#-hurt while i am asleep. sure my window is there but you can't open it and my door is locked to everyone but me
violexides · 8 months
is there anybody else who can handle gore entirely fine unless it's written? it's not that i expressly can't read written gore it's just that i get phantom feelings trying to visualize it, versus visual gore i like... see what happens so it doesn't matter to me. anybody with me
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Part 1 (Useless)
Hero groaned as they woke up. They felt so horrible. Their head feels like someone has been hitting it with a hammer, their throat is dry and their eyes are stuck together. They sigh deeply as they try to move their body. They quickly stop as they come to the conclusion that everything hurts.
They try to peel their eyes open and look around. The sun shines softly through a gap between the curtains, bathing the room in a soft golden glow. They feel the soft covers of the bed against their sweat -covered skin. They really needed a shower. They look up to go to their bathroom and get cleaned up.
Only… the door to the bathroom wasn't there. And the bed was in a different position. And the window was not where it's supposed to be. They were in a completely different room. Hero shot up from the bed. Where the hell were they ?! And whose shirt were they wearing ?! Where were their clothes then ?! They immediately opened the first door they could reach and run out like a lunatic.
“Well, good morning to you too,” a voice says from the kitchen. Hero stops and looks around. They are standing in the middle of a living room looking at the open kitchen with Villain looking back at them.
Villain… they are looking at Villain… in what looks like their apartment…shit. “I made breakfast if your stomach can handle it,” Villain says pointing at the stove with their spatula. “What?” is the only thing Hero can blurt out. “Breakfast…” Villain answers slowly. Hero can't follow anymore. Why are they in Villain's apartment and why is Villain making breakfast for them?
“You drank that much, huh?” Villain says as they put a plate on the table. It smelled really good. It was only now that Hero noticed how empty their stomach felt. “Drank?” Hero asks as they move towards the food. At this point they don't care that it could be poisoned, it smelled too good. Villain only nods and turns around to make something for themselves.
Then it all came back. The fight with supervillain, how hard they lost, their partner leaving and not telling them why, the walk to the first bar they found, getting kicked out of said bar after they got too drunk, going to the sketchier side of the city, going inside another bar, getting even more drunk and singing karaoke on a non -existing karaoke microphone, Villain dragging them onto a barstool to prevent themselves from embarrassing themselves further, and then…nothing.
They snap back to reality as Villain sits down in front of them. Hero hides their face with their hands. They were so, so embarrassed. “I´ve seen worse,” Villain says as they cut into their omelet. “How can you have seen worse? I was singing Karaoke in the middle of the bar,” Hero sighs. They were praying nobody filmed it. They could already see the headlines. Villain only hums in response. “There was no Karaoke. I was asking people to sing along, Villain. If this comes out, I am ruined,” Hero says back, a certain frustration in their voice. “Rather a fun drunk than a mean drunk,” Villain answers, not looking up from their breakfast.
“What even happened after you put me on that stool?” Hero asks although they are not sure they want the answer. “Nothing much, you told me your entire life story, then you begged me for more drinks. I said no and when I tried to have a heartfelt conversation with you, you fell asleep. So, not knowing where you lived, I brought you here.” Villain continued to eat their breakfast while speaking. “Like always you didn't make it easy and you puked like, three times. Plus, I'm pretty sure you peed on yourself so make sure you take a shower.”
Hero groaned and let their head fall on the table. Why? Why did they do this? “You can use my shower. I'll put some clean clothes on the bed,” Villain says as they finish up the omelet. “Thanks,” Hero mumbles, their head still on the table. Villain takes both plates and stands up to go to the kitchen. Hero drags themselves to the shower. They want to sink through the floor and never see the daylight again.
It's only after Hero's shower that they really look around. The clothes Villain gave them are comfortable and Hero lets their mind relax. Maybe it wasn't so bad? Villain's living room is filled with little trinkets of things they seem to like, a dog is sleeping in front of the couch and their shelves are filled with books.
They look at Villain. Usually they are in their suit and seem distant and cruel. But here, in their home, they seem gentle and calming. They are doing dishes wearing sweats and their hair is still a little messed up from sleeping. Hero hates to admit it but they look almost cute.
As soon as the thought pops up, they push it back. That's a bad thing to think. It's a Villain. Plus, they only broke up with their partner a few hours ago. They really needed to stop romanticizing every single person the moment they do something nice.
Yet, when they come closer they can't help but pull Villain into a hug. They can feel Villain stiffen under their arms and relax again slowly. “Are you still drunk?” they ask, hugging them back. “No,” Hero answers, “I just wanted to thank you,”
“Oh,” Villain says, “You could stay a bit longer if you'd like.”
Hero only nods. They don't feel like going home. They don't want to see the empty house.
Hi! A lot of people were interested in a part two, so here it is! I hope you enjoy it! I also wanted to thank everyone for being so nice about the last one. I was really suprised about how many people actually wanted a part two.
(@cassidysinferno @m4iloblu3 @thescribblednovel @b0wwyy @meerahhhh @ghostlyexpertlight asked for a part two) (I can untag you from the post if you'd like, just let me know)
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bean-bean2000 · 5 months
The Maid - Part 8
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 7
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You spin around the room, taking in your surroundings. You try pulling at the doors, but they're locked. You try the windows, they open but when you try pushing your hand out, an invisible wall materializes and keeps you in.
I can't blame him for not trusting I wouldn't jump....
What now?
Great... I swapped one cell for another... at least this one is luxurious
You sigh heavily as you flop onto the bed. The room is as large as the king's suite, with a joining bathroom. The closet alone in this suite is larger than any home you have ever stayed in.
Everything adorned the colours of Asgard, and of course Loki's emerald green and gold.
You go through the wardrobe, unsurprised to find it fully stocked with pristine gowns and attire fit for a royal.
This room is for a visiting princess or queen. He just put me here for now. I shouldn't get too comfortable...
You suddenly feel anxiety bubble within you.
Surely he will send me back to the maid's quarters... I'm not fit for such royal chambers... or chambers at all for that matter...I can't go back... not after what I just admitted to, i will be ostricized, treated and belittled far worse than ever before for being a traitor!
You begin to panic, circling the room while biting your nails and running your hands through your hair.
I have to get out of here!
You start pulling at the doors again but they won't budge.
Okay, you need to breathe. You take in a few deep slow breaths.
He said I'm safe here... just wait for him to come back... will he come back?
You go into the bathroom and wash your face with cold water to ground you. Admiring the bath tub you notice the intricate details on the tile floor. Standing back you notice they form a snake in the middle of the room.
You turn to the cupboard and notice the luxurious scented oils.
Surely I can take a bath? Will he be mad if I do? If I don't? Am I allowed or was I supposed to just stay in the room and wait for his return?
Before you can let your anxiety get the best of you, you turn the tap on and splash some lavender oils in the tub. You strip yourself of the silk pyjamas Loki provided earlier and soak in the tub.
You sigh as you realize you can't remember the last time you've been this relaxed and you were going to savour every second of it.
You scrub yourself down with the other multitude of bathing products stocked in the bathroom. Once finished, you slowly get out and brush out your wet hair. Relishing in the smell and the feel of how soft and clean it now is.
Going through the wardrobe, you can only find maiden night gowns, which you have always despised. You quickly pick up the green silk top and shorts that Loki originally gave you and put them back on.
You slip into the bed and sink into the soft mattress. Within seconds, you're asleep.
You wake up a few hours later to the sound of a crow cawing at your window. You groan as you sit up and stretch.
"Sleep well?" you hear a voice from the corner of the room. You scream in surprise and throw the first pillow you can grab towards the sound.
Loki chuckles and he dodges it "I think you're going to need more than a pillow if you really wanted to hurt me."
"I - sorry - I just- I thought I could take a bath while I waited and I - um this is inappropriate I'm sorry -" you ramble as you jump out of the bed and start making it.
"Stop." Loki interrupts your rambling.
" I never ordered you couldn't take a bath or nap or anything. You can do whatever you want. You're not a prisoner." he states slowly.
You look down sheepishly. Loki chuckles quietly again and sits up as he closes his book, from his position on the couch in the corner of the room.
"Lavender is my favourite too. I see you chose to keep my set of nightwear on rather than the ones provided..." a smug smirk forming on his lips and he looks you up and down.
"I - they were just more comfortable. I don't like night gowns." you admit to him, cheeks burning with embarassment.
"There are no rules here. You may do as you please. Whatever makes you comfortable. Do you like the room?"
Caught off guard by his warm approach and the casual conversation you reply but remain guarded.
"Yes. I do. It's bigger than any home I have ever been in."
"You don't trust me." he states matter of fact.
Shocked by his bluntness you stutter out your reply "I don't know what you want, your highness. I am but a maid."
"Oh, you are more than that, darling." he says to you as his eyes lock onto yours. Loki beings to approach you.
Nervousness waves over you. You swallow thickly.
He steps forward, once, twice... suddenly you get scared and take a step back, your arms circling your body. A defence mechanism.
"I understand the lengths at which you have helped me, your highness, and I know not what you desire in return. However, I cannot offer you my maidenhood... for it has been taken from me long ago..."
I will not be your toy to play with.
"Have I ever requested such? I know you are no toy, as you put it. I have never and will never treat you as such. Is that all you think you are worth?" Loki questions.
"Wait... I never said that out loud. How did you know what I was thinking?" you question him, your brows furrow.
"You forget I am a God, darling. I did not mean to read your thoughts, they're sometimes so loud I can hear them." he explains to you.
"Now, you never answered my question. Is that all you think you are worth? Is that all you think I want?" he asks you again.
You shift on your heels, "I have nothing else to give you in return." you reply quietly.
"I ask for nothing in return. I have a debt to pay you, for what you have endured within my castle's walls, which should have never happened to begin with. I am indebted to you." Loki says slowly.
You begin to stutter, unable to form a reply.
"When you said your maidenhood was taken from you long ago... taken is a precise word to use..."
"I know what I said. It has always been taken from me... it was never wanted... not once..." you whisper. You feel tears forming and quickly blink them away.
"I see..." Loki says, hands behind his back and he taps his foot on the tile floor.
"I would like for us to have an arrangement." he declares. "And before you interrupt and assume anything, hear me out. I only want you as my personal maid; and as the kings personal maid you will not stay in the maid's quarters as they are unfit. You will stay here, in these chambers, beside me."
You blink at him with a blank stare. "Um, I -..Yes, your highness -" you reply, knowing no other answer would be accepted anyway.
"Loki.. just Loki, please." he says to you as he walks closer and puts his hand over yours.
For a moment your eyes lock and you feel this spark jolt through your body. Electrifying to the point where goosebumps formed on your arms and you both jolt your hands back in surprise.
You shiver and wrap your arms around yourself.
Loki stares at his hands for a moment and hesitates.
"Care for some lunch?"
Part 9
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
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gracies-baby · 3 months
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I Love You, I’m Sorry
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
"Gracie, I would never cheat on you!" Y/n yells with tears in her eyes. She had come home from work late causing Gracie to have some assumptions.
"How can I know that for sure? You've been coming home late a lot recently. How am I supposed to know you're not sleeping with your co-stars behind my back!" Gracie yells back as she paces around the room.
"You need to trust me!" Y/n replies as she tries desperately to reason with the brunette.
"Well, I don't think I can!" Y/n's eyes widen in shock and sadness as she stares at the brunette.
"Then what are we even doing? This isn't working Gracie. We can't have a relationship if you don't even believe that I wouldn't cheat on you" Y/n says as her voice cracks before she grabs her bag and runs out of the house. Gracie quickly follows behind her and sees her get in her car before driving away. The brunette sobs as she walks back inside and slams the door behind her.
"Who are you talking to?" Audrey asks when she sees her best friend smiling down at her phone.
"Y/n. We've been talking lately. I think we might actually be cool now" Gracie replies as she puts her phone away.
"Really? I'm surprised she even wants to speak to you honestly. You did really fuck it up" Audrey says as shock fills her face.
"Trust me, I know I did. I'm surprised she didn't send someone to kill me" Gracie picks up her drink and looks out the window on the boat.
Eventually, Gracie and Y/n run into each other, seeing each other for the first time in two years. Gracie stands, hiding in the crowd of the rowdy party while watching her ex-girlfriend get a drink from the bar.
"What are you looking at?" Audrey asks when she notices her best friends silence. When she doesn't receive an answer, she follows the brunette's gaze.
"Oh... does she know you're here?"
"I don't think so. If she does, then she obviously doesn't want to see me" The brunette replies, downing the rest of her drink.
"You should go talk to her. You guys have been texting, right? You should try being friends again" Gracie shakes her head with a sigh before she sees a man begin talking to her ex. She sees the shorter girl try to move away from him, but he just moves closer, following her. Gracie glares at the man when he grabs the girl's wrist to try to pull her towards him. The brunette storms towards them, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the girl she loves.
"Stay the fuck away from her, you dick" She growls at him as he sends her a glare.
"Who the fuck are you? Stay out of this" He pulls his arm away, making her stumble back. Audrey approaches the scene, pulling Y/n away from it.
"What's she doing? She's gonna get hurt!" Y/n exclaims with worry clear in her voice when Audrey pulls her to the side, watching Gracie argue with the man. Eventually, security kicks them both out while Y/n and Audrey follow the brunette.
"Y/n-" Gracie starts when she sees the anger in her ex-girlfriend's eyes.
"Why did you do that?! He would've killed you if he didn't get kicked out!"
"He was harassing you! I couldn't watch that happen!"
"I'm not yours anymore, Gracie! Just stop making everything about you! Please!" Y/n yells before storming away to her car, slamming the driver's door behind her and driving away.
"I told you she wouldn't want to see me" Gracie tells Audrey with tears in her eyes.
"The whole time you were arguing with that guy the only thing she was talking about was you getting hurt. Maybe just wait for her to ask for you" Audrey replies as she and Gracie get into the car before driving back to their house in silence.
Gracie thinks about her friend's advice for a few days before letting her heart take over her body. She gets into her car after lying in bed until 2 in the morning and drives to her ex-girlfriend's apartment. The brunette parks the car before knocking on the girl's door, waiting a few minutes before it is opened by the still half-asleep Y/n.
"Gracie? What-"
"Y/n... I'm so sorry. I know I was a dick. I'm still trying to kick that habit. But I need you back. Please. I'll be better, I promise. I'll stay out of your business, I won't call you all the time, I won't make everything about me, I'll do whatever you want. Just please take me back. I love you, I'm sorry" Gracie sobs in the doorway while Y/n frowns at her.
"Gracie, I love you too... but what you just described isn't a relationship. I don't want any of that. I just want you. But I can't be with you if you haven't changed these last few years. I'll be waiting for you though. I'll wait right here for you. Be sure to come back, Gracie. When you've changed" Y/n replies with tears running down her face. Gracie lets out a shaky sob before nodding and walking back to her car.
"Gracie?" Y/n calls out when the brunette reaches the car. She turns back with a hopeful smile.
"I love you, I'm sorry"
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mj-iza-writer · 9 months
Caretaker and Whumpee had been given a hotel room to rest in for the night. They had just been rescued, and had had a long day at the hospital while police interviewed both of them for statements.
Caretaker looked longingly at the bed as he set his bag down.
"It's been a long time sense I've seen a bed, I'm sure even longer for you", Caretaker watched Whumpee limp past.
"Yes sir", Whumpee sighed, as they glanced out the window and pulled the curtains shut.
"They can't get us, you know that right. They are behind bars in maximum security, and the police are guarding this hotel. You are safe now", Caretaker frowned.
"I haven't been safe in a long time, Caretaker", Whumpee looked at him, "I can't get over this in one night."
"I know that", Caretaker walked towards Whumpee, "I just want you to know that, a reassurance maybe."
Whumpee nodded and quickly wiped a tear, "it's hard, Caretaker. All day today I was waiting to wake up from some dream. I was waiting to open my eyes and be met with a kick to a gut, the cold concrete."
"I know. I was feeling the same thing. Every time the doctor did something to help but still hurt me, I would go back to that room", Caretaker sat down with a sigh, "I bet you will feel a little better after some sleep. Especially in a nice bed like this."
Whumpee looked at the bed, "do I even deserve a bed Caretaker?"
"You deserve a bed more than anyone I know, after what you've been through, and for that long. You survived Whumpee, that's important", Caretaker frowned, "please, if I wake up and you are on the floor, I'll cry. You don't want me to cry do you?"
"What are you guilt tripping me?", Whumpee allowed themself to smile.
"Yes, anything to keep you in the bed", Caretaker grinned.
That night, Whumpee listened to Caretaker snore. The bed was soft on their sore muscles, but it just didn't feel right.
They sat up and peared into the dark room.
'Is this real?', they thought to themself, 'am I finally free?'
They got out of bed and walked to the window. Carefully Whumpee moved the curtain aside and looked out.
"I never thought I'd see this city night life again", Whumpee whispered, "I wish I could walk down their like I use to."
Caretaker stirred and looked up.
"Hey, you better not be getting on the floor", Caretaker sat up and turned on the light.
Whumpee rushed to close the curtain.
"I'm just having a hard time falling asleep, my mind won't stop", Whumpee sighed, "I can't believe I used to walk that city late at night, not a care in the world. Now I'm checking my surroundings every few seconds."
Caretaker nodded, "it's so funny how things happen to us and changes us."
Whumpee nodded, "we probably would have never met each other if it wasn't for them."
"At least they did one good thing, I'm happy now that I've met you", Caretaker smiled.
Whumpee made a gentle nod.
Caretaker pulled the blankets aside, "would sleeping in my bed with me help?"
"We are two grown adults Caretaker, isn't that awkward?", Whumpee looked down, wishing to run into their friends bed because yes, that would help them, but they couldn't admit it.
"It never stopped you before. Those times after we both were tortured. Cuddling close together was almost a relief", Caretaker sighed sadly, but gave a smile, "it was scary to be apart, but all was right when we hugged each other at the end. These are scary times as well."
Whumpee wiped a tear and quickly walked to Caretaker's bed.
Caretaker clicked the light off and wrapped the blanket around both of them.
They whispered reassuring things to each other, the same way they had done every night of their captivity with each other. It wasn't long before they had both settled enough to go to sleep.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109
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Not Enough (Tighnari)
..... I wrote something??? I WROTE SOMETHING?? It's a bit different from my other Not Enough fics, but I thought it'd fit too!
I've never talked about it here. I've been living with chronic pain for nine years now, mostly in my knees, but it affect a lot of my joints. I can't get a diagnosis, doctors don't know what is wrong with me and I am tired of being in pain. So what do you do in these cases? You write something to vent (yes, it is kind of a little vent)! Anyway, I might make one with Kaeya later just because .3.
I'm off to take painkillers and try to sleep now!
The Sun was already high in the sky, entering your bedroom through the window’s opened curtains.  Yet, there you were, still lying in bed. You were in bed, but you were far from asleep. In fact. you had woken up during the middle of the night, because of the pain, and you couldn’t fall back asleep. But you couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed, or even sit up on the soft mattress; everything hurt so much. So there you were, eyes closed, trying to focus on something else.   Soon enough, you heard a knock at the door of your room. Tighnari’s voice was heard, calling out for you: 
“Y/N, we’re leaving soon for today’s patrol! Don’t be late!”
“I’m almost ready Tighnari, don’t worry!” you answered, finally opening your eyes. 
 You slowly sat up, every single muscle and joint in your body protesting. By this point, you were almost late, there was no time for you to eat. It wasn’t as if you were hungry anyway, the pain made it so your appetite was greatly reduced. You threw on your uniform and went outside. Tighnari had already started giving out the instructions for the day, so you joined the group, who was listening to him. By now, he was almost done assigning the route and partners. Hopefully, you didn’t miss your name… 
“And Y/N, you’ll be with me today. We’ll simply check the emergency food supplies around the trails.” 
 Working with Tighnari gave you mixed feelings. On one hand, you knew him well and knew how to act around him so he wouldn’t suspect a thing. On the other hand… He is extremely observant. If you did so much as moving your pinkie finger the wrong way, he’d notice immediately. Thus, hiding your pain from him would require you to play your role perfectly. Well, you weren’t too stressed about it. After all, this is what you had been doing for quite a while now, and no one noticed. You weren’t about to let others know today. And so, the other rangers left to their tasks, and you started following Tighnari to the first emergency food hideout. 
“Are you feeling okay? I didn’t see you come out for breakfast today.” Tighnari asked. 
 You were looking at your feet, but quickly looked up to look at him in the eyes, forcing a small smile on your face. 
“Yes, I’m fine! There’s no need to worry about me, master Tighnari. I just went to bed rather late last night, I slept in.” 
 Tighnari simply nodded at your words. He focused his attention on the trail, careful to avoid roots coming out of the ground. You followed his steps. 
“You know you can always come to me if you’re feeling unwell, right? After all, it is my duty to make sure you are safe.” 
“I know…” 
 You had overestimated your energy, and used it really quickly. Usually, you could go through your tasks without any problems. But today was different. The pain was too much, you had no energy and you felt horribly sick. The world was spinning and you felt lightheaded. As Tighnari was adding food in the hideout, you focused your attention on a bright, blue flower. Breathing in, breathing out. In, out. In, out. In, out… 
 You jumped back as you felt a hand squeezing your shoulder lightly. You turned around quickly. Your eyes met Tighnari’s, he seemed to look at you with a worried expression. 
“Are you okay? I’ve called your name a few times, but you didn’t answer.”
“O-Oh yeah, I’m fine! Don’t worry about me!” you answered with a forced smile.
 You always forced smiles, but this one was painful. The world was spinning faster and faster around you, making you feel sick. The pain was becoming unbearable, you swallowed back tears. Tighnari’s lips moved to say something, yet you heard nothing. None of the words reached your ears, as the ringing became too much. You tried to tell him, once again, that you were fine. But before you could say anything, you felt your legs giving up and everything became black.
You didn’t dream about anything. You were just there floating in a dark sea. But even unconscious, you could feel the pain radiating in your entire body. You wished passing out would have at least stopped the pain for a while… Soon enough, you started to hear faint voices. Someone asking someone else to get them as soon as you’d wake up. The door closing softly as someone left. And a cold cloth being put down gently on your forehead. You didn’t even notice you had a fever. A few more minutes passed, and you were finally able to open your eyes. 
“Ah, Y/N! You’re awake! I’ll go get master Tighnari, he’s super worried about you…!” 
 Before you could protest or anything, the young girl got up and left quickly. A few minutes later, the door opened again, but only Tighnari entered the room. You tried to sit up in bed, but he stopped you quickly, with a hand on your shoulder. 
 “It’d be better if you stayed laying down. You hit your head pretty hard when you went down.” 
“Ah… I’m sorry about that, it won’t happen again…” 
You didn’t dare to look at him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?”
 But his question surprised you. So much so, you snapped your head up to look at him. 
“Tell you what?” you denied. 
“About your pain.” 
“Pain? What pain?” 
“Y/N.” his tone was serious. “You’ve been acting weird for a few weeks now. You don’t have to deny it” 
Some tears started to fall from your eyes as you managed to answer something. 
“Because I’m not weak…” 
Tighnari took a few seconds, simply looking at you. Finally, he sighed and sat down, on the chair next to your bed. 
 “I know you’re not weak Y/N. But you can’t possibly win this battle alone. You know I care about you, right? And I want you to be okay. You can’t keep on going on like that. You’ll only hurt yourself more. Now, let me help you.”
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slutforleeminho · 1 year
143 • Bangchan
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Just you and Chan saying I love you for the first time
Today was just like every Saturday morning, beams of light coming through your window, warming your face. A smile forming on your face as you remember your plans for the day. You and Bangchan go on a date every Saturday. It was hats to find the time during the week with you going to college, having way too many classes to go to, and Chan’s very busy schedule.
It’s not like you don’t talk to each other as much as possible, texting in between classes and when he was on break, and often falling asleep on the phone, his voice being the last thing you hear before drifting off to sleep. Sometimes your schedules would line up and you could have lunch together, always going to the coffee shop that was perfectly located between your university and his place of work, so you could both meet there without one of you driving forty minutes to the other. It was perfect.
Saturday quickly became your favorite day of the week.
Chan informed you yesterday that today he wanted to surprise you with what was planned for today, and that he'd pick you up at one o'clock. He told you to wear whatever you wanted, "but you might want to wear something to suite the weather, it's supposed to be pretty warm tomorrow." you recalled him saying. Checking the weather app proved he was right, saying it would be in the seventies and sunny for the majority of the day.
You stared at the ceiling for a moment after letting your phone fall to the space beside you on the bed. You were loving the way you felt like a school girl with a crush, giggling at the thought of him coming up with the idea of planning the date all by himself. You wondered what he had put together for you. Amusement park? Walk on the beach? Maybe a romantic dinner at an expensive restaurant? "At 1 pm?" you thought to yourself and decided to scratch that one off the list.
Once you finally rolled out of bed, glancing at the clock, it read 8 o'clock, so you decided to make some breakfast. Opening the fridge to see your options, and met with nothing that sounded good. You decided on a banana, since you hadn't been grocery shopping in a while and didn't really have anything else. Plopping down on your couch to watch a couple of episodes of your favorite show to pass the time. You had to pry yourself away from the television when you had to get ready, being that every episode ended with a cliff hanger.
You brushed your teeth and put on some light makeup, since you had no idea where you were going you didn't want to overdo it. Just some concealer, mascara, and lip gloss. Then you worked on your hair, curling so you had soft beach waves and pulled half of it up into a claw clip. You were indecisive on what to wear, you know he said it didn't matter but you couldn't help but worry you'd be to dressed up or worse and be dressed down. So you pulled out your phone and clicked on your recent phone calls, not being surprised that Chan was at the very top. You clicked on his name and put it to your ear, listening to it ring.
"Yes darling" his deep voice came from across the line and sent a shiver down your spine. No matter how many times you heard his voice it never ceased to make your heart flutter and have your stomach in knots.
"I don't know what to wear" you whined back into the speaker.
"I already told you that it didn't matter. Wear something comfortable."
"Can't you just give me a hint on where we're going so I can make sure I'm dressed according to my surroundings." You tried to negotiate, but he was having none of that.
"Do you not trust my judgment? Is this you telling me I have no since of style?"
"No of course no-" You tried to explain yourself but he cut you off almost as soon as you started.
"Wow I'm hurt honestly." The sarcasm in his voice was very much noticeable.
"Stop teasing me, you know how I am. I just wanna be sure, you know?"
"Tell you what, wear that dress I got you a couple weeks ago. It'll be perfect for today, I promise."
"You're sure?"
"Have I ever lied to you?"
"I don't know, have you?"
"Ughhhh fine I'll wear it."
"Good, I want to see you in it." there's those butterflies again. "I have to finish getting some stuff together so I'll so you later, alright?"
"Okay, L- see you later." You heard the call end and threw your phone on your bed and slapped a hand over your mouth. You couldn't believe you almost said it. The big L word. Did you love him? You've been together for almost five months. You still remember the day he asked you to be his like it was yesterday.
You both met at your university actually, Bangchan came to meet up with one of his friends. While you were walking out of the building he was walking in. You were so focused on your phone, ordering food so you could pick it up before going home. You ran straight into his chest, which made you stumble back a bit, although he barely budged. You didn't believe that you could fall for someone just by looking into their eyes until that day. He was surprised by what had happened, but soon stared back into your eyes. You were almost sure he was thinking the same thing you were. You didn't know how much time passed before you finally cleared your throat and apologized, never taking your eyes off of his. He was so mesmerizing, his eyes sparkled in the sunlight, his lips looked so soft and pink, and his brown curly hair was so perfectly neat. His skin was tan, he was buff but not big. He was definitely sculpted by God himself. You choked on air when he asked you for your number, definitely not expecting that. His confidence is admirable, if he didn't have the balls to ask you out you probably wouldn't be together today.
You knew on the first date that if he asked you to be his girlfriend you wouldn't hesitate to say yes. And that's exactly what you did. After a couple weeks of hanging out, texting nonstop, and just getting to know each other, he asked you to be his.
But does he love you? As soon as the thought entered your brain, you forced it away, refusing to let your stupid overthinking ruin your day. You distracted yourself by digging in the back of you closet to get the dress Chan instructed you to wear. The dress was a light baby pink color with spaghetti straps. It hugs your hourglass figure perfectly, insinuating your waist, and was looser at the bottom. It was very comfortable and only came down to your knees, so you could move freely. You put some white tennis shoes on and grabbed a small white cardigan to cover your shoulders from the wind. By the time you were finished it was 12:47 pm, almost perfect, you thought to yourself.
You finish putting everything you needed into a small purse and sat on your bed, scrolling through Instagram until you heard a knock on you door. You practically skipped to your door to open it, not even bothering to check and see who it was first. When you opened the door you saw a very handsome looking Chan staring down at his shoes, raising his head to just to lower it again, scanning your figure.
" You look so beautiful." He complimented you.
"It's just the dress." You smiled back at him, but his smile dropped.
"It has nothing to do with the dress" His words took you by surprise, you cheeks turning a bright red. Before you could respond he held out his hand for you to grab which you did, and he led you to his car. He opened the passenger's side door for you, and once you were in he closed it gently, making sure you were completely in. He got in and started the car, looking over at you.
"You ready?"
You shook your head aggressively. "I'm so excited"
"Good" he smiled back at you. He put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot in only a few swift motions. He handed you the aux and told you to play whatever you wanted. So you decided on Lilac by I.U as the first of many songs you would play. You were singing along to the lyrics but couldn't fucus on what you were saying, when Chan's hands on the steering wheel caught your eyes. His fingers were covered in rings, most of them being ones you got him since you were basically weak for his beautiful hands.
It seemed that Chan noticed your internal fangirling, but only smirked as he made a sharp right turn. The sudden motion startling you, causing your left hand to land on his thigh. As soon as he straightened the steering wheel and slowed his speed, you yanked your hand away from his leg and placed it in your own lap, apologizing for what you did.
"Why are you apologizing?" He laughed at your flustered state.
"I don't know" You laughed with him.
"Here" He reached his hand out, his palm open and facing up, waiting for your own. You placed your hand in his, and all he did was intertwine his fingers with yours and rest his arm on the console. It was a simple and small gesture, but it made your heart race. Chan on the other hand was focused on the road without a care in the word.
After what felt like hours of driving, he finally pulled up to what looked like a really big park. He took the car keys of the ignition and unbuckled his seat belt, looking over at you probably expecting you to do the same.
"What is this?" You asked curiously. He threw his head back and groaned in frustration.
"We're so close babe, so close. But fine I'll tell you. We're going on a picnic."
"Really?!?!" You shrieked with excitement and quickly unbuckled before reaching for the door handle. Chan laughed loudly at your eagerness. He got out of the car along with you and opened the door to the backseat and pulled out two different lunchboxes and a blanket. You offered to help carry something but he refused and only grabbed your hand once again to lead you to the spot he had picked for you both. He led you to the top of a hill next to a big tree and laid out the blanket while you stood there in awe of the view. You could see a good portion of the busy city, and below the hill was a small playground where kids were playing and laughing. The tall tree shaded where you and Chan were standing, making it the prefect place to hide from the sun. Once he finished laying out the blanket and placing the lunchboxes on top of it, he signaled for you to sit down with him. You obliged and watched him take out containers of food from one of the boxes, and a couple bottles of soju from the other, along with two bottles of water.
"Did you make all of this?" You asked, genuinely curious.
"Yep. Took me all morning too."
"You didn't have to do all this. We could've just went through a drive through and ate here."
"You're right I didn't have to, but I wanted to. And I don't regret it either, not when I get to see you happy and smile the way you are. And especially when I get to know I'm the cause of it." His smile got wider with each word. "You deserve nothing less than everything I can give you, this is nothing compared to the things I would do to see you happy."
You didn't know what to say so you didn't, letting all your thoughts go and letting your needs take over. Before you could change your mind, you leaned across the blanket over all the food and kissed him. You knew right then and there that you loved this man and would do anything for him. Your hands were on either side of his legs to hold yourself up, and he placed his hands on the sides of your face to kiss you back. It was so passionate. You and Chan have kissed before but never like this, it was always nothing more than a peck. But this time was different, your lips moved together perfectly in sync. You weren't completely sure how he felt about you, but now you knew for sure he felt the same way you did. Totally in love.
He was the first one to pull away to catch his breath. Keeping his hands on your cheeks and starring into your eyes.
"I love you so much." Your eyes widened at his words, but you recovered quickly and smiled.
"Say it again." Your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes again.
"Only if you say it back."
"I'm so in love with you Christopher Bang Chan."
He erupted into giggles and you couldn't help but laugh with him.
"Not my government name."
"Say it back!" You whined.
"Okok I love you (your full name)."
You wanted to stay like this with him forever, but the moment was short lived when a group of teenagers starting yelling "get a room" and bunch of "oooh's" from afar.
You sat back in your spot and looked in their direction.
"I'm going to kill them." He laughed at your reaction.
"Come on, baby let's just eat the food before we attract ants"
You weren't the one to say no to him.
(not proofread)
The way I was giggling and kicking my feet the whole time writing this. If you enjoyed the story please consider reblogging it and leaving a like:) It gives me motivation knowing people actually enjoy my work. And if you have any request don't be shy to send me an ask!
taglist: @yumiblogs
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llama529orange · 9 days
Part 2.Part 3. Part 4
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•What's that sound? Where is it coming from? It's like a drip, the same drip as rain, but why does it feel heavy? And it's so cold the drip is cold, not like normal rain, but like something heavy and burning. Strange. When I look at the drop, it's grey, shaped like a raindrop but grey. And why is everything black? Wait, where am I? Is this a dream or reality? It feels so real. I open my mouth to speak, but I hear nothing. Or do I hear? Did I actually speak? I don't know.
•The dark place keeps filling up; the rain is filling the whole area. I’m drowning in it. My whole body is now under the water, covering me, but strangely, I can breathe or maybe I just make myself believe that. Huh? When did I get to the bottom? It's strange; the place is all foggy. I can't see anything; it's so thick, but I can see some trees. Am I in a forest? Is this what it looks like? Trees, paths, flowers, and the sound of animals but barely. The forest is too quiet.
•Is that a mirror? In a forest? Did someone throw it here? That's polluting, but why does that person look like me? It's me from my real world. Is that how I look? Did I start to forget? Wait, why is the person changing? Oh, it's me not truly me, but them the antagonist. I wonder why I see them. Oh, it's changing; it's a memory. They seem sad. Oh, right, the antagonist doesn’t get love from their parents. It must be a painful memory, begging for their affection, pleading for them to look at them or spend time with them.
•"Mom, Dad, please. I will be a good child. I even top everything in lesson. Please love me... please." The last word echoes through the whole forest, leaving you feeling sad as the antagonist’s parents are nothing but cold, like statues judging with disgust. "I'm here. I promise I will give you a happy ending."
•The mirror is cold at first touch, but then it becomes warm. And oh, that's a hand. The true owner, the antagonist, smiles at me. "Thank you..." and suddenly, they disappear. Huh? The mirror changes again it's Riddle now, and me. No, it can't be. The Queen is yelling at us. Why? Did she find out? It must be. She takes Riddle away, scolding while yelling at me, and all I can hear is, "HOW CAN YOU DO THIS?! YOU GUYS SHOULD STUDY, AND ALL YOU DID WAS EAT A BUNCH OF SUGAR?!" The scream echoes through the whole forest, even cracking the window a bit. But what? What's happening? She takes Riddle away while he tries to come to me. Wait, don't take Riddle away! Please don't! Riddle is calling me, using the same nickname. "ROSIE!" I can hear him! I can hear RIDDLE'S VOICE! WAIT, DON'T GO AWAY! RIDDLE! Even when I reach out, I can't reach him! RIDDLE, DON'T LEAVE!
•"RIDDLE!" I scream again, suddenly being shaken awake. It was just a nightmare. I had a nightmare, but my heart is still pounding, and my breath I can barely breathe. It must have been a nightmare, but it felt too real, way too real, leaving me crying and shaken, unable to think. What was that supposed to mean? Will the Queen find out tomorrow morning? Will everything end? Please no, I don't wish for that. Please.
I woke up the next day without realizing that I had fallen asleep after that nightmare, hugging the pillow as the image remained fresh in my mind. All I could think about was that no matter what, the Queen must never find out, and I had to make sure that Riddle would have Chenya and Trey by his side to help him.
•The day continued as normal, with another "study" session with Riddle. But this time, I needed to stay here, keeping the Queen away a decision that could lead to serious consequences for me, like being taken away or losing my title, or even my parents sending me away. This could serve as a perfect excuse to get rid of me, but I was ready to face the consequences, even though it hurt my heart to think about it. I would miss Riddle, but I had to do it.
•"Riddle, I want to stay inside this time," I said. Riddle looked at me, confused, not understanding why I wanted to stay inside. He asked, "But why, Rosie? You always come and play with me, Trey, and Chenya. Are you feeling alright?" I looked at Riddle and saw an opportunity to use this as an excuse. Even though I felt guilty about lying, I still went ahead. "Yes, I feel unwell. I think I might be getting sick," I said, faking a cough, hoping to convince Riddle. He looked at me with concern in his eyes and said, "Then I will stay with you, Rosie."
That caught me off guard I didn't expect that. "No, no, Riddle! It's okay! I can take care of myself!" I tried to convince him, but I didn't expect the determined look on Riddle's face; he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "No, Rosie! You’re unwell, and you should never leave someone alone when they feel bad," he said, pouting like a child who wants something, but in this case, Riddle just wanted to care for me.
•"But Riddle—" I started.
•"No!" Riddle interrupted, and I spent several minutes trying to convince him, but Riddle wouldn’t budge. Then Trey and Chenya came to play, only for Riddle to refuse, explaining that I wasn’t feeling well. They understood and left us alone.
My plan didn’t work; instead, Riddle ended up taking care of me while I pretended to be sick. I could even hear the true owner laughing at my failed plan, leaving me embarrassed. My face turned red, and Riddle thought I had a fever, fussing over me more, bringing me tea, and trying to give me medicine, which I awkwardly refused while trying to convince him I was alright.
•To my surprise, the Queen didn’t come, which left me confused but also worried. If the Queen didn’t come today, then something bad was bound to happen. I hoped that Riddle would never be found and would remain the same Riddle I knew as he grew up. Most importantly, I wanted to save him from his fate and tyranny. But as much as I hoped, I feared that fate would bring about the worst, and I wouldn’t be able to stop it.
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redstripstrawberry · 1 year
1. A Promise | Yandere Oc x Reader | Mason
Warning: Yandere Themes. Includes stalking, obsessive thoughts, kidnapping, drugged reader, mention of torture, amongst other things I know you’ll quite like considering if you still clicked "Keep Reading". 
Summary: You wake up in what seems to be a basement, meeting your self-proclaimed husband.
Plink. Plink. Plink.
The stubborn, god-cursing sink is leaky again. Somehow, it always manages to loosen even though you tighten it every other week.
You roll over in your bed. You can fix that when the sun's out.
Clink-clink. Plink. Plink.
Stupid pipe. You're half asleep but that sound is so piercing in the early morning silence.
Plink. Plink. Plink.
You're gonna have to call the landlord. Gosh, but it's still dark out and you’re hurting for money nowadays. Can’t you just take a break, universe?
Plink. Thud. Creak. Plink.
Debating whether to wake up in the morning is a common occurrence for you, but you decide to let yourself rest for now. The problems can wait until the sun rises. Somehow, your body is quite sore from the day before.
Plink. Plink. You turn to your other side. Clink-clink. Plink. Thud. Creak. Plink. Thud. Creak. Plink.
Wait. Sore from doing… what, exactly? And that sound?
A creak of an open door jolts you awake. You sit up immediately, looking in the direction of the sound.
“I was scared for a moment there.” The man chuckles in relief as walks closer, “Thought I put too much, but it seems I was just impatient. Are you sore? You were asleep for quite some time, and the mattress I have down here isn’t quite the best.”
The man walks closer, setting down a tray of what looks to be your breakfast for the day on the table in the middle of the room. You retread to the corner where your bedside touches the wall, the chain on your ankle clinking as it moves with you. Eyes wide as you look at your new ankle chain.
The man sits down at the table and welcomes you to come sit with him. Your eyes dart between the man and your surroundings. Dark brown hair, dark tan skin, green eyes. The room itself was all made of concrete, and there was a small horizontal window near the ceiling. There's another room attached to this one, but you can't make what it's supposed to be under the one light that shines in this room. Is this a basement? You feel his eyes on you.
He continues to speak in a soft, gentle voice.
“Well, it’s not the best, but hopefu—” the man corrects himself with a chuckle, “soon enough, when you get better, you’ll be able to go upstairs and rest in our bed! Much softer, I’d say.”
“Who are you?! Why am I here? What did you do?!” is what you would shout, but his smile is so unnerving that you lose your words.
He inspects you from afar, taking note of your anxiousness. “I’m not going to hurt you, darling. I don't think I'm ever capable of doing so, really."
You try out your luck and ask your first question. “Who are you?” It's more of a demand than a question with how it came out of your mouth.
“Eat first while I talk, why don't you? The drug makes you crazy with hunger," the man chuckles, "I'd know.”
Your adrenaline masks your hunger greatly. You stay put though, the thought of eating something your captor gave you makes you even more anxious.
“It’s not like I poisoned it or anything. Look, I'll even taste it for you.”
He smiles as he chews. You still stay put, still taking in what happened since you woke. It's setting in now, that anxiety and panic.
“Well, to start off,” he says, looking mildly disappointed at the food, but switches his mood as he looks up to you, “I’m Mason. Your husband.”
You looked at him, wide eyed.
Are you going to be a sex slave of his? Is this some kind of sex dungeon? How did you even get here? Didn't you lock the door before you went to bed? You weren't even sure. Tracing back your steps doesn't work when you don't fucking remember anything.
“I just want you to know that I'll treat you well, better than myself, obviously, as my spouse only deserves to be happy," Mason smiles with that creepy, hollow smile. He stands to walk over to you, both hands raised and outreached. He approaches slowly to not startle you even more.
Tears are about to fall from your eyes, and you scream out, “Please, let me go home! I don't want to be with you. I don't even know you," you speak, but the tears make your voice choppy.
Mason approaches the bed, kneeling down, with his eyes softening even more if you haven't noticed it before. You push further into the corner, pushing the comforter with your feet to form a pathetic barrier. The chains clink loudly as you do.
“Honey, please understand me. I'm not going to hurt you, and I'm not going to abuse you in any way. We're gonna be a simple, loving couple; because we're meant to be. We're lovers!” Mason fumbles with his words, and hand gestures wildly, trying to appear unthreatening. “Gosh, this isn't going how I expected. We're supposed to celebrate today together, albiet you getting used to your situation. You're with me, there's no need to be afraid, you're safe.”
His reassurance slip in one ear and out the other. You're too scared to understand, he sees. Mason climbs onto the bed, still moving as slowly as he can. But the way his eyes focus on you, unblinking, it feels like he's stalking you down. The smile doesn't make it any better.
“The police are gonna find me and jail you if you do this. Please just let me go,” Your begging is more forceful. “Please. I w-won't tell a-anyone.” You're full-on crying now.
“The police aren't gonna do anything, because I took care of it; in the same manner that I'm going to take care of you: devotedly careful. You're just confused right now because it's a new thing you need to get used to and understand, dearest.”
Like you, your words go in his ear and out the other. You jump forward to push him away, trying to make your way to the door. Mason grabs you tightly, pulling you towards his chest. You fight against him, sobbing, but he restrains you easily. You're exhausted, too hungry, and too emotionally drained to fight back. All you could do is measly push him back. The drug still has its grip on you.
Mason hugs you tight like he's squeezing you. “I know you're very confused right now, and you don't know what's going on, but I need you to know this,” he pets your hair, “you're being manipulated, by everyone close to you. Your friends, your coworkers, and even your DAMN family. Their manipulation conditioned you so much, you don't even realize how much they've hurt you.”
He continues to try to comfort you while you're in his lap. Kissing your forehead, petting your hair, and holding you tightly so you can't get away. The physical affection Mason gives you makes you cry harder. You can't accept this to be happening.
“But don't worry about them, darling. I've taken care of them too. They've hurt as much as they've hurt you.” He nuzzles your head. The sound of exhausted weeping fills the basement-like room.
“They don't deserve the mercy of such a caring angel such as yourself, so I tried my hardest to make them suffer. Obviously, I let them live so they can feel the pain of losing you, amongst other things."
You don't know if you're grateful Mason didn't kill anyone or furious that he hurt them.
“We don't need to think about those people anymore, though. We don't need to care about your career, or making enough money for rent. We can focus on what's REALLY important, me and you."
Locking you in with his legs, Mason rubs his thumbs under your eyes, but it's a pointless gesture. You push his hands away, more tears flowing down your cheeks. He goes back to smoothing down your hair, albeit now with some stronger restraint on your fighting body.
"I can focus on you. I'll protect us from all of them. Every single one. No one will hurt you like the world has done to you. Not when you have me. We will get through this, my love. It'll be ok.”
You shout out, “Please, I just want to go home. Let me go, you're fucking psychotic!” Your fight is coming back, trying to hit, claw, bite your way out of his grip. The bleeding of his wounds doesn't deter him away from you for a second. He's just too strong, too much of a manic to care.
“You are home, first of all, and I know the basement sucks but I'll let you go once you're better. It's a promise, darling. You'll be able to walk inside the house, cook your delicious food, and do all sorts of things.”
As fast as your fight began, it diminished as quickly. The adrenaline wore off as he subdued you even tighter. You couldn't even move a limb, much less than a finger. He gives your head a kiss.
“But for now, I'll feed you. I'll wash you. I'll take you to the bathroom. I'll do everything you could ever need. Now, and forevermore.”
Mason cups your cheek in his hand and directs you to face him. With your red, teary eyes, you gaze into his. His piercing stare makes you worry about what's to come.
“It's a promise, my love."
Nothing he says comforted you in the slightest. It feels too much like a bad dream. But the pain of his hug and the redness of your chained ankle says otherwise. Mason sensed you calmed down, lessening his grip ever so slightly. You try once more, and with all your strength, you push yourself out of his grasp.
Running, but still wobbly from the aftermath of the drugs, you make your way to the table, knocking down chairs to slow him down, and trying to reach the door. Of course, you don't make it. You fall almost immediately after feeling a stab behind your thigh.
Mason injects a clear liquid from the syringe he embedded in you, and you fall into his arms. He puts the empty syringe back in his pocket. It's getting dark pretty quick.
"Until you get better, I'll take care of us. I'll take care of everything."
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pbandjesse · 7 months
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I had a pretty good day despite still feeling down. I am for sure getting used to the noises of this neighborhood. The ebbs and flows. But that did not stop me from being absolutely startled awake this morning. I had woken up around 6 because my nose was really dry. I opened the window to get some air and went back to sleep.
I was startled awake by someone knocking on someone else's door outside. Scared me so bad because I couldn't tell if it was our door being knocked on. I am not sure what that sounds like yet. But it was not our door. And I would calm down.
I got cleaned up and dressed. I was still coughing and felt kind of terrible. But I thought eating might make me feel better.
I had more luck creating an omelette today. And it was good. I spent some time moving some things around. I hung up a little hook for James to put their wedding rings while they cook. And and I worked in our bedroom putting little hooks on the wall for my necklaces. I used a piece of blue tape and it came out super straight and I'm very proud of myself.
I have not don't any of my knitting this month so I sat for an hour and a half cutting the yarn and tying it all together. I was sitting in bed with sweetp and just working on my loom and listening to a spooky story podcast and watching the world out the window. I saw someone chase their puppy and slip in the rain. There are a lot of dogs in this neighborhood. I was coughing hard enough that someone walking past looked up and we may have made eye co tact but I'm not sure he could actually see me. But I did my knitting and it felt nice seeing it come together. Though this second type of yarn I got absolutely sucks and sheds like crazy. Will not buy again.
Once I was done knitting I decided to start tackling the basement. But I needed to go to Home Depot first.
I grabbed my stuff and drove the 15 minutes down the road. This was a very messy Home Depot. Carts and carts of stuff everywhere. But the staff I spoke to was kind. I had some trouble finding things. I wanted to look at shutters but apparently you can't buy them basically anywhere which is insane. But I was able to be directed to the wire racks and a staff member even gave me a cart. I decided to get two for now but I will probably get two more. They were a little more expensive then I was hoping but it's fine.
It was starting to rain as I headed home. I was able to get the same parking spot which was cool. Right outside the door. I brought the boxes in and felt a little dizzy. This has been the second most annoying thing. How dizzy I keep getting. How winded. But I try and power through. Sipping water helps.
Sweetp desperately wants to be in the basement. And I decided today to let him explore and maybe he'll get it out of his system. What he did get was absolutely covered in spider webs but he seemed so happy. Later he would become covered in red dust. Its funny hearing him walking on the duct work.
I would struggle to build the wire shelves. The first one just was not working but once I sat down and tried again I figured out what I had done wrong and then both of them came together easy. For now one shelf is all the camping and summer gear. And the other is all holiday stuff. It's not perfect but it was a start. I also got eveything down from the landing and used the cubby shelf to organize James bike stuff. And moved all the fans and heaters and suitcases to under the stairs. And then I moved one of the tables to the basement and it really just felt like it was coming together so well. I'm really pleased.
This took a few hours though. Around 230 my back hurt a lot and I needed a break. I warmed up my chipotle from yesterday and made it into a burrito. I was sitting in the kitchen eating and watching TikToks when I saw a video of someone watching the last song from Hamilton and I started sobbing?? Just absolutely broke down. I needed to go lay down.
So that is what I did. I got in bed with sweetp and fell asleep.
James's smartwatch, which was on the windowsill, picked up the music they were listening to when they came upstairs and scared me awake again. I was not feeling amazing but I was really happy to see them. They said whenever I was ready we could head to the apartment.
I needed a minute to shake off my sleepies. Drink a bunch of water. But then I was ready.
We drove over there and got right to work. I was really happy to see my fish Ari was doing great. His eye is all better. I also got to see Omelet. I got everyone some new water and some food. Ari even let me give him a little pet. I'm so glad he's doing better.
We brought three boxes with us so I just started picking up any odds and ends I could find and I think we did an excellent job. James finished taking things off the walls. And went to go do our laundry while I collected trash and swept. We would fill three boxes with stuff. And the. Took all the curtains down. And we used all the totesbags we brought to collect our books. Still more books to collect but we had no more bags.
We were there for a while. Once the clothes were done we loaded up the car. Mostly James did. I completely ran out of steam and needed to sit down. So I wanted in the car until James grabbed the last few things we could fit with the clean clothes. And we headed to get dinner.
When I was at Home Depot earlier I saw there was a diner across the street so we went there. Turns out it was on diner drive ins and dives. Neat. And it is like one of those amazing chrome diners. Those are always my favorite ones. The staff was really nice. And the food was good. We were sort of watching the super bowl on the TV. James spoke Spanish with the staff. It was a nice stop.
I was exhausted though and very happy to go home. James told me to go keep Sweetp in our room and they would bring everything inside. And once they did I moved the rugs we brought over to the rooms they will probably stay in. They are shockingly dirty though. They feel bad under my feet. I will have to see about getting a carpet cleaner soon. Because gross.
But it's so nice seeing the house slowly coming together. Like seeing the apartment so empty hurts my heart a little. It feels so bittersweet. But the house is already filled with so much love and it's just so great.
I would take a quick shower. And do my drawing of the day. And now I am in bed trying to not cough my brains out. I am really tired.
Tomorrow James is going to go for a long bike and I hope to do some more putting away. We might make some more runs from the apartment. I also just hope it's a good day.
Sleep well everyone. I love you all. Goodnight!
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masochistikkitty · 2 years
I know it's morally wrong to want a stalker that's utterly and completely obsessed with me; but I just can't help the longing of feeling paranoid with every step I take. Always locking my window at night, making sure I take a different way home from work everyday. Only for all my attempts to shake off my stalker fail when a regular customer at the cafe I work at pulls me into his car. His hand on my mouth and a knife to my neck so I couldn't move. He slowly and diligently ties my wrists and legs together before holding a white cloth to my nose. My eyes start to flutter shut with black spots clouding my vision.
When I come to, all I can see are pretty lights and pink, of course it's all blurry and I can't make out what it is but I enjoy the sight anyway. My head lolls back and my eyes eventually adjust and I see fairy lights weaved carefully through wire bars and sheer pink fabric draped over the top. I tilt my head curiously and purse my eyebrows before trying to get up using my arms to prop me up, but they wont move. I look above my head and see handcuffs restraining my arms to the corners of..what looks like... A cage? Why am I in a cage? Why am I handcuffs? And just like that, vague memories of what happened last night, or an hour ago, how long have I been asleep? It's all coming back to me. My eyes start to blur with tears as I hopelessly pull at the restraints, cry's starting to softly fall from my lips.
"oh you're awake." A voice says as I snap my head towards it. Footsteps come close to where I am and I see him. He's smiling.
"Do you like it?" He says while looking around the interior of the cage.
"I made it just for you." I couldn't answer. Who would?
"Sorry about the handcuffs, I know it hurts, but it's just a precaution." A precaution for what?
He walks over to where my feet are and opens the cage. With it being open, I have a clear view of the rest of the room. It appears to be a living room, a nice one at that. There's even a fireplace. I see him pick up what looks like a poker, but it has a design at the end of it. He holds the end of it with the design over the flame. No. No. He's not going to do what I think he's going to do is he? I begin to squirm, my legs kicking out though there's not much I can do.
"You know, I've been watching you for a while." He says while examining the rod, it was a glowy red near the end.
"And I think you're absolutely perfect." He says admiringly while walking towards me.
"But you would be even more perfect if you were mine."
"This is going to hurt."
He grips my thigh and pulls me towards him while pulling off my pants at the same time. He then lifts up my shirt and I wriggle around in a pathetic attempt to get away. He grips my waist and presses the hot end to my skin right above my panties.
A scream lurches from my stomach up to my chest and out of my throat. Tears spring from my eyes and I kick my legs but he's too strong for me.
After what feels like an eternity he pulls it away from my skin and throws it behind him.
"Aww kitten, I'm sorry, but I had to!" He says condescendingly while my body twists and turns, my cries still sounding throughout the room. Tears stream down my face as his hands creep up my bare thighs, his finger tips playing with the hem. He brings his face over mine and kisses my forehead.
"You're mine now and that means that you don't have to worry about anything anymore because I'll take care of you."
At those words, I feel a small sense of relief. This is going to hurt, but it's so good for me. It's exactly what I need.
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alexanderossis · 2 years
Hi, are you still taking prompts? If so would you write something about Lando/George, friendship or romantic I don’t mind! Maybe George being upset with Lando about something and Lando trying to make it up to him?
Thanks <3
Really love what you’ve been writing recently!
"So, how is Lando feeling?" Carlos asks George as they walk into the paddock in Brazil.
"What do you mean?" George stops walking, and Carlos raises his eyebrows.
"He has food poisoning?"
"He- He what?" George reaches for his phone, opening his text conversation with his boyfriend who apparently has food poisoning.
"He told me that he wasn't going to be on track today because he's sick," Carlos fixes George with a look.
"Well, he bloody well didn't tell me!" George exclaims.
You're sick????? He texts Lando.
"Are you two not dating?" Carlos looks at George over his sunglasses.
"Well, I thought we were," George runs a hand through his hair exasperatedly.
He refreshes his text feed but gets nothing from Lando. Sure, Lando had been distant since they'd gotten to Brazil, George having his own room here as part of his new race mindset. When George had asked to hang out the night before, Lando had said he was busy and George hadn't heard from him since.
"Well, I'm going to let you sort this out," Carlos bites his lip, "But George, sometimes you have to ask twice, okay? He's not always forthcoming with this stuff."
And yeah, George knows that. It took Lando four dates before he realized that George actually did want to date him and that they weren't hanging out as friends. And it took George three goes of asking him to move in before Lando actually believed him.
He waves Carlos off and presses the call icon next to Lando's name.
"Hello?" Lando groans into the phone.
"You're sick?" George asks, but it's not a question.
"Oh, um, yeah." And Lando sounds so sad and sick that George wants to just forget all of this and go to him but he can't.
"Why did I have to find out from Carlos?" George sighs.
"I didn't want to bother you," Lando mumbles.
"Are you kidding me, Lando?"
"Sorry," Lando coughs and groans.
"I'm your boyfriend, you're supposed to tell me these things!" George paces, "I'm supposed to be there for you. And here I am finding out from another driver that you're sick."
"I'm sorry, George!" Lando pleads, "Really, I wasn't trying to tell Carlos either, he just came by my room while I was throwing up."
"So your plan was to suffer in your room, alone?"
Lando goes quiet on the other end. George pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Look George, I don't have the energy to argue with you about this," Lando sniffs, "Have a good press conference."
George pulls the phone away from his ear to see that Lando has hung up.
He finishes media and makes a beeline for Lando's hotel room, using the spare key Lando always gives him to get inside.
It's stuffy and hot in Lando's room but it's clear from the discarded water and Gatorade bottles and the half-empty sleeve of saltines that someone has been here trying to help Lando. Probably Jon, George thinks.
And Lando, his beautiful, insufferable Lando, is bundled under a million blankets, asleep on the hotel bed. George makes himself useful, cleaning up the discarded bottles and opening the windows a crack to let in some air.
Finally, he sits down on the edge of the bed. Beneath the layers, Lando looks so small. George always feels like Lando is small compared to him, but this is different. He looks so fragile and worn out like he's raced for 5 hours with no break. George had googled food poisoning symptoms on the ride over, and wouldn't be surprised if Lando's lost a few pounds throughout all of this.
He leans over to smooth Lando's sweaty curls and adjust the blankets and realizes that Lando is wearing one of George's old Williams hoodies. Something flutters in George's chest. He can't be mad at Lando for not telling him, not when he looks and feels like this but... he's still hurt.
Lando stirs slightly as George strokes his hair. "George?" He mumbles, eyes fluttering.
"I'm sorry, baby," George whispers, "I didn't mean to wake you."
"S'okay," Lando nuzzles against George's hand.
"Can I lay with you?" George asks, pressing the back of his hand against Lando's head where he's hot with fever.
Lando nods weakly, and George climbs into the bed next to Lando.
"You're burning up," George kisses the top of his head.
"I'm so cold," Lando sighs, voice catching. A few tears fall from his eyes.
"Oh sweetheart," George pulls the blankets up tighter around Lando and reaches over to wipe away the tears, "I'm sorry you're sick."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Lando murmurs sleepily, leaning his full weight onto George and closing his eyes again.
"It's okay," George tucks him close, "It's all okay."
The next morning, against George's wishes, Lando's back in the paddock, ready to race for FP1 and qualifying.
He finds George in the Mercedes motorhome, pouring over some data with Lewis.
"Intruder alert!" Lewis jokes as Lando approaches, coffee in hand.
"Ha ha," Lando rolls his eyes.
George watches him carefully, taking in the dark circles under Lando's eyes and the way he's breathing shallowly like he's trying not to puke.
"Everything okay?" George stands, pressing a kiss to Lando's forehead.
Lando shrugs, "I made it through the first practice."
"Hush, George." Lando gives him a small smile, "I brought you this."
He holds out the coffee to George who takes it, smiling when he realizes it's made exactly how he likes it. Lando is shifting back and forth, hands behind his back, looking up at George innocently.
"Consider it an "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I had food poisoning and you had to find out from my ex-teammate" apology coffee."
It's stupid and George wants to tell him that it's going to take more than a coffee to make it up to him, that they need to talk about this, that Lando can come to him with anything. But Lando is smiling so sweetly at him and he's gone out of his way while he's sick to try and make it up to George and well, George kinda loves him so...
"Apology accepted," George hums, pressing a kiss to Lando's lips, much to the chagrin of Lewis who yells, "Go makeout in the McLaren motorhome!" causing Lando to giggle against his lips.
Yeah... everything is going to be fine.
Hope this is what you were looking for anon! Once again, I'm leveraging Lando's sickness for my own content oops.
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postcards-to-home · 9 months
Letting Go: 2023
‘Have you taken a look at your old posts?” Yes, sort of, thats kind of what brought me to dig that password out again to make a post. “Well read them again. They’re pretty…inspirational actually. Truly. Just please do it.”
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Shape of You/ Ed Sheeran
Fitting 9 people deep into a 5 seater Toyota Fitz at 2 am was not how I anticipated starting the year off. Riding the center console with all the windows rolled up I wondered out loud who the hell was sober enough to drive this thing back to the Aruba Beach Club? Last I recalled we had closed Ricardo's down after slamming over 100 beers in 3 hours, with a unanimous cry from the bartenders, ``You guys broke the record of the most beers ever consumed in one shift.``We’d managed to hit downtown, with chaos tailing closely behind us until open signs flickered off. Someplace between the Ritz and Hilton we huddled on the beach forming a semi circle around a fat Dutchmaster with our fingers cupping the flame of a single lighter. The waves trickled below the pier we stood on as we watched the boats pass between Venezuela and our tiny island of Aruba. Leave it to D-rock to get weed immediately after passing through customs. As a gang of cousins, It was a first for us to all be together overseas. There was peace between us all as we star gazed, except for Tyler filming himself in the background talking about "getting his bag" and "visiting the red-light district". Good Ole Frank shoved us into the clown car half dead at 3 am managing to hit every speed bump he could until we crash landed at the ABC hotel. Jason never made it out of bed the next day and Frank managed to be at the pool by 9. I understand entirely how we are family after that joy ride.
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Im Good (Blue) // David Guetta & Bebe Rexha
Trips with family are always special and I wish I could have had that same feeling I had cruising down the Aruban highway at 3am as I did in Las Vegas this year for my Bachelorette party. While It didn’t pan out that way that I had pictured in my mind, those that made the journey sure did make me smile. The trip itself panned out so far in the other direction I actually wondered if anyone would give a shit about that one time I had 3 vodka cranberries on a vintage casino tour where I took pictures of the retro shag rugs with cowboys on them and fell asleep by 10pm sharp. It was the same trip in which I got to dress up like a bedazzled flamingo and had all my besties shower me with love, something I can't be thankful enough for. They had the ball literally dropped on their heads and they managed to keep moving forward with my happiness as the focus. It wouldn't have been a "Nicole" Trip if I didn't make a fool of myself at least once. I realized after I got off the elevator that my underwear were in fact tucked into the outside of my shirt with the worst part being I was 100% sober. Despite no one winning thousands of dollars or managing to buy a lap dance we did trek through the desert in a hot pink jeep and that was the highlight of the entire trip.After that, we flew home, we threw out anything that had to do with those that hurt us intentionally and we let that shit go.
When I grow up // The pussycat Dolls
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Fast Car// Luke Combs
The year snowballed, and if I may, I’d like to address the elephant in the room. I’ll save everyone the details but I hope this is the last year of my life I have to experience the sudden violent interjection of a fentanyl overdose once again and the familiar destruction it brings. I hope those reading never have to live with seeing your family crowded around the kitchen window sobbing as you see your uncle bent over, dead on the sofa from a coke overdose.Upsetting and startling to read? Yes, but at least he wasn't found crumpled in a ball on the bathroom floor like his son was.  It was of no surprise to receive the news, still tragic no less. It's the one time in my life I wish my intuition was wrong. My mom reminded me I’d called it,emphasizing the need to never tell her in advance when my spidey senses tell me things are going to go south with someone. I had no memory of telling cousin Robert this in January but he wasted no time reminding everyone I knew this would happen before it happened. Jay and I spoke to the officer at the scene on a first name basis hearing “This is the 9th one this week.” It clicked there standing in the rain that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, something I said to Tommy at 9 years old. He was pretty pissed to hear that back then as a 15 year old delinquent. Yet here I am breathing and his ashes are now somewhere in the Moab desert, Schaghticoke, with bitch face and gram down at the cemetery in Cohoes . It was bad enough we buried aunt Ona next to Gram on Thursday but having to go back on Friday to bury Jr in the adjacent plot the following day was just simply too much for us. Maybe we all should have taken those free narcans Grandma Debbie was giving out two Decembers ago that she got from the county jail. But I'll let that thought go.
Way of the Truine God// Tyler Childs
There came a point in the year where pounding the pavement felt like second nature. Work, farm, picking, shows, repeat.Toggling google maps and driving down back country roads into no mans land had me thinking I was pioneering my own adventure.But then standing outside some abandoned house, freezing in line with #27 stuffed in my back pocket I would wonder , is this even fucking worth it? Somewhere close by a  grouchy bastard cranked a heater next to me mumbling about the cast iron pan he wants at the sale. “Cheap thrills” Id giggle sifting through some dead person's Attic knee deep in a mouse house. I drove chaotically through the tri-county region slinging antiques, singing reggaeton of all things at the top of my lungs, driving down 787 doing 90 in a 65mph. We  trucked car loads of plants to antique shows this year all thanks to Dad, Jay mom and Toni. Success is easy when you have a mini squad of family cheering you on the sidelines, willingly sacrificing Saturday mornings to unload trailers at 7am. I was living the dream and my heart would explode on the good days. On the bad days I’d doubt myself but maybe it was willpower, or just simply my spirit throttling my vessel screaming “ You’ve got this,” but It all worked out the way either way.I let my doubt go.
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Just Breathe// Pearl Jam
I understood the meaning of family even more when Jimmy and I were sipping Vodka sodas at the Saratoga Civic Center watching Marissa cross the stage for her high school graduation. Somewhere in between slow sipping and clapping Jen lost her large $1 Mcdonalds diet coke all over the venue floor.Poppy with no hearing aids stood by with judgment in his eyes while I took “Obituary” pictures. He wondered out loud "What the hell is going on," but his voice was lost in the crowd and he couldn't give damn.
Just like we did 7 summers ago, we took that first ride out to college for move in day except this time it was Marissa's turn.We dropped  Marissa off at college just two weeks shy of Jay and I’s wedding wondering what would transpire in the two weeks before her return. We conspired how her first term would go over chili and chicken tenders at the only bar in town. I heard alot of bitching about leaving a purse behind a dumpster and “I need a fucking smoke.” between gram and pops. With a black coffee and fresh pack of reservation grade cigs, poppy and I hit the road home from SUNY Morrisville. Believe it or not pops spent the entire two hours chatting about the past in a way I never knew he was capable of. I'll never see him the same way again, and i'm content with it. We started out with “ I dont believe in god so when I'm gone just do whatever makes you guys feel good,” and ended with “ I’m glad we got to talk to Nicole, I really liked it. I still don't believe in God but I believe you speak to my mom in your dreams and I can’t explain that.” It was an entire short novel of everything I ever wanted to know explained all at once leaving me with sentiments of peace.
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Drive//Alan Jackson
The pivot towards happily ever after did not commence until walking back up the aisle to catch a drink in my hand.  What a magical day we had. Chalking the day up in my mind I anticipated something far less significant than what had actually happened, simply put, a beautiful day. A day that was talked about with anxiety and ten tons of stress for nearly two years straight, amassing to a single day of blissful drinking surrounded by LOVE and all our favorite people. It felt like our own movie premier, except it was the start our "New life". We had a crowd of family stare at us with tears of laughter in their eyes as we shared our first dance to Hootie and the Blow fish’s “Only wanna be with you." If you're wondering it was totally the wrong choice, last minute and we weren't nearly drunk enough to hide how mortified we were swinging each other round and round. Endless bouts of laughter rang throughout the entire night helping to deflect the thought that some of my favorite people in the world weren’t able to be in attendance that day. Despite the potential for rain as my dad predicted, the day was nothing but sunshine and bliss. A few people cried over their ex’s in the corner that I never saw while one guy went fishing in the pond catching a small mouth bass. Shortly after that he managed to drop an entire keg on his head leaving an egg sized welt on his forehead perfectly positioned for his headlamp to rest on. It all came to an end with everyone barefoot, slurring words in the barn at 2 am, muddy from drunkenly falling down the hill that the barn sat upon. With ruined dresses, we ran out of water and woke the next day with black feet and nothing but giggles. 
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Galaxy// Quavo
Controversial to popular opinion, honeymoons are not easy breezy lemon squeezy and probably shouldn't be taken immediately after your wedding day unless you're prepared to melt from exhaustion prior to landing someplace thousands of miles from home. I will admit it was pretty cool to ride in a cop car through Newark airport while also being personally escorted through TSA all thanks to Josh. After that Jay and I tumbled fast, hitting EU soil with peak levels of bitchiness letting Mallorca test my zen before even getting there. European mannerisms are something we are still coming to terms with and my Spanish is still B2 at best despite Laura’s constant push for me to do more and be better. "Nico, you can do this, it will be easy, you know this." No one told me it was Catalonian Spanish..
If it weren't for Jason driving on 3 hours of sleep and a Xanax I'm not sure we would have survived the first 8 hours on the island (Ok I would have made it but it wouldn't have been an endless laugh).There is no other person on this earth I could imagine driving a fiat with into a plaza full of people..No one else I could picture driving down a one lane country rode with singing Quavos “Fuel Up” and crashing into a rock wall,forcing me to get out of the car and wave down a local for support. It would have been pretty awesome if a camera crew appeared to remind us of that moment of defeat when I bitchly slammed the car door in jays face, saying “STFU ill fix this,” while he sat defeated from the days series of unfortunate events. That tire was the only thing preventing us from entering an air-conditioned unit and I wasn't going to let my man melt away. Senior Tony came to the rescue after I waved him down through barbed fencing, letting me into his gated home to ask in Spanish for support along with his wifi password. All that to find out the parking break was jammed and our rental house had timed AC of 1 hour a day from 3-4am. 
Still,there's no person other than Jay i’d rather crash our vespa with in deadstop traffic just moments before returning the rental. Jay and I are what romcoms are made from. We lived it, we survived and we laughed the entire ride down the one lane mountain rode in one piece. We trash talked the guy with "Love” tattooed on his neck that told jay to never ride a vespa again because he's never been so scared in his life to watch a man ride one like jay.Jay's also the guy I can always count on to make friends with the black girls with the speaker and meet random townies at the bar with. His energy is truly unmatched. Bless his heart for picking me, his one beer queer that pees in dirt parking lots at 10pm on our honeymoon to live with the rest of his life.
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6PM en Mallorca/ Eladio Carrion
There would be days where I was simply vibrating with the need to do it all at once and then some on an empty stomach and a few energy drinks. Healthy wasn't on my radar so I suffered the consequences. It shouldn't have been shocking to learn I was diagnosed with HSP (Highly sensitive person) but to be simply put, it felt like someone gave me the answer I’d been looking for my whole life. Jokingly, I now had an excuse for my hangry episodes, dramatic mood drops and inability to tolerate social outings for longer than 2.5 hours before committing an Irish goodbye home to charge my social battery. Swan would say “Hey Nicole, hows your HSP these days,” like an asshole and we’d all laugh at the thought of me actually having a real life crisis and not something I exaggerated. With this revelation I was mildly pissed because it meant Taylor was sort of right in saying I was autistic all those years ago. While she was sneaking cookies in her sock drawer, feeding her 8 month pregnant belly on the o there side of our shared wall, she screamed at me I was autistic because I didn’t care for loud noises or her shitty attitude. On the spectrum or not, I'll let that go too.
Seasons change and things wound down. It's January as I write this with my health intact along with everything else in my mental portfolio. I've stopped hearing from my manager “ Nicole Im worried about your mental health, maybe you should take time off.”  and instead I'm hearing from those around me “Congratulations" and "you should feel so proud." I am proud actually, its a new feeling. I learnt a lot of lessons this year but ultimately it boils down to one simple message that applies to every facet of our existence: Light & Love. Thats it.
As long as youre striving to be as close to light and love as possible, whatever that is for you, then it will all work out in the end. And It really has. My whole life feels lighter just knowing as long as I gravitate towards genuine love and goodness, all good things will follow and come back.
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  "The whole universe is always about love and when it isnt about love its about the absence of love."
Thanks for reading,
*Want to read my old posts? Curious what about the past, or just simply nosey? Click "Past Work" on the left to read all my old shit.
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foreignerabroad1994 · 2 years
A Talking Sword: Short Story Writing Prompt
My response to the following writing prompt by u/poiyurt on the WritingPrompts subreddit:
[WP] You've gained a enchanted magic sword that can talk to you! That'd be amazing - but this sword has no combat experience and the mentality of an edgy teenager.
Miya stared down at the absolutely enormous sword gleaming on the dusty wooden countertop in her garage. She wasn't sure how she'd gotten it, exactly, because she didn't exactly set out to get a sword on her way back from dropping her son at his dad's house after another temper tantrum. It was just there when she got out of the car, paper bags full of boxed wine, bread and salty butter tucked under her arms and her hair a frizzy mess from the perpetually open window of her shitty car. Honestly, she was looking forward for solitary quality time with cheap alcohol, white flour, a new Love Island episode and potentially, a sneaky little hangout with her vibrator.
She made sure the bottles weren't going to tip over at her feet before she made her way a bit closer to the metal monstrosity. Was it Ian's? But her son was more into girls, overpriced sneakers and leaving a mess than roleplaying games. He hadn't wanted a sword of any kind since he was five.
She wondered if she should be more worried about the sudden appearance of a giant sword in her little suburban home, but she wasn't. She'd worn out her capacity to capably emote about two fights ago.
"What in the fucking hell are you doing here?" she mumbled, carefully running a suspicious finger over the smooth, cold metal. She had to admit, it was beautiful, as far as uselessly massive weapons went. Perfectly smooth and shiny, with no visible fingerprints or specks of dust, it was nearly as long as her whole body.
"And why the fuck are you touching me without my fucking permission?" a tinny, whiny voice replied, and she practically jumped ten feet in the air, looking around in a panic. Maybe Ian was right and she was, indeed, crazy.
"Over here, grandma," the grating voice almost seemed to roll its eyes, cracking ever so slightly. "The metal thing in your house, yes. Hi."
She blinked. Had she been drinking? Had she hit such rock bottom that she fell asleep, only to imagine the voice of an obnoxious teenager coming out of a piece of metal? "Hi?"
"Well I can't exactly wave at you, can't I? Waving is your job. Last time I heard, people, with arms, carry swords."
She huffed. "I don't know if this is real or not, but if it is, someone has a sick sense of humor to send me Ian's inanimate doppelgänger."
"I don't know any Ians."
She put her hands exasperatedly on her hips. "Well unlike you, talking scrap, he's a real boy. Smells, hormones and all."
"Ouch, really hurt my feelings there with that killer line, lasy. I'm so offended. My non existent heart in my non existent chest is broken."
"You know, when I made that little bastard and shot it out of my body while his dad was stationed in the Middle East, I had a lot of dreams. I thought, maybe he'd be a nice boy, and we'd have nice talks in a nice house-"
"Where is this going?"
"And here I am. Ian hates breathing air in the same room as me, his dad is now openly fucking his colleague who was definitely just his good friend back in the desert, and I'm talking to a sword, potentially hallucinating, about to drink myself asleep."
There was a long silence. She rubbed her face, feeling her shoulders sink. This sword could protect someone out there. Maybe it could be featured in a cool movie with shirtless men who grunt and touch each other homoerotically. Instead, there it was ready to be wielded by her, who hadn't lifted anything heavier than these grocery bags in years.
"Look, buddy, I don't know how you got here. I'm sure you're a nice young- sword... but I am tired, and my arms are noodles, so I couldn't wield you much further than the curb. I think you should leave the way you came, which is an insane thing to tell an object."
"If I knew how I got here, I sure as fuck would be using that information to get the hell back to where I came from, but I'm apparently stuck with you, so deal with it."
"Wait..." her brows furrowed. "You mean you don't know how you got here? Do you even know where you're from?"
She heard a squeaky huff. "Of course I-" the voice cut off. It was quiet again. "Actually, I don't... I don't know."
Something maternal in her heart cramped at that lost, tinny voice. She couldn't imagine appearing suddenly, completely immobile, in a foreign place with a foreign person, completely unable to do anything without their help.
"I'm sorry."
The sword took another minute to reply. "Maybe your sorry ass can figure out a way to get me the fuck out of this hellhole."
And there went that maternal ache straight out the proverbial window. "You're a mouthy little shit, you know that?"
The chuckle it gave made the metal blade vibrate ominously, like a giant guitar string. "Apparently. But you'd be mad too if you got stuck with an incompetent old woman as your wielder."
"I am not old."
"That's what offended you? Really?"
"Shut up." She slid down on the stool near the counter.
They sat there in relatively companionable silence, or at least she thought so - after all, this thing didn't exactly have expressions.
"Have you ever even been in a fight?"
"Of course I've-"
"I see that's a big fat no."
The sword vibrated again. It didn't add anything.
She looked down at the thing. She carefully slid her fingers around the hilt, feeling its impressive weight. She assumed that with some effort and two free hands, she could probably move it inside, at least. Maybe Ian would think it's cool. Maybe he'd take one look at her sitting around talking to a sword and never come back home again.
"You gonna fondle me forever, woman?"
She sighed and gave him a few seconds of silent, disappointed staring. Apparently, it worked on swords just as well as pimply boys, because before long, an unsure, defiant "what" made the sword vibrate in her hand.
"Want to go watch some TV?" she asked.
"I don't know what that is."
"It has moving pictures with sounds. They tell stories. It's in a little square."
She took the time to make sure her car and garage doors were both locked. She was about to pick up the groceries when that tinny voice piped up.
"TV sounds nice, actually."
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ira-hydrangea · 3 years
"He gone, you can come now" Prank on boys. Feat Diasomnia. Part 4
Part 1 (Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw) || Part 2 (Octavinelle and Scarabia) || Part 3 (Pomefiore and Ignihyde) || Part 5 (Special Chapter feat the Teacher and Staff)
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Malleus Draconia
You giggle when you send the messages but before you can peak at Tsunotaro, a big thunder startled you. Quickly you try to look at the windows and found out that Malleus is already gone. In his standing place, black smoke can be seen around.
You try to contact Malleus but the message can not even be sent. Worried for him, you grab your jacket and plan to go to Diasomnia but a loud bang can be heard.
"What the- Sebek?!" You immediately open the door only to see Sebek with Silver. It is already strange enough seeing them both but what caught your attention is how wet they are.
"Uh... What happens to you both?"
You three-run to Diasomnia to find it get the biggest and worst storm ever. Thunder can be heard through the clouds. You manage to get inside to find Lilia waiting for you.
"Great timings. You start this, you end this. Good luck~"
"W-wait, Lilia-san-"
And with that, the door to the room is closed and locked. You can see a big silhouette of an animal hovering in your view. It takes a moment to see that it was Malleus.
"Mal?" The dragon huft with a sad whimper.
"Oh, Mal... I'm sorry for that prank. I promise not to do that again..."
Yes, luckily this matter can be resolved quite fast. Although you left with a stern lecture from Lilia. You wouldn't prank Malleus again! At least for this short time.
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Lilia Vanrouge
"May I know who is this one you have been waiting for?" Lilia appears upside-down in your rooms and looks at your phone. You shout at his appearance.
"L-Lilia? I thought you going back?"
"I am until I receive these disturbing messages. Now, pray to tell who is it?" You advert your gaze from him. Lilia looks intensely at you before letting out a chuckle.
"Hoho~ Not gonna speak, huh? In that case, I just have to make sure you can't walk for a while to see this guy~"
"W-wait! What did you mean- LILIA!!!"
You are completely at his mercy now. Not only does he straddle your upper body but his hands are also skilled.
"Nuh-uh! Prank or no prank, I will spend this evening tickling you. Let me have my fun too~"
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Is he just fast asleep? The moment he steps outside your door, his narcolepsy starts to kick in. So he was asleep in your yard. Not even heard the sound of his phone ringing from your message.
You peak through the windows and see him sleep under the tree in Ramshackle yard. Can't help but sigh at him. You get out of the house to check on him.
"You really..." You sigh again at his adorable sleeping face.
"I explain it to him later..." And you join him to go to the dreamland.
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Sebek Zigvolt
You forget to consider one thing before you prank him. His voice.
Yes. A shouting contest indeed. Eventually, he will break down your door room and continue the shouting inside the dorm. You eventually shut him up with a kiss or a cookie. Whichever works for you.
If you shut him with a cookie, you got a choking Sebek but if you do it with a kiss, you get the blushing Sebek. Up to you...
Enjoy my writing? If you want you can be a cup of Coffee as a treat. Thank you~ And have a nice day.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
Some Jameson with mobility aids to ease the struggles of hobbling around on crutches?
@whumpingwithaquestionableauthor, I am not sure this is what you were hoping for, but I hope it works!
Just like all my others, Robert sneers, raising the hammer. You'll die right down here. Just like them. But first... let me show you what comes first.
He brings the hammer down.
Jameson's eyes fly open even as he falls off the bed with blankets twisted around his legs, gasping as his shoulder smacks into the floor. Pain radiates from his knees, the kind of ache that makes him sick, and his stomach twists as he rolls onto his stomach, pressing his forehead against the floor.
A hammer. He's seen Robert bash a woman's knees with a hammer, listened to the screaming coming up from the basement until it didn't anymore.
He can feel Robert's fingers in his hair and shudders, but that hurts even worse and he bites down on one hand, burying his teeth in the thin skin between thumb and forefinger until it bleeds to muffle his cries.
Nat's asleep in the attic, Vince somewhere down the hall. He won't wake them. He won't have them see him look like this.
He won't.
"Come on, motherfucker, get up-"
But his legs don't listen to his demands at all. Tears burn hot and have to be forced away with eyes clenched tightly shut.
The soft thump of Trash Cat leaping down precedes the feel of soft fur against his temple. He looks up, just enough to see, and she rubs against his shoulder with the side of her little face, purring like a tiny freight train.
"Sorry," He gasps. He pushes himself up onto his elbows in the dark, the only light the thinnest diffusion from a street lamp outside the neighbor's, shining blueish through the window. "Sorry, can't-... Shit-"
He slams his fist down against the floor, breathing shallowly, trying to settle the pain enough to think. Trash Cat sits back on her haunches and watches him, blinking slowly, as if observing some scientific experiment with calm consideration.
He has to nearly army crawl by his elbows along the floor, his legs bent at the knees dragging nearly uselessly behind him. Next to his bedroom door, though, are his crutches. Leaning against the wall, waiting for him.
"Fucking thank you," He mutters, but he has to get himself up to use them. Unless... He knocks at one with one hand and catches it as it falls, using it to brace himself to sit up, first. Rolling over sends fresh waves of agony rippling up his thighs and down even to his fucking toes.
He wishes, with a brief vicious intensity, that Robert was still alive so he could kill him again, but slower this time.
Then he grabs the other crutch, and between both of them and the wall providing balance, he manages to pull himself to his feet with only a few whimpers to give away how much it hurts.
The hobble down the hall to the bathroom isn't less painful, but it's easier, and he's getting the hang of these things now. He moves almost fluidly, even hurting this badly.
He makes his way into the bathroom and leans his weight on one crutch while the other digs through a medicine cabinet until he finally a prescription bottle, rattling pills inside. A fake name on the front door the fake person the prescriptions are written for.
"Cheers, Mark Jackson, whoever you are," He says, swallowing a pill dry and then chasing it with water cupped in his palm from the sink.
A tiny paw forces its way under the door. Trash Cat meows plaintively from the other side.
"Sssshhhh!" Jameson groans but she meows again, heedless to his urge for her to stay quiet. She scratches under the door, paw curling until she gets the angle just right. Then he listens to her bump the door with her head. It opens slowly and she saunters in, easy as you please, tail a curious question mark behind her.
"You're an asshole," He tells her. She blinks once, slowly. "Yeah... I am too, I guess." He only needs one crutch this time to move to the door to close it again, then back to the bathtub. When he turns the handle, water pours from the faucet, and Trash Cat's ears briefly flicker back as she watches.
"Oh, fuck off, baths help til the pill kicks in and you know it."
She turns to lick delicately at one paw.
"That's what I fucking thought," He mutters, feeling somehow like she won this battle and he isn't sure why. The water slowly warms, until it's hot enough to nearly scald. He sets the stopper and waits for it to fill, leaning on his crutch while he shimmies out of his boxers, works one arm out of his shirt. Switches to the other side, finally pulling the stupid shirt off entirely.
He leans the crutch carefully against the bathtub.
He falls more than settles into the hot water, graceless and with a grunt of pain. But then he sits his back against one side, legs still bent but finally, finally slowly straightening out, inch by inch.
The heat soothes the ache, turning it to a throb he can handle, a pain he can still think around.
He sighs, a long exhale that feels like triumph, and waits for the painkiller to kick in before he goes back to bed... hoping he doesn't fall asleep in the tub again.
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