electrospacenet · 6 months
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dat2ndaccount97 · 5 months
So I took some more pics of Brenda with my new Camera and did some touching up/editing on my PC and I think they came out good:
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zeroloop · 2 months
TIMNUT Action Cam Unboxing
TIMNUT Action Cam 4K/30fps, 20MP Ultra HD Videocamera EIS,131ft/40m Fotocamera Sott’acqua, WIFI Cam 170°Wide Angle Sports Cam, Telecameracon 2.4G Remote Control 2 Batterie Nella confezione di vendita di questa action camera troverai: Custodia subacquea (fino a 40 metri di profondità,Due batterie e un caricabatterie, Telecomando con batteria di riserva per il controllo a distanza, Microfono…
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The Healer pt 3
The story continues! Hope you guys like it!
Part 1 and 2 linked here.
The Hero’s party stood with their backs to us, arguing loudly. They obviously didn’t hear Stephanie’s call, and kept their focus on the man in front of them.
“How dare you go back on our deal?!” Jack the Hero snapped, his face twisted with rage. “You have always been our chief supplier!”
Rita the Holy Archer spoke up, flipping her long blond hair over her shoulder as she did so. “Yeah, you never turned us down before!”
The massive and imposing form of Garrett the Giant loomed over the group as he stood by with his arms crossed, nodding in agreement. The fourth and final member, Rebecca the Sorceress, leaned against the Hero, her eyes filled with tears as if everyone in the room had personally wronged her.
Seeing the group together again was… rough, to say the least. I had once considered three of them, Jack, Rita and Garrett,  my closest friends. We had played the game together before the Downfall, spending late nights going on raids and completing quests. They had been the brightest part of a life that had been greatly overshadowed by my parents’ expectations and disapproval. I had valued their friendship, so much so that I was willing to break myself over and over again just to stay by their side. I had lied to myself, that I was just as much a part of the team as they were. That I was valued, even if they didn’t always say so. That I was lucky to have them, given that I had chosen the class I did. I hated myself for my weakness, but refused to leave, too dependent on them to try to break off on my own.   
Until Jack finally betrayed me enough to wake me up to the truth:
They had never been my friends.  
As for Rebecca… my gaze settled on the pitifully crying girl. She was crying when I met her, too.
“Healer! Help! I have an injured person here!” At Jack’s frantic cry, I forced myself awake and ran out of my house, surprised to see him carrying a young, beautiful woman. Her face was unnaturally pale, her red hair matted with blood, stuck to her forehead. Her clothing was scorched in several areas, making her seem even more pitiful. I paused for a moment, feeling a brief discomfort at the sight of Jack holding her with a tenderness in his eyes I had never seen before.
We were not a couple. He had hinted his interest several times, but we had agreed to wait until the world was more stable before discussing it deeply. I wasn’t sure of my own feelings, having always considered him a good friend, but I knew that in the midst of a life or death battle was probably not the best time to give a real answer. Jack hadn’t been happy with my response, but said he understood. He hadn’t brought it up again, but the sight of his distress for the woman in his arms made me wonder if I had his answer.
Either way, it was no time to work out my feelings on the matter. I pushed away the flash of unease at the two’s closeness and stepped forward to look at the young woman. She flinched away from my gaze, her teary eyes looking up at Jack.
“Don’t bother your friend! I just need a potion and I’ll be fine.”
Jack smiled at her. “Nonsense, you fainted just a minute ago. The Healer may be useless in a fight, but she can do targeted therapy for whatever injuries you have.”
I winced at the word “useless”, a term I was all too used to from my childhood.
“Wait!” Rather than being comforted, this seemed to distress the young man more. She struggled slightly, seeming unable to free herself from Jack’s hold. “I don’t…”
I lost patience, and reached out my hand, putting it on her forehead.
**The Healer has activated Scan -20MP. Target is not in your party and some information is withheld.
Rebecca the Sorceress
Class –Magic User
Title – Sorceress, Magic Student, Dependent, Poison Master.
Level 56
HP 209/250
MP 280/300
STR ***
DEX ***
INT ***
WIS ***
CHAR ***
Current status: Charm applied + 50 Charisma – 1 hour remaining.
Healing status – mild abrasions to forehead, right elbow, and anterior thigh-  10 sq centimeters total surface area.  First degree burns – dorsum of foot, and right wrist – 5 square centimeters total surface area. Mild poison toxicity – side effects include pallor, diaphoresis and generalized weakness. – 10 minutes remaining. **
I frowned as I read through the information. Jack quickly began asking questions.
“How bad is it, Healer? Will she be all right? You can fix it, right?”
“Some scrapes and mild burns, no worse than a sunburn, just needs her wounds dressed and some ointment for pain and to prevent infection. How did she get poisoned?”
“Poisoned?” He brought her into my house and set her down on my bed. “She wasn’t poisoned, she was protecting a family from bandits.”
I shrugged, getting out supplies and carefully cleaning and dressing her injuries. “The scan says she was poisoned, probably about an hour ago judging by the remaining cooldown. Nothing bad, just something that would make her pale, sweaty and weak.”
Rebecca began crying loudly as I finished bandaging her. Before I could react, Jack pushed me out of the way, leaning over to check on her. I slammed by back into the dresser, groaning with pain as it struck.
“Did she hurt you?!” He asked Rebecca, frowning as he looked over her bandages. 
She blinked back tears, regaining control of herself. “I’m sorry, I was just so worried… The way she said it… it sounds like she’s accusing me of taking poison on purpose!”
I gingerly stood up, rubbing my back where it hit the dresser. “I didn’t mean to imply…”
“Shut up, Healer!” He laid a hand on Rebecca’s head. “Just ignore her. She’s just a burden our team carries around because we happened to know her before the Downfall.”
I closed my eyes at his words, trying to ignore both the physical and emotional pain.
“Why can’t you help us?!” Rebecca was sobbing, blinking her tear-filled eyes and staring at the man in front of their group. “Don’t you know we’re humanity’s only hope?”
“They’re our only hope?”Alton leaned in, whispering “We’re so doomed.”
Stephanie and I chuckled quietly in response.
The owner of the shop, Winter, stood silently in front of the Hero’s party. He was tall, although still shorter than Garrett the Giant. Somehow his demeanor made him seem to tower over the entire group. His white hair was cropped short, at odds with his younger appearing face, placing him in his late twenties. His eyes were a bright pale blue, his handsome feature marred only by a large scar tracing across his face, only barely missing his right eye. His face was expressionless, almost bored, unchanged by Rebecca’s tears.
“You seem to be having a bit of a misunderstanding.” Winter finally spoke up, his voice quiet and cold. “I never had a deal with YOU.”
“LIAR!” Jack screamed. “You’ve always…”
“I’ve had a deal with your healer.” He raised an eyebrow. “And she’s not with you anymore. So I have no reason to deal with you.”
“The Healer?” Rita laughed, her sharp features and gaze filled with a mocking light. “That useless baggage? Why would you care if she’s with us or not?”
“…” Winter stared at her silently, and seemingly pressured, Rita stepped back, hiding behind Garrett. “Foolish.”
“We’re foolish?” Jack asked, shaken but still angry. “You’re the one who is turning down the opportunity of a lifetime. Just because of some bit…”
Winter backhanded the Hero, sending him down to the floor with a calm expression.
“Close your foul mouth, or I’ll close it for you.”  He raised an eyebrow. “Any questions?”
Stephanie raised her hand. “Where do I sign up to be part of his fan club?” Alton raised his hand as well, nodding.
I couldn’t help but laugh. “You never change., Winter”
At my words, Winter turned towards me, his cold blank expression melting into a bright smile.
“Natalie! You’re here!”
Everyone in the room turned to stare at me. I shrunk back slightly. Alton spoke up first, frowning. “Natalie?”
I sighed. “My real name, or more accurately, my name before the Downfall. I don’t like using it anymore.” I don’t like the person who wore that name, nor the people who bestowed it upon me. “Healer is a much more accurate title.”
Alton smiled and shrugged. “Whatever makes you happy, Miss Healer.”
Winter’s smile faded a bit, and he walked forward, stepping on the Hero as he did so, ignoring his grunt of pain.
“Are you okay? I just heard about the price on your head. Did they hurt you?”
I shook my head. “I’m fine. You know that they couldn’t hurt me if they tried.”
“Anyone can get hurt if they get caught off guard, Nat.” He put a hand on my shoulder, staring into my eyes. “You should have left a long time ago. They didn’t deserve your loyalty.”
“Well, she’s got a new team now!” Alton stepped in excitedly.
“Yeah! We’re much better than those creeps!” Stephanie joined in. The two gave each other and me a thumbs up.
Winter stared at them for a while, before sighing. “I told you that you didn’t have to fight with anyone. Yet you still race towards danger at the side of these… people. What has humanity ever done for you?”
I ran a hand through my hair, letting out a soft sigh. “Not everyone is as terrible as you think.”
“That’s rich, considering what state you were in when we first met.” The disappointment in his eyes was clear. I flinched, trying not to think of the circumstances of our first meeting.
“That’s not…”
“STOP IGNORING ME!” Rebecca cried out, fire blazing at her fingertips as she glared at all of us. As we quieted down, she focused her gaze on Winter. “Why are you so obsessed with her? She’s a useless healer! We are the HERO’S PARTY!”
Winter stepped closer, and she shrank into Jack’s side, trying to get away, but froze when Winter’s gaze met hers. “You know nothing, poison witch. A Healer is a noble profession, only meant for the strongest of heart and mind. “
“Now get out of my store.” He pointed at the exit, and after a moment of silence, the hero’s party shuffled out. Jack paused at the doorway, looking at me with a serious expression. “My offer is still open. We will attack the forty second gate in 3 days. With or without you.”
And with that, he was gone, and all was quiet.
“What idiots.” Alton sat down on a nearby chair, frustrated. “They’re going to put all of humanity at risk.”
“No more than they deserve.” At Winter’s harsh tone, everyone turned to him again.
“You don’t like humans?” Alton asked.
“Any reason why I should?”
He pointed at me. “Miss Healer is a human.”
“The exception, not the rule.”
I shook my head at his solemn reply. “We came here for supplies. Can you help us?”
“Of course.” He agreed immediately, pulling out a large bag from behind the counter and handing it straight to me. “On the house.”
“You know I’ll never agree to that.” I dropped some custom potions and gold on the table. “You have to stay in business.”
Winter shook his head, but I insisted. “Take it or I go somewhere else for supplies.”
“…Fine.” After a long hesitation, he finally reached out and took the items, carefully arranging them on the shelf on the back wall.
“…” Stephanie and Alton stared silently at the exchange between us.
“I smell drama!” Stephanie whispered loudly.
Alton nodded silently, frowning.
“Speaking of which, PREPARE TO BE AMAZED!” Stephanie stepped forward, dropping the pelts onto the counter. “BEHOLD! I HAVE COMPLETED MY QUEST!”
Winter looked over the wolf furs, nodding silently. “This is what I asked for.” His tone was unimpressed. Stephanie grinned, not intimidated.
“So you’ll pay me this time?”
“This time?” I turned to her. “How many times has he scammed you with fake quests?”
“They aren’t fake!” She defended, clutching the bag of gold he handed her. “He just has high standards.”
“Did you count your payment?”
“… I was about to.” She opened the sac of gold and muttered to herself, before staring accusingly at Winter. “It’s only half!”
“Because you didn’t get the pelts.” He inclined his head towards me. “I know Nat’s work when I see it.”
“I helped, though! I lured them all the way to her!”
“And I bet she asked for half.”
“How did you know?!” She paused. “I was going to give it to her.”
I sighed. “Just pay her the whole amount. Your deal was for the pelts, it doesn’t matter how she got them. If I want the cash, I’ll get it from her.”
“Besides, she’s my teammate…”
Stephanie jumped in. “AND BEST FRIEND!”
“…In a way it’s paying me.”
“…” He sat a second bag of gold down, which Stephanie snatched up and counted with glee. Winter ignored her, looking at me.
“You’re really doing this again? Trusting humans?”
I shook my head. “I don’t trust anyone.”
“You trust too much… you just pretend like you don’t to comfort yourself.” He thought things over. “Where are you going next?”
Alton joined in. “We’re going to go hunting in the fortieth level forest. Try to get a feel for our fighting style.”
“What about your fourth party member? Your team is incomplete.”
“Maybe we’re just picky?” Alton offered.
Winter stared at us. Stephanie broke first. “Everyone’s too scared to work with Alton, and they think Healer is a burden.”
“We don’t though! We think she’s awesome.”
Winter finally smiled at that. “Alright then.” He began packing a bag. “I’ll join your team.”
“Is that even possible?”
“You’ll what?!”
Stephanie, Alton and I spoke up at the same time. Winter continued to pack, undisturbed by our shouts.
“You need a fourth teammate, and Nat needs someone to watch her back. It’s a win-win. ”
Alton stared at him. “Why do you think she needs your help?”
Winter didn’t flinch. “She needs it. Needed it since the beginning.”
After studying him a long moment, the dark wizard turned towards me. “It’s your call. I trust your judgement with this.”
I rubbed my forehead, feeling tired. “Why don’t we do a trial before making anything official? Go fight together. See how it goes from there.”
“… You don’t trust me?” Winter asked quietly.
“You’d have to be their teammates as well, fighting to protect humanity. I don’t see why you are volunteering. You’ve never cared before.” Was my equally quiet answer.
After a long moment of consideration, he nodded in agreement. “…Fine. A test mission first.”
“Wait!” Stephanie chimed in. “Can NPCs even join human parties? Aren’t they the ones who give quests?”
Winter placed his packed bag on his back, grabbing a bow and some arrows. “My kind are not a part of the Rules. We follow them, just like you do.”
“So you’re like us?” Alton asked, curious.
“No.” His tone was flat. “I am nothing like you humans. But I can join your party.”
“Great! Let’s go on an adventure!” Stephanie ran towards the door, and shaking my head, I followed her.
“Should be interesting.”
The fortieth-floor forest was filled with death. Black twisted trees, grey, dried out grass. Shadows from nothing, movements that didn’t make sense. I stood in place, feeling the constant overwhelming sensation of being watched.
Alton smiled, seeming right at home. “Alright guys, this place is chocked full of undead, perfect for a good fight. We just need to get a sense for how everyone else works, and how to help each other.”
“Sounds good!” Stephanie pulled out her enormous sword and grinned. “I’ll tank!”
“Great. I’ll provide crowd control and protection through magic.” He turned towards Winter, who seemed relaxed despite the evil forest around him. “What about you?”
Winter held up his bow. “I’ll pick off monsters from the back.”
“Great. That just leaves Miss Healer…” He turned towards me. “How would you like to fight?”
His question caught me by surprise. When I fought with the Hero’s party, I had often supported them secretly, standing afar, silently using my healing magic to add further injuries to my teammate’s attacks. It was difficult, making myself appear useless while protecting and attacking at the same time.
But now… I was able to openly and honestly take part with the team.
I smiled. “I want to be in the front.”
Stephanie cheered. “Besties tanks!”
“Sounds like we have a plan.” Alton grinned, looking every inch the evil wizard. “Let’s go.”
It didn’t take long before we ran into a large group of undead. Zombies, skeletons, shadowy creatures with claws and spikes, crawled out between the trees, their eyes glowing red with hunger.
“Kill!” A gravelly voice came out of the large skeleton, staring at me. I walked forward calmly, no weapons in my hands.
Undead didn’t have blood. Didn’t have beating hearts. They needed no oxygen, absorbing their energy from the living. Which limited my options. I would have to go for attacks that caused physical damage.
Stephanie ran forward with a loud cry, swinging her large sword and decapitating the first zombie in her field of vision. Alton chanted, his spells separating the zombies out in smaller groups, hindering their movement and slowing their attacks. I could hear the buzzing of arrows as Winter calmly shot down enemy after enemy.
It was my turn.
I held a scalpel in my hand, the cool metal somewhat comforting against my skin. A group of ten zombies shuffled towards me, trying to shake off the bonds of Alton’s magic.
Wordless incantation was still in cooldown. I would have to speak out loud to activate my spells. I stepped closer to the group
**The Healer has cast Amputation x 10. – 1000 MP. **
My magic reached out to each of the zombies, chopping off each of their right legs at the mid-thigh, slicing cleanly through rotting muscle and bone. The zombies groaned in confusion, falling to the ground. I watched them carefully, recognizing they were still dangerous despite their helpless appearance.
This is when Jack or the others would rush in to claim the kill… and then complain about the automatic XP share since my magic contributed to the fight. But now that I don’t have them… what now?
Amputation was a spell that could only be applied to limbs. Small and large incision could cut their throats, but not enough to decapitate them which was what was needed.
A brief feeling of hopelessness rose up within me. The despair that had filled my days as I fought in this strange world beside others who had ridiculed me and belittled me. I chose a worthless class, one that struggles to put down wounded zombies…  
One of the zombies flipped onto its stomach, beginning to pull itself towards me, teeth bared. Simultaneously, a spell and an arrow hit its remaining leg, pinning it into place. Stephanie was still fighting her group of zombies, but seeing me hesitate shouted out: “Go get ‘em!”
They’re encouraging me. The stark contrast of this fight from my past team made me smile. I wanted to live up to the support of this strange new team. I thought of a plan, and I reached out my hand, focusing.
**The Healer has cast Craniotomy x 10. – 5,000 MP.**
The skulls cracked open, revealing rotting brains. I kept an eye on my numbers, even with my unusually large mana pool, I couldn’t keep spending so recklessly. I chose a smaller spell.
**The Healer has cast Cauterization x 10. – 100MP.**
The tissue shriveled under the heat of the spell and the zombies grew completely still. As I stared down at the carnage, Stephanie killed her last zombie, prompting the end of the battle.
** Stephanie the Lovely Barbarian is credited with 8 zombie monster kills, awarded 600XP and +8 fame. Alton the Great Evil Wizard is credited for the assist and is awarded 200XP and +2 fame. You receive 8XP as a party member.
The Healer is credited with 10 zombie monster kills, awarded 800XP and +10 fame. Alton the Great Evil Wizard, and Winter the Shopkeeper are credited for the assist and awarded 100 XP and +1 fame each. **
“AWESOME!” Stephanie ran over and hugged me, ignoring my grimace as I realized how badly she smelled after close combat with rotting corpses. “We’re the best team ever! Did you see how fast we took out high level zombies?”
“Strong work everyone!” Alton seemed pleased, “A few more fights, and I think we could get a good rhythm going.”
“Here.” Winter held out a mana recovery potion to me. “Those were high level healer spells you cast today. You probably need this.”
After a brief hesitation I took it. “You recognize Healer spells?”
“Of course.” He spoke sincerely, adding. “It’s the greatest achievement one can have, to take such a path. I’m happy to help you.”
“…Thanks.” I drank the potion.
The Healer has used Potion of Mana Recovery, +800MP. 2 remaining in Inventory.
Stephanie stood in front of me, clasping her hands together with a pleading expression. “So… can we keep him? You said we could consider it after a trial!”
Alton and I exchanged glances. I still felt uneasy about having an “NPC” on our team. For all the time I had known Winter, I still did not understand his true motivations. Why was he in this world with us? Why join our team? And the real question that haunted me:
Why did he help me a year ago when he had no incentive to do so?
But the truth was, he was our best option.
I nodded to Alton, who immediately offered his hand to Winter.
“Welcome to the team.”
**Winter the Shopkeeper has accepted your invitation to join your party! He will have access to shared inventory, and his stats will become visible upon medical scan.**
The usual joining party message popped up, along with something unexpected:
** NOTICE - Due to status of new party member, special restrictions will apply to any stat or data sharing.**
Special restrictions? I shook my head. Not helping with my paranoia about trusting him on our team.
Stephanie cheered as I shook his hand after Alton. Finally, once things had calmed down, we all sat down to regroup.
“What next?” Stephanie asked, grabbing jerky from her pack.
I thought over her question. “The Hero’s party is going to attack the gate in 3 days. We should plan to be there.”
“Oh joy, them again.” Stephanie bit angrily into the jerky, as if hurting the people who annoyed her. "I can hardly contain my excitement."
“Fighting monsters, AND making sure the Hero’s party won’t stab us in the back at the same time?” Alton grinned. “Sounds like a party to me!"
I sighed, and grabbed my own food from my bag.
We had 3 days to get ready.
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swoopingsilver · 7 months
add where you’re from in the tags!
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tomoleary · 2 days
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Steve Rude Action Comics 2022 Annual #1 preliminary (2022) Source (20MP)
Final cover
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Joe Shuster and Jack Adler original cover (modernized)
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kaonarvna · 10 months
I finally did it: I found the spoons to make an actionable (and semi-gameified) visual representation of spoon theory that I can actually use.
I've been thinking about doing this for months, and I've posted about it once or twice.
But, I finally did it, I made these bad boys for myself:
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I have Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Which is to say, my body is very poorly held together, in a lot of pain, easily exhausted, and easily injured. I'm at the point now where I've had every intervention under the sun, nearly a decade of physio, we've found the best pharmacological interventions for me, and...we just have to get by. It's hard, it is, but it's the only mode of existing I know.
Maybe it's because I'm an aphantasiac, maybe it's because I'm (more than) a bit neurodivergent, but spoon theory has always been a little too abstract for me. I grew up on JRPGs (cough final fantasy has me in a choke hold), so putting things into just...stat bars and a table of effects, items, etc is more accessible to my fatigued, pained little brain. This is familiar. This makes sense to me.
Who needs an arbitrary amount of spoons, when you can have 200 HP & MP?
There's twenty notches in between the bars, so I can more accurately knock off health/mp as it ticks down. I teach in a primary school (children who only come up to my hip, mostly!), so you bet I've printed and laminated these, and have them slapped up somewhere I can easily see and access with velcro. If I can't see it? It doesn't exist. I can easily use a dry erase marker to take off my health/mp as I self-evaluate through the day, and start fresh the next.
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「 As of this post going live, I've been using this for about a week! The MP drain seems accurate to life give or take, and the HP bar has been a good representation of just...the state of mess I'm in. There are injuries and "real life debuffs" that aren't on the list, but -20HP/-20MP has been a safe bet for those. The A4 is for at home, and one of the A5s follows me to work/out and about in my BUJO! 」
And it's not perfect, of course it's not! I'll probably tweak my board in a month or two. But, maybe just having a list of the things I can do to help myself right in front of me will help. Maybe, being able to show it to my spouse will help them help me better. It's worth a try. Bullet journalling and visual timetables are lifesavers, but they can only communicate so much at once.
I've made a blank version, in the event anyone wants to download it and fill it in for themselves.
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This link should let you access a view-only version in canva. I'd imagine you should be able to make a copy and do it yourself! If not, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll try to find a workaround.
Hopefully this might help one or two busy-brained people like me manage their energy and pace their bodies a little bit better. Or, at the very least, give them a starting point for making their own resources.
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ama-ships · 7 months
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So this picrew doesn't exist anymore- But the only difference in my inserts appearance is her hair colour~ Which is now dark blue~
PERSONALITY: As a performer, Amaryllis is confident and charismatic as long as the spotlight is on her. When she first meets people one on one, she comes off as shy until she gets to know a person better before her stage presence personality takes over. If she is in a group of friends, nobody would ever guess that she was shy in the first place. She’s very easy to talk to and often finds herself looking at things from different perspectives so that she can offer support, even if she doesn’t know what to say. She also does not like to judge a person before getting to know them.
Amaryllis was born in Ijincho and raised by her father, Henry Bernier, who is an information liaison between the Ijin Three as well as being a member of the Seiryu Clan working under Chairman Hoshino and Captain Takabe. Which is what initially leads her to meeting Zhao and the others.
Growing up, Amaryllis was both curious and adventurous with a vivid imagination. She loved to learn, taking an interest in language studies, computers, cars, and music. As she got older she took an interest in video games which was a result of her father introducing her to them. It’s through video games that she was inspired to develop her unique combat style.
More Information under the cut ♥
Knee Crush | 18MP | Single target
Amaryllis grabs the sides of a targets head and pulled them down while lifting and bending her leg in order to crash her knee into the targets face before tossing them aside
Fireball Rain | 13MP | Enemy Area
With her magic abilities, Amaryllis uses this skill to call upon the element of fire, which causes it to rain fire pellets on enemies within the skill radius. (May cause burns)
Polearm Sweep | 20MP | Enemy Area
Unleashing a polearm from her weapon arsenal, Amaryllis uses it by spinning her body downwards and sweeps it just above the ground knocking any enemy within the skill radius to the ground
Breaking Beatdown | 10MP | Single target
Amaryllis lunges forwards and unleashes a barrage of punches that causes damage and may stun the enemy
Essence of Stop and Strike | 100MP | Enemy area
An attack that targets all enemies and inflicts critical damage by using a single target within the enemy group. When Amaryllis uses this attack, she moves forward while a red aura surrounds her hands as she charges forward. The first hit lifts the center target off the ground and freezes them in mid-air while also freezing the other enemies in place and remains stopped in place as Amaryllis throws five strong punches, the fifth lifting the enemy up a bit higher allowing her to grab their leg and resume time just as she uses the main target to knock down other enemies in the skill radius
Essence of Elemental Blade Dance | 65MP | All Targets
An attack of random chance due to the factor of the element of surprise. An element is infused with two of Amaryllis’ drawn katanas. When using this attack, Amaryllis creates a distance between herself and the enemy group, missing one turn while the element charges up. Once the attack is charged, Amaryllis lunges forward, spinning and stepping from side to side, striking enemies with her blades as she passes until she finds herself in the center of the enemy group, the targets eyes being drawn to the allure of her coloured blades until she is able to unleash a wave of elemental magic from both blades to strike down the enemy group
Essence of Aerial Destruction | 85MP | Single Target
An attack in which Amaryllis launches an enemy into the air with a forceful punch under the jaw before following them into the air, kicking them higher until she pushes herself a little higher to move over her target as she pushes her feet against their back to launch them into the ground at a high velocity (This can stun enemies within the skill radius)
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psn-stalling · 8 months
I'm litterally SO sorry but your ancestor was a TWINK and had luscious ass hair I've bet 20mp he's getting pegged
-Hisui anon
Sometimes you need to think before you send an ask.
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shower thought: feel like I need to trip again so bad. after what I've dealt with the past 3 years my spirit points are at 2SP and mental at -20MP. universe let's make this happen.
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selloldmobile · 11 months
Vivo X100 Series Launch in China - Launch Date, Specifications, Pricing & More
Vivo X100 Series Launch in China: Launch Date, Specifications, Pricing & More
Chinese smartphone maker Vivo has begun to hype its upcoming flagship smartphones – the X100 Series. The X100 Series is reportedly set to succeed the Vivo X90 series and will be photography-focused. The X100 Series is expected to come with impressive camera capabilities and large batteries with fast charging, among other features. Interestingly, the new X100 Series smartphones could be powered by the latest flagship processors from both Qualcomm and Mediatek. The X100 Pro, for instance, is rumoured to feature a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 while the X100 Pro+ might have a MediaTek Dimensity 9300.
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The X100 Series smartphones are also rumoured to come with periscope zoom lenses for up to 10x optical zoom. In terms of display, the X100 Series smartphones are likely to offer an AMOLED panel with a 120Hz refresh rate and curved design. The phones may also feature a punch-hole cutout on the front for the selfie camera. In addition to this, the X100 Series smartphones are expected to have large batteries with support for 50W wireless charging.
Vivo X100 Series smartphones are expected to be launched on 13 November in China. The company has confirmed the event on Weibo, China’s microblogging platform. During the event, Vivo will reportedly unveil its new flagship smartphones and vivo Watch 3. The vivo Watch 3 is expected to be the company’s first smartwatch that runs on Blue OS, its custom mobile operating system.
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Aside from revealing the launch date of the X100 Series, Vivo has also released an official poster for the smartphones. The posters give us an idea of the design and overall look of the upcoming flagships. The smartphones are also expected to feature an unibody metal construction.
The Vivo X100 Series will be available in two models – the X100 and the X100 Pro. The X100 will be the entry-level model while the X100 Pro is expected to be the premium offering. Both models are expected to be available in multiple colour options. The X100 Pro is also rumoured to feature a dual rear camera setup that includes a 1-inch Sony IMX989 primary sensor, a Samsung JN1 ultra-wide sensor, and an OmniVision OV64B telephoto shooter for a up to 4.3x optical zoom. The X100 series is also rumoured to have a 20MP tele-macro lens for close-up shots.
If you are thinking of getting a new phone, then sell your old Vivo phone now and that too at a good price, search recycledevice.com, sell your phone, hurry up.
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magiamemoriareview · 1 year
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A Trivial Prank of Fate
Obtainability: This is a personal memoria for Infinite Iroha. It is obtainable through completing the third episode of her Magical Girl Story and through the Support Gacha.  
Single Effect: Accele Draw
MLB Effect: Accele Draw
Effect Definitions:
Accele Draw will replace that turns' current discs with Accele discs.
TLDR: “A Trivial Prank of Fate” is a great addition to Infinite Iroha’s kit as it can help make sure she’ll hit her 150 MP targets, guaranteeing she can Doppel. It has other uses as well in places like a Hundred Evils or in other challenging content. However, it’s not necessary if you just want Infinite Iroha to farm easy content or if you have some other method of making her get to 150 MP.
Review: “A Trivial Prank of Fate” is a good addition to Infinite Iroha’s kit, however its usage may not always be necessary. But before we address the Accele Draw, we need to address something else important for Infinite Iroha’s gameplay: how her Spirit Enhancement passives affect her MP.
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These three nodes in particular are extremely important: it means that Infinite Iroha can hit Magia at the very least by turn two. It also means that with the right memoria and discs, she can hit Doppel by turn two... and potentially hit it again for turn three. 
Her ability to Doppel by turn two is important, not only because of how much more damage a Doppel will dole out to the enemies, but for another very important reason.
This is what her Magia will give:
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And this is what her Doppel will give:
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Notice anything there? Her Doppel will additionally give her Variable for three turns. Variable is a Granted Effect that, when used, will cause all affected attacks to give advantageous attribute damage, regardless of the target's attribute. As an example, a Light-type unit with Variable will deal Forest-type damage to an Aqua-type enemy. This also means that a unit with Variable will deal attribute strengthened damage to Void enemies.
The Variable, combined with her Attribute Strengthened typing for Magia/Doppel, makes getting that Doppel off very important if you want to try and deal as much damage as possible to the enemy. It means you can Doppel on turn two, then Doppel again on turn three-- and this second Doppel will take place while Infinite Iroha has Variable, meaning that the Attribute Strengthened Damage will take full effect, regardless of what type the enemy is.
With all of that in mind, you really want Infinite Iroha to hit 150 MP by the end of turn one. You can do this through a combination of factors-- MP Gain Up passive memoria and MP Gain Up active memoria will give her more MP from her two Spirit Enhancement Passives for “Regenerate MP [9MP]” and “Regenerate MP [100 / 2 Turns]”. You can also throw on Accele MP Gain Up and hope that she gets an Accele disc at some point.
But if you want to ensure that she hits 150MP by the end of round one, equip this memoria. Even if she’s somehow unlucky enough to not get an Accele disc herself, she’ll still benefit from an all accele combo, which gives every member of the party +20MP flat.
Outside of the first three turns where she can get off two doppels, the memoria has other benefits as well. The low cooldown at 4 (when max-awakened) is also extremely good, meaning that it’s possible for her to use it more than once if necessary in a single Kimochi battle and many times during a Hundred Evils run. 
However, as good as Infinite Iroha can be for difficult content, she’s also excels at farming. Blasters are good for farming as well, but Infinite Iroha can easily clear two rounds through Magia on auto, and this can go by quickly if you have Magia animations turned off.
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Clicking that check off will make it so that Magia/Doppel Animations no longer play during AUTO, making Farming fast and easy!
This especially goes for Challenge battles, where you typically face familiars in one round and then a boss in the second. Even if your team doesn’t clear the Familiars on round one, she can still mop them up on round two through a Magia/Doppel and then use Magia again against the Boss. This practically trivializes large swaths of the game.
Since AUTO does not use Disc-draw type memoria, there’s no point to equipping Accele Draw here. MP Gain Up memoria might be better to use instead, or alternatively turn off Skills altogether so that farming can be even faster (this of course depends on how much you want to hit Doppel on turn 2 or not).
Overall this is an excellent memoria, worth using Over-Limiters on. This is also a good memoria to equip on Support.
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dat2ndaccount97 · 5 months
So my new (2nd/replacement) Digital Camera Arrived:
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So After Deciding that i'm just gonna return the Vivitar Camera I got early in the week, I ended up buying this KODAK PIXPRO AZ405 Camera, which just arrived a few hours ago.
As for the last Camera Tests i'm using Brenda as a Model. From Left to Right for both top and Bottom rows: Vivitar, Pixel 2 Phone, and Kodak:
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In terms of the overall image my Pixel 2 Phone looks the best, but the Kodak isn't too far behind as far as Image quality (even if the lighting is kinda off on the settings I was using.
After Fiddling around with the settings and turning on the flash, I snapped these two pics, which ended up really selling me on this camera:
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Having the Flash was a gameganger with my default room lighting (Which I could also say with my phone but it would just die if I tried using the Flash. The Image Quality here is pretty on Par with My Phone. Additionally the lightbulbs I have in my fan have 2 settings so I may be able to adjust my lighting.
So far I am Overall REALLY Happy with this Kodak Camera. It's such a vast improvement from the Vivitar (even if it's more awkward to hold), and is relatively on par with my pone as far as image quality goes for the kinds of pics I take. I still need to do an Outside Test (which I can't do until Wednesday at the earliest because work).
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zeroloop · 10 months
Apexcam x70 Pro
Apexcam 4K 30FPS 20MP Action Cam Doppia Schermo Touch Screen 40m Impermeabile Sport Cam WiFi Fotocamera 170° Grandangolare 2.4G Telecomando Con 2x1350mAh Batterie e Accessori Kits Questo e un kit action camera con tanti accessori, tra cui la custodia, il telecomando, i supporti e il caricabatterie e due batterie il tutto viene fornito all’interno di una custodia rigida. La camera è la Apexcam…
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tibberg · 1 year
Ma edzés gyanánt újra mentem egy SG Wissegg loop-ot, ez 28 km, egy hágó. A hágó 1.9km-ét most bár 20mp-el lassabban, csak 13:42 alatt tettem meg, de a múlt héten itt voltak a haverok, nagyon erős volt a csoport nyomás, akkor végig 100%-on nyomtam. Most csak épp egy picivel voltam lassabb, második legjobb időm, de 10-zel alacsonyabb volt az átlag pulzus, végig kontrollban éreztem magam.
Elképesztő, hogy attól hogy amikor a haverok itt voltak, és 2.5 nap alatt mentem 200km-t 3000m szinttel, mennyire jobb lett az állóképességem. Hosszú idő után az első olyan edzés amit nem csak nagy szenvedések árán, meg utólag, a nehézségeket feledve, hanem közben is élveztem! És a hágó után most a kilátás is remek volt az Alpstein-ra. Vagy csak most tudtam rá figyelni először végre:)
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No pain no gain, vagy mi.
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msinfosystems · 2 years
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·  64MP+8MP+2MP+2MP Quad camera setup-64MP (F 1.8) main camera + 8MP (F2.2) Ultra wide camera+ 2MP (F2.4) depth camera + 2MP (2.4) Macro Camera| 20MP (F2.2) front camera
·  Monster 6000 mAh Battery / 6GB RAM | 128GB internal memory
·  Android v12.0, One UI 4.1 operating system with MediaTek | Helio G80 Octa Core Processor 2GHz,1.8GHz
·  6000mAH lithium-ion battery,
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