Your grandfather said, “A great man doesn’t seek to lead. He’s called to it. And he answers.” And if your answer is “no” you’ll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be, my son.
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repressedgaymer · 27 days
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] watch dune two again
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estrogenizedquark · 1 year
dune's computerless future proves that humanity will do anything to avoid boredom, including joining a cult, getting really good at multiplication tables, and granting women political power
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drrafaelcm · 2 months
Bancária com incapacidade temporária para o trabalho não tem direito a pensão vitalícia
A doença ocupacional era passível de reabilitação ou de cura. Continue reading Bancária com incapacidade temporária para o trabalho não tem direito a pensão vitalícia
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scav-gifs-daily · 4 months
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IDs - -281570 [dark green], -434077 [light green], 125882 [white], 10191 [gray], -435596 [black]
hi aros i see you. here's an aro scav flag!
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aviawrites · 7 months
the rage of a harkonnen (dune: part two)
pairings: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Fem!Reader
summary: The Emperor’s second born daughter, Harauna, has never been truly seen by her father; Her light always being dimmed by the shine of her older sister, Irulan. As Maud’Dib continues fighting on Arrakis and her father’s spot falls farther into jeopardy, Princess Harauna sees an opportunity to finally find her place in the Imperium…Wife of the possible Emperor, ruling alongside Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. (3.9k)
a/n: i’ve already seen this movie twice and i’m going again😛 austin’s performance is so compelling, i couldn’t take my eyes off of him whenever he was on screen. i hope you all liked feyd-rautha as much as i do…otherwise i may be crazy. anyway, as always, ur interaction is greatly appreciated, ily<3
warnings: blood, death, abuse
in this story, yn is: Harauna Corrino (Harkonnen)
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10191 // month 1 // 📍kaitan 
“Paul Atreides is not our only prospect.” Reverend Mother Mohiam reveals, standing before you and your sister. “The Baron’s youngest nephew, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, will inherit Arrakis. He may be the answer.”
Your eyes open wide, the name itself sending shivers down your spine. You, along with all of your family, knew of Feyd-Rautha - Knew of the Sadistic Harkonnen, known for slaughtering anyone who challenges him, even his own people. 
“Feyd-Rautha?” Irulan furrows her brows, “He’s psychotic.”
“That’s irrelevant. The question is…can we control him?” 
You stare up at the Reverend Mother’s black veil, an idea striking you.  
Since a child, it’s always been Princess Irulan - The Emperor’s daughter. Irulan will inherit the thrones, Irulan will marry Paul Atreides, Irulan will rule the empire. Never once has your father taken the time to look at you. Never once has he asked the Reverend Mother how you are as a Bene Gesserit. If he did, he’d come to learn that you’re just as equipped to take on the role of Empress as your sister. 
You know what you know - You know how impossible it is to ever be worthy of attention in your father’s eyes. The sound of marrying the prince, possibly the future Emperor, doesn’t seem distasteful. Is he a terrible man, yes. May he turn out to be a worse husband, yes. But God forgive you if you choose being the possible ruler of the empire over being second best. 
“I will marry Feyd-Rautha…” You suggest, coming out as more of a squeak. 
Their eyes dart to yours, Irulan’s gaze feeling more like knives piercing your head.
“Young Harauna-“
“No.” Your sister interjects, turning your body toward hers. “Are you crazy? Feyd-Rautha is the last man you need to marry.”
“Irulan, I want to.” You push back, your voice low. “He may be Emperor one day, we need to secure that opportunity. Do we not, Reverend Mother?”
“We absolutely do, Harauna.”
Irulan’s jaw hangs open, looking between the two of you.
“Are you serious? Reverend Mother, you know Feyd-Rautha. You’ve seen him with your own eyes - You want Hara anywhere near that?”
“She’s thinking of the Imperium, Irulan. Should Paul Atreides be alive, he will want the throne.”
“Feyd-Rautha won’t go down without a fight…” You finish for her.
“Precisely. If he loses, Paul will have a bride awaiting him.” She gestures to your sister. “But if he reigns supreme, he’ll have a Corrino by his side.”
Irulan only shakes her head, disbelief glossing in her eyes. 
“Sister, I need to do this.” You whisper, softly squeezing her hands. “I can’t make decisions like you…I’m not you.”
“W- What does that mean, Hara? I don’t understand-“
“If I get in line for the throne…” You begin. “If I secure a spot for myself in the Empire, I will be nearly equal to you in father’s eyes. I’ll mean something to someone.”
A tear threatens to fall as she struggles to find words. 
“You mean something to me.” She shrugs, now wondering if that holds any value to you. “If I lose you to the Harkonnens…If I have to stay here alone while you’re on Giedi Prime I don’t know how I’ll-“ She quickly wipes her eyes, taking a breath. “I don’t know how I’ll survive this impending war without you, Hara.”
You tilt your head, bringing your hand to Irulan’s cheek. 
“Write to me, Irulan.” You smile, forcing back your own tears as you solidify this departure in your head. “Send messages to Giedi Prime, will you? Write them like you do your entries and I swear to you I’ll read each one. No matter what happens with the Harkonnen’s, I’ll always have my sister back home on my side, right?”  
A thick silence falls upon the three of you, Irulan fighting between perplex and terror as her hands began to quiver in yours.
“I’ll alert the Emperor.” Reverend Mother says, leaving the two of you.
Alone, your sister pulls you into an embrace, one of the tighter ones. She allows her tears to land on your garments, her shoulders trembling as small whimpers escape her lips.
“Don’t do this, Hara.”
10191 // month 3 // 📍giedi prime
“On your birthday of all days. The Baron should know better than to jeopardize his soon to be Planetary Governor in such a public manner. You could’ve died.” 
“I would not have died.” Your husband fiddles with his blade.
“All slaves should be drugged, should they not?” You remind him. “It’d have taken only one swift slash of the Atreides’ blade and The Baron would’ve lost his heir. He’s insane.”
“Careful, wife.” He warns, “The Baron is flawed but his promises are rich.”
“What could he possibly promise you that’s more important than the entirety of this planet?”
He stares, his eyes scanning you up and down as a small smirk grows on his face. 
“The entirety of Arrakis.” 
Creases form on your forehead, your words coming out as stammers.
“…He promises you…Arrakis?”
“If I manage to control spice production.” He explains, reveling in your dumbfounded expression. 
Your mind immediately imagines your life on Arrakis, a fate you’ve never considered. The plan was to marry Feyd-Rautha, be by his side when he defeats his opponents, have your father kneel to him, and rule the Imperium from the planet of the Harkonnens. But now, thoughts of working from the dune covered planet makes the hair on the back of your neck rise. 
“But-“ You clear your throat, “Um - Is that not Rabban’s job?”
“Rabban failed.” He seethes. “He humiliates house Harkonnen with each Fremen attack he allows. With me ruling the mission, there will be no more.”
“What’s the plan? Once you’re on Arrakis who’s to say my father won’t order you out? What if he doesn’t like how you handle-“
“The Emperor has a set fate too, Harauna. If we were to expose what he did to the Atreides’, the houses would explode. A rise against the Emperor would ensue.” He nears you, looking down at your wide eyes as he bares his blackened mouth. “The throne would be ours to take.”
You don’t know if he meant to admit to what he’s admitted to. Though, you have no doubt he’d tell you his plans to kill your father to your face, indifferent to what you might think. But even Feyd-Rautha should have some sort of limit, shouldn’t he?
“Feyd…” You murmur, “What will happen to him? What will happen to my house? My Reverend Mother, my sisters? They’re innocent they don’t deserve-“
He rolls his eyes, turning away in the midst of your oration. “Princess Harauna asks too many questions.” He returns to his spot across the room. “If you want to sit next to me as Empress, I suggest you straighten out a bit, hm?”
10191 // month 3 // 📍giedi prime
14 hours later 
Feyd-Rautha’s room reeks of deceased Harkonnen bodies and dried blood as you storm in, a scowl on your face. 
Inside, you see your husband squatted by a dead servant, one that if you look too close you may realize is an acquaintance of yours. 
‘FEYD-RAUTHA RABBA HARKO-‘ He’s carved into her pale white skin, his letters bleeding into each other.
The Princess Harauna 3 months ago would scream at the sight. She’d turn and run, alerting her Reverend Mother and father that a cold blooded murderer has gotten into your home. Only…this is home. The man carving names into bodies isn’t a stranger, not an intruder, but the man you married. 
Though you’re not sure he knows it, seeing as you can practically taste the Bene Gesserit on him.
You shove, hard, knocking Feyd-Rautha off balance and onto the concrete floor.
“What the-“
“Seriously!?” You shout, watching his bewildered expression looking back at you. “You’ve not been of age for one whole day and you’ve already betrayed me!”
“You watch yourself, woman.” He warns you, spite in his eyes. 
“I can smell her on you.” You say, knowing all of the signs of a Bene Gesserit’s work, and a sexually vulnerable Feyd-Rautha. “She could be carrying your child!”
Your husband quickly calms himself, seemingly deciding not to waste energy on someone like you. On someone like his wife.
“Would you stop that yelling?” He mumbles, turning and beginning to smear the blood across the mutilated arm.
“How dare you.” You scoff. “I’m meant to be your princess. I’m meant to be your queen Feyd-Rautha! Not some girl who was on a mission. A Bene Gesserit who was here to test you and didn’t want you for more than one night-“
“You’re not any better!” He rises, his demeanor changing like night and day in a split second. 
The minute he gets angry, his energy dominates the room. “Don’t you ever think you’re a better woman for being a power hungry leech who called dibs on the heir before anyone else.” He jabs, lowering until he’s in your face. 
Your jaw hangs open, offense quickly overpowering the fear that you often feel in the presence of an angry Feyd-Rautha. Or any Feyd-Rautha, at that. 
“I don’t need you.” Your eyes pierce his, flames igniting in yours. “I’m the Emperor’s daughter, I was second in line for the throne. If anything, you needed me to get to where you-“
The wind is knocked out of you as your husband grabs your neck, instantly cutting off your words. He grins, nearly frothing at the mouth as he always does at the slightest hint of violence. He feeds off of violence, in the face of which most people quiver he greets it with a big smile, he yearns for violence, he is violence.
“I needed you, huh?” His face about brushes yours, his saliva dripping onto you. “I wasn’t at home being neglected by daddy, Harauna. I wasn’t the second choice. I didn’t need to marry to get power. I wasn’t worthless.” 
He’s entranced, his hand on your throat tightening with each sentence until you’re sure it’ll snap. You claw at his stained hands, collecting the blood of his servants under your nails.
“Husband-“ You croak, feeling the pressure in your head increase.
Feyd-Rautha only smiles, adrenaline rushing throughout him as he contemplates letting this be the end of you. Maybe he should rid himself of this royal burden before she sits with him at the top.
“Know your place, princess.” He whispers before letting you go with a shove. 
You drop to the floor, crashing into the bloody bodies on the ground and fighting for your pipes to reopen. You frantically heave as he looks down at you once more, evil in his eyes, before he leaves you where you are. 
Weeps escape you, feeling selfish as you cry in the presence of women who got it much worse. 
But you don’t dare complain. For you asked for this. Your sister warned you, your logic warned you. Nevertheless, in times like this, the possibility of being ruler of the Imperium outweighs the possibility of dying due to your attempts. 
“Be the worst position in the highest room.” Your father used to tell you, “For some never make it to the room.”
10191 // month 4 // 📍starship 
The low hum of the frigate gives the cold ambience some character. Rabban lounges across the kitchen table, his feet up on the marble. Your husband sits a few chairs down from you, sheathing and unsheathing his blade, creating a repetitive sound for the two of you to suffer through.
“Princess Harauna.” You hear as the grand doors within the starship open. A servant enters, seemingly a younger version of the Baron, with a thin metal tube in his hand. 
The big man hands it to you, bowing slightly before shuffling away.
“Say thanks to the piggy.” Feyd-Rautha teases, a devilish grin on his face.
Rabban slightly chuckles as you eye your husband, sighing before opening the letter.
“To my sister, Hara.” 
Your eyes gleam, seeming to scan faster and faster the more and more you read. The two men in the room with you don’t seem to notice, mindlessly engaging in their own boredom as the ship heats up in the weather of Arrakis. 
You shut the tube with a click, looking down at it as you weakly attempt to process what you’ve just read.  
“Paul Atreides…is coming.” You reveal, catching the attention of Rabban and Feyd-Rautha. “He makes his way from the south.”
“Paul Atreides is dead.” Rabban corrects you. 
“He didn’t die in the attack-“
“I know that, woman!” He abruptly shouts, banging the table. “I saw to it myself, him and his mother died in the-“
“Sandstorm.” You finish, much quieter than he began. “But he didn’t.”
Your husband has turned his body toward you, now intently listening.
“They live - And they challenge my father now.” You look up at the two of them, “Him. He must be this Maud’Dib, this Lisan-Al-Gaib. Who else would it be?”
“Wait,” Feyd speaks up, “Challenge your father for what, exactly?”
You meet his gaze before reopening the letter, searching for the Irulan’s line on the challenge:
Paul Atreides will arrive unannounced when we land in Arrakis in a challenge for the throne.
Rabban shakes his head. “There’s no longer a need for the Emperor on Arrakis.” He misses the point, “We’ve got the spice production under control. The old bastard can stay home.”
Feyd-Rautha leans his elbows in his knees, looking up at you with that same evil look he gets whenever a dangerous plan arises.
“Atreides’,” He thinks aloud, “They’re little rats. Insects that keep popping up no matter how many times you exterminate.”
“Should I alert the Baron?” Rabban asks, speaking quicker than his acute brain can think. 
“You will do no such thing.” Feyd demands, conjuring up his plan in his much more suitable brain. “Since the Emperor is deciding to pay us a visit despite the work l've done here…Maybe the Atreides' will do the bloody work for us. Keep us in the good graces of the Great Houses."
Bloody work, he says. The exposure and diminishing of your father’s name he means. 
“Brother.” Rabban counters, “The Atreides’ - The Fremen - They’ll have us outnumbered. Uncle should be aware-“
“You will do no such thing.” His brother orders, now loosely pointing his blade toward Rabban. “The throne is mine therefore the throne is yours. The Baron won’t make Harkonnen the greatest house, brother. I will.” He leers.
“Husband,” You voice reason, seeing all of the ways you could lose your promised spot to this scheme. “If it comes to a fight and Paul beats you-“
“He won’t beat me.”
“But if this challenge doesn’t go our way,” You hypothesize, “We could lose everything. Paul Atreides won’t let my father live, not after what he’s done. My family will hold no power, my sister will be-“
"I will remain unharmed, will I not? As will my brother.” He redirects. “Are we not your biggest concern anymore? Are we not your family, Harauna?" 
The ship gets hotter and hotter as you near Arrakeen. Feyd-Rautha meddles with his torso buttons on the opposite side of the room as you stare at the screen in your bedroom, broadcasting the sandy terrain of the new planet.
“What would your plans be as Emperor, Feyd-Rautha?” You query, eyes locked on the family owned land.
He sighs as he always does when you open your mouth, as if nothing his wife says is worthwhile. 
“Princess Harauna asks too many questions.” He repeats.
“Just answer me…Please.” You urge, the question having appeared in your mind minutes ago and hasn’t stopped nagging since. 
“What do you think my plans are, princess?” He turns toward you, his dark and threatening eyes seeming to dim the entire room. “I’m going to make the entire Imperium Harkonnen. Our family will be the most powerful spice harvesters anyone’s ever seen.” He begins, “I’ll give my Empress a child, grow our empire, and teach my princeling how to rule.”
You listen intently, trying your hardest to envision your life going from Princess of Kaitan, to wife of the heir, to Empress of the Imperium beside Feyd-Rautha, of all men.
Be the worst position in the highest room.
Your husband goes on. “Caladan will be a thing of the past. Atreides will be a thing of the past. Harkonnen will be the great house and any others will just be…Maud’Dib.” He chuckles.
“‘Your Empress’...” You point out, never having heard your name. You only wish to hear where you and your family stand in his master plan. “Would it be me?”
He gives you his undivided attention, letting go of his leather vest. “Why must you talk so much about things that don’t matter?” He asks, true indifference and apathy in his tone.
For some never make it to the room.
“…Is it me or no one?” You speak up, your voice frantically running before your mind can catch up. “Is it me or death, Feyd-Rautha?”
Your attitude shifts in the middle of your sentence as you realize where you’ve heard these exact words before.
“You or no one, Irulan.” Your father would say, stroking your sister’s hair while the rest of you sat and waited for nothing. 
Never in your life did you plan to sit in a Harkonnen’s bedroom and beg for his approval. For his confirmation that you were his. 
But here you are, begging the worst of men to love you the way The Emperor never did. The way he never will. 
“In two moons I will be Emperor.” Feyd-Rautha strides toward you, holding your hands in his as he bores. “Harauna Harkonnen will be next to me.”
A smile grows wide on your face; An odd, yet full, feeling of acceptance spiraling throughout you.
His eyes suddenly seem to get even darker as his grip on your hands morphs into a crushing clutch. “For as long as she knows her place, she will remain.”
Ice replaces the once warm feeling in your veins. Your smile fades as his grows, watching the fear in you rise with each squeeze of your fingers. Tears form in your eyes as the reality of your situation sets in once more as it has over and over since you step foot on Giedi Prime.
But you don’t dare complain. For you asked for this. Your sister warned you, your logic warned you.
10191 // month 4 // 📍arrakeen
two days later
You all stand completely still, your heartbeat seeming to be louder than the atomics outside of the Emperor’s structure. Inside the ring of Sardukaur lies your family; Irulan hiding behind your father as Maud’Dib, in front of your eyes, holds a blade over the Baron.
You and Feyd-Rautha stand alone across the walkway, your husband seemingly hypnotized by Paul Atreides as he plunges it into his uncles neck. Your hand resting on Feyd’s lower back vibrates as his breathing heavies, being just as amazed by Paul as you are. 
The both of your mouths hang open, and for once, you and your husband seem to be on the same page. Paul begins barking orders at your father as you bring your lips to Feyd’s ear, speaking in a hushed whisper to not interfere with the daring Paul Maud’Dib.
“In the event of your death…” You begin. He slightly cocks his head toward you, listening. “Would you have me marry him?”
Paul gives one last daring look at the sea of people standing against him, though, he seems as fearless as your husband as his expression never wavers from stone. 
“Is he worthy?”
Feyd-Rautha doesn’t so much as flinch at your comment, new, for a man like him. You can’t help but believe it’s because you’re right. The na-Baron recognizes that the viciousness that is Paul Atreides, no matter how unexpected, is a perfect match for him. A perfect match for his wife. 
Is he wrong to admit that if not him, Paul may be the closest thing to fit to be Emperor of the universe?
You’ve never laid eyes on a fight so glorious. The two most powerful and ferocious men on Arrakis clinking their blades again and again in a battle for the throne. 
The room falls silent as your husband lodges his sword into Paul, holding him close as one of the two release an animalistic roar. His mother stands, his Fremen’s mouths hang agape, your husband just hardly smiles at you over his shoulder. 
You can’t help but feel a sense of dread boiling in your stomach. Yes - You want Feyd-Rautha to reign supreme. Yes, you want to be Empress. But as you watch the devilish sneer on his face fill out as Paul’s blood stains his pasty hand, your heart seems to be pulling you in another direction. You’ve always been quite talented at telling good from bad; But Maud’Dib, you can’t seem to figure out. He lays in the gray area in between the two, you determine. 
Your reflection is quickly halted as the squelching sound of an edge piercing skin fills the room. You sway to the side, eyes wide as you see Paul’s hand gripping the handle, the rest buried into your husband’s heart. 
A gasp escapes many in the room, you included as a hand flies to your mouth. You and your father very well may be the only people in the room who are rooting for Feyd-Rautha. Knowing this, the smiles that sprinkle themselves on attendants throughout the room quickly after the inhale isn’t unanticipated. 
“You…” His raspy voice is almost too quiet for you to catch as he fights for each breath. “You fought well…Atreides.”
He slowly turns his head just far enough to have you in his sight. Even in death, Feyd-Rautha remains as menacing as the day you first met him. 
He has no words for you. He only bares that stupid, prideful, blackened smile that got him stabbed in the first place. 
You seem in a trance as you watch his body thud to the floor, looking as lifeless as the women on his bedroom floor back home. 
“Lisan-Al-Gaib!” A Fremen leader calls, breaking the silence as his people repeat after him.
Paul Atreides, Feyd-Rautha’s murderer, rises. He limps toward you and your family, prompting your sister to swiftly grab your free hand as the other slowly lowers from your lips. 
You had no love for Feyd-Rautha, nothing real. For him you experienced nothing that you should feel for a husband. Nevertheless, the tears flow all the same. 
"The life debt has been paid.” Irulan blurts, squeezing your hand as Paul nears you. “Spare my father and I will be your willing bride. The throne will be yours."
Her words snap you out of your haze, throwing you into the face of reality as it strikes you in the heart. 
"I'll take the hand of your daughter. She will remain safe and we will rule together over the empire." Paul declared.
In the span of seconds you imagine the moment a trillion different ways. If only he had nodded toward you, not Irulan.
‘Where is integrity?’ You wonder. 
Where is honor in sacrifice when you've given all you know to give and you still don't win. You can never seem to come out on top. You can never seem to be first…But your sister can, as she always does.
You snatch your hand away from your Irulan’s; Your eyes glued to your father, now kneeling, as rage grows within you. The rage of all of the rejection you've faced, the rage of all you have given to get to where you are, the rage of now wishing Feyd-Rautha had stuck Paul Atreides' head on a spike for all of Arrakis to see.
The rage of a Harkonnen.
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tremendum · 5 months
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Me and the Devil; prelude
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previous next series masterlist
word count: 0.4k
summary:  Paul becomes betrothed. You are ripped from your nest of darkness and shipped to a new world.
warnings: arranged marriage, mention of reader's family's assassinations.
notes: here's the prologue to my series from AO3 :') this has my own twist that will not follow canon. this is an endgame paul x reader, but will def have elements of feyd x reader mostly in flashbacks (i have a sickness im sorry he just Does It For Me). smut after several chapters, and very plot heavy. <3
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In a shocking show of mercy, the High Council of the Landsraad has decreed the pardon of the last Bourbon:
After a month-long raid at the home planet Sabberon, the House of Bourbon has been eliminated, the Duchal family sentenced to death at the Harko Arena on Giedi Prime. The counter-insurgent attacks by House Harkkonen have been ruled by the Council as 'Penitent Crimes of Retaliation' following the damning allegations of espionage and theft of Harkonnen technology. 
The House of Bourbon is succeeded only by the sole heiress and last daughter of the Count, whose betrothal to the na-Baron of House Harkonnen has been abruptly terminated by the High Court of the Landsraad.
The daughter, who carries the bloodline of both house Bourbon and House Ginaz, has by decree of the High Council of Landsraad been pardoned of the Harkkonen order of political imprisonment. The arraignment is set for a few weeks' time.
As once-standing political allies to the House Atreides, she is to be wed to the son of Duke Leto Atreides by the closing of the standard year. 
- Collected Galactic News report sent to Duke Leto Atreides, 10191. Caladan. 
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A muffled crash of falling plates somewhere in the castle rolls through the dampened halls. Paul doesn't bat an eye. 
Servants pass by the corridors, carrying dishes, plates, crates filled to their brim. A celebration had been planned with the news of Duncan's return; a homecoming, an acceptance. From one Great House to another; but something has changed now. Something is much different than it should have been. 
He knew there was something wrong when he was woken by his mother earlier than expected; No breakfast, no training, no lessons. He saw it on the faces that stared at him when he passed on his way here - the handmaids and servants whispered secretively in the halls.
And he knows it from the message his father has discarded, still open, on the desk in front of him; stamped by the High Council's signet. 
The rain mars the windows outside as Paul Atreides stands, shellshocked, in his ceremonial uniform. If the raindrops were any louder, they may have drowned out the rapid stagger of his breath at the news. 
The solemn faces stare back at Paul. "Yes." Lady Jessica affirms, eyes cool as she stares at her son. 
He blinks away the shock, eyes flickering to the men in the room.  "I thought Duncan was returning with the Count Bourbon and his family." Paul's brows furrow as he stares from Gurney to his father, confusion lacing his body. "Where is this coming from?" 
A silence that is as tense as it is regretful.
"Their house has fallen. Duncan Idaho returns from Geidi Prime this evening." 
Blood drains from Paul's face, his heart thumping. Why was Duncan returning from Geidi Prime - not the Bourbon's homeplanet, Sabberon? When the Swordsman had been deployed, there was not even a whisper or a word of marriage - not a single consideration of betrothal. He'd been told the expedition was to aid an old ally against the oldest foe Atreides has; The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 
What a foolish thing to think. 
"I am to be wed to..." Paul starts, but his sentence is interrupted by a choking of his own saliva - if he is to be wed, and his bride comes with Duncan... rage boils within. 
 Wed, to one of those monsters from Geidi Prime? Anger, hatred; it wars within him, turning up his stomach and burning the bile that rises. 
He swallows thickly, schooling his expression. He's known this would happen eventually - to be a future Duke is to understand from a young age that marriage is not for love. It is for the good of the House, of their people. 
Yes, he's always expected to marry out of convenience, out of strategy. But to be wed to... to...
"A Harkkonen?" Paul growls. The name spits from his mouth bitterly; Lost momentarily to his emotions, his sharp eyes cut to his father. 
A slight tilt of the head, Leto Atreides declines the accusation of his son. "no."
A breath falls from Paul's lips.
"She is not a Harkkonen. She has resided there for nearly four years - she was to be wed to the Baron's nephew." 
There's another silence, in which the rain slides down glass panes like tears.
"She's one of Idaho's." Halleck says off-handedly, shifting weight. Paul, in turn, stares at the man. His head swims in anger, confusion, shock. What does that mean? 
Paul's bewildered stare must reflect poorly; his father sighs. "Her mother was the middle youngest of the House Ginaz. Duncan Idaho trained with her mother and father., it's why he insisted to go to Geidi Prime - she is the last of the House Bourbon." 
Oh. Paul nods, clearing his throat. "And as part of the council's rulings..." His head hurts, heart racing, "Now, we will marry." 
"We believe it is for the best. She was nothing but a political prisoner." Duke Leto reasons, his own decision raining down onto Paul's shoulders. "She is still close with her aunt, the concubine of Duke Ginaz. We need their alliance; it's strategic."
The council of Houses Major, choosing to whom Paul is to marry; what a twisted fate. Bitterness floods his mouth, made worse when his own Lady Mother speaks up. "The Reverend Mother finds it pertinent-" 
But Paul doesn't hear much after this, besides the ringing in his ears. Your name echoes in his mind like a bell chiming in an empty hall; a plant of the Bene Gesserit.
All part of their political stratagem, and he, in the center of it; to be wed to a woman who was made for another. To be wed to one of the Harkonnen's beasts.
He meets his father's eyes, and they warn him.
 Don't push it. What's done is done. 
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animusrox · 2 years
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1.   The Batman 2.   Everything Everywhere All at Once 3.   Prey 4.   Triangle of Sadness 5.   Barbarian 6.  The Northman 7.   Bodies Bodies Bodies 8.   The Banshees of Inisherin 9.   Bones and All 10.   Avatar: The Way of Water
Grade A
11.   Turning Red 12.   The Menu 13.   Babylon 14.   Hit the Road 15.   Cow 16.   Watcher 17.   Funny Pages 18.   Mad God 19.   On the Count of Three 20.   Armageddon Time 21.   Terrifier 2 22.   Marcel the Shell with Shoes On 23.   Smile 24.   Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 25.   Holy Spider 26.   Aftersun 27.   The Fabelmans 28.   Breaking 29.   Decision to Leave 30.   The Whale 31.   All Quiet on the Western Front 32.   Brian and Charles 33.   Piggy 34.   Saint Omer 35.   Thirteen Lives 36.   Men 37.   The Fallout 38.   Resurrection 39.   Causeway 40.  The Black Phone 41.   Official Competition 42.   Nope 43.  Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 44.   Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood 45.   Till 46.   TÁR 47.   Happening 48.   A Love Song 49.   The Outfit 50.   The Innocents 51.   Jackass Forever 52.   BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths 53.   Montana Story 54.   Three Thousand Years of Longing 55.   You Won’t Be Alone 56.   The Sadness 57.   Halloween Ends 58.   Pearl 59.   X 60.   Vesper
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Grade B
61.   This Place Rules 62.   Fresh 63.   Windfall 64.   Kimi 65.   No Exit 66.   Top Gun: Maverick 67.   “Sr.” 68.   Farha 69.   The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 70.   Weird: The Al Yankovic Story 71.   Nitram 72.   Speak No Evil 73.   Run Sweetheart Run 74.   She Said 75.   White Noise 76.   Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 77.   V/H/S/99 78.   The Wonder 79.   Women Talking 80.   Hatching 81.   Soft & Quiet 82.   Scream 83.   To Leslie 84.   Hustle 85.   Chip ’n Dale: Rescue Rangers 86.   Dual 87.   God’s Country 88.   Emancipation 89.   Vengeance 90.   Fire of Love 91.   Bullet Train 92.   Incantation 93.   The Valet 94.   Hellraiser 95.   Christmas Bloody Christmas 96.   Significant Other 97.   Cha Cha Real Smooth 98.   Lucy and Desi 99.   Not Okay 100.   A Christmas Story Christmas 101.   Blonde 102.   Deadstream 103.   Sissy
Grade C
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Grade D
142.   Thor: Love and Thunder 143.   Summering 144.   Strange World 145.   Glorious 146.   The Gray Man 147.   Devotion 148.   Clerks III 149.   The Forgiven 150.   Enola Holmes 2 151.   Father Stu 152.   Jurassic World Dominion 153.   DC League of Super-Pets 154.   She Will 155.   The Bob’s Burgers Movie 156.   Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody 157.   Hellbender 158.   Samaritan 159.   Day Shift 160.   Sonic the Hedgehog 2 161.   Prey for the Devil 162.   Troll 163.   Uncharted 164.  Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile 165.   Dashcam 166.   Firestarter 167.   Do Revenge 168.   Catwoman: Hunted 169.   The Munsters 170.   Amsterdam 171.   Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Grade F
172.   Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris 173.   The Bubble 174.   Dead for a Dollar 175.   Jerry & Marge Go Large 176.   Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul. 177.   Infinite Storm 178.   Marry Me 179.   Don’t Worry Darling 180.   Spirited 181.   Disney's Pinocchio 182.   Alice 183.   Black Adam 184.   Orphan: First Kill 185.   The Adam Project 186.   The Invitation 187.   Texas Chainsaw Massacre 188.   Ticket to Paradise 189.   The 355 190.   Umma
Bottom 10
191.   Green Lantern: Beware My Power 192.   Deep Water 193.   Where the Crawdads Sing 194.   Blacklight 195.   Mack & Rita 196.   Memory 197.   Me Time 198.   Death on the Nile 199.   Morbius 200.   Moonfall
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melintowriting · 5 months
The first Empress- Chapter 1
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Hello everyone! I finally finished writing the first chapter. Again, English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there are some mistakes. For the ones who don’t know the plot I'll create a master list so that everyone can read it. Hope you guys will like it!
Warnings: arranged marriage, mentions of blood and death
Word count: 2.319
Kaitain, 10191
It was a wonderful day on Kaitain: the sun was high in the sky, the gardens smelled of spring and the water that gushed from the fountains seemed almost to shine, as if it was full of many small diamonds.
Her eyes observed the surroundings in the shadow of a large secular tree, attentive and sharp. Nothing could escape her gaze.
She observed a dragonfly just resting on the arm of a statue, then a small insect intent on creeping between the stones that made up the outside wall of the garden, and only finally on the figure that was approaching her in the distance.
Her stomach was gripped by the deep hatred that had been poisoning her for a long time. It was Irulan.
"I thought I made it pretty clear this morning that I wanted to be left alone."
Her voice sounded calm and stoic, in contrast with the burning anger that was eating up her stomach. She had learned that imperturbable impassibility from her mother: it was fundamental to survive in that world. She had understood it at her expense.
Irulan remained silent until she was close enough to see her step sister sitting under the big tree.
She was ready, everyone was at the palace. Soon the Harkonnen would have arrived and the alliance would be created.
"You chose a beautiful dress, sister." commented the eldest, sitting next to Megan.
Megan gave her a brief glance sideways before returning to observe the garden: "Is it a compliment or a pretext to mock me? And do I need to remind you that we’re not sisters?"
Despite the hatred that had been running between them for months, something broke in the heart of Irulan when she heard the words of her half-sister. She was right, they weren’t sisters, but Irulan had grown up believing that her and Jeremy were actually her siblings.
"Don’t pretend my words hurt you. After the pain you have caused to me, to my brother and to my mother, I don’t care about your emotions anymore."
A stab was that phrase, for the heart of the older sister; a stab that awakened in her an old, but not too old, guilt.
She was grateful to the guards who appeared in front of them for not giving Megan time to rage further: she knew she would have done so with immense pleasure.
"Princess Megan, the Harkonnen spacecraft has entered the atmosphere, it’s time to go," they announced.
Irulan was immensely surprised by her half-sister’s lack of hesitation in getting up and walking towards the palace, escorted by soldiers. Was she really not afraid? 
Was she really not afraid of being betrothed to Feyd Rautha?
The Emperor was sitting on the throne, impatiently waiting.
The room was filled with an icy silence. 
"Why is it taking so long?" he complained to Irulan, his beloved and only real daughter, standing by his side.
"I have no idea, Father." she admitted, "Maybe..."
She did not have time to finish: the huge door of the hall was opening and the Harkonnen guards were entering the palace.
The Baron floated towards the throne, kneeling before it.
Irulan paid little attention to the pleasantries between the Baron and her father, intrigued as she was by her sister’s betrothed.
Feyd Rautha towered behind his uncle, his face almost deformed by a small grin on his lips. Like a shark hunting for its prey, he watched with icy eyes the imperial family, in search of his future wife. There was no emotion in his eyes.
Everyone knew he was crazy.
For a moment she felt great sorrow for Megan. 
"Baron, Na-Baron, this is my second daughter, Megan."
As soon as the bride-to-be of the Na-Baron entered the room, everyone’s eyes fell on her, like iron attracted by a magnet. She walked in with her head held high and a posture that emanated confidence.
Actually, Megan’s confidence was a distraction from her emotions. She could feel something moving in her stomach.
Fear, perhaps? No, it was not fear, it was impatience. 
Everything was already written.
According to the Bene Gesserit plan she had been promised to Feyd since she was born, and Monique, her mother and member of the sisterhood, had made it happen.
Monique was the Emperor’s second wife. Upon the death of Irulan’s mother, Shaddam Corrino IV and Duke Leto Atreides' sister got married.
The Emperor, to ensure the continuity of the throne, wanted a son, a son that Monique, as Bene Gesserit, should have been obliged to give him. But she had met Silgasq, a Fremen imperial planetologist who was visiting the Emperor’s court to update him on new discoveries related to the Spice. 
There had been numerous rumors about Megan and her twin brother Jeremy, about their hair and eyes being too dark, about their suspicious features and especially about the absolute lack of resemblance to the Emperor.
Silgasq stayed at the Corrino’s court for some years, officially to continue his studies, secretly to stay with the woman he had fallen in love with and with the children he had conceived with her. The twins had never been unaware of the truth, they had grown up knowing they were not Corrino, with the absolute prohibition of their mother to reveal the truth to a living soul. It was Irulan who ruined everything. She had loved the twins with her whole being, as if they had really been her siblings, but as soon as she learned the truth thanks to her Bene Gesserit training, hurt by acknowledging that she had always believed a lie, she did not hesitate to report everything to her father. 
She had betrayed them. They had to watch as the Sardaukars killed their real father before their eyes. Only one thing was certain: they would have avenged him. With blood and fire they would have made justice for their father. They had sworn it to their mother.
The reason Megan was only waiting to get away from the Emperor was simple: she wanted to plot her revenge, away from prying eyes. She did not fear the idea of marrying Feyd Rautha; she had the necessary tools to deal with him, tools that her mother had provided her. She had taught her how to seduce, manipulate, attract. And then, the main and most powerful power, of which she was born already endowed: the Voice.
She stopped as soon as she came before the young Na-Baron Harkonnen, bowing slightly as per protocol. Feyd did the same, impatiently waiting for her to look up. The grin was still printed on his lips but no longer with the same intensity as before. It was just a distraction to keep the impatience that was eating him from getting out.
"It’s an honor to meet you, my betrothed."
The girl’s voice delighted Feyd’s ears.
"The pleasure is mine, princess."
Nothing genuine, spontaneous or natural: it was the protocol to which both had been meticulously trained. Yet there was something more.
Even Irulan, from the top of his father’s throne, was able to see him.
The way they looked at each other for the first time was definitely not protocol.
"Baron Vladimir Harkonnen." said the Emperor, standing up, "I offer to your nephew my daughter’s hand, thus sealing an alliance between our Houses."
The Baron tried not to grin with joy: now he really had the power in hand.
"My Emperor, I accept the great honor you are bestowing upon my House." answered the Baron promptly, bowing, "May the one between your daughter and my nephew be a strong and lasting union."
While all the attention of the room had shifted to the two powerful men intent on establishing the details of the wedding, only Irulan’s attentive eyes were still fixed on her step sister and Feyd.
She was the only one who noticed how they smiled slightly before looking down.
A few hours later
That night the celebrations were extraordinary.
The halls of the royal palace were filled with nobles from all over the empire, the fireworks had shone in the sky, the banquet had been sumptuous.
The Emperor was happy.
Happy to finally get rid of his illegitimate daughter, condemning her to marry a cruel man. She would have spent the rest of her life on Giedi Prime, away from the imperial court and from him, under the tyranny of Baron Harkonnen.
Megan’s wish was only one: to be able to take her twin Jeremy with her. The Emperor had agreed. It meant getting rid of both. Those twins were the result of adultery and brought only disgrace on House Corrino. He was delighted at the idea of snatching them away from Monique. She had dared to deceive him, betray him, and she was finally going to receive her punishment.
As soon as dinner was over Megan turned to her twin, sitting next to her, and whispered that she needed some fresh air. Jeremy knew right away why. He understood his sister better than anyone else: she felt overwhelmed by emotions and celebrations, she needed a moment to herself. He telepathically understood and nodded.
Megan snuck away, sure that no one had seen her. She was wrong.
Feyd’s sharp eyes had immediately intercepted her.
After their first meeting a few hours earlier they had not had a chance to speak again and properly.
Feyd seized the opportunity: he got up from the table and left the room without much explanation.
In front of him stood a long corridor that ended in a large balcony overlooking the countryside. Kaitain was a green, prosperous planet, completely different from Giedi Prime which was polluted, harsh and dark.
Feyd could see her even from so far away: Megan was facing the balcony, her long dark hair was falling down her back and her pretty dress was making her pleasant figure justice.
He followed the trail of perfume that the girl’s passage had left in the corridor and reached her.
His stride was almost impossible to hear, to the point that Megan only noticed his presence when he spoke to her.
"I saw you leaving the room, princess. Aren’t the celebrations for our union to your liking?"
His was not only a question but also a veiled provocation. How would she react? Was she going to apologize, mortified and embarrassed? Or she was going to avoid the question? He wanted to test her. Testing people was his favorite hobby of all time.
Megan almost winced. It was the voice of her betrothed, hoarse and deep. The girl reassembled herself before turning around.
"I’m not a party person. It has nothing to do with you or our union, my lord."
The princess’s tone seemed almost apologetic but also firm, as if she was apologizing without being really sorry.
Feyd slightly grinned. Her answer pleased him.
"Neither am I. I find parties stupid and useless. I prefer to spend my time differently." 
Megan took the opportunity to observe him closely. His charm was undeniable. -If I must marry him, I am glad that he is at least aesthetically to my liking- the princess thought. She wondered if she would also have liked him as a person. She knew very well what people said about him: that he was psychotic, crazy, violent and cruel. But honestly, was he so different from others? The Emperor, for example, was reputed to be a righteous man, but instead he was a murderer and a coward. Her betrothed, at least, was himself without hiding. 
"And how do you like to spend your time, Na-Baron?"
Feyd was just waiting for that question.
"Fighting in the arena. I really feel myself only when I’m holding a blade." 
The young Na-Baron carefully studied the reaction of his future wife, looking for signs of fear, dismay. He was aware of what people said about him and he liked it. He loved when people feared him.
It wasn’t Megan’s case, though. To his great surprise the princess was not at all upset by his answer and even replied, "I’ve heard a lot about your great fighting skills. I look forward to see one of your fights in the arena."
Feyd tilted his head, not letting his astonishment leak out.
"People die in that arena." he reminded her with a smug grin. Talking about death excited him. A woman could have never borne the sight of the fights, he was sure. 
The princess’s tone remained unabashed: "I know. I am not afraid of death."
-No longer after I saw my father being killed before my eyes- she would have liked to add, but she did not. She couldn’t jeopardize her position like that.
-She’s smart- Feyd thought without stopping smiling provocatively -and if she’s lying she’s doing it well. -
"My twin brother also loves to fight. I’m used to blood and wounds." she added, seeing him slightly amazed.
Feyd smiled even more as a strange light shone in his blue eyes.
Not only was he used to blood but he also loved it. The idea of a wife not easily impressionable generated in him dark and dirty desires. Having to wait irritated him: after that brief talk he wanted to make her his without hesitation.
"My uncle told me that your brother will come with you to Giedi Prime. I will gladly fight with him. Amicably, of course."
The grin on his lips was not very reassuring but Megan decided not to pay too much attention to it.
"I think we should go back, my lord." said the girl, looking at the hall door in the distance "They’ll all be wondering where we are."
Feyd nodded without taking his eyes off her. 
"Let’s go, princess."
He held out his hand to escort her and finally added, "And call me Feyd."
Megan took the hand of her betrothed without hesitation, quietly considering his request.
"As you wish, Feyd."
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animesmolbean · 4 months
Guardian of Light
Hello! Welcome to my rewritten story for Dune and Kingdom Hearts!
Some things have changed, and the story has more added detail that helps with the story.
Regarding updates, they will be slower because I really want to explore a bit of the story, especially for future chapters. But I'll try to update as soon as I can.
As shown up above, this is the male version of the chapter! The female version was published yesterday (Monday). The female and male verison will have some differences (if you read both of them) to show the different actions taken by the characters. This will mostly affect the intimacy part of the story and not really the actual plot.
One more thing, I was inspired to write this story after reading a fanfiction I read on Wattpad that is just phenomenal! My story follows the format of it (most of the time), but it's a completely different story!
I'll link the book here if you are interested in reading it!
With all of that out of the way,
Hope you enjoy the first chapter! ♥️
Dreams are messages from the deep.
“My planet, Arrakis, is so beautiful when the sun is low. Rolling over the sands… You can see spice in the air. At nightfall, the spice harvesters land.
The outsiders and their army of demons race against time to avoid the heat of the day. They ravaged our lands in front of our eyes. Their cruelty to my people is all I've known.
These outsiders, The Harkonnens, came long before I was born. But their demon army only came recently with them.
By controlling the spice production, they become obscenely rich. Richer than the Emperor himself.
Our warriors couldn't free Arrakis from the Harkonnens, or the demons that lurk in the shadows, but one day, by the imperial decree, they were gone.
Why did the Emperor choose this path? And who will our next oppressors be?”
Chapter 1: Accepting a Deal
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Year 10191
CALADAN, Homeworld of House Atreides
“I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like is any of this for real… or not?”
A (straight/curly/wavy) (hair color) boy slowly woke up. The soft glow from the light in his room, ridding him of any feeling of sleep.
He sat up, running his fingers through his hair. He looked around, seeing the familiar room he was given when he was a kid.
“It was… just a dream.” He whispered.
Meanwhile, a young boy was lying on a bed, shirtless, asleep, but tossed and turned a little as he dreamed. He was dreaming about something. Or rather, someone. His (Hair Color) hair gently blowing in the wind. He turned towards him, his beautiful sapphire blue eyes sparkling with happiness as he smiled widely.
His beautiful best friend since they were kids, the boy who is always the light of his life. (Your Name).
However, there was someone else with him. It was another girl that wore a different outfit compared to (Your Name). The boy didn't know who this was, for he could only see the side of her face. But he knew that he had dreamed of her before, too.
The boy's hazel green eyes opened, groaning softly, sitting up as the moving light came and shined against his shirtless form. He sat up in his bed, looking down.
‘What could that dream mean?’ He thought to himself.
The same young boy was now in a dining room, sitting at the table, deep in thought as he ate his breakfast.
An older woman who sat at the end of the table spoke up, breaking him out of his thoughts. “It's good you're up early. I just wish (Your Name) could be too.”
(Your Name) stood outside, in a loose gray long sleeve, baggy black Capri pants, and his boots were off, placed by a rock.
He dipped his feet into the large, cool body of water, walking until the water was halfway to his calves. He looked out towards the horizon, in deep thought.
“Your father wants you two in full dress before the Emperor's Herald arrives.”
The brunet boy raised his head up at this news, “Full dress? Military?”
“Ceremonial.” Jessica, the woman's name and his mother replied.
Paul let out a sigh. “Why would we have to go through all this when it's already been decided?” Paul asked.
“Ceremony.” Jessica simply replied.
The doors to the room suddenly opened, making the two at the dining table turn. Paul's lips lifted up into a smile at who was standing there. (Your Name).
“Ah…” (Your Name) chuckled awkwardly. “So sorry I'm late.” The boy walked over to the spot between Paul and Jessica.
“Nice to see you here (Your Name). And with shoes on this time.” Jessica lightly teased her son-like figure. She knew this boy since he was around five years old. She remembered the day the first time she brought him to Caladan.
Jessica was out late at night, having trouble sleeping. The sky was dark, stars twinkling, and the moon being the only thing providing light, making anything the light shone on glow a soft blue.
She walked along a beach that Caladan was known for when she saw what looked like a shooting star in the sky. But she saw it was falling towards the ground, not going across the sky like a shooting star normally would.
She watched the bright light and splash into a large body of water she was near. She walked closer to the water, her feet touching the soft sand. What she saw made her eyes widen.
What fell into the water was not a rock. But a child. He looked very young, like about five years old. He wore a white loose shirt with black shorts and no shoes.
Acting fast, she took off the cloak she was wearing and grabbed the wet, unconscious child and carried him back to the castle to be taken care of.
Jessica walked towards one of the spare rooms, requesting one of their servants to find clothes for the child. The female servant did what she was told while Jessica laid the child on the bed.
She got a closer look at the boy. He had (Hair Color) hair, (Skin Color) skin, all wet from landing in the water. She frowned and stroked the boy's wet hair.
This action caused the child to stir and mumble. Jessica watched the child slowly come to. When he opened his eyes, however, Jessica felt her heartbeat increase.
The boy's eyes were a deep blue. Like the color of sapphires or cobalt.
Jessica knew then that she needed to keep this boy safe.
(Your Name) chuckled shyly at Jessica's teasing, playing with the silver charm on his silver necklace; shaped like a small crown. He smiled back and then looked over to his best friend, who was already staring at her. Before he sat down, he greeted Paul with a gentle hug. The male smiled softly at his friend and hugged him back.
Once (Your Name) was seated and eating his breakfast, Jessica told him what she had just told Paul. The boy was confused as to why they were having a ceremony, but he gave Jessica a nod before he resumed eating. Jessica poured a glass of water for (Your Name) and slid the glass to him. The (Hair Color) haired boy thanked her quietly.
Jessica did the same for Paul, “Thank you.” The boy whispered. Jessica replied, “If you want it, make me give it to you. Use the Voice.”
(Your Name) guessed that Jessica wanted Paul to use the voice to bring him the water.
“Mom, I just woke up.” Paul protested in a gruffy, morning voice.
Jessica just stared at her son making Paul roll his eyes as he reluctantly agreed to try. He turned his body in the chair to use the voice, “Give me the water.”
It came out more like a soft, raspy whisper than what it was intended to be.
(Your Name) let out a muffled giggle at Paul's weak attempt. “The glass can't hear you. Say it to your mother.” He whispered.
Paul gave the boy a look before looking back at his mother. Seconds felt like minutes. The atmosphere shifted to stillness as (Your Name) watched Paul and Jessica stare at each other intensely, waiting for Paul to use the Voice again.
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Moments later, his lips moved.
“Give me the water.”
The voice came out gruffier and a bit distorted. But it did its magic. Jessica took the glass and pushed it towards Paul a little. But as quickly she was under the spell, she quickly snapped out of it. She pushed the glass of water closer to Paul.
Paul's voice was back to its normal pitch.
“Bene Gesserit skills take years to learn, Paul.” Jessica told her son as he reached out and grabbed the glass.
(Your Name) nodded. Even though he wasn't being taught to use the Bene Gesserit, he understood its complexity and why it's important to master.
Jessica observed her son before speaking again. “You look tired. More dreams?”
(Your Name) raised an eyebrow in confusion. He looked at his friend with worry. ‘Has he been dreaming too?’ He thought to himself.
Paul shook his head, muttering, “No.” Then he went back to eating.
“What about you, (Your Name)? Have you been dreaming?” Jessica asked.
The boy looked down before muttering, “No.”
“Extreme temperatures and treacherous weather events make life outside the cities of Arrakis truly hostile.” A robotic voice came from a recording that laid on the ground and showed visuals of what they were talking about.
After breakfast, the two childhood best friends decided to spend some time studying before they had to head to the ceremony.
The recorded voice from the video played as Paul had a book in his hands about the Fremen, reading it as his back leaned against (Your Name)’s torso. The boy was in a kneeling position, his arms were wrapped around Paul's neck, forearms resting on top of his shoulders. His head was on top of Paul's, silently reading along with him, occasionally nuzzling his nose into the boy's curly hair. He was only half paying attention, focused on looking at the book, listening to the recording, and trying to be as close to Paul as possible.
“With sandworms powerful enough to cut through metal. Only the native tribes known as the Freman and one other special person, that hasn't been seen nor born for centuries known as the Haris Aldaw’ have adapted well enough to survive.”
(Your Name)’s attention was diverted when he heard that name. Haris Aldaw’. He moved his head off of Paul’s. He has heard that name before. From where, he wasn't too sure.
Paul turned his head to look at the (Hair Color) haired boy, his hazel green eyes showing worry. “(Your Name), are you okay?”
The (Hair Color) haired boy blinked before nodding. “Yeah. I'm alright. Don't worry.” He replied to the boy.
Paul let one of his hands go from holding the book, grabbing one of (Your Name)’s hands, giving it a gentle squeeze. (Your Name) welcomed the comforting pressure and did it back to him. But to his surprise, Paul pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. Then, Paul turned his friend's hand to show his inner wrist and placed a kiss on the spot, too.
The (Hair Color) haired boy felt a blush blossom onto his cheeks at the gesture. Now flustered, he looked away shyly.
Paul let his hand go and smirked to himself before he continued reading.
“Preferring to inhabit the remotest regions of Arrakis the Freman share the deep desert with the giant sandworms, known to the Fremen as Shai-Hulud. Long exposure to spice has given the tribe their characteristic blue eyes, the eyes of Ibad.”
‘I wonder if it's as blue as my eyes.’ (Your Name) thought to himself, his focus back on the book and the recording.
“Little else is known of the Freman except that they have some sort of power that controls the Earth and the Freman are dangerous and unreliable. On the other hand, much is known about the Haris Aldaw’. They are known to control elements and have other magical abilities such as being able to glide.”
(Your Name) bit her bottom lip. ‘My dream last night was about gliding… and falling.’ He thought to himself again.
“Freman Attacks make spice harvesting extremely hazardous. For the Freman spice is the sacred hallucinogen which preserves life and brings enormous health benefits. For the imperium the spice is used by the navigators of the spacing guild to find safe paths between the stars. Without spice, interstellar travel is impossible, making it by far the most valuable substance in the universe.” The voice recording concluded.
(Your Name) and Paul were now standing outside, dressed nicely for the ceremony, both dressed similarly.
The (Hair Color) haired boy turned his head to look at the bearded man in the center. Duke Leto Atreides. The man he saw as his father for many years now. He remembered when he first came to Caladan, he was confused as to how he got here and where he came from. Jessica had explained the situation, and the Duke didn't want to believe the tale, but when he saw how adamant she was, he believed her.
He took him in and cared for him like he was one of his own kids, raising him alongside Paul. Teaching him many things like reading and writing, alongside Lady Jessica. He couldn't be more graceful to the two for taking him in.
The Duke turned his head and saw the (Hair Color) haired boy looking at him. He gave the boy a subtle nod to him; a gesture he returned to him, a gentle smile on his face.
An enormous oval shaped ship landed on the ground. The ramp was placed down as the important people walked out from it. They were wearing their house clothes and walking respectfully towards them. (Your Name) wasn't exactly sure who they were but knew they were of utmost importance if they were coming to speak with the Atreides.
“Smile Gurney.” The Duke said, looking forward at the approaching visitors, his tone calm but with a touch of joking as he spoke to his trusted member.
“I am smiling.” Gurney replied monotonously, a blank expression on his always serious looking face.
(Your Name) bit his bottom lip to suppress a snicker from escaping his lips. Paul looked at him in mild amusement.
The Duke shook his head at Gurney’s deadpan response, “How much will it cost them traveling all this way for this formality?”
“Three Guild navigators and a total of 1,460,062 Solaris for this round trip.” Another trusted advisor answered beside the Duke. The Duke turned his attention back to the new visitors.
(Your Name) watched as a member of the group that arrived from the ship bow to the Duke, “By the grave of Shaddam IV of the House Corrino, ascendant to the Golden Lion Throne of Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe, I stand before you as Herald of the Change. We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Court, representatives of the Spacing Guild, and a sister of the Bene Gesserit. The Emperor has spoken.” He pulled out a scroll, unrolling it before he read, “House Atreides shall immediately take control of Arrakis and serve as its steward.” The member closed the scroll. Do you accept?
The Duke took a couple long strides, stopping at the top of the stairs, “We are House Atreides. There is no call we do not answer. There is no faith that we betray. The Emperor asks us to bring peace to Arrakis! House Atreides accepts!”
“Atreides! Atreides! Atreides!” The soldiers that stood everywhere, representing House Atreides, started chanting as the Duke made his way down the stairs to sign the paper.
Before he does, the Duke looks back at his son and (Your Name), seeing them both giving him a subtle nod in agreement, silently approving him. They watched him sign the paper using his signet ring.
As he did, (Your Name) felt a feeling in his stomach that he couldn't quite place. Like a feeling of unease. He wasn't sure why he felt it just now. ‘Probably from all the people staring at us.’ He thought to himself.
“So it is done?” Leto asked the Herald.
“It's done.” The Herald responded, face blank, not showing any emotion.
Once the deal was finalized, (Your Name) scooted closer to Paul, pressing his right arm against Paul's left one. The curly haired boy looked at the boy. He gave him a gentle smile, which he returned in kind.
He always liked Paul's smile. Paul thought the same thing about him.
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kraken17 · 7 months
Paul Atreides, circa 10191-10192 aprox.
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would you mind listing your favourite 14 numbers for me? i want to compare mine with the favourites of others
In no particular order I really like the following:
0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 18, 23, 36, 39, 48, 67, 78, 90, 120, 139, 148, 168, 193, 234, 264, 279, 324, 339, 382, 423, 484, 516, 540, 585, 620, 645, 690, 729, 772, 829, 954, 1010, 1128, 1227, 1273, 1314, 1345, 1390, 1419, 1453, 1488, 1530, 1562, 1600, 1632, 1655, 1710, 1735, 1750, 1792, 1815, 1840, 1886, 1893, 1916, 1929, 1932, 1955, 1964, 2021, 2121, 2176, 2221, 2236, 2301, 2324, 2279, 2357, 2404, 2440, 2525, 2554, 2579, 2603, 2619, 2636, 2661, 2684, 2707, 2718, 2733, 2749, 2772, 2813, 2833, 2857, 2887, 2920, 2941, 2996, 3002, 3021, 3037, 3081, 3106, 3133, 3158, 3191, 3227, 3252, 3271, 3313, 3338, 3362, 3391, 3414, 3444, 3467, 3528, 3547, 3593, 3623, 3642, 3675, 3700, 3716, 3732, 3774, 3784, 3807, 3819, 3837, 3862, 3882, 3903, 3924, 3938, 3959, 3993, 4014, 4036, 4057, 4082, 4103, 4114, 4142, 4167, 4189, 4211, 4234, 4257, 4290, 4315, 4339, 4392, 4416, 4432, 4454, 4473, 4499, 4508, 4526, 4557, 4580, 4605, 4615, 4643, 4660, 4684, 4730, 4755, 4772, 4806, 4826, 4845, 4867, 4901, 4914, 4928, 4955, 4973, 4987, 5008, 5019, 5032, 5054, 5065, 5088, 5112, 5157, 5182, 5205, 5226, 5238, 5255, 5260, 5282, 5300, 5315, 5336, 5364, 5400, 5427, 5440, 5459, 5475, 5498, 5522, 5530, 5541, 5560, 5580, 5598, 5627, 5640, 5659, 5666, 5671, 5675, 5700, 5714, 5730, 5745, 5756, 5863, 5868, 5875, 5888, 5915, 5938, 5957, 5971, 5997, 6010, 6011, 6034, 6064, 6089, 6116, 6133, 6150, 6163, 6173, 6200, 6218, 6236, 6243, 6250, 6262, 6274, 6284, 6297, 6301, 6310, 6319, 6336, 6348, 6354, 6378, 6397, 6408, 6432, 6450, 6461, 6482, 6496, 6514, 6530, 6540, 6547, 6550, 6565, 6570, 6590, 6597, 6608, 6620, 6632, 6655, 6682, 6704, 6708, 6714, 6726, 6740, 6749, 6754, 6759, 6764, 6785, 6790, 6805, 6810, 6815, 6830, 6841, 6853, 6858, 6867, 6877, 6896, 6912, 6999, 7016, 7023, 7030, 7047, 7062, 7072, 7063, 7076, 7082, 7085, 7100, 7105, 7130, 7150, 7168, 7173, 7184, 7187, 7196, 7202, 7209, 7216, 7224, 7234, 7244, 7254, 7266, 7267, 7273, 7279, 7281, 7281, 7289, 7289, 7299, 7305, 7313, 7317, 7324, 7335, 7336, 7348, 7360, 7368, 7387, 7410, 7430, 7442, 7452, 7479, 7485, 7491, 7505, 7516, 7594, 7611, 7623, 7628, 7630, 7641, 7653, 7676, 7718, 7734, 7742, 7749, 7766, 7777, 7788, 7819, 7838, 7849, 7856, 7867, 7871, 7881, 7890, 7893, 7902, 7922, 7939, 7952, 7973, 7986, 7998, 8018, 8033, 8047, 8063, 8070, 8096, 8107, 8144, 8155, 8173, 8182, 8188, 8207, 8209, 8218, 8238, 8248, 8260, 8286, 8304, 8308, 8314, 8324, 8340, 8364, 8390, 8401, 8416, 8432, 8467, 8497, 8507, 8518, 8553, 8568, 8591, 8612, 8642, 8655, 8657, 8667, 8684, 8689, 8709, 8730, 8743, 8745, 8768, 8797, 8809, 8884, 8888, 8900, 8912, 8994, 9019, 9027, 9057, 9061, 9063, 9088, 9103, 9109, 9116, 9125, 9130, 9142, 9143, 9169, 9179, 9183, 9203, 9226, 9234, 9253, 9277, 9284, 9299, 9334, 9356, 9370, 9379, 9413, 9432, 9444, 9463, 9467, 9473, 9482, 9498, 9513, 9562, 9573, 9596, 9609, 9618, 9624, 9648, 9660, 9668, 9673, 9685, 9699, 9711, 9755, 9787, 9793, 9811, 9815, 9830, 9841, 9854, 9886, 9897, 9913, 9929, 9943, 9968, 9972, 9978, 9992, 9994, 9999, 10008, 10025, 10039, 10065, 10070, 10075, 10087, 10100, 10115, 10130, 10134, 10161, 10175, 10180, 10191, 10208, 10214, 10224, 10242, 10253, 10261, 10269, 10287, 10301, 10305,
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randomreasonstolive · 8 months
Reason to Live #10191
 Wearing tutus over leggings.  – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 months
Dune (2021)
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Even upon a rewatch, 2021’s Dune: Part One is spectacular. The memorable, foreboding score by Hans Zimmer, the costumes that bring this world to life, the scale of the action and the unique sets, ship & weapon designs all come together to complement a story of mythical scale. After seeing this film, two thoughts start competing for your brain’s attention. 1) If Frank Herbert’s Dune was adapted this successfully, then no work is unfilmable and 2) the sequel can’t come soon enough.
In 10191, the universe is ruled by an Emperor who assigns the exploitation of planets to powerful ruling houses. Interstellar travel is possible through “spice” a substance found exclusively on the harsh desert planet of Arrakis. For 80 years, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Stellan Skarsgård) and his house have overseen the harvest of spice. Now, Duke Leto I (Oscar Isaac) of House Atreides is the new steward of Arrakis but only for as long as the flow of spice continues. This shift puts House Atreides, particularly the Duke’s son, Paul (Timothy Chalamet), in danger.
At 155 minutes, you’d think this movie would feel long, but it doesn’t. One of the reasons is that there’s a lot within to keep your mind busy. What’s a Freman? What’s a Kwisatz Haderach? What’s “the voice”? If director Denis Villeneuve tried to cram this story into 90, or even 120 minutes, it would move so quickly that all these questions would leave you in the dusty sands of Arrakis (that’s the planet, right?). By taking its time while moving at a good pace the film allows you - in time - to answer all of your questions. Since you understand what’s happening, you’re engaged. It helps that if you can’t remember what each name means, the visuals pick up the ball. The grotesque, scheming Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is clearly a villain. It's particularly obvious once you see his nephew, the psychotic and childish Glossu Rabban (Dave Bautista). You know you can’t trust the Bene Gesserit because their leader, Reverend Mother Mohiam (Charlotte Rampling) makes Paul take a painful, life-threatening test to prove he isn’t a threat himself. These are only a few of the many examples I could choose and they show how the story is both complex and easily digestible.
Even without the gripping story filled with backstabbings, political intrigue, violence, quests for revenge and harrowing struggles for survival, Dune would still have you tightly in its grip. Throughout, Paul’s psychic abilities give him visions. They foretell the future… sort of. They give hints of what’s coming but hints are not the same as clear answers. These all tie to this planet he’s on; a world that doesn’t end where the screen does. The details in the dialogue, sets and costumes make you wish the Harkonnens would just chill, and save their grudge for later. This way, you’d have time to see House Atreides befriend the Fremen and familiarize themselves with their customs.
There’s so much happening in this film that some of it you won’t “get” until later. For example, the early assassination attempt on Paul’s life. The would-be killer? A Harkonnen cutthroat, hidden in a bedroom wall. What kind of wealth, power and/or terrifying influence could persuade someone to take on that sort of assignment, knowing they would have to wait in darkness for weeks, slowly starving to death, just to kill a boy?
The passion within Dune is as clear as its ambition. You’re only getting half of a movie with it, but this choice feels like a necessity, rather than a Breaking Dawn-type of cash-grab or an attempt to start another franchise for a money-hungry studio. It certainly doesn’t feel presumptuous. Everything we see feels important; like it’s building up to not just one, but many bigger character arcs in a world that contains hundreds of stories. You know the threads that are left hanging will be tied up - that’s the kind of confidence all of the artists at work instill in you. Dune/Dune: Part One is a film that’s going to be remembered. (March 1, 2024)
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drrafaelcm · 2 years
Recurso de microempresa é rejeitado por falta de complementação do depósito recursal
Recurso de microempresa é rejeitado por falta de complementação do depósito recursal
A empresa teria de recolher a quantia faltante para chegar ao valor total da condenação (more…)
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mraaflaub · 6 months
DUNE 10191
giclée prints available now!
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