#*// lucius & malachi
kingkenzieofmold · 1 year
Could you draw my little vampire boy Lucius Malachi with his older brothers Sven and Howie Howitzer?
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I can! I do hope you like it! Enjoy <3
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Doodle time
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I wanted to draw some Panmin/Stickpa and I just thought it would be funny to put “Live Dami Reaction”
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Dami has a lot of stuff in eir backpack. No one knows where they get it. Probably not even em.
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I like to think Blahaj was born like, a week after the rocket launch so uh
In TT she was born at the wall. Which is immediately not great, so Burt and Sven made an escape plan on the spot and well…
Burt did not make it out of the wall alive. And Sven is currently under a fake identity because he’s presumed dead.
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The TK version of some fankids
The reason Dami’s name is different in certain timelines is because they were adopted at different times and, in atleast one case, different people. In this case they were taken in really young, at about Ruth’s age (6)
Also Dave is in the toppats here, so Topaz exists (though Terry doesn’t since…well Dave is in the toppats and Rupert isn’t and Emilia also doesn’t exist since Charles would need to go through some serious shit to join the toppats)
Blahaj’s headphones aren’t Burt’s here
Lucius but looking more vampiric since he doesn’t need to hide it.
Zinon’s probably being a normal kid somewhere.
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Part two to an earlier doodle.
Dami is morally ambiguous at the best of times.
Zinon and Blahaj are forever traumatized
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sunshinies · 10 months
maybe dottore (genshin) inspired names/titles? :0
Hi, sure!
💉 Dottore name suggestions:
dexter , draven , caine , ezekiel , luciano , lucius , luther , magnus , malachi , malice , narcissus , nihilus , nocturne , soren , stygian , victorio , vindictus , vittorino , zephyrus
🩻 Dottore title suggestions:
the harbinger of enmity , the malevolent medic , his twisted trials , the scholar in exile , his vicious valor , he who wields the scalpel , his ominous experimentation , his calculated cruelty , his banished brilliance , the sinister surgeon , he who hides behind the mask , clone [#number] , he who has split his being , he who is many
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emcads · 2 years
i present to you:  the great tpof fancast
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Christophe-Julien de Rapièr :  Romain Duris, Molière  (2007)
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Esmeralda Maria Consuela Anna de Sevilla:   Salma Hayek,   Fools Rush In (1997)  /  The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1997) 
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Princess Amenirdis :   Aamito Lagum,  Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)
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Prince Shabako: Malachi Kirby,  Roots  (2016)
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Pharaoh Taharka : Idris Elba, Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
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Queen Tiyy: Yetide Badaki, American Gods (2017-2021)
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Tarek: Abubakar Salim, Jamestown (2017) 
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Piye: Danny Glover,  Age of the Dragons (2011)
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Chamba:  Paulo Andre Aragao, The Lost Pirate Kingdom (2021)
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Lord Reginald Marmaduke Bracegirdle-Penwallow: Charles Dance, The Great Fire (2014)
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Don Rafael : Edward James Olmos, Monday Nights at Seven (2016)
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Luis Montoya :  Riccardo Scamarcio,  Caravaggio’s Shadow (2022)
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Robby Greene: Dean O'Gorman, Return to Treasure Island (1996)
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The Becketts.  Jonathan Jr.: Luke Roberts, Black Sails (2014),   Bartholomew : Tom Felton, Belle (2013), Jonathan Beckett: Michael McElhatton, Dangerous Liaisons (2022)
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Cutler Beckett: Jonny Lee Miller, Plunkett & Macleane (1999)
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Jane Beckett:  Sarah Gadon, Belle (2013)
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Ian Mercer: Sebastian Armesto, Harlots (2017)
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Melinda:  Clare Danes,  Stage Beauty (2004)
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Boris Palachnik :  Ned Dennehy, Banished (2015)
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Frank Connery : Tristan Sturrock, Poldark (2015)
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Etienne de Ver:  Edouard Baer, Lady J (2018)
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Lucius Featherstone:  Henry Douthwaite, Wuthering Heights (2018)
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Steve Seymour :  Dean Lennox Kelly, Jamestown (2017)
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Marie Seymour :  Astrid Bergès-Frisbey,  Bruc (2017)
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Jack :  Johnny Depp, The Man Who Cried  (2001)
bonus section:
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Sean Bean as a young pirate Bootstrap Bill, Lorna Doone (1990)
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 Lawrence Norrington as Ralph Fiennes in The Duchess (2008)
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Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III: Max Beesley, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1997)
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Tiny James Norrington : Keven Zegers, Treasure Island (1999).  Slightly larger James Norrington: Keven Zegers,  Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005)
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creativityheaven · 1 year
Fantasy Names
Female :
Male :
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Gentile. | Chapter 21
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Quintus invades your privacy and strikes questionable deals. You wallow in anguish regarding your situation.
Chapter list
You stare at the broken seal on the letter received from Rome. To check if it entailed an emergency, Quintus stated upon handing it to you. You thumb the imprint of Lucius’ ring and sigh, shaking your head, thanking yourself that you’ve never mentioned your affair to him even once.
You pull your legs onto the chaise longue and prop a cushion in such a way that your belly sits comfortably and roll the parchment open. The sides are adorned with tiny drawings of flowers, butterflies and uneven stars, and you laugh at the sight. Aurelia’s doing, you presume, and you are immediately relieved to learn that it must be good news. Otherwise, Lucius would never have let her draw on the paper.
“They’re doing well,” Quintus spoils the message and your smile falls into a frown, “He’s wondering if you’ll be visiting Rome soon. Also signed by your father. I’ve taken the liberty of already sending one back with the message that you won’t be travelling there due to your pregnancy.”
Your heart drops. “Before you give it to the courier, could I add a note at the bottom about—”
“I’ve already sent it out.”
Thickly swallowing, you drop the letter into your lap. “Are you serious right now?”
“Yes.” Quintus huffs. “You should rest as much as you can. And not worry about things like… That.” He gestures towards the letter and you sigh, closing your eyes. “It wouldn’t be good for my son.”
My son . The words make you nauseous. Your husband does not even think about the inclusion of you in the equation, let alone about whether it’s a boy or a girl. He already assumes it will be a boy. You don’t dare to ask the question poised on your lips on what he’d do if it happened to be a girl.
And then, the baby isn’t even his , but he doesn’t know that.
“I suppose I don’t need to write them back, then.” you mutter with a bitter taste in your mouth. “Is this the moment you take what little freedom I have away from me?” 
You don’t know where the courageous sneer came from, but as soon as it leaves you, you regret saying it, for Quintus looks up offendedly at you. 
“Beg your pardon?”
“I carry your child now. You said that you’d consider giving me more freedom once I gave you an heir.”
Quintus shrugs. “And? It’s still inside your belly. You haven’t given me anything yet.”
“Quintus, I—”
“(Y/n),” he says with a roll of his eye, “You better worry about other things than… Books and markets and whatever else you get in the city… Flowers? Give me a son and we’ll speak about this again.”
He lets the earlier comment slide, but you don’t take his command. “Quintus, I’m pregnant, not ill!” 
“Let me worry about these things.” he sighs matter-of-factly. “Everything about this is just so… Trivial. You’re a woman, so I don’t expect you to understand. If it were up to me, you’d be in bed all day, but I am not that cruel.”
You grit your teeth and sigh, turning your attention back to the letter that you have not yet read. A waft of Quintus’ perfume creeps into your nose when he brushes past, making you cough at how strongly you experience it. He opens up the small wardrobe that is standing against the wall, taking out his chestplate and helmet.
“I’ll be heading out in a bit,” he says. “Felix will look after you whilst I’m gone.”
You watch him put on his armour, remaining seated whilst he momentarily struggles with a small plate on the back of his shoulder, and ignore his exasperating sigh. 
“Where will you be going?”
Quintus puts on his helmet before pivoting to face you, giving you a grin. “Taxes are still going unpaid. A whole lot of Jews have been fishing on Shabbat and not reporting their catch. This means that we cannot tax them for it, which causes gaps in our ledger.”
You hum, momentarily thinking about the publicanus you briefly saw a few months ago. If you recall correctly, his name is either Malachy or Matthew. You wonder how he is doing.
“So, I am going to meet someone important who is on his way here as we speak.”
“Who?” you want to know.
“You certainly must have seen the Pharisees.” You haven’t interacted with them, though you have seen them around plenty of times, so you nod in acknowledgement. “One of their most respected Rabbis, if not their most prominent teacher, is on his way to Capernaum… I’m going to have a quick word with him about how he should keep his flock in check and warn them about fishing on Shabbat, and… Perhaps that Rome can help the Pharisees continue to thrive.” He smirks at you as if he has just said something genius and leans towards you.
“Give me a kiss.” 
You quickly peck his lips and his smile grows. “I’ll see you soon, my darling.” He puts a hand on your belly for a second before turning towards the exit. In his stead, Felix shows up to watch over you.
“I’ll be going home,” you tell the soldier who gives you a small nod, waiting patiently for you to put on your stole and gather your belongings. The walk there is silent and neither of you says a word.
As the two of you arrive at the estate, Felix clears his throat. “Ma’am, I’ve ah… I’ve been meaning to apologise to you about… When that stabbing attack took place. It was very unprofessional of me to allow you out of my sights. Luckily Gaius managed to protect you, but… It should have been me. I am sorry.” He takes off his helmet and holds it under his arm before giving you a small bow by putting his chin on his chest. “Forgive me.”
You smile a little. “Of course.” you muse. “If I may be frank, I had already forgotten about that. It’s alright. That took place almost five months ago, so no harm done.”
Relieved, Felix puts his attire back on and gives you another bow. “Have a good day, my lady.” 
“Thank you, soldier. Likewise.” He leaves you be and you head into the house, where a servant offers you a drink of water. You refuse and head upstairs to your sitting room, where you take off your sandals to get as comfortable as you can in order to finally finish reading the letter from Lucius.
Quintus has interpreted the letter way differently than you. The wife of your brother is not doing as well as he made it sound. Quite the contrary: she has been having hot flashes and pains in her lower abdomen for weeks now. Lucius is worried about her wellbeing, he tries to keep Aurelia oblivious about the misery her mother is going through – it explains the little drawings around the parchment – and he hopes you’ll visit them soon. 
Your throat feels tight.
With trembling fingers, you grab a piece of parchment from your desk and start on a letter that Quintus doesn’t have to know about. Your vision is blurred with unshed tears at how embarrassed you suddenly feel, at how controlling your husband is, that he even dares to write back like that on your behalf. It is nothing new, but it overwhelms you intensely.
“ Dear brother, 
You will receive this letter after Quintus’ notice though I was too late to add my post scriptum, so better late than never. Words cannot describe how much your news has frightened me. My thoughts are with you and I will keep you in my prayers to ensure a–”
You lift your pen, for you can’t even make out the words you’re writing down anymore, a few tears rolling down your cheeks, falling upon the parchment. The ink bleeds through at the impact and you watch how it spreads into a large illegible blot of darkness. Inhaling sharply, you grit your teeth and wipe dry your face with your sleeve, sudden anger rising within you.
Atticus cannot save you out of here. There is no way that you can now leave behind everyone you’ve ever cared for, no matter how miserable your marriage is. Nothing within you can justify invoking Quintus’ wrath upon your brother and his highly-pregnant wife.
Crumpling the parchment into a ball, you toss it into the fireplace, watching how it is torn apart by the flames.
Inspiration for a new poem finds its way to your mind and you whisper it to the parchment falling apart into a thousand pieces. 
“And so, it will consume me, for no end will be my favour, who will come for me, for my ruin.”
You inhale sharply and turn to your desk, grabbing your journal to flick to an empty page. The verses written for Atticus feel void at the magnitude of your sorrow and his absence causes your flame to burn low. You pen down the first sentence you’ve just whispered to yourself and add on to it, letting your melancholy take over.
“The sound of my song turns into lament for your love has grown into anguish, for there shall be no way out lest I take you down with me. Your love is devastating to my soul, for I yearn to breathe through you. My undoing, my true one, naught but my downfall.”
Conflicted, you close the leatherbound book without waiting for the ink to dry, exhaustion making your eyes feel heavy. 
You find your way to the bedroom and crawl under the covers on your side of the bed, hugging your pillow close to your chest. With a hand on your tummy, you allow yourself to drift off into a mind that grows drained of emotion.
Jolting awake at the sudden dip of the bed, you turn onto your back groggily. Quintus’ scent reaches you before his voice does, and as soon as he realises that you are awake, he opens his mouth to speak. 
“I see that you’ve been resting. Good.” 
You swallow a few times in an attempt to relieve the dryness of your throat but to no avail. Bleary-eyed, you look at Quintus. “Why didn’t you tell me that Lucius’ wife is unwell?”
He blinks slowly and pauses in putting on a warmer tunic. “Oh? She’s sick?”
You nod. “She is. Hence their request for me to come to Rome.”
Your husband lets out a sound of indifference. “Oh, that . Women who are close to giving birth are often victims of little maladies like that, so I didn’t think it was worth mentioning. In my letter, I told them you won’t be visiting no matter what happens, especially not when it comes to insignificant ailments like that.”
Annoyance weighs heavy on your heart but you know that speaking up against him will bring forth nothing but more frustration. There is no stopping that letter now, but you are certain that you should reattempt your post scriptum to your brother.
“How was your meeting?” you change the topic, and he takes the bait. Quintus huffs and grins a little.
“Things should be sorted out soon. First, I went to see Nicodemus. He’s a strange old man, obviously senile, but he seems like a wise man, too. Though he appears to be prideful as well. He’ll tell his students exactly what I asked of him, I’m certain of it.” Your husband dabs some oil on his skin and turns to you. “We’ll receive taxes in no time.”
You hum and put a hand on your covered bump, soothing the itchy skin at the slight scratch from the linen of your tunic. 
Quintus sits down at the edge of the bed and reaches for your hand to move it aside, then pushes up your tunic to uncover you. You frown, leaning up slightly to ask what he thinks he’s doing. 
“What are you…?”
He shows you the bottle of oil and then nods towards your stomach. “Let me do this for you. I’ve already got my hands greasy and I haven’t properly felt the baby yet.”
Your brow knits together deeper than it already is and you tilt your head in puzzlement. 
“Bare your stomach.” You give him a reluctant look, but Quintus sighs, shaking his head and rolling his eyes exasperatedly. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to have my way with you.” Still, you’re not letting your guard down.
Your husband has not yet seen your pregnant stomach properly and he smirks at the sight. “It looks good on you,” he muses, “My son is growing well.” He pours some oil into his palm. The moment it makes contact with your tummy, both warm and cold at the same time, everything in your being tenses up.
It takes everything to not arch away from him and the way his hand starts to rub the oil all over your stomach, slithering into the creases, staining the covers underneath. Not only your mind, but also your whole body resists him and you flinch. 
He gives you a shiver of a smile and raises an eyebrow. “It’s just sensitive,” you lie, “So I’d rather you’d not touch it too much.” – a truth.
Quintus draws back his hand and wipes it clean on a cloth whilst you quickly pull your tunic back down, the oil soaking into the linen, though you don’t care about it. His touch still burns into your skin in the most negative sense of the word and you force yourself to smile back at him, wanting nothing more than to disappear from his scrutinising gaze.
Why the sudden intimacy , you mean to ask, but decide against it. Questioning his motives could make his fickle mood turn sour again.
You’re just wondering if you should thank him when he speaks up with a message that could not have been any more welcome. “Oh, I almost forgot. I won’t be staying here tonight. I’ve got another appointment.” Despite the fact that it sounds like music to your ears that you’ll be spending tonight on your own, it confuses you.
“Why? With whom? At this hour?”
Quintus huffs. “Well, we’ve been patrolling the beaches during Shabbat lately. It turns out that some lowlife Jew has asked one of my men if we could make ourselves a… Hm… Little deal. So I’m going to discuss what he wants… Something about turning in fishermen in exchange for gratis. But we’ll have to see.”
He leans towards you and brushes his lips against yours, your eyes fluttering shut. Having no other choice but to ease into it, you kiss him back, his fingers coming to rest on your jaw.
“You go to sleep. I’ll be back before dawn. I love you.”
“I love you too.” you whisper without meaning behind these words. 
You watch how he puts his armour back on and attempt to figure him out. When he leaves with another look over his shoulder, you wonder how much longer you can stand the suffocating burden of his presence, before he’ll turn what little hope you have left into dust.
Next chapter Chapter list
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Bios: Mike Mann / 'Monster' Mike
N.P.R's Drummer 'Monster' Mike (2020)
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One of Kirby's old stable-mates, and her closest friend other than Angelica St John, Mike Mann is the drummer for the wrestling stable/band 'Native Pride Regime'. Mike is a black, specifically Jamaican, wrestler and was trained by Kirby and her family, being the first person in his family to become a wrestler.
"I don't rap, that's J.P's business."
Full Legal Name: Mike Dariel Mann
First Name: Mike
Meaning: Short form of 'Michael', which comes from the Hebrew name 'Mikaha'el' meaning 'who is like God?'
Pronunciation: MIEK
Origin: English
Middle Name: Dariel
Meaning: Probably an elaborated form of 'Darrel' (which comes from an English surname that was derived from Norman French 'd'Airelle', originally denoting one who came from Airelle in France), with an ending similar to biblical names such as Daniel
Pronunciation: DAR-ee-ehl
Origin: English-Spanish
Surname: Mann
Meaning: From a nickname meaning 'Man'
Pronunciation: MAN
Origin: German, English
Alias: 'Monster' Mike Mann, 'Monster' Mike
Reason: Ring Name
Nicknames: Mikey
Titles: Mr
Age: 44
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Jamaican
Ethnicity: Black
Birth Date: April 6th 1976
Symbols: Drums, Drumsticks, Claw Marks, Blood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: (Protestant) Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Aries
Theme Song: 'Rock the House' - Gorillaz (2001-)
Voice Actor: Danny John-Jules
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica
Current Location: On the road / Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales / Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica
Hometown: Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica
Height: 5'7" / 170 cm
Weight: 300 lbs / 136 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: N/A
Body Hair: Shaves when wrestling
Facial Hair: Goatee
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 9
Piercings: Ear Lobe (both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker, Smokes Cigars
Illnesses/Disorders: Type 1 Diabetes
Medications: Insulin
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: Ash Thunder, Sakurako
Enemies: None
Friends: Jacob 'J.P' Papadopoulous, Ashkii Tsinajinnie, Yoshi Nakagawa, Tristan Lum, Xavier Ibarra, Ardalion Volkov, Patrick Turner, Conan Pritchard, Lochlainn Rhydderch
Colleagues: Too many to list
Rivals: 'Homicide' Nelson Erazo, 'Blackjack' Jack Marciano
Closest Confidant: Altagracia Mann
Mentor(s): Naoise Rhydderch, Moses Mann
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Moses Mann (64, Father), Altagracia Mann (65, Mother, Née Nash)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Adah Pond (41, Sister, Née Mann), Luke Mann (38, Brother), Beulah Rush (35, Sister, Née Mann), Kenan Mann (32, Brother), Cozbi Teel (29, Sister, Née Mann), Jethro Mann (26, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Ichabod Pond (42, Adah's Husband), Dinah Mann (39, Luke's Wife, Née Vann), Hiram Rush (36, Beulah's Husband), Eunice Mann (33, Kenan's Wife, Née Wild), Gideon Teel (30, Cozbi's Husband), Hannah Mann (27, Jethro's Wife, Née York)
Nieces & Nephews: Felix Pond (21, Nephew), Ivah Pond (22, Felix's Wife, Née Blue), Joanna Pond (18, Niece), Elijah Pond (15, Nephew), Keziah Pond (12, Niece), Darius Pond (9, Nephew), Leah Pond (6, Niece), Cyrus Pond (3, Nephew), Martha Mann (18, Niece), Bartholomew Mann (15, Nephew), Abigail Mann (12, Niece), Amos Mann (9, Nephew), Bernice Mann (6, Niece), Malachi Mann (3, Nephew), Claudia Rush (15, Niece), Lucius Rush (12, Nephew), Deborah Rush (9, Niece), Kenaniah Rush (6, Nephew), Edna Rush (3, Niece), Jesse Mann (12, Nephew) Hosanna Mann (9, Niece), Isaiah Mann (6, Nephew), Iscah Mann (3, Niece), Hazael Teel (9, Nephew), Julia Teel (6, Niece), Gera Teel (3, Nephew), Milcah Mann (6, Niece), Festus Mann (3, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: The Island of Jamaica
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School
Managers: Kirby Rhydderch
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 2001
Debut Match: 'Monster' Mike Mann VS Naoise Rhydderch. Mike won by DQ
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Brawler / Hardcore
Stables: Native Pride Regime (2006-)
Teams: Native Pride Regime (Monster Mike & A.T / Sakurako / Kirby)
Regular Moves: Asian Mist, Big Boot, Gorilla Press into Flapjack, Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex, Powerbomb, Running Corner Body Avalanche, Spear, Twisting Chinlock
Finishers: Powerslam, Backbreaker, Chokebomb, Sidewalk Slam, Splash
Refers To Fans As: The Audience
Backstory: Born in Jamaica and coming to C.R.C for training at the age of 20 in 1996. Mike Mann is a foolish man who believes some things in life are owed to him, like Kirby's hand in marriage, so he fakes like he's happy being her friend and never being allowed to do more than kiss her as a celebration of tough fought victories. Mike is the first person of his family to become a wrestler, falling head over heels in love with Kirby (a woman who does not want a relationship with him, ever) in the process.
Mike has known Kirby since she was 10 (He was 25 at the time they met).
Mike has purposefully stayed single in the hopes of one day dating Kirby.
He let Kirby move in with him, hoping it would lead to a relationship.
The night Mike kicked Kirby out, he was going to confess his love to her.
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Lucifarians: A Family Forged: Bios (1980): Driskoll Leach 'Skull Lucifarian'
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"You don't know Hell until you own the crown."
Full Legal Name: Driskoll Rex Leach
First Name: Driskoll
Meaning: Variant of 'Driscoll', from an Irish surname that was an Anglicized form of 'Ó hEidirsceóil' meaning 'Descendant of the messenger'.
Pronunciation: DRIS-kal
Origin: English
Middle Name: Rex
Meaning: From Latin 'Rex' meaning 'King'.
Pronunciation: REHKS
Origin: English
Surname: Leach
Meaning: Originally indicated a person who was a physician, from the medieval practice of using leeches to bleed people of ills.
Pronunciation: LEECH
Origin: English
Ring Name: Skull Lucifarian
Commentary Nickname: The King of Hell
Nicknames: Skully
Titles: Mr
Age: 64
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: August 2nd 1916
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, French, Spanish, Latin, Italian, German, Polish, Portuguese, Japanese, Greek
Relationship Status: 3 Times Divorced, Married to 4th Wife
Astrological Sign: Leo
Entrance Music: 'Anarchy In The UK' - Sex Pistols (1978-), No Music Prior To 1978
Voice Claim: Alfred Molina
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Current Location: Unknown
Hometown: London, England, UK
Height: 6'5" / 195 cm
Weight: 260 lbs / 117 kg
Eye Colour: Ice Blue
Hair Colour: Jet Black, Greying
Hair Dye: Dyes His Grey Hair Black
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Moustache
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1980) 20
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: Freddie Blassie, Lou Albano, Ven Lucifarian, Bel Lucifarian, Pat Lucifarian, Cas Lucifarian, Hel Lucifarian, Eve Lucifarian, Syd Lucifarian
Enemies: Mr Fuji, Lord Alfred Hayes
Closest Confidant: Ryan Leach
Mentor: Malachi Leach
Significant Other: Regina Leach (40, Wife, Née Wolf)
Previous Partners: Primula Wilbur (70, Ex-Wife, Née Warren), Norma Tupper (60, Ex-Wife, Née Todd), Miranda Swift (50, Ex-Wife, Née Swallow)
Parents: Malachi Leach (96, Father), Serena Leach (95, Mother, Née Woodcock)
Parents-In-Law: Brendan Wolf (70, Father-In-Law), Luna Wolf (69, Mother-In-Law, Née Steed)
Siblings: Ryan Leach (70, Brother), Gloria Shepherd (67, Sister, Née Leach), Genesis Seward (61, Sister, Née Leach)
Siblings-In-Law: Gemma Leach (69, Ryan's Wife, Née Roach), Vincent Shepherd (66, Gloria's Husband), Victor Seward (60, Genesis' Husband), Silvester Wolf (49, Regina's Brother), Dulcibella Wolf (48, Silvester's Wife, Née Read), Dolores Pound (46, Regina's Sister, Née Wolf), Rufus Pound (45, Dolores' Husband), Lucius Wolf (43, Regina's Brother), Delicia Wolf (4, Lucius' Wife, Née Peacock)
Nieces & Nephews: Felix Leach (49, Nephew), Ciara Leach (48, Felix's Wife, Née Mutton), Carina Marshall (46, Niece, Née Leach), Curtis Marshall (45, Carina's Husband), Aster Leach (43, Nephew), Capri Leach (42, Aster's Wife, Née Lowell), Candida Lamb (40, Niece, Née Leach), Walter Lamb (39, Candida's Husband), Thane Shepherd (46, Nephew), Calla Shepherd (45, Thane's Wife, Née Kidd), Aurora Howard (43, Niece, Née Shepherd), Royal Howard (42, Aurora's Husband), Richard Shepherd (40, Nephew), Aureole Shepherd (39, Richard's Wife, Née Hawk), Aura Hartley (37, Niece, Née Shepherd), Reynold Hartley (36, Aura's Husband), Prince Shepherd (34, Nephew), Anima Shepherd (33, Prince's Wife, Née Hart), Angelica Harley (40, Niece, Née Seward), Oswald Harley (39, Angelica's Husband), Messiah Seward (37, Nephew), Alma Seward (36, Messiah's Wife, Née Harland), Vespera Harford (34, Niece, Née Seward), Major Harford (33, Vespera's Husband), Leroy Seward (31, Nephew), Merita Seward (30, Leroy's Wife, Née Harden), Velda Fox (28, Niece, Née Wolf), Laird Fox (27, Velda's Husband), Kingston Wolf (25, Nephew), Sarah Wolf (24, Kingston's Wife, Née Finch), Royalty Everly (22, Niece, Née Wolf), Kingsley Everly (21, Royalty's Husband), King Pound (25, Nephew), Royal Pound (24, King's Wife, Née Darby), Rhiannon Crawford (22, Niece, Née Wolf), Kendrick Crawford (21, Rhiannon's Husband), Joyce Wolf (19, Nephew), Raine Wolf (16, Niece), Henry Wolf (13, Nephew), Queen Wolf (10, Niece), Harold Wolf (7, Nephew),
Children: Martha Colt (43, Daughter, Née Wilbur), Gareth Wilbur (40, Son), Madonna Bullock (37, Daughter, Née Wilbur), Frederick Tupper (35, Son), Venka Tupper (32, Daughter), Eric Tupper (29, Son), Freya Bull (26, Daughter, Née Tupper), Edric Tupper (23, Son), Donna Buckley (20, Daughter, Née Tupper), Earl Swift (18, Son), Candace Swift (15, Daughter), Duke Leach (13, Son)
Children-In-Law: Donald Colt (42, Martha's Husband), Sophia Wilbur (39, Gareth's Wife, Née Brock), Cyrus Brock (36, Madonna's Husband), Reign Tupper (34, Frederick's Wife, Née Bird), Kinsley Tupper (28, Eric's Wife, Née Beverley), Cyril Bull (25, Freya's Husband), Judith Tupper (22, Edric's Wife, Née Best), Basil Buckley (19, Donna's Husband)
Grandkids: Diana Barlow (22, Granddaughter, Née Colt), Arthur Barlow (21, Diana's Husband), Peter Colt (19, Grandson), Blanche Colt (16, Granddaughter), Oscar Colt (13, Grandson), Rhoda Wilbur (19, Granddaughter), Gabriel Wilbur (16, Grandson), Pearl Wilbur (13, Granddaughter), Fitzroy Wilbur (10, Grandson), Oro Wilbur (7, Granddaughter), Ferdinand Bullock (16, Grandson), Olive Bullock (13, Granddaughter), Clarence Bullock (10, Grandson), Misty Tupper (14, Granddaughter), Casimir Tupper (11, Grandson), Melissa Tupper (8, Granddaughter), Albert Tupper (5, Grandson), Katherine Tupper (8, Granddaughter), Winifred Bull (5, Grandson), Iris Bull (2, Granddaughter), William Tupper (2, Grandson)
Great Grandkids: Esmeralda Barlow (1, Great Granddaughter)
Billed From: Hellview
Trainer: Malachi Leach
Managers: None
Wrestlers Managed: Ven Lucifarian, Bel Lucifarian, Pat Lucifarian, Cas Lucifarian, Hel Lucifarian, Eve Lucifarian, Syd Lucifarian
Debut: 1934 (WWF Debut: 1980)
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Technician
Stables: Daughters of Darkness (1966-)
Father’s Pride (Skull & Ven)
Father’s Joy (Skull & Bel)
Family Funds (Skull & Pat)
Family Feeders (Skull & Cas)
Eternal Rest (Skull & Hel)
Family Envy (Skull & Eve)
Family Fighters (Skull & Syd)
Regular Moves: Body Scissors, Double Leg Takedown, European Uppercut, Frog Splash, Headbutt, Moonsault, Belly To Back Suplex, German Suplex, Sleeper Hold
Finishers: Seventh Circle (Double Ankle Lock), Olympic Slam, Key Lock
Refers To Fans As: The People, The Peasants, My Loyal Subjects
Heel or Face: (As of Jan 1980) Heel
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socicpathcinference · 2 years
Message from the Mun:
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Annnd i’m back! I’ve got quite a bit of revamping to do, this blog will be the main account for the majority of my fandoms. I’ve got so many dead blogs, I think the last time I was actually active I was in my early twenties, now im approaching thirty... how time has flown! I’ll be adding my discord for those who would like to plot off tumblr! 
Stay tuned for updates! Below you’ll find my list of fandoms, the list is quite extensive! which is why I need to condense for my own sanity!
List of fandoms & Characters:
BBC Sherlock - **Sherlock Holmes, Jim Moriarty, **Sally Donovan
BBC Merlin - Guinevere Pendragon
NCIS - **Ziva David, **Malachi Ben-Gidon, Talia David, Eli David, Jessica Knight, Dr. Rachel Cranston, OC Chana Bat-Gidon (Sister to Malachi).
Covert Affairs - Annie Walker
The Hunger Games - **Finnick Odair, Haymitch Abernathy, Rue 
Harry Potter - Golden Trio Era - **Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape, 
Harry Potter - Marauders Era - Rodolphus Lestrange, **Evan Rosier, **Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, Severus Snape, 
Fantastic Beasts - **Leta Lestrange, Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore
The Tudors - Catherine of Aragon
Narnia - **Lucy Pevensie, Prince Caspian, Jadis The White Witch
Peaky Blinders - Tommy Shelby
Twilight - **Carlisle Cullen, **Alice Cullen, Jane Volturi
Dracula Untold - Vlad the Impaler
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Prudence Blackwood, Ambrose Spellman
Lucifer - **Lucifer Morningstar, Michael, **Ella Lopez, Mazikeen of the Lilim
The Sandman - Rose Walker, Johanna Constantine, Death
Legends of Tomorrow - **John Constantine, Zari Tomaz
I-Zombie -  Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti
Doom Patrol - Crazy Jane, Victor Stone (Cyborg)
Titans - **Rachel Roth (Raven), Kory Anders (Starfire), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl)
MCU/X-men: **Stephen Strange, Shuri, T’Challa, **Ororo Munroe (Storm), Marie D'Ancanto (Rogue)
** Asterisks indicate favorite characters in fandoms w/ multiple potential muses. There may be a few fandoms in which there are more than one favorite muse. Fandoms with zero asterisks indicate a new fandom!
Please note I have many Original Characters that may or may not debut in these various fandoms too! There also a plethora of fandoms I could hop in and out of! These are just the ones i’ve either written for in the past or would like to start writing for! 
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mulciberii · 4 years
for some reason, many people had a preconceived notion of what curse breakers did for a living. the extremes being the most popular. either they broke into tombs guns wands blazing, or wasted their lives away tinkering with confiscated heirlooms in the ministry offices. in his opinion, it was both and more. the profession forcing them to be archeologists, historians, spell creators, and bomb technicians. in the dark lord’s eyes that apparently made him the resident bloodhound. he’d be asked to track down a number of odd things the world over in the short time he’d served the cause. many times he’d be successful, but just as often the requested item was just a matter of legend. malachi had found the dark lord to be a man of superstition, and sometimes it paid off.  
a few quick raps on the large wooden door announced his arrival to the other wizard. malachi liked to keep as much distance between himself and lord voldemort as he could. preferring to do a much through a middle man as possible. which is what brought him to lucius in the first place. he had a piece of obscure history in his possession that the dark wizard was interested, and malachi wanted it gone.  “merlin malfoy, today...”
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Fuck it *posts my crack family headcanons except it’s just siblings*
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So you know how people headcanon Terrence was Henry’s dad?
Yeah I had the thought that Terrence changed his identity to that of a certain Hershell Panzer, then proceeded to have two kids and one adopted kid. (And also got unofficially married to a Transfem Radman, aka Dr V, because I love that headcanon)
I have no clue how this idea happened but now it exists.
Also there’s definitely angst (ie, Henry pulling a Cain and Abel on Johnny), but also the comedy potential of a police officer, a notorious thief, and an unaligned college student who somehow reviews gadgets across time and space being siblings-
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Charles and Pyotr (Oc), aka high energy and slightly less energy
They don’t see each other much since their parents divorced when they were both young and they ended up in two different countries but when they do it’s absolute chaos.
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Copperright adopted so many kids…
Well one of the kids adopted them (Hat kid) but that’s still adoption-
Jacob wanted to turn over a new leaf so he quit the toppats and Ellie…unofficially quit because she wanted to make a name for herself in some way. Which…depending on the timeline happens even if it’s within the toppats.
Also fun little thing, Lucius (Oc) is a vampire. Only his family knows though
Anyway that’s it for these crack family headcanons and ramblings
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new-names · 3 years
Any names based off my desc?:
Trans masc, he/they/purr, i hoard pronouns so its a rather long list, dark brown/black hair and eyes, 5’6-5’8 range, sad tired teen, i really like coca cola and sparkling water, grey-aro ace and i have a betta named soul. i also really like the colour purple.
here ya go!
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ikkan · 3 years
hey uh, I've seen your post about gn names and I've been wondering if you could give me any masculine names that you really like? I'm a closeted transgender guy and I've been really frustrated with picking-a-new-name topic.
sure, I’d be happy to help! Here’s a few! 
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elsarosier · 4 years
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reintroductions !
- Has anything changed in their lives since the Halloween attacks?  If so what?    she realised just how much she’d care if something were to happen to malachi. yes, she cared before the attacks, and she wanted him safe and everything, but they made it really sink in that she really really wants him safe and she really really really cares about him ( she’s still kiiinda convinced love isn’t a thing but also she’s kinda figuring out she’s in love with him ) . she also realised that no matter what happens, even if she formally switches sides, she doesn’t care what malachi does, she’ll still love him ( well, care for him, she’ll figure out that it’s love soon ok ) and she’s unlikely to formally switch sides because of how much she just wants to be with him.
   since malachi’s reaction to her admitting that all though, the nightmares about her fifth year have started up again. while he was gone, she panicked, did basically nothing, ignored the owls and floo calls from her mother, and anyone else who tried, and basically locked herself in the library except she hasn’t read anything. she hasn’t slept after she woke up screaming the first night, and she’s only eaten because when the elves eventually came home from helping her friend at school, they forced her to.
- Has their allegiance changed or has it grown stronger?      she’s figured out she really doesn’t agree with the cause, especially the blood purity stuff. at the moment, she’s unlikely to admit to anyone else but evan and malachi ( & ofc currently very panicked over malachi’s reaction ) .
- Where do they see themselves after the war?      married to malachi, with a family eventually.
-What does your character hope to achieve during the war?    she just wants malachi and evan to come out of it alive ( and not in azkaban )
-If your character could speak to a younger version of themselves, what do you think they would say?    she’d tell her that it’s okay to be scared and that just because her parents’ relationship with each other is cold doesn’t mean she’s going to have that so she should stop acting like it
- And finally, what are some new or unshared head cannons you have for your character? 
   - this has been pretty implied ( and actually i might’ve mentioned it tbh & it’s in one of the malachi/elsa posts ) but i never made a formal post for it. for elsa, a loving marriage was always the exception, not the rule. she’s genuinely surprised to hear that lucius malfoy’s parents married for love, and while thrilled that they did, and that lucius and narcissa seem to be very much in love, or getting to that point, she still sees it as the exception, not the rule. she’s yet to connect the dots for her own relationship, and is convinced that her caring so deeply for malachi is different from love, even though it most definitely is love.
   - she likes plants and flowers, but she absolutely does not care whether she has sunflowers or orchids or tulips or something else for an event. she just cares that she doesn’t have any roses in the same room as her.
   - she learned muggle self defence after the incident in her fifth year because she hated feeling so powerless
   - she has nightmares because of said incident, but they stopped when she moved in with malachi. when they got into the recent argument the nightmares came back.
   - she was supposed to be a scorpio but i forgot her birthday so now she’s a pisces so i have time to plan ( and possibly forget again )
   - elsa learns languages because she gets bored, and she enjoys them. she speaks english, french, and bulgarian fluently, and ukrainian and japanese conversationally. she’s currently studying cantonese and spanish.
   - she’s really good at makeup. like, she can paint whole like, fancy stuff on her face if she wants and sometimes when she’s bored and doesn’t feel like reading she does. she just doesn’t have that much of a use for any of the really extravagant stuff cos she can’t turn herself into a sunflower for events. also if her mother knew she was doing makeup by hand the muggle way...
   - elsa’s a good occlumens, and therefore despite being openly less conservative, is still able to hide how much she disagrees with well because she’s generally good at keeping people out of her head. 
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transnames · 5 years
Hey! Do you have any suggestions for a masculine name that has a uniqueness to it? Something a little on the dark vibe side to suit me. Examples I like are Lucius, Ambrose, Demetrius. Thanks!
Of course! Here are uncommon names that might be similar to ones you like or give me a similar feeling. Not Dark necessarily but they seem to be somewhat old fashioned and formal or inspired by Latin names.
I hope this helped, please let me know if you would like some more or a different type of name!
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 7 years
The problem with vampire names...
Vampire: “He did WHAT?! VLADIMIR!!!”
Vampire kid (from upstairs) “yeah?”
Vampire: “Vladimir Orlock Estragon Malachi…” (the sun rises) “… Silas Acheron Brutus Cerberus Malefico Emrick Ingrum…” (the sun sets) “… Lazarus Zacharius Ezra Lucifer…” (the seasons shift and then come round again, a year has passed) “… Abbadon Beezlebub Mephistopheles…” (the humans die, their bones turn to dust, their children are dust, their grandchildren are dust) “… Zebediah Barnabus Lucius…” (the bricks crack, the towers tumble and the city falls) “… Severus Abraham Judas Dracul…” (a new city rises from the ashes of the old) “… Azazel Samael Sekmet Dracula! You come down here right this instant and apologise!”
Vampire kid (sighing obnoxiously): “Fine…”
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