#(said stupid gay ass partner is playing him in the musical and I got to attend a few rehersals
lorebird · 28 days
My stupid gay ass partner got me hyperfixated on pjo and specifically Luke Castellan, and brother. I'm in DIRE straits. I've already reread the lightning thief entirely and am 1/3 thru sea of monsters. I just want to see cool art of him but the tag is Completely Overrun by x readers
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msookyspooky · 2 years
lolool it grew on me 😂 When I first saw it at 15 I was like "Wtf even is this???" then I went to a live show and loved it!
Funny side story about that: You know how they call on virgins if you haven't seen it? Well I knew there was a chance and prepared. Like, I was ready to put a condom on a banana or to do the balloon thrust popping thing with a partner....Oh no, they called on me, ONLY me, had me get up on stage all eyes on me. And just asked 'are you a virgin then?' Mind you, my mom and family was there. Idc idk doing some stupid gag is one thing in front of my family but I just...BLANKED. I blanked out bc I didn't expect just ME to be up on stage in front of at least one hundred ppl and them asking that. It doesn't help it was a weird old man wrapping his arm around me to ask. So, I was a virgin irl and for the show and should have just said YEAH or something witty like TODAY I AM!
NNOOOOOOOO My stupid ass blanked out when a group of church going elderly women were in the front row staring at me + my mom beside them.
I loudly said "YES I AM A PROUD VIRGIN!"
ahhhgggghhjshkktdxjkkk I wanted to fucking die. The old guy asking me gave me a cringy look, I was beet red and when I was walking back to the seat a bunch of teen boys my age burst out laughing. Like damn I should have just kept walking up the aisle out of there 😭😭😭😭 omg and of course as a teen everything is so much worse. 25 yr old me would probably not have blanked out like that or thought too much about my answer and just stuck my tongue out at the assholes laughing but 15 yr old me was MORTIFIED.
Plus side, the actor that played Frank n Furter complimented my dress and all the actors we got to talk to were great and it was fun but that memory gives me second hand embarrassment to this day.
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Yeah Stu seems like the type that makes fun of women and gays and is 'no homo' everyday of his life but uses the excuse of 'a joke' to dress in drag as Frank every chance he gets. Like boy just admit you look cute and you like it. Like this is him every year Randy hosts a Rocky Horror Picture Show screening if they lived and didn't get stabby.
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Billy I don't think would like it. I can't see him liking musicals even he laughed a few times. Controversially, I could see Billy getting tired of being the pretty boy and refusing to be Rocky if he was forced to dress up (He's too skinny but wont admit thats why) but still wanting to keep up his image so he'd unironically be Eddy or Riff Raff.
Look at this creep and tell me our creep couldn't play him.
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skinks · 4 years
I would just like to say Bongo Smugglers killed me. I’m sitting in class giggling thinking about a Losers movie night where they have a dramatic showing of the movie. Audra and Richie are less embarrassed then they should be. It becomes an annual tradition to play a bongo smugglers™️ drinking game at Christmas.
AHH this is amazing, I just shoved two words together that I thought were funny and suddenly it’s this whole ugly 2002 sex comedy fully formed in my head. Glad it killed you during class. And yeah, they’re definitely not embarrassed, everyone’s heckling the writing and the early 2000s fashion more than anything else anyway.
Richie happily provides commentary the whole way through even though he’s only in the sex scene, waving his tortilla chip in Eddie’s face because he’s got his arm around his shoulder, hugging him close into Richie’s side. Eddie keeps snapping bites at it so often that Richie just ends up hand feeding him chips.
“Aaaaaaand... that’s the first time I touched a boob, right there!“
“Glad to help,” Audra winks.
“The exact moment I realized I was totally lying to myself. I’m having an entire existential sexuality crisis right there on camera, but can you tell? Does my fratty façade crack an inch?”
“I could tell, because you spent fifteen minutes before the scene pacing around set and chanting you can do this, you can do this, don’t throw up, you like girls, but not too much, because you don’t get paid if you pop a boner, c’mon Richard, c’mon—”
“Like I said,” Richie shouts, over all his stupid friends laughing at him, “no one can tell, ‘cus I’m a pro—”
“You call yourself Richard during pep talks?” Stan’s grinning at him sharp-beaked, like a vulture. Has Richie seen him blink even once since he came back from the dead? Not sure, not sure, make note to ask Patty to spy.
Onscreen Audra is shimmying down her low-rise stone-wash boot-cut jeans, boots with the fur, the whole club was in fact lookin’ at her. What the fuck was anyone thinking back then? Richie privately blames the Bush administration, and continues.
“You’re a great scene partner, Audra-my-deah, and I respect you for cougaring not one but two of our little balding Brady Bunch here, but you were kinda the reason I figured out I’m gay. Like, big time gay. Well, the second reason.” He rubs tortilla-salt fingers through Eddie’s hair and feels his stomach go fuzzy when Eddie kinda thrums out a low noise against him. Oh, he’s purring. Some deep down part of Richie’s caveman psyche, lodged right in the hungry reptilian nub of his central brain wants to bear-hug Eddie to a pulp, wants to Lenny him like a mouse until they both stop breathing at the same exact moment from the pressure.
Yeesh, dark!
He smooches one of Eddie’s Easter Island eyebrows instead, keeps his lips mushed there. Smooches again. “Biiiiiiig time.”
“My wife,” Bill whips around from his seat on the floor at Richie’s feet, cheeks bulging with wontons, “my wife did not cougar me.”
Eddie shushes him. Everyone else is exchanging Looks, including Audra, because she totally did cougar Bill. Good for her!
“My wife,” Richie mimics, all sing-song and bugling. “Who the fuck are you, Borat?” Eddie snorts, hard. “Turn around and watch me make sweet love to ya woman, Bill.”
Onscreen Richie is struggling out of a giant hockey jersey at the sight of Onscreen Audra’s nubile charms. Everything is lit terribly, to a Smash Mouth deep cut.
“Oh man, check out that figure.” Richie whistles at himself, twenty-six years old with muscles like long ropes. “These were the pre-gut days. Even though my diet was just Adderall and instant ramen.”
“I like your gut,” Eddie murmurs, squidging at it with the hand not shoved up the back of Richie’s shirt. He’s already looking pretty tipsy, because he told everyone loudly and at length that he’d have to be what he deemed, shithouse drunk, to cope with whatever 90 minute dick jokeathon he was about to endure for the sake of two minutes of Richie-ass. “You’re hotter than him.”
Richie preens. “I am him, dude.”
Eddie’s hand lands clumsy on his cheek, pulling Richie’s attention away from his own foregrounded bare ass and Onscreen Audra’s shocked expression, to face him. Eddie’s all unfocused, flushed in the cheeks. “You’re both hot. Him and you, I’d fuck you both. I’d let both of you fuck me at once.”
“Um,” says Ben. Mike keeps slorping up noodles, but his eyes are saucering at Bill’s giant TV.
“Hhohkaaay,” Richie breathes.
“Is this when you saw it, Audra?” Bev asks. She waggles her eyebrows at them from the muscular nook of Ben’s arms. “The famous Tower of Tozier? You mentioned in the group chat.”
“What group chat,” Richie croaks, wrenching his eyes from the sight of Eddie’s slick tongue pulsing gently against his lower lip, hanging open like he wants Richie to see inside his mouth. Yowza-yowza-yowza, this is so much better than movie-nights back in the 90s. “I never saw anything about that? And I monitor you all on WhatsApp twenty-four-sevs. I literally have nothing better to do while Eddie’s working.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Beverly dismisses him with a flick of her wrist.
Audra is nodding vigorously while Onscreen Audra tilts her head comically far to the right. “That’s when I saw it,” she says. “They couldn’t find a modesty sock that fit you, Richie, remember? I didn’t have to fake that reaction. And that’s with them blasting the A/C on high so my nips would poke through my shirt.” She nudges Eddie’s shin gently and stage-whispers, “Well done.”
Eddie growls hot miso breath into Richie’s neck. Snarls, really. That’s the only word for it. Richie’s not embarrassed—he’s been telling people about his donkey schlong for years, not his fault nobody ever believes him. It’s a boy who cried wolf situation, perhaps, if the boy was actually telling the truth every time and just wanted to brag to everyone about seeing a really big, thick wolf.
“Honey,” Bill says, visibly distressed, “this is already weird enough for me, please don’t say nips.”
“Nips, nips, nips.” Audra tickles into Bill’s ribs, and Richie joins in the chant, they all do. It’s a hailstorm of sesame toast raining on Big Bill’s protesting head. “Stiff nips! Stiff nips!”
“Shut up, I’m, uh’wanna see Rich fuck!” Eddie roars, wrestling the couch cushions for the remote and stabbing the volume obscenely loud.
Moans fill the air. Rice sprays from Mike’s mouth, between his hasty fingers. Patty is laughing so hard into Stan’s shoulder Richie would be kinda worried about her, if he wasn’t so distracted by the way Eddie’s leaning forward, hand on Richie’s thigh and eyes locked to Onscreen Richie’s bare bucking hips. He remembers this part horrible and clear, preserved behind glass in his mind like the embarrassing ninth grade school photo his mom still won’t remove from the mantelpiece. Braces like train tracks and his eyes squinted up small and moleish because his mom said she wanted to see his handsome face without his glasses for once. Eddie laughed at it for five whole minutes the first time Richie brought him up to visit mom and dad as his—as his, at last, before snapping a careful picture of the photo with his phone and muttering, so cute.
It’s the noises.
“This was the day I learned women really can, uh, fake orgasms,” Richie says. He coughs. Eddie’s fingers tighten on his thigh and he looks back at Richie over his shoulder, eyes all drunk and dark and dilated like a shark’s to the backdrop of Onscreen Richie and Audra’s plastic din. Richie’s head thumps dizzily, sliding his hand secret under Eddie’s shirt to the damp small of his back, watching his neck go pink. This, now this is familiar from 90s movie nights, how sweaty they’d get, tangled together like pocketed earbuds the longer the VHS spun. Always on the same couch by unspoken agreement, kicking and left to do so by the others, like the clubhouse hammock flirting was more RichieandEddie status quo than behaviour tethered to any one location. Feeling your heartbeat in your ears and everywhere your limbs are shoved between another sapling boy-body, and the couch.
Richie can see exactly what Eddie’s thinking, in that darkness. That’s not how you sound in bed with me.
“This is revolting,” says Stan, mildly, but Richie holds up his hand like a stop sign, pulled roughly back to the present.
“Wait, wait, here comes my line!”
“Thought you said it was a non-speaking—”
The camera cuts from Onscreen Audra’s bouncing breasts to Onscreen Richie’s slack-jawed face, his ill-conceived soul patch. He was asked to remove his glasses for the scene, he remembers, and was glad of it, feeling useless and young and stupid and exposed enough already just by virtue of needing the money, he didn’t need to see this perfectly nice and reasonable actress pity him for not even knowing how to pretend at being with a woman. Onscreen Richie tilts his chin up, and Bill’s entire rec room holds its breath. There will be bruises on Richie’s thigh tomorrow.
A grunt, a groan. An unsubtle trumpet fanfare musical cue on the soundtrack, but hey, neither of them ever claimed Bongo Smugglers was a masterpiece. “¡Ay, chihuahua!”
Richie throws his arms up in triumph. “All my own improv, folks! And they kept it in the final cut!”
Eruption. He’s pelted with howls of disgust and prawn crackers. Eddie grabs one of his arms and just shakes him, ragdolls Richie’s laughing body around until he tips over and sprawls into Eddie’s lap, shielded from assault. Eddie chews his insistent teeth into Richie’s shoulder, and finally, the scene ends with Onscreen Richie leaping a naked escape from Onscreen Audra’s balcony.
“Worst,” Eddie mumbles against Richie’s nape. “Worst thing’ve ever seening m’life.”
He’s so drunk, sweet thing. Richie sits back up, still wheezing. He rests his cheek on Eddie’s shoulder and gazes starrily up at his plastered little face. Steel-cut jaw softened with laughter and stubble, un-gelled hair curling around like a chestnut lamb’s. “Worst ever-ever?”
“No,” Eddie says plainly, and that’s true, “but it’s up there. Woulda rented the shit out of this at Blockbuster.”
Richie flings his leg over Eddie’s knees, kicking Bill in the process. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees, gathering up all Richie’s loose ends in a big circling cuddle. “Every week. Woulda worn it out. Broke the disc.”
“Got your ‘Lil ‘Busters membership card revoked for being a creep.”
“Worth it.”
“Aw, Eddie-baby.”
“Would you two stop, you’re making the rest of us look bad,” Bev says, smiling fondly. The movie’s moved on, and none of them are really paying attention now that the main event’s over, but everyone’s still coming down, dismounting from belly-laughter and landing ankle-deep in giggles. “That was inspired.”
“He made me laugh so hard on that take,” Audra sighs, leaning against Bill. “I remember thinking, shame he’s a closet-case. I always knew you were a good guy under all that fake stand-up.” She rolls her head back on her neck to look at Richie, upside down. “D’you remember right after, too?”
“Ah,” says Richie, tensing up. Eddie must feel it, because he makes a lowing noise of concern and turns the volume down.
“What you did to those guys?”
“Ahaha, uh.” Richie struggles to sit upright with hot embarrassment tugging at his stomach. “They don’t need to—Audra, it’s not, anyone would’ve done the same—”
“No, actually, you were the only one who ever did,” Audra says, sharp-eyed, and Richie remembers that too. How much surer and in control of herself she was than him, even back then, when they were both just simple bottom-feeders on L.A.’s sludgy floor.
“What happened?” Patty asks. They’re all looking. Richie stares at the wall beside the TV’s garish over-saturation, scratches at the back of his neck, until Eddie takes his hand softly back to hold in his.
“I was pretty much always the only woman on set,” Audra explains. “Par for the course on a movie like that, it was whatever. It’s nothing like real sex, obviously, you have to stop and wait for lighting changes, new set-ups and stuff, you’re surrounded by crew. But you’re the only ones naked, and pretending to fuck, right? It can be a little.” She pulls a face, tilts her palm back and forth. “Degrading.”
Richie snorts, humorlessly.
“Anyway, that scene wrapped and they called cut, and a few of the guys in the crew said some stuff. About me. The director ignored it, the producer ignored it. I was used to it,” Audra says. Richie can see the edge of Bill’s jaw clench and re-clench like a fist as he watches his wife speak. Audra smiles widely, then, and jerks a thumb at Richie. “But this guy?”
They’re grinning, they’re all grinning, because they know him. Richie squirms under it. He can feel blood pounding behind his ears, across the surface of his scalp in pulsing waves of embarrassed heat, because it’s one thing to spend your life running your big fat Trashmouth to distract the bullies’ attention onto you, but it’s another for people to treat you like some kinda hero for it. Like it’s not just something friends do.
Bev’s eyes go all emerald-shiny with delight, like the quarry in sunlight. She covers her mouth. “Oh, Richie.”
“Knocked the first one out cold,” Audra crows. “You tried your best after that. It was three against one and he had a black eye before the rest of us could separate them, but he had the element of surprise at first. I mean, he flew at them, if you can imagine it—you’re what, six-one, six-two?”
Eddie’s trembling ever-so-slightly against him. Richie screws his eyes shut. “Six-two.”
“No wonder the asshole shit himself, you came at him all six-foot-two naked inches, pissed as hell, with a massive—”
“Alright!” Richie yelps, because if there’s anything more embarrassing than his brief Bongo Smugglers cameo, it’s the fact that he left set that day with a black eye and no money. Who cares. His closest friends are alive and they’re cheering, and Eddie is shoving himself into Richie’s lap just like it’s movie night in 1991 but with 100% more enthusiastic frenching, seating his drunk ass in Richie’s startled hands and hissing god, you’re such a crazy dumbass, I love you so much, Richie, even back then with that soul-patch I’d have loved you so much, god, sexy, Rich, wanna see you with a black eye, can I give you one, can you give me one, Richie, I’m gonna fuck you so good for this later, ay chihuahua—!
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Uncool // th x fem!reader
Summary: You broke things off with Tom, it broke your heart, but you had to. He’s been trying to make his peace with your decision but he can’t and needs to confront you. 
Part of my Drive North series. One shots based off of each song from the SWMRs album Drive North, find the rest of the one-shots here. Listen to the song Uncool while reading. 
Warnings: lots of angst
Word Count: 3.2k
He was drunk, and sad, and Harrison tried to tell him not to go out tonight, knowing you’d be there, knowing you’d run into him if he went out, and he would lose it. Things happen, people change. Tom didn’t think he’d changed, he was just busier than he was when you first started dating. You missed him so much when he wasn’t there, you missed him as he left for longer and longer, the time of your phone calls and distance between your texts increasing every time he left. You didn’t know how to be in a relationship with someone who was never around.
Eventually, about two weeks ago before he left for reshoots of Endgame you broke things off. You told him you didn’t love him anymore, you told him you couldn’t pretend to love him anymore. And he was a wreck. Even being with the men he looked up to couldn’t cheer him up at the end of the day. He would go back to his trailer and cry about you, which led to him coming back home after reshoots with the sole idea of moving on. That’s why he was at the club, getting drunker than he should, hoping to meet a pretty girl to make his problems go away.
“Tom, maybe cool it with the beers, you’re pissed,” Harrison observes and Tom rolls his eyes.
“Shut up Haz, you’re not my mum,” Tom says, sitting up on the stool.
“Tom, I’m just looking out for you, is this really the place you want to be? What if she’s working tonight?”
“Nah, it’s Thursday, she never works on Thursdays.”
“Tom I-,” Harrison starts but the opening tune to a song cuts him off as Tom slams his bottle against the bar.
“Why do they always play this stupid fucking song? It’s her song, I don’t wanna fucking hear it,” Tom grumbles as the Lemon Song by Led Zeppelin plays.
You decided to take another shift at the club, it would help pay off next month’s rent and save a little towards your vacation fund. Your friend really needed the night off so it wasn’t a problem. You got to the club, tossing on your apron, hoping to get good tips as you made your way to the bar, Brick, the DJ seeing you and queuing your song. It was something that they did every night, playing the favorite song of whoever was working the bar, give them something to look forward too before their long shift.
You notice a very drunk person at the end of the bar, motioning with his beer bottle before slamming it on the counter. You almost walk right up to him to tell him off before you realize who it is.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” You ask your bar partner, Alexis.
“Fuck if I know, he said fuck me up and got like four shots of vodka before moving on to beer. His friends been trying to cut him off but it’s not working.”
“Fucking idiot,” you mumble meeting Harrison’s eyes. He shakes his head and you nod, not planning on going anywhere near the two of them for as long as you could.
You went through the night, serving different people, cutting a few people off, your back to Tom as much as possible. When it was time for Alexis to leave you gave her a hug. As the night drew later and the club was near closing there were few people still hanging out at the bar. Most were dancing or on their way out.
Tom, to your absolute chagrin was still sitting at the end of the bar with Harrison.
You give a last call, hoping he doesn’t recognize your voice but it’s too late, he turns and noticed the red streaks in your hair, standing up and stumbling towards where you stood at the other end of the bar, getting another man his last beer.
“Hey, hey Y/N,” Tom slurs and you finally turn to face him.
“Hi Tom,” you say, giving Harrison a look, trying to tell him to get them out of here.
“You know, this is the first time I’ve seen you since,” Tom says, sitting down in front of you, “the first time I’ve seen you since the night before the morning you told me you didn’t love me and you were gone.”
“Tom, let’s not talk about this here,” you whisper, watching Randy, the bouncer from the corner of your eyes as Tom’s voice steadily increased.
“No, I think we should, I think I deserve to know, why, why you stopped, why you don’t-,” he couldn’t get the words out, his hands rubbing his eyes as he sniffled.
“Tom, come on why don’t you let Harrison take you home? Sleep it off?”
“No, I, I wanna know Y/N, please,” he looks up at you, tears in his eyes.
Fuck, you were going to have to talk about this eventually.
“Tom, just, go, okay? I don’t know what else to tell you,” you say, turning away from him to start putting away the glasses you had already cleaned. The only ones not clean were the one in his hand and the one the guy at the end of the bar was drinking from. You’d be able to get out relatively quickly tonight.
“You don’t know what else to say?!” His voice louder, the music lower and lower in the background.
You ignore him, wiping down the rest of the bar and taking the glass from the guy at the end of the bar, thanking him for the tip as he leaves.
“Tom, come on, time to go,” Harrison says as Tom pushes the glass away.
“Come on Y/N, talk to me, please, I need you to talk to me,” he’s crying now, you can hear it as your back is turned towards him, cleaning the glasses. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to calm your rapid heart beat.
“Y/N,” Randy says; walking towards you and the pair of boys.
“Hey Randy,” you say, turning back towards Tom.
“Everything okay?” He asks and before you can answer Tom turns towards him, mumbling like an idiot.
“Everything is great Randy, is Randy your new boyfriend Y/N? Who’s Randy?”
“Randy, is the bouncer, and I want you to leave,” Randy says, crossing his arms.
“It’s fine, I’m almost done I’ll walk them out,” you say, grabbing Tom’s glass and cleaning it.
“You sure Y/N?”
“Yes, thank you Randy.”
He nods but doesn’t leave until you had finished wiping down the counter, pulling off your apron and grabbing your purse and tips.
“Come on drunky, let’s get you home and sober,” you say, as you follow Harrison’s lead, leaving out the back door so no paparazzi would catch the group of you leaving.
“You got a car?” Harrison asks and you nod, unlocking your car and Harrison helps Tom into the backseat, who’s mumbling about you and him and maybe something about Spiderman, and Randy, lots of half thought out questions about Randy.
“Tom, Randy is gay and I don’t have a boyfriend,” you say starting the car.
“But, you, I-,”
“His job is to make sure there aren’t any drunk off their ass club goers trying to hit on me or in your case scream at me.”
“I wasn’t screaming,” Tom starts and Harrison cuts him off.
“Yeah, Tom, you kinda were,” Harrison says, shaking his head.
“Oh shut up Harrison,” he mumbles, crossing his arms like a child.
“Tom, listen, let’s get you home and sober and we can talk okay?”
“Don’t wanna talk to you,” Tom grumbles.
“Jesus fuck Tom, you were just complaining that you wanted to talk to me,” you roll your eyes as you drive out of the parking lot.
“I don’t wanna talk to you, wanna give you a piece of my mind.”
“Okay Tom, you can give me a piece of your mind as well.”
You ride in silence for the most part, Tom mumbling every so often as you pull into the parking garage of your apartment building.
“Alright, up,” you say as Harrison helps Tom out of your car and into the building.
Tom was laying on your couch, holding a trash bin while you and Harrison stood in your kitchen. Your roommate was at her boyfriends so you had the place to yourself.
“You know, Y/N, he literally doesn’t shut up about you. Hasn’t shut up about you since you broke up with him right before he left. That was cruel,” Harrison whispers, watching as Tom rolls around on your couch.
“Harrison, I, you know why I broke up with him. You know that I didn’t have a choice.”
“But you did, if you cared you would make it work.”
“I, I don’t need to explain myself to you.”
“Yeah, you need to explain yourself to him. He still doesn’t understand why you cut off all contact with him.”
“It was stupid okay? I’m not gonna lie, I thought cutting ties would hurt less.”
“And in return it hurt like way worse than you could’ve imagined?”
“Listen, he needs to drink some Gatorade, sober up, then you should tell him why, really why. Because he’s not stupid, but he thinks you don’t love him because that’s what you said.”
“I don’t think he wants to hear a word I have to say.”
“Maybe, but you should listen to him. He needs someone to listen to him. He needs you to listen to him.”
“Okay,” you nod, grabbing a cup from your cabinet and pouring some Gatorade into it.
“Tom? Buddy, we’ve got you something to drink,” Harrison says as you bring the cup into the living room.
“No, no more alcohol,” Tom whines, his hand reaching out to swat it away.
“Not alcohol, just Gatorade, come on, drink a little,” Harrison says as you put the cup on the coaster in front of him.
Harrison takes a seat on the chair next to the couch and you sit leaning against the coffee table by Tom’s head, watching as he shakily brings the cup to his lips.
You sit in silence as he drinks, struggling to keep his hand steady.
“Y/N, did I ever tell you how pretty you look tonight? Randy is a lucky guy,” Tom slurs.
“Jesus fucking Christ Tom, Randy has a boyfriend! He’s gay!”
“Oh, you know, you used to have a boyfriend. It was me, I was your boyfriend,” Tom mumbles putting the cup down.
“Just, try to relax, get sober.”
“No? No you’re not going to try to get sober?”
“No, because I know I won’t be able to tell you what I want to tell you if I’m sober.”
“Tom, I think you should wait, clear your head, get a little sober before you say anything, don’t wanna say something you’ll regret,” Harrison says.
“What? Could I say something as bad as she did?” Tom says, jutting his finger out at you.
“Harrison, it’s okay, I probably deserve it,” you say, remembering when you left him.
“Tom, I’m sorry, I, I can’t do this anymore,” you say, pulling away from him.
“What, Y/N, darling, what do you mean?”
“I, I don’t love you anymore Tom.”
“What? Darling what did, where did this come from? I thought we were good, we were good, I thought we were good,” Tom keeps repeating.
“We aren’t, we weren’t, I don’t, Tom, don’t make me say it twice.”
“No, I don’t believe you, after everything, after all this time, you, you don’t love me anymore?”
“Yes Tom, I- I don’t love you anymore.”
“I’m-, I’ve got a fucking plane to catch, can’t we talk about this later? You, just wait, I’ll be back in two weeks, we can talk about it then.”
“What’s there to talk about? Tom, I don’t love you like I used to, I’m sorry, there’s, there isn’t anything you could do. There’s no fixing this.”
“No, no, no, Y/N, don’t go, please don’t go.”
“I’m sorry Tom.”
“You, you just, you didn’t answer my calls. You just, you vanished Y/N, you told me you didn’t love me anymore and you disappeared. How was I supposed to feel? You didn’t even explain yourself. You never told me why you didn’t love me.”
“Tom I-,”
“No, I’m talking, shhh,” he says, his finger pressing to his lips to shush you.
“Okay,” you shake your head.
“And we were dating for two years, we’ve been through so much, you were there for me, cheering me on at my premieres, you would kiss my nose and say ‘love you dork’ every night before we went to bed. And you mean to tell me that you just stopped loving me? Just out of the blue just like that? Because that’s bullshit Y/N. I fucking love you so much. I followed your footsteps into a fucking murder scene.”
“A what now?”
“Shhh, it’s a figure of speech. But you know, even though I love you, I don’t wanna be your fool, I don’t wanna love you if you’re not gonna love me back.”
“Tom, please let me explain-,”
“Explain what? How you told me you don’t love me and then left me after we spent the night together, after I told you I could see us growing fucking OLD TOGETHER?”
“Tom,” you felt tears prickle your eyes but you blinked them away.
“And I thought that, you know, I want to try to fix this, want to try to understand what went wrong, because I believe in us, you know. Talked a lot to Robert about what happened. You know what he told me?”
“That if you loved me as much as I love you, you’d find a way back to me, you’d make it work, because that’s what you do for people who you love.”
“But Tom why should I have to sacrifice everything that I have here, why am I the only one sacrificing something?” You say, your voice rising.
“Why should I be the one to fight to make it work? Why should I have to bend over backwards to visit you when you’re filming, to text you or call you at odd hours when I know you won’t fucking answer? Why am I the only one sacrificing my life here?”
“Because WHY?!”
“What do you have here to sacrifice? You, you’ve got a job yeah but not like you’re in college, you don’t have a family, what do you have here that would stop you from making it work?”
“Wow, just wow Tom, what the fuck? You know, you fucking know that I don’t like to talk about my childhood, about the foster homes, the fact that my mum abandoned me when I was a baby, everything, and you’re gonna use that against me? Low fucking blow,” you say, wiping a tear from your cheek.
“Tom…” Harrison starts.
“No it’s fine. I deserve it. What else Tom? Got anything else you can make me feel like shit about?”
“No, Y/N, that’s not what, I didn’t mean it like that,” Tom mumbles.
“Oh? How’d you mean it? I mean yes I never went to college, school wasn’t for me, you fucking know that, school wasn’t for you either, so no I don’t have a traditional job. Neither do you.”
“No, I just meant, I meant that-,”
“And you know what? You wanna know why I told you I didn’t love you?”
He opens his mouth to say something but you ignore him cutting him off.
“I fucking knew it would be too hard, to explain everything I was feeling, everything that piled on top of each other throughout the past few months. You would be gone, months at a time, and I’d go out of my way, staying up to video call you, texting you, waiting, fucking waiting for you to respond. You’d tweet, you’d post on Instagram, but you couldn’t fucking respond to a text? You just, you stopped putting in effort, so I gave up, why should I have to put in an effort, when you didn’t give a fuck? I thought you didn’t love me anymore. And I knew, I knew the only way to break this off, to get you to give up on me would be to tell you I didn’t love you, because I figured you felt the same way.”
“I, I should’ve made more of an effort to respond. I was just so busy, why do you fucking blame me for not responding to stupid texts?”
“Oh yes your girlfriend checking in on you, telling you that she got a raise, telling you she misses you, fucking stupid right?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Saying an awful lot of things you don’t mean tonight huh?”
“Yeah you wouldn’t know what that’s like,” Tom mumbles.
“Saying stuff you don’t mean.”
“Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
“Because you don’t love me, because no matter how much I want you to, you don’t, not really.”
“Are you, are you fucking kidding me Tom? You know who made an effort to talk to you while you were gone? Me. Who always started the video calls? Me. Who always started the phone calls? Me. Who always made sure to plan their entire day around you so you could talk them for all of five seconds? Me. But right, I don’t love you.”
He’s silent, you look up, his eyes watching your face carefully.
“You know, Tom, Y/N, I think Tom should get a little more sober, then you guys can talk about this like adults,” Harrison pipes up.
“No, you know, if you actually wanted to make an effort, you would’ve taken me up on my offer, you would’ve come with me, you’d travel with me, you’d let me take care of you,” Tom says, sitting up.
“Tom, that’s not, that’s not what I want, I, you know that I’m not comfortable with you spending money like that on me. To fly me places, shit like that. I just-, fuck Tom you know that’s a weak spot for me.”
“Why? Because you don’t think you deserve it? Sweetheart you deserve every last cent I fucking have, and I’d gladly give it to you.”
“You don’t- you wouldn’t understand. You’ve never had to live paycheck to paycheck. You’ve never had to go to school hungry, you’ve never had to worry about when your next meal was, or where your new home would be because your foster family didn’t want you anymore. You don’t get it, money isn’t something I’m used to.”
“I wanted to help you get used to it, I know you don’t like when I spend money on you but I want to, want to help you learn that money is a good thing and I’m able to use it to make other people feel good.”
“Tom, I never asked for that.”
“I know, I know and that’s why I want to give you it, wanna give you the fucking world, because that’s what you deserve.”
“No, I don’t.”
“God, I don’t know how to get it through your fucking skull, always so fucking stubborn.”
“Shut up.”
“When did you stop?”
“Stop what?”
“Stop loving me, when did you fall out of love with me?”
“Tom, I never stopped loving you, you fucking idiot.”
“You sure?”
“God, and I’m the stubborn one.”
“So you still love me?”
“Yes, I love you dork.”
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bloomtech · 4 years
( Alberto Rosende + NB Man + He/They ) isn’t that Carlos Tavor over there singing?  they’ve been in bloom for one year and I didn’t know they did that. somehow i know they’re a twenty-six-year-old stage tech. i’m pretty sure they’re bi with a strong preference for men and i heard they’re into hair pulling + oral fixation they’re staying at bloom court so maybe you stand a chance. ♡ penned by Terry & pacific & he/they/it
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mic.off: Hey!! My name is Terry and I’ll be penning for Carlos and another baby ( hopefully ) sdlfkj I haven’t been in a group RP in a while and I'm very excited. I'm twenty-five and I’m an nb trans man as well as being gay sdljkf Carlos is a new muse that I have yet to write for so bare with me if he’s not totally realized. Here’s some info about him! Apologies I’m not the BEST at writing bios. There are two people mentioned in his bio Iris and Iris’ ex-boyfriend, both id’ totally love to see realized here in wanted connections if anybody is at all interested. 
Name: Carlos Alvaro Tavor 
Age: Twenty six
Sexuality: Bi with a heavy preference for men, he’s not at all opposed to being with a woman and is attracted to them it’s just basically easier for a man/male aligned person to get in bed with him or have a flirty romantic relationship than for a binary woman
Gender: NB man, he’s amab but like what the fuck is gender anyway?
Family and friends: Carlos has four sisters, one mother, three best friends back home and little to no friends at bloom. He tends to focus all his energy and attention into his job so even if you know him, he’s only been there about a year so it’s likely he won’t consider anyone a friend yet. His father passed away in an incident he doesn’t wish to discuss. 
Sexually: Carlos is a verse, he tends to prefer being the submissive one but most definitely enjoys dominating the situation as well. Top or bottom is fine real men get pegged and he has an oral fixation and loves giving head to his partners regardless of what they have going on. He’s kinda into dirty talk but if you try and get him to speak Spanish during sex he’s just gonna fuckin leave lskjdhfjsdfg he has no patience for that Latin lover bullshit
Bio: Carlos was born the youngest of five children and the first and only boy of his parents. His father died when he was about two years old and only he, his family and his best friend Iris really know all the details, he really clams up when asked about it.
 When he was four he met Iris, an Irish girl who would later turn out to be his very best friend.
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 They were inseparable and saw each other through so many hardships, their families even becoming very close and Iris’ father and Carlos’ mother even grew closer as well. 
Carlos lived a pretty basic childhood if you asked hi. He picked up music from a very young age as a way to stay connected to his Cuban roots, learning the guitar, piano and how to sing. He could never get lessons because his mother was working three jobs to support five children ( his two oldest sisters also had part-time jobs while attending high school ) so he would never even consider asking. He considered it a blessing when he got his acoustic for his fourteenth birthday, crying when his mom told him she’d been saving up for it since he was ten and she saw him dancing around the living room strumming an air guitar to some of his favorite songs. He hugged his mom and promised to keep it safe and loved ( which he has, he still owns it to this day though it’s age is beginning to show a bit he’s never let any harm come to it ) 
When he entered high school is when things got, complicated. He was still a pretty average guy, he loved comics and videogames and anime, he joined band and theater as a stage tech. There he found his other calling, production. Turns out he was just as comfortable behind the stage as he was on it and was a natural leader with keeping things in check and order. Freshman year was also a big change for him because of Iris’ boyfriend, and not ... why you’d think. Or maybe exactly why you’d think cause he’s a giant gay cliche. He ended up being very attracted to the tall, intimidating heterochromatic jock. 
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which was, scary. like really really scary because he felt he’d never really been THAT into guys before. Sure he’d thought guys were hot but .. so do most guys right? Yeah no.  Throughout his freshman year, Carlos quickly realized he was more in the middle of the Kinsey scale, finding attraction in men, women and pretty much everyone he met depending on the person. Iris supported him fully in this discovery, though never knowing about his massive crush on her then-boyfriend, and even helped him understand his gender confusion and pick up the non-binary label and they pronouns. 
Which, is why come junior year when Iris is doubting her own sexuality, Carlos had her back and helped her come to realize she was, in fact, a lesbian. Her at the time boyfriend was surprisingly perfectly okay and supportive and stayed close friends with them both which just made Carlos fall even more smitten with the stupid sexy het jock goddamnit. 
Enough about his highschool pining drama, Carlos graduated with honors and worked his ass off to get a full-ride scholarship to a moderately known performing arts school where he honed his skills both behind and on the stage as a performer for years. Graduating with a degree in music production with a minor in stage management. 
With the support of two of his best friends he launched himself into the world and was, immediately exhausted and sad. Playing bar after underpaying bar, working low pay low appreciation stage tech and management jobs he was almost ready to quit the music industry entirely were it not for his sisters and Iris especially. Eventually, Iris ex saw an advertisement saying bloomfest was looking for new stage crew and tried to convince Carlos to go saying this would be good for him and help him find a place where his talent and craft are truly appreciated. 
After talking it over with Iris, his mom, his sisters he found they all agreed and said he should go so, taking a chance his basic ass never thought he would he packed up his bags and moved to bloomfest as a permanent resident and employee. While he hasn’t been there long he’s made a name for himself as a reliable tech who will go above and beyond to get what you need and get it done even if he’s a bit grumpy about it. While his official job is dealing with stage tech, he spreads himself wherever he is needed in bloomfest and can often be found doing many odd jobs around in bizarre places. It’s just the kind of person he is. Helpful to a fault. 
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Personality: He’s a bit grumpy seeming when you first meet him, but that’s just because of how little sleep the idiot gets. He’s actually an absolute puppy if you don’t upset him. Loyal to a fault, eager to please and always willing to make friends if it’s not getting in the way of his work. He’s a bit more, bitter towards musicians at Bloom fest simply because he’s jealous, and a bit sick of catering to the needs of over specific spoiled musicians and recieving no credit for his hard work or even a thank you. Don’t take it personal, if you have a good additude he’s likely to warm up fast. He’s always down to play flirt or real flirt really, he’s a fuckign flirt of flirts nobody is safe ( unless they say like hey im uncomfortable don’t do that then of course he’d stop but you get the idea ) He’s got a passion for music and creative arts, and a special love for comics, videogames and anime. Due to his oral fixation you’ll often see him with hard candy or gum or his batman shaped chewey necklace! He’s also FIERCELY protective of women so watch out for that cause he can and will punch you.
Strengths: Loyal, skilled, charming, kind, creative, hard working.
Weaknesses: Too trusting, quick to solving things on his own without thinking, stretches himself too thin, kinda snippy at times, closed off to really falling in love due to emotional traumas from his past, 
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melodiouswhite · 5 years
Classic literature vines compilation: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde pt. 01
A/N: And here we come to the fandom I made most vines of. It became pretty long, so I had to split this one in two. (Oh my god, I just realised, how fitting that is!)
Lanyon: Hey, hiya-
Hyde: *growls menacingly*
Lanyon: EEEEK!!!
Jekyll: It don't bite.
Lanyon: YES IT DO!
Hyde: Soooo …
Jekyll: Yes
Hyde: -what you're saying is-
Jekyll: Yes
Hyde: -that I-
Jekyll: Yes
Jekyll: Yes-wait, no!
Utterson: No!
Lanyon: Do it!
Hyde: Doing it!
Hyde: Soooo …
Jekyll: Yes
Hyde: -what you're saying is-
Jekyll: Yes
Hyde: -that I-
Jekyll: Yes
Jekyll: Yes-wait, no!
Utterson:  No!
Lanyon: Do it!
Hyde: Doing it!
Sir Danvers Carew: *trying to get away from Hyde* Ah! No, close the door! Close the damn door!
Hyde: *comes closer*
Sir Danvers Carew: Oh god, I'm so dead.
Hyde: *proceeds to beat him to death*
Sir Danvers Carew: *dying scream*
Sir Danvers Carew: Well, I was right about one thing, I was dead. 
Hyde: Knock, knock!
Lanyon: Who's there?
Hyde: *slams the door in Lanyon's face* THE DOOR!
Lanyon: I like your shoes.
Jekyll: I like that you like my shoes.
Lanyon: I like that you like that I like your shoes.
Jekyll: It was a joke.
Lanyon: What?
Jekyll: I despise your footwear!
Lanyon: I like your shoes.
Jekyll: I like that you like my shoes.
Lanyon: I like that you like that I like your shoes.
Jekyll: It was a joke.
Lanyon: What?
Jekyll: I despise your footwear!
Utterson: You and me are just two straight guys, that really like each other!
Jekyll: Yeah, it's like we're each other's guy-baes
Jekyll: … Or gays
Utterson: O_O 
Jekyll: And wha' do you think you're doing?!
Hyde: I'm just having a bi' o' tea, before tea time!
Jekyll: Before?!
Hyde: *giggles* Yeah!
Hyde: Don't bother-
Hyde: *pulls out a gun* -FOR I'M ACTUALLY ROBBING THIS PLACE!
Inspector Newcomen: Well, I guess it's a good job I'm actually an UNDERCOVER COP! *also pulls out a gun*
Utterson: *gasp*
Inspector Newcomen: *points towards Utterson* That right there is my partner!
Utterson: *is gone*
Inspector Newcomen: Uhhh …
Utterson: *joins Hyde* Sorry, sweetheart, but I'm not your partner.
Utterson: *pulls out a gun* I'm his. *kisses Hyde*
Inspector Newcomen: No!
Inspector Newcomen: Wait, so you're gay?!
Utterson: Nooo?
Hyde: Well, actually, that does make us gay.
Utterson: What?!
Hyde: Hey, spell 'me'.
Utterson: Okay? M-E.
Hyde: You forgot the D.
Utterson: There is no D in me.
Hyde: Not yet! ;)
Utterson: O_O
Utterson: Remember, you can be anything you want!
Jekyll: Can I be your man?
Utterson: Look, I don't think, that's a profession-
Hyde: Y'ello?
Jekyll: *appears in the mirror* What did you do?
Hyde: Alright … but you can't be mad at me.
Jekyll: What. Did you. Do?
Hyde: First: I was minding my own business-
Jekyll: *slams hands against the glass* Bullsh*t!
Hyde: I waaas!
Jekyll: And what exactly happened, while you were "minding your own business"?
Hyde: Well, I was chillaxing in my room - like a baller - when suddenly these shmucks kicked in my door!
Hyde: And one of the yelled: Get on your knees!
Hyde: And I responded with: I'm not your mother last night! And they took exception to that. *points at his bruises* But you know how that song and dance goes. *points at his blood-soaked clothing* So I killed all but one of them!
Jekyll: What happened to the last one?                
Hyde: Pussed out like a bitch!
Utterson: *slamming down a frying pan*
Jekyll: *winks* Honey, you don't have to be so rough!
Utterson: *winks back* Oh, I know you like it rough!
Lanyon: OH MY GOD WHY- 
Jekyll: Hi, thanks for checking in, I'm-
Jekyll: *singing* -still a piece of rubbish!
Jekyll, waking up to Hyde looming at his bedside: WHOA!!!
Hyde: Room service!
Jekyll: You didn't even knock!
Hyde: Oh, I don't work here.
Jekyll: Walk in?!
Hyde: *cackles maniacally*
Jekyll: *screams*
Utterson: It's so cold hell has frozen over. Hyde can testify. Right?
Hyde: Utterson, there is a special place in hell for me.
Hyde: The throne.
Utterson: Hey!
Jekyll: What?
Utterson: Did you fall from Heaven?
Jekyll: No, but Hyde did scrape his knee crawling out of hell.
Utterson: …
Utterson: *tabs Hyde on the shoulder* Mr. Hyde, I think?
Hyde: *thinking* Try to imagine him in his underwear …
Jekyll: Hyde, wtf!
Hyde: *imagines Utterson in his undergarments*
Hyde: Oh no, he's hot!
Utterson: ???
Lanyon: Hey, man!
Hyde: *punches him in the face*
Lanyon: Ow, hey, what the hell is wrong with you?!
Hyde: Level Up!
Jekyll: Doctor, I think I might be a homosexual.
Lanyon: How can you tell?
Jekyll: *pukes rainbows*
Jekyll: Who parked their coach-
Jekyll: -on my sandwich?!
Sir Danvers Carew: I did!
Jekyll: *turns into Hyde*
Jekyll: It's so beautiful out here!
Utterson: Yeah, it's just you, me and the moon.
Moon: Hey!
Moon: You two should kiss!
Utterson, to Jekyll: Hey! You know who's gay?
*wedding music plays*
Utterson: Us. <3
Jekyll: :)
Lanyon: You look pretty.
Jekyll: What did you say?
Lanyon: Uh, I said you look shitty! Good night, Jekyll!
Jekyll: …
Hyde: You sure you wanna see that?
Lanyon: Hell yeah, dude!
Hyde: Okay, check this out! *drinks the formula and transforms*
Lanyon: HOLY CRAP!!!
Lanyon: Roses are red, violets are blue-
Lanyon: -I thought I was ugly, until I met you!
Edward Hyde: Roses are red, roses are white-
Edward Hyde: -roses are yellow, stop with the fucking stereotype!
Utterson: Oh, a kitten!
Poole: Careful, Sir, he has a knife.
Hyde: *hides a knife* Huh, uh, no, I don't! ^^
Jekyll, singing: Oh my god, look at that face-
Hyde: -if you're feeling suicidal, you've come to the right place!
Hyde, thinking: You gotta start talking. He wants you to respond. Say something stupid.
Hyde: I wasn't thinking about killing you.
Utterson: Awww, thank you! ^^
Hyde, thinking: Nailed it!
Lanyon: The two men meet at a card table, write down all their little emotional problems, a little playing cards, take turns being honest - slapping them down.
Lanyon: The older guys goes first, he goes:
Utterson: Hello, it's nice to meet you, my name is Gabriel and I'm a Virgo.
Lanyon: The younger goes:
Hyde: Hello, my name is Edward, I'm a PSYCHO!
Utterson: Oookay, uh, my turn, my father used to lock me in a closet, when I was three.
Hyde: My dad came out of the closet, when I was four! ;P
Utterson: …
Hyde: …
Lanyon: …
Utterson: Well, I can't have an orgasm, unless I'm on top.
Hyde: I can't have an orgasm, unless I'm on CRACK!
Utterson: Alright, well, listen, I have an imaginary friend named Henry Jekyll.
Utterson: Alright, look, I'm neurotic, I need to see other people.
Hyde: I'm schizophrenic, I AM OTHER PEOPLE!!! SCREEEEE-
Utterson: Alright, take the pie, you win.
Jekyll, singing: I can show you the world-
Lanyon: I don't wanna see it!
Jekyll, singing: Okay. :( 
Utterson, singing: Hey, how are you doing?
Jekyll, singing: Well, I'm doing just fine-
Jekyll, singing: -I lied, I'm dying inside- 
Hyde: Don't worry, Gabe! I'll never let you explode! ^^
Utterson: That's good.
Hyde: Unless it's inside of me! ;)
Utterson: …
Hyde, to Utterson: Aww, you're so adorable!
Hyde: I could just squeeze you to death!
Hyde, hoarsely: My voice is gone again.
Lanyon: From sucking too much dick?
Hyde: Yeah.
Lanyon: *snorts*
Lanyon realises what Hyde just said: *coughs awkwardly*
Lanyon, singing: Fuck this shit, I'm out! Fuck this shit, I'm out - no thanks!
Lanyon, singing: Don't mind me, I'll just grab my stuff and leave, excuse me please-
Lanyon, singing: Fuck this shit, I'm out - nope! Fuck this shit, I'm out - alright then!
Lanyon, singing: I don't know, what the fuck just happened, but I don't really care, imma gtfo here-
Lanyon, singing: Fuck this shit, I'm out!
Jekyll: …
Hyde, singing: Go, suck a dick, suck a dick, suck a motherf*cking dick!
Jekyll, playing the piano and singing: Suck a dick, suck a huge or small dick-
Jekyll: *realises, what he's singing* D8
Hyde: >;D
Utterson: *pointing at Lisa Carew* YOU SHALL NEVER HAVE HER!!!
Jekyll: AND WHY NOT?!
Utterson: Because I love you.
Jekyll: O///O
Utterson: *carries him off bridal style*
Lisa Carew: I just can't even- <3 ^^
Jekyll & Utterson, singing: Can you feel the love-
Hyde, singing: To-niihiiihii-
Jekyll: Really? -_-
Hyde: Sorry. ^^;
Jekyll: I'll be forever alone. 
Hyde: You got me! ^^
Jekyll: No, like, someone who makes me feel better. 
Hyde: I can make you feel better, last night, last night, you did- :(
Hyde: A poem!
Hyde: Roses are red, violets are blue-
Hyde: -be my Valentine! I'm waiting for you!
Hyde: Blood is red, bruises are blue-
Hyde: Don't say no.
Jekyll: …
Hyde: OH MY GOD!!!
Hyde: You're gorgeous! ;)
Jekyll: O_O
Jekyll: Hastie, we're in a plane crash site.
Lanyon: I know, we just, kinda, cold opened our work day in a plane crash site.
Jekyll: You know what I feel weird about?
Lanyon: What?
Jekyll: What exactly are we doing here?
Lanyon: Being doctors?
Jekyll: I know, the FBI are here, the police are here, there's just one problem: everybody is dead. They don't really need doctors.
Lanyon: I guess we're just here to do our jobs
Jekyll: Okay. We have to figure out what happened to this guy.                
Lanyon: I'm pretty sure I know what happened to him: he died in a plane crash.
Jekyll: This is stupid.
Lanyon: I know!
Jekyll: What if we just lay down on these seats and pretend that we're dead? Then maybe, we won't have to do our jobs.
Lanyon: Well, I can't see anything wrong with that.
Both: *fall into the seats*
Jekyll: Urgh, I'm dead.
Lanyon: *makes weird noises*
Utterson: *hears them* Holy shit! We have two survivors over here!
Lanyon: Oh shit!
Jekyll: Aw, fuck.
Inspector Newcomen: You guys are a miracle!
Jekyll: *pretending to be waking up* What happened?
Lanyon: Am I still sleeping?
Utterson: You survived a devastating plane crash!
Jekyll: We'll just go. Don't worry about it.
Lanyon: That plane crash really tired us up.
Jekyll, whispering: We're in too deep!
Lanyon, whispering back: Screwed it!
Utterson: If you go to court, you're gonna get millions!
Jekyll, whispering again: Millions?
Lanyon, whispering back again: Yeah, Millions!
Jekyll: We will see where this takes us! :D
Jekyll, to Utterson: Gabriel, I love you!
Utterson: I-I-
Hyde: But Gabriel, I also love you!
Jekyll: But now two of us love you! Who will you choose?
Utterson: …
Utterson: Why don't we just all fuck each other?
Jekyll & Hyde: ???
Utterson: Y'know, just one big fuck pile.
Jekyll: Okay.
Hyde: Sounds good to me.
Utterson: Okay! Besides, even after your separation, you're still one person, so whatever way I choose, I get the whole package anyway.
Jekyll: Good point.
Hyde: Let's go!
Poole: Finally, the house is clean.
Hyde, munching sweets and getting crumps all over the place: Good, don't forget to take out the trash.
Poole: O_e
Hyde, outside of the house in a trashcan: WHAT DID I DO?!
Hyde: Hey, I have a secret to tell you!
Lanyon: Oh my god, what?
Hyde: Come closer!
Lanyon: *comes closer*
Hyde: *punches him in the face*
Poole: Mr. Hyde, please go, put those knives back.
Hyde: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING!!! *crawls back into the kitchen*
Enfield: Hyde is so annoying.
Hyde, randomly crawling out of the fiery pits of hell: I heard you were talking shit about me?
Enfield: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Utterson: …
Utterson: Hey, Siri! Call my boyfriend.
Siri: Which one?
Utterson: B-)
Jekyll, singing: When I think about my worries and I think about my strife-
Jekyll, singing: -here is what I simply say:
Edward Hyde, just transformed: AHHHH!!!
Jekyll: I'm a respectable Victorian gentleman. I have no animalistic urges-
Hyde: Pffff-
Jekyll: I don't engage in acts of debauchery-
Hyde: *snorts* Yeah, sure.
Jekyll: And I have no unnatural emotions-
Utterson: *exists*
Jekyll: …
Hyde: *grins*
Jekyll: Shit.
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tracies-tales · 5 years
Letter by Letter
Dear Arin...
Dan’s pen paused. He pinched the tip and wiggled it as he surveyed his work. He’d written plenty of love songs in his day, comedy variety though they were. Writing out an actual love letter was basically second nature. Although, it wasn’t helping him get his feelings out and onto a tangible page as he’d hoped it would. He’d heard that pouring one’s soul out in words was a way that helped some people manage their emotions.
Looking at the letter again, Dan was pretty positive this had only deepened his infatuation.
It reminded him of everything he loved about Arin. It was filled end to end with the feelings that he tried to convey to Arin every day. Once he’d begun spilling the things he desperately wished he could find the courage to say out loud, he’d found it difficult to stop.
Because this letter also contained his terror.
As much as his heart was laid out in ink, so too was the underlying fear that this letter could mean the end of their friendship. He didn’t truly believe Arin would shun him if he knew how Dan felt, but he knew things would never be the same. Not really. You can’t just confess your undying love for a person and not experience a change one way or another. 
A sigh parted Dan’s lips as he folded the paper and laid it on his chest beneath his hand. Somewhere, deep down, a piece of him yearned to give Arin the letter. The worst that would probably happen was Arin would apologize and say he didn’t feel the same way. Then they would go back to their lives, recording Game Grumps sessions, laughing at dick jokes, doing his best to hide the pain behind a smile.
He shifted to lay down on the Grump couch, utilizing the space while everyone else was absorbed in their own projects. He rubbed his hands over his face and groaned into his palms. He tried to get himself to accept the fact that Arin’s gay jokes were just that--jokes. But he said them too often, the inflection of his tone always just lilted enough to make Dan’s heart flutter and his thoughts turn to static. The way Arin’s hand would always linger on Dan’s arm or shoulder, or ass, on special occasions, made Dan unable to help but wonder. 
“Whatcha got there?” Arin asked.
Dan jumped and snatched the letter off his chest, crumpling it into his fist. “What’s what?” he asked, far too quickly to be convincing. He hadn’t even heard the door to the studio open.
Arin’s eyebrows shot skyward. “Ooohhh, secrety secrets?” he prompted as he shut the door behind him.
Dan snorted, unable to help but chuckle at his tone. He figured he might as well play along. “Yes, the tippitiest toppest of secrets.”
“My favorite kind!” Arin walked over. Dan didn’t miss the way his eyes glanced to Dan’s hands as he sat up.
Dan shook a finger at him, “No siree, they’re secrets for a reason, Ar.”
A pout immediately overtook his features. They almost made Dan feel guilty enough to show him right then. “Dannyyy,” Arin whined, sitting next to him and leaning heavily into his shoulder. “Come on, at least give me a hint.”
Dan hated when he called him Danny--it was so damn cute. “Dude, cut it out,” he smiled, ruffling Arin’s hair with his free hand. 
“Not until you tell me,” Arin looked up at him.
Dan pursed his lips. He was distracted just long enough by Arin’s puppy eyes for the letter to be snatched from his grip. “Hey!” Dan yelped, leaning to try to grab it back.
Arin stretched his arm to its maximum limit and leaned away from him, holding the paper out of reach. “Dan, come on, how bad can it be?”
“It’s just stupid song lyrics!” Dan blurted, immediately cursing himself for such a blatant lie.
“You’re never ashamed to show me your ideas for new lyrics,” Arin retorted. However, he relented and shifted back up, holding the letter out. Dan grabbed it, but it felt like some otherworldly force was stopping his hand from yanking it away.
Dan frowned down at it, refusing to meet Arin’s eyes. “I know,” he said, feeling his cheeks warm up with a tingling blush. 
“So...what is it?” Arin asked, his tone much less jovial than it was a minute ago.
Dan bit his lip. He shut his eyes and said, “It’s...a letter. To you.”
That made Arin’s brows knit in confusion. “To me?” 
“To you.”
“So why the hell were you so adamantly against showing it to me?”
“Because, I-” Dan’s voice got caught in his throat. “I wasn’t...sure if I was ready for you to know,” he replied, letting the paper go.
Arin glanced to his hand and back up to him. Waiting for approval. Dan grinned in spite of himself, through all the roiling fear tearing his guts apart; he was touched that Arin was actually double checking to make sure he had permission. Dan nodded, but he couldn’t meet Arin’s eyes. He tucked his knees up to hug them as he heard the crinkle of the paper being unfolded and straightened out. Then Arin began to read aloud, which only made Dan’s grip on his legs tighten.
“Dear Arin, 
Where do I begin? I guess all letters have to start somewhere. So here it is, greatest intro to a letter there ever was. Smooth, Avidaniel
How was I supposed to know? I need to stop starting lines with questions How could I have known how big of a part you were going to play in my life? 
Maybe it was your charming smile. Maybe it was your musical resounding laugh. Maybe it was the way you wanted me, a 38 year old nobody, to be your Game Grumps partner in crime. I don’t fucking know, but somehow you took a hold of me and never let me go.
No amount of words in pen, text, audio recording, or verbal assault will ever be able to quantify what it means to me. What you mean to me. Because, fuck dude, you mean the world. 
You deserve everything you have. I mean it. The internet popularity, the lovelies, the job, you’ve worked your ass off for this. Everyone is so proud of what you’ve accomplished, and I couldn’t be happier or luckier to get to see you shine so brightly. I don’t care that the spotlight isn’t on me--you’re more of a star than I’ll ever be.
Shit, I’m running out of paper already. Curse my own large-print hubris! 
I suppose there is one way I could have summed this up rather than write a whole ass essay about the subject.
What I’ve been struggling to write this whole time, because once I’ve written it I’ll know for sure it’s true:
I love you, Arin. 
Nothing’s ever going to change that, whether or not you do, too. 
You can count on it, Big Cat.”
The silence in the room that followed gnawed at Dan’s stomach like acid. Maybe giving him the letter wasn’t the best idea after all. Was he mad? No, he was probably thinking of the gentlest way to turn him down. The waiting was agonizing, driving Dan insane.
The horrendous ache was quelled by Arin’s arms wrapping around him. They encompassed Dan entirely, legs and all, into a snug embrace. Dan was shocked enough that he forgot to adjust to help as Arin hauled him into his lap. The paper had left Arin’s hand and fluttered to the floor.
A sniffle made Dan turn his head. “Arin? Are...are you crying?” he asked.
“Fuck you, what do you mean am I crying?” Arin laughed, the sound broken up with gentle sobs. “How the fuck am I s’posed to read shit like that and not get emotional?”
“I’m...fuck man, I’m sorry, I didn’t even mean to give it to you, I...”
“So you were just gonna bottle it up like some kind of dumbass?”
Dan blinked, “What?”
“Like I haven’t been hinting this at you for years,” he scoffed. “Years, Daniel! I spent this entire damn time thinking the same shit, more or less.”
Dan was dumbfounded. He felt tears start to well up in his eyes, as well, “Really?”
“Of c--of course really! What the hell do you think I was implying? I was hitting on you but really what I wanted was to bang Ross?”
The curse of the static-brain returned. “Hitting on me?”
“Holy fuck, you really were clueless,” Arin laughed, snuggling his face into Dan’s shoulder. He sniffled again and said, “This is only about a couple years too late, but I love you too, Dan.”
Warmth blossomed in Dan’s chest, and his heart raced with no indication of slowing any time soon. He had succumbed to tears as well, beaming at Arin before he shifted his torso and threw his arms around his neck. When Arin lifted his head in curiosity at the adjusted posture, Dan pulled him into a kiss. 
When they parted, Dan noticed Arin now shared his blush. “I’m glad,” Dan said, unsure that he could manage to say anything else.
They both turned their heads when they heard the door opening to Ross, who said, “Woah, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.” His gaze drifted to the floor as he noticed the letter. “What’s that?”
“Nothing,” Dan and Arin said.
cliche? maybe a little
regrets? none
this was inspired by the book “to all the boys i’ve loved before" :) ps i know dan’s 39 i just picked 38 bc idk
edit: this additional little note is to let y’all know i really am taking writing suggestions almost always so if you have ideas or a prompt from somewhere else you want me to tackle, pitch it to me! the worst i can do is say no (and I probably won’t, unless it’s too terribly nsfw) :D
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thepinkwriterr · 5 years
Loner // IT 2017 Chapter Fourteen
Mazzy Star - Fade Into You
Fade into you Strange you never knew Fade into you I think it's strange you never knew
April Fifth, 1993
I got up that morning, throwing on one of Bill’s sweaters and some shorts. The weekend was so hectic, I was actually looking forward to school. At this point, school would be more tame than home.
Kali and James were still fucking. I heard them downstairs on Monday night, watching a movie. I ignored them as I went about my morning routine. I still hadn’t talked to either of them.
The three day weekend lasted too long. I couldn’t wait to get back to school and passive-aggressively rub it in Casey’s face that I had Bill.
There was a beep from outside and I ran out the door, and into Bill’s car. “Morning babe.” I smiled, leaning over to kiss him.
“Morning.” He kissed back. As he drove down my street, I turned on the radio. I gave him one of my favorite cassette tapes. It was the mix tape Kali had borrowed that James had made. Neither of us could make mix tapes.
“I’m half the man I used to be…” I sang along to the music. “Half the man…” Bill hummed. “Feelin’ uninspired, think I’ll start a fire. Everybody run, Bobby’s got a gun.” I sang again.
“Think you’re company, than she tells me I’m a creep.” Bill chimed. “Friends don’t mean a thing, guess I’ll leave it up to me.” That was me.
He pulled into a parking space, turning the car off. We walked in, hand in hand. It was second nature to us now, we had no second thoughts on the PDA.
“Oooooo, look at the newly weds!” Ben laughed as we walked over. “Duh dum dum dum duh dum duh dum!” Bev sang.
I laughed, rolling my eyes. “Where’s everyone else?” I asked. “Richie drives Eddie and Stan to school. The ole blue baby is a taxi.” Beverly patted her hand against Ben’s shoulder.
I laughed again. “Why are you so smiley?” Beverly poked at my ribs. I giggled,”I’m just so happy!” I grabbed Bill’s hand.
“Uck! Get a room.” I heard a familiar voice grumble behind me. “Don’t be so rude, Richie!” Eddie whisper shouted. “Richie Tozier, always a pleasure.” I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes.
“Hey, uh, thanks for…what you did Friday.” Eddie leaned over, whispering to me. “No problem.” I whispered back.
“Why so secretive Danielle?” Richie asked wryly,”Does someone have a wittle cwush on Eddie bear?” He asked in a baby voice, his bottom lip protruding his top. I felt Bill’s grip on my hand tighten at Richie’s joke.
I rolled my eyes,”You’re such an ass.” Richie opened his mouth to rebuttal, but the school bell rang, interrupting him. “Saved by the bell…” I heard Eddie mumble under his breath. I laughed, whatta dork.
I went through the day, smiling. And at lunch time, I actually had people to sit with! That’s right, not just Kali, put a whole bunch of people!
Richie sat across from me, on the middle. Eddie sat next to him on the end, Stan seated next to Richie. I was in the middle, Bill to my left, Bev to my right. Ben ate with his popular friends.
Apparently, they didn’t mind this. Beverly was pretty popular, and so were Bill and I. Eddie, Stan, and Richie were all the “losers” of the group. But, how I looked at is, we were all losers.
Eddie’s mother was overbearing, so he never went out. And when he did, it was only with us. Stan is a Jew, who is very nervous and shy.
Richie is a grungy stoner who’s parents don’t care about him. Bill writes the school paper and wear sweaters. Of course people think they’re losers. I don’t think they’re uncool. They’re pretty fun.
When lunch was over I went to the library for study hall. I sat at my usual seat, pulling out Lolita. I looked over the cover, the memory of Kali and I rushing my mind.
“Uck, that is just disgusting! How could you write this filth?” Kali scowled, leaning back on the sofa. I shrugged,”I can see the beauty in it. At least he loved her.” She scowled animatedly at me. We both laughed, turning back to the movie.
“Y’know who I would love to be Lolita to?” Kali asked, turning toward me,”My brother?” She scoffed,”No, listen! I would love to fall in love with Brad Pitt! He is so dreamy!” Kali smiled, clasping her hands over her heart. I rolled my eyes,”You’re such a superficial bitch.” “You know it.” She smirked. “If I were to fall in love with a man…it would have to be for his heart and nothing else.”
God, I missed our movie nights. I missed laughing for hours over stupid things we said while talking. I miss our serious talks. I even miss that one time we got caught smoking pot and cried while talking to our parents.
But this is her fault. She’s the one who started it. But, maybe- “Hey girlie.” Beverly interrupted my thoughts. I realized I had been staring at the front cover of my book for about five minutes.  
“Why ya staring at your book?” Bev asked, brows furrowed.
Kali’s POV
I sat up in James’s bed, dread consuming me. I miss Danielle so much. When Friday night rolled around and I didn’t get to watch movies with her in our pj’s, I felt like a piece of me was missing.
And she was. She was a huge piece of me. Without Danielle, there would be no Kali. And I know without Kali there would be no Danielle.
But when I see her, she looks like she’s thriving without me. She’s so happy. Meanwhile, I’m falling apart. I just can’t seem to be happy.
I looked down at Jame’s sleeping, peaceful face. I wonder if he knows how I feel. I doubt it.
When I woke up in the morning James was making breakfast. As I stood up I realized the only clean clothes I had here were some shorts. I felt panic rush my veins. What was I going to wear?
I scurried into the kitchen in just a sheet,”Can I borrow some of your clothes?” “Of course.” He chuckled. “Thanks.” I quickly stepped back to his room.
I pulled a white t-shirt out of the back of his closet and his flannel from the floor. This’ll have to do for now. God, I look like a dirt ball.
Sat at the kitchen table, eating my pancakes slowly. “Y’know,” I spoke through my mouth-full of pancake,”I can breakfast one of these days.”
James chuckled as he sat across from me,”Alright. Tomorrow you can make breakfast. A special treat for my last day here.”
I choked on my pancake, throwing a coughing fit. “You’re leaving tomorrow?” I exclaimed after I controlled myself.
He nodded. “I would’ve told you sooner, but I didn’t want you to be upset.” “Well, we’ve gotta go for a date tonight!” “I was planning it, Doll face.” He smirked.
Parking in my usual in my usual space, I turned the car off. I covered my eyes with my hands, taking a deep breath in. I exhaled slowly, trying to prepare myself for the day.
I grabbed my bag, then exited the car. I heard my ankle boots click against the road, producing a sound I normally loved. But the enjoyment of the sound was cut short.
Danielle and Bill walked ahead of me, hands clasped. I sighed, pulling my walkman and headphones from my bag. I popped in the mixtape James made me. Yellow Ledbetterchimed through the headphones, filling my head with bliss.
“On a weekend I wanna wish it all away, yeah. And they called and I said that I'll go. And I said that I'll call out again. And the reason I ought ta leave her calm, I know. I said, "I don't know whether I'm the boxer or the bag”.” Eddie Vedder crooned as I walked past Danielle and her friends.
She looked truly happy. Far Behind started as I walked into the bathroom. I sat down against the wall. I stayed there until the bell rang.
Most would say eating with you teacher is lame, but eating with my English teacher, Mr. Helms, was quite enjoyable.
It was quiet in there, and I got to read a book I always wanted to. After lunch was Math.
After Math class was history. The teacher, Mr. Zigler, was explaining our projects toward the end of class. One of the students raised their hands. Well, that’s new.
“Yes?” He asked, pointing to her. “Will we be able to work in groups?” He smiled,”I just about to say that. Uh, yes, partners, actually.” Everyone cheered, turning toward their designated ‘best friend’.
“But, I get to choose who you work with.” He smiled. Everyone stopped, then groaned. “Oh stop! It is not that bad.” He joked. He grabbed his roster, reading off each persons fait.
“-Stan Uris and Casey-“ Well, that sucks. “-Kali Tozier and Beverly-“ You’ve gotta be fucking with me. First this Danielle thing, now this? What’s gonna happen next? Is James actually gay? Am I gonna catch him fucking Eddie Kaspbrak in his living room? Is my mom gonna tell me she’s been cheating on dad? Am I gonna shut my hair in my car door?
I looked over at Beverly, who had a sour look on her face. I’m not so happy about it either, Buttercup… The bell then rang, interrupting my pouting.
My last period of the day was study hall. Where I was headed to now, coincidencedently.
The metallic cover of the Walkman shone against the overhead lights as I pulled it from my bag. I secured the headphones over my ears, hitting play on the walkman.
Fade Into You floated from tape to the machine, through the headphone wires, into the speakers, through my ears and into my brain. As I made my way down the laminated hallway, I really payed attention to the lyrics of Mazzy Star.
I want to hold the hand inside you
I want to take a breath that's true
I look to you and I see nothing
I look to you to see the truth
You live your life
You go in shadows
You'll come apart and you'll go blind
Some kind of light into your darkness
Colors your eyes with what's not there.
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew
As I sat in the back of the library, I felt tears brim in my eyes. Danielle’s absence mixed with the beautiful lyrics were enough to cause the tears. I felt a hot drop on my cheek, gliding down my warm skin.
I stood, gathering my things into my bag. Even the headphones and the walkman. I waited until the bell rang a few minutes later, then left the building. I drove to the nearest record store. I pulled into a space, ripping the key from the ignition.
I got out, storming up to the door of the store. I opened the door, hearing a bell ring upon the door opening. I beelined for the cashier, prepared to ask about where to find Fade Into You.
As I reached the counter, I was faced with Beverly Marsh. The words of my History teacher rang though my mind as I stood at the counter.
She smirked,”What can I help you with?” I sighed shortly,”Do you have any Mazzy Star tapes?” She nodded, lifting up a piece of the counter to walk through the store.
“So, tapes, huh?” “Yup.” “I never liked CD’s much either. Tapes look cooler.” I laughed,”I know right.” Wait! Did I…just agree and laughwith Beverly Marsh? I baffle myself each and everyday.
“I-uh-I guess we gotta work together in history, huh?” “Yeah,” I sighed again,”That’sgonna suck.” I shrugged. “Maybe not.” She turned and walked back to the counter.
I furrowed my brows at her statement, but brushed it off. God, I can’t stand her. I plucked the tape from the rack, then went to the counter.
“Have a nice night.” Beverly waved. “Mhm.” I hummed as I walked out the door.
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http-lostforever · 5 years
Silenced- 2
Paring: OT7 x reader
Summary: Y/n was an average girl, passing the police academy with a passing score and no overly special talents, she was matched with a sarcastic, moody, cigarette-smoking detective as a partner. Not only was he already a handful, but the forensic scientist that was assigned to Team 4--as they called themselves--had made it clear that he was interested in Y/n. With those two constantly bickering and the tragic event of a new unsolved case thrown in their laps, how will they feel when their worlds are turned upside down with the entry of a new officer and a case that was way over their heads?
Warnings: Blood, Gore, smoking, cursing, cliche?
Looking at my partner in disbelief I quickly grasped the interior handle as Tae had flipped the switch for the cars siren to go off. The loud blaring sound echoed through the early morning streets, he quickly yanked the steering wheel at the intersection--or as he would call it 'flipping a bitch'--and slammed his foot onto the gas pedal, speeding off in the opposite direction of HQ.
"What are you doing? We have to go back and give the report to the director?!" I snapped at him, shooting a dirty look just as quickly. He knows damn well that we'll get our asses chewed if we're not back in time. And by we, I mean me, because he always manages to disappear when the hammer comes down.
But I know that it's useless because if there's one thing that I've learned about Taehyung, its that once he has his mind set on something, there's no stopping him.
I let out a loud and over animated sigh to show him my displeasure which is only returned with a small chuckle of his own.
"Could you atleast turn the lights off? And maybe drive like a normal person for once?!" I said while reaching out, trying to flip the switch that would kill the obnoxious sirens. But just as my hand barely ghosted over the switch Tae had shot his large hand out, caging my fingers in his palm, giving him an advantage over any struggling I would try..
He looks me dead in the eye, a hard, cold look settled over his face as any glimpse of warmth in his brown eyes was gone, leaving them dull and angry. He opened his mouth, a tight frown pulling his lips down before saying
"Only the captain can operate the ship"
Furrowing my brows I stared at him in disbelief.
How could a man like this be so childish?
Yanking my hand out of his I turned my focus back towards the slightly fogged up window. Letting my eyes rest upon the landscape as rain poured down, lashing at the windshield as we drove. Large buildings stood on either side of us, towering into the sky acting as glass giants whilst looking down onto the ground where all daily life was lived. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that the rain had slowly let up, replaced by a light shower that you could barely tell was there. The dark thunderous clouds above had lost their density, turning into a hazy fog that blanketed the sky.
We sat in silence for a while, sounds of the car heater and a drastically turned down journey whispered through the car. Closing my eyes for a brief moment I took in the serenity of the situation, Tae had learned to not talk too much during the car rides as the final destination never seemed to be pleasant, thus leaving the ride there as a wind down time. The sirens seemed to be distant now, my focus wavering on reality as sleep was slowly taking over.
The slight jostling of my shoulder caused me to snap my eyes open and meet soft russet brown ones.
"We're here" His tone was soft, mostly for feeling bad at the possibility of waking me up again, but nonetheless we both shifted ourselves out of the police car and onto the sidewalk. Before us stood a tiny yellow building, flourishing plants lined the window both inside and out. Colorful flowers lined the stone path that lead to the large and heavy oak door, colors weaved off and on giving it the look as if it was freshly cut from a tree and placed on this little shops front.
Upon the door lied a light wooden plaque 'Welcome to Aroma Mocha Cafe' written in rich black calligraphy. Passing my stilled body, Taehyung had taken the lead and pushed the large door open, which resulted in a small golden bell chiming above our heads along with the warm greeting of the barista inside. The lush smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked bread filled our senses, I inhaled deeply taking in the scents and sounds before looking back over to Tae.
He had quickly gestured for me to find a place for the two of us while he would go get our drinks. Nodding my head in approval I turned around and made my way through the mazes of tables before reaching the large stone fireplace. A small wooden table was placed in front, two plush chairs lined the ends as they both were able to soak in the heat from the ongoing fire.
I quickly plopped down into the chair on the right, the fire instantly warming my body and lulling my brain into a fine relaxation. I couldn't help but take in the surrounding environment, the walls were made of what looked like rustic bricks while picture frames lined the walls, filled with articles and newspapers of any major event that had taken place since the shop had opened. Turning my head I took in the dark oak wood that made up the floor, it was very well taken care of considering how many people walked on it daily. But much like the floor the counters of the bar had the same dark wood wrapped around them, twisting with different colors letting you know it was specially picked.
The lights that hung from the ceiling were dim, illuminating the room enough to see but not to the point it was headache-worthy. On the other side, the windows that lined the from of the shop were covered with thick curtains, letting in just enough of the cloud filtered light to illuminate the room more, but still giving the effect of it being later than it actually was.
It was a comfortable cafe, enough that one could forget their problems as they walked in, letting them truly rest in the peacefulness and nurse their coffee until they absolutely had to leave. I leaned my head onto my hand, tilting it to the side as I stared at the customers of the day.
A few groggy college kids sat at the surrounding tables, earbuds snug in their ears as they tipped away on their laptops. A pair of early rising elderly ladies who shared photos of how big their grandchildren were getting. An occasional business man would walk in and check his watch every now and then, but immediately after he would sip his coffee and close his eyes, enjoying the peace.
But what always catches my attention is the the wooden steinway piano that is placed to my right. It's grand body was molded to the the corner, as it had never been moved since the first time Tae and I had come here. The polished wood shone dully in the minimal light, it's image brightened by the row of ivory keys shimmering underneath the lone light placed above them.
The shop occasionally hires people to play it from time to time but there's a small piece of paper that rests on the music stand the lets people know that if they get an urge to play a melody or two that they are more than welcome. Occupying the stool at the moment is a middle aged man with graying hair. His hands slide effortlessly across the ivory keys, indicating that he has been playing for quite some time. Several songs later, his tone changes and he starts playing what I would assume to be his own rendition of my funny valentine. The melody goes perfectly with the atmosphere of the coffee shop only adding more warmth to the small establishment.
My mind starts drifting into the lull of the sweet song and before I know it, my eyes have closed and I'm on the brink of drifting to sleep. The scraping of the wooden legs of the chair and the oak floor meeting brings me back to my surroundings. He slides the warm mug across the table and I lace my fingers around its body to collect the warmth that is escaping its exterior. Tae and I have been coming here since we became partners in the police academy.
" That took you a lot longer than I expected it to take. You didn't get lost on the way to the counter did you? I figured it was a pretty straight shot so there probably wasn't a lot of room to mess up." I say teasingly.
"Yeah well I got a little held up" he added while tilting back the lip of the cup to his mouth.
Turning around I could see a barista running the cash register, I was too far away to make out her features but I would guess that she was pretty since she had long brown hair and most of the guys who walked away from the counter all had stupid grins on their faces. Seeing that she has taken an interest in my partner, I decided to go in for the kill.
"Ohhhhhhhhh so it was the barista who was getting all of your attention. You sly dog." I poke trying to get a reaction.
"I'm really not sure at what your trying to get at" he responds.
"Come on Taehyung. I've known you for almost two years and for all that time you haven't had one girlfriend. Actually you haven't even looked in a girls direction. This morning that jogger was practically on top of you ready to call you daddy and you shook her hand. You. Shook. Her. Hand! Is there something you're hiding from me? Taehyung, are you gay?." prodding a little harder I can tell that he's getting frustrated and starting to take my bait.
"I just don't time for girls okay!? Geez get off my back!" with that he abruptly slides his chair back with an obvious amount of attitude.
"Hey where are you going?"
Stomping off towards the empty hallway, he left me sitting there. A look of shock painting my face at his sudden reaction. He didn't have to get upset about it, it was just a joke and if he really was gay then he shouldn't feel like he needs to hide it from me.
A couple of minutes pass by before Tae come strolling out of the bathroom door.
"Okay let's go." Tae says sternly making it clear that he wouldn't be adding anything else to the conversation.
There was a long silence in the car as we drove back to HQ. I can honestly count on one hand how many times that Tae has actually been mad enough at me to not be talking to me. I go to turn the radio on to break the silence but he immediately squashes my efforts by turning it off just to make sure that he's getting his point across. A couple more minutes of silence pass before I finally cave in to mend the situation.
"I'm sorry" I mumble.
"Hmmmmmm did I hear something? No it was probably just a bug."
"Taehyung! Don't call me a bug!!"
I was answered with silence.
"Tae seriously I'm sorry. If I had known that it was going to upset you so much then I wouldn't have said anything. I just figured that since you're such a nice guy that maybe it would be good for you to date. It would take your mind out of the shit that we have to deal with on a daily basis. And to add on top of it you're nice even when you're angry. Like no other guy I know would hold open the door for someone their angry at..." I continue babbling without any hint of stopping.
"Its fine. There really isn't any need to worry about it. I'm just not a relationship kind of guy that's all." He reached over and turned on the radio until it was a slight hum all the while never once looking over at me. Leaving the conversation at that he quickly made it clear that I was slightly forgiven, but with the low volume of the radio he wasn't interested in talking anymore.  
Letting out a playful huff of air I crossed my arms and slouched in the passenger seat. My eyes met Taehyung's playful ones for but a second, but that was all I needed for me to know he was back to his grumpy yet happy self.
"Let's get back to HQ"
The slight screeching of the tires could be heard as we came to a full stop, Tae luckily didn't pull another stunt and use the sirens illegally again. He quickly placed the car in park, unclipping his seat belt quickly after, then hopped out with an instant response of throwing his arms up in the air to stretch out his back as if we were sitting forever.
"You act so much like an old man, should I start looking for retirement plans for you?" I snickered while getting out of the car. He quickly shot back a glare and pressed the lock button on his keys twice until the car beeped in response.
"Did you grab the evidence?"
He looked over and quickly nodded in a quick effort of praise as we walked into the large building. Automatic glass doors slid open as we approached them, the brown paper bag felt heavy in my hand as the slight knowledge of a dead girls blood, hair, skin cells, everything, was wrapped perfectly in cold plastic containers.
"If we're lucky Team 2 will let us test the evidence in their lab again."
"What? Why don't we just call-"
"No. I don't wanna call that nutcase back, he's perfectly fine on vacation."
I furrowed my eyebrows at his cold response, an obvious look of annoyance crossed his face as I brought up our other partner. When we graduated the academy and applied here together as partners we were placed in Team 4, a rookie team at the time that only had 1 person. So we became a full team with the help of our trusty forensic scientist, aka the bane of Taehyung's existence for some odd reason.
As we exited the elevator, we quickly took a sharp left and waltzed our way towards the large grey door that held a black '4' on it. As well as small stickers of flowers, cats, and dogs that surrounded the bleak number. Throwing the door open Taehyung quickly made his way inside, heading straight for our coffee table.
The room was rectangular, but the medium sized lab took up most of the right side of the room, leaving the space outside in an 'L' shape. Tae and my desks were placed in the middle of the room, my back facing the glass windows of the lab while Tae looked directly into it--as his desk was placed in front of mine.
Sliding the brown bag onto my desk, papers shuffling about and nearly falling off my desk, I heaved my body into my rolly chair. Giving it a good spin before coming to a halt to stare at my partner.
"When should we go to the boss?" I twirled the chair once again, Tae following my actions but in his own chair hidden from my view.
"'I'm not sure, if anything he'll call us up there when it's time."
Stopping my chair once again I leaned over my desk and peered into his space, very few personal decorations filled his desk. A photo of his parents and him tacked onto his cork board, the small cactus I gave him for our 2 year anniversary--as he refused to go out to go out to dinner if it was the 3 of us.
"I'm not gonna wait until he gets pissed enough and come running down the hall to kick my ass." I glared at the brown haired male.
"It wouldn't just be you."
"Bullshit, You manage to get out every time he starts to go off."
"That's not true."
"Name one time you stayed through the whole thing." I raised my eyebrow studying each of his quirks go off as he furrowed his brow and began to chew on his lip--his bad habit to do while he's thinking. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish as each time flew past his memory, all proving me right.
"Fine, you win, but we're still going to ask Team 2."
Grinning in satisfaction I quickly nodded an empty confirmation to his request and picked up the phone. Dialling Team 2's leader I slowly looked at each of my nails, inspecting them for any dirt that may have burrowed their way under my nails.
"Team 2 speaking-"
A sharp knock sounded at the door gaining both of our attention, flinging the phone into Tae's large hands we both made a silent pray between the two of us. Praying it wasn't our boss.
I slowly walked forward, my boots pushing heavily into the carpeted ground. My heart rose to my throat, the room was silent except for the knocking that sounded again and Taehyung's pleading for Team 2's help. Slight grumbling could be heard on the other side of the door, and just as my hand reached the cold metal knob--the warmth already escaping my hand in seconds. The door was flung open, a blonde haired male stood on the other side. A wide grin etched into his face as our eyes met.
"I heard you guys needed your Forensic Scientist back!"
He quickly ran past the open door and wriggled himself into my unsuspecting arms, a laugh bubbled from my stomach as I greeted him.
"No fucking way." Tae growled, dropping the phone back onto the receiver--hanging up on Team 2 all together.
"I missed you sweetheart." He laced his hand into my hair and ruffled it, a large grin placed on both of our faces.
"I missed you to, Jimin."
16 notes · View notes
seraph-novak · 6 years
fake relationship fake relationship fake relationship pleASE !!
Thank you to the two people who requested this prompt! I’ve been really sick these past couple days (so this is probably terrible, I’m sorry) but I really enjoyed writing this 😊
Also available on AO3 ♥
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Cyrus asked, twisting his hands together as he and TJ approached the dance room. “I know it’s a lot to ask…”
“It’s fine,” TJ reassured him. There was a gentle smile on his face, and it made Cyrus’ stomach flutter pathetically. He slung an arm around Cyrus’ shoulders and added, “It might be fun, actually.”
Cyrus snorted. “I didn’t know you liked to dance.”
“I don’t. But it’s fun to step out of your comfort zone now and again, right?”
“I guess…” Cyrus wasn’t one for reaching beyond his limit, but TJ’s easy confidence made him feel a little better. If TJ, the most popular boy in school, was willing to go to a dance class for him, the least Cyrus could do was try and enjoy it. Even if it meant facing Izzy again.
When they stepped into the dance room, most of Cyrus’ classmates were already paired up with their partners. The week before, their teacher had instructed them to bring someone else along to take part in today’s class, and naturally everyone had opted to bring their boyfriends and girlfriends with them. Cyrus couldn’t bear the thought of being the only person without a romantic partner, so he’d asked TJ to pretend to be his boyfriend. It was only so he could get Izzy off his back, so he didn’t have to suffer her patronising comments for the rest of the year.
“Last chance to back out,” Cyrus whispered to TJ, hyper aware of the arm still draped over his shoulders, hugging warmth into his body.
TJ gave him a comforting squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere, Underdog.”
Before Cyrus could thank him for the billionth time, Izzy marched over to them, her poor boyfriend trailing behind like a dog on a lead. Her white-blonde hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and her perfectly shaped lips were glossy and pink. She looked like a Disney Princess come to life, and it made Cyrus feel small and ugly in comparison.
As if sensing his discomfort, TJ pulled him closer.
“I see you actually found someone to bring,” Izzy said, flashing Cyrus a fake smile. “It’s a shame he’s only a friend though. Everyone else has brought their partners.” She shook her head slowly, feigning sympathy. “But I’m so proud of you, Cyrus. It must take a lot of bravery to show up today, knowing you’re the only one without a significant other.”
TJ rolled his eyes at her smarmy tone of voice, grabbing Cyrus’ hand and lifting it up for her to see. “Actually,” he said, a smug grin devouring his face, “we’re dating. I’m his boyfriend.”
Izzy gawped at him. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“But you’re TJ Kippen,” she said, desperately turning to her boyfriend for backup. “You’re the captain of the basketball team. You can’t be gay!” She wrinkled her nose. “And even if you were, why would you be dating Cyrus Goodman, of all people?”
Cyrus could feel TJ turning stiff with anger beside him, and he tugged at his hand in an effort to steer him away from the conversation.
“Just drop it, TJ. It doesn’t matter.”
“No.” TJ gritted his teeth and took a step closer to Izzy, his eyes seething with rage. “If you’ve got something to say about my boyfriend, then say it to my face. Come on. I wanna know. What makes you think you’re so much better than him?”
Izzy opened and closed her mouth, like a fish out of water. “I… I never said I was better than him.”
“But you implied it. And don’t think I don’t know about all the crap you’ve been giving him since he joined this class.” TJ looked her up and down, not even trying to hide his disgust. “You think because you’re pretty on the outside, that makes you a good person? Well, Cyrus is fucking beautiful. Inside and out.” He scoffed. “And if you think you’re better than that, then I’ve got news for you, sweetheart. You’re delusional.”
Cyrus held his breath, flicking his eyes between TJ and Izzy as he waited for someone to add to the argument. The rest of the class was watching them in silence, and Izzy’s boyfriend was staring at the ground, the ghost of smirk on his lips. TJ had completely destroyed Izzy in a matter of seconds, in front of all the people she strived the most to impress.
“You can’t talk to me like that,” she said after a while, once she’d realised no one was coming to her defence.
TJ lifted an eyebrow. “I think you being an ass to my boyfriend gives me every right to talk to you like that.”
“But, but –”
The double doors on the opposite side of the room suddenly burst open, and a middle-aged woman with a messy bun bouncing on top of her head came barrelling through. She was carrying one of those retro CD players with a handle, and all of the students in the room fell completely silent upon her arrival.
“That’s the teacher,” Cyrus explained to TJ. “Miss Stevens.”
Izzy shot them both a glare, then dragged her boyfriend back to their places. Cyrus decided to hang back, so TJ wouldn’t feel so exposed. Plus, the further away from Izzy they were, the better.
Miss Stevens placed the CD player in the corner of the room, then turned back to her students with a critical eye, clearly getting a feel for the newbies in the class. Her eyes lingered on TJ for a moment longer than anyone else, almost as if she was surprised to see a popular jock amongst the crowd. Once she was satisfied, she clapped her hands together.
“I see everyone’s partnered up already,” she said.
There was a murmured reply of yeses.
“Good.” Miss Stevens gave them a shark-like grin, her eyes gleaming at the prospect of having twice the amount of students to torture. “I appreciate you all taking the time out of your other classes to join us today.”
Cyrus glanced at TJ. He knew his friend was missing basketball for this, and that was a pretty big deal. Perhaps it was selfish of him to ask TJ to do this… But then the other boy caught his eye and gave him a dazzling smile, and all his insecurities faded away. TJ was here by choice, not because Cyrus had forced him. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of hope in his chest. What if TJ liked him as more than a friend? Was that really so impossible? He kept replaying the conversation with Izzy in his mind, his heart clenching at the memory of TJ calling him beautiful in front of the entire class. But that was just TJ playing the part he’d asked him to play. Nothing more. Right?
For the next hour, Cyrus and TJ followed Miss Stevens’ instructions to a T, holding each other like a couple in love as they moved their feet to the music. Cyrus was lost in TJ’s eyes for the most part. He was dancing in a daze, his body responding to TJ’s movements with ease. It was like he was watching himself from above, completely untethered from his usual self-consciousness. TJ made him feel comfortable and happy, and he loved the thrill of his hands touching him, guiding him. In TJ’s arms, he felt at home.
“Okay, class!” Miss Stevens shouted above the music, winding her way through the dancing bodies to the back of the room again. “That’s enough for today.”
Cyrus was reluctant to let go of TJ, but if he held on for too long, it would look suspicious. He couldn’t let TJ know his feelings for him had shifted from platonic to something more over the past few months. He wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet, not when the most likely scenario ended in heartbreak.
“That was wonderful,” Miss Stevens applauded. “Especially you two boys in the back.”
It took Cyrus a moment to realise she was talking about him and TJ.
“There was so much passion between you,” Miss Stevens continued. “So much chemistry. I could practically feel the love radiating off you both.”
Cyrus flushed. He could only imagine how embarrassing this must be for TJ, to have everyone in the room believe he was in love with Cyrus. But when he dared to look at the other boy, TJ was smiling at him softly, his cheeks glowing as he took Cyrus’ hand and kissed it front of everyone, eliciting a chorus of ‘aw’s from the girls in the room. Izzy, on the other hand, looked furious.
Once everyone had left to freshen up, Cyrus took the opportunity to talk to TJ in private. His heart was aching with the knowledge that his time as TJ Kippen’s boyfriend was over, but that didn’t deter him from saying the words that had to be said, despite the risk of accidentally saying too much and revealing his crush.   
“Thank you,” he said, starting off simply. TJ was still holding his hand, and Cyrus forced himself to let go. “You didn’t have to do this. And what you said to Izzy… I really appreciate you sticking up for me like that.”
TJ surprised him by reaching for his hand again. “That’s what boyfriends are for.”
Cyrus huffed a laugh. “You don’t have to keep pretending anymore, TJ. Everyone’s gone. It’s just us.”
“I’m not pretending.”
TJ licked his lips and took a step closer, cradling Cyrus’ hand against his chest. “I don’t wanna be your fake boyfriend, Underdog. I want this to be real. You and me. Together. What d’you think?”
Cyrus stared back at him, completely dumbstruck. This conversation had taken a very unexpected turn. He’d been prepared for TJ to figure everything out, to see through Cyrus’ poorly disguised feelings and let him down gently. But now TJ was suggesting… what? That they start dating for real? It didn’t make any sense. Was this TJ’s way of telling Cyrus he had feelings for him? Real feelings? It seemed like the only logical explanation, and yet –
“You’re not gay,” Cyrus said dumbly, his cheeks burning the moment the words left his mouth. It wasn’t exactly fair to assume TJ’s sexuality, but the idea of the boy of his dreams actually being gay seemed too good to be true.
TJ chuckled. “Um, yeah I am.”
“Since when?”
Cyrus slapped a hand over his face. “I’m so sorry. That was a stupid thing to ask, I just… I don’t know how to respond to this.”
“If you don’t feel the same way, that’s fine,” TJ said, but the crack in his voice betrayed his true feelings. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, and it broke Cyrus’ heart. “I promise I won’t get upset.”
Cyrus squeezed his hand tightly, afraid that TJ might let go. “I do feel the same way!” he insisted with a little too much enthusiasm. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. “I do feel the same way. I’ve had the biggest crush on you for months! I just never thought you’d like me like that.”
TJ frowned. “But you’re amazing. Why wouldn’t I like you?”
“Because we’re complete opposites.” Cyrus shrugged. “Izzy was right. It doesn’t make any sense that the most popular boy in school would wanna date someone like me.”
TJ pressed a hand against his cheek. His palm was warm and slightly sweaty, and Cyrus couldn’t resist leaning into it, allowing TJ to stroke a thumb across his jawline. He watched TJ swallow thickly, his throat rising and falling in slow motion. He looked almost as nervous as Cyrus felt.
“I don’t care how different we are,” TJ whispered. “You’re the only guy I wanna be with.”
Cyrus glanced down at his lips, his heart close to bursting with giddiness. “You’re the only guy I wanna be with too,” he admitted softly. A gigantic smile broke across his face. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
TJ grinned. “Me neither. When you asked me to be your fake boyfriend, I hoped… I mean, I’ve watched rom-coms before. I know how this usually goes. But still…” He laughed, ducking his head to kiss Cyrus’ fingers again. “I’ve wanted this for so long, it feels like I’m dreaming or something. Is that pathetic?”
“No!” Cyrus winced and lowered his voice. “I feel exactly the same way. So, if anything, we’re both pathetic.”
TJ smiled. “I’m okay with that.”
The fondness in his eyes was too much to bear. Cyrus felt himself melt at the sight of TJ’s gorgeous, grinning face, his own smile growing twice in size as TJ wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him forward, their noses bumping together in the process.
“You know,” he said, spreading his hand across TJ’s chest, “we have this entire room to ourselves… It would be a shame to waste it.”
TJ quirked an eyebrow. “What’re you suggesting?”
“I’m not suggesting anything,” Cyrus said. “I’m asking you to dance with me. And maybe go on a date with me too?”
TJ tugged him closer, and Cyrus sucked in a gasp. Their lips were practically touching, the warmth of their combined breath tingling against his skin. If he tilted his face and leaned forward, he’d be kissing TJ Kippen. It was scary and exhilarating all at the same time, and it was enough to make Cyrus stumble back a few steps, overwhelmed by the unspoken possibilities hanging in the air between them. TJ touched the small of his back and steadied him, his eyes glittering with silent laughter.
“I know I’m dreamy, but there’s no need to go fainting on me.”
Cyrus gave him a playful shove. “Do you wanna dance with me or not?”
“I thought we already were.”
Cyrus yelped as TJ span him around, extending his arm and unravelling Cyrus like a ball of string. He pulled him back with a gentle tug and started swaying from side to side, his other hand falling to Cyrus’ hips.
“Too much?”
“No!” Cyrus grabbed onto TJ’s shoulder and smiled. “This is good. I just don’t wanna step on you.”
“You won’t,” TJ reassured him. “You’re a natural.”
Cyrus beamed. “So, about that date?”
“Well, I’m actually kind of busy right now… I’m dancing with a really great guy. But after that, I’m free.”
“You’re such a dork.”
“You love it.”
Cyrus looped an arm around TJ’s waist and dipped him backwards, smirking as TJ’s eyes opened wide with shock. He bent forward and pressed a featherlight kiss to his lips, his heart lurching at the feeling of TJ’s mouth against his own.
“You’re right,” he said, still hovering over TJ with a breathless smile. “I do love it.”
221 notes · View notes
So I got high as fuck and watched Twilight for the first time in 6 years and made a list of the thoughts running through my head. Anyways it’s under the cut, enjoy lol
Dramatic entry....
I don’t understand what she’s saying
Oh my god look at her stupid fucking cactus it’s so small and dumb
Why does she sound so miserable
Charlie her hair?? Really??
How is their house so big with one fucking bathroom
Charlie really had someone else decorate her room omg
Why is he such a good fucking dad. I want to cry
“Still dancin”..... aight, billy 
Jacob looks so fucking angsty
She’s so excited about this huge ugly piece of shit truck how is she straight
Did it ever get explained in the series where the fuck Jacob goes to school
“Nice ride” ahah SOOOO FUNNY
I don’t remember his name but why is he such a try hard
*Ball comes at Bella* bella: fUCK
Jessica: stay the FUCK away from my man
Jessica you weird
Mike stop
Who tf is that dude omg he just took his fucking chair
Oh my god Jess when she says eating disorders aakkskakdn
This background music does not fit the characters
Yeah they live together omg
How convenient. A family full of people who fuck each other except ONE
Why they got a fan in the classroom
No introduction to the new kid? Unrealistic. Blocked.
Stop staring at each other what the shit bruh
Just jump tf out the classroom damn
Edward trying to slam the door omggg
How she gonna know you Santa when you dressed normal, tf
Just grab the ketchup
Jesus Christ just talk to each other
Goodbye cell phone then
Day one and you’re doing homework ok
Why is Edward so fucking cringey
He couldn’t handle it so he just stayed home fucking pussy
They just straight up threw a fucking rock at her
Things were getting strange AFTER he stops going to school hmmmmm?
Seriously their house is good sized
This bitch just fucking ate shit what a clumsy gay
“You’re not in Phoenix anymore”
“I need your playlist”
Why is EVERYONE hitting on Bella. She doesn’t even look straight
“Hello” bruuhhhh
His voice, TF
What is the golden onion
Why does he talk like... that
Bonding over science. Haha. Get it. Bonding
“How’s the weather”
Cold n wet. Cool
He laughin. Lmao
Aw his smile
I feel so awkward watching this conversation
Why doesn’t this bitch just sit tf still Jesus Christ
“Wait hOLD UP why didn’t you go with your mom and Phil just curious haha I’m just trying to analyze you no biggie”
The fluorescents. Walks away. ????
How tf did this mf even manage to almost crash like what. How did it even happen
He out this mf
Everyone just like. Sat there for so long not doing anything??? Then BAM OMG BELLA ALSKAJNCKDO”
Carlisle is so fucking white Jesus
Did she never notice his eyes are the same color as Edwards
Fuckin snitch omg Carlisle is not happy
“Hey ex wife our daughter almost died lol call me back”
They are really just arguing in the middle of the hospital tf?
I was standing right next to you....
why does he look like that
Rude ass tf?
Edgy moon
Tf she dreaming about
Wait so like he didn’t even start out with anything low key he just straight up fucking watched her sleep after knowing her a week
God why does he look like that. All the time
Poor mike oh my god
She’s lived here a week how does she already have plans conveniently the night of prom. Get a better excuse Bella
Recycled tea
Why is he so fucking creepy “what’s in Jacksonville” mf HOW you know
Rude ass again what the shit
Why would Bella care if you go to prom with mike, Jessica
“We shouldn’t be friends” no one said you were???
“Our bus is full” 💀
Call your fucking mother you asshole
Charlie don’t talk about Phil
She just walks tf out lmaoooo
How did anyone NEVER say anything about them NEVER eating lunch
He just bounced a fuckin apple
Stop being so cryptic what the fuck
“Let’s say for arguments sake that I’m not smart” bitch me too the fuck
“What if I’m... the villain” shut up you fucking emo oh my god
Come to the beach lol
This is all so awkward
Why did they like hardly ever show Angela
“You’re a strong independent woman” how do people think she’s straight
“The Cullen’s don’t come here” so fucking dramatic
“Yeah yeah whatever enough of you, what about the CULLENS”
Wait. How long have the Cullen’s been around? How long ago was the treaty made???
This music is so fucking dramatic
Oh no it’s Santa....
These bitches gay as fuck too James looks so fucking gay
How is it the entire time she’s trying to figure out the Cullen’s not ONCE does she question the quilietes being descended from FUCKING WOLVES
All these prom dresses boring as fuck
Like what the fuck even is that material
Jess is fucking... phat
“Sorry I don’t do prom dresses I just like really wanna go to this bookstore”
I don’t even want to know what would have happened if Edward didn’t come get her from these creeps...
She legit is about to get gang raped and like. No one ever said anything about this guys what the fuck
Why does Edward look like a fucking crack addict
“Sorry I just REALLY wanna murder these guys”
You should put YOUR seat belt on
“Yeah were gonna do everything that consists of a date but it’s not a date ok?”
No way that tiny bitch is gonna eat that whole ass plate
I’m gonna make sure YOU eat but I won’t alright?
Fucking math nerd
How DID he know she was there???
“I feel very protective of you even though I’ve known you for like less than a month”
He can read minds it’s no biggie
“Cat” bitch me too!!!
I can’t read YOUR mind tho sorry
Wait so why are certain vampires given gifts?
I don’t wanna stay away from you anymore lol
Ooooo our dads are here
“Animal attack” *GLARE*
“Idk what to say I’m so sorry”
Animals are attacking and you give her pepper spray?
Why tf did they roll his whole ass body out in plain view why the hell was he not in a body bag!!!!
“Oh OKAY everything is starting to come together”
What is this dramatic dream where he’s all emo drinking her blood what the fuck is happening
“Follow me into the woods just trust me”
I don’t find it believable that he speaks like he’s from a different time. His dialect would change with time. Imagine him in 2018 fuckin yeet this and dab that lmaoooo
Why when he runs his legs move and nothing else
How fast are they even going
Diamonds are a girls best friend. And vampires.
“I’m a killer” on cool aha I’m just chillin alone in the woods with u haha no biggie
Why are you being so dramatic Edward
He just yeeted that fucking rock lol
“I’ve never wanted to kill anyone until you”
You’re my drug....
his voice is cracking me tf up
“I’m not afraid of you I’m afraid of losing you” you fucking emo
I want to die
I zoned out an all I heard was “sick masochistic lion” .... alright
Let’s just lay in the grass in the middle of the fucking woods it’ll be cute!!!
Do they just. Stare at each other and not talk...
Why do they use sound effects for his skin lmao
“My crush is a vampire lol ❤️”
What’s Monte Carlo
Everyone is staring lmaoooo
The siblings are not happy lmao
Why would you turn someone into a vampire like there is no logical reason to be like “you’re dying so I’m gonna make you live FOREVER”
They’re just chillin in the rain lmao
Literally tho like being a vampire would be pointless and fucking torture Jesus Christ why would you force that on a dying person
“Wanna meet the fam lol jk u have no choice”
The fucking stare down between Edward and Jacobs dad I’m fucking deceased
“Just keepin it real, son” broooo
Does anyone remember at one point in this series Edward and Jacob just fucking switched Bella off like what the shit was that was I just hallucinating
They cooked for her :(
How long has it been since they cooked
Esme is my soul mate
We NEVER use the kitchen
Jesus CHRIST Rosalie chill the FUCK out
Calm down you FUCKING drama queen
Please don’t kill me lol
Alice you Sapphic ass coming in on a fuckin tree branch
“Bella and I are gonna become great friends” does... does she KNOW. You know bc she can see the future
Alice is so cheery oh god
I too would be dramatic enough to frame all of my several graduation caps
I don’t... sleep
Like he doesn’t even need a chair like their legs never get tired. If they wanted to they could just stand every second of every day
Edward it is the 21st century catch up on the tunes, man
The face she made when he twirled her lmaooo
“I’ll MAKE you dance” .... alright
Why did they like. Move midair
This tree jumping shit just does not look scientifically accurate
“This kind of stuff just doesn’t exist” ... the woods?
Let’s sit in a fucking tree and just talk forever
I wonder who wrote the song Edward wrote. It’s actually... good???
Why is the footprint on top of this fucking mound of dirt lol
Hey hey you You I don’t like your boyfriend
I would kill for Charlie
No one like ACTUALLY questions why a HUMAN foot print is found in the murder scene
He just fucking comes out of nowhere fuck
How much time does this movie take the course over “only the last couple months” ????
“There’s always something I wanted to try” *kisses bella* you gonna tell me you’re 100+ years old and a virgin???????
This kissing scene must have been so awkward
He just fucking. Zooms back into the wall
Does Charlie not hear any of this???
Edward. She needs to sleep bro
I’m sorry but if my partner never slept I would never sleep with them like don’t fucking watch me sleep the shit???
He just fucking loves his gun
What is he doing over his head ??
We’re just gonna play a family game of baseball lol
Charlie cares so much :(
Charlie doesn’t even question that they’re going to play baseball in a thunderstorm
The baseball scene is in my top iconic scenes in cinematic history
Why do they keep the field so small if they hit the ball so far ???
Emmet my fuckboy baby
When emmet and Edward collide. Iconic.
These gay ass Mfers and their dramatic entrances
Why is putting her hair up going to help. It’s not her hair they smell it’s her blood? Right??
Vampires just go around claiming territory??
All around America??
James knows
Why do they hiss....
The fucking Cullen clan all just bend their knees and hiss like what the shit
“I can buckle MYSELF Edward”
This all went 0-100 real quick
Edward step up your acting game. Monotone ass mf
Charlie is so fucking confused
What even is she grabbing
Ok but Charlie’s so supportive of her and like all he cares about is her being safe oh my god
And he never knows that she didn’t mean any of what she said :((((((
That would fucking kill me oh my god poor Charlie
When they land on her truck... where are they coming FROM...
“Her kind” ... gingers?
Rosalie has a point...
Laurent was just a third wheel
Why do they drive so fast
How the hell was Bella even going to explain this to her mom??? What was her plan.
James.... Jesus your fucking face...
How did he get into the high school
You fucking dumbass you just gonna. Fight a fucking vampire? What is her plan? Fight him? Show up and take her mom and get out???
Also how did she even sneak past Alice and jasper
Wait how did he get this video
You dumb as shit bitch!!!
You can’t fight a vampire the fuck!!!
Why is the part where James shoved Edward against the mirror so sexually tense
This whole fucking ballet studio scene is just too dramatic
Why is she convulsing tho. Is that how it is when you turn into a vampire??? You fucking have a seizure???
Alice fucking SNAPPED
This whole series could have ended right here if they just let her fucking change into a vampire right then and there
Shut the fuck up and suck, Edward
Why her face look like.... that
Carlisle just PUSH HIM
Why are the tubes like ON her eyeballs
Edward sleeping... ha
The whole falling down the stairs bullshit story is so fucking ridiculous lmaoooo
“You’re texting” this movie is so old
Which leg is broken???
I almost killed you lol sorry. Also get the fuck out of Forks
Bella: *insert lady from lipstick in valentino bag vine*
Ok so her right leg is in the cast but in the hospital she was chillin in the bed with her right leg bent?
Jacob where did you come from lmao
“My dad paid me to come talk to you”
“Also you need to break up with your boyfriend”
The instant tension between Edward and Jacob and Bella is so fucking oblivious
“The wolves descend” REALLY EDWARD
Was their senior prom ever mentioned in the series???
She’s so fucking short omg
This music: A++
No seriously what is with everyone’s dresses being so ugly
“I want you always” bitch you just met like 2 months ago???
Bella is so desperate for the dick that she wants to become a fucking vampire
She actually thought he was gonna bite her at prom lmao????
They kiss so awkwardly
Victoria looks so jealous
And hot
Where is she going
Oh it’s over ok cool gn
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
Mod’s Reads: February 2018
Here’s the list of everything the Mods have read this past month!
Mod Iamnmbr3
The Wedding of Bucky Barnes by stephrc79 (complete | 67,805 | T )
This is the story of how an instagramming, trolling, pain in the ass got married to an equally annoying, artistic, bossy, stubborn blond oaf.
Or, you know, how one James Buchanan Barnes, Instagram Extraordinaire, married Captain America himself, one Steven Grant Rogers.
between everything, yourself, and home by napricot (complete | 24,396 | E )
This is your home?” asks Bucky at one point. “It’s where I’m living now, yeah.” Bucky comes home. Steve's a little slower on the uptake.
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter (Zimario) (WIP | 53,118 | M )
“They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
Broken White Boy by herecomesbucktofuckshitup (complete | 2,405 | T )
Shuri fixes Bucky Barnes.
ROGERS: An American Musical by HopeNight (complete | 11,317 | T )
In the MCU, instead of picking up a biography of Alexander Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda picks up a biography of Steve Rogers. This changes things. While the world goes insane for the musical, Steve and the man who believes himself to be Bucky Barnes find their own ways to take control of their narratives.
So here's the real question: How does a half-dead orphan born in the middle of a forgotten spot in the tenements of New York without a father and raised by a single mother grow up to be the first and only super soldier?
Tender, Like a Bruise by Bohemienne (complete | 1,932 | T )
Bucky is awake and healed, but Steve’s afraid of what it will mean.
There Is No Shortage of Blood* by alby_mangroves, Dira Sudis (dsudis) (WIP | 109,855 | E ) *past noncon 
The long slow recovery of Bucky Barnes after his escape from HYDRA.
(And the longer, slower recovery of his sex life.)
just goddamn marry me already, for fuck’s sake by newsbypostcard (complete | 6,376 | E )
“Do you,” Steve says, fingers newly tugging Bucky’s underwear until it starts to slide off his hips, “want to marry me, or not?”
Bucky sighs. “You know, in some circles people would consider this interrogation under duress.”
Mod Blue
In honor of v-day from spitandvinegar
For @silentwalrus1 , ANG Steve and Bucky sexting, incorporating a couple of very sensual lines from @pornhubcommentsonvalentines . I regret nothing.
The Job Between Here and There by Pohadka (complete | 40,336 | M)
He might be free from HYDRA’s command and making his own life now, but James Buchanan Barnes is far more lost than he’d ever been before. Nothing matches the vague memories he’s recovered so far, and the world has progressed far beyond needing soldiers. To find out what he wants, and how to get it, he just needs a little… Leverage.
Part 1 of The Job Between Here and There
It's Just Temporary by perfect_plan (complete | 52,615 | M)
Bucky Barnes has no idea what he wants to do with his life and is stumbling from one temp job to the next. Hopefully he can keep his new job at Stark Industries for longer than a week...
the cold never bothered me anyway by icoulddothisallday (complete | 75,562 | E)
Bucky Barnes has spent his whole life in a state of mild hypothermia. Steve Rogers has spent the last 70 years in the ice. The two things aren’t related until, suddenly, they are. Shrunkyclunks soulmate AU (AKA the awkward bb au).
The Wishing Stone by greenbergsays (onehot | 2,850 | E)
“Rogers,” Natasha said as she pushed her way into Steve’s bedroom. “We have a situation. Have you seen -- oh.”
She stopped short.
Behind her, she knew, was the sleek, expansive space of Steve’s apartment in Stark Tower; filled to the brim with the latest gadgets and sturdiest furniture Stark could find for his favorite super soldier.
The door to Steve’s bedroom, however, was a gateway to a completely different time and place.
How To Woo A Winter Demon by cleo4u2, xantissa (oneshot | 6,938 | T)
Steve slept in the ice for a long, long time. Longer than anyone thought possible. For over two thousand years before S.H.I.E.L.D. found and unfroze him. Yeah, the world was different and so were his team members. Team-creatures? Steve’s not sure what the politically-correct term is. There’s a lot of things he doesn’t know. What he does is that the demon living on the seventh sub-level is hot.
The Art Of Cooking For Two by littleblackfox (complete | 92,761 | M) (reread)
“Any questions?” “Uh. What the fuck am I doing here?” Bucky offers.
Writing His Own Happy Ending by LightningStriking (complete | 25,022 | E)
Bucky Barnes is a writer. A gay erotic fiction writer to be precise. With a successful career, a questionably functioning computer, and an addiction to watching cat videos while eating Chinese food. Steve Rogers is an editor. Of many things, not least of all, Bucky Barnes gay erotic fiction. A working relationship that was working just fine for both parties. Until, after years of communicating purely via e-mail, the two men meet in person. And Bucky quickly realizes that Steve not only has a fantastic eye for detail, he's got a smile that could melt any heart, and a body any one of Bucky's fictional heroes would die to touch. A sentiment Bucky shares. So how does Bucky begin his immediate campaign to win his way into Steve's bed, and his heart? By playing to his strengths. In other words, by writing a new series of sex filled stories staring a muscle bound blond and a seductively enticing brunet. Any resemblance to actual persons purely intentional. If editing Bucky's steamy stories hadn't given Steve all sorts of inappropriate fantasies before, it certainly does now...
seapup by wearing_tearing (oneshot | 1,765 | M)
There are a lot of monsters down in the deep dark sea, Steve included. But he is not prey and he is not about to let himself be eaten.
Into That Good Night by Nonymos (complete | 73,540 | E)
Steve Rogers has lived for entirely too long—long enough to see the world's end. The heroes are gone, and the Earth is pushing what's left of mankind towards the exit.
But when a makeshift team rises from the ashes, when a mysterious presence all but drags Steve there, he begins to think there may be hope yet. As they shoot for the stars one last time, Steve will get proof yet again that the future is nothing if not an echo of the past.
Other than that, this month Mod Blue fell into an Altered Carbon shaped hole. Please send help and/or Stucky Altered Carbon AUs with happy endings.
Mod Julia
Not the Jealous Type by justanothersong (oneshot | 3,377 | G)
“Oh, I get it,” Tony said, smug little grin playing across his features. “You’re all angsty because your partner took time off to hang out with his war buddy, and you’re cooped up here doing paperwork. Is that it?”
“Did I not just say to leave it alone?” Sam huffed in response.
Places left behind by Claudia_flies (oneshot | 7,175 | E)
As Steve approaches the door of the walk-in closet, there’s a sudden growl. It’s low and defensive, and Steve freezes. He’s only wearing a towel, he suddenly realizes stupidly.
“Jarvis?” he calls out.
“Yes, sir?” comes the clipped voice of the A.I over the comms system.
“Is there someone in the closet?”
a desert in my heart and nowhere to hide by endofadream (oneshot | 3,720 | E)
Steve struggles to push himself upright, already muttering, “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” and stops when Bucky’s metal hand clamps down onto the back of his neck. It’s hardly more than its usual gentle hold, but immediately Steve melts, tension leeching from his body even as his heart pounds in his chest.
Bucky draws in a ragged breath behind him. “Is that what you want?” he asks after a pause.
tutorial by belovedmuerto (oneshot | 2,362 | T)
“I’m pretty sure I’m a terrible kisser,” Steve mutters, mostly to his pencil and paper.
Still Learning Every Day by Nejinee (oneshot | 5,024 | M)
“Oh, don’t tell me you fell in love with a stripper. Come on, Steve. I’m too tired to go into Manhattan and fight some asshat for your virtue. Or would I have to dance for it?”
Steve loves Bucky, always has. He just never figured any other men would turn his head until he goes to a strip club and learns that it's not just women who can be strippers these days.
The Necrofloranomicon by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) (complete | 47,569 | T)
Bucky didn't want much. Just to keep his head down, to sell his flowers in peace, and to stay off Shield's radar. His life would have been a lot easier if his flowers weren't dead and if being a necromancer wasn't illegal, but easy or not, he was getting by. Steve didn't want much, either. He was happy working for Shield, he had good friends, and overall his life was going just about the way he wanted it. Problem was, being happy with your life was generally an invitation for fate to throw a spanner in the works—and in Steve's specific case, it was going to be a spanner named Bucky.
Fuck Valentine's Day by jinlinli (oneshot | 4,218 | T)
Steve and Bucky's friends finally get sick and tired of their obliviousness, so they set them up on a blind date on Valentine's Day. But of course, they think it's just a prank because they're idiots.
Ex Libris by CloudAtlas (oneshot | 8,066 | T)
When the last customer has been dealt with, Steve turns to his new companion with, “Hi. I’m Steve, I’m new,” and finds a guy about his own height, with a kind smile and his long hair in a messy bun.
“Hi,” the guy says. “I’m James and I’m old.”
Stupid Cupid (you're a real mean guy) by chicklette (oneshot | 6,846 | E)
It's February and the weather in Brooklyn in shitty. So when his best friend Bucky offers Steve a week-long, all expenses paid trip to Mexico, he figures, what could go wrong? So what if it's a couples-only resort. Over Valentine's Day.
The Roommate by layersofsilence, Niitza (complete | 28,632 | T)
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
No Faraway Shore by eyres (complete | 56,906 | T)
President James Barnes has spent his career saying that the defining moment of his life was when he discovered that Steve Rogers had sacrificed himself while Bucky had lain in a New York hospital bed with only one arm.
Now, Bucky would say it was when SHIELD told him Steve was alive.
The one where Bucky is President, Steve makes friends and enemies in the future, and a wedding in the Rose Garden has to wait until Hydra is defeated again.
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preeshera · 6 years
Rules: tag ten followers you want to know better!
I got tagged by lovely @nevermore-plutonianshore so here we go:
NAME: Angie
HEIGHT: 5′2″
WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? I don’t have one - not really a thing where I was born :D
1. Woodkid - Run Boy Run
2. The Dead South - Honey You
3. Amanda Seyfried - Little Red Riding Hood
4. Panic! at the Disco - Roaring 20
I’m at my friend’s place and funnily enough the only/closest book I have near me is the 5th edition D&D manual :D
“Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability ...”
Yeah, my friend and I used to write a lot of funny poems when we were in middle school and she wrote one about me, I think I was a magical frog or something. Oh, and then one other time a guy asked me out and I turned him down, after which he apparently wrote a poem about how I broke his heart (not sure how I feel about that).
Not for some time. Now, air drums, that’s a different story entirely.
Shakira, Cate Blanchett (Especially in Thor and Ocean’s 8, *fans herself in gay*), Lupita Nyong’o, Ezra Miller, and Lee Pace. 
Funny story, Shakira was my very first celeb crush, at the tender age of 6-7 when Wherever, Whenever first came out as a music clip of MTV (my home country’s version of it anyway, I mean, if you remember that clip you probably understand (and if you don’t, watch it, cause, wow - my gay ass never stood a chance). Anyways, so, me and my best friend at the time (a boy my age who lived next door) had a huge falling out over who would marry Shakira.
“You can’t marry Shakira,” he’d said accusingly, “you’re a girl!”
I glared him down and snapped: “Well, you can’t marry Shakira because you’re stupid!!”
Then I proceeded to ignore him for a week (which is like 10 years in primary school time) :’) I wish I was still this savage, ngl.
Not a fan of loud/shrill noises on the whole, but nothing particular, I don’t think.
I really like the sound (and smell) of microwave pop-corn. And the sea/ocean.
Absolutely! There is billions upon billions of stars in the known universe (which, btw, is constantly expanding! how cool is that, right?)
I think it would be extremely conceited to think that Earth is the only planet with intelligent life on it. I mean, we already know of hundreds of planets with good chances of life (considering atmospheric conditions), so, what I’m saying is, ALIENS!!
Nope. I have mild dispraxia that makes it difficult for me, among other things, to navigate spatially, judge distances, and I have very poor spacial coordination - that combined with my knowledge of classical mechanics, and human irresponsibility makes me frankly scared shitless of driving. Plus, I always get motion sick. I prefer not to travel in cars if I can help it, trains or walking all the way :D
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? No, though I have been in some (minor) accidents.
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Sadly, it was a chemistry textbook about Stabilization and Inhibition of Polymer Synthesis, however, before that I read Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market and Other Poems.
DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? Kinda? I mean, after being in a lab around organic solvents as much as I have been in the past few years, not very many smells bother me anymore TvT
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? Depends on the kind of ‘wrong’ we’re talking. Also, and this is probably the most important bit, if they ever apologized/showed any remorse. I can absolutely hold a grudge that would give Capulets and Montagues good solid run for their money. Equally though, I am pretty easy to forgive/forget if someone is genuinely sorry for what they’ve done.
IN A RELATIONSHIP? Yeah, my partner is an actual sunshine and I love them dearly <3 we’ve been together for a year and a half now :)
I tag @cockabeetle @bellsrandomness @lunalovegouda @fairy-princette @jormundgandr @suzimi @meowingatthesea @tricksterstucker @kleopatraphilopator @talathemidgetarts @enjolryas and anyone else who’d like to try :)
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itsme98z · 6 years
Logan’s New Relationship
Summary: Logan is in a new relationship and wonders if the others will accept it. 
Ships: Platonic LAMP, polyamorous (one character is), prinxiety.
Warnings: Some swear words, main focus on polyamory, secret relationships, mentions of negative things that happen to polyamorous people like getting beaten up, shunned, etc.(If you think of any more, please message me!)
Word count: 3,278
Links: Wattpad 
Logan couldn’t stop smiling. He felt like a bomb of happiness. He tried to contain it but that proved to be much harder than originally thought. It freaked him out a bit. Logan hadn’t been this happy in a long time and didn’t know how to handle it. “What would Patton or Roman do?” he thought. “Those two are endless rivers of emotion.” Should he sit and wait until it goes away? Should he try to make it go away? It was very intense, maybe too intense, but he loved it. He never wanted the feeling to go away.
When Logan came down the stairs from his surprise ‘business’ call, Virgil couldn’t help but stop and stare.
“Uh Virge, you good?” Roman asked. This shook Virgil out of his thoughts.
“Oh yeah. Look at Logan’s smile. I’ve never seen him smile like that before.”
“Oh? You upset that you couldn’t make him smile like that?” Roman teased. Virgil was not amused.
“Oh my God! Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Um, I didn’t mean it like that, J.D.-lightful.”
“Well, any way you meant it is stupid and wrong.” He paused pouting. He continued. “He’s so monotone all the time. I’ve never seen him that happy before. It’s freaking me out a bit. Like what made him so happy? Is he planning on killing someone or something?”
Logan could hear them loud and clear. They weren’t really trying to be discreet and quiet. He usually would be annoyed and scold them, but after their conversation, he lost it. He was laughing so hard that he had tears coming out of his eyes. It wasn’t even that funny and didn’t intend to be, but he was so slaphappy that he didn’t care. He let the feelings take over. Roman and Virgil stared at him. He laughed so loud and so hard that even Patton came out of the kitchen to stop and stare. After noticing the confused eyes on him, he lost it again. 
Virgil mumbled to Roman. “I told you, he’s gonna kill someone.”
“You good specs?”
Logan calmed himself down then answered. “Yes, I’m fine. It seems that I am better than fine,” he answered smiling.
“Well, I’m glad,” Patton said.
“By chance, why are you so happy?” Virgil asked worriedly.
“Oh my God, Virge! He’s not gonna kill us!”
“You don’t know that!”
This caused another set of giggles to surface from Logan. He tried to suppress them so they could have a decent conversation.
“I do want to know: why are you so happy, Lo?” Patton asked.
He paused his smile faltering. Logan didn’t know how to tell them yet. How would you tell anyone something like this? What would he say? “Hey, some guys I went on a date with recently asked me to be their boyfriend! Yup, guys, plural. There are two of them. That’s right. Everyone I’m polyamorous!” Instead, Logan came up with a lie. “I - I told you it was a business call. I got a promotion… and a pay raise,” he said finishing off with a smile, hoping to convince them.
“Oh! Lo, that’s great!” Patton declared.
“Yeah, nerd. Glad you’re getting the position and pay you deserve.”
Roman seemed convinced, and Patton completely believed him. But Virgil glared at him with confusion. He squinted his eyes seemingly trying to find anything that proved Logan was lying. But apparently found nothing.
“Yeah. Congrats buddy.”
Logan cleared his throat after being stared down and thanked the others.
“We need to celebrate your success!” Patton yelled.
Crap. “Oh no, Patton. That’s very thoughtful of you, but we really don’t have to.”
“Of course, we do Erlenmeyer trash!”
“Dramatic as always, Roman. And really, it’s fine.”
“Well alright Lo, if that’s what you want.” Patton was a bit sad and downcast which made Logan feel guilty. “It’s necessary. I need to keep this secret, at least for now.”
The next couple of weeks seemed to go by in a blur for Logan. When he was with his now boyfriends, time appeared to speed past. He wanted to spend every waking moment with them, to never let go of their embrace, to never stop kissing them. He cancelled plans with his friends over and over again. He gave half-assed, crappy excuses like, “I need to finish some work,” or “I’m tired,” or want to stay at home tonight.” He didn’t think much of his friends’ feelings as his new relationship had taken over most of his thoughts. He was very much an introvert, a quiet person, someone who likes time alone. But these new feelings were so strong that he hated the thought of being away from his partners. It was called it the honeymoon phase for a reason. It wasn’t until six weeks later that his friends confronted him through text.
Pat - ‘Hey Lo, you alright?’
Ro – ‘Yeah. Is everything Gucci Specs?’
Lo – ‘Yes. Everything is “Gucci.”’
V – ‘Falsehood. Buddy, you are hiding something. Why are you avoiding us? Do you not want to hang out with us?’
Lo – ‘First of all, falsehood is my thing.’
V – ‘Bite me.’
Lo – ‘Very mature. Second, I do want to hang out with you all.’
Ro – ‘It doesn’t seem like it.’
Lo – ‘I’m sorry about that.’
Pat – ‘It’s alright, Lo. But is everything okay? Is there anything going on?’
Lo – ‘Nothing major.’
Pat – ‘You know you can talk to us about anything.’
Lo – ‘Thanks, but again everything is fine. But I will admit that my recent actions have not been fair to you three. I apologize.’
Pat – ‘It’s okay Lo! You don’t have to worry!’
V – ‘Yeah, that my job pocket protector.’
V – ‘Calm down dad. Just a joke.’
Ro – Anyways, wanna hang out tomorrow?’
Pat – ‘Works for me!’
V – ‘Same here.”
Ro – ‘Lo?’
Lo – ‘Yeah. Tomorrow works for me. How about at my place?’
V – ‘You don’t have to yell princy.’
Ro – ‘This is through text.’
V – ‘…I have no regrets. Works for me nerd.’
Pat – ‘You two… Anyways, that’s sound perfect Lo.’
Lo – ‘Then it’s settled.’
That night Logan couldn’t think straight (I mean he’s not straight, but that’s not the point). He felt guilty that he dissed his friends. But he was also happy that everything was still okay between them. He knew it would be awkward, though, at least for him, as he was keeping such a huge secret. They knew he was gay and were okay with it. I mean Roman is gay and Patton is pansexual/panromantic. Virgil doesn’t quite know his orientation but knows he’s at least not straight. And Logan knows that something is definitely going on between Roman and Virgil. The constant glances and hand grazing are enough to convince anyone. And Patton has had this ‘thing’ for a colleague of his for the longest time. But Logan didn’t know how they would react to him being polyamorous. He tried to think logically about the whole situation and his feelings. But his fears kept getting the better of him. Because of this, he did something he hadn’t done in years: Write a journal entry. Granted he didn’t actually have a journal, so he ripped out a piece of paper and got to writing.
Dear journal (sort of journal, entry, paper, I don’t know),
My feelings are too much for me right now, so I decided to write everything down. Tomorrow my friends are coming over to ‘hang out’, and I’m terrified. I want to tell them that I’m polyamorous and tell them about my feelings, but I’m scared. How will they act? Will they hate me? Okay, they won’t hate me, but I don’t think they will be okay with it. Patton will try to seem kind and accepting but won’t understand and never accept it fully. Virgil will be upfront and honest and say what he’s thinking. I honestly believe what he will have to say will be negative. He likes consistency and normalcy, so this big change would cause his anxiety to worsen. And Roman, well he’s is fucking addicted to Disney. Disney is filled with monogamous relationships, even friendships. He also loves romance stories which are always, you guessed it, monogamous. He has this idea in his mind about romance and love that will be impossible to change. I don’t want to admit it, but I do not believe any of them will be okay with me in a relationship with multiple people at once. Maybe one day I can be open about myself, about my feelings, but I don’t think that will be anytime soon.
                                     -Logan Sanders
After he finished writing, a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. His conclusion wasn’t a good one, but at least he was able to get his feelings out without having to talk to anyone about it. He wasn’t good at talking about his feelings. “I should journal more often.” He folded the paper and set it near the end of his desk. He stood up and stretched. He then walked over to his closet to get ready for bed, not realizing the paper had fluttered to the floor.
It was the next day and the four friends were sitting on the couch talking about everyday things. The atmosphere was calm and serene, and Logan felt great. It was nice to be with his friends for the first time in weeks; he regretted ever cutting them out. Roman was currently talking about a funny incident at work. He was a school drama teacher. They were currently running the school version of the musical Beauty and the Beast. They were in dress rehearsal and the kid playing Luminaire had a large candle costume. While rehearsing Be Our Guest, the kids fell right on his butt. The candlesticks of the costume along with his feet went up in the air and stayed that way. He held that position for a solid ten seconds before Roman had to stop everyone. he was laughing so hard, he couldn’t breathe. After Roman finished his story and they ceased laughing, Virgil stood up.
“Be right back. Gotta take a leak.” And with that, he headed upstairs to the bathroom. After he relieved himself and washed his hands, he started the walk back to the living room. But as he glanced over at Logan’s room he paused. He noticed a folded-up paper on the floor. He picked it up and examined it. “Logan never leaves paper on the floor like this. What is this anyway?” With that, he opened it up and read. His eyes widened in surprise. He didn’t know what to do. He needed to talk to Roman and Patton about this but they couldn’t do it right in front of Logan. He took a picture of the content and sent it to Ro and Pat. ‘Found this in Logan’s room. We need to talk about it first then figure out what to do.’ He folded the paper back up and place it on the desk before leaving to go downstairs.
They had continued their conversation like nothing happened. The three exchanged glances every now and then, clearly worried about their friend. When Logan had gotten up to get more water Virgil quick whispered to them, “We’ll talk when he goes to the bathroom.” After that, they gave him cup after cup.
“More water Lo?” Patton asked for what felt like the tenth time, hoping he wasn’t being suspicious.
“No thank you, I’ve had enough water thanks to you guys.”
“We don’t want you to be dehydrated.”
He chuckled at that. “I bet. Anyways, because of all the water I now need to use the restroom. If you will excuse me…” After he closed the bathroom door, the four got closer and began talking.
“So, he’s polyamorous.” Roman started.
“Yes. He also said he wanted to talk about his feelings?” Virgil questioned.
“Does he like someone? Or multiple people?”
“He might.”
“Well, who could that be?” Patton questioned.
Virgil thought hard. He examined Logan’s recent behavior. Logan doesn’t talk to many people. The three of them were basically is only friends, friends that he had been avoiding for the past six weeks. “Wait…”  His eyes went wide.
“What Virge? Is everything okay?” Roman asked, worried. “You don’t think he… he likes us, do you?” After seeing their shocked expressions, he explained. “Think about it. We’re basically his only friends, the only people besides his family that he talks to.”
“Well yeah kiddo, but I don’t think-“ Patton started to say before Virgil cut him off.
“And he has been avoiding us for weeks on end, always giving bad excuses to not hang out with us.”
“I don’t know kiddo.”
“But you do gotta admit padre, that some odd behavior.”
“It is odd, but we can’t be 100% sure he likes us. We need to confront him about it.”
“As always Pat, you’re right,” Roman said. “But what if he does like us?”
“We have to explain that we don’t feel the same, well at least I don’t feel the same. What about you two kiddos?”
“Oh no. I don’t like him that way.” Roman was quick to respond.
“Yeah, same here.” An awkward silence filled the room before Virgil continued. “This is gonna suck.”
Patton placed a hand on his shoulder. Roman secretly placed his hand near Virgil’s jeans and played a bit with the seam trying to soothe him. But this was short lived. They heard the bathroom door open and Logan coming back downstairs. They sat back trying to look normal.
“I think I’m done with water for the night.” He chuckled and a smile came to his lips. But as he sat down and saw the others’ faces, his smile faded. “what’s wrong?”
They all exchanged a quick glance before Virgil explained. “When I went to the bathroom earlier, I found a folded-up letter on the floor of your room.” He paused breathing in and out to calm himself. “Why didn’t you tell us you were polyamorous?” He whispered.
Logan’s eyes went huge. It seemed his eyes were going to pop right out of their sockets. “You-you found that?”
Virgil nodded. “I know you think we wouldn’t accept it, but we do.”
“Really?” Logan questioned.
“Of course, kiddo.”
“We do, nerd.”
Logan couldn’t believe it. “I had only heard negative stories. People are beaten, kicked out, and basically shunned just for being… being poly.”
“Oh kiddo. We would never do anything like that!”
“Yes, it seems I let my worries and fears get to me. You three are the kindest and most accepting people I’ve ever met. I wish I had been more reasonable.”
“No worries buddy. Believe me, sometimes fear does its own thing and you gotta roll with it.”
Logan smirked at that. “I guess so.”
A silence filled the room. Logan thought the worst was over. He contemplated telling the others of his relationship. The others were trying to figure out how to bring the second half of the discussion up.
Finally, Virgil spoke up. “We need to talk about your feelings.”
Logan’s head snapped up at that. “My feelings?” He didn’t understand.
Roman sighed. “From the letter, it seems you have feelings for some people.”
Logan blushed. “You could say that.”
It was Patton’s turn to talk. He put a hand on Logan’s shoulder. “We need to know… do you like us?”
Well, that definitely was surprising. Logan looked at the others before he broke out in laughter. That clearly was not the reaction the others were expecting. “sorry I just…. Hahahaha…. You think I have feelings for you guys?”
“I’m guessing you don’t,” Roman responded.
Logan shook his head, unable to talk from his laughter. The others shortly began to laugh as well until they were all laughing their asses off. When they calmed down Virgil spoke.
“If it’s not us, then who?”
“Yes, specs! Who are they?”
Logan snickered a little. “there are these two guys…”
“Well tell us about them!” Roman screamed.
“I met Jackson at work. One night he asked me out for drinks. Since then we continued to hang out until he asked me out on a date.”
“That’s so cute!” Patton exclaimed.
“The date was great. We got along quite well. But then he seemed to avoid me. When I asked him about it he admitted to already being in a relationship and told me they were poly. He thought I would react bad, but I told him I was poly, too.”
“How long have you known?” Virgil questioned.
“For the past few years. I wondered why relationships never worked for me. I researched and came across the online poly community.  Something finally clicked in my brain. I finally understood a large part of myself.” He smiled, then continued. “Anyway, he introduced me to his boyfriend. It was a part of their rules that they meet each other’s romantic interests.”
“Their rules?”
“Yeah. Every polyamorous ‘group’ has unique rules set so no one oversteps boundaries. It’s to ensure no one gets hurt.”
“You know, monogamous relationships need to take note.”
Logan chuckled at that. “We never intended to get close, but we just clicked. After a while, he asked me out. I guess I’m irresistible.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Oh my God.”
“Anyways, we’re a triad.”
“A triad?” Roman asked confused.
“A triad is the name for when three people are all dating each other. We’re all partners as of six weeks ago.”
Squeal! They all jumped and faced Patton who had hands up to his face. “Sorry, I love love!”
“Yes! So, when is the wedding? I better be best man.”
After seeing Logan’s surprised expression, Virgil elbowed Roman. “Stop freaking him out. He just got in this relationship.” He faced Logan. “I’m assuming.”
Logan smiled. “Yes. That’s why I avoided you all. I was ‘hanging out’ with them.”
Roman wiggled his eyebrows. “You were ‘hanging out’ with them?”
Logan gave him a shove. “Get your mind out of the gutter.” He laughed, but then stopped. His face fell. “I’m sorry for cutting you all out for weeks on end. I was caught up in my new relationship that I abandoned you guys.”
“Apology accepted nerd.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Roman, do you always have to call me by a nickname when addressing me?”
“Yes. I have no choice. It’s the law.”
Logan facepalmed. “Oh my God.”
“Stop bickering you two,” Patton ordered.
“Sorry,” they said in unison.
“So, when are we going to meet these guys?” Virgil asked.
Logan gave an evil smirk. “Not until you and Roman come forward about your relationship.”
Their eyes widened. “H-how-how did you know?”
“You two are painfully obvious.”
Virgil glanced at Roman who smiled and grasped Virgil’s hand in his. “You’ve caught us.”
Patton squealed again, causing everyone to laugh.
“Okay specs. We came forward, now when are we going to meet your guys? I love seeing my friends in love.”
Logan thought for a few seconds. “You guys busy this weekend? You could meet them here at my place.”
“That sounds super!”
“That works for me kiddo.”
Logan couldn’t get his smile to go away. It seemed it would be plastered on his face forever.
“I guess because you all came forward about your relationships, I should do the same.” They all turned to Patton, clearly surprised. “You know that guy I’ve liked at work? We have a date next week.”
The other three glanced at each other before turning back to Patton. They covered their faces with their hands, and gave aloud SQUEAL!
“Oh, shut up!”
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An analysis of you belong with me like you mentioned would be awesome! Ps your angelina analysis was so good:)
*Waves at anon* Hi!Thank you, it makes me super happy that you enjoyed my analysis of Angelina; I have so much fun writingthese things 😊
Sorry this is a little late, by the way, the family dinner ran long, but here it finally is, You Belong With Me: Queer Edition! 🌈🌈🌈
Before we go any furtherI’d like to give my usual disclaimer that everything I express below isspeculation or my opinion andeveryone is free to interpret music in whichever way they want.
At its core I personallybelieve You Belong With Me is a songabout a queer girl (Taylor) hopelessly in love with her straight friend (possiblyAngelina from the song of the same name) the problem? Angelina is already inlove with someone else (probably her boyfriend Steven, also from the song Angelina.)
I obviously don’t wantto get sexist or stereotypical here. Believe me, as an afab non-binary lesbianwho grew up with exclusively male friends I am very well aware that girls and boys canbe friends. That being said, I do feel that the friendship described inthis song between Taylor and her love interest seem very female-coded. I’d alsoargue that the song relies heavily on heteronormative and stereotypical genderroles. Of course I’ll explain more thoroughly what I mean by that as the analysisgoes on.
Lyrics credit toAZLyrics as usual.
Now, let’s put ourqueer googles on and look at the song.
You’re on the phone with your girlfriend
She’s upset, she’s going off about something that yousaid
‘Cause she doesn’t get your humor like I do.
She’s #NoHomo:ing right out of the gate here, by puttinga pronoun to the partner of “You.” They’re on the phone with their angry girlfriend who didn’t appreciate a joke“You” has made. Taylor seems to think said joke was hilarious though and claimsthis is because she knows “You” better than their partner and thus understandsthe joke better.
Taylor’s trying to sell the song from a heteronormativeperspective by, right away in the song’s opening line giving “You” a GIRLFRIEND. This supposedly makes “You”a boy. After all, boys like girls, right? So, if we were to look at this song’scast of characters the way Taylor wants us to the cast list would look asfollows:
Steven – You
Angelina – the girlfriend of “You”
Taylor – The heterosexual girl who’s secretly in lovewith her friend who is A BOY
But what if it’s really like this:
You – Angelina
Steven – the BOYFRIEND of “You”
Taylor – The gay girl in love with her straight FEMALEfriend
 I’m in the room, it’s a typical Tuesday night.
I’m listening to the kind of music she doesn’t like.
And she’ll never know your story like I do.
For the next few lines Taylor keeps #NoHomo:ing by continuouslycalling her romantic rival “she” but she’s still gender-neutrally referring totheir mutual love interest simply as “You” and keeps insisting she knows (and presumablyalways will know) her friend better than their supposed “girlfriend” does
But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She’s cheer captain
And I’m on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you’re looking for has been here the wholetime.
Thehetero explanation for these lines is that Taylor wishes she could be pretty,feminine and athletic like Steven’s girlfriend so that Steven would beinterested in her (Taylor) instead of in Angelina.
In truth though, here is where the first interestingthing from a queer perspective really happens. You see, I no longer think thatthe female pronouns refers to “Steven’s” girlfriend, it would seem there hasbeen a shift and the pronoun are now referring to a female as the true loveinterest of the song.
If we look at these lines it looks to me as if Tayloris describing this “she” as the typical straight girl, while Taylor herself is describedas the typical gay girl. Where do I get that impression?
Well, Angelinadresses femininely, (sometimes in short skirts, sometimes in high heels) shecaptain of the cheer squad, she’s a “typical princess” if you will. (A term weknow Taylor likes to use for straight girls, I’m actually a bit surprised that doesn’tcome into play here.)
Meanwhile Taylor dresses “like a boy” (sometimes int-shirts, sometimes in sneakers) something that is a common stereotype forlesbians.  She also doesn’t participate inschool activities besides watching them from the sidelines, (something that wasalso mentioned in the song Angelina, “Just watched Stephen run across the fieldWatched him catch the ball”) she’s a bit of an outsider, a bit odd (orshould I say queer?) and someone as popular (and straight) as Angelina likely wouldn’tbe interested in her (romantically) even if they are friends as the songsuggests.
I did warn you when I said I feel like the song reliesa lot on stereotypes in order to tell its story (both about LGBT+ peeps andabout how girls and boys “should act”) it is obviously not true that everylesbian dresses “like a boy” or that every straight girl only ever wears heelsand is a cheerleader.
However we must remember that Taylor is writing onlyform her own experiences here and we do know that she largely used to dress abit more “masculine” (clothes do not have gender, people!) back in the day (noton stage, but privately, check her oldvlogs for instance, if you have no idea what I’m on about right now.)
Like I said I believe this song is about a gay girlfalling for her straight friend and Taylor’s using clothes as a metaphor. Tellingus the story by using stereotypes for how people of a certain sexualorientation supposedly usually dress. It’s her way of saying “I’m gay, she’snot.”  
Anyway, in the last few lines the switch occurs again and in order to #NoHomo-proof the song thelove interest’s pronoun is back from “she” to “you.” Thus supposedly referringto “Steven” again. Under the protection of heteronormativity and brilliant useof pronoun Taylor expresses how she wishes the girl of her dreams would justrealize that they belong together already!
If you could see
That I’m the one
Who understands you.
Been here all along.
So, why can’t you see
You belong with me,
You belong with me.
It’s pining time, people! Taylor puts into words thethoughts that have at some point run through the mind of every lesbian in lovewith a straight girl and especially if she’s their friend. An approximatetranslation of what Taylor is saying here: “That stupid boy will neverunderstand or be there for you like I can. Why can’t you just dump his ass forme already? Dammit Angelina, why do you HAVE to be straight when we’re so clearly meant to be together?!” (Poorlittle Tay, few things hurt as much as a straight crush!)
Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans
I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be.
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself,
“Hey, isn’t this easy?”
We’ve already had it explained for us that Angelina isfeminine, so obviously she’d never wear anything as tomboyish as worn-outjeans, right? Nope, so it HAS to be Steven Taylor’s hanging out with in thisverse. There was a purpose in telling us what Angelina likes to wear, it was sowe wouldn’t think she was “You” because #NoHomo everyone, #NoHomo.
However I do believe Taylor’s talking of the momentsshe spends alone with Angelina, without Steven around. The moments where shecan just look at Angelina, sitting there on the park bench in the sunshine, tellingher friend Taylor something funny about her day.
As they laugh together Taylor notices just how prettyAngelina is and she’s allowed tolook, she’s allowed to laugh at Angelina’s jokes and she’s allowed to just bearound her crush and appreciate that. The moments they’re alone are easy, Taylor can almost pretend thatAngelina like-likes her back. Those moments don’t hurt like when Steven isaround and she’s is reminded that she isn’t in fact, allowed to like Angelina like that (or as she phrases it in Angelina “run across to Angelina”) becausesomeone else already does and he’s a boy.
Sorry, didn’t mean to go into fanfic-territory there,but this is exactly why I think YBWM issuch an ANTHEM for all the gays in love with their straight friend, because atleast to me, it so perfectly captures that feeling.
And you’ve got a smile
That could light up this whole town.
I haven’t seen it in a while
Since she brought you down.
You say you’re fine I know you better than that.
Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?
I think that something we can all relate to regardlessif we’re gay or straight is our friends (who we may or may not be in love with)dating horrible people, right? You’re just like “Dude, your partner is horribleand you deserve so much better!” and they’re like “Shut up, I likeeeee them andI’m fine!” and you sigh and try againin a few months, the next time their partner does something questionable. You knowthem so well you can just see yourfriend’s happiness being sucked out of them and yet they insist on dating someonewho’s causing this. “What are theydoing with a person like that?”
Well, that’s pretty much what’s happening in thisverse between Taylor and Angelina, of course Steven is the “she” here and theverse should be:
I haven’t seen it in a while
Since HE brought you down.
You say you’re fine I know youbetter than that.
Hey, what you doing with a BOYlike that?
But #NoHomo and all that.
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor.
All this time how could you not know, baby?
You belong with me,
You belong with me.
Angelina and Taylor have been friends quite a whileand hang out so frequently that Taylor has even started using the back door forvisits instead of the front door. She’s in other words pretty familiar withAngelina’s house on account of hanging out there so much and the girl still doesn’t freaking realize theyshould be dating? What the heck is wrong with her? Oh, riiight, she’s straight
…Is basically what these lines are telling us.
Oh, I remember you driving to my house
In the middle of the night.
I’m the one who makes you laugh
When you know you’re 'bout to cry.
I know your favorite songs,
And you tell me about your dreams.
Think I know where you belong,
Think I know it’s with me.
Remember when I told you the friendship described inthe song seemed female-coded? Yeah, here’s what’s up with that…So. you’retelling me, Taylor-No-Homo-Swift, that the dad who in Picture To Burn was supposedly gonna show a boy who scorned youJUST how sorry he should be for hurting his little girl, or that in Love Story yelled at Romeo to stay awayfrom you is gonna be letting A BOY into his house in the middle of the night tohang out with his daughter? Nah, a girl though, sure! (At least if we assumeTaylor wasn’t out to her parents in her early high school days when I think wecan safely assume the crush on Angelina was happening.)
You know what’s a huge stereotype about femalefriendship? That they tell each other EVERYTHING, all of it, from trivial stufflike favorite songs to deep and personal stuff, like their hopes and dreams.  All the things they don’t tell theirboyfriends, just like they don’t tell their boyfriends everything they alsooccasionally are upset with him and when they are they have someone else theyrun to for comfort…That’s right,their best female friend who somehow manages to make her laugh in the middle of all the hurt and upset feelings they’reranting to her about at 2AM.
Because Taylor knows all of this about Angelina and isalways there for her when Steven somehow screws up and hurts her Taylor knows that the two of them are theperfect match and belong together, but when she’s done crying Angelina will dryher tears, give Taylor a hug and run back to Steven. Taylor is left alone,wondering one thing.
You belong with me.
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me.
What is Taylor wondering? The same thing every gay haswondered about the straight they love.
Has Angelina ever thought, has it ever even for a singlesecond crossed her mind that perhaps she should be with Taylor, the one wholoves and supports her instead of with Steven?
As always, thank you so much to everyone for reading and feel free to send me Taylor songs to analyze or just asks in general!
Tomorrow’s analysis will be New Romantics 😊
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Untitled Thedas Peeps in Modern World
Quinn scanned the crowd from the balcony above the stage. Her three brothers, who had formed a Beastie Boys cover group, were on said stage, performing. She felt an immense wave of loneliness wash over her as she saw that everyone in the crowd at least had someone. Alec had disappeared a year ago and she still had no idea how to function without her best friend.
The crowd cheered as her brothers started up “Sabotage,” but the cheers quickly turned to screams as a bright green light suddenly appeared and people fell out of it. Quinn was down the stairs in a flash, the gun she carried out. Her FBI training took over and she quickly told people stay back and get to safe cover. She heard her brothers helping people closer to the stage to safety as she inched closer to the figures on the ground under the light. Suddenly, the light disappeared with a pop, and she pointed her gun at the nearest figure.. “Hands in the air where I can see them!” She ordered, her tone leaving no room for questions. The four figures threw their hands in the air as they slowly sat up.
“Quinn, is that you?” She heard Alec’s voice, causing her to jolt the gun towards the figure who spoke. “Whoa, please put the gun down, it’s me, Alec!” Quinn gave a laugh.
“Hah! Alec is dead, nice try.” She sneered. “And he wouldn’t be caught dead wearing whatever the fuck you’re calling clothing.”
“Ouch.” A smooth voice came from another figure. “Alec, I like your clothing.”
“You picked it out, Sparkler, of course you would,” the shortest of the four figures chuckled. “What is a gun, and should I be worried that she has one?”
“It’s a weapon, and yes you should. Quinn was never a very good shot.”
“Quinn can you interrogate them in the back?” Her brother Mike appeared next to her before she could reply. “We still have to get these people to safety and lock down the hall. Don’t worry, we’ll get the rest of security to go through everything. Hey Alec, you look extra gay today. Nice job man.”
“I’ll need some help getting four people to the back. But yeah I can, just make sure you play some loud ass music during clean up. Drown out their lies.” Quinn smirked.
“Hey!” The short one said. “I don’t know about Sparkler and Domino over there but Curly and I do not lie.”
“Varric, you’re a self-proclaimed liar don’t even start.” Alec glared as Quinn’s security team manhandled them into the back room. “Quinn, I can explain…”
“There will be no explaining. Ya’ll fell out of a stupid fucking hole in the sky. I don’t want to know about that shit.” Quinn shook her head in a sharp motion.
“She’s eloquent. I like her.” the short guy named Varric laughed, “Good choice in friends, Domino.”
“Pat them down. If they resist, full cavity searches. You have the certification for that yeah?” The team of guards nodded. “Good.”
“That’s a little vindictive, Quinn.” Alec frowned. Quinn got into his face.
“You’ll deal with it because it’s protocol. I don’t know if you’re Alec or some hella good impostor, but I’m not risking all those people out there just because someone doesn’t want a pat down.”
“Actually I’m more concerned about a full cavity search. I don’t need more fingers up my ass.”
“That’s what a full cavity search is?” the one currently named Sparkler looked appalled. “What could people hide up there? Other than…” He grinned slightly.
“Lots of stuff. Most common one is drugs. Cocaine is a big thing to stuff up your butt to sneak it places. Prisoners do shit like this all the time. And that’s why you’ll get them if you resist.” Quinn, shrugging, turned to the large blond man standing quietly an grimacing, if going along with her rules. “Why haven’t you protested any of this?” He gave her a brief smile.
“I understand the need for order. And I think the idea of a full cavity search sounds highly unpleasant.” Quinn snorted.
“Can you get me DNA swabs?” She asked one of the guards at the door. “I need to get an identification on the one claiming to be Alec Griswald for sure.”
“How many do you want, ma’am?” The guard asked.
“Four. Ask the FBI agent at the front door. And tell him Quinn needs his help in the back.”
“Gotcha.” The guard nodded before walking off.
“There are FBI agents here?” Alec asked, scrunching his face in mil discomfort and confusion as he was was searched. “For a concert?”
“Yes, two of us are here.” Quinn showed her badge. “NASA detected a disturbance in the atmosphere in this particular club and my brothers just happened to have a show the night they expected the disturbance to manifest.”
The door opened and the guard returned followed by a man in black dress slacks and a red button down shirt. “Are these the suspects, Quinn?”
“Yes,” Quinn replied, ignoring Alec’s protests about being suspects. “Any casualties?”
“Not a single one.” The man grinned before turning to the four “suspects” and showing his badge. “I’m Agent Samuel Hamilton. This is my partner, Agent Quinn Faulkner.”
“This one’s claiming to be Alec Griswald, Samilton.” Quinn jabbed her thumb at Alec. ‘Samilton’ looked at him suspiciously.
“Is that so? If you’re really Alec Griswald, not only will you submit willingly to a DNA test, you’re in for a world of hurt for what you did to Quinn.” He glared, popping open the tube with the swab in it.
“Samilton…” Quinn warned. “I’m a big girl I can handle my conflicts on my own.” Alec stayed quiet, instead opening his mouth for the swab, his eyes on Quinn, who watched him back. “What did the NASA guy say about the disturbance?”
“Gone.” Samilton closed the tube and looked at the three strangers. “Do we want to swab all of them?”
“You won’t find their DNA in any system you have.” Alec finally looked at the other agent. “They’re not from Earth.” Quinn raised her eyebrows.
“Not from Earth…” She shrugged. “Okay. Here’s the deal. Samilton will get everyone’s DNA to the labs for analysis. I will take ya’ll into custody and we’re gonna chat about why three of you aren’t from Earth and where the fuck you ARE from. Any questions?”
“What’s DNA?” The dark skinned man who had been called Sparkler asked.
“DNA… How to explain DNA…” Quinn pulled out her phone and googled it.
“It’s the stuff that makes you you. Your genes and your traits and stuff. Color of your hair, shape of your nose, stuff like that. And that’s the elementary school definition.” Samilton explained, getting a ‘what the fuck’ look from Quinn. “I was going to go into genetics when I started college. Then my FBI calling kicked my ass elsewhere.” Quinn nodded.
“Alright boys, swab ‘em!” She grinned as she popped open a swab stick along with Samilton, who popped one open to swab the small man. She started with the large, muscly, blond man who leaned down at her instruction so she could swab his mouth.
“That tastes like cotton…Gross!” Sparkler (Quinn still wasn’t sure if that was his real name or a nickname) grimaced after Quinn ran the swab through his mouth. “Isn’t that unsanitary?”
“Dorian, this isn’t Thedas. There’s no magic and technology beats what Thedosians have by a long shot. Sanitation is easy.” Alec smiled at Sparkler (Dorian?), calming him.
“Hey Quinn, how come you got the tall guy and I got the short guy? Shouldn’t we have switched?” Samilton whined. Quinn smirked at her FBI partner.
“I know how much you appreciate chest hair, Sammy. And you know how much I like ‘em tall and beefy.” She cackled as the dwarf gave a hearty chuckle.
“Unfortunately for Samilton, I don’t roll that way.” He smirked at Quinn.
“Of course you don’t. I don’t either.” Samilton scowled, popping the lid closed on his swab’s tube. “I’ll get these samples to the lab. Do you want any backup, Quinn?”
“Yeah. Hurry your ass up at the lab, but make sure they test Alec’s sample first. I’ll take ‘em to Andon Gaol. Himchan should be good for backup until you arrive.” Quinn pulled out four pairs of handcuffs and pointed two of the security officers over. “I’ll need your help getting them into the vehicle. Ya’ll are getting handcuffed for appearances. Hands in front of you please.” The four men complied and she closed each pair of cuffs with a satisfying click.
The ride to Andon Gaol was filled with a stunned silence. The three foreigners were too shell shocked from a being in a loud carriage that moved without horses, Alec (or whoever he was) was so tired he fell asleep, and Quinn had a lot on her mind, none of her thoughts stopping as she pulled up to a gray concrete warehouse with absolutely no windows. “Look alive, sunshine.” She said, grabbing a key card out of the glove compartment to open the gate. “Hope you got some rest because you’re in for some long hours of talking.”
“Oh joy.” Dorian rolled his eyes. “Well, Varric can do most of it. We all know he’s a born chatterbox.”
“Sorry, you won’t be interrogated together.” Quinn didn’t sound (or feel, for that matter) the least bit sorry. She pulled out her phone and hit a speed dial on the home screen. “Himchan, I’m here with four suspects in the mysterious… Yeah... Mhm... Himchan I’ll debrief you inside just help me get them into their rooms!” She hung up with a sigh, four people staring at her oddly. “What, you’ve never seen an annoyed woman before?”
“You’ve changed, Quinn.” Alec said, his voice sad.
“Yeah, well. We all do.” She said coldly as a tall, thin, Asian man came to the group. Once he was at her side, she smiled. “Himmie! What’s the haps!?”
“Not much, was watching BTS on Jimmy Kimmel when you called. Anyway, these are the suspects? Samilton should have the DNA samples soon.” Himchan shrugged. “Let’s get them in.”
“Sounds good.” Quinn nodded, and as they lead the four men into the building. Himchan took Dorian and the tall, blond man to two cells on one side of the warehouse, and Quinn took Varric and Alec to two on the other side. Once the four strange suspects were in their own cells, Quinn met Himchan in his office. “What have you got for me?”
“The hole that appeared in the atmosphere within the venue was definitely nothing NASA’s ever been present for before, but the disturbance has happened once before.” Himchan frowned as he looked at Quinn. It happened the day Alec Griswald disappeared, and in the same area he was last seen.”
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