#*    erik s.
aquitainequeen · 2 months
People are bemused that other people are finding the Ghoul from Fallout 2024 sexy. 'But why??? He looks like a corpse! He has no nose!!!!!'
My friends. My friends. Clearly you have not encountered the fandom for The Phantom of the Opera.
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nessie665 · 2 months
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The Prophecy by Taylor Swift (2024) / Phantom of The Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011) / Phantom of the Opera (1990) / Takarazuka Y&K's Phantom (2004) / The Phantom of the Opera (1962) / The Phantom of the Opera (1989) / The Phantom of the Opera (2004) / Phantom Of The Paradise (1974) / Phantom Of The Opera (1943) / Love Never Dies (2012) / The Phantom of the Opera (1925) 
And I sound like an infant Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moon A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates
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keishara-korianthil · 4 months
Multifandom Ships #6
A lot of ship wars would end if people just made the characters bisexual and poly.
Change my mind.
Why fight for a ship being canon if you can make the two (or three or more) ships canon at the same time?
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likeafantasy · 4 months
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DEXTER REWATCH — 2.06 DEX, LIES, AND VIDEOTAPE My whole life I've done what someone else said I should do, been who he said I should be. I followed his rules, accepted his plan. I never stopped to think about what I wanted, what I needed. And now, I don't know who I'm supposed to be.
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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Peter Parker, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man celebrating his 30th anniversary among family, friends and foes. Art by Erik Larsen (soon before the start of his Savage Dragon run at Image Comics).
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ehghtyseven · 10 months
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hugs & handshakes & arms, oh my! welcome to the penguins erik :)
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lreaper127 · 7 months
A little detail from the 1990's Phantom movie series I think about is when Christine wants to see Erik's face, and when he says no, she offers to sing for him in return. He very quickly shuts that idea down, and to me, it's a good bit of characterization for him. To me, it confirms that music is very sacred to him. We already know this about him at this point, but it hammers in that he hates when music is used to gain something. It says that he views music as something you should only do because you love it, and to share it with others. And to him, the thought of people using music to gain something, or in other words, people preforming or practicing music for any other reason besides enjoyment and love for it, is disgusting. He views it as the person not fully loving, embracing and/or treasuring music for what he views it as. Something to entertain, and to touch the very depths of the human soul and resonate with all human emotions.
I think that the opinion is something Erik truly believes, and I think that very well comes from the fact that his mom singing to him, showing she wasn't afraid of his face, was the only time someone showed no fear of his deformity. And even though he was very young when she died, it left such a strong impact that he can sometimes faintly recall her voice. This is a small detail, and I might be overthinking this. But to me, that little moment speaks a lot about Charles Dance's Erik, and goes into more detail about how he views music, besides just him loving it because he loves it. In my personal hc, Erik (any/all version) uses music as a way to escape his horrific life and self esteem issues. It was a way to escape and express his emotions. To be raw and vulnerable and be completely himself. Anyway, that's just some food for thought that I think about a lot more often than I should. I love Charles Dance's Erik, it's one of my favorite interpretations of the character.
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sunshinetrickster · 1 year
Why is there are almost no Raoul x Reader
Erik Destler (The Phantom) and Raoul De Chagny with an artsy S/O!
Warnings?: maybe ooc.
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Erik Destler/The Phantom
- You can't look at me in the face and tell me he couldn't love that trait in his partner
- He just LOVES it
- Erik doesn't care in which part of art you are more into, for him, everything that came from you it's beautiful
- He will help you with anything he can
- Need to practice poses? He's already in the most dramatic pose he can do, help with an instrument? If Erik knows how to play it already he will be glad to teach you, do you need singing lessons? Bet he will be more than excited to teach you everything he knows
- Erik wants to see you shine, see you in the spotlight and very much like he did with Christine, he will not be afraid to move some strings or cut them to help you reach it
Raoul de Chagny
- Almost like Erik, he will absolutely adore it
- He will support you with anything but in a slightly different way
- If you are a singer or musician, he will be sure to be in every presentation!
- You're a painter? Awesome! He's admiring your work and telling your talent even to musseums!
- A photograper you say? He knows very pretty places which are perfect to take pictures of!
- This man will like to see you in spotlight too but at difference with Erik, Raoul will only tell about your talent to others so you can also reach it by yourself, he will basically be something close to your benefactor
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prncewilhelm · 1 year
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craaazy that some of you are so determined he stays within the mould when the entire show is chronicling him breaking out of it 
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marvelstars · 18 days
INTERVIEW WITH CHRIS CLAREMONT BY by Fr. Niko Bekris about God Loves, Man Kills and Magneto
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FN: In your introduction to God Loves, you mentioned that one of the greatest quotes to inspire you was Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, and being judged on the content of one’s character. I love how you incorporated the imagery of that into “Xavier’s Dream”- tolerance, living together, loving those who hate us. That’s always been something very powerful that I’ve loved about the book during your tenure on it. It’s been speculated that when Stan Lee first created the characters, he included a notion of the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, but when you came on board was when we started hearing more about “Xavier’s Dream,” and of Magneto as a Holocaust survivor.
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CHRIS CLAREMONT: So I thought that, if Begin found it in himself to make that change, why not Magneto? And if Magneto could find it, again from a dramatic perspective, you’re left with a character who is plagued by fundamental guilt and fundamental conflict.
If Charlie’s dumping this responsibility on his shoulders has the desired effect, he then has to look back on the portion of his life where he was a villain and deal with the guilt and ramifications of that, but he can also be plagued by his doubt-
“Am I making the right decision? Have I made the right decision?
If I use my powers the way I used to just this once, that’ll be okay, right? I won’t do it again, just this once. It’ll be easier.
It’ll resolve the situation quickly, efficiently, no one will know. I can get away with it… but should I?”
That as a dramatist, is a lot more fun to play with.
The idea was to bring the conflict into the foreground, but in the process, make him the more empathetic and dramatic character.
Regrettably, corporate policy wanted him as a villain.
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Source: https://christcoffeecomics.com/2015/06/24/interview-with-chris-claremont-part-1/
While Claremont got inspiration from the history of Menachem Begin, it wasn´t his zionist ideas the thing that Claremont related to Magneto but rather his capability to change his pov, his methods and in the end seek a benefice of all parties involved.
Claremont´s intention on the X-men was to try to reflect how the polarization in society often leads to both parties having opposite povs that end up fragmenting society, just like Charles and Magneto´s ideological fight ended up fragmenting mutantkind cause.
In the end Claremont wanted Magneto to change, to take over Charles X-men leadership, lead by example, have doubts over his former actions as a radical defensor of mutants and worry about both humans and mutants, constantly taking care of not using his old methods that cost many lifes in the past and honestly it´s a great narrative that goes beyond the ideological pov and goes right into the light and darkness inside human nature.
He was forced to change his story in the end, Marvel needed a villain but that´s why this aspect of the character always comes back because it´s foundational.
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quillandqueer · 19 days
Interesting New Releases ✨
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Dreadful: high fantasy farce featuring killer moat squid, toxic masculinity, evil wizards and a garlic festival - all at once.
Evocation: queer, poly romance with secret societies and a deal with the devil
Housemates: Two young housemates embark on a (queer!) road trip to discover themselves in a fractured America
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The Only Light Left Burning: The highly-anticipated sequel to the queer genre-bending dystopian romance All That's Left in the World.
The Safekeep: twisted tale of desire, suspicion, and obsession between two women staying in the same house in the Dutch countryside during the summer of 1961
Twelfth Knight: a grumpy/sunshine YA romantic comedy and coming of age story about taking up space in the world and learning what it means to let others in
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soup-scope · 1 year
petition for erik to write vincent and sam using old ass slang. PLEASE THEY WERE BORN IN THE 80’S AND GREW UP IN THE 90’S PLEASE ERIK LET THEM USE OLD ASS SLANG
Also the idea that quinn was turned 50 years ago in the 70’s, that means he had to be born in like the 40’s/50’s if quinn was turned in his 20’s/30’s. no wonder he’s such a prick
anyways. now i wanna design quinn in mind with that aesthetic. anyways. have a great day
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buccaneeering · 3 months
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I was experimenting with shapes.
If anybody has Phantom of the Opera related drawing requests, send them in! (Characters from any variation, your OCs or self inserts, whatever the case.) I'll try to get to them in a timely manner.
I hope you have a good day, whoever you are. 😊
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fantastickkay · 13 days
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Bop, December 1999.
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amyriadfthings · 1 year
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Saw this on ig the other day (rydbergedits) and was hit squarely in the chest by wille feels.
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jhilsara · 9 months
Everyone knows that all the smto brothers have some kind of baggage. How would you say "I can fix him" and how would say "I can make him worse" for each of them?
Like, for James I would fix him by forcing him to have time for himself but I would make him worse by calling him "My lord"
Erik, I would fix him by giving him the motherly love he deserved but never got and make him worse by letting him call me mommy.
Sam, I would fix him by assuring him that I don't see him as a brute or a monster and make him worse by telling him about my teratophilia.
Matthew, I would fix him by relying on him for things that I could do easily enough but it makes him feel important. I would make him worse by using primarily childish pet names, ie baby, baby boy, cutiepie
Damien... I feel too bad about making him worse.
…. 🫣😳😮‍💨
I have no words.
But I do agree with all of the above statements… so you win.
Especially the Sam one- like I know he’s my fav but if he knew how much of a monster fucker I am. He’d be reconsidering things 🫠
Like I played that game because they were “monsters” then got disappointed at their incubi designs cause they weren’t monstrous enough 😩
Also please feel free to drop some more hot tales in my inbox cause this was great
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