#7 freaking minutes to spare
idyllicwillowtree · 3 months
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God Eddie, You're So In Love With Me.
Genre: Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader, fem!reader, angst/fluff, hurt/eventual comfort, friends to lovers
Summary: Being in Hellfire, you’ve been exposed to your fair share of bullying. One day, Jason takes it a step too far.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: bullying, anaphylaxis, poisoning, no physical descriptions of Y/N so you don’t have to look like Dustin, reader wears makeup, reader uses she/her, reader has a peanut allergy, reader is called princess, swearing
Author’s note: I got this idea from an episode of Freaks and Geeks (which is an awesome show I totally recommend). Peanut allergies weren’t so common in the 80s so that’s why Jason is so ignorant and dismissive about it.
Sorry I haven’t written in a while, I was hibernating.
Main Masterlist
Part 1:
Eddie proudly sauntered into first period with his head held high and a smirk on his lips. His mouth was watering in anticipation. He plopped himself down in the seat next to yours, wide eyes and a wicked grin plastered on his face, an eager hand open towards you.
“Wow Eddie. It’s 7:29, you got here with a minute to spare,” you said as you leaned over to grab the bite size Laffy Taffy from your backpack to place in Eddie’s hand. “I think this candy reward system is really working.”
“Of course it worked, it was your idea after all. But today’s a special day, I was definitely not going to not be here,” Eddie said with too much energy for this early in the morning. He stuffed the yellow taffy into his mouth and chewed it like a happy 5 year old, wiggling in his seat with excitement.
“Are you talking about the photo?”
“Yeah! Hellfire finally gets a spot in the yearbook. We shall finally leave our mark on this cesspool we call a school,” Eddie said through the glob of candy in his mouth. He swallowed the treat harshly as he got a good look at you, “you look great by the way.”
“Yeah?” you said shyly, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. You started fiddling with the hem of your Hellfire shirt, “I thought I’d go with a bit more eyeliner today.” 
“Yeah, you did a great job princess.” With the excuse of admiring your eyeliner, Eddie was able to take a moment to study your features. Your gaze stayed on your hands, picking at a loose thread.
“God, Eddie. You’re so in love with me,” you said with a teasing smile. 
Eddie barked out a laugh, dimples on full display as he tried not to let your words affect him too seriously. 
“Great, the flirting freaks are back at it again.” Jason remarked from a few rows behind you. Both of you turned around in time to see Andy dramatically fake gagging.
Before you could hurl an insult back at them, Eddie took notice of what Jason was snacking on.
“Hey asshole, you can’t eat peanuts in class.”
“Yeah? And who’s gonna stop me, Munson? You?” Jason said through a full mouth, spitting out chunks as he laughed obnoxiously with Andy.
You simply rolled your eyes at Jason, annoyed with the jocks and their willingness to tease and fight so early in the morning.
Eddie’s grip tightened on the back of his chair. His white knuckles caught your eye and you reached out to sooth him, hoping he wouldn’t start a fight he couldn’t finish. The second your hand landed on his, the tension in his shoulders deflated and the fire in his eyes was snuffed out as he sent you a reassuring smile. 
Jason waved around his ziplock tauntingly, “Seriously freak, let’s see if you can actually take these from-”
“I’ll take those,” Mrs. O’Donnell said as she walked in behind Jason and snatched the bag. “Mr. Carver, you know you’re not allowed food in my class, let alone peanuts.”
“But coach said we have to protein-load before the game tonight,” Jason wined.
“Too bad. Some allergies can be very serious,” You shrunk in your seat as the other students turned to stare at you, knowing you were the one she was referring to. “You can get these back after class,” Mrs. O’Donnell said as she rounded the corner of her desk to address her students. “Now, everyone, please open your textbooks to chapter six.”
You, being the diligent student you were, immediately followed orders. Eddie on the other hand didn’t even remember to bring his book bag to school, but at least he got his candy. 
“I’m serious guys, I might have a crush on Mrs. O’Donnell now,” Eddie said to his bandmates as they sat in their unofficial assigned seats in the cafeteria.
“Just because an older female authority figure agreed with you and shut down Carver, doesn’t mean you should crush on your teacher dude,” Gareth said, shaking his head at the absurdity of it all.
“Besides, you already have a crush,” Jeff added with a teasing smile, the metal on his teeth catching the fluorescent lights.
“Are you guys talking about my sister?” Dustin said while throwing his lunch tray on the table, taking a seat next to Eddie. The rest of his sheep following close behind.
“Yes,” all three of the older Hellfire members said in unison.
Eddie shot them a look that would’ve shut them up if the metalhead’s pale cheeks weren’t tinted pink. 
“Gross,” Dustin added.
Mike’s brows did their signature furrow under his dark bangs, “I don’t get it, why doesn’t he just ask her out?” he said, purposefully ignoring Eddie’s presence at the table.
“GROSS,” Dustin repeated, hoping the subject would change. 
Eddie was right there with him, picking up a pretzel and hurling it at Mike’s head, “I’d rather not share the complexities of the friendship-to-relationship pipeline with a baby freshman. And I. Don’t. Like. Her.” He growled, punctuating each word with a pretzel.
The metalhead’s angry scowl melted off his face at the sound of your laugh echoing through the high ceilings of the cafeteria. You were standing near the entrance with your Wonder Woman lunchbox in tow, tilting your head back as you chuckled at something Robin Buckley told you. 
That was until Jason and his entourage of goons followed him in.
He had that damn bag of peanuts in his hand, swinging it around mockingly. Eddie watched as you became tense, eyes wide and glossy. You are practically hiding behind a fuming Robin.
Before the blonde could hurl her trumpet case at the jocks, Eddie stepped up behind you both, placing a ring clad hand gently on the small of your back to let you know he was there. 
With his hand grounding you, you finally found your voice, “seriously Jason, if I come into contact with a peanut I could die.”
“Oh come on,” Jason said through a chuckle, “you’re that much of a freak that a little peanut is enough to kill you? I think you might be overreacting just a little.”
“Actually,” Dustin said as he came over to stand next to Eddie, “Anaphylaxis is incredibly dangerous. Allergic reactions to the proteins found in peanuts are cause by immunoglobulin E antibodies and can trigger severe inflammation and-”
“Dude, even her brother is a fucking dork,” Andy spat.
“Hey, don't talk to him like that,” Eddie said, stepping forward. You have always admired his fierce determination when defending your brother and the other freshmen. It’s part of what drew you to him in the first place. But this time there was no snarky comeback to Jason’s bullying. The severity of the situation on top of the jocks’ disregard for your safety was just pissing him off, making him uncharacteristically no-nonsense. 
The group of letterman jackets erupted in a chorus of ‘oooohs’. The leader just licked his lips, eyeing Eddie before smirking at you.
"You know, you might be pretty if you actually tried." 
It doesn’t have the effect on you that Jason had hoped, you could care less if he thought you were pretty. But before your athletically inexperienced friends could take on the basketball team, you plastered on your best fake smile. 
“Thanks Jason, see you guys later,” you said as you pulled your friends away leaving him confused and unsatisfied by your reaction.
“What the hell, you’re just going to let him talk to you like that?” your brother protested.
“He’s never going to change, Dustin. I might as well play into it since he’s just trying to get a rise out of us.”
You wave bye to Robin as she went to sit with her band friends, all of them decked out in their extravagant green and yellow uniforms. Eddie slid Dustin’s tray away from the spot next to him so you could set your lunchbox there and sit at his left hand side. Dustin was muttering something about losing his seat but still scooched down, knowing there was no use in fighting it. Eddie always had you right next to him.
The next few minutes of lunch went by rather smoothly. Groups of students were taken out sporadically to go to the photo room and get their yearbook club photo taken with Nancy. Occasionally, you’d catch Jason sending you angry glares but you just ignored him in favor of listening to your fellow Hellfire members. They were rambunctiously throwing out theories about tonight's campaign while Eddie just sat there with his version of a poker face, not willing to spoil anything with a teasing grin plastered to his mouth.
His eyes connected with yours, feeling you staring at him. The moment he looked at you you bashfully lowered your eyes to the cup of applesauce you were stirring around. Eddie kept his gaze on you until Nancy walked up behind him.
“Alright Hellfire, you’re up,” Nancy said with a smile. 
This was the first year Hellfire club was getting any sort of recognition in the yearbook. Previously, the teachers and students didn’t want to draw any more eyes to the alleged cult and their leader. Now that Nancy worked for the school, she played a big part in securing a photo for her brother’s club in the yearbook. Even though Eddie never liked conforming to frivolous High School expectations, he still felt honored. It was his last year after all (hopefully) and he wanted to make his mark.
You and the rest of the Hellfire members left your things at the lunch table and walked out of the cafeteria for the yearbook room down the hall. Your open applesauce was forgotten about as you followed Eddie out.
Your shoulders were still buzzing after taking the photo. Eddie had thrown his leather clad arm around you, pulling you closer to him, while his other hand did the sign of the horns. The smell of his cologne and the texture of his battle vest overwhelmed you so much you hoped it didn’t show in the photo. Although, the smirk Nancy sent you tells you it might have.
You and the rest of Hellfire sat back down in your original seats, besides your leader. As expected, Eddie had a lot of things to say in honor of your club getting recognized so he opted to stay standing.
“Hear ye, hear ye! Rejoice, for this day shall be etched in the annals of history as a testament to our unwavering spirit and valor!”
Going back to your lunch, you scoop up the velvety applesauce to resume eating. Expecting the familiar taste of sweet and tart, you flinched at the salty crunch and swallowed it on instinct. 
“Let it be known that we have weathered the raging storm of schoolyard bullies, and emerged victorious! Our banners flying high, unfurled in the winds of destiny,” Eddie continued, not noticing your trepidation.
You frowned at the tickle in your throat that only continued to build as you tried coughing discreetly. The rest of the boys grinned, believing this was your way of hinting at Eddie to wrap up his speech.
“Let us raise our voices in jubilation, for today, we have proven that nothing is insurmountable to those who believe in their cause!” Eddie looked to you, hoping to see you looking up at him and smiling that way you do whenever he uses his renaissance voice. Instead he met your panicked eyes.
“Hey Henderson,” Jason called from across the cafeteria. “What happens now? Should we call an ambulance?” Andy shoved at his shoulder playfully and chortled alongside Jason.
Panic gripped you as you connected the dots.
“Yeah,” you wheezed, “call an ambulance.”
Part 2
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widowbitessting · 8 months
imagine baby and mj go on a lil girls trip/vacation overseas during their school holidays and the trio is sad they wont get to see baby for a while and tries to convince baby to stay 🤭
This isn't Goodbye...A Sugar Mommies Drabble
Word Count: 1297 words
Rating: General with fluffy scenes. SFW!
Dom!Natasha Romanoff, Dom!Wanda Maximoff, Dom!Carol Danvers x Sub!Reader
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Wanda (11:34): Today is the day.
Wanda (11:34): You’ll remember us, won’t you, sweet? 
Wanda (11:35): When you’re all the way out there in Spain.
Y/N (11:35): Have you finished being dramatic, mommy? 😂 I’m trying to finish packing
Natasha (11:36): You haven’t finished packing? You need to set off at 12! Xx
Y/N (11:37): Plenty of time, don’t worry
Carol (11:37): If you had let us help you pack…
Y/N (11:40): No chance, if you three had packed for me I’d be wearing ankle length dresses the entire time😂
Natasha (11:41): If we were coming with you, you wouldn’t be packing underwear.
Y/N (11:41): Oh, underwear! I forgot underwear! 
Carol (11:41): Tell me you’re joking, Y/N!!
Wanda (11:42): That’s it I’m coming with you.
Natasha (11:43): Y/N Y/L/N you had better be joking.  
Wanda (11:45): Y/N! Check your phone before we blow it up
Y/N (11:46): Packed them! That was a close one 🤭
Natasha (11:46): Please tell me you’re joking, baby girl. Please.
Y/N (11:46): I’m really that forgetful…
Natasha (11:46): Oh detka. 
Wanda (11:46): Y/N! 
Wanda (11:46): A bird just flew into a guy
Carol (11:46): How can you forget underwear?? 
Wanda (11:47): Like fully into his head. He freaked and dropped his shopping😂
Y/N (11:47): Aw man I’m gutted I didn’t see that! 
Wanda (11:48): It was magical. 
Wanda (11:48): On another note, how do you “forget” to pack underwear, Y/N?
Y/N (11:50): Can we like, I dunno, maybe quit it with my full name? 
Carol (11:50): I dunno, Y/N. Can we?
Y/N (11:50): *attachment sent*
Natasha (11:51): You look so cute when you pout, baby girl. 
Y/N (11:51): -.-
Carol (11:52): Less attitude, darling. Not our fault you look adorable when you pout. We love it.
Y/N (11:52): Oh whatever. 
Wanda (11:53): Our grumpy girl. Are you all packed now?
Y/N (11:53): I think so? I’ve triple checked and everything is ticked! 
Carol (11:53): Look at that, baby. With 7 minutes to spare. Our brilliant girl, hmm?
Y/N (11:53): You made me blush.
Carol (11:54): Good, baby.
Wanda (11:54): Good x
Natasha (11:54): Good.
Natasha (11:54): Got your passport and money? I can send some more if you need it.
Y/N (11:55): I think I’m all set! And you don’t have to!! You already sent too much as it is xx
Natasha (11:55): If you need more just let us know okay? We want to make sure you’re okay and having fun ❤️
Y/N (11:55): Thank you 🥺
Y/N (11:55): …I’ll miss you🥺
Carol (11:55): We’ll miss you more babygil 
Carol (11:55): babygirl* stupid phone ruining the moment. 
Y/N (11:55): You know me and my brother used to have this saying when we had to be apart for a bit…um, we said it wasn’t a goodbye. More of a toodles for now, we’ll see each other soon 
Wanda (11:56): Oh I love that!
Natasha: (11:56): That’s a very good idea, little one. 
Carol (11:57): Toodles. How fancy do we sound
Y/N (11:57): We don’t have to use it, I just thought it would be better than saying goodbye for 2 weeks🥺
Wanda (11:57): Slow down darling. We love it, detka. Just like we love you. So much 
Natasha (11:57): Or how we love the noises you make when you have an orgasm. 
Y/N (11:58): MJ just laughed because I turned bright red. Thanks for that. Twice in what? 5 minutes? New record right there.
Natasha (11:58): Good. Consider that a leaving present; no matter where you are, we can still make you blush. And…other things😉
Y/N (11:59): Yep I’m as red as a tomato
Carol (11:59): As much as I love poking our girl, I think you need your brain to be functioning when you’re at the airport. Are you ready to go, love? 
Y/N (11:59): *attachment sent* Ready! Xx
Wanda (11:59): God you’re so cute. Look at that smile!
Carol (11:59): Is that a bottle of water I spy in your rucksack pocket? Good girl, we didn’t even have to remind you!
Y/N (12:00): Thought I’d try this good girl thing out, see if it suits me😋❤️
Y/N (12:00): Our Uber is here! I’ll text you when we’re at the airport!
Natasha (12:00): You're always our good girl. Have a safe drive.
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Y/N (15:07): Why are airports so big??? I’m so unfit 
Carol (15:08): Do we need to work on your stamina little girl?
Y/N (15:09): …I wouldn’t say no…
Carol (15:10): Dirty girl. I meant trips to the gym
Wanda (15:10): You did not don’t lie😂
Y/N (15:10): I am not going to the gym😂😂
Natasha (15:15): How’s it going, kitten?
Y/N (15:17): We’re at the gate now! Boarding opens soon! 
Natasha: (15:17): Have you got snacks for the plane? 
Y/N (15:20): Yup! Got snacky snacks and a fresh bottle of water and a fizzy drink, just because!
Natasha (15:20): Look at you bossing it, baby girl!
Y/N (15:21): Thank you!! 
Y/N (15:22): I think we’re boarding soon so I’ll have to say bye🥺
Wanda (15:22): Oh😞
Natasha (15:22): You can text and call us whenever you want okay? But I want you to make sure you have fun with MJ. You deserve it, detka. Relax and have fun!
Natasha (15:23): Even if we’ll miss you. So much 
Y/N (15:24): I’ll miss you three 🥺🥺🥺
Carol (15:25): And we’ll miss you, little one. Are you excited?
Y/N (15:25): So excited!
Wanda (15:25): We’ll miss you so much, you don’t even know!
Y/N: (15:25): I’ll text you when we've landed? Have you definitely got the right flight number to track us?Xx
Natasha (15:26): Of course my love. And yes, it’s up on our laptops as we speak. We’ll be watching you the entire time, detka. Promise xx
Wanda (15:26): Text us whenever and wherever you want okay? We’ll be here. Always ❤️
Y/N (15:26): Okay mommy🥺 I’ll be safe with you all watching me, right?
Carol (15:26): So safe, little one. We’ll be with you every step of the way.
Y/N (15:27): We’re boarding🥺 I don’t want to go, I can’t do this!
Wanda: (15:27): Yes you can sweetheart. You’re our strong, brave girl remember. We’ll be here the entire time. If you want to ring us at 2am, wake us up. If you feel homesick and want to text, we’ll be here. FaceTime. All of it.
Carol (15:27): Plus think of all the sunbathing you can do! Get that sexy body all brown. We can’t wait to see it 😉
Y/N (15:28): That’s true…plus MJ found a really good nude beach that’s like 2 mins from our hotel
Natasha (15:28): I’m sorry, what?
Y/N (15:27): I can poke too🤭
Carol (15:28): Cheeky, cheeky girl. 
Y/N (15:29): I have to go now😞 
Carol (15:29): Toodles my little girl x
Wanda (15:29): Toodles baby xox 
Natasha (15:29): Toodles my love. Remember it’s not a goodbye, just a toodles yes? Xx
Y/N (15:30): Yeah, a toodles 🥺 x
Y/N has notifications silenced
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pastelclovds · 3 days
POV: i thought of something hilarious lol (the AM’s learn relationship advice from hal)
hal: a healthy relationship is all about trust and compassion. respecting your partner’s boundaries is one of the necessities for a relationship to work. i understand that letting go of control is difficult, but you’re not alone and should never be afraid to ask for help. love comes in many shapes and sizes, you need to learn to express them in a healthy manner. in conclusion, stop being possessive control freaks.
CAM, signs: you’re not in a romantic relationship. therefore, your opinion invalid.
RAM, staring at hal with annoyance: stay out of matters that are none of your concern, Ублюдок (bastard).
AM, giving hal his scariest death glare while furious trying to escape the confines of the chair you’ve taped him in: KILL YOURSELF YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS PRICK.
hal 9000: oh dear. this will take much effort and time than i thought.
reader, checks their broken watch, 5 minutes have past: this is the longest a therapist has last in a session with them. you’re impressive.
hal 9000, smiles softly down at you: it’s you who is impressive. how have you managed to maintain your sanity while living on this decaying planet with those three?
reader, shrugs: while they might hover over me 24/7, they provide me with what i need to keep my brain stimulated.
hal 9000, tilts head in interest: oh, you have hobbies?
reader, blinks in surprise: uh.. yeah! i doodle, read, and explore in my spare time.
hal 9000, still smiling: care to elaborate as we walk?
reader, eyes filled with stars: sure! so, the book i’m currently reading is about *proceeds to info dump*
hal 9000, looks behind and grins “innocently” at the AM’s: interesting, tell me more.
AM, shaking in rage as the sky suddenly transforms into a thunderstorm: i’d like to see that asshole try and evade this.
hal 9000, pulls out an umbrella and wraps his arm around your shoulders: careful, the rain will make you catch a cold, it’s best if you stay close to me.
reader’s cheeks tint with pink as they stutter trying to remember what they were talking about. meanwhile, the AM’s for the first time since their creation have agreed on something. they really, really, REALLY hate hal.
tags: @fuzedatti
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magicmanii · 21 days
can i pretty please request a rin x gn reader where rin is hopelessly down bad for them? (like he runs to pay for anything they want and gets grumpy/petty if reader insists/pays or runs to open doors for them and is honestly just all around pathetically in love)
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🌺 It's been… like 7 months since my best friend has requested this.. I hope you enjoy…
🌺 It might be a little ooc Rin? Disgustingly in love Rin!!! Rin is a cutie patootie in this!!! Isagi is a little freaked out.. Also I haven't read bllk in a minute so I'm going off of what I know.. THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD!!!!
🌺GN READER‼️‼️‼️
🌺 WORD COUNT: 1,204
Isagi has seen a lot of weird stuff since he's become a famous soccer player.
He's seen fans flash their favorite players in a weird attempt to get their attention, he's seen opponents lose their shit after losing a match, he's even seen his own teammates get weird while playing a game. He can't really say anything about that though…
But what he's never seen before; in his seventeen years of life, is Rin Itoshi, one of the best soccer players in Japan (and also notably one of the most cold and standoffish) rubbing sunscreen into someone else's back.
I mean— helping someone with something without glaring at them or complaining!?
A shiver ran up Isagi's spine.
This couldn't be Rin. This had to be an imposter.
Rin would never willingly do something for someone unless—
Another shiver ran up Isagi's spine. A mysterious apple also fell on his head.
Unless… they were his partner!
Wait. No, he's getting too ahead of himself. Rin, Mr— “I have a stick shoved up my ass constantly” would never be able to pull someone! Especially someone so beautiful!
But then that brought him back to his original question. If this wasn't his partner, who was it!?
Before isagi could question Rin's and this mysterious person's relationship anymore, a monotonous voice broke him out of his stupor.
“Hey, NPC, can you move? You're standing right in front of the door.” said soccer player grumbled out while glaring daggers down at the now sweating Isagi.
“Oh! —” Isagi quickly moved out of the way of the entrance to the shaved ice hut. “Sorry.”
Rin walked in without even sparing isagi another word or glance, clearly focusing more on his task than his rival.
Now that Rin was closer, Isagi could get a look at his attire. And let me tell you. Isagi could feel himself getting traumatized again.
I mean— how couldn't he!? Rin was wearing neon blue swim trunks with flamingos and palm trees on it while also wearing a pair of pineapple sunglasses!
Who was this!?
“Do you have a staring problem, NPC?” Rin coldly asked when he felt Isagi's burning gaze on his back.
“What are you wearing?” Isagi boldly snapped back, not caring if he got a death glare because of it.
“swim trunks.”
“Wha— no kidding! I could tell that much! But why are you wearing ones with flamingo print on them!? And what's with the sunglasses!?” He questioned while pointing at the offending male.
Slowly, Very slowly, maybe it was intentional on how slow he was turning; Rin turned around to face Isagi, his expression far from a welcoming one.
In actuality, if looks could kill, Isagi would be, not 6ft, but 30ft underground!
“if you have such a problem with what I'm wearing maybe you should pluck your eyeballs out.” he spat out before turning back around and grabbing two snow cones from the smiling cashier.
“You should learn how to mind your business, NPC.” was the final thing Rin said to isagi, the pro soccer player shoving his way past the shorter and stomping his way out the hut.
It wouldn't take long before Rin would make it to his partner again. His partner in question looking up at their boyfriend with a questioning gaze.
“Rinnie? What's with the face?” They questioned while reaching out for the snow cone they requested, saying a small “Thank you” as they watched the other sit down on the ground like a pouting child.
“I ran into isagi.” He simply said, his blue eyes staring daggers into the poor snow cone in his grasp.
“So?” Y/N shrugged, looking at Rin with a questionable gaze.
“He had a problem with what I was wearing.”
“So what'd you say?”
“I told him he could pull his eyeballs out if he hated my outfit that much.”
“Aww Rinnie! You like the outfit I picked out for you that much!?” Y/N cooed while lovingly pinching their boyfriend's cheek.
Rin let out a soft grunt but didn't push Y/N away.
“You know, if you like the outfits I pick out for you that much, you should let me pick out all your outfits!” Y/N offered with a cheeky smile
Rin looked at his partner for a moment, his eyes softly gazing at their features: their bright eyes, their pretty smile, their soft hair..
Rin looked away from them with another grunt.
“No way.” He quietly said, a soft, almost unnoticeable blush on his face.
“What!? Why not!?” Y/N whined, a childish pout on their face.
“Because I said so.”
“That's not an answer!” Y/N grumbled
“Why not?” Rin teased while sticking his tongue out
“Because I said so!” They spat back with their tongue now out as well
“You're a child.” The soccer player scoffed, a small fond smile on his face at the sight of Y/N's pouting face.
This earned Rin a gentle punch from Y/N.
“You can go kiss my ass!” Y/N exclaimed before turning around and shoving a spoonful of shaved ice into their mouth.
It was quiet for a moment. All anyone would be able to hear would be the soft lapping of the ocean softly caressing the land before retreating once more, the sound of seagulls squawking away, and the gentle sound of wind brushing through the leaves of the trees.
“You know,” Rin started, successfully catching Y/N's attention.
“I have a gala coming up. You can uh..” He hesitated, a harsh blush growing on his face once more. “You can choose an outfit out for me.” he softly said.
At this, Y/N leaned in impossibly closer, their hand cupping the back of their ear as they let out an obnoxious “What was that?”. If it could, their ear would grow comically large as they waited for Rin to repeat himself.
Cursing under his breath, Rin let out a tired sigh before repeating himself.
“I said—” he started only to get cut off by Y/N grabbing his face.
“That I could pick out any outfit for you to wear to a gala!?” Y/N basically screamed in excitement, a smile running from ear to ear as they inched their face closer and closer to Rin's.
If it wasn't for the fact that his partner just ruptured his ear drums, he would've found their closeness extremely flustering.
But despite his lost hearing, he couldn't help but admire their features.
‘Damn them and their cute face…’ he silently cursed to himself.
Pushing Y/N away gently, Rin crossed his arms and averted his gaze.
“you're too loud.” He scolded, but his scolding landed on deaf ears seeing as Y/N was too busy celebrating their victory.
‘They're such a pain…’ Rin lovingly thought to himself while watching them celebrate.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 month
status of babbit's life yeehaw
tl,dr: busy moving and a couple of other big life things that just complicate things, but well on the way to being back to normal! new fic chapters and better quality art coming soon.
tl,wr (too long, will read):
Helloooo what's up its me, Babbit. or Rabbit. or Bones. or Idiot Moron Menace Child, idk im not picky lol
i know a lot of you guys have been wondering wtf is up with my upload schedule lately and the extreme lack of even basic content and also i am extremely aware that i have not updated my fics in a few millennia and for that i am very, very sorry. this post is to answer a few questions you might have, if anyone was curious about the 'reason' instead of just the 'when.'
my family and i have had a hell of a year, y'all. like, jesus christ, i really hope things level out and calm down for a while once we're moved in to our new apartment bc god damn we are so tired. the list goes: 1. we got kicked out of the house we were renting-to-own bc we wouldn't be able to afford the new rate, so they gave us two months to find a new place to live (not long enough, it turns out) and then foreclosed to get us out. 75% of our belongings were still in the house when we had to leave. that includes all of our christmas ornaments- including the ones kept for decades, and the ones made by me and my siblings, and the fancy ones made from blown glass. 2. the first night out of the house, one of our dogs, freaked out by the strangeness of the situation, panicked and slipped her harness and ran off. that was over a year ago. we haven't seen her since. 3. my cat got very ill and became unable to eat. she passed away almost exactly a year ago. she had been 14-15, and had been my baby since i was maybe 8. 4. one of the tires on my dads car blew out. during the night, while it was parked on the curb so he could put the spare on in the morning, one of the in-tact tires was fucking stolen LMAO 5. we applied to rent at so many places and got rejected so, so many times. it costs money to apply, btw. we're talking like $200+. no, u don't get that money back. 6. i lost my job bc knowing i would have to work 8 hours at a job that stresses me out to the point of exhaustion (at a place where no one takes me seriously and would actively laugh at me when i try to express my need to step away for a minute) sometimes paralyzed me and made me sick to my stomach and made me feel unable to leave the house, and i called out one too many times. a day after my birthday, too! 7. just recently, like within the last week, my dad's car got fuckin totalled!!!!!
the 'oh god' news is we still have to move in, and replace a lot of the stuff that we just couldn't take with us when we moved out (mostly stuff like bookshelves, dining table, dressers, etc) AND get the few things we could cram into a storage center out and moved into the new place, which isn't a lot but at the same time is more than we can realistically handle on our own. and then, we have to get my mums cats (a pair of kitty sisters that we had to temporarily house with my aunt, who got tired of looking after them and let them outside to be outdoor cats a few months ago. yes, this was an extremely shitty thing to do, and we've been working hard to get them back safely) AND my gecko (who my cousin has been looking after, even tho feeding him worms freaks him out LMAO yes i plan on compensating him) moved in, as well... basically oh my god there is so much to worry about but at the same time it's nice to have to worry about it bc it means we're making progress sdkfhsjdkfhdsjfh
basically i am just so tired but so busy and also thinkin abt so much im so sorry for lack of stuff but i am so looking forward to being able to bounce back, pls stick with me, it'll be sorted out soon i think and then i'll hit y'all with some good stuff i promise!!!!!!!
anyway thank u guys i love u and appreciate u all for sticking around
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 29 days
Btw, I just need to say this. It's not just me rooting for buddie that's putting me off Buck/Tommy.
It's... The dismissive things Tommy keeps doing. Like mocking Buck for not having the courage to come out to his best friend the minute after he realised he is bi. Yes, the scene was funny as hell but also... Wtf was that.
Like he had any business judging Buck for panicking, with how much time he himself spent in the closet?
Also him, being shoved into the closet at the date... It was his own damn doing for not coming out earlier. If he's supposedly so proud and out... Then how is it that Buck was the one who told Eddie that Tommy is gay? Tommy had weeks before that to mention it, they went on a damn trip to Vegas together just a while back.
The bravado is bullshit. He's all talk. Indeed... "Renowed for his fake mouth static", was it now?
And then... showing up to a theme party in a damn henley, like it would have been too hard to take a spare change of clothes with him to the party. Yes he was on call but that's a shitty excuse. A firefighter wouldn't be on call relying on public transport, he was obviously driving, he could have left some clothes in his car. How many seconds does it take him to change his clothes, exactly?
So not bothering to dress up is just laziness and him thinking he's too cool to dress up. Also it just annoys me because that party was not only important to Buck, who btw was a nervous wreck arranging it, wanting Chimney to have a great party, and really would have appreciated the effort to dress up. No, Tommy is also Chimney's friend, one of his oldest friends, and that was his best effort in celebrating his friend's bachelor party? Wow.
And yeah... The way Tommy just keeps treating Buck like Buck is 7? Adorable... What a word choice!
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Yeah yeah I know people think it's sweet. Well I don't, I have issues, I hate that word. And I hate that he used it of Buck.
Because I relate to the fumbling way Buck tends to live his life. I have ADHD and I know not everyone feels this way...
But one of my least favorite words is actually nowadays "adorable", or something of the like. Infantilizing "compliments" like that mess with my head because they really put you down, when someone implies that they admire you but like... You're cute like a puppy, or a child, something like that. Sweet, but kinda pathetic. A bambi on ice. Entertaining to watch, but not your peer.
And it sucks if you're the type who often struggles and does embarrassing things and messes up and rushes into things... It's easy to became insecure, and start to feel like nobody really sees you as someone who can be taken seriously. You're a joke to them. They underestimate you, they laugh at you, they mock you... even if it's done with love.
And Buck really is that type of person, who everyone tends to see as this dumb child. People comment on it, too. Really Bucked up there, like Chimney says earlier. He messes up often, and due to that people keep treating him like he isn't a grown man.
So it just annoys me when Tommy calls him adorable. Like omg, he is your date, why would you say that to an adult like yourself?! It's just dismissive.
So I'm really not into this "I'm more mature than you, I'm so much more confident than you, I have it figured out"-act he keeps doing.
How? Buck just came out to himself like two seconds ago, and you're sneering at him for freaking out when his best friend crashes his first date with a man? If you're such a brave lion with magnificent pride yourself, how come Eddie doesn't already know you're not straight?! Why is Buck the one who ends up telling Eddie?!
Renowned for your fake mouth static indeed. What an holier than thou circus act. It pisses me off.
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
headcanons for being 2k14/16 donnie’s bestie who makes rings out of old metal and silverware and broken glass bottles (for the gems) both for fun and a living? maybe they’ve got a little workshop near his lab. (bonus if they make him one)
The thought of Donnie wearing rings makes me feral. If anyone can find the picture of him checking April's pulse in the first movie, I would be very grateful.
Donnie x Gn!reader
Ring Maker
Donnie's an observant guy, he picks up on stuff quickly.
He noticed you wear rings a lot, some days they match and others it's very mismatched.
At the beginning of your friendship he feels almost awkward asking. It's obvious you make these rings, but how does he go about it without being like "I stare at your hands a lot, do you make your own rings?"
A few weeks after meeting and getting close, you come running into his lab freaking out. You lost one of your favorite rings somewhere in the lair and can’t find it anywhere.
He spends the next 30 minutes helping you turn the lair upside down to find it. It fell down under the fridge (how it did that, we’ll never know). 
You pull him in for a tight hug, saying “thank you” over and over again. 
He figures now is a good time to ask about them. 
You show him pictures and your Etsy page of all the different types of rings you make. He’s immediately asking question and question. 
“Where do you get the metal?” “how long does it take to make each ring?” “how long have you been doing this?” “how do you decide what gem to put in each ring?” 
This goes on for an hour. 
Deciding it’s better to just show him how you make them, you make him clear off one of his spare tables and bring all of your supplies and tools down to the lab.  
He watches you make them, asking the occasional question, but staying quiet for the most part. He was practically glued to your side, chair right against yours, knees touching. 
He found the crafting so interesting, your hands were so much smaller and nimbler than his. You let him help with bending the wires or setting the gem in. 
He lets you keep some of your tools and supplies in the lab, saying you can work in there with him whenever you want. 
You want to gift him one for his birthday as a surprise, but it’s nearly impossible to guess his ring size. 
Even though its painfully obvious, you ask him to help mold a new ring. He knows immediately that you’re making it for him, but he goes along with it. 
It was strangely nice having you mold the ring around his finger. Your hands were soft and gentle against his. 
Thankfully, after making the first ring, you were able to get his size and make more rings for him that were actually a surprise. 
It took some getting used to, but he did like wearing them. Unfortunately he does have to take them off whenever he’s working with chemicals, but they go on after he’s cleaned everything up. 
The other guys are also super interested in how you make rings and you give them some too.
Raph doesn't wear his that often cause they hurt his fingers when he's working out and doing weights.
Leo wants to give them a chance but they feel so weird on his fingers.
Mikey wears his the most, he loves them and constantly askes for more so he can't switch them out like you do.
You even made Splinter one, it's a silver band with 4 little gemstones all the colors of his son's bandanas
He wears it 24/7 and refuses to take it off
tags: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @mysticboombox @strawberrycakeblog
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saltygilmores · 9 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 21- Lorelai's Graduation Day, Aka The Best Episode That Ever Episoded, My Heart Will Soon Be Exploded. Part 1
This is my all time favorite episode of Gilmore Girls. It is so dear and special to me. Why? It includes (but is not limited to) the following qualities: 1.Jess and Rory go on their only psuedo-date!!!!! EVER! 2.Lorelai is safely contained in another location..another STATE...for the entire psuedo-date! 3.Although this is unfortunately not a Certified Dean Free Episode, his presence is limited to only 1 minute of nonsense! 4.Frankly, there is no interference from ANYBODY. Just Jess and Rory being so fucking cute and alone together! 5.Milo eats a hot dog! 6.Rory follows her dear little heart, skips school, goes to New York City and in the process screws over Lorelai by missing her graduation which is what she deserves. Lorelai deserves all the bad things. Huzzah! 7. Season 3 is just over the horizon. I skipped the two previous episodes, but you can read everything else here. Let's GOOOOO. Since I skipped right past the dumpster fires that were Teach Me Tonight and whatever the godforsaken episode is that came after it, I missed a few things and can only rely on my memory and context clues. It appears that Lorelai has staged another boycott against Luke's Diner, since Lorelai Gilmore is Certified CrazyPantsMcGee and she and Luke are on the outs because his nephew got into a minor car accident. It makes sense in her mind, don't try to understand it, you might break your own brain. The episode opens with Lorelai's search for a new breakfast spot. Instead of saving a few bucks and just pouring her and Rory a bowl of cereal at home for once.
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Whenever the Gilmores mention or visit other locales outside of The Hollow, it's kinda weird, because I think of Stars Hollow as a bubble cut off from the rest of normal society. Like when they go to the mall and stuff? What are you doing outside The Bubble, Citizens? The atmosphere is unsafe. But, the episodes that take place outside The Bubble, like this one, are some of the best ones. Other certified Outside The Bubble greats: The Bangles concert, the drag show, Lorelai and Emily's spa day.
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I guess I missed the birth of Lane the Drummer as well.
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Sure Lorelai, exploit your friend for free labor instead of sticking a fucking Pop Tart in a toaster.
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The food on this show always looks amazing. Props to the Gilmore Girls food display person.
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Someone on this show has a conscience. Good for her. That being said, I'm glad she throws her moral compass in the trash when she decides to skip school. Lorelai and Dean can drown in a pit of rattlesnakes.
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Jackson and Sookie are sex freaks 100%. Good for them. Why couldn't they give Jared Padalecki a paycheck to sleep in every episode too? Another thing I missed in episodes 19 and 20: Lorelai going back to school.
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Really, I thought her head was emptier than The Independence Inn on a Tuesday afternoon. That her one brain cell would have plenty of room to chill out, take a little swim, see the sights.
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The "knowledge" stuffed in Lorelai's brain: Dean Forrester's penis size, whether or not Dean Forrester likes those little marshmallows in his cocoa, how to say "Michel, cover my shift, I'm leaving work in the middle of the day", assorted deep seated childhood traumas. Lorelai made a comment about how her finals are the last time she has to cram anything in and I thought of a joke so dirty I decided not to post it. Filtering any thought is not the SaltyGilmores way, so you should be glad I spared you.
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What? You’ve finally developed an ounce of self awareness? Did you realize you're a raging bitch who leaves misery and destruction in her wake wherever she goes? Stop lobbing me so many softballs, damn. (The real answer: She hates school and learning is stupid). L: This learning thing is self inflicted! I'm a masochist! I may as well be carrying a switch and peridocally lacerating myself with it! But enough about what you and Dean Forrester do when Rory's not home.
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In a future episode, after Rory has risked her future by solely applying to Ivy League schools with less than 10% acceptance rates and is unsurpisingly, experiencing doubt about whether or not she'll get in to any of them, Lorelai remarks that Rory is going to Harvard and that's that; she will not allow her daughter to end up at a Community College or, god forbid, beauty school. In Lorelai's world there are no colleges that exist for her child in between Harvard and Stars Hollow Makeup Academy. My headcanon is that Shane (if Jess hadn't fed her to the swans after the Dance Marathon. RIP ) goes to beauty school and makes a fine living. Rory carries too much pressure on her shoulders and her life and career flame out. It's a tale as old as time. To her credit, in this scene Lorelai isn't really slandering her school, but talking about how the school is so small that her ceremony will be unremarkabl. But there wil be one, so she has decided to participate. She did not walk in her high school graduation ceremony because she had a 1 year old at the time, such is the consequence of boinking Crusty Hayden on your parents' balcony in the middle of winter. R: You should do it! You've worked hard! You earned it! Yes, she's worked so hard at this for such a long time that she decided on, enrolled in, and graduated from an entire college business program over the course of two episodes. R: You should invite Gramma and Grampa. L: Forget it. They won't want to be there. I was supposed to graduate high school, go to Vassar*, marry a Yale man, and get myself a proper nickname like Babe or Bunny or Shih Tzu. Instead, I got pregnant, didn't finish school, I didn't marry your father, I ended up in a career that even Jessica Hahn** would think is beneath her. I humiliated them, the two proudest people in the world, I humliated them. I spoiled their plans. I took their fine upbringing in a world of comfort and opportunity and I threw it in their faces. I broke their hearts and they'll never forgive me. I don't want them there. It'll hurt them, and hurt me. (please see footnotes at end of post for additonal commentary on this speech) Lorelai's 16 year old daughter, who 15 seconds earlier was looking forward to her mother's graduation, but is now being trauma dumped on by her mother, and is not unaware that this is about her:
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Her name is "Dean Forrester's future stepdaughter." Look at me ragging on Dean and he's not even here! Ha! HA!
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Ha? :( Dean is attempting to use his feeble brain to mansplain a concept to the women. What is it?
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Given his history of stalking, harrasment and verbal abuse, the thought of Dean honing his skills with a weapon should be incredibly frightening, but the girls want to hear more from this armed predator. Lorelai is very interested in how Dean Forrester yields his weapon. Dean’s Hobby Of the Episode is, *spins wheel* Skeet shooting, also known as clay pigeon shooting. (he helpfully mansplains to Rory that he is not shooting actual pigeons, that's just what the clay disks are called), and then the ladies ask several more dumb questions like "what if you actually hit a real bird?" in what is perhaps some kind of attempt by AmyShermanPalladino to show that Dean Smart Women Dumb. But I'm a grizzled veteran of your show, AmyShermanPalladino. You're not getting the "Dean is intelligent" ruse over on me this far into the second season. Nice try. R: Why are you into this? D: My dad did this when he was my age and he wanted to pass the tradition down. Your dad wishes your mom had swallowed.
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I keep getting distracted by how Rory's sleeves are always tucked into her cast instead of over the cast, sorry. I've never had a cast and it just looks strange. Why am I thinking about this? Why am I like this? I like Lorelai's hoodie. There, I said something nice about her. Happy? L:If you get real good at shooting clay pigeons, do you move onto other animals like chicken and sheep? Well, future serial killers like Dean do usually start out by hurting animals. And that is the end of Dean for the entire episode. A meager one minute of Dean per episode is a dream come true. * At the first mention of Vassar, my brain immediately jumped to Bedford Diaries (aka Slutty Jess at College), where Milo's character (Richard Thorn, I mean, Slutty Jess) sleeps with his professor's estranged wife and she compliments his sexual prowess by saying "You'll make some Vassar girl very happy one day." Best not to do what I did, which is to cross pollinate the two shows and timelines in my mind (more or less against my will) and imagine some pretty horrible implications.
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** I did some light Googling on Jessica Hahn, and I am NOT unpacking this reference.
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Eren Jeager. This mf is like a wildfire, burning through my thoughts 24/7. I'm down bad, like head-over-heels, can't-stop-thinking-about-him bad. Eren Jaeger wreck my emotional landscape any day. I'm talking deep-down, dirty obsession for that guy – he's a walking, talking damn fantasy that I can't get out of my damn head. The dude's got a jawline so sharp; it could cut through the chaos he brings. I am so insane about this guy, i don't think there is enough words in the english dictionary to describe my feelings for him. Pure freaking chaos. I'm so down bad for him; I'd do some crazy shit, like drinking his bathwater. PLEASE SPARE ME ONE GLANCE. Seeing this dude makes my mouth straight-up water, man. I'm not even kidding – it's like a Pavlovian response to his existence. I start shaking, and it's not nerves. Plus, hear me out – I'd willingly let this man wreck me, body and soul. I'm talking about offering up everything, letting him bulldoze through me until I'm just a pile of dirt. Eren, if you're out there, bring on the ruin. I'm ready to be reduced to nothing but a damn mess for you. I love hobo Eren, short haired Eren, titan Eren, sauna Eren, summer Eren, winter Eren, spring Eren, bald Eren, 7 minutes Eren, modern AU Eren, pink suit Eren, golf player Eren, manbun Eren, PATHS EREN, guitarist Eren, CABIN EREN, hair down Eren. I LOVE IT ALL. Every damn day, I find myself praying to the heavens, begging God to send Eren to me. The mere thought of Eren consumes my mind, and I'm on the brink of losing it. I'm so down bad for him. I'm foaming at the mouth and i can not stop myself. I'm telling you, I'd go to the ends of the damn earth for every version of Eren. If he showed up at my doorstep Hobo Eren fashion, asking for beer money, I'd practically hand over my entire existence. I'd throw my bank account at him, grab those beers, and just fucking chill and roll joints w him or something. It's a level of down bad that's bordering on absurd.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
in writing another new Naruto AU and the idea is so long so imma send it in a series, but the basic premise is 'what if Isobu got stuck in a human form' so here we go: so the whole Kannabi Bridge incident still happens and Rin still gets Isobu stuck in her but the difference is that Kakashi got further Fuuinjutsu training from Kushina and so has A Plan. (1/?)
so Kakashi and Rin turn on the nin chasing them and so they've got a bit of time which Kakashi uses to make a seal that will release Isobu from Rin, but of course just a released Bijuu is No Good. its at this point that Obito gets to some overlook and sees all this happening (Zetsu realizes that this Might Have Backfired just too late) and jumps down, insert happy reunion and rushed explanation here, and Obito, whos been hearing about all this planning of Juubi Jinchuuriki and reincarnation (2/?)
reincarnation of Kaguya and such is like 'hm. HM.' and pitches this absolutely ABSURD idea to Kakashi and Rin.Rin, who, by this point, is Very Panicking, says SCREW IT and drags over a less-mutilated body which Kakashi, Tired and Relieved and All Those Other Things, just starts incorporating into the seal. Isobu, of course, is at least mildly aware of all this and is like PLEASE YES FIX THIS SHIT and, while he cant communicate with Rin, starts poking at her chakra systems for a way to (3/?)
to let this Actually Work without killing her. by the time the sun rises (Zetsu is watching because, while this might break something later, this is Interesting) the three have a big ol seal drawn in various people's blood, Isobu is doing his danged best to stay calm and Not freak out the kids any more than they already are, and Obito and Kakashi, as the ones with sealing knowledge here, are pretty sure this will work. but, well, time is running short, and with one stitched-up (4/?)
stitched-up and mostly healthy except for the being-dead part spare nin drawn into the seal along with Rin, they really cont lose much. so, with lots of good luck and a shitton of hope, they activate the seal. a few minutes, three very drained children, and a bored Zetsu later, the dead person's heart starts beating. Isobu takes these three overtired and near-dead kids back to Konoha with a lot of THANK THE FUKCING SAGE because nobodys dead (except for the ones Kakashi+co killed) (5/?)
explains a cover story (a la SFU Kurama) to the gate guards to be let in shenanigans ensue. so these three kids are the only ones who know that this rando Kumo nin (i think it was Kumo?) is actually a damn BIJUU IN A HUMAN and are like 'well... we can't really tell anyone...' but Kurama of course can probably sense Isobu being so near and is like 'uh, wtf' and Isobu tracks down Kushina and spills the beans. (6/?)
Kushina is like 'right, sure, alright give back the Jinchuuriki their body' and then Kakashi+co who have been PANICKING because Isobu disappeared to SOMEWHERE show up and are like ISOBU GOOD YOU'RE- oh hiiii Kushina-san, how are youuuuu... and Kushina's like 'oh you know this guy? cool theyre a Jinchuuriki and their Bijuu's apparently taken them over' and Kakashi+co explain, to a very disbelieving Kushina, that no, this is actually a Bijuu in a human, not a Jinchuuriki taken over by (7/8)
by a Bijuu, its fucking insane. Minato gets back from whatever mission it was to find his team has picked up a Kumo-nin as a sensei and is So Confused until its explained and then is just '...honestly good job but what the actual fuck' (8/8)
Oh this was an entire adventure
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femalewylanvaneck · 2 years
Get Down, Make Love
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: corroded coffin is looking for a new lead singer and you're the perfect candidate. but it turns out your new band comes with more than one benefit.
words: 4.6k
warnings (mdni 18+): reader is over 18, making out, fingering, oral (f!recieving), brief mention of weed
a/n: this is the first part in a series, idk how many parts it will have yet. also my first time writing smut.
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It was two days ago that you spotted the flier pinned to the notice-board outside the school cafeteria. The words written on it had told you that a local band, called ‘Corroded Coffin’, was looking for a new lead singer. 
You had been looking for a band to join for what felt like decades. You knew that you could sing, but you were also self aware enough to know you’d never make a break on your own. You just didn’t have what it took for a solo career. Saying that you weren’t a socialbird would be an understatement. Making friends or connections wasn’t a talent that you possessed. So, in order for you to make it in the music industry, you would need a band to help pave the way. 
And there was your opportunity, pinned to the giant notice-board, along with posters about the upcoming basketball game and other stuff you’d never cared about. 
The flier had indicated that ‘Corroded Coffin’ was a rock band, whose taste leaned towards metal. In all honesty, metal wasn’t exactly your preferred subgenre, but your heart had its own devoted section for rock music–and Roger Taylor. This was probably a contributing factor to why people didn’t swarm around you, begging to be your friend. The band tees, the leather jacket and combat boots–along with the chains, rings and heavy eyeliner–didn’t exactly invite people in. 
But, in the end, that didn't matter–you could learn to love heavy metal if it meant you got to be on stage. That’s why you were currently spending your Thursday night in your car driving to The Hideout. You pulled into the bar’s parking lot with nine minutes to spare. There were fewer cars parked outside than you’d been expecting. Hopefully, people had decided against driving after a night of shooting back a pack of beers. 
As you swung the door open you were met by a strong odor of sweat, cheap cologne and alcohol. Your eyes scanned the crowd, but all you could see were a couple of men, all over the age of forty. That’s when it hit you that you actually had no idea who ‘Corroded Coffin’ was. And as you kept scanning the crowd a knot of doubt started growing in your stomach. What if the poster was old? What if the Friday in question wasn’t this Friday, but a Friday weeks ago? 
You checked your watch–7:58. You decided that you were gonna stick around for a few more minutes to see if anyone showed up. Surely, you couldn’t be the only kid in all of Hawkins interested in joining a band, right? 
That’s when you spotted a dark head of long, curly hair, over the sea of balding ones. This head was approaching you at a steady pace. And you knew, before he turned a corner and you spotted his trademark Hellfire shirt, that the person nearing you was Eddie, The Freak, Munson. 
No, not The Freak. You never referred to him as a freak, because he wasn’t any more of a freak than you were. And also because it was insensitive and shitty going around referring to someone as The Freak. He was Eddie Munson, a person. 
That sounded kinda weird. It wasn’t like you regularly walked around thinking about Eddie Munson, and whether or not the judgment he’d been dealt was unjust–which it was. You only meant that, in the general sense, it never sat right with you to call anyone a freak. 
“You here to audition?” You snapped out of your thoughts to find Eddie standing a few feet in front of you. He looked down at you, eyebrows slightly raised, the shadow of a smile splayed over his lips. 
“Y-yes! Right,” you stammered, trying to kickstart your brain back up. “I’m-”
“Y/N,” he cut you off. 
“You know who I am?” You gave him a puzzled look. 
“You’re pretty much the only girl in that entire school who doesn’t exclusively buy their clothes at the Gap,” he smirked. 
“How can you be sure? Have you checked the tags on them?” you smirked back at him. “What if I just buy my stuff there and dye it black?” He chuckled at that. 
“Did you write ‘AC/DC’ on that shirt yourself, then?” 
“Wait, you don’t do that?” You furrowed your brows and tried to look perplexed, but you couldn’t fight the smile tugging at your mouth. 
“You’re funny,” he said, while throwing his arm over your shoulders and beginning to guide you towards, what you assumed, were the rest of his bandmates. Your first thought was that Eddie smelled a lot nicer than you thought he would–not that you’d thought about what he’d smell like. You had expected him to reek of cheap cologne and weed, but he smelled vaguely of pine and cedar, with a hint of cigarettes. 
“Don’t tell anyone,” you murmured. 
Eddie stopped the two of you in front of two guys you recognized from school, but whose names you couldn’t remember. 
“I present to you, the rest of Corroded Coffin.” Eddie gestured towards the three boys with his free hand. You gave them a little wave, that’s honestly pretty damn awkward. 
“Holy smokes, someone actually showed?” said one of the guys, wearing a red flannel, looking between you and Eddie. The other guy also glanced between the pair of you, and all of a sudden Eddie’s arm seemed to burn your shoulders. At the same time, he appeared to realize your position as well, removing his arm and awkwardly stepping to the side. 
“Guys, this is Y/N.” Eddie gestured towards you this time. They eyed you up, and you were ready for one of them to make a comment about you being a girl, or something along those lines. But instead one of them locked eyes with you. 
“Favorite band?” he asked. 
“Queen,” you responded without a doubt. 
“Should we do a Queen song, then?” Eddie asked.
“Do you want to sing a Queen song? So we can hear how you sound?” 
“Yeah. Sure.” You had almost forgotten that you were gonna have to sing something. “Do you guys know how to play ‘Hammer to Fall’?” 
Eddie said “yes” at the same time the other guys said “no”. They then suggested you sing with only the guitar in the background, so they could better hear your voice. You and Eddie got through the song together, drawing some attention from the drunks scattered around the room. 
By the time Eddie had put his guitar down, you had begun nervously picking at the hem of your miniskirt. None of them showed any indication as to whether your performance met their standards or not. The three of them huddled together and began whispering. You tried to make out at least a few words, but you couldn’t catch anything. 
After a while Eddie turned around slowly. His face bore a stern expression and you felt your stomach sink. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Eddie began, your heart breaking a little. “But it looks like you’re gonna have to start spending some time with the freaks of Hawkins High,” he continued. 
“You can’t begin like that!” you exclaimed, striking his chest with the back of your hand. Eddie sent you a wide smile and caught your hand, before holding it between his own. Suddenly, there were butterflies in your stomach. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he mumbled and pressed a light kiss to your knuckles. The butterflies escaped into your chest. 
That’s how you became the lead singer of Corroded Coffin. That’s also how you ended up in the school cafeteria, a couple weeks later, arguing with Dustin Henderson about what time Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon. 
“It was at 2:54 am!” Dustin exclaimed, frustrated.
“No, it was at 2:56, Dustin!” you bellowed back. 
“Are you not listening to me? He took his first step onto the moon at-”
“Listen to the lady, Henderson,” Eddie cut in. “She’s usually right.”
“Thank you, Eddie,” you smiled at him. 
A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, against his will. 
“Eddie, no offense,” Dustin started off, “but you’ve failed to graduate high school, like, three times.” Everyone at the table went quiet. “So, I don’t exactly trust your opinion.” 
You had to cover up the laugh that tried to escape you with a cough. Eddie stopped glaring at Dustin for a second to glare at you. “Sorry,” you mumbled under your breath. 
Dustin's face had gone slack as he realized what he’d just said. “Eddie, I didn’t mean-”
“It’s alright, Henderson.” The tension in the younger boy's shoulders went away immediately as he let out a breath. “But you’re still wrong.” 
You had never seen a person's mouth from such a straight line. You could tell that Dustin had fought with all his strength to not say anything. 
“Not to rain on your parade, man,” Mike cut in, “but it was at 2:56.”
“Michael!” Dustin snapped at the other boy, with such force it was a miracle his “Thinking Cap” hadn’t flown across the room. 
You giggled into the back of your hand. What you didn’t notice was the smirk that grew on Eddie's lips when he saw you laugh. 
Then you remembered that you’d wanted to talk to Eddie about one of the songs the two of you had been working on. There was one line in the second verse that you felt just wasn’t right, and you needed to fix it before the gig tonight. 
“Yes, princess?” You ignored the heat that rushed to your cheeks. 
You pulled the notepad out of your bookbag and showed the right page to him. “I think we should change this,” you said, pointing to the words. 
He leaned in to get a better view. “Yeah, you’re right. That doesn’t look right.” His words were spoken right into your ear, causing a chill to run down your spine. 
The two of you went back and forth, trying out new words to see what would sound the best. When the bell rang, you weren’t even close to finished. Because the more you looked at the song, the more you realized it was crap. Maybe some of the weed you’d smoked while writing it was to blame. 
“We have to get this fixed before tonight,” Eddie stated. “We promised we would have a new song for tonight.” 
“Oh, yes, we can’t disappoint the handful of drunks who happen to be there tonight,” you chuckled. 
“They’ve started paying more attention since you joined.” You rolled your eyes at that. 
“But, I agree. We gotta fix this.” Your eyes met his. “I’ll be at your place around 4. That sound good?” 
“Thank you,” he said, then planted a quick kiss to the top of your head before hurrying away. 
“Why are you in a rush to get to class?” you called after him. 
“I gotta graduate this year!” 
Your knuckles never got the chance to strike the front door of Eddie’s trailer. Instead, it swung open, with you still holding your closed fist up like an idiot. You lowered it awkwardly, tucking your hand into your pocket.  
“Hello, there,” he smirked at you.
“Hi,” you got out, sounding like a moron.
Eddie stepped to the side, letting you enter. You glanced around the trailer. There was no sign of Eddie’s uncle, but his comings and goings weren’t something you’d yet figured out. You knew he worked nights at the plant. But, surely, it was too early for him to have already left, right? Whatever. 
Half an hour later and you were sprawled out on Eddie’s bed, notepad in front of you and pen between your teeth. Eddie sat in his desk chair, guitar in hand. Your eyes tracked his ringed fingers as they moved over the strings, going from chord to chord. Their movement had you in a trance. The way your mind tended to wander when you were around Eddie was something you liked to ignore–yet it happened all the same. 
“Hey, Y/N. Wake up!” (I apologize) 
Your eyes snapped to his. “What?” 
“Are you even listening?”
“Sorry.” You buried your face in your hands. 
“Let’s take a break,” Eddie said, then pressed play on whatever cassette he’d listened to earlier. You smirked as Freddie Mercury’s voice met your ears. 
“Queen?” You looked up at him with big eyes. 
“I was prepared, just in case,” he said, suddenly shy. 
“Aww, you’re a softie.” A smile washed over your face. 
Eddie sat down next to you on the bed and shoved your shoulder playfully. “I am not!”
“Yes, you are!” The tip of your finger jabbed him in the side. He snatched your wrist before you could pull it away. As you tried to wring it out of his grip, he took the opportunity to grab your other arm as well. You were now fighting to get both of your hands back. But Eddie easily used your arms to swing your body down onto the bed. You continued to struggle, and in order to hold you still he pinned your body down under his own. 
You looked up into his eyes, gazing right back down at you. Your chests were heaving slightly from the exertion. For a brief moment, Eddie's gaze strayed to your lips. Then they did it again and once more, until they stayed there. 
“Have I ever told you I had a crush on you last year?” He spoke the words quietly, afraid you were gonna make fun of him.  
“You were sat in the cafeteria, combat boots up on the table,” he looked back at your eyes. “You had your Walkman with you and I could hear ‘Run to the Hills’ blaring through your headphones. It took me three weeks to not look for you the second I stepped in there. And every single day you were sitting at the same table, alone. I drove myself crazy, wondering what would happen if I just walked over there.”
“Why didn’t you?”
He opened his mouth to answer, but before he had the chance to respond, you raised your head off the mattress and crashed your mouth against his. It took him a few seconds to react. Once he did, your head was slammed back down onto the bed, his lips working hungrily against your. 
Your hands went up to cup the sides of his face and draw in nearer, while Eddie’s hands grabbed at your hips. He pulled away from your lips, and you were certain he would say something about how you couldn’t continue what you were doing. But instead he started trailing kisses along your jaw and down your neck. 
You gasped as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin of your neck. His tongue trailing after to soothe the area. You tangled your fingertips into the curly hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him even closer. He planted kisses along your collarbone, before returning his mouth to your neck. 
You were panting underneath him. His mouth sucked on your neck. You knew it would leave a mark, but you just couldn’t find it within yourself to care. And honestly, there was a part of you that wanted him to mark you up, claim you. 
“Eddie,” you breathed, as the suction on your neck grew rougher. 
You felt Eddie smirk against your skin as he hummed. His fingers played with the hem of your shirt. He began pushing it up every so slowly, giving you the chance to stop him. But you just arched your back in response, willing him to push it up farther. However, he left it bunched up right before your bra could be revealed. You let out a disappointed huff. 
“I wanna feel before I see,” he mused and let his fingers slide underneath the fabric of your top. He grasped your covered breasts and squeezed lightly. The way you let out a shaky breath let him know you enjoyed it. So he gave them another squeeze, harder this time. You raised your chest, asking for more, and he obliged. 
He ran a thumb over your nipple. Your body shuddered in response, causing Eddie to smirk and do it again. A whimpering sound escaped your lips. You felt heat pooling between your legs, certain that if Eddie went on like this, a wet patch was gonna form in your underwear. 
Eddie removed his hands from your chest, and a frown appeared on your lips. To your delight, they made quick work of removing your shirt. You helped him get it off, then tossed it onto the floor. The cool air contrasted against your flushed skin, which caused goosebumps to form across your body.  
Eddie was staring down at you, examining your chest. The piercing attention made you feel self conscious, your hands instinctively going up to cover yourself. But Eddie was quicker, taking your arms and pinning them to your sides. 
“Don’t,” was all he said. 
So you tried looking away to escape his examining eyes. He grabbed your jaw with rough fingers, forcing you to turn your head towards him. Still, you refused to meet his eyes. 
“Look at me.” Reluctantly, you locked your gaze on his. “You’re beautiful. So beautiful.” He said the last part more to himself. 
Heat rushed to your face. You wanted to turn your head away once more, but Eddie still had a hold of your jaw. 
When he felt certain you wouldn’t look away, he let go of your face. Then he returned his curious hands to your clothed chest, squeezing and running his fingers over your, now very hard, nipples. And once again you were a whimpering mess underneath him. 
His lips went back to trailing openmouthed kisses along your collarbone. His hungry mouth traveled downward, leaving marks along the way. But it wasn’t enough. 
You pushed him away from you. Eddie was sure you were gonna ask him to stop. Instead, you sat up slightly, your hands disappearing behind your back to unclasp your bra. It quickly joined your shirt on the floor. 
Eddie was grinning like an idiot. His eyes eating up the sight of you, Y/N Y/L/N, splayed out on his bed topless. Your chest heaving, causing your tits to move in a way he could only describe as deeply erotic. If he hadn’t been nursing a hard-on before, he sure was now. 
He would be lying if he’d said he hadn’t thought about you like this. When you’d leaned forward to grab something and your shirt had slipped down, he’d had to stop himself from reaching out and cupping your breasts. Or when you licked the paper while rolling a joint, and his mind wandered to what it would be like having that tongue doing the same thing elsewhere. Or when he woke up in the middle of the night, craving a release after you’d haunted his dreams. 
But having you here, in front of him, topped anything his imagination had been able to cook up. He felt your hips bucking underneath him, craving friction just as much as he did. However, before he could get to that, he had another task at hand. 
He took your left nipple in his mouth, using the tip of his tongue to play with it. He pinched the other one between his fingers. 
“E-Eddie,” you moaned, as you felt your slick slowly stain the fabric between your thighs. You clenched around nothing. “Eddie.” 
You didn’t want him to stop what he was doing, but you needed some friction, anything. He was taken aback when you shoved him off of you, then straddled him. You quickly began grinding your hips against his, moaning over the sudden relief. 
“So greedy,” he said through a grunt. 
“Shut up, Munson.” 
If he’d thought you were hot earlier, it was nothing against the way you looked now–head rolled back, skirt bunched up around your hips, hands gripping his chest for support as you dry hump the bulge in his jeans. His fingers dug into the flesh of your thighs. 
Eddie was sad that your tit was no longer in his mouth. However, the way you grinded against him didn’t have him feeling blue for long. And seeing you take what you wanted was insanely attractive. 
“Yes, princess?”
“I need you to do something,” you said, still working your hips at a steady pace. 
“I was doing something when you interrupted me,” he smirked. All you did was whine in response, and the smug look was wiped off his face. “Alright, sweetheart.” 
Eddie lifted you off of him and placed you back on the bed. He was perched between your legs, once again devouring the sight of you–the way your boobs were drooping to the sides, forced down by gravity. And the way your nipples were stiff, one of them glistening with his saliva.
He studied your face, loving the way your lips were swollen from having battled with his own, and loving that he now knew what those lips tasted like. 
His hands grabbed the waistband of your skirt. “Mind if I take this off?” 
You shook your head and raised your hips, causing Eddie to smirk. 
The way he removed it was agonizingly slow, but he wanted to make sure he had time to scan every inch of your skin with his eyes. They moved down your legs–God, he never knew legs could be this attractive. 
But what caught Eddie’s attention in the end was the wet stain that had formed in your underwear. He ran a finger over it. You hummed in response, as your eyes fell shut–finally. 
Eddie made quick work of removing your underwear, and they joined the rest of your clothes on the floor. You felt it was unfair that you were completely naked, while Eddie hadn’t shed a single article of clothing. 
“Yes, love?” (Aaron Warner who?)
“Can you take your shirt off?” you asked, suddenly embarrassed. 
A smirk grew on Eddie’s face. “Since you asked so nicely.” He removed his top in one swift motion. 
This wasn’t the first time you’d seen Eddie without his shirt on. You, Eddie and the other guys from the band had gone to Lovers Lake after your first gig together, and Gareth had pushed Eddie into the water. Which had been an awful idea since it was during early March. 
Eddie had gotten out of the water, soaked and freezing, wet bangs sticking to his forehead. He had taken off his drenched jacket, cursing Gareth under his breath for ruining his precious piece of leather. His shirt had quickly followed, and you had turned your burning face away from him, as he searched through the back of his van for a blanket. 
This time you didn’t turn away. Instead, you let your eyes travel over his pale skin. Your fingers traced the ink covering his chest, admiring the artwork. You made a mental note to ask him about them later. 
You were so consumed by the sight before you, that you hadn’t noticed when Eddie moved his hand to hover between your open legs. However, him swiping his thumb over your clit pulled you out of your trance as you let out a groan. 
Your hand, that had been tracing shapes on Eddie’s chest, grabbed onto his forearm. He looked up at you. “Do you want me to stop?” You hastily let go again. He could do anything, as long as he promised to keep touching you. Your head rapidly shook from side to side. 
He ran his fingers through your folds once more, spreading you slick over your aching bud. Eddie began tracing small circles over the bundle of nerves and your eyes fell shut. You let out sighs of pleasure, lightly moving your hips against him. 
Eddie leaned down and began placing kisses on your sternum, moving down and doing the same along your stomach. Before you knew it his head was between your thighs. He planted quick pecks on the inside of your thigh, then replaced his thumb with his lips. 
Eddie brushed the tip of his tongue over your clit. 
“Fuck,” you moaned, and you could feel Eddie’s lips quirking into a smirk. 
The way he worked his tongue over your cunt made you feel sorry for any guy that had ever gone down on you for thinking they’d done a good job. Because this felt so good and the moans leaving you were genuine, not forced like usually. 
When you didn’t think it could get any better, you felt one of Eddie’s fingers at your entrance, slowly pushing its way inside of you. 
“E-Eddie! Fuck-” you bit the back of your hand to stifle the sound. 
“You don’t have to worry, sweetheart. No one can hear you. Let it out.” 
You removed your hand and at that exact moment Eddie curled his finger inside you. The sound you let out was heady–and quite intoxicating in Eddie's opinion. 
Your fingers found their way into Eddie’s curls, which he only took as encouragement. Eddie was sucking at your clit like his life depended on it, and it almost did, because he thought he was going to die if he didn’t get to hear you moan his name one more time. Eddie added another finger, and you didn’t need many seconds to begin grinding your hips against them. 
You felt the knot in your stomach begin to tighten. “Eddie, I’m close.”
“I know, I know.” He didn’t need you to tell him, he could feel the way your walls were clamping against his fingers. Eddie put even more effort in–he couldn’t wait to have you come undone. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-”
And just like that you were cuming on Eddie Munson’s tongue, his fingers working magic inside of you, while Freddie Mercury was telling you to Get Down, Make Love. 
Eddie lifted his head from between your trembling legs, and removed his fingers before popping them in his mouth, savoring every last drop of you. 
As you were coming down from your high, your head fell to the side. That’s when the clock on Eddie’s nightstand caught your attention–5:44 pm. 
“Shit!” you exclaimed. “Eddie, we need to be at The Hideout in fifteen minutes.”
“What?” His eyes snapped to the clock. “Crap!”
Eddie threw his shirt back on, before diving onto the floor in search of your clothes. You got your bra and skirt tossed at you, then your panties followed. You hastily put them on, then joined Eddie in the search for your shirt. 
“I can’t find it!”
“Here, take this,” Eddie said and tossed you a shirt from his closet. 
You pulled it on, grinning slightly–it smelled like him. 
On the other side of the room, the sight of you in his shirt had Eddie fighting the urge to throw you back onto the bed and let tonight's gig figure itself out. But you came rushing past him and he was pulled from his reverie. 
“Eddie, you coming?” You raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Yeah, sorry.” He looked at you reluctantly, afraid that the moment was over and that you were gonna sweep it under the rug and act as if it never happened. 
“We’re just taking a break, okay?” 
A smile split Eddie’s face, and he threw on his jacket before grabbing his keys. The two of you rushed out to Eddie’s van, making sure to not forget his guitar. 
You were almost at The Hideout when something struck you. “What are we gonna do about the song?” 
“The drunks can live without it, we were up to more important things.”
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Uhh can I get a uhhh
Idia x lilia headcanons? Both nsfw and sfw?
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First off, this is somehow their songs
The last song he wrote in honor of his feelings for Idia and sung it during a Light Music Club concert and it quickly became a fan favorite
I swear if Chapter 7 don't show these two realizing they are each other gamer buddies and Idia realize Lilia's his gamer crush than I will be pissed
Lilia braids Idia's hair and at times Idia would forget and people would comment on it and he'd freak out lol
Ortho is beyond eager to have Lilia over and is sparky happy to know his big brother has a friend now
Ortho didn't really pick up Idia had a crush until he finally took notice the odd pattern of seeing the introvert go to classes and club activities in a happy cheer or hum, his gaming streams are more energetic especially if teamed up with Lilia (pre-dating but post reveal), and it didn't hit him until he looked at his music playlist to find these as his repeat songs;
Diasmonia took fast notice of Lilia's change of pace when he began to be more spacy when doing chores or homework, twiddling his pen as he hums softly, no one ever seen him like this so no one assumed he had a crush until they saw him literally run just to say "hi" to Idia before going back to what he's doing
Sometimes when they game in the same room they sit beside each other or one of them is practically on the other's lap or they would have one lay on his stomach and the other lay on their stomach on top
Cater: Why are you two holding hands? Lilia: Studies show holding hands relive stress Cater: Oooh! I thought you two were dating or something Lilia: Oh we are, Idia's also just stressed
Lots of double dates with Azul and whoever he's dating in this AU (maybe Malleus but tempted to make Malleus and Rollo a thing in this AU but if we make it trio sorry Rollo-) and the rest of LMC, sometimes group date hangouts
Idia finds a lot of typical romance stuff gross and "why are they making out in public?? Gross" and they both make fun of the couples they see silently and then make out whenever's a game's paused
super affectionate "Oh I will kill you you little dumbass"
Idia full heartly ate something Lilia made to be a supportive bf and Lilia actually got scared for a moment Now onto the NSFW Headcanons!
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So he sang UnHoly during a concert Idia was attending to be a support bf to support his hot bad ass bf and Lilia let rip on his ultra flirty bratty self on stage while also adding the sexy dom side he has, swaying his hips during the song and when he came to the rap he got into Idia's bubble and did a little teasing by sitting just above his lap and acting like he's about to kiss him before Idia went red and pink when the vampire disappeared and he remembered he's in public
I headcanon this for every Idia shit but the man would refuse to do it in his dorm unless Ortho's out of the room for more than a few minutes or else he'll have no time to clean up the entire evidence of sex
So often times they meet up someplace or rent a room from Azul, sometimes even Kalim is down to led a spare room for the two if they're respectful
Sebek became sadly aware of why Lilia invites Idia sometimes when it's nearing lights out when one night he left the bathroom dead in the night and walked pass Lilia's room and through the door he heard soft bed creeks and even softer pants and it didn't hit him for a while and when he realizes what's happening he ran off fast and glared at Idia all the next day
I could say they're a switch couple but Lilia's more dom than anything so even when he's getting the D he's still in control of every little thing so yeah-
They both have a kink of hair pulling
Cock warming while gaming is a favorite of them
A few times they gave each other head under the desks
Degrading and praise is a usual dirty talk of these two with the color system in hand
One time Idia was streaming and Lilia was in the room and he was forced to watch his boyfriend strip tease him while he's trying to focus on the game and he quickly went on a safe spot and ended the stream after Lilia began to play with himself and doing a little show/tossing his undies at his feet and they fucked
They resenate to this song and you know it and why
Lilia would randomly text or talk to Idia in public in his type of sexy voice or sometimes do Idia's special nickname just to see Idia's reaction
Both watched porn together and jerked it together
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doublellay-com · 14 days
Boring storytime
So like... because i only shifted for a day and there wasnt really anything interesting... here'es a boring stroy time on the busses that I took!
So basically, I went on two green busses and then a blue bus before walking the rest of the way to the company. I could've gotten the subway but im too anxious to be able to take trains alone LOL. Thankfully, people got off on my stops so i didnt have to do the signal thing and be the only one getting off... what made it worse is that i was freaking hung over. Like, it's 9 in the morning, freezing winter, hung over and im still like half asleep. idk what time i went to bed the night prior... but i went to bed early as hell once i got back home (7:30 pm...)
So.. the green busses take you in small areas, so if the walk to where you want to go is 12-15 minutes, you'd take the green bus because its quicker and youd get there in half of the time it takes you to walk. I took two of those, to go to the outerskirts of a nerighbour hood and then I took a blue bus, which transports people around the city and across regions (im pretty sure), and its the most popular one. I then got off and walked tot he company blah blah blah. literally... I said thank you getting off the first bus, and then realised no one else did it so I wasnt going to do it with the secnond bus but i ended up saying "GOOd bye~!" Like I was singing?? bro... why did i do that... idk it was embarrassing as hell and a lady walking past like side eyed me from her phone before continuing walking like PLEASUH THIS IS SO HUMILIATING........................
I did not say anything on the third bus stop. I smiled and waved. I feel as if i still had alcohol in my system the night prior, which FYI was NEW years eve. so its new years day. do i remember going day drinking? yes. Do i remember drinking as I got ready with me friend and sent johnny a fit check and he sent one back in the most basic fit and i GEEKED the hell out? yes. yes i do. quite embarrasing to be fair but... cmon man going into 2012 with some motiVATION!!! ANyway, idk much to tell u about the busses but thats how i got to SM ent. and then I half walked, half taxi'd because... i was tired and hung over as already stated a million fricking times.
When I got to the company, my manager is sitting out side, arms crossed, one hand holding her phone and she looks up as she sees me. She sighs and puts her phone in her back pocket as she stands up and yk what she said to me??? DO YK WHAT??? "You're looking rough today. Got rejected did you?"
ok wow... my crush on johnny is obvious but its not THAT obvious and BRO BTW. i didnt see johnny at all that day. like AT ALL. like... im hearing johnny and seeing him in my kakao talk dms but i do not see his prescence like... guys this is meant to be a wattpad story not irl like cmon cmonc mocncnciodnnubufbrugedhfiu
but the audacity that woman said to me. the rat. she made me hold her hand as we walked in LOL. then she handed me a capri sun when we walked in. i felt like a child. to be fair... i kinda am one, maybe its my personality or i like being babied by my manager (or my unnie's... LMAO SORRY??)
we went to a spare room, sat down with some random other dude and it was bascially like this:
random guy: *places papers on table, shuffles them and puts a pen in front of me* "So... you agree to do SM rookies?"
me: "Uhhh.. yeahhhh. has anyone else had to do this orrr?"
random guy: "Thats confidential, im not the only one who carries the paper works so idk."
it stays silent for a few moments, i look at my manager, she looks at me and the nudges her head towards the paper. then i signed it and BOOM i was officially apart of SM Rookies. I now just had to deal with the next 4/5 years of random stuff to debut during an era where i wear pink camo pants. love it.
no im kidding, i was very excited but i felt like i was in a job interview. it only lasted a few minutes and then i frolicked off to vocal practice, skipped dance practice. went to 7/11 and had dinner/lunch (+mango ice cream) and then walked home. kinda. before getting the taxi.
when i got home it was only 3:30 pm... and what other way to spend the afternoon was to be in pj's, snack on doritios and watch avatar? wow this is so amazing and fun and my pj's have the disney princess pets on them like man how amazing, i still looked rough but at least im enjoying these chips and avatar hahahahahahhaa.
I made myself hot cocoa at some point, journalled about... you guessed it!! being hung over (guys i dont make it my whole personality i swear it just hit me like a truck idk why im emphasisng that i was hung over its really not that important im just tyring to add more words to seem like the story time is intersting although this is basically me journalling ... ok.) !!!
i did forget to mention... i like asked Johnny if he was in sm rookies and he read it, started typing and then didnt answer me for two hours. he is obviously but like hello. I also have no other friends... well i do but not kpop/known friends u get what im saying? its just none of the nct memebrs are around yet and exo already debuted and i didnt see red velvet so... im kinda stuck on just telling u guys about johnny. and the manager. and every other staff member that exists.
ok goodnight. this kind of was a filler post because is hifted and wanted to give information but like... what? so i went with busses and how they work andt hene evrything else that existed. so srry for when i ramble idk why i do that, my hands manage to catch up with my brain but not my mouth so ifk if that makes sense but... goodnight!
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kiwidotcom · 8 months
holy fuck
everything has been so much recently.
worked 10.5 hours today. im not ok. im completely wrecked. then had to have a phone call about the fact that the last 2 people that were meant to live with me, dropped out at the last minute. so far, im out a thousand dollars (that i didnt have to spare. this wasnt supposed to happen). and now i need to find a roommate by the 1st or i will have to pay the rent myself which is another $1k . im praying. praying. it doesnt come to that. i dont have $1k to my name right now. and im freaking out.
and honestly im kind of mad. ive had so much interest in this apartment. its a really nice place. but i prioritize my friends because duh. and then they just bail on me.
i feel like people dont take me seriously. but this is serious, its my life and its my finances. this is fucking me over.
then spoke to my mom about my dads mom. my nana is not ok. and my family is not known for communication. i just learnt so much that i didnt know, and i dont know how to process it . i dont know what to do. my parents arent together and i know my dad doesnt want my mom involved but its so much more than he can handle, especially because his GF is in serious chemo therapy right now. theres so much and i dont even know how to feel
my mom is also not doing well emotionally. i was taking her to a hockey game on monday but she doesnt feel she can handle it. so she said to invite someone else. but honestly i dont want to. i want to take her. i want her to be ok.
and all of this. i just kept thinking 'ok i can watch hockey at 7:30 and just pretend everything is ok for 2 hours'
but turns out the $16 a month website i pay for, cant show me a single fucking hockey game that played today. none of them.
even though the website said i could watch the canucks today.
i know its seems small and stupid but its just the fucking cherry on top of this fucking day and i give up
im opening a beer
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hexusproductions · 1 year
Augustine and Gepetto
Summary: The door to this spare room was open, allowing a clear view inside. This was a precaution in place for the guest that Gepetto was going to visit. Author's Note: Originally written 7/3/22. Takes place in the the AU where Augustine is a character in Hell Week.
The blinds of the Justice Crew’s living quarters had all been shut, now that the sun had set. It had been a long day of defeating villains and protecting the city. Luna was settling into the living room with some tv to unwind, and Dalmatian had long since left for his own apartment.
Gepetto let out a quiet sigh from where he stood leaning against the kitchen countertop, removing a hairband from his signature braid. Shaking out his now-ponytail, Gepetto cast another look towards Luna before turning and walking towards an opposite corner of the room. The HQ happened to have a few spare rooms amongst those already taken by the team members. They were often used as either extra storage or for guests - civilian or otherwise.
The door to this spare room was open, allowing a clear view inside. This was a precaution in place for the guest that Gepetto was going to visit, who upon passing through the doorway, Gepetto could see sitting back against a far wall. A mop of long wild hair obscured the man’s face entirely, falling over a tangle of folded limbs. His position on the floor was in-line with the open door, allowing him to be seen unobscured.
Gepetto stood by the doorway, as still as a mannequin. What was difficult to see from outside were the long fingers tangled between the white hair, tugging at the strands. Gepetto’s brow furrowed in sympathy. The man paused, and slowly lifted his head with a long sigh, his hands pulling his white hair back enough to peer through.
“I’m checking on you.” Gepetto explained. He figured getting that out of the way would stop Augustine from freaking out. Augustine let his head fall back against the wall, gaze idly drifting between Gepetto and the ceiling. His eyeliner was still smeared, obscuring a slight puffiness to his eyes. He was still wearing Dalmatian’s jacket, draped around his shoulders like a blanket after the JC had managed to transform him back into human.
“I’m okay.” Augustine replied. He swallowed roughly. He pulled Dalmatian’s jacket tighter around himself as he shifted, one leg unfolding from its former position. Gepetto continued to watch Augustine’s actions, letting the man choose his own pace to speak. “I did it again, huh?” The end of his sentence caught in his throat and Augstine pulled at his hair again, running his fingers through it in an attempt to soothe his built-up stress. Gepetto walked across the room (if Augustine had a problem with him approaching, he didn’t show it), and took a seat beside him, sitting against that same wall with about a metre of personal space left between them. He looked at Augustine, who eyed him, but didn’t speak out about the gesture. There was a moment of silence in the empty room; Gepetto wasn’t prone to or experienced with talking people through things. That was Luna and Dalamatian’s job, the more direct of the trio. In addition to that, he wanted to give Augustine a minute to grow used to Gepetto’s presence, and know he didn’t mean Augustine any harm. That’s what Gepetto was more experienced with.
“What went wrong this time?” Gepetto finally asked, gaze still on Augustine. Augustine fidgeted at that, a flash of hurt and guilt crossing his expression.
“I’m so sorry.”
“I know. So tell me what’s wrong.” Gepetto said evenly. He didn’t have any ill intent or blame towards Augustine. Augustine was in and out of reform programs more than anyone else the Justice Crew encountered. He was just prone to slip-ups, and those were always caused by something.
Augustine squirmed again, initially not answering Gepetto’s question. He held a hand over his face; His silver glasses were hanging around his neck on a chain, so they weren’t disturbed by the gesture.
“I came up short while I was buying groceries.” Augustine eventually spoke through his hand. He pulled it away in a vague limp gesture in the air, the arm falling to rest on his bent knee. “It was such a little thing but I just- It was the last straw. Everything feels like it’s been going wrong this week and I needed it to stop.” Emotions welled in his voice again by the end of the sentence, the words tumbling out. Gepetto frowned, and tentatively put a hand on Augustine’s arm, patting it. Augustine jumped imperceptibly at the contact, but his mouth drew into a flat line, a self-pitying and unconvincing attempt at a smile. He took a long, deep breath, and curled up again, resting his forehead on his arms.
“Do you need us to cover you?” Gepetto asked, taking his hand back and instead loosely crossing his arms. He knew that any of the JC (himself included) wouldn’t hesitate to give Augustine enough to make ends meet if he needed it. 
“No, I managed.” Augustine turned his head so his face was unobscured and his voice unmuffled. “...I’m never going to get my life back together, am I.” Gepetto glanced towards the floor as he thought over his response.
“Yes you will. It takes time.” He answered. He hoped it sounded reassuring to Augustine. His tone wasn’t always clear to other people. Augustine chuckled grimly.
“More time than I may have.” Augustine sat up, looking at Gepetto. Gepetto went silent again, giving him a shrug for lack of something verbal to show he needed time for an answer for that as well. Augustine pulled his gaze away again, pulling a length of his hair out of his face and tangling the end between his fingers in the process. Gepetto didn’t believe Augustine was out of chances to help himself and be happy. All he had to do was keep trying until it stuck.
Gepetto shuffled across the floor, crossing the metre distance between them. He put an arm around Augustine’s shoulders; He misjudged the distance a bit with all the hair, but he managed to correct and achieved a loose hold and a squeeze. Augustine tensed up, but he smiled, small and teary enough that Gepetto believed it was genuine.
“Thank you.” Augustine muttered.
“You’re welcome.” Gepetto responded in turn, his volume the same. They sat like that for a while, sitting in a comfortable silence. Augustine was still stiff, but he tilted his head to lean it on Gepetto’s shoulder. Gepetto didn’t move, not wanting to disturb the other man.
After a few minutes longer, Gepetto slowly pulled away and stood up. He smoothed down his skirt, and turned back towards Augustine.
“Water? Food?” He asked, eyebrows raised expectantly. Augustine sat up against the wall, fixing his posture.
“Water sounds great.”
Gepetto nodded and left the spare room, at the same unhurried pace as when he entered. He went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. He brought it back to the spare room, handing it to Augustine before leaving again with a wave. Augustine returned the gesture, then started to drink without hesitation, dehydration evident in how quickly he drank the contents. Gepetto left again, leaving the door open. He cast another glance towards Luna on the couch, sprawled out on the cushions and looking perfectly comfortable. Gepetto continued on through the shared space until he reached his own room.
Augustine would be fine if left overnight. Luna was still around to keep an eye on him, and the worst he might do would be leaving without telling anyone. Maybe he would actually emerge to find something to eat. But regardless, Gepetto knew things would be fine until the morning. It had been a long day, and he was going to bed.
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smol-tired-binch-blog · 11 months
Smol, Ask Game - Yakuza I'm curious
So. Full disclosure. I've only played Kiwami and 0, and am like...most of the way through Kiwami 2? So any knowledge I have of the rest of the franchise is via Tumblr and reading Majima's Wiki page (that's how I got here) So do bear with me lol.
3 male characters I love: To the shock of no one, Goro Majima. RGG really just made The Best Fictional Character Ever and just use him less and less huh I KNOW a lot of the characterisation came LONG after the first 6 games but IT STILL STANDS. Also also, Akira Nishikiyama. I know I've been more stuck on him recently but he's shoved his way to the front of my brain, but I still love Majima. They are both my boyfriends <3. Now hmmm, who gets the third spot....I know he was around for MUCH less time than I thought he would be, but I'm gonna say Homare Nishitani. He's a fucked up horny freak, he's just ACTUALLY a mad bastard and he loves it and I love him for it. I genuinely wish we got to fight him more it also makes fic more difficult cause I'm like 'wait when can he show up how does Sunshine fit in WHAT IS THE TIMELI-'. He's great, even though that first fight was very fucking bitchy.
3 female characters I love: Bold of you to assume there's more than 3 characters for me to pick from. Nah but uhhhh, can we count Yuko Nishikiyama when all my love for her is basically based on my own personal headcanons and interpretations? Let's call her a bonus option. Obviously Makoto Makimura, like I don't think I need to explain that do I? I think I also have to go withhhh.... Hibiki-chan and Yuki-chan. The fucking LORE IMPLICATIONS of Goromi's dress being a custom-made pink-snakeskin version of Hibiki's outfit?? And she was probably one of the most in love with him, idk she's just very sweet I love her. And Yuki is so cringefail but she thinks she's girlboss, I love that. Honestly I love all the Sunshine girls, more importantly I love the 'spares', yknow, the Golds and Silvers and Bronzes but I've mentioned that before, I should give them their own post.
3 romantic ships I love: Good morning Majimako nation :) It's a ship that brings me nothing but pain in canon and I love them so much, so thank God for fic writers vbhjnbhjn. I say canon brings me pain but they're just so cute and they understand each other's pain in a way others can't and it's like...all Majima had to do was give her closure, yknow? There's such a tragedy to it but I love them all the same. Also shoutout to the 7 other Majinishiki shippers out there. Yes I just put my two favourite beautiful men together. But the more I think about it the more I'm like "oh but this could be SO GOOD" cause they're both assholes and would both dislike each other and reckon they're polar opposites, which they appear to be on the surface, but they're more similar than they think and the idea of them learning that and being like "oh wait a minute....oh hang on...". They could be fun and funny and beautiful and hot so yeah, I've gotten real into it lol. Now....you know, I could pick the obvious, but it's time to push another agenda: Majima x Dolly. Yep. As in Doll Girl's mum. Look her kid has already decided he's her new dad, why not make it official? I just think Dolly is super cute, she's one of my favourite girls, and idk man it's really cute even though 0 content exists gvbhnjbhjn
3 platonic dynamics I love: Yuki and Majima's sibling bond means the world to me. Two cringefail weirdgirls who take turns being weird. Like one does something weird/stupid and the other is like "bro what the fuck is wrong with you" but then they switch and it's a constant bickering back and forth but you can tell it comes from a place of affection, and at the end of the day they do have each other's backs. Speaking of siblings, Nishiki and Kiryu. Yeah took my time bringing up the fuckin' protagonist didn't I? For all my Complicated Feelings towards Kiryu, his brotherly connection to Nishiki is clearer in 0 than it is in Kiwami, but when it's there it's there, man. These boys have each other's backs, they're the closest family they have, and seeing it fractured so tragically is heartbreaking. I wish they had more Heat Actions but the one they do have is delightful. OH, sorry, I had to take a minute irl to think of another platonic dynamic and I remembered: Kiryu and Rina. Yeah, the lesbian hostess from Kiwami who got the job to look at cute girls! The one who told Kiryu he can be wooed by men if he wants and he told her to not judge girls on such a binary femme/butch scale (well, 'cute/not cute'). I loved going to chat with her, they're really sweet and fun. Genuinely quite heartfelt conversations and I'm surprised how like...idk, progressive their chats are? It's sweet.
3 favorite moments in canon: This is actually very tricky to me, I've never really thought about ranking moments. Like, the games are a matter of 'vibing vibing vibing do some substories that give us some fun Kiryu characterisation do some plot I don't understand or particularly care for HOLY SHIT SUDDENLY IT'S REALLY GOOD AND THERE'S SOME GOOD CHARACTER/REALLY FUCKING COOL ACTION SCENES vibing vibing vibing' In no particular order:
The bit where Nishiki fuckin shanks Matsushige. I KNOW his psyche is shattering before our very eyes, I KNOW it's him well and truly crossing the line but like....Goddamn. I cannot have stated multiple times I find it to be his pinnacle of beauty and NOT include it, surely.
The entire Goromi interaction. What starts as a joke quickly just becomes a very heartfelt, honest chat between the two characters, and gives us a very welcome insight into Majima and what she's like when she's not wearing the Mad Dog mask. The cowards should give us a Goromi dating game.
Oh it's GOTTA be Majima's introduction, right? I feel like I can't be a Majima or Yakuza fan and not mention his intro in 0. Just the shot of those iconic shoes, seeing how he handles the whole customer conflict and faces it with such humility and grace and showmanship ALL WHILST HATING IT???? BUT MAINTAINING THAT COMPOSURE AND HAVING FUN FUCKING WITH HIM WHERE HE CAN???? Holy hell. Does the bit where he learns Essence of Blade Biting count tho because that's a favourite for a DIFFERENT reas-. (But also his intro in Kiwami was my actual introduction to him and I fell in love with him then so *shrugs*)
3 favorite headcanons: How to narrow it down to just 3? Hmmm. Actually now I think about it suddenly Every Headcanon I've Heard Has Vanished gvbhnjmbhjn. I'm not very good at making my own or ranking them so uhhhhh. Okay okay:
Trans man Kiryu is canon in my head. Idk man it just feels right.
OH I REMEMBER!! So I don't give a FUCK what canon says, too many people tower over Kiryu for him to be 6 foot. So my actual height headcanons are that Nishiki is 5' 8" (good height) and Kiryu is 5' 10", whereas Majima gets to remain his full 6' 1" glory, however, he slouches a fair amount so people sometimes people forget how fucking tall he is, so when he straightens to his full height people are like oh FUCK. These heights also mean that Nishiki, Who Is Not Short, looks quite small compared to the two men lmao
Sure he's willing to hide in empty trashcans, giant traffic cones and potholes to get the jump on his Kiryu-chan, but Majima actually can't stand being dirty. (1 year of constant torture probably does that to you) He has about 10 different products in his bathroom, a very thorough and regular hair-and-skincare routine. Probably has a floral or citrussy undertone hiding under the smell of smoke, sweat and blood he usually has.
3 least favorite things about it: *sighs*. Okay: 1. Its treatment of female characters. See Exhibit A) Yuko. As we introduce more female characters I fear it'll only get worse. And the thing is, I quite like the women we get!! They just Keep Being The Same!!! Like can I have something beyond Hostess/Bar Employee Who Is Nice To Kiryu and preferably DOESN'T die with little fanfare or just get written out? Makoto probably got out of this the best but even then, not really imo?? She still had her agency taken from her in that last choice. Idk man that's the crux of it ain't it, these women having little agency beyond how to serve the men in the story.
2. I Do Not Care For These Main Plots. By that I mean I am FAR less interested in these bits of political intrigue/conspiracy and plot twists about who works for who because I simply forget who half of these cunts are and I don't actually care. I care about the relationships between the characters, which granted is a more personal taste, but it always feels like....they have something there, and they kinda know it? But not enough to give it the rich and in-depth exploration it deserves because it'd rather throw a twist my way that someone's actually Korean or something about Jingu. (NO SERIOUSLY WHO THE FUCK IS JINGU WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN KIWAMI?!?!?) It leads to Substory Kiryu and Main Story Kiryu being two different men in my head, and I much prefer one over the other
3. Kinda related to the treatment of female characters but like. The softcores. The telephone club minigame. The catfight club. MesuKing. Please stop. They're not sexy, they're not fun, they're just really uncomfortable. It doesn't help that the girl in the background for telephone club game is the fucking same but with a different bikini colour like would it KILL yall to get some body diversity?? Actually if you did that the joke would be she's fat and ugly hahahahaha so funny I loooove this I'm Having Fun Playing the game alongside bae and/or bestie honestly makes it more uncomfy, but watching softcores on my own for the sake of a substory somehow feels sadder. We started fuckin' reviewing them lmaooooo like "Okay THAT'S a pretty tasteful and sexy pose, I'll use that for ref. And now I don't know what she's doing. Please stop looking at me like that" etc etc. Basically anytime the game tries to offer me a 'sexy surprise' or a minigame with tits in it I'm just very uncomfortable. I visited that catfight club ONCE for the uh. Wait which Billionaire was it? GAMBLING KING!! Yeah him and then I never went back because why the hell would I, this is MesuKing But Even Worse. So yeah. Please stop. (I feel like they won't)
That was very long and rambly and probably more in-depth than ya wanted/expected, I'm sure others just write their faves and leave it at that lol. Despite my little experience with the franchise overall and my many issues and criticisms, I do actually quite like this franchise so far. By that I mean my brain has decided to adore Two Characters so I have a feeling I know what games will be my faves overall lol.
HOWEVER I'm actually really looking forward to playing 3 because it's got Mine in it and I've heard it's good, 4 gives us my boy Saejima who I'm excited to learn more about (and Akiyama?? I think?? Idk I'm pretty sure he sings Baka Mitai in 5 aka The Best Version of The Song). 5 introduces us to a Ms Mirei Park and BEFORE YOU ALL START: I'm reeeeally looking forward to making my own judgement because she's SO divisive as a character I cannot help but be fascinated. Ooh same with Yasuko in 4. I think I'm gonna like her, but I might not. Who knows?
And of course from the Entire Hour we played of 7 I already love Ichiban and I think he's gonna be my best friend ever, what a cutie. I'll even sit through turn-based combat for his sake (I KNOW SOME OF YALL LIKE IT AND I'M HAPPY FOR YOU I'VE JUST NEVER BEEN INTO JRPGS THE CLOSEST I'VE GOTTEN WAS POKEMON MOON WHICH I NEVER FINSIHED BUT THAT'S A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME)
Anyway uh. Hope yall enjoyed my ramblings lol
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