still, for some reason, my head clears out when I’m outside. I noticed that when I was sixteen, and then the walks became a habit. It’s almost like my version of venting.” The sky was starting to turn pink at that point, and the clouds took on warmer colors to match it “Sometimes, everything can be so chaotic. But here, it’s always so quiet. So beautiful.”
He stopped and kneeled down, examining a pink carnation between his fingers.
“I know something’s up Dick.” He said, trying to sound understanding and caring, unsure on whether he was succeeding in it or not. “You can talk to me, if you want to. Or Alfred. It’s also okay if you prefer to deal with it on your own, but you don’t strike me as the type to keep things to yourself.” He smiled a little, standing up.
“You think I’m a crybaby, don’t you?” Dick sounded more doubtful and hurt than angry as he asked.
“No.” Bruce answered “I think you have a healthier approach to life than I do. You share things. You learn to let go, eventually. I keep silence and carry burdens because I don’t have that skill anymore. You know how to trust people in a way I’ll never be able to. I don’t want you to lose that because you don’t think I want to hear what you have to say.”
“Do you?” He asked, still uncertain and scared. “Want to listen to me, that is?”
“Of course I do, Dick.”
“Okay.” The boy still reflected for a couple of moments “It’s... silly. Some kids at school are making fun of me, and, well, it was harder today I guess.” Bruce had questions. Who were these kids? For how long had this been going on? Why were you keeping it a secret? Still, he bit his tongue. He knew he had to listen now, the questions could come up later “There’s this girl, Lisa. Mr. Hans, the gardener, he told me to give her a flower and tell her how I feel, and Alfred gave me one of his red roses for me to give her. She’s really pretty.” He sighed, ashamed “But she didn’t want it. She laughed and...” His eyes got a little teary and he choked on the words, words that tasted like iron on his mouth and felt like poison on Bruce’s ears “And she told me she’d never be with a dirty gypsy like me.” Dick couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, so he hid his face in his hands before finishing “It’s just... I never thought she’d think like that too. Just the boys was bad, but... It hurts. It hurts so much.” Bruce kneeled down to be at his height, and placed a hand on his shoulder “And then Thomas came up and stomped on the flower, called me a charity case, a circus freak, and pushed me down, and I couldn’t do anything because I didn’t want the reporters to talk about me like they did last time.” He was sobbing now, and Bruce pulled him in a hug, wrapping his arms so tightly around him, desperatly holding his child as he fell apart in front of him.
The last time he mentioned was when he got in a fight at school for the same reasons, on his first week with Bruce. The newspaper wrote a small commentary on him, titled “Richard Grayson-Wayne: Perfect heir or Problem Child?” Dick was so angry. He cried himself to sleep that night. He didn’t tell anyone, but Alfred heard him as he walked away from Bruce’s room.
“I miss... I miss the circus Bruce.” He went on “I know it’s been years now, but I still miss it. I miss moving, and I miss performing there, and I miss my mom and my dad. I wish I could have it back.”
“I know kid.” Bruce said, rubbing circles in his back.
“It was so much easier. So simple.” After a while, the tears subdued a little “I’m sorry Bruce. I don’t want to sound ungrateful. You gave me so much...”
“It’s okay Dick, you’re not ungrateful. It’s normal to miss it.”
They held each other for a little while longer. Dick was the one who let go, when he was ready to. The sky was almost entirely navy blue when they resumed walking. This time, Dick lead them to the white roses and sat down in front of them.
“They are my favorites.” He smiled, taking in their strong scent. “At least for now.”
Bruce sat down next to him and placed a hand on his back.
“Dick, I don’t want to upset you,” He started “But I need to know who’s been making fun of you.”
“It’ll only make things worse Bruce.” He answered, looking down.
“Dick, this is serious.” Bruce insisted.
“It’s just bullying Bruce, I’ll be fine. If you do something, it’ll get worse, trust me.”
“It’s not just bullying Dick.” Bruce turned around to face him, but the boy averted his eyes “Dick, those kids... I know it’s hard, but... Lisa said a very racist thing to you.” His eyes were still fixated at the ground, avoiding Bruce’s “I’ll understand if you don’t want to take action against it Dick, and I’m only trying to protect you, but...”
“It’s Thomas Kline.” Dick interrupted “Thomas Kline, Matthew Peterson, Calvin Harrington and... Lisa Randolph. They are the ones who call me that.” Both of them kept silent for a while, Dick writting patterns on the dirt while Bruce watched him.
“Thank you Dick. I’ll talk to the principal tommorow. And if those kids ever treat you like that again, well...” He smiled “You are Robin. And the media would surely belive you have jiu-jitsu lessons, should things get out of hand.” Dick chuckled a little at that.
“Thanks Bruce.” Dick launched himself forward, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist and burrying his face in his chest.
“No problem.” Bruce smiled as he ran his fingers throug Dick’s dark, messy hair.
“Alfred,” Bruce called as he pulled his suit on “I just tucked Dick in. I need to go out for the night.”
“As Bruce Wayne? Or should I worry, master Wayne?”
“Andrew Randolph is throwing a party. I wasn’t planning on attending, but due to current events...” He smoothed his shirt and he walked through the door, Alfred following suit. “We need to talk about his parenting skills.”
The next morning, Bruce made the front page. Dick woke up to “Good Morning Gotham!” showing picture’s of him punching Andrew Randolph’s teeth in, in the middle of the socialite’s ball room. The kid’s hair was still smushed on the side, his eyes were a bit puffy and he wore his pajamas as he watched it.
“I don’t know, Charlotte,” One of the anchors commented “The attack seems completly unprovoked.”
“Well, Peter, we have no clue on the content of that conversation.” Charlotte answered “What happened that led the sociable and easy-going billionaire to lose his temper like that?”
“Actually,” The third person, a woman named Nadia, began speaking “When asked about the incident by one of our reporters, Bruce Wayne answered with a simple ‘I don’t appreciate any kind of prejudice. Especially if it’s directed towards my son.’ It’s safe to say that what provoked the fight was, most likely, an unnapreciated comment on Richard Grayson-Wayne’s romani heritage.”
Dick turned off the TV and turned to the man queitly sipping his coffee behind him.
“What did you do last night?”
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xmenimagine · 4 years
Imagine: What’s The Harm In Staying?
Requested by Anon. Includes: Anna-Marie D’Ancanto (Rogue) x Male!Reader Request:  · Ahh, no worries.How about Rogue x Male Reader then? Reader is the son of Jean and Cyclops from the future? Sorta like Cable, and the reader has the same abilities as in the previous request, and is introduced to rogue by Jean and Scott as their son from the future and she instantly has a crush on him. They later get to know each other and fall in love but when the reader has to go back to his timeline, Rogue persuades him to stay with her and the others, then they get married at the X-Mansion. Ability/Abilities: 1) Reality-Warping-Ability to change or manipulate reality itself. 2) Reincarnation-Ability to pass one’s spirit/soul into another body after death. Also allowing one to be reincarnated into any era or parallel world as well as retaining all memories, experience, wisdom, skills, knowledge and powers of their past lives.
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Note: this was kinda a weird one to write bc I didn't know how to write it and incorporate both abilities. But I tried. I know it's not that good, but I really didn't know how to go about writing it.
Note revised December 17th: when I first started writing this, I hated everything I wrote, in fact, I dreaded going back to the document to even look at it, but, after I scrapped like 9 different versions, I kinda started to like it??? Don't get me wrong, it's still pretty terrible, I haven't written anything non-uni related for a while, so I'm kinda rusty, but it's relatively okay?? Also, it's longer than I thought it was going to be.
Note revised February 16th: so, I'm still writing this, huh?
Note revised February 27th: I've finished, but I'm going to read over and edit what I can. It's probably a real mess, things probably don't make sense, but hey, is that not literally how everything I write ends up, unreadable and a train wreck??
It is also 13 pages
    Both of your parents stared at you in disbelief, and you couldn't exactly blame them. Only a few moments prior, you had explained to them that you were their son, granted you had explained to them that you were their son from the future who had the ability to be reincarnated and sent in any direction in time, as well as being sent to any parallel world, but you were still their son nonetheless. Jean, your mother, had stepped back slightly until she was able to sit back against the sturdy oak desk behind herself, her hands clutching the edge of it as her eyes scanned over your figure. Scott, your father, on the other hand, had his arms crossed over his chest, and a scowl was firmly set on his face. The wrinkle in his forehead deepened further as his eyebrows had furrowed, and, although you couldn't see his eyes, you were sure he was glaring at you. Again, you couldn't blame him. If a random stranger, who looked nothing like you or your significant other, had come up to you and told you that they were your child from the future, or even from a parallel world, you wouldn't believe them. Even if said stranger did look vaguely like you or your significant other, it still wouldn't be something that you would believe—they could have been delusional for all you knew.
    While standing in silence for a few moments, there was an odd pressure behind your eyes for only a few seconds before it disappeared. After squeezing your eyes shut, having lowered your head to look at the ground, you groaned, remembering where you had felt the pressure before. "Mum, could you get out of my head for a second? I hate it when you do this."
    In an instant, the pressure was gone and you looked back up. Jean, who sucked in a deep breath, had left out a soft laugh, a smile spreading across her face. "How—?"
    "Like I said, I'm your son, even back in my world you had the habit of going into my mind, made it harder to lie to you when you could just see if I was telling the truth or not."
    "So, it's all true?"
    "Wouldn't have said it if it wasn't."
    "Okay, so let me get this straight," your father, Scott, uncrossed his right arm from across his chest to hold out in front of his body as if it would help weigh down the facts you had told him before and keep them there as a steady foundation. "You're our son, from the future and you time travelled—"
    "I didn't time travel, per see."
    "What the hell does that mean?"
    "I am your son, from the future, you got that bit right. But I have the ability to reincarnate, and sometimes, when my spirit is being pulled into another body, I'm sent to a different era and sometimes, a parallel universe, which has happened this time."
    Scott stared at you, occasionally turning his head to look at Jean, who hadn't stopped staring at you with a glint in her eye, before turning back to you, his right hand still out in front of himself, although he wasn't moving it like before. "And you're here to warn us about the future?"
    "A possible future, like I said before, it might not happen, but there is a chance that—"
    "Professor? I have a—" The door opened, and you turned around, both of your parents had also looked away from you and to the door where a girl, with strands of pure white hair, had stepped halfway into the room, her eyes widened and fixated on you. "Oh!"
    "Rogue, t-this is our son, from the future," Jean broke the silence, her voice still filled with awe.
    Awkwardly, you waved, just wanting to fill your parents in on everything that was happening—or will possibly be happening—before you had died and ultimately reincarnated, without any interruptions. "Hi," you said bluntly, forcing a smile. Rogue, undoubtedly a name that she wasn't born with, had a faint smile as she waved back, mouthing the same words back to you as if all the air had been sucked out of her.
    She continued to stare at you for a while longer before you cleared your throat and she jumped, blinking at the same time before she looked over at your mother and muttered, "I'll come back at a different time, sorry for interrupting."
    After that, the door closed. With a slight shake of your head, you turned back to look at your parents. Of course, someone just had to interrupt this crucial moment. Jean had given you a pointed look—one you were oh-so-familiar with—and you gulped, placing your hands in the pockets of your jacket. Scott, on the other hand, had cocked his head to the side, still sizing you up, despite clearly seeing you, his son, displaying the same behavioural traits he had when he met Jean. Scott shifted on his feet. "What else can you do, if you don't mind me asking?" Scott failed to notice the smile on Jean's face when she realised he was subconsciously taking an interest in his own child.
    With a shrug, you replied, "Reality warping, although I'm not that good at it."
    "So, what does that mean?"
    "I mean, there are different subcomponents. Like, true illusion, turning illusions into reality, or wish-granting, controlling reality by granting wishes, or—"
    "Like a genie?"
    "I can basically break the laws of physics, but, as I said before, I'm not that good at it. It's another type of ability to manipulate matter, like telekinesis… so, Mum's ability. I mainly take after Mum with my powers, as they're more like hers, and because she's more powerful. Which means I don't have to wear sunglasses all the time like you, no offence, Dad."
    "Gee, none taken."
    "So, you believe him now?" Jean interrupted, turning her head to look at Scott, her smile now stretched into a grin.
    "What?" He raised an eyebrow, only turning his head slightly towards her, but not fully taking his eyes off of you.
    "He called you Dad and you didn't even care."
    Scott tore his eyes away from you and looked at Jean, he shoved his left hand out towards you, palm facing up as it jutted out at you accusingly. "I was more concerned over the fact that he insulted me, Jean!"
    "He called you Dad before the insult."
    Scott stayed silent, clenching his fists. "Damnit."
    With the nod of your head and a slight smile, you brought your hands back out of your pockets and clapped them together before rubbing the palms of your hands against one another. "Alright, so, Dad's on board with the whole 'me being his son' thing as well, cool, this is now going a bit faster than before, which is good because I could die soon and then you could end up dying because I never got to warn you…"
    "Hey!" Scott yelled, causing you to stop rambling abruptly.
    "Sorry," you mumbled.
    Jean pushed off of the desk and stepped towards you, placing her hands on your upper arms, squeezing gently. "Just take a deep breath in." She waiting until you inhaled deeply. "And breathe out." She smiled as you did. "Now, tell us from the beginning what happened before you died."
    Rogue—or, Marie, as she had previously mentioned in a nervous, yet, off-handed, comment a while back, that it was what she would have preferred you to have called her instead—had been staring at you from across the room. You were sure that she was trying to be subtle about it, but you could feel her eyes on you as you tried to eat your bowl of cereal while listening to your mother ramble on about something to a group of other students. It was getting out of hand. Her gaze seemed to find and linger on you every time you entered a room. You were sure your father would have made a comment saying that you should enjoy the attention or something along those lines, but he was clueless, and definitely not someone you should go to when it came to other people or relationships, that job fell on Jean. However, she was busy at the moment, and you honestly just wanted to finish your cereal before you continued your training with her.
    While caught up in your own head, thinking about how bad your father was when it came to acting like, and being, a dad, apparently Marie had taken it upon herself to move closer to you as she made her way over to where you were, at the back of the room, while you leaned back against the wall. There was already a blush on her face as she smiled a nervous, toothy grin. "Hey," she greeted in a shy tone, while you simply nodded, considering as your mouth was full of cereal. "We haven't really spoken much since you got here," she pointed out.
    After chewing slowly, and swallowing the cereal, you nodded again. "Yeah, I know."
    Marie's smile faltered slightly and it now seemed more forced. It wasn't like you were trying to be cold to her on purpose, you just didn't have a clue how to act—thanks, Dad. It also didn't help that you didn't really know her that well. She was still a stranger to you, you had only met three weeks ago, and occasionally saw her once or twice a day in passing. You had to hand it to her for trying, at least, it was more than what you could say that you were doing—again, not on purpose. She cleared her throat, glancing at the front of the room where the rest of the students were filing out of the room before she turned back to look at the ground in front of the both of you.
    "Mostly because Mum's been hogging me, you know, excited to meet her kid that she didn't know she was going to have…" you commented, catching her attention immediately, as you tried to repair the already awkward moment, but you seemed to have only made it worse. "That… came out weird."
    Marie laughed to herself and looked down, tucking her white hair behind her ear with her gloved hand. "It's okay, I don't blame her," she mumbled quietly, but not quite enough to where you couldn't pick up on it.
    "That, and Dad had been trying to force me to do magic tricks and grant him wishes like a genie. He still doesn't really understand what my version of reality-warping is, but I give him credit for effort, I guess."
    That time, Marie laughed a bit louder and slightly harder than before.
    "Also, sleeping takes up quite a bit of my day, and showering…"
    "Not that I'm doing anything while I'm in the shower! I mean, I am, but I'm not like… I'm just… I'm going to shut up, that's what I'm going to do."
    Her cheeks flared an even darker hue of red listening to you ramble, and you were fairly certain that yours had matched. Before you looked down at the bowl in your hand—and noticed that your cereal was now a clump of tasteless mush—you saw her chew the inside of her mouth, trying to stop the smile from growing on her face.
    "In an effort to try and redeem what very little reputation I have left, we, uh, we should plan to meet up and get to know each other. I'm not sure how long I'll be here, but it'll be nice to hang out with someone who isn't my parent… I'm not painting myself out to be cool in any way here, am I? I'm just making myself out to be a freak whose only friends are his parents," you rambled, wishing that you had the ability to know when to shut the hell up and stop digging yourself further into your own grave.
    While Marie's gaze moved from the ground and towards your face, she grinned, lifting her head, as if your embarrassment gave her some sort of confidence boost in knowing that she wasn't the only one who was socially inept at that moment. "Yeah! I'd like that. And, don't worry, I don't think you're a freak, not even close."
    There were broken pistachio shells lightly scattered about the kitchen island where both you and Marie were sitting. The two of you were sitting just slightly away from some of the others, including Bobby and Kitty, who were at the larger kitchen table, closer to the window. The larger group often roped the two of you into the conversations that they were having, but you ultimately kept to yourselves, talking quietly to one another, where only the two of you could hear each other. The half-drunk bottles of beer in front of you were now room temperature and had been untouched for almost half an hour, almost completely forgotten about—which wasn't that much of a shame considering as they weren't that good, and seemed to be some sort of knock-off brand from what you were used to, back in your original universe. As Marie lifted her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear, you could feel the material of her cardigan against your skin. She was practically glued to your side—as were you to her most of the time—and people seemed to take notice, including Bobby.
    "Hey!" Bobby called out, catching your attention, as well as Marie's, as you both turned your heads to the side to look at him, to see what it was that he wanted. "Do either of you want to join us here at the table? We're playing cards, we promise we won't cheat," he commented, his eyes glancing over at you momentarily before landing back on Marie.
    Marie shook her head. "No, thanks, I'm not in the mood to play cards, thanks for offering though," she declined politely, turning back to the table, picking up her beer bottle which was still three-quarters full. You glanced over at her, your head still turned to look back at Bobby.
    "Do you want me to cool that down for you?" He asked her before you could even respond to his first question, and you looked away from Marie and back over at him.
    "No, thanks," she pressed on without looking back at him. "But thanks for offering."
    "We're alright, Bobby. Enjoy your game," you quickly added on, forcing a friendly-looking smile at him before you turned back towards the bowl of pistachios.
    "Okay…" Bobby mockingly sang quietly.
    You weren't sure if he was trying to start something or not, but you ignored him and glanced at Marie as she took a sip. "Back in my original universe, this stuff was a lot better, granted it also had a slightly different name as well. It's just a shame that I couldn't have brought any with me, I think you would have liked it."
    Marie looked at you, with the top of her bottle resting on her bottom lip and she smiled, which spread into a grin. "Is that your way of telling me you'd take me out for drinks?" She asked quietly, placing her bottle back down on the countertop. "You know—"
    "You know," Bobby interrupted and you couldn't help but roll your eyes and look back at him, noticing his eyes were trained on his cards. "If you miss your original universe so much, then, you know, you're free to leave and go back." He turned his head away from his cards and looked at you, staring at you with a challenging look. That seemed to hit home. You knew that one day you would have to leave, you couldn't stay in this universe forever, you'd have to go back to your original one at some point—granted you'd never truly be yourself again, only reincarnations. The fact you had stayed in this universe for as long as you have, was probably having some sort of negative effect, but you weren't sure what it was. Bobby raised an eyebrow at you, waiting for some sort of response, but you couldn't give him one. You looked away from him, staring at Marie's shoulder, not wanting to fully look at her face, just in case she was upset by what Bobby had said, you wouldn't have been able to take it. All you could think about was the fact that you would have to leave, and you would have to say goodbye to your parents, your new friends, and Marie. Just the thought of that alone had made you want to throw up.
    "Why don't you focus on your card game, Bobby, I'm pretty sure you're losing," Marie commented as she slid off her chair and stood up. "If us being here is so much of a distraction for you, then we'll leave." She held her gloved hand out to you and smiled once she felt the warmth of your hand through the material and felt your grip tightening around her's. "Let's go," she mumbled, pulling you out of the room once you got off the stool and stepped closer to her. "Have fun with your card game guys!" She called out before the door to the kitchen closed behind you. Once in the dark corridor, she let go of your hand quickly. "Sorry about that," she mumbled, not quite looking you in the eyes.
    With a small smile and a burning feeling across your cheeks, you reached out and took hold of her hand again. "That's alright, I don't mind." She bit her lip as she smiled, shyly glancing up at you before she leaned her head against your arm, hiding her face. "So," you started, trying to ignore the fact that one day you would have to say goodbye to her and leave her. "Where should we go?"
    Marie ducked her head underneath your arm as you sat on a sofa in one of the common rooms, her gloved hand had lifted your arm, causing you to look away from the pages of your book and over at her. She smiled to herself and she got comfortable and rested her head against you, opting to just stare at the tv instead of giving in to her desire to look back up at you like she wanted to. A smile spread across your face as you bookmarked the page and set the book down, pulling her closer to your body. It was the middle of the day, but everyone else had decided to either go outside—as the weather was nice, for once—or to just stay in and hang out in each other's rooms, you were sure that there were some down at the gym or training, but only Marie and yourself were making most of the fact that the younger students weren't hogging the tv like they usually would have.
    "I have no idea what is going on," you admitted after ten minutes of watching the show in silence.
    "You're kidding?" She pulled away from you and stared at you like you had grown another head—which, with your reality-warping training, you might have actually been able to do, as an illusion of course.
    "I'm really not," you shook your head, looking at her.
    "How do you not? The whole plot has basically been explained like three minutes ago!"
    You raised your hands in surrender, your cheeks beginning to feel warm, and no doubt going red, as you mumbled, "I was honestly just watching you watch the show, I wasn't paying attention."
    Marie's eyes glanced down from your eyes and to your cheeks before lifting again. "Are you blushing?" She teased.
    "Okay!" You dropped your hands and stood up, not really wanting to be embarrassed by her, but she quickly grabbed your arm and stood up with you.
    "No, wait," she spoke quickly with a light laugh. "I think it's cute."
    With a groan you tilted your head back, squeezing your eyes shut. "I don't really want to be 'cute', Marie."
    "But you are cute," she argued with a grin, pulling you back towards her, where she pulled you back down to the sofa, "which is why I don't mind telling you what has happened so far, but, this time, you better pay attention to the show and not me, deal?" She held her pinkie finger up, still teasing you.
    "I make no promises."
    In front of you, there was a large, enclosed, tank filled with brightly coloured coral—with colours you had never even seen before in your original universe—and almost unrecognisable fish, which seemed to glow in contrast to the dark—almost pitch-black—water. Some of the students were taken on a field trip, which you ended up going on as well after Marie pouted and begged for around all of twenty seconds before you caved and agreed to go with her, which annoyed you slightly. It wasn't as if you didn't want to go with her, it was the fact that she didn't have to try very hard to get you to agree to go with her. She definitely had some sort of hold over you, but you weren't going to complain about the fact that she wanted to spend time with you, and she wasn't bored or embarrassed by you or the things you did. You were planning on soaking up every second you could with her before you had to ultimately leave her. As you stared into the dark tank, Marie's arms were wrapped around your middle while her head rested on your chest. You were certain that she could hear the beating of your heart as her ear was pressed against you.
    "This is nice," she hummed, squeezing you gently.
    "I can barely see anything," you replied, wrapping one arm around her shoulders, squeezing her back, while your other hand was shoved in your trouser pocket.
    "I'm not talking about the fish."
    "I'm talking about getting to spend some time with you away from the school," she continued, moving her head so she could look up at you with her chin resting on your chest instead.
    "I knew that."
    Marie laughed lightly, smiling up at you. "No, you didn't."
    "No, I didn't. But I do agree that this is a much nicer place to be with you than the school, or the arcade that had really sticky carpets, or that restaurant that had really stale bread sticks."
    Marie pulled away from you slightly, gripping the material of your jacket as she grinned. "Wait, so, does this count as our first official date or something then?"
    "It's more like our seventh, but, yeah, it can be."
    Jean had left you alone in the danger room almost three hours ago, you had spent most of the day with her, learning to control your reality-warping ability, considering as it was the only ability she could actually help you with that didn't involve you dying or being pulled to different time periods or parallel universes. Training started off small, focusing on changing the way objects looked, to how they functioned, then moving on to altering your own appearance, to bringing things into existence. It was tiring, but seeing the proud look on your mother's face, getting to spend time with her and getting to know more about who she was in this universe was the most rewarding part of it all. Sure, being able to make a cartoon looking bird appear out of nowhere was cool and all, but showing your father the trick was even better. Scott still tried to ask for wishes as if you were a genie, but at least the demands began to be a little bit more reasonable, as making him seven-foot-tall with a jet pack wasn't exactly doable. Only your parents had seen the extent to which your abilities had now gone, but you wanted to show Marie. She was an important part of your life, and you wanted her to be a part of your accomplishments as well, even if it was just showing her a purple elephant the size of a squirrel.
    "Hey, I've been looking for you," Marie spoke up from the doors of the room, catching your full attention.
    With a smile, you watched her make her way down the steps and to the middle of the room where you stood. "Sorry about that, I guess I kinda forgot to keep track of the time."
    She shrugged, smiling back at you. "That's alright, I made sure to keep some food for us for dinner, I mean, it's not much, but we can go heat it up now if you're hungry." She pointed her thumb behind herself at the doors, tilting her head.
    "In a minute, I want to show you something first."
    Marie noticed your nervousness and lowered her hand, furrowing her eyebrows. "Okay?" She quickly took hold of your hands, trying to ease your nerves, stepping just a little bit closer.
    "Just bear with me for a second," you mumbled
    Soon, the grey walls of the danger room began to fade hazily, being replaced by darkness. Marie looked around and squeezed your hands, watching as it replaced almost every inch of the ceiling and walls before it met the floor, where, instead of darkness, it looked like grass began to sprout up out of the floor. As it began to inch its way towards your feet, she looked up at you, catching a glimpse of speckled, twinkling lights behind you in the darkness, all the way up, until, in one of the corners—or where one of the corners would be—there was a hazy sphere of light, soon emerging into a clear moon. Her gaze was soon captured by what looked like a shooting star. A smile lifted the corners of her lips before she let out a small laugh, looking back down at you before looking around, noticing the darkness was replaced by a park scenery. Marie furrowed her eyebrows again and looked at you, waiting for you to say something.
    "I, uh, I remember you mentioned something about a park, at night, under the stars, I'm pretty sure it was a reference to a movie that you made us watch, but I'm sure you're well aware by now that I never watch the movies, I can only keep my eyes on you, wondering how the hell I got so lucky to end up here at the same time as you."
    Marie nodded slowly and bit her bottom lip, trying to stop her smile from turning into a toothy grin.
    "And I remembered how you said you wanted to go out and have a picnic, but we have a curfew and it probably wouldn't be safe for us to go out at night, which sucks, so, I thought, if we couldn't go out and have a picnic under the stars, I'd bring the stars and picnic to us."
    Her eyes began to water as she looked around, glancing down at the pink and red checkered picnic blanket now underneath your shoes, with a light brown, rectangular basket and some drinks laid out. "How are you able to do all this?" She asked sniffing, wiping one of her tears away with her gloved hand.
    "I've been practising with Mum. At first, everything was just an illusion, the food and drinks weren't corporeal, but, with a little extra work early in the mornings and late at night," you began, leaning down to open the basket, pulling out a fresh strawberry before you stood back up and held it out in front of you, "it became real."
    Marie glanced at you sceptically before hesitantly leaning forward, taking a small bite out of the fruit, her eyes widened as she began to chew. "No way!"
    "Good, right?" You grinned.
    She nodded but quickly furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. "Why did you do all of this, don't get me wrong, it's amazing and I love it, but why?"
    "Because I love you," you admitted, lightly shrugging your shoulders.
    Her eyes widened and she smiled softly, her eyes being inning to tear again. "I love you, too."
    "So," you said with a sniff, feeling yourself becoming emotional as well, "how about that picnic under the stars?"
    She nodded her head again and grinned, wrapping her arms around you, squeezing. You laughed lightly and wrapped your arms around her, pulling her closer, savouring every moment you had with her like it was your last because you never knew when it would be. Marie pulled away and sat down, opening the—now dark brown and circular—basket to look inside, pulling things out—to lay on the, now, white and orange blanket. As you slowly sat opposite her, you tried to ignore the anxiety you felt about how staying here and using your abilities to this extent was altering the timeline, and possibly causing other timelines to malfunction and go off course. It had been in the back of your mind the moment you ended up here, but now, seeing who would be left behind and affected by the shift was causing a pressure to sit on your chest heavily.
    The door to the office you had hidden yourself away in opened and closed as someone—who you knew was Marie from the sound of her unique footsteps—walked in and allowed the door to slowly close itself. It wasn't as if you had hidden very well, you were in the office you had first met Marie in, she was bound to find you at some point. The heavy pressure in your chest sank deeper and deeper until you were sure your chest was about to concave inwards. Things had begun to change, colours began to look different the longer you had stayed, certain shapes had begun to change, but only you had taken much notice of it. Sounds had started to shift into different tones. You weren't entirely sure if these changes were only noticeable to you, considering as you weren't from the same timeline as everyone else, but you were also unsure if that would stay that way. You refused to be the demise of someone else's universe; the weight of that burden would be too much.
    "There you are," she commented with a light laugh, making her way over to where you sat with your head in your hands. "Are you okay?" Her concerned voice caused you to drop your hands from your head, but you couldn't bring yourself to fully look up at her, you couldn't only faintly see her face as you stared at the wall in front of you.
    With a quiet voice, one filled with sadness and regret, you replied, "I have to go."
    "Go where?" She asked with a confused look on her face, but her smile was still there. Her fingers pushed some of your hair from your face as your head tilted back to look up at her when her hand stopped just above the nape of your neck.
    There was a lump in your throat that you forced yourself to swallow back down. "To my original timeline." Her smile dropped from her face, and a heavy pressure started to crush your chest. "If I don't, there could be consequences. I've never stayed in a parallel world for long, I always end up going back, I don't want to alter any future by staying."
    "But I thought you said you had died?"
    You lightly shook your head, knowing you never really explained the extent of your abilities to her in detail before. "I'll be reincarnated, Marie. I've done it before, I can do it again."
    "But… how? Couldn't you stay? Would it really be bad if you stayed?"
    "I don't know, I'm not even born yet in this universe. I don't know what effect I could have in this world if I stay here at the same time as being born. The world could literally cave in on itself and destroy everything, creating a black hole, which could, in turn, mess with wormholes and destroy other parallel universes or timelines."
    Marie quickly shook her head and kneeled down, resting her gloved hands on your knee, her eyes already brimming with tears. "Just stay with me, for a little while longer at least, you know until your parents start trying to have a child."
    "Please," she whispered, her bottom lip trembled, "just a little bit longer, I'm not ready to say goodbye."
    "If you stay and the world does cave in on itself, then, fine, I don't care, because at least I'll be by your side and you will be by mine, just, please… don't leave me just yet." Her hand moved to cup the side of your face but you stood up, trying to get the pressure that you felt to drop off, but, instead, it only followed.
    "You'd rather die than live a full life?" You asked as you turned to face her, shoving your hands in your trouser pockets to stop her from seeing them shake. Everything you felt, all the guilt and all the fear, was contradicted by the feeling of wanting and needing to stay in this timeline, to stay with Marie. It was as if she made those concerns dull and fade out like background noise.
    "My life felt as if it started the day I met you. I've only ever felt like I've been living since you've been here." She stood up, moving to stand in front of you, grabbing hold of the material of your jacket. "Besides, if the world does end then there won't be anyone alive to care." She shrugged as if wasn't a burden to think about, that the meaning behind it wasn't as heavy as it really was. But you couldn't really argue with it, especially when the only thing on your mind that truly mattered to you was the small box in your trouser pocket that held a thin, silver ring, which was a perfect size for her left-hand finger.
    "Well then, what's the harm in staying?"
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2pbnha · 3 years
As I’m sure anyone who remembers this blog can tell (since there haven’t been any new posts in uhh *checks watch* basically two years) this au is discontinued.
Sorry I never made a formal announcement about it before! Life gets in the way and all that. I’m not here to make any excuses, just to give anyone still here a long overdue formal farewell.
This blog is still going to be up for archival purposes, so don’t worry about it going poof anytime soon! As much as I would like to, I won’t be deleting this blog. Over the next few days (if I have the energy) I’ll be posting the drafts I’ve kept the whole time, and I’ll also release the plans/lore I had for the au. If anyone wants to take up the mantle, please feel free.
If you’re curious, here are my reasons for quitting:
Lack of ideas. Bnha is a show/manga with a HUGE cast, and knowing enough about every single character to make a version of them that’s opposite in personality but still connected enough to the original is hard. Trying to keep things along the lines of the original plot is also really hard! Especially considering I didn’t really keep up w the manga and thus didn’t know a lot of what’s to come, it made things really difficult :( It’s easy to lose touch w the storyline when you’re behind! Plus, I’ve never wanted to make this just a complete villain/hero au flip, which probably would’ve been the easy track given the theme of opposites OTL
Loss of interest. Unfortunately, I don’t control what I do or don’t fixate on ;u; Once my mind latched onto other things with no sign of coming back to bnha, I kinda knew it was over even when I didn’t want to admit it :’) I also really don’t like the direction bnha is going in at the moment, so even the source material has lost me 😔 I highly doubt I’ll be coming back to this fandom in full :(
This au no longer brings me joy. Ultimately, all things done in spare time should be done w the intent of having fun! At some point, I lost the spark I had for this blog, partially bc I got too busy for it but mostly bc...it didn’t make me happy anymore. I got a lot of “will this be continued?” comments on the fic for this au pretty early on too, so I felt more and more pressure whenever someone else joined the bandwagon to ask and I hadn’t finished the next chapter yet. This combined w the fact that I feel the need to put on a cheery, showhost-esque front for all my posts made it really hard to enjoy what I was doing. Granted, I didn’t have to, but I pressured myself into it anyway. Even now, I’m more formal and restrained than I want to be. This post, like all the others I’ve ever made on this blog, will probably be meticulously checked over and over for errors or appropriateness in tone before being published. It’s pretty easy to see why the way I run this blog leads to quick burnout. Personally, I don’t think there’s really a point to managing something that constantly stresses me out ;u;
Lack of engagement. Admittedly, this is partially my fault! I waited and kept future au update ideas hidden/unclear with the intent to build suspense and keep you all guessing before I finally revealed them...but almost no one ever stepped forward to guess? I tried to put as many hints as possible in important lore related posts and even made several attempts to encourage asks about said posts, making a list w all of them and a tag for them, but I only ever received a handful of speculation asks. It was...really discouraging! I didn’t know if my posts were appealing to people. I couldn’t reveal things I wanted to bc I had no idea if anyone had caught on yet. I hoped for a cheeky back and forth between me and the audience, but it was more like speaking to an empty auditorium! I’m not blaming anyone ofc, but it was definitely a factor.
Overall, I just didn’t want to anymore, and I think that’s reason enough ;u;
I hope this answers any questions you may have had! May this blog and au go in peace, and I hope anyone reading this has a wonderful day.
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duker42 · 5 years
Reader has been getting a lot of letters from a stalker and it's progressively getting creepier and little scary. she always discarded the letters before Levi or mike could see bc she didn't want to create a huge scene and she knew they were pretty busy with other things. one day she forgot to do it and both of them confront her about it, really angry on why she never told them anything. she explains and they both tell her that she's their priority first. then they set out to find her stalker
Y/N shivered as she read the note. It was getting progressively creepy with every letter she had received.
At first she had thought the little notes were being left by either Mike or Levi. She had been touched, the slightly possessive yet loving tone had matched their sentiments when they were all together. She had just assumed that it was Levi, letting her know that he cared when she knew he was going to have to be so tough on her outside the rooms.
But then, she had figured out that it wasn’t coming from either one of her lovers. It had made a mention that neither of them were good enough for her and the sender wanted to steal her away. That was when Y/N had started to become alarmed.
They arrived randomly, the letters. No set pattern or time to distinguish who could be sending the notes. Just slightly more ominous with each one that was written. It had made Y/N start to look around jumpily and listen for any sounds outside her rooms.
She had tried not to go to Levi or Mike too often, but some nights she was creeped out by the idea of sleeping in her own room. Those were the nights that as soon as everyone settled down for the night, she silently went to one of them and knocked on their doors.
Y/N hadn’t told either one of them about the letters, knowing they had enough on their plates as it was. She was creeped out by it, but knew that it was most likely harmless. She didn’t want to add more stress to them because she was freaked out by some awkward cadet with a crush.
She set the letter down, intending on ripping it up and getting rid of it before either one of her men saw it. She went into her bathroom and started the shower, but not before making sure the door to her bedroom was locked.
Mike and Levi had agreed that they were going to meet in Y/N’s room that night. She had been very good about being patient with them, but each one had noticed that she had been coming to one of them. They had reasoned that she had felt lonely. Each one had been swamped with paperwork for the upcoming expedition, and they hadn’t been able to spend a lot of time together as a threesome.
When she hadn’t answered, Levi had pulled his key out and unlocked the door, both men slipping inside. Levi hummed at the cleanliness of the room. Y/N always tried to keep her room tidy for when he came. Although her desk was messy.
He walked over and saw the letter than Y/N had carelessly tossed down and picked it up to see what her mother had written. Y/N’s mom had met both Levi and Mike the last time they had extended vacation and she had brought them home. While she didn’t understand the relationship, she had adored both of the men in her daughter’s life and usually wrote a portion of her letters to them as well. So he hadn’t thought twice about picking up the note.
“Mike....Come here, now.” Levi’s voice was hard as he stared at the letter in his hands. His fist had tightened by his side and Mike knew that something was wrong. He walked over to his other lover and looked over his shoulder at the paper in his hands.
Mike’s own eyes narrowed as he looked at the words written. There was nothing remotely funny or cute about the veiled threats they were getting from the paper. Levi turned it over to see if there was a signature or a way to distinguish who had written the letter.
They heard the water turn off and turned to the bathroom door, waiting for Y/N to walk out. Levi’s eyes narrowed when she gave a little yelp and jumped. She had never reacted that way to them surprising her in her room before. He knew that those this wasn’t the first letter she had received if she was acting that way.
Y/N looked at the paper that Levi was hold and her shoulders slumped. She knew that she was going to have to tell them about the notes she had been getting. She sighed and motioned for them to sit down on her bed with her. Her frame still wrapped in a towel as she sat in between them.
“Why?” Mike’s voice was low, but clear as he asked the most important question on the officer’s minds.
“You have so much already, I didn’t want to-“
“Y/N if you finish that sentence with bother us, I’m going to bend you over my knee.” Levi warned.
Y/N shut her mouth and looked down at her hands. Levi reached over and pushed her down on the bed, falling over her as Mike leaned down on her other side.
“Look at us, idiot.” Levi ordered.
Y/N hesitantly looked up at the silver and green eyes hovering over her. There was love and worry reflecting in each one of their eyes. A bit of anger and hurt lingered behind their orbs as well.
It was Levi that spoke first, his blunt manner coming into play. “You are more important than that shit.”
Mike nodded, his own thoughts becoming heard. “You should have told us when you got the first one, Y/N.”
“How are we going to protect you if you hide things from us?” Levi asked, his frown deepening. “There’s some crazy asshole fixating on you, we should have been the first to know.”
Mike huffed and Y/N’s gaze shifted over to his solemn face. “We love you, Y/N. Now, how long has this been going on?”
Y/N takes a deep breath and spills everything. How she had first thought the notes were from one of them, how it had turned a bit creepy and dark with each one sent. How she had started coming to them at night when she just didn’t feel very safe in her own room. Her men’s eyes darkened with anger as they listened to her, her body trembling slightly as she recalled incidents that had made her uneasy.
When she was done, both of them leaned over and gave her a kiss. It was sweet, seeing both men’s cheeks pressed together as they tried to include all three of them in the melding of their mouths. Y/N felt the arms that each one of them had slipped under her tighten protectively.
When they pulled back, Levi looked down at her in her towel. “Get dressed, Y/N.”
“Huh?” Y/N shot him a confused look, where Mike knew where Levi’s thoughts were lying.
“We are going to Erwin. You are going to stay with him while Mike and I go track down the little shit that’s been bothering you. We’ll take care of this stalker.”
Y/N smiled up at both of her men. She knew that she could count on them. She shouldn’t have waited until they found out. She vowed to herself that she wouldn’t keep them in the dark again.
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