#3.6 is gonna end this one
villvillhaitham · 2 years
Has wanting to write a Sumeru Akademiya Diluc AU led to me trying to figure out when who was where in comparison to Diluc's age? Yes.
Am I satisfied with the results? No, but that's only because things won't work out in ways I would have liked.
Anyway I want to share my data points and result, so:
This was made with information from 3.5. Read before Kaveh release.
Lisa studied two years on the advanced track. I am assuming that a "regular course length" is three years and all characters in question had the intelligence to only need these three years for their studies.
Also I'm kind of assuming the traveller is in Sumeru about a year after the story begins. That's just personal preference and the only thing this really effects is Tighnari's age and time as forest ranger (as well as Cynos time as General Mahamatra/Matra)
Also all of these events have a little wiggle room of about 1-2 years, although some can be "wiggled" less
Data Points for Tighnari and Cyno:
Tighnari was investigated by Cyno when he joined the Akademiya for being suspiciously well liked. This implies that either Matra trainees start their work while still studying, which I doubt, or that Cyno's first year as a Matra was Tighnari's first year at the Akademiya.
When the traveller reaches Sumeru he has been a forest ranger for at least a year with the reputation he has gotten. (Must have graduated at Diluc's 22 years of age at latest)
Lisa (our great connection):
Studied two years
Came to Mondstadt when Kaeya was Cavalry Captain and Varka was still around. This leaves her finishing her studies within a two year span between Diluc's 18th year (Kaeya becomes Cavalry Captain) and his 20th, where Varka leaves (2 years before game start).
Lisa and Cyno in relation:
Lisa refers to Cyno as a senior, so he must have been both a student and at least a year into his studies when she arrives.
Lisa and Tighnari: Tighnari's voiceline about Lisa does not sound like they met. Therefore I will be assuming they did not study at the Akademiya at the same time. (He only knows of her through Cyno, and she was quite the living legend at the Akademiya, so he would have heard of her then and not through Cyno later)
Also this version of the timeline is made to give Cyno as much time as possible as an active Matra when Diluc turns 18 (I wanted to prove to my friend why Diluc would beat Cyno in a fight) (I'll put wiggle room behind events)
Cyno starts studying at Spantamad when Diluc is 14 (D14)
Lisa starts her studies 2 years laster (D16)
Cyno graduates and becomes a Matra the year after (D17)
Lisa graduates the next year (D18)
Tighnari Starts his studies (D19)
Cyno becomes the General Mahamatra somewhere between D20 and D22,
Tighnari graduates and becomes a forest watchers at D21
This entire construct in relation can be pushed back 1 year
Cynos studies can be pushed back 1 year (everything else can stay)
Or 2 years (rest of timeline moves one year back because Cyno->Lisa->Tighnari) (Cyno can't have started at the same time as Lisa, who was not at the Akademiya when Tighnari started)
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Cyno's Promotion time is pure and utter guessing game, couldn't find anything on it, so I just picked something I liked and it's there now.
Al Haitham and Kaveh are not on here because there is no possible point of reverence for either yet (although one could say that Kaveh consulted Tighnari for the flora around the palace of Alcazarzaray and has probably done so while they were in the Akademiya, so must have build that thing in the given three year period and... Yeah... That's like, not good enough, at all (especially because it's unclear to me whether he built it before or after graduation/it being his graduation work) and Kaveh is the only reference for Al Haitham (being a senior -> having started at least a years earlier))
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3mcwriting · 1 year
Any Fan's Dream, Part 7
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.
Taglist: @secretly-sirens, @zeeader, @imdoingathingmom, @x-theolivia, @ainsley-official, @huntress-artemiss, @hoohoohope, @ourgoddessathena, @wiintaersoldier
Sorry if I missed anyone, please just message me again and I'll add you.
Rhodey stood across from Sam, gesturing as he talked, "Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have."
Sam's arms were crossed as they debated. "So let's say we agree to this thing, how long is it gonna be until they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?"
"117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam, and you're just like, 'Nah, it's cool. We got it'."
"How long are you gonna play both sides?" Sam asked.
Your eye darted back and forth between the two of them, feeling panic begin to build in your chest as it played out exactly like in the movie. 
You tore your gaze away from the arguing men and looked at the woman was seated beside you on the couch. After the Secretary had left, everyone had moved to a living room in the Compound, you were on the couch, seated next to Tony who was laying down with his hand on his face. Nat had moved to sit next to you in the unoccupied space.
"You sure weren't afraid to speak your mind." Natasha said, "And your opinions seem clear as to what side you're on."
You shook your head, "I'm not on any side. I just want you guys to stick together and get the respect you deserve."
Vision's voice grabbed everyone's attention. "I have an equation." 
Sam turned to look at him. "Oh, this will clear it up."
"In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially." Vision continued. "During the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate."
Steve, who had the Accords opened in his hands, spoke up, "Are you saying it's our fault?"
Vision looked around, "I'm saying there may be a causality."
You wrapped your arms around yourself, listening as he went on. 
"Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict...breeds catastrophe. Oversight...Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand."
"Boom." Rhodey said, feeling that his point had been proven.
Natasha looked past you to the man laying down, "Tony, you're being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal."
"It's because he's already made up his mind." Steve and you said, simultaneously.
You knew that line. Of course you knew that line.
If you didn't find a way to change Tony's mind, then they would split. 
Tony glance at you, then directed his gaze toward Steve. "Boy, you know me so well." Tony got up from the couch, and began to walk to the kitchen which was only a few short paces from the living room. "Actually, I'm nursing an electromagnetic headache. That's what's going on, Cap. It's just pain," he grabbed a coffee mug, "discomfort. Who's putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?"
He tapped a tablet on the counter, and you winced when you saw the image projected. 
"Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way. He's a great kid, computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a floor-level gig planned at Intel for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, before he parked it behind a desk. See the world."
You could see the haunted look on Tony's face, one that told you, 'people are dead. And it's because of us.'
"Charlie didn't want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where? Sokovia."
You watched as Wanda looked down, the way multiple of them ducked their head in guilt.
"He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. We won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass." Tony took a drink from his coffee, "There's no decision making process here." Raising his voice, he said, "We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, if we're boundary-less, we're no better than the bad guys."
"You are nothing like the bad guys." Heads turned to face you, eyes directed on you. It was a bit intimidating, having the Avengers stare at you, but you didn't regret your words. "There will always be someone who needs saving, but nobody can save everyone. The deaths are not your fault. Please," you looked at Tony. "You've saved the world. Multiple times. Yes, people died, and yes, that is horrible. But that doesn't mean you give up, you keep fighting for a better tomorrow and one day there will be one. You are heroes."
Steve nodded his agreement, "Tony, someone dies on your watch, you don't give up."
"Who said we're giving up?" Tony questioned.
"We are if we're not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blame." Steve asserted.
"I'm sorry, Steve. That is dangerously arrogant." Rhodey interjected, "This is the United Nations we're talking about. It's not the World Security Panel,  it's not S.H.I.E.L.D., it's not Hydra-"
"No, but it's run by people with agendas, and agendas change."
To your dismay, the debate took a far-too-similar path as it did in the movies. Even with you trying to keep them together, trying to make them see all the ways they helped the world, you weren't sure that you had managed to make any difference at all. 
At the end, Tony had told you that he would be driving you back to the Tower. The drive back was awkward, filled with unspoken words and lingering questions. You found yourself looking out the window the entire drive back, unable to look at Tony lest he see the water beginning to pool in your eyes. To distract yourself, you watched in the rear-view mirror as the self-driving car you had taken earlier, followed the two of you as the ride went on.
It was hard, knowing that your insignificance in your previous world had still managed to wind up in this world. You were lost, how were you supposed to keep the team together when everything was trying to pull them apart?
Tony dropped you off at your apartment, and when you bid each other goodbye, you couldn't help but notice the tension between you two. You hated it because only days earlier you were hanging out with him while the two of you enjoyed music and each other's company. You entered the apartment, grateful for the key "your" mom had given you, glad that you wouldn't be seen breaking down in tears in the hallway. 
After locking the door closed behind you, you ran to your room. You shut that door too, happy that "your" parents were working so they couldn't question your actions.
You collapsed on your bed, curling into the blankets in a search to find some form of comfort. You lip trembled, thoughts spiraling.
How were you going to keep them together? Was the team supposed to stay together? What happens if you you're just as useless in this world as you were in yours? What happened if you changed Civil War and they stay together and you end up screwing up Endgame? Actually, you probably didn't have to worry about that based on how little your choices seemed to affect anyone. You were insignificant. Everyone was going to hate each other because you couldn't do fucking anything.
Your eyes had begun to well up, but they finally spilled over, cascading down your face. The trails of water left paths showing your sadness, your frustration. Your body shook with sobs, your breath quickening. 
"(Y/N)?! (N/N) ARE YOU OK? (Y/N)!"
Peter's voice interrupted your sobbing, sometime while you shifted around on the bed, you had butt-dialed Peter.
You tried to calm your breathing so you could respond, but that just ended up choking you up more as more cries spilled out of you. 
"I'll be right over."
You didn't even hear him, had no clue he was coming over until Peter had burst into your room. 
He hurried over to you, forehead creased in concern, "(y/n), what can I do?"
You tried to say something, anything, but your breathing had only gotten faster and your sobs were choking you and you needed air you needed to breath-
Peter's concern of making you uncomfortable was shoved aside when he saw you descend into panic. He grasped your hands in his, causing you to look at him through wet eyelashes, vision blurred. 
"(y/n)," Peter tried to keep his voice calm and even, even as his worry began to spiral. "I'm right here. You're ok. Try to relax. Slow down your breathing."
You tried to follow his directions, but his words weren't able to penetrate the poisonous words you had thought to yourself earlier. 
Peter began to panic as your sobs only got worse, he didn't know how to help you. Was he supposed to hug you? Give you space? Ask how you were doing? Distract you? Questions swirled within him and he could feel his own breathing quicken, but he forced himself to relax because you needed him.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding your shaking body. Your arms draped loosely at your sides as you cried. He rubbed your back, knowing that that helps him relax so he hoped that it would work for you too. 
He talked to you softly, hoping to get you to calm down your breathing. "Ned and I built a new Lego today," he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say, but continued to ramble. While he did, he kept on rubbing your back with one hand while the other hand grasped your limp hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 
The two of you stayed like that for a while, time lost to both of you. At some point, he had moved the two of you. He was sitting up against the headboard, you beside him. Your arms were wrapped around yourself in a desperate search for comfort and he pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you in a hug, arms encircling you to shield you from the world.
Your breathing had slowed, but your sobs were still pouring out of you frequently. There were just too many things you had to think about, so much you had to change. Your thoughts drifted to Infinity War, when Peter would disappear in front of Tony's eyes, crying that he didn't want to go. That only made you cry harder.
"It's okay, I'm right here." Peter said. He continued to try to calm you, to try to make you feel better because it was breaking his heart to see someone so amazing break into pieces.
He's right here. You repeated in your mind, right now, everything is fine. I need to make sure it stays that way.
You forced yourself to calm down, telling yourself that you were strong and you could make a change. That, along with Peter's continued rambling helped center you, thoughts not falling to hell but managing to stay anchored to Earth.
It took you a while, but eventually you were able to stop your crying, the occasional hiccup was the only thing remaining. 
"Thank you, Peter," you managed, voice raspy. You wiped your face, trying to dry it with the soft blanket beside you. 
"Anytime," Peter told you honestly. "Do you...do you want to talk about it?"
You were ready to refuse but...
Telling him about the Avengers splitting up wouldn't reveal any otherworldly knowledge. You could ask for help, couldn't you?
You worried what the unforeseen consequences could be, but in the moment, you needed to talk to someone about it and you just prayed that your choices wouldn't come back to haunt Peter.
"The Avengers-" you stopped, hiccupping. "They're fighting. And I'm worried that they're going to break up."
Peter's eyes softened. He knew how much you cared about the people on that team, how much you idolized them and adored them. It was clear now why you had broken down, he knew a little about your home life. Your parents worked often, and while they loved you and praised you, they're jobs kept them away from you. In high school, you had a large group of friends. You had surrounded yourself with good people, and they had filled in that loneliness in your home-life. 
But when you graduated and a vast majority of your friends left to explore the world before college, pursuing their dreams, you had stayed behind for your internship with Tony Stark. You had won the internship after winning a contest at your school. That internship included schooling and at the end of it you would receive a degree. You had been undeniably proud of your friends, but that pride didn't dissuade the loneliness from creeping back within you when they had left. 
Peter had met you when you were a senior and he was a freshman, you had tutored him through a couple of classes. He had always been intelligent, but you were smart on a whole other level. The way you looked up to the Avengers, he looked up to you. After his tutoring was done, the two of you had kept in contact and he was happy to say that you were a good friend of his. 
The Avengers were like family to you, and with the possibility of that family splitting up, of course you were upset. 
"What can I do to help?" Peter asked. 
You thought about it, wondering if maybe, just maybe he could help you think of a solution.
"I have to keep them together," you stated. "But I don't know how."
Peter nodded. "I'll help you in any way I can."
And then he smiled at you and it was real, and kind, and determined.
You just couldn't stop the faint smile that rose to your face as he asked you questions, brainstorming with you. The two of you stayed there for hours, tossing ideas back and forth and although you were stressed about the upcoming events, you were happy for the person who had been thrown your way to help.
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justrainandcoffee · 6 months
Against all odds (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) Part 2
Crossover Peaky Blinders - Hunger Games
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Series Masterlist - Part 1
Summary: The 60th edition started and Philip and Reah are in the Arena. Alfie knows this will not be easy and his hopes aren't very high. But those being officially the first games for Rose, she has other expectations. She's has hopes. || Two years later, during the 62th edition, Alfie is facing the consequences of being close to Mrs. Evert.
Series warnings: Mentions of sex (consent and non-con). Murders. Blood. PTSD. Cheating. Prostitution. || This is set in Panem universe. Topics as minors being sexual corrupted are also mentioned because it's CANON.
Words: 3.6 k || Alfie x Rose masterlist || Here I mentioned the OCs Eva who belongs to @evita-shelby and Lucy who belongs to @emotionalcadaver.
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Hearing Alfie's advice, both kids survived the bloodbath but they got separated. While Reah was inside a stone cave, Philip went downhill in search of water. Neither of them had weapons yet, but the cameras showed how Reah was sharpening a rock to make a knife.
Alfie was watching everything in silence. It was as good that they survived that damn bloodbath. The previous year, both of his tributes died there. But they were weaker than the Philip and Reah, despite they were older. At least now Alfie could focus on searching sponsors.
His own bloodbath. His mind went to six years ago. The first one was a boy from district 7. Alfie grabbed him by the neck and smashed his head against a frozen rock. Two times was enough to kill him. Then, against the probabilities, he murdered the girl from district 1 who attacked him by the back. She was a well toned girl, trained to kill people even stronger than Alfie himself. But he managed to grab her by her braid and pushed her down. When she screamed and let him go, Alfie threw her to the ground and mounted her. The boy stabbed her in the eye with her own knife, she died instantly. The girl's body remained there with the handle protruding from her blue eye, the blade was deep in her brain. He grabbed the sickles and ran away.
"How are they?"
Hearing Rose's voice helped him to clean his thoughts. She had a plate of pastries in her hand and offered him one, which he accepted.
"That's good. How many died?"
"Seven. But there's one, the girl from district 10 who's severed injured. She's not gonna make it, she can't. Even if the mentor sends her medicine… so, eight."
"Poor girl. Suffering it's the worst part."
"I guess."
The screen showed a pack of tributes chasing a younger boy. They were laughing and cheering as usual. It was the adrenaline speaking for them. At the end of the third or fourth day, neither of them will be laughing anymore and probably most of the pack will be dead. But now their brains were still under the influence of the adrenaline and they were not conscious at all what the games were really about.
Rose saw how the man was staring the screens and decided to leave him alone. She didn't know what to say, after all and Alfie needed to focus on the kids. Maybe, one of them could be lucky enough to win the games.
The third night since the beginning of the games, Alfie returned to their floor to sleep. He needed to go to his bedroom to rest. But he found Rose at the table, she was clearly crying but tried to hide it when she heard him. She closed her sketchbook.
Alfie sat next to her. He didn't need to ask what was wrong with her, the reason was that Reah was dead. No one but the gamemakers killed her. She was running when an avalanche of stones fell over her head. Other two tributes died with Reah.
"You get used to it," he said. "Sooner or later."
"She was sweet."
"She was, yes."
"You really get used to it? Seeing the same kids you laughed with, you ate with… die like animals?"
"You need to get used to it, Rosebeth, or your going crazy," Alfie picked up some grapes that were over the table.
She shook her head, "that's not my fucking name."
"It's not? Then what's your name?"
"Just Rose."
"I prefer that. Why do you call yourself Rosebeth, then?"
"Because I need to be a new person here. I can't be Rose. Rose can't smile and pretend that everything here is fucking fine, when it's not. But Rosebeth can. She can. When I cross that fucking door I need to pretend. I have to clap, I have to laugh. It was my secret, no one knew my real name until now. But it doesn't matter now."
Alfie studied her. She wasn't just sad. The woman next to him was angry. Alfie remembered her words from the past week when they argued on the balcony. The eyes of a person who knew what you felt when you're waiting for a death sentence when you're only 12. Even if she escaped from it.
"Did you lose someone on the games?"
"No. At least no one I knew. My mother lost her best friend and the sister of hers, before I was born. The three of them were friends, apparently and my middle brother lost an old buddy. He was 15. This girl, Reah, she was… she was the first one I was close to," she didn't realise she was crying again. She kept talking while sobbing. "I thought… that maybe… I-I- even was designing a dress for her in case, she was the winner. FUCK!"
He couldn't help but put an arm around her. He was sure she wasn't the frivolous and indifferent woman he thought she was at first. At least she cared for the kids and her sadness was real. Rose was crying against his shoulder.
"It's okay, Rose. Sometimes is better to die there than face the consequences of surviving the games. Believe me: You don't win the games. You survive them... Sometimes not even that."
It wasn't uncommon for some victors to commit suicide. Alfie himself thought about it, but he never did it.
Rose relaxed when his fingers started to stroke her hair.
"I'm sorry," she said still against him.
"For what?"
"For everything. I'm not part of this, but living here I feel I own you an apology. For having to kill to survive, for whatever people did to you after the Games, for Reah… the other kids…"
"You did nothing. You're not the enemy."
"I married the enemy."
"But you're not him."
Finally she pulled apart from his shoulder. There was a wet spot on his shirt where her face was, she tried in vain to dry it out with her hand. For a moment both of them stared at each other in the eyes. Alfie wiped away the last tears of her face and she closed her eyes. She didn't need to see to know that Alfie was leaning towards her. Rose first felt his breathing against her skin, then his beard and finally his lips on hers.
It wasn't love. It wasn't even a 'I like you', it was a 'this is the only way I know to find comfort.'
It wasn't passionate, hot, messy either. It was a calm, soft but firm. If usually sex calmed his thoughts, Alfie discovered that kissing her gave him peace. Something he forgot he could feel.
"Thanks," he said later nuzzling his nose against hers.
"For understanding."
This time it was her who kissed him. It felt good, probably the only good thing she felt since she put a foot in the Capitol four years ago. Alfie's hand was on the back of her head pushing her against him. For a moment the kiss was hotter than before. But Alfie stopped himself.
"I can't."
"Don't worry. It's okay. It's already late… probably we should go to sleep. It's… don't worry." Rose smiled at him, even when her eyes are still puffy and red. "Philip still needs you."
Alfie stood up and kissed the crown of her head before leading to his own bedroom. He couldn't sleep until hours later.
The next morning to Alfie's relief he discovered that Philip was still alive unlike tributes from district 11 and 12. The girl from 12 died because of Philip. Alfie was still amazed that a boy with only one had could be so skilled and strong. But the kid was and after four days he was still alive.
"Any luck with the sponsors?" Rose asked him.
"Not really. I think he needs water, maybe. I haven't seen him drink since yesterday and the landscape is terrible."
"Mmm. Let me help."
Alfie saw her fix her dress and after looking around she went to talk with an old man. Alfie understood what she meant with Rose and Rosebeth. The latter was chirpy and flirty, was full of joy and was very persuasive. Not long after, the old man approached Alfie and with his help Philip received not just water but necessary food.
Minutes later when they watched the screens both of them saw the moment that Philip received his gifts. The boy was happy. Alone behind a big rock, Philip calmed his thirst. Rose was happy too. Before going with the rest of the staff, she smiled and winked at him. And Alfie couldn't help but smiled too… for the first since he visited that damn place for the first time.
But happiness isn't something you can feel during the Hunger Games.
Philip survived, against all odds, to the sixth day. Not only that, he was one of the two last survivors.
The tension was palpable. It was him, a boy from the third poorest district, or the boy from district 4, one of the richest. But when you're about to die, the fact that you're poor or rich doesn't matter. Alfie could see his boy was tired, sweating and sick. But the boy from district 4 wasn't doing well either. One of his eyes was closed and his right knee was bleeding. Both boys were staring at each other. Dmitri, the other boy, had a hatchet but Philip had his spear. If Philip threw his spear and failed it was over. But Philip never failed. So, he did it, he threw his spear which ended in Dmitri's liver. The boy from district 4 fell on his knees.
Alfie forgot to breathe. He never, never wished the dead of any boy or girl, but…
Philip never failed. But Dmitri either. Even when he was half dead, his hatchet ended on Philip's skull. And the games were about the last man standing. And that was Dmitri. Philip was dead.
Alfie walked blindly towards the elevator. He barely saw around him. He pushed away aggressively the male mentor from district 12 who was on his way but this one said nothing. He knew what Alfie was feeling. Whatever he wanted to say it wasn't the moment. A red haired girl at his side remained in silence as well.
Alfie broke two glasses against the wall. Rage, fury… there weren't words to describe his anger. The young, cheerful, sweet Philip was so, so close to win his games. How many more times he was going to tolerate that? How many boys and girls were going to die under his protection? No one, except him, knew about the hate he experienced every time he had to face the family of those who died. As it was his fault that the games exist. As he himself wasn't haunted by his own demons. The faces of those kids… 12 mentored, 12 dead.
Alissa was quiet, too. Every year she had to see too those kids dying over and over again. When Rose opened the door, saw the broken glasses on the floor and Alissa on the sofa. But Alfie wasn't there. Carefully entering his bedroom, she saw him sat on the mattress with his face in his hands. She wasn't next to him when happened but in her studio. She was devastated like happened with Reah, or even worse because Philip was about to win. Just seconds away from his victory and in a millisecond… he was dead.
Alfie didn't watch at Rose when he heard her. Nor didn't react when she caressed his back. His mind wasn't there. The hatchet. Alfie could see Philip's death in his mind in loop.
He didn't realise he was trembling. But Rose did. He forced him to look at her by putting one of her hands on his cheek. She stroked his beard with her thumb, slowly and kissed him. Same as happened when Reah died, it was more comfort than other feelings. Alfie reciprocated. This time she ended on the mattress with him on top of her.
If it wasn't because of the fucked up situation. If it wasn't because of two kids were dead, the whole scene could've been interpreted as the beginning of something especial. Alfie was caressing her abdomen and she had her arms around him. But it was just a kiss. It helped both of them to feel better, if that was possible, at least for a moment.
"Maybe next year," she whispered against his mouth.
"Maybe next year."
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But it wasn't the previous year. The winner was a boy nicknamed Jack from district 2. Tall, handsome and lethal.
But destiny it's so cruel that this year it was his twin brother who was competing. If he was like his brother, then the poor children from district 9 competing this year didn't stand a chance. In Rose's mind still was alive the memory of Philip two years ago. Last year the girl died during the bloodbath and the boy after two days.
She saw the reaping celebration. This year district 9 was represented by Armand (17) and Theresa (14). Alfie was right, you get used to kids' death as cruel as it sounded. She felt the death of the previous kids but it wasn't like with Reah and especially Philip.
She didn't have much hopes. Probably the winner was going to be the boy from District 2 and could join his brother in the glory of being a champion. Unless someone could bet him against all odds.
Alfie was staring through the train window. Theresa and Armand were talking to each other and giggling. Alfie didn't know if they were pretending that the train trip was something enjoyable or they were just ignoring their probably fate. Seven consecutive years as mentor and not a single winner. Alfie was sure that he'll never going to return home with a victor.
"I saw her the other day" Alissa commented sitting down at his side. She had a glass of orange juice in her hand.
"You know who, Alfie…" Alissa smiled sideways.
"Her hair is shorter now. You should compliment her. We women like that."
Alissa looked at him. She had been there when Alfie was reaped eight years ago and saw him became a mentor, too. He was always a grumpy young man. But if Alfie thought she was an idiot, he was wrong. She saw the changes two years ago. She saw the way his eyes softened when he looked at her after the girl's death. And the previous year Alissa saw the way he brushed her hand when he thought no one was watching. And even if Alfie was determined to remain in silence, that it was his right, he couldn't lie to her.
"Anyway," Alissa said "I'm going to prepare for our arrival. You should do the same, Alfie."
"Her hair is shorter now."
Alfie found himself imagining her new look.
The first year together they kissed because they found comfort with each other. The second year they kissed for the same reasons but also because they wanted to. And it was almost every night.
And now… honestly he didn't need reasons. He just wanted to feel her.
He missed her.
She missed him.
While she was changing her clothes Rose realised that part of her anxiety it was because of Alfie. It wasn't just for the beginning of games, the costumes, the Arena… but him.
Last year, the last night, they slept together. Nothing sexual, just sharing the bed. They had been kissing because they had nothing better to do. Because it felt good. She was tired, so she cuddled up with him and fall asleep. The next morning she woke up with his arms around her waist.
Rose was still thinking about him like a friend. A friend she kissed on the mouth, french style.
But just a friend.
She tried not to run when she heard the train. Her electric blue dress with golden decorations followed her movements when she walked quickly towards the door.
Rose found Tigris in the hall waiting for the old mentor from district 10, a morphling woman, and her two new tributes. Rose didn't remember the name of the boy but the girl's name was Eva.
While she was waiting she saw the kid from district 2 and indeed it felt like she was looking the same boy from the previous year. Same smile, eyes and probably height, too.
Tigris was already talking with the old woman and greeted Eva and her male counterpart. Even when Rose never talked to Tigris personally, she knew it was a talented designer. And probably this year both teens were going to shine.
"Hello, hello!" Alissa captured Rose's attention with her loud voice.
There they were. There he was.
"Good morning, Alissa… Alfie."
"Good morning, Rosebeth," he greeted her using her fake name.
She smiled at him and then introduced herself to Theresa and Armand and told them about the ideas she had for them. The usual.
Another year. The sames hopes and the same fate for them, too. Alissa leaded the way to the elevator. Both kids were at her side. The other two, slightly behind them.
"You got your hair cut," Alfie commented remembering Alissa's words.
"Yes! I did!" she replied surprised that he had noticed it.
"I like it."
"Thanks, Alfie."
Alissa heard it, but avoided smile.
The Arena that year it was a desert. Rose heard the conversations about it inside the control centre. The microphone this time was inside a flowerpot she gifted to one of the gamemakers. The woman put the plant next to her desk and that was exactly what Rose was expecting.
After three years knowing him, Rose trusted Alfie but she was still scared of telling him her real reasons of why she joined the Games. She knew him and his temperament. Alfie was pure fire and the last thing she needed was him, or anyone else, interfering with her work.
The notes were hidden inside a painting that represented the Capitol. No one touched ever and since the first day it was there. Although it was obvious she was going to need a new place to keep the rest of them.
For their costumes this year she had decided to simulate a wheat field. A really long golden cape for both of the tributes that could fly in the wind with a lot of little wheat ears vertically sewed on them.
Alone in her studio, Rose was lost in her thoughts and enjoying the summer wind that entered through the open window. The background music relaxed her.
The sound of the door made her lift up her head from the clothes. She smiled.
"You shouldn't be here. It's late. And you should be sleeping to accompany the kids tomorrow."
"And I will be," Alfie replied "I'm just checking you're doing your work."
"It's that, so?" she looked at him who was sitting next to her now.
"Well, I'm doing my job, Alfie. And pretty well."
Rose grabbed one of the golden wheat ears and sewed it on his shirt. She was close to him and Alfie kissed her forehead.
"Don't move or I can prick you." It took her just few seconds to add the ornament to his shirt. "Now you're part of the team, too."
"I thought I was part of it from the beginning."
"But now is official."
He chuckled and finally they kissed. One more year. And they didn't have any more excuses for their actions.
The last thing Alfie wanted was to fall in love with a girl from the Capitol. But as he kissed her, Alfie realised that he lacked of words to describe that feeling.
"I missed you," she admitted.
"I missed you, too."
That was the third day in the training centre after the official presentation. Theresa was talking with the girl from district 11 and it seemed that she was teaching her about different techniques to create a trap. Armand was practicing with knives.
Rose was outside that place that was exclusive for trainers, mentors and tributes but she could see them through the windows. Next to her were other people, including Alissa and Tigris.
"Take a picture, last longer."
Alfie turned around and saw a read haired girl that he knew from being one of the mentors from District 12. Another mentor with the same luck as him. She had won the 58th games.
"Hello, Alfie. If you continue staring her, you'll cause her a headache."
"I wasn't staring."
"Yes, sure." Lucy whispered to him "She's a married woman, you naughty boy. And a hell of husband she has."
"Exactly. She's a married woman means I'm not interested. Besides, this not a fucking romantic place. It's the fucking Capitol and this is the butchering season. 99% of this kids are going to die, the last thing in my mind is a married woman."
"How often do you lie to yourself?" Alfie huffed at her words, but Lucy still had things to say "people are commenting, Alfie. You're too close to her."
Alfie gritted his teeth. He whispered to her, too "she's not her fucking husband. She's not like him or any of the Capitol. How dare you to judge me when I suffered the same as you?"
"I'm not judging you, Alfie. But other people…" Lucy pointed with her green eyes to Aveline Young "Volcano girl thinks you're a fucking traitor. Tommy… I'll talk to Tommy. I spoke with Rosebeth once, she seems nice. But a lot of them suffered because of her husband. And now you're after her like a little dog. Don't blame them either. They don't know her but they do know him. And in their eyes, they are the same."
Next part.
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Taglist: @call-sign-shark @peakyswritings @hoodeddreams13 @leenieweenie12 @lunarubra
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Day 95/100 of the 100 Days of Productivity Challenge
so guys my mid gpa is in and it's really joke-able.........
my gpa is pi..... *for the non-math fans, it's 3.14*
not the best but i did better than that on my second round of exams (mostly.... structures remains the bane of my existence... i didn't attempt 40% of the paper cause i just.... couldn't do it....) altho the results aren't gonna be back till the end
the challenge is about to end soon and i have become a better person bc of it so i'm not letting it go anywhere. i'll prolly do a 50 days one after this one to finish the semester in style. i need to score above 3.6 in the finals to get my cgpa back above 3.... WHERE I BELONG BITCHHHHHH
i am going to deactivate my instagram again on august 15th and in case i forget, pls remind me in my askbox guys. i had to reactivate it for a purpose bigger than scrolling reels but you know how it gets.
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notsocheezy · 1 month
Brain Curd #155
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
A cold wind blew on an uninhabited car-clogged street. Leaves piled up against the side of an abandoned minivan whose hazard lights still flashed, days later. It was the apocalypse, and Madison needed to charge her phone.
The battery was entirely dead from doom scrolling, and she knew her mother must be worried sick. So she went from door to door, knocking, charging cable and brick in hand. Nobody seemed to be answering.
She arrived at the front porch of 155 Gopher Avenue and knocked on the front door. Once again, it sounded like no one was home. She sighed, pulled her cardigan over her chest, and began to walk away, but stopped short as a crashing noise came from inside.
The door opened, creaking, and standing in the doorway was a tall man, hunched over a bit, with pale skin and a vacant expression. He stared at her and drooled.
“Oh, hello sir! I was wondering if it would be okay if I plugged my phone in for just a few minutes so I can call my mom?”
“Errraaugh?” He asked.
“It’s got fast charging so I can be out of your hair in ten minutes.”
“Thank you so much!” She brushed past him and made her way to the nearest outlet. “What’s your name?”
“Oren? Thank you so much for the help, Oren. My name is Madison.”
Oren shambled over to the couch and collapsed onto it as Madison perched her phone atop the power brick. Already it was at five percent.
“I’m not from around here. I came to visit the university to see if I want to go here, and I got stranded when the train lost power. I’m just gonna call my mom and see if she can pick me up.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty smart, I guess. I have a 3.6 GPA. But I’m a little bummed out because I didn’t make it into my dream school.”
“Yale.” She checked the charge on her phone. Ten percent. She held down the power button. “But it’s like, whatever. I didn’t want to go so far away from home anyway.”
Oren’s stomach grumbled. He took a bite of the couch and chewed it like a cow chews grass.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to eat that…”
“You’re right, sorry, it’s your couch and you get to decide what to do with it.”
Her phone came to life and she tapped her mom’s contact. The phone rang. Madison smiled at Oren, who had memory foam bits running down his chin.
The ringing stopped. “Madison? Madison! My poor baby! Are you okay?!?”
Madison chuckled. “I’m fine, Mom. This nice man let me charge my phone at his house. Can you come get me?”
The sound of a shotgun blast reverberated through the phone. “I’m a little busy at the moment, dear. And my car is blocked into the driveway.”
“Dennis parked his car in front of our driveway again?”
“Yea, but I can’t ask him to move it this time.”
“Why not?”
“I just shot him.”
“Geez, Mom…” Madison scratched her head. “Doesn’t that seem kinda harsh?”
Distant from the microphone, Mom screamed out, “Oh shit! He’s still alive!” and fired off two pistol shots. She picked the phone back up. “Listen, I’ll see if I can find his keys and move the car myself, okay? Get somewhere safe and we’ll figure out a way to get you home.”
“Thanks, Mom. I love you!”
“I love you too, honey.” The call ended.
“Ruaaagh!” Oren pouted.
“I know, it’s been ten minutes already. But can I just have a little more time to get up to eighty percent? It’s only seventy right now.”
Oren let out a deep, guttural groan and slumped into a groove in the couch cushion.
“How about I make you breakfast as a thank-you?”
To be concluded in Brain Curd 157 on Wednesday. Don't miss it!
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facet-project · 1 month
what is facet-project?
it's the farming simulator i'm developing! it's been going strong since october 2023. it's currently being built in godot 3.6.
i started out making it for my girlfriend, who has trouble playing traditional farming sim games. it has turned into a little bit of a love letter to my mom's upbringing in rural kentucky and my love of stories about fucked up time travel.
in the current build i'm making, you play as the granddaughter of a small village's farmer, who is set to inherit the land once he passes - but the more you work the land, the more you realize that the land doesn't want you living here - and is doing all it can to make sure you leave.
but that's fine! you can have as many tries as you want to survive, thanks to a time-traveling pocketwatch your mother sent you off with. it shouldn't take that long, right?
i'm still in the middle of visual development (excuse the visual mess on everything, no art on here is final etc etc), but the mechanical and story development are pretty robust already. it, however, is still early enough in development that i have no idea when this is coming out. i just figured i should make a dev diary so i can look back at this in like five years and remember simpler times
this devblog is still vaguely under construction as i set up exactly how much i'm gonna talk about on here, but it's generally going to be one devlog at the end of the month! maybe some little random stuff around too. we'll see
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
I FINALLY HIT 100 POUNDS!!!! I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!! I managed to gain 3.6 pounds since April 17th!!! It feels like too slow and I want it to speed up but that's actually so impressive!!!!! I'm not gonna beat myself up if I go below 100 again but I'm gonna try to maintain being around 100 if possible as well as making sure I still keep eating well and enough and hope I gain more weight.
I don't want to focus on numbers but hitting three digits has always been a huge goal of mine. I'm so happy. My goal is to eat three meals a day with snacks, and make sure I eat one main protein thing (like an egg or meat dish) and vegetables and/or fruits every day (could just be an apple)!
Whatever weight I end up being when I'm actually eating enough and not basically starving is whatever it is! Before this I was eating ~500 or less calories a day, and yes calories are made up, but that's still indicative of an issue.
I've been trying really hard to not count calories (which is probably leftover from when I had an ED) and it's been so beneficial. I've been practicing intuitive eating and just eating what makes me feel good. When I've tried to count calories for weight gain, it felt hopeless because I could never meet my goal and I never got to ate what I wanted, I just tried to eat what had more calories.
And since I did use to have an ED, I'd like to make it clear I'm not this small because of that, I'm this small because I am short and have developmental issues. My usual weight before covid was ~98 pounds, but I wasn't eating great then either. Then during covid I dipped down to the 80s which wasn't on purpose but definitely unhealthy. It's just, if I don't eat enough, which is super easy for me to do, I immediately lose weight super quickly. Losing weight is dangerously easy for me.
But basically yeah I'm so happy that I've gotten this far!
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s-b-party · 2 years
Setekh Wenut, the Last Prince of the Sands
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This thread is gonna be about Setekh Wenut & why it might be called the Last Prince of the Sands (thanks to Lia/windflowerlia for bringing this up bc it had me thinking a lot)!
Genshin 3.4 spoilers/world quest spoilers/Dirge of Bilqis spoilers ahead!
Thoughts/edits after watching 3.6 livestream at the bottom with EDIT labeled
To start this off, I want to draw attention to something that Liloupar says regarding the Wenut in the world quest. She calls them the “children of Apep” which drew my attention bc I mostly know Apep as a giant serpent in Egyptian mythology
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Apparently Apep is also the name of a star system which I never knew about! This is actually interesting bc it’s described to have stellar winds making up part of it, which would make sense why the Wenut is an anemo serpent if this is also part of their inspiration
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The way I say that makes it seem like I’m equating the Setekh Wenut to in-game Apep, which I don’t think is the case, but I do believe that they’re related! What if Apep was a god that was consumed by the wildlife that would eventually become the consecrated beasts in the desert?
I’m thinking about the consecrated flying serpent in particular. We can see some similarities between the Setekh Wenut & the flying serpent (notably being serpent creatures in the desert & power over anemo) w/ some differences as well.
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***I haven’t found much info on Apep in the game. Liloupar might be the only one who even mentions Apep so far? So a lot of room for speculation on who Apep is!***
We know that consecrated beasts have devoured the flesh of gods over time, which caused them to fuse w/ the parts so what I’m thinking is that Apep was possibly an anemo serpent god that was devoured by these beasts. Liloupar referring to the Wenut as the children of Apep makes me think that they at least look similar as serpent creatures unless evolution changed the Wenut to a point where it doesn’t look similar to Apep at all, then I guess that’s a different story
As for the title “Last Prince of the Sands,” based on the title alone, it sounds as if the desert Wenut is the only one left, but maybe there are others like it that survived but evolved differently based on where they fled to. The description of the Wenut refers to “this branch of their genus” which could imply that it might have some surviving cousins that could have evolved based on the environment they ended up moving to bc not all of them are guaranteed to have stayed where the fertile soil of their home eventually turned to sand. So the chance of some of the Wenut back then moving elsewhere is possible.
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Going back to the desert Wenut, I feel that its title as the “Last Prince of the Sands” is more in regard to being the last one in the desert but not necessarily the last one of its kind.
However I’m still confused bc I think there are supposed to be several Wenut instead of just one? Unless the Wenut that peeks from underneath when we’re up on the surface is supposed to be the same one as the one we fight as a open world boss, then idk what other explanation there is for the one Wenut based on title vs more than one Wenut (the Tanit farm a number of them for resources, mentioned in same dialogue as Liloupar’s statement about the children of Apep).
Another thing to note, the title “prince” implies there’s probably a king, which makes me think that it’s possible that Apep could have been considered a king for the Wenut race. Sumeru was ruled by the 3 god-kings: Rukkhadevata, the Goddess of Flowers, and King Deshret so it might be possible that Apep was something of a serpent god that ruled over the Wenut race like a king and if that’s the case, then it kind of makes sense to call the desert Wenut a “prince”…I need more content for Apep!! Hyv, make it happen 😂
***what even is Wenut in plural form 💀 is it Wenuts or is it the same as the singular form 😭 I'm so sorry
***i found the viewpoint that had Apep lore some time after writing this thread, so I retract my statement about Liloupar being the only one to mention Apep! I also know the description for sand grease pupa mentions a serpent who devoured the sun, but I’m not 100% certain if that is actually Apep since multiple serpent gods could very well exist simultaneously
EDIT: with 3.6 trailer out for a bit and the actual update coming out soon, I figured I could add on to this thread about what we have seen so far
We now know that Apep is not an anemo serpent like I initially theorized
We learned that Apep is sick (the exact reasons aren’t stated outright; it’s implied that the mentioned apocalypse may have had something to do with this)
Apep is likely to be the Dendro Sovereign, possibly the original Sovereign
They have 3 phases in battle: 1) sluggish/lethargic movements, requires all limbs to support itself; 2) disappears(?) into the ceiling, must be protected from enemy attacks so that they don’t get sicker; 3) regains their vibrant green colors, doesn’t require all their limbs for support, faster & stronger attacks [for this, I’m just speculating that it’s a metaphor for life & death => withering & rejuvenation, like how plants are in life]
I’m thinking of writing another thread with Apep as the main focus once they are finally released with their own archive description, can’t wait for the update to go live! See y’all then :3
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jinkicake · 2 years
Heard this rly cute catboy asmr and now I’m stuck on catboy kazuha😒just a pretty boy who’s so polite and patient despite the cat that he’s hiding dead birds under the porch and will disappear for 12 hours and show up with dinner and no explanation as to where he was. He’s independent and likes to touch stuff so he will make a big ass pillow fort in the middle of the living room, like he made blueprints and got boxes and chairs. thinking about living so peaceful w your relaxing catboy until he goes into heat and he’s a demon😞 like imagine he’s like “uwu can I breed you🥺” and you say yes bc Duh he looks so cute all teary eyes and begging like that, you can’t help but want to tease him😌 calling him pretty as asking if he’s your good boy but he’s slowly loosing the grip he had on his sanity. Like he probably feels bad about asking so he wants to let you take the lead but you’re taking so long just grinding up against him and kissing his neck he has no choice😞 so he mutters out a quick “excuse me, but I can’t take it anymore” and pins you down to slip inside. Now hear me out,,, that summer event where he got drunk and was moaning out “more please” has me absolutely convinced he’s in top ten prettiest moaners in teyvat!! When he’s finally inside his voice gets all serious and gravely and he lets out the prettiest moan ever like he has to ik he does!! He’s pounding into you like he’s trying to knock you up first try💀 and just telling you that you’re such a good master being so obedient for him, and telling you how he’s gunna fill you up and keep going until his body can’t anymore. And honestly rip bc it would happen in like a split second like one minute he’s being so behaved and sitting still the next moment he has your face shoved in the pillows asking if he’s allowed to cum inside bc he’s been so good☺️ sgshsh feel like he would know his heat is coming in a few days and not say a word, like this was definitely calculated💀 he made sure to steal a few hoodies and sweaters to put in his pillow fort and have the ac turned on but alas you caught him red handed😔 mc would sleep like a baby and wake up completely energized while you’re fighting for your like to open your eyelids 😭😭😭 he’s a menace in every genre!!
... CATBOY?! STOP- I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and imagine it's like cute satan cat boy-
I feel like catboy kazuha would be independent and leave you for weeks on end and then come back and be sooooo clingy.... like you might suffocate because of his cuddling lmao
he's sick in heat T T IT IS ALL A FRONT. I know his cutesy act only lasts so long before his restraint snaps and he's pounding into you with the only thing on his mind being to b r e e d loooooll
i still remember the summer event and remember watching that cutscene over and over again just to hear him (i didnt even finish the event bc i was so lazy T T) HIS VOICE ACTOR IS LITERALLY MAHITO AND HARUUUU FROM FREE LIKEEEE OFC HES GONNA HAVE SOME OF THE PRETTIEST MOANS IN THE GAME AHHHHHHHHH (not mentioned - runner ups- : kaeya and diluc and miss lisa)
i like the passion from kazuha like yes.... kiss and fuck like im going to be k!lled by miss shogun the next day- and the way he can switch up on you is INSANE. i like the duality like i enjoy that in a character.... it's boring sometimes when they're strictly dominant like why not be both!! kazuha gets it!!
i enjoy kazuha in every genre.... that much is now clear to me!!! i need to get him onhis next rerun like i need him soooo bad you dont understand T T but miss shenhe is end of 3.5 and i need her BAD so idk how im going to pull both since i heard that kazuha is 3.6 but it will happen it will happen!!!
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Will I play something other than one of the two games I usually play? Someday maybe, not today. Time to pick up that Space Dwarf empire and see if I can get the not-Balrog achievement done. Checked in what the regular PvE ship meta is for 3.6, so, probably gonna do fine enough if I end up playing the whole game, to test out said ship meta.
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dumbegglife · 1 year
wowow i enjoyed the last genshin 3.6 event (long rambles)
thoroughly enjoyed it, it was really fun! kaveh was the unexpected mvp (so i pulled for him). kaveh has actual normal people problems and is actually funny. layla too. they're accomplished but always suffering greatly and that amuses me. hat guy making an unexpected appearance was also very good.
the cinematic cutscene was fantastic- i do love a shounen tournament arc and we got a little bit of that. the animation was beautiful and hilarious actually, like looking at hat guy's animations when he's being chased by faruzan's contraption thingie, it's very cartoony and playful. he also literally didn't participate in any of the other events but the diadem contest - i think he did it for his own amusement to test the other contestants LOL. nahida said he was there to just keep an eye on things so i definitely think he just wanted to mess with everyone when he got the chance. super cute actually.
the way the cutscene characterized everyone was quite effective too! it was only like...2 minutes! one thing is that i don't know how scara got through layla's shield...i'll pretend he broke it first because ???? anyway, it made sense that only scara and cyno could face off directly being 5 star DPS characters. kaveh winning from creativity (using faruzan's device to catch up), luck, and the capabilities of his briefcase was pretty awesome. since this contest as a whole wasn't a fight to the death, it highlighted the respective abilities of every contestant, not just how they could brute force their way to victory. ahhh i do love a tournament arc...
ngl, when they were discussing the diadem, i had very low expectations lmao. when kaveh went on about how pessimissm has to be sealed away and not be exposed to other people LOLOLOL i was like ohhhh, hoyoverse is gonna tell all the kids that negative thinking is actually evil and you just shouldn't engage at all?? LOL and yes kaveh did that and so did cyno (what did he say? research on humanity's suffering is "forbidden knowledge" that is harmful to the people LMAO) but i mean, if you're making genshin, you're probably suffering, so how could you possibly deny your own worldview ;)
anyway, they didn't go 100% that route - proven by nahida's appearance and acceptance of Sachin's research at the end. i really like nahida - "even prisoners in sumeru have a right to an education" nahida ^^ i love how she KNEW that Sachin's spirit in the diadem was going to try and "possess" someone and make them face the shitty aspects of being alive, but she let it happen anway (a chaotic and interesting choice!). she did it to honor his research and his will, but she also understood the danger of someone's pent up depression taking form as a magical curse so she made scaramouche join to make sure no one killed themselves as a result
yeah, great event, super fun, pretty light, beautiful and exciting cutscene and the material/message was kind of interesting and in line with my way of thinking so mmm yeah probably my favorite event. sumeru really may be the best region imo.
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calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 3.6/52: January 16th - January 22nd 2023 | Chinese New Year 🧧
Last day at home/of rest before I head off to Calgary again for the 5th time in the past 14 months LMAO; YYC is really my 2nd home now. Gonna be on semi-hiatus until early/mid Feb because I am not bringing my laptop with me (as usual)... Because I am away during actual CNY in two days, I went to eat with my parents as an early celebration. Went to eat Sichuan food at 半步仙小酒館 and they had super bad service lol. We just wanted an extra bag for our takeout container because our old bag was leaking out sauce and the woman refused to give us another one and implied that we are stupid... :| so mean........ really terrible attitude!!!! And she made us feel like shit. It’s just a bag bro... and this was at the end of the meal after all of their passive aggressiveness the entire meal and how annoyed they visibly were every time we asked them for anything. I don’t like places with people like this :-( I have never had such bad service like this it’s actually kind of shocking WTF no one would want to return under these circumstances. Kind of ruined the day tbh. Food was pretty good though but not quite 10/10. Couldn’t stop eating because the dishes were so 下饭 and then suddenly I was super full. Spicy fish, 毛血旺, cabbage rice noodles, 牛蛙, & 锅包肉.... nice. Good meal but bad place! >_< 
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lamaison · 1 year
After the stress of the video interview I decompressed by playing Genshin. Some side world quests but mostly farming.
I was able to level up Ayaka’s sword to level 80, and do some work on collecting materials for her next level ascension. I have pretty much all of the stuff for ascending Kaeya, Xiangling, and Traveler after I do the AR ascension quest so she’s my focus for now. I took Thoma to go fight the cryo regisvine and he was pretty fun to play. He is definitely going to be my next investment character. That pyro shield is gonna help so much for Dragonspine.
The shop resets on Saturday which means the four star characters available to purchase with starglitter reset. I have enough for one and so I’m going to unlock Razor. He might end up replacing electro Traveler if I like his play style. As much as electro has been my fave of the Traveler powers she’s a little clunky.
Livestream for the 3.6 update is tomorrow! All we know for sure is that Baizhu and Kaveh will be releasing, but the rest of the banner schedule has only been speculated. I’ll probably be saving my primos.
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feeshies · 2 years
Sorry if this is a weird question, but do you have any law school advice? i don't know anyone else that did it
pls forgive me anon bc i am not sober enough to answer this adequately. i'll reblog with additions later if i can
i'm gonna try to keep my advice as universal as possible. bc i worked in law firms for around 4 years so i've been able to grow (relatively) familiar with the field, but i know that isn't everyone experiences. for reference, my lsat score was 162 and my gpa was 3.6. which might sound good, but some references will tell you that these scores won't get you into a good (or any) school. i'm here to tell you that this is not true.
also i'm not in law school yet, but i have taken the lsat twice and i'm on track to go to a school i'm excited for, so i'm going to limit my answer to that scope.
you need to study for the lsat. don't let the multiple choice fool you. however, you don't need the most expensive courses. there are tests you can take instead of the lsat, but i only learned that when filling out applications so idk anything about this.
when i took the lsat the first time, i paid for one of the more pricey courses bc i thought that would give me the best chance. turns out, i didn't need to do that at all. and to prove that, let me explain something i went through during my time with that course
i was eligible to get disability accommodations for my official lsat (that's my first piece of advice: get accommodations if you're able to. it saved my life), but the course i was paying a paycheck's worth of money for didn't factor in accommodations for their practice tests. it got to the point when one of my tutors said "i should rethink my path" when i told her my goal. i ended up getting 10 points higher than my average practice test score on my actual lsat because i had accommodations. i used to feel ashamed for needing accommodations, but now i can't stress their importance enough. no one is going to think lesser of having a nd lawyer. and if they do, you don't want them as a client.
as far as actual programs go, i can't recommend lsat demon enough. not only are they so much cheaper than the competition, but the hosts are down to earth and provide a really comforting and relatable environment (they say fuck!). their practice tests also factor in accommodations!!! and if you don't want to pay for a course, they do have a podcast that's free, but i wouldn't consider it a substitute for the course. but their course (even the free version) is incredible considering the stuff that comes with it. also one of the hosts wears a mass effect hoodie, if that's important to you. i was able to raise my lsat score by switching to them for my second attempt. i can't emphasize this enough: no one cares about your lsat score. all you have to do is get into law school. no attorneys advertise their lsat score. and you can discount the ones who do, bc they probably peaked in undergrad. most lawyers i know don't even remember their scores. some didn't even remember the name "lsat"
my next piece of advice is for the personal statement. it doesn't have to be about law. if i made mine about law, my personal statement would be about how i worked in a lawfirm from 9-5:30, created legal drafts, and helped out with receptionist stuff. that says nothing. my actual personal statement was about my webcomic. it went into how my comic forced me to develop a strict schedule with my art (showing that i can work on a self imposed schedule) and it led to me growing more curious about intellectual property, because the question "who really owns my comic if i post it online" became really significant the longer the project went on. i also went into how i had to develop a contract when doing commissions. this is more interesting to schools than "i put on a tie and sat through a cle". make your passions relevant. also avoid childhood stories. try to keep your personal statement relevant to who you are now. law schools don't want to hear about how "i was bullied in middle school, but i'm actually really smart!"
also use that diversity statement, but use it wisely. my diversity statement was about me being transgender, but it wasn't "woe is me it's hard being trans". i went into the difficulties i had to overcome being trans and working in a law firm, but also my time volunteering with lgbt law organizations. these schools don't want a sob story. when you're writing your statements, you should be asking yourself "why would this convince a school to grant me admission?" because " they'd feel bad for me" is not the answer. you have a better answer and you deserve better than pity.
anyway, that's the most i feel comfortable speaking to with my experience. lmk if i can provide any more guidance and good luck!!!!!
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cryptid-cuties · 1 year
Every Episode of Stranger Things Ranked (according to IMDb)
So I was doom scrolling on twitter (or X, which I still refuse to call it that) and I came across this tweet. After clicking on the link, it just took me took me to the Stranger Things page on IMDb where the individual episodes were individually rated, but there was no comprehensive list that actually went through and ranked every single episode. So being the curious cat that I am, I decided to take all of these numbers for each individual episode and put it into a spreadsheet, and then sorted it based on overall rating of each individual episode.
(Note: If multiple episodes had the same rating, I went into the breakdown of the overall reviews and calculated which episodes had a higher overall percentage of 10/10 rankings and then sorted those episodes based on that percentage.)
After completing my calculations I went ahead and sorted them into an actual list of every episode of Stranger Things ranked based on general audiences reviews on IMDb. I also went ahead and took the average score of all the episodes of each season to see how the individual seasons ranked overall.
(Note: This is purely based on the information provided by IMDb and in no way reflects my own person opinions of these episodes and seasons as a whole.)
Without further ado I present to you: Every Episode of Stranger Things Ranked From Worst to Best:
(Note: Since I can only add 30 images per post the first few are gonna be blank.
34. 2.7 The Lost Sister (6.1/10)
33. 3.1 Suzie, Do You Copy? (7.8/10)
32. 3.2 The Mall Rats (7.9/10)
31. 4.2 Vecna's Curse (8.1/10)
30. 4.5 The Nina Project (8.1/10)
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29. 4.1 The Hellfire Club (8.1/10)
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28. 2.1 Madmax (8.1/10)
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27. 2.2 Trick or Treat, Freak (8.3/10)
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26. 4.3 The Monster and The Superhero (8.3/10)
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25. 3.3 The Case of The Missing Lifeguard (8.3/10)
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24. 1.2 The Weirdo on Maple Street (8.4/10)
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23. 2.3 The Pollywog (8.5/10)
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22. 4.6 The Dive (8.5/10)
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21. 2.4 Will the Wise (8.5/10)
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20. 1.1 The Vanishing of Will Byers (8.5/10)
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19. 3.5 The Flayed (8.5/10)
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18. 3.6 E Pluribus Unum (8.5/10)
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17. 1.5 The Flea and The Acrobat (8.6/10)
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16. 4.8 Papa (8.6/10)
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15. 3.7 The Bite (8.7/10)
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14. 2.5 Dig Dug (8.8/10)
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13. 1.3 Holly, Jolly (8.8/10)
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12. 1.6 The Monster (8.8/10)
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11. 1.4 The Body (8.9/10)
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10. 3.4 The Sauna Test (8.9/10)
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9. 1.7 The Bathtub (9.0/10)
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8. 2.5 The Spy (9.1/10)
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7. 4.9 The Piggyback (9.1/10)
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6. 2.8 The Mind Flayer (9.2/10)
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5. 3.8 The Battle of Starcourt (9.2/10)
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4. 1.8 The Upside Down (9.3/10)
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3. 2.9 The Gate (9.3/10)
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2. 4.4 Dear Billy (9.4/10)
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And the overall best rated episode of Stranger Things is......
4.7 The Massacre at Hawkins Lab (9.6/10)
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If you made it to the end congratulations! What a wild ride that was. Were you surprised by any of the episodes placements? Also if you want me to do with with another show, let me know! I had a lot of fun with this one and would definitely be down to do it again.
As a bonus treat have all the seasons ranked based on their episode ratings! Seasons ranked Best to Worst (according to IMDb episode ratings):
Season 1 (8.8/10)
Season 4 (8.7/10)
Season 3 (8.5/10)
Season 2 (8.4/10)
0 notes
wistfulvulpine · 1 year
so I managed to get Ritsu today (!!!) and this time I actually recorded how many dia I spent + how much (free) BP I spent per day.
I will likely keep note of score accumulation when I go for Veiled Fragrance Arashi bc I'm going for all 5 copies o|< so there's no score tracking this time sorry.
anyway here's a small key:
red - day/event bonus
blue - resources spent
green - dia earned/remaining
I did not pull on the event scout banner, which leaves me with a 0% bonus. I started with 121k dia, but, because achievements were finally added to EN two days in, I ended up with almost 140k lmao
okay backing up: day 1, I spent 5,000 dia and 59 naturally gained BP. the early dia rewards on the event ladder made it so I ended the day with 118k dia.
day 2, Makoto's birthday! so that's 350 free dia. Only Your Stars is a bday song and also happens to be my grind song (crying) so it worked out perfectly. leveled up this day so I spent 71 free BP and another 5,000 dia. ended the day with 115k dia.
day 3, Walk With Your Smile event starts -> 350 free dia + 100 weekly shared dia. spent only 40 free BP and no dia. but. this is when achievements were added and it gave me 23k dia lmaooooo (why didn't they add a claim all button...........) so the day ended with 139k dia.
days 4 and 5, spent 30 and 40 free BP and went just under 140k dia from Starry Lives.
day 6 (Leo's birthday -> 350 dia + WWYS bonus -> 350 dia), used 50 free BP and 600 dia were used for a little security as I got closer to 3.5 million points. screenshots of event ladders stopped just tens of thousands of points shy of getting the event card flashed through my mind and I didn't want to be one of them. ended with 140k!
day 7 (today!) - spent the last 20 free BP needed to get Ritsu yippee! spent 25 more free BP as it recovered and after all event song Starry Lives I'm at 3.6 million! ending today with 141k dia :]
I'm gonna be chilling on day 8 just using whatever BP recovers over the day and doing Starry Lives bc I'm still on that Arashi grind 🥴 and also saving for Underland Mitsuru and Shuffle Midori! (one copy of the latter two thankfully) but I got the boy and don't care about ranking (to the no 1 RitsuP. are you ok.)
so in total, I spent 10,600 dia.
due to me being over lv 100, level ups are a lot slower if you're not willing to go 1 BP per live. that said, I still leveled up 3 times over the course of this event, so that's 30 free BP!
using 1 BP is very dia efficient for those lower than lv 100 I feel, or for those with more time. if you're strapped for time, 10 BP obviously (I used double bonus like. twice) but you will level up less. 3 BP is the best middle ground if you've got a good lineup. I used 10 BP almost every time I grinded bc I'm just impatient lmao
I score 3.5 million (ha) points on Only Your Stars, and 3.2 million on Little Romance on Expert (can't PC it o|< whatever), so adjust your dia spending accordingly.
Here is the calculator I used to see how much I would need to spend
the dia calculator goes by JP server numbers, so add a zero to the end of your total. for example, it says you need 1234 dia, in EN you need 12,340 dia.
some things to note. the average dia count needed ranges between 6k to 12k dia depending on how strong your lineup is. if I spent only 1 BP per live, I likely would've saved 400-ish dia? if you're strapped for dia every bit counts. if you're only going for one (1) event card (tour cards even cost less dia if u want both), you do not need to pull for event bonus cards. that dia could be better used guaranteeing a 5 star instead of gambling on an off-rate. remember to craft the event work outfits - like I said, every bit counts. 250 pt vs 375 pt makes a difference.
make sure you try to get the event card well before the event ends! you don't want to end up like 1k points away from 3.5 mil!
good luck and happy daydreaming!
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