#-> bee rant
My felt fabric arrive. Turn out I cannot make a hiiro one. But maybe Midori and mayoi one. My expectations is low because it give less disappointment 😥
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windkonig · 6 months
when people say "ok but x bug has no benefit to nature" I bet they can't even name 5 facts about the bug they're shitting on. so how could they Possibly know what its function is in the environment and if it's "useless" or not
wasps being the perfect example, I still get people saying "oh bees are cute and pollinate :) yay. but WASPS ARE EVIL and they don't contribute ANYTHING!!!" and it's like buddy. wasps pollinate too. they also control spider populations. they do a lot of great valuable things. but even if they didn't, they're still worthy of being here. I see SO much hatred toward wasps and I wish people would try to learn a little more about them.
I'm mainly talking about paper wasps here because these are common ones we run into in daily life and most commonly deemed "aggressive". but wasps have body language. and if you learn to read this language and learn how to properly act around them, things will go a lot better for you! wasps can be curious creatures and they may come up to observe you, especially if you're wearing something brightly colored. this can be startling for sure, but my best advice is to just be still, DO NOT SWAT or wave your arms. try to just back away or sidestep so it loses interest and leaves. swatting is just gonna make them feel as if they are being attacked and increase your chances of being stung.
many stings happen due to unfortunate but accidental circumstances. unknowingly getting too close to a nest, stepping on a wasp on accident, one getting stuck in clothing, etc. I got stung once while gardening, went to pull a weed and the wasp was on it, so I grabbed her without knowing and she stung me because she was scared. this doesn't mean "oh wasps are AGGRESSIVE and EVIL" it means you stumbled into an unfortunate situation where the wasps felt threatened and defensive. instead of being like "FUCK all wasps" go forward trying to learn about common nesting areas, be wary of holes in the ground, wear gloves while gardening, and if you do have to be around a nest, try not to make a lot of noise. if the nest absolutely needs removed, call a professional.
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unsaltedtoast · 7 months
i love you femmes.
i love you plus size femmes who feel like their body pushes them out of feminine spaces.
i love you femmes with weird genders.
i love you jewish femmes.
i love you black femmes.
i love you femmes of colour.
i love you femmes who don't shave.
i love you femmes who like indulging in masculinity.
i love you femmes that experience discomfort around their breasts and vaginas.
i love you asexual femmes.
i love you autistic femmes.
i love you femmes who constantly have to defend your identity (we are right beside you <3)
i love you single femmes who feel as if their femme identity is only valid as being 'queer enough' when with a butch.
i love you femmes who have 'masculine' personalities.
i love you alternative femmes.
i love you all femmes.
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nyxofdemons · 1 year
okay so the main criticism i've been seeing against episode 8 is that beelzebub (among other things) is "too nice" to be the sin of gluttony, because she's an attentive hostess, because she expresses worry over blitz's excess drinking, etc., and i wanna talk about it.
the thing is, i feel like this complaint is rooted in the most basic, somewhat cliche idea of the sin of gluttony, and a somewhat boring approach to bee's character in general. the idea is that, as the sin of gluttony, bee should be encouraging over-indulgence, excess, and the self-destructive aspects of party culture and drinking.
but she's the queen bee. she clearly explains that she can feel the "energy" of everyone at her party, and i think that's very important to analyzing exactly what gluttony means to her. instead of indulging in food and alcohol and drugs and being selfish (as gluttony is generally expected to be about), bee feeds on the ENERGY of the demons around her. and in order to get the best energy she can, she needs to be making sure everyone is actually having FUN and having a good time. gluttony, in this sense, is about EXTRAVAGANCE, having the best quality of everything, rather than just everything in general.
i also think this is why she was so put-off by blitz's actions. when he chugs the entire barrel of alcohol and then is absolutely wasted beyond all reason for the rest of the party, he's NOT actually engaging in her sin. he's not being gluttonous; he's not drinking to have a good time or to indulge or to have fun - he's drowning himself in alcohol because he's trying to forget and ignore all his problems, which is a sin much more akin to pride. his energy feels bad to bee because he's not having fun, he's deeply hurt and trying to distract himself by being self-destructive, which is NOT what her sin is about.
(also, remember, this is supposed to be part TWO of the finale. meaning, this episode (and the introduction of bee's character) directly goes hand-in-hand with the introduction of asmodeus, who's entire club IS about indulgence and depravity and everything you'd expect from the sin of lust. bee and the gluttony party are meant to be a direct foil to the energy of ozzie's.)
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buzzybeexoxo · 2 months
Thinking about Darry, man.
Thinking about him standing in the doorway, just making sure Pony and Soda are still *alive*. Still in the house. Still with him. Him overworking to not grieve. Him unable to look at a stupid cake the same again. Him hating his birthday. Him skipping meals because money's a little tight and his brothers need fed first. Him having to choose between medicine and food on the table because god, Soda's fever just keeps getting higher but both need to eat. About him just..standing in his parent's room. Looking at the empty furniture. At the ruffled sheets that have never changed. To the shelves still covered in photos and other things. Darry who always has his hands in his pockets during an argument because *god, if he hits pony again that'll be the end to everything. He couldn't deal with it.* Darry who stares a little too hard at bridges. Who spends a little too much time at the table, looking over bills. Darry who's just a little irresponsible because god he's still *just a kid*
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graciereadshannigram · 4 months
re: sex, power, and hannigram (the bees in my head have struck again)
y'all know the quote, everything in the world is about sex, except sex – sex is about power? Will, someone who has been consistently denied agency and power in his life especially by Hannibal, and Hannibal, a man who has kept himself under such strict control around other people, despite desperately craving true connection to another person – sex would be a natural extension and exploration of these pre-existing dynamics. 
Will and Hannibal’s entire relationship is based on their emotional and intellectual connection as they play this cat and mouse game where the power dynamics are fluid and unstable! the mental arousal they provide one another is an integral part of their connection. and that’s what attracts and excites them! and you know what increased psychological arousal leads to (or at the very least, enhances)? physical arousal!! 
which brings me to my next point: we know that Will is mentally aroused by the prospect of both saving and taking lives (s/o to our boy Chilton, man was a rat, but he was right!) because doing bad things to bad people feels good. 
so when Will finally Becomes by killing the dragon with Hannibal and they start exploring how they kill together, of course bloodlust and regular old lust are going to start blurring. not because either of them are sexual sadists who get off on the act of murdering someone, but instead on the power they each hold over death, the thrill of being truly seen and accepted by the other. 
not to mention the fact that sex provides an outlet for some of their more destructive urges, as well as a way to rebuild trust and psychological safety, two things they haven’t really had much of?? which is not to say that i believe everything they’d do would be safe, sane, or consensual, but i do think they’d be providing each other with what they each authentically need to move forward with one another. 
basically, i'm trying to say Hannibal tried his own brand of therapy on Will and look where it got them. i think the next logical progression would be sex as therapy and therapy as sex.
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eddies-spaghetti · 4 months
i hate to say it but the only people in the league of villains who wear deodorant are Toga and Mr. Compress.
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Begging people to stop moralizing reactions to the titanic-submarine thing. People can have compassion and think that it's horrible for people to die like this, and at the same time be pissed that we live in a world where a bunch of billionaires can pay 250k each to go to a mass grave and get more media attention than humanitarian crises.
Empathy is not the same thing as sucking the capitalist dick, and being furious about what's happening and what it says about our society does not make you a heartless monster. You can see the horror and the irony and the injustice simultaneously! People are multidimensional like that.
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mayzi33 · 10 months
Random thought of something I find quite unfair. Everyone knows Sonic and Tails are best pals right? Right. But here's the thing. Sonic, and pretty much almost everyone else in the franchise has many different relationships. For starters, Sonic is literally the main character, so he has a relantioship with pretty much everyone. Knuckles, for example, is really close to Sonic, Tails and Amy, but he has other relantioships outside that, like with the Chaotix and Rouge. Amy is another one that befriends everyone easily, like Cream, Silver, Blaze, Shadow and heck even Surge now in IDW.
But what about Tails?
I've seen many people complain already that despite Tails being ridiculously close to Knuckles and Amy, we don't get to see him interact much with either of them without Sonic being around (except for Frontiers, which I'm very greatful for). We don't see having any strong bonds with everyone besides Sonic, and yes, I know that they're called "Unbreakle Bond" for a reason, but come on, everyone else gets to have a million of close friends, why does Tails have to exclusive to Sonic?
The only really close relationships we've seen Tails form besides him and maybe Knuckles and Amy are with Cosmo and Chunck on Sonic X. But it isn't even canon in some time-lines. Some might say Charmy or Cream, because they're the "kid trio", and as much as I like that idea come on, is there any comic or canon Sonic content really featuring this trio alone? And then there's IDW, where he finally gets a nemesis for HIM, Kitsunami, yet we got like- 5 interactions of them or something. He's also kinda close to Tangle and Belle, and you can even take like, Barry from TMOSTH, but the fandom doesn't even give much attetion to that. It's SO HARD to find comics, fanarts, fanfics and just overall content of Tails with someone else who isn't Sonic, (at least from what I've seen on Tumblr) while for everyone else it can be easy.
Anyways my point is... GIVE. US. MORE. TAILS. INTERACTIONS. WITH. OTHER. CHARACTERS. Thank you so much.
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
okay but what about robots in disguise?? its not a favorite of mine but it’s still pretty good. russel and his dad are decent lol
Frag that show.
It disrespected TFP on every level and for that it has my eternal hatred and contempt. The humans were annoying, and I HATED how many interesting plot threads there were that were either done poorly or with so little tact that the writing team should have just scrapped it. The designs are tolerable, but I hate how canon TFP characters lost so much of their individuality in their designs (coughtheopticscough). Smokescreen is fricking GONE, which bothers me more than I care to admit. We see the rest of the team enough to be reasonable, but they all appear in ways that don't really make me happy.
Ratchet was done well enough in my opinion. I like his RID design. It suites him. Optimus's design can go die in a hole, they brutalized that mech. Same with Jazz. Frag those stupid shoulder pads.
Grimlock is fun, I appreciate Sideswipe, although his helm hair thingies I think need a redesign to make sense in relation to his alt mode. Strongarm was HORRIBLY underutilized and I hardly saw any character growth in her. Drift and his crew were interesting, but similarly not given much room to grow. I really liked Windblade for the most part, especially the episode where she tries to baby Optimus and comes out having relearned that Op is still a PRIME with MILLIONS OF YEARS OF WAR EXPERIENCE.
The Primes who've done nothing but sit on their rears had NO RIGHT to belittle Optimus at every turn. Nor did the show have the right to make him an idiot for the sake of making Bee look smarter. As @nova--spark has pointed out, the personality Bee got in the show matches Smokescreen better. Bumblebee wouldn't have SUCKED so much at the whole leadership shtick. What happened to all that skill shown in the movie huh? HUH WRITING TEAM????!??!?!
While I am on this train. OPTIMUS DIED SO GOSH DARN LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! He should have stayed deceased, or if they REALLY needed him back, he should have either returned as an Civi or came back with actual issues. Like dang hear me out mate.
Optimus is forcefully returned to life, beats the Fallen with his borrowed power, but then has to actually deal with the consequences of essentially being a walking bomb for a while. Make him start losing plating, make his frame HURT, make him slim down again into the TFP base design. Just, give him a reason to have to sit back and RECOVER. Not this whole half hearted limping around garbage. To add to that, don't baby the mech. Let him stay at base and fulfill the role Ratchet did in TFP. Let him use his knowledge to teach and offer wisdom, plan battles and locate enemies. For Primus's sake he could have gone undercover on Cybertron or something if they really needed him to go be useless elsewhere.
THEY COULD HAVE EVEN HAD AN ARC WITH HIM GIVING THE TEAM A WAKEUP CALL!!! SIdeswipe has no respect for the mission, Grimlock is a fool, Strongarm is too snarky, and Bee in this seems to have largely forgotten about the seriousness except for during key moments. They could have made Optimus a minor antagonist, forcing the team to follow wartime standards since they laid down this plot thread regarding issues between leadership styles and Optimus trying to take control of the operation more than once.
I would have paid money to see Optimus's wartime mentality show itself in the best and worst ways through how he worked with this group of non war vets on a Decepticon capture mission. Maybe even have him use lethal force once or twice, or at least hint at it so that people can be reminded that he is a mech who went to war, killed countless bots, and both drove their people to and saved their people from extinction.
Bee could have had to teach Optimus to calm down. He could have helped eased his leader out of his wartime mindset. Or following that whole council running Cybertron route, Optimus could have had his moment of being very much right when he points out WHY he fought at all and gestures towards the new council. There was SO MUCH potential in this show, so many good threads and interesting Decepticon character that could have given so much depth to the war and the aligned continuity as a whole, but they were almost ALL ignored.
*deep breath*
Alright, sorry about that. I have big feelings in regards to how dirty Optimus was done. Moving on, the Predacons were killed off supposedly and that pisses me off ESPECIALLY because it was done in a fricking offscreen setting. What the hell happened to Predaking??? WHERE DID HE GO????
Starscream's design was rad though, not going to lie.
Where is Shockwave? No seriously where is that fragger? After several years of the map he MUST have an army growing in a tank somewhere.
Soundwave. Why. ARe. YOU. HERE??!?!?!? I love you man but dang you are so out of place. He made sense in the context of trying to get to Megatron, but idk he felt like he deserved better. He should have been the big brain behind the Cons on Earth if you asked me. It would have made everything far more intense, especially if the Cons dont follow Decepticon creed as seen by Soundwave.
The humans were annoying. Sorry they just were.
Fixit is Primus's gift to RID and he's one of the few individuals who makes it less annoying. Idk, I just like him in reasonable doses.
*yet another deep breath*
To put things simply, I would rather a group of fanfic writers put RID together than whoever the writing team was. They could have made a coherent story with deep characters that actually address the ramifications of millions of years of war and lingering functionalist mindsets. They would have done the lore and the world justice even if there were no main characters popping up.
I think RID has so much potential, but that almost all of it went right down the toilet due to either the higher ups sticking their noses where they don't belong or because the writing team couldn't go two minutes without retconning or otherwise destroying established everything.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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princeyralsei · 18 days
What College/University Programs I Think the Sonic Cast Would Major in Because I'm Bored
Sonic: Environmental science or biology for life sci. He's been an eco warrior since Day 1 what else could he possibly take interest in
Tails: Mechanical engineering because duh that's his thing
Knuckles: Athletic therapy/sports management
Amy: Psychology
Shadow: Biology for health sci or health studies, anything in the medical field. He was inspired after caring for his sister; he hopes to either find a cure for N.I.D.S. or become an EMT
Silver: Environmental science or biology just like Sonic BUT specifically for plants. Perhaps biochemistry
Blaze: I was stuck on her for a while, but I was thinking astronomy! It seems to suit her imo. That or philosophy
Rouge: Definitely gemology lol
Bonus for the Chaotix: Forensic sciences or criminology
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What a Happy Day. Both mayoi finally show up!!
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ivormybeloved · 1 month
(Not Delusion AU, apologies)
Doodles of characters from a Minecraft roleplay me and a friend have
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I'm testing out new styles so yippee!! But have emo Lukas and silly zombie PAMA (they're my main two characters for the story. Mainly Lukas since it started with a frickin crackship)
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Oh and Ivor. Can't forget how he was apparently turned into a horse cuz he insulted a witch on how bad they are with potions
I will not elaborate any more on this weird, love triangle Minecraft roleplay. PS, these are not the only characters. These are just my characters (except for yellow suspenders Jesse and cursed Axel. No one likes cursed Axel.)
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queenbeebumblebee · 5 months
You put that rule for ONE REASON.
BC i know some minors DNI accounts literally interact with me, IM 14 DANMIT A DAMN MINOR.
If You don't want minors INTERACTING WITH YOU,
Thank You for listening. Have a Nice day.
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peak-dumbass · 4 months
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Shoutout to the furry transformer fans this one’s for you
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shiveringfrogspawn · 7 months
y’all i’m watching s4 of nuwho (haven’t watched classic) and I just. don’t want to finish. i’m on the waters of mars episode and I don’t want to say goodbye to ten yet. nine’s goodbye cut me deep and i’m still not over it, i already know minor spoilers for the season ending and I’m avoiding it…I’m sure matt smith is gonna be brilliant but i love david’s doctor soooo much (not as much as nine, of course, but ten is special in his own way). i’m crying just thinking about it. help.
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