#(the answer to that question can be found elsewhere)
hart269 · 2 days
Slithering Hearts
Chapter 7
Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem! reader Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother. A/N : You admit your feelings for Regulus. Also some Regulus POV.
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Masterlist / Series Masterlist
Littered acoss the expanse of the celestial sphere, the burning balls of the stars couldn't have shined as brightly as his eyes, merlin, it was because of Amelia, yes, it was her, not like you had noticed them before, you definitely didn't. Not at all. It sounded like a lie even in your head. You groaned, burying your face into your scarf.
"Are you okay?" you glared up at him, it was his fault, yes, how dare he be who he is. You scoffed retreating back into your scarf, not answering his question.
He pressed his fingers on your forehead, and your face naturally warmed up, "Do you have a fever".
"I'm feeling just a bit warm" your muffled sound barely reached him. He didn't retaliate, "You should visit madam pompfrey".
You lifted your head to meet his concerned eyes, "I'm fine Reg, it'll go away in a while". At least you hoped so. He nodded although not looking much convinced.
Despite the cold night, you could feel the warmth like little electrical waves seeping from him. You scooted closer until your arms were almost brushing, when he made no movement to pull away, staring into the book, you scooted closer.
Regulus stared daggers into the book, latching into the word, not being able to complete reading the sentence. He knew for a fact, that if he moved and you took it as his discomfort, you will move away. He also knew that he wouldn't be able to muster up the courage to ask you to move back.
It was easier in times when you two were with more people to focus elsewhere, to impersonate as was expected of him. But with no one else, just in your presence, the walls he had build are vanished. To say much, you hadn't let him build it since you met.
It would be deceptive to say he hadn't tried, to distance you, to keep you at arm's bay, to be the 'perfect' child he was expected to be. But you tore them as if they were made of dandelions and not the stone of his parent's expectations.
So Regulus didn't move, not until you scooted closer, then he leaned a bit on your shoulder. His eyes relaxed, darting between sentences, and between the mayhem of the entirety of the his world, it felt like a stretch of peace.
"Can I ask you a question?" you asked, looking down at his head. He lifted his head, his eyes gazing at yours, "Si seulement nous pouvions obtenir les réponses à toutes les questions que notre cœur désire".
You shuddered, it was startling whenever he spoke French at random times, "What does that mean?". He turned his head, his eyes directly meeting yours, "You can ask whatever you want."
You nodded, not trusting your voice. There were so many things you wanted to ask him, but now that he was looking at you so attentively, as if you're gonna recite the holy words of Merlin himself, you could only whisper, "Do you ever wonder, what is it like" you paused for a moment, taking a breath, "being in love?"
The thing about Regulus he never questioned your weird questions, he had answered them to the best of his knowledge and even embarked with you on a journey to find them. But this he thought was the most pondorous. He leaned back into your shoulder, what was it like being in love. And when he finally answered his voice was not an octave louder than a whisper.
"I would say it's like the feeling when after a storm, the tide finally resides. It's wandering around lost your whole life until you stop cause you have found what you were searching for, until you are no longer lost, until you're home."
Regulus pondered over his own words the next day, he had answered at what he beleived to be his form of it, but the only person he could ever picture coming close to that feeling would be you. You had revolved around in his mind since the first day he had seen you at King cross station waving away at your brother. Maybe he'll tell you one day, one day for sure.
For now, it was enough for him to have you by his side, even just at friends. You were enough, even if you were now chasing after a black cat so you could find his 'twin' as you said.
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"And then he was like all screaming and stuff, just because his favourite panda was in the dirt, what a siss" you were loudly interrupted by the scream of the infamous James potter who entered in his dorm.
He pointed at you, "What are you doing here, munching away at my cookies, you monster?".
Sirius snickered behind him, patting his back. You rolled your eyes, going back to the story you were telling Remus and Peter. You may have used some foxy ways to enter here and later when Remus and Peter entered, you decided to distract them with an embarassig story of James.
However James didn't retiliate, he came screeching, snatching the cookie jar from you. You went right back to fighting him for it, grabbing at the jar, "Where's yours"
"It's finished."
"Doesn't mean you can take mine" he snatched it back, holding it close to his chest. "You sneaked into the Gryffindor's common room and then into the boy's dorm, somehow found ours, for cookies"
At your nod, Sirius grinned, "She's perfect to execute pranks". You had already been exempted from being pranked after once you had gotten water thrown on you and James had received an Howler, this time from your Dad.
James shook his head, "No, absolutely not, we don't want anymore trouble than we already have"
"I'm not trouble"
"Yes you are, you always hanging out with snakes"
"Not everyone in Slytherin are snakes" Sure some like Malfoy and Lestrange were but you avoided them like the plauges they were.
"Oh yes, they are" James grumbled finally snatching the jar from him.
"Not to mention you are always hanging out with my brother" Sirius said plopping down on his bed.
"So what?" you glared at him. Sirius stood for a moment, it was truly a lightbulb lighting in his head moment at him.
"You know I remembered something, wanna help me over there" Sirius pointed outside the door.
"Why not" you squinted your eyes following him.
"You like my brother, don't you"
"You have no evidence"
"You're not denying it"
"Don't test me Black, I know your deepest darkest secrets too"
"Oh really, Like what" Sirius snorted. Big mistake.
You smirked, "You're in love with Remus"
Sirius's eyes widened like saucers, "I - uh- Excuse you, I'm dating Marlene"
"Who's dating Dorcas actually, at first I thought she was just cheating on you but now I realise"
"How did you know"
"I have sources" You didn't, while searching for James's bed, you saw one cvered with scrolls of paper. Inbetween the scrolls laid on Sirius's bed you found Remus's name with a red heart drawn upon it.
"Fine" Sirius sighed, "I won't tell if you won't"
"I need something else too"
"Teach me how you do your eyeliner"
"Oh my God" Sirius whisper yelled.
"Prongs is gonna be my brother-in-law"
"What the fu-"
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You crooned at the new black kitten, it was just impossibly tiny. However Regulus glared daggers at it, "What do you think we should name it?"
"Naming it means you'll get attached to it"
"So what"
"No what, it's so cute"? you said petting it.
"And i'm not?" Regulus blanched realising he said it out loud.
"You are pretty too, Reg, don't worry"
Regulus dscoffed, "I'm prettier"
You laughed, at Regulus's pout before he too broke into a smile. However, to your obliviousness darkness loomed overhead as a dark lord gained more and more power
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French translation : If only we could get the answers to all the questions of our hearts desire.
Taglist : @shycreationdreamland @mp-littlebit @girlbooklover555 @godofstory @misacc08 @starchaser-lily @moonywastakenn @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @skepvids @venomsvl
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primatechnosynthpop · 25 days
[Video description: a Real Ghostbusters amv set to the first pre-chorus and chorus of "Why Did I Say Okie Doki?" by The Stupendium. Full description under cut:
The amv is framed as being from Winston's perspective. Peter, Ray, Egon, and Janine are shown as the singer introduces the girls. On the "keep them hanging" line we see Winston holding onto Egon as the latter dangles off a ledge. The "just the five of us" parts feature clips of all four ghostbusters plus Janine together. On "there's something going on behind" we see Egon and Peter respectively being possessed. "I sold my soul for poetry" is Winston lamenting about selling his soul to a minor demon, and on the last line he clutches his head in torment. End desc.]
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zillychu · 5 months
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I’ve gotten a WAVE of asks about this AU, so I decided to flesh it out some more and answer some of those questions!
I’ll probably polish this extended summary up at some point and submit it to AO3. But for now, here’s a rundown of my thoughts–please feel free to send more questions! I’ll update this post if I get any more. But if you’re someone who wanted to write fic for it, don’t worry, you don’t need to take my headcanons as gospel. It’s a pretty basic AU honestly lol
The portal accident results in a violent explosion that wipes out the whole block, and condemns all of Amity Park. Danny haunts the city for 100 years, before Sam and Tucker find him. 
In the 1920’s, 19-year-old Danny went into the incomplete portal on his own, hoping to help out his parents. Ripping the portal open through unnatural means created a huge burst of energy that resulted in a massive explosion. A good portion of the Amity Park population died, many were injured, and the ones on the fringes relocated–Amity was quickly deemed too dangerous due to the excess ectoplasm in the area that attracted ghosts. 
While the disaster was in Amity, the fallout was seen around the globe. Before, natural portals were rare, short-lived, and rarely allowed ghosts to fully slip into our realm (the most severe cases being on par with poltergeists that most people didn’t believe in). Now, natural portals pop open frequently around the world, large enough to allow the entirety of a ghost into the physical plane. They’re more common the closer you get to Amity, but they happen enough elsewhere that this change was something of a small apocalypse before people settled back down and found out how to combat at least some of their new, permanent neighbors. 
Danny is unaware that he’s only half-dead, believing he’s a full ghost. He ends up sticking around Amity, unintentionally making it his haunt. His grief and guilt over causing the death of his loved ones (and many others) makes him isolate and avoid human contact. Though he has, at times, scared nosy people away from the city in a mix of territorial instinct–and to get them to leave before a less friendly ghost finds them. 
Ghosts are much more of an uncontested danger in this AU. Lesser ghosts are practically mindless, and while stronger ghosts are capable of reason, their interests are limited. They’re highly territorial, possessive, and often destructive. Most worrisome is that they also like to snack on the life force of anything alive. No one is sure what dictates a ghost’s propensity to attack or hunt the living for their life force since ghosts don’t exactly experience hunger. At least, not the way we do. If a human is rescued before their life force is fully drained, they can make a full recovery–though humanity has still not yet found what this “life force" is. 
And since the Fentons’ research died along with them, there aren’t many tools available to the public to protect them from ghosts. Most homes have standard ghost shields and some weapons are available on the market, but certified ghost hunters are required to take care of anything more powerful than your average spook. 
Sam and Tucker met in high school, and are now rooming together for college very close to the Amity border. Rent is surprisingly cheap when you’re a stone’s throw away from a condemned area crawling with ghosts. Sam is the one who drags Tucker along with her fascination over finding out more about the city, and its largely mysterious demise. Sam is aware of the danger, but feels ghosts have a place in this world just like everything else, and does exercise caution–like one would while foraging in the woods with a known tiger population. 
What she and Tucker weren’t expecting was to run into a ghost that felt almost human. One that hasn't hurt them, not for lack of trying–while being powerful enough to walk past ghost shields without so much as a flinch. The long white hair is familiar in the whispers of the ectobiologist community, but there’s no way it could be the rumored ghost king Phantom, right?
About Danny:
He has very long hair, claws, and black sclera. His hazmat suit is more torn and ragged, with exposed hands and feet that fade into a burnt black.
His hair tends to float a lot on its own. It can start morphing into fire under duress. 
He does still technically have gloves and boots, they've just charred and melted into his skin towards the ends. He can't take them off in his ghost form. His hands and feet have a leathery texture that's tougher than the rest of his skin.
The white of his hazmat suit is both supposed to look like flames, and also a battered look representing his more violent, explosive death.
Overall, he appears rather listless and sad, with an unnerving air of danger around him–even for a ghost. 
Danny’s “ghost sense” comes out as white smoke.
He does breathe black smoke at times, usually when agitated. 
He's already fought and defeated Pariah Dark by the time Sam and Tucker find him, technically making him the Ghost King. This is heavily speculated by ghost experts, despite there being no real proof beyond a massive battle that scarred Illinois. He has not donned the Ring or the Crown, and captured sentient ghosts are hesitant to answer questions surrounding him. Danny basically has the throne but doesn’t do anything with it, and finds it meaningless enough to routinely forget he has the title. He only fought Pariah because he knew otherwise, humanity would have perished. A lot of ghosts are scared of him because he's so hard to figure out, and he's strong. 
Danny is usually very quiet and speaks softly, because his lungs were damaged in the blaze that half-killed him. He's technically healed since becoming a ghost, so it's more of a compulsion due to the traumatic memory. That, and he’s just… very forlorn and distant, shy around humans who don’t seem to understand how dangerous it is to keep hanging around him.
His memories pre-accident are extremely fuzzy. He knows the very basics of who he was, but specifics have been muffled due to trauma and isolation. He routinely forgets human habits, etiquette, etc. and tends to act more like a full ghost with some odd quirks. 
He does try to scare Sam and Tucker off numerous times. Unfortunately for him, they realized they shouldn't have been able to escape a ghost that strong–but they did, because he let them. 
Sam and Tucker think he's mute at first! He doesn't speak a word to them until several encounters later, when he fumbles his whole scary act and saves them from another ghost. 
He’s still half-ghost, though he doesn’t figure this out until Sam and Tucker come along trying to unravel the mysteries behind the Amity catastrophe. Physically and emotionally, he’s been stuck for 100 years–so his human form is still 19. It’s unclear at this point if he can age normally like a human as long as he stays in human form, or if he’s immortal. 
Danny's family did not turn into ghosts, though he sometimes worries he'll find them in the afterlife as shells of their former selves. He doesn't know if it's better or worse that he's not sure he'd recognize them. 
(Danny also still has some living family. Take a guess.)
Yes, he knows how to Wail. Understandably, he very rarely uses it. You do not want to witness this.
Danny :) is not immune :) from the allure of eating a human's life force :)))
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octoberautumnbox · 3 months
Discordant Waltz: Juicy Juicy
Oh Sieun (Former IZ*ONE/Soloist Jo Yuri) & Male Reader
Categories/warnings: smut, public sex, blood, clothed sex, hair pulling, blowjob, cowgirl, friends with benefits, fuck buddy
Word count: 1.9k
| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 (coming soon) |
a/n: i just really wanted to put this out, i think atp I can't write consistently like I used to before all this shit happened. we'll just see how it goes from now on but i swear i still have a bunch of fics i wanna write :))))
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bathroom 3rd
sieun fckbd, 2:43 pm
pushy. omw
You, 2:43 pm
The warm, unconditioned air hit you like a brick wall when you first stepped out of the classroom, but with the cool breeze and shade, you really didn't mind any further.
You head for the rendezvous lazily, though it nags at you why she would want to see you during school hours. 
Sieun was leaning against the empty bulletin board between the male and female restrooms when you found her. She was ethereal and fleeting, like a poster from a magazine you weren’t supposed to buy. 
There’s no response from her as you took your careful steps towards her. She looked worried and lost in thought, like something shook her on a deeply personal level. Not that it mattered to you; neither of you were supposed to care about each other in that way.
"Can I help you?" She jumps and stares wide-eyed at you, evidently so surprised that she didn't even see you coming. Apologetically, you push up her chin and force eye contact with her, which pulls her back down to Earth.
"Great," she sighs, relieved, "you're here. Come on!" 
You suddenly find yourself getting dragged by the collar into the women's restroom and shoved into one of the stalls. You're pushed and forced to sit down onto the toilet seat, and your fuckbuddy promptly gets into her own position, straddling you and wrapping her arms around your neck.
This isn't anything new, and by now you know what she's asking for. Place both hands on her ass, feel up her cheeks through the baggy PE pants she loves wearing for some reason. She dives in and captures your lips with hers, and savoring the feeling of your tongues on each other and swapping spit. 
Carelessly you reach under her pants garters and under the waistband of her boxers, fully relishing how her smooth skin and plump ass feels in your hands. She breathes heavily under your touch, and moans spill from her lips with every squeeze. 
"Sorry about the boxers by the way," she whispers, breaking the kiss. "I didn't plan on this." 
You take her lips again, feeling her breath growing less and less stable against yours. "It's fine, baby. You okay?"
She tries to act tough with her retort, but her blushing gives her away. "Less talk, more getting your cock hard enough for me to choke on." 
You estimate a solid minute of making out and groping her ass while she grinds on your clothed dick, making sure she feels you getting harder for her.
Once she's had her fun, she gets up and hurriedly unzips your pants. Meanwhile you work on stripping her of her own pants, yanking off her boxers at the same time. Her wet, pink pussy comes into view, and you place a thumb on her clit to rub while she works hard trying to strip you herself. Noticing she's fumbling and having trouble with your belt, you unbuckle it for her and get up, so she makes quick work of pulling everything off of you. You sit back down onto the toilet and feel the cold ceramic seat on your thighs.
“Thank you. Do you have any other questions?” Sieun asks, but her interest lies elsewhere. She eyes your stiffening cock hungrily while licking her lips. 
Without waiting for an answer, she squats down between your legs and places the tip of her tongue right on the slit of your dick, giving it tiny licks. She allows her saliva to run down from her tongue, watching you watch her start to pleasure you. 
She takes your cock in her hand and starts to jerk you off in long and slow strokes. Her lips hover over your tip, still letting her saliva drip down, and you feel her handjob getting slicker. Between the feeling of her spit coating your cock and the pure visual of her heavenly face in front of you, you grip the toilet seat to try and delay your orgasm just a bit longer.
Satisfied with her work and how your face contorted in pleasure to what she’s doing, Sieun begins her monumental task of taking you into her mouth. She kisses your tip before taking your head between her plump lips. She gives it a little suck before withdrawing, licking her lips, and going back for more. You notice her free right hand working between her legs and tweaking her clit, and just then she moans a small “mmh” onto your head as she goes deeper with her blowjob to half your shaft. 
Unfortunately for her (or perhaps fortunately, you know how sick she is in the head), just half your shaft reaches to the back of her mouth. The sensation of her tongue tracing the veins around your dick sends a shock wave of pleasure up your spine, causing you to reach out and grip a handful of her hair. She looks up at you, expectant and pleading, as you watch her insert two fingers into her dripping pussy. 
Instead of forcing your cock into her throat though, you pull her head away by her hair with a jerk. She gasps at the sudden rough treatment, but displays her submission by panting with her tongue out like a dog. She hasn’t stopped fingering herself, and this lets you know what she wants next. 
Hand still tangled in her hair, you pull her up to your eye level. Take her onto your lap and position your cock onto her wet folds, and earn a groan from her as she relaxes onto you. 
Sieun reaches under her jacket and, you guess, into her bra before pulling out a condom. Seeing you surprised, she smirks at you and rips open the packaging with her teeth.
"You always know how to get me riled up."
She expertly rolls the rubber onto your throbbing cock. She holds your chin up the way you did with her earlier, and she makes you watch as she lets a line of her spit fall from her tongue to her open palm. Finally she rubs it all over your cock, giving it a few pumps while making sure it's lubricated and ready for her.
You grab her by the hips, savoring how her smooth skin feels on your hands, and pull her back onto your cock. She gives in and, carefully but not too much so, she lowers herself onto your dick. She shuts her eyes as you feel yourself sliding into her, first the head, then the shaft, and even more after that, all the while you guide her down by her hips. 
"Never fucking gets old, you stretch me out so well…" Her breathy and quiet voice tells you she's close. She bites her lip and tries to make eye contact with you again. In the split second that you do, you're reminded that Oh Sieun is gorgeous in her own right, and that you're lucky you get to have her like this at all. You admire her big brown eyes, how they shut as she lowers herself onto you, how her lips part as she lets out a deep sigh.
Sieun is dazed; you know she's getting even hornier with you. She's straining herself to keep quiet, knowing that just one mistimed yelp might be all it takes for someone to get curious, check out the bathroom, and catch the two of you red-handed. Despite that, she soldiers on, lifting herself up before letting herself drop again. As she does, you feel her velvet walls clench tighter around you, and you resolve to place your hand over her mouth. Getting the message, she goes for another bounce on your cock, more careful than anything to keep the sound of her skin on yours to a minimum. You hold back yourself, trying to match her control despite the mind-melting pleasure you get from her tight, needy pussy.
You watch as she lifts herself up again. You take a deep breath into your lungs, knowing that you can't hold back much longer: you need her just as much as she needs you. Hands firm on her mouth and hip, her head lolls back as she prepares to take all of you into her again. 
She crashes down onto you like a meteor, sending waves of pleasure throughout both your bodies. With your common sense leaving you, you thrust up into her, reaching a depth she's never experienced in this life until now. She jerks her head in surprise to face you, and almost immediately her eyes point up and then roll to the back of her head. She groans against your palm before developing into a full-blown scream you both were lucky to have muffled. Her cunt squeezes your throbbing cock as it convulses through her orgasm, squirting her cum all over your crotch and waist. 
Don't relent, she loves it when you don't. You thrust up into her again, forcing more of your cock into her heat and vying for your own release. Sieun struggles to scream louder into your hand as she loses her mind to the pleasure.
You thrust harder up into her, matching how tight she's clamping down on you. Inadvertently she makes up for it with how much of her love juice is spraying onto your crotch and lap. Snake a hand across her back and onto her shoulder, and with your other hand on her mouth, pull her down.
Her teeth find your palm an easy target, biting down and drawing blood. She could do nothing else, completely victim to the immense orgasm you were subjecting her to. Fight down your pain; just a bit more. 
It arrives when you least expect it to, and you're sure deep down inside whatever's left of Sieun is thanking whatever god she believes in that you're about to let her go. Your dick throbs with each spurt of cum you shoot into the rubber, unintentionally also hitting her good spots even more. She leaks more and more of her juices onto your lap, and as you look up you find she's also started to cry. You almost feel sorry for her, if not for how unbelievably and blissfully elated she seems to be getting fucked out of her mind. Your blood shows itself, from your palm and dripping onto Sieun's jacket. 
Both your climaxes end gradually, bringing you down from the highest of highs. Your arms fall exhaustedly to your sides and you lose all feeling in them. Sieun collapses face down on top of you, limp and out of breath, but still finds the tiniest bit of strength to nuzzle into your neck. Extend your last greatest effort, swing your arm over the small of her back and hug her. 
“You good?” Your tone is casual, like she didn't just have the orgasm of her life. She weakly nods into your neck and puts a kiss right on your pulse.
You find yourself walking back to the classroom, unaware of how much time has passed. The sun hides behind a fair bit of cloud cover, and the breeze seems nippier than you remember. 
Sieun is long gone, off to wherever she was before. Hopefully, nobody notices her limp, nor the red stain on her jacket. Above all, you hope nobody questions the hand mark over her mouth. 
But deep inside, you kind of do. She wouldn't be able to say it, but she'll know it's because she gave herself to a man that makes her feel complete.
| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 (coming soon) |
a/n: this was something i wanted to write for a long time, im really glad i got to do something like this now :) thanks for reading!
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multific · 3 months
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John Price x Reader
Summary: John was a man who liked being in control, and you were a woman who hated giving men what they wanted, so when it came to questioning you, John found himself in a rather tough spot.
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"So, Miss Y/L/N... Codename... Black Cat. I have read your files." John Price put the papers down before he sat down at the table across you.
You watched him, not saying a word.
"Your Captain said that you are the best, but what it is exactly that you do?" he leaned back in his chair as you leaned forward.
Game on.
"If you read my file, you must know, so ask the questions you really want to ask, Captain Price." a small smile, just a tiny one, for a split second could be seen on his face. 
He liked you.
But again, everyone liked you.
Even if you behaved like a bitch.
"How? How do you do it? I have read about the mission in Qatar, you rescued over a hundred people. No casualties. No one saw you going in or coming out, so, how did you do it?"
"My Captain said that Taskforce 141 needed someone a little more... flexible. She said it will do me good coming here to help you, Captain Price. So, if you need my help, I suggest you refrain from asking more... stupid questions. With all due respect." your eyes never left him, you just sat there, legs crossed under the table, your hands on top of the table, resting.
"They say you are the best getting in and out. No witnesses, no death."
"Who are they?"
"I need someone who can do this job for me, I do not need an amateur egoist who won't work with my team and won't answer simple questions."
"Now, am I the best or an amateur? The two really don't work together. Also, if you continue insulting me, Sir, I might change my mind and just go back."
"How do you do it?! How can you get hundreds of people out of a building without anyone noticing?"
"I just have them focus on something else." you replied, your hand reaching for the cup in front of you. "And while they are looking elsewhere, I get what I want." you lifted your other hand and showed him the gun in your hand. His gun.
John watched you in amazement, but you could also see a hint of fear. Fear of the unknown, you were already used to that.
"I will send you the file tomorrow. Be ready at 5:00am." he stood from his seat, ready to leave after he got his gun back from you.
"So tell me John, am I an amateur or am I the best?" you asked as you turned and looked at him.
"You definitely are... something, Doll." you smirked as he walked away.
Oh, you will have a great time playing with the handsome Captain.
How sad that the Captain didn't realize that he was already in the claws of the cat.
Being played with, you will have your fun.
Captain Price got shot.
He walked right into a trap even though you warned him.
And now, you were hiding in a small shed with him.
He got shot in his left thigh.
"I told you not to go in there."
"I thought it was safe, they said it was clear."
"Yeah, and then betrayed us." you let out a sigh as you pushed on his wound, he groaned loudly. "Now, I will get the bullet out okay? bite down on this." you handed him a piece of wood.
John barely made a sound as you removed the bullet from his leg and treated his wound as best as you could.
"Don't trust the radio." he said, not like you didn't already know, yet you chose not to reply. You had bigger issues at hand, an injured Captain and a betrayal... "You have lovely eyes." you made you freeze as you looked at John.
His head, leaning against the wall as he watched you.
"So beautiful." he whispered. It had to be the blood loss.
You tried to convince yourself. It had to be the blood loss. What else could it be?!
"You are stunning." he continued, his voice sounding like a dream. You tried your best to focus.
Blood loss.
"So fierce and firey."
Blood loss.
"I like you very much, ya know?"
Blood loss.
"I shouldn't but I do."
"Captain." your voice sounded like a warning. A warning John was too oblivious to realize.
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"I don't hate you." you replied immediately. And you truly didn't it was a simple attraction you felt towards him, an attraction you thought best to keep under cover. Perhaps he was the same, and with his delusion, he finally admitted them. "I do really like you John." you said as you sat down on the floor in front of him.
You knew you two were safe here in this basement.
But you weren't safe from your own feelings and his.
"But you do."
"To be fair, you were the one that interviewed me."
"I did that because I found you attractive. I couldn't believe my eyes, you were skilled, sexy and pretty at the same time!"
"I will get us out of here." you said as you tried to avoid his confessions. 
"I know you will, Doll. The question is whether I will be alive or not."
"I stopped your bleeding." he looked down at his leg and saw his bandaged up leg.
"Oh. You did." he genuinely sounded surprised. You let out a sigh, quietly, you rather not attract his attention.
"Take this." you said as you reached into your pocket and gave him a small pill. "It will help with the pain and... delusions."
"I'm not delirious. I'm only in love."
"Even worse."
"You could say that again." he let out another sigh, your eyes never left his face.
He was handsome, way too handsome for his own good.
He looked so good with a longer beard, it did things to you. You remember when you first met him his face was shaved. It was months ago, and it always felt like you two have been dancing around each other.
And now, in this unfortunate situation, you two confessed your feelings. Even if his mind was foggy due to the blood loss.
You knew his words rang with the truth. You weren't stupid, you knew exactly what was between you two, and was unsaid.
But you knew it could never be more than the looks you gave each other, the usual bantering, filled with flirting and sarcasm. 
It was good, it was unsaid, but a simple wound ruined it, and he didn't even know what he had just done.
And he didn't realize until you saved him and he was in the hospital wing.
It was a slow process, having to move him to safety and not getting caught, but you managed.
After all, you were the best.
The nurse explained to you that he was sleeping, but he wasn't.
He laid awake, recalling everything he said and did. He would have regretted it if it wasn't for you. He was ready to apologise and pretend it never happened but you reciprocated his feelings.
You told him that you liked him, you smiled at him so sweet and patched up his wound. You didn't pull away or frown, you stayed and told him that you liked him as well.
Two days passed since you last seen John.
He called you into his office the third day, needing to "have a talk in private". 
You assumed he would ask you to forget everything he said and move on.
You sat in front of him and he finally looked at you.
"I can't say my words were lies. I cannot and will not say that I don't feel a certain affection towards you. But our line of work is not made for relationships and feelings. I cannot go on a mission, worrying about you when I have three other men by my side. It wouldn't be fair."
"You wouldn't have to worry, Sir. Laswell asked me to work with her, we would work on strategies and come up with new trainings. Since I proved I know how to handle even the most extreme hostage situations, she wants my knowledge on paper. We wouldn't have to hide, John." you watched him as he processed the information. "If you want to, of course." you quickly added and he suddenly stood up, scaring you enough to jolt up as well.
You did it in defence, it was, after all, part of your training.
John rounded the table and stopped in front of you.
"Of course, I want you." the way he said it, with such desperation in his voice, made you weak.
You grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to kiss you.
Your lips collided with his and it all felt so right.
It was something you have longed for for months now.
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Taglist: @castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse  @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @brascaris @il0vebeingdelulu @deliciousfestsalad @groovyqueer
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mrsstarkey1 · 1 year
found you - rafe cameron
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this gif makes me FERAL
SUMMARY: you help rafe one night. he was in a bad position, you helped him out of it. you thought that was the end of the story. does rafe think the same thing?
A/N: check out my most recent rafe fic
You sat on the couch on John B’s porch, legs rested on Pope’s lap. JJ and Kie sat together sharing a cigarette, and John B was sitting on the high edge of the porch.
“So, where were you last night y/n? you said you were gonna stay here,” JJ asked you as he got up to get himself a beer.
You put the book that you were reading on your lap, shrugging your shoulders, “just out. You guys know I have other friends right?”
They all gave you a ‘really?’ look, and you avoided all of their eyes. You were obviously lying, but no one pressed it any further.
You started to read your book again as the rest of them engaged in separate conversations. Your eyes moved across an entire page just for you to reach the bottom and not remember a thing you just read. Your mind was clearly elsewhere. It kept going back to the events of last night.
you were sitting on the beach, enjoying the dark sky and the fresh air. the time was nearing midnight, so there was no one on the beach but you and your thoughts.
you sat for about 20 minutes, sipping a beer very slowly. and you were just about to stand up and walk back to your car when you heard footsteps on the steps leading to the beach, and then a small thud followed by a groan.
you ran toward the source of the sound, finding a man laying in the sand, curled up, looking very much in pain. you dropped to your knees next to him, turning him around so you could see his face. “rafe?” you said softly, not even to him, but to yourself.
you hadn’t spoken to rafe cameron in a very long time. not since your freshman year of highschool. even then, you weren’t friends, just acquaintances.
he had a small cut on his forehead, and he reeked of alcohol. “rafe? can you hear me?” he was breathing, but his eyes were shut.
rafe let out a soft moan, giving you his answer. you helped him stand up after a couple minutes of staring at him. “ouch,” rafe held his side, and scrunched his nose up in pain.
“come on, let’s get you to my car. i can take you home, okay?”
rafes eyes widened and he shook his head violently, trying to break free of the hold you had on his hand, “no- no, i don’t want to go home. please, i cant go home. y/n please i-”
“hey, hey it’s okay. you don’t have to go home. i’ll take you back to my place,” you said softly. you were confused by the outburst, but you weren’t going to press him for information, especially in the state he was in.
he let out a breath and his hand relaxed in yours. you led him to your car, and opened the front door for him. he sat down and leaned his head back against the seat, and put his hands over his face. when he stretched back, he winced, hissing from pain.
you leaned into the car, putting your hand on the hem of his shirt, “can i?” he nodded.
you pulled the shirt up to reveal a giant cut right on his stomach, “oh my god.”
“i must have landed on a rock when i fell,” he said, obviously in pain. the numbing of the amount of alcohol hes had was wearing off, and he was feeling all the pain.
“i can stitch it at my house,” you said, closing the door and getting in the drivers seat. you had a first aid kit for all the times you had to stitch up jj.
you drove to your house in silence, though you had so many questions for him.
once you got to your house, you opened rafes door for him and wrapped your arms around his waist, helping him walk, careful to not make contact with his cut. he seemed like he’d gotten 10 times more tired in the short time you’d been in the car.
you led him to your bedroom, and had him sit down on the bed. he was sitting up, but his eyes were closed tightly. “i’m going to take your shirt off, okay?”
he simply nodded and you pulled the shirt off over his head, taking a better look at the cut. “this is going to sting,” you poured alcohol over the open wound.
he winced a little, but took it like a champ. you stitched the wound shut, and helped him put his shirt back on. you moved the covers, so that he would have a place to get under them. 
“i can sleep on the floor,” he said quietly when he realized what you were doing.
you shook your head, “no no, it’s okay. please, sleep on the bed. you look like you could use a good nights sleep.”
he gave you a soft smile, “thank you.”
he slipped his shoes off and moved to the other end of the bed, getting under the blankets. you grabbed a pillow and a blanket from your closet and began to put it on the floor. “y/n?” rafes small voice caused you to stop.
“can you lay with me?” he asked, so quietly you could barely hear him.
the pure sadness and what you could only think of as fear in his voice broke your heart. “sure, rafe.”
you turned the lights out and slid under the the blanket, next to rafe.
“what were you doing on the beach so late?” he asked you, and you felt his breath on your shoulder. you hadn’t noticed how close you were.
“i was just thinking. it’s so quiet and peaceful at night. i don’t get much of that anymore,” you said turning to look at him, “what about you?”
he closed his eyes, like he was thinking hard about something. “honestly, i don’t remember. i was so wasted, i think i was just walking without even being aware of it. i dont even remember falling. but thank god you were there, y/n. i don’t know what would have happened if you werent,” he said, and you noticed the glossiness of his eyes.
you put your hand on his arm, “i’m just glad that you’re okay.”
rafe hesitantly wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and resting his head on your shoulder, “thank you.”
you just nodded your head a little, and traced circles on rafes back until his breathing steadied, and he drifted off to sleep.
when you woke up in the morning, rafe was gone, and there was a note in his place.
thank you for everything
The sound of a motorcycle pulling up next to the chateau brought you back to present day. You squinted your eyes to see who was under the helmet.
JJ and John B shot up from their seats when they realized who it was, and you did the same.
“Cameron, what the hell are you doing here?” JJ yelled, practically running down the steps and straight toward him.
Rafe held up his hands, “I’m not here to fight, I swear to god, I-”
“Yeah right, like we’re supposed to believe that,” JJ got in Rafe’s face, just as you made it to where they were standing. You held your arm out and made contact with JJ’s chest, motioning for him to stop.
“Hey, chill out JJ. Let him talk,” you said calmly, not wanting to witness a fight.
“I’m here to see y/n,” Rafe said in a calm voice, making eye contact with you. He looked different from last night, probably because he wasn’t drunk this time.
Everyone’s eyes snapped to you, giving you looks of confusion. You didn’t want to begin to explain this to the group.“It’s okay guys, just go inside. I’m going to talk to Rafe.”
After a couple minutes of protesting, they all went back inside, probably still watching from the window. “Are you alright?” you asked, not knowing why else he would be coming to see you.
He shifted on his feet a little, “yeah, I’m okay. I just wanted to see you. I had to go to the country club with Topper and Kelce this morning, that’s why I left. but I- I wanted to stay,” he said quietly, not meeting your eyes.
Your lips twitched into a small smile, “do you want to go for a drive?”
He let out a small sigh of relief at your offer, nodding with a smile. You led him to your car. You already knew what everyone inside was thinking, so you sent a quick text to your friends.
i’m getting in this car willingly, don’t worry about me
You switched off your phone and got into the drivers seat. “Where do you want to go?” you asked, turning to look at him.
He thought for a moment, drumming his fingers on the car door, “I’m kind of hungry,” he said with an asking smile.
“Me too. I know a good place about a half hour from here, if you don’t mind the drive.”
He shook his head, “I don’t mind.”
You figured that you would spend the ride in silence, but Rafe was feeling especially talkative. He asked you about a thousand questions about yourself, and the only question you could think to ask him was, “why do you want to know so much about me?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “I just want to get to know you,” he said nonchalantly, and you smiled a little.
You answered all of his questions until you pulled into the parking lot of the little diner. You spent the rest of the afternoon in the diner, just talking. Talking to Rafe somehow felt so normal, so easy.
After you finished eating, you were prepared to end the day you’d spent with rafe, which was admittedly one of the best days you’d had in a long time. You savored the ride home, as you thought it might be the last time you were with him.
You had just made it back to obx when Rafe suggested going back to your house to watch a movie. “Not sick of me yet, Cameron?” you said jokingly, with a hint of seriousness. You really weren’t sure why rafe wanted to keep hanging out with you, but you wouldn't be caught complaining. 
You handed him a blanket and a bowl of popcorn before sitting down on the other side of the couch. Rafe frowned at your preferred seating, “can’t you sit over here?” he patted the fabric of the couch directly next to him. 
Rafe’s undeniable need for physical touch at all times became very clear in the last two days. Of course, you didn’t mind. You really were the same way. You sat down next to him, your legs touching. His arm snaked around your waist, and his head rested on your shoulder.
You pressed play on the movie, but you found it hard to focus on the film and not the man practically on top of you. “Rafe?” you whispered, and he turned his head a little to look at you.
“Yeah, y/n?”
“Why are you here with me right now?” he gave you a confused look, “I mean, why aren’t you with your friends. You’d barely even spoken to me until yesterday. Do you feel like you.. owe me? Or something?”
“No, no that’s not it at all,” he said quickly, changing his position on the couch shifted so he was sitting up more. He took a breath, clearing his throat, “Honestly, I don’t know. It’s just, after last night... I couldn’t get you out of my head. I mean you helped me more than anyone ever has, even though you know what kind of person I am. I mean I mess with your friends all the time, which I do plan to stop doing. I don’t know, but there’s just something magnetic about you, y/n,” he spoke the whole monologue in a soft voice, not meeting your eyes. He gave you the impression that he didn’t express his feelings much, which made you feel warm inside, knowing he expressed them to you. 
“That was deep, Rafe Cameron,” you said softly with a small smile. He let out a breathy laugh with a small shake of his head. You became more serious, “of course I helped you, Rafe. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, everyone deserves redemption. And surely no one deserves to bleed out drunk on a beach.”
Rafe stayed silent, only looking at you with a look of admiration that he didn’t believe he’d ever given anyone before. You grabbed his hand in yours, rubbing circles with your thumb on his soft skin and gave him a soft smile. You put your head on his shoulder, and he hesitantly placed a kiss to the side of your head.
“I was really glad when you showed up at John B’s today,” you mumbled into his shoulder. “And I’m really glad JJ didn’t start swinging. I wouldn’t want to have to stitch you up again so soon.”
taglist: @withbeautyandrage
check out my obx masterlist
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mapileonxputellas · 2 months
Beckham II: 3 Nerves
The third part is finally here! I hope you enjoy.
Masterlist can be found here.
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9th February 2023
“Breaking news this lunch time, Sarina Weigman had named her squad for the Arnold Clark cup and included in the squad for the first time in nearly 4 years is Y/N Beckham.” England squads weren’t typically breaking news on the main news channels but this was no ordinary squad announcement. “Widely considered as one of the best players on the planet, Beckham has not been including in an England squad since the 2019 World Cup and her return dominated the press conference.”
Squad announcement press conferences are usually comminated by a few stories, the surprise inclusions, the ones who don’t quite make the cut. However when the list was read out it was immediately clear what all the questions would be about today as the eyes of world football turned to Sarina.
“Sarina can you tell us more about Beckham’s inclusion? Why has this decision been taken now after 4 years?”
“I know you’re all probably very interested in that so I’ll try and answer all of your questions. This hasn’t been a simple process for either party, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been watching her since I became England manager but it’s not that simple and we had to respect the fact that Y/N did not want to be called up. Over the past few weeks I’ve been working closer with her and we’ve agreed that now is the right time to see if we can make progress.”
“The squad has changed a lot since then but there are still players who would were in the squad in 2019, have you spoken to them about this?”
“I have not, I’d like to think that all players support each other and I know my players well enough to know that they will do all they can to make Y/N feel welcome in this environment both on and off the pitch.”
“Do you have any concerns around her desire to play for England and play for the badge. Will she have lost that fight in the past four years?”
“I can not prove that to you and I guess none of us will know the answer until she plays for England again but I would not pick any player I had those concerns about. I’ve watcher her play a lot for Barcelona and over this past year especially I’ve seen a freedom to her play. I just hope that we can all see that side of her in an England shirt.”
“David, were you shocked when the announcement was made?”
“I mean obviously we spoke about prior to the announcement but when she told me I wasn’t exactly shocked. It just annoyed me that people questioned her mentally because she is so strong now.”
Everyone could tell you were anxious. Since the announcement on Thursday you’d been quieter than usual in training, your usual sweet laughter which your teammates loved had been replaced by a strained giggle and they could see you’d been putting pressure on yourself in every department.
Everything had to be perfect.
In the four days since your decision had been made public you’d received support from all your teammates but you could see they were also worried. Many of them had been here when you joined, they’d seen the aftermath and many of them had been your shoulder to lean on for months after.
Many of them watched on now as you retreated into your room, barely giving a second glance to the games currently taking place in the dining room, a tradition you were a usual member of the night before an away game.
Alexia and Mapi had noticed the changes just like everyone else, the three of you had a strong connection both on and off the pitch. Alexia had become an older sister figure to you and Mapi was your platonic soul mate. They knew your habits unlike anyone else and when the notebook you used for anxious tattoo scribblings had been out the entire journey to Mallorca it was clear your mind was elsewhere.
“You grab the pillows.”
“I’ll grab the blankets.”
The two of them scurried off to their own rooms, finding their entrusted items before meeting back at the door which they knew you would be behind. You wouldn’t have gone outside, your shy nature meant you struggled to have confidence in new cities, preferring to explore with others rather than alone as the sun went down.
Alexia knocked on the door, a moment of panic striking as they thought you weren’t going to answer before the door creaked open. Your wide-eyed figure stood in the crack, still in the tracksuit you’d travelled in rather than pyjamas.
“What’s going on?” The tree of you quite often spent the nights in each other’s hotel rooms, though those meetings were usually pre-planned.
Only you knew from the worried expressions on their faces this wasn’t a call to watch the latest film that had been released. “We’re worried about you.”
“I’m fine.”
You should have known that answer was never going to satisfy them. “Please can we come in.”
It wasn’t even worth trying to persuade them, not really. “Sure.” They couldn’t miss the sigh you let out as the door swung open. “Make yourself comfy.”
In the matter of minutes you’d gone from sprawling over the double bed alone to shuffling between the two players, being welcomed into the arms of Alexia as the three of you shuffled under the duvet.
“We’re worried about you.” MarÍa admitted, smoothing down the hair draped around your face. “What’s going on?”
“Are you sure because I bet if we looked in that notepad we’d find more anxious doodles than before. You’ve barely spoken two words to anyone since the news broke out.”
“I read an article-“
“Didn’t I tell you to stop that.” Alexia scolded you. “Those journalists don’t know anything about you.”
“But they don’t know that.” You argued back. “They’ll be reading about how ‘cocky’ I am on and off the pitch, how I flaunt my money, how I think I ‘own the team’.”
“If they believe that then they really have no eyes. Then they’ll see how you’re one of the shiest players on the team, they’ll learn how you could live in mansion but donate so much money to charity, they’ll see how much you work on the team as a whole. You do everything for football and they need to see that.”
“If they don’t love the person they’ll come to know then that’s on them.” Alexia agreed with her.
“Are you sure this isn’t about a certain blonde centre back?” MarÍa teasingly questioned you. “Maybe this isn’t about you being nervous about the articles and more about going into gay panic around Miss Williamson.”
“I told you that in confidence that you’d never bring it up again.” It was true, a few years ago you had confided in the two of them that you used to have a small (very large) crush on Leah at the time.
“And I’m tired of you being the third wheel in our flat, you’ve rejected every opportunity for me to set you up with one of my friends so now I have to think that it’s because you’re still pining for the girl.”
“I’m not pining for anyone, it was a stupid crush which has gone in the four years that I haven’t spoken to the girl.”
“Would you like to speak to her again?” Alexia asked.
“I mean obviously I’m going to have to, she’s the captain of the team.”
“Message her now.”
“Why not?” I could only think of a million reasons why I wasn’t about to do that.
“Because like I said, I haven’t spoken to her in nearly four years and it would be weird for me to just message her the night before we see each other again.”
“So lets role play it then, you walk into the hotel tomorrow and she’s there, what are you going to say?” Alexia asked the question you’ve been asking yourself all week.
Both of them looked like they wanted to tear out both their own and your hair. “Ok you can’t just say that.”
“What else do you want me to say?”
“How are you? Ask her about her life?”
“You want me to speak to the girl for the first time in years and ask her basically how she’s been since we went from speaking every day to unfollowing each other on social media and avoiding any chance of meeting since then.” You needed better friends in situations like this. “I’m not going heavy on our first conversation.”
“You will need to talk about.”
“I know but it’s not just her I need to have that conversation with, I was close with a lot of them and now I’m not. They should be just as involved in that conversation as Leah is.”
“Maybe you could design her a little tattoo, something like ‘I love Y/N’ on her forehead.” MarÍa teased you. “Matches your ‘I love Leah’ on your chest.”
“Shut up, just so you know I’ll never stop cockblocking you and Ingrid, I’ll be round for tea when I get back.”
“Bonnie told me she wants to live with me all the time by the way, said something about her mum abandoning her.”
“Fuck off MarÍa.”
The first person to reach out to you wasn’t exactly someone you expected. Mary Earps wasn’t exactly in your friendship group back in 2019, though because she was a part of that squad she was one of the players who you unfollowed in the following unfortunate events. You definitely therefore were not expecting to see her name pop up as you made your way through the airport, heading out to the car which would take you back to your parents’ house before you headed to the team hotel later on in the evening.
@1maryearps: See you later mate, we can’t wait to have you back x
Your emotions were so all over the place that maybe you should have expected this simple message to bring tears to your eyes. Maybe that meant you’d have at least one person on your side tonight.
You spent most of the meal with parents and siblings trying to do anything to avoid the thoughts about what was happening tonight coming back. You spoke to Harper about her homework, Cruze about his latest holiday and Romeo about his girlfriend. Brooklyn could almost sense your nervousness and kept up the conversation, which was all fine until you had to leave.
They knew how big this moment was and each gave you an individual goodbye before you got back into the car. As much as you would have liked to have taken your dad’s offer to drive you, this was all about being normal and being drove by David Beckham didn’t really give off that vibe.
You’d made this drive a million times before, only this time it seemed to take half the time and before you knew it the doors to St George’s Park were in view.
The only person in view was a single man holding a video camera, obviously preparing for the players’ arrivals This was hard and yet you knew this was probably the easiest step, he didn’t know you. You got out from the car, flashing a small smile to the camera as it trained on your every move, making sure to say a thank you to the driver, you turned to head inside.
“How are you feeling Y/N?” The camera man asked.
“Excited.” You couldn’t exactly tell him you were shaking inside. “I can’t wait to be back with this amazing team.”
“Two goals from you today….”
“All thanks to my teammates.” It was only the truth, you were basically set up for both goals by Aitana, you couldn’t do anything but put them in the back of the net.
“Good luck.”
“Thank you very much.”
If you were known for one thing it would be your punctuality, in fact you almost had a fear of being late. Maybe you’d done it on purpose this time to avoid greeting teammates in front of the camera but you were the first here judging by the table in the reception area being full of keys.
“Y/N it’s good to finally meet you in person.” Anja, one of the members of the England management team greeted you. “I hope you’re feeling well.”
“I’m glad to be here,” You settled for that. “I can’t wait to get back on that pitch now.”
“Well we’re glad to have you here. Here’s your key, we’ll meet in the dining area for a quick debrief at 8 and then you’ll have the night to yourself. Training schedules for the week are in your key pack.”
“Thank you.”
This place hadn’t changed one bit, from the entrance all the way up to your rooms you could trace the steps without even looking. You could hear noise out in the corridor but you stayed put, waiting for the clock to tick to 7:50 before making your way downstairs. With it being ten minutes early no one was there but Sarina and the coaching staff. Could this technically count as your first impression to them?
Their eyes trained on you as you entered the room. “Hey, thank you once again.”
“Stop saying thank you, this is all on you.” Sarina instructed, giving you a firm yet welcoming hug, an action which was repeated by the others. “Go and take a seat.”
“Thank-“ Maybe not. “Ok Sarina.”
You didn’t really know what to expect from the others, the squad was definitely a mixture of youth and experience. However even some of the more established players like Alessia and Ella were unknown to you on a personal level.
Thankfully maybe the first ones in were some of the younger players, Jess Park and Ebony Salmon were both the epitome of excitement as they entered the room saying a quick hello to the staff before slightly pausing when they found me sat on the first row.
“Hi.” You knew it was on you to make the effort. “It’s nice to meet you both.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Jess said taking the seat next to me. “You’re killing it at Barcelona.”
“Thank you, I’ve enjoyed watching you play this season. You’ll be an asset at city when you return.” You loved studying young players and watching their development. Jess was no difference in that, plus it helped to build up that connection on the team.
The volume in the room increased as more players entered. Some like Laura Coombs and Katie Zelem gave you a quick smile before taking their seats, other youngsters gave you a quick welcome.
The first real re-introduction you had was when Millie and Rachel entered, your eyes instantly connecting and it was Rachel who led the two of them over. You had always loved the two of them and almost let out a sigh of relief when they both greeted you with hugs, repeating how glad they were to see you. Lucy and Jordan followed suit, the two of them messing about and pulling you into a tight hug before taking their seats.
It was however the final people to enter the room that you were the most nervous about. Maybe you should have been thankful that when Keira, Georgia and Leah entered the room the meeting was about to start and all you could do was send a glancing look their way before Sarina had eyes on her.
She went through the logistics, just like happens every time before she got into the depths of the squad. “It would seem like this is the squad for reintroducing yourself. Laura hasn’t been with us since 2020 and Y/N in 2019. We just want everyone to remember that they’re here for a reason and we all play for England, we’re all a team.”
You blocked everything else out, vaguely scribbling down on your phone some notes about the timings and rooms you were needed in but it was all a bit of a blur. You took your time at the end speaking to some of the other girls, no-one seemed to be making a huge fuss about the situation but the trio had disappeared again and you knew you had to speak to them tonight before this started to interfere with the rest of the camp.
Thankfully you managed to find them, the three of them tucked away in the corner of the dining room, huddled around a laptop playing something in German.
“Hey.” Your voice almost cracked as you broke through the silence. “It’s good to see you all.”
You should have predicted really that Keira and Georgia would be your road in, though the two of them were fierce on the pitch they really were softies off it and you were almost knocked off your feet when they bounded up to you, both their arms wrapping around you in a hug.
“We can’t believe you’re actually here.” Georgia said. “This is just crazy.”
“It’s definitely different.” Leah finally joined in and that was the moment you knew even as she joined in the hug, she was the one who would be the toughest to crack. She wasn’t going to let you in just as easy but the captain part of her probably forced her to not let it show around others. “Glad to have you back on the team.”
“Thank you.”
“Take a seat.” Keira glanced to the free chair next to Leah. “We were just watching Georgia make a fool of herself, want to join?”
“Yeah I’d like that, I’d like that a lot.”
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boyfridged · 2 months
a trait of pre-crisis dick grayson that i greatly mourn is that he used to be a bit of a freak unsuitable for civilian life (affectionate). his characterisation actually took into account that he was brought up as a vigilante and that meant that he was, at times (more often than not) unable to relate nor even appreciate civilian life (not like bruce wayne, the inventor of compartmentalisation and a socialite did). and that includes the regular way of dealing with grief and tragedy. take, for example, the fine art of murder, found in batman family #18 (1978)... dick's college girlfriend, lori, spectates a death of another student. as she was the closest, she gets to hear the victim's words. meanwhile, dick abandons her on the crime scene to look for the perpetrator. later, while she's hoping for comfort, dick tries to question her about the events. lori gives him his answers, following with: "now why don't you feed those magic words into your emotionless computer brain and crack the case?" and dick is confused, because he is helping, isn't he? anyway, lori ends up finding emotional support elsewhere and starts dating another man. dick never figures out what "that all was about." and it's of "secondary importance," since dick grayson himself cannot handle that case; but robin can.
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wileys-russo · 3 months
hidden in plain sight II i.engen x rolfö!reader
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prequel of the number switch requested here - all non english is translated from DeepL so i apologise if anything is incorrect! hidden in plain sight II i.engen x rolfö!reader
the first time you'd properly met ingrid was when she was still playing for wolfsburg with your sister and frido had brought her home for easter because ingrids family were away on a trip.
you'd of course seen ingrid around in passing and all over your sisters social media but easter was the first chance you had to really talk to her, not that frido gave you much chance swooping her away most days to show her around your home town.
"you play for linköping yes?" ingrid asked despite already knowing the answer, your whole family sat around for dinner one night you'd ended up sat next to her with frido elsewhere occupied in catching up with some of your cousins at the other end of the table.
up until that night the two of you had been a little awkward around one another, exchanging pleasantries but you strayed away and spent time with your parents. which was odd to them considering you and ingrid were only a six or so months apart in age.
it didn't help that not having seen you for months herself your sister was taking every and any opportunity to tease or embarrass you, her own special way of showing how much she loved you, yet another reason to avoid ingrid.
ingrid, though you'd never admit aloud for fear of your sister, you found quite enamoring with her sharp jawline, rosy cheeks, striking green eyes and raven hair. your mother joked to her the day she'd arrived that she reminded her of a disney princess and you couldn't help but agree.
but the one question about football a topic you could both finally find some common ground on, seemed to break the ice and by the end of dinner both of you felt much more comfortable around one another.
"lillasyster, dishes!" you winced as frido smacked the back of your head in passing, shooting her a glare as ingrid hid a smile behind her hand finding your relationship quite endearing not having any sisters herself.
"i can help you." the defender decided, not really an offer but more of a statement as she dismissed your sisters attempts to call her over into the living room by the fire and instead the norwegian followed you into the kitchen.
you smiled seeing how well she got along with your family despite having only known them a few days as she chatted away with your mother and aunt, and with the extra set of hands everything was washed and dried in record time.
you shouldn't have been surprised when not long after dinner the real festivities began and you rather enjoyed watching everyone else get drunk and silly as you only nursed a singular glass of red wine with a coy smile.
"bah you have had this for hours, drink!" you tensed up as your sister dropped down beside you and forcefully held your head back, quite literally pouring the rest of the wine down your throat, the older girl already a bottle and a half deep herself as you coughed and spluttered.
"rövhål!" you swore as a few drops splashed onto your jumper, lunging at her as the two of you fell to the ground and rolled around, your cousins cheering you on as if it was a live wrestling match.
broken apart by your mothers strict warning she would make you both sleep outside you collapsed back onto the couch beside ingrid, kicking away your sister who kissed your cheek leaving a bright lipstick red mark with a grin as you wiped it away and swore at her again.
though ten minutes later you were leaning into frido's side with her arm draped over your shoulder and catching her up on all the latest drama within your team as if you'd not just been trying to rip one anothers hair out moments earlier.
a sight which again had ingrid grinning in amusement seated on your other side, knowing that despite the ongoing bickering and teasing frido was constantly checking up on you and forever telling her teammates all about you very proudly.
it was around two in the morning by the time everyone had slowly headed off to their own homes or filtered off to bed. having taken off your makeup and changed you were settled in your room when there was a soft knock at your door.
calling out to come in you were surprised when it was ingrid who poked her head in with an apologetic smile. "your sister snores very badly when she is drunk." the norwegian frowned as you laughed quietly and waved for her to come in.
"i would sleep on the sofa but your father is there." the girl gave you a somewhat awkward smile as you chuckled, having seen just how much he drank it wasn't the biggest surprise he wasn't able to make it upstairs and into bed.
"did you want to..." you trailed off gesturing to your bed, ignoring the blush which you felt creeping up your neck which you just attributed to the alcohol pulsing through your bloodstream.
"only if it is okay? i don't want to make you uncomfortable." ingrids normally rosy pink cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as you shook your head. "no! no not at all, please." you assured, moving over and pulling back the covers.
you tried to ignore the way your body tensed up as she slipped into bed beside you, the two of you shuffling about for a moment before settling as you reached over to flick the lamp off.
"so, what is your favorite color?"
you weren't sure what time it was when you and ingrid had finally fallen asleep but it felt like you'd talked for hours asking all sorts of questions big and small. swapping stories and hastily covering one anothers mouths to stifle laughter when someone was a little too loud.
when you eventually awoke much much later you were surprised to find an arm draped protectively across your midsection, raven hair sprawled across the pillow next to you as ingrid lay still sleeping peacefully.
your mouth dry and head pounding you very gently slipped out from her hold, breathing a small sigh of relief when the norweigan remained sleeping as you closed your door behind you with a soft click.
your parents already up and awake you greeted them both tiredly, graciously accepting the coffee handed your way by your mother and kissing her cheek in appreciation before settling at the bench.
a short while later you heard another door open and your sister slumped into the seat beside you, burying her head in her arms as you chuckled. "have you seen ingrid?" frido turned her head to the side to look up at you as you nodded behind you to your own room.
"she slept with you? why?" she was immediately sat up straight and frowning down at you accusingly. ever since you were much younger frido had done her very best to drive away or intimidate any partner you had claiming none of them were ever good enough for you.
there had only been one she approved of and that itself had taken months, though when inevitable heartbreak struck and it shattered, the whole ordeal caused her to become even more overprotective and overbearing than before.
the five and a half year age gap between you meant you often complained she acted more like your second mother than a sister, the taller girl constantly babying you.
"yes she did, because you snore like an åsna when you drink and the poor girl could not stand it!" you rolled your eyes, whining as she hummed and stole your coffee, downing the last couple of mouthfuls and pushing you away as you reached for it.
"good morning." everyones heads turned as ingrid appeared from your room with a tired smile, frido quite literally shoving you from your seat and patting for ingrid to take it as you sighed and moved over to another.
"morning." you greeted the defender softly who echoed the same word back, both of you shyly avoiding one anothers gaze as your parents engaged ingrid in conversation and you slipped off to your room to shower.
when you returned the girls bags had already been packed as frido busied herself saying goodbye to your parents. "it was very lovely to meet you." ingrid smiled as you wrapped one another in a hug that maybe lasted a second or two too long, a slight blush on both of your cheeks as you pulled away.
ingrid desperately wanted to ask for your number to stay in touch but as your sister trapped you in a bear hug and she gave her thanks to your parents for so graciously hosting her it felt as though she blinked and suddenly she was in the car on the way to the airport, glancing at your retreating figure as she sped away.
you'd messaged back and forth on instagram for awhile before exchanging numbers finally. but with football and life commitments nothing much really came of it and you didn't see ingrid again until the champions league final months later.
you watched on with your parents and some of your sisters friends from home with a sullen stare as the final whistle blew and frido dropped to her knees, runner up in the final as the lyon players raced around celebrating.
you'd clapped and cheered in support as she accepted the second place medal, putting on a fake smile and a brave face but you knew the blonde far too well to believe it was sincere.
once the formalities were over and the crowd began to clear you all made your way down to greet her, waiting patiently as she passed from friend to family giving hugs and a small smile.
finally reaching you, you made no move to speak only pulling her into a tight hug as her taller form slumped into you. mumbling in her ear that you were very proud of her the older girl kissed the crown of your head and broke away to speak with your parents.
it was over her shoulder as she let go of you that you spotted ingrid, catching her eye and sending a small smile. you hesitated to make your way over to her, unsure if she would want yet another person reminding her of how well she played despite how terrible she would be feeling after the loss.
ingrid really wanted to go over to you, she did. but with the embarrassment of the loss hanging over her she retreated within herself hardly saying more than a few words to her friends and family still needing time to process everything.
so as your own family started to make plans for dinner you caught the norwegians eye again, sending her a warm smile and a small wave which she returned and just like that you were gone again.
months passed once more before the two of you saw one another again, the new year ticking over and ingrid would be lying if she said you hadn't crossed her mind more than a few times, finger hovering over your contact to send you a message.
but then she'd heard wind from frido that you were seeing someone, your sister seething that you were clearly keeping this from her as she showed ingrid story after story on your social media trying to pick apart who this mystery person could be.
you of course had denied things profusely anytime frido called to try and confront you or trick you into confessing. you were in fact seeing someone but it was early stages and still recovering from the broken heart your last relationship left you with you were taking things slow.
thankfully frido's interest in your personal life simmered down as her transfer to barcelona took her main focus, ingrid also signing with the club and moving from wolfsburg as the two grew even closer.
your own break nearly to an end you finally gave into your sisters begging and made plans to come and visit her in barcelona.
touching down you passed through security with a great amount of difficulty not speaking more than a few words of spanish, but when you finally pushed through to the arrival gates you grinned as you spotted your sister immediately, the blonde swede towering above most of the locals around her.
"you look so pale lillasyster! but we can fix that." frido grinned, pulling you into a tight hug as you laughed, shoving her shoulder as she let you go and grabbed your bags for you.
you were a little taken aback as suddenly another familiar face appeared, having ducked off to the bathroom. "hello?" you greeted ingrid with surprise, pulling the slightly taller girl into a hug as she rubbed your back.
"i hope its okay i came too, i thought we could all go for breakfast." ingrid offered as you let her go, trying to dismiss the way your hairs seemed to stand on end at her touch.
you shouldn't have really been so surprised to see the norweigan considering you'd known her and frido were currently renting a place together while they hunted around for their own respective spaces to settle into long term.
"ingrid is a big coffee nerd, we have not even been here a month yet and she already claims she knows all the best places!" frido teased her best friend who rolled her eyes and pushed her as you all headed out to the car.
"see that thing? it is called sunshine! and feel the air? how it is nice and warm?" frido teased with her arm slung over your shoulder guiding you through the streets of barcelona, having already dropped your bags off to their apartment and gone for breakfast.
ingrid had headed back home after breakfast wanting to give you and your sister some time together, frido more than happy to help you fuel your shopping addiction as you wandered through the city from store to store.
"so. how is your secret little girlfriend?" the blonde asked with a raised eyebrow, cornering you as you flicked through a rack of clothes with a roll of your eyes.
"don't have one." you shrugged, your sister sighing at the answer. "do you think i'm stupid?" she asked, clearly rhetorical as you gave her an amused smile. "do you want me to be honest?" you teased, nodding for your sister to follow as you headed back outside not finding anything you really liked.
but despite your consistent denial your sister refused to believe you, asking over and over as your patience wore down thinner and thinner. you tried to engage her in other conversations but the very moment the topic died down she would bring it right back to your love life.
"lillasyster why are you lying? i have a built in lie detector you know this." frido claimed with a scoff as you sighed, the two of you arriving to her building.
"because i am not lying, stop ruining my trip with this frido!" you warned as she let the two of you in, your sister seeming to finally drop it.
"do not burn my apartment down while i am gone! ingrid should be back soon." frido warned as you rolled your eyes playfully, your sister needing to go to a meeting with a potential new brand deal as you cooked yourself some food.
"make sure to use the personality where you're polite and smart and easy to work with. not your actual personality where you're grumpy, bad mannered and impatient!" you patted her shoulder, ducking with a grin as she swung at you and swore in swedish.
"behave!" your sister warned with a stern finger pointed in your direction as you held your hands up in defence. "and save me some!" she added on nodding to your food on the stove before the front door closed after her.
you were dishing up when you heard keys in the door, a thud heard as ingrid burst inside with a curse, frido having warned you the lock could be sticky sometimes and need a heavy hand.
"are you okay?" you gave her a smile of amusement, grabbing out another bowl and the norweigans cheeks flushed pink as she hung up her keys with a nod.
"hungry?" you offered holding up the empty bowl as she nodded eagerly. "please! that smells wonderful." ingrid sighed as you dished her up some, the two of you moving to the table to eat.
taking the time to properly catch up with her not really having talked properly for months now the time flew by, empty bowls pushed aside and laughter filling the apartment as you threw your head back, knees tucked up to your chest.
"really? she just walked in?" ingrid gasped in disbelief as you nodded with a groan. "yeah! i told you she has no regard for privacy unless its her own, and then she chased the poor girl out of the house half naked in the middle of a swedish winter!" you sighed shaking your head at the memory.
"so she is protective." ingrid chuckled as you gave her a look. "over protective. sometimes i swear frido thinks she gave birth to me the way she treats me!" you rolled your eyes, ingrid propping her head up on her chin.
"she loves you, very much. i think i know more about your life and your career than you with how much she speaks about it." ingrid teased gently as you sent her a smile.
"sorry about that, i'm not very good at the whole texting thing. its why fridolina calls me anytime she has even the smallest question!" you huffed at the annoying habit.
"i like talking to you though. it feels...easy." you admitted, slight blush on your cheeks as you cleared your throat and grabbed the bowls, excusing yourself to the kitchen as ingrid followed.
"well i like talking to you too."
your week in barcelona flew by and before you knew it was your last night and you were cramped into a bar in the middle of the city surrounded by a few of your sisters new teammates as you struggled to try and keep up with the conversation.
you appreciated most of the girls did their best to speak to you in english but as the alcohol flowed the spanish became quicker and you stepped out for a new drink and a breather, your head spinning a little.
you hadn't noticed a certain pair of green eyes on you all evening but ingrid had been carefully watching, checking in every now and then subtly reminding her friends that you didn't speak spanish and to slow it down when your attention was elsewhere.
so as you stepped away from the group she was quick to follow you toward the bar, your sister far too drunk to notice as she was engaged in a heated conversation about god knows what with caro and marta.
"are you okay?" you jumped slightly as her hand landed on yours not having heard anyone follow you but you settled the moment your eyes met her concerned gaze. "think i might need a spanish tutor for next time i visit." you joked with a smile.
"just a water, thank you." ingrid answered the bartender at his questioning, sliding you your own drink as the norweigan took her water. "you're not drinking?" you asked in surprise, the two of you hovering at the end of the bar where it was a little quieter.
"i had a couple but i am not really in the mood." ingrid shrugged sipping on her water. "if you wanted to leave soon i can come with? i know you fly back home tomorrow." ingrid offered as you shook your head.
"no please! you should stay out and enjoy the time with your team before the season starts up, they all seem very friendly." you dismissed, quickly finishing the last mouthful of your drink and leaving the empty glass on the bar.
"no really it is okay, i am a little tired and i thought maybe we could go for breakfast tomorrow before you leave?" ingrid offered somewhat hopefully, spinning around the straw in her glass.
"with frido! of course." the defender clarified, neck slightly flushed as you nodded.
"yeah i'd really like that." you agreed with a soft smile, a strange feeling settling in your stomach as the brunette sent you a toothy grin back, pushing her raven hair to one side and leaving her glass as you both agreed to go and say your goodbyes.
"lillasyster nooo you are not leaving!" frido whined with a slur as you smiled in amusement at her disheveled state. "i am. i have to fly home tomorrow and i don't want to have my head in a toilet throwing up on the plane!" you teased, wrenching her hands away where they grabbed at you.
"i will make sure we both get home safe." ingrid promised as frido seemed to relax a little at that. "good good! go be boring together then both of you. boo!" your sister jeered as you kissed her cheek with a smile, waving goodbye to the rest of the girls.
your uber already outside you both slipped in, a comfortable silence falling as you were dropped home and ingrid got you both inside the building.
"every time!" the brunette huffed as she struggled to open the front door. "stop laughing at me." the girl frowned, ramming her shoulder into the wood as it popped open.
"i wasn't laughing at you, i was laughing with you." you clarified with a grin, closing the door after the two of you as she hummed and hung her keys up.
"whatever you say vakker." ingrid smiled with a playful roll of her eyes. "what does that mean? vakker?" you questioned with a confused frown, hovering in the doorway of their spare room.
"guess you'll have to learn spanish and norweigan before your next visit." ingrid smiled slyly, ducking off to shower and change in her own room. "ingrid! thats not fair." you groaned, but when you didn't receive a reply you gave up and retreated.
"is this you trying to help me work on my texting or just being lazy?" you teased as you joined ingrid in the living room a short while later, holding up your phone where the older girl had texted asking if you wanted to watch a movie as it wasn't too late.
"du er veldig morsom." the girl replied in norweigan as you collapsed onto the lounge beside her. "let me guess, you won't tell me what that means?" you looked across at her as she simply smirked, answering your question for you as you kicked her gently.
"du är mycket irriterande." you quipped back in swedish with a proud smile, but it was wiped away as she replied back in your mother tongue that you were just as annoying. "you speak swedish!" you scoffed in shock.
"i have been friends with your sister for years, you think we have not taught each other our languages?" she laughed as you groaned and crossed your arms over your chest with a frustrated huff, tensing a little in surprise as ingrid pulled your legs to rest in her lap and turned on the tv.
the two of you eventually agreeing on a movie you settled in with hands wrapped around a mug of hot chocolate. the temperature oddly cool tonight a gust of wind bellowed through the open balcony doors and you shivered lightly, goosebumps appearing up your legs which wasn't missed by the girl whose lap they were sat in.
"are you cold? i can close the doors?" she offered kindly as you waved her off. "no its okay! the fresh air is nice i just didn't pack a sweater or anything. frido told me i wasn't allowed to because my skin needs all the sun it can get." you rolled your eyes making her laugh before she tapped your legs so she could stand up as you moved them.
you assumed she was using the bathroom as she darted away but within seconds she was sitting back down beside you, a bundle of material in hand which she offered your way as you sat up.
"thank you." you smiled sincerely, accepting the sweater and pulling it over your head. something stirred within ingrid seeing you wearing her clothing but she dismissed it with a slight clear of her throat turning her focus back to the movie.
however despite the warmth and comfort of the norweigans sweater covering you the goosebumps on your legs did not go away as ingrids eyes drifted downward having pulled them back into her lap.
before she could think about it much more she'd tapped at your knee as you turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "did you want to...?" she asked with a somewhat shy smile, raising one arm and gesturing for you to move a little closer.
"thank you." you repeated again, cheeks warm as you sat up and shuffled a little more into her, her arm draping over your shoulder as you tucked yourself into her side, both of you doing your best to focus on the movie despite how hard both your hearts were racing.
absentmindedly your hand settled on ingrids knee, fingers tracing shapes against her skin as you both laughed at the movie and shared a grin.
your gazes hovered upon one anothers features a few seconds too long, breaking apart as you both blushed and tried your best not to dwell over how you were each feeling.
growing a little more tired your head came to rest on ingrids shoulder and the older girl hesitated for a moment before her arm shifted, hand tangling in your hair and scratching gently at your scalp.
once more you both laughed, making comments to one another and once again your gazes locked as you pulled your head up, your eyes staring deep into the rich green of her own.
subconsciously you found yourself craning your head upward a little, ingrids hand slipping down to settle on the back of your neck and you didn't miss the way her eyes darted ever so briefly down to your lips.
hit with a surge of confidence you leaned up even further, giving her time to pull away if she wished but she stayed where she was and with the slightest of nods suddenly your lips were connected.
if you thought you'd ever kissed someone who knew how women liked to be kiss, all of that flew out the window as ingrids mouth pressed perfectly into yours.
her other hand moved to rest on your cheek, palm soft and welcoming and her touch tender as you lent into it tilting your head slightly as ingrids breath caught at the new angle.
her tongue traced along your bottom lip, dipping in the small cracks and grooves before you parted them and it slipped inside causing you to hold back a quiet moan at the sensation. her own lips slightly chapped but still so plump and inviting as they moved in rhythm against your own.
but right as both of her hands dropped to grip your hips and she pressed her body into you starting to have you lay down on the lounge there was a loud thump and a bang as you sprang apart from one another.
"oh fuck!" your sister groaned, sat on the floor holding her head where she'd gone crashing down as both you and ingrid hurried over to help her.
ingrid slung an arm around her and helped her up, stumbling a little as frido swayed left to right and you closed the front door before hurrying to balance her from the other side.
both of you struggled as your sister was hardly able to hold herself up and you carried her into her room, dropping her down on the bed with a shared grunt.
"i can look after her, you should head to bed." you assured ingrid, both your cheeks flushed crimson and it was clear neither of you were going to talk about the kiss tonight as she nodded and darted out of the room as your sister moaned.
"oh i think i am going to throw up!"
that next morning you weren't sure quite how to go about things, having laid awake tossing and turning as the memory of the kiss haunted you.
you were the first awake and you still had a few more hours before you needed to be at the airport, having already packed yesterday.
"good morning." you looked up from your phone at the new voice, meeting ingrids somewhat bashful gaze as you sent her a soft smile and repeated the greeting.
a silence fell between you two as she busied herself making a coffee, and you weren't sure if it was one you found comfortable or uncomfortable as you pretended to be occupied with your phone.
"did you still want to get breakfast?" ingrid asked as she placed down a coffee in front of you somewhat hesitantly. "do you want to get breakfast?" you countered, murmuring a quiet thanks as you sipped on the warm drink.
"i asked you first." she gave you a small smile which you returned. "yeah, i'd like that." you nodded in confirmation, another silence falling as you both appeared caught up in your own worlds momentarily.
"about last night-" "we should talk about-"
it would seem you both snapped out of your daydreams in sync as you spoke at the same time, smiling awkwardly at the shared thought.
"frido said you are seeing someone." ingrid blurted out first, cheeks warming with a slight embarassment at the abruptness of her statement.
"no, she just thinks that. i was for a little while but it didn't amount to anything, we had different intentions with what we were looking for." you answered honestly which seemed to relax her slightly as her shoulders dropped a little of the tension they held.
"but i go back to sweden today, and you live in spain." you quietly pointed out the obvious, lips turned downward at your words as ingrid nodded in understanding, expression mirroring your own.
"but. i would-i would like if maybe we spoke more when i leave? i promise to get better at the texting." you blushed properly now which ingrid found adorable as she nodded.
"i would like that too. and i could even call you, save you with the texting!" she teased gently, a mutual agreement of sorts seeming to have fallen between you as the tension eased off and once again you both jolted as with a bang your sister appeared, leaning in her doorway with her eyes shielded by a comically large pair of sunglasses.
"i think i have been hit by a truck."
as the months once again flew past what started off as speaking weekly, ingrid calling you most thursdays when she knew you both had your rest days, soon turned into every few days.
and then before you could even blink you found it a part of your daily routine to call her, somehow the two of you never running out of things to speak about as the calls turned to facetimes and the pair of you grew even closer.
you weren't really sure what to make of everything though.
you found if days passed where you spoke less or one of you was unable to call that they seemed to drag on even longer, your mood souring at not being able to see and speak with the norweigan.
you were still yet to see her in person again since your last visit to barcelona, but the way you spoke to one another it was obvious that with the pair of you there was something there.
something just simmering below the surface as you'd both accepted it for whatever it was and maybe even pushing the real feelings down a little considering you lived in separate countries.
the first time you were able to see her again was on international duty, a friendly set between sweden and norway in preparation for the upcoming euros tournament in late summer.
you'd loved being back on camp not having seen many of the girls you'd grown up around for months and months, seeing some of them more like sisters than friends.
and of course your actual sister was thrilled to see you again, though on national duty she respected a little more that you weren't her little baby and to her credit made an effort not to tease you too much.
plus, she hardly got her chance among your other teammates taking it in turns anyway.
"off!" you ordered shoving away magda who'd made it her mission to make up for lost time, pestering you relentlessly as you tried to lace up your boots and ready yourself for the game, shoving her away and snatching your shin guards out of her hand.
your phone buzzing with a message a small smile graced your lips seeing who it was from, slipping out of the change room almost unnoticed as everyone else was busy preparing.
following the instructions texted to you it was no surprise when you were suddenly tugged around a corner and pulled into a hug, a flash of bright red spinning across your vision.
"hi." you breathed out with a grin as your face pressed into her shoulder, the two of you embracing tightly before gradually pulling away. "hello vakker." ingrid grinned right back as the tips of your ears heated up now knowing what the word meant.
"i should not be fraternizing with the enemy." you clicked your tongue with a playful shake of your head, finger tapping at the norway crest on her chest. "you are not...yet." ingrid smiled suggestively and once again you caught her eyes drop down to your lips.
though right as you leaned up to kiss her there was a noise from beside you and you sprang apart, magda standing with her arms crossed a few feet away and a steely look on her face.
reminding you that the game was about to start in swedish you nodded, letting go of ingrids hands as your face paled. one more hard look from the older swede ingrid's own rosy features faded, and with a quick kiss to your cheek she was gone.
you and madga engaged in a firm staring contest as you searched her eyes for any sign of what her next move would be, both of you awaiting the other to speak first and break the showdown.
"please don't tell frido! you need me alive for the match, no?" you tried with a guilty smile, withering under the older girls hard gaze. though right as you were ready to drop to your knees and beg did that facade crack, a large grin replacing the stern frown.
"snälla! i would not tell frido i am the cool one!" magda scoffed, rounding on you and pulling you into a headlock of sorts as she started to march you both back toward the tunnel.
"you know i am actually quite proud of you liten. we did not think you had any game!" magda shrugged as you gave her a look. "we?" you questioned with narrowed eyes.
"me and z, we had a bet going! but i did not factor in that the first serious girlfriend you keep from your sister would be her best friend. i think z might owe me even more money now." magda whistled as you smacked her shoulder.
"she's not my girlfriend." you mumbled with a huff, walking alongside her as the rest of your teammates came into view and magda gave you a look of surprise, stopping the two of you for a second.
"no? well i see the way she looked at you liten. i do not think it will stay that way for very long, in fact i would even bet on it!" and with a wink she was off and you hurried to catch up with her.
you also had the chance to make a transfer of your own by the end of that year, your performances with your national team peaking the interest of multiple clubs both in and out of europe as your contract with linköping was coming to an end.
the three offers your agent had recommended you take most interest in were from barcelona, wolsfburg and from chelsea. with time running out to make a decision and your mind an absolute mess you called the one person you knew would be upfront with you.
"lillasyster what is holding you back from making a decision?" frido asked softly as you sighed and laid down in bed, spending the weekend at your family home seeking out any sort of comfort you could to try and help sway your mind.
"i don't know. england would be a fantastic step for my career and exposure, and i would be with z and magda. but barcelona is a huge club and proven winners, and i would be with you. but so are wolfsburg and i know a lot of the girls there already. england is exciting but it is far from home, germany and spain is a little closer but-" you hesitated, unsure if to say your next words or not.
"hey, its just me. vara ärlig!" your sister encouraged gently, knowing the choice she was hoping you'd make but not wanting to hold any influence over your career and your choices.
"but i don't want people to think i am just following whatever you do and wherever you go." you mumbled quietly, frido smiling to herself as her guess had been correct.
"älska nobody would think that! nobody who is important anyway. this needs to be your decision but you know i would love nothing more than to play alongside you for club and country and to be able to see you every day. but i will always be so proud of you no matter what you do or where you go, and i will support you in whatever choice you make. show no fear, nobody can ever take advantage of a weakness if you do not show it!" your sister spoke firmly but kindly, and you appreciated her more than you could.
and so after a few days of grueling thinking and balancing up all the odds, you called your agent and made your decision.
having forgotten to draw the curtains last night the moment the sun began to properly rise high in the sky you rose along with it, the golden morning sun bathing your face.
quite enjoying the subtle wake up you exhaled deeply and stretched, your girlfriend dead asleep on her stomach beside you as your eyes fluttered open and you rubbed them sleepily.
a slow adjustment into reality you continued to blink tiredly, reaching over for your phone in which a quick tap of the screen showed it was nearing nine in the morning.
you knew you both had the day off from training which is why she'd ended up staying over, the two of you still in the early stages of building a proper relationship together since the transfer it felt too fast to move in together.
there was of course the other glaringly large barrier in the way, which was your sister.
from the get go both you and ingrid had been in agreement that frido was not to know for the sake of both your newly blossomed relationship with one another and your existing relationship with her.
as you shifted around a little you heard a quiet sigh from beside you, and glancing over your shoulder you saw bright green eyes blinking sleepily back at you.
"good morning älskling." you smiled, head thumping down on the pillow as she sighed again, reaching out for you and pulling you close, burying her face in your neck. your nose scrunched as her hair tickled your nose and you smiled, hands slipping up the back of her top as your nails scratched up and down.
"that feels nice." she hummed quietly, warm lips kissing lazily at your skin. "oh we have the whole day off." ingrid remembered with a content groan, squeezing you a little tighter as you laughed softly.
"mm we do, we could even stay in bed all day." you sung out as her head pulled back to lay on the pillow again staring back at you. "all day in bed with you? what could we possibly do in bed all day kjære." ingrid grinned toothily, thumbs rubbing circles into your hips.
"no idea. we may have to put our heads together to think of something." there was a rustling of sheets as you climbed on top of her, hair falling around the two of you like a curtain as the defender grabbed the back of your neck and tugged you down toward her with a smirk.
"well together i'm sure we can work out a solution kjærlighet."
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reminiscingtonight · 5 months
cowboy + tequila + flowers - leah williamson
Cowboy Decisions (Leah Williamson x Reader)
[WOSO Masterlist]
She begged.
She got down onto her knees and begged you to come along when they got the tickets. 
You simply patted Leah on the head and went back to scrolling on your phone as she pouted. 
You loved your teammates, you really did. And there was a lot you’re willing to endure for the lot of them. But you had to draw the line somewhere, and your line happened to be at country music and matching cowboy hat outfits. 
Usually you’re more than happy to dress up for a night out with the girls, but tonight you found your bed the place to be, an oversized t-shirt and some shorts the outfit of choice. Even with Leah giving you her best puppy eyes, glammed out and basically begging you to jump her bones right then and there, you simply gave her ass a lovely tap before sending her out the door to where Lia was waiting at the curb. 
Turning off the lights, you have half a mind to question whether your girlfriend would make good choices tonight before coming to the conclusion that you’re being paranoid.
It’s a night out with some of the girls from the team. Lia’s there. Kim’s there. How much trouble could she really get into?
So sending Leah a text to have fun and be safe, you turn off your phone and snuggle into your blankets, thinking that would be it. 
Waking up to loud banging and your whole house shaking is not something you are expecting. 
It takes you a second to realize the noise is coming from your front door. So slipping on a hoodie, you blearily make your way down the stairs. Half expecting to be attacked, you crack open the door a smidge. 
What you see is a half-crooked hat, blonde hair spilling from under its brim. 
Leah grins, shoving a bouquet of flowers straight into your hands when you open the door wider. 
If the wild look in her eyes isn’t the giveaway, the tequila you could clearly smell on her breath pointed you to the level of sobriety your girlfriend is currently at. 
Before you can get a word out she’s swaying towards you, bracing an arm against the door frame for balance. “Fancy a date with me, m’lady?”
You have to stifle a laugh. “Babe, it’s 2am.”
“Shhh,” Leah clumsily presses her index finger to your lips, narrowly missing poking you right in the eye. You jerk back, only for her finger to follow, staying smushed against your mouth. “Two OH-clock here be date-o-clock idity-bidity elsewhere.”
It takes everything in your power not to break right then and there. Gently grabbing her wrist, you remove Leah’s appendage from your face. Leah’s face falls when you give her a lighthearted sigh. “Baby, come inside. You’re not sober enough to be having this conversation outside.”
She wiggles her eyebrows at you, all but collapsing against your shoulder. You grunt under her extra weight, guiding Leah inside. “Taking me to bed already now are ya? What a scandalous woman you are.”
You roll your eyes at her, choosing not to answer as you start the arduous task of leading Leah up the stairs. She’s basically deadweight at this point, only choosing to use her strength to tighten the arm slung around your shoulder. Her feet drag behind as she uses her free hand to randomly squeeze at your bicep, mumbled compliments about your muscles thrown every here and there.  
There’s no more a welcoming sight as your bedroom is when you finally get there. Leah’s more than happy to fall headfirst into the sheets, spreading out her limbs like a starfish. 
Chuckling, you grab her hat from where it’s fallen onto the floor, dusting it off before hanging it on the door. Risking a look over your shoulder to make sure Leah hasn’t moved, you quickly duck into the closet to grab Leah some clothes. 
When you finally turn around, Leah’s somehow managed to make it onto her back, though you’re not sure if you’ll be able to wrestle her out of her clothes. 
She squints up at you, hanging onto the tiniest bit of consciousness as you walk up to her. “Date time?” Her words are half-mumbled, half-slurred.
You shake your head, deciding to cut your losses. You pull the blankets up to tuck her in better. “M‘fraid not, Sheriff Williamson. Bedtime first. We can talk dates when you’re sober.”
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maitadori · 1 year
WEAK WILLED KNIGHT part 3. nsfw. blade x fem!reader
word count : 4.7k
part one. part two. part three
summary : in which you miss blade since you haven’t seen him for two weeks and he decides to greet you with a breathtaking kiss and fucks you dumb.
content / cw : creampie, degrading, praising, fingering, breeding kink uhh idk that’s all i remember
a/n : this took days to post because i nitpick my writing literally all the time. i used a few of my fave smuts as reference for this so if u notice a similarity or two that’s why. anyways hope u all enjoy!!
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"is there something wrong?" jing yuan, once again, called you into his office. you found it odd that he was always absent yet conveniently there when you needed scolding.
during the weekly cloud knight training you got too drowned in your thoughts, causing your partner to easily take control of the duel— which was unusual, for everyone knew that you were one of the most adept among the knights, and to see you so out of form… it hasn't been just today this has happened either, ever since the run-in with kafka, you haven't been able to think straight.
it's come to the point where you were taken to jing yuan, that's when it hit you that this has gone too far. but what could you tell him? would you be able to admit to him that this man was the reason for your sudden downgrade in skill?
the mere thought of that idea had you recoiling. you were too prideful to admit that some man was making your mind so jumbled.
your silence seemed to be the exact answer jing yuan needed, you both hated and loved how well he could read you.
"maybe you should go home for the day."
"huh?" you question, perking up. "there's no need for that."
"it's obvious your mind is elsewhere, and it has been for over two weeks. i can't have you holding us back, [name]. this issue needs to be fixed. and if it means giving you a day to solve whatever this is, then so be it."
his words stung. holding us back...
you had to remember, before he was your friend, he was your general. you got too lost in the privilege of being special to him that you forgot what being under him as a subordinate was really like.
"i see..." you bowed your head, burning your gaze into the ground, trying and failing horribly to hide your emotions. "i understand, general. thank you for your consideration."
"he'll visit you." he suddenly spoke.
you jerked up, looking at your general with widened eyes. "w-what..?"
"you think that man can survive longer than two weeks without seeing your face?" jing yuan chuckled, crossing his arms.
you blinked, surprised, before you spoke in a shaky tone. "i'd like if you dropped the subject, general. i'll be taking my leave now."
he could only hum as he watched you leave.
you were quick to dress into something more comfortable as you tried erasing jing yuan’s words from your mind. you fumbled with your armor slightly, groaning in irritation. over the years, it wasn't too difficult to get used to the heaviness of your uniform, but it could still be a nuisance to you. yours was like sushang’s, lighter in weight than the average male, but you could still admit the clothing’s annoyance to you.
you approached your window, cracking it open and watched as it swayed your curtains. you could only sigh, lean against the window sill, and battle the crisis in your mind as you watched your people.
the kiss hasn't left your mind since it happened. as embarrassing as it seemed, you couldn't get blade out of your head. whether it be his haughty smirk, his voice, or his lips. you groaned and dropped your head in your hands. you didn't even notice how much it was affecting your behavior until someone as clumsy as sushang dominated the fight.
"that bastard... he has me wrapped around his stupid fucking fingers." you whispered to yourself in a low, angry voice.
for someone like blade— who before, you saw as below you— to make you feel such a way...
in front of everyone else, your pride was powerful, yet the sight of blade's face stomped it down in a mere second.
i miss him... you admitted to yourself. it was something you'd never say aloud. what the hell do i even miss...? even before the kiss, the only moments with blade were him trying his hardest to get under your skin and get reactions out of you. you'd never forget the time he grabbed your fingers through his cell bars to interlock his hand with yours.
all you could remember after that was blowing up at him, words jumbled as you tried to find an excuse for your embarrassment.
you shook your head back and forth in hope of ridding yourself of these thoughts. but even as you closed your window and laid in bed to sleep, the kiss made home behind your closed eyelids. you turned on your other side, hoping it was just you needing to get comfortable. but you felt no drowsiness.
"dammit.." you groaned to yourself, pillow tight in your grip.
you squeezed your eyes shut, trying the hardest you could to put yourself to sleep, even if forcefully. all you could think of was blade and what he was doing. and it wasn't until a full seven minutes later that your body finally decided to give you the pleasure of slumber.
noises that were lost on your sleeping form resonated through your bedroom. the squeak of your window was loud, it had you shuffling in your sheets. blade at first, tried to quietly sneak through the window after finding your front door locked before deciding not to care. you didn't keep your door unlocked like he instructed, so if you woke up, that was only your karma.
but then the thought of a possible intruder getting into your house and faltered. his steps became lighter. he neared your sleeping figure and looked at you. he wanted nothing more than to disturb your sleep and kiss you breathless. but when he took another look you looked as if your sleep was exhausting you more than replenishing you. you tossed and turned, eyebrows furrowed. maybe you were having a nightmare.
well, kissing could come after. your wellbeing came first. his hand caressed your face with the intent of soothing you, yet you only jolted awake. it was dark outside, the sun finally set. you could only see your room from what the moon decided to illuminate.
but your eyes adjusted to the dark and you instantly recognized the familiar silhouette standing above you. "b-blade..?" you asked, voice still heavy with sleep.
he only hummed in response as he climbed to hover over you, not hesitating to get his face near yours. your breath started going off track instantaneously. you lazily put your fingers over his lips, trying to feebly stop him from coming any closer. he was already making your heart going crazy enough by simply being here and letting you wake up to the sight of him, you didn't need the pounding of your heartbeat resonating in your ears next.
"i-i'm not dreaming, right?"
in response blade pinched the skin of your waist that your ridden up shirt exposed. you squeaked in pain. "what the hell!?" you whisper shouted.
"you're not dreaming." he said, tone soft. you hated admitting that the sound of his voice soothed you.
blade grabbed your wrist easily, removing your hand from his face to push it against your bed, and gently laid you against your pillows with his own body, leaning over you. his hair draped over you like a curtain, leaving you with nowhere to look but him.
any earlier resistance disappeared and you gave in the second his lips brushed against yours, going lax on your bed. the hand that held yours squeezed tighter, his other hand traveling up to hold your cheek. you leaned further into him once his lips finally met yours, giving you that sweet relief of having him against you once more.
even if you tried denying your feelings, they were apparent to blade, who could easily see through you. him and jing yuan were definitely rivaling in that aspect, and you weren't sure whether or not you hated it.
he moved the hand the held your face to your back, arching you up into him. you could tell from the way he was biting your lips and caressing his tongue with yours that this might escalate. and as he kissed you even harder you admitted to yourself that you wouldn't mind if it did.
his harsh kisses were definitely waking you up from your slumbered daze, it was then that the events that transpired earlier today seeped into your mind, causing you to lose your confidence in the kiss. blade must've noticed, for he pulled away to speak, "what's wrong?"
"why... do you even like me?" you asked in a trembling voice, deciding to be straightforward. if you thought about asking him for a second longer, you would've lost the will. plus, the question has plagued your mind for awhile and you needed answers. it’s not as if you were opposed to blade taking after you, but you couldn’t understand exactly why.
he hovered over you, moving his hand and letting your back ease into the mattress to tap the back of his index finger against your lips. "there's a lot of reasons why. but one... i like seeing the different expressions you make. whether it be when i make you angry, your brows furrow and you pout your lips, and you don't even notice." he whispers, and even in the dark you can tell he's smirking.
"or... when i kiss you and you get that desperate look on your face."
desperate!? excuse me!? you screamed in your head, flushing.
"why do you ask?"
you look away, too humiliated to say a word, but you speak up anyways, "no reason. just curious..."
blade observed you, he was good at reading people. it must've came with the job. your expression was very telling, and the fact that you were having a nightmare before he arrived was a huge factor as well.
"i like you."
it was random, and it had you sputtering, but it immediately helped assure your worries. you knew blade most likely figured out what was up, or he wouldn't have said something like that out of nowhere. though, before you could savor his words, he spoke up once more.
"can i touch you?"
would he cut it out!? if he kept saying and asking things like that so boldly you'd probably explode.
"you're already touching me..." you say snottily.
"you're right, which means i basically have permission." he whispers, loosening his hold on your hand to travel down to your thighs, spreading them open sharply.
you gasped, immediately using your free hands as leverage to cover your expression.
"look at me." he demands.
"..." you peek at him through your fingers, body going weak once you catch sight of his expression. his face is so full of want, and his face adorns a small cocky smirk. you hated how it made the heat between your legs increase. you know you shouldn't be into the way he stared at you, but you really couldn't help it.
"i'm gonna touch you, okay? will you let me?"
"do whatever you want..." you reluctantly relent.
blade ignored your attempt at veiling your actual needs and traveled his fingers higher up your thigh, tugging on your bottoms. "take these off.." he mutters.
you listen and does as he says, so he lifts himself sightly to give you space to slide your shorts down your legs. he grabs them for you and throws them aside, in a rush to get his hands on you. he rubbed your bare thighs, caressing higher up, thumb catching onto the hem of your panties.
"you said i can do whatever i want, right? i'm gonna hold you to that, we might not even leave this bedroom," he says casually, not noticing your flushed expression as he continues to ramble, "you don't know how long i've wanted this. haven't seen you for days." he hisses. "ever since i kissed you, i've been thinking about your lips since."
you wrap you arms around his neck quickly, tipping your head to the side the second his lips touched your collarbone.
his admittance had your mind hazing with a heavy blanket of need and want. words started spilling out of your mouth before you could even stop yourself. you whispered desperately, "me too..! i can't stop thinking about you.. so much to the point where it's hindering my work.. why'd you take so long to come and see me?"
blade's control is wearing thin at your whiny voice, he groans out, "my job doesn't really give me leeway. but god, i wanted to see you so bad, you don't even know." he leaves light butterfly kisses from your neck to your jaw, his thumb rubbing circles into the skin of your thigh.
then he tugs at the hem of your shirt. "i want this off, too." next thing you know, the only thing covering you are your undergarments, but you could tell from the way he kept caressing you near your panties that those would soon join the pile.
once he threw your top aside, you bring his face to yours, instantly interlocking your lips. it was the first time you took initiation and blade couldn't help but smile into the kiss. his hand ventures higher, hands intentionally swiping over the place you needed him most before pulling back to caress your hips.
you grunt into the kiss in irritation, trying to pull his body closer to you to get that friction you crave.
blade notices, and wants to tease you more than anything, but he couldn't deny how much he missed you. once you finally let him kiss you, he swore he couldn't get enough. had you not avoided him for a good two weeks he could've had moments like this with you before his work swept him away. and going two more weeks without you made it even worse. blade could only think of how it was true that distance certainly did make the heart grow fonder.
blade uses his kiss with you as a distraction and slips his finger past your undergarments to finally touch you where you craved. you instantly pull away from the kiss with a gasp, your back arching up slightly as you whined aloud.
"so pretty." blade muttered, placing kisses on your shoulder before pulling away to watch your expressions. he could feel how his erection tightened his pants uncomfortably at the mere sight of you drowning in pleasure. "another expression to add to my list." he whispers, eyeing your face with a carnal, predatory hunger.
blade slides one finger into you and stares at the way you twitch and thrash. "w—waaait..!!" you moaned, trying your hardest to catch your breath. he ignores your pleas and speeds up the pace, slowly adding in a second finger.
with your reactions, he could tell how sensitive you were. he could only grin and think about how fun teasing you in future will be.
blade curled his fingers in a way that had you keening and flailing, trying to kick him away. he put a hand on your abdomen to still you. "nnn...noo..! if you.. hngg.. keep doing that... i'm- i'm definitely soaking the sheets..." you whimpered in a whispery voice. in response to you, he starts rubbing your clit in circular motions, your cries becoming louder.
"promise?" he kissed your cheek.
you whined more and blade buried his face in your neck, conveniently placing his ear right by your mouth. a perfect place to hear your noises at full volume. that was before you decided to go and try to cover your mouth.
the muffled noise of your cries let him know what you were trying to do immediately. he sits up to glare down at you, slowing down the pace of his fingers.
“w—what..?” you cry out, confused.
“let me hear you. if you do that again, i stop,” his voice is commanding and it has your legs trembling. you obey him easily. helplessly under his mercy, and remove your hands from your face.
he leans down to kiss your face and continues his previous pace. you cry out in relief, feeling your peak climbing its way up.
"you'd look so pretty wrapped around me, you know?" he speaks into your skin. you whimper at that.
the rhythm of his fingers made you a moaning mess, you couldn't help but thrash and kick, the pleasure all too overwhelming— but it still wasn't enough. you desperately needed what he had hiding behind his zipper.
"cum for me..." he coos softly into your ear, voice condescending yet fond at the same time.
"i— i want..."
"i know..." he cuts you off, "i'll stuff you with my cock like you want, just cum on my fingers first." he rasps, letting you know he was enjoying this just as much as you.
he curls the pads of his finger against a certain spot that makes you jerk in his hold. a loud moan leaves your lips and you try your hardest to push him away. blade doesn't give you the chance, keeping you stilled against the bed, thrusting into you even faster. your vision goes white and the brunt of your orgasm hits you full force, you whine loudly and try your best to push blade away, weakly hitting his forearm with your fist. he helps you ride out your orgasm by rubbing your bud, watching you with a hot, burning desire. his control is on the verge of snapping. if you keep making these noises and faces he can't guarantee he'll continue being gentle with you.
"haa...hahh.." you pant loudly, chest rising up and down. “dammit, i definitely ruined that pair.”
you're too distracted to notice blade undressing himself, only opening your eyes to look at him once you hear the unbuckling of his belt.
"blade..." you cry.
he hushes you with his lips, adjusting your position once his bottoms are off— joining the pile of your clothes. you squeak at the sudden breeze of cold air once blade starts sliding your garment down your legs.
“you’re so soaked. fuck.” he mutters breathily, eyes dark. your cunt pulses at the realization that his expression isn’t only because of lust but also him trying his hardest to hold himself back.
you’re both surprised and slightly disgusted with yourself because you’re aware that if he were to snap and be extremely rough with you, you wouldn’t mind— you’d even enjoy it.
“i said you could do whatever you wanted with me, right?” you lean up and unclasp your bra, tossing it aside— you’d usually be humiliated by such boldness, but you were too busy reveling in blade’s awed expression— for once it felt like you one-upped him.
“i suggest you watch your tongue.” he grumbles, and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. you’re obviously riling him up, and enjoying it to the fullest.
“but i need it, blade. you promised you’d give me your cock, didn’t you?” you whined, fully aware of your effect on him.
he huffs, shoving you down on the bed to loom over you again, before hissing, “remember who has the authority here.”
you only smirked cockily, a face blade could admit that he really liked. “well maybe you need to remind me,” you say cheekily.
blade, in response, pulls his cock out of his boxers, and it shuts you up immediately; the mere sight of it. he caught sight of your eyes glued to his length and could only smirk.
“maybe i didn’t need to remind you.” the words of ‘you reminded yourself’ went unsaid, but you both knew.
he leans down to interlock your lips and starts grinding himself against you.
there’s no way that’ll fit!! you screamed internally, it’s not like you were inexperienced, but you can say with confidence you’ve never laid with someone so well endowed.
your mind hazes as his tongue delves into your mouth, and you can’t bring yourself to worry.
the tip of his cock catches your clit and you both groan.
“stop teasing.” you complain, brows knitting together.
blade pulls away to pump himself a couple times before finally lining himself up to your slit. he sets a heavy finger right above your belly button, pressing it into your skin.
you eye the indent he creates in confusion. you try to catch his eyes but he can’t seem to pull his gaze away from where his finger is placed.
“i’ll be right here.” he taps the spot again as if solidify his words into reality. you flush once you realize his implications, and as much as you wanted to knock him down a peg, you knew he was probably right. with how big he was you’d probably be able to feel him in your throat. your breaths become labored at the idea of it all, anxiously waiting for him to fill you like he promised.
“give me a safe word.” he says, voice guttural.
“red!” not only did it mean stop in a lot of circumstances, but it also reminded you of his eyes.
with that being said, he pushes himself into you, burying himself in to the hilt. your eyes roll back and you grip his biceps to ground yourself.
“you can take all of me, right?” he asks huskily, grabbing your hips for leverage and setting his forehead against yours.
“i can i can, i can!!” you chant out dizzily, on cloud nine from this alone.
“good.. so good for me.” he whispers through gritted teeth. he pulls out till the tip, groaning at the harsh resistance. it’s either you were too tight or he was too big. he assumes it’s because you’re squeezing the life out of him but you’re guessing otherwise.
he abruptly thrusts all the way back in, slamming you against his pelvis. you jerk in his hold, tears lining your bottom lashes as you sob loudly.
blade repeats the process, but this time with more ferocity. your mouth waters at the intensity of it all, eyes rolled back to your brain. he catches your expression and decides he won’t have mercy on you as he previously insisted.
the only thing leaving your lips is a mantra of his name as he starts a rhythm. he doesn’t spare you a single breath, his own lungs drying up and in desperate need for air— because he’s just so deep.
he slams into you harshly, your clit rubbing onto his pelvis with each grind into you, your sobs resonate through the room and your legs twitch violently.
“fuuuckkk! blade blade, blade!! cant! i cant.. i— nnnn!!” your nails dig into the muscles of his arms, making crescent shaped dents.
“you can. you promised, right? you’ll cum for me just like this, right sweetheart?” he coos condescendingly.
the mean tone of his voice is lost on you, for all you can think about is the term of endearment— you squeeze him harder.
“shitttt.” blade groans at the sensation. he grabs your face desperately, locking lips with you to hide his noises. it’s a sloppy kiss, your own drool slipping down your chin. you can’t even focus on the raunchiness of it all, the way he slams down into you— tip of his cock kissing your cervix— you can’t bother to think of anything else. you moan breathily into the kiss, hands gravitating to blade’s back to let your nails make their mark there.
“you like that, huh? when i call you sweet names? tell me you like it, baby,” he says, lidded eyes trained on you.
“i love it!”
his hand travels between your bodies to make circular motions on your clit, other hand massaging your breast, and you swear you see white. squeaky little ‘blade blade, blade!’s come out of your puffy, swollen lips.
“want me to cum inside you? give you my kids.. let them keep you company while i’m gone. you’d like that, yeah?” he pulls away from you slightly to babble senselessly— his mind mush, and mouth running on auto pilot. his words set a fire off inside you, and the knot in your tummy tightens further, on the brink of snapping.
“yes yes, yes!” you sob, your nails raking up and down his back.
“course you’d like that. look at you, my little cocksleeve. you were made to take my cock, admit it.” he grabs your face with one hand, squishing your face together. your moans take on a different tone at his degrading.
“i was.. ohhhh— i—” you couldn’t even finish, the tip of his cock kissing and stroking your sweet spot. blade doesn’t like your lack of answer, so his hips slow their pace, dropping to mere strokes.
“n—no, what..?” you blink out of your daze, your pleasure riddled mind slowly coming to.
“answer me, i asked you a question.”
desperate to get the pleasure you were quickly becoming addicted to, you obey his needs without another word.
“i’m your cocksleeve! i was made just to take your cock. so please! use me!” you cry out in little to no hesitation.
“fuck.” he mumbles. before you can exhale you’re immediately inhaling from the shock of his abrupt, sharp speed. he’s drilling into you harshly, lifting your legs and arching your back to hit your sweet spot with each thrust. his thumb finds your clit and your mind instantly blanks.
the quickness of it all quickly overwhelms you and your orgasm climbs the ladder with quick succession. you’re sobbing now, nails making red lines on his back as he pounds into you.
you can feel him in your stomach. and you knew if you were able to keep your eyes open, you’d be able to see it too.
“please let me cum, i wanna cum!” you cry out brainlessly.
“fuck. fuuckkk. cum, pretty thing. cum on my cock so i can cum deep inside you.” he buries his face in your neck, kissing dark purple blemishes into your skin.
his voice does you in, the roughness of it all, and the fact that he sounds just as wrecked as you. you’re only able to give a whiny warning of, “cumming— i’m cumming!! ohh god!!” before you finally burst. your body convulses brutally and you squeeze blade in a vice grip, punching out a guttural groan from him.
the feeling has blade reaching his peak before he can even compose himself. his hips stutter and he’s slamming into you, gripping your hips harshly — which will definitely leave bruises— and his finger rubs your clit to help you ride out your high.
“fuck fuck, fuck. fuuuckk. i’m gonna fill you up just like you want. make you round with my kids. gonna give it all to you. you’ll take it, right? you’ll take it all, i just know it,” he chants, mind blank.
“please, blade— ohhh goddd, please fill me up!!” you sob, tears running down your cheeks.
one last slam of his hips has him filling you up to the brim. more more, more— until his burning hot cum squelches out of you and drips onto the sheets. it prolongs your orgasm and you’re whining at the feeling. small praises leave blade’s lips as he leaves small kisses all over you.
he sits up and slowly pulls out of you, watching, entranced, as all of his cum slowly seeps out. with an empty mind that’s only filled with the image of you, he puts his fingers in your cunt to plug you up and prevent anything else from draining out.
a spike of pain and pleasure shoot through you. your mind starts clearing and you squeal, “hey!!”
he meets your gaze, eyes your messy form, and says simply, “sorry.” he pulls away.
blade hated that you looked so good that way. your body riddled with sweat, brows furrowed, lips pouted (that expression he loved so much), and hair mussed all over your pillows.
you can’t tear your eyes away from how he stares at you. this time, you notice the fondness that swim in his irises and your tummy flutters. your lips curl into a sweet smile and you speak to sweep away your embarrassment, “you’re really obsessed with me.”
blade’s eyes widen, and you assume it’s because of your words; but you couldn’t be any more wrong.
this is the first time you’ve smiled like that in his presence. he couldn’t deny that he loved your other faces, whether it be anger, prideful, lust, you name it. but this one… it was definitely his new favorite.
you predicted he’d say something along the lines of, “i am.” and make you further embarrassed. but if anything, he said the opposite.
“spread your legs.” he orders simply.
you blink at him, noticing his eyes that filled with desire once more.
“y—you can’t be serious!!!”
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taglist : @chalksdreams @bloo-wisteria @maddymints09 @just-simping-over-genshin @xiaowatching @sunsethw4 @caesadele @forsh4dow @i-x4o @shrimp-anon some of u i couldn’t tag sorryyyyy ☹️
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nejiverse · 21 days
Sae Itoshi [pt. 3 to ‘his amnesiac’]
In which Sae realises just how deeply he missed his fiancée. Fem! Reader
part 2
cw: nothing much, sae’s a closeted softie
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1150 words
"This might be a bit selfish of me Sae but, can you stay with me? Until I fall asleep".
Sae approached her and offered a hand, giving her an affirmative nod in response.
She flashed a weak yet appreciative smile and took his hand.
As Y/n laid in bed, her head resting on the pillow, Sae pulled up a chair beside her.
With the weight of her amnesia heavy on her mind, she turned to Sae, seeking answers and comfort. Sae placed his elbow against the nightstand as the side of his head rested against the palm of his hand, his presence a reassuring anchor in the uncertainty of her lost memories.
Y/n pursed her lips as her eyebrows furrowed. "Be honest, do you think i'll ever regain my memories?".
Y/n's question hung in the air, heavy with uncertainty. Sae met her gaze, his expression soft yet contemplative.
"I hope so", he longed for, prayed for her memories to come back. ‘I really do’, he thought to himself.
Y/n hummed in agreement, her eyes gazing elsewhere.
"Y/n", Sae spoke quietly, his voice a comforting melody in the dimly lit room. "I'll take care of you whether you get your memories back or not so don't worry", he hoped his words were enough to encourage her and expel her fears and doubts since he was limited to only words as opposed to  actions.
Y/n's heart swelled at his words, a warmth spreading through her chest. He's been so kind to her despite how she treated him at first, which she really regretted. Sae had no legal obligation to stay by her side after being left with nothing but an amnesiac, but he did. Y/n smiled.
"Thank you, Sae. You've been so patient with me."
Y/n reached out and gently placed her hand over Sae's, her thumb running smoothly along his knuckles. It was a gesture of gratitude.
But for Sae, a rush of emotions flooded through him, catching him off guard. He felt a mixture of relief, longing and a profound sense of connection that he's missed dearly since Y/n's amnesia. Dormant feelings he thought he would have to tuck away forever were arising.
His gaze flickered to Y/n's face, searching for any sign of discomfort or hesitation, but instead, he found a softness in her eyes, a glimmer of trust and gratitude that filled him with tenderness.
For the first time since her amnesia, Sae felt as though the woman in front of him was the exact same one he met five years ago.
In the midst of his feelings, he failed to notice when Y/n's eyes closed, evident that she had drifted off to sleep.
Sae's eyes lingered on her parted lips for maybe a bit longer than he would've liked. He found his breath caught up in his throat as her features appeared more softer in her state of sleep.
He watched the subtle rise and fall of her chest, the rhythmic pattern of her breathing lulling him into a trance-like state. He let his hand engulf her own fully and interwove his fingers with hers.
Sae found himself inching closer, his heart pounding in anticipation. His mind raced with thoughts of what it would feel like to press his lips against hers once again, to taste the sweetness of her mouth, to lose himself in the intoxicating warmth of her embrace.
But as much as he longed to give in to his aching desires, Sae knew that now was not the time.
With a heavy sigh, Sae tore his gaze away from Y/n, his head in his hands, willing himself to resist the temptation that threatened to consume him. He knew that their time would come, but for now, he would content himself with the simple pleasure of watching her sleep, knowing that she is safe and loved in his presence.
The morning came and Sae was up bright and early.
Putting his ear against Y/n's door, he was able to hear her soft snores, indicating she was still asleep.
Sae made his way downstairs where he opted to make breakfast. He decided to make omelettes.
It wasn’t too long after he got started that he heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.
"Morning", Y/n yawned, trying her best to rub the sleep out of her eyes.
Sae eyed her crazy bed hair, the strap of her nightdress slipping down her shoulder. This cracked a small grin on Sae's face.
"Someone slept well".
"Yes, but still no memories have come back to me".
"It's all in due time, you need to be patient", it was easy for him to say. He wasn't the one that lost his identity. On top of that, he had not a single patient bone in his body.
Y/n hummed, moving closer to Sae to see what he was up to.
Her eyebrows knitted in utmost astonishment. "Are you making breakfast or performing a surgery?", she inquired, eyeing the criminal way in which he was cutting up onions.
Sae rolled his eyes as he huffed a laugh, recalling all the times Y/n used to call him out for his..unique was of chopping vegetables. Some things never change.
"Doesn't matter what way they look, it doesn't change the nutritional value", he retorted, Y/n giggling at his articulate response.
"Oh so you're a dietitian now?!".
As they continued to tease and joke with each other, Sae couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for Y/n, grateful that they could still share moments of levity despite her amnesia.
Deep down he hoped that maybe, just maybe, their playful banter would help spark a flicker of recognition in her mind, bridging the gap between her past and present self.
Y/n's gaze shifted to the window, her fingers lightly tracing the smooth surface of the kitchen counter.
"Say Sae..can we go somewhere?", she asked, arms now crossed against the counter, supporting her weight.
"Like where?".
She didn't have any place in particular really. She just thought the fresh air would do her good. "I don't mind, maybe somewhere that'll help me remember?", additionally, a yearning stirred within her—a yearning to step beyond the confines of the familiar.
"After your unnecessary commentary about my culinary skills, I don't think so".
Y/n could sense the undertone and sass mixed with sarcasm as the words escaped his lips.
Her lips curled into a playful smile as she met Sae's gaze. "Oh, come on!", she retorted, her tone light with amusement. "Alright fine, I promise I won't critique your cooking again", Sae didn't believe the latter of her sentence for one bit. Still, the answer he concocted in his head remained unchanged:
"I'll think about it".
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masterlist :)
179 notes · View notes
sluttywoozi · 2 years
Let Me Part One | kmg x reader
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Summary: You've been the student athletic trainer for your uni's basketball team all year, and you're pretty sure Mingyu has had a crush on you the whole time. You're not sure how much longer you can resist him.
Rating: T (this part) | Word Count: ~4.8k
Warnings: my lack of knowledge about basketball, overprotective gyu, pet names, swearing, food/eating, allusion to lack of safety on college campuses, size difference (reader thinks mingyu is large), making out
Reader Notes: no gendered pronouns or petnames used, wears a dress and bra at one point, one of their shirts is small on gyu, gets picked up briefly by gyu
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They’ve already been practicing for an hour on the outdoor court when you finally let your gaze find Mingyu. Keeping your eyes off of his jumpshots and layovers was difficult, but worth it, when he looks like he does. 
Fuck, he’s so hot, you think, frantically looking elsewhere when Mingyu glances over at you. 
He’s cocky enough, you don’t need him knowing you can’t seem to take your eyes off of him now that you’ve finally allowed yourself to look. 
He’s just so buff, and large, and now he’s glistening with sweat, and his hair is so pretty. That little bang of his drives you crazy, and you truly have no explanation as to why you’re desperate to reach over and tuck it behind his ear, but you think you just might sell your soul for the chance. 
You probably wouldn’t have to though, if the way Mingyu looks at you says anything. 
He’s always had a little crush on you, even before you started having feelings for him, and that’s why you stay away. It’s unfair to him, probably, to think this way, but he’s just too hot to be so kind and smart and funny too, there has to be a catch. 
You know it’s not that he’s a playboy, because you’ve seen him at a million post game parties and he’s never been with anyone but the guys, never left with anyone but the designated driver. 
You know he’s not a bad person, evidenced by him constantly topping the team’s volunteer hours list, and the ‘little brother’ he brings to half the games. 
You know he’s respectful, waiting to see if you want to answer a question in class before he raises his hand, making sure you have a ride home after every game and won’t have to walk across campus in the dark. 
And fuck, the time Mingyu found out you did walk home alone after a game…
He pulled you aside after class, his hand warm in the crook of your elbow, tighter than you were used to. The look on his face made your blood run cold; you’d never seen him like that before, fuming, disappointed, but frightened too. 
You didn’t think it was that big a deal, your apartment is just off campus, and the walk home from the stadium is only about fifteen minutes, but it’s not always safe to walk alone in the dark, especially after a big game. 
Mingyu told you that, and more, before grabbing your hand in his massive grip and tucking your fingers down, leaving your pinky out, linking it with his, and making you promise never to do it again. He said that no afterparty was worth you getting hurt, and that if you didn’t have a ride he’d walk you home himself. 
You made sure you had a way home every game after, knowing you couldn’t risk that kind of one on one time with him. 
It doesn’t help though, doesn’t stop Mingyu from narrowing his eyes at you to determine if you’re telling the truth, doesn’t keep him from reminding you of the pinky promise, doesn’t release you from the text he also made you vow to send him once you get home safely. 
He’s stuck closer to you ever since then too, finding you at parties, and sitting next to you in class, and looking for you on the sidelines after making the winning basket. 
You don’t really know what to do with it, just give him a wave with the red solo cup in your hand, and shift your pens over so he has more space on the desk, and shoot him a smile and a high five, which he always returns with the cutest grin on his face. 
Your focus abruptly returns to practice when shouts erupt, the sound of cheers and ass smacks echoing through the court. Mingyu’s eyes swivel, like he’s looking for something, and he beams when he finds you already looking at him. 
His hand reaches up, palm facing towards you, and you instinctively smile and reach your hand up too, returning his high five. He bounces on his feet, shaking hands with Wonwoo, who you assume he successfully faked out and dunked on. 
You don’t mean to encourage him, but you rebuffed him once, just shot him a thumbs up, and the way his smile fell near cleaved your heart in two. After that, you simply couldn’t ignore him. 
And it looks like you won’t be able to ignore him tonight either, you think, as he jogs toward you, smug at having caught you looking. 
“Hey babe,” Mingyu pants excitedly, reaching down to squeeze your hand, “Can you believe that? I never score over Wonwoo!”
That’s another thing. He always calls you babe, or baby, or sweetheart, or darling, and you always try ridiculously hard not to let him see that it makes your heart skip. 
You’re getting better at it, you think, grinning at Mingyu and responding, “Must be your lucky night.”
Oh shit, that was flirtier than you meant it to be. 
Mingyu latches onto it though, stepping closer and asking, “If it’s my lucky night, how about we grab some ice cream after this?“
How can you tell him no this time? There’s gotta be a-
Okay well. Your mouth worked before your brain did. But you can’t take it back now, Mingyu just looks too happy. 
His eyes squint gleefully at you, canines pushing against his bottom lip with the force of his smile, and he reaches down to grab your other hand, swinging them from side to side. 
“Mingyu, back to work!” Coach shouts from across the court, and Mingyu yells an apology from over his shoulder, giving your hands one last squeeze before letting go and jogging backward, keeping his eyes on you until he needs to turn around. 
Fuck, your heart is racing. 
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Practice goes smoothly, Mingyu making it his mission to score over Wonwoo as much as possible, and subsequently failing that mission. He’s a bit pouty as you walk to his car, swinging the keys around his finger and letting his footsteps land a bit heavier than normal. He always does his best to make himself seem small around you, and you’re not sure why. 
You love how big he is, love how he towers over everyone, how other people disappear behind him, how one of his steps is the equivalent of 2 of someone else’s. You think he does too, but not around you for some reason. 
You’re still thinking about it as he opens the passenger seat door, and you thank him absentmindedly, managing somehow to climb into his SUV even with your focus miles away. 
The slamming of his car door brings you out of it, and you look over to find him staring at you intently. 
“Did you hear me, baby?” Mingyu asks with concern.
“Oh, um no, sorry, Gyu. What did you say?” You turn to him, feeling a bit bad for spacing out like that and giving him your full attention.
“It’s okay, darlin’, I asked if you wanted Ben and Jerry’s or Cold Stone, they’re both just off campus.”
“Ooooh, um,” you take a second to think, weighing your options and what you had last and what each one has over the other. You take ice cream very seriously. 
“Cold Stone tonight, I think. I like how they smush it all together,” you respond finally, appreciating that Mingyu’s gaze never left you and he didn’t seem to get annoyed at your thinking time. 
He nods seriously and with approval, shifting gears and placing his big hand on your headrest to reverse out of the parking spot. He smells so good, fresh out of the shower, and his hair is still damp, drops of water trailing down his neck to dampen the collar of his t-shirt. 
You’re not used to being so close to him; he’s affectionate but you’re usually able to keep some distance. There’s nowhere for you to go now. 
You chat easily, Mingyu asking how your project for your shared class is going, you asking him if he thinks they’ll make it to the championships this year, him confidently saying they will but if they don’t, you’ll have to go out with him to make him feel better. You respond that of course you will, it’s your duty as their student athletic trainer to heal his wounds, and it’s too late to backtrack when you realize you’ve just agreed to a date. 
Hell, you’re already on the way to one, what’s one more?
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Your possible second date turns into your possible third date when you agree to let Mingyu take you out to dinner tomorrow night. 
He ate his ice cream so voraciously, yet thoughtfully, spooning out huge bites but taking his time to work through them, enjoying every add in and sprinkle. You’re not sure why it made such an impact on you, but it only got worse when he gathered up both of your empty cups and took them to the trash, returning with napkins coated in hand sanitizer to clean up any melted ice cream on the table. 
You realized how careful Mingyu is with everything he does, how considerate, and you wonder if maybe you’ve been protecting yourself for nothing this whole time. 
He’s always been just as careful and considerate with you, and you thought there must be something bad to balance out all the good, but now you’re not so sure. 
You’re even less sure when he pulls up outside of your apartment, parking and promising to pick you up tomorrow morning and take you to class, then to get your car after. 
“I just don’t want you driving and parking alone so late at night, do you mind?” he asked, and you know he would take you to your car right now if you wanted, but oddly enough, you don’t. 
“No, Gyu, I don’t mind,” you smile softly at him, and let him jog around the SUV to open your door and help you step down. 
He walks you all the way up to your apartment, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead and thanking you for letting him take you out. You make him promise to text you when he gets home, and he beams, biting his lips to try to hide the smile at first before letting it light up his face, and you know you’re in trouble. 
By the shadow under the door, you can tell he waits until you’re fully locked up to return to his car, and you’re still trying to pretend you’re not singing love songs in your head when your phone buzzes. 
made it home xoxo gyu
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Mingyu’s early to pick you up, so you let him hang out in your apartment while you finish getting ready. 
He wanders around for a bit, checking out the knick knacks in your bookshelf, investigating your appliance situation, asking if you’ll let him cook for you tonight instead. You say yes without thinking about what exactly that entails - having Mingyu in your flat, at night, with candles probably, and wine because you know how to entertain a guest, and he’ll be cooking, in your kitchen, and he’ll likely want to wear an apron because he’s adorable and thorough like that, and you’ll be fucked. 
The careful distance you’ve kept from him is narrowing, the walls you built brick by cynical brick crumbling, and you really want to say you hate it, but you don’t. 
It’s easy, letting him get close to you.
It’s easy letting him buy you your favorite iced coffee before class, because of course he knows your order. It’s easy letting him carry your books, just because he wants to. It’s easy kicking him under the table when he makes under the breath jokes that threaten to disturb class. 
It’s easy letting him kiss you on the cheek when he drops you off at your car, easy letting him open your door and pull you into a hug before seeing you off. Easy letting him pick the meal and do the grocery shopping for tonight, setting the date for 6 PM. 
Even worse, it’s easy to let yourself be excited, to let yourself do your hair and just a little makeup, to wear a better bra than usual, to maybe try on a cute little flouncy dress that you know will break his brain, considering he’s only ever seen you in day clothes and the athletic trainer uniform. 
What’s not easy is sitting there, at 5:35 PM, anxiously waiting for him to arrive. It’s funny how you used to feel better being further away from him, and now you fear you’ll never want to be away from him again. 
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Mingyu arrives at 5:50 on the dot, like he got here early and waited as long as he could, until it was a socially acceptable amount of early. He bounces on his toes as he bursts through the door, dropping a kiss to your forehead even with his arms full of groceries. It looks like he bought enough to feed the whole team, and you’re tempted to tease but he just looks so excited. 
He explains his idea for the meal as he unloads the bags, lining everything up, telling you how much he loves cooking mise en place, and managing to not sound pretentious at all. He stutters a bit when he realizes what you’re wearing, eyes traveling up and down your legs, catching just barely on your breasts, and you smile serenely at him as he shifts behind the counter and asks where you keep your spices. 
He’s adorable, in his black polo and jeans, massive form moving through your small kitchen like he’s cooked you dinner a million times, and it’s hard not to imagine him here, to want him here, every week. Or every night, your subconscious whispers.
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Dinner is delicious, Mingyu is gifted in the kitchen in a way you didn’t expect, and as you wash dishes side by side, bumping hips and singing to the radio, you think maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to let him love you. 
You watch a movie together, nothing scary because Mingyu doesn’t like horror, and snuggle up on the couch. He’s so warm, and so large, and the perfect cuddling companion. He falls asleep halfway through, massive body tipping over, and you’d let him lay on you, you would, but he’s too fucking heavy, so you get up and gently guide him down to rest on the cushions. Tugging a blanket over him, you settle at the end of the couch, just enough space left free with Mingyu’s knees tucked to his chest as they are, and settle in.
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It’s dark when you wake up, Mingyu and your TV still asleep, and you know he’ll ache tomorrow if he stays on your couch. You rub your hand up and down his arm, whispering his name, and he smiles as he blinks awake, his arms opening in a stretch and then wrapping around you. He shifts to his back, tugging you on top of him and sighing at the weight of you on his chest, “Do you think I could sleep here tonight?” 
“Yeah, Gyu, I was gonna ask,” you respond softly, and he hums, his arms relaxing around you but resting heavier on your back. 
“Wait, don’t fall asleep again.”
He shakes his head, blearily opening his eyes and staring at you with a confused pout.
“Come on, you can sleep with me,” you whisper, trying to crawl off of him, but he smirks, biting his lip with those canines, and you roll your eyes, “Sleep in my bed, with me.”
He giggles, “I knew what you meant, I was just teasing.”
He gets up, holding you to him and walking with your feet on top of his in the direction of your bedroom, stalling when he’s unsure of which door to open. You point, and he shuffles into your room, depositing you at the end of your bed before climbing in. 
You’re still in the dress, which feels a bit uncomfy now, and your bra, which is ridiculously uncomfy now, so you grab some pajamas and head to the bathroom. 
You change and wash up quickly, returning to find Mingyu standing next to the bed. 
“Why’d you get up? What’s wrong?” you ask, hanging up your dress and putting your bra away, biting back a smile at how he averts his eyes from your underwear drawer. 
“I just was wondering if you would mind if I slept in my boxers, these jeans aren’t really for sleeping,” he asks sheepishly, sighing in relief at your nod and unbuttoning his pants as soon as you turn your back. 
“I think I have an old team shirt too, if you don’t want to sleep in the polo,” you offer, digging through your drawers and finding a shirt you think will fit him. You toss it over your shoulder, knowing he’ll catch it, and that you’re not ready to see him shirtless yet.
You turn just as he’s tugging it over his torso, and your mouth dries at the way it stretches across his chest, wrinkling over his pecs, falling slightly loose on his waist, giving just a hint of his abs. 
You are not God’s strongest soldier, you know this, but you didn’t think you’d be tested in this way so soon. 
Adamantly avoiding looking at his evil, luscious body, you walk around the bed and climb into your side, waiting for him to join you before turning off the lamp on your nightstand. 
He scoots closer, inch by inch, until he can stretch his hand across the sheets and tuck his pinky beneath yours, and what are you supposed to do with that, except close the distance, wrap his hand up in yours, and snuggle into his arms, shoving your face in his chest. 
Mingyu sighs immediately, relaxing and tugging you closer, whispering a goodnight into your hair, and promptly knocking out. 
It takes you a bit longer, his body heat making you warmer than you usually like, but you wouldn’t pull away for anything, and eventually you fall asleep, cocooned in his arms. 
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Mingyu’s snoring when you wake up, still in the position you fell asleep in. You have to pee, and your stomach is growling, so you wiggle out of his arms, replacing your body with your pillow and sneaking to the bathroom. 
You shuffle into the kitchen, quietly pulling out the waffle mix and iron, plus some bacon and eggs. You know he normally eats a lot, and with the game tonight, he needs to fill up, so you scramble eight of the eggs and fry up half the bacon.
The waffle iron is steaming when Mingyu stumbles in, rubbing his eyes and tugging the shirt down every time it rides up. He beams sleepily at you, leaning over the counter to press a kiss to your lips, and you freeze. He putters around the kitchen, putting dishes away and starting the coffee maker, and you wonder when everything got so fucking domestic.
It’d be a lie to say you mind. This is what you were scared Mingyu wouldn’t want, the type of relationship where you cook together and fall asleep early, and crawl into bed late, and wake up to cook for whoever’s still asleep.
You were scared he was just like all the other college guys you’ve tried to be with - lying about wanting the relationship part when they were only interested in sex, leaving you alone every night unless you wanted to netflix and chill. 
Yet here Mingyu is, expertly navigating your kitchen, pecking you on the lips then turning to make you coffee.
He hasn’t put his hands on you without you making the first move, hasn’t tried to feel you up or anything, but you think you’d let him if he wanted to, hell, if he doesn’t ask soon you think you will. 
You eat breakfast quietly, Mingyu playing with your fingers and shoveling food into his mouth. He grins at you through a mouthful of waffle, laughing at the way you cringe, and kicks your feet with his. 
He has to leave soon, for a run and then practice with the team, and you dread how empty your apartment will feel without him. 
“So, what changed?” Mingyu asks, startling you. 
“What do you mean, Gyu?” you ask, fearing you already know, stabbing scrambled eggs with your fork and chewing slowly so you can stall.
“You’ve been pushing me away for months. But you didn’t last night, or the night before. I just was wondering… what changed?” he inquires softly, nervously, not sure he wants to know the answer. 
You realize you haven’t been giving him enough credit, that he’s much more perceptive than you expected, or maybe you haven’t been as subtle as you thought. 
“I was,” you take in a deep breath, preparing to be honest with him, and yourself, for once. “I was scared.”
“Of me?” he looks concerned, and you rush to reassure him. 
“No, Gyu, I wasn’t scared of you, I was scared for me. I knew you liked me, and I knew I liked you, but I thought… fuck, I’m sorry, I thought there had to be something wrong with you, you’re just too hot and good and smart and kind and perfect,” you breathe out, pulling away to hide your face in your hands. 
Mingyu stays quiet, tapping his fingers on the table before reaching up and gently tugging your hands away from your face. You peek your eyes open to find him smiling fondly at you, sweet eyes half lidded and nose scrunched. 
“You’re so silly, baby, you’ve been scared for nothing,” he teases, squeezing your hands until you giggle sheepishly, looking away from him and then looking back when he starts to speak. 
“The only thing wrong with me, that I know of at least, is how embarrassingly into you I am. I had to beg the other guys not to flirt with you, not because I thought you’d go for them but because I didn’t want to see anyone else making you laugh like I do. You know the kid who used to sit next to you in class?” 
He waits for your nod, continuing, “I got him club seats for the Homecoming game in exchange for him sitting somewhere else so I could sit next to you. Fuck, is that creepy?” Mingyu panics, pulling a hand from yours to run it through his hair as his gaze shifts around the room. 
It’s your turn to soothe him, as you take his hand again and press it to your cheek, smiling softly and saying, “It’s not creepy, it’s cute. And embarrassing, like you said.” 
Mingyu breathes a sigh of relief, brushing his thumb over your cheekbone and gazing at you thoughtfully, “You didn’t answer my question, though.”
Shit, you’d hoped he missed that. 
“What changed is… I acted on impulse and said yes before I could even think of why I could say no,” you don’t want to tell him you didn’t mean to, and this feels close enough to the truth for it to not be called a lie. 
He accepts it, nodding and saying with an easy grin, “Well, I suppose I can only hope you’ll act on impulse more often then.” 
“I don’t think you’ll have to hope, it’s like my brain stops working when you’re around,” you admit to his great delight. 
You chat more over the rest of breakfast, cleaning up together again, and you let yourself dance closer to him now, knowing he already knows he’s got you. 
It’s not clear enough, apparently, because he nervously asks, “So, can I be your boyfriend?” just after you’ve walked him to the door. Your impulses have led you well thus far, so you reply on instinct, “Yes, Mingyu. You can be my boyfriend.”
The beam that splits his face is almost blinding, the arms snaking around you crushing, the heat of him against you searing, and you know suddenly that you were right to be scared, because you just might already be in love with him. 
You can afford to be a little fearful though, as long as it means Mingyu’s around to hold you like this. 
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The arena feels like a live wire.
The game is down to the last quarter, and your team is behind by four points. This is the qualifying match for the state championships, and you’re terrified they won’t be able to make up the difference.
This other team has matched your boys point for point, but in a much less sportsmanlike manner, riling Mingyu up all night, poking at the whole team, enough so that Cheol got into a shouting match with the other captain, nearly getting ejected from the game. 
The clock is ticking, time steadily running out, and you can tell Mingyu’s starting to get a bit anxious, his mouth drawn tight and his brow furrowed, his feet hitting the polished floor hard after every leap and fakeout.
You wish you could soothe him, but there’s no time, especially not when he’s lining up a three-pointer, clenching his jaw and launching the ball, watching with bated breath as it soars through the air and swishes through the net. 
You barely have time to cheer, just three minutes left on the clock, and your eyes widen when he’s passed the ball again, going immediately for a two-pointer.
It’s like time freezes, the cheer team sounding like they’re in slow motion, the crowd silent, Mingyu gracefully bounding across the court, heaving the ball and standing still as he watches it sail and slip through the net just as the buzzer goes off. 
The crowd roars, the whole team gathering around Mingyu and attempting to throw him in the air before they decide he’s just too fucking large and let him down. You can see his head swiveling, his eyes flicking wildly around the arena, and when he glances your way, you shoot your hand up, grin splitting your lips when he throws his palm up, returning your smile and high five. 
You can see Mingyu mouth fuck it, see the courage growing in his eyes, as he sprints over to you and hefts you into his arms, swinging you around and ignoring the way the guys all heckle him. 
He just laughs, holding you tighter and getting you damp with his sweat, but you don’t care because he won, they won, and he came to you, wanted to see you first. 
And now he’s setting you back on your feet, leaning in slowly, his palms hot on your face, and you meet him halfway, pressing your lips to his, breathing in the sigh he lets out. 
His arms wrap around you again, hauling you closer, deepening the kiss, tracing your bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, and whining when you pull away. 
“Why’d you stop?” Mingyu asks breathlessly, not noticing the student reporter right next to the two of you, hoping for an interview. You tilt your head over, and Mingyu hiccups an embarrassed, oh!, finally seeing the person next to you. 
“Are you… free to talk about those last two shots?” they ask tentatively, their eyes shifting from him to you and back to him. Mingyu looks at you, as if for approval, and at your nod, goes off with them to answer some questions. 
You help the staff clean up from the game, stretch some of the guys out when they complain of strained muscles, and wait for Mingyu to finish up. You don’t have any set plans, but it feels wrong to leave without at least saying goodbye.
You’re picking up empty beer cups in the stands when you hear Mingyu call your name from the court. 
“Wanna go home?” he asks, waving excitedly and waiting for you as you make your way down the bleachers, wet hair dripping down his neck.
Depositing the cups in the recycling bin, you walk over to him. You take too long, apparently, because he jogs over and sweeps you into another kiss, leaning closer and closer until you’re bent over his arm and clutching his hair out of fear.
You know he wouldn’t drop you, but it would hurt if he did, and you can’t stop yourself from trying to hold on. He likes it though, you think, your hands in his hair, because he moans against your lips and brings you back up so he can cup your face in his big hands and dip his tongue into your mouth. 
You let your head grow fuzzy until your lungs start to burn, and you pull away to take in deep breaths as he trails kisses down your jaw. He nips at your neck, startling you into remembering you’re still in public. 
“Let’s go home?” you ask breathlessly, grinning at his nod, and let him lead you from the stadium.
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AN: okayyyyy so i had this almost fully written when i decided to release it in two parts, just so that part one could be smut free and both could be a bit more digestible.
Part two will come today, probably in a couple hours so you shouldn't have to wait long, and it will be fully smut! like... 4000 words of it... anyway
Part Two!
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trans-cuchulainn · 7 months
Can’t agree more about that duolingo post you shared, the Irish course is *terrible*. Do you have any recommendations for other places to go to learn Irish for someone with practically no knowledge of the language?
dublin city university has asynchronous courses that run regularly on futurelearn, starting with irish 101 and going up to 208 (you might have to wait a little while for 101 to come around again because they don't all run simultaneously). they're a pretty good intro with more grammar explanations, written exercises, etc. my biggest issue with them was motivating myself to actually put the time in, because i found it tough to get through all the course in the amount of time i had available to give to them, but they're probably the best free online resource i know of, especially because they do have people there to answer questions and explain grammar
there are also various online courses on zoom etc but those tend to cost money. i do think after a certain point it's worth trying to get in an actual class (in person or online) for the conversation practice if nothing else, but something like the futurelearn courses is a good stepping stone to get going
for pure vocab, memrise has so far not fallen as far down the hole of "gamification of language apps at the expense of actual teaching" and you can make custom courses to learn vocab that you yourself actually need (e.g. lists from courses you're taking), but i know memrise is trying to push a new version of their "official" courses which may end up being at the expense of "community" courses (custom lists) so idk how long that'll last, and anyway it's more of a supplement to learning elsewhere than a way to learn in and of itself, in my experience
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rusmii · 6 months
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─── xxx...mr. mafia!
paring: n. chuuya x fem!reader/self insert
— ᥫ᭡ : the strange redhead you healed a few weeks back has been nothing but persistent on getting you to join 'mori corp'. what happens when you are found by him in the middle of the night? an official recruitment to the port mafia happens, of course.
— ❣︎ : recruiting, literally false advertising their slogan, smug n teasing chuuya, reader is a very dumb bitch *i dumbified her guys*, THIS HAS NO PLOT GUYS !! just wanted to write chuuya, idk what else to put here
— ♡ : another self-indulgent fic except it's a self insert with my husband bc I've been neglecting him </3
[pt2 to mr. mafia!]
-- wc : 930+
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“boo,” a whisper came from behind you.
you jumped up from where you were squatting at and clutched your ear, “what the fuck?!” you scream as you turned around to see what kind of sick crazy fuck likes scaring girls in the middle of the night.
upon turning around, you were met with a redhead beauty who adorned a devilish smirk. “the hell is wrong with you??” you ask him— he, in return, just gave you a lopsided smile along with another business card in his hand. “pretty and strong girls belong in the workforce, no?”
“no,” you deadpan and turn away. he crouches down to pick up the business card you smacked away from his hand before it flew away.
a meow interrupted the scene, and you spin your head back to where the cat was— only for it to be running elsewhere. “no!!” you cry, “the cat!”
chuuya looked past you and saw the cat jumping off a container, “cats gone,” he shrugs his shoulders. “consider it?” he held out the business card again, and you scoffed, “i'd have already considered joining mori corp if you were 90’s hot.”
“90’s hot?” chuuya repeats, confused as hell when you smack the business card back to the ground. “yep.” you confirm as you walk around him. chuuya stood there gobsmacked for a moment before turning on his heels to follow after you.
“wait-” he grabs your arm, “-the hell does that even mean?”
“what else do you think it means?” you sigh and try to yank your arm back, “it means leonardo dicaprio.” you scoff, “and give me my arm back!” you huffed— chuuya watched you struggle getting his grip off you, “okaayy, so not so strong?” he teases, and you just wanted to slap that stupid sloppy smirk off his face.
“hey!” chuuya jumps back as he blocks your incoming bag, “pretty girls can still join!- you don't always have to be strong,” he points to himself, “we've plenty of that already.”
you roll your eyes, “ughh.. don't tell me you're the persistent type.” you moan and chuuya gave you another smile, “aww, how'd you know? didn't know i already caught your attention.” — “you didn't!”
he laughs to himself, “yeah whatever you say.”
you bit your tongue, refraining from spouting the meanest bullshit known to man. this man who was just an inch deep under your skin made you want to grab a knife and cut him out— scratch that, cut him up.
chuuya notices your off distance stare at him, it was a glare- what else would it be? but there was something else going on behind those eyes of yours.
as he was about to ask you what you were thinking about, you answered it for him.
“what are you doing here?” you blurted out, and it was a question that surprised him a little. surely you knew about this area of yokohama, right? “...i offered the boss to patrol around this area..?” he answers, undecided on whether he should actually tell you the real reason why he was here tonight.
“or you were assigned by your boss to recruit me to the port mafia.” you cross your arms, not believing a word he just uttered, “am i wrong?” chuuya puts his arms up in defeat— like a thief who just got caught lying up their ass. “alright, alright- you caught me.”
his sudden nonchalant attitude caught you off guard— where was the teasing asshole who never left you alone ever since you saved him from death that day? “woah,” you say amused, “what's with the mean tone, mr. mafia?”
chuuya smiled at the nickname you just gave him. you couldn't tell whether it was genuine or not, “[last n.] [first n.], official business is to be spoken privately.” his tone is blank. the sudden change of demeanor gave you a whiplash.
“um.. yeah.. so, what do you want me to do about it?” you squint your eyes— starting to feel nervous. confrontation wasn't your forte, and to be honest— you'd probably cry if he'd yell at you when you finally break under pressure.
chuuya didn't say anything but hand you another business card, this time it was red and written in black ink. “the port mafia wants to officially recruit you [name], meet us at these coordinates, and we'll continue our discussion there.”
you took the card and scanned the front of it— it looked expensive, the pristine coating proved it. you flipped it around and found the coordinates engraved on the back, and under it was the time of the official rendez-vous.
“if you are a no show by any means..” you snapped your head back up, chuuya's face close to yours, “..-then we'd have to rid you from yokohama.” his deep voice made you shudder, the back of your hairs standing as you froze up.
you gulped when he gazed into your eyes. it was so dead and blank inside— no light reflecting off of it could change the way it made you feel at that very moment. still, you were a dumb bitch, “you still didn't answer my question.”
chuuya stared at you, humored at your boldness. stupid, but feisty— he always liked some spunk in his women. “i would answer your question, love to actually, but you already guessed the reason why i came here.”
“oh, i know- how about you answer my question this time?” his tone switched back to its flowy self as he took a step back, his smile— now you knew was nothing but fake, adorned his face “why are you in mafia territory sweetheart?”
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°° ©churuai ; don't repost my works to other sites, copy/plagiarize my works, or translate my works into a different language without my permission. if you intend to use most of my ideas from a post of mine, please don't forget to credit ♡
rbs and comments appreciated <3<3
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 2 months
If You Love Her
Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Past)
Summary: Your relationship with Natasha has dwindled and yet you stay. Yelena shows you what it means to be loved again.
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: Hurt and comfort, drinking alcohol, toxic relationship(N and R), fluffiness
A/N: This is a stand alone piece and doesn't connect with my other Yelena x reader, Natasha x reader(past) fic
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The bass thumped through the nightclub, reverberating in your chest as the colorful lights danced across the crowded dance floor. Natasha, your girlfriend, had left you alone, disappearing into the sea of bodies to join the other Avengers. Irritation simmered within you; she knew how much you hated being left alone in places like this.
You scanned the room, your eyes catching on Natasha, who was now dancing with Wanda Maximoff. A pang of jealousy tightened in your chest. Shouldn’t it be you dancing with her?
Just as frustration threatened to consume you, Yelena Belova, Natasha's sister, appeared beside you. Yelena was different from Natasha—her energy was magnetic, drawing you in like a moth to a flame. She asked you for a dance, her eyes holding a hint of something you couldn't quite place.
The two of you hit the dance floor, bodies moving in sync with the pulsating beat. The atmosphere was electric, but your mind was elsewhere, caught between annoyance and curiosity about Yelena's intentions.
As the song changed, "Boyfriend" by Dove Cameron began playing. Yelena's eyes locked onto yours, and a mischievous smile tugged at her lips. She began singing the lyrics, her voice surprisingly melodic. She held onto your hips still moving in sync with each other as her voice found your ears.
The lyrics seemed oddly fitting for the moment. Yelena's gaze was intense, and you couldn't look away. The words resonated, and you felt a connection forming between you.
Caught in the spell of the music and Yelena's gaze, you found yourself giving in. The frustration with Natasha faded as Yelena's sincerity shone through. This wasn't just a dance; it was a confession.
The crowd faded away, leaving only you and Yelena. As the final notes of the song echoed, Yelena leaned in, her lips brushing against yours. Time seemed to stand still as the world around you disappeared.
For the first time in a long while, you felt a genuine spark behind a kiss. Love, or something close to it, ignited within you. As you pulled apart, Yelena's eyes bore into yours, silently asking a question you were ready to answer.
"Let's get out of here," she said, her voice low and inviting. You nodded, your hand entwining with hers as you made our way through the crowd, leaving behind the pulsating rhythm of the nightclub.
In that moment, the night took a turn, and as you stepped into the cool air outside, you couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation. Yelena had shown you a different side of love—one that didn't leave me alone in a crowded room.
As she helped you out of the car, Yelena's lips met yours once again, reigniting the spark that seemed to define the night. The world around the two of you blurred, and for a moment, it was just Yelena and you—lost in the intensity of the connection we were forging.
The kiss lingered, leaving you both breathless when you finally pulled away. You hesitated, your conscience nudging at you. "S-should we be doing this?" you stammered, guilt clawing at the edges of your desires. "I'm still with your sister..."
Yelena's gaze bore into your, determination shining in her eyes. "Y/N, she left you alone. She was dancing on Wanda. You deserve to be happy. Please let me show you how happy someone can make you."
Her words resonated with a truth you couldn't deny. Natasha's actions had left you feeling neglected, it hadn’t been the first time, and Yelena's presence offered a promise of something different—something more fulfilling.
Your guilt battled with your desires, but Yelena's hands on your hips and the husky tone of her voice eroded your reservations. She peppered your face and neck with kisses, leaving small bite marks that sent shivers down your spine. A groan escaped you, and the last strands of hesitation vanished.
"Y-you're right... I deserve to be happy. Please, Yelena... show me how to be happy again." You whispered, your voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and longing.
Without another word, Yelena lifted you off the ground, her strong arms supporting you under your thighs. The world spun briefly as she effortlessly carried you up to her room in the compound. The journey felt surreal, like a dream you were willingly surrendering to.
Behind the closed door, the spark between us flared into an uncontrollable flame. You and Yelena, entangled in each other's arms, embarked on a journey of rediscovering happiness—away from the shadows of neglect and towards the warmth of genuine connection.
The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in Yelena's room. After a night of passion and connection, you finally emerged from the tangle of sheets. You reached for your panties from the night before and slipped into one of Yelena's oversized hoodies, its hem falling to your mid-thighs.
"You look so cute in my hoodie, Detka," Yelena murmured, wrapping her arms around your waist. Her lips found yours again, leaving a trail of kisses across your face. The affectionate nickname, the warmth of her embrace—it all felt like a dream.
"Let's go make breakfast, sweetie. I make the best pancakes," Yelena chuckled, giving you one last kiss before we headed downstairs.
In the kitchen, you took charge of making breakfast while Yelena watched, her arms encircling your waist from behind. You flipped pancakes onto the griddle—regular, blueberry, and chocolate chip.
Her chin rested on your shoulder, and her lips occasionally found your neck or shoulder. The domestic scene was comforting, and you felt a sense of happiness and contentment settle over you.
However, the tranquility shattered when Natasha's voice echoed through the kitchen. "What the hell is this?"
You froze, your heart pounding as you turned to face Natasha, who stood in the doorway with a mixture of surprise and anger etched across her face. The air in the room grew tense, and you could feel the weight of the impending confrontation.
The atmosphere in the kitchen hung heavy with tension as Natasha confronted you. You stood your ground, and for the first time, you didn't cower or retreat. Yelena's arm around your waist offered a silent assurance, a source of strength that emboldened you.
"Oh, you left me alone last night, remember? Yelena came and kept me company. Showed me actual love for once," You retorted, the bitterness in your voice surprising even Yelena, who had felt your hesitation the night before.
Natasha attempted to defend herself. "I went and hung out with the other Avengers. No one was stopping you from coming over."
Your frustration boiled over. "Did you even notice I left? Did you even try to find me? Oh, the answer is no because I have no missed calls or texts from you. Did you even wonder where I was last night?"
Natasha was taken aback by the accusations. You could see the realization sinking in, but before she could respond, you took control of the situation.
"Natasha, I want to end things. I deserve to be happy, and you aren't making me happy. You're prioritizing everything besides me. I deserve better," You declared, feeling Yelena's grip on your hip tighten momentarily, a silent affirmation of your shared decision.
"Lena, you're supposed to be my sister. How could you do this?" Natasha questioned, her voice filled with hurt and disbelief.
Yelena's response was unwavering. "How could you leave your girlfriend alone for someone else to take home, Sestra?"
The word "Sestra" hung in the air—a reminder of the bond they shared. The confrontation laid bare the cracks in that connection, as Yelena stood by your side, defending your newfound happiness against the neglect that had pushed you away. The room buzzed with unresolved emotions, and the choice between old loyalties and a newfound love lingered in the air.
Natasha's parting words echoed in the strained silence of the kitchen, leaving behind a heavy sense of finality. "You'll come back. You'll realize your mistake," she called out before walking away. The weight of her words lingered, but you knew you couldn't go back to the neglect and loneliness.
As Natasha disappeared from view, you crumbled. Yelena, strong and comforting, held you as tears streamed down your face. The reality of ending a relationship, even one that had become toxic, hit you with a wave of grief.
"Did I make the right choice?" You asked between choked sobs, your voice breaking with uncertainty.
"I think you did," Yelena whispered, her arms providing solace and reassurance. You stood there, breakfast forgotten, as the aftermath of the emotional storm settled around you two. In Yelena's embrace, you found comfort in the belief that choosing happiness, even at the cost of a familiar bond, was the right path forward.
5 years later
The air buzzed with anticipation as you paced nervously, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations. It was the day you had been planning for years since the proposal, and Tony Stark's generous offer to cover the costs had turned it into an Avengers-worthy event.
"Come on, Y/N, we need to get everyone in place," Kate called out, your maid of honor, joined by Kamala, Carol, and Monica as your bridesmaids. Clint stood as the best man, Kamala with Peter, Carol with Bruce, and Monica with Steve. The camaraderie and support from my fellow Avengers filled the room.
After a mission with S.H.I.E.L.D. four years ago, you gained the ability to manipulate, produce, and control auroras. You joined Captain Marvel's crew to hone your powers, finding a new purpose. Now, on your wedding day, you couldn't have been more grateful for the love and acceptance surrounding you.
Alexi, Yelena's father, joined you as the two of you waited for the ceremony to begin. "Are you sure you're ready to keep my daughter forever? She's feisty," he commented, a teasing smile on his face.
"Yes, I do. It's one of the many reasons I'm marrying her. Oh, and thank you, Alexi, for giving me away, even though you're her father," You replied with a genuine smile.
"I'm your father too. I have been for the past five years since she introduced you to Melina and me," Alexi said, his words carrying a sense of familial warmth. You felt a surge of gratitude for the family you had found.
As you two made your way down the aisle, Yelena stood there in a tux, tears in her eyes at the sight of you. Alexi handed you off to her, kissing your cheek and then his own daughter's. Taking a shaky breath, the moment you had been dreaming of finally arrived.
"Y/F/N, do you take Yelena Belova to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Thor asked. You two had decided to let the god of Thunder officiat the wedding after he offered.
"I do," you whispered through a choked sob.
"I pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the brides."
With those words, you jumped into Yelena's arms, kissing her with all the love in your heart. Your kisses still held that spark, threatening to turn into an uncontrollable fire. In that moment, surrounded by friends and family, you knew that you had found your happily ever after.
The reception hall was filled with the joyous chatter of friends and family as Yelena and yourself made your way to the dance floor for your first dance. You had chosen a special song, one that had resonated with you in the weeks following your breakup with Natasha. When Yelena heard it, she declared, "This is our song."
As the opening notes of 'If You Love Her' by Forest Blakk filled the air, Yelena took charge. "I'm letting all you bitches know right now. I'm singing, and I want no compliments or complaints about my voice," she declared to your amused friends and family.
The atmosphere shifted, and all eyes were on us as Yelena began to sing. Her voice, raw and genuine, intertwined with the heartfelt lyrics of the song. The vulnerability in her voice resonated with the emotions of the moment, creating a unique and intimate experience.
The two of you swayed to the rhythm, lost in the music and the shared history that had brought us to this point. The lyrics of the song mirrored the journey of our love, and every word felt like it was written just for us.
Yelena's voice filled the space, and you couldn't help but be captivated by the depth of emotion she poured into every word. As you danced, surrounded by the people who had become your family, the song became a poignant soundtrack to your love story—a story of resilience, growth, and the unwavering commitment to each other.
In that moment, as Yelena sang your song, the reception transformed into a celebration of not only your union but also the journey that led the two of you to this day. The dance floor became a stage for the symphony of your love, and the lyrics echoed the promises you two had made to each other.
As the final notes of the song faded away, Yelena leaned in, resting her forehead against mine. "YA lyublyu tebya, moya prekrasnaya zhena,(I love you my beautiful wife)" she whispered in Russian, the words filled with a depth of emotion that only heightened the intimacy of the moment. You smiled, understanding every word, and whispered back in Portuguese, "Te amo minha linda esposa.(I love you my beautiful wife.)"
Your exchange of affectionate words in your respective languages felt like a secret code, a language only the two of you shared. In that brief moment, surrounded by the watchful eyes of your friends and family, we were in our own world.
However, amidst the shared joy and love, you could feel a set of eyes piercing through the crowd—Natasha's daggers-for-eyes fixed on you two. Her gaze was intense, a mix of emotions playing out on her face, but you couldn't let it overshadow the happiness of your special day.
Yelena's grip tightened slightly as if to reassure you, and you continued to dance, reveling in the love the two of you had found in each other. The weight of Natasha's gaze lingered, but the strength of your bond and the support of those who truly celebrated your union became the focal point of your attention.
The night continued with laughter, dancing, and the celebration of love. After all the pictures and traditional formalities were done, the two of you changed into slightly comfier clothes. As the food was served, a pancake bar and a mac & cheese bar, your two favorite foods, became the highlight. Toppings and fillings adorned the tables, creating a feast for everyone.
You opted for an open bar, and you found yourself grabbing a grateful dead. Natasha's voice interrupted your moment, "I can't believe you actually did it." She stood beside you, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.
"Why wouldn't I carry on with the love of my life, Tasha?" You responded, tilting your head as you took a sip from your drink. "Remember I told you I deserved happiness? I meant that. I wasn't going to come crawling back like I had in the past, not when Lena was right there showing me all the good things I could have."
Natasha sighed, acknowledging her mistakes. "I fucked up. I really fucked up."
"Yes, you did, and it's too late to fix any of it. I'm your sister-in-law now. You should find someone who actually makes you happy, Tasha. Like Maria," You nudged her, noticing Maria looking over in Natasha's direction.
"She's liked you for a while, Tasha. Maybe you should actually try," You advised before sauntering off back to Yelena. "What was that about, moya lyubov'?" Yelena asked, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Just your sister finally realizing she was in the wrong," You chuckled.
"Only took her five years," Yelena remarked, and the two of you watched as Natasha downed a double shot of vodka before walking over to Maria, asking for a dance. You smiled, your tongue sticking out slightly. Maybe there's hope for all of us.
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