#1. matt and the monsters getting close
imperfectcourt · 1 year
Firm believer that Matt hangs with the monsters after the girls graduate considering everything and also being roommates with Aaron and Nicky and All this is to say that down the road the monsters are the ones who take Matt out for his bachelor's party and they all somehow have to make it to brunch the next morning that Allison is bankrolling in some fancy restaurant and they- every last one of them- are all a Wreck
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souliebird · 8 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 14]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Words: 3.8k
ao3 link
banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
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A loud, angry voice wakes Minnie from her sleep.
It takes her a few moments to process the change, but once she does, she focuses on finding the source of the bad noise. It's coming from below her, a few floors down. She can't understand the words - Mommy says people speak lots of different languages so this must be one of them - but she knows it is Mister Chavez. He's a nice man who helps Mommy with the trash, sometimes. Minnie likes him.
She lets her ears open up more and quickly finds out why he is so grumpy - he is watching television. She recognizes the sounds as some sort of sport. Mommy says sometimes people yell at their television when watching sports because they love their team and get excited - but they aren't really angry. That makes her feel better - she doesn't like it when people are angry. It's scary.
But he is still being loud, and even though she knows he's not really mad, she doesn't want to hear him. Minnie wants to listen to good noises when she sleeps.
Her favorite noise to sleep to is her Mommy's heart and it can make all the bad noises go away and right now, she wants to be extra close so it's really loud.
So, Minnie reaches up and pulls her sleep headband down so it's around her neck and rolls out of bed.
Mommy went to sleep the same time she did, which is weird because Mommy also took a nap with her after they came back from the park. Mommy doesn't take naps - she's an Adult, but all day she's been sleepy. She doesn't understand why - they didn't do anything Big, like go somewhere special or do lots of things.
Minnie crosses the short distance between her bed and her Mommy's and quickly climbs up the bigger one. Mommy is on her back and under her covers, still asleep. The loud noises don't bother her because she can't hear them like Minnie and Daddy can. That makes Minnie happy - Mommy needs lots of sleep.
But she's hogging all the blankets and Minnie wants to get under them, too, so she shakes her shoulder, “Mommy, share the blankie.”
Nothing happens.
Minnie pouts and shakes her again, just a little harder, “Mommy, I'm cold, too.”
Mommy makes an upset noise in her throat, but she doesn't wake up or give up any of the blanket. Minnie frowns and looks back to her bed - she could get her blanket if Mommy doesn't want to share, but she likes Mommy’s blanket more. It smells like her.
Maybe she can crawl in from the bottom, near Mommy's feet.
As she considers this option, something new catches her attention.
Something smells stinky.
It doesn't smell stinky like the train or the monster her Daddy chased away a few nights ago - she doesn't know this smell, but she quickly decides she doesn't like it. It smells like wet and dirty and it's really close. It is inside the bedroom. She turns to start looking around, trying to find where it is coming from. Nothing in the room looks different and she knows things don't just get stinky. Something has to happen to make it stinky. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth a little like Daddy taught her, and breaths in through her nose. The smell is stronger behind her, so she tries to follow it, crawling closer.
She runs right into Mommy.
The bad smell is coming from her.
Minnie doesn't understand. Mommy never smells bad, ever, and she didn't smell bad before they went to sleep. Why does Mommy smell bad now?
She tries to wake her up again, shaking her shoulder hard, but Mommy just scrunches up her face. She doesn't wake up.
Minnie is starting to get scared.
“Mommy, wake up!” She tries tugging the blanket next, but it is wrapped tight. Her next idea is to start patting her face and that is when Minnie gets her next clue.
Mommy's skin is really warm, like she's been in the sun, and she's sweaty. Did Mommy go outside when Minnie was sleeping?
But that doesn't make sense, the sun isn't up. It's night time and Mommy wouldn't leave her alone during the night. Mommy never leaves her alone - she always has a babysitter.
Why would Mommy be hot and sweaty and stinky and not wake up?
She sticks her fingers in her mouth and starts to suck on them as she thinks hard - like she's trying to figure out a puzzle.
Minnie gasps when she realizes it - Mommy is sick!
Mommy has never been sick before, not that Minnie can remember, and if she's sick, she needs a doctor. Minnie knows how to be a doctor!
No longer as scared now that she knows what is wrong, Minnie slides off the bed and hurries to her toy chest. She has a whole doctor kit full of all sorts of things - it even has a doctor's coat and glasses. She takes the big bag out and sets it on the ground so she can pull out the costume and put it on. She has to push up the sleeves because they are too long, but it doesn't matter.
Now she's Doctor Minnie and can help her Mommy.
She hikes the bag up on her shoulder and brings it back to the bed. It takes her a few tries to get it up beside her Mommy - the bed is high up and the bag is heavy - but once it is, she climbs up too and starts looking through her supplies.
She pulls out the step-scope first and puts the plugs into her ears. She doesn't need it to listen to Mommy's heart, but doctor's do, so she's going to use it. She puts the end-circle on Mommy's chest and listens Hard. Her heart doesn't sound any different than normal. It is a little faster, like she's been walking around a lot, but that isn't weird. Minnie is used to that sound - so it's not why Mommy is sick. She puts her step-scope back into her bag and takes out the next tool.
She knows the little hammer is supposed to be used to hit her Mommy's knees, but they are under the covers, so she isn't sure if it will work. She tries anyway. She bonks where she thinks her knees are and absolutely nothing happens. She isn't surprised - Mommy's head smells stinky, not her legs. That is not why she is sick.
Her next toy is the therm-o-meter. She puts it against her Mommy's forehead and presses the button. The toy lights up, the screen flashing red a few times before becoming solid. She brings it closer to her face to examine. She doesn't know what the numbers mean, but she guesses it says her Mommy is sick.
She turns off that toy then starts digging in the bag again, looking at what she has to help. She finds the band-aids first, which won't help at all. That is for boo-boos and Mommy doesn't have one of those. She finds what she needs at the bottom of the bag and removes it carefully. She doesn't know what it is called but it gives shots - and shots help people not be sick. Mommy told her that - that's why she has to go get them from the doctor.
Shots go in the arm, so Minnie needs to move the blanket out of the way. Mommy wrapped herself up tight, so it is hard, but she manages to pull it enough so her shoulder is out. That is part of the arm, so it counts. She doesn't want to mess up, so Minnie takes her time picking up the shot-giver and pulling back the pusher. She places it in the middle of Mommy's arm, as low as she can get it, then pushes the pusher back down slowly. Once it's all the way down, she sets the toy aside. She remembers that shots do get a band aid, so she takes one out of the box and opens it. It's pink, to match the rest of the set, and it goes over where Minnie gave her Mommy the shot.
To make sure it works extra well, Minnie adds a kiss, then sits back to wait.
She starts sucking on her fingers again, not to help her think, but because it helps her not be scared - and she's scared her Mommy isn't going to wake up. She doesn't know how long she is supposed to wait for medicine to work - when she plays Doctor with her toys it is always right away. But Mommy isn't a toy. She sits and waits for what feels like at least thirty-two minutes before she tries shaking her Mommy again, “Wake up. Mommy, wake up, please. You gotta wake up.”
She doesn't wake up. She doesn't stop being stinky. She stays asleep and sick.
Minnie doesn't like this. She wants her Mommy to wake up and hug her and tell her it is okay. She doesn't understand why she won't wake up.
Minnie gave her a shot - that should have made her better, right?
Does she need to go to the real doctor? She can't go to the real doctor if she is asleep and Minnie doesn't know how to call the doctor to tell him to come.
Minnie sniffles, trying to hold back from crying. She has to be a big girl, she can't be a baby - being a baby won't help Mommy. She wipes at her eyes with the sleeve of her doctor's coat and tries her bestest to think.
What did Mommy say in their last Big Girl Talk?
They talked about what it means to have a Daddy now. Mommy had told her that meant he was like Mommy, but a boy, and anything that Minnie went to her for, she could also talk to Daddy about.
Maybe Daddy can help Mommy, like he helped with the Monster.
But Daddy isn't here. He doesn't live with them.
But maybe he can hear her? He has really good hearing like Minnie does.
With a new plan in mind, Minnie climbs off the bed and leaves the bedroom. The fan and a/c make lots of noise and he might not hear her over them. The living room is quiet, though, and she gets up onto the couch before looking straight up at the ceiling. Daddy was up there last time.
“Daddy?” She asks, “Daddy, are you there?”
She waits, but there is no answer. Maybe she needs to be louder? So, she tries again, speaking in her Outside Voice.
“Daddy, it's Minnie. Daddy? Can you hear me? I need you, please, thank you.”
The only response she gets is the city. It's not as loud as normal, there's not as many cars or people because it's night - people sleep at night. Maybe he is asleep and can't hear her? Or he is too far away and his hearing can't reach her.
If he is too far away to hear with his ears, she has to find another way for him to hear her. Mommy talks to him on her phone when he is far away, so she has to try that next.
Mommy keeps her phone next to her bed, so Minnie goes back into the bedroom. She's not supposed to play with the phone, but this isn't playing - this is an Emergency. She's allowed to use it for emergencies - even though she never has before. She knows how to unlock it - the numbers are her birthday - and the screen lights up. She looks from the bright phone back to her Mommy sleeping on the bed. It's rude to talk on the phone when someone is sleeping, so back out to the living room and the couch she goes.
She settles into the cushions then stares at the phone. She knows how to bring up YouTube but not how to call someone, but she can talk to the phone and tell it what to do. She's done that before and Mommy does it all the time. She just has to say the magic words.
“Hey, Siri, call Daddy, please, thank you.”
The phone lights up as it thinks, then the robot-lady in the phone says, “Uh-oh, I do not have a phone number for Daddy.”
Minnie pouts at the phone - she knows that isn't true. Mommy calls Daddy all the time. Then it occurs to her Mommy doesn't call him Daddy. She has to use his grown up name. She tries again, “Siri, please call Mister Matt, please, thank you.”
“Calling Matt Murdock,” the robot-lady says and a moment later, ringing starts coming through the phone. Minnie quickly holds it up to her ear and waits for him to answer.
He doesn't answer. It just rings and rings until another robot-lady starts talking instead, but Minnie doesn't want to talk to her, so she presses the big red button to end the call.
She doesn't know why he didn't answer. His hearing is extra good, so if he was sleeping, he should have heard it - like Minnie heard Mister Chavez. She tries to think of why he wouldn't answer and decides he must not have his phone - Mommy does that sometimes. She forgets her phone places, like she'll leave it in the bathroom.
Maybe he left his phone in the bathroom.
She makes another attempt, telling the phone again to call her Daddy but nothing changes. Only the robot-lady talks to her.
Minnie glares at the phone as she tries to figure out what to do. Mommy needs a doctor and Daddy isn't answering.
Her conclusion is she needs another Adult. She doesn't know many Adults. She knows Miss Apple, who runs Daycare, and Miss Linda, but Minnie doesn't think she is supposed to call them. Mommy never talks to them on the phone, even if they are Adults.
Daddy's friends are Adults, though, and she heard Miss Karen and Froggy tell Mommy to call if she ever needs anything, so maybe it is okay to call them? Minnie hopes so.
Froggy is Daddy’s bestest friend, so that is who she decides to call. If he doesn't answer, she will call Miss Karen. She wipes at her face again, clearing away any tears, then asks the robot-lady, “Hey Siri, call Froggy, please, thank you.”
The phone starts to ring and, to her great delight and relief, is answered after only a few moments. It sounds like he almost drops it before she can hear him breathing directly into her ear.
“‘lo?” A very tired sounding Froggy asks.
“Froggy!” She tries her best to not yell, but she is so happy he answered the phone and now she can help Mommy. Part of her wants to cry because she is happy, but she still needs to be a Big Girl.
She can hear lots of movement on the other end of the call before he answers her, “Minnie, is that you?” He sounds very Worried.
“Yes,” is her response, because it is her. She knows she is supposed to wait for more questions, but she can't help herself. She does her best to not rush out her words.“I need help, please, thank you. Mommy is sick and she won't wake up and she needs to go to the doctor.”
Froggy says a Bad Word, then, “where are you, Minnie?”
“I'm on the couch. It's rude to talk on the phone when someone is sleeping,” she explains, then adds, “Mommy is in bed.”
“Okay. Okay. Did you try to call your Daddy?” He asks. She can hear him moving around a lot more now and that makes her happy. He's going to come help her and she doesn't need to be scared. Froggy is an Adult and can take Mommy to the doctor and she can get better.
“He didn't answer. I tried two times and he's not outside. I can't hears him outside,” she tells him. Froggy knows she and Daddy can hear everything, so that is important to let him know that.
“Of course, he didn't answer,” Froggy says, then he says another Bad Word in a grumpy voice, before his voice gets Nice again, “Okay, sweetie, can you listen to me?”
“I'm listening!” She can listen really good and follow directions. She's a Big Girl.
“I'm going to call your Daddy. He has a…different phone he uses at night. I'm going to call that phone and tell him he needs to come over, okay? And I'm going to come over, too,” he explains.
“A different phone…?” She doesn't understand why he would have more than one but maybe it is an Adult thing.
“Yeah, sweetie, a different phone. But to call it, I need to not be on the phone with you. Is that okay?” Froggy asks.
“You're both gonna come?”
“We're both gonna come,” he promises, “I'll keep calling him until he answers, and we're gonna come over and take care of you and your Mommy. Okay?”
Minnie starts to suck on her finger as she thinks over what he said. She wants to stay on the phone with Froggy - she’s scared and she doesn't want to be alone while her Mommy is sick, but he needs to call her Daddy. Mommy needs Daddy more than Minnie needs Froggy. Part of being a Big Girl is being brave when things are scary and she needs to be brave for her Mommy. She drops her hand to her lap and mumbles, “Okay.”
“Okay, Minnie,” Froggy says, then he gets a nice voice again and she can tell he is smiling, “You did a really good job calling me. I'm proud of you.”
The words make her smile, too, and she tells him, “I'm being a Big Girl.”
“Yes, you are,” he agrees, “You are being such a big girl right now. Your Mommy and Daddy are going to be proud, too. Now, I'm going to hang up and call your Daddy. He might get there before me, but I'm on my way, too. If anything happens, you can call me back, and I'll answer. Understand?”
“I understand,” she says, because she does. Froggy will answer his phone if Minnie calls him. Even if it is night time and everyone else is sleeping.
“Okay, good girl. I'm hanging up now, okay?”
“Okay. Bye-bye,” she says because that is how Mommy says to end a call. She lowers the phone from her face and hits the big red button.
She decides to keep the phone with her and slides off the couch, putting it into her doctor's coat pocket.
Now that she has called an Adult to help, Minnie doesn't know what she's supposed to do, but she does know she wants something to hug to make her feel better. She goes back to the bedroom and grabs Pig and Scooby off her bed before squeezing them tightly to her. They are soft and smell like Mommy and Daddy and make things less scary. Everything will be okay if she has them.
She looks over to where Mommy is sleeping and frowns. She hasn't moved at all since Minnie went to try to call Daddy. Minnie sucks on her lip since her hands are busy holding her toys and tries to figure out what to do next, but all she can think about is how sad Mommy looks in bed.
Does Mommy know she's sick and that's why she won't wake up? Is she scared like Minnie is?
Minnie doesn't want her to be scared.
She rocks side to side for a moment as she thinks over how to make her Mommy not be scared, then slowly makes her way to the bed. She sets Pig down in the ground then, with Scooby Doo in her arms, crawls up to be next to her Mommy. With great care, she places him next to the pillow, then leans in to whisper, “Scooby, you need to watch over, Mommy, okay? I gotta go wait for Daddy and Froggy.”
She pats Scooby on his big head before slowly bending over to give her Mommy a kiss on the cheek, “Don't be scared, Mommy, Scooby knows a lot about being brave when you're scared…and he'll keep you safe, okay?”
Mommy doesn't respond.
Her doctor glasses fall off as she slides back to the floor and she knows she should pick them up, but she doesn't. Instead, she picks up Pig and goes back out to the living room. She opens up her ears again as she does - Mister Chavez is still watching his sports but the rest of the building is quiet. Everyone else is sleeping, even the doggies and kitties.
She tries to listen for Daddy and Froggy as she sits down in front of the television. She closes her eyes and remembers what Daddy said about looking for things. She has to Turn Off the sounds she doesn't want, like turning off the television. She squeezes Pig tight to her and tries really really hard.
Daddy isn't an animal, so she can turn off the doggies barking and the rats getting their dinners. There are no birdies or alleycats around to send away.
“Bye-bye,” she mumbles and closes her ears to them. Her little section of the world slowly gets quieter until she's pretty sure there are no more animals left to distract her.
Next is city noises.
There aren't many cars out on her block - just a taxi man listening to music. He's not Daddy, so she says goodbye to him, too, before he goes away. His car disappears around with him, since there is no one else in there with the taxi man.
Her head is really starting to hurt from all the loud noises she hasn't turned off yet. It's making her dizzy because it's coming from all over and it's hard to understand what it all is. Everything is starting to just become one big scream and she can't tell what is what.
She hears her Daddy’s voice through all the other noises loud and clear and she can't be a Big Girl anymore.
She bursts into tears and begins crying loudly.
She doesn't want to be brave anymore. She's scared. She wants her Mommy to wake up and not be sick. She wants to get into bed and cuddle and watch cartoons on the StarkPad.
She wants her Mommy.
She wants her Daddy.
She turns off her ears and sobs and sobs until two strong arms wrap around her and she is crushed into her Daddy's chest. She clings to him, burying her face into his neck and lets him overwhelm her senses until she can't cry anymore.
Little Doctor Minnie passes out from sheer exhaustion, cradled in the arms of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
a/n: everyone tell Doctor Minnie how proud of her you are
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
 @petrovafire39 @allllium
@dorothleah @mattmurdocksstarlight @mars-on-vinyl @mywellspringoflife @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @simmilarly @soupyspence @darkened-writer @akila-twt
@murc0ckmurc0ck @groovycass @sumo-b98 @just3rowsing @tongueofcat @zoom1374
@theclassicvinyldragon @aoi-targaryen @lunaticgurly @nikitawolfxo @shireentapestry @snakevyro @yondiii @echos-muses @honeybug-victoria @the-bisaster @ristare 
@mrs-bellingham @eugene-emt-roe @cometenthusiast @stevenknightmarc @hunnybelha @actorinfluence @capbrie @prowlingforfood @jupitervenusearthmars
Specialagentjackbauer @yarrystyleeza @ofmusesandsecrets 
@mayp11-blog @danzer8705 @thinking-at-dusk @remuslupinwifee @akila-twt  @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @dil3mma @allllium 
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 @lovingkryptonitehideout @moongirlgodness @soocore @bluestuesday
@starry-night-20 @rebeccapineapple @writtenbyred @cherrypie5 @capswife @silvercharacterchaos
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staticvn · 10 days
the foxes : random headcanons (because i need to let it all out somewhere)
• Renee & Matt are both huge fans of atla and the pjo series. Dan likes it as well but not as much as they do. They also tried to convince Allison to watch it with them and despite saying it’s “not her thing” she really likes it.
• Renee keeps her own garden. Mostly plants and flowers though. She tries for some veggies as well but they never grow right
• At some point, Andrew would stop smoking completely. The withdrawals are crazy and he’s cranky as hell through the whole thing but yeah.
• Renee would definitely love visiting churches and cathedrals in different countries. Not only cuz she’s religious but also because she loves the architecture and art a lot.
• also also Renee would keep the coolest looking patterned stuff. Fox shaped & cat paw carved ceramic mugs, knitted sweaters with a lot of patchworks and so on.
• Renee taught Neil ASL. For no particular reason just that it’s a good thing to know. After that she also tried teaching some of the other foxes but mostly just the basics.
• Kind of surprise to everyone, Aaron would be really good at chess. Neil and Matt on the other hand… very much not. He sometimes has chess matches with Kevin but Kev always loses which genuinely drives him mad.
• Aaron knows latin- not just the medical terms that med students have to know but like the language. So you bet that whenever someone gets him angry he starts to yap at them in latin just to make a point of some sort.
• Andrew would like those old/retro gameboys
• Andrew always beats everyone in mario kart with Nicky often being either close second or complete last - no in between.
• Nicky is the #1 pancake maker. He was kind of awful at it at first but after many many tries he perfected it for the twins
• Kev is also the #1 cook in healthy but completely flavourless prison-looking meals (though it is not his fault. i blame the nest.)
• if the foxes would ever have escape room night best believe Neil would be the first to figure it out and in record time as well.
• Kevin is a mosquito magnet and won’t stop complaining about it…like ever. (had to google synonym for bitching btw)
• to fight off the “eboy Andrew” allegations im fighting back with “absolute loser Andrew” where he wears too big sweaters, reading glasses, has crooked teeth, and searches through different cryptid or internet mysteries- related sites for too long (…projecting but still)
• Neil hates coffee. his favorite tea is peppermint or earl grey.
• the monsters watch cartoons in the morning if they don’t have classes i said what i said
• Neil definitely got into photography (or sketching or both) at some point. there is just something so symbolic about that i just can’t wire up my brain rn to figure out why.
• Kevin listens to podcasts instead of music while working out because he is simply that type. sigh
ok im done
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Heroes vs. Villains : The Staff [Part 3]
Platonic GN!Reader x NRC Staff vs. RSA Staff Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes. NRC Staff Version (Part 3)
ie. Detention begins, and the topic of Winter Break plans comes into question.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
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The first detention went about as well as you could have hoped.
You sorted paperwork, mindlessly graded the very same pop quizzes that had nearly given Deuce an aneurism just that morning, and shined all the stupid glassware that was needed to make all the stupid potions. It was grueling. And to think—you’d been doing this shit for fun not a month ago. What had been wrong with you?
“Maybe it was the Stockholm Syndrome,” you muttered irritably under your breath.
“Nothing, sir,” you grumbled, and went back to organizing all of your tormentor’s seemingly endless collection of bits and bobs.
Professor Crewel looked over at you, his face twisted up like he wanted to say something. But after a moment of awkward silence, he just ducked his head back down to his paperwork and carried on without saying a thing.
The next afternoon didn’t look like it was shaping up to be much better. You shined, he scribbled, and you wished for nothing more than the sweet release of death. The quiet was disconcerting. Say what you will about all the time you’d spent holed up in this office before The Incident, but ‘silence’ had never been an issue. Even Crewel’s snide little barbs would be better than this—this nothingness.
‘You’re not even worth insulting anymore,’ your brain supplied helpfully. ‘Wow. Isn’t that a trip?’
“Are you almost finished?”
You startled a bit. It was the first full sentence he’d spoken to you all day. You glanced pointedly from him, to the walls upon walls of vials, and then back.
“No, sir.”
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, like this entire situation was just all sorts of unpleasant for him. And not like, you know, he’d been the one to lock you into the school equivalent of prison labor for the next four weeks.
He closed the ledger he was working on with a pointed snap and stood from his chair with a grand swirl of his fur coat.
“You can be finished for the day,” he said, leaning forward to rifle around in the top drawer of his desk. “It’s already late, and you should start making your way back to your dorm before it gets too dark.”
You fought and won against the intense to desire to roll your eyes. The path back to Ramshackle was no easier to traverse in the black of night than it was in the bright light of the afternoon. And besides, it’s not like you were particularly worried about anything happening to you out there. The monsters at this school prowled its halls no matter the time of day. If anything, nighttime meant less potentially murderous magicians out on the loose. No one but you was stupid enough to try and go toe-to-toe with a wandering Tsunotarou.
“And take these with you.”
You startled once more as something was pressed into your hands. It was a familiar box—sleek and artfully colored with matte backgrounds and swirls of golden lettering etched across its face. These were the fancy cookies.
Thankfully, the spite in your belly was enough to gobble up whatever lingering love you had for the treats. Or at least, that’s what you told yourself when you passed them back to Professor Crewel with a tight smile.
“Thank you,” you said, pointedly reaching into your own backpack to procure a nearly wrapped pouch of Annie’s homemade pastries. “But I’m all set.”
His dark eyes lingered on your stash of chocolate chip cookies in a way that made you think he was going to demand you throw them away, and maybe start ranting hypocritically about the dangers of bringing food of any kind into an alchemical lab. His jaw ticked and you had the distinct impression that he was grinding his teeth.
Instead, Professor Crewel just sighed and returned the treats to his desk drawer.
“Of course,” he huffed, looking a bit dejected, and collapsed back into his chair without his usual elegance. Huh. Maybe you’d just foiled his plans to try and poison you or something. “Good evening, Prefect.”
The next afternoon, he did not mention the cookies. However, on your way out the door at the end of the night, you noticed that he’d placed the box near the coatrack—not quite on top of your belongings, but close enough.  
And then it was there again the night after that.
And then again, and again.
“How’s the internment going?”
You heard a dull thwack and some angry shushing. Mister Rogerson’s laughter was muffled through the phone’s speaker, and you had a feeling that Annie had just tried to beat him with her shoe.
“It’s alright,” you snickered into your hand. “Prison is prison.”
“You know,” Mister Rogerson huffed. “I still say all of this is horribly unfair.”
You shrugged, and then remembered he couldn’t very well see that through a phone call, and sighed. “It could be worse.”
“Could it?” he asked, a clear frown in his voice.
You dutifully did not mention anything about Overblots and just sighed again. “I mean, probably.”
There was a bit of a scuffle on the other end and you heard little snippets of Annie’s kind trill. There was more laughter. It sounded warm—cozy. You glanced around at the grey, soot-stained walls of Ramshackle and tried not to feel sorry for yourself. Grim rolled over in his sleep and burrowed into your hip with a contented little mewl, which did help a bit.
“Annie wants to know if you got her care package,” Mister Rogerson said after a moment, sounding a bit like he’d gotten the wind knocked out of him. “And if you’ve thought at all about our offer to host you over the winter holidays.”
“I did, thank you,” you smiled. “It was all delicious.”
“And the break?” he asked after a moment.
“Crowley sent me some angry letter about taking care of the fairies that live in the kitchen stoves,” you said. “So I’ll have to see about that.”
“Just keep it in mind,” Mister Rogerson pressed, a bit of concern slipping into his otherwise laidback drawl. “Please?”
“Okay,” you smiled, feeling like you’d managed to steal a bit of that bubbly glow of theirs and tuck it away tight enough that even the chilly shadows of your new home wouldn’t be able to taint it. “I will.”
“Take care of the fairies in the boiler?”
“Yes,” said Crowley, with deadpan sincerity.
The other members of the staff looked on in silence—a lovely range of ‘fed up’ to ‘outright contempt’ twisting their faces.
“Well I thought it was an excellent idea,” he huffed, crossing his arms petulantly over his chest.
“No wonder this child hates you,” Trein hissed under his breath and worked his fingers into his temples like maybe if he drilled hard enough he could kill the Crowley-Induced-Migraine before it began.
The Old Crow gasped.
“How dare you—”
“And you,” Trein interrupted, turning on Crewel with a sneer. “What exactly are you trying to accomplish with any of this, Divus? An entire month’s worth of disciplinary action for one infarction? I thought you were better than, well,” a pointed glower at the raving Headmaster who was nearly collapsed in tears before them, “that.”
Crewel’s lips curled into a bitter snarl, but the aging historian before him was far from cowed.
“That’s none of your concern,” he snapped. “This is a matter between the Prefect and I, and their willful disobedience when it comes to following the rules of this institution.”
“Is that so,” Trein hummed, arching a brow in obvious skepticism. “But then again, what would I know anything about raising unruly children? I only have two lovely, successful, daughters of my own. Remind me, when was the last time you allotted even an ounce of affection to anything that wasn’t one of your purebred mongrels? Or your own ego?”
Crewel stepped forward with a scowl that was more a restrained baring of teeth.
“That has nothing to do with anything,” he sneered.
“Say what you will,” Mozus Trein tutted, and glared down his nose at the pair of them—Crewel with his poorly cloaked rage and Crowley who still refused to stop wailing about the injustices of it all. “But both of my children will be coming home for the holidays. Voluntarily.”
“Oooh,” Sam trilled, uncurling himself from the shadows for the first time all afternoon. “Get ‘em, Mozus.”
You ended up staying at Ramshackle over the break, if only because you couldn’t tell at this point if ‘oven fairies’ were a real thing, and if they were and they did starve, you’d feel absolutely terrible. Your rap sheet in this word was already a mile long—you didn’t need to add homicide to the list.
And then, of course, you ended up being kidnapped by Jamil and his smooth-talking self not a day in, so your act of goodwill really was all for naught.
You paced around your luxurious little guestroom cell, phone in hand. There wasn’t a lot of charge left on it, but you definitely had enough to make a call or two. Mister Rogerson would come help you, you knew he would. But… the problem was that you were kind of becoming a Blot expert at this point, and from the looks of things, Jamil Viper was about to go apeshit and melt into Enraged Ink Monster Number Four. Sure, the guy may have kidnapped you. But he also made great curry, and really didn’t seem that bad underneath it all. Just... quiet. And fed up with living a life of forced servitude and mediocrity. Which, y’know, totally fair.
You paced and paced.
“They have to be reported to the proper authorities,” Mister Rogerson had said. “And dealt with accordingly.”
“They’d be taken away?” you’d whispered.
“I know it sounds scary, kiddo. But that’s what we have to do to keep everyone as safe as we can.”
You grit your teeth and called Ace and Deuce instead.
They were immediately no help at all and Jamil ended up Overblotting anyways.
“Y’know,” Grim grouched, shivering into your side after Evil Jamil had yeeted you off into The Unknown and Freezing Corners of Sandy Hell. “You really should start charging for these things. We could probably make a lot of money or something.”
“That’s a great idea,” Azul nodded along, and you wanted to beat the shit out of them both.
In the end, you saved the day. As usual.
Jamil was de-inked. He was still a miserable wad of repressed hatred, but at least he was being open about it now. Everyone was alive. Azul promised to only bill you his usual rate for assistance rather than the holiday upcharge. Kalim held a feast, as per usual. And Ace and Deuce showed up at the tail end of it all, which was incredibly sweet of them and also on track with their usual brand of stupidity.
Everything had turned out great!
“How was your break?” Mister Rogerson asked. “We missed you over here!”
“It was great,” you lied, images of black tar running from narrowed eyes and the suffocating sensation of dark magic flooding your throat. “It was great.”
You walked into detention on Monday afternoon feeling like shit warmed over. And looking like it too, you would guess, seeing the way Crewel’s eyebrows shot all the way up his forehead.
You stayed silent throughout the whole thing, quietly sorting bottles and blends, and trying to keep your mind off the fact that you had very nearly died. Again. You could feel Crewel’s eyes on you throughout the entire ordeal, tracking you in a way that reminded you of someone watching a car crash that they just couldn’t quite force themselves to look away from.
“Prefect,” he called as your were half-way through shrugging on your coat at the end of the evening.
“Yes, sir?” you sighed, not even bothering to look up from the floor.
He was silent for one moment, two, three.
“…Get some rest tonight,” he ordered. It sounded like a cop out—like he’d wanted to say something else but hadn’t had the words for it.
You sighed again, bone deep and weary. “Yes, sir.”
You did not, in fact, rest that night. A horrible cocktail of nightmares tugged at your brain from dusk ‘til dawn, and you woke up feeling worse than you had when you’d gone to sleep.
You barely forced yourself to go to detention, and only because you knew it would only get worse if you tried to skip out. However, when the door to Crewel’s office creaked open, you were not met by a head of neatly dyed black-and-white hair, but a yowling mass of flying fur and limbs that immediately sent you sprawling to the floor.
Jasper and Badun yelped and cried in the ways that all excited dogs cry, and laved your face with so many kisses you couldn’t have counted them even if you tried. Your hands went into their soft scruffs on instinct, and you had to fight valiantly not to burst into tears.
There was a hand at your back then, urging you towards the comfy, plush, chair that you’d once called yours. You plopped gracelessly against the opulent cushions, and the pair of delighted dogs quickly bounded up to join you—squishing their too-large bodies into your lap and across the armrests. The duo buried their noses into your shoulder, your hip, any nook and cranny they could reach. And you felt warm for the first time since the holidays.
When you woke up later (hours? Days? You couldn’t tell), you and Jasper and Badun were all still bundled together in that chair—the three of you tucked in gently beneath the soft furs of a very familiar black and white coat.
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softpine · 1 year
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"So... How do you rate our chances of survival?" "I'm trying not to think about it."
↪ Until Dawn AU
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you should be able to follow this even if you haven't played until dawn, but i'm not sure anyone will want to read this lmao. major spoiler warning if you do! also since you're not supposed to say the monsters name and it was a bastardization of native beliefs anyway, i'm just calling it "the creature".
anyway, here's how the frozen pines crew would fare in until dawn...
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Danny purchases an abandoned hunting lodge in Blackwood Pines. He hasn't gotten a chance to stay there himself, but he allows Asa to bring his friends up for a weekend visit as long as they check in regularly. Unbeknownst to anyone, this lodge was closed down in the 80s after a teenager (Finn) disappeared, and the team sent to find him was found partially eaten in the woods. Finn's body was never recovered. He's said to haunt the lodge ever since, chasing away anyone brave enough to step foot inside.
The group arrives at the lodge just before sundown. Alisa reveals that she brought her Ouija board, so they all gather around to use it – except Austin and Elaine, who are annoyed because they'd been the last to arrive and the cable car had gotten stuck, meaning they'd had to walk all the way up the mountain. They just want to relax, not taunt spirits. Asa mentions that there's a cozy guest cabin down the path where they could be left alone. Austin jumps on the opportunity, but Elaine is reluctant to walk even further, especially now that it's dark. Stevie picks up on her anxiety and argues with Austin on her friend's behalf. ("Why did we come all the way out here if you two are just gonna go somewhere else and bang?") Matt tries to diffuse the situation, but it just makes Austin more annoyed. He says he's going to the cabin whether Elaine comes or not. Elaine rolls her eyes but eventually follows him, though she promises she'll call Stevie once they're safe in the cabin.
As they're walking, Austin apologizes for getting angry and Elaine forgives him. They make it to the cabin without incident, but when she tries to call Stevie, she realizes she lost her phone. She wants to go back to the lodge, but Austin convinces her to stay and they'll look for her phone in the morning. This part follows the events of the game closely, ie. Austin starts a fire and they talk for a while. They start kissing and undressing, but are interrupted by a loud crash through the window: Elaine's phone. She thinks Matt and Stevie (but mostly Matt) followed them to play a prank on them. She flips out, yells at them from the porch, storms back inside, and... gets yanked through the window and is dragged away screaming. Austin grabs the gun off the wall and chases after her. POSSIBLE DEATH #1: If Austin takes too long, Elaine could have her throat ripped out by the creature. If Austin is fast enough, he'll follow her screams through the mines, finding her injured but alive. As he reaches out to grab her, the elevator shaft falls and she disappears from view. Either way, Austin will believe Elaine is dead. Stunned, he searches for who or what took her. He heads for the abandoned sanatorium in the distance, unaware of the horrors that await him.
Meanwhile, the rest of the group is finally using the Ouija board. Finn isn't responding with the planchette, but he's scaring them in other ways: making the lights flicker, random sounds come from the vents, and making himself appear in their vision for just long enough to think they've imagined it. Everyone gets scared, except Asa, who finds it intriguing. He goes upstairs on his own and tries to talk to Finn with compassion rather than morbid curiosity, but Finn isn't ready to hear it and he continues to scare everyone. Stevie is the most worried, especially because it's been a few hours without word from Elaine. She wants to go check on her at the guest cabin. Matt thinks this is weird and codependent, but after enough convincing, he agrees to go with her.
When they find the guest cabin, they see broken glass and blood everywhere, with the door wide open and the gun missing. They follow the footsteps until they reach a cliff. Matt knows he can safely climb down it because of his experience in parkour, but Stevie won't be able to. He tells her to use the nearby radio tower to call a ranger for help while he goes to find Elaine and Austin. Here, he has the option of giving Stevie his swiss army knife, or keeping it for himself. He makes his way down into the mines, until there's no more snow, thus no footprints to follow. That's when he hears Elaine screaming. POSSIBLE DEATH #2: Matt rushes to help her, but the screams were only the creature mimicking her voice. He's strung up by his neck and dragged deeper into the mine. If he still has his knife, he can cut the rope and survive. If he gave it to Stevie earlier, he will be defenseless and die. Either way, he or his body will remain trapped in the mines.
Stevie finds the radio tower. She successfully calls for help, but the ranger says they'll only be able to send a rescue team when the snowstorm subsides at dawn. She waits for Matt inside the tower, but he never shows. If Matt is still alive, his shoe will be tossed through the window, landing at Stevie's feet. If he's already dead, his decapitated head will be thrown inside. In both cases, Stevie is horrified and scrambles to call the ranger again to stress the urgency of the situation, but before she can reach it, the tower starts to collapse. She holds on for as long as she can. The tower crashes to the ground, trapping Stevie in between bits of mangled metal. If Matt had given her the swiss army knife earlier, she can use it to shatter a window and climb out safely. If she doesn't have the knife, she has to kick the window out, hurting her ankle. She decides she's done being a hero and starts running/crawling towards the lodge, bawling her eyes out.
Cut to Asa, unbothered, taking a bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub. Finn is leaving him alone, because even he knows there's a time and place for haunting people. Instead, he's focusing on scaring the shit out of Jada and Alisa, who have been wandering around the lodge searching for clues about its history. The basement is filled with animal carcasses in various stages of being skinned or stuffed that were never cleared out after the hunting lodge was abandoned. Jada starts to feel sick, but Alisa is fascinated and wants to keep going. Finn continues to scare them, getting more and more agitated the further the girls explore. He screams at them to get out, but they don't listen. Eventually, he becomes fully corporeal and begs them to leave, but Alisa notices that he's trying to prevent them from entering a small door at the very end of the basement. Naturally, she has to enter that door. She pushes past Finn and steps inside, though nothing could have prepared her for what she sees: A decomposed human body, mostly just bones, curled up in the corner of the room. He's wearing the same clothes as the ghost. She realizes the missing teen didn't die out in the wilderness on a hunting trip – he was killed by someone in the lodge.
Asa hears the girls screaming and hurriedly gets dressed (no anti-gravity towel for him, thank you), but in his haste to find them, he trips down the stairs and scratches up his face. He doesn't know what's going on and he's just plain scared, so he can't help but start crying. This is what makes Finn realize he doesn't want to hurt anyone and he doesn't want to be alone anymore; he wants these people to survive. He helps Asa stand up, which surprises both of them, because he didn't think he was capable of moving things in his environment without being angry. He says Jada and Alisa ran outside and he'll help Asa find them.
Austin flees the sanatorium, which was crawling with monsters and wolves (he was nice to Wolfie, don't worry). He catches up to Stevie in the woods. She sees a gnarly bite mark on his shoulder but thinks nothing of it, because she has no idea about the creatures and assumes it was some wild animal. If her ankle is hurt, Austin helps her walk and Stevie feels compelled to apologize for generally being rude to him. She doesn't hate him, she just worries about her best friend. Austin understands, but then he has to break the news that Elaine is dead. Stevie tells him Matt is dead too. (either, both, or neither could still be alive at this point, but they are always presumed dead). Stevie flat out refuses to believe that Elaine died, while Austin is defeated and believes they're all going to die tonight so there's no point looking for their bodies. Regardless of what Austin says, Stevie will leave him and go after Elaine herself. Austin continues towards the lodge.
Austin runs into Jada and Alisa next, who are stumbling out of the lodge, terrified. He yells at them to go inside. ("Whatever you think you saw in there doesn't hold a fucking candle to what I've seen out there.") They go back inside and lock themselves in a room with a weapons cache. Austin tells them everything he learned in the sanatorium – the forgotten miners who resorted to cannibalism, the monsters they became, and how the news covered up the massacre they caused. He says Elaine and Matt are dead because of these creatures, and Stevie will likely be dead because she ran off on her own. Jada wants to at least find Asa and let him into the safe room with them, but Austin says he's probably dead too (no one knows that Finn is watching out for Asa now). He teaches Jada and Alisa how to shoot a gun. It's while he's doing this that Alisa notices the bite on his neck. For an hour now, Austin has been stressing that these creatures were human once, but they became infected, dangerous and deadly, and he never mentioned that he'd been bitten by one. She screams for Jada to look at it, but Austin is quicker – he grabs Alisa tightly, covering her mouth. Jada is still holding the gun Austin taught her how to use. Even with a hand over her mouth, Alisa can be heard begging her to shoot him. Jada trains it at his forehead and... POSSIBLE DEATH #3: Jada can shoot Austin. If she does, Alisa will thank Jada for saving her life, and says that if they make it out of here alive, she'll tell everyone she did it in self defense. If Jada can't bear to shoot him, Austin will throw Alisa to the ground and run away.
But he doesn't get far. Right there in the living room, two creatures hang from the ceiling sculpture. Austin slows to a stop, holding his breath. It's nearly impossible for anyone to die here, as Finn will save them by creating a noisy distraction. Finn himself is only a visage, so he can't be harmed by the creatures which angrily circle the lodge for their prey. He suggests the only way to escape is by causing a gas leak and exploding the lodge with the monsters inside. POSSIBLE DEATH #4 & 5: If Jada shot Austin, then no one will be able to warn Asa that there are still people in the lodge, therefore Jada and Alisa will die of smoke inhalation in the weapons room. If Austin is alive, he does warn Asa (despite his anger about nearly being shot), and Asa instructs Finn to help the girls escape first. This leaves Asa (and Austin, if he's still alive), vulnerable to the creatures, meaning POSSIBLE DEATH #6 & 7: Asa and/or Austin can fail a don't move section and die. In the event that Asa dies, Finn becomes enraged and lights the fire himself, blowing up the lodge immediately and killing everyone inside, including the humans. If only Austin dies, Finn feels that he has failed, but he still makes sure Jada, Alisa, and Asa are out of the lodge before starting the fire.
Stevie hears the explosion and runs faster towards the mines, terrified at the idea of all her friends being dead. Elaine can't be dead too. POSSIBLE DEATH #8: If neither Elaine nor Matt is alive, Stevie will automatically be killed here, because she still isn't aware of the creatures in the mines and has no idea she needs to stay quiet and not move. But if either (or both) Elaine and Matt are still alive, Stevie finds them in the mines. All of them are in bad shape now, but they're thankful Stevie came back. They have to move very slowly. When they reach the edge of the mine, so close they can see the moonlight from the cracks, they're cornered by a creature. POSSIBLE DEATH #9, 10, & 11: If Stevie runs, she will die. If Stevie hides with Elaine/Matt and fails, Elaine/Matt will die. If she succeeds, they all survive. They stumble out of the mine just as the sun starts to rise over the horizon, the sound of rescue helicopters growing louder.
Much later, after the dust has settled, police recover Finn's body and lay him to rest. The investigation into his death has only just begun, but Finn isn't concerned. Because for the first time in as long as he can remember, he has a companion... In life or in death.
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please do let me know if you read this whole thing because you're officially my new best friend :') there's a ton more choices and branching pathways i thought about, but i figured this was already insane enough, so i tried to keep it simple fjksjds
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maxwell-grant · 1 day
The Penguin: Episode 1 Breakdown
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Thank you Lauren LeFranc, Mike Marino, Colin Farrell and Matt Reeves, we owe you the world for this, good God. It's finally here everyone and I've decided I'm gonna give each episode it's own post/breakdown of thoughts, because hahaha holy shit you guys this is beyond what I even dreamed of, and we're gonna be covering this for a while I think. I've worked out enough madness about this out of my system by talking with friends and I can't seem to be able to work on anything else till I get this done, so let's do it.
Bottom line: This isn't even just a must-watch if you like the Penguin or if you like The Batman, this is something I'd recommend to just about anyone in a heartbeat, something I can point to when people ask "why do you like The Penguin so much" and, instead of the elaborate nerd ramble that usually turns them off, I can just tell them to watch this. A friend of mine (who already loves Batman and digs the Penguin quite a bit) even told me as much, that he's starting to get why I love the character so much, and truly, is there a better feeling than this? Well, there is, and it's watching the show. Let's dig into this first episode:
Right upfront I'm gonna say that this doesn't really seem to be the Sopranos rip-off that people have been calling it before release, although there are definitely Sopranos comparisons to make here. I've spent the past months finally watching The Sopranos in order to get the comparison and definitely want to talk about those comparisons after I finish it (and this show ends). This thing aims to stand on it's own legs as a crime show and it's smashing out of the gate with an extremely promising first episode.
So this just casually opens with the reveal that all along, there was a second rich Gotham the whole time that was completely unaffected by everything we saw in the movie, already throwing a great twist on the events of that movie, and further reinforcing how fucking full of shit The Riddler was. All we saw Batman and the others deal with in the movie was just affecting the poorer parts of the city. All Eddie did was drown rats, and make life worse for the people already in the bottom, while never even getting close to targeting the systemic rot that ruined his life. He retains ideological worshippers in subways obsessed with the corruption of the city without doing anything to actually improve it, and because of him, the streets of Gotham are waterlogged shitholes while the rich Falcone suburbs are doing just fine, peachy even.
I said a while back that, in spite of having about 6 scenes/10 minutes of Penguin runtime, The Batman managed to squeeze impeccably controlled Penguin Trademark Scenes, and this show opens with the last one they didn't get to then: Penguin killing someone for making fun of him. In the movie, he tries doing that with Falcone and is beaten to the punch, so here he gets to actually do it to disastrous consequences.
Fucking adore that the inciting incident of the show is based on the fallout of Oswald killing someone for making fun of him. He pours his heart about the dream he lives his life for, his new boss makes fun of him for being an embarassment to their profession and then he does the most typical Penguin thing by killing him for it and laughing afterwards. And then he realizes how badly he fucked up, and then we get a fucking perfect titledrop with his musical theme, the exact moment we finish The Batman and enter The Penguin.
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God it is so fucking cool how the make-up/lighting, the scar across his face, makes it look like he's got a genuine beak from certain angles, how they're able to achieve that effect without giving him a more literal beak for a nose. Everytime they talk about the character, Reeves and Farrell always emphasize how integral the make-up was to them figuring out what to do with Oz, how little they knew what to make of his six scenes until Marino created their monster and suddenly everything fell into place. Mike Marino fully deserves co-credit for the creation of Oz.
Pretty amusing that Victor, as designed to be Penguin's Robin, has exactly the same origin as Jason Todd, a poor street kid trying to steal the hubcaps off the Penguinmobile (I'm sure this bodes very well for his odds at survival), as is the way in which Oz goes on about his recruitment. He press-gangs this kid at gunpoint to help him bury a body arguing with himself and eventually the kid why shouldn't he just kill him to be safe, while trying to impress the kid with his car and air freshener and later that bullshit about "What, you think I hire any schmuck off the street?". From the tile drop onwards, he's doing everything on the fly while also spinning long-term plans set in motion as soon as he's on screen, he's taking this kid in out of sympathy and because he enjoys a power dynamic over someone weaker than him and because he very much needs someone to help him get stuff done. I'm extremely interested in exploring Penguin having a mentorship dynamic and I'm beyond curious as to what happens with Victor from this point onwards, but that poor kid is in for a terrible fucking time.
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Found it very funny how much he half-asses the murder threat to Victor. Like it's his first time actually doing it and he's trying to be serious, but not too scary because he's already seeing himself in the poor kid with a stutter and wants the kid to think he's also a cool guy like he wants everyone to think he's a cool guy. I also think having Victor as the POV helps to sell moments like these, because it's still terrifying to him. Even as we follow their stories, these power players of Gotham are still big scary monsters to people caught in the dregs and Victor helps to reinforce that.
I enjoy Oz being friends with sex workers and drag queens off the street as much as I enjoy Oz being depicted as the kind of guy who deludes himself into thinking the prostitute he's with actually likes him, Lauren and Farrell launched into a bit about in on the podcast and I'm curious to see what's going on with him and Eve here.
Lots of perfect funny little character moments across the whole thing. Oz insulted by the idea of taking extra pickles off a poor kid's dirty mouth, but with zero hesitation whatsoever for picking jewelry off his boss' corpse. Dude is governed by principles even as he actively has to break them to survive.
"Technically it's plum." "He is the - or was the - new kingpin", "He's got nurse-like qualities." The show is not overtly trying to get you to find Penguin likeable as much as it wants you to find him engaging - making you think he's likeable is Colin Farrell's job and he's masterful at it, definitely a lot more matured within the character compared to the movie.
If there's anything in particular I'm thankful for regarding Gotham (well okay Gotham led directly to Telltale Penguin which was the basis for this one, so really I do have a lot more to be thankful with Gotham), it's the decision to give him a legit waddle via the broken foot, but the way they incorporate it here with the club foot does so much for him, so much as a modern day reinvention of The Penguin. Adds so much to why he's never been a serious candidate for mob leadership, why he kinda had to spend all his time in the Lounge, why he actually needs someone to help him run affairs, why he has such a gaping ego wound and is so murderously angry at people making fun of him / calling him a goddamn penguin, adds so much validation and so much darkness and nuance to Oswald's overwhelming anger and bitterness over how the world treats him (and so much power should he opt to reclaim it, in turn). It's the kind of thing that frankly feels like it should have always been part of the character, like what all the previous versions were itching closer to or trying to get at. Of course this is a guy gets called a penguin and he hates it badly enough to murder people over it, of course.
This gets to really highlight how differently Oz acts depending on who he's with. Traditionally, one of my favorite things about The Penguin, and one of the things that puts him above the other villains, is that, due to his position, he has to interact with a lot more people than the other Bat-villains. He has to manage a lot more relationships and dynamics, he has to play peacekeeper and puppetmaster. he's the only one in the United Underworld who's regularly interacting with and recruiting other villains to do business with. He's the guy who you pin stuff on like the Gangland Guardians, Team Penguin, doing betting pools with the Rogues taking cover in his Lounge while Joker War is happening, having to rig games to keep good standing with Maxie Zeus and Frenchy Blake in Batman Audio Adventures, and so on. So I greatly enjoy this beat here of him talking about how makes himself smaller before the Falcones, and that moment of him adjusting his outfit and practicing expressions in the mirror before meeting with them. How he contorts himself is present in all of his relationships, and retroactively adds to the way he carries himself in The Batman.
It seems that Oz is functionally regarded as the Paulie Walnuts of the Falcones: useful muscle, loyal for the most part and amusing to keep around, but largely an unstable self-serving dumb asskisser kept where he belongs, a liability if not kept on a short leash. I think the show does a good job of highlighting all the reasons why Oz has never been seriously regarded as a viable option for a boss, even putting aside his disability. He is a fundamentally embarassing person for these serious respectable criminals to be around and of course, the joke is ultimately on them..
Of course, there is only two people in the show who actually know what he's capable of, Francis Cobb and Sofia Falcone, said to be the central relationships defining the show moving forward. Both of them also a defining commonality with Oswald, being people who are looked down on and dehumanized, and characters who are underestimated until it's time to bear their fangs.
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Extremely invested in where they're going with Sofia Falcone, Cristine Milioti's been killing it, and will in fact not stop killing it. What a perfect villain for Penguin they've set up with her, someone who has his Kryptonite: she does not underestimate him. Although we know in advance that Oz is going to live and be in the next movie, the question here isn't even so much who's going to win the gang war, and rather how much damage these two freaks will do to the city until Batman gets back. In many ways, Sofia represents the shape of things to come just as much as he does.
She is this embodiment of both the pristine unfathomable wealth and privilege and power that he both detests and strives for, as well as this brutal new breed of madness and violence attacking the streets that he has to survive against and make deals with (and is himself very much a part of, however he denies it). She is Falcone's legacy in every way that matters, both a Kingpin of Gotham whose existence creates the oppressive conditions under which a Batman or a Riddler are created, as well as the Arkham Rogue, the larger-than-life sadist with a tragic origin and a signature torture-murder method and an embarassing name for the papers.
Even the fact that she is The Hangman, and Carmine was defined around his penchant for brutally strangling women - regardless of whether or not she did the crimes that got her in Arkham, she's become this larger-than-life themed expression of a violent obsession in a way that sets her up as every bit the Batman villain that The Penguin is. The two champions of the two Gothams, duking it out in this new world The Batman and The Riddler made, The Penguin vs The Hangman.
I am so glad Lauren LeFranc made the call for binning Alberto in the first five minutes so the rest of the show can focus on Sofia and make a real character out of her in a way nobody's ever really done before, every step of the way so far LeFranc has been perfectly on the ball about where to take these characters and their conflict. And speaking of those,
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I feel very confident in saying that this is the first time anyone's ever really had something worth doing with Oswald's mother as a character in her own right and not just a source of anguish for Penguin (Gotham was almost onto something with Gertrude, but not nearly enough). When it comes to Penguin origin stories, my favorite's always been the Pre-Crisis one, where he's poor and bullied but happy with his mom and birds until she dies and the government seizes everything he has, which doesn't necessarily involve her much. But here? Francine Cobb is a real character in what little time we get to know her, and what a character she is. We quickly understand the role she's playing in Oz's life, not just as his mom and person he loves and strives to protect, but the person who's sculpting him into the man he's going to become.
She is vulnerable and she does need meds and she's not quite all there, and Penguin's need to care for her is visible in other actions of his. But then they turn it around by showing how strong and demanding she is, how she is fiercely ambitious and pushing him to be something he would otherwise not be, how much she loves him and sees greatness in him. She knows he's a people pleaser, she knows how to push his buttons, and she wants him to be more, so of course he's going to be more, because he lives to please his mom.
Related to this is this absolute bullseye of a summation of The Penguin, that Lauren LeFranc delivered in the podcast: "Perhaps his greatest fear is that love is transactional. And that yet, everything he does, every decision he makes, is as if that's true. As if "love is transactional" is a truth he abides by". Oswald's conception of power is being loved and revered like Rex Calabrese, and the love he wants most in all the world is the one from his mother. So in turn this, and all extensions of it, drive him to greater and darker lengths.
He doesn't have that ambition quite down yet, it's his mom that does. She who's pushing him to take over the city and not just be a guy scraping by for survival. He's smart and ambitious and extremely good at slipping out of trouble, but she's pushing him to be the guy who will be taking the city by the horns because that's what he has to be for their sake. Her legacy to her son is nurturing him having that dog in him that will make him the supervillain who picks fights with Vengeance. She is the force that's turning Oswald into The Goddamn Penguin and I can't wait to see how she's developed.
Of course he reprimands Victor in that scene for lacking ambition, who do you think he gets it from?
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Really love what they've done with Sal Maroni in here so far. I like adaptations that take these throwaway Batman backstory gangsters and make something out of them, in this case, with Clancy Brown lending his power and voice and reputation as The Grand Boss of Villainy to play the last Respectable Gangster of Gotham, this intimidating principled old tiger who's inversely proportional to how much of a petty and scummy piece of shit Carmine Falcone was. Extremely a guy I'd want to see playing a hand in the creation of Two-Face. Just as crucial is the fact that he is the one who gets the most effortlessly outplayed by Oz here, because this is The Penguin Show: no room for traditional or respectable gangsters anymore, their purpose is to be crapped all over by our wacko birdman.
There's a lot about this that re-contextualizes his behavior in The Batman and the one I'm gonna point out is: even though he can't be sure his plan didn't completely go to shit, he is still keeping his wits and not being terribly scared about being beaten up and tortured and staring down the scariest Falcone with a gun shoved in his throat. But he craps his pants at the sight of the Batmobile. He gets pain, he gets indignity, but he doesn't get Vengeance, what kind of sick freak would come up with the stuff that guy does. A gun in his mouth and Falcone torture is just Tuesday, but a car that wants to eat his soul is some psycho shit he's just not ready to deal with.
It is the delicious tasty fucking irony that Oswald thinks Vengeance is this weird freak who doesn't play or bend to any rules and is here to fuck up everything, just like the madman who flooded the city, and thinks of himself in turn as a justifiable guy standing for the respectable old-fashioned empathetic way of doing things, instead of the exact same thing that Riddler and Batman are. Only Sofia gets what he really is, the same thing as her, and that's why she is the arch-enemy / the biggest thing he's gotta defeat in life for now.
God, how fucking PERFECT it is that he gets caught and tortured because he, after stabbing out a man's eye and causing him to get run over by a schoolbus, stops to wave at the kids in that schoolbus while covered in blood. Just the Rex Calabrese of it all, the self-image, this guy who's both a mean nasty son of a bitch and also a real bleeding heart softie and in ways that ruin his life and allow him to slip and wriggle his way out of shit he has no right to, as demonstrated by the finale.
Thinking about Sofia chastizing Oz saying he thinks she is a toy to play with, while rattling off the ways in which she owns him and everything he has, all the ridiculous little accessories her daddy let him play him, and he in turn is a ridiculous little accessory for the family she is twisting until it breaks. Perfect fucking villain for him. Can't wait to see how badly these two are gonna burn Gotham.
I knew deep in my heart that all I wanted out of a Penguin show, the thing that I simply needed to have in it, was Penguin pulling a heist set-up in advance, and it fucking delivered. He doesn't even complain at Victor for being late, because if anything, getting captured and tortured while the car crashed was even better for him. No, he complains at Victor for not being sufficiently gruesome with the body. See, unlike other cowardly anti-hero reinventions of Bat-villains, the show never wants you to forget that Oz is a weird freak and a disgusting piece of shit, even if he is a very likeable and even aspirational one. Only by the most random stroke of fate it wasn't Victor that he fed to the wolves at that moment, that he sees himself in the kid isn't exactly ensuring that he's gonna make out of this in one piece.
Mr. Vengeance gets Nirvana, and Mr. Boniface gets Dolly Parton, perfect credits.
In conclusion: Out of everything they could have done following the thunderous success of The Batman and it's ensuing influence over the DCU, out of all the offers Reeves must have gotten to helm their new universe after delivering a megahit reinvention of their breadwinner blockbuster character, Matt Reeves went "Nah, I listened to my crew, and what we really want to do is 8 hours of television about the waddling freak who's in my movie for 10 minutes", and he and his crew deserve the world for that. I dreamed as a kid of getting to make a big Penguin story or show, a wild impossible idea that would never actually happen, and now it's here and it's better than anything I'd ever imagined.
I'm fit to burst with joy and riding a high of no longer having to hunt for scraps and washing away decades of put-downs for the character and enjoying a Penguin renaissance like one I never imagined happening. I am extremely not an unbiased reviewer here, this show rules and I've waited for it since I was a kid and it's here, drink it the fuck in cause it's only the beginning.
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b0nebroth · 1 month
♱ You're so Creepy ♱ p.2
Zombie!Matt x Emo!Reader p.1
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Z!Matt pic made by @so0thsayer ^^
╰┈➤ No pronouns, Reader mostly referred to as 'You', only 1 use of Y/N, emo is not mentioned in this part btw
Warnings: Description of a zombie, creepiness, lonely reader, not properly proof read
In your small town there was always a myth about monsters that roam the woods at night, monsters that were once alive… once human… but you know this is no myth…
The next few days everything scared you, even though you had convinced yourself that what you saw out your window wasn't real, the memory of looking death in the face still scared you. For days you couldn't sleep properly out of fear that the corpse would climb through your window in the middle of the night. You wouldn’t even go into the woods, always walking straight home after school and staying shut inside for the rest of the evening with the windows and curtains closed.
But because you haven't gone out to the tombstone in a while you've started to feel just as isolated as when you first got here, not talking to anyone, not leaving the house, lost in your own thoughts. The grave of the unknown person helped you, honestly it saved you. You could talk about whatever you wanted and it would listen, you miss it.
Recently you’ve been feeling a little better, less scared of everything around you, so you decided to be brave and go see your friend.
The slow walk through the dense woods was frightening, every rustle or crunch would make you yelp, scared that the monster boy from your nightmares would jump out and eat your brains. Eventually you recognised the trees and surroundings as the ones close to the rock and you started to get excited at the thought of being able to talk to it once more and apologising for neglecting it the past few weeks but quickly, you stop dead in your tracks.
There is a young boy standing in front of the grave, slouched and hunched over like a sluggish dying body, he looks a sickly green colour and his matted, shaggy hair falls over his face. His clothes are like dirty old rags and they hang off his body in a lifeless way. You almost ask if he's ok until you notice the gigantic hole in front of the tombstone and the amount of dirt on the boy’s hands.
Suddenly you came to the frightening realisation that what you saw outside your window that night wasn’t all in your head, it was real. And so are the stories of monsters and beasts in the forest, because you met one.
You let out a shocked gasp and your hand flies over your mouth in an attempt to hide from the corpse of a man in front of you but his head slowly drags over to your direction, his dark and frightening eyes landing on your frozen pose. It is only now that you really get a good look at him, his features are sharp and shrunken but there is something curious and inviting in the way he looks at you. There is a stitch that runs from the middle of his cheek to the middle of his nose and his mouth is open like he is about to say something but the words won't come out.
You slowly lower your hands from your mouth and shuffle forward ever so slightly, testing to see if he would jump at you and rip your face off. Thankfully he didn't, he actually flinched away from you. “Oh- no don’t worry… I wont hurt you.” You mumble in response to his fear. At your words he relaxes his shoulders (not like they weren't already slouched) and you inch closer to him, studying his rotten features; the dark bags under his eyes, somehow his lips and eyelids are both blue and pink making him look both alive and dead. You stop in front of him as he stares at you with his prominent blue eyes, not being able to fully read his emotions.
 “Is- is this your grave?” You ask, glancing down at the hole and then back up at him. His head slowly nods in a way that looks like it's about to fall off and grunts, deep from the back of his throat. The corner of your lips start to quirk up in a smile realising the wish you made that night accidentally became true.
At an agonisingly slow pace you and the decrepit boy walk back to your house in silence, too scared and in shock to say anything while you drag him along by the forearm, helping him not trip over on branches or rocks along the path. When you arrive outside your house you’re extremely cautious as to not let anyone see him while you open your bedroom window and help him get in before he lands on the ground with a loud thud, thank the lord your parents aren’t home.
You climb in the window after him and help him up off the ground by his arm, being careful with it as you're scared you're gonna rip it off or something. As he stands in front of you with his slouched posture, staring at you intensely, you feel like you should be waking up from a dream any moment now and your eyes will open to the bright, warm sunlight coming through your bedroom window, shining directly on your bed in a soft, comforting way. But you never wake up. There really, truly, is a zombie in your room, staring at you like he either wants to rip off your face or kiss you.
While you are stuck in your thoughts the corpse's hand slowly lifts up and he raises a finger that falls to the top of your chest, tapping a little before he gets out a low grunt. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you stare at him, trying to figure out what he is doing or asking. In an almost frustrated tone he grunts again, this time louder and he nods his head towards you. “M-Me?” He slightly nods a little and taps your chest, trying to convey something without words like a game of charades.
 “Mmmame” The boy spurts out in an unintelligible way. “Mm- my- my name?” You say pointing to yourself slightly and he nods, seeming happy you finally understood what he wanted. “I’m Y/N… uhm- what’s your name?” You hesitantly ask, not sure if he remembers or could even say it if he did. Slowly he brings the finger on your chest up to his and his mouth hangs open slightly while he groans. “Mmmatt…” He mumbles in a way that seems like it took a lot of effort as he sighs after and his hand falls back down to his side. “Matt? Your name is Matt?” You question and he once again nods in response with a croaky groan falling from his limp lips. You slightly smile at him and feel heat slowly rise on your cheeks as your head tilts curiously while you look at him, you like the name, you think it suits him in a weird sort of way. 
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Divider by @sister-lucifer ^^
A/N: this one is a little longer but i hope u enjoy also sorry for the lack of romance so far jajaja😭
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
all my works here in one stop shop for oneshots .
top gun:
Jake hangman seresin :
FLUMPY (jake seresin x reader)
The dagger squad all were wondering who the mysterious figure was in one of the rooms in the base only to discover to bradley's explaining it was pete maverick Mitchell's  kid  with out seeing them fully before leaving jake makes a comment he will in future regret .  y/n doesn't let the man off light with the comment either . 
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11
one shots :
come soon
when  rooster finds reader stupid boyfriend cheating he doesn't mind telling him exactly how stupid  he is for hurting  a woman like that  , a woman he dreams of
Now she's mine :
sequel to if she were mine  where  rooster shows y/n how much she really loves her in the best way possible . 
joel miller:
call me cupid
when Ellie notices  the longing looks joel  gives  the woman in the canteen who does the same when joel isn't looking  she take it as her sole mission to set them up and even has a helper in her endeavours 
part one part two part three
sweetpea :
when failing to live it in new york  sweet pea goes home only to meet two new faces at her families barbeque that leads to new job and new friends and maybe more 
part one
It's a start:
when joel is settling into life in jackson there's one thing that has his attention , a woman of the name Y/N . The loner who barely spoke to anyone other than his brother til joel and y/n are sent to find supplies he soon finds out the reason why the girls quiet as he tries to break down the walls she built so long .
part one part two part three part four
i'll show you different :
y/n ( peach ) is learning to be free , learning to be her own woman again. Since life wasn't so easy for girl she ran from one monster into hands of another now back in her hometown back with her grandfather she learns being free is lot harder than she thought but lucky for her there's a couple of brothers help her along the way .
part one part two part three part four part five
when reader becomes the victim of a entity Dean is forced to admit feeling that he thought he could keep away in fear of being hurt .
when a certain angel gets curious on certain matters
part one
part two part three
sam winchester
sam being completely in love with reader who happens to be his best friend while on a hunt she is hit with a curse making her needy clingy mess while sam was loving the closeness it was only temporary right?
tony stark :
some one older :
when boys your age just don't do it for you but someone older does  .
part one
part two
frank castle
angelverse :
angel :
When frank meets Matt murdock's sister , he become intrigued more and more as he's around the  so called angel of hell's kitchen ( How they met)  
angel night :
Frank comes home to thinking his angel is in danger only to realise that she has had a nightmare . he makes sure to comfort his girl . this like part of what i will be calling the angel verse  of our beloved bad ass punisher and his equally bad ass sarcastic ball of sunshine that is y/n " angel" murdock . 
bucky barnes :
the one :
just the grumpy teddy bear bucky pinning after thor sister that's been there through everything  
It's only pretend right ? :
summary : bucky (more so steve) agree's to be Y/N fake boyfriend for a week at her families ranch , he discovers his best friend left out some part that not all of her family is accepting of her but bucky is gonna be there every step to show them why she the best .
part one
stranger things :
steve harrington :
The babysitting trap :
when always being the babysitter has it's perks for once.   except their friends had plans for the two
part one
part two *
Eddie munson :
Before he cheats :
Y/N hopper is out with the gang celebrating at the hideout when her boyfriend walks in with a blonde on his arm and she goes for where it hurts ... his car while eddie help the woman he secretly loves get over her new ex .
Lead me to you :
everyone thought they were dead but what happens when a ghost from the past brings hawkins metal head back from the so called dead and how will their friendship stands three years after dealing with feeling of the future and the nightmares of the past .
Part one
part two
the walking dead :
Daryl Dixon:
daryl is head over  heel  , down bad for y/n  but he find that he's unworthy so he's spent years not telling her how he felt and yet is blind to the woman's love for him yet she scared thinking he wont til their friends have enough and try get the two to an overdue confession 
You're not wrong but don't mean it ain't right :
He didn't know it could happen not since becca died he never thought his heart could beat for another but instead of letting his heart win , he does everything in his power to push the woman away til he goes too far.
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven part eight
Logan howlett ( wolverine) :
odd one out :
logan's adjusting to new life , new friends only thing he can't put his finger on is wade's friend Y/n , he knows she hiding something and he right but he is so wrong too
Not just a flower child huh? :
the xmen are sent to rescue mutants in a lab , only find an unconscious young woman and couple of kids , when they bring her back to the mansion she is recognised by one of the residents . She awakes and finds out she and kids been saved wondering if it was all too good to be true ?
part one part two
part three part four part five part six
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remember-digimon · 4 months
Next up is my favorite, Matt!
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Wow what a cool guy.
So, Matt is usually described as a loner, Tai's rival, and the Angsty Cool Guy. None of these actually describe who he is, so let's dive into that.
1. Loner. Matt isn't a loner, he's lonely. Big difference. He keeps others at a very long arm's length as a self-preservation mechanism; due to his parents' divorce basically breaking his little heart at a really young age. He learned then that other people could hurt him by leaving, and decided from then on he wouldn't give them the opportunity to hurt him. His loneliness is so deeply rooted that it's interpreted by others as aloofness, while he is only 11 years old. Like damn wtf
2. Tai's rival. Outside of the Cherrymon incident, which was just good ol' manipulation to get the two most powerful Digimon in the group to fight, Matt was really only considered Tai's rival in early promotional stuff that had a little bio for each character. Matt likely gets interpreted as Tai's rival because they fight a lot, but it's not that simple. Matt doesn't want to compete with Tai, he doesn't want to be the leader. He butts heads with Tai because they're basically opposites. Matt is acutely aware of the group's feelings and needs, while Tai remains laser-focused on the goal at hand. This dynamic isn't like Ash vs Gary, where they're actively competing with each other. Matt gets frustrated with Tai very easily, and he feels things so intensely that he can't really help but blow up.
3. Cool Guy. Let's get one thing straight, this kid right here is not cool. This was more of a thing in the dub iirc, but regardless, his attitude is just a cover to keep people from getting too close. Hell, it takes Gabumon a few episodes longer than the other Digimon to really get close to Matt; before that point, Matt certainly isn't a total dick to Gabumon, but he isn't fully trusting yet either.
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Matt's relationship with TK is an interesting one. He feels like it's his sole purpose to protect TK, not just from monsters but from anything unpleasant in life. All of the familial love and affection he gets comes from TK so it's understandable why he would feel this way.
One complaint I often hear about Matt is that his breakdown in the Dark Masters arc when TK gets kidnapped by Puppetmon is way overblown, that he wouldn't normally react that way. He left TK at the amusement park during Weregarurumon's Diner, and when he couldn't immediately leave he didn't break down like that.
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The difference in these situations is obvious if you pay close attention. First of all, from the time the kids get up on the day Bakemon raid Odaiba to when they're back at the digital world and split up after talking to Homeostasis, is all one day. It feels much longer because of how many episodes that is, but they're all on at least 24 hours without sleep or taking a break. Also, keep in mind that Matt woke up earlier than the others, before sunrise, as his dad got him and Gabumon to the warehouse to keep them from getting abducted by the Bakemon.
Second, in that span of time the kids have all realized what they're up against. They've lost Wizardmon, Chuumon, Piximon, and Whamon in quick succession, the last three to the Dark Masters. Learning that his little brother has now been captured by one of these Dark Masters would lead Matt to fearing the worst.
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Then there's the big fight he had with Tai just prior to the breakdown. He accused Tai of being obsessed with fighting and ignoring the others' grief at the loss of their Digimon friends. By the time he and TK are in the tree with their Digimon, he's already showing signs of wanting to break away from the group, saying that they don't need the others.
Matt also feels that his growth is stagnant compared to the others; this is untrue, as Gabumon would not be able to digivolve to higher levels if Matt wasn't growing and changing. But his self-image is so damaged that he always sees the negative aspects of his personality when comparing himself to his peers.
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And of course we have to talk about the Dark Cave. Because of how the Digital World operates, Matt's depression materializes and manifests as a cave that he can't escape until he comes to terms with it. Obviously this quick recovery from a depression spiral is not based in reality, but this is an episodic kid's show so I'm surprised we even got this much.
Matt's experience in the cave is one that a lot of people who have dealt with depression and loneliness can relate to. He says he wants to be alone, but Gabumon calls him out on that and makes him realize that isn't what he wants, actually. He wants to be more open with people, he's just under the impression that he's not really important, not wanted, so it's better off to just not even try. His relationship with his mother is highly strained because of the divorce, and because he has an overwhelming sense of loyalty he probably feels he has to be cold to her for his father's sake.
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As for his father, Hiroaki is at work more often than not. Every time we see Hiroaki and Matt interact, Hiroaki is either brisk and business-like or even annoyed; when Matt meets up with him at the TV station, Hiroaki is angry that he didn't stay hidden. Obviously this is out of concern for his son, but still. A moment later, when TK shows up, suddenly Hiroaki is much softer in speaking. So I imagine that this dynamic would also have an impact on Matt's mental health; his dad is almost always at work, and when we do see him with his dad, Hiroaki is a bit tough with him.
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But it isn't all sad times and angst with Matt. He loves music, later forming a popular band in middle school and high school. Once he realizes that he can open up to people, and they won't intentionally hurt him, he's able to create real, lasting relationships that aren't based on the cold exterior he uses to protect himself. It's clear that he needed to learn to let others in, and once he did learn that, he becomes much happier and more willing to open up and let those walls down. Even if it's just a little bit.
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mattmurdocksscars · 1 year
Our #1 Guilty Catholic Matt Murdock as a vampire please 🙏🏽
This ended up more angsty than anything. Sorry if that's not what you wanted! But I hope you still enjoy!
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To you, Matt Murdock was an enigma. A lawyer, vigilante, devout Catholic, and a vampire all rolled into one man. It didn't make sense and yet, he existed. Something you knew he struggled with often.
For every person he saved, he still had to feed. He lived in the city, after all. There weren't exactly many animals for him to feed on. He always made sure to take as little as he could to sustain himself and hypnotized all his victims so that they wouldn't remember a thing.
And then he met you. You weren't the first to learn of his secrets, but you were the first to fully accept him as he was. Both Daredevil and vampire. It meant more to him than he could ever voice. You also allowed him to feed from you so that he could cut down on feeding on random people.
And it worked. Most of the time. Until he got too into his head and felt like he was taking advantage of you. Then he would stubbornly refuse to feed not just from you but from anyone. It made him sluggish, irritable, and just all around miserable to be near.
He was currently in one of those slumps. It had been far too long since he'd fed and even though you had tried to coax him into feeding from you, he refused. He felt like a monster, always feeling as if he was taking from you in one way or another. It didn't matter how often you reassured him that he wasn't, that you loved him for all his flaws. He still felt you were better off without him.
It was your job to convince him otherwise. Which brought you to your current situation.
Matt was sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning his elbows on his knees with his head in his hands. You were standing across the room from him. The room was tense and silent after he'd uttered the words you hated hearing.
"A break? Come on, Matt. Don't do this. Not now. You're tired, you're hungry, and you're not thinking straight."
"Doesn't change anything. I think we need to take a break. I need to get my shit together."
"I won't deny that but you can do that without pushing me away." You crossed slowly to him, treating him like a wounded animal. You neared him and reached out, giving him plenty of time to pull away. He didn't so you carefully cupped his cheeks and tilted his head up. Red eyes flashed back at you as Matt's gaze settled around your mouth. He frowned as you gently rubbed your thumb back and forth across his cheek.
"You deserve so much better than this, sweetheart."
"Maybe," you whispered. "Or maybe I deserve the chance to choose."
Matt's eyes closed and he sighed, finally leaning into your touch.
"You choose me?" Matt's voice was tiny and full of barely contained hope.
"I choose you. Every time."
Matt surged upward and kissed you fully on the mouth, his tongue slipping in easily. You could feel his barely contained hunger and you let him take complete control.
"Sweetheart, I need-"
"I know, Matt. Take what you need."
And as his fangs sunk into your neck, you promised him an eternity of your love.
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wendytestabrat · 5 months
the main problem with kyle in the new episodes
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ok this is what RLLY bothers me abt kyle in modern south park ESPECIALLY in seasons 24-26 and i think a lot of people are getting annoyed with this shit too. i hate how they’ve been showing repeatedly how cartman’s getting better and acting nicer in the new episodes so like why TF is kyle still being a dick to him and treating him like a monster???? i mean for YEARS kyle has been going out of his way to help cartman and change cartman and making it clear he wants cartman to be a better person and make better choices, so then when cartman finally does he’s just like 😴. like idc if u ship kyman or not it’s rlly out of character for kyle. they’re still canonically close friends so it feels like a missed opportunity for character development on kyle’s end for them not to show kyle reciprocating or appreciating cartman doing better. i guess it’s bc matt & trey are trying to show kyle has been the toxic one and the jealous snake friend all along, but still even tho kyle is an asshole they don’t have to make him THAT big of an asshole. i think a lot of people like seeing kyle’s caring codependent side come out bc that’s the good side of kyle as a person how big-hearted and empathetic he can be. and there def have been some modern episodes where they DO get this right like especially in “the streaming wars” when kyle helped cartman out with his mom’s ‘surgery’ (even tho kyle deadass only helps cartman or feels bad for him when cartman is lying just to fuck himself over which i had talked abt before how he always gets the timing wrong with cartman for those who are caught up on your wendytestabrat lore). i also feel like an episode that DEF got things right with kyle was “help my teenager hates me” from s25. i loved that moment where cartman was crying abt how everything sucks and he lives in a hot dog and kyle is just like “ru okay cartman?” like bitch we need more moments like THAT. even if kyman doesn’t happen, idc like i just wanna see more moments of kyle being a good friend to cartman back (bc they def have given us A LOT of moments of cartman being there for kyle) is that too much to ask? but yeah in the images i used above are from the specials “post covid” (part 1), “south parq vaccination special”, “not suitable for children” and “joining the panderverse” and in literally every single one of these specials kyle’s being a dick and jumping down cartman’s throat when he aint doing anything wrong lol. in post covid he’s all mad at cartman for being a rabbi, even tho we all know cartman wasn’t faking it and was genuinely happy. in “south parq vaccination special” he gets all pissy throughout the whole thing when all cartman is trying to do is save the broship, in “not suitable for children” he’s getting all mad at cartman for making his own cred affinity group which last i checked aint a crime (and we all know he was just mad bc cartman wasn’t letting him in the group), and in “joining the panderverse” he’s getting all mad and annoyed over cartman being replaced by a black woman and he acts like cartman is making it up even tho cartman was telling the truth and there was this real parallel universe shit happening. like this shit needs to stop it’s getting soooo old and all it’s doing is making kyle unlikable af and annoying everyone who used to love kyle lol. like ok we get it matt & trey kyle can be just as toxic as cartman, now can we also see that he can be just as caring and nice as cartman too?
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and btw this is why there have been less kyman rants:
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cerridwen007 · 1 year
Corruption of Innocence. Part 2.
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x f!reader
Word count: 3.8k (18+) MINORS DNI!
Summary: Continuing from the events of Part one of Corruption of Innocence, Matt gives you a very memorable night, giving you your first taste of pleasure at the hands of someone else. From that night, Matt becomes addicted, now that he has had a taste and can't keep his hands to himself.
Warnings/Notes: SMUT, swearing, loss of virginity, p in v sex, oral, (f and m receiving) fingering, semi-public oral, support from under the desk ;), dom Matt, sub reader, no y/n.
A/N: Okay first off I want to apologise for taking so long to post a Part two to Corruption of Innocence, especially cause yall seemed to love it, so thank you for the love and for being so patient. So here it finally is. Also, I plan on potentially posting a 3rd and final part to this series eventually, but that might take quite a while to finish. As always, likes, comments, and reposts are very much appreciated. Also, comment or message me if you want to be tagged or removed from taglist when I post and for what character fics.
Corruption of Innocence. Part 1.
Taglist: @edmnsnxgf, @kal-0n, @slashersluttt, @fullbelieverheart, @schneeflocky.
“Yes. Yes, Matt, I want you to touch me.”
That was all Matt needed, and wanted to hear for him to start touching you again. He resumed rubbing your thigh, slowly nearing your underwear again, his lips locking back on yours. His fingers make contact with your clothed clit as he begins rubbing light circles. You moan softly into his mouth, his light touch already so much better than what your own hands can give to you. He pulls your panties halfway down your thighs, his hand going back to stroke along your dripping folds.
“God you're so wet, I can’t wait to teach you everything.” he growls.
Your pussy throbs at the thought of Matt talking you through the different acts, praising you and eventually growing more rough, using your body for any and all of his desires. His fingers suddenly push into your hole, making you moan. He pulls them out and puts them to his lips, licking your arousal off his fingers.
“Fuck, you taste even better than I thought you would, sweeter than honey.” 
His sultry words work you up more than anyone else has. His lips lock back onto yours, sharing the taste of your arousal while his fingers begin to fuck back in your hole. You become a whimpering mess under his touch, pathetic moans falling out your mouth and into his as he undoes you with his skillful fingers. Without thinking your hand shoots down and starts rubbing circles on your clit, feeling yourself awfully close to your peak.
“That’s it, sweetheart, cum on my fingers, show me how good I make you feel.”
Your high comes quick. Whiny, breathless exhales coming from your mouth as Matt helps you ride out your peak. His hands caressing you till you're overstimulated, legs shaking from the feeling. He kisses you deep and lovingly, his tongue dipping out of his mouth and into yours . You both break away breathless.
“God, you made me feel…so good, Matty.”
He chuckles. “There's plenty more where that came from, sweetie, if you want it, of course.”
Your heart and your pussy flutters at the thought of Matt fingering you again, touching you in many more ways too. You gulp.
“Oh god, yes, I want you, Matt. I want you so bad it hurts, I want you to touch me again all the time, and I want to touch you and make you feel good. Please teach me how to make you feel good, Matthew!”
His fully erect cock throbs painfully at your confession, his smile turning into a devilish smirk. You both look down at his obvious excitement in his pants.
“I know somewhere you can start,” he says.
You blush smiling, a mix of nerves and excitement flooding your system. You nod before slowly getting down on your knees in front of him. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you slide his waistband down his thighs, revealing his infamous black boxers and the monster straining against them. You lick your lips in anticipation as you pull his cock from his underwear, his size making your eyes widen. 
“Take your time, sweetheart. I'll talk you through it.”
You nod gulping, his words begin to make your pussy wet again. You reach out and grab his length, your tongue licks around the sensitive tip, a breathy exhale leaves Matt’s mouth. You look up at Matt as you slowly bob down as much of his length as you can take.
“Just like that.” Matt laughs breathily.
You wrap one of your hands around his cock and work the rest of the length you can’t fit into your mouth. You can’t get enough of his taste and the warmth of his hard, heavy cock filling your mouth. His heavy breathy and quiet grunts make your head swell, encouraging you to continue.
“Fuck, baby. Are you sure this is your first time?”
You look up at him with wide eyes and slowly pull your mouth off his cock, while your hand continues stroking him. 
“Yeah Matty. Am I doing okay?”
“You are doing great, darling.”
He reaches down and cups your jaw and directs his tip back to your parted lips.
“Mmmh baby, just keep sucking it like that.”
He leans back and squeezes his fists tightly, fighting the urge to buck his hips up into your throat, fucking your mouth so hard your eyes weep and you gag around him. Another time he thinks to himself. You smile around him softly watching him becoming a loud, hair-dishevelled, wreck above you, your teeth lightly graze him for a few seconds causing Matt to groan loudly.
“Fuck!” He moans out.
His hips slowly roll up into your mouth, chasing the feeling of your warm, wet mouth. His hand falls to your head, shaking as he gently strokes your hair. You pull off him until only his tip is in your mouth. You trace around his head with the tip of your tongue. Matt breathes deeply, in and out.
“Okay sweetheart, I think you better…s-stop before I cum.”
You pull your mouth off him fully, a string of spit connecting your lips to his wet tip, looking up at him confused. He exhales another shaky breath, the sight of your lust filled eyes, your wet lips and the scent of your pooling arousal; clear evidence that you enjoyed sucking him off almost as much as he did, could make him cum right then and there. And oh how would he love to paint your face, and chest in white, hot seed. Watching eagerly as you lick the salty taste from your lips, his fingers coming to push his cum into your mouth so you swallow as much as possible. But right now he wants, no he needs to hear your sweet cries as he plunges into your warm centre.
“Are you on the pill, sweetheart?”
“Uh, yes, I am. Did I do something wrong?”
He reaches back down and lowers his head towards yours, rubbing your cheek comfortingly.
“No. Not at all, baby. I just…wanted to come inside you first…if that's alright?”
You swallow hard. The lump in your throat makes it hurt a little. Even though you felt extremely comfortable with Matt, you still couldn't help but feel a little nervous at your first time steadily approaching. Matt seems to sense your nervousness from your rapid heart rate and frowns. He tilts your head up to look at him and plants a firm yet gentle kiss on your lips.
“It's alright, baby, I'll take care of you. All you gotta do is look pretty and enjoy it.”
You take a deep breath and close your eyes for a second before giving Matt a small smile. He quickly pulls you up to straddle his hips. You whimper softly feeling his hard cock gently nudge your dripping entrance. He picks you up swiftly, cupping your ass as he carries you to the bedroom. 
He gently lays you down and begins kissing down your body like a devoted follower worshipping at an altar, removing every inch of clothing that keeps him away from your soft, luscious skin. He feels conflicted, desperately wanting to feel your tight cunt squeeze and flutter around him already but also tease and caress his tongue all over your body, so that your begging, with tears in your eyes for him to fuck you already.
He settles on teasing a little longer, convincing himself that he needs to warm you up for him, knowing that his length and girth is surely going to stretch you uncomfortably especially with it being your first time. Hearing your breathy whines and racing heart rate is yet another reason he could spend hours kissing, licking, and biting every inch of your skin, so captivated by your sensitivity to every little touch he gives you.
“God baby, you're so fucken beautiful.” he says standing back to take off his own clothes.
Your pussy throbs at his remark, you are so turned on by Matt, you are so happy that he is consuming all of your senses right now, you feel yourself dripping onto the sheets below.
“Please Matt…..I need you.”
“Fuck baby.” he whispers. “Spread your legs for me sweetheart.”
You shyly spread your legs apart, and although Matt can’t see your center glistening with desire, he can surely smell it. He pulls on your legs gently and takes a deep breath in of your arousal as he plants himself between your thighs. He cocks his head, listening to your thumping heartbeat, no doubt nervous. He reaches his hand out and cups your jaw.
“It's alright pretty girl, I'll go slow.”
You look up at him eyes wide, butterflies in your stomach at his sweet words and softly smile as he looks at you. You lean into his cupped hand and turn your head to kiss his palm. His heart skips a beat at the sweet gesture. He swallows, waiting for a beat.
“You ready, baby?”
You nod. “Yes.”
He carefully swipes his tip through your drenched folds, your breath hitches at the feeling, small moans escaping your mouth when he catches your clit for a second.
“God you're so sensitive, I love it, baby, listening to how your body responds to me.”
Your hum in response turns into a small cry as Matt pushes his tip into you.
“Fuck sweetheart, your so tight.”
He senses your slight discomfort, your face scrunched from him stretching you already and reaches around to hold the small of your back up to his lips, kissing and swirling his tongue over your hardened nipples. You arch your back into his touch and reach up to grip his hair.
He slowly rocks into you inch by inch as he kisses your body tenderly. One hand goes between your bodies to rub your clit to further balance out the stretching pain with pleasure. Soft whimpers of his name and swear words float out mouth, your eyes closed, so overwhelmed by the new sensations. 
“Relax baby, I got you.” he coos.
He eventually bottoms out and lets you adjust fully to his size. You wrap your hands under his arms and grip his back and shoulders. You both breathe heavily, the moment you both had fantasised over countless times, finally a reality. He waits till you're adjusted before he kisses you tenderly.
He slowly pulls out till just his tip is left in and then slowly thrusts back into your cunt. He kisses your neck and collarbone as he slowly enters you, struggling not to come already with how goddamn tight you are. You gasp out as the uncomfortable pain becomes replaced with warming pleasure, now enjoying the way Matt fills you up.
“Fuck Matt.” You whine, gripping his back.
“Fuck baby your so tight, feel so good squeezing my cock.”
You bite your lip as Matt bottoms out in you again. Your hips slowly roll against his as the feeling of your orgasim starts bubbling to the surface. He reaches behind his back and grabs one of your hands and pins it above your head lightly, intertwining his fingers in yours. As he thrusts he squeezes your hand subconsciously, the intimate act making your head feel hazy and heart flutter.
“Matt…I’m close.” You moan out weakly.
“I know, sweet girl. I'll get you there, baby.”
He fastens the rhythm of his thrusts and hikes your thighs up around his waist to get a deeper angle. You throw your head back as Matt repeatedly hits that spot that has your vision blurring and your eyes watering. Suddenly, you reach your high,  your first ever high from sex and it was with your dream man. God, you felt like you were floating.
Your legs shake as Matt chases his own high, his quickly following yours. His deep groans and moans are a beautiful soundtrack to the state of euphoria that consumes your body. You stare deeply into Matt’s eyes and lean up to kiss him deeply. He kisses you back with the same force, holding your face gently as he explores your mouth. 
You both pull back out of breath as he lifts himself off you to slip himself out. The loss of his warmth inside of you makes you a little sad but is quickly forgotten as he puts all of his weight on you and cuddles you close to him. The strokes of your finger up and down his back urge soft hums out of Matt's mouth. You feel your eyes droop, body and mind spent from the last couple of hours.
You whine softly when you feel Matt’s heat disappear for a minute as he goes and gets a cloth to clean the both of you up. He then comes back and gets under the covers after wiping you down gently. He holds your back tightly to his chest, his hand wrapped around your body, cupping your breast. 
“Did so good for me, sweetgirl.” He whispers.
You smile to yourself as you let the sweet temptations of sleep drag you under.
The next morning comes too quickly. The realisation of the events last night, run through your mind, your smile becoming wider, as you feel Matt's arm wrapped around your hip. You enjoy the feeling for a few moments before your eyes widen with panic. What time was it?! You slowly and carefully try and peel yourself away from Matt’s grip but he only holds onto you harder.
“Matty, I need to get up and check my phone for the time.” You whisper.
He groans as you struggle to turn in his hold. Your heart melts when you see him, his eyes still closed, hair messy from his sleep. “Five more minutes baby.” He pulls you closer to him and sighs as he nuzzles his face into your chest. You sigh, giving up and let your eyes flutter close. When you wake again, it's a few hours later, the sun shining brighter than it should be at the early hours of the morning. If you weren't going to be late before, you are definitely going to be late now. 
You jump quickly out of Matt’s bed and run to grab your phone. As the screen lights up, your face falls further. ‘11:34 am’ flashing back at you. You were supposed to be at the office by 9am. this morning, and you were over 2 and half hours late, 3 by the time you quickly got changed and ran to work. Matt's sleepy groans pull you out of your head as he stretches and swings his legs over the side of his bed. You run around trying to locate your scattered clothes, struggling to put them on quickly. Anxiety starts brewing in your stomach. 
What the hell were you going to tell Foggy and Karen? “Sorry I'm late, I had a late night, getting railed for the first time ever by Matt.” As much as you truly cared about and liked Matt, dare say loved him, the two of you hadn’t exactly discussed the future of your relationship. Your eyes grew watery. What if Matt just presumed this was a one-time thing? Taking your virginity before moving onto the next touch-starved virgin to bless with some good dick. You sure as hell didn't want it to be a sole experience for the two of you. Your feelings for Matt had somehow grown more consuming now that you had gotten to taste, literally, what it was like to be with him. Before you can spiral any further, Matt comes behind you, embracing you tightly with his comforting warmth. He rests his head on your shoulder. 
“Mmm what's the time? I'm guessing we might have slept in.” he chuckles lightly.
You sigh. “Yeah, by a few hours. Foggy might be pissed, no doubt interrogating us.”
“Yeah…..I don’t regret staying up late with you though.”
Your eyes widen as you turn in his hold to face him.
“You don’t? I don't either.” you whisper back.
A moment passes before your lips find each other in a tender kiss. You both are smiling softly when you pull away. 
“I'm going to have a quick shower…care to join me?” Matt teases.
You slap his chest lightly and smile. 
“As much as I would love to, and believe me, I would. Getting in the shower with you right now will only end up making the both of us even more late.” You reply.
He chuckles. “I know, but it was worth a try.” He pulls you in for a firm hug and kisses your forehead.
You eventually pull away and gather the last of your things before leaving Matt's apartment to quickly head to yours to have a shower and change into some fresh clothes.
After spending your rushed walk to your apartment, shower and cab ride to work thinking about the night shared between you and Matt, you decided that you were going to only focus on work the rest of the day. Telling yourself it was important to focus on work only to help make up for lost time. To your dismay, you often found your mind floating to certain parts of the night.
How warm and firm his muscled body felt pressed against you, how his beard tickles you as you kiss his plush lips, how deliciously his cock stretches your pussy- Matt's voice suddenly calls out your name asking you to bring him some files. Your brain glitches hearing the subject of your daydreaming, physically representing itself. You take a deep breath and gather the paperwork he asked for, willing yourself to not be distracted by Matt as you entered his office.
His cock twitches seeing your thick thighs wrapped up in that tight pencil skirt as you quickly enter and exit his office, leaving some paperwork on his desk, especially after seeing them bare last night. God, how good they would look wrapped around his head. He smirks to himself. Maybe he might do just that at this very moment. Before his sensibility changes his mind, he walks out of his office to his desk, facing the entry of Nelson and Murdock.
You are typing fast, trying to make up for lost time after your late arrival to work. Matt lightly drags his fingers over the dark brown grain of your desk till he reaches your arm. You lock eyes. He takes a deep breath and is shocked but pleasantly surprised to smell your arousal, quite clearly in the air. A cocky grin growing on his face. 
“You been thinking about me, baby?” He walks behind you and moves the hair off your shoulder and leans down to whisper in your ear. “Been thinking about what we got up to last night?”
You shiver and swallow hard, just managing to nod.
“Atta girl.” He chuckles. 
Before you can breathe, he pulls back your swivel chair and moves in front of you. A cocky grin is plastered on his face as he slowly sinks to his knees and sits under your desk, quickly pulling your thighs to follow.
“Matt..” You breathe out, both as a warning that you maybe shouldn't be doing this at the office, especially after being late to work from sleeping in late, tired from late night fun. But also a plea for him to make you feel good and to continue.
“I know, sweetheart, just keep quiet for me, will ya? As much as I love hearing you moan....."
Before you can retort back, Matt pulls down your underwear and pushes up your skirt, exposing your wet pussy to the cold air. A small whimper at the frigid temperature is quickly replaced by a moan as Matt dives right into your warmth, licking a long strip up your centre.
You grip onto the arms of your chair tightly. Biting your tongue, trying to hold back the moans that come bubbling up in your throat. Your face screws up, hand gripping Matt’s soft locks tightly as he circles your throbbing clit relentlessly. You are interrupted suddenly as Foggy calls out loudly to you before walking into the room from his office.
“Hey, did you manage to go over that report for Sullivan's case that I sent you yet?” He asks, completely unaware of Matt’s head being currently between your legs under your desk.
“I-I yeah, no I didn't but I’ll get onto that asap.” You blurt out, trying to squirm away from Matt’s iron grip on your thighs.
“Okay that would be great. Maybe you could stay a little later tonight to work on that since you arrived late?" Foggy responds before turning away.
"Yes, of course, not a problem." You mumble.
You can feel Matt grinning devilishly into your cunt, thoroughly satisfied hearing your heart race and you seemingly getting wetter from the thought of nearly being caught. He suddenly plunges two thick fingers into your pussy. The thick intrusion despite being completely drenched makes you softly cry out.
Foggy swiftly turns around and has a concerned look on his face. “ Are you okay? Did you say something?”
“Uh no, I'm fine, just…just cramps that’s all.”
“Oh…right.” Foggy responds before quickly leaving the room.
Not even waiting a moment before Foggy leaves the room, Matt attaches his lips onto your clit again, slowly thrusting his fingers deep into your heat. Your orgasm is coming awfully close when suddenly Matty’s deep, seductive voice comes out from under the desk.
“Tell me who it belongs to.” He says darkly.
A moment passes before the words sink in. You swallow before answering breathlessly.
“You Matty, only and always you.”
He growls against your pussy satisfied with your answer. You throw your head back and close your eyes as Matty repeatedly curls his fingers to hit the spongy part deep inside of you, his tongue still caressing firmly over your swollen clit. Your head goes hazy, your body feels numb as your high hits you.
Matt works you through it till your hips jerk away, tender from the stimulation. He tenderly kisses your inner thighs down to your calves before pushing your chair back. He stands up and plants his hands onto your armrests, lowering his head down to yours.
“Mmmh never will get sick of the taste of you, sweetheart.” he whispers before planting a loving kiss on your lips.
You kiss him back eagerly. He stands up tall and winks at you before turning away and walking back to his office, giving you a nice view of his plump ass. He laughs quietly to himself, feeling your eyes glued to his backside. You sigh happily and close your eyes for a split second thinking about it was only a few days ago that you were so infatuated with Matt, heartbroken and convinced he would never go after you. Now look at you.
You then remember you're at work and begin to start working on those documents Foggy was asking for, a slight smile still present on your face, full of bliss. Working with Matt from now on was sure to be pleasurable.
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souliebird · 1 year
[[and then I met you || ch. 5]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to protect his new family from not only Hell's Kitchen but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
words: 4.4k
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It has been one week since you saw Matt Murdock on the evening news, and it feels like it has been a complete whirlwind. First, you reintroduced yourself to him and let him know he was a father, then you had a nice little outing, and to tie it all up, a trip to the doctors to confirm what you already knew. 
Matthew Murdock is the father of your daughter.
It is nice to have an official statement from a doctor and now you can start the process of changing Minnie's paperwork to include his name. You have to go to the courthouse to file for an updated birth certificate. Matt has very kindly offered to take that task on for you - he goes to the courthouse often for his job and he knows the ins-and-outs of navigating legal paperwork. You just have to go and drop off the right documentation. 
You had a brief call last night, after Minnie had been put down, and decided that you would visit his office today to do just that. You are going to kill two birds with one stone - hand over what needs to be filed and give Matt more time with his daughter. 
To your great surprise, your timid little Mouse absolutely adores him. She was not happy to have to be at the doctor's office yesterday and was on the verge of tears before he showed up. Her whole mood shifted, and she had spent the brief time you were in the waiting room and exam room telling Matt about different things around them. 
You have a feeling, when you sit down and tell her the truth, she is going to be thrilled. 
You told her that you are going to visit Matt at work today, and all morning she has been hunched over her sketchbook making pictures for him while you try to get in some hours at work. Try being the key word, as you've been thoroughly distracted by today's news cycle. 
You were half listening to a puff piece about something or other when breaking news flashed across the screen. A neighborhood in Connecticut has been leveled by some sort of explosion, killing hundreds. They don't know if it was an accident or some sort of attack - the epicenter of the blast was a school, so it could potentially be either. You pray it was a freak accident, some faulty pipeline or a weird meteor, because the world doesn't need any more horribleness in it. 
The idea that it might have been an attack makes you nervous. You've been through two horrible attacks on New York, and you didn't realize another big event so close to home would shake you so hard. 
It scares you that you have to raise Minnie in such a harsh world, where monsters of all kinds are very very real and you don't know who you can rely on. The police and government have been shown to be all kinds of corrupt and people who can shoot laser beams fight each other in the skies. 
You end up clocking out and going to sit with Minnie to get yourself to stop your doom-listening. She's got a few drawings scattered around the table and you pick up the one closest to you, smiling at her handy work. 
You recognize the shapes as her interpretation of people - oblongs with stick arms and noodle legs. Unknowingly, she's made her first new family portrait. There are three blob-people all holding hands: you suspect you're the big orange one with a smile, Minnie is the little pink one in the middle with what you guess are pigtails, and Matt is the black one with red eyes, who is also holding a stick. To confirm, you ask her.
"Is this one Mister Matt?"
Her head shoots up and a big grin spreads across her face, "Yeah!  And that's you and that's me and we're gonna go to the zoo!" There is a little flurry of motion and suddenly you are getting a picture show. She holds up the paper she was working on - there's another family drawing, but this time there's green scribbles all around you and a blue square with zig zags all over it. You guess that is some sort of animal. 
"You want to go to the zoo with Mister Matt?" You ask, examining her masterpiece.
"Yeah!" She says, pulling over another picture that you know are her versions of flowers, even if they are all different colors. "And the park!"
"And the park? Wow, that's a lot of things to do. Do you want to ask him if he wants to go to the zoo with us when we see him today?" Minnie eagerly nods at the question and that makes you smile. "Okay, we can invite him to the zoo. When are we going to the zoo?"
The question makes her bounce in excitement, "My birthday!" 
You laugh at her enthusiasm and give her a little back rub, "Exactly. We're going to go for your birthday. And get a big cake with whatever you want on it." That makes her a giggly mess and you temporarily forget all the bad things in the world. 
You hand her back her drawing before kissing the top of her hair, "How about you finish this one up and we get ready to go see Mister Matt? We can only visit for a little bit, because he's working, but I bet he'll love everything you made him."
Greedy little hands take back the paper and instantly Mouse is hunched back over her zoo scene, purple crayon in hand. You get up and go to make sure that you have everything you need to bring to Matt in order. You are extremely lucky that the doctor has the ability to print out things in Braille, so you don't need to make an extra stop to get things translated. 
You debate bringing Matt lunch, but ultimately decide against it. You don't want to push too much too fast, and you think it might be a little weird for his coworkers, to see a random person bring him homemade lunch. You know he hasn't told anyone yet about yourself and Minnie - he had shyly admitted it didn't feel real until the test results were given and you completely get it. 
You tidy up until you spy Mouse dropping her crayons into her bucket and cleaning up her drawing area. You let her do her thing, then approach, "Let's put your drawings with the other things we need to give Mister Matt. That way they won't get lost or wrinkled."
She nods like you've just said something very wise and gathers up her stack of papers before handing them over. There's five in total; the three she showed you and two more full of colorful lines. You decide you'll listen in on her explanation to Matt on those two, as you're curious as to what goes on in her little mind. 
Once everything is safe and ready to go, it's just a matter of getting shoes on. You go with your sensible sneakers while Minnie opts for her frog themed Wellingtons. The plan is for both of you to walk to the office, and after one final wallet-keys-phone check in your purse, you head out hand-in-hand.
It's mid-morning, so foot traffic is decent, but not heavy - nothing that makes Minnie too uncomfortable. Dark clouds are gathering on the horizon, and it makes you wonder if the rain that has been promised in the forecast will be coming sooner than expected and you are glad this outing is the only one you have planned. Taking Minnie around in the rain is never fun. It always seems like everything becomes more bustling in the rain and trying to navigate that with a crying toddler just makes you want to cry as well. 
But the promise of her new favorite person and mild weather has her walking like the born and bred New Yorker she is - a determined little pout with no nonsense steps. No one will be trying to sell her things on the sidewalks once she gets bigger. If she had a different personality, you'd want to teach her to say "Hey, I'm walking here" just to hear a toddler say it. 
As you spy the building Matt's office is in, you realize you should have sent him a text to say you were on your way. You did let him know vaguely what time you planned to stop by and he had assured you that they had no appointments - it was catch up on paperwork day - but that didn't mean walk-in clients hadn't come by. You're so close to already being there that you think the gesture is pointless, so you just keep walking until you get to the building.
"This is where we are going," you tell Minnie as you approach. You scoop her up to show her the business directory on the outside of the building. There aren't very many plaques to begin with, so it's easy to find the Nelson, Murdock, and Page one. "That is where Mister Matt works with his friends."
She leans out and feels over the embossed sign, running her fingers over the different letters. "'M'! For Minnie!" She says, pointing out the letter with a big smile. 
"Exactly. Mister Matt's last name starts with M, too. That word is his last name - Murdock."
That gets her to turn back to the sign, fingers dancing over the letters, brows knitting with curiosity, "How is it spelled?"
You spell out Murdock for her and Minnie repeats each letter after you. You do this a few times until she's able to say it out loud on her own. You don't know how long she'll retain the information, as spelling isn't really on the board yet, but you're happy she's interested. You set her back down and she makes a beeline up the steps, grabbing and pulling at the door with all her three-year-old strength. 
The lobby to the building is sparse, with basically only an elevator and staircase, with a door to what you suspect is a supply closet. "We're going up two staircases," you tell your daughter. 
"Two!" She confirms before taking off towards the stairs. You have a brief moment of panic that she's going to zip up both sets faster than you can catch her, but to your great amusement, she grabs a hold of the banister with both hands and pretends to use it like a mountaineering rope to climb the stairs. She even adds little fake huffs and puffs. You follow behind her, ready to catch her if she slips. She doesn't, and when you get to the floor Matt's office is on, she turns to beam at you, clearly proud of herself, "We did it!"
"We did it," you parrot, offering out your hand again. She takes it and you lead her to the correct door. The same plaque that was on the exterior of the building also hangs beside their door and Minnie astutely points to it.
"That's right, it says Nelson, Murdock, and Page."
"Can I knock?" Mouse asks, raising her fist to do just that.
You hum, then gently explain, "This is business, which means work. For work, we don't have to knock. We can go in if it is open."
As soon as you say that she's opening the door and marching inside and you quickly follow her. 
Matt's law partners, Foggy and Karen, are in the reception area with a man you assume is a client of theirs, talking in hushed annoyed sounding whispers. He radiates intimidation, with a huge black eye and what looks to be a makeshift cast made of duct tape around his right wrist. The three of them turn to look at you and you get the sense Minnie had the right idea in asking if she should knock first. 
Your little one quickly latches onto your leg, turning timid in the space of a second and you can't really blame her. Part of you wants to turn and run. 
Karen recovers first, breaking away from the two exasperated men to step towards you and going into receptionist mode, "Hi. You were here last week to meet with Matt, right?" 
"Uh, yes, that's right. Is he, uh, available?" You ask, feeling like you no longer know how to speak English. The energy in the room is not a pleasant one and you very much feel like you've interrupted something important.
"He's on a call currently but I'll let him know you are here," Karen replies in a voice far kinder than what she uses to address the men behind her a beat later. She turns to them and points to the office you know is not Matt's. "In there. Now."
Foggy throws up his hands, like he's frustrated with whatever is going on and disappears into the other room. The man you don't know doesn't follow, eyes on you and your daughter as Karen crosses the room to knock on Matt's door before opening it and slipping into the office. You quickly decide you are not going to make eye contact with him, instead ducking your head and putting a comforting hand on Minnie's head. She's practically hidden herself behind your legs, clinging to your pants so tightly you fear they might rip.
"I like your boots," the man says into the quietness. You expect him to sound like gravel, but his gruff voice is rather soft, and you get the feeling he understands how to talk to children "My daughter used to have boots like those."
 Part of you wants to tell the man to not talk to your daughter, but that would be rude and just because he looks like he's been through the ringer doesn't mean he's a bad man. You decide to let her determine how she wants to proceed.
You feel Minnie poke her head out from where she's hidden herself. At first, you don't think she's going to reply, as you know how she is, but she surprises you yet again by mumbling out, "They're froggies." 
"Yeah? You like frogs?"
Mouse somehow tightens her grip, "I like animals." She presses her face against your leg, then admits, a little louder, "we're gonna to the zoo for my birthday."
That makes the man smile, and that changes his whole demeanor. Suddenly he looks friendly and kind and not like he's likely to stab you, "That's a good place to go for your birthday. How old are you gonna be?"
Before she can respond, the door to Matt's office swings open and Karen stalks out, followed by Matt, who seems much less agitated than everyone else. The blonde points to the unknown man, a little scowl on her face, "What did I say?"
The man holds up his hands defensively, stepping away from Karen and towards the office he was previously told to go in, "Alright, alright, I'm going. I'm going." That doesn't seem to help soothe her at all, as she grabs the man by the bicep and frog-marches him to join Foggy, closing the door behind them. 
"They didn't make you wait long, did they?" Matt asks, bringing your attention back to him. There is a cut on his lip that wasn't there the last time you saw him, and your instinct is to ask if he is okay, but you don't know if you are at that level with him yet.
So instead, you address his question, "No, no, we just got here."
He motions back to his office, a smile spreading across his face, and you almost forget about the cut, "Come on back and we can review everything." 
Minnie lets go of your pants only to take your hand again and you lead her into the other room. As you pass Matt, she looks up at him and gives a tiny wave.
"Hi, Mister Matt."
Matt's shoulders visibly relax at her greeting, and you can't help but start to smile, "Hi, sweetheart. How are you doing today?"
"Good! I maded you pictures," she says proudly. That causes him to pause as he starts to follow you into his office. You can tell he is surprised by the news - his voice gets a little choked up when he responds.
"You made me some pictures?"
"They are very good pictures," you advise, squeezing Minnie's hand slightly before letting go, "Do you want to tell Mister Matt what you drew for him?" She nods eagerly, so you point to one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Go sit like a big girl and you can tell him."
She makes a dash for the chair, and you take the time to address Matt, "I'm sorry, I should have called ahead."
He shakes his head, and as he walks past you to go behind the desk, he reaches out and brushes his hand along your arm. A little shiver runs up your spine at the touch and you tell yourself the action was so he could orient himself. "Not a problem, I knew you were coming. How is everything?"
"Everything is good," you reply, a little shyer than you intend to. "I, uh, have everything for you. Is there anything else I need to fill out?"
Matt shakes his head, "Just a signature and date. You've done all the work for me already. I don't think I've ever had to file where I don't need to actually do anything but sign the document. It's a refreshing change."
"Do you know how long it will take to process?" You ask as you move to join Minnie in sitting. "The website gave multiple timelines and I just want to be realistic."
Matt takes his seat with a cocky grin, "Not long at all, I know a few judges I can ask to push it through."
You flush at the idea of him asking a favor to a judge on your account, "That's not necessary, Matt, I don't mind waiting."
He shakes his head, getting that soft look again, "I don't want to wait. I want it to be official in the eyes of the government."  
His words make you feel even warmer, and you distract yourself by pulling the file with all the paperwork out of your purse and pass it over to him. "Minnie's additions are at the bottom of the stack. The last five pages"
His fingers twitch slightly, and you wonder if he wants to flip right to those. You get your answer quickly.
"Minnie, is it okay if I go over the paperwork with your mom before you tell me about your pictures?"
"It's okay!" She replies, her voice much more cheerful now that you are alone with Matt. "Do you needs help?"
Her sweetness makes Matt smile more and he shakes his head, "Not right now, sweetheart. I need to read, and I can do that with my fingers, but after that you can help with some other things."
"Okay," she says happily, kicking her feet a little bit.
You catch her attention and motion to your purse, "Do you want a toy while you wait?" 
She shakes her head and beams up at you, "No thank you, I'm a big girl!"
Both you and Matt chuckle at her declaration and he moves to open the file. 
"There's multiple copies of everything," you tell him as you move onto business, "One printed text and one in Braille for the courts and the same for you. I have the same at home, as well. They are bundled in packets. The court papers are on top, Braille first."
He thanks you then begins to read the forms. Mouse sits up straighter in her chair to try and see what he is doing. She can just peek over the edge, and she watches in fascination as his fingers move over the pages. You wait quietly, not wanting to distract in any way. 
"Everything appears to be in order. We will just need a signature," Matt says after a minute. 
"Should I do that now?" You ask. The response is him offering you a pen, so you lean in to sign the various forms. As you set each document aside, Matt adds his own signature. It is silly how giddy you feel just having the forms finally completed. You don't know how long you've had just blank copies, waiting to be filed. 
"And done," Matt says with a final flick of his pen on the last page. "I'm going to the courthouse on Tuesday, so I'll get it processed then. I'll push to get an updated certificate as quickly as possible."
You have to bite your lip to keep from smiling like a crazy person. This isn't some dream or far off fantasy. Matt isn't just saying he wants to be Minnie's father. He is following through, with urgency. This is something he wants and it's almost surreal for you - you are so used to promises being broken and no one being on the same page as you in your desires. Even if this is all for Minnie and not for you, it is still on the edge of overwhelming for you. 
You never thought you'd be so happy over paperwork. 
"Thank you, Matt," you whisper, leaning back into your seat to sit properly.
Immediately, Minnie parrots you, thanking Matt even though she has no idea what is going on.
"No, thank you. Thank you both," he says, and you wonder if he is also holding back from smiling. He gathers the papers and sets them aside before running his fingers over the folder you gave him and addressing his daughter. "Okay, sweetheart. Do you want to come tell me what you drew?" 
You expect Minnie to stand on the chair and even prepare yourself to balance her, but that does not happen. She hops down and scurries around the desk to be at Matt's side and a moment later, he is pushing his chair back and she is climbing up into his lap. Embarrassment rushes through you - she's only ever behaved like this with you. She actually used to fuss and cry if anyone else tried to hold her. You haven't seen her sit in anyone else's lap since she had a say in who gets to hold her.
"Minnie!" You scold but Matt quickly shakes his head as he helps her up.
"It's okay, I don't mind," he tells you even though he looks completely shocked. If he wasn't her father, you wouldn't allow this, especially with someone so new to her, but he is her father, even if she doesn't know, so you don't tell her to get down.
Instead, you give a stern frown, "Minnie, you still need to ask before climbing on anyone, okay? Can you apologize?" 
Your little girl nods, then looks up at him, "I'm sorry, Mister Matt."
"It's okay, sweetheart. Like I said, I don't mind, but your Mommy is right, and you should ask so I know you are there. Next time, you'll know. Now, your Mommy said there were five pictures. Which do you want to start with?" He asks, scooting his chair back to the desk while wrapping one arm around Minnie's waist to keep her secure. 
Once she's able to, she leans in and picks up the first drawing in the stack. It is the family portrait, and you quickly get your phone out so you can record this interaction as Minnie lays out the picture. She then takes Matt's free hand and guides it to the paper before letting go to point at the circle that represents him.
"This is you," she tells him. He quickly finds where she is pointing and begins to trace the figure. 
"That's me?" And there is definitely more than a little bit of emotion in his voice. 
"Uh-huh, and that is me and Mommy and we're gonna go to see the duckies. Mommy said we can go again. But we're gonna get ice cream too. And a balloon," she says, moving her little finger all over the page. 
You watch Matt's finger follow hers - first over the doodle of himself, then Minnie's, and finally yours. Then, he traces back to the center figure. "We're holding hands?" He asks tentatively.
"Yup!" She answers, popping the p. "Mommy says we gotta hold hands if we go outside." 
Matt licks his lips a little and you see his muscles flex under his jacket as he holds Minnie a little more firmly to his chest, like he doesn't want to let go of her. "That's a good rule." 
"Mommy makes good rules," your little one replies wisely. That makes your ego sing a little. Mouse has always been good at doing what she's told, and you are proud that she understands your rules keep her safe.
Before she moves onto the next picture, you gently prompt her. "Sweetie, was there something you wanted to ask Mister Matt?"
Matt's head jerks up at that, looking right to you with brows slightly knit. Minnie bounces in his lap just a little, squirming so she can turn to look up at him, "I'm gonna go to the zoo! For my birthday! Do you wanna go?"
His lips part in surprise at the question and before you know it, he has both his arms wrapped around Mouse, hugging her to him. She instantly responds, looping her little arms around his neck and squeezing back. He rests his cheek against her head, and you see him slightly rock her from side to side. "I would love to go with you to the zoo, sweetheart."
Minnie giggles into his neck and you one hundred percent know that the transition to suddenly having two parents is not going to be hard for her at all. It might be confusing because Matt won't be living with you, but you have never seen her so comfortable with someone who isn't you. You know it's not just because he gave her a toy. They just click together so well.
You switch from video to your camera so you can sneak as many pictures as you can of Matt and Minnie hugging. They've completely forgotten about you and that is a-okay. 
In this moment, nothing else matters to you - not the strange man in the other office or the devastation a few states over or all the other trivial things that nag you and make your stomach turn. 
Your world is right in front of you and for the first time in a very, very long time, you really, truly believe everything is going to be just fine. 
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
@dorothleah @mattmurdocksstarlight @mars-on-vinyl @mywellspringoflife @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @simmilarly @soupyspence @darkened-writer @akila-twt
@murc0ckmurc0ck @groovycass @sumo-b98 @just3rowsing @tongueofcat @zoom1374
@theclassicvinyldragon @aoi-targaryen @lunaticgurly @nikitawolfxo @shireentapestry @snakevyro @yondiii @echos-muses @honeybug-victoria @the-bisaster @ristare @mrs-bellingham @eugene-emt-roe @cometenthusiast @stevenknightmarc @hunnybelha @
Specialagentjackbauer @yarrystyleeza @ofmusesandsecrets 
@mayp11-blog @danzer8705 @thinking-at-dusk @remuslupinwifee @akila-twt  @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment
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jeanvaljeancheri · 9 months
Here are some recs with the secret relationship trope! Most of them are andreil but the last one is jerejean :) i organized them by word count to make it easier.
The Enemy of My Friend is My Super Enemy 2k
Grace stands in solidarity with her teammate and friend Andrew Minyard.
Therefore, she hates that asshole Neil Josten.
don’t hate the player, hate the game 2k
Allison smirks suddenly. “At least I got an up close view of that ass.”
“Not a total loss then.” Nicky grins at her and they fist bump.
Kevin just sits there watching them, silently judging them and siping his vodka.
(neil is a hot stranger at the bar. people try and get with him. kevin drinks copious amounts of alcohol.)
Raven's Nest Burning 2k
While Andrew and the Foxes were in the stadium parking lot, next to the team bus, waiting for Wymack to appear, Evermore's East Tower exploded.
Pointless 3k
The Foxes have only ever known him as the vicious, vindictive Monster he’s portrayed himself as. Now, he’s a mystery no one knows how to solve; hard and violent for strangers, soft and gentle for this boy with the sharp smile.
5 times the Foxes accidentally spied on Andrew and his secret boyfriend and the 1 time they actually get to meet him.
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 4k
Neil has one of the worst days and Andrew is able to make it a little bit better.
Welcome to my Professor Neil and Professional Exy Player Andrew world! This is probably going to be a series where I explore more of this little AU that I love dearly!
i'll keep you 4k
Aaron asked, “What’s your deal? What’s going on?”
Andrew had no choice. He stood up, walked to the bowl of freshly cut melon surrounded by pools of watermelon juice and an assortment of black seeds, and plucked a piece of the fruit. It was dark red and glistening and sweet on his tongue.
It tasted like ash. Like a dirty little secret. Like a mistake.
The Bet 5k
“I bet the monster will come alone again this year,” he says, his voice scratchy like the sound of a blender in the early hours of the morning.
“I’ll take that bet,” Aaron says, face a blank slate, anger cooling behind his eyes.
“Five hundred bucks,” Seth replies, eyes sparkling in amusement. He’s got the face of someone who thinks they’ve won.
“A thousand,” Aaron counters. Andrew’s eyebrow twitches up imperceptibly, a feeling like a laugh bubbling up his throat.
(In which Neil and Andrew are secretly married.)
it's disillusion, and confusion (this illusion of me) 5k
“Okay, kid. You can fend for yourself I’m sure, but you won’t be able to beat the guy whose car this is. He’s dangerous.” Ignoring the way Neil snorted, Matt barreled on. “Like, really dangerous.” He trailed off; Neil looked as though he was torn between amusement and anger.
or; 5 times the foxes were confused over neil and andrew's relationship and the 1 time andrew made it clear
 Not-So-Secret Someone 6k
Eight times the Foxes discover that Andrew is seeing someone and one time they meet Andrew’s elusive partner
about u 9k
Neil and Andrew have been friends since they were kids. Recently though, those feelings had turned into more. While they try to keep their relationship secret because they’re scared of their families’ reactions, they go on a family beach vacation. Chaos ensues.
Brother of Mine 12k
'Aaron should have known something was going on with Andrew when he had agreed to change their deal.
Thoughts of Katelyn, of not having to hide her anymore, took up all the space in Aaron’s mind and he never wondered why Andrew would have relented so easily.
Looking back, it should have been obvious what was going on.'
OR: 5 times Aaron should have realized Andrew had somebody, and the one time he met him.
Odd Eye 16k
Andrew spends most of his childhood thinking he is a psychopath. He is not. Andrew is, and always will be, just Andrew.
That Isn't Nothing 38k
A look into the lives of pro exy players Andrew Minyard and Neil Josten. The world says they hate each other, but when Andrew gets transferred to Neil's team, their teammates begin seeing something else between them.
Sixteen hours 120k
started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this (affectionate)
Jean and Jeremy secretly start dating in their final year at USC.
In my top three favourite jerejean fics of all time!
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oc-poll-tournament · 8 months
OC Poll Tournament Round 1 Poll 5
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Propaganda below the cut:
Meparik (he/him) @gailynovelry: Meparik of the Frostbitten Court (he/him)
Meparik is many things! He is a feyrie, a pickpocket, a sign-language user, a voracious reader, and an accidental religious leader. He understands more of the political goings-on of his realm than most adults do, and profusely hates the gods for it. His bedraggledness is matched only by that of his best friend (unwilling messiah lesbian). Gaze upon the child, your honor. Do you feel it? The desire to feed him warm soups and wrap him up in a cozy blanket? I rest my case, your honor. I rest it well.
Nat Finch (he/him) @albatris: I'd like to submit Nat Finch! he/him, 25 years old, brand new baby vampire. he works the night shift at dodgy petrol and convenience store Stop 'N' Go, where he falls asleep on the clock and encourages shoplifting. he's schizotypal like me and he loves cats, cooking, and his friends! he's the protagonist of my campy gory horror trilogy, though he'd rather not be!
he's short and fat with red eyes and lots of freckles. his hair is long and black, often uneven and choppy in length, because he just cuts tangles out instead of untangling them ❤
he's a sweet boy, earnest boy, awkward boy; he doesn't have many friends at the start of the story due to his paranoia, psychosis, and social anxiety, but by the end of it has a whole bunch of good friends AND a kitty he adores named Grub who purrs like a faulty tractor
in this story vampirism is a sentient entity and all connected via a hivemind known as "the Garble".... it lives in the vampires' blood and can manipulate their thoughts as well as give them heightened strength and speed, claws and fangs, and night vision when they need it. it can be useful, but mostly it's a bully and an inconvenience
at the centre of the Garble hivemind lives the very first vampire, an undead rotting corpse and the god of vampires, and a few of their close friends and confidants. all life force collected by regular vampires flows to them at the centre and grants them immortality and power. it's a sweet deal for the folks at the centre, and a terrible deal for ordinary vampires like Nat who rarely reap any real benefits from their condition, but are threatened and manipulated into participating in this system regardless
Nat's story sees him struggling to solve the mystery of how and why he was turned and trying to balance his kind, caring nature with his new violent condition... and eventually leads him to, "hey, I think I'm going to hunt down and eat the rest of vampire god"
good for him!
some other Nat Facts:
huge drama queen (will play up being sad and pathetic to get what he wants)
vampires are hardwired to seek warmth and coziness so Nat is always down to snuggle 24/7
bouncy cheery overexcited lad who will grin for weeks if you say something nice to him
vegetarian, aside from eating people, which he insists does not count
speaking of eating people, primarily preys on rich pricks and abusive bosses
is too awkward to tell his neighbours he bought them a cute knitted blanket he thought they might like for their corgi because what if that's a weird thing to do. this has been going on for three weeks
is too awkward to tell his neighbours his name is Nat, not Matt. this has been going on for three years
has a giant scary monster mode full of eyes and teeth >:3
please consider voting for my boy!
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 years
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|Masterlist|Update Log|Update Log 2|Progress Page|
Requests status: Closed
1. I write for male/gender neutral readers only!!!!!
2. Please Do Not Spam Request
3. Please Do Not Request For Something When My Requests Are Closed
4. if Your Request Has Not Been Made Yet, Please Do Not Spam Me When It Will Be Done
5. When Requesting, Please give a plot
6. Enjoy Yourself And Relax
How to request
You can either message me your request or submit your request in my request box
Who I write for:
• Dc Universe 🔵
- Barry Allen (The Flash)
- Bart Allen (Impulse)
- Batfamily
- Bruce Wayne (Batman)
- Clark Kent (Superman)
- Conner Kent (Superboy)
- Damian Wayne (Robin)
- Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
- Jason Todd (Red Hood)
- John Constantine
- Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
- Roy Harper (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow)
- Tim Drake (Red Robin)
- Wally West (Kid-Flash)
• Descendants 🍎
- Ben Florian
- Chad Charming
- Jay
• Fear Street 🧙‍♀️
- Kurt
- Nick Goode
- Tommy Slater
• Marvel Universe 🔴
- Adam Warlock
- Billy Maximoff (Wiccan)
- Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider)
- Chase Stein
- Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
- Druig
- Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk)
- Ikaris
- Johnny Storm (Human Torch)
- Kingo
- Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
- Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099)
- Peter Parker (Andrew’s Spider-Man)
- Peter Parker (Tom’s Spider-Man)
- Pietro Maximoff (QuickSilver)
- Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)
- Stephan Strange (Dr. Strange)
- Steve Rogers (Captain America)
- T’Challa (Black Panther)
- Thor Oddinson
- Tony Stark (Ironman)
• Mortal Kombat 🐉
- Bi-Han (Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero)
- Erron Black
- Fujin
- Geras
- Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
- Havik
- Jax Briggs
- Johnny Cage
- Kabal
- Kano
- Kenshi Takahashi
- Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero/Scorpion)
- Kung Jin
- Kung Lao
- Liu Kang
- Radien
- Reiko
- Syzoth (Reptile)
- Takeda
- Tomas Vrbada (Smoke)
• Percy Jackson 🔱
- Grover Underwood
- Leo Valdez
- Luke Castellen
- Percy Jackson
• Scream 🔪😱
- Billy Loomis
- Chad Meeks Martian
- Danny Brackett
- Wes Hicks
- Mickey Alteri
• Wolf Pack 🐺
- Everett Ross
- Harlan Briggs
What I feel comfortable writing for:
• Bondage
• Overstim/Edging
Stuff I feel if-y to write for:
• Age Gap
• Cheating
• Daddy Kinks
• Poly relationships
• Spit Kinks
• Threesome
What I will not write for:
• Any female characters
• Any Irl celebrities
• Piss/shit kinks etc
• Rape/Non-consensual
• Sex slave type of stuff
Common Questions
Are F!Readers allowed to read my stories?
- Absolutely! Just don’t fetishize it!
Can ppl reblog my stories
- Yes!
Can I request more than once?
- of course!
Why Don’t you write for FTM/MTF?
- I personally do not know how that feels like so I don't think I can really do your request justice and I don’t really feel comfortable writing for that
(If you have any more questions you want to ask me, feel free to message me!)
Get to know me!
• I am Asian
• I am a kpop Stan, and most of my stories are named after a kpop song or a line in a kpop song (don’t judge me)
• I usually take a really long time to make fics so don’t be concerned if I haven’t made you’re request
• Artists I listen to: Aespa, AleXa, Ariana Grande, Baby Monster, Beabadoobee, Bibi, Blackpink, Conan Gray, Dream Catcher, (G) I-dle, GOT The Beat, Itzy, Ive, Jini, K/DA, Kiss Of Life, Lana Del Rey, Laufey, Lee Chaeyeon, Le Sserafim, Little Mix, Lyn Lapid, Madison Beer, Mad Tsai, Mamamoo, Mave, Melanie Martinez, New Jeans, Nmixx, Olivia Rodrigo, Poppy, Red Velvet, Sarah Cothran, Soojin, Stayc, Taeyon, Taylor Swift, Twice, and XG
• I change my pfp every 5 seconds💀
• I watched scream, Fear street, wolf pack, lab rats, literally any marvel movies/shows, some dc movies/shows, and a lot more!
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