#100 hundred word drabbles :D
antimony-medusa · 9 months
Ao3 Wrapped
I like numbers so here I am delving into my works again!
Overall stats for 2023!
User Subscriptions: 164
Kudos: 4,786
Comment Threads: 695
Bookmarks: 1,308
Subscriptions: 288
Word Count: 198,621
Hits: 30,820
That's an increase in everything except subscriptions, I had a good year. It was the year of many smaller fics, mostly, with just a few longfics.
I am particularly touched that user subscription count, that people want to stick around to see everything I wrote, especially as I broke into a new fandom this year and did some Original Work. Thank you all for coming along for the ride!
Fun Stats:
Fics Published: 31, including four on anon, for 198,621 words
Number of One-Shots: 28— I went pretty hard into exchange this year, and that encourages oneshots. I only wrote one multichapter for a bang, one for an event, and finished one ongoing from last year. Of all of those however only 2 were under a thousand words, so I did less sort of treats and drabbles than I did last year.
Number of Multi-Chapters: 3, 4 if you count the one that's still sitting at one chapter that I might continue someday. Ulp. Okay so the good news is all of those multichapters are finished, but the bad news is I still have multiple ongoings from the previous year that are just languishing. Did I mention I went hard into exchanges this year?
Number of Inspired Works: 3, two of which were because I participated in challenges where everybody writes a fic inspired by the one in front of them in the chain! And also Droid wrote me an excellent phandom shubbleandwilbur fic. :D
Longest Fic: Freaking Out In The Middle Of The Street (With The Complete Conviction Of Someone Who Has Never Had Anything Actually Really Bad Happen To Them) (28,369 words), my silly worldbuilding nonsense multichapter, but I started that one the year before, so if we only consider the ones I did entirely this year that would be my bang fic, A Hundred Things You Have Not Dreamed Of  (27,743 words). I had a lot of fun with dehumanized human weapon recovery with that one.
Shortest Fic: Taking A Break (335 words), basically an overgrown drabble that I wrote on tumblr when people were challenging me to write anything as a QPR. Soley put on tumblr to help boost up a relationship tag (misskristin/missa/philza).
Most Kudosed Fic: Twenty Minutes After The Family Dynamic is Forcibly Assigned By The Government , at a staggering 568 kudos for a fic that isn't even a thousand words, which is just proof that if you write something while the kettle boils at the exact moment that a fandom is exploding and it makes it to the top of the tag, it can stay up there for a while. People are STILL reading and kudosing that one and I don't even know how they find it.
Most Viewed Fic: Freaking Out In The Middle Of The Street (With The Complete Conviction Of Someone Who Has Never Had Anything Actually Really Bad Happen To Them) , at 3,629 hits! However, 1,528 of that is from last year, so really the hits for this year are only 2,101, so my top hits is A Hundred Things You Have Not Dreamed Of , 2,990 hits. and that is 100% the power of being a daily-updating multi-chapter, the hits on that one exploded for that reason. But the hits on multichapters are always higher.
Most Subscribed Fic: Freaking Out In The Middle Of The Street (With The Complete Conviction Of Someone Who Has Never Had Anything Actually Really Bad Happen To Them)  again! 87 Subscriptions! But a full 76 of them are from last year, so we're back at A Hundred Things You Have Not Dreamed Of, with 49 subs.
Most Bookmarked Fic: Look it's Freaking Out In The Middle Of The Street (With The Complete Conviction Of Someone Who Has Never Had Anything Actually Really Bad Happen To Them)  again 122 bookmarks, But 58 of those were from last year, so. Again. Different fic— and it's Twenty Minutes After The Family Dynamic is Forcibly Assigned By The Government tied with an anon fic, with 117 bookmarks.
Most Used Fandom: Dream SMP with 12 fics, but QSMP is coming up fast with 7 fics!
Least Used Fandom: That is the Internet & Social Media (Anthropomorphic), with one fic! Let's fucking go for Yuletide assignments!
Most Used Rating: Teen, 23 fics
Least Used Rating: Gen, 2 fics, and Mature, 2 fics
Most Written Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, 9 fics. This is down from 10 last year. I'm falling off.
Most Used Additional Tag: Guys, don't make fun of me, but it's Food. Beating out Fluff this year. I know I keep writing about food. I KNOW. I will get more original beats next year.
Most Frequently Used Characters: 
Philza (21)
Technoblade (11)
Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega | MissaSinfonia (4)
Chayanne (QSMP) (4)
Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF) (3)
Niki | Nihachu (2)
Toby Smith | Tubbo (2)
Tumblr (Anthropomorphic) (1)
Reddit (Anthropomorphic) (1)
DID TOMMY SERIOUSLY NOT MAKE THE LIST? Wow, tide change. Anyways, it was a fun year. Here's to more next year!
Last Year's Stats
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spiderlandry · 1 year
100+ follower celebration !! [closed]
thank you for over a hundred followers !! i appreciate all the support ive been getting lately, i didnt expect to reach it this quick (if at all) so thank you !
to celebrate, im gonna be doing quick ‘character x reader’ drabbles :D
no set time when this event will end, just when i feel i’ve done enough drabbles :]
just send me an ask with a trope, AU, a scenario, quote, or literally anything and a character. you can be as specific as you’d like but keep in mind each drabble will be <600 words, so it wont be plot-heavy
all drabbles will be a gender neutral reader, and all characters will be of-age.
my rules are:
no nsfw (no exceptions)
no rpf
the characters i will write for:
ethan landry
quinn bailey
sam carpenter
tara carpenter
chad meeks martin
mindy meeks martin
anika kayoko
amber freeman
tasm!peter parker
hobie brown
twd: daryl dixon, enid rhee, carl grimes
any of the yellowjackets girls <3
any of the main gladers from the maze runner
avatar the way of water: neteyam, lo’ak, spider, tsireya
i dont typically write these characters besides ethan, so this is my chance to get back into writing a little more with my faves <333 feel free to ask any questions
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isamajor · 2 years
100 Drabble Challenge: Whump Edition [prompts 21 to 25]
Another batch of drabbles from @whumpster-dumpster ‘s 100 Drabble Challenge: Whump Edition this time, with Skyrim’s custom followers :D
21. Gag
They had found themselves in a Falmer-infested cavern. The darkness, barely lit by the reflection of the glowing mushrooms on the dripping walls of the cavern, was stifling. Lucien squeaked. Instinctively, Auri pressed her hand against his mouth, telling him to be quiet. The Falmer were blind, but their hearing was very keen, even allowing them to fire their bows with surprising accuracy. Everyone here preferred to try to avoid confrontation as much as possible. Auri whispered into Lucien's ear that she wouldn't hesitate to gag him at the next whimper that came out of his lips. (100)
22. Strangle
He saw the undead set upon Inigo, whose blue fur was stained with red. Lucien had exhausted all his Magicka against these constantly rising enemies. He felt helpless to rescue his companions. Staggering backwards, his foot stumbled against a chain. He looked up. The necromancer was there, back to him. Gritting his teeth, the Imperial leapt up and slipped the chain around the sorcerer's neck, squeezing and turning, falling with the necromancer clawing at his neck desperately for air, frantically kicking his feet. Lucien was crying, shaking, but didn't let go. He would save his friends. (98)
23. Pet
Sobs were choking in Auri's voice as she told her story.
“Hundred of trees burned, and I heard their screaming within my mind every time I closed my eyes. I fled. I fled and I didn't look back.”
Sitting on a rock, she tenderly caressed the tree stump next to her. Her large amber eyes seemed empty, as if lost in the past. A big tear rolled down her cheek. Without a word, Kaidan petted her head, running his big hand through the Bosmer's red hair, in a clumsy attempt to console her. (95)
24. Bedridden
Kaidan groaned as he struggled miserably to prop himself up on one elbow before sinking back onto the pillow. Lucien reprimanded him, telling him to calm down because he was burning with fever, making it clear to the colossus that he would not leave this bed as long as he has not recovered.
"I'll bet 100 septims it's from an infected wound."
Kaidan looked away in response, muttering that it was going to cost a fortune to keep him in an inn bed all this time.
"Then it's fortunate my wealth is useful. But please, don't be stupid, you need to take care of yourself." (106)
25. Hallucination
When he opened his eyes again, he felt like giant statues were leaning over him to watch his every move. The air smelled blue and gray, mead and sweat, and a kind of drum beat in his ears. Or was it his heart that was ringing like this? Shadows seemed to advance in a mist before him. Where was he ? Was he dead? Was it a weird dream? Hallucinations? He walked down the foggy road, then turned sharply. Hadn't the statues turned to follow him with their eyes? Inigo felt all the hairs on his body stand up. (99)
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kanatajelly · 11 months
hello again :)
so, it has been a while since i last posted...
apologies for taking such a long break. a lot of stuff was going on in my life, but now i'm back to writing again! although going forward, i will be managing the blog a little differently than before, and i've updated the rules to reflect that. for those who don't wanna read through the rules again, here's a summary of the important changes:
i've shortened the list of fandoms/characters i will write for
i will now also write concept ideas/drabbles, which will be short fics of a few hundred words! feel free to request for that as well, and also give me any interesting concept ideas that you may have too :)
my ask box and dms are now open for chatting! if you wanna say hi or brainrot with me over one of the fandoms i like or something like that, shoot me a message~
also as a general note, my updates will likely be less regular/frequent, cuz it's easier for me to manage things that way
that's pretty much everything! thanks for the continued support as we approach 100 followers on the blog :D
and also as a preview of what i'm working on, you can expect to see something up around this weekend to celebrate the birthday of my favourite leech twins <3
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The Not Yet Shifted Months pt.3
hello and how are you?
Welcome again to another Monthly Wrap-up! We decided to do this a day early, since Halloween is tomorrow and we are assuming everyone is going to be busy!
But Let's Get Into Everything, Shall We? Month: October | Year 2022
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Writing Milestones
🌱 Progress on the Main Works have been very slow this month, but mostly bc we have prepped for NaNoWriMo! We did manage to get some solid words in for each Project though, even if it wasn't as much as we would have liked.
Grayland's Shadow 02 Drafts | 20k Words | Chapter Rewriting
The Plague Begins With Me 01 Draft | 08 Scene Drafts | 6k Words | Scene Drafting
Marathon Runners 01 Draft | 17 Scene Drafts | 12k Words | Scene Drafting
Mitch's Journals 02 Volumes | 10 Stories | 16k Words | Story Writing
The Vagabond Child 01 Draft | 06 Scene Drafts | 3k Words | Scene Drafting
The Rapunzel Witch 01 Draft | 06 Scene Writes | 5k Words | Chapter Updates
🌱 We had a solid Preptober! We got a lot of our outlines and prepping done for NaNoWriMo, and got our new Main Projects updated as well as our NaNoWriMo Page! :D
🌱 Our Ko-fi Page has reached 225 views and 7 followers, which is wonderful and amazing! We also have a solid plan for uploads for there, so it is going smoothly. c:
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Tumblr Milestones
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🌱 This Month was wonderful! We hit our 100 followers mark, with 33 new Wanderers coming to join our adventures and thoughts!
🌱 We also got over Five Hundred Notes, and we were so much more active this month! We got through so many ask games and everything, it was a great month! :D
🌱 We ended up having a very successful Motivational Experiment Month! It was super fun and we will probably continue into November, since we will need all of the motivation we can get.
100 Great Drabble Experiment 50 Asks Answered | 7,216 Words | 16,070 Total Count
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October Shifting Into November
🌱 With November comes NaNoWriMo, and as we all know, it is going to be a very busy month for those of us writing the words of our Creations! A lot of our content will be focused around it, though we will try to get normal content out too! :D
🌱 Our Draft Hoard is quite the Beast, but we will be aiming to get through it again this month! A lot of the stuff will be new and from our NaNoWriMo Projects, so we hope we can do some solid words and get through the games.
🌱 We will definitely be working on our Ko-fi and Blog still, but they will definitely be more background Projects. We want to focus on NaNoWriMo and we have big plans for the month! c:
Thank you so much for going through the Month with us! We are so happy to be here on Tumblr, and we are entirely thankful to our wonderful Wanderers for pushing us forward and sparking our imagination!
May The Words Be Ever In Your Favor! :D
until we write again,
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cinammonelles · 3 months
Hi again :)! For the fic WIP title game, I'd really like to know more about "Glass" and "Quiet nights treading in the snow"
Heyaaa ty for the ask :D
Glass is a short introspective oneshot about Gilbert during the hundred year long wait. I've always thought about how Gilbert got through the second half of the 100 years, when most of his friends and acquaintances were dead and even Vincent was a rare sight and this is the result :)
I'm pretty much done with the draft at this point and just have a few minor tweaks and edits to incorporate before I can post it!
Quiet nights treading in the snow is a collection of post-canon Xi Ping drabbles. I don't really know where I'm going with it or even if I'd ever want to post it. It is very dear to me though, so I'd definitely love to share it in part or whole once I've written a bit more :)
Once a year, they would go visit Ada's grave. She would eat the flowers he'd bought, he would scold her, she would give him a look and he'd sigh and stand around awkwardly and let her enjoy her meal. She reminded him of Alice sometimes. Only sometimes though. Once she was done, they would pack up, he would bid farewell to Ada and they'd return to his little furnitured box and carry on with their lives, rinse and repeat. She never accompanied him on the other grave visits. He wondered how she knew. The grave visits were a regular part of his schedule. He found them comforting in a way. To have fixed dates for everyone. No more dry throats and throbbing hearts as he wondered if every visit, every word, every request would be their last. He had enough promises to keep for a lifetime.
Quiet nights treading in the snow
Xi Yue is looking up at him. Concerned. As concerned as a puppet can look. "I am fine." He lies. Xi Yue looks even more concerned now. Actually, Xi Ping was pretty sure he shouldn't be able to make such expressions. Did the Golden Hand perhaps tinker with him while he was away? Ah, that's right. Lin shishu has been dead for well over a century. And it's not like Xi Yue had left his side since he'd left his side. He leans back and chuckles. He really was getting old now. The wind chime tinkles happily in the pleasant night breeze, perhaps agreeing with him.
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malewifemanhunter · 2 years
Challenge is NOW OPEN!!! 9th August to 9th September 2022
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Heyyy everyone! The Always Sunny Drabble Blast Contest is now open for submissions :D
Anyone can enter, whether you’re a confident writer or you’ve never written anything before, if you’re new to sunnyblr or you’ve been here since Charlie Kelly crawled out of the floorboards. You can also submit anonymously! (just talk to one of the organizers for that~)
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A drabble is a VERY short fic of just 100 words (not including title, tags or authors notes). And it can be about anything you like! As long as it’s Sunny related and hits that target (give or take) then you’ve nailed it. You can even write a series of drabbles and arrange them as chapters if you want to explore your idea more, as long as they work on their own too. If you need some examples, you can find them in the collection.
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Good question! We’ll be opening a poll on September 1st for people to vote on their favourite stories, with a contest winner and runners-up, and we’re ALSO going to hand pick the winners of some very special categories. (And yes, that’s because otherwise, our beloved macdennies will swamp the votes :p)
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BEST IN SHIP: The big six, babeyyy. Macdennis, Deetress, Charden, Charmac, Chardee, Charmacden. You know the drill.
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BEST RAREPAIRS: Any relationship not in the above list :)
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BEST TEAM-UPS and FRIENDSHIPS: Non-ship based fics
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GENRE: Best fluff, humor, angst, AU, horror, smut
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HAND PICKED PERFECTION: Best Scheme, Most Sunny-ish Vibes, Best Twist, Drabble We're Most Desperate For More Of, Best Drunk/High Fic, Most In Character, Best Title, BEST SINGLE LINE, Dialogue Only, Fewest Filler Words, Best Fic In A Language Other Than English, Best Freeform/Visual Design, Best Meta, Best Crack Meta…
And finally...
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WASTE NOT WANT NOT: The real deal. The most prestigious title. That’s right, we’re talking about Most Obedient. This is the award for whoever writes the most submissions with exactly one. hundred. words. No more, no less. 
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Content: write whatever you like! Try to tag things appropriately, but we can help you figure that out if you want (dm or send an ask to us @malewifemanhunter @headgehug @officialbillhader or @lets-dont-this)
Where to post: Feel free to post your work on tumblr/anywhere else you like - it’s your work! just make sure you also submit it to the collection on Archive Of Our Own 3 so we can keep track of them all. And don't forget to tag sunny d blast!
Submitting anonymously: There are two ways you can do this. 1. Upload your fic to your Ao3 account, make it anonymous, then submit it to the collection, or 2. Send it to one of us (@malewifemanhunter @headgehug @lets-dont-this @officialbillhader) on anon and we will post it for you (although it may mess up your formatting a little to do it this way). 
But what if I dont know what to write?!: Do not worry - as well as having beta readers available we’ve also got this list of prompts! No need to stick with these (seriously, write what you wanna), but If you wanna write and the creative juices just aren’t flowing, you can take your pick from this list and just go to town
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moments when Dennis kissed Mac on the forehead, Mac and charlie have a bike race, Dennis and Charlie sing together while high, Charlie takes care of a sick Dee, the gang tries to catch a turkey for Thanksgiving, Mac and Dee want the same man, Charlie and Mac almost set fire to Mac and Dennis’s apartment while cooking, the twins (children) hate each other but they still spend their birthday together because being together with someone you hate is better than being alone, Frank swindles a street vendor and gets food for everyone in the gang, water fight turned erotic. You can take these as they are, or play around with them a bit, whatever floats your boat~
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Don't forget you have a title! With only 100 words it can really help to set the scene or the tone of your fic. And make sure you tag the fic. If you don't know how, or have any other questions, just ask one of the organizers!
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codenamesazanka · 3 years
AU where Jin was found and put to good use by the HPSC before he became a notorious robber? :'D
~Send Me An AU And I’ll Give You Five Headcanons About It~
Good AU!!! But I ended up not doing headcanons, but more 100-words drabbles. Sorry!
Age 17, and Jin messed up his first robbery by becoming a hero.
Among the customers in the bank he targeted was a toddler whose panic caused her quirk to manifest - a strong electrokinesis. She overloaded every circuit in the vicinity; a fire started, quickly consuming the building.
Jin’s first instinct was to run. Only an idiot would stay. Turns out that’s exactly what he was, stupid beyond measure. But the cries for help were so loud, and the Heroes that should be here for them were so slow—
He made a hundred clones, and saved all one hundred lives.
Okay, so that was exaggerated - it wasn’t a hundred lives, it was forty-three (forty-eight if you counted the fish tank he hauled out as well).
That was still enough to make everyone scratch their heads, confused whether to call Jin a Villain who got an unimpressive, last-minute, baseline conscience, or a misguided kid who had shown his true heart and redeemed himself. All across the nation, whether on the internet or a talk show or a legal petition, people debated over his actions and what he deserved.
What to do with Bubaigawara Jin? The question on everyone’s mind.
HPSC answered.
They sent his lawyer away. They sent everyone away, actually, leaving just him and the Hero Public Safety Commission people in the small, airless room.
One year before, in another room just like that, the course of Jin’s life had been irrevocably changed by a few spoken words and several sheets of paper. Once again now, the rest of his life would be decided the same way. Yes, no; sign here, fingerprint, there. Good, good; and we’re done.
(Power, real power, Jin realized, had little to do with quirks.)
When they asked him to be a Hero, he said yes.
Nagant was the coolest girl he’d ever met, and the first, bestest friend he ever had. She told jokes that made him laugh, she gave tips that helped improve his form after kicking his butt in training, and she stayed with him until he stopped vomiting after he made his first kill.
“Aren’t we Heroes?” Jin mumbled. The porcelain of the toilet bowl was no longer a cool relief to his forehead; he had rested his head there so long he warmed it up. Hell-hot to the touch like the rest of him.
Soft and somber, Nagant answered. “That’s why.”
HPSC sent him because everyone knew of Pro-Hero Twice and his story.
Shigaraki Tomura didn’t buy it.
“This is wasting everyone’s time, both your Commission and mine.” He said, his single visible red eye staring Jin down. “What a bunch of spying rat crap...
“Most of it, at least.” Shigaraki huffed. “They never did trusted you enough to let you free, huh?”
Bitter words. Something about them tugged at Jin; made him reconsider the boy in front of him. He reconsidered himself, all he’d ever done.
“…I was a Villain.” Jin said, finally. “I think that’s what I’ve always been.”
Thanks for the ask!!!! Hope this works and you liked it!! I can also do actual headcanons if you want lol.
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daisylincs · 3 years
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Shut up, I'm really proud of that portmanteau.
Anyway, as I got nostalgic about over here, today marks one year that I've had this blog. One year, I just... freaking wow, every time I say it, I'm blown away all over again! It simultaneously feels like so much longer - forever, really - that I've had this blog and these friends, but at the same time, it feels like only last month that it was May of 2020. Confusing much, I know, but the real point here is that, fandom friends, mutuals, I freaking LOVE you all, and this hellsite/app has brightened my months in so many more ways than I could ever have imagined.
And a full year of being here - that calls for some kind of a celebration, don't you think? Well I think so, and I'm totally doing it :D
Now, I know that the "traditional" celebration thingy for a Tumblr writer to do is to open prompts and give back to their followers - and, yeah, I want to do that, but I do unfortunately have pretty limited time thanks to work, ugh. And also - an anniversary (or a Lilyversary, whatever the case may be :P) goes both ways, and I want to celebrate me as well as you guys for a little bit.
So my celebration proposition is a compromise: I will respond with a drabble for the pairing of your choice... after you send me an ask with something I did during the past year that made you smile. It doesn't have to be anything huge or special, and we don't even have to know each other very well - it can literally just be, "you liked my post and it made me happy." I'll be like, sweet, what would you like me to write for you? Because yes, fine, I am a sucker for flattery.
As for the actual writing - when I say drabble, I mean drabble, as in, 100 words exactly. Hopefully. How it works is that after you've typed up your lovely thing to make me smile, you hit Enter and add on a new line, [pairing] + your choice of fluffy, angsty or friendshippy. I'll answer this with plenty of pleading-faces for your compliment, probably, as well as one hundred words of fluff, angst or friendship for the pairing you picked.
Pairings and fandoms I'm willing to write for are:
Any pairing, romantic or platonic, from Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, except for romantic Coulson/Daisy or anything including the characters Ward, Hive, Malick or Sousa
Any pairing, romantic or platonic, from Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, except for Joan/Leif or Zoey/Joan
Anything at all involving Spideychelle (Peter Parker/Michelle Jones) and Ned Leeds, Betty Brant, and other characters from the MCU Spider-Man films
Star Trek: Discovery - I have watched up until season 2, episode 2, and am willing to write Michael/Philippa, Michael & Tilly, Michael & Saru, Paul Stamets/Hugh Culber, Stamets & Tilly as long as it's pre-2x03. I might be willing to try Joann/Keyla too, but, uh, no promises.
Now, some of you evil-mastermind type of souls might be wondering, hey, what if I send her like ten compliments? Do I get ten mini-fics? And the answer is, um, askldjfksaskldjfksakls, yes, you probably would, because my self-control is... terrible, to say the least. However, I'm going to ask you very nicely to please take some mercy on my sleep schedule, and only send in a maximum of three compliments/drabble requests per person. Thanks for understanding!
Regarding length, hm, well, depending on how many virtual hugs I get, I'm probably going to keep this going for the entire month of May, so... let's celebrate, my loves!!
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sparks-joy-imagines · 3 years
✨100 follower celebration event✨
✨thank you so much for 100 followers!✨
okay folks here it is~ our event to celebrate our very first one hundred followers! Feel free to participate as often and as much as you like!
Here's the gist:
pick 1 (one) character and 1 (one) prompt and please tell us if you want to stay sfw or rather go nsfw.
you'll get a drabble of approximately 300-500 words for the prompt you choose!
deadline for the requests is July 1st 2021 20:00 PM CEST
regular requests will stay open throughout the event time and we'll try to mix as much as possible
please read our regular rules before you participate
find the prompts under the cut ✨
hand holding
leaning against each other
forehead against forehead
pats on the head
running fingers through hair
caressing cheek
forehead/on top of the head
soft kiss on the lips
deep kisses
bite kiss
earlobe kiss
walking you home
down the aisle
walking away
walking together
bumping against each other/running into each other
walking in the rain (with/without umbrella)
sleepy talk
sleep talking :D
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seadeepy · 4 years
First line game
tagged by: @queerofthedagger​
rules: list the first line of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). see if there are any patterns, choose your favourite opening line, and then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
1. not the wall but what’s behind it [1.7k wds, D&D]
Qreellaahk looks into Apollon’s eyes and sees their own death reflected back to them in those fathomless depths.
2. can’t unsee something like this [100 wds, David/Patrick]
"Oh, no," David says, burrowing his face down into the fabric of his scarf.
3. never thought i’d hear my heart beat so loud [100 wds, David/Patrick]
Three weeks ago, David laid here smothering the defiant spark of hope.
4. We’re Both Starting Something New [100 wds, David/Patrick]
"I just need you to say nice person," David says.
5. When the River Meets the Sea [3.5k wds, D&D]
Fathom isn’t afraid until the moment his Heal spell fails him.
6. Midnight Snack [2k wds, D&D]
Rosie wakes up, but only barely.
7. all the things that you’re supposed to feel [100 wds, David/Patrick]
David has a hundred expressions, but the one he wears right now — glistening eyes and a tiny, crooked smile — is full of so much tender affection that Patrick opens his mouth and says, "Thank you."
8. No Better Place [100 wds, David/Patrick]
"Congratulations, man," Patrick says as he opens his arms.
9. Flustered [100 wds, David/Patrick]
David’s only indulged his imagination in secretive little moments, golden light flickering through the cracks in his enameled heart.
10. my poor heart will only surrender [100 wds, David/Patrick]
Alexis smells sweet — a fruit fragrance maybe, or something floral.
11. I Never Understood Before [100 wds, David/Patrick]
It is not love at first sight.
12. Try To Survive [1.5k wds, D&D] -- not posted yet bc of spoilers
Soren has given every password correctly as he passed through Deephaven's wards, but he is halted nevertheless at the end of the next corridor.
13. Make My Wish Come True [5k, David/Patrick]
All that teasing about sloppy mouths and semi-firm openings is months in the past, along with a birthday dinner that could have gone somewhere and never did. 
14.  Break My Step & Relent [5.8k, Merlin/Arthur]
There is silence after that for a while.
15. Prepared for the Turbulence [600 wds, D&D]
Qreellaahk falls.
16. i watch it all wash away [4k wds, D&D]
Curt slinks into the main room of the Mansion, hugging his spellbook close to his chest.
17. At the Doorway of the Forgotten [1.5k wds, D&D]
Rion is late entering the room where Pentel, Nulara and Mathgamain already stand — skids into the narrow space between the bookshelves just in time to take a bolt of lightning directly to the chest.
18. i’ll be your lifeline [100 wds, Legolas/Gimli]
Legolas keeps his feelings far from his face, as is the elven way, but with every injured warrior he passes, his treacherous heart beats a little faster.
19. oh and ain’t life unkind? [100 wds, Gideon/Hotch/Rossi]
"Aaron," Rossi says quietly.
20. heaven help me, she’s dangerous [100 wds, Spike/Buffy/Angel]
"Slayer," Spike says, wandering into the room shirtless, "your boyfriend is staring out the window and brooding again."
patterns: My drabbles are perhaps disproportionately represented in this list, but yes, I have a couple patterns:
“Dialogue,” POV character says. -- usually followed by the other half of the sentence...)
A “thesis statement” of some kind -- a bold, declarative sentence that I immediately backtrack to explain
good ol’ noun-verb action sentence aka in media res
Between my drabbles, where I don’t have words to spare, and my D&D stuff, where it’s assumed the reader has context already, I don’t spend a lot of time establishing scenery gjfdjslfklkfdjkd
It’ll be interesting to see if/how my style changes when I start posting longer fic and/or stories that stand alone!
fave line:  I think my favorite one is #9, because I had a bitch of a time cutting the drabble down to size but I was determined to keep that metaphor in. The editing process really streamlined it, but I was trying to convey something very specific about David: he’s built up a shell around himself, but he’s also broken/damaged and so the goodness in him can’t help spilling out, shining through. Like that one line from “Anthem.”
tagging: @streetlampsunset @fairmanor @blackandwhiteandrose @agoodpersonrose @trueillusion82 @sunflower-le-tournesol ...and I’m tired and I want to go to bed so six tags is all you get. If you write fic and you see this, pretend I was awake enough to tag you :D
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dumbassv32 · 4 years
plants, overalls, and winged-eyeliner?? lol
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
@notcaringisdamnhardsometimes hey :D
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
I'd go on a donating spree, I'm 13 I havE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS PSNCKSNCKSMX
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
Oooh !! So, like a drabble! I'm 13 so i guess im talking to my slightly younger self B]
Dear Dai,
YEEEAAHHH That's your new internet name! Anyways you're gonna get back into minecraft youtubers and you're gonna . do things !!! So get better at existing you absolute nerd. You better learn to before you forget!
Also read up on gender !!! And. something? And ask dad for more nutella, damnit!! AND DRINK WATER!!!! DON'T DRINK THE COKE OTHERWISE YOU'RE GONNA KEEP DRINKING IT!!!
And also be nicer >:/// Oh AND you don't need to worry about the speech, something's gonna happen :D
OH and this is 13 y/o you speaking, OH!!! STAY AWAY FROM ICE PACKS! Yeah !! Yeah B]
Dai !! But from the future >:)
the 100 words are not including the dear dai and the sincerelt dai and aLSO I MIGHTVE COUNTED WRONG
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anlian-aishang · 4 years
Hay! 💞💕
So, I absolutely love, love, LOVE your writing! I honestly just... can't. Amazing! I'm trying to write myself, but I'm fairly new to it and there are sooo many amazing writers I feel kinda under pressure and a bit intimidated 😞
I showed a friend one of my oneshots but she said it was too short, is there a right length? 😂 Should I aim for a certain amount of words?
Do you have any tips? Anything you do to get inspiration? Sorry for ambushing you with a million questions! I just don't have many people I can ask these sorts of things 👉👈
Anyways... hope you're having an amazing day and I look forward to reading many, MANY, more of your amazing stories soon!! 💕💞💕💞
Hay! 💞💕
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Okay I have so much good stuff to say, I am going to put a read more!
This goes for you and everyone, if you ever want my help/advice/listening ears for anything, I am always here! We can become writing buddies and good friends! 💞
TLDR: No one in the world can write like you. The way that you see and express things is uniquely its own. Follow your heart and others will follow. You offer something that no one else can! 💕
So first off, I want to thank you a ton for the incredibly nice compliments!! It makes me so happy to hear that people enjoy my writing :’) Like, really, there are no words to adequately express how awesome it makes me feel!! Thank you so so much!
Also, congratulations! You’re an author!!! SO EXCITING!!! :D
Just a mere few months ago I was feeling the exact same way you are! There were countless authors with hundreds of notes and hundreds of followers who had dozens of works. I felt like, “Why should I even try? Every scenario has already been written in a better way than I can write, right?” WRONG. There will always be requests and there will always be difference in tastes. You are someone’s favorite writer. Even if the scene is the same, you will make it unique just by being you!
I totally understand that pressure. It took me a while to realize: anything you put out there is more than you ever had to. You’re doing more than is necessary and everyone will be grateful for anything and everything you make. Volunteering your time and effort, anyone and everyone appreciates that!
As for intimidation, I understand that too. I think a lot of people on tumblr (and the internet in general) can come off as cold or blunt. Mostly unintentionally. Some intentionally :/ As for me, I am only a human being just like you :) I am pretty sure in my in-person life, no one has ever been afraid or intimidated by me 😂 (and I like it that way!) Online, I love every user I’ve interacted with! I hope no one feels afraid to talk to me! I’m super nice and soft and friendly. I don’t have a mean bone in my body 🥰 Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to me!
Regarding appropriate lengths, I have googled this question so many times cause I never know either 😅. I could be wrong, but as of now, I think: 100 to 1000 words is a drabble. 500 to 1000+ words is a oneshot. I think there is a grey area between 500 and 1000 words where it could go either way, but this is just a casual “to each their own” kinda thing, I think!  Truthfully, when I write, I don’t rely on the word count too much. I write the story and consider it done once I’ve expressed everything I wanted to and once the pacing feels right. Sometimes, these criteria are met at 300 words. Other times, at 3000 words! It all just depends :) Whatever feels right to you!
General writing tips... hmm... let me think!
I highly recommend an outline and/or first draft! For me, it’s just easier to see my plan written out than trying to memorize and keep track of it in my head. Also, a first draft allows you to just write as you think and not get too hung up on perfecting each sentence. It will make the writing faster, but more importantly, a lot less headache! :)
If you’re trying to remember a certain word, I recommend going to google and typing in “__word__ synonym” and/or going utilizing this website: https://www.onelook.com/reverse-dictionary.shtml. OneLook gives you not only synonyms, but words that are similar and related to that word. (i.e. “romantic” will show up in a search for “kiss”) You can sort by alphabetizing or relevance and look at nouns/verbs/adjectives/etc. as you please! It’s helped me remember so many words!
That said, don’t worry about getting too descriptive or using crazy words! Readers can use their imaginations, their own personifications, their own perspectives to adequately fill in the blanks. :)
This is a personal preference, but it’s one that I feel strongly about for myself. I don’t love run-on sentences. Try to break them up into smaller sentences or at least use commas. This is not only easier for your editing process, but is a lot less demanding to your reader.
To illustrate my run-on sentence point, which is easier to read?
“Levi not only was a captain of the Scout Regiment but was also a handsome with his steel eyes and raven locks, strict with his flat stare and riddled muscle, disciplinarian so of course you felt intimidated along with all your other recruits, actually everyone in the human race to be honest.”
“Levi was not only a captain of the Scout Regiment, he was also a handsome, strict, disciplinarian. Steel eyes, raven locks, flat stare, of course you and all fellow recruits felt intimidated. In fact, everyone in the human race perceived him the same.”
See what I mean? Once again, this could just be my silly personal preference, but I think it at least makes reading easier for your audience.
Finally, and most importantly, stay true to yourself :) It’s fine to admire authors and take things from their writing, but don’t forget to value your own skill and perspective. You write like no one else can. Isn’t that amazing?! :D 🌟🌟🌟
For inspiration, I would recommend opening up your inbox requests! People have some incredible imaginations. Of course, don’t feel pressured to write anything you don’t want to or just aren’t feeling. Maybe write out some rules for if you’re worried about certain requests. Another idea is to reblog prompt lists. They’re usually quotes (or something similar) that you can incorporate into a piece. They allow room for your own creativity while also providing a basis to work with! 
I would love for you to come off anon so that we can be writing buddies and even better friends 💞 Only if you feel comfortable, of course! I'd be more than happy to get in touch. I’ll always be here to proofread, offer help/advice, listen, and just be a good pal. 
Thanks for such a kind ask! I am so looking forward to your works! Let me know when they come out :) I’m anticipating already 😇
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The Not Yet Shifted Months pt.2
hello and how are you?
Another month has passed for us and we are happy to report that we are still going strong! We thought that the first Month we did this was super cool and nice to see, especially for ourselves, so we are doing it once again!
Let's Get Into Everything, Shall We? Month: September | Year: 2022
Writing Milestones:
🌱 Progress on The Not Yet Abandoned Works has been slow this month. We ended up picking up some different Projects and all, but we did manage to get some solid work done, we think!
Grayland's Shadow 02 Drafts | 37 Chapters | 17k Words | Chapter Rewriting
The Plague Begins With Me 01 Draft | 06 Scene Drafts | 4k Words | Scene Drafting
Marathon Runners 01 Draft | 15 Scene Drafts | 10k Words | Scene Drafting
Mitch's Journals 02 Volumes | 07 Stories | 13k Words | Story Writing
The Vagabond Child 01 Draft | 05 Scene Drafts | 2k Words | Scene Drafting
The Rapunzel Witch 01 Draft | 05 Scene Writes | 4k Words | Chapter Updates
🌱 We revived an older WIP from the Not Yet Diminished Masterlist, called Constellations By Orion, and plan on giving it more attention as October comes and goes.
🌱 We created an Intro Post for The Rapunzel Witch, and got out three Chapters of the Story, along with a random Ficlet just for the fun of it!
🌱 We started a Ko-fi and managed to reach over 100 Page Views and are up to 4 Followers! :D
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Tumblr Milestones:
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🌱 We hit the Fifty Follower Milestone, at the beginning of the Month and we are soaring as we make our way onto the next Milestone! We also had 29 New Wanderers coming along for the ride, which is honestly amazing!
🌱 We had an absolutely AMAZING month of Seven Hundred+ Notes! Honestly, this is more than wonderful and we are so happy to be getting into Tumblr, making wonderful mutuals, and shouting ourselves into the Void for Tumblr to share throughout the Worlds!
🌱 We ended up falling off one of our Writing Challenges, but the other one held true for the rest of the Month! We will be trying to commit fully to them once again in October, in prep for NaNoWriMo!
The Great Motivation Experiment 43 Asks Answered | 8,854 Words Written
The 30 Days, 30 Lines Challenge One Attempt Made | Longest Streak: 10 Days
🌱 We joined the C.A.N.S. Discord Server - and if you want a community just in time for NaNoWriMo, or just want a good server for writers, you should too ! - and we love it. The events and soft sprints and everyone being vibrant and wonderful is just wonderful, we are more than hyped for November!
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September Shifting Into October:
🌱 We are going to be participating in different October Prompt Writing Challenges this year, in prep for NaNoWriMo! We want to get our writing habit up and going and we think the Challenges are a perfect way to do it! We will go into more detail about it in a different post, but here are a few glances at the Challenges we are doing!
100 Drabbles Challenge Will be used in tandem with the Great Motivation Experiment.
Inktober/Writing Prompts We like doing tiny drawings paired with poems or small snippets of writes for Inktober.
Whumptober The main writing Challenge and focus for the Spoopy Season.
🌱 We will be emptying out the Draft Hoard, in order to prep for NaNoWriMo and with all of the challenges we are participating in, we are more than confident in our ability to actually focus on something!
🌱 We will be introducing some more WIPs, again in preparation for NaNoWriMo, and so you will be seeing some more Works from The Not Yet Diminished Masterlist come to life before November rolls around!
🌱 We will be doing mostly new works, and will be working on our Blog and Kofi, so we will more than likely not hold any of the older works in the queue this month.
Thank you so much, if you stuck around and got to know what happened during this month! May this shift into the next month be smooth and gentle and filled with promised for everyone!
May The Odds Be Ever In Our Favor! :D
until we write again,
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copperbadge · 5 years
kudilu replied to your post “Me: Oh, shit. I’m about to get paid biweekly instead of monthly at my...”
Biweekly is great! Especially if you have sent, but some breathing room - set up your budget such that half the monthly sent payment comes out of each check, and twice per year you'll have a 'bonus' one that can be applied to the principle balance or applied to.something else - I used to have it be a large chunk of our 'gifts' budget.
I really probably shouldn’t have used the word biweekly, tbh -- the pay structure is actually the 15th and last day of each month, which seems unnecessarily complicated to me but there you have it....
inner8andtheisms replied to your post “Me: Oh, shit. I’m about to get paid biweekly instead of monthly at my...”
you know we even have a word in english for the two week time frame? fortnightly is such a helpful word and I just can't work out why americans don't use it
Don’t look at me, I’m not the one who broke off from British rule two hundred and fifty years ago. :D I could just straight up start using it but in America you get sniggers and “aren’t we fancy” for using a word like fortnightly. 
junker5 replied to your post “Me: Oh, shit. I’m about to get paid biweekly instead of monthly at my...”
It's crazy how this can wreck your financial world lol We switched from every 2 weeks ( which I loved) to the 15th & 30 (grrr) I sure miss knowing every other Friday there will be a deposit in my account. I know you'll have fun with your new spreadsheets!!!! :D
I’m already figuring out how to restructure it! The way I had built it, the top row of the sheet was “rollover from last month”, then add paycheck, subtract mortgage, and “total surplus” and everything for the month was deducted in columns from total surplus. Now it looks like probably what I’m going to have to do is have a rollover, paycheck one, total surplus, deduct in columns until the 15th, then a second rollover, paycheck two, and total surplus again. But ALL my bills including my mortgage come out on the first of the month, so likely I’ll have to drop half my mortgage into a second checking account at the start of the month, half on the 15th, and then pay the next month’s mortgage out of the previous month’s paycheck. 
redshoesnblueskies replied to your post “Rereading your old drabbles and remembered your old A Poem by Ellis...”
omg I'd TOTALLY forgotten Two Kneazles :D :D :D
banesidhe replied to your photoset “ferrousferrule: copperbadge: evansensations: #L’Oréal I 100% did...”
Like the movie itself is supposedly a terrible white man savior piece and haven't heard anything good about it, but the gif sets are great.
I have heard it’s very terrible, yes. We might watch it on mute. 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Fifty-Six: Curious Animal ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: River Runs Deep ] [ AO3 Link ]
Ever since her rather...supernatural visit, Hinata has been on edge.
Part of her wonders if the nekomata wants it that way. To pop back up again in a moment she least expects it. He seemed to enjoy her nervousness...after all, they aren’t known as very friendly spirits. Quite the opposite, really: making playthings of the dead, eating people, or carrying them away into the mountains…
Does she really want such a beast as a husband?
Her immediate reaction is no! Of course not! To be the bride of a yōkai seems a terrible fate. Would she have to live on the plane of spirits and kami? Surely she’d be in danger in such a realm, would she not? After all, a great many yōkai enjoy devouring humans...nekomata among them! What if this is all just an elaborate ruse for a meal?
...and yet...this seems a great amount of effort to eat one human woman. But what does he want from her…?
He said something about her ‘talents’ being useful, but...she’s not even sure what he means. She can see spirits, yes...but how could that be of any use to a spirit? He can see them just fine!
...is her sight a sign of something else lying dormant within her…?
She doesn’t want to think of such things...all Hinata has ever wanted was to be normal! Her mother, too, had seen spirits...and her husband thought her mad! If only she’d not stared at the cat spirit...if only he’d never noticed her. Then, maybe, she could have gone on pretending not to see into the plane of the gods. Find a husband, and try to live a normal life!
...and yet…
Can there ever be a normal life for someone like her? Even if she never told anyone else of her sight...it wouldn’t stop the power. She would still see, no matter how vehemently she denied it. Does she truly want to live a life that’s so much a lie?
Looking up from her contemplative perch in the rear garden, Hinata sees her father. “...yes?” Has the nekomata spoken to him?
“I thought I told you, no animals in our gardens!”
She blinks. “I...I’m sorry, what…?”
Sighing curtly, Hiashi points. “Did you let that vermin in here?”
Following his gesture, she stiffens. Bathing in a corner...is the nekomata. And while she knows Hiashi can’t see the cat’s twin tails, the sight still startles her. “I...no, otōsama. It must have wandered in on i-it’s own. I know not to break your rules.”
“Hn...I’ll have one of the staff remove it.”
Looking up, the yōkai considers them both before arching his back, hissing.
“...w-wait!” Hinata raises a pleading hand.
“...I...t-that is…” Her mind races for an excuse - why?! “...cats c-catch mice.”
“...and? Are you insinuating there are rodents in our home?”
“No! But...perhaps it would be, ah...wise to keep a defense against them? Just in case? Surely if a cat were to sit in our garden, no mouse would dare to enter!”
Hiashi stares at her, then glances to the cat. Still he remains tensed. “...rather curious animal, isn’t it…? I’ve never seen a cat with hair so untamed. What if it carries a disease?”
“But...it appears healthy, otōsama. I think...it just looks that way because...it has no one to care for it. To brush its fur. See? Its eyes are bright, and its weight healthy. If it were ill, s-surely it would appear so…?”
Hiashi is silent for a long while. “...very well. It may stay. But I refuse to feed it. If it gets hungry...it can catch those mice you’ve promised it.”
“Y...yes, otōsama…” Head bowing, she remains hunched until Hiashi leaves.
“Tch...what an opinionated old bastard…”
Startling, Hinata looks up to see the nekomata back in a human guise...save for his ears and twin tails.
Said ears pin, lip lifting with a hiss. “To call a cat a vermin...I ought to -”
“Please, d-don’t hurt him!” Hinata begs in a hush. “...yes, he is stern...but he is my father…”
“...trust me, a father is not always a blessing.” With that, he turns from the path Hiashi took, heading further into the Hyūga clan gardens. “...sometimes...you are better off alone.”
Expression hesitant and yet somber, Hinata watches him.
Arms folded, he then looks over his shoulder to her, ruddy eyes flickering over her face. “...it’s as I said, isn’t it?”
“Your father knows, doesn’t he? And see how he treats you? You’ve eyes gifted by the spirits...and he treats you like a monster. Calls you mad, does he? Calls you a liar?”
The truths make her shrink. “...I-I…”
“...I told you, miko...you don’t belong here. In the human realm….you are an outsider.”
“...so too would I be an outsider in the world of the gods. I’m not a spirit...I’m...in between.” Head bowing, she looks to her upturned hands. “...I don’t belong a-anywhere…”
“Then carve a place for yourself with your hands. If the world will not afford you one...make one. Life is not for the meek. It is for the strong. Only those who take what they need will find it. Begging for scraps will get dirt kicked in your face.”
“...is that what happened to you?”
Sasuke jolts a hair, staring at her.
“...some say that a nekomata is a cat that has live a hundred years. Like many things granted a spirit form when a c-century has passed. A cat mistreated...hurt…” White eyes lift to stare back. “...is that...what you have become…?”
Ears pinning, he hisses at her. “What would you know? You’ve never begged a day in your life, have you? Rejected though you may be, your father keeps you. But I...I was…”
“...left behind…?”
Abruptly, he spins back around, arms still folded. “...some say we cats are harbingers of death. Bad luck. Some cut our tails when we are born to ensure they never split. If we’re kept too long, we’ll turn into monsters...so they abandon us. Leave us in the mountains where we’ll never find our way home again. So when the world turns its back on you…”
Again he turns, staring at her with one glowing, blood-red eye. “...what choice do you have but to become a monster…? It’s fight...or die.”
Staring sadly, Hinata then lowers her gaze. “...I’m sorry for the pain you’ve been given, Uchiha-san...any life is precious, and should be given love.”
...is that why he wants a bride? To steal the one thing he never had?
To take and capture love…?
“...I don’t need your pity.”
“That’s n-not what I offered.”
His eyes narrow.
“...you’re right. I don’t know that pain...but I sympathize. I wish I could take it from you. But...I can’t. No one can undo the past. They can only shape the future.”
Considering her, Sasuke strides to stand at her fore. He takes a knee, lifting her chin with a claw-clad finger. “...every life should be given love, you say…? Then give me yours.”
“...I can try.”
“Love isn’t something you can...demand. It’s like…” Looking around, she nods to the garden. “...like a seed. You must tend to it carefully. G-give it what it needs. Shelter it, give it light, feed it...and be patient as it grows. Then, when your work comes to fruition...you’ll have something beautiful.”
Matching her gaze, Sasuke frowns. “Love...grows…”
For a moment more he considers it, then stands in a fluid motion. “Then...I will feed your love. Give it whatever it needs. Until it’s the most beautiful love under O-Amaterasu-sama’s light.”
His reaction, admittedly, takes her aback. Part of her is convinced he doesn’t yet fully understand...seeing this more as a simple task than a delicate process. But, at least he seems...determined?
With that, he alights atop the garden wall, staring out into the mountains beyond. Both tails flick in thought. “...wait here, bride of mine.” Turning back, his cheshire grin returns. “I’ll come back for you.” In a blink, a two-tailed black cat leaps down into the field below.
Hinata, still a bit dazed, considers his words in silence.
“...what a curious animal, indeed.”
     Oh gosh it's late and I'm bushed, so I'll be brief @~@      A sequel to day 148, A Cat Walks Past. I managed a BIT more reading about nekomata...still not sure I'm 100% on their lore yet, so some of this MIGHT have a little...artistic liberty. But overall I really like how it turned out. Poor little kitty Sasuke...he got no love :< But while he might not have QUITE the right idea yet...surely he'll help Hinata's love grow!      Watch him take feeding it too literally and bring her fish. "What is this?" "I'm feeding your love." "Uchiha-san.......no."      ANYWAY...I really need sleep, so I'ma bounce! I'm ALMOST done with my event, so I'll be able to devote more time to these come Friday! Until then, please be patient with me - I wrote a 5k drabble today alone, so I'm a LIL pooped :'D But, either way...thank you for reading!
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