#(though I should've had this out before we found out if I had watched 16 when it aired sooo shh /hj XDD)
AAHHHHH the proposal :)) glad we don't have to wait lol xD
Hmm yeah I doubt it's gonna be perfect xDD
Or simple lol
Hmm idk y'all I don't think so
Besides just not being them it sounds like asking for trouble xD
LOL YEAH exactly, you're just pitching potential calls SLFLJDKGS XDD
UH OH o.o
Oh dang 😬😬😬 that does not look good
A FIRE??!?!!
The "a" has less emphasis it's just the start of the sentence lol
Anyway OHH nooo
And it's hot too?? Yeesh 😭😬
Like from the fire I mean xdd
None of this is good xd
For that call I mean lol the proposal is AAHHHHH :DD!!
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! I thought it was great :D. The calls were great :D. And with the taxes one relating to one of the plots and the guy who was a flight risk turning into one, they fit in really well :). Also Chimney and Maddie were so hilarious this episode xD. And of course AAHHH relating to them but we'll talk about that in a minute. Oh, also, BUDDIEEEE!! Come on Buck she seems nice but you have Eddieee xd. Anyway lol, yeah, it was a great episode :D 🥰.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Except, again, quick note xd: this review is being written the day before (actually day of, just past midnight, because I accidentally took a nap till 11:50 lol) the next next episode. As in, it's May 7th (/8th) XDD. Tomorrow morning I'll catch up by watching episode 16, and liveblog it, and then do the review sometime during the day. But more pertinent to this review is the two weeks since the episode thing. I do have some time to write this, but I don't necessarily remember much about this episode lol, so it'll probably be pretty short xd. I may add it to the (not actual yet but it should be) list of reviews I want to add more on to lol. Also, I'm writing everything now after the first two promo liveblog lines xd. After "perfect xDD" lol. Anyway, moving on xD 🥰.
Ravi! I think he gets one of these now :D. He was great this episode :), even though we didn't see him much. He was great at his job <33. I'm excited to see him more in the future!! I love him 🥰.
Hen! We didn't see her much this episode but she was great :D. She was great at her job :)). I've seen some stuff saying she's unfair with some stuff next time, based on other promos or summaries or something, but I really hope it's not too bad xd. Anyway! I love her :)) 🥰🥰❤️.
Bobby! He was great this episode :). We didn't get too much of him, but still :). It was lovely as always to see him supporting Athena 🥰. They're my babeys your honor :'D. I love them so much <33. Anyway, he was great at his job this week :). I love him ❤️🥰🥰.
Buck and Eddie! AAAAHHHHHHHH!! Y ' A L L!! GET IT TOGETHER!!! XDD. Okay let's go back to the begining lol (aka the larger encompassing, more average review lol). They were both great this episode :)). And they were both great at their jobs 🥰. But BUCK!! Come on boy, she seems nice and all, but you have Eddie RIGHT. THERE!! Buck like "ohh nobody sees me" LOOK AT WHO'S STANDING NEXT TO YOU!! BESIDES THE FACT THST HE'S EVEN STARING AT YOU R I G H T N O W!! And just besides my fan, Buddie brain, it really doesn't make much sense. I mean, to say that no one's seen him. I do really just want Buck (and Eddie) to be happy, but come on guys xd. Also, she's like, kinda obsessed with his death xD. I kinda get it since it's cool but, come on girl chill xd. It's not like he's the only person who's ever temporarily died - like I said in my liveblog, you can go over to Texas and grab like 5 pretty dang easily xD. Anyway, I am interested in seeing where this is going lol :). I just hope it eventually leads to Buddie XD. Although honestly I don't know what I'd do lol. Probably die XD. Anyway! They were both great this episode, and had some great scenes together :). I love them 🥰🥰.
Athena! She was great this episode :DD. She slayed honestly 🥰. I felt so bad for her though :((. Having to watch the guy die, even if he was a jerk, and feeling like it was her fault D':. She doesn't deserve that <33. And of course the bits of Bathena we got were wonderful :')). Even though the guy ended up dying in the end (though the plot itself was kind of HILARIOUS xD), I'm glad they got everything worked/sorted out :). Even through all the crazy, they figured it out - Athena did, really. She was great at her job this week :). I'm so proud of her <3. Again though, it sucks that he had to die :((. It worked out mostly the best it could, but it's still a bit of a shame. Especially after he put all that effort in xD. Anyway, I loved the plotline, it was great and interesting :)). And again, Athena slayed :D. I love her 🥰🥰❤️❤️.
Chimney and Maddie! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :DDDDD!!!! THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED Y'ALLLLL :DD!! I mean, hopefully lol xD. But seriously, I think till happen soon :)). Maaaybe not next episode, as I've seen some people suggest, but soon :D. I mean, I just don't know if the proposal will actually end up happening next week or if it will be about to happen at the end of happen next week or what lol. But anyway! Back to this episode :). They were HILARIOUS XDD!! Their tax storyline was just so funny lol, I was dying xD. All the mistakes they filed (and come on guys I know your busy but filing with a computer xdd?), especially the head of house one. And we love healthy communication 🥰🥰 but is the IRS the palace to have it :)? XDDD That makes it sound sexual but I mean the "we'll just alternate years!" "yeah cool!" "aww I'm glad we're being so chill about this :))" XDD. Lovely lol, these idiots <333. I love em though xDD. Also I love how, besides just the theme, their storyline connected to the first call by hiring that guy :D. Good for him too, since half of his office burnt down lol. Also AAHHH their moments with Jee 🥰🥰. Y'all they're literally so adorable I can't 😭😭❤️🥰. They're such a sweet little family :')). AAAHHHHH JEE BETTER BE THE FLOWER GIRL!! IF NOT IN THE WEDDING IN SOME OTHER WAY!!! Anyway lol, yeah! I'm a bit nervous for next time, but I'm super excited :DD. Clearly so is Chim xD. Love how the guy was just like "get married", power move xD. But then also after that how Maddie was like "wellll I don't wanna push him to talk about it" mean while Chimney: *buying rings*. XDDD Slay Chim, honestly lol. But yeah :)). I'm super excited 🥰. And they great this episode :). They were both great at their jobs :D 🥰. I love them both so much 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ :DD.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great. The calls were fun, and they fit into the episode well. And while I love me some drama, there wasn't too much sad stuff. Unless you count poor Eddie getting his man stolen over there xD. Anyway lol, I really hope everything works out for the proposal :)). AAHHHH I'm so excited :DD. I'm so happy for Madney 🥰🥰. Like I said, I just hope everything works out well lol. Anyway, everybody was great this episode :). And once again I have to mention how hard Athena slayed :D. Good for her 🥰 :).
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. It fit together really well. I'm excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 15: Death and Taxes
It was great! I'm a bit nervous for the next episode, but I'm definitely excited as well. I'll be back here next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 16: Lost & Found
See you next week!
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There's a First For Everything, Right?
Pairing: Scott x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warning: 18+ content,Smut, first time sex, riding (In Editing)
A/n: This was my first smut and wrote it a long time ago. By the way this takes places before Scott was a Werewolf. 
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You have been friends with Scott since you were seven, and is the reason you know Stiles. Over the years you've grown close with the two, maybe a little too close. Yes, you did, and still do, have the worlds biggest crush on Scott. You thought he was kind, funny, smart... he's every thing you ever wanted in a man. But Scott doesn't feel the same, in his eyes all you are is his kid friend. When you turned 16 Scott made time to go hang out with you. All day all you guys did was watch F•R•I•E•N•D•S, eat snacks, and talk in your bedroom. Thankfully your birthday landed on a weekend so you had the whole day together. Which brings us here, now.
You and Scott are watching "The One Where Ross and Rachel... You know"(S2 E15). You started thinking and you didn't know why but you decided to ask Scott an embarrassing question. "Hey Scott have you ever, done the deed with anyone?"  Scott spit out the soda he was drinking, not ready for that question."Uh no I- uh I haven't had sex with anyone... ever." Scott said in an awkward manner. "Oh well that's cool. I mean not because your a virgin- the like the fact that you haven't done it  is lame, cause it's not-" It was as though you couldn't stop your mouth from moving before Scott thankfully cut you off. "It's fine I get what you mean." He voiced with a slight laugh as he went back to Watching TV.
"Oh okay, cool... umm so I uh... I was thinking and I wanted to ask you something, I mean you don't have to say yes, just keep that in mind." You stated a bit playing with your fingers not daring to look at Scott
"What ever it is I'm sure I'd say yes Bunny." Awe, Bunny; The nickname he gave you because years ago, when you asked why he said it was because of how quiet you were when you first met eachother. However, now when he calls you by the nickname it makes your heart flutter."Would you ever wanna... y'know, with me?" You cringed at how you phrased the stupid question you should've never thought about. "Are you asking if I want to have sex with you?!" Scott practically yelled and jumping off your bed. "Say that louder I don't think my neighbors heard you." You whisper-shouted followimg suit after him. "Can we back track here, you're saying you want to have sex with me?" Scott questioned in the same quiet tone as you. "Yeah sort of." You shrugged.
"Well, how could I say no." Scott said more enthusiastic than you would have expected.
"If we're gonna do this we can't tell anyone... Not even Stiles. Okay?"
"Yeah. Got it. Done."
"And it can't effect our friendship." You said and Scott nodded his head in agreement.
"So you wanna add any rules?" You asked.
"Can't think of any." Scott said and you nodded.
"Are we really gonna do this?" Scott asked.
"If you're up for it." You said in a questioning tone.
Just then you heard the font door close "I think my mom is gone. Y'know, if you wanna." You said, he nodded and you put your hands on his face, and he whispered "Trust me, I do." Finally you crashed your lips into Scotts. The two of you stood there for a moment kissing one another until Scott started running his hand up your shirt groping and kneading the flesh of your hips. "Scott" you breathed out. Before you could think you pushed Scott to fall on your bed and straddled his hips.
Scott started frantically removing your shirt exposing your bra, his eyes immediately falling to your breasts. You lean over him so now your cleavage was touching his chest "Don't be afraid to touch me Scott." you whispered in his ear. His lips found yours once more in a passionate kiss. You pulled away to take Scotts shirt off, he sat up slightly so you could do so, you carelessly throw his shirt on the floor. "I think it's time to take these off." You said giggling as you unbuttoned his pants and his helped you take them off before throwing them to join his shirt. He rolled you so you were now below him, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he rolled his hips into yours, you could feel his bulge on your covered core. Scott was kissing your neck now attacking your sweet spot. "Scott please" you moaned out wanting more of him. Scott then started removing your pants throwing them with his. His hand rested on your thigh as he made his way back to your neck, kneading your thigh slowing inching towards your wet panties.
Scotts lips attached to yours in a sweet kiss as he inserted one finger inside of you, sliding your panties to the side, your moan trapped in between yours and his lips. You gently pulled Scotts hair as another finger teased your entrance, soon he had two fingers knuckle deep in your pussy. Scott started kissing your neck again as he pumped the two digits in and out of you, at every thrust of his hand you would buck your hips up as you moaned his name. Scott then pulled his fingers out and started fumbling with his boxers.
 "Wait wait wait, Scott, we need a condom." you said still a little breathless 
"Right uh, do you have one..?"
"Yeah, no."
"It's alright I think I have one in my bag." Scott said getting up and making his way over to his backpack in the corner of your room.
"Soo... were you just expecting to get some?"
"No, today Stiles heard we were hanging out,  he gave me a condom as a joke... Hey he was right, I guess I would be needing it."
"Could you please hurry up, I don't wanna fall asleep waiting on you." Scott rifled through his bag and found the square gray package. Scott rushed back over to your bed and opened the package with his teeth as he hovered over you, once the package was open the condom fell on your chest "smooth McCall" you said laughing at him. Scott picked up the condom as he watched you laugh. "Is something wrong?" You asked, just then he kissed you believe it or not more passionate then before, you were stunned for a second but soon melted into the kiss, your lips detached form eachother "Your just so beautiful, I'm so glad I'm doing this with you." you blushed at his kind words; You didn't even noticed when he put the condom on. Scott then started kissing your neck and removing your panties "You can always stop me if things become to much." he muttered in your neck, you just hummed as you felt his cock tease your entrance, slowly pushing into you, he stayed there for a minute giving you time to adjust to his size, you bucked your hips up signaling that you wanted movement. 
Scott started slowly pushing himself inside you and slowly pulled out of you, it felt weird at first but this amazingly awesome feeling took over. "Oh god, faster." you breathed out arching your back as Scott started picking up his pace, he started kissing your neck once more turning you into a moaning mess. Your nails dug into his back, "Harder" you bucked your hips "Oh Bunny, you have no idea what you do to me." there it was again the nickname only this time hearing it gave you pleasure, he rolled so you were now on top. "Ride me bunny" he said still inside you. You didn't hesitate to start bouncing on is cock, your hands on his chest as his were on your hips pulling you down harder against him. Your motions become weak as your orgasm washes over you, your walls clench around Scotts length. Scott again flips you so he is now back in control as he strives to reach his climax too, at that moment you come, not long after he came as well filling the condom. He then pulls out and pulled the condom off before cuddling your half naked body
"We should do this more often." Scott said nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck
"I agree... Scott?"
"Yes bunny?" 
"Is there any chance you have another condom?"
Helloo, so I wasn't that proud of this one, if you didn't like it I totally understand and apologize, I'm still in the Editing process and somethings might become very different or change completely (for the better) I'm removing unimportant details/dialogue.
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reidsaurora · 2 years
"Bored" ~ D. Winchester
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Summary: Sam locks Dean and Y/N up in their motel room, and the two start to lose their minds out of boredom. So, Dean comes up with a plan on how they can get back at Sam.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x either GN!Reader or Fem!Reader (reader wears feminine clothes but gender isn't explicitly stated)
Word Count: 1,365
Content Warning: sexual humor, very mild swearing
Genre: Fluff, I think.
Extra Notes: N/A
Based on the prompt: "Person A walks in, holding a small carpet around their body. To Person B, they say 'Don't you think I'm… rug-gedly handsome?'"
Originally Written: 10/16/2021
Supernatural masterlist can be found here!
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Dean and I had been stuck in our motel room for the past day, and we both felt like we were going crazy.
Dean, Sam, and I were on the hunt for Echo. Yes, the Greek mythology Echo.
Oddly enough, she had been lingering near a town called Echo in Oregon. She had been going around and killing boys that went to the local college in Hermiston.
Kind of ironic, considering the entirety of Echo's legend was based on her love of a young man.
The only problem was, none of us could seem to figure out how exactly we were supposed to kill her.
Me and Dean had ended up sharing a room, while Sam had his own room that was adjoined with our room. However, to make sure Dean and I didn't run off and do anything stupid to make the hunt take longer, Sam had stolen the keys to the Impala so we wouldn't drive off.
"I'm bored, Sammy!" Dean yelled across the room at Sam. We had been sitting with our adjoining doors open so Sam could listen out for us.
"Well, you should've thought about that last time before running off and leaving me and Y/N to kill a bunch of werewolves," Sam shouted back from his room.
"How does this involve me? Why do I have to stay here?" I asked.
"Because if you go anywhere, you'll take Dean with you. I'm sorry I have to use you as part of his punishment."
He wasn't wrong. There weren't many places I'd go without Dean. We might as well have been attached at the hip.
"You suck!" I shouted at him.
"Sorry!" he yelled back.
Dean and I had been sitting across from each other at our kitchen table, pondering things we could do to pass the time. Sure, we could do research, but why would we give into Sam's plan?
"Can't we just hotwire Baby?" Dean asked.
"No, you forget that Sam has eyes and ears everywhere," I said sarcastically.
"Don't you forget it!" Sam shouted.
Dean got up and slammed the adjoining door, but Sam and his mind powers immediately opened it back up.
"Screw you and your telekinesis," Dean grumbled, sitting back down.
"You know, you could just do some research and help me."
"And give in? No way, dude."
I laughed at their banter. They really did argue like an old, married couple.
Dean spoke to me this time in a whisper. "The least he could do is let us close the door. I mean, we're not even allowed to have any free fun."
"Who said it was free?" I smirked.
"Oh, that's just cruel," he shook his head.
I started to rack my brain for ideas of how to pass the time. "I brought Uno, Connect Four, and a deck of cards in my bag."
He considered it for a moment, but shook his head.
"We could watch some TV," he suggested, though he seemed uninterested in it.
"No, we only get like 5 channels."
We pondered for a few more moments.
"We could work on our New Year's Resolutions," I suggested, partially as a joke but partially serious because I was just that bored.
"New Years isn't for another two months," he replied.
"Well, there's not much else to do," I shrugged my shoulders.
It had been a little while, and I found myself sitting on the couch and watching some Scooby-Doo reruns.
"Hey, babe," I heard Dean call for me.
"Yeah?" I replied, not looking away from the TV, though I really wasn't paying attention to it either.
"I have a question."
He walked over, wrapped up in a rug of some sort. "Where did he get a rug?" I wondered internally.
"Do you think I'm rug-gedly handsome?" he asked with a smolder.
I stared at him, straight-faced and unamused, though I was internally laughing.
"You are bored," I said.
"I'm sorry, I'm just," he said, then finished the rest of his sentence with a shout, "dying of boredom!"
"Too bad!" Sam called back.
"Maybe we should just help him with his research," I shrugged.
"No, we're not giving in."
He paced back and forth for a moment, before looking at me with a smirk.
"Whatever your evil plan is, I don't wanna be a part of it, Dr. Doofenshmirtz," I held my hand up in surrender.
He spoke in a whisper again, so as for Sam to not hear him.
"We could…" his voice trailed off as he raised his eyebrows seductively.
"No!" I whisper-shouted, "We are not having sex with the door open and your brother in the other room."
"It's one way to get him to at least close the door."
"No! I don't care how much you want the door closed, we are not doing... that just to get our way."
Dean grumbled something under his breath, though I was unsure what it was.
Leave it to Dean to somehow make this about sex.
"Got any Aces?" I asked. Somehow, even though we were playing cards, I was even more bored than before.
"Go fish," Dean said, sounding even more bored than I did.
"I'm so bored," I complained.
"I think I know of a way we can make this more interesting," he suggested.
"Don't tell me you wanna play Strip Go-Fish?" I asked.
He stared at me with a serious look on his face.
"Hey, it'll make it more interesting," he shrugged.
I couldn't believe I was actually at the point where I was so bored that I was gonna play strip cards with Dean.
He put all the cards back into a stack, reshuffling them. "OK, here's how this is gonna work: every time the other person gets a match, you have to take off an article of clothing."
Was I really that bored?
"Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first?" I asked as he dealt the cards.
He held up his hand in a ball shape and I followed suit.
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" we shouted at the same time. He picked paper and I picked scissors.
"Woohoo!" I clapped excitedly.
We both separated the matches we already had. He had two different matches, so I stripped off my socks. I had one match so he took off his hoodie.
"OK, got any 7s?" I asked.
With a disappointed look, he handed over his 7 of Spades.
"Off comes the shirt!" I smirked.
"Hey, you don't get to choose what comes off," he stated as he took off one of his socks.
"Hey, that wasn't clarified," I pointed out.
He rolled his eyes in response.
"Alright, got any 5s?"
"Go fish," he replied.
I picked up a card from the pile, the queen of diamonds.
"Got any Jacks?" he asked.
I handed over my Jack of Spades, before taking off my jacket.
"Anybody ever told you that you have sexy shoulders?" he asked with a smirk.
"And this is why I never wear tank tops around you."
"OK, got any 8s?"
Much to my disappointment, I did indeed have an 8. So, I handed it over, taking my scrunchie out of my hair.
"Hey, that does not count!" he complained.
"I could just start putting my clothes back on and not play with you anymore," I retaliated.
"Fair point," he fussed, "Although, at this rate, I'm gonna win so I'm not gonna do too much complaining." He finished his sentence with a smirk.
"Whatever, douche."
Soon, we were almost done with our game. I was down to my tank top, bra, and underwear and Dean was down to just his boxers.
"Hey, guys, I think I figured out- Oh, my gosh!" Sam shouted when he walked into the room.
"Shoulda let us close the door, Sammy," Dean replied with a chuckle.
Sam turned back around to face the door. "Can you please just put your clothes back on?"
"I don't know. I feel kinda freed. What about you, Dean?"
"Yeah, it was kinda hot in here."
"Put your clothes back on!"
Needless to say, Sam didn't leave the door open anymore and Dean was pretty proud of himself for it...
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draco malfoy x reader ~ he comforts you
Summary: you are Harry's twin sister, you are being bullied, Draco calms you down; and together with his friends, he stops the bullies
you comfort him - part two
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Draco Lucius Malfoy. Son of Narcissa & Lucius Malfoy. Born on June 5th, 1980. Sorted into Slytherin in 1995. He also happens to be my twin brother's enemy but also my boyfriend. You may be wondering who I am? I am (Y/N) Lily Potter. (A/N: The middle name is Lily since Harry's middle name is James, you can change if you want to!) I am the (older/younger) twin of Harry James Potter. We are known as the Chosen Twins and the Twins Who Lived. We were separated after our parents were killed. Since I have (reddish-brown/brown-red) hair & my father's eyes, I was sent to live with Weasleys while my brother was sent to live with our uncle & aunt, Mr Vernon & Mrs Petunia Dursley. I don't even know why Aunt Petunia married Vernon but oh well. At least I didn't have to live with either of them, my brother calls me lucky or that.
(A/N: Bunch of author notes ik, don't remind me, but me & my mom were having this conversation in the car one day before my school. If Harry was to have a twin & she/he were to have Lily's hair, then she could easily fit in with the Weasleys & then found out her brother was Harry at Hogwarts. Also the younger twin wouldn't have been targeted as Harry would've been! It would be a different story if they were in the same room & they both became horcruxes but still! Also they should've had a better back up plan! If James was so good friends with Sirius, he should've contacted Remus & been like "Hey, if we die, can you take care of our son?" NVM that, back to the imagine!)
I ended up joining the Hogwarts at the same time as Ronald Weasley or Ron and we met Harry. They introduced me to Harry, we became best of friends, and then it happened... I was sorted into (Y/H) (A/N: Please try not to do Gryffindor!! If you want to, fine! But for this story, I would prefer to do Slytherin or even Hufflepuff, thanks!) and I met Draco Malfoy. The pureblood. To my surprise, he didn't bully me like he did to my friends and we became friends. Flash forward to 3rd year, I met his parents and then we started dating. We told my brother and my "fake siblings", they accepted. They weren't obviously happy that I was dating a foe of theirs but I don't care. Harry watches us a hawk though and makes sure that Draco is never hurting me. I love him for that but calm down!! Draco hasn't hurt me, Harry!!
There's a secret that I've been keeping from them though, I've been bullied/tormented since my 1st year. These group of players from the Slytherin Quidditch team have been hurting me since I was in 1st year and they were in 2nd year. I'm scared to tell my brother because I'm afraid he's not going to believe me and I'm scared to tell Draco because I don't know what he's going to do them. When I mean by bullying; I mean by using the cruciatus curse on me, shoving me the wall, kicking/beating me until I bleed, mentally abusing me, tearing me down, making me think I'm not worth it, one of the guys even assaulted me, and so much more. I'm hoping Draco doesn't kill them. We are now in the 6th year and they have been hurting me even more now since I'm 16 like Harry.
"Stop whining, you little b****!!!" One of the girls, Samantha Rodney, said kicking me in my stomach making me cough up blood. "W-Why a-are y-y-you d-doing t-this?!" I asking, crying out as one of the boys picked me up by the throat and slammed me against the wall. "Because your worthless. Your nothing but a weakling compared to your brother! At least your brother doesn't whine and scream like you do! Besides, one day you'll fix it all up and end it all. We will be laughing the whole time you do it." Adrian Zucker, one of the popular boys, said tightening his hand around my neck making me gasp for breath. "P-Please!!" I said, turning a light purple as I was trying to his arm to let me go. "Come on, Zucker. This little wench is even worth your time. Besides, we have other things to deal with." Bryce Roberts said and Adrian glared before dropping me to the ground. I landed on my knees and gasped, coughing to get air in. He kicked me in the face one last time before they all walked away laughing. I sat against the hard white brick wall of the hallway, holding onto my throat, and closing my ears feeling tears about to burst at any given time.
Why were did they doing this to me? Am I really that worthless? Am I a weakling? Does no one care about me? I thought as tears leaked through the bottoms of my eyelashes and started pouring down my light red face. I grabbed my mini mirror out my pocket of my black cotton robes and pulled it away from my face to see my complexion. My face was now a light red, translucent tears were pouring down my light rosy red cheeks, I had blood on the right corner of my mouth, I had a huge black eye, my eyebrow was torn up, my neck had a big dark purple handprint, and so much more. I've had it with them taking control over my life. It's time to get it back. There's one person who can help deal with those Slytherins. Luckily, it was between third period and lunch. I heard chuckling nearby and instantly recognized two groups. The first group was my brother, Harry; his friends, Hermione & Ron; Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, the Weasley twins, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Seamus Dean, & a few more. The second group was Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Blaze Zabini, Theodore Nott, and my boyfriend. The person I need the most. Draco Malfoy.
I got up off the ground and gently wiped my tears but they were still going. I looked down slightly at the ground and walked past my brother's group. "(Y/N)!! Come here!!" Harry yelled but I kept rushing over to Draco and his friends. I could tell Draco was looking at me and smiling when I was walked closer. "There is the woman of hour. Are you okay, sweetheart?" He asked. "Just come with me..." I mumbled, grabbing onto his tie, and pulling him with me down the hall. "Woah! Slow down a bit, I can't catch up!" Draco said and I moved my hand down his arm to grab his hand. I kept pulling him until we found our spot. It was a secluded corner in the castle. There were a bunch of big bay windows with concrete in front of the window so we could sit down. We always came here for talks or just to comfort each other, away from everybody. I wish this would be a better time to talk to him in this corner but unfortunately, I need to tell him. Hopefully, he doesn't tell my brother...
"Sweetheart, what's wrong with you? I haven't seen you all day, plus you just pulled me away from our friends and I can tell it wasn't for a good thing. You've also been quiet these past couple of months and you know I hate secrets. Can you please tell your prince what's wrong so he can help his princess?" Draco asked, grabbing my arms. I stifled back holding my tears as I looked up and saw the horror on his face but I couldn't. He probably thinks I'm so hideous... "What the hell happened to you? Who did this?!" He asked, angrily putting his hands on both of my cheeks. I flinched and closed my eyes. "I'm not mad at you, calm down. Tell me who did this." He said. We sat there for the next almost an hour as I told everything about Samantha, Adrian, and the others. I could tell he was getting angrier by the second but he didn't want to freak me out with his angry reaction. "I know, you think I'm hideous and worthless. I'm sorry that you have the worst girlfriend ever-" He cut me off by kissing me on the lips. I winced when he touched my scar but I kissed back, holding onto his collar.
"Don't you ever say that about my beautiful princess again. You are no way worthless. You are no way in hell hideous. You are the most gorgeous girl I have met in my entire life. I don't know what Rodney or Zucker have put in your head to make you think I'm not going to love but the truth is out. I have loved ever since our 1st year and we are going to get married after we finish at Hogwarts. I will make sure that Rodney and Zucker will never hurt you again." Draco said and I smiled before hugging him tearfully. He wrapped his arms around me and cupped the back of my head. "I've got you, sweetheart. I always have and I forever will."
3rd Person POV
"What happened this time, Malfoy?" Theodore asked as Draco came up looking angry. "We're going to need Granger & Potter for this." Draco said and Hermione came closer with Harry once they heard their name. "Need something?" Hermione asked. "We might need help from you guys on this one. It's with (Y/N)."
The next day as (Y/N) was getting her wounds treated by Nurse Pomfrey, she watched as Samantha and Adrian were brought in. They looked like they had bloody noses and something broken. "What happened?" Nurse Pomfrey asked. "Mr Malfoy, Ms Granger, & Mr Potter did this since they messed with Ms Potter." Severus Snape, head of Slytherin house, said walking out of the room. "You stay here. I'll finish with you once your wounds are dry." Pomfrey said and (Y/N) nodded. Draco and Harry came in a few minutes later before hugging their girlfriend/sister. "So you beat them up, huh?" She asked and they laughed. "Had to get them back." Draco said, kissing her forehead. "I love you both." She said. "We love you too." Harry said, kissing her cheek.
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 4
Request: Yes or No
TW: Drug mention, needle mention, overdose mention
I'm still unsure on the twins ages in age of ultron since one source says 16 and the other says 26 lmao. Imma just say the twins are 17 or 18.
You stared down at the city below with a frown. You knew Clint wouldn't rest until Natasha was found. Everything had happened so quickly and even if you had tried to catch her with a root, you would've been pulled along. A sigh left you as you sat down at your desk. Your room in the tower felt like a cell. Gray walls, white bed, white desk. The only real color in the room came from the line of potted flowers on the desk. You felt your stomach grumble, standing up and leaving the room. You headed to the kitchen, getting a granola bar. You opened it, taking a bite from it. You almost choked, hearing crashing and arguing. You swallowed the bits of granola as you followed the noises to the laboratory. You headed up the stairs, dodging a flying Steve.
"What the fuck?" You turned your head, seeing the Maximoff twins. "What the fuck?" You repeated, watching them in bewilderment. Another one left you when Thor crashed through a window, raising his hammer and letting the electricity power the cradle. Nothing happened for a moment before the cradle burst open, causing Thor to fly back.
"I should've stayed with Laura." You whispered, staring at the red man that emerged from the cradle. He slowly stood, looking between everyone. His gaze settled on Thor, lunging for him but Thor grabbed him and threw him to the side, causing another crash.
"(Y/N), stay close." Clint called, eyeing the twins. You quickly walked over to him, hearing the crunching of glass beneth your shoes. While Thor and Steve took the dramatic way, you chose to use the door and head to the room Vision was in. Thor raised his hand, stopping Steve from attacked. The man stared out into the city, staying silent and motionless. Thor set down his hammer as the man landed on the door, apologizing to Thor and mimicking his cape.
"Thor, you helped create this?"
"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all forms of life and at its center is that." Thor explained, pointing at the crystal in the mans forehead.
"What, the gem?" Bruce asked, watching Thor look at him.
"The mind stone." He corrected. "It's one of the six infinity stones. The greatest power in the universe with destructive abilities." Thor explained as he faced everyone.
"It looks like a citrine." You muttered, continuing to unwrap the rest of your granola bar, swiping away the crumbs that fell on the floor with your foot.
"A what?" Clint asked softly. You glanced at him.
"It's a type of gemstone. It's supposed to motivate you to take action." You shrugged lightly. Gemstones were pretty interesting to study, even more so when they had so called 'destructive abilities.'
"Stark's right."
"Oh, it's definitely the end." Bruce said quietly.
"Why does your vision sound like J.A.R.V.I.S?" Steve asked as he watched the man walk forward. Tony explained why, still in awe and surprise. The man looked at Steve.
"You think I'm a child of Ultron?" Though it sounded like a question, it was obvious it was a statement.
"You're not?"
"I'm not Ultron." The man replied softly, almost confused. "And.. I'm not J.A.R.V.I.S either."
"I looked in your head and saw annihilation." Wanda said, stepping forward as she glared at him. Clint scoffed softly, walking towards everyone. You followed, tossing the wrapper into the trashcan.
"Look again."
"Your approval seems jack to me." Clint said, gaze staying locked on the twins. Wanda's gaze went to Clint before going to you. You maintained brief eye contact. It wasn't everyday you met another meta.
"Her powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultrons powers.. They all came from the mind stone. Nothing compares to what it can unleash." Thor revealed. "And with it on our side-"
"Is it?" Steve interrupted, looking at the man again.
"Are you? On our side?"
"I don't think it's that simple." He replied softly.
"Sounds pretty simple. Death or life for humanity." You said, shrugging. He looked at you, giving a small nod before looking at the others.
"Then.. I'm on the side of life. Ultron isn't." He took small steps forward, not wanting to agitate anyone.
"What's he waiting for?"
"You." The man stared at Tony. You were already coming up with names for him. Tony Jr was the one sticking.
"Sokavia's our best bet." Tony said.
"Nat's there too." Clint told them, looking at Bruce when he approached the man.
"If we're wrong about you..." Bruce started softly. His threats were always amusing until he turned green. He stared at Tony Jr, letting it up to his imagination, if he had that.
"I don't want to kill Ultron." Tony Jr walked around Bruce, continuing past everyone.
"He's weak.. And in pain but that pain will roll over the Earth, so he must be destroyed. Every forms he's built, every sense of his presence on the net. We have to act now and not one of us can do it without the other." Tony Jr turned, facing them. He looked down at his hands.
"Maybe I am a monster. I don't know if I will become one.. I'm not what you are. I'm not what you intended. So there may be no way for you to trust me but we need to go." Tony Jr finished his speech, picking up Thors hammer and handing it to him. The room stayed silent as everyone took it in. Thor took his hammer, clearing his throat and nodding.
"Alright." He gave a small smile, walking away. You sighed, turning around and walking towards the bar.
"Don't even think about it." Clint called as he walked past you. You huffed, watching him go.
"Seriously?" You rolled your eyes, looking over your shoulder at the twins. They walked away in amusement, following Steve's directions to the lockers. You walked to your room, putting on the outfit Clint had designed for you. You looked at a picture of you and Clint, smiling softly. You left the room, walking down the hall. You noticed Thor and Tony Jr talking outside, arms crossing as you approached the glass. You stared at the two, gaze locking onto the reflection of the twins. You turned to face them, seeing Wanda pause and stay in her spot.
"Sorry about choking you." You spoke first, looking between them. Wanda gave a small nod, hand gently gripping her arm.
"Did you get experimented on like us?" Pietro asked, head tilting. Some white strands fell over his face. You shook your head, biting your bottom lip as you thought on how to explain it.
"From what Bruce told me, my mother had drugs in her system during labor. It was an unknown drug that they still haven't identified but Bruce says that it might've given me some freak cell mutation that gave me these powerd. It's weird. Clint said it took a long time to even find any information on my family. I don't know if it's true or something that they told me to make me feel better about being orphaned." The twins gaze softened, glancing at each other. Wanda licked her lips, glancing at the ground.
"When were you orphaned?" She asked softly.
"When I was a baby. My mom died in labor and my dad had been found dead with a needle in his arm a day later. I was put into an orphanage cause my parents were seen as a Jane Doe and John Doe. Again, it's weird." You told them, shrugging lightly. Pietro took in a soft breath, gaze becoming distant.
"We're orphans too. I'm sure you already know what happened by now but.. A bomb killed them." Pietro said softly. He took in a deeper breath, giving a small smile to lighten the mood.
"I suppose that's another thing we have in common." He pointed out with a small shrug. You nodded, smiling softly. It was nice to be around people your age who understood you. Even Wanda seemed relaxed and more comfortable.
"(Y/N), what'd I say?" You looked up upon hearing Clint's voice.
"You were the one who left me alone to change." You reminded him with a soft huff, going around the twins and approaching him. Clint shot you a pointed look, glancing at the twins. You understood why he was distrustful of them.
"Clint, they're like me." You said quietly as you walked with him to the aircraft.
"You're not like them."
"Yes, I am. They're metas and around my age. Weren't you the one who said I had to work on my people skills?" You cocked a brow as you stared at him. Clint stayed silent, giving you the answer.
"They were fighting for their country after it was attacked. They have all the right to be distrustful-"
"After one conversation, you can tell apart the difference between good guys and bad guys?"
"I don't know, Clint, you tell me. You were the one who chose to take in a kid who almost choked your best friend to death and attempted to impale Americas biggest playboy with a fucking branch." You hissed lowly, frowning and looking forward.
"You were, and still are, a kid." Clint said, voice becoming hard and stricter.
"Oh, well, fuck me, I didn't realize the twins were in their eighties."
"Quit giving me attitude, (Y/N). I want to protect you. You don't know if they're gonna stab us in the back when we least expect it. If we destroy Ultron and they stay on our side, you can play dolls with them." Clint said, approaching the aircraft.
"Whatever." You entered the aircraft, taking a seat. The others entered not long after. The twins sat down beside you as Clint headed to the front.
"We didn't get you in trouble, did we?" Wanda asked quietly, glancing over at Clint. You shook your head, toying with the roots in order to relax.
"No, just.. Strict dad drama." You muttered. Wanda tilted her head, making eye contact with Pietro before it clicked.
"Oh.. He adopted you? That's nice." Wanda gave a small smile. "Maybe the Avengers aren't so heartless."
"We aren't." You assured, looking between her and Pietro. "It'll take a while but.. We can all grow to trust each other."
"I hope so." Pietro breathed out, hands going to the belt as the aircraft lifted up. You chuckled at the nervous look on his face.
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barnesbabee · 3 years
𝓹𝓵𝓪𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓮 - 𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂
|| ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ || ⇜ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - 20 - ɴᴇxᴛ⟿
⟿ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: No sensible person would turn down their boss if they looked good as good as Seonghwa. But maybe they would wish they had…
⟿ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇᴘᴛ: CEO!Seonghwa x reader, bestfriend!Yunho x reader || Social Media!AU || no gender specified for the reader
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: (send me a DM or an ask to be added) @ateezappreciation @shinyddeonghwa @lilithpooped @cloudyyeonnie@yeosangmystar @wooyoung-a @sanisms @mingismoon @lovelyvitamin @anawwyd @annasbannas @im-just-trying-to-survive-man @uglychildd @oddlittlefandomist @hwahomie @jin-neck-shaft @lovelyvitamin @yeosangmystar @skmoonchild @lovelymultiwrites @sunwooyoung
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The day was long and silent, and although no one had gotten any sleep, no one could close their eyes for more than a minute. The haunting picture of Yunho's dead body and splattered blood clouding their minds. The only one who hadn't seen the body yet was Jongho, but he was too busy trying to make sure Mingi wouldn't freak out again.
The five of you eventually fell asleep, when your bodies finally calmed down and gave in to the temptation.
You were, however, suddenly awoken by a loud noise of something falling. All of you sat up straight in the living room and looked around. There were only four of you. Mingi.
All of you stood up immediately and began searching the house in a panicked state, calling out for Mingi as you did so.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Seonghwa yelled, after a couple of minutes of looking.
You all ran towards where he was. You found Seonghwa holding a crying Mingi by the arm, in the attic of the house.
"What happened?" You asked.
Seonghwa roughly pushed Mingi towards you all.
"I got here and this dumbass had opened the skylight and was trying to get onto the roof!"
San held Mingi's hand and moved the man to stand behind him, angrily looking at Seonghwa.
"Hey man, take it easy." San advised.
Seonghwa placed his hands on his hips and widened his eyes.
"Take it easy? Take. It. Easy!? There's already a dead body in my fucking house, from a situation that I had nothing to do with, mind you, and I was about to have a second body to bury because of this fool's bad choices. I am helping you idiots out a lot and you're pushing me to the limits, okay!? I have a lot to lose here. I have a company to run and a lot of people that are going to lose jobs if the CEO goes down as an accessory to murder."
There was only silence, as it dawned on the selfish group what they were asking of Seonghwa.
"I'm sorry." San said, not even able to lift up his head and look Seonghwa in the eye.
The latter shook his head and walked away.
"I'm leaving the house. Keep an eye on that douchebag."
The sound of the front door slamming echoed in the house, and all of you felt incredibly embarrassed. Once you got back to the living room, Jongho surprised all of you. He sat Mingi down on the couch and stared down at him.
"I'm tired, Mingi. I really am. You made those two go out into the woods to fetch a dead body, you made them scrub blood off of walls and off the floor, you made Seonghwa, who doesn't even like you by the way, he's doing this for Y/N, hide a body in his house, and you were going to kill yourself!? Are you that much of a fucking coward!? Mingi you're not 16. You're a grown man, you're almost 22, it's about time you start taking accountability for your actions, we can't baby you forever, 'cause it's getting tiring. We're all desperate here, and we have to worry about yourselves, about dead Yunho, and now about an unstable manchild. Focus on the fucking reality Mingi."
Jongho was straight-up yelling by the end of his rant, eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets and face red, out of anger. He then stormed off, just like Seonghwa, leaving a very quiet and tense room.
San sighed and sat next to his friend.
"You know, he's right Mingi. Maybe should've worded it better, but you really can't do what you were about to do... You were about to screw us all over when we are risking our lives to help you. This isn't just about you anymore."
Mingi could only nod, and cry, as his aching throat wouldn't allow him to do anything else.
You sighed and stood up.
"I'm... I'm gonna go find Seonghwa, I need to apologize."
You picked up your coat from the coat hanger near the door.
"You know where he is?" San asked.
"I have an idea..."
You were sure he was back at the office. He felt comfortable there, it was a place where he could take his head off of all his worries. Also, he kept his best whiskey in his office... It wasn't very far from his house, but you were impatient, you needed some time alone with him desperately. You showed your pass to the security by the entrance and they let you through, as you hurriedly made your way to the CEO's office.
You could hear two voices chatting from the inside, you didn't quite recognize the other person, but you were pretty sure it was Hongjoong. You knocked on the door softly, ignoring the big 'do not disturb' sign.
"I- Hongjoong what the fuck didn't I ask you to put the sign outside!?" You could hear Seonghwa ask.
You heard his heavy footsteps walk closer to the door and for a second you were afraid, maybe you shouldn't have come...
The door opened slowly before you, however, interrupting your thoughts.
"My apologies but I'm currently- oh it's you baby." Seonghwa pulled you in a big bear hug as soon as he realized who you were.
You hugged him back, a little hesitant with Hongjoong seeing you two acting romantically. Seonghwa realized you were a little stiff and pulled away, then realizing what the discomfort was about once he saw you looking at Hongjoong.
"Oh, I told him... I hope it's fine. He's kind of known from the beginning."
You closed the door behind you and followed Seonghwa into his office, as you looked at Hongjoong with an 'oh really?' look, making him chuckle.
"Well I did try to call dibs on you when you got hired but he got salty about it, and then every time I made a comment about you he'd get mad. I still did it though, I knew something was going on and I wanted him to tell me." Hongjoong explained as he smiled brightly.
"Yeah yeah good times, why don't you tell them about 'wanting to bend them over your desk and making them beg'?"
Hongjoong's head perked up and his eyes widened, as his ears turned bright red.
"Seonghwa what the fuck-" He whispered, feeling a little uncomfortable in the room.
You were a little embarrassed, but also proud.
"It's fine, plus," Seonghwa got up from his chair and stood behind you, grabbing your hips in the process "they like it. They love to hear how they want to get fucked, isn't that right, Y/N?"
You pressed your thighs together and kept your gaze focused on the ground. Seonghwa gripped your jaw and forced you to look at Hongjoong.
"I- I do like to hear that..."
Hongjoong chuckled and got closer to you, inspecting your body from head to toe.
"You're one lucky son of a bitch, Seonghwa..."
Seonghwa rolled his hips against your ass, so you could feel his boner.
"Hmm, I am aren't I..."
You chuckled and decided to take the opportunity. You knew Seonghwa liked to relieve his stress with sex, and you owed him at least this much for helping you out.
"What's so funny, doll?" Seonghwa asked, curious about your chuckle.
"I was just thinking about all the times you called me a filthy whore, when you're the one practically begging to have a threesome with me and your best friend... Who's the whore now?" You teased, knowing you were pushing all the right buttons.
"Ooh, are you gonna let them talk to you like that."
Seonghwa chuckled as he gripped your throat.
"No, I'm not."
He turned you around and pushed your body against a wall, keeping you trapped by his own body.
"You know which buttons to push doll, maybe I'll reward you for that later. But now, you're going to take this cock in that pretty little hole of yours, and then you'll suck off Hongjoong. Wouldn't want him to feel left out, would we?" Seonghwa asked, with a devilish smirk.
"No sir, we would not." You replied, wearing the same smirk.
Seonghwa felt as if he was falling in love with you right there and then, he felt like he finally found the perfect match, but he could leave the sappy shit for later.
The man placed a short, but intense kiss to your lips before gripping your hair and guiding you to kneel in front of Hongjoong.
"Come on baby, show him what you can do, make me proud."
You smirked and looked up at Hongjoong, as you worked in taking off his suit pants. You slipped them off, along with his boxers, and his hard dick nearly slapped you in the face. It wasn't huge but damn was it pretty. You teased him a little, licking a long stripe, from the base to the tip, teasing the head with your tongue, causing him to groan.
"They always like this?"
"Yeah, they like to see me suffer, but it doesn't last long 'cause..." Seonghwa paused and knelt right beside you, pushing your head so Hongjoong's cock would be fully in your mouth "I'm impatient. But they like it rough."
Seonghwa sat on his desk, as he watched his best friend fuck your mouth, slowly. He pumped his cock to the same pace your head moved, and you'd soon start hearing small groans from both men.
"Shit, Y/N, on all fours."
You complied, pulling out of Hongjoong. He groaned at the cold air hitting his member, as he missed your mouth already. Seonghwa knelt behind you, and entered you very slowly. Hongjoong was about to put his dick back in your mouth, but your partner stopped him.
"Y/N, colour?"
"Green, very green."
Seonghwa smiled and slapped your ass lightly, then giving Hongjoong the green light to continue.
You had to hold off your orgasm a couple of times, as the feeling of both men filling you up and the sound of their needy moans was too much to handle.
"Do you wanna cum?" Seonghwa asked, figuring it out from how much you were clenching.
"I'm almost there baby, you can cum, cum for us."
A couple more thrusts and a spank from Seonghwa were all it took to take you over the edge. It didn't take both men much to 'cross the line' either, Hongjoong painting your face with his cum, and Seonghwa your ass. Their moans combined was something you secretly wanted to hear again.
Seonghwa picked you up, bridal style, and looked at you.
"Come on man, I wanted to kiss her." Seonghwa complained, as your lips were stained by Hongjoong's cum.
Hongjoong felt embarrassed, after coming down from the high he wasn't as confident as Seonghwa.
"Are you okay darling?" Your partner asked, brushing your hair away from your face.
You just nodded.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong helped clean you up and both got dressed.
"I guess you should go deal with the... situation."
You looked at Hongjoong with a confused face, as you zipped up your trousers.
"Situation?" You asked.
"Remember when I said I told him everything? I meant everything."
You widened your eyes once you realized what he meant.
"Seonghwa are you insane!?"
"Calm down Y/N, he's not snitching on anyone! Plus I needed to tell someone who was on my side. I was going insane with your friends constantly baying Mingi."
You sighed. You really couldn't be mad at him for it. You hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"You're right... I'm sorry I got you involved at all and thank you."
Seonghwa kissed the top of your head.
"It's fine, let's just get this over with so I can be with you."
Your bid goodbye to a (still) very embarrassed Hongjoong and left, so you could go back home and deal with the drama. You wished you could just take the car and run away, and live by yourselves until it all washed away, but it wasn't that simple. And it was about to get even more complicated.
When you got to the house and opened the door, a weeping Jongho stood over San's limp body.
"What!? What the fuck happened!?" Seonghwa asked as you and him rushed to check on San.
"I- I don't know! I left after you did" He said, hinting at Seonghwa "and when I came back Mingi wasn't here and San was on the ground. He's still breathing but I don't know what happened."
"What!? Why did you leave?" Seonghwa asked.
"Everyone was upset at Mingi for constantly behaving like a child and Jongho yelled at him and told him to stop expecting us to baby him and that he had to take responsibility for his actions, it got too much and Jongho had to leave for some air..." You explained.
"Responsibility for his actions?..." Seonghwa repeated to himself, trying to figure out what happened, and suddenly a sad idea popped into his head.
He ran into the garage, leaving you and Jongho confused, and holding San.
The man came back just as quickly, looking preoccupied and horrified.
"The body is gone."
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 4
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 6.6k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun was waiting for Jiwoo for quite a while now, sitting on the desk in her room, doodling in her notebook. She sighed as she shut it, a bit frustrated. It was not like Jiwoo to leave her hanging.
Seohyun considered going out; it was highly likely that Jiwoo was at their usual spot- the park near the school, her home, or the accident site. It was about 10 pm. Wasn't that late, was it? She got up, but stopped.
Maybe Jiwoo needed space.
It was probably this, but Seohyun couldn't help fearing that she had just moved on. If she'd gotten her memories back, that could mean that she was a whole different person now. She might not be the Jiwoo she knew anymore.
Seohyun fell on her bed, staring at the wall, and suddenly felt goosebumps.
"Took you long enough," Seohyun said, not bothering to look at Jiwoo, who had just entered the room.
"Don't tell me you were waiting for me," Jiwoo smirked.
"Oh, why would I?" Seohyun smirked back, and made space for Jiwoo, who sat on the bed with her. "So?"
"So, my dear friend," Jiwoo began, clearly excited to tell her her life story.
And she did. She was Ahn Jiwoo, daughter to two loving parents and a sister to a 16 year old brother. She'd had a pretty normal life; her father was a finance manager and her mother a housewife, and she had a lot of friends during her school years too. The rumours about her father being some sort of criminal were wrong; she had to face those rumours in her life too. They had her confused with another Jiwoo in her class.
"So we were a group of four friends; 2 boys and 2 girls. I was kind of a rebel in my last few months of life, because I just found life boring. I wanted an adventure. Something new. I wanted to travel too. So I was suggesting to my friends that we should do something. They were all busy in their own ways, and I didn't understand. I kept bugging them. So when we were in that restaurant, we had an argument. I knew it was my fault. I stormed off, and I was just about to go back when I got hit by a car."
"Oh... so then you went to the hospital, and they found out you lost your memories?"
"Right," she said, "But I was already in a critical condition. Brain damage led me to death."
"Ah..." Seohyun stared at her. Jiwoo's eyes were sad as she told her this, but she looked content. "So the reason you stayed..."
"The reason I stayed was not one, but two. I wanted to make sure my friends didn't blame themselves and my parents had moved on. And I spent the whole day making sure that was the case."
"And the other reason?"
"I want an adventure," she said and smiled brightly.
"Ugh, you ghosts! You stay for the most stupid reasons!" Seohyun mocked and dramatically threw her head in her hands, which made Jiwoo hit her with a pillow until she was laughing.
"That's my last wish, Seohyun. You think you could do that for me? Go on an adventure with me?"
"Haven't you had enough of adventure though? I mean, living with me is an adventure in itself-"
"I already talked to San," Jiwoo said, catching her attention. "He actually thought it was a nice idea. So we're going on an adventure this week. He said he'll make it a surprise for me."
"Hey, hey, that's not fair? You didn't even ask me!"
"I didn't have to," Jiwoo flipped her red hair.
"I don't know why I ever agreed to this," Seohyun sighed, handing her bag to Wooyoung who put it with the other few bags.
"Stop being a boomer and get in," Wooyoung said, and Seohyun did, muttering how she should have never suggested this.
"Should've thought before you planned all of it," Jongho snickered and Seohyun shot a glare.
"Everybody's in?" Hongjoong asked and they looked at each other, shouting a yes. Hongjoong gave a thumbs up and took the front seat of the van after shutting the door.
Everyone, including Jiwoo, who couldn't stop smiling, were seated. Seohyun had asked her mom to lend her a van that could fit 10 people, and though her mom had raised her brows in question, she had agreed when Seohyun said it was a trip with friends. She had just been surprised she had friends that were not ghosts, so without further questions (quite conveniently) she agreed, on the condition that the driver would be someone from the company.
She did raise a question when she found out that she was the only girl in the whole group, and there were only 9 people. Seohyun finally told her she was doing a favour for a ghost who had saved her life, and her mother made her promise she'd tell her the story someday.
They were going to Muchangpo Beach. They decided they'd see the sunset there. It was close to Seoul and the only place they could afford to travel and have an 'adventure'. They'd have a fun time, the boys promised, saying everything was fun when they were together.
Jiwoo was sitting between San and Wooyoung, and the three of them were chatting. Seohyun smiled when she saw that San was her voice; he'd say whatever she had to say.
She herself was in the middle row with Seonghwa and Yeosang by her sides. The two of them were also half bent backwards, listening to whatever the three of them were talking about. Seohyun had plugged her earphones in but she wasn't playing any music yet. She just listened to them talk.
"Tell us something about Seohyun," Wooyoung asked, giggling. Seohyun smiled inwardly.
"Well, Seohyun," Jiwoo thought, "she's quite rude, isn't she?"
"She's quite rude, isn't she?" San did his job, and the five of them laughed.
"She's not that rude,~" Seonghwa casted a glance at her, sighing in relief when he thought she couldn't hear him. Seohyun bit her cheek from the inside to stop smiling.
"She's scared of crows, of all thing," Jiwoo revealed, and the boys laughed a little. "She'll never show it, but when more than three crows are around, she runs for her life."
"Ah, I haven't ever noticed," Yeosang said, rubbing his chin, "she can hide it really well."
"Tell us some ghost story," Wooyoung asked. He was clearly enjoying this.
"I have a good one!" Jiwoo exclaimed and everyone seemed to scoot closer. "There was once a boy about her age who had the most stupid reason to not move on."
San almost stopped as he narrowed his eyes at Jiwoo and she assured him it was not Joon Hyuk. So San told the boys, and asked them to guess.
"He wanted an adventure too?" Yeosang laughed.
Jiwoo pouted, but said it could fall in that category, but it was a different sort of adventure. She told them to let their imagination run wild.
As San told the boys, Seohyun decided this was her cue to interrupt. "We are NOT going to talk about that!"
Wooyoung screamed a little in surprise. "Weren't you listening to music?!"
Jiwoo was just laughing and Seohyun bared her teeth at her, making everyone laugh and wonder just what sort of adventure did the boy want. After a hundred pleads from the boys, Seohyun finally told them that it didn't actually happen; she just threatened the ghost in unimaginable ways, making him move on without his desire.
"I think I have an idea of what happened," Yeosang thought, amusement in his eyes, "But I am too afraid to voice it out."
"I think you got it then," Seohyun nodded in approval and Yeosang gaped at her.
"You got it tough, friend," he said, patting her shoulder to comfort her. San and Wooyoung were pouting very loudly, and Seonghwa just stared at Yeosang and Seohyun as understanding passed between them.
"You both are so weird," Seonghwa finally said.
"If I tell you, Seonghwa, you'll drown in shame. Better protect your ears and your pure mind," Seohyun grinned.
San and Wooyoung exchanged glances, frowning, but they shook their head. It couldn't be that bad. Could it?
Seohyun plugged her earphones again, deciding she'd take a nap and actually played music this time.
"We're here!"
Seonghwa shook her awake, and Seohyun slowly opened her eyes, her hand going in front of her eyes as she blocked the sunlight. She took off her earphones and the sound of waves hit her, making her smile. She adjusted her green dress that reached below her knees, and put her hat on.
She saw that Jiwoo was already out, running along the beach, and San was watching her with a smile on his face. He turned back, meeting eyes with Seohyun, who suddenly felt out of breath.
San was handsome- painfully handsome. And the plain white shirt he wore didn't help. His hair was flying due to the breeze and he ran a hand through them, cocking his head to the side as he watched her.
The sun making his skin glow didn't help either.
Seohyun cleared her throat and joined him, and they both watched Jiwoo, in her jeans and green T shirt that she had died in- her permanent outfit, running as freely as she could, her red hair flowing behind her, her laugh ringing in the air.
"I didn't know she'd be that happy to see the beach. Hasn't she been here before?" Seohyun asked.
"I think she has. She knew the way. And I'm almost suspicious she's doing this just to annoy you," San answered.
As if on cue, Jiwoo stopped, doing a weird dance, then started twerking-
"And that's our cue to look away," Seohyun grabbed San, now laughing, by his arm and went to join the others. "They didn't have to come. They can't see her."
"We figured out a way to enjoy with her even if we can't see her," San smirked.
And that was how, a few moments later, they all were assembled in a circle playing cards.
"Why do I think San and Seohyun are cheating on us with Jiwoo?" Yunho looked at them suspiciously.
"How do you think the cards are in the air?" Seohyun asked, and Yunho grinned. She had a point. To anyone who could not see Jiwoo, it would look like a bunch of cards were in the air.
"I WON!" Jiwoo smacked the final card and jumped in the air. Seohyun gaped at her.
"You cheated!" She shouted.
"I was sitting with you the whole time, don't give me that shit," Jiwoo smirked.
San told them that she had, indeed, won without cheating and everybody groaned. Mingi dragged the food basket and him and Jongho started spreading the food.
"Can she really not eat?" Jongho asked.
"I'm afraid not," Seohyun answered.
"Isn't it rude to eat in front of a ghost?" Jiwoo put her hands on her hip and Seohyun popped a cherry in her mouth, saying, "It is."
San scoffed. Jiwoo kicked Seohyun's leg lightly and said she was going to walk. The rest of them started to eat.
"I heard the sunset here is very pretty," Seonghwa said.
"I've been here before," Mingi took a bite of his sandwich, "It really is the prettiest."
After eating a little, Seohyun looked in the distance where Jiwoo was standing near the shore, the waves flowing near her. Jiwoo looked back and started walking towards them, then stopped halfway and gestured at them to come.
"She's calling us," San said, and they all got up, joining Jiwoo.
"I want to play in the water," Jiwoo said.
"What's stopping you?" Seohyun asked.
"With you all, you dumbass," Jiwoo laughed and took her hand, leading her to the shore.
"Hey, hey, easy there," Seohyun laughed and let out a little yelp as the waves hit her bare feet. "The water is so cold!"
Jiwoo bent down and sprayed the water on Seohyun, smirking.
"Oh no, you did not!" Seohyun bent down and sprayed back before she could run. And so started a battle of getting each other wet. They all forgot all their worries for a while, running around in the waves, laughing as loudly as they could, laughing even louder when one of them got Jiwoo. By the time it got darker, they were all quite wet.
Yunho and Yeosang ran back to get towels for everyone, throwing them one each, and wondering if Jiwoo should have a towel. Seohyun said there was no need, but Jiwoo snatched hers once she was done.
"The sunset's here, guys," Yeosang said.
They all stood silently, side by side, watching the sky change to brilliant shades of candy, the sun reflecting on the sea. It was breathtakingly beautiful. At some point, Jiwoo crossed her hand with Seohyun's, and she turned to look at her face. Her red hair shone brightly and her eyes were wet.
"I want it to be the last thing that I see before I go," Jiwoo almost whispered. Seohyun's heart sank in her knees. It was really happening.
Jiwoo looked at San and smiled widely, San smiled back and waved at her. Jiwoo asked him to tell everyone that she was thanking them for doing so much for her. They all assured her it was nothing, and said they were gonna miss her.
San looked at Seohyun, nodding and urged the others to come with him. Only Jiwoo and Seohyun remained now, facing the sunset.
"It's really happening," Jiwoo finally said. A cry of pain escaped Seohyun's mouth. She couldn't take it anymore. Jiwoo rubbed her hand comfortingly, making her face herself. "You've given me an adventure. The time I spent with you, that was enough. Today was for you, Seohyun."
"Are you serious?" Seohyun asked.
Jiwoo nodded. "I told everyone it was for me, but no. It was for you. A gift for helping me out so much. For being a friend. A little sister that I always wanted."
Seohyun smiled sadly, "I'm gonna miss you so, so much. I got used to you, I shouldn't have."
"I know," Jiwoo smiled, kissing her forehead and wrapping her in a hug. Seohyun closed her eyes and inhaled. "Don't cry on me right now, Seohyun."
Seohyun laughed a little. "I'm trying not to, you're making it harder by reminding me!" She opened her eyes and saw the boys, watching them from a distance.
"I hope you'll open your heart more, Seohyun. That's my last wish. You had a tough life, but you have so many people, dead and alive, who love you. I hope you remember that, always."
"Unnie..." A tear escaped Seohyun.
Jiwoo watched the sunset, Seohyun in her arms, and it was perfect.
She closed her eyes.
Seohyun felt it, felt her presence fade away. She was no longer hugging Jiwoo. She stood for a few seconds before finally collapsing on the sand and she shuddered as tears began to flow. She put her face in her hands and cried her heart out.
The boys approached her, sitting around her, rubbing her back, telling her that it was okay. She just cried and cried, and she knew she was letting go of Joon Hyuk along with Jiwoo too. The proper goodbye that she had so badly wanted, she finally got it.
San put her arms around her and brought her closer, caressing her hair. After a few minutes, she was out of tears. She let her hair cover her face as she rested her head on San's shoulder, trying to normalize her breath.
Jongho handed her a water bottle. She managed a smile and took a few sips, rubbing her eyes. The boys looked at each other. They weren't sure what they should do next.
"God damn me if I ever befriend a ghost again," Seohyun said and finally laughed, making everyone else laugh along.
"Are you okay?" Hongjoong asked.
"Yes, I am, actually," she said, wiping her eyes again. "I'm done crying for a while now." Her eyes went to San, who understood and smiled.
"Alright, let's get some dinner."
The driver had dropped Seohyun home now, and was on the way to drop the rest of them. As Seohyun entered her home, it felt strange. She felt utterly alone now that she knew Jiwoo wasn't gonna be back ever.
She tried to recall the time, only a few months ago, when she hadn't met Jiwoo yet. What did she even do in her spare time? She could not remember.
Seohyun went in her room and changed into her PJs first. After she combed her hair and scrolled a bit, she got up to turn off the light and saw something lying on her desk.
It was a painting. Of Jiwoo and her, cheek to cheek, smiling, the black cat in their arms. Seohyun gasped a little and examined it. It was really well drawn. Who made it?
She turned the page and saw something written on the back of it:
I remember now that I loved painting. Since we don't have any photos, I captured us in this painting. Now you have a photo!
Love always, Jiwoo unnie ^^
Seohyun laughed a little as she read how she had addressed herself. "I guess you really liked being called unnie," she thought out loud.
She set the painting on her bookshelf. After being content with its position, she turned off the light, and slept surprisingly peacefully throughout the night.
"I swear to god if you don't make fun of me when I do something stupid, I'm never gonna talk to you all again."
"Well, that's new," Yeosang commented, "You're begging for it now."
"Better that then you all being like this!" Seohyun let out a frustrated sigh.
The boys were being ridiculously sensitive with Seohyun, and she was feeling absolutely uncomfortable. She hadn't noticed it the first two days, but then she noticed in the little things; how they'd always offer her food before eating themselves, how they'd always accompany her, etc. She had enough of the special treatment.
"You're acting like someone died," Seohyun said.
"Back at it with the dead jokes are you?" San shook his head.
"Technically, Jiwoo was dead," Jongho remarked.
"So did she die twice then?" Mingi wondered.
"Oh please," Seohyun sighed again, "I just want you all to act like we used to. No more special treatment. Please, this makes it worse. I'm already at terms with Jiwoo going. It was bound to happen."
"Alright, alright," Seonghwa said and shushed her. "We didn't know what else we could do. Back to normal, okay?"
"Thank you," Seohyun truly meant it. "Also, I think I'm ready to share my drums." The boys hooted except one.
"Are you angry?" Mingi asked. Seohyun immediately turned to San, who was suddenly interested in Wooyoung's fingernails.
"Now I am," Seohyun muttered, and San smiled without meeting her eyes. The teacher came and interrupted their session, so they went back to studying.
After school was over, the boys decided to go to their warehouse, while Seohyun asked if anyone would help her bring the drums. San volunteered and they walked to her home, the black cat in San's hand.
As they walked, talking about how it looked like the cat missed Jiwoo, San stopped in his tracks. "I think you have a guest."
Seohyun looked ahead and saw a middle aged man dressed like a doctor. He was a ghost. Seohyun shared a look with San and went ahead.
"How can I help you?" Seohyun asked. The ghost got startled when he saw that San could see him too.
Jiwoo had once explained that to ghosts, Seohyun shined a little brighter than the rest of the humans, which was how they knew. Seohyun had just thought she was crazy but now she realized, now that she was with San, that it must be true.
Or maybe Jiwoo hadn't been joking that one time when she said there was a banner on top of her head and every ghost could see it, only Seohyun couldn't.
"I was told you'd help me," the doctor said. Seohyun nodded and he continued. "I made a mistake. I operated on a patient and it went wrong. It was my fault. The patient lost his vision. They were going to sue me, but when I tried to settle it, we had an argument. They gave up on suing me, saying I wasn't even worth the trouble.
"It was a few days later. I went into a slump and started drinking a lot. I was on the roof of the hospital and it wasn't my intention, but I slipped. That's how I died."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Seohyun said, "How can I help you move on then?"
"I want to let the patient know that I truly am sorry, and I want to let my family, just my family know that it wasn't a suicide. I wouldn't leave them behind on purpose."
"But... isn't it easier for your family this way? Than knowing that you are now a ghost? That it wasn't an accident?"
"I think," San began, "that he's right. It's more easier for them if they know he didn't commit suicide. They'd feel really bad if they think he left them on purpose. No one wants that from the people they love."
The doctor smiled thankfully at San. "I'll take you to the patient first," he said and asked if he should teleport the two of them.
"Do you want to come? You don't have to," Seohyun said.
San stroked the cat's head. "I want to."
"I don't know if it's safe for San to teleport. So we'll take the mundane route. Lead the way, sir."
"It's quite a distance. I hope you have money for taxi," the doctor said.
On the way to the patient's house, they had a nice chat with the doctor. He told them about his life, back when he was famous for being a good surgeon. He had never made a mistake and he had always held pride in that. But with this particular patient, he took a risk he knew he shouldn't have.
He told them he had a 10 year old daughter and he wanted her to become a doctor too. He wanted her to know that it was good to save people, and she shouldn't be afraid to take risks but also be careful at the same time and know her limits.
Seohyun was actually touched by the whole thing. It was good to have ghosts like these once in a while; nice, well-mannered ghosts.
They reached the patient's house. It was in a posh area; the patient himself must be rich. The house looked more like a mansion from the outside. Upon ringing the doorbell, a woman appeared, who the doctor told them was his wife. She seemed to be past 50s.
"We're relatives of Dr. Lee, the one who operated on your husband. We're here to discuss things about the case."
The woman passed them a skeptical look, "The doctor passed away, didn't he? We gave up on the case altogether. What do you want now?"
"We just want to talk to Mr. Cho. It's important. Please."
The woman let them in, guided them to the chairs in the garden and said she'd bring her husband. San and her sat down, admiring the lush gardens. The doctor paced worriedly.
"It will be alright. I have a way with words," Seohyun assured the doctor.
The husband and wife arrived; San and Seohyun got up and greeted them respectfully. "I am Seohyun, Dr. Lee's distant relative. This is San, my cousin."
"Have a seat," he said and they all settled down, including the wife. Seohyun sighed and decided she'd get to the point.
"Dr. Lee made a mistake. You must know that," Seohyun said. The wife looked at her husband worriedly.
"So he says," Mr. Cho said, staring in the distance.
"He wants to apologize, sincerely. I'll get to the point. He's here right now. I can see ghosts, the dead who have not moved on. He had unfinished business here, because he wanted to sincerely apologize. He won't be able to move on until he hears your forgiveness."
"Is this a prank?" Mrs. Cho asked, but Mr. Cho shushed her.
"I hope you can prove he's here," Mr. Cho said.
"Dr. Lee told you about some ginseng plant right before you went under anesthesia. No one was there when he told you, right?"
"That's true," Mr. Cho smiled. His wife began to complain but he raised a hand. "That's interesting. My father had a friend. He could see ghosts too. Are you the Mediator?"
San and Seohyun looked at each other in surprise. "That's what they call me, yes."
Mr. Cho laughed a little. "I used to not believe my father and that friend of his for the longest time, until I saw something and couldn't believe my eyes. That's why I believe you too, girl. You're doing a good job."
"Thank you," Seohyun said.
"So Dr. Lee is here? I can speak directly to him?"
"Yes sir."
"Alright. Dr. Lee, it was your fault, I know. But I truly forgive you. There are things we cannot avoid. We call it fate or destiny. What's bound to happen, fortune or misfortune, happens and you cannot avoid it. That's what I believe. I want you to move on, without the burden of my accident holding you back. You didn't do it on purpose, and that is enough for me."
Tears escaped Mrs. Cho's eyes and she wiped them. Seohyun muttered to San, 'wise man', and they watched Dr. Lee's eyes shine with tears to as he said his apology and thanks. Seohyun conveyed the message.
They were offered tea, but Seohyun told them they had to get home. The man offered to help Seohyun out if she ever had trouble with this Mediator job. She accepted, saying she would pay a visit someday.
The three of them left the house, standing in the street and reflecting on what had happened.
"That went rather smoothly," Seohyun commented.
"I know!" San widened his eyes at her.
"Thank you, Seohyun. It really does feel like a burden off my shoulder."
"No problem, we should move now. What's the next job?"
"I don't think I can see them like this," the doctor said. "I love my daughter and my wife very much. Seeing them would want me to stay. Do you think I can write a letter to my wife? You can give it to her tomorrow."
"Will your wife believe that it was really written by you?"
"We had a secret code between us; we created it. If I mention it in the letter, she'll have to believe it. And she'll recognize my handwriting too."
San and Seohyun decided that was convenient, and Seohyun handed the doctor a pen and paper. He wrote a short one, muttering something about how the less he wrote the better it would be. Then he folded it and handed it to Seohyun.
"I trust you. You'll give the letter tomorrow, right? I wrote the address on the other page."
"I will deliver it personally."
"Thank you," the doctor smiled. "Do you think I'll be able to watch over my daughter?"
"Maybe you will," Seohyun said.
"Guardian angel," San added, making the doctor smile as he disappeared. He had moved on.
"Well," Seohyun said, "That was quick. I love it when ghosts are wise enough to actually know how to handle their mess."
San scoffed. "Let's go."
Grabbing some coffee from a café they passed by, they took a taxi to Seohyun's home. Seohyun insisted that they should eat before they packed the drums and go to the warehouse. San helped her set the table. She had made pasta last night, which she reheated, and had some chocolates for dessert.
"Does your mom ever come home?" San asked as he nibbled on the chocolate.
Seohyun yawned. San reflected. They both were tired and sleepy now. "She has an apartment near her office so she only comes once a week here."
San yawned again and Seohyun laughed. "Should I let you nap?"
San smiled lazily. "Let's just pack the drums while you're still angry. I don't want you to change your mind."
Seohyun threw the wrapper at him and he caught it before it hit his face, throwing it right back. She dodged it. "Come on, let's dismantle it."
It took them ten minutes to dismantle and pack the drums. But it was already night time, and the boys had locked the warehouse and gone home when San asked them.
"Well, I'll call them here tomorrow. They should take it if they want it so much."
"Good idea." San said, yawning again.
"I think if I let you go home now, you're gonna fall asleep in the middle of the road. Take a power nap, San."
"Oh no, I shouldn't. I'll just go," he said and walked past her, only to be grabbed by the arms and led to a room despite him insisting he was not THAT sleepy.
San entered the room and immediately knew it was Seohyun's. The potted plants, the books, the mess. And the painting.
"So that's the painting, eh," he said, walking towards it and looking at the detail, absolutely wowed by it.
"How do you know? I don't think I mentioned," Seohyun narrowed her eyes.
"Jiwoo told me she left a gift for you," he smiled. Seohyun went to stand with him, looking at the painting with him.
"She's really good," she said.
San looked down at her. She felt so small; he was about a head taller than her. He turned towards her, his hand going to play with her hair. "You're really okay, right?"
"I am, San," Seohyun assured him. "I do feel lonely when I'm home, but you guys make up for it everyday."
San nodded. He was still playing with her hair. Seohyun suddenly flushed; they were standing quite close to each other. San noticed her looking at him, her light brown eyes shining.
He seemed to be searching her eyes for something. And Seohyun wasn't sure what it was, but she felt her heart pumping louder every second. She was, oh god, she was so attracted to him. He made her feel so many things just by looking at her.
"What are you looking at?" Seohyun asked- almost whispered.
"You," San said, bringing his hand to cup her face, surprised when she leaned in to his touch and closed her eyes. It made him melt. He brought her in for a hug and she gladly wrapped her arms around his waist, his small waist. She could hear his heart beat just as loudly. San rested his face on her head, rocking them back and forth. He didn't want to let go, he wanted to stay like this as long as he could.
Seohyun sighed. All she could think about was how he felt. Her mind was truly blank.
San finally broke apart a little, Seohyun's arms still around his waist. He was staring at her, his hands cupping her face, putting stray hair behind her ears. Seohyun wanted to do the same to him, but at the same time she didn't want to let go of him.
"Seohyun, Seohyun," he whispered, loving the sound of her name on his lips. She bit her lip. It seemed like they just stared at each other for the longest time, afraid to say anything, until Seohyun smiled at the situation.
San kissed her forehead first, a light peck. When she didn't move away, he tilted her face a bit upwards to kiss her cheekbone, then her cheek, leaving butterfly kisses, making her tremble all over. She clenched his shirt tighter, out of breath already. Their noses brushed and she loved the feeling of it, his breath warm on her. And when their lips brushed, San finally kissed her properly.
And Seohyun's mind went blank.
San's hand went behind her neck and Seohyun finally left his waist, only to cup his face herself as she guided him along. They tasted chocolate on each other. Seohyun was deepening the kiss, she just couldn't get enough. San mirrored her movements, following along, making her bend backwards until her back hit the desk and her hand went to rest on it for support.
San broke apart to catch his breath. His eyes were glazed, and so were Seohyun's. He put his hand on Seohyun's, the one that was on the desk, and with a sultry look and half a smile, he kissed her again, so passionately that it made Seohyun curve back and back until San was half on top of her.
When they broke apart, finally short of breath, Seohyun smirked. "I thought you were sleepy."
"I still am," he said, resting her forehead against her and smiling, eyes shut.
Seohyun lead him to her bed, making him sit. She bit her lip and smirked as she positioned herself on San's lap. San held her by her waist and let her kiss him; on his cheeks, like he had done, a peck on his nose which made him laugh, and finally a kiss to the lips.
"God, the way you make me feel, Choi San!" She sighed dramatically.
"And how do I make you feel?" He questioned. Seohyun shook her head. "I'll tell you later. Now we sleep."
San set his alarm for a power nap and with Seohyun in her arms, they both slept peacefully. When the alarm did go off, Seohyun didn't budge. With a kiss on her forehead, he left the house.
"There's something wrong with Seohyun," Yeosang announced and everyone turned to look at him.
"There's more?" Wooyoung asked sarcastically and Seohyun glared at him, turning to look at Yeosang, asking him what he meant by that.
"I don't know," Yeosang threw his hands in the air, clearly frustrated, "She keeps smiling to herself. It's creepy."
Seohyun and San shared a look and San, despite his struggle not to, burst out laughing. Seohyun pursed her lips, trying not to smile but failed.
"See?" Yeosang pointed at her, "Has she ever smiled like this?"
Wooyoung was looking at San and Seohyun. "You both.... Is there a secret I don't know about!?"
"I don't have secrets anymore..." Seohyun lied shamelessly, shrugging. San put his hands in the air and said, "I only laughed because of what Yeosang said."
"No, you're looking at each other with the most disgusting look in your eyes," Yeosang observed, "Don't tell me you two..."
"Ah, no, that cannot have happened!" Hongjoong waved him off as Seonghwa gasped.
"How could you even suggest such a thing?" Seonghwa shook his head, clearly disappointed in Yeosang.
"No, I didn't even say anything yet..." Yeosang looked at Seohyun to apologize but she smirked at him, making his eyes go wide.
"I am RIGHT! Something happened between these two, she smirked at me!"
Seohyun immediately put her poker face and looked at Mingi and Jongho, who were right in front of her, with the most innocent look in her eyes. "Did you see me smirk?"
Mingi and Jongho shook their heads. Yeosang shot Seohyun a glare. "I know I'm right. If this turns out to be true..."
"Stop being so dramatic," San said, shushing Yeosang, and got up to drink water.
They were all in the warehouse, having just left school, and were currently relaxing and drinking juice, chatting with each other. Yeosang had noticed Seohyun smiling more than usual, which made him think something happened. It didn't help that San and Seohyun couldn't stop exchanging glances.
Seohyun had brought the drum set with Yunho before coming to the warehouse. Seohyun motioned to Mingi and they got up, leaving the rest behind.
"Have you ever played drums before? Like, actual drums?"
"Yeah," Mingi answered, "A friend of mine had them."
"Alright, you should learn how to arrange them."
So Seohyun taught Mingi all about the components of a drum set, their various uses and how to dismantle them and put them back. Mingi listened carefully, and Seohyun smiled inwardly at how happy he looked. It made her feel guilty that she delayed it so much.
When they were done, they stood back to have a look.
"A much needed upgrade," Mingi smiled, ruffling Seohyun's hair, "Thanks."
"This drum set is my baby, okay? Use it well."
"Yes ma'am," Mingi saluted and Seohyun pointed at the drums. "Have a go."
Mingi sat on the stool, testing the weight of the drum sticks in his hand. He tested the sounds then, and played a little, freestyling, laughing as he did. The others had come to watch him, cheering and hyping him up.
"Not bad," Seohyun said when he finished, "Just go with your heart. Don't think."
"Your turn," Mingi handed her the drum sticks and she almost panicked.
"I think I'm good," she hesitated but someone pushed her forward. It was Yunho.
"I didn't go through all that trouble of coming to your house and carrying the drums to not see you play," he shook his head.
"Alright. Just a second," Seohyun said, tying her hair in a ponytail. "There you go."
Everyone hooted, clearly excited. This was the first time she was going to actually play in front of them, save for the time she had played the violin for San. San smiled at her as if he was thinking the same thing. Seohyun inhaled, testing the drums, and began.
She realized she really did enjoy playing the drums; there was just something about drums where you could express freely, and loudly, as if you wanted everyone to hear it. And it made her smile like crazy, put her brain on pause for a while and play with her heart.
She played like crazy, and when she was done, everyone was in awe.
"You're actually very good!" Hongjoong said, finally clapping. Seohyun bowed her head and got up. "I didn't expect this."
"It's like she was a different person," Jongho was looking at her with wonder.
"Teacher! you're my teacher from today," Mingi declared, and Seohyun scoffed at him.
"You don't need a teacher, teach yourself. I know you can."
"Nooo~" he wailed, "I would love you as a teacher!"
Seohyun just waved him off, going to San and smiling embarrassingly at him. He pinched her cheeks and she pouted, the two of them forgetting for a moment that everyone was still watching her.
"You two... there is something different!" Jongho laughed in disbelief. San and Seohyun started laughing. Yeosang just shook hands with Jongho, thanking him for finally noticing.
"They're not even bothering to deny it, guys," Yunho grinned.
"San is mine!" Wooyoung shouted dramatically, coming to hug San, sticking his tongue out at Seohyun. Seohyun glared at him, baring her teeth at him, and snatched San from him. Wooyoung gasped, and suddenly the two of them were in a battle, both pulling at San by his arms, who was laughing painfully, shouting for help.
"He's not even choosing!" Seohyun laughed, and winked at Wooyoung as she said, "Let's ditch him."
Wooyoung pushed San away, rather forcefully, who fell in Yeosang's arms. He put his arm in Seohyun and she flipped her hair as they walked away from him.
"No one loves me," San buried his nose in Yeosang's neck, pouting. Yeosang sighed, patting his head.
"You're right," Yeosang said, "Absolutely right."
"Hey..." San moaned like a little kid.
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Childhood: a Kohrin oneshot
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Summary: Two teenagers sneak off one night to the beach, reflecting on their pasts. Despite the grim subject, Rin somehow always manages to make him smile. Kohaku x Rin oneshot
3,000 words
Laughing, racing, tumbling, grinning. Gaped teeth, freckles, dirt between toes, teasing brothers, sunbathing, cool creaks, bare feet and squawking kappas. The scatter of petals and grass kicked into the air, the scent of campfires, sunflowers, crispy fish and cooking fungi. Assuring golden eyes keeping vigilance over her sleep, along with the steady rhythmic breathing of a two-headed dragon keeping her warm. These are all the things Rin chose to remember about childhood.
She remembered and kept them close, especially at night, gliding through memories masquerading as dreams.
In the years after travelling with the stoic lord and staying with Kaede at her village, her limbs had changed- becoming gangly, form lean and growing with burgeoning maturity. She'd adapted to her environment, forming strong friendships with her mentor and the Inutachi. However, despite her days being spent in quiet happiness, she couldn't help but notice a few things. A perpetual absence. A certain searching look in Sango's eyes whenever she glanced up from monitoring her three children to stare off into the trees.
Tossing and turning beneath the covers, Rin frowned in her sleep.
One person who remained elusive in both her dreams and the waking world was-
A crooning noise startled her upright, brown eyes flying wide. Stumbling from her futon and hurrying from Kaede's hut, she peered out into the night inquisitively.
From within the forest, she could see a faint orange glow peeking out between the trees. Tightening her sleeping yukata around her, Rin's lips pursed. She then stubbornly sought out the glow, bare feet padding over cool dirt.
She found him, as predicted, watching Sango's hut.
Kohaku stood, a little further along into his maturity than her. Even the dense shadows couldn't quite hide the changes in his height and features. Rin stopped the second he caught notice of her- a telltale wariness gripping him a moment before recognition painted his face.
"Rin," he said with relief, tone soon slipping into a resigned reprimand. "What're you doing out so late? You should be asleep."
"So should you," she smiled easily, rocking on her heels. She gave a wave to Kirara, who hopped onto Kohaku's shoulder after transforming into a small version of herself and mewling. "It's a strange hour for you to come back. Sango won't be able to greet you with a lively smile-" lively chatter broke off the second she noticed the older boy direct his gaze to his feet. "Oh… unless… you don't plan on staying long?" Rin murmured. Again.
For some reason, it was always the same with him. Lord Sesshoumaru's brief visits didn't bother her in the least. He barely had a connection to the village. But Kohaku? He should've been there, stayed there. She knew Sango missed him terribly but he barely made time to visit.
However, she didn't voice any of this. She'd done so before, and Sango's assurances never seemed to help him. Guilt continued to gnaw like an infected wound at her friend.
Rin observed his freckled face in the torch light, seeing the emotions swimming within vibrant brown eyes.
"You know I would if I could. But…" the silence of the forest swallowed up the remainder of what he wanted to say. Rin shifted her bare feet, drawing closer and taking his coarse, demon-slaying hand.
"Let's go somewhere."
"I want to go to the beach," she said decisively, as though he had no say in the matter. Kohaku supposed he didn't when she got like this. "Come on, Kaede says the ocean air is good for you. Hurry, before everyone wakes up," Rin tugged on his hand.
Kohaku smiled slightly, giving in far too easily.
Kirara touched down on sandy shores an hour later, allowing them to slide off her back. Rin stretched and sucked in a long breath of salty sea air.
"Ahh! Now isn't that better?" she grinned.
Kohaku snorted and smiled good-naturedly, looking out at the black sea with a quiet, observing look. "I haven't been to the beach in a long time."
"Why not?"
Kohaku wandered out, boots crunching on pebbles until they were cushioned by sand, leaving moonlit footprints. "I want to say I haven't had time, but that's not true," he chuckled. "It just hasn't occurred to me to go. That I'd enjoy it."
At 16, Rin still didn't feel old enough nor wise enough to understand everything. She wasn't a firecracker like Kagome had been around her age, and she didn't see herself as a warrior like Sango. However, there were some things Rin knew how to do.
Following, Rin took his hand in passing, tugging to ensure he'd stumble after her. She walked right up to the shoreline, drinking in the dark, hushed atmosphere only broken by the sound of waves crashing against rocks.
"Take off your boots."
Kohaku blinked, raising a brow. His lips quirked, "you sure are bossy today."
Giggling, she wriggled bare toes into the sand- squealing when the cool tide rushed in and splashed about her ankles before drawing back. "You used to walk around barefoot all the time, just like me."
"When I was a kid," he reminded her.
"Are you implying something?" Rin huffed. "I'll tell Uncle Inuyasha you said that."
"No, I wasn't trying to say-" his hasty words cut off, noting her mischievous expression. Kohaku smiled and leaned down as though to take off his boots- suddenly thrusting his hands into the surf and splashing her.
Shrieking and gasping, Rin gaped with surprise- soon grinning viciously wide and leaping towards him. Kohaku quickly dodged. He began running, hotly pursued by the petite young woman. An unexpected noise rang out into the night. Boyish, happy laughter.
Earthy brown eyes widened and even as Rin sprinted, panting, she drank in the sound of Kohaku laughing. How strange, rare and wonderful it was.
Running fast and putting all her energy into her legs, Rin leapt at his back. Catching him around the middle, she collided hard against him.
With an undignified yelp from a demon slayer, Kohaku lost his footing, toppling gracelessly to the ground, kicking up sand. Giggling breathlessly, Rin spat some from her mouth and lifted her head.
"You went down easy. Are you sure you slay demons?" she teased, nestling against the warmth of his back.
Kohaku shifted, shaking sand from his ponytail and adjusting their positions so that they were facing each other, laying on their sides. He wiped his face, expression clearly trying to remain unaffected and firm- but breaking into a tender smile.
"You always do this," he mused quietly.
"Hm? I don't think I've ever tackled you into the sand before," Rin felt fairly confident about that.
"That's not what I mean, it's just that you always make me feel... something different. Something good."
"But we had that argument about how best to stew nettles the other day," she pointed out.
A chuckle escaped him, soulful gaze sober. "Even that felt good to me."
Tilting her head against the dry, soft dune, both fell silent. Despite being a chatter-box, Rin also knew when to be quiet and let him talk. Her hand inched out naturally for his, and Kohaku accepted it, grasping her palm in a way that made her feel secure and safe. They'd known each other for many years so some things came as easy as breathing. Other things, like talking about it, came slowly, painfully.
"Why won't they go away?" Kohaku murmured in a hushed tone for only her to hear. "The nightmares. The memories," his gaze shook. "I just want to stop seeing it every time I look at Sango, but its there, in the back of my mind. I don't... feel right being around my nieces and nephew."
"You're still scared you'll hurt them?" there was no judgment in her tone. Assuring him that Naraku was dead and gone didn't help. Kohaku was perfectly aware of that.
The young man ducked his head, lips thin. His larger, rougher hand in hers trembled. "What if it's still there?" he whispered. "The compulsion to hurt people. I could be living my life- I could marry-" his eyes avoided hers. "Have children, but then one day I hear his voice again and the memory is too strong to resist. I could do something awful."
Dark brows pulled together, heart-squeezing in her ribcage. She wanted to help so badly. However, there was nothing she could do but keep trying to assure him and listen. "Even if you hear him, I believe in you, Kohaku," Rin stroked a thumb over his scarred knuckles. "You'd fight it. You're getting stronger all the time."
He looked exhausted, running a hand through his hair and sighing. "I'm so tired of being scared," he mumbled, glancing wearily at her. "You're still scared too, aren't you?"
Her face lost its girlish innocence, becoming firm as she sat up. "I've told you before- I'm not afraid of you, Kohaku!" she insisted hotly. "I haven't been since I was 8!"
Kohaku shifted his muscular body, and it was times like those she noticed how much larger and different he'd become. She blushed slightly but kept her expression serious.
"I wasn't talking about that," he chuckled, gaze becoming gentle. Careful fingers minded some dark hair from her face. "Your nightmares. You still have nightmares about your childhood too, right?"
Rin blinked, feeling cold and releasing his hand to wrap both arms around herself. The brush of cool night air gliding over her skin suddenly felt a little too chilly.
A soft croon rumbled out seconds before Kirara's large form settled down behind them. Lustrous buttercup coloured fur bumped against Rin's back, and she nestled against the nekomata's side gratefully.
"We don't have to discuss it if you don't want to," Kohaku said with concern, leaning back against the demon as well.
Forcing a cheery smile, Rin shook her head. "I'm fine- I've actually come up with something that helps me sleep most nights now, and I thought it might help you too."
"What is it?"
Tilting her head back to gaze at the stars above, she smiled a little more naturally. "I think of all the good things in my childhood. Laughing, racing, tumbling, grinning. Gaped teeth, freckles, dirt between toes, teasing brothers, sunbathing, cool creaks, bare feet and squawking kappas. The scatter of petals and grass kicked into the air, the scent of campfires, sunflowers, crispy fish and cooking fungi. Assuring golden eyes keeping vigilance over my sleep, along with the steady rhythmic breathing of a two-headed dragon keeping me warm."
Kohaku stared at her with no short amount of amazement. He swallowed and looked down at the sand.
"You're strong," he breathed. "To be able to separate all the good things from the bad."
"You can do it too," grabbing his hand again, Rin inched closer with an encouraging nod. "Tell me some things you remember. Happy things."
Kohaku blushed a little at her proximity and cleared his throat, thinking. "Sango. She was always there for me."
"What else?"
His eyes seemed to haze slightly, "Father…"
"Push through it, Kohaku," she murmured. "There was a time before all the bad stuff. Was he kind?"
Kohaku blinked, firm fingers squeezing hers as he came back to himself, exhaling. He chuckled shyly, "he was a little strict, but he meant well."
Rin shifted closer, resting beside him shoulder to shoulder, knee bumping his. Kohaku rested his head back against Kirara's soft fur and began recounting things long since buried. Things he hadn't thought he could remember or appreciate anymore. The guilt was there, it always would be, but it felt further away, replaced with a bitter-sweet tang.
"Practicing, running, training, laughing, chasing yellow nekomatas," he scratched Kirara's ear. "Butterflies, bare-feet, hunting- freeing rabbits from traps because I didn't want to see them get killed. Father yelling. Father's hand gently resting on my h-head," the words stumbled. "Playing, flower gathering, flying on Kirara. The smell of the blacksmiths. Sweat. Forging weapons. Sango snoring."
Rin gasped and giggled, watching as his fingers slid through the gaps between her own.
"Warming my hands on the brazier. Talking. Listening. Stories around the campfire. Demon slayers, family," Kohaku murmured, voice thick with memories. He closed his eyes, falling silent.
"You did really well," cuddling against him, Rin pecked his cheek.
Kohaku glanced down at her, "I haven't talked about that stuff out loud before. I didn't think I could anymore."
Grinning, she put her nose in the air, imitating Jaken. "Humph well, I am rather good at talking. Getting other people to talk is my speciality ~"
Chuckling, he nudged his free hand against her forehead gently, brown eyes incredibly warm. "Can we do this again sometime? There's probably more we can remember."
Blinking, Rin gentled and squeezed his fingers, "of course we can. Anytime, Kohaku. But you know… Sango might want to hear some of this too- when you're ready," she added quickly.
His face became a touch more guarded, which broke her heart. He was so afraid of hurting Sango again. For a demon slayer, the young man was heavily weighed down by empathy.
Rin touched his freckled cheek, "Kohaku?"
He shook his head slightly and gave a smile to show he was alright. "Never mind that. How'd you get to be so brave talking about this stuff?"
Humming, she let her fingers linger, dragging down to his jaw. It looked and felt strong beneath her touch. "I probably couldn't talk about it out loud if you weren't here. You make me feel brave."
Before her fingers left his face, her hand was caught. Kohaku pushed it back to rest against his cheek, tilting his face into her palm.
"Likewise," he mumbled.
Cheeks warming, Rin felt her heart stutter and thrum wildly in her chest. It was weird. Kohaku was so incredibly dear to her. She loved being close to him, but lately, butterflies just wouldn't stop fluttering in her stomach.
Seeming to sense her confusion, Kohaku released her slack hand and gently returned it to her. He then turned to his boots and began tugging them off.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm doing as you bossily suggested earlier," standing, he gave a small smile, offering a hand down to her.
Rin accepted it, following as he walked to the shoreline. Stepping onto the wet sand, a noise of surprise and shook escaped the demon slayer as the tide rushed in.
Biting her lip, Rin tried and failed to suppress mirthful laughter. "Did you just squeal?"
"No. You're imagining things," Kohaku grinned.
The ocean lapped around their ankles, slowly receding, before sweeping a fresh wave of cool, dark water against their skin.
Kohaku gradually adjusted, looking out at the endless stretch of ocean brightened by the moon. Rin breathed in a lungful of the fresh air, slowly relaxing with him.
The tired lines beneath Kohaku's kind eyes seemed to soften, not entirely going away, but his face appeared young once more, gaining a healthy glow.
Rin held onto his hand throughout. He was the only one she felt so strangely at peace with. Lord Sesshoumaru and Kaede were protective presences, but neither really knew her, or her secrets. No one understood everything that had happened in her life, though she'd divulged some things.
She'd told Kohaku everything. When the boys at the village whispered among themselves that she was strange, a shape-shifter, a hanyou girl in disguise, Rin would smile. Because they didn't need to know or understand. Kohaku accepted her oddness, an outlier himself. Perhaps they were Hanyou children in a way.
Like Uncle Inuyasha, they didn't quite fit into human society. They were too strange. Too changed, different because of what they'd seen and experienced, never quite meshing despite their best efforts to.
But that was alright.
She'd asked Uncle Inuyasha about it once, Lord Sesshoumaru in their presence. Inuyasha had met Sesshoumaru's gaze, voice gruff.
"Well, there was no place for me, so I had to make one for myself, and then I realized, I had a place, but I was the only one in it."
Lord Sesshoumaru had seemed quiet and considering of his words.
Rin understood. Gazing at Kohaku right then, she felt he would too. The two humans who had died too young. Kohaku was part of her space, and she was in his.
Catching her eye, he smiled. Just as naturally as holding hands, he leaned down and rested their foreheads together. Rin let out a whoosh of hot air, lashes fluttering shut. The press of his head against hers felt intimate and sweet.
Slowly, she opened her eyes and shifted her head, lips inches from his, face burning. Kohaku's eyes cracked open wide, before gazing solemnly at her. He wrestled with something- and she thought he might pull away.
Kohaku then snuffed out the rest of the distance between them, lips pressing against hers in a chaste kiss.
White-hot feeling burst within the young woman like shooting stars. Butterflies turned into hummingbirds. Her lips burned.
They pulled away, both avoided each other's gazes a moment, reeling. They then caught one another's eye and slowly, shyly smiled. Because they were still the same, just a little different from before.
"Let's go back to the village," Kohaku murmured, noticing the first hues of sunlight brightening the horizon. "I think… I'll try talking to Sango."
Rin nodded, smiling with palpable relief.
He glanced at her, expression remaining vulnerable, fragile heart laid bare for her to see. Kohaku trusted her to handle it gently.
"And Rin?"
He blushed slightly, squeezing her hand. "Let's come back to the beach sometime soon."
Rin's face burst into a wide grin, giggling a little breathlessly.
"I'd love to!"
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idjitlili · 3 years
Your eyes can be so cruel.
Kili x reader
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Summary:  Being apart of the company, and growing close to Kili. After stopping at an inn, some drunk men, decide to pick at Kili's appearance. Words from Bowie come into favour.
A/n: Requested by Thatfoolishhuman  I have seen this idea a lot for Kili, but I'lol make it my own :) Also I'm British, so don't be mad at my spelling. FIRST IMAGINE OF 2021
Word count:3375
Warnings: Listened to David Bowie while writing this, sorry Bowie you just too handsome. Swearing.
Songs in order: rebel rebel, as the world falls down.
There was perks from travelling with your parents; due to business. The most frequent place you'd go was Tortuga, it was a quite a large village. Every time that you'd go, you and your parents stayed in an inn, which had a pub connected to it.
You'd eat with your parents in there, before all the drunks arrived, it was also a Saturday that you'd go. Saturdays meant that a song writer, and singer in one , was always there. His name being Jareth, he was a very beautiful man, in honesty one of the best musicians, in history.
Jareth was a skinny man, had a huge blond mullet, beautiful eyes one pupil larger than the other, beautiful accent, beautiful everything. Who couldn't have a crush on Jareth, his songs were like none other. 
These trips started when you were 5, when your parents business finally picked up, all the way up until you came to age. Which is when you joined the company, due to Gandalf.
You didn't think you'd ever see Jareth again, but you do.  You had undoubtedly had a crush on the singer growing up, you had almost forgotten about him when you joined the company.
Personally you didn't know Gandalf very well, not like your parents did, but he recruited you for an adventure, how could you deny it. A chance to see elves, dwarves, dragons? No way you was going to pass up that chance, no way.
You were surprised when the company had picked up, after getting Bilbo, since you lived on the way. Scary yes, not knowing any of these people, a chance at getting friends, you could only hope.
Strange was to say the least, you had seen a couple of dwarves growing up , that was just in pubs mostly. The were always not so pleasant, but these dwarves, plump and strikingly handsome. That hobbit? Bilbo that didn't take long for you to become friends, being shy didn't help, but some how you managed.
Dwarves were were quite scary; to say the least they intimidated you. 
That was until a particularly rainy day, when the mud was like cake batter. Thorin had decided it was time to stop for the night, the rain hammering down, lightning even, every now and then. 
Everyone was getting off their pony's, as were you, you was about to step down, when a huge crack of thunder was sounded above you. Damn you Thor. You had jumped, slipping on the mud, but you never hit the floor, instead you into strong arms.
Looking up , drips of water from dark hair had dripped on you, as Kili looked down at you. Your feet upwards, like a trust fall, you had smiled in embarrassment back to Kili, who had pulled you up to your feet. "T-thank you." Now standing up on your own, pulling your tunic down, trying to avoid eye contact.
"You're welcome, wouldn't want you to ruin your clothes a day into our journey." Kili had smiled at you, as you looked back to him from your feet, smiling slightly back.
Dwarves weren't as bad as they were made out to be, you learned that very quickly. When it was time for baths, turns out they were protective over females, always when you bathed two dwarves stood guard, just in case.
On cold nights, you'd wake up with an extra blanket.
Even though Thorin didn't like you were on this quest, he was never horrible, maybe because you just stayed quiet. You did not want to anger that beast, Bilbo talked quite a lot and look at him..
On one night, you were told to hide, Bilbo had been kidnapped by trolls, you hadn't listened. You followed everyone else, staying the bushes, getting as close as you possibly could, before quietly climbing up a tree with your knife.
It wasn't long before they were all caught, you just staring down at them, specifically Kili, you had hoped at he look up, and see you drop the knife. You could not make nose that would have alerted the trolls immediately. Sat on a branch , trying to blend in as much as possible.
That was Kili had looked up wide eyed, as you dropping the knife , and quickly climbed further up the tree to get out of eye view. You had thought it had worked, oh you was wrong.
"That one has gotten out!" Kili had started running around the trolls , as if he was sonic. A few minutes that lasted before you had noticed a shadow. But it didn't matter because Bert had grabbed Kili tightly,like he was slime that wouldn't stay put. No way would not have bruises after that. Of course he got out of Berts grip as Gandalf had appeared, cracking the large Boulder, turning the trolls into stone.
Feeling terrible the next day still, when the company had stopped again for the night and everyone had went to sleep. You could not, Kili being on watch, you had gotten up quietly, making your way over to him, sitting on log next to him.
Thinking about what you would say, Kili had beaten you to it. "Can't sleep?" His voice sounded tired, but still as lively. "Yeah.. um I'm sorry." Very convincing, indeed.
" for what?" The fire glowing orange, causing Kili to be barely visible as he turned to his to look at you. "It's my fault, that you got hurt yesterday, I should've listened to Thorin."
"What on earth are you going on about? I wasn't hurt? I'm fine, no one is dead , you did great, you didn't throw the knife at my head, maybe then I'd be distrusting in you." You felt like sighing, thankfully, but that would be cringy.
"I haven't got good aim, so it could've happened."
"You need someone to teach you."  You had scoffed slightly at Kili, gaining his full attention.
"I do not think anyone would have the patience." The warm orange glow from the fire, lit up the outline of Kili's face, a small grin could be seen.
"Are you challenging me? I have to sit through multiple speeches from Thorin a day."
"That's because you and Fili mess with him, I saw you the other day tangle a bunch of branches into his hair ,while he was sleeping. Why are you always surprised that he gets mad?"
"That was funny though, did you not see that bird fly at him? It shat on his face." Kili's grin only widened, as did yours, you had seen, Thorins face was bright red with the whipped cream.
"I'm surprised Thorin doesn't just leave you somewhere." 
"My mum would kill him. Right that settles it, you will learn from the best , to throw knives."
"You will really get Fili to help me?" Kili had gasped at you , sarcastically. "Oh I see, you want that Lion, over me, I'm hurt y/n."
"No,no, thank you Kili."
Thus, a bond was formed every night the company stopped, Kili would take you from camp, taught you basic defensive techniques and knife throwing.
To say the least, it did not take you long to develop a crush. Fili and Bilbo had became suspicious and decided to sneak up on you two. Why you'd do , not sure, Bilbo supposed to be smart, for all they knew you could've been going at it.
Instead they found you both sparring, undoubtedly they were confused, as you knocked the sword from Kili's hand ,before tackling him. Straddling him, as you looked up to see Bilbo and Fili. Quickly letting go of Kili's wrists, Kili looking up confused too, as you stood up, pulling him up with you.
"Oh, hi, we were just sparring." Too embarrassed to speak, Kili did soon as he noticed his brother and hobbit.  "So, this is what you two have been doing for weeks? 'Sparring'?" Fili didn't believe it, if Thorin knew he would not have, an heir to the throne, left unsupervised with a woman? No way.
"Yes Fili, I've been teaching Y/n how to defend herself." Sweat dripping down both of your faces,  "Right okay, Thorin said it's time for you to have a bath in the quarry, before the dwarves filthy it. Come on y/n." Bilbo had pulled you away, turning your head back to Kili you had sent a smile back to him.
You were back on the road soon enough, Thorin had decided to let the company stop for a night at an inn, an inn with a pub on the side.
Tortuga, the inn you had grew up at.
What day was it? Saturday, you could only hope, you had a huge grin on your face. You had grabbed your stuff,  once everyone was off their pony's, heading in to the inn,
Getting to the desk, to check into the inn, which consequently next to the bar, you in front.  "Aye, it's y/n/n! It's been a while, luv. And you've brought friends, do you all need rooms?"  Sparrow, the owner of the inn had greeted you,with a grin. That man was also very handsome, but too old for you though.
"I know, mum and dad been here a lot though, I assume? Oh I'm, when they next come here, would you be able to give this. And yes please we need for 16." Handing Sparrow the letter from your pocket.
"Of course, okay right it's 2 coins each for the night." The dwarves soon pulled out there coins passing them forward, as did you.
As Sparrow got the keys after counting the coins, he had turned back to you. "Oh, and lucky for you, y/n/n Jareth is here tonight." Sparrow had grinned, as your face flushed.
"Oh,really?" Kili unknowingly to you had also developed a crush on you, the mention of Jareth, made him bubble with jealousy. The company wondered, why such a young woman would be on nickname terms with the pub owner, and who Jareth was. They hadn't seen you as that type of girl, they were right not you, you weren't an alcoholic.
You had all went to your rooms, you had bathed deeply ,  dressed and headed down to the pub for dinner. The company already there, sat at tables, with jugs of ale. There was a space next to Kili, who had waved you over to sit.
Squeezing next to Kili, Sparrow had catcalled you again. "Oi, y/n/n , usual?"  Nodded to his question, Loki the cook had brought out your favourite dinner, as Sparrow brought you an ale.
"You had it ready? Thank you." Sparrow had just winked leaving you to eat your dinner, the others were too busy drinking , but when they had noticed your food, they quickly ordered food.  
"So, you come here regularly?" Kili had questioned as you finished your food, "oh, I'm yes, I travelled with my parents growing up , we had to drop stuff off here in Tortuga often , so we would stay here for the night." You had spoken quickly , wanting to change the subject.
" Transporting goods then?" Kili was intrigued, watching you intensely as you sipped your ale. Really he wanted to know who Jareth was. "Yeah, pretty boring, got to see a lot of places though." After that, a lot of people began to pile in, and the dwarves got drunker.
You knew it was going to be soon, that Jareth would be here. Not long at all, customers getting drunk, it was lively indeed.
Though nothing ever happened between you and Jareth, he still held a place in your heart, as well as being your best friend.
That's when you heard it.
"Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo"  you head had shot up,in search of him, but you couldn't see him.
"You've got your mother in a whirl
She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl
Hey babe, your hair's alright
Hey babe, let's go out tonight
You like me, and I like it all
We like dancing and we look divine
You love bands when they're playing hard
You want more and you want it fast
They put you down, they say I'm wrong
You tacky thing, you put them on."  Then you saw him, on the stage , well sort of a stage. 
Catching sight of his mullet, down to his eyes, he had not noticed you, you wondered if Sparrow had told him you were here.  You hoped he would see you.
"Rebel rebel, you've torn your dress
Rebel rebel, your face is a mess
Rebel rebel, how could they know?
Hot tramp, I love you so!" Thats when Jareth finally caught your eyes, holding eye contact as he sang, Blush upon your face. You had gotten up and went to the bar, ordering something strong, before retiring to your seat.
As Jareth had already started another song, you smacked down your drink.
"There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky
Within your eyes."  Jareth , catching your eye, gesturing you to come closer , with his hand.
"There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast
In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon
Within your heart"
Standing up , Kili watched you as you walked towards the stranger man, as did the other dwarves. 
"As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down."
  Jareth had held knelt down, holding his gloved hand for you to take, which you did. Pulling you up onto the stage.  Still holding onto your hand, still singing, as he continued singing, you placed your hand on his shoulder as he placed his other hand on your waist.Kili's heart ached.
As the world falls down
Falling in love."  As you two danced , in sync, you truly loved Jareth, Kili stood up , went to the bar to get another drink.
"I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now
We're choosing the path
Between the stars
I'll leave my love
Between the stars."  Jareth had taught you how to dance, and every time you visited , he'd give you another song he had written for your book.  A book which held all his songs.
"As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
As the world falls down
As the world falls down
Falling in love
As the world falls down
Falling in love
As the world falls down
Makes no sense at all
Makes no sense to fall
As the world falls down
Falling in love
As the world falls down
Falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love."  As soon as the song was over, you both had gotten of stage and you had jumped into Jareths arms. 
"Missed you."
Jareth had looked over to your table, "so you are travelling with dwarves now?" You had smiled , looking back your table, Kili wasn't there.  "Yes, Jareth, I'm going on an adventure, we have already seen trolls."
Grinning down at you, realisation hit Jareth, and went rushed to his bag quickly before returning back to you with a sheet of paper.
'Magic dance.'
"Just in case you meet a Goblin king. So who is your beloved?" Taking the piece of paper,  looking at into Jareths blue eyes in confusion. "W-what?"
"The dwarf that stormed out, he does not like me."  Jareth had chuckled, as you folded the piece of paper up placing it away.  "We aren't together."
"Maybe you should go check on him, y/n/n, come see me later, I'm staying here tonight." You had briefly hugged Jareth before leaving the pub. 
That's when you heard it, "stupid fucking hairless, fuck."   Local drunks harassing Kili. "Oi, what are you doing?"  The men had turned briefly to look at you, before scoffing. "Fuck of tramp."
You had marched up to the greasy man, pulling by the shoulder, to face you , and kneeing him in the crotch, making the man double over. Kili had punched one of them.  The men soon ran, when you had tackled one of them, beating them into mash, when Kili had pulled you off,the ground, trying to get out of his grip. All the men ran.
"It's me, y/n, stop, if you continued you would have been arrested." Placing , you back onto the floor, Kili had soon walked off, heading to his room, you following. But he had closed the door before you could get in.
This, you climbed up the roof hanging over the roof, to look into Kili's room. Looking like Spiderman. Kili sat on his bed staring at the wall, not moving, jumping when you knocked the window.
He had rushed to the window when he had seen you , hanging of the roof, you definitely couldn't hold on longer. Though Kili wasn't tear stained , it was clear that he was upset.  He had opened the window, helping you in.
"What are you doing? On the roof, what if you fell." He as definitely annoyed, "I would not have, plus I wouldn't have to if you let me in before." You definitely would have fell.
He hadn't answered this time, just sat on the bed, away from you, you sat next to him on the bed. 
"Kili, talk to me, tell me what has made you not yourself. Please, Kili." You didn't dare touch him, but you did placing your hand on his foreman. "Why don't you go to your beloved? You won't be seeming him for a while , instead of bothering me." You had scoffed pulling your hand off of him, you already knew he ran off because of Jareth.
"You are very stupid dwarf, in all honesty, Jareth is my bestfriend, only friend I had growing up, and don't you think he is a bit old for me?" 
"I don't believe it, you like a man that has long soft hair, nothing like me, I can't even grow a beard."
"frankly beards are really gross, tell me that the dwarves don't smell? You know why? Because they drop food all their beards and don't know it."  You had laughed, imagine Bombur going through his beard and finding cheese.
"They do smell,"
"Exactly, and what's wrong with your hair, Kili?" You had turned on the bed, bringing your hand up  to his hair,touching it gently, moving it out for his face. "I think you've got lovely hair, those guys were just idiots, Jareth had to beat them with a soup spoon once, you are not stupid nor hairless. How could they call you hairless? They are bald?"
Cupping Kili's face, to bringing him to face you, looking into his chestnut eyes.  "Y/n, I must confess, that this would not have happened if I did not like you."   And with that you had pressed your lips to his.
"Your eyes can be so cruel
Just as I can be so cruel
Oh I do believe in you
Yes I do" Jareth singing faintly could be heard.
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 15
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( 16 December)
9:33 am
Arriving at your college, you found students making the whole campus chaotic, which was understandable since the announcement happened yesterday.
It's been few days since the bowling day and the play took over yesterday with principal announcing an event happening in the coming week which left students excited.
"I'm so excited!" Ria exclaimed clapping her hands and you shook your head at her chuckling as you two were walking out of the class. "You're always excited for parties, no?"
"And you are not, how boring." She rolled her eyes and earned a smack from you before you two heard your names being called out.
Looking at the direction, you spotted Mark running towards you with a smile on his face before he stopped infront of you.
"Are you also excited for the party?" Ria questioned him smiling brightly and he frowned shaking his head causing you chuckle at your bestfriend as she pouted.
"You look happy, did something good happened?" You asked him and he smiled again before instantly pulling you in a hug leaving you shook.
He pulled away sensing you standing still and chuckled awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, I just got excited."
You coughed out looking away embarrassed to lock eyes with your bestfriend who was staring at you with surprised expression and you gave her a what look where she snapped out.
"Ahem, why are you so excited that you even hugged y/n." She crossed her arms staring at Mark teasingly and you frowned slapping her arm lightly.
"Oh, that, I made a painting and it was uploaded on our college blog and I just just heard from professor that they got called by a famous Art Gallery and they want to present my painting on their exhibition." He told with a shy smile.
You and Ria looked at eachother amazed before smiling widely at him and praised him. You three started walking to the garden area with him telling you that he won't be able to attend the party since he has to go there.
Imersed in talking and unaware of the fact that Baekhyun was watching the scene from the window of the music room with clenched jaw. He didn't know why but he didn't liked how Mark hugged you and seeing it, he had the urge to pull him away from you.
He followed the voice which called out him to see Yixing staring at him with worried look at which Baekhyun raised his brows questionly.
He followed Yixing's gaze to his hand and got shocked to see a plastic water bottle crushed in his hand. Not able to look at him, he excused himself outside to throw this with an excuse to be alone.
Why was he feeling this way? Seeing you with smiling at other guy made him feel weird inside and really bothered him enough to feel angry. He looked at the crushed bottle and gulped hardly before throwing it in the ban.
He needed to sort this out quickly before he gets crazy with the thoughts.
12:34 pm
You were in the cafeteria with your bestfriend and Baekhyun with his friends at the same table with you. At first it was a little awkward since you were getting stared at but not now and you're used to it.
Chanyeol, Sehun and Jongin were discussing about the party and Ria being the biggest enthusiastic joined them. They kept sharing their latest experiences from their previous parties at how Jongin got drunk and spilled his drink on one of the professors then next day the professor kept sending death glares to him.
Jongin did a fake shudder as he remembered about that night and all of you laughed at him before you looked to your side to see Baekhyun looking lost while playing with his food.
You frowned and tapped his shoulder to get his attention where he instantly looked at you surprised.
"Are you okay?"
"Huh?" He looked confused then following your gaze to his plate then back to you and gave a little smile before nodding. Though you weren't convinced but you also didn't wanted to force him so you just went back to your business.
Meanwhile, Baekhyun, he was still bothered by the scene he witnessed earlier and being the straightforward person he is, he couldn't help but ask about this.
"Can I ask you something?"
You looked at him confusingly before nodding then Baekhyun saw everyone imersed in talking and he leaned a bit to your side.
"Are you dating Mark?"
You looked at him surprised taken aback by his sudden question out of your imagination. Seeing your shook face Baekhyun wanted to punch himself for being too straightforward.
You don't know why but you didn't wanted any misunderstanding between you two and instantly shook your head. "No! Why would you think that?"
His face lit up upon hearing your answer and hid his grin. "Uh, I happened to see you two hugging so, yeah."
"Ah! That he was excited so unknowingly he did that." You casually said even though you were also shook by his gesture.
Baekhyun's head snapped with a serious expression. "Just because he was excited, he hugged you?"
You stared at him confused and he cleared his throat feeling himself overreacting but he couldn't help himself, boy was jealous as hell.
"Nevermind, Are you coming to the party?"
He smiled genuinely and you stared at him as how he was acting weird right now and instantly changed.
"Oh, right! Are you two coming?" Sehun asked and Ria immediately nodded. Well, nothing new.
"I'll have to stay away from professors, I don't wanna repeat the scene." Jongin whined.
"Too bad. You would be dancing in the bathroom and you wouldn't even know." Chanyeol commented earning a glare from the latter while you all laughed.
"So, Are you coming?" Chanyeol questioned and you shrugged. "I'm not sure. I mean, I'm not a party person so..."
"Yeah! Come to think of it, I have never seen you any college events too." Sehun tapped his index finger on his chin and Jongin nodded.
"You should come," You looked at Baekhyun. "I mean, this time won't come back and when you look back, you would have some memories to remember."
You stared at him pondering his words before a smile crept on your face and you nodded. "I'll think about it."
"Baekhyun Hyung, you should become a philosopher." Sehun commented and the latter rolled his eyes.
"She will come." Ria spoke with a confident tone making you confuse before a smug smile appeared on her lips as she had a plan.
Still smiling, she looked ahead and made an eye contact with Chanyeol who was already staring at her but instantly looked away. Ria also looked down at her food with her blushing face and you watched the scene like an investigator.
Later, you went to the library to return some books and met Rowoon outside by chance then decided to walk with with him but while passing by the garden area you witnessed a scene you wished you shouldn't have.
"What the hell are you trying to do?!"
You and Rowoon halted when you heard a familiar voice which belonged to Baekhyun. You really didn't wanted to pry or see anything but that's when you heard another familiar voice.
"At least tell me the reason!"
And before you knew it, Rowoon was already going towards them with you trying to stop him.
"Don't you feel ashamed asking me this, when you have a freaking boyfriend?"
"I got close to him so I can get close to you!"
Your jaw slightly dropped upon hearing Lauren's words and so was Baekhyun as looked at her with disgusting eyes.
"I can't believe this! You would stoop this low! And I already told you that I don't like you!"
You flinched by his sudden outburst before looking at Rowoon who had his jaw clenched with his eyes showing hurt.
You felt so bad and that's when you locked eyes with Baekhyun who seemed shocked and Lauren followed his gaze and her face turned pale.
Before she could say anything, Rowoon walked away from there with Lauren following him, not before glaring at you thinking you led him here.
You and Baekhyun stared at eachother, not saying anything until he began to explain but you stopped him saying he doesn't have to since you already saw everything and it wasn't his fault.
As for him, he felt relieved that you didn't misunderstood and trusted him.
Days passed and you noticed the tension between Baekhyun and Rowoon as both of them seemed too awkward to talk which was weird for his friends too, since they always get along well.
Coming back to Lauren, she seemed guilty as Rowoon wasn't giving her any attention and stayed away from her which seemed to anger her and whenever you made an eye contact with her, she always glared at you.
Not to mention, she kept bumping into on purpose and did things where your patience was getting out of hands but you stayed still knowing how bad things would turn out, until one day.
Ria and you were seated in the cafeteria since everyone was too busy to be here so this time you both were alone, eating your food and laughing at eachother's jokes. You were about to grab a bite but a gasp escape from mouth as you felt something cold touched your head.
Then you realised, it was juice as you could smell it from your hair, keeping your eyes shut, you tried to calm down by taking a deep breath.
"Lauren! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Ria shouted, standing up from her chair and then looked at you, her eyes soften. "Y/n, are you okay?"
"Awe, is y/n gonna cry?" She laughed mockingly. "You deserve this for snatching my boyfriend from me!"
You took a deep breath before opening your eyes shot at her. "You should've poured water instead of juice, stupid."
She looked at you in disbelief. "W-what?"
You stood up and she took a step back while Ria smirked as she saw what was coming now.
"And what? Snatched your boyfriend? Who are you trying to fool? We both know who's fault it is." You snapped and she looked at you with wide eyes before looking around to see everyone was giving her weird looks.
"And If you think by doing this will make you some high and mighty," You folded your arms to your chest before stepping closer to her. "Then let me tell you it's not, you look like an attention seeker."
She huffed. "How dare-".
"Cockroach!" You shouted and she stepped back screaming and started dusting off her dress and her hair and then looked at you confusingly. "There's nothing!"
"Did I said there was?" You said with a pocker face and everyone started laughing at her, you just shook your head. "Stupid."
You took your food plate and was about to leave but turned back to her who was standing still and went closer to her.
"Don't mess with me again." You warned her firmly and turning around you left the cafeteria with Ria behind you before she threw a smug smile at Lauren.
"Gosh, I don't even have a shampoo with me!" You whined while washing your hair in the washroom.
"Here." Ria held out a towel and you took it before rubbing your hair and dried them in the hand dryer.
"But that was insane like y/n! You rocked it!" Ria exclaimed while your were combing your hair.
You sighed. "I had to, I saw this coming like how she was behaving with me since last few days, I didn't want to do that but she was testing my patience."
Ria patted your back. "You did the right thing Y/n but why did she do that?"
"Rowoon broke up with her." You looked at her reflection from the mirror and she gasped. "What? How?"
You looked around the washroom if someone was there but not finding anyone, you spun around and faced her. You narrated everything about that day but you kept it in since this was a personal matter of them and you just happened to witness it.
She scoffed. "Wow! I knew it! She was always looking at Baekhyun Sunbae with those flirty eyes and I heard that she got rejected by him before."
"You knew? Your eyes enlarged. "I didn't know that but whatever it is, Rowoon broke up with her and she's blaming me since he is ignoring her and still hanging out with us."
"Not just Rowoon but Baekhyun Sunbae and his friends too that's why she's jealous of you." She stated and you closed your eyes and sighed. "Let's just drop this topic."
"Y/n, you okay?" Ria asked in a worried tone and you opened before giving her a assuring smile. "Yeah."
She suddenly started laughing and you looked at her quizzically. "Why are you laughing?"
"It's just that you brought cockroach in the middle of serious atmosphere." She said in the midst of laughter and you joined her before you both got out of the washroom.
While walkng down the hallway, you both spotted Rowoon standing against your locker, he looked around and met your gaze before standing straight as you aproached.
"Rowoon what are you doing here?" Ria asked him and he shifted his eyes to you from her.
"I heard what happened." He spoke and you both looked at eachother before him.
"I'm really sorry y/n, this is all because of me." He gave you a guilty look and you shook your head. "No, it's not your fault, it's not like you did it, so don't blame yourself."
"But still-"
"No buts, just let it go hm?" You smiled and he nodded still feeling guilty and you noticed it.
"If you're still feeling sorry, then you can do something that'll make us happy." You tilted your head and they both gave you a confused look.
"What?" Rowoon asked, looking at you like you're gonna ask him to jump in a fire.
You chuckled. "Pizza treat, deal?"
His confused face changed into a grin and he nodded immediately. "Deal but when?"
"Right now! Because we didn't get to eat lunch." You patted your stomach and he chuckled.
"Yes! And y/n, you're not gonna eat mine." Ria nudged you and you just made a face before you three went out to a close restaurant.
Baekhyun who was in his class and his phone buzzed and it kept buzzing until Baekhyun decided to check.
Yeol: Did you hear?
Jonginie: hear what?
Dae: I've heard it too!
Junmyeon hyung: can someone tell me what's happening?
Sehuniee: I think I know.
Minseokie hyung: will you speak up now?
Yeol: I can type but can't speak on msg hyung!
Minseokie hyung: I wish I could hit you through the phone.
Lay hyung: chanyeol just tell us.
Yeol: okay I heard y/n got bullied.
Baekhyun stood up from his chair as soon as he read it, everyone turned to him and gave him weird looks.
"Baekhyun-ah, are you okay?" His prof asked him and he nodded not long the class ended and he rushed out of the classroom before slunging his bag over his shoulder.
He unlocked his phone and started typing while walking and met kyungsoo outside with a worried look.
Baekhyun: what do you mean bullied? How?
Sehun: hyung don't worry, lauren tried to bully her but y/n fought back very well.
Kyungjaa: how did you know? Were you there?"
Yeol: I just heard it but sehuniee said someone recorded a video but anyway y/n snapped at lauren thoㅋㅋ.
After reading the last message Baekhyun felt relieved but still he was furious at Lauren for even trying to hurt you.
"What are you thinking?" Kyungsoo placed his hand on baekhyun's shoulder.
"I have to go somewhere." Baekhyun's tone was stern and Kyungsoo got that where he was going.
He nodded. "Just be careful."
Baekhyun gave him a little nod before storming out and kyungsoo sighed then went to his friends.
"That y/n! Who does she think she is!" Lauren fumed as she was walking back and forth recalling the scene earlier.
"Lauren calm down, maybe we really shouldn't have done that." Her friend told her and Lauren glared at her before sitting across of her.
"What do you mean we shouldn't have! That y/n-". She yelped as someone slamed the table, slowly looking up to see her eyes met Baekhyun's fiery eyes.
"Oh Baekhyun sunbae." She smiled sweetly at him, forgetting her anger.
Baekhyun scoffed as he stood up straight. "Really? You're smiling? After what you did."
"What do you mean?" She made a innocent face at him.
"Don't play dumb with me, it doesn't suit you." He grunted. "Why the hell you tried to hurt y/n?"
She rolled her eyes. "Oh so it's y/n huh! Sunbae, how can you take her side when because of her Rowoon broke up with me." She faked her cry.
"Stop this drama when you're in the fault, and stop dragging y/n into this." Baekhyun retorted, pointing his index finger at her.
"Just who is she huh! Is there something going on between you two?" She scowled.
Baekhyun glared at her. "Whatever it is, that's none of your business and I'm warning you, stay far away from y/n or else you know what can I do."
Lauren gulped in fear and Baekhyun smirked before dashing off from the cafeteria.
Well, Sehun and Jongin's blabbing mouth was good for something useful.
2:24 pm
You were standing behind the counter with Baekhyun beside you, as he took the order from the customer you started making the drink, finishing it you gave it to him and he went out.
Baekhyun glanced at you. "Are you okay? I heard what happened today."
You sighed. "Did I got famous already?"
He chuckled. "Actually, " With that he pulled out his phone from his pocket before unlocking it and showed you a video of the scene happened in the cafeteria, but luckily only your back can be seen.
"What's this?" You gasped, holding the phone with your hand over his hand but you were too imersed in the video to notice it, however, Baekhyun did, his heart beat increased as you were standing close to him and instead of video, he was staring at you.
"Who posted this video?" You asked, still watching it and Baekhyun who was busy staring at you, didn't heard it and not getting his response you looked up and froze as you realized how close you both were standing.
His eyes boring into yours intently, as he didn't looked away nor you did with your heart was pounding rapidly and heat reached you face as you both kept staring until hearing some laughing sound you both snapped out and looked away before making distance between eachother.
Baekhyun cleared his throat awkwardly. "Um, did you ask something?"
You gulped before nodding. "Uh, yeah, who posted this video?" With a speedy heart you managed to ask.
"Someone posted this on our college blog." He told and you looked at him in shock. "College blog? You mean everyone can watch this? And what if someone shares it?"
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Baekhyun looked at you worringly.
You sighed. "It's just, if my family saw this, they would get too worried plus this is just getting attention and I don't want that."
Baekhyun nodded in understanding. "Don't worry, we'll do something and by the way you really fought back well."
You let out a awkward laugh. "Yeah, I'm a little impatient maybe."
He pretended to think. "Hm, so I also should be careful."
You shrugged, smiling. "Maybe."
He laughed. "You were great there." He patted your head before going in the kitchen leaving you there froze in your spot.
Smiling, Baekhyun went inside the kitchen before typing something on his phone.
Baekhyun - Sehun-ah, there's something you have to do.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog
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min-chery · 3 years
Whiskey and smoke | KTH & PJM
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Pairing: Taehyung / Named OC / Jimin
Rating: 16+
Warnings: Bartender Taehyung!au / Rich Jimin!au / vague mentions of sexual assault / drinking / smoking / Written in OC's POV
Summary: She has been bound to follow orders all through her life. Living a life of restraint, Taehyung had become her only source of relief. And one day, he and a very handsome stranger from the bar take a decision that rocks her damned world.
Word count: 2.9k
I swirl the amber liquid in the glass. Pegs after pegs of whiskey already In my system. It does me more good than harm. Has been doing it for the past 4 years.
It has become my companion over the years. I don't lose myself it. Never will. I find myself when have it by my side. I find the confidence I crave for. The world becomes brighter than it ever possibly could.
The bartender keeps a close eye on me, his lips forming a pout. He's sometimes the only one who cares about me. And I'll gladly indulge myself knowing I'm not unwanted.
"I'm alright Tae. It's not my first time drinking." I wave him off.
"That's why I'm worried, noona. Another family gathering?" He inquires.
"Hmm. And a few important clients from his company."
"You should tell them this isn't the life you want, Val. You're drinking yourself to death at this rate."
"It's not that easy." I sigh.
"It is that easy. You've never tried to know that." He whispers harshly.
"Don't act as if you care." I sneer. He talks as if it's that easy to confront them. Them. My manipulative parents.
"I do care, okay! You think I asked you out thrice because I don't care? All you've done those times was throw the same shitty excuse at my face. You won't understand how much I care, Valeria. You're too drunk to even try and understand how hard I'm trying to see you as just a bestfriend when we know we both are not just that." He looks disappointed in me for the first time and it breaks my heart. I look straight into his eyes without letting myself waver and he stares with the same intensity. He finally gives up, slamming the shaker on the counter before heading to the other side of the bar.
To hear him call me by name and not 'noona' or 'Val' makes me almost tear up. I sniffle, pulling my hair towards my face. The world blurs and the scenes from my first time meeting him take over.
It was in high school I first saw him. My bestfriend introduced me to this club. Back then this building had been used as a hangout spot for people interested in motorsports. Jungkook and I sneaked out from school on multiple occasions to meet with the people here. It was everything I had ever wished for. I had nothing to hide about among those people. Didn't have to pretend who I was. There was always free alcohol here. And the first time Jungkook brought me here, a guy had draped his arm over my bestfriend's shoulder and said "Who have you brought here with you, Jungkookie?"
He had smiled so wide at me, I wondered for a second if I was in heaven. How could someone have been so beautiful and been a human?
Jungkook had introduced us to each other and left us alone to get along. And we did. We got along so well and so fast, we were surprised. He talked my ear off about a girl he loved. Narrated so many stories about their happy life together. They sounded so happy and in love, that it struck me like a flash of lightning when he said she cheated on him multiple times. His eyes that had been scrunched up in a smile all afternoon and had suddenly taken a glossy sheen to them.
It had been the first time I had seen a man cry. I remember wondering if I could ever soothe him. If I could see him smile once again that day. But he recovered pretty quick. He had found something else to hold onto and love. Motor racing.
The sound of a throat clearing rings beside me and I lift up my face to look at the person. A man about my age peers at me from above his glass of scotch. There's a slight hint of a smile on his lips as if he's watched the previous conversation with Tae and finds our little fight amusing.
I sniffle and glare at him, which only makes him smile more openly. He sets down the glass on the counter and wipes the liquid off his plump lips with the back of his palm.
"Don't worry about him. He'll come around soon." He says, voice gentle and laced with a teasing smile.
"And I don't need a stranger telling me that about my bestfriend." I snicker. It makes a foul emotion crawl through my skin. To see an outsider talk about Tae, my Tae, as if he knows him better than I do.
"My my I should've probably introduced myself first. I'm Park Jimin. Taehyung's roommate." The smirk that's settled on the man's lips is so frustrating, it makes me want to punch him square in the nose.
"Do you smoke?" He asks. For once it feels like he's not mocking me. I nod, placing my hand in his when he extends it.
It's then I realize that I'm following a man that I've met for the first time outside. Beneath the arrogance, he seems like a gentleman by the way he's curled his fingers around mine. A fragility in the way he handles me.
We walk a few blocks away from the club. Music from the place we just left still faintly following us. Jimin then sits on the clean sidewalk, looking at me to sit down too. And I do. Sitting so close to him, I take to opportunity to really absorb his features into my brain. 'He's beautiful' is the conclusion my mind comes to.
He holds out a cigarette, waiting for me to put it between my lips. I part my lips open for him to do so. He gulps before doing so and then proceeds to take out his lighter. The orange light the flame produces shines on his face making him look handsome in a different way.
His eyes lift up from the cancer stick in my mouth to my eyes and fall back on my lips. He's quickly moving away from me as if he's scared of the effect I would have on him.
I take in puffs of the smoke, let it fill my lungs with the toxins. I still don't understand why it relieves me, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't. It's just as good of a friend of mine as is the alcohol.
"So you're the one who's been hooking up with Tae for so long." He says, pushing away the silence that had engulfed us. I nod, letting out the smoke I'd held in my mouth.
"I've known Tae my whole life. And I've seen him cry only a handful of times. The first time was back in high school. When he cut his ex-girlfriend out of his life. For good." He grits out the final part, eyes unfocused as he recollects his memories.
"And then a couple of years later. When you told him about your family. He didn't tell me anything other than how he thinks they're the shittiest people in your life. Didn't go into much detail about it. Just cried in my arms all night until he fell asleep." He's now looking at me with a soft look in his eyes.
"He told me he loved you that night. I always teased him about this Valeria who had his heart. Still has it. The last time I saw him cry was when you rejected him. The first time." I remember that day, I considered it the worst moment of my life. And Jimin wasn't the only one that saw him cry that day.
I woefully smile, feeling a lump in my throat grow bigger. Taking another long drag of the cigarette, I flick it onto the road. It doesn't fall far from me though. Jimin is stretching towards it and tossing it into a waste bin close by without lifting his ass up. He's smirking once again, winking at me. I laugh at his attempt to impress me with his aiming skills.
"They are shitty people. My family. I'm only something they use for their publicity stunts. Attending their business parties, walking around in rich gowns for the men to see. They never for once asked me what I wanted. All they've done is throw things at me and demand at me to be what they wanted me to be." I laugh, but it's anything but with happiness.
"I've abandoned my dreams to be a living doll for those people. I've had strangers my father's age run their filthy hands over my body. And he watched, that man. Watched his friends make his daughter feel like dirt. Can still feel the fingers of the guy my dad wants me to marry on my bare back from just hours ago." My voice cracks, tears no longer being able to be held within the confines of the waterline. As they tumble down my cold cheeks, I wrap my arms around myself. Feeling naked in my backless dress.
Jimin rustles beside me, shrugging his blazer down his shoulders and wraps it over me. He giving me an apologetic look which I wave off. I'm too tired to deal with the problems in my life.
"Why won't you agree to be Tae's girlfriend when you love him? The guy your dad chose is obviously a pathetic excuse of a man."
"I'm not the kind who stand up for themselves. I kept telling him that I'll never be able to turn down my father's order if he asks me to marry a rich businessman. I'd have to cut Taehyung out of my life and I can't do that to him. He deserves someone way better than that." I sniffle, wiping my face free of the moisture. Jimin's letting my words sink in, thinking of a response.
"Look, I've not had a great family either. Left them behind when I was really young. I let them know how forcing their decisions on me was not worth losing me. So, I understand how you must feel. But it's always nice to have someone fight for you, fight the whole world with you. And with Taehyung in your life, I don't know if there is anyone who'll be as careful with your heart as he is."
"Stop trying to set me up with him." I laugh.
"Just saying." He replies, his eyes closed into crescents as he joins in my laughter.
"Got another cigarette?" I ask as I move in closer to him. He worriedly looks at me and then nods. Once again lighting it up, he places it between my lips.
I take in a long drag and hold the smoke in my mouth. I watch Jimin gulp as I move in even closer to him. I blow it to his face, his eyes growing hooded as he looks at me through the toxic air. I pass the stick to him, asking him to do the same. He follows along, hollowing out his cheeks and blowing it to my face.
It makes my core thrum from the intensity of the scene. A hand with the number '13' tatted on the wrist holding a cigarette and the puff of smoke encasing the two of us. We've come incredibly close to each other, faces just centimeters away. He's slowly leaning in, eyes locked on my lips as mine on his. Our noses brush, a spark going straight to my brain.
I shift my head to the side, eyeing his soft ears. I lift up a finger to gently tug at the earring, toying with it as I breathe in his cologne. The soft flesh of his earlobe tend me irresistible and pull me in to press a kiss there.
Jimin's arms have wound themselves around me, his nose buried in my hair as I kiss his ear. Somehow, my mind has deemed him a safe place. Him being Taehyung's roommate playing a large role in my trust in the man I've met for the first time today.
"Val! Jimin-ah! Is that you two?!" Taehyung calls out, rushing towards us. I jump up from the sidewalk, walking towards him with Jimin trailing behind. As Taehyung nears us, he opens his arms. My eyes blur with unfallen tears and I smash into his chest.
He wraps himself around me, forming a protective embrace. I fist his black shirt at his chest, cuddling and making myself smaller in his arms. His hands run through the length of my hair, his cheek smushed at the top of my head. He's my warmth on a cold night and without him, I'd fall into a pit of eternal winter.
"I'm sorry, Val." He says, not letting go of me and I'm glad he didn't. I wasn't ready to leave his embrace yet.
"You had a tough time and came to the club for some relief and me being a dumbass lectured you." He says against my hair.
"Don't call yourself a dumbass." I pout, weakly hitting at his chest. His laughter fills my ears, along with Jimin's quiet chuckle. I look up at Jimin from where I'm buried in Tae's torso. He looking at us with newfound adoration.
"I'm sorry though." He mumbles.
" 's okay."
I'm being moved away from Taehyung's chest after a minute, but still held towards him by my waist. Taehyung looks at Jimin, a quiet conversation between them. And Jimin walks closer to the two of us, his hands going around Taehyung's shoulder.
"Hi baby." Jimin coos, making a faint red dust across Taehyung's cheeks. Jimin then places a kiss on his lips, a quick peck before they're both looking at me.
"I've been wanting to tell you something noona." Taehyung starts, his hands tightening around me.
"I and Jiminie have been roommates since high school. And we've decided to move to The States."
It hits me like a flash of lightning when he says so. He's moving away. Far away from me. And somehow it invokes a deep fear in me. Jungkook also moved to the US after college. I feel dizzy realizing I'd be left alone in the hands of my family. And I'd rather die than let that happen.
"Tae..." I whisper, the tears running down my cheeks almost instantly. His eyebrows pinch in worry, hands holding my face. His thumb brushes my cheekbones, catching the tears as they fall.
"I found an amazing photography program at one of the colleges and it fit right in my budget. I won't even have to get a student loan for it. It was our dream remember? Me taking photography while you took business courses." I nod. I remember talking about it right after we hooked up for the first time. I had laid on his chest, his arms holding me as close to him as possible.
"We're both being stagnant in our lives, Val. How long do you think we can keep hooking up? You're going to leave me behind the second you get engaged to a stranger." His eyes are filling up in pain.
"I'm coming with you, Tae. I'll suffocate here without you. Don't leave me, Tae. Don't leave me." I'm sobbing hard in his arms, clutching hard at his waist as if it would stop him from going away.
Jimin moves in, taking both me and Tae into his arms. He places a gentle kiss on both of our foreheads.
"We'll take you with us if you want, moonlet. You've got a week to yourself before we move. You can take some time and think about this decision, alright? We need you to be sure you want to come with us." he speaks benignly.
"I don't need more time. I want to come with you." I say with determination.
"That's good, Val. Jiminie will take good care of us. He's got a huge apartment in New York. Got a shit ton of money. He's really kind too. And god the things his dick makes you feel." Taehyung groans, throwing his head back and then breaking into laughter. Jimin and I join in, basking in the warmth his smile provides. We both love this adorable boy with a boxy smile and I'm sure it is seen in our eyes.
"You're making me sound like a sugar daddy, you idiot." Jimin says, hitting him softly at the back of his head.
"It is true though." Tae laughs. "Looks like lover boy's starting to feel things for you, noona."
Jimin blushes, trying to stand tall and not shying from our collective gaze. In the end, he gives up, stuffing his face in the crook Taehyung's neck.
"He doesn't have a problem with polyamory too. He's the full package, this guy." he smiles, ruffling Jimin's hair.
We don't stay there for long after our conversation. We head to Jimin and Taehyung's apartment and I stay the night. We all spend time getting to know each other better. Me and Jimin bond very fast, learning we're both similar in a lot of ways. I and Tae let Jimin in on our stories from years ago. I and Jimin even kiss for the first time that night, leaving us warm and blushing.
As the night progresses and we lay in each other's arms on the living room floor, I realize I'm being given another chance at life. Maybe running away from the people who birthed you isn't the best way to start your life again. But it feels good. To finally leave behind the toxicity. In a week's time, I'll be free. And I intend on making the most out of my life after.
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radiorenjun · 4 years
Hug. ⅰ
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→Pairing: Liu Yangyang x Reader
→Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
→Warnings: Swearing, Bullying, Attempt Suicide and mentions of self degrading, insecurities, anxiety, negative thoughts, physical injuries.
→Looking from the perspective of Liu Yangyang, the boy who bullied a girl to the point she had a scar to burden both of their lives. He lived on with a heavy heart until he finally enters college and bumps into a girl with a familiar scar and the same tattoo on her wrist as his.
→ Chapters: ⅰ, ii
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12 years old.
Yangyang leaned against the table, joking around with his friends during recess. His gummy smile bright and wide as he laughed at his friend's jokes, his fists inside his hoodie pockets as he spoke.
"Did you know my sister found her soulmate on her first day of college?" a girl behind him exclaimed excitedly. "That's so cute! I wonder when I'll meet mine. I can't wait to see what my tattoo looks like!" her friend gushed, rubbing her left wrist with a dreamy sigh.
At age 16, a tattoo will start appearing on your left wrist. Creating a special bond between two people, binding them together for all of eternity. People strive to find their other half to feel completed, those who failed to do so would have to wander the earth til the heavens pick them up.
"Gross! Soulmates are disgusting! You're gonna get fricking cooties!" his friend gagged in disgust. "Shut up, you drama queen. You're gonna have one when you're 16, doofus." Yangyang snickered, lightly punching his friend's shoulder.
"True. But I'd like to enjoy my non-cootie life while I still can, Yangyang." his friend stuck his tongue out teasingly at him causing his other friends to chuckle. "You do know cooties aren't real right?" His other friend retorted, pushing his glasses up from falling from the bridge of his nose.
"They're not?!" his friend exclaimed in shock, but was quickly interrupted by their class teacher entering the room with a girl trailing right behind her shyly. "Alright, settle down, class!" she spoke with a clap of her hands once she put down her stationary on her table.
Yangyang quickly ran to his table, slouching in his chair lazily as he and his friends snickered and giggled. His hand went to grab his pen and started clicking on its ends as his teacher began speaking.
"I'm happy to announce that we have a new student joining our class from now on!" the teacher exclaimed, putting a hand on the young girl's back and gently pushed her forward.
Yangyang's half lidded gaze tore away from his friends to the girl standing shyly infront of the class. "Please, introduce yourself." the teacher coaxed gently at the girl who nodded and reached into her bag to pull out a small notebook and a pencil.
She began writing on it, this attracted the whole class's attention. 'What the heck is she doing?' Yangyang pondered, his brows furrowed with curiousity. Soon she smiled at her classmates who were staring curiously at her before flipping her notebook to reveal what she had written.
Written in big letters was
'Hello, I'm y/n l/n. I don't speak very properly. Please cooperate with me so we can be good friends throughout the school year! :)'
This soon caused whispers to erupt all around class, whispering how sympathetic they felt for the poor girl and how they would make her feel as comfortable here as possible. Yangyang, however, couldn't stop looking at the girl who was told to sit down at an empty desk near his.
'What's up with her? Why can't she speak?' Yangyang's young mind pondered as he stared at the girl adjusting to her surroundings as the girls nearby introduced themselves to the mute girl. Soon the class grew quiet once the teacher told them to open their books to Chapter Five.
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"What's with that new kid?" Yangyang asked his peers as he joined his group in a game of soccer in the school field. "Who? Y/n?" his friend asked with a tilt of his head and a raise of his brow.
"Yeah, she's pretty weird dontcha think?" Yangyang said as he kicked the ball towards the net. "Yeah, she kinda is. I mean, why can't she talk though?" his friend agreed with a nod, stepping back to catch the ball the keeper threw back.
"Well, she is mute, you knuckleheads. She can't speak, though, I think she can hear just fine." his friend spoke with a click of his tongue. "Alright, Professor. I didn't ask," Yangyang spat at his friend before a familiar girl caught his eye.
That new kid.
She was talking to Mei Liao, carrying that same exact notebook with her, writing down in it once every few minutes. He chuckled as an idea popped into his head like a light bulb being turned on.
He let out a small "psst" at his mates, attracting their attention as he grabbed the ball with the soles of his shoes from his friend. "Watch this," he smirked as he kicked the ball towards the girl, hitting her exactly on her back.
Y/n fell to the ground at the impact. Her notebook and pencil lying on the tiled floor, Mei yelling out her name in concern as the ball bounced to the wall and rolled right infront of them.
"Sorry! Can you pass it back, please!" Yangyang grinned as he jogged up to the girls with his hands in his pockets. Mei was on her knees helping y/n get up to her feet, which y/n then proceeded to grab the ball and handed it to him.
He saw her smile gently at him as she kindly passed the ball back. He didn't know why but that kind smile made his blood heat up, why was she being so nice after he just kicked a ball at her?
"Yangyang! You should've been careful with that!" Mei scolded, giving y/n her book and pencil back. Yangyang rolled his eyes, "it was an accident, sheesh. Plus look, y/n's fine. You're just overreacting, Mei." he scoffed.
Mei was about to retort at the young boy but was stopped when y/n layed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a look that says "it's okay". His eyes met her kind ones as she gave him a soft polite smile, showing how sincere she was.
Yangyang raised his brow at the girl before he let out a small scoff and started walking back to the field where his friends were giggling at his actions, ignoring the eyes of Mei that was boring into his skull.
"Dude, that was hilarious!" his friend laughed. "Poor girl didn't even see it coming!" he added, Yangyang's mood enlighten slightly when he saw that his friends were laughing at what he just did, but the kind smile on that girl's face made his blood boil.
"Duh," Yangyang snickered, "that's why I did it." he stated, looking at the corner of his eyes where he could see Y/N talking to an angered Mei with a bright smile on her face. Why did Yangyang feel so angry?
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As the weeks went by, Yangyang continued to mercilessly tease and bully y/n without any remorse.
He would bump his shoulder forcefully against hers purposely, ignoring her confused gaze as he didn't spare her a glance when doing so. He would stick out his foot so she would trip and fall to the floor, leaving their classmates laughing at her. He would make snarky comments bout her when she was around.
But yet, the girl still smiled. It was frustrating to say the least. Seeing that smile appear everytime their eyes meet.
One day, when Yangyang finished his soccer practice after school, he was just bout to head home with his friends when his friend, Marc, spoke. "Hey Yangyang, there's that y/n. I think she's walking over to us."
Yangyang and his friend turned to see the mute girl running up to them with her notebook in her hand. Yangyang rolled his eyes as his friends continued to speak. "What's she still doing in school? No one's usually here unless they join the sport clubs." Sang whispered.
Yangyang's brow raised as the girl came to a stop right infront of him with her notebook in her hand. She stretch out her hand, gesturing him to read what she had written on the lined paper. Yangyang raised his brow, "What the heck is this?" he asked.
' Yangyang. Are you mad at me?'
His eyes darted from the paper to her shy ones, that smile was there. "Yah, can't you speak for yourself? Your handwriting is barely readable." he mocked. The girl let out a pout before doing hand gestures, which made Yangyang clenched his teeth.
Right. The girl taught everyone in class some sign language to help communicate better when she doesn't bring her notebook.
"I can't understand you, you freak." he spat, tucking his hands in his pockets to look tough. Suddenly, y/n pointed at herself. Then at him. Before intertwining both her fingers together, this made his eyes widen.
His friends bawled out laughing hysterically behind him, "Yangyang! Oh my God!" they laughed as Yangyang's cheeks began to flush red at the sight of her hands intertwining. What is this girl thinking? Is she out of her mind?
"Yangyang are you really gonna-" before another word was spewed out of his friend's mouth, he angrily grabbed the girl's notebook and tossed it away to the bushes. "What the hell?!" he exclaimed at the girl who flinched at his loud tone.
"Are you out of your mind?!" he shouted, but y/n ignored him to fetch her notebook from the bushes, carefully leaning over and holding onto the wall for support. "Is this girl for real?" his friend laughed as he nudged Yangyang's shoulder.
Yangyang huffed angrily before walking off, "let's go, guys." he grumbled, grabbing his two friends by the bag and pulling them with him as they howled with laughter at the sight that had just been displayed infront of them.
That kid is going to get it.
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The day Yangyang finally got too far with his selfish acts is the day where his world started to crumble down right infront of his eyes. The next day after those incidents was the day Yangyang's bullying got worse.
He would speak badly bout the girl to her friends, causing everyone to leave her alone. The other girls talked bout her behind her back, and some even start joining in on pushing her during classes.
It went so far until her only loyal friend, Mei, was bullied as well. She was bullied as she was one of the overweight students of their class, and being friends with the bullied mute girl with the notebook wasn't helping. It got to the point she had requested on moving schools the next week, leaving the quiet, meek y/n all alone.
A few weeks after, Yangyang was being his usual self. He sat down on his chair, his back leaning lazily as he clicked the ends of his pen while listening to his friends' story. He spaced out, staring into the walls without a thought, his friends' words muffled in his ears.
Suddenly, he spot the oh-so-familiar girl behind chased by her female bullies who was pushing her mercilessly as she ran. Yangyang's eyes sparked with mischief and excitement as he watched her run around the class, laughter filling the room.
He clicked his tongue when he spotted her running towards his way. He smirked when he stuck his foot out right at the right moment, feeling her foot trip over his and waiting to hear the sound of her hands making contact with the tiled floor. His eyes widened at the sound of a loud crash, the piercing sound of table and chair moving forcefully made his eyes turned to see the sight before him.
Y/n was on her knees, her hands cupping half of her face. The tables and chairs behind him was moved away from the strong impact, he watched as the girl stood up in the silent classroom as everyone had stopped what they were doing and turned to look what was going on.
"Y/n! Are you okay?" a girl asked, leaning from the chair with her knee on it and her hands supporting herself with the tables beside her. Y/n nodded, her eyes was stinging with tears at the pain she was feeling but nonetheless she didn't feel that bad.
Her knees were scraped badly and when she removed her hands from her face, that's when everyone freaked out. Yangyang's eyes widened at the sight of the girl before him, his body tensed in his seat.
"Y/n! You're bleeding!" someone exclaimed, pointing at the blood dripping down the young girl's smiling lips. There was a huge scar on her lip, blood was oozing down rapidly, staining her chin. Shock overtook the girl's features as she looked down at her palm, fear filling her pupils as she froze on the spot, not knowing what to do with the dull ache in her mouth.
"Someone call the teacher!"
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odanurr87 · 3 years
My thoughts on... Scripting Your Destiny
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Release date: March 16, 2021
Episodes: 10
Available on: Viki
Summary: Every human is born with a book that records each moment of their life and that we call destiny. Shin Ho Yoon is one of the many deities in charge of writing those books, known among the gods for his meticulous approach to his work. For his latest project, the destiny of the mortal Jeong Ba Reum, he intends to write a masterpiece, a perfect destiny, pairing him with his first love, Go Che Gyeong, a scriptwriter for successful, if over-the-top, makjangs like Marriage Pact and Sky Cash. However, when Che Gyeong doesn't fall for the fateful encounter that he wrote, he decides to take matters into his own hands and bluntly approaches her to find out how to get her to fall in love. As the two begin to develop feelings for each other, the perfect destiny envisioned for Ba Reum threatens to disappear and a new destiny between a god and a mortal begins to emerge. But can a god of destiny write his own fate?
Rewatch meter: Medium
WARNING: Spoilers beyond this point.
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From left to right: Park Sang Nam as Shin Myeong; Ki Do Hoon as Shin Ho Yoon; Jeon So Nee as Go Che Gyeong; Kim Woo Seok as Jeong Ba Reum; and Gal So Won as Samshin.
Overall, I liked the leads and most of the supporting characters. As far as the leads are concerned, I think Ki Do Hoon was able to deliver a good performance of what a god of destiny might, or perhaps should, be like: standoffish, emotionless, uninterested in the mortal realm beyond the scope of his duties. As such, Shin Ho Yoon feels the more godly of the different deities in the show, what is curious considering he's probably one of the youngest gods of destiny, what is explained through his cycle of rebirth. I wish the writer and the actor had made full use of this cycle by having the character of Shin Ho Yoon grow more emotionless as a result, what would explain why he's different from other gods. Perhaps this was intended, but if so, the results are mixed. You can see he was more impulsive in the beginning of his cycle as a god of destiny than he was, say, at the beginning of the show. However, the last incarnation we're shown of Ho Yoon, in Episode 10, appears to be more upbeat than any of his previous ones, a fact that could've been used to feed into the notion that something has changed (more on that later) and that's why he's having fun at the expense of the "newbies."
Jeon So Nee as Go Che Gyeong was very good throughout, standing out from her male counterpart, perhaps due to the nature of her character that allowed her to show more range. I never found her to be over-the-top, and she was able to pull off the comedic and emotional scenes very well. She also passed off as a high-schooler better than Ki Do Hoon, despite the fact that she's five years his senior, but I guess that's the power of female hairstyles! My only complaint about her character is that I wish she had been a little more creative writing her own fate. I mean, she is a talented scriptwriter that even a god stole from.
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Park Sang Nam's Shin Myeong had good chemistry with Ki Do Hoon's Shin Ho Yoon, echoing the Goblin-Reaper duo from Goblin, what should come as no surprise as writer Kim Eun Sook is a producer for this show. They even paid homage to that iconic walking scene in the first episode. Unlike Ho Yoon, Myeong comes across as less devoted to his duties and more lazy. He himself admits to a disapproving Samshin that he copy-pastes destinies, but also makes an interesting point about only writing main events so that humans can fill in the gaps themselves. I'll let you decide whether this is really his intention or just an attempt to placate Samshin's anger. Consequently, his transition from a somewhat lazy god to a more serious one towards the end of the show was unexpected, but I guess it stands to reason given his worries about Ho Yoon, plus one shouldn't forget he's actually the older god. I do believe the show wasted an incredible opportunity to have Shin Myeong be the linchpin of our story.
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Ho Yoon shields precious Samshin from Myeong's words on how to passionately express love.
As for the characters of Jeong Ba Reum and Samshin, I can say the former was functional to the plot and gets immediately sidelined once that function is completed, while the latter definitely stole every scene she was in (and she's 14!). I would've loved to have seen more of her, even though I feel her arc was a little disconnected from the overall storyline and could've been tied better if the last episode had gone in a different direction.
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What if that something are meteorites?
The show has a lot of fun making fun of kdrama tropes, either through Che Gyeong's job as a scriptwriter or through the gods of destiny themselves, who take turns between being writers and viewers when coming up with the destinies of mortals. When Ho Yoon is having trouble understanding "the depth within humans which is beyond divine comprehension" (aka love), Myeong steps in to give him some advice on how "For love to happen you need to isolate them," stranding the pair in an island somewhere and having them stay in an inn with only one room available. Other gems from Shin Myeong include, "They got rained on, they're cold, their clothes are soaked. If they start a fire, we're 90% there." and "A woman always falls for a man who takes care of her when she's sick. Under one condition. He has to be good-looking." If you ask me, I think Myeong has been watching too many kdramas. Unfortunately for him, so has Che Gyeong, who makes her living writing them.
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Are they gods or kdrama fans?
As you can see, there's a lot of comedy to be found in the gods' numerous, and failed, attempts to get Ba Reum and Che Gyeong together. However, as I mentioned before, the character of Ba Reum is mostly functional. We learn little to nothing of who he is, how his life has been, what his dreams are, what is a bit off considering he's supposed to be Ho Yoon's "masterpiece." With Ho Yoon and Che Gyeong slowly starting to get closer, as the former tries his best to understand the nebulous concept of love, Ba Reum falls into the background, what isn't really much of a shame as he doesn't contribute a whole lot in the second half of the show, to the point he could've been taken out completely with slight rewrites here and there.
The writing is similarly flimsy when it comes to the rules of the universe. For instance, early on it is stated that whatever gets written on a fate book cannot be erased, and yet when a character accidentally spills coffee on his fate book the ink on the page vanishes as if it were Voldemort's diary (there is also another instance of writing mysteriously vanishing that isn't explained). In another case, it is stated that anyone who knew a certain character got their memories of that character erased, yet one (very secondary) character still seems to be able to recall everything. These sort of plot contrivances are odd in that they are unnecessary and could've been worked around with relative ease.
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It means we have a problem, that's what it means.
Another, more important, mystery that doesn't get explained is how Ho Yoon is able to "resurrect" multiple times. One of the rules of the universe states that any god who interferes with mortals, beyond the scope of their duties, and develops feelings for them, gets the Thanos treatment. However, it is eventually revealed that Shin Ho Yoon got the boot several times for this and yet was able to return every single time, with his memories erased. No explanation is provided for this and, instead, the show suggests, in the last scene of the last episode, that this is the case for all gods, as we see a couple of them return from extinction.
Personally, I feel there was a lot of potential left untapped here and this relates directly to my comment on how Shin Myeong should've been the linchpin of the entire story. If you'll recall the web drama One More Time, the reason why the male lead was stuck in a time loop was because of a contradiction that arose in the terms of the contract made between the female lead and the Grim Reaper. In a similar vein, I think the show could've suggested that Myeong first met Ho Yoon as a human kid and maybe wrote for him a fate that implied him falling in love or something similar. However, the human Ho Yoon died before that fate could occur and so became the god of destiny Shin Ho Yoon, destined to continuously "resurrect" until he could embrace his fate. A loophole such as this one could've neatly explained Ho Yoon's rebirth cycle.
The ending itself was a little underwhelming and it's easy to understand why, as it it suggested that Ho Yoon and Che Gyeong are stuck in an endless loop of the former falling in love with the latter and vanishing, with Che Gyeong being the only one able to remember all of their interactions. As fates go, it's rather depressing so it doesn't really jibe well when the show's upbeat main theme starts playing at the end. When I did my episode recaps for the show I suggested that, with some rewrites, we could've made Episode 9 the series finale and the show would've been better for it. How?
Imagine at some point in the show both characters remember everything, perhaps at that wind/lamb farm where Che Gyeong desperately calls out for Ho Yoon who, instead of running to her, walks away out of fear of vanishing for good this time. I would've planted seeds throughout the show suggesting Ho Yoon is developing emotions yet isn't vanishing from some inexplicable reason, and there are already some seeds of this in place. Perhaps he has a talk with Myeong about how strange that is and decides to see how far he can take it. The show would end as Episode 9 did, with Ho Yoon returning to Che Gyeong and asking for a caramel macchiato, the most expensive item. They both smile at the reference to their past encounter and we cut to credits with the main theme playing in the background. Ho Yoon's actions could serve to inspire other gods of destiny to try and write their own fates, like how Samshin (even though she's not a god of destiny) follows in his footsteps and decides to attend school.
If you've read any of my reviews, you know that, usually, all of my recommended shows are accompanied by a soundtrack that not only has good music in it but that is used at the right time. This show has some very good tracks that stand out from their more atmospheric counterparts, such as Lee So Jung's "Skyline" (the show's main theme), Jeong Sewoon's "Time Machine," and Yongmin Ryu's "Chaotic." As far as instrumentals tracks are concerned, the obvious standout bar none is "The Deity of Fate." Other instrumental tracks aren't bad but they just can't hold a candle to this magical piece by Yongmin Ryu that has traces of Hotel del Luna's excellent soundtrack.
A couple of examples that prove how these tracks are expertly used include the end of Episode 7, that shows us how Ho Yoon and Che Gyeong first met through a flashback, with "The Deity of Fate" followed by "Skyline," and another scene in Episode 9, where Ho Yoon recalls his past and we see a quick transition between different days at Che Gyeong's coffee shop as she serves him a caramel macchiato, with "Time Machine" playing in the background. However, in the same way Ho Yoon conjures up a magenta pink moon to distract Che Gyeong, I do believe the show sometimes relies on such scenes to divert your attention from some of its plot holes or inconsistencies, hoping their beauty and poetic nature will thwart any deeper analysis that it might not withstand. It's up to you to decide whether you can let it slide or not.
In short, Scripting your Destiny is a fun show that doesn't take itself too seriously and that successfully creates a universe and characters I'd love to see more of, while trying to convey a timeless love story that has elements of One More Time, Goblin, and Angel's Last Mission: Love. I don't believe it succeeds in this respect, certainly nowhere close to the OTPs in any of those shows, in no small part because Shin Ho Yoon never makes that transition from deity to boyfriend that is present in shows like Goblin and Angel's Last Mission: Love. The romance between Shin Ho Yoon and Go Che Gyeong is one that looks good on paper and should've translated better to the screen. Having said that, their interactions are quite fun to watch and one could certainly envision a future where the two become a couple, provided Ho Yoon somehow manages to stop getting lobotomized. It's a shame but the series finale makes it lose several points as it doesn't make the most of the show's premise or message.
Would I recommend it? If you've watched and enjoyed the other shows I mentioned, yes, absolutely. Despite its flaws, which can be considered relatively minor to an extent (this is a web drama after all), Scripting your Destiny is still a much better investment than many kdramas and at a fraction of their time, and the comedy value of seeing how it makes fun of kdrama tropes again and again cannot be discounted. You're bound to have a good laugh for sure. Additionally, it features some gorgeous and creative (look at that last picture!) VFX-enhanced sets that rival fantasy dramas like Tale of the Nine-Tailed, which definitely had a larger budget and tried to recapture some of that Goblin magic but couldn't. And if you haven't watched the shows I mentioned watch this one anyway so we can have more good web or mini dramas (Handmade Love is an excellent one that runs the length of a movie) that give kdramas a run for their money. Until the next one!
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is my next smau. It's a Harry Potter smau. Neville X F.!Reader pairing. There's a bit of Fred X F.!Reader pairing in here. There's also Neville X Fred X F.!Reader. Title:A Muggle's Love Story
Trigger warning: Slight swearing! Mentions of sex! Will be mentions of rape! Slight abuse! If you are sensitive to these things read at your own risk!
Y/n was a muggle brought into the world of magic, at a very young age. She didn't know how to handle it. And with her older sister, her guardian being the only one who could take care of her, it proved to be difficult for her with her sister being the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor, and her having to live in the world of magic. She feels a little left out, seeing as both her sisters, her older and her younger, - her twin - are wizards and she is not. But that all disappears when she meets the one person who helped her realize not everything is about that. And it's not all its cracked up to be. Neville was there for her since she was young and they became the best of friends. However, as they got older they realized their feelings were more for each other than they even orginally thought. But what happens when Neville finally has the courage and another man tries to swoop in and take him from her?
Special Edition Part 16. . .
Part 17 Coming Soon. . .
Y/n's P.O.V.
I sat on Neville's bed waiting for him to come back from the kitchen. I bounced my legs as I had my elbows on my knees and my fingers on my temples. I couldn't stop thinking about Luna. I know she's protected, but I cant help but to worry that her father is going to do something to get to her.
"Here you go beautiful," Neville said to me softly as he handed me the glass of fire whiskey.
"Thanks Nev," I said to him as I took the glass.
As I took a sip, Neville sat next to me. He knew how I was feeling and he knew what was happening. Or at least he knew part of it. My stomach jumped as he put his hand on my knee. I couldn't help but to look at his hand. I couldn't help but to just stare and wonder what his hands could really do. I wasnt say anything. I found myself biting my lip as I wondered what his hand could and would do to me.
"You know your sister will be okay, Y/n/n," Neville said to me pulling me from my enticing thoughts.
"I know, I just cant help but to worry that he'll find a way to get to her," I told him not taking my eyes off his hand.
"Hon, -"
My stomach jumped. That's the first time he's ever called me that. I found myself gently putting my hand over his, messing with his fingers.
"Luna, has the best Professors looking after her, she'll be okay. - That and Adelina's a badass," Neville said to me trying to be encouraging.
I chuckled, "Yes, - Yes, she is," I spoke.
"There's the laugh I love so much about you,"
I felt like I could hear him smiling as he spoke. He turned his hand around locking our fingers together. I looked directly into his face. He had so much love to give, hidden behind his eyes.
"Thank you so much for being here for me," I spoke to him softly.
Neville took his fingers, moving a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"Im always gonna be here for you beautiful, no matter what happens. - Remember I know what its like to have someone you love get hurt, - And to watch it happen," Neville said to me soothingly.
I pressed my lips together as I looked at him.
"I know,"
Neville hesitantly rested his hand on the side of my neck. I gently put my hand over his, letting him know it was okay. I could feel him relax only a tiny bit.
"Neville, -"
He couldnt look away from my eyes. He stared directly into them.
"Yes, beautiful?"
I found myself scooching closer to him.
"I love you so much,"
I couldnt help myself. A soft smile passed his lips.
"I love you too Y/n/n,"
Before I knew what I was doing my lips were pressed to his. At first I didn't think he wanted to kiss me, because he didnt kiss me back. I felt so stupid. And so embarrassed. I thought Neville loved me. Did he not mean it? Just as I started to lean back, Neville put his other hand on the other side of my neck, pulling me back to him. He crashed our lips together once again. I smiled as I melted into his kiss. While he kissed me, Neville took the glass, from my hand and put it on the stand by the bed. Im surprised he didn't spill it seeing as how clunsly he is. Though just as I thought that, he accidentally dropped the glass on the floor. He quickly stopped kissing me.
"Oh shit," he quickly spoke trying to get up.
I stopped him, putting my fingers on the side of his face.
"Neville -"
He sat back down looking at me.
"Its okay," I told him.
"But the mess - its all over the floor, - and I don't know how the hell I got it on your shirt," he said to me seeming worried.
"Nev, its okay,"
"But, -"
I leaned back from him taking off my shirt, leaving me in my dark gray bra. I could see his breath hitch as he looked at me. As I glanced, I could see him harden in his pants. I bit my lip in response. I could see how nervous he was as I looked into his eyes.
"Neville, is this okay?" I asked him slightly nervous.
Neville nodded, "Y-Yes, -"
I smiled as a warm blush came to my cheeks as I looked away. I could feel Neville moving around for about two seconds, before he turned my head to face him. My cheeks burned bright red. Neville put his hand on the side of my face. I shivered as his thumb moved back and forth over my ear.
"You're beautiful, - Never forget that," he said to me softly.
I could feel my stomach jump. I wanted to touch him, but I didn't know how he felt about it. I think he knew I was hesitant. He rested his forehead on mine.
"Its okay hon, - You can touch me," Neville told me.
A soft breath left me. His breath hitched once more as he felt my breath against his lips. He couldnt stop himself as he connected our lips once again. I smiled as he moved his lips along mine. As I put my hand on his chest, its like I could feel him shiver. He pressed his lips to mine even harder as he pulled me closer to him. I gently ran my finger down his chest. He slightly groaned from the contact. All I could do was smile as we kissed. He moved his hand from the side of my neck to the area just below my shoulder. I knew he was hesitant to touch me. He leaned back from me. He had the cutest look on his face as he looked so nervous.
The next morning. . .
Neville's P.O.V.
I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating. I streched myself as I smiled looking at my beautiful Y/n. I honestly believe there is no choice she has to make anymore. I know she loves Fred, but I think she's already decided to choose me. I gave her soft kiss to the forehead as I moved myself very carefully to sit up on the edge of my bed. I picked up my phone, and could feel my stomach jump as I looked at the messages.
"Oh shit," I spoke out loud forgetting in that moment Y/n was still sleeping.
"What's wrong Neville?" Y/n asked me in a soft tone.
"We - uh - kind of slept in longer than we should've and Im late to class now," I explained to her hesitantly.
She took in a soft breath as she propped herself up onto the pillows. She was laying on her stomach facing me.
"That was your fault," Y/n spoke deliberately blaming me.
I put my phone down quickly turning to look at her.
"How is that my fault?"
She couldnt help but to smile as she lookef at me. I love her smile. Its already brightened up my day.
"You're the one who wanted to keep going,"
"You could've said no,"
I moved closer to her with a smile, as I turned myself to face her. I gently put my hand on the side of her face as I looked into her eyes. I placed a soft kiss to her lips as she put her hand on the side of my neck.
"You know as well as I do that I couldn't tell you no,"
I rested my forehead against hers.
"Yes Neville?"
"I think you've already made your choice, - You just haven't seen it yet,"
"Neville, -"
"No, you need time to think it over, - I understand,"
"Neville, you should get up and get ready to leave for school,"
I rested my hand on the side of her neck.
"I love you beautiful,"
"I love you too Neville,"
I pressed my lips to hers giving her a soft passionate kiss. She let me kiss her for quite a few seconds before moving away slightly.
"Neville you know as well as I do that if we continue kissing you wont get to class at all, and then Adelina really will kick your ass," Y/n said to me in a soft warning manner.
I softly cleared my throat as I moved away from her to stand from the bed. I quickly threw on some clothes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Y/n sit up on the bed.
"Y/n, can I ask you something?" I asked her nervously.
"Of course you can," she said to me.
"Would you come to class with me this morning?"
"Ugh, - Neville, I dont think so - I already told Adelina I wouldn't come to her classes anymore on the fact that I dont need to learn it,"
"You dont have to learn anything, just be there with me,"
"Neville, - I dont know, -"
I crawled onto the bed kneeling next to her. She looked into my eyes, as I softly put my hand on the side of her face.
"Please, Y/n, - If you're there your sister might take it easier on me,"
"No, she won't, -"
"She might, - Please, beautiful?"
She thought for a minute as she looked at me.
"What do I get in return?"
I chuckled softly.
"Today's Friday,"
She smiled. That was the only thing I needed to say. She softly placed her hand on the side of my neck pressing her lips to mine gently. She kissed me for a few seconds before moving away.
"Alright, - I'll go, - Just let me get dressed,"
"Thanks beautiful,"
I smiled softly.
"I guess,"
She stood to get dressed. Today's going to be interesting.
. . .
Y/n's P.O.V.
Well, Neville's class was interesting today. We walked in and just by the look on our faces Adelina knew exactly what we did. She practically yelled at Neville in front of the entire class. Embarrassing him in front of everybody. And she took five points away from Gryffindor. I tried to explain to her that it wasn't Neville's fault, but mine. However, she told me that it takes two. And I cant exactly argue with that. I told Neville I would be at his place later. Fred asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him and I told him I would. I do think Neville is right. I think I might've already made the choice. Though I still dont know. They're both sweethearts. Just as I walked outside to wait for Fred, who would be here in about three minutes, I saw a man standing there.
"Hello, Y/n, - I've heard a lot about you," he spoke to me.
"You mean you've stalked Adelina and found out about all the people in her life. So you could make a list of the people she cares for. That way you'd have a hit list," I told him sternly.
"You're pretty smart for a muggle,"
"I protect pretty well for one to,"
"Oh I'd like to see that one,"
"If you keep trying to go after Luna you will,"
"Luna's my daughter, - I have a right to see her,"
"But thats not what you want is it? - Adelina knows why you're here. She knows you want revenge on her. She knows you know about her daughter and she's doing everything she can to protect her. And its not just her. All the staff of Hogwarts that she trusts the most, is protecting her. - She knows a death eater like you can't be trusted with what you say,"
He was quiet for a moment.
"As I previously stated you're smart for a muggle,"
"Just watch how I protect,"
"See thats the thing though, - You may fight well for a muggle - But the fact is you're just a muggle and you're no match against a powerful wizard like me,"
Just before I could say anything, he quickly took out his wand. I couldnt do anything before he blasted me back into the wall of my home. Just before everything blacked out, I watched him disappear just as Fred drove into the driveway.
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Brave police j decker character review!! (1/5)
Alright you guys! Lets get to reviewing the BEST part of this show. The characters!(note, i will not include all villians, despite them meeting my criteria. Too many goddamn people, that honestly? We won't remember. Humans first, bots second, and any other creature last. Bots will have their alt modes.)
Yuta Tomonaga!!;
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Yuuta!! The boss of the brave police! While young,(about 9-10) Yuuta has more passion in his pinky finger than any of the adults on the show. Loving, caring, and determined, Yuuta has proven time and time again that hes a worthy leader, and an incredible friend. He's faced more than most kids his age should've honestly, and the nightmares and trauma needs to stop for him. He just needs ONE goddamn day with him hanging out with his friends and family, with plenty of good food.
Verdict:10/10. Hes adorable, and i wanna hug him and give him a golden sticker. Take him home, feed him and Deckerd.
Juuzo Saejima!!;
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He. Is the most EXTRA bitch ever. Seriously, he's essentially a 12 year old in a 44 year old body. Constant upgrades for the team, constant new names and abilities. Hes an oddball, but despite this immaturity, he's a GOOD person. He listens to Yuuta and his opinions, and treats him as an adult, and treats the bots as humans. He deserves all he has, and honestly? Underrated character.
Verdict:9/10. Wish we had more background on him, but overall a character that i enjoyed seeing on the show. Take him home, be prepared for him to be SUPER extra.
Shunsuke Toudou!!;
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SUCH. A surprising character. He made his one and only grand appearance in one episode, and i surprisingly??? Fell for the guy. He cares about the bots, and cars. He puts in effort, probably more than his entire team would. Even as a mechanic, this guy does more than his fair share of work fixing up the bots, physically mostly, but we've seen him do so emotionally as well.
Verdict:10/10. Hes the father we all need??? He GETS people. He knows what you're gonna say before you're even gonna say it, and buys you feel good snacks, and drives you around a few times while you talk to him. You've heard of mama bear, well this is papa bear. 10/10, take him home, talk to him about cars.
Seina Onoue!!;
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(First of all. Yes I've been getting her name wrong this entire time. Im still putting her as 'Seina' and not 'Seia' for tag reasons)
My girl Seina! Gorgeous, headstrong, and and underestimated, sweet gal. Military lady, she's quite firm handed, but thanks to her boyfriend, McCrane, she's learned more about being human and embracing life. For someone who specializes in Japan's offensive branch, she's surprisingly shy and self conscious. Its sweet, in a way.
Verdict:9/10. She's a sweetie! She cares, an fights for whats right. Plus, she's a total historical figure, being one of the first few women who smooched a bot! She demands respect, and damn does she have it.
Ayako Kimizuka!!;
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Our fellow reporter lady! (And Seina's best friend)She's the person who sinks her head deep into the news sand, fully commiting herself to her reporting. She dives in headfirst so strongly and quickly, the rest of the world melts away. A bit abrasive, but i grew to like her, and I've approved her to date my boy, Dumpson.
Verdict:9/10. Shes cute, flighty, and honestly cares about Dumpson! She teases him often, and i appreciate it. Plus...she's kinda gorgeous, honestly.
Regina Argine!!;
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Me and her got off on the wrong foot. She treated bots, her own Duke included, as mere tools, to be molded perfectly into whatever was requested of them. However, upon almost losing Duke and meeting Yuuta, she learned. She had basically mentally abused Duke, and she can't un do. She can however, grow and try to make amends. She is now highly favored amongst the team, and no longer has this strong sense of entitlement. Most importantly, her past is no longer hurting her. And she's had such an impressive change, honestly. Duke cares about her immensely, and now? I do too.
Verdict:9/10. She's adorable, and now i absolutely adore her whenever i see her. She's just a delight to have around, honestly.
Azuki Tomonaga!!;
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Yuuta's older sister!(who i just learned is 16) despite being the eldest, she doesn't behave as though she has the authority. Timid, a bit flighty, and incredibly sweet, Azuki is honestly just a cinnamon roll. I adores her the second i saw her, and i want whats best for her. She's essentially considered Shadowmaru's best friend (though my boy wanted to go to the pound, we all know what i mean), and although doesn't get many opportunities, shes a surprising emotional support, and a wonderful caretaker.
Verdict:9/10. An absolute bun! She'd absolutely make a nice, cinnamon cake for her neighbors, just because. Take her home, she'd just absolutely love to cook for you and your folks.
Kurumi Tomonaga!!;
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The second eldest of the Tomonaga family! Shes adorable, albiet a bit abrasive and gossipy. Towards the end, she was considered friends of Shadowmaru, along with her sister, but honestly? She...kinda doesn't do much in this series. We wouldn't lose much having her leave, but i liked her personality, and shes pretty relatable.
Verdict:7/10. She...didn't really do anything in the series, plot wise. She was more of an extra. She worked, but really, she wasn't that important of a character.
Eva Farhzeug!!;
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I know i said i wasn't going to include every villian. But i AM including her, mainly because i like the whole 'some other force was in control of shit getting messed up, and is now controlling everyone in a giant ass ship, and is a mixture of hot and creepy ' trope. I found her interesting, and honestly? Led to an ending that i didn't expect. She had a good villian motivation, was visually appealing, and had quite the surprising tie to the plot. I mean, the mother of all robotics??? No way you could've seen that coming in the first watch.
Verdict:8/10. She was good plot wise, but not an overwhelming character. I just wanted to point out that i liked the role she played. Don't take her home. Bitch is NUTS.
Emily, Kikjmaro, and Masaki!!(right to left;
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These three are essentially labeled as Yuuta'd and Power joe's best friends. Id give them their own spots, but honestly? They're almost always together anyway. Emily is essentially kinda spoiled and whiney, and honestly? An itty bitty bitch. But shes cute, and she cares. Sometimes. Kikjamaro is the smart guy, basically, acting as the more level headed and reasonable of the group. Masaki is the dumbass. He's got anger issues, and is prone to being pretty fucking annoying. This group by themselves are honestly useless. But i fucking LOVE them when they're with Power joe. They think hes the shit, and hes DAMN right.
Verdict:7/10. This is PURELY because we have one thing in common. They love Power joe. Unless Power joe is with them, id kick them out tbh.
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
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Request; Yes or No
Trigger Warning: Depression, schizophrenia, self harm
I'm not sure how old Kurtz was but I'm gonna say 15-16. (Y/N) is 17-18.
If anyone with schizophrenia feels offended or wants to inform me on it, please feel free to message me and I'll fix whatever needs to be fixed. Please remember that I don't have schizophrenia so I can only learn from the people who do. Also, please be mindful of the fact that I'm not saying all wards are bad, some are good while others aren't, it really depends on you and how you view your experience.
(Y/N) rested his head against the window, staring at the blurry trees. He could hear Lucie's distant chatter as she tried to start a conversation.
"What happened to Kurtz?" He asked, lifting his head and looking at her. The boy he was supposed to protect, his younger brother, was dead. Lucie swallowed, hazel eyes flickering over to him.
"He.. Some crazy guy killed him." (Y/N) looked at the road in front of them. (Y/N) had lived on the Northside with his aunt after his parents deemed him crazy. His aunt took him in, having the disorder as well. She passed over giving in to the tumor in her brain and Lucie, his older cousin, took custody of him. During that period, (Y/N) had learned that his parents had overdosed and that his brother got addicted. Those two things combined with his disorder drove him to almost end his own life but Lucie found him in time. Sheriff Keller advised her to send (Y/N) to a psych ward until he was better. He didn't feel better.
"We can go to Pop's, get a burger and a milkshake." Lucie said, offering a smile. (Y/N) stayed silent. Her smile dropped.
"Please.. Talk to me, (N/N). I haven't seen you in almost a year." Lucie begged, glancing at him.
'Who's fault is that?' (Y/N) chuckled. Lucie shot him an old look before realization took over.
"You haven't taken your meds, have you?" Lucie sighed, one hand gripping the wheel as she ran a hand through her hair.
'Grab the wheel.'
"No." (Y/N) mumbled. Lucie licked her lips, thinking about what to say.
"What are they saying?" She asked. (Y/N) shifted his attention onto the trees again, choosing not to respond. Having dealt with her own mother being schizophrenic, Lucie was used to hearing someone talking to themselves or seeing things. She wasn't used to a completely emotionless person though. The doctors called it flattening.
"Okay, how about this, I go get some Pop's and you can rest at home. Sounds like a good idea?" She asked.
"Okay." Lucie smiled, happy that she got a response.
"Great. Maybe Betty could keep you company? She was your friend, right?"
"No." Lucie glanced at her cousin, pressing her lips into a thin line.
"Well, she asked about you." Lucie pulled up to their house, giving him a small smile. (Y/N) got out of the car, getting his stuff and taking the house key from her. He walked up to the porch, unlocking the door and entering. Everything was still the same. With a sigh, (Y/N) went up the stairs and entered his old bedroom. It was clean and tidy. On his bed lied a small note and a jacket. He picked it up, looking at the note.
'Welcome home! From Betty C.'
(Y/N) looked at the jacket. It had a design of a band/singer he liked.
'Burn it.' (Y/N) rolled his eyes, ignoring the voice. He looked over at his window, approaching it and gazing at Archie's house. Betty and Archie sat on the steps, chatting. Betty turned her head, noticing him. She gave a small wave. (Y/N) closed the curtains. He fell back onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, looking at Kurtz. The male stayed silent, arm draping over the stomach of his older brother. Even if Kurtz was dead, (Y/N) could at least see him in his hallucinations.
"I should've been there for you."
'He's dead because of you.'
"I should've stayed."
'You were a terrible brother.'
"I love you." (Y/N) whispered. Kurtz pressed a kiss to his forehead, disappearing when someone knocked on the door. (Y/N) stayed in bed, hoping they'd go away.
"(Y/N)? It's Betty!" (Y/N) grunted, getting up and leaving his room. He headed towards the front door and opened it, looking at the two friends.
"Can we come in?" Betty chirped, tilting her head. (Y/N) wanted to say no but maybe the two would keep the voices at bay. He nodded, stepping back and letting them in. (Y/N) closed the door, going into the livingroom and sitting down.
"Did you get my gift?" Betty asked, smiling. (Y/N) hated how positive and energetic she was.
'She doesn't care about you.'
"I know." (Y/N) mumbled, fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie. Betty and Archie glanced at each other.
"How was the psych ward?" Archie asked. (Y/N) stared at the ginger.
"Boring." He replied.
"Well, at school we're thinking about starting a club for people with mental illnesses to feel accepted and know others are here for them." Betty said, glancing at Archie.
"We were wondering if you wanted to join? Talk about your experiences?" Betty asked. (Y/N) looked at her.
'They're scared of you. You're a threat.' (Y/N) shrugged.
"Okay." Betty's eyes lit up.
"Great! We'll see you at school." She smiled, standing up. (Y/N) leaned back, letting her know that he didn't want a goodbye hug. Betty and Archie left with small waves. (Y/N) stayed seated on the couch, not really knowing what to do. He was used to being isolated so being able to leave the house was weird. (Y/N) curled up on the couch, ignoring the small shadowy figures that he saw out of the corner of his eye and stared at the tv as if it was on. A sight to behold when Lucie returned.
(Y/N) stared at the school. The people who knew him watched him or whispered to their friends.
"Have a good day." Lucie called. (Y/N) ignored her, hearing the car drive off. He took a deep breath in and pulled down his hoodie sleeves. (Y/N) kept his gaze low as he walked up to the school and entered. Newbies who didn't know him were quickly told who he was. People steered clear of his path. (Y/N) got his schedule as the bell rang and went to class. The teacher knew who he was.
"I'd like to welcome back Mr. (L/N) to Riverdale High." The teacher flashed a pity filled smile.
'Strangle her.' For once, (Y/N) wanted to do exactly what the voice said.
"Please take a seat bedside Mr. Fogarty." She said, motioning to a Serpent.
"Do I have to?" He grunted. The teacher blinked, glancing down at her seating chart.
"Um.. I can change your seat tomorrow." She said, a little nervously. (Y/N) hummed and approached Fogarty, taking a seat beside him. (Y/N) opened his notebook, taking some notes but eventually resorted to doing doodles of the shadowy figure in the corner of the room.
"Dark." The tan male beside him mumbled. (Y/N) looked at him blankly.
"I'm Fangs." Fangs said, extending his hand. (Y/N) looked back at his notebook.
"My brother almost killed you." Was all (Y/N) said. Fangs blinked and it clicked in his head. (Y/N) rested his head on his fist. His mind was blank and he wasn't processing anything the teacher was saying.
"I can give you the notes." Fangs offered suddenly. (Y/N) blinked, looking at him. His gaze shifted onto Kurtz, who stood behind Fangs, looking rather annoyed. (Y/N) looked back at him, searching for some sort of pity in his eyes but only found kindness.
"Whatever." (Y/N) replied, noting that the shadowy figure had disappeared. He stood when the bell rang and went to his next class. Nobody spoke to him. Some people glanced and whispered. It was like that until his last period. (Y/N) looked at Jughead when the male sat besides him.
"Go fuck yourself." Jughead decided not to speak with him for the remainder of class. (Y/N) was relieved to hear the bell but it was short lived. Betty, Archie, and some chick entered the classroom and greeted him.
"You must be (Y/N), heard a lot about you." Veronica said.
"All bad things probably." (Y/N) replied, making it clear he wasn't interested in a friendship.
"Well, I brought the idea up to our principle and we got the all clear." Betty said, smiling. (Y/N) really couldn't care less. His eyes flickered to the figure in the corner.
"What's your disorder again?" Veronica asked.
"None of your fucking buiness." (Y/N) replied automatically. Veronica blinked, taken a back.
"Okayy, let's go to the club room we were able to claim." Jughead said, trying to ease the arising tension. (Y/N) crossed his arms. What a shit show.
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