#(something the hero group needed more of)
genderjester · 3 years
don't rb // any general discourse about fictional villains is so weird to me bc it always forgets to take into account how very very different characters that are all part of that category can be. Like. Doofenschmirtz is a villain and Killgrave is a villain, and i adore the former and absolutely loathe the latter. Like, the genre of the work of fiction and it's level of seriousness, the parallels the villain in question has to real life evil or to real life marginalized groups are all things to consider that imo get left out a lot & it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine
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You know the joke about level 20 shop keeps to keep murder hobos in line? What about like an actual reason for a level 20 something shopkeeper? Like a retired adventurer selling off the contents of their many bags of holding. Great place to get magic gear, plenty of potential adventure hooks, and a retired adventurer would have a great many connections.
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Shopkeep: Agiviv Stoneeye, The Alchemist under the Hill
The title? It’s my little joke, I always said I’d be in my grave before I gave up on the great work, so after I retired I found myself a cozy little barrow in which to continue my studies. Still brings a smile to my stiff old jaw each time I think about it.
Setup: The Sad truth is that age catches up to everyone, even heroes, and those that live the adventurers life tend to age faster than most. If it isn't the life sapping curses or the devouring jaws of beasts that get you, it's the slow accumulation of innumerable breaks, stabs, burns, and mishaps that accumulate in a body along with years of hard wear and stress.
Such was the case for Agiviv and his companions, a once celebrated band of heroes who saved the world in their own small way before settling into happy obscurity. After their mission was done each wanted different things, some family, some to return to the duties they left behind, but for Agiviv the whole point of adventuring was to secure the means by which he could continue his studies, and by the gods did he ever find it.
While each of his retiring friends took a hero's share of their accumulated wealth Agiviv (who served as the group's quartermaster) ensured he was left holding the bags: the bags of holding containing years of accumulated treasure, crafting ingredients, and dungeon junk. Settling in one of the first dungeons cleared by his companions, close enough to a town to make a supply run but not so close that he’d be bothered with neighbors,  the old Orc now works away happily on all the projects he never got around to during his life on the road.
Joke as you would about alchemists and their search for gold, Agiviv was always the most business minded of his companions, and has spent the intervening years setting up storefronts in several major population centers across the kingdom. Each one is minded by one of his apprentices, who discuss the needs of customers as they enter and browse through catalogs before popping into the back room to secure the stock. These “back rooms” are in fact portals to Agiviv’s workshop, where the apprentices can clear any important transaction with their boss or shift down to one of the many storerooms to retreive the stock. When the party visit their local “Stoneye’s Alchemics” only to have its attendant disappear for a protracted period of time, their curiosity may lead them to intrude upon the workshop and begin to poke around where they don’t belong.  Depending on whether they decide to do a smash and grab or actually investigate the disappearance, they may later encounter a very angry Agaviv or one thankful to them for saving an apprentice that’d fallen victim to a long unnoticed mimic.
Given his talents lay in the crafting of potions and other alchemical wonders,  Agaviv is more than happy to part with various bits of armor, enchanted weapons, and miscellaneous doodads too impractical to be of any use in his research. One of these items happens to be a very dangerous book that Agaviv accidentally mislabeled saving it from his “Very cursed do not sell” Pile. Sold to the party as a genuinely useful and benign object, the group’s spellcaster may only learn of it’s true nature after it has become attuned.
Though the dungeon Agiviv claims as his home was cleared out years ago, one wing of it has become infested with pests, which the shopkeeper may send the party to clear out as a bit of a nostalgic lark. What he doesn’t suspect is that these creatures actually crept out of a portal to the underdark, and their reckless burrowing has created a fissure that the party will inevitably fall down and will be forced to climb their way back to the material plane. After braving an unusually long road of trials, Agiviv will be shocked to realize he’s going to have to move or risk his entire operation falling into the world beneath. 
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thenumbersgameif · 2 years
"We are nothing but numbers,
we do not matter."
play the demo here!
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You are Four. You do not remember your name — everyone just calls you “Four” and nothing else. You don’t remember anything about your life before you woke up in a dark cell. All you know, is that you’ve done something terrible and you’ve been given a chance to atone — along with three other so-called ‘monsters.’ Your goal? To do anything the higher ups tell you to — or face the consequences. Supposedly, you’re all using your ‘evil’ talents to do ‘good.’ Your talent? You can see another person’s memories by touching them. The catch? You’re closer to death every time you do that.
You’ve worked together with this group for years, yet you remember nothing about your colleagues. Zero — the leader of your little group — always looks at you with so much pain it seems tangible. One — the wildcard — seems to hate every single thing you do, and Three — the brains — is especially bitter when it comes to you. Five — the heart — seems to avoid you, for an unknown reason. And Two? No one mentions Two, but you can feel that something horrible has happened to them. The question is, what?
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Customise your MC; gender, appearance, abilities, weapon of choice, expertise, and more.
Gender selectable ROs; all of which can be in a polyamorous relationships
Enter your villain OR anti-hero era; destroy the government, or two.
Use your powers for good; or evil, because who needs morals with friends like these?
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Zero | The Martyr | The Team Leader
character post | playlist | aesthetic | tag
Caring yet ruthless leader of your team. Why do they look at you with so much pain? What were you two to each other?
One | The Wildcard | Explosives Expert
character post | playlist | aesthetic | tag
Unpredictable and abrasive explosives expert. They hate you with every inch of their being. Why? What have you done?
Three | The Philosopher | Strategist
character post | playlist | aesthetic | tag
Analytical and cold strategist. The sight of you alone makes them grimace with bitterness. What did you forget?
Five | The Lover | Tech Support
character post | playlist | aesthetic | tag
An almost gentle, quiet technology expert. Every time you're near, they seem to just blend into the background. Have you hurt them in the past?
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The Numbers Game will be a +18 game (rated M) for:
Abuse (mental, emotional, verbal, physical), Alcohol, Alcoholism (mentioned, implied, referenced), Blood, Bones, Car accidents, Child abuse (mentioned, implied, referenced), Corpses, Death/dying, Decapitation, Domestic abuse—physical, verbal, emotional (mentioned, implied, referenced), Drug use (mentioned, implied, referenced), Explosives, Forced captivity, Graphic content, Guns and gun violence, Hostages and hostage situations, Kidnapping, Knives, Mature language, Mental health issues (PTSD, depression, sensory overloads, and many more), Murder and attempted murder, Needles, Poisoning, Police brutality, Scars, Self-harm, Serious injury, Smoking, Suicidal thoughts, Terrorism, Torture, Trauma, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Unhealthy relationships, Violence, Vomit
keep in mind, that trigger warnings may change!
brought to you by Lin, @linwritesif and the author of @sinnersandsaints-linwrites
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bambiebaee · 2 years
casually describing your soulmate - pick a card
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1 2 3
hello, guys!! i am up with a new pac, here i’ve tried to get messages about your soulmates personality, their appearance and some things i somehow associate them with. i did it mostly intuitively, so i hope it turned out well.
keep in mind that this is a general reading, just take what resonates and don’t stress too much about it. take it easy ;)
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pile 1
so group 1 i can definetely say that your soulmate is definitely a people person, they may not be a social butterfly, but i think they enjoy being around people, they need it. they attract a lot of people, there is something about their energy that just pulls people in. also i sense they are really comfortable to be around, they are those type of people that makes you feel at home. your soulmate is very talkative i see, their mind is always full of different ideas, stories, jokes and they like to share them with people. but i think they are also a good listeners, they always make sure that everybody in the group is heard. ooh, they are really so sweet and, umm, like, cozy? another big thing about them is that they really emotional, they can't control them at all. they express what they feel openly and intensely i would say. like they can burst out in tears of hapiness when you make a present for them or something like that. but i think they are totally fine with that, they don't embarassed by that. oh, i really love it. they also like to talk about their and others feelings. they are really in tune with their intuition and empathetic. they may catch on on what you feel even better than you do. i think they prefer private conversations where they can talk for hours about the sense of life, aliens or their favourite characters. when i say they love to talk i really mean that. they a little child like and naive, in a friend group they would probably be that “babey” friend, but it’s a part of their charm, though. also i am sure that your person is fond of fictional worlds, they like reading, watching movies/series/anime, especially fantasy ones, i think. they can even create their own, cause they are definitely really creative people
okay, so your soulmate definitely stands out from the crowd. probably because of their style, they may dress in a really fancy way. i see them wearing lots of accessories, and for a lot of you they have piercings ( “smiley” piercing stands out most for me here). they may have coloured hair, remarkable make up, unusual haircuts/hairstyles, as for the boys they probably have long or middle length hair. they probably have pale or cold undertoned skin, black hair, light eyes. ( i actually have this picture of Miyamura from Horimya in my head idk☠️) . i see them having more like skinny body. as for the style, i think, they prefer oversized clothes, may have skater boy/girl style or something grungey. and some of them wear headphones ( especially white ones) as an accessory.
some things i associate with them:
mint, wind in your hair, black cat, skateboard, late night walks with your friends, chains, “windbreaker” manhwa (idk why i haven’t even read it☠️), bubblegum, stars, fresh air, silver.
possible zodiac signs: water or air signs
possible mbti types: enfp, infj
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pile 2
pile 2 your soulmate is a hopeless romantic. not only in terms of love and relationships, but in everything. they remind me of those novel main heroes, brave knights, lovely princes/princesses. l get a huge fairytale medieval kingdom vibes from them. they have these strong principes and moral codex that is inbreakable. they are fighters of justice, they just can’t stand inequality, lie and manipulations. I see that they usually more calm and cold, but when they see someone being treated bad or being offended i think they just flare up, they seem really brave, confident and powerful at that moments, although most of the time they don’t show that and may not even be aware of these side of themselves. I definitely sense that they are introverted and reserved, they are hard to get to open up. i think they have only several close friends who they can trust, but they are still waiting for this soulmate connection. they want to meet someone who understands them because honestly i think they feel like no one can do that ( it’s not even surprising, cause they don’t want to open up to people☠️) . they may see everything in “black and white” and do not tolerate halftones. for example, for them, a lie is always something bad, and they simply do not want to understand such concepts as a lie for good or reticence. but you may be sure that they will never lie to you, they are extremely honest (sometimes even blunt i would say). your soulmate is also super loyal, they would never betray those who they care about. they take all relationships very seriously and if they let you get closer to them you may be sure that you now have at the very least a reliable friend. oh, yeah, as i said at the beginning, they are hopeless romantics (several love songs started to play when i was making this reading). they in love with idea of love and i think they like to make a scenarios in their head about their future with you their soulmate. that’s so cutee🥺 they are really caring and loving when it comes to their close ones but they may have problems expressing it though. they see the world in their own way, romanticize a lot and that’s beautiful. they want someone to share their vision of the world with.
i see they have really attractive facial features, but they may even hide it actually. a lot of them wearing something that hide half of their face, especially eyes. it may be masks, hoods, glasses or their hair. your soulmate is somebody who doesn’t like to stand out. they definitely have a natural hair colour, mostly brown or blonde tones. oh, and their eyes are really beautiful, i see them having big brown puppy eyes that most of the time have sad or tired look. most likely they have a thin body type. dark akademia may actually be their style. another things i pick up on: warm skin undertones, thin lips, angel skulls, veiny hands, eye bags, face birthmarks, fluffy hair
things i associate with them:
knights, sea breeze, rock, coffee, books, autumn, cinnamon, semidarkness, hedgehogs, clouds, candles, plaids
possible zodiac signs: may be anyone actually, but i mostly sense air, earth and water energies
possible mbti types: isfp, infp
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pile 3
heyyy, group 3!!ooh, i sense a soul of the company here. your soulmate is someone extremely charismatic and fun to be around. They are good at inspiring and accommodating people. in a friend group the one that keeps the group together, may be the loud or the funny one. i see people really like and admire them. they may be actually popular, at least in their circle. I also feel that they are super confident. they have excellent self-esteem, they know their worth, they are well aware of their capabilities, skills and talents, and they do not allow anyone to underestimate them. also your person is someone extremely purposeful, they achieve goals by any means and may even resort to manipulation. they love attention and go all out of their way to get it. but it's not something bad, it is just their nature. they are actually really sweethearted, they sincerely love making people laugh and smile. they definitely have a great sense of humor and a very infectious and charming laugh. they are also quite short-tempered, but they do not hold grudges for long and quickly move away. your soulmate is quite unpredictable too, they came up with this crazy ideas and share them right away. like they are the type of person who can call you in the middle of the night and invite you to go to another city. you never know what to expect from them and you will never be bored with them. they prefer to live in the moment and do not really think about the future, they may seem frivolous to some, but they attract most people with their openness, sincerity and lightness. in fact i think they really wise and mature, they may give really good advices, but they prefer not to show this side of themselves they prefer to always smile so that others feel comfortable and relaxed. i also sense they are very talented and they like to show it, they may sing or play for their friends, tell them stories they have made up and all that stuff. oh ,also i think they are good at persuasion, love to argue and usually always win. they make their own rules and hate being told what to do.
okay, so, i get this “straight girl/boy” vibes from their looks. if this is a guy he has a short haircut and if the girl is probably very long and well-groomed hair. also girls tend to dress very feminine they like dresses and skirts. but I don't think they stand out much for their styles, they wear what is comfortable and does not interfere with their activity. I think they have natural hair colour, that shines in the sun. they have tanned skin or skin with warm undertones. most likely they have plump lips and a very beautiful and attractive smile, they can wear braces. despite their cheerful disposition, they have a sad and serious look. most likely they are of medium height and strong physique, they have developed muscles. another things i pick up on: dimples, freckles, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, red hair, big facial features.
things i associate with them:
sun, bears, warmth, beach, get togethers with friends, card games, beer, honey, orange, dogs (i think they have a dog or even several dogs), sunsets
possible zodiac signs: earth or fire signs
possible mbti types: estp, esfp, entp
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that’s all for today. hope you enjoyed it. see you in the next reading, byeee ;>>
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I love your stories! No one does hero/villain quite like you. Might I request a snip about a villain capturing a hero and making the hero strip out of their uniform before treating them to "hospitality"? (Or it could be a group of villains and/or a group of heroes, whatever configuration's you find more fun to write). Thank you!
"Seriously?" The hero tried to laugh, but it came out a bit choked and off. "My, my. I always knew you had a thing for me, but...damn."
"Well, how else will you be properly dressed for dinner?"
"I'll be fine like this. It's my signature! You know, it's important that people recognise me, right?"
"Mm, no. Undress."
"Mm, no."
"Look." The villain grimaced, folding their arms across their chest, heat rising to their face. "We both know you'd hide weapons in every possible bit of clothing you could! I'm not - I don't actually mean -" They levelled a glare at the hero. "Just undress, alright? Before the others come to see what's taking so long."
"Mm, no."
"I'll do it for you, if you prefer."
The hero glared right back, spreading their arms in a 'well, you're gonna just have to bloody well try it' sort of gesture. No flirting, then, not even any false ease.
The villain's gaze turned flat, black and dangerous. All of the awkward, flustered compassion drained from them. "Fine," they bit out. "If you want to make this difficult. Fine."
The villain pounced, and maybe the hero could have had a shot at defending themselves normally, but not then. Not after everything. The hero froze at the touch of a knife against their throat, breathing going shallow.
"Could have done this nicely," the villain said. "With some dignity."
"Fuck off."
The villain shot them a glance, almost askance at whatever venom they heard in the hero's tone, but didn't hesitate to cut down through the material of the hero's clothes.
Maybe they needed to invest in something more bullet-proof or hard to tear; as if they had the money for that. As if it wasn't already far too late.
Various weapons did, though, fall to the ground in a clinking, thudding pile that might have been funny in other circumstances. Maybe.
The hero closed their eyes instead, shivering as the cooler air hit their skin, in startling juxtaposition to the warmth of the villain's - faltering - hands.
A terrible silence descended on them.
The hero willed their shoulders not to tense, even if they could already feel the unease locked in every inch of their body. Would it really be worse to see the villain's expression, then to stand so exposed with their eyes shut? It wasn't like it was letting them pretend that what was happening wasn't happening any more effectively.
The villain's finger traced down the path of one of the hero's many, many scars. Their touch was steady again, assessing, as if it had never been otherwise.
The hero opened their eyes, a lump lodged in their throat. They took a step back, still panting raggedly for breath after their tousle. They folded their arms across their chest, closing off as much as they could. They weren't even fully undressed yet.
"Oh," the villain said softly. "I see."
"You really don't. You're just making assumptions."
"Correct me, then."
The hero said nothing.
The villain stepped closer again, and the hero flinched back before they could stop themselves, as the villain reached for the zipper of their trousers.
The villain raised a brow, warning of the fact that they could simply lunge once more. Again, not awkward, but it felt like it was more because some barrier had slammed up on their features. On everything about them.
The hero gritted their teeth, trying to decide if it was better to pretend they had even a modicum of control in the matter.
"Having as much fun taking my clothes off as you always thought? I could just - all the other weapons, I could -"
"You know I can't trust you." The villain reached out again, though slower that time, and reeled the hero in a little closer by their belt buckle. "I'm going to give you replacement clothes, though. No one else is going to see you like this." Their voice was oh so carefully measured. "I'm not a monster."
"But what you're doing right now is monstrous."
The villain didn't seem to have a good response to that, their attention sweeping down over the hero's bare skin once more. At the very least, the purr, the flirting, had vanished from them too.
The hero should have kept flirting. Made this into something else. Made it into something they could stomach.
"You better not be waiting for me to tell you to go ahead," the hero snapped. "It's not going to happen."
The villain moved again then, taking apart the rest of the hero's defences, until there was nothing left to cover them at all.
The pile of weapons next to them seemed impossibly large, all things considered, not that the hero could even reach for them. The villain's powers allowed no direct attack.
If the hero wanted to be fair, which they didn't, they wouldn't have wanted the villain to be able to even possibly smuggle anything in, if the situation was reversed.
The villain stepped back, gaze sweeping over the hero again.
The hero willed them not to comment, or maybe they wanted them to say something awful and mocking - they weren't sure. The silence only proved how wrong everything had gone, so quickly, because it wasn't like them.
"Like what you see?" the hero tried to ask, only it was an inaudible sort of croak because they couldn't actually get it out past the terrible feeling in their throat.
The villain turned away, plucking a new set of clothes from a cupboard nearby, and held them out to the hero - forcing them to step closer to retrieve it, like a shy dog coaxed with the promise of a treat.
The hero didn't think they'd ever actually hated the villain before, but it boiled through them then, confused and tangled up.
Even when they yanked on the t-shirt and joggers, wishing for something that covered more of their arms, they didn't feel better. Because the villain had seen.
They had seen the scars, the marks, and the words scratched in. The rules shimmering with blood and magic.
Another of those painful silences stretched between them, and then-
The villain's jacket, long-sleeved as it was, hit the hero in the face.
The hero floundered, but caught it.
"Nice abs, by the way," the villain said, still a bit too deadpan and icy for them to not be making an effort at distance. But, it was an olive branch, of some strange kind, of something. The hero didn't know what.
All they knew was that they snorted, before they could stop themselves and then...then they just felt the tears burn.
"Thanks," they managed. "I made them myself."
They pulled the jacket on, grateful that the two of them were around the same size.
"Hm." The villain turned away, once more, sparing the hero further scrutiny. "Come along. If they ask what took so long, assume I kissed you."
The hero followed them, reeling.
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argetcross · 6 years
listen,,,, maybe the real villain all along was the shitty school/parent environments that let people like bakugo get away with all the shit he pulled,,,,,
seriously this latest chapter just makes me feel like a) the bnha education system sucks and b) the hero system also sucks
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wingedcat13 · 2 years
Synovus: Villains Never Retire (2)
[This is part two of three for Villains Never Retire, and the third overall installment of Synovus’s story! As usual, if you’d prefer the Ao3 posting, you can find that here, and the master post with links to all of the parts of the Synoverse pinned on my blog, or here. Enjoy!]
All told, you think you did a pretty good job staying out of the scramble for your territory.
Yes, you did somehow manage to get caught up in one of the first power moves someone made and put one of them in the hospital on principle. And okay, maybe you were… tetchy… about people starting to lay claim to titles that once had been yours.
But hey. You were a villain. Selfishness was in your nature.
There was, however, one very significant hurdle to overcome.
You were very quickly becoming dangerously bored.
Normally, you kept yourself busy by partaking in various villainous pastimes. You exercised your powers, studied pop culture to keep your witticisms up to date, and actually studied various goings on from political shifts to news from other villains. If you had a plan upcoming, you worked on filling in its details. If you were in recovery from your last plan… well, you were in recovery.
But with your grand plan of retirement, there was no reason to do any of that. All you had to keep you occupied was a private island full of state of the art facilities, a teenager, and your small army of minions.
Okay, so it shouldn’t have been that hard, but you were used to multitasking, okay?
It didn’t help that everyone else, rather than trying to avoid the news of what was happening on the mainland, were actively keeping up with it. It seemed like every time you entered a room, someone scrambled to change a TV or radio channel, or stop a video’s playback. Several times, you showed up to eat in the dining hall, and found everyone else furiously debating something in a corner - only to stop cold as soon as anyone saw you.
And you also often lost the war against your own curiosity. Typically late at night (by your reckoning, which could mean any time on the clock at all depending on when you’d woken up last), you wound up skimming headlines, or going through your emails.
Still. You didn’t intervene. Not even when fucking Dazzler showed back up, and you hated Dazzler so much you’d spent a year specifically running them out of the hemisphere.
It was tempting, though.
Your self-imposed exile - sorry, retirement - was interrupted about a month after the fighting over the West Coast began in earnest. You woke up one morning to find an invitation set out on your balcony, complete with a completely unnecessary white rose threaded through a signet ring.
You stared at it for a minute. Then you raised your phone and snapped a picture of it, and dropped it into a group chat.
[Syn]: Someone care to explain what this is about?
You left it where it was, and went back inside. You’d need to do laundry before you dealt with that. And probably inform people of where you’d be going.
By the time you were dressed and had eaten something, you had a response.
[Tall]: It hasn’t been that long since you came to a meeting, Synovus.
[Dr.W]: We even gave you a few hours’ notice. This time.
You hissed at your phone as you replied.
[Syn]: I recall the last meeting. I also recall, not long after that, delivering my resignation to each and every one of you in this chat.
You might’ve gone on to say more - but you nearly ran into Minerva, and abruptly had to reach out to steady her.
“Watch- Synovus?”
The once-hero was balanced on crutches, which she was not adapting to with any fluidity. Her leg, broken at Alexandria’s birthday dinner a month ago, was nearly healed. Or at least, it would be, if she stopped trying to walk on it. The wonders of a heroic healing factor.
“That is my name.” You reply intelligently.
Minerva scowls at you, and at first you think it’s for nearly running into her or your reply, but then she surprises you by going so far as to take one hand off of her crutches - to indicate your clothes. “Where are you going?”
“Well, you needn’t be so suspicious, dear Minerva.” You drawl. The helmet is still tucked under one arm, but you already feel the mask of your field persona slipping back into place. It’s comforting, if inconvenient.
For a moment, Minerva blocks your way, staring you down. You meet her eyes, relatively unbothered. You two have done a variation of this particular dance too many times by now not to know how it ends - with you getting away.
She whistles.
You wince.
“What’s up?” Asks your young protégé, poking her head out of a door in the hall. “Did you throw one of the crutches aga- oh.”
Alexandria slips more fully into the hall, considering you curiously. “I thought we didn’t have any more training exercises today?”
It’s a reasonable assumption. You and Alexandria have been keeping to her training regimen, at least. Those sessions are the only times you’ve donned your costume since you delivered your notes of notice (for all the good that seems to have done you).
“We do not.” You answer shortly. “I have a meeting.”
“With who?” Alexandria asks, tilting her head. Minerva is still watching you with an intense scrutiny you find more annoying than unsettling.
“Anyone I’d know?”
“Where’s the meeting?”
“When is it?”
“Can I come?”
“Synovus!” Oflok calls, jogging down the hall after you with a small box in one hand, “good, glad I caught you - these are for Tallflawes.”
Either oblivious to or uncaring of Minerva and Alexandria’s reactions (one a sharp start, the other a more subtle tensing) Oflok tucks the box of what you know are cookies into your upturned helmet, while you pinch the bridge of your nose.
Minerva recovers first, “Tallflawes, as in the supervillain, I presume?”
“The Scourge of the East Coast!” Alexandria sounds, if anything, like she might start squealing in excitement. “Oh that makes sense that you two would cooperate! Hey, did you know that there’s a group on the Internet who thinks you two should date-“
“I am not dating Tallflawes.” You snap, flushed. You know exactly who to blame for that stupid fan theory.
Oflok gives you a look. “You’ve done worse.” She comments, and you wish she meant the murdering.
Scowling, you tug on Oflok’s shadow, turning it briefly physical to tug at her ears. Most people find the reminder of your ability to manipulate their personal shadows suitably intimidating.
Oflok sticks out her tongue at you.
You resist the urge to respond in kind.
“Do you know who else is going to be at this meeting?” Minerva demands, but she’s looking at Oflok.
“Ah.” Oflok glances at you, and you throw up your free hand in askance. “Lord Synovus-“ (it was one of those kinds of days, as you’d told her earlier) “-is sworn not to discuss those meetings. You know how he is.”
Alexandria nods, “Well, if Tallflawes is there, and it’s not a one-on-one, that’ll probably mean… something to do with territory? That’ll mean Gray Gangster at least, since he controls a good chunk of the area between you two? I don’t know anyone else who has significant enough territory to bother.”
“Dr. Wraith.” Minerva says grimly. “And the mages, Unwritten and Chanter.”
“Touched as I am that you all are so concerned about my social circles.” You interject, before they can keep guessing your comrades. “I do, in fact, need to get to this meeting, so if you will just scoot your righteousness to one side-“
“I’m going.” Alexandria announces, “So lead the way.”
When you glare at her, she shrugs, “I am your apprentice.”
Minerva’s expression at that is a study you don’t have time for - not the least because she informs you, “I am not allowing my daughter into a room full of supervillains without me there.”
The idea of it - taking Menace as your shadow, while Athena stands guard at your shoulder in furiously disapproving silence - is. Well. It just is, and it shouldn’t be, because this should never have come up.
“Easy fix.” You reply smoothly, on autopilot, “as neither of you will be going. This is not a meeting for apprentices or injured over-protective heroes.”
“I’ve fought through worse injuries.” Minerva says stubbornly.
“Mom, I don’t need you to protect me so much anymore-“ Alexandria abandons that angle completely at the look Minerva gives her, and tries another, “- it wouldn’t make any sense for you to go, why would Athena be there?”
“Then I won’t go as Athena.” Minerva says, irked. “Synovus has to have spares. That’ll do for one evening.”
You nearly have a heart attack in the goddamn hallway. Mental image of Minerva in your costume aside, you can’t think of any way to declare that you are hiding someone more clearly than to have them show up in your hand-me-downs. Even Menace’s costume was designed to be different, regardless of the similarities between them.
Tallflawes and Wraith would have a field day.
“This.” You tell Oflok, deadly serious. “This is why we keep our mouths shut, my dear Fair Lady of the Kitchen. This. Is your fault. Fix it.”
“Well, there is that project we’ve been working on.” Oflok muses, and that is when you know you are well and truly fucked.
At least you finally get a chance to reply to the group chat again.
[Tall]: Yes, I did get your note. Very elegant.
[????]: Yeah about that… the swirling miasma of chaos that is my life kinda… ate it before I could read it?
[????]: Saw the Twitter post though.
[Tall]: Decidedly not elegant.
[OP]: I did not receive a note. This upsets me.
[Syn]: Optix, give me a physical location to find you, and I will gladly remedy my error.
[OP]: No :P
[Dr.W]: Come on, Synovus. You didn’t really think the rest of us would continue to suffer through these meetings without you, did you?
[Ibis]: My companion and I will also be in attendance. We wish to see you, Synovus.
[*GP*]: Ooh, wouldn’t wanna upset the goddess, Syn
[Syn]: Someone remind me why we added Prodigy.
[Dr.W]: I believe it was your suggestion, with Optix’s support.
[Dr.W]: You did not elaborate on your reasoning, but Optix said something about ‘memes’ being ‘fire.’
[Dr.W]: It was mixed with emoticons, so I can only presume my interpretation is correct.
[*GP*]: [FortniteDance.gif]
Syn, ????, Tall, Dr.W, and Ibis have reacted to this message with *thumbs down*
[OP]: Synovus, bring your guests
[Dr.W]: Guests?
[Tall]: Optix, I feel obligated to remind you not to listen to anyone through our devices.
[Tall]: Additionally, I second both the question and the suggestion.
[Syn]: …
[Ibis]: We wish also to meet your allies.
[Ibis]: Unless they are prisoners - then we will respect your rights to your own sacrifices.
[Dr.W]: Here - all in favor of extending the Right of Parley to Synovus’s guests for the duration of the next gathering?
Tall, *GP*, ????, Ibis, and OP have reacted to this message with *thumbs up*
[Syn]: … Will the teleporter you sent me even take more than one person?
[Tall]: You’ll have to stand rather close together, but I see no issue - provided, of course, your collective mass does not exceed the specifications.
[*GP*]: Wait, who’s playing host this time? Need to know if I should eat before or not.
Resigned, you get the details from Tallflawes, and promises that the others will intervene if anyone else at the meeting not in your chat - namely, Gangster and Chanter - try anything.
While the banter continues (now at Galactic Prodigy’s expense instead of your own - the poor soul had made a typo), you set your phone down, and rub at your face with both hands. You are currently sitting in your own - well, okay, it was technically a sitting room.
You were waiting on Minerva and Alexandria, was the point.
You pull the package of cookies out of your helmet and tuck it into a pocket where it won’t get too crushed - you’re tempted to just eat them, but you know Oflok will make you wait while she makes more. You’ve had enough peer pressure for one day.
Helmet now clear, you slip it on, and find comfort in the familiarity of the interior, and being closed off from the world again.
As the clasps are sealing and the audio is syncing, you catch Menace’s voice, calling, “Ready!”
You look up, noting that she also has her helmet on now - though you could tell from the voice. Like your helmet, hers has a slight affectation, allowing her to sound more feminine without focusing. Though yours is featureless, hers has angles, more akin to a motorcycle helmet with a permanent visor.
And behind her is Minerva, in the results of some of your attempts to avoid boredom.
(Well, that wasn’t the only reason you’d designed it - but it was the reason you’d gone from concept to testing, ostensibly just to see if you could do it. You’d never intended to actually show it to her.)
‘Athena’ had been styled after a war goddess, what was worshipped by her partner. This costume, which you’d mentally dubbed ‘Amphitrite,’ was meant to fit the woman who wore it. You knew it wasn’t quite the same, given it was your design and not Minerva’s, but-
“Are these real pearls?” Minerva demands, running a hand over the scalloped edge of her half-mask. The pearls in question are set into the brow, at different points to accentuate the design.
You blink. “Why wouldn’t they be?”
Minerva makes a disapproving noise, and you roll your eyes. “They’re not load bearing, and they’re naturally harvested with mindfulness for the environment. You can pry them out to give to the poor or people who help you if you want.”
Minerva narrows her gaze at you, though it’s filtered slightly by the glass lenses of this mask. “You’ve… put a lot of thought into this.”
You shrug as you stand. “It seemed a shame not to have something more fitting for your costume.” You don’t intend for that to be a double-entendre, but given that this suit does hug the figure more, you realize it could be. You move on rather than address it, circling to check the seals and explaining as you do.
“It’s modeled after a wetsuit, so you won’t have to worry about potential wear and tear. The interior is woven with Kevlar and padded for ballistics. I presumed you’d prefer something more akin to your old costume in terms of contact, if only for familiarity, ergo-“ You gesture to the mask, “No full helmet, and the collar not reaching your chin. All of the compartments are water tight, and the compression should help with deep dives.”
You fold your arms, considering, “I wouldn’t recommend relying on it in arctic waters, we didn’t get to testing that factor.”
Minerva blinks, having stood warily still throughout your inspection. “And the color?”
Rather than white and gold, as her old suit had been, ‘Amphitrite’ was a darker blue, with slight lines of distortion. There were panels of extra fabric at the waist for modesty, though they were shorter than the skirt of Athena’s chiton.
You’d kept the gold accents though. Small gleams at the neck, wrists, and hips. Lining under the eyes of the mask. It worked with her hair.
“Camouflage. White or black stands out in the water. Blue seemed both fitting from a design standpoint, and practical.”
Minerva rolls her shoulders, quietly pensive. You realize you’re holding your breath.
“Well?” Menace prompts, leaning in to poke at her mother.
“I-“ Minerva falters, then sighs. “Thank you, Synovus. It’s - unexpected.”
“You think it’s creepy.” You conclude, sighing. “I promise you the measurements were guesses-“
“It’s - a little unsettling.” Minerva admits, “But not for the reasons you think. Before I became Athena, I… would occasionally go out for ocean rescues. I wore a wetsuit… and a snorkel mask.”
She reaches up to touch the edge of the mask you’ve given her again. You can place that hesitancy now - it’s wonder.
“I didn’t know.” You say softly, and it’s the truth. “Though I take it that means you don’t dislike it?”
“She loves it.” Menace informs you.
“A- Menace.” Minerva scolds.
You are grinning, beneath your helmet. “Well, in that case, there is one other matter of business before we can leave.”
“And that would be?”
“A name!” Menace crows, “A villain name!”
“I am not a villain.” Minerva corrects her quickly.
Menace shrugs, “You are for this meeting. I suggest Pacifica, after the ocean.”
“In my notes for the costume, I referred to it as Amphitrite, in keeping with your previous naming convention.” You offer.
Minerva shakes her head, “When I first started,” she says quietly, “I told people, when they asked, that a Naiad had rescued them.”
“Then a Naiad you will be.” You accept. The name, both Greek and tied to the water nymphs, feels right.
But you weren’t here to play dress up.
“The others you’re going to meet today know I change methods of address, but for formality reasons, will default to the neutral. I ask that you do the same. Do not speak unless spoken to, and even then I might intervene. You have been granted the Right of Parley for this meeting - that means you must also agree to grant it to others. That means no violence, no mental influences, and no poisoning. If someone else draws, you may do the same - but you must let them make the first move to strike, or the agreement is void.”
“What happens if someone breaks the agreement?” Menace asks.
“I happen.” You say flatly. "Questions?"
You leave out the times these meetings have turned into full scale brawls. You’d had to learn who could be invited and who couldn’t, and it was an ever shifting roster.
“Several.” Minerva - Naiad - says grimly, “but none, I suspect, that you would answer. Let’s get this over with.”
“Menace has been recognized as my student. Naiad, you will be a petitioner I have granted sanctuary. If anyone asks further, tell them you invoke right of privacy. They’ll still push, but it means officially they’re supposed to go to me about it as your sponsor.”
When they both nod, you gesture for them to follow you to the balcony, where the ring and rose still rest. You pick them up, and decide it’s better to show than tell.
You pull the rose free of the ring, and drop the signet to the ground. It expands, metal fluid and shifting now that it’s been triggered, but maintaining the perfect circle.
Once it stops, you step into it, and gesture for Naiad and Menace to join you. It is a little awkward - like trying to stand three people inside an oversized hula hoop - but as Tallflawes promised, doable.
“Pemberley.” You invoke - and you snap the stem of the rose.
Between one blink and the next, you are there, and then you are here.
‘There’ had been a balcony in the Pacific, balmy air coming in off of the waves, the sun just past its zenith.
‘Here’ was a well-furnished room in the modern style, with one wall consisting of floor-to-ceiling windows, showing you the night sky and the distant Atlantic.
You shake your shoulders, dispelling the strange sensation teleporting always gave you.
“Pemberley?” Naiad questions. “As in-“
“Yes!” Calls a delighted voice from behind you, because Tallflawes is, after all, a villain. “A delightful choice of name for a home, isn’t it?”
You step out of the circle before you turn, letting the stem drop and tucking the rose blossom into a pocket. It gives you a moment before you have to actually address her.
“Tallflawes uses a coded system to designate transportation points.” You explain, “based, for some unfathomable reason, on primarily Gothic literature.”
You come to a stop in front of Tallflawes herself, and incline your head in a regal acknowledgment of the host for the evening.
“I’m surprised you didn’t tell them before you arrived.” She responds with a smirk.
Though Tallflawes has to look up at you to do it, she’s long since mastered the art of meeting your eyes through your helmet. Though she will occasionally wear masks in the field, here at her home, she hasn’t bothered. And though you know she’s worn a variety of ‘costumes’ over the years… she’s chosen a white pantsuit to host, marked with the shoulder-and-lapel accents of her particular technology.
You can’t help but smile, “What fun is there in explaining everything?”
You leave the question rhetorical, gesturing behind you, “Menace, my protégé, and Naiad. I take responsibility for their actions and damages, for the duration of our meeting.”
“So you have spoken,” Tallflawes replies smoothly, “So you must live. Welcome to my home, Menace, Naiad. I will not promise you peace, only a place at my table.”
It’s still strange, to hear someone else speak the ritual words. To be the visitor, instead of the host.
You feel more than see Menace and Naiad watching you - but now is not the time to respond.
“Formalities aside, Tallflawes, you never did explain the purpose of this meeting.”
She gestures for you to follow, and you fall into step beside her as she leads the way through a selection of hallways and adjoining rooms. “Why, Synovus, darling, it’s you of course.”
You’re fairly certain both of your hangers-on tense, but you are unperturbed. “Doubtful.”
“Would I lie to you, my dearest?”
“Only as much as I lie to you, dear heart.” Your tone is sardonic. Hers is not. There was a time your positions were reversed. But regardless of the tone, you know you both understand each other.
“Well, that’s only fair.” Tallflawes agrees, shrugging. “But I’d rather only go through everything once.”
You tip your head in recognition, and change the topic accordingly. “Your sense in decor hasn’t changed.”
Indeed, from the white walls of the room you’d arrived in, to the pale gray of the furniture, everything you’d passed so far had been remarkably monochromatic, with only the dark lines of supporting furniture to accentuate the lack of color.
“All the better to show the bloodstains.” Tallflawes replies serenely, as you reach a door. “Take your seat, Synovus. We’ll begin shortly.”
You know that’s not why she decorates in white, of course. Tallflawes would never spill blood in her living quarters - at least, not without having it immediately cleaned and the victimized furniture replaced.
No, Tallflawes decorates in white because it makes every guest uncomfortable. It leaves everyone who walks her halls checking surreptitiously for shoe prints in the carpet, smudges on glass, feeling as though they are an embarrassing stain in a spotless world.
And you, in your dark costume, had always been like a walking blot of ink on a white page, slinking from one part of the building to the next. You had recognized the power play for what it was, and in defiance, had actively stained something every time you visited. Spilled drinks, actual ink blots from pens. Sometimes you’d had to get creative.
But now, all of the seats for her guests, spread out in this room in a rough circle, are black.
You settle into the chair that is yours (it’s complicated to explain why you know it is yours - a combination of view of entrance and exits and decor patterns and who else is sitting where) with a practiced grace, tossing your cape over one arm of the chair and leaning against the other, legs crossing comfortably.
Menace and Naiad shuffle for a moment, before finding their places at your shoulders - likely modeling it on how Gray Gangster, across from you, has two of his enforcers at the ready.
Everyone else is alone - bar Unwritten, who this time has a small dragon in her lap, gnawing ferociously on the upholstery - except for Ibis, who sits a few seats over from you with Vulture directly beside her. It throws off the symmetry of the circle to have their chairs so close together. Tallflawes has solved this by putting herself opposite the pair, with you and Gangster on the other quarter-axis. You approve.
On your left is Dr. Wraith, the immortal with a penchant for robbing museums. You’re not sure how old she actually is, and you do know for certain that not every artifact she’s stolen under the pretense of ‘reclaiming’ has actually belonged to her at some point, but you can account firsthand for how hard she is to kill. She gives you a wintry smile.
On your right sits Unwritten, now enticing her dragon to gnaw on the tie of her robes instead of Tallflawes’ furniture. “Hello, Syn.” She calls merrily. Her clothing changes color as you watch, but she doesn’t seem to be aware of it. Perils of being a chaos mage.
Ibis, in an excess of golden jewelry, sits with her consort on Unwritten’s other side. She bares her teeth at you in what you understand as a favorable greeting, and ruffles her wings in lieu of a wave. Supposedly, she and Vulture are the most recent vessels of long dead gods. You’re not sure if that’s objectively true, but you’re hardly one to throw stones for a bit of self-aggrandizement. Or a God complex either, really.
Past Vulture, and flanking Gray Gangster, is Chanter. He raises a brow at your two guests, but nods solemnly. Where Unwritten is chaos ever-roiling, Chanter is tightly constrained. His posture is perfect, his clothing neat. The only sign of his abilities are the swirling colors in the gemstones of his necklace, and in the small pocketwatch-shaped device he keeps on a chain wrapped around one hand.
Gray Gangster themselves is as unreadable as always. They won’t speak at this meeting - you’ve only ever heard them speak once - but their enforcers will translate what they want. A traditional pin suit and fedora marks the crime boss of the North. They do not offer you a greeting.
“Heya Jim.” You call to one of the enforcers you recognize.
“Synovus,” he replies respectfully, dipping his head.
Seated on Gangster’s right, between him and Tallflawes, is a bouncing bundle of energy you know as G.P. - Galactic Prodigy.
Lanky, blue skinned, and with several tendrils that he continues to insist cannot be described as ‘tentacles’ in place of hair, Prodigy never had a chance at blending in among humans. Lucky for him, he’d never intended to.
Prodigy had been an instant splash with the hero scene - though, as one of only.. (five? Yeah you were pretty sure the number was still five, unless Astrae had had her kid) five aliens on Earth, he would’ve stood out regardless. You remembered the first time you saw an advertisement for his themed cereal.
But then the kid had realized he wanted to go home, maybe, at some point, and he’d wound up in some trouble that you’d had to haul him out of, and some people who wanted nothing more than to lock him up somewhere and study him had taken that as opportunity to brand him a traitor. And Prodigy had decided that crime was more fun anyway.
He mostly pissed off governments by stealing classified files - making sure no one else wound up where they’d wanted to put him.
And that left Tallflawes, reigning queen of the circle and host of this tenuous peace. Her chair was slightly raised on a small dais. She had a small table on which to set a champagne glass, which you knew actually held a non-alcoholic sparkling cider. As she took her seat, she did not look at anyone in particular, instead checking something on a summoned view screen.
That technology was not public access - hell, even you had only figured out a few basic components to some of what Tallflawes did. It wasn’t that she was a genius - though she was, undoubtedly - it was that she was a woman out of time.
Some indeterminate amount of time in the future (she refused to tell anyone when, exactly) Tallflawes had been grappling with a hero for different reasons. During the fight, they had both been knocked into a contraption she’d been working on with the aim of deciphering time travel. It had worked - but she hadn’t planned on it being activated yet, and certainly not as a round-trip.
So she and the hero known as ‘Blue Prophet’ were stuck in the now.
Tallflawes, disinclined to give her technology to anyone else anyway, had immediately found ways to set up shop again, and now hand-crafted most of her tech in a foundry/workshop downstairs. Prophet, she’d told you once, had nowhere near the amount of knowledge needed to do the same - so he only had what he’d brought with him.
She was rather smug about that.
You realize Menace has leaned over towards you when she murmurs, “What’s the significance of Pemberley?”
“Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen. The estate the protagonist moves to once she’s married, and proof of her suitor’s good heart and business sense.” You reply, gesturing vaguely to the area around you. “Also, in this case, definitely bugged.”
“Noted. What’s our island called, then?”
You sigh, “Thornfield. From Jane Eyre, by Emily Brontë.”
Naiad gives you an incredulous side-eye.
“What does that represent?”
“You know, Menace, I believe I have a copy at home. You can borrow it and find out yourself.”
“That doesn’t help me know what it means now, though.”
“Naiad seems to recognize it. Why doesn’t she explain?”
Naiad exhales in a near-imperceptible sigh. You realize she probably has a lot of practice at this - keeping her mouth and jaw still, if not the rest of her face. “I support you broadening your literary horizons and coming to your own conclusions.”
Menace leans further forward, “Wait, you agree with Synovus?”
“That is not what I said.”
“It is what she meant though.” You confide to one side, not quiet enough that Naiad can’t hear you.
You might’ve continued - or Menace might’ve found something else to ask about, there were certainly plenty of conversation starters in the room - except Tallflawes looked up from her screen. Recognizing the sign, you raised a hand, gently nudging Menace back into place.
“Before we begin with this meeting’s purpose.” Tallflawes calls, and her voice is clear and commanding, “Are there any relevant challenges that must be settled?”
“Nope.” Replies Prodigy. At a look from Tallflawes (and Wraith and Chanter) he sighs, and recites, “I hold no grudges with anyone here.”
One of the enforcers - Not-Jim - speaks for Gangster. Chanter gives his affirmation solemnly. Ibis uses the plural as Vulture simply nods. Unwritten mostly sticks to the script.
You go to give your oath, and pause. Athena, your rival, is standing at your shoulder. In a different name, in a different costume. Someone who hurt her child, accidentally or no, and was working to change.
The question was - did you still hold a grudge?
“Whether I hold a grudge against anyone present remains to be seen.” You settle for that, “though I give my oath that any potential grudges will not see consequence until well after this meeting’s conclusion.”
Tallflawes watches you for much too long. She nods, and turns to Dr. Wraith, who gives the standard answer.
“Aw come on,” Prodigy complains, “Why does Synovus get to give a different answer?”
“Because Synovus is retired.” You drawl, “And only here to find out what you all could possibly want.”
“The oath given was sufficient.” Tallflawes says, as though you hadn’t spoken. “Though Synovus is why we are here. We don’t have many rules - and I don’t intend to ask anyone to follow any more than we already do. But I think we all need to know a few things about your plans for retirement.”
She taps the arms of her chair, looking at you expectantly.
“I’m retiring.” You reiterate, “if you want specifics, ask for them.”
“A point of clarification before we devolve-“ Chanter puts in, leaning forward, “- Synovus, are you aware of what’s been happening in your territory since you announced your retirement?”
Awful question. Admit to ignorance, or pretend you know everything. You do neither, “Again, you’ll have to be more specific before I can answer that question.”
“He refers,” Dr. Wraith says softly, “To the small scale war breaking out between upstarts. The kind you normally put down, or intimidated too much for them to start.”
You sigh, “That is to be expected. I covered a lot of ground with several large scale cities - and it isn’t as though I had a no-interference policy.”
“And if you want to watch those cities burn, that’s your business.” Unwritten says cheerfully, “I just want to know if you’re backing anyone, so I know who to bet on.”
Jim shrugs, “You do have a student, after all. Maybe you wanted to have them take over?” He looks towards Menace, and several others do as well.
“Though we haven’t seen her out and about - or heard much at all about her yet.” Unwritten agrees, peering closer.
“An apprentice succeeding the master is only natural.” Chanter points out.
“Menace is under my tutelage - but she is not my pawn.” You say coldly, straightening from your lounged position. “If she wishes to take my place, that will be her affair.”
“Do you?” Asks Tallflawes, and she is no longer looking at you.
Menace, to her immense credit, doesn’t fidget under the gaze of so many monsters from her bedtime stories. “I have no plans to do so at this time.”
Dr. Wraith laughs, in a sign of approval. “Inherited Synovus’s tongue, if nothing else.”
You give her a sharp glance that she has no way of knowing occurred, picking up on the word choice. You haven’t addressed allegations she’s your actual child, and you don’t intend to be baited into discussing it now either.
“I choose my words for myself, Dr. Wraith. My teachers deserve their credit where it is due - but do not presume I am only their creation.”
Dr. Wraith gives another cold smile, and you’d swear you can feel Naiad’s blood pressure rising.
“A warning aptly given.” Tallflawes says coolly, “And not one we are likely to forget, child. The question remains. Clarified - Synovus, do you name a successor to your territory?”
“I do not.”
“What about your rivals?” Prodigy asks, having folded his legs up underneath him.
You are still.
“Athena and her Legionnaire.” Ibis hums, “I do not believe she is like us… but I would like to find out.”
“Bit difficult, given Legionnaire’s dropped off the map.” Not-Jim says.
Unwritten shrugs, balancing her dragon on one hand as it tried to climb on top of her head, “It never made sense to me that they were your rivals anyway, Synovus, so you know I’m in favor.”
“Dazzler or White Shadow would’ve been more thematic.” That’s Chanter, and you’re reminded why you’ve never liked him.
“This is an old conversation.” Dr. Wraith puts in, “the point is, if Synovus is retired, they may no longer claim the Right of Rivalry against the heroes Athena and Legionnaire.”
“Point of clarification.” Asks a voice from over your shoulder, and you tense as Naiad continues, “Define the Right of Rivalry?”
Chanter, again, “Your patron is the one who penned the Right. You do not know?”
Tallflawes’ eyes do not narrow, but you do feel them weighing on you.
Prodigy speaks before she can, “Hey, it took me forever to learn these things, no harm in wanting to know for sure.”
He looks at Naiad, and you wonder if they have met before. If he will know her, beneath the mask. You should have asked. You didn’t.
“Basically, no one is supposed to kill someone else’s rival, or go out of their way to fuck them over. There’s a whole lot of wiggle room if one of them comes after you or someone changes territories, or something happens, but it’s our way of calling dibs.”
Chanter remarks disdainfully, “Synovus has broken the Right before, of course.”
You force yourself to relax back into your chair. “Point of contention.” You say, as though bored, “The case of death of Igneous was ruled valid, and I have settled the debt with Heathen.”
Unwritten snorts, and you hear her mutter, “flying submarine.”
“Point - both of them - acknowledged.” Tallflawes cuts in. “Synovus, do you acknowledge that you may no longer claim the Right of Rivalry?”
You are silent, for a beat. You knew this was a possibility, but to bring it up here is forcing the issue. Is someone else eager to hunt them? It would have to be someone here, powerful enough to be willing to risk your wrath -
“I claim inheritance of Synovus’s rivals.” Menace says.
Tallflawes tilts her head, “On what grounds? No more than that they were your patron’s rivals?”
You do not speak. You cannot. To do so would be seen for what it would be - a desperate attempt at a cover up.
But Menace, your menace, continues on with her own gamble. She says simply, “They are my parents.”
There is silence in the room. In that silence, you can hear Naiad’s sharp intake of breath, and the creak of Menace’s gloves as she tightens her grip, hands clasped behind her back. You know how far it is to the nearest window and how everyone here will begin if it turns to violence. Shadows begin to knot, unseen, under your palms.
And then Gray Gangster laughs. Chuckles, really. It’s rough, and unsettling, and sounds like something from a graveyard had dragged its way up to sit in this room and mock you. He claps, slowly, exactly three times, as his enforcers watch him intently.
Not-Jim looks up, at you. “He congratulates you, Synovus.” They say neutrally, “On going above and beyond his expectations for your agreement. He will support Menace’s claim.”
With that declaration, the spell of silence is broken. Ibis and Vulture mutter to each other, speculative, while Chanter slowly nods. Dr. Wraith is staring at Menace, calculative, and tsks in a way that might indicate sympathy. Tallflawes cuts a glance towards Prodigy. Prodigy gives a bewildered shrug.
“We acknowledge Menace’s claim to the Right of Rivalry with Athena and Legionnaire. Are there any other matters of business we must address?”
The meeting continues - but no one in your party speaks again.
It’s only after you teleport all three of you back to the island (crushing the rose blossom in your palm with a terse ‘Thornfield’) that you expect the dam to break.
You are braced for it, prepared, waiting for the accusations and demands and questions. You stand on your balcony, letting the warm wind whip past you, and you wait for them to begin.
But Menace leaves first, stepping off the balcony railing and into the air to soar straight up, far away from both you and her mother. She leaves without a word.
Naiad - Athena, Minerva - is almost worse. She pulls off her mask, as the two of you watch Menace’s outline grow smaller. She watches her daughter fly away, and says softly, “Well. You did warn me you were a liar, Synovus.”
She leaves her mask on the railing, right where the ring and rose were earlier, and turns to leave. It is her parting shot that hurts more;
“More the fool, I.”
And you can only stand and stare at the starlight, alone.
[Do not fear! There will be a (at least slightly) happier conclusion - but this does mean instead of a two-parter, you all will be waiting on a part three. See you then!]
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divine-jupiter · 2 years
Astrology Observations Post #3
Scorpio Risings with Pisces Suns have such a look. I can't explain it. They just, their eyes, just... do a thing. And you want to cuddle them so nothing can ever hurt them again.
Have you ever met an Aries Sun/Moon/Rising with a Scorpio Mars. Yeah... let's just say, master chess player. HIGHLY independent. Trailblazer to the max. Their energy is the one of "the revolutionary". Pure chaos. A rebel who somehow also inspires millions to a cause they didn't even create. Everyone just wants them to be the reckless hero of the story. And let's not get started on their death-defying luck. This mix makes me think of Batman, or the Punisher. More vigilante energy. One who doesn't obey the system because it goes against their principles.
Libra Risings, especially Virgo Suns, have an earthy symmetry about them. It's so warm and flowy, like that quiet week when Spring shifts to Summer. You know those nice warm days and not-quite-chilly evenings when the fireflies are flickering at sundown. Yeah. 💛
Aquarius Moons tend to over explain a lot when in longer conversations than the average meet-and-greet. As a fire sign, I don't really mind this, though. What I've also noticed is how they can find the rhythm of a conversation if focus on the subject is lost. They've got this supernatural knack for knowing when to shift a discussion, too. It's so accurate in timing, because I'll feel the energy of the conversation waver just slightly and the Aqua Moon has already jumped to something new. But what's cool is they don't do it in a jarring way. it's seamless.
Aquarius Risings have such a unique imbalance to their face. It's hypnotic and beautiful. The native themselves can often feel that they aren't what is considered beautiful because of the lack of symmetry to them. The concentration of Aquarius energy makes it more apparent because Aquarius goes against symmetry. I've a friend with this placement who also has an Aquarius Moon in the 12th House and her appearance, at least in her bone structure and physique, never feels fully settled. There is an ever-changing energy to her. She has a part feline/part fae look about her, very much like Michelle Pffeifer, but darker. Thick brows and thinner lips. She seems so sleepy and dreamy all the time with beautiful dark lashes.
Gemini Risings are so pretty, especially the masculine energy! You look like compact, speedy little gazelles, wtf! And their little hands!!! They're so cute and small, heaven help me!!! Also, if you've got a Pisces Sun with this placement--first of all, how dare you be so otherworldly! And the hair, the hair, the HAIR! The eyes, too! Sharp and mischievous! Another thing about you, this one is both endearing and a tad exhausting, is that once you start talking, you do NOT STOP. This counts double for air suns and/or moons. I've a best friend who has this placement along with an Aquarius Sun and Libra Moon, and she is so pleasantly calm. She never loses her temper, never shouts, and she always controls a conversation by never EVER giving into her emotions, which her sister (a Cancer Moon) cannot stand. There is something about a Gemini Rising that is meant for center stage, too. You really need one to bring a group of people together. I know a Gemini Rising who is a Pisces Sun and Aquarius Moon and he always uses his charm for his job, which for him is in endless supply. He has these gorgeous dark, almost mirror black eyes, too.
Leo Moons are such a sweet energy. They do thrive on attention, but people have to also understand that Leo Moons are driven by the people surrounding them. The energy people reflect back to the Leo Moon helps the native determine their importance to the person. If the Leo Moon sees you aren't showing that you genuinely care about what they are saying or doing, Leo's gonna bounce. Simple as that. No hard feelings. And I love how Leo Moons put so much care into doing things for friends. Like you could be having a horrible month, and this native will invite you to a tea party in their garden, make a home-cooked meal, make sure the temperature of the day isn't too cold or hot so you can sit outside in the warm sunlight and even pay you gas money or buy you a surprise gift. And the way these Moons just give you things at random, too! An their giggles! Those count triple if they've air placements. It's infectious!
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motzgurke · 2 years
Omg your domestic Shoto imagine killed me 🥺 plus it gave me an idea. So you know how Shoto is a touch starved baby boy/loves attention by his love, but what if he son is also? So it’s husband!Shoto and his toddler working together as a perfect pair to get cuddles and attention from the wife!mom!reader? I hope this made sense
I’m such a sucker for fluffy content that I needed to answer this request. But I hope you forgive me for changing it slightly, I just love the headcanon of Shoto having twins that resemble his appearance and personality 🥺
Words: 2782
Tooth rotting fluff for the pro hero Shoto, reader as his wife, and the cutest little beans my brain could come up with
You dragged your feet back into your office, throwing your gloves on your desk and collapsing exhausted into your chair. You were heaving, sweat still trickling down your forehead as you stared at the ceiling, waiting for the adrenalin to dissolve from your veins. The villain you chased was more agile than you anticipated and so you found yourself nearly running for a whole hour until you finally managed to corner him in an alley far from the place you were supposed to capture him. And so you had to wait even longer until the police arrived, taking the villain from you, excuses for being late washed away with a flick of your hand.
The whole last week has been like that, nothing seemed to work in your favour as every day something else went wrong, starting with a load of wrongly filled reports you had to rework all by yourself and ending today with this horribly planned capture mission.
You huffed and took a look at the clock hanging on the wall opposite you and as you realized what time it was you groaned. Shoto would have your head for being late again leaving him alone with the kids. You felt sorry as you thought about your husband. This week was his first longer break for months and now he had to keep up with your alternating schedule and two four-year-old boys probably occupying every little spare minute he could offer.
As you thought about your twins you couldn’t help the small smile spreading on your lips. You loved them, but you knew for sure how hard it could be to handle them. Not necessarily Yukio, but your energetic firstborn Koichi was an unstoppable force if he had set his mind on something. The idea of you Yukio watching calmly, clutching his plushie of your husband in his small hands as Shoto ran through your apartment, chasing after your red-haired fireball made you laugh happily. You couldn’t wait to come home and spend a nice weekend with your little chaotic family. But until that, you had to finish the last reports.
With a sigh, you stretched your aching limbs and fetched the reports resting at the edge of your desk. The sooner you started the sooner you would be able to leave work and fully enjoy some time with your loved ones.
Or so you thought.
You were already preparing the completion certificate for Deku who would take over your shift in a few minutes when an emergency call made you jump to your feet. Sadly you left behind the hope for a relaxing evening, putting your gloves back on, and hastily made your way to the supposed destination.
In the meantime, Shoto had arrived back, both of his sons holding one of his hands as they walked to your home. As usual, Koichi would blast about every little detail from the time at the daycare while Yukio only spoke up when he felt the urgent need to, content with letting his brother take the lead.
“And then Yukio built little snowmen for the whole group! He was so cool!” The red-haired explained with a wide grin and a cheerful glint in his eyes. Shoto was proud of how his son was so supportive of his shy brother, cheering and praising him whenever possible. “Oh really? I’m impressed.” The pro hero said and made the white-haired boy at his side blush at the praise. Yukio’s personality matched more with his own, while his livelier twin came more after you.
While he listened to the talking of his boys, nodding now and then he remembered the moment in the hospital, when he held them in his arms for the first time. Your beautiful smile was everything to him as he held the little beans in his arms, showing them to you since you were too exhausted from giving birth to them mere minutes ago.
You cried tears of joy, fully lost in your little family. This was everything that both of you had dreamed of and you were looking forward to seeing them grow up, learning what a beautiful world was waiting for them.
A weak tug at his sleeve ripped Shoto from his daydreaming. “Dad, open the door please?” Yukio looked at him with big and warm grey eyes, which came from Reis’s side of the family. If he was honest both of the twins had inherited most of their features from the Todorokis, it was like he had split up and was looking at versions of his mother and father disguised as him.
Shoto feared one of the twins would look like his father, he feared that he might project his childhood trauma onto his son, with his red hair and clear turquoise eyes, but his worry was washed away when the nurse had put Koichi in his arms. He instantly fell in love with the small being, his chubby cheeks, and how he had clutched his finger in those short little digits, not even able to fully wrap around his own. And of course, he loved Yukio just as much with his silky white strands, his face as round as yours. There hadn’t been a day since that he wasn’t thankful you gifted him such a wonderful family.
“Dad!” The boys shouted in unison, and he snapped out of his dreaming again, fishing for the keys in his pockets. “Sorry, I will hurry.” He excused and turned the keys in the lock until the door sprang open the boys dashed inside immediately, only to turn back a few seconds later with a saddened expression. “Mommy is not home,” Koichi said and grabbed his brother’s hand for emotional support. Seeing how your shoes were missing in the entryway you probably were still at work. He knew how stressful the job as a pro hero was, but still, he understood his children’s reaction, feeling a slight down himself at the realization you weren’t already there.
But as a father his heart couldn’t take to seeing his little beans sad like that and he kneeled to them, wiping a tiny tear from Yukio’s eye. “How about we play something until mom comes home? I’m sure she shouldn’t take too long.”
Soon he concluded that it wasn’t the best idea to lure the twins on like that. He was watching the clock growing worried with each hour you weren’t stepping through the front door. The twins had fallen asleep on the sofa after he played with them for hours, their cute little snores making him sleepy too. He forced himself to stay awake, combing through red and white strands and staring into the living room, a bit colder than usual without your presence.
Another hour later Shoto felt warm fingers caressing his cheek and his eyes snapped open, revealing your tiredly smiling expression to his foggy mind. “Your late”, he stated and lifted himself from the softness of the sofa cushions. “I’m sorry, there was an emergency right at the end of my shift”, you excused your late arrival and took a blanket from the sofa, gently tugging your boys under the soft fabric and stroking their cheeks as you did with your husband.
Your heart swelled with their adorable appearance and how they were holding onto each other in their slumber, snoring lightly. You felt bad for coming way too late and therefore spending less time than anticipated with your family, you knew how they had missed you this whole week.
Speaking of which your husband reached out and encircled your waist, drawing you closer until he could lean his head on your stomach a satisfied breath leaving his lungs. “Your home now, that’s everything that matters.” You thought you heard him purring and a small laugh escaped your mouth at his cute behavior. He hadn’t changed since you graduated from U.A. together. He was still the touch-starved, gentle soul you have loved for so long it felt like ages. Giving in a bit you let your fingers glide through his dual-colored hair, brushing the little knots from the silky strands.
You had to admit that you missed him too, but soon you needed to interrupt this moment, remembering the chores you had to do. When Shoto noticed how you drew back from his embrace he growled, trying to tug you back again but you wiggled from his strong arms. “Relax a bit more while I’ll do the laundry and start cooking. You probably hadn’t the time to do so with our two little balls of joy over there.”
He tried to protest, but the sleepiness still lingering in his body made it hard to keep up with how fast you had retreaded to the bathroom. Shoto pouted as he stared at the spot you were standing mere seconds ago. He knew you preferred to finish all the work before you gave yourself some relaxation time and he loved you for your determination to fulfill your duties, but right now he was annoyed. He missed you and just wanted to have you in his arms since this whole week neither he nor the boys were able to spend some quality time with you.
Seeing how desperately they clung to each other, trying to use the other as a replacement for your loving arms he grumbled, a plan forming in his head. Shoto respected your schedule but desperate circumstances called for desperate measures and so he shook his twins gently awake, a mischievous glint in his heterochromatic eyes.
Your small humming sounding from the bathroom reassured the father and his two accomplices that you were still occupied with the laundry. Giving an approving nod to his children Shoto retreated to the living room, signaling his boys to start the operation.
You were focused on your chores when you heard the padding of your children’s footsteps drawing closer to you. Turning around you expected them to look sleepy and fall directly into your arms, but the sight in front of you made you laugh with confusion. Yukio and Koichi were facing you with an unreadable glint in their eyes, but the fact that they changed into their little costumes modeled after your husband’s hero costume you kneeled to them, giving them a soft pet on their head.
“What are my little pros up to? Saving a civilian in need?” You smiled at their quick nodding. “Daddy needs help!” Koichi blurted followed suit by the calmer voice of his brother. “He fell in the living room.” Yukio pointed in the direction with one and tugged your sleeve with the other hand.
In an instant, your inside twisted with worry and you jumped to your feet, hurrying into your living room with big strides. As you stepped into the spacious area your heart skipped a beat at the sight of your husband lying motionless on the ground, dual-colored hair splayed on the carpet. You dropped to your knees, turning his larger form carefully and inspecting his head for any injuries.
Asking yourself what happened, and you hadn’t heard him falling over made you tremble, but the realization that there was no visible wound on his head or body relieved most of the tension cursing through your veins. You let out a shaky breath and scooted closer, putting Shoto’s head in your lap and cupping his face in your palms, drawing soft circles on his cheeks.
The stress dissipated at the sight of his chest rising and falling in even breaths. You nearly had a heart attack with the look of worry your boys had given you and the fear something had happened to your beloved while you were sorting through piles of dirty clothes.
Remembering they were probably watching this scene unfold you turned your head in their direction, reassuring them their father was fine. What you didn’t expect were their tense stances, ready to pounce at you. Before you could ask what was going on, Shoto’s eyes shot open and he turned in your lap, caging your waist in his strong grip. “Now get her!” His voice commanded and immediately the twins sprung forward, tackling you and your husband to the ground.
“Good work heroes and now don’t let the villain escape!” Shoto continued and your brows knitted in confusion at the term villain, but they didn’t give you a second to think before you felt small fingers tickling your sides while Shoto pinned you to the ground with his weight. The overwhelming sensation had you wheezing in seconds, bright laughter erupting from your body as your children continued to tickle your stomach and waist, they and Shoto grinning as they saw you so carefree.
“Villains need to be punished! Prepare for our justice!” Koichi exclaimed and sped up his movements, making you cry with happy tears. You weren’t able to stop them, lost in their play and the fun you had despite the aching of your stomach from your continuous laughter.
Shoto looked at you and your bright grin, laying helplessly on the ground while the boys kept on with their assault. His heart fluttered seeing your expression and the redness in your cheeks, happy tears running down your face. That was what he longed for. Just your little family, doing some cheesy playing and enjoying your time together. But after noticing how you started coughing from exhaustion, he sat down next to you. “I think that’s enough for now. Let mommy take a breath.” He grabbed Koichi and pulled him into his lap, keeping him from barging in again while Yukio rolled down next to his mother facing up at the ceiling like she was.
Grateful for the break you tried to calm down, taking some deep breaths and looking up at your husband with your son in his lap, both of them smiling at your disheveled form. “What villainous thing made me deserve such a punishment?” You asked and huffed playfully, gaining a judging glare from your red-haired boy. “You were late and left without cuddles!” He accused you and crossed his arms, reminding you of Shoto when he was pouting.
You sighed and gave him the most apologetic smile you could offer. “I’m sorry, my little fireball. But mommy had an emergency mission.” Koichi considered your answer and looked questioningly up to his father who gave him an approving nod. A look in your husband’s eyes told you he too was unhappy that you weren’t on time, but of course, he understood the urgency of the call.
You rolled on your side to face your other child who had been quiet since they stopped tickling you. “Would the kind heroes forgive my misbehavior? I promise to make it up to you”, you offered and opened your arms for Yukio to scoot closer. He considered your words for a moment, but his warm grey eyes soon softened and he quickly shifted, arms and legs thrown around your upper body as the small bean hid his face in your chest. “I’ll forgive you, mommy.” He mumbled and you placed your head on his chin, combing your fingers through the soft white strands.
Shoto smiled at the way you embraced your son, the sight in front of him making his heart flutter with fuzziness and pure unconditional love for his little family displayed by the handsome smile on his lips. Then he felt how the boy in his arms squirmed and jumped on top of you, turning you on your back with the force of his impact. “Unfair! I want to cuddle mommy too!”, and with that, he laid down, tugging his head on your stomach with a cute little pout on his lips.
You laughed at the way Shoto started to pout at being the only one left out, so you motioned for him with a wink to join your love cuddle pile and he made sure to follow the invitation in an instant. His big arms pulled you and the twins closer, ultimately sheltering you with his gentle warmth.
You turned to look at your husband with a questioning glint in your eye. “And you? Might the famous pro hero Shoto forgive his poor wife for her wrongdoing?” You asked with a guilty look, putting up your best pitiful face. Shoto hummed and pretended to think about your suggestion what you made you blink at him. Then you found his index and middle finger tilting up your chin, your noses nearly touching. “I might consider it if you give me a nice kiss, showing that you are truly sorry.” He stated and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, exposing the soft blush adorning your cheeks.
“As you wish, my hero.”
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spilledkauffie · 2 years
🤍 Nurse of the 501st — Preface
Pairing: Captain Rex x FemaleNurse!Reader (ft. the 501st) Word Count: 4.1k T/W: fluffy ☁️A/N: happy 5/01 day and welcome to a little series I’ll be updating every now and then! All parts will be able to be read solo or together!
Reader is assigned to the 501st as their main nurse; already knowing Kix she’s welcomed into the group pretty easily. Still intimidated about meeting Rex, the boys try and make her feel more at ease in her new situation, which helps once she learns Rex isn’t as scary as she thought he’d be.
Preface / Injured / 79's / Orphanage / Suit Up / Taken (pt.1)
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
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“Remember, they are your team, your family, and your friends,” Jedi Master Rig Nema told you in the elevator.
“Do I have to leave the hospital wing so soon?” you asked, shoulders slumped as you stared o the elevator floor.
“So soon?” Master Nema gave a silvery laugh, “it’s been years, and Kix asked for your transfer personally, which means they need more medical help. You’ll be doing a great service to many people.”
Taking a deep breath you nodded, meeting her eyes, “I know, Kix has been a great friend to me, I’m honoured that he’d request me, but…I just don’t know if I’ll fit in with them; I’m not a soldier, I’m not a hero, I’m not even a Jedi.” 
“You don’t need to be,” Master Nema set a hand on your shoulder maternally, dipping down to talk to you as her species was much taller than the average human, “you just need to let them know that you are there to help in any way you can, respect and experience will get you far with Captain Rex.”
She encouraged a nod out of you, but you were still anxious, sad, and scared all at the same time, had you been a Jedi you knew you’d be scolded for it, but you weren’t so you felt every emotion as it hit you. You’d never been on a trooper cruiser, you’d never been in action, you’d never been off Coruscant, the whole experience was overwhelming. Everyone on board seemed to have a routine and you had no idea where you fit in. While you were looking around the hallway, trying to get a glimpse of open doorways, Master Nema repressed a chuckle at your childlike curiosity.
“Ah, Master Nema,” you straightened up and snapped your gaze forward at hearing the familiar voice. 
A smile broke out across your face, “Kix!” 
He greeted you with a wave as you approached, “always good to see you, Master.”
“Likewise, Kix,” Master Nema bowed, “I am honoured that you requested my…student.”
The pause stung, you knew what she wanted to say and you knew what you had wanted to hear. Padawan. It was something forever out of your reach. As much as you tried to push past the fact that you were now far too old to even be considered a Padawan, it was something you forever wanted.
“Well, I only wanted the best,” Kix tilted his head to subtly wink at you. It made you smile, Kix went through medical training with you, and even though his program was accelerated and he was sent off to the 501st, he still kept in contact with you, which you greatly appreciated. 
“And the best you shall have,” Master Nema put a hand on your back, softly pushing you forward, “I know she will do great things.”
Now standing beside Kix, the sense of anxiety returned. 
“I cannot stay long, and I understand you will be underway soon,” Master Nema stated, noting your furrowed brows, “I will always be in contact should you need me, but I have every faith you will be just fine.” Kix shifted, knowing that she was largely talking to you, but trying to avoid attachment at the same time. Sharing one last glance she nodded to you, “Goodbye,” Master Nema bowed to you respectfully, “and may the force be with you.”
You wanted to call out saying ‘Master, wait,’ but you never earned the privilege to call her such, all you could manage was, “and with you,” bowing likewise and watching her head for the elevator to take her back to the hangar floor. She’d be back at the Jedi temple and you’d be off somewhere unknown to you. It felt like your heart had lost a piece.
“It’s really great to see you again,” Kix suddenly spoke, snapping you out of your gaze.
“Oh, yeah, you too Kix,” you stumbled, trying not to show your teary eyes.
Kix noticed you swiftly lift your hand to wipe away some tears, but opted not to say anything, knowing we all deal with sadness in our own way, instead he offered some words that would cheer you up, “you’re not alone,” he placed a gentle hand to the top of your shoulder and gave you a most sincerely look, “follow me, I’ve got plenty of brothers I want you to meet.”
Nodding, you put on a smile and followed him a little way down the corridor until it opened up into a large common room. There were clones everywhere; it made you smile at how unique they all looked. It was so different from some of the reports that made them all sound the same. Tattoos, scars, haircuts, and armour modifications made practically all of them identifiable from each other. You took in the room, seeing a dartboard on the side of the wall with a group playing. “You couldn’t even hit a clanker if it was three feet in front of you,” one teased another who was losing at the game, “how on earth have you managed to survive this war?”
On the other side of the room, you saw one with his nose in a book and a handprint on his armour, while another with a 5 tattooed was trying to talk to him. Kix let you observe for a moment longer and amused himself at your facial expressions when observing their occupations. 
“Aye, Kix’s back,” one called out, “let’s meet the new shiny-”
They all came to attention and just as fast halted, seeing your figure standing next to Kix. You wore an outfit that was somewhere between a Kaminoan nurse uniform and a Jedi’s undergarment. Mostly white, with hints of blue, the uniform had the signature Kaminoan half skirt and pants with a metal belt that hugged the curve of your hips tightly with a blue gem in the centre, while the top half resembled a Jedi’s under tunic, fitted everywhere except for the sleeves, which flared out at your wrists. It had been gifted to you in order to match the colours of your new squad, but it was still a uniform you were familiar with as it had hints indicating your medical status, but clearly, the clones weren’t familiar with it at least not on a female human figure.
You waited for someone to say something, eventually looking to Kix, who was still amused, now by his own brother’s reactions. Finally, Kix spoke, “alright, you gawkers,” he clapped his hands, but their expressions didn’t change, “this is our new squad nurse, I’ve worked with her several times before and she’s the best of the best, she trained with Jedi Master Rig Nema on Coruscant,” Kix glanced around, rolling his eyes, looking to you and winking, he added, “and she’s force sensitive, mind-reader, so watch your thoughts!” With that they all snapped to attention, looking at Kix with an anxious expression.
“No, no,” you lifted your hands, concerned with how worried they looked, “I’m not a Jedi, so I can’t do those kinds of things.” You were partially lying, but you wanted them to feel at ease around you, not constantly worrying that you were reading their deepest darkest thoughts. 
“So, you’re from Coruscant, you’re force-sensitive, and you trained with a master, but you’re telling us you’re not a Jedi?” 
“Easy Fives,” Kix said, turning to you, knowing your past, “you don’t have to tell them anything if you don’t want to.” 
Thinking it over for a moment, you pushed your lips together, giving Kix a look that you were okay, he turned back to face the company, “I’m not a Jedi,” you started, “and I’m not from Coruscant either. I was identified as force sensitive when I was a very small child, I was taken to the Jedi Temple, but…I failed the entry tests; I was too scared, too emotional, and empathetic according to them. It weakened my connection with the force in the way the Jedi look for it, especially now with the war.”
“So why didn’t you get to go home?” the clone with a handprint on his chest plate asked with more sympathy in his voice than his counterpart. 
Taking a deep breath, you began to feel a little more at ease as you told your story, “Master Nema felt that I could be of great assistance as a medic alongside her in the Jedi hospital wing. So, she let me stay, she trained me to be a nurse, how the force can be used as a kind of medicine, a detector, and an aid. Despite never being able to be a Jedi, I grew up in the temple, but I was never…well, that’s not very interesting, but that’s most of my story,” you concluded with a smile.
The clones took to you quickly, they began asking questions about your time on coruscant and of training in the Jedi medical wing. It made you happy that they were so interested. 
“Ma’am have you ever worked on General Skywalker?” A clone asked, trying hide his smile.
“Oh yes,” you admitted, knowing he was their general, “let me tell you he’s a squirmer, I can’t get him to stay still for the life of me.”
The troops erupted with laguhter, which made you smile, feeling more and more a member of their family by the moment. After a few more questions, a command came over the intercom, Kix told you that you might want to find a seat, the cruiser was going into hyperdrive. You hadn’t even realised that it’d left the bay or the planet, which startled you a little. Nodding, you found a seat on the windowsill, you wanted to see first-hand what it looked like, having never been off-world. 
You saw Coruscant as a little planet beneath the cruiser, for a few moments it just got smaller and smaller, until the stars stretched around you and blurred your vision of the planet, before turning into swirls of blue and black. Just like that, it was gone, you raised a hand to the window, a heavy exhale leaving you. You felt like a child leaving their mother for the first time, you knew you were stronger than this, but nothing could prepare you from leaving the only place you’d ever called home. 
“You alright?” A voice asked behind you. 
Turning in your makeshift seat on the windowsill, you looked up, “oh, yes, thank you,. . . um, Fives, was it?”
“That’s me,” he said proudly, sitting opposite from you, “so, never been away from home?” You nod in response, “well, don’t worry, we all kind of know what that’s like, with Kamino and all, but we manage and I bet you will too.”
“Thank you, Fives,” you tilt your head to rest it softly against the window watching the stars, there was a comfortable pause between the two of you, he already felt like a best friend, “hey Fives, how’d you all get your names if you don’t mind me asking?”
Setting his helmet down, he began to explain that it was just something all clones did before leaving Kamino, it was a way of having some individuality in the legion. He was kind enough to actually identify everyone in the room for you, sometimes he broke into a little story about why someone had that name, like Echo. Eventually, they realised what was going on and some came to personally introduce themselves to you.
“We should give you one!” a clone shouted out after Fives finished introducing you to everyone.
“But I already have a name,” you shrug, wondering why they’d suggest it.
“Yeah, but now you’re in the five-o’-first, you’re one of us,” Fives gave you a smirk that made you blush a little.
“Yeah, okay!” you agreed enthusiastically after they all chimed in reasons you should have one.
After a few good laughs about suggested names, they finally settled on one despite your hesitation and objection, they insisted that it suited you, so you complied. Asking if this was the ship you’d be on the majority of the time, you decided to familiarise yourself with the passages and rooms. Kix offered to take you to the medical bay a little later but could sense that you wanted some time alone to take everything in. Kix literally had to stop a group that offered to show you around.
The halls were big and bright, you liked how clear the instructions you’d received were; it was a whole layout of the ship, the only problem was that it was a tiny hologram picture projected from your wristlet. You’d never had one before, always familiar with a pad or screen, but since you were going to be on the ground and out in the field they needed a more compact version for you.
“Okay…,” you were staring down at the little projection, “so if I’m here…then I need to go- oof!” 
You’d run right into the back of someone. Taking a step back, you were prepared to apologize profusely, mildly embarrassed that you hadn’t been watching where you were going, but the figure turned around and you went silent. He was a clone, but there was a presence you’d never felt before when you met his eyes. 
“Careful there, girly,” his deep strong voice said softly and kindly.
“So-so sorry, sir,” you managed, “I’m not familiar with this layout and I’ve never been on a ship before.” 
“Ah, a shiny aye?” Rex raised an eyebrow and smirked, it wasn’t condescending in fact it felt more flirtatious. You smiled slowly, trying to repress the blush rising, Rex chuckled, ‘a little flirting wasn’t a bad thing’ he told himself, assuming you were probably just being transported and he’d never see you again, “let me see where you’re headed, I’m sure I can help.”
Bringing your wrist in front of you, Rex moved beside you, examining the map, hand on his chin. You were distracted by his proximity, you not so subtly looked over to observe his profile. Although you’d seen it before, he was different and you couldn’t explain why. You softly smiled noticing his short blonde hair, a personal modification. You could also smell a signature cologne that was different from everyone else’s. As your eyes came back down you were noticing just how much of his neck was exposed without the helmet on. A smirk came across Rex’s lips, he shifted his eyes over to you for only a moment, returning to the hologram. “You really should work on keeping your eyes where they need to be,” Rex said, knowing it’d fluster you. 
Lips parting with a shock at your own behaviour, you stared forward, uncertain how to respond, chest now rising and falling far more obviously than you wanted it to be. There was a burning blush on your cheeks that even you couldn’t repress. 
Straightening back up, Rex pointed to a box on the projection, “you’re headed here, it’s the hangar bay, I assume you’ll find your transport there; we’ll be prepping for a mission soon, so I’m sure you’ll get your instructions for departure there. And if you need any more help before then…just find me.” Rex winked.
“Oh right- yes, of course, right,” you fumbled, still feeling embarrassed, “thank you so much, I- I will be sure to tell Captain Rex how helpful you were.” 
Rex tilted his head amused as he watched you quickly walk away, shocked that you had no idea you were talking to Rex the entire time. 
When you found your way to the hangar bay, you met up with Kix and the 501st. There was a routine squad check before you were sent on your mission. So, you fell in line with the rest of them once it was announced the Captian was present. You swallowed harshly, eyebrows furrowing up together, fiddling with your fingers behind your back as you stood amidst the rows of the 501st. Kix looked over to you with a subtle reassuring smile, to which you tried to convincingly returned, not wanting him to think any less of you just because you’d never seen action and that you were anxious that this Captain Rex would be like a drill sergeant because you were a “shiny” as they called it. 
‘If only the clone I met earlier were the captain, he was so sweet and nice, and-’ Lost in your thoughts you stared down at the floor across from where you stood, biting the inside of your lip you questioned if this was the right call, if you were cut out for this, did any of them really like you, what if Rex– it was then that you realized you were the only one with your head down instead of snapped into attention. Looking up and to your left swiftly, you saw Rex making his way towards you, his signature Jaig eyes markings were far more intimidating than you imagined. You held your head high and tried to mimic the clones around you even though you stuck out like no tomorrow. Rex had been simply and quietly walking past them, but your throat tightened when he stopped a few paces after you and retrace his steps, walking backwards.
“What are you doing here?” Rex asked, placing his hands on his utility belt with commanding ease. 
“Well, I’m,” you began, trying to read his expression, but it was nearly impossible with his helmet on, “I’m the squad’s nurse.” 
“We already have a medic,” he countered, really asking for you to divulge more information.
“Yes, but-”
“I requested for her transfer, sir,” Kix joined in, still staring straight ahead as he spoke like his training encouraged, especially while speaking out of line, meanwhile you and Rex simultaneously looked over to the clone defending you.
“Why?” Rex questioned, his tone not mad, nor upset, he was just looking for an honest answer. 
“I need the extra hands, and she has abilities none of us have which are most beneficial medically,” Kix continued, “she’s the best I’ve ever seen, sir, and I have confidence she’ll save many lives.”
Rex slowly tilted his head to meet your gaze which was switching between the two men in uniform eagerly, “I see. I trust your judgement Kix,” the Captain concluded.
You released a breath you’d been holding but sharply inhaled when Rex moved to stand directly in front of you. Straightening up once again, you looked up, an anxious look still across your face. Rex lifted his hands and removed his helmet, tucking it under his forearm and holding it against his side. You met his eyes; jaw nearly dropping, lips parting and eyes widening, you recognized him immediately. Blinking you waited, knowing that if you spoke it’d be “out of line,” as he outranked you and he hadn’t asked you another question. You panicked thinking how disrespectful you’d been not to address him as Captain easier in the hallway.
“Welcome to the Five-o-first,” Rex gave a half-smile, lifting his hand to shake yours.  
Staring down at his open hand, a soft smile spread across your face. Happily, you brought your hand to meet his, and glanced up, truly meeting his gaze again, your smile caused your eyes to squint a little as you spoke through it, “thank you…Captain, I’m glad to be in such company.” 
Rex’s expression softened, and the tough, firm Captain attitude briefly faded, his face relaxed when he looked at you. In that moment, he didn’t treat you like another soldier, instead of a hard handshake, he automatically tilted your hand, his caressing yours from underneath, thumb pressed gently across your knuckles. He wasn’t sure where it came from or how he learned it, he’d only ever seen it when Anakin helped Senator Amidala down steep stairs, or out of a cruiser. Rex caught himself staring down at your hand in his, he carefully pulled his hand back from yours, not harshly, just suddenly, subtly shaking himself out of it, he looked at you once again.
“Well, yes, we should get…going,” he said, placing his helmet back on and continuing his inspection of troops.
You followed his path with your eyes, even leaning forward, head striking out from between the line of clones to watch him as far as you could.
“I think he liked you,” Kix playfully elbowed your arm as he looked down to you.
Leaning back into proper position, you smiled to yourself for more than one reason, before answering, “you think so?” 
“I’d say,” another voice chimed in from your other side, it was Fives, he was one clone down from you and there was a slight amusement in his tone, “I’ve never seen the captain so stunned.” 
“Stunned?” You lifted an eyebrow pondering that word, “oh, then I’m not so sure-”
“Trust us,” Echo, who was directly beside you, placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “we mean it in a good way; I’ve never seen him look at someone the way he looked at you, so take that as a good omen.”
Nodding to them, you could tell the line had been dismissed as Jesse came over to your little group from where he stood across the aisle, “See, not so scary, is he? What’d he say to you?”
While you and Kix began explaining the encounter to a few more clones who joined the conversation, Fives and Echo were waved over by Rex. As they left, it caught your attention; looking over your shoulder, you saw Rex standing with arms crossed, staring straight at you. His gaze made you quickly look forward once again despite the fact that his helmet was on, it felt strong.
“Sir?” Fives and Echo said in time, nodding to their superior. 
Rex hesitated before pulling his stare away from you, “what do you know about her?” he asked them, not particular about who answered. 
Fives exchanged a look with Echo and began, “well, she’s force sensitive-”
“A Jedi?” Rex interrupted with a frustrated tone, already drawing assumptions that you were undercover and they left him out of the plan.
“No, sir,” Echo hastened, “they identified her, but…she didn’t pass the entry exams when she was a child.”
“Ah,” was all that came from beneath Rex’s helmet.
“She trained under Jedi Master Doctor Rig Nema for her medical training though,” Fives added, “so who knows what tricks she might’ve still picked up. Could be quite useful in battle.”
“I’m not making her fight in our battle,” Rex said plainly.
“She’s coming with us though, isn’t she?” Echo asked, momentarily confused.
“She is,” Rex nodded, “but she chose the life of a medic, she’s a healer, not a soldier.”
“But Kix-”
“Is one of us,” Rex finished Fives’ thought for him. Seeing the troopers’ confusion, he removed his helmet to talk to them face-to-face, in a quieter tone he explained, “Kix is our brother, he was born and bred for battle, then he was medically trained. She’s not a soldier, she has abilities we don’t understand, but that doesn’t mean she should be forced to use them in war, she wasn’t trained like the generals,” Rex looked between the two, “understood?” 
Fives and Echo again exchanged a look, now understanding what he meant as they looked over to you, bright eyes filled with an eagerness to learn about the trooper lifestyle, but an innocence that was soon going to be lost to war. 
“Yes, sir,” they responded. 
“Good,” Rex nodded, ending the discussion, about to put his helmet on when Fives coughed to grab his attention.
“What- uh, what do you think of her, Sir?” 
Echo gave an eye roll, not impressed with Fives’ attempt at subtlety.
“What do I think of her?” Rex repeated, raising an unamused eyebrow. He knew what they were asking, but for now, he wanted to avoid the feeling that had stayed in the pit of his stomach since he first saw you. 
“Well, all the men have given her a nickname so she feels a bit more like one of us,” Fives continued, “they decided on Angel,” Fives glanced to Echo when he noticed Rex staring in your direction again, “they picked it because she’s been so nice to us all, and she’s a nurse, so healing and all, and well maybe…” he paused, “some of them fancy she looks like one, you know from the moon of Iego?”
There was a part of Rex that was amused by the fact that his men were already falling for you and a part that related. Rex wasn’t sure what it was about you, but the gravity you had seemed to pull him in immediately. Everything in his life had been accelerated, his age, his training, his entrance into the war, he began to wonder if his emotions were too.
“I ‘s’ppose it does,” Rex smiled.
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s1ater · 2 years
time doesn’t stop.
pairings. bellamy blake x fem!reader
about. you attempt to make up with bellamy
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warnings. foul language, gif not mine, set at s3e9/10
ricky rocks. missing bellamy hours
for a long time, a lot of people thought it’d always be you and bellamy. and for a long time, you believed it’d only always be you and bellamy.
it was only after mount weather did the pressure and realization of how hard a relationship really could be in living hell came to light; especially after a gunshot wound and many promises to keep one another alive.
you were fools to believe that dating was even a possibility beneath the pressures of trying to survive and play hero—that’s what you thought anyway.
you were ready to let go. ready to move on to callings of death that had been in your head the moment you had laid foot on earth. you had done many bad things that had ended you up in a cell block back at arkadia. some things that people believed were considerably valid for a punishment of death, which you were never really ready for up in that cell. but right then, right on earth and out of a cell, you were ready to die.
you had cursed yourself when you woke up days after, patched up, and relieved from the bullet a mount weather guard shot at you. you were alive, and all curtesy of abby griffin, an angel in disguise, as bellamy thought.
but that bullet changed so much, and created a great amount of damage that not even abby could relieve you from.
he moved on fast. or more of what you thought was fast.
you had left, leaving him angry and in desperate need of something with the amount of ties he still held to you. bellamy had never felt so much attachment to one person other than octavia. but with both of you gone, off with your curious minds in search for something that neither of you had found yet, leaving him alone, he had to find something to occupy himself with.
you just weren’t content with the idea of him kissing another girl.
but he didn’t know you anymore.
it wasn’t until you finally went back to arkadia to find several crazed chipped adults, including your own savior, abby, who rather seemed in need to kill you—did you come to realization that your time there and playing hero was not over.
“what the fuck was that?” you yelled into jasper’s ear as he drove the rover as fast as he could, away from the detrimental chaos that seemed to have erupted the moment you got there.
“hard to explain.”
“well find a way,” you looked down to raven and then to the back of the rover where camp was getting smaller and smaller till the only thing you could see was forestry. “i’m gone for-”
“yeah, that’s right, y/n, you were gone,” jasper finds his voice and yells back. “a lot happens around here if you hadn’t noticed.”
your disappearance hadn’t just affected bellamy, and you were now just beginning to realize it.
you could understand; jasper was holding a lot on his shoulders and the tension of you and then almost getting shot didn’t help the situation, “jasper, i’m sorry.”
“i’m not the sorry you owe it to.”
you frowned, immediately thinking of bellamy. you kept your mouth shut from there on out and let jasper guide his way toward a cave where the rest of your group was supposedly camped out at.
the moment you got there, you could tell everything was tense, even by the split second of seeing octavia walking away with bellamy on her tail before realizing the rover was there.
he squinted at you, before recognition kicked in and he realized exactly who he was looking at as you got out of the rover and moved quickly to open the back with jasper, helping him the best you could with hauling raven from her deadened position, “need your help! we have to get her inside before she wakes up!”
“were you followed?” bellamy trudged his way toward the two of you before taking raven into his own arms, clearly having a better chance of carrying her than the two of you combined.
“maybe, i don’t know.”
you stepped back, looking at bellamy’s face and the way he transfixed into taking lead so fast. his face was all beat up with fresh cuts and light bruises beginning to kiss his skin. it made you narrow your brows due to the last time seeing him, he wasn’t in this rough of shape.
he glanced to you one last time before walking to the cave, jasper following after him.
your head turned to octavia now, who you immediately reached out for as did she, “i have to leave.” her arms were wrapped around your neck, making it easy for you to hear the solum tone shoved deeply in her throat.
“don’t go now,” you shook your head in the hold you both had on each other. “you shouldn’t be alone, not with all that’s going on. not after lincoln.”
your words made the both of you cringe but they didn’t scare her off like you had half expected. she pulled away, nodding before walking into the cave with you.
“i told you on the radio, raven is not raven anymore. jaha has been chipping everyone,” jasper shifted nervously, keeping eyes on the frail girl while he tried his best to catch everyone up. “jaha is using the chips to control everyone. you swallow it, you forget who you are and you see this thing; alie. it made raven slit her own wrists.”
you watched raven carefully as jasper continued to speak on how he was trying to help her. you were losing your mind and couldn’t understand how your previous biggest problem—pike—just got blown out of the water and turned ten times worse.
“you say a chip, maybe it’s like the one clarke carries,” your eyes met jasper’s, “after lexa died clarke carried a chip that she gave to me for safe keeping,” you were quick to pull it out of your pocket. “this?”
jasper shrugs, “not exactly.”
and suddenly raven was on her feet and running, causing all of you to haul after her like a chain reaction. bellamy rung his arms around hers, attempting to restrain her as she looked around anxiously.
“if raven finds out where we are, so will alie and she’ll come for her,” jasper stabbed a reaper stick into her neck, causing her to drop from consciousness once more.
you all huffed and raven was once again hauled into bellamy’s arms. you frowned, suddenly getting an idea, “we have to leave,” your eyes were trained on raven.
“why, she doesn’t know where we are.”
“but i know how to fix this and where to find clarke.”
“you came back.”
you glanced up to bellamy who sat across from you. no one had said a word within the time you had all gotten within the rover to get to nyla’s location. not until now.
“why wouldn’t i?”
“you tell me,” his eyes were soft on you but the tone of his voice was condescending and hurtful—he wanted to hurt you.
and you understood why.
“‘time doesn’t stop,’” you looked to your hands as you mumbled the words before gaining enough courage to meet his hard, but eager eyes. “you remember when you first said that? ‘time doesn’t stop, not for me, not for you, not for anyone’… you’re good with your words.” an airy laugh came past your lips as you reminisced about bellamy when you all first landed and he gave a lot of leader speeches to the 100.
you couldn’t help but feel sadness seep in at all corners of your soul of how long ago that was and how your problems dealt with actual people and not a.i.’s.
“time doesn’t stop and i couldn’t handle that, bellamy. i wanted it to, but it just didn’t and i… gave up.”
“on us,” he clenched his jaw, hating how he felt sympathetic for you, hating how he wanted to hold you.
his mind thinks to the gun shot wound, and the blood that stained his hands as he kept pressure to your stomach, watching life fade from your eyes. he wasn’t scared of anything, but you dying proved that statement wrong.
“god, bellamy, i never wanted to.”
“i have a hard time believing that,” he frowned. you could tell he was trying to hide his emotions the best he could by the way he bit his tongue and was so overall tense. “you never looked back.”
“but i did,” you leaned forward, touching his face lightly to which made him slightly flinch, no longer used to the feeling. you almost pulled away but the touch with your finger tips turned to the palm of your hand, hovering over his fresh cuts. “i always did.”
“then you should have come back, should have said something.”
“i am back, i promise, bellamy. i’m back now.”
you could tell he didn’t trust those words even though he wanted so badly to lean into it—to put trust that you were really there and would stay there till the end of your days.
he leaned back, his eyes watching you gingerly, trying to decide on how to feel and what to say, but he just nodded, mumbling, “okay.”
you accepted that as good as mutual ground between you two could get. bellamy was a stubborn person at nature and it was hard to let people back in when they were traitors to his soul, but him defying his morals the best he could just for you was a sign of something positive.
especially when he reached for your hand, and held it tightly between the two of your bodies.
“now, are you going to tell me about your face?”
@thecraziestcrayon @mynewnamedoesnotmatter @cc13723things @black-rose-29 @reality-runaway @let-love-bleeds-red @rudypankowisdaddy @the-anxious-youth @kitkat-mini @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem
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phantomrubyy · 2 years
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TYPE: romantic headcanons
SERIES: Sonic Boom (2014)
WARNINGS: yandere behavior, stalking, invasion of privacy, toxic relationship, controlling behavior, possessiveness, obsession
NOTE: While beginning to write these headcanons was hard, I had lots of fun coming up with these. I especially enjoyed working on Tails and Sonic’s friendship as his behavior gets worse. I might end up doing a scenario or something with the same concept and expand on the idea.
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◇ The two of you most likely crossed paths during one of Doctor Eggman's, soon to be foiled, attempts to wreak havoc on the village. As per usual, it was the same routine of destroying robots and saving the villagers. Yet, when you thanked the hedgehog for saving you from one of Eggman’s robots, Sonic was awe-struck. After the group’s victory, Sonic makes sure to “coincidentally” run into you so he can strike up a conversation with you. Soon enough, he eventually properly introduces you to the group, who are more than happy to have another friend.
◇ At first, Sonic isn’t quite sure why he feels so weird around you. He has a high image of himself and he struggles with properly expressing himself as he deems it to be uncool. So, in the first stages of interacting with you he is in denial and suppresses his strange feelings, opting to make sure you see him for just how incredible he is; which is how he begins to realize just how much he enjoys your praise whenever he spends time with you. Sonic rationalizes this behavior by convincing himself that he simply wants you to believe he’s the greatest hero of Hedgehog Village. As you’re one of his friends now, he just wants you to know he’s awesome, that’s all.
◇ Despite his refusal to come to terms with his feelings, he gets jealous of others very easily even before you two get in a relationship. He begins to overthink and believe he isn’t good enough or that he’s boring you whenever you hang out with someone else; the only exceptions are his friends but even then it doesn’t calm his envy. This in turn boils down to Sonic doing anything for you to receive your praise or to impress you. Be it by doing nearly impossible tasks or something as mundane as getting you lunch from Meh Burger. He even offers to do tasks you need help with from the others, such as having Tails fix your TV or having Knuckles help move heavy luggage. Anything you could possibly want done, Sonic is immediately on it. As to impress you, he often does so while on the battlefield even if it backfires with him embarrassing himself. If you laugh at his antics afterwards, he still considers his attempt a success as he adores hearing you laugh.
"Hah!! I win again! Did you see that Y/N? Wasn’t that the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?"
◇ As his obsession with you grows, it gets to the point where Sonic cannot process not being with you, even for a split second. When you’re not around he feels bored, so to make up for it he talks about you at any opportunity he gets. It does concern Tails and Amy, but as his best friend, the fox justifies it by bringing up the fact he doesn’t know how to properly express himself. “Maybe Sonic is just in denial that he has a crush on them” or something along the lines is what Tails uses in an attempt to back up his best friend. For a while, this manages to subside anyone’s thoughts about his bizarre behavior. After all, Sonic is a hero. He has his flaws but he means well, right?
◇ If you have friends outside of the group or want to make friends, you’re quickly met with Sonic’s blunt comments of disapproval. Why would you want to hang out with anyone else? Is he boring for you? Is the group not enough for you? He crosses his arms and gives you an unamused look when you have plans with anyone else besides him or the team. With his large self-obsessed ego, it makes a dent in his self image whenever you don’t want to spend time with him. Additionally, if the team is hanging out and you aren’t going, Sonic refuses to go as well. He either makes excuses or states that it would be lame.
“You’re not going to Amy’s later? Psh, me neither. She’d probably just have us sit and do nothing like last time…“ 
◇ While being in a relationship with Sonic while being a part of the group can be suffocating, if you happen to just be a resident in the village, his behavior is ten times worse. He feels paranoid whenever he can’t keep tabs on you while he’s busy keeping the village safe or while he’s out just having fun. He’s afraid that Eggman might kidnap you or even use you against him. To deal with this problem, Sonic resorts to asking Tails to create trackers or any device to know your every move. He uses the excuse that they could use the gadgets to anticipate Eggman’s attacks and plan ahead. While this works for a short time, Tails eventually finds out.
“Sonic, are you insane!? Why were the cameras you asked me to build at Y/N’s house? Have you been stalking them all this time!? I can’t believe you!! I’m such an idiot for believing there was a rational explanation for your behavior!“
“Are you seriously accusing me of stalking them?! Especially after everything we’ve been through together? Stop being so nosy for crying out loud! I don’t need you shoving your nose in my relationship Miles.“
“Oh, well, I’m soo sorry for being concerned over one of my friends when my best friend, the person who I trusted the most, turned into an overzealous, controlling, obsessive stalker!“
◇ Once best friends and now their constant arguments put a strain on their own relationship. Amy, Knuckles and Sticks have to act as the glue to prevent the group from falling apart. Not just for each other’s sake, but for the village as well. Even when the two apologize to each other, the two’s conflicting ideals about you don’t stop. While everyone else is concerned for you and your safety, Tails’ is the most outspoken about the situation. His admiration and view on his long time best friend is completely shattered which has him completely frustrated and devastated. Although whenever they try and intervene, Sonic is always there to stop them; each attempt angering the hedgehog as your relationship is none of their business.
◇ Even with his friendships completely destroyed, Sonic is too deep into his own delusions and obsession. He doesn’t need anyone, the only one he needs is you. He just needs you and only you to love him. In the end it doesn’t matter what anyone else says. He’s the only one capable of protecting you and the only one who deserves to be with you.
“Don’t worry Y/N, I know things are bad but we’ll get through this together. If things don’t work out we can always just leave and go somewhere else. Just the two of us! I promise.“
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salimanderwrites · 2 years
Todobaku w/ Bunny!reader
Minors do not interact 18+ (no age -> blocked)
Word count: 9k
This was supposed to be short, I swear, but enjoy...
Synopsis: Todoroki and Bakugo would be so good with a Bunny girl
Warnings: SMUT, FLUFF, hybrid!au, female reader, injury at the beginning (non-descriptive), polyamory, threesome, m x m first, no defined sexual roles, overstimulation, size kink, nesting, pillow princess reader, mentions of but no explicit abuse, Bunny used as name, nicknames; (bunny, baby,) If I miss any let me know.
A/N: By pressing read more you agree to seeing mature content and the content mentioned in the warnings. Your media consumption is your own. And once again, only 18+!
Thinking about being Bakugo and Shouto’s bunny girl...
Bakugo and Todoroki deciding to share an apartment when they first become pro-heros. Both working at the same agency and having similar schedules. They have a good split on chores, Bakugo cooks, Shouto does the dishes. Shouto vacuums and Bakugo cleans surfaces. Bakugo knows he doesn’t keep his thoughts to himself and Shouto won’t hold it against him.Balance. They’ve grown close enough to develop a kind of sixth sense. When Shouto has a bad day or when Bakugo can’t keep the anger from making him shake. They have Friday takeout nights. They share their goals over evening drinks and stay close when they go out with friends. Their lives were good. A nice routine and a harmonious balance that never wavers. 
Until you come along. 
It’s the dreaded night shift. Bakugo’s least favorite part of hero work, but he’s nonetheless thorough. It does not stop him from being irritated as the hours drudge on. He patrols the forgotten streets, ducking the attention of the main road. His action for the night was redirecting a grandma and checking a false robbery of a corner store. After making a final report, He haphazardly kicks a few rocks on his way home. Maybe he’ll tell Shouto about the grandma. He had a soft spot for that kinda stuff. He chuckles at the thought, passing an alley where a group of teenage boys huddled around starting hollering and goading each other. Bakugo was ready to make them regret ever being born for their disregard of healthy sleep schedules. Probably up to no good, doing drugs or worse, was something Bakugo has no patience for. 
“The fuck are you kids doin’?” He’s yelling. The boys scramble and start running from the alley, panicked and red-faced. “That’s right, keep moving. And don’t let me catch you again.” He says, but pauses when he hears a tiny whimper. 
There you are, curled in on yourself on the dirty alley floor, thin and beat up clothes clung to your small frame. On closer inspection, he sees your bunny ears twitching from the cold and matted with blood. It pulls at his heart. Just a small hybrid who didn’t deserve to be left out in the cold. As he gets closer, your cries grow. Painful and pleading, he couldn’t tell if you were telling him to leave or help. It didn’t matter. He scooped you into his arms and began going… Well, he didn’t know. Hybrids weren’t technically people and kept as pets. He knew bringing you to a hospital would get you processed and put into a shelter. Maybe put up for adoption. It’s logical, reasonable even, but in his arm you were clutching onto his wrist, crying and mumbling. 
“What is it, bunny? Speak up.” He says gruffly, though he doesn’t mean it to come off like that. 
“Am I dead, yet?” Was what he could make out. Your eyes were barely open, struggling to remain awake. He’s supposed to take you to the hospital, it’s the rules. And he was a stickler for the rules. “Please, Mister. I can’t anymore.” Was all he needed to shatter his resolve, not because he wanted, but because of a more instinctive desire to help. He’s taken first aid and you don’t seem to need stitches, a few bandages and, judging by the heat of your skin, some antibiotics.  He wouldn’t abandon someone so scared. You were such a small innocent thing, he didn’t want to know what brought you to this place. But, hopefully he could bring you to a better one.
Bakugo placed you on the couch and tended to your wound, whispering “You have to pull through, Bunny.” “Don’t give up on me.” “This is gonna hurt a bit, but I know you’re strong.” You don’t speak much through this, only managing to stifle some of the pain. When he finishes, you’re crying again from the exhaustion wracking your body. Was this stranger going to hurt you, sell you, or worse, bring you back to your owner? The questions churned through your brain, fighting against the growing pull of unconsciousness. He brings you two blue pills to which you shake your head. His harsh, near threatening, voice telling you to drink up makes the medicine go down quickly. 
You don’t remember falling asleep. Waking up to find the man who brought you asleep on the chair next to the couch. You smell the air, your new surroundings, it was distinctly like caramel, but a mellower scent lay beneath it. Something akin to green tea and orange. They complement each other. The blankets are warm fuzzy and you even have a warm water bottle tucked under your feet. The stinging on your stomach has lessened, and the cut on your forehead has a bandage over it. Slowly, curious, you go over to Bakugo. Lean over him, get used to his scent. This was the man who had saved you. 
Todoroki comes into the room, stretching as he enters. He pauses, seeing you leaning over Bakugo. Not ignoring your floppy ears, the blanket draped over you like a makeshift tent. When you meet his eyes, his heart skips, but it doesn't matter that you’re the cutest thing he’s laid eyes on. He has to figure out why you’re in his house.
“Who are you?” He says, and you stumble backwards, knocking into Bakugo’s arm that hangs off the chair. He wakes up and reflexively pulls you close, stopping any defensive action. 
“Who is she?” His roommate asks. Bakugo rubs his eye, he’s still sluggish until he remembers he never told Shouto, too worried about your health. Bakugo perks up. 
“She’s- actually I don’t know your name.” Bakugo looks at you expectantly. You squeak out,
“I don’t have one.” Seeing his frown deepen, you rush out. “No one gave me one… I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, bunny. It’s not your fault.” He pats your head, smoothes your hair in a way that’s so foreign, you can’t help but lean in. Squeezing your eyes shut and beckoning for more, if only to feel this kind of warmth once in your life. Bakugo’s gaze softens and his arm that was still wrapped around you tightens just a little, just enough. 
Shouto watches the exchange, contending that whatever reason Bakugo thought was good enough to bring you here was good enough for him.
“I guess we’ll call you Bunny.” He says absentmindedly, walking to the kitchen to start the morning coffee. 
That morning Shouto looks up the nutritional guide for bunnie hybrids and Bakugo asks him if they can keep her “only until we figure out something better to do.” Though they both know there won’t be something better when you dig into the salad Shouto made, foot swinging in happiness. And definitely not after you cringe at the bitter coffee Bakugo offers you. 
You end up moving into Bakugo’s room and he moves in temporarily with Shouto. They want to give you space to heal and adjust. It’s a lot of work to get you to warm up to them. For the first two weeks, you only stay in your room, only coming out for meals when they call. Bakugo wants to talk to you. Tell you this is your home now. He leaves notes outside of your room. Brings bottles of water and asks for you to join him. You don’t respond. Bakugo tries plushies which he’s happy to see you accept. Days tick on and he grows concerned. You barely talk when you come out. After a while Bakugo breaks and asks Shouto to talk to you, since you never flinch at his voice. Bakugo knows you don’t mean to and never takes it personally. He was still working on lowering his voice around you. 
Shouto starts by entering your room, something Bakugo thought would be intruding. Shouto tells you when to leave the room so you all can watch a movie together or when he wants your help in the kitchen. You go because he tells you to. Finally Shouto sits you down and with his firm understanding of the world speaks.
“Bunny, you can go wherever you want. You don’t need to wait. This is your apartment, too.” He says, watching you burrow under the covers. “Why do you have the pillows like this?” You had laid them in a semicircle, not having enough for a full. 
“I-I’m sorry.” You clutch at your floppy ears, bring them forward to fiddle nervously. The strain in your body fades, watching Shouto’s fond gaze. He can’t help himself from reaching out to you, stopping before touching your head. You move to meet him and he runs his hand along your ears and scratches behind them, something that elicits a high-pitched sound and makes your toes curl. 
“Tell me, are you allowed to go wherever you want?” He says, his voice a firm drawl, pulling you in and trapping you. You answer, “Yes.” 
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I can go wherever I want.” You say, moving your head a little to get his scratches more toward your left side. 
“Good Bunny.” His voice gets lighter and you preen at it, flowers blooming from your heart almost embarrassingly. “And now, Bunny, tell me why you have the pillows like this.” You shake your head and his scratches stop. You can’t stop yourself from reaching for his arm, lips pouting at him to continue because you can’t remember a time something felt that good. 
“Please.” It’s whiny and tears spring to your eyes from the embarrassment. 
Shouto has an inkling about what you need in order to adapt to your new life and it wasn’t Bakugo’s plan to give you space. He wouldn’t coddle you the way his soft-hearted friend does. Bakugo, who rushes to grab napkins the second their clumsy Bunny spills something. And who sets up a baby monitor in your room in case you have nightmares and who puts a lock on the cabinet where they keep the knives. Bakugo’s voice may be gruff, but his words were nothing but saccharine to you. But Shouto understands you. That a new world away from abuse and uncertainty can be overwhelming. What you needed was direction, a firm hand to help guide you through motions you weren’t used to. 
“As soon as you tell me why the pillows are like this, I’ll scratch your ears again.” With no room to argue you swallow your pride.
“Please don’t be mad. I was just trying to nest.” You say voice small and eyes darting around the room not wanting to see one of the men you’d come to like look at you with disgust. “I can…I mean, I’ll stop.” You go back to grab onto your ears, but Shouto stops you. He gently guides your cheek until you’re looking at him. 
“Thank you for telling me. You have nothing to worry about. In fact, I’m proud of you.” He keeps his voice the same, almost rhythmic, as you focus on the words. He wasn’t angry. It rattles around your brain and shortly after, dopamine follows and nourishes your starving body. Your nerves hum in satisfaction and you need more. Unable to contain it and perhaps never been taught it, you spring into his arms, wrapping your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck, burying your head there. Shouto’s hand rubs soothing circles on your back and keeps his promise, scratching your head. You stay like this for a while. 
“And what do we have here?” Bakugo says from the door, leaning on the frame. 
“Not much, but it turns out that our baby is trying to nest.” Shouto tells him, and though nesting itself is innocent, he makes it sound dirty. Was that the right way to describe it? You weren’t sure, but turn in embarrassment anyway. 
“Is that true?” Bakugo asks Shouto first, coming over to sit beside him on your bed, “Is that what you’re doing, Bunny?” You nod against Shouto’s chest and don’t see the way they smile at each other. At the peace that exists now that you’re here. Not that it was bad before, the opposite in fact. It was so good between the two of them that sometimes their friends joke about them just getting married. Easy enough to laugh off and keep the image of a beautiful friendship. Equal partnership in the plainest sense, unquestionable. Until the inevitable night comes where they drink too much or get too stressed and can’t help themselves from unsaid desires. Kissing in a maddening frenzy and tipping the scales so carefully constructed. One of them grinds on the other and they both pause for a moment, breathing in the space where only they exist. The question comes to mind; I thought you said never again? Neither of them has the strength to voice it. 
The morning after is always awkward, an echoed agreement that that was the last time. If they talked at all. There was a delicate balance between the two of them that demanded innocence. If they took it further, would they survive all the nights alone while the other was on duty? Or the explanation that comes along with how long did you know? That conversation would be too much for Bakugo to hold without breaking like a dam. And those questions are too much for Shouto to admit how often he buries his love deep in his heart. 
With you, there didn’t need to be a conversation. No questions about the warmth that shows up when watching you lay in Shouto’s arms or when Katsuki is allowed to brush your hair. You reach out, taking Bakugo’s hand and putting it on your head. He gets the hint and begins scratching. When Shouto and his fingers brush they don’t move away, nevertheless it’s right. No–it’s balanced. 
They go purchase more pillows, more blankets and clothes for you. Stuffed animals and special hybrid treats that are only available online. Bakugo takes you to a spa that offers special hybrid massages and when you come home from the mall you always show off every item for Shouto to tell you what a “pretty bunny you are.” You three make a habit of going to the movies every so often and attempt to finish a large popcorn. Bakugo and Shouto let you climb into their bed when you end up with a stomach ache. When they find a shirt or hoodie missing in the morning, it doesn’t surprise them, you no doubt having added it to your ever-expanding nest. The first scolding you ever received was after you put Bakugo’s hero mask under your pillow. He tries so hard, but as soon as he sees your tears welling up, he gives in. Masks could be replaced. To which Shouto only laughs and tells you he owes you ten dollars. 
Bakugo stays in Shouto’s room and truthfully, he doesn’t have the strength to leave. Cherishing the way Shouto curls around him when he comes home late. His disheveled hair when Bakugo wakes up before him. The groggy, but sensual “Katsuki,” Shouto greets him with. Bakugo can’t get used to it and one morning can’t stop his urge to press a kiss to Shouto’s lips. He kisses back, smiling, and spends the morning basking with him in the sun. Subtle and not-so-subtle kisses here and there. 
Time flies so quickly when you’re wrapped in love. The falling of the leaves and the frost thick in the air never detracts from the warmth you find in your owner's arms. And you see it between them, it’s unmistakable. Mornings where you creep down the hall and see Bakugo wrap his arms around Shouto as he cooks the pancakes. He gives him a peck on the cheek, then pulls Shouto’s face and kisses him on the mouth. Playfully biting his lower lip and Shouto pulls away with a half-scolding “Katsuki.” That’s your cue to run into the kitchen and crush both of them in your arms. 
You’ve found out that you’re a touchy person, always needing to be attached to the hip of one of your heroes. Bakugo will even give you piggy back rides if you bat your lashes and pout just right. You like to massage the boys after particularly grueling days on duty. Rubbing the mint-lavender lotion deep into their sore muscles, feeling their strength flex and relax under your gentle fingers. And Shouto enjoys the time you all spend while he bathes you and Bakugo watches while sitting on the large marble sink counter. 
One night, Bakugo was restless, irritation nipping under his skin. It’d been a rough day, one where the sidekicks were just a bit too incompetent, and the execs more focused on profit than the important things. And so, although he was supposed to be happy basking in the presence of the two people he loved most, he was ready to go off at any moment. Shouto was filling the tub while you looked for some pleasant music, something Bakugo usually did. 
“Go pick out a bath bomb, Bunny.” Shouto told you, but his eyes were on Bukugo’s distant unfocused ones. You shrug and put down Bakugo’s phone. The music would have to wait. You looked at Bakugou, noting his furrowed eyes and folded arms. You tried to say something. He’d always been there for you. Took care of you and yet you didn’t know the words to make him feel better. An idea struck, and you ran out and down the hall to get a bath bomb from your secret stash. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” Shouto asked while feeling the water temperature. 
“It’s nothing.” He grunts out. 
“Katsuki,” Shouto says, watching his partner’s tense body. Coiled and stress emanating from him. “I can deal with whatever you’re going through, but our bunny-”
“I know. I know. She shouldn’t see me like this.” 
“What are you talking about?” It’s your voice that cuts through, distressed at what you’re hearing. “Why would you think that about me? Don’t you think I care about you?” 
“No Bunny- shit. I didn’t mean it like that-”
“She’s right, Katsuki.” Shouto adds, crossing his own arms. “You baby her too much.” You take a deep breath. 
“Suki, I’m not a baby. If you’re going through something, you should tell both of us. Because-” You go to grab your ears, but stop yourself. Straightening and looking him in the eyes, “Because you always take care of us. You saved me that night and always take care of me. I want to take care of you.” It’s resolute, your voice strong and Bakugo’s heart soars because he sees every moment you three have spent together flash before him. And he knows that this family is what he’s been searching for and he didn’t want to hide from them. He didn’t want to carry everything himself. 
“Thank you.” He whispers. “Both of you. I was just stressed from work, which might not be what you want to hear, because it’s not much more than that.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck, his shirt riding up. “Sometimes it’s too much and I don’t know what to do with it, but I know that you two are here for me. That’s all I could ask for.” A sweet silence passes. Katsuki is pulling up the collar of his shirt, trying to hide to blush dancing on his neck. 
“I’m happy you’re being so honest with us.” Shouto says with his usual monotone. 
“Okay.” You say preparing yourself to act on the plan you came up with, “Now, get in the tub.” For a brief second, no one moves, but then Shouto laughs. And he can’t stop.
“Oi! She gets it from you, always telling people what to do.” Bakugo complains as you walk over to the tub and put your vanilla lavender scented bath bomb, the one you’d been saving, into the water. 
“I don’t know what you mean, but you heard her. Strip and get in the tub, you need to relax.” Shouto says with mock sternness. Something you giggle at and kick up your foot in glee that makes them both go soft. 
“I’ll let Sho take care of you, Suki.” You skip to the door, happy to have helped.
“What do you mean, sweetheart?” Katsuki calls after you.
“Oh, you know.” You use the same tone you hear Shouto use when he’s teasing. “You seem like you need a good fuck.” They don’t join you giggling. In fact, they look a bit mortified. 
“Excuse me.” Is all Shouto can say and even then he’s not sure he spoke. 
“What is it? Why are you acting so weird?” You ask, confused. It’s not like you were dumb enough to not realize what was going on. You’d seen them kiss enough to consider it normal. When you crawled in between them at night and they each kissed your forehead, did they truly think you wouldn’t notice their loving gaze and hushed “I love you’s,” after thinking you fell asleep? And if all of those had slipped past you, the moans you sometimes heard while passing their door to get water were a dead giveaway. That and Shouto’s cool voice saying, “Shh, you wouldn’t want our baby to know how much of a slut you are.” You thought about that more than you’d admit. 
“Did you both think I wouldn’t know what you were doing?” You asked when they still failed to speak. Katsuki sheepishly rubs the back of his neck again.
“I guess we hoped or thought you didn’t know.” Was how he justified it.
“You thought I didn’t know what sex was?” You ask incredulously. I mean, sure, they spoiled you, but you weren’t actually a child. Katsuki looked away, his cheeks re-tinted red. Shouto, on the other hand, had barely reacted, barely said a word. In fact, he was smirking.  
“Alright, Bunny. You’re cute. Now come over here.” Shouto says and you rush to obey him. He cups your cheek and brushes a kiss on your hairline. “You want to help Bakugo feel better?” His husky voice in your ear only lets you nod. “Then, why don’t you go give him a kiss?” It’s not a question, not really. You walk over to Bakugo, crossing his arms and eyes hard when you stop in front. It made you wonder if it was so difficult for him to see you as anything other than a cute bunny. Then again, you didn’t want to be anything else. 
“Am I still your good bunny?” Your question thaws any hesitation he has. Your sunny voice and how those words are so innocent and so–dirty. 
“Of course you are, baby.” He goes to kiss your forehead, and you cup his cheek, bringing his mouth to yours. It’s a bit clumsy, and although you weren’t dumb, you were inexperienced. Bakugo gets the hint and takes the lead. Cupping your cheek as your hands slide down to his shirt. The kiss is needy because you are simply an insatiable creature, demanding more from your owner and he happily gives it. Pushing tongue into your mouth, letting you suck and lick however you want. You whine when Katsuki playfully bites your lower lip and pulls away. “Let’s not leave Sho out of it. Go give him some, baby.” His voice, in all its gruffness, turned sensual and in no world would you disagree. You turn and there he is, and he doesn’t give any room. Leaning down to kiss you with barely any room to breathe. You push your tongue out, wanting him to let you in, wanting him to satisfy you. Shouto hums and squeezes one of your ass cheeks, to which you yelp. He pulls back.
 “Be good.” And kisses you again slowly, testing your patience. If you’ll obey him. And as he takes that control, makes you march and keen to his beat, Shouto looks up at Bakugo. A dark look in his eyes that takes Bakugo’s breath away. 
Shouto breaks the kiss. “Strip. Both of you.” You and Bakugo glance at each other and you quickly take off your clothes. Shouto doesn’t look back at you, instead testing the water and swirling it. You wait until Bakugo pulls his shirt off to go over to Shouto, staring expectantly at him. Your fingers twitching in anticipation of what might happen next. “Get into the bath. It’s time to get cleaned up.”
Your ears droop in disappointment– why were you disappointed though? Nevertheless you step into the tub and sit down, dropping your head lower than normal to hide your frown. Bakugo steps in while you’re busy scrutinizing the smirk on Shouto’s lips. He just knows you too well, knows you would grab any affection offered. You’re too easy to tease. 
Bakugo sighs against the heat melting into his sore muscles. His head leaning back and Adam's apple bobbing and you mimic the motion entranced. The water sliding down his biceps, his torso, the bubbles blocking you from looking below. You hug your knees tighter, watching the blond as he lathers his skin in soap, stretching on instinct to work out the knots. Shouto’s watching too at Bakugo’s little show. He doesn’t even need to try to be beautiful and get their Bunny’s hungry gaze, more predator than prey. 
Precisely the reason Shouto can’t resist further games. How many buttons could he push until you crumble? He takes the soap from Bakugo’s hand.
“Let me wash your back.” He cuts off any protest on the edge of Bakugo’s tongue. Bakugo knows that tone, has heard it a thousand times by now, and knows it doesn’t belong here. He wants to bottle up the sensual quality Shouto effortlessly puts on like a well-tailored suit and hide it from you. Not because he doesn’t want you and Sho to be together in that manner, the opposite, in fact. He’d never admit how hard the idea made him. But, in his eyes, you were too innocent. To make such an intense jump when you only entered their lives ten months ago. And he wanted you too. Wanted to be buried inside you while rubbing your ears, which always made you moan. Or kiss your sensitive neck. Find out what other areas were sensitive. 
But Bakugo didn’t know that you wanted them both so badly it nearly hurt. When you passed their door at night, sometimes you didn’t really need water, you just wanted a glimpse of their voices. At first, it was innocent. A bit of separation anxiety once you fully trusted them both and sought a second goodnight or the chance to get cuddled. You never imagined that Sho’s dirty talk and Suki’s whines would make you hot. The memory follows you into the night, only letting up once you get your own release. 
Now that you’d gotten a taste, maybe they’d share a bit more. Or maybe not. Sho turns Bakugo’s body, claiming he needs a better angle before crashing his mouth with Suki’s. Reciprocating and grabbing Shouto’s shirt with a wet fist, trying to get closer to his lover. Shouto cups his cheek, slows down time with his practiced meditative movements and enjoys Bakugo’s lips and tongue. Hand moving from his cheek to the back of his neck and tugging gently at the hair, causing Bakugo to let out a groan. He pulls away, glancing nervously at you, who’s still watching wide-eyed. You wet your lips and crawl toward him, watching the uneven rise and fall of Bakugo’s chest.
“Now, now, Bunny.” Shouto scolds when you place a hand on Bakugo’s chest and go to lean in. “Katsuki is trying to get cleaned up. You don’t want to be a bad girl by distracting him?” He says voice dripping in condescension while removing your hand. 
“But you get to kiss him. That’s no fair Sho.” You pout, but he only kisses your knuckles and then turns and gives Katsuki a lingering kiss to his forehead. “Time for you to get clean.” He says, handing you the soap. “No more whining, okay?” You take the soap and don’t argue, not that you would. 
“Sho,” Katsuki’s voice is more gentle, but still husky. “Don’t be too mean to her, either.” He defends while moving closer and taking the soap from you. Running it along your back, arms, and stomach. You try to guide his hand higher to your chest, but he gives you the soap, ruffles your wet hair and asks Shouto to get him a towel. 
You lay back soaking in the still warm water. Closing your eyes and inhaling the strong lavender and exhaling. The vanilla scent lingers on your body. You smile, hoping that Sho and Suki will like it as much as you. While you’re caught up, Bakugo gets out of the tub and dries himself off. Shouto sits back beside you and grabs the hybrid-friendly shampoo. 
This is his favorite part. Rubbing your scalp, watching your eyes close in bliss, letting out the occasional sigh. It makes him feel protective and soft at the same time. His gaze ghosting over your glowing skin, drinking in your relaxed breaths, the rise and fall of your chest. Trailing back up to your face, the lightness in it. He can’t help himself.
“Give me a kiss, bunny.” He asks, so softly Bakugo doesn’t hear it. You don’t hesitate to lean over the side of the tub and give him a peck. Your scalp is sudsy and Shouto guides you under the facet. Making sure the temperature is warm, but not scalding. You trust him and allow him to wash the suds and then comb your hair. 
Bakugo puts on loose gray sweatpants and a black shirt. He sits back on the sink counter, leaning against the mirror and watching both of you. He watches you take Shouto’s hand and bring it back to the top of your head.
“Just a bit more?” You ask, knowing Shouto can’t resist when you hold on to his wrist. He loves your small hands seeking him out. Likes when you need him. “It feels so good.” You put a bit more emphasis, betraying any innocence the sentiment might hold. Shouto’s eyes grow darker, though it’s not like when he gets mad at you and you refuse to listen to his lectures. His gaze is something you’ve only seen Shouto give Bakugo after coming back from joint patrol or company dinners. Sometimes you entertain the idea that Bakugo would also get lectures or threats of no desserts. Despite your claims of knowing about their sexual exploits, there was much you needed to discover. 
How to push Shouto’s buttons being at the top of the list. After all, you didn’t need to try with Bakugo. He was a sucker for your big eyes and, if necessary, your tears will always get you what you want. Shouto was stricter, his tells weren’t as easy. 
His fingernails scrape against your scalp first, then release some pressure. You give another sigh, trying to use more voice than breath. Shouto’s hand pauses for a moment, watching you watch him. His ministrations begin again, his face unchanging, but it’s too late. You found a crack. 
It’s something you’d noticed other times when you had gotten too lost while Shouto groomed you. If you made too much noise or the one time you squirmed in ecstasy on his lap, his breathing got deeper and sometimes the motions slowed down, as if holding something else back. But it was the one time when you began frantically chanting, “So good, Sho. Your hands are so good. I wish we could do this forever.” He ended it early and said he needed a shower. You hadn’t second guessed it until now.
“Sho, please.” You say breathy, your skin growing hot at the thought of what you were doing to him. Behind Shouto, Bakugo sits up with interest. “Please do it harder. It feels so good.” You roll your eyes back and close them when Shouto increases the pressure. He yanks back his hand as if burned. Your eyes shoot open and he’s holding his hand up in surrender. 
“And what do you think you’re doing?” It wasn’t Sho’s voice, instead Bakugo hunching forward like the predators your instinct fears. This wasn’t like him at all. 
“I–I was just…” You look around hoping to find one of your boys ready to lie down for you hand and foot. Your body burns with rejection and you blink away tears. “Can someone please get me a towel? Please.” It’s Shouto that moves first, wordlessly. You ignore Bakugo’s sharp gaze and wait for Shouto to hand you a towel. You stand awkwardly shielding your body from the two men, hyper aware of how Shouto watches the towel snake around your waist like he wishes his arms could at this moment. 
Neither said a word as you grabbed your clothes and snuck into the separated toilet area. You closed the door behind you, pressing against the door to see if they were talking. When no one makes a sound, you turn, letting tears fall. Pulling on your pajama shorts and one of Bakugo’s sweatshirts. How could you have been so stupid? You didn’t even know what you were hoping for. Only desiring to see Shouto lose some of his stoney exterior. Bakugo getting angry was the last thing you expected. But was he angry? For a moment, the hope blossomed that you had made him lose himself. You shake the notion off. Bakugo never got angry at you, even if he yelled, he always meant well. 
You exit back into the main bathroom only to find it vacant. The candles blown out, the water draining, and the speaker gone from its normal place. The sight was nerve-wracking. Your boys always waited for you. Or one did while the other put a blanket in the dryer. That must be it, you thought. They both had just gone to warm your blanket. And then you would have movie night and nothing would change. Your eyes still stung, embarrassment bleeding through. 
In the main bedroom, you heard movement, a few steps, and a hushed whisper. Bakugo stands in the center of the room while Shouto sits on the bed talking. You can’t understand the conversation, the events in the bathtub still ringing in your mind. They both pause as you cough to make yourself known. 
“Can we watch a movie tonight? Maybe a comedy?” You ask, pushing the three of you forth. Hopefully, they will follow.
“No, baby, we can’t.” Shouto says, glancing at Bakugo, who crosses his arms and stares at the floor. 
“Okay, then. What should we do tonight?” 
“What was that in the bathroom?” Bakugo cuts in, his face still guarded, but at least he was meeting your gaze. “Kissing is one thing, Bunny.” 
“I know.” 
“No, you don’t.” He scolds, and your mouth goes dry. You tug at your ears and Bakugo hesitates. This wasn’t fair to you. You did nothing wrong. It was more his own fear that you would regret this. That he and Sho would scare you or, God forbid, hurt you. He knows this relationship between you three is strong, but crossing that line is introducing an additional element. Something that might knock you all off. “Have you- have you had sex before, bunny?”
You shake your head no. He walks over to you, extends his hand, which you accept. One hand still clutching your floppy ear, he guides you to the bed. You plop down next to Shouto. “It’s a big step and I don’t want you to do something you’re not emotionally ready for.” Bakugo explains.
“But I love you. I love both of you.” You say it like it’s the most natural thing in the world. 
“And we love you.” Bakugo says and Shouto wraps an arm around your back, kisses the side of your head and echoes the words. 
“We just want you to really think about if this is what you want. It won’t make us upset or think differently of you, if you want to keep things how they’ve been.” Shouto clarifies. But it’s not a question that needs you to think. You love them both. Before, fear was the only thing you knew, your body tied with tension from any movement. At any point, you suffered at the hands of your so-called owners. But now, if you were sleepy or sick, there was no fear. You could relax and allow yourself to be taken care of. Your heroes lather you with affection, making sure you have someone to talk to, to cuddle, to laugh with. 
“I want you both, I’m sure of it. I trust you.” You say resolutely. Shouto chuckles at your enthusiasm while Bakugo just smiles. Shouto guides you onto the bed while Bakugo goes to sit on the chair in the corner, the one you usually sat in front of while one of them combed your hair. 
“Then we’ll go slowly. You can stop at any point and I’ll help guide you and Shouto, is that alright?” Bakugo asks and you nod. Shouto moves to sit behind you, both of you turned toward Bakugo. “Go ahead and get her warm, Sho.” He commands. Shouto easily brings his lips to your neck, you inhale sharply, he trails wet kisses up until he guides your mouth to his. This time, the kiss is less slow, focusing on feeling the other. He brings his hands across your body, starting by groping your stomach, caressing your thighs. Breaking the kiss to make sure you could protest as he brings his palms to your ass. This only spurs you on to go back to kissing him. He meets you with fervor, shoving his tongue into your mouth and getting his fill of you. Your hands travel up his arms, feeling the strong bicep tighten and release as he touches you, kneads your body to his. You bring your hands to the base of his shirt, breaking the kiss for a moment as you feel his abs. Swallowing at his hard body, trained to kill and protect, you almost purr at the thought of him on you. Covering you and letting you scratch and kiss at him. You take the shirt and raise it until Shouto takes it himself and throws it off. His hand touches your sweatshirt. He’d seen you naked so many times before. This shouldn’t be different, but it is. 
You pull it over your head and let it drop to the floor. You hear Bakugo inhale as you bring Shouto’s hand, his fireside, to touch your breast. Just because Bakugo told Shouto to warm you up, didn’t mean you couldn’t do the same to him.
You moan as he tugs a little on your tail. He smirks this time, surprising you by turning your body back around to face Bakugo. His arm wraps around your middle, his warm hand cupping your breast, and his lips back on your neck, kissing lower. He begins playing with your nipple, making your back arch against him. 
“So sensitive,” He mumbles while giving your collar bone a nice purple hickey. “Still need me, baby?” He says cooly, moving to give your other breast attention. 
“Looks like she figured you out, half-n-half.” Bakugo says, resisting the urge to palm himself, he tries to tease his counterpart. Shouto pauses, sucking to glare at Bakugo, squeezing your breast extra hard, until your moan satisfied him. Going back to working on the tapestry on your neck. 
“C’mon, baby, talk to me. Who’s making you feel good?” He says, bringing the hand on your waist to your thighs, phantom touches over your shorts. 
“Sho, please, touch me. Please, I need you so bad.” You feel him smirk against your skin, wet with his saliva. 
“What do you say, Bakugo?” Shouto tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. “Does she deserve it after all her bathroom antics?” Bakugo is now palming his erection, unable to resist the erotic scene before him. The pliant way you lean against Shouto and his big hands claiming every inch of you except the place you need him most.
“We’ll punish her another day. For now, let’s give our Bunny what she needs.” 
Shouto wastes no time running his fingers over your clothed entrance. Watching your face trying to adjust to the new sensations. The tingling sensation follows Shouto’s movements back and forth. You reward him with eager whimpers until he can’t stand it and forces your shorts down your legs. You kick them off and Shouto gives you a kiss, wanting to swallow the first moans you give him when his fingertips touch your bare pussy. 
“Better than I could have dreamed.” Sho mumbles against your lips, still slowly running his fingertips along your slit, pausing over your clit and ignoring it. You whine.
“Sho, Suki said not to be mean.” You cry for him, clutching his wrist, trying to move his hand up. If he hadn’t been hard before, then this was it. You’re no match for his strength. Little tugs at his arm and pleading eyes. He doesn’t want to give in if this is your response. 
“Touch her clit. I’m sure she’ll be sweet for you.” Bakugo says leaning forward again to get a better view. And to shoot you a look, shivers running through you as you silently promise to listen. Shouto starts with feather light circles on your clit, not wanting to overwhelm. Or to scare you. 
You moan for him, keeping your hand on his wrist. His hold is so tight, protective. It’s funny how he talks about Bakugo babying you like he wasn’t cut from the same cloth. Shouto loves when you’re good for him. When he feels you need him. And you need him so desperately right now.
“More, please. It feels so good.” You moan and he increases the speed. Bringing his finger down to your slick to gather some slick and bring it back to your clit. His fingers glide easier and he risks heating up his fingers for you. You keen and turn your head, burying it in his chest. 
“You like it that much?” He says, moving to inch one finger in your hot sheath. “This what you think of when I rub your scalp, always whining like that.” His pace is steady now, but you want more. Shouto senses it and places his middle finger against your clit, his forefinger still moving inside you. 
“I think she’s warm now.” Bakugo says and Sho’s hand stops. 
“No, please don’t stop.” You say, still against Sho’s strong chest. Behind someone moves until they press up against your twisted body. Calloused hands, built by years of exploding heat, grasp your waist. 
“Shouto had his fun. Now I want a taste.” Bakugo’s voice is gruff and heady. Sho’s hand moves from your waist and grabs your chin, turning you out from his chest. Making you watch Bakugo bring Sho’s hand up to his lips, wrapping his mouth and tongue around them. Sucking obscenely and keeping his eyes floating between you both. His imagination wandering to different parts of his lovers, he’d do the same to. Shouto swears under his breath. 
“Bunny, come lay your head on my lap and spread your legs for Suki.” Shouto says, moving to sit against the pillows and headboard. Soft fabric cushioning your slow fall, his thighs your resting place, but eyes on Katsuki maneuvering your legs to wrap around his back, securing him. His breath hits your entrance. But he doesn’t move, not until Shouto finds his hand back on your jaw. Keeping you alert and awake. His other hand coming to play with your tits. 
“So cute.” Is all Bakugo says before licking at your cunt. A few kitten licks, a long suck to your  clit before running his tongue over the bud and sucking again. You sigh in relief, feeling the haze taking over your mind, only letting bliss filter through your consciousness. Your hand finds his hair curling into his mane, but not intruding on his meal.
Shouto runs cold and gentle fingers through your own hair, shushing you and telling you to relax. The pressure in your core builds. Squirming stopped by Shouto’s firm hand. 
They watch, hungry eyes and hungry hands, as you fall apart for them. Let your mouth part and sing. You reach out and tangle your fingers with theirs, one for each man. Make them wait in your bliss, catching a breath, savoring it and letting it go. The rush in your head fades and everything rests for a beat. But their eyes crave more of you still. They wait. You must be the one to lift yourself on tired arms, lean down and kiss Katsuki’s mouth dripping with you. One predator drunk on their target yet still aching for a different kind of satiation. And behind you the expected spectator, transforming into an amalgamation of desire for you on top of him, of his lover taking you from behind, and every possibility in between. 
You lean into Shouto, pressing a kiss to his lips, then to his neck and chest. Trailing further down until you hover above the tent in his pants. This isn’t about him, he thinks, as you play with the hem of his sweatpants. 
“I want to try too.” You say and glance back at Katsuki, slowly untwisting your body from his hold. His hands move back to your hips. It’s more for comfort than anything else. “I want to taste Sho.” You explain. “And I want Suki inside of me.” 
The blond’s face flushes so intensely you worry he has a fever. Sho just smiles and goes to cup your cheek, announcing his approval. You lean down, presenting yourself for the man that saved you when he could have kept walking. Wriggling your tail, trying not to be embarrassed when he doesn’t move. 
“Are you sure, Bunny?” Katsuki asks, but it’s not really a question. You’re already so willing. 
“You should go, before she starts sucking my cock. Get the hard part out of the way.” Sho offers. Sometimes he is less perceptive. Can’t understand the weight of a situation absent of the words. 
“I’ll only do it if I can see your face.” Bakugo says lowly and breathless, a tone he’s never let you hear.
 It wasn’t natural to you; you weren’t born to foster intimacy in equal measure. Your whole life you’ve been told to offer love, to give your owner whatever was wanted with no regard for yourself. Until Bakugo picked you up, bleeding and struggling, held you close and decided to keep you. Safe and secure, and to share his life and the other love of his life with you. 
You turn around again, his broad stature engulfing you and you let him. He takes off his sweatpants and leans over you, helping you spread your legs for him. His hand resting on your upper thigh and lining himself up. Experimentally dragging the head of his cock along your slit. 
He pushes in and all he can feel is heat. He groans, leaning down. You yelp and he pauses, waits until you squeeze his arm before continuing. Both of you watch him slide inside. You hold on to his upper biceps, squeezing hard when pain erupts. Bakugo was a very patient man now facing trial. 
“Not too fast, Suki.”
“I’m really trying here.” He gruffs back and focuses on leaving weak kisses on your collar and breasts. 
“Take a deep breath, Bunny.” Sho says from behind. Cooing, “You can take him.” “Always so good.” Until you’re filled to the brim and adjusting to the blond’s size. Once your hands relax, he wastes no time. Slowly thrusting in and out, each time a little more, until you’re stretched. 
“It feels so good.” You say and moan over and over. Head thrown back against Shouto, who managed to discard his sweatpants and stroke his cock to Bakugo’s rhythm. You roll your head to the side and attempt to lick at Sho’s cock, only catching his fingers. 
“She’s always been so greedy.” Shouto says and Bakugo grunts in agreement, watching as Sho guides his cock to your open and waiting mouth. “Be careful not to use teeth. Start slow, don’t hurt yourself.” He says, as your lips wrap around him. The sucking motions fall easily as Katsuki rocks into your body. 
The wet slapping sounds of the room grow, grunts and moans joining them. Katsuki loses himself with you, his grunts giving way to eager pants and whiny cries for you and Sho. You pause your sucking when Bakugo takes your thighs and shoves them toward your ears. Spreading you so that Sho can watch the mixture of fluids illuminating Bakugo’s cock driving in and out of you.
“It’s too much. You cry. “Please, I can’t– I’m gonna…”
“Gonna cum again baby, go ahead.” He says, his conscious leaving and only the thought of getting you off echoes in his mind. You squeeze down on him, and he applies gentle pressure against your stomach. When you cum, Sho lets you up for air and Katsuki whispers praises against your ear, holding off until you ride out your high. In the midst of your spasms, he cums with a breathy moan and spills inside of you. Sho watches the cum spill out and licks his lips. You reach up to him, dragging your fingers along his chin. 
“How was it?” He asks, eyes dancing. 
“Fuck.” Is all you can muster, earning a laugh from Bakugo as he pulls out.
“How are you feeling?” Bakugo asks, moving away from between your legs and helping Shouto shuffle out from behind you. “Do you need to stop?” 
“No.” You nearly shriek. “I want Shouto too, otherwise it doesn’t count,” you argue. And he doesn’t need to be told twice. First, getting an up close view of the mess between your legs, soon to add himself. 
“That’s my girl.” He says, dragging a finger through, collecting some of the cum and tasting it. He moans loudly, and it flutters through your core. 
“Now, Sho.” You complain, but it’s really just an annoyance that he was turning the tables on you. Finally, finding a way to get under his skin and he’s still trying to tease. Not on your watch. “If you won’t,” you say, bringing your hand down to your slick and running your fingers. Circling your own clit and moaning obscenely. 
And fuck, did that snap inside of Shouto. He grabs your hips, lines up and pushes in. Keeping your hand firmly fondling your clit while thrusting into you. Though you are loving every moment, something inside of you wants to take care of Shouto and make him cum. 
“I used to touch myself all the time, thinking about you both.” You say and he gives a guttural sound in return. Bakugo perks up behind you. “I keep your clothes in my nest and sometimes…” You tease out and Sho bucks into you so severely, it knocks the air out of your lungs. His hand grips the hair on your nape, not tugging, just making sure your eyes are on him and helping you to sit up.
“What do you do, baby?” He asks, pausing his movements because he knows. He caught you once and swore to take it to his grave. Watching you through the cracked door hump against a pillow that adorned his hoodie. “Show me.” 
You push him back until he’s lying toward the foot of the bed. His legs bend to give you support and with his cock still inside, you start to slowly grind. Touching your tits, and fingering your clit, using him more like a toy than a participant. And he can’t stop moaning. Engrossed in every little movement. 
He hits your sweet spot, that spongy part that makes your vision blur, and feel yourself get close. 
“Gonna Cum, Sho.” You say. As you bounce on top of him. He meets you every time.
“Me too. Fuck, me too.” He says, his hands coming to your waist and his strong thighs bucking up, setting an even more intense pace. “Go ahead, baby. Use my cock and cum.” He grunts trying to hold off. It doesn’t work. He cums at the same time as you, falling forward onto his chest. You both grind eagerly against each other, bringing yourselves to overstimulation. There are tears clouding your vision. Shouto’s fucked out face glows beneath the fluorescent lighting. 
Behind you both, you hear another groan. Katsuki cumming a second time, stroking his cock to the sight of you and Shouto. At least he has the decency to act embarrassed when he sees he’s caught. 
“You can’t blame me when you two were doing,” He points between you two, “All of that.”  You laugh against Shouto’s chest, before rolling off and letting him slip out of you. Smiling in content, this was better than anything you might have dreamed of. Well, except one thing.
“I want you both at the same time, otherwise it doesn’t count.” You mumble, barely cognizant. 
“First, I think we need to get you cleaned up.” Katsuki says, grabbing your wrist and pulling you up. Hoisting you into his arms, nodding to Shouto, who was still flinging off his afterglow, and bringing you to the bathroom. 
He runs a warm wet cloth between your legs, gathering all the bodily fluids gathered, working diligently until your skin has cooled and you feel somewhat pure. He cleans himself up after and grabs another cloth for the man, who arguably needs it most. He carries you back. You cuddle under the blankets, waiting for the other two. Not quite remembering when you fell asleep, only the feeling of their arms wrapping around you and holding you safe between them.
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after-witch · 2 years
"Tomura, your neck! Stop scratching, you're bleeding. Here just let me... let me get you something for that. It's okay, I promise. Just... don't hurt yourself, alright?"
Title: Sympathy, Tenderness [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
Synopsis: Do you know what you do to him? Do you know that your kind words, which would be cloying and insufferable in anyone else, make him want to do?
Word Count: 672
notes: yandere, mentions of non-con
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Your words seem to shake him awake, splashing on the violent fog in his mind like some kind of antiseptic. Stinging and bright and taking his mind away from the dull ache of torn skin underneath his fingernails.
Do you know what you do to him? Do you know that your kind words, which would be cloying and insufferable in anyone else, make him want to do?
If anyone else were to pity him, he would hate them. But you, with your fluttering hands rushing to open a first aid kit that you insisted on keeping near your personal at all times, are an entirely different story.
He needs your sympathy. He needs your cooing and your soft eyes and even softer touch, when you dab at his wounds with antibacterial lotions and liquids, when you insist on pressing bandages into his skin to stop the bleeding.
He needs the way you take his hands into your own--you’re not even afraid, you don’t have to be, not when your quirk neutralizes his own.
And hell, he never thought that would be something he needed, either, that touch of yours. Gentle but firm. You know what to do and when to do it. The confidence with which you touch him stemming not just from your quirk, but from something deeper.
Your trust in him. Your loyalty to him.
Your love?
That is something to be seen. You care for him, he can pull that much for himself. But you care for everyone in the League. You’re like a soothing balm, flitting to everyone at just the right times, knowing what to say, what to do, when to back off entirely.
He’s not jealous, not in the way most people might think he might be; he has no desire to take you away from the League, locking you up like some princess in a castle all to himself. But he wants more of you than the others. He wants to be more to you than the others.
He wants you to come to him at night, to touch him with those hands lower than ever before, needy and wanton instead of selfless and giving and chaste. He wants you to press yourself against him, to give him glances in a group of others, glances that are meant for his eyes alone.
He could just take you. It wouldn’t be difficult. Your strength isn’t physical; your assets to the League are your ability to neutralize quirks with a touch, which came in handy when dealing with captives and certain types of Heroes. He could pin you down and touch you in all the ways he wanted without breaking  a sweat.
But he knows that the moment he did such a thing, the sympathy in your eyes, the gentleness that he craves, would drain away along with your trust and loyalty. You would be farther away from him than ever before. 
He can’t have that.
Instead, he’ll keep you close. He’ll let you tend to him and worry over him. And day by day, he’ll work on you. He didn’t get to where he is, he didn’t collect the League around him, by being unable to understand the motivations of others.
He doesn’t know if he can get you to love him. But he can get you to accept his advances, he thinks. It would take some time. More intimate encounters. More disapproving clucks and one-on-one missions with you at his side.
He has to be sure you won’t leave the League, once he confesses. That’s the main thing. Keep you here, keep you near, and keep you with him.
But with the way you rush back to him now, voice gentle, like he’s some wild animal caught in a trap, he knows the real answer to that worry all too well. You wouldn’t. You couldn’t. You might not love him--not yet--but you were too caring about everyone in the League to just up and leave, even if you weren’t receptive to his feelings.
What is kindness, after all, if not something to be exploited for gain?
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Gonna start the week off with more bkdk moments that aren't talked about enough! Similar to my previous post, here's another (from Chp. 274):
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I found the first few panels interesting because it felt like I was witnessing things through someone else's eyes (i.e. not Deku's). I pictured the droves of bodies moving in slow-motion, their cries lessened to background noise. Those eyes have singled Midoriya out among the panicked crowd of civilians and heroes, watching his next move. And just as the boy was about to run, a voice cuts through the chaos. I remember being surprised to realize it was Bakugou's!
He was able to deduce that Midoriya was Shigaraki's target the same time the other boy did--despite standing farther away from Burning. Clearly, he'd been paying close attention. Not only that, but he immediately knew what Midoriya would do. He knew that Midoriya would separate himself from the group in order to protect everyone else, so he reminds the boy that he too, was someone the others could protect--"because heroes are supposed to protect everyone". Even crazier was that Bakugou follows him.
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Those words and actions, coming from the same kid who used to believe that being a hero meant facing enemies head-on and winning. Winning alone, without anyone's help (especially wide-eyed, green-haired twerps).
Now Midoriya's off to lure Shigaraki his way and instead of leaving him be, Bakugou joins him. Because changing Midoriya's mind was never an option.
But, why Bakugou? Why not Todoroki or Uraraka--or literally anyone else? Why does Bakugou care?
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He said it himself. He was one of only a handful of people that understood One for All. Not only that, but he had a personal score to settle with Shigaraki/All for One--his kidnapper and the cause of all his guilt regarding All Might's retirement. Furthermore, those complicated feelings that he's had towards Midoriya since they were kids were still very much present.
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BUT there is so much growth, here. Bakugou's now acknowledged that perhaps he was the one who'd been lacking all along. That he projected so much of his own weakness and insecurity onto Midoriya because he was unable to point a mirror at himself.
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Even moreso, Bakugou has come to realize that a hero's true strength lay in their service. In what they could do for others. Saving to win. While I believe Midoriya influenced this change in Bakugou, he has also made the idea his own.
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"When you guys are in trouble, I'll save ya; and when I'm in trouble, you cover me, okay?"
At this point in the manga, those iconic, game-changing bkdk scenes have yet to play out. Bakugou still hasn't "risen" (pun intended) to this full potential nor has he sorted out all the things he's wanted to say to Midoriya and apologized.
But something compelled him to follow Midoriya back there. Perhaps he had his own agenda to fulfill, or maybe he sensed that his childhood friend--who has zero regard for his own safety--would be in danger and needed someone who could keep up and watch his back...
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...And that someone could only be him.
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I adored these brief interactions right before it finally hit Midoriya that Katsuki "Kacchan" Bakugou was at his side and willingly following him into battle. Like, up till that point Midoriya didn't even question Bakugou's presence. It must have felt so natural, sharing intel and strategizing with the other boy. It really warmed my heart to witness how slowly, but surely, they've begun growing beyond their tumultuous past and into a future where they could become a formidable hero duo.
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANA!! a continuation of the 'wwx and jyl run away' prompt?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
As soon as Li Shuchun sees the sea of white heading for the gates, she knows something terrible has happened.
The Lan are not unwelcome in Lotus Pier, exactly. Sect Leader Lan has been here several times and they've hosted more than one Lan disciple passing through on a nighthunt.
But this group of Lans are being led by Lan Wangji. When she gets close enough to see that stupidly elaborate silver hair piece glinting in the sun, her heart sinks.
Jiang Cheng wouldn't let Lan Wangji into Lotus Pier unless he had no other choice.
With so many foreign disciples here for the nighthunt, she's at least dressed appropriately, with her heavily embroiders silk and the gold and amethyst hair piece. She scans the disciples in dark purple, finding her brother near the back. He's expressionless to most people, but she can tell from here that something has left him shaken.
The Jiang disciples bow and then wait in front of her, showing her a deference they wouldn't bother if there weren't outsiders here.
"Lan Wangji," she greets coolly. She doesn't care that he's a war hero or whatever. Technically they hold the same rank and she's never let him forget it for a moment, even when she was sixteen and grief stricken. Especially then.
"Sect Heir Jiang," he returns. They're rude to each other in their own way. If she didn't hate him, she thinks she might like him.
Mei Fan steps forward. "Sect Leader Jiang invited them to wait here until he returned."
Well, that's interesting. Jiang Cheng wants them kept here until he comes back.
"Welcome to Lotus Pier," she smiles, stepping aside to gesture them onto the pier.
She keeps her smile on her face until her brother comes by her, then she yanks his sleeve, waiting until the last Lan was far enough away to hiss, "What the fuck is going on?"
Li Jun looks around nervously then bends down to whisper in her ear, "We - they're - in the woods, they're alive." She's getting ready to kick some sense out of him when he clarifies, "Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian were in the forest. Really them. It's not a trick."
Senior Sister and Senior Brother.
"Shuchun, wait," he tries, but she's already moving, running to the direction they came from.
Her heart is pounding and there's a buzzing in her ears. It's been thirteen years, and she saw Senior Sister's body, but Li Jun would never lie to her.
She sees Jiang Cheng first, stomping towards the pier alone. "Is it true?" she shouts, slamming into him and grabbing the front of his robes.
He says nothing, just stares at her. He doesn't usually look this bad unless he's coming off of nightmares or too much alcohol or some combination thereof.
"A-Cheng!" she snaps.
The first time she called him that, she was convinced he was going to be furious, going to throw her from the clan or worse. But he'd been drowning and he needed someone to be overly familiar and disrespectful and loud near him, otherwise they would have lost him to. Wuxian-ge had been with her every step of the way, from her first trembling touch of her golden core to when she'd earned the rank of senior disciple in the midst of war. In many ways, she wasn't just Jiang Cheng's heir, but his too.
Jiang Cheng hadn't thrown her out, even though he looks like he's considering it every time she does it. Usually it settles him, reminds him that he's more than just a sect leader.
He starts laughing.
She's so startled that for a moment all she can do is stare, then she shakes him. The fact that she can do it without using cultivation energy means he's not even bothering to try and resist her. "Hey! Answer me!"
"Go see for yourself," he says, sounding some concerning combination of yearning and bitter.
That's something she has to address, but for now she just lets out a frustrated yell and keeps running.
There's a group in the distance, the familiar Jin gold the only bit she recognizes this far away, but there's a couple and then two kids, then she gets closer and details sharpen and -
"SENIOR SISTER!" she shouts, remembering warm soup and gentle hands after her worst training sessions.
The man looks up from where he'd been speaking to a kid and a smile breaks out over his face. He waves at her enthusiastically. "Shuchun! Look at how big you've gotten!"
It's him.
It's really him.
"I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" she roars, jumping into the air to tackle him to the ground.
He yelps as he falls backwards then wheezes at the combination of getting the wind knocked into him and her weight on his chest. She makes it worse by squeezing her arms around him, then presses her face into his chest.
Jiang Yanli is laughing even as the kids start fussing around them, Jin Zixuan being useful for once by holding them back.
Wuxian-ge and Senior Sister are back.
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