#...you deserve peace and comfort and happiness and everything beautiful in this world because *you live in it*!
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
i know this isnt usually what ppl send u but i look up to u and i love the way u see transness, im sure u can help. basically i got top surgery 4 months ago and im extremely unhappy with my results. not the surgeons fault, he warned me getting keyhole might require revisions, and im getting them in november, but i cant help feeling like ive failed my transition. i still have so much chest dysphoria. how to cope until november? it's unbearable, its all i think about; that i still have, u know...
Continued ask:
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First of all, I feel the need to emphasize that this isn't your fault. You haven't failed at anything. It is okay not to be satisfied with your results right now, especially with a surgery that needs revisions. You are entirely allowed to seek those revisions, and while it's nice that other people think the results look fine, that doesn't outweigh that your opinion about your chest and how it looks is most important. You are not selfish or unreasonable to acknowledge this. I just really, really feel the need to say this because I worry that so many trans people are afraid to admit when they aren't totally satisfied with surgery because it takes a lot of effort and they want to show the "appropriately amount of happiness." This idea, however, isn't right and isn't fair. You are allowed to feel however you feel about your results; other people's opinions aren't a factor in that.
I will also state that I haven't had surgery yet, but I definitely would encourage you to build trust in yourself to express this. It's great that you have admitted how you think about the results. That's a big deal! I think, though, that it can be important to build trust in yourself to be able to be happy and satisfied. There may come a point where, after revisions, you are happy, and that's something I also noticed in your ask. I just think it can be helpful to internalize that hopefulness because it empowers you to know that this isn't permanent.
I also hope that you have a support network that is affirming and will listen. It's nice to be told that others think your chest is fine, and I'm sure they are completely genuine and mean it, but I think it's missing the point. It isn't about having a "cis chest" or a "good-looking chest," it's about having a chest that makes you happy. If you're able, I'd definitely make that clear if you haven't (no judgments if you haven't)
This is a tumultuous time, I'm sure. You deserve to be able to express the full range of your emotions however works best for you. But not for one second do I wish you feel that you have failed. There is nothing you failed at. Transition will always be a unique experience, for the better and worse. I just wish you peace along your journey. You are the most important part of your transition. Your body, your voice, your spirit all matter so immensely, no matter where you are in this part of transition. If there is nothing tangible I can do to help you with this, then I simply want to remind you of just how utterly you matter. I'm glad you were able to open up about this. It's so incredibly vulnerable and scary to admit, even though there is nothing bad about what you feel.
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maybankswhore · 1 year
Can u maybe do something we're the reader says something like "I feel so safe w u" to bf jj and it kind of js makes him super happy because he knows she has trust issues
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader , pronouns used are she/her
summary: jj likes knowing he’s your safe place. basically really , really lovey-dovey couple.
warnings: mentions of anxiety , drug use ( smoking a joint with jj on the beach )
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The air felt like a blanket as you laid underneath the sky decorations. Staring at the stars that twinkled in the dark , lighting up the high points of your face. Your head rested in JJ’s lap , inhaling the joint that he had rolled for the two of you earlier in the Twinkie , your body feeling at peace.
It was hard for you to relax most of the time. With everything happening , with everything that had happened already , you were constantly on edge. Looking over your shoulder , wondering when the next big wave of disaster would come and wipe you away. You lived in your anxiety , feeling swallowed.
Moments like these were rare. The moments where nothing else mattered. Where you didn’t think of the things that made you sad. Or the things the choices you’d have to make. Your brain felt empty of all things , and it felt so good.
The weed settling in your bloodstream , warming up all those aches and pains that bothered you. Settling the nausea in your stomach and helping you release all those negative energies.
JJ’s presence enveloped you , shielded you from all the bad things the world could create and throw your way. He anchored you to real life , to bring you back to reality when things got too hard. With him , no matter where you were , but especially there— on the beach , in the designated spot the two of you had claimed , was easily your safest and comfiest place.
You were snapped out of your trance , humming when you felt JJ’s calloused fingertips trace over the skin of your face gently. Your eyes fluttered open , looking up at him as he stared at you. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was messy— and looking at him caused your heart to lurch , to feel all the good things being in love could make you feel.
“What’re you thinking about?” JJ questioned , pinching at the scrunched part of your nose.
“You.” You answered softly , reaching up to mirror his actions. Your hands felt every detail of his face , memorizing the way they felt so you’d never forget him , never forget how soft and beautiful he looked even if you’d go blind and never see it again— you’d remember him in the purest part of your soul.
Your answer made him blush , a sheepish smile on his face as he captured your hand and kissed the palm to hide his embarrassment. “Me?!”
“About how sexy and hot I am?” JJ joked , making you giggle.
“No.” You shook your head. Sitting up , you crossed your legs and turned to face him , lazily draping your arms around his shoulders. You leaned into him , kissing at his lips softly. He tasted of weed and stale beer , a hint of caramel from the sundae the two of you shared earlier. JJ kissed you back , falling into the way your lips molded with his in it’s own perfect way. Feeling like finding the missing piece to a puzzle you had been working on for years.
“I was just thinking about how I feel.” You said once you pulled away , cupping his cheeks. “How I always feel so safe , so comfortable.” You felt as though your heart was singing. Every book you read , every movie you watched that you used to complain about how cliche they were , how a love like that was only ever in fiction. But it was real , and it was now and you felt JJ heal every part of you that you didn’t know needed healing. He took the bad parts of you and loved them anyway.
Your words had caused a dull ache in JJ’s chest. Not the ache that hurt , but the kind that settled there. The kind he’d only ever feel for you , about you. He always felt like you deserved more because he only had so much to give— but he had never felt more right for you right now. Because to know that you had been able to find safety within in was worth way more than anything money could buy. Hearts swirled in his eyes as he stared at you , taking a mental screenshot of you with your beauty raw— eyes hooded and red , face bare with soft imperfections littered around the skin.
“I feel the same about you.” JJ told you softly , a sweet grin on his face. “I can be whoever I am , in the deepest parts of me that I’m too scared for anyone else to see. You make me feel seen.”
It was just you and JJ there on that beach , under the stars that watched two lovers fall in love over and over again , for as long as they could. For as long as the world allowed.
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
stray kids as love letter confessions <3
a/n: i said that a quote about love was hyunjin-coded and got the urge to write out how stray kids would confess their love. this is short and sweet, but let me know if you want something more! pics not mine <3
content: fluff, romance | wc: 0.6k | warnings: none really! | pairing: stray kids x gn!reader | requests: open
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for the longest time, i felt like i needed to stay busy. i was always running toward something, chasing after the next achievement, creating goal after goal, searching for fulfillment. when i met you, it was like i took a deep breath for the first time. you are my sense of peace. you are my place of rest, my solace, my comfort. i can never say thank you enough. please let me be the one to help you breathe easy. i love you.
there are so many different ways to say it, and the simplest version is that i care about you. anything i can do to ensure you are cared for is something i’ll do with great pride. i’ll always peel fruit for you, lend you my coat on the coldest days, offer you a safe place from the rest of the world, and be there whenever and wherever you need me. i’m sorry i can’t think of anything original to say on the matter, but i’ll keep trying. i’ll always care for you, my dear, because i love you.
when i look at you, i realize that all that i have was lacking something important before. my life is rich, and i am so grateful, but everything became more meaningful after you became a part of my life. you are critical to everything i have because it is worth so much more now that i can share it with the person that matters the most to me. you have all of me. i love you more than anything and everything. 
you captivate me. even if i attempted to create something new every day for the rest of my life, i don’t think i could find the words or images powerful enough to portray the way you have enchanted me. you changed how i see the world, how i experience life, for the better. i’ll never stop trying to explain the magnitude of what you make me feel because i love you, endlessly. 
knowing you, i finally understand what soulmates are. only something as magical as fate can explain our connection. whether we’re tied by a red thread or written in the stars, i truly believe we are meant to be. it is an unbelievable honor to have you in my life, and it is even more of a gift to be a part of yours. you inspire me. you ground me. i promise that i’ll choose you again and again and again. thank you for finding me. i love you.
you are the brightest star in my eyes. when people call me “sunshine,” i think of you, because i have become warmer after basking in your light. thank you for shining in your own way. thank you for teaching me true happiness. i promise to be the best i can be, if only to see your radiant smile shine even brighter. you make everything around you glow. i love you, my star. 
you are better than a dream come true. knowing you surpasses anything i could have imagined, and yet you are real, right here with me. what a surprise, what a delight it is to be with you! every love song must have been written about you, for i cannot think of anyone more deserving of such beautiful, tender love. you have my heart. i love you.
i can’t say i’m good at expressing all of this, so i’ll state the obvious: i love you. my life is sweeter with you in it. the good times are more enjoyable, and the difficult times are easier to withstand, all because you are with me. as long as you let me, i will be by your side. i promise to always be there because you make me feel as though i'll never be alone again. thank you for everything. i love you. 
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ohitslen · 1 year
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He should know better. 
Wolfwood has seen Vash make promises, or hear about the ones he has made in the past. He has also seen the end of each one and how every single time the outcome is less than what was promised. 
Vash likes to say embellished words, with a soft and determined voice that lures you into his hopes and dreams, it almost feels like a spell, as if he was calling for you to come closer and believe him. But Wolfwood knows better.
He believes in him, but Vash is much closer to being an idealistic dreamer than a realistic person like he is. He might not be aware of it, but his beautiful promises of a better future give people hope, a hope that is usually embraced with things like disappointment and abandonment. 
He doesn’t think that Vash does it with the intent of looking for any of those things. Far from it, he might even do the impossible in order to accomplish said promises, but life is too short and humans are too mortal for his wishes, so in the end, most of Vash’s promises end up being empty or they come to haunt him as a reminder of his failed vows. He admires the man, for his perseverance and idealism, but he also hates the man, for his stubbornness and lies. 
Wolfwood knows all of this perfectly to a tee. And yet, he has also found himself being drawn to his world. Because he also dreams of it.
A world in where his always present calls for love and peace exist, a world that is far more kind than what he might deserve, a world in where the kids can be happy and roam around without any worry in their heads, a world in where he can peacefully turn grey with age and his hands can shed the harsh callouses of his life. Who knows, maybe a world in where he and Vash can finally know the peace that was taken away from them, in where they can share the calmness that comes with the passage of time, indulging in every tick of the clock welcoming with open arms whatever comes their way without any fear.
It is a beautiful promise. But Wolfwood is a person that has to keep his feet on the ground, indulging in “what ifs” would only make things harder than what they had to be. He can’t have any ifs if he can’t make it through the now. And by the way he is carrying his present, he is doubtful he will even get to see a shed of that promised world that Vash tries to drag him into. So why mourn something he doesn’t even have, or will ever have for that matter.
He hates the way Vash seems to promise things so easily. His tongue silky and pliant, slipping divine words one after the other, promises way too big for what that barren world can actually fit. 
But when Vash talks to him in that holy voice of his, when he hears him say “It’s okay, everything will be alright, I promise” so gently right on his ear, while he holds his face so tenderly making him focus on him and nothing else, he wants to believe him.
He has seen the end of his promises. He knows how impossible they are. But for once, he wants to believe it too. Believe in that loving world that will cradle them both until they fall asleep, listening to the soft sound of the wind laughing while the moons smile upon them. 
So he allows himself to indulge in the warmth of his palms, leaning into the comfort of his existence, feeling the soft air of Vash’s breaths against his skin while their foreheads meet in a touch that feels like a hot brand that will melt him.
For an instant, he allows himself to be selfish and believe that maybe, that is how living in that world Vash so desperately fights for would be. Soft and warm, making him feel safe in the hollow of Vash’s hands where the world seems to fit so well. A world where the blue sky is a blanket that covers the love and care that is nestled in it like the one in Vash’s eyes. He wants to see that world.
For now, he will selfishly think that the world that fits in Vash’s hands is right there in where he is holding him, where his blue eyes are drowning in the light of the sunset dripping with love and care while looking at him, that the gentle touch of Vash’s thumb wiping his tears is the same as the kiss of that laughing wind in that distant future, where the smile of his eyes overcomes the smile of the moons.
He should know better. But he loves the thought of that world. And he hopes that Vash will get to see that world, because that gentle sight is more fitting for someone like him than the one of his violent world.
He promises to himself that he will do what it takes for that day to be possible. Even if the end of that promise will be empty for Nicholas, he knows it will be a full one for Vash. So it really isn’t that empty for him after all.
He hates his lies, and he hates how true they sound, but Vash’s embellished words are far sweeter than his bitter thoughts so they feel better on his insides, almost like a balm that cares for the wounds of his throbbing, painful reality.
He should know better.
But aren’t humans weak at the promise of love?
#yeah….mm…mhm yeah#my thoughts were going crazy with this one. because WW crying is something that has me week on the knees#WEAK FFS#also the thought of him becoming bare and emotional at the hands of Vash makes me want to jump around until I pass out#think of it. he is afraid of him in a way. but he trusts him so deeply too it’s such a contrasting and little contradictory thing#more like. denial after denial but yk what I mean. because that’s the whole post#also as a fun fact. while on the making of this thing the line of “it’s okay. everything will be alright. I promise#it’s meant to be said by Vash to WW#but also I did it considering that a)Vash is saying it to himself as well and b)it’s something WW wants to say to Vash as well#they are both incredibly pained men and they know it but don’t adress it. so verbally saying such words to each other issssUUUEHWHAGAH#ah yes. the intimacy of being emotionally vulnerable with the person who you would trust your life to but never openly say shit to eachother#isn’t that such an amazing flavor? I won’t lie to you it’s one of my favorites#trigun#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun stampede#trigun fanart#wolfwood#nicholas trigun#nicholas the punisher#lenssi writes#lenssi draws#trigun 2023#trigun 98#because I did a mishmash on WW design bc this is meant to be TriStamp time skip in my mind#his eyes were originally their canon steel blue/grayish tone. but while doing the lighting the brown looked gorgeous#i couldn’t help myself so I left it that way. because there is something so beautiful abt his eyes shining like that in#the afternoon light while he becomes undone under the sunset ya feel me?#OHFUCKIALMOSTFORGOT another little detail. Vash’s right hand doesn’t have a glove and it’s on purpose btw you’re welcome
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Is your requests still open i just got back on and stuff and i kinda forgot your username did you change it i feel like my memory is getting worser everyday🫠aside from that if you are still doing requests can i maybe request like a reader that has animals following them around because of the calming presence they have around them that they use to comfort the characters at times maybe with a dendro or cryo vision (tighnari, wanderer,lyney,xiao,nuevelle bro what is this mans name and maybe cyno for the last) oh and they are a healer
It did change! My older username was much longer and a randomly generated one so I decided to go with something more personal! Also so happy to see you again! Sorry this took forever to write, but I hope you enjoy!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~Calm like a soft breeze~༺}
CW: Super sweet and fluffy!
(Includes: Lyney, Tighnari, Xiao, Wanderer, and Neuvillette!)
"Oh my" Lyney gasped as he caught sight of the fish in the ocean, the lot of them swirling at the bottom of your feet while you searched for shells against the setting sun...the crabs had even started to follow you. You just had that affect on everything, anything that could see your sweet smile...feel the calm collected words that left your lips...they'd be entranced. He himself often got himself watching you with lovestruck eyes, hoping to catch glimpses of just what made you a walking safe place.
"Mon amour, you're one of the most beautiful mysteries of this world, I hope you realize just how many times you leave me in awe..."
"L-lyney...I'm just collecting shel-"
"I know and yet you've even caught the attention of the sea itself...incredible. Absolutely incredible."
Tighnaris tail swayed slightly as he watched you, he couldn't help but be amazed...more animals gathering around to watch along with him as you intertwined small sticks into a crown. Your soft presence drawing him and every other living thing closer so they could see the culprit behind their newfound peace of mind. He had no clue how you managed to turn even his most stressed days into easy evenings. You truly had to be magical, and not like using a vision type of magic. A magic entirely your own, a spell you cast on anyone who met you.
"You're pretty incredible. I thought today was going terribly and then you turned it around like it had never been bad to begin with...how do you do it?"
"I just go with the flow and comfort you all the ways I can, you're the incredible one and I want to help you feel that way."
"There's no doubt you do."
Xiao sighed, watching as more birds gathered around you...your being radiating a calming aura that even had him feeling like he could lull off into a sweet sleep. "How do you always manage to draw the attention of the birds? You're just humming and yet it feels like you slow the world down so all can feel at peace...even me with my Karmic debt. How?"
"I'm not sure, I just humm the melody in my heart and hope that the birds and you enjoy it. As for being calming...I guess I find it easier to comfort people when I'm like this. Does this help?"
"Yes...I appreciate it. I might actually rest for awhile...if that's alright."
"Of course it is. Rest as long as you can my dear, you deserve it."
Wanderer set his hat beside you, laying his head on your lap so he could look up at you while more animals gathered around the both of you. Normally so much attention from the wildlife would leave him annoyed...but you calmed his angry soul so easily. Reading aloud to the creatures of the forest and him while the clouds slowly swayed in the sky...you just left everything feeling safe and cozy.
"I don't know how you do it...but thanks I guess, for making me feel better. Even if you didn't really do anything but read. It helps.."
"If reading to you is what helps then consider it my pleasure."
"...you, are what helps."
Neuvillette opened the window slightly, allowing the many birds that had been sitting on the sill of it to get a better look at the source of the most wonderful lullaby they'd ever heard. Your voice was like the calming waves of a ocean, the perfect sound washing over him and wrapping him in a comforting warmth he'd needed so badly after his long day at work. He could listen to you for hours and never find your voice dull.
"You're a work of art my dear."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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cosycafune · 5 months
a summary of the chapter: sometimes, you just wanted love and comfort. so, what wrong would it be to burrow in your husband’s arms, even if you have two children and have been married for a few years. you’re still human.
a synopsis of acts: crying, cuddling, talks of children, kissing, promises, happiness, forehead kisses and fluff.
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Loved, that’s what you are. You are loved beyond a comprehensible repair, that’s all your boyfriend, Eren, allowed you to feel. Even in moments where your heart felt void, from the troubles of the woeful world, he would artistically paint you with meaningful love. Love no over being could ever gift you.
Even now, as you linger responsibly within Eren’s arms, his gentle lips skimming upon the top of your head. The top of your head with fondness, tinting you with a love you fall incapable of not cherishing. Eren’s your everything, your soul, your heart, your very will to conquer an uncherished day.
“Are you okay, my love?” Softly accustoming to the raspiness of Eren’s beautiful tone, your heart puddles at the attentiveness of each of his given kisses.
“I’m okay, just really tired,” Informing your lover, you cast yourself into being coddled by his toned arms — holding back the entirety of your held back tears.
“You’re tearing up, so what’s up?” Eren’s gentleness exceeds your limits, leaving you to glimpse up at him with desperation. Desperation from him being capable of reading you, even if your heart is reformed by the tragedies of the world.
That’s why you love him; he’s the same.
“Navigating the world as a woman is hard, Eren,” As your wavering saying falls from your lips, you feel Eren reposition you so you are now capable of listening to his treasured heartbeat.
“Be more specific, my love,” Smearing a kiss upon your forehead, his viridian eyes tinting you, you softly bask within his homeliness.
“I hate having to work two times harder than everyone else, but at least I have you,” Beaming at knowing that he’ll forever be yours, your lips waver as Eren drifts his head lower to capture your lips.
“With me, you’ll never have to work twice as hard, and that’s a promise, my love,” Smitten with you, Eren proposes his only reform — his lips enamoured by the gentleness of your lips and your supple cheeks.
“Can we stay like this?” Speaking through subtle sounds, you feel Eren use his broad hand to clear the clustered emotions of your tears.
Eren hated when you cried; you’re his everything so your aching was also his own burden.
“Yes, and I love you more than anything, my love,” Enamoured by Eren’s peaceful declarations of gifted love, you glimpse at his starry eyes and crimson cheeks, curling further within his company and love.
“I love you more than anything in life, my galaxy,” Proposing your aged nickname for him, you observe him smile beautifully. Smile at being gifted the nickname that you had gifted to him since you were no more than youthful children, coated in ageless sand.
“We can go Hawaii if you want? I’ll spoil you for all there is,” Eren suggests to you, grinning effortlessly as you contently smile — welcoming the comfortability of him.
“Who’s going to take care of Eden and Noa?” Glimpsing at Eren with puffed out cheeks, your tension melts away the moment he smothers your forehead with relentless, love-stuffed kisses.
“My mum, as she always has,” Eren’s reassuring statement blankets you with a beautiful numbness, with not a care adorning the beauty of your cherished mind.
“Rest your beautiful mind, my love,” Softly, Eren’s voice reaches your attentive ears, “I’ll have everything sorted out because I love you and you deserve all the comfort it the world.” His promises adorn you with further tears, even if you remain no more than in a tight pencil skirt — your bra so beautifully on display for him.
“Being rich comes with its perks, but the world is still so cruel to me,” Adding to Eren’s suggested plan, you halt, “Even our little babies, I’m tired of people acting like they’re not mine because they look like you and only have my tone.” Eren continues to wipe your twinkling tears, his heart thudding at the ache you continuously carry.
“Who’s specifically making you cry, my wife, because I promise I’ll get them, my love?” The anger within Eren’s calm tone cools the moment he realises that all you yearn for is lovely, beautiful comfort. Comfort, healing and for the burden that adorns your crashing heart to rise — to be easily lifted.
“Agatha,” With your lips trembling, you plaster Eren with the truthfulness of your heart.
“I’ll have her fired by tomorrow, along with anyone who sends micro-aggressions towards my beautiful wife.” Eren eagerly informs you, smearing you with playful kisses that elicit a fond laughter from you.
He loves your laugh more than anything.
“Thank you, my love,” Extremely excited, you can’t stop beaming as Eren attacks your lips with kisses, “I’m still going to hold you to Hawaii and Germany.” Comfortable within his broad arms, you discover yourself lulled and soothed within his arms.
You’re home.
“We can get that sorted by tomorrow.” Eren implies, gifting you intimate security that not a soul could ever spare to you.
Minus your two children, and your pending one.
do not copy my work; simply enjoy it. all rights reserved, vampiified, 2024.
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charlottecutepie · 8 months
☥ Bunny meat (William Afton x fem!reader x Michael Afton)
Summary: He was a likeable middle-aged man who had wonderful children, his dream job and a beautiful wife. He never blamed himself for his own actions, or to be more exact, he never thought about their consequences.
author note: Ive been thinking for a very long time whether I should publish this fic here. this is my fav fic I wrote for fnaf, I especially like the way I portrayed William here. so please, if any of you would like to see this story here, can you leave a comment? It’ll help me to understand. I’m just unsure if I should post this fic here :’’)
tags: darkfic, unhealthy relationship, angst, smut with plot, p in v, dubcon, oral sex, rough and gentle sex, daddy kink, blood play, knife play, fear play, hurt/comfort, violence, gore/murders, child abuse, follows fnaf lore, moral and physical abuse, virginity kink, anxiety disorder, age gap, daddy issues, unreliable narrator, hallucinations, hidden pairing, William is sick, psychopathy, unhealthy narcissism
Chapter 2.
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Chapter 1. Thoughts
Chilly spring night. Light wind and rain. It's so fresh outside that the opposite effect appears: you feel as if you are suffocating from excess air. Outside is your favourite smell of wet grass after the rain. Light smile appears on your lips, and you carelessly go out on the porch of your house, looking at the beautiful view in front of you.
At such moments, everything around seems to be a part of you, you feel some kind of connection with nature and this world. Peace, tranquility, two things what you lack in life.
Today was a bad day. Maybe tomorrow will be better? Tomorrow will be the same. And when will it be better? Does this hell have an end?
Your head is filled with bad thoughts. It feels like every day is getting a little worse than the previous one. You never understood why you deserved such treatment from your father. It was as if he was doing everything so that you wouldn't feel like his daughter. He never even called you that. Something bad happened in your family every day, mom and dad always argued, and you always ran into your room in a state of panic, anxiety. What if father does something to her? That's what happened a few years ago. When you called your aunt in tears, begging her to come, because your father broke your mom's leg and beat her to a concussion. You could have been next if your aunt hadn't arrived on time. That evening, the picture of father changed dramatically in your little child's head.
“Father” means something cold, something cruel. The one who can punch, beat, shout, scream. Abuse.
You live with this thought to this day, but the only thing that has changed is that now there is no father anymore. He died a month ago, which was a shock to your whole little family. You hardly remember what happened exactly on the day of his death, but you clearly memorised your mother who cried all night because she knew well that the only one who could work to feed the family was her husband.
And now, because of this husband she cannot find a well-paid job, because he took care to provide her with a serious disability. And you're too young to work, first you must finish school and university.
Your skin was covered with goosebumps, you went back into the house. Passing by mom's room, you made sure that she was asleep and went to your own one.
Tomorrow is another day.
June 22.
“Y/n, breakfast is ready.” you heard mom's voice from the kitchen. Telling her you'd be coming soon, you headed to the bathroom to comb your hair and wash your face.
On the dining table you saw a plate with your favorite breakfast. Pancakes with honey, it couldn't not make you happy. You smiled and sat down opposite your mom. Woman was in a joyful mood.
“Good morning, dear, how did you sleep?” she asked gently, examining your face expression. That's how your conversation started, about everything and nothing at once. She told something about her plans for today, for a week, about her friends, about how one of them gave birth again. You just enjoyed her monologue, sometimes nodding and shaking your head. It was nice for you to see a sparkle in mom's eyes, it was something strange and unique for you, but warming soul. “I absolutely forgot that soon is your birthday!”
“Oh, really? If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have remembered…” you answered in confusion, fidgeting in your chair and twitching your leg. For some reason, the mention of your birthday made you uncomfortable. Probably because it will be your first birthday without your father. After all, when he was alive, you never really celebrated it. The maximum that was — sweets that your mother gave you in secret from him. You wonder what will happen this time?
“How are we going to celebrate?” Mom asked, smile on her face.
You looked at the floor, nervously fiddling with your shorts. You scratched your head, trying to think of something, but no idea came to mind. Your thoughts are empty again.
“It's your 18th birthday… We need to celebrate it well somehow.” for a second she paused, before looking at you with cheerful face. “Oh… Mr. Afton!”
Your eyes widened in surprise, because after the funeral, your family stopped communicating with Afton family.
“Mom, what are you up to?” you frowned. To be honest, you always got shivers running down your spine from his name, because your last meeting was at that cemetery, on the day of your father's funeral. Memories have entered your mind, forcing you to remember your last dialogue with Mr. Afton.
After the burial itself happened, you ran away from the crowd away. Your heart was racing like crazy, trying to jump out of your chest. You sat down on a wet bench, covering your face in hysterics. Tears streamed down your cheeks, dripping onto a puddle under the bench.
“Young lady,” a low-pitched male voice called you out of hysteria. “Everything is okay? You've been sitting here for hour.”
You opened your eyes and raised your head. Next to you was standing was a tall, middle-aged man with dark brown hair, dressed in black trousers and a jacket. He leaned towards you, holding an umbrella over your head. His face seemed painfully familiar, but because of the hysteria, you couldn't remember who it was.
“Oh god, Y/n? I didn't recognize you, little one. Why are you sitting here all alone?” he smiled broadly as he sat down next to you on the bench, still holding the umbrella for you. “Your mom is looking for you, she's so worried. Her beloved girl is lost.”
You recognised this man. It was none other than William Afton. One of your father's friends, he often came to visit you, and your family also visited him. You were embarrassed by ignoring his questions because you didn't know what to respond. He's been staring at your face the whole time.
“Come on, princess, I see how cold you are.” with these words, he took off his jacket, putting it on your shoulders. “I understand how hard it is for you, honey.”
You haven't received so many nicknames from any men for all your 17 years of life. Never, not once. His voice at some point began to seem more comfortable and soothing. Because of all the surging emotions, you burst into tears again in front of him, no longer hiding your face. William, not wasting a minute, threw umbrella and took you in his arms, so that your face was hidden in his chest. His cold hands stroked your hair, soothing you, calming you. It may have looked strange from out of context, but you really needed support in such hard moment.
“Don't cry, Y/n. You'll be fine, little one.” he talked and talked endlessly, but because of your own tears and sobs, you ignored everything, only burying your nose in his chest more.
“He's the owner of a pizzeria! Do you want to celebrate there? I'm sure he'll give us a discount in honor of such an event.” her smile never disappeared for a second. You were already beginning to doubt at how real her emotions were.
“Are you sure? We don't have much money anyway…”
“Never mind, I want you to finally have the best birthday, dear.” she winked and got up from the table, putting the plates and mugs in the sink.
Your lips curled at the thought of having to see William again.
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tytarax · 2 months
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The early morning sun cast a golden glow over the rugged landscape, bathing the mountains and forests in a warm light. You stretched lazily, feeling the soft rustle of the leaves under you. Life on Vampa had been harsh at first, but with Broly by your side, it had become a place of unexpected peace and beauty.
You glanced to your left and saw Broly already awake, his towering figure silhouetted against the rising sun. He was tending to Ba, the giant creature who had become more of a friend than a pet. Broly’s gentle hand patted Ba’s head, and you couldn’t help but smile at the tender sight.
“Good morning,” you called out, your voice breaking the serene silence.
Broly turned to you, his stern face softening into a warm smile. “Good morning,” he replied, his deep voice rumbling like distant thunder. He made his way over to you, his steps surprisingly light for someone of his size.
“How did you sleep?” he asked, sitting down beside you. Despite his imposing size, Broly always made sure to be careful around you, his movements deliberate and gentle.
“Like a rock,” you replied with a chuckle. “This place is starting to feel like home.”
Broly’s eyes sparkled with happiness at your words. “I’m glad,” he said softly. “I want you to be happy here.”
You reached out, taking his large hand in yours. “I am happy, Broly. Because I’m with you.”
He blushed slightly, a rare but endearing sight. Broly wasn’t used to affection, having spent most of his life in isolation or conflict. But with you, he was learning to embrace the softer emotions.
The two of you spent the morning exploring the surrounding area. Broly showed you a hidden waterfall he had discovered, the crystal-clear water cascading down into a serene pool. The sound of the water was soothing, and you sat together on a rock, simply enjoying each other’s company.
As the day grew warmer, you decided to take a break and have lunch. You had packed some simple food, and Broly had caught some fresh fish from a nearby stream. Cooking over an open fire, you shared stories and laughter.
In the afternoon, you ventured further into the forest. Broly’s protective nature was evident as he guided you through the dense foliage, ensuring you didn’t stumble or get hurt. His keen senses picked up on any potential dangers long before you did, and you felt safe knowing he was always looking out for you.
At one point, you came across a clearing filled with wildflowers. The vibrant colors and sweet scents were enchanting, and you couldn’t resist picking a few to make a small bouquet. Broly watched you with a tender expression, his eyes filled with love.
“You like flowers?” he asked, his curiosity genuine.
“I do,” you replied, holding out the bouquet to him. “Here, for you.”
Broly’s eyes widened in surprise, and he took the flowers with a gentle touch. “Thank you,” he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “No one’s ever given me flowers before.”
You smiled, reaching up to brush a lock of hair from his face. “There’s a first time for everything.”
As the sun began to set, you returned to your makeshift home. Broly had built a sturdy shelter for the two of you, using his immense strength to create a safe haven. Inside, it was cozy and warm, filled with little touches that made it uniquely yours.
That evening, as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, you sat outside with Broly, wrapped in a blanket. He held you close, his arm around your shoulders, and you rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
“I never thought I could be this happy,” Broly murmured, his voice a gentle rumble.
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his. “You deserve all the happiness in the world, Broly. You have such a kind heart.”
He kissed the top of your head, his lips warm and soft. “And I’m happiest when I’m with you.”
The two of you sat in comfortable silence, watching the stars and simply enjoying the moment. No words were needed to express the depth of your love for each other.
DBS Masterlist
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inklessletter · 1 year
Congrats! I'm one of your new followers because that last piece is so dynamic! If I can throw in a request on possible images: How do you feel about trans woman Stevie Harrington? Growing her hair out and learning to braid it, discovering clothing that feels good, and learning how to feel comfortable in her own skin with people like Robin and Eddie by her side.
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I have been thinking a lot about how to do this properly. And when I tell you that I've thought about this, I mean thoroughly. For a month. I wanted to do this right, as respectuflly as humanly possible.
This message hit me right in my core. I wanted to portray what this user asked me for, and that is not plainly a trans Stevie, no: what they asked for is a person that is learning to be comfortable in their own skin. A person surrounded by love and support.
And that's what I did.
I drew Stevie, this person that has found herself in the bravery soaking in her bones. A beautiful creature that has kept discovering things that makes her happy, like the colors she likes to dress, or how she wants to do her hair, or what accesories makes he feel good, like amethysts and moonstone. This is my portrayal of a person who looked for peace and found it, in herself and her surroundings.
So there they are, Stevie and her platonic love, Robin. Soaking in sunlight, the last rays of warmth from the summer that is welcoming the autumn. Just vibing. At peace.
Believe me when I say that I've done this with every bit of love I have in my heart. Trans community deserves more representation, more appreciation, and basically, everything good in this world.
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iguessiwritenow · 1 month
To Cease or Not to Cease
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Summary: A Reader/OC fix-it because I just finished season 4 and wtf was that. Also this may be unhinged as its 1am and I haven't slept yet lolol.
“We cease to exist.”
Thalia let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes for a moment of peace. The confirmation of the end of the world and her existence weighed heavy on her. As it did for all of her siblings based on the silence that settled over the rest of them.
“Old Klaus might have been down for some recreational hara-kiri,” Klaus started, “But it turns out, I’m really not into killing myself. So, uh, count me out.”
“Actually, it’s not killing ourselves. It’s worse than that. We’ll be erased from history. None of the the timelines will have ever existed. No one will have any memory of this… or us” Five corrected. 
Diego turned towards Five suddenly.
“But if we cease to exist, what’ll happen to our families?”
“I’m not sure.”
And Thalia couldn’t help but get angry at that response. The uncertainty of it all left a pit in her stomach. After everything didn’t her family deserve to be happy, to be at peace.
“No.” She stated to the room.
“Thalia, please, this is the only wa-“
“No!” She exclaimed again tears starting to fall, “I am not just going to sit here and die. To let any of us die!”
Luther put his arm around her in a half hug to comfort her as she cried. But Thalia, in her upset and anger, found conviction and once again addressed Five.
“You said it just has to be there marigold right?”
“Well, yes but-“ Thalia cut him off now glancing in Viktor’s direction.
“And you can extract the marigold?” 
Viktor gave his affirmative with a brief nod as Thalia moved over to him. Putting her hand on his shoulder she activated her powers and pulled until a copy appeared.
“Here’s what’s going to happen.” Thalia started to make her way towards Five. “Viktor’s double will extract the marigold from us and the double I make of Five will take us to the subway.”
Thalia pulled at Five so his doubled appeared and then at herself. Once done she spun to face her family and took them each in. While there was still despair and uncertainty, Thalia saw hope on their faces and it brought a small smile to hers.
“Who’s with me?” A chorus of cheers went around the group in affirmation. “Then let’s get started!”
Experiencing the marigold get extracted was strange, there was a pain to it, but the sight was strange as well. Thalia thought it looked like hundreds of fireflies conjoining around her family. If it weren’t for the situation Thalia may even venture to call it beautiful.
To think that power that changed the timelines, if not the universe as a whole looked like glowing Fanta when contained.
Thalia watched as the double she had created of Five vanished with Diego and Lila’s family and Claire with a sense of accomplishment. Facing her family she let herself relax a little. Her family would live a hopefully peaceful life from here on out.
Thalia glanced at the double of Viktor and dismissed it. Then Thalia was face to face with herself. Until this moment Thalia hadn’t realized how much older she looked. Gone was the grief of her childhood and regrets as a young adult. In her place stood a woman at peace with herself. A pat oh her shoulder interrupted her thoughts.
“Let’s go sis, before we miss the train.” Diego said as he guided her towards the rest of the family. And with a final glance at herself and the jar full of marigold Thalia allowed the double of Five to jump them away.
Watching the reunions as everyone bored the train brought tears to her eyes. To see Allison hug Claire and cry, while Diego and Lila tried to fit all of their children in their arms. Yes, Thalia thought to herself this made everything worth it.
Sitting on one of the empty seats Thalia closed her eyes and leaned her head back until it hit the window of the train. The motion of the train starting to move almost putting you to sleep.
“You okay there sis, you’re looking a little… glowy.” Luther asked you after a while. A chuckle escaped you at the wording but you gave a nod.
“It’s here.” You whisper.
“What’s here?” 
“The Cleanse.” With that answer Thalia felt her siblings gather around her. In an attempt to understand they all started to ask question, everyone speaking over each other.
“Please tell me you didn’t.” Thalia heard Five over the rest.
“What did she do, what’s going on Five” Diego demanded.
“She stayed back. The Thalia here, with us, isn’t the real one. She’s a double.”
“Please tell me that’s not true Thalia! Why would you do that.” Sobbed Allison 
“Without the marigold, Thalias doubles wouldn’t be able to exist, so we wouldn’t have been able to get to the subway if she gave hers up. But she also couldn’t come with us otherwise the cycle would just restart.”
Thalia gave a hum and a nod to Five’s explanation. 
The dim glow that had surrounded Thalia before grew stronger and as if feeling her originals pain, a tingling sensation began to fill her body.
“It tingles.” Thalia commented as a tears started to stream down her cheeks. Thalias feet started to dissolve into dust and the rest of her slowly followed.
“I love you guys so much.” Thalia sobbed, “I just want us to be happy together, a family.”
Diego and Five shared a glance.
“Promise me you’ll fix things.” Thalia begged, “Please.”
“I promise Tally.” Diego stated eyeing Five.
Sighing in relief Thalia smiled and let let out one last breath before dusting all together and ceasing to exist.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Tea for two - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Post-war Levi x Fem!Reader
Tags and warnings: Canon world, post-war, injured Levi, scarred Levi, romance, falling in love, fluff, angst, emotional pain.
Story concept: After working in Levi's tea shop for two months, you and Levi seemed to have developed feelings for each other. Levi is struggling with these newfound feelings because he has never been in love before, he doesn't understand what is going on in his heart and is trying to figure it all out. Levi slowly bonds with you on a deep level causing him to open himself up like he has never done before with anyone. He starts working on healing himself so he can be a man that he believes deserves to stand at your side. When you and Levi admit your love, Levi slowly learns what it means to love someone and be in a relationship. Through good times and bad, through nightmares and pain, you and Levi face everything together and hold on to the deep love you have for each other.
In this chapter: Feelings are beginning to bubble away inside of you and Levi. Levi shows acts of service for his love language for you but doesn't understand his feelings. You are also using the love language acts of service, but you don't think your feelings will be reciprocated.
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Part 2
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It was a crisp spring morning with a light fog clinging to the land and dew droplets running on lush green grass. The waves crashing on the shore were gentle ad soothing to anyone where resting close by. A sweet cottage with a beautiful garden full of life rested on the edge of the busy town. The home was peaceful with the beach and vast forest next to it.
Inside the home was simple and clean with hardly any personal possessions. It was a perfect home for Levi. He had been offered a few homes when he retired from the military and given a lot of money too for his dedication to the scouts. He chose this home so he could have some peace and he could watch the birds in his garden.
Levi loved his home and was adjusting to his new life as best as he could, but there were bad days and good days. He struggled sometimes with his injuries due to the weather and sometimes it just got bad. He spiralled a little mentally and decided to act. Levi focused and achieved his lifelong dream, which was a sweet tea shop. He was so happy when he opened the place up and it was popular.
It was four months in when he realised he needed help. His shop wasn’t big, so he just needed one person to help him. He had a few interviews and a lot of them were terrible. Most people wanted the job to be around the great Captain Levi Ackerman. Levi wanted space from that life, he wanted to move on. He began to lose hope until you walked in through the door. Levi had never liked anyone before or had feelings for anyone, but you made his heart flutter and cheeks burn.
Levi hired you right away because you saw him for who he really was. You didn’t press him about his time in the scouts. You were just kind and sweet and you knew a lot about tea. Levi enjoyed your company so much and even loved your dog Bo when he met him. Levi loved Bo the dog so much, he asked you to bring him to work every single day. Levi was beginning to smile more with you and Bo around and even laugh.
In just two months, you manage to turn his life around into something that was no longer black and white and now was starting to have light in it. He loved going to work so he could see you. You soothed and comforted him so much. He just wanted to go to work all the time so he could be around you. He enjoyed going to work so much.
Today, though, Levi was having a bad morning and he was beginning to panic that he couldn’t see you. He’d woken up and felt an odd sensation in his left knee. As soon as he felt something, he knew today was going to be a bad day for him. He’d worked so hard for so long to walk with a cane, but it seemed like he might not be able to today.
He sat up and winced a little as his knee and leg throbbed. He released a long sigh and looked down at his leg to see the large scars all over his left leg. He massaged his thigh and looked at his clock to see that he needed to hurry or he’d be late for work. He braced himself before pushing himself to his feet. He hobbled a little before he dropped to the floor and slammed against it with a grunt as pain shot through his leg.
He gritted his teeth as he lay there. “Shit.” He slammed his fist against the floor in frustration. “Not today.” He looked around and spotted his chair. “Fucking thing.” He grabbed the bed and pushed himself up to his feet.
Levi hopped to his chair and sat down. He wheeled himself to his closet and changed into comfy clothes. He moved to the bathroom and did a basic clean-up before looking at himself in the mirror and seeing he had stubble. He rubbed his jawline and sighed. As he looked at himself with the scars and stubble, he kept thinking back to the first weeks of the war being over. Levi had given up a little causing his hair to grow out of its normal cut and he started growing a beard.
He moved through his home and to the front door. He slipped on a nice pair of smart shoes before glancing at the clock to see he was late for work. “Fuck.” He hated being late and was always punctual, so this was hard for him to be so late. “Tch.”
When Levi moved through town, people would always try and stop him so they could talk to him. People loved the fact that they had such a strong soldier of the scouts in their town. Levi’s name had become even more well-known after the war. Levi hated that he was famous and just wanted some peace and quiet. He also hated how people would pity him because of his injuries. He just wanted to be treated like any other person like you did. Levi really liked you.
He moved down the street to his tea shop and expected you to be waiting outside for him, but he was shocked to see that the little tables and chairs were put outside with lovely decorations and flowers on the tables. He moved up the ramp to the door and waited for a couple to leave before he moved inside the shop.
Levi’s eyes widened when he saw you with a bright smile on your face as you talked to a customer and your sweet dog Bo at your side. He thought your dress for the day and apron were so pretty. He moved closer and called your name. He blushed when you lit up at seeing him. You looked at him in a way that he’d never been looked at before. He felt so flustered under your gentle gaze.
You cleaned your hands and hurried over to Levi. “Good morning boss! I hope it’s okay I opened up.”
He cleared his throat. “It’s great. Thank you.”
You hummed a laugh. “Oh, so we have a lot of paperwork to do and stock-taking and inventory. So, I compiled all the papers, organised them and marked them for you in your office.”
Levi was rather flustered at your declaration. He was certain that you understood that today was a bad health day for him and instead of fussing over him like most would, you were giving him an easy job for the day so he could rest and heal. He was always so taken aback by your kindness and thoughtfulness. He couldn’t help but smile a little.
He reached over and petted Bo, who was begging for attention. “Sure thing, I’ll work on all that. I should order a few things too.”
“I made a list of what we need.” You laughed nervously. “I hope that’s okay?”
He nodded. “Perfect. Makes things easier for me.” He released a long sigh. “I better get to work then.”
You opened the hatch door for him and then his office door. “Bo will want to keep you company, I hope that’s okay?”
“I’m happy to have the big guy.”
You waved to him and closed the door slightly. You moved around the shop and served tea to people, along with selling tea for people to take home. The shop was mainly for selling tea to be taken home, but ever since you joined you suggested that there be tables inside the small place and out so people could drink at the shop.
You noticed it got a bit quiet, so you decided to make something for Levi. You made a pot of tea with a nice-tasting medical tea to soothe his aches. You put everything on a tray and felt a bit nervous to give him a baked treat you’d made, but you had made so much last night that you just had to offer him some. So, you put some slices of lemon drizzle loaf on a plate and took everything into Levi.
Levi was working slowly as he wrote with his right hand. It was hard for him to be right-handed and to have two fingers missing, but he found a way to make it work. His other hand was on Bo’s head so he could give him a fuss. He lifted his head at the gentle knock at the door and noticed Bo get happy and hurry over to the door, which meant you were here to see Levi.
Levi gulped hard as a tingle began inside him. Levi had noticed that he liked you more than most people, he enjoyed your company and wanted you around often. However, something in his was changing and he noticed this change in him a few days ago. His heart would flutter around you, he’d try to get you to smile and laugh, he’d think about you when you weren’t around, he’d long for your presence and it confused him to feel this way as he had never experienced anything like this before.
He smiled softly at you before calling your name. “Come in.”
You slipped inside Levi’s office and placed the tray in an empty spot on his table. “Thought I’d get you something to eat and drink.”
He gazed at what you got him and felt flustered. “Oh, fuck this is very kind of you.”
“I picked a good tea.” You lifted the pot and poured him a cup. “Also I made some lemon drizzle loaf last night and I had a lot left over, so I brought some in. You don’t have to try it, but it is there if you want.”
Levi looked down at the slice and felt his mouth-watering. “It looks wonderful. I’m looking forward to it. You know, if you bake more things you should bring it in. You could bring the excess and we could sell.”
You laughed nervously. “Ah, I don’t think it is good enough to sell.”
Levi chuckled as Bo shoved his face under Levi’s arm to sniff the cake. “None for you.” He smiled at you. “Thank you. I’ll enjoy this all.”
“Call me if you need me.”
“I will.”
He watched you leave before sighing a little. He looked down at his cup and picked it up. He inhaled the scent deeply and knew right away what you had made him. He felt so touched that you instantly knew he was having a bad day so you had made him a pot of tea with a tea that always helped him. He sipped his tea and felt his body relax at the flavours.
He picked up a fork and turned his attention to the treat you’d made. He cut a slice and was impressed by how soft the sponge was. He popped the slice into his mouth and hummed in delight. You managed to get the balance between sugar and lemon. He licked his lips in happiness and began savouring every last bite of the cake until it was all gone.
As Levi enjoyed his lunch you got him you were busy cleaning the shop up. You served a few customers but business was slow which was okay because the shop had already made a major profit today. You were happy and hoping that Levi was doing okay. You figured Levi was late to work due to his knee getting bad. You were worried about him because you liked him so much and he was so kind and sweet, but you didn’t want to make too much of a fuss because it could upset him.
You looked up when a woman entered the shop. “Welcome to Levi’s. How may I help?”
She walked over to you and pulled a disgusted face. “Ugh, just look at your uniform. This is not appropriate.”
You looked down at yourself and felt a little confused. “Oh…I’m sorry.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Workers these days. Now, I have a list of things I need. Get it for me.”
You took her list and nodded. “Sure. Oh, but there are a few things on your list that we don’t have.”
“What? You had it yesterday when I checked with the handsome man who works here.”
“Yes, we might have but between then and now we likely sold it all.”
She huffed. “But I asked for it! You should have kept it to the side for me!”
You felt a little nervous as your fight-or-flight instinct kicked in. “We don’t keep things to the side for someone unless they make a downpayment for it. I don’t see a record of that.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
You shook your head. “No, I would never. I’m just letting you know of Levi’s policy that we only hold things for people if they’ve made a downpayment.”
“Don’t spout your policy to me!”
You nibbled your lip. “I’m sorry.”
“Get me what I want!”
You looked at her list. “I can get you everything but three teas on here.”
“I want all.”
“But we don’t have them in stock. I can’t get you something we don’t have.”
She huffed. “You stupid little! I’m not surprised someone as stupid and pathetic as you work in a job like this. You can only do something like this, but it seems like you can’t even do it well. You’re just so damn stupid.”
You gulped hard. “Please don’t talk to me like that. I’m just trying to help.”
“Help!? You’ve done nothing! I want to speak to your manager right now! I can’t deal with someone as stupid as you.”
You bowed your head and hurried to Levi’s office as you tried to hold back tears. You could take abuse from people, but there was something that cut you deep when your intellect was brought into question. You shook a little as you stood there in Levi’s office. You felt your cheeks burning as embarrassment took over.
Levi looked over at you as he softly said your name. “Thank you for the tea and cake, both were incredible. You know, I might ask you for more of that cake.” His slight smile dropped when he saw you were shaking and tears were running down your cheeks. He got up and hopped over to you. “Hey, hey, hey.” He pulled out his hankie and rubbed your tears away. “What’s wrong?”
You whimpered. “A woman came in and wants to see the manager.”
“What happened?”
You explained everything to Levi as you cried a little. “She called me stupid.”
“You’re not. She’s a horrible person.” He felt so enraged that someone had made you cry. “Tch, that fucking…I’ll talk to her.”
“I feel so silly.”
“It’s okay. The way she spoke to you and treated you was shit. I’ll take care of this, okay?”
You nodded. “Mm, okay. Thank you, Levi.”
He shifted to his wheelchair and sat in it. “Do you mind pushing me in there?”
You sniffed and smiled at him. “Sure thing, boss.”
Levi shifted in his seat and processed the words in his head. He wanted to call this woman out and shout at her for making you cry. How dare someone make you cry? You were his. He blushed hard when that thought drifted through his mind. He shook his head and looked out into his shop and saw the woman he remembered from yesterday who wouldn’t leave him alone.
The woman looked over to Levi and perked up at seeing the great Captain. She adjusted her boobs and grinned at him. “Captain!”
“It’s Levi. I want to know why you made my,” he said your name with such heart “cry.”
“Your…” She stared at you. “I didn’t know you were taken…I just…she was so rude! I want everything on this list!”
Levi grabbed the list and looked. “We can get you everything but a few things as we are out of stock.”
“But yesterday.”
He glared at her. “Tch, that was yesterday. Do you think we sat on our fucking asses all day waiting for you to arrive? You’re not our only customer. It is first come first serve. Someone else came and bought the tea, a nicer person.”
“But I want that tea!”
He tossed the order on the table and sighed. “We can order it in for you and you can wait, or you can go somewhere else.”
“Somewhere!?” She huffed. “I will not return here! You lose a customer.”
He shrugged. “Good. In fact, I’m fucking glad you’re not going to come back.” He reached up and held your hand. “No one makes her cry. Now, you can either get the fuck out of my shop or you can buy what’s on your list and leave.”
She growled in frustration. “I will tell everyone to not come here!”
“Please do, because anyone who believes you are like you and I don’t want any more people in here who are just like you.”
She pouted a little. “I’ll call the police!”
“Do it. I dare you.”
You squeezed Levi’s hand before releasing it. You moved around his shop and gathered what she needed and added a slice of your cake in there too. “Ma’am? I am not sure why you are so upset today and so angry. I might not ever understand why you took it out on me, but what I do know is that you are upset and hurting. I got you everything on your list and added in some lemon drizzle loaf as a hope you feel better.”
She stared at you for a while before she started crying. “I’m sorry. It’s just been so hard right now.”
You nodded. “I understand.”
She offered you money and a bit more. “Here.” She sniffed and rubbed her tears. “I’m so embarrassed.” She bowed. “I’ll be on my way, thank you.”
Levi called your name as soon as the woman left. “Why did you do that? Why were you nice to her?”
You walked over to Levi and sighed. “Well, I figured that her anger was towards something else and she was just taking it out on us. We don’t know what’s going on in her life and she doesn’t know what’s going on in ours.” You smiled sadly. “Hurt people tend to hurt others. I hope she gets better.”
Levi stared at you for a while. “You are unbelievable.”
You looked over at Levi. “That bad?”
He smiled a little. “In a good way. I can’t figure you out and I like that. You’re like no one I’ve ever met before. It’s refreshing.”
You hummed a laugh. “If I’m honest, boss, I wanted you to rip her fucking tongue out or you shoved shit into her mouth seeing as she talks so much of it.”
Levi’s eyes widened at your words before he started laughing causing your heart to skip a beat. “That sounds perfect for her.”
You smiled a little. “Right? So, you wanted more cake right?”
“I do.”
You giggled. “I’ll get that for you.”
Levi smiled a little. He looked down as Bo walked over to his side. “Tch, your mum is pretty wonderful.”
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Levi gritted his teeth as he started his exercises for the day on his leg. He bent his knee and moved his leg as best as he could. Each time they got easy for him he had to upgrade what he was doing and push his body harder. He relaxed as soon as he reached his target for the day. He released a long sigh and closed his eyes for a moment.
A smile spread over Levi’s lips when you came to mind. He kept thinking of you all the time, how your hair was, your scent, your smile, your voice and how you were always so captivating when you talked. He hoped he could see you soon, but it was a day off and he knew that he would have to wait for the next workday to see you again.
He released a groan at a knock on his door. He pushed himself up and grabbed his cane before walking over to the door and opening it to see you standing there with a basket on your arm with a cute dress, Bo at your side. He frowned a little as he wondered if he had caused you to appear in his life. He had just been thinking of you and now you were here. You were this constant in his life ever since Gabi and Falco decided to remain in Marley and Levi went to Paradis, his home.
You grinned at Levi. “Hello, boss. I am so sorry to bother you, but I was shopping around in town and I found something you might like. Oh! I also might have baked too much again.”
Levi stared at you for a while. He was not used to this kind of kindness and people dropping in on him. He was certain you’d done this because of how unwell he was last week and now he was just about out of his chair again. He was touched by how thoughtful and loving you were. He was so happy.
He shifted out of the way. “Come on in.”
You gasped as your cheeks burned. “Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude or anything. I was just going to drop off some things.”
He smiled a little. “I insist. Tch, come on in. Don’t stand there like you need to shit.”
You laughed at his words. “Sure thing, boss.”
He moved to the side and watched you enter his home for the first time. He smiled a little at Bo and closed the door as soon as Bo was inside. He turned and felt his heart flutter when he saw your shoes neatly placed in the right area. He felt like you belonged here with him and he was thinking of asking you if you could possibly help him around the house. He was going to pay you, but he kind of wanted your company a bit more and he felt guilty asking you to stay around because he didn’t think he was good company. So, he was thinking of turning it into a job.
He limped into his home to see you in his kitchen making a pot of tea. He watched you closely until you noticed him staring.
You blushed hard. “Oh, I’m sorry for taking over your kitchen and raiding your cupboards.”
“Don’t be sorry. Make yourself at home, please.”
“Have you had any lunch yet?”
He moved to his favourite chair and sat down. “Uh, no.” He barely ate really mainly because he often forgot to, or his bad thoughts got the better of him.
You walked over to him with a tray and a sweet smile. “Well, it’s a good job I brought a lot of lunch.”
He watched you sit before opening your bag and pulling out wrapped-up sandwiches, cakes and some snacks. Levi was certain that you did make extra by accident but you intentionally made lunch for him because you worried about him. He liked that you cared about him. He was hoping it wasn’t some sort of care where you were trying to be a nurse to him, but genuine care for him as a man. Levi did not doubt it because you’d always treated him as if he was a normal person.
He tucked into his sandwich and hummed in delight. “You’re a great cook.”
“Mm, thank you.” You wiped your mouth up. “So, the reason why I came here was to feed you but it was also because I found a few things in town and I thought of you.”
He blushed a little. “Really?”
You nodded and put your food down a moment and pulled a few things out of your bag. “There was this new tea in town I thought we could trial run. The person selling it was running a stall. I told them about your shop and they hope we like the tea so we could trade.”
“Great.” He reached over and took the bag of tea. “We can test it tonight.”
“Fantastic. The other thing is a cleaning product. I know you love cleaning, so I found this special rag that’s supposed to have this great dusting ability.” You played with the rag. “Maybe it is static or something…”
Levi took it from you. “I appreciate it. I will let you know if it is better than my normal things.”
“Wonderful.” You pulled out something wrapped up. “Last thing.”
He frowned a little. “Tch, the fuck is that? Poison?”
You laughed. “No, no poison. If I was trying to poison you I would have done it by now.”
“Good point.”
You fiddled with the gift as your feelings slipped out. “I rather like you and would like to keep you around as long as possible.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “I uh…”
You smiled at him. “Last gift. This is a new thing. They said it’s called chocolate and they had different kinds. I know you’re not the biggest fan of bitter things, so I got the one with a bit of milk in so it is a bit easier to eat. I will get the dark next time.”
“I’ll give it a try after this wonderful lunch.”
“Great.” He looked down and saw Bo was staring at him. “No, you can’t have my lunch.”
You hummed a laugh. “It’s hard to say no when he looks so cute.”
“You’re right.” Levi petted Bo. “I’m impressed with how trained he is.”
“He’s a quick learner. He’d be good with someone who needs physical or mental care.” You frowned in thought. “Maybe I should take him to the local hospital…”
For a moment Levi thought you meant him, but you mentioning the hospital meant you didn’t see him as someone who needed a lot of care. He was happy, but he also wanted you to take care of him and fuss over him too. He wanted your attention on him all the time. He didn’t know why he felt so demanding of you. The thought of you dating someone and spending time with them irritated him a little. He was rather confused about his feelings.
Levi flinched at hearing you call his name. “You called me Levi.”
You pressed your lips together. “Mm…”
“It’s okay. I like it. I prefer it.”
You smiled softly. “Well, I’ll call you Levi from now on.”
“Good.” He cleared his throat. “So, you called my name.”
“Mm! Yes. I was asking if I could stay over.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “Stay?”
You nodded and pointed to the window allowing him to see the rain was coming down heavily. “It appears it is pouring it down and I didn’t bring a coat or anything. I can leave if you want.”
Levi stared at the rain and thought about you staying over. He rather liked the idea of you being a permanent feature in his home, you were always one at work so it’d be nice to have you more. He looked over at you and gave you a tiny reassuring smile. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you need. I have a spare room if you have to stay the night.”
You gasped. “Oh! Oh, I don’t think that’ll happen, I’m sure the rain will ease off. I don’t want to be a burden or anything.”
“You would never be.” He sighed. “I might seem grumpy, but I rather enjoy your company compared to others.”
You smiled a little. “I’m glad.” You stood up and cleaned his living room of all the leftover food and rubbish. “Tea?”
He watched you in his kitchen. “We should try that tea you bought.”
He released a long sigh and felt a weight on his lap. He looked down to see Bo with his head on Levi’s lap with a sweet gaze and tail wagging. Levi hummed a laugh and began fussing him. “Good boy.”
You walked over and sat near Levi. “Bo adores you so much. I’ve never seen him so taken with someone.”
Levi smiled at you. “Well, I like him. I like having him around.”
“I’m glad.” You offered him a cup. “This is the stuff I bought today.”
Levi sniffed it first. “Has a nice aroma.” He carefully sipped it and let the flavours mix in his mouth. “Mm, that’s rather nice. Seems like a summer drink though. It is more fruity in flavour.”
You sipped it and enjoyed the fruity taste in the tea. “I like it too. You’re right about it being best for summer.”
“We’ll go visit the seller together and make a deal.”
He relaxed a little and enjoyed his tea. He winced a little when he felt a random stabbing pain in his right eye. He placed two fingers on his closed eye and began massaging the area. He hummed in happiness and felt himself being soothed by your scent and presence. Before Levi knew it, he had drifted off into a light sleep and started dreaming about you.
You cleaned up the tea and turned to Levi to ask him a question, but he was out like a light. You smiled softly as he slept in his seat but you noticed he was uncomfortable. You placed a cushion behind his lower back and another behind his head. You slowly lifted his legs and put them on a footstool. You grabbed a blanket and placed it over him to make sure he was warm.
You shifted his hair from his face and smiled at how handsome he was. You had been around Levi for two months and slowly developed feelings for him. You knew he had been in the scouts and people freaked out about him, but that’s all you knew. You didn’t want to pry into his business and possibly his trauma. You could tell by the scars that Levi had been through a lot in life.
You knew Levi didn’t see himself as much because he was always confused at fangirls declaring their love for him. Levi didn’t see himself as attractive, especially now with all his scars. However, you thought he was so beautiful and incredible. He was thoughtful, emotional, kind, caring and smart. You enjoyed talking to him and just being around him. You just had this natural desire to be around him and make him smile.
You realised you liked him more than a friend about a week ago. You didn’t say anything to him because you didn’t want to ruin what you had. You weren’t sure Levi liked you back in the same way you liked him. So, you were just going to do lots of acts of service to show your affection to him because seeing him happy was enough for you.
You leaned closer and pressed a delicate kiss on his forehead. You closed your eyes and wished him all the best in his health, both body and mind. You pulled back and smiled a little at him. You pulled away and went to the spare room thinking you needed to set it up, but it was already perfect for you to sleep in. You made some dinner in the kitchen and ate your serving before leaving a note for Levi to let him know how to reheat it.
With one last check on Levi, you moved your way to the spare room and pulled your things off until you were in your underdress. You slipped under the covers and felt yourself blushing because the bedsheets smelt just like Levi. You wiggled in place and gasped when Bo jumped on the bed and lay next to you. You knew that there was no bed for him, so you were just going to have to say sorry to Levi when he woke up.
He woke up after a while and noticed it was still raining outside and it was dark. He frowned when he felt a cushion behind his lower back and another behind his head for comfort. He looked down at his body to see a blanket had been laid on him. He blushed a little at the thought of your doting on him as he slept. He moved the blanket off him and limped to the kitchen to see the dinner you’d made and the cute note for him.
Levi enjoyed the freshly cooked meal before making his way to the spare room. He opened your door and peered inside to see Bo on the bed and you sleeping deeply next to him. He limped inside the room and fussed Bo as he woke up for a moment. Levi carefully pushed the hair from your face and smiled, you were so pretty.
He pulled back and released a long sigh. He closed the door behind him and made his way to his room. He changed into his night things and fell into bed. As he gazed up at the ceiling his mind was filled with you. Often he would think about his job, his life, or the people he had lost but it was all you. He blushed as you filled his mind and made his heart throb. He wasn’t sure what these feelings were, but he liked them.
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amxelqia · 3 days
"ᴛʜᴇʏ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ…<3"
ɢᴇᴛᴏ ꜱᴜɢᴜʀᴜ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ | ʜᴄꜱ
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AND IM BACK !!! 😍 I deeply apologise for my apparently year long absence, I forgot ts existed & I kinda wanna go back to writing because I desperately need something to occupy my time with 😭 SO HERE ARE SOME FLUFF GETO X READER HCS BECAUSE HE DESERVES THE WORLD 🥲
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> His love languages are acts of service & quality time ~ -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   -  - Coming home from a long and exhausting day as a jujutsu sorcerer, he wants nothing more than to spend time with you!! Watch movies, help you cook dinner, cuddle, and take silly pics together (most likely your idea; Suguru just barely agreed to it :3) go on picnics, play video games, take polaroid selfies and put them in each other's phone cases, stargaze, all of that will make him extremely happy <3.
> Aquarium dates ~ -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   -  - He finds aquariums peaceful and comforting, with their tranquil beauty providing a soothing solace. As he drifts off, mesmerised by the graceful movements of fish swimming through the quiet deep waters, a comforting sense of tranquility sweeps over him.  Sharing such experiences with you is even more amazing and memorable  to him, moments of joy and peaceful wonder that make everything seem brighter and more captivating. ❤️
> Winter activities ~  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   -  - Suguru's favorite season/holiday is winter! (Source: Trust me, bro 🗣️) He will take you to small, cozy winter cafes where you can both have a cup of hot chocolate/wine while admiring the scenery outside. If Satoru is accompanying you, be prepared to wear winter clothes that you're not afraid of getting soaked wet. We know damn well he'd start a snowball fight.  Eventually, you three end up building a huge snow castle. (Well, enough to fit only one person. Still an accomplishment!! 🤷‍♀️) And there's nothing better or more comforting than ending the day with a Christmas movie marathon and cuddling by a warm fireplace, the quiet crackling of the burning wood soothing you two to sleep in each others embrace. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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A cute sappy one shot because I'm very sentimental about these two rn Ft: Astarion and my Durge, Lillith.
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Astarion and Lillith sit on the dock of the abandoned marina they've made camp in. Everyone else has all but settled in for the night. Astarion has a basket of strawberries sitting next to him that they got in the city market. The waves of the water lap gently at the wood of the dock. Rocking the surface they sit on. They both hang their legs over the side of the dock, submerging their feet under the cool water. They're holding hands. It's peaceful, for once. Lillith stares into the distance at nothing in particular, just listening to the distant sounds of the city and the water ahead. "Can you describe what you see to me?" Lillith asks. A routine event. Her lack of sight doesn't impede on much besides losing a chance at seeing the beauty of the world. It breaks Astarions heart. He tries to describe the scene in front of them in detail: "Well, we're sitting on a dock, there's a large body of water ahead with a few ships rocking in the distance. Further on, there's the faint glow of the city buildings. There's a light fog around us and the moon shines brightly above us. Countless stars pattern the sky. It is truly a sight to behold" "It sounds beautiful" Lillith says longingly. "It is."
Astarion is silent for a moment.
"It's just not fair my love." Astarion hisses. "It's not fair that you've had such a precious thing taken from you. You deserve to see just how much colour there is in the world" His voice breaks slightly and a few tears threaten to breach the surface. Lillith closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Taking in the salty air of their surroundings and sensing the world around her. "Life is beauty. It's so much more than just seeing. You described to me what I can feel around us. I can smell the salt in the air, feel the cool water on my skin. I can sense the flickers of light before me. I can feel the docks rocking us gently. I've come to terms with my situation, and I don't feel like I'm living any less for it. I have you, my love. I have our friends, I have a whole future ahead of me to spend with the ones I care for. What more could I ask for than that?" A few moments of silence. Then Astarion reaches over to the basket of strawberries at his side and picks the best looking one from the bunch. "Open your mouth darling" Astarion purrs. Lillith obeys, parting her rosy lips to allow Astarion to place the strawberry in her mouth. She bites into it. Sweet, crisp, just a little tart. Perfect. "Mm! Thank you! Do you want a taste?" She holds the remaining bit of fruit up to Astarions direction. He gently lowers her hand and instead reaches for her chin, guiding her towards his lips. He kisses her deeply, his tongue lapping at her own getting some of the remaining juice from the strawberry that was still on her lips and tongue. Finally pulling away with a deep sigh. "Hm, delicous" Astarion purrs. "Me or the strawberry?" Lillith laughs. "Yes" Astarion says with a smirk. "I see what you mean though, I could still taste the flavour of the strawberry without having a bite of it myself. You helped me experience it. I dare say it tasted better coming from you rather than the fruit itself. There is something, quite beautiful about that...As long as you're at peace with your lack of sight, I will be as well." "I have everything I could ever need my love. For the first time in well, forever, I am happy". She leans her head against Astarions shoulder. They sit in comfortable silence while the night stretches on. Once, the night was the source of his torment. Now, it's a sanctuary.
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title: eunoia’s birthday
pairing: grayson hawthorne x eunoia
Grayson couldn’t help but stare. She was perfection. Her red hair splayed across the pillow, tumbling gently over their Egyptian cotton sheets. Eyes closed, long lashes delicately brushing her under eye in her sleep. He grinned to himself admiring the splash of freckles across her nose, counting each and every one and memorising them. He took his hand to gently draw soothing spirals across her arms, creating an invisible tattoo that no one would ever know about. Eunoia smiled in her sleep, subconsciously rolling closer to Grayson. He traced the features of her face with his pinky finger, making sure his touch was lighter than a feather so she wouldn’t wake just yet.
He’d been up most of the night to the early hours of the morning preparing for her birthday. Nash, Jameson and Xander had been contacted at 3am with a 911 from him because he was worried the decoration didn’t look good enough. Needless to say, all three brothers were extremely annoyed but added a few touches of their own to satisfy Grayson’s overthinking. When he was finally done and came to bed he couldn’t sleep. He could only think about her. Eunoia. The love and light of his life. He didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky with her. Nine days prior, when it has been his birthday she’d planned a beautiful day for them full of his favourite things that ended with a massive party with all the people that mattered to him the most. He smiled so much that day his jaw hurt the next day. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt like that.
He leant down and rested his head beside her, pressing his cheek on hers. He wished he didn’t have to wake her, she looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He could stare at her all day and never get bored. She had a face like an angel, soft and captivating. Unfortunately Grayson knew he had an angenda to stick to. A birthday agenda, he hoped she’d love. Softly he kissed the tip of her nose, whispering, “happy birthday sweetheart.”
Eunoia stirred from her sleep, unimpressed, “What? Let me sleep,” she mumbled rolling over.
He chuckled softly, “Eunoia…”
“What? I’m trying to sleep here,” she grumbled, “go away.”
She reached her arm out and flapped it around lazily in an attempt to ward him off. It didn’t work, it only made him laugh.
“It’s your birthday,” he said, in an almost sing-song voice.
She shot up straight, suddenly awakened with her eyes wide open and beamed up at him, “it’s my birthday!”
“Mhmm,” he nodded in agreement. The way her eyes lit up made his heart squeeze.
“Oh my gosh it’s my birthday!” She shouted excitedly
She flung herself onto him enveloping him in what seemed like the world’s biggest hug. Eunoia closed her eyes and inhaled his comforting scent, grateful to wake up with such a man by her side. She considered that the greatest gift of them all, no matter what happened today.
“Woah, what’s this for?” Grayson asked, a hint of a chuckle in his tone.
“Birthday hug,” she explained happily, as they pulled away.
“Aren’t I meant to be the one that gives that to you?” He replied, a Hawthorne eyebrow raised in question.
“Maybe,” she shrugged, before lowering her voice a little, “but you can make it up to me with a birthday kiss.”
His face broke out into her contagious smile, “I love you.”
“I know,” she said, titling her head to the side sweetly.
“Happy birthday baby,” he grinned, pressing a light thumb on her chin and guiding her face closer to his. He leant down, closed his eyes and planed a soft kiss on her lips.
They both broke away at the same time, faces a little flushed, heartbeats a little faster.
“You can do that again, if you like,” Eunoia told him quietly, tracing his jawline with her fingertip.
“Tempting offer,” he murmurs, his nose touching hers, “too tempting to decline.”
He kissed her again, gently. She melted into his lips.
“I love you,” she smiled.
“I know,” he grinned, mirroring her earlier comment.
“Are you quoting me, Hawthorne?” She asked, failing to keep the giggle from escaping.
“Maybe,” he shrugged in reply before taking her hand in his, “come with me.”
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“You’ll see,” he winks, tugging at her hand.
“Hang on! I need my glasses,” she cries, grabbing them from the nightstand and positioning them of her face.
Once he was sure they were secure enough on her face, he pulled her forwards towards the door. Eunoia almost fell face first into the mattress but managed to regain her balance, still holding onto Grayson. She stumbled out of bed, wearing a pair of shorts and Grayson’s shirt from the night before. It’s oversized on her, hung down effortlessly, reaching her mid-thigh.
“You okay?” he made sure quickly.
“Just about,” she winked.
Her hair was messed up and her glasses a little wonky, her sapphire eye sparkling beneath them. She was a goddess in Grayson’s eyes, he’d been blessed. She radiated sunshine. The smile of her face read bubbly like one of those books she ordered curling up in a corner with to read. So he grinned even harder as he starts to giddily run down the stairs holding her hand.
“Gray what’s gotten into you, you never get this excited?” she laughed, almost slipping down the staircase, remembering why Grayson is usually constantly telling her not to run down the stairs.
“I do!” he exclaims, offence rippling through his features.
Eunoia shoots him a look.
“I’m excited for you,” he reasoned, as they reached the bottom.
“I’m sceptical,” she replied, pursing her lips slightly.
“Seriously? I can’t just be really exited for my girlfriend on her birthday,”
“I know you Grayson Hawthorne and you don’t get this excited this easily,” she replied, jabbing a playful finger at his chest, “but I’m determined to find out what’s gotten you all jovial today.”
“You’re cute,” he smiled at her, with lovesick puppy eyes.
Eunoia narrowed her eyes at him, putting her hands on her hips, “what are you hiding?”
“Nothing,” he laughed. He couldn’t help it, he loved it when she looked mad or over serious. The way her eyebrows angled inwards and eyes flashed with rage was adorable, not that he’d ever tell her that.
“I’m going to work it out!” she announced, looking him up and down as if there would be some sort of clue on his person.
“Just go into the kitchen okay?” Grayson said, spinning her around and nudging her gently towards the kitchen door.
“Okay,” she giggled, stumbling in after ungracefully hitting her elbow on the door.
Her jaw immediately dropped at the sight. The whole room had been decorated gorgeously. There were personalised banners stuck to the walls and bunches of balloons dotted around the room. Two vases sat comfortably on either end of the table housing fresh baby pink tulips, some budding and some not quite there yet. Matching the theme was a long sage green tablecloth across their table, dotted with pale pink plates and napkins. Fairy lights had been hug from just about every surface. They twinkled brightly making the experience all the more magical. Around the room were strings of paper hearts. As she took a step closer, Eunoia realised each of them had something written on them. In Grayson’s handwriting.
She walked slowly across the first row, reading each and every message. Your smile lights up my day. My heart, my world, my everything. I love you more than you could ever know. I’m so blessed to have you in my life. You’re so beautiful even the gods are envious. I love every single part of you. We were written in the stars. It must’ve taken hours to make. He’d put in so much time and effort. All for her. Grayson watched her face, admiring the way her features softened, then lit up and softened again.
She turned to him, eyes overflowing with gratitude, “you did all of this? For me?”
“Of course,” he said, as if this weee the bare minimum she deserved.
“Gray,” she murmured, his name almost getting caught in her throat.
“Do you like it?” he asked her.
“Like it? That’s an understatement, I love it,” she said, mesmerised in wonder, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he smiles, planting a kiss on her forehead.
A wave of emotion rolled over Eunoia and she felt tears begin to well up all of a sudden, “I’m not crying,” she said quickly, hoping that might prevent the tears from actually falling.
“Of course not sweetheart,” Grayson said, looking down into her glossy blue eyes.
“There are no tears coming from my eyes right now,” she insisted as they rolled down her cheeks.
“None at all,” Grayson agreed, handing her a tissue, “I should know, I’m a witness.”
“Thank you,” she snivelled, blowing her nose, “oh look there’s even glitter.”
Grayson let out a small chuckle, “I can’t credit, that was Xander’s idea,”
“Of course,” she giggled, as he brushes her happy tears away delicately with his thumb.
“Come here,” he whispered, pulling her into his chest.
She gladly fell into him, dissolving comfortably into his arms. She pressed her cheek against his solid chest and breathed out softly. His arms were her safe place, whenever the world got a bit too much, she just crawl into his open arms and immediately feel soothed.
“I didn’t want you to cry on your birthday,” Grayson murmured into her hair, inhaling the smell of her shampoo that he loved.
“I thought we agreed just now that I wasn’t crying,” she reminded him, the sound muffled slightly.
“Sorry,” he said, correcting the sentence, “I didn’t want you to not cry on your birthday.”
“Happy tears, happy tears, I promise,” she sniffed, popping out of his chest to rest her chin on his shoulder.
“Okay I’ll take it then,” he replied, rubbing circles on her back rhythmically.
Suddenly a small gasp escaped from Eunoia’s lips.
“What?” he asked quickly, pulling away to make sure she was okay.
“There’s a cake!” she exclaimed, wide eyed and excited.
Grayson sighed in relief, “of course there’s a cake,”
She broke away from his hold and looked at the cake, it’s a white iced cake reading Eunoia in calligraphy on the top. It looked stunning, like a piece of pure art work.
“Did you bake this?” she asked.
He nodded, “and decorated it.”
She had to stop her jaw from dropping, “have you been taking midnight baking classes?”
“You sleep like the dead,” he explained, confirming her suspicions.
“You’re kidding,” she said, in pure shock. How had she not heard the infamously loud stand-mixer?
“I had this stand mixer on for a full three hours once,” Grayson told her, patting the electrical appliance, “and you were cold out.”
“You actually practiced for this,” she asked, her heart so full it could burst. She hadn’t had the heart to tell him but he had looked so exhausted these past couple of weeks, now it all made sense why.
“I wanted it to be perfect,” he shrugged, “perfect cake for my perfect girl.”
Eunoia felt her face flush as blood rushed into her cheeks. This man still managed to make her blush despite the fact they’d been together for nearly three years now.
“Gray, this is incredible, thank you so much,” she grinned like an idiot, kissing him lovingly.
He beamed, tucking a stand of loose hair behind her ear, “do you want some cake?”
“How can I say no to cake for breakfast?” she asked, “it would just be rude!”
“Precisely,” he nodded in agreement, swiftly grabbing a knife from the kitchen drawer.
He made a clean cut down the cake and put a piece onto one of the pink plate situated on the table. Eunoia’s eyes widened to the size of saucepans when she realised the flavour.
“IT’S RED VELVET!” she screamed, excitement taking over. She hadn’t meant to be so loud.
“Yes,” Grayson smiled, her energy infectious.
“How did you know?” she asked, as he handed her the plate.
“Because everytime we go anywhere ever you get something that has relation to red velvet,” he deadpanned in reply.
“When?” she questioned, eyebrows pinching together in confusion, unable to recall a time she’d ever gotten anything ed velvet with Grayson.
“We went to that donut place and you got a red velvet flavoured donut,” he said.
“Oh yeah I remember that!” she replied, recalling how tasty it was.
“Or the time we went to that desert pizza place and your got a red velvet inspired pizza,” he said, wrinkling his nose.
“Not as good as it sounded,” she sighed, shaking her head, “major disappoint.”
“That Italian gelato shop we went to on a date,” he recalled, “you know the one with the crazy flavours, and you ordered red velvet ice-cream there.”
“Ooo we have to go back there one day,” she said, “that was yum.”
“Red velvet cheesecake, red velvet cookie, red velvet waffle were also tried on three different occasions at dreams bakery down the road,” he sighed, now counting the times with his fingers.
“I get your point,” Eunoia responded with a flat face.
“I can go on,” he teased.
“Not necessary,” she replied, “I can’t believe you take that much notice of my orders.”
“Well when you’re worried the love of your life is going to end up hospitalised from red velvet consumption you note what she eats,” he told her.
“But you hate red velvet,” she said randomly.
“With a passion,” he nodded.
“Ew weirdo,” she joked, “but seriously, then why did you make it? If you hate it so much.”
“Because you love it and I love you,” he said sweetly, pressing a short kiss on her nose.
“Will you try a piece? For me on my birthday?” she asked him, doe-eyed and batting her eyelashes slightly.
“The guilt tripping is insane Eunoia,” he grumbled bluntly, shooting her an evil look.
“You can’t judge it without trying it,” she sang, waving her piece at him.
“Fine. For you, on your birthday, that’s it,” he rolled his eyes, cutting a second slice for himself now.
She clapped her hands together in joy and then took a bite of her cake. Grayson watched her intently, trying to read her expression, hoping he’d gotten the recipe right, hoping she’d like it.
“Oh my gosh,” she say, closing her eyes, “I’m in heaven, literal heaven.”
It was the most perfect red velvet cake she’d ever eaten, light and airy with the right amount of icing, the tiniest slither because she hated the taste of it. Grayson had obviously taken note of that, making her smile.
“You should bake more often,” she said, taking another bite.
Grayson took a small breath of relief and smiled, his cheeks heating up ever so slightly. Eunoia noticed but didn’t mention it.
“Maybe I should,” he shrugged.
“Now it’s your turn to try,” she said, her face bright and impossible to say no to.
“I’m not happy about this,” he muttered.
“Just shut up and shove the cake in your mouth Gray,” she rolled her eyes.
“Okay but-“
Too late. Eunoia was too impatient, so speared some cake on her fork and put it into his mouth. He gave her an annoyed glare and he chewed thoughtfully and swallowed.
“You could’ve choked me just then,” Grayson said darkly.
“And you’re still here, oh what a shame,” she teased him, ruffling his hair.
“You’re not funny,” he stated, suppressing his arising smile.
“The corner of your mouth that’s twitching is telling me otherwise,” Eunoia grinned triumphantly.
“The coroner of my mouth is not-“
“You’re changing the subject, what did you think?” she pressed on.
“It wasn’t good,” Grayson told her flatly, but something flickering in the deep gray of his eyes, a silver sparkle that told her the truth,
“You like it,” she said, mouth wide open in shock.
“No I don’t,” he protested, the defensive arc in his tone too prominent to not be hiding something,
“You so do!” she giggled, eating another bite of cake.
“No I don’t,” he shook his head, like a stubborn child.
“It’s your new guilty pleasure,” Eunoia decided, “I can see it in your eyes.”
“No you can’t,” he said quickly, curtly,
“Defensive much?” she quipped, smirking a little.
“You’re annoying “ he replied. She knew that basically meant she was right, he had nothing else left to say.
“And you like red velvet which means it is a good cake flavour,” she smiled, remembering back to a time where Grayson would diss it.
“I don’t like you,” he grumbled with a glare.
“Heyyyy,” she said in an accusing tone, “you can’t say that to me on my birthday!”
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, “I love you.”
“If you loved me you would admit you like red velvet,” she grinned at him playfully.
“That is gaslighting,” Grayson said, distastefully. She surprised a laugh.
“So you don’t love me?” she gasped, putting a hand to her heart and melodramatically throwing her head back.
He sighed, “I think it red velvet is…” there is a long, bring pause, “… okay.”
“I’ll take it,” Eunoia replied with a nod of he head.
“Good,” he said, “do you want your present?”
“You mean that wasn’t it?” she asked gesturing to the cake.
He cracked a mousy smile before reaching over for a small, neatly wrapped box. Actually neat was an understatement. The paper was a sage green and the bow tied perfectly around it a light shade of pink. It was very pretty.
“Open it,” he urged, with a nod.
“I don’t want to,” she pouted, holding it as if it were the most fragile thing on his earth.
“Why?” he furrowed his brows.
“The wrapping is too pretty,” she explained, admitting it.
“I’ll wrap up an empty box so you can stare at my wrapping,” Grayson promised, “just open the present.”
“You’re eager,” she said, eyebrows raised.
“I want to see your face,” he explained.
“If it’s a pair of socks my face might disappoint you,” she pre-warned him.
“Good thing it’s not a pair of socks, though I did debate that,” Grayson said.
“Oh yeah?”
“They’re were some amazing unicorn ones that I thought would really suit you,” he teased.
“Save them for our anniversary,” she winked.
“Got it,” he grinned, “now open it!”
She laughed at his excitement and very slowly undid the bow so it wouldn’t ruin too badly. She then attempted to peel back the paper but it wouldn’t budge.
“How much tape did you put on this thing?” she groaned, frustratedly trying to undo a corner.
“You’re meant to rip it open,” he rolled his eyes.
“But the pretty wrapping paper,” she whispered.
“I have a whole roll under a floorboard upstairs, “ he sighed, “I’ll give it you.”
“Okay,” she grinned., before tearing open the paper, like a ravenous predator to its prey.
Underneath it revealed a decorated cardboard box. It was clear that Grayson had painted the extra detail, she knew that art style anywhere. Painted on in various shades of pale pink, white and flecks of red were blossoms from a cherry tree. Throw sands and thousands of petals had been painted on. She couldn’t imagine how long this would’ve taken him.
All of the blossoms seemed to swirl to one place. Eunoia flipped the box over and found that all the cherry blossoms were swirling towards a Polaroid picture of the two of them at Nash and Libby’s wedding, dancing together. Grayson was laughing at something Eunoia had said, his head thrown back and a real smile on his face. With his dimples. She’d once told him that was one of her favourite pictures of them together.
“This is so beautiful,” she smiled, tracing light fingers over his work.
“Open it,” he told her.
“Trust me,“ he said, “open it.”
Slowly she opened it and the contents was revealed. Inside lay two deep purple pieces of card.
“You’re joking, oh gosh, is this even real?” Eunoia gasped
Engraved in each of them was Conan Gray in golden calligraphy. Upon closer inspection in the corner it read, concert 9:00pm.
“Look closer,” Grayson prompted, his eyes flicking to the top left hand corner of each ticket.
Laced in gold were three bold letters VIP. Eunoia nearly fainted.
“You’ll get to go backstage, meet him and talk to him, ask whatever you want, get a photo, and autograph, that sort of thing,” he explained.
“Gray,” she gasps, tears welling up in her eyes, “are you serious?”
“As serious as it gets,” he grinned.
She launched herself into his arm and squeezed him so tightly Grayson wondered if he might spontaneously combust. Not that he’d care, being in Eunoia’s arms spontaneously combusted or not was his equivalent to heaven.
She cups his face in her hands and gently brings it towards her, planting a sweet kiss on his lips. He could feel her burning gratitude.
“Happy birthday Eunoia,” he whispered, gazing at her. This is it. This is his world. He stared at her, momentarily mesmerised by her alluring ocean blue eyes. He feels like he’s drowning but for some reason it feels pleasant.
“Thank you so much Gray,” she murmured, her heart swollen full of love.
p.s I know you’re going to see Conan Gray in 46 days (I think) anyways but we can pretend Gray gave you the tickets 🤭🤭
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drbased · 4 months
please teach us The Ways (re: ppl judging)
So the first thing to recognise is that you're at the centre of your own life experiences. You're the one who feels the feelings, thinks the thoughts, does the actions, experiences the experiences, etc. etc. So for every single belief you have, every single attitude and value you maintain as part of your selfhood, you 'should' (I put this in air quotes for reasons that will soon become apparent) have this fact at the center of how you process the world. As well as the fact that you are you, and only you, you are also the only person you have to live with and know intimately for the entirety of your life - so being kind to yourself and loving yourself is what I consider to be the most pure form of logic there is. Since you're at the core of your life experiences and always will be, that means there's a necessity in treating yourself with the care you'd expect to be required of such a situation. So when I say you 'should' do these things, I'm not saying that it's a requirement of you by some nebulous force (I don't know if you're religious anon but I have found that developing an atheistic worldview has really helped me with this), but rather that if you want to have the kind of self-confidence and inner peace required to really face life head-on, reframing your life experiences with you as the focus of your own attention, love and support is frankly the only way to achieve this robustly. Remember: this is not something you're waiting to happen, but rather an active choice you make to love yourself and to show love to yourself, just as you would other people. When you really internalise this fully, a lot of things start to slot in place naturally, as if you've unscrambled a jigsaw and now you can see the complete picture of yourself. True acceptance is hard to describe, but I think the best analogy is that of focusing your eyes - you don't know how you did it, but once you've put some fullness of effort in, it's automatically happened. Also you can slip out of acceptance at any time - this is a lifelong process, after all. And it's beautiful that it's a lifelong process! Love is a lifelong process! We don't go, aw no, I have to kiss my partner every day and tell them I love them - so the same attitude can be applied to your own selfhood.
What I like about this attitude is that there's a very solid, complete sense of logic to it - every breakdown I've ever had since, every terror I've had due to my depression, relationship with obligation, hyperchondria, drug-induced paranoia etc. etc. has ultimately hit this wall of 'oh right, I'm going to be me for the rest of my life and I'm always going to be the one experiencing my feelings, and I like having good feelings, and I can do that for myself so I'm going to do it. I don't need any justification from some external force to allow myself happiness, joy, peace and comfort - I deserve it simply because I am me and experiencing those things is good'. If you want a secondary argument to bolster it, I've found that waiting to be in the right place before I'm Allowed to do things is incredibly fragile and unsustainable and has made me kind of a worse person overall. Now with my full acceptance of my own selfhood I can be much more genuine in my decision-making and ultimately generate a sense of robust meaning from my own choices in life. It's still ultimately Not The Point, because the point should be always that I necessarily don't exist for any purpose other than myself, but sometimes I like having that secondary argument for comfort's sake, because whilst I want to do the right thing for everyone in every situation, that mentality is what caused me to have literal burnout. Now instead, my focus is on myself - my fundamental values haven't necessarily changed, I still care about everything I did before, but I refuse to martyr myself anymore.
The thing is, when you think about it, if there was One True Way to approach everything, if there was One Official Judgment of the world, then we should frankly all give up on individuality right now and just turn into the borg. But life isn't that way, so you can learn to recognise that as an individual (who, by the way, didn't ask to be born), it's your prerogative to exercise your individual personhood - and that's necessarily going to clash with the individual personhood of others. That's the whole point of being, like, a person. That's the reason you have a separate brain, a unique perspective. Your mind is your own playground, free from the chain of cause and effect, where you get to consider all sorts of wacky ideas. I used to think of my mind as form of prison, but I came to understand that the fact that we have a mind at all and aren't simply a slave to basic biological process is, to put it in a corny way, an extraordinary gift. (And why do I say it's a gift? Because I'm at the center of my own experiences and I value being kind to myself, so I make a choice to see it as a gift rather than a curse, because regardless of which is the more 'logical' choice the ultimate logic is to be kind to myself, because I'm at the center of my own world and I don't have to sacrifice any sort of comfort for some abstract sense of the greater good - and besides, doing so would achieve nothing, anyway! That's the process in action right there.)
So the first element is to shift your perspective to have you as the focus of your attention, the second is to recognise that it's your prerogative as an individual human to exercise your unique judgment, (that's what all those 'confident' people are doing, btw!) and the third part is to take these principles into learning who you really are what you really value. Once you learn true, judgment-less acceptance of you (maybe I do only ever want to eat cereal for my evening meal for the rest of my life! maybe I do only want to wear red t-shirts! maybe I do want to have a room in my house dedicated to pictures of frogs!) you get to learn who you are. This, just like the rest of it, is an ongoing process. And remember, this is about getting to know yourself! It's joyful, it's beautiful! You're finally taking yourself seriously - instead of pathologising yourself you're getting to recognise your fundamental right as an individual. Now, but those actions have consequences, right? But that's where getting to know your value system comes in. Once you've truly accepting things about yourself, you can use the power of imagination to picture yourself actually living that life - or, hell, maybe you can just start doing it. Maybe the life you've imagined for yourself turns out to have been much more about a narrative construction or categorisation of yourself - but that's fine, because now you've learned something else about yourself! And then you can change your mind! You can decide that you want to live in a different way! Ever since I developed this system, I am in a constant state of negotiating with myself: oh, if I do this thing, people will think of me as weird -> do I care if they think it's weird? -> oh, I do care a bit, why is that? -> oh, because I dislike the social consequences of that -> which do I care more about, me being 'authentic' 24/7 or me not weirding people out? -> oh, I care a bit more about not weirding people out -> then I guess I won't do the weird thing, then! -> oh, but I wouldn't like to go my whole life without doing it -> maybe I can do it sometimes, depending on the people I'm around -> Oh, I've just now made a full, complete decision on how to conduct myself based on my own personal value system!
Notice how none of this so far has been about other people? I've not had to say once anything about how to practice confidence, to fake it till you make it, or any other corny cliche. Because any attempt to do so would be deeply ironic - in order to not care about what other people think of you, you have to recognise your own prerogative as an individual to do whatever the hell you want. And only from there can you make decisions that are 'judgment-free' in the sense that the judgment doesn't feel like it comes from some terrifying nebulous force, but rather from your own internal value system. And some of those values will conflict, and that's fine! Because if the core premise is always self-love and self-centering, you will find a way to bring that into every decision. And that is what confidence is. Turns out it's not something that other people 'just have', and instead I can achieve it myself - something that younger me did not believe at all.
Another point I'd like to make here is that once you learn this kind of deep empathy for your own selfhood, it sort of naturally starts to dissipate outwards. Opinionated people can be irritating but you don't feel as threatened by them because you've stopped percieving them as some conduit for some nebulous greater truth, and rather as a whole separate human being who has a prerogative to their own weird-ass opinions, just like you. I've described this as your fear of yourself becoming somewhat higher because you learn that you're not just a series of disparate impulses but rather a complete entity with a point of view, but your fear of everything else decreases massively so there's much more of a level playing field between you and everything/everyone else. What's that quote that's like 'they're looking at me, but I'm looking right back at them'. And like, they might be looking at me, but fortunately I'm not privy to any feelings of disgust they might have looking at me, but I am privy to the feelings that I have when looking at them, so the latter is naturally my priority. It's a fucking blessing that I can't feel what everyone else feels! This is my life, my reality, my senses, my world, my opinions, my everything. And that doesn't make me a hardened psychopath, but rather the opposite - I'm free from fear of judgment so I can make much more genuine decisions.
And it builds over time, I can promise you - I sat at a comedy thing literally just this week and I was at the front row where the very aggressive comedian was bantering with me and I bantered right back! Seriously, if that had happened years ago I would have run away crying. But he's just some guy, and I'm just some guy, and now with my strong sense of self I'm not caught off guard when people talk to me. I know who I am, I know what I care about, and what I value. And the irony of life means that if there actually was some external judgment that I should care about, I'm doing a much better job to appease it now than I ever did.
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
TWSTfic: little grave flower
Summary: How Chrysanthos Shroud got his name
Word count: 1881
Warnings: just family fluff (don't let the title fool you)
I referenced this character detail in this post and I'd already had this ficlet written last week so I thought I'd deliver. Also yes, if enough people are curious I'll make a post just about Ilias and Kallisto to explain them a bit and their relationship.
The baby was awake.
Ilias sat up in bed at once, blearily trying to rub his eyes. He hadn't heard crying or fussing, just sounds he knew were coming from the basinet and indicated his son wasn't asleep any more. Taking a second to collect himself, he glanced at his wife and was relieved to see that though she was starting to stir, she wasn't awake yet.
A smile stole over his face in the low light of their room. Reaching over, he brushed flyaway strands of hair from Kallisto’s face as gently as he could. Maybe she could get a little more sleep if he was able to quiet the kid. Whispering a soft “I love you”, he drew away and slid out of bed to make his way to the basinet. And despite his tiredness, despite adjusting to being a first-time dad, Ilias felt wrapped in a peaceful sense of bliss. Perhaps when people talked about “treasuring the little moments”, they were referring to things like this, where the world was at rest as he soothed the two people in his life he loved more than anything.
As he drew nearer, he spied the gentle blue glow coming from the basinet, the telltale sign of the Shroud family hair his child had inherited. At times, Ilias felt wretched when he looked at the baby; he'd hoped and prayed that perhaps his son would be spared the family curse, that maybe the burden and the generational trauma would pass by for once. Kallisto deserved it for all the joy she'd brought him, and their son deserved it as well, because he was innocent. But fate could be cruel. Few knew that better than Ilias.
All the same, in this moment, he was happy and he continued to smile as he bent down over the basinet to look at the baby. They still hadn't figured out a name for him—Kallisto’s grandmother, Thalia, had actually encouraged them letting the right name come in its own time instead of rushing to name the baby—but that was alright by Ilias. They had plenty of time to figure it out and they never ran out of terms of endearment to refer to him with in the meantime. And given that Kallisto had put him in one of those outfits for bed that more closely resembled a pillowcase—according to Thalia, the sense of having his limbs safely contained in a small space would be familiar and comforting and make it easier for the little guy to sleep through the night—Ilias knew exactly which term of endearment it brought to mind.
“Hey, little starfish,” he whispered.
The baby had been glancing all around while he'd cooed, taking in everything he could see, but when he heard his father speak to him, he immediately looked to him. He blinked dark blue eyes so perfectly like his mother's as recognition dawned, and then, to Ilias’s astonishment and delight, there was a smile. The first smile, followed immediately by a delighted babble.
And without warning, the baby’s hair changed.
By default, all Shroud family members had hair like blue flames. It was vaguely translucent at the ends and warm to the touch, and usually had already manifested at birth. When angry, the hair would turn a vibrant, alarming red-orange and give off waves of heat, looking and acting more like true fire and just as capable of burning anyone who got too close. And, when bashful or expressing feelings of love and adoration, the strands of hair began to glow a gentle, beautiful pink color from the ends inward to the roots.
That his son’s hair would change colors was something Ilias had expected and wasn't bothered by.
But what hit him and left him gaping in shock was that the baby’s hair turned a bright yellow-gold.
For a second, the infant made another happy babble, smile growing bigger as he kicked and flailed his limbs. Then he seemed to realize that his father was no longer smiling but making an odd, open-mouthed expression, and he blinked again, his own smile dropping into a look of puzzlement as his hair turned back to a normal blue.
Ilias, who had only been a father for roughly two months but had spent most of his life well-read, was given to having long philosophical debates, and had his own special magic the family suspected was passed along that once had originated with the oracles of the Age of the Gods, expressed in all his wisdom the single sentiment that came to mind.
His son, evidently as baffled by his behavior, echoed the sentiment in his own way with a small but emphatic sound. Ilias struggled to get the gears in his head turning again, frowned ponderously, then held up a single finger at the baby.
“One sec, kiddo,” he said, before straightening up and half-twisting as he looked back to the bed, raising his voice to just slightly above normal volume. “Honey…?”
Kallisto let out a groan, turned over, and managed to croak a drowsy, “Mmwhatizzit…?”
“Well, uh…” he paused for a second, looking back down into the basinet at the curious blue eyes watching him. The baby let out another coo at getting some attention back, and Ilias went on, “Something, er, happened? With our little butterball here?”
“Don't call him a butterball, I was called butterball my entire childhood going into middle school,” she said, still sounding foggy and out of it.
“Our little pumpkin then, our peach dumpling, the tater-tot, whatever you wanna call him,” he amended quickly, waving his hand as if it could dissipate the issue. “Something happened just now, something very…not normal.”
There was a rustle behind him as Kallisto sat up in bed and when she spoke again, she sounded more alert, a young mother worried for her child. “Is he alright? What is it? Bring him to me.”
Reaching down, Ilias scooped up their baby. His newfound confusion wasn't improving, but the utter and total trust in those huge blue eyes spurred a need to be worthy of such trust.
“Come on buddy,” he murmured, bringing his son up to rest against his shoulder. “Let's go see Mom.”
Arms wrapped carefully around the squirming, precious bundle he carried, Ilias crossed back to the bed, catching his wife's gaze as she watched them. She was sitting up straighter, and lifted her arms as he reached the edge of the bed and propped up one of his knees on it.
“Hey,” he said to the baby, gently adjusting his grip so he could turn him to see Kallisto. “Look. You see Mom? You wanna go to Mom?”
“Hi, sweetie,” Kallisto spoke in her “baby” voice, smiling as she picked up the vibe. “Come to Mommy?”
The baby turned at the sound of her voice, but Ilias didn't need to see his face; the sudden shriek of delight and the flailing arms was enough. He watched as Kallisto’s face lit up with sudden wonder and joy, and knew this was the second smile.
And then that little head of hair immediately turned yellow-gold again as he squirmed to try to reach his mother, letting out another excited little shriek.
To her credit, Kallisto readily took their son in her arms, though she did let out a very stunned “oh”. The baby didn't seem bothered; he nuzzled against her shoulder and neck, hair still glowing like a small midmorning sun.
“You got him?” Ilias asked, sliding back into the bed next to her.
Kallisto nodded, looking dazed, one of her hands absently stroking their son’s bright hair. “It's- it's yellow.” She stared at Ilias, mouth working soundlessly for a moment, before she finally asked, “This isn't…normal? For a Shroud?”
He shook his head. “I've never heard of our hair turning that color before. Didn't even know it could.”
For a long time, neither of them spoke. Kallisto continued to hold the baby like she was trying to soothe him, until he turned in her arms and spotted Ilias again. Immediately he began swinging his arms and straining to get to his father, and Ilias took him almost automatically, tucking him against his shoulder again. That small head nestled close and there was a tiny, contented little sigh as he settled.
“Guess we'll figure this out as we go along,” he said, to reassure himself as much as anything.
“Isn't that what we've been doing~?” Kallisto asked, her tone lightly teasing as she flashed him that coy smile that even now still made his heart thud hard against his ribcage. She inched a little closer and her expression softened to one of loving amazement as she reached out and stroked the baby's hair again. “He's beautiful,” she said, not for the first time and definitely not for the last. “Look at him, Ilias. Our boy.” She hummed in thought for a moment, then remarked, “He almost looks like chrysanthemums.”
Her fingers stilled in the baby's hair almost the moment the words left her mouth and Ilias went rigid. At once they looked at each other and a single shared thought shot between them like a bolt of lightning striking home, the same thing coming out of both their mouths.
The baby squirmed a little, likely a bit startled by the dual exclamation, his hair briefly flickering with wisps of blue.
“Ilias, that's it!” Kallisto said breathlessly, her eyes bright, not even a hint of tiredness showing. “That's his name!”
Ilias lifted his son off his shoulder and slightly up above his head. He craned his neck back so he could look up and he smiled. “How ‘bout it, buddy?” he crooned. “Are you Chrys? Our little flower boy?”
The baby smiled again and this time managed to get one of his chubby, swaddled fists up to his mouth, kicking his legs. His mother reached up, standing on her knees, and tenderly gathered him into her arms from behind, holding him close.
“Chrysanthos,” she said, as if somehow she could make up for weeks of him not being named by saying it with all the love and intent she held now. “It feels fitting, doesn't it?”
Ilias fought back a sudden urge to shed tears of gratitude and happiness. He knew what she meant, that their son should be named for a flower associated with death and funerary customs, a respectful deference to being born into the Shroud family. How many people would see the beauty in it from the start? He wasn't sure, but he doubted if he would ever have found another partner like her. Watching her hold their child—Chrysanthos—he felt another overwhelming surge of love for them both, for this little moment he might have missed had he not woken and checked on Chrys when he did. It was so overwhelming it was a wonder he didn't drown in the feeling, though he knew he would do so happily. They were his entire world. What better thing could there be to lose himself in?
He leaned over, wrapping his arms around them both despite Chrys's immediate tiny grumble at being caught in the middle, and pressed his lips against his wife’s forehead in a slow kiss, closing his eyes.
“It's perfect,” he answered. “So is he.”
Taglist: @ramshacklerumble @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @blithesharem @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter (if you want to be added to my taglist lmk!)
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