#14 kilos
princemick · 2 years
just found a Ferrari vest
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chronicallykiki · 1 year
VOD : April 2nd 2023
Final Fantasy XIV : Roulettes 'n' Whatever
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
[Laying dead on the floor] jesus fucking christ
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prussianmemes · 1 year
dipping pryaniki in coffee with milk is the same kind of super chemical reaction for flavor like butter on toasted bread.
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zayiflamaokulum · 1 year
Zayıflama Yöntemleri
Zayıflama, günümüzde pek çok insanın en yaygın sağlık sorunlarından biridir. Zayıflama yöntemleri konusunda ise birçok bilgi ve yöntem mevcuttur. Ancak herkesin vücudu farklıdır ve her yöntem herkes için geçerli olmayabilir. En başarılı zayıflama yöntemi, kişinin vücut tipi, yaşam tarzı, diyet ve egzersiz gibi faktörleri dikkate alarak kişiselleştirilmiş bir plan yapmaktır. Yenilen besinlerin…
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0856-4863-2193 Rumput Gajah OdotBakung Blitar
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deutsche-bahn · 10 months
Meine Tante hat sich nach der Scheidung ein Haus gekauft. Nicht irgendein Haus, sondern ein Türmchen mit Anbau aus dem 14. Jahrhundert. In einen der Balken im Innenraum sind Graffitis aus dem Jahre 1537 geschnitzt. Schon irgendwie cool
Meine Tante wäre nicht sie selbst, wenn sie ihre komplette Deko nicht von Mittelaltermärkten bekommen würde. Also, größtenteils Felle.
In ihrem Schafspelzfriedhof von einem Eigenheim fehlte jetzt nur noch eins: Ihr Exmann reagierte allergisch auf Katzen. Zwei Jahre nach ihrer Scheidung holte sie sich also ein kleines Maine Coon Kitten ins Haus. Aw.
Das Kätzchen verbrachte seine Zeit damit, auf den Schultern von ihr und ihrem Freund durch die Gegend getragen zu werden. Sehr süß, 10/10. Seitdem ist das Kätzchen leider zu einer beachtlichen Katze von 7kg geworden (mit einem Jahr- das ist in etwa das gleiche Kaliber wie mein Sportmops in dem Alter). Diese sieben Kilo Katze nutzte das Gebälk des Hauses liebend gerne als Kletterwald, oder legte sich flach auf irgendwelche Felle, auf denen sie dann kaum noch zu erkennen war. Auf Schultern lässt sie sich trotzdem gerne noch tragen.
Das ganze läuft dann aber so ab: Du möchtest deine Tante besuchen. Stehst gerade für vielleicht 30 Sekunden im Wohnzimmer. Spürst vielleicht, wenn du ganz viel Glück hast, einen Luftzug. Denkst dann dass du dir gerade das Schlüsselbein zertrümmert hast, weil 7kg Katze mit abartiger Präzision aus dem Gebälk auf dich runterfallen, killing you instantly.
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sunsblogs · 1 year
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2 aylık bebek gelişimi olarak bebekler önemli fiziksel ve bilişsel gelişim gösterirler. Yüz üstü yatarken başlarını kaldırabilirler, cıvıl cıvıl sesler çıkarabilirler ve hatta bakıcılarına yanıt olarak gülümseyebilirler. Ayrıca daha iyi el-göz koordinasyonu geliştirmeye başlarlar ve nesneleri daha bilinçli kavrayabilirler. Uyku açısından, 2 aylık bir bebeğin günde yaklaşık 14-17 saat uyuması ve şekerlemelerin 2-4 saat sürmesi gerekir. Bebeği sırtüstü yatırmak ve beşikte gevşek yatak veya yumuşak nesnelerden kaçınmak da dahil olmak üzere güvenli bir uyku ortamı sağlamak önemlidir. Doğum sonrası terleme birçok yeni anne için yaygın bir deneyimdir. Tipik olarak hormonal değişiklikler ve vücudun fazla sıvıyı ortadan kaldırma çabaları nedeniyle oluşur. Doğum sonrası terlemeyi yönetmek için sıvı alımını sürdürmek, nefes alabilen giysiler giymek ve düzenli olarak duş almak çok önemlidir. Vücudun doğal iyileşme sürecini desteklemek için sağlıklı bir diyet ve egzersiz rutinini sürdürmek de önemlidir. Terleme aşırı hale gelirse veya başka belirtiler de eşlik ediyorsa bir sağlık uzmanına başvurmak çok önemlidir. Doğumdan ne kadar sonra hamile kalınır konusunda ise cevabımız doğum yaptıktan sonra tekrar hamile kalmak için en az 18-24 ay beklenmesi tavsiye edilir. Bu, vücudun hamilelik ve doğumun fiziksel ve duygusal taleplerinden tamamen kurtulmasını sağlar. Tekrar hamile kalmayı denemeden önce yaş, genel sağlık durumu ve herhangi bir tıbbi durum gibi faktörleri dikkate almak da önemlidir. Bir sağlık uzmanına danışmak, bu kararı vermede değerli rehberlik ve destek sağlayabilir. Ek olarak, çocuk boy kilo tablosu kullanarak bebeğin boyunu ve kilosunu takip etmek, gelişiminin izlenmesine ve uygun aşamalara ulaştıklarından emin olunmasına yardımcı olabilir. Hafta hafta gebelik, Bebeklerde uykusuzluk, yenidoğan uykusu gibi konular ve hamilelik sırasında veya doğumdan sonra bebeğin boyunu ve kilosunu hesaplamak için popüler web sitemize göz atabilirsiniz.
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bekkathyst · 9 months
The Glöcklerlauf is a tradition practiced in the Salzkammergut region of Austria with pre-Christian roots. This parade of Glöckler (“bell-ringers”) who carry bells and large, lit-up caps marks the end of the Rauhnächte, the darkest and most dangerous time of the year. This parade of art and light chases out the evil winter spirits and ushers in a new season of good and light.
In my town, these Glöckler run 8 kilometers through our neighborhoods, and the caps they carry weigh around 14 kilos. The run takes about 3 hours to complete. The caps represent local landmarks, stories, and even biblical scenes. They’re handmade and passed down for many years.
Food, drinks, and donations are given to the Glöckler to thank them for protecting our villages by ushering in light. This is my second favorite winter tradition here! It’s much more gorgeous in person.
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commajade · 4 months
finally watched watched my brothers and sisters in the north when it's been in my to-watch list for years and it was so touching and so beautiful.
the people interviewed were of course handpicked and have better conditions than other people because of the impact of U.S. sanctions and such, but it genuinely inspired me how hard-earned their good living conditions are. the farmers had to work really hard to re-establish agriculture after the war and now they get so much food a year they donate most of it to the state because they simply don't need it. the girl at the sewing factory loves her job and gets paid with 14 kilos of food a month on top of her wages. the water park worker is proud of his job because 20,000 of his people can come and enjoy themselves every day, and Kim Jong-un himself took part in designing it and came by at 2am during construction to make sure everything was going smoothly. his grandmother's father was a revolutionary who was executed and buried in a mass grave in seoul but in the dprk he has a memorial bust in a place of honor and his family gets a nice apartment in pyongyang for free.
imperialist propaganda always points to the kim family as a dictatorship and a cult of personality but from this docu it's so obvious that it's genuine gratitude for real work for the people, and simple korean respect. if my president came to my work and tried his best to make my working conditions better and to make my life better, i would call him a dear leader too. if my president invented machines and designed amusement parks and went to farms all over the country to improve conditions for the people, i would respect him.
the spirit of juche is in self-reliance, unity of the people, and creative adaptations to circumstances. the docu rly exemplified the ideology in things like the human and animal waste methane systems powering farmers' houses along with solar panels, how they figured out how to build tractors instead of accepting unstable foreign import relationships, and how the water park uses a geothermal heating system.
it rly made me cry at the end when the grandma and her grandson were talking about reunification. the people of the dprk live every day of their lives dreaming of reunification and working for reunification, and it's an intergenerational goal that they inherited from their parents and grandparents. the man said he was so happy to see someone from the south, and that even though reunification would have its own obstacles that we have the same blood the same language the same interests so no matter what if we have the same heart it would be okay.
and the grandma said "when reunification happens, come see me." and it's so upsetting that not even 10 years later, the state has been pushed into somewhat giving up on this hope. the dprk closed down the reunification department of the government last year and it broke my heart.
a really good pairing with the 2016 film is this 2013 interview with ambassador Thae Youngho to clarify political realities in the dprk and the ongoing U.S. hostility that has shaped the country's global image. the interviewer Carlos Martinez asks a lot of excellent questions and the interview goes into their military policy, nuclear weapons, U.S. violence and sanctions, and the dprk's historical solidarity with middle eastern countries like syria and palestine and central/south american countries like nicaragua, bolivia, and cuba.
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
The largest integrated green hydrogen production and refuelling complex in China is able to supply hydrogen at 35 yuan per kilo ($4.86/kg), near cost parity with diesel, according to reporting by the Chinese newspaper Hunan Daily.[...]
By way of comparison, hydrogen fuel is being sold at the pump elsewhere in China for 75 yuan per kilo — which is still cheaper than in other countries. The largest H2 fuel market in the US, California, is currently seeing pump prices of $36/kg — more than seven times higher than the Changsha facility — while in Germany, Europe's largest market, current per-kg prices are between €12.85 and €15.75 ($14-16.60).
15 Mar 24
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beemochi-art · 6 months
12, 14, 15, 19, 28 of the unhinged otp for Kilomegs
12) yes
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Megatron would never intentionally poison himself. Kilo will might.
19)Megatron is blowing up break rooms. 💥
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Kilo is a dummy
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nontimesversion · 6 months
cuál es la excusa perfecta para no comer?
Tips para no ser una cerda
1.- Ahora que voy a ingresar a un concurso de mate, me tengo que quedar en la tarde y mi familia me da dinero para comer cerca del colegio pero yo la guardo para ahorrar y pues ya no me obligan comer. 2.- Si hay talleres en la tarde en tu colegio inscribete (opcional que sea altetismo) en uno de ellos y asi te evitas el almuerzo. 3.- Se la primera en comer yo siempre sirvo mi comida y abajo dejo el plato de mi perro asi que cuando nadie ve le doy toda mi comida a mi perro. 4.-Para desayunar y eres escolar despiertate mas tarde asi no tendras tiempo para desayunar. 5.-Siempre di que te encanta comer asi nadie sospechara de ti. 6.-Si te invitan para comer o algo puedes decirle que hay muchas otras actividades que hacer, con un amigo siempre vamos a correr. 7.- Di que tienes un granito en tu boca o en tu cara asi evitaras comer y asismo evitas que te den comida chatarra. 8.-Si te llaman para cenar di que ya haz comido mucho y te sientes super llena asi nadie se dara cuenta. 9.-Para evitar hambre siempre mastico algo, despues lo escupo y rapidamente me cepillo los dientes. 10.-Consume hielo si vomitar asi evitas la inflamacion en la garganta. 11.-Evita el cafe eso te da mas ansiedad para comer, una opcion para remplazarlo seria el te o el agua con pepino. 12.-Di que no te gusta algo o eres alergica. 13.-Cuando tienes hambre siempre toma agua o hielo eso calma tu ansiedad. 14.-Juega videojuegos con personas, personalmente juego roblox, free fire y fornite ya que hace que te concentres en el juego y dejas de pensar en comer. 15.-Otra excusa es que primero me voy a bañar cuando mi familia esta almorzando y yo soy la ultima en servirme la comida asi que lo mas logico que hago en darle comida esa comida a mi perro ( mi perro es mi pro ana) 16.-Si no tienes energia come un dulce(con pongas calorias) o toma suero eso hace que te repongas. 17.-Si eres nueva empieza de poco a poco, consume 900cal en tu primer dia despues en tu sngudo dia 750cal. en el tercer dia 550cal y en tu cuarto dia 350cal y en el quinto 150cal, asi hasta tener que dejar consumir alimentos ( en este momento estoy en mi segundo dia de ayuno aun asi me siento bien y he bajado 5 kilos y eso es increible si se lo proponen pueden lograrlo) 18.- Para las mia espera 20 minutos para expulsar tus alimentos antes de comer toma agua, no durante y no despues sino antes. 19.-Si estas empenzando en lo de calorias para quemarlo haz dos horas de ejercicio pero si estas en tu ayuno intermitente haz 30 minutos, te recomiendo que sea pilates. 20.-Siempre entra a tumblr o pinterest para ver inspiracion o quieres seguir siendo una cerda. 21.-Siempre en las tardes ponte a estudiar o a leer eso evita que pienses en comer. 22.- Distraete o vee videos de personas obesas ¿Asi quieres terminar? 23.- Hablar con personas que quieren ser unas princesas como tu, ellas te daran tips o cosas que no deberias hacer, si quieren pueden hablar conmigo.
24.- Proponte metas semanales y mensuales mi meta semanal es pesar 54 y mi meta mensual es 49
25.- Igual con los ejercicio te recomiendo que hagas cardio de 10 minutos no mas ya que te pondrias desmayar y alarmaras a la gente ( si me ha pasado) obviamente la idea esque la gente no note que no estas comiendo sino que vea que te estas viendo mas delgada y mas linda.
26.- Vee al Mall y llevale comida tu familia y dices que no quieres por haz comido alla.
27.- No rechazes comida regularmente solo aceptale y cuando nadie se de cuenta botalo.
28.-Cuando sea un cumpleaños de un amigo y te invitan para comer diles que antes de eso fuistes a comer o simplemente no vayas al cumpleaños.
29.-Cuando tienes hambre duerme en la tarde asi dejas de pensar en eso. 30.- Despues del colegio llega a tu casa y duerme asi no podras comer.
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4ng3lsch1z0phr3n1a · 19 days
Pamiętacie jak rano mówiłam że przytyłam pół kilo jest 14 zjadłam sushi ale bardzo dużo pociwiczylam i jestem do tego chora więc mój organizm przez skakanie zwrócił wszystko i myjąc zęby stanęłam na wagę i nie mogę uwierzyć
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Odrazu jakiś lepiej się czuję
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gomitasbb · 8 months
Bueno, mis padres encontraron esta cuenta y fue un desastre, me llevaron a un psiquiátrico en contra de mi voluntad, en dónde me obligaron a comer, pues por consecuencia tuve un efecto rebote horroroso, yo había llegando a los 70 kilos, pero recupere el peso a los 90 kilos, lo sé, es horrible, ya ni siquiera puedo mirarme en el espejo, pero ya volví a mi casa y lo primero que hice fue pésarme, ahora me anoté en clase de pilates, y en el psiquiatrico hice una amiga que es ana que me dió una dieta que puedo hacer sin que nadie se de cuenta.
Desayuno: una manzana o un agua con limón o café sin azúcar
Almuerzo: verduras y proteína cocida
Cena: una manzana o una mandarina o fruta cítrica
Y un ayuno mínimo de 14 a 16 horas, obvio también no comer entre comidas, solo tomar agua, estoy pensando que dependiendo del tamaño del almuerzo, podría hacer un mía, ya que no hay nadie en mi casa a esa hora
Mi amiga me dijo que con esa dieta bajo 16 kilos en 20 días, y pues eso voy a probar, les voy a compartir mi avance, y si, vale la pena está dieta.
Gracias por leer
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dying-to-be-skinny · 1 month
Since I've over ate for two days I'm making a plan to follow for a week, starting tomorrow (14/08-21/08)
Food Allowed (Omad)
-Up to 2 cups of lettuce
-Up to 2 cucumbers
-Up to 3 carrots
-Up to any three fruits (I love fruit so much omg)
- Light cheese triangles
If I over eat or gain weight I won't eat the next day.
-1 hour of walking
-20 minutes of any other exercise
-Atleast 50 knee tucks (try to add 10 each day and keep legs up even when having a break)
At least 2 litres of water
Praying this works man 🙏😫 I just wanna drop 5 kilos by the end of August so I can reach my first gw so when it gets warmer again i can look a little better in the shorts they make us wear at school.
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