#(italic is my dad from a real conversation i just had)
winterstonecries · 1 year
"don't sew while you're watching your homework videos. you can't multitask (true)"
"it's pretty hard to watch them regularly too"
"well you should just focus. that's all you have to do"
0 notes
winchesterwild78 · 23 days
The Ranch pt 7
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Master List
Characters: Jensen-cowboy, single dad, x Reader-city girl moved to country to get away from it all
Warnings/Theme: Fluff, wedding, mention of pregnancy and pregnancy loss, more fluff
A/N: A short little story featuring our favorite green eyed cowboy, not an actor in this, lives on a ranch in Texas, is a widower with 3 kids. Reader is a city girl who moves to the country to get away from her ex and start a new life. She takes a job on the ranch and things develop between her and the cowboy. Internal dialogue in italics.
So much love and thanks to @cheynovak for the idea. ♥️ All work is my own. No disrespect to anyone, this is a work of fiction. Real names are used, but again this is a work of fiction. Do not take my work
*This series is now complete*
Minors DNI 18+
Jensen had the kids sit down so you two could share the news with them about your engagement. You were equally excited and nervous. Especially with Arrow. “So guys, you know Y/N and I have been dating for awhile now. I love her and she loves all of us. Earlier today when I picked her up at the hospital I wanted her to know how much I love her and how I never want her to leave us, so I asked her to marry me and she said yes.” 
The kids looked between you and Jensen and then at each other. JJ was the first to speak, “Does that mean she’s going to live with us forever?” Jensen chucked and shook his head yes. 
Arrow looked over at you, “Are you going to be our mommy now?” You took Arrow’s hand and said, “Honey, I will be your step-mom. I am not trying to take your mommy’s place. I love the three of you like you were my own children, but I do not expect you to call me mom. That’s 100% up to you. Daddy and I want you to call me whatever you’re comfortable with. So you can call me Y/N, Mama Y/N, Mama, whatever you decide.” Arrow nodded, “Can I think about it?” “Of course you can, honey.” 
The kids all agreed they were happy you and Jensen were getting married. When they left the room you let out the breath you were holding. Jensen wrapped you in a tight hug and kissed your lips. “I love you so much, Y/N. You are a natural with them. Thank you for not only loving me, but loving them too. It’s more than I could ever have ever asked for.” You pulled him closer to you and snuggled into his chest, “I love you too, Jens. You guys make it easy to love you. I hope it was okay. I told the kids they could call me whatever they wanted. I don’t want them to feel like they have to call me mom.” “Sweetheart, it’s perfectly fine. I want them to be comfortable too.”
You took his hand and pulled him towards the kitchen, “Come on baby, let’s go cook some dinner.” The two of you went into the kitchen and worked together to make dinner. About 30 minutes later you were calling the kids down for dinner. The five of you sat around the table talking about the upcoming holiday, what the kids were most excited about, and other topics the kids brought up. The conversations were always so easy. 
With Christmas about a week away, the kids were especially good. You thought it was funny how their behavior shifted. Jensen told you it was normal because they wanted Santa to visit. 
“Hey, sweetheart, you haven’t told me what you wanted for Christmas.” Jensen said as he pulled you in his arms. “That’s because I have everything I could ever want, I have you and the kids. That’s all I’ll ever need.” You placed a soft kiss on his lips, “Besides, you’ve already given me this.” You showed your engagement ring. 
Jensen kissed you and smiled. “I guess I could always give you the wedding of your dreams, anything you want and it’s yours.” “Jens, this wedding should be the wedding of our dreams. It’s about us, not just me.” Jensen laughed, “You’re not going to let me spoil you are you?” You laughed, “Nope”. Jensen playfully rolled his eyes. “I love you so much, Y/N, and I’m thankful every second you’re okay.” “I love you too, Jensen, and I am too. I couldn’t leave you guys. I love you all too much.”
*Time Jump Christmas Day*
You fell asleep in Jensen’s room after several rounds of love making with him. You woke up to the sounds of little voices in the room and feeling them jumping on the bed. “Wake up daddy, and Miss Y/N! It’s Christmas!!” The three excited children were laughing and jumping up and down on the bed. “Alright guys, calm down. Head to your rooms and we will be up in a minute.” Jensen’s gruff voice boomed. The kids jumped down and ran out of the room giggling. 
Jensen rolled over and smiled softly at you, “Good morning, beautiful, and Merry Christmas.” “Good morning, handsome, and Merry Christmas to you too. I can’t believe I fell asleep here last night. I’m sorry.” Jensen cupped your face and placed a soft kiss on your lips, “Don’t be. You’re going to be my wife soon, so why not move in here with me? This will be our room. The kids were not bothered by it one bit, and neither am I.” 
“You really want me in here with you, Jensen?” “Yes, I do, more than anything.” You smiled and agreed to move your stuff in the room. “Anything you want to change in here, feel free to. This is our room, and I want you to be comfortable in it.”
You heard the kids in JJ’s room telling you two to hurry up. You and Jensen laughed. “Come on baby, the kids are waiting for us.” He said helping you out of bed. The two of you got dressed, and you went downstairs to turn on the Christmas tree and get the camera ready. You wanted to take pictures of the kids as they came into the room. 
Jensen and the kids came into the living room and their faces were beaming. You snapped pictures of them opening their gifts. You smiled seeing the joy on their faces. You handed them the gifts you had made for them and you held your breath. 
When you had family pictures made, you took pictures with each of the kids individually. You had the photographer take those photos and one of the family shots and digitally include Danneel in them. The ones of the kids and you, you had the photographer, place her on their other side. Those you had framed and that was one of your gifts for the kids. 
They opened the gifts and squealed in delight. Jensen’s eyes watered as he saw the pictures. The kids hugged you and told you they loved the pictures. You showed them the family picture, it had Jensen, you, the kids and the photographer added D into it as well. You told the kids you had her added, because she will always be a part of the family. 
After presents were opened and the kids took their gifts to their rooms, you told Jensen you had one more gift for him. He smiled, “Sweetheart, you’ve already given me everything I could ever want.” You handed him the package, “Just open it, Ackles.” You smiled. 
He opened the carefully wrapped gift and his eyes went wide as he thumbed through the album. “Damn baby, these are so good. You are absolutely gorgeous in them. The last one, where you’re wearing a veil and white lingerie, was a special one, because you had planned to wear that on your wedding night. You chose this picture as a little tease for Jensen. “This one is my favorite. He held up the last picture. I can’t wait to marry you.” “Me either baby.” He pulled you into a passionate kiss. “Thank you for these, they’re incredible.” You blushed and smiled, “You’re welcome.”
*6 months Later*
You were standing in your bedroom adjusting your dress and veil. Your wedding day finally arrived. You had been so nervous leading up to the wedding you were barely getting any sleep, and at times you were nauseous. Your best friend told you it was pre-wedding nerves. Jensen had stayed at his friend Jared’s house the night before the wedding, and his wife, Gen was in the wedding. 
The kids were running around laughing and playing as you finished getting ready. You had asked JJ and Arrow to be in the wedding as maids of honors, and you asked Zep to walk you down the aisle. He was excited he got to see you in your dress before Jensen did. 
Jensen and Jared were in the guest room downstairs getting ready, while you were upstairs. You were shaking and another wave of nausea hit you. Gen came in as you started vomiting. “Honey, are you okay?” She asked as she walked in the bathroom. “Yeah, it’s just nerves. I’ve been really nervous about the wedding and I’ve gotten sick a few times over the past few weeks. It’ll pass.” You stood, smiled at her weakly and brushed your teeth.
Gen looked at you “Y/N, are you sure you’re not pregnant? Being nervous about the wedding shouldn’t have been making you sick for a few weeks.” You looked at her thinking about the baby you lost, and how you haven’t been able to get pregnant since, you hung your head as tears pricked your eyes. “No, I don’t think I can even get pregnant anymore.” “Well, let’s find out. I happen to have a pregnancy test in my bag.” You laughed, “Why do you have one in your bag?” She laughed, “I tend to keep one on hand for myself or my friends. Now come on, let’s find out if a little Ackles is on the way.”
She handed you the test and you went back into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. After you finished taking the test, you washed your hands and stood at the sink for a minute trying to steady your breath. It would be so amazing if I was pregnant with Jensen’s baby, but what if I can’t give him a baby. What if I am pregnant but can’t carry the baby to term. Would he leave me? 
So many thoughts invaded your head. Gen gently knocked on the door, “Y/N, you okay in there?” You opened the door and Gen saw the tears in your eyes. “Hey, it’s okay. Everything is going to work out.” She pulled you into a hug. “Gen, what if I can’t have his children, or carry his baby to term. I know he has 3 already, but I want a baby with him. I’m afraid I can’t give him that.” Your tears fell freely down your face. 
Gen held you tight, “Shh, it’s okay. If you can’t get pregnant, it’s okay. Jensen loves you no matter what. Now, let’s push those negative thoughts away, and finish getting you ready while we wait.”
Gen helped you finish your hair and veil, and then your timer went off. You took a deep breath, “Gen, I don’t know if I can look at it, can you?” She shook her head yes and went to look at the test. Gen walked out of the bathroom and over to you. She threw her arms around you and hugged you tight. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest. “Guess we better switch out your alcohol tonight.” 
You looked at her confused, then it hit you, “Wait, does that mean..” Gen smiled and shook her head, “Yes! You’re pregnant, Y/N!” “Oh my god! I can’t believe it.” You both cried and hugged. 
A little while later it was time to start the ceremony. The girls and Gen walked down the aisle followed by you and Zep. Jensen was standing at the end with tears in his eyes as you walked towards him. You smiled and held Zep’s hand all the way to Jensen. 
Jensen took your hands in his and leaned over, placing a soft kiss on your lips. “You’re so beautiful.” You smiled and blushed, “Thank you baby. You look incredible, Jens.” The ceremony continued and soon you were saying your “I do’s” with tears streaming down your face.
You couldn’t believe how your life had turned out simply by making one choice to take a job at a Ranch. You had no idea when you drove into this town you would meet the man of your dreams, fall in love with him and his children, get married and have his baby, but here you were, standing hand in hand with this incredible man who was now your husband. 
Jensen practically dragged you up the aisle when you were leaving. The whole way the two of you were giggling like teenagers. Since the wedding and reception were on the ranch, you and Jensen ran upstairs to your room to change into your reception clothes. Jensen was going to wear a nice button down shirt and his black jeans, and you were going to wear your short, white lace dress. Of course both of you had to wear boots to complete your outfits. 
When Jensen pulled you into your room he pushed you against the door kissing you and helping you out of your dress. “Jens, we can’t, we have a ton of guests waiting on us.” You giggled and panted out. “Oh come on, they won’t miss us.” He smirked. “Oh no, no one will miss the bride and groom.” You laughed. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” Jensen said as he pulled you into his arms and kissed you. You looked at him puzzled, “Thank you for what?” “Thank you for making me believe in love again, for loving me and my kids, for giving me everything I could possibly want in life.”
You smiled at him, “You’re welcome. I love you.” “I love you too, darlin’.” As the two of you started to get changed another wave of nausea hit you, sending you running to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and came back out looking up at Jensen. 
“Sweetheart, maybe we should see a doctor. You’ve been sick for a while. It’s starting to worry me.” Jensen said with concern in his voice. “Yeah, I should see a doctor. I’ll make an appointment soon, but Jensen I need to talk to you.” Jensen sat on the bed looking a little concerned, “What’s going on baby?” You took his hands and then took a deep breath, “Jensen, I’m pregnant.” Jensen sat on the edge of the bed looking up at you with wide eyes. His mouth was slightly open but he was silent. 
“Jensen, honey, please talk to me.” Tears pricked your eyes. You instantly started to panic. “You’re pregnant?” Jensen’s voice was low. You started to tremble and tears started to fall, “I’m sorry, Jensen. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Jensen stood and pulled you into his arms, “Shhh, no, honey it’s okay. It’s more than okay, it’s amazing. You’re pregnant! You’re having my baby! We’re having a baby!” He pulled you flush to his body and kissed you. 
“So you’re not mad?” You asked. “Mad, why would I be mad, Y/N this is the best news ever! We’re actually having a baby?!” You shook your head yes, “But let’s not tell anyone yet. I want to just be careful.” Jensen nodded his understanding, “Come on baby. Let’s get back to the party. God I love you! I can’t wait to welcome this baby into our family.” Jensen kissed your lips again and the two of you walked into your reception hand in hand. 
*8 months later*
You were standing in the kitchen cleaning up from breakfast. The kids were upstairs cleaning their rooms and making their beds, Jensen was out tending to the animals. You dropped the towel you had been drying the dishes with and let out a frustrated huff. 
“Shit! Ugh! I can’t bend over and grab the damn towel.” You huffed loudly. Suddenly behind you was a stifled chuckle. You turned around and saw your husband’s green eyes staring back at you. He leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed laughing in amusement at you and your overly large belly. “What’s so funny, Mr. Ackles?!” “You are Mrs. Ackles.” He laughed as he walked up and kissed your lips and then your belly. “How are my babies doing today?” He asked as he rubbed your belly. “We’re fine. I’m ready for him to come out and stop kicking my ribs, and I’m sure he’s ready to be out and have more space. You turned to the side, “I don’t think he has any more room. I swear he’s going to be the height of a toddler.” 
Jensen laughed as he bent down to grab the towel for you. “Here baby. Why don’t you go rest and I’ll finish the dishes.” You nodded and Jensen helped you to the couch. You were incredibly uncomfortable and due any day now. Your due date was about a week away, but the doctor felt he could come at any time. 
You were thankful the baby was healthy and he was active. Every kick or movement brought with it a rush of relief, because you knew it meant he was okay and still alive. Jensen knew how anxious you were so he was thankful his son was overly active.
Jensen and Clif had spent countless hours getting the nursery ready, and you and the kids put the crib together and decorated the room. They were so excited you were having a baby, Zep was even more excited because it was a boy. 
You were sitting on the couch watching your shirt move with every kick and you placed your hand on your belly. You laid your head back and closed your eyes, savoring every movement. Arrow came into the room and looked at you, “Um, Mama, can I feel the baby too?” Your eyes shot open, she’d never called you “mama” before and you were shocked. Jensen heard her too and looked at you and smiled. “Of course you can, baby, come here.” Arrow sat beside you and you took her hand and placed it on your belly. Pressing gently to make the baby kick. When he kicked she laughed. 
She hugged you and leaned down to your belly, “I love you baby brother, I’m gonna teach you so much.” She hugged you and kissed your cheek and left the room. 
The tears you’d been holding back began to fall. Jensen sat beside you, “She loves you so much. I can’t believe she called you “mama” , that's incredible.” “I know. I’m incredibly thankful she trusts me enough for her to call me that. I can’t believe it. I love them all so much, and this baby boy is the luckiest little guy ever. He’s got such an incredible dad and three amazing siblings that are going to love him so much.” “He also has an incredible mother who would do anything to keep him and his siblings safe.” 
Jensen pulled you into his arms and kissed you. “I love you, Y/N.” “I love you too, Jensen.”
A few days later you woke up early. It was about 4am and you of course had to pee. One thing you wouldn’t miss about pregnancy was the constant need to pee. You went to the bathroom and used it. As you crawled back into bed you felt a sudden rush of warm water run down your leg. You quickly realized your water broke. 
“Jensen, honey, wake up. My water just broke.” Jensen was half asleep, “I can go get you a new one. Hang on a second.” He said groggily. “No, honey, my water broke, I’m in labor.” Jensen’s eyes shot open and he looked over at you, “What?! Are you sure?”
You nodded yes. Jensen jumped up and started to get dressed. He called Clif and he and his wife were going to come watch the kids while you two went to the hospital. 
You changed out of your wet clothes and grabbed a towel to sit on in the car. Jensen grabbed your bag and as you were walking down the stairs, Clif and his wife came in. He hugged you and kissed your head, “Go have that baby. Good luck sweetpea.” “Thanks Clif, and thank you both for watching the kids.” His wife hugged you and told you good luck. 
Jensen helped you to the car and ran around to get in. As he drove you to the hospital, the contractions started to get worse. Jensen hated seeing you in pain. He held your hand the whole way there. 
As he pulled into the hospital, the contractions were about 3 minutes apart. He ran and got the nurse and a wheelchair. By the time you got into the room the contractions were right on top of each other and the pain was worse.
The doctor came in and checked you and said you were ready to go. You took a deep breath and looked at Jensen with tears in your eyes. “I’m so scared Jensen. What if I’m not a good mother?” Jensen rubbed your head and kissed your forehead, “Shh, you’re already an incredible mother. He’s going to fit right in with our other three and you are going to do an amazing job with him, just like you do with the other three.” 
He kissed your head as the doctor said it was time to start pushing. After about 45 minutes of pushing, you delivered a healthy baby boy. He weighed 8 lbs and 9 oz, and was 22 ½ inches long. Jensen beamed with pride and you cried when you heard his sweet cry for the first time. 
Jensen was able to cut the cord, the nurses wrapped him in a blanket and put him on your chest. Jensen leaned down and kissed both of you. “He’s perfect, baby. Thank you for giving him to me.” You looked down at your son and then back to Jensen, “Thank you Jensen for him and our other babies. Thank you for loving me.” 
Jensen took pictures and sent it in a text to family and friends: 
Jensen: Y/N and I would like to introduce you to our son, Austin Ross Ackles. He weighed 8 lbs and 9 oz, and was 22 ½ inches long. Mom and baby are healthy and happy. We are so in love. 
Congratulations texts and phone calls steadily came in. You and Jensen had decided no visitors in the hospital, so the three of you could bond. It was planned for Clif and his wife to bring the kids the next day to meet Austin before you all headed home, but for now, You and Jensen would get to spend the rest of the day staring at this beautiful life your love created. You were now more than ever grateful to have taken the job on The Ranch. 
Tags are open, if you want to be added, let me know.  
@nescaveckwriter @kr804573 
@k-slla @jackles010378 
@jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx 
@roseblue373 @cheynovak 
@jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa 
@n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 
@smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 
@manicjk @stoneyggirl2 
@deans-spinster-witch @snowayumi 
@shadowqueen1318 @shanimallina87
@muhahaha303 @fitxgrld
@nancymcl @baby19sthings
@cheekygirl2309 @oceean
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joels-shitty-puns · 1 year
The Key To Your Heart - Track 2
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Musician!Reader
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Series Summary: After writing your feelings for Pedro into a song, it gains a lot more popularity than expected. Ultimately it brings both criticism and support, with new possibilities around the corner.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Potential for puns/dad jokes (name of my blog, and the fic) should give that away. This is my first fic which should be its own warning, lol. Also some cursing. Mentions of masturbation (f) maybe more smut later idk. Sadness, reader is pretty depressed. Poor body image. Rude people. Bullying-ish and just lack of support? Anxiety. Age gap! Reader is in her mid 20's, Pedro is current age (48).
Other stuff: Reader is plus sized. AFAB. Inexperienced. Also has a dog, but you can pretend it is another creature probably. Further, in case it isn't clear, italics almost always are the reader's inner thoughts!
Word Count: 2.8K
Series List: Here!
Miss last chapter? Here!
I had a real rough time figuring out the proper voice for Pedro's dialogue and I hope I did him justice. Either way, the support I received for part 1 is astounding and completely unexpected! Thank you all for reading and let me know what you think :) I plan to continue until the story wraps up, but I don't know how many parts that will be. I hope to post every couple days, but with my work schedule it may be less speedy. Here we go!
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You walk in the door, unclipping Skip's leash, slipping off your shoes, and dropping your keys on the countertop before flopping onto the couch and unlocking your phone. No. Fucking. Way. 
Pedro Pascal (pascalispunk) replied to your message. 
You dissected each letter of the username, assuming it couldn't possibly be THE Pedro Pascal… but it was. It really, really was. You clicked the message, holding your breath.
Pedro Pascal replied to you: "Hey, you don't need to thank me. I didn't say anything that wasn't true. That guy was out of line. You deserve happiness and I'm sorry for the harsh words you've been hearing. I appreciate you sharing your vulnerability with the world and hope that you will continue to be your genuine self and ignore the comments trying to make you be someone else. Don't listen to those people."
You stared in disbelief at his words, once again wondering why he would ever be so kind to someone he doesn't even know. Someone so childish and stupid to write a song about a man she doesn't know. I can't imagine he'd think these things if he knew it was about him…
You: "Thank you Mr. Pascal. I'm a big fan of yours and hearing that you're in my corner has me completely at a loss. I can't imagine why you would risk damaging your image by defending a girl…" No… don't say girl, it makes you sound like a child. You want this guy to like you! You backspace with a slight feeling of ridiculousness over the whole scenario. Ugh it's all wrong… calm down... calm down… it's just a conversation. He doesn't know you. He doesn't like you. Don't make it weird like you always do.
You try again.
You: "Thank you Mr. Pascal. I really admire your work and for you to say such kind things to me… to think that you're in my corner, has me completely at a loss for words. I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment when you don't even know me, especially when coming to my defense could potentially harm your image… but thank you."
He read it almost immediately. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you felt like you could throw up from the anxiety and adrenaline. After a few seconds, those stress-inducing dot-dot-dots appeared to show you he was typing.
He's actually replying to me?? Again? Doesn't he have better things to do? 
Your mind wandered to what he might be doing while he's messaging you. Sitting at his home, relaxing, taking the time to reply to you? Why? Maybe he's on a plane or waiting for something and killing time. Maybe he's- *ping*
Pedro Pascal replied to your message:
"Please, you can call me Pedro.. and as far as defending you, it doesn't matter to me that we don't know each other personally. You seem like a woman with a good heart, and all you did was share your true self. Nobody deserves to be talked poorly about for something harmless that they feel. If something like that hurts my image… then my true self wasn't being represented. I think we all just want to be seen, and I hope that you will feel comfortable to be yourself and show yourself more."
You don't know when you started crying, but you hiccupped with the overwhelming wave of emotions. He sees me.. you had just scrolled to the bottom of the long reply, when you noticed the "..." of typing again. He has more to say?!
Pedro Pascal: "As far as the subject of your song.. whether you choose to reveal that to him, or the world, you deserve love and respect. Being vulnerable and putting yourself out there is a terrifying thing to do, and I myself tend to close myself off from relationships to avoid that potential for getting hurt. But if that's what you want, you've already taken a big step and you should go for it. I hope that whoever he is gives you the respect and love you deserve."
Holy crap…
He doesn't… he doesn't know it's him right?? No. There's no way. He's just being nice… he's too nice. He's too genuine..??
Your thumbs hover over the keyboard, doing a little dance in the air, pondering what to say. How much can I share with this man? Between this crush and his kind words, it's feeling tricky to hold back from spilling too much information.
You: "Thank you Pedro. You're too kind and I can't properly explain how much I really appreciate it. I'm having trouble coming to terms with all the sudden attention, and finding it hard to ground myself. But your words are helping me a lot. I - "
You hesitated over your next words, wondering if you should open up or just leave it. Don't be weird… don't scare him away like you always have with everyone else. As much as you think of disclosing your hesitation and lack of experience with relationships, as well as your reasons for trepidation, you decide to spare him of your self-hatred. Instead, you delete that last letter and hit send. 
Then you send another message, like he did. "And as far as the guy… I know I don't know him personally, we've never met, but I can already tell he would treat me right. I just hope maybe someday he will love me back."
Immediately after sending it you regretted it. That felt way too open and vulnerable. What are you thinking!?! Shit… what if he sees through you!?
You hold your finger down on the message, ready to hit unsend before he sees it. But it's too late. He's already replying.
Pedro: "He would be stupid not to love you back."
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
You: "Thank you, Pedro. 🥺" Play it cool… Play it cool…
Pedro: "Of course, sweetheart. Feel free to message me if anyone else gives you trouble or you just want to chat. I enjoyed talking with you."
???!!!!!?????!!!!! SweetheartSweetheartSweetheart
You grabbed your nearest pillow and screamed into it. "SKIPPPPPEERRRRRRR!!!!!! I JUST HAD A CONVERSATION WITH PEDRO AND IT WAS MAGICAL AND AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!" You squealed.
Skipper lifted his head at you and sighed before setting his head back down. He was no stranger to your shenanigans. Napping after a good walk was a better use of his energy than to deal with your drama. He closed his little brown eyes again.
You lay back on the couch, kicking your feet and squeezing your pillow to your body.
Fuck, this is going to hit me like a truck if it goes sour. If he even realizes it's about him, probably. Crap… what am I going to do?
The next day, you woke up and checked your emails before work. Thankfully nobody at your workplace has seemed to place your singing voice to your speaking voice, or pieced together the fact that several people know you have a crush on a certain celebrity and are a musician. Thank goodness. That’s the last thing you need.
You closed your eyes for a few minutes, trying to calm your breathing, your nerves, and your heart rate, before relaxing and shaking out your body. Finally, you decided to get ready for bed and see what tomorrow brings.
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Your emails come in, one by one, with one intriguing email at the top, from a well known pop-culture show called The Jazz & Ally-Kat Show. They want to do an interview with you, live, as soon as possible. 
Great. They probably just want to see what I look like or have me spill my guts about my crush. You roll your eyes, and you can’t help but feel like the Mandalorian with his lack of face reveals. If only you had a cute little space baby to accompany you. I guess Skip is my own precious cargo in a way, you think, while looking at your still sleeping pup. You're being silly… Not everything needs to relate back to Pedro, you think with a sigh to yourself. 
Yet despite your anxiety, you agreed to their interview, with the exception that it was done as a podcast style interview, where simply your voices are featured. Surprisingly, they agreed. I guess everyone likes some drama, and what better way to get views than by having a little mystery.
The interview was scheduled for three days from then, and in the meantime you focused on work and your album, which was mostly finished after years of writing songs. All it needed was some editing.
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As the days went by, you wanted desperately to message Pedro again. You wanted to tell him your feelings. Have him confess that he loves you too. Ask him about his family, his friends, his favorite things. Meet him, kiss him, fall in love, and finally be happy. But ultimately you knew that was silly. You had one little conversation, and although it was nice, you still didn't know each other. There was no way he loved you back. Yet…? you asked yourself, hopeful, almost asking for permission to let yourself try and earn his love. 
Despite Instagram drawing you in like a magnet, you held back from messaging him. You didn't want to come on too strong. You messaged him first last time. He doesn't know you. Literally… he doesn't even know your real name, or what you look like. But maybe that's a good thing…
_____The day of the interview:_____
You woke up around 9:30 in the morning; nervous, slightly nauseated, restless, and jittery. Why did I agree to this??! 
You decided to pass on the coffee this morning, figuring it would make things worse, and instead decided to take Skipper for a walk. After some fresh air followed by a refreshing shower, you looked at the clock. 11:30 AM. With the interview at 1PM, you still had some time to kill and sat down at the piano, letting your mind wander to Pedro while you plunked chords out with nimble fingers. I wonder if Pedro has ever wanted to learn any instruments… I could teach him, you daydream.
Your hands dance across the piano while he reads through a script in the other room, eyebrows furrowed as he highlights another line. You look up over the grand piano and see his soft brown curls blowing under the fan haphazardly. The sun is shining in through the window, which Skip bathes under, and reflects a golden brown undertone with gray streaks in Pedro's hair. He really is beautiful, you think. His tongue swipes across his lips as he makes notes and erases, before finally feeling your eyes on him. He glances up from the script, giving you a soft smile and a wink; with those chocolate brown eyes that frequently cause you to lose your train of thought. Your eyes drift down to the keys again, feeling a soft blush creep over your cheeks. 
"That music sounds beautiful, baby.." he says softly while padding up to you behind the piano. He places his large hands on your shoulders, sweeping them down over both your arms before settling on your hands, still resting over the black and white keys. You look over your shoulder and he leans in, closing his eyes as he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. Just like that scene in Narcos… you think. Yikes, I really am obsessed… anyway… you think back to your daydream…
He sits down at the chair next to your piano bench, kissing your lips again gently, then the corner of your mouth, your cheek, and your jaw. Your stomach gives a wave of butterflies and you lean in more to kiss him deeper, tugging on his hair while his hands find the small of your back, gently running his palms up your spine. A chill overcomes you and he-
~Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep.~
Fuck. You snap out of your fantasy and turn off the alarm you set to go off ten minutes before the interview. At least I gave myself time to use the restroom and wash my face, you think, hoping to clear your head a bit now that you're slightly frazzled.
Unfortunately the feeling that replaced it was nerves as you sat down at your desk, typing into your keyboard, turning on your mic, and hoping that Skipper doesn't throw a fit over the wind or something while you're on this call.
Jazz: "Hi there listeners! We're joined by the artist of the moment, our favorite lovesick lady, the singer responsible for "Imaginary Love!"
Both women on the other end of the call applaud.
Well… not sure I like being called a lovesick lady but what else did I expect, really?
You: "Thank you guys for having me, I appreciate you wanting to get to know me better."
Despite the rough start, the ladies turned out to be really respectful and fun. You think that if the circumstances were different, you could actually be friends with them. You discuss casual things like your dog, your favorite activities and favorite pop culture topics (careful to avoid mentioning Pedro or any other actor that could be perceived as your lyrical subject), and they even mention celebrity crushes they've had growing up. 
At the mention of their celebrity crushes, you can feel the interview funnel into a dangerous alley with little to no escape. Jazz was the first to broach the subject. "So… we've just discussed our celebrity crushes, and I think I speak for all of us here when I say we're all very curious to know who-"
-an air horn blares-
What the hell is that? You wonder, both thankful for the interruption, yet startled by the disruption.
They both chime in: "Viewers!!! Do you all know what that sound is!?! We have reached 1 million listeners!!!!"
To say you were astounded is an understatement.
You: "You're kidding!? 1 million people are listening to us right now?"
Ally: "You bet they are! And listeners… I don't know about you guys… but I can't help but wonder if our celebrity heartthrob is one of those million?"
They turn their attention to you again. "What do you think? Think he's listening?"
You're thankful for the lack of a camera, because you can't help but blush at the thought. You'd be lying if you hadn't already considered (hoped) that he was listening too. 
Jazz: "So as we were saying… I think we all are in agreement that we want to know who he is. You sound like a nice enough girl, so what's holding you back? You've made it. You can contact him now and he'll probably reply."
I already have… you thought with a smirk.
Jazz continues: "Which brings me to the next point... I know you've had a lot of attention lately. You were signed to a record company, you were contacted by us, you've been mentioned by a few talk shows and celebrities. Pedro Pascal even publicly defended you. The radio has been playing your song nonstop and people can't get enough. What do you think of all this attention?"
You: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit surprised and maybe a little scared," you answered with a nervous laugh. "But I am so thankful for the kind words that I receive and I love hearing from people who can relate to my music."
Ally: "You've certainly received your fair share of criticism too. It sounds like you received that before your song was ever published as well."
You: "I have, and it's been challenging to try and not let it get me down. But I'm trying my best, and the positives seem to be greatly outweighing the negatives," you state, your mind thinking of Pedro and how his messages were really the only positive you needed to get you through the dark storm of criticism.
Ally: "I guess what I'm wondering is.. among all these people contacting you.. has he?"
You try to play dumb: "Has who?"
Both interviewers laugh before Ally continues. "Nice try. You know who we're trying to find out about. Has he, the man of your dreams and star of your lyrics, contacted you at all? Will we see a romance blooming?"
Your stomach flipped. You were not expecting this question. Should you tell the truth??? It's not like they could know who has contacted you, short of hacking your account. You have had a lot of people contact you, after all.
You take a deep breath before answering. "I uh… I have received a lot of messages, some of them from celebrities."
They reply, and you can practically feel them leaning in. "Yeeeeaaaah?????"
You consider your next move, your heart really working overtime since this whole thing started. Finally you decide your answer.
"Yes. We've talked."
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Looking for Track 1? Read it here!
Next chapter: Here!
~Thanks for reading! Stay ~tuned~ for more!
Taglist: Let me know if you want in :)
@pedrotonin @starcrossed02
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deans-baby-momma · 2 years
The Story of Us-Chapter 13
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A/N: This is a rewrite of a story my good friend @spnbaby-67 allowed me to take and rewrite. All mistakes are mine. This is canon divergent, meaning some things that happened in the show will still happen here but with my own twist to it.
Summary: She and Dean met when they were kids. Even at such a young age, she knew that he was her soulmate. Being the daughter of a hunter, Michaela (Micki) Singer knew the life he led came with a price, but she was up to the challenge.
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Micki
Warnings: Flashbacks are in italics, fluffy stuff, angst stuff, character death, kidnapping, depression, semi-dark themes
Present Day (2008)
Abandoned barn in the middle of nowhere
“Who are you?” Dean asks, curiously.
“Yeah, I figured that much, I mean what are you?” Dean reiterates, already done with the conversation.
"I'm an Angel of the Lord," Castiel answers, matter-of-factly.
"Get the hell out of here," the oldest Winchester scoffs with a roll of his eyes. "There's no such thing."
"This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith."
Lightning flashes, and on Castiel's back two great shadowy wings appear, stretching off into the distance. The light goes out and the image disappears.
"Some angel you are. You burned out that poor woman's eyes," Dean spats.
"I warned her not to spy on my true form. It can be... overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice. But you already knew that."
"You mean the gas station and the motel. That was you talking?" When Castiel nods, Dean tells him, "Buddy, next time, lower the volume."
"My mistake. Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong."
"Well, I'm not buying what you're selling, so who are you really?" 
Castiel cocks his head to the side, like he is confused by Dean's words.
"Why would an angel rescue me from Hell?" Dean inquires, ready to get to the end of the conversation and get back to Micki and Maren.
"Good things do happen, Dean," Castiel informs him. "You need to return to the cabin and reunite with Michaela. I will be in touch."
Castiel disappears from before Dean's eyes. Dean rushes to Bobby as the old man comes to. 
"Come on, Bobby. We have to go!"
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Winter 1987
Snow covered the ground in and around Singer Salvage and temperatures were in the single digits.
John had once again left his boys with Bobby and Micki as he went off to work. It was 2 days before Christmas and little 4 year old Sammy kept asking about his dad and Santa Claus.
Dean, at 8 years old, already knew the latter wasn't real but he vowed to keep the myth alive for Sammy's sake.
"Do you think Santa will know where to find us?" Sammy asked his big brother, a hero in his young eyes. "Who's gonna tell him to bring our presents here?"
"Don't worry Sammy, he knows."
"Because he's magic," Dean lied. He looked over at Micki to see if she was in belief of the bearded man in the red suit. She looked at him with a sweet smile and shook her head. 
Later, once Sam was down for the night and Bobby had retired to his room, Dean snuck into Micki's room.
"Hey Mick," he whispered in the darkened room. "You awake?"
The lamp on the stand beside the bed turns on and Micki is sitting there in her bed.
"Have another nightmare Dean?"
Feeling his face flush and becoming red, Dean ducks his head. He didn't know she knew about those.
"Uh, no….was just wanting to ask you something."
"Okay," Micki says as she scoots to the opposite side of the bed and pats the now empty spot. "What is it?"
"Do you, uh….do you think Santa is real?"
"What do you mean? Of course he's real! And he's magic too! I just found that out, him and his reindeer can find anyone, anywhere."
Dean deflates. He had hoped he wasn't the only kid who knew the truth. "Oh."
"Dean I'm joking," Micki giggles. "I know my dad is the one who puts the presents under the tree. I've always known."
"Really. God, you're cute when you're embarrassed," Micki says and then claps her hand over her mouth. She hadn't meant to say that. 
She'd been harboring a crush on Dean Winchester for years now.
Dean smiles sheepishly and then sits beside her on the bed. "You know, you're pretty cute yourself."
Dean and Micki sat on her bed for hours, talking and comparing stories that their dad's had told them.
The two of them had more in common than anyone realized.
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Dean drives the Impala like a bat out of hell all the way back to the Singer cabin, anxious and excited to see his love,  awake.
"What exactly did the angel say?" Bobby asks again as they drift around a curve in the road. 
"Said I was chosen by the big man himself; that I deserved it."
"No, what did he say about my daughter?"
"Oh, um….just told me to go back  to the cabin and reunite with her," Dean explains. "Bobby, if she's awake, an angel would know, right? Goddamn," he exclaims slamming his palm against the steering wheel. "I shoulda fucking been there!"
No matter how hard he pushed the accelerator, the trip back seemed to be crawling by. Dean was internally cursing the miles and himself.  
Dean slams the car into park before it had even come to a complete stop, opening the door and jumping out.
He climbed the steps two at a time and crossed the porch in one long stride. He jerks the door open,  almost pulling the wood off the hinges, to get inside.
"Micki? Mick?" He yells as he runs toward the room. As soon as the bedroom door gets in view he takes off running, only to stop in a slide as he looks into the room and to the bed. 
Sam comes out of the room and opens his mouth to ask his brother what the commotion is about but doesn't say a word as he watches his older brother, still a hero in his eyes, break down into tears and cry.
Bobby rushes in at the same time Dean falls to the floor, hitting his knees as his sobs become audible. 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @atc74​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​  @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @hoboal87​ @mogaruke​ @deanwanddamons​ @supraveng​ @deandreamernp​ @akshi8278​ @lyarr24​ @maggiegirl17​ @chriszgirl92​
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Curiosity Killed the Cat (2)
Andrew Neiman x Figure Skater!reader
R U MINE? "I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be; and satisfaction feels like a distant memory"
a/n: instead of blushing when y/n gets embarrassed or flustered , I used "invading eye-contact" as an alternative. + sorry this part might seem really long, might not be able to update for a while
Every other Friday, Andrew and his father either went to the movies or a random restaurant Andrew's father was dying to try. Although, this night was a bit different. His father wasn't able to make it, and instead sent Andrew money to buy take-out at the restaurant his father had been rambling about. As he entered the restaurant, he took a second to check out his surroundings, it looked like a combination of a bar and an 80s restaurant. He took a mental note to check out the Jukebox.
"Didn't think I'd see you here, you're stalking me now?" A familiar voice said, "y/n? you work here?" he asked. "Been working here since the beginning of the year, what brings you here?" she asked. "I'd usually be here with my dad but he wasn't able to make it" he explained, "there goes your partner in crime" she said, earning a small chuckle from him. "Anyways, you ready to order" she asked, "surprise me" he said, "if you say so" she said, relaying the order to chef.
"Didn't know you had a boyfriend y/n" her coworker, Nikolai said, causing her to lightly shove him. "He's not my boyfriend, I just met him last week" she replied, "but you think he's cute?" Nikolai questioned, "yeah, a bit" she admitted. "So do something about it!" He exclaimed, "Jesus, keep your voice down!" she said, the duos conversation was cut short by the chef handing out Andrew's order to y/n. "Orders ready" she said softly, observing his concentrated face as he skipped through each of the songs on the Jukebox. "Thanks," he said handing her money.
It was like a lightbulb flickered over her head as she had most brilliant idea. "Are you free Monday night? There's this movie I'd think you'd like, and I happen to have the blu-ray version of it" she asked. Andrew's mind went blank for a second, "Yeah, I'm free" was all he managed to say, mentally cringing at how he sounded. "Can I get your number then? In case anything comes up" he asked holding out his phone. The duo exchanged numbers, Andrew putting his contact name with a ':)' at the end. "See you Monday" Andrew said, internally celebrating, "Cya!" she said as he exited. "Real smooth, you're gonna have to teach me that line one day" Nikolai teased.
MONDAY (italics = text messages)
Andrew stared at the numbers "511". He debated if he should wait a few more minutes before knocking, or if he should just get it over with. He knocked on the apartment door, and soon y/n unlocked it. He stared at her for a few moments, taking in her appearance. "Hey! you made it" she said with a small smile, as she let him in. He looked around her room, her many skating and academic awards were on a shelf on the left side of her room, along with a small desk with a sewing machine and what looked like a costume. On the wall behind her bed, there were posters of her favorite music artists, as well as figure skaters he didn't recognize. Lastly, the desk by her bed had a bunch of family and baby pictures, followed by cheesecake sleeping on the edge of bed.
"Make yourself at home" She said as she put on the movie, and grabbed a bunch of snacks from her snack drawer. "What's the movie about anyways?" he asked as he laid on the bed, "If I told you, it would be a spoiler" she said as she awkwardly laid beside him. Both of them struggling a bit to lay on the twin size mattress, "for the price we pay for these apartments, I'd think the beds would be a bit bigger" Andrew commented. "You should've brought your mattress over and combined them" she added. Eventually the two settled on a more comfortable position, y/n rested her head on his chest, with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "You comfortable?" Andrew questioned, "very comfortable" she said, breaking eye-contact with him as she played the movie.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked him, propping herself on her elbow, he nodded in response. "I'm going to assume you enjoy playing the drums, do you think you could live without playing them?" she asked. "No way, I've been playing the drums since I could walk, it would feel weird if I stopped, for whatever reason" he responded, "I got into Schaffer because I wanted to pursue it as a career" he added. "Holy shit! That's amazing, you should give me your autograph, I could resell it when your super famous!" She exclaimed, "Don't get me wrong, it's great school but I'm only an alternate drummer" he sighed. "I wanna earn my spot in the core band" he added, "and you will! Everyone starts somewhere, doesn't matter if you're an alternative or not, doesn't deny the fact that you're capable".
"What's the story with you and skating?" He asked, "Well, it was my mom's idea actually, she put me up for it when I was 6, won my first competition when I was 8, never stopped since" she began. She told him about how it expensive it was, but how much she managed to accomplish. "Sectionals are in 3 months, If I make it the top 4, then I move on to regionals" She added. "Would you mind If I watched you skate at Sectionals?" Andrew asked, now staring at ceiling. "You'd really come?" She said, excitement laced in her voice, "Of course I would" He responded.
"Only on one condition, I get to watch you perform on stage" she reasoned, "Deal" he said. Hours later, the duo finished the movie. "Are you free in 2 weeks, there's this really good pizza place, I'd like to you take you out to" he said. "I should be free," she said, "great, it's a date! If you want it to be, I-". "It's a date," she confirmed, a bright smile on her face, "good luck with drumming, don't overwork yourself!" she added as they walked to the door, "same goes to you, goodnight y/n" he said before exiting.
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Hii ! First of all I love your writing it's so smooth ^^ And I have a request about stepbro!bakugo x fem!reader nsfw & falling in love [if it could happens on reader's 21 birthday] thank you <3
Ahhh thank you!! But also w o w, ok I see you 👀👀👀 and I got you. This got…… so long between just setting up the context and then getting to the actual smut lmao so I hope you enjoy
Obviously this one contains NSFW AND DARK CONTENT and thus is 18+ ONLY. Check the warnings and read at your own discretion. Minors dni
Warnings for overly liberal use of italics, step-cest/pseudo incest, brief mention of male masturbation, groping without consent (not from Bakugo), semi public sex, unprotected sex, degradation, praise, fingering, finger sucking, nipple play, and size kink
It’s been years and Bakugo still doesn’t understand why his stupid fucking mother had to go and marry your stupid fucking father. He couldn’t give less of a shit that his parents got divorced, his dad had always been spineless anyway, but of all the people his mother could choose she had to pick your dad and he had to get stuck with you as his new step sister. He’s hated everything about you since you and your dad first moved into his house.
He hated you when you were both 16 and you had just moved into the room that was supposed to be his training room.
He hated you when you both were 17 and you were getting more confident in yourself, firing back whenever he’d make a jab at you.
He hated you when you both were 18 and you wore that stupid fucking bikini that showed off your figure so well.
He especially hated you when you were both 19 and his mother pulled him aside for a stern talk about boundaries and how “you’re siblings now, act like it” after she caught his eyes wandering to inappropriate places.
Now you’re 20 and he’s 21, his hero career is flourishing, and he’s moved out of your parents’ house and doesn’t have to see you traipsing around like you don’t know what you do to him when you walk around in your skimpy pajamas. The distance is good. It’s easier to forget the way his name sounds on your lips, your parents insisting you call him by his first one because “siblings don’t call each other by their last names (y/n), even if they are different”. It’s easier to avoid Kiri’s knowing looks whenever he comes to hang out, teasing Bakugo every time he notices his friend’s gaze hanging on your figure a little too long. Bakugo hates you. Really, he does.
Except Bakugo doesn’t really hate you at all, and that’s what he actually hates.
His strong desire to be number one has always been his excuse for why he doesn’t date or sleep around despite his attractive features and rising popularity from hero work. The truth is he doesn’t date or sleep around because no one else is you. The last time he’d tried to hook up with a girl, just looking for a way to satisfy the itch and make sure he didn’t do anything he’d regret at the next family function, he had almost moaned your name instead of hers and from that point on he knew it was useless. No one else is good enough for him, but he also isn’t allowed to have you. So instead of sleeping his way through half of Japan’s female population like he could be, he’s spent late night after late night fisting his cock to thoughts of you and how things might be different if his stupid, shitty mom had never married your stupid, shitty dad.
“I don’t care how busy you are with hero work you’re going to your sister’s birthday party and that’s final!”
“She’s not my fucking sister, shitty woman,” Bakugo growls down the phone line, already fed up with the conversation with his mother.
“She is your sister and you’re going. You should be excited! Big 21st birthday bash at a club!” his mom insists but Bakugo can’t think of a worst place to be alone with you.
“Absolutely fucking not.”
His mother sighs heavily down the line before finally making a confession. “Look you little shit, I’m going to be real with you. I don’t trust the friends she’s going with as far as I can throw them so I’m asking you to do your fucking job as a brother and a pro hero and protect her for the night alright? You can crash here afterwards and I won’t even harass you about making more time for the family.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. This is literally the dumbest fucking idea he could possibly think of but he finds himself grumbling “Fine, but ya better fucking make it worth my while shitty woman,” even though he knows he shouldn’t.
He knew coming to your stupid party was a terrible idea and now he’s paying the price.
You’re wearing a red body con dress that hugs your figure just right, the hem stopping at your upper thighs to expose your gorgeous legs. It takes everything in him to keep himself from admiring how your body looks, his eyes constantly trying to focus in on your boobs or ass. “Thanks for coming, I don’t know what crawled up your mom’s ass suddenly,” you sigh, taking a sip of the cocktail in your hand as you lean against the bar beside Bakugo. He rolls his eyes, taking a long pull of his own drink before muttering “Don’t get too excited dumbass, I’m only fucking here ‘cause that shitty woman wouldn’t leave me the fuck alone.” A look briefly flashes across your face, one that looks suspiciously like hurt, but before he can comment on it the look is gone as you knock back the rest of your drink and push off from where you’d been leaning. “Whatever, fuck you too Katsuki-nii,” you huff before stalking off to where your friends are on the dance floor.
He fucking hates that the words send blood rushing below his waist, his dick twitching in interest at the sound of his name on your lips even with that stupid honorific that indicates exactly why he can’t do shit with you. The minute he empties his drink he orders another, watching the way you dance with your friends. He knows some of them eye him up, recognize him from the news and want a piece, but they pale in comparison to you. So his eyes never leave your form, and he sees the way they roll their eyes, assuming he’s too busy playing big brother to think sexual thoughts when they couldn’t be more wrong.
Suddenly some other man is pulling up behind you, fucking grinding against you, and he can tell by the wicked look in their eyes that your friends see an opportunity. So they egg this random stranger on, spewing filth that has the stranger trying to latch onto you even as you shy away. You look so uncomfortable, wanting nothing more than to escape this man’s wandering hands as he tries to grope you. The music of the club is too loud for Bakugo to really hear anything but he’s pretty sure he just saw the stupid painted lips of one of your friends form the word “prude”.
Katsuki sees red.
He’s storming over before his brain has even had the chance to tell his legs to move, palms crackling dangerously as his temper flares. One hand shoves you behind him as the other pushes the man who’d been harassing you away. “What’s your problem asshole?” the guy questions, dusting himself off. But then his eyes meet Katsuki’s fiery crimson ones and he sees the rage there. The smell of burnt caramel cuts through the smell of sweat and alcohol as Bakugo grabs the other man’s shirt and hauls him close, fangs bared. “Y-you’re pro hero Dynamight,” the man whimpers as recognition dawns on him. “Oh you recognize me hah? Then you know what the fuck I do to villains that fuckin’ piss me off,” Bakugo growls. “But I’m not-” “Really? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure gropin’ someone without their consent is a fuckin’ crime you worthless, dumb shit extra.” The man quivers, panic melting away all the ego and bravado that had made him dare to mess with you in the first place. He babbles apologies and Bakugo rolls his eyes at how completely and utterly pathetic it is before he shoves the man to the ground and demands he get lost. The man nods before scrambling off the ground and doing just that, not even daring to look behind him.
“Boooo, you’re no fun,” one of your friends pouts and the rage still simmering beneath Katsuki’s skin reignites in full fury as he whirls around to face all of them. You look like you’re still trying to recover from the violation earlier and the protectiveness that sweeps through him makes his heart trip in his chest. This is bad. This is really bad. Because he’s not an idiot, he knows what the swelling feeling in his chest in response to your teary-eyed, grateful look means; has heard Deku babble on and on about Round Cheeks enough times to know that what he’s feeling for you goes by the same name; but he can’t. You are the worst forbidden fruit and it’s frustrating because the two of you aren’t even technically related so why the fuck should he have to pay this price? And then his thoughts are interrupted by one of your friends saying “Geez, you’re such an overprotective big brother,” and Bakugo snaps.
“I’m not her fucking brother,” he growls, and he didn’t mean for it to come out that harsh, but Bakugo Katsuki has never been good at controlling his tone or his temper.
He barely notices the way your friends’ eyes widen in shock because his eyes are drawn entirely to your reaction. You reel back as if he physically struck you, eyes rapidly filling with tears, and just as the first ones start to fall you turn away and take off deeper into the club. Bakugo curses under his breath, following you in spite of your friends’ words of confusion and insistence he stay. They’re inconsequential as he desperately chases after you, his carmine eyes trained on your fleeing form as you find a back exit to the club and slip out into the night air.
He finally manages to catch up to you in the alley behind the club. “Get back here dumbass!” he demands as he catches your arm and yanks you towards him. “Fuck you, let go of me!” you protest, trying to fight your way out of his unrelenting grip. “What the fuck is your problem?” he asks incredulously. “You! You’re my problem!” “Hah? What’re you babbling about idiot?”
“Why do you hate me?” you finally sob, voice breaking on the syllables.
“I don’t hate you dumbass,” he grumbles and you have the audacity to scoff at him with a roll of your eyes and it makes the anger flare up in his chest again.
Before the rational part of his brain can stop him he’s shoving you harshly up against the brick wall, his arms caging you in and his face close, too close, to yours. He at least has the good sense to keep his hips angled away from yours, his cock taking a sick interest in the way your perfume smells and how your chest heaves and how easy it would be to slot his lips against yours and finally take you the way he’s wanted to for years. “I said I don’t hate you,” he growls lowly, desperately willing his rapidly hardening dick to calm down. “Then why do you hate it so much when I call you brother huh?” you ask defiantly and the smug anger that’s settled on your face because you think you’ve won is too much. Katsuki sighs, and maybe it’s the alcohol in his system that loosens his tongue, because instead of just taking the out and letting you continue to think he hates you, he mumbles “Look down idiot.”
You give him an incredulous and confused look and Katsuki hates that you’re not picking up on what he’s trying to tell you, as if this isn’t humiliating enough. He rolls his eyes before very pointedly looking you in the eye and then dragging his eyes down to the prominent tent in his jeans. Your gaze follows his and finally it clicks, as your anger melts away and you take a sharp inhale, staring at the evidence of Katsuki’s improper feelings for you. He’s not sure what he expected you to do. Shy away from him in disgust, scream at him to stay away, god maybe even leave to call your parents and tell them what a horrible pervert their son is to be lusting after his step sister.
But you don’t do any of those things…
Instead you reach a cautious hand forward and experimentally stroke Bakugo through the rough fabric of his jeans. He hisses at the feeling, dick twitching in interest and desperate to be freed. You move to palm him again but his hand catches your wrist. “Don’t,” he warns, “don’t start something you don’t want to finish.” “What if I do want to?”
Fiery, crimson eyes snap to meet yours, his pupils blowing wide until only a thin ring of red remains. While he’s distracted, you daringly push your hand forward again to stroke over the bulge in his jeans and the last of Katsuki’s will power crumbles in front of you as he surges forward to capture your lips in a desperate kiss. He kisses you like a man starving, finally permitting his entire body to settle against yours as he pushes you more firmly up against the wall. He uses one leg to part your thighs, grinding his erection into your hip and slipping his tongue inside the wet heat of your mouth when you gasp at the action. Your hands quickly find their way to the nape of his neck, brushing through the shorter strands there before one moves up to the longer strands near the top of his head and grasps firm hold, tugging on his ash blonde locks. He moans into the kiss in satisfaction, his own hands finding your hips as he rocks into you a second time.
Wetness floods your sex and you can feel it dampening your panties as you desperately try to pull him in closer and closer. His hands skim down to the hem of your dress, pulling the material up to your hips to reveal your underwear to him. He pulls away from the kiss to look at you properly and all but purrs in satisfaction at what he finds. “Look at what a mess you’ve made,” he all but whispers, using one hand to gently tilt your head down so you can take in the sight of your own panties, an obvious wet spot staining them as proof of your arousal. His grip tightens on your waist as the other hand slips down your body just to rub one, single finger over your slit through the dampened fabric. “What a dirty little slut, gettin’ this wet for your brother when I’ve barely even touched you,” he murmurs, noting the way your breath catches in your throat and your thighs squeeze together at the words. “Oh you like that? You like when I remind you why we shouldn’t be doing this? Bet you fucking get off to thoughts of your Katsuki-nii stuffing you full don’t you?” he growls, fingers still barely grazing over your clothed slit even though you’re desperate for more. He doesn’t expect an answer, so imagine his surprise when you grind your hips into his hand and moan out a desperate “yes”.
He freezes immediately. You’ve been thinking about him? All this time he thought he was alone in his forbidden thoughts, but you’ve been struggling just as much?
“You tellin’ me you’ve stuffed this pretty little cunt with your fingers thinkin’ about me?” he asks breathlessly and your frantic nod has even more heat pooling in his gut. He swears under his breath, palms crackling as he burns away the fabric of your panties. “Tell me about it,” he demands but your mind is hazy with lust and you can’t think straight enough to figure out what he’s asking. “What?” you ask and the way he scoffs at you shouldn’t turn you on even more but it does. “Tell me all about your pervy little fantasies you stupid, little whore. Tell me what you’ve pictured me doing to you,” he elaborates and it’s enough to make you almost dizzy with arousal. “You, uh, you would always start by rubbing my clit,” you admit. His hand shifts and suddenly you’re gasping as his middle finger begins to do just that, pressing little circles into the sensitive bundle of nerves. It’s already enough to have your legs trembling but then he leans forward to whisper into your ear “and then what?” and you think you may just combust on the spot.
“A-and then, you’d slip two fingers inside of me,” you pant and you can feel him smirking against the shell of your ear as his thumb takes over working your clit and he slides his middle and ring finger inside your clenching cunt. It’s sinful how easy it is to slip inside of you and he tells you as much as he starts to pump them in and out. “Like this?” he asks cheekily but all you can do is nod as you keen and whimper at the feeling of his long, thick digits working you open. They’re so much better than your own fingers and you can already feel yourself approaching your climax even though the fun seems to have only just begun. “What next Princess?” he asks. “Nipples. You, uh, you play with my nipples,” you somehow manage to explain even as stars start to dance across your vision. The hand not currently buried inside you slides up to roughly shove down the top of your dress and bra so your tits are exposed. He doesn’t miss a beat as his thumb starts to circle your already hard nipples, pinching the nub between his fingers just as the fingers of his other hand find that one, perfect spot inside you and you cry out desperately. The coil of pleasure inside you winds tighter and tighter and tighter until finally it snaps and you cum around his fingers, falling apart against the brick wall as Katsuki litters kisses along your jaw, murmuring about what a good little slut you are.
As you come down from your high, he slips his fingers from inside you and brings them up to your lips. You eagerly bring them into your mouth, moaning around them as he watches you, completely transfixed. When you’ve finally licked them clean he pulls them from your mouth, his thumb brushing your lower lip to hold it open. “You’re such a good little slut for me aren’t you?” he asks. “Yes, ‘Suki, just for you,” you tell him breathlessly and he knows he can’t wait any longer. He kisses you deeply, knocking all the air from your lungs as his hands fumble with the fly of his jeans, roughly shoving them and his boxer briefs down his thighs to liberate his aching cock. His mouth parts from yours but he doesn’t go far, both of you panting into the thin sliver of space between you. His hands find your waist and then he’s whispering “Jump up for me Princess,” and you’re happy to oblige. His rough hands help you up and then your legs are wrapping around his waist and he’s pressing you harder against the wall so it can help take your weight. The cold, rough surface of the brick bites into your skin but you couldn’t care less as Katsuki lines himself up with your slick entrance.
It’s almost surreal as he slowly starts to push into you. Sure it’s an alley and hardly anyone goes back there, but there’s still the possibility that anyone could walk by and see the pro hero Dynamight splitting open his step sister. The media would have a field day if they found out, but somehow that element of danger and taboo only makes the entire experience that much hotter. He pays careful attention to each noise and whimper you make, using it as a judge for how quickly he can push inside you. Bakugo knows how big he is, knows that his girth is just as impressive as his length. He loves the way you whimper about “too much” and “doesn’t fit” as he assures you that it very much will fit even if he has to force it to.
Each additional inch that you sink down on Katsuki’s length stretches you wider and burns just that little bit more, but no matter how much you whimper you’re addicted to the pleasure pain of it. Even as you insist it won’t fit you don’t even dream of telling him to stop. This is all you’ve wanted for so long and as he finally bottoms out inside you it well and truly sinks in that you’re finally getting to have it, have him, after years of silently pining. “‘M gonna start movin’,” he finally mutters after he’s been buried to the hilt inside you for a little too long to bear. “Yes, please, please start moving,” you moan, pleasure spiking as you feel his grip on your hips tighten as he pulls out and then roughly snaps his hips forward again to surge back inside you. You yelp at the force of it, that familiar burn returning with his rough handling but you crave it and soon, as his thrusts start speeding up, the pain melts away to mind numbing pleasure. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh is music to your ears as you hang onto him tightly, curses tumbling from both your lips as you drive each other into new depths of pleasure. When he shifts the angle just slightly so the head of his cock digs into that one, perfect spot along your inner walls on every thrust you know it’ll be over soon. “Katsuki, Katsuki please, I’m g’nna, I’m g’nna-” “I know Princess, I know. Clamping down so fuckin hard around me. Want you to cum with me ok? Cum with me. Cum with me you dirty little slut, want to hear you moan out my name like a good girl.” His filthy words are enough to push you over the edge, clamping down around him and causing his hips to stutter in their movement as he curses under his breath. You reach your climax first, all but screaming his name into the night as the fluttering of your walls sends him over the edge too. White ropes of his cum paint your insides as he spills inside you, muffling his own cries into the crook of your shoulder.
You both try to catch your breath as you float back down to earth, Katsuki moving his face from your neck to press his forehead against yours instead.
“I love you,” he confesses and your heart pounds so loudly in your chest you swear he must be able to hear it. “Tha’s why I hate it when you call me brother. Because I love you idiot,” he continues, swallowing hard around the words. “I love you too,” you reply without hesitation, knowing the words have yearned to be spoken for years now. “Yea?” “Yea.” “Good. Let’s get you home Princess.”
The next morning Bakugo is the first awake, not that he expected any differently. He makes his way to the kitchen and begins making breakfast for everyone, knowing it probably won’t be long until your parents wake up and not wanting to hear his mom yell at him for only making something for himself. To his surprise, it’s not his mother’s voice but rather yours that he first hears. “Good morning Katsuki,” you greet him cheerily, drawing his attention to where you’re leaning against the doorway between the dining room and the kitchen. You’re in another one of your flimsy little pajama sets but this time he doesn’t have to hide the way he hungrily takes in your form. “‘Morning,” he smirks, silently beckoning you over with a nod of his head. You oblige, sidling up next to him and pressing a coy kiss to his cheek, earning you a pinch on the rear that has you giggling. “Whatcha makin’?” you ask. “The fuck does it look like? ‘M makin’ breakfast for you and the rest of this shitty family,” he scoffs in response. “Aww, making breakfast for the whole family? You going soft on me Katsuki-nii?” you tease him with a grin, leaning into his space until your lips are mere inches apart. “Now listen here you brat-”
Your banter is cut off by the sound of someone bumping into something in the dining room, releasing a string of curses as they do so. You and Bakugo spring apart as if electrocuted, you rapidly moving to the cabinet to grab a cup while Katsuki zeroes back in on cooking, both of you trying to calm your racing hearts. “Morning you two,” Mitsuki yawns, a newspaper tucked under one arm as she still rubs at the spot on her side she must’ve knocked against the wood of the dining room chairs. You both mumble good mornings as you pour yourself a glass of orange juice and pray your step mother doesn’t notice the slight shaking of your hands. “Oh, you two made the news this morning by the way,” Mitsuki states casually, taking the newspaper out from under her arm and pressing it to Katsuki’s chest as the blood runs cold in you two’s veins. He unfolds the paper, preparing himself for a headline his career may never recover from, only to find a photo of him shoving the guy who’d groped you in the club while you cower behind the safety of your step brother. The headline says nothing about him being a perverted step sister fucker. No, it hails him as a hero, the article going on to say that more men need to be taking notes from Bakugo Katsuki on protecting women from nightclub harassers. He’s still processing that you and him haven’t gotten caught when his mother is suddenly ruffling his hair. “Who knew my gremlin son could be such a gentleman!” she grins. Katsuki bats her hand away, scowling as he growls “Don’t touch me shitty woman!” His mother, used to his mouth, basically ignores him, instead grinning even brighter as she turns to you. “You’re lucky to have such a good brother to take care of you,” she laughs. You hide your smirk with the rim of your glass as you reply.
“I really am, aren’t I?”
General Taglist: @ahtsuwu @oikawaandkuroostan @larkspyrr @oliviasslut @black-rose-29
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Twice the Chaos: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Rosalie Hale x (Fem!DemonHybrid)OC: Pandora Barlowe
Summary: You were only passing through. You had nowhere to go; you were the spawn of Satan himself. There was no place in the world for you. Until you met a blonde vampire. 
Warnings: Parental Abandonment, Depression, Chaotic Life
A/n: Listen... I’m just tryna see something here...
Key: Bold/Italics = Telepathic Conversation/Thoughts
Your mother had left you when you were of age; not wanting to take care of a freak. That was how your mother always referred to you. Your Father? He was never around. Since being left out into the streets, life has been absolute chaos. You try to make a living for yourself; but you began developing new features.
“I’m sorry, we can no longer have you be working at our establishment,” The owner comes up to you
You were just trying to clean tables; next was you getting fired?
“What? Why? I haven’t violated any of your rules,” You try to counter-argue, “More so, I’ve been trying to not violate them...”
“Your... Vibe... Everyone’s giving us weird looks... It’d be better if you no longer worked here,” He doesn’t budge
You storm out of your former workplace. 
That is IT! I’m done! 
You try running your hands through your hair but you felt something knock against your fingertips. 
Stubs?! That can’t be... 
You saw something move from the bottom corner of your eye. 
A tail?! What the absolute hell is happening?
You run off to the woods in order to avoid getting any further attention from humans. You did everything... Just simply trying to get through like at the age of 18. Clearly it wasn’t going to happen... 
You are beginning to become like me...
Who said that?! 
You were beginning to freak out.
Your father...
What are you talking about?! My dad was never around! He could be dead for all I know and care!
You don’t get it do you?... I am your father...
You were sure your father just ran off with another woman. But, it wasn’t logically possible to have someone telepathically speak to you. 
Why am I going to believe some voice in my head that’s never been around until now?! 
You just try to get the same voice out of your head.
You’re like me... You can come home. You won’t have to worry about being judged here...
Home?! My mother threw me out as soon as I turned 18... Since then I couldn’t even keep a single job afloat without anyone that comes within my radius getting me fired because of my “bad vibes”! Well, look at it this way-
No! Face it! There’s no place for me!!!!! Heaven or Hell? Doesn’t matter... There’s no damn place for a freak like me...
The voice in your head ceased then. But, the development of new features hadn’t. Your stubs? Grew into small horns. Tail? Resembled a Demon’s tail. Pointed end and everything.. It’s been months since you had your last job... Anyone really. You use a beanie to cover your horns and you shove your tail into your pants or jacket; whichever was comfortable. You mysteriously was still stable enough to create your own little place in the woods. But, it was still depressing for you. You still thought about how your mother abandoned you, getting fired just because of the vibes you give off, despite trying to be a normal human.
“Why me?...” You ask yourself, “Why me?....”
You look up as soon as you felt a single raindrop fall. 
I need a new tarp... But, I’m not in for going back into town... They wouldn’t eve just as so sell me a new tarp... Whatever I guess...
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You had passed out while the rain was going on. However, when you open your eyes, you were expected to feel wet. But, you felt warm. You look up to see a brand new tarp draped over your small hideout and you look back down to see a Sherpa-lined blanket engulfing you in warmth. 
“Got me these?...” You ask yourself
You crawl out of the hideout and try to look around the woods to see if there was anyone else that had been camping out. But, no such people were there. You scoff but felt thankful that someone was sympathetic enough to give you a whole new tarp to go over your head and a blanket. 
Fortunately it had stopped raining by the time you went out to go fishing to get your fill for the day. To be honest, it didn’t feel so bad when you would be out fishing, you found a big enough lake to see the sun rise and set over the horizon, you were able to catch a handful of fish to get you through each day. 
I see you’ve grown accustomed to living on your own... Nice job kiddo.
What did I say about coming out to “chat”? Don’t try and persuade me to “Come home”.
I’m not. I’m just checking in on you. You claim that there’s no place for you here... Yet, you’ve made a small place for yourself?
Might as well be somewhere off the grid. 
Not to that once blondie...
A blondie?... Who?...
Not sure, but that new tarp and blanket? That’s from her.... She’s been coming nearly every night...
You watch me sleep?...
I do it to protect you so you could sleep. 
Don’t try and act like my dad... I’m fine without him.... 
You still don’t believe me?..
Still haven’t seen you face to face. 
You wouldn’t want to see me face to face....
Good, we’re on the same page then. Don’t think I’d want to meet my old man anyway...
Once dusk had hit, you were putting out a firepit you had set up to cook the fish you had caught not too long before. 
I got you kiddo. Go ahead and sleep.
I said don’t treat me like you’re trying to be like my dad. I never knew him anyway... 
You take the blanket and use a couple of your flannels as a pillow.
The same old routine persisted. You felt the off-putting vibes on how you were able to be this stable, especially living in an unused shed of all places that was clearly in a state of decay. 
I think that blondie has taken a liking to you.
She’s still in question? She doesn’t even know me... How could you know?
When she would come check on you, just last night she was lying next to you. I know because she’s been visiting every night. 
And she can’t see you?
No one can. 
That’s a ‘shocker’... But can she not hear you?...
Only you and myself.
“Weird...” You take a deep breath as you sit against the tree 
You were kind of fishing from sitting on a tree branch, decently high from the ground. 
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You’ve thought about the last several nights you were sleeping in your little hideout space. You would open your eyes, but still be half asleep. As you were half awake and half asleep; you could have sworn you felt an arm hooked around your waistline. But you don’t think anything of it as you pass right back out. The feeling would be gone in the morning. 
You really think there is someone?
She’s come every night. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be taken to where she lives.
Out here? In the middle of nowhere? I doubt it.. 
Like clockwork, you set up your makeshift flannel pillow and lay across the old tarp you decided to use as a covering form the molding hardwood floor.
You open your eyes and realize the cold morning feeling is no longer around. Your eyes begin adjusting to so much light coming into the room.
“You’re awake now?” A feminine voice asks you
You were startled. Startled to the point where you fell off the bed. You groan at the impact. Trying to gain your vision back, a figure comes walking over to you. You immediately sit up and begin backing away.
“You-you don’t wanna be near me,” You say, almost in a drunken state, “I’m no good around people...”
“Says who?” She asks
“Says the many people that have fired me from jobs because of the vibes I give off,” You groan when you feel the wall against your back
“Well, they just go by the book cover,” She says, helping you back into bed, “You should lay down... You hit your head there pretty hard.”
In your still blurred vision; the woman’s hair was brunette. 
That isn’t her... 
But, she isn’t giving off any bad vibes...
I’ll be the judge of that...
You try to sit up again but a hand is gently pressed against your shoulder.
“My daughter will be here any minute to check on you,” She says, calmly, “You should thank her when you have the chance... She felt miserable watching you every night.”
She... Felt miserable?...
See? She does like you.
But, she still barely knows me. I don’t even know her name and vice versa. 
That could change here.
Will you just stop talking?....
The next time you open your eyes, your vision slowly coming together; you saw a faint color of blonde. 
Could it be?...
“I told you you shouldn’t have brought that... Thing in here. She’ll get us all killed,” A male voice tries to persuade the blonde
“I couldn’t just leave her there,” She argues, “She was miserable. Carlisle and Esme already said she could stay here under my care.”
“If you get us killed it’s your fault,” He replies
You hear him storm out of the room. 
“You’re awake for real now?” She sits at the bedside
“Where?-” You ask, trying to sit up
“My family estate,” She explains
“My-my stuff, some of my stuff-” You begin freaking out
“Already taken care of,” She slightly smiles
You sit up from the lush bedsheets, taking deep breathes as you try to wrap your head around the last several hours.
“How long was I out?” You ask the blonde
“Several hours,” She answers, “I continuously checked on you... You were... Crying, tossing and turning, talked in your sleep...”
“Oh? What about?” You ask
“Does... ‘Why me?...’, ‘What am I?...’ Ring a bell?” She asks
It does for me.
Shut up. 
“I may have had those kinds of panic attacks while I slept...” You explains, “Which is why I look like shit right?..”
“I was going to say that you’ve slept for so long,” She says, cocking an eyebrow at you, “But if you think that too than you do you.”
It was an awkward silence for the both of you. You didn’t know what to make of this blondie.
I like her.
I said shut up. 
What? She’s pretty, she’s looked after you the last serval nights.
That doesn’t mean she’s my soulmate or anything... We barely know each other, let alone each others’ names.
“My name’s Rosalie Hale,” the blondie answers
“Huh?” You ask, removing the bedsheets from your legs
“You... Didn’t know my name so... Thought I’d tell you,” She says, “Now, you must be hungry.”
“Yeah,” You say, in a suspicious tone, “Lead the way blondie.”
“It’s Rosalie,” She corrects you
“Alright blondie,” You continue using that nickname
Rosalie turns to you to try and hit you. You easily block her arm with yours. For the first time since childhood, you laughed. A genuine laugh had come out of your mouth. You stopped dead in your tracks; making Rosalie turn to you.
“You okay?” she asks, walking up to you
A chill runs up your spine as you feel her gentle touch against your forearm. You look back at her with a slight surprise. But, Rosalie didn’t seem phased by your sudden change in expression.
“Yeah,” You sigh, “I haven’t laughed in awhile... It’s.. Been a very long time.”
“How long is a long time?” She asks
“Probably when I was a little kid...” You sigh, “Since then, I’ve never really learned to smile, laugh or experience any sort of positive thing...”
“I’m so sorry,” She says, her expression changing to concern, “Well, what matters most is that you now have an actual roof over your head. You are under my care now.”
“You- don’t do me any favors blondie!” You try to protest
“Too late!” She smiles, letting out a small giggle
Ooooh, I do like her.
Aren’t you a fire spirit or something? Lay off buddy.
Oh we getting jealous now huh? 
What?!- No! You aren’t physically here, so that means you can’t have blondie.
So you can?
That’s not what I’m saying- you know what, shut your trap!
“Your friend there is fond of me I see,” Rosalie blushes
“What? Him?” You ask, “You... Can hear him?”
“He’s in your head no?” She asks you
“Well, yes but- how can you know that?” You ask
“Let’s just say I’m full of surprises,” She smirks 
You watch her walk off into the kitchen as you make eye contact with what looked to be her family members. 
“I hope you’re well rested now sweetheart,” A brunette speaks
“That’s the adoptive mother and father; Carlisle and Esme,” Rosalie explains to you
“I’m sorry you have had a tough time these past few months,” Carlisle says, “But, you are more than welcome here.”
“Oh, just at least I can get back up on my feet,” You say, bashfully, “I wouldn’t want to take up any more space than I already have..”
“Nonsense!” A male voice enthusiastically says
Your feet lose contact with the ground. You let out a yelp as you try to get a vision of who had just grabbed you.
“That is my brother... Emmett Cullen,” Rosalie scoffs, “He’s a little bit... Chaotic..”
“Chaotic is my middle name,” He jokes as he sets you right back onto the ground
“Four of our other kids are somewhere around...” Carlisle explains, “Oh, they must be out hunting. You’ll see them when you see them.”
“Thank you again,” You say
Quite a family...
You’re telling me...
After you had gotten a proper meal for the first time in months, you found yourself in the library. You don’t really read that often anymore as you have come to the conclusion that it would take you a century to read a single book. 
“Looking for something in particular?” Rosalie asks from the doorway
“To be honest... No,” You answer, “I guess I’ve just been wandering aimlessly. Never really been in a house this... Spacious..”
It’ll be much more spacious when you come live with me.
Like I said before. You are not my father and don’t try to have me come to wherever the hell it is that you live in.. Not a chance..
“You don’t get along with your dad very well?” Rosalie asks
“Never knew him...” You sigh, looking out to the forestry that surrounded the estate, “My mother said he left as soon as I was born...”
“Hey, before you go on, do you... Want to talk about it elsewhere?” She asks, placing her palm over your upper arm
“That would be nice,” You slightly smile
“I know a place,” Rosalie smiles
In one swift motion, Rosalie hoists you over her shoulder.
“You better hold on leech,” Rosalie teases
“That should be ME telling you that,” You nervously chuckle
Rosalie hops out of an open window; breaking into an inhuman speed. You weren’t sure where to hold on along Rosalie’s clothing without touching an area where Rosalie wouldn’t want you to touch her. So you just hang over her shoulder. Almost like a heavy weight.
“You doing okay?” Rosalie asks
“Yep!” You sort of lie, “Good as we can be blondie!”
“We’re almost there!” Rosalie announces to the both of you
Chapter 2
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jadoue1999 · 3 years
Peter Maximoff’s complicated relationship with Star Wars
Summary: Peter didn't like Star Wars. But not because they were bad movies, no. It's because they somehow were very similar to his own life, and they also showed him what might have been, had his twin lived long enough. This is the story of Peter Maximoff, told through the many similarities between the original trilogy and his own life.
*All Star Wars quotes are in italics*
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Peter doesn’t like Star Wars
Don’t get him wrong, the movies are great. The first movie had come out when he was 22 years old, and he had found it amazing. He had never seen anything like it before and had sneaked into the movie theater to rewatch it with his twin several times.
‘I need your help, Luke.’
It was almost ironic how his life resembled some parts of the movie. Both he and Wendy had some characteristics of Luke and Leia. He was the goofball, the one who had been recruited to break someone out of an impenetrable prison. Hell, Charles could be Obi-Wan, the old wizard with strange mind control powers (though he didn’t have them at the time), Hank was Chewbacca, the fierce beast who was loyal to his family, and then the claw guy, Logan, was Han Solo. The dark-haired man with a don’t-mess-with-me attitude that would shoot you down without hesitation. That made him Luke, the farm boy that was raised isolated, unaware of the true danger. Only difference was that Erik wasn’t Leia, no he was Vader. Wendy was Leia, the fierce, loud mouthed, badass princess that didn’t let anyone boss her around.
They had loved the first movie, but then tragedy struck. His twin’s powers were always unpredictable, always on the verge of lashing out. He had tried to help as much as he could, but just a few months after their 23rd birthday, it was too much for Wendy to bear. She lost control and died, taking half a block with her. Peter did his best to carry on, but their lost connection was all he could feel. The aching emptiness that had always been occupied by his twin sister. It took awhile, but he did eventually go see the second Star Wars. It was... a bittersweet experience to say the least.
Seeing the big bad Vader being related to Luke really did a number on him. All he could think about was the fact that he too was related to a literal terrorist. Someone who had hurt hundred of people and would probably not hesitate to hurt him as well. And then it was revealed that Luke and Leia shared a connection, where they could hear each other and feel each other, and it just overwhelmed him. Minus the kissing (ew, that was gross, why did they even include that?!) Luke and Leia’s relationship reminded him of his and Wendy’s.
That’s why he wasn’t surprised when they were revealed to be twins in the next movie.
Actually, he had been surprised, but more about the fact that his grief took over for a moment. Seeing Leia try to reason with Luke, telling him that nothing good would come out of chasing Vader, their father... that was a conversation that had really happened after their mom told them who exactly was Magneto. Peter had decided to chase Erik down the moment he had resurfaced.
‘I won't fail - I'm not afraid.’
‘Oh, you will be. You will be.’
His mom had warned him about Magneto, how nothing good came out of chasing ghosts, but he had to try. A confrontation with the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Cloud city The mansion was full of people, and the place was exploding. He saved them all (minus one), of course, because that’s what he did. Why be a speedster if you can’t save people from catastrophe?
‘Luke, don't - it's a trap!’
Yeah, it had been a trap, alright. But unlike Luke, he hadn’t had Leia to warn him. So, the carbon freezing chamber knock out gun had worked. That’s how he ended up captured by the government and woke up in a weird green room. The others, he could understand why they were taken, they seemed to know the man holding them, but why him? Peter was of no interest to them. Unless they knew he was related to Magneto and planned to use him as a bargaining chip, but it seemed unlikely.
Then, they were freed and, on their way to confront En Sabah Nur, or as Hank had described him, the blue god. He had told Raven about his relationship with Erik, and she promised him that she would make sure she would tell him.
‘There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you.’
The cold, cold eyes of Magneto were staring at him with something that seemed almost like interest. “And you?”
‘I am your father.’
It was right there, a perfect opportunity served on a silver platter. An opportunity to make Erik realize he wasn’t alone, that he had more family. Perhaps he’d turn back to the light side if he knew. “I’m your-“
But it was Wendy who was the brave one, she was the chosen one. She never would have hesitated. And he wasn’t his sister. “I’m here for my family too.”
It was all sad and tragic because his life was just like that. He could feel Raven’s eyes on him, she couldn’t understand why he hadn’t told him, but she couldn’t know about Wendy. It was his own painful secret.
With how similar his life was to Luke’s he wasn’t sure why he was even surprised when he got his hand cut off leg broken. Then, there he was, trying to hold on to consciousness as shock settled into his body.
‘Hear me! Leia!’
Oh, how he wished Wendy were here. She would have destroyed them. Peter would have done anything for his twin to answer, like Leia did with Luke. But she was dead, there was no one to answer him. Just the cobwebs of their broken connection and the burning pain of his leg. He didn’t really care what happened next, he was all too focused on getting his message to his long-lost sister. He didn’t really believe in a higher power, of some all-powerful entity that somehow watched over everyone. He did, however, believe in Wendy, his strong, beautiful, powerful sister.
‘I would have preferred her too’
The blue God’s voice resonated in his head, catching him off guard. No one had ever reached in his mind like that, Wendy only could because of their connection.
‘If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will.’
Would his father have tried recruiting Wendy for his brotherhood? Yeah, definitely. She would have been the true last hope. A daughter to be proud about. One with abilities beyond anything anyone had ever seen. One that truly would have saved everyone, hell, she would have prevented the mansion from exploding and never would have been captured in the first place. The blue god looked at him with disdain in his eyes and Peter knew it didn’t mean anything good. He tried to crawl away, but in his current position, that did absolutely nothing.
‘It is pointless to resist, my son.’
En Sabah Nur grabbed him by the hair and tugged, holding him painfully upright and vulnerable. He’d always hated staying still, he was always too full of energy, always eager to chase after the next distraction.
Peter looked up at his father, trying to see if he would do anything, but he saw nothing but indifference. Magneto didn’t care about him. He was an insignificant mutant, a face amongst a thousand others. Soon to be counted amongst the hundred of corpses that Erik had seen in his life.
‘Now, young Skywalker...you will die.’
The god pulled his head back sharply, exposing his throat. “End him.”
One of his horsemen was approaching him with a sharp sword. Peter was slightly thankful that it wasn’t his dad that was chosen to be his executioner. His powers had kicked in, trying to give him an opportunity to escape. But it only made his imminent doom even worse.
Then, he didn’t die, and the hope of seeing his twin again was brushed aside for another near-death situation. As it turned out, Raven was a great person when the son of her friend was in danger.
En Sabah Nur let him go too quickly to focus on the blue mutant. He gasped and writhed as he fell to the ground as electricity pain coursed through his body. The blue god didn’t care about him, he continued calling for Charles, calling for his true target.
‘Father! Help me!’
He should cry out like Luke did, there was no way Magneto would act if he didn’t. Then again, he didn’t have a clue who he was. It was doubtful he remembered him from the Pentagon, it had been nearly 10 years and Erik had had a whole other family since. He was just the nameless idiot that got a big head and tried to take on a god and got defeated like a loser.
In the end, they were all fine, just a little shaken. Erik gave him a weird look, either he pitied him, or he was wondering what he had wanted to tell him. But Peter was on the verge of passing out, there was no way he could hold a conversation at the moment. They came back to the mansion and Peter decided to stay, maybe getting out of his isolation wouldn’t be so bad.
So, even if his life was similar to Star Wars, in its turns and tragedy, it wasn’t even close to how the trilogy ended. The scruffy Han never came back, Obi-wan wasn’t next to a redeemed Anakin (he just left all together) and Leia wasn’t at his side anymore. A happy ending wasn’t something that happened in real life. Everything he wanted resolved wasn’t wrapped neatly into a bow. He still had his loads of daddy issues caused by a father who didn’t know was a father and Wendy, his amazing long gone twin still wasn’t at his side. Peter figured that some good would eventually come to him, it couldn’t be all bad, right?
‘This is our most desperate hour.’
He had faith in that, so, when he was woken up by a burning sensation in his chest, he did his best to understand. The pain was so familiar, it was grief. But not his grief, no, this came from the connection he shared with his twin.
“Wanda?” he called out. Using her real name because she was calling to him. Because she needed him. Because she was somewhere all alone.
“I had a brother, his name was… Pietro.”
It was painful for her to talk about him, so he made sure to let her know through their bond that he was there for her, she just had to reach out. Wanda was confused to feel him, but her scarlet magic soon opened a portal. It might be a trap, there was no way to be certain, but Peter trusted his sister. He took and deep breath and ran into the portal without hesitation. She was alone and she was suffering, it was his job as her twin to help her.
‘Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.’
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ladydorian05 · 4 years
A Christmas with you~
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Oh god...where do I begin, okay as of today Dec/24/2020, the movie We can be heroes isn’t out yet, so everything is just from my imagination, interactions, personalities and everything else that may sound slightly canon, it’s most certainly NOT canon. I hate using ‘Y/n’ on reader inserts but this time I had to. Thank you @din-damn-djarin​ for being my beta for this fic, I really, really appreciate it. Go check out her fics, I adore her Neigbor Marcus Pike series, it’s SO good. 
This is a monster of a fic, where did so many words come from?
Hope you guys like it.
Thoughts are in italics 
A Christmas with you~
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x f!reader
Summary: You’ve been in love with your best friend for years, what you don’t know is that he’s also in love with you. Could a little push from one cunning young girl help you both get together during the most wonderful time of the year? (sorry, still suck at summaries)
Warnings: Reader’s superhero name is “Striker”, why? Because my brain thought it sounded cool, I jump from POV to POV, one plotting child, best friends to lovers, a pair of pinning idiots and implicit spiciness.
Words: 7K something
It was no secret to any of the members of the Heroics that you had no family to spend the holidays with.
In a way they were all your family, you were all a close-knitted team, but sometimes, it just wasn’t the same.
Then, there was Marcus and his daughter. He had been there from the moment you joined the team he became a very close friend, your best friend. Most of the time you got partnered with him, especially when it came to reconnaissance missions, you worked well together, you trusted each other and always had each other’s back.
Eventually, you began to feel differently towards him. You were no fool, you knew what you felt for him was definitely more than simple fondness, attachment or admiration. Your heart rate increased when he was close, his smile makes you smile, you would do anything for him, anything to keep him and his loved ones from harm’s way.
He’s always been so charming and handsome and a total gentleman. There had been times where you had wanted to take the first step, confess your feelings to him and see where that would take you, but you couldn’t; at first because he had been a married man about to become a father when you met him and then when his wife stopped being a part of the picture, well you just wanted to be there for him as a friend, he had enough on his plate raising Missy on his own, he didn’t need you to dump all of your feelings on him.
He was doing amazing on his own, but you wanted him. No, you wanted both of them, Marcus and Missy, to know that you would be there for them whenever they needed you. Besides, you were just friends, he’ll never see you as anything more.
“That will be all for today, everyone’s dismissed. I wish you all a happy Christmas eve and remember to keep your locators close, we all know how crime rates increase during this season. I'll see you again here until the 26th” Ms. Granada said, taking you out of your thoughts and officially ending the debrief meeting.
Every year, during the holidays, most of the team got a leave from duty, beginning early on Christmas eve, until the 26th; that was if no major crisis happened that required the whole team, otherwise only a handful of volunteers were left on patrol duty during those days.
Seeing as you’ve never celebrated the festivity, you always volunteered to be a part of the patrolling team. Not that your teammates had never invited you to spend Christmas with them and their families, they had done it on multiple occasions, not wanting you to be alone, time and time again you had reassured them that it was alright you didn't mind spending the night patrolling.
In truth, you always declined because you didn’t want to intrude, the celebration was all about family and spending time with loved ones, you knew your friends had good intentions but you just didn’t want to feel like you didn’t belong there, like you were invited to tag along out of pity.
Eventually, the invitations stopped coming your way, and while it hurt a bit that they gave up on you, you were also relieved for not being put on the spot again and again having to decline their generous offers.
But this year, unbeknownst to you, a scheme was beginning to brew inside the head of one young girl, to make you change your plans for the night.
Missy wasn’t blind, she knew there was something between her father and Striker, even before she learned that her father was a superhero.
When she was younger, she had shipped his dad’s alter ego and Striker. They always looked so in-sync on the tv, like the perfect duo, but now that she gets to watch them both in real life? She had no doubts, they liked each other.
And it wasn’t just when they were in costume, Striker had always been around ever since she could remember, all of her birthday parties, her school festivals, even helping her dad every time some mom came up with the idea to have bake sales at school over and over again; what’s wrong with that woman?
She had noticed all the constant glances, the here and there ‘accidental’ brush of hands, even the full-on staring; just like right now, during the debrief, her father’s eyes kept straying from Ms. Granada to Striker and every single time he turned his attention back to the meeting before he could notice how Striker had been doing the same thing. Oh yeah, they were both pining for each other.
The problem was that they were SO stubborn, she’s been trying to bring it up to her dad, but he would immediately change the topic of the conversation with some question about school or any upcoming mission, it was frustrating!
She wanted him to be happy, she wanted both of them to be happy, and being superheroes was dangerous business, she wasn’t about to wait until something happened to either of them, as dramatic as that would be, for things to move forward. Like always, it was up to her to give them a push.
“You know, if you keep staring at her like that she’ll burst into flames.” One good thing that came with the pair of pinning adults was that the whole thing made them so easy to tease, and she loved to tease her father.
“I think you're mistaken, that would be something Lavagirl could probably do, not me sweetheart.” With a chuckle, Marcus puts a hand on her head to ruffle her hair. “Ready to go?” Changing the topic, again. This time she wasn’t about to let it go.
“Not yet. Actually, there’s something you haven’t done.” Missy crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Oh, really?” Marcus smiled as he mimicked his daughter’s stance. “And what is that thing I haven’t done?” he said with amusement.
Missy smirked. “You haven’t asked Y/n if she wants to come home and celebrate with us. “The smile on Marcus' face disappeared, a stunned expression replacing it.
“Yeah, you should invite her, we can all have dinner together and maybe she can stay and open presents with us.”
“Uh…Missy, sweetheart I don’t think that’s a good-“
“Oh, come on, dad! It’ll be great! It’s not as if we’re doing something REALLY special tonight. Please?”
“Sweetheart, she’ll probably say no, you know she never comes to Christmas parties.” His hands moved from his chest to rest on his waist as he spoke.
“Which is why you should invite her over. We’re not throwing a party; it’ll be just the three of us. And even if she says no, you won't lose anything just by asking.”
He wouldn’t know what to do if she rejected him. How cliché of him to fall in love with his best friend.
He had slowly fallen for you, so much so that by the time he realized what was going on, he was already a goner.
He had always known how beautiful you were, your smile, the way it illuminated your whole face; your eyes, your nose, your lips. He noticed how you were always helping people, inside and outside your Heroic persona, he also noticed how you tried to dismiss your own worries, not wanting to ‘burden’ others with them.
If only you would let him do for you the same things you do for him. He would love nothing more than to share whatever problems weighted down on you. He also knew you never accepted invitations to any Christmas celebration, at first, he had thought maybe you were being shy, being the new member of the team and all that, but year after year you always declined every single invitation from your teammates, he had always hated the thought of you spending the holidays on your own, patrolling the city.
He had never tried to invite you himself, back when his wife was around, they had always traveled to her parent’s house so it was useless to ask you to tag along, and then, after she left, it had been difficult to even try to celebrate.
If he asked you to come to Christmas and you said no, if you rejected him…well what hope could he have that maybe, just maybe he could find the courage to confess his feelings. But the probability of them being unrequired scared him so much. Should he risk it all?
Missy didn’t need to be a telepath to know what her dad was thinking, he was thinking too much and that normally resulted in him chickening out, well this time she wouldn’t let him.
“Or do you actually like the idea of her spending Christmas patrolling the city in a cold night most likely on her own?” This time she copied her father’s stance, silently challenging him to a staring contest, she had this in the bag, her dad had never won a staring contest in his life.
“You can be so stubborn when you want to, little lady.” Marcus said after a few seconds, breaking eye contact.
“Who do you think I got it from?” She said with a self-satisfied smile on her face.
“Come here.” Marcus pulled her in a hug. “I love you; you know that?” he said, leaving a kiss on top of her hair.
“I know, I love you too. Now stop stalling and go ask her.”
“Okay, okay. Sheesh, you’re also bossy.” He squeezed her a little before letting go and walking towards y/n.
“It’s called leadership!” He shook his head laughing, well, at least he was doing something right, god knows raising Missy almost on his own hadn’t been easy.
You had been waiting to see which teammates would be staying with you this year to agree upon a schedule, when you noticed Marcus approaching you, he stood in front of you with a wide smile making his adorable dimple appear.
“Hi there.” He greeted while rubbing his hands together, one of his nervous ticks.
“Hi there yourself, everything okay?” It was weird, you could see how tense he was and he kept shifting from foot to foot.
His eyes widened and his head kept moving as he nodded. “Yeah, yes, everything’s alright.”
“Okay.” Now this was a Marcus you didn’t get to see often. Normally he was so self-assured, he always carried himself with confidence, even in the face of danger. “Are you excited to go home and spend a whole day with Missy?”
“Of course, it’s been some time since we’ve had the chance to spend a whole day together.”
“I’m glad you got the chance, she’s been working so hard, you both have, you deserve some time off.”
And so do you. He thought.
“You know, you’re right, you should also take a break.” He frowned. Marcus could see the bags under your eyes. You had also been working harder, pulling more time than the others. You did this every year during this season and it always pained him, while everyone else went home to their families you didn’t even hang your suit and equipment for a night and a day off, no, you made sure to keep everyone safe.
“I don’t know, not many of us volunteer for patrol as it is, and I don’t have any plans for the night or tomorrow so, why not?” You looked down at your feet. It was the truth, why bother taking a break, only to go to a cold empty apartment? You could find a better use of your time like this.
Marcus, swallowed, steeling what little resolve he had, it was now or never.
“You know, we- Missy and I that is. We were wondering if…maybe, if you don’t have any other plans; and of course you can say no, but it’ll be great if you said yes, and it’s nothing formal-” You watched him with amusement as he kept rambling, “It would be just the three of us and well, pizza and movies and junk food, staying up until midnight and opening some presents. Don’t worry, you don’t have to actually bring anything, it’ll be fine with jus-“
Shit, why was he talking so much, and why wouldn’t his hands stop moving!? Something like this hadn’t happened to him in a freaking long while, since he first invited a girl he liked on a date, like twenty or so years ago!
Leave it to you to have this kind of effect on him, only you could reduce him to a babbling idiot, if this kept going on, he wouldn’t be able to actually ask you the question.
Oh my god! What is he doing!? Missy stared at her dad as he kept talking and moving his hands around while you just looked at him with mirth and confusion.
She had to do everything in this family, didn’t she?
“Would you like to join us tonight and maybe even tomorrow?” Missy interrupted her dad before he could keep on talking.
 Marcus hadn't been so grateful to his little girl than in that moment. “Umm, yeah, would you like to join us?” Marcus looked at you with a smile and hopeful eyes.
“Oh…OH!” You were speechless, you weren’t expecting an invitation this year, least of all an invitation from him. While it wasn’t weird for him to invite you to special occasions, he’s never once tried to invite you to spend Christmas with him. You always thought this time of year was special for him and that he preferred to spend it alone with Missy. “I-I…”
“Please say yes! It’d be fun, we just sit in front of the tv and watch movies while eating junk food!” Missy jumped in hugging you. She wasn’t scared to use her resources, every single one of them, if that meant that y/n agreed to the invite; she’d even use the puppy eyes if she had to, she had to exploit that one before it stopped working.
“I don’t know, we can’t leave the city defenseless…” Puppy eyes it was.
“Pretty please! I’m sure it’ll be fine, you always stay on duty, they can manage one year without you!”
Oh no, not the puppy eyes! You stared at Missy’s brown eyes, they looked so much like her father’s. You shifted your gaze from Missy to look at Marcus only to find him doing almost the same expression. God damn it! Not him too, he’s too old for that face to work, why is it working!?
What the hell, it’s not like you didn’t want to.
“Okay, I’ll join you guys”
“Yes! You’re the best, see ya later!!!” Missy gave your middle a squeeze before running out of the room, leaving you and Marcus staring after her.
“You mister are way too old to be pulling the puppy-eyed look, you should be ashamed.” You turned to see his smug face.
“I’ll keep using it for as long as it keeps working.”
“What a disgrace.”
“So umm, does six work for you?”
“Yeah, I’m just going to let the others know I won’t be a volunteer this year. See you then.” With a smile you gave Marcus a quick hug before approaching one of the members of the Heroics that, much like you, always volunteered and was the one in charge of making the schedule for patrol rounds.
“Yeah, see you.” Marcus said shaking his head, long after you had left his side. He needed to get a grip of himself, if not, he would have a long night waiting for him.
Even if Marcus said not to bring anything, you hated arriving at a friend’s house empty handed, even if it was Marcus, especially if it was Marcus; so you made sure to grab a couple of things on the way to your apartment. Some bags of everyone’s favorite chip flavor and enough ingredients to make some cinnamon rolls.
You took a quick shower once the glaze was done and the cinnamon rolls were in the oven. With one towel around your body and another one around your hair; you stood in front of your dresser debating on what to wear.
It’s not like this was a date; as if. So why worry so much?  Still, you kept on throwing clothes on your bed, you told yourself enough by the time you were seriously contemplating putting on a dress.
You put away the mess you made, leaving out a nice button up shirt and a pair of comfortable dress pants, the ones that had actual pockets, you finished your look with some comfortable boots, you were probably going to end up taking them off at some point so you also put on some cute Christmas themed fuzzy socks.
Satisfied with your choice, you decided to put on a baggy T-shirt to take the cinnamon rolls out of the oven and to prevent the glaze from dirtying your clothes when you poured it on the buns once they were cool enough.
You were fifteen minutes late by the time you got dressed, packed everything up, and grabbed the presents for Marcus and Missy that you had wrapped up a week ago. You send Marcus a message saying that you were on your way.
Marcus went into full panic mode when they got home an hour and a half away from the time he told you to arrive, they lost too much time lining up to pay at the supermarket, he insisted on going once he remembered he was out of your favorite candy, he also got a bag of chocolates and some sodas.
For a moment he contemplated getting some beers, but soon dismissed the idea, he wasn’t that much of a drinker and he didn’t like to drink in front of his daughter. Besides this wasn’t a date, of any kind, just his daughter and best friend; who he had been in love with for a long time now, spending some quality time together.
Shit, he forgot about the pizza!
“Missy, go take a shower and change into something more comfortable but nice and then come give me a hand, we need to set everything up in the living room” He said as he dialed the number from the pizza place the three of you loved.
Missy took the grocery bags to the kitchen before doing what her father asked her to do, but in reverse, that way there was a chance that you would arrive while she was still getting ready leaving the two of you alone for a few minutes.
She opened the chocolate and candy bags dumping the contents into two different small bowls, she listened as her father finished ordering the pizza on her way to the living room where they had a slightly bigger tv than the one in front of the breakfast table, she left the bowls on the coffee table in the middle.
“Missy, I thought I asked you to do something else before setting everything up.”
“I know, but we’ll finish faster this way, you need to take a shower too. Can you get the glasses from the cupboard?”
He sighed but went to the kitchen to get the aforementioned glasses.
“Hey, did you order the potato wedges?” Missy asked, taking one of the soda bottles and putting it inside the fridge.
“Yup.” Marcus answered, passing her the second bottle. “Give me a hand with the plates please.” He bumped her with his hip as he passed her.
They inspected their work for a moment before going to their respective rooms to get ready, Missy decided to take her time choosing her clothes, she even contemplated whether it’d be too much to take a bath instead of a shower.
Never before, in his whole life, had he gotten ready for ANYTHING as fast as today. He almost pulled out a suit from his closet before doing a double-take and grabbing a nice shirt, some black denim pants, and his favorite sneakers.
He decided to forgo any kind of hair product and only dabbled a little bit of cologne on his wrist and neck. On his way to the living room, he stopped by Missy’s room to knock on her door.
“Are you ready darling?”
“Not yet!” Was her muffled response.
“Okay, I’ll be in the living room, take your time but remember we’ll have a special guest over.” A special guest? Come on Marcus, she’s been here multiple times before, she’s like part of the family, maybe not in the way he wished her to be but still.
“Okay, dad!” A special guest!? Really!? He was hopeless, did he even notice how obvious he was? Why hadn’t he done something about it yet? Y/n could easily slip through his fingers by the time he decided to actually make a move. She needed to up her game.
 Marcus kept staring at the clock as it read five minutes past six, leg bouncing. Maybe his clock was wrong, maybe he didn’t put the right hour, maybe it was forward by a few minutes.
God, he was a mess, he needed to calm down, it was just Y/n, his best friend; she’s hung out with them before, on multiple occasions, except…well she wasn’t JUST Y/n, she never was and never would be.
She was everything, she became everything to him in such a short time that sometimes it scared him. If he had to be truly honest with himself, he needed to admit that he began to fall for her the moment they met, he fought against it for years, he was married with a baby on the way for god’s sake.
He had loved his wife and he would’ve never cheated on her, but he also couldn’t deny the connection he felt with you from day one, he had never felt something even remotely close to it with anyone else.
If things had been different, he would have told you about his feeling’s way sooner, he had been selfish, he knew he couldn’t afford to lose you, he lost his wife, Missy lost her mother, he couldn’t lose you too if you didn’t feel the same, that would’ve destroyed him when Missy needed him more than ever.
So, instead he kept it silent, holding on to the hope that maybe, someday, he’d be able to act upon his feelings for you.
He was startled by his phone chiming in his pocket, the first thing he noticed was the hour, quarter past six; and the second, your message. ‘I’m on my way.’
He sighed, you would be there soon, could he maybe try to hint at something tonight? Well, if he didn’t, maybe he could bring ‘that’ out.
Fifteen more minutes later you were finally ringing Marcus’ house doorbell, not for the first time, you were happy with the proximity of your apartment complex to his house.
“Hey! Why didn’t you use your key?” Marcus' smiling face greeted you. “Oh, I see why.” You were holding a container in one hand, balancing two gift boxes on top and the cloth bag with the chips in the other.
“I kind of couldn’t even if I wanted to.” You laughed.
“I told you, you didn’t have to bring anything but yourself; here, let me help you.” He took the container with the cinnamon rolls from your hands. “Come on in.”
“As if you didn’t know me Marcus, I never come here with empty hands.” You followed Marcus to the kitchen after closing the door behind you.
“This thing is warm, what’s inside?” he had left the bag and the container on the counter, he also put the boxes aside.
“Well, you have two options, you can try to guess or you can open it.” You said with a smile, taking the bags of chips out to fold the bag they were in.
“I know it’s warm, is it something sweet?” so guessing it was, you loved to play this kind of game with him every time you brought baked goods.
“Can I smell it? Am I allowed to do that?” he asked, eyebrows raised and a big smile on his face.
You faked a thoughtful look before nodding. Marcus lifted the container close to his face and took a deep breath.
“Cinnamon?” His eyes opened wide in delight. “No way, don’t tell me! Are these, you brought cinnamon rolls!? Holy sheesh!”
You laughed at him, you knew he loved cinnamon rolls so you made them as often as you could, you even gave him the recipe but he claimed that they just didn’t taste the same when he made them himself. You thought he was just too impatient to make them and preferred to just eat them.
He opened the container to keep the bread from getting soggy because of the condensation inside it.
“My god! They look delicious, I swear could kiss you right now!” What!?
 FUUUUCK!!! YOU IDIOT! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!!! he froze up, there was a moment of silence between the two of you before it was thankfully interrupted by the doorbell.
“The pizza is here! Just in time.” He said with maybe too much enthusiasm. The delivery guy deserved a big tip, he just unknowingly saved his ass.
 Did you hear correctly? Did he say kiss? That’s what he said, right?
No, well yes, he did say it, but he probably didn’t mean it like, well...THAT. It was just an expression, he was overjoyed you brought him food and you were just thinking too much into things. Yeah, that was it, you were thinking too much.
“I heard the pizza arrived! Don’t start without me!” You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as Missy appeared around the corner. “Hi y/n!”
“Hi Missy.” You opened your arms towards her for a hug that she walked right into.
“You got chips, nice. Wait do I smell cinnamon rolls!?” Like father, like daughter.
“Ah-ah-ah! Don’t touch those, little lady. Those are for later.” Marcus said stepping into the kitchen. “Now, come on, I left the pizza on the coffee table.”
“But dad, they’re WARM.” Missy argued, stressing out the last word.
“Don’t you think it also hurts me to leave them there? We can reheat them later in the oven.” Marcus said with his hands on his hips. Missy looked like she wanted to say something more, so you decided to cut in.
“Mis, why don’t you take the gifts I brought and put them under the tree? We’ll be there in a minute.” You said handing her the boxes.
“Okay, but I get to pick the first movie!” Both of you watched as she walked out.
“I swear this girl.” Marcus huffed running a hand through his hair.
“Don’t you dare finish that thought Moreno, you’re just as bad as her when it comes to your precious buns.” You said shaking your head.
You hear him gasp as you walk to the fridge, knowing he probably stashed the drinks there. “You wound me!”
“Uh huh, let’s go before she decides to start eating without us.” You grabbed one of the cold bottles of soda inside the fridge and made your way towards the living room. “Don’t forget to bring the chips.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Together you made your way to the living room.
Missy decided to sit on the carpeted floor right in front of the coffee table, that way her dear pining love birds would be forced to share the loveseat.
“What took you so long? I hope the big box is for me, also I already picked a movie.”
“Don’t be impatient, you’ll find out soon.” You said as you ruffled her hair a little, leaving the bottle of soda on the table close to the glasses.
“Oh no. Sweetheart, we forgot to move the couch.”
“It’s okay dad, you two can have the loveseat, besides this way I’ll be closer to the snacks.” Don’t be suspicious Missy, you don’t want to ruin this perfect chance. Phase one, getting them to sit together: complete, phase two is on hold.
“You sure you don’t mind darling?”
“Nope, can I start the movie?”
Oh god, they were going to be really close to one another.
Calm down, Moreno. You’re fine, this is fine. It’s your best friend. He reminded himself for the millionth time that day.
He didn’t know what was wrong with him, maybe it was because this was your first Christmas with them and all the domestic stuff was getting to him.
He turned to look at you “After you.” He said gesturing towards the loveseat with his hands.
“Thank you. What are we watching Missy?”
“First Home alone, The Santa Clause, Arthur Christmas; you know, the classics with a touch of new stuff.”
“Let’s begin then.” Everyone sat in their respective places with a plate and a slice of pizza.
As the evening progressed, he found himself using the ‘stretching move’ to put his arm around you, when he noticed you weren’t bothered by it, he willed his body to relax and enjoy the company of his favorite people in the world.
 As the movies kept playing on the screen and the snacks disappeared little by little. You felt yourself get more comfortable.
For a moment you let your imagination run wild; for a moment you let yourself believe this was a normal occurrence, family movie nights, cuddling with Marcus on the loveseat, going to sleep beside him afterward, waking up beside him, help him raise Missy…
You needed to stop this, as wonderful as everything sounded inside your head you knew none of that would become a reality.
“Okay, it’s getting late,” You got startled by Marcus nudging you softly with his shoulder before pausing the movie, you hadn’t even realized you leaned into him “don’t think that I’ll forget about your bedtime just because Y/n is here.”
“But dad!”
“No, come on, let’s open some presents and then I want you to go get ready for bed. I can see your head nodding from here, you’re tired, go on choose one.”
Phase two: Leave the love birds alone, has officially begun. Missy thought, wishing for her dad to finally take the opportunity to climb that last step. Phase three of her plan, officially having you as a mom, depended on it.
“Okay,” Missy said pretending to be disappointed “Y/n, which one is mine? The big one?”
“Sorry Mis, It’s actually the small one.”
“’Oh’? What’s that supposed to mean? Don’t you have faith in me?”
“I do, but what cool stuff could possibly be wrapped in such a small box?”
“You’ll see once you open it, sweetheart.” Marcus left the remote control on the table and returned to his previous position on the loveseat, arm around you and all.
Both of you watched as Missy broke the wrapping paper and opened the wooden box taking out what looked like a smart watch from inside it.
“Oh! It’s one of those cool watches!” Missy exclaimed with surprise.
“Yes and no.” you said, leaning in towards her.
“what do you mean?”
“This one’s special, see I got Tech-no to make it especially for you. It does work like any other smart watch, but you’ll be able to use this one even if you don’t have a Wifi connection or aren’t close to any phone tower.”
“What!? How!?”
“It’s linked into one of the Heroics main recon satellites, it has a GPS function that’ll show you the map and your location no matter where you are, it also has the emergency button. It’ll alert your dad, me, or the Heroics mission control station. It has many more functions, I think, but that’s all I remember. Tech-no included a manual, you’ll get it once you turn it on. Oh yeah! Almost forgot, aside from being able to use conventional charging cables, I don’t know how but he also included solar panels.”
“OMG! I can’t believe it!! It’s the best gift ever!! Thank you!!!” Missy jumped from her place on the floor to tackle you in a hug.
“You’re welcome, I thought it could come in handy now that you’re in the saving the world business with us.” You said with a laugh.
“Hey, Missy, you still want the big box? We can exchange.” Marcus said with raised eyebrows.
“No way! This is mine, I’m gonna go charge it. Thankyousomuch, goodnight, bye.” With that Missy took off running towards her room.
“Hey, don’t forget to brush your teeth!” He reminded her.
“I won’t!”
You both heard the door to her room slam close.
“Wow Y/n, you didn’t have to.”
“It’s no big deal Marcus, you know how much I love her, and I worry. She’s too much like you.” You said staring at him.
“Wha-what’s that supposed to mean?” He said feigning offense.
“I mean it in a good way! She’s kind and selfless, headstrong, brave, and so intelligent. What we do is dangerous, and now that she's exposed to it, well, knowing her she won’t stay behind anymore. All we can do is give her the tools to keep herself and her team as safe as possible.”
Could you be any more perfect? He knew you loved his daughter, it’s always been clear to him, but could she love him just as much?
“You know now I have to try and top that gift next year, right? There’s no way anything I got her this one is going to top yours.” He said with the most serious face he could muster.
“That was the point.” You answered with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“Mala.” he said, squinting his eyes at you.
“You think I’m bad!?” you gasped, “I’ll show you bad mister.” You stand up from your seat, you walk in your Christmas themed socks; boots long forgotten in favor of comfort; towards the tree to take the gift you brought for him. “No present for you, I’m going to keep it.” You said smugly .
“Now that’s not fair.”
“Oh, I think it is.”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“What? What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”
“I said I’m sorry, oh benevolent woman! Goddess of the amazing Christmas presents! I kneel before you.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You laughed at him.
“The things I have to do for a present.”
“You didn’t really kneel.”
“You serious?” he asked flabbergasted.
“No. Now open your gift before I change my mind.”
Marcus eagerly tore the paper apart, revealing a thinner wooden box than the one Missy received. Inside, Marcus found an old throwing knife.
You stared at him, holding your breath as he opened the gift, it wasn’t some cutting edge piece of tech, but you knew how much that knife meant to him.
He was speechless, he instantly recognized it the moment his eyes laid on the engravings of the blade, this had been one of his father’s throwing knives. While not exactly a superhero, his father had served in the army as part of a special secret division. He had preferred knives instead of guns. And he taught Marcus everything he knew about them, that was the reason he had chosen to fight with swords, in memory of his father.
But how, how could you have gotten hold of one of his knives, they had been lost during his last mission.
“I-I, how-” He swallowed hard “How did you find it?”
“Well, I remembered what you told me, about your dad, what he did and a-about your dad’s last mission and well, remember last time I took some days off a few months ago? I did some research and found the town he had gone to. I asked around and I found this old lady, she treated your father’s wounds at some point during his mission and he tried to pay her by giving her one of his knives, she never sold it. I told her about you and well, she insisted on returning the blade to you.” You finished your tale a little bit breathless, he became really quiet when he opened the box.
He couldn’t believe you remembered that, it’s been so long since he told you about his father.
Had it been a mistake to search for the blade? Did you overstep? Maybe you should have told him before going on that trip.
“Marcus, I’m sorr-” One moment you were trying to apologize to him and the next you were being enveloped in a pair of strong arms.
“Thank you.” He said breathless, leaving a kiss on top of your head. “This means so much to me.” You just smiled and hugged him back.
You stayed like that, relishing in the feeling of his arms around you, holding you tight to his chest.
This woman, this wonderful, amazing, beautiful woman… fuck it, he knew what he had to do.
You felt a pang of sadness and longing as Marcus’ arms began to retreat from around you.
“Wait here. I-I need to go get something.” You watched as he left the box with his gift on the table, stood from his seat and disappeared around a corner.
 Calm down, calm down, it was just a hug. You told yourself.
Marcus came back to sit beside you a minute or so later holding a small baby blue box with a white ribbon on top in his hands.
“I-I’ve been waiting for the right moment to give you this. It’s nothing like what you gave us but…I hope you like it.” He reached for your hands and left the box in your palms.
Upon a closer look, you noticed the box came from a jewelry store, an expensive one at that. You opened it carefully, not wanting to damage the little box. Inside the box, lying on a silky looking piece of fabric, you saw a beautiful heart shaped golden locket, there was a flowery design with some vines on the surface giving it some texture.
“Marcus!” You gasped. “You didn’t have to; this must’ve been really expensive.”
“Go ahead, open it.” You did as he said not lifting the heart from its silky bed. Inside, you found a small picture of Marcus, Missy and you.
You remembered that one was taken during Missy’s birthday last year, in the picture the three of you were laughing, your faces dirty with cake frosting from the small war that took place moments before his mother had taken the picture without them noticing.
“Marcus! This is beautiful, thank you so much!” You were about to hug him when he raised a hand to stop you.
“There’s more.” You were confused, he was acting a bit strange, you noticed he was tense as you looked from him and back to the necklace. “Turn it around.”
Once more you did what he said, closing the locket you took it in your palm noticing something engraved into it. On the back you found that it was indeed engraved. It read:
‘For the holder of my heart~’
It’s now or never. He held his breath as he watched you read the words. He began to worry when you didn’t show any kind of reaction.
“What?” you whispered, it can’t be, could this mean, did he, what?
“I-I was going to wait to give it to you, I had this elaborate plan, I wanted to ask you out, take you to a nice restaurant, then maybe we’d go to a park or something. I also thought of giving it to you on your birthday, but then we got kidnapped by aliens and I lost the courage, because what if I ruined everything? What if I ruined our friendship just because I fell in love and you didn’t feel the same? Then things would’ve become awkward and we’d stop hanging out and eventually we would’ve become strangers and I never want that to happen, I want you, I want you in my life, in our lives and I can’t imagi-”
“Marcus.” You interrupted him. “You love me?”
“More than anything.”
“How long?”
“Long time now.” You nodded slowly. Your brain still trying to process everything he just said, but mainly repeating ‘he loves me!’ over and over again.
“Can you... help me put it on?” you gesture to the necklace still in your hands.
He nodded, taking it in his hands as you turned around for him. He didn’t understand what was happening, you were still here, you asked him for his help to put his gift on, so that was something good, right?
“Done.” He said stunned as you turned around to face him with the biggest most beautiful smile he’s ever seen.
“You love me?” You asked again. Your voice, now full of emotion, a stark contrast from the flat one you used a moment ago.
“You really, really love me?” now he was getting confused.
“Yes Y/n, I love you, you and only you.”
“Good. Because I love you too.” He barely had time to react before your lips were on his and just like that, time stopped, right there, in that moment, there was only you, the feeling of your lips on his, the pounding of his heart, the feeling of your hands, your fingers as they carded through his hair.  
He couldn’t get enough of you. He pulled you closer to him until you ended up straddling his lap, his hands on your hips, your lips moving in perfect sync with his as if it wasn’t the first time you kissed. His senses overwhelmed by you and how you made him feel.
Suddenly, you leaned back, ending the kiss with a smack; much too soon for his liking; leaving you both a panting mess.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamt of you saying that, of you feeling the same way.” You said breathless, giving him a small peck when you finished talking. 
“Oh, honey-is, is it okay if I call you that?”
“It’s more than ‘okay’ Marcus.” You said laughing.
“I’m glad, because I’ve been dying to call you all kinds of beautiful names. And me too, honey; I’ve imagined countless times telling you how I feel about you. I’m so sorry it took me this long to tell you.” He pulled you in, claiming your mouth again, in a kiss more intense than the first one making you moan. You felt his tongue lick your lips, silently asking for entrance, letting go of your inhibitions you let him explore the insides of your mouth, your own tongue tangling with his.
This time he ended the kiss, making you whine from the loss of contact.
“I want you, but tell me to stop, and I will.” He whispered in your ear, “Tell me if it’s too soon and I’ll stop.” he sucked on your earlobe before leaving a trail of kisses down your neck, alternating between kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin there.
“Don’t you dare stop Marcus.” you gasped, “Don’t you think we’ve waited long enough?” you asked as you ground your hips against his earning a groan in response.
He returned to your lips for one more hungry kiss before outright growling “Hold on tight, honey. Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable.” His hands slid from your hips to your ass, supporting you as he stood from the cushions making you squeal in surprise. Your arms went around his neck as you tried not to fall backward.
“Marcus! Warn me next time.” You admonished him “What about Missy? What if she hears us?” You ask as he begins to walk towards the part of the house you knew led to the bedrooms.
“That’s why we’re going to my room, so we don’t have to worry, it’s soundproofed. Now like you said, we’ve waited long enough.” He squeezed your ass before latching his lips on your neck again.
He stirred awake, with the feeling of your hand drawing mindless patterns on his naked chest. With a smile, he remembered what happened last night when he finally confessed to you, and what happened after as well.
He let his eyes open, slowly, letting them adjust to the little morning light that managed to seep through the curtains. He turned his head to look at you, your head resting on the hand that wasn’t drawing shapes on his chest.
He smiled at you, lifting one of his hands to hold yours, lifting it from his chest to place a kiss on your knuckles.
“Hey. Merry Christmas.” You greeted him with a smile.
“Merry Christmas indeed. Did you sleep well, honey?” he asked, lowering your hand in his and resting it on his chest right over his heart.
“Better than ever.” You gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment before leaning in at the same time to share a sweet, slow kiss.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” He mumbled against your lips.
“Who would save the world if we did?” You managed to ask between little pecks to his lips.
“I bet the others can do it just fine.”
“Okay, well, who would keep Missy out of trouble?”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of us can keep her from that.” he stared at you, before saying your name. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marcus.”
You stayed in bed, in each other’s arms, until one of you remembered that neither of you turned off the tv last night, and he remembered the cinnamon rolls had been left on the counter in the kitchen.
Once dressed, Marcus in his pajamas and you in one of his shirts (that almost made the both of you stay in bed longer) and a pair of pants that he let you borrow to keep you comfortable, you set out to clean the living room.
When that was done, you set to work together inside the kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone, reheating the cinnamon rolls and making fresh coffee.
The two of you were soon joined by Missy, whose only reaction to the two of you being now together-together was a very happy, very exasperated ‘Finally!’.
He looked at his little family with a smile on his face as he sat down on the table. He could finally say that this Christmas he finally received what he’s always wished for, what he’s been yearning to have for years.
Your heart.
Tag list: @mindless--ramblings​ @oloreaa​ @16boyfriends-and-me​ If anyone wants to be added or removed from the taglist, or wants to only be tagged for certain characters, please let me know.
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paula-of-christ · 3 years
My conversion story
This is extremely a long time coming. People have been asking for my full conversion story for a long, long, l o n g time. So here it is! Been sitting in my drafts and I finally finished it! I still consider myself on my “conversion” journey even now as a devout Catholic, because there is always so much more to learn and so much closer to God that I can grow and so much more virtue in which to receive. But, I hope this gives a good outline for you all and I will be making a FAQ page soon for this as well as other questions people often have about myself!
Major Trigger Warning for mentions of depression and suicide. It is after the cut and in italics so that you can scroll past if you want to read the rest of it.
So I grew up Catholic, not really devout, but I went to Church every Sunday and every holy day. Got all the sacraments and such (except confirmation because that is when I'm 16). So in middle school I was kind of angry at the Church for various reasons, not so much blaming God as I'm blaming the Church. But then my dad ended up getting really sick with cancer. Right before this I had started getting super into Greek mythos and I started relying on that instead of God. I still was going to church every Sunday because that's what my family did and I was going to religious education, but I was actively finding ways in which I thought the Church was wrong. As my dad's cancer developed I was pretty much just an angry pre-teen that never had a strong basis of what it meant to be Catholic. And right after I started high school my dad ended up passing away. For about a year and a half after that I tried relying on my Greek paganism and some Wiccan things to combat the depression. And I was still angry at God because I felt like He abandoned me. So I was writing my suicide letter and I wrote one to my mom but while I was writing it I was praying for something to happen to stop me. And I wasn't really sure who I was praying to but I knew my mom still had faith so God was kind of on my mind.I ended up (clearly) not committing suicide that day and being able to continue on to go to a youth retreat that summer. At that point in my life I had already started coming back to the church, but was still convinced that you could believe anything and still go to your respective "heaven". And I was in a bad relationship at the time (which contributed to the depression) and just a bunch of other stuff that inhibited me from going to God. After that first retreat I started praying and reading the bible every day. And I went on another two retreats in the fall. One a youth one and another a women's day-retreat. And between that and it starting to be my junior year, so my catechism classes were geared towards confirmation, I was really starting to become comfortable with the notion of being "Catholic" and having a faith life outside of my family, which was never particularly strong. 
But let’s go back again a few years to my catechism classes from middle school through high school. I was the Problem Child that looked like I would never be Catholic and after confirmation just stop going to Mass. At class I either didn’t care enough to pay attention and when I did pay attention I gave my teachers crap at every turn, asking why and debating it. I actually made a nun/someone who worked with nuns tell my youth director she was never going to come back to talk to us because I didn’t back down on my argument that she never made a real point during her whole big speech she had about environmental justice (a talk that was supposed to be about social justice according to Catholic Social Teaching).
This trend continued until I was about 15-1/2. My first real boyfriend had broken up with me, I was still trying to sort out on my own the trauma of my father having passed, and there was no fulfillment in paganism. I would read about how we personally have all this power and it’s in ourselves and we just need to ask for help in unlocking it through spells and rituals to these pagan gods, yet no matter what I did I could never get out of it. I was starting to turn towards Christ more and started watching A.D. The Bible Continues with my mom and got hooked, but I wasn’t really sure about the whole “only God” thing.
I felt hopeless and I wrote a letter, I don’t even know where it went I think my teacher had taken it, and I begged God that if He would save me, prove to me that He was real, I wouldn’t ever try to kill myself again. I had gone over to the windowsill of my classroom (3rd story) and was going to jump out of it. It was during class but no one ever batted an eye about someone sitting up on the heaters next to the window because it got warm in there and we were allowed to sit up there. The class was taking a test and right before I was going to do it, a boy that I hardly talked to, and that I didn’t talk to after that, pulled me down and just bear-hugged me.
Somehow, by the grace of God, word didn’t get out that it was me that had tried to kill myself. It was a small school and stuff like that traveled fast but it was never something that anyone except my own friends and the people in that class knew was me.
I started watching AD The Bible Continues, which seems like something silly to have had such a great affect on me, but it really did. I started reading Acts of the Apostles after that and was moved by the way that the Apostles cared so much for Christ. I was getting really close with my youth group, which in high school split between guys and girls (which was a serious blessing) and my teacher, while she didn’t have all the answers, was always super patient and kind to me as well as charitable and always answered my questions to the best of her ability. Even when it was slightly off topic. A big part of why I converted was because of the apologetics. I wanted to know the answers to my questions so I started looking for them.
That summer I started an anti-depressant and went on my first youth trip, because I had to for youth group. I attended Steubenville Midwest (I think that’s what it was called then) in Minnesota, and was hooked on monotheism from there. I went to confession for the first time pretty much since I had my first Reconciliation. It was freeing, but I knew the next year I would be preparing for Confirmation and I didn’t want to make a choice about Catholicism until I was sure. I knew God made me feel good but I started researching Islam and Judaism. I think if I had learned more about Orthodox Judaism I would have had a harder time discerning but as it stood I only really knew about Reformed and Conservative Jews so that left my mind pretty quickly. I was enthralled with a lot of Islam’s teachings but when I researched further and got a Quran it just didn’t make sense. The teachings from one part were in complete contradiction to other parts, as well as their teachings about the dignity and worth of women. God, who created humans in His image, would have no reason to make women worth less than men in any capacity. So that ended up getting struck out.
Then that fall I went to NCYC 2015. It was amazing, and that is where I met the Salesian sisters and talking with them and fully realized my call to religious life. When I was little I used to always say that I wanted to be like the Virgin Mary when I grew up, and now, discerning with the cloister I am now looking in to, I really feel like that want is being fulfilled. God speaks His truth through His little ones and I feel like from that time I’ve come full circle. Back into the embrace of God as my Creator and Father and Comforter, like a little child going to their parent not only in times of distress, but in times of joy and wonder as well.
And of course, a huge thank you to so many faithful Catholics here on tumblr, that have helped my journey through the years. So many of whom are no longer with us here but if you don’t mind I will tag a few of you that are truly in my heart forever. @keepcatholic @captainvatican (and co, I can’t remember everyone’s urls rip) @sonia-marmeladova @tradcatmaria  and gosh when I think about it, so many that have helped me with my theology over the years are just no longer on tumblr and I haven’t been able to contact for years.
Alas, that is the last of my very long, very long awaited, conversion story. Thank you thank you to all that have asked! And I hope this can help many that come to my blog.
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1930s AU (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister + Upstead AU for AU-gust)
A/N: Hopefully this one pops up in the tags now! Sorry to the few people who already liked/reblogged this, but it’d really help me out if you liked/reblogged this one since I’m deleting the one I posted last night. Anyway, the italics at the beginning are essentially "present-day" for the characters (which, in my time frame of the story would be 1945) and the regular font would be a "flashback"...but since the flashback is essentially the whole story which takes place during the early 1930s, I wrote it in regular font. Just didn't want you guys to be confused! Here’s the playlist I listened to while writing this if you want to listen while reading (did not create the playlist myself, I found it): an old fashioned diner jukebox. Anyway, enjoy!
You walked towards the little house that had been your home since you were six years old. "Hey old girl," you said as you petted your horse's head. "I'll see you in the morning, okay? I know Jay and Hailey are awake waiting for me and are probably worried, aren't they?" Your horse picked up her hoof and gave it one good stomp. "I thought so. I'll feed you some sugar cubes in the morning. I'll even give you extra because it'll be Christmas." You gave her one more caress and then walked up to the door of the house.
You used your key to unlock the door and were not at all surprised to see Hailey and Jay in deep conversation.
"Hailey, if she's not here in the next hour, I'm calling the train station. She was supposed to be here yesterday. And it's not like it's that long of a ride."
"Well, luckily you won't have to call," you said as you sat your two suitcases on the floor.
"Y/N! You don't know how worried sick we were," Jay said as he hustled over to you and pulled you into a hug.
"To be fair," Hailey began, "he was more worried than I was."
"Aww, you still worry about me when I'm nineteen," you said as Jay pulled away and Hailey hugged you. "I'm flattered, Jay, really."
"How's betternanian school?" Jay asked with a teasing glint in his eyes.
"Would you give that joke a rest? I was six and didn't know how to properly pronounce veterinarian."
"That probably won't happen."
"How's Natalie?" Hailey asked. "Is she doing okay that Will's away and all her kids are married or at college across the country?"
When you decided to go to veterinarian school, you chose one close to Will and Natalie and they let you stay with them. Then, World War 2 broke out and Will went overseas to work as a doctor in a combat hospital. Natalie's twin boys were both off at separate medical schools across the country, intent on following in their father's footsteps and becoming doctors themselves, and their daughter was married now and living with her husband.
"She's doing as well as expected," you told them. "It helps that Elizabeth and her husband, James, come over for dinner once every week so at least Natalie's seeing one of her children. And, I guess having me around helps mitigate the loneliness. The twins are home from college now for a month's break, so she'll have them there right now, too."
You looked around under the Christmas tree and you spotted a big object covered with a bedsheet.
"Is this what I think it is?" you asked as you walked closer to it.
"It is," Jay confirmed as you lifted the sheet and saw the old rocking horse you used to ride on. Jay had made sure to get you another one when you moved here as the one from Chicago you couldn't bring with you.
"I haven't ridden it since I was eight. You kept it all these years?"
"Right up in the attic," Hailey answered. "We figured it would be the perfect Christmas present for Lilly since she's six now."
"You want something to eat?" Jay asked. "We should probably get out of here and close the doors since all the gifts are wrapped in case Lilly or Anna come to find us."
You grabbed your suitcases and the three of you walked out of the living room and closed the doors.
"Mind if I eat a few of these?" you asked, pointing to the plate of cookies for Santa that Lilly and Anna had placed by the fireplace.
"Go right ahead," Jay told you. But then he heard giggles. "Wait."
You took a step away from the cookies and milk.
"I think we should go check on them," Jay said.
So, the three of you walked down the hall and to the bedroom that the girls shared. "I'll do the honors," you said.
You slowly pushed open the door.
"Now, girls, I thought you were supposed to be asleep."
Eleven-year-old Anna and six-year-old Lilly gasped. "Auntie Y/N!" they exclaimed and rushed out of their respective beds and you first gave Anna a hug and then crouched down to give Lilly one as well.
"Mommy and Daddy said you might not get here in time," Anna told you.
"They did? Well, I'm here now and tomorrow we can play all day with what Santa brought you. But right now, I think you two need to go to sleep so that Santa will come," you said.
"But you just got here!" Lilly complained.
"Yeah!" Anna agreed. Then she gasped. "Can you tell us a story, Auntie Y/N?"
You looked to Jay and Hailey, silently asking if it was okay to let your two nieces stay awake longer. Jay nodded.
"What story do you want tonight?" you asked as you sat down on the rug in the middle of the room and Lilly sat in your lap.
"How Mommy and Daddy met!" Lilly exclaimed.
"You already know that one, Lil," Hailey said as she and Jay sat down and Anna sat between her two parents.
"But it's so good, Mommy!" Anna said. "Please just one more time, please?"
"Oh, alright," Jay caved. "I don't know how much Aunt Y/N will remember since she was your age, Lil, but me and Mommy can definitely tell you the story."
Lilly leaned into you and you ran your hands absentmindedly through her blond hair while Jay started to tell his and Hailey's story of true love and hard times.
"Bye, Y/N, I gotta go to work," your big brother said as he woke you up.
"Is Miss Rosalie here?" you asked.
"She is. But, you can sleep longer. I'll be back in time for dinner."
"Why you gotta leave so early, Jay Jay? It's still dark out."
"Because I have to get the milk before the sun rises so the milk doesn't spoil when I'm bringing it to other people."
"Oh, okay." You yawned.
"Go back to sleep. I'll be back later tonight. Be good for Ms. Rosalie."
"I will. Love you, Jay Jay."
"Love you, too."
Then, Jay gave you a kiss on the forehead and grabbed his cap and satchel, said goodbye to Ms. Rosalie and thanked her as he always does, and left the house, the street lamps illuminating the way as he walked towards work.
As he was walking, Jay reflected how it had essentially gotten this bad. At least he had a job now, he used to not have one and you and him were living off of what little money your parents had left behind when they died...at least, the portion that the bank didn't keep.
He had essentially been your primary caretaker for two years. The stock market crashed in 1929, and your mom died a few months after when you were two years old. Not that she had a job though, so it didn't really matter money-wise. Your dad had died in 1931, the same year that Will had graduated from medical school and went to New York to look for a job as a doctor. Jay had worked in a factory at that time and had gotten laid off soon after. But, then he found a job as a milkman. He wasn't getting paid much, but it was enough to pay rent in the crappy and cramped apartment building you both lived in and put food on the table. But, sales were dropping now as no one had money to pay for as much milk as they used to. His sales were half of what they used to be. And, you were now five, six in two weeks, so you were growing and Jay knew that you'd be eating more soon.
When he started loading his company car with milk once he had arrived at work, his supervisor walked over to him and told him that he'd be picking up some of a coworker's route. Well, he was an ex-coworker now because they had laid him off. Jay was just glad he had a job and had enough money to support him and you...even if it was really tight. He hoped he'd be home for dinner like he promised you.
He started on his way and finally, after hours and hours, he was on his new portion of his route.
He made his way up the steps of a house on the corner.
"Good afternoon, ma'am," he said as he set the four bottles of milk down on her front porch. She was currently outside sweeping the porch, her wavy blond hair tied back in two braids. She was in a short-sleeved dress with an apron covering it.
She turned to him and stopped sweeping. "Good afternoon. You're not Jimmy, my usual milkman," the woman said.
"No. Jimmy doesn't work with me anymore. I picked his route. I'm Jay Halstead, ma'am," he replied while tipping his cap.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself. I'm Hailey Upton."
"Well, Ms. Upton, pleased to meet you. I'm guessing you have kids just based on me delivering four bottles of milk?" he asked. God, was she pretty. He was getting tongue-tied just looking at her! He knew it wasn't polite to ask that, but it just slipped out.
"No, actually I don't. I'm doing some baking today and that's why I need it. And please, call me Hailey."
"Well, Hailey, I hope it goes well. Should I put you down for four bottles tomorrow as well?"
"No, only one should do for tomorrow, Mr. Halstead."
"Please, call me Jay, ma- Hailey."
"Alright, have a nice rest  of your day, Jay."
"You, too. Again, I hope your baking goes well." He tipped his cap once more and headed off. That was his last stop of the day. You and Ms. Rosalie were back at home waiting for him.
Jay quickly opened his eyes the minute he felt your hand on his arm. "Jay Jay?" you whispered.
"I'm awake, pumpkin." Your mom had called you pumpkin based on the one time you picked up a pumpkin and dropped it and it splattered everywhere. And, this nickname just stuck.
"I- I know I'm not 'sposed to ask, but I'm real hungry," you said.
Jay didn't bother correcting you on how you didn't ask anything at all; you just told him that you were hungry. And, he was hungry, too. You were running out of food in the house and he needed to run to the market, but everything seemed to be too expensive, so he could only buy the necessities. And, you and Ms. Rosalie had made French onion soup for dinner last night, because that used very minimal ingredients.
Jay hated himself as he scooped out the soup after she left because he realized portions would only be 3/4 of what both of you were used to. He had toyed with the idea of giving you 1/4 of his, so you could have a full serving and he'd have half, but he figured he'd see what would happen. Tomorrow, he knew he'd be giving you a normal portion of whatever he had. After all, he could convince himself to go back to sleep, but you were just a child.
Your parents had always drilled into your head that it was breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And, Jay did his best to try to feed you enough to abide by that rule. But, it was getting harder and harder to do when the entire United States seemed to be going hungry.
"Pumpkin, it's late--"
Your stomach rumbled and Jay swore he felt tears prick his eyes. He couldn't expect you to go to bed hungry.
"Let's go get you something. I'm sure I can find something," he said as he got up.
You grabbed his hand and you two walked into the kitchen. He pulled the string to one of the dim lights, which barely illuminated the kitchen and dining area. Then, he opened the icebox and pulled out a hard-boiled egg and a bottle of milk. He poured half the milk into a glass and handed you the egg.
You went to stick it in your mouth when he stopped you. "No, you have to peel it." You held it out to him. "Do I need to start it for you?" You nodded and he took off a section of the shell and handed it back to you and you continued to peel it.
Normally, Jay would put salt and pepper on it, but you were very low on that as well. And, seeing how hungry you were, you started to eat it without asking for those two basic spices.
Then, you finished the glass of milk and Jay led you back to your bed and you fell asleep with a full tummy...well, as full as anyone in your position could get nowadays.
Unbeknownst to you, you had just eaten half of Jay's breakfast for tomorrow.
"How did the baking go yesterday?" Jay asked Hailey as he switched out her four empty milk bottles for one full one.
"It went well. Thank you for asking. I actually had a lot left, so here." She handed him a slice wrapped in tin foil. "It's strawberry pie."
"You didn't have to give this to me," Jay said, trying to hand it back to her.
"Nonsense. So many people are going hungry right now. I have no right to waste food."
"It makes sense when you put it that way. Thank you. My little sister will most definitely enjoy it."
"Oh, let me go grab you another slice so that you don't have to share."
Before Jay could protest, she ran back into her big house and grabbed him another slice.
"Thank you," Jay said as he took the other slice as well.
"You're welcome. No use letting it go to waste. How old is your sister?" Hailey asked.
"Y/N will be six in two weeks," Jay answered.
"Oh, I remember what I was like at that age. I was a little troublemaker, running around with my older brothers even when my mom and dad called me in. And then I'd always make messes in the kitchen."
Jay laughed. "I'd hope she's more well-behaved than that. But, I'd best get going. Thank you for the pie. Can I put you down for one bottle tomorrow?"
"Yes, please. Have a nice day."
Jay nodded at her and then reached down and grabbed the crate with the empty milk bottles. Then, he got in the company car and started on his way back to the factory and then home.
"Jay Jay!" you said as you jumped up from your seat at the kitchen table. "I missed you!"
Jay set his satchel, four bottles of milk, and the slices of pie on the counter next to the stove and picked you up and spun you around. "I missed you, too! Were you good for Ms. Rosalie?" He settled you on his hip.
You frantically nodded your head and Jay turned to the older woman. "She was an angel as always. I hope you don't mind, but I made French onion soup again for dinner."
"That's fine, thank you. Your two bottles of milk are right next to mine."
That's how he paid her: by buying her milk. He knew it wasn't a lot, but it's not like he could pay for a nanny. And, she was the one with the cheapest rate in the apartment building. Plus, she had known you since you were a baby, so Jay knew that you trusted her and he trusted her to look after you.
"Oh, thank you, dear." She picked up the two bottles and started towards the door.
"Oh, and tell Mr. Edward I say hello," Jay said, referring to her husband.
"Will do. Enjoy your evening."
Then, she left, and Jay put you down on the floor and moved to start dishing out dinner. When you were both at the table with the food in front of you, a smile spread across his face.
"Pumpkin, after dinner I have a surprise for you."
"Really?" you squealed.
"Yes, really. But, you have to finish your food first and then I will give it to you."
Jay chuckled at how fast you ate your food. He was usually done before you, but tonight you both finished around the same time.
"What's the surprise?" you asked as you set your bowl and spoon on the counter near the rusty sink by Jay's bowl and spoon.
He reached up into the creaky cupboard and grabbed two plates and then two forks from the drawer that would occasionally get stuck.
"How about you go sit at the table and I'll bring you the surprise. How does that sound?"
"Okay!" you scrambled back into your seat and watched as Jay put the things on the plates. He must really have wanted this to be a surprise because he positioned himself so that his back was towards you and you couldn't see a single thing he was doing.
"Now, I need you to close your eyes and I'll tell you when to open them," Jay said, still with his back turned to you.
You quickly closed your eyes and also put your hands over your eyes, causing Jay to chuckle.
He first set his plate with pie and a small glass of milk at his place at the table and then did the same thing in front of you. He crouched down next to you and put his hand on the back of your chair. "And, open."
You threw your hands down at your side and snapped your eyes open. You gasped and turned your head to look at Jay. "We get dessert?"
Jay smiled. "We do. It's strawberry pie from someone who I give milk to. Do you need help cutting it?"
"No, I can do it! Who gave it to you?"
"Her name's Miss Hailey." Then, he went back to his side of the table as you started to eat your pie. He was glad he had given you the bigger slice because you enjoyed it so much; he'd be sure to tell Hailey this.
Two weeks later
Jay sighed as he counted out what little money he had saved up in a lockbox under his bed. He barely had enough to buy you a few sugar sticks from the market after thinking about rent that needed to be paid in another two weeks. At least he knew that Will had sent you something because he told Jay in his letter from last week that he'd be sending you a gift along with your birthday letter. But, Jay still felt bad that he barely had enough money to buy you candy for your birthday. He knew you'd prefer chocolate over hard candy, but he also knew that he had to save money for rent and groceries, so when you both went to the market later, you'd only be able to buy a couple of hard candies.
The change clanked back into the box when he heard the sound of little footsteps coming towards him.
"Happy birthday!" he exclaimed as he picked you up and spun you around. Then, he settled you on his hip and walked into the kitchen. "Does six feel any different than five?" You shook your head back and forth frantically, causing Jay to laugh. "Now, what do you want for your birthday breakfast?"
"Hotcakes!" you exclaimed. Luckily for Jay, you didn't notice how his smile flattered for a quick second when you said that.
"Okay then, hotcakes it is! Can you go put on a dress while I make these?"
You nodded again and then Jay set you down and you ran to your room to change.
When you came back into the kitchen after you got dressed--and got distracted by playing with your doll--your pancakes were sitting on the table. But, you noticed there was only one plate.
"Where's yours?" you asked your big brother as you sat down in your chair and he started cleaning the pan that he had cooked in.
"I ate while you were playing. I didn't want to disrupt your game, pumpkin," he told you, with a smile on his face.
"Oh, okay. Can I eat them now?"
"Of course you can. And then, we'll go to the post office to see what Will brought you."
But, Jay hadn't actually eaten any when you were playing with your doll. There was barely enough flour to make you pancakes, let alone him. So, instead of depriving you of pancakes on your birthday, he just went without.
"Mail for Jay Halstead, please," he said at the window of the post office while holding your hand.
"Alright, just one moment." The teller went to the back and grabbed a letter and then handed it to Jay.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Jay?" a voice behind him said.
Jay turned, only to be met with Hailey Upton.
"Hailey, good morning. Came to pick up your mail I presume?" he asked.
"You presume correctly." She stepped out of line to stand with him. "And who might this be?" she asked, stooping down to your level.
You blushed and moved to hide behind Jay's leg. Jay chuckled. "Sorry about that. She's particularly shy around strangers. Pumpkin," he started, addressing you. "This is Miss Hailey. She's the one who made us the strawberry pie a few weeks ago."
"It was good. Thank you," you said as you peeked your head out from behind Jay.
"You're welcome. And you must be Y/N?" You nodded. "Jay's told me a lot of good things about you."
You looked up at Jay as if asking him to confirm it. "I've got nothing bad to say about you, you know that."
"I know. If you did, you wouldn't make me hotcakes today," you said.
"Can you tell Miss Hailey what today is?"
You finally moved out all the way from behind Jay. But you still held his hand as you answered the question. "It's my birthday! I'm six!"
"Wow! You're such a big girl! Are you doing anything special today?" Hailey asked, stooping down to your level.
"I'm gonna get some chocolate!"
"Y/N, what'd we talk about on the way here?" Jay asked.
"Oh." You looked down at your feet. "I'm getting hard candy instead."
Hailey looked up at Jay and saw the sadness in his eyes, something that you didn't pick up on since you were so little. She knew what that statement meant. Chocolate was more expensive than hard candies, so she knew the reason that you weren't getting it was because Jay didn't have any money.
"How about we see what Will got you so that Miss Hailey can get her mail?" Jay asked.
You nodded excitedly and Hailey got back in line. Then, Jay opened the large envelope and handed you a small pouch.
You opened it and looked inside. There were these little metal x's and a red bouncy ball. "Jay Jay, what's this?" you asked as you held the pouch out to him.
He looked inside and smiled. "That is jacks."
You cocked your head to the side. "Who's Jack? And why do I have his things?"
Jay laughed just as Hailey started walking back towards them. "It's the name of the game, pumpkin. You bounce the ball and try to pick up one of the pieces before the ball hits the ground. Me and Will played it a lot, but he always won."
"You lost?" you asked as your eyes grew wide. Jay never lost!
"I lost a lot."
Hailey was next to you and your brother now. "Jacks, huh?" Jay nodded. "Me and my brothers used to play it all the time. I'm actually quite good at it."
"Can you teach me, Miss Hailey?" you asked excitedly.
"I'm sure Miss Hailey has things she needs to do today, pumpkin," Jay said, giving Hailey a sympathetic look.
"Oh, it's no trouble. I've actually got ingredients for a delicious chocolate cake at my house if you two would like to come over. I can easily whip up a nice lunch for us, too."
"Hailey, I can't let you do that."
"Please, Jay Jay? Pretty please?" you asked, looking up at him and clasping your hands together to make it look like you were praying. "It's my birthday. Please?"
He looked to Hailey and she nodded once more. "Just because Miss Hailey said it was okay. Care to accompany us to the store to get her some candy before we go to your house?" Jay asked her.
"I'd love to."
You were so full after a delicious lunch of turkey sandwiches, potatoes, apples, and chocolate cake, that you had promptly fallen asleep at the table while you were waiting for Jay and Hailey to finish the dishes.
Hailey said it was no big deal, that she could do them, but you mentioned that Jay always washed the dishes and you always dried them. So, then Hailey finally gave in and let him help with the drying.
"Not to be too forward," Hailey began as she handed a plate to Jay to dry, "but is it just you and Y/N? I've just never heard either of you mention your parents."
"Uh, it's just the two of us. Mom and Dad died a few years ago. Will, our older brother, went to New York to become a doctor, so it's been the two of us ever since."
"Well, that little girl really seems to love you."
Jay sighed. "It's probably because she doesn't know any different. Mom died when she was two, so she barely remembers her. And Dad died when she was four, so two years ago. She remembers him a little, but for most of the past two years, I've been the one taking care of her. Along with our neighbor who helps out by watching her when I have to go to work."
"That's very kind of her."
"It is. So, what about you? What do you do to have such a big house? Secret baking company you run? Because I've had desserts you've made so far and both were absolutely delicious."
"They were nothing fancy."
"Oh, but to Y/N they were. She was so excited when I told her we'd be getting dessert. But, how did you end up here, Hailey?"
"In Chicago? Or in this house specifically?"
"Both," Jay said.
"Well, I was born and raised in Chicago. But, my parents are gone, too...not that I was ever too fond of my father. But, they had this house because they used to own a bar, which pulled in some decent money. They left the house to me and my brothers. All of them have their own families and are scattered across the country, so I got it."
"Would be a bad time to be in the brewing business right now, wouldn't it? With prohibition and all," Jay mused. "That might contribute to the high unemployment rates...but, I'm pretty sure that was mostly because of Hoover." He paused. "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't be talking about the complicated politics of our country right now...especially not in front of a lady."
"I have the right to vote now, you know. And have had it for thirteen years," Hailey said.
"I know. I didn't mean it like that. I think it's great that women can vote. I just shouldn't be talking about it that first time I'm in your home is all." He gestured to you. You were still asleep at the table, your head resting on your arms which were resting on the table. "Glad that little rascal gets the chance to voice her opinions."
Your head popped up. "I ain't a rascal, Jay Jay!"
"Oh really now?" He walked over to you and picked you up and started tickling you. "How about now?" he asked with a giant smile on his face while you laughed big belly laughs.
"Jay Jay! Please stop!"
"Only because you said please." He set you back down.
"Aw, she's so cute," Hailey gushed.
"Did you hear that, kiddo? Miss Hailey thinks you're cute. What do you say?" Jay asked.
"Thank you." You blushed. "Can you teach me how to do braids like yours?" you asked, referring to her French braids. "They're real pretty. Jay can only do plain ones."
She turned to Jay while she raised her eyebrows. "You know how to braid?"
He opened his mouth to dispute what you said, but you butted in. "He does! He braids my hair every day when he doesn't have to work!"
You spun around, giving Hailey a view of your braids.
"Okay, birthday girl," Jay said. "I think it's time we head home. We can play jacks there."
"Can we play checkers, too? I like checkers!"
"I know you do. Now, can you say thank you to Miss Hailey for lunch and for the cake?"
"Thank you, Miss Hailey! It was really good!"
"You're welcome, honey." She stooped down to your height and handed you two slices of chocolate cake wrapped in tin foil. "These are for you and Jay to take home. And, you get the bigger slice."
A month later
You had been six for a month, and Jay had known Hailey for around two months. The weather was starting to cool down as summer was turning into fall and there was a slight chill in the air. Because of this, Jay was spending more money on more firewood to place in the wood-burning stove because you now weren't just using it to cook, but for heat as well.
Ms. Rosalie had come down with a nasty cold and didn't want to get you sick. Jay had tried to find a last-minute babysitter for you last night by knocking on nearby apartments, explaining the situation, and even offering to buy them a bottle of milk for their troubles. But no one agreed.
So, Jay told you that you'd have to stay home by yourself. You asked if you could go to work with him, but he said no...even though he desperately wanted to bring you. But, he couldn't risk his job; it was the only meager income the two of you had. Jay needed that job to keep a roof over your heads and food in your bellies. Because of this, he taught you how to lock the door and had made you a quick breakfast and lunch and stuck them in the icebox so that you'd be able to eat while he was gone. And above all, he told you not to answer the door for anyone.
"Bye, Pumpkin," Jay said as he gave you a big hug. "You remember what I told you?"
"Yes. Breakfast and lunch are in the icebox and no opening the door," you answered as you sat up in bed.
"Unless..." Jay prompted.
"Unless it's you, Miss Rosalie, or Mr. Edward."
"Exactly. Now, go back to sleep. I'll lock the door on my way out. I love you."
"Love you, too, Jay Jay."
Then, he left, leaving you alone to go back to sleep.
"Halstead!" Jay heard his supervisor yell as he was stacking the last of his crates back at the factory before he hurried home to you.
"Yes, sir?" he asked.
"My office."
Jay swallowed but followed his supervisor.
He entered and closed the door behind him.
"As you know," his supervisor started, "milk sales have been declining at a steady rate as families don't have enough money to buy as much as they used to."
"I'm aware, sir," Jay said as he clasped his hands behind his back.
"This means that we need fewer workers."
No, this cannot be happening, Jay thought to himself.
"I'm sorry to say, but I have to let you go, Jay."
"Please," Jay begged. He knew begging was unbecoming and most likely wouldn't get him his job back, but he had no other choice. "I have a six-year-old sister. I'm the only one who takes care of her. Please sir, I really need this job. If not for me, then please do it for her. Please."
"I'm sorry, son, but I have to let you go. I wish you the best of luck on finding other employment."
Jay wanted to beg for his job back some more, but he knew it was no use. So, he just nodded and left the office, not knowing what to do next.
And, to make matters worse, his rent was already ten days past due.
Jay was about to walk into his apartment when he saw a yellow piece of paper nailed to his door. He ripped it down and scanned the big, bold letters.
An eviction notice. He was going to lose the apartment.
If he didn't come up with some money fast, then he and you would have to be out of your apartment in three days.
He sighed and folded the paper and stuck it in his pocket, and then unlocked the door and went inside.
He began to panic when he didn't see you right away, but then he heard a sniffle coming from your room.
You gasped as you heard someone coming towards you and quickly buried yourself under your covers and tried to stay as quiet as possible.
"Pumpkin?" Jay asked. "It's just Jay Jay."
You carefully peeled the covers back from your head. "Jay Jay?" When you saw it was him, you jumped out of bed and quickly crashed into his legs, and clung to them for dear life. "Jay Jay!" you cried. "I was so scared!"
Jay tried to pry your little fingers from his legs, but your grip was so tight that he knew if he tried any harder, he might hurt you and he definitely didn't want that. "Why were you so scared, pumpkin?" he asked as he placed a hand on your head and ran his fingers through your slightly tangled hair.
"There- there were people at the door," you shuddered. "And they made really loud noises and kept yelling."
"What were they yelling?" he asked gently.
"They were yelling for you."
"Did you open the door?"
"No, you told me not to, so I didn't."
"Good girl," he praised. He knew what you were talking about: the men who had nailed the eviction notice to the door of the apartment had probably yelled out his name a few times very loudly, which is what caused you to be scared now. "How about I make us dinner and then we can play checkers, hmm?" he asked. "How does that sound?"
You looked up at him, a few tears still rolling down your cheeks. You wiped them away with your little fists. You nodded. "Can you braid my hair, too? I tried, but I couldn't do it."
That explains all the tangles, Jay thought to himself. "I can do that."
He grabbed your hairbrush and then sat on your bed. You sat on the floor in between his legs and allowed him to brush your hair and start to braid. As Jay was doing this, he was wondering what he was going to do. He didn't have a job, he had an eviction notice, and he had to provide for you. Even though he liked to think he had great problem-solving skills, at this very moment, he had absolutely no idea what to do.
"Where are we going, Jay Jay?" you asked as you held his hand and walked through town the next morning.
"We are going to see Miss Hailey," he answered.
"Why?" you asked as you curiously looked up at him.
"Because I think she'd like to spend some time with you."
"Where are you gonna be?"
"I have to go run some errands."
"Can I come? I wanna come with you, Jay Jay."
"I wish I could bring you, pumpkin. But, this is adult stuff. You'd be really bored. You'll have much more fun with Miss Hailey."
You sighed. "Okay."
About twenty minutes later, Jay took a deep breath as he walked up the steps of Hailey's front porch. He hoped he was making the right decision by doing this. He knocked a few times and then Hailey answered the door.
"Jay? What are you doing here so early?" Then, she saw you and stooped down to your height. "Hi, Y/N. Did Jay wake you up to come see me this morning?"
"Yeah," you answered as you rubbed your eyes. You were still kind of tired. Jay didn't know if that was from lack of proper nutrition or general tiredness. He hoped it was the latter. "Jay Jay said he had to do adult things and I can't come with him."
She looked up at Jay and then back to you. "Honey, how about you go run inside to the sitting area and grab a deck of cards or another game we can play while I talk to your brother, how does that sound?"
You looked up at Jay and he nodded. Hailey moved out of the doorway. "Okay!" you exclaimed and then quickly let go of Jay's hand and rushed inside.
"Don't forget to take off your shoes before you get to the carpet!" Jay shouted after you, which caused you to stoop down and take off your shoes on the hardwood before you got to the carpeted areas.
"So, you needed someone to watch her?" Hailey asked.
"Yes. I'm really sorry, but you're the first person I thought of since our neighbor got sick and I need to run to the bank before it gets really busy--"
"Jay, it's fine. She's a little angel. I can take care of her for a few hours." She studied his face and his very worried expression. "Is everything alright?"
Jay sighed. "Hopefully it will be after I go to the bank. Thank you for--"
He was cut off by someone yelling at Hailey from the sidewalk. "Hailey! Still on for tonight?" It was Christopher Hermann, a firefighter.
"Uh, no I'm not baking anything tonight," she quickly answered.
Hermann gave her a confused look but quickly recovered as he realized what she was saying. "Okay, thank you, Hailey."
"You're welcome." Hermann tipped his cap at her before he continued walking. "As you were saying?" Hailey asked.
"I thought you said you didn't own a baking business?" Jay asked.
"I don't," Hailey said quickly. "Sometimes I'll just make some pies for him, his wife, and kids."
"Sorry if I wrecked your plans of baking by dropping Y/N on you. I can try and find someone else."
"No, it's fine. Good luck at the bank and I promise I'll take good care of your little sister."
"Thank you. I'll see you soon."
"Sir, I'm sorry," the bank teller told him.
"Please." At this point, Jay wasn't opposed to begging. "I really need a loan. Just a small one so that I can keep a roof over mine and my little sister's head and food on the table. She's just a child. Please."
"If I gave every person in here who had a sob story a loan, I would be out of a job and this bank would be out of business. I'm sorry, but I can't. Best of luck to you and your sister."
He moved on to the next person, leaving Jay close to tears. He was out of options. He was out of a job and he was about to lose the small apartment you two shared in the next two days.
He walked out of the bank with his head held low and tears pricked his eyes. The only option he had was to beg Will to let him and you move to New York to stay with him. But, even though he was a doctor, he still had to feed himself, his wife, Natalie, and his three children. He might not be able to take in two more mouths to feed.
The other thing Jay thought about as he walked down the street back towards Hailey's feeling like a disappointment was moving to a Hooverville. Those were camps set up by the homeless where they lived in tents. Because, in two days, the two of you would be homeless. He could try and sell everything of value he had in the small apartment, but it'd only cover this month's rent, if that, and then he'd just encounter this same problem again next month.
Jay knocked on the door of Hailey's house and she quickly answered it, you right on her tail.
"Jay Jay!" you exclaimed and quickly hugged him.
"Hi, pumpkin. It's time to go home now."
"But, me and Miss Hailey are in the middle of a game!" you argued.
"I've got no issue if she stays to finish it," Hailey said. "Y/N, why don't you go and make sure the pieces are where we left them while I talk to your brother?"
You ran off to go check on the pieces while Hailey stepped outside and closed the door behind her. She took a good look at Jay and saw the tears in his eyes that he was frantically trying to blink back.
"Jay, what happened at the bank?" Hailey asked gently.
"It's nothing I can't handle," he responded coldly.
"Jay, please, just tell me. Maybe I- Maybe I can help. I can't do that if you don't tell me anything."
"I'm just your milkman, well not anymore because I got fired yesterday. Why do you care so much, Hailey?"
"Because that little girl in there needs her big brother. She needs you to be rational about whatever's going on because I will not let her get hurt."
"I would never hurt her," Jay said quickly. "Where is this coming from?"
"Don't worry about it," Hailey said flippantly. "Just, tell me what's going on. Please, Jay. Not just for me, but for that little girl who loves you so much. Maybe I can help."
Jay sighed. "I got let go yesterday. And now I'm getting evicted from my apartment. I even went to the bank to try to take out a loan, but couldn't. I don't know what I'm going to do, Hailey. I really don't."
"Come with me," she said and opened the door.
You were focused on something in Hailey's sitting room, so weren't paying attention as Jay and Hailey made their way to the kitchen.
"I may not have told you everything about myself," Hailey said.
"Hailey, not to be rude, but what are you saying?"
"The reason I have this big of a house when I'm a single woman is because my parents used to own a very successful brewery. My dad, let's just say he wasn't that great of a man, so when prohibition hit, he didn't know what to do. So, he sold the brewery and they moved to another part of the country."
"And you got their house?" Jay asked.
"Yes, but I have to work to make sure I can still pay my bills."
"Then what do you do?" Jay asked. He knew she couldn't make enough money to pay for this place by working in a factory or being a seamstress, which is what most women did to support their husband's incomes.
"You don't know anyone in the government, do you?" she asked.
"No. If I did, they would've been my first visit when I saw the eviction notice, not the bank. Where is all this going?"
"Jay, if I tell you this, I need to know I can trust you, that you won't tell a single person what I'm about to show you."
"You have my word."
"Alright." She walked over to her huge, white kitchen island and pushed, revealing a staircase. "Follow me."
She pulled a string and the staircase became illuminated and Jay followed her. Once they got all the way down the staircase, she pulled another string and then a few more, making the secret basement become illuminated in light.
Jay looked around. There was a bar with glasses behind it and bottles of whiskey and other liquors. On either side of the bar, there were two huge barrels of what Jay assumed had to be beer. There were also three high-top tables with two chairs at each table.
Jay's jaw dropped. "You run a speakeasy?"
"I do," Hailey answered.
"B-But this is illegal," Jay stuttered.
"I'm very much aware."
Jay continued to look around in awe. He knew of course that speakeasies existed and that people had ways of getting alcohol from Canada, but he had never tried it since prohibition happened. Well, he did a few times. But, the minute his mom died, he stopped what little bit he did drink.
"Why did you bring me down here? To drown my sorrows in whiskey?" Jay asked.
"No, I have a proposition for you."
Jay raised an eyebrow. "A proposition?"
"Yes, would you like to hear it?" He nodded. "Since people can't appear drunk on the streets because they'll face arrest and could possibly tell the sheriff about my speakeasy, I need people here to make sure that they sober up before they leave here at night. One of the two people I hired for this job quit last night because his family is moving out west."
Jay nodded, still very unsure where this was going.
"I was wondering if you'd like that job?" Hailey asked.
"You're offering me a job?" Jay asked, trying to maintain his composure.
"Yes. You can have it if you want it."
"I'll take it. Not to be rude, but how much would I be paid?"
"That's just the thing," Hailey began. "Liquor is getting more expensive to smuggle in and brewing supplies are getting more expensive as well because it's all illegal. So, I can't pay you." Jay's face fell. "But, before you say you can't do this, let me tell you one more thing: I have two spare bedrooms in my house. They're yours and Y/N's if you take the job."
"Hailey, I can't put you out like that. You'll have to feed us and I can't let you do that."
"Jay, I have money to pay for more food. Just not to pay for another worker because they always want their wages high since what we do here is so risky. It's no problem. And, think of Y/N. She'd have a roof over her head and she could even have that strawberry pie you said she liked so much," Hailey explained.
Jay couldn't pass up this offer, not when he would be kicked out of his apartment in two days. "Okay, I'll get mine and Y/N's things over here in the next few days. You have no idea how much this means to me."
"It means a lot to me, too. Sometimes men get a little rowdy down here, which is why I have to close when there's only one to help."
"So, that's what that guy was asking about when he asked if you're still on tonight?"
Jay and Hailey walked back upstairs after Hailey turned off all the lights. Then, she pushed the island back into place and Jay headed over to you.
"Will you play Go-fish with me and Miss Hailey, Jay Jay?" you asked as you held a deck of cards out for him to shuffle.
"I most definitely will, pumpkin, " he said as he sat down on the floor and took the cards from you. "But, I have a question for you first."
"What is it?" you asked as you furrowed your eyebrows. Jay found it cute how concentrated you looked every time he said he had a question for you.
"How would you like to stay with Miss Hailey for a while?"
"What- What about you? You'll be here too, right? I don't want you to leave," you said as your lip started to tremble.
"Oh no," Jay quickly said. "I'll be here, too. I promise. We'll just be living here for a while. How does that sound?"
You nodded excitedly. "Can I bring my dolly, Emmy, here?"
Jay chuckled. "Yes, you can." He started shuffling the cards as Hailey walked back in. "Alright, time for a game of Go-fish."
As the three of you played the game on the carpet of Hailey's sitting room, Jay still couldn't believe it: Hailey Upton ran a speakeasy.
"What about this guy?" Jay asked as he held up an old stuff animal Dalmation that once belonged to Will that he found when he was cleaning out the apartment to move into Hailey's. "You want him on your bed, too?"
"Who's he?" you asked as you studied the stuffed animal.
"This was Will's, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you renamed him." He held the stuffed animal out to you and you took it and held it tight to your chest.
"I love him."
"What are you thinking for a name, pumpkin?"
You pursed your lips to the side, a telltale sign that you were in deep thought. "Spot."
"Spot," Jay repeated. "I think that's a perfect name. You think Spot and Emmy are going to be friends?" Emmy was the name of your doll.
"Best friends," you told him.
"Do you want to help me unpack my room or play in here?"
"Play in here," you answered as you picked up Emmy to play with along with Spot.
"Okay. I'll be right across the hall if you need anything."
Jay walked into his room where Hailey was already busying herself by making up Jay's bed.
"Hailey," Jay started, "you didn't have to do that. I'm perfectly capable of making my own bed."
"I'm not busy until tonight, so I figured I'd help you out. I can leave if you'd like some privacy while you unpack, though," Hailey replied.
"No, no, you're fine. This is your house after all. You're allowed to go wherever you want." Jay started busying himself with taking a few things out of a crate. "Can you tell me more about the job I'll be doing tonight?"
"So, tonight, people will knock on the back door. I usually let them in, but they have to say bakery because that's the secret word to be let in. If there's a new person, I'll grab you or Adam, the other guy who does the same job as you, to let him in because I don't know him personally."
"So, for your safety?" Jay asked.
"Exactly. Then, I make the drinks and one of you hands them to the customers. The other cleans tables once someone leaves. And, if the person still seems like a drunk before they leave, you have to stop them from leaving for a few hours until they're essentially back to normal. Typically, I'll explain this to them and it works fine, but sometimes I need some help because, well, I'm small and some of them think it's okay to get handsy."
"I won't let anyone lay a hand on you, Hailey. You have my word."
Hailey nodded. "Thank you. And, before you ask like Adam did about why I don't let you guys make the drinks, it's not that I don't trust you, it's that I know the proper proportions. And, if something happens and one of you is busy making drinks..."
"Something bad could happen to you. I get it," Jay said understandingly. "Being behind the bar is safest for you. You don't have to feel bad about putting your safety first, especially since what we are all partaking in is illegal."
"Thank you for understanding. Now, I'll let you unpack. Just yell downstairs if you have any questions. I'll be in the kitchen making something special for after dinner tonight."
"Please tell me Y/N didn't get a hold of you when I was outside and ask you to make strawberry pie."
"She didn't. And even if she did, I was already planning on making it. She's very polite, Jay. You don't have to worry about her not having manners. You've raised her quite well on that front."
"That means a lot, thank you. This all means so much, thank you."
"Hey, you needed help and I needed help. The feeling's mutual." With that, she left Jay alone to unpack and think about how he was staying with one of the most beautiful and kind-hearted women in the world.
"So how does this work?" Jay asked Hailey later that night after he had tucked you into bed.
"Jay, I already told you how it works. You just make sure I'm safe and no drunk customers leave or try to get handsy with me," Hailey answered as she was setting up the bar.
"I know that," Jay laughed. "I meant with Y/N. What do we do about her? She's sleeping in a place she doesn't know and I'm not in my room. I don't want her to get upset when she can't find us."
"Oh," Hailey said. "Guess I didn't think that far ahead." She paused as she thought about what she and Jay could do. "How about this: every fifteen minutes either you or I go upstairs to check on her."
"That works," Jay said.
There were thundering footsteps walking down the stairs.
"Hey, Adam," Hailey greeted when he got all the way down. "Jay, this is Adam. Adam, Jay."
Jay and Adam shook hands. "So you're the new replacement?" Adam asked and Jay nodded. "Don't worry, everything's pretty tame down here. There's just occasionally one or two rowdy newcomers because they haven't drank in a long time and forgot what their limits are."
"Good to know," Jay said.
"It's almost time to open, so how about me and Jay go upstairs for the first few customers so he can see how it's done," Hailey suggested.
Adam waved his hand. "Go ahead. Usually, I know most everyone's regular drinks, so I can handle bartending for a little bit."
"Thanks, Adam," Hailey said.
Jay and Hailey made their way upstairs and Jay went to check on you and then went back to Hailey.
"She still asleep?" Hailey asked.
"Out like a light," he answered.
There was a knock at the door. Hailey opened it a crack. "Bakery," the man said. It was the same one who asked a few days ago if they'd be open when Jay came over to ask Hailey to watch you while he went to the bank to see if he could take out a loan.
Hailey opened the door all the way and allowed him in. He came with a friend. "Christopher, Randall, welcome back," she said once they were all the way inside.
"Thank you," they both said.
"This guy new?" Christopher Hermann asked.
"Jay Halstead," Jay said as he stretched his hand out for Hermann to shake. "Pleasure to meet you."
"You as well. The real pleasure is being here where I can drink alcohol, am I right, Randall?" he asked as he turned to his friend.
"No doubt about it," he replied.
"Any stories from work today?" Hailey asked.
"No, just a simple cat caught in a tree. Nothing that caused somebody's house to burn and thank the Lord for that because of how hard it is to secure a loan for a house right now," Hermann answered.
"You two can make your way on in," Hailey said. "You know where to go."
"Thank you," Randall said and then the two walked away and towards the island that hid the speakeasy underneath.
"They're both firefighters," Hailey told Jay. "And, the one that Christopher kept calling Randall, well he told me that at the station they call him Mouch."
Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "Why? Why would a man want a nickname as silly as that?"
"Apparently it means half man half couch. But, just call him Randall. I'm not supposed to know about that nickname, but Hermann told me one night when he got a little too drunk."
"I'm sure Randall's wife is thrilled that he's a lazy bum," Jay said.
"Only at the station where he sits on the couch and listens to the radio until the bells go off. But, his wife, Trudy, can command a room."
Jay looked at his watch. "I should go check on Y/N again. Be right back."
He checked on you and you were still sound asleep.
After a few more customers came in, he went back downstairs and started his new job. It was hard not to like it when he got to look and talk to Hailey all night.
It had been a few months since you and Jay had moved in with Miss Hailey. Well, she was just Hailey to you now because she insisted you call her that. Jay insisted on you still calling her Miss Hailey, but Hailey had vetoed that decision.
Jay cracked an eye open as you excitedly pushed his door open. He quickly closed his eyes again and pretended to be asleep.
You pulled on his blankets. "Jay Jay! Jay Jay, wake up! It's Christmas!" He still pretended to be asleep. You pulled on his arm and he cracked his eyes open and rubbed them.
"Mhm, Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked.
"Nothing's wrong, Jay Jay! It's Christmas! Do you think Santa came?" you asked excitedly.
"I think so," Jay said as he sat up and stretched. "Should we go see if Hailey's awake and then we can see if Santa came?"
You nodded excitedly and he got out of bed and you grabbed his hand, practically tugging him out of his bedroom.
You saw Hailey walking up the stairs with a tray with three mugs on it. "Hailey!" you exclaimed and quickly let go of Jay's hand and ran to her. "Did you go downstairs?" you asked excitedly.
"I did," she told you, letting out a small giggle at your excitement.
God, Jay loved that giggle. Hell, he loved everything about Hailey, her heart, her looks, how she wasn't afraid to run a speakeasy when it was illegal. For all intents and purposes, she was a little rebel and he loved it.
"Did Santa come? Did you see him?" you rushed out excitedly.
"I didn't see him, but he came. There's lots of presents and your stocking is almost overflowing."
You smiled widely and squealed in excitement.
"Here," Jay said as he walked up to Hailey. "Let me take that."
"Oh, sorry," Hailey apologized. "I figured I'd make us some coffee and for that little angel, there's some hot chocolate with whipped cream and a candy cane."
"Hear that, pumpkin?" Jay asked as he took the tray from Hailey. "Hailey made you hot chocolate with all the fixings."
"Thank you!" you exclaimed and then tried to reach for your mug.
"Pumpkin, it's hot. I'm gonna hand it to you when we get downstairs, how's that sound?"
"Okay, Jay Jay!"
When the three of you got downstairs, you gasped. Hailey wasn't kidding when she told you there were lots of presents and your stocking was overflowing. "Santa came! Santa came!"
"He did," Jay said as he set the tray on the coffee table. "Do you want to open your stocking while your hot chocolate cools down?"
"Yes please!"
Hailey walked over to the radio and turned it on to a low volume while Jay helped you get your stocking down. Then, he handed it to you and he and Hailey sat down on the floor next to you as you emptied it.
"Oranges!" you exclaimed as you pulled out two of them. "Chocolate...and candy canes!" You pulled out two more things, too, a new hairbrush and socks, but you were more excited for the chocolate and candy canes. "Your turn!" you told Jay and Hailey.
Inside theirs were only oranges, candy canes, and chocolate. They had both agreed to spend the money on you and not on each other.
You opened your presents and you had gotten a stuffed animal Mickey Mouse from Jay and a pack of cards that were specifically for Go-Fish. They had different color fishies on them! You also got a new nightgown from him.
"What's that?" you asked as you pointed to an object in the corner under the Christmas tree that was covered by a bedsheet.
"That, is my present to you," Hailey told you.
"Can I open it?" you asked as you clasped your hands in front of you as if in prayer.
Hailey laughed. "Yes, you can."
As you had been asking Hailey, Jay was wondering where this gift came from. He knew Hailey had been in charge of your stocking, but he didn't think she had gotten you anything else...much less something so big that it couldn't be wrapped.
You tugged the sheet off and gasped when you saw what was under it.
"A rocking horse!"
Jay's eyes went wide. She wasn't even supposed to get you anything and here she was with a brand new rocking horse for you.
Hailey walked over to you. "There's even a pocket on the side of the saddle so that Emmy and Spot can ride with you," she told you as she pointed it out to you.
"Jay Jay! Can you help me get on?"
Jay smiled and walked up to you and picked you up. "One...two...three!" He set you down on the rocking horse, but not before he threw you up in the air once and then caught you and placed you on the rocking horse.
You started moving back and forth on the rocking horse and singing the lyrics to Santa Claus is Comin' to Town. Jay and Hailey just watched you while they drank their coffee, enjoying the morning and seeing you so excited.
"Where's your presents?" you asked after a few songs. "Santa didn't bring you any?"
"He only brings presents to good little children, pumpkin," Jay told you.
"But you were good, Jay Jay!" you argued.
"I know," he chuckled. "But I'm a grown-up, so is Hailey."
You scrunched up your nose. "I don't wanna be a grown-up. It doesn't sound fun." Then you remembered something. "What about the presents I helped you with?" You looked down at the red tree skirt. "They're right there!" you exclaimed as you pointed to the two gifts that were still waiting to be unwrapped. You pointed to one. "That once's for Jay Jay from me and Hailey!" You pointed to the last gift. "And that one's for Hailey from me and Jay Jay!"
Jay got up and grabbed both gifts. "After you," he told Hailey, his eyes twinkling because he knew what was inside.
She gently took the wrapping paper off and then smiled and looked up at him. "How did you know this was my favorite book?" She ran a hand over the cover of a brand new copy of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. More importantly, she wondered how he could afford all this. She knew that she had started paying him a little a few months ago as prices for products dropped, but she knew it wasn't a lot.
"I noticed it on your bedside table one night when I brought you a cup of tea. I just assumed it was your favorite because of how worn the pages were. I'm glad I guessed correctly," he said.
"Thank you. This is- I love it," Hailey said. Her mom had given her a copy of that book once she reached second grade and her mom had helped her read it. She always remembered those good memories when she read it, which was why she's always read if she couldn't make it to the library, even to this day. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." His fingers brushed her hand.
Hailey turned to you. "Did you help your brother pick this out?"
"Yeah! I went to the bookstore with him! It was so big!" you told her as you continued rocking back and forth on your rocking horse. Jay had no doubt that that would be your favorite toy.
Hailey passed Jay his gift. It wasn't hard like her's had been, it was sort of flimsy as well.
"I wonder what it could be..." he trailed off, thinking that you would tell him.
"It's--" you clamped your mouth shut as you remembered what Hailey had told you. "Hailey told me I can't tell you yet! You gotta open it!"
"Okay, okay, I'm opening it." Jay also gently took off the wrapping paper so that it could be saved for next year's Christmas.
Jay removed the paper and saw what was inside: between two pieces of cardboard were two shirts. They were both made out of the same blue and white striped fabric, but one was short-sleeved and the other was long-sleeved. He held the long-sleeved one up to get a better look at it.
"Wow, Hailey, these are amazing. Did you make these?" he asked.
"I did. Y/N helped me pick out the fabric. She said you liked blue," Hailey said.
"Well, she's right. I do like blue."
"And, we figured we'd give you a long-sleeved one that can be worn almost any time and then a short-sleeved one for the summer months."
"You both made great choices. Thank you so much." He looked up at you. "Thank you, too, pumpkin. Now, can you get down and give me a hug or do I need to help you down?"
"I can do it!" You slid down off the rocking horse and then ran to Jay, barrelling into his open arms.
"Arghh, my favorite girls. No better way to spend Christmas."
Your stomach rumbled.
"I should get started on breakfast," Hailey said and stood up.
"I'll help," Jay offered. He let go of you and set you on the couch and then handed you your hot chocolate. "Can you do something for me?" he asked you.
"What is it?" you asked after you had taken a sip of your hot chocolate, getting whipped cream all on your upper lip.
"Can you not get on the rocking horse and stay here and listen to the radio until me or Hailey get back?"
"Okay!" You paused. "Can you put me on there now? I promise I'll be good," you pleaded.
Jay agreed, but only because it was Christmas. "Now, me and Hailey will be in the kitchen if you need anything. Merry Christmas, pumpkin."
"Merry Christmas, Jay Jay."
Jay handed you your hot chocolate to take one last sip and then you handed it back to him. Then, Jay and Hailey made their way into the kitchen to start on the Christmas breakfast.
Hailey opened the icebox as Jay began grabbing some plates...the fancy China ones that Hailey said she'd only get out for holidays.
"So, I'm one of your favorite girls?" Hailey asked while she took the cinnamon roll dough, which she had made a few days ago and rolled up, out of the icebox and set them on the counter.
"I mean, you are, but if you're uncomfortable with that...you know, I think I just meant to say favorite girl to Y/N, but I made it plural and--"
"Jay," she cut him off. "You're one of my favorite boys."
"Only one of them, huh?" he joked. "Who else is there?"
"The firefighters," she answered nonchalantly. "They were the ones who helped me with the rocking horse."
"I was wondering who made that."
"I just told Hermann one night that I thought Y/N would like a rocking horse, and he offered to build it with help from some of the other firefighters. All it took was a night of free drinks for each of them who helped."
"How'd you get it inside? It wasn't there last night."
"Hermann and some of the other firefighters stopped over early this morning and dropped it off. I just threw the bedsheet over it."
"So that's why you had coffee and hot chocolate all made up. You had been awake."
"Exactly right."
Jay opened the oven door turned the dial, then moved out of the way to allow Hailey to put the cinnamon rolls in the oven.
"You don't have to help me, you know," Hailey pointed out when she closed the oven door. She had never met a man so keen on helping her in the kitchen or with daily household chores before she had met Jay.
"Hailey, you tell me this every day. I've been used to cooking and cleaning for the past two years since it was just me and Y/N. I'm not going to wake up one day and stop doing that. Besides, I'm helping you out. You shouldn't have to do everything around here."
Hailey nodded and smiled. God, was Jay sweet and very handsome, too! "Well, in that case, do you want to get started on the eggs while I whip up the icing for the cinnamon rolls?"
"Uh, I was wondering if maybe you'd make the eggs?" Jay asked.
Hailey shrugged. "Okay."
"It's not that I don't want to do it," Jay backtracked. "Y/N just told me she prefers your eggs over mine."
"I think I know why," Hailey laughed.
Jay's eyes twinkled with humor as he looked at her. "Is that so?"
"It is so. It's because you whisk the eggs in the pan and not in the bowl before."
"So she likes the whites mixed with the yolks, got it," Jay replied and reached into the cabinet and grabbed Hailey a bowl. "In that case, care to pass me the icing recipe?"
She passed him a piece of paper and they worked in comfortable silence, the only noises to be heard were the sounds of whisking and sizzling and the faint sounds of the Christmas carols coming from the radio in the living room.
Hailey began plating the eggs and placed them on the counter. "I'll pop them back in the oven to keep them warm once the cinnamon rolls are almost done."
"Good idea. I'll go check on Y/N. Icing's finished as well."
Hailey nodded and then began filling the sink with warm water to start washing some of the dishes.
"I'll be back to help you dry in a minute, don't you worry."
"You'd never miss that," she joked and Jay shook his head as he walked over to go check on you.
When he saw you, he held back a laugh. You were still on the rocking horse, but your head was leaning against the horse's head, the reins loose in your hand, as you quietly snoozed away to the Christmas carols.
He thought about waking you up but thought that Hailey would like to see how adorable you looked as well. So, he walked back to the kitchen.
"Back so soon?" Hailey asked. "Where's my little angel?"
"She's asleep on the rocking horse. Guess waking up early and all the excitement of the presents really tired her out. She's adorable."
Jay waved his hand, signaling for her to follow him and she did.
Hailey cooed at how cute you were as the two of the them stood in the open doorway to the sitting room.
"She really is the cutest little girl alive," Hailey said.
"I'd do anything for that kid," Jay said.
"You're a good brother, Jay. Raising her to have manners and know how to behave, you did really well with her."
"Thank you. I just tried to do what my mother did for me and Will." Since their time together, Jay had told Hailey stories about his childhood and his parents. These were mostly told downstairs in the speakeasy when Hailey had allowed Adam to go home and it was just the two of them cleaning up together.
"Well, she'd be proud of you."
She looked up at his green eyes, which were gazing at her gently. Then, she looked up at the doorway and laughed softly.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing, it's nothing."
Jay looked up and spotted the mistletoe. They had hung it up there a week and a half ago when they had decorated for Christmas. But, they never really did the tradition of kissing under it; it was solely for decoration purposes.
"I don't think we can avoid it now since it's Christmas," Jay said. Hailey furrowed her eyebrows. "Hailey, we've been avoiding the tradition since we hung it up." He took a step toward her and grabbed her hand. "You're beautiful and I've never met anyone as kind-hearted and sweet as you and we're underneath the mistletoe." He tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
"That we are," Hailey agreed and smiled a toothy smile.
They looked into each other's eyes and all they saw was love and affection. So, Jay did what he wanted to do since they hung that piece of mistletoe: he leaned in and gave the most beautiful girl whom he had ever laid eyes on, a kiss and a Christmas kiss at that.
Winter had come and gone and spring was finally in the air. Jay and Hailey had finally admitted their feelings to each other and whenever they kissed, you always giggled...which caused Jay to pick you up and tickle you.
You were sitting in the garden with Hailey working on planting new flowers and vegetables, while Jay went inside to grab the three of you glasses of lemonade.
"Are these tomatoes, Mommy?" You asked as you picked up a package of seeds.
Hailey froze. Mommy. She most definitely wasn't your mommy.
"They are, baby. They'll be tomatoes once they get lots and lots of water and sun."
Jay was walking back at the same exact time you started to reply to Hailey. "Okay, Mommy! I can't wait to see them! I hope they're good."
"Hey, pumpkin," Jay said as he walked up to you and squatted down next to you. "You thirsty?" He sent Hailey a look that read that he had no idea what was going on with those names either. He held the glass of lemonade out to you.
"Thank you, Daddy!" you exclaimed as you took the glass of lemonade from him.
Jay's eyes widened and he looked at Hailey once more as you took big gulps of lemonade.
"Pumpkin, who are you calling Mommy and Daddy?" he asked gently, trying to word this as easy as possible so that you could understand it and so that it wouldn't upset you.
"You're Daddy and Hailey's Mommy!" you told him.
He furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought I was Jay Jay."
"You are. But you're Daddy, too," you told him.
"Pumpkin, me and Hailey love you so, so much, but we aren't your mommy and daddy. Mommy and Daddy died when you were little," Jay told you as he took the empty lemonade glass from you.
"I know that," you said as you started digging another hole for more seeds, not grasping how important this conversation actually was.
"Then why are you calling us that?" Hailey asked as she twirled one of your braids between her fingers.
"Because Annie told me all about her mommy and daddy and you and Jay Jay do the same things as them. So you're like my mommy and daddy." Annie was one of the neighbor girls you'd play with outside occasionally. Her dad also came to the speakeasy every Saturday night...but you obviously didn't know that. You didn't even know what a speakeasy was, let alone that there was a speakeasy in the basement of your house. You moved the dirt from the hole and to the side of you.
"Y/N, we love you so much, but you..." Hailey trailed off, not knowing how to tell you that you couldn't call her and Jay Mommy and Daddy.
"You can't call us Mommy and Daddy, pumpkin," Jay told you.
Your lip began to tremble. "Why not? You are my mommy and my daddy."
"Why do you want to call us that?" Jay asked as his heart broke when he saw the tears forming in your eyes.
"Be- because you do Daddy things like pick me up and spin me around. And wake me up and tuck me in and let me sleep in your bed when I'm- when I'm scared."
"And Hailey?"
"She does Mommy things like tuck me in and wake me up, too. She helps me with my hair and you guys always give me bedtime kisses and stories."
Jay looked at Hailey. He really didn't know how to tell you that you couldn't call them that.
"Is there anything else, Y/N?" Hailey asked, looking directly at you as she started to rub your back to hopefully stop you from crying.
"I don't 'member Mommy and Daddy!" you cried and hurled yourself into Jay's arms. "I don't 'member them and I want a mommy and daddy!"
"Oh, pumpkin," Jay said. He never really thought about the fact that you wouldn't really remember your mom and dad and how you might call him that because that's what he seemed like to you. He knew you'd have questions, but he didn't think you'd try and call him and Hailey those titles. "You do have a mommy and daddy. They're just in heaven, remember?"
"But I don't 'member them!" you cried again.
"I know, I know. Would it help if I show you pictures of them?" Jay asked.
"You have pictures of 'em?" you asked, removing your head from Jay's chest.
You had only seen a few pictures of them that Jay had in his room in frames and those were the ones that used to be in your old apartment, too.
"I do. What do you say we all go inside and look at them?" Jay asked.
He helped Hailey to her feet and then placed you on his hip and the three of you made your way inside.
You stayed with Hailey on the couch in the sitting room while Jay went upstairs to grab a box of old pictures.
"This is our mommy and this is our daddy," Jay said as he pointed out the people in the picture when he sat down a few minutes later. "See, you have a mommy and daddy. You just can't see them right now."
"When can I see them?" you asked.
"Not for a long time until you go up in the sky to heaven," he told you.
"Like all the old people?"
Hailey laughed. "Yes, like all the old people," Jay answered.
He pulled out another picture. "There's Mommy, there's Daddy, there's Will, and there's me," he told you as he pointed to the people in the picture.
"Where am I?" you asked as your fingers brushed the black and white photograph.
"You are right here." He pointed to your mommy's belly.
"But that's mommy's tummy, Jay Jay. I'm not there!"
"Yes, you are. You had to grow big and strong and then one day you just came here," he explained.
You placed your hand on Jay's belly. "Where's your baby, Jay Jay?"
Hailey held back laughter while Jay placed his big hand on top of your small one. "I can't have babies."
You cocked your head to the side. "Why not?"
"Because..." he trailed off, looking to Hailey for support.
"Y/N," she began. "That's a talk for when you're bigger." She grabbed a deck of cards from the table in front of you. "Do you want to play Go-Fish? I'll even get you some more lemonade."
That piqued your interest. "Yes, please!"
You slid off the couch and Jay breathed a huge sigh of relief. He had no idea what he'd do without Hailey Ann Upton.
"Wow," Jay mused as he looked at the morning newspaper while he and Hailey were sipping their morning coffee.
"What? Shocked that Y/N's still sleeping? Maybe she fell asleep late because she was so excited to go to the fair today," Hailey said.
"No, no," Jay said. "It's not that, even though I am shocked that she's still sleeping when it's eight o'clock already. But, no, they're thinking about ending prohibition."
"What?" Hailey gasped.
"Right here." Jay passed the newspaper to Hailey and pointed to the heading which is what told them that the US only needed one more state to ratify the 21st amendment, which at this point looked like it would be Utah.
Hailey skimmed the article. "Wow. You're right. I mean, I think we kind of knew this was coming, but I didn't think it would actually happen."
"Me neither. Do you know what you're going to do if it does become legal?"
"I mean, I've obviously thought about it, but not all the way if you know what I mean. I kind of wondered about it, but I never made a plan." Hailey tried her best to explain how she had been thinking.
"Do you want to stay in Chicago?" Jay asked.
"I don't know. I love the city, but I'd also like to have the country air. Give Y/N a big yard to run around in instead of the small one we have now."
"Jay Jay! Hailey!" you exclaimed as you ran into the kitchen.
"Speak of the devil," Jay laughed. "We'll talk more about it later." He turned to you as you pulled yourself up on a kitchen chair. "You excited for the fair, pumpkin?"
"Yeah!" you exclaimed. "I can't wait to see all the animals!"
"Which ones do you want to see the most?" Hailey asked.
"The piggies!"
"The piggies, huh?" Jay asked. "Why are they your favorite?"
"They're pink and they're fat and they're cute!"
"Pink, fat, and cute," Hailey repeated. "Great description of pigs. How about me and Jay Jay get started on breakfast and then we can get going. How does that sound?"
"Yay! Piggies!"
Jay laughed and got up to help Hailey with breakfast while you were practically vibrating in your seat with the excitement at the thought of seeing all the animals at the fair.
"Piggies!" you exclaimed as you saw them in their pen and tugged on Jay's hand to make him walk faster. "C'mon, Jay Jay!"
Jay laughed. "They'll still be there in a few minutes when we get there."
"There's chickens, too!" Hailey told you. "Maybe you'll see some babies, do you remember what those are called from the book we read about animals at the library?"
"Great job!" Hailey praised.
By now you had made your way to the pen and tugged Jay's hand when you walked into it.
"Piggy!" you exclaimed as you ran up to one.
"What sound does a pig make, Y/N?" Jay asked as he crouched down next to you to make sure you didn't put your hands near the pig's mouth.
"Oink oink! Mr. Piggy says oink oink!" you said, quoting the book you and Hailey read the other day.
"She must've really liked that book," Hailey said.
"Obviously," Jay agreed as you kept petting the pig. The pig made its snorty oink oink sound which caused you to pull your hand away and giggle loudly.
"Can we get a piggy, Jay Jay?" you asked.
"Not while we're in Chicago, Y/N," Jay told you.
"So if we go out of Chicago, we get one?" you asked hopefully.
"Maybe, pumpkin, maybe."
"So, what are you thinking?" Jay asked a few days later when it was he, Adam, Hailey, Hermann, and a few others in the speakeasy late at night.
"I don't know," Hailey said. "But, you saw how Y/N looked with those farm animals and how she loved petting all of them."
"So, you want to move out of Chicago?" Jay asked.
"I don't know, but it sounds like you've thought a lot about it. Care to enlighten me?"
"Oregon, Wisconsin, New York. Those are all options," Jay shrugged.
"I thought we were getting out of the city and not going into another one," Hailey joked. "So why New York?"
"Upstate New York, where there'd be all the forests and wilderness. Obviously, we wouldn't be living out in the middle of nowhere. I don't think either of us would enjoy that."
"No, not in the slightest," Hailey agreed.
Hermann walked up to them. "So, if you two leave with the kid, what's gonna happen to this place?" he asked.
"Didn't your mother ever teach that listening to others' conversations is actually quite rude?" Jay asked.
"Well, sorry. But all us firefighters will have to find a new place to blow off some steam," Hermann replied.
"We'll only be leaving if prohibition actually ends," Hailey explains. "Still waiting on one more state to ratify the amendment."
"So, if it does end, what are you thinking?" Hermann asked.
"Alright, spit it out already," Jay joked. "What are you thinking, Hermann?"
"Well, I'm thinking about retiring soon and if it ends, I'd love to have a business endeavor to throw myself into. If I don't have anything to work on, the missus will not be happy with me."
"So, what are you saying?" Jay asked.
"Hailey Upton, if prohibition ends and you and Jay decide to leave, would you allow me to buy this place and turn it into the most booming bar in all of Chicago?"
"Excuse me?" A man asked rudely as he leaned over the bar. "I've been waiting on another drink for minutes now!"
"Sir," Hailey began, "I can only give you so much because we need you to be sober enough when you walk outside to leave."
"I'm paying for this! You can't tell me how much I can and can't drink!"
"Make me my damn drink, bitch!"
He reached out a hand to grab Hailey's wrist, but she jumped back so she was out of his reach.
"Reach over that bar one more time and I will lay you out where you stand," Jay told him sternly.
"I highly doubt that," he scoffed and went to reach over the bar again.
But, Jay was too fast and landed a solid punch to the man's jaw.
"Son of bitch," he muttered as he grabbed his jaw.
"Believe me now?" Jay asked smugly. Then, he turned to Adam. "Care to take care of this?"
"Yeah, I got it." Then, he turned to the man who was still grabbing and massaging his jaw. "You need to go take a seat, buddy, while I get you some ice. Because, hate to break it to you, but we're not letting you leave for at least another hour."
The man groaned but reluctantly went to take a seat while Adam got him some ice...mostly because he didn't want another punch to the jaw from Jay.
Jay walked behind the bar. "Are you okay?" he asked Hailey.
"I'm fine. He didn't even touch me," she replied.
"Still," Jay said. "I'd really prefer if you went upstairs and went to sleep. I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Jay, I'm--"
"Hailey," Hermann cut her off. "I can make the drinks. You just go upstairs and get some rest."
"Hermann, I can't pay you for this. And, do you even know how to make all the drinks?" Hailey asked.
"I'm fine with not being paid, Hailey. I just want to help you out and make sure you're safe, just like Jay here. And, I've been here enough and seen you make the drinks that I'm pretty sure I can handle it."
"Okay," Hailey relented.
"I'll walk you upstairs," Jay offered. "Can you two handle it if I'm gone for a few minutes?" Jay asked Adam and Hermann.
The two said they were fine and Jay and Hailey went upstairs.
"If prohibition ends," Hailey began when Jay and Hailey were almost to her bedroom, "I think we should take Hermann up on his offer."
"Hailey, that's a big decision. Are you sure you don't want to think about it?" Jay asked as he grabbed her hand.
"Tonight opened my eyes. Late nights, the possibility of being in situations I don't want to be in. If we have kids, I'm going to need to be there with them."
"Hailey, I'd love to have kids with you. But, I'm lost. What does this have to do with selling the speakeasy to Hermann?"
"If we have kids, I want us to be there for them at night when they have nightmares, not one of us going upstairs every fifteen minutes to check on them like we do with Y/N. And, if it's all legal, we'll have more rowdy customers. I don't want either of us to get hurt and I also don't want one of the kids to walk downstairs, if we have kids, and see angry customers," Hailey explained.
"I understand that. It's your decision, though. You own the speakeasy. It's your decision. I'll be with you on whatever you decide to do."
"Jay, I love you so much and I never want to be without you. And if you want to move, I'm going with you. I'm going where you go."
"I love you, too. And, you're gonna have to put up with me for a long time because I'm not leaving you."
"We've got everything, right?" Jay asked as he and Hailey looked on to the house. Jay held suitcases in his hand and so did Hailey. You held Spot and Emmy close to you.
"You sure about this?" Hermann asked. "You still have an hour before the train comes to back out."
"We're sure, Christopher," Hailey confirmed. "Everything is ready for us in New York."
"My brother had a lot to do with that," Jay supplied.
Prohibition had officially ended a month ago and when Jay had told Will over a quick phone call what was going on, he was shocked, to say the least. But, he agreed to try and find a place for them in upstate New York. So, he took Natalie and his three kids on a day trip there where they looked at some houses and went through the shops and got ice cream. Then, Will told Jay he had found the perfect place. So, Jay and Hailey sent him the money and Will bought the house for them.
"Bar have a--" Jay was quickly cut of by you asking a question.
"What was Mommy's name?" you asked.
"It was Molly," Jay answered. "But, we don't interrupt, okay?"
"Sorry. But, Hailey told me she'd get me another dolly when we get to New York and now I'm gonna name her Molly."
"That's great, pumpkin, really great. Anyway," he started, turning his attention back to Hermann, "Bar have a name yet?"
"You know, I think Molly's would be a good name," he answered.
You gasped. "You're gonna name the restaurant after my mommy? Did you hear that, Jay Jay?"
"I did. Hermann, you can't. It's your bar."
"I know. But, if your mom didn't have you, then you wouldn't have fallen in love with Hailey, and I wouldn't be getting the most important thing to me: the bar," he told him.
"I'm telling Cindy you said that," Hailey joked.
"You wouldn't do that. You're too nice for that, Hailey."
"So, it's Molly's?" Hailey asked.
"The bar's Molly's."
"Well, take good care of it. I didn't run it illegally for years just to have it be destroyed by a regular."
"Don't you worry. And, if all else fails, at least the firefighters will come to it."
"This is our house?" you asked excitedly when Will picked the three of you up from the train station. Apparently, he and Natalie made enough money to feed them and their three children and still have enough money to afford a car.
"It is, pumpkin. And look over there." Jay pointed outside the car to a pen...well two pens and a chicken coop.
"Piggies!" you exclaimed. You gasped. "We get to keep them?"
"We do," Jay confirmed.
"There's even a horse that you can ride," Hailey told you.
"Like my rocking horse?"
"Just like that. But you can feed him and brush him. And we have hens, too. Those are the girl chickens."
"They lay the eggs?"
"That's right," Will said. "You sure know a lot about animals, pumpkin. Are you gonna be a veterinarian when you get bigger?"
"What's that?" you asked as you furrowed your eyebrows.
"So, I'm a doctor for people, but you'd be a doctor for animals."
You gasped. "Yay! I wanna be a betternanian!"
Everyone laughed at your pronunciation of the word veterinarian, but you were too excited to realize you had said it wrong and to even care.
As Jay grabbed a few things out of the car and made his way to the house, he reminisced on how he got here. If he hadn't had his route changed as a milkman, if he wouldn't have gotten fired and gotten an eviction notice, then he wouldn't have met the love of his life, Miss Hailey Anne Upton...even though he hoped he'd be able to change her title to Mrs. Hailey Anne Halstead in the next few months. And, even though he had to go look for a job tomorrow, he had a home with you and Hailey, you were happy with all the animals, and he was closer to the rest of his family in Will, Natalie, and his nephews and niece, and that was all that mattered.
A/N I hope you liked the first AU of AU-gust! I think the next one I will be writing will be a high school AU. If you have any ideas for AUs, feel free to comment or send me an ask!  As always, thank you for reading! Don't forget to reblog/like and comment as notifications always make my day! And, if you like my writing, you can support me at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Kayela It's only a dollar and it's through Paypal and any currency can be used, no subscription required! (I write these fics for free, so I figured I'd try this out!) Finally, if you want to be added to my taglist, just comment and I’ll add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88
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morgansmoreid · 3 years
Do You Still Love Me • Derek Morgan • Chapter Eight
Chapter Name: "Make it All Go Away"
Fic Masterlist
Italic writing stands for flashbacks.
Bold Italic writing stands for what happens at the station.
Regular Bold writing stands for text messages.
Content/Trigger Warnings: Alcohol Usage, Drug Usage, Peer Pressure, Parental Vituperation, Toxic Parental Dynamics, Parental Abandonment
The name rings through Y/n's ear like a medley calling her back home.
"Buttercup?" The voice asks again.
"Yea, it's me."
Y/n voice is weak as each word leaves her mouth. Her lips tremble at the remembrance of the name, the meaning, and the way each syllable tears through her tough persona, resurfacing her soft and true one.
Before the voice can say something in response, a regretful sentence leaves Y/n's mouth, making her hate even pressing the call button that laid under her fingers seconds prior.
"Michael? Can I come over?"
It's silent between the two. Tense and argumentive silence lays, just as Y/n goes for the red button.
A gut-wrenching feeling fills both people. They know nothing is going to come good of this visit, yet Y/n gives a small hum in response and hangs up, letting her feet take her into the familiar landscape. But it's just her feet. The rest of her feels non-existent, cloudy, and bubbly.
The rest of her lays with her head, confused and sad.
Just as Y/n makes the last sharp corner, the muffled ding of her phone puts her body to one again.
Derek Aug. 23rd, 2008 at 12:05 PM
Come back to the station so we can all talk.
Y/n wants to text back and explain why she can't; or why she won't. But she doesn't. Instead, she powers her phone off, the small black screen looking at her with disappointment. The black screen reflecting her face of disappointment and guilt.
She stuffs the phone in her pocket and heads up the small stairs of the only colorful townhouse on the broken block. Chipped paint breaks under her shoes, crunching like a leaf. The sound is replaced by the three knocks on the grey frosted door in front of her.
"I care about you, buttercup," Micheal wrapped his arms around the sister figure that sat next to him.
Sitting on his roof, both watched the sunset to stars, pills and alcohol surrounding them. Y/n laughed, pushing him off her shoulder before grabbing the small "water" bottle she snuck past her father earlier. Micheal watches as her face grimaces, knowing the burning feeling of the alcohol going down her throat before turning his whole body towards her.
"I mean it," He says gaining her attention.
"What happened to 'no sappy shit' " She mocked, putting her fingers down at the frown on Micheals's face.
"That was before. This is now. Now, I want you to come to me, on some real shit. But not just for drugs, if you want to cry, want to talk, want to ding-dong-ditch that old hag up the block." He smiled.
Y/n smiled also. To the thought of having an outlet. To the thought of having someone actually wanting to listen to her thoughts.
"Let's make up a code." An idea pops in her head, only expanding itself at the raised eyebrow from Micheal.
"Whenever one of us is over at the other's house, we knock a blank amount of time." She proposes.
"One knock, food. Two knocks, just someone to talk to. Three knocks, oxy. Four knocks, a hangout buddy, and five knocks, just a place to sleep." The ideas roll from her head to her mouth in instant connection.
"Oxy and liquor," Micheal chuckles as he takes a sip of the water bottle.
"Oxy and liquor," Y/n repeats, repositioning herself to sitting next to Micheal, laying her head on the side of his shoulder, the place she's found comfort for the last few months now.
He plants a small kiss on her head, the action providing the same warmth as it did her.
"I really care about you buttercup." He mumbles as he pulls away.
"Hey." A tear-stained Y/n appears in front of Micheal as he opens the door.
"What was the last cell tower her phone pinged at?" Hotch asked as he hovered over Garcia, afraid if he looked back to Y/F/N, he might punch him solidly in the nose.
"This one," Penelope pointed to her screen, making everyone's heads turn to the laptop.
"Shit," James mumbles, only needing to take a look for reassurance to know where Y/n was currently at.
"This is all your fault." He shoved his finger into Y/F/N's chest.
"Excuse me?" Y/F/N stiffened his muscles, gaining the upper hand automatically.
"You just had to say something? You just had to feel so entitled that you drove her away." He stepped closer to the older man, ignoring the team of agents to his left. "I would change my name as well if it meant I wasn't associated to my deadbeat son of a bitch father, but my whore leaving mother." He growled, clenching his fist in the same tight position as Y/F/N.
Temped to punch the young adult in front of him, Y/F/N's nails dug into his hand, leaving crescent shape marks when he released his hand, walking away from the male.
Wasting no time, Aaron went after Y/F/N, determined to get the truth of the situation.
"Hey!" Aaron called out, seeking Y/F/N's attention. "My team and I need to talk to you." He caught up with Y/F/N's walking pace. Y/F/N ignored him and opened the door to his office, a sly smile appearing as he took a seat.
"Y/F/N Fields, do you need my team and I need to get a warrant? This is now a federal investigation and you are non-compliant. After witnessing today's events, I can arrest you for the battery of a federal agent. Do you know the charge of that?" Aaron threatened, sick of the older man's games.
Y/F/N was silent at first, unsure of the truth to Aaron's statement.
"No need for a warrant, I'll talk." He said after a quiet minute.
"How's life?" Micheal tried to make conversation as he looked to the young female next to him. The sunshine covered her body as the ground sat before her feet.
"Life." She chuckled sarcastically.
"Remember that one time when we were doing homework and I fell down the stairs from not paying attention?" Micheal laughed.
But Y/n didn't. They weren't doing homework that time, they were high.
"Do you have it?" She asked, changing her tone and stance, muscles tightening as she sat up straight.
"You don't want it." Micheal looked at Y/n with sad eyes, regretting the pity look as all her anger was suddenly being taken out on him.
"Don't tell me what I want," She growled. "This is all your fault, everything." Y/n pointed her finger in Micheal's face.
Unshocked by Y/n's statement, Michael didn't react. He didn't push away her finger, he didn't scream at her, he just looked at the concrete below him and stayed quiet.
"It's your fault." She said again, jerking her finger so close to his eyes, one move and she would have poked him.
"Just try it." Micheal pressed.
"It's just-," Y/n tried to compose herself. "I've never those before and my dad will probably kill me." She pushed away Micheal's hand, along with the pill inside of it.
"Ouu, is someone afraid of Sheriff Feilds?" The teenager taunted.
The truth was yes. While others were afraid of bugs and huge dogs, the 15-year-old girl was afraid of her father like never before. He was angry all the time. Her mother finally left and it was up to Y/n to maintain both roles. Any slip-up, any bad grade, anything slightly minor, and she was yelled at, pushed to the wall, screamed at, and just like last night, she would feel his anger across her face.
"You see?" Micheal grabbed her attention and focus. "You're so caught up in that head of yours, these bad boys make it all go away."
The last few words caught Y/n's attention.
"So all my thoughts are happy thoughts now?" She questioned, a hint of embarrassment flowing through her body as Micheal openly laughed in her face.
"More like, they just push away from them for another time. Wanna try now?" He opened up his hand again, pushing back to Y/n.
Hesitant, Y/n took the small pill and a gulp of water, waiting for her high to kick in.
"What happened to making it better?" She accused before becoming face to face with Micheal.
"Give it to me and I'll be out of that matted mess of a hair." Y/n opened her hand.
Micheal reached into his pocket and put the small baggie of pills into Y/n's hand. In return, Y/n took out cash from her back pocket and threw it into his lap. Silently, Y/n walked down the stairs of the townhouse, the pills creating a burning hole in her pocket.
Pulling out her phone, Y/n turned it on and headed for the station, each attempt to prepare herself for what was coming next failing.
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sappy-seresin · 4 years
left behind (j.m)
A/N: This imagine is based off of the song “All My Friends,” by AJ Mitchell. It doesn’t entirely relate to the song, and didn’t turn out exactly how I thought it would, but I hope that you enjoy it nonetheless. This is my first “Outer Banks,” related imagine, I’m sure it doesn’t do the show justice, but I thought I’d try because I can’t stop thinking about the show.
The sections in bold are song lyrics and flashbacks are in italics; just to clear any potential confusion.
Requests are open, as always, feel free to request anything Outer Banks related...or any of the other that fandoms I write for! 
“I’m done, I can’t do this anymore,” JJ broke down rushing around his room to aimlessly throw his belongings into his bag.
“JJ, please calm down,” I beg, reaching out to touch him until John B’s arms wrapped around my waist, halting my movements. I look up at him in frustration, trying to force myself out of his arms. 
“Stop, he needs to do this,” he commands softly, holding me against his chest. Kie, Pope, and Sarah watch the scene in silence, the tension in the room growing thicker as we watch JJ pack his bags. 
“Don’t Kie, nothing you say is going to keep me from leaving,” he barks, glaring at her. His whole body trembling with anger due to argument that he had with his dad moments earlier. “I’m done.” 
My heart drops at the sight of him; knowing full well that even I won’t be able to convince him to stay. 
An hour later we stand on the dock watching hundreds of people board the ferry. Everyone stands in silence anticipating having to say goodbye, but seemingly afraid of the moment that we’d be forced to do so. 
JJ’s hand slides into mine tightly gripping onto my fingers. I close my eyes, trying to stay calm and support his decision of leaving the island, even though I want to beg him to stay. 
“It’s time,” Pope sighs, breaking the silence as we all share sad glances.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I whisper to JJ, pulling him into my arms. “I’ll talk to my parents, you know that they’ll let you stay with us. Please, just don’t leave me here.”
“I can’t move in with you,” he states, his words slightly muffled by my hair. “I have to go, and I need you to support this decision.”
“Then let me come with you,” I insist, frowning when he pulls himself from my grasp so that he can look at me. “We promised that we’d never leave each other-”
“We were four years old,” he sighs, shaking his head. “I love you but this is something I need to do on my own, okay?” I simply nod in response; not trusting my voice. He pulls me back into his arms one last time, whispering a “thank you” before he moved to say his goodbyes to everyone else. I stand to the side, looking anywhere but at my friends as each of them had their moment with him. 
Kie and Sarah joined me, giving me sympathetic looks before pulling me into side hugs so that we could stand together. I lay my head on Sarah’s shoulder, watching John B pull JJ into his arms one last time.
“Take care of yourself, JJ,” he stated as they pulled away from each other.
“You know I will,” he winked, clearly trying to lighten the mood and take our attention away from the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He takes a moment to salute at us, his eyes meeting mine one last time before he spun around to board the ferry without looking back.
“Why can’t I just hide in my room,” I huff exasperatedly flopping on my bed backwards tired of hearing my mom ramble about needing to get back to a normal routine.
“Listen to me, it’s been nearly a month. I know how deeply you care for him, but this has got to stop,” she states walking out of my closet empty handed. “You’ve never liked this house, and now it seems that all you want to do is spend your time here. As much as I love having you around, I’m worried.”
“Mom,” I groan, shifting to face her. “You don’t have to worry. I’m perfectly fine.” 
“I’m your mother. As much as you think you can lie to me, you can’t. So don’t start,” she warns, raising her eyebrows as she sat on the bed next to me. I sigh, shoulders slumping in defeat, as the front I attempted to put on slowly vanished. “Love is strong, especially when you’re young. Sadly, when you sign up for love you also sign up for potential heartbreak. The fact that you’re hurting so deeply just shows that it was real.” I listen intently, tears springing into my eyes at her words. 
“But I didn’t sign up for it, mom. He’s my best friend, not my boyfriend,” I huff, as if trying to deny what I already know is true.
“You and I know full well that you don’t have to be dating someone to be in love,” she replies, sending me a gentle smile. “Your relationship with JJ is a prime example of that. You’ve been in love with that boy for years and, from what I’ve seen, he is just as in love with you.”
“I know that you’re mourning what you lost, but you can’t stop living because of this,” she continues, tucking hair behind my ear, caressing my cheek. Her thumb wiping away the single tear escaping my eye. “You have friends that love you; who want to be able to walk through this with you and quite frankly, I’m running out of excuses as to why they can’t come see you.” A quiet laugh falls from my lips between quiet sniffles, still unable to muster up any words. 
“I know you feel alone, because you love him, but your friends are working through letting go of JJ too. You weren’t the only one the boy left behind when he left the island. He was their best friend too,” her fingers tenderly brush through my tangled hair, knowing how that it’s always helped me relax. “With that being said, I think you would start feeling a lot better if you stopped pushing them away, don’t you?” 
“I guess,” I sniffle, not enjoying the fact that she’s right. 
“Great, because I told them to pick you up on the dock in an hour,” she smiles brightly, scrunching up her face as she awaits my response.
“Mom,” I exclaim, shooting up from my bed. “Why would you do that? I haven’t showered in a week! There’s so much that needs to be done!” 
 She laughs from her spot on the bed, watching me haphazardly pull clothes out of my closet. I hurry towards the bathroom with a heap of clothes in my arms, pausing to drop everything on the bed to wrap her in a hug. “Thank you.”
Crowded but a lonely place
Sittin’ at a table full of double dates
And everywhere I go, I wanna see your face
I take a sip from the solo cup in my cold hands, shuddering due to the breeze that passed by. My attention on John B and Sarah seated across from me, laughing at something Pope had said. The boneyard buzzing with multiple groups of people due to the kegger currently taking place on the beach.
 I zone out from the conversation to study my surroundings. A familiar emptiness settling in as I mindlessly scan the crowd in search of JJ even though I know he isn’t here. Scanning my surroundings in search of him has become a part of my routine; seemingly a side affect of missing him. 
My eyes trail over my friends, each looking exceptionally light, carelessly engrossed in their conversation. Two months ago, I would have been happy at the sight but something is missing. Someone is missing and I’ve caught myself feeling completely alone in moments like this one. JJ’s arm should be carelessly draped over my shoulders but instead there’s an empty spot next to me, and a deep longing that never seems to go away. Our group has been perfectly paired up ever since Sarah and John B got together, Pope and Kiara following soon after, but now I’m always left feeling like a fifth wheel on a double date. 
“Hey,” Kie’s voice cals, pulling my attention back to my friends. The small fire in front of us casts shadows on each of them as I’m met with Kie’s concerned face. “You good?” Her question catches me off guard and forces me to shift uncomfortably in lawn chair under everyone’s gaze. 
“Um, yeah, I’m fine. I guess that it’s kind of hard to enjoy parties anymore,” I shrug, trying to muster up a reassuring smile. “They’re not the same without JJ.” Her concerned expression drops into one of sympathy and I immediately regret saying anything. John B whispers something to Sarah, pressing a soft kiss against her temple, before he moves to take the empty seat next to me. He wordlessly slings his arm over my shoulders and pulls me into him, resting his chin on my head.
“I miss him too,” he whispers looking down at me.
“I should’ve gone with him,” I state, John’s eyes softening at the tears filling my eyes. “When we were young, we promised each other that we wouldn’t leave unless we were together.” A tearful laugh falls from my lips at the memory. “Yet, when it actually came down to it, he didn’t seem to give leaving me behind a second thought. I should have tried harder to-”
“Stop,” John interrupts gently tilting my chin so I would look at him. “I know it hurts, but I love you too much to watch you do this to yourself.” 
His thumbs catch tears that I didn’t even realize were falling. “JJ is stubborn and hard to get through to, you know that. I know there was a part of him that wanted to take you with him but he needed to do himself. We’ve been cleaning up after him for as long as I can remember. I think he realized that he needed to be able to make his own decision without having anyone else to worry about.”
“I want to hate him,” I admit with a heavy sigh. “I feel like I want to be angry with him but I can’t.” John nods in agreement, seeming to understand what I meant. “I just feel so broken, JB. He’s my best friend.” 
“I know,” he sighs, pulling me against his chest again. “We’ll get through it together.”  ---------------- Pictures, I’m reminded 
Of good times, how we tried it
Don’t know how to get you out of my mind
I don’t have it in me to deny it
Sitting cross-legged on the floor of the guest bedroom at the chateau, I shuffle through the old photo album I’d found. My lips curve into a smile when I come across a couple of more recent photos that were haphazardly stuffed into the back of the tethered book. They were taken on a cheap disposable camera that JJ bought me after he overheard me talking to Kiara about how much I’d been wanting to buy one.
It was a beautiful day so we’d packed the HMS Pogue up with fishing supplies and snacks having opted to spend the day on the water. 
The sun had just started going down, each of us sun kissed and slightly tipsy as we waited for the sunset. I was curled up on the front of the boat with JJ, clad in his t-shirt with a blanket strewn across our laps. My back rested against his front, his chest vibrating with soft laughter as John B clambered back into the boat, soaking wet, after he’d lost his balance while wrestling with Pope. John B let out a string of threats as we all laughed at him, mostly due to the look on his face when he realized he was going down. 
I smiled at the way that JJ hugged me closer to him when our laughter died down. He adjusted me in his lap, his arms still wrapped tightly around my torso as I focused on the sunset ahead of us. I was so focused on the view that I didn’t notice Kie approaching us with my camera in her hands. We’d all taken turns taking photos on it because I was antsy to get them developed to see how they would turn out. 
JJ, also oblivious to Kie’s presence, pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of my head right as the flash of the camera went off causing both of us to jump slightly.
“My eyes,” JJ exclaims, a laugh falling my lips when his hands suddenly moved in front of my eyes as if he was going to protect them from another flash. I heard the camera click again causing JJ to protest. “Kie, I’m going blind here.”
JJ’s hands fell from my eyes; returning to their original spot on my waist. Kie stood in front of us lifting my camera again to taunt him. My head fell back against JJ’s chest, loud loud laughs falling from my lips, as JJ shouted threats at Kie. Pope and John B had since joined in on the fun, egging Kie on. JJ halted his movements, an endearing smile on his face as he looked down at me, watching me laugh.
“Now would be a good time to take a picture, Kie,” John whispered, prompting her to catch the sweet moment.
I shake my head; fingers delicately brushing over the pictures.
“I thought you’d be hiding in here,” John’s voice rang, pulling me out of my trance. I look up at him from my position on the floor. His arms cross against his chest, a lazy smile on his lips, as he leaned against the door frame.
“Yeah, sorry,” I blush, watching him stalk over to where I’m seated.
“I remember that day,” he smiles, taking one of the pictures from my hands. “Times we much simpler then.” I nod in agreement; wordlessly pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
“I thought he was going to kiss me,” I admit with a small laugh.
“Me too. I’m convinced that he would have if Kie hadn’t ruined the mood,” John replies, moving to flip through the photo album on the floor.
“Actually, the mood wouldn’t have been ruined if you hadn’t encouraged her to take the picture. So I think you’re the one to blame,” I joke, shoving his shoulder.
“That may be true, but at least we captured the moment and you can keep it forever.” He throws his hands up in surrender and gestures to the picture before returning his attention to the photo album.
“He loves you a lot. You know that right?” John asks, breaking the comfortable silence. “God, he always looked at you like that.” John’s voice broke with a lighthearted laugh.
“He did, didn’t he?” I whisper, relishing in the memories of how JJ always looked at me as if I was all that mattered. “I can’t stop thinking about him, John B. I mean, he’s been gone for weeks and hasn’t even bothered to call. Doesn’t he realize that we’re worried about him? I can’t walk into a room without looking for him or go to sleep without having nightmares about him being alone.”
“Hey, it’s JJ we’re talking about. He’ll come around eventually. I miss him like hell, but I know that he needed to go.”John assured pulling the pictures out of my hands so that I would look at him. His hand came up to caress my cheek, just like JJ had done since we were young. “I also know that he’d hate it if he knew how much this is hurting you.” 
“I just wish he’d call. I hate missing him.” 
“I know,” he sighs, pulling me into a loose hug. We stayed like that for a long time, John holding me against his chest as he quietly shared stories about his dad. We only moved when my head began lulling to the side, fighting to keep my eyes open. John wordlessly stood up, sticking his hand out for me to grab. “I’ll tell your mom that you’re staying over again.”
“Thank you,” I yawn, giving him a quick hug before he exited the room. I turn around, pulling on one of the sweatshirts JJ always left out for me to wear. It doesn’t smell like him anymore, but still brings me the same sense of comfort that it always has. 
Spending the night at the chateau is the only way I seem to be able to get a decent nights sleep nowadays. Something about staying in the guest room, that JJ practically claimed as his own, seemed to cure my tendency to lie awake at night worrying about him. I curl under the covers feeling myself relax almost immediately as sleep welcomed me.  --------------------
Cause everybody, everybody knows something I don’t
Where are they? I think to myself, eyebrows furrowing together when I notice that the Twinkie isn’t parked in front of John B’s house. I stalk up the driveway and let myself into the house. 
“Hello,” I call, only to be met with silence. I pull my phone out of my pocket, quickly dialing Kie’s number in confusion.
“Hey you,” She answers, sounding slightly nervous.
“Where are you guys? I thought we were meeting at the chateau,” I respond, ignoring her tone. 
“Pope was supposed to call you,” she sighs, only making my confusion grow.
“What do you mean, why?”
“Well, we all kind of got called into work last minute. The boys are helping Heyward set up for midsummer’s and I have to cover for a waitress that didn’t come in,” she explains, and I hear hushed whispers on the other line. 
“Why do you sound so weird? What’s wrong?” I ask, noticing the weird strain in her voice. 
“Weird? I don’t sound weird. Everything’s fine,” she dismissed. The whispers on her end of the phone only growing louder. I can’t make out what’s being said but I’m certain that John B was among the people whispering. 
“Kie, what is going on? Are the boys th-”
“Hey, I’m sorry I have to go. Sorry for bailing on the plans last minute, but it’s urgent. I’ll meet you at Sarah’s to get ready for tonight,” she quickly rushes before hanging up the phone. 
I slide my phone into my pocket with a frown, deciding to walk to Sarah’s now seeing as everyone else seems to be busy. I kick at loose rocks on the ground; thinking back to my conversation with Kie. They’re definitely hiding something. I furrow my eyebrows, feeling annoyed due to being in the dark about what was going on. 
I can’t seem to settle down,
Cause I’m waiting on you to come around
Midsummers has been going on for nearly an hour, and I’ve been on edge the whole time. This year was the first year that all of the Pogues, excluding JJ, are attending the party. Pope being here to help Heyward prepare food while John B is Sarah’s plus one. 
I’ve been eyeing my friends closely all night, noticing multiple moments of hushed whispers whenever I came back around. I’ve only grown more and more frustrated at their lack of explanation as to why they are acting so suspicious. 
“Okay, I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I’m over it. If someone doesn’t give me answers right now, I’m leaving,” I huff, walking over to my friend group, huddled by the food tables away from everyone else. They turn around in surprise, my tone clearly catching them off guard. I cross my arms, patiently waiting for someone to speak while they share a glance. Everyone’s eyes landing on John B. Whose eyes were trained on something behind me, a slight smile adorning his face.
“Leaving so soon? But the party just got here,” a familiar voice states behind me causing goosebumps to rise on my skin; my breath catching in my throat. My heart pounds against my rib cage as I turn around in shock, a loud gasp leaving my lips at the sight of the blonde boy standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets. 
“JJ,” I choke out, hands shooting to my mouth in disbelief. His figure blurs with the tears filling my eyes. I wordlessly watch him step closer to me, seemingly frozen in place at the sight in front of me.
“It’s me,” he whispers. “I’m right here.” All of my emotions hit me the moment his hands tenderly cup my face, thumbs brushing away the shocked tears. I throw my arms around him, trying not to make too much of a scene as quiet sobs fall from my shaking frame. A wave of peace rolls over my body at the realization that JJ is okay and is safely tucked in my arms.
The rest of the Pogues come around us, wrapping us in the middle of an emotional group hug. When the hug breaks, I cling to JJ for a few more seconds, not entirely convinced that he’s actually in front of me. His lips press a gentle kiss on my forehead, quietly assuring me that he was there. 
“Don’t leave me again,” I demand, pulling myself away from his grip. “My heart can’t handle it.”
“I promise, I’m here for good,” he laughs, pulling me into one more hug before we return to reality. We spend the rest of the party catching up and enjoying each others company. For the first time in weeks, things feel okay. 
And everybody lookin’ like a honeymoon
But all that I have been looking for is me and you
Glancing around John B’s living room, a content smile forms on my face. I take a mental snapshot of the moment; relishing in how good it feels to be together again. Our bodies clad in pajamas all squished together on the small pullout couch. We shared stories for hours, everyone falling asleep one by one until me and JJ were the only two left awake.
“Do you want to go to the guest room? As much as I love these guys, I don’t really want to wake up groping any of them,” he whispered, pausing when Pope stirred in his sleep. I smile, pressing my finger to my lips to signal him to be quiet as I slowly crawl out of bed, trying not to wake any of them up. JJ follows soon after, successfully making it off of the mattress without disturbing anyone. He nods toward the hallway, lacing his fingers with mine before pulling me towards the room. 
We wordlessly crawl under the covers and settle into a comfortable silence, noticing the sun beginning to peak through the blinds. JJ wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest with a content sigh. 
“I’ve missed this,” I murmur, breaking the peaceful silence. JJ hums in agreement, pressing a chaste kiss on my forehead mumbling a soft, “me too,” against my skin. My heart swells at the feeling, a sudden wave of confidence spreading through my body forcing me to sit up in the bed abruptly, pulling myself out of his grasp.
“What’s wrong,” he asks, mirroring my movements as he shifts to face me. I instinctively grab his hand; fingers tracing the lines on his palms to keep myself from looking at him.
“I need to tell you something,” I state after a few moments of silence, hesitantly tearing my gaze away from our hands. I’m met with a concerned expression, his hand moving to push my hair out of my face.
“What is it?” I sigh at his question, nerves beginning to settle in as I stare at him. You have to tell him, I think to myself, there’s really no going back at this point. 
“JJ I-” I pause, pressing my lips together in a thin line. The fear of telling him how I feel eating away at me, while he patiently waits for me to continue. 
“You can tell me,” he smiles, a slight glimmer in his eyes.
“The last three months have been absolute hell,” I admit, watching his supportive expression drop at my words. “I was forced to watch everyone else continue on with their lives while I was just stuck.”
He opens his mouth to say something but I shake my head, silently beginning him to let me continue. “You’ve been this constant thought on my mind. It’s kind of funny actually, it seems that you constantly demanded my attention even when you weren’t here,” I laugh lightheartedly, wiping away the tears that escaped my eyes. 
“Anyway, your being gone gave me a lot of time to think and I’ve realized that I can’t keep pretending that I don’t feel a certain way about you,” JJ’s eyes urge for me to continue as his hand gently squeezes my own. “JJ, I’m in love with you.” 
My words echo in my ears, heart beating rapidly in my chest, as I stare at my best friend. “I can’t keep pretending that I’m content with just being your best friend. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, but I have to be honest with you. All I could think about was-”
“Stop talking,” he interrupts, hands gripping my shoulders as a serious expression crosses over his face, making my heart drop. Our friendship is over. I just got him back and I’m going to lose him again. “You’re insane if you think I don’t feel the same way about you.” He moves his hands to cup my face, his eyes flickering down to my lips. “Leaving made me realize that the only time I feel safe is when I’m with you.” He hesitated for a moment before closing the gap between us with a kiss. His lips pressing against mine urgently as he pulled me into his lap. 
“God, you’re all I’ve ever wanted,” he sighs, after breaking the kiss. Our chests heaving slightly due to the previous lack of air. 
“Don’t leave me again,” I state, shoving him backwards onto the bed, watching him laugh in surprise. He flips us over, pinning me to the bed as his lips met mine again.
“I’m here for good,” he murmurs, pulling me into his arms after collapsing next to me. The beating of his heart lulled me into a peaceful sleep, resting on his promise to stay. 
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 - 𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.1k
warnings: swearing, floch’s bad flirting
bold italics is a text conversation
listen to the music masterlist
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disclaimer again!! i wrote this a long time ago. i know there are things that need to be fixed and things that don’t fit right. i plan to edit this story more in the future but today is not that day :)
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You took a shaky breath in as you stopped midway of putting a clean sheet on the bed Mikasa would be sleeping in. The room still had some of her old stuff in it, it's just no one ever came in here after she left. You looked around at all the items she left behind. Smiling fondly at an old picture of you two, you noticed a small figure crossed out in the background. Glancing at the rest of the photos on the shelf, you noticed that every photo had something crossed out.
After looking at each picture, you came to the conclusion the figure was Jean. She must have only taken the photos without him and did this to the rest. You frowned and walked back to the bed. Carefully, you climbed onto it and propped a few pillows up to support you as you leaned back.
For the first time in two years, you got a good look around the room. On the side of the room with the door, there was a large glass window overlooking the balcony above the living room. You always found it strange that she chose a room like that when she usually kept those blinds shut. Her bed was in the middle of the room with a tv mounted on the wall across from it. On the other side of her bed, there were a couple of bean bags below the bay window that looked out on the driveway.
You sighed and took out your phone, pulling up old texts with Mikasa. The last time you texted her was three months ago when you got too drunk at one of Reiner's ragers.
mikasas pleasdse
come home
i miss you
i miss you so much
we all miss you so much
come home to me.
She didn't respond to that and you wouldn't know if she even looked at it. She turned her read receipts off for everyone after the first week of trying to contact her. The only time she had ever contacted anyone was two weeks after she left the house.
Don't look for me. Don't contact me.
You got a lot of your friends asking if you got the same message. She sent the same thing to everyone who tried to get in contact with her. You still didn't know where she was or what she was doing. The only thing you knew was that she was coming home the next day. You sighed. Suddenly, you didn't feel like cleaning anything else. You briskly walked out of her room and dialed the number of your best friend.
"Hey, Y/n! What's going on?" Sasha's cheery voice rang through the line.
"Hey hey, Sasha. I'm doing great. At least, I think I am. Do you wanna go somewhere? You can pick me up? Or I can pick you up if you like."
"I'll come to pick you up, honey bunny, don't you worry." You heard her struggling with her keys on the other side of the line and snorted at the noise.
"Need some help, Sash?" You grinned while skipping steps.
"Fine, thanks." She grumbled. "I'll be there in fifteen! You stay put!" She briskly hung up.
Sasha had been your best friend ever since Eren's nineteenth birthday party. She caught you and Eren coming back inside just as she was about to leave, with half the pantry in her arms. She asked for your number to make plans to hang out and chat sometime. You happily obliged, which was probably the happiest thing you had done that night.
You tossed your phone onto your bed as you walked into your room. Your room was on the first floor. You got first pick since you were the one who inherited the house. The house was big and beautiful. It was also on a lake. Perfect for the parties Eren and Jean loved to host. Perfect escape from paparazzi.
Your room had big glass doors that opened to the balcony that wrapped around the back of the house. You had a great view of the lake. The room was painted white. There was a black marble fireplace in one wall with a small wardrobe you used for storing memorable items to the band. You didn't need to use it for clothes since you had a walk-in closet in the big bathroom you partly shared with your bandmates. Jean liked to use the large bathtub.
You collapsed onto the bed and stared into the vanity mirror next to it. It was then when you realized you were still in your pajamas. "Oh shit." Your eyes widened as you hurriedly stumbled over to the closet, falling over once.
You grabbed a pair of baggy sweats and a big t-shirt. With duck socks, of course. The outfit didn't look much different than your pajamas but Sasha would probably be wearing something similar.
You threw your hair into the easiest hairstyle you could muster. You grabbed your boots and hopped up and down while trying to put them on while also leaving the room. "Jesus." You muttered.
Your phone vibrated, signaling that Sasha was here. "I'm heading out with Sasha! You're on your lonesome!" You called out to wherever Armin was in the house.
"Okay! Don't be back too late!" He shouted back.
You laughed aloud as you realized how much he sounded like a dad. You opened the front door and ran to Sasha's car. "Let me in!" You knocked on the passenger window as she reached around to find the button that unlocks the door. Once it was unlocked, you swung open the door and hopped inside.
"Nice outfit," was the first thing she said to you. You glanced at her outfit and scoffed. Your predictions were correct, she was wearing something similar.
"Gee, thanks." You gave a lopsided smile and rolled your eyes.
"Where to, honey bunny?" Sasha said, giving a mock salute while her other hand rested firmly on the steering wheel. You giggled and thought about it. You called her on such a whim that you forgot to even plan anything.
"Uh how about Brain Freezes? I could really use a catch-up with Connie right about now." You suggested.
"That sounds like a great idea! Turns out you do have a brain up there." Sasha snickered.
"Oh good one, because you're the real genius here, clearly."
After a lot of lighthearted banter, you arrived at Connie's workplace. Sasha aggressively grabbed the door handle and slammed it open, causing the bell to fall off its perch and land on your face. "Oops." You grimaced and bent down to pick up the bell. You rang it in front of her face.
"Sasha! Y/n! My two favorite customers!" Connie jumped up and down on the other side of the counter. "How can I assist you ladies today?"
"I'll have the usual." You gave a half-hearted smile, head still impaired from the bell. Sasha had quite the habit of accidentally hurting you.
Sasha snatched the bell from your grasp and started ringing it. She announced her very long order that you could barely keep up with, but Connie was used to this kind of thing, especially with her.
You noticed one of his coworkers scowling at Sasha. You didn't like Floch, to say the least. He was always inviting himself to your parties but he was rude to all of your friends at the same time. He noticed your gaze and smirked.
He strutted over to where you stood, pretending to become very interested in toppings. "How are you, Y/n? It's been a while huh?" He leaned over your shoulder in a way that workers shouldn't with their customers. You made a hasty effort to slip away from his presence.
"It really hasn't. I came here last week. I come here every week and you say that every time." You usually tried to be nice to Floch, but today you didn't feel like being nice.
"Well, even a day without you feels like an eternity." He flirted horridly. You stared blankly at him until he awkwardly cleared his throat and traded spots with Connie at the register.
Connie took off his apron and handed you and Sasha your orders. "Sorry about him. That guy really can't take a hint even if it's right in front of his face." He shot Floch a venomous glare. "Luckily, you guys got here right as my shift ended! Wanna get out of here?" His previous anger seemed to dissipate in an instant.
"Yeah, I do! Where should we go?" Sasha beamed with her spoon still in her mouth.
"Can we just drive around? I've got something I wanna tell you guys." You played with your spoon in the ice cream, averting eye contact.
"Sure thing, Y/n. Let's go." Sasha and Connie said in unison.
Sasha let you drive her car since she was preoccupied with her mountain of ice cream. Connie didn't have a car, he failed his driver's test every time he took it. You'd think he'd learn most of the material by now. "Hey, Y/n?" He asked from the backseat.
"Yeah?" You nodded to him.
"Are you gonna finish that?" He said, referring to your cup of ice cream in the front cupholder. You sighed.
"Go ahead." He thanked you over and over as he leaned over and snatched it.
"So, Y/n? What was it you wanted to tell us?" Sasha wiped her hands on her pants and set the empty container in an extra cupholder.
You gripped the steering wheel harder then relaxed. You took a shaky breath in. "Mikasa is coming home tomorrow."
Connie started choking on your ice cream. "I know, I had the same reaction." You quipped.
"Mikasa..is...WHAT?" Connie managed between coughs.
"After all this time? It's been two years. Tomorrow? That's so sudden! Are you even ready to see her?" Sasha's mouth was gaping open. You leaned over and shut it for her.
"Yes, tomorrow. I still have to get the house ready. I couldn't even make it through her old room without calling you. Jean told us this morning. I don't think we should be worried about me being ready to see her. I think we should be more concerned about her and Jean." You informed. "But, then again, she told Jean about her return first. Plus he's picking her up tomorrow at the airport. So based on that, I think they're on better terms."
"You don't think they'll get back together, do you?" Connie said, his eyebrows furrowing.
You snorted. "Of course not. You know Jean is with Marco now, and he seems pretty happy with him. They've been together for two years now, probably longer if I'm being honest."
"Then what do you have to worry about?" Sasha asked, confused.
"Are you joking? I mean, what if she has found someone? What then? What if she quits the band forever? What if we argue? She dropped off the map two years ago. Completely. She stopped responding to me, to all of us. For two years I thought she lost her interest in everything and went to live a new life, with people better than me. And now she's coming back, out of the blue! It's too much." You stressed.
Connie and Sasha made quick eye contact. "Y/n, I think you're reading too far into it. I doubt anyone could lose interest in you. You're too cool! Let's look on the bright side, she's ready to come home and you finally get to see her again," Sasha said in an attempt to lift your spirits. You smiled graciously. You really were lucky to have a friend like her. "Right, Connie?" She gestured to Connie who looked very deep in thought.
"Didn't you and Mikasa go out in high school?" You almost crashed the car from the shock of the question.
"Briefly, yes. But we weren't 'going out' so to speak. We just, like, made out a couple of times." You could feel your face grow hot at the subject. You thought you were over your crush on Mikasa, but after hearing that she was coming home, the familiar feeling was coming back.
"You're going red, Y/n. I think it was more to you than just a make-out." Connie grinned while Sasha wiggled her eyebrows.
"You're totally in love with Mikasa!" Sasha sang.
"Shut up, you two. I don't wanna get into the details right now." You couldn't even try to hide your heated face since you were the one driving the vehicle.
"Not right now? So maybe somewhere down the line, you will?" Sasha raised her eyebrows and broke out into another infectious grin.
"Whatever, Sash. Enough about Mikasa and me. I really wanna hear about you and Niccolo." You gave her a similar grin while she slowly turned red.
"Nice one, Y/n!" Connie cheered.
"You idiots should just shut it!"
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posted: 8/24/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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the-record · 4 years
The City of Romance
Summary: On Spencer’s mandatory leave, he plans a trip to Paris, France where he meets an unforgettable face.
A/N: I got this idea during my language class. Please excuse my terrible French, I am still learning. This might be 2 parts? Maybe 3? I’ll figure it out. Anyways if you have any ideas for this or other requests let me know! 
Italics: Translation French to English.
This is more of an introduction <3
Part 2, Part 3
Check out my masterlist here!
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For as long as you remembered, you had stayed with your mom in France during summers and worked at her café. Specifically her café in Paris. It was a dream. She made lots of business and your family was already pretty well off. You met lots of people working this job, however one seemed to stick out to you.
“Bienvenue! Que puis-ie vous offrir aujourd’hui?”  “Welcome! What can I offer you today?”
“Sorry, I don’t speak French.” You smiled at the tall man in front of you. He was handsome and seemed kind but nervous.
“No worries. Welcome, what can I get you today?” He seemed relived at the fact you spoke English. You would’ve too. 
“Can I get a coffee, 2 boxes of macarons, and 3 chocolate croissants?” You smiled and typed in the order on the computer on the counter.
“Of course. Will that be all?” He smiled and nodded. “Great. Your total is 24.50.” He handed you the foreign currency and you started to make his coffee and box his treats. “Here you are. Have a great day...”
“Spencer. You too,” He looked at your name tag, “Y/N. I should be on my way, I have a flight. Bye!” You smiled and waved. 
The rest of the day you couldn’t get that boy out of your head. You were a little disappointed that he would have already left France but the thought of visiting your uncle made it better. You stayed with your mom in the summer and your dad the rest of the year. After he passed, your uncle had promised to take care of you while you were in America. You were a grown adult but that didn’t stop him. Even 3 weeks later, as you boarded the flight, you couldn’t stop thinking about Spencer. What did he need 3 chocolate croissants for? You need the delectable treats you brought for your uncle. He was going to meet you at his work and asked you to bring something for him. You couldn’t bring something just for him though, so you brought something for all of his team. You had never met his team but that didn’t stop you. They were his family, so they would be yours too. 
He met you downstairs on the ground floor after you got through security.
“Bella!” You smiled and basically ran to hug him.
“Uncle David!” He squeezed you tight. 
“How was Paris? And your flight?” You giggled a little.
“It was beautiful as always. You have to come visit me and mom some time. My flight was weird. Not in a bad way, I just met someone I guess and, never mind. How are you?”
“I’m good. I think coming out of retirement was definitely a good idea.” You both talked all the way up and all the way to his office. 
“Oh, I totally forgot. I brought you guys some stuff from the café. Mom started working with a local bakery and their macarons are just perfect. And don’t even get me started on the croissants.” You pulled out the boxes from your bag and placed them on his desk.
“I know just the person who would love some of these. Come on, I will introduce you to her first.” You smiled and followed him to a dark room with a wall covered with monitors. 
“Wow.” In such a dark space sat a bright colored blonde. Her outfit had lots of fun colors and her hair was curled. Her makeup and earrings were fun and exciting. Everything about her radiated good energy.
“Rossi what’s- And who is this beauty next to you? Hoping she’s not wife number 4.” You laughed.
“This is my niece Y/N. Y/N this is Penelope Garcia our technical analyst.” You held out your hand.
“It’s great to meet you Penelope. I heard you like pastries?” You held out a box and her face lit up.
“I love them! Ok wow, these look amazing, where are they from?” Her smile was huge as she looked at the croissants.
“Actually they’re from Paris.” Her jaw dropped. “My mom owns a café and bakery in Paris France. I’m just here during the year for school.” She is still stunned.
“Well wow. I don’t know what else to say. Wait yes I do. Thank for these!” You smiled.
“Of course. If you ever need some just tell David and they will be sent to your front door.” She held her arms out for a hug which you gave her.
“Alright, well I am going to take Y/N to meet the rest of the team. Bye Garcia!” She waved as you two walked out.
“I like her. She’s very fun. Not boring like you.” You joked. You saw a group of people standing over by a counter and that’s when you saw him. The man from the café. “Long time no see.” He was a little confused when he heard you, but when he saw you he understood.
“Oh hey Y/N. What are you doing here?” 
“I’m just visiting my uncle. So this is where you were rushing off to then?”
“Yeah.” You saw a small smile creep on his face. It wasn’t a lot but you noticed it.
“Woah let’s slow down here pretty boy. Rossi, who is this?” You stared over at the man next to him. He was tall with a strong build and holding a cup of coffee.
“This is my niece Y/N. Y/N this is Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and I guess you already know Spencer.” You nodded.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” They all stared at you both positively bewildered. “Oh, uh he came by the café I work at. He got a bunch of macarons.” 
“Wait, you work where those came from?” The lady who was apparently known as Emily.
“Yeah, my mom owns it and I work there during the summer. Speaking of.” You pulled out a smaller box filled with cookies and macarons. “These are for you guys.
“Thank you gorgeous. I guess we may have to thank Spencer then for introducing us to these.” You giggled softly.
“I guess you will.” Your phone rang and you noticed the caller ID to be your mom. “Sorry. I have to answer this real quick.” You walked a few feet away before answering. “Salut maman!” “Hey mom!”
“Salut bebe! Avez-vous atterri?” “Hi baby! Have you landed?”
“Quais. Je parle en fait aux collegues de David. Puis-ie vous appeler un peu?” “Yeah. I’m actually talking to David’s colleagues. Can I call you in a bit?”
“Bien sûr. Je t'aime.” “Of course. I love you.”
“Je t'aime aussi. Au revoir.“ “I love you too. Bye.” You hung up the phone and headed back over to them.
“Well genius what did she say?” You laughed as you walked back.
“He wouldn’t know.” They all gave you an odd and ashamed look for asking him. 
“She’s right. I don’t know French.” 
“Spencer Reid. You have an eidetic memory and went to a new country and didn’t learn French?”
“Well I learned a little but I didn’t really need to learn any. A lot of the natives knew English.” You nodded.
“He’s right. And it was my mom, she was asking if I landed.” Suddenly another blonde woman popped over. JJ. You had met her before by accident. Last time you came to visit you had a late flight in and so when you came by David’s house he was having a dinner party but everyone had left except her. She wanted to get to know you and you got coffee. “JJ!” 
“Oh my goodness Y/N! What’re you doing here?” She pulled you into a quick hug.
“I’m staying with David now for school because of what happened.” She gave a sympathetic smile.
Your father had passed away from a house fire. He was a bit older and already had health issues so the smoke inhalation was too much and he sadly passed.
“That’s great. How’s school been going?”
“Pretty well. I take some extra courses during the summer so I am looking for a job currently because I have everything I need done.”
“What career are you going into?” Derek questioned.
“Teaching. Specifically elementary because I can’t stand teenagers. They do not hold back, and as great as some of them are, I want my kids to be able and come see there first or kindergarten teacher years from now. I think I may have found a school around here but they haven’t gotten back to me yet.” They all nodded. “Well I was going to get some coffee if anyone wants to come along.”
“Reid why don’t you go?” Derek was patting him on the break to try and convince him to.
“Uh sure. If that’s okay with you of course.” You smiled.
“Of course. Let’s go I guess.” You walked with Spencer out to your uncles car that he so kindly lent you for the time being. He kept your car at his mansion so you wouldn’t have to worry about it. “Where should we go? I don’t normally come down here with David so I don’t really know a ton.” You asked as you got into the drivers side.
“There’s a little coffee shop not to far from here.” He gave you the directions as you drove. When you got there you ordered a coffee and a sandwich. Truth be told you were starved.
“So what degrees do you have?” He sipped his coffee before answering.
“I have a PhD in math, physics, and engineering as well as 3 BAs.” You jaw was 6 feet under. You assumed he was smart but damn.
“Wow. That’s... Impressive.” You laughed softly.
“Yeah. What about you? You said you wanted to be a teacher.”
“I have a bachelors in elementary education and one in special education. That is more so I can be more inclusive in the classroom. Honestly it’s pretty smart to get one because all children learn in very different ways. Like me, I loved reading when I was a child but I learned better by listening and looking at pictures. Some children think noise is distracting or that bright fun colored pictures are so we have to think about all of them and not just the majority. So far I have found a lot of different teaching methods to cater to all students. It’s really interesting. Sorry I’m rambling aren’t I? I do that when I get excited.” He chuckles and shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about it. One time I told a detective that it’s safer to kiss instead of shake hands.”
“Ooh. Yikes. Don’t tell that to kids though, they will run around kissing each other and get some kind of disease I swear.” Conversation flowed easily between you both. You both took turns rambling while the other listened. It was comforting to have someone who actually listened and could understand you when you spoke a mile a minute. 
He couldn’t help but think the same. Most of his friends had teased him over his facts. You listened and asked questions. You didn’t cut him off or laugh. You were actually interested as was he when you spoke. You talked pretty fast but he managed to keep up. Before you realized it was no longer 1:30. It was 4:15. You had talked with him for hours and it only felt like minutes. You texted your uncle that you would just wait in the car for him but when Spencer got out you felt like you had to do it.
“Wait! Spencer!” He stopped and spun to see you running towards him. “Would you like to go out for dinner sometime? Maybe this weekend if you’re not on a case?” His smile was blinding.
“I love that.” You exchanged phone numbers.
“Perfect. Hopefully see you this weekend.” You placed a quick kiss on his cheek before running back to the car. He felt weak in the knees and thought he might collapse right then and there. Luckily he kept himself up until he got to the office. He was so excited and while he may not be religious, he prayed there wouldn’t be a case.
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cutie1365 · 4 years
A Kid from Queens Part 21
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Info: CA: Civil War Era. Tony Stark enlists his daughter to find the web slinging spider in Queens.
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, language. (I had aged up Peter so he’s 18.)
A/N: Flashbacks in italics as usual :) I know it’s been forever, motivation is hard to come by these days. This is the longest thing I’ve ever written, it’s long enough to break into two chapters but I know I haven’t uploaded in a while so Merry Christmas lol.
Any and all feedback is much appreciated! Please please if you could just leave a little message of things you like or what you want to see in the future it really helps.
Masterlist linked in my bio. Taglist in the reblog.
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“Y/N! Y/N! Over here!” You heard your name called as Happy opens the limo door. He extends his hand to help you to your feet.
“Stark, look over here!” The paparazzi screams were almost deafening as Peter exited the car after you. His mask hid more of his features while yours left little to the imagination, they knew who you were already, so no point in trying to hide it.
“Behave.” Happy pointed a stern finger at you.
“Don’t I always.” You feigned offense as your hand clapped over your heart, he raised a brow as your mouth turned up into a smirk.
“Goodnight Happy.” You chuckled, turning and stepping onto the red carpet leading to the venue.
“Who are you wearing?” You heard different questions screamed in your direction. This was a charity gala after all, not the fucking Oscars. Who cares who made your dress?
You slipped your hand into Peters, trying to calm him. This had to be overwhelming, all the cameras in your face, screaming anything they can to get you to look their way.
“Dr. Stark!” One voice called, gaining your attention. Few people addressed you with your appropriate title. You turned to see a young woman, who didn’t look like she’s been on the job for very long. She was holding her own though, against all these ruthless reporters. You thought you saw The Bugle among them.
“Dr. Stark, Glory Grant from the Times.” She smiled once you looked her way. You took a step closer to her, nodding at her to let her know you were listening and she could continue, “Can you tell us why this cause is important to you?”
“Of course, every child’s life we can save is like an investment into our and their future. They’re going to be the ones to take over the world someday. Who knows who will be the next Einstein, or Madam Curie...” You began with a smile.
“Or Y/N Stark,” She smiled. You laughed, shaking your head humbly.
“If we can do our part in donating and relieving some of the financial burdens off of their parents then it’s worth it. This organization not only helps families and children currently fighting cancer, but it helps look for a cure. A permanent solution to help end this disease.” You spoke from your heart.
“Thank you so much Dr. Stark.” She smiled as she scribbled the last of your words onto her notepad.
“Are you new at the Times Ms. Grant?” You asked, taking another step closer to her and the barrier between the two of you.
“Yeah, I just started.” She smiled nervously.
“Can I borrow your pen?” You asked, and she handed you her pen and pad.
“That’s my work number. If you’d like to be added to the Stark Industries press board, give me a call. They’re the first ones we call about press releases and announcements.” You spoke as you scribbled it down, handing it back to her with a smile.
“Thank you so much Dr. Stark, but why are you helping me?” She furrowed her brows.
“Because it's a man's world, and we can help change that, one woman at a time,” You said, causing her to laugh, “You’re the only one here to actually address me by my title and not ask me about my outfit. I see a bright career ahead of you.” You nodded to her as you took a step back towards the middle of the carpet.
“Enjoy tonight,” she smiled, beaming at the new opportunity. You winked at her as you took Peter’s hand and led him along the carpet and up the stairs towards the venue.
“That was nice of you,” He squeezed your hand.
“I mean it’s effortless for me, but it will help kick start her career. I got this kinda third eye about people.” You smirked.
“That’s not a real thing.” He shook his head with a laugh.
“Sure it is. It’s not always perfect, but sometimes I can just tell when people are destined for something great. Like you, from the moment I met you I knew.” You turned towards him, taking his other hand in yours.
“You knew what?” He titled his head in confusion.
You leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips, forgetting you were at the top of the stairs and still in full sight of all the photographers. You saw the flashes but you didn’t care. Peter’s identity was safe with his mask, and you wanted the whole work to know how happy he made you.
“That you’re a good person, and you’re gonna do big things.” You beamed up at him as you pulled away from the kiss, turning to lead him inside.
“So what else can this third eye tell you?” He asked curiously.
“It’s kinda like a gut feeling, to trust someone or not trust them. Like fight or flight, something’s not right kinda feeling. I just trust my gut, ya know.” You shrugged.
“I think I know exactly what you mean.” He said, and you turned to him with a raised brow before remembering your conversation from a week ago.
“Oh that’s right, like your spidey senses.” You chuckled, making sure to keep your voice low.
“My what?” His eyes went wide.
“You said you can sense when something bad's gonna happen. Although mine isn’t as specific and can’t be attributed to a radioactive spider.” You chuckled, walking to a secluded corner of the ballroom.
“Shh someone could hear you.” He whispered, you smiled, shaking your head, knowing everyone’s always drunk at these sorts of things.
Turning to face Peter, you raised your hands to straighten his bow tie. Your mind wandered to how great he looked in his suit. The feeling of butterflies swirling in your belly from the moment you saw him step through your door a few hours ago had barely worn off.
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“Wow,” you both muttered as your eyes landed on each other. You’d never seen him all dressed up like this. He looked good, really good. You gulped, trying to push the dirty thoughts from your mind.
His hair was slicked back, not the mess of curls you were used to. He looked so grown up. You could almost picture him commanding a Stark Industries board meeting or standing at the end of an isle. Wait- slow down Y/N, jesus.
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He looked so natural, so dapper, and then he turns and gives you that signature goofy smile- there he is. It brought a smile to your face. How did you get so lucky? How could you have landed a guy as great and handsome as Peter Parker. Were the girls at his school brain dead? You would think everyone would want him. Kind, sweet, intelligent, respectful, and Christ he cleans up well. He was everything you’d ever dreamed of.
Have you just been staring this whole time? Jesus, Y/N say something, he’ll think you’re crazy, you thought.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked, trying to compose yourself. He only nodded, still not able to formulate words.
You were wearing red. His red. No- not his red obviously, but the same color of his suit. And god he loved it. He felt like you were wearing a piece of him. Like he had marked you, you were his.
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“You look...” He trailed off, his eyes still wide. He cleared his throat and smiled, trying to compose himself. You could almost hear his internal monologue urging him on - Come on Peter, keep it together..., “You look... God Y/N. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” You blushed. Of course that wasn’t the first time someone had told you that, but coming from Peter it felt different, “You look so handsome. Not your usual kind of suit, huh?” You smirked, causing him to chuckle as he pulled on his sleeves.
“I have your mask.” You smiled, still admiring him, holding the mask out to him.
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“Why doesn’t your mask hide your identity?” Peter asked, as the two of you watched more and more people file into the ballroom.
“Because people will know who I am anyway, and I’m not hiding.” You explained.
“How will they know?” He furrowed his brows, you shook your wrist in response.
“I don’t know anyone else with a custom blaster built into a bracelet. I’m also on the younger side, and pulled up in a ride with Stark Industries plates, so it wouldn’t take a genius.” You smiled, starting to recognize a few faces of regulars as you people watched.
“Do you always wear that thing?” He asked, holding up your wrist and examining it.
“No, I’ve got a watch for day to day wear that does the same thing. Dad may not give me a suit, but he won’t leave me completely defenseless. And it has come in handy.” You trailed off, remembering the not so fond memories of the last time you used it. Your ribs still ached if you thought about it long enough.
“Let’s hope you don’t have to use it tonight.” Peter said, craving one normal night without having to be a hero.
“Someone would have to be very ambitious to attack this place, they’ve got security out the wazoo.” You brushed off, praying tonight would go well.
A hush fell over the crowd as the charity president walked onto the stage and welcomed everyone. You felt Peter’s hand slip around your waist protectively as everyone pushed a little closer to the stage to hear. This part was pretty standard, basically a little speech to kick off the  night, a thank you for coming, and who to make all checks out to. Music filled the ballroom as the band began playing after the applause for the speaker died down.
“I’ll get us something to drink.” Peter nodded off towards the open bar.
You nod as he walks off and turn to admire the ballroom. Your eyes soon land on a familiar face.
“Dr. Strange,” You smile, greeting him.
“Dr. Stark,” He nods. You’d met a few times at these sorts of events. You hadn’t seen him for a while though, and there were rumors of an accident.
“How are you Stephen? I haven’t seen you since...” You paused to trying and remember, “Was it that benefit for the hospital a year ago?”
“Had to be, I’ve been... traveling.” He stated ominously. You glanced down to see the long thin scars along his fingers.
“Well it’s nice to have you back.” You smiled.
Peter now rejoined you at your side, slipping a drink into your hands- non-alcoholic of course, per May’s request. His other hand found its way to the small of your back.
“Peter, this is Dr. Stephen Strange.” You introduced him.
“Peter Parker,” He smiled, shaking the doctor’s hand. Something you couldn’t describe flashed over Peter’s eyes as they shook hands. Like a gut feeling he couldn’t quite place. For some reason his spidey senses were going off.
“Enjoy your evening, I need to check in at work.” Strange gave a curt nod and smile as he said his goodbyes. As he walked past you he dropped his voice to a whisper and spoke into your ear, “I like this one much better than the last.”
“Me too,” You whispered back with a smirk.
“So... how do you know him?” Peter asked curiously as the doctor excused himself to call the hospital.
“We run in the same circles, it’s a lot of the same people that come to these sorts of things. His hospital donates a lot of money to these causes and when he pisses off the board they send him to represent them as punishment.” You explained.
“This is a punishment?” Peter asked, dumbfounded.
“For a neurosurgeon it might just be,” You laughed, shaking your head, “I’m surprised he’s here.”
“Why?” He furrowed his brows.
“I heard he was in an accident not too far back. A bad one. I didn’t know he had gone back to work. Hmm...” You looked off to where the man had disappeared to.
“Care to dance, Parker?” You changed the subject, taking his hand into yours and placing your drinks onto the nearest table.
As the song changed to I Only Have Eyes For You by The Flamingos, he held you in his arms, swaying slowly. You were lost in him, hours could have passed, or seconds. As your bodies were pressed together you felt a sensation you could only describe as home.
“So has it been everything you dreamed it would be? These stuffy formalities for rich people to get drunk and spend money.” You chuckled as you looked up at him.
“It’s beautiful, but I guess, I mean it seems so glamorous from the outside.” He shook his head.
“Sorry to burst the bubble for you. It’s a little less Gatsby, and a little more, middle aged businessman doing coke in the bathroom.” You quipped.
Peter’s head immediately whipped towards the bathroom door where two men were emerging, one rubbing his nose.
“No way...” He looked back to you with wide eyes.
“You’d be surprised.” You chuckled.
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After a little more dancing and mingling you and Peter made your way out onto the deserted balcony.
“Are you cold?” He asked, as he leaned onto the railing next to you. You were hiding it well but he still sensed it.
“A little.” You chuckled, cursing those spidey senses for giving you away.
Peter slipped off his coat and placed it over your shoulders. You thanked him as you turned to admire the moonlit lake below you. It was so quiet and peaceful, untouched by the party going on just on the other side of the glass doors.
“Did you have a good day?” Peter asked.
“Perfect.” You looked up to him and smiled, and you meant it.
“Um, so, Happy told me that you don’t like to celebrate your birthday but,” Peter began to speak, nervously. Your eyes grew wide, how in the world did he know it was your birthday? That was the one day you liked to keep private and out of the press. Only the Avengers, Pepper and Happy knew when it was. “I wanted to give you this. Everyone deserves at least one present on their birthday.”
“Peter you didn’t-” You shook your head, before he cut you off.
“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. And don’t worry, Mr. Stark swore me to secrecy so I won’t go announcing it to the world.” He reassured you as he reached into his pocket to pull out a little box.
“I know it’s not much, and I’m sure you have a million other fancy things, but I wanted you to have this.” Peter opened the box nervously, revealing a necklace. It was a single pearl and diamond dangling from a silver chain. Simple, but beautiful. “It was my mothers. Aunt May said that my dad gave it to her on their wedding day.”
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Your jaw dropped slightly and your hand went over your heart.
“Peter, I-” How could you accept this? It was probably one of the last bits he had of his mother and he was just giving it away? You knew how much they meant to him, and he’d been through so much. With losing both parents so young and then his Uncle Ben not that long ago. Tears began to pool up in your eyes. Did he really care about you that much to part with something this important?
“Are you sure?” You asked softly.
“Of course I am. She would have loved you. She would have wanted you to have it.” Peter spoke, slipping the necklace on you as a single tear slipped down your cheek.
You turned back to him with a smile, he gently rubbed his thumb across your cheek to wipe the tear away. He didn’t know what to say- actually that’s a lie. He knew exactly what three words he wanted to say, but he thought it might be too soon and he might scare you. He absolutely didn’t want that. So he just smiled at you as you leaned in to kiss him.
You pulled away and wiped your tears, trying your best not to mess up your makeup.
“Thank you Peter.” You sniffled, chuckling at how silly you were being.
“Happy birthday.” He beamed as you heard the band strike up a slow song inside. He extended his hand to you, “Y/N Stark, can I have this dance?”
There was that goofy smile again, causing you to giggle as you placed your hand in his. He pulled you close, you rest your head on his shoulder as you both sway to the music. And for once in your life, everything was perfect.
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After everyone had said their goodbyes and they ushered you out of the venue, you and Peter began your short walk through the park to the Plaza Hotel across the street.
“Tonight was like a dream,” You said, as you swung your intertwined hands slightly.
“Haven’t you been to a million of these things.” Peter chuckled and shook his head.
“Yes, but I’ve never been to one with someone I love and it’s a very different experience I’ve learned.” You spoke, causing Peter to stop.
You turned to face him as you noticed his wide eyes, not believing the words that just came out of your mouth. It took him a minute to process. One, that meant you loved him. And two, that meant you were never in love with Thomas, since you’d been to these events with him before.
“Ok, you’re kinda scaring me now Peter,” You laughed nervously at his awestruck state.
“You love me?” He asked, and you answered with a nod and a smile.
He placed his hands on either side of your face and pulled you into a sweeping kiss.
“Am I dreaming?” Peter asks, pulling away, looking for any sign on your face that this was all some sort of joke.
“I sure hope not,” You chuckle.
“I love you too,” Peter beams at you, pulling you into another kiss.
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“Woah...” You and Peter both mutter as you push open the door to your hotel room. Now this was fancy. You felt like you were in a room in Buckingham Palace.
You both walked around, inspecting the room as you dropped your coats. You saw your bags in the corner that had already been brought up. You ran your hand over one of the pillows on the huge California King sized bed as your lips morphed into a smirk and an idea popped into your head. You clutched onto the pillow with one of your perfectly manicured hands as you spun around, whacking Peter with it.
“Hey!” He yelped, eyes growing wide at what you’d just done.
“Come on Parker, let’s see what you’ve got.” You tossed him another pillow from the bed with a smirk.
“O you’re gonna regret this,” He stalked towards you. You kicked off your heels and jumped onto the bed, standing up on your knees.
He swung his pillow as you ducked, it just missed you. You took the opportunity to whack him again. He looked at you with wide eyes, thinking, How had he missed?
“What? Couldn’t see that coming, bug boy?” You laughed. Taking those few seconds to gloat had proved fatal as you felt his pillow attack your side.
“Oof,” You feigned pain as you dropped backwards until your back hit the bed.
“Are you ok?” Peter asked, worried, thinking he’d really hurt you. With his super strength he was never sure.
You waited until he was kneeling next to you to jump into action, according to your plan. You jumped up, pushing him back onto the bed as you straddle him, grabbing your pillow and smacking him a few times.
“Ok, ok, you win!” Peter cried out, forfeiting.
“Yes!” You threw your pillow up in the air in victory. Peter looked up at you, still on top of him with your hair now a mess, hanging all around your face. He cherished the genuine smile on your face. All he wanted to do was kiss you, you looked so happy.
You crawled off of him and back onto the floor where you extended your hand to help him up. As he placed his hand into yours and rose to his feet, you didn’t notice his left hand reach for the pillow. Before you knew it, there was a pillow lightly thrown in your face.
“Peter!” You squealed through laughter. He knew you were about to retaliate when you reached for your own pillow on the bed. But he was faster, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you away.
“Come on, truce?” He asked as you struggled against his arms.
“Fine, truce.” You said, shaking his extended hand as he let you go.
“Hungry?” You asked, reaching for the room service menu on the desk and flipping through it.
“Starving.” He said, reading it over your shoulder.
After you had called in the food, you walked over to explore the rest of the room.
“They said it will be about an hour.” You told Peter, as you pushed open the door to the bathroom.
“So what do we do til then?” He asked, but you didn’t hear him.
“Jesus, look at the size of that tub.” You exclaimed, and Peter came over to your side to get a look at it too.
“Wow,” He said when his eyes landed on the giant clawfoot tub, “Um we definitely have to use that.”
You turned to face him with a smile.
“Really? You’d wanna do that?” You asked, who knew Peter Parker was a sucker for bubble baths.
“Absolutely. And do they have those big fluffy robes like in the movies?” He asked, excitedly, like a kid on Christmas.
You walked over to the closet and pulled the doors open, revealing two robes as described. You pulled them out and presented them to him.
“Cool...” His eyes lit up as he felt the material between his fingers.
You started to run the water, adding bath salts and bubbles, knowing it would take a while to fill the whole thing. Your things had already been brought to the room before you got there, so you got to work taking off your makeup and letting your now messy hair down.
You tried to reach for your zipper, as your body cried to be released from this skin tight dress.
“Hey Pete,” You called, and he strolled in the bathroom, now only wearing his dress pants and no shirt... and the butterflies were back. God how could he look that good, you stared shamelessly.
“You called?” He smirked, breaking your train of thought.
“Oh um, can you help me with my zipper?” You blushed, knowing you’d been caught.
“Mhm, turn around.” He instructed, before his fingers found the metal pull tab and he slowly worked it down, revealing more and more skin.
“There you go.” He smiled, placing a kiss on your shoulder, his gentle action nearly making you swoon. “I think the water’s ready if you want me to turn off the tap.”
“Yeah, yeah go ahead.” You nodded. You watched him turn off the spout and slip off his dress pants until he was just in his boxers. He folded them and set them aside before looking up to you. You were still holding your dress against your chest to keep it up, as the back gaped open and the thin straps slipped down your arms.
“Do you need help with that?” Peter asked, pointing to your dress, thinking you might need help taking it off. You thought you could manage, but on second thought you might need help. It was a tight dress and your stylist had helped you into it. You only nodded in response as Peter moved behind you. He gently helped you slip your arms through the straps and pulled the fabric down your body. He gave the fabric a quick tug as it struggled to get past your hips. You were now exposed in front of him. The dress was too tight for you to wear any sort of undergarments. He took you in for a moment before shifting his attention respectfully to the red indentations down your side from where the seams of the dress dug into you.
“Does this hurt?” He asked, gently rubbing his fingers down them.
“Not really,” You shook your head. He reached out his hand to help you into the tub without slipping.
You sank into the warm water as Peter dropped his boxers and joined you. Your eyes went wide at the size of him, and you looked away, a blush slowly crept onto your cheeks.
He must have noticed because the next thing you knew, a splash of water was hitting your face. You looked back to him in shock, he was sitting back laughing. You flicked your hand through the water, splashing him back.
You moved to do it again, but he grabbed your wrist, stopping you. You knew it was a good idea, if the two of you started going at it again like in the pillow fight, it would lead to a mess and an expensive clean up bill.
“Do they always book rooms this fancy for the galas?” Peter asked, taking in the room once more.
“I don’t know, this was the first time I’ve accepted it.” You shrugged, following his gaze up to the gold crown molding and chandelier.
“Really? I thought you did this all the time.” Peter assumed.
“No, I don’t make it a habit of jumping into tubs with strange men.” You joked.
“That’s not what I meant, and I’m not a strange man, I’m your boyfriend.” He teased as he pulled you towards him. You chuckled and placed your lips onto his quickly before pulling away.
“Say it again.” You smiled. He furrowed his brows for a moment before smiling.
“I’m... your... boyfriend.” He said slowly, placing a kiss on either cheek between words, his lips landing on yours after his last word.
He now had his arms around your waist, pulling you close as your lips collided. When you broke apart for air, he looked down at the necklace around your neck and smiled.
“This is a dream right? I’m dreaming.” Peter shook his head with a goofy grin, not being able to believe his eyes.
“Does this feel like a dream?” You asked, taking both of his hands and placing them onto your breasts. He responded by crashing his lips onto yours, he groaned against your mouth as he pulled you closer.
“It’s nice to know you dream about me Parker.” You quipped with a smirk as you broke apart for air. He chuckled at your cockiness.
“All the time, baby.” He replied, and the pet name rolled off his tongue before he even realized what he said. God you almost melted at the sound. It was your turn to crash your lips against his and let out a moan as his hand traveled down to squeeze your ass.
A knock at the door pulled you both apart as you stared at each other with wide eyes.
“Room service!” A voice called, causing you both to let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
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The two of you sat at the dining table, both in your white fluffy robes with nearly dripping wet hair.
“God this is so good.” Peter said, stuffing his mouth.
“Mm, I know, I didn’t realize I was this hungry.” You said, doing the same. Who knew fancy hotels made burgers and fries this good.
You picked up a fry from your plate, waving it at Peter.
“Ready? Catch.” You said as you threw it across the table as Peter caught it in his mouth.
“Ok your turn,” Peter said, tossing one of his. You leaned to the side, nearly missing it, but catching it in your mouth. You thrust your fists in the air in celebration, causing Peter to chuckle.
The two of you ate and talked, before cleaning up.
“Ugh, I’m so full.” You groaned, falling back onto the bed, rubbing your full stomach, causing Peter to laugh.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” Peter asked.
“Oo yeah, we should probably get out of these robes though.” You said, moving from the bed, not wanting to get it all wet.
“Here,” Peter said, moving to his duffle bag and tossing you one of his t-shirts. You slipped it on as he slipped on some boxers and hung up your robes. You glanced down at the Midtown Tech logo and smiled. The fabric fell down to the middle of your thigh.
“I like seeing you in my clothes.” Peter smiled as he approached you sitting on the edge of the bed and pulled you into a chaste kiss.
“Cafeul, soon all your sweatshirts are gonna go missing.” You said, making him laugh.
Peter sat with his back against the headboard, and motioned you over to him. You crawled across the bed and laid into his side as he wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping you close. He held the remote in his other hand, scrolling through options on the large screen.
“Have you seen this?” Peter motioned towards the screen.
“That’s my favorite movie.” You chuckled, smiling up at him as he immediately pressed start.
Peter absentmindedly played with your hair as the movie went on. As the credits rolled a few hours later you leaned up to face Peter.
“Thank you for today. As birthdays go, I gotta say this may be my best yet.” You spoke genuinely.
“Well it’s not over yet.” He stated after glancing at the clock on the bedside table.
“It’s not?” You smirk, as he pulls you closer.
“I think we were interrupted earlier.” He said slowly, a blush returning to your cheeks as you remembered the events that took place, or almost took place in the bathtub a few hours earlier.
“I think you’re right.” You whispered back, as you climbed onto his lap as his lips intertwined with yours.
You’ve kissed him before, that wasn’t new, but this time something was different. There was a hunger you couldn’t quite describe. His hands began to roam your body, trying to take in every inch of you. A strong arm wrapped around your waist, lifted you, and laid you down onto the bed as Peter now hovered over you.
You gasped at the sudden movement before smiling as Peter lowered his lips to yours once more.
“Y/N,” He said, making you stop and open your eyes, worriedly. Was he ok? Was this too much?
“I’ve never...” He began, nervously.
“That’s ok Peter, we don’t have to-” You tried to reassure him, but he shook his head.
“I want to, God I want to. I want to make you feel good.” He said, his hand traveling up your shirt and resting on your waist.
“Are you sure?” You asked, not wanting to push him into something he wasn’t ready for.
He nodded, muttering a yes as he brought his lips down to you once more, before pulling away.
“Are you?” He asked, making sure this wasn’t one sided.
“Absolutely.” You smiled, taking in the sight of him above you, reaching up to gently move a curl that was falling onto his face, brushing his hair back with your fingers.
And for the first time in your life, you realized why it was called ‘making love’. As much as the phrase made you cringe. As much as you hated when people said that, that was the only way you could think to describe what you and Peter just did. It was sweet but passionate. Peter was gentle yet ruthless in all the right ways. You figured it out together, through the giggles and moans. And as first times go, it was perfect.
For one night you got to be kids. Of course you were adults, just barely. But the two of you had more weight on your shoulders than most adults would ever have. You had responsibilities, that the safety of the city and the world depended on. But for one night, you got to be normal, you got to be kids. For one night you were free, and you cherished it, because neither of you knew how long it would last.
- - - - - 🕷 - - - - -
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