#** creative lover boy david
multistoty · 1 year
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@koroldemonov @yu1batar @bcbliophile @iknowmetal
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jadenvargen · 4 months
free online james baldwin stories, essays, videos, and other resources
James baldwin online archive with his articles and photo archives.
Giovanni's room"When David meets the sensual Giovanni in a bohemian bar, he is swept into a passionate love affair. But his girlfriend's return to Paris destroys everything. Unable to admit to the truth, David pretends the liaison never happened - while Giovanni's life descends into tragedy. This book introduces love's fascinating possibilities and extremities."
Go Tell It On The Mountain"(...)Baldwin's first major work, a semi-autobiographical novel that has established itself as an American classic. With lyrical precision, psychological directness, resonating symbolic power, and a rage that is at once unrelenting and compassionate, Baldwin chronicles a fourteen-year-old boy's discovery of the terms of his identity as the stepson of the minister of a storefront Pentecostal church in Harlem one Saturday in March of 1935. Baldwin's rendering of his protagonist's spiritual, sexual, and moral struggle of self-invention opened new possibilities in the American language and in the way Americans understand themselves."
+bonus: film adaptation on youtube. (if you’re a giancarlo esposito fan, you’ll be delighted to see him in an early preacher role)
Another Country and Going to Meet the Man Another country: "James Baldwin's masterly story of desire, hatred and violence opens with the unforgettable character of Rufus Scott, a scavenging Harlem jazz musician adrift in New York. Self-destructive, bad and brilliant, he draws us into a Bohemian underworld pulsing with heat, music and sex, where desperate and dangerous characters betray, love and test each other to the limit." Going to meet the Man: " collection of eight short stories by American writer James Baldwin. The book, dedicated "for Beauford Delaney", covers many topics related to anti-Black racism in American society, as well as African-American–Jewish relations, childhood, the creative process, criminal justice, drug addiction, family relationships, jazz, lynching, sexuality, and white supremacy."
Just Above My Head"Here, in a monumental saga of love and rage, Baldwin goes back to Harlem, to the church of his groundbreaking novel Go Tell It on the Mountain, to the homosexual passion of Giovanni's Room, and to the political fire that enflames his nonfiction work. Here, too, the story of gospel singer Arthur Hall and his family becomes both a journey into another country of the soul and senses--and a living contemporary history of black struggle in this land."
If Beale Street Could Talk"Told through the eyes of Tish, a nineteen-year-old girl, in love with Fonny, a young sculptor who is the father of her child, Baldwin's story mixes the sweet and the sad. Tish and Fonny have pledged to get married, but Fonny is falsely accused of a terrible crime and imprisoned. Their families set out to clear his name, and as they face an uncertain future, the young lovers experience a kaleidoscope of emotions-affection, despair, and hope. In a love story that evokes the blues, where passion and sadness are inevitably intertwined, Baldwin has created two characters so alive and profoundly realized that they are unforgettably ingrained in the American psyche."
also has a film adaptation by moonlight's barry jenkins
Tell Me How Long the Train's been gone At the height of his theatrical career, the actor Leo Proudhammer is nearly felled by a heart attack. As he hovers between life and death, Baldwin shows the choices that have made him enviably famous and terrifyingly vulnerable. For between Leo's childhood on the streets of Harlem and his arrival into the intoxicating world of the theater lies a wilderness of desire and loss, shame and rage. An adored older brother vanishes into prison. There are love affairs with a white woman and a younger black man, each of whom will make irresistible claims on Leo's loyalty. 
Baldwin essay collection. Including most famously: notes of a native son, nobody knows my name, the fire next time, no name in the street, the devil finds work- baldwin on film
Take this hammer, a tour of san Francisco.
Meeting the man
Debate with Malcolm x, 1963 ( on integration, the nation of islam, and other topics. )
Debate with William Buckley, 1965. ( historic debate in america. )
Heavily moderated debate with Malcolm x, Charles Eric Lincoln, and Samuel Schyle 1961. (Primarily Malcolm X's debate on behalf of the nation of islam, with Baldwin giving occassional inputs.)
apart from themes obvious in the book's descriptions, a general heads up for themes of incest and sexual assault throughout his works.
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writingdirectory · 2 years
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Notes from a 5-day creative writing course:
Make it a habit. That way, each time that familiar voice of self-doubt makes its appearance, it’ll be easier to ignore it, because writing will become something that you do-your thing-and you’ll gain confidence in it.
Visit your novel every single day. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to write something every day. You could outline the plot, or write character portraits, or draw a special part of your world. Your subconscious will work on your story even when you don’t. So, each time you visit the story consciously, you’ll find that things have developed in the story.
Manage the time of writing in a way that it is manageable for you. (It can be that one hour between classes or your lunch break or the morning before you go to work or at night before you sleep - Schedule it in a way that suits you and then, be serious about it.
Set a goal. For example, 100 or 500 words a day.
Character Development, Word Choice & Description
At first, characters incarnate ideas. A poor man who wins the lottery, a young boy who travels to a magical land. As we develop the story, they become people - real people with backgrounds and unique choices.
Ways we perceive character: through actions, thoughts (conflict), dialogue, interactions with others.
Bring intentionality to the representation of a character.  Don't give arbitrary information.
How a character reacts is a question of how you want to represent them through all those multiplicities that are dialogue, actions, interactions, etc.
Characters always want something. They are never static. With wants come obstacles and transformation.
Create tension between what a characters thinks, feels and says. For example, set external confidence and internal fear and then change that as the story develops. Characters can also be comfortable or scared depending on the situation.
Explore complexity. How a character talks to their lover is different from how they talk to their friends and family.
Give secondary characters a characteristic beyond their function to make them more prominent.
Make a hierarchy out of characters.
Exercise: Write the portrait of a character, how you would introduce them in the story and a description of them from a character that a) likes them and b) dislikes them.
Word Choice. When it starts sounding like writing, cut it out - Kill your darlings. Example: The car was spotted with rust - shows the car. As opposed to: The car was acned with rust - shows the writing. Sometimes a more refined word works against the object/image.
Description: Don’t just put in details. The details need to be significant for the image you want the reader to see.
Don’t use metaphors and lyricism in the expense of clarity. Be precise. Metaphors and similes should fit the narrative and not distract the reader. For example, saying “He barked like a dog” sounds fine, but if there are no dogs in your world, it is out of place and breaks the narrative. Be specific. Name things. Don’t be vague. Precision grounds your fiction.
Determine if you need static or lively description. Lively description is when you describe things through actions. Like “She passed her fingers through her blond hair”, instead of “Her hair was blond”.
Sense of authenticity. When you describe a place precisely, you gain your reader’s trust. A column is different from a golden column. That kind of attention gives a sense of authority and makes the narrative convincing.
Parts of description: smell, sound, sight, taste, touch, temperature, pressure.
Dialogue & POVs
Dialogue a) informs the character, b) moves the story forward, c) develops relationships between characters.
Dialogue isn’t just about how people talk.
What’s said can suggest what isn’t being said.
Use dialogue interspersed with description and visuals.
Choose the POV that suits your story.
(From David Lodge, ‘The Art of Fiction’.) A fictional story is unlikely to engage our interest unless we know whose story it is. Even with an “omniscient” narrative method, the writer should privilege one or two “points of view”. An objective approach may be a worthy aim in journalism, but not in fiction.
Pros and cons of 1st person POV. Pros: personal and direct, immediacy, intimacy, immediate credibility, easier to build character. Cons: limited, biased, unreliable, writing can become simplistic. When writing in 1st person, keep in mind that characters change, hence their perception changes. That has to be obvious in the narrative.
Pros and cons of 3rd person limited POV. Pros: thoughts can still be on the page, flexibility, wider view of the world, more complex language can be used (usually we think in simple words, so complex writing might sound pretentious and out of place in 1st person POV). Cons: distance (he/she).
GOD MODE. Or, commonly, 3rd person omniscient. You can jump in and out of characters’ minds, but there’s a danger when writing with such freedom. Be aware of structural harmony. Don’t write 10 pages in Sally’s POV and then jump into omniscient.
Use free indirect speech (1st person thoughts in italicized form, eg. No!) to eliminate the distance in 3rd person POVs.
Change POV with reason. Don’t suddenly jump to another POV just because it is interesting. Plan it. Make the change of the POV deliberate and make the reason clear.
Give equal weight to all POVs.  
The setting of a story is mediated through a character’s experience. It amplifies the theme. It shouldn’t be an arbitrary decision. The setting can make achievements more difficult for characters.
For children, places have magical properties, they are places of significance. The place of someone’s childhood can transform later in the novel, because the character has transformed. There’s a fluidity of meaning attached to places. But keep in mind that, places don’t change. Characters do.
How a character views a place is stated through the language we use.
When writing about a place that exists, have fidelity at the facts.
Be open to ideas changing.
If it’s not working after 3-4 rewrites, cut it out!
Make sentences active. Things don’t happen to characters. They do things.
Pay attention to rhythm.
Every sentence needs to have a reason to be there.
Usually, we overwrite in dialogue. Use context. Dialogue should be suggestive, rather than explicit.
Edit backwards, because perfectionism kicks in at the beginning.
Isolate. Edit single parts of the story. A chapter, a scene.
Read aloud. It will help find long sentences, pretentious words and unreadable language.
When words become over-familiar, put it down, give it to someone else to read.  
What to look out for: a) Character confusion. Make sure minor characters are introduced properly and find subtle ways to remind your readers who they are. b) Too much exposition. c) Plot holes, inconsistencies - there must rational reasons for coincidences, you must be able to provide logical and credible reasons behind the actions of a character. d) Over-written description.
What to do when editing: cut things out, put new things in, change sentence order and structure, look for repeated words, strengthen verbs (or prune), expand, trim, look for continuity errors, change order of events, introduce a delay in the reveals, rewrite using another POV or tense, determine if each sentence is pulling its weight.
Techniques: a) Prune. Delete text you don’t need. b) Isolate repetitions and delete or substitute with synonyms (look out for pretentious words). c) Cut and paste paragraphs to change order and rearrange. d) write a whole new draft, only looking to the previous one for factual material. e) Use a reader.
Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway (suggestive dialogue)
Concrete Island., by J.J. Ballot (how setting makes goals harder to achieve)
Driving Through Sawmill Towns, by Les Murray (lyricism, setting)
The Art of Fiction, by David Lodge (POV)
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
On Writing, by Stephen King
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pierrotsmoon · 1 year
The Lost Boys with an Artist! S/O!
warnings- fem! reader terms, a lil OOC, nothing else!
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Being the oldest vampire in their group, David has seen artistic eras start and fade
His favorite art will always be yours though
From doodles to finished work, he enjoys whatever art you show him
David adores any work you do involving subjects of death, reincarnation and religion
If you draw him, he’ll act calm and collected, but you can see the faintest blush on his pale face
Looking through your sketchbook is like looking through a window to your soul to him, it’s like an honor
“Thank you for showing me your work, I’m so pleased you see me as beautiful enough to draw.”
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He’s so giddy to have a girlfriend at all
Flexible little dude, will bend in any direction, makes for the perfect live model
If you do draw him, he’s speechless for a second before immediately jumping around like a madman
Marko has the coolest patchwork jacket, and he always goes to you for more homemade patches
You always deliver, because the look on his face whenever he gets a new patch is adorable
Probably leaves little napkin doodles just for you!
“Look at what my girlfriend made for me!”
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Loves having a creative lover
 Dwayne is a romantic at heart, low voiced and caring
He definitely knows a bit about art
Has a bad habit of finding you drawing and just staring
Staring for weird amounts of time
But it's because of how enamored he is with you and your talent 
He often finds himself peering at your sketchbook 
But he’s respectful, so he’ll always ask before looking through it, carefully flipping each page to avoid tearing 
When he sees you draw him, he feels so eternally tender, if he had a working heart, it would be beating noticeably faster 
“I’ll admit I was staring, but I had no negative intentions.”
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My favorite airhead
Does not understand the first thing about art
But his emotional process is very easy
mmm pretty lady draw pretty pictures
Adores his gf no matter what, but creativity is really just icing on the cake for him
Paul is a fan of anything you make, especially anything he helps you with
By helps you, i mean he finds a leaf and hands it to you
Forever amazed by your talent
“Woah, you can really do anything!”
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Star is a naturally curious young woman, but being around only boys can get tiring
Having a girlfriend, a confidante and lover, outside of the scope of men is extremely liberating for Star
You two often draw together, she enjoys fantasy as a form of escapism, but also occasionally doodles little flowers for you
She would love it if your art scoped outside of the regular pen and paper, like embroidery or murals
(embroider her skirts with lil flowers)
Loves colorful pieces
Would be a big fan of abstract, or expressive work
“Your work reminds me of you, the essence of you.”
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Micheal is, uninformed on art to say the least
 He tries his best to keep up though!
Wherever you may be drawing, he’s always peering over your shoulder, jutting his head back right when you notice
Loves to give you little gifts too, mostly candy wrappers and pressed flowers
You always keep them in your sketchbook
If you ever draw him, he’ll get really happy, and also confused
Aren't there better people to draw?
Reassure him!!!!
“I didn’t know I was ‘muse’ material.”
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luv4fandoms · 6 months
Decided to do something fun, feel free to reblog with your answers 😊
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What character brought you into the fandom? (Who intrigued you enough to watch the movie?)
I saw a video about finding out you were David's mate on tiktok and decided to watch the movie because...I mean... It's Keifer Sutherland lol.
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If you write fanfiction, who did you first write about? (Or who did you first read about?)
My first two lost boys stories were actually about Paul, though David brought me into the fandom, Paul grabbed my attention enough to write lol. (Story 1 and Story 2)
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Who does everyone ship you with?
I've actually ran two polls and each time Marko won with an overwhelming amount of votes 🤣
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Who does everyone say you are the most like?
Also Marko lol. I guess cause we are both the creative animal lovers...And both are a little scary when it comes to protecting our loved ones lol.
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desertfangs · 1 year
Picturing Armand coming up with all sorts of creative aka absolutely batshit ways to prevent Daniel from being intercepted by the Talamasca while Daniel remains completely oblivious. “Lover LOOK it’s Lestat right behind you, he’s only wearing a g-string 🫢😜” and then he’s setting all of Daniel’s mail on fire and scattering the ashes in one of his clandestine e boat rides. Or trying to pass Talamasca correspondence as high school reunion invites (“you couldn’t possibly be interested in that my love? Such silly nonsense”) before tearing them off and throwing them out and changing the topic altogether. It all pays off years later at Lestat’s concert when they bump into Jesse and Daniel is like “Tala-what? lmaoo what a funny little name”. Armand has never been more proud of himself xoxo DA 🥹
Right? Dying at the idea of Armand going "Look! Lestat in a g-string!" to distract Daniel because wow, that would work! Armand would have already gotten rid of whatever it was and Daniel would still be searching behind him, going "Where? I don't see him??"
This could be a whole sitcom, tbh. A whole montage of Armand pulling Daniel in the other direction all of a sudden when he spots a Talamasca agent or changing their plans out of the blue. "I thought you had to see this band tonight!" "I realized their brand of folk music is quite droll. Let's go to Prague." Stealing his mail every evening before he wakes up him to sift through it. I imagine even in the chase years, he might get Daniel's mail at the hotel desk and bring him the royalty check while holding back the Talamasca's letters.
Maybe Daniel finally gets one of the letters in New York, and of course because it's the Talamasca, it's impossibly vague, imploring him to come meet someone at some hotel in a week's time and only vaguely mentions their interest in his novel. So Daniel asks Armand what he thinks it is? Do they want to discuss a sequel? It's not his publisher's letterhead. Is it an agent? Someone who hopes to represent him?
Armand reads it several times, expression impassive, even though he immediately knows what it is. "It's a scam," he finally says. "These vultures target young writers. They just want a share of your royalties and they'll do nothing for you." He tosses the letter aside. Maybe Daniel wonders if he should go the the meeting anyhow, just to see, but Armand will coincidentally need them to fly somewhere very far away the night before so he can't make it. Such a shame. Oh, well, Armand was probably right.
And when they try to approach him in person, ooh boy. I know Armand has some pretty clever mental tricks and could probably scare them out of the city for reasons even they don't entirely understand. Like they're on Daniel's trail and then all of a sudden, they feel uneasy about going into the city or into a certain neighborhood. They may mention that feeling or just that they're not able to establish contact, but no one can seem to get near him and he never replies to their letters or shows up for the pre-arranged meetings, so they just assume he's not interested.
Ironically, I think Daniel would want to know all about them. I don't think he'd join them--I don't think he'd give up being with Armand for anything, and certainly not that--but I think he'd find their mission fascinating, and if he hadn't run into Armand, he would have loved working with them to investigate the paranormal. Sadly, he's also one of those people predisposed to get too close and get himself in trouble, because nothing would keep him from approaching a vampire if he knew where to find them. So he wouldn't have lasted long in the job. Although, Daniel would kill for an hour or two in their archives, even now as a vampire.
I wonder if he ever asked Lestat if his friend David could get him in there for a night to sift through what they had. No doubt Lestat was like "Sure, yeah, I'll ask" and immediately forgot and it never came up again. Ironically, I think the Talamasca would salivate over the stuff in the Night Island cellar and whatever Armand has in the depths of Trinity Gate. I'm curious if, after QotD, when they realized where Daniel had been and with whom, they tried to excavate some of their old abandoned apartments and now, somewhere in the cellar of a Talasmaca motherhouse, sits a blender stained with beet juice and quick-dry cement, a Chia pet with dead seedlings sticking out of it, and an electric toothbrush with blood all over its bristles, all in some box labeled "Armand, New York, 1980s."
Thank you for the ask, DA!!! Always happy to hear from you! I will be thinking about this all day.
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swearphil · 1 year
hi renee, do you still read schitts creek fanfic? do you have any recs? :)
anon, I love the timing of getting this ask on monday and then ao3 was down and I thought it would be awhile until I could effectively answer this ask but ao3 is back! yay!!! and then it took me three days to answer this because I couldn't make decisions!
yes, I still read schitt's creek fanfic! when I started compiling a list for this ask, I was going to do 10 fics but I've decided to rec 20: 10 multi-chapter fics and 10 one shots/single chapter fics. this way I get to include more fics and hopefully you find something you'd like to read! I also recommend checking out my sc fic recs tag and I also have this my recs tag where I made recs for the @farm-witches-fic-recs this or that challenge! I also recommend the witches' posts for more recs!
here are 20 fics from 20 authors but please know there are so many incredible authors in this fandom and I love them all and I hate that I can't include all of them!!!
Multi-Chapter Fics
On the Outside Looking Through by @smblmn
A pride & prejudice AU
Red White and Blue Jays by @grapehyasynth
Red White and Royal Blue AU. David Rose, First Son of the United States, hates Patrick Brewer, First Son of Canada. That gets him into some trouble - and then a lot of trouble. (I mean we're about to get the movie sooooooooo)
my heart was broke, my head was sore by @blueink3
The morning after Grad Night goes somewhat differently when Patrick gets a call from home.
Crossing Out the Good Years by @nontoxic-writes
One thing, David didn’t do one thing, and moved them to New York and let their marriage fall apart. But that wasn't supposed to happen. So Fate intervenes. aka the divorce-ish fic
The Rosebud Diamond by @vivianblakesunrisebay
Patrick is a detective. David is his mysterious client. There’s a priceless diamond, a masquerade ball, murder, thievery, blackmail, secrets, betrayal, gangsters, smoking, whiskey, and angst galore. (And a happy ending.) It’s a film noir AU.
you never shined so brightly by @rosedavid
A La La Land AU in which Patrick is the aspiring actor and David is the struggling musician.
Home at Last by @januarium
When Stevie Budd took on the role of Sally Bowles she could never have known how much she would gain from it. From the prompt: An alternate universe where Ted does not choose Alexis at the end of Season Four and Stevie and Alexis get close during Cabaret rehearsals
You Happened by @lilythesilly
David Rose is many things: talented, creative, fashion-forward, well read—the list can go on, but at the very top of that list is Extremely Rich. So he doesn’t understand why his father is making him work at Rose Video—or why Patrick Brewer, a boy he's had virtually no interaction with since they were twelve, is suddenly always around. An enemies-to-coworkers-to-friends-to-lovers high school au.
Pull The Shot. Steam The Milk. Repeat. by @treluna4
Right at the beginning of David’s junior year of college, his dad’s business partner literally took the money and ran, and the Roses were left with nothing...He moved in with his friend Stevie and got a job at the Schitt Family Coffee Roasters south campus location. David was less than thrilled by this job prospect, but no one else was hiring and rent was a thing now, so he gathered what little self-respect he had left and prepared to meet his new manager, Patrick. But as it turned out, David had met him once before. Under very, very different circumstances. Or; the hookup-to-friends-to-lovers college coffee shop AU that no one asked for.
How Easy It Could Be by @maxbegone
A story about sweet caffeine, starting new, and falling in love slowly.
Single Chapter Fics
life ain't passing you by by @dinnfameron
Stevie has breakfast at the cottage before a business trip. David and Patrick have some thoughts regarding her feelings for her new coworker.
like glass from sandy ground by @middyblue
Five times Alexis ran from grief, and one time she didn't.
Pretty Follies by @treepyful
Alexis and Twyla team up to play matchmaker for Stevie and Ruth. Unfortunately, the course of true love never did run smooth.
I INDEX/MATCH You by @sarahlevys
Ruth maintains a lot of spreadsheets. Some of them feature Stevie.
are there still beautiful things? by @mymariahcarey
“Look what I got Stevie!” Twyla calls as she runs through the waist-high grass towards the line of trees where Stevie’s waiting for her. By the time Twyla reaches her, her cheeks pink and her breath labored, her french braids are coming undone and there’s a twig stuck in one of them. Or, Stevie and Twyla were childhood best friends.
falling into place like dominos by @petalwritesx
David and Patrick hold a second housewarming party, this time at their newly-renovated cottage. For old times' sake, they decide to play spin the bottle. Meanwhile, Stevie has been wrestling with her feelings for Alexis since she left for New York... and it never occurred to her that those feelings could flow both ways.
you light me up like starlight by @stereopticons
Patrick and his indie band head back to their hometown to perform for the annual holiday charity concert, and David tags along, even though they are still keeping their relationship a secret.
Live By Love Though The Stars Walk Backwards by @chelle-68
Stevie returns from a work trip to discover an exhausted Patrick who has trouble sleeping without David, who has been in LA visiting his family. Stevie's offer to spend the night to keep Patrick company, hoping it will help him sleep, turns into a night of heartfelt conversation about love, friendship, fate, and taking chances.
One Single Thread of Gold by @swiftlythebest
Patrick has a baseball viewing party, and David has a lot of feelings.
as we dream by the fire by @blackandwhiteandrose
The fire is just the right amount of warm -- enough to keep David toasty but not sweaty -- so he can enjoy lying against his husband’s chest, happy and content in his embrace. Patrick brings a hand up, slipping his fingers through David’s hair. “This is a great way to spend an evening,” he says, his voice soft. “We should do this more often.”
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David Bowie employed his artistic endeavours as a means to delve into the depths of his profound interests, among which was his enduring fascination with Buddhism and broader Eastern philosophy. His exploration of these themes became a distinctive thread woven into the rich tapestry of his creative expression.
Bowie was introduced to the power of Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies by his older half-brother, Terry Burns, who had a tremendous impact on how his life and career would turn out. Burns also opened Bowie’s mind up to total creativity with the works of Beat Generation writers such as William S. Burroughs, modern jazz, and even the occult. Many of what would become his artistic hallmarks can be traced back to these formative influences.
In the early years, when Bowie was still trying to find his feet as an artist, his fascination with Buddhism made its way into his work. The first song to contain his interest in religion is ��Silly Boy Blue’ from 1967’s self-titled debut album. Years later, Bowie would claim that he wrote the song ‘Karma Man’ about the ongoing strife between Tibet, the home of the Dalai Lama, the leader of ‘Yellow Hat’ Tibetan Buddhism, and China, who annexed it in 1951.
Bowie developed his interest in Tibetan Buddhism in 1965. In addition to what his brother showed him, this materialised after reading Nazi SS Sergeant Heinrich Harrer’s 1952 memoir Seven Years in Tibet. It retold his experiences in the country between 1944 and the Chinese annexation.
Speaking to Melody Maker in 1966, Bowie outlined his love for Tibet, stating: “I want to go to Tibet. It’s a fascinating place, y’know. I’d like to take a holiday and have a look inside the monasteries. The Tibetan monks, Lamas, bury themselves inside mountains for weeks and only eat every three days. They’re ridiculous – and it’s said they live for centuries.”
Although Eastern philosophy and Buddhism greatly influenced the counterculture of the 1960s, Bowie was serious in his dedication to the faith, and it would remain for decades after the zeitgeist changed. In 1966, he visited the North London Buddhist Centre, Tibet House, and spoke to one of its teachers, Chime Yong Dong Rinpoche, with whom he would become lifelong friends.
Introducing ‘Silly Boy Blue’ at the Tibet House Benefit in 2001, Bowie explained: “I stumbled into the Buddhist Society in London when I was about seventeen. Sitting in front of me at the desk was a Tibetan lama, and he looked up and he said, ‘Are you looking for me?’ He had a bad grasp of English and, in fact, was saying, ‘Who are you looking for?’ But I needed him to say, ‘You’re looking for me.’ It’s absolutely true!”
Bowie recalled: “So he became my friend and teacher for quite some time. His name is Chime Yong Dong Rinpoche and he now is head of [he was Curator of Ancient Tibetan Manuscripts] at the British Museum in London. This was ’65, ’66. That’s when I met him. Around that time, I wrote this next song… ‘Silly Boy Blue’.”
Bowie also introduced Rinpoche to his friend Tony Visconti, who also became his student. Looking back on their significant first meeting, Lama Chime Tulku Rinpoche told The Telegraph in 2016: “I said, ‘Come in, young man. Why did you come to see me?’ He said, ‘I want to become a monk.’ I asked him, ‘What is your talent?’ And he said music. I said, so then don’t become monk; you do the music. And from that day, that is what he did."
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pigeonwit · 6 months
for the tag game, howl au? i’m getting howl’s moving castle vibes but even if it’s not that it still sounds cool
bursts through the wall did someone say howl au?
the howl's moving castle au is something i've been noodling on since. probably a little bit after run boy run? so i'd say maybe 2020. i didn't really have any creative outlets in secondary school and college so i'd just be watching movies and shows and going 'hm what if blorbo was there' and behold... howl au
the plot is very similar to the movie; davey is a working class kid trying to make money for his family as the pressures of war close in. manhattan is gathering as many wizards as they can to enlist and any who refuse are charged with treason, the most notable being jack, 'the ranger of the wastes' (i had to find a way to work the cowboy thing in there somewhere) who fled the refuge academy moments before he was expected to enlist and has been being hunted by pulitzer (and supposedly wreaking havoc across manhattan) ever since. like book!sophie, davey is a powerful speaker, though he's always resigned himself to simply being his family's caretaker and ensuring his sibling's success, so he's never noticed this about himself; but magic is a science based in symbols and patterns, and davey has a gift for that - so when he meets the ranger purely by chance, it puts a target on his back for the magical entities that are hunting jack down. he's found by another wizard, 'the dealer' (race) who curses him to be unable to speak. so davey seeks out the ranger to break his curse.
i don't have much of a plot outline beyond that - i don't want to follow the movie beat for beat and i really do love the war imagery in newsies and the idea of words being one of the key things that ended that war, so i want to focus more on that. but in terms of characters, i have race as the witch of the wastes (he's not exactly a jilted ex-lover but he IS still intent on hunting jack down and taking his heart), spot as calcifer, crutchie as markl (though he's more like michael from the book) and katherine as,,, kind of madame suliman? she's a powerful wizard in pulitzer's service, but she's not as antagonistic as suliman.
and a snippet for you:
“There you are, Davey,” says a voice smooth as spiced wine, “so sorry I’m late, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“Who… Are you?” The little boy asks. His eyes have the same impossible wideness to them as Les, the curiosity that’s only found in children – an eagerness to see as much of the world as possible, even if you can’t yet understand it. David smiles, pressing his hand to the glass of the mirror.
“My name’s Davey.” He says, and as he says it, he knows it’s true. Something spreads within him, a warmth that loosens his muscles and straightens his spine, something that makes him stand tall and unafraid. And he knows now that he is not David Jacobs anymore.
“My name’s Francis.”
“Jack!” Davey screams over the roar of tearing paper. “Spot!”
The two turn in his direction, Jack’s eyes wide as he cradles his heart in his hands.
“Davey?” His mouth shapes the word, but it’s drowned out by the cracks of falling brick.
“I know how to help you now!” Davey cries as the world is ripped from under him, rivers of watercolour streaming into an inky black abyss. Jack sprints as Davey’s torn away, the hills billowing beneath his feet like loose canvas. He’s yelling something, one arm outstretched, bleeding streaks of paint flying from the torn earth to his glowing fingers-
“Find me in the future!”
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thealmightyemprex · 6 months
80's Fantasy month :Time Bandits
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Welcome to 80's Fantasy month where I shall look at classics of 80's fantasy ,starting with a personal childhood favorite
A young boy named Kevin(Craig Warnock ) is whisked away by the Time Bandits (David Rappaport ,Kenny Baker,Jack Purvis ,Malcolm Dixon ,Mike Edmonds and Tiny Ross ) ,servents of the Supreme Being (Ralph Richardson)who have decided to use a map to various holes in time to get stinking rich ,unfortunately they are being watched by Evil (David Warner )who wants to use the map to take over the universe
This is a film that feels diffrent watching as a kid then as adult .As a kid the creativity and imganitive visuals are what stood out to me ,but as an adult its the cynical humor . I love the tactile look of the world,you feel the grime and dirt ,and I adore the costume design from the Bandits whose costumes are made of bits and bobs from diffrent eras to Evil who has a biomechanical look fitting his obseeion with technology .CErtain visuals have stuck with me since I was a kid like the giant with a ship as a hat ,or the minotaur who I cant tell is just a guy wearing a dead bull head or is a legit minotaur .The cynical humor really stands out to me as an adult from the fact the great figures,mythical and historical tend to not be as great as youd expect them to be ,to God being less this wise beneovlent being and more a grumpy kind of distracted guy ,to the Bandits not really being heroes but just a bunch of guys trying to make a quick buck to the ending which didnt work for me as a kid but works now for me
The film is full of guest stars who do their small parts really well with IAn Holm as a height obsessed Napoleon, John Cleese as a faux friendly Robin Hood ,Michael Palin and Shelley Duvall as starcrossed lovers ,Peter Vaughn as an Ogre with a bad back,Katherine Helmond as his wife (Apparently it was her idea for her to be human while he is an ogre,and that makes it even funnier that they are just so lovey dovey ) ,legendary Shakesperian actor Ralph Richardson appears as the Supreme Being ,and even Sean Connery appears perfectly cast as Kevins pseudo father figure Aggamenon (If I have a complaint with the film I do wish they were able to do the finale as originally intended with him coming to aid Kevin in the final battle but cest la vie )
David Warner is scene stealing as Evil.Warner is perfectly cast being both sinister but really funny as he discusses how understanding digital watches ,Car telephones and VCR's will help rule the universe .He balances the comedy well while still being a classic fantasy bad guy .I love the final battle where he is just easilly taking down every attack thrown at him
Kevin is a solid lead,a kid interested in history who is the voice of reason among chaos.The Bandits themselves are great,all 6 actors are wonderful,though I think the standouts have to be David Rappaport as the egotistical Randall ,Jack Purvis as the tough Wally and Kenny Bakker as the friendkly Fidget
Overall this is a funny and wonderfully creative movie and if you havent seen it give it a watch
@amalthea9 @angelixgutz @the-blue-fairie @ariel-seagull-wings@princesssarisa@makingboneboy@themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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seeminglyranch87 · 9 days
Taylor & Travis Timeline
June 2024 - Part 2
June 13 - The Eras Tour, Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, UK N1 - 100th show (x) During the ATW speech, Taylor says that the tour will end in December.
I Can See You x Mine (guitar) & Cornelia Street x Maroon (piano)
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Travis at Chiefs Training camp meeting kids sponsored by the Make a Wish Foundation. The little girl is wearing a "Go Taylor's boyfriend" t-shirt that Travis signs.
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The Chiefs Super Bowl LVIII Ring ceremony is held in Kansas City. Travis attends with his team and receives his 3rd Super Bowl ring.
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Travis below with Quarter Back Patrick Mohomes. The boys are chasing a three-peat!
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Taylor is in Liverpool, UK and after her show watches and comments on Chariah Gordon's livestream. I think Taylor really wanted to be there. Travis is pictured below with Chariah Gordon and Mecole Hardman (x)
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Travis came up with the winning play of the Super Bowl (x) called the "Tom & Jerry"
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Travis likes an IG post from the Pat McAfee Show talking about Travis' future with the Chiefs and his contract extension, while finishing with
"I bet he's inspired as hell by Taylor Swift and what she does. She does all this s***" (x)
June 14 - The Eras Tour, Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, UK, N2
This is What You Came For x Gold Rush (guitar), The Great War x You're Losing Me (piano)
Taylor sings "I survived the Great War" (instead of "we")
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ET article about making long distance work for Tay & Trav (x)
The source adds, "They prioritize each other and do anything and everything to make each other happy. Their relationship is genuine and they both want to make it work, so it does."
"Taylor and Travis definitely see a long-term future together and things are continuing to move in that direction," the source tells ET. "Their shared values and love of family keeps them connected."
June 15 - The Eras Tour, Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, UK N3
Carolina x No Body No Crime (guitar) … the murder mashup 😜 & The Manuscript x Red (piano)
June 17, 18, 19 - Tight End University (x)
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June 18 - The Eras Tour, Principality Stadium, Cardiff, UK
I Forgot That You Existed x This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (guitar) a message for a certain ex (YB) who has been crying boo hoo to the media perhaps ?? & I Hate It Here x The Lakes (piano)
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Travis liked this IG post of Taylor's ; )
June 20 - Travis and Jason Kelce attend 2024 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in Cannes, France.
Travis and Jason promote their New Heights podcast with a panel. The Kelce Effect: Exploring New Heights with Travis and Jason Kelce 
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Gracie Abrams releases "Us" written with and featuring Taylor Swift. Gracie shares how Taylor had put out a fire in her kitchen the night they wrote this song see footage (x)
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June 21 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London UK
Travis, Jason & Kylie Kelce, Andrea & Scott Swift, Ross Travis, Liam Hemsworth, Erin Andrews, Charissa Thompson and other friends attend. Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are in attendance.
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This is the first photo Taylor has posted of Travis on IG!!! (x)
Travis captured singing along to Lover looking smitten. Taylor playing it up with Travis in attendance. She appears to be having a brilliant night and leaves back of stage arm in arm with Travis.
Hits Different x Death By A Thousand Cuts (guitar) & The Black Dog x Come Back Be Here x Maroon (piano)
June 22 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London UK
The VIP tent is packed - Travis, Jason & Kylie Kelce (Jason wearing TS t-shirt) Tom Cruise, Greta Gerwig, Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, David Foster.
ThanK you aIMee x Mean (guitar) & Castles Crumbling feat. Hayley Williams (piano)
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June 23 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London UK
June 28, 29, 30 - The Eras Tour, Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland
July 2024
July 4, 5, 6 - The Eras Tour, Johan Cruijff Arena, Amsterdam, Netherlands
July 9, 10 - The Eras Tour, Station Letzigrund, Zurich, Switzerland
July 13, 14 - The Eras Tour, San Siro Stadium, Milan Italy
July 17, 18, 19 - The Eras Tour, Veltins-Arena, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
July 23, 24 - The Eras Tour, Volksparkstadion, Hamburg, Germany
July 27, 28 - The Eras Tour, Olympiastadion, Munich, Germany
August 2024
August 1, 2, 3 - The Eras Tour, PGE Narodowy, Warsaw, Poland
August 8, 9, 10 - The Eras Tour, Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Vienna, Austria
August 10 - Chiefs v Jaguars, NFL preseason
August 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London, UK
August 17 - Chiefs v Lions, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO. NFL preseason
August 22 - Chiefs v Bears, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO, NFL preseason
September 2024
September 5 - NFL 2024-25 season kickoff. Chiefs v Baltimore Ravens, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO
September 15 - Chiefs v Bengal Tigers, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO
September 22 - Chiefs v Falcons,
September 29 - Chiefs v Chargers,
October 2024
October 5 - Travis Kelce's 35th birthday
October 6 - American Music Awards 2024
October 7 - Chiefs v Saints, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO
October 12 - Chiefs BYE week
October 18, 19, 20 - The Eras Tour, Hard Rock Stadium, Miami, FL
October 20 - Chiefs v SF 49ers
October 26, 27 - The Eras tour, Caesars Superdome, New Orleans, LA
October 27 - Chiefs v Raiders
November 2024
November 1, 2, 3 - The Eras Tour, Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, IN
November 4 - Chiefs v Buccaneers, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO
November 10 - Chiefs v Broncos, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO
November 14, 15, 16 - The Eras Tour, Rogers Centre, Toronto, ON
November 17 - Chiefs v Bills
November 21, 22, 23 - The Eras Tour, Rogers Centre, Toronto, ON
November 24 - Chiefs v Panthers
November 29 - Chiefs v Raiders, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO
December 2024
December 6, 7, 8 - The Eras Tour , BC Place, Vancouver, British Columbia
December 8 - Chiefs v Chargers, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO
December 13 - Taylor Swift's 35th birthday
December 15 - Chiefs v Browns
December 21 - Chiefs v Texans, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO
December 25 - Christmas Day. Chiefs v Steelers
Jan 4/5 - Chiefs v Broncos
Go to previous update -> June part 1
Go to next update -> TBC
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multistoty · 1 year
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@stormlit @amruination @stcrmhund @oretsevni @daritelsveta  @daverialki
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autisticempathydaemon · 11 months
For the RedactedAudio match-ups!
I pondered over whether I should send my own request (I'm sure you have plenty of these already and I didn't want to add more to the workload- for a lack of a better word) but I love the love and care you give for previous entries and it just seems so fun to play along! Please take all the time you need, there's no rush at all ><
Lizzy McAlpine's "Doomsday" has been playing nonstop for the past month, but I've always been obsessed with Will Wood's "Well, Better Than the Alternative"! My fav part of the lyrics: "Baby could you play along with me? / Baby would that be alright with you? / And when we find out what's wrong with me / Could you tell me how I'm right for you?" This is the kind of song suitable for both lighthearted jamming and brooding self-reflection while staring at the ceiling at ungodly hours, yknow?
For the Enneagram type, I just did the test recently and I got type 4? I found the descriptor "Inward Exlorer" extremely suiting! Also, in case it helps, my MBTI is INFJ^^
I had several childhood friends, the one I talked to the most was a faceless boy my age with glasses and messy hair who's crazy about the concept of martyrdom. I'm trying to write him into my story these days!
I happen to adore my name for the meaning behind it. My initials are literally A.R.T., and, fun fact, I'm currently the only person with my last name in my region, haha. But yknow, names carry weight to them, and I find the weight of mine a bit cumbersome at times, so that might be a cause for change somewhere far in the future. Maybe changing it to Ara, or Nadine? Because the meanings are so pretty ^^
My current fav audio vid is the "finally hearing from your your long distance lover again"! What can I say? Anton is my beloved and he gives off so much comfort and I root (haha get it) for his happiness!
Speaking of platonic attraction, it's gotta be Hux and Damien. As a college student myself, how wonderful it would be to have them with me to go through endless study sessions and just to hang out? If I get to write fate beforehand, I'd have them and Camelopardalis be my childhood friends. Imagine that!
I don't exactly have a gas station drink combo(?) but I always order carrot-orange juice if I see it on the menu. My siblings look at me weird whenever I do, but it's really good!
Uh, what else is there... I've been told I'm the older sister type, or the mom friend? I grow tomatoes and bird eye chillies alongside roses of various colors on my family's front yard, and one of my life ambitions is to own a house with big enough land to grow fruit trees- I solemnly swore to my mom and her mom that I'd plant lemon and orange trees if I could make that happen, because they love the smell of citrus. I write; mostly short stories, and I've published a number of anthologies, but I'm working on finishing the first draft for my first novel.
Oh goodness this is becoming so long already. Thank you for taking your time to read this! I'm looking forward for your verdict, haha ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Ooh, this was an incredibly easy one to assign! There’s a lot of little and big factors that went into my decision, but the kicker is that a big, lovely family home wouldn’t be complete without a David Shaw to help take care of it.
Type Fours and INFJ’s are so lovely and creative, generally very attuned to their inner sphere of thoughts and emotions. I think that pairs well with David, who went through the character development of needing that openness to draw him out into the open, honest, affectionate man he is today. Your being the mom friend also pairs well since he’s the dad friend, and the two of you could lend each other support in case you neglect your needs in favor of others.
Speaking of “mom and dad”, I love to think of the huge, beautiful house and garden the two of you would cultivate! It’d be so homey and comfortable, the perfect place for pack parties, the sort of space where every member knows they’re welcome. Not to mention, those fruit trees would be the envy of Dahlia; you and David would make sure of it. Those would be the most bountiful trees and most beautiful garden you could ever imagine.
Oh, let's get rich and buy our parents/ Homes in the South of France/ Let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters/ And teach them how to dance/ Let's get rich and build our house on a mountain/ Making everybody look like ants/ From way up there, you and I, you and I
I love the vibes of this song for you guys! Even if it’s not what I think his music taste would be (dad rock), it’s sweet, it’s fun, it’s cozy. It’s perfect summer day, laying in the grass and dandelions and roses music. It’s a duet that he would never think of not chiming in along with you.
Lasko could also strike me as an INFJ, so I think the two of you would make this lovely, introverted pair. Plus, a writer and a professor- that’s objectively cute. Milo is also a good runner up, because frankly, that boy strikes me as a momma’s boy, so he would adore the way you talk about your mom and grandma. You also have that shared dream of owning a nice house and home, so there’s that too.
note: I like the cut of your jib- roses and tomatoes AND Birds Eye chilis? The best kind? You’ve got taste /gen
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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delicioussaltynutz · 1 year
Some South Park Ocs I made
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Name: Aiyden Tuffin
Race: African American
Ethnicity: American
Sexuality: Gay, Homosexual
Gender: Boy (male)
Pronouns: He/Him
Mental disorder/s: Autism, anxiety, and depression
Role: Antagonist and/or background character
Status: The A+ student and/or the gifted kid
Home life: At home he's known as the favorite child, despite the amount of pressure and expectations his parents place on his back.
Hobbies : Chess, Ping pong, digital art, sketching and/or drawing, and reading books
Interest: digital art, sketching and/or drawing, history, air crafts,and horses
Likes: digital art, sketching and/or drawing, history, air crafts, horses, lo fi, classical music, jazz, history books, fantasy books, mystery books, cats, and ocean life
Hates: Crowded places, shoving and/or pushing, loud chewing, rude or ignorant people , being babied or infantilized, and Cartman
▪︎Negative- Snarky, sarcastic, sly , guarded, insecure, perfectionistic, stubborn, and envious
▪︎Positive- intelligent, layed back, calm, he has a sweet and brotherly side to him, he's well mannered, proper, and nerdy
° Lillith Tuffin - mom
° Aaron Tuffin - father
° Leslie Tuffin - younger brother
▪︎ Name- Toast
▪︎ Gender: female
▪︎ Animal- Feret
▪︎ Breed- albino
▪︎ Personality - Lazy, sleeps a lot, affectionate, and steals a lot
▪︎ Friends- Tolkien Blacl, Stan Marsh, Butters Stotch, and Jimmy Valmer
▪︎ Enemies- Cartmen
▪︎ Neutral- Mr. Garrison, Bebe , Clyde, Stan, Kyle, Craig, Mr. Mackey, Chef, and Tweek
▪︎ Crush - Pip Pirrup
Voice claim(how he talks):
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Name: Leslie Tuffin
Race: African American
Ethnicity: American
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: genderqueer
Pronouns: (any pronouns)
Mental disorder/s: auDHD ,anxiety, and depression
Role: Antagonist and/or background character
Status: The cool kid
Home life: At home he's constantly ridiculed blamed on and emotionally neglected by his parents do to them paying more attention to their brother than they do it. Not only that, but they have to deal with always living in their shadow.
Hobbies: Surfing on the beach, watching cartoons, playing in the sand, swimming,and vlogging
Interest: Surfing on the beach, watching cartoons, playing in the sand, vlogging, Terrance and Philip, comics, dinosaurs, sharks, ocean life, swimming, and the ocean in general
Likes: Surfing on the beach, watching cartoons, playing in the sand, vlogging, Terrance and Philip, comics, dinosaurs, sharks, ocean life, the ocean in general, cheesy poofs, cheese nachos (with chili and wasabi), meat lovers pizza, swimming, and energy drinks
Hates: long lines, loud chewing, clustered talking, big crowds, glitter , Cartmen, rude or ignorant people, shoving and/or pushing, disappointing it's parents, being alone or left behind, not being as great as her brother, long suffocating silence, and bullies
▪︎Positive traits- polite, empathetic, charismatic, creative, artistic, loyal, and care free
▪︎Negative traits- lazy, impulsive, reckless, feral, chaotic, dumb, distractable, stubborn, mischievous , immature, insecure, and rebellious
▪︎ Lillith Tuffin - Mom
▪︎ Aaron Tuffin - Dad
▪︎ Aiyden Tuffin- older brother
▪︎ Name: Toast
▪︎ Gender: female
▪︎ Animal: feret
▪︎ Breed: Albino
▪︎ Personality: Lazy, sleeps a lot, affectionate, and steals a lot
▪︎ Freinds- Tolkien Black, Kenny McCormick, Kyle Broflovski , Butters Stotch, Clyde Donovan , Jimmy Valmer, Timmy Burch, Tweek Tweak, Craig Tucker , David Rodriguez, and Wendy Testaburger
▪︎ Enemies- Cartmen, Damian ,and Red
▪︎ Neutral- ilsa, Annie, Scott Malcinson , Mr. Garrison, Mr. Mackie, and Heidi Turner
▪︎ Crush - Butter Stotch and Kenny
Voice claim (How they talk):
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Name: Nikko (or Nick) Whitlock
Race: African American
Ethnicity: Jamaican
Sexuality: Aroace
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/Them/Their/They're
Mental disorder/s: Ocd and ADD
Role: Background character
Status: The alt kid
Home life: Both of their parents are divorced, they're life used to be shit thanks to their biological mom, but it's starting to get better now that she's not around anymore
Hobbies: scientist, robotics, writing poetry, and reading
Interest: scientist, robotics, writing poetry, reading , anything that has to do with robots or any sort of technology, DND, reading, and reading mystery and/or horror books
Likes: scientist, robotics, writing poetry, reading , anything that has to do with robots or any sort of technology, DND, reading, reading mystery and/or horror books movies video games or tv shows, and bugs
Hates: loud noises, long ass lines, crowded places, bright lights, loud chewing, gum smacking, nicknames, dad jokes , germs, and small spaces
▪︎Positive- Calm, quiet, poetic, dramatic, theatrical, intelligent, creative, artistic, smart, caring, kept to himself, shy, mysterious, and care free
▪︎ Negative- rebellious, mischievous ,sarcastic, snarky, stubborn, reckless, insecure, and passive aggressive (if deserved)
▪︎ Felix Whitlock - Dad
▪︎Octavius Whitlock - Dad #2
▪︎ Iris Whitlock - Ex (biological) mom
▪︎ Grandma Ivy - Grandmother
Pet/s: 2 pets
1.▪︎Name- Luna
▪︎ Gender: female
▪︎ Animal - cat
▪︎ Breed - Somali/mainecoon mix
▪︎ Personality - affectionate, lazy, food driven, and tough
2. ▪︎ Name- Tigger
▪︎ Gender: male
▪︎ Animal- cat
▪︎ Breed- toyger
▪︎Personality- energetic, playful, mischievous, and clumsy
▪︎Friends- Firkle Smith, Henriette Biggle, Micheal, and Pete Thelman (the emo kids)
▪︎Enemies- Cartmen, Butters , Clyde, Stan, and Jimmy
▪︎Neutral- Timmy, Kyle, Stan, Tweek, Craig, Mr. Mackie, Wendy, PC Principal, and Mr. Garrison
▪︎Crush- None
Voice claim( how they talk):
(will basically share the same voice actor as his)
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Name: Bruno Kattz
Race: Mixed (White+Black )
Ethnicity: German
Sexuality: Gay, Homosexual
Gender: Transgender Male (transmasc)
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Mental disorder/s: autistic
Role: Background character
° Foriegn exchange student
° The weird kid
Home life: He lives with his single dad, his single dad who is infact a straight up terrible person (all kinds of horrible infact)
Hobbies: toy making, handicrafts, scrapbooking, collecting random items similar to a crow's collection, reading or writing fanfiction, and geocaching
Interest: toy making, handicrafts, scrapbooking, collecting random items similar to a crow's collection, geocaching, dinosaurs, fanfiction, Kirby (honestly anything that's kirby related), pokemon , and bugs (any kind of bug really)
Likes: toy making, handicrafts, scrapbooking, collecting random items similar to a crow's collection, geocaching, dinosaurs, fanfiction, Kirby (honestly anything that's kirby related), pokemon , bugs (any kind of bug really) , anything that's chocolate, chili hot dogs, reading or writing fanfictions, and wolves
Hates: creamed corn, sour candy, bullies, rude people, anyone that tries and takes advantage of his kindness, huge dogs, the smell of alcohol (he smells it off of his dad a lot), ants, deafening silence, and being emerged in huge bodies of water (can't swim)
▪︎ Positive- nerdy, happy go lucky, positive, hyperactive, cheery, weird, out going, sweet, caring, friendly, he has a personality similar to a golden retriever, and affectionate
▪︎ Negative- over bearing, clingy, struggles with jealousy and envy issues, tends to try and satisfy people and sacrifices too much of his happiness to try and get others to stay, cowardly, tends to run from his problems, and insecure
▪︎ Otto Kattz - Dad
Pet/s: none
▪︎ Friends- Kenny, Butters, Clyde, Tolkien, Kyle, Stan, Jimmy, Timmy, and David
▪︎ Enemies- Cartmen
▪︎ Neutral- Mr. Macky, PC Principal, and Mr. Garrison
▪︎ Crush- Scott Malkison
Voice claim(How he talks):
(But imagine him with a german accent)
This is the website I used to make them is called South Park Avatar Creator - Create Characters - Comedy Central
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mrdelorian · 8 months
The Killer Klowns from Outer Space; An Essay and Review of the BIZZARE, but FANTASTIC 1988 Classic
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Pizza? No, klowns. On May 27th, 1988, Stephen Chiodo unleashed the killer klowns from outer space, a bizarre story of two lovers and some of their friends battling the clowns, and trying to stop their siege of their small town. Where do these clowns come from you may ask? Well, outer space of course. What do they want? Well, it’s hard to say. They abduct humans and…drink their blood?? All else that can be said about them is they’re scary and come armed with many fun weapons, including balloon dogs, popcorn, and an iconic cotton candy gun, which they use to abduct their victims.
The film stars Grant Cramer as Mike Tobacco, Suzanna Synder as Debbie Stone, and John Allen Nelson as Dave Hanson, which round out our main cast, Mike and Debbie being our couple, and Dave being Debbi’s ex, although a cool one. The film also has a list of side characters that are either hilarious or make up for some awesome kills…or scary moments. Peter Licassi, who plays Paul, and Michael Siegel, who plays Rich are the town's odd and a bit dumb ice cream guys, who drive around in a ridiculous, although funny truck. They make up for some funny comic relief. John Vernon plays hardass, ball-busting cop Curtis Mooney, who doesn’t seem to love our protagonist, and also doesn’t believe in the Klown invasion, which pretty much seals his demise, and probably didn’t help the town’s chances. He also has a pretty cool death, which also delivers one of the film's more creepy moments when Mike comes into the police station to find one of the clowns using him as a ventriloquist doll. It’s quite unsettling. Also, who can forget another one of the movie’s most unsettling moments where a little girl, played by actress Claire Bartle is lured away from her parents by one of the clowns, likely to be killed. It’s one of the film's most unsettling scenes, right up there with the ventriloquist scene. Although on the topic of cool and fun kills, the shadow puppet kill, where one of our star clowns shows off some of his shadow puppet skills to a group of normal citizens, and in the end, uses his skills to make a monster puppet that eats them in an awesome scene. “What are you gonna do? Knock my block off?”…famous last words for Michael Halton’s biker character, who gets his head punched off by one of the film's most iconic klowns, Shorty. What about Karla Sue Krull, who has a small scene as Tracy and again, one of the film's most iconic moments, when she opens the door to a knock and is welcomed by clowns, and as soon as she asks “pizza”, she learns this is no normal pizza delivery, as she’s zapped into cotton candy. Now, what are you gonna do with those pies boys? Another bit of famous last words from a carnival security guard, played by actor David Piel, who witnesses loads of klowns getting out of a clown car, and after asking his iconic question is pied to death, by……ACIDIC PIES!?
These klowns mean business. Although, so does the ending. After maneuvering their way through the town, our characters wind up at a carnival, ready to take on the klowns and destroy them once and for all. Although the klowns won’t make it easy on them, as they must run through a gauntlet of creative carnival sections like colorful swinging door frames, through monster's mouths, down a fire station poll, nearly into a monster's mouth, and the killer klowns cotton candy factory or storage, etc. The finale takes place in a big arena with the king (or queen) Klown, Klownzilla, or Jojo. When it appears, in its monstrous size, the other klowns seem to back away in fear as if it is some form of leader, and the battle begins. After dodging its attacks, attempted gunshots, and a fakeout death of the two ice cream truckers…because the truck was a rental or whatever, Mike and Debbie make it out alive, with Dave staying back to finish off the massive final boss of a klown. After it’s got Dave in its grips, just when we think it’s over for him, he removes his police badge to give it one fatal blow to the nose, causing it to spin out of control, and explode. Now, us, Mike, and Debbie thinking he, and the two ice cream truck drivers, Paul and Rich are dead, in comes a klown car hurling in from the skies, and its…DAVE, RICH, AND PAUL!? Yes, they’re alive. It’s an all-in-one, fun reunion, with some funny stuff from Paul and Rich and a tear-jerking reunion of Dave, Mike, and Debbie. The Klowns ship, however, isn’t so alive, as it explodes in midair, and at first calmly rains down…cotton candy? Popcorn? Who knows. Debbie asks the one important question though…is it over? Mike answers as any person who experienced this would…I don’t know. Until pies hail down from the sky, pieing them all in the face, with the classic tune Killer Klowns from Outer Space by The Dickies, for a funny and classic ending to this bizarre, pretty scary, funny, and crazy journey, and film/movie we call Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
Some special groups I wanted to mention are the fantastic set designers, costume designers, stunt men, actors, actresses, for the normal people, and the killer wacky klowns, the fantastic performances given by our lead and supporting cast of actors and actresses, the special effects team, etc.
Also, almost forgot to mention…who are the main klowns? Well, you got Jumbo, Fatso, Shorty, Rudy, Spikey, Slim, Bibbo, Chubby, and last, but certainly not least…Klownzilla…or Jojo. There are obviously other klowns too, too many to name, but all are masterfully designed with their own unique quirks and looks. Lastly, what’s their weakness? Well, as I said earlier…a simple blow to the nose. Yep. And they spin around a bit till they explode. Quite a good way to kill them, pretty creative, and really funny actually.
So…that is Killer Klowns from Outer Space. What are your thoughts? When did you first see Killer Klowns? Did you like it or dislike it? Let us know.
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britany1997 · 1 year
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Yeah, I was working on book headcanons for the boys, in short: David likes British and Southern Gothic lit, Dwayne likes Russian lit and advocacy realism (Betty Friedan, Malcolm X, Ijeoma Oluo…) Marko likes Italian lit (of course) and existentialism, and Paul likes sci fi lit and Abbie Hoffman
I also started headcanons for Taylor Swift songs the boys would like bc I’m dumb lollll I think I got as far to say that David would make fun of you for listening to Taylor Swift (and secretly listens to Exile) Dwayne likes Folklore and Evermore and that’s it, Marko like Lover ok, and Paul is a hardcore Taylor Swift fan haha it was mainly just to be silly
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Sometimes! Lay Like This Forever is named that because I was listening to this
when I was writing it:)
I’ve been listening to Ezra Bell on repeat lately, mainly Shh The Dog Is Sleeping and
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
No chance lol
I don’t think I could take the pressure of there being money on the line I really don’t
Also I think I would feel more pressured to meet deadlines if I was getting paid and while I love writing, it’s not my job, being a law student is my full time job😵‍💫
And then I also feel like I’d get less creative freedom which would make it harder for me to write, I want to be able to do whatever I want haha, I think I do better when unrestrained
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