#100 year old vampire
rainbowvamp · 1 year
okay you know what.
it doesn’t make any fucking sense for vampire eyes to be gold if they drink only animal blood. the animal blood is still fucking red. hemoglobin. if the argument is “they don’t absorb the nutrients as well from animal blood” then they should be fucking pink. duh.
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muckyschmuck · 2 months
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screaming ab their boss
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chibishortdeath · 9 months
I just watched Nosferatu for the first time; it’s very good! Here’s a little pixel art I made for it, I hope it loads in properly. :3
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How to immediately lose me in your critique of a fantasy story involving a monster x human romance: Bringing up a 100+ age gap as a legitimate problem within the relationship.
Like what are we doing here, why are we talking about impossible age gaps as if it's a genuine concern. Who are we trying to protect. Get a grip please.
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queenboimler · 2 months
just so everyone knows: im refusing to engage with the idea that edwin and charles are actually minors
there is no universe where any of these characters are realistically 16
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panlight · 1 year
Interesting comments in the "Was Rosalie mean?" poll, with many making distinctions between 'mean' and 'unfriendly,' 'cold', 'rude', 'unwelcoming.'
And I agree; when I think of 'mean' I think of someone going out of their way to be actively nasty to someone--to yell at them, to call them names, etc. Rosalie doesn't do that (maybe in her head but again, she's not saying it aloud, so we only 'hear' it in Midnight Sun), but Bella is picking up on those "doesn't like me/doesn't want me here" vibes and seems to interpret it as 'mean.'
There's always going to be this tension there because Bella is the Main Character and Twilight has a protagonist-centered morality problem. Without larger context, Rosalie having a problem with Edward putting the whole family at risk because he's obsessed with this random human isn't 'bad' or 'mean,' in fact you could argue Rosalie is looking out for the family and Edward is throwing them under the bus in favor of Bella. But because this is a romance and because Bella is the main character, not supporting her and not supporting her relationship is 'bad' in that context and Rosalie is perceived by the general audience as 'mean.'
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shyshyscott · 2 months
Had a dream where I was invited to be in a 3some with a hot vampire couple. Tall vampire woman with goth clothes and high heels etc etc she brought me to their castle and then I met her husband (also vampire and goth coded). they both led me to their bedroom and their bed was heart shaped. literally a heart shaped bed on a lifted platform.
anyways I'll be thinking about them for a very long time
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lecter-lioncourt · 15 days
Honestly I really can't help but feel for older vampires. How the fuck are you gonna expect some bitch from the dark ages to act normal around humans or even just younger vampires? Have normal relationships? Or even just healthy ones? Some shepherd from 1200AD who accidentally got turned then witnessed the horrors across centuries isn't gonna want therapy speak thrown at them by some vampire changed in 1978 my guy
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kennys-parka-jacket · 11 months
I have an entire theory about how Vampir met Karen based on everything we've been told about Vampir. I'm not too sure how familiar you are with from Dusk Till Casa Bonita but basically Karen got invited to Vampir's birthday party and Kenny decided to take that personally and teamed up with Cartman and Henrietta to beat up the vamp kids. Karen was perfectly fine I think Kenny was overreacting.
Yeah he totally was. It was the older sibling in him shining through, trying to keep his little sister from her interests just because he thinks they're lame. Kinda douchey of him, but it's accurate to how siblings work in real life.
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delicate-musings13 · 2 years
Elena Gilbert being a mom
I will die on the hill that Elena Marie Gilbert would have never had any biological kids unless she was absolutely certain her doing so would not result in more dooplegangers. Elena would not let another girl go through what she did in her teenaged years just because she wanted to have biological kids. She would never risk Klaus or anyone else using that girl for whatever magic or supernatural nonsense against her will. I understand Klaus did die but by the point Elena had a kid he was still alive and that does not stick with her protective nature at all. Elena wouldn’t have had kids unless she knew they’d be safe and any kids they had or their kids’ kids’ had would be out of reach. I’m not saying Elena wouldn’t have adopted or fostered kids, I think she would have and done wonderfully at it. I just do not think she would happily and willingly put another person go through what she did when she was a kid.
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An announcement for those on my "Tumblr"!
Lestat here. I am simply here to say that we have reached 100 likes (and almost 30 followers)! I am over the moon to everyone's response to my "Tumblr" and I am thoroughly enjoying the posts and various people I have interacted with throughout my time on the platform! I am delighted, and I want to thank everybody that is on this learning journey with me.
Keep the burning questions coming, because I absolutely love replying to them and seeing what you all think! One thing is for certain though, and that is: I'm not going anywhere anytime soon!
Thank you for your wonderful display of generosity, mortals of the internet. You all mean so much to my cold little heart. ❤️
Signed, your brat prince, forever and always.
Lestat out. xoxo
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tmorriscode · 2 years
I realize that Lucy looking healthy and “loosing that anemic look” is probably foreshadowing. But as Mina is worried, Lucy seems to be getting healthier. If I didn’t think it was foreshadowing, I’d be jumping to the conclusion that she was already some kind of psychic vampire
And also that, coincidentally, there Is another vampire of a different sort on the way to England right now. One who recently divested himself of three female roommates and may be looking for companionship. And who might recognize his own kind.
This is pure speculation, mind you. *whistles as I walk away*
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stamour · 7 months
future verses can go 2 ways for love okay so: they lose their humanity after losing everyone they ever loved. coming to the realization that they'll spend an eternity being left behind devastates them, leaves them completely hollow. so what do they do?
join the vampire society she had actively tried to avoid during her early life. they shun love for his half-human nature and yet are fascinated by it. eventually love will learn about how vampires work, the structures of their government and their laws. that's when she realizes something; those very vampires that looked down at her were hiding a very specific rule of their government. it states that a seat of power can be seized by anyone... so long as they're willing to kill for it. it is rare— there's a unspoken and (begrudgedly) respected acceptance of the elders within the vampire society— but it can happen. and it does for love who harbors little compassion for authority figures. so love commits the deed in a public dual and wins; much to everyone's surprise. he assumes a seat in the high council which simultaneously makes him untouchable and also puts a target on his back. they become a diplomat for the vampires since their human nature turns out to be leverage when it comes to dealing with the affairs between the two species. and she's almost militant with her reign, far from the warm and bright love park that once lived. but the city love oversees is the first to see vampires and humans living peacefully side by side.
love fucks off and lives his eternity out in a cabin in the woods alone while occasionally eating a hiker that strays too far from the path, unintentionally becoming an urban legend.
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winepresswrath · 8 months
drusilla's canon grandma kink is a thing that can be so charming & unhinged.
#do i empathize with darla not being into it. yes. 100% it is horrible#but come onnn it's so funny and endearing that drusilla wants to go there#sexually and also emotionally she's making it uncomfortable for everyone. if she wanted to play nuclear family & iirc sometimes she does#they'd role with it because they're creatures of the night perverting wholesome domesticity is their jam. but no.#drusilla says this is an intergenerational household of cringe and i want a boyfriendson just like grandma#spike when drusilla is like you're the knight and i'm the princess: overjoyed. honoured. so turned on and blissed out he could die (again)#spike when drusilla is like i want to show grandmother my new baby: incest is just a very touchy topic for me right now babe#you can't cancel her she's just processing her trauma!!#incidentally i think it's also interesting that william the bloody awful poet does not have daddy issues at all as far as we see.#very much unlike angel and also penn! angelus has so many daddy issues he actually sought out another human with daddy issues to turn#so he could play vampire daddy about the art of murdering your family. like a full 2/3 vamps we know for sure he turned (i think??) call hi#dad. only partially as a sex thing. yikes!!! this manpire is so unwell on the dad front#but it looks like william's father predeceased him#and he had time to process and come to terms with that before he got vamped#if he had a bad relationship with him he doesn't think about it unless i'm misremembering season 7 which is very possible#but spike the vampire is so daddy issues flavoured and it's just. it's just angelus issues like imagine you're 27 years old reborn#to eternal night and your girlfriend's other boyfriend she calls daddy fucks you up like that. there's so much oof in that relationship#no wonder he's mad. that is just embarrassing. like yes obviously the backdoor of his mommy issues provided an opening but still. still!!!#press says btvs#cw: incest#cw:drusilla
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link-lonk · 2 years
Obsessed with Dio and Pucci's relationship
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
Those contacts are terrible, too. He looks like a car at night.
isn't it interesting that the white vampires got to keep their natural eye color for the vampire contacts and everyone else had to look like circus monsters 🥸
like even Bailey has such beautiful green eyes but nope.
idk man.
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