#10 Hours of Relaxing Music for Babies
honeytonedhottie · 2 months
how to keep a dolly mind⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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this post is inspired by @arielleslipgloss's post about dolly mindset and i just wanna make my own post about keeping a doll mindset so i hope that u enjoy…💬🎀
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whats in ur mind manifests. what u think consistently everyday is what u will experience, thats just how the brain works. so if ur thinking positive thoughts, you'll experience positive things but the same is true if u think negative thoughts.
affirm. affirm. affirm. if u dont want to experience it, then dont dwell on it. when u spend so much time dwelling on negativity you'll only perpetuate that into ur reality so can we not? be POSITIVE and dwell only on things that u want to manifest and experience.
with that being said, DONT THINK TOO MUCH. sometimes its good to get out of ur own head and just affirm positively on autopilot. dont spend so much time pondering things that upset you. ofc its important to ponder things that you struggle with because thats how u overcome them, but if u dwell on them too much you'll only perpetuate it. make ur mind a good place to be. dont worry about a thing ♡
dont give others the power to make u uncomfortable in ur own mind. dont dwell on other people's negative opinions or criticism, dont be consumed by a situationship. the center of ur universe should be you, you and YOU.
this section is inspired by something that i read about in the book pyscho cybernetics and essentially the idea is that u create a space in ur mind that is completely and wholly yours. a place that u can go when u need a breather and i though it was just ADORABLE.
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so create ur own dollhouse in ur mind. how i did this was i focused on my 5 senses and i imagined myself creating a space for myself. once i was done imagining it, i imagined myself walking into it and just relaxing in it.
♡ i imagine a cute room (pretty large) with baby pink wallpaper
♡ i imagine a balcony with fresh flowers and a cute pink chair
♡ pink drapes DUH
♡ plush couches with leopard print throw pillows and cashmere blankets
♡ very 90's hollywood mansion inspired with cute dolly music playing softly in the background
and whenever i want to i just imagine myself walking into this space and relaxing on the couch. painting my nails, doing a face mask or just talking to myself and its so soothing…💬🎀
♡ shopping
♡ glitter
♡ self pampering
♡ your education
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♡ YOUR FUTURE (the most important one btw)
♡ urself and ur future
♡ toxicity from any source (bad friends, social media etc)
♡ the past
♡ jealousy
♡ and anything that u DONT want to manifest
if u find it particularly difficult to stay positive or ur just going through a hard time, first of all know that ur NOT alone and things will always get better 💗 some things that can help ur state of mind can include ->
getting a full 8-10 hours of sleep every night, staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet, getting sunlight and fresh air everyday, journalling and other forms of self expression. and to finish off this post i wanna leave u guys with some dolly affirmations to live ur best dolly life 💗
🧁 i am so flawless from head to toe
🎀 i am absolutely in love with myself, and why WOULDN'T i be?
🧁 i manifest instantly
🎀 i am more than capable of anything that i want to do
🧁 i am gorgeous on the inside and on the outside
🎀 im just SUCH a ray of sunshine and beauty to everything and everyone
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wittlesissyb4by · 8 months
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You tried to fight it, you tried to block it out. The hypnotic music worming through your ears, a mixture of infantile lullabies, soothing voices, and even stern ones overlayed with each other. It was all so chaotic it made your head spin, like you were in a trance.
Even though you were blindfolded, you could swear you were seeing waves, spirals, stars. Was it just your imagination? Or was it something they put in your bottle? Maybe it was the sour liquid slowly seeping through the bulb of the pacifier in your mouth. Every time you suckled for air your mouth got a little more numb. Drool seeping from the sides of your lips.
You felt so claustrophobic. Any attempt at movement was haulted in some way, and every time you did, the diaper between your legs crinkled.
But the worst was the churning feeling in your bowels. A combination of bubbling and cramps that made you feel sick to your stomach. You knew what you had to do, what they wanted you to do, but you didn’t want to give this place that satisfaction.
You kicked and screamed and whimpered into your gag, but you couldn’t even hear yourself over the hypnotic music. No way they could hear you down the hall. More likely, they didn’t even care.
You got the feeling you weren’t the only one here. You’d heard the same whimpers and whines when they were escorting you down the hall. But that was just when you were in a straitjacket. What kind of sick ‘rehabilitation’ program was this??
The bubbling in your guts was unbearable. How long had you been holding it? You’d lost track of time long ago. You couldn’t even say how long you’d been here. Was it hours? Or days? Being in a blind, hypnotic haze really messes with perception of time.
You clenched, thrashed, tugged, did anything you could to try to make the cramps go away. But you knew there was only one way to end it. It had to happen eventually. You knew it did. They obviously weren’t letting you go any time soon. Or maybe they would once they got what they wanted?
The voices in your ears told you it was okay. That this was normal. Well…your “new” normal.
It’s what good girls do…
Mess your diaper…
Mary had a little lamb…
Be a baby…
You’re a slut!
Little lamb…litTLe lamb!
It’s not like you know how to be an adult…
You’ll never use the potty again!
It’s okay…
Everything will be fine…
Poop your diaper!
Let it out…
You don’t know if you made the decision yourself, or your fried brain just followed what the voices told you, but you gave one last, desperate clench, then relaxed…letting everything flow out of you.
All of your senses seemed to focus on the warm, icky sensation now present in your diaper. Even the music seemed to stop. As uncomfortable as you were before, that was increased 10 fold.
You tried to struggle more, to escape the messy muck somehow, but it only made it worse. The music kicked back in again, or maybe it never stopped? You couldn’t feel your mouth anymore, just the drool dripping down the sides of your cheeks. The spirals in your eyes intensified.
Maybe they would come change you now. Let you go. Release you from the confines of your mind.
But they were still hours away, or maybe days? There was no telling anymore. The music continued to play, the mixture of melodies numbing your brain.
This is my new site for wittlesissybaby! Follow me here, Subscribestar, or Allmylinks to stay updated!
Also, please take 2 seconds to go follow this other random blog @wittle5i55ybaby real fast. Just in case…
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scarqn · 3 months
Ken Sato Drabble: Picnic anniversary
Pairing: husband!Kenji sato x wife!fem!reader
Summary: it’s yours and your husband, Kenji’s 5th wedding anniversary, and he has a surprise for you.
No warnings, just cute stuff.
A/n: nothing too big, but enough. Sorry for being away for so long, I’ve been very busy with life🫡
Not proof read btw guys😂
For @dokyeomkyeom 🫡🫡
Today marks yours and you husbands wedding anniversary. This morning you were blessed with no screaming children jumping on your bed you share with Kenji. In fact, you were also blessed with breakfast in bed.
Ken had told you once you are done with your food, to get ready for something he has planned this afternoon. You had looked at him kinda surprised, “What have you got planned?” You had asked. Kenji winked at you, “It’s a surprise.” He replied before leaving you in your room with breakfast.
Once you were finished and ready, Kenji got the kids ready, packing a bag each for them for their grandpas, Kenji’s father. After many kisses goodbyes from you two mini you and Kenji, you and Kenji had finally started your journey.
The ride was 30 minutes long, your husband told you to relax for a while until you guys get there. And you did that, window down, your favourite music playing. You hum along to the music as Ken puts his hand on your leg, tapping a finger to the beat and grabbing your hand to peck it.
Half an hour later, you arrive at your destination. A wooded area? You have Kenji a confused look. “It’s about a 10 minute walk from here to where we actually need to be.” He tells you, pecking your lips. The walk wasn’t long, but you could feel you legs growing tired. No matter how much you chase around the children, you still can cope a ten minute walk.
Kenji stops in front of you, holding out a blind fold, “Gunna need you to wear this, baby.” He tells you. You eyebrows raise, “What’s this?” You hum. He shrugs and puts the blindfold over your eyes, “Gotta wait and see.”
He puts an arm around your waist, guiding you- and to make sure your dopey ass doesn’t trip and fall.
You stop and you feel your husband taking off the blindfold. You were greeted with a beautiful view of the landscape. “Wow.” You managed to say, only in a barely whisper. You were stunned and in awe.
You turn to Kenji and smile sheepishly, “What’s this?” You question. He kisses you, “Picnic.” He grins. Out of happiness and excitement you pull him in a bear hug, squeezing him tightly. “I love it.” You kiss his lips.
Both of you make your way over to where the blanket with a basket is laid out. You help him set everything out. Plates, wine glasses, food and the wine.
You notice it’s all of your favourite foods and snacks.
You both dig into the food almost immediately, “Oh my gosh I’m so hungry,” you moan as you stuff your mouth with a sandwich. “You had breakfast not even two hours ago.”
You glare at him, “Yeah, and?” He laughs at your reaction. You continue to eat the food, drinking wine on the side. It then comes to dessert; ice cream, a small chocolate cake with strawberries on top.
After you finish eating, you and Kenji chill out a bit, talking about your next vacation as the sun starts to set.
Kenji suddenly perks up, “oh, I almost forgot.” He says as he digs into the basket, “I got you a present.” You look at him with wide eyes, you didn’t even get him anything. “I didn’t get you anything.” You say almost boldly.
He chuckles lowly, “That’s fine, baby. But I got you something, here open it.” He hands the small box over to you. You shyly open the box to reveal a beautiful necklace. “Are those your initials?” You laugh out. He nods. “You’re so adorable,” you say before kissing him.
“I love it, thank you.” You take it out of the box, it’s white gold, since you hate gold with a passion. He helps you put it on and you admire it.
“Thank you, Ken. Seriously today has been perfect.” You hug him.
He looks at you with a smudged look, “What?” You question. “Did I tell you that the kids are staying at my dad’s for the night?” He grins.
I shake my head until I realise what he means, “We haven’t finished yet, let’s go home and finish this perfect day off with the most perfect sex.” He smirks.
“You know you can just tell me if you want another kid.” You say jokingly.
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yeoslattes · 7 months
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Genre: Smut
Word Count: 939
Pairings: Non idol!Hwa x fem!reader
Summary: Sleepy sex with Hwa, that's it
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex 🤘🏻, creampie, lazy sex, titty sucking
A/N: whipped this up in like 10 min (made it short and sweet), for some reason couldn't get soft lazy sex with Seonghwa out of my head...I recommend listening to Lana Del Rey while reading, enjoy!!
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The soft glow of the lamp sitting on your bedside table illuminated your sleeping form cuddled into Seonghwa on the bed. You had spent the entire day deep cleaning your room, when Seonghwa made a surprise visit. You hung out with him as usual, joining him on animal crossing for a couple of hours and building Lego flowers together until the day's exhaustion caught up to you. You had laid silently next to Hwa as he scrolled on his phone until eventually sleep took over your body; Seonghwa followed shortly after.
Your bed was a plush nest of blankets, the fluffiness completely engulfing you and Seonghwa head to toe. You stirred awake, cracking your eyes open slowly, you moved in your spot, shifting on your back to relieve the tension on your shoulder. The more you come to, you realize the window had been left open allowing the fresh air of the spring night in and the soft music that was still playing on the small speaker. Peeking from behind Hwa the clock on the bedside table read only 8:30. You laid back carefully not to disturb Seonghwa and huffed, there goes my sleep for later, you thought.
Seonghwa however couldn’t be bothered, he laid on his side. Face relaxed and his chest rising and falling with even breaths. His hair that was now slightly longer than it had ever been, rested over his eyes. He stirs slightly, turning onto his back this time, he moans softly before becoming still once more. Your arm drapes over his torso and you feel this arm subconsciously move to wrap around you.
He felt warm and comfortable against you, the longer you peered up at his peaceful face the more you yearned for him. Despite being as close as humanly possible, you still needed more. You squirmed next to him again ,this time he wakes up, lifting his head up and looking at his surroundings. “Baby stop moving.” Seonghwa mumbles, dropping his head back on your pillow and stretching his legs out. You whimper next to him nuzzling your face into his chest and inhaling the fresh detergent that lingered on his white tee. His hand rubs up and down your back as his body fully tenses and then relaxes in a stretch. “What’s wrong?” He mutters gently, he’s fully looking at you now, “Hwa…want you.” You whimper, rubbing your thighs together hard, the heat between your legs burning hotter than ever. He lets out an airy laugh, and you pull yourself up to face him, you shyly press your lips against his. He stays still, letting your lips rest against his, a couple of seconds pass before his mouth starts moving against yours giving you the indication that he wanted you just as much.
As the kiss grows hungrier his hands pull you up onto him, thighs resting on either side of his hips and hands tangled in his messy hair. His hands run down your back to rest on your ass, pulling you down onto his hardness. You whimper into the kiss, “Hwa…now please.” You whine resting your head on his chest. Without uttering a word, he works on pulling your sleeping shorts to the side. “Hips up.” He whispers, you do as you’re told, holding your hips up as he pulls his own shorts down. One hand is wrapped around his cock and the other one pulling your shorts to the side, he rests the tip on your slick hole, you lower your hips down groaning softly at the sudden stretch. With your head resting on his chest you can hear his heart's sudden jump and his breathing turning heavy. “G-god Seonghwa…” you trail off, focusing on grinding your hips down on him. His hands pull on your hips helping you ride him slowly. He groaned at how warm and sticky you felt. “Good job baby, you’re doing so good.” Seonghwa whispers in your ear, you lift yourself up on shaky arms to kiss him, hips speeding up, eagerly chasing your release.
“S-eongh-wa,” your eyes close tightly, hands on either side of his head gripping the pillow tightly at the sudden burn of your release building up. Seonghwa watches you in adoration, the way your hair fell over your face and eyes closed tightly as you desperately fucked yourself on him. He lived for this kind of shit, his hands tug on the tank top you wore, hard nipples ready for his mouth. His hot tongue runs over the hard buds, the stimulation pushing you closer to your end. You gasp and whine out at the way your boyfriend helps you fuck yourself harder on him and the way his wet mouth feels on your chest. “I’m g- cum.” Spills from your pink bitten lips, Seonghwa runs his tongue over the expanse of your chest, eyes peering up at your face scrunched up in pleasure. He gasps as you shake on top of him, arms coming to wrap themselves over your waist and pulling you down flush against his chest as he reaches his own release. He feels your walls pulsing on him as he finishes with hot spurts of spunk covering your walls. You fight for air on top of him. The aftermath of your orgasm leaving you drained. You slowly roll off him, walls clamping down to keep his release within you. “So good baby,” Seonghwa mumbles, eyes beginning to close for a second time tonight, he pulls you into him. You shudder slightly at the breeze blowing in from the window, you close your eyes, drowning yourself in his scent till tomorrow morning.
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hyunfilms · 2 months
love like this (han jisung) | one shot.
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—summary: four years down with your boyfriend and still, no one else compares.
—pairing: bf!han jisung x f. reader
—genre: established relationship au | fluff
—word count: 2.0k
—warnings: nothing really; some cussing, lots of affection, kisses, mentions of alcohol and some alcohol consumption, music festival setting!
—on rotation: top tier - sunkis
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—a/n: happiest of birthdays to my bestfriend @pearbunny! i know you've been missing jisung & the boys tough since lolla, so i hope this can bring you some comfort. forgive me if there's any mistakes - i literally whipped this up in the last hour lolol i love you!!! 🤍
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“Baby, please don’t worry.” Jisung looks at you with his big doe-eyes, hands cupping your cheeks and giving them a soft playful squeeze. “We’re gonna have fun for your birthday, okay? No more stressing.” He runs his finger down your pout teasingly. “No more of this.”
“Fine.” You continue to look up at him with those pretty eyes, your body slowly relaxing in his hold. To be honest, you didn’t really know why you were throwing a fit— you were just worried about Jisung spending loads of money to take you to the music festival you had been wanting to go to as a birthday present. He wanted to do this, though. He wanted to go with you and have fun together, knowing you had been pretty stressed and mentally drained from work. He just wanted to see you smile, he just wanted to hold you and vibe together to music you both enjoyed, he just wanted you happy.
“I love you?” He says in a sing-song voice as he smiles, kissing the tip of your nose before planting one on your forehead. 
“I love you, too.” You playfully roll your eyes and finish packing your last minute things before vacation-proofing the apartment and catching an uber bright and early to the train station. 
The best thing about traveling with Jisung is him, himself. He’s the best partner in crime and always makes things 10x more enjoyable than it already is. The festival was on the outskirts of town, around a 2-hr train ride over. It doesn’t feel like it when you’re with your man, though— time always feels endless in the most perfect way, even after the 4 years you had been dating. 
You’ve never known a love like this.
On the train, you and Jisung share your pair of wired headphones to listen to Rotten Mango’s new true crime podcast episode. Jisung pauses every few minutes to discuss and debrief, barely leaving you guys time to start a new episode. He makes you laugh, especially when he makes those faces as the details of the case progress. You cling onto his arm and giggle onto his shoulder listening to his commentary and thought process and you swear, you could listen to him talk all day. You could listen to his little laughs, you could listen to the way he elaborates his thought process. You can’t help but lace your fingers with his tightly, placing a gentle kiss onto his neck, his jaw, just as the train is pulling up to your stop. Jisung holds onto your hand as he grabs your bags and hauls it out, expertly weaving through the wave of people exiting the train at the same stop. He doesn’t let you lift a finger and makes sure you’re taken care of well throughout every step of the way.
The airbnb Jisung rented is about 10 minutes away from where the festival is set to take place. It’s cute, it’s quaint, it’s perfect for the two of you. It’s a tiny in-law studio beneath a lovely house, the both of you having to walk through the side and through its sliding door to access the unit. The first thing you see when walking in is the bed neatly made in a thick, fluffy sage-colored duvet cover, with about 8 pillows [four big ones, four smaller ones for decoration] pressed against the headboard. Off to the right is the small living room and kitchen area— a couch and a coffee table in front of the 55’ inch flat screen TV. Down the hall would be the bathroom and a coat closet. The first day [or evening] of the festival was starting in a few hours, and Jisung knew you needed time to get ready. He presses repeated kisses to your lips just as you unpack and start getting ready in the bathroom, plopping onto the couch to order some delivery food you two could munch on before heading out.
“Yeah?” You respond as you continue to do your makeup in your tanktop and pajama shorts.
“The chicken is coming in like.. 15 minutes!” 
“Yay, okay!” All of a sudden, you hear Jisung’s feet padding over to the bathroom. He has music playing on the bluetooth speakers in the studio, softly of course, not to disturb the tenants upstairs. He leans against the door frame and has a huge smirk on his face, watching as you blend your eyeshadow on one eye.
“So hot.”
“I’m not even done with my makeup yet, babe.” You giggle.
“You don’t even need it, pretty girl.” He throws his hands up in defeat. “But, I know, I know. It completes the fit.” 
“You really do listen to me, don’t you?” You turn to face him with a small pout and he chuckles.
“Of course. I love the colors.” He leans to the side to get a better look at your eyes.
“Wanna pick my blush and lipstick?”
“Hm.” His finger rubs against his chin while he looks through your makeup laid out all over the place on the bathroom counter. He lifts a few options against your face, squinting to see his vision and which would fit best for it. “This.” He places the blush down in front of you. “And this.” He places the glittery translucent lip gloss next to it. “Pretty.”
“Thank you, babe.” You look up at him with the cutest smile, and he can’t help but peck the tip of your nose in a quick fashion.
“Can I do the blush and lip gloss for you?” He looks at you curiously, watching as you finish blending your other eye.
“Sure! I’m doing my lip gloss after we eat, though.”
“Good idea.”
“Here.” You hand him the blush and the proper brush, giving him some tips as he dabs the brush into the palette. He presses it light against your cheek, swiping it in the upwards motion that you keep mentioning. He swirls it around until the blush is blended well enough before moving onto the next cheek— taking a bit to the point of your nose. Then, he suggests [yells, almost] dabbing some glitter on the highest points of your cheeks just as he runs to meet the delivery driver outside. You take his suggestion, giggling as you complete your makeup look and throw on your outfit. Jisung sets the chicken out on the small kitchen counter, picking at a few pieces before he heads into the bathroom to get ready.
After another hour or so of eating, pre-gaming and adding last minute touches, you and Jisung finally head out to the festival. He’s sporting some black cargos with a black and lime green graphic tee, a distressed black denim vest with chains hanging off of its pockets. Your outfit is similar; black cargos that accentuate your curves and a lime green tube top under a black mesh shirt. While in the uber, Jisung holds up his promise of dabbing the lip gloss on your lips before snapping a few candid photos. You try to swat the phone away, causing him to laugh because in the end, he still manages to capture the best photos of you. 
Ones he’ll use as his wallpaper. Your contact photo. His home screen.
Everything about you, cause he’s never known a love like this.
When you arrive, the uber is having to drop you off a ways away from the main entrance gates and security due to the traffic. Jisung hands the driver a hefty cash tip before sliding out and grabbing your hand, leading the way to the gates. There’s a shit ton of people that are still making their way over and it slightly gives you anxiety having to be in such a crowded, chaotic space. You wait in line to enter, Jisung coming to the rescue by lazily wrapping his arms around you from behind. 
“We’re almost inside, love.” He says against your head, pressing chaste kisses to help calm you down. You relax in his hold, especially when people are pushing and shoving— doing everything that they can to rush inside. It takes close to 20 minutes before you’re finally passing security and scanning your mobile tickets. Despite the line chaos, you’re incredibly happy you’re here. Reality settles once you and Jisung take a few photos together, your man telling you how to pose for all your solo shots. He laces his hand with yours, kissing the surface as he smiles down at you in pure adoration while you skip around and start bouncing to the beat of the music. You both approach a booth to buy some cocktails to sip on, Jisung buying the both of you strawberry margaritas [on the rocks] before you finally dance over towards the main stage. He lets go of your hand when you start vibing with the margarita in one hand, loudly singing along to the song that’s being performed. Jisung joins along, the both of you in your own little world— as if it ain’t nothin’ but the two of you and no one else. The sun is getting ready to set below the horizon; deep orange in hues, filing the skies with layers of pinks, purples. The stage lights are bright, jumbo screens focusing on the performers and the crowd vibing along. There’s a breeze that feels good against your skin as you continue to dance along; the setting being more than picture perfect.
“Oy!” Chan yells, surprising you from behind. You scream, almost dropping your margarita when you come face to face with your entire group of friends.
“What the fuck! Are you doing! Here!” You turn to look at Jisung, tears welling at your bottom lids. He can’t help but laugh, pulling you flush against him when he tries to wipe the stray tears that manage to escape. “Did you do this?” You pout.
“Baby.” He laughs. “Why are you crying? You know I had to get our friends out here for your birthday.”
“Don’t cry! Did you really think we’d miss out on your birthday weekend?” 
“Yes.” You respond with a small cry. Changbin laughs, him and the rest of your friends pulling you into big hugs and greeting you happy birthday into your ear. It takes a few minutes for you to stop crying because even though you hadn’t expected this to happen, you were beyond happy it did. Jisung knew how much your friends meant to you and how much you wanted to celebrate with them. It took a month of planning, bickering in a secret group chat and numerous phone calls to make sure everyone was on the same page before the festival came around.
You had no idea.
All Jisung wanted for you was to feel loved and celebrated, just as you deserved to be. Every day, every hour, every minute.
At this point, the sun has fully set and the next headliner has made their way to the stage. It gets hyped for the first half, you and your friends loudly singing and bouncing along. Jisung pulls you against him, giving you the opportunity to dance up on him while he keeps up with the rhythm. You and your friends are all vibing along, having fun— all with big smiles and loud, hearty laughs. When the second half of the set comes, it’s at a much slower-pace than the beginning, allowing Jisung to hold you from behind and sway along with you from side to side. 
“I love you.” He says against your temple as you hold onto him, smiling when you feel his lips press a sweet, feathery kiss to the surface. 
“I love you too, Jisung.” You turn to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You tippy-toe to kiss him on the lips, his hands giving your sides a good squeeze. When you pull away, he’s quick to chase after your lips— deepening the kiss with no concern for anyone, anything, else. Because as far as he’s concerned, you’re the only thing that matters and vice versa.
“I love you so much, pretty. I hope you enjoy your birthday this weekend.”
“Thank you. For everything, Ji.” He smiles before kissing you once more. You turn back around to watch the performer on stage, singing and swaying along in Jisung’s arms.
“I got you, baby. ‘Til the end.”
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her-favorite · 9 months
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WARNINGS: none! - unrelated but i was listening to christmas music (and billie’s new cover of ‘have yourself a merry little christmas on snl) and omg i love the christmas season sm i wanna cry
WC: 2136! - short but sweet! (this definitely isn’t my best work but i decided to make this at 1 am bc i need more billie stuff)
A/N: something cute for all my billie girls 🤭 i thought it was fitting since i’m in a christmas mood and i wanted to get something done bc my girls bday is today!! - and i’m so sorry to everyone that sent a billie request a few months back! i’ve read them all and they’re all in my drafts, but (as usual) my motivation is always rocky 😭 (if any of you are still here lmao), i thank you all for being so patient with me! <3
SUMMARY: A perfect snowy day with Billie <3
The fresh smell of the cold air wafted into the house through the cracked window. She shifted slightly in your hold as the cold breeze skimmed against her bare arms. Her nose tickled your neck as she dug her head into your warmth.
The faint ring of the wind flying outside was quiet in your ear, but it soothed you subconsciously. Your hand smoothed over your girlfriend’s hair, twirling the colored strands between your fingers. You were still getting used to the somewhat new color on her, but you loved it just as much as the others. The red on her roots brought out her light skin and her bright eyes, in contrast with the black ends of the strands.
Her eyes were closed as she rested against you, her chest rising and falling evenly. Her arms sat against you loosely, limp from her slumber. Her eyelashes were long and beautiful, pink lips perfectly plump and just barely chapped from the cold wind wafting in and the stuffy air inside the tiny house. She was truly a sight to behold.
A soft groan broke you out of your daze as you felt another shift on top of you. Your hand never stopped brushing through her silky hair as hers moved down your side to rest on your stomach. “Morning,” she whispered into your skin, her voice raspy from just waking up.
“G’morning, baby.” You smile, your eyes never leaving her face. Finally, she opened her eyes, those beautiful blue irises looking into yours. They always hypnotized you, putting you into a lovesick trance.
“Whats got you so happy?” Despite her teasing attitude, a smile grew on her lips. Billie’s finger poked your side lightly, making you jump and for her to giggle in response. “S’cold.” She grumbles and lies her head back onto your shoulder.
“Was just watching you,” you whisper, not paying too much attention to your words as your finger gently moves a short strand of hair that fell in front of her face. Your opposite hand searches the empty space before landing on her back and under her shirt, gently rubbing up and down, quickly soothing her into a relaxed state again.
“I don’t have to do anything today.” Billie mumbles. A smile spreads across your face at her words. Despite already knowing her schedule, your squeeze her tighter against you and lean down slightly to press a kiss to her bright roots. You turn your head to look at the small table next to her bed, reaching over to grab your phone and look at the time. 10:47 am.
“We should probably get up, Bil.” The unwanted words leave your mouth in a whisper, still moving your palm against her back softly.
She quickly protested, grumbling against your skin, vibrating it slightly. “No, mama, c’mon.” Her hold grew tighter against you, purposely locking herself on you. A quiet laugh left your lips at her action, wrapping your arms around her shoulders and letting her cuddle into you.
“Fine.. only a couple more minutes.” The smile on her face was worth the next hour you hadn’t allowed.
“Ow! Ow! Ow!”
A loud clanking sound echoed from the kitchen, immediately catching your attention. You quickly make your way into the room as you watch Billie shake her hand in pain and an irritated moan leave her mouth.
“Oh my god! Billie, are you okay?” You rush over to her and hold her wrist gently, inspecting the light red blush covering her pale hand. “Why the hell did you take the pan out without any gloves?” You scold her, watching the way she pouts out her lips.
“I couldn’t find any,” she whines. “I didn’t feel like looking for them.” She looks over at you, giving you those perfect puppy dog eyes, immediately making your heart speed up and your playful anger dissolve in seconds.
“Just call me next time, ‘kay?” You give her a look before she nods dramatically in response.
“C’mon, the cookies are gonna get cold!” Billie walks back over to the counter once you let go of her hand, her eyes wandering over the dozen of cookies on the pan. “Get the frosting, babe.” You stay put as you watch her, waiting for her to take notice. Once she realizes you haven’t moved, she looks up and rolls her eyes. “Pleeeease.”
You laugh at her attitude and turn to grab the frosting that you had made with your family’s recipe. Now, with a towel that you had made sure she used, Billie picked up the pan and made her way into the living room with you following behind, carrying a bowl full of frosting. She sat on the floor and placed the metal on the small wooden table, quickly reaching over to grab the remote that was stuck between the cushions on the couch.
Shark’s ears perked up at the footsteps, his paws hitting against the wooden floor as he walks over to you both. As Billie switches the TV on, Shark lies down beside you, resting his head on your lap. As you scratch his head softly, quiet snores invade the small room, making you both giggle.
The sound of a piano being played resonates through the area. You quickly recognize the song as you look up, watching the intro on the television play. As Michael and Dwight struggle to bring in a Christmas tree through the door to the office, you look over at Billie as she grabs a cookie and scoots closer to you. You join her as you scoop up some frosting on your butter knife and lather it on the cookie, decorating it with festive colors.
Placing it back down on the tray, you reach over to grab another cookie until something else catches your eye. “Billie! It’s snowing!” You point forward, the white snowflakes flying past the window. She gasps and sits up, setting down her inappropriately decorated cookie and rushing over to the window. You gently move Shark off your lap - not without an annoyed grumble from the dog - and follow her, watching the snow stick to the ground. You feel fingers being laced through yours, a smile on your lips as you squeeze her hand in response.
You both watch the snow for a little bit as it begins to pack, the weather growing heavier. After a couple of minutes, you guys move back towards the table, instead taking a seat on the couch and bringing the table closer to you both. As everyone in The Office exchange gifts during Secret Santa.. or White Elephant, you eventually finish decorating.
As the light outside grows dim, the soft lights on the Christmas tree in the corner of the room seem to grow brighter.
“Baby,” her voice makes you look away from the lights, noticing the cookie in her hand and the cute smile on her face. “Open your mouth,” a laugh escapes your lips as you follow her orders. She moves the cookie forward and rests part of it on your teeth before placing the other half in her mouth. You both try to stifle giggles as you share the cookie, your hand moving under your mouths to pick up the crumbs that fell, though you were sure most of them made their way onto the couch underneath you both.
Billie’s hands reached forward and rested on your cheeks, trying to hold you still, despite her laughing state. Finally, when you both finish the cookie, she leans forward with a smile, pressing her lips against yours. The remnant of the sweet taste of the cookie resides on her, and it only fuels your love for her kiss more.
Not caring about the crumbs anymore, you let them fall from your palms as you reach up to hold your face as well. When you pull away to gather air, you keep your foreheads together. She tucks your hair behind your ear, swiping her thumb over your cheek and resting her soft palm against the side of your face.
“You’re so pretty, mama.” Billie’s voice was a whisper, but it sounded as clear as day in your ear. It must’ve been the millionth time that day you had smiled because of her, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way. You lean forward and kiss her gently, the same taste of the sugary cookie resurfacing.
“That’s all you, baby.” You whisper back with a smile.
The only light in the house were the string on the Christmas tree. It was still a few days before the holiday, but you both sat by the tree, inspecting the wrapped presents underneath. The small skirt underneath captured all the ornaments that had fallen and the little strands from the garland.
Your eyes rake over the tree, stopping on an ornament in the middle. A picture of you and Billie was inside of it, a sweet gift from her parents that they had made you both. The date was on the back of the ornament, written in a worn out sharpie. It had been snowing hard that day, piling up outside and onto roofs and cars. You and Billie were outside at her parents house, celebrating the holiday with her family. You two had been making snow angels, sporting heavy coats and boots. You both supported a bright smile as your heads were turned to look at each other. Billie’s nose was red from the cold, as were her cheeks.
Maggie had been the one to capture the moment, quickly snapping a picture before you both had gotten up. She kept it hidden until Christmas morning, gifting it to you two with a sweet smile on her face. Since then, you both had been excited to put it on your christmas tree.
“Open it.” A box was presented in front of you, Billie’s voice, once again, coaxing you out of your daze. The grin on her face was breathtaking, the action alone able to convince you.
“Bil, there’s only a few days until Christmas.” You laugh at her stubbornness, picking up the present and putting it up to your ear as you playfully shake it.
“Hey! Careful, sweetheart.” She cautions with a smile. “I know,” she drags out the word, tilting her head slightly. “But I wanna give this to you now.” Her voice was smooth, silky almost. It entranced you so much that you hadn’t even thought of questioning her. You knew better than to keep doing so anyway.
You give her a playful look before beginning to unwrap the gift. It was a smaller box, the size of your hand more or less. Tearing off the wrapping paper, you spare a glance up at your girlfriend, before opening the box. You reach in and pull out a heart shaped necklace.
“Open it,” she repeats, her voice soft. You follow her words, noticing the split in the middle. You click open the necklace and look at either side of the locket. A picture of you was on the left side, looking over to the right, locking eyes with a picture of Billie. The smile on your face grew wider at the present, a hand reaching up to press against your lips.
“Billie,” your voice came out quiet, your admiration and love for her and the gift seeping through your tone. Your gaze moves up to look at her, noticing the way she anxiously bites at her perfect lips. “Billie,” you repeat, speechless. You let out a quiet, soft laugh, not being able to find anything to say. You gently set the necklace back into the packaging, moving closer to her and wrapping your arms around her shoulders, bringing her as close to you as possible. She giggles and moves her hands under your thighs, shifting them over her lap, making you straddle her. “I love it, I love you.” You gush, your cheeks starting to hurt from how much you were smiling.
“I love you more, baby.” Billie smiles just as wide, leaning up and pressing her lips on yours before you could rebuttal. When she pulls away, she keeps you close while she reaches around you to grab the necklace. Her fingers click the clasp together behind your neck, letting the locket rest against your chest. Her soft hands move down your skin, opening the middle and looking between the pictures inside. She smiles and leans forward, kissing your picture before pecking your collarbone, the base of your neck, your jaw, chin, and finally, your lips.
As the night grew even darker, the light you both drew out of each other lit brighter. Ending the night just how it started, you held her tightly as you both watched the snow fall outside and the cool air flow in through the cracked window.
A perfect snowy day.
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jeon-ify · 9 months
request from @sanspuppet !!
8. wanna fuck you in the back seat
21. atta girl, taking it so deep on your stomach
deep in the back seat- keeho
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“my god keeho, you never wanna go on road trips! its only 4 hours its not like-“ he sighed. he never likes driving. ever. and if he ever did drive, it’ll only be around the city, or to go on dates— but never for over 30 minutes.
lately, you’ve been wanting to go to another state. road trips are so much fun, but only with keeho. he made everything so much more fun and elevated. he listens to the same music, he raps the same verses you do, and he just gets it.
“ok, yeah we’ll go. but don’t expect me to drive the entire way there, baby. at least drive half way.” he argues. he’s wearing a white tee that hugs his neck so perfectly, and black baggy sweatpants. he’s wearing the chain you got him for his birthday, and the cologne you bought him for christmas. it’s his favorite.
you can’t stop staring no matter how hard you tried. he likes arguing with you just to argue with you. it turns him on. but at things like this, its kinda hard to tell if he’s serious or not.
“kee, are you serious..” you drop your eyes and lose all recollection of whatever he just said.
“kee, i’ll drive wherever, baby. just go with me. we’ll have so much fun,” you beg, and you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes drop to your lips.
“i’ll come with you, pookie. but you gotta play my song. promise me baby.”
keeho LOVES dirty music. his favorite was ‘friends’ by chase atlantic.
“yesss, i’ll play it!!” you laugh.
the drive out of state is so much more fun with keeho. he’s still in the same clothes he was in at home, but you’re wearing a crop and his black sweats. he wasnt any smaller or bigger than you, but his clothes are gonna be a tad bit baggier.
“AND WHAT THE HELL WERE WE?? TELL ME WE WERENT JUST FRIENDS!!! THIS DOESNT MAKE MUCH SENSE NO” you’re both screaming with the windows down, your hand in your boyfriend’s face, and his chain shining in the sun.
the song comes to an end and you and him take a deep breath. “my god, never gets old.” he says. he looks at you in a way you feel butterflies in your stomach.
“baby, pull over.” he asks, making all the eye contact possible.
“wait what? we’re literally almost there. relax, kee.” he wants to fuck you.
“if you dont pull over in the next 10 minutes, y/n.” he threatens. you don’t wanna push his buttons so you speed up and find an empty parking lot.
“okay!! god, i’m pulling over stop fucking yelling!” you argue. you really really want him to fuck you.
“get in the back. wanna fuck you in the back seat, pretty girl.” he groans and stares at your ass while you move to the back. he takes his shirt off while youre switching seats, and he follows you. he sits in the middle, manspreading and his cock hard the entire ride. you see it twitch just a little bit and you shift your eyes to his collarbone.
“kee, what’s gotten you so worked up, hm?” you ask, your doe eyes staring straight into his sharp almond eyes. you run your fingers up his collarbones and to his neck.
“you look too pretty, baby. couldn’t stop thinking about fucking you right here. want you on my cock ‘til youre screaming.” he moans. he moans.
his voice sends a thrill to your pussy and he grabs your hair and pushes you deeper into his kiss. he owns you, he owns your body and you willingly gave into him. the kiss is all tongue and teeth, he’s deep in your mouth and he tastes like the sweetest candy. “kee, please. please touch me.” you moan. he moves his hand to your throat and applies pressure right below your jaw, and he watches the way your eyes roll back.
“get on top of me baby, don’t even need to prep you, you’re soaking my fuckin’ pants.” he puts his middle and ring finger in your mouth and fucks your throat with his hand. “there you go, baby. get me soaked, all over baby. fuckkkk.” his eyes roll back and you feel him twitch again under you.
he moves his hand from your mouth and runs them under your pants just to feel that you were already fucking soaked since before you left the house 2 hours ago. “keeho, fucking do something please, j-just want you- mmmm.” you moan , as if he fucked you stupid already.
“need to stretch you out before i fuck you, can you even handle me?” he asks, his eyebrows furrow in faux concern and that alone makes you cum. he pushes his soaked fingers into your hole at an ungodly pace, the heel of his hand pushing against your clit. the rush sends you squirting all over his abs and his lower stomach. “fuck, kee, ‘m sorry baby, i’ll clean you up.” you apologize and he shows no emotion, yet he just wants to fuck you and get it over with. he’s rock hard. he needs you.
“take your pants off. take your top off. don’t say a fucking word.” he grabs your neck yet again. he licks your lips like you were a popsicle, and he kisses your chin and brings you to a deeper haze, by applying more pressure.
you take off your top and he squeezes your left tit and sucks on the right one. you feel him pressing into you but you can’t make a sound. he feels you clenching around him already.
“i feel you squeezing my dick, pretty. feels like heaven.” he groans, he’s fucking up into you and your head is muzzled in his neck. you suck the spot right below his ear and he sighs. the more you suck on it, the deeper his thrusts get.
“mmm, kee, please fuck.” you moan. you’re so loud and he’s so deep, you see his dick literally right above your belly button pumping you full.
“fuck baby, look at that. see it in my stomach you’re so fucking big.” you grab his hand and put it on the spot he keeps hitting.
“atta girl, look at you taking it so deep in your stomach. so fucking pretty. my beautiful whore.” he kisses your nipple and sucks. hard.
“kee! fuck i’m cumming!” you stutter. his hips speed up and you cum all over his cock.
“there you go baby, keep fucking cumming on me. so messy baby. love you like this.” he groans and grabs your hair and pulls your head up so he licks a stripe right up your neck.
“fuck baby, fucking squeezing me. cum again with me baby. need to fill you up.” his hips speed up and thumb strums your clit and your entire body twitches.
he reaches his orgasm and a layer of sweat coat his face and neck.
“my god baby, we need to go on more road trips together.” he laughs.
“told you, dumbass.”
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Proposal // Patri Guijarro
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a/n: based off this request. Hope you like it :)
Santorini, Greece
Patri’s hand stuck out to your side of the bed. Empty. Something she didn‘t like. She grumbled, sitting up. The point of your vacation was to fall asleep and wake up in each others arms. So where were you? "¿Dónde estás?" she called again. No answer.
You were in the kitchen, listening to music as you made breakfast for your lover. Today was the day, you would propose to your longterm girlfriend. You always thought that if you were going to get married you would get asked and not the other way around but after seven years you took matters into your own hands.
Patri suggested the idea of a vacation in Greece, she knew you dreamt about visting it sometime so after an exhausting season she suprised you with a trip to Santorini. It was perfect for your proposal, just the two of you, in a foreign country (which was beautiful). The ring was hidden in the first drawer of nightstand, risky at some point but not risky at all. Patri never looked in there, she didn‘t need too.
As Patri patted down the stairs she could smell the aroma of her favorite breakfast and there you were, in the kitchen, dancing and singing to the music, wearing nothing but a shirt of Patri which was slightly too big for you. You looked adorable. She could only watch.
"Ah! You scared the shit out of me!" you screeched as you saw the midfielder standing at the open door frame. "Well, you‘re the one who‘s not in bed. With me" she walked up to you, her body seeking for your touch. "But i‘m making breakfast, your favorite."
She hummed in to your neck, leaving gentle kisses along your exposed shoulder. "I don‘t like it when my pretty girl isn‘t in my bed" she mumbled, you turned around in her embrace, arms looping around her neck "you sure about that?" you pressed soft kisses to her jaw, her grip around your hips tightening as respond "I left the bed two hours ago and you didn‘t notice" your lips wandered to her neck, leaving open mouth kisses before you found her sweet spot, sucking a reddish mark on it. "Mi amor" the spaniard breathed out, walking you back against the kitchen counter. Patri loved to feel your kisses against her neck but she had to feel them against her mouth. She tilted her head down, fiercely, connecting your lips. You became lost in each other as your lips moved in sync, the blissful rush running through your bodies at every brush. As her hand started to wander under your shirt, you gently pushed her away. "Breakfast is ready" was the only thing you managed to say, your mind spinning as your knees trembled. "Amor" she whined, "you‘re such a tease"
"Mi amor, still up to relaxing at the beach and eating at the cute restaurant?" your girl asked as you finished breakfast. "Yeah, we can go in about 10 minutes If you want to?"
The thing was, you had planned to propose but not how. You wanted something private but still something sweet and loving. You knew her well enough to know that she wouldn‘t want someting fancy, she loved simple things; she loved to see that there was an effort made.
"Let me carry your bag" she said as she took it out of your hand "I can carry it on my own, baby, you know" you giggled. She laced your fingers together, now carrying your and her own bag. "I know but why do so If you have me?" grinning widely, she pressed a kiss to your cheek before you made your way down to the beach.
The sun was shining, wave noises in the backround and your favorite girl laying next to you as you read your book. It was perfect but not a perfect moment to propose.
The ring was in your bag, hidden in a pair of socks as they were covered with a towel and a bottle of water.
After finishing two chapters, you put your book aside, turning to Patri who was laid on her stomach, eyes closed as she soaked in the sun. "Do you wanna go for a swim?" you asked, your index finger scratching along her spine. She faced you before she abruptly stood up, running towards the ocean "last one there has to buy dinner!"
"Patri!" you jumped on your feet, running after her, the brunette already in the water. As soon as you were close enough her arms wrapped around your body, your legs going around her waist, "don’t worry, mi amor, I‘m paying" she whispered, her lips an inch away from your own.
The midfielder loved to pay for you, no matter how often you insisted to pay, she did it anyways, 'I have to treat my girl like she deserves' or 'you‘re the cook at home, i‘m the cook when we go out' were her arguments, you didn‘t stand a chance.
One time you tried, "I won‘t have sex with you for a week if you don‘t let me pay." She gave you one of the meanest glares, considering her options before she answered, "Well, no sex for me then."
You had sex not even two hours later.
"There‘s no point in arguing, right?" you asked anyways. "Mi amor, I‘ll always pay for you, how many times do I have to tell you?" pushing her lips against your own, she showed you that there was no need to argue - you would lose, and to emphasize her words that there‘ll never be a day where you have to pay.
Grinning, you replied, "Maybe a few more times?"
Shortly before your reservation at the restaurant, the two of you went home to change and put down your beach bags, the ring now hidden in your small handbag.
Each of you had glass of wine, your main dish ordered as you shared an appetizer. "Mi amor, I‘m so glad we‘re doing this" the spaniard said while her thumb stroked over your knuckles. "Yeah, me too. This place is really cute" you admired. Patri chuckled, "I don‘t mean this place in particular. I‘m talking about this whole vacation" as you looked at her, she seemed at peace. She didn't have to worry about football, about the upcoming season, she could just relax. You smiled at her, about to reply, as the waiter came with your food.
The meals were delicious, so were the desserts and you guessed it, Patri paid.
"Do you wanna go for a walk?" you asked, the sun was setting and something told you, the moment was about to come. "Sí, mi amor." The midfielder interwined your fingers, walking along the streets.
You came to a stop in the middle of nowhere; the view was phenomenal, the sun almost disappearing, the sky a deep red-orange with a pinkish blue (not purple). You could see the waves where exactly one surfer was doing magic on the waves.
It was perfect, the moment.
Patri was enjoying the view as you had your arms around her from behind.
"Patri" you whispered, taking her hand to turn her around. "Seven years with you isn‘t enough. I want you forever. And even though forever will never be enough, it’s a beginning. While things may change around us, this ring," you let go of her hand, pulling the velvet box out of your pocket as you went down on one knee, "is a promise that you will never have to face the world alone." You opened the box, the ring shining in the sunset, "I love you. And I promise you to love you forever and longer. So I’m asking you, will you make the happiest person alive, will you marry me?" your world stopped, your heart was racing, it felt like an eternity before she answered which wasn’t even a second in reality, "Sí, mil veces sí" a thousand times yes, she slipped her finger through the ring, crashing in to you, "Te amo, mi amor, te amo much" Tears were streaming down your faces, hugging each other like your lives depened on it as kisses were shared.
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yourusername and 35.237 others
patri8guijarro the start of forever.
alexiaputellas 😍😍
marialeonn16 ❤️
claudiaapina dips on maid of honor
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 16
Just one more chapter left, and in cased you missed it, I won't be doubling up on chapters per day this week. The last chapter will be out next week.
Doubling up really killed the numbers for these stories, half the time people were only reacting and commenting on the SECOND chapter.
But don't worry, what this means is that your favorites you've been seeing snippets of on WIP will get quicker releases this way.
In this Eddie's rut progresses as normal, they talk about Steve's status, and Eddie and Benny learn some very interesting things about golden omegas.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15
Eddie came to and was sure that at least a day had passed, but he looked at the clock on Steve’s nightstand and frowned. It had only been five hours since his rut had started. He looked in the wastebasket and there were only three condoms in it which fit the time frame.
He looked around, but Steve wasn’t there. He sat up and the sheet that had been covering his waist slid off. He looked down and saw that his dick was sheathed with another condom.
There was some of Steve’s slick on the sheets, but considering Eddie was still in them, he figured Steve couldn’t change them yet.
He could hear Steve humming to a beat in the kitchen and padded out there.
He smiled fondly as he watched the omega dance around his kitchen to the music in his head. Bopping and hopping as he made a wholesome snack.
“That snack looks good, baby,” he said, his alpha rumbling happily, “but I would rather eat you.”
Steve squeaked. “Eddie! You’re awake! How do you feel?”
For the first time since he woke up, he took stock of his body, really examining it.
“Warm, sated...” he said furrowing his brow, “happy?”
Steve beamed at him. “Yay! That means your rut is progressing as it should. It seems like your body is adjusting better to the low light and you’re more lucid.”
Eddie came up behind him and buried his nose into Steve’s scent gland. “All because of you, sweetness.”
Steve squawked when Eddie picked him and spun him around.
When Eddie finally put him down Steve swatted at him playfully. “You absolute menace.”
Eddie cackled. “Yes, but I’m your menace.”
Steve turned around in his arms and kissed him deeply. Their cocks brushed against each other and he let out a low moan.
“So good...”
Eddie nipped at Steve’s chin. “Let’s get some food in us and then I want something else in you.”
Steve snorted. They ate and hydrated before Eddie picked Steve up bridal style and carried him back to the bedroom.
Eddie could feel himself sliding back into the blind haze of his rut, but the scent of the omega underneath him stirred some distant memory, but it was lost in the next moment when Steve moaned.
The pattern continued like that for the five days. Steve and Eddie taking care of each other while Eddie was lucid, Steve taking care him when he wasn’t.
Eddie had never experienced a rut that had gone so smooth. He understood why alphas paid top dollar for an escort to service their ruts if every one was like this.
He knew that he wouldn’t be able to spend another rut without Steve for as long as he was biologically able to experience ruts.
Each time he became lucid, he would become aware for longer. The last day having two hours before the rut took over him again.
But he used those two hours wisely. He talked to Steve.
“Baby,” Eddie said, from the sofa, “come sit for a bit. You know it won’t hit again for awhile, you might as well relax.”
Steve looked over at him and smiled. He padded over to the sofa and curled up onto Eddie’s lap.
“How are you feeling?” he murmured into Eddie’s neck.
“I’m good,” Eddie replied. “This was worth every penny. I see why it’s so popular.”
Steve chuckled. “I’m glad that it’s available to alphas that can’t afford escorts through clinics.”
“That’s a new thing, though right?” Eddie asked. “I don’t remember seeing them when I first presented.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, nodding. “It’s something that a lot of the major escort houses pushed for in recent years, if all alphas can get the same level of care that the rich do, then it lowers the chances of alphas turning feral from bad ruts.”
Eddie grinned. “It would have happened in the last five years or so, would it? Like say when a particular omega became popular?”
Steve blushed but didn’t deny it. Alpha health was something he had been passionate about for awhile. Helping everyone no matter how much money someone had was just the start of what he wanted to do. Mandating sex education for alphas. It was mandated for omegas and beta, but not alphas, because ‘alphas instinctively knew what to do’ with omegas. Which was bullshit.
“I thought so,” Eddie said.
Steve smiled back. “I’ve even got a non-profit going setting up education booths outside high schools for alphas to get pamphlets and other material about their reproductive health.”
“Ooh, ooh!” Eddie said, nearly vibrating with excitement. “We should throw a gala like the one where we met to get the awareness out there.”
“That’s a great idea, Eds,” Steve said, kissing Eddie’s jaw.
They settled down into a warm silence for awhile just taking in each other’s soothing presence.
Eddie nuzzled Steve ear to wake him. “Hey, you tired, sweetness?”
Steve roused himself and looked up at him bleary eyed. “I guess I am. You see this rough and tumble alpha has been keeping my hole hot and full for the few days. Trying to keep up with him is tiring me out.”
Eddie cackled. “Yeah, if he wears you out so bad, you should blacklist him or something.”
“I would, but I’m in love with his cock so...”
Eddie’s head reared back in mock indignation. “Excuse you!”
Steve laughed. He pressed a kiss to Eddie’s scent gland and the alpha purred. Steve’s omega chirped happily in response.
“I love your scent,” Eddie murmured. “It’s not like other escorts I’ve met.”
Steve looked up at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Chrissy, Elinor, Tommy,” Eddie said. “All smell too sweet. Like fruit rotting on the vine. A terrible but apt metaphor for their condition. But you smell spicy. But in sweet kind of way.”
“I do?” Steve really never thought about his own scent before.
Eddie nodded. “Gareth described it like Mexican hot chocolate. You know the kind that is spiced with peppers?”
Steve nodded back.
“Did you ever think that you might be a golden omega?” Eddie continued.
Steve’s eyes went wide. “Never. Like why would I? I’m not special.”
“That’s highly debatable, sweetheart,” Eddie admonished. “But your scent and everything you’ve told me about your family. It’s very possible you could be.”
“Is that why you wanted to court me?” Steve asked, soft and small. Like a mouse.
Eddie pulled Steve in closer. “No baby, I didn’t figure it out until later. I wanted to court you because you are funny and amazing and everything I’ve ever wanted in a mate.”
He lift Steve’s chin up and kissed him deeply. “Plus, I set up the rut way before I put the pieces together. Everything was set to protect me, but it seems to me that it may end up protecting you, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“As you know, golden omegas can only get pregnant during their heats,” Eddie said. “And since I’m a known scent breaker...”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “You think there is a chance I’ll go into a mini heat, don’t you?”
Eddie nodded. “When I first booked you, it was one of the things Robin was adamant about protecting you from.”
“She’s amazing like that,” Steve murmured.
“She really is,” Eddie cooed. “But it looks like our time is up, honey.”
Steve could feel Eddie’s cock harden under his ass. “Come to bed with me, alpha,” he purred. “Let me take care of you.”
Eddie let Steve pull him to his feet and they walked hand in hand to Steve’s bedroom for the last of Eddie’s rut.
When Eddie came to he was not in Steve’s apartment, he was in a smaller hotel room lying on a comfy sofa.
“I’m going to have to burn that sofa after all this,” Robin groused from a nearby armchair. “It will reek of alpha for months if I don’t. I can smell you from here.”
Eddie sat up. He was dressed in soft grey sweatpants and a loose white tank top. No underwear, but then he hadn’t brought any. He ran his fingers through his greasy and sweat slicked hair.
“Fuck,” Eddie grumbled.
“Your manager, Benny sent over a duffel of clothes for you for the next three days.”
Eddie saw the small duffel and snatched it up. “May I please request the use of your shower, milady?”
Robin laughed. “Please do.”
Eddie dashed for the door she pointed to and slammed the door behind him. He stripped his clothes and quickly got under the still cold water. He didn’t want to wait for it to heat up because he felt that gross. His dick was most clean because Steve took the time to wipe him down between condom changes, but he washed it good anyway.
The next thing he focused on was his hair, he had to wash it several times before it felt like it was supposed to. He ran conditioner through the ends of his curls with his fingers, gently massaging it in.
Then he worked on getting the sweat and stink off his body. He hated washing away Steve’s scent, but if he didn’t get clean, Eddie was going to scratch his eyeballs out.
Finally satisfied with how clean he was, he rinsed out his conditioner and stepped out.
He dried off quickly and rummaged through the bag.
Eddie got dressed and then cleaned up his mess, hanging up towels and making sure there wasn’t water everywhere. Uncle Wayne raised him better than to make a mess of someone else’s home.
He opened the door to find Robin and Benny waiting for him.
“Hey, Ben Ten, Birdie,” he greeted, concern dripping from every pore. “What’s happening?”
Benny smiled. “It’s nothing bad. Robin and I were just wrapping up the end of the contract.”
Eddie’s shoulders slumped in relief. He had almost forgotten about the whole thing because he was madly in love with Steve. He sat down on the sofa next to Benny.
“So everything is good?” he asked to be sure.
“Yup!” Robin said brightly. “You are now free to pursue the omega of your dreams.”
Eddie chuckled.
He thought for a moment, licking the bottom of his lip.
“Hey, Robin,” he asked, looking down at his clasped hands, “has an escort ever turned out to be a golden omega?”
Robin and Benny shared a glance.
“You think Steve might be one?” she asked. “Because if he is, that would be fucking hilarious.”
Eddie’s head snapped up.
“His parents have called him useless and a disgrace for being infertile for over a decade,” Robin explained. “To have him be a golden omega who could have been sold for ten to twenty times what he got auctioned for? That would be poetic justice.”
He nodded. “So do you think there’s a chance?”
“Sure,” she said with a half shrug. “The agency doesn’t shout it from the rooftops but yeah, there have been a couple of golden omegas that have come out of Starcourt.”
“How did they find out?” Benny asked, suddenly very interested in where this conversation was going.
“A combination of a couple different ways,” Robin said. “The first is how frequent their heats are. Most golden omegas go into heat more often then regular fertile omegas to make up for the fact they can only get pregnant during their heats.”
Eddie nodded, “And Steve’s are within the normal range?”
She waved her hand back and forth. “Kinda. It’s more times a year than a regular omega, but not outside the possibility if you know what I mean.”
“So say a regular omega has four heats a year and golden omega has eight,” Benny said, “Steve’s heat is somewhere in the middle?”
Robin nodded. “Exactly. The other thing is scent. Which you know Steve’s is unusual. But it’s unusual for an omega full stop.”
Benny and Eddie shared a look of confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Alphas scents are spices, like cinnamon, clove, cardamon, or spicy like peppers, or natural woody scents like pine or cedar,” she explained. “Omegas are fruit and floral scents. Sometimes flavors like chocolate or coffee. That includes golden omegas. Infertile omegas have what is always described as rotted fruit. Super sickly sweet.”
Eddie bit his bottom lip, worrying it between his teeth. “But Steve’s is a mix between the two scents?”
Robin nodded again. “Right. The third thing that helps identify a non-tested golden omega is their resistance to scent breakers.”
“Fuck,” Eddie said. “That means he’s not a golden omega. I thought for sure he was. I even told him he was. That he was so special and precious beyond measure.”
She shook her head. “No, Eddie. That’s where you’re wrong. There is a final thing that helps identify if the omega in question is a golden or not.”
Eddie frowned, “What’s that?”
“There’s a reason golden omegas get their choice of any alpha in the country, if not world,” she said fiercely. “And despite what the media likes to paint it as, it’s not just the rich and elite.”
“It’s not?” Benny asked.
Robin shook her head again. “They’re looking for their soulmate.”
It was like someone had scooped out Eddie’s stomach. “Their what?”
“Soulmate,” Robin said. “The person who completes them. Someone who can break through their scent breaking resistance, someone who’s scent compliments their own, someone who when they share their heats and ruts it goes just about as perfectly as two humans can get. And if they meet that person?”
“Oh,” Eddie breathed.
Soulmates! *jazz hands* Yeah, sorry I couldn't help myself.
Part 17
Tag List: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​
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@littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @y4r3luv @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
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@apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @mangoinacan13 @demolvr
@ellietheasexylibrarian @rememberthatiloveyou @slowandsteddie @r0binscript @alyelf
@melodymeddler @mogami13 @annabanannabeth @disrespectedgoatman @manda-panda-monium
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cas-skz · 2 years
Our Girl
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Bangchan x Fem!Reader
| non idol au | single parents au | ex to lovers |
Chan has your five year old daughter Emma for the weekend, but during a vicious hurricane you realize she forgot her stuffie and head out to deliver it. When a tree blocks the road, you’re forced to stay the night…or two.
warnings: alcohol, unprotected sex, cum shot. little cursing
writers note: yea hello hi my friends. jac used my full real name and “my fucking heart you bitch” when she read this so I hope you feel the same. And yes I named their kid emma so I could scream it like on H2O
enjoy! cas xx
The sounds of children's laughter filled the playground. Your eyes followed Emma as she ran around, making friends with the other kids and joining them in games. She got her social skills from her father, that was for sure.
Emma was born just after you graduated from college. Her dad, Chan, had just started his career as a music producer and you had signed as a junior designer for a fashion line. Life got busy, between both your jobs and raising a baby, you and Chan eventually drifted from each other.
One thing you appreciated about Chan was how much he cared. He checks in daily and gets her anything she needs. Even though he doesn’t have much free time, when he has the chance, he always spends it with her.
“Daddy!” Emma’s voice screamed out from the crowd of kids, her curly locks flying behind her as she ran towards Chan.
You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of them embracing. Chan lifting her in the air and hugging her tightly, kissing her cheeks until she told him to stop. You wished you could stay in these moments, where everything felt okay.
It had been a couple weeks since you’d seen Chan in person. He would video call every night to read Emma a story, taking a bit of time to chat with her about their days. It reminded you of the nightly calls you shared with him years ago.
After a few moments with Emma, he joined you on the bench. “When will she stop growing?”
“In like 10-15 years.” You groan with a laugh, leaning back on the bench and turning slightly to Chan. He looked tired, but he was much more toned than you remembered.
“We’re gonna be so old.” Chan said dramatically.
You nudged his arm, “we’re already old.”
He whined a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess we are. You’re still older though.” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and laughed, looking back towards the playground. “So, what do you have planned tonight?”
It was the first time in a long time that Chan was able to take Emma for the weekend. She was head over heels excited.
“Homemade pizzas, cupcakes for dessert,”
You interrupted, “Chocolate?”
“Of course, she’d flip if not.” Chan laughed, “I also got a couple of those bracelet making kits, since she’s been going on about them” he went on for a few minutes about all the different things he had planned.
You couldn’t help but smile, hearing how excited he was made your heart happy.
He stopped and looked at you, a bright red creeping onto his ears. “What?”
“Thank you.” You said after a long moment, your eyes fell to the ground before back to Emma. “You’re a really great dad, and she’s lucky to have you. We’re really lucky.”
You spent the next little while chatting, catching up on life before Emma came running over to you both, “I’m hungry!” She whined in a dramatic voice.
The three of you went to a nearby pizza place as storm clouds started to roll in. You quickly got to your cars, giving Chan her overnight bag and you said your goodbyes. “You call mommy if you need anything, okay? I hope you have so much fun with Daddy.”
The storm started a few hours later. Chan confirmed they had gotten back to his place and you decided to relax for the night - or at least try to. The movie was almost over when the power went out and you sighed softly before moving to your bed.
You had just sat down when you felt a soft bump under the blanket, pulling it out to see Emma’s stuffed rabbit. She slept with it every night and you knew she’d have trouble without it.
Without a second thought, you grabbed your keys and headed to your car, trying to reach Chan as you drove through the storm.
It took you twice as long to get to his place, and the phone lines had stopped working by the time you pulled in. Candles flickered through the windows and you made the dash to his front door.
“What the fuck?! Are you actually crazy?” Chan said as he pulled you in the house. You were soaking wet just from the few seconds in the rain. You unzipped your jacket and pulled her bunny from under your shirt. “She forgot, Mr. Hopper.”
“Daddy, you’re not supposed to say Fuck.” Emma said coming into the entry way in a tutu and gently taking the plushie from your hand. “Thank you for keeping him dry, and bringing him. He was scared.” She turned in a circle and walked back into the living room.
You smiled softly and turned to leave, but Chan held the door closed. “I’m not letting you drive again.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “I got here perfectly fine, didn’t I?”
As if the weather gods were on his side, a loud snap came from across the street.
“Timber!” Emma yelled from the living room.
Chan moved to look out the window next to the door, “Looks like you’re stuck.”
You groaned quietly as you peered outside, noticing a tree fallen down across the road.
It took you a while to settle down. It was weird being in his home, feeling his energy after so long. After a couple glasses of wine, you finally relaxed into the couch a bit.
You laid on your side, flashlight on the bracelet making that was happening on the floor. You smiled as you watched Emma pick out different beads and carefully string them together, but your eyes kept drifting to Chan.
You didn’t remember the last time you saw him so happy. It looked good on him.
His eyes flashed up to catch yours for a second before you quickly moved them back to Emma. A lump in your throat started to grow. You tried to drown it with the wine.
“Sweet dreams, my beautiful girl. I love you so so much.” You kissed Emma’s forehead a few times before sending her upstairs with Chan.
The tension in the air finally lifted a bit, and you took the opportunity to look around his place. It was nicely decorated, with different paintings and albums on the walls. You walked slowly through the halls until you found his studio.
Your fingers ran slowly along the shelves of his music collection, pulling out a few to admire the cover work. A baby picture of Emma caught your eye, and you slowly walked over to Chan’s desk.
You smiled to yourself, starting to gaze over the other pictures he had out. They were mostly of Emma, no surprise. Though, a small frame with two pictures, sitting directly in the middle of his desk, caught your eye.
A wave of emotions started to hit as you looked at the photos. One was of you, laying in bed sleeping and another was of the two of you when you first met.
Tears started to fall from your eyes, you slowly set the picture back in its place. You turn to leave the room. You stop in your tracks, gasping, seeing Chan standing in the doorway, a glass of dark liquor in hand.
“Sorry.” You start, your eyes focusing on the glass before falling to the ground. He hated drinking. “I was just having a look around. The place is really nice.”
He smiled softly, “thanks.”
He shot back the rest of the liquor, walking over grab the picture you had put down. “This was the morning we found out about Emma.”
You turned your back to him as he leaned against the desk, his eyes following you as you avoided his gaze. The room felt heavy with tension again as it fell silent for a long moment, wind and rain hitting the windows the only sound filling the room.
You didn’t want to admit how much you missed him, how much you wanted your little family back together. He was your best friend and feeling so drifted apart from him broke your heart.
“The guest room is made up, I threw some clothes for you in change in.”
“Thank you.” You turned to look at him, a few more tears falling. “I’m gonna head up.” You forced a smile and turned to leave.
Chan’s hand caught your wrist before you could make it out, his grip gently against your skin. You turned, looking at him through watery eyes.
Your body unconsciously took a step towards him, and his arms wrapped tightly around your head and shoulders, pulling you into a hug.
It caught you off guard at first. The warmth of his body, his familiar scent. It made your stomach erupt with butterflies.
You finally wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his chest.
When Chan finally pulled back, he quickly wiped his face and sniffed. “Just let me know if you need anything.”
Sleeping was nearly impossible, the noise outside was horrid. The tears hadn’t managed to stop falling and everything was cold since the power was still out.
You had just closed your eyes again when Emma’s soft voice woke you. “What’s wrong baby?”
She clung to Mr. Hopper, “I had a bad dream and now the storm is scary. Can you come sleep with me and Daddy?”
It was only then you noticed Chan in the doorway, half asleep, hair a mess.
You sat up in bed a bit, tucking a piece of hair behind Emma’s ear. “I don’t know if daddy would like that sweetie. Why don’t you go with him, he’ll keep you safe.”
“But I want you both.”
Chan insisted it was okay and you let Emma guide you towards his bedroom. You both took a side and let her in the middle.
Emma yawned, snuggling into Chan’s arm while holding onto yours. “Night night mommy and daddy.” She said sleepily.
You kept your eyes on her as she fell asleep, but could feel his gaze on you. Your eyes move to him, meeting with his. You looked at each other for a long moment and it felt like your heart was going to explode.
You smiled softly and let your eyes close.
The quiet sound of chatting woke you up. Emma was sitting up on the bed, babbling away with Chan.
You stretched out groaning, turning on your side to cuddle into Emma.
“Mommy! We’re gonna build a fort, do you wanna help?!”
You happily agreed, quickly washing up before meeting Chan and Emma downstairs. Emma was dragging all the blankets and sheets from the linen closet, and Chan was in the kitchen raiding his pantry.
“Do you need any help?” You asked as you walked into the kitchen.
Chan sighed quietly, turning around with a few random boxes in hand. “I didn’t realize how hard it was to make breakfast without power.”
You grabbed a box of crackers from his hand, peaking into the pantry to check what else he had. “Can you cut up a banana and apple, please?” You ask, setting out some peanut butter, Nutella and granola
He rose an eyebrow at the items you pulled out before grabbing a knife and starting to cut the fruits.
You quickly spread PB on some of the crackers and Nutella on the others. Sprinkled some granola and started to grab the pieces of fruit Chan had cut, placing them on top.
“How did you come up with that so fast?” He asked, lifting Emma into his arms as she came running into the kitchen.
Her eyes went wide at the sight of the makeshift breakfast, “Snacky Crackers for breakfast?” She asked excitedly, reaching over to grab one.
“Special occasions only, and I guess the power being out can count as one.” You laughed, starting to munch. “Emma was the one who came up with it. I wasn’t feeling good one night and she brought me these.”
“I’m kind of a genius cooking person.” Emma said confidently.
“A chef.” You and Chan said at the same time.
After finishing eating, the three of you headed to the living room to build the fort, which ended up taking over the whole living room. You told stories, played board games and found different ways to pass the time.
The power was still out when the evening came, and the tree was still blocking the road out. You had no choice but to spend another night.
You’re not sure what time it was when you woke up from a nightmare, gasping for air and tears falling. They didn’t happen as much as they used to, but the effect always left you anxious and restless for a while.
You pushed out of bed after a few minutes and started pacing up and down the hall. You sang ‘you are my sunshine’ quietly. When you turned to walk the other way, Chan has stepped into the hall.
“Oh, sorry. I’m just having trouble getting back to sleep.”
“Nightmare?” He asked.
You bit your lip gently and nodded, sighing quietly as you started to walk towards the guest bedroom. “Sorry for waking you.”
“Y/N…” Chan said quietly, “Come sleep with me.” He extended his hand to you.
He knew you’d never get back to sleep alone.
You took his hand and let him guide you, crawling into the bed from his side. You flipped on your side to face him as he settled back into bed.
“Come here.” Chan said, sinking down into the bed with one arm opened, making a little spot for you.
You slid up and tucked yourself under his arm, resting your head on his shoulder and a hand his bare chest. Your body calmed almost immediately.
“You didn’t have to do this for me.” You said quietly, your fingers moving slowly across his skin.
“But it helped, didn’t it.”
“It did.” You looked up at him, meeting his eyes. “Thank you. For everything.” You moved your self up a bit, placing a gently kiss on his cheek.
Your lips barely left his cheek when he turned his head to catch you, pressing his lips deeply into yours.
Your hand slid up to his neck as you kissed back, a soft moan escaping your lips in between the tender kisses.
His hand rested gently on your hip as the two of you made out.
Chan slowly moved on top of you, his lips moving to your neck, sucking gently on your sweet spot.
“We shouldn’t…” You said quietly. Your body was starting to cave into him.
Honestly, it was driving you a little crazy how bad you did want him. You hadn’t stopped wanting him.
“I know.” Chan said, his breath hot in your ear. “I just miss you so much.”
You lifted his head back to yours, kissing him again as a tear fell from your eye. “I miss you too, Channie.”
The last time you hooked up with him after the breakup was at Emma’s birthday party, almost a full year ago. You hadn’t been with anyone else since him. He was the one.
“You know it’s always been you.” Chan kissed your lips again, “it will always be you.”
You pulled his lips to yours, smiling into your kisses. It felt like a weight lifted off your chest, and as if it was some sort of sign, the power came back on.
From down the hall, Emma screamed awake. You and Chan both rolled out of bed instantly, going to her room to see her sitting up in bed, giggling to herself.
“People are scared of the dark, but the lights scared me!”
You shook your head laughing, sending Chan in to help her back to sleep as you went downstairs to turn off things that had been on before the power outage.
Chan was just leaving Emma’s room as you reached the top of the stairs, “She fell back asleep really fast.” He chuckled, his eyes on you as you walked towards him.
When you were almost to him, you slid your panties off from under the oversized shirt you were wearing, tossing them aside before l finishing your walk.
Your hand slid slowly up his chest, “Is daddy going to help me go to sleep too?”
His hand gripped the back of your neck as he pulled you in for a kiss, his other arm swooping down to pick you up from under your leg.
Chan carried you to the bed, you stopped to remind him to lock the door. Emma had almost walked in on your two at her birthday party, thankfully you had just finished.
He lifted you onto the bed, kicking off his pj pants before climbing on the bed, hovering above you. “You know, this is the first time since Emma was born that we’ve had sex twice in under a year.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, smacking his arm gently as he leaned down to kiss you. “Should we keep count for the next few months til her birthday?” Chan said, his lips moving to your neck.
“You think you can keep track?” You giggle, reaching down to stroke his cock. He moved up a bit, his hand replacing yours as he ran the tip of his cock through your folds before slowly thrusting in.
You gasped a moan as your head fell back, your wet walls expanding from his thick cock. His lips found your neck again, kissing and sucking gently at your skin.
Chan’s hand ran gently on your outer thigh, lifting your leg a bit as he continued to thrust slowly, filling your body with chills and goosebumps.
You cursed quietly as your peak already started to approach, you pulled Chan’s lips back to yours, giving him a deep kiss as your walls started to contract, your wetness dampening the spot underneath you.
His lips moved softly against yours, only lifting the tiniest bit when a few moans and curses left his mouth.
Your body shook gently as he pulled out, the feeling on his warm cum spraying up your torso.
You ran your hands though his hair as you kissed him for a few minutes, unable to stop smiling.
“And I think that’s the fastest we’ve made each other cum.” Chan said smirking.
You covered your face with both hands, laughing into them. “Do you keep track of our whole sex life?”
“Not hard to do when my girl fucks so good every time.” He said, nuzzling his nose between your hands to kiss your lips.
The sun had just started to come up when you and Chan went for a shower. Knowing Emma would be up soon, sleep was going to have to wait.
Sitting on the counter, you happily sipped on a cup of coffee as Chan cooked breakfast, bacon and eggs.
He turned to you while it started to cook, his hands running up your tights as he kissed your lips softly.
“Are you kissing?!” Emma yelled from the entryway, running over to the two of you, hugging Chan’s leg as she looked up at you both with eager eyes.
Chan lifted her onto the counter next to you, placing a kiss on her forehead, “And what if we were?” He asked with a laugh.
Emma made a long thinking sound, “Gross, but only because kissing boys seems icky.”
“How would you know?” You asked
“Rylan kissed me like 500 weeks ago, it was gross. He smelled like farts.”
“You’re not allowed to be kissing boys.” Chan said, pointing the spatula towards her. “Not until you’re 40.”
“You’re 40, right daddy?” Emma asked.
You burst out laughing at her question, and Chan’s facial reaction.
“I’m 25!” He whined, doing a little sulky stomp.
The three of you ate in the kitchen, feeling cozy in the spots you were in. You and Chan couldn’t stop smiling at each other, even if there was still a ton of stuff to figure out.
Once done, Emma ran off to play and you started the dishes.
Your mind had trailed off as the ‘what if’s’ started to creep into your mind. The stress of figuring out how to balance your busy lives without losing each other again.
“Hey,” Chan said softly, leaning on the counter next to you, his hand tucking some hair behind your ear. “Talk to me.”
“I’m just…worried.” You say quietly, finally rinsing the dish you had zoned out washing. “I don’t want us to drift again. I don’t think I could handle it and I don’t want to think about how Emma would deal.”
You started on a word vomit ramble, about how busy life was and how you could barely keep up as is. You had started pacing at some point, hands dripping from the water.
Chan placed both his hands on your shoulders, stopping you in place as you looked at him with blurry eyes. “Quit your job.”
His words took you by surprise, you whispered the tiniest, confused. “What?”
“You have enough connections in the industry, you could easily be a freelancer until someone, someone who knows your worth and how fucking talented you are, signs you.”
It was true that work was stressing you out. You poured your heart and soul into designs, only for them to be shot down.
“I can probably work from home, since I’ve been there long enough. I want us to be a family, for real this time.”
You looked up at him, his face so sincere and confident. It made your heart fell warm, and you knew you could trust him to take care of you both.
“I want that. I want this. I want you. I want us.”
Chan smiled softly, leaning in to gently kiss you. He took your hand and guided you to his studio, “Emma, can you come here please?” He yelled.
Chan sat in his computer chair, pulling you onto his lap and when Emma came skipping in, he lifted her and sat her on his other leg.
“You remember when you told daddy what you asked Santa for?” Chan asked Emma, brushing some curls from her face.
Emma nodded, “For daddy to marry mommy.”
You blushed deeply, scrunching your nose at Emma while smiling uncontrollably. “You silly goose.”
Chan turned in the chair a bit, reaching behind the picture of you he kept in the middle. “Well,” he started, wrapping his arm around Emma and sneaking one around your waist, a small light blue box in hand.
You felt your chest go tight as tears started to well in your eyes, you leaned back a bit to look at Emma, who took the box from his hand and held it happily in hers.
“It doesn’t have to be marriage, but I think it’s time you got this.”
Emma opened the box, a stunning pear shaped Tiffany ring. Chan took it out, holding it up.
“I’m in it forever.” He said looking into your eyes.
You let the tears fall, kissing his lips before holding your ring finger up. He slid the ring on, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Forever.” You whispered against his lips.
Emma jumped off his lap, doing a silly celebration dance and cheer. “You’re married!” She yelled, taking off running into the house. “Marrrrrrried.”
“Cute officiant, where’d you find her?” You laughed.
“My wife, and it’s the best gift she’s ever given me.”
You kissed his lips again, running your hand through his hair. “Is my lovely husband going to help me move?”
“We got married like two seconds ago, and you’ve already got a job for me?” He asked dramatically, his smile gave away that he was joking.
“Just wait til you see the plant watering schedule.” You giggled.
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
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Authors Note: LEON IS SO FUCKING POOKIE UGHHH😩😩😩 Thank you for requesting Enjoy! <3
Warnings: just FLUFF, poor baby Leon finally taking a breather, drabble, crying
The sun rose above you as you just finished watering your small garden in the backyard. Wiping the sweat off your brow you walked back into the house only to be met with silence. Your husband finally got a day off, so respecting that you slid out of bed and let him sleep in. The clock hit 10:30 as you were picking up the living room from the night before. You folded the throw blankets and wiped down the coffee table. Humming to the soft music in the background you swayed your hips a little. Soft-clothed footsteps were heard in front of you.
Standing up straight you smiled at your sleep-filled husband. Leon's ash brown hair stuck out in wild directions, and his sweat pants hung below his hips showing his v-line. Leon rubbed his eyes as he kept your white comforter fisted in his hand.
"Good morning love. Did you sleep well?" You smiled as you walked up to him to leave a kiss on his cheek. A smile plastered on his face.
"You missed," His voice was deep and husky. Laughing a little you stood on your tipy toes to leave a chaste kiss on Leon's slightly chapped lips.
Leon smiled in the kiss as he went back for more, over and over again. You place your hand on his bare chest as you laugh pulling away.
"Are you hungry, I can make breakfast?" Leon only whined like a kid as he enveloped your body in a hug, wrapping the comforter around both of your bodies.
Leon shuffled your body backward, causing you to trip onto the couch. Rearranging your position you laid on your back while Leon flopped his body on yours leaving the comforter to cover you both. Leon wrapped his arms around your torso with his head in your neck. You wrapped your arms around his back rubbing little hearts.
You guys lay like this soaking in each other's touch for the next few hours. Time seemed to mush and muddle as both of you drifted in and out of reality. One moment you were sleeping while Leon left kisses on your neck and the next Leon was off dreaming while you rubbed his back.
This is the type of day Leon craved. All he ever wants to do is lay in your arms all day with no cares in the world. The clock struck 3:30 and your eyes fluttered open. Looking down at Leon's form his face was relaxed. His normal crease between his brows was gone and his ashy hair fell over his closed eyes. He looked so peaceful like this. Moving his hair out of his face you began to whisper sweet nothings to him.
"I'm so proud of you my love and everything you have done for this cruel cruel world." Moving your hand from his back you started to pet Leon's head running your fingers through his soft hair.
"I'm happy you're finally stopping to breathe. There's a reason your heart is wrapped behind your lungs. Each breath you take is a guardian of your heart. So, remember when life starts to weigh you down that you need to stop and breathe. Because when you don't then, you start to suffocate everything that's important to you," Pausing you placed a soft kiss on Leon's head before you went on.
"Just breathe and remember you have been in a place like this before. You have been scared and anxious and at your wit's end but you made it out on top each time. You've survived, and that's more than enough. You have saved people, and that's more than enough. Now it's your turn to save yourself and breathe. Your feelings can't break you, they may be painful and debilitating but when they pass with each waking breath you will look back and be proud of how resilient you are. So just keep breathing, because that alone is enough." Leon's body began to shake as a small sob pushed past his lips.
What you didn't know is that he was awake and listening the whole time. What he didn't know is that he really needed to hear those words come from you. Leon has been dragging recently and clearly, you have taken notice of that.
Leon's loud sobs filled the room as he pushed further into your body. "I love you s'much, sososo much." There wasn't much you could do but rub his back and kiss his head.
"I love you too, I'm so proud of how far you have come, how much you have grown," Leon stayed like this, crying into your neck as you comforted him through his sorrows.
Time passed as Leon's tears slowed. "I love you," You smiled and kissed his cheek.
To whoever needs to hear this, slow down and breathe. Life is so much more than stressful and shitty so take the time to slow down and breathe. <3
Taglist: @hermizery @alewesker @ballorawan740 @lastaceylia00
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
blue collar butch Sevika coming home after a long shift to her housewife. whew 🥴😵‍💫
grrrrr... bark bark bark! sorry, i'm sorry.
men and minors dni
hhhhnggggg anon... fuck.
she's got a union job-- great pay, great benefits for both of you, a 401k, and up to 3 weeks of paid time off a year-- but it's constant backbreaking labor.
she loves it. she's a physical person, so working with her hands and body all day is something she's happy to do. especially since it means she can take care of you.
but just because she likes it doesn't mean she doesn't get tired.
she comes home every evening exhausted, sweaty and stinky.
and every night you're there, running to the door to scoop her up into a hug and kiss (despite the visible stink lines emanating off her body) to welcome her home.
you help her out of her heavy boots and drag her to the bathroom, where you've already set out her pajamas on the sink for her to change into after her shower. you help strip her down, giggling at the salacious little wink she gives you when she catches you staring, then send her to the shower so you can make dinner.
sevika used to be one of those people who uses like a 10 in 1 bottle of soap for her entire shower routine. face and body wash and shampoo and conditioner and moisturizer all in one little blue bottle.
after meeting you, though, she was bullied lovingly encouraged to try out different products until she found one she actually enjoys, not just things that 'get the job done.'
some nights, when she's particularly exhausted, you'll strip down and help her shower, pressing kisses into her skin as you scrub her down, then helping her dry off and apply various lotions and potions so her skin's baby soft and her hair smells like flowers. she loves it.
dressed in her warm jammies and relaxed and clean from her shower, she'll wander into the kitchen.
this might be her favorite part of the day--and she has lots of favorites, since meeting you (like in the mornings when she's awoken by your gentle kisses instead of her alarm, or when you send her off to work with her lunch pail and a kiss followed by a quick smack to her ass, or when you both finally crawl into bed together after a long day...) but she's pretty sure this-- watching you cook dinner as she leans against the door way, music softly playing throughout the house as you dance and stir and scrub-- this is her favorite.
you always catch her, and you always roll your eyes at what she assumes must be the cheesiest, sappiest look on her face before you stride over to her to kiss her.
you rarely eat at the table. sevika prefers to cuddle up on the couch with you, the both of you eating off of one big plate, alternating feeding each other bites.
she'll tell you about her day and you'll tell her about yours. sometimes she'll have a drink, sometimes she'll have a smoke, sometimes she'll turn on the tv, but she always keeps you tucked against her, an arm wrapped around your shoulders.
she tends to fall asleep on the couch, her head slumping on your shoulder. you have to nudge her awake and pull her to bed, helping her sleepily navigate the short walk when you're not pressing kisses against her sleepy face.
you tuck her into bed with a kiss before you go off to do your nighttime routine.
and no matter how deep she's sleeping, or how exhausted from the day she is, she always wakes up when you crawl into bed beside her an hour or two later to turn over and cuddle up against you, nuzzling into your tits as she mumbles out a sleepy, "i love you, honey."
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
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stuniolvs · 7 months
⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄? ~ christopher sturniolo
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summary.) you have a bad day at work and you want chris to sing to you
warnings.) annoying people, description of tangled hair, and use of y/n (once).
you sighed glancing up at the clock of the office that you worked at realizing you still had an hour and a half left of work.
your boyfriend, chris, had suggested that you came over after work and of course you agreed, but now you felt like you didn’t even have enough energy to walk to your car.
it was one of those days where everything sucked.
your head was pounding, your boss had yelled at you, your hair was tangled, and you just overall felt like shit.
and of course on the day you felt like shit you had work and your boyfriend had left early in the morning meaning you never saw him today.
“y/n” your boss kelly yelled “what’s up kelly?” you asked giving her your best fake smile. “you need to stay late, amanda has to leave early” she said then quickly turned around back to her office.
of course she let her favorite leave early and not me who has been here for almost 10 hours.
sorry gotta stay late 6:45 pm
you texted chris quickly so kelly didn’t yell at you again.
once 8:30 pm rolled around you were finally free. you stood up and almost fell over but luckily you made it to your car.
on the drive home you drove in silence and at the first red light everything came crashing down. tears started streaming down your face as you tried to pull a hair tie out of your tangled hair.
you sigh and decide to just give it up to the tangles and drive back to chris’.
as you enter through the door chris tackles you in a hug. as he does so he immediately notices the wet feeling on his chest. he pulls you back. “woah, ma. what’s wrong?” he asks kindly.
“m-my day was so bad. my boss yelled at me and then i had to stay late, i didn’t see you all day, and this fucking hair tie won’t come out of my tangled ass hair!” you sob.
“i’m so sorry baby. do you wanna take a shower and then we can cuddle?” he whispers kissing your nose.
“sure” you sigh.
he places a soft kiss on you lips you quickly kiss back softly moving your lips in sync. you pull back “i love you ma.” “i love you chris.”
after your shower you step out wearing chris’ tshirt and your sweat pants.
as you look up at chris you find him laying on the bed, with soft music playing in the background, holding your hair brush.
“c’mere” he whispers. you smile and plop down in between his legs. “okay im gonna try to be carful but this might hurt.”
“chris, i can do it myself. you don’t half to-“
he cuts you off “ i know honey, i want to do it, just relax,” he speaks.
you lean back into his chest as he smoothly brushes your hair.
the music in he background makes you have an idea. “chris?” you ask “hmm?” he replies
“can you sing to me?”
”whatever you want ma” he whispers.
he starts softly singing as he finishes up brushing your hair. you turn around and stuff your face into his chest as he continues to sing.
“you have a beautiful voice chris” you whisper lightly. “thank you baby so do you.” he says smiling.
chris keeps singing untill you fall asleep, “love you ma.” he sighs into your hair.
bad days are always that, bad. but a bad day can turn into a good one if you want it to. and chris just happens to love helping you repair your bad days and your always very grateful for that.
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starlingflight · 7 months
Ginniversary Drabble 10
Prompt: O74 — “I want to be there when you get what's coming to you."
AO3 or read below:
“You look beautiful.” 
Ginny smiled; a faint rosy blush bloomed across her cheeks. One long strand of hair fell across her shoulder, contrasting strikingly with the exposed patch of skin above her dress’ neckline. “I think you’ve just forgotten what I look like when I’m not covered in baby sick.” 
Harry returned her smile. “I think you make the baby sick work for you.” 
Ginny’s laughter was musical, though, strictly, it was probably considered too loud for the quiet atmosphere of the restaurant. The middle aged couple at the table next to them turned sharply to look at her; she smiled warmly at them before returning her attention to Harry. 
“Well done, you managed to relax long enough to tell one joke.” 
“I am relaxed.” Harry took a sip of his wine to cover the lie he knew Ginny would be able to see written all over his face. 
“Right,” she said doubtfully. “So, if I suggested we go and get another drink somewhere before we go home you’d be absolutely fine with that?” 
The mere suggestion caused his grip to tighten on his wine glass. “You’re not drinking,” he reminded her evasively. “Doesn’t seem like much fun for you.” 
And it definitely wouldn’t be any fun for him. 
“Oh, I don’t know,” Ginny said thoughtfully, twirling the loose strand of hair around her finger. “I’m quite enjoying watching you pretend you’re not freaking out.”
“I’m not freaking out.” Another lie, one that he knew was betrayed by the tense set of his shoulders, and his clenched jaw, neither of which he felt capable of doing anything about currently.
Ginny snorted derisively, earning her another reproachful look from the neighbouring table. “We’ve left him with Mum and Dad before and you’ve never been like this, what’s the problem?” 
“There isn’t a problem,” Harry’s knee bounced agitatedly up and down beneath the table. “But your mum and dad have a lot more experience with babies than Ron does.” 
“He’s babysat Teddy and Vic plenty of times before.” 
“I know.” He’d told himself as much numerous times over the past two hours, while fighting the urge to abandon dinner altogether and go home, a course of action he’d known Ginny would not take kindly to. 
“Ron kept you alive under much more challenging circumstances,” she continued. “I think he can handle a six month old for a few hours.” 
“Right,” Harry agreed, because the things he wanted to say weren’t exactly fair to his best friend who had, as Ginny had just pointed out, shown him unwavering loyalty in the past. 
“Do you want to become one of those couples who can’t go anywhere without their baby? Because if we don’t enforce some separation, that’s who we’re going to be.” 
“Would that be so bad?” The question left his mouth before Harry could stop it. 
“No,” Ginny answered patiently. “But we don’t want him to grow up clingy either. We’re doing this for him as much as for us.” Her eyes dropped to the tablecloth; her next words came out much softer, and Harry could see she’d had to fight to say them at all. “... And sometimes I need to get out of the house and have an adult conversation that isn't interrupted by babbling or crying every thirty seconds.” 
His – admittedly unnecessary – worry over James was pushed slightly to the side for the moment, replaced by a strong torrent of guilt and concern for Ginny. “Sorry,” he said softly, because he was. Her conversation had been bright and animated since they’d sat down, and it hadn’t occurred to him how much she’d probably needed it after six months of near-constant childcare. “Did you want to go somewhere else before we go home?” 
Ginny shook her head as she looked up from the tablecloth. “No,” she smiled again, letting Harry know she was being sincere. “I think two hours might be my limit… I miss him too.” 
Permission explicitly granted to return home to James, Harry wasted very little time settling the bill, leaving his half-full glass of wine forgotten on the table. He took Ginny’s hand, forcing himself to walk sedately out of the restaurant and into the awaiting night. 
“You’re not being as smooth as you think you are,” Ginny laughed, allowing Harry to lead her into the dimly lit alley beside the restaurant. 
He came to a halt, far enough into the passageway that no Muggles would be able to see them from the street. He pulled her closer, smirking at her through the dimness. “Let’s get home, make sure James is asleep, and I’ll show you how smooth I can be.” 
Ginny’s renewed laughter was abruptly cut short by the crushing void of apparition that swallowed them into total darkness. A moment later, they re-emerged, breathless, in their freesia-scented back garden. Light from the living room spilled out, illuminating the path to the door. Ginny tapped her wand against the lock; it swung open at once to admit them. 
They were greeted by the sound of James’ newly discovered laugh. Grinning, Harry followed it down the hallway and into the living room. 
Ginny was half a step ahead of him. She stopped abruptly in the doorway, Harry collided with her but she hardly seemed to notice. “What have you done to my baby?” She demanded.
Harry’s eyes darted to James, who was seated quite contentedly on Ron’s lap. He inhaled sharply at the sight of him. 
“What do you mean?” Ron asked innocently, turning his gaze on James. “You’re fine, aren��t you mate?” 
“Give him to Harry.” Ginny’s hand curled into a fist around her wand. “Now.” 
Ron’s arm tightened around James, clutching the baby to him like a shield. “I think he’s happy where he is.” 
“I’m going to kill you.” 
Ron paled slightly, looking from Ginny to Harry. “Tell her she’s being dramatic.” 
“Absolutely not,” Harry shook his head vehemently. “You knew what you were doing – I want to be there when you get what’s coming to you.” 
He stepped around Ginny, leaning forward and plucking James out of Ron’s firm grasp. “Don’t let Uncle Ron confuse you,” He said softly, lifting James snuggly against his chest; trying not to grimace at the bright orange onesie covering his son from head to toe, particularly affronted by the Cannons logo emblazoned across his chest. “Mummy and I have already told you we’re a Harpies family.” 
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ashisill · 1 year
Your needs, my needs
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Warnings: overstimulation, penetration, oral (f receiving), crying, fingering, mentions of pain during sex, sub/dom ( f and m are switches), and I believe that’s all. Enjoy.
As you eagerly waited for Josh’s arrival the phone rang. “Hey love” Josh sounded frustrated.
“Hey darling. Everything okay?” You asked.
“Bad news hun. I gotta stay till 10” he sighed.
“10! That’s 4 more hours Josh”
“Yes I know that” he let out another sigh. “Just don’t be upset with me okay. It’s not my fault. If I could be home with you I would”
“Okay Josh I just never see you anymore, and it’s really starting to get to me”
“I know okay I know. I miss being able to spend hours upon hours together. I miss doing everything little thing with you, but now we’ll be lucky if we wake up in the same bed. Speaking of “bed” it’s been over a month. A fucking month. I know it’s my fault but I am exhausted when I come home. I know I’ve been cranky recently, but I am just so tired. I am afraid I am losing you” his eyes teared up, but he blinked them aways.
“Take a breath. Your not losing me I just miss you. I don’t blame you I understand okay? I’ll see you when you come home. I’ll make some tea, and dinner. We’ll throw on a movie, and everything will be okay. We’re okay love” you assured him.
“That sounds so nice I could cry. Maybe I can talk to Jake and he can sweet talk my way home early” Danny stepped outside to hurry Josh along. “Fuck I gotta go I love you. Just wait till I get home”
Nearing 10 you put Josh’s favorite soup on the stove, warmed up your favorite tea, made the couch extra comfy, and started picking out a movie. You heard the front door open, and josh lazily walked into the house. He dropped his bag at the door, and went to find you. He walked into the living room that was attached to the kitchen. Soft music was playing as you finished up dinner. Josh took a big deep breath through his nose.
“Oh mama is that what I think it is?” Josh asked hugging you from behind.
“Indeed it is. Taste it for me?” He grabbed the spoon, dipped it into the soup, and put the spoon his mouth.
“Mhmmm. Amazing as always darling”
Josh grabbed his bowl and snuggled up on the couch with you. “That was delicious”. He turned on his side and threw his leg over yours. As the movie went on he moved closer and closer. Until he was basically on top of you. You adjusted yourself grabbing his hips, and pulling him in your lap.
“Hi ma’am” he whispered.
“Hi pretty boy” you whispered back. You gently thrusted your hips up making sure you two were on the same page. He squirmed above you, and slowly rocked himself against you. You grabbed his hips keeping his pace. You felt him harden as his thrust became more frantic. “Slow down” you gripped his hips “I don’t want you cumming to soon. Slow baby slow”
“Yes ma’am” he listened, and let you guide him.
“Does it feel good baby?” He let out a whimper. “Already can’t finish a sentence love?”
“It’s been s-s-so long” he threw his head back.
You started feeling an intense amount of pleasure as well. Every thrust sending you closer and closer. Your grip on his hips tightened, and he picked his pace up.
“Oh fuck this is embarrassing” Josh panicked as his orgasm built up. “I am so sorry”
“It’s okay darling let go if you need” you moved a hand to cup his face.
“Mama please” Josh whined.
“Please what Josh?” You asked sounding like a tease, but it wasn’t.
“I need it. I need it so bad. Fuck me please please” his eyes began to water as he tried to hold back. You bucked your hips upward meeting him. He pulled your shirt up, and placed both hands on your breast. “Please” it was a whimper, and it whispered out of him.
“Let go then baby. Give it to me. You’ve been a good boy”
“Yes” he said weakly. “Yes” it got louder. “Fuck yes. Fuck please” he shouted. Jake who was upstairs most definitely heard. Jake came in right after josh, and ran upstairs to relax. Both of them were fed up with today and went to their own space. You were Josh’s escape, and jakes was his guitar.
Josh was very vocal when it came to sex, but right now he might as well be screaming.
“Oh my fucking god. I love you. I love you. I love you” there it was. He came in his jeans he was wearing, and collapsed into you. You scratched his back softly as he caught his breath.
“That was beautiful” you whispered in his ear.
“I’d be more beautiful if it wasn’t in my fucking jeans, and maybe on you” he laughed softly a bit embarrassed.
“No no I think it was perfect, but your right I’d be better if they were off” josh sat back in the chair, and you dropped to your knees.
“You don’t have to do that. I’ve already finished let me give it to you” he grabbed your hand that was already placed on his belt.
“But I want to take care of you” you told him.
“Mama look at everything you’ve done for me tonight. Let me” he pulled you up, and placed you in the seat. He slid himself down, and placed kisses on your stomach. “Let me take control”.
It was mind blowing how fast Josh can switch. He can completely submissive, and listen to your ever obey. Then suddenly he’s got you in a chokehold, and making you cum on his demand.
“We don’t need these right pretty girl?” You shook your head urgently as he slowly slid them down your legs. “As much as I’d love to tease you I don’t think that’s fair”
He dove in immediately. Josh has always took things slow. Giving you kisses up your thighs, and soft kitten licks. . But not this time. His tongue crashed against your clit. You bucked your hips up instantly, and wrapped your hands in his hair. You legs squeezed around him. He gripped your thighs and shoved them down. “Let me in mama. Relax”
“Josh fuck”
He swirled his tongue around your clit, and moving to your entrance to lick up the mess you were making. He slipped a finger inside.
“More” you cried out.
Instantly he slipped another inside you. Never slowing his pace on your aching clit. You felt it build up quickly. A built up you’ve never quite felt before. “Josh I’m- I’m”
His voice vibrated against you “Do it baby”.
“Fuck Josh I’m gonna cum” you bucked forward. He moved with you as you moved frantically. He wrapped his arm around your thigh, and his fingers thrusted harder and harder. You let go, and it came bursting out of you.
He stopped and looked around. “Baby you-. Holy fuck. Sweetheart have you ever done that before?”
“Huh?” You asked confused.
“You- you squirted angel. Has that ever happened?” He asked completely in shock with you.
“I can’t do that” you said still clouded by your orgasm.
“But you did pretty girl. Look” he shifted so you could see the mess you made.
“Oh my god. I am so sorry- I- I didn’t know-I” you covered your mouth completely embarrassed.
“Stop that shit. That was beautiful. I am honored to be the one that made you do it. Don’t be embarrassed that was stunning. Your gorgeous baby”
“Come here”
He moved to lay beside you, and you sat between his legs, and stumbled with his belt. With shaky hands you attempted to undo it.
“Wow love slow down” he moved your hands, and undid his belt for you. You slid down his jeans along with his underwear. You moved upward straddling him. He lined himself up, and you slid down gently.
Josh was big. Bigger than you’ve ever seen or took. It shocked you the first time he showed you. You wrapped your fingers around, and they barely touched. It took a while for you two to be able to have sex. It took a while for him to fit. He warned you it wouldn’t work, but you insisted. Eventually he was able to get about half way. You winced in pain as it burned when he’d move. He pulled out immediately and promised to work with each others bodies. In that time you learned each others body’s. He learned exactly how to move his tongue to make you lose it. You learned how he likes to be jerked off. You knew all his weaknesses. You know how quickly he comes when you suck on the tip a little to much. Or when you slip a piece of ice in your mouth, and take him in. He knows your g spot, and how to hit it every time he fingers you. And now he knows how to make you squirt.
“I know it’s been a while. Does it feel okay?” He asked concerned. “Your really tight darling”
“Yes” you said softly. “It feels good” a slight burning from him stretching you only turned you on. You began moving back and forth. You picked up your pace quickly. He grabbed your hips and pushed you down deeper. Skin to skin. He was so deep inside of you.
“I can’t” you cried out from exhaustion. You wanted to collapse on him.
“Breath” he flipped the both of you so he was on top. “Let me do it sweet girl” he brushed the hair out of your face.
You whined out with soft “ah ah ah”.
He mocked it back to you. “Ah ah ah. Those are pretty noises mama. Feels too good doesn’t it?”
You nodded your head, and cried out for him.
“Shh I am right here. I’m right here” josh knows you have a tendency to get overstimulated during sex. You don’t always handle it well. Josh has learned to recognize when your overworking yourself. He knows when things need to slow down, and that’s what he was doing.
Tears fell from your eyes, and you began to whine rather than a moan.
“I know I know pretty girl” you tried to lift your head to watch, but you couldn’t. “You wanna watch baby?” He placed a hand on the back of your neck, and moved your head gently. A noise that sounded almost feral ripped out of you. “Oh you liked that didn’t you. Is that what my good girl needs?”
“Fuck Josh”
He cupped your face in his hands. You both watched as he slid in and out of you. Until you couldn’t take it anymore, and threw your head back. You wrapped your hands around his neck pulling him close. Without any warning your orgasm came screaming out of you. He wasn’t far behind, but instead he focused on talking you through it.
“Your doing amazing. Give it to me love. I am right there with you” his hands returned to your face. “Good girl”
“Josh please. I can’t” you cried.
“Yes you can. I promise I am right behind you darling” he picked up his pace.
“Josh” it seemed to be the only word you’ve ever known. “Josh baby”
He fell silent, and his jaw dropped. Soft little whimpers escaping him as he slammed mercilessly into you. Each thrust he pulled back slowly then fucked into with all his strength. He did that about four times before he fell over beside you.
“Are you okay sweet baby?” He wrapped you in his arms, and you laid against his chest.
“Yes” you sighed. He grabbed a blanket that was beside you on the couch. He threw it over the both of you. “Jakes home” you reminded him.
“Ain’t nothing he hasn’t seen … or heard” he laughed softly. You laid on his chest feeling the soft rise and fall, and listening to the beat of his heart. A reminder of home hit you as an arm snaked over waist, and the other tangled in your hair. Sleep invaded your peace, and you drifted away. He turned his attention back towards the tv as his lover slept gently in his arms.
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arisuworld · 1 year
1. Strong language (i swear a lot), sarcasm ahead, tough love typa shit. This is meant to be helpful and reassuring but I'm not going to treat y'all like you're made of sugar and talk like I'm from 50 years ago. Deal with it or not.
2. English isn't my first language. So, there can be many grammatical mistakes.
Yes, you read it right. Only you can change your life not your favourite goddess blogger then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ASKING THEM TO MANIFEST FOR YOU? GURLLL REALLY? DO YOU THINK THEY'RE ABOVE YOU? DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LESS OF A GOD JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE NOT ENTERED VOID YET? GURL, you have your whole life ahead you. If you will let some limiting beliefs hold you back from achieving the things you deserve, then that's it. It's done. You're never going to get your desires or desired life and YOU WILL HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES!!
Now now, do not come for me. I said what I said and I mean it 100%. (And I'll prove it below)
Tell me honestly, why haven't you manifested your desires by now? Why? What's the reason?
So now, who's fault is that? Start taking accountability for your procrastination and lack of persistence. Because if you won't, then you will not be disciplined enough to achieve your desires.
All i want to say is— TIME WON'T STOP FOR YOU! Rather than wasting your time thinking about how others are lucky to enter void at their first try, start affirming and PERSIST IN THEM, BELIEVE IN THEM!! BECAUSE SWEETHEART LISTEN— L I F E G O E S O N ! ! ! STOP WASTING YOUR LIFE LIKE THIS!! AND START WORKING YOUR ASS OFF. and by working, I do not mean to go and start taking action in real life, NO.
1. Make yourself a routine (which is what I'm doing for you right now but anyways). Listen to subliminals or listen to brown, white noise or litteralyyy any music (yes, you can also listen to your favourite song which calms you down). Just anything to calm you down, to relax you, to put you in a good mood.
2. Start AFFIRMING and do not let negative thoughts take over. (Once you start affirming, leave the old story behind because GURRLLL THAT'S NOT YOU ANYMORE!! ALWAYS PERSIST IN THE NEW STORY) You can either do a challenge (like 10k or 20k affirmations) or just affirm robotically for 10 minutes every hour. Saturate your subconscious mind with good and positive affirmations.
3. You can also do the self hypnosis thingy by konniesreality (it's optional)
4. Also, do any meditation or Yoga Nidra at anytime of the day you feel comfortable (It would be better if you do it right before entering void). In my opinion, yoga nidra feels much better (ALSO, DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN ENTER VOID WITH YOGA NIDRA MEDITATION? HEHE) It will clear your mind in minutes. It also relaxes your body. But everyone has different choices, so do whatever feels good for you because that's the major point.
5. At night, set the fucking intention and just go for it.( You can do any method which seems suitable for you) YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!! TRY TO PUT SOME EFFORTS ONCE IN YOUR LIFE GOD'S SAKE. IT CAN IMPROVE YOUR LIFE OVERALL SO MUCH.
I'm rooting for you baby, I know you can do it. You just need a little hard push and that's what I'm here to do. So listen to your desires and most importantly, listen to yourself. You can do this!!
Good luck y'all <3
{Ps : Idk why but i really love making these rude toxic motivational posts I'm sorry 😭}
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