#*wheezes from stress*
tj-crochets · 5 days
Hey y'all! The merry-go-round of doctors* I am on seems to be cycling back around towards an allergist again, and I have a question for y'all because idk how to word this for doctors: How do you word "if it walks like and allergy and quacks like an allergy it's an allergy" to an allergist? Less flippantly, I have allergy symptoms that multiple doctors have said allergies should not be able to cause. Mainly, my first allergy symptom is high blood pressure**, which if left untreated will progress to migraines, stomach issues, and eventually a bad blood pressure crash***. I have been told allergies do not raise blood pressure, but mine is caused by specific foods most of the time and taking a benadryl stops the reaction, so I have no idea what else it could be? But my main food allergy is acetic acid/vinegar, which I have also had multiple doctors tell me it is not possible to be allergic to
*the "you have a problem but not one I can fix try this kind of specialist instead" mobile **130s/80s, not super high, but high for me ***80s/40s
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aerialaim · 2 years
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So, if you don’t follow my modblog, I was forced off a med bc my doc wouldn’t renew it unless I came in to pay $300 for a 5min talk and the withdrawals are worse than anticipated. Kinda have random major panic attacks, like owie in the chest my heart is beating so fast kinda ones, and nearly blacking out in the middle of a store, so I’ve been mostly lying down.
I got a commission to do, then I may do a nice reblog/flashback week so I can find a new doc and relax. Nearly a full year of posting new content everyday? I think I need a wee break. I deserve a lil lie down. A nap week if you will.
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rescuefield-arch1 · 10 months
thinking about her ( claire post DI being relatively okay except for her silly goofy iris that is now half blue half red since she really was so close to turn )
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
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HEY SO THIS COOL KISSING MEME RIGHT? LIKE WHAT BETTER WAY TO TALK ABOUT JEWEL ELLYON CULTURE why NOT tell hydrel’s life story through kissing showing affection and how that changes as he grew up is such a great way to break down both him and his culture ok so listen
1. (idk6?) his brothers tease him for his nose, they mean it in good fun (nerus also gets his nose from their mom after all) but hydrel doesnt understand, he gets pretty upset by it. Rather than tell dismiss his sensitivity Hy’Levis reassures him that it is not weird, it is beautiful, he gets it from his mother just like his big soft heart and it is important for him to love it as she would have. She isn’t here to love him, so he’s got to love himself for everything that he is in her place, its a really important job but levis knows he’s got the strength and courage to do it.
2. Casarin(12) just moved up north and is looking for a friend since no one wants to be his friend but luckily he comes across local guy who cannot NOT be friends(11). However Casarin has also never been friends with a jewel ellyon where it is their culture to be so affectionate. He gets used to it eventually. Casarin knows something about himself that Hydrel does not.
3. About to be sent off to war, still in disbelief that he had been drafted. Levis had done everything he could to try to keep his al'luimaxa (16) from ever being in danger but it wasn't enough. Levis gives him a gentle kiss, a blessing for his safety, a comfort for them both that he will return safe.
4. He (18?) returns from service, early but uninjured and is very quick to show his affection for his best friend as he always has. Casarin(19) tells him people are going to get the wrong impression. Wood ellyon are not so affectionate after all... Its strange, he never seemed to care before. But so much is different now. Casarin is... so much different now. Hydrel respects his boundaries. Everyone knows something about Casarin that Hydrel is about find out when his family catches him up on events. 
5. Hydrel(21, current) leaves home to pursue his uh career as an engineer on the ship. He's ready. To follow his passion. And now they're out on their own with no one around to misunderstand their relationship casarin(22) feels comfortable with receiving affection again, hydrel gives him a kiss that he’s waited years for, as best friends. Hydrel can be a bit handsy so casarin thinks nothing when hydrel puts a hand on his face, thats just part of it, hydrel is a weird guy after all hah hah but he loves him for it.
6. In jewel ellyon culture its normal for best friends to surprise each other with a kiss to the neck, as a little prank. Bestie Behavior. He successfully catches casarin when he's let his guard down hydrel gets him good enough to gasp in surprise. casarin never saw it coming the idiot dumber than a sack of flour lmao he he ough he never saw it coming he had no idea
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tender-rosiey · 4 months
— gojo, geto, nanami, sukuna, and toji hearing the baby’s first laugh (f!reader)
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a/n: guess who's back, back again then I will be gone again (probably)
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your husband is, admittedly, a very funny guy.
his humor always manages to get to people one way or another, so even if he doesn’t get a laugh, he certainly gets some sort of reaction.
not with his little angel though, the one person that he would die to see her laugh.
no matter how much tickling or raspberries he blew, it was never a laugh, merely a smile or a very short giggle if he was lucky.
he would come across a ton of videos of babies having hearty laughs and simply wished to be able to get the same reaction out of his daughter.
it is the reason he is currently burying his face in your chest and whining, “I feel like she thinks I am just not that funny.”
“satoru, she is still a baby,” you hum, fingers carding through his hair, “you know that babies have different views about what is actually funny; actually, I saw baby not long ago at a photo of number eleven. it was so cute!”
“but I tried everything! even the unusual!” he huffs, standing up to retell all of his failed attempts, “I tried dropping stuff, quickly stirring a liquid, lightly touching her with a balloon—everything!”
he looks at his daughter with his best puppy eyes, “come on, d/n! isn’t there anything that would you laugh a belly laugh?”
a little idea pops into your head. giggling, you sneak off leaving your daughter trying to comfort her wailing papa the best she can.
d/n is caught up with satoru until you finally come back and she smiles, “mama!”
“hi baby!” you grin before smacking your husband—lightly but not so lightly—with a roll of newspaper.
he yelps, “y/n! why would you do that?!”
but he is cut off by his little girl laughing, and I mean laughing so hard she kind of leans back.
you wait until she is quiet again before smacking him with the roll one more time, and she, once more, starts laughing heartily with small little wheezes and a long breath in the end when she calms down.
your husband, mortified, picks his daughter up, “d/n! you’re not supposed to laugh when papa gets hit! you’re supposed to get sad!”
she starts giggling and kicking her feet, putting her hand lightly on his nose. she tilts her head confused, and satoru thinks he knows what she is waiting for him to say. he shan’t falter!
at least, that’s what he thinks.
d/n takes matter into her own hands and smacks him on the forehead, resulting in him yelping and her going into a laughing fit that lasted a minute or so.
how unfortunate that his most precious takes pleasure in him being hurt.
his head snaps towards you, but he guesses that it makes sense since you also love teasing him so much.
a bunch of devils he says! two cute devils he laments.
geto is convinced that he was blessed with two angels, her cute little twins from his beautiful wife, you. he is also convinced that they would do no wrong—which is like what wrong can a baby a couple months old do anyway.
he ignores how gojo screams about being bullied by the girls, how that one mean babysitter was yapping about how they most definitely threw their toys at her intentionally, and how miguel syas that the girls always hide his glasses because they love seeing his stressed face.
to geto suguru, his daughters could do no wrong.
aside from that, he also noticed that his daughters love playing with hair, sometimes eating it which makes him scream but oh well.
for the most part, they know to treat their father’s hair gently as they watch you and himself do it.
that’s why he never thought that his darling angels would get their first belly laughs by pulling on his freaking bangs.
each twin holds one of the bangs and with all their baby power, they pull and pull almost like they want to tear it off his head.
and while he adores that his daughter are laughing so much—for the first time too—that they stumble back almost turn red, but he really doesn’t want to bald before heat least reaches his 50 or something.
another problem is that you never interfere unless he straight up screams for your help.
that made him realize how much of a common occurrence it is and he finally decided that he needed to put his foot down.
so he sat his girls down—including you because you’ve tolerated the violation of your husband’s hairline so much—and took a deep breath.
“girls, we need to learn that papa’s hair is fragile and we shouldn’t pull on it so much,” he turns to you with the quirk of an eyebrow. “right, honey?”
you barely hold back your smile before nodding and loyally supporting your husband, “why, of course, my love!”
he rolls his eyes, “so, be good girls and don’t pull on my bangs, please?”
one of the twins, while the other frowns and starts fussing. you lock eyes with your husband, and you both try to telepathically figure how to handle this, until your other twin starts crying.
now, you have two crying babies.
so your husband concedes and kneels in front of them, bravely offering his bangs. almost instantly, they stop crying and start pulling the bangs on their respective sides.
they start laughing and squealing again, and geto starts to think that balding is a small price to pay for his angels’ happiness.
he should probably stop calling them that though.
now, in constrant to nanami, his daughter came out all bubbly and smiley, and it had nanami going as soft as a marshmallow.
it also didn’t help that d/n is convinced that her dad is indeed a marshmallow in which that she could only touch him softly.
she would gently pat his cheeks, press clumsy little kisses to his forehead, and squeal in order to cuddle with you or him. she also is extremely empathetic and starts crying whenever she sees someone hurt or genuinely frowning.
that was also the reason why gojo adored her since her crying cut anyone’s session of bullying him short. though, of course, he buys her a ton of toys to make up and comfort her.
he fails to realize that the true way to comfort her is to place in your arms or nanami’s.
like that one time when she bumped her head lightly and started crying profusely, throwing punches at gojo who was supposed to be babysitting her—poor choice but who am I to judge. she screamed and squirmed, demanding she be comforted.
however, none of the toys gojo bought were working.
and the two of you were called into a mission, so he literally is rendered helpless. that is until nanami returns a tad bit early than planned, and satoru couldn’t have been more relieved.
he hurriedly places d/n in kento’s arms, and the little girl takes a few seconds to realize who is holding her now.
she looks up, smiling at her dad. he instantly smiles back, “hey there,” he hums, “did you miss me?”
anyway back to what i was saying: a very sensitive and empathetic baby, right?
so when one day, you have your girl perched on your lap and nanami is going all out with scolding gojo, no one expects your daughter to burst one laughing.
you giggle, looking at her, “d/n, you like seeing papa scold uncle gojo?”
gojo gasps, “what?!”
you usher your husband, “babe, try it again!”
nanami nods with determination and gathers everything gojo ever bothered him with and translates it into a bunch of very child-friendly insults.
with each reproach, gojo deflates and d/n starts laughing more, squealing and wheezing. your husband abandons the crushed gojo and goes to hold d/n in his hands, “you okay there?”
she squeals and reaches for her feet, eyes never leaving her father’s. you coo, “she is so cute!”
“I never imagined my daughter would laugh at the sight of me, out of all people, scolding gojo.”
a very wounded gojo screams, “well I sure did! you family of haters!”
your husband frowns, but before he can talk, d/n cups his face and starts babbling a bunch of nonsense. nonetheless, your husband hangs onto every bit of said nonsense. 
gojo takes that chance to flee to the hills.
meanwhile, you’re holding a camera and recording the lecture(?) your tiny angel is giving your husband.
your baby is the son of the all-mighty king of curses.
the man who sends terrors throughout the lands, the mere sight of his face is enough to cause someone to pee themselves.
everyone cowers in front of him, except you and more recently his son. on the contrary, in fact, your son can’t help but cackle whenever his dad puts on his “scary” face.
the first time it ever happened was when you were strolling the palace with s/n in your arms.
you know not to enter the throne room whenever sukuna has the villagers over to “hear their complains” as it almost always ended with him slicing one part of their body off.
you figured that it would be okay to at least pass by it since they always had the door closed—that started when you gave birth—but to your surprise, the door was open this time, giving you and your son a front row seat to sukuna degrading his subject.
“you’re wasting my time,” your husband states, and the villagers starts panicking.
“a-apologies my lord, pl-please grant me a-another chance!”
your husband scowls, “and now you’re ordering me around?”
the villager starts crying and kneels to the ground. on the other hand, your son couldn’t have been laughing more. his laugh echoed so loudly in the room that it drew everyone’s attention.
sukuna stares at the baby in your arms and scowls again, “y/n, why is he here?”
your son squeals and starts laughing again, hiding his face in your chest. you light up at his laughter, and sukuna finds himself livid at how the scene makes him feel content—until he notices the villager staring at you as well, what a short-lived happiness.
swiftly, sukuna slashes the villagers into cubes, and your son—who came out of his hiding spot—bursts into a fit of giggles that has you wondering just how much of sukuna’s sadism was passed to your darling son.
while you ponder over that, sukuna quickly makes his way to you, dismissing all the servants and tasking them with taking out the trash.
when your husband is right in front of you, you look up at him with a frown, “my son is laughing at torture, sukuna.”
“he is probably laughing at how pathetic the man looked,” he says as he smirks and pulls you close.
you huff and bounce s/n lightly, “shut up, old man.”
sukuna quirks an eyebrow and leans to be on your eye level. his hand is placed on your head, and he threatens, “you’re insulting your husband?”
s/n gasps lightly before harshly latching on sukuna’s face, fingers digging into his second pair of eyes. sukuna does not give any reaction except standing up to his full height.
your son, however, is relentless and is still hanging onto your husband’s face.
you don’t know how to react. sukuna doesn’t know how to react.
s/n just lets out a series of battle cries.
if there is anything that toji is doubtful of is whether his son actually loves him or not.
why you ask? well, the only thing that gets the kid laughing—aside from you laughing or smiling—is literally any inconvenience that happens to him.
he remembers that one time when shiu was over to discuss some business, nothing out of the norm. megumi was on just sat on his high chair beside toji since you were at work.
toji was just sipping on his coffee when he burned his tongue, “gosh damn it!”
shiu was about to make fun of him, but megumi beat him to it as he started laughing heartily, even taking breaths in between to calm down but to no avail.
toji’s eyes widen as he stands up to go to his son, “no way you’re laughing at me getting—what the hell?!”
toji groans after he bumps into the table, glaring at his son who starts laughing all over again. meanwhile, shiu chuckles and teases toji, “I think your son just loves you so much, doesn’t he?”
your husband rises to his feet, quickly carrying megumi and lifting him in the air. he grumbles, “I want my wife back.”
another time was when you guys grocery shopping.
you had most of the list crossed out and the only thing left was the frozen vegetables. easy, right?
so you, your husband, and son quickly made your way to the section—since megumi wanted to go to the park later to play with yuuji.
megumi stays in your arms, while toji goes to grab them. considering how unlucky this man is, the bag slips from his hand and falls flat on his face, and it freaking stays there.
to your darling son, comedy had never reached this peak, so he lets out a guttural laugh.
you want to join in on the laughter, but you noticed that toji is standing still, with the bag on his face.
so you walk to him, gently taking off the bag and teasing him, “you okay, champ? that made quite the noise.”
“don’t even start,” he groans and buries his face in your shoulder, ignoring the wheezing megumi. he then starts complaining, “they keep whining about how he is a quiet and shy kid, but he sure ain’t with me.”
“isn’t that a good thing? It’s important for him to feel free around his dad.”
he turns his head towards you, a frown plastered on his face, “no kid laughs whenever his dad gets ridiculed by life.”
“you told me that you laughed when your dad fell down a flight of stairs,” you deadpan.
“that’s because my dad is an ass; I am not,” he pauses, “for the most part.”
apparently, megumi senses his dad’s distress and starts slowly patting his head, albeit shyly. he lowers his gaze and mumbles, “so’y.”
toji’s eyes widen and he is frozen in place for a moment. your son takes note of that and starts staring him in the eye, waiting for his reaction.
your husband doesn’t take long for a small smile to break out as he lets a small sigh, “’s okay kid,” he hums and pets his head.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @sonder-paradise @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana @maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1 @sad-darksoul @ko-fi-heart @pumpkindudeishere @suyaaachin @babyqueen17 @chaosguy352 @murakami-kotone @sukun4ryomen @yumieis @hearts4itoshi @sleepyxxhead @dunixxd @sleepycrybbylaiah @imjustaduckwholikesbread @emilyyyy-08 @spacebaby1 @arabellatreaty @girlnamedutsu
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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jyoongim · 3 months
i came across this reel and my immediate thought was "lucifer finding out alastor wanted to date his daughter" (not charlie ofcccc)
Morningstar!Reader x Alastor
>i switched it up a bit so it’ll be Lucidaddy finding out Alastor is dating his baby<
“Just play it cool sis. Its just dad” you tried to reassure your sister, Charlie who was sweating profusely. You grabbed her hand and gave her a smile which made the older girl calm down a bit.
”Youre right! Its just dad…hahaha”
Vaggie had suggested that since the hotel wasn’t going like planned that Charlie should call y’all father. 
Who just happened to be the King of Hell itself.
Charlie shot it down, but you knew that your dad could help relieve some of the stress off the both of you.
So you had everyone in the hotel cleanup and promise they would be on their best behavior.
especially your boyfriend.
”Just be your charming self without the sarcasm please” You pouted up at the tall demon, who sported a smile as he hummed in acknowledgment at your words.
You were nervous to introduce Alastor to your father. You didn’t really have much experience with dating and the relationship between the two of you was as good as it was between him and your sister (slightly better because you’re his baby). You just wanted everything to be smooth enough to slip that you were dating someone.
Surely nothing could go wrong right?
“Hi dad wel-OH!” Charlie wheezed as Lucifer pulled her into a big hug, squeezing the air out her lungs
”Charlieeee!” He gushed before his eyes caught yours.
You tried to avoid the bone-crushing hug, but your father was too fast; pulling you in as well.
”Oooh my girls how I’ve missed you!”
You missed how Alastor’s eye twitched.
You and Charlie squirmed out of his grasp, trying to regain your composures as you sucked air back into your lungs.
Charlie cleared her throat “Dad welcome to the Hazbin Hotel” she gave a wobbly smile as she showed the last minute decorated lobby.
She introduced all the residents so far and just as she was continue showing him around, Lucifer looked at the bar
”Oh! What in the unholy hell is that?” He looked to you
”babygirl tell me you didn’t approve of that?”
Before you could say anything, Alastor manifested by your side.
”I thought it adds a bit of color, don’t you think?” His smile was big, showing off his teeth.
Your dad grimaced, looking from Charlie to you to Alastor “who-who what are you the bellhop?” he asked.
Alastor laughed “haha! Oh no! I am the host of the hotel. Maybe you’ve heard my radio broadcast?”
Lucifer deadpanned “nope. Maybe that’s why the girls call it the ‘Hazbin hotel ahaha”
you and Charlie winced.
Alastor narrowed his eyes “It was actually my idea.”
”Oh? Well it wasn’t every clever” Lucifer challenged, making Alastor bend to his level ”Ahaha Fuck you” Alastor hissed.
You and Charlie got between the two, you frowning at Alastor, slapping his chest, while Charlie tried to distract dad.
”OoohOk! Dad Alastor here has been a big help.” She said trying to paint the Overlord in a more positive light. She looked at you as if to help plead her case.
”She’s right dad” you said with a smile “Without Alastor I don’t know how we would have gotten this far” you looked at the red demon smiling “he’s been good to us”
That was true. You have no idea where the hotel would be without Alastor’s help.
“These two lovely ladies have such optimistic hearts. I am more than happy to fulfill any desire they have” Alastor said, smiling down at you, wrapping an arm around you, pulling into his side.
Your father narrowed his eyes at the actions and growled lowly.
”uuuh huuuhh. Well-” he slapped Alastor’s arm with his cane and guided you and Charlie to the other guests to be introduced.
”how about you introduce me to your OTHER friends?”
When Charlie introduced Vaggie, you felt your stomach ball in a knot. “Oh you like girls THANK goodness!ahaha” Lucifer’s eyes caught yours, a nervous smile of his face “don’t tell me my baby is in a relationship as well?” Oh what a hopeful look he had.
You looked at Charlie, who gave you an encouraging nod, you cleared your throat, straightening up
”o-oh well about that…” you nervously laughed, looking down as you wring your hands.
A large hand grabbed yours to ease your nervous antic, and instead intertwined your fingers together. You look up to see Alastor standing behind you and bringing your interlocked hands to his lips and press them to the back of your hand. He smiled at you softly as he wrapped his other arm around you.
You looked over to see the King of Hell looking like he’s going to be sick. 
“Dad…Alastor isn’t just the host of the hotel…he’s also my boyfriend” you said smiling at your dad.
Lucifer went to say something, but your sister stopped him, placing a hand on his shoulder “Dad she’s happy and i know Alastor looks like he’s up to no good which most of the time he isn’t   But he actually makes her really happy. Look”
The short king watched as the tall red demon gave you a squeeze, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead and nuzzle you. He saw how Alastor looked at you with complete devotion, while you looked at him with love in your eyes.
He sighed, bringing your attention back to him. He held out his hand, a tight smile on his face “nice to meet you”
Alastor grinned and shook his hand…before wiping it like it was the most repulsive thing “pleasure to meet you sir!”
You sighed a breath of relief. That wasn’t so bad.
”Tell me…you haven’t slept with my daughter have you?”
”what?! I can ask that!?”
”Your youngest has an insatiable sexual appetite”
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xxsabitoxx · 5 months
Stress Reliever
Toji x Female Reader
Warnings: hotel sex, face sitting, implied no romantic relationship / no romantic feelings, teasing, coming on Toji’s face, rough sex, mating press, creampies, dirty talk, degrading, yeah.
A/N: the first of many scheduled posts! You may have already seen this on my Ao3 under the same user, I posted it a few weeks back
Word count: 2.5k
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“Sit on my face.”
“Yeah? How much is that gonna cost me?” You snuffed your cigarette out regardless, eyeing the man before you with interest as he flopped down on his bed.
“No fucking cost. I need to calm down. So quit yapping and come sit on my face.” He nearly growled, eyes narrowing as they looked at you.
As if he was daring you to defy him.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it, pushing up from your seat just to bend down and pull your pants and underwear off.
“You sure you won’t charge me, Toji?”
You continued to push him, watching as his scarred lips pulled tight in a sneer. “I will if you keep fucking talking.”
“What a gentleman.” You sigh, clambering onto the cheap hotel mattress with the goal of straddling his face. You looked down at him, face warm as your thighs caged in his face. “What are you waiting for?”
His tone was low, impatient in tone as your cunt hovered inches from his face. “Just making sure.” Toji didn’t seemed satisfied with that, warm hands grabbing your thighs and tugging you down onto his mouth.
A gasp tore from your throat, hips jerking as Toji’s tongue slipped between your folds. You let your head fall back, hands moving to rest on your thighs as Toji’s nails dug into your skin.
His tongue was lapping your cunt like a starved man, sliding up your slit and collecting your arousal, leaving you utterly breathless.
Your hips grew restless, jerking along his mouth and causing you to double over as his nose bumped your clit. It wasn’t taking long at all for Toji to get you worked up, the sweetness of your arousal finally hitting him after a minute. “T-Toji-“ weak, full of need.
He only grunted, the sensation vibrating your cunt as your hand shot down to grab his hair. Your other hand found its home on top of his, holding it tightly as he guided your hips to grind down on his face.
“Don’t stop-“ you wheezed out, arousal bubbling in your gut and make your thighs tense as Toji’s tongue slipped past your entrance. You jerked forward, clit bumping his nose again but this time you ground down on it, moaning wantonly as pleasure burst through your veins.
It was lewd, grinding your cunt on his face, his hands holding you down so you couldn’t get away from him even if you wanted to. You had to wonder how he was even breathing, your cunt had to be suffocating him.
It felt wet and hot, saliva and arousal mixing with the hot panting of his breath. It felt filthy, especially with how hungry he was for something so private. “Toji… m’gonna cum.” You slurred, chest heaving as your walls clenched around the tip of his tongue. Not nearly enough.
Toji’s grip tightened, urging you to keep moving until you reached your end. Your hips jerked steadily along the plains of his face, clit grinding down shamelessly against the tip of his noise while his tongue lapped at you.
You were close, cunt pulsating with need as your orgasm threatened to have you seeing stars. “Toji…fuck Toji you’re… I’m gonna… you’re gonna make me…” you huffed, brain melting as pleasure coursed through you.
“Toji~” your cried again, head falling back as your breathing stuttered. You came on his tongue, the small gush of your arousal signaling to Toji that he had accomplished what he wanted.
Still, he didn’t let you move, not yet.
Your hands found their way to your breasts, squeezing them through the material of your shirt as you tried to calm your breathing. Your head fell forward opposed to back, looking down at what was visible of him.
“T-Toji… too much…” you pleaded, hips trying to jerk away from him as his tongue ran up your slit. Reluctantly, he let your thighs go, allowing you to lift off of his face. But not before he placed a chaste kiss to your clit.
“Can’t ever get enough of this pussy…” he groaned, cock throbbing in his pants as you shakily fell onto the mattress beside him. “Let me fuck you.”
“F-free of charge?”
You teased, chest still rising and falling rapidly as you tried to calm down from your high. He rolled his eyes, tongue sweeping over his arousal covered lips. “I swear I’ll fucking charge ya if you keep saying that shit.
You were grinning, lazy and exhausted from something that didn’t even require all that much effort from you. “You can fuck me, Toji.” You breathed out, moving to pull your shirt off of your body.
“Thank fuck.” Toji nearly moaned, pushing off the bed and making a show of pulling off his shirt for you. “Got me covered in your fucking cum.” He spat, but there was clear pride in his tone as he wiped his face.
You only pouted, face warming as you spread your legs for him. “Quit playing, fuck me.” You nearly demanded as your eyes shamelessly roamed his sculpted frame.
You felt sticky, arousal still dripping from your entrance. “I’m more than ready, Toji.” You added in a sing-song voice, hands toying with your breasts as he pushed his pants down and off his body.
“I know you are but quit rushing me.” He sighed, hand wrapping around his cock to give it a few hard tugs. “Look what you did to me, fucking rude.” It came out as a growl, one that sent a shiver straight through you.
You stayed silent, observing the veins in his hand as he jerked himself, precum spilling out the slit and dripping down his shaft. “Don’t waste anything, I want it all.” You breathed out, eyes feeling heavy as he stopped.
“Fine, since you’re so damn impatient… I won’t make you or your pussy wait any longer.” But there was a promise in those words, one that was filled with the intent of fucking you into oblivion. It almost made you regret rushing him in the first place… Almost.
“Don’t break anything, Toji. I don’t have the money to pay the hotel for a new bed… or wall for that matter.” You grinned despite your heart rate spiking, watching him crawl onto the bed. You felt like caught prey.
“I thought you were supposed to be my sugar mama.” He grinned, sly and sadistic as he hovered over you. Your legs stretched, accommodating his body as you sighed. “Don’t push your luck, Toji.” But he knew damn well he could push you over the edge and you’d come back.
Every. Single. Time.
“Eh, don’t try and act scary, doll . You know nobody can fuck you the way I do.” As if to prove his point, the dull head of his cock was sliding between your folds, catching on your entrance before pushing forward. Your head fell back against the mattress, neck straining and eyes squeezing shut as Toji shoved himself insides.
Your hands twitched, tightening significantly around your own breasts as you inhaled sharply through your nose. Toji was thick, so thick that no amount of preparation would help the ache that spread through your body.
“Fuck!” You whined, body adjusting to the weight and stretch of his cock inside of you. Your thighs burned, an ache settling so deeply inside your gut you couldn’t even muster the strength to lock your ankles around his back.
“Careful now, wouldn’t want a noise complaint.” Toji’s lips were pressed to your ear, his voice low and rumbling in his chest as he settled nearly all of his weight on you.
He loved the way you gasped for air, completely at his mercy. Sensing your struggle, one of Toji’s hands came down to grab behind your knee, forcing your leg up towards your chest. He sunk in even deeper, pulling all air from your lungs in the process.
“T-Toji—“ but he only grunted, giving you a little mercy by balancing more weight on his knees. It was only brief, giving him enough time to grab your other leg and fold your body into a mating press.
“Be a good bitch for me, yeah?”
“You fucking jack as- ahh~” he drew back half way, cock dragging along your velvety walls and making your head spin. “Like I said, be good.” He purred, teeth sinking into your earlobe as he finished his sentence.
Toji’s pace was brutal off the bat, hips drawing back half way just to snap forward and jerk you half way up the bed. You were certain you’d be pressed to the headboard by the end of this… despite staring at the foot.
It took a few thrusts for the ache to turn into pure arousal mixing with pleasure, your body giving away how much you were enjoying this with the way every thrust was met with a wet squelch. “T-Toji-“ you stuttered yet again, as if his name was the only word you could remember.
“Yeah?” He’s groaning, getting lost in the delicious heat of your cunt as he pistons his hips in and out of you.
But nothing came out of your mouth except for a jumble of moans and whines, feeling delirious from the pleasure coursing through every fiber of your being. “You’re gonna come, aren’t ya?” He hissed, head dipping down to bury in the crook of your neck as he waiting for your answer.
“Y-yeah— fuck yes… oh fuck…” you wailed, one hand digging into his bicep for support while the other tried to smack over your mouth. “Don’t you dare.”
You froze, eyes wide and glossy as you stared up at him. If it weren’t for the way he was pounding you, you were certain you’d feel the ache in your muscles due to the position he had you bent in.
Toji stopped all movement, burying himself deep inside of you and watching you squirm at the feeling. He was pressing into your cervix, causing your hips to jerk in attempt to alleviate the pressure. “Don’t you dare try and muffle your noises, I want to hear everything.”
Shakily, you pulled your hand away, lips trembling with effort as you tried to hold your noises in anyways.
Toji pulled back again, cock drawing out of you before thrusting back in. He found his pace again within a few thrusts, knees digging into the mattress as he put all of his body weight on you. “T-Toji-!” You wheezed out, head spinning as he restricted your airway.
“Yeah? Feel good?” He grinned at you, pleasure shooting all the way up his spine as your cunt suctioned to him. “You’re so fucking filthy.” He added, sure his cock was covered in your arousal, building around the base of his shaft and covering his pubic bone.
“This pussy is always so wet for me, it pisses you off that I turn you on, doesn’t it?” Your head thrashed around, a feeble cry of “no!” leaving your lips but Toji only clicked his tongue. “I don’t believe you.”
Still grinning, he pushed into you a little harsher, relishing in the sounds of you crying as he gave you everything. He knew he could be rough, he knew you could take it.
Everything was becoming too much for you, the pleasure building in your gut spreading straight down. You were close, barely being able to suck air into your lungs, the stress drag of his cock, his public bone hitting your clit over and over. It was enough to have you seeing stars.
“Come for me, make a fucking mess.” He seethed, head falling forward as he focused all of his energy on thrusting into your sopping cunt. “Ruin the hotel bed, fuck, ruin it.” Toji was begging you now, goosebumps erupting along his flesh as you clamped down.
“C-can’t… Toji please!” You cried, praying he would ease up but you knew he wouldn’t. It was only getting worse, making your hands tighten into fists as you tried to stave off your orgasm. It’s not that you didn’t want to cum, you just knew it would destroy the sheets and mattress below. Not that Toji cared, that was clearly his goal.
“Cum, don’t hold back. Cum all over my cock.”
He whispered, sweat beading down his temple as he hovered over you. The grip Toji had on your legs was bruising, there would absolutely be marks left.
“Ruin me, y/n.”
You felt your heart stutter, what little air you could get in your lungs left you in a sharp exhale. A silent cry left your lips as you head tossed back, eyes squeezing shut as you came. Toji didn’t slow, trusting into your sloppy cunt until he felt your release dripping down his thighs.
You had flooded him with warmth, creating a wet mark on the sheets below as he drew more and more from you. “Gonna…shit… gonna fill this pretty cunt up with my cum. Bet you’d love that, huh? Cum all over my like the whore you are and then get stuffed full with my cum?”
All you could manage was a whimper, nails digging so harshly into his biceps that you were certain blood would well in the crescent markings. “Gonna dump a load on you, sweetheart. You’d fucking love that, I know.”
Toji’s mouth had slackened, matching yours as you gasped and moaned pathetically.
You felt overstimulated, the roll of his hips prolonging the feeling of your orgasm even after it had faded. “Shit…” he spoke through gritted teeth, ignoring the way you seemed to be close to blacking out as he chased his release. “Fuck… fuck… fuck I’m gonna cum…
Three hard hits and Toji was spilling into you, moaning wantonly as came. You couldn’t think straight much less see through the stars spotting your vision.
You felt dizzy, the grip on his biceps loosening as your limbs turned to jelly. “Good girl…” he encouraged, having enough decency to pull some of his body weight up and off you. “You took me so well.” Toji grinned, letting your legs go gently and settling them back on the mattress since he was sure you couldn’t feel much.
Toji’s praise was rare, but he couldn’t help it when you looked the way you did right now. So utterly fucked out, cunt spent and full of his release. “Bet you can’t even hear me.” He had the audacity to snort, pulling his softened cock out of you and watching his cum follow.
“Damn…” soft, just above a whisper as his eyes locked on the sight of your cunt spilling his cum. Gingerly, Toji’s thumb found its way between your slick folds, collecting what had spilled out and shoving it back in.
“Gonna lose everything I worked so hard to give you? Maybe I should retract my praise?” That same shit eating grin plastered to his tired face, watching your eyes close as your breathing finally returned to normal. “Did I fuck your ability to speak out of you?”
All you could manage was a shake of your head, unable to find the strength to keep your eyes open never mind talk. “I guess I can let it slide… go to bed I’ll clean you.” You didn’t quite believe him when he said that, but you were too far gone to care. Sleep took you seconds later, body relaxing into the ruined sheets as Toji sighed.
“Ya know, you aren’t half bad.” This time, he was sincere.
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 9 months
One of the bats has to go undercover as a patient of a particularly suspect new and upcoming therapist. Bruce already has a backstory fleshed out and a cover identity, but that's no fun now is it.
Dick: Okay, the bat council is now in session. First things first-
Steph: I'm the realest.
Jason: Shut the fuck up.
Dick: No, no arguing. We're here on a MISSION.
Tim: That's right, a very important mission.
Dick: One of us has to go undercover as Dr. Hoffman's patient. But why? Why are we seeking therapy?
Tim: Wrong answers only. If any of you get too real, Dick can and will find you a real therapist.
Dick: And Tim, no superhero related answers. Bernard's PowerPoint nights give you too much of an advantage.
Tim: You're just jealous I know that Batman is actually a tulpa.
Jason: You shut the fuck up too.
Dick: Okay, I'll go first to get the obvious answer out of the way. I'm going because I'm secretly Batman, BUT I'm not here about that. I just have incredibly selective amnesia and can't remember the code to the Batmobile.
Jason: Oh that one's good. Let me think.
Steph: Hoffman is a man, right?
Dick: Right.
Steph: Easy, I'll claim womanly problems. Maybe get prescribed a vibrator.
Tim: *wheezes*
Dick: Ok Gotham's in the dark ages of psychology but not THAT much.
Steph: Spoilsport. Fine, I'm Batman's long lost twin sister.
Duke: Come on, we can't all go to therapy because of Batman.
Jason: I don't know, I feel like all of us should go to therapy because of Batman.
Cass: I'll go because I'm Batman.
Jason: I'd vote for you.
Duke: I think I would go because Metropolis isn't real.
Tim: Like, the whole city is-
Duke: It's a conspiracy. The government wants us to think there's this wonderful city where nothing bad ever happens and an actual alien from space saves the day. Tries to make us buy into some utopian bullshit.
Tim: Hoffman's just going to drive you there.
Duke: Ha! He's not getting ME to a secondary location. He might be in on it.
Steph: Compelling, definitely compelling. I nominate Duke's for first place.
Jason: Don't jump the gun.
Tim: Yeah, you haven't heard ours.
Steph: Well? Let's hear it then.
Tim: I'm an alien spy, sent here to study humans. Only I'm not doing well because I was taken in by rich people and they act weirder than me. I want to know what it means to be human, but whenever I look around all I see is how to make a good margarita. It makes me... sad.
Steph: That's no good. We said wrong answers only.
Jason: Solid four out of ten.
Tim: Fuck off.
Jason: I think I would go because I was convinced I was the second coming of Jesus which is all fine and good, but my whole family is Jewish so it's making things a little awkward at the dinner table.
Steph: You did come back from the dead.
Jason: I did and I'll tell him that. Took a little longer than three days this time, though.
Tim: Okay, I'll be honest. Jason and Duke's are the best.
Dick: Hold on- Damian, do you have an answer?
Damian: Of course. And not one so foolish.
Duke: Well?
Damian: Well, my whole family is comprised of vigilantes and I'm under a lot of stress to be one as well and continue the family tradition. I will of course swear him to secrecy and avoid naming any vigilantes by name.
Dick: ...
Jason: This is what I'm talking about. This is exactly what I'm-
Dick: Yes, okay. Game's over. All of you are getting psych referrals in your inbox by the morning.
Steph: What about-
Dick: Duke won.
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percy jackson x reader — you take his place on the throne
cw: EPISODE 5 SPOILERS (ish), swearing
The boat bobs along the water slowly. You feel sick. For a while, the two of you just sit there, still reeling.
“You okay?” Percy asks after he catches his breath.
You’d reached out and grabbed his hand without realizing it in your panic. You’re suddenly very aware of his skin on yours, warm and kind of clammy. You disentangle your fingers without comment.
He’s about to say something to fill the awkward silence when your eyes widen.
“There’s the shield!” You exclaim, standing.
He follows your gaze to a golden statue, the shield wedged between its hands. The boat doesn’t stop, though. He looks at you, and then back at the statue.
“We’re gonna have to jump,” he says, and you grimace. The artificial waves are getting choppier.
You eye the water.
“On three?” You finally say.
Percy smiles in a way that he hopes is reassuring. “On three.”
“One…two-!” Before you can say three, the boat lurches and you both topple over the edge.
As soon as the water closes over your head, you’re struggling and kicking. You can’t tell up from down. Your lungs squeeze, your eyes sting. Somewhere in the haze, you see Percy, and you reach out, but he’s so far. He disappears in a whirl of water, and you think, wow, after all of this, I’m about to die in an amusement park.
Suddenly, something solid rushes to meet you and there’s air on your face and you can’t stop coughing.
Percy places an unsure hand on your back as you suck in rattling breaths. He says something, but it still sounds like everything’s underwater.
You shake your head sharply, hand pressing your ear flat until the water drips out and you can hear again. “I’m alright,” you say, before he asks. He helps you stagger into a standing position. For a few moments, the only sound is your wheezing.
Percy squints at the chair. “This is Hephestasus’ park, right?”
You nod.
“I think this is Hera’s throne,” he says slowly, glancing at you for confirmation.
You vaguely recall that story. “She sat in it and couldn’t get up,” you think aloud.
“It was a trade,” Percy continues. “Aphrodite’s hand in marriage for Hera. The shield for…”
One of us.
“I’ll do it.”
He catches your arm as you start forward. “Wait a minute!”
“Whoever goes in there isn’t coming back,” you explain, brows set in a hard line.
“I know, that’s why I said wait!”
You yank your arm back. Percy’s face flickers with something you can’t read.
“You need to stay alive,” you say, stressing every word.
“So do you!”
You shake your head. “You have your mom. You have Grover. You have people who need you.”
The I don’t hangs in the air, unsaid.
He opens his mouth, then shuts it again.
I need you, he wants to say.
But he doesn’t.
“The gods chose you, Percy. This is your quest.”
This is wrong. This is so wrong. It’s cruel, and so unfair that they have to choose. Fuck this. Fuck all of this.
“This isn’t about that,” he protests, though he knows he can’t beat you. You’d always had a sharper tongue than him.
You unhook your dagger. He remembers the arch, only yesterday. Is this how you felt? This burning in his chest?
“It is. It all goes back to that prophecy. To fate. To the Fates.”
Your eyes burn with tears as you hold out your dagger for him to take.
He blinks hard. “This is wrong,” he says, voice wavering, and you’ve never seen him like this before. Always tough, always witty. Unserious, sure, but never afraid.
You push it towards him, and he takes it.
“I know.”
Your fingers twitch. You’d hug him, one last time, but you remember how he froze back in St. Louis.
So you don't.
You walk over to the chair, heart pounding. This is a death sentence. This is it. This is it.
“Hey, Percy?”
His head snaps up, lip tugged between his teeth as he holds back tears too.
“Go save your mom,” You say. “Save her, save the bolt, and tell Grover I’m sorry.”
You picture Grover’s face when he finds out what happened to you. You turn away, stand right in front of the throne. It glints in the swimming light.
“And if you have a chance, I don’t know, maybe swing back around here and try to get me out?”
He laughs sadly. “You think you had to ask?”
“Just making sure.”
You sit.
For a moment, nothing happens, and you're worried that you’d said all that for nothing. You’d feel pretty stupid.
And then—
“This is weird,” you say. “It’s warm.”
There’s fear in his eyes and your dagger in his hand.
Something snakes its way up your leg, smooth and fast. It feels like wax, almost, hardening over your skin.
“This is a bad idea,” Percy says, eyes tracking something at your feet. “Stand up.”
You don’t look at what he’s looking at. You don’t want to.
“I can’t.” Panic rises in your chest, fast and unwelcome, and you’d be shaking if you could move.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, voice hoarse. The words don’t sound right in your mouth. Your legs are completely immobile. Your breath comes in short gasps. “I’m okay. I’m… okay.”
You look at him, trembling and still pretty damp, mouth open like he wants to say something.
Whatever’s seeping onto your face is warm and brittle. You stare hard at his eyes. They’re a shining blue. They’re afraid.
It’s the last thing you see.
a/n: sorry guys cliffhangers make me giggle ‼️ I’ll write another part If u guys would want me to !
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fairy-hub · 1 year
𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚/𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 • stressed!reader, sukuna is soft, cuddling, some kissing, various nicknames
𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 @jjkisthebestanime
"Hug me. ‘Bout to lose my shit." Sukuna wraps an arm around you, pulling you into his apartment. Holding you to his bare chest, tears trickle down your cheek.
He pushes the door shut. His chest rumbles with a grumble of, “Not good at this type of shit. But sure why the fuck not.” He splays his hand on your lower back, swirling small circles into your lower back.
Sukuna lifts you off the ground. On cue, you wrap your legs around his waist. “I just need a long hug, don't let me go.” Your voice breaks loud sob wrack your body. He squeezes tighter every time you tremble.
His firm crushing grasp makes it hard to breath. “Match you’re breathing with mine beautiful. Focus on me princess, focus on my arms, voice, cologne, the beating of my heart. It’s all for you doll.” You could effortlessly lose yourself in him.
The tension seeping from your body. A warm soft fuzzy, tingling feeling of security and excitement washing over you.
You wheeze. “You’re lightly suffocating me.” Sukuna loosen his grasp, carrying you over to his sofa. Sliding your fingers through his recently dyed pink hair. Even his soft hair slipping through your fingers is calming.
He lays down with you, some of his weight pressing you into the squishy sofa. “How about we do that thing you call cuddling then?” The way the word slips off his tongue, like physical intimacy outside sex is a foreign concept.
You mumble with a gentle grin tugging on your lips. "Why do you act like you don't know what human affection is, when you're the clingiest motherfucker I've ever been with." Sukuna squeezes your side, his hands drifting up and down.
He kisses your cheek then calls, “Bullshit.” Your smile grows with his denial of his growing soft spot for you.
"Really? So you’re not always putting your hands on me, when I walk past. Or constantly pulling me into your lap when I try to sit next to you. Or kissing up on me especially when my focus isn’t on you.” He kisses you to shut you up, slipping his tongue past your lips. His slow sensual, passionate deep kisses leave you breathless.
“Can’t help it princess you’re irresistible.”
strawberry brat all works
Satoru’s verison
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Yesterday I thought I was having alarming new health symptoms while running some errands, got home, and realized that I was just having an allergic reaction to something and apparently sitting in a car in the dark with a whole bunch of bright lights going by everywhere (headlights, street lamps, signs, etc) makes the light sensitive part of the migraine hit a lot harder and a lot faster lol I am pretty much okay now but idk if I will be making anything today 
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faithums · 4 months
…cuddling with the jjk men ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳
Tumblr media
✎ synopsis: what positions do the jjk men cuddle in (+ my interpretations)
<suggestive> <fluff> <crack>
Inclu. gojo, nanami, megumi, choso, yuji, toji, geto
╰┈➤ gojo satoru
spontaneous embraces are his go to, you never know what he is going to say or do next. but he is always found in the classic spooning position. god knows what he would do without it.
As you lay comfortably in bed, the feeling of warmth of the blankets enveloped you, you sense Gojo’s presence drawing near, his captivating aura filling the room with a heavy tension as he stepped gently toward you. His touch is feather-light as he wraps his toned arms around you from behind, pulling you tight- leaving no room for air- into a soothing embrace.
You arch your back slightly, pressing into his torso and lower back, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. His warmth seeps into your skin, creating a sense of security and tranquility. His breath against the nape of your neck sends shivers down your spine as he cupped the flesh of your thighs.
You intertwine your fingers with his, relishing in the simple yet profound connection between the two of you. In this moment there are no words required between the two of you; just silent understanding and subtle affection. It’s a moment of solace, where the world starts to fade away, along with the stress of it all- leaving only the comforting embrace of his presence.
You let out a sigh, a sigh to inform yourself how you can finally relax, knowing he is safe with you and, mostly, how you’re safe with him. He slowly begins to caress your hips, placing his chin into the slopes of your clavicle. You love him silently back by placing your hand atop of his (which is comically large on comparison) and tenderly trace the redness of his knuckles.
The silence as comforting, but all of a sudden this loud, jarring voice creeps up behind you, tainting your hearing: “If I slipped it in would it ruin the mood?” When Gojo tries to initiate anything sexual it all goes south hilariously.
A small wheeze left your lips: “Oh my god. Saturo, you’re unbelievable.” You love him and his stupid little comments, but sometimes this man cannot read the room.
“That’s not a no is it, love.” you could feel him smirk into the back of your neck, his hot breath making you fluster and choke on your words…
╰┈➤ kento nanami
a simple man, into the old time classics. like spooning or having your head on his lap whilst you two discussed the affairs of the fun filled days you’ve had. (p.s. this man is always the big spoon)
In the soft twilight glow, your head finds a gentle perch upon Nanami’s lap, a sanctuary of comfort admits the chaos of this curse ridden world. His relaxing presence blankets you like a protective cloak, shielding you from the tumultuous winds of life’s uncertainties.
As your fingers intertwine with his, it’s as though tune itself acquiesces, allowing this moment of intimacy to stretch into eternity (if only it could…). His touch, like the tender brush of a feather against your skin- despite his notorious ruthless nature- ignites a symphony of sensations that resonate deep with your soul.
With each stroke through your hair, Kento weaves threads of serenity and devotion, his fingers becoming the artisans of ataraxia in this shared sacred space. His heartbeat, a steady rhythm beneath your ear, acts as a comforting lullaby, guiding you into a state of peaceful surrender.
In this intimate cocoon, you’re both the architects and inhabitants of a world where love reigns supreme (despite the havoc which enfolds within your lives on a daily basis). Every whispered word, every gentle touch, is a testament to the profound bond that binds your sensitive hearts together, transcending the boundaries of time and space.
As you rest flush against his lap, enveloped in his warmth, you realise that this moment is not just a pause in time but a glimpse into your boundless futures- a testament to the enduring power of love to transform even the simplest of gestures into moments of sublime perfection.
“I love you Kento,” sleep configured your words to him, spilling your feelings to him for the millionth time, he must be getting fed up of it by now…
But no. He never does: “And I shall love and worship you for eternity, my darling.”
╰┈➤ megumi fushiguro
an affectionate lover when he needs to be. basking in the warmth of your embrace, relishing the moment, as he knows that this can’t last a life time, even though he wishes it could.
As the morning sun filters through the pristine curtains, it’s golden rays dance across the bare skin of you and Megumi, painting the room in a warm, honeyed glow. The gentle caress of sunlight kisses your intertwined forms; illuminating the delicate lines of your entangled limbs. His veiny, toned forearms (stained with an aureate hue) are meticulously wrapped around the flesh of your stomach, as his head rests flush against your chest.
Megumi’s strong, lanky hold you in a wholesome embrace as you cuddle together, radiating a sense of security and amenity. With each gentle touch, his fingers trace soothing patterns on your skin, a silent promise of protection and warmth. The contrast between the rough texture of his palms and the softness of your touch creates a sensation that feels both grounding and intimate, a tangible reminder of the bond you share.
You begin to play with your cute boyfriends fluffy, unruly black hair, eliciting a soft subtle groan of contentment from him, a sense of relaxation and desire washes over you both. Each onyx strand seems to have a mind of its own, curling around your fingers in a hypnotising dance. His groan carries a mixture of pleasure and relief, a testament to the blissful moment you share. With each gentle tug and caress, the tension of the outside world fades away, you become suddenly grateful of the serendipitous acts you both indulge in.
Megumi’s breath quickens, you feel the subtle shift in rhythm between your breathing patterns. The desynchronisation of the beats of your hearts made you less relaxed, the residue stress began to creep back over you.
“Can you match my breathing you’re stressing me out Fushiguro.” You whined, your voice strained with sleep.
“Mno.” He replied with a yawn which rippled against your warm chest, “its too much effort.”
“If you don’t I’ll send screenshots of our text messages to the group chat with Itadori, Kugisaki and Gojo in.” You chuckled to yourself through the ebony wisps of his hair.
“Okay. Fine.”
Even though he was getting sassier day-by-day, the hot smile on your skin was indicative of the inevitable submission of his heart beat would return to its original pace. Slowly transcending reality and entering a realm of bliss and freedom from the things that taint your very existence.
╰┈➤ choso kamo
someone who gets aroused by the little things in life, by cuddling. he’s too sweet, he doesn’t want to disrupt your rest. so he attempts at staying as still as he can before it goes noticed…
In the serene haven of your shared space, the soft glow of dimmed lights bathed the room, casting gentle shadows that danced across the walls. As you and Choso recline on the cosy refuge of the velvety couch, your legs intertwined seamlessly- fitting together leg the final pieces to a ridiculously hard puzzle.
Your fingers seemed to have a subconscious and moved independently to delicately trace the strong, defined contoured of his face, mapping out the creases from where he’s recently laughed uncontrollably. His eyes, riddled with sleep, were trying their hardest to withstand the effects of slumber. His brown pools meet yours with a silent unwavering support. With each small caress you feel the rough texture of his skin beneath your fingertips- earning a soft groan from each touch. A tangible reminder of how much you adore each other. 
His hair spills over his shoulders and down his broad back, it carries an air of untamed elegance, undeterred by his busy life. He cups your cheek, whispering sweet nothing into your ear about how have you permanently altered his life for the better.
As you lifelessly wrap your arms around him, you feel that the world you seem to reside in fades away, leaving only the two of you cocooned in an embrace that feels like coming home. His strong yet gentle arms encircle you, pulling you close so your bodies touch. Flush against his toned chest, you felt small beneath him, vulnerable- in a good way, your hands traced his collarbones, counting the beauty marks on his sternum, which made his own unique constellation.
As you held him close you noticed that he began to subtly shift in his demeanour. He seemed to become tense which is odd as his posture is usually composed, and you can feel the faint tremble of his muscles beneath your touch. His breath, once steady and calm, now comes in irregular busts, betraying the carnality brewing within him.
“Choso. Can you not be hard for once,” you laughed into the crook of his neck. Inhaling his scent, a blend of earthy musk and the faintest hint of spice.
“Sorry Baby,” he whined into your hair, ruffling it with his large hand, “can’t help it… you’re too perfect.” he squeezed the flesh of your ass in response. And smiled knowing he’s safe from judgement in your loving arms, despite the current predicament…
╰┈➤ yuji itadori
this man expects hugs etc of how he is with his personality, he gives 150% each day, and alls he wants in return is to cuddle. but when he shares an embrace with you it isn’t long until he’s fast. asleep.
Your head is slung over his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his torso, scared he will let go. (Even though he would probably be thinking the same.) His pink hair, appears dark in the nights shine, with each rise and fall of his chest- his dreams catch up with him slowly but surely, a blanket of sleep falling and catching him.
The dust particles danced in the air as the moons iridescent rays highlighted them, you watched half lidded as they began their journey to perilously fall to the ground and be trapped forever. It was an interesting thought, but a thought at least.
Your leg was thrown over his, it had become limp as that too had been affected by the night, casting a paralysing spell upon you. You adjust yourself with a contented sigh, moving the leg, seeking even closer contact.
Yuji stirs slightly at the movement, but he doesn’t wake, instead, he instinctively pulls you closer, his arm encasing you protectively. His presence is comforting, and you revel in the feeling of safety and leave that being with him ultimately brings.
Wrapped in each other’s embrace, you drift off into a peaceful sleep, content in the knowledge that you are exactly where you belong- in Yuji’s arms.
It was peaceful, too peaceful. A bird cawed from afar, sending its voice ricocheting toward the open window above us. In response to this, Yuji inevitably flung himself forward, propelling you off his chest dramatically, his fight or flight activated.
“OW.” You shouted at him with a whisper, “Yuji what was that for!”
“Swear that was a curse…” He protested, a small blush creeping its way along his face, to catch him red handed for being too precautious.
“If that was a curse then I’m next in line to the throne of England.” You dismissed jokingly, and pulled him back onto the mattress, attempting to submit to sleep once more.
“It’s not my fault I’m a cautious sleeper! It was ever since that day-,” he rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah that was hilarious. When Nobara drew that penis on your face with permanent marker. Comedy gold.” You recited from memory with a laugh; for him to quickly ‘shush’ you as he says that can’t be disclosed out loud; because he thinks Sukuna will listen and take the piss out of him in-front of people in a future job interview or something. (Very unrealistic, but that’s Yuji.)
╰┈➤ toji fushiguro
he wants you to be on him, it’s rarely that he wants it the other way around, he enjoys watching your feeble attempt to climb on-top of him- thinks he’s funny. when he’s just a dick.
You were straddled across his lap, laying on his chest, enjoying the warmth emanating from his body as you cuddled together on the couch. The soft glow of the lamp nearby cast a gentle ambiance, enveloping the two of you in an adequate, snug atmosphere.
Toji’s arms (which were of ridiculous size by the way) were holding you tight, keeping you close as if he never wanted to let go. His fingers traced idle patterns down your bare back, sending shivers down your spine in the most delightful way. With your head rest of against his chest, you could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a comforting lullaby that eased any worries from your mind.
Lost in the tranquility of the moment, you closed your eyes, savouring the feeling of being so close to him. But just as you were about to drift off into a euphoric slumber, you felt a slight shift beneath you.
Opening your eyes slightly, you saw Toji’s gaze fixated on something on the floor. Following his like of sight, you noticed a glimmer of metal- a coin (with the value of approximately £2) lying forgotten on the carpet.
Confusion flickered across Toji’s face for a moment, before he awkwardly adjusted his position, subtly manoeuvring his foot to nudge the coin closer toward him. It was a comical sight to say the least- the epitome of Toji’s resourcefulness even on the most intimate of moments.
Suppressing a laugh, you watched as he pitifully/finally managed to retrieve it (after what felt like hours of him kicking it further away for him then to scoot more off the couch, and for you to almost fall off it), his expression was a mixture of triumph and amusement.
“Did you just do all of that to end up with…,” you began, trying to stifle your laughter.
“Took me a second there. But moneys money babe. Gotta get it whilst ya’ can.” Toji replied with a grin, the small scar on his lips curling along with his mouth, he held the coin up to the light attractively, as if he’d won the biggest prize at a fair ground.
“I guess every little bit counts, huh old man?” You chuckled, shaking your head in amusement and denial with the fact a grown man spent 10 minutes kicking a coin around with his foot.
“Atta girl,” he said, pocketing the coin with a shrug. “Cant let em’ go to waist ey’,” he declared with a smirk into your hair.
“Guess not,” you sighed into his chest, and he turned his attention back toward you, surrounding you with his arms once more. And despite the brief interruption, you couldn’t help but feel even more enamoured with him, finding his attractiveness in the simplicity of your shared moments- coin and all.
╰┈➤ suguru geto
this may be out of character but i can just imagine geto enjoying the simplicity of a back to back cuddle. he knows you’re there and safe with him- that’s all he asks for. however on some occasions he will completely smother you.
You and Suguru lounged on the bed, with each others backs plush against one another, the feeling of his toned back against yours made you shiver. Suguru enjoyed the simplicity of being together, not much had to happen for him to fall in love with you again as of it was the first time.
Suguru let out a contented sigh, but then a mischievous glint danced in his eyes. “‘member when Gojo tried to make pancakes?”
You burst into laughter at the memory, “How could I forget that shitshow!”
Suguru chuckled, his laughter seeping through his body, making it clear to you as his back vibrated onto yours. “He was so confident, bragging about his secret recipe like an entitled child.”
“And then he proceeded to mix up salt and sugar,” you added, shaking your head. “Poor Itadori was choking for a solid minute, on those stupid pancakes- I’ll still argue to him that they looked like boobs, with how he deliberately placed those blueberries…”
Suguru laughed heartily, moving his arm back so he could knead the plush of your inner thigh, it earned a little squeal from yourself. “And don’t forget the time when he attempted to bake a cake for Nanami’s birthday…”
“The fact that goon forgot the flour. And how he put 100 candles on the cake- I swear Nanami was about to kill him.” You exclaimed, doubling with the giddy feeling, “at the end, the cake was a dense, sugary brick.”
Suguru smiled contently, thinking about the memories which brought him joy as he drew small patterns into your thighs, up-to to your ass. “Not as dense as him.”
Just then, you felt Suguru’s grip tighten around you, his laughter subsiding. “You know you mean the world to me.” He stated. “Life with you is what makes living in this unsanitary shithole so enjoyable.”
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shazzbaa · 2 months
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Samuel is dealing with the horrors just fine! hes fine. just needs a lil laudanum to take the edge off. Just a little, tiny, several bottles of laudanum,
wheezes and collapses HI HELLO I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED..... THIS!!!!.... I don't know what possessed me to make this out of pixels but im v pleased with how it came out!!
[Everyone has been extremely cool abt this!! but just to be sure: no Fallen London spoilers/suggestions/hints in tags, replies, etc. please! I'm still in the middle of some of the stories referenced here and I'm excited to discover it all for myself! ]
Nightmare sources referenced here:
A small, velvet-lined box from Light Fingers
The coiling spire bit from Light Fingers
Poor Edward from Light Fingers
I Shot the Albatross from the southern wind zee dreams
and of course, the Comtessa
At some point during Light Fingers I finally grabbed some laudanum to help with nightmares before some zee trip or other, and discovered that once you're Important, taking laudanum gives you "A Less Than Laudable Laudanum Habit" and that the initial, normal result is locked once your habit gets over level three. Naturally, I HAD TO KNOW.... WHAT HAPPENED AT OTHER LEVELS.....
I'd also decided to finally do the rest of the Watchful MYN at University, which I'd already heard about from several friends as a place where you are constantly going insane from the mundane stress of just, like, uncooperative witnesses while trying to solve a murder. The timing ended up perfect -- Samuel just coming back from the horrors of the Orphanage in Light Fingers and Trying To Be Normal And Hold Down A Normal Job For A Bit, and maybe just a lil laudanum to keep it together for class, and when withdrawal is ratcheting up everything, some annoyances like "can't find info for your murder investigation" might just tip you over the edge,
hilariously he hit level 8 on the laudanum habit -- helpfully labelled "a wretched slave to the hellish stuff" and the point where it stops working altogether -- IMMEDIATELY before running into a step of light fingers where you have to get rid of all your nightmares before you can proceed. HAHA OOPS.
ANYWAY HE STILL HAS IT BECAUSE IT TURNS OUT, IT TAKES A REALLY REALLY LONG TIME, TO KICK A LAUDANUM HABIT...... i, uh, dont recommend giving urself a laudanum addiction but narratively im having a great time lmao
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gatorbites-imagines · 8 months
Kinktober day 23
Dick Grayson + prostate massage/torture
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On the shorter side, since I got another assignment to write. Thankfully ill be done with this class after Christmas, which hopefully means less stress.
On another note, the spiderman 2 game arrived in the mail and now im waiting excitedly for my schedule to clear up enough that I can play it :)
Reader isn’t actually present, but is mentioned.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist.
Dick huffed softly where he sat, his hips rocking slowly back and forth unconsciously, like he had no control of the action. His fingers dug into the wood of the kitchen table he had sat himself in when the buzzing of the toy you’d left in him got too strong.
He shivered as the speed of the toy suddenly slowed, meaning you must have turned it down on whatever app you used to control it from your phone. Dick exhaled roughly as he almost slumped against the table, his muscles twitching as he ground his teeth, clenching his eyes shut as he felt sweat running down his face and torso.
The toy was pushed perfectly against his prostate, leaving his knees buckling and legs shaking whenever you flicked it on. Normally Dick would have allowed himself to moan and cry as much as he wanted, but it was the middle of the day, and even if he was inside your guy’s apartment, he still felt a little too proud to become the mess he knew he could be when you weren’t even there.
The only way you were involved was controlling the dial of the toy inside him. Dick couldn’t help but squeeze around his, giving a gruff moan at the unyielding hardness of a toy inside him, feeling so different from your cock when he would ride you.
This had all been his idea in the first place, he had even bought the toy himself and downloaded the app onto your phone, but as he felt the buzzing suddenly shoot up to one of the higher settings he almost regretted it. He knew he could easily take it out, but there was also something so delicious about the way he felt owned by you in some way. Like you were in full control of him and his pleasure, a choked keen leaving his mouth as the toy buzzed cruelly against his sensitive prostate.
Dick ended up folding his arms on the table and burying his face in them, the rocking of his hips growing more bold as his teeth dug into his spit slick lip. He released the grip on his lip as suddenly the toy kicked into the highest setting, digging into his prostate in a way that had his entire body seizing up, his legs kicking and his arms tensing.
His cock was drooling, soaking up the inside of his boxers as he gasped and panted, his insides squeezing and releasing around the toys relentless buzzing, the need to cum only rising in his veins as his breathing grew quicker and shorter. He was so close, almost there- when suddenly the toy turned down to one of the lowest settings again.
The sudden change in the toy had Dick slumping against the table, his body aching from his hard he had been clenching his muscles and suddenly released them. The process repeated again and again, the toy kicking up and almost torturing that spot inside him, leaving him keening and gasping, almost clawing at the table as his legs twitched and kicked. But then suddenly it would return to that low setting he could barely feel following the brutal pace the toy had been in just before.
Dick wasn’t even sure how long the process repeated, only that his head was growing stuffy and he was sure that was a pool of drool on the table, as he couldn’t seem to find it in himself to close his mouth as he kept huffing and moaning.
His eyes fluttered and every single muscle in his body burned at how hard he clenched them all, as once more the rapid pace of the toy brought him closer to orgasm, wheezed keens and stuttery moans forcing their way out of his throat as he grew close once more.
Part of him was sure you were gonna turn it off right as he neared the end, but you didn’t, and finally he felt the sweet feeling of release. Dick was quick to clamp a hand over his mouth so he wouldn’t have howled at how it felt, the orgasm running through his veins like thick syrup and leaving his head spinning, his hips jumping and thighs twitching as he spilled inside his boxers, further soaking the already precum covered fabric.
Through all of it, the toy still buzzed on, though it did slow down after a while as you must have assumed he had cum, especially after all that. Dick needed a while to come back to earth, the acrobat vigilante shakily getting to his feet and moving into the bathroom on easy feet.
There was no way he would have stood in the shower, so he ended up filling the bathtub, kicking off his soppy boxers with a wet plap as they landed on the floor, and just sliding into the tub, not caring about anything one would normally do before getting into a bathtub like that.
Dick had almost fully relaxed once more, his head laying on the edge of the tub when the toy started buzzing again, a soft moan leaving him as his prostate still felt raw from his former orgasm, but he couldn’t keep his cock from giving a twitch, his eyes falling shut as he settled into the water, ready to go again.
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moumouton4 · 9 months
Hard And Fast || Tamaki Amajiki x fem!reader
A/n : Prompt 9 of the Smutember 2023
The list of promps is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : oral fem!receiver, rutting, rough sex, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 761
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You always wonder how you even managed to go from him not being able to look at you in the eyes to him being buried deep inside you as he spills his warm seed as he reaches his climax. He had a stressful nature that kept him from enjoying life most of the time. That's probably why one day he threw it all away, resulting in your first time together - and for him, probably the first first time ever.
You soon discovered that your sessions were a cathartic moment for him after a long, stressful day. But this wasn't always the case. One round wasn't enough when his days were particularly trying, and often the sessions extended to 2 or 3 rounds. Indeed, he had a lot more stamina than anyone would have thought.
That's what prompted you to ask him one day
"I was wondering" you began his gaze settled on you for a moment before flickering back to the walls of your dorm "instead of doing several rounds at a slow pace" he was already choking at your words "why not do just one but hard and fast ?" your idea came from the fact that sometimes you didn't necessarily have the time or the energy to last several rounds.
Your question came at just the right time indeed, after the exam day you'd had, it seemed the perfect moment to initiate some lovemaking.
Nothing changed in your foreplay. He licked your pussy shyly but with still some experience as he gently rutted his hardness against the bed. He wasn't really the type to talk during sex, but today as he was nestled inside your warm cunt, he couldn't help but think again about what you'd said a moment before. He wanted to make sure he had your green light, because the idea - apart from making him redder than ever - had piqued his interest.
"Y-Y/n... d-do you erm r-really meant what y-you said e-earlier ?" his voice was husky as it rarely was, it felt that the idea had excited him.
"If you want and it helps, yes. Besides, it would introduce us to a new pace" you said, winking in his direction, he averted his gaze almost instantly. But your words had reassured him. You could feel it in the way he clung to you, forcefully, out of stress, and not because of you, but above all because he knew he was about to throw himself into the unknown "A-alright"
Softly you felt him drag his cock out slowly, his grip on your hips tightened as he braced himself up to- "Ooh T-Tamaki" you moaned surprised at the force with which he sank into you, clearly bottoming out. His high-pitched squeal sounded like the pleas of someone who was overstimulated.
After a moment's pause, he began again, slowly dragging his cock out and slamming in back inside you, where it belonged. Little by little, he increased the pace until he was at the point of fucking you hard and fast. Your legs wrapped around his hips as he continued to pound you relentlessly. His balls slapped against your ass as the room filled with lewd noises that usually would have knocked him out on the spot.
With each thrust he let out little noises, from light grunts to whimpering. He tried to nestle his face in your neck but couldn't find enough air, so he pressed his forehead against yours. As your noses grazed you puckered your lips to give him soft kisses. Surprisingly enough, your affection and the face you were doing gave him confidence in the moment. He knew you were feeling good. That he was making you feel good.
Your nails dug into his back, leaving long red lines. And as if overwhelmed by all that was happening, he finally reached his long awaited climax. He almost screamed, as his cock pumped you full of cum. His breathing was panting and wheezing, as he had just experienced the most intense orgasm of his life. His body rested on yours as if he no longer had the strength to lift a single limb.
“Y-you okay Tamaki ?” you asked, waiting to ensure his comfort. He nuzzles his face against you “I-I’m tired” he whispered against your cheek. He was currently feeling particularly cuddly. But this proved to you that you were right, with him, several rounds at slow speed were equivalent to a single round at full speed. Though there was a little problem on the menu this is going to get you both addicted.
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helluvapoison · 3 months
4. Trying to hide your injury from them, but failing miserably once you faint right in front of them, "5. Where does it hurt the most?" with Lucifer and reader
Injured Prompt
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Did you know when you roll your ankle you’re not supposed to walk on it? You might’ve known that if the Pride Ring’s hospital ever answered the fucking phone!
If your boyfriend Lucifer wasn’t out and about today, making up for some odd months of meetings, he could’ve teleported you there in no time. Then again, if he was here he might summon Belphegor themself. Not wanting to bother anyone, you told yourself it would be fine. Besides with Hell’s “no checking out early” healing abilities, it would right itself on its own by tomorrow! That continued to be your mantra but as the day got away from you it became harder to ignore that stabbing pain in your foot.
It certainly didn’t help that you’d overexerted yourself by helping Charlie move things up and down the hall because Nifty had clogged the pipes (again) which resulted in minor flooding damage. The whole time it felt like Vaggie’s suspicious stare saw right through your poorly worn mask. Charlie asked no less than 22 times if you were ok to which you waved off her concerns. It took a few hours but the furniture was moved out of the room, leaving only a mushy carpet to deal with. Neither Kiki nor Alastor could be found and since Lucifer wasn’t there to snap the problem away, the princess attempted herself. However her powers were still a bit… undisciplined. The best she could do to try and evaporate the water had actually set the carpet on fire.
Vaggie rested her hand on Charlie’s shoulder with a soft smile, “It might be time for a break, babe. Don’t want you to overdo it.” She pointedly shot that part at you.
With a sigh the blonde conceded and allowed Vaggie to usher her out.
Simultaneously grateful but cursing the downtime, you waited a minute before leaving yourself. Now that you've slowed to a stop your ankle throbbed with vengeance. Peeling your sock back to take a peek, you gasped. Your foot was definitely not purple this morning! Shit shit shit, it was definitely time for a break!
You limped to the elevator, using the wall for support when Lucifer rounded the corner. Like the wall had tried to bite you, you yanked your hand from it and forced both feet flat on the ground. You grimaced, poorly trying to conceal it with a smile.
“Duckie!” You greeted through a wheeze. Has breathing been this hard all day?
With much more enthusiasm in his voice, he sang your name and rushed over. Lucifer lifted you off the ground to spin with you in his arms, unknowingly providing momentary relief. His laugh and smile were infectious. Just a second with him had swept you into the world you shared and washed away your troubles. Unfortunately they returned once he set you down and despite how gently he did, you hissed when you touched the floor again.
“What was that?” He asked with a tilted head, holding onto your waist.
“Oh, uh, I’m practicing my Sir Pentious impression!”
You’re unsure why you lied. Maybe a part of you wanted to pretend for a little longer. You think back to the time you got a paper cut and he forced you into bed rest for three days. Once he found out about your ankle nearly snapping in half, you would, inadvertently, send him spiraling into his mother duck state of mind! And the poor man never seemed to catch a break! You didn’t want to stress him out over something that would heal.
He seemed to believe your fib.
At least someone did because it was getting harder to convince yourself.
“It’s good, it’s good!” Lucifer nodded thoughtfully, narrowing his eyes. You instantly knew he was trying to recall just who the serpent fellow was. “Anywho, I ran into Charlie just now. Heard this place almost fell apart without me, huh?”
He nudged your arm with his elbow, prompting you to laugh instead of focusing on the pain. You forced the sound out a bit too much to try and make leaning against the wall look natural. It didn’t. You almost collapsed against the surface, sliding down as your leg began to give. Lucifer slipped his hands under your arms, doing the majority work of holding you up. Your head began nodding off and you realized you were face to face with him. Not a good sign considering your height difference. He was wearing his nervous grin that you knew all too well he only put on before he started panicking internally.
“Darling, is this part of the Sir Pina Colada impression? Starting to, uh, worry over here.”
“Nothing, nothing. I think… I just… nee..”
The last thing you see is Lucifer’s smile dropping entirely, pupils shrinking to worry-filled slits.
Then black.
There’s a moment while waking up where it’s pure bliss. You’re not you; you’re not anyone. You barely exist— and then you do. The worries, memories, pain; it all comes rushing up on you like a train and hits you just as hard. You scrunch your nose and pull your eyebrows together as you attempt to sit up. Silk under your palms have you acutely aware that you’re not in your bed, but Lucifer’s. And you know what they say about speaking of the devil.
“Oh no! Nonononono, I don’t think so,” He sings, gently pushing your shoulders back until you’re flat against the plushy pillows, “You’ve got some explaining to do. ”
“Fuck, ‘m sorry,” You groan, “I thought I had it under control! I didn’t want you to worry.”
“Au contraire, darling, I want to worry about you! Just maybe not that much next time, alright? I think I had a heart attack! If that’s what those feel like… Ech.” Lucifer was wracked by a shiver, shaking off the final wave with his head.
You let out a breathy laugh.
The man smiled at the sound and honed his full attention on you, forcing a serious, but soft, tone, “Now! Doctor Morningstar is here to help, so tell me, where does it hurt most? ”
“My ankle.”
You recoiled when he attempted to peel away your sock. He muttered an apology, studying your foot rather unfazed. As interesting as it was to watch him get truly somber about something, you couldn’t appreciate it right now. The fire spreading from your ankle stole all your senses and he wasn’t even touching it anymore.
“It wasn’t all purple-y yesterday right? We might have to amputate.”
“Lucifer.” You growled through grit teeth.
He chuckled. “Sorry. That one killed when Charlie was younger. Ok, ok! Pain management first, jokes later.”
There was a heavy knock on the door that made both of you turn your heads. Your eyes narrowed while a bright grin spread across his porcelain face.
“Are you expecting someone?” You asked suspiciously.
“Belphegor, of course!”
Of course.
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