#(posting this separately to streamline my pinned a bit!)
butchjesus · 10 months
oc verses / story tags (a-z) + characters:
dreamland: truffle, puffball, sandman, b.g., marina, ash, myke
gummysugar: puck, blinkie, xavier, faust, pru
eyeverse (eyetooth + eye for an eye): matteo, tiernan, clem, vio, goshawk, vulture, starling
freefallverse (bedevil + citadel + devotional): eli, keth, ben, father binaventure, pastor dana, bishop piardi | pandora, valoel, hunt | the demon princes, the archangels
fortunaverse (vocation + fnrf + angelpeak park): glasses, ocelot, cignetti, judge, buchanan, ronin, gil, dr. keys, the core team
the grey circle: prince sebastian, sir konstantine, gren, bain, ilean, cainiph, imogen, queen vera, king cyrus, wren jester, the knights of mirideth
subordinate dating sim: count masters, kevin, lady rivet, mortimer, eros, clara, reaper, pork rind, skullcrusher, fracture, hero, blur
sunset column: breaker, r60, lupe, riser, beau, dandelion, bloodhound, wyatt, win
toyhouse corners: postman basil, sir alfred, hannah, mac, blade, foster, leo bear, leslie mouse, tabasco, lemondrop
if you're looking for a specific charracter's tag, search their name :)
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silly-bean · 4 months
AU Tag Master Post
Doing some blog organization and decided I wanted to streamline my pinned post a bit, so I'm making a separate master post to document all my AU tags/WIPs
A current list of my AU tags:
tsurugi au (time-traveling cloud au set in Wutai)
superhero au
jenova monster cloud au
turk reject kunsel au
ghost au (another time-traveling cloud au)
calamity cloud au
baby gen au (another time-traveling cloud au)
time-traveling turk cloud au
bloodborne au
most dangerous game au (rip on calamity cloud au)
soulmate au
sign from god au (time-traveling cadet cloud)
spider cloud au
fey au
fool's gold au (weapon cloud au)
frostbite au (winter soldier au)
glory au (sci-fi)
round and round au (time loop)
dragon cloud au
calamity's fool (fool's gold cloud meeting calamities of the multiverse)
leviathan's emissary (another weapon cloud au with a dragon cloud)
hurricanes (an au of leviathan's emissary where Nebel ends up in vi's lightning verse)
for all the miles on the clock (aka redux au. a time travel fix-it with Zack lives and a slight variation of Fool's Gold continuity)
things with teeth (trigun au where nai and vash look much more inhuman by default)
reporter-verse (a tristamp au where Roberto met Vash back at the beginning of his reporter career and is responsible for Vash's title of the Humanoid Typhoon)
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quaddmgd · 8 days
gonna post a new pinned today, just gotta wait for my lesbian to proofread it for me because i can't trust myself :3
it's a bit more streamlined, with updated interests and info about me. and my OC master list will get a separate post.
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teletantrum · 8 months
intro post!
welcome; my pronouns are he/him and it/its, and the owner behind this blog is 18+.
this is a side tangent of a main blog i own— instead dedicated to computers and other tech. here, you'll mostly see some reblogged content from fellow objectum blogs and other bits of content i might find on the web.
everything in this case will be cited and linked as necessary for you to check out on your own!
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some things will be tagged as necessary for streamlined content. this pinned post will be updated frequently with each listed tag as i see fit.
🖥️ computers ; tech
📻 retroware
📠 misc ; machinery
🎥 films ; media
📜 assembly (queue)
🎨 art
💚 general objectum
this post was also made to separate more of my own personal interests away from irl friends. so if you know me in person, nooo you don't <3. unless i explicitly tell you. then this is one of my greatest signs of trust :-)
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paulrennie · 1 year
My Exquisite Everyday • Deadstock Shirt • c1940s
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Here are some pictures of a shirt I found yesterday. It's a classic striped cotton man's shirt from the middle of the 20C. It has two separate collars that are attached with studs, front and back.
The shirt has a smock front, double-back cuffs, and a box-peat in the back. The yoke is in two parts, and there is a plain loop to hang the shirt by.
The shirt was folded with pins. It has a retailer's label for Carhart, in Hanley, Staffordshire. There's a Staffordshire knot on the label. There was even a price tag attached, see above. It was really interesting to see the original presentation of the shirt, complete with labels and pins. The typographic detail on the paper label is a modern script letter...and reminds me of American or French modern style. It's a faster letter form for a world speeding up, and goes well with a streamlined suit. It's definitely a faster than traditional equestrian sports tailoring...
I was a bit surprised that the shirt doesn't have Utility CC41 marks from WW2, because it looks exactly like some of the shirts I've got from the 1940s.
The historical development of the modern shirt is quite interesting...comfort and economy combine so that the smock (over-the-head) openings and stiff front panels give way, after WW2, to full button openings and softer fronts. The fold-back, French, cuff becomes a barrel cuff.
Backs are best with a pleat to each side, or with a box-pleat in the middle.
The shoulder yoke was traditionally tailored in two parts, right and left, so as to accommodate a slightly wonky posture. Nowadays, the two panels are retained as a sign of quality.
I've posted a few times about old shirts. Just pop "shirts" in the search.
I’ve been collecting vintage shirts for about 40 years. I started in 1979 when I went to college, and I found some old shirts by John Hawkins, of Preston.
One of my pleasures during lock-down was the opportunity to range more widely through the shirt collection. I started collecting shirts 40 years ago when I first got interested in vintage. Back then, you could find things from before even the 1960s…I definitely look for a nice (typographic) label, but also for the details of cuff, colour and fabric.
I didn’t start by collecting shirts…I just bought a shirt because it was a lovely colour, and beautifully made. Then, I discovered that they looked much better, the more you had of them. I only buy shirts from vintage and charity shops, so it’s a not too expensive hobby.
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n7punk · 3 years
Hey icon what’s Xkit? I use tumblr but I’m not sure what that is :/
lol I got 2 messages about this. XKit is a browser extension to make Tumblr way nicer to use that I will always proselytize. It, among other things:
Allows you to append tags to one of your posts in-dashboard without opening the edit screen and waiting for it to load (you hover over the extension icon at the bottom of the post, type your tags, hit append, and just keep scrolling while a little notif in the corner assures you that the tags were added onto the end of your post. The next feature listed works similarly).
Allows you to reblog, draft, or queue a post in one-click without opening the edit screen and interrupting your scrolling to load it. Also, you can add tags and captions in the same pop up. With XKit, you never need to open the edit screen to reblog a post or change its tags. (The extension warns it could slow down Tumblr, but in my experience, it makes it way fast by cutting all that out, plus you never lose your place on the dashboard.)
Remembers what posts you have reblogged before and turns their reblog icon green so you can tell at a glance if the post is on your blog already (with an option to customize how many posts it remembers - mine remembers my last 5000 reblogs).
Has a blacklist and whitelist function with customization options for what content it searches for black/whitelisted phrases such as just tags, posts, usernames, etc. Tumblr now has its own blacklist, which I've never used but I guarantee it isn't as good as XKit's, this site doesn't function that well. XKit lets you choose whether or not to see that a post has been hidden and how much information about the post it gives in the streamlined-notification, which gives you the option to view it if you wish (or you could just have it hide it completely).
Has Timestamps. Seriously, in-line timestamps that you can customize what they display (day, date, month, time, relative time, the order of this information, etc) instead of hovering over the corner to make it pop up. Tumblr's timestamps are so clunky.
Dims the posts (or just avatars) of posts you've already seen on your dash (AKA all the avatars turn dim when you reach where you left off on your dashboard last time).
Blocks Tumblr's recommended posts on your dashboard, slims a pinned post down to just a line you can click to see the full thing so they don't clog up someone's blog, or blocks a particular post so you never see it in your feed or even a notification of its existance (admittedly, this final feature is a bit clunky because it doesn't present you with a list of posts you've blocked and rather just the ability to unblock the last post you added without seeing which it was).
Tags posts for you, including: selectable tag bundles (for instance, I have a catradora tag bundle, which I select in that one-click postage pop-up to tag catradora posts with 'catradora' 'adora' 'catra' and 'she ra'), automatically tagging all posts of a certain type (video posts, queued posts, etc) with a custom tag, and automatically add tags to reblogs with information such as the source user, date it was reblogged, post type, etc.
XKit is free, it's made by volunteers, and it has many extension options within it that let you really customize and streamline your experience. Once you use Tumblr with XKit you never go back. The extension is in the Chrome web extension store, but it's also easy to add to Firefox despite not being in their store. Here is its Tumblr page with links so you can download it for your browser of choice.
Fun fact: there are multiple Tumblr features that started as XKit extensions and then were added in as native features after months/years of being maintained by XKit. Said features include: the "where you left off" separator bar indicator (used to be an XKit extension called "Separator"), tag viewing in the notes of a post and activity feed (used to be an XKit extension titled "Tag Viewer"), and the blacklist feature (XKit still has its own blacklist extension, mentioned above).
The original XKit was made by one guy, but now it is an extension called New XKit that is run by a team unaffiliated with the old (and now defunct due to site updates) version that existed back then. Oh, and to new users: extensions in the menu that are colored yellow have had their features recently broken by a Tumblr update and may later be updated or removed due to obsolesce (for instance, XInbox is currently broken and I miss it dearly).
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paraster · 3 years
NTWEWY Live Thoughts (Part 2)
BIG spoilers ahead.
This post chronicles random thoughts I had from Week 2, Day 1 through the intro of Week 3, Day 1.
"Tasty pancakes" Something something Persona 5 joke
"Soul Ablaze" An accidental TS!Underswap reference was the LAST thing I expected
Aww Nagi's finally being slightly nice to Fret
"Let's find Neku" is the best idea anyone's had thus far.
A girl asked both Honoka and Kashiki to marry her. TWEWY said bi rights.
...is Nagi jealous of Honoka?
Ah, confirmation Shiba is the Conductor. More evidence he's New Kitaniji.
"No need to make yourself shine if somebody else can do it for ya." I SENSE A THEME
I love this little photo
There's a shop selling a literal clown wig.
Is that a CHAMELEON Noise?
There's something about Tsugumi's proper introduction getting a remix of SHADOW for the music.
I'm thinking that Rindo already lived through this and did some super-Replay to rewind to before the Game, and his visions are actually fractured memories of the original timeline. Tsugumi (and maybe others) can somehow also remember.
Tsugumi's FACE is familiar...?
She's waiting for Minamimoto, isn't she?
Mission's to catch Neku? Going right for the throat, are we?
...is that the JotM clerk from the original game?
There's no way they showed us that marriage news flash for no reason.
Kubo is DEFINITELY the most suspicious person here. 50/50 odds on him being the true main villain.
"Assuming he's the real Neku." Oh God they're full-on teasing it
Ah, THAT'S the significance of the news flash. Clever.
I'm starting to get an inkling there might be multiple Nekus (ikely his friends impersonating him). Only like 10% confident in this, though.
It HAS to be a coincidence that the words "sus" and "impostor" were used in back-to-back sentences, right...?
I like this bit about using time travel to solve a mystery.
Mr. Mew has his own Noise symbol. Cute.
I thought for SURE this fight would straight-up be at night. And later in the game. And harder.
"The boss" Do Not Trust
So I think the final six-man party will be Rindo, Fret, Nagi, Beat, Shoka, and Neku.
Okay, I'm dead certain cap-person is Rhyme.
Oh, I missed you, Beat.
Oh hi Uzuki
Beat didn't really explain the whole "impersonating Neku" thing...was he even doing that on purpose?
I saw someone somewhere talking about Beat uses a lot of AAVE, and now I can't help but notice it.
Tsugumi and Susukichi are working under SOMEONE ELSE???
Splitting the team up? VERY interesting...
"It's the Three Minute Clapping song" is the most charmingly cheesy song lyric I've ever heard.
Only issue I have with team splitting is that I find myself needing to wait for all my pins to recharge a lot more.
I just noticed Beat getting on his skateboard when he dodges; that's so cute.
I'm thinking Kanon's gonna genuinely help defeat the Ruinbringers, but cheat her team into first place at the end.
Finally, an explanation of Shinjuku. It being wiped from everyone's memories is interesting...
...WTF was that?! Dissonance Noise?! Taboo Noise?! Some new kind of Noise?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, KUBO?!
I kinda missed the elephants
...might Swallow be the Ruinbringer leader? ...okay, after this text conversation, I'm less sure of that.
Cap-person is TOTALLY Rhyme; the cap is orange and black and they have blond hair!
It's weird seeing Beat be genuinely friendly with Kariya and Uzuki after they...you know...they got his sister killed.
Shiba's overacted sorrow is TOTALLY fake.
So based on the background there, the Shinjuku Reapers USED to have the wings...?
There's a pin called Doku Doku Panic?!
How has Beat never heard of the Prince? I SWEAR he encountered him in Week 3 in the first game!
I appreciate how streamlined this "Rindo is separated from the others" mission is; no going back and forth manually.
Ah, the concert stage...AAAHHH FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM
I REFUSED to cheat at any of the find-the-difference challenges.
Is it supposed to be called a Reaper Pin or a Player Pin???
Ah, THERE'S the T-rex Noise!
I just realized Ayano hasn't really done ANYTHING thus far...and Hishima hasn't even appeared, come to think of it.
SHOKA'S the target?! THAT'S a left turn.
What are you up to, Motoi? I've seen the final trailer.
Oh, Rindo, you're setting yourself up for a (pure)heartbreaking betrayal.
...out of every possibility, I didn't expect Motoi to be a spy for the Reapers.
A CROWDFUNDING boss? Incredible.
..."real" Reaper?
Oh Motoi is REAL trash
Ayano's words SCREAM "abusive authority figure."
Ah, that explains how Shoka becomes eligible to join the Twisters.
People are gonna call Shoka a tsundere, aren't they?
Having a fifth party member makes me feel SO POWERFUL. Can't wait until number 6.
"Pretty sure I've seen it somewhere before" Beat...
...is this Mr. Mew Noise?
WOW the Killer Remix does SO much damage
Hi, Shiba. What BS are you gonna pull this time?
So this must be why black wings were removed from the Shinjuku Reapers' designs.
Paul Castro Jr. is KILLING those grief-filled lines.
OH YEAH RHYME ...but who are you talking to? Neku?
I utterly hate you, Shiba.
I really like this intro.
...is this trying to imply a Rindo/Shoka romance?
Okay, now I'm all in on Swallow being not-Joshua from the end of the final trailer.
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enterinit · 6 years
Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18305 released
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Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18305 released. A simplified Start layout Tt=he simplified Start layout is part of an ongoing effort designed to enhance your Start experience in the upcoming release of Windows.
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Windows Sandbox Windows Sandbox is a new lightweight desktop environment tailored for safely running applications in isolation. How many times have you downloaded an executable file, but were afraid to run it? Have you ever been in a situation which required a clean installation of Windows, but didn’t want to set up a virtual machine? An isolated desktop environment where you can run untrusted software without the fear of lasting impact to your device. Any software installed in Windows Sandbox stays only in the sandbox and cannot affect your host. Once Windows Sandbox is closed, all the software with all of its files and state are permanently deleted. Windows Sandbox has the following properties: Part of Windows – everything required for this feature ships with Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise. No need to download a VHD! Pristine – every time Windows Sandbox runs, it’s as clean as a brand-new installation of Windows Disposable – nothing persists on the device; everything is discarded after you close the application Secure – uses hardware-based virtualization for kernel isolation, which relies on the Microsoft Hypervisor to run a separate kernel which isolates Windows Sandbox from the host Efficient – uses integrated kernel scheduler, smart memory management, and virtual GPU To install Windows Sandbox, go to Settings > Apps > Apps & Features > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or off, and then select Enable Windows Sandbox. Windows Security app improvements New Protection History experience: The new Protection History experience still shows you detections by Windows Defender Antivirus, but it’s now updated to also give more detailed and easier to understand information about threats and available actions. We have also added Controlled folder access blocks to history, along with any blocks which are made through organizational configuration of Attack Surface Reduction Rules. If you use the Windows Defender Offline scanning tool, any detections it makes will now also show in your history.  Additionally, you will see any pending recommendations (red or yellow states from throughout the app) in the history list. We hope you like the changes we’ve made! Introducing Tamper Protection! Tamper Protection is a new setting from Windows Defender Antivirus, available in the Windows Security app, which when on, provides additional protections against changes to key security features, including limiting changes which are not made directly through the Windows Security app. You can find this setting under Windows Security > Virus & Threat Protection > Virus & Threat Protection Settings. Symbols and Kaomoji are now just a hotkey away! When you press WIN+(period) or WIN+(semicolon), in addition to emoji the picker that appears will now include symbols and kaomoji too! You may ask, what is kaomoji? Translated literally from Japanese, it means “face characters” – basically, it’s a way to create faces using only text. You may already use them, for example the one mentioned above is relatively popular: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ This experience, originally introduced for Chinese (Simplified) during RS5 development, started rolling out to Insiders across all languages with Build 18252 – as of today’s it’s now available to all Insiders in Fast! Clipboard history gets a new look We originally opted to show bigger entries so there was space to show an image preview nicely, but when we looked at our data, we found 90% of items in the clipboard history were text. Based on that and your feedback, we now optimizing the design for text snippets – shrinking the height of each entry and thus giving you access to more entries without needing to scroll the view. Hope you like the change we made! Copy some text and press Windows logo key + V to check out the updated design. Signing in to Windows with password-less Microsoft accounts   If you have a Microsoft account with your phone number, you can use an SMS code to sign in, and set up your account on Windows 10. Once you’ve setup your account, you can use Windows Hello Face, Fingerprint, or a PIN (depending on your device capabilities) to sign in to Windows 10. No password needed anywhere! Creating a password-less phone number account If you don’t already have a password-less phone number account, you can create one in a mobile app like Word to try it out. Simply go to Word and sign up with your phone number by entering your phone number under “Sign in or sign up for free”. Add your password-less phone number account to Windows  Now that you’ve created a password-less phone number account, you can use it to sign in to Windows with the following steps: Add your account to Windows from Settings > Accounts > Family & other Users > “Add someone else to this PC”. Lock your device and select your phone number account from the Windows sign-in screen. Since your account doesn’t have a password, select ‘Sign in options’, click the alternative ‘PIN’ tile, and click ‘Sign in’. Go through web sign in and Windows Hello set up (this is what you’ll use to sign in to your account on subsequent sign ins) You can now enjoy the benefits of signing in to Windows with your password-less phone number account. Note: This experience is currently only available for Insiders on Home edition. We’ll let you know when it expands to more editions Streamlined Windows Hello PIN reset experience We know remembering a PIN can be tricky, so we wanted to provide our Microsoft account users with a revamped Windows Hello PIN reset experience with the same look and feel as signing in on the web. Check it out in today’s build by clicking the ‘I forgot my PIN’ link when signing in to Windows with a PIN. Note: This experience is currently only available for Insiders on Home edition. We’ll let you know when it expands to more editions. Keep your device running smoothly with recommended troubleshooting For example, we may recommend turning off a setting that sometimes causes an app or feature to crash unexpectedly until an update is available. We’ll let you know when we can help, and you can choose to run the troubleshooter or ignore it. You can also change how recommended troubleshooting is run on your device by opening Start > Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & Feedback. You may see recommended troubleshooting from us while we test the feature. These tests, marked as “sample recommended troubleshooter”, are safe to run and will not make any changes to your device. The tests help to ensure that the feature is working as designed and give you an opportunity to give feedback, so we can help keep your device working at its best. Automatic Restart and Sign On (ARSO) for Enterprises Are you tired of seeing these flashing screens after every update? ARSO is a feature that automatically signs-in a user after an update to finish setting up and then locks the PC. This feature is part of our Seamless Update Story for Windows, and its goal is to reduce customer pain points around updates, including things such as post logon set up time and not being able to pick up where you left off. This feature will be enabled on Cloud Domain Joined devices that meet certain security requirements: BitLocker is enabled and is not suspended during the upgrade TPM 2.0 SecureBoot To check if your device will get ARSO go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options > Privacy: If the toggle is switched “On” and is not grayed out, then the device meets the security requirements for ARSO, and is enabled by default. If the toggle is grayed out and Enabled, this means that your IT Admin has explicitly enabled ARSO for you, irrespective of your device’s security requirements. If the toggle is grayed out and disabled, this means that you do not meet the minimum security requirements for Enterprise ARSO, or your IT Admin has explicitly disabled ARSO for you, irrespective of your device’s security requirements. Set a default Task Manager tab You can set your preferred tab via Options > Set default tab. Updated Settings Homepage Inspired by the Microsoft account homepage, the Settings home page now has a header at the top allowing you to take quick action for things like signing in and managing your Microsoft account, making the Windows and Microsoft experience better. It also gives you an easy to glance at system status, such as when updates are available.
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Friendly Dates in File Explorer Based on your comments, in Build 18305, we’re making it a bit easier to turn off if it’s not your thing – you no longer have to dig through settings, you can now just right-click on the date modified column and toggle friendly dates on and off from there. Friendly dates isn’t yet available for everyone, so don’t worry if you don’t see it just yet – we’ll let you know when it’s live for all. Shadows are back! Shadows are part of our long-term vision of the evolution of Fluent Design, and we’re excited to bring them back to you today after addressing some of the feedback you shared with us following the initial rollout. Re-releasing the new Japanese IME The latest version of the IME has enhanced key customization options and improved candidate window reliability (fixing an issue where it wouldn’t show), and we’re looking forward to you trying it out. Because we want to ensure the best possible typing experience, this will be a staggered rollout – some Insiders will get it today, and we will carefully review both metrics and your comments before pushing the IME out to everyone. Note: We are aware of compatibility issues with some game applications and the team is working on them – we’ll let you know when this has been addressed. Introducing the Office app for Windows 10 The app is a great starting point for Office that helps you easily find all your files in one place or easily access any Office solution available to you. It knows to connect you to the Office rich clients if they are installed on your computer or it will send you to the web version of Office if they’re not. IT will also appreciate the ability to customize the app by integrating other line of business applications that use Azure Active Directory into the experience and apply corporate branding to the app. Get more done with Cortana and Microsoft To-Do Want just one to-do list that works twice as hard for you? Save time and stay organized – Cortana helps by adding your reminders and tasks to your lists in Microsoft To-Do with this feature preview, so you can stay on top of what matters most. Use your voice, your PC, your phone – your choice. Streamline your tasks – your lists and reminders from across Microsoft To-Do, Cortana, and tasks in Outlook can now become one, centrally located in your Microsoft To-Do app. Use Microsoft To-Do anywhere: on your Android or iPhone, with Cortana, or on your Windows 10 PC. You can also access it from the web. It’s automatically synced so you never miss a beat. With this integration, we are furthering efforts to seamlessly sync your to-do lists across Microsoft To-Do, Cortana, and your tasks in Outlook. Read the full article
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ariyadaivaris · 6 years
catsi replied to your post “i miss lucha chiropractic, and i miss mustafa’s teaming with gran and...”
oh i absolutely 100% know what you mean and agree
205 live has been putting a lot more emphasis on putting on incredible matches (with great success) but in the process i think it's lost a lot of the quirky upbeat fun attitude that made us all fall in love with it to begin with? i ALSO miss titus worldwide and seeing akira have friends, i miss seeing goofy interactions backstage like that box of flour that exploded in ariya's face that one time
and i LOVE drake, i do, but i miss the sort of open-ended free-roaming the boys had before? feuds felt a lot more personal before one person called all the shots. like the Drew vs Mustafa feud that was born out of Drew doing some dumbass shit and Mustafa being like "ahah no this will not do". like they drove their own feud and it had so much STORY. it was much more than just "grrr you were mean" "grrr yes i am fight me about it"
or the fucking Brian and Akira feud, jesus, that feud was one of my favourites in all of pro wrestling, i think? Brian teaching Akira these "lessons" via fucking with his matches and Akira finally snapping and parrotting every lesson back at Brian and then ending his whole shit with that senton thru a table. like i feel like the current 205 live would never allow that story-heavy of a feud to last as long as it did (it was like 2 months?)
this is a stupid analogy but bear with me - old 205 live felt like an open-world RPG where you can just go wherever and do whatever and in the process have wild interactions like Everything Alicia Fox Was A Part Of, or the trick or street fight, etc.. maybe the combat wasn't allowed to be as detailed as it could be to give the story room to breath but the story gave the combat DEPTH
and new 205 is like... an on-rails fps. the combat is good, it's so good, oh my god is it ever good, but there's so much focus on it that story feels lost and stuff just happens to make combat look cooler or last longer? and i still love 205 with all my heart but what made me fall in love with it to begin with and get obsessed with it was its thoughtful, deep, consistent storylines
SORRY THAT'S A LOT... i've just had the same thoughts as u of like... i love these boys SO MUCH i want their interactions to have more depth than "i have the title" "well I WANT THE TITLE..." "fight me for it!" like akira and neville's title feud wasn't akira going "i want that title!" it was titus going "YOU want that title. YOU CAN GET THAT TITLE. let me help you. let me be your friend" and neville being like "the power of friendship cannot defeat me!!"
CAT!!!!!!!!!! never ever apologize im gonna SING i love listening to you talk about 205 oh my god
you worded it PERFECTLY that analogy makes perfect sense? i absolutely feel that, it’s gotten so much more focused on technical work and, like you said, combat, but in the process it feels like...the heart of 205 has kind of gotten lost? it’s there but everything’s shut off from everything else that isn’t on the designated path and it’s so FRUSTRATING to have everything so CLOSE but so strictly separated
like....like you said, i LOVE drake, but i feel like he’s very very much Lawful Good and i love that character and i love how he interacts with the roster as a result, but he’s lawful good running 205 and 205 is very very VERY Chaotic Neutral/Good and fitting it into this alignment, things have gotten shaved off around the edges and it stings!!! there’s a thriving ecosystem of dynamics between everyone on this roster, take any two people and they’ll probably have an established dynamic (besides lince who has taken basically until now to be actually given a spotlight, and new dudes like buddy or lio) and knowing that, you can SEE them use that and weave it into their interactions and it feels so alive on such a foundational level!!!
like...talking abt mustafa v drew, you could see the story advance and you could see HOW that story changed their in-ring performances. like, the story wasn’t JUST in words, but as time went on, mustafa DID get grounded but it was exactly in the way he needed to be grounded to achieve his fullest potential! and you could SEE him learning that, you could see him incorporating technical pins into his matches, and waiting longer for risks that were more certain, instead of charging in blindly! you could see the story and characters evolve through JUST THE WAY THEY FOUGHT and its a level of storytelling that is so so so understated but its like. HOOOOLY SHIT like, it still blows me away thinking about it
like. LIKE!!! like you said, storylines lasting 2 months or more, that doesn’t feel...like something that could happen for just feuds between people who arent champions right now. the feuds that happen now are still good, but there’s a big fucking jumble of people involved in every one and that decreases the chance for individual feuds and also just...in lhp’s case it feels very much like a reason to not give lince or gran or kalisto individual character arcs which Yeah Okay Fucken Great You’re Not Sneaky, its
tony and drew having matches with gran and cedric? like, that rivalry, that was a team thing for a bit but it was enhanced because we’d seen the dynamics between these individual dudes already, and we saw that on display during matches. drew and cedric NOW, FUCK, its frustrating seeing it because on top of the FUCKING fandom shit happening lately, like, drew and cedric have a pretty significant title history already! like, its certainly been swept under the rug with the rat where he fucking belongs but cedric actually reached OUT to drew and told him that he COULD make a better 205 if he did the right thing. he was actively sympathetic towards drew and that was an interaction we never really got to see more of and that could add SUCH A DIMENSION TO THIS FEUD IF WE COULD ACKNOWLEDGE THE HISTORY 205 HAS INSTEAD OF ACTING LIKE THE LAST YEAR AND A HALF NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god my train of thought is all over the place im sorry fhdkjsd i agree with you wholeheartedly cat u worded it perfectly. christ i miss akira and titus worldwide. that arc was so good, akira trying to be alone and gradually learning to accept titus’s friendship and apollo’s concern for him, akira learning to tap when he couldn’t fight anymore instead of carrying on and breaking himself, that character arc is still the best in all of wrestling to be QUITE honest and now it feels like...akira’s alone again. akira is alone again after hideo, even, which is an arc im still a lil cross about! akira feels so...alone. and he wasn’t before. and it’s like...
akira’s support system he actively EARNED and WORKED FOR last summer, it’s all gone now. he doesn’t get to tag with mustafa or cedric or jack anymore, he doesn’t really have anyone looking out for him, he’s fighting his own battles again and it feels like everything’s just...been unravelled. and it HURTS! that story arc was EVERYTHING to me and its still my favorite an entire ass year later. and now it just...isnt there. 
i dont know. i love 205 with all my heart and it is my heart but i feel like...without matches on ppvs or on raw, their time is even more limited to prove what they can do, and its been streamlined and we dont see everyone’s antics backstage, we don’t see faces reaching out to heels, we don’t see noam and ariya bickering with lince, we don’t see akira and mustafa talking in passing before plot stuff kicks in, it just feels like...the fabric that made 205 feel like a living breathing creation and family is pulled out into just individual threads now? and i miss...when it wasn’t that
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demonweasel · 6 years
- It has been a busy summer thus far. Not in the racing around, vacationing kind of way but a slow, steady drumbeat of self-imposed deadlines and projects that I've been hopping back and forth. It's a good thing, for sure, as I've gotten the first MYTHPOCALYPSE story "Bulls on Parade, Men on the Run," lettered and available as an ashcan for sale at the shows I've been going to this summer (Wizard World Columbus, Hypericon in Nashville, and Wizard World Chicago this next week). The next two stories, "Ghost Riders on the 405" and "Under the C-Line" are out to artists and I hope to have done in the fall. Even better, the most recent Winston & Churchill story "A Bodyguard of Lies" was completed and the next collection of stories FALL OF SHADOWS was released in print and eBook form. I've also gone back and made all of the individual stories Kindle exclusives so you can read them all for free on Kindle Unlimted if that's your thing. Then, when you've done that, you can order yourself a nice flashy paperback to put on your shelf and go "Ah yes, now those were some fun horror adventure stories! Gosh, I can't wait until the next one comes out!" Well, if you do like reading them in episodic fashion the next story, "The Lamentable Catalog" will be out this fall. When the final four stories wrap up Lexie and Henry's first year of adventures the final book in the "seasonal trilogy," DEAD OF WINTER, will be released. Yes, I skipped Spring. Perhaps I'll do a special Spring collection at some point just to confuse people further down the road. - As I said above, I'm still hitting the convention trail. The next show will be Wizard World Chicago August 23trd through the 26th and after that I'm looking at Imaginarium in Louisville, KY and the Full Moon Horror & Tattoo Festival in Nashville. There may be some other shows but at that point I may be well for a short fall/winter's nap for convention-ing until the beginning of the year. Not that I won't be busy as I have a couple of other irons in the fire, including a new project with "Bulls on Parade" artist Claudio Munoz that I've been looking to get off the ground for a good few years now. I'm excited to see what he and colorist Kote Carvajal will do with it. - A lot of my energy in this last little bit of the summer has been going into playing Deputy Governor Danforth in a production of the The Crucible at my local theater. It's a juicy role and my first foray into drama so when the opportunity came to pick my role I was eager to tackle and delightfully villainous role. However, between studying for that and watching nearly all of "A Handmaid's Tale" my thoughts on religion and society are even more skewed toward "Yuck" than usual. - Personally, things have been going pretty good as well. I've been trying to be healthier and have been losing a bit of weight (and then finding it again, and then slowly losing it again) and that's always a bit of uphill climb. This past May the girlfriend and I went to Disney and Universal in Orlando with her family for her and her brother's birthday. It was my first time going to any of those parks and it was quite a sight. I may have left with a bit of an enamel pin collection which is cool until you realize you don't really have a lot of places to put them. At least soon it'll be hoodie weather down here in the South so I'll be able to display them then. I haven't been playing as much D&D as I would have liked but I'm still doing some map-making for my long-imagined and finally realized fantasy world. I'd love to do more stuff with this in story and comic form, as well as trying to create an actual playable environment for people to enjoy. All of this behind the scenes work and running my campaign in this world has me really itching to just play with a group, but then I look at my schedule and go...yeah, maybe not.
  - I'm looking to expand my social media footprint but see the above about time and like. I'm getting back into posting and (mostly) reading Twitter, although the latest debacle on there with Alex Jones and some proposed changes leave it with a bad taste in my mouth. I'm on Tumblr a lot but that ends up being kind of personal at times...although let's face it, keeping your personal life out of being an independent artist is really hard. I know I have a tendency to overshare at times but I also...don't care? My days of posting NSFW content on there are pretty much behind me as I know that's not everyone's cup of tea and I'll be posting this separately on there as well. Maybe I just need to expand my net instead of thinking of a single-shot solution. Granted, I should take that advice in pretty much every aspect of my life. I was told by someone earlier in the week that my website is "a mess" and, well...they aren't wrong. There's a lot that needs to happen there, beginning with a complete teardown and starting over to make it a lot more streamlined and easier to use. All things considered, that's a  pretty admirable goal.
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #463
Top Ten Tweaks I Want to the Series X Experience
I got an Xbox Series X for Christmas. Well, more accurately, I got one on launch day, but for Festive Reasons it remained boxed up till Christmas. Anyway, since then, I’ve been able to play the sexiest of new Xboxes, plugged in to a moderately-fancy 4K TV for the first time too; this is my first proper taste of 4K gaming and certainly the first time I’ve ever played a game at 120fps (it was Star Wars: Squadrons, fact-fans!). So despite the dearth of exclusive content the “next-gen difference” has been very real for me.
I could go on about all the things I like about the console: how fast it is, how quiet, how genuinely aesthetically pleasing I find it when it’s sitting there on the floor, all hard angles and funky green holes (I do genuinely worry about my kids spilling apple juice into its vents however). Playing on the new Xbox is transformative in the sense that things just kinda work; it’s a smooth and painless experience navigating the dash, switching users, booting a game, etc. True, the fact that the dashboard itself is unchanged means it doesn’t jump out at you as being all-singing, all-dancing, but it’s like upgrading a phone or a PC within the same OS ecosystem; what you know, but better. Games look gorgeous in 4K, they run like butter, 120fps gaming is a treat, and HDR is transformative. However, there are a few areas where I feel improvement is needed, and that’s what I want to talk about today.
This post isn’t criticism; for the most part, these are work-in-progress areas of an always-evolving UI and general experience. Like I say, actually playing games on the thing is a joy, and its technical grunt can’t be denied (I’ve not encountered a single performance issue in Cyberpunk 2077, for example, although I have come across some amusing glitches, such as a character doing finger guns throughout an entire shootout, turning a tense combat experience into a scene from Spaced). But as we go forward, taking advantage of the power of the machine (and perhaps moving away from having to support the “old-gen” Xbox One family of consoles), here is a list of tweaks, improvements, and features I’d love to see added to the Series X/S down the road.
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Manage Quick Resume: Quick Resume, when it works, is a marvel; jumping instantly to the last moment you were in a game, with virtually no loading. It feels responsive, it feels fast, it feels next gen. When it works. Understanding that there are some games where this isn’t supportable (live service games, for instance), there are too many games where it either doesn’t work right yet, or where it will spontaneously “forget” a Quick Resume. So I’d like it improved and refined. Plus, open too many games in the interim, and your Resume will likewise be “forgotten”. But how many? I dunno. I think it varies. So why can’t we see how many? Give us a Quick Resume button on the dash or in Settings, let’s see how much space is allocated to it, see what games are there, etc. Maybe a warning if one is about to be “pushed out”. Maybe we could pin a game, so it’s always in Quick Resume? Or maybe we could increase or decrease the SSD space allocated to it? Basically, it’s a terrific feature that needs streamlining.
Improved Achievements: back in the 360 era, Achievements were amazing. They really changed how I played games like Crackdown or Gears of War, and there was much friendly rivalry over Gamerscore. Since then, they’ve kinda been forgotten. Finding them now is actually a chore, and the navigation interface is almost non-existent; it’s like Microsoft don’t care. Meanwhile, Sony have overhauled their similar Trophy system, with meta-games and multiple kinds of rewards. Microsoft kinda tried this when the Xbox One launched, with time-limited “Challenges”, but it was a bit of a damp squib. However, they really need to improve Achievements. Give them their own tab on the Guide; make them really easy to view and filter, not just as a social thing, but as a reward all on their own. Use them to track game progress, give us loads of stats about each achievement! Let us pin them to our profile, or have a trophy cabinet of ones we’re most proud of. Make them relevant again, basically.
Improve the App: the Xbox app has had a lot of improvements and refinements recently, but it’s also lost a lot of functionality. There are now at least three Xbox apps anyway – a “normal” one, a Game Pass one, and one that lets you fiddle with Family settings. How about just one that does it all? View your game library, including Game Pass, and let you download and purchase games, as well as play them (I must say, the app is brilliant when it comes to cloud gaming – the touch control layout is really good too). Searching for Games on the Store but not being able to buy them feels a bit weird, and other functionality seems buried in menus. What do I want to do in an Xbox app? In order, probably view achievements, purchase and download games, and see what my friends are up to (oh, and cloud gaming, obvs). It seems weird to me that so much of this is obfuscated or impossible. I do like the ability to download games you don’t own, however (useful for pre-installing a game, especially a disc-based game), and I love the “Rewards” aspect of Game Pass; but it feels the most basic functionality is what’s missing.
Improved Guide Customisation: the Guide has improved a lot during the Xbox One’s lifetime, although I’d argue it’s still not quite the dashboard-in-miniature that you had with the Xbox 360. I like the fact that it’s now customisable, but I’d like it even more if that went further. Yes, some of this is “make it easier/better to view achievements,” but also I’d like to decide which features can be part of the Guide. Jump straight to Netflix, or a particular game? Have my Quick Resume management there? Game Pass? Oh, and make it easier to get into settings; it should be as few button presses as possible. I mean, if they essentially stuff Achievements, Games & Apps, the Store, and Settings in there, I’d be pretty happy.
Better use of Avatars: Avatars are a bit controversial I think; they’ve never been as loved as Nintendo’s Miis, and as time’s gone on their stock as only decreased. But they exist, so why not use them? It’s okay that we can get them as a sort of “live picture” when viewing a friend’s profile, but how about making it into a kind of interactive “room”, showing off Avatar Awards and with our top Achievements framed on the wall? And make more games like Joyride Turbo or A Kingdom for Keflings that make use of Avatars. MS could really do with some kind of party game, Nintendo-style, that incorporates their multiple franchises/characters, and lets you play as your Avatar. But to be honest the thing I think they should do the most is redesign them again. They’re a bit too uncanny valley at the moment; too much details but all smooth and bland, like a CG cartoon character from twenty years ago. Either allow us to make them more gnarled and grotesque like a Sea of Thieves character, or go entirely the other way and make them really stylised, like someone from Ooblets or Untitled Goose Game.
Managing Games from Dashboard: one of the things the PlayStation 5 does that sounds quite cool is the ability to jump to specific points in a game, straight from the dashboard. Whilst I don’t think it would be quite as useful, long-term, as Quick Resume, I do like the idea of “right-clicking” a game and saying “resume last checkpoint” or “go to multiplayer lobby”. At the very least I’d like the option to skip all the launch logos and go straight to the main menu. I’d also like the ability to tinker with aspects of the game right then and there; choose which elements to uninstall, say. This is sort of possible, but although a game like Gears 5 will ask you which bits to install (single-player or multiplayer components, for instance) you don’t appear to be able to uninstall separate sections, at least not from the dash. I’d like to see this implemented system-wide; imagine being able to choose exactly which games – and game modes – to install in Halo: The Master Chief Chronicles, for instance.
Customising the Home Screen: the Xbox isn’t really that customisable, which I think is a bit strange, because I spent a large part of my teens making Windows look really hideous with its vast suite of personalisation options. You can create “Groups” of games and apps, but I’d like it also if you could make your actual Home screen look more you. Instead of (or as well as) recent games, how about pinning one or two biggies? Maybe having folders that expand instead of scrolling down to other lists? Or being able to resize icons? Or how’s about we look up the list a couple of spaces and incorporate our Avatars a bit more, if we so choose?
Simplify Sign-In: I still miss the 360 controller’s little green quadrants; you always knew who you were. Nowadays, because the whole console is tied to a particular account, it can be hard keeping track if there are multiple users signed in, to the point where it’s possible to lose progress or accidentally kick a game from Quick Resume because you weren’t aware that – despite switching user – for some reason the controller was still assigned to someone else (I know it’s possible to sync a controller specifically to one profile but you shouldn’t have to rely on that). Some kind of system-level way of warning or asking who the user “is” – without changing a game’s status – would be nice, as would a permanent on-screen notification visible on the dash. Either that or rejig the controller and bring back the quadrants!
Track Game Usage: the Xbox sort of does this, but like Achievements it feels a bit half-hearted and almost forgotten about. Basically, I like to know the date I started a game, the date I last played it, how long I’ve been at it for… as well as other useless game-specific data such as how many headshots I’ve scored, how many miles I’ve ridden Roach, how many times I’ve chainsawed some dude in two, that kinda thing. They could tie all this in with the “Avatar Home Screen” idea and improved Achievements to allow you to deep-dive how you play on the Xbox!
Share Account Across Family: now most of what I’ve been talking about here as been, essentially, tweaks or redesigns of their UI; features that I’d love to see on the dashboard, either system-level or essentially as new apps. Some of these are more realistic than others, I know; some are probably of interest only to a small proportion of users who share my weird tastes. This last one is more of a re-evaluation of how Xbox views their accounts and their notion of “Family”. Basically, I’d like it if everyone in my family – that is, the four of us who live in this house and use the same Xbox, and who are all joined as an official “Family” according to Microsoft – could share all products and services in perpetuity. This doesn’t seem that unfair; if we were only using disc-based games on a pre-internet console, then there’d be nothing stopping my daughter playing my copy of Forza on another Xbox in another room whilst I’m playing Halo at the same time; or my wife theoretically playing Civ on the PC. Because games are increasingly digital and tied to an account – to say nothing of being playable only through that account’s subscription – it makes it more restrictive. I’d like it if I could install the Game Pass app on a tablet and allow my daughters to play it with their accounts, so I’m essentially sharing the service with them. Similarly, I’d like it if digital purchases could be shared among family members, not just on the “Home” Xbox (in this case my new Series X) but also on the household’s other hardware (my old Xbox One). Could they do this by requiring some kind of online handshake? Or having, I dunno, three consoles designated as a family’s machines? I think all of this may be a bit pie-in-the-sky, but you never know; Microsoft are pushing at the fringes of digital ownership and cloud gaming, so maybe acknowledging that people in a household will want to play all their games everywhere at once might mean that we’ll see some of these features sooner or later.
So there we are; ten things I’d like to see Xbox adopt going forward. As is hopefully evident, none of these are fixing glaring problems, just improving existing features, or adopting new ones that I think would be quite good. But let’s start with that Quick Resume thing, because there really are an awful lot of logos and menus at the beginning of Gears 5.
One final thing: I have a sneaking suspicion I’ve used this gif before. Oh well.
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ask-magala · 7 years
MH World Beta - Thoughts and Impressions
Thanks to @stygian-zinogre-zero who was ok with me stealing borrowing her ps4 for an hour to play the World Beta! I got to play all three hunts and I used two weapons, but no online (didn't have time). Here are some of my thoughts. Oh yeah, this is a pretty long post so I separated things into categories.
Spoilers Ahead!
Holy cow this game is smooth! Playing with the awesome ps4 controller is a blast.
The button placement is good but a bit weird for me because I’m coming from the 3DS. That's why I decided to change my main weapon (more on that below)
Because of smooth controls I feel like this game is less clunky than 4U and Gen. 
Dodging is great, much more control than I had in the 3ds games.
Little to no lag! It takes a while to load the map but once it does the map is pretty much free reign for you to explore. Super smooth and barely noticeable zone transitions.
No stamina loss while traversing is great, but it's jarring when you start the hunt. I was trying to ignore a pack of Jagras but because they follow you I could not start the no stamina loss mode of running.
Tracker bugs…I’m not sure if I like it. It's useful for finding things and the tracking mechanic is awesome, but many times I got lost because the bugs would pick up on something random.
Mantles are really cool. They add a new dimension to how you traverse the land. Because of the infinite running, I didn't really pause to check out the land until I started using mantles. Not really my style but hey they are cool.
Lock on works better for me than in the 3ds games.
Running and healing is great and not too overpowered since you slow down while drinking any potions.
UI and HUD
I have a love/hate relationship with the HUD of this game. First and foremost, it works. Everything is where I want it to be. HUD is out of the way and lets me enjoy my game. Also it works great for HH. At the same time some of the stuff I want clearer on HUD is a bit hard to find, such as stamina and items.
UI is nice and streamlined, but it's missing that Monster Hunter aesthetic I really like from the previous games. Yeah the item icons are the same and all but the UI design feels more like a modern ps4 game. It works but meh when it comes to design. I realize this is only the beta and may change in the final. (plz change Capcom)
It feels like I am playing Jurassic Park. I miss the old Monster Hunter horn sounds and derpy Myas! from my cats.
Music does add to the vast atmosphere the game tries to capture. But Tri I think does this  better while keeping with that MH vibe (kinda like Breath of the Wild ost vs every other Zelda game ost, more atmospheric but not really classic TLoZ).
However monster themes are still great. Dramatic and transition nicely.
Great Jagras = I really like the iguana design, definitely matches the tropical feel of the map. It's a bit weak (though it may be because of the Beta and because I am a veteran hunter) for my taste as the first Jaggi monster. Great Jaggi is still the better starter monster in my opinion.
Barroth = Mud pupper is back and his head is as hard as I remember. I didn't really get to see it roll in the mud as often as before though, and the fight felt easier? (again could be because it's the Beta). I really like the mud effects, makes it looked “armored” rather than just muddy.
Jyuratodus = Heh, it's a weaker mud Plesoth. But that’s not a bad thing. It really teaches hunters to watch out for the muddy water. I didn't see it  until it lept out to attack. This was my first encounter with monster that fight each other. This muddy was fighting the above mud pupper and it was awesome. Used that to my advantage and whatnot. It is weaker, I will say that. But its size is not something to underestimate (this thing is big).
Anjanath = Not what I was expecting. This monster is freaking tall. Like really tall. At first I thought the colorations and design were a bit weird, but when you play, it all works together. The fin and nose flares make it look even bigger, along with its fur shoulder coat. Flare attack is scary when you least expect it. Personally I ended up liking this guy more than I thought I would :)
The monsters overall look great. They are big and use the entire area for their advantage. More than once, Barroth lured me into the swamp to slow me down, putting the fight to its advantage.
I had the same pinned to the corner issues as the 3ds games but I was able to dodge out of monster attacks easier than in the 3ds games.
Hip checks are back! But they aren't as annoying as I remember. Maybe the hitboxes are a bit better this time around?
Weapons (I only got to use CB and HH)
Charge Blade
Smooth. I felt like I could do more with this system than with 3ds. Guard points were easier for me this time around.
Muscle memory from the 3ds made me miss press buttons more than once. Dodging is now in a different place… This is a personal issue and not an issue with the game.
I found one of the new combos but I will have to play a bit more to see if I would use it.
Ok this is my biggest issue = the weapon charge levels are not clear at all. One of the most important parts of using CB is charging your weapon based on the amount of damage dealt. This causes your sword to glow yellow then red indicating the amount of charge. Despite having my weapon drawn it was not clear to me at all compared to it in 4U and Gen. I ended up using the HUD to determine what color I was on. It doesn't help that your tracker bug glows neon green and totally blocks your yellow/red glowing phials.  
Is the demo CB… Rathian? It looks just like the Rathian CB...
Hunting Horn
Holy crap HH got buffed again! And it is freakin awesome.
New system for playing songs and encores is great. One of the issues of HH is losing songs while you are attacking. By saving up to 3 songs at a time I was able to be more aggressive and get my buffs at the same time.
The HUD helps so much. You don't have to memorize songs any more since they appear very nicely on the HUD. Its non intrusive and easier to understand than before. Does it make using HH easier? Not really, since playing the songs is a bit different than before, mostly because of the fact that songs are saved for your convenience now.
Weapon feels great, like a fluid long hammer. It's bigger than I remember…
Is the demo HH… Nergigante? The spikes make me feel like it is… but then again this is early game? Also it doesn't sound nice (boo why not give us a nicer sounding one Capcom?)
If you have ever considered using HH, definitely give it a shot for World, it's much better (though the buffs it got in Gen are nice too)
Its nice. Go drool over a customization video. Also cats are adorbs and I want them all.
Final Thoughts
The Good
Controls are nice and fluid. It's nice to play on a big screen with a very nice controller. PS4 controller is one of the best in my opinion (next to gamecube and switch pro)
Map is very smooth, no lag with transitions. Runs very nicely, even though we are using a basic ps4 not the pro.
Horn got buffs and its awesome. Probably gonna be my main over CB for this game. My muscle memory from the 3ds makes it hard for me to play CB now.
Environments and monster design are nice. I know people were complaining about washed out colors but its not as bad as you think. Vibrant colors would look very out of place in this game. Monsters still have some vibrancy, but the key here is textures. The textures are nice, like I can see each individual scale for Jagras and everything.
Access to item customization for the demo is great. Getting to see other armors is a nice touch.  
The Bad
Those tracker bugs will really take some getting used to. While tracking is a really cool and immersive feature, the bugs make me ignore everything around me and focus only on tracking. When the bugs decide to not follow tracks I get annoyed and frustrated. I get that they pull you aside to look around, but they also do the opposite. You get no control over them unfortunately. They just go anywhere.
Because areas are connected it's not obvious that you are in a new area. This is both good and bad. Good because everything is seamless, bad because I had to backtrack several times because I went around by accident. Area differences are not obvious so its hard to tell if you are in a new area or not.
Only 20 mins? I know demos make the monsters weaker but I found myself needing more time for Ajanath because it was so hard to track it (look at tracker bug issue above)
Auto sheathing when monster is gone. Please give us the option to remove. As a CB and HH user it is critical that I know when my weapon is sheathed or not. Auto sheathing messes up my combos.
Overall I liked it. It's been a dramatic past few years for the MH team, considering that Generations was also a huge change in the traditional formula of Monster Hunter and Stories is a complete RPG spin off. Whether or not all of these changes should stay in the series is questionable. Tracking needs to be improved in my opinion.  They dictate a bit too much for my liking, even changing my camera angles when I didn't want them to. Despite this, the game is awesome. It still feels like Monster Hunter while also pulling the series into a new direction that it really needs. It's still the Monster Hunter we know and love with changes that add fluidity to the normally clunky gameplay. It's not Dark Souls and it's definitely not Bloodborne, but fans of those may like this new more fluid MH.
Am I going to get it? Absolutely, if I actually had a system to play it on. Unfortunately I am a Nintendo fan and unless Capcom releases World for the Switch or it is still popular by the time I get a new PC, I am not going to be able to play. For those of you getting, you are in for a treat. Happy Hunting!
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japvnesedenim-blog · 6 years
5 Simple Statements About honey face mask Explained
Wow, honey is so mouth watering, and it seems It can be really valuable! It is like the most effective of both of those worlds, it's so exciting that often the ideal remedies are located in mother nature. Voted up! You will get rid of acne with no enduring the soreness of digesting bitter tablets or making use of These creams and lotions which, normally, are practically nothing but lumps of petroleum jelly combined with an artificial scent, colour, delicate bleach, and random antibiotics. For those who have cystic acne, white toothpaste (not gel) is a superb remedy. Implement some before you decide to go to bed every night, and you may see a massive big difference once you get up. Type to go looking... When autocomplete effects are offered expend and down arrows to review and enter to choose. Contact product end users autocom.filteredProducts.size success can be obtained Software: Use within the regions impacted with acne or you'll be able to use it on The entire face as a preventative process. Planning: Extensively combine all of the ingredients inside of a bowl to secure a uniform regularity towards the lotion. Increase the honey towards the egg white and lemon juice, and mix all the things yet again. You may need ½ tablespoon of honey. Ensure that it is the translucent, runny type. Honey is antibacterial and functions being a normal antiseptic. Additionally it is moisturizing and allows replenish the skin.[3] Honey's powerful antibacterial action can remedy current acne and stop any more unwelcome pimples. As this mask could get messy, It could be a good idea to tie or pin your hair back again. You might also want to consider draping a towel in excess of your upper body and shoulders to protect your clothes. • All those with oily skin can use a selfmade face mask well prepared by incorporating two tablespoons of environmentally friendly clay, 1 tablespoon of powdered milk, and a bit drinking water in freshly squeezed orange juice taken from the medium-sized orange. Thanks on your posting. I like the way. You discussed the honey mask Recommendations. Your mask is easy to generate. I am going to attempt it in my following spa therapy. I find it irresistible. Mister healmunsta. This can be utilised to gather facts on visitors to content articles along with other pages on our site. Until you're signed in into a HubPages account, all Individually identifiable information is anonymized. Orange is often a fruit which has the goodness of ascorbic acid that provides excellent answers to a lot of skin concerns like blackheads, blemishes and excess sebum. Clean fruits and bouquets are the best offerings of Mother Character to us; oranges are so simply out there nowadays, so Why don't you get the best out of this fruit? more info at social media make a wonderful and straightforward face mask and pamper our skin. So now, devoid of losing much time, Permit’s progress and put together this kind of face mask for oily skin. Separate the egg. Crack an egg over a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a little bit of the egg white should really circulation into your bowl. Hold executing this until eventually each of the egg white is while in the bowl.
About skin care
Hi Kelly! Just assumed I’d move along my Odd eye treatment. I’m 49 many years previous, so I need all the help I can get! I took a coffee filter, cut it into three parts. Then put about 1tsp.of coffee in the middle of every bit. In women of colour, skin may perhaps seem ashy or uninteresting from dead skin buildup. These face masks, combined with standard exfoliation and everyday utilization of moisturizers should soothe dry, chapped skin. Increase lemon juice towards the egg white. You will want 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will act as a purely natural astringent and aid dispose of the acne and blackhead-leading to microorganisms. It may additionally help lighten your skin.[two] Skip the hot drinking water when bathing or showering, and use lukewarm drinking water in its place. Scorching drinking water can really feel comforting, but it really could also strip your skin of its all-natural oils. Ensure that your face is thoroughly clean, and free of any make-up before you start applying the mask. You might need to scrub your face with a light-weight cleaning soap prior to deciding to set around the mask to get rid of any make-up or surface impurities. Your thoughts about this information and my article are important for me. I will likely be extremely appreciated in the event you share your views and responses. Thank you. In this economic climate, why expend $thirty or more on the leg wax when you can do it on your own? I have a lot of buddies who wax their unique legs And that i uncovered a recipe for your sugar "wax" over the Double X Web site for Ladies. Editor Hanna Rosin shares her spouse and children's recipe. Guidelines: Put all components into a sizable bowl and stir until it turns into sticky and thick. Implement the mask to the face for five minutes and clean face carefully which has a gentle facial cleaning soap. Orange peel incorporates potent properties that support preserve troublesome pimples away. Implement a thick coat of this zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and generate out the Grime, grime, excessive oil, and bacteria, all of which bring about pimples and blackheads to kind within the skin surface. I Particularly really like applying it prior to a date or ahead of a thing essential After i want my skin to look it’s finest. The rapid brightening, smoothing and line minimizing outcomes lasts for several hours and hours! Just after it has sat on the skin for 20 minutes, rinse the mask off with warm drinking water. The avocado fats and The complete milk yogurt fats assistance to moisturize your skin, whilst the yogurt’s lactic acid encourages collagen generation, and evens out your complexion.[twelve] You may use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in to the Hubpages account. No info is shared with Facebook Except you have interaction using this type of aspect. ( via stepto remedies to read the full post ) Following the guidelines right here and generally using good care of yourself (having very well, acquiring plenty of snooze, exercising, taking care of anxiety very well - you'll find content articles on all of these matters below if you want them) may help. Exercise very good hygiene, stay away from touching your face, clean your dresses and pillowcases/sheets regularly, utilize a organic laundry detergent if you can, and stay away from employing dryer sheets or cloth softener (they might aggravate acne for some people). 2tsp wheatgerm oil Guidelines: Blend every one of the ingredients right into a smooth paste. Apply and therapeutic massage the mixture into skin. Preserve the mask on for twenty minutes.
Not known Details About strawberry face mask
(i) Beat one egg white right until you will get a foamy consistency. Message Carefully the egg white on the skin of the eye spot and together the cheekbones. Depart it on for ten minutes after which you can clean the region using a cotton swab soaked in chilly h2o. Make this happen 2 times every week. And how to care every day schedule fir my below eye skin to help keep it young for extended yrs. Be sure to help me…. If you'd like to use this mask once more Make sure you produce a new 1 as this stay in the fridge for 3 times nonetheless it’s very good in case you make a new 1. (ii) I would counsel that in advance of supplying the combination as a gift, you could possibly check it wheter it may possibly previous for 3 weeks. Also we will value in the event you kindly share your getting with our other audience……. Hi thanks for the reply. Imagine if I add citric acid powder and geranium essential oil? Will these function good preservatives? If Sure for how long will they delay if not refrigerated? Many thanks lots. Do you are doing a thing Unusual like rubbing a little something throughout your face just before a date (or anything critical), way too? Or possibly you have One more funny ritual? I’d appreciate to listen to about it! Depart me a remark and allow me to know so I do know I’m not the sole weirdo who does this stuff My skin form is typical,Oily only After i get up in morning.I dont want to chance my face skin,i wish to moisturize my face but don’t understand how..I don’t consider on these these days creams.i want purely natural issues.Can u pls guideline me for glowing crystal clear skin. Make sure you counsel some very good face mask to ensure that my skin will be apparent from compact acne on forehead and oil. Hope you are going to me to have fantastic skin:) Hello, I've oily skin, incredibly liable to acne, a great deal of to ensure that I am able to’t keep in mind a time After i experienced apparent skin….. will the banana mask still work on my skin??? I hold getting active acne which leaves darkish and deep spots, making my skintone uneven. A lot of solutions that you can buy – including moisturizers, facials, conditioners – consist of avocado oil as it provides an excellent supply of numerous essential nutrients which assist moisturize your skin. It is actually pretty common know-how that oranges certainly are a godsend for your skin. What isn’t emphasised more than enough, nonetheless, is With regards to rejuvenating your lackluster skin, by far the most potent Component of the fruit is, actually, it’s peel. Be sure to do an allergy test before you attempt any of our masks. Go through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-vFharetTU and use Recommendations before you move forward. I exploit weekly when Multanimitti with Rose drinking water, Sandal with Rose h2o and experimented with Papaya fruit pulp with Banana , lemon , cucumber mask, only papaya with Besan Powder and tomoto juice with lemon. I really fed up using this type of acne and oil on my fore head I have compiled some excellent facial scrubs that get the job done just in addition to the expensive scrubs, but all genuinely all natural and value literally pennies.
Not known Factual Statements About honey face mask
These four honey face mask recipes use distinctive added components, based upon your skin kind. They can be all manufactured with foods-primarily based elements that are probably within your kitchen area today. Straightforward and functional! "My face necessary a little assist with moisturizing, and this served me with that. " Rated this post: Should you occur to help make a sizable batch of banana face mask (or any other face mask) don’t stress! Most face masks can be saved within the refrigerator for approximately 1 7 days and be utilized safely. If nearly anything starts off smelling funky nevertheless, it’s time and energy to hit the trash. Enable https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=facial+mask and tough skin problems go away You'll be able to use these remedies to remove dark circles: Masks must stay on for 10-quarter-hour. I love washing masks off with a steaming incredibly hot washcloth. I run a washcloth underneath warm h2o, squeeze out the surplus drinking water and after that press to my face for a complete minute. I then Carefully wash off the mask in a round motion. Washcloths are good for exfoliating. Of course, You need to use freshly squeezed lemon juice and natural honey blend. Lemons are full of AHA’s and BHA’s which take away lifeless skin cells and assist clear up blackheads, acne, and discoloration, whilst honey can be a pure antioxidant and antibacterial. Here's lemon juice and honey facial mask recipe for yourself. To prep your skin prior to any face mask, pour boiling sizzling h2o in the bowl and stand higher than it allowing the steam open your pores. Building your own handmade face masks and scrubs is pretty easy. Why buy a retail store-acquired face mask when You may use simple components located round the dwelling to help make masks that Value pennies? To fortify this face mask’s wrinkles fighting Attributes, we will add two other wrinkle-busting purely natural ingredients. Wash your face which has a delicate soap and use a smooth towel to pat it dry. Implement the mask on to your face using a make-up brush, as or else the turmeric can depart yellow stains on fingers. The baking soda may well sting marginally, but you don’t have to get alarmed. Hi I've a wrinkles underneath my eyes that's far more day by working day kindly advise me that will i use raw banana by mashing it twice on a daily basis, is this efficient? Depart the mask on for 15 minutes. To forestall the mask from dripping all over the place, take into consideration laying down or sitting in a cushty chair together with your head tilted again. It's also possible to use this mask while in the bathtub when you are soaking or taking a comforting bathtub. (i) As this mask is quite sticky, Make sure you pull back again your hair by using a head scarf or band to prevent your hair from receiving messed up with the mask. I attempted making it myself but it received messy. So I looked up some honey masks on the internet and this was The most cost effective I could come across. Can’t beat 4oz for $15. And theirs have some fantastic ingredients included to it. I went in advance and bought a couple. Test it out: You can even add ½ tsp of olive oil to this mask being a moisturizer so that you do not need to reapply moisturizer after utilizing the mask.
A Secret Weapon For face mask
Extra virgin coconut oil is a favorite among Do it yourself splendor products aficionados. It really is antibacterial, and brimming with antioxidants and no cost radicals that maintain the skin hunting younger. You can but it really's advised which you make use of a darkly colored glass bottle, not plastic, for purity. Undoubtedly use within a couple of days because the oil Houses will lessen with time and warmth. Right before we proceed to how to help make the mask, let us take a look at the significance of Just about every of the opposite extra ingredients: The applying of the egg white mask can clog the pores and raise the possibility of breakouts for those who have acne inclined skin. Other Uncomfortable side effects involve the distribute of micro organism around the skin, as raw egg whites have salmonella, a bacterium that can result in foodstuff poisoning. Ensure that you use pure essential oil, not fragrance oil meant for diffusers or cleaning soap-earning. If you can't come across any, try out one teaspoon of lemon juice alternatively. Do you need to do something Strange like rubbing anything all over your face in advance of a date (or a little something critical), much too? Or perhaps you have A different amusing ritual? I’d enjoy to listen to about it! Leave me a comment and let me know so I'm sure I’m not the only weirdo who does this stuff We have talked about that Dr. Oz phone calls bananas mother nature’s Botox? Well, he's on to one thing! The nutrients in bananas have the facility to considerably cut down the appearance of wrinkles and make the skin seem a lot more supple and youthful. Hi! Healthmunsta, I thanks for sharing this article about egg white face mask. Once i was in highschool, I had a Instructor who advised me that she makes use of egg white and milk mixture for her face mask. Thank you, KoraleeP and WhiteMuse! Glad to provide banana face masks to your consideration, They are really quite productive however simply available and natural. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689410044/ -grabbing :) The one thing I am concerned about is Samonella. I am aware not all eggs are contaminated with Samonella, but it really does raise an eyebrow. If the advantages are that excellent for my skin I might be ready to give it a whisk :) Results from using any products or solutions mentioned on the positioning could differ with regards to the individual and thedermreview.com tends to make no ensure as to the outcomes you could possibly working experience. While in the E-book of Genesis, you can read through how Adam and Eve applied fig leaves to address "their nakedness" immediately after consuming the fruit within the Tree of Knowledge of Very good and Evil.[twelve] "The masquerade motif appears during the Bible on two diverse degrees: an try to fool persons and an attempt to idiot God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YocarBNFYX8 's your choice. You should do it immediately after washing your face, which happens to be Ordinarily done each morning and evening. Most people use masks inside the night, as that is certainly once they have probably the most time. An additional society that features a extremely prosperous agricultural custom would be the Bamana persons of Mali. The antelope (known as Chiwara) is believed to obtain taught gentleman the tricks of agriculture.
A Secret Weapon For egg white face mask
A lot of products and solutions available on the market – which include moisturizers, facials, conditioners – have avocado oil as it provides an incredible supply of numerous important nutrients which aid moisturize your skin. Great stuff! The only difficulty is that i'm vegan. Are you aware of of something from the vegetable globe that could substitute egg yolks and egg whites for face masks. Would love (and i am absolutely sure other vegans would also) to know very well what it truly is! Great hub. The egg white mask has existed endlessly. I remember my mother speaking about how her mother released her to this. Thanks for bringing everyday living to it once more. Who suggests egg whites are only for those with oily, acne-inclined skin? This hydrating egg white mask is perfect for those with dry skin, too! It incorporates strong components which include avocado, a food stuff filled with numerous vitamins and nutritious fats, which can be great for hydrating and moisturizing your skin to really make it supple, tender, and smooth. The egg white will feed your skin with nourishing nutrients such as protein and riboflavin. Another terrific go through! This is A different wonderful tip for honey: it really works excellent on pink eye and staph infections! I had pink eye a couple of occasions, about four decades back when my oldest son was in daycare. None of the prescribed eye drops gave the impression to be assisting, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I'd a staph an infection and Yet again, the antibiotics were not performing A lot to apparent it up. Handmade for face masks give brief Alternative, purely natural and productive way your skin challenges. The facial skin is without having doubt Probably the most sensitive and who make a difference most look very good. So program these do-it-yourself recipes for face, you may be The ultimate way to just take care of your respective facial beauty. Brown sugar also has glycolic acid, a strong alpha hydroxy acid, that can help expel toxins and microorganisms, as well as moisturize skin. It is also a hydrating agent and it locks dampness into your skin cells and guards versus skin dryness. Use brown sugar in lieu of white sugar as it is a lot more Mild on skin and will work perfectly for really sensitive skin. -Everytime you rinse your face or other system elements immediately after applying these masks, do not use any sort of soap. In fact, soap just isn't suggested for your cure of acne, considering the fact that the trouble goes much over and above straightforward Dust or oil. Slightly warmth the honey and include it in your egg white combined with the yogurt (be certain it’s clean). A warning when using lemon juice: Lemon also can make the skin photosensitive. Rinse your face completely and use sunscreen in case you’ll be out within the Sunlight before long afterward. Listed here are 5 basic recipes to get you commenced. Locate the one particular that actually works in your skin kind or the problem you would like to tackle. You need to use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No information is shared with Facebook unless you interact using this type of function. (Privateness Coverage) Honey functions effectively for tightening our skin and is a great moisturizer. I examine all of your content and uncover them exceptionally practical. That you are this kind of a fantastic writer and also you give us an in-depth specifics of almost everything you compose. Do it the moment a week, if possible when you have your 'spa day at your home'. If you have some time, get it done each individual other working day. Be sure you check to make sure your skin isn't sensitive to lemon. Test diluting the lemon juice with water to lessen discomfort. Hope this aids.
Top latest Five pineapple face mask Urban news
Comply with The straightforward fifteen min stay pack time using this type of mask and pat dry that has a clean up towel. It is going to leave your skin sensation stunning and easy. The caffeine written content should help lower swelling and restore the skin's shed blush, brightness and vitality. The bottom beans are fantastic to wash and scrub, although caffeine includes a tightening effect on your skin pores. Serach the above mentioned acne web site. Many of the acne cures consider care of oily skin way too. So I would propose first you treat your pimples challenge. Uncooked honey by by itself is lovely, but You may as well combine and match other foodstuff-dependent elements to tailor your mask in your special skin form. Contemporary papaya mashed , some drops of lime juice mixed in can make a nice mask for growing old skin. Papaya is significant in Enzymes. It companies the skin and allows also with sunburn. I retain it on for approximately twenty to half an hour . In this article you may understand Exactly what are the top splendor remedies with yogurt and how to create a honey and yogurt face mask for acne. Mix almost everything together to sort a easy paste. Be sure the paste is free of lumps. Also Be certain that It is far from far too runny, usually it might drip into your eyes or with your apparel or furniture. Soon after implementing face packs you can usually use ice cubes wrapped inside of a towel to therapeutic massage your skin. This will close up opened pores and forestall Filth and pollution from generating their way in. • Only rubbing new orange peel on your own face can help lighten skin coloration. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfwyB59sdjY , it tightens the skin and enhances the texture. Aside from applying orange juice and peels on skin, you may take in this fruit and its juice frequently to spice up immunity, assist in digestion, prevent kidney stones, cut down Excess fat deposits, teat negative breath, reduced blood pressure level and cholesterol amounts, and reduce the likelihood of establishing heart problems. Share How it do the job: Bananas have antioxidants and vitamin C in them in addition to other minerals. They help to lower wrinkles and wonderful lines. Coupled with other potent nutrients from other purely natural ingredients, we could formulate effective banana face masks which can help in resolving a variety of skin complications, like combating wrinkles, getting rid of pimples, skin brightening and plenty of extra. Keeping your skin lovely does not have to cost you a fortune. You are able to invest lots of money if you purchase facial masks from boutiques and spas. Include lemon juice towards the egg white. You will need two teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will act as a organic astringent and assist do away with the acne and blackhead-resulting in bacteria. It could also assist lighten your skin.[2]
About honey face mask
This combination of features, together with the advantages of honey which we’re by now spelled out make for a great acne cure. The chemical substances current in these widespread alternatives to acne may be harsh on your own skin, along with the powerful mixture of chemical substances can impact The body in other ways in which you might have never ever expected. In terms of the honey mask method, You need to use it coupled with the medication you could possibly currently be taking and it won’t interfere in any way. The initial importance might have survived only till the introduction of Christianity which then integrated lots of the customs into its very own traditions. In the method their meanings had been also improved so, one example is, previous gods and goddesses ended up, basically, demonised and had been seen as mere devils, subjugated towards the Abrahamic God. This type of common acne is due to the blocking in the sebaceous glands, the glands responsible for the generation and secretion of sebum, possibly as a result of peeled off skin, dust or other this sort of content obstruction. Jointly, they obvious up the skin pores. Honey is really a pure antioxidant and it has antimicrobial Houses. This gets rid of the microbial infections that cause acne. "I know that all the things here will work. I am hoping for the most beneficial! Thank you a lot of!" AA Abhishek Arora Often, wrestlers will set their masks on the line versus other wrestlers' masks, titles or an opponent's hair. When in Mexico and Japan, masks are a sign of tradition, These are looked down upon in The us and Canada. Source A lot of African masks depict animals. https://steptoremedies.com/egg-white-face-mask/ believe that the animal masks can help them communicate with the spirits who are now living in forests or open up savannas. Folks of Burkina Faso often called the Bwa and Nuna get in touch with on the spirit to stop destruction. The Dogon of Mali have advanced religions that even have animal masks. So, In case you are gathering the kelp you, prevent highly polluted places. For anyone who is shopping for it, Be sure that it can be collected and manufactured in an area with as small a standard of air pollution as feasible. An additional good go through! Here's An additional fantastic tip for honey: it works great on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I had pink eye some instances, about four several years back when my oldest son was in daycare. Not one of the prescribed eye drops gave the impression to be aiding, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I'd a staph an infection and Again, the antibiotics were not performing Considerably to crystal clear it up. I begun using black tea luggage as my heat compresses, after which I'd dab honey about the soar. Within just one-two times, the entire infection experienced drawn into the surface and my chills/fever went away. Sorry for the main points, but I'm a true believer in natural medicines and those two particular ordeals are what created me the believer that I am now! Make this happen before you decide to drop by bed and leave the mask on right away. Rinse your face with heat h2o the subsequent morning. It is usually recommended to do that for two months after which evaluate the effects. Protective masks are pieces of kit or machines worn on The pinnacle and face to find the money for defense to your wearer, and currently generally have these features:
egg white face mask Fundamentals Explained
Just about Never ever had a split from it In spite of all remedies internally and externally even with residence designed recipes. I pray this coffee does it for me It’s deeply nourishing on the skin and loaded with protective antioxidants that safeguard the skin in opposition to premature ageing and free radicals.  Amongst The most crucial methods to take care within your skin is to safeguard it in the Sunlight. A life time of sun exposure may cause wrinkles, age places and also other skin problems — and increase the threat of skin most cancers. Boling, declaring, “Bananas are significant in potassium, that is great on your lymphatic technique. The lymphatic program is what helps your skin clean alone, and it provides nutrients to each mobile in your body.” Coconut oil melts with very little warmth. Just putting a dab in strong kind while in the palm of your hand will soften rapidly. In case you’re concerned about it clogging, I would propose managing some sizzling drinking water within the sink having a sprint of dawn dish cleaning soap to break it up after you have completed with the oil. It shouldn’t seriously do any hurt, although the dish cleaning soap may very well be a straightforward preventative evaluate. It is totally Alright to work with egg white masks proposed higher than for oily face. In reality, it helps to deep clear your pores and take away excess Grime. The fresh new lemon juice also performs to obvious acne and lighten the skin to provide you with sleek, blemish-cost-free skin. Do you are doing one thing Unusual like rubbing anything throughout your face in advance of a day (or something critical), far too? Or perhaps you may have An additional amusing ritual? I’d really like to hear over it! Go away me a comment and allow me to know so I am aware I’m not the sole weirdo who does these things four. Rice flour is a wonder component In terms of tan removal. Making use of rice flour over the skin will let you in obtaining rid of stubborn age places and tan and Additionally, it lightens complexion with standard use. facellite facemaking faceman face mask face mill face milling face mite Statistics for face mask "It absolutely was really easy and simple to do. I'll continue carrying out this facial for just a clean and younger hunting skin. Many thanks." RD Rylie Doosendorf Deciding on sorting choice will instantly update the items that are displayed to match the chosen sorting selection Directions: To form this anti growing old skin care face mask which also includes a lightening outcome, place many of the ingredients in the blender, or mash by hand inside of a bowl. Use your fingers to unfold the mask over your face and neck and depart it on for a minimum of half-hour, ideally for a longer period, prior to getting rid of. 1. As presently talked about, orange juice is full of ascorbic acid content and deep cleanses the skin carefully. It lightens current acne spot and blemishes. Orange juice also brightens complexion and keeps in Look at abnormal oil secretion.
The best Side of face mask
Hello, I applied honey mask for 6 days and saw a shiny and nutritious final result on my face then I attempt to use Honey+Egg+Lemon and noticed blemishes scattered on my face just on first working day of use, I keep on making use of it on the opposite day hoping that It is just the reaction of applying it fro The 1st time. “We're a participant during the Amazon Providers LLC Associates Method, an affiliate promoting method intended to offer a means for us to make expenses by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated internet sites.” Korean masks have an extended tradition associated with shamanism and later in ritual dance. Korean masks were used in war, on both of those troopers as well as their horses; ceremonially, for burial rites in jade and bronze and for shamanistic ceremonies to generate absent evil spirits; to recall the faces of fantastic historic figures in Dying masks; and while in the arts, notably in ritual dances, courtly, and theatrical plays. Hurling helmets ended up made necessary in 2010, and possess a wire mask to the front to shield the participant's face. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxMzMpXSans of Shiva, present in Anatolia from circa 6,000 BC, the younger, bare ithyphallic god seems donning a horned mask.[fifteen] Inside the Greek bacchanalia as well as Dionysus cult, which associated the usage of masks, the ordinary controls on behaviour ended up briefly suspended, and other people cavorted in merry revelry outside the house their common rank or standing. René Guénon promises that from the Roman saturnalia festivals, the standard roles have been usually inverted. Ahead of powerful transparent products for instance polycarbonate had been invented, visors to shield the face needed to be opaque with modest eyeslits, and were being a sort of mask, as frequently in mediaeval suits of armour, and (for example) Old Norse grímr meant "mask or visor". Disguise In the cleanse mixing bowl, whisk together the egg white and lemon juice right up until the combination becomes frothy. The lemon juice masks the odour of your egg white. Include ½ teaspoon of honey and stir nicely. When making use of the mixture, perform upwards out of your chin for your cheeks and afterwards to your forehead working with a delicate round motion. By way of example, insert yogurt or product and honey In case you have dry skin. Include https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care if you have oily skin. Should you have super dehydrated skin, oils function instead for dairy. Even though they normally clearly show competent craftsmanship, they just about normally lack the spiritual character of the standard tribal masks. Oceania [2] Furthermore, orange peel also has potassium that assists the skin keep its dampness together with magnesium that assists beat skin aging induced by cellular oxidative harm. Suffice to mention then, the rightful spot for orange peels is just not with your trash can but within your splendor program. @vishnum969: In fact, egg white is highly effective For numerous skin disorders which include acne prone skin and growing old skin. Dress in an outdated t-shirt about your dresses to forestall yellow stains from turmeric, that may be pretty tough to clean off. The mask is considered an instrument of revelation, supplying form to the sacred. This is commonly completed by linking the mask to an ancestral existence, and therefore bringing the previous in the existing.
The Fact About coffee face mask That No One Is Suggesting
Perfectly maybe. Some splendor specialists strongly recommend eye creams. Why? The skin round the eye contains no fatty tissue and is also thus extremely slender and susceptible to wrinkles. In case you occur to generate a considerable batch of banana face mask (or another face mask) don’t be concerned! Most face masks may be stored inside the refrigerator for around 1 week and become made use of properly. If something commences smelling funky however, it’s time to strike the trash. "It was very simple and easy to perform. I will proceed doing this facial for the easy and youthful seeking skin. Many thanks." RD Rylie Doosendorf Prevent spending excessive time during the Sunshine, and normally put on sunscreen after you do. Decide on sunscreen with no less than fifteen SPF. You need to wear it daily, even during the darker, colder winter months. When implementing the mixture, get the job done upwards from a chin in your cheeks after which for your forehead using a gentle round motion. In the event your mask has dried up in certain areas and caught towards your skin, you should ensure you usually do not tug on the skin even though washing it out. Carefully massage the world with h2o right up until the mask loosens up and gives way. In case your feels tight after employing a facial cleanser, then it's as well strong and you'll want to make use of a gentler just one. There are many powerful natural vitamins and minerals in bananas which make them Mom Character's extraordinary magnificence fix! Dr. Oz even goes as far as to the tropical fruits are mother nature’s painless, low-cost Botox. In addition they get the job done miracles on acne and oily skin. Avocado is a loaded supply of all-natural fats and likewise is made up of omega three fatty acids. This can make it The perfect ingredient which might be made use of to restore the dropped humidity from the skin. Increase the honey to your egg white and lemon juice, and mix all the things again. You will need ½ tablespoon of honey. Guantee that it's the translucent, runny type. Honey is antibacterial and acts being a purely natural antiseptic. It is usually moisturizing and allows replenish the skin.[three] That is The 1st time I have examine egg whites as face masks. I locate the ideas on how to use these truly handy. Wow! I'm certainly surprised to find the valuable qualities of banana for skin rejuvenation. I will certainly try out them out, as I am seeking some organic substances for skin lightening and to struggle wrinkle at the same time. Thanks a lot for providing these types of crucial facts. Deciding on sorting alternative will routinely update the items that are exhibited to match the chosen sorting option In search of face masks? We are right here that will help. Our facial masks deal with various skin care problems. Acne considerations? There's a mask for that. Store our big selection of face masks for acne.
5 Tips about egg white face mask You Can Use Today
I would want to find something which assist the skin to return to a firmer point out… it just began to become a bit… euh… slack… at certain space. Disclaimer: The content material on This page is generic, informational and adjunctive at very best, but are not able to serve as a substitution for Specialist medical suggestions. All You must do is spread some honey about your face and wait quarter-hour. Wash the honey off working with lukewarm h2o, then Carefully pat your face dry with a smooth, clean up towel.[23] Orange is really a fruit which has the goodness of ascorbic acid that gives superb remedies to a lot of skin worries like blackheads, blemishes and excess sebum. New fruits and bouquets are the most beneficial choices of Mother Nature to us; oranges are so effortlessly out there these days, so why not get the most beneficial out of this fruit? Allow’s rapidly make a wonderful and straightforward face mask and pamper our skin. So now, without having losing A great deal time, Enable’s progress and prepare such a face mask for oily skin. I make use of a Uncooked honey mask a number of times per week (in some cases every single day), And that i’ve recognized a definite improvement while in the tone and softness of my skin. I like it more for The point that it’s entirely edible and doesn’t expose my skin to the chemical substances present in most attractiveness solutions. This is excellent! I are actually seeking ALL over for a little something such as this! I'm going to should test Just about every recipe. Thanks for sharing!! Here's recipes for the top three face masks for acne. Be sure you remove all makeup and wash your face carefully just before implementing these all-natural face packs. Cleaning your face helps unclog pores and permits the masks to penetrate deep into your skin. To open up your pores, You may also have a quick splash with warm h2o as an alternative to steaming. Utilize moisturizer or lotion when your skin remains to be damp. Use facial moisturizers and creams in your face, and lotions or physique butter on One's body. Transform the kind of moisturizer or lotion you employ dependant upon the season. [24] Use brown sugar for just a gentler scrub and white sugar for a daily scrub. You should use any sort of oil you want, but coconut oil or olive oil would operate best. Have to have one thing much better? Test salt! Honey's intense antibacterial motion can overcome present acne and forestall any additional unwelcome pimples. I'm all for elegance tips and appreciate components which i already have . I exploit coconut oil day-to-day to help keep my skin hydrated but will Incorporate it with honey and avocado . Thanks for many awesome strategies ! My daughter has been using a honey mask and she enjoys the way in which it helps make her skin come to feel moisturized. I believe I would like a elegance day After i try this, in addition! Be sure to get a handful of hours of training each week. Training boosts blood flow to your skin and materials it with oxygen and nutrients. In the event you training tricky more than enough, the sweat can help flush out the toxins inside your skin. Training could also support cut down strain.[17]
yeast face mask - An Overview
No you are able to do these. These will not have any terrible Unwanted side effects. Rather these will beautify and soften your skin……… Elizabeth is the founder and creative director with the Nourished Everyday living. Her mission is to aid individuals discover a extra balanced (much less tense!) method of residing a contented, healthier lifetime. Read through more details on Elizabeth below. Hi I have a wrinkles under my eyes that's far more day by day kindly propose me that may I take advantage of Uncooked banana by mashing it twice a day, Is that this efficient? woooooow!!!!!!great interesting face masks…:D I've numerous complications on my face like darkish spots,rough skin,blemishes…:( i just want to know the number of times in a week I am able to use these masks????and can i utilize only banana daily???thanks…:) For finest final results, usually clean your face that has a delicate face wash initially to eliminate the Filth and impurities accrued on your face each day. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=face+mask tends to advertise superior absorption of the proteins and nutrients from these egg white masks. No HTML is authorized in feedback, but URLs are going to be hyperlinked. Opinions usually are not for advertising your articles or other web pages. I'm acquiring pimples for one year i utilized quite a few but very little labored .are you able to counsel me by making use of pimples and marks obtained by them (ii) Just after implementing a face mask, contemplate massaging your face with ice cubes wrapped in a soft towel. This will perform to close opened skin pores and cease Grime and pollution from generating their way into your skin pores. Alternatively, you'll be able to clean your face with cold drinking water. People who are afflicted with acne often use lots of highly-priced beauty solutions or get numerous acne treatments. So in advance of making use of this type of goods or treatment plans seek to use a banana face mask. Because it has lots of powerful vitamins and minerals that not merely mend your skin from the surface but from inside too. Thanks for his article. My teenage son has struggled with acne and we try a variety of various things at this time. 1. Just Humble Banana Face Pack: Mash a ripe banana and utilize on the face and skin. Permit it sit with your face for 15 minutes after which rinse it off with cold drinking water. I’m certain you listened to countless well being advantages of pomegranate but Do you know it does miracles for skin far too? Of course, it’s genuine as it's thrice extra antioxidant than pink wine or eco-friendly tea. Mix all the above substances inside a bowl. Steadily insert drinking water right up until a thick paste is fashioned. Applying clean up fingertips, massage a thick coat of your mixture on to your face in a mild circular movement. does the banana and honey with lemon do the job ? have You furthermore may heard that avacodo with lemon and egg would perform for pimples ?
A Simple Key For coffee face mask Unveiled
Include lemon juice to the egg white. You may need 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will work as a purely natural astringent and assistance do away with the acne and blackhead-leading to microbes. It may additionally aid lighten your skin.[2] On this face mask, I’m intending to use papaya in addition to banana due to the fact papaya consists of enzyme identify as papain. Papaya also has potent antioxidants which assistance to eliminate lifeless skin cells, gives you a glowing skin, prevents getting old, acne and scars also. Good hub. The egg white mask has existed for good. I try to remember my mother speaking about how her mother launched her to this. Thanks for bringing lifestyle to it once again. Incorporate the honey into the egg white and lemon juice, and blend every little thing again. You may need ½ tablespoon of honey. Make certain that it is the translucent, runny type. Honey is antibacterial and functions being a organic antiseptic. It is additionally moisturizing and helps replenish the skin.[three] Egg whites tighten the skin and shrink your pores although the yogurt nourishes your complexion. It’s like acquiring a Botox remedy! When implementing the mixture, operate upwards from a chin to the cheeks then for your forehead applying a delicate circular motion. A healthier eating plan may help you appear and feel your best. Take in loads of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The Affiliation amongst food plan and acne is not clear — but some investigation indicates that a diet program rich in fish oil or fish oil dietary supplements and lower in harmful fats and processed or refined carbohydrates could possibly promote more youthful seeking skin. Consuming loads of drinking water assists keep your skin hydrated. Use lukewarm drinking water as well as a facial cleanser suited in your skin variety. You'll be able to clean your face with clean palms, a washcloth, or perhaps a soft sponge. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099741476785788 up with a few toner and moisturizer. Get plenty of slumber, set fair limitations, reduce your to-do listing and make the perfect time to do the things you love. The outcome could possibly be a lot more spectacular than you be expecting. Hello, many thanks for The nice report! I have been using egg-white now for a few a long time, but it was instinctive instead of possessing read about it on-line. Please acquire a bit moment to finish your profile so we can personalize your practical experience and ensure you receive material and provides which have been suitable to you. Bear in mind, the skin on your face is considerably more sensitive in comparison to the skin in your arms and legs. Opt for exfoliating scrubs carefully. The greater the grains, the more abrasive the scrub will probably be. Stay away from scrubs with walnut shells Should you have delicate skin. Preserve it on for 15 minutes while you lie down to prevent gravity from pulling the mask downward. In the event the time is up, Carefully scrub from the dried mask from the face and use moisturizer. A perfect organic moisturizer is three-4 drops of olive oil. Contemplate pursuing up with a few moisturizer. The lemon During this mask may be a minor drying to your skin. If you discover that your face is slightly dry, utilize some moisturizer to the face.
The Basic Principles Of egg white face mask
-Manuka Honey is claimed to generally be the only option regarding antimicrobial Qualities, which is why Manuka Honey Masks are deemed the best. In that scenario, stop working with this technique and take a look at among the list of other masks. You'll want to seek the advice of a training aromatherapist right before making use of any vital oils. The egg white not simply assist nourish and business your skin, but it really will likely assistance tighten the pores[1] Discard the egg yolk or save it for an additional recipe. You may use the egg yolk to create a nourishing face mask. Check with the area on this page on creating a nourishing face mask to learn the way. This information is accurate and accurate to the most beneficial with the writer’s information and isn't meant to substitute for formal and individualized suggestions from a qualified Experienced. Kindly assistance on the best combination to to start with very clear the black acne heads, which resulted from my choosing the face. It comes about unconsciously. Next is to revive my glowing smooth skin texture. Clean your face. Use a gentle cleanser to clean your face with lukewarm water, then pat your face dry by using a thoroughly clean, dry washcloth. -After you rinse your face with lukewarm drinking water, wash it yet again with chilly drinking water a few minutes later. This tends to tone your face and raise the firmness of your respective face muscles. To implement orange peel powder to be a purely natural cleanser, Merge it with a little bit h2o to make a paste. Utilize it on the skin and depart it on right up until it dries completely. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm drinking water. but i didnot come to feel any improvements in skin and i felt having more dark all over again only face. So Pls suggest on this. four. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2087800381313231 to battle wrinkles: A number of people get in touch with bananas as pain-free, economical natural Botox, they usually rightly do this! Bananas are full of strong nutrients to remarkably diminish the looks of wrinkles, and make your skin appear younger and radiant. Turmeric is definitely an historic situations dried root herb and baking soda will work as a powerful cleanser and exfoliant. This is often an improvement more than the traditional Aloe Vera Honey Mask with the therapy of acne and it can drastically improve the benefits. Repeat as desired. Most professionals recommend from exfoliating over twice every week. When you have plenty of blackheads, you are able to just implement this mixture on the places in which you have blackheads. Ideas: The apple honey mask will work ideal when it’s contemporary. Quite simply, right after preparation, you shouldn’t keep it within the refrigerator to use afterwards. Because it is so fast and easy to get ready, make it just before you decide to want to utilize it.
New Step by Step Map For yeast face mask
A lot of people throw out orange peels at the time they’re accomplished having or juicing an orange. But did you know that orange peels absolutely are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels actually have a increased vitamin C material compared to the fleshy within! Got extremely oily and acne-susceptible skin? Fret no extra with this easy and cleaning orange peel face mask, that may depart your skin oil-absolutely free and moisturized concurrently! Remember to get slightly instant to finish your profile so we will personalize your encounter and make sure you acquire written content and offers which can be applicable to you personally. Honey is among the best items you can put on your own face. Its humectant properties ensure it is extremely-moisturizing, whilst its antimicrobial Attributes ensure it is an excellent acne-buster. Strategy: Take a bowl to mix these substances and use a coat above your face with the fingers. Then massage your skin inside a round movement to cleanse. Then rinse with chilly drinking water and pat using a clean up towel. Caution: Because of its strong germicidal and fungicidal Attributes, tea tree oil should not be employed for the duration of pregnancy. Furthermore, ingestion should be avoided. Tea Tree vital oil might not fit some skin types and will induce irritations, inflammations or rashes. Thanks for always furnishing excellent data. I would like to test the turmeric mask – just wondering if it won’t shade the skin tone to yellow. [24] Use brown sugar to get a gentler scrub and white sugar for an everyday scrub. You may use any type of oil you desire, but coconut oil or olive oil would perform best. Require some thing more powerful? Try salt! bj s brewhouse root beer bbq ribs reduced sugar pickle relish recipe for canning best baked sweet potatoes from the oven a1 sauce marinade chicken authentic mexican white cheese sauce recipe buffalo wild wings chili con queso dip copycat recipe cake inside of a cup recipe pounds watchers crown royal salted caramel consume recipes the best way to cook a frozen chicken pot pie in the phillips air fryer iyengar bakery vegetable puffs jerk shrimp cooking light-weight jiffy pie crust blend peach cobbler mango panna cotta jamie oliver mexican themed social gathering food stuff list About recipes search engine Nevertheless, before you start Checking out the remedy options, you'll want to absolutely recognize what brings about acne and then try and logically deduce how honey masks may be valuable in its cure. Using orange peel for skin care has various Positive aspects, one of that is lessening blemishes, especially when coupled with honey. Right after viewing item depth web pages, glimpse listed here to discover an uncomplicated method to navigate back to webpages you are interested in. Lemon juice might make your skin delicate to daylight. Stay clear of going outside the house following using this mask, or apply a thirty SPF sunscreen instead. Add lemon juice for the egg white. You will require 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will act as a all-natural astringent and assistance eradicate the acne and blackhead-causing microbes. It may additionally enable lighten your skin.[two]
orange face mask Secrets
Boling, indicating, “Bananas are high in potassium, that is great for the lymphatic procedure. The lymphatic program is exactly what can help your skin clean itself, and it provides nutrients to every cell in The body.” It is your decision. You need to get it done immediately after washing your face, that's Commonly performed each morning and night. A lot of people use masks while in the night, as which is whenever they have essentially the most time. Clean your face with a mild cleanser. Accomplishing this may eliminate any Grime and buildup prior to deciding to exfoliate. Be sure you pat your face dry gently with a clean up, dry washcloth in advance of implementing the sugar-baking soda combination. Is a strong antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Slows down the ageing process of skin by battling off cost-free radicals. Moisturizes skin. Go easy to the lemon juice. Lemon juice can dry out and irritate your skin. Should the scrub contained olive oil, you could potentially use more lemon juice, but simply because this a person doesn’t, persist with just a couple drops of lemon juice. Be careful not to cleanse far too frequently otherwise you chance more than-cleaning skin. Most industry experts concur you really only will need to wash your face in the evening to remove make-up and sunscreen, that may clog pores. Individual the egg and help save the yolk. Crack open up an egg over a bowl and transfer the yolk back and forth involving the two shells. Each time the yolk falls into a shell, a small amount of the egg white need to drop into the bowl. Hold undertaking this until finally all of the egg white is while in the bowl. Should you are looking for an all pure, refreshing face mask component to present your skin cells a nutritious Strengthen, orange peel powder is to suit your needs! This powder can be used in face masks that will help those who: Prevent Placing the mixture on broken skin. When you've got any cuts or open up acne on the face, steer clear of implementing the scrub to Those people locations given that the lemon juice will sting them. On top of that, the friction from implementing the scrub may perhaps make your acne worse. I make use of a raw honey mask numerous situations weekly (occasionally every day), and I’ve observed a definite improvement within the tone and softness of my skin. I like it even more for The reality that it’s entirely edible and doesn’t expose my skin to your chemicals located in most attractiveness solutions. Steer clear of putting on damaged skin. For those who have any cuts or open acne in your face, steer clear of applying the scrub to those places as being the lemon juice will sting them. On top of that, the friction from implementing the scrub may possibly make your acne worse. These four honey face mask recipes use different extra components, dependant on your skin form. They may be all designed with meals-dependent substances which can be almost certainly with your kitchen at this time. Effortless and functional! Wash your face with a mild cleanser. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face with lukewarm h2o, then pat your face dry with a clear, dry washcloth. I had no concept that orange peel was so great for the skin! Really appealing, certainly something to incorporate to my DIY to-do record!
The Definitive Guide to coffee face mask
Pamper oneself with an easy, exfoliating, Do-it-yourself face scrub which you can make in the home. All you need is brown sugar and olive oil, and you will whip up an incredible remedy to safely cleanse off All those lifeless cells! Hey all, I am Suzanne, I love collecting new info on pure remedy for well being ailments. I constantly think that mother nature has solutions for all our health conditions, we just really need to utilize it in the appropriate way. Wash your face with a delicate cleanser. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face with lukewarm water, then pat your face dry which has a clean, dry washcloth. Turmeric masks are commonly used to even out skin tone and lessen the appearance of dark places or scars. Honey adds a slight bleaching influence when lemon juice and yogurt Carefully exfoliate to get rid of lifeless skin and motivate new cell expansion. steptoremedies attempted it anything and its interesting.... its definitely productive... just need to set minutes all of it ... I do it day to day before i take a bathtub or even though take a bath... This is why ordinarily I am 30mins in the bathroom hahahaha... for 30days i can begin to see the effect of glow Entire-face diving mask as Element of self-contained breathing equipment for divers and Some others; some Allow the wearer discuss with Other folks by way of a crafted-in conversation system A rib knit three-gap balaclava enables the wearer to safeguard the face against cold air or hinder recognition. Keep a jar all over and dab the honey on acne, burns or minimal cuts. And when you’re sensation Unwell, take a spoonful or two. This company enables you to join or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to generate cash from ads on your own articles or blog posts. No details is shared Until you engage using this characteristic. (Privacy Plan) Be certain never to smile or talk to the face mask on! This will stretch your skin around the mouth and eyes and truly bring about wrinkles to variety. Though they usually display skilled craftsmanship, they just about usually lack the spiritual character of the normal tribal masks. https://www.wikihow.com/Take-Care-of-Your-Skin am DIY pursuer and therefore hold making an attempt all-natural matters to get rid of terrible disorders. You can be amazed to understand about the treasure mom earth has and how it may help us boost our well being. Be part of me in a very journey which get you closer to nature and keep you wholesome. The Iroquois made impressive wooden ‘Fake face’ masks, Employed in therapeutic ceremonies and carved from living trees. These masks appear in a terrific range of styles, determined by their exact functionality. The potassium in orange peel hydrates the withered dehydrated skin. Software on the mask also helps you to lock in dampness within the skin. Milk pulls out the surplus oils with the clogged pores and hydrates and nourishes the skin. Here are five household therapies for dry skin that get the job done.
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Whole30 Beef & Bok Choy Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice from Blue Apron
This deliciously flavorful Whole30-approved recipe for thinly sliced beef and bok choy stir-fry is served over a light and fluffy cauliflower rice. Thank you so much to Blue Apron for allowing me to share this recipe and for sponsoring this post! For those who would like to try Blue Apron and take advantage of their Whole30-approved meals in September, the first 50 blog readers who click here will receive $60 off their first four weeks of Blue Apron! 
When it comes to searching for new recipes to try in our house, I often Google recipe ideas that include words like “Paleo” or “Whole30” in my searches. This is not because we are a grain-free, dairy-free or Paleo household (we definitely are not) but because Paleo and Whole30-friendly recipes are made with real, whole foods I feel good about preparing for my family. They’re usually simple and veggie-packed which appeals to me as well.
We’ve been a Blue Apron-lovin’ family for years now (I think I ordered my first delivery back in 2014) and when I received an email from Blue Apron about their latest partnership with Whole30 during the month of September, my interest was instantly piqued. We continually order Blue Apron deliveries in our house because we love the meals and they way they expose us to different spices, cuisines and cooking methods and I had a feeling their Whole30 recipes would be serious winners.
Spoiler alert: They were wonderful!
Ryan and I almost always order for the two-person plan from Blue Apron (unless we have guests coming in town and want to streamline meal planning and then we’ve opted for the four-person family plan in the past) and our most recent delivery came packed with three Whole30-approved recipes. We opted for three Whole30 meals in our delivery and Blue Apron shipped farm-fresh ingredients and three easy-to-follow recipe cards our way, but every week you may choose two or three recipes from an assortment of 8 recipes and combine any of the recipes you’d like. (I highly recommend trying some of their vegetarian meals if you’re not following Whole30, as they’re often some of our absolute favorites!)
While I know many people are well aware of Whole30 by now, in case you aren’t familiar with the program, it’s a 30-day reset for your health, habits and relationship with food. The program is designed to help you figure out how the foods you’ve been eating affect the way you feel, look and live. It’s based around consuming only whole, nutrient-dense foods, including lots of vegetables, natural healthy fats, seafood, meat, eggs, fruit, herbs, spices and seasonings.
Whether or not you happen to currently be in the middle of a September Whole30, today’s recipe deserves a spot on your dinner menu. This recipe for Whole30 Beef & Bok Choy Stir-Fry was our favorite meal from our most recent Blue Apron delivery and incorporates fresh vegetables and delicious Asian flavors.
It was also a breeze to make — less than 30 minutes from start to finish — so keep this one on your radar for a quick and healthy weeknight meal.
Whole30 Beef & Bok Choy Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice
Whole30 Beef & Bok Choy Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice
Author: Blue Apron
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 2 servings
A deliciously flavorful Whole30-approved recipe for thinly sliced beef and bok choy stir-fry served over a light and fluffy cauliflower rice.
10 oz Thinly Sliced Beef
½ lb Cauliflower Rice
10 oz Baby Bok Choy
⅓ cup Chicken Bone Broth
2 tablespons Coconut Aminos
1 tablespoon Rice Vinegar
1 tablespoon Togarashi Seasoning (or Japanese 7 Spice Blend)
Prepare the bok choy: Wash and dry the bok choy. Cut off and discard the root end; roughly chop, separating the stems and leaves.
Cook the beef: Pat the beef dry with paper towels; season with salt and pepper. In a medium pan (nonstick, if you have one), heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil on medium-high until hot. Add the seasoned beef in an even layer and cook, without stirring, 2 to 3 minutes, or until lightly browned. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, 1 to 2 minutes, or until browned and just cooked through. Leaving any browned bits (or fond) in the pan, transfer to a plate.
Cook the bok choy stems: Add the chopped bok choy stems to the pan of reserved fond (if the pan seems dry, add a drizzle of olive oil). Season with salt and pepper. Cook on medium-high, stirring occasionally, 2 to 3 minutes, or until slightly softened. Add the broth(carefully, as the liquid may splatter), vinegar, and coconut aminos. Increase the heat to high and cook, stirring occasionally, 4 to 5 minutes, or until the bok choy is tender and the liquid is reduced in volume.
Cook the cauliflower rice: While the bok choy stems cook, in a medium saucepan, heat a drizzle of olive oil on medium-high until hot. Add the cauliflower rice; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, 2 to 3 minutes, or until softened. Turn off the heat.
Add the cooked beef and chopped bok choy leaves to the pan of bok choy stems. Cook, stirring frequently, 1 to 2 minutes, or until the leaves are wilted and the liquid is thickened. Turn off the heat and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve the cooked cauliflower rice topped with the cooked beef and bok choy. Garnish with the togarashi seasoning. Enjoy!
Serving Size: 1/2 recipe
Calories: 400
Sugar: 4g
Sodium: 620mg
Fat: 16g
Saturated Fat: 6g
Carbohydrates: 14g
Fiber: 5g
Protein: 35g
Cholesterol: 100mg
Keywords: whole30, stir fry
Did you make this recipe?
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Blue Apron Discount Offer
Blue Apron is offering the first 50 readers who sign up $60 off your first four weeks of Blue Apron! If you’re looking for healthy, Whole30-approved meals but don’t want to spend the time searching for recipes or shopping, simply click here to check out their Whole30 meals through September 24. We loved our Blue Apron Whole30 delivery and I hope you do, too!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/whole30-beef-bok-choy-stir-fry-with-cauliflower-rice/
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corneliussteinbeck · 7 years
Make-Ahead Roasted Butternut Squash Casserole
I posted this story and make-ahead technique to my Instagram account recently, only to be cut off part-way through when I exceeded the word limit. As Stephanie Tanner would say: How rude, lol. Did you even know that Instagram has a word limit? I guess it wasn’t designed for Chatty Cathy’s like me. That’s when it hit me: I should post this on the blog so I can go a bit more in-depth! So read on, my friends….
The other weekend I decided it had been way too long since I had made my beloved roasted butternut squash dish, complete with vegan parmesan…kale…and lots of garlic. Have you made it? Oh my, it’s a show-stealing side I tell ya. (This dish makes all its other dinner companions give the side-eye, heh. #BUTTERNUTPLEASE!)
Here’s a little summary of comments I received when I served it to the fam:
Eric: *Burns mouth.* “Holy sh*t, that’s hot!!!” (He never learns.) Then: “Butternut squash is so much better than pumpkin.” (Lol…so random…I die.)
Adriana, three years old: “NO THANK YOUUUUUUU” (as she skips away with Arlo’s favourite toy in her grasp). Spotted 10 minutes earlier: downing a box of “circle crackers” (sigh).
Arlo, one year old: *Screams and beats his hands in protest because he has to wait for the squash to cool* then proceeds to inhale it. He was nice enough to smash the leftover squash into his hair, and even tossed some over his shoulder for good luck.
Me: *Scream and beat my hands in protest because I have to wait for it to cool* then enjoys two big servings.
You know the saying…as far as anyone knows, we’re a nice, normal family. Bahaha.
You may have noticed lately that I’ve been on a crusade to create as many time-saving recipes and make-ahead tips as I can. In recent posts, I shared Adriana’s Favourite 10-Minute Pasta, 8-Minute Pantry Dal, and Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Panzanella, to name a few. Last week, I came up with a make-ahead version for one of my favourite side dishes: Roasted Butternut Squash with Pecan Parmesan and Kale! I’m so excited to share how I tweaked the original recipe to minimize day-of prep time. Now that we’re getting into all kinds of holiday celebration meals, my goal is to share as many time-saving tricks with you as I can. It’s making life much less hectic in the Liddon household.
I discovered that this dish can be prepped and stored in the fridge two to three days in advance—and no one will be the wiser! This is a fun trick for holiday meal prep when sanity reaches an all-time low (or is that just me?).
Here’s what you do:
1) Combine the chopped squash, minced garlic, parsley (not shown in the photo!), oil, and salt in an extra-large casserole dish. Pro tip: if I’m really short on time, I’ll occasionally buy fresh pre-chopped squash to save the hassle of peeling and dicing a large one! Sometimes you just gotta live your best life, ya know?
2) Stem and chop the kale, then place it into a zip bag or container.
3) Make the vegan parmesan, and place that into a separate fridge-friendly container.
When you’re ready to roast this beauty either later that day or as many as two to three days later, proceed with the recipe as usual…maybe while giving an evil cackle about how you outsmarted the original instructions. I won’t mind.
One thing’s for sure, I’ll be using this trick for all of my future holiday meals, and even busy weeknights! It’s so handy to have everything prepped and ready to go. I hope this tip helps streamline your own holiday meal planning as well. If you’re looking for more crunch-time holiday inspiration, don’t forget to check out my Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Panzanella recipe—it has had some great feedback so far. Oh, and let me know in the comments if you have any make-ahead recipe requests! I’d love to hear them.
Make-Ahead Roasted Butternut Squash Casserole
Vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free
This is a handy make-ahead version of one of my all-time favourite fall and winter side dishes showcasing the best of cold weather produce. See my tips below on how you can prep the casserole ingredients a couple days beforehand, so they’re ready to come together effortlessly at meal-time (just be sure to leave yourself about an hour to cook it, though). Sometimes, when I’m feeling wild, I like to double the vegan parmesan because it’s just so good! This recipe is adapted from the original in 2012—back when I had a little more time in the kitchen, pre-kiddos!
Yield 6 side servings
Prep Time 20 Minutes
Cook time 55 Minutes
Total Time 1 Hour, 15 Minutes
For the roasted squash:
1 medium/large (2 to 2 1/2 pounds) butternut squash
2 large cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley
1 tablespoon (15 mL) extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 cups (75 g) stemmed and finely chopped kale*
For the Almond-Pepita Parmesan:
1/4 cup (40 g) whole almonds**
1/4 cup (40 g) roasted pepita seeds**
1 tablespoon (15 mL) nutritional yeast
1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon (5 mL) extra-virgin olive oil
Grease an extra-large casserole dish with oil and set aside.
Peel the squash. Thinly slice off the bottom and top and then slice through the middle lengthwise to make two halves. Remove seeds with a spoon. Chop the two halves into 1-inch chunks and place into the oiled casserole dish. (Time-saving tip: buy a couple pounds of pre-chopped fresh butternut squash from the produce section of the grocery store. This was a major game-changer in the Liddon household, let me tell ya!.)
Add the minced garlic, parsley, oil, and salt into the casserole dish and toss with squash until combined (hands or a spoon both work well for this step!). Do not add the kale yet.
Cover the casserole dish with tinfoil and pop it into the fridge.
Place the chopped kale into a tightly sealed zip bag (being sure to squeeze any air out beforehand) or a small airtight container and refrigerate.
For the parmesan: Place all of the Almond-Pepita Parmesan ingredients into a mini food processor and pulse together until coarsely ground. Transfer the mixture into a zip bag or small container before placing it in the fridge. All three casserole components can be stored in the fridge for 2 to 3 days.
When ready to cook the casserole, remove all prepped ingredients from the fridge. Poke a few air holes into the tinfoil covering the casserole dish.
Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
Place the covered casserole dish in the oven and bake for about 45 to 50 minutes, until the squash is fork tender.
Carefully remove the squash from the oven and reduce heat to 350°F (180°C). Remove the tinfoil (be careful as some steam might escape from the dish as you do). Stir the chopped kale into the squash until combined. Sprinkle all of the parmesan over top of the squash. Bake for another 6 to 10 minutes, uncovered, until the nuts are lightly toasted and the kale has wilted. Watch closely so you don’t burn either the nuts or kale. Serve warm, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
Leftovers will keep refrigerated in an airtight container for about 5 days. To reheat, simply scoop the squash into an oiled skillet and heat over medium, stirring frequently, until heated through. Season to taste, and enjoy!
* I doubled the original amount of kale for extra green power!
** Feel free to swap in any nuts or seeds you prefer! There are endless possibilities. Pecans (which are used in the original version) are lovely, too.
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from Blogger http://corneliussteinbeck.blogspot.com/2017/10/make-ahead-roasted-butternut-squash.html
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susantregre · 7 years
Make-Ahead Roasted Butternut Squash Casserole
I posted this story and make-ahead technique to my Instagram account recently, only to be cut off part-way through when I exceeded the word limit. As Stephanie Tanner would say: How rude, lol. Did you even know that Instagram has a word limit? I guess it wasn’t designed for Chatty Cathy’s like me. That’s when it hit me: I should post this on the blog so I can go a bit more in-depth! So read on, my friends….
The other weekend I decided it had been way too long since I had made my beloved roasted butternut squash dish, complete with vegan parmesan…kale…and lots of garlic. Have you made it? Oh my, it’s a show-stealing side I tell ya. (This dish makes all its other dinner companions give the side-eye, heh. #BUTTERNUTPLEASE!)
Here’s a little summary of comments I received when I served it to the fam:
Eric: *Burns mouth.* “Holy sh*t, that’s hot!!!” (He never learns.) Then: “Butternut squash is so much better than pumpkin.” (Lol…so random…I die.)
Adriana, three years old: “NO THANK YOUUUUUUU” (as she skips away with Arlo’s favourite toy in her grasp). Spotted 10 minutes earlier: downing a box of “circle crackers” (sigh).
Arlo, one year old: *Screams and beats his hands in protest because he has to wait for the squash to cool* then proceeds to inhale it. He was nice enough to smash the leftover squash into his hair, and even tossed some over his shoulder for good luck.
Me: *Scream and beat my hands in protest because I have to wait for it to cool* then enjoys two big servings.
You know the saying…as far as anyone knows, we’re a nice, normal family. Bahaha.
You may have noticed lately that I’ve been on a crusade to create as many time-saving recipes and make-ahead tips as I can. In recent posts, I shared Adriana’s Favourite 10-Minute Pasta, 8-Minute Pantry Dal, and Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Panzanella, to name a few. Last week, I came up with a make-ahead version for one of my favourite side dishes: Roasted Butternut Squash with Pecan Parmesan and Kale! I’m so excited to share how I tweaked the original recipe to minimize day-of prep time. Now that we’re getting into all kinds of holiday celebration meals, my goal is to share as many time-saving tricks with you as I can. It’s making life much less hectic in the Liddon household.
I discovered that this dish can be prepped and stored in the fridge two to three days in advance—and no one will be the wiser! This is a fun trick for holiday meal prep when sanity reaches an all-time low (or is that just me?).
Here’s what you do:
1) Combine the chopped squash, minced garlic, parsley (not shown in the photo!), oil, and salt in an extra-large casserole dish. Pro tip: if I’m really short on time, I’ll occasionally buy fresh pre-chopped squash to save the hassle of peeling and dicing a large one! Sometimes you just gotta live your best life, ya know?
2) Stem and chop the kale, then place it into a zip bag or container.
3) Make the vegan parmesan, and place that into a separate fridge-friendly container.
When you’re ready to roast this beauty either later that day or as many as two to three days later, proceed with the recipe as usual…maybe while giving an evil cackle about how you outsmarted the original instructions. I won’t mind.
One thing’s for sure, I’ll be using this trick for all of my future holiday meals, and even busy weeknights! It’s so handy to have everything prepped and ready to go. I hope this tip helps streamline your own holiday meal planning as well. If you’re looking for more crunch-time holiday inspiration, don’t forget to check out my Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Panzanella recipe—it has had some great feedback so far. Oh, and let me know in the comments if you have any make-ahead recipe requests! I’d love to hear them.
Make-Ahead Roasted Butternut Squash Casserole
Vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free
This is a handy make-ahead version of one of my all-time favourite fall and winter side dishes showcasing the best of cold weather produce. See my tips below on how you can prep the casserole ingredients a couple days beforehand, so they’re ready to come together effortlessly at meal-time (just be sure to leave yourself about an hour to cook it, though). Sometimes, when I’m feeling wild, I like to double the vegan parmesan because it’s just so good! This recipe is adapted from the original in 2012—back when I had a little more time in the kitchen, pre-kiddos!
Yield 6 side servings
Prep Time 20 Minutes
Cook time 55 Minutes
Total Time 1 Hour, 15 Minutes
For the roasted squash:
1 medium/large (2 to 2 1/2 pounds) butternut squash
2 large cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley
1 tablespoon (15 mL) extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 cups (75 g) stemmed and finely chopped kale*
For the Almond-Pepita Parmesan:
1/4 cup (40 g) whole almonds**
1/4 cup (40 g) roasted pepita seeds**
1 tablespoon (15 mL) nutritional yeast
1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon (5 mL) extra-virgin olive oil
Grease an extra-large casserole dish with oil and set aside.
Peel the squash. Thinly slice off the bottom and top and then slice through the middle lengthwise to make two halves. Remove seeds with a spoon. Chop the two halves into 1-inch chunks and place into the oiled casserole dish. (Time-saving tip: buy a couple pounds of pre-chopped fresh butternut squash from the produce section of the grocery store. This was a major game-changer in the Liddon household, let me tell ya!.)
Add the minced garlic, parsley, oil, and salt into the casserole dish and toss with squash until combined (hands or a spoon both work well for this step!). Do not add the kale yet.
Cover the casserole dish with tinfoil and pop it into the fridge.
Place the chopped kale into a tightly sealed zip bag (being sure to squeeze any air out beforehand) or a small airtight container and refrigerate.
For the parmesan: Place all of the Almond-Pepita Parmesan ingredients into a mini food processor and pulse together until coarsely ground. Transfer the mixture into a zip bag or small container before placing it in the fridge. All three casserole components can be stored in the fridge for 2 to 3 days.
When ready to cook the casserole, remove all prepped ingredients from the fridge. Poke a few air holes into the tinfoil covering the casserole dish.
Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
Place the covered casserole dish in the oven and bake for about 45 to 50 minutes, until the squash is fork tender.
Carefully remove the squash from the oven and reduce heat to 350°F (180°C). Remove the tinfoil (be careful as some steam might escape from the dish as you do). Stir the chopped kale into the squash until combined. Sprinkle all of the parmesan over top of the squash. Bake for another 6 to 10 minutes, uncovered, until the nuts are lightly toasted and the kale has wilted. Watch closely so you don’t burn either the nuts or kale. Serve warm, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
Leftovers will keep refrigerated in an airtight container for about 5 days. To reheat, simply scoop the squash into an oiled skillet and heat over medium, stirring frequently, until heated through. Season to taste, and enjoy!
* I doubled the original amount of kale for extra green power!
** Feel free to swap in any nuts or seeds you prefer! There are endless possibilities. Pecans (which are used in the original version) are lovely, too.
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