#30 days of did
littlest-bugz · 1 month
I found these 30 journal prompts while browsing the DID tag here on tumblr, like, a week ago. I thought 'hey! this would be super fun!' so here I am!! I originally wanted to do it on the personal blog we have, but because of the tagging feature here on tumblr, I figured that I would use tumblr and just put links back to the posts. At the very end of posting the days, I'll post a day by day masterlist of, essentially, all the completed prompts, and have that linked back... make sense? no? perfect /silly/.
This is just the warning/precursor post, and essentially has the same exact text as the masterlit. HOWEVER, ANOTHER PRECURSOR- I will be editing/changing language as I see fit because its a wee bit outdated with terminology.
doth have been warned
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30 Days of DID - Day 6
How do you feel about talking about the trauma which created your condition? Do you like to write about it privately or publicly? Why?
Some of it, we are pretty open about. Nimm’s recently been coming to terms with that they have a lot of trauma concerning their parents (their therapy workbook refers to it as relational trauma). They’re pretty open about the emotional abuse and neglect that their parents have put them through, both online and with people they know. To be completely honest, they talk about it so openly so no one will ask questions about other types of trauma. For all most people know, we have C-PTSD from this alone.
As for physical and sexual abuse, we don’t talk about that. Not with friends, not with family, not even in therapy. Very close friends and our therapist knows that we have experienced this type of abuse, but no one is aware of any specific details (except for a few people we’ve told in the past). An old therapist told Nimm they had to talk about the trauma in order to heal from it, and it just made everything increase tenfold. There are some things that we are not even physically able to talk about; our mouth seals up like it’s been glued with cement. Parts will write about this abuse in our journal from time to time, but that journal will never see the light of day. Most parts can’t even reread what they’ve written; they just have to close the journal and tuck it away. Talking about certain events can even make us physically ill, giving us headaches or making us very nauseous. It also usually results in chronic pain flareups.
Aside from it being very triggering and/or physically impossible to talk about, Nimm strongly believes that people knowing about this trauma will change how they view us. Nimm always says ‘I don’t want people to look at me and see a person who has been sexually assaulted. I would rather die than know people are looking at me like that’
So, there you have it.
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beforelunacy · 17 days
30 Days of DID, Day 2
"Who knows about your system? Who do you want to know? What do you feel like it’s like coming out as multiple?"
I'm fortunate in that, being an adult, I can be more open about my DID than a lot of younger systems out there. I let close friends know, anyone who I will be around for a long time who may eventually encounter an alter. Of course this means I must also implicitly trust them and know them well enough to anticipate their reactions. Thankfully, most of the reception has been kind, even if it does come with uncomfortable but well-meaning questions afterwards.
So yeah, I would say like... 10 people know about my system irl? But in regards to 'coming out', it never gets easier. It sucks each and every time. Even if I think I know someone really well, who knows what they might think? What if they think this is just a disorder that kids on tiktok made up? What if they think I couldn't possibly have experienced enough trauma to have such a complex disorder? It's frightening. Plus people seem to think that the alters are the worst part of the disorder??? When meanwhile it’s like no, tbh having alters is such a small part of this all. Why is everyone so obsessed with my alters instead of, like… any of the other, far more debilitating, symptoms?
But again, I've been fortunate in that if anyone has a negative reaction, I can just stop talking to them, or at least put them at a much greater distance. I'm also incredibly thankful to the people on social media who make a point of educating people about DID so I can direct people to them instead of having to answer the questions myself, plus the greater awareness of it has made telling people a little less frightening.
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obsob · 1 year
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big man...why is he so big...(hes full of love)
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gorilla during the kiss: aw man these poor kids i’ll give them their moment before pulling them apart or something
fully grown man who works in an airport and regularly has to move heavy luggage around aeroplanes:
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valfeathers · 1 year
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happy birthday worstie <3
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sleepnoises · 9 months
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Drawings from last week in the Sierras. At one point I lost my eraser off my mechanical pencil and then my back-up block eraser so after that we were just flying free
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hyunin · 3 months
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so i did a jason redesign :)
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fauvester · 2 months
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shang qinghua finds a demon-magic-plot device way to provide MBJ an heir to the throne. a dedicated advisor!!
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littlest-bugz · 1 month
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30 Days of DID
Day Two
Who knows about your system? Who do you want to know? What do you feel like it’s like coming out as multiple?
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So, not that many people know about our system IRL, but we don't have a ton of people in our life that we can tell about our system. Like maximum of 5 people, and 4 of them are family, plus one singular dude. We have very few friends, all of them being online. It really sucks, in terms of socializing, but in terms of systemhood, it's pretty lovely. Especially since have a large fear of telling others about my system. If not for the fact I have the sidesystem that is just straight up info I generally don't like to share [but am doing so for this thing, in striving for some openness], then also for the fact that it's a stigmatized disorder.
In terms of who actually knows, it's my mother, and the singular guy, who may have forgotten that fact by now. My mother is a wildly different circumstance than the guy, but with the guy, he's known us for 5 years. He's pretty sick, we love him very much on a collective level bc of how he hasn't cut off our friendship, even after a year of not talking once.
The anxiety of having it not go well is what gets us every time. Our friends in the past were so weird about the DID, had very obvious favorites, and believed a lot of the myths, and our family is just,,, our family LOL. They engaged in it all [the abuse] so it's kind of like,, Idk, we especially do not want them to know.
Anyways... That's all I've got today,,, I'll also post day 3 today too methinks
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beforelunacy · 28 days
30 Days of DID, Day 1
"Day One: Describe your system. What kind of system, how big, anything you feel is a good introduction."
We're a medium-sized system, I suppose, with 11 active alters and about 13/14 alters total. The body is 22 and I, the host, realized I was a system at 18 when one of my alters, Reno, came forward and was like 'hey, you know how we have this insanely complicated conspiracy theory about how we're alternate-universe versions of each other connected through multiverse quantum something-or-other? Yeah so turns out it's just DID. Oh and you have serious trauma lol."
The rest of the system was pissed tf off because apparently they all had a plan to only tell me once I had moved out, and I had no plans on moving anytime soon. But then I came out as trans, was homeless for a bit, the pandemic happened, and now we're living with our life partner in our own apartment which is great. But it was... rough. Coming to terms with my multiplicity and trauma was difficult, and facilitating healthy communication with my system was equal parts terrifying and complicated, especially since I was trying to figure out college at the same time. I was fucking miserable for those first two years.
But we've improved a lot since then. I hate a lot of aspects of this disorder, but I love and appreciate my system for how much they've helped me, and I hope I make them feel loved and welcome. I was originally incredibly hostile and angry at them all, but we've grown as people. There are still plenty of rough days, but we do what we can for each other to make our lives easier.
The main fronters are myself (he/him, 22), Re (she/her, 25), Ushejiel (any pronouns, ageless), Corvo (he/him, 22), Finny (he/him, 7), and Orev (he/him, uhhh ageless? He's a bird so idk)
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lunarharp · 3 months
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What led to this (orufrey comic, cw an uncomfortable/creepy scene)
#witch hat tag#orufrey#er.... i'm too tired to have anything to say..i worked several days on this.#wait.. didn't i say just recently here that i probably wouldn't ever depict 'what if alaira is qifrey's sort-of ex'. What's going on#i don't even remember deciding to draw this..it's all a blur..i'm not sure why i WOULD decide to draw delicate scenes in my head#that i wouldn't really want to share with anyone/discuss so why did i draw it...#some part of me really really wants to draw things that are more and more true to myself...#maybe because of my alienation with most romance/shipping/dynamics the rest of the world depicts.#orufrey really is perfectly suited to me - what i read in the text and what is in my head. well anyway#i am TIRED of drawing poses and angles and..maybe now i will actually take a break from drawing bc of the tediousness of Angles#btw it really is a 'stretch of time' . . . assuming witches graduate age 18-20#well orufrey are canonically 30-ish. they've only had agott around for presumably about TWO years (?) bc she took the test age 10#and it feels like oru moving in/unknown atelier acquisition/building (?) .. i guess that could be a year or so before agott at most#(she was the first disciple) so... ????????? What about the other 7 or so years ?!?!?!!?!?! Unemployed Brimhat Hatred era#that time is very nebulous. after qifrey went to the tower i feel like it's been implied he and oru drifted apart a little.#certainly they didn't live together at first... no way. that doesn't feel like how it is based on things oru has said about becoming Eye#idk. I'm tired now. i don't usually think of alaira as necessarily qifrey's ex and this being how things went in that 'sliver of time'.#i usually prefer the idea that they have their first kiss with each other in their 30s cause That's Just The Orufrey Lifestyle#just felt like making a more relatable alternative view of my own Cai Orufrey Canon one time. btw im a big monoshipper and it hurt a bit#let's leave it there. this is surely the most i've worked on a 'single' art - though now i realise just how much longer the fic took :')
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briarrolfe · 9 months
Talking about endometriosis symptoms at work: Yeah, I’m in a bit of pain so I might be a bit spacey every now and then, haha. But you know, I’m still fine to be at work! 😊🙏
Talking about endometriosis symptoms with friends: I know God is not merciful because if he was, he would have sent one of his angels to kill me with a shovel
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m0tiv8me · 5 days
MAYbe I CAN!- 15 minutes a day Challenge🧠💪
reblog if you wish and add an update on your chosen 15 minutes of activity for the day.
DAY 30/30
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Here we are, the final day of the “MAYbe I can Challenge” First I would like to send out a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated. I greatly enjoyed reading and seeing all of your updates and checkins throughout the month. You all truly inspired me and helped keep me accountable throughout May.
The quote above felt like a fitting closing metaphor for this month and I have always loved a powerful metaphor. The whole idea behind this challenge was to spread a little sunshine in May to help you bloom and open the door to new and healthy positive possibilities. And just like any day the sun maybe didn’t always shine for everyone. Perhaps there were clouds, or some rain and even some storms that greyed out some days But ultimately what I saw was that the clouds cleared, the sun came out again and everyone used the rains to grow a little stronger and carry on.
If this challenge worked for you you should now feel as though you have established some form of positive physical and or mental consistency that will hopeful stick around going into June and beyond. Perhaps you’ve realized the endless possibilities that lie in front of you from a sunny mindset and it has you feeling recharged and beginning to bloom.
At the very least you’ve answered the question of MAYbe I can? with LOOK what I did!!
You may have noticed that there are actually 31 days in May. So why did this end on day 30?? Well, Day 31 is yours to do with as you please….just like all the other days this month. A reminder that ultimately it was you who made the decisions and took action to bring more physical and mental wellbeing into your days. Yes, no doubt the group and accountability helped some of you more than others. But now it’s time for you to take that momentum and keep it going.
SO, if you enjoyed this past month I’d love to hear about it, if you struggled I’d love to hear about that too because it’s part of the process. What did you love and or dislike about this challenge? Has it helped create healthy habits, did it change your mindset, are you noticing positive change? I certainly hope so! I know for me personally it’s been a wonderful experience and kept me growing and blooming through the sunshine and the rain!
To wrap up I encourage everyone to give it their all on this final day! Push a little harder, shine a little brighter think a little more positive and then do it all again tomorrow knowing that you totally CAN!
-m0tiv8me 🧠💪
@thoughts-sex-desires @definitely-grown @perspective24 @joshuamusclefan @52fit @runningfromthecuccos @marine-corps-strong @healthymist @integrationslady @lucky-jewels @tenacioustam @the-curvy-crossfitter @poh-fitblr @thepersonalhermit @wildgypsywind2 @echolaunch @robertbecomes @kittyfromthenorth123 @50snfit @connectmindwithmuscle @rosieredlipz
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shikariiin · 4 months
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Valentine's break
A Short TTTE fanfiction - Valentine Special
They haven't dated in this timeline :3, I rarely write, so excuse my rookie mistakes.
Edward puffed his cigarette, the night wind gently blowing on his hair as the stars above him shined.
The usual valentine's night for the K2.
As he took a long drag, memories flooded back: past loves, and heartaches. He stared off to the distance, aiming fault to himself for everything that had happened, guilt slowly creeping up, his mind going numb.
Valentine's Day was not his favorite, though he'd never openly admit it.
Abruptly, his thoughts were disrupted as a red coat cascaded down upon him, enveloping him in its warmth and vibrant hue. He looked up to a familiar face.
"Mind if I join?" James spoke softly, Edward blinked slowly almost dumbfounded "ah...sure?" he finally answered.
The red man sat beside him, drinking his water bottle "wasn't expecting to find you here" James leaned back, relaxing into the grass.
"Wasn't expecting anyone to find me" Edward smiled, feeling amused, "cigarette?" He handed the half-empty box, "good god no" James immediately refused, as stressful as he gets, he would never smoke nor drink, he wasn't raised that way.
Edward only smiled before looking away, James took notice of his demeanor, "you're not going out? It's valentine's day" he asked the K2.
Edward says as he exhales smoke, "I....I've had enough of Valentine's," an answer James wasn't expecting. "Why's that?" James asks, intrigued nonetheless. Edward sighed, his gaze drifting to the distant horizon.
The weight of past disappointments heavy on his heart. "Every Valentine's Day just reminds me of what I've lost," he confesses, his voice tinged with regret. James nods understandingly, silently acknowledging the pain concealed behind Edward's tough exterior.
"what if someone asked you out? Would you go?" James asked again, his eyes not moving away from the blue haired man.
"goodness they deserved better!" Edward sheepishly laugh "I don't expect anyone to ask me out, get a better standard I'd say"
his smile subsided before looking down to his knees "Love hurts" He inhaled deeply from his cigarette.
James looked at him, having been hurt from hearing the K2 talk about himself like that, "I think you're exceptional," James murmured softly, his gaze drifting upward to the somber sky above.
"You've made alot of impact on this railway, supporting countless engines," James remarked, taking a sip from his water bottle. "you're worth a-lot more than you give yourself credit for" he smiled.
Edward glanced at him, a spark of joy igniting within him, and he couldn't help but return the smile, though a blush colored his cheeks.
"Why aren't you going out for valentine?" Edward asked back, his mood eased as he lay down next to James.
"I have high standards!" James answered vainly, he smiled proudly at himself, Earning a laugh from the K2, his endearing laugh was not of ridicule, but of amusement.
James joined in,The atmosphere shifted, filled with warmth and tenderness as both decided to spend the rest of the night together, neither wanting to leave.
"Happy valentines day, Edward"
"Happy valentines day, James"
Maybe one day they'll actually celebrate valentine together.
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