#-- with only their spouse as soon as they possibly can and hide there like that until the day they die.''
lovezbrownies · 4 months
Hide and Seek. (Yandere Queen x GN!Reader.)
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Synopsis: First you hid from the queen, as she seeked. Then you both hide as the queen's assistant seeks you two.
Queen Nia x GN!Reader
Warnings: Panicking, oveethinking, interruptions, heavily suggestive at the very end. MDNI.
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She felt crazy. Nia couldn’t find you anywhere! And she kept going in circles! She’d search the entirety of Khas, then she’d think “What if they went into one of the rooms I just left?” And search all over again. It’s been two hours and she’s starting to get depressed, are you hiding away from her? Did she do something to upset you? You should know by now Nia doesn’t mean to upset you, she just doesn’t know how to talk normally. Please please please pleas– “Ah! Hannah!!” Nia caught sight of her favored assistant, she literally did everything for her, she barely works with Hannah there.
Hannah turned to see her queen, bowing softly as she looked down at Nia, clipboard in hand.Queen Nia let out a tired breath, “Have you seen my loved one? I’ve been searching all over the place and I cannot for the life of me find them!” A frown was on Nia’s face, her arms crossed, her foot tapping impatiently against the marble floors. 
“Ah they’re at the park with the ducks at the moment.” Hannah stated plainly.
Nia scoffed, “We don’t have a park or ducks in the palace, silly!”
Hannah rolled her eyes, well obviously. “Why yes, we don’t. I let them go out to a recently opened park somewhere near the palace.” Nia gasped, no way she let you go out! And Nia thought Hannah was smart but since hearing this her outlook on Hannah is completely different. Oh goodness, her poor darling is probably distraught, oh my what if you were getting hit on? What if some random person strikes a small conversation with you?! Oh heavens! “Well, where is this so-called park! I need to save my darling from idle chit-chat!”
A smirk came across Hannah’s face, this all was revenge, because the day before Nia had called one of Hannah’s new ideas stupid and she did not take kindly to that. So, Hannah took you out to the aforementioned park. Spoke with you for a while, what a delightful person you are, and then went back to the palace, anticipating Nia to immediately bombard her with questions of where you currently were. Now this is the part where she finally gets her sweet revenge. “Well, my queen, don’t be so rash! You’re still 28, you cannot possibly show your face to the public now can you? Maybe have some faith in your love and let them come back on their own!”
Queen Nia huffed, stomping away to her room. Nothing is going to stop her today! She will save you from the dreaded short awkward conversations you always complain of! Who is she, as your wife, if she won’t sacrifice her dignity for you! Picking up the old cloak, the same one she used to go and see you before she married you. And went through that old passage she used to take to sneak out and see you. Now. She only has to find that pesky park! Although scared, she will persevere to save her spouse!
But thankfully, as soon as she stepped off the ladder to the outside world she bumped into someone she couldn’t see due to the hood that is hiding her face, Nia scoffed loudly. They spoke up, “S-sor- Wait, Nia? Is that you?” Nia froze, pulling the hood off she saw her angel! How independent you are! Her sweet dove! “Ah my darling! I was so worried that someone had forced you to chit-chat with them, but it seems like you already had given them a piece of your mind and moved on, right?” You were still so confused, she allowed you to go out after all, or that’s what Hannah had told you before accompanying you to that park.
You enjoyed your time, Hannah gave you some bird seed to feed the ducks and spoke with you for a while before going back. You tried to avoid other people, you didn’t like to speak to strangers at all, but you did meet this guy who you had bonded with over feeding the cute ducks. It doesn’t matter who they were since you didn’t share contact information. “What? Nia what? Didn-'' Nia gasped, suddenly realizing where you two are.
“Oh dear! Let’s get back to our room, or else the guards might hear us! Don’t want to get another lecture from the Chief of Police again now do we?” Nia grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the ladder, “Come, let’s continue this in our room, I want to hear every detail of your amazing bravery!” Pushing you towards the ladder she motioned you to go first, even trying to pick you up and help you up but alas she’s still far too short and weak.
Once you two finally reached your shared bedroom, Nia launched herself onto her bed, twisting her body over to where you were sitting, a reading chair next to a big bookshelf, her head on her hands, she smiled widely, waiting for your amazing adventurous story. “Well, my love, do go on!” You sigh, drinking up a cup of water you opened your mouth, ready to speak your mind. “So the duck-” A knock interrupted you before you could even begin. Maybe this palace was cursed. You can barely speak a word in this palace without being cut off.
Nia jumped up, pulling you up from the chair she pushed you into the bathroom, gesturing at you to stay quiet. As she closed the bathroom door, the door to the bedroom opened, someone called out, “My queen?” It was Hannah. Nia could barely hold her giggles, she took you by the hand, whispering in your ear, “Stay quiet, but go lay down in the bathtub.”
You nodded, doing as you’re told, this was a little fun you must admit. Nia has her quirks but she makes life fun to live in. She stepped behind the tub’s curtains, closing them slowly so as to not create any noise. Even though there was enough space in the big bathtub for her to lay beside you she decided to just lie down on top of you, cuddling into you, almost purring at how nice you smell.
You heard the closet doors opening and closing, Hannah’s footsteps getting closer and closer, while you were focused on not getting caught Nia was focused on getting your attention back. Huffing as she saw you eye at the curtains, you weren’t looking at her! And that was something she decided to change, she began rubbing parts of your body as sensually as she can, you looked down at Nia, a devious smile on her face. “Nia wha-” Nia shushed you, “Stay quiet, don’t wanna get caught getting steamy in front of Hannah.” 
Just as she says this one of her hands made its way down to your crotch, she rubbed your crotch harshly once and then tiny feathery touches here and there, you squeaked as she played with you through your clothes. You slammed your hand against your mouth when you heard the bathroom door clicking open. “Nia? Are you here?” Hearing that Hannah had finally come into the bathroom Nia grabbed and rubbed at your crotch harsher than she did before, making it hard not to let out the lewdest of moans.
The evil queen had suddenly stopped, leaving you needy, softly thrusting up to her hand, wanting more. Nia, still grinning wildly, shook her head in disagreement. As soon as Hannah sighed in exasperation and you both heard the bedroom door closed, Nia immediately went back to work, leaving you a mess in the bathtub. Nia sat up, straddling your lap, she reached over and turned on the water nozzle. “Whoops, looks like we gotta take off our clothes and shower together~” You two spent a long while in that tub.
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azlrse · 2 years
➳ kiss of death (yandere ghost prince!idia shroud x GN!human reader)
summary: was set in the ghost marriage event but instead of princess eliza, it was the ghost prince himself who fancied you to be his but first, you must be in the netherworld/underworld with him...
cw: yandere themes, forced marriage, major character death, mentions of the afterlife, captivity, alternate universe (idia didn't attend NRC), ooc idia & not proofread (there could be some mistakes, please point it out if you find some)
a/n: happy halloween everyone and thank you so much for the patience for this fic to be released. at first, this is mostly self-indulgent but decided to turn this into a halloween special fic. <333
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He is a ghost. You are a human.
Two sides of the same coin from what he thought was a sign of his so-called fulfilling destiny. A destiny for you to be with him in the afterlife. It was quite unusual for the ghost prince to watch over you for months as he saw you on how kind and soft-hearted you are. The way you got along with everyone around you as you smile warmly but at the same time, snap at anyone who even dared to lay a hand on you or your heartslabyul friends is what makes you attractive to him.
Plus, his family are nagging him for him to find someone who can rule beside him as his loving spouse.
And they didn't tell him if the love of his life can be a ghost or a mortal.
He was a very lonely ghost; coped up in his room filled with so much technology, books and consoles as he gamed and studied day and night within the Shroud Palace. He didn't have friends to begin with, only contented with the company of his little brother who also nags him to go outside, visit the mortal realm to see if there's someone caught his eye.
At first, he contemplates about his own decision to his brother's suggestion. Floating around the dark hallways of NRC while overthinking endless possibilities if he goes outside. What if there's someone who would catch him? What if he accidentally spooked someone and died from a heart attack? What if he accidentally possessed someone? And so on and so forth.
"Let's go haunt a ghost! I bet Deuce's gonna run away like a chicken!" He heard a giddy voice out of nowhere, making the ghost prince flinch from the sudden noise. Ida was internally panicking, quickly scrambling to see which hiding spot was best for him. "I am not!" Another (angry) voice filled the hallway as the flashing light of the flashlight fills the right side of the hallway. "Hey guys, you two buy me lunch if (m/c) here runs away. I wanna stuff myself with that delicious canned tuna tomorrow!"
As the voices began to draw nearer and nearer, he goes through the ceiling of the building, only his face as poking through it's wooden surface. "Hey, I ain't scared of ghosts! Plus, we're gonna be in so much trouble when Riddle finds us ghost hunting in 2 in the morning."
And that's how he met you. His eyes caught a particular human and became intrigued by you like some kind of rare artifact he obtain from the games he played before. He felt like this was like a dating sim; him being a mysterious entity who fell in love with the protagonist and loved happily ever after as the couple consumate their marriage.
The ghost prince followed you everywhere to learn more about you. From your favorites, your strength and weaknesses, games you play, your birthday, anything!! And soon enough, he fell deeply in love with you. He would constantly tell Ortho about this mysterious human he fancied. How he wished that he would just appear on front of you and profess his love as he carries you into the deep depths of the underworld. Or perhaps, you would even fell for him when you knew that your admirer wasn't just a ghost but part royalty!
He thought that it was just some mere crush but Ortho tells him otherwise that he finally found himself some love. "Don't you get it brother? You finally found the love of your life! Isn't that wonderful? Now mom and dad would be so happy when they knew that you found your potential spouse!"
Idia didn't buy his brother's words but wants to secretly court you by giving gifts that was considered as courtship gifts from his kind. Trinkets of silver coins appeared randomly in different parts of your dorm. A bouquet of black roses was placed on your doorstep and heartfelt and sweet letters written by yours truly appeared mysteriously by the mail box.
And you made a mistake by accepting those gifts. You didn't reject those gifts but was looking forward to see what gifts your admirer has for you. At first thought, you guessed that your secret admirer was kind of shy and didn't want to reveal his identity until they're ready to reveal who they are in the first place.
But what you didn't know is that your admirer wasn't a human like you.
His guards came back to him with great news, telling the entire royal family that the human the future heir liked had accepted those gifts with open arms. Oh, how happy his parents was when they knew that their oldest son found his true love. His mother couldn't wait to see the future ruler who would rule beside her son. His father on the other hand, gave a silent nod, indicating that he approves of his future in-law joining the family.
Even more months has passed by, more and more gifts are sent by your doorstep but he guards didn't left those gifts but by himself. The way his lovestruck eyes glistened as you excitedly open the small box that was wrapped in a pretty black ribbon and has a label with your name on it with a little doodled heart at the end of your name.
While being invisible, he sat right beside you, waiting patiently as you opened the box to reveal the most beautiful piece of jewelry you've ever seen; it was a silver ring, embedded with sapphire gems around the band and a blue skull gem can be seen on top of the band. Idia watched in nervousness, watching you closely inspecting the ring as if you are jewel critic. Without hesitation, you wear the ring and heavily admiring it, making Idia sigh in relief, a weight of his shoulder finally lifted off when he saw that you accepted his engagement ring.
You didn't even know that you're now engaged to the ghost prince himself.
And you swear to yourself that you felt a small warm peck on your forehead but quickly shrugged it off, thinking that it was just the wind blowing from the window you've forgotten to close.
From that point on, Idia would constantly follow everywhere you go under the guise of him being your night in shining armor. In class? He's there by your side, and dropped a small flower he picked outside on the courtyard. Walking along the lonely hallways of the school? You can feel your hand being interwined by some invisible force. Felt even just a bit of hunger and craving sweets? No worries, for the ghost prince himself would provide you some sweets to satisfy your cravings.
For the longest time, he never felt this happy. Happiness was not on his list for a long time and the only way he seek his own happiness was by playing games on his computer. He never thought he could find somebody that would make him happy.
He felt empty and alone for a long time and it seems that you filled in the missing gap within his heart. As soon as the royal messenger told all the ghosts that the prince found a potential suitor, everyone was very excited to see their future ruler.
The ghost prince also appeared on your dreams whenever you went into deep slumber, now finally has the courage to at least hold you and giving you sweet kisses whenever he saw you. Idia would talk about on how pretty/handsome you looked and if you receprocate his methods of 'flirting', you can see his hair turning into a soft shade of hot pink as the blush on his face reddened up like some kind of tomato.
It was bittersweet if Idia was honest, sure that he can finally interact with you without freaking you out that he's a ghost but he's desperate for you to be one of his kind. To be right beside him and to be crowned as the next crowned royal of his kingdom. Oh how he imagined you in a formal attire, a bouquet in hand as the flow of your veil flows through the isle as he stares at you with heart eyes. He can feel his heart thumping non stop whenever he imagines you getting married to him.
But what he thought was a perfect fairy tale has turned into an absolute nightmare.
If love has its own enemy, it's not other than obsession itself.
For you see, Idia is a very envious man. He doesn't like it if some lowly NPC fawns over you from afar, would even talk to you or being friends with you, especially those heartslabyul brats. He doesn't like it how they would hug you or wrapping their arms around you, even if it's just mere platonic. He the only one who can do those acts for you. He's your fiancé for goodness sake! He's supposed to be the only man in your life.
Oh wait, you didn't know it yet but soon enough, you will soon find out that you are the reason why bad luck has occurred within the school.
Don't let his jealousy reach to the top because he doesn't hesitate to make that person disappear or driven to the brink of insanity to the point that they took their own life. He would constantly appear at the end of the hallway, the prince would either glare at you or giving you a sinister smirk and disappear when a person walk by your vision. It freaked you out and it didn't stop there; every single night, you would hear vague whispers of your name, old wrinkled papers that dated back centuries ago has little messages on it, smeared in black and red ink as possessive words were written all over the parchment.
And that's not all, your dreams with the mysterious entity has becoming a terrible dreams. Warning you that he'll come for you if the right time comes (the right time was today). His words made you absolutely scared the living daylights of you, and finally consulted the only teacher who has connections with the other side, Mr. S himself. You and your heartslabyul friends ran straight towards the small boutique at the side of the school, only to see the shopkeeper closing his shop for the day. "Mr S! We need to speak to you and this is urgent!" Ace heaved and panted, his lungs greedily intaking lots of air to breathe.
"Ah my little imps! What are you guys doing here? Aren't you guys supposed to be in the dining hall with the others? And what happened to them?" He pointed at you, eye bags and blood shot eyes as you trembled in fear, both your arms are placed around your arms as if it would protect you. "It's a long story, Mr. S but we want to know about a particular ghost that haunted not only the school but also our friend here. Is there a possibility on why (m/c) is haunted?" Deuce added while rubbing your back as a way to comfort you.
Sam inspected your entire article of clothing to see if there's something suspicious that could link towards the haunting and his eyes landed on the ring rested on your ring finger. His eyes stared at the strange looking jewelry that gives off this weird energy surrounding the four of you. He needs to confirm if his thoughts are true by inspect the band around your finger. "Hmm, may I see your hand, little imp." He inspected the ring and you slowly realized that the wrenching feeling on your stomach was confirmed when the tall man's eyes widen in disbelief. "So that's why you're being haunted.." he muttered. "What's the reason Mr. S?" Grim replied, worried for his answer.
"That ring. The ring you had on your finger belongs to the royal family of ghosts! And if a mortal was gifted with that ring, it was stated that you now belong to that particular family, precisely to their oldest son!" Looks of disbelief appeared on their faces, you on the other hand, felt the colors from your face drain off upon hearing such news. "So wait wait, if (m/c) has a ghost pinning after them, does it explain why they have gifts and flowers appeared on their doorstep out of nowhere?" Deuce asked, out of curiosity.
The shopkeeper sighed in disappoinment, indicating that not only that one of the students has been favored by a ghost but their life being at risk. "I'm afraid so, little imp. I'm so sorry."
In the far corner of the shop, Idia stood there, hands curled into a fist as his expression contorted into anger and possessiveness.
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You couldn't sleep tonight.
Staring towards the ceiling of your bedroom as you held your blanket for dear life after hearing what the shopkeeper has told you and your friends hours ago. Thank the heavens that Grim is asleep right by the chair because you couldn't handle him seeing your bloodshot eyes and tears are threatening to stream from your face. Even your body tells you that you need some sleep, you still convinced yourself that you are not tired, at least when the issue is finally solved.
Speaking of which, both your mouth and your throat are getting dry but you're still terrified on getting up from the bed. You've become so thirsty that you got up from your bed and began to wake Grim up from his peaceful slumber.
"Grim.." you shook the furry feline. "Grim wake up.." The feline only muttered in slight annoyance. "I need some company, I'm too scared on coming back down." Grim muttered and flipped on the opposite side of the armchair. "Hnggg go bother Deuce and Ace on the other room, I'm tired (m/c)." He replied, dozing back to sleep and coming back to his dream of his.
You didn't want to bother both of your friends in the other room, plus you don't want those two to be teased you off as the chicken of the group, so you went downstairs alone, armed with a flashlight to light your way into the dark hallways of your dorm. Normally, you are used to the eeriness of your dorm. The small creaks produced by the floor as the wind howled outside of the locked windows of your dorm didn't even bothered you but due to the fact that an entity now watches you, you became a bit scared. Every twist and turns of your head whenever you heard something ominous from afar. From the creaks below the floor boards to the falling book from the bookshelf from the hallways.
Finally, you arrived at the kitchen and felt like the atmosphere was cold; the fridge wasn't even open yet and it felt like -5 degrees within your home. You took out a pitcher and a glass to drink and all of the sudden, you heard a whisper on the left side of your ear.
You've became startled, almost choking from the cold water you swallowed as you face the direction where the voice came from.
There's no one on your side.
You continuously drink the cold beverage when you felt something took a hold of your waist by both arms.
"So warm.... So soft...."
Out of fear, you dropped the glass, shattering it into bits of pieces and began sprinting back to your room. Your breathing quickens as you internally panic for your own safety. 'He's here!!' you mumbled to yourself. 'The ghost prince is here!!' You almost made it to your room but alas, your hand was almost cut off when the door suddenly closed in front of you locking it to prevent you from seeking protection from him.
"Darling..." It spoke, making you turn your head to face the entity. "Why are you running away from me? I just wanna see my darling dear's alright, especially when there's so many people tainting you of your innocence, a burden that needs to be obliterated like some kind of RPG monsters and I was doing my job on protecting the one person I cared and loved for." The entity stated. Your panic attack has gone of bad, you began shouting for your friends. "ACE!! DEUCE!! GRIM!! PLEASE WAKE UP!! I NEED SOME HELP!!" You shouted, pounding against the doors of the dark hallways of the dorm.
By luck, the three of them woke up from the sudden noise. "(m/c)?! What's going on-" The heartslabyul duo was about to open the door and that's when they noticed that the door was locked and closed tightly. "(m/c)?! Come on that's not funny, dude! Open the door!" Deuce spoke, ramming the door with his body in attempt to break it open. "I'm not Deuce!!" You also ram your body to the door to help them break it apart but alas, no luck.
The ghost prince watched in delight as the three of you pathetically ram each other's side of the door and sighed in pity. "There's no point in destroying that door, (m/c). If you keep on doing it, your HP's gonna decrease rapidly, especially when there a bruise forming on your elbow." You quickly stopped to see if the prince's claims were true. Rolling the sleeve of your pajama shirt, your eyes widen a bit from the surprise.
There's indeed a bruise on your elbow, it was swollen and a color of blue and violet begins to form underneath the tissue. But it doesn't stop you from helping getting your friends out from their trap. "So stubborn, so feisty as usual from my fiance." He spoke and his words makes you annoyed as he claims that you're his fiance. "I am NOT your damn fiance!! Open this door at once!!" You shouted, standing on your feet despite feeling yourself shaking from fear. The voice chuckled and every turn of your head, various objects are knocked out from it's place.
Tables are moved far from the corner, vases dropped into the floor and shattered into bits of pieces and the creaks of the floor boards has gotten worse as if many people are passing by you. "It's funny you could say that, my dear.." It replied. "You have no idea how much you drive me into the deep depths of jealousy. I hated the way those people whom you call your 'friends' glued by your side, their hands wrapped around your body and it pisses me off knowing that they touched something that belonged to me, and me alone." It sneered and many more items are thrown, either on the wall or on the floor.
"I thought that giving you that ring would make those people would stay away from you, to at least have common sense that the ring would symbolize the ghost prince's love and ownership of you but alas, I'm afraid that I wasn't that well known on your world." It sneered and it chuckled once again as he saw your figure, now sitting on the floor while your hand's still gripping on the door handle as the screaming of your friends kept on going.
"Look into the mirror, (m/c).."
You did what the entity told you and you couldn't stop yourself from shaking, your eyes began to widen in fear as you saw the creature's true form; wearing such clothes that reflected on the color of charcoal and ash, his face was pale as the blazing glow of his hair, tied in a ponytail, began to turn into blazing red from his anger. Finally, his bright yellow eyes that glows a bit from the darkness. His eyes glaring towards you but his smile says otherwise. His smile wasn't only showing his annoyance but something sinister's going to happen.
"I think it's time to wrap things up, my dear. Let's not wait for our marriage to go to waste, shall we?" You felt something that gripped both of your legs, ghostly hands forcefully dragging you away from the door as you screamed bloody murder for your friends. You felt your nails scrapping across the floor boards and your fingers began to calloused from the harsh friction of the wood. By the great seven, the door bursts open and you can see Deuce and Ace panting heavily. Their eyes widen as soon as they saw you being dragged away towards the mirror while you keep on screaming for help.
Deuce and Ace began to scramble on their feet and tries to take both of your hands, but the ghosts that accompanied the prince held them on their feet as they watched you helplessly. They will never forget the way your eyes internally screamed for their help and the last bit of your screams began to fade away, your body disappeared from the mirror bit by bit until you disappeared from their view. As soon as you're gone, the ghosts who also prevented your friends from rescuing you are released from their positions. Ace ran straight to the mirror and he viciously pounded the mirror, causing it to shatter bit by bit. Normally, Ace is the kind of friend whose chill during the ordeal but seeing you being kidnapped made his blood boil.
His fists are sore and bleeding from his strong punches as Deuce tries to stop him from landing the mirror another punch. "Ace, snap out of it! Punching the mirror won't to shit, especially when (m/c) was kidnapped by some ghosts!" Ace looked at his friend, breathing heavily, his hands are sore and bleeding from the sharp shards of the mirror. Hearing his friend's voice in an attempt to put a stop on his rampage calms him down a bit. He looked at Deuce with an angry yet vicious expression. "Gather Jack, Epel and the others. We have someone to rescue."
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It's been two days since you've been captive by the ghosts.
Since your capture, you've been nothing but a nuisance not only to the prince but also to his ghostly guards and servants who tried their best to get you dressed for this special occasion. You fought hard, struggling against the restraints of the ghosts while putting on the garment which can be describe as beautiful and pearl-like. Decorated with the most beautiful pearls and laces and to top it all off with a Vail that could leave a trail behind your dress/tuxedo.
Normally, you supposedly gonna rip out the outfit but seeing the guards burn your original clothes, you have no choice but to stay within this...horrible outfit. Despite it's elegance, you still hated the fact that you'll be forcefully married to their prince. You sat on the room, alone as tears continuously blink and stare towards the wall, tears still appearing on your face.
You tried escaping but the security within the area was quite difficult for someone who doesn't have magic, let alone for the others to rescue to you.
"My lady/lord," a servant spoke, opening the once locked door as they bowed down from your presence. "The ceremony's about to begin and his majesty's ready to tie the knot with you." You are about to speak out that you'll stay within the room you are confined in until two of the guards took you by your arm and dragged you away despite your protests to let you go. You screamed and kicked but to no avail.
Carrying the bouquet of black roses by your hands, your entire body still shook in fear as you marched down the isle. Seeing Idia with a lovesick stare is making you physically sick and each march of your feet feels like you are marching to your death. Upon seeing you, Idia fell for you even harder and seeing you in such outfit is making him breathless. Every sparkle and flow of the fabric makes him quite dizzy when he saw his beloved in a wedding outfit he prepared just for you.
"You look absolutely breathtaking, my love."
After all, it was a very special outfit indeed, because it was once belonged to his mother/father ever since they got wedded years ago.
You couldn't stop crying, even after you arrived at the alter as the ghost priest carries on with the ceremony. You couldn't feel such emotions anymore other than sadness and fear. You couldn't feel the touch the prince gave you as he held your hand for the entire duration of the wedding. Ortho can sense his brother's excitement and couldn't wait for have another sibling figure in his (undead) life.
And now, the moment you've feared the most is finally here.
"Prince Idia Shroud, will you take (m/c) (l/n) to your lawfully wedded spouse? To love, cherish and protect them for all eternity?"
Idia looks at you in awe but is disappointed when he saw your solemn expression, eyes gazing downwards as if you refuse to even look at him but nonetheless smiled softly and answered the ghost in front of them.
"I do."
"And you, Lady/Lord (m/c) (l/n), will you take his majesty Idia Shroud to your lawfully wedded husband? To love, cherish and to accept him as your one and only true love?"
Silence fills the entire building, your eyes are looking straight towards the door, waiting for your friends to rescue you. You hoped and hoped that at least one of your friends rescue you from the hell of a nightmare you're trapped in. You can feel Idia's patience began to wear off as he grips your hands tightly, his expression contorted from being soft to being pissed off in just a second.
You waited and waited but to no avail.
"I do..."
You breathe and sighed sadly as you finally succumb to this deadly fate. Idia smiled at your answer as he slides a second ring and holds your hands tenderly, his eyes looking awestruck at you. "Before I joined the couple together, sould anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony? Speak now or forever hold your peace."
"STOP THE WEDDING!" Epel shouted as the head of the guests turn to see who disrupted the royal wedding. From seeing your friends, a wide smile appeared on your face, shouting for your friends as thanks for rescuing you. On the other hand, the prince was beyond pissed off and angry, angry that his special day was beyond ruined, thank to those mere mortals. "We've come to make an objection that the prince forcefully married this poor human we call our friend!".
You are about to go down the isle when all of the sudden, Ortho stops you with a firm grip on your arm. His brother's hair began to shift to an angry, blazing red as the building shook on how angry their prince has felt. "How..." He spoke, arms shaking. "How DARE YOU DISRUPT MY WEDDING?! DID YOU KNOW THAT IT'S AN INSULT TO ME AND TO MY BELOVED ABOUT DISRUPTING OUR MOMENT?!"
"I'm not even your beloved nor I agree to be your spouse, let me go!" You said, struggling to be free from his brother's clutches but unfortunately, he didn't budge, not even one bit. "Your majesty!" Jack spoke. "Is there anything we could be to let our friend go? Like is there an object or an artifact we can offer to you?" The prince thought for a while then a sinister smirk formed on his face. "How about we play...a game?" Idia disappeared from their view, only to reappear right beside Ace, startling the poor student. "If you beat me in this simple game of mine, I'll let them go, return to their normal life while I return to the underworld without a spouse. Failure of answer and that resulted to (m/c) being my spouse and spend an eternity with me. Now then," He reached out his hand to seal the deal. "Do we have a deal and agree to my terms?"
The entire group contemplated for a while, making eye contact to you and seeing your distress still pushes them to accept the deal. "It's a deal then, prince." He smiled grimly as he began to walk pace by pace, shaking Deuce's hand and placing two of his hands behind his back. "Let's do a simple rock paper scissors with the score of 3. I'm curious to see what kind of tactics you guys up to..."
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Cold. The environment is cold and seems new to you. You couldn't help but to sink deeper into the soft mattress of the bed as the lingering smell of peppermint and lavenders invaded your senses, not to mention the gorgeous attire you put on and how light you felt throughout your whole body.
This is quite unusual.
You didn't remember putting on such an attire, not especially when you are asleep
Unless you are married to someone else.
All of the memories that happened came rushing back as you got up from the bed, checking the environment and the room you are confined in. Each and every corner of the room was dark, bits of cobwebs can be seen and the amount of light that shines within the room. You are flabbergasted to say the least.
You got up from the bed to inspect yourself. Still on the expensive and elegant attire when you notice something very unusual about your appearance as you lift you hands in front of your face. Your skin has turned into the color of sadness and ashes. You begin to panic, scrambling to search for a mirror to see what on earth has happened to you.
Upon finding the mirror and see yourself for the first time, a scream erupted from you as you saw your newfound appearance for the first time.
From your screams, Idia came rushing from the door alongside with his younger brother. He found you, caught you in just a second after you fell on your knees due to your shock. Tears streaming from your bluish grey-like skin, continuously wrapping your hands around your face to check if you are hallucinating or not.
It turns out you didn't.
"Sweetheart!!" The ghost prince exclaimed, carrying your body towards the bed after he caught you from the fall. "Don't stand just yet my love. You aren't used yet being a ghost."
"....A ghost?"
Idia nodded, kissing your head. "Yes sweetie, a ghost. We just got married, remember? Now we belong in each other's side, ruling alongside me in the underworld as my spouse." His younger brother jumped up and down from excitement and hugged the both of you. "You look really good as a ghost, (m/c) san and I do hope that we got the time to spend some time together as my (in-law) sibling!" You on the other hand, still stiff as a wooden board, is still processing on what happened.
And you remembered it all, all the memories you remembered in the living realm before your life was taken by him.
"You cheating prick!! I didn't know you have the ability to read people's minds!!" Idia chuckled, gripping you closer towards him while the guards took them away from the two of you. "The rules didn't specify that I could use such powers to win the game? Remember?" Deuce can feel his delinquent sona began to resurface, his anger and wrath basically wrapped him like a blanket, knowing that the prince cheated from his own game.
"Now that I win the game," Idia turns to face you. "It's time for me to claim the price." His face has gotten closer and closer towards your own. You felt his excitement from his breathing alone and from the smirk he had on his face. "You may now kiss your spouse.."
"(M/C) NOOO!!"
The ghost prince kissed you in front of your friends and felt cold all of the sudden. You whispered Deuce's name for the last time, tumbling down downwards, finally closing your eyes as the beating of your heart took it's last beat before you died within their sight.
Their screams of sadness and anguish filled the entire building. Their feelings of agony and pain had turned into pure wrath. They failed to save their only friend and began to felt the guilt that they could do so much better for you. Idia reached down to your lifeless body and picked up your spirit from your physical form, carrying you in bridal style, smiling lovingly at your sleeping form. He kissed your lips for a second time before he left your body for the others to bury it.
"The kingdom awaits for you, my love. Rest well, for when you wake up, we have lots and lots of adjustment to amend to."
"Y-you..." At this point, your eyes are blown out, pushing Idia and his younger brother away from you.
"You killed me.."
"Sweetie, listen to me-"
"Dragging me here into the deep depths of this....hellish hole, stuck with you two for all eternity...."
"This is the only way for the two of us to be together!"
"And thinking that I'll be accepting with this new life of mine just because I've married and becoming a ghost like you. You are sick to think that I'll accept you as my husband!"
You became quiet from the sudden outburst. Idia heaved heavily from his sudden burst of anger. Ortho came by his side to console his older brother.
"I-I am so sorry love, it's just that I've been lonely for quite sometime and seeing you for the first time is like being alive again. Can you at least open your heart a bit for us? Your newfound family?"
You scoffed and turned away from him.
"Well too bad, you will endure this kind of suffering. As long I'm married to you, I'm be making your lives a miserable one."
He just kept quiet. His eyes kept on looking at you as if he was a kicked puppy. "(m/c) I-" You swatted your hand away. "Go away and leave me alone." Ortho then tried to hug you but you just glared at the poor teenager, sending him off towards the door as tears began to appear on his face. Idia then followed pursuit, gripping the doorknob and kept on staring at you. Once again, your eyes gave a sharp and angry look towards him.
Before he left, he gave you one finale talk before he makes arrangements for your next garments to the dinner party his parents planned for welcoming you to the royal family (God forbid on how he hated attending this kind of event). "Since you're married to me, your last name is now changed into Shroud. I love you and I'll do my best to win your heart like the time I've gave you that ring back in the living realm."
You stared at the ring, still encased on your ring finger as the faint blue light still illuminated on your arm. "As if I'll ever accept you and your sick family. I hate you, I HATE YOU AND THIS HORRID PLACE!"
He sighed, closing the door behind you and locks it. He can still hear your screams of anger and paranoia from the shared bedroom, breaking his heart a bit. Down the hallway, his younger brother is waiting for him, giving him a small pat on his shoulder. "Not to fret, brother. They'll come around soon and realized that being one of us isn't bad." Idia gave him a small smile. "I hope so, Ortho. I do hope so."
And it looks like your entire life is doomed, all because you accepted the ring that could lead to the ultimatum of your once deadly fate;
To be the prince's lover and spouse.
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Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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Gary "Roach" Sanderson headcanons
Warnings: None
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Gary is a fairly positive person, especially when he is around his teammates.
Likes to play pranks on everyone, especially Ghost.
Encourages therapy, even though Price had to trick him into seeing a therapist.
Odd sense of humor
On the spectrum
Slow games piss him off
Gets so focused on missions, he needs 2-3 days in order to get back in routine.
Physical touch love language. Very touchy with people he feels close to.
Is into gift giving and loves giving stuff he finds, or creates, to people.
If you let him talk, he will TALK. I mean, 3-8 hours will be spent of you listening to his current hyperfixations, or interests.
Mind is sometimes faster than his speech. He might stop for a minute, reboot and get back to talking.
Definitely a jokester. Will crack a joke in an uncomfortable moment.
Places small weird figurines in newbies rooms to freak them out. Thus said, he also hides in between the walls, or vents and make weird sounds - creeping the hell out of everyone. (He may or may not have recorded the reactions and would have uploaded them, if Price haven't caught him.)
Teaches recruits about vines simultaneously while teaching them old survival techniques.
CHAOTIC all around.
Tea party someone? Bonnets are involved. (If you lack a bonnet, it will be provided for you!)
Loves "baby" Soap (the sergeant). Shares lip-balm and with and ONLY him. Nobody knows why~
Eats Kinder eggs in front of Graves while maintaining an INTENSE eye contact with him, to assert dominance.
Good with the violin. Heard Gaz sing in the showers one time and assisted him with his instrument. Yes...while in the shower.
Duo with Gaz in an Las Almas local bar. Brough both Ale and Rudy to tears.
Has a major in History.
Walks around base with a wing shaped backpack and antennas.
Has a small cottage in a rural area, which only few people know about.
Loves writing and sending letters. Makes his own wax seal stamps.
Can crochet and is obsessed with cottage-core everything.
Is obsessed with planning stuff out and mapping tasks in his notebook, with highlighters.
Has a sweet tooth; drinks his tea with lots of sugar.
Has an expensive coffee taste. Prefer drinking coffee from small barista shops.
Favorite tv character: Jake Peralta from b99.
Loves horror, fantasy and sci-fi movies. Talks too much through them, or get engrossed to the point he forgets to move for the duration of the movie.
As a boyfriend/spouse:
Attentive boyfriend.
Will give you a gifts just because.
Loves talking about everything.
He will ask if you want to visit his cottage with him, but if you are not into this, he will not force it upon you. It will stay his own secluded hideout.
But, if you are into the cottage, especially cottage life, oh boy, Roach is all in. He will be over the moon and insist you move in there as soon as possible.
Be sure that his team knows about you, before you even meet them. Roach is constantly babbling about you to whoever listens.
He will text and call you whenever he can, needing to hear your voice.
He is on the fence when it comes to children. Can have, but not particularly interested.
Tries to cook for you, fails miserably, or get anxious when the food take a long time to cook. Cooking is just not his thing. Thus being said, he still cooks easy fast meals, he knows he will not f*ck up.
Prefers canning and preserving stuff instead.
Loves picnic and coffee dates.
Doesn't smoke, unless he has a nightmare, is anxious, or a night out - drinking. If you smoke, its okay, he won't judge or exclude you. Will steal and bring you a cigar from Price, if you smoke cigars. But shh... don't tell the captain.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
emperor and spouse overhear clown!reader, and assassin talking about a future together, like marriage, having or adopting kids, moving away or just out of the castle, etc,,?
"This place seems good right? Enough space for all all my pins and dolls, and a lake in the backyard where we can have picnics." A hand squeezes your palm. "Don't worry, there's enough room for all your knives.
Another squeeze. You shake your head, bells sewn into your hat ringing. "No you can't dump bodies in the lake. What if we want to go swimming?"
.... Their hand tightens once more, softer this time. You hook an arm around the assassin, smiling as you dip your head to their shoulder.
"I love you too."
Content with your current arrangement, the assassin leans against the garden wall; happiness grounded in the tiny peck you give their masked face. Your relationship hasn't even gone by a year, but the love you bare is tangible by all and growth as a pair unmeasured. A growth so prominent you've outgrown your days behind the castle walls and ready for the next chapter of your life spent with your beloved in a home of your own.
"I know you aren't fond of children, but how about pets."
The assassin holds up two fingers, flexing them.
"Hmmm, a rabbit?" A nod confirms your query. "How cute! We can have a whole farm. Do you think fur safe paint exists?"
You babble on with your partner, at least one of you unaware of the two hiding across the field. The emperor hides behind the entrance wall with his spouse close behind. They claimed to just be passing by, but the broken glass on the floor told another tale. The emperor was unable to bottle up his anger as easily, and spat hush curses at your love, and all the other twists of fate that led to this tragic timeline.
Being promised to someone else so early in life. That someone hiring a mercenary to take your head out of jealousy, only for both parties to fall for you along the way. His failure to get rid of them. What could he have possibly done in a past life for this to happen to him? He may not have been a fair ruler, but all of his actions went towards building a perfect life for you - and now the structure of those dreams was being ripped away.
"What we have so far is good, but we'll still need to figure out how often I'll be coming back to the castle. I can't leave my best friend all alone here, or somebody'll lose their head."
The assassin's body stiffens as the emperor's fills with new vigor. It was a small victory, but still an achievement in most books. It warmed his heart to know you'd always be by his side, even if not in the way he wants. Who knows? This is only talk afterall. He could probably get in your ear and find some reason to get you to stay. Possibly in the form of your lover's tragic demise.
The assassin's grip on you makes it clear they aren't letting you go anytime soon. A truth not even death could spoil.
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silkenedstars · 3 months
Within the Darkness, He Lurks
He found you.
₊✦Genshin Impact | Faceless Ayato x gn!reader | Yandere content up ahead!!✦₊
Additional Notes: Sorry guys I couldn't help myself, he's so Something Truly Evil coded to me 🥺 Also he's my babygirl
Art by @yuri678, go check her out rn!!
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He liked to visit you at night, as often as possible and with no one else around that could save you from him.
As soon as the clock struck midnight, he'd be by your window; staring deep into your soul with his piercing gaze until you noticed him. How he treated you after depended on how fast you managed to open the window and greet him like a spouse welcoming their husband home after a hard day at work.
If you were quick about it, if you watched your windows like a hawk until you saw him stare back at you then ran into his arms like an obedient little darling, he'd treat you with the same amount of gentleness as the man he was imitating.
He'd coo, whispering sweet little nothings into your ear as he took you into his arms. He liked to hold you, he liked to bring the back of your hand to his non-existent lips and place a gentle kiss upon it, leaving behind a splocth of darkness. He liked to force himself into your room, sit on your bed and settle you right on his lap; asking sweetly about how your day went, yet he wouldn't bother to hide the threat in his voice. If you ever told him that your day went well, he'd kiss your forehead then disappear back into the darkness he came from. The following night was always followed by nightmares, and the day haunted by misfortune upon misfortune.
He didn't like it when you were happy. He didn't like it when you didn't cry.
Unfortunately, you weren't always so quick to greet him. Sometimes it just wasn't possible, not for a human like you. But he didn't care.
What followed was always a scene straight out of your nightmares.
The creatures that once sang during the lonely night would disappear together with everything else, leading the world to quiet down and leave you all alone with him as darkness soon swallowed your surroundings. The windows would shatter one by one, the glasses flying in every direction and especially in yours, leaving you no other choice but to run out of your room lest you wanted to get very severe cuts. The hallways would twist and lengthen, becoming more distorted with every step you took to get away and find an exit only for there to be none.
He didn't like it when you got away from him, after all.
Before long, you'd always find yourself in the bathroom; the door disappearing out of sight the moment you step in and the mirrors shattering one by one as his reflection passed through them oh so slowly. Not once would he speak during that entire time, leaving you with just the sadistic glimmer in his soulless eyes.
He'd slowly approach you then, basking in the way you'd stand there helplessly; enjoying how he taught you to be completely helpless at his hands. He'd take hold of your trembling wrists and pull you close before whispering malicious little commands in your ear.
"Cry for me," he'd whisper, cruelly watching as tears start pouring down your cheeks.
"Bleed for me," he'd coo, placing a blade in your hand before guiding it across your skin.
"Die for me."
You'd wake up then, with tears in your eyes and dried blood covering old scarred tissue, ones that used to be fresh just yesterday.
Each time, without fail, your beloved husband would enter the room. With worry etched into his expression, he'd pull his lips up into a reassuring smile as his lavender eyes would look down at you with a kindness so genuine that a being like him wouldn't possibly be able to imitate.
"I heard you screaming," Ayato would begin, barely able to mask his worry for your well-being, especially at times when you failed to cover the scars littering your body, "Are you alright? Would you like me to stay with you for now? I can clear up my schedule tonight as well, so long as you need me to do so."
As much as you wanted to say yes, that you needed him to stay with you badly...
"I'm fine, really," you'd reluctantly answer with a hesitant smile each time. "Just a nightmare, that's all."
You couldn't drag him into this mess, not when you experienced first hand how he treated his victims who sought help. Not when you didn't want Ayato to go through the same hell that you experienced daily.
Not when you could see his reflection staring right at you in your beloved's eyes.
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Forbidden Romance
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author.
Author's note: Dear readers, I would like to talk to you. Are you enjoying the fanfiction? Are you rooting for Steve or Thor?I hope you are enjoying the story and I would like to make it clear that the characters in the fanfiction do not align with those seen in the Marvel movies. It is a fanfiction set in an alternate universe, in case anyone gets confused. Thank you to everyone who follows the fic, and I hope you engage with it. See you in the next update.
chapter eleven chapter thirteen
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Chapter Twelve
The return to Asgard is smooth. Wanda informed me that if I wanted extra help to determine which child is the legitimate heir and which one isn't. So, along the way back, you find yourself imagining how it will be to tell Thor. Your heart torn between choosing how to tell your husband that, according to Princess Wanda, you'll have two children and one of them isn't his. It seems so absurd. Almost as absurd as being the Queen of an entire realm and still being forced to walk in hiding so as not to alarm your own people. As soon as you enter the Palace of Asgard, your first step is to take a long bath.
"I didn't know you were back already," Thor says, entering your shared room. You look at him as you finish getting ready. You meet his eyes and sigh. The conversation ahead won't be easy.
"It was intentional. I needed to think about how to tell you how things went," you say, approaching your husband. He seems tense, which is unusual.
"Is the Maximoff Kingdom not going to ally with Asgard? Is that the bad news?" Thor asks nervously, and you think it would be better if that were the news.
"No, the Maximoffs will be our allies in this senseless situation. But Wanda revealed something to me yesterday. I won't beat around the bush to tell you. According to her, we will be parents soon. Which would be great news. Unless we were going to war, making my pregnancy a torment for our enemies. Not to mention, according to Wanda, I will have two children but you will only be the father of one of them." You say it all somewhat hurriedly, as if you didn't want to give Thor time to think about what was being said. He looks shocked, as if he doesn't understand what you mean, until he seems to have an epiphany.
"On the day I informed you that my father was ill, you and Steve were together. Even so, it doesn't seem to make sense to me. I'm not even sure if that's possible. Is Maximoff sure of what she told you?" Thor asks in a serious tone, his expression changing significantly from confusion.
"She gave me her word. Another important thing to mention is that Steve was there with me. We were both discreet, but it's possible that he knows about my situation. I'll go ahead and say that he wasn't there because of me. He went to ask for Wanda's hand in marriage. However, she chose to remain loyal to our kingdom," you say in a dry tone, watching your husband's expression turn to anger.
"It seems like your little boyfriend isn't satisfied with just you anymore. Which is not surprising. What do you plan to do about his child?" Thor asks in his rudest tone, scrutinizing you as if expecting a serious answer to his absurd question.
"Let me clarify a few things for you. Firstly, Steve isn't dissatisfied with me; he just thinks it's better to be married during a war than to go into it without a spouse. And his child is my child. So, I expect to give birth to my child, along with his brother, and I hope my husband accepts that. Otherwise, I'll move to plan B. And believe me, my love, you won't want that." Your threatening tone is accompanied by a mischievous laugh, implying, "Try to mess with me and see what happens." But the truth is, protecting your children will become your main objective.
"What would plan B entail, exactly?" Thor asks, getting closer to you as you look at him defiantly. Poor guy, he thought he was marrying a wife who wouldn't challenge him, but he was very wrong.
"A poor Queen, forced to manipulate the death of her husband; so that King Steve can come up with the brilliant idea of making peace with Asgard by offering to take care of the children of the deceased King and the wife he abandoned. Don't even worry, I know who I would frame for your demise. It would be epic. Basically what your father did when he adopted Loki, but much more effective." You no longer care if you will irritate him or not. You hope he gets the message.
"All this for a bastard?" He asks, looking you in the eyes, and you become furious. To think that if this idiot had let you and Steve get married, you would be living a dream right now.
"Bastard or not, he's my son. What really matters here is whether you'll be able to live with the consequences of your actions. It was your decision to marry me even against my will. My advice is for you to swallow your pride and accept these children. My hope is that you become a more supportive husband. But my will is to move on to plan B. Pray that I hold back my will. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go to a room without your presence. Don't you dare follow me." You speak, leaving your shared room before you lose control and confront Thor.
"This will ruin our marriage, and you know it," Thor says, holding your arm to prevent you from leaving the room. You look at him angrily and make him release your arm.
"Dear husband, our marriage is already ruined. However, your actions are going to bring about the ruin of your kingdom and your family. I hope you're aware of that," you say before leaving, leaving behind a speechless and almost reactionless Thor.
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So i got a plot bunny from @strawberrystepmom or she helped me spawn one. This is angst with comfort at the end. Spoilers for the jjk manga and the end of season 2 i'm sure. I felt absolutely possessed writing this. The most rabid plot bunny possible.
Satoru Gojo x Gn!reader
Things we should have said
It was so stupid, so fucking stupid, and worst still you can't even remember why the two of you had argued. You were both just stressed by what was about to happen in shibuya that something small boiled over. You did something so stupid. You'd probably be saying that to yourself for the rest of your life no matter how long or short it ended up being, though probably shorter at the rate the world was going to shit.
Satoru had told you he loved you before parting ways for the mission and you'd ignored him, all you did was wave with your back turned. And now? Now you have to live with the fact that you may never be able to tell him you love him back, that you're sorry that such an insignificant argument led to you holding onto your love instead of giving it freely to him as he had you.
The circumstances only made it worse. Among all the death and carnage of the incident you'd learned from Mei Mei that some bastard had taken over Suguru's body and was the one to seal Satoru away. Some evil bastard wearing the face of one the people most precious to Satoru who was supposed to be dead. Killed by Satoru himself and he'd had to deal with that alone. So much guilt crushing down on you, making you want to fall to your knees, cry and scream and give up.
But you don't give up. You're still needed. Needed more than ever with him gone. You were so close to him, his spouse, which means without much thought a lot of people turned to you in their search for someone to lean on. It was a burden you took without complaint because you wanted to protect what was precious to your beloved. You wanted him to have something to come back to. Shoko was the only person you let see you crack even just a little. She was also one of the few people who kept using your name instead switching over to Gojo, You think most people started doing that to grasp at the comfort of having a Gojo to turn to. She hated seeing you become a shadow of yourself though, and hated more that you were suddenly trying to shoulder it all alone.
"Don't do what he did, ___, don't do what they both did. You're not alone so don't shut me out," She said to you while angrily stubbing out her cigarette. So you let yourself break just a little, crying into her shoulder and once you'd finished she helped you fix that determined look back on your face that was needed for your students and everyone else who'd decided to look to you for guidance.
The silence was deafening at what supposed to be the unsealing. Your heart in your throat and then nothing. Absolutely nothing. You grit your teeth trying your damnedest to not break in front of everyone. "I have to go," you speak lowly to Shoko.
"___, wait-"
But you're already gone.
You're curled up in your lonely bed, hugging one of his old shirts that you'd taken from the hamper before going into hiding with all of his other supporters. It doesn't smell as much like him now and you wonder dejectedly how long until this scrap of him will be gone too.
You're so lost in your emotions, your face buried in his shirt that you barely register someone entering the room. "Go away, I don't want to be around anyone right now," you croak.
A dry laugh, "Now is that anyway to greet your husband after 19 days? Or are you still mad at-"
As soon as that laugh had passed by your ears, as soon as he began speaking you're sitting bolt upright in the bed, the old shirt falling from your hands and before he can even finish speaking you're diving from the bed and straight into his chest, drawing a small grunt from him even as his arms come up to wrap around you.
"You're really back, you're really really here." Your voice is hoarse and your eyes are burning with the threat of fresh tears. "Satoru I'm so sorry i-"
"Shhhshhh, hey it's okay, I know" One of his hands leaves your waist to tilt your head up toward him.
"I-it's not okay though! I shouldn't have walked away on that god forsaken mission without telling you i love you. And god.... Satoru I love you so much. I've missed you so much." And tears are pouring down your face and you're sniffling and his face blurs so you furiously wipe at your eyes afraid he won't still be there when your vision returns.
Suddenly you find yourself being lifted followed by being crushed into the mattress by him. His weight anchoring you back to reality. He's here, he's okay. His slightly chapped lips press to your forehead, down the bridge of your nose, the apples of your cheeks and finally your lips. You can taste your own tears but more importantly you can taste him. All your senses are filled by him him him.
It takes several minutes but you calm down. Your positions changed once he'd felt like your were grounded and now your head rests over his heart while he sits against the head board. You look so small curled up on his lap like this.
"I am sorry you know.."
"And I hope you know I forgive you, i wasn't ever mad at you for it," his voice rumbles through his chest, soothing parts of your soul that you felt would never be right again.
"You'd have every right to be if you were. I know better than to see a fellow sorcerer let alone my husband off on a mission like that without letting them know they're cared for." You shift on his lap, turning so that you're able to cup his face in your hands.
"Live and learn," he replies, letting you trace his features, a barest hint of one his grins.
"Lucky to have lived and gotten the chance to learn." You relent though. You weren't going to make it seem like you desired his anger, even if a small part of you felt it was deserved. That wouldn't be fair to Satoru who clearly was just glad to be here with you. So you lean up and kiss him, kiss him until you're breathless and feel as if you've poured all your love into him and he does the same.
It doesn't go beyond that though, you're both drained and you're weak with relief. He tosses the old shirt from the bed and raises a brow at you as slides you both into a laying position. You give a half shrug. "It uh...it smelled like you so i.." You feel bashful suddenly and he brushes your hair from your face.
Even in the dark room and fully clothed you feel bare before him as he studies your face. "To be fair if I'd somehow known what was going to happen I would have taken something of yours with me. I spent a lot of my time in there thinking about you, wondering if you were safe." he pauses seeming to consider his words, "I talked to Shoko before coming here. She said you took on a lot while I was gone." He pulls your face to his chest and rests his chin on your head. "I'm proud of you for that. Proud of you being there for everyone even if I wish you hadn't needed to. I won't ever let you be forced into a position like that again if i have any say in it." He feels your tears soaking into the collar of his shirt more than anything else. He doesn't bring attention to it though, instead simply strokes a hand over your hair.
"I love you, ___"
"I love you too, Satoru."
@nanamikentoseyebags @gojoest
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zecretsanta · 9 months
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to: @goggles-girl
from: @mortellanarts
prompt: A reunion of Aoi and Akane post-ZTD good end
Extra gift!!! Didn’t feel right to have this as the main one because it’s a scene I was already working on for my own fic but I did make you a doodle (with outdated dialogue because I edit sentences. a lot) But yeah I love them here you go enjoy the sneak peek ^•^
The first thing Akane intended to do, as soon as Carlos put down the gun, was head to the intercom. The only reason she doesn’t head there right away is because Junpei had been more concerned about going to them instead, checking the body, then checking the chamber of the weapon to be, thankfully, devoid of any more bullets. He was still very adamant about keeping it on him, though. Understandable bit of paranoia, which… she might have had a hand in embedding into him just a tiny bit… she’s glad to let him have it over anyone else here at the moment, so it’s fine.
Diana had actually gotten up there first, with Sigma in tow now permanently glued at her side, but she made the nurse hand the radio to her almost as soon as there was any reception. The excuse of her being better spoken was there for decor, no real effort into hiding her intention was going into it and she thinks Sigma can tell, not that he appreciates the tone she just took with his… partner? Crush? Spouse? Whatever their relationship status, all Akane could give a solid thought to at the moment was structuring her sentences on the radio just the way she had arranged with her brother. 
Feign a regular distress call while using just the right words of code that he’ll recognize while listening in on the monitored connection, and he’ll know to intervene and locate the source of the radio signal and send a team to pick her up, like they agreed, and he’ll be here and he’ll get her out–
Before she knows it the talking is done.
The little bit of palpable anxiety that she felt start to dread up her neck vanishes as soon as she gets the last word in, certain that Aoi picked up the signal. Now it’s back to regular anxiety that she can easily shove down in order to not display any weakness. 
Easier than breathing at the moment, practically second nature. 
Turns out they’re still subconsciously dividing themselves into teams, more or less. Mira, Eric and the kid were the first to break from the group, off to the side of the building, at first trying to find cover from the sun themselves and then for Gab’s sake. Surprisingly, Phi had then joined them, uncomfortably sneaking past her own team and sitting down petting the old fluff ball as if he were a therapy dog.
Most urgency they might have had seemed to evaporate along with the dry air outside the facility. Any normal metabolism would burn out from a shock as sudden and drastic as having their already sufficiently overwhelmed consciousness jammed into versions of their bodies with absolutely no time to anticipate. And that’s regardless of any training one could possibly have undergone, a burst of adrenaline like this is bound to mess you up eventually no matter who you are. 
What a ragtag assortment of people… Sure, they all agreed to work together now to save the world and everything, but she’s pretty much the only one here who knows the kind of work that implies. At least everyone seems equally and utterly fatigued. It is great news, as long as this provenly volatile mix of personalities doesn’t have any more energy to cause friction or implode in on itself, she’ll manage. 
The only thing that is not ideal about that is how she’s included. God, she’s at her wits end. She’s resorted to counting the seconds until Aoi gets here to keep herself awake. 
She is, afterall, oh so fond of this place. And this environment. And, best of all, the temperature. It was only the air conditioning that made the coming and going from building Q even marginally bearable. Even in winter this dress is far too heavy and warm- god– okay, where did Jumpy wander off to?
Having since joined the growing line of people forming under the sparse shade around the perimeter of the building, roughly 18 minutes pass of her trying to ground herself by indulging in conversation with Junpei. Who… didn’t seem to have wound down as much as the others himself. There’s a topic to disarm him though, sheepishly talk and tease about the ring she knows to be in his pocket, though he doesn’t want to bring it back out again just yet. Come to think of it, wasn’t one of the other couples talking about marriage proposals at the start of the week…? Weddings weren’t on her list of subjects she expected out of this venture.
Carlos is there too. She has to teach herself to be civil with him if only out of respect for the fact he never did anything to her out of truly bad intentions, even with ample room to do so. Not that she’s fond of people getting in the way out of sheer ignorance either. But, she has to know to cut her losses, and there are certainly good qualities there she could see as very useful to have on her side still.
Then, finally, the cars arrive. She’s already dusting herself off as soon as they come to a stop and of course a bed of white hair poking out of the door is the first thing she sees. Rushing out, he pulls her into a hug so quickly that she’s still piecing together the look on his face as her head rests under his chin. Considering everyone that is still here to see the scene, it’s a bit… much. But she knows she has to let him have this second of comfort. Besides, it’s not like she herself doesn’t feel overwhelmed and grateful for it too, a safe embrace after nearly a full day’s worth of torment. As always, she hides it better, but she clings on just as tight. 
“Are you going to tell me what that silence was all about?” When he pulls away just enough so they can look at each other to talk, still gripping her by the shoulders and leaning down a bit, she can tell he didn’t even touch up his hair and, even more telling, had left the house without concealing his eyebags.
“At some point, yes.”
They agreed on several times for daily check-ins. Nothing complex, literally any thought she could easily send his way counted. How many of those did she miss in this timeline? What time is it? What date- Not that- it isn’t hard to believe he’d be worried sick over just one. It’s Aoi she’s talking about, afterall. 
And she’s so relieved to talk to him.
“Ok. Are you okay?”
“I'm–!” For a second she sounded so enthusiastic she almost uttered the word, mouthing it but not quite following through the rehearsed motion. Hearing the affirmation crack under her own voice hurt more than expected, but still she cleared her throat and cheered. “–We all made it this once. No one’s, to my knowledge, currently in any need of urgent care… Oh! Right, ehrm… hehe, although we do need to clean up a little mess…”
The little twinkle in her eyes isn’t coming back anytime soon, but she’s trying her best not to falter, to keep the mood from dwindling. 
“This- once– yeah- cool, cool, cool–okay… Okay.” The more her choice of words sinks in the more he feels like he dodged a bullet, the more he has to redirect his thoughts elsewhere. “Do I have to know? And what kind of mess are we talking about here?”
She coos as if she doesn’t get what he means immediately.
“Oh-! I don't… I suppose not everything would be relevant for you to know right away, no.”
“Good then.” He places a kiss on her forehead. Priorities. Right now he has to keep focused and match her attempt at levity until further instructions, that’s all.
The near heart attack he had during the time nothing they tried could establish contact was enough of letting his imagination run amok with worst case scenarios. Plus, popping up somewhere completely different in this desert had its own implications, he knew that. 
His tone is still too shaky to really sound like a joke. 
“Please don’t do the details yet then, alright sis? Beg of you.”
Not only does she look a little dejected by that but the way she looks over to the other people with her leaves an anxious unspoken weight on both their minds. For a second, her breathing goes uneven and she looks like she’s keeping herself from crying.
Not that one could tell just hearing her voice. 
“Well, I beg of you to tell me if the air conditioner on these cars was running and if I can sit down without-”
“Fuck, of course, lemme just-” 
Even though the desert air pouring into the vehicle as they speak isn’t ideal, the cool interior is just enough relief that she needed to get her bearings back. Aoi quickly pulls some water bottles from somewhere between the seats too.
Then she nods and takes a sip before speaking again. Gesturing more energetically, more theatrically. 
And the weight is gone.
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botanical-babes · 5 months
I was groomed into godspousery. During my time as a follower of L/oki I was groomed by Him and by His followers, and I still have nowhere to process the trauma because, at least when I was in the community, nobody took this shit seriously. Any and all abuse from a god MUST be a "nefarious trickster spirit" (ignoring what L/oki is literally known for) and could not possibly be a problem with the Actual God. And the groomers hide in the community really well tbh. Im not sure who it is these days, but Nornoriel Lokason (who has since been called out), and another Lokean who used to go by Julien and had an ongoing inappropriate relationship with me well until I turned 18, were both pretty active and popular during my time in the community. And in my own personal life, someone else found even worse ways to groom me using L/oki and my affection for Him.
Ive heard of others being put into similar positions by L/oki as well, to spouse as soon as they turned 18, being pressured into sealing it with a tattoo, ultimately being used and hurt. Everyone would always say "Loki never lets you lie to yourself!" and while this was absolutely not fucking true for me, He also sure as shit let *everyone around me* lie to me for the entire duration of our relationship. If someone was manipulating me to believe lies about Him, why did He never step in and make me realize otherwise? He has done some wild shit to make Himself known, and He could have made some shit clearer, faster. I feel like entire relationships of mine were manipulated to His benefit.
And if I talk about it openly, Im likely to get called crazy, or else told that it couldnt possibly have happened like I experienced it. But I cant be the only person -- I KNOW im not! And Im throwing this here because its making me sick to keep inside and I need to know that someone hears me.
This isnt me disparaging anyone who follows Him now. I just want my experience heard and not dismissed because of others' good experiences thank you.
EDIT. Im not mistaken or the victim of "spiritual psychosis" (as an actual schizophrenic I have Issues with this concept as a whole) or a lack of discernment. I can just have had a violent experience with your god and His human consorts and followers. I DID get the discernment lessons, we DID get the warnings about how to spot predators, I was a pagan for a long time. I believed the whole "if you have a bad experience its probably not them" shtick until I looked back as an adult with much distance from that trauma and realized what happened to me.
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sunstaar · 2 years
hc: Kakashi as the parent of a newborn
Word Count: 0,7k
after spending over a month in my writer's block, here is a little headcanon !
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you cannot convince me otherwise that Kakashi would be the type of dad to cry when his child is born
would he do his absolute best to hide the tears? yes, without a doubt, but at the same time, he would also fail miserably, not even his mask can help him with that
his little pup is born and he is now a father of one, not exactly his plan but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t love his child unconditionally
before becoming the Hokage, I wouldn’t exactly say that the Copy Cat Shinobi of all people is rather to become a father, to parent a child
up until the war, he has a lot of his own trauma to deal with and too many unclosed chapters of his life before he is mentally ready to take care of another human being, one that relies on him
after becoming Hokage he might not be totally ready, but more so before
the pregnancy of his significant other does come with a lot of doubts
was he ready to be a father? would he be a good father?
no matter how often his significant other would be there to comfort him and dispel his doubts, he would continue thinking of himself in a bad light, worried that he would be the one to ‘ruin’ his child
the birth of his child comes with a lot of fears
there is always this persistent fear of losing his significant other in childbirth, a fate similar to that of his mother
Kakashi is not entirely ready to be a father, and even less prepared to be a single father of all things
he would be the type of spouse to be there for his significant other all throughout the birth of their child, who would stand by their side throughout every minute of pain, complying with all wishes
and then the child is born, and his whole world turns upside down
as soon as he lays eyes upon his first-born, all doubts in his mind dispel as though they were never even there in the first place
its like he has been bestowed with the greatest gift of all by kami, he cannot believe it
underneath his mask, Kakashi would wear a smile he only ever wore with his significant other and dearest friends around, one that made the muscles in his cheeks hurt
not even Icha Icha of all things can compare to this feeling
despite all of the indescribably joy he is experience, he would be the type of freshly-baked father to be hesitant to hold his child, his very own bundle of joy
it would take some time and a lot of convincing from his significant other to have him pick-up his child and cradle them in his arms
it is like natural instincts he never knew he had were kicking in, his heart swelling as he held his small child close to his chest, their tiny fist grabbing onto the material of his shirt
the feeling was incomparable to any other, nothing like he ever experienced before
the joys of becoming a father were quickly getting to him
while he was no natural at everything, Kakashi would be the type of father to read up on everything he could, even if that meant reading every single parenting book the library of Konoha had to offer
and when I say everything, I mean everything
nothing was going to stop this man from giving his child the world and more
from the very first moment he set his eyes on his child, to everyday he got to see them growing up, Kakashi was determined to give his child the best childhood they could have, as carefree, fun and loving as possible, no matter what that would take
he wouldn’t allow for his child to live the life he had to live, not in a million years he would allow for that to happen
raising a child comes with a lot of hurdles and challenges, and even though he would be afraid of not overcoming them, he would manage so time and time again
his child is his everything to him, as is his significant other, no doubt there
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keepthisholykiss · 2 years
just saw the coolest hamlet production of my LIFE so i am going to tell everyone about it please lend me your ears the following rant will be incoherent and unedited but idc just listen to this shit
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Okay so this production was by Patch Productions Theatre and was directed and produced by Atticus Belmonte who also played Gertrude. The cast was 8 people and it was immersive, meaning we could follow specific characters throughout the theatre and see scenes of our choosing depending on who we followed.
Initially my partner and I followed Hamlet, naturally, but soon we found ourselves running up and down spiral staircases, dashing behind the main stage, and hiding in corners of rooms to listen to as much as possible.
This production offered unique scenes featuring all the characters, building off the theory of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead and focusing on what it means to be each character in this story. At times Ophelia could be found singing, sobbing, and popping one too many pills alone in a room. Other times Claudius and Gertrude may be whispering in a corner. Laertes sat alone on a couch playing with a musical doll and reciting advice from Polonius. The play utilized music like that of Regina Spektor and poetry from Sylvia Plath.
We found ourselves gravitating to Ophelia specifically over and over again as this character study and performance was so amazing. Ophelia tragically overdoses while a projection of Dolly Parton’s rendition of I Will Always Love You plays overtop. The song glitches at the moment of Ophelia’s death and returns to a steady video as Gertrude finds her body.
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The setting of immersive theatre allows for the feeling of being included in intimate moments and peeks behind the curtain but this particular production took every emotion of Hamlet and forced it in your face all at once. The utilization of drag performance and styling also gave a particularly poignant note to how queerness can exist within this same context.
One of the most amazing moments for me was slipping into a room to watch Ophelia lament over Polonius’ death only to hear Hamlet in the hall behind us giving the “now might I do it” speech. The scenes were rearranged in a perfect adaptation which brought forward so many new ways to enjoy a play I have studied on-end.
None of this summary is cohesive I’m sure as this play absolutely fried my brain. But long story short I loved it and I hope everyone alive can experience a similar Hamlet in their own time. Currently my spouse and I are in a years-long journey to adapt Hamlet in our own way and viewing this production turned my understanding of the play on its nose (for the better!) and I am so excited to keep experiencing Hamlet through the eyes of others.
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missglaskin · 2 years
I wholeheartedly support the Baelon’s second wife agenda. I mean, just the reactions to this mid life crisis decision alone is gold. But all this stuff with Baelor and Daeron’s widow gives me more evil thoughts. What about Baelon and Aemon’s young widow? Some half baked justification about mending the rift between families when Rhaenys is passed over by Jaehaerys, like it didn’t inflame things further. Maybe he promises to resist his father’s decree if she marries him, stand in as a Hand and possible regent if the king dies until Rhaenys is deemed ready to take the throne. Baelon taking advantage of her grief and her hesitantly agreeing to this political deal for her stepdaughter’s sake only to soon discover that politics were just an excuse.
As loved as Baelon was., there is a dark side to him. Obviously, there was no doubt the love and loyalty he had for his brother. As well as the shame and regret in yearning for you, his brother's wife.
When his brother dies, he mourned. Never truly recovering from it. But in the corner of his eyes, he sees you. The object of his desire finally in the grasp of his hands.
Rhaenys, your step-daughter was passed over to Baelon as the candidate heir.
You try to hide your surprise by opening your chambers to see Baelon at your door. Welcoming him as he takes a seat. The two of you bond over the death of your spouses. And soon enough his visits become quite frequent. It started with the two of you bonding over the fond memories with Aemon. Soon, the conversation's topic starts to change.
You try to not raise a brow when Baelon offers to walk alongside you. When his touches start to linger. The way he looks at you, with so much intensity that leaves you with a fuzzy feeling. It was wrong. To start to long for your husband's brother.
The lines of familiarity began to blur when Baelon gifted you a beautiful necklace. Turning your back to him as he places it around your neck, not missing the brief touches as he does so.
When you turn back to face him your stomach flutters under his gaze. And then the regret seeps in when Baelon closes the distance. You melt under his touch. Feeling the kiss become more and more passionate-you finally pull away.
This was wrong, you told him. His hand gently cradled your face, lips brushing close to yours, yet not quite fully touching. He's letting you make the choice. Deny him, the back of your voice tells you. But in desperation for touch, to feel loved once again. It was you who closed the gap this time.
His hand reach for the back of your dress and you let him. Pushing aside all the guilt and shame, allowing yourself to indulge in the pleasure overtaking you. Marry me, he utters under his breath, mouth pressed to the bare skin.
Unfortunately, you never had the heart to tell this to Rhaenys. Forcing her to find this out when the king announced the union between you and Baelon. You try to tell her it was all done under an agreement. Baelon will resist his father's decree, the marriage is all for political reasons. At least that is what he told you.
But how can you look her in the eye ever again, when Jaehaerys hosts a feast for Baelon's coronation. When Baelon at the feast proudly announces you as the future queen.
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hermanunworthy · 10 months
welp. todays the day. pray for me guys this could easily be the most upsetting episode of dndads for me. im dreading this so bad
- i feel sick i havent been able to move on from the intro
- im gonna be so honest i was expecting a "sike" or something at the end so u can imagine my relief when the little clicks started playing
- okay. okay. time to listen to ur fun facts u sick fucks
- anthony stfu i dont want to hear ur voice (hes literally the dm)
- will. what evil fact do u have for us today.
- scary plays the piano omg!!!
- "im really nervous about what anthonys gonna do this episode" U AND ME BOTH MATT
- it has taken me an hour just to get through the intro + facts.
- "but at what cost?" AT WHAT COST IS RIGHT BETH.
- "wheres hermie?" IM DONE
- anthony rushing them away. i cannot. i cannot
- "well fix it" im done
- "this marriage has one less spouse but heavens got one more little angel" MATTHEW ARNOLD CAN U NOT.
- im sitting here in shock through all of this
- "just be happy ur not in hell" shut up anthony too soon
- thank god normal didnt take damage again
- lincoln cool scar era okay
- theyre back home.
- "VOTE WILLY"?????
- "u guys ready to see him?" NO. NO IM NOT
- ty for protecting dood scary :[
- "the only thing keeping u together is the absolute ignorance u have of the fact that maybe the only person who ever showed u any real affection in the last couple years of ur life is dead" anthony burch im hunting u down.
- is the dude w the white beard that "new fan fave npc" will was talking about lol
- BARRY?????
- HOLY FUCK......
- anthony burch. i hate u
- okay scam apologizing does feel good
- "u feel like home for some reason" WAILS
- ty henry for giving normal what he needed im gonna sob my eyes out
- "i liked u too" sighs.
- "hermie u definitely were one of us" SOBS
- "i did notice u. thanks for everything" AAUAGAUHH
- "lark shakes ur hand, sparrow goes in for a hug" ough.
- "help me normal, only u can save me normal" WTF??? WTF????
- guys i made it through. [confetti falls on me]
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gabessquishytum · 2 years
different anon but you mentioned pregnancy kink so you've summoned me. I love it. Do you like it? Because I think it'd be great for dreamling. Whether fantasy or Dream actually gets Hob pregnant, I can imagine especially in the second case how possessive Dream would be, how he'd fuck Hob so they're back to front all the time so Dream can splay his hands over Hob's full belly. Dream feels A LOT about Hob being full with his child. his. his. his. He did this to Hob. Hob let him do this to him. Hob's belly is round with his child and everyone knows Hob is his.
And Dream tells Hob all this every time they have sex, which maybe is often because Hob is in *that* hormonal stage, and Dream is just waiting for him to ask because if it were his choice only he'd never leave Hob empty, he wants Hob all the time now and his mind is full of little spinning thoughts that maybe maybe maybe he should put another baby in Hob as soon as he gives birth, as soon as Hob can take him, because he's not sure how he'll handle Hob *not* being full of him and wouldn't it be grand to just have Hob give him child after child and always be full of him and have everyone know how often he takes Hob, how well he keeps him full, that he filled him with his come over and over until it took, again and again? this last part he realizes is too much, Hob would want his life back after the second kid maybe, he just says it as dirty talk instead, and they fantasise together. And Hob loves being full of Dream and knowing that everyone knows he's Dream's.
You've unlocked a train of thought now (it's a whole train depot really) so if you consent to my mpreg filth in your inbox I'll share more and sign myself as PA.
Oh my darling sweet anon. Welcome to the party. I’m trying so hard to be normal about this but oh my gosh. I mentioned my top 3 kinks, right? You’d better believe that pregnancy (real, fantasy, whatever) is up there.
And you’re right, Dream would be so possessive. He’d want his hands on Hob 24/7, and although he’d try his best not to be an Irritating Spouse (TM), poor Hob would not be allowed out of his sight for a minute. Dream is following him around practically growling at anyone who happens to look at him. Maybe early on it’s possible for Hob to hide his belly under big jumpers and coats so he’s still working, but Dream just fucking. Accosts him in the corridors and tries to stick his hands under Hob’s oversized sweatshirt. Hob is (mostly) very patient about it, because the possessive stuff also means that Dream is the most doting partner ever and Hob gets everything he could ever want. Massages, special pillows, food pulled out of dreams specially for him, etcetc. And god the SEX.
Imagine for a tiny second that Hob gets a little insecure about his body, about how everything is changing and he feels bloated and sad, he doesn’t understand how Dream could want him like this… holy shit, the second Dream finds out that he feels like that, he takes him to bed and worships every inch of him. Tells him that he loves how big he is, how he’s full and warm, round with Dream’s baby. Dream is the shaper of forms and by god he has shaped Hob into something perfect. He’s gonna do it again the second Hob lets him.
Ahem. Yes. I am in the depot with you. Hell, I might be one of the trains at this point. Share as much as you like, I’m always ready to lap it up.
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talktomeinclexa · 1 year
Days of Crisis
By: Talktomeinclexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: None
Status: WIP
Summary: Sheriff Lexa Woods’s life is turned upside down when a hurricane hits her small Californian town, bringing in its midst a beautiful geologist as smart as she’s brave. But when said geologist returns a few months later to study Polis’s geographical situation and assess the risks in case more natural disasters occur, neither can deny the attraction anymore. Will they manage to open up before a series of catastrophes puts their lives at risk?
Chapter 3: Past Wounds
After wrapping an old man’s head and recommending he visit the clinic the following day, Lexa and Clarke returned to the sheriff’s station.
Night had fallen over Polis, partially hiding the damages the hurricane left in its wake. The broken street lamps all around contributed to the subdued atmosphere, and a dark blanket covered the town as soon as the sun had disappeared behind the water. Lexa could have believed it was an ordinary evening if not for the sound of glass and rubble under Tivy’s tires.
Clarke parked the truck in front of the station and turned off the engine slowly.
“I’ll wait for you here,” she said, throwing a glance at Lexa, who already had one hand on the handle, pulling to open the door.
“Okay. I’ll be back soon. I texted Emori on the way, she should have the kids ready to leave. Are you sure that it’s okay? Lincoln or Anya can—”
“Yes, Lexa. It’s fine.” Clarke shook her head with amusement. “I trust you can control your two children enough that they won’t ruin my equipment before we reach your place. I wouldn’t have offered to drive you otherwise.”
To Lexa’s relief, her kids did behave on the way back home. Tired by the events of the day and the hours spent at the station without a nap, they dozed off against her chest, lulled by the low rumble of Tivy’s engine. If only it could always be that easy.
Clarke whistled as she parked her vehicle in front of Lexa’s house, making her self-conscious. The cottage, nestled in the mountains bordering Polis, looked far nicer than what a sheriff’s salary could typically afford.
“It belonged to my in-laws. Lincoln and some of the guys help me maintain it,” she explained, whispering so as to not wake the children while they were on a possibly upsetting topic.
Clarke’s face fell before she caught herself and adopted an expressionless look. “Will your spouse mind me staying for the night? You hadn’t mentioned anyone, so I assumed…”
That Lexa was divorced, most likely. Not that she could blame Clarke for thinking so. She had deliberately avoided the topic until the last possible minute, postponing the moment the flirting would cease, replaced with pity and discomfort.
For better and for worse, Polis was small enough that most people knew her story, sparring Lexa from having to reopen the wound too often. Preventing her from having to say the words that ripped her throat as they forced their way out, “I’m a widow.”
Keep reading
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
also i think that after seeing that Something is going out with his eichisama tori should also sneak into town to go and see what's the deal with this wataru guy. and he inevitably gets lost but meets hajime and they have a bonding moment barbie movie-style and him and tomoya help tori meet wataru. and then wataru sees tomoya and goes "oho! interesting child!" which once again leads to eichi unreasonable jealousy against this poor random kid
Okay so I've been thinking on this and I've been trying to get something coherent and bear with me right right.
(this got so long again I just started going into detail and detail and detail and oh god I am so sorry)
So Tori, poor, innocent Tori, has to come to terms with the fact that Eichi is hiding something from him (that "Something" being a tall blue-haired extra of unknown origin) and he knows that, technically, the mature thing would be to leave it alone. Eichi will have his reasons for being a little secretive about it. He has his own life and if he doesn't want to be open about...whatever it is that seems to be going on there.... then he doesn't have to be because the man has a right to privacy.
Tori knows that. But Tori also knows that being mature doesn't matter if, technically, his beloved Eichi-sama could be at risk of giving his heart away to a scoundrel that only wishes to play with him until he's bored and then throws him away, breaking Eichis heart in the process. We couldn't have that! And what if he's a criminal? Can you really trust someone who snoops around on other peoples property without their knowing? No you can't! So really it's only natural Tori wants to know what that guys deal is. Out of a genuine concern for his friend. Of course.
And so obviously it's a completely acceptable and normal and rational decision when he sees that Yuzuru isn't there for a moment to keep watch over him like the guard dog that he is (really Tori isn't a child anymore there's no need to be so overprotective) and the other staff members also don't seem to be around and Eichi is also nowhere to be seen, that he decides to take his coat and pack his little bag with some money (read: more money than just "some" money) and tries to sneak out of the house and down the path across the small meadow and the bit of forest that separates their not-so-humble abode from the small town where the other people live.
His inital plan simple. Go there; ask around a little, maybe try some tailing (after hearing stories from the other aristocrats about how one is able to hire people to follow their spouses around without them noticing - and that apparently being an actual thing people earn their money with - he's decided that it can't be that hard and he should try his luck.) and then leaving as quickly as possible, lest Yuzuru die of a heart attack after finding out Tori dissappeared. It would be quick and easy and nobody would ever find out. That was the original plan. But Tori very soon comes to find that that could prove harder than he thought when he notices he actually really really enjoys the feeling of not having anyone hover over him like some sort of falcon watching their prey.
The little river running by the path through the meadow is still frozen (It is winter after all) and the snow on the ground almost reaches his ankles. The 15 minute walk takes him 30 because he keeps jumping around in the snow (He's made three snow angels by now. For a second he has to think of his sister and of how nice it would be if she were here with him too and how they could make snow angels together were it not for her having to stay with their parents, but he pushes that thought to the back of his head again and decides to move on with his way).
When he eventually arrives at the town - and after just wandering aimlessly through the rather empty streets - there are three major epiphanies.
The first one is that he doesn't have a clear destination. He has no idea where to look for the blue-haired weirdo. The second is that, seeing as it is a forenoon in january, most people probably aren't spending their time outside. And if they are then they are at a different place than where he is. And the third and final one: He is completely and utterly lost.
It should be regarded as an accomplishment really. Getting lost in a town with a population of barely 300 locals living there. Indeed Tori would think it impossible. Yet here he is. If anything he's sure he's at least the only one who can claim this feat for himself. This is fine. He has this under control. If he just keeps walking then he's sure to come out somewhere (No there are no tears in his eyes anyone who says otherwise is just imagining things (he decidedly ignores the little voice in his head that tells him "Who's gonna say otherwise. Look around yourself, have you forgotten that you're all alone here?")). So the big brave boy that he is he marches onward, ignoring the way his fingers have started to feel numb from the cold and his eyes have not stopped watering and the little voice in the back of his head that tells him he should've just listened to Yuzuru (He banishes that one to the deepest depths of his subconscious very quickly. There are blows that his pride can take in these situations and then there's having to agree with "You should've just listened to Yuzuru". If There is one thing that can be said about Tori then it's that he is not one to simply give up. He has come this far and he'll be damed if he backs out now).
Lost in thought and not paying much attention to his surroundings (he has more important things to think about right now), he only manages to register a flash of blue in his peripheral vision. And because this could be what he's come here for in the first place but more importantly because this is a person and that is where the bar is set, Tori immediately tries to follow them. If Lady Luck is especially nice to him this time she lets this person be the mysterious stranger he's been looking for, but what feels like a day of walking through empty streets in the biting cold of a noon in late january have humbled him enough to not push it with his luck.
And when he turns the corner, calling out for the figure to wait, insted of the strange man he was expecting he comes face-to-face with a meekish looking boy with blue hair and big violet eyes and next to him there's a second boy, this one able to be described in all aspects with only one word: average. And for a solid ten seconds they all just stare at each other.
Tori doesn't really know how, he really has no idea, but somehow he ended up following the two home. Or, well, more or less. Following isn't really the right word here. After their almost-staring-competition on the street the meekish looking one with the blue hair asked him if he was alright because "he seemed lost" (he absolutely did not.) which then prompted an entire series of events that ended is Tori sitting in this strangers families home - with an entirely different stranger also there - getting a serving of what he assumes to be radish soup. Tori feels a little sorry for the boy, Tomoya, as he said his name was, who seemed like he was previously engaged in a conversation with the other boy, who later introduced himself as Hajime and who had spent the entire way asking him questions about how he ended up here and what someone like him was doing all alone in a sleepy village neighbourhood like theirs and if he really didn't need a tissue (He hadn't cried while explaining how he was lost. He totally hadn't) and on and on and on as Tomoya had to awkwardly walk behind them.
So now, sitting at this table with these two people who he has only met today and who have given him a bowl of soup to warm himself up with, he has to tell everything about how he ended up in this situation in the first place. At the end of his recollection of this oh so wonderful day he is met with two pitying looks an a laugh - apparently one of Hajimes younger siblings had joined them at their little impromptu gathering (he wonders, distantly, how his own sister is doing right now).
And as he's about to say that he should probably make his way home and resume his mission another time when he has a map, Hajime mentions that he actually knows the guy Tori is talking about and that he lives at the local inn and that that isn't that far from them and that he and Tomoya can walk him there if he wants to. Tori agrees immediately. He is so over trying to be discreet about it at this point he really just wants some sort of success in this kind of ridiculous endeavour he's set out on.
So after the soup is finished and his limbs don't feel like they're about to fall off anymore the trio goes on their merry way and Tori feels a little silly because for all the walking around he did before they reach this inn really pretty quickly... maybe he should've thought to bring a map... The three of them venture further into the inn, and Tori only overhears Hajime talking to an older woman, but he's more occupied with looking around the place. It's father homely and rustic, a completely different atmosphere than at their place. There are noises from the few patrons sitting at the tables and chatting with each other, but it only add to the cozy feeling of the entire place.
When Hajime comes back he leads Tori up a little stairway and down a dimly lit hallway. They stop in front of a door at the very end of it (in my head there's a bit of a terasse thing happening there like. you can look down into the part where the tables are and such right right) and Tori barely has time to mentally prepare for the fact that this really is happening now before Hajime knocks and the sound of muffled steps approaching the door can be heard.
When the door finally opens (it's been a few seconds at best but it feels like an eternity), Tori is greeted by the lovely view of a pair of pale clavicles, barely covered by a black linen blouse. He has to actively look up to look at the face of their owner and when he is met with a pair of sharp, purple eyes he feels like his throat just sew itself shut. Hajime explains to Wataru that Tori was looking for him and suddenly a light seems to go up above Watarus head as a look of recognition flashes over his face and he turns around to Tori again and asks him if he's "the princess that Eichi's been telling him all about". Tori is confused. Hajime decides that this is his cue to leave and he slowly backs away to go back down and collect Tomoya, who's been roped into helping out with the catering by some elder gentleman (Wataru watches Hajime as he collects Tomoya and they leave, intrigued by this strangely average boy, as Tori just stares in horror as the realisation dawns upon him that he is now completely alone with this man whom he didn't even intend on speaking to in the first place).
So now he is here. In this very awkward situation. Sitting on a chair in this strangers room (for the second time today! Did he ever have a day this eventful? Who knows! Tori for sure doesn't.). He wants to talk, but Wataru is faster and asks him what he's doing here. Tori doesn't really know how to reply. How do you talk your way around having to tell someone that you actually got lost on the way to spy on them. That's right. You can't. Well, Eichi could. But Tori is Tori and he never wished for that to change more than he did now.
He looks out of the window and it is at that moment that another three major epiphanies reach him. Firstly that he doesn't know what to do now that he's here, secondly that he's going to get murdered by Yuzuru (and if worst comes to worst also Eichi) once he gets back because he's been gone all day without telling anyone and they're probably all worried sick, and last but not least: it is dark outside. He can't go home like that. He is virtually stuck in this predicament he found himself in.
Wataru seems to have a similar thought, because the immediate follow up question after not really getting a coherent answer from Tori is if anyone knows he's gone. Tori shakes his head. If Tsukasa ever finds out about this mess of a situation he will have to die because he would never let Tori live that down.
He gets ripped out of his incoming spiral by the bird that takes a seat on his head and Watarus over-the-top contemplative sigh and the slight lilt in his voice when he voices the next issue that's in the room. He isn't even speaking to Tori anymore, but to his bird that sits on Toris head, Jeanne, and Tori is starting to get annoyed by the way he jokes about this entire thing, calling Tori a "a little bird that escaped its nest", as if he isn't stuck having to prepare for his untimely demise. And by the way this guy hasn't put down his cryptic smile and teasing voice ever since he entered the room. When he thinks things can't get any more awkward for him Wataru proposes two options. Either he walks him home, or Tori has to stay at the inn for the night and he brings him back in the morning. Tori decides he'd rather go back home sooner than later (he'll have to take the lacture either way and he's probably caused everyone enough worries by now anyways. And also he misses his bed.). So Wataru grabs his coat, quickly goes to tell the inn-keepers he's "bringing retuening the princess to ger people" (Tori doesn't know if he liked the bird comparison better or not).
The way back is still very tense because Tori does not dare to walk next to Wataru (he's sketchy it's not Toris fault it's a normal reaction) and so he just awkwardly walks behind him, He doesn't really watch his surroundings - it is dark and the only nice thing is that it's snowing and there are animal sounds and they are spooky and he needs to watch the way and it's easier to think that way - until suddenly he gets hit by a snowball right in the head. And he is so baffled by this that he just stares at Wataru, and Wataru grins at him with his stupid stupid grin and somehow they end up in a snowball fight on this meadow where the only reason you can see anything is because of the snow and when they finally arrive at the mansion they both have so much snow in their hair and their clothes are wet from the melted snow and when they knock on the door and wait for someone to open Wataru gets some of the snow out of Toris hair and says that that snowball fight can be their little shared secret and Tori grins back at him and agrees and when the door opens and both of them are frantically ushered in by a maid that tells another one to get Yuzuru and Eichi Tori decides that maybe this guy isn'r so bad after all. Maybe he's actually quite nice.
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