#80s medicine
yodaprod · 6 months
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Baby Blue a prototype automated thermal cycler for PCR (1986)
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xwpseaweird · 6 months
A timeless romance starring Jane Seymour & Christopher Reeve
A tribute to Somewhere In Time (1980) starring the beautiful Jane Seymour (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman) and the late great Christopher Reeve (Superman).
Synopsis: "In 1972, playwright Richard Collier (Christopher Reeve) becomes fascinated by a photo of Elise McKenna (Jane Seymour), a turn-of-the-century stage actress, while staying at the Grand Hotel in Mackinac Island, Michigan. As Richard's obsession grows, he learns from a friend that time travel may actually be possible through hypnosis. Richard travels in time to meet Elise, and the two appear destined to be together. However, Elise's jealous manager (Christopher Plummer) attempts to keep them apart." Fun Fact: Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve had a rather intense love affair behind the scenes of this film. To quote Jane, they fell "madly in love." The looks, touches, and chemistry they had on screen was believable for a reason. Their affair came to an abrupt end when Reeve's ex-girlfriend revealed to him that she'd been hiding a pregnancy and was about to give birth to his child. Christopher ended his romantic relationship with Jane as a result, making a point that he needed to do what he thought best...be a father and partner to the mother of his child. Jane recounted that, while she did her best to understand, the news crushed her and she fought back tears during one of their final scenes together on set. Despite how their romantic relationship ended, the two remained very close. If things had gone differently, if Reeve hadn't received the new of his ex's pregnancy, perhaps he and Jane would have went on to enjoy a lasting partnership together. We will never know and, perhaps, that's how it should be.
This film features a memorable score by John Barry, yet the song I chose is Where Does My Heart Beat Now by Celine Dion. It is a song I feel describes the relationship of Elise and Richard perfectly. Hopefully you enjoy it :)
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stuckinapril · 7 months
reminding myself on this busy morning that i also have dreams of taking piano lessons & singing lessons & also honing my writing skills & absorbing as many books as i used to when i was a kid & at the very least taking up cute tennis dates & dabbling into art & just becoming an artistic generalist. also reminding myself that there are pre-meds out there who managed to pursue something they’re passionate in (some are even professional athletes) & still excelled in medicine & if they can do it so can I
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tygerland · 1 year
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Dead Ringers (1988)
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lloydfrontera · 29 days
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god they're so cute i hate them already
i do have to say the way this scene plays out in the novel is completely different because damian outright admits that he let rakiel fall in front of everyone. just like that. it was good publicity and also he knew rakiel wouldn't get hurt by it. he's very shameless about it lmao
“But why didn’t you catch me when I fell?” “I didn’t get there in time.” “Really?” “Yes. You fell down so suddenly.” “Right. I don’t think so.” “Is that so?” “Uh-huh. You seemed quite calm for someone who couldn’t catch me.” “... Have I been caught?” “Uh-huh. Why didn’t you catch me?” “Because I saw it as an opportunity for more dramatic publicity.” Damian responded shamelessly. Thanks to this, the levity disappeared. “… What?” “It’s just like I said. Also, the posture and angle at which he fell was quite stable. Your Majesty’s buttocks are rather plump. I decided you wouldn’t hurt anything.” “…” “Are you hurt somewhere?” “Uh-huh” “Where were you hurt?” “My heart.” "..."
like. look at this little shit i love him so much ajskhdkja
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goshyesvintageads · 6 months
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Richardson-Vicks Inc, 1984
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khaperai · 1 year
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Female medical students, Peshawar, early 80s
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crimeronan · 9 months
self-indulgent because i'm having a Riotously terrible evening pain-wise but i'm very fond of hunter being a waify little chronic illness/pain boy post-canon and like. for a while, just. no one.... notices.....?
not even because he's actively Hiding it, like. he would 100% tell people he's in pain if they asked. it just. doesn't occur to him to share. he'll sometimes quietly withdraw and lay down in the dark to conserve his energy and the others very reasonably assume it's a grief thing.
so they'll sometimes like. knock gently on the door and ask if he wants company, to which sometimes the answer is yes and sometimes it's no. "no" when hunter is in a significant enough amount of pain that he really can't move much & "yes" when he wants to curl up with bad TV shows as a distraction
it could be anyone in the squad who figures out what's going on but i'm gonna go with my bias and say it's luz, on a day when she's having some bad depression/grief/survivor's guilt feelings herself. bc she's still coming to terms with her own death and the loss of her glyph magic and sometimes she is. Sad
hunter having one of those Catastrophic pain days where he's planning to be an unmoving lump under 7 blankets for the entire day. n luz coming in and softly asking if she can lay down with him. which is different from asking if he wants company. hunter would say no to company bc he can't really Perform Friendship right now but he doesn't mind luz being here.
luz climbing under the 7 blankets too. n snuggling up to hunter and wrapping an arm around him. and hunter just like. goes Stiff. like beyond "hm this is mild discomfort" stiffness, his muscles completely lock up and go rigid like he's just been Shot. he doesn't make any sound or protest or flinch away or anything, he just kind of. stops breathing
luz pulls away immediately bc she recognizes that Something Is Very Wrong, i'm guessing she assumes it's a panic response bc hunter has plenty of reason to have issues with physical touch. but then she sees the expression on his face and it clicks and she's like.
hunter. dude. hey. hey. hunter.
do your scars HURT??????
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myimaginaryradio · 4 months
Bad Medicine - Bon Jovi
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sisterofficerlucychen · 3 months
i’m such a silly little goober (and a complete dumbass) 🥲
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toon-romantic · 1 year
📺On this day ✨ September 12th, 1981 ✨The first three Smurf episodes aired on TV✨ S1:E1 The Astrosmurf, S1:E2 Jokey's Medicine, S1:E3 Vanity Fare
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creepyscritches · 3 months
My therapist asking me if I had a youtube channel for general cancer info last week honestly got me thinking. Professionally I AM a cancer educator and my audience is other healthcare professionals, but god so daunting to think of presenting to audiences larger than 50 or so at a time :S it has always been a passion to digest high level research and then translate it into understandable language - - I do it a lot for family+friends dealing with ominous or confusing medical news. Idk! He put it really well when he said even my "basic" knowledge can help people better understand some of the most life-altering medical realities affecting them.
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eirianerisdar · 2 years
I think I’m done.
I’ve written many posts about my experience as a doctor. Some of them are funny, some of them sad. Some of them poignant.
But I think I’m done being a doctor in the current public healthcare system where I live.
I’m a Family Medicine resident. I rotated through two and a half years of hosptial residencies, and I’m in my first year of clinic-only practice. It should sound good; no more 26-38 hour shifts on top of 12 hour workdays.
But I’m currently seeing 33-37 patients from 9-1 pm daily and 24 patients from 2-5 pm daily. I also sometimes work 6-10 pm. Each of these clinic sessions also includes a solid 1.5 inches of seperate lab results I’m expected to screen during consultation time. I work Monday through to half of Saturday. Im expected to also complete a dermatology university diploma on top of this. I have exams in family medicine this year, the year after that, and two years after. Three and a half years more at least until I’m a specialist.
I can’t do it. I can’t keep giving each patient only 5 minutes of time as I’m doing now. I didn’t become a doctor to have to balance whether I should see my patient’s third complaint or ask them to book another session so I can have time to pee and eat.
Peeing and eating is like…the lowest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I’ve spent all of my adult working years, from 23 years of age til now, chasing that. The right to pee and eat and drink.
The department head has his head so far up his ass with bootlicking the government that last quarter he pulled workforce away from chronic cases for half-full covid clinics and made us each therefore have to review 56 cases per four hour session. When we raised the issue of patient safety one of his associate consultants said, “I know it’s hard! Let’s get through this together!”
He is famed for picking on whether residents punctuate the numbering of their past medical history lists with brackets or periods.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
This afternoon between patients, I suddenly realised I had lost my voice. I’d been speaking too much. Moreover, I think my autistic brain had finally clicked over into the “dude you better go non verbal or you’ll die” function. Of course, I couldn’t actually afford to be non verbal. I plowed through the remaining cases so dissociated I nearly blacked out.
If I pass these next two years’ exams, I become senior resident. I will have the privilege of not being entrusted with 33 cases every four hours, but 40.
40 cases; all of them episodic patients, not chronic. This means all of them come in with new complaints, as in multiple. Time per patient gets knocked down to four minutes.
Respectfully, Fuck That.
I’m waiting until I get contract gratuity this summer, do the damn exam that everyone agrees is insane, and then I’ll apply to a plethora of private clinics in September and kiss this bloody department goodbye.
I want to be able to spend more than two minutes comforting a crying patient, dammit.
If I don’t leave soon I’ll break, and that’ll compromise patient safety over anything else.
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studentsorrows · 1 year
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27.08.23 || sunday, midnight
procrastinated ‘til late afternoon, but finally managed to focus and do my ulcerative colitis case study due tuesday start to finish; kinda sad tht i don’t get to take aesthetic study pics but i’m happy i was productive today.
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adriheavymetal · 8 months
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💯🤘💜😍🥁🎹💯👏 #cinderellaband #80smetalforever #80s #tomkeifer #ericbrittingham #jefflabar #fredcoury #jefflabar #bluesandmetal #bluesmetal #80smetal #heavymetal #hardrock #glammetal #bluesrock #rocknroll #heavyfuckingmetalisthelaw #rocknrollforever #greatband #bluslovers #oldschoolheavymetal
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
a list of crimes bk moon has committed against me personally with the sequel in no particular order but you will Know which ones i feel more strongly about anyway:
javier smiling to himself and getting all nostalgic as he watches rakiel because he reminds him so very much of lloyd
like seriously this man cannot stop comparing the two of them and getting quietly happy because it brings back fond memories it is heartbreaking he literally has to remind himself to not get swept in sentimentality several times every time he talks with rakiel
and as if that wasn't enough damian and rakiel remind him so much of himself and lloyd that he ends up offering to help them without even thinking about it. like. he feels so identified with them, remembering how hard it had been for him and lloyd to go through that whole ordeal on their own that he just. tells them they have his support before he even realized what he's doing. he wasn't planning on doing that. good work on not getting sentimental babe.
when lloyd and javier are on a call planning how to defeat the demon king, despite the awful circumstances javier can't help but smile and then laugh at himself because no matter how terrible the situation is he still finds it enjoyable to prepare for something with lloyd like they used to do. "it was a feeling similar to a distant longing. or a joy that felt like going back to the past"
javier is pining so hard. like. it's insane.
lloyd asking rakiel about javier. asking how he's doing. acting all nonchalant about it even kind of annoyed. and then once he's alone. sighing and then smiling faintly. "like the smile he used to smile at someone"
"'so you're doing well? i'm glad' a feeling that blooms for a moment. a memory that's suddenly missed."
i am. going to fucking explode.
and then. there's their actual face-to-face conversation. which. oh my god. i don't even know what to start with.
javier always saying "it's been a while lloyd-nim" no matter how long it has been since they last talked?? because any time at all is too long???
lloyd saying that if anyone hears him say that they'll think they're gyeonwoo and jiknyeo. y'know. the mythical forbidden lovers that live in different realms and can only meet when the stars align so to speak.
y'know. just casually comparing your protagonists to one of the most romantic and tragic couples in mythology. no biggie.
and again. javier smiling when he sees that lloyd is still just the way he was when they were together. hello. hi. can i help you.
lloyd knowing exactly how long it's been since they saw each other in person. down to the very day. "107 years, 7 months and 17 days".
javier getting really, really, really happy about it. about lloyd still being the same. and thinking that, maybe, lloyd feels the same way deep down.
lloyd being so very, very casual about saying "it's been a while so i'm glad to see you" very specifically calling back to the very thing javier says to him whenever they talk.
and then. and then javier. thinking as he sees lloyd leave. that it was really nice to meet him after so long. and that the sight of him leaving still felt the same as it did before. and wondering if those gyeonwoo and jiknyeo lloyd mentioned before felt like this too.
javier. comparing what he feels at seeing lloyd leave. to what the cowherd and the weaver girl felt at separating again.
bk moon i am crawling on your ceiling
anyway if this novel doesn't end with the barriers between hell and heaven falling apart so lloyd and javier can spend the rest of eternity together instead of helplessly pinning over the other and reminiscing over the lifetime they already spent together i will throw someone off a bridge <3
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