#1500 words in one day and still no kiss
tl-trashtalk · 6 months
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reobsessed · 8 months
Unfamiliar Waters
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Pairing: Tav X Astarion, Reader X Astarion. Gender neutral. Content: Bathing, kissing, hair washing, fluff, comfort, slight conflict that gets resolved immediately, no sex, minor mention of torture. 1500 Words. Summary: You were in dire need of a bath after a harrowing fight outside the inn you were staying at. Unfortunately you find the tub already occupied by Astarion. In an attempt to bond with and get him out of there, you offer to wash his hair. Another short Astarion fic I started a while ago. Wanted to do something fluffy and intimate without any sex. Thanks again to Suri for edits and help with lines and the title!
You flung open the wooden doors, uncaring as wood chipped against lavender painted walls. Just as you were halfway through discarding your shirt, an indignant cry caught you off guard.
“What in the sweet hells, do you mind?!” The towel and toiletries fell from your hands. You’d never been very perceptive and today was no exception. Already fully submerged in the tub was Astarion; chest bare slumped over the side, a dripping copy of the Baldur’s Mouth Gazette in hand.
“Astarion?! I haven’t seen you in hours, is this where you’ve been?” You spluttered. “We really could have used your help. There was a fight right outside the inn. There’s absolutely no way you didn’t hear the commotion.”
“Some of us take pride in our appearances and besides, I needed time away from that festering group of ingrates.” As if to emphasise his point he shuddered. “You know, you could all learn a lot from me, starting with regular bathing.”
“And how exactly are any of us meant to bathe when you’re in the bathroom four hours every day?”
“Oh I don’t know, Baldur’s Gate has plenty of scenic rivers and lakes. I’m sure the bear has no problem leading each of you to nature’s finest bathhouse.”
You rubbed your temples with a freehand. As much as you loved this man, he could really start to grate on your nerves after a while. You scooped up your belongings and made your way over to him, arranging your towel neatly on the floor beside you.
He looked up from the paper disinterestedly. “As much as I love your company, dear, I hope you’re not planning on joining me. I hardly think this,” he gestured disapprovingly at the tub, “can fit us both.”
“Astarion, if there’s anything I can do to cut this exceedingly long bath short, I would be more than happy to assist.”
His eyes widened momentarily. How stupid of you, you hadn’t considered the implications of what you’d said. 
“No, no, that's quite alright. I’ve still got my hair to wash and that’ll take at least another half an hour.”
Perching yourself on the edge of the tub beside him, you began rolling up your sleeves.
“Then allow me.” You smirked.
He flung the sodden paper to the floor and stared at you dumbfounded. “You mean you- wash my hair. I’m sitting here naked, dripping and gorgeous and all you want to do is ‘wash my hair’?”
“Couples do things for each other. Things outside of sex and combat, I might add,” you sniped back. Using your fingers, you began combing through his dampened locks.
“Without the sex, I suppose that leaves only the one thing we do together then.”
“That’s true.” His body tensed. “No, no wait- '' Flustered, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed your forehead against the back of his head. A feeble gesture, intended to soothe him and buy you enough time to explain.
“Just kidding,” you could hear the smirk in his voice, but you knew it wasn’t genuine.
“I like doing other things with you,” you mumbled into his curls. “I don’t care about the sex.” You relaxed your hold, allowing him to turn around to face you. Delicately, you reached out and wiped a stray piece of hair from his forehead. As you did so, his unnaturally pale cheeks took on a darker hue, perhaps from the heat or from your touch, you weren’t sure.
He cleared his throat and turned away again. “I see then. Well, this is as good a time as any to try something new.” 
“Really?!” your head perked up. “I’m so excited, haven’t washed anyone else's hair since I left home.” You began swirling a hand in the tepid water, carefully choosing a spot faraway from where Astarion sat. “Did you and your siblings ever do this for each other? Like my family did,” you asked without thinking.
He shot you an incredulous glare, which soon contorted into sarcastic glee. “Oh, of course we did! And then in between our torture sessions we’d paint each others’ nails! What good fun it was.” His smile dropped and he fell backwards into the bath, splashing you in the process.
You scratched the back of your head. “Sorry I-”
He waved his hand dismissively. “Leave it, my love. No use dwelling on all that now.” You nodded your head in agreement, not that he could see you. “Come now, we don’t have all day.” 
You hummed in agreement, looking over the various bottles that sat on a shelf beside the bath. Astarion was a very particular man and you didn’t wish to upset him by, god’s forbid, using the wrong fragrance. You gestured towards the selection of shampoo. “What’s your poison?”
“Hmm, I think today I‘m in the mood for jasmine- no wait- night orchid and ginseng- actually, that honey shampoo sounds positively delicious.”
“Might net you some unwanted attention from our camp bear,” you joked, hands sifting through the knots in his hair.
“Fair point. Alright then, I think I’d like to try that raspberry one, the one you got from that dear little market stall.” 
The same one you liked to use.
With a gentle firmness you cupped the sides of his head. You hoped it was enough to stop him from turning around and seeing the pure glee etched onto your face.
“Alright, I need to get it wet, lean back,” you instructed, as you scooped up a handful of water.
He did as he was told and reclined backwards, eyes closed and squinted, anticipating the stream of water. Doing this for your brothers and sisters had been easy. Hells, you could get away with lobbing them in the river and they’d be just fine. Astarion, on the other hand, required a more delicate touch (even if he’d never admit to it) and you were more than happy to cater towards him.
With slow precision you poured the cooling water over his scalp, immediately pushing back any stray drops that threatened to drip down into his eyes. 
Gods, how was it possible for such a man to be so beautiful and how was it that such a man had chosen you as his partner? Your hands stopped and your gaze lingered, as you took in his picturesque features.
An eyelash heavy with steam peeled open, giving you an inquisitive look.
“Enjoying the show, darling?” A thick, humid heat bloomed across your cheeks. “By all means, keep admiring me.”
“Shut up and close your eyes!” You grabbed the bottle from the side and began lathering it in your hands. The familiar fragrance filled your nostrils and despite having grown accustomed to having it as your own scent, you were looking forward to how it smelt on him.
You rubbed the foam through your fingers, fully enveloping his hair in a thick mousse. As your nails dragged across his scalp you heard him moan. 
“That feels positively wonderful.”
“Oh yeah, like this?” you asked, repeating the same motions as before. He mmm-ed softly, sinking further into your hold. You paused for a second, this might be the most satisfied sound you’d ever heard coming from his lips, not a bad thing of course, given his past experiences. 
His eyes were open again, staring up at you, face awash with bliss. 
“Itching for a taste are we?” he goaded lightly.
There was no use dignifying that with a response. You brought your lips down upon his, his head still clasped in your hands. It was brief and sweet, reminiscent of those first kisses you’d once shared with young lovers. Unthinkable that such innocent yearning could be reclaimed so late in life. 
Reluctantly you broke the kiss and pulled away.
“I do rather like that, you know…”
“I know and so do I.” You beamed. “Okay now can you please hurry up so I can have a bath,” you pleaded, peppering his mouth with more kisses.
“Always so demanding,” came his curt reply (the audacity). Nonetheless, he complied and finished up. 
A deep sigh of relief escaped your lips after finally lowering yourself into freshly ran water. About halfway through wetting your hair, a freezing pair of hands on your shoulders caught you off guard.
“Astarion!” you shrieked. The little rogue had snuck up behind you.
“Oh, do be quiet, and don’t splash me. Wouldn’t do to get me wet again.” You watched as he rifled through the shampoo bottles disapprovingly. “We must go to the market together again soon, darling, just the two of us. I know just the product that’s perfect for your hair type, might do something about that helmet musk too.”
You opted to ignore that last dig, instead choosing to relish in the satisfaction of a warm bath and your lover threading his fingers through your hair. “I’d like that,” you hummed happily. 
A contented silence descended over the room. You felt at peace and when you saw him hovering above you with that serene grin on his face, you knew he felt the same.
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lxndonorris · 8 months
kisses and stubbles - Lando Norris
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Y/N x Lando Norris Theme: Smutish, Teasing, Touching prompt: "why are you looking at me like that? Are you planning to kiss me?" You're with Lando before qualifying begins, and he won't stop teasing you x word count: 1500+
It's always a pleasure to accompany Lando, your boyfriend, during race weekends, especially after he's been performing very well. This year has been a steady up and down, like an actual rollercoaster, but for a few races now, the Mclaren is pretty competitive, leading to more and more podiums for both Lando and his teammate Oscar.
Right now, it's Friday, testing day, and you're sitting inside Lando's private motorhome, a place you've learned to appreciate. You're wearing your boyfriend's merchandise—actually, his worn clothes; they're a bit too large for you, but you don't mind. After all, he loves you in those clothes.
With a coy smile, you're watching him put his racing gear on. One leg at a time, he slides into the lower half of the fireproofs. Its fabric flatters his body perfectly—tight yet flexible.
Lando's back is turned toward you, exposing his firm back, with all of its muscles tensing more and more. He runs both of his hands along his thighs, down to his toes, as he bends down. It is not only an easy exercise to stretch, preparing his body for the upcoming session, but also an excellent way to show off his beautiful physique.
Without turning around and looking at you, he knows that you're enjoying the show. Licking your lips, you watch him grab the upper half of his undergarments. In one swift movement, he slips inside it and adjusts himself and his body to the tight fabric.
You stare, transfixed, as he lunges, stretching his legs, his arms, and his back. He grunts barely, and as he exhales, he lets out a long sigh.
Before putting on his racing suit, however, he runs both of his hands across his entire body, including his chest, arms, thighs, and waist. Lando purrs happily as he touches himself gently. A shy smirk forms in the corner of your lips as you hold back a soft, breathless giggle. However, it seems like he might have heard you.
Letting out a low grunt, Lando turns around, running both of his hands across his firm chest. Again, on the one hand, it's to simply straighten his clothes, but he wouldn't deny teasing you at the same time.
With one eyebrow raised, he studies you. With the feeling of his burning gaze on your skin, you shudder, but try to keep a straight face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He bites his lower lip and subconsciously brushes over his crotch with one of his hands, while the other strokes his chest again and again.
Blushing slightly, you just admire his well-formed body and that he is willingly showing off again. Your eyes wander across his chest—his abs are slightly visible through the white fabric, as are his pecs and nipples—down to his thighs and right back to his gorgeous face.
Lando tilts his head slightly, still waiting for the answer he already knows. He's still trying to read you, knowing very well the effect that wearing his racing gear has on you.
"Why? Can't I look at my beautiful man?" You smirk, crossing your arms in front of your chest as your entire body starts to heat up.
He runs a hand through his hair and lets his eyes wander all over your body again, looking for anything that could give you away.
There is that special kind of tingling spreading through your chest. Any time he looks at you like that, it feels like your heart is accelerating at an immense speed, and your breath is barely able to keep up.
Mirroring you, he crosses his arms as well. Your eyes can't help straying to the strong flex of his biceps straining under the sleeves of his shirt before you pull away, meeting his gaze once more.
"I guess that's fair." He growls, but there is that spark hidden beneath his beautiful eyes that you know all too well. Your face heats as you imagine him pressing his bare chest against yours every time you lie in bed with one another.
Lando opens his mouth slightly and approaches you. When he stands right in front of you, he bends down so that your faces are just inches apart.
"I was just wondering." He lets out a guttural growl. "Are you planning to kiss me, or what?"
As he breathes into your mouth, your face flushes with color, and you feel drawn toward him, drawn to his soft lips. Your lips meet, and it's giving you goosebumps right away.
It's a mixture of his familiar sweet scent, the feeling of his soft lips on yours, and the excitement of being here in the paddock with him. Enjoying his light stubble as well, a smile forms on your lips.
You steady yourself against his firm chest and feel his firm body through the thin fabric of his clothes. Your thumb brushes over his nipple, causing him to take a deep breath before purring right into your mouth.
Once, then twice, you kiss him back, craving much more, but yet he pulls away.
"Mhmmm." He growls, one hand on his chest, the other gently on your thighs.
"That felt good." You smile shyly, feeling his hand gently pet your thighs.
"Just give me a moment." He smiles warmly. "Let me put on that suit, and we can go for another."
Leaning in, he breathes down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "Many more."
Straightening your back, you take in a deep breath, enjyoing the scent of his cologne tingling in your nose.
With anticipation building up inside your chest, you watch him put on his racing suit. He looks so good in his racing gear, and he knows it.
His suit is still unzipped, exposing the dark fireproofs underenath, but he turns his attention back toward you and sits down right next to you on the sofa.
Lando puts his arm around you, pulling you into him. You can feel the heat radiating from his body through his clothes, and right away, you let one of your hands slide inside his open suit, stroking his firm chest once more.
Enjoying this, he tilts his head again, biting his lower lip.
"I'm glad you could come this weekend." He growls and lets his fingers run down your arm, and even though his fingertips just barely brush over your skin, it feels so good.
"Me too." You say it softly and lean into him again.
His intense gaze ignites a spark in you. You can't explain it, but you know you want more. Lando's entire body is drawing you in, and it doesn't take long for you to give in to the tug.
Right away, he embraces your lips on his own, and as he opens his mouth to let out a soft moan, he breathes right down your throat. Waves of shivers run down your entire back, and you give in to him.
With a little help from him, you climb on top of him. He holds you close with both of his hands on your waist while you steady yourself against his strong chest.
Using both of your hands, you touch him and feel all of his muscles tense more and more, causing Lando to turn his head slightly to catch his breath.
"Y/N." He moans audibly and starts to stroke the small of your back, feeling your hands run down his chest, further down inside his suit.
Bending his back, he tries to make room for his ever-growing excitement inside his trousers.
"Lando. Fuck." You breathe deeply.
As you grind on him, he easily matches your pace and intensity. With one hand still inside his suit, stroking his chest and focusing on his pecs and nipples, you let the other hand slide right between the two of you, feeling a tent building up underneath his clothes.
Lando chuckles a low, husky sound that echoes through every fiber of your body, sending heat flaring in
your belly. His hips roll against your own as he adjusts to the rhythm of your hand now stroking his bulge through his suit.
"Mhmm." Drawing an unsteady breath, you lean closer to him, fitting the curves of your body against his.
You can feel the shudder of his own breath speeding up and the tightening of his body against yours as he desires you so much more.
"Fuck." He growls, leaning his head back against the sofa, giving in to your firm touch.
You begin to place kisses all over his neck and his jaw, enjoying how his light stubble tingles your skin.
Then, however, the alarm on his phone goes off, catching both of you off guard.
You pull away to let him check his phone, and with a huge sigh, he shows you the screen. It's time for them to join the others inside the Mclaren garage; it's training day after all.
"Two more minutes." You pout, and a wicked smile spreads across his face.
"Two more minutes." He growls and leans in to you, kissing you again.
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twice-inamillion · 2 months
Bunny Nayeon
Fluff, Smut (sex, penetration, creampie, bunny suit)
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Chapter 229
1500 Words 
(The both of you go on a small trip together to celebrate Nayeon’s Birthday and having some quality time. Like always, this leads to a bit of fun and some fluff.)
You're taking a few days off to Jeju island with your girlfriend, Nayeon, for her birthday. She's been hinting at visiting the island for the past few weeks to take the first, and luckily, you caught on and reserved a short trip with her. 
During the first two days, both of you enjoyed some sightseeing around the island. That night after the second day, you and Nayeon enjoy dinner at the house. You both enjoy some barbecue and beers to celebrate her early birthday. 
“I love spending time with you alone, babe.”
“Yes, it’s been a while since we spent some time outside.” 
Nayeon shyly presses her chest against your arm and says, “How about having some fun together?”
“What did you have in mind?”
She gives you a small smirk, “you know…”
“You mean…”
“Yeah… I even brought a small surprise that I think you’ll like.” She continues to press her chest against your arm and can feel your dick waking up from its nap. She looks down and sees a small bulge. “Our little friend here seems to have woken up,” and she presses her hand on it. 
“You're being proactive today,” as you caress your hand under her chin.
“It's just that we're here alone. There's no one to bother us,” as she continues to stroke her hand on your bulge. She can see your member slowly wake up, “Wait here. I'll be right back.”
You get up, put the dishes away in the sink, and clean the tables down when you hear Nayeon shout from the upstairs room, “Can you come up here?” 
You’re mid-way to the hallway when you see Nayeon, and your jaw drops. “What do you think? Do you like it?” 
In front of you is Nayeon, wearing a white bunny costume. The outfit leaves little to the imagination: a one-piece suit with a bunny tail and an earpiece. Nayeon turns around, shows you her nice thighs, and shakes her small butt. She tells you to come over using her finger, and you drop the towel on the floor and rush upstairs. 
Nayeon runs towards the master suite, yelling because you are chasing her. You climb onto the bed to get to the other side, but Nayeon stops you. She places a finger on your lips, “It’s my birthday, so I want to unwrap my present that’s hiding under those pants.” She bites her lip, teasing you. No other words are needed as you start to take off your shirt and then your pants, leaving you in boxers. 
You’re now sitting on the corner of the bed with Nayeon sitting on your lap. She kisses you, twisting her long tongue throughout your mouth, even sucking on it. You grab her hips, smacking her ass which makes her yelp. She pushes you down and begins to grind on you. “Do you like that? Do you like it when I dry hump you?”
Your cock is starting to pitch a tent under your boxers, and Nayeon sees it, “You’re going to be mine tonight.”
”Yes, I’m all yours.”
”How does it feel not being the one in charge?”
”Hot. I love it when Noona rides me,” teasing her.
”Hey, who told you to call me that?”
“Just want to tease you.”
“You’re making me feel old.”
”How does it feel fucking someone younger?”
”I’m not old; we’re only a few months apart.”
”Haha, you’re still older.”
“Shut up,” and Nayeon pushes you down, attacking you by bitting your shoulder with her bunny teeth. She lifts her head and looks at you before going back and nibbling on your shoulder. 
After a while, she sticks out her tongue and licks where she just bit you. When she's done, you get up and see the area where she but you are completely red and wet from her drool. 
“You left me a mark.”
“Didn't give me much of a choice; you were making fun of me and calling me old.” 
“Sorry, baby.”
“Just don't do it again, and I won't bite you.” You nod, agreeing with her. She then starts to ride you again with her thin fabric rubbing against your groin. 
Nayeon looks at you with hungry eyes and bites her lip, “I'm going to eat that carrot of yours right up,” and moves the fabric that's covering her cunt. You see a thick amount of nectar drip and cover your stomach. She moves your pants and places your cock between her wet lower lips. Nayeon slowly rides you, her pussy lips coating cock with her nectar, “How does my pussy feel? Do you like it?” 
“Yes, it feels so good; it wraps around me so perfectly.” 
Nayeon smiles at your compliment and puts more of her weight on your cock. You place your hands on her ass cheeks and give them a good grab. 
She continues to tease you for a few more minutes until she feels your cock throbbing. “Oh no, you can't now.” 
She lifts herself up and grabs your cock with my hand, and aligns herself to her entrance. You watch as she traces her folds with your cock before penetrating herself. 
“Oh fuck… you're so big, I missed this feeling,” as the tip of your dick spreads her pussy open. She tries to adjust herself to your length, but you can't wait any longer. You grab her by the hips and pull her down, impaling her with your large cock. 
“Ah fuck!” Nayeon’s whole body spasms; her cunt clenches on your cock as she has her orgasm. You see her body shake violently, squirting you with love juice. Nayeon drops her body onto you as you hold her tight in your arms. 
You don’t give her a chance to rest as you begin to thrust inside of her. “Babe, I’m still sensitive, wait…” she whines out loud. She places her hands on your abs and tightens her thighs around your waist as you fuck her. “Fuck… you’re tightening your walls.”
”Ahh…ahh…just like that… keep on going.” 
It doesn’t take too long for you to reach your peak, “I’m going to cum, Nayeon noona.”
”I told you not to call me noona!” Nayeon tightens her walls, gripping your cock to the point of no return, “where should I…”
“Inside, breed me like a bunny!”
“If that's the case, then take it all!” 
You feel the hotness in your core disperse as you flood Nayeon with a large wave of thick cum. She arches her back, feeling your baby batter invade her hungry womb. The more you pump your cum inside her, the more her walls milk you. 
“Fill me up, mark this bunny pussy as yours, and let's have some bunnies,” as she digs her nails into your chest.
After having her womb filled with your cum she slips off your cock and onto the bed, rubbing her face on your chest. The two of you enjoy your time together before cleaning up and getting ready for bed. 
Coming out of the bathroom, she jumps onto the bed, “You filled me so much that I had a hard time cleaning up.”
“You told me to do it inside, so I did, haha.”
“I noticed you came more than usual. Did me telling you about making some bunnies turn you on?” 
You try to hide your expression, and you can see her smiling. “Haha, you do! Hahaha.” She rubs her face on the pillow and turns to face the opposite side of you, imagining the idea of having children with you. 
You lie on your side, embarrassed, and cover yourself with a blanket. After a few minutes, you feel a tap on your shoulder, “I wouldn't mind having your children, maybe sometime in the near future. As for right now, we can try having all the sex we want; I'll even let you put your cock inside me whIle we sleep” teasing you. She pulls her shorts down and spreads her cheeks, giving you a view, and sticks her butt out. 
“Do you want to put it in?”
You don't even need to respond as you take off your own shorts, grabbing your flaccid cock and pulling Nayeon closer to you. With one hand, you spread her cheeks a bit more and insert your cock inside her. 
She wiggles her butt and moans as she feels your cock, “Hmm… it’s not even hard, but it’s reaching deep inside.” Nayeon continues to grind her butt on your pelvis, making you hard and feeling you grow inside of her. 
“Ahh…so big.” 
She places her hand on her belly and rubs the small bulge on her pelvis, “You’re so big that it wants to poke out.” The two of you slowly fall asleep, embracing each other throughout the night. 
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bubybubsters · 12 days
Happy Birthday (Azriel)
A/n: Happy birthday @claireswritingcorner 💕🎉🎂🥳! This is for you!! Dear mutual, you've been so extremely supportive and it's an absolute honor to even be on the same planet as you. You're so sweet and light up my days with your amazing stories and posts. Keep being you and take care of yoursef! Thanks for being so awesome, you deserve the best of birthdays. From one of your moots and a forever loyal fans.
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Credit and thanks to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the birthday dividers!
wc: 1500
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You awoke to soft kisses on your brow. Tender lips move south until the same kisses were being pressed to your collarbone and neck. You let out a soft breath, almost a whimper.
"Happy Birthday, love," your mates deep, husky voice drags you from any remaining grogginess. However, the moment you open your eyes a shining bright light penetrates and you close them again, groaning. "Hey, wakey wakey Y/n. No going back to sleep," Azriel murmurs into the shell of your ear.
You sigh and open your eyes again but now a veined, black wing blocks the light. You make a sound of contentment and send your thanks down the bond. Suddenly, the weight of your mate disappears and the sunlight comes rushing back.
"Azzzzzz..." you whine sadly.
He presses a quick kiss to your lips, "I'll be right back love."
As he leaves, you slowly sit up. With a quick glance at the clock you mumble a few choice words and jump out of bed. It's past 11:00am and you've missed training with Cass. Your weekly meeting with Rhys is in less than five minutes.
"Crap, crap, crap," you chant under your breath as you run around looking for half-decent clothes.
"Y/n!" Your mates' alarmed voice rings through the room. "What in the world are you doing!?"
You glance up to see a bare chested Azriel holding a platter of very good looking pancakes.
"I missed my meeting with Rhys and Cass is gonna kill me since I missed training! Why didn't you wake me!?" You curse, still trying to find a training boot from wherever Azriel threw it last night. "Az, do ya know wh-"
"Y/n," Azriel cuts you off, "It's your birthday. It's the day we celebrate you! I already talked to my brothers and they were willing to cancel any daily or weekly things that you usually participate in today."
You skid to a stop just as you spot your other boot, "Rhysand agreed to cancel our weekly gossip sessions!?" You ask, offended and incredulous.
Azriel rolls his eyes. "Get back on the bed and next time, let me join in on the gossip," he grumbles cheekily.
You smirk. "Ooooo, poor Azzie boy is sad he got left out! Think we were gossiping about you? That big wingspan of yours?" you question smugly.
He scowls, a soft pout forming despite his best efforts to frown. His shadows slide up your body, taking hold of your wrists and ankles and dragging you back to the bed.
You frown at them. "Hey! I thought you guys were always on my side in these petty situations!"
Azriel grins when you are dragged to sit against the headboard. "First of all, I am not 'sad to get left out' and second, the shadows are mad you didn't let them help with gossiping. They love drama."
He sets the platter of pancakes on your lap and you look down to see 'Happy Birthday Y/n!' written in chocolate syrup.
"No utensils?" you furrow your brows, looking again at the tray to make sure you saw correctly.
Your mate shakes his head, ripping off a piece of pancake and offering it to you. You smile as an idea pops into your head. You eagerly take his fingers into your mouth.
The sweet taste of pancakes fulls your mouth and you swirl your tongue over his fingers to get all the crumbs. "Mmmm," you moan seductively.
Azriel quickly retracts his fingers as pink climbs up his neck. He grabs more pancake and offers it to you again. Again you take his fingers into your mouth, tongue swirling around his fingers. You barely taste the pancakes, all you feel is heat spreading through your body. Again you let out an intoxicating noise as Azriel pulls his fingers from your lips.
"Stop that, I wanna actually celebrate your birthday! Not be stuck in bed all day," he hisses through gritted teeth.
You turn your mouth down and raise a brow in fake confusion as you look down to see what you're doing to him. "Stop what?" you ask too sweetly.
He all but growls in your face. "You keep that up and we won't be leaving this room."
"Oh?" you purr suggestively. You lean back, stretching your arms and back and succeeding in making your night shirt rise up to reveal your stomach.
Azriel practically whimpers at the sight, his eyes turning molten with lust.
A smirk grows on your face and you hide the mischievous glint in your eyes as you got to grab some more pancake. You rip off a piece and meet his eyes, extending your fingers to his mouth.
Azriel oh so slowly leans forward and sucks the pancake from your fingers.
"It's good, is it not?" You ask. "You're a very good cook Azzie."
He nods in agreement, jaw clenching tight.
You peck his cheek delicately but now, you're no longer teasing. "Thank you Az. I love you," you say lovingly.
The desire in Azriel's hazel eyes dims for a moment, replaced by pure love. "I love you too, my mate," he whispers.
Azriel beams at you, shadows dancing as he breathes out, "Happy Birthday, love."
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A/n: The following are a few glimpses into the day of the readers birthday and how it was celebrated.
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You smile at your mate from across the picnic blanket. He'd set up a whole picnic and made the food, even made the blanket for you. Often times you thought you didn't deserve him but right now you just reveled in his love.
Azriel was currently talking about how much he wanted to visit the summer court to see if his wings could get a tan. You highly doubted his wings could get tanned, considering they were black, but you let him talk for as long as he wanted. You'd found out he was quite the talker after you'd got to know him, it's just he didn't get a chance to talk.
You grab your mates hand tug him towards you so that you can lie down and put your head in his lap. He pauses speaking and asks, "Love, are you alright?"
You smile and grab his hand. "I'm great Az. I just like hearing you talk, it makes me feel safe," you reassure.
"Ok... so um... Cassian wanted me to get drunk with him and go to the autumn court to see how mad we could make..." Azriel continues.
You don't really hear the rest of his words, too busy studying his stunning his features. His eyes looked more green today, like the color of ferns. His hair was windswept from flying you around the city earlier and his lips were quirked into a one-sided smile.
"I love you Az..." you interrupt, just because you wanted to say it.
Azriel smiles down at you and pokes your nose. "I love you too, crazy mate. Now shut up and let me talk."
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"So Azriel ended up holding his pee for hours because Rhys's father wouldn't stop questioning him about his shadows! It was hilarious! He was crossing his legs like-"
"I'm glad you found my embarrassment entertaining, Cassian," Az grumbles, hiding his face in your chest.
"Thanks brother," Cassian sends Az a wink and continues, "He looked like he was aroused by Rhys's dad! After the meeting we had to fly back to Windhaven and Azriel couldn't find the time before to pee so he peed on the flight back! I bet the plants got watered that day!"
Mor spills wine from her nose as Cassian finishes. "How come you never told me this!" She accuses, pointing a finger at Cassian and Rhys.
Rhys shrugs elegantly, putting an arm around his mate and kissing the top of her head. "Just thought we'd save it till the right time to embarrass poor Az."
You are holding back laughter as you imagine everything Cassian just told you. Az is still hiding his face and now his wings spread out to encompass the both of you.
"It was not funny," Azriel mumbles, looking up at you.
You can't hold back your laughter anymore. Azriel's face is tomato red and his ears and neck are tinged maroon.
"Stoppppp..." he whines, again hiding his face.
"I'm sorry," you mutter, "You're just so beautiful!"
"Am not! I'm literally the color of Cassian's siphons!"
You roll your eyes and kiss him on the cheek. "You'll be fine. I'm sure we'll all forget about it soon."
"No we won't, girl," hisses Amren. "This is something I will hold over your bats' head forever!"
Azriel groans into your chest.
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You turn to see Azriel on one knee in front of you, holding open a box with a sparkling ring.
"Az! Wha-"
"Shush... will you marry me?" He asks gently.
You blink, you hadn't expected to be married, considering that neither of you had any human background. Marrying wasn't uncommon among the Fae, it just wasn't something common for mated couples.
Then again... calling Az, 'Husband', did have a nice ring to it. No pun intended.
You smile at him, offering him a hand.
"Of course, I'll marry you Az."
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A/n: I forgot if Fae marry... correct if I'm wrong please. If you made it all the way here, I thank you.
sorry for like, not writing.
taglist: @thelov3lybookworm @profound-imagination @stargirl1714 @hieragalbatorixdottir
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The Harkonnen's Loves
Dad!Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Mom!Atreides!reader
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Summary in bullet points:
Your and Feyd’s four-year-old son is sweet like you but has a little love for violence like his father
Feyd gives your son his first blade
Feyd is soft for his family (I just think being in love and having a family would alter this psycho man’s brain chemistry a bit)
Notes: same Feyd x reader from The Harkonnen’s Sweet Thing and The Harkonnen’s Claim. 
Warnings: a half-psycho half-sweet little boy, mention of blood and injury, mention of pregnancy.
Words: 1500
Feyd-Rautha Masterlist
Your son contains a sweetness. ‘Caladan Sweetness’ you call it, because your home planet was where your sweetness was born into you. Your father, the beauty of your home, the oceans and the fields bloomed you into the soft, sweet thing that your husband loves. And though your son has never seen the world you come from, that sweetness runs through his veins. His smile, his laugh, his power to draw those around him out of their Harkonnen-built shells—that all comes from you. 
But at the same time, he is no less like his father. He adapts rather quickly to his surroundings. He has a natural curiosity for weaponry and blood and how one brings about the other. He does not hate the feel of a heart beating its final beat in his little hand—a feeling his father expressed would be better experienced young, and was done so after the slaughtering of a prisoner in front of the boy's eyes. Feyd had cracked open the prisoner's chest, taken his son by the hand, and guided his fingers into the open wound with the instruction to keep them wrapped around the organ until it no longer moved. You remember his eyes that day—round as saucers and sprinkled with excitement as he looked up at his father who ruffled his hair with a grin on his face. 
He truly is a combination of you both; such beautiful balance has already taken shape in a tiny body. He will be a warrior built and molded by his desire to understand everything his father has to teach him. And yet, he will be gentle where necessary; you hope, one day, with a wife and children of his own. But it’ll be long before that day comes. 
Then again, in some ways, he is growing so fast. For you, it could have been yesterday that you were pushing him out of your womb as your husband held your hand and kissed your forehead. At four years old, you still see him as your baby, but you acknowledge that Harkonnen blood ripens faster than the average child, and he has already begun to show signs of the man your brother prophesized him to be: one of the strongest alive; stronger even than his father. 
That is why you’ve allowed Feyd to pace your son’s training—it’s his area of expertise. It is their bond, and you don’t interfere in those moments, opting to stay just out of sight. 
“You're old enough now to have your own blade,” you hear your husband tell your son from your hidden spot around the corner. 
You can’t hold back your smile at your son's uncontained curiosity as Feyd pulls the knife out from behind his back and presents it to the boy. It balances perfectly on Feyd’s palm as tiny hands reach up. Your son pauses, but when Feyd gives an encouraging nod, he plucks it from his father’s hand. 
It couldn’t be a better fit. Not too long or heavy for his hand, but not too short or light. It’s a good starting blade to prepare him for the weapons that will grow in size as he does. 
“You will be training with me every day from now on,” Feyd tells him.
The boy looks up from the knife to meet his father’s eyes. “So I can get strong like you, Daddy?”
“Stronger than me.”
Your son giggles, a wide grin breaking open his face. “No one's stronger than you!”
Feyd's features soften as he pats his boy's cheek. “You will be.”
“Will I be strong enough to kill Uncle Paul for stealing me and Mommy from you?”
You almost snort as you roll your eyes. Of course, Feyd told him the story. It was only a matter of time before he sat him down and explained the tale of your half-brother killing—or almost killing—Feyd in front of you, then holding you hostage upon finding out Feyd was still alive and demanding you be returned to him. In exchange for you and the baby he discovered you were pregnant with, Feyd swore loyalty to your brother. But your husband will not allow his bloodline to continue for generations under the thumb of Paul Atreides. And that starts with your son. 
Feyd chuckles. “You will be strong enough to destroy your uncle and everything he loves.”
Finally making your presence known, you edge around the corner and lean against the wall. When Feyd sees you, so too does your son, and knowing the boy’s next move, Feyd takes the small blade from the even smaller hand.
“Mommy, I'm going to kill Uncle Paul!” he says joyfully as he rushes over and slams into your legs. “And everything he loves!”
“I heard!” you reply, grinning as you crouch down to his level and take hold of his hands. “But you know what? Little na-Barons who wish to take revenge on their uncles must first get a good night's sleep.”  
“I'll come check on you in a minute,” you promise him before kissing his cheek and sending him on his way. Your eyes follow him running down the hall until he’s safely behind the door of his bedroom. 
Turning back to your husband and walking to his side, you say, “You told him.”
The tip of the blade pushes into his pointer finger as he lazily twirls the small weapon. “At his age, he should know who his enemies are.”
You slip between his muscled body and the table in the center of the common room where he sets down your son’s knife. With a closed-mouth smile, you hum. “And how did you start that conversation? ‘Uncle Paul made Mommy sad and Daddy mad’?”
“Something like that,” he confirms, leaning into you. His hands brace on the table, one arm at either side of your hips as he seals his lips to yours. 
Feyd’s mouth moves at a slow, hypnotic rhythm but with an intense pressure that’s glazed in possessiveness. You can taste it. That ownership. That authority. He may not always fuck you like you belong to him—sometimes it’s your turn to remind him that he’s yours—but his kisses have never been anything short of claiming. Gentle or rough, slow or frenzied, short or long enough to make you forget what world you’re in, a kiss from your husband ends with the reassurance that he wants you, he loves you, and he won’t ever let you go. 
His hands move to your neck, thumbs pressing into the curve of your jaw to hold your head still and you moan from his cool fingers soothing flushed skin. Your lips part and his tongue licks into your mouth. It plays with yours and then retreats. Teeth sink into your bottom lip, lightly tugging before he pulls back to rest his forehead against yours. 
“How's our other one?” he asks as a knuckle draws a line from your jaw to your neck to your cleavage. His eyes follow as it continues past the neckline of your dress and down your sternum, stopping at your stomach where his fingers splay wide. His eyes flick up to yours.
“Strong…like you,” you say, placing your hand over his. “...and like him.”
Your husband nods, exhaling a light sigh of relief. “Did they tell you?”
You smile. “They think it's a girl,” you answer. 
A few thumps of your heart pass as you await his reaction, but then Feyd smiles with you.
@avidreader73 @alwaysadreamingoptimist @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom @workof-a-rr-t @midnight-serendipity @minedofmoria @aoi-targaryen
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harleehazbinfics · 1 month
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Dear Baby, Chapter 4
Dear Baby, m.list | Author's Profile
A/N: i just turned 22, the big, two-two. Man, it's crazy to think, i used to be the youngest one when i was off running around and joining discord servers. god- Word Count: 1500+
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“Miss (y/n) is there a baby in here?” the little princess asks as she gently rubs your tummy making you giggle at the fluttering feeling.
“Yes, there is, my sweet princess. And any day now I’ll be expecting my first child,” you reply swiping her hair behind her ear.
It had been several weeks since Charlie’s first visit and Lucifer arranged for her to come visit during Saturdays consistently, which Lilith who I heard begrudgingly approved of. So, days pass idly where Lucifer and I would go on with our daily lives of dining together, working together and relaxing when we could together, considering my health and growth of my little one. I refrained from going to hospitals or meeting with doctors to lessen the risk of news getting out about Lucifer hiding a Goetia in his castle. That would be an absolute nightmare. So, he helped me pick up some parenting books he already had and bought me a few inconspicuously to aid me. Which have arrived while I entertained his precious daughter while he received them.
Charlie lets out an awe with stars in her eyes as she continues petting my belly and adds, “Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl? I think it’ll be a boy!”
“I don’t mind either. But it’ll be a while before we get to meet them. When they come out of me, they’ll still be in an egg!” you explain to her making her tilt her head in confusion.
“An egg? Do all babies come from eggs?” she asks with furrowed brows confused.
“Do you remember who the Ars Goetia are?” you ask her which she shakes her head to, “I’m part of the Ars Goetia and it’s our job to go to Earth as representatives of his majesty and report to him about what happens on Earth. We Goetia’s take the features of birds. To signify our status as messengers for his majesty.”
She carefully thinks about what you said and her eyes light up, “So, you’re a bird?! Can you show me your real form please?”
You gave her a laugh and nod, “Alright, alright.”
You closed your eyes as you allowed your magic to transform you back to your usual form. As you open back your eyes, you see Charlie looking at you with stars in her eyes.
“Wow! You’re so cool! You look very beautiful, Miss (y/n)!” she gushes with a high tone making you smile at her compliments.
“Thank you, princess. However, I think you’re far more beautiful than I,” you say as you pinched her cheek making her giggle at your touch.
“So, that’s why you’re gonna lay an egg! I see,” she says as she understood the reason behind it, “May I touch your hair?”
You dipped your head and allowed her to caress your feathers, “Yes, you may, my dear princess.”
She touches you feathers in fascination. Your hair was smooth, silky, and ticklish to touch that it entertained her ‘til you heard a knock on the door. Your feathers puffed up from the scare and transformed back to your human form and winked at Charlie with a finger to your lips telling her to keep it a secret, which she mimics cutely.
“Charlie? There you are!” Lucifer calls her relieved, “Come, your mom is here to pick you up.”
She hops off your lap and reaches for you hand to hold trying to help you when you stood up. The three of you walked out of the room together hand in hand with Charlie in the middle.
“What were you doing with (y/n)?” Lucifer asks playfully seeing how giddy his daughter was after talking to you alone.
She looks at you briefly before settling back to her father, “It’s a secret!”
When you arrive at the waiting room, you see Lilith with her arms crossed waiting for your arrival. Eyes still hidden behind her shades making you feel intimidated as you realized you were still holding hands with their daughter with her husband. You gently pull away your hand, which thankfully, Charlie didn’t mind as she kisses her father’s cheek goodbye.
She then walks back to you and pulls you down to her height and also kisses your cheek making you look surprised.
“See you next week, Dad! Miss (y/n)!” she waves as she walks out with her mother.
You and Lucifer wave back with a satisfied smile. However, you check on Lilith who pulls down her shades ever so slightly and see her scrutinizing glare. You hiccupped at the intimidation and pull down your hand in shame.
“Are you okay?” Lucifer asks you worriedly, seeing your change in behavior when the door closes.
“Yes, of course,” you try to assure him which only earns you a doubtful look making you fess, “It just seems like you wife doesn’t like me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry that happened. She just might be venting her anger at you. I’m sorry,” he sighs.
“It’s fine. Nothing I can’t handle,” you reply with a confident smile.
“No, you shouldn’t be treated like this. It’s unfair to pull you into our fight,” he grumbles as he sits on the couch holding his head.
You fall silent, not finding the words to reply to him. You didn’t have to as he takes your free hand and gently tugs you to his side.
“I should tell you why we split up,” he says before clearing his throat.
You look at him in surprise, sitting next to him. Then patiently waiting for him explain his situation.
“We got into a massive fight after a few centuries coming into hell. I was cooped up in my room, feeling miserable about myself for disobeying God and ending up here. I just couldn’t find a good way to cope with that loss, you know? As much as people portray that I have no regrets and I’ve turned my back against Heaven. They couldn’t be more wrong about that assumption. I love Heaven, but I betrayed their trust in me. And that is something I have to deal about myself every day.
“So, after gathering my bearings so a moment, I realized what Lilith was doing while I cowered away. I learnt that she was gathering power from all those who’ve fallen here. This alerted me and the angels. I confronted her about it and asked her to stop. I just didn’t want another problem to arise, more so now that we’ve fallen here. We had nowhere to turn to if we started something with Heaven. But… she shook me off and told me I was a coward, and asked where that bold man she met in that garden then left me, taking our daughter with her,” he confesses with his head tilted down in shame, making me cover his forearm to comfort him.
“So, she wanted to rebel against Heaven for forsaking her?” you ask cautiously.
Lucifer lets out another sigh and replies, “It would appear so. I wouldn’t blame her. Aside for not standing beside her for the same reason, I think she also hates me for her dragging into this mess.”
He covers his face with his hand. Guilt, shame and frustration filling his entirety. You looked at him worriedly as he fell into another pit of self-loathing.
“I’m sure no one would have foretold this to happen,” you say softly taking the hand that covered his face and held both his hands together, “But, if you think about it. Charlie being here with you, isn’t that the best thing that could have come out of this situation?”
He looks at you with teary eyes in realization and smiles as he nods, agreeing with me. You return it before wiping his eyes. He gives you a laugh feeling your touch ticklish and takes them back in his hands.
“Until now, her anger hadn’t blown off. The only reason she’s allowed me to see Charlie was because of our love for her, and thanks to you, for giving me courage to see her again. If it weren’t for you, I’d imagine my relationship with her would be strained,” he says gratefully squeezing my hands and giving me a warm smile.
You flush red at the look he’s giving you. Feeling fluttery inside, unclear if it were the butterflies or the little one inside you, but nonetheless, it was a pleasant feeling.
“You’re welcome, your majesty,” you reply with a smile of your own, cheeks red making him think of how lovely you looked right now.
“Call me Lucifer, please,” he requested from you as his red flush gone unnoticeable with his red cheeks.
“Lucifer,” you call him, making him sigh dreamily from how intimately you called him.
‘Uh, oh,’ he thought. There it was. That sticky feeling in his heart as he thought of you.
It was no brainer for Lucifer to deduce what he was feeling right now. He’s fallen for you. Your warmth, kindness, beauty, and much more he could list down in more than 6000 words. You were very special to him. And he hoped he was as special to you as you are for him.
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Dear Baby, Taglist:
@wonderlandangelsposts @spoiled-slutt @roboticsuccubus83 @simbalioness @reachthestars @atlas-rin @luc1fersducky @condy-wants-a-cookie @lovestruck-enby @azullynxx @delightedtosee @beansluvsmilo @cherry-4200 @aria-tempest @lvstyangel @0strawberrysorbet0 @corvid007 @enby-goblin @whydosnakesnotdance @willow404 @psychoanalyze0 @sweetadonisbutbetter @hahalameee @manachpo @dionysusismypatrongod @obessivlyonline @idkwhy5000 @gabile18 @bontensbabygirl @rocketxgirl @pastelpinkhobbies @theblueslytherin @purplerose291 @sappire904
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ikeromantic · 2 months
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC pt 1
This was an ask from @otomedad that I just had to write. I did some reading up on the history of tattooing in Japan and there was so much that I found super interesting. So! Here goes, starting with Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Masamune! Approx. 1500 words.
“What’s this, fireball?”
You feel Nobunaga’s breath tickle your shoulder blade, his lips so close they almost brush your skin. For a moment, you don’t know what he means. It’s hard to think when parts of you are being ‘claimed’, afterall. But you smile as the memory comes back to you. Sitting on a stool, arms braced on the counter in front of you, with the buzz of the tattoo gun in your ear. “You like my koi?”
His fingers brush the inked design, tracing the outline of the leaping fish. “It is very well done.” He does not sound pleased, though he’s trying to hide it.
“You don’t.” A slight pout draws your lips out and down. 
Nobunaga stills behind you, so motionless that you don’t even feel him breathing. Just as you are about to break the silence, he wraps his arms around you, pulling your back against his chest. “It is part of you, so it is beautiful.” His chin rests on your shoulder, just above the tattoo in question. “Why did you receive this mark?”
There is an unexpected tension in his voice, and you laugh to ease it before explaining. “I got it after I graduated from design. It represents my struggles, and my determination.” You turn your head to kiss his cheek. 
He regards you with a serious expression, tense despite your affection. 
“Do you really hate it?” You can’t help how vulnerable you feel as you meet his carnelian gaze.
“I told you. It is beautiful, as you are. But . . .” He pauses, a slight grimace crossing his expression. “I do not like that someone marked you. Someone else claimed this -” He leans back to spread his hand over the koi. “Every part of you is mine.”
“Are you jealous of my tattoo artist?” You grin, unable to hold back. “You know I picked the design and the colors and everything, right? He was just some guy with a good flash book . . .”
Nobunaga’s frown does not ease, though you know that he’s aware this is ridiculous. 
You snuggle back against him. “Alright, alright. I understand. If you could do tattoos, I’d get one from you, ok?”
Something mischievous flickers in his gaze and a slight smile turns up the corners of his mouth. “Yes. This is acceptable.”
You aren’t sure what he’s accepting. Nobunaga can’t do tattoos, right? Right? Whatever questions you have disappear as his lips find that sensitive spot at the back of your neck. 
You roll up your sleeves to start working on the kitchen’s herb garden. The day is warm and sunny, promising a hot afternoon. It’s a good thing you’re starting early. 
About an hour into the weeding, Hideyoshi stops by with a tray of cool water and a wide straw hat. He kneels beside you. “You know it’s bad for your skin to be exposed to sunlight for so long. Even in the morning, you can’t -” He stops midword, his mouth hanging open.
“Hm?” You look up, dusting your hands off. Before you can ask anything else, Hideyoshi grabs your elbow.
“What is this?” 
You realize he’s pointing at the serpent tattoo on your forearm. The snake curls over itself in a complex circle, with the head pointing at your wrist and the tale toward your elbow. “Oh! Erm,” you give an embarrassed laugh. “That.”
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted.” Hideyoshi holds your arm up, inspecting it. “A thief. I should have guessed. What prefecture is this? Where are you really from?” The questions come lightning fast, his usual gentle lecturing tone replaced with a hard, brittleness that does not suit him at all.
“A thief? Are you serious right now?” You try to yank your arm back, going from bewildered to angry. 
Hideyoshi pulls you up to standing. “If you won’t answer my questions, maybe you’ll answer Mitsuhide’s.” He glares at you. “I can’t believe I - I called you my sister!” 
You take a breath, trying to hold in the tears suddenly threatening at the corners of your eyes. Sister. Why was this man so infuriating? First putting you in the sis-zone, and now accusing you. As if you hadn’t shared so many sweet moments. Almost-kisses. Holding hands. “Why are you freaking out about my tattoo?”
“It marks you as a criminal.” He sighs, looking away. “If you’ll come clean with me, maybe we can -”
“Come clean? Hideyoshi, I told you I’m not from here. In my ah, my village, people get tattoos because they like the way they look.” You wiggle your arm in his grasp. “This one means the cycle of life. Birth and death. Look at it!”
Hideyoshi slowly turns back to examine the mark on your arm. “It is . . . very finely done for a - a punishment.” He purses his lips. “And I do not know of a prefecture that uses a snake . . .”
You nod emphatically. “Exactly. And you know me. Hideyoshi?” Your tone brings his gaze to your face. 
He studies you for a moment. Then his grip loosens on your arm, the pad of his thumb stroking your inked flesh. “I may have, um, jumped to conclusions. My apologies.” A breath, then, “Sis.”
“Thanks.” You take your arm back, feelings still hurt. 
For a long moment, neither of you says anything. Then he drapes an arm over your shoulder, pulling you to his side. “Let me apologize properly, after work tonight. Stop by after your bath and I’ll rub some oil on your arms and legs.” Hideyoshi’s cheeks hold a faint heat. “A brother should care for his sister when she’s working so hard.”
You know he knows there’s nothing brotherly in the touches you share, but you nod in acquiescence. Then you pull away. “The garden won’t weed itself,” you say.
He grins. “I suppose not.” Hideyoshi’s hand takes yours before you can take a step. “It’s nice. Your tattoo. Once I really looked at it.”
“Thanks,” you smile back, feeling a little better. “I’m looking forward to my massage tonight.” You give him a cheeky wink. 
You splash to the river’s surface, sputtering from the water in your mouth and nose. Masamune laughs beside you, his strong arm holding you up above the roiling surface of the water as the current pushes you both downstream.
“Maybe next time we should look for a bridge,” you shout to be heard over the river.
“Nah. Where’s the fun in that?” Masamune’s blue eye gleams with unfettered joy as he pulls you toward the opposite shore. 
Once you hit the bank and crawl out, you flop back onto the grassy hillside. “Fun? Not drowning is fun. And now I’m soaked.” You glance over to see Masamune already stripping down, laying his clothes out to dry. 
He grins when he sees your expression. “What’s the matter, kitten? Tiger got your tongue?”
“Pffft.” You sit up, ignoring the way your face heats. You shrug out of your kimono, very aware of how thin your linen underclothes are. Especially now that they are wet and clinging to your skin. 
Masamune’s appreciative look does not help. He grins unapologetically. “I should come out this way more often. Great view.”
You throw a clump of grass at him and jump up to run. He chases you, laughing, and catches you pretty quickly. 
His laughter stops with a sharp inhale. “Are you hurt?”
You realize that he’s noticed the ink on your side, a tiger in the midst of peonies. The red, pink, and orange probably look like a wound beneath the opaque cloth. “No, nothing like that.” You carefully tug the linen up to show him your tattoo. 
“Wow.” His eye is wide as he takes in the art piece. “Gorgeous.” His calloused finger brushes the skin on your side, sending a shiver across your belly and up your ribcage. “It’s like a painting.”
“Thanks.” You feel more than a little self conscious, but also gratified by his reaction. “It’s supposed to be, like, fragility and strength? Together?” You find yourself a little tongue tied, too focused on his warm hand touching you. 
Masamune finally looks up, catching your gaze. “It fits you, kitten. Strong and fragile.” His expression is more serious than you’re used to. A deeper emotion moves in the depths of his blue eye. 
The urge to kiss him is strong, but you resist. You tug the cloth back down and step away, heart beating frantically. Masamune likes to flirt, you think, that’s all. You wrack your brain for a witty comment and come up empty. 
He smiles, drops his hands. “Our clothes should dry out soon, and then we can continue on.”
“The temple better be awesome. You’ve talked it up too much to take anything less than.” Your destination is safer ground, you think, jumping right into the new topic.
Masamune laughs. “There’s not another like it anywhere.” Something about the way he says it makes you wonder if he means the temple you’re traveling to or something else. 
“Worth the trip then?”
He catches a bit of your damp hair and twirls it around a finger. “I’d say this trip is already worth it.”
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roosterforme · 1 year
Right Girl, Wrong Time Part 10 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: You missed out on a lot of things when you lived in Chicago, because you didn't want to do them without Bradley. On a very important trip, you and he both visit the city together.
Warnings: Fluff, smut and swears
Length: 1500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is a sequel to accompany my story Old Habits Die Hard (you'll want to read that one first)!
Check my profile for my masterlist
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Five Months Later...
"I can't believe we're willingly flying to Chicago in January," you complained with a bright smile on your face. 
"This was your idea, Sugar," Bradley reminded you, holding up both boarding passes for the airline gate agent to scan. "It's not too late to stay in Vegas or fly to Fiji like I originally wanted."
"No, no. We're going to Chicago together," you told him, taking his hand as you boarded your flight from Las Vegas to O'Hare. Bradley spun your rings around on your finger as you located your seats and settled in. 
"Chicago in January. Two days before a blizzard is due to arrive. Are we about to go on the shittiest honeymoon ever?" he asked, kissing your lips. 
You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Listen, we just had Elvis marry us yesterday on the Vegas strip. We had a quickie wedding after being engaged for five weeks, and I'm not even pregnant. Now we're about to get snowed in together in Chicago. You'll be stuck in a room with me for a week. I don't think a conventional honeymoon is what we needed, Beer Boy."
Bradley tipped his head back and laughed. "Actually, now that you mention it, being snowed in with you sounds like a dream, Sugar. What am I even complaining about?"
"I don't know," you whispered against his scars. "You get me and Chicago deep dish pizza around the clock if you want it."
"I want it," he confirmed. "You can feed me pizza naked in bed after we have sex. And then I'll get hard again, we can have sex again, and you can feed me more pizza. It sounds like the perfect week. Chicago in January is everything I ever wanted."
You were shaking with silent laughter as the flight attendant went over the safety instructions, and soon you were in the air. And then you fell asleep on your husband's shoulder. Bradley jostled you awake in time to see the city all lit up against a snowy backdrop as the plane descended into Chicago. 
"Are you ready for this?" you asked, standing next to him with your bags, about to walk outside to get a taxi. "It's three degrees out there."
"Yeah, I'm ready," Bradley mumbled, but he looked scared. "No problem."
Once you and he were outside, he was practically crying as you took care of hailing a ride to the hotel. "You have thin Californian blood now," you told him as he snuggled up next to you in the back seat. You kissed his icy cold nose and forehead as you headed through the city where you lived for four years during grad school. "It's embarrassing, Bradley. I married a Californian."
He shivered in your arms and said, "We're both Virginians, Sugar. I just hate being cold."
You were playing with his hair and kissing along his ear as he melted into you. Every time you thought about the crazy juxtaposition that your life had become, you felt tears in your eyes. You had missed Bradley terribly when you were living in Chicago and still even after you graduated with your PhD. So it just felt right that he was here with you now.
"That's where I got my second tattoo," you whispered as the taxi drove slowly down a side street. 
Bradley looked out the window and smiled. "Should be a historic landmark."
Your laughter filled the small space as he kissed you. Then he paid the cab fare, and you had never seen him move as fast as he did when he hauled all of the luggage inside to the warm hotel lobby. 
"Let's go get a good night's sleep," you told him as he carried everything to the elevator and then into the hotel room. 
"We're not sleeping," he said, shaking his head. "You're going to snuggle with me until I'm warm again, which could take hours, and then I'm fucking you for the rest of the night."
He wasn't lying. You pulled him into bed with you, and held his body close, softly kissing him and telling him how happy you were. 
"I love you, Sugar. I loved you ten years ago, and I love you today, and I'll still be loving you ten years from now."
Slowly and meticulously, he undressed you beneath the blankets, touching and kissing each new bit of skin as it was exposed. He took extra time and gave extra attention to your tattoos, just like he always did. 
"I've been in love with you since the first time you wore my bathrobe," he told you before pressing his lips to the valley between your breasts as you giggled. "No, before that. Since the first time I watched you put a bottle of beer to your perfect lips." He kissed his way up to your mouth, lingering there until you were sighing against him. 
"You've been in love with me since you met me then? Is that what you're trying to say, Beer Boy?"
He groaned as he slid his length inside you. "God, I fucking love it when you call me that. Every single time. And yes, Sugar, ever since I met you."
You made love to your husband all night, your hands and eyes roving over his body as you told him how happy you were that you both ended up at your class reunion in Virginia. That he was at the same bar as you that night last summer. 
When you both finally fell asleep, it was a long time before you woke up. Room service had already switched from breakfast to lunch, but Bradley got them to agree to send up a pot of coffee along with your lunch order. You and he ate all bundled up in bed together with the curtains open, the first flurries of snow falling outside as the storm moved in. 
"We need to head out soon so we can get back before it gets dark," you told him as he sipped his coffee. 
His expression looked unimpressed, but he nodded anyway. "Yeah. Let's go, Sugar."
The taxi dropped you both off at the edge of the park as the sidewalks were getting slick from the snow. There were only a few people out and about, and even in the middle of the day, the sunlight was struggling to break through the heavy, gray clouds. Bradley had his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you approached The Bean together. You stood side by side, examining if for a moment in silence. 
"It's just a big, metallic bean," you said, leaning into Bradley as the wind picked up.
"I knew it would be dumb as hell, Sugar," he replied, gesturing at it with his hand like there was no good explanation for what they were seeing.
You wrapped your arms around his middle and looked up at him as you started cracking up. "I'm glad I didn't see it without you. It was worth the wait."
"You were worth the wait. The Bean, maybe less so," he replied, kissing you as you took your phone out. 
After you took a bunch of selfies and texted some to Nat, you looked at Bradley and hummed. His cheeks were bright pink from the cold, and the tip of his nose was getting red. He was perfect, and he was all yours. 
"Have you given much thought to a little Bradshaw bean?" you asked as snowflakes stuck on his mustache. 
"Bradshaw bean?" he asked. His brow was creased before it started to smooth out. "Are you saying what I think you're saying, Sugar?"
You nodded and kissed his pink cheek. "Yeah, Beer Boy. A little baby Bradshaw bean. Just something to think about."
Both of you thought about it and talked about it as you stood in front of the giant bean in the middle of a blizzard. But you didn't need to make all of your decisions right now. You weren't planning on being without Bradley ever again. 
THANK YOU for reading along on this adventure with me! Beer Boy/Man and Sugar belong together, and I'm happy she gets to take him to Chicago, even if it's during a blizzard! I hope you had as much fun as I did! Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
Please visit the one-shot The Grateful Dad for some more Beer Boy and Sugar!
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h-33-s-3-ung · 8 months
Adventure in the fitting rooms
Jay smut MDNI
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Synopsis: it’s your birthday so your boyfriend takes you to your favorite boutique and is willing to buy you everything but he has something else planned.
Warnings: public sex, exhibitionism, dirty talk. (Lmk if something is missing)
Word count: ≈2200
"Good morning princess"
That was the first thing you heard the second you woke up. Jay, your boyfriend of now 2 years was sitting next to you in bed patiently waiting for your slumber to be over.
"Guess what day it is today" Jay asked with a slight smirk on his face.
You were still half asleep so the only thing you could respond was:
"It’s Saturday?"
"Awn are you still sleepy? It’s your birthday today! Did you forget?"
Your eyes grew wide as you realized you had forgotten your own birthday. Yet, you were happy that your sweet boyfriend remembered it.
"I have a surprise for you, come with me." Jay said making a follow me gesture with his hand.
You rubbed your eyes as you walked out of your room.
"TA-DA" Jay exclaimed making you jump slightly.
Jay has prepared a giant breakfast just for you with everything you loved. There were pancakes covered in maple syrup and whipped cream, strawberries, raspberries, bacon, sausage and of course an iced coffee.
You were now fully awake and jumping from joy.
"OMG Jay you did all this by yourself? It looks so good!" You said, your mouth watering intensely as you sat down in front of the giant plate.
"Dig in!" He responded sitting to your left.
Without waisting a single second, you took your knife and fork and quickly cut out a piece of pancake. Making sure you got all the toppings and fruits in your bite and your shoved it in your mouth. Your eyes closed and your body went limp for a few seconds as you were tasting all your favorite things all at once.
"It’s good?" Jay asked curiously.
"Words can’t even describe the taste, it’s just magical" you responded mouth still full.
Jay found you funny and adorable eating like a little kid, mouth covered and dancing at the good flavour.
"Can I get a bite?" Your boyfriend asked in a cute tone.
You prepared a piece with once again all the toppings and brought it close to his mouth before stopping suddenly.
"What…" your boyfriend asked confused at your sudden action.
"Airplane!" You simply responded. "Whrrrrriiiiii!" You imitated the sound of an airplane while moving the fork closer to your boyfriends mouth. He sight but opened his mouth cutely. You were dying of laughter at your boyfriend’s reaction and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.
You were done with your plate shortly after and thanked your boyfriend for making such an amazing breakfast.
"Wait, I have one more surprise for you…" He responded mysteriously.
He gave you a small envelope with your name written on it and a heart in the top right corner. You thought it would just be an ordinary card like the previous ones, describing his endless love for you. But there was more than just a cute message inside.
"You’re not serious, are you?" You asked your mouth hanging open.
He shrugged his shoulders and gave you a sweet look. Inside the card was a 1500$ gift card to your favorite luxury boutique. You couldn’t hide your excitement anymore and jumped in his arms kissing him all over his face thanking him over and over again.
"Can we go now Jay, pretty please?" You asked in a cute tone.
"Of course darling. Go get ready and we can go." He replied still smiling.
You gave him one last kiss before going to the bathroom to do your makeup and put on a cute dress.
20 minutes later
"Okay I’m ready!" You exclaimed from behind the couch where your beautiful boyfriend was sitting. He got up, turned around, and froze.
"Wow! How do you look so pretty?" He said in admiration.
You were wearing a black dress and a red corset that accentuated your beautiful curves.
"Thank you baby." You shyly responded.
"Okay let’s go before I change my mind for some dirty stuff." Jay said grabbing your hand and walking out the door.
The car ride there was about 15 minutes and you were blasting his group’s last album, dark blood, the whole time. Jay glanced at you laughing at your cuteness a few times. He could watch you dance to their songs for hours and never get tired, but he was driving so he sadly has to pay attention.
"Alright we’re here. You can get anything you want but one condition." He said.
"What is it?" You asked confused.
"You let me pick a lingerie set for you and you must try it on in front of me, got it?" He said seriously, holding your chin.
You were practically drooling at the idea and all you could respond was "okay"
“Let’s go!" He said, his expression immediately changing to his usual soft and cute expression whenever he’s out with you.
You opened the door and was immediately greeted by the employee there, she knew you and your boyfriend very well. Not only because she was a big fan of Enhypen but also because over the time. She had become your friend since you were so kind to everyone. You hugged her immediately as a greeting.
"Are you guys looking for anything?" She kindly asked
Jay got down to your level and whispered in your ear "go check out the clothes and shoes, I will check the lingerie okay?" You nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before making your way to the shoe section first.
"I’m looking for some lingerie for my girlfriend. It’ her birthday today." He told her proudly.
"Oh I see. Follow me I’ll show you what I think will suit her best." She responded kindly.
You arrived in the shoe section and immediately spotted a pair you had been wanting for years. Some black heels with a small platform at the front and some pearls around the opening where your foot goes. You immediately checked if there was your size in stock and lucky for you, there was a pair. You tried them on and they were absolutely perfect. No second thought. You had to get them. Plus they were on sale at 350$ instead of 600$. "What a steal" you thought to yourself.
Happy, you made your way to the dress section. Wandering around trying to spot something you liked. Bingo! There it was. The dress you showed jay a few weeks ago. It was exactly your style. Black and white with lace on the top and on the border of the skirt. You looked for your size and, it was definitely your lucky day today, because there was one last dress in your size. It was 250$. Luckily your boyfriend had given you this gift card otherwise you could never afford these on your own.
"Y/N, Baby! I found something!" You heard your boyfriend say from a far.
You quickly made your way towards the direction of his voice and found him next to a fitting room with a lingerie set in his hands.
"Milady." He said bowing down like a prince.
Thank you good sir. Would you like to join me perhaps?" You said elegantly.
"Hell yeah." He said, breaking character suddenly.
"Look at what I found!" You said happily as you showed him your dress and shoes.
"Wow they are so beautiful. How much were they?" He asked.
"600$ together, 350 for the shoes and 250 for the dress." You responded.
"Can I see the shoes on?" He asked
You put them on and posed like a mannequin happily.
"They were made for you. It makes you taller!" He said laughing.
"Oh shut up." You replied also laughing.
"Okay the dress now and keep the shoes." He said.
You did as he said, asking him to turn around so that it would be a surprise.
"Okay, look!" You said. Tapping your feet in excitement as he did.
"OH MY- Damn baby." He said admiring your curves accentuated by the expensive dress.
"What do you think?" You asked seductively yet cutely.
"I think it’s making me hard. Look." He pointed down to his pants where you could see a tent forming.
"Do I look this good?" You asked him bending down to show your cleavage a little more.
"If only you could see what I’m seeing." He said almost drooling.
You blushed and started kissing him.
"Wait, I have an idea. Take the dress off, keep the shoes, and put on this lingerie set I chose for you." He got closer to your ear and continued "Then, if you agree, we can have a little session here."
"What if she catches us?" You said, talking about the employee that is also your friend.
"That’s what’s so exciting about it. Last time, when we fucked at the dorm and you heard Heeseung approaching the room and calling my name, I felt you tighten around me. I know you like the idea of doing it when other’s are around. Plus, you can muffle your moans in your dress." He explained.
He wasn’t wrong. So, you quickly took the dress off and changed into the lingerie Jay had chosen for you. He was touching his erection over his pants as he watched you change, making you wet.
"How do I look?" You asked giving him a twirl.
"Delicious." He simply replied pulling his dick out of his pants.
"That looks delicious too." You replied. "Can I suck it?" You asked.
"No. It’s your birthday. I just want to make you feel good and not slow things down." He said looking at you with siren eyes.
He pulled you in closer by the waist and kissed your lips and your neck before turning you around so you were facing the mirror.
"I want you to look at yourself while I fuck you. Okay?" He said.
You simply nodded in response. He then pushed the underwear part of your matching lace set to the side before inserting his long and thick cock inside. His hand was on your mouth as he knew you wouldn’t be able to contain your moans. You saw as your face contorted in pleasure, your eyebrows furrowed and your eyes rolling at the back of your head. What a sight for your boyfriend who’s eyebrows did the same as yours and his mouth hung opened from the sensation.
"You feel so good baby" you whimpered softly.
"Oh yeah? You like it? You like it when I fuck your tiny pussy in public? Huh?"
You only moaned in response. Luckily the music in this store was a little bit loud so your sinful noises were hidden by it.
Jay picked up the pace as he felt you tighten around his length in response to his dirty talk.
"You’re gonna cum already? You’re gonna make a mess on the floor for me princess?" He said in a deep voice next to your ear.
"Yes." You managed to moan softly in response. As you came all over his dick and leaked a little on the floor and your brand new expensive set.
"I’m gonna cum. Wanna suck me off now?" He asked out of breath.
You got on your knees and wrapped your mouth around him just in time as he came almost instantly. You hummed at his taste as he moaned softly, from the intense orgasm.
"Let’s clean you and the floor up so we won’t be suspicious." He proposed.
You took a few tissues out of your purse and wiped the floor first then your folds.
"Wait, the lingerie is all wet. I can’t take it off and show her." You said concerned.
"No problem, here" He said removing the tag. "I’ll give her the tag and explain you wanted to keep it on, okay?"
"You’re so smart MR Park." You said giving him a hug.
Jay got out of the fitting room with all your new purchases, you, on the other hand, stayed inside to get dressed.
"Here, I’ll pay for it while she get’s dressed." He explained to the employee.
"No problem. Everything fitted?" She asked.
"Perfectly. Oh and she kept the lingerie set on since she loved it so much but here’s the tag." He explained
"Oh no problem at all." She said innocently, not knowing the real reason behind it.
You came out of the fitting room soon after as if nothing happened.
"There you go. I wish you both an amazing day and a happy birthday to you y/n." She said smiling brightly.
"Thank you so much. See you next time!" Your boyfriend responded.
"Bye! Have an amazing day!" You responded giving her a warm hug and waving goodbye.
"We’ll that was hot." You told your boyfriend as you walked back to your car.
"Happy birthday princess. We should do this every year." He responded.
"Sure." You replied hugging his arm as you continued your short walk.
There is the story for jay! Hope you like it. I’m quite proud of this one to be honest. I’ll try my best to keep writing stories. If you have any suggestions for the other members, let me know! Love you.❤️
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girlfailure-smut-hour · 9 months
"It's Not a Sin"
Nsfw content MDNI
Characters: Simeon X GN!Reader
CW: Cockwarming, Penetration (Receiving.) Quiet, breathy, and romantic. GN reader with ambiguous genitals as always.
A/N: This one turned out longer than I expected. I was scared it would be too short. Still just obsessed with innocent Simeon. Not related to my last Simeon fic. MC convinces Simeon to try cockwarming saying it's not a sin if they don't move. ~1500 words.
Please check out my fic masterlist <3
There was something to that angel. Maybe it was his innocence. Obviously he was beautiful in every way. From his soft skin to his cute, curly locks he was undeniably perfect. The only problem was he was too pure. It was cute of course. The way he got shy and quiet whenever anything remotely sexual came up, blushing at the slightest mention of the human body. You’d flirted and even propositioned him before, but he always says the same thing: “It’s a sin.” You had a new idea though.
“There’s this thing they do on Earth,” You tell him. “It’s a way to be intimate without sinning. I think they call it soaking. You put it in and just sit there. It’s not a sin if you don’t move!”
His jaw drops and his face flushes. He might be in shock.
“You okay Simeon?” You ask.
He shakes his head quickly to clear his head. “That’s a lot to take in…” He says.
Neglecting to make the obvious joke you take his hands and say, “I just want to be closer to you Simeon!” You link your fingers with his, looking deep into his eyes.
He’s starting to sweat a little. “I don’t know…” He says.
“I promise I’ll be good!” You say. “It would really mean a lot to me… You mean a lot to me.”
He looks down, not sure what to think. It’s quiet for a moment before you squeeze his hands gently and he looks up at your pleading eyes. “Okay,” He says. “We can do it.”
“Really!?” You ask, pulling him into a hug.
“Really,” He says warmly.
You give him a deep, sweet kiss, holding his face between your hands. Though hesitant at first, you feel him ease into it, and even wrap his arms around you.
As you pull away he looks happy and even excited, if a little conflicted.
“Well.” You say, “I’ll see you tonight then! Bring pajamas, you’re staying the night.”
He smiles and nods.
Trying not to think about your plans for the night was impossible. All through the day all you could think about is his cock inside of you. Even when you sit there trying to focus on anything else, you’re rubbing your legs together thinking about how good it will feel when he slides into you for the first time. How he’ll groan in your ear as he enters you, and how you’ll “accidentally” move, "trying to get comfortable."
Your heart is pounding as you await him in your room. You’ve put on your most comfortable pajamas to pace the room as you wait. When he finally knocks it’s almost startling. Rushing to the door, you open it and see Simeon standing there in cute, silken pajamas. He’s blushing already, rubbing his arm as he avoids your eyes.
“Come on in!” You say, stepping out of the way.
He walks in, his movements stiff and awkward. Clearly he’s nervous, but that’s to be expected. You know he’s excited though because the pajamas he’s wearing do little to hide his erection. You can clearly make out the shape of his cock, the head imprinted in the fabric.
“You look so cute in your pajamas,” You say, rubbing his arm.
“Thanks,” he chuckles, blushing again.
“Are you ready?” You ask.
“I think so,” He replies.
“Come on!” You tell him, walking over to your bed.
You lift the covers and settle into bed on your side. Simeon does the same, but keeps some distance between you.
“You’ll need to get closer than that,” You giggle.
He inches closer to you, bringing his warm body close to yours. As he presses up against you, it's impossible to ignore his hard cock pressed against your ass. You grab his arm and put it over your side. His strong arm feels so comforting around your waist.
“So how do we…” He begins.
“Slide off your pants,” You say. “You can just do a little.” It’s not like you can’t already feel his cock after all.
You pull your pants all the way down and off as you feel him adjusting his to barely free his cock. As he settles back in, you feel his cock, hot and rock hard against your ass. All you can think about is how good it’s going to feel inside you. How warm and filling. Your hips are already moving on their own as your imagination runs wild.
You reach back and fondle his cock. His breath catches and he whimpers a little, clutching tight to you. “Are you ready?” you ask.
He hesitates, but says, “I’m ready.”
You take his cock and guide it to your entrance. As the tip presses against you, you push back against him. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, burying his face in your hair and grunting. You keep pushing back slowly until you feel his cock all the way inside of you.
You moan and shudder a little, feeling his hard length filling you up. It’s hard not to move already. You just want to gyrate your hips, pushing his cock in and out of you, but you have to be patient. You don’t want him to know that you were planning this all along.
You can feel him shuddering behind you too, the intensity of being inside you driving him crazy.
“Doesn’t it feel nice?” You ask. “Being so close?”
“Y-yeah,” He grunts.
You try not to move, but it’s getting too hard. Deep, instinctual temptations bombard your senses and it’s not long before you move your hips a little feeling his hard cock twitch inside of you.
He pulls you tight with the arm that he hooked around your shoulder and growls in your ear. You moan as he presses into you.
“I’m sorry,” He says. “It just caught me off-guard.”
“That’s okay,” You say, trying to hide a smirk.
You wait as long as you can before adjusting again, feeling the impatience building up in you. You can feel it in him too in the way he curls his toes and balls his fists, shuddering as he clings on to you.
You adjust and he jerks involuntarily again, pushing into you. This time, you don’t stop. You gyrate your hips forward and back, his cock sliding in and out of you. In the quiet room, all you can hear are his faint whimpers and heavy breaths. You do your best to keep quiet as well, but it’s hard. You both know what you’re doing is wrong, but neither of you will say anything now.
The way he holds onto you and breathes into your ear as he buries his face in your hair is heavenly.
You keep thrusting on and off of his cock, feeling his length sliding in and out of you. Still, it’s not enough. You need more. Breathier, clingier, harder sex. As good as this feels, you can’t take it any more.
You pull off of him and roll him over onto his back. As you climb on top of him, he looks up at you with his beautiful blue eyes, panting. His eyes are filled with desire in a way you’ve never seen before. They’re pleading for you to fuck him as hard as you can.
You rip your shirt off and climb on top of him. You lean over him, holding yourself up with your arms. Your eyes are locked as you ease onto his cock, gasping as you feel it parting your walls. You press down onto it until you feel your entrance clench around the base.
You start to bounce on his cock. As you do, his eyes meet yours and you can see the adoration sparkling in them. He sets his hands on your waist then runs them up your chest and all the way to your face. He cups your cheeks in his soft, warm hands, staring deep into your eyes as you push his cock deep into you.
You continue to bounce on him. The only sound in the quiet room is the faint slapping of skin, heavy breathing, and occasional grunts and moans. Feeling his length slide in and out of you, you’re getting close to an orgasm, and he must be too.
“I’m going to…” He says, interrupting himself with a gulp. Perhaps he can’t bring himself to say it fully, but you can feel that he’s close before he even says anything.
“Come for me sweet boy,” You say as you continue to ride him. Suddenly you feel his cock throb inside you, as he shoots hot cum into you. He bucks his hips, thrusting deeper into you. At the same time you feel waves of pleasure wash over you. Your legs shake as you cum and your arms grow weak. A soft elongated moan escapes your lips and you collapse on his chest.
You lay there for a moment before rolling over to lay facing him, your fingers tracing his beautiful features. He smiles faintly, though his consciousness is clearly fading. Sighing contentedly you say, "Good night sweet boy."
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soapsbaby · 8 months
☆ Day 2 // Praise // König ☆
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Summary: He loves to praise you and everything you do.
Characters: König x Reader
Themes: nfsw (mdni), oral (m receiving), PIV, size difference, lots of praise, overstimulation, unprotected
Word Count: 1500
The moment the door was shut behind you, König had you pushed against the wall, his huge frame towering over you. 
“Finally I have you to myself, mein kleiner Spatz.” (my little sparrow)
His voice was deep, quiet enough that you could barely hear him, but still clear enough that every single word made you shiver.
He had to bend down so that he could lift his mask, pull you in for a kiss.
The desperation between the two of you was palpable, all day you had been teasing one another without a way to actually release the tension between you.
It was almost ten at night now and the last meeting was finally over and you had been able to sneak away to his room without anyone noticing that you were together.
His big, gloved hand gently pushed a strand of hair behind your ear as he pulled away from you, the fabric of his mask falling over his face again.
The look in his eyes was soft, gentle.
"You're so fucking beautiful.", he said quietly, his hand gently cupping your face. 
"Oh, shut up."
You felt your face flush bright pink, struggling to keep eye contact with him.
"No… No, never."
He tugged on your shirt until you lifted your arms, letting him take it off. You were only in your underwear and your skirt now, a skirt that was technically too scandalous to wear around the base but that no one had called you out on yet.
You knew the effect it had on König, that’s why you took the risk of being reprimanded.
His hands snaked around your back, skillfully unhooking your bra and letting it fall to the floor with the shirt.
“So gorgeous.”, he muttered as his hands gently cupped your breasts, sighing as he kneaded your soft skin between his fingers.
Even with the mask you knew there was a smile on his lips as you dropped to his knees in front of him, never breaking eye contact.
He sighed softly as you unzipped his pants, finally freeing him from the tightness of his boxers, pulling them down his legs so he could step out of them.
"I've been waiting for this all day.", he said, hand still cupping your face as if he didn't want to let go of you.
You gulped as his erection sprang free. It didn't matter how many times you had seen it, the size surprised you every time.
He watched intently as you wrapped your hands around him, giving him a few strokes. Both of your hands still weren't quite enough to grasp all of him. 
"Shit…", he muttered under his breath as you ran your tongue across his entire length before wrapping your lips around him. 
"So fucking beautiful."
You looked up at him, meeting his gaze as you took him as far as your throat allowed you, bobbing your head and coating him in your spit.
"Always so good for me.", he said, you knew even from just seeing his eyes that there was still a smile on his lips.
His eyes fell shut as you moved your hands again, twisting around his shaft as your tongue circled the head of his cock.
"You're so perfect."
One of his hands grabbed a fistful of your hair, not using it to move you, just to have a grasp on you. 
He let you set your own pace, just watching you, quiet moans escaping his lips.
You gagged as he hit the back of your throat, too big for him to take all of him.
“I’m sorry, Baby. You’re doing so well.”, he said quietly, the strain obvious in his voice. “But I need to fuck you so badly.” 
You nodded as you got back on your feet, legs a little shaky, thinking of what would be next. 
He pushed you onto the bed with a gentle shove.
You watched in awe as he gave his cock a few pumps before crawling onto the bed with you, towering over you in both height and size. 
“Open your legs for me, Maus.”, he said softly, smiling as you followed his order immediately. There was a bit of embarrassment of baring yourself to him like that, but it subsided almost immediately when he crawled on top of you, fingers gently teasing the hem of your panties. 
With a smooth tug he pulled them down your legs, discarding them.
His fingers were back under your skirt immediately, parting your folds.
“Shit…”, he hummed, his masked lips pressed to your neck. “So wet for me already… You enjoy sucking me off that much, hm?” Your eyes had fallen shut, cheeks bright red at his teasing, but you nodded.
“Such a good girl… And just for me.”
You gasped as two of his fingers entered you, curling up to give you the maximal amount of stimulation he could.
“Just for you.”, you echoed.
He had been right about how much it turned you on to please him. You loved his taste, the way he felt, the noises you were able to draw out of him with your lips, your tongue, your hands.
But most of all you loved the way he spoke to you, the way he praised you. 
It drove you insane and it made you always do your very best to gain his approval.
You whined as he drew his fingers out of you, slipping his hand under his mask so he could taste you.
“You taste like fucking honey.”, he said quietly before he was on top of you again, lifting his mask so he could kiss your neck, sucking your skin hard enough that you knew there would be bruises tomorrow morning. You’d have to find a way to cover them up if you wanted to leave your room.
He chuckled as he heard you moan. 
“Do you want me, Schatz?”, he asked quietly. You knew that he knew your answer, but he wanted to tease you, wanted to make you say it
“Yes.” “How badly? Use your words.”
His hand slipped between his legs, grabbing his cock and dragging it through your slit, gathering your wetness on his tip.
“Please… Please, König,  I need you. I need you so badly, I-”
You were cut off when he finally thrust forward. You had to bite back a quiet whine as you felt the ache of being filled by him. It always took you a moment to get used to his size.
“So good… So good for me. Look at how well you’re taking me, mein Engel.” 
His lips were still on your neck, kissing you, sometimes biting down slightly.
For a moment he just held still until he could feel you relax under him. You gasped as he slowly started to shift, drawing himself out of you and then fucking back inside of you, mumbled words of praise on his lips as he did.
“Fuck… Fuck, you feel so good.” 
He slowly picked up the pace, slamming into you until you couldn’t hold back your moans anymore, desperate noises escaping you with every thrust. 
He knew the perfect balance between not hurting you, but also being rough enough to make your mind go blank.
“Touch yourself for me, Baby. I want you to come around my cock."
You followed his command without question, of course you did. Your fingers circled your clit, making you see white as you did.
“König-” “What is it, honey?” He pushed himself upwards so you could look him in the eyes, the mask smoothly falling over his face again. 
“Feels so good.” “I know, Baby, I know.” His pace was brutal and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your release, your breath coming in stutters. 
“You’re doing so, so well for me. And I want you to come for me, okay?”
You didn’t know whether it was him getting even slightly rougher with your body, your fingers on your clit or his words, but you cried out as your orgasm came over you, tightening around him.
“Good girl, such a good girl.”
Your hands desperately grasped his arms, seeking something to hold onto as he chased his own orgasm.
“Please-” You didn’t even know what you wanted to say, the overstimulation of still being fucked by him through your orgasm making you almost dizzy.
On one hand you wanted to squirm out of his grasp to escape that ache in your core, on the other you wanted him to continue forever, until you couldn’t form a single coherent thought anymore.
“Scheiße, Baby, I am… So close. I think I’m going to… Oh fuck-” His thrusts became erratic as he came with a growl, coming as deeply inside of you as he could.
You moaned as you could feel him fill you, warmth pooling between your legs.
He groaned as he came down from his orgasm, pulling you close to his chest, holding you against him, your body against his. Your face was buried in the fabric of his mask, desperate to catch your breath.
“So good for me, every single time.”
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discount-shades · 1 year
Sleepy Baby Part 6
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a/n: It’s a little less fluffy.
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin / Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1500 ish
Summary: Jake and Kisses talk about their pasts.
Previous          Masterlist          Next
Netflix’s ‘are you still watching’ screen had long since timed out and was now flashing through images of the various shows on the streaming service. Tucked under Jake’s arm and wedged between his body and the back of your couch you watch the changing light from the TV flicker across his face. He is gazing down at you as he runs his fingers up and down your back
“You know, I’ve been with you every evening for the last two weeks,” Jake said, breaking the silence. “When did you stop going to your therapy mandated one hour weekly bar socializing sessions?”
“When some weirdo I met at a bar three months ago tracked me down at work two weeks ago.” you grin up at him as his eyes light up. 
“He sounds like a creep, you should stay away from him.” 
“Yeah I should, but unfortunately he is really good looking so I went and gave him my number and my address.” You shrug, “I can’t get rid of him now.” 
“Good looks are a blessing and a curse.” Jake sighs dramatically and you lean up to kiss his chin. 
“It’s ok that you stopped, though, right?” Jake looks down at you, “I don’t want to… I don’t know, impede your progress, or something.”
“It’s ok, she wanted me to go out and meet someone.” You grin up at him, “When I see her tomorrow she will probably be more excited than you were when I gave you my number.” 
“Not possible.” he declares. “That was the best day of my life.” You snort at his response.
“Do you want to know why?” You shift so you can rest your chin on his chest. “You can ask, you know.” 
“You’ll tell me when you are ready.” Jake shrugs, “I’m in no rush and you’re worth waiting for.” He goes back to running his fingers up and down you back. 
“I want you to know. Long story long?” You ask, “or long story short?”
“Long story long,” he replies. You take a deep breath. You want Jake to know, but sharing always gives you a weird feeling, like you are looking for pity. Part of you wants to just info-dump the story and move past it. You are also unsure of how he will respond. 
“I started dating my high school boyfriend, Ian, at seventeen,” you tell him on your exhale. “We lived outside Seattle and almost our whole friend group ended up moving there for university.” His eyes are searching yours and you turn your head so your ear is pressed against his chest. The steady beat of his heart is soothing and it is easier to talk without looking at him.
“We got engaged at twenty-three and had the whole wedding planned for when I was twenty-five.” Your breath is shaky as you inhale again. “My mother got really sick about four months before the wedding.” You blink and a tear hits Jake's shirt. “Breast cancer, it was already Stage 4 when they found it and she died about two months later.” You sniff and wipe your eyes. “My father was devastated. He had a heart attack and died about a month after my mom.”
“Oh, Kisses,” Jake wraps both arms more firmly around you and holds you close. “I’m so sorry.” 
You relax into his arms, allowing yourself to be held. “They were pretty good parents as far as parents go.” you look up at him. “They had rules and all, but everything was done with humor.” You smile in memory. “Every rule had some kind of dire and completely unrealistic consequence if it wasn't followed. They would tell me to wear my coat in the winter or I would freeze solid and they would turn me into a Christmas lawn ornament and leave me out there until spring, stuff like that. There was a lot of laughter growing up.”
“Must be where you get it from," he says. 
“Yeah,” you say sadly. “Not gonna lie, you brought some of that back.” You put your head back on his chest. “We postponed the wedding for a year. The vendors were surprisingly good about it.” 
“Ian and Beth, my best friend since the second grade, got me through their deaths.” You laugh humorlessly. “I remember feeling so lucky that my fiancé and my BFF got along so well.” I started seeing Jenn, my therapist, and I was doing a lot better. 
“A month before the second wedding date Ian and Beth were killed by a drunk driver when Ian was driving her home one night.”
“Oh, Kisses–” Jake goes to speak but you cut him off.
“That's not the best part.”
“The best part?” 
“I mean you could also call it the worst part,” you sit up and look at Jake. “She was giving him a blow job when they were hit.” Jake’s jaw drops and he is staring at you with a horrified expression. “Yeah,” you say wryly. “It turns out they had a little thing going on since high school. All our friends knew but no one told me; I don’t talk to anyone from home anymore.”
“How did you find out?” Jake sits up too, arm resting on the back of the couch.
“The police told me. I was with his parents when I found out and I just started laughing hysterically. They were so mad at me for laughing. I just stood up and walked out of their house. Didn’t help cover the funeral or anything, just left and cut contact.”
“Is that when you moved here?” Jake's eyes are searching your face. 
“No, I stayed in Seattle for about a year.” You tell him. “The really funny thing is that it turns out I was the sole beneficiary for one hell of a comprehensive accidental death insurance policy, and since the other driver was speeding and three times over the legal limit when his truck hit their car it paid out in full.”
Jake whistles under his breath. “At least you got something out of it.”
“That’s the way I choose to see it. His parents were upset that kept it all, but I feel like I've earned it.” You shrug, “Money doesn't buy happiness but it did make me feel a little better, it paid for lots of therapy in any case.”
“So after a year of me complaining about Seattle, Jenn asked me why I didn't just move. So I applied for every library position I could find in the country and got hired here and moved to San Diego. We do video call sessions now.”
“For what it is worth, I am so happy you ended up here.” Jake takes your hand in his, kissing your palm. 
“Me too,” you grin shyly at him. “I was here for four months before Jenn talked me into going out to bars to socialize. I had been going every week for about two months when I met you. And I played our song.”
Jake makes a face. “In the Navy is not our song, we can’t dance to In the Navy at our wedding.”
“Wow….  You are jumping the gun a bit there with your wedding talk, but we can dance to any song we want at our wedding, if you are not a coward.” You tell him with a grin. 
“I’ll find a better song for us,” Jake assures you. 
“What kind of experience do you have picking out songs for your relationships? I want to make sure I am trusting an expert.” You tell him.
“I’ll have you know I picked Taylor Swift's Our Song for me and my high school girlfriend.” Jake says smugly. “I’m practically the authority on relationship songs.”
“That song’s a little on the nose. How did that relationship end?” You ask, “Did the song play a role in the downfall?”
“No, with Stacy and I, it was very amicable.” Jake smiles fondly. “She was my neighbor and we started dating when we were like fourteen. We broke up after graduation when we realized that what we wanted from our future careers would not fit together. She is a professional barrel racer now and happily married to a team roper.” 
“Did you grow up on a farm, Jake Seresin?” You're grinning ear to ear, trying to picture him in a cowboy hat. Maybe holding a calf.
“No, we lived next door to Stacy's parents' horse ranch.” He says, “Our families are pretty close. I even went to her wedding where we danced to Our Song for old times sake, proving that I pick good songs.”
“Then I shall leave our song choice to the professional,” you tell him dramatically.
You stretch and check your watch, it reads 2:30AM. “It’s too late to drive,” you tell him. “Do you wanna stay the night?” He looks up at you in surprise, it's the first time you have invited him to stay over. 
“Yeah,” his voice sounds hoarse and he clears it. “Yes, I do.”
“Then come on,” You take his hand and lead him to your bedroom. You try to hide how fast your heart is beating, but when his fingers shift over the pulse in your wrist and stay there you are sure he knows.
“Do I get to finally see those PJs you described to me the other day?”
You laugh, “No, I’ll save that mystery for another day, you will get to see the sloth PJs. though.”
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linahopeeeee · 2 years
ღ Pairing: Todoroki x reader
ღ Summary: you call Shoto clingy and he shows you just how clingy he is.
ღ Words: 1500
“fuck you take me so well” Shoto says, hands holding the back of your head as he roughly thrusts his fat cock deep into your throat, and you hum in response.
After a few seconds he pulls away and allows you to catch your breath, immediately pushing his dick past your lips again when he decides you’ve had enough time.
Your eyes are tightly shut at this point as tears stream down your cheeks, your throat is on fire and your jaw is aching, but your going to push through it if it makes your baby feel better, smiling around his dick as you think back to why he was upset in the first place.
“alright I’m leaving” you call from the bottom of the steps, your boyfriend Shoto quickly rushing down in order to give you a proper goodbye.
He pulls you in for a quick kiss, hands wrapping around your waist, pout still clearly evident on his face.
You knew he was going to be like this. For the past few days he’s been super clingy and pouty and you didn’t mind not one bit until today.
You usually love when he’s clingy because your clingy yourself but you and Ochaco had made plans to see this movie weeks ago and you weren’t going to cancel on her, but the second you bought up the fact that you had to leave to Shoto he instantly started pouting.
“but I don’t want you to leave me” he mumbles against your chest, the two of you had been cuddling in his bed for the past three days and today you have plans that you need to start getting ready for.
“the movie isn’t even two hours, and then we’re going to go grab lunch, then I’ll be back” you promise, running your hands through his hair.
“that’s still to long” he says holding on to you tighter.
“baby, don’t you think you’re being a bit clingy?” you jokingly ask, missing the way his body stiffens for half a second, face dropping, before he manages to regain his composure.
He squeezes your body one last time before untangling his limbs from yours, allowing you to get up and head to the shower.
The entire time you’re in the shower he sits on his bed, hurt.
Did you really think he was clingy? Was he annoying you?
He didn’t mean to, really, he didn’t, it’s just that he loved you so much and the past week has been a bit hard on him. His dads being a prick and being a pro hero can be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting.
The second the door to the bathroom opens he’s back to being his normal self, still touching and holding you but not as much as before, and if you noticed you didn’t say anything, still continuing on with your makeup as he scrolls through his phone.
Its when you get back after lunch that things start to go downhill.
You expected Shoto to be all on you the second you stepped foot inside the house, but he wasn’t. when you walked through his bedroom door he just gave you a small smile, asking how the movie was but never taking his eyes off of his phone.
“are you okay?” you ask confused. The last thing Shoto ever did was pay more attention to his phone than you and it was a bit weird that he hasn’t even really looked up at you since you’ve been here.
He nods, humming his answer still not looking in your direction.
“then why wont you look at me?” you whine, walking over towards the bed and glaring over at him. His eyes find yours
“happy?” he asks and your eyebrows furrow. Why is he mad at you?
“are you okay?” you ask again “did something happen while I was gone?” you question cause you don’t see how he could’ve went from literally attached to your hip to basically ignoring you.
“nope” he says, putting extra emphasis on the p and you narrow your eyes, something is definitely up with him.
And you’re going to figure out what it is.
You head to the bathroom and change out of your clothes. When you walk back into the room he’s still in that same exact spot, eyes focused on his phone.
You lay down on the bed, deciding to take a nap, and hoping that he’d be back to normal when you wake up. Or maybe he’d take a nap with you and when you wake up his arms will be wrapped around you like usual.
However, when you wake up his arms are not in fact wrapped tightly around your waist, instead he’s still in the same position, phone in hand.
Turning over on the bed you snatch his phone out of his hand, holding it behind you back when he looks up at you and asks for it back.
“can I please have my phone back?” he asks, an unamused look on his face.
“why are you ignoring me?” you question
“I’m not ignoring you” he deadpans
“then why aren’t you attacking me in kisses or cuddling me? When I left you were all on me and now you’ve barely said two words to me since ive been here”
“I didn’t want to be clingy” he says and that’s when you realize why he’s been acting like this. Its because you called him clingy before you left when he wouldn’t let go of you.
“sho” you say softly as you put his phone down on the bed, grabbing his face and forcing him to look at you. “baby I was just joking when I said that. You know I love when your clingy, hell I’m just as clingy if not more” you tell him, slowly moving to straddle his lap.
“really?” he asks quietly and your heart breaks. He’s been upset all this time because of you and your stupid mouth.
At that your eyes light up. You hurt him with your stupid mouth so now your going to make him feel good with your stupid mouth.
“Fuck” he groans out, thrusts slowing down and you feel the first drop of cum hit the back of your throat, humming in delight, ready to swallow every last drop of him.
You continue sucking on the head, even after he finishes cumming, forcing him to shudder.
You smile up at him, loving how fucked out he looks and he hasn’t even fucked you yet. Standing up, you push him back down on the bed, legs instantly straddling him.
“ride my face first” he says and who are you to turn down head? Moving up, your thighs on either side of his head, pussy hovering over his face.
His big hands grip both of your thighs, pulling you down the rest of the way, tongue instantly finding your soppy cunt.
He licks a strip from your slit up to your clit, circling the small, sensitive nub with his tongue.
Your hands grip the headboard tightly as you begin slowly circling your hips as he continues lapping at your pussy.
The sounds he’s making underneath you are so lewd it brings a blush to your cheeks as he slurps on your juices as if he hasn’t had any water in weeks.
As your orgasm approaches your moans get louder. Your now fully grinding your pussy down on his face, fingers pinching and tugging at your nipples.
“gonna cum” you tell him and as he sucks your clit into his mouth, sucking hard. He continues his assault on your pussy as you cum, cleaning up all of your juices.
He has the two of you flipped over before you’ve even fully came back down to earth. He’s lining himself up and slowly pushing inside, head thrown back in pleasure.
A loud groan escapes you at the stretch, filling incredibly full. He begins slowly thrusting inside of you, the wetness of your wall allowing him to do so easily.
“that’s it baby, fuck this pussy was made for me” he grunts into your neck, teeth nipping at your sweet spot.
After leaving a few hickies along your neck and chest he wraps one of his hands around your throat, squeezing lightly.
The two of you had talked about choking in the bedroom before but it never happened until now and it seemed to light a fire deep within both of you.
“sho! So big!” you cry out as best that you can, as he repeated thrusted deep inside of you, the thick head of his cock hitting that spot inside of you with each thrust.
Instead of responding, Shoto just brings the hand that wasn’t lightly wrapped around your neck down to your abused cunt and begins pinching and rubbing at your clit, as your body spasm’s and convulses as another orgasms rips through you.
The way your walls clench down around him leads him to his orgasm, grunting as he cums deep inside your walls, slowly pulling out as he feels himself going soft.
He places a quick kiss to your sweaty forehead before getting up and heading to the bathroom, before returning with a wet washcloth. He begins gently cleaning you, pressing soft kisses along your thighs, telling you how much he loves you.
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spookyscarydemonbabe · 11 months
🩹 😘 💖
Congrats on 1500!
thank you my love 🥹🫶🥰 and thank you for sticking around so long 😘 i adore always seeing your requests in my inbox and getting your messages 🖤🖤🖤
(tbh i really didn’t think i’d even get to this point 😂)
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“There baby, you can barely even notice it.” You said as you gently applied the bandage to Eddie’s forehead. He groaned, looking in the mirror and seeing not only a decently sized red bump, but a bruise right on his forehead.
He didn’t mean for those shelves to break, especially not right on his head, and definitely not under the circumstances he thought. It was rare when Eddie wasn’t being at least a little rough when you were making love, he always got a little more into it than he thought.
His hands were on your hips, guiding your body back into him as the thrusted into you from behind, your pretty hair sprawled across one of his pillows as you were biting into it to not bother the neighbors anymore than his headboard banging into the wall was. Even then he could see the little screws starting to give in his wall, but all he could focus on was you and how amazing he was making you feel.
Getting you off was much more important to him than getting himself off. What a gentleman.
With a few final thrusts into you he stayed still, keeping you full for another few moments and leaning down to gently kiss a trail down your spine before slowly pulling out of you. He wanted you to miss having him inside you even if it was just for a few moments switching positions.
“Sit up baby girl,” His arms reached down to help you up, gently petting out the little tangles from your hair as his bare chest was against your back, “you’re on top now. Is that alright? Think those sore little legs can handle it?” He said with a smirk.
No words left your lips. Just a gentle nod and a quiet ‘mm-hmm’ as you moved back onto his mattress, giving him enough room to lay back and watch as you straddled him.
He smiled at his work. Watching how slowly you crawled over him, your body dragging along his, your soft hands moving up his chest and into his hair, gently combing your fingers through the ends and twirling them around your fingers. His curls always looked so pretty when he was laid back underneath you.
He places his hands onto your hips and as he slowly guided you down onto him, he made the mistake of adjusting himself on the bed, the headboard banging against the wall one final time before the nails holding up that shelf finally gave in.
SMACK! Right onto his forehead.
It left behind a pretty nasty gash on his forehead, not to mention a few decently sized holes in the wall from being nearly ripped out. He was thankful his little trinkets and figures were unharmed.
After a little bit of cleanup, and a hasty change into your pajamas, you could see that it was just a little cut. Nothing a kiss and a bandaid couldn’t fix. And maybe a few days of applying Neosporin.
Eddie groaned as you leaned over him, placing a very gentle kiss on top of the bandaid.
“You’ll be alright Eddie, your hair covers up most of it so i don’t think anyone will notice much more than the bandaid.”
He sighed as he sat there, looking in the mirror at himself, his eyes moving back and forth from himself to you again before a slight smirk came to his lips.
“Everything alright?” You asked him, placing your hand onto his shoulder.
Eddie laughed before turning to look at you,
“Wayne’s gonna be so fucking pissed when he sees that wall…”
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if you’d like to participate in the event just check out the details here 🥰
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pahtoosh · 11 months
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[image ID: sebastian stan as lee bodecker from the set of the devil all the time. he has one headphone in and is holding the other cord out expectantly. /.end ID]
wc: ~1500 words
warnings: other kids being mean, name-calling, lee not listening to you
a/n: I was trying to fulfill one of my requests and somehow the story got away from me and doesn’t match with the request at all😭 I’ll have to try again with that one, it was so good!
pairing: lee bodecker x gn!little!reader
summary: lee takes you to a party to make little friends. while you’re there, things take a turn and names get thrown around
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“You ready to go, bunny?” Lee called up the stairs. “We’re gonna be late!”
“Almost, Daddy! I need help!” You tan towards him, almost tripping down the stairs but he caught you just in time. “Can you put this pin on my jacket? Please!”
“Of course, baby. Maybe I shoulda called you button instead of bunny,” he joked. “Is my little baby ready for the party now?”
You swapped your smile for a nervous look. “Scared, Daddy.”
“You’ve got nothin’ to be worried ‘bout. This’ll be good for ya. Lots of other littles from our town will be there. Maybe you could make a friend or two.”
You still weren’t convinced, but Lee looked so hopeful and he had been talking about this party for days. You hated disappointing him. Your daddy did so much for you; you could handle one little party for his sake.
“Okay,” you said, taking a deep breath.
Lee grinned. “That’s my bunny.” He held out his hand for you to take and walked you to the car. He helped you buckle the seatbelt and kissed your cheek reassuringly when he felt your rapid heartbeat.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
The O'Connolly's house looked just about like every other rich person’s house in Knockemstiff. The picket white fence, rose bushes, and perfectly trimmed lawn had you feeling out of place. The conflicting, rowdy shouts from the backyard did little to calm you.
Lee was oblivious to your apprehension. “Ready to go in?”
“Daddy I don’t wanna go. I feel funny.”
“Are ya sick, bunny?” He felt your forehead.
“No, my tummy’s rumbly a-and my heart.” You held his hand and pressed it to your chest.
“Aw baby, that’s your nerves, remember? Do those breathin’ exercises the doctor taught ya. In, out, that’s it.”
Once your nerves settled a bit, you agreed to go inside. You wanted Lee to hold you, but fought the urge. You didn’t want to look even more like a baby with how clingy you were being.
Mrs. O’Connolly answered the door. “Sheriff Bodecker! How nice to see you! And this must be your little angel.”
You hid behind Lee as he greeted the host. “Come out, bunny. Say hi. Mrs. Connolly ain’t nothin’ to be scared of.”
You peeked your head out and shyly waved. “Hi, Mrs.”
“Aw, isn’t that darling? You two come on in now. The other littles are playing in the yard and us adults are on the patio. We’ve got enough snacks and drinks for the whole football team, so you help yourselves with that. And the grown up juice is in the blue cooler.” She whispered that last part to Lee.
The three of you made it to the backyard where everybody else was. A couple of people waved or shouted a greeting while the others continued with their games and conversations.
Lee nodded his head towards where the littles were playing. “Go on and play with the other kids. Daddy’s gonna talk with the grown ups, okay?”
You whimpered and tugged on Lee’s hand that you’d been holding the whole time.
“You can do it, bunny. I know ya can. Just have fun.” He kissed you goodbye and sat down at the adults table.
You looked betrayed. How could Daddy just leave me here? No, it’s okay. Daddy said I can do this. Big kid thoughts. Big kid thoughts.
You straightened out your posture and walked over to where the littles were playing. “Hi, um, can I play with you?”
A couple of the kids looked unimpressed but one of them brightened at the sight of you. “Sure! We were gonna play dragons and princesses! My name is Julie!”
You responded with your name and the others introduced themselves to you.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Dragons and princesses turned out to be very fun. You thought all boys had to be dragons and all girls had to be princesses, but Julie said anyone can be what they wanna be. She even switched back and forth between the two characters during the game.
You decided that you liked Julie and most of the others. The only tough one to crack was Marcy. She was the O’Connolly’s little and Julie’s best friend. For whatever reason, she didn’t seem to like you from the beginning.
You were all lying in the grass, just talking after catching your breath from dragons and princesses.
“I think they’re gonna put a new gas station where the old pharmacy was!” Jack said.
“A different one from Pumps and Plums?” Julie asked.
“Yeah! Like Gas for Cash or Stop for Snacks!”
“That’s dumb, those gas stations don’t even exist. It’s gonna be a tailor shop,” Marcy said.
Jack frowned and looked back up at the sky instead of craning his head to see the rest of you like he’d been doing before.
“Maybe it can be a gas station, Daddy says we need another one and there’s already a tailor shop on that block.”
The others hummed in agreement and Jack looked at you gratefully. Marcy, however was absolutely fuming. “What do you know anyway? You’re dumb and you’re a meanie.”
You sat up. “What? I’m not a meanie.”
“Sure you are, you called Julie a dummy. I heard you.” By now, everyone was standing and leaving space between the two of you.
“I didn’t say that! You’re the one calling everyone dumb!”
“See? There you go again. You’re nothing but a dummy. Right, Julie?” Marcy put a hand on her hip and looked expectantly at her best friend.
“Y-yeah I guess you are kind of a dummy,” Julie hesitantly agreed.
You held back tears and tamped down the sob in your throat as the others began to walk away and play without you. You rushed over to Lee and tugged on his shirt to get his attention.
“What’s up, bunny? Ya havin’ fun?”
You bit your lip and leaned to whisper in his ear. “Daddy I wanna go home.”
“Home? Oh no, not yet, yer bein’ awfully rude,” Lee replied through gritted teeth.
“Enough. I said not yet. Why don’t you go play with Marcy and them?”
You considered telling Lee about how mean the other kids had been to you, but decided not to. Lee was already in a bad mood and you didn’t want him to cause a scene. Assuming he’d even believe you, that is.
“I’m tired. Can I sit with you?”
“We’re talkin’ ‘bout grownup stuff. It’s not safe for little ears to hear.”
“Can I wait in the car?”
Lee huffed and excused himself before grabbing you by the arm and pulling you to the other, unoccupied end of the yard.
“Ah, Daddy that hurts.”
Lee unfortunately didn’t hear you over his angry muttering that was getting louder as you two got further away from the party.
“-always wantin’ somethin’ ya can’t have and runnin’ from what’s good for ya. Ya know why I wanted to come to this dang party? It wasn’t just for the hell of it. I did it for you. Like I do everything for you. And so I put on this stiff button up shirt and played nice with our neighbors so you could play with the other littles in town, maybe even make a friend. But you didn’t want that, did ya. And why? I can’t think of a single reason. So you’re gonna stand here and tell me why I wasted my Saturday afternoon.”
He stopped his movements and looked at you expectantly.
You gulped before answering. Lip trembling, you blurted out “I don’t like them! Marcy was bein’ mean an’ she called me a dummy! And she telled Julie I don’t like her but I didn’t say that and then Julie called me a dummy too! And now daddy’s bein’ mean but I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Tears ran down your cheeks faster than you could wipe them away. You held onto Lee as you wailed, wetting his shirt with your tears and drool. Although you were upset with him, you still looked to him for comfort. You didn’t realize it, but Lee was hugging you back and kissing your head while he rubbed your back. Your body had an innate reaction to Lee. Just a few minutes of your daddy’s touch were enough to calm you down.
Now just hiccuping and embarrassed at your outburst, you began to pull away from Lee but he didn’t let you.
“I’m sorry baby, I should’ve listened to ya. Here I was, thinkin’ I’m doin’ somethin’ nice for my baby when you’re actually miserable.” He looked down at you and wiped away the leftover tears. He didn’t like seeing you like this. The only times tears should be running down your cheeks are when you laugh until you cry, or when you’re overcome with happiness.
He squeezed you a little tighter as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Let’s go home now, bunny.”
“Wait, wanna stay like this a little.”
“That’s alright by me,” Lee said. He’d keep holding you forever if you asked him to.
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