#4am rants
melkors-big-tits · 6 months
Tumblr why are you such a prude bitch but Only to Nsfw ARTISTS but if it's straight up porn then it won't get blocked??
Eat my ass and die you fucking hypocrites🍑
And I am Not making this post to shame or to throw shade on sex workers or anyone who enjoys Nsfw content.
Ain't no porn ban gonna make this heap of burning trash appealing for anyone else than us trashbandits🦝
The picture that started this rant is under the cut, I blurred it and smudged out the sites etc cuz I ain't a snitch😌
Behold the booty
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So sick of seeing ads for this garbage merch.
The fact that tumblr thinks its funny to parody their communities hatred of its constant misbehavior and conduct as a website is gross. New users are coming in to find crappy ads merchandizing for memes the staff barely understand.
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Okay so I’ve been reading a lot of reverse robin AUs recently and I have a hot take. Duke Thomas should be the Dick Grayson parallel instead of Damian.
Hear me out. So bare bones Duke was the last to join in cannon, so he should be the first to join for reverse robins. But to get deeper into it Duke lost both of his parents at the same time setting him down a path of becoming a vigilante. He becomes Bruce’s ward instead of being adopted because he already was raised with two good parents and doesn’t want them to be replaced. He also created his own mantle that was the opposite to Batman, the light to Batman’s dark, inspiring hope against Batman’s fear. He’s friendly and works well and inspires others, but also extremely sharp and smart which people often forget.
Damian would work well as a batgirl parallel more. He would join after Duke but be a few years older, got there already trained and immediately jumping into crime fighting. Covering the areas that Bruce and Duke don’t fill. While Duke takes up his own name Damian would use a name more inspired by Batman himself.
I just think this dynamic of Bruce and Duke being the first dynamic duo would fit so well (also get to spotlight Duke who so often gets overlooked).
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morii-moth · 10 months
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GOD i love them
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
I am really confused about this game. Is it like "Doki doki literature club" ? the game seems to break the fourth wall after getting bad endings and someone speaks in red text. Is it Ren and is he stuck in the game like Monica?Or is he and Redacted separate people, with him being a game character,but Redacted being some sort of entity who's stuck in the void of the game,or in it's code,and acknowledges that it's a game and someone's playing it and they speak to the player, not the game's protag?
✦゜ANSWERED: 14 Days With You is like 14 Days With You. It's not meant to be similar to DDLC in any way, and Ren isn't supposed to be like Monika or any other self-aware character.
Please don't associate 14DWY with other games just because they share similar tropes. /lh
But!! To answer your question: Ren isn't aware that Angel and the player are separate people. As of right now, he considers Angel and you as the same entity, and speaks to you as though you're part of his universe.
Ren is aware that his entire existence only comes into fruition whenever you play the game — but to him, that's considered normal — the same way getting wifi from trees and not discovering 80% of the ocean is considered normal for us. Nothing is out of place for him, and the way he interacts with his environment doesn't seem weird or out of place for him.
The Dead Ends are the only time Ren breaks the fourth wall, but it's still a massive WIP and there's not enough content for it to make much sense yet. But once more Days get released, this will be further explained!!
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bitteraristocrat · 10 months
I think it's really funny when antis try to take a holier than thou approach to discrediting SebaCiel by saying something like "it does a disservice to who they truly are as characters" as if these two aren't constantly oozing sexual/romantic tension and making bedroom eyes at each other.
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theokusgallery · 5 months
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Reference sheets !
Alright more random info I couldn't fit on there
Nick's sibling is actually Sunny's friend, and the one who introduces Nick to him. Sunny's friend group is just Sunny, Nick's sibling, and one other friend.
Sunny is a demiboy/bigender; Nick is demisexual but has no idea the label even exists.
Nick's first shirt button always being opened is because he feels suffocated really easily, not just because I'm gay. It's kind of his kryptonite.
Literally every single one of Sunny's friends hate Nick. It's kind of a race for who cuts him off from the other first.
They both have very similar mental issues, they just have very different attitudes about it.
Sunny is Nick's first time actually being in love with his partner. He's had previous partners but was never emotionally invested in the relationship aside from extreme possessiveness. He's never dated one of the people he's stalked before.
Nick is Sunny's first partner, period.
Nick is very physically strong ! A lot more than Sunny, at least. Though Sunny has rage in him that could kill someone.
Sunny is constantly, and I mean constantly listening to music. If you start talking to him while he's listening to music, he will kill you. If you are a classmate who isn't a close friend and you try talking to him outside of school, he will also kill you! If you tell him to remove his earmuffs, start running.
Sunny naturally has a resting angry face. To counter that, he's trained himself to smile in public. If you catch him while he thinks no one's looking, he looks like a completely different person.
Nick has almost the exact same thing, except he consciously smiles in an attempt to look friendly, but his smile looks very unnatural and ends up looking creepy instead. (Him being... the way he is also doesn't help.)
Neither Sunny nor Nick have a good grasp on what's considered socially acceptable vs. what's considered creepy. For that reason, Sunny tends to excuse a lot of Nick's creepiness as "everyone thinks like this, it's just that no one says it out loud because it's not socially acceptable".
Nick is an introvert because he hates most people, but he's socially competent and somewhat charismatic. Sunny is an introvert because he is so socially incompetent that talking to people is just more trouble than it's worth.
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r0s3m4ry-mp3 · 11 months
Id stick my dick in one of these if i had one tbh💔
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kindasleepycryptid · 2 months
I finished SOMA the other day and I can't stop thinking about how its existentialism applies to cyberpunk. And also how its just... barely mentioned.
Is an engram really you? Yes, it might be a perfect copy of you, but your original consciousness will stop living. Johnny isnt Johnny, he's a (probably imperfect) copy of him.
Likewise, an engram of V isnt really V, its just... a digital copy of V.
And, apart from a few lines, no one bats an eye. No matter what happens, V dies. Theres no way around it. And I wish it had been explored more.
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hisui-dreamer · 6 months
me trying to get my brother to buy me jade merch while he's in japan
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and he tries to cook my eel🥲
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aussievriska · 13 days
I hate when people babify the Homestuck boys’ actions to make them more ‘likable’ to them and then immediately just make them uninteresting.
Usually I am talking about Eridan on this blog but I remembered once hearing that Tavros wasn’t really trying to kill Vriska and I, sigh.
I think Usually, correct me if I’m wrong, running someone through with a huge lance kills people.
I don’t understand being a Tavros fan and toning this one down, Tavos’ robot legs self esteem arc is incredibly interesting, it’s him trying to be Vriska and having it proved to him over and over that he Shouldn’t be. He should be Tavros. He didn’t want to kill Vriska in the usual sense but he was trying to, and he was also trying to want to. Its a big deal!
He did kill Jake Harley though. Deserved? Probably.
It just kind of reminds me of that one post where someone was like: This would make Vriska more likeable and better, and all the improvements were just making her uninteresting and an awful character. And also not disabling Tavros ‘as bad’ and not permanently blinding Terezi. Which I need to stop talking about that post because its the most ableist fucking, disability as tragedy BULLSHIT ever. Like god damn trying to kill someone and paralysing them isn’t More Bad on your end then trying to kill someone and breaking their leg non permanently. You still tried to kill your friend?? Just say you have weird opinions on disability and fucking go!
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sighing and putting my head in my hands and crying and throwing up as i think about stanley uris and how he was the most terrified loser.
how he was deathly scared of being dirty, of not knowing where he was, of not being able to predict the world around him. how he was more scared of his world order being offended than anything else. how knowing that pennywise is real sent him down this spiral of 'what else can be real' and it broke him. but he STILL was the one who cut everyone's hand and made the oath. how bill constantly reminds him of his bird book and how it saved him. how he is more mentally fragile than eddie. how he's one of the only Losers who ever says "i can't do this", but he still gets to his feet and makes jokes right after he cries. stan uris, who, after Mike is like, "i just saw a killer bird!" goes, "what kind of bird?"
thinking about how we really don't know how his death went down so we don't know what he was thinking in those last moments. how he threw away his whole picturesque life because of a promise he made, and because he couldn't honor it. how he's such a private person, a quiet one, but he's so so so sharp and graceful. i wish they showed more of his fear in the movies, how much it fucked him up in the end.
stanley uris i think about you a lot.
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
Small pattern I noticed with the power hours is that it starts off semi normal before getting emotional in the middle [either sad or angry]. But mainly they all end with a "well it be like that sometimes" vibe
Not Perfect- "It's not perfect, but it's mine"
Chonny's Inferno- "The bright, white islands high would get the boring ones excited, but trust me, man, you wouldn't like it"
Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world- "So if you only have one chance, you ought to try your best to live as you'd like. One day, you're going to die."
Idk if its intentional but I find it neat
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yellowheartz · 5 months
"Saiki Kusuo is AroAce, you can’t ship him with anyone!" "Saiki Kusuo is gay!!" "Saiki Kusuo is-" SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!! He's a fictional character, calm the fuck down omfg. This fight is just a whole loop of annoying people who need to defend every insanely unimportant thing EVER. JUST SCROLL IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT.
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starfall-calamity · 3 months
You so right mr jash I am losing my shit omg
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Also also also Jash himself drew the hand on the cover!!!
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max1461 · 1 year
>Have you seen religion discourse on this website?
I think so, I've lurked here for a while, but none of it included the Idea that the Japanese are especially religious (!?), which would seem to be contradicted by surveys, my anecdotal experience, and their general anglosphere stereotype(s).
Anyways, when Japanese people say "westerners" they usually mean Americans, and "Americans be unusually religious " is like, a super common and basically correct stereotype.
The opinion that you commonly see is that atheism or general irreligiosity are Western in origin, imposed on other parts of the world through either direct colonialism or general Western hegemony. This is not true, and our lovely memecucker has been doing the lord's work (ahem) in dispelling this idea from every angle, but people still cling to it.
Anyway, it's often pointed out that viewing irreligiosity as inherently Western is kind of weird, in light of the fact that many of the world's least religious countries are in Asia, and indeed (as far as I know) the only countries that continue to maintain an official state policy of atheism are in Asia. People try to rebuke this by saying something to the effect of "well, religiousness means something different over there, people only say they're not religious because the survey questions are Christian-centric" or something to that effect. Now, this rebuttal seems to be... sort of a misremembered version of an actually true fact, but the way it's used is total nonsense.
The true fact that I think it comes from is that religious identity in the Abrahamic faiths is centered around belief (usually) and is exclusive (if you're Christian you're not Muslim, and vice-versa), whereas in many other religious traditions, religious identity is centered around practice and is non-exclusive. So, for instance, in Japan people have historically engaged in a mix of Shinto and Buddhist practices, because there is nothing about the doctrines of either Shinto or Buddhism which says you have to believe one or the other, it doesn't work like that. And Shinto in particular does not consist of any one set of canonical doctrines or beliefs, it's more like a loose collection of different stories and practices that have existed in a huge array of variations across Japan and across its history.
I don't know much about Chinese folk religion, but I take it that it is in this regard similar.
In the present day, a lot of people in Japan still celebrate Shinto-Buddhist holidays and practice Shinto-Buddhist rituals, despite describing themselves as atheists or non-religious. And because Shinto has always had huge variation in doctrine and has always been defined more centrally by practices than beliefs, there's a case to be made that such people "are Shinto"—they fall well within the variation that Shinto has had in the past.
Except, no, that's fucking stupid! Because people will tell you that they're not religious, that they don't believe in the supernatural, and that they practice Shinto-Buddhist rituals mostly because it's part of their culture—the same way plenty of American atheists celebrate Christmas or, I don't know, knock on wood to avoid bad luck or whatever. Yes, religious identity outside of the Abrahamic faiths doesn't work the same way as it does in Christianity, Islam, and most forms of Judaism. And that's worth remembering. But does that mean that people who tell you they aren't religious actually are? No that's fucking dumb.
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