#(smol and tol perfection)
a-snowpoff · 2 years
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Eheh... guess who finally got their 3D printer working~
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abyssmalice · 10 months
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"Sigh... Isn't it a little romantic when someone is willing to kill a terrible person just for you?"
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"...............??? I... guess? No?"
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starsaught · 1 year
Via's the perfect height to be held by a tol.
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gt-daboss · 9 days
I want them
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That face when you found an injured borrower, nursed it back to health, slowly, slowly gained its trust and companionship. you put your blood, sweat, and tears into making them feel safe above all else... only for Joey McSmallpants to barge in out of nowhere and try to steal YOUR tiny away from you? Worry not fellow giants! you can simply use your superior strength to flick the other tiny away!
On a serious note, I think the potential for this trope is always massive. Perfect for a dramatic payoff, and everytime i see it being used my heart skips a beat >.> like, realistically tol could simply force them to stay, go against everything they have wanted to represent for their tiny friend, and truly become the monster that they've been trying so hard to not be since their meeting. but they know it would only make it worse, despite their love for their smol, if they truly want to leave... its not in their right to keep them, no matter how much it hurts...
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emmabirb8 · 2 years
Idk what exactly it is about Nandermo that just... scratches the PERFECT itch in my brain that I didn't even know existed, but I think part of it is the fact that they somehow encapsulate so many of the most delicious tropes.
I mean, just off the top of my head, they are:
enemies to lovers
best friends to lovers
mutual pining
repressed feelings/secret feelings
shared history
bicker couple
battle couple
weird kinks couple
ruthless devotion
the goofy one paired with the grouchy one
smol and tol
violence as a love language
the love is requited, they're both just idiots
interspecies romance
forbidden love/star-crossed lovers
make each other worse/stupider when together
codependent toxic soulmates AND
ultimate slowburn
ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Wrapped up in the most dysfunctionally functional little package you can possibly imagine.
No other fictional couple is doing it like them. Nandermo truly is PEAK romance. <3
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gabzilla-z · 1 year
ok quick thoughts, spoilers behind the cut.
Halle. HALLE. H a l l e. Her voice, her face, her mannerisms. They took what made Ariel special in the animated movie and built on it and she was the perfect person to pull it off.
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Her beauty was distracting.
So glad they finally got a singer for a live action, I couldn’t take another B&B autotuned disaster.
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Made me want to get to the nearest rock and play mermaid ngl.
I had my doubts with Jonah but he did a great job with Eric, played the shy, kinda awkward potato prince charming to perfection. Loved that they expanded his backstory and his interest in adventure and the sea. Also A+ for the movie knowing he had a white shirt on while surrounded by water and using every chance it had to drench him.
Eric still being caring and worried about Ariel even under Ursula’s spell? 10/10 no notes.
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He came to chew bubblegum and be dreamy and he was all out of bubblegum.
Halle and Jonah’s chemistry was insane, I need them to do ten movies making eyes at each other.
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Seriously the movie could have been 2 hours of them interacting in that library and it would have been money well spent.
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or just two hours of them being cute smol and tol in a boat idc
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Can’t wait for this movie to be out in D+ so I can reblog all the gifs.
Part of Your World and all reprises were ofc gorgeous. Vanessa’s Trick is haunting and exactly what one would want for a siren song. For the First Time is gorgeous and underrated, felt very Broadway-esque. Eric’s song was corny but in a good way.
The rest of the songs are adequate but are not as good as the original ones.
Gotta said, song aside, the Kiss the Girl scene was more endearing in this version. When she helps him figure out her name?
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Melissa was good as Ursula and made the character her own, though I think she was not as scary as she could have been. Better than I expected, though.
The actress that plays Vanessa knew she had 5 minutes to make an impression and used them to the fullest. Delightful.
The CGI felt unfinished and so did the color grading/lighting. I edited all the movie images in this post (just played with the saturation and the contrast) and I’m mediocre at best. HIRE TUMBLR EDITORS, DISNEY.
Halle deserved to wear more outfits, I can't believe Disney missed an opportunity to sell more dolls. Would have given her a dress for each day on land and the water dress. Mouse, I thought you liked money.
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we could have had it all
Wanted more of her sisters tbh. And less Triton, Javier phoned it in imo. I know Triton and Ariel’s relationship is an important part of the original movie but idk if it was his half assed acting or me wanting more of the sisters, but I wasn’t moved.
Flounder's weird character design was saved by his stellar voice actor and Sebastian grew on me, he was hilarious. Scuttlefina was tolerable but gosh she’s always playing the same character, stop casting her in everything.
Less I say about Scuttlebutt the better. Kids are probably gonna love it, though.
The ending was kinda weird? It felt rushed and the battle with Ursula was disappointing. Which is a surprise because the OTHER stormy scene at night was wonderfully done. 
Up to Ursula taking Ariel back to the ocean it felt really cohesive but the second Triton appears to save her it was like they were trying to speed things up and it got... weird.
Didn’t mind Ariel being the one that killed Ursula, after everything she put her through.
Cannot believe the movie robbed us of Jonah screaming “I lost her once, I’m not gonna lose her again!”
Overall it was a well paced (up to the finale), entertaining, charming movie. Despite its faults, the only Disney live action I want to rewatch (outside MAYBE Cinderella).
8/10 Justice for the foam dress.
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helinyetille · 12 days
(ノ0ヮ0)ノ*:・゚✧ To me, you are Schnaul's head of marketing! After your recent posts every time I see Paul and Christoph content I think of you! 🤲🏻💚
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Wait... What? Hold on a second. No, seriously, what?
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(I saved this pic a very long time ago, so I don't remember who made it, sorry!)
I'm so honoured I might need to lie down 😭 Thank you so much, this put a huge smile on my face 🥹❤ Since I absolutely adore these idiots, I'm going to seize the opportunity and advertise Schnaul again. ⚠️Blatant Schnaul propaganda under the cut!⚠️
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Are you into Rammstein and not opposed to some good old RPF? Are you a Paulchard connoisseur but fancy diving into unexplored territories of mutual resentment that inevitably leads to friendship and love? Are you a devoted Tillake shipper who feels like these two lovebirds lack canonical drama that your angsty soul craves? Or maybe Schneider and Paul are just your favourites? Say no more because we have the perfect solution for you.
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✨Schnaul✨ Or as some might say SchnaulWow™ because you'll be saying wow every time you see these dorks together! Having known each other for 40 years, these men have a long history of getting on each other's nerves and navigating different stages of a relationship. Either as a romantic or platonic pairing, Schnaul is the one-stop shop for all your shipping needs. See for yourself:
Meeting each other at a young age
Playing together in Feeling B and one having to put up with the other's snarky remarks
Forming Rammstein and being forced to play together again
Reconciliation and trying to make up for the past mistakes while also creating a very strong friendship in the process
"This is my cocky little friend who follows me wherever I go"
"This is my friend who is too handsome not to take pictures of him"
Being a couple of old dorks who have seen so much shit together that there is no place for drama, only pure, unadulterated affection and mutual respect
Just ✨smol and tol✨ aka feisty little shit and big softie 🥰
This lasts 122 days:
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(sorry Pamela, you are still a queen!)
This lasts 40 years:
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I don't know, it sells itself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Join the SchnaulWow™ side today and you'll get your daily dose of dopamine for free! 💕🌈✨
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ You were surprised that Carlisle showed any interest in you. Let alone wanted to pursue a romantic, committed relationship with you. 
⭑ He was such a gentleman, as soon as you met him, you felt at ease. You did notice something different about him ... as you have great intuition. 
⭑ You had lived in Forks since you were a young child. Your family moved there because your father get a job as a doctor. 
⭑ Your siblings had grown up and moved out, while you still lived with your parents (NO SHAME IN THAT. NO SHAME.) 
⭑ You might live with anxiety, or depression, or any form of mental illness. Maybe you have a disability, but either whatever you live with, you preferred to stay at home. You made a life there, decorated your room, and owned a few pets. 
⭑ You work at the local book shop, and you love it. You just haven’t figured out what you wanted from life yet. You grew up with fantasy stories, fairy tales, and movies that made regular life seem boring. Mundane. 
⭑ Carlisle approached you first since he came into your shop. You had been putting away the new releases (that were actually a few months old because Forks was waaaaay behind on the times.) 
⭑ “Hello, may I have your assistance?” 
“Oh sorry!” His voice made you jump, nearly dropping the books. 
⭑ Always makes sure you get home safely; either walking you to your car, dropping you off at home/picking you up for work. 
⭑ Buying you flowers, but never overdoing it. Carlisle is PERFECT at romance. He knows how to make you happy, without overstepping. 
⭑ You felt embarrassed actually, that you had Carlisle’s attention on you. You weren’t used to it. It was foreign that someone would feel so strongly about you. Honestly, you thought it would just be you and your pets forever. 
⭑ Your relationship wasn’t rushed, it didn’t drag on. It was ... perfect. 
⭑ He made you feel like the most important person in the world. That you deserved to be treated like royalty, and that you shouldn’t settle for anything less than perfect. (YOU DO DESERVE IT BY THE WAY.)
⭑ You kept the relationship from a lot of people at first, not because you were embarrassed of Carlisle. No, not at all. It was because you find romantic feelings difficult. 
⭑ Maybe it was because of emotions like this, that made you feel shy around others? 
⭑ When you get to know Carlisle, you feel comfortable opening up. And you’re actually a really funny person. You just don’t like being around a lot of strangers, or people in general. 
⭑ All of your dates are during the night, which you thought was weird at first. But he explained it as he was busy working during the day. 
⭑ He wouldn’t tell you that he was a vampire until he was serious about you. That he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. 
Relationship Tropes: 
Tol x Smol
Tragic Past x Ray of Light
Hates Everyone (You) x Loves Everyone (Carlisle) 
You: “I’ve seen the worst of humanity over the many years of my life.” 
Carlisle: “Y/n, you haven’t even reached 30.” 
You: “...”
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side A, Match 9
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propaganda under the cut!
1. THEY ARE SO FUCKING FLUFFY AND COLOURFUL AND PURE AND ADORABLE AND—*chokes on emotions* anyways they're literally the most wholesome and supportive of all ships like i can't even begin to summarize how much they care for each other
2. THEY CANONLY CALL EACH OTHER SOULMATES and even if clara and azz don't understand what a soulmate is (they're demons) they're just happy to be close to iruma. 
3. whenever one of them is upset or bothered, the other two form a team and they go ALL OUT to lift the third person's mood!!! they try to solve the problem but if that's not possible, they just stay with that person and try to make them feel better so that they can face their problem with a better mood and more strength
4. they're ALWAYS together. and none of them are bothered by it!! and instead of being toxic about the need to stay close, they establish boundaries! like they have their own secrets they can't tell the others and that's totally fine! no pressure at all in their squad
5. listen these three help each other become better people!! like they bring out the best in each other and it's the most wholesome, encouraging, healthy, lovey dovey ship ever!!! like clara becomes more responsible despite her need for chaos bc she wants to make sure azz and iruma can depend on her! azz stops putting up walls and allows people to approach him because he wants to get involved in the other two's lives! and iruma learns how to set boundaries with these two where he could never say no to anyone!! like if that isn't the most awesome and perfect relationship idk what is!!!
6. one tol and two smols that's all.
ok listen their relationship is extremely important to the plot of the game so they get a lot of focus and a lot of the stuff they say abt each other is like????? bro thats kinda fruity ngl??????? theres like. a lot of stuff i could say about them. like a lot. too much actually
so instead ill just, idk summarize their relationship and then give some fun facts abt them
Sunny and Basil are best friends! They're shown to be very close to each other, closer than they are to the rest of their friends. They rely on each other to listen when they need to vent, and like to read books together! Before the events of the game, Sunny and Basil become involved in an incident that basically tears their friend group apart. Basil keeps the secret of their involvement from everyone because he cares too much about Sunny to let him get in trouble. They then don't talk for four years, and spend the entire time pining for each other!
Basil hopes for four years that Sunny will finally come back to him, meanwhile Sunny has retreated into a perfect dreamworld he uses to cope. All of his friends are there, and everyone is happy, and the dreamworld is full of things Basil loves. The most common food item is tofu(Basil's favorite food),  there's an entire race of plant creatures that adore tofu(Basil likes to garden + his favorite food), his garden in the dreamworld is huge and has lots of flowers that represent each of his friends! Also, an important NPC says this abt Sunny and Basil's relationship: "He is special to you. A string of fate ties you together." A string of fate you say? Hmmm, I wonder why they phrased it like that...
Also, when Sunny and Basil finally do start talking again, Basil says stuff like this: "W...Wait... P-Please, SUNNY... Don't leave me... Not again..." "After all this time... you've finally come back for me. But... tomorrow... you're going away. H-HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?!? That's mean, SUNNY. That's so mean!" Yeah... he's not doing too well...
But don't worry! After a year or two of therapy I'm sure these two can have a happy, healthy relationship!
Obviously I have a lot more to say abt them but it's all literary analysis and context clues and stuff, I just wanted to point out the more obvious stuff!
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
May I have. A Percival w a reader of small stature. (idk his height but apparently it's speculated as 6'2"/188cm? Which. To my height is LORGE) also I haven't sent a request in a while idk what other info to put in :(
Awww! I love the tol and smol 🥹💙💕
Percy with a short s/o includes….
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It’s literally the first thing he notices about you!
Honestly, if you’re upset or even just debating with him, it’s so amusing to see a small angry person talking down to Percy
You steal his long coat (or he gives it to you) because you’re cold? Gods, you’re adorable with it draped over you.
Teases you if something is out of reach for you. Will also be responsible for WHY something is out of your reach
“Need a bit of assistance there, little mouse?”, “Very funny, de Rolo, now help me up!”
But there’s a softer side to his teasing
Easier for him to carry you in his arms, or pull you to his side for hugs
His clothes drape over you
Sometimes he’ll do that hug thing from behind with his head on top of yours. But even that’s rare
Perfect for cuddles!!
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okay listen I gotta get it out of my system. I’m internally freaking out over this show and it has my brain and will not let go until I externally freak out.
That said, freak out under the cut. :)
I’m AMAZED by the handling of the characters and the subversion of expectations!! They’re all clearly defined and have their own unique personalities and there’s so many of them!! I’m gonna talk about my top five characters real quick because I love them all so much
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I DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO BE SO GOSH DARN ADORABLE! LIKE WHAT!? SIR, WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT??? Absolute ray of sunshine!! Precious bean!! He’s trying his best and he’s doing it!!! Golden Retriever energy mixed with Chihuahua energy???? Especially when he gets riled up and starts picking fights. I love him. He is my son.
2. Kageyama
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Oh my gosh I love him so much XD I didn’t expect him to flip and start vibing so well with the team so fast! I thought for sure he’d be stuck in his ways for a while longer, but I’m so glad that isn’t the case! Also the GIF I picked doesn’t do him justice but he’s very adorable in his own way!!
(I really do love him so so much, it’s just hard to pinpoint why which makes it really hard to caps scream about him XD)
3. Tanaka
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Confession time: I fully expected to not like Tanaka at all.
Confession number two:
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This is the scene that changed my mind. LOOK AT HIM!!!! LOOK AT MY FERAL BOY!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM???? The first time I saw this scene I had to rewatch it once or twice just to fully appreciate Tanaka XD Dude literally went “Oh? You don’t like me, huh? SYKE GUESS WHAT YOU LOVE ME NOW!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, HUH??!” And I just shrugged because welp. He’s right. What am I gonna do about it? Not find him completely endearing and hilarious??? I don’t think so. ALSO his big brother vibes towards Hinata are just *chefs kiss* perfection.
4. Sugawara
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Listen. Listen. From the minute we met him I KNEW I liked him. Like, had him singled out as most likely to be my favorite character (not expecting to fall in love with so many of these boys). And despite the fact that he got sidelined so bad, I WAS (mostly) RIGHT AND I LOVE HIM! HE’S SO SUPPORTIVE AND SWEET!?! AND IT’S AN ABSOLUTE CRIME HE HASN’T GOTTEN TO PLAY IN A SERIOUS MATCH YET (as of Season 1 Episode 17). IT’S HIS SENIOR YEAR AND I WANT TO SEE HIM PLAY, DANG IT! >:c Reminds me of clouds :) Also has excellent big brother energy!! He’d better get some game time soon though or I’m gonna riot.
5. Nishinoya
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OKAY HE WASN’T WHAT I EXPECTED AT ALL BUT THAT’S OKAY BECAUSE HE’S 20X BETTER!! AAAAAHHHHH I LOVE HIM!!!! He’s a shortie!!! And he’s so ENERGETIC and HYPED and he LOVES HIS TEAMMATES and he’s so. Feral. But not in a “I’M BIG I’M BIG I’M BIG” kind of way and I LOVE IT. He’s small but deadly and ADORABLE! He’s just incredibly endearing all around, and WE HAVE MORE BIG BROTHER VIBES! Also his dynamic with Tanaka is just hilarious XD Tol Feral and Smol Feral.
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Conclusion: I think for my top favorite it’s a tie between Hinata and Nishinoya! I love all five of the characters listed here, but those two in particular have something a little extra about them! (Me, realizing halfway through that sentence: They’re short. That’s it. It’s because they’re short.) After them it’s a three-way tie because I love the other three for such different reasons that I can’t really compare them, y’know? :)
Anyways. That was my Haikyuu ramble XD expect to see more posts about it on my side blog.
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thelonelyempath · 2 years
Tol x Smol Prompts (height difference prompts)
1. Smol has to stand on their tippy toes to kiss Tol.  Or the reverse, Tol has to bend down to kiss Smol.
2. Tol constantly teases Smol about not being able to reach the top shelf.
3. Their names in each others’ phones are “tol bf/gf” and “smol bf/gf”.
4. Smol likes to wear Tol’s hoodies because they’re so big and comfy, so one day Tol decides to switch things up and wear one of Smol’s shirts but it ends up looking like a crop top on them.
5. The fastest way to get Smol worked up is by calling them short or making fun of them for their height, so only Tol is allowed to call them short because they can get away with it whereas everyone else will get skewered.
6. Smol buys a stepstool to try and match Tol’s height and gets super excited about “the view up here”, to which Tol just melts because Smol is so damn cute.
7. Smol can’t reach something off the top of the fridge so they, refusing to ask for help, have to climb on a chair.  They hear quiet giggling and turn around to see Tol standing there like “you know you could have just asked me to get it, right?”
8. Smol is the perfect height for Tol to give them forehead kisses.
9. Tol likes to put/hold things just where Smol can’t reach them and thinks it’s adorable how irritated Smol gets when they do that.
10. Tol can pick Smol up and carry them with ease.  One day, Smol tries to return the favor and doesn’t have much luck.
11. Tol lowers themselves to match Smol’s height as is astonished at the difference it makes.
12. Tol always calls Smol dumb nicknames like “precious chicken nugget” and “my beautiful leprechaun” and Smol calls Tol things like “sexy giraffe” and “Lurch”.
13. Tol reads that October 24th is National Throw Short People Day so they excitedly wait until that day to give Smol the surprise of their life.
14. Tol is obsessed with how much bigger their hands are than Smol’s.
15. One of them’s background on their phone is the cutest picture of Tol holding Smol off the ground and hugging them.
16. Smol falls asleep while sitting on Tol’s lap and Tol can’t help but die because of how cute they are.
17. Tol annoys Smol by saying they’re the perfect height for an armrest.
18. Tol is the gentle, sweet one in the relationship while Smol is a little ball of hellfire.
19. Smol often gets mistaken for a child, which can make things pretty awkward on date night.
20. Tol has to duck to enter the house or else they’ll hit their head on the door frame.
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vraisetzen · 1 year
mitsui + his gang, a brief analysis
one of the many things i realised in mitsui's introduction arc is that he's not a fighter. while mitsui might have walked around kanagawa pretending to be one, one wonders if he just happened to pick on people/other delinquents weaker than him, or if tetsuo and the other guys protected him from the tougher gangs.
i mean, yohei absolutely trashed mitsui, and he's easily half a head shorter than him:
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(the smol and the tol, perfect spooning sparring sizes 🥲)
((the second implication here should also be that yohei is a truly phenomenal fighter who just chooses to hold back))
it only makes things even more bittersweet when mitsui shows up trying to protect tetsuo from being beaten up by a rival biker gang, because the latter (along with hotta, etc) was mitsui's sole pillar of support in the two years he spent adrift after he left the basketball team.
this is why mitsui and his gang are one of my favourite parts of slam dunk. i mean, showing up with a huge flag that says 炎の男 三っちゃん is some real homie shit. mitsui might have fell into a dark spot, but the guys that were with him at his lowest also saw him shine at his brightest.
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twigg96 · 1 year
I really like your blog! Do you write more headcanons for Dethklok? Can i request headcanons about boys with a very small and tactile partner? Thank you very much🙏💕
Dear Anon, of course I still do HCs. I’m so sorry I haven’t been a able to get around to doing more until now. But I truly hope you’re happy with how these turn out.
Nathan- this boy needs physical intimacy in his relationships. So when he first meets his S/O and their pocket sized… let’s just say hes ecstatic. He prides himself on having the partner he can literally have sit on his shoulders. Perk 2.0 is that his partner *lives* for the same intimacy he craves. The two are almost literally never seen separated and if they are it’s automatically assumed there was a fight despite there never having been one.
Pickles - he LOVES that his S/O is slightly shorter than he is. Their perfect for hugging. He can rest his chin on their head and that amuses him to no end. He loves to buy his partner frilly cute things and dress them up in pastels and cute hair accessories. Sometimes if his partner is lucky, he’ll dress in his old Snakes outfit or even drag and the two will hit the town. However, he is a very ticklish man. So his partner’s loving intentions to touch him whenever they can get their hands on him can sometimes turn into a tickle fight to the death!
Murderface - was honestly terrified to touch his partner when they first met. He truly believed that they were a spy or underage so he tried to keep his distance. It wasn’t until Pickles, Toki, and his future S/O were chatting about their age when he found out they were older then they appeared. When he finally realized the two hit it off and have been joined at the hip ever since. His S/O has a mind just like he does so they’re always using their short stature to pull pranks on the others or sneak panty shots of the hot chick standing in front of them at a concert. They love to literally lay on top of Murderface like a cat and fall asleep
Skwisgaar - quite literally the definition of the Tol and Smol couple. Skwisgaar wasn’t too sure of his partner’s tactile nature at first, their level of intimacy didn’t quite fit in with his pump and dump lifestyle. But after a few dates and more than a few sessions in his soirées he had come accustomed to being pampered with sweet and tenderness. He liked having his hair braided after being bathing with his partner and to be honest he loved braiding their hair in return. He loved running his fingers down their spine just to watch the shivers roll through their short body. He loved watching the goosebumps rise on their skin as he caressed the insides of their thighs. And he loved when his partner returned the favor in full.
Toki - adored his partner more than life. He could lift them with one arm and hoist them above his head like a trophy! He loved the parade his S/O around flipping them around in his muscular arms listening to them squeal and giggle just to get a rise out of them. One time when they went to the zoo Toki lifted his partner up on his shoulders so that they could see above the heads of the other taller visitors. He continued to walk around like that throughout the rest of their trip. When their partner wants to cuddle he’s always down. He only asks that they avoid touching his scars. He trusts them but they bring back painful memories and he doesn’t want to associate any pain while with them.
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gt-daboss · 6 months
Whatever happened to finding a lost, cold, and wet tiny out in the middle of a snowstorm, bringing them home, warming them up, and giving them hot cocoa to make sure they feel better?
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probably the smallest tiny i've ever drawn... she is so littol ;-;
very minor story below the cut
just a minor headcannon for the tiny: she is so littol because she is a CHILD, and ran off from her parents to try and find food for them in the upcoming winter months. only to grossly overestimate herself, and get caught in a blizzard. Human here not only picked up a soaking wet cold borrower, but just a little kid too :( its okay though, because this human is determined to reunite the child and her parents, no matter the cost!
yes it is very barebones, but i looove the concept of tol saves smol, and the with the cold weather rn its the PERFECT time to do this typa story i couldn't resist
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Just had a cute idea for the Tol boyfriends and the Smol boyfriends hanging out, idk
@sign-anon we should do this with them sometime!
[Dead Mod here, you don't have to change it or anything it's completely fine this is all perfect, but Bob doesn't have arms. Please don't change it or anything, it's fine that you added them I just wanted you to know. You don't have to change it if you really don't want to :sob:]
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