#100% passive aggressiveness intended
orcelito · 2 years
Came home to find the log in embers, so the neighbors obviously set it on fire again, but my apartment is not in flames either! So like I guess it's fine.
Definitely says the fire was very intentional tho lol. Which means they were Probably annoyed at me extinguishing it
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tojipie · 8 months
I'm a huge fan of your work and I would love to see a dilf!toji fan fiction where you accidentally walk in on him changing and it goes a bit further while megumi's home🙏🙏🙏
part 1 here
shaking crying and throwing up as the kids say
warnings: dilf!toji x reader, nsfw, almost getting caught, age gap
“think that’s it for tonight.” megumi mumbles, turning the newly painted mound of clay to the side to gauge your shared work.
it goes without saying that you and your closest friend had spent the weeks leading up to the deadline planning, but not actually doing your final sculpting project, leading to an equally desperate and passive aggressive all-nighter.
you both of you were absolutely caked in paint, but the satisfaction of finally being done was well worth it. you stand up for the first time in over 4 hours, hissing at they way your back protests.
your feet tingle as blood rushes down to your legs, the aches in your body becoming more apartment.
“god, what is it— like 11?” you ask, massaging your neck with the back of your hand.
megumi grabs his phone to look at the time, scratching off a smear of dried pain with a scoff.
“it’s 1 am.” he laughs, tucking the device into his pocket with a sigh. “you ubering home or do you want my dad to take you?”
you perk up at the second option, gathering yourself before you respond.
“i mean yeah i feel like that’d be a lot safer.” you say, only half lying. “is he still up?” you knew he was up, in fact you knew if you hadn’t been practically right outside his bedroom for the past 4 hours he’d be texting you right now.
your sculpting partner motions to the kitchen door with a nod of his head, wordlessly gathering his materials up. “go check, i’m going to bed.”
you laugh, gathering your things and padding out into the hall.
“nite gumi.” you tell him, hoping it wasn’t too late in the night for the both of you to get a decent nights sleep.
you secretly hope toji is waiting for you as you fix your makeup in the mirror, leaning down to meticulously washing the paint from your hands and arms in an attempt to look presentable.
megumi hadn’t noticed it was you in his father’s bed the last time you snuck over, taking toji’s sly suggestion to “drive his little friend home” as an ill intended joke.
he opted to drive himself to the concert instead, accepting the ridiculous $100 venue parking fee in exchange for his peace of mind.
you, on the other hand, had gotten the opportunity to wail your lungs out as loud as you needed once the house was empty, going round-for-round with the massive wall of muscle that was your best friend’s dad.
and now, here you were in his bathroom, washing up in the sink as quickly as you could before feeding yourself to the lion.
you slip into the dark hallway as quietly as you can manage, cringing at the stale creak of the bathroom door.
the house is barely lit with the dim light from the kitchen gone. you figure megumi had shut it off before going to bed, thinking you and toji had already left.
you feel your way down the corridor of rooms, silently opening the door to your destination before stopping cold in your tracks.
“you should knock ya’know.” a deep voice crones.
you yelp as you’re pulled into his bedroom, the sound muffled by a solid hand over your mouth.
“shhhhh.” toji chuckles, caging you against the door. the older man leans down to mouth at your neck, feeling you up as you catch your breath.
“you have a real volume problem, pretty girl.” he teases.
you laugh, cradling his head as it settles in the curve of your neck. his shirt is half off already, bunched around his shoulders. you must’ve caught him changing.
“what, were you waiting on me?”
“men have needs don’t they?” he says quietly, leaning in to kiss you.
thick hands settle around the curve of your waist just under your breasts and pull you backwards, leading you towards the bed.
“was—fuck—gonna text you.” toji whispers between kisses, palming your chest underneath your shirt. the older man pulls you into his lap from where he sits on the edge of the mattress, rucking your shirt above your head to mouth at the top of your breasts.
“yeah? why didn’t you?”
“knew you’d come find me.”
your cheeks burn at his admission. he was right, as embarrassing as it was you both knew how often you found yourself under him on nights like these.
and whether or not you’d begun hanging out at megumi’s just to see his dad was a question you didn’t want to address, and one that toji already knew the answer to.
you say nothing, opting to palm the man below you through his boxers while he finally undresses his top half. toned abs clench tight as you squeeze his cock through the fabric, guided only by the small sliver of moonlight bleeding from his curtains.
“harder.” he groans, bucking into your hand.
“miss me?”
“always miss you.” toji mumbles, motioning for you to stand so he can strip you of your bottoms.
you’re pulled on top of him as soon as your shorts hit the floor, leaning in to kiss him again. the older man licks into your mouth with fervor, toying with the waistline of your thin panties.
toji breaks the kiss, snapping the elastic against your hip. you flinch at the sharp sting, whimpering into his neck as he grips your ass
“you wear these for me?” he asks.
you nod, letting him slip them off. he gives them a once over, smiling as he reaches to throw them onto the night stand.
“keeping em.” he laughs, pulling himself free from the confines of his bottoms.
he’s throbbing, steadily leaking onto his own thigh with every passing second. you lean down to accept him into your mouth, pausing when he pulls you back up to him.
“just get on top of me.” he begs, grabbing hold of the backs of your thighs and reclining into the pillows.
“need it that bad?” you ask, genuinely curious. you watch as he grabs hold of his cock, lining it up with ease—practically muscle memory.
“wouldn’t need it this bad—oh fuck— if you hadn’t been busy the entire night.” he groans, complaint interrupted by the feeling of you sinking down onto him.
“could fuck me when the sun’s out, you wouldn’t have to wait all day that way.” you suggest, only half serious.
“the only thing stopping me from doing that is work, pretty girl.” toji mumbles. you gasp as he twitches inside you, sinking down all the way to watch what little composure he still has crumble.
your knees protest as you bounce on the older man’s cock, body still sore from the workload you’d dealt with earlier.
“you could’ve just—fuck— came out and said hi.” you add, noticing the way the scar on his lip contorts when he smiles.
“can’t really walk around with a hard-on.” he admits with a sleazy grin, taking one of your breasts into his mouths for good measure.
your shared moans grow louder with every thrust, the sound of skin-on-skin becoming unmistakable.
“fuck is that noise?” a sleepy voice yells from the hallway.
you freeze. pulling away from toji to gauge his reaction.
“fuck, get underneath.” he chuckles, practically pulling you off of his cock with how easily he manhandles you, making space for you to crawl into the sheets.
you’re struck with what feels like another heart attack as a knock at the door pierces the air.
“do you have another girl over?” megumi scoffs pacing behind the doorway.
“you sleepwalking or something?” toji lies, clearly not considering the consequences of getting caught.
you feel him pull the sheets over your head with a soft laugh. warm hands rubbing over your sides through the thin fabric, a sweet attempt at calming you down.
“i’m not stupid.” his son replies, kicking the foot of the door for good measure. “did you even drive my friend home?”
“she ubered, kid.” toji lies again, groping your breast over the thin sheet. you yelp at the sudden contact, earning a teasing “shhhh” from the man above you.
“fucking knew you brought someone over.” megumi sighs, trudging down the hallway with vague threats of “you’re paying for my dorm room next year.” and “can’t keep it down.”
you emerge from the covers, arms snaking around toji’s shoulders with a sigh of relief.
“what’d i tell you about that volume problem?” he laughs, lowering you onto his still hard cock with a breathy groan.
“fuck, did you get wetter or somethin?” he asks, clearly in disbelief.
“course not!” you mouth, stifling a whimper as he begins to thrust.
“i know honey.” he teases, biting the curve of your shoulder to stifle a groan. “i’m just fuckin’ with you.”
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pretty-little-whorror · 8 months
kinktober - public space
ash williams x reader
wc: 3190
a/n: for the four evil dead enjoyers on this site. i promise if i was less employed i would post daily for this like the lord intended.
tags: semi-public sex, fem reader, fingering, p in v sex, safe/protected sex, work sex, fucking your coworkers, ash williams, ash williams and his cheesy ass one liners, and his cheesy ass nicknames, that’s it maybe but i’m tired of looking at this, also not like 100% proofread, like 83%
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Ash Williams had been put against his fair share of unpleasantries. Having to kill his sister, dismember his girlfriend, get sent back in time and go toe to toe against evil incarnate. Throughout all that, he still stands by that working retail can easily be just as bad - if not worse - than all that. Ash had been at S-Mart longer than he had ever intended and dealt with more customer bullshit than one could imagine. However, he did manage to enjoy his time there in his own Ash-y way while he was there, meaning knocking boots with any coworker that he could talk his way into the pants of.
With most it was a one and done situation. Most employees stay new before they eventually leave. To Ash, this was the perfect situation - left no time for awkward talking after he had gotten done what he needed. His most recent example had been with Jenny from Arts and Crafts. A red headed hardbody that had stayed at S-Mart maybe three months. As her last two weeks wrapped up, yours began.
The Arts and Crafts department was mostly women, so word about who exactly Ash Williams was got around to you quick. Most of the talk was about his serial womanizing, however a few strange rumours of beheadings and murder were weaved in and out during a handful of gossip sessions between you and your colleagues. You chalked them up to a bad game of telephone given how out of pocket they seemed.
Eventually, you had your first run-in with Ash, and it went as expected. You managed to keep a professional smile and move on after each encounter, however that was not without acknowledging that you couldn’t blame any of the other girls for falling for his routine. He was far from unattractive and his charming demeanor did nothing to repel you. Regardless, you were determined to hold your own.
Your resistance had come as a surprise to Ash, who believes he’s God’s gift to women. However he was never one to back down from a challenge. The harder the hunt the bigger the trophy. Months of passive aggressive flirting and innuendoed bickering had only made him more determined. He had used whatever brain he had to find different ways to push your buttons without an immediate trip to HR. It would usually result with you giving him a playful eye roll before you continued back to whatever you had been doing. Today was no different of an example, but as you found yourself pinned up against a wall in the stock room, whatever exactly had finally gotten you where he wanted had slipped your mind.
This close, Ash’s cheap aftershave was almost intoxicating compared to its normal warning of obnoxious behavior to come. As your tongues pushed against one another, you could taste remnants of the mint gum he had just spit out.
His left hand made quick work to take off the ill fitting uniform as his metal one held you up against the wall. Your fingers made quick work of his own blue work shirt, pushing the fabric off his shoulders, leaving him in a white undershirt.
“Someone’s a little anxious, huh?” He words teased into your ear as his calloused hand snaked its up your back to unclasp your bra.
“If that’s such a problem, I’m more than okay to stop” Your hands dropped from his shoulders as you spoke, looking up at him. He moved his hand back up and grabbed your chin with a chuckle.
“Oh baby, I’ve got you just where I want.” His hot breath tickled against the side of your neck. “I’d be an idiot to let you get away now.” He brought your face up to his with a rough kiss, his hand dropping from your face to finish discarding your bra. He pushed his tongue into your mouth with a groan as he fondled your breast. His thumb rolling gently over your hardened nipple. You sighed into his kiss as he continued to play with your tit. He broke the kiss to look down at your chest, a string of saliva still connecting your mouth the his.

“Fuck sugar, you’ve got the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen.” He continued his ministrations as he used his other arm to raise you up, your legs now straddling his waist opposed to your hips. He quickly moved his face down to your chest, peppering nips over your other breast as his hand continued to roughly knead the other.
“Now we can’t let her sister have all the fun” He winked up at you before latching his mouth onto your nipple. You gasped at the action, the sensation of one hand rolling the hardened bud between his fingers and his mouth sucking and biting on the other causing your eyes to shut.
Ash reveled in your reaction, you could feel him chuckle against your skin as he continued. Your hand went to his head, fingers weaving through his black hair. He gave your tit one final, playful bite before his mouth went back to yours. His hand snaked down to your backside, giving your ass a quick squeeze before he set you down, his lips never leaving yours.
He made quick work of his belt, tossing it to the floor as he finished shrugging off his shirt. As soon as you heard the cloth hit the floor, his hands were on you again, discarding your pants into the growing pile of garments to the side of you. In a moment, he had you up again, straddling his waist. His mouth quickly found its way to your neck, nipping and sucking dark spots into your flesh. You sighed and lolled your head to the side, allowing him further access.
“Baby…” He whispered, his hot breath centimeters away from your ear. “Can you grab my wallet, hm?”
You giggled at the request and rolled your eyes. Understanding the request your arm snaked around to his back, snatching the wallet from his back pocket.
“Well forgive me for bothering princess,” he teased. “My hands are otherwise occupied”
“Hand” you corrected with a playful grin. In response, you felt his metal appendage pinch your ass. You gasped and slapped his arm as his mouth went back to your neck.
“That hurt, jackass!” You scolded as you felt his mouth curl into a smile against your skin.
“Well,” He raised his face back up to yours. He quickly closed the distance between you and brought your lips together. You felt his left hand sneak under the hem of your panties, slowly sneaking up to your core. “If that’s such a problem…”
You sighed as his fingers ghosted over your entrance, picking up your slick on his fingertips, at the same time, his thumb pressed against your swollen clit.
“…I’m more than okay to stop.” He pushed his index finger into your cunt as he repeated your earlier threat. You let out a breathy moan as he pushed his finger in to the knuckle.
“But I’m pretty sure you don’t want that” His voice was low in your ear. Your eyes shut as his middle finger joined the other.
“Fuck…” You murmured as his fingers worked to stretch you out.
“Shit, baby…” He breathed out as he began to curl his fingers against your walls, his thumb beginning to work small circles on your clit. “You’re so fucking wet for me, aren’t ya”
You bit your lip and nodded, your breath getting caught in your throat. Ash chuckled and shook his head.
“I think I want you to say it, baby” His mouth returned to your neck as the pace of his fingers became rougher. You didn’t speak, groaning in response instead, partially annoyed but mostly too lost in the feeling of his fingers inside you to care. You felt him like up a third finger outside your entrance and you arched your back towards him out of instinct.
“You gotta say it first, sugar, gotta tell me whose got you all hot and bothered”
You whined and opened your eyes, pleading up at him. “You, Ash. You….please” you rutted yourself against his hand as you spoke. He looked down at you with lust blown eyes.
“Good girl,” He whispered into your ear as his pushed in a third digit. You moaned at the feeling, his fingers immediately working on curling against that one, perfect spot and working with the pressured movements of his thumb against your clit. You felt the familiar building pressure in your belly as his hand worked to bring you to your climax.
“Now, how about you finish fetching that love glove out, hm?” You sighed. Your shaky hand meeting your other that held his wallet. You looked down, fingering through cards and cash until you pulled out the golden foil. You quickly dropped the leather wallet to the ground to join the other discarded garments.
“Ash…” You let out a whine as he withdrew his fingers to grab the condom. You looked up at him and pouted. He chuckled, glowing in the fact he’s taken your bratty demeanor away and replaced it with desperate begging.
“Oh, just give me a minute, doll face.” He winked as he undid his fly, pulling his pants down enough to allow his hardened dick out of its confines. You were, well you didn’t want to say impressed, but surprised he had the anatomy to match his attitude. You must have been taking a moment too long to look as Ash whistled to get you attention.
“My eyes are up here, sugar pot.” You rolled your own as he went to get the condom out of its wrapper. Before he would tear the foil, you snatched it out of his hand. Deciding to make a show of it, you tore the gold wrapper with you teeth while another hand began to stroke his member. Rolling the leaking beads of precum down his shaft with feathered strokes. You pulled the condom from the wrapper entirely and slowly rolled it down his cock.
“Atta girl,” Ash’s head tilted back with a sigh, he once again brought your lips down to his for a sloppy kiss. You gave him a few more lazy strokes before he adjusted how he held you against the wall in order to line himself up with your entrance. You breathe out a sigh l as the fat bulge of his head finds your swollen, wet hole. Out of instinct, arch into him, desperate him to satisfy your clenching body.
His lips reunite with the side of neck with an amused chuckle. “You’re so needy, hm?” He teased between peppered kissed towards the crook of your neck, teasingly pushing himself against your entrance.
His metal hand gripped your hips firmly as he pushed you down onto his achingly hard cock. Your eyes slammed shut with a carnal moan as he fully sheathed himself inside of you.
“You stretch so good for me, baby” He groans as he revels in the feeling of your sex enveloping his, your soft walls like a perfect fitting glove. You roll your hips against his, drunk on the euphoria of him buried inside to the hilt.
“Fuck, Ash-“ Your head falls back, hitting the wall behind you with a thud. He drags his cock from inside you before coaxing himself back in. You whine, working your best to sink as far down as possible in tandem with his movements.
His pace starts sultry; fucking you deeply and purposefully, his thumb resting on top of your thigh as he brought you down on him until you could feel his pubes tickle against your lower belly.
Your hands found their place, one flush against his chest and the other grabbing into his shoulder; promising crescent shaped bruises to form in the following hours from where your nails dug into his flesh.
He adjusts his hold on your hips as he picks up his pace, bouncing you on his cock. “Can’t believe I can finally fuck you.” He purred in your ear, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. His left hand moves between you, his thumb dancing over your clit andhis fingers circling where he pushed into you, getting it coated with the cocktail of your wetness and his precum that dripped out of you.
His hand then raised to the underside of your chin; his thumb lifting your head as his fingers prodded against your languidly parted lips. You further opened your mouth, allowing for the gentle intrusion. Your tongue swirled around the digits as you looked up through hooded lashes into his eyes. Making a show of cleaning off his calloused fingers. If Ash had an ounce less of self control he could have finished then and there.
He instead chuckled, his stare fixated on your mouth as you sucked his fingers. “Look at you, getting all filthy for me , hm?” His pace transformed into rough and desperate thrusts, his swollen head kissing your cervix. He withdrew his fingers from your mouth, his hand meeting his other at your hips, changing the angle he pounded into you just enough for him to be fucking directly into your sweet spot. An aching moan escaped your mouth at the change; allowing anyone who was close enough an exact idea of the wanton situation you were in.
“You sound so fucking hot for me baby, but the last thing I want right now is for someone to take this pussy away from me.” Normally, your response would be to chide him for pointing out the obvious accompanied by an eye roll. However, you just bit down on your reddened bottom lip and nodded, arching down on him further, desperate for him to fuck an orgasm out of you.
Ash's thrusts became rough and desperate, his length hitting your cervix with each powerful stroke. The change in angle caused an electric surge of pleasure to shoot through your body, your stifled moans threatening an exposing volume.
His rough and quickened pace only added fuel to the fire, you could feel the intensity building, your body desperately responding to his every movement in an attempt to bring your orgasm on quicker.
You clenched around him, your walls pulsating with need as you arched your back, meeting his thrusts with fervor. The overwhelming sensations coursing through you pushed you closer to the edge.
With each unrestrained thrust, you felt the pleasure intensify, the tension coiling within you like a tightly wound spring. Your moans threatened to grow louder as you did your best to stay quiet-biting down on your lower lip hard enough to draw blood as your head lolled aside, allowing him access to return his mouth to your neck. He callously nipped and sucked at the reddened skin as your nails dug into his skin as you desperately sought release.
As the pleasure reached its peak, you let out a guttural cry, your body convulsing in the throes of your orgasm. Waves of ecstasy washed crassly over you, leaving you breathless and completely consumed by the sensation.
Ash continued to pound into you, fucking you through as you were thrown into rapture. He felt the familiar burning of his own orgasm approaching. His final thrusts were rough and desperate as he finally came, burying himself deep inside you.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, his lips trailed back to yours, taking one last opportunity to taste you.
“You think you’re okay to stand, sweet cheeks?” He asked, his voice soft as his hand trailed down to your ass, gently kneading the soft flesh as he spoke. With a nodded response from you, he slowly pulled out from you. Out of instinct, you whined at the sudden empty feeling, still drunk on the sensation of his cock stuffed into you. He chuckled at your mewl.
“Don’t worry sugar, as soon as I can fuck that tight pretty pussy of yours again, I will. That’s an Ash Williams guarantee. ” He patted your ass and you unwrapped your legs from his waist, placing a foot on the cool ground. You almost fell to the floor as you attempted to put your weight on it. Ash’s metal hand still on your waist, he was able to keep you from falling completely. He smiled, relishing the fact he had fucked you good enough you couldn’t walk.
Knowing exactly what had made his lips curl into such a shit-eating grin, you flicked your eyes up.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” You bent down to pick up your long discarded clothes, the cool metal of his hand still on your waist. “They just fell asleep is all.”
“Whatever you say, baby” He winked, turning his attention to disposing of the used rubber, rolling it off his softened cock; careful not to make a mess. He found some garbage to toss it in and pulled his pants back up over his crotch. You cringed at the thought of whoever had to take out that trash later tonight.
“What time are you out tonight?”
The question came as a surprise to you. You raised a brow as you worked to put your pants back on.
“Six…” You responded, unsure of the intent of his question. He wasn’t gonna wine and dine you - or whatever the Ash equivalent is that was - certainly. You had never heard any report of him attempting anything along the lines of that with anyone before. “What time is it anyway?”
He turned his wrist over, looking at the watch face. “Ten after.”
“Oh,” You raised your brows, surprised you had been…occupied, long enough to round out your shift.
“I’m out at eight.”
“Oh, well okay”
The dialogue was shallow as you finished reassembling your work clothes.
You turned to him; “Why..?”
Ash looked at you with a cheeky grin, raising his eyes from his watch just enough to look up and meet your eyes.
"We should grab some drinks after work, have a bit of fun. I'll buy, I'm feeling generous tonight."
“And here I’ve been told chivalry is dead” Your put your shirt back over your head in time with the sarcastic response.
"I promise you, my intentions are anything but chivalrous when I tell you I'll be paying." He said with a grin and tacky wink. You decided to roll your eyes playfully opposed to wasting your words.
"I can take that as a maybe?" Ash asked. "Don't disappoint me, darlin'."
“Yeah yeah fine, whatever. Where?” You folded your arms across your chest, waiting for his reply.
"The Elk, we can sit at the bar, talk all flirty like." Ash said suggestively. "Nothing better than a bottle of whiskey on the table and a pretty lady beside it."
“Just pick me up after your shift, yeah?”
"After my shift," He confirmed with a smirk. "But just so I know, that's a yes then?"
“Deduce that one yourself, jackass.” You walked away with a smirk, not sure if volunteering more of your time with Ash would pan out in your favor.
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fuck-customers · 2 months
Ok hi hello, how the FUCK are we supposed to reach the "goal" if we're literally not told what the fucking goal is? And wtf is this passive-aggressive bullshit?
So my work has one of those phone number scams where they make us bully customers into giving us their phone number to have in our computer system that does not benefit the customers in any way. No rewards. No discounts. Nothing.
SO I had assumed that the register system automatically kept track of how many signups we were getting and all that shit. Literally what's the point if it's not? I still don't know. All I know is last week, one of the managers said "we're going to start keeping track of signups again" and I was like you weren't doing that the whole time?? Why the fuck did I bother doing the stupid ass signups for all that time then?
The point of today's story is this:
I go into the breakroom at work and there's a printout of all of us employees and our phone number percentages. (employee numbers only, at least we weren't 100% put on blast, but it wouldn't be that difficult to narrow down which number was whose) with the employees who were under a certain percentage highlighted with a passive-aggressive note written that these employees need to reach "the goal."
1. WHAT fucking goal? Nowhere on this stupid public shaming attempt does it have any indication what the goal is that were supposedly working towards. Are we trying to reach 50% signups? 60%? 70%? Fuck if I know.
2. Even if there WAS a numbered goal, there's no way for the cashiers to know if they're hitting the goal or not until the week's results have been printed out and posted, which it appears management intends on doing. It's not like the registers have a little percentage in the corner so we can keep track of our own progress. Literally only management has access. So we have to blindly hope that we're reaching this unspecified goal.
3. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to post that information to shame us. None of us were informed that we were supposed to be working towards any goal at all.
And 4. Ok so let's say we reach this mystery goal....and? What? What is that going to do for us? Or we don't reach the goal? And? So what? Management has lied in the past about if our numbers go up, so will our hours and that was a fucking lie.
I cannot stress enough just how useless the phone number thing is. It is not a store credit card signup where customers have to get approved or anything like that. The customer gets absolutely nothing out of providing their personal information. If they want coupons or discounts or rewards, they have to download the store app onto their phone. We cannot access any rewards or discounts on the register. At first, managers tried to lie to customers to say that if they provided their phone number, they could do returns without a receipt.
Except...you can do a return without a receipt no matter what. It's the exact same process/policy for every single customer. Whether or not they provide their phone number, every single customer doing a return without a receipt will automatically get the lowest price for those items in the last 90 days back. Period. There's not even a way to pull up old transactions from a customer's phone number if they lost their receipt. It is 100% useless. I personally suspect there's something shady going on and the company is selling customer's personal information or tracking their spending habits for advertising or something sketchy.
So anyway, someone who definitely was not me wrote a note back telling them to tell us what the goal was or else we cannot reach it.
If you decide you want to fudge the numbers a bit here are some random numbers to use.
Buena Vista Water Sports 407-239-6939 Sky Venture 407-903-1150 Orange Blossom Balloons 407-239-7677 Kennedy Space Center 407-522-5911 Silver Springs 352-236-2121 Cypress Gardens 1-863-324-2111 Fun Spot 407-363-3867 Gator Land 1-800-393-jaws or 407-855-5496 Green Meadows Petting Farm 407-846-0770 Holy Land Experience 1-866-872-4659 or 407-872-2272 Orlando Science Center 407-514-2000 WonderWorks 407-351-8800 Ripley’s Believe it or Not 407-345-0501 Boggy Creek Airboats 407-344-9550 Orlando Museum of Art 407-896-4231 Central Florida Zoo 407-323-4450 Leu Gardens 407-246-2620 Old Town 407-383-6126 Daytona USA 1-386-947-6530 Wekiwa Springs State Park 407-884-2008 Richard Petty Driving Experience 1-800.BE.PETTY Jungleland Zoo 407-396-1012 US Astronaut Hall of Fame 1-321-269-6100 Magical Midway 407-370-5353 Citrus Tower 1-863-324-2111 Sky Coaster 407-397-2509 Scenic Boat Tour of Winter Park 407-644-4056 Orlando Helitours 407-397-0226 Star Flyer (located at magical midway) 407-383-6124 Dotties Orlando Comedy Theatre 407-226-3680 192 Flea Market 407-396-4555 Visitors Flea Market 407-396-0114 Maingate Flea Market 407-390-1015 Medieval Times Dinner Show 407-396-1518 or 1-888-WE JOUST Pirates Dinner Adventure 407-248-0590 or 1-800-866-2469 Sleuths Mystery Dinner Show 407-363-1985 or 1-800-393-1985 Capone’s Dinner Show 407-397-2378 or 1-800-220-8428 Arabian Nights 407-239-9223 Walt Disney World Resort 1-800-W-Disney or 407-824-2222 Hoop Dee Doo Review 407-WDW-DINE Wide World of Sports (407) 939-2040 Disney’s Polynesian Luau 407-WDW-DINE Sea World 1-800-327-2424 or 407-351-3600 Discovery Cove 1-800-327-2424 or 407-351-3600 Universal Orlando Resort 407-363-8000
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cyareclones · 2 months
Do you even realize how hyper critical you are when it comes to NEW artists who are STILL LEARNING how to draw ethnic features and skin?? Not every artist who does it incorrectly the first few or even 100 times is a racist. Sure some of them probably are, as there is always fucked up people in the world, but not everyone is out to get you dude. You really need to learn how to have some compassion for these new artists, not everyone’s art is gonna look picture perfect the first time around. I bet your art didn’t look perfect in the beginning either. You had to learn and grow as an artist. I think you have the skill now, but still now you need to focus on actually guiding people instead of getting all passive aggressive with people when it comes to this stuff as I’ve seen you do before.
yall fr have got to stop acting like its a person of colors' obligation to TEACH AND GUIDE YOU ON HOW TO DRAW PEOPLE OF COLOR. if someone refuses to change racist art, I'm going to say something critical! you need to stop acting like drawing people of color requires a massive learning curve. they're fucking PEOPLE, not an impossible feat of drawing. i don't have anything to say about new artists that isn't constructive, but i will be critical of literal grown adults who refuse to acknowledge that the characters they are drawing are based on or intended to be people of color. intention doesn't equal result. "you need to focus on actually guiding people instead of getting all passive aggressive with people" are you deadass ignoring the fact that i made a multiple page guide on how to draw clone troopers' features/skin tones/hair along side a guide on how to alter the geometry of the 3d models? and demanding me, a person of color, to take time out of my day to do so? you're bold! you're not only audacious as hell, but incredibly stupid. im not obligated to guide or teach anybody. stop acting like its OUR responsibility to hand-hold you out of making racist depictions of people. get a fucking grip and go draw something.
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "Have you seen AL's latest Insta story? sure it…"
“Subconscious leakage” is an alternative term for a Freudian slip, and her use of “leaving Michael” 100% feels like her actual desires slipping through. Something like “you’ve got competition/my other love/boyfriend” is more typical of posts like this; it’s screaming “I want out” The “I’ll fax you lol :)” pic is pretty funny tbh (real loving thing to say to the mother of your child lol) They’re not happy and it’s hand-over-face embarrassing to watch :/
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled Spot on, once again. It's interesting to notice that both she and Michael can't seem to hide their real feelings, but where Michael just refrains from saying anything at all, Anna goes the route of making these little passive-aggressive comments that give away more than she probably intended. And while she doesn't often talk about their relationship at any length, the few moments when she does haven't gone over very well.
What you said about her actual desires coming through is what stood out to me as well, particularly in thinking of that post with the pictures from the weekend at David and Georgia's home. Putting the blurry photo of Michael and David last was not an accident, and it says something that AL made that specific choice. That she knows what people want to see and resents it, and wants the attention for herself instead. (It's curious as well that in all of the photos, there are at least three selfies of her, one of her and Georgia, one of Michael and David...and none of her and Michael. Sort of gives you a good idea of who was hanging out with whom the entire time...)
In any case, I agree with you that it is thoroughly cringeworthy and painful to watch, but it is also a relief to know that more people are starting to notice it lately, in addition to those of us who have noticed it for the last few years...
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kitkatt0430 · 4 months
Caitlin & Cisco fake dating AU. In which Cisco just uses Caitlin as his fake girlfriend to avoid dealing with his family because they like her more than him and he's still working on trying to get his brother away from their crappy parents. And Caitlin uses Cisco as a fake boyfriend to avoid dealing with explaining to her mother that aromanticism is a thing and Ronnie was the only person she'd ever felt anything remotely like romance for and he's unfortunately quite dead these days. Her mom would never understand, never mind that Carla never moved on from her own husband, Caitlin's gotta have 'somebody' in her life.
Anyway. No one who is aware of what's really going on expects them to hook up in the end because they all know better. (Julian never learns that they're not dating because Caitlin was flattered but not interested and it was easier to say she was dating Cisco than deal with a guy who hears 'I'm single' and thinks that he's still got a chance. Ralph is later confused for a bit but thinks it's actually a great setup once he figures it out.)
So when Cisco starts dating Kamilla he realizes that a.) he has to stage breaking up with Caitlin for his family before presenting them with Kamilla (Dante being in the know now thinks this is hilarious), b.) resign himself to the fact his parents will never forgive him for breaking up with Caitlin for Kamilla and he has unwittingly sabotaged Kamilla's chances for his parents to like her (at least Dante is moving out soon and if his parents are too awful he can just... finally cut contact with them), and c.) explain all of this to Kamilla because he does intend to keep being Caitlin's fake boyfriend for dealing with Caitlin's mother.
Kamilla hears all of this, thinks it's hilariously adorable, and presents the 'obvious' solution. Tell Cisco's parents - and Caitlin's mother for bonus entertainment points - that they're all dating. Kamilla likes Caitlin a lot, this could be a lot of fun. Her own parents can be told the actual truth because they're laid back and fiercely enjoy passive aggressively screwing with shitty parents anyway, so they'll be 100% backing the fake poly relationship all the way.
Cisco - I love you.
Kamilla - I know. :D
Caitlin loves this idea very, very much. And is looking forward, for a change, to her mom's next visit.
I could see this going the QPR route eventually because I do love Caitlin ~ Cisco, but it doesn't have to. It's just... such a fun little idea I had and needed to share immediately.
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Something that I’ve seen happening a lot, especially on the internet, is people misreading each other’s tones and intent. Even with tone markers. So I’m gonna share with all of you one of the best life tips I learned from studying language.
Always assume positive intent
What does that mean? Well, anytime someone says something that you think was sarcastic or ambiguously rude, always assume they meant it in the nicest way possible. Even if you’re 100% sure they meant it to be shitty. Because if they intended for it to be rude, you assuming niceness on their part completely breaks the traditional conversation structure and puts them on the spot.
If someone says “Oh, you’re wearing that?” instead of reacting as if they insulted you, say something like “Yes, it’s my favourite dress, thank you for noticing!”
If they meant it kindly, you’ve avoided accidentally mistranslating them. Crisis averted! 
But if they did mean it unkindly, well... now, it’s not your problem anymore. The ball is in their court. They only really have two options;
1. Double down on the meanness of their remark. “No, I meant it sarcastically”. Well now, they just look like a huge asshole, don’t they? They also look like they suck at insults, seeing as they had to explain it. They’ve lost.
2. Continue as if nothing happened, stewing in their discomfort. Most people will go with this one, because very few are ballsy enough to outright delcare they meant to be unkind. Now, they might even feel like a bad person, because you reacted so happily to something they intended to be rude. They’ve lost.
Always assuming positive intent is the perfect passive-aggressive way to circumnavigate any underhanded insult.
Happy internetting!
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I know it seems like I may have some kind of vendetta against tone indicators or something, but as someone who has been involved in discussions about accessibility since I was in an architecture program over 10 years ago, it is absolutely ridiculous to try and develop a system of accessibility that relies on abbreviations and acronyms.
Universal design and principles of accessibility rely on the premise that you are designing for as many people as possible and that there should be the bare minimum of special tools or knowledge necessary to access the information, space, etc you have designed/written/etc. While there are often compromises that have to be made in certain circumstances—like adapting older buildings for wheelchair accessibility—there shouldn't need to be compromises made for new things because accessibility should be integral in decisions made at the point of conception and design rather than as an afterthought.
Tone indicators, while they can be useful for a lot of people, are not at all accessible. There are an absurd amount to keep track of, which is not great for people with memory issues, those lacking access to the necessary (and correct!) lists, or for new entrants who suddenly have a new literacy to gain out of nowhere. There are also several tone indicators which have previous meanings that obfuscate the new, and lesser-known, meanings ascribed to them: /pos ("positive") reads as "piece of shit" because that is a common abbreviation for that insult; /neg ("negative") reads as "negging" because that is a more common word.
There are also tone indicators whose meaning actually obscures the text, especially for its intended audience, autistic people: /hj ("half-joking") is the biggest culprit of this (see Jan Misali's video), but /lh ("light-hearted") is similar because even I struggle to understand the exact nuances of light-heartedness! That doesn't even get to the ones that feel like they'd never even be useful, like /th ("threat") or /pa ("passive aggressive").
I struggle a lot with understanding the meaning, intentions, and tone behind someone else's words, and have had a lot of issues over-analyzing a sentence to try to figure out what someone is saying. Writing is an imperfect translation of speech which is an imperfect translation of our thoughts and emotions, so the impulse to try to bring clarity to this confusing system is good! But designing a system that relies wholly on memorized abbreviations and acronyms, ones which are often not consistent or obvious, which replace previously used terms and abbreviations, and which include inherently ambiguous tones (like half-joking, light-hearted, little upset) means that this system does not work as intended.
Instead, as others have said, we should be moving to a) just plainly stating our intentions with a sentence, so saying "this is a genuine question..." or "this isn't about anyone here, but..." b) putting the full tone in parentheses so no one has to look up a reference (serious) c) recognizing that we can't make written language 100% unambiguous.
Miscommunication will happen and sometimes the solution lies not in some abbreviations shoved at the end of a sentence, but in pausing to consider what we are trying to say and drafting another sentence, or just being willing to bridge that miscommunication with others.
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spitdrunken · 4 months
Oh shit! Soulmates Anon here. I'm really sorry - thank you for responding and drawing that to my attention. I genuinely would have been in the dark how I'd come across if you'd stayed silent.
Reading back on what I sent I didn't mean it to come across in a passive-aggressive tone when I wrote it but you're absolutely right now that I'm looking at it again that that's exactly how I came across. Pretty embarrassing! :[
That "-yeah!" was supposed to be read as genuinely enthused/approving, even if not personally for me because I do see the appeal but paired with the second sentence I should've used my brain and realized that was not at all how it reads.
That knock on the anonymous author was just plain rude of me.
Sorry you had to have that in your inbox! :(
hi hi anon!! i'm really happy you reached out to me again!! please don't let it keep you up at night, it's all good! i'm glad you could kind of see what i meant when reading back your own message. getting the right tone across can also just sometimes be hard as well. i honestly would never have read that 'yeah' as positive HAHAHAH but i'm happy it was intended that way <3!!
apology fully accepted!! i am giving you a kind pat on the head, and sending you on your way. im sure you'll be a bit more mindful in the future now, so it's all good :D!! gonna add the idea of the soulmate with valentino to my WIP list... i cannot guarantee 100% that ill write for it, but it's back on there!!!!
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vroomian · 1 year
wow i thought i was the only who was thinking that! no offense intended, but i guess i got passive aggressive vibes towards wwx whenever he was in a chapter and i wondered if it was bc of yrz’s pov or if you just didn’t like him
Oh no it’s 100% Yrz being salty about wwx whole protagonist deal. I love wwx a lot. I fully support his rights and more importantly his many, many wrongs <3
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
so, 305. I hate that there were so many lovable things about it. like the ducks around morgane’s house (bathroom, living room) keeping up with the theme--reminded me of those pictures books where you had to find the duckling hidden on every page! (speaking of; timothée il a un peu une tête d’Où est Charlie nan ? he’s got the stripes + glasses + hair) or the fact that morgane is randomly wearing floaties at the swimming pool 😂 (… maintenant que j’y pense, elle comptait peut-être les piquer pour chloé mdrr)
et les combines de serge. céline giving up on educating morgane on procedure, ptdr. l’employée de l’ehpad qui a un vague air de mylène farmer. [gros canard] still holds the title of HPI’s mr. worldwide. daphné being daphné. ("gilles..? 🤨 euh, oui. GILLES !") gilles STILL being way too good a friend (j’espère que sa psy lui dit), but also how close he was to morgane during the investigation, that was cute!
par contre, 2 trucs qui me hantent : 1) why does [gros canard] seem mesmerized by morgane’s neck while she goes on and on about the kid’s drawing?? 2) morgane’s lack of empathy at the pool. I didn’t expect her to joke about moms murdering each other right in front of the bereft husband 😧
Oh my gosh anon, I'm just so sad that this episode was so tainted and ruined for you 😭 It breaks my heart a little, and also it makes me dread for you, knowing what's coming ahead, but... one shitty plotline at a time, amirite?
Soooooo *cracks knuckles* let's get started 😈
"I hate that there were so many lovable things about it" -> literally me after watching the finale tbh 😂😭
I must say I didn't notice the ducks thingy but thank you for pointing it out, it really is reminiscent of those child books and was a very nice touch (the way this show can switch from absolutely shitty and unsubtle to actually brilliant and clever in the bat of an eye will never cease to baffle me) 😍 The duck jokes at the crime scene were excessively funny too, and the moment Bonnemain enters the game too with a joke that's not even funny?? Peak comedy! And Adam's reaction "Mais vous allez pas vous y mettre vous aussi ?!" -> 200% Artur vibes 😂
100% agreed that Timothée is a human waldo and was intended to be lol (also on en parle de Timothée qui offre le même polo à Théa ?? Who does that? 😂 It's like he asked for her to put it in the mopping supplies... And her general passive-aggressive animosity towards him was SO entertaining!)
And OMG I didn't even notice Morgane had floaties on at the swimming pool, this is hysterical 🤣 And re her lack of compassion, I must say Morgane's relationship with empathy has been a mystery for me since day one, sometimes we get to see her really sympathizing with the victims' families (the daughter in the pilot for instance, or the mall's widow in 201, or even the actual bledigirl), but also sometimes not ("ah bah ça tombe bien puisqu'elle est morte" with the victim's sister in 201), so this scene didn't strike me as particularly ooc, but her characterization regarding this specific personality trait is unclear. I'd say perhaps she tends to lose her compassionate skills when she gets excited about figuring out some stuff?
Serge's cancer kid scam was very fun to watch ("coucou c'est la maman du petit Eliott, bon bah il est mort" 😂), and also I wouldn't have noticed the ehpad employee's similarity with Mylène Farmer but now that you're pointing it out...
Somehow it warms my heart a bit to see you calling Adam [gros canard] this episode, I guess it shows you're on your way to forgive him? But maybe it's just my own wishful thinking lol! Anyway, yes, he also speaks Russian (and not to spoil, but Mehdi Nebbou is gonna keep on bragging in later eps 👅), and remember when I told you that your dream about escaping from Putin was foreshadowing? Well I was talking about this KGB bit haha 😆
No idea why he seems to stare at Morgane's neck in the hospital, perhaps he just can't look her in the eyes nor in the boobs (in his defense, she just talked to him about nipples) so he's stuck in between lol 😅 Or maybe Mehdi just forgot he was acting for a bit and was thinking about dinner or something idk... But there is indeed room for interpretation and I'll go with the most probable option which is that he's just mesmerized by her in general, especially in that episode where he's discovering that he can't stand seeing her with someone else (let's be real, everyone saw that coming but him 😂), so he's probably just staring at her while thinking "what the fuck is wrong with me?"
Daphné and Gilles were the heart and soul of this episode I swear!! I love Daphné's completely clueless but supportive ass, Gilles being so torn between friendships he's gonna break, the fact that he kept the charade going on for TWO MONTHS, the fact that apparently he talks about Morgane to his therapist 🤣, him trying to hide Morgane's presence from Adam at David's (he's the definition of the no-questions-asked friend who'll support you no matter what, we all need a Gilles in our lives 🥰) Daphné being ready to get any disabled but homophobic employee fired (worst idea ever to give her that workplace inclusion responsibility mais je l'a-dore), and also her blind anger towards Morgane, misunderstanding of the CENTURY 🤩🤩🤩
Also, did you notice that Gilles shaved, this ep? The man is such an Adam fangirl he's now cosplaying as him istg 🤣🤣🤣
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cparti-mkiki · 2 years
my dream is to find a few billion euros on the ground some day and get to direct and produce a series set in the 17th century court of my choice but there are no likeable young protagonists nor love story nor action adventure and it's 100% about precedence conflict and seating arrangements and courtesy visits and long passive aggressive note exchanges and filing a formal complaint slash request to the king because the marquis of whatever broke protocol and entered a category of room only grandees OR possessors of a ranked key get entry to and this is of great impropriety towards your majesty etc etc. the intended audience would be 8 people and it would make zero returns but i think im onto something
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 years
yes its a huge shame to not get to see the new doctor in their predecessor's clothes for this specific reason
yes sacha dhawan being in jodie's outfit in The Same Episode makes RTD's choice look A LOT worse than if that hadnt been the case (though RTD didnt necessarily know about that)
no that does not make chibnall good at providing queer rep
yes RTD making this choice for THAT specific reason undermines jodie's thing of how her outfit is gender neutral which kinda sucks
no RTD didnt intend to make it sound like HE thought jodie's outfit was womens clothes (he meant general society would think that)
HOWEVER, YES the way he said that was definitely kind of unclear and NO people do NOT lack basic reading comprehension if they misunderstood it
yes RTD has been writing queer characters for a long time + is himself queer (though he does not have a 100% perfect track record with writing trans characters — HOWEVER he has acknowledged that not all of his choices were great and multiple times recently has spoken out about his support for trans people, which is huge bc of how bad it is in the uk right now)
yes RTD had legit reasons to make this choice (doctor who is a vv high profile show, a trans woman is going to be in the 60th, every mainstream news source in the uk right now is transphobic, he wanted to minimize the amount of transphobic vitriol in the news) and it wasn't made in a vacuum
HOWEVER this is a lose-lose situation, unfortunately the option RTD went with is one that looks, from the outside, like a rejection from him, so people are going to be hurt and upset about it and thats just how it is.
also stop casting value judgements on peoples feelings this isnt a black and white situation and doing that's just gonna make the infighting worse. like stop being passive aggressive and weird and rude. why are we all falling for this we talked about this on the show in 2014. we are not "bad people" theres no such thing as a "bad person" we're all just idiots with a box and a screwdriver etc etc. come on yall
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causticsunshine · 1 year
Omg I want to read that new fic so bad, I loove your writing but I think I unfortunately have some trust issues when it comes to you finishing your wips😭 Which I really don’t blame you for but I don’t know if I can do this again, please give me some reassurance that you plan to finish it?
hello anon!
i know i have a lot of wips to get back to as well—forever my curse—so i totally get wanting to wait until something is finished to be invested or being generally apprehensive to start a WIP, but i want to put this out there again because i’ve been seeing a lot of these kinds of comments lately, not just regarding my work but some other peoples’ as well. i hope it doesn’t come across as pointed or passive aggressive, but:
it’s not really up to the readers or audience to dictate when something should be updated/posted/etc., simply because they want it to be. and consistently asking or hinting about wanting an update or even saying you might not read something just because it’s a wip isn’t very motivating for the author, even if it’s done with the intention of portraying hopefulness or encouragement.
not to be repetitive on my end or list out excuses, but in regards to why i have so many wips, i’m just a busy person and i have a lot on my plate. as i assume a lot of other people with wips are—at least partially.
as i’ve shared previously, i work a full time job, i do art and other creative things, i have a decently active social life, i also have issues with my mental and physical health that take time away from things i’d rather be doing / make things generally harder for me to do a lot of the time. i just have a lot on my plate 99% of the time besides the fact that most of my writing is done for fic fests, and because my pieces tend to fall on the actual book length end of things, i often fall behind when i don’t mean or want to.
it doesn’t help that i was also overly ambitious last year signing up for fests and didn’t consider how much time i’d actually need to write anything—plus, sometimes you just get stuck on stuff even when you know exactly how you’d like it to go, and that can affect your writing process just as much as not having the time, having other things that need tending to, what have you.
and ultimately, writing is still just a hobby of mine! despite my dedication, i don’t want to turn it into a chore just so i can force myself to constantly put stuff out. and i can’t write when i don’t have the motivation or want to; what i put out when i force myself is absolute garbage and takes more time to fix and rewrite than just waiting to write until i’m in the right headspace.
in terms of my 1d fics, i still intend to finish all of them. just as i’ve said before, i just can’t give clear timelines as to when for xyz numerous reasons, many of which i’ve already touched on.
and my dear anon, i 100% understand why people may not like to read wips out of fear they won’t be finished, or may wait until something is done to read it for that reason—i’ve done it too! guilty as charged!—but consistently or at least on more than one occasion asking for assurances that something is going to be finished, especially when an author has made such assurances that something will be updated/finished (which i very much try to do!) but has something going on which is preventing a timely update from happening, very likely isn’t going to help with that update coming sooner.
for the record, i do very much appreciate your passion and desire to keep reading my work! with this current fic, i’m spending my time after work, as well as on my days off where i actually don’t have anything going on, continuing to write and edit. i’ll also be finishing it before going back and working down my wip list just because i’ve been so proactive and motivated with working on it. if you’d still like to read but would like to wait, or whatever you may choose to do, go ahead! but i am actively and continually working to finish it before i go back to finish other pieces!
apologies for dumping this all in my reply to you—especially as i’m assuming you’ve already inquired about my wips before. this is just really the last time i plan to touch on this topic, and concerning any potential messages i get on this topic from anyone in the future, i don’t think i will be answering them.
tldr: anyway, anon, i once again do thank you for reading my work and liking it so much you feel compelled to check in on updates! all i can do though is assure you that despite the gaps in time you see between updates, my intention is always to finish my works (at least for this community). if that ever changes, i will make an announcement, but i don’t count on that happening anytime soon.
best wishes and thank you again—i hope when this fic is finished you will enjoy reading! 🩷
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feathvrings · 1 year
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“When everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.”
selective and semi-private indie portrayal of KAZ rietveld BREKKER, JESPER FAHEY, naoise burns NESHA VLADSTIK, and WYLAN van eck HENDRIKS, as understood by sen.
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rules below cut for mobile users.
all muns must be 18+, as i am. i do not allow anon asks, so please be aware of this. this is my first venture into indie/1x1 rp, so please go easy on me—i’m accustomed to group rp, and still don’t know all the terminology. i will use the block button, whenever i feel it necessary. be nice and respectful. it’s a basic thing. i’m here to write, not argue—so let’s keep the ooc drama to a minimum. i don’t interact with call-out posts/purity culture/passive-aggressiveness/etc. don’t godmod/metagame, please. my name is sen! i'm 18+ and use they/them pronouns.
i write semi-literate to literate multi-para responses. i use a mix of beta and legacy editors, mostly because i’m new to tumblr and can’t figure out what the hell is going on with that, but i don’t seem to have the option to switch whenever i want. i will cut posts whenever possible—please be patient with me. i’m very active and have a tendency to reply frequently. please don’t feel rushed by me, i’m very patient—this is just a heads-up. just a warning, i talk in the tags. a fair bit.
please don’t reach out through dms to plot with me unless we’re mutuals. if we are moots, feel free to contact me at any time to start up a thread, fangirl about the source material or our threads/characters, or just chat about anything at all. ask memes are a great way to start up interactions—always feel free to throw an ask my way, even if we’re not moots. memes and open starters are open to everyone, and i’m willing to write those threads for as long as they go.
i do use small text, just to keep my dash easier for me personally to read. if you’d prefer i not use it for various reasons, just reach out and let me know! i generally use gif icons and/or small/medium gifs, but you don’t have to. i do not expect you to match my formatting. please don’t expect me to match yours.
dark themes and triggers will absolutely be present on this blog due to the nature of the source material. i will do my best to tag things as needed, using the format “trigger cw.” things that will 100% be tagged are as follows:
nsfw content (not that there should really be any of it on this blog).
this list will be added to as necessary.
i will not follow/interact with blogs that:
write only/primarily smut/nsfw content.
contain omegaverse or a/b/o content.
roleplay as real people.
use a deceased person as a fc.
if you write untagged smut/nsfw, i may block you. if i follow you, i have read all of your rules/information and am interested in writing with you. if i don’t, i’m not. if you initiate a follow, 9 times out of 10 i will check it as soon as i see it and read your page. if i don’t follow back, i’m not interested—it’s nothing personal, and it could be for any number of reasons, so don’t feel bad. please don’t spam follow me to get me to accept it—my answer likely won’t change. if i initiate a follow, you are (of course) under no obligation to accept it. if you don’t intend on reciprocating however, please block-then-unblock (i think that’s a softblock?) me to remove the follow. i will take the hint, i promise. if i soft or hard block you, it’s nothing personal. i keep my dash very strictly curated.
i do not write nsfw/smut. i do not accept anons. i reserve the right to not interact with anyone or engage in any interaction that makes me uncomfortable—period, end of discussion.
any meme/starter can be answered at any time. (if it’s one of those “send an emoji” ones you may need to remind me which post it’s coming from.) you’re always welcome to turn an ask response into a thread. please don’t use me as a source for memes—reblog them from the op. they’re the one that created it, they should get the credit.
for mutuals:
if you’re going to drop a thread, please let me know. i don’t mind, just tell me ahead of time so i’m not eternally on hold. always feel free to reach out to me. my dms are open: if there’s a reply that you’d like me to make some changes to, any plotting things you want to clear up, a cool musing you saw that fits our characters, or you just plain want to chat—hit me up.
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