#4:44 last day on earth
johnerwocky · 1 year
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pupkashi · 10 months
gojo satoru masterlist !
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* fluff ^ angst
— all for my angel boy <3
main masterlist
* boyfriend!gojo hcs
* rainy evenings
in which gojo gets himself caught in the rain
* christmas cuddles
gojo finds his place in the universe
* arcades
arcades are scams, he knows, but dammit gojo will win you that prize
* flowers
gojo is a self-certified flower enthusiast
* periods
gojo is an angel on earth when you get your period
* sugar rush ride
gojo loves sugar, and you’re too sweet to resist
* priorities
gojo has his priorities straight: you’ll always be the most important
* rough day
gojo will always cheer you up after a rough day
* mornings
satoru loves mornings with you
* egg hunting
gojo’s never been easter egg hunting, you decide it’s time for the famous bunny to pay him a visit
* sunday love
sundays with gojo are slow and sweet
* grocery shopping headcanons
*^ jealousy, jealousy
the worst part of dating gojo? how often he gets hit on
* movie night
satoru gojo has developed a new weakness: romcoms
* migraine
gojo helps ease the pain of your migraine
* picnics
in which mother nature decides picnics are no good without a little rain
* after like
you and satoru say the L word
* my you
gojo learns he loves stargazing
* titles
in which gojo realizes you truly see him
* going to an observatory
* costume parties
* a scenic drive with him
* time
gojo will always make sure you’re taken care of
*^ hugs
“can i hug you? you look like you could do with it”
* sweet nothing
gojo always finds himself running home to you
* clean linen
gojo’s second favorite smell is your laundry detergent
* untitled
the last person you expect to patch you up is gojo satoru, so why are you knocking on his door?
* azul
when you think of love, you think of the color blue
* oranges
gojo knows how to peel oranges
* pretty boy
gojo has to let you know how much you mean to him
* sick
gojo’s favorite hobby is being your personal nurse
* scrapbooks
satoru isn’t a sentimental person, until he is
*^ nightmares
satoru has nightmares, but also long as you’re by his side he knows he’ll be okay
* easy
loving is easy when it’s gojo satoru
*^ scars
gojo learns to love the scars on his body
*^ arguments
arguments are never nice, but at least they help you grow
* birthmarks
even in his past lives, satoru was always loved
* pizza time!
or the one time satoru tries to make pizza from scratch and is effectively banned from ever trying again
* mistletoe-go
satoru comes up with a new Christmas tradition
* new year, new superstition
whoever said wearing red on new years brought love was onto something
* kisses
satoru always makes sure your lips are well kissed
* volví a nacer
gojo feels life start anew now that you’re by his side
* f1 racer!satoru hc’s
* to love is to linger
* cereal, soup and other deep questions
* “what do you think you’d be doing if we never met?”
* “you’re bleeding!” “I was trying to cut the tomatoes!”
* “i have a meeting in an hour! get out of the bathroom!”
* “you’re my everything”
* "what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!"
* going to the fair hcs
* collegebf!satoru
* study buddy!satoru
* birthday special <3
* satoru loves yapping [to you]
* drabble #1
* drabble #2
* drabble #3
* drabble #4
* drabble #5
* drabble #6
* drabble #7
* drabble #8
* drabble #9
* drabble #10
* drabble #11
* drabble #13
* drabble #14
* drabble #15
* drabble #16
* drabble #17
* drabble #18
* drabble #19
* drabble #20
* drabble #21
* drabble #22
* drabble #23
* drabble #24
* drabble #25
* drabble #26
* drabble #27
* drabble #28
* drabble #29
* drabble #30
* drabble #31
* drabble #32
* drabble #33
* drabble #34
* drabble #35
* drabble #36
* drabble #37
* drabble #38
* drabble #39
* drabble #40
* drabble #41
* drabble #42
* drabble #43
* drabble #44
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Pride! Can I get some trans content<3
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
He can’t be pregnant.
The curse mark on his arm tells him that he is living in this body on limited time. Eventually, he will die, the string keeping him inside Mo Xuanyu’s body snapping like a string and sending him back to wherever she summoned him from.
He’d let himself forget, a little. The body he inhabits is so different than the one he woke up in. He’s made her stronger, grown her golden core into a fearsome thing, worked and worked muscles until they swelled and hardened.
It had begun to feel like it belonged to him, liked he’d carved his body from Mo Xuanyu’s. The differences from his old body hadn’t felt important, and still don’t, it’s about how this is the body he worked for and made from the one given to him.
But Mo Xuanyu is dead and her body isn’t his to keep.
If he wants to have this baby, then he must betray Mo Xuanyu and her sacrifice. If he wants to bring Lan Zhan’s baby into the world, he cannot kill Jin Guangshan.
Completing the mission she retrieved him for will sever the connection and he will die again and so will the life he’s growing.
His only hope is that maybe, maybe the thread binding him here will hold long enough for him to both deliver this child and kill Jin Guangshan.
He looks from Jiang Yanli to Jiang Cheng, their fierceness and determination the closest he’s felt to home in a long time. He shouldn’t be letting them do this, shouldn’t be sinking into the comfort of their protectiveness when they think he’s someone he’s not, but he can’t help it. It makes him feel even sadder for Xuanyu, to think that they would have done this for her, if only she’d let them. Hadn’t Jiang Yanli reached out to him that very first day while he was a confused and terrified mess? And here she is now, offering to shield him from his husband, offering to help Mo Xuanyu choose her own path and either continue the pregnancy or have it end here.
He takes a deep breath, trying to stem the flow of his tears. Jiang Cheng’s hands on his shoulders feel like the only thing keeping him in place, like he’s pressing Wei Wuxian’s spirit into place in Xuanyu’s body.
He presses a hand against his stomach, thinking of the life shifting in his womb as the first lotuses that had sprouted from muddy mountainside. If he could grow flowers in the burial mounds, he can grow a child in a borrowed body.
But does he want to?
This isn’t what he’s here for. The best case scenario is that he leaves Lan Zhan behind to raise a child alone, the husband and child of the woman who murdered a clan leader. The worst case is he leaves Lan Zhan behind to mourn a wife and child and he dies without avenging the wrongs done against Mo Xuanyu. Or he can end this here, remove the potential child from the equation and kill Jin Guangshan as subtly as possible, something he has the time to arrange when he isn’t pushing his connection to this world to the brink. Then Lan Zhan will only be the widower rather than the husband of a murderer.
There are no good choices.
But he’s used to that.
He breathes in, holding it at the top of his lungs and letting out slowly.
A-Yuan had been the brightest light in the burial mounds. Anytime he wavered, aching for the life and the people he left behind, it wasn’t Wen Qing or Wen Ning of Granny who hardened his resolve once more, but A-Yuan.
He’d loved being a parent. He’d wished he really could grow siblings for A-Yuan like he’d grown turnips.
Wei Wuxian’s legacy is one of failure, of loss, of destruction. All those he tried to protect fell. All those he had protected turned against him. The last thing he will do on this earth is kill again, even if it is a man who has earned it.
He does not want to leave behind a legacy of only terrible things.  
It could all end horribly. But he’s always been foolish enough to hope for better than he has.
He finally meets Jiang Cheng’s steady gaze.
“I’ll talk to Wangji.”
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walkingstackofbooks · 8 months
A drabble on Bajoran Time
Or: Why would a Bajoran hour be the same as an Earth one?
Featuring the classic trope, Julian Bashir's genetically enhanced awareness of time.
The most disorienting thing about living on Deep Space Nine was undoubtedly the time. Not for the reasons you might think - Julian was far from the only new Starfleet resident who had heard "26 hour clock" and assumed that would mean Bajor rotated 2 hours more slowly than Earth. But in fact, a day on Bajor was only 44 minutes - well, 44 minutes, 17 second, 592 milliseconds, to be precise - longer than an Earth day.
Which was good, undoubtedly. Julian had been worried about the physical toll that changing to a 26-hour day would have on the human residents of the station, and although a 44 minute difference wasn't nothing, he was certain the effects would have been greater had a Bajoran hour been the same as a Terran one.
But, of course, it wasn't. It made sense, really - in fact, it would be stranger if a Bajoran hour was the exact same as an hour on Earth. Though Julian couldn't help feel that 60 really was a better number of minutes (Because 39?* Really?! A number with only 4 factors?!), it would have been some coincidence indeed for both planets' history of subdividing time to happen upon the same number.
In some ways it was remarkable that the Bajoran system, splitting their days up into teneyru, loiru and kerriloiru**, was so similar to Earth's hours, minutes and seconds. Each teneyn comprised of 39 loiru, and each loira comprised of 52 kerriloiru. It worked out that a Bajoran kerriloira lasted for 1.689 Terran seconds - which for the average person, wasn't hugely noticeable.***
Julian still hadn't got used to 1300 hours being midday, or that his automatic translation of 1700 hours into 5pm was no longer useful, given that the Bajorans had no concept of AM and PM - and even if they did, it would now be an hour out. He would still talk about time using "half past" or "twenty-five to", before catching himself - and realising there was far less of the hour remaining than he had thought! He was, however, beginning to use the Bajoran equivalent more frequently, getting a secret thrill when he told a patient their appointment was at "thirteens fourteen" or "two-thirteens twelve".****
But these were things that most Federation officers were finding difficult - at least, it seemed to be one of the more common grumbles he overheard in Quark's, definitely among his fellow humans. Non-humans were more diverse in opinion; some found the adjustment easy, having already had to adapt to the Terran time that was the standard used on Starfleet ships, while others found it doubly hard to be learning yet another time system.
What Julian was finding most troublesome to deal with was his until-now fastidiously-accurate internal clock. He had developed it when he was 16, wanting to put his memory through a real test, and figuring that if he could remember precisely how long a second was, he would always know the time. While it hadn't been quite as simple as that - he had spent hours staring at the clock on his PADD - eventually tracking the time had become as automatic as breathing, a calculation that his brain kept permanently ticking in the background. During a bout of illness and extreme boredom during his 1st year at the Academy, he'd even fine-tuned it down to deciseconds, although even he hadn't managed to make it more precise than that.
Which was why he was constantly finding himself off-balance in his time-keeping. For 10 years, he hadn't had to think about what time it was, it had just been there, in his brain. And now, even with a Bajoran clock in front of him, or regular check-ins with the computer, Earth seconds continued to tick by in the back of his mind, an ever-present distraction from getting to grips with station time. Trying to learn the length of a Bajoran second was like listening to a piece of music that you didn't know was written in 5/4 - it felt jarring and off and as soon as he felt that he had gotten to grips with it, a few kerriloiru later and he'd lost it again.
Eventually it would become second-nature, Julian was sure. But he was impatient to get there. For the meanwhile, it meant spending what little free time he had in his quarters, staring at a Bajoran chronometer, and trying to ignore the small pangs of discomfort as the kerriloiru ticked over - 1.689, 1.689, 1.689...
*I've decided Bajorans use a Base-13 system simply because it's fun and they have a 26 hour day. 🤷‍♀️😅
**The words teneyn and loira come from this Bajoran dictionary. Kerriloira is a combination of loira and kerripate (a fraction of a tessipate, a measure of land). The only example of a Bajoran plural I could find was maktal > makteru on this wiki so that's what I went with 😅
*** 1 loira is equivalent to 1 minute and 27.828 seconds. 1 teneyn is equivalent to 57 minutes and 5.292 seconds.
**** Obviously, the logical way to divide a teneyn up is into 3 lots of 13 loiru. Although humans cling so tenaciously to "half-past" as a concept, that eventually station Bajorans do end up adopting it as meaning 19 minutes after the hour.
Thanks for sticking with me in this silly little maths worldbuilding :P I'm totally not going to go and write up my Bajoran counting system now, that doesn't sound like me at all... 😅😬 (Who am I kidding, sign me up to everything numbers and Star Trek and alien cultures)
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call-me-oracle · 4 months
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dickbabs post-rebirth reading list
*note - not all of these issues feature dickbabs together, some are just laments about the current situation of their relationship or them working as a team!
current ongoings
nightwing (2016-): issue #3, #10, #15, #44-47, #50-51, #54, #57-58, #68, #72-75, #77-; annual #1, annual #2, annual 2021, annual 2022, annual 2024
detective comics (2016-): issue #1047-1051, #1053-1058
batman (2016-): issue #99, #127-129, #136-138, #145-146, #148
batman: the brave and the bold (2023-): issue #4, #13
titans (2023-): issue #1-2, #6-7
catwoman (2018-): issue #45
former ongoings
batgirl (2016-2020): issue #7, #9, #14-17, #25, #27-28, #39, #44, #50
batgirls (2021-2022): issue #2-3, #7-8, #19, #12
batman: urban legends (2021-2023): issue #2, #6, #9, #22-23
the flash (2016-2023): issue #787
superman: son of kal-el (2021-2022): issue #10
limited series
dc vs vampires (2021-2022): issue #2-8, #10, #12
dark crisis on infinite earths (2022): issue #3
titans: beast world: issue #1-6
the boy wonder (2024): issue #1
event tie-ins
dc vs vampires: hunters: issue #1
titans: beast world tour - gotham: issue #1
knight terrors: nightwing: issue #1-2
anthology issues
dark nights: death metal - the last stories of the dc universe: issue #1
dc's how to lose a guy gardner in 10 days: issue #1
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sleepythug · 10 months
could you list some of your fav indie dramas?
stroszek (werner herzog, 1977)
cockfighter (monte hellman, 1974)
repo man (alex cox, 1984)
julien donkey boy (harmony korine, 1999)
bless their little hearts (billy woodberry, 1983)
out of the blue (dennis hopper, 1980)
made in britain (alan clarke, 1982)
walkabout (nicolas roeg, 1971)
blue collar (paul schrader, 1978)
buster and billie (daniel petrie, 1974)
five easy pieces (bob rafaelson, 1970)
my brother's wedding (charles burnett, 1983)
minnie and moskowitz (john cassavetes, 1971)
somewhere (sofia coppola, 2010)
wendy and lucy (kelly reichardt, 2008)
ossos (pedro costa, 1997)
smithereens (susan siedelman, 1982)
relaxer (joel potrykus, 2018)
fingers (james toback, 1978)
we're all going to the world's fair (jane schoenbrun, 2022)
mary jane's not a virgin anymore (sarah jacobson, 1996)
4:44 last day on earth (abel ferrara, 2011)
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nmnomad · 1 year
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Located just four miles west of Carrizozo, Valley of Fires is one of the youngest lava flows in the continental United States, the second youngest in New Mexico behind the McCartys flow in the El Malpais National Monument.
Volcanic vents on Little Black Peak starting oozing lava about 5,000 years ago, filling the northern end of the Tularosa Valley with streams of molten rock for about 30 years. The volcanic field is associated with the Rio Grande Rift, a part of the Earth’s crust that is being gradually pulled apart. This creates faults, which provide paths for magma to reach the Earth’s surface. Whereas most of the volcanic activity has been steady seepage, the last eruption, about 1,500-2,000 years ago, was more explosive.
In total, the Carrizozo Malpais lava flow is 4-6 miles wide, 44-miles long, and approximately 160-feet thick, covering 125 square miles of the Tularosa Basin. The view from the top of Sierra Blanca is outstanding on a clear day. Valley of Fires lava flows extend from the north end of the Tularosa Basin to 14 miles north of the gypsum dunes of White Sands National Park. Dark and light. The geologic contrast is striking enough, and large enough, to be seen from space.
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
Elena of Avalor fics/AUs that I’m likely too lazy to write
The War on Avalor
Princess Elena has finally become Queen, leaving the dark days of Shuriki’s rule behind… that is until the Queen receives a declaration of war from the Northern Islands - Shuriki’s old domain where she served as the royal sorceress and helped her rulers’ attempt to invade and colonize Avalor’s allies, only for her rulers to be foiled and arrested by Raul and Lucia, leaving Shuriki in charge to set her sights upon Avalor. The Queen soon learns about Avalor’s long lasting war with the Northern Islands for their threat to the nation’s heritage, allies, and culture, and must defend Avalor once again.
2. Magic From Beyond
An alternative universe where Victor and Esteban are both banished from Avalor following Shuriki’s takeover. With no surviving family left, Esteban is taken in by Raul’s royal treasurer, and is forced on the run with the rest of the Delgados.
Shuriki’s former partners-in-crime are struggling to keep their secret of the true cause behind the King and Queen’s murder, as well as getting used to live outside of the palace - Until they bump into a malvago - Fiero, who, like Shuriki, promises them grand magical power - The power of the crystal forge of Takaina.
Neither side are loyal to one another. Victor and Esteban immediately plan on betraying Fiero with their power to avoid getting screwed over by him. Meanwhile Fiero plans on using the children to get back at Shuriki and surpsede her as Avalor’s powerful wizard. All the while, Esteban and Victor must keep their deal with Fiero, AND their former deal with Shuriki a secret. And of course, Shuriki hunting the boys down also doesn’t help.
3. Esteban’s Time
For 44 years, Esteban Flores suffered the earth-shattering guilt of playing a hand in the murder of his aunt and uncle, the attempted murder of his cousin Elena, the imprisonment of his other cousin, and grandparents, and the banishment of his longtime friend, unable to change the weight of his mistakes. When he is hunted down like a rat for his crimes, he comes across the Four Shades of Awesome, lead by Cahu, the time shade.
Realizing the opportunity, Esteban demands that he be sent back in time, 44 years into the past to defend Avalor and his family from Shuriki. Cahu obliges.
With the power of Takaina, and the four shades, Esteban prevents the disaster of the kingdom’s usurpation, only to discover that the Four Shades were using him. They set their sights on the royal family, seeking the power of the Amulet of Avalor to conquer the EverRealm. The only way to stop them is to send them back to the spirit world, which would also undo their handiwork upon the timeline as well.
So now, the former Chancellor of Avalor must choose the lesser of 2 evils. Stop the Four Shades and return to a future where Avalor sees him as the villain, or help them, and live to see a future where Avalor is no more.
4. Shuriki the Cursed
Believing that she had killed Princess Elena, Shuriki finds the Princess’s Amulet, and decides to wear it as a way to show her victory over the Castillo Flores family (which sounds like a stretch but this bitch literally crushed Lucia’s tiara after stealing it so it tracks).
Little does she know that the Princess is inside the Amulet she covets. And imprisonment isn’t enough to stop the orphaned teenager’s judgement. Elena’s revenge knows no bounds as 40 years of curses, one more chaotic and deadly than the last, rain upon the false Queen. It isn’t until the 41st year, where Elena decides to strike the ultimate karmic blow. Summoning the deposed Princess Ivy, who claims to seek a new Kingdom with the help of her anrthropod army. The people of Avalor are initially quick to follow her, only to discover that the angry princess puts her own need above the people’s. A three-sided war between Shuriki, Ivy, and the Avalorans, (lead by the Crown Princess’s estranged cousin, Esteban) ensues, and only one side will wind up on top.
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unablethethird · 1 month
once again
Same with you skip the weird ones
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1: Name Robert [rob]
2: Age 14
3: 3 Fears 1- Friends dying/getting hurt 2-Going back to the last place i lived 3-Not being able to help/be there
4: 3 things I love 1-My frens 2-Laptop 3-headphones
7: My best friend You and yaya [irl]
8: Sexual orientation AroAce [fictoromantic/fictosexual, and kinda orchidromantic]
10: How tall am I 166cm [for now]
11: What do I miss
cant think of anything rn
12: What time were I born 4am
13: Favorite color red, orange, purple, black
15: Favorite quote "Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, light a man *on* fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life"
16: Favorite place Arcade
17: Favorite food Imjaderah [rice+yoghurt+beans]
18: Do I use sarcasm sometimes, not rlly tho
19: What am I listening to right now
20: First thing I notice in new person Not sure, maybe symptoms???? but not on purpose
21: Shoe size No idea
22: Eye color dark brown [almost black]
23: Hair color black
24: Favorite style of clothing 1920s men atire
25: Ever done a prank call? Not that i can remember
27: Meaning behind my URL I mean this is the 3rd acc
28: Favorite movie THE LORAX!!!!
29: Favorite song right now it's
30: Favorite band FamilyJules? LemonDemon? Will wood? Chonny jash?
31: How I feel right now My body's scared but im chilling
32: Someone I love You /p
33: My current relationship status AroAce, platonically married
34: My relationship with my parents lol
35: Favorite holiday Eid al adha, free money
36: Tattoos and piercing i have Ear
37: Tattoos and piercing i want Sleeve tattoo when i transition
38: The reason I joined Tumblr Needed to continue a fic/comic that was on tumblr
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? idk
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? thank you fren /gen
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? my dad? maybe when i was really young
42: When did I last hold hands? My little sister, i didnt want her to get run over when crossing the road
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? As long as i have, if u give me an hour i'll take an hour, if you give me 30 seconds i'll take 30 seconds
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Nope, i get gender dysphoria from shaving my legs/arms
45: Where am I right now? Bed
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUD
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Mum, not dad
49: Am I excited for anything? Turning 18 and going uni and being a human person with a human life
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Im an oversharer
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Im autistic so not in a deppressed way
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Cant remember
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? H [irl]
55: What is something I disliked about today? My sister stealing money from my mum, i was this close to having smoke outta my ears, she should know better
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? God, im going to beat the shit out of him
57: What do I think about most? Cringe memories i guess?
58: What’s my strangest talent? I can bird whistle
59: Do I have any strange phobias? Touch might be strange?
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind fs
61: What was the last lie I told? "I don't know who they were talking about" [i didn't want to hurt her feelings]
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? voice, video is a nightmare
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yea because either i've seen them or im delusional [im delusional]. aliens are a given, even a bacteria could be one
64: Do I believe in magic? Kinda? idrk, maybe
65: Do I believe in luck? yea
66: What’s the weather like right now? cloudy n cold
67: What was the last book I’ve read? DnD rulebook
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? LVORE IT LOIF LVOE LOVE IT
69: Do I have any nicknames? I get called by my last name a lot
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? not sure
71: Do I spend money or save it? Save
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Unfortunatly no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? My sisters deoderant
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? calming myself down
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? I dont think he has one, idk im not religious
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Corny/cringe as hell but Honeypie by JAWNY
78: How can you win my heart? havent thought about it
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
80: What is my favorite word? supercalifragilisticexpialadocious
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr Moots
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? your god is the right one [chaos]
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Not currently, but my dad and some uncles were
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Time manipulation
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? i dont think questions are scary
86: What is my current desktop picture? basic
90: Failed a class? classes
94: Had job? I have one now, dont always get paid though
95: Left the house without my wallet? Dont have a wallet
96: Bullied someone on the internet? no
98: Played on a sports team?
Unless school sport team counts
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no
104: Been overweight? No
105: Been underweight? yea
106: Been to a wedding? ye
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Duh
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? maybe i dont remember
109: Been outside my home country? Technically im from iran, and i live in australia, so, yeah
110: Gotten my heart broken? i guess
111: Been to a professional sports game? no
112: Broken a bone? no
113: Cut myself? yeah Im stopping though
114: Been to prom? we dont have that
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter? no
117: What concerts have I been to? none
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? kinda
119: Learned another language? I know arabic and english
120: Wore make up? Forced to when i was younger but not anymore
123: Dyed my hair? Part of it purple, but its gone now
124: Voted in a presidential election? Cant vote, eitherway all of em suck
125: Rode in an ambulance? Yep
126: Had a surgery? not sure, memory bad
127: Met someone famous? Not that i know of
128: Stalked someone on a social network? mutuals tumblrs
129: Peed outside? Yea
130: Been fishing? nope
131: Helped with charity? yep
132: Been rejected by a crush? nope
133: Broken a mirror? Yep
134: What do I want for birthday? Wouldn't ever happen because it's expensive as fuck but a pump it up machine
i usually get a slice of cake tho
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ms-m-astrologer · 9 months
Transiting Sun enters Capricorn
Friday, December 22, 2023 - Saturday, January 20, 2024
Capricorn the Sea Goat*:
Earth (material - practical, grounded, sensual, reliable, stable, cautious)
Yin (gravity - ingoing, receptive, intuitive, collecting)
Cardinal (initiating action - generating, acting, directing)
Transpersonal (universal - focused on ideals and abstractions)
“I utilize”
Ruler - Saturn; exalted - Mars
Color: deep forest greens and pine greens
(* Gleaned almost completely from the book Astrology for Yourself by Bloch and George; the color is my own theory/belief.)
I always feel a definite “jolt” in the vibe, as we transition from raucous Sagittarian “deck the halls,” to contemplative Capricornian “silent night, holy night.”
And the whole “New Year’s resolution” tradition is a good way to feel the general Capricorn intention: we’re taking a longer term view, trying to determine the best path going forward to promise the most success.
The Sun’s transit through Capricorn, this time, is bracketed by some significant conjunctions: we begin with Sun-Mercury, and end with Sun-Pluto.
Friday, December 22 - Sun/Capricorn conjunct Mercury Rx/Capricorn, 0°39’. A systems upgrade for our frame of mind - we take a more serious, disciplined approach. How can we be cannier about life?
Sunday, December 24 - Sun/Capricorn sextile Saturn/Pisces, 2°37’. Oh yes, we’re taking Capricorn seriously, all right - exploring dimensions we can’t find in a cursory, superficial glance.
Tuesday, December 26 - Sun/Capricorn (4°30’) sesquisquare Uranus Rx/Taurus (19°30’). A little post-holiday frustration? We see where we want to be, and we can’t quite get there . . . yet.
Wednesday, December 27 - Sun/Capricorn trine Jupiter Rx/Taurus, 5°36’. Feel better now? That goal isn’t as far away as it seems.
Saturday, January 6 - Sun/Capricorn square Chiron/Aries, 15°29’. Watch out for hurt feelings when people don’t acknowledge one another. We are stronger together, and we’re all equals.
Then a very intense few days between Tuesday, January 9 - Friday, January 12:
Sun/Capricorn semi-sextile Ceres/Sagittarius, 19°00’
Sun/Capricorn (19°04’) semi-square Saturn/Pisces (4°04’)
Sun/Capricorm trine Uranus Rx/Taurus, 19°13’
Sun/Capricorn square North Node/Aries and South Node/Libra, 20°21’
New Moon, 20°44’ Capricorn
Sun/Capricorn trine Juno/Virgo, 21°52’
Sun/Capricorn sextile Pallas Athene/Scorpio, 21°53’
The main thing is the New Moon, with all the other aspects valid for it. We’re very interested in making practical innovations, more on a scale of benefiting our everyday lives and relationships. Be wary of “my way or the highway” attitudes, of Eeyore-like negative attitudes, and especially of “going along to get along.”
Sunday, January 14:
Sun/Capricorn inconjunct Vesta Rx/Gemini, 24°00’
Sun/Capricorn square Eris/Aries, 24°09’
Ego getting in the way, and a lack (or failure) of personal integration. Guard against anger undoing our plans and hard work.
Monday, January 15 - Sun/Capricorn sextile Neptune/Pisces, 25°21’. In the US, this is Martin Luther King Jr. day. There’s an exemplary Capricorn role model for us. Read his final speech for some pure Capricorn. (And read his Riverside Church speech “Beyond Vietnam” for more Cap insight.)
Saturday, January 20 - Sun/Capricorn conjunct Pluto/Capricorn, 29°59’. This is the very last Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn for the next 240-ish years. Think about everything we’ve gone through between 2008 and now - what went wrong, what went right - and how has all that changed our perception of Capricorn? The Sun enters Aquarius a mere 21 minutes after this conjunction matures, followed by Pluto about 11 hours aftwrward.
15 notes · View notes
quodekash · 2 years
Win asks a lot of questions. In twelve episodes of the show, Win asks a grand total of 162 questions. And, because I don’t have a life, here are all 162 questions in one place, plus what episode each was in, what part of the episode, and a time stamp. Enjoy. 
EP 1, 1/4, 4:16, “right?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 12:28, “when will you stop?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 21:21, “who did this?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 21:44, “do you think that’s easy?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 22:17, “what is it now, man?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 23.21, “happy?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 23:24, “why are you so problematic?” 
EP 1, 2/4, 1:45, “waiter, can we have one (two, three) shaved ices please?” 
EP 1, 3/4, 6:27, “tinn, how did you become a judge here?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 2:56, “we have a fan?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 4:38, “you think we’re your slaves?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 4:40, “you think you’re the school president and you can do anything?” 
EP 2, 4/4, 0:25, “gun, are you sure?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 4:49, “why did you even agree to that, gun?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 4:55, “what’s that freaking smile?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 6:47, “how does he know that?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 6:48, “is he watching us?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 7:27, “who would have time to tutor us?” 
EP 4, 1/4, 1:11, “right? they are” 
EP 4, 1/4, 3:51, “see? I knew it.” 
EP 4, 1/4, 5:06, “what the heck are you doing?” 
EP 4, 1/4, 12:34, “why are you here?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 1:40, “what?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 1:41, “I couldn’t help it, could I?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 4:31, “do you think we will accept him?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 5:17, “why the heck would we want that?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 9:57, “what?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 10:35, “what the heck are you guys doing?” 
EP 4, 4/4, 4:40, “what the hell is wrong with you?” 
EP 4, 4/4, 4:41, “what do you want?”  
EP 4, 4/4, 12:01, “gun, why did you come back?” 
EP 5, 1/4, 1:59, “how’s your band now, sir?” 
EP 5, 2/4, 0:33, “what the hell are you doing here?” 
EP 5, 2/4, 1:13, “you think i’m slacking off, don’t you?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:27, “why are you here, Sound?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:38, “what?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:39, “do you think i’m running home?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:44, “are you picking a fight?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:46, “huh?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 11:14, “are you trying to get on my nerves?” 
EP 5, 4/4, 7:35, “what is love?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 6:46, “the heck are you talking about?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:34, “why?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:35, “are you bullying me?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:51, “are you happy now?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:57, “how about i shut your mouth with my feet?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 3:39, “was that a warm-up, too?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 3:52, “want me to coach you?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 4:37, “how many times have i told you?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 4:45, “don’t you get what I said?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 1:04, “why looking confused?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 3:53, “there’s more?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 3:59, “HUH?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 4:06, “have you decided who has a secret crush?: 
EP 6, 3/4, 5:34, “can i try it again?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 3:38, “that was off-script, wasn’t it?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:01, “should i just work in this industry?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:11, “your tier?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:12, “what tier, exactly?” 
EP 7, 1/4, 1:39, “when will he stop rambling?” 
EP 7, 1/4, 5:00, “why do you always ruin your friends’ mood?” 
EP 7, 2/4, 6:20, “you know people send me flirty messages every day?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 2:26, “four, do you like to eat?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 2:40, “do we need to?: 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:08, “what?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:42, “why on earth do i have to be attached to you?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:57, “can you hurry up?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:59, “see?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 4:32, “what?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 4:37, “why would i lie?” 
EP 7, 4/4, 2:27, “what are you waiting for?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 10:08, “are you sure?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 13:31, “what?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 17:26, “what did you do?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 17:31, “why did you drink that? 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:33, “can’t you see the situation?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:34, “how dare you leave now?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:38, “what?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:40, “gun, how can you let him leave?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 9:37, “are you the last one who saw him?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 14:30, “how about we practice all night tonight?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 14:36, “how does practice all night sound?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 2:39, “so this is your workshop, huh?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:00, “what’s wrong with your wrist?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:05, “why didn’t you tell us?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:08, “why acting cool?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:30, “want to go back with me?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 4:14, “does it fit?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 1:52, “why are you telling me?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 1:55, “you want me to take you?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:03, “how is your wrist?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:05, “is it better now?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:12, “what?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 8:01, “am i dreaming right now?” 
EP 9, 2/4, 4:08, did you come and set these up for us beforehand?” 
EP 9, 2/4, 9:25, “can anyone please tell me why he wanted us to do this cover dance?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 0:26, “how can that help with playing music?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:10, “what’s up with you recently?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:24, “what are you mad at me about?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:38, “what song are you writing?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:52, “why did it turn into a sweet love song?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 9:53, “why do i feel like you just yelled at me through that song?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:13, “seriously, since when?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:45, “hey, can i go with you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:54, “are you leaving me here?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:58, “what if i get home soaking wet?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:00, “don’t you feel pity for me?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:02, “what if i have to walk home through the rain and get sick?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:05, “can i go with you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:34, “you are?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:42, “the umbrella is small, right?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:00, “what is it?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:01, “are you blushing?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:07, “why is your heart beating so fast then?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:33, “what if i say my heart never beats fast for you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 13:34, “can you coach me?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 13:48: “do you think you can do it?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 14:00, “so this is your way of hitting on me?” 
EP 10, 2/4, 5:40, “so what if we have no audience?” 
EP 10, 3/4, 8:19, “tinn, where’s gun?” 
EP 10, 3/4, 8:20, “didn’t he come with you?” 
EP 10, 4/4, 0:29, “what should we do now?” 
EP 10, 4/4, “where on earth is gun?” 
EP 11, 1/4, 7:30, “what?” 
EP 11, 1/4, 7:32, “are you guys giving in to this small defeat?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:08, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:17, “don’t you get it?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:18, “what do you expect me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:23, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:28, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:46, “what can i do now?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 17:56, “why didn’t you help him carry?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 7:13, “like it?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:14, “how can you even walk?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:53, “gun, do you want to take my place?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:57, “hey, gun, what’s wrong?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:01, “why are you two hugging?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:04, “if nothing, then why are you guys hugging?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:09, “gun, are you dizzy?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:11, “are you having a fever?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:20, “can i have some?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:23, “why would we walk all the way here just to let you drink it?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:37, “why would we walk all the way here then?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:41, “and you think we’re not?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:54, “he should go so he can stop being so self-centred?” (there was a question mark in the subtitles so im going with it) 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:58, “when was i being like that?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:04, “and you didn’t make mistakes at all, right?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:06, “was i the only one wrong?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:21, “why can’t you become a world-class musician if you’re so great?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:26, “so what?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:54, “what do you do every day aside from stopping fights?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 15:24, “you just realised that, a-hole?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:39, “did i miss something?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:40, “what is happening?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:45, “what did you two talk about?” 
EP 12, 1/4, 16:41, “have you seen this?” 
EP 12, 1/4, 16:43, “have you guys seen this?” 
EP 12, 2/4, 1:18, “have you seen the student council help other people like they did with us?” 
EP 12, 2/4, 8:15, “right, pumpkin?” 
EP 12, 3/4, 0:20, “what’s the situation?” 
EP 12, 3/4, 11:52, “what?” 
EP 12, 4/4, 5:57, “what should i write down?” 
conclusion: win asks a lot of questions 
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1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
12. name of your favorite playlist?
13. lanyard or key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
18. ideal weather?
19. sleeping position?
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
21. obsession from childhood?
22. role model?
23. strange habits?
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
29. best way to bond with you?
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
32. top five favorite vines?
33. most used phrase in your phone?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
51. current stresses?
52. favorite font?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
54. what did you learn from your first job?
55. favorite fairy tale?
56. favorite tradition?
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
62. seven characters you relate to?
63. five songs that would play in your club?
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
88. your greatest wish?
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
OH MY LORD this took me SO long to do but here you gooo finally @imsaanvikhanna im tagging you because idk if you'll still get a notif but yeah enjoy reading all of that
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
soda cans but also mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
lolly pops
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
"smart and driven"
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
soda cans
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows
9. favorite smell in the summer?
wet grasssss and just mowed grass
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
12. name of your favorite playlist?
"feestje in me hoofd"
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
gummy bears or gummy peaches
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
uhmmm "het verotte leven van floortje bloem"
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
with your legs over somebodys legs
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
currently my puma hightops
18. ideal weather?
sunny but not extremely warm
19. sleeping position?
Tumblr media
this one but leg like waaaayyy further up
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
21. obsession from childhood?
i geuss like, rocks or tree climbing
22. role model?
23. strange habits?
chewing. even when im not eating
24. favorite crystal?
id say rose quartz
25. first song you remember hearing?
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
water fights honestly
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
sit inside with my bf (I HATE LIFE LMAOOO)
28. five songs to describe you?
oh god do i have to do this
29. best way to bond with you?
talk to me. talk with me not about me
30. places that you find sacred?
my grandmas house
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
black tight jeans, black shirt, black leather jacket
32. top five favorite vines?
33. most used phrase in your phone?
dont have a phone rn (ma took it)
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
the new pepsi can
35. average time you fall asleep?
i sleep????
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
i think it was like a spongebob meme
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel bag
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
lemon cake
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
HAHAHAHAH this is a dutch highschool everything that happens here is weird my love
41. last person you texted?
my friend jade
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
nude yall
47. favorite type of cheese?
just normal 40+ cheese
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
something sweet n sour
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
"do whatever you want because people are going to talk shit anyways" -le me
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
my dads humor
51. current stresses?
central exams
52. favorite font?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
drawn on, nails uglily painted, soft
54. what did you learn from your first job?
not much
55. favorite fairy tale?
56. favorite tradition?
we always do a little surprise when someone in the friendgroup has a birthday
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
selfharm problem, expressing my feelings (still struggle w that but we getting somewhere)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
i hAvE No TaLeNt (im a really fast reader, give pretty decent advice despite making horrible decisions
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
"hit me i dare you"
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
something like howls moving castle
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
god i am so bad at these uuuhmmm
"you left and i wanted you still yet i deserved someone who was willing to stay"
62. seven characters you relate to?
percy jackson
jake peralta
amy santiago
63. five songs that would play in your club?
hips dont lie
hey there delilah
nonsense. but the version with coi leray
what it is
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
on my legs
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
bracelet my bf got me
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
vinegar chips. fight me that shit is disgusting.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
pinch the webbing of your hand then squeze your thumb in your fist now try to gag
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
banana+peanutbutter+pancake syrup (no not maple syrup fuck you)
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
level 8
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i think i was 7
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
all potato food is good potato food
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
a pancake plant
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
sushi from a grocery store
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
i dont have a drivers license
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
talk radio
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
everybody abandoning me
88. your greatest wish?
to be free (aka move out)
89. who would you put before everyone else?
my 2 bestfriends
90. luckiest mistake?
meeting my boyfriend because that was *not* why i was there but i love that i met him (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the fact this was in my drafts so long he dumped me already)
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
some people call me rooibos
some people call me kleintje
my (ex) boyfriend always called me, schatje, pookie, kleintje, tiny
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
my own
98. favorite historical era?
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chenfordspiral · 7 months
Everything with a 4 or a 9!
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in? Mmmh, interesting. Lemme google what this means before I answer.. okay, I think I can confidently say that maybe I believe in the Loch Ness Monster. (confidently and maybe in the same sentence?? Woman that doesn't work but whatever..)
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? No coffee? Sorry, not a coffee person 🫣 (if I do have a cup like once every five years, then hot!)
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains? I do! It’s kind of calming for some reason.
19. imagine we're at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? I suck at it but why not 🤷🏼‍♀️ haha
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? My guess? We’d talk about The Rookie and writing fanfiction while listening to Taylor Swift and having snacks 😂
29. how do you like your shower water? Not too cold and not too hot. So.. warm I guess
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart? I actually don’t know. But I think the one I know beat right now is “the lakes”
39. do you use lip balm? Nope.
40. did you have any snacks today? I don’t think so? No, no I didn’t.
41. how do you take your coffee? Not at all (see 9.)
42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? Um, spotify, Instagram and Notion are probably the ones I use the most these days. Oh and Netflix and WhatsApp, duh.
43. what's your take on spicy foods? Not a fan lol
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? Oh god. I don’t think I’ve hated anyone enough to want to kill them.. not in real life anyway 😂 fictional characters? About 20, give or take
45. can you remember what happenedyesterday? I think so. Not all of it but I remember the most important part: my official BA certificate finally came in the mail!
46. favorite holiday film? Oh dear. I haven’t watched any in a really long time so.. I don’t know? Like I genuinely don't know.
47. what was the last message you sent? “Hate to break it to you but.. I know”
48. when did you first try an alcohol beverage? I wanna say 13? Maybe even before that. And before anyone says anything, it was in the company of my father which is (semi-) legal here (technically, I should’ve been 14 for it to be legal, but whatever). We’re allowed to drink (and buy!) beer and wine and champagne by ourselves at 16 over here!
49. can you skip rocks? Nope, at least not the last time I tried.
Thanks for asking! 😁
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The Lord’s Negative Response
1 Then the Lord said to me, “Even if Moses and Samuel should stand before me, my compassions would not reach out to these people. Send them from my presence, and let them go. 2 If they ask you, ‘Where will we go?’ tell them: This is what the Lord says:
Those destined for death, to death; those destined for the sword, to the sword. Those destined for famine, to famine; those destined for captivity, to captivity.
3 “I will ordain four kinds of judgment for them”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“the sword to kill, the dogs to drag away, and the birds of the sky and the wild animals of the land to devour and destroy. 4 I will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth because of Manasseh son of Hezekiah, the king of Judah, for what he did in Jerusalem.
5 Who will have pity on you, Jerusalem? Who will show sympathy toward you? Who will turn aside to ask about your well-being? 6 You have left me.” This is the Lord’s declaration. “You have turned your back, so I have stretched out my hand against you and destroyed you. I am tired of showing compassion. 7 I scattered them with a winnowing fork at the city gates of the land. I made them childless; I destroyed my people. They would not turn from their ways. 8 I made their widows more numerous than the sand of the seas. I brought a destroyer at noon against the mother of young men. I suddenly released on her agitation and terrors. 9 The mother of seven grew faint; she breathed her last breath. Her sun set while it was still day; she was ashamed and humiliated. The rest of them I will give over to the sword in the presence of their enemies.” This is the Lord’s declaration.
Jeremiah’s Complaint
10 Woe is me, my mother, that you gave birth to me, a man who incites dispute and conflict in all the land. I did not lend or borrow, yet everyone curses me.
The Lord’s Response
11 The Lord said:
Haven’t I set you loose for your good? Haven’t I punished you in a time of trouble, in a time of distress with the enemy?
12 Can anyone smash iron, iron from the north, or bronze?
13 I will give up your wealth and your treasures as plunder, without cost, for all your sins in all your borders. 14 Then I will make you serve your enemies in a land you do not know, for my anger will kindle a fire that will burn against you.
Jeremiah’s Prayer for Vengeance
15 You know, Lord; remember me and take note of me. Avenge me against my persecutors. In your patience, don’t take me away. Know that I suffer disgrace for your honor. 16 Your words were found, and I ate them. Your words became a delight to me and the joy of my heart, for I bear your name, Lord God of Armies. 17 I never sat with the band of revelers, and I did not celebrate with them. Because your hand was on me, I sat alone, for you filled me with indignation. 18 Why has my pain become unending, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? You truly have become like a mirage to me— water that is not reliable.
Jeremiah Told to Repent
19 Therefore, this is what the Lord says:
If you return, I will take you back; you will stand in my presence. And if you speak noble words, rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. It is they who must return to you; you must not return to them. 20 Then I will make you a fortified wall of bronze to this people. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to save you and rescue you. This is the Lord’s declaration.
21 I will rescue you from the power of evil people and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless. — Jeremiah 15 | Christian Standard Bible (CSB) The Christian Standard Bible. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 48:16; Exodus 22:25; Exodus 32:11; Leviticus 26:16; Leviticus 26:22; Leviticus 26:33; Numbers 34:7; Deuteronomy 28:36; Deuteronomy 28:64; Judges 16:28; 1 Samuel 2:5; Job 6:15; 1 Kings 7:1; Job 6:20; Job 34:6; Psalm 44:12; Psalm 46:7; Psalm 69:20; Psalm 138:3; Isaiah 1:4; Isaiah 3:25-26; Jeremiah 4:1; Jeremiah 6:29; Matthew 3:12; 2 Corinthians 6:17; Revelation 6:8; Revelation 10:9; Revelation 13:10
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uma1ra · 10 months
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Qur'anic Chapter Khaf And Friday
"Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will bestow upon him light between those two Fridays. (al-Bayhaqi)
In another narration, the Prophet said, “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf as it was revealed, there will be a light for him on the Day of Resurrection.(al-Sunan al-Kubra)
Surat Al-Kahf was revealed in Makkah. Many Ahadeeth confirm the virtues of this Surah. As we are recommended to read Surah khaf on Friday. It is said that it will protect and save us from the fitnah of dajjal (anti Christ), trials and afflictions. The first and the last ten Ayahs provide protection from Dajjal. It is pivotal to understand that Surat Al-Kahf is not just a magical spell that will serve as a shield against the Antichrist. Rather, the comprehension of its underlying meaning and application of the suggested measures will save us from Dajjal.
Prophet Muhammad pbuh stated: “Whoever memorizes ten Ayahs from the beginning of Surat Al-Kahf will be protected from the Dajjal.” (Muslim, Abu Dawood, An-Nasai and At-Tirmidhi)
This Surah was revealed in answer to the questions which was posed by the pagans of Mecca to test prophet pbuh. As Makkan phase can be divided into four stages, that was the third period. It was the era of religious persecution of believers. Many times to the point of being ill- treated and oppressed due to their faith. Allah, however, not only gave them a complete answer to their questions but also drew their attention by those stories to take heed from it. There was a conflict going on at that time in Makkah between believers and disbelievers. As muslims were least in number. That's why they were intentionally practising patience in such distressing situations to achieve their goal. They very well knew that if they retaliate, they would be easily overpowered. So couldn't risk their lives, because they were the carriers of Islam—they had to take the religion forward.
In Surah khaf, there are four stories which we get the insught from these stories to face the trials and afflictions.
1. Trial of Faith – Young People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26)
2. Trial of Wealth – The story of the Rich and the Poor (Verses 32 – 44)
3. Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82)
4. Trial of Power –Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
Let's explore each along with lessons we get from each story.
1."The people of the cave" : It’s the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decided to migrate to save their imaan and took refuge in the cave. Allah mentions the word “fityah” (plural of fata)- young boys to draw the attention that they were young people who had firm faith in Allah. But they did not follow the people blindly but thought rationally. In every society and culture there are trenda and precedents presents and people tend to follow them unknowingly. And people don't dare to follow against them. So here thses young men though powerless and weak still troed to preserved their faith.
▪︎ Lesson of this story is the 'Trial of Faith'
2. "The owner of two gardens" : A story of a man whom Allah blessed with two beautiful gardens, but the man forgot to thank the One who blessed him with everything and he even dared to doubt Allah regarding the afterlife. So his garden was destroyed – he regretted it, but was too late and his regret did not benefit him.
▪︎ Lesson of this story: 'Trial of wealth'
3. "Musa pbuh and Khidr pbuh" : When Musa pbuh was asked “Who is the most knowledgeable of the people of Earth?” Musa pbuh said that it was him as he assumed he was the only prophet on Earth at the time. But Allah revealed to him that there’s someone who knows more than him about certain things. Musa pbuh traveled looking for him and learned how divine wisdom can sometimes be hidden in matters which we perceive as bad.
▪︎ And Lesson of this story: 'Trial of knowledge'
And now to the FINAL one, "Global Phenomena"
4. "Dhul-Qarnayne" : Allah mentions the story of a great king who was given knowledge and power travelling the world helping people and spreading all that’s good. He was able to overcome the problem of Gog and Magog (Yajooj-Majooj) by building a massive dam with the help of people whom he could not even understand.
▪︎ Lesson of this story: 'Trial of power'
Allah says to us four/4 kind of stories relating 4 kind of trials that we face daily in our day to day lives.
But, What is the relation between 'Surah Kahf' and 'Dajjal' ?
Dajjal will appear before the day of judgement with 4 trials:
A▪︎He will ask people to worship him and not Allah: "Trial of faith"
B▪︎He will be given powers to start/stop rain and tempt people with his wealth: "Trial of wealth"
C▪︎He will tempt people with "knowledge” and news he gives them: "Trial of knowledge"
D▪︎He will control huge parts of the Earth: "Trial of power"
Those people who sticks strong to Allah in every single aspect of their life, those people who don't fall for the illusion, delusion, corruption and brainwashing of this world. The Dajjal has already set his foot, and entered through the midern and cultural engineering of the 20th century. It's almost ready to take its throne. People are infested in this world from many direction.
Moreover Almighty Allah has given the SOLUTION for these Trials and Test.
1.Good companionship to build a strong Faith : To protect our faith we need to be surrounded with good people. Besides this, the believers have been taught that even if they are persecuted by a cruel society, he should not bow down before falsehood but emigrate from the place all alone, if situations demand, with trust in God. Do not blindly follow trends or customs of the society.
2. To adopt Humility as we own nothing in this world. Pride and Arrogance will come back to bite. What we need to remember is that everything we have is a mercy and a gift from Allah. We may put in hard work, but if Allah doesn’t put blessing in anything, nothing succeeds. This is why we should be thankful for what Allah has given us. In fact the Surah itself begins by saying “Alhamdulillah”.
3. Be humble and sincere in learning, Knowing the truth of this world. You should have full faith in the wisdom of what is happening in the Divine Factory in accordance with the will of Allah. The Qadar of Allah works in ways that we do not understand. When Allah takes something away from us, we should trust inHis Divine Wisdom. As it was not clear to a Prophet, allow alone people like us. However, Allah clearly wants good for us, and it is important that we trust the One who has given us everything. Allah is sole Caretaker (الرقیب/Ar-Rakib).
4. In the story of Dhul-Qarnayne,
When the people asked Dhul-Qarnayn to help them, he did not just go and help them. Rather he taught them in building and helped them himself as well. We should benefit people. Regardless of the fact that he was being victorious and constantly winning new ground for his empire, he never forgot Allah, Kept going with good deeds. That is something we should remember. In our endeavor to earn sustenance, we should never forget Allah. During our successes, we should remember Allah.
May Allah guide us and protect us from this fitnah. Ameen
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Writing Prompts
1. Ignorance is a disease so back up asshole, I ain’t trying to catch your germs
2. “Look around, what do you see? Nothing? Yeah, cause that’s how many fucks were given!”
3. “Your hot temper makes for a great heater.”
4. “You’re the cum drop your mother should’ve swallowed.”
5. “Don’t speak please, you’re lowering this whole neighborhoods IQ.”
6. “I’m in shock, see I’m wearing a blanket.”
7. “Fallings just like falling expect with a more permanent destination in mind.”
8. “Super weird.”
9. “Bitch don’t kill my vibe.”
10. “Flex tape, stronger then your relationship.”
11. “Bippity Boppity back the fuck up.”
12. “If I had a dollar for every time I was called ugly I’d be broke cause bitch, I’m gorgeous.”
13. “You think you got problems with me, but baby I don’t even think about you. You mad at everything I do, but what are you up to I haven’t a clue. Cause baby you’re dead to me, how can I be dead to you? You’re looking way too obsessed.”
14. “Leave me alone you little fucker.”
15. “God this is so fucked up.”
16. “Older shits teach littler shits shit the elder shits should’ve taught them.”
17. “When we get in here don’t touch shit, don’t look at shit, don’t ask for shit, because we ain’t getting it.”
18. “Be careful who you call a child because you know what that makes you? A pedophile! And I’ll be damned if I sit here and be lectured by a pervert!”
19. “Bold of you to assume I even think.”
20. “I will destroy you on this court yard, I will ruin all that you love, slaughter your hopes and your dreams. I will rip you limb from limb and stand over your fallen corpse, and once that is all over I will laugh at your misery. I will be your demise!”
21. “You guys are pros right? Then why does it feel like I’m going against toddlers that barley knows how to walk right?!”
22. “Thanks, it’s the trauma.”
23. “You better not disrespect me because who you gonna send to check me?”
24. “After all these hands are rated E for everybody!”
25. “Speak for yourself. At least I don’t have more conversations with the memorial statue then with actually people.”
26. “I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.”
27. “I’m not really a murderer but when I play GTA 5; I turn into Jeffery Dahmer.”
28. “Being jealous is a disease, get well soon bitch.”
29. “ I know I’m handsome but having you stare at me is kind of a turn off.”
30. “No matter what it is, I always get what I want.”
31. “Cause I was born with this pretty face, so of course only pretty things can be worn by me.”
32. “ If I wanted to kill myself I will climb up your ego and jump to your IQ level.”
33. “Would you let me make a dildo of your penis?”
34. “Ya know, talk shit get hit?”
35. “Why is big birds emo son talking to me?”
36. “You know I really like confident women .”
37. “And I like men in my age group.”
38. “Run and I’ll break your legs. Attack and I’ll break your necks.”
39. “Listen there isn’t a single language on earth that has a word for how little I care. A super computer that calculates for a thousand years cannot even approach the number of fucks I do not give.”
40. “Once I find them I’ll peel their skin from off their muscles and feed it to the creatures of the forest, watching as they drink their blood like holy wine.”
41. “So let me tell you one last time so we're clear
42. You don't want to take the path you took to get here. If you pop that lip I will rock your shit. Stop playing with the fire, you are not that lit On monday you can get it! On tuesday you can get it! On wednesday you can get it! What about thursday? You can get it! On friday you can get it! On saturday you can get it! How about sunday? You can get it! And every single day you can get it.”
43. “ It’s heretopaternal superfecundation, mom had a threesome and got two mistakes instead of one.”
44. “As long as my fucks to care are flying around and no one catching them it’ll continue to be that way, no fucks given.”
45. “You must be into some kinky shit if you put your honored guest into chains and cuffs.”
46. “Mate, I’ll fucking spin your jaw.”
47. “It’s the borderline incest for me beloved.”
48. “Mhmm now apologize you fuckin goofy.”
49. “Now remember what I told you, walk straight even if you’re gay.”
50. “I can’t talk right now, I’m doing bad bitch shit.”
51. “If I hated any of you then I would’ve either killed you all off one by one or just left.”
52. “Why don’t you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.”
53. “I was not born with enough middle fingers.”
54. “My depression is vicious, but this ass is delicious. Dinner is served bitch.”
55. “You wanna talk about the seatbelt rule! How about we talk about the shut the fuck up rule!”
56. “ Hippity hoppity your grave is on my property.”
57. “You speak to your mother with that mouth?”
58. “ No, but I suck your father’s off with it.”
59. “I’m sick you assholes. Baby me!”
60. “Your first orgy! I approve. Especially the tall one. He'd make an excellent consort."
61. “What did I tell you about speaking of orgies so freely in front of mortals? It's weird. Especially since you're my dad. You're not supposed to approve of these things."
62. “Ding dong the witch is dead."
63. "This drink is my weakness and she knows it. Bitch."
64. “Because they're never gonna see that coming." You say, matter of factly. "They pull back the curtain like re-re and you're like re-re yourself, motherfucker!"
65. “And then you stab them in the eye. You thought the psycho was out there? Surprise! The psycho's in here with the Olay body wash on her."
66. “Oh shit, he's trying to say something. Quick get the Speak-n-Spell!"
67. “The total number of fucks I give are equal to the number of living relatives Sasuke has.”
68. “Haven't you seen my halo, darling? I'm an angel." 
69. “ Can I call you a waste of time? Because that’s what you feel like to me.”
70. “He looks like my depression in human form.”
71. “He looks like he could be my sleep paralysis demon.”
72. “If depression and anxiety had a child he would be that child.”
73. “Oh you shouldn’t talk so big it makes your height look bad.”
74. “Sucking the life out of you guys like depression on a Tuesday.”
75. “I’m lazy not stupid.”
76. “I can't be sad. It is a state of mind which is simply not accessible to me. But this doesn't mean that i am happy all the time because this emotion is suppressed, barely there. Mostly i am in a state of...resignation. Calmness. No matter what situation. I do feel getting touched. But i don't feel pain. At all. So none.”
77. “You could basically rip my eyes out and i would only feel a slight movement and a soft touch. I don't feel exhaustion. I don't feel hunger. Sometimes i forget to breathe. I mean...my body still does that automatically but...meditating can get pretty dangerous for me.”
78. “Think of it that way. Everything around us, is god. The cells. The air. Atomic bonds. Life itself. The movement of the leaves in the wind and the smell of the coffee in front of you. It is around us. In us. Something. Call it molecules. Call it Allah. Call it God. Call it Science. Gravity is god. Carbon dioxide is god. You. Are a tiny bit of god. God is just a word. Something, a word, a thought to share. A reason to life. Live itself. You don't have to be a Jew a Muslim a Buddhist a Christian or an Atheist to know, that the world around you exists. Maybe there is a Plan. Maybe there is a spiritus sancti. Maybe, there is a soul and maybe there isn't. We do not know. But we know of our world. We know of us. Maybe the cells in our body's weren't meant to mutate. Maybe they were. We do not know. But we can believe. That is the difference, between us. A believing and a none believing person. And the difference is, that there is none. We are the same. Thinking about the same, knowing and not knowing the same facts. Simply chose to call it differently."
79. “I’m not here to boost your ego Walmart Superman.”
80. “This is my ninja way.”
81. “They say I care I didn’t care when my dog died.”
82. “I really don’t think barging is the right word… strolled is a more accurate description, I think.”
83. “Of course. I’d tie them up. First I’d remove each nail and when it got inflamed, I’d dip it in salt. They screamed so loud, you have no idea. Then I start to amputate. I’d remove one finger each day, then the toes. Then the hand, then feet, moving my ways up. They wouldn’t die since I would cauterize their wounds. Then I’d play with them. I’d throw screw drivers, knifes, and needles at them. I have a terrible shot you know… or do I?”
84. “I rip their hair out with my own hands and feed it to them. I’d shove my fingers into their eyes till they pop out. The genitals are always last to go. Even if they admit in the beginning, I’d still do it. I’d then dump their bodies for the little birdies and critters to nibble at.”
85. “Treat me like a joke and I’ll leave you like it’s funny.”
86. “I don’t want you guys to think I’m some good guy cause if I got the chance I would sacrifice you all in a heartbeat.”
87. “You fuck me but won’t marry me! How does that work?!”
88. “Shut your mouth!”
89. “Oh I thought you liked it wide open.”
90. “I’m the person who’s gonna cut ya dick off and glue it to ya forehead so you look like a lilting unicorn.”
91. “Who the fuck are you?”
92. “Nobody gives me butterflies anymore, just anger issues.”
93. “Fuck you goatman!”
94. “Mentally sick, physically thick.”
95. “Congratulations, you played yourself.”
96. “I use my tears as hand sanitizer because there’s nothing riper then depression in it’s purest form.”
97. “Always in the sun, but no ones son is ever in me.”
98. “Well if he says I am baby then I am baby. Goo goo ga ga motherfuckers.”
99. “Is this a new technique for kidnapping kids?”
100. “Cry like a little girl. Run like a slave. But when I catch that ass boy, you gonna behave.”
101. “Call me a escalator cause I always let people down.”
102. “Call me a tree cause they always picking on me.”
103. “Call me my dad cause I’m never around.”
104. “Dark humor cause even orphans gotta laugh, shopping which is weird cause I will dead wear the same shit for a month straight, laundry - it’s something about seeing the clothes and everything drown that gets me going.”
105. “They play dumb I play dumber looks like we spongebob and Patrick now.”
106. “Roses are red, Memes are neat. I wanna die, LMFAO YEET.”
107. “If you feel like the world is eating you alive that’s just proof you always looking like a snack.”
108. “I know I’m hot, but I also know I’m not a full time hot person. I’m hit when I want to be. I choose my own hours. I make my own schedule. I do freelance hotness.”
109. “You have a build a bear as a principal.”
110. “I was gonna give you that vacuum cleaner gawk gawk 6000 and this juicy wet 🐱 till you leaked outta me after painting me white on the insides but it seems you having a good night without me so anyways goodnight ☺️.”
111. “Is this social interaction because I don’t really like it.”
112. “Listen if a guy doesn't man handle me during a makeout session or during u know 😏 I'm putting him in rice or sending him back to whoever broke him 😂.”
113. “If we dated before I turnt 20 you are not an ex but a childhood friend.”
114. “Can you wipe off my favorite seat oh I meant ya face.”
115. “Guess I’ll have to stick around, gotta keep you guys alive…for my own.”
116. “I never said I was an angel. Nor am I innocent or holy like the Virgin Mary. What I am is natural and serious and as sensitive as an open nerve on an ice cube. I'm a young black sister with an unselfish heart who overdosed on love long ago. My closest friends consider me soft-spoken. Others say I have a deadly tongue. And while it's true that I have a spicy attitude like most of the ghetto girls I know, I back it up with a quick, precise, and knowledgeable mind. My memory runs. Way back and I'm inclined to remind people of the things they'd most like to forget.”
117. “My vagina just said thank you in Spanish.”
118. “I look at you and go dry, like sand.”
119. “Told you not to call him shitty, now you look like shit.”
120. “You really don’t know someone till you’ve seen them beg for mercy.”
121. “Oh how their screams make me tingle.”
122. “Your words hold no weight against mine.”
123. “Well aren’t you Sherlock fuckin’ Holmes.”
124. “Don’t you know that threats only work on those that have something to lose? If anything I count death as my blessing.”
125. “Welcome to my abortion clinic pizzeria were yesterday‘s loss is today’s sauce.”
126. “Do you know Jesus is actually black and he’s all our fathers cause we haven’t seen him in years.”
127. “Do you know all the zodiacs have their own hairstyles expect for cancers.”
128. “It means I'm perfectly content but also wouldn't mind if the sun exloded right now and killed us all.”
129. “Every day I think I’m getting closer, gonna take a bath with my fucking toaster.”
130. “Are you a race horse? Cause when I ride you’ll always finish first.”
131. “You know what sea turtles and I have in common… we both like being choked by trash.”
132. “I’m gonna sound like a Victorian peasant but please sir may I have some bread? I rather not have some of that mystery meat.”
133. “Service error 11037: Go fuck yourself :)”
134. “🔫🐝 you are beeing robbed. Only thing that’ll save you is ya number. “
135. “Sharing is caring but unfortunately I don’t care.”
136. “He likes to play catch, so I asked him can you catch these hands. He said yes so I hit the living fuck outta him. What’s the problem officer!”
137. “Do you think when humans feel butterflies in their stomachs that butterflies feel humans in their stomachs?”
138. “I keep looking behind and hope to continue forward.”
139. “I’m sorry, is our friendly banter bothering you? I know you prefer to choke your friends rather than joke-”
140. “Are we even together together or are we together like high school musical we all in this together type shit.”
141. “Oh, because I’m so scared of a slenderman clone with daddy issues, who’s also having a sexuality crisis”
142. “Bitch, your pussy smells like hotdog water. Move on.” 
143. “You’re so cute…I hate it.”
144. “Look. I could be a whore, or I could be YOUR whore. Really; it’s up to you.”
145. “Oh, oh, oh my god. Choking is my main turn on.”
146. “This is my no no cube. Anything is possible if you have enough lube.”
147. “Aye baby you ever had KFC. Cause I can give you some of that Kentucky Fried Cock.”
148. “You’re not dummy thicc you’re dummy stick.”
149. “And you little stupid purple looking Barney looking bitch!”
150. “I was raised and surrounded by happiness, something you don’t know.”
151. “They put you in the streets but even the streets ain’t want you.”
152. “Remember reality is an illusion,the universe is a hologram. Buy gold, bye.”
153. “Better scramble like an egg before you get folded like an omelette.”
154. “Play stupid games, and you win stupid prizes .”
155. “Call me Ms.Water gun cause I’ll squirt you like one.”
156. “ I would say I’m like the ocean, I’m calm and peaceful and you can see my beauty on the outside but the further you dive into me you learn not everything is as it seems uptop. I’m calm yes but even calming things can be dangerous, I have my flaws the further you go in and things that are best left at the bottom of my ocean depths but do know if you are to disturb that sea level be ready to face the Consequences.”
157. “ i’m not interested in being disrespected by someone who I lowered my standards for.”
158. “Shut the fuck up before I fold your lanky ass like a chair.”
159. “Listen here, Snotball, don’t bullshit me. I’m ain’t come here for your public-pleasing fake smile. “Go polish your skills instead of sucking my dick…”
160. “ Nana whipped them highschool kiddies asses into shape that day, oh yes she did. They met they maker on them steps I tell you, now go and and play with this old timer if you dear I’ll send that ass to the pearly gates or the flaming pits below.”
161. “Let my hands speak for me, smack talk.”
162. “Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
163. “Out here living like the main character because if I’m not the main character, I’m that one bitch that go berserk.”
164. “Food is fun, food is great, food is why we celebrate!”
165. “I want my next piercing to be a bullet. In my head."
166. “Okay, rude. You have the Eminem’s hairline, but I didn’t say anything about it!”
167. “If I’m die, then I wish to go out on my own terms, for I am like none other person on this earth.”
168. “Criminal or not. Sometimes it’s nice to be wanted.”
169. “When I said I fell in love with you I lied. I fell in love with your entire existence, I would cry for you, I would kill for you, I would die for you. “
170. “Life is just a big movie, you just can’t pick your genre.”
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