#8 pound cryptid
tallymonster · 9 months
Memories of Us Chapter 11
AO3 link
Masterlist because I'm too lazy to link all 10 chapters
A/N: So this is a bit of a preface to this chapter mostly because I'm a little nervous to post this. This chapter will contain sex. This is the first time I have been confident enough to write smut lol oh yeah and there's other stuff too but the smut is the thing that took me a min. Basically, sorry if it sucks lol.
Thanks to @micropoe10 and @leomonae for the idea of it and some lore/ fact checking.
All inspired by the art of @cheesy-cryptid ❤️ thanks for letting me use the fan art as inspiration
Chapter 11. Gold and Rust.
Now that things had settled down, Octavia could finally try to tackle his Szarr painting mystery. She had stolen some time by herself in the painting archives to take a closer look at the collection. 
It's dark and cold in the isolated storage room in the basement, the necessary environment to take care of a polyptych of 8 paintings depicting Cazador and 7 subjects. The grand artworks were meant to be hung in a giant pyramid formation that took up at least 8 feet by 10 feet. For now, they hang off the floating wall racks that keep them from being damaged.
Octavia flipped through the rack, slowly uncovering each subject, all of them were so similar in composition, with a few small differences separating them. 
They were all connected by the red ribbons that flow from each of the 7 subjects. All gathering at the top connecting to Cazador. His body wrapped around with the blood red ribbons, as if he was pulling the strings on these unwilling puppets. 
 They all have their faces obscured by something either directly in front of their faces or by the shadows cast around them. She continues to flip through, one by one until she stops at one; and as she stares, she can't help but feel like this looks like Astarion but not exactly the same? 
 His right arm was raised slightly above his head, a red ribbon wrapped around his hand. He wore a crown on top of fluffy white curls, attached to it was a white veil, with blood on the edge of it. His face was so close to Astarion’s own, but the jaw and nose weren't right. The eyes on the other hand…
Through canvas and paint, it feels as if they’re burning a hole directly at her. The face looks melancholic yet hauntingly beautiful. Its canvas is damaged towards the center, where the rest of the face would be most visible. The cold feeling starts to creep up her spine, as if their sorrows are being released into her. She can see the pain in all their faces. The only one that appears clearly is the face of the man who did this to them.
How ironic that they have all been banished to the shadows yet again. 
Octavia is so wrapped up in the mystery of it all. Why would someone go through the trouble of saving all these just to let them rot in the dark? She wants to finish solving this, but it seems like she’ll have to do more digging around in the book Astarion gave her. There was only so much time in the day…if only she could convince him to let her take the book home? 
Octavia hears the archive door open and close, but no footsteps follow. She turns and calls out “Hello? Anyone there?” Silence. She calls out again "I'm almost done here.” No answer, just the eerie atmosphere calling back. She ignores the sensation and continues to examine the portraits. The feeling of being watched was already high, and this new factor being added certainly isn't helping. She tries to keep working but the heaviness in the air was becoming too much to bear.
For once, she listens to the little voice in her mind and turns to leave. As she passes an empty display case, she notices a shadow next to her, but the mirror only shows her.. She stares at her reflection, her heart pounding with fear. The cold chill from before settles in her stomach before dissipating. 
“Octavia? What are you doing down here?” From the dimly lit corridor, Astarion appears as if out of thin air. Octavia turns away from the mirror with a surprised yelp, and shakes her head. “Why am I not surprised it's you? Somehow you always sneak up on me. Didn't you hear me call out earlier? Gods, you're going to give me a heart attack one of these days.” She exhales shakily, her heart still beating wildly in her chest. 
 “You didn't answer me, dear…why are you down here? There's nothing here but pictures and clothing of people who I would assume are better off dead? You don't want to waste your day down here in the dungeons do you?” Astarion finished with a smirk, his hand reaching out and caressing her cheek. 
“On second thought….I do have you here all to myself..” he trails off suggestively, one arm wrapping around her waist. Octavia felt the heat quickly rise to her cheeks “You're the worst. First you scare the shit out of me, and then you get all flirty. It's like you're trying to get any type of reaction out of me…anyway I was working, you know because we're at work? ” she gently releases his arm from her waist, holding his hand instead. “Besides, it's not like we don't constantly run into each other, rather convenient, don't you think?” 
Octavia can't help but be amused at the look on Astarion’s face. He has almost the same look he had when he'd been caught sneaking into Octavia’s garden. She smiles and drops his hand. “How about I let you come find me again? Since you're awfully good at that.” 
Octavia walks over to the door leading out to the staircase up to the main office floors. She turns back to Astarion with a coquettish grin, and leaves. 
Suddenly he's alone. Astarion wanders into the room that Octavia was just in. He sees the red tattered logbook on the table in the center, along with the paintings hanging on the wall. As he stares at them he remembers when they came into his possession. The memory floods back into his mind, he smiles and closes his eyes letting the feeling overtake him.
After feeding on Tav’s blood, Astarion convinces her to come back into Cazador’s manor to pilfer through it before anyone could find the most valuable things. Perhaps a bit of vandalism if the mood struck.They were hand in hand as they walked through the abandoned hallways. 
As they pass a long stretch of rooms, Astarion begins to recognize where they are. “Darling, would you like to help me in a little bit of debauchery?” He looks down at Tav through his dark gray lashes, holding her hand up to his and gives it a kiss. She flashes him a knowing grin, but plays up her response. “Oh my love, whatever could you be playing at?” 
“Hmm…nothing special…just a little dream of mine..” Astarion’s devilish smile turns into a lustful gaze that burns through Tav. Her cheeks suddenly felt hot as did the rest of her body.  “Well then,” the lovestruck smile she wore fading to a playful smirk, “lead the way, my Star.” 
Astarion takes her hand and winds down a hallway, then another door, and two more turns, finally they reach a giant ornate gold colored door. He turns to Tav, pressing his back against the door. 
“The only time I ever laid eyes on this damn entranceway, was when we were luring innocent fools to what was behind it. Each time felt like another stake being driven into me, taken out only to be replaced by the rats he fed us.”
He frowns and holds Tav’s hand, “I'm so sorry for how I've been acting lately. This whole thing..” he waves his hand, motioning around them. “ It's just a lot to process. I think I owe you an explanation..it's just that…” he trails off, and is brought back when Tav kisses the top of his hand. “Star, you don't owe anyone anything, especially not me. You don't have to tell me anything if you aren't ready yet.” She smiled and rubs his cheek with her thumb, “I love you.” 
Astarion smiles knowing that he can't give her everything she wants. He ignores the things he wants to say, he can't let her know how scared he is to lose her some day. He swallows his words instead and leads her into Cazador’s bedroom. 
“Come with me, my moonflower, indulge my depraved-” as Astarion opens the door, his face falls as he's greeted by a gigantic pyramid formation of 8 paintings. “Wow…what the fuck?”, Tav breathes out. 
Astarion immediately frowns, he huffs angrily “Are you fucking-” he walks over to the wall “I remember this whole day! Cazador made us sit for these stupid portraits for days, not feeding us. We had to keep the same poses for hours at a time..and of course he hired amateurs. That doesn't even look like me.” 
Tav wanted to tell him that it actually did look a lot like him, but she didn't want to upset him. As she looked at the paintings she was noticing the details more. 
Cazador was on the top of course, with Violet, Dalyria, and Astarion underneath him. Astarion figures since they not only were the first Cazador turned but some of the most useful, so he has to humiliate them by showing them by ranking it seems. The top three in a way. 
Following underneath that were Petras, Yousen, Leon and Aurelia. The most worthless ones, in his bastard master’s eyes. Not that Astarion didn't exactly disagree, in particular about Petras, the stupid asshole was always trying to compete with Astarion. He even wore some of Astarion’s old clothes on occasion.
Astarion felt the anger rise inside, he remembered sitting for these stupid portraits. The long hours spent stroking Cazador’s ego by indulging another one of his ostentatious ideas. 
“The one thing that pisses me off the most is that he enchanted these to keep track of how many victims we brought. I don't know how to make it appear but I saw it once. When I brought one of the streetwalkers from the Lower City back, the second he was at her throat the frame started to glow and I saw a little tally mark show up. I was to afraid to say anything, but I never forgot.” Astarion was breathing heavily, his chest heaving angrily. 
In his fury he runs up to the wall, practically climbing up it to rip down the framed painting of Cazador.
His hands tear at the canvas and wood. A torment of emotion flooding through him. “Astarion, wait!!” Tav runs towards him as he continues to tear through the fabric of the other paintings. She barely gets him to stop as he grabs the canvas depicting his own face. 
Tav sprints towards Astarion, pulling him off the wall, he's breathing heavily and his eyes are fully glossed over. “Astarion! What's going on, love, what's wrong?” she touches his shoulder and he slowly comes back to her. In his frustration, she sees tears building up in his eyes. She pulls him into a hug and he starts softly crying, holding onto her tightly. 
Tav looks around and sees Cazador’s bed, she pulls at Astarion, “Would you like to sit on the bed? I feel like it would be more comfortable than the floor?” He nods, as she helps him up, guiding him to the enormous bed. 
They sit for a minute, Tav holding him close as he nuzzles into her chest. Neither one says anything. After a few moments Tav breaks the silence. “I'm sorry. You didn't deserve any of it. None of you did.” Astarion pulls away from her, he caresses her cheek and pulls her in for a kiss. 
He starts slowly kissing down her chin, moving to her neck. As Tav lets her head fall back she taps on Astarion’s shoulder causing him to pull away. “We don't have to, Star…at least not here. I mean this is his bed…who knows what fucked up things happened…” she trails off and looks at Astarion. 
He shakes his head and plants a kiss above the bite marks on her neck. “My love, I want this. I want to do this for myself. This is why I led you in here in the first place. My choice was taken away so many times before, and I want this with you.” Astarion speaks into her skin as he kisses along the faint wounds. 
“Besides, you did say you were up for some debauchery…” he lets his fangs graze her skin, knowing the sound she would let fall out. 
Tav breathes out a soft moan, Astarion can feel her pulse spiking under his lips, “Aah..are you sure?” she asks, her body already betraying her hesitation. Astarion trails his fingers up her thigh, giving it a firm squeeze when he reaches her hip. He hums into her neck, sucking at the flesh. 
“Would you care to indulge me and make some new memories of this room?” Astarion pulls away guiding Tav to the middle of the bed, he lays her down and gently kisses her. He moves his body on top of hers, leaving a bit of space to move one of his hands down her chest leaving soft trails on the cotton tunic Tav wore. 
She relaxes a bit as he raises one of her legs up over his thigh, angling her waist closer to his. Instinctively, he rolls his hips into hers, earning him another soft gasp from her mouth. Astarion’s hand on her leg moves down cupping the swell of her ass, giving it a squeeze. 
Tav moans into their kiss and playfully nips at his bottom lip. Astarion pulls away and continues his kisses down to her neck again, his hand at her waist, pressing down into it as he rolls his hips deeper against her. “Oh fuck…yes..” she breathes out with a hiss, one of her hands wraps itself in his hair, tugging gently. 
He moves his hands to the waistband of her trousers and starts unlacing them. Tav moves her hips up to help him remove them, as Astarion follows his slow kisses down her chest. Once her legs are free, he spreads them and settles in the space between. Astarion starts to slide his fingers under the tunic, lifting it up and over Tav’s arms. 
She arches her back as his fingers ghost over her breasts, pinching one of her nipples, then sucking it in his mouth. Tav bucks her hips into him, making him groan against her. “Hmmm it's not fair I'm practically naked and you're still fully clothed..i think you may have me at a disadvantage, my darling.” she giggles playfully as he keeps kissing down her chest onto her stomach. 
Astarion looks up at her, not breaking contact with her skin. He smiles and starts to undo the lacing of his own pants. “Fuuuuck…you have to stop teasing me like this..” Tav keens under his touch, tugging at his hair. Astarion chuckles under his breath, amused at the sudden loss of hesitation from her. “Impatient now, aren't you?” he straightens up and begins to take his shirt off.
He slowly starts dragging the fabric over his stomach and his chest. Tav’s eyes are following along with his hands, languorously teasing her knowing how much she loves this. “Do you want to touch me, darling? I am still trapped in these clothes, and I think I may need some help.” Astarion pouts dramatically with a feigned innocence. 
Tav props herself up on her elbows and smirks “Oh no..you look like you're having some problems with that, Astarion. I can't just leave you like that. It’d be quite rude of me not to assist you, when you're always so eager to help me..” She bites her bottom lip, as she slips her hands under the hem of his shirt and starts to slide it up. 
Astarion’s muscles tense under the heat of her fingers. Her already warm hands feel like little bursts of fire on his icy skin. The way her nails scrape against him feel like pin pricks stabbing into his heart, impaling him with her love. He bends slightly to help her get the first garment off, Tav places it to her side. Thankfully, the bed is big enough for everything to land within arms reach. 
He places his body on top of hers again. One of his hands is at the top of her head with his elbow resting on the bed, while the other makes soft circles down Tav’s stomach trailing down.Tav’s hands quickly go to Astarion’s waistline and tugs at his pants clumsily. She was incredibly turned on at this rate and has to get some relief before her mind lost all sense of control. 
Tav pulls the fabric off, looking down at him bared in front of her. He was already so beautiful, but even more so after he had gotten fed and aroused. His skin would turn a pink hue and his cheeks would be flushed even brighter against the contrast of his pale skin.
 As he kicked off his pants, Tav reaches down and lightly strokes him, she can feel his cock getting even harder with her touch. Astarion groans and bucks his hips into her hand, he hears an amused hum from Tav, “Oh you like that? Making me react to your filthy hands? Because two can play this game, sweet girl.” 
Astarion reaches down in between their bodies, pressing his sharp nails on her body. Leaving faint red lines on Tav’s tanned skin. He makes his way to her already soaked cunt, she gasps and trembles as he runs two fingers up and down her slit. “That's it my love, tell me what you want.”
 Tav groans a bit, squeezing her hand around Astarion. While his fingers find their way to her clit, circling it with a feather light touch. Tav melts under his touch, her mind races and she finds it hard to speak. “I want you. All I want is you, Astarion.” 
He slides a finger inside her, she inhales and lets it out with a long exhale. She strokes him a couple of times before letting go and wrapping one of her legs around his waist. Tav grinds her hips into his hand, Astarion slips his hand out of her, pulling her into his hips and grinding harder into her. The slickness that came from her folds coating him, causing him to slip his cock inside easily. 
Tav gasps loudly, both her legs wrap around his waist, as he thrusts deep into her. She keeps the pace with her hips snapping up to meet his. They both become lost in each other, one in bliss and the other rewriting the past. Astarion continues his speed, he can feel her tighten around him, her walls pulling him in, needy and hungry for him. “Star…I- oh gods you feel so good.” 
“Come for me, gorgeous. Lose yourself with me” Astarion grips her hips tighter as he thrusts faster, holding her tilted slightly to meet him. Tav is barely holding on after all the teasing he did beforehand, she won't lost much longer if he keeps it up. She feels his fangs pierce her shoulder, his lips sucking deep as her blood flows into his mouth. 
Immediately her body releases the tension he built up as she comes around him. Tav's blood is so delicious during the height of her orgasm. The most luxurious ambrosia he had ever tasted. Soon after, he releases her shoulder and licks up the trail of blood that comes out of his bite. He fucks into her a few more times when he feels his own peak. His hips spasm as he comes inside her, slumping over her as he catches himself. 
Tav pulls him close, kissing him deeply. Her arms wrap around him, caressing the scars on his back. Usually he wouldn't let her touch them, but she was so gentle with him this time. They laid in the massive bed, in each other's arms for a while. Soon enough, Tav can hear Astarion quietly snoring. When he wakes up, Tav is dressed, and the paintings are gone. 
He sits up and watches as she grabs her brown leather  flap top bag and walks up to him. “I found this log book, I figured it would be important.” Tav hands him a thick book bound in red leather. “We can go through it later. Oh, and I saved the paintings. I rolled them up and put them in the bag. Figured we could burn them later.” she smiles and sits next to him.
 “You should probably get dressed. It's almost dawn and I don't want Gale getting mad at me for being late for breakfast again. You know him with his talk of the flavors being best at serving time.” Tav kisses his cheek. The warmth of her lips lingers on his icy skin.
Astarion meant to burn it that night at camp, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to throw it into the fire. His skin felt unusually cold, even for a vampire. The book felt heavy in his hands, the urge to peel himself out of the skin that held it planted him into the ground where he stood. The little air he had was being ripped from his lungs, and his vision began to fade. 
 He remembers Tav holding his hands as they trembled, gripping the diary. Her soft touch brings him back to the warmth of the camp. They never had to say anything, but somehow she knew when he needed her the most.
Astarion opens his eyes, the empty room feels so much bigger than it usually does. He picks up the tattered book and walks towards the door of the storage room. He turns back and looks at the portrait of himself that's still at the front of the rack. 
It's a good thing you saved it, my love. 
As she walks down the hallway, Octavia thinks back on the last few weeks. She was in a completely new world with Astarion. The thought of being with anyone was always far in the back of her mind. While in school, she was consistently studying, never fully enjoying being in college like everyone else. She wasn't the type to stay up late, go to parties, too ingrained in her goals to be bothered. 
In this case however, the daydreams of Astarion were fastly infiltrating her mind. He was so mysterious, arrogant, snarky, pretty much all the things she hated about all the other men in her orbit, but the confidence and affection underneath soothed over any reservations she may have had.
It was risky for them to get found out of course, but Astarion was still nothing short of a hopeless romantic. He would pop up behind her and slip her little love notes. Other times he would corner her in a dark spot away from public eyes and would give her a quick kiss on her wrist, or her hand, maybe her cheeks, but always starting with her lips. 
Astarion's stolen glances were the worst in Octavia’s opinion. It seemed like he loved making her blush with those burning orange red eyes glaring at her from under those round dark lenses. Sometimes he would pull them down and shoot her a flirty wink. Her cheeks would flush immediately and she'd break her gaze, throwing her head down while hiding the smile that formed.
She could feel his laugh, knowing it's won the battle this round. The way his lips turned up and how it reverberated in her mind. Somehow in the solitude of the musem, they would find each other. They would sit in silence, periodically looking up catching the other staring and grinning. It was usually Astarion staring like a lovestruck fool at Octavia. 
This time, her forgetting the logbook he entrusted her with was a perfect excuse for him to seek her out. Astarion finds her in the middle of a row of bookshelves in the reference library. She's looking down at one of the many books found within the endless rows. 
He can't stop staring at her lips most of all. He loved kissing her, even as quick and discreet as they were, the way her pulse flutters each time brings a feeling of newfound renewal to him. He still can't place the familiarity of it, but for now it's an unspoken question that he isn't in a hurry to bring up.
 "You're staring again. Someone might think you like me." Octavia spoke softly, not looking up or wanting to disrupt the peace of the room. She continues to flip through the book, gaze down, laughing quietly.
Astarion lets the dumb grin grow on his face, her sarcasm not lost on him. "Darling, they would be terribly correct." He walks over to her, watching as she rifles through the book’s pages. He reaches inside his leather book bag and hands her the delicate text. “I believe you left this in the painting archives. Figured you could use it to further your work?” 
Octavia gasps excitedly “Oh thank you! I was wondering where I had left it! I've been so scatterbrained lately, I would forget my hand if it wasn't attached to my body” she giggles nervously and takes the book in her hands. 
“Of course, dear. I'm glad I could help you with returning the very important book I trusted you to take care of.” Astarion teases. “Well then, if you need any help figuring anything out with that little book..Just say the word.” 
This is her chance, if she was going to try to get him to let her take that book home, she has to ask now. Octavia looks back up at him, "Actually, I had a little request?” she began, slightly more nervous than earlier.
"Anything, my dear. What is it?" He holds her hand, rubbing the top of her palm with his thumb. Octavia's breath hitches slightly, a faint blush forming across her cheeks and nose. She really loved his touch. 
She clears her throat, "I know you told Gale that he couldn't take the book home because of how delicate it is." The hand in his feels sweaty, her nerves winning out a bit.
 She steels herself and comes out with it, "So do you think if I ask you to maybe come to my flat, and you happen to bring it, and maybe you forget it there, and I don't bring it back for a little so I can take some time with it at my place so I can avoid doing overnights here again…do you think that could be a possibility?" She rambles breathless until she finishes, face fully reddened by her requests.
Astarion laughs, he lifts her hand up to his lips and kisses the top of it. "Sweetness, if you want late night visits, you just need to ask." Octavia huffs, covering her face with the book in her other hand. She peeks out from behind it and smiles. "Stop, I'm being serious. I don't want you getting upset because I slept here for two weeks again. Besides, we can have some proper alone time. I could make you dinner?" She watches as Astarion's lips smile silently.
She pulls her hand off her face and takes his other hand. "I guess you can call it our first date?" She asks hopeful, their eyes meet and he pulls her in for a kiss. Astation lets go of her hand and places it on her cheek, rubbing his thumb on it. 
As they pull away, he kisses the tip of her nose, making her laugh softly. "I'd love to come by your place, if I can take that as an open invitation?" Octavia nods. "Tomorrow night? I mean if it's not too soon?" 
Astarion chuckles, her eagerness not lost on him. "No, not too soon. I can't wait." They kiss again, the electricity of their anticipation in the air. 
Tags: @justporo @satanicspinosaurus @sleepy-timaeus @tragedybunny @davenswitcher @wayward-hel
(if you wanna be added, hit me up 😘)
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scham-wcan · 5 months
Cinder is a menace at the airport lounge's open bar, right?
Validate me.
I genuinely think that she's a menace in the way that, in conjunction with both her and Winter being exceedingly panicked planners, she is likely at the airport stupidly early for a flight so she's going to become the workers' cryptid of the day. She's probably a walking security risk cause the prosthetic in the security/her history and profile. Which makes her being 8 hours early cut down to half by the time she can sit at her gate. With the Maiden powers too she's probably got a crazy metabolism/tolerance, so she's pounding Caesars while desperately trying to not go insane in the local Chiles.
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mhuntington7 · 2 years
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BIG MUDDY MONSTER ENCOUNTER, 1988 - Murphysboro, Illinois. On the evening of June 9, 1988, Bob Reiman was called to his Murphysboro salvage yard by his night watchman, Charlie Straub, who claimed that a trespassing someone - or something - was heard to be moving amongst the bushes behind the yard. After arriving, Reiman and Straub took their flashlights and began to investigate the property’s perimeter. They soon encountered the strange visage of a creature called “The Big Muddy Monster,” or “The Murphysboro Mud Monster” (reportedly last seen in the area in 1973-75), snarling its way through the brush. It stood over 8 feet-tall, weighed 400+ lbs., and was a white-furred “Bigfoot” with glowing red eyes. And it smelled horrible. In fear, the men fled to the yard’s metal shop building, where they were soon joined by Joyce Juerge and Cheryl Reiman. Disbelief soon turned to terror as something large began to forcefully pound on the shop’s metal walls from the outside. Luckily, the fearsome assault soon ended and the mysterious assailant retreated back into the dark night. In the following days, local media lauded the “Return of the Big Muddy Monster” and showed photos of the Bigfoot-sized prints found along the tracks near the yard. Photo by Michael Huntington - July, 2022. @Huntington_Strange_Travels #StrangeTravels #MichaelHuntington #HuntingtonFamily #HuntingtonAdventures #MurphysboroMudMonster #MudMonster #BigMuddyMonster #Mongo #BigMuddyMonster1988 #ReimanEncounter #Bigfoot #IllinoisBigfoot #AlbinoBigfoot #Cryptid #StrangeIllinois #BigMuddyRiver #MurphysboroIllinois (at Murphysboro, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgc7m6bM78Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mistersamshearon · 3 years
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OSCAR - The Beast of Busco. As featured on the cover of *DAVID WEATHERLY’s book - ‘MONSTERS AT THE CROSSROADS - CRYPTIDS & LEGENDS OF INDIANA’. With a foreword by Chad Lewis. *(Available on Amazon among other states in the series!). In 1898, a farmer named Oscar Fulk claimed to have seen a giant turtle living in the seven-acre lake on his farm near Churubusco, Indiana. He told others about it, but eventually he decided to drop the matter. A half century later, in July 1948, two Churubusco citizens, Ora Blue and Charley Wilson, also reported seeing a huge turtle (weighing an estimated 500 pounds) while fishing on the same lake, which had come to be known as Fulk Lake. A farmer named Gale Harris owned the land at that time. Harris and others also reported seeing the creature. Word spread. But despite many attempts, "Oscar" (named after the original owner of the farm) was never captured. This 12" x 17" print is signed in silver ink and comes with an additional 'wide scene' 8" x 11" smaller signed print also. All prints are shipped in batches on a monthly basis. Check out the other 'cryptozoology' prints in this store! *Be sure to sign up to my Patreon.com/MisterSamShearon at 'The offering' level to receive a % off everything in this store! #turtle #beastofbusco #cryptid #cryptozoology #cryptozoolgyart #cryptoart #cryptidart #cryptids #tmnt #turtles #indiana #nature #wild #wildlife #monsters #beast #oscar #mystery #rivermonsters #godzilla #gamera #kaiju #tortoise #reptile #river #swampthing #swamp #prehistoric #livingdinosaur #MisterSamShearon (at Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSlSQBErkeD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bigfootmountain · 4 years
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At about 1:30 on the morning of Jan. 8, 2008, a big-rig driver was hauling a load of Idaho potatoes on U.S. I-15 near the town of Scripio, just outside of St. George, Utah. As he downshifted and headed down an incline, the fog grew increasingly heavy. The driver noticed something by the side of the road with glowing eyes, and thought it might be a deer. When he switched on his high beams, he was startled to see a gigantic creature running across the road from left to right in long strides, just 20 feet (6 meters) or so away, according an interview with a BFRO investigator.
He later estimated, based on a comparison to his truck and factoring in the distance, that the creature was at least 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3 meters) tall, and between 600 to 800 pounds (272 to 362 kilograms) in weight. It had black hair and big eyebrows, and long, lanky arms that were proportionately longer than a human's. For a moment, it turned its head and stared at the rapidly approaching truck. The driver swerved hard to the middle of the freeway to avoid hitting the creature, which nearly caused the truck to crash. Fortunately, he regained control of the vehicle, but when he managed to roll to a stop 200 to 300 yards (183 to 247 meters) away and look back, the mysterious figure was gone.
The driver, an avid outdoorsman and hunter, told the BFRO investigator that he'd always been skeptical about the existence of Bigfoot, but after actually seeing one in the flesh, he'd changed his opinion. "It scared the hell out of me," he admitted.
From Animal Planet/Finding Bigfoot
#highstrangeness # #encounter
#witness #bigfoot #cryptids
#bigfootsighting #cryptid
#bigfootencounter #bigfootart
#fringe #fortean #legend #tales
#sasquatch #cryptozoology
#paranormal #footprints #mythology
#eyeshine #mindspeak #greencorridor
#telepathy #bigfootstories
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athina-blaine · 4 years
“But squid is good, right? Want to get the calamari as a start?”
“Yeah, squid’s okay.” Mia’s phone buzzed and she glanced at it. She sighed, a sound that spoke of endless suffering. “But I think I’d rather have the cobb salad.”
“Is that your dad? What, is the squid going to give us food poisoning?”
Natalie laughed, but Mia hadn’t looked up from her menu.
Natalie Wilson just wanted her date to go well.
For @there-is-no-right-way​
Chapters: 1/1 [Complete]
Words: 3,505
Tags:  POV Outsider, Parenthood, Fluff and Humor, Dating, Cryptid Dads Cramping Their Teenage Daughter's Style
Taking one last moment to fix her hair in the mirror, Natalie leaned back in her car seat with a haggard sigh.
It was just dinner and a movie. Her and Mia literally ate at a Red Lobster and watched the new Magician’s Crescendo just last week. This was the same thing.
She pressed her face into the steering wheel.
Except that it wasn’t.
They were girlfriends now.
It wasn’t the same thing at all.
Without giving herself time to put the car in reverse and speed into the nearby pond, she shouldered the door open.
Relax. This was Mia they were talking about. Even if the date ended in Natalie absolutely humiliating herself, Mia would just take it all in with that adorable, secret smile of hers. They’d be fine. Their friendship would be fine. It’s fine. Natalie was fine.
She pressed the doorbell, trying to focus on its pleasant chiming as opposed to the panicked dance of her heart. The door opened and Mr. Sims was there.
“Right on time, Miss Wilson.”
Some of the stiffness left her shoulders. Miss Wilson. So posh. Pip pip tickety whatsit, and so on. A hoot and a half.
Mr. Sims smirked, and a heat rose to her face. Was she being obvious?
“Is, uh, Mia ready?”
“Just about. I believe she’s finishing up her hair. Come in.”
Mr. Sims led them through their tidy living room and into the kitchen where Mr. Blackwood was crouching over a pan. Looked like fish. The smell of garlic and spices wafted over her and her mouth watered. Man, she was starving. 
“Smells good, Mr. B.”
Mr. Blackwood looked up from the pan and smiled. “Thank you.” Lowering the heat of the stove, he turned towards them, wiping his hands on his apron. “You look beautiful tonight.”
“Aw.” She futzed with her short black skirt, which still had traces of cat hair, despite her efforts with the lint roller. “Thanks. The earrings are my mom’s, though. She’s letting me borrow them.”
“It suits you, love.”
Mr. Sims nodded his agreement. “Your mother was telling us about your violinist audition. How did that go?”
“Oh, man.” Her fingers had gotten completely tangled in the last bar and when the scout had said, Good luck on your performance, she had said, Thanks, you too. “I think it went okay. I don’t know, the scout was kind of standoffish. I don’t think she like the song I played.”
“You did fine. She was just battling a bout of indigestion.”
Natalie chuckled, but Mr. Sims’ expression didn’t change. He did that a lot, actually. Just saying these strange things, confident in stuff he shouldn’t be confident in. Perhaps it was just an unusual style of British humor?
Mr. Blackwood nudged his husband’s side.
“Go check on Mia, Jon. She won’t want to keep her date waiting.”
Thoughts of Mr. Sims’ oddities fled her head. Her date. That was Natalie, Natalie was Mia’s date. They were talking about Natalie and Mia. And their date. Their date.
She was so absorbed in the comment that she only somewhat processed the look Mr. Blackwood gave his husband. Something akin to the look her mom gave her when she rambled on too long about her true crime podcasts. Mr. Sims scrubbed the back of his head, the closest she’d ever seen him to looking sheepish, before making his way up the stairs.
Natalie prepared herself for more small talk with Mr. Blackwood, but there was a thumping sound, a yelp, and a moment later, Mia came charging down the stairs.
“I’m so sorry!”
Natalie was incapable of responding at first. Mia had curled her soft brown hair into ringlets and her eyes sparkled. She was wearing the necklace Natalie had gotten her for her birthday last year.
“So,” said Mr. Blackwood, “dinner and a movie, is it?”
“Yep,” Mia said as she rounded the corner, throwing her arm around Natalie’s shoulder. Natalie’s stomach swooped.
“Yeah, uh, we’re going to see that new Haunting’s Row movie.”
“Sounds like fun. Did I ever tell you where my husband took us on our first date?”
“A library. And not even to the parts where everyone went to make out.”
Mr. Blackwood laughed, either not noticing or choosing to ignore his husband’s scowl. “Well, you two have fun. Try not to stay out too late.”
“We won’t,” said Mia, herding Natalie towards the door. As Natalie walked down the drive towards her car, though, Mia turned to her fathers in the doorway.
“Be cool tonight, okay?” she said, her voice low. “Especially you.”
“Why especially me?” Mr. Sims asked. The glare he received from both his daughter and husband was enough to scorch Natalie ten feet away.
“I’ll make sure he behaves,” Mr. Blackwood said, clapping a hand on his husband’s shoulder. “Have fun, sweetie.”
Mia pouted scornfully for good measure, before leaning up to plant a kiss on both their cheeks and turning with a wave. The two of them loaded into the car and Natalie flipped on her selected playlist for the evening before backing out of the driveway.
“Oh, I love this song,” Mia said, and Natalia flushed at the praise, having carefully curated this playlist over the course of the last five days. Everything had to be exactly right, after all.
 “So,” Natalie started once they reached the highway. “I was thinking of that Thai place over on Victoria and 8th. What do you think?”
Mia was about to answer, but her phone dinged.
“Oh, just a sec.” Her phone clicked at she unlocked it. In the corner of Natalie’s eyes, she could see Mia’s nose scrunch, just a bit, the way it did whenever she was irritated.
“That your old man?”
Mia put her phone away with a sniff. “Yeah.”
Natalie raised a brow, waiting for an answer. Texts from Mia’s dad that got her to make that face were always interesting. Seeming to sense her expectation, Mia huffed.
“Giovanni’s place is doing free cannolis with a large pizza.”
“Oh, awesome,” Natalie said, flicking on her blinker to turn right at the next exit. “Your dad always knows the best deals in town. I don’t know why you get so grumpy about it.”
“I guess it’s not impossible he could have found it online or something. He's way too lame for that, though."
Well, yeah, where else would he have found it? The newspaper? Actually, Mr. Sims seemed like the type to still read newspapers.
“Your dads are awesome. My mom still shows off the doilies Mr. Blackwood made for her last Christmas. I love it when he calls me love, too. It’s so,” she tried to find the words and failed, “British.”
“Why, yes, British people in Britain.” Mia looked out the car window. “Have we moved countries since last I checked?”
“You know what I mean. You Englishmen with your adorable little accents.”
“We don’t have accents. You have an accent.”
“Don’t be silly.”
“Say aluminium.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Say it. A-lu-min-i-um.”
Natalie made a face. “A-lu-min-um.”
“You’re missing an entire I.”
“I am not. Americans don’t spell it with that I. We’re efficient like that.”
Mia settled back in her seat with a terse sound. “Efficiency, bastardization, whatever you want to call it.”
They both only lasted a few moments before bursting out into giggles. Their exit was fast approaching, and Natalie checked if the lane was clear.
“So, Giovanni’s?”
“Yeah, it’s hard to say no to a free cannoli.” Then, she added in a low grumble, “Even if it’s cheating.”
Natalie shook her head. She just didn’t get Mia sometimes.
As she drove down the darkening road, she glanced cautiously to her side. Mia’s hand was resting on the center console. Just sitting there. Probably cold, you know?
Holding her breath, Natalie crept one hand off the steering wheel and over to Mia’s (doubtlessly cold) hand. When she touched her wrist, Mia startled, and Natalie flinched back. Dammit. She should have asked first.
Then, Mia smiled and took Natalie’s hand, interlocking their fingers together. Oh, that was smooth. Mia was so smooth. Her heart pounded in her ears as her world shrank to the single point of their joined hands.
“Slow down!”
 Natalie’s only ever been to Giovanni’s once before, when she and the gang were skulking around downtown for carbs after Mia’s soccer practice. It was nicely decorated, and the lowlights set the intimate mood Natalie wanted.
However, the place was nearly empty, on a Friday night, no less. While it suited their purposes, she suspected there was a reason why the desserts were free.
The hostess jumped at the sight of them but led them both to their seats.
“So,” Natalie began, flipping through the menu. “Toppings.”
“Definitely green peppers. Onions, too.”
“No onions.”
“What? You love onions.”
“Yeah, but, you know,” a damning heat rose to her face, “for later.”
“Oh.” Mia’s lips curled as she stared at her menu. She cleared her throat. “I brought mints, okay?”
Oh, mints. Genius.  Why hadn’t she thought of that? “Okay, onions. Pepperoni?” Mia scrunched up her nose. “Oh, right. Miss I-Don’t-Like-The-Best-Pizza-Topping.”
“Look, you wouldn’t be so hot for it either if your dad was telling you about all the crazy butchers he’s run into as a bedtime story.”
“Right, right. The, uh, what was it? Bonepuller?”
“Boneturner. And he was a dickhead. Turned my dad’s bones right out of him.”
“My mom wouldn’t even let me watch that Disney movie about the kid vampire. You ever thinking about writing down some of those spooky stories? You and your dad are so imaginative with that sort of thing.”
“Nah, that stuff’s boring.”
Like a story about an invasion of parasitic flesh worms was boring. No accounting for taste. Perhaps Natalie would have to take it to paper herself someday. “But squid is good, right? Want to get the calamari as a start?”
“Yeah, squid’s okay.” Mia’s phone buzzed and she glanced at it. She sighed, a sound that spoke of endless suffering. “But I think I’d rather have the cobb salad.”
“Is that your dad? What, is the squid going to give us food poisoning?”
Natalie laughed, but Mia hadn’t looked up from her menu.
She took after her old man far too much, in Natalie's opinion.
 The movie theater, unlike the restaurant, was packed. They waited in line for fifteen minutes and when they entered the auditorium, only a few scattered seats remained.
How hadn’t Natalie seen this coming? It’s not like Haunted Row 3 wasn’t the most highly anticipated horror event of the summer! She shouldn’t have insisted on that cheesecake alongside the cannoli, but Mia loved cheesecake. What were they going to do now?
Mia’s phone chimed again. Natalie turned, hopeful, like a dog to a bell. Yanking her phone out, Mia scanned the text, lips puckered like she was sucking on sour candy.
“There’s some seats over there.”
Natalie turned around, and, yeah, there they were. Two seats shoved in the far back. Not ideal, but better than nothing. She was equal parts relieved because the night wasn’t ruined, and stunned, because how? She glanced around the movie theater, not sure what she was looking for, but sure, whatever it was, was looking right back at her.
“I’m going to make a call real quick,” Mia said as they claimed the seats. She brought the phone to her ear, turning away from Natalie and lowering her voice to a waspish whisper.
“Hello? Jon! You said you wouldn’t— It was implied— Give Dad the phone. Do it. Dad? Yeah.” Mia nodded. “Yeah. Bury him in a board game or something. Okay. Yeah. Yes, Jon, I love you, too. Okay. Bye.”
She turned back to Natalie with a smile, a smile Natalie tried to return, but she felt it came out rather shaky.
“You said your dad worked with security cameras or something, right?”
“What? Pft. No, he’s a teacher at Frederickson. Where did you get an idea like that?”
The movie started. Mia shushed her and Natalie glared, but settled in.
 They only got halfway through the before Natalie fled the auditorium with trembling legs and a pounding heart. She splashed her face in the bathroom, trying to control her breathing. The door opened, and Natalie looked up to see Mia in the mirror, and she groaned.
“I told you to wait. You’re missing the movie.”
“It’s Haunted Row. Everyone dies but the virgin and the dog, the end.” Mia put a hand on Natalie’s back, rubbing in soothing circles. “I don’t understand why you take us to these horror movies when you get scared so easily. They always give you nightmares.”
“They don’t always give me nightmares.”
Mia lifted a brow. With a frustrated sigh, Natalie shook off her hand.
“I mean, I guess I just like it.”
“How can you like it? You were about to burst into tears.”
“I don’t know.” It was hard to put into words, how being afraid made her feel. “You know how you like spicy foods, right? It hurts to eat, but it still feels good?”
Mia nodded.
“Well, it’s like that. I just like feeling that way.” She turned to the mirror with a sniff, grabbing a bundle of paper towels. “The bit with the spider was a bit much, though.”
“Don’t tell my dad. He’ll go on for hours on how adorable spiders are and that everyone else is just mean.”
Oh, Natalie was aware of the monologue. With a wet chuckle, she patted her face dry, thankful her mother had suggested the waterproof makeup that night. “Well, let’s go back.”
“You sure? I think they’re playing that new superhero movie further down.”
“I’m fine. I want to see the dog live.”
They took their seats back, and as the movie continued, dread slowly slunk back over her. If she curled up a little tighter into Mia’s side, however, well, that was okay, especially when Mia wrapped her arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close.
Things weren’t so scary after that.
 Natalie pulled up into the driveway, and that was it. Date over. But her shoulders were still stiff with tension.
She knew what she wanted to do, but how did you go about actually doing it? None of the articles were clear on that tidbit, in her opinion.
“Here we are,” she said.
Mia hummed, making no effort to leave. That was a good sign, right? But Natalie was still frozen in place. Oh, god, this was a nightmare.
“Don’t move.”
Natalie jumped. Mia was reaching towards her with both hands and gently brushed her shoulder. Her face became hot, but when Mia pulled back to reveal a spider in her palm, she leapt back with a shriek.  
“How can you just hold it like that?”
“Dad used to have a pet tarantula when I was a kid.”
Oh. Yeah, that made sense. She wasn’t expecting an actual explanation.
She slumped in her seat. The hysterical giggles started small at first, before they began wracking her entire body. “You’re so cool. I can’t believe …” Sobering, she swallowed down the words. “Well, I’m just glad you wanted to, you know. Do this. Together.”
“Yeah, I, uh,” Mia ran a hand through her ringlets, which had slowly relaxed and fuzzed over the course of the evening. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. I think you’re pretty cool, too.”
Mia was still leaning over the console, much closer than before.
“Is it alright if I kiss you?”
Natalie could just barely manage a jerky nod. They had forgotten the mints, but that was okay. It was simple, just two mouths gently pressed together, but it was Mia, therefore, it was perfect.
“I should probably get you inside,” Natalie said when they parted, her insides warm and gooey.
"Yeah, maybe."
Natalie was halfway up the sidewalk when she turned, expecting to find Mia by her side, but Mia was by the car. With her hands still cupped, Mia was furiously whispering at the little speck of a spider. Good grief, she could be a strange one, at times.
Gently depositing it on the ground, Mia straightened, clapping her hands clean. When their eyes met, she smiled, before gesturing to the house.
Strange, yes, but there was something oh so loveable in that strangeness.
“We’re home,” Mia announced as she burst through the front door. Her parents were crouched over the living room table, playing a game with cards and dice. Mr. Sims was so absorbed, Mr. Blackwood had to nudge him with his elbow, and he reemerged with a confused mumble.
“Did you have a good time?” Mr. Blackwood asked.
Natalie nodded. “Yeah, we had a great time.” She turned to Mia. “I should probably head out, I promised my mom I'd come home right away. Study group tomorrow?”
"Yeah, sounds good," Mia said, dropping a kiss on Natalie's cheek. "Remind Greg it's his turn to bring snacks, okay?"
Natalie was too flustered by the kiss to come up with a response, and Mia waved as she raced upstairs. Mr. Sims got up from the table to walk Natalie to the door.
“I’m glad you had fun.”
“Thanks. And thanks for all the, uh, tips. They really helped us out.” She glanced down at her fidgeting fingers. “I really wanted tonight to go well.”
“Oh, don’t thank me. I’m rather in the doghouse for it. Nothing less than what I deserve, I suppose.”
“Yeah, I was wondering, though. About the, uh, movie theater seats?” She scrubbed her arm. How to phrase it? “Were you …?”
Mr. Sims stared. His eyes were so piercing.
“Never mind, it’s nothing. I should probably get going.”
Mr. Sims smiled, and there was a peculiar quirk to his lips. “Drive safely. And, again, don’t worry about the audition, I’m sure the scout loved what you played. Who doesn’t love Adele?”
He always had kind things to say. As he closed the door and Natalie turned to leave, she had a thought.
She hadn’t told anyone she was playing a pop song, not even her mom. It had been too embarrassing deciding to play such mainstream music, but it had been the only song she was confident in playing.
She turned, wanting to know who had told him, when she saw it.
Dozens and dozens of eyes.
The door closed with a definitive click!, but she could still feel it. Her legs were glued to the ground, waiting to be pushed into a fight or a flight. Forcing herself to move, she stumbled back to her car, and she had the most peculiar sensation that she was standing in front of an audience waiting to laugh at her.
Her hands shook on the steering wheel as her chest effused with fear. Real fear, not the pre-packaged popcorn fear from a scary movie, although she wouldn’t have even been able to make that distinction ten seconds ago.
A text tone pulled her out of her stupefaction.
>call me if u can’t sleep tonight, ok? <3
The tension hissed out of her body like a steaming kettle. She looked up and, in the window, she could see Mr. Blackwood and Mr. Sims arguing over something on the table. The board game, probably. Mr. Sims wasn’t looking at her. In any sense.
An old memory came back to her. It was only a few years ago, just before she started high school. Her dad had come to visit, and it had ended badly, as it usually did, and she had stormed out of the house, as she usually did.
She had walked and walked and walked until her legs hurt and the clouds turned from white and fluffy to dark and menacing. The road had stretched on and on behind her. She couldn't make it in time.
Then, a familiar car had rolled over the horizon and stopped just in front of her, and her mom's head popped out of the open window, crying and spitting fury and fire and ‘what-were-you-thinking’s. Mr. Sims was in the driver’s seat, watching her. Seeing her. His eyes had been soft and concerned.
She blinked. Mr. Blackwood and Mr. Sims were still in the window, only they were laughing now. Mr. Sims kissed the side of his husband’s head before they moved inside and out of sight.
She didn’t know what she knew, about Mia or her fathers or any of it. But there were a lot of things she didn’t know, right? The ocean was the epitome of unknowable, but she and Mia were still planning a trip to the beach at the start of summer vacation, you know?
Snapping the car in reverse, she craned her neck to make sure no one was coming down the lane.
And hey, her mom used to be in a cult when she had been a teenager.
Every kid’s parent had something weird about them, right?
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sylvanlore · 4 years
Teen clones
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a depiction of the clones as teenagers, but it would be GOLD! Just think about it: Ages 13 - 19 compressed into 3-4 years. It's THE most AWKWARD time even under normal circumstances! You can almost SEE them physically change from one day to the next.
Growth spurts at 2x speed, leaving stretch marks normally associated with pregnant women. 
Growing out of their clothes every week, and EVERY clone will grow differently. Some grow all shoulders first, some grow all legs first, etc. Clothes are mass-produced, won’t fit in any way. Lanky.
Hands and feet will suddenly be too large for them. Clumsy. Stumble over their own feet, drop everything in their hands, hit their heads on door frames.....
Oh the voice. One second a flute; next a trombone; next a kazoo. It’s worst when they try to shout orders to each other during training simulations.
Internal clock is thrown. Be 8 (16) years old and get out of bed at 06:00? Go to sleep before 23:00? Ha ha you funny.
PLUNDER THE KITCHEN, don’t gain a pound of weight.
If they won’t take their helmet off, you know the acne is bad today.
Comparing who has grown the most body hair this week. The chest hair is one spoing. 
Learning how to shave. Three strands on chin - You’re a MAN now. Getting your first razor is a mark of transition from Boyhood to Manhood. Are there instruction videos? Half of all the clones’ facial scars are from learning how to shave.
TAKE A SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!
Teenage brains. Massive short-circuit of intelligence. Every day a new experiment. Try and throw a party? Accidentally burn down a module.
The Alphas are bullies.
First wet dream. Bed sheets needs to be changed. Oh the humility. Jango had to have the Talk with so many lads until the kaminoans had composed an introduction video (”Your Body And You”). 
Girls are cryptids.
Every place you can lock yourself into for five minutes become occupied. Bathroom stalls. Janitor’s closet. Maintenance shaft. Any place for some experimentation. Sometimes there’s a line.
Teenage Engineered Mandalorian Clones.
Conclusion: You never talk about the teenage years. Ever. Not yours, not your brothers’. No-ones. They never existed. Nothing happened. All sins are forgiven, in the hopes of that yours will be too. 
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neocrush · 4 years
about me tag
tagged by @jenocakes - thanks lesha bb <3
1. it’s your birthday! what did you ask for and did you receive it?
i got a macbook! i asked for it a few years back lol
2. what was the last song or album you listened to?
currently listening to 505 by arctic monkeys
3. what is your go to snack when you’re hungry or bored?
i try not to snack lots bc i’m v insecure ab my weight n body, but when i do i munch on either a bowl of cherries, an apple, a banana, or watermelon :D
4. what is your morning routine?
wake up in the afternoon - skincare - get dressed - eat - idk binge either netflix or youtube (or both) - write or dance 
5. what mythical/cryptid creature would you be?
pretty sure this is cheating but i'd DIE to be a shapeshifter
6. how do you interact with someone that you don’t like?
lowkey shade them duh
7. how do you define a toxic person?
someone who doesn’t consider other people’s feelings - basically the opposite of an empath
8. have you ever been to a concert or fanmeet type of event? if not, would you want to?
i attended a kpop festival two years ago n the closest i've been to meeting anyone is holding song yuvin’s hand lmfao
9. do you believe in astrology? why or why not?
the memes are funny and sometimes accurate but i couldn’t give a shit about it - it’s quite inaccurate most of the time
10. if you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you want?
sight maybe? i'm a pretty visual learner
11. who is your favourite celebrity or idol?
i can’t pick one but the boys of nct and bts & girls of loona and iz*one always comfort me in a way
12. if you could talk to your favourite celebrity(s) for a limited time, what would you tell them?
i'd cry. i'm too much of an emotional wreck to do anything. i’d ask them for life advice tbh. that’s the thing i always do when i meet famous ppl (actors and such)
13. i’m taking you out on a date and it’s your choice. where are we going and what are we going to do?
we’re watching a movie and cuddling. no exceptions. 
14. do you like sweet or savory foods?
savoury :) sweet food makes my head pound
15. do you have any band merchandise or merchandise from any of your favorite artists? if so, what?
i have albums, photocards (official & unofficial), posters, keychains, and unofficial guide books (wanna one, bts, iz*one)
i tag @starlit-jeno + @sunflowerhae + @moloprint
(sorry if you’ve already done this!)
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Tumblr media
Image by unknown artist, accessed at the Cryptid Wiki here
[Commissioned by @wannabedemonlord. The Calama Critter sighting feels like a bridge between different traditions of Latin American monster sightings. It’s a lot like the “hairy dwarves” most famous from Venezuela, and a lot like a chupacabras. Since Pathfinder already has a chupacabra, I figured I’d emphasize the hairy dwarf connection.]
Calama CR 5 CE Monstrous Humanoid This dwarfish humanoid stands half as tall as a man, but is heavily muscled. Its body is covered in a coat of thick hair, and none of its facial features are visible except for oversized, glowing eyes and a small pucker of a mouth. Its hands end in claws, and its body bends and contorts unnaturally.
A calama is a creature born of twisted magic and sheer desperation. In their attempts to conquer the hated sun, derro magisters infused the essence of animals and humanoids into derro, focusing on species that could survive both above and below ground. Gnome, dwarf, badger, rodent and bear extracts went into the creation, leading to an unstable mutant even more dangerous than an ordinary derro. These mutant derro grew a protective coat of thick hair and strong, digging claws, and the ability to contort their bodies in strange, seemingly impossible ways. With these skills, the new monsters rapidly escaped from the control of their progenitors. These are the calamas, and they are savage and dangerous killers.
Most calamas live in hot, dry environments. Although they hate the sun, it does them no permanent damage, and sunny regions are less likely to see them pursued by their hated derro kin. They are nocturnal creatures, sleeping in burrows by day and emerging by night to hunt and wreak havoc. Their gaze causes flesh to revolt and erupt in itchy hives and scaly lesions, slowing down foes long enough to catch them and tear them apart. Some calamas enjoy using their gaze to torment other creatures without killing them, leaving them scarred and at a loss to explain what happened.
A calama stands a little over three feet tall and weighs around 100 pounds. Their dense bodies repel mundane weapons as would a stone block, but magic weapons pierce their hides easily.
Calama CR 5 XP 1,600 CE Small monstrous humanoid Init +7; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +5 Defense AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 19 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 dodge, +3 natural); uncanny dodge hp 42 (5d10+15) Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 10/magic; Immune confusion, insanity effects; SR 16 Defensive Abilities uncanny grace; Weakness light blindness Offense Speed 30 ft., burrow 15 ft. Melee 2 claws +9 (1d4+2) Special Attacks pox gaze, sneak attack +1d6, rend (2 claws, 1d4+3) Spell-like Abilities CL 5th, concentration +9 At will—darkness, ghost sound (DC 14) 1/day—daze monster (DC 16), sound burst (DC 16) Statistics Str 15, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 4, Cha 18 Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 21 Feats Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +10, Escape Artist +14, Perception +5, Stealth +17; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +8 Escape Artist Languages Aklo, Undercommon SQ madness Ecology Environment warm deserts and plains Organization solitary, pair, patrol (3-8) or colony (10-100) Treasure standard Special Abilities Madness (Ex) Calamas use their Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of their Wisdom modifier, and are immune to insanity and confusion effects. Only a miracle or wish can remove a calama’s madness. If this occurs, the calama gains 6 points of Wisdom and loses 6 points of Charisma. Pox Gaze (Su) 2 point Dexterity penalty and sickened, Fort DC 15 negates, range 30 ft. Penalties from pox gaze stack with each other, but cannot reduce a creature’s Dexterity score below 1. A creature affected by the pox gaze may scratch itself as a move action to ignore the sickened condition for 1 round. The sickened condition lasts as long as a Dexterity penalty persists. This penalty disappears at a rate of 2 points per day, or may be removed with lesser restoration or similar magic. The save DC is Constitution based. Uncanny Grace (Ex) A calama gains a dodge bonus to Armor Class and CMD equal to ½ its Hit Dice.
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andrewmoocow · 6 years
Gravity Soul chapter 10: Weirdmageddon Take Two, Gravity Falls No Longer Safe? (originally posted on September 28, 2018)
AN: And so begins Weirdmageddon once more. Greetings loyal readers to the final arc of Gravity Soul. With Gravity Falls now no longer safe from the madness of Kishin Cipher, the Mystery Meisters now fresh off of rescuing Pacifica must find another place to hide from him and pull off one last plan to stop him. Also in this arc will feature the usage of the Vigenere cipher which means whatever word that is highlighted in bold in the author's notes will be the key needed to decipher it. But enough for now, let's all return to the BUNKER. TIZOXZNYF DLV EUEUIJU MRMVVUM JOVV UBBEKYU NB LI CPMG LYK GCANMEH NUOQ TPGRC EK B WBCX KIY XOIGFL AOZVS CADIEEYQ DLVN NB LI WPOAN FLU HBG MK'T NUO SKIYE GEP BLBERU
They thought it was impossible. They thought they would come out of that mansion with at least a few physical scars. But no. They received mental scars instead from what the fusion of the dream demon and the Kishin inflicted on them. The rescue party looked upward at Kishin Cipher cackling maniacally with his head tossed back and hands in the air. He had won and Weirdmageddon began anew. "W-we lost." Kid stuttered in sheer disbelief, at both the monster's victory and his previously unknown connection to Asura. "And did he just sing a big musical number about how everything has gone to hell now?" Black Star wondered. "I mean, it honestly was a catchy tune, but was it necessary?" Stanford and Maka on the other hand had their backs turned away from the others and mourned the sacrifices of the people they cared for the most. Ford had lost his brother, his best friend, the very person who had spent thirty years trying to rescue him and now in a cruel twist of irony, he was the one that needed saving now. Maka had lost her weapon, her partner, the boy who had put his life on the line for her own safety, and now he was gone. "Soul..." "Stanley..." It wasn't long before the two of them embraced while breaking down into tears as the others looked on. Dipper tipped his hat in silence & Mabel cried as well and Crona & Spirit, the only family Maka had left now, tried to comfort the girl. "So where do we go from here?" Wendy asked. "FOOLS!" Excalibur cried breaking the silence. "There's no use in staying here now that Kishin Cipher's reigning supreme, so I suggest we find somewhere to hide." he declared. "But where? Pretty sure we can't go back to the Mystery Shack right now." Soos answered before the Holy Sword cut him off. "FOOL! Isn't there some kind of secret hiding place in these woods?" "Oh that's right, there's Ford's secret bunker!" Wendy suddenly realized. "We just gotta find it, rest up in there for a while and then form a plan!" she stated. "Good plan there Wendy, but where is it?" Tsubaki wondered. "The entrance's disguised as a tree, so we just gotta keep knocking on wood until we hit metal." "Yeah, Wendy's right." Dipper agreed wiping the tears from his eyes. "If only we still had Journal 3 with us, then we'd navigate it easily." he added glumly. Suddenly they all heard a rumbling noise that quietly erupted through the forest before an entire stampede of cryptids from across Gravity Falls charged right through them. "Hey pigtails, move it!" one of the gnomes shouted. "We're fleeing here!" a unicorn snidely added. "Whoa, what are they all running for?" Patty wondered. "And was that a unicorn?!" "You should get going too little one, Weirdmageddon is back!" a large bear with multiple heads stated before staring off into the distance with fear. "My lord, they're coming!" Just then, a group of demonic looking bears bounced across the trees with their teeth bared and eyes full of primal hunger. "Oh no, they're bouncing here and there and everywhere!" Soos cried. "Mass chaos that's beyond compare!" "Well what're we waiting for, to the bunker!" Dipper exclaimed preparing to lead everyone out of the forest before turning back to find Melody, Ghost-Eyes and Pacifica's mother still standing there. "Wait, aren't you coming?" "Sorry Dipper, but I think this might be too dangerous for all of us." Melody said. "We'll all still be here when you get back, hopefully." "Be safe out there Gideon." Ghost-Eyes said to his fellow ex-inmate. "You too old friend." Gideon replied and they fistbumped. "Pacifica, I want you to know that no matter how you feel about your father and I, we'll be there cheering you on against that monster." Priscilla said hugging her daughter. "And remember to thank your friends for saving us as well." "I will mother." Pacifica replied before they broke. "I promise I'll come back for you." Soos promised Melody. "I know you will dude." his fiancee replied and then they kissed. "All right, let's get moving everyone." Maka commanded and thus the remaining Mystery Meisters set off for the bunker.
"Anything yet guys?" Mabel asked as Black Star kept knocking on the trees hoping that one would lead them to the bunker. "Seems like we've been walking and hiding forever." "Nothing Mabel, we're getting in a rut." the ninja replied before they hid behind one of the trees away from the gaze of an Eyebat. "We need to be very very quiet everyone. Kishin Cipher's forces could strike at any minute." Ford stated quietly and they continued on their way. As the party snuck around the forest, they found numerous monsters unknowingly on their tail, such as a large humanoid vulture creature that made a strange whimpering sound, a strange dark blue android with a green symbol on its chest & red fins sticking out the back of its head, a bipedal jackal wearing a silver mask, a muscular humanoid beast with flaming facial hair & a burn scar over his left eye and many more, all looking to kill on sight. "Yeesh, these are nothing like what we've faced before." Dipper commented examining all the new beasts that had been unleashed when suddenly, he laid eyes upon a strange being whose body seemed to be made of various pipes. "And what even is that thing?" The boy felt himself edging into insanity little by little before he quickly covered his eyes in fright. "Hey guys, I think we found it!" Liz called pounding on a strangely metallic tree. "This seems like a good place to hide." "This is the exact place where I found Journal 3." Dipper stated. "I was only told to put up signs for Stan one day and then there it was. Where it all began." he explained. "We can recap last summer later, let's open this baby and get inside!" Wendy exclaimed preparing to scale it with her axe. "Wait, you're going to do it like that?" Black Star wondered. "Of course dude, it's how we opened it in the first place." the cashier said. "There's this little branch that's hiding a lever all the way up there." "Well there's no need for climbing, let a ninja handle this!" Black Star boasted using his ninjitsu skills to race up the tree and jump, grabbing onto the aforementioned branch and pulling it, causing the grass surrounding it to collapse into a spiral staircase leading to the entrance. "Boo-yah!" "Well hornswaggle mah goat-knees, just like old times!" Fiddleford exclaimed doing a quick victory jig. "Now come on sprouts, I can show y'all around!" With that, the hillbilly forgone taking the stairs and jumped down the entrance to the door. "Now come by, it brings back memories!" "Just as long as there's no dust to make me asymmetrical." Kid flatly stated walking down the stairs with the Thompsons behind him and soon, everyone else all except for Ford who was looking off into the distance with a solemn frown. "C'mon Mr. Pines, Kishin Cipher's minions could be coming any minute!" Eruka called for him. "Oh, terribly sorry everyone!" Ford stuttered trying to hide his emotional pain as booming footsteps sounded from afar. Luckily they were all able to get in and close the entrance behind him before one of Bill's henchmaniacs did indeed come across the bunker. "Uh boss, those mortals are gone!" the beast announced scratching his head with one of his eight-ball eyes becoming crooked. "Oh hush up 8-Ball, we can find them later!" Kishin Cipher said floating down to meet his minion's gaze as the other monsters roaming the forest gathered around their new master. "We'll focus on terrorizing all those stupid humans for now, but the reason why I broke you all out of the Nightmare Realm," the fusion stated before he stabbed a finger into his temple and rapidly drilled into it. "IS REVENGE!" The abominations cheered and chanted Kishin Cipher's name as one of the new monsters stepped forth. "Oh yes master, we are forever at your command!" the female beast cried bowing before him. "My pelt is now your pelt!" "Aw shucks Kaguya, you're just too kind!" Kishin Cipher complimented stroking her head and making her purr. "But my lord, what about those children?" a sharply-dressed humanoid being with a deformed face wondered. "Oh don't worry White Rabbit, I already got a few guys after them." Cipher answered before he projected an image of a snake, a spider and a scorpion crawling around.
Stepping further into the bunker, the Mystery Meisters finally came across the shelter which contained various weapons, food supplies and a small bed. "Wow, did you build this for some kinda apocalypse? If so, then I should've really brought a fire-shooting guitar along!" Patty exclaimed amazed at the room but Kid on the other hand wasn't as happy. "Did you even take symmetry into account Stanford?! Everything here is horribly unorganized!" he screamed trying to clean everything up. "Just messy, messy, messy!" "Looks like we're gonna be here a while. Who's up for some High-Flying Beans?!" McGucket asked rifling through their rations before he came across a familiar candy. "Hey waitaminute, is this my Smez dispenser? So that's where it went!" "Fiddleford's right, we might be in here for quite a long time, which is why I've gathered rations to last us until 2070." Ford explained. "In case any of us go hungry after like twenty years tops, we might have to resort to cannibalism." he remarked. "Wait, so we're gonna stay down here while all those monsters run amok?" Dipper asked. "We haven't lost yet Ford, we just need to think of a-" "WE HAVE LOST, WE LOST EVERYTHING!" the surviving great uncle suddenly exploded spooking his young partner and realized just what he had done. "Oh my goodness, I am terribly sorry Dipper! I didn't mean to blow up in your face!" "It's okay Ford, I know where you're coming from. It's horrible we lost Stan, but that's not important right now." Dipper reassured the older man. "Right now, we just gotta find a way to stop Kishin Cipher." "Thank you for that kid, but I think I should just sit down for a while." Ford stated taking a seat on the bed. "I still can't believe it, Bill took my brother after he spent years trying to bring me back." he mumbled. "Somehow I feel that is just cruelly ironic." "You talking about your brother?" Maka asked sitting down next to him. "I feel you Mr. Pines. In fact, I lost my weapon & best friend at the same time yet I'm not randomly screaming in everyone's face." she said. "I know Maka, but I've known Bill far longer than any of you." Ford said starting to choke up before crying. "In fact, I thought he was my friend." "Wait, what?!" Black Star shouted dropping a crate he was moving onto Spirit's foot. "You and Bill were actually bros once?!" he asked. "How long ago was it? Please elaborate." Stein said taking a puff of his cigarette. "It was when I was much younger, around Spirit's age, when I first met Bill." Ford stated beginning to reminisce on less traumatizing times.
"It was when I hit a roadblock in my research of Gravity Falls, and I thought there was nothing else left to discover until I met him in my dreams." Ford narrated picturing his younger self resting under a tree in the forest before the greenery turned into something bizarre. Examining his new surroundings, Ford then came face to face with a peculiar triangular creature who greeted him in a polite yet screechy tone. "Hiya smart guy!" the shape said, his voice echoing throughout the strange realm. "Whoa, don't have a heart attack! You're not 92 yet!" "Who are you?" the young scientist asked. "Name's Bill, and you're Stanford Pines, the man who changed the world! But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's relax." the creature, now named Bill, stated making a teapot and a chessboard appear out of thin air. "Have a cup of tea!" "He claimed to be a muse that chose one brilliant mind once a century to inspire. But of course it was all a lie." Ford continued in the present day. "I allowed him to take control of my body whenever he pleased. I trusted him like a research partner until I got a glimpse of Bill's true plans." Much later on, Ford and Fiddleford stood in front of the universe portal that they unknowingly helped Bill Cipher construct with a crash dummy for testing. "Are we clear Fidds?" the younger Pines asked his lab partner, who was unaware his foot got tangled with the rope tying the dummy down. "I'll take that as a yes! Ready and..." Suddenly Fiddleford felt himself sucked in along with the dummy when they released it, only saved by Ford at the last moment before the portal would swallow him whole. "I got ya buddy!" Ford shouted tugging the rope and pulling his partner back to the ground. "What is it? Is it working, what did you see?!" The only words that came out McGucket's mouth was complete gibberish before he rose from the ground, his eyes widened in horror. "When gravity falls and earth become sky, fear the beast with just one eye!" he chanted to Ford's confusion. "Fiddleford, get a hold of yourself! You're not making any sense!" Stanford cried trying to put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder before he jerked away. "This machine is dangerous! You'll bring about the end of the world with this!" a now paranoid Fiddleford screamed. "Destroy it before it destroys us all!" "I can't destroy this, it's my life's work!" Ford tried to argue but his words fell on deaf ears as his partner stormed away. "I fear we've unleashed a great danger on the world, one that I'd just as soon forget. I quit!"
"I never learned just what he saw on the other side, but speaking in present tense I can only assume it was one of Bill's hangouts." Ford concluded his story. "Well is there anything in this bunker that can help us?" Tsubaki wondered. "Maybe if we can go deeper we'll get some answers!" Free replied tearing off a porthole that led to another room, this one consisting of various metal cubes lining every last corner. Going through the porthole, the room seemed almost normal except for a particular design on one of the tiles. "This security room is designed to crush intruders who don't have a code to reverse it. Now be sure to not step on that tile." Ford explained before he pointed to that specific tile. "That is the tile that could seal your dooms if someone presses it. Got it memorized?" "You got it." Free stated before he tried to step on the tile. "Ooh, what's this button do?" he asked and Soos grabbed him by the arm, keeping him away from the tile. "Sorry dude, you don't wanna press that. Might kill us all." Progressing further, they discovered a surveillance room connected to what seemed to be a laboratory given the presence of various cryogenic tubes, one of which was heavily damaged. "Seriously, how the hell did you build all of this without anyone noticing? And where did you get all the supplies too?" Black Star wondered before noticing something odd on one of the screens. "Hey, get outta there spider!" he said trying to squish it and realizing that it wasn't resting on the screen, but inside the lab itself. "Uh, Ford!" "Something the matter Black Star?" Ford asked the ninja. "You ever got any giant spiders in here? Cause I've already found one." he pointed out, much to the scientist's shock. "My word, how did that thing follow us in here?!" Ford cried racing to grab a rifle. "That thing could be one of Kishin Cipher's monsters, so I'm gonna need some help!" "You can count on me Sixer! Like I said before, just like old times!" McGucket declared arming himself with his sonic banjo. "We're with you as well Stanford." Stein added already commanding Spirit to transform into his scythe mode. "Okay then, let's move out!" Ford declared before Crona stopped him. "Wait, what about us Grunkle Ford?" "The rest of you stay in here and keep watch while we're gone! If anything happens, be on your guard." Ford stated before he, McGucket, Spirit and Stein departed the observation room to hunt down the spider, leaving the kids, Soos, Wendy, Blair, Excalibur, Free, Eruka and the Mizunes behind. "So what do we do now? The grownups all leave to kill spiders and we're stuck here doing nothing." Patty wondered unknowingly leaning on a red button on the console, causing one of the tubes to deactivate. This tube in particular contained what looked like a frozen Dipper screaming in terror that was ready to melt. The real Dipper gasped in horror, realizing just what this other him was. "Patty, what did you do?!" "What did I do?!" the Thompson asked. "You just released an evil experiment that tried to kill us when we first came here dude!" Wendy answered. "You sure about that guys? Looks like a frozen Dipper to me." Liz commented. "Exactly, that thing's a dangerous shapeshifter!" "Well what are we waiting for, let's go kill it!" Black Star shouted picking up Tsubaki and charging through the door that led to the lab, pretty much knocking it down. The rest of the party followed him behind ready to take on the beast.
Meanwhile with Ford's group, he, Fiddleford, Spirit and Stein crept through a long & winding tunnel system in search of the spider. "I don't think I remember ever digging such an elaborate passageway in here." Ford commented. "Did you Fidds?" "Nope, not the slightest clue!" McGucket replied before he dropped down and sniffed the ground to track its scent. "Think it went thataway!" he shouted pointing in the next direction like a dog. "Good work McGucket, though I'm not sure if that was really necessary." Stein stated and they moved onward. Going deeper through the caves, the four finally found the spider in a large open space that made it ripe for the squishing. "Okay everyone, be silent. I've only got one shot at this." Ford whispered aiming his rifle at the giant spider. "Ready, aim..." Just then, a snake loudly hissed breaking his concentration and firing, sending the bullet flying across the area. "What was that?!" "I think that was a snake!" Stein exclaimed. "Wait a minute. Spider, snake." he muttered then coming to a startling conclusion. "Oh no!" "Something the matter Frank?" Fiddleford asked before his mouth was hastily shut by the Meister. "Don't make a sound, they might hear us!" he cautioned them. "And yet you're making a sound right now!" Ford replied. "Kinda hypocritical much?" "Touche." Stein responded and just then, they heard a woman say "Vector Plate.", spawning an arrow under them & sending them flying toward the snake & spider. "Is this the scientist you told me about dear sister? I never seen someone with six fingers before." the gargantuan arachnid remarked before it transformed into a beautiful pale-skinned woman wearing a long black sleeveless dress. Spirit & Stein knew exactly who this was. "Arachne?!" "That's Arachne? And they're sisters apparently." Ford commented getting up and dusting himself off. "I don't see that much of a family resemblance." "Hello again Meister scum. And I see you've brought some new blood for us." Arachne greeted Stein. "It certainly has been a while Stein, pity that you abandoned me when you fell to madness." Medusa added. "Listen to me Stein, don't fall for her games!" Ford cautioned the Meister. "From the looks of it, she could trick anyone and then backstab-" It was then Ford came to a startling realization. A genius scientist that became close with a manipulative creature colored in black & yellow that was slowly toying with him. Why did that seem so familiar? It was almost like reliving the time he spent working with Bill, believing him to be a kindred spirit. "Weren't you all supposed to be dead?" Spirit asked. "I was until my sister requested that our new master bring us back to life." the elder Gorgon sibling answered. "Wait, what do you mean 'us'?" Ford wondered fearing if she was talking about someone else. His suspicions were confirmed to be true as another witch, this one looking much younger than the other two with a bizarre covering on her head that resembled a scorpion's tail at the end. "Meet our youngest sister, Shaula." "Wait, there's three of them?!" Ford exclaimed turning to Stein and pointing an accusing finger at him. "You only ever mentioned the two!" he shouted. "Well to be fair, how she was defeated was pretty embarrassing." Stein tried to defend himself. "I mean, she was killed by students of the NOT class!" "Silence!" Shaula boomed glaring at the pair of geniuses. "Kishin Cipher has resurrected all three of us to be his loyal servants and our mission right now is to kill all of you & those brats as well." she declared. "And as for my humiliation, he made sure it won't happen again and made me stronger." "Heads up y'all, looks like we're in for a rumble!" Fiddleford exclaimed picking up his sonic banjo as the others took up arms against the Gorgon sisters.
Back in the lab, the remaining Mystery Meisters were now face to face with a currently defrosted cryogenic tube and out of it, came an exact double of Dipper looking furious. "You!" it shouted in a deep voice pointing at Dipper, Mabel, Wendy & Soos. "You forced me into that contraption and left me to perish!" As it spoke, the Dipper clone transformed into a white-skinned insectlike creature with misshapen arms, one more slender with three fingers & the other swollen with a claw. "And I see you brought some fresh new faces for me as well." "That's what that shapeshifter looks like? I would comment on how horribly asymmetrical it is, but I'm too horrified beyond words!" Kid squeaked fearfully as the Shapeshifter took on the form of Maka. "Now then, which one shall it be?" it wondered emphasizing each word by transforming into Crona, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz & Patty in that order. "Why not everyone?" it emphasized some more by turning into Eruka, Free and Mizune before its form changed into a terrifying amalgam of everybody he previously transformed into making them scream loudly in terror. "KILL IT WITH FIRE!" Pacifica hollered grabbing Liz, turning her into her weapon form and fired repeatedly, but the creature dodged the bullets by zooming off. "Where'd it go?" the formerly rich girl panted dropping Liz to the ground. "More importantly, where did you learn to fire like that?" the cowgirl weapon asked. "Got it from all my experience playing Bloodcraft: Overdeath." Pacifica answered boastfully. "PLATINUMPAZ level 100 to be precise." "You're PLATINUMPAZ? That's why I always get creamed whenever I face you!" Black Star exclaimed. "We can talk about video games later dudes, anyone know where that shifter guy went?" Soos inquired. "And more importantly, did I always have two big sisters?" Patty added remarking upon the sudden appearance of another Liz. "That is utterly preposterous Patty, our Liz isn't nearly as busty!" Kid stated clutching both of their assets. "As we should know, you aren't very symmetrical! Especially your chests!" This observation earned him a good smack on the head from Liz. "Well this is something only the real Liz would do!" "Wait, if that's the real Liz, then who's-" Tsubaki asked before she came to a shocking conclusion. "Oh no." she muttered frighteningly as the second Liz laughed before it transformed back into the Shapeshifter. "You discovered me far too easily!" it said. "But enough about you, I think it's about time I get revenge on you Dipper!" "Get back everyone, I'm going in alone!" Dipper ordered bravely picking up Excalibur. "Are you crazy Dipper?! Let me come too!" Wendy exclaimed pulling out her axe. "And us too, since we're going for a whole sharp weapons thing here!" Ragnarok added forming into Crona's sword. "Ah, we engage in a swords and sorcery type battle, I see. In that case!" The shapeshifter then formed a pair of its own swords out of its arms. "So be it!" "Okay change of plans. Me, Wendy and Crona will take on the shapeshifter while the rest of you take cover!" Dipper explained. "You got it broseph!" The others raced back into the adjacent room as Dipper made the first move, clashing Excalibur with the Shapeshifter's makeshift sword while Wendy scarred its other arm and Crona stabbing it in the back.
"I'm like really sorry for letting this happen guys." Patty hurriedly apologized dropping to her knees. "If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, just say the word!" "Hey chill out sis, it was just a button." Liz assured her younger sister. "And besides, it's not like you gave away something that could end the universe as we know it." Her comment accidentally sent shivers down Mabel's spine as she turned away nervously stroking her hair. She knew she couldn't keep mum about a certain event last summer no longer, but feared that if she spoke up about it right now it would result in being ostracized from her family. "Uh, are you okay Mabel?" Maka asked her. "What, no! I'm fine, perfectly fine!" Mabel exclaimed shyly, still not wanting to give away that secret she was keeping for months. "You know what would be great dudes? If we had some popcorn with us, cause this fight is heating up!" Soos exclaimed bringing attention to the fight going on next door. "Kinda like a fighting game!" "Yeah, get 'em Crona!" Black Star cheered the son of Medusa on. "Yeah, give that thing what for DP!" Pacifica added. "You can do it Wendy!" Soos exclaimed waving his arms around. "C'mon guys, do the wave with me!" Everybody complied doing the wave, all except for Mabel who remained silent in the corner and Eruka, Free & the Mizunes who had transformed into their animal forms and snuck away.
The four-way battle raged on with Dipper now getting a better grip on the sheer awesome power of Excalibur as he clashed with the Shapeshifter. "Look man, we don't want any more trouble then we've already caused, we just want to find shelter in here away from the flipping apocalypse!" "You have denied my freedom to roam the outside world and seek revenge, and now I shall deny you and your comrades the freedom of life!" the Shapeshifter roared before it suddenly heard a croak coming from the dark corner. It then immediately snatched Eruka from her hiding place and held her hostage. "Surrender now or this little toad gets it!" "Hey, let my little buddy go ya stupid Xenomorph!" Free shouted tackling the experiment from behind. "Think you can copy a werewolf like me big boy?! I'd like to see you try!" he challenged only to be smacked aside. "You are insignificant to me now. Leave or face death." "Well we're outta here! Dipper, we're gonna go look for Mr. Ford." Eruka explained hopping away to find the author. "And if you don't make it out, we'll tell him you're sorry." With the traitorous minions of Medusa now gone, the battle restarted with the Shapeshifter now preparing to attack Crona, but Wendy was quick to put herself in its path and slash the monster's mouth off, causing green blood to spew everywhere. "Always wanted to do that." "All right, go Wendy!" Ragnarok exclaimed. "Makes me wonder how that old man is doing."
Speaking of Ford, he was currently backed into a corner by Arachne, his rifle now out of ammo. "Seriously, what even kills you?!" he screamed deciding to just beat her over the head with the empty weapon itself. "I would say, but it would be foolish of me to do so." the spider witch snidely answered slashing him across the face with her fan. "AGH!" "Stanford!" Stein cried out temporarily distracted from Medusa, which led her to stab him from behind with an arrow. "Why continue to show concern for these fools when you can return to my side Stein?" she asked the bleeding genius picking him up by the shirt collar with a seductive, manipulative smirk on her face. "You are the most powerful Meister there ever was, and yet you continue to serve as Death's flunky." "Well at least I actually care for people. The only person you ever show concern for is yourself, everybody else you just lie to and use for your own gain." Stein wheezily remarked with a bold expression. "I know someone who has been through almost the exact same situation and I refuse to go through this again! Let's go Spirit!" "Right old chum!" Spirit replied being picked up by his Meister and activated their Soul Resonance. This caused stitches to appear at the three sisters' feet and tying them down to the ground. "Whoa nelly, they're knitted at the soles!" McGucket shouted enamored at the duo's techniques, using it as an opportunity to smack Shaula in the face with his banjo. "Quit hitting me you oafish hillbilly!" "Get down Fiddleford, I'm coming in for the kill!" Stein exclaimed preparing to land the final blow on the sisters before he felt something soft and squishy be stabbed on his scythe. "Uh oh." The object exploded revealing it to be one of Eruka's tadpole bombs and blowing him back, much to the frog witch's embarrassment. "Oh my God, I'm terribly sorry sir! I didn't notice you were already attacking, I just believed you needed help! Oh please forgive me!" "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the kids?" Stein asked them. "We thought you needed help against that giant spider but it turned out she's the sister of our ex-boss!" Free stated laughing nervously. "And speaking of the kids, your great-nephew is kicking the ass of some weird alien thing alongside the redhead and Crona." "Weird alien thing?" McGucket wondered. "Hey, I think he's talkin' 'bout Shifty!" he realized with a snap of his fingers before becoming scared. "Oh no, I think he's talkin' 'bout Shifty!" "Wait, that's what you called that monster? It transformed into all of us when we accidentally unfroze it and is now after Dipper, Crona & Wendy!" Eruka exclaimed. "I can explain later. Now let's move!" Ford commanded preparing to race back to the lab before he felt his feet slip off the ground. "Oh right, almost forgot about her." "We don't have time for you anymore Pines, but we'll keep on watching." Medusa threatened and the trio faded into the shadows cackling, their eyes being the only thing visible before finally vanished. "Well that was...ominous." Spirit remarked. "Now then, you were saying?" "Right, let's get outta here!" Ford stated racing out of the cave and the others followed.
"Any final requests brat?" the Shapeshifter snarled despite it having lost its mouth, now pinning Dipper against the wall as the boy tried to attack with Excalibur. "You can't stop me! I have the single most powerful weapon in the world!" Dipper declared holding the sword in the air before it was snatched out of its hands. "No!" "The most powerful weapon in the world? Doesn't seem to look like much." the experiment commented examining Excalibur before the Holy Sword spoke up. "FOOL! I'd think twice before insulting the legendary weapon of King Arthur himself!" he declared to the monster's shock. "It can talk?!" "Yes indeed. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Holy Sword known as Excalibur, sought after by Meisters far and wide to gain my ultimate power." Excalibur rambled. During his long-winded speech, not even the Shapeshifter was safe from making the Excalibur face, despite again losing its mouth. "Is he seriously this obnoxious?" "You have no idea." Dipper replied. "Now's our chance!" he exclaimed, giving Wendy & Crona an opening to strike the beast down, making him drop the young detective and the sword. "Are you ready Excalibur?!" he asked. "As a matter of fact, allow me to take this one boy." Excalibur said turning into his weapon form and hovering high in the air. "Holy Explosion!" he shouted zooming towards the Shapeshifter and stabbing him in the remains of its head and emitted a powerful explosion, finally killing it for good. When the dust cleared, all the three of them could see was Excalibur silently dusting himself off next to the green blood-covered remains of the Shapeshifter. "Where did that explosion come from?!" the voice of Free exclaimed running closer to the lab. "It came from here! Hopefully the kids are okay!" Ford replied finally entering the battle-damaged laboratory where they found Dipper panting and the Shapeshifter's corpse rotting. "Shifty..." "I am so sorry I had to do this Ford. But he tried to kill us once and we couldn't let him do it again." Dipper apologized putting a comforting hand on his great uncle, now mourning the death of the creature. "I accept your apology Dipper, but I feel like this is partially my fault as well." Ford stated remorsefully. "When Fiddleford and I raised it, it slowly became dangerous for some reason which led me to try and imprison it." "And we all know how badly that failed!" McGucket exclaimed killing the dour mood. "Oop, sorry. Carry on y'all." he then quickly apologized. "Now where the others at?" "That was totally wicked!" Black Star screamed in excitement as the aforementioned rest of the party burst out from the security room to congratulate Dipper, Crona & Wendy. "I mean, the way you weaponized Excalibur's annoyingness to kill him off was alphanumeric!" he shouted. "Try and guess which word I made up?" "We can all talk later. What happened to Mabel?" Dipper asked. "She's still with us, but she's been rather quiet for some reason lately." Kid stated. "No matter, now we have to contact my father! Maka?" "Right Kid." Maka obeyed stepping up to the cryogenic tube, fogging up the glass and writing the number needed to contact Death. "42-42-564, whenever you want to knock on Death's door." the girl Meister chanted causing the glass to turn into an image of Lord Death. "Oh hello there everyone! I see you've got Pacifica back, good show!" the Shinigami applauded the Mystery Meisters before he realized something was wrong. "Hey, what smells like dead alien body? And where are Soul & Stanley?" The party was silent for a few moments before Dipper put his hat over his chest. "They're gone." he revealed. "They gave themselves up to Kishin Cipher to save us and got turned into monsters like what happened with Pacifica's dad." "And then the guy unleashed all sorts of fresh hell all across Gravity Falls, complete with his own big showtune!" Patty shouted, much to Death's horror. "No, it can't be!" he gasped. "In Layman's terms Mr. Death, we're gonna need somewhere to hide until we're ready cause Gravity Falls is definitely no longer safe!" Soos said. "You got any place for us to stay sir?" "Oh yes, you can room with my students in Death City and train to stop Kishin Cipher." Lord Death suggested. "Thank you old friend, but first I would like to have a word with my new Meister." Excalibur said. "Mason Pines, please step forward." "Wait-what-how did you know my real name?!" Dipper exclaimed in confusion before the sword cut him off. "FOOL! I shall answer later, now take a knee my boy." he commanded, making the young man think he was being knighted. "His real name is Mason?" Pacifica tittered, causing Excalibur to silence them as well. "And you shall stay quiet as well!" "Yes sir." the rest of the Mystery Meisters complied bowing before the boy and the sword. "Mason Pines, for your sudden expertise in mastering the art of the sword, learning how to properly resonate with me and using my abilities to stop a great evil. I hereby anoint you as my newest Meister." he announced knighting Dipper with his cane. "May I wish good fortune upon you my friend." "Aw look, you made a new friend Excalibur!" Death exclaimed cheerfully before he began musing on how to move everyone to the Academy. "Now how can I create a way outta there?" he pondered before Eruka spoke up. "I believe Free and I can help out." "Oh, a witch helping us out? The last time that ever happened, we were quickly betrayed." Stein commented as the witch and the wolfman began combining their magic to create a gateway to Death City. With various mathematics symbols beginning to circle around a green entryway, the entrance began giving off a heavenly glow that left the duo exhausted. "Now before anyone says we pulled it out our butts, it's partially true." Free panted giving a thumbs up. "Spatial Magic and Magic Calculation, an unstoppable team." Eruka wheezed in reply. "Excellent, thank you for your assistance. Now come along, to Death City we go!" Ford exclaimed charging into the portal before Stein, McGucket, Spirit, Gideon, Black Star, Tsubaki, Blair, Waddles and Pacifica ran in after him. When almost everyone had exited the bunker into the portal, Dipper, Mabel, Maka and Crona were the only ones left to find that the witch's former cronies were being put back up on their feet by the Mizunes. "Aren't you coming with us too?" Mabel asked Eruka. "I would like to Mabel, anything to get away from this hellhole, but your town is in trouble and without you around, we might as well stay behind." Eruka answered reassuringly hugging the human girl. "And I just want to say, thank you both for helping us." "Yeah, we're gonna miss you little rascals!" Free exclaimed nearly crushing Dipper in a bear hug. "Gonna miss you guys too, now please stop crushing me!" Dipper groaned before being dropped to the ground. "And thank you for helping us get home." Maka stated gratefully. "Now good luck on protecting Gravity Falls while we're gone." "Uh guys, I think the portal might close any minute now!" Crona warned his friends as the gateway to Death City began to slightly fizzle out. "Oh right! Thanks for reminding us Crona." Dipper exclaimed before he ran into the light followed by his sister and Maka. "We'll see you guys later!" The last one to step into the portal was Crona, but only after he gave Free & Eruka one last hug. "I hope you'll all be okay when we get back." the Demon Swordsman whimpered. "Don't sweat it squirt, we got the skills to survive." Free assured Crona pushing him into the light. "Now go on, be with your friends." Crona put on a final smile before he faded into the light and the portal finally gave out, leaving the room almost deserted. "Well then, let's get crackin'!" the wolfman declared preparing to move out. "C'mon you three-eyed bastard, Papa Free's ready to get the belt out!" The Mizunes chittered in agreement scurrying behind and Eruka, turning back to examine the room hoping that her new friends safely escaped to Death City, being the last to leave, the only current occupant of the room being the decomposing corpse of the Shapeshifter.
Mere hours after the bunker was left completely empty, Kishin Cipher suddenly appeared and forced the Gorgons to kneel before him. "So, let's set a few things straight." he said in a polite yet livid tone. "I assigned you all to follow the Pines and those moronic Meisters into the bunker to kill them all." As Kishin Cipher continued, his voice grew deeper and his body turned a haunting crimson signaling that he was furious. "AND YET YOU ALL FAILED TO DO THAT TO EITHER OF THEM! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN YOU IDIOTS?!" "Please forgive us master, Screw was about to kill us when one of my former minions intervened and still they won over us!" Medusa begged for mercy. "Which one, the brain-dead mutt, the whiny frog or those pesky little mice?" Kishin Cipher sarcastically asked returning to normal. "And speaking of which, you might as well found me a new one!" Kishin Cipher then hovered over to the remains of the Shapeshifter and brought him back to life, albeit still with his mouth & an arm missing and various scars. "Good old Shifty! I've read a lot about you in Fordsy's journals, but I never thought we'd meet in person one day!" "Bill Cipher I presume?" the newly revived experiment asked. "Close but no cigar Stitch! Call me Kishin Cipher, the God of Weirdness & Madness and new master of these lands!" the Dream Kishin declared causing reality to spin around like a carousal and then stopping. "So, how'd you end up like this?" "There was this boy with an annoying sword who had put an end to me." the Shapeshifter answered to the horror of Kishin Cipher. "Wait, Pine Tree has Excalibur now?!" he exclaimed in shock. "I may be an utter pain in the ass to every one of my victims, but even I know where to draw the line!" "I need revenge! Make me your slave and I promise I shall be your greatest ally!" the creature begged him. Kishin Cipher contemplated for a few moments before finally accepting. "Okay then buddy, you're now mine!" he exclaimed. "But first you're gonna need some new threads." With a snap of his fingers, the Shapeshifter felt itself transform from a bizarre alien creature to a black chameleon-like beast with white markings lining its body, blood red eyes and a large heart-shaped hole in its chest. "So how's the new look dahling?" Kishin Cipher inquired with a proud look on his face admiring his work. "I feel so reinvigorated master! Please tell me when we can kill the Pines?!" "Up bup bup, don't get excited so soon! We still got other things to do." Kishin Cipher declared before he created a portal that he, the Shapeshifter and the witch sisters stepped into, no doubt to somewhere to plot their next scheme.
And so Weirdmageddon commences. With out heroes now being forced to retreat and the villains gathering forces, me the author and you the readers are left on the edge of our seats to learn what happens next. Will Ford make peace with his inner demons? What will happen when Mabel's secret gets out? Is there any way of stopping Kishin Cipher now?! Tune in next chapter, same Soul time, same Falls channel!
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thestorylady · 5 years
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Love @paranormalpunchers ! Reposted from @paranormalpunchers The Yeti, also known as the abominable snowman, is an Asian Bigfoot that is found in the Himalayas. It stands between 8-10 ft tall, weighs between 200 & 400 pounds, resembles a huge, upright walking ape, & has a furry coat of brown, reddish, or black hair, not white as most imagine it as having. Many tribes in the area consider the Yeti to be a guardian of the Himalayas & a divine, spiritual being, & in Buddhist mythology it is considered to be a peaceful creature. What roams up in the Himalayas? Join us on episode 82 (link in bio) to hear more about the reclusive Yeti! • #podcast #podcasts #podcaster #podcasting #paranormalpunchers #paranormal #paranormalpodcast #ppunchers #yeti #abominablesnowman #cryptid #cryptozoology - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B8t6L7HJT28/?igshid=1wmx1h1snhyoy
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streetfightwcrs · 5 years
12/27 Street Fight Radio Variety Show with Special Guests The Trillbillies, Garbage Brain University, and Lindsey Martin
We’ve been spreading our comedy mess all over the US this year and we are back home for a while. So what we want to do is bring some of our friends to Columbus and write it off as a business expense. Our plan is to start doing a regular variety show here in town, and this is the first one. It’s going to be a gigantic show and we get to stay late and close down the bar!
Brett and Bryan will host and be backed by Columbus’ own Howling Commandos, they’ll provide the pulse pounding sounds. There will be special performances by Tom and Tarence from the Trillbilly Workers Party podcast, Drew (Toothpaste For Dinner) and Natalie Dee from the Garbage Brain University podcast, and Lindsey Martin aka @oldlinds on twitter. Guaranteed to be a laugh riot!
Get tickets here. Discount tickets also available.
It will be streaming on our Facebook page, twitch, twitter, and YouTube.
Friday 12/27 doors 8 pm Show 9 pm Ruby Tuesday 1978 Summit St, Columbus, OH 43201
Street Fight Radio is a pro-worker, anti-establishment comedy radio show that has been broadcasting on 92.7 WCRS in Columbus Ohio since 2010.Our Sunday night call in show features topics like small business tyrants, cryptids, bare feet, and hustling the grocery store that tie directly into our live show. Come hang with the gang that questions everything. (find more @streetfightradio.com/)
Trillbilly Workers Party is a rehabilitated white trash podcast about a town called Whitesburg, Kentucky. You probably saw them on CNN. https://soundcloud.com/user-972848621-463073718
Garbage University is Drew & Natalie Dee uncovering bizarre facts about life on earth and sharing them with you, one subject at a time. (get updates at https://www.garbagebrainuniversity.com/)
12/27 Street Fight Radio Variety Show with Special Guests The Trillbillies, Garbage Brain University, and Lindsey Martin was originally published on Street Fight Radio
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phoenix-failing · 5 years
1, 8, 9 and 13 for one of the games you play in!
1. A favorite character you’ve played: Evelynn Mercado! My lovely half elf bard. So far my only bard but she was charismatic and confident and so so much fun to play. She was college of swords and had been in a circus for awhile where she did a full knife throwers act with her best friend delightful sunshine boy Thrush. She was also a compulsive gambler but pretty bad at it and used fake names all the time. Her mom was a famous bard and she wanted to make her own non singing way to fame, but all her fake names I pulled from weird road signs on a road trip. Her real name was Parsippany which was also a road trip find, it was the weirdest one and started the whole concept of who she would be. 
8. A favorite fight/ encounter: Arlow’s palace heist with Moon! She used the half dragons crush on her to borrow a bag of holding for the night. Then they snuck out and made their way to the palace in disguise. Arlow slipped into the ethereal plane Moon killed 3 guards with a poison dagger. We stole mithral armor and so much fucking money. Stuck it to the stupid shitty nobility. Accidentally traumatized a young palace servant who we paid to never speak of seeing us.  By the fucking way we planned this in under an hour and it went off almost without a hitch it was amazing.
13. Introduce your current party: 
-Mondays Milo --> Aspiring Cryptids. 
We have a dwarf who through feats, items and so much determination can now standing jump 90 ft and running leap I think 170. She can also lift several thousand pounds and is becoming a goddess in some pantheon...
There’s also the water genasi who is basically a personable water elemental who makes friends with literally everything. 
A gloomstalker drow who just stealths out of the narrative all the time despite her awful flamboyant hair and fashion sense. 
Then there’s Larken who never dies when she should can see so far in the dark even though she’s a human now and thanks to a new cloak can fly cloaked in darkness and turn into a bat...
-Mondays Monster Mash --> Cannon Fodder.
We’re all monsters residing in the first floor or a dungeon who have to fight off adventures. We have a three headed hell hound, a giant blue crab, the fanciest and most pretentious cleric of loki faerie dragon and the Kobolds. One of which is the roundest thing alive and  a fucking warlock (Milo’s Mlem) and the other is the weirdest inbred to shit west Virginian Kobold with a baby owl bear as a pet (My Nibble and pet Snack). We both already halved out heath by daring each other to lick acidic gross monster bits, we both did it even after watching the first one get super hurt........
-Wednesdays --> So Kelp Me God...
I play a merchant princess who stowed away on a ship to get out of a marriage to the most boring man alive and took up swashbucking while evading her dissapointed father, then we have the most chaotic tiefling rogue ever, Sea the tabaxi sailor who is so down to sass anyone and then team kindness. Team Kindness are the quiet sweet druid firbold Newt who turns into animals all the time because he’s terrified of people and Russel the triton paladin who grew up on a kelp farm... He cooks and bakes so well but literally everything is full of nothing but kelp.
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
ALL FIAT COLLAPSING!! BITCOIN $288000 in 12 Months Argentina Stock To Flow BTC BULLISH MODEL
And we’re alive. Yes. Well, it comes as another episode of Good Morning Group down here on Ivan Ontake. We are, of course, broadcasting live straight out of Stockholm, Sweden. And we do this show each and every day at 8:00 p.m. Central Time. Yes, I come to like an atomic clock Asian every day. Today, we will be discussing some big, significant events. Number one, fiat currencies across the world are collapsing as we speak, literally as we speak. It’s not some kind of exaggeration. We’re seeing the Lebanon collapse. We discussed it last week. Today, we’re going to focus on the urgency them and what happens there. And, you know, Argentina has a tradition. The government has a tradition of stealing people’s money. We’re going to discuss the court a little effect the court, a little event which happened 20 years ago, approximately. I will explain to you how the government stole 75 percent of people’s wealth in Argentina and why you should really keep it in mind, because the same thing will happen again, not only in Argentina, but in many other countries. Most probably we will see similar events like Court A and you should really know it. It’s when the government can really take your money. Also, you know that Bitcoin is up against old Fiat this year. Already it against all Fiat. We are up. So really remember that Bitcoin is the refuge, the global refuge for wealth, financial refuge for everyone, no matter the skin color, the religion, the language, you speak, your sexuality, you are welcome. We have a radical, absolutely radical inclusion in Bitcoin. So that is going to be number one. Number two, we actually have a crazy two hundred and twenty eight thousand dollar prediction from plan B, from stock to flow model. Now, the thing he has done is that he modeled Bitcoin in terms of clusters, in terms of stock to flow clusters. So basically, you know, in Bitcoin, we have all kinds of different narratives. We’ve had through the years, like each cash, like censorship resistant gold, like cheap payments network, like programmable shared database and so on, so forth, reserve currency for crypto. And we see how these different narratives have changed through the years. And the reason why they change is because the Bitcoin mechanics change. Bitcoin today is not the same Bitcoin before the last hubbing, because the mathematical properties and the financial properties change of this currency. So it’s very important to disguise that really whenever we have a hubbing bitcoin completely shifts, shifts, its form is shift shape. It’s really shapeshifting each and every time. And we move from one use case to another to another. And in the next tubbing, we’re going to see a completely different Bitcoin with way stronger fundamentals. And this is how this model predicts that the next cluster of stocks will flow. You see these different clusters. If you extrapolate, the next cluster will take us to two hundred thousand dollars, two hundred twenty eight thousand dollars. All in all, we will be discussing this a lot today as well. And this is a very important topic, very key topic to understand. We’re going to discuss about the job market in crypto because cracking is hiring like crazy. Three hundred and fifty people, they are adding this year to the company and so many other things as well. Guys, welcome, welcome. Welcome. Everyone who is watching when. I want to. Com slash Leive. How are you all doing? As I told guys in the chat. Before we do have some helicopter actions here in Stockholm, we have soldiers dropping from helicopters, some kind of exercise they have. We’re gonna see what happens. But literally before we went live, I saw helicopters and then soldiers dropping down and helicopters flying very, very low. Basically, it was like five, 10 meters above the rooftops. It’s it’s insane. We’re gonna see what happens. But welcome, everyone, on to the concept live. Let me know exactly how we were doing. Exactly. Animal in this helicopter money. We’re getting helicopter money. Welcome, everyone. I see the first donation from crypto fruit. I like your unicorn picture. Thank you so much for the nation. And let me know where you turn from a secret to your back. Sebastian. George cryptid tax fixer atomic clock. Gabriella. My topper. Great. The crypt of Farzat Izak. So many people. So many people. Global commune. So amazing to see. Let me know exactly where you are chugging from. And by the way, we have another donation from Harold. Exactly. Exactly. Thank you so much. And also, I have some good news as well from our company. Our company has success successfully. We have successfully completed a tax audit. And it’s it’s amazing. So if you want help with taxes in Sweden, just reach out contact at. I don’t think that’s. Com because, look, we have successfully passed all our tax audits because we have been controlled by the government. You know, they checked our books. All is fine. All this fantastic. Why? Because we work with the best people in Sweden when it comes to crypto and when it comes to accounting. So if you’re not in Sweden, I can not help you. But if you are in Sweden, you are tax liable in Sweden. Contact at. I don’t think that. Com is your email. If you have any issues or whatever, because, look, we managed it with perfect score. I can tell you that. Now, moving on to the markets before we do that, we have some some identified flying object. You know, that they basically released now this footage. The Pentagon has declassified this and it’s basically you have files that have basically been confirmed, I guess I guess it is this UFO. So I guess we do have UFO confirmation or just some kind of anomaly, maybe some issue with the camera, really. I don’t really know too much details about exactly what we’re seeing, but it is unexplained aerial phenomenon. So they they cannot explain it. And people start to speculate, hey, maybe Satoshi was some kind of, you know, being from another planet with higher intelligence. He gave us Bitcoin and then kind of disappeared. People in crypto, they go wild mentally sometimes when when they see something like this. And the bitcoin is really the gift to humanity in many ways. But look, we’re going to see what the hell this is. Let me know what you think and whether it is a UFO. Now, we don’t know when it happened. Maybe this happened like 10 years ago. Maybe it was recent. We don’t know that. So let me know in the chat exactly what you think. What’s your view on this is right now? Now we have Bitcoin at the Plaza, zero point sixteen percent web ethe at the mine is Groupon two percent. All in all, quite stable market to date. This fantastic this fantastic Tuesday morning. Choose the morning we’re having right now together. Looking at the big winners Web Aive DEFAT Project amazing 13 percent start stellar, 12 percent digital futures, 10 percent still futures. I wonder when we will have digital Expressen when they actually have their project in in check Lisk at eight percent, Web synthetics at eight percent. Really time for synthetics to recover. So it’s good to see to see this. Now, looking at the biggest winners, we losers more correctly, we have Hive completely collapsing, by the way, 30 percent down and the same time, let’s be honest, they pump crazy. They pump like crazy during the past few few days and weeks. So 30 percent down doesn’t really matter if you look at the insane growth they’ve been having. Did you buy minus 20 by digits, but did you buy tools? Has been pumping? Whatever comes up needs to come down, at least for a bit. We have engine minus six percent. So those are the big losers now. Yes. Please remember just a few days left until our completely free webinar, a completely free webinar, which will happen on April the twenty ninth. We’re discussing how to stack massive, absolutely colossal, ginormous amounts of Satz in this bull market. If you want to know that and how you do it without taking risks. Go and click the link below for our completely free webinar for our completely free webinar. I see we’re breaking a record. More than 600 people watching live on our Web site. Guys, you’re amazing. Big shout out to you. It’s a record. It’s a record. It’s a record indeed. And to celebrate that, if you haven’t been in the free webinar, go and check it out. Also, as you know, we do have our collaboration with by bit. If you go to I went to the com slash live. You see this link right here. You can get nine dollars. Basically, you can then short, you can long. You can trade Bitcoin markets, you can trade the theater markets, you or some SRP. You can use leverage up to 100 bucks only if you know what you’re doing. Because to be honest, leverage only makes sense if you are good enough. Otherwise, you’re going to lose is just it’s just a matter of how these markets work. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re going to lose. But if you are interested and if you are chasing all reds into. Want to try. Go to the con slash live. Use this link right here. Also our femoris and crypt dot com links. So it’s all for our communities to go and use them right now. Look, we are witnessing something that we’ve never really witnessed before. To the scale on this scale, the fact that fiat currencies across the world right now, as we’re speaking, as you and I are communicating through the inshore webs, as I’m sensing this waves on the Internet to you, we’re seeing all of this fiat mass collapse. And just like I tweeted yesterday and this tweet went absolutely berserk, I tweeted that fiat currencies across the world are collapsing as we speak. Last week, the Lebanese pound lost 50 percent. And you already know that if you’ve if you’ve seen my streams, you know that they lost 50 percent. Absolutely insane. Argentina now close to hyperinflation. Two central banks worldwide are literally printing people into starvation. Time for Plan B. And it’s absolutely correct. Look at Argentina on local bitcoin, the day volume on local Bitcoin in Argentina on Bessel, Argentine Bessel. You see, it is skyrocketing because, number one, they are worried people in Argentina are worried what will happen with their money and what will happen with their savings, with their wealth. Number two, also, we need to recognize that a lot of this increase is due to inflation. We do see crazy inflation. In fact, if we switch to BTC instead, if we switch and we measure a volume in BTC instead of Bessel, you see that is basically the levels we’ve had in 2019. But but in terms of Basle, it’s absolutely wild. And this is the real tragedy. This is how people are losing money by the second. It’s insane. That’s still cele. We have. A situation where your money is being gambled with central banks, gambling with your money and printing, trying to stimulate, trying to do this. It’s all a big experiment experiment for them while people literally are losing the hard earned hard work money each and every second. It’s it blows my mind that this is still a problem in 2020. And what’s worse, not enough with inflation. What’s worse is that the government can literally take your money and do whatever they want. You know, we had this episode on Italy. We discussed that, hey, maybe Italy in the near future, they might withdraw from the euro. And there I speculated in that we do that. If you have euro in Italian banks, what probably will happen is that they will simply convert your euro to the new Italian currency, whatever that will be. And that it might be bad for you because look who once knew Italian currency, which is created really to to manage the debt, to pay off the debt, really, because now they can print it. So you would rather have the euro than the newly created Italian or indeed can be added. Maybe Spain, maybe Portugal. Really, it’s not only about Italy, just in general. I told on the stream that it wouldn’t surprise me that if you have euro in Italian, Spain, Portugal, whatever a bank account and and they decide to withdraw, it will mean that you’re probably going to be automatically converted. And I got so much so much heat for that. I get so much shit in the comment section, say, hey, Ivan, this will never happen. They cannot take my euro and convert it without my consent. Hey, Ivan, this is completely, completely impossible because it’s gonna be illegal for them to take my euro and convert to this new new Italian currency. Guys, they can do whatever they want. This has been done before. It will be done again. Your money in the bank account is not your money. Guys, they can literally do whatever they want. If they want to convert it, they will convert it. And you will not be consenting to the exchange rate. They will not even ask you about the exchange rate. And it’s so horrible because it has happened before. Read about the court little effect from Argentina because the court Alito effect illustrates this perfectly. What I am telling you. In 2001, 20 years ago, the Argentine government stole seventy five percent of Argentinians USD deposits to save the banks and the peso. So let me tell you exactly what happened. What they did was that they took your dollars. Let’s say you had a dollar in your bank account. They converted to Besso because one Pessl was equal to one dollar, according to the official exchange rate. So they forced you to convert your dollars for one bessel you had ten dollars. You get done Paiser right after they did so. Right after they did so they said OK. One, Pessl is no longer one dollar. We are not backing it. We’re not guaranteeing that one pessaries, one dollar, which meant that overnight they converted your dollars to one bessel, one dollar, one Bessel. Then they said, Okay guys, we’re not we’re as far as the government, we’re no longer guaranteeing the one two unpeg. So you’re on your own now. Which meant that one peso was only sorry, one dollar was now for pestles. It wasn’t one dollar, one Pessl. It was not one dollar for Pessl. So you lost basically seventy five percent of your money. Why? Because you were forced to convert. The government can do whatever they want with your money. You’re not owning it. You’re not controlling it. And this will happen again. This was 20 years ago in Argentina. Might happen in Italy, might happen in Spain, might happen in all kinds of conscious, maybe even in Sweden. Who knows? Really, it doesn’t matter. All fiat currencies go to zero. And also, there is no need to be super nationalistic about it. I know I said that about Italy in the last Veja. I got many Italians racing. Hey, Ivan, you know, Italy, we it’s not that bad trying to defend. But look, why are you defending it? They’re not even on your team. Central bankers are not on your team, even if it’s the central bank in your country ahead. They’re not on your team, guys. So no need to be super nationalistic. It may happen in Sweden, may happen everywhere in the world. Just note that the only thing that you should be carrying about is you and your wealth and you shouldn’t be thinking about. Okay. This is really something that I need to be thinking about. We need to support the Bessel because they really wanted to support and protect the Bessler against capital flight. That’s why they converted everyone dollars. But are you really willing to pay such a price for it to bail out your government and to to bail out the bank? The bankers, are you or are you not? Answer honestly, because I don’t see any reason why you would. To be honest. And and therefore protect yourself, protect your wealth and protect your family. Is the only thing that matters. So look. Caught a little. If he is coming back, I can tell a little is not over. It’s not finished. It’s coming back worldwide. And. And Bitcoin is the only protection is the only antidote against DeCaro. Little effect. So please be aware. Don’t take it lightly. And remember, already this year, Bitcoin is outperforming all Fiat or Fiat is right now being outperformed by Bitcoin and. Steel and yet steel, if you ask your financial adviser, he will tell you, oh, man, you need to be careful, you need to be careful with Bitcoin, you to be careful with cryptocurrency sky, some kind of scam. Very volatile, very volatile. You better be in cash. Maybe the stock market will collapse. You can use your cash in the stock market. But look, tell that to people in Brazil. Forty four percent lost against Bitcoin. Tell that to people in there. What is this? Is that done with the flag, please, guys? Is it the Colombia? Sorry, my geography teacher wouldn’t be proud. I don’t recognize the flag, but it’s 28 percent nonetheless. Argentina, 16 percent. We have China. Even China, six percent. So all in all, Colombia. Exactly. Colombia. I thought I was told also Colombia. What is this? Indonesia. Right. Eleven. Web check. Rubab. But check. Is this anyway anyway. Don’t test my my geography skills. You understand that bitcoin is outperforming most of us. It’s outperforming most of the all of the fiat currencies in the world. So that’s that’s why it’s so important. Look, moving on, moving on. Not only is Bitcoin a true reliever, true reliever of the financial burden that many of us have because we do not really decide what we’re doing with our money. We don’t really decide how we’re gonna spend our money and how we can really manage our funds. By the way. I see. Or Lexing revenge on the krona is wrecked. I know. I know. It’s it’s a sad story. What happened to your vision, Krona? No vision economy is highly connected to the oil. You know that we’ve been. Oh, the helicopters are gone. Are gone. So we did not guess what. They’re gone. So you see, the Norwegian krone is so connected to the oil. That’s why we in Sweden, we always sell Norwegians that your days are numbered, guys. Oil is either gonna run out or it’s gonna collapse in Sweden, at least we have industry, we have global companies. We have global production. So we usually joke, you know, that, hey, individuals are richer, they’re richer right now. But but your oil gonna run out or it’s gonna go too negative. Well, exactly what happened. But anyway, it’s a strategy strategy that you had a Norwegian kroner and you lost thirty three percent against Bitcoin. Absolutely tragic. The same in Sweden, 50 percent. I mean, we’re not some kind of role model either. Swedish krona has also lost significantly, significantly, significantly. So that’s that’s why you need to understand the only financial global refuge you have. It is crypto. It’s global, doesn’t discriminate, radically inclusive. It’s radically inclusive. And that’s why it’s so key. Now, I want to also show to you this the fact that we are not only breaking ourselves free on the personal level, on the personal freedom level, but also when it comes to building new businesses and building new ideas. And they want to share with you this video from Jack Dorsey basically explaining why Bitcoin is so important for them as a company, as a financial company, because they cannot do their business, they cannot do their business without begging the bankers to let them do their business. And that’s not how it should be. That’s not how it should be. So let me know if the sound works. I think it should work. And let’s listen to our friend, to our friend straight from the U.S. broadcasting, Jack Dorsey. So let’s hear what he says. I believe that the Internet deserves and requires a native currency and a notary. I’m such a huge believer in Bitcoin because it is our biggest problem as a company right now is we cannot act like an Internet company to open a new market. We have to have a partnership with a local bank. We have to pay attention to different regulatory onboarding environments. And a digital currency like Bitcoin takes on a bunch of that away where we can potentially launch a product in every single market around the world. Because they’re all using the same currency. There you go. There is no need to beg some kind of bank to please let us collaborate with you. Please, please, please. Begging, begging the cartel, please open up. Please let me do something in finance. Please, please, please. You know, why is it so? Why? Because it’s a walled garden. That. That’s why. That’s why it’s so. And that’s also why you see that there is no way for us to break the walled garden that you remember yesterday with the Scotts. There is no way for us to break the walled garden. And by the way, big shout out to Alex Freedman. It is his podcast that we are taking this video from. I hope it’s okay, but be shout out to him. Go follow him. Leks Friedman, artificial intelligence spot. Guess one of the greatest podcasts right now on the planet. Absolutely. Planet. So I’m sharing it in the description, the Twitter. But look, you understand that we are breaking free on on a personal level, on the corporate level as well, because just like Jack Jackdaw says, why should we? Why should we beg? Why should we beg? But what’s important is that we will never break the. The walled garden. We will never get into the banking cartel. They will not allow us. Obviously. Why would they. Why would they invite us? While the. But you know, the crypto community. Do you think they will invite us? Absolutely not. So that is why we should not fight the old. Let them have the walled garden. Let them have the moat, like we discussed yesterday. Remember, when you are a business, you tried to build a multi around your business so nobody can attack. Nobody can start building a similar idea like you. So you build up a bunch of of moat, a bunch of walls. So you have regulation, you lobby for more regulation. So it’s more difficult for someone else to start. So this means that we need to walk around, just like Jack Dorsey says, when it’s a new system. We cannot buy the old. They are just too fortified with Justin to walk around their system, just like Facebook did not invent the better newspaper. Like it better. I don’t know how people socialize before Facebook. You know, you understand how to compare it. But Netflix did not build a better TV station and an urban B did not build a better hotel. It’s all about walking around the moat, walking around the problem and and innovating. Now, shifting gears quickly, shifting gears quickly. We’re moving to Bitcoin stocks to flow. And while why we’re going to two hundred eighty eight K very soon. We’re actually at 228. I think this I think I messed up the numbers, but truly, whether it’s 88 or 20, it does not really matter. Let me just quickly double check. It’s 88 to 288. But what’s important to note here is that we are shapeshifting. Bitcoin right now is not the Bitcoin you knew from a few years ago. And it’s completely fine. And you see many people sometimes mocking, mocking Bitcoin that we’re shifting our narrative. You know, we went from digital cash. We went from that to cheap payments network. And you see here on the chart that in 2009, this blue area was the biggest. So it was a cash proof of concept, the biggest use case for Bitcoin that the community was discussing. And then you had the bit of cheap payments. I mean, people discuss that as well. And then a bit of the yellow one, which is censorship resistant, E. Gold here as well in the beginning. And then as we move, as we move to the right, you see how it’s changing. So digital cash is cash proof of concept. It basically went to zero. We’re not talking about cash anymore. And we haven’t since 2015, really, because here’s where the blue the blue portion went to zero superrich at desks. Amazing. Horst, you sent Bitcoin. We always send Bikash. Anyway, I think Bikash as well. Thanks so much. Cheap Payments Network. It also declined. And right now you see that digital gold is number one. I mean, that’s the fattest portion. Does the fattest portion the yellow one too, does the number one narrative we have as well, the green one, which is reserve currency for crypto here. And then we have the pink one, which is uncorrelated to financial assets. So you see narratives are always shifting, narratives are always shifting. Why is it so? Because Bitcoin is changing. Bitcoin today is not the bitcoin. 10 years ago or five years ago. Why? Because this toxic flow is changing. The scarcity is changing. Everything is changing. You know, 10 years ago, it would take one year of inflation to replace the full supply 10 years ago when Bitcoin really started. You see that we were about one in stocks with flow ratio. Now, for all of you who don’t know what stocks the flow is. Quick reminder, stock to flow is how many years it takes for new inflation to basically produce that much new money. So it is exactly the same as you have right now in circulation. So we have Circo things supply. And then you ask yourself, OK. Looking at the inflation, how much years, how many years, how much time will it take to replace the current circulating supply? Basically, to produce as much debt is currently circulating. And 10 years ago, it was one year in one year we printed as much as was already in circulation. And then we have been moving towards higher and higher numbers here and stocks of flow. And right now we are at between 10 and the hundred. So we are somewhere here in between. And obviously, that is a completely different beast than when it was at one or when it was at 10. And we are moving to 100 very soon. Basically, that will take 100 years to replace the current circulation supply only from new inflation. It will soon take 100 years. And so obviously, it’s a completely different asset with completely different mechanics, with completely different supply and demand and scarcity dynamics. So that’s why the narrative is changing, because the whole asset is changing. So basically, he combined the different stocks to flow clusters. And he tried to map them to different narratives. So, for example, Biscayan cluster number one of stock to flow was was it payments, proof of concept? Then you had the gold being here, Kluster, number three. And now we’re moving towards financial asset class number four, global macro uncorrelated financial asset. That is a bigger narrative right now. And you see that the next cluster, the next cluster will be somewhere here. And he also put gold and silver. But the next LASWELL probably will be somewhere here around gold that the stock to flow will go even further towards the right. And of course, the price will follow upwards if this model holds, because you see that as stock to flow increases, so does the price and the price. Exponential. We’re basically increasing in orders of magnitude on the price as the stock to flow goes up on the x axis and the price exponential goes on the Y axis. So when we will soon jump to yet another level of stock to flow and we will be even closer to 100 years to replace full, full supply, we’re going to build a new cluster around here of of Bitcoin’s stock to flow. And we’re going to have probably a whole other narrative. And if you try to extrapolate that, OK, first class, there were some was somewhere here and we had the total market cap of a million. When the stock to flow was about one, then we jumped to total market cap of one hundred million and stock to float jumped as well. Then stock to float jumped again. We went to 10 billion, then stock to float jumped again and we went to 100 billion. So now when stock to float jumps again, where will we be? Is the question in terms of total market cap. And if you do the simple calculation, you’ll see that we are going to two hundred eighty eight thousand for one bitcoin, two hundred and eighty thousand for one Bitcoin. And that is some ways to calculate the future price and have some kind of model of the future price. It’s not bulletproof, obviously, because it’s not even been peer reviewed yet. As he says, please be aware that this is only the first step and has not been replicated or reviewed. But this is an issue in theory. And the most important takeaway from here is that Bitcoin is a shapeshifting, just like water going from solid liquid gas ionized or like the US dollar going going from gold, basically backed by gold to paper bag by gold or actually more correctly, dollars going from being actual gold to bagged by gold to bag by nothing. It’s still called the dollar, but it’s a completely different beast. It’s completely different mechanics and completely different fundamentals. So is Bitcoin Bitcoin in stocks, a flow of one is not the same as Bitcoin. Stop to flow of five or ten or a hundred completely different concepts. So in terms of the timeline, I see people asking in the chat. What about the timeline? We are looking at twenty twenty to twenty, twenty four. It’s impossible to say. Could happen in 12 months. Could happen in twenty, twenty four months but 12 months. Completely probable. It is probable but also twenty is probable as well. So it’s basically timeline is always the most difficult. And that’s why bitcoin is more for holding long term. The timeline is impossible to say whether there’s going to be this year or next month or 2024 is basically the whole cycle that in this cycle that we are right now in the cycle of Hobbins before. Right now and the next halving that is when this will happen. And just like here as well. All of this timeline is somewhere between the halving. So that’s what we’re talking about, because then the next halving is going to happen and then we’re going to see a whole other beast. Bitcoin is going to be something entirely different yet again. So that’s very important. And once again, not financial advice. Just how I’m thinking. Do whatever you want with this with this information. But it is interesting. It is interesting nonetheless. Let me know what you think. If you agree or disagree with this amazing, amazing model done by stocks, you flow by Plan B, we’re going to see what’s happening. But but. But but now, whenever you hear some kind of Bikash phonetic or BSB Phanatic complain that Bitcoin is changing narratives explain to them that Bitcoin is changing itself. It’s changed itself. The fundamentals are completely different. So that’s why it is also changing its narrative, because it’s being used for different things, because it’s different. Oh Horst, we have some Bikash. Thank you so much. BTC will probably soon be unusable for paying for Supercharges when lightning. No, no. BTC is usable. You can do instant with instant zero. Com. Supercharged because we’re not shipping anything. We’re not. And we’re not shipping anything. So you can do BTC if you want. You don’t need to wait for conformations and then we check whether the transaction got confirmed or not. So look, we don’t even need the lightning for this, to be honest. We don’t even need lightning hakes fanatic’s exactly when Hecks finance gone. Then you go and they say you’re going to explain what Bitcoin is horse anyway. It is a shelter two. Thank you so much. Obviously if you send Bikash we’ll take because that’s. You could even send. No, you cannot, son. That’s impossible. That’s impossible. And look, zero come for us. Works fantastically well. So please try. If you haven’t, you can. You can do superjet with Bitcoin. It will be instant. It will be instant. And for us, it works fine because we’re not shipping physical products. If you’re shipping physical products, you need to be careful, obviously, because that transaction is not fully confirmed. OK. Moving on, guys. We have a boom in the blocks in industry right now because as everything is collapsing, this is the time. So I guess this is the time to go all in. You guys need to go all in. Mentally, physically, professionally, with all your time, you need to go into crypto with your mental time, with your energy. And you see that we are expanding like crazy. For instance, our company hired 18 new people this year for academy. So, for example, if you are in the academy, you know that you get personalized that plan. You get the personalized personalized assistant that will help you to complete your study plan. You can reach out, take your time to them. We have staffed up like crazy because we are going all in in this bull market. And the same right now is going on in all kinds of different ignitions of crypto exchanges being one of them. So we’re seeing I can, for example, going absolutely wild, hiring three hundred and fifty people because everything is collapsing across the world in terms of fiat. So people are going back. They are going back to words towards sound money. And that is obviously crypto. So they come to crack and obviously they come to us for education. And that’s why it’s so important for you guys as well. If you’re watching on the live side, I would say the concept of check out the courses below, because if you are not trying to get full time into crypto right now, I think you are really misjudging the situation. If you really think it’s time for a career change, go to Academy Dot. I wanted dot com get certified. We will certify you. And the thing is, we are working together with industry leading corporations, as you can see on our landing page. Let me quickly show you right here when it comes to employment opportunities. We are working together with these corporations. So do not take it lightly. Go and get your certification whether you want to program or do business or blocking one to one or define web. So many courses, so many attracts is always something for someone become programming game program. I mean, it’s a lot it’s a lot of guys, whatever you want to do is in the academy. But I would say that’s com slash life academy. I little with a dot com, no slash live. I’m too used to advertising our life page. So it’s a Kazimi that islands dot com. Nothing else guys. Milda I was a dot com. And then if you want something for free, you like freebies. You’re a freebie guy. Freebie girl. You want something for free. Just that’s absolutely fine. Go and sign up for our completely free zero bezels involved. Zero pestles involved a completely free webinar where we’re going to discuss how to stack massive, absolutely colossal amounts of Satz in this bull market. Completely free. Absolutely free. And you sign up and only join if you haven’t been in this before. And if you haven’t been in decades. So this is on April twenty ninth. Go and click right now. Straight away. Don’t hesitate. Now moving on. What one to give a big shout out to krip dot com. You know I’m Houghtaling s.r.o.. You should know that and I’m holding mce also you should know that I’m a bit biased here when it comes to reporting, basically pumping my own bag some some people might say, but in reality we are working together as well. I’m holding them and we’re working together. And by the way, what is this. How is ave led than the coin working. So that’s a good question. Ave is a protocol for, for defi. You can, I mean it’s also like what you can do this loans man by Wiser’s slipping my mind you can do the what is called man. I do the loans, the quick loans. Flash loans. Exactly. See you guys remind me. And all of this, all of this D5 protocols are key. They’re key to understand right now. We’re also educating about them in our academy. So it’s key to understand. But right now, Krib dot com has launched a new new deal in the US. Basically, new gift cards are coming and they are expanding like crazy when it comes to supporting retail, supporting retail needs. People love gift cards. They’re launching on all kinds of markets in all kinds of countries, wherever you’re living. I’m sure there is a gift card and you can obviously back it by crypto. So that’s key. Big shout out to crypto dot com. And if you go to I went to the com slash Leive, you go to our life page, you can use this link and get fifty dollars for free. And we will also be guessing 50 doors when you use the link. Now this is keep. We have some interesting statistics about the age of crypto. And guess if you want to please write in the chat how old you are, because that would be fun to read. You know, it’s actually something we’ve been noticing in our academy as well. We have a lot of. Yes. 50, 60. It’s amazing to see it and it’s not something that you hear a lot. Usually you hear that crypto is mating, you know, mainly millennials. It’s not it’s not the older people, but some youth. The statistics speak for themselves. As you can see, web of so many different age groups. It’s insane. It’s insane. And I saw I thought this was interesting because the equity market cap also noticed it. They noticed that, look, we have a lot we have a lot of age groups and them and 65 plus are overrepresented in many cases. It’s amazing. And I’ve been thinking, why is this so? Why is it so that that age group is somehow overrepresented? And in many cases, I think that older people just are a bit wiser. They’re a bit wiser when it comes to money. Maybe they’ve been through a few of the collapses and they understand that you cannot trust money while millennials, they eat the avocado. They don’t really care about what’s going on. They just want to have a fun time. They just want to have a fun time. And they relaxing and they haven’t been experiencing things. For example, they haven’t seen the court a little common bite them. You know, somewhere they they get really bitten. If you survives court lethal, you got bitten real time, I can tell you that. And it takes a bit of knowledge and a bit of wisdom to experience it. And it takes a bit of a bit of losing, a bit of losing money due to the fact how the monetary system is structured. Truly understand the issues, because I think most millennials, they don’t even care that much about how money works at all. At all. At all. So I thought that was very interesting. So let me know what you think, whether you agree or disagree. But that being said, I want to welcome our magnificent our respect, the Buhle Worldwide Superjet to the discussion. It’s my pleasure to remove this headphones because you know that we had a police helicopter wildness going on. Absolutely wild. It was. And actually, I want to show you. Let me see it because I have a recording. I recorded it on my phone. I just need to transport it somehow to my computer quickly so I can show it to her. It was absolutely insane. Basically, helicopters and I even Soss, you know, soldiers dropping from. But now they flew away and then they read quickly in the newspaper. It was a a some kind of, you know, practice. They are they they were doing Praksis. But anyway, let me guess how you are doing. And let’s do some Q&A. Let’s do some Q&A. The powerful chat. Exactly. The magnificence. Respectable and powerful. All mighty chat. Let’s see. Can I download this or not? Can I download this yet? So, look, let me let me quickly show you how can I do it without exposing some sensitive info? Let’s see. Can I do like this? OK. Yes. OK, let’s see. Ocelots it. So see, I’m using my private messenger, so I’m really taking a big risk showing you this, exposing my private messages potentially. But you see, it was basically here, the helicopter absolutely insane. So there you go, guys. There you go. There you go. I don’t know what the hell they were doing. Yeah. Yeah, insane. I really want to show this. So there you go. OK, moving on. What was going on with with the chat? Where were questions, guys? Where our questions told you to prepare questions. We have prepared questions, haven’t you? Can you explain a liquidity trap. Well, a liquidity trap and the crunch would. It’s kind of what we’re seeing right now. I mean, more correctly, it listicle the liquidity crunch. And that is the fact that everyone has loans denominated in USD. All right. But when everything is collapsing and when USD becomes stronger, it’s difficult to pay back the loan. So everyone wants to get the USD to pay back their loan. And they’re getting margin calls. You know that the stocks are falling. Stocks have been falling. All kinds of assets are falling. So a lot a lot of speculation in the global markets have been backed by margin. You know, people use margin all the time. And in global markets, the same. The same, the same. So when the value of the collateral falls, when you have, for example, margin, but you have some kind of stocks as collateral, if you have some other assets and they fall in value, you know what you have to do? You will be liquidated. If you don’t if you don’t fill up your collateral or if you don’t just close your loan. Don’t close your. If you just close your margin position, that’s also fine. But for that, you need dollars. So everyone needs dollars. Very quickly, in the global market, this is what happened in Lebanon. We discussed it. We discussed how Lebanon, their currency lost 50 percent of its value basically overnight. Why is it so? Well, because the government had a lot of obligations in the USD and the central bank. Really? What what can you do? Get that done today? What can you do? You can print money. That’s what you can do. So that is why the global finance system is collapsing as dollar becomes stronger. And it is becoming stronger against other fiat, against other Fiat. There is simply no no choice for many of the governments to simply hyper inflate, to success, to success. So that’s why that’s why. Guys, be careful, be careful. If it is the case that your country will be close to hyperinflation, what will happen? Your assets will probably be taken away from you, just like we saw with Court A. They will try to protect your national garbage currency if it’s close to hyperinflation. And when I say your garbage national currency don’t get old Patriots economy because these guys are not on your team. This your central bank is not on your team, guys. They’re not. They’re not just like the court. Alito even. Do you think the central bank of urgency and then the government of Argentina was on the side of the people when they took 75 percent? So, look, I know when I say, you know, you’re a national garbage currency. There’s always someone who gets upset. But you said, what about my national currency? You’re saying something about my national mike, my pride currency, my national pride. Guys, look, if they’re not on your team, we’re all crypto. We’re all we’re all in the same boat. And you understand that. When you see this code a little, you’re losing 75 percent. These guys are not on your team. All right. Anyway, moving on. So, yeah. So what would they want to say? Basically, when it is the case that a country’s is crumbling in terms of financials, they will not allow you to buy a dollar. They will simply take your dollar convert to garbage. Fiat currency. National currency. They will probably take your gold. They will probably take your assets. They cannot take your bitcoin. That’s what I want to tell you. Why are you not afraid of double spend the tax on your super chat’s? Well, because we’re not. Look, if somebody double spends or reverses the transaction, I will we will just blacklist them and we will not accept supercharges anymore. And I don’t think people will do it. Look at your. Voluntarily. You’re voluntarily doing a supercharged because you like the show. So why would you. So see you. Since you said that you could reverse it if you want. But but then we’ll just keep keep track of that then. Yeah. When you are shipping something physical, obviously I would not ship you like a computer if you bought from me with a one zero coins, but for us it’s just digital messages. It’s fine. What is your take on the Kleptocrat Fund Lagarde is talking about? Will it destroyed the EU union? Actually, I don’t know about the Kleptocrat Fund. I will I will note that Kleptocrat Fund, the interesting kleptocrat fund. So she is talking about it. Thank you so much for educating me. VLF. And that is why we do Superjet. And why would do this chat together that you guys can educate me as well and we can educate together. Thank you for this daily valuable show. Thank you. Thank you. Up NC. Also Bitcoin donation. Bitcoin donation, instant instant bitcoin the nation. So look, it’s all about the use case. We’ve made bitcoin work for us. Our use case. Instant transaction is fine. It’s fine. Yeah. With instant send. That’s you. Yeah. Get man horse. There there are many like Bikash also is my way more instant. And the eath is way more instant. So it’s not about finding better technologies. Just I want people to use bitcoin. People have bitcoin. They want to spend bitcoin. So that’s why we support zero conflict bitcoin. And for our use case, it’s OK. It’s fine. It’s fine. Solid crypto coming with solid five dollar donation. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. Let’s see. Let’s see. Oh, he’s onboarding a bunch of people to crypto. Got it. Group to one link, man. What is one link? One link. Me big. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One link is like to shorten. But be careful anyway. We can be careful when clicking links in this chat. All right. Thought you taught us to spend the fifth and never the Bitcoin. If you want to spend the Bitcoin, you can do that. But I’m just saying that most people want. Most people don’t want to. They want to huddle. They want to huddle. And that’s why the merchant adoption is is low, because nobody knew, because nobody is willing to spend bitcoin for other things, like for for buying food and groceries. But we as a group to crypto livestream, obviously, we will support Bitcoin donations. Of course. Of course. Of course. Fiat is like chain for dogs more. You have further you go. Interesting. The more you have, the further. Yeah. I mean, it’s one way of thinking. It’s one way of thinking about it. But what’s important what’s important is that when you spend when you spend it, whether it’s bitcoin or if replenish replenish it. Can you explain me why I have three hundred K limit of buying crypto? I have no clue. Jared, you reach out to their support. Reach out to their support. Probably because of regulation. But I have no clue for support. Reach out to their supports him. I’m not really their support. I just like their products. But each and every detail and the rule of what. How it works. Take it with their support. Yeah. What is the best script exchange to earn interest on your trip. The welder menu. I mean, cryptochrome is one. That’s absolutely one. You have Celsius. You have block fire. You have next. So I am I’m really look, I’m I really wouldn’t be betting the farm on any of them. On any of them. Why? Because you never know. You need to be very rational in how you do this. So be careful. But those are the ones you can try. Answer the one you absolutely can try. If you even even get if you ever get the chance, Ivan, make sure you broadcast from the serving surface. I think we’ll all be on the surface of the moon probably at the end of this year. At least that’s that’s what I’m hoping for. That will be on the surface of this moon. OK, Andreas. When are you launching the central streaming many alternative media news would need to take to Andreas? Yes, we’re working on that. We’re working, working, but we need our core features. So next core feature is a super shot for mobile. So we have Superjet from Mobile, but not Krypto. So that’s our next thing. And what’s good to see, as I see people also writing. We have London real London real getting pissed off on YouTube. One hundred percent. He really got a major, absolutely major issue further with YouTube now. So he has collected he has collected like almost half a million bucks. London real dot com slash freedom, I think it’s called. So let let me just show it to man. What is it like? London real. That old TV slash freedom. Right. Freedom lets you. Yes. So they are collecting these funds and they’re going to build a blocking platform as well. But most importantly, they’re going to take you up to court and. Yeah. So go go and support them if you want, because, look, it’s freedom of speech and it’s not okay. Look, it’s not okay. Where are you basically? Because right now. Your audience can be taken away from you at any moment. So London rule, if you get really fed up. So he started this campaign and he is really working a lot on this. He’s basically establishing a whole trust, a whole trust where people can donate for freedom and and they will basically either either build their own so they have all the funds to build their own. That’s good because they have collected so much. But the next thing is really to to reach a point where platforms are being more like utility. So, you know, for example, electricity companies. Yes, there are they are private companies. Many of them are private companies. There is no way they can tell you you don’t get electricity because we don’t like what you said. Why is it so? Well, you could argue. Well, what they are private companies. They can do whatever they want with their private company. Electricity. Electricity. But some things are just utilities. It’s just that a utility. So when we’re speaking about freedom of speech, the way we speak nowadays, it’s through online. It’s is through through the online mediums. So, look, there are arguments to be made on both sides. I do understand like you to be speaking for all infrastructure, and that’s obvious. So to comment to say, hey, we demand that all content you have is there for it’s also not. That doesn’t make sense either. But there needs to be something that needs to be something in the middle. We’re going to see anywhere. I’m very interested how it is going to go. So that’s why I’m supporting it. Should we no longer be worried about bank bail ins? Now, governments have learned that they can use money printer. So Balan’s absolutely can happen. Depends on which bank and which country. And it also depends on whether your country is sovereign when it comes to the Fiat printing. Because Cyprus, they weren’t sovereign. So they had to beg the EU to do something. And then you said, OK, we will save you. You know that Cyprus, they don’t have their own currency. They have the euro. So they could they couldn’t just print their way out of the out of the situation. So they basically to beg Germany and Germany said, hey, you need to take money from depositors. You’re a big chunk. So you basically have to do a bailout. Yesterday, you were talking about how government has two choices, default or print. Can you describe what will happen if they would actually default? Why do they prefer to avoid that route? Well, look, when you print, everyone stays in power. Every every everything is the same. Nobody changes roles. Nothing is changing. It’s just that the population loses funds. When you default, then you need structural change. I mean, then you really need to go out, undergo a lot of destruction, both economically but also politically. Nobody wants to do that. Why would you, if you are a politician, better to stay in power better? And look, right now, you also can blame the virus. So that’s that’s perfect for it for these guys, too. They know nothing will change, really. It’s only cryptid that will change things. Krypto is the only real thing that can move this world forward, because even if the economy collapses, they will say, oh, it was because of the virus. Who would have predicted that man? Who would have predicted this situation? I mean, we definitely couldn’t predict it. And the economy was fantastic. But, man, the coronis, you know, who would have thought? Who would have thought? So let us stay in power. And because it wasn’t our fault. So that’s what they will they will say, Ivan, the field goes to zero and BTC is at all time highs in what are going to convert, as you see. In what way are we going to convert BTC? Would you short the market? How to act? In case you can’t trust your banks and your BTC is at all time high. And you. So look. So number one question is, if all goes to zero, what do we measure? BTC and probably in commodities, probably in gold or something similar. Because I agree with you that measuring and fiat is meaningless long term. Would you short the market right now? Look, it’s all about how what your talents are. I mean, is your talents to play the market? Then you can short it. My talent is in education and building our educational reach. So that is what I am doing now. If you’re more spending time in the markets and you can and you see that, OK, you want to take a risk and short then. But for me, I’m just long, long term shorting the markets. It’s a bit too short term for me. So it really depends on who you are and what your performances. But for me, I rather put time and building out there Kazimi doing new courses because long term, long term, that will have more impact for me and for anyone. Everyone else. All our students than me trying to time the market in shorts. And yet because the tight look what the thing why is because it’s so difficult to get the timeline to predict the timeline. Now, if you think you can do that, then be good. But timing the markets is not a good idea generally. How? Because while we might be in agreement that the markets must go down the timeline, man, how will you get the timeline? It might happen today or in the month or in the year. How to act in case you can’t trust your banks and your BTC is all time high? Man, I don’t really sure what you mean. You mean that you want to transfer your BTC to fear when you sell. When you sell. Oh, so you have Bitcoin and you want to invest in real estate? Well, when you are investing in real estate and you can cash the whole thing, you don’t need to trust the banks, really. But you’re still trusting our government because the government can take your real estate away from you at a moment’s notice, at a moment’s notice when you need to defend the national currency or whatever they might tell you. Hey, guys. You know, we give. Give us the real estate. We give you this currency huddle with us, please. We need more hurdlers. We have more hurdlers. Otherwise we’re gonna hyper inflate or something. Look, they can take it. They can take it. It’s physical, is there. They know where it is. They can physically take it might sound insane. Some people might not believe it. But look at history. It has happened before. Your money in your bank account is not your real estate. It’s more yours, especially if you don’t have a mortgage. It is yours. But it’s just physically, they could take it. We might. Who knows what kind of political power will be in your country if it really becomes ugly. Just like Ray Dalio says, we need to be worried about populistic movements both to the right and to the left. Imagine that, because we’re closing the long term debt cycle. And usually that means a lot of agony. And when agony comes, you see that the strong leaders take the positions of power that happened in Russia in the 20s. You remember you all remember that happened in Nazi Germany. So, look, it doesn’t matter which which shoe, right or left. If you have real estate, the political powers might take it. Maybe they will explain that is for the best of society. All in all. Why would you sell your Bitcoin at the end of the day? Look, I think your best understanding would come when you see that you don’t have to sell. But if you want to sell it, you could sell and just buy real estate. You’re not depending on the bank. If you if because if you if you don’t have a mortgage, you’re not connected to them. You just own it. And that’s that’s fantastic. That’s fantastic. So that’s a good as well. Now, obviously, if you have a mortgage, then you’re still exposed to interest rates, you’re still exposed to central banks are still exposed to the financial perspective of your real estate. But if you’re fully cash it, then it’s it’s yours. It’s yours. But it still might be taken away from you. Unfortunately, unfortunately, property is largely flawed, in essence due to proprietary loss. All right. Right. What happened to BTC Times traveler? Well, his predictions did not really play out. So I think people just forgot him actually figure around. The timeline isn’t hard. Moving average cross at the same intervals pretty much. Well, timeline is I think it is hard. Maybe you think it’s easy. I generally think that guessing the timeline is part of it. I mean, even the rate that you couldn’t even you know, we discussed a lot that keep Schibetta. He bet against the market in November. But to my knowledge, she did not stick to that because if he would stuck to that, he would be in big, big, great position in the amazing, amazingly great position. So it’s very difficult. But anyway, if you think it’s easy. That’s amazing. Guys, I’ll see you all tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. Central European Summertime. We’re going to see if we see another helicopter helicopter going wild tomorrow. Let me know if you think so or not or not. But I think we’ll manage as long as my adjusting to be more focused when I see it, when I hear the sound outside. And to be more focused. Anyway, see you all tomorrow, 8:00 a.m. Central European Time. And good bye, guys. Oh, somebody’s asking. What are you writing? Look, I’m writing. Number one, I have the topics. I have the topics. But also when I’m speaking, I need to write some important concepts because my my thoughts are sometimes before what I say. So I need to write it down. And sometimes I know that I said something and then I continue speaking and then I want to say something else in regardless. I just this is just mental thing. Mental thing to structure it. OK. See you all tomorrow. And goodbye. Yes. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Go to our webinar right now. Completely free smash the smash the link right now. Go and sign up for by bit. If you are a good outraising and they’ll see you all tomorrow guys and shout out to Krypto Hawk for the final donation of the day. Thank you, Ivan. Thank you, guys. See you tomorrow. And goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/all-fiat-collapsing-bitcoin-btc-bullish-model/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/all-fiat-collapsing-bitcoin-288000-in-12-months-argentina-stock-to-flow-btc-bullish-model
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bigfootmountain · 4 years
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This description coupled with this image is an exercise in Speculative Biology, and Alternate History. The following is entirely speculative, and is based on typical great ape behavior combined with my knowledge of large mammals & light research. Bottom line, take what I say with a grain of salt. Now that I've ruined the fun for you, let's begin.
Sasquatch is just one name for a wide plethora of large, bipedal creatures that have been spotted throughout North America for thousands of years. As discovered by Mr. Patterson in 1967, it turned out to be a large ape that we believe now to be a descendant, not of Gigantopethicus like once conjectured, but rather a group more closely linked to humans as seen in it's bipedal behavior. The animal is quite massive by ape standards, averaging heights of up to 7.5 to 8 feet tall, and weighing anywhere between 350 to 500 pounds. The creature has extra large feet, and muscular legs. This is because of an annual tradition of these creatures to store large fat reserves during the spring and summer. This is not to enable hibernation, but rather to provide vital energy for the cold months of winter in which they migrate over large distances, during which they can often go many weeks without food. To aid in this, they developed a thick pot belly, and a large hump on their back, resulting in the almost triangular shape of the shoulders up.
They live in small family groups comprising of up to seven individuals. However, the distances between such groups is actually quite large. This is because of a little known phenomena only seen in cryptids. This is what we call "excessive isolationism". These creatures command massive territories of up to 150 miles in any direction. In fact, it's estimated that the big-foots of each state in the US & Canadian provinces is actually just one group. As a result, in 1974, the US conservation department enacted the "State Family", AKA the state Big-foot group, or family as it's called. This of course meaning each family is named after the state/ province they occupy. Now, the interesting side effect of excessive isolationism, or EI, means that a comparitivly low number of animals is actually not as bad as one might think. As such, Big-foots are labled under conservation status CD (Conservation Dependent). 
From the artist Vcubes Studio
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