#9/10 once I know what a piece is actually about I start really appreciating it and liking it
the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
"but admin, its early January!" yeah well if christmas stuff can start coming the second fall starts then i can celebrate valentines early/j also i saw valentines stuff already being set up at the store and its gotten me in the mood writing this at 2:30 am while playing a roblox tycoon, im fighting demons rn... so tonights writing may be a little.... off... as per usual, jeff toby and ben are written as platonic (and honestly, i think platonic friendships are just as deserving of being celebrated too!) typos and blugh-y-ness aside, i hope you all enjoy!
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i think he might be a little behind on the tradition... so you might have to fill him in...! i think once he gets an understanding of the holiday he tries to do something for you! i think he would pick flowers from around the forest for you ! so be prepared for that! but if you have an allergy or arent really a flower person, then i think he might find you a collection of cool rocks... maybe he even carves something from wood for you! dont forget picnics, too! i think he would take this as a moment to remind you how much he loves you... its not often that he verbalizes how much he values you.... well verbalize in terms of speaking in your head... but...! 8/10 hes my wife your honor!
unlike his brother he DOES know what the holiday is and just know hes going to get this huge picnic set up for you! he cant exactly go out and buy you anything (actually... most of these characters cant....) so i think he might make you something! a handmade gift! isnt that nice! might give you a flower crown as well... i think he would try his hand at making the food for the picnic, i think unlike slender he can handle digesting human food... okayish... be it because he built a tolerance or because hes built different... shrugs... gives you a bouquet of sun flowers and makes the day about YOU... he would appreciate a gift, but hes not going to give you flack for not getting him anything 8/10 i love him too i wish i wrote for him more
honestly given that he lives in a cabin in the woods with like. zero ties to the outside world, he kind of loses his sense of time... kind of just relies off of the weather changing through the year to gauge what month it is... and even then that can only be so accurate... no youre probably going to have to remind him or drop some hints... kind of panics at first... i think he would offer to do some services for you (not like that) such as doing some work around your place, or cooking for you... but that doesnt mean much when he already kind of does that... hmmm.... offers to take you out to watch the stars, you guys end up exchanging stories... maybe if you ask nicely, he might come out with you to the streets and stroll around with you after everyone else has gone to bed... i dont think he really does... big gestures... 7/10 i still love him too and tbh my ass wouldnt mind not getting a huge gesture or gift
i think he would go all out when he sees the valentines day commercials airing on the tv. i can see him making an arts and crafts thing for you but i can also see him just outright going to a store and stealing something. what are they going to do? arrest a 7 foot clown that can disappear into a puff of smoke? yeah right... whaaaaat? no of course he didnt steal this really expensive piece of jewelry! i think he would expect something in return though so you better have gotten him something! i think he would be satisfied with some candy, and perhaps some extra affection? please? generally easy to please during this holiday since hes just happy to have you around and to himself 9/10 i love him your honor hes my other wife
masky does know about the holiday, for the most part, usually from media and commercials, though... im still a little eh on how i write masky and hoodie in general but shhhh. i dont think he would see it as much of a big deal, though... but he can kind of see it being a big deal to you, if it is of course. i think he would just bluntly try to ask you what you want. no beating around the bush with this one... doesnt expect anything in return nor does he want anything... but i dont think he would deny you if you wanted to spoil him... 6/10 i love me a straight forward king
as for tim i think he might try to put some more romance into his attempt and try to surprise you... might cook you dinner and decorate the place to look fancy, since i dont think he would like going out to some fancy restaurant... gives you flowers, too... doesnt ask for anything in return either but his eyes do light up a little when you get him something, bonus if its not your typical valentines gift and its something thats more relevant and practical in the long run 6.5/10
i think i can see hoodie being a little more playful in this scenario, but not by much... hes not at emotionally distant as masky is, but hes still not easy to read. i think he would make you something... maybe its because i see brian being into art and its bleeding into how i interpret hoodie, but i think he would paint you something... or maybe he tries to set up a little movie date for you two! makes a pillow fort to surprise you, too.. very nice, very calm night.. you guys stay up all night together. he refuses to fall asleep before you... 7/10
between the two if im going to go with the artist hc brian is the better artist and is generally more confident in his ability to make something that looks pleasing to the sight orbs. be it a portrait or something based around one of your interests, hes going to be working for weeks in advance trying to perfect it... i think he might also try to take you out for dinner, too. i can see brian being a bit of a romantic sap, probably plays your guys's songs while you're driving around town together 9/10 i would actually cry personally
between being on the run for krilling his dad and for burning his neighborhood down + working for slenderman toby isnt around often... but he does try to still make time for you, especially when theres holidays going on! hell, he still tries to come over when its saint pattys day. he doesnt care if he doesnt have green, hes still going to go check in on you. so hands down hes going to be there for you... though i dont think he would be able to offer you anything... so you two hanging out will have to suffice. while its not traditional to give your friends anything for valentines (which i think is bs, i like giving my friends candy and homemade goods) he might... just try to go shoplift some chocolate... please talk him out of it... 6/10 its a cool hang out, you guys probably watch movies and catch up!
"ew feelings and caring about others" kind of sums up jeffs views on valentines, and as immature as it sounds, its his true thoughts. so dont expect anything from him, i mean if you ask to hang out he might swing by your place. and by swing by i mean hes going to pick the lock to your window and let himself in through your bathroom... which scares the hell out of you considering youve given him a key to your house... similar to toby the day is spent like any other, which is fine.. not terrible, honestly. you guys probably just fuck around and do what you guys normally do, 6/10
"ew feelings and caring about others" for ben as well but thats because hes literally a ghost kid so it makes sense for him to have that mindset, so dont expect him to mention the day to you. i think if anything he might send you a png of those dumb valentines cards or memes but stress that hes only doing it because he thinks it might make you happy... which is sweet and sad because how often does ben get to interact and befriend people? communicate with them? otherwise you guys just do your own thing, 5/10
oh hes going to be dramatic about it. you better get him something, reader! unlike laughing jack hes not easy to please! you better not pick him up some basic card from the store, you better make it unique to him! he doesnt eat so you dont need to burn a hole in your wallet to get him some expensive chocolates or plushies.. but what does he do for you? i think he would... do something similar in return, actually. maybe its the puppet theming but i can see him putting on a little show for you, or maybe even hand making you your own toy/plushie, totally catered to you and your interests! just know hes going to want your undivided attention for the entire day, and in return youre going to have his attention as well 7.5/10
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acewithapaintbrush · 5 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @captaincravatthecapricious
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
282,261 (woah...)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently mostly One Piece, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Encanto, Owl House and some others occasionally
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Place for Crows (to rest their feet) - Encanto (
I'll brick by brick rebuilt us - Encanto
A Perfect Storm - One Piece
There were Rats in the Palace - Encanto
To the dark I said pour (and forgot to say when) - Rise of the TMNT
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I appreciate getting comments so so much and I wanna show that by responding
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is a hard one cause four come to mind that are super angsty but ultimately I think it is Let the world come at you (Rottmnt). That one's just bleak
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I guess The devil throws stones at us (One Piece). That one was just a lot of fun and I got lots of comments about how funny the ending is so I'll take my readers word for it
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once but that was mostly funny. A single sentence, something like "This story is horse shit" for the second to last chapter of a 19 chapter fic which was like... Well, you read pretty far for it all to be horse shit, didn't you??
9. Do you write smut?
I haven't yet, but I really want to... 👀
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
I do occasionally and the craziest one is definitely by far my Rottmnt/Ghost Files crossover. Man, that was a real trip but also so much fun. I had a lot of fun writing the Ghoul Boys and their shenanigans!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have been asked a few times but no one ever actually did it I think? Or they just never told me about it
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I am certainly very open to the idea 👀
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Well ZoLu (One Piece) will probably always be number 1! I just love their dynamic so much, but not just romantic, also platonic. I'm actually much much more interested in platonic relationships! The team as family stuff. The straw hat pirates come to mind. Or the TMNT brothers being the best brothers. Platonic is my one true love!
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There is a Donatello angst fic that I have been writing on and off for what feels like an eternity. I have written myself into a corner somehow and I really hope I get myself out of that but I doubt I will any time soon...
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write emotions and internal stuff a character is going through quite well. I have also been told quite a few times that my characterizations are spot on which is always nice to hear cause that's the most important thing for me
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
Ugh don't get me started on fight scenes omg. When a lot of action is going on I have a hard time putting that stuff into words... I'm better at dialogue and feelings and stuff
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
Well, if it's done well??? Sure why not. I have been guilty of using some Japanese (One Piece) or Spanish (Encanto) words in my works, never full sentences though
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
First published fic was Stargate Atlantis. First fic written in a notepad for my eyes only? xxxHolic.
20. Favorite fic you have written?
For Encanto obviously A Place for Crows, it's so special to me. For Rise of the TMNT I'd say Casey Jones' Gambit
For One Piece it's probably the latest one Til Salvation Breaks Through. I had a blast writing this one because it challenged me quite a bit and I could let loose a little bit
Not gonna tag anyone, everyone who wants to take a trip down memory lane, be my guest!
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kiki-shortsnout · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @magicaltear Sorry it took me so long to respond! 😊😊
How many works do you have on AO3?
Too many,🤣 seventy-nine at the moment, but it’ll be eighty soon, once I finish this new mammoth story!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,127,841, holy hell!🤯
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Marvel, although I am starting to slide into the Star Trek fandom, late as always. I’m working on a long retelling of the Wrath of Khan fic from a Spirk perspective.  I did use to write for Final Fantasy XV a while back, and I’d like to revisit that someday. I’m also eyeing up the My Hero Academia fandom and Yuri On Ice.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
OO, interesting question, for some reason I just cracked my knuckles in excitement.🤣
Stringless – 2,044
Betwixt – 2,023
Obstacles and Opportunities -1,523
Counterfeit Boyfriend – 1,368
Ternion- 1,299
You know what, I’m really surprised by number four if I’m honest. I was always under the impression that one hadn’t done very well, as usually the fics people talk to me about are Stringless, Betwixt and Love, Dreams and Coffee Machines. It’s a pleasant surprise, but I’m a little shocked!
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, I try to respond to them all, sometimes things get in the way, and I forget, but I’ll always respond, it might just take a while! But I do appreciate all of them and the kudos, and occasional screams in my Tumblr inbox. It really does act as a motivation for more stories!💞
6.What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this one is easy. It’s Without You, it’s the only really sad story I’ve written. I mean, I love putting angst in my writing, but this is the one where Tony was dealing with his grief of losing Stephen, and he doesn’t get him back.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all my fics have happy endings if I’m honest.💞
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, unfortunately, they tend to range from: Why are you writing about this couple? Why aren’t you writing about the couple you just did? I don’t like reading about this pairing. I’ve recently had a few saying my writing is awful, or my take on a story is awful.
I think that’s the risk you take with posting things online, which is saddening as I don’t think people always appreciate how much work, effort, time goes into any creation, be that art, fics, or mood boards. I’ll be honest, it can drag you down at times, and it has made me want to quit a few times, but the fandoms I’m in are incredibly supportive and welcoming, so I try not to let the few bad comments overwhelm the positive ones I have.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I think most of my fics have smut in, unless they’re the small prompt pieces I worked on, and I write all kinds, to enhance the plot, without a plot, multiple partners, solo self love.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven’t no, but I I do have a request sitting in my inbox for a IronStrange/ Star Trek crossover which I really want to work on!
11.Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Back before my AO3 days yes, and when I confronted the writer about it they were very apologetic and took it down. I’ve had people take my stories and post them on Goodreads and I’ve had to fight with them several times to take down
12. Does not exist apparently
I’m not even 100% I exist if I’m honest.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven’t, I’ve worked with artists on stories before and that’s been incredibly fun.
14.What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I’ve had loads, but the one I’ve written for the most is IronStrange, although I enjoy writing for FrostIronStrange more.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I actually have a half-written JohnLock one sitting on my laptop, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get back to it. I love the idea and I love writing it, but I don’t know if I can get their voices quite right and I keep losing faith in it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’ve always been told it's my characterisations and emotive writing, which are huge compliments.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I would say it’s writing action/fighting scenes, I always leave a place card saying ‘Write fight scene here’ and go back to it at the end. I just…find writing them tedious and I don’t think I always get the movement right, or the stakes, if that makes sense?
I struggle with pacing too sometimes….like I want to get to the good bits of the story and skim over the other bits.
18.Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
The only other language I know is French from what they taught at school, and unless you want me to write a story where I need to order stationery and tell you where the library is, it’d better if I just stuck with English.😂😂
If I did need dialogue in another language, I’d reach out to an author who I knew could speak the language.
19.First fandom you wrote for?
Beyblade, way back in the olden days…..or actually, maybe it was Lord of The Rings?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I’ll always have a soft spot for Stringless because it was the first IronStrange I’d ever written and I was so nervous about writing for Marvel and posting it, and Ternion because again, I’d never written a poly couple and I was really anxious about writing Loki.
But the fic I enjoyed writing the most was Betwixt. I was devastated when I finished writing that because I’d poured my soul into it. I wrote it on pieces of scrap paper during meetings, I stayed up late working on it, and I got up early to write it. I always enjoy the stories I work on, but that one holds a special place in my heart.
I’m desperate to write a sequel for it.
Tagging @the-elle-kat @atypical-snowman @jeromesankara @xoniarainforest and anyone else who wants to play!
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andromedadoesntwrite · 7 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
Thank you @bodyelectric77 for tagging me! I always love participating in these fun things. I am quite new to fanfic though (two months more or less) so I'll do my best to answer as much as I can <3
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
23,538 words
3-What fandoms do you write for?
The Hunger Games. But I'm not closed to maybe writing for others.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Cold Coffee
Fated From The Start
I've only published two atm :)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely love comments. No matter how long they are I appreciate them so much. To know that people read my stuff AND that they like it AND wanna let me know, it completely makes my day. So I try to answer all of them, even if its just to say thank you. I especially love when the commenter references a specific part of the fic that they liked or made them laugh. It hits a spot.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
at the moment I don't have any out. None of my fics have ended lmao. But something may or may not be in the works. Idk, not sure yet.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
once again, none of my fics have ended but I think Fated From The Start's will be the happiest.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
No at the moment, no. But if I keep writing its possible I will. But we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope. Not really my strong suit or focus when writing. I've written a few suggestive scenes but nothing too intense or graphic. It's very difficult to write good smut so kudos to all writers who do.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and hoping it stays that way lmao
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly Everlark. I really like both characters individually and think they're ship is pretty fitting. But if you had asked 12 year old me, she would've said Marshal lee from Adventure Time and me.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There's a piece about Katniss not liking Peeta back till they were much older and both married sitting in my drafts buuuut I don't think I'll ever get to finishing it.
16-What are your writing strengths?
I actually don't know lmao. At least I'm not sure when it comes to fics. But I've been told I'm good at evoking emotion when it comes to sadness in other pieces I've written. I guess I still have to develop them.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
I can get impatient quickly, leading me to sometimes not expand on something at first and just quickly writing it out. It sucks. And in the end slows me down even more. Since I have to come back and write things over. So a lot of times my descriptions fall short. It cringes me out when I read something back that I wrote in a hurry.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would love to. I'm actually trilingual but Spanish is my first language so I'd love to write a fic in it. I think some things are just better written in Spanish, at least for me. Maybe one day I'll include it in one of the fics.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
Fated From The Start! It's the one I spend more time in.
This was super fun and I'm tagging @thelettersfromnoone should they choose to do it, and anyone else who sees this since the rest of my mutuals have been tagged <3
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m-y--p-a-s-s-i-o-n-s · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag, @lizzy0305 <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
622,263 - surprisingly low for how many fics I have, but a bunch are drabbles so I guess that checks.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
What fandoms don't I write for? XD
Supernatural. Sherlock. Star Trek. Teen Wolf. Marvel. Harry Potter. Merlin. James Bond. Lucifer. House MD. Primeval. Doctor Who. Venom. The Witcher. The Old Guard. Ted Lasso. Detroit Become Human. Good Omens. Our Flag Means Death. Hannibal.
Plus a few others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Meant To Be - AOS Star Trek
5 Times Jim Forgot About Vulcan Hand Sensitivity & 1 Time He Didn't - AOS Star Trek
Making Love - Venom
Lunch Break - House MD
Truth Or Dare - Supernatural
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to every comment provided its not hate, I ignore hate. I want people to know that their comment is truly appreciated from the bottom of my heart. Comments are food for the writer's soul.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably either The Void (TOS Star Trek) or Forever (SPN) or most of my SPN Endverse fics.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings, I live for them! Hmmm trying to think of particularly fluffy ones though... The Prince and The Princess - (AOS Star Trek) What No Man Has Done Before - (AOS Star Trek X HP) Good News - (DBH) Afterlife - (TOS Star Trek)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not too much, but it happens every so often. Why people can't just exit a fic or not interact with it if they don't like it is beyond me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do. Um, explicit and M/M but the specifics vary depending on pairing and fic. Been getting more detailed and more adventurous with it over the years though.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Ohhhh boi have I ever written a crazy crossover XD
Convergence - where I brought many many fandoms (and even more ships) together in a story with an actual plot.
Its not my only crossover, but it's by far the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of, but I have been asked if some can be translated before, just never heard from them again.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In a way with @lizzy0305 who started Fragments ages ago and then I finished it because we both knew she wasn't going to finish it.
and also Double Date with weegie8 a long long time ago.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
My OTP of OTPs is Spirk <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Theres a johnlock fic that could be the first wip i never go back to.
and an SPN and a Stanner fic that both could stay wips forever, but honestly it just takes one spark in my brain and the right mood and I could finish any of these, so never say never.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not sure really. My fluff is extra tooth rotting? XD Also once I get used to a character their voice is easy to channel I suppose.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Feels like everything when you're trying to write a damn fic XD um, maybe not putting in enough details into a scene.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I often use Vulcan language in Star Trek fics, I think it adds to it. However I get that it can be annoying to not understand a piece of likely important dialogue cause its in another language. It doesn't bother me though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically HP when I was teen, before I knew what fandom and fanfiction were. But when I was in the know it was Supernatural.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
How can I just pick one? I'll pick a multichapter and a one shot that I love.
The One That Got Away - TOS Star Trek
The Update - DBH
Tagging: @dayspring-askanison @heartshapedvows @doonarose
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bingsoo-jung · 1 year
an rating of every piece of arthurian media i have consumed
Hi. So I really like Arthurian mythology. To an deeply concerning and obsessive point. This has led me to consume a lot of Arthurian media, and thus I figured I would give you this. Ratings of all the Arthurian media (up until now) that I’ve consumed.
This is going to be a doozy.
The Mabinogion. 9/10. It’s less Arthurian mythology and more proto-arthurian. But it’s welsh as shit and goes hard.
Historia Regum Britanniae. 6/10. 10/10 for iconicness. 2/10 because it’s geoffrey of fucking monmouth. This mother fucker cannot write and basically is responsible for the englishfication of arthurian mythology and eventually the frenchification of arthurian mythology. So I rightfully hate his ass.
Knight of the Cart. 6.5/10. 10/10 for iconicness. 3/10 because if I could accuse a man of cultural appropriation who’s dead and didn’t really commit cultural appropriation, I would pick Chretien de Troyes. You’re too french and too annoying and can’t even do chivalric romance well because the french are actually terrible at it. Like go read avicenna you illiterate french peasant.
The Vulgate Cycle. 5/10. It’s good. It’s iconic. It’s french.
Bulfinch’s Mythology. 4/10. It gets what the basics of arthurian mythology is, but fails to understand the actual point of Arthurian mythology and what it’s trying to do and it’s function.
The High King. 8/10. Such a good reference book on Arthurian mythology and the history behind the name and the title and how he came to be.
The Mists of Avalon. 5/10 it’s a solid retelling, and I like the arguably feminist stance it takes. I’m knocking 3 points because of quality, and 2 points because it isn’t gay, and I think the author got a little confused about what Celtic is. Like they clearly know it’s wales, but they seem to have gone for the bad folk etymology that Morgan le Fay/Morgana is somehow related to the Morrigain historically. Which she’s not. Also because the author should’ve gone full ass in on the anti-colonialist messaging. And neither of them did.
Grailquest. 3/10. It’s just… not good enough. Also for some odd reason it’s in Ancient Greece because a spell went wrong? So I think the author was just trying to make it enjoyable for youn boys.
Avalon High (the book). 4/10. It’s just not good enough.
Merlin’s Blade. 1/10. Literally the worst. Merlin is Christain and weird as shit in this. I would give it a 0/10, but I’ll give it kudos for having a blind MC. Even though he keeps talking to God about it and it sucks.
Le Morte d’Arthur. 8/10. One of the og’s. Honestly of the better cycles in the Arthurian canon. You can, and will, read worse than this one.
Legendborn Cycle. 10/10. Perfect. Should literally be added to the actual Arthurian canon. I don’t care if this is an unfinished YA book series that started coming out in 2019. Y’all are fools if you haven’t read this and I fucking laugh at for calling yourself an Arthurian Mythology fan if you haven’t. Literally laugh.
The Once and Future King. 8/10. So I love this book. That being said, this was written in the 40s by a british white man. Like… it fails me. And that’s where those two points have gone. A fun fact is that this book wasn’t published during WW2 because the author really hated war.
Magic Tree House. 6/10. Good. Could be better. I deeply appreciate that the entire series is Morgana and Merlin fighting for a fucking tardis treehouse. That alone makes this worth reading.
Idylls of the King. 0/10. Literal colonial propaganda. Fuck you Tennyson.
The Fall of Arthur. Like a 5/10. Unfinished. Not Tolkien’s better work.
The Green Knight (Tolkien Translation). 5/10. LISTEN I LOVE TOLKIEN BUT THSI ISN’T A GOOD TRANSLATION. He uses such estoric language sometimes that it shouldn’t be counted! As a fucking! Translation!
Camelot Rising. 4/10. Idc what you say and if it’s feminist. It’s not good enough for a higher rating. It also should’ve been gay and thus has been docked points
Once and Future. 4/10. I really really really wanted to love this book. It’s a queer arthurian retelling where arthur is sapphic and arabic. But it so deeply reeks of white queer people who make being queer a central part of their identity to avoid talking about queerness. On top of which, for some odd reason, the like… five thousand year old sorcerer seems to struggle with the concept of genderfluid people to me. Which makes no sense. It’s not good. It’s really bad. I’m giving it 4 stars for at least being gay and not outright offensive. It’s also a decent adaptation
Once and Future (2019 comic). 7/10. YEAHHHH FUCK BREXIT. It’s just a good comic by my favourite comic book writer. Mr kieron gillen (not to be mistaken with karen gillan).
Gails: Quests of the Dawn. 5/10. I love Neil Gaiman but this short story collection reads like a roster of the white men of SFF. Which makes it mediocre compared to Sword Stone Table. Also OSC.
Plays + Operas + Music
Spamalot. 7/10. Not as good as the movie. Two extra points were given for Tim Curry as King Arthur. Yes. Local queer icon Tim Curry gets two points by his lonesome.
Camelot (Philippa Soo Broadway). 5/10. I love Philippa Soo. She does a really good job in this role. But she looses all the camp of the original versions.
Tristain und Isolde (Wagner). 3/10. I’m not a fan of wagner.
High Noon Over Camelot. 1/10. This is a bad retelling and I dislike the Mechanisms music. It’s also obnoxiously white.
Movies + TV Shows
Camelot (the movie). 7/10. It’s camp as fuck and there’s a song called the lusty month of may. Which is just about fucking. And i think that’s actually perfect.
Avalon High (the movie). 7/10. When I tell you that this movie rewired my brain and truly ignited my passion for Arthurian mythology? I mean it. This set me down a hole for years. Sure, is it gay? No. Is Arthur a girl in this though? Yes. And that makes it better than the book
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. 2/10. I fucking hate this movie so fucking much oh my god. I DON’T CARE WHAT PEOPLE SAY IT’S NOT GOOD. THIS IS A BAD ADAPTATION.
The Green Knight. 9/10. I loved this movie! Weird as shit. But I did really love this movie. And Dev Patel is hot.
The Last Legion. 3/10. It’s a fine movie. But it’s a 3/10 as an arthurian adaptation because while I appreciate the attempt at historicity. It’s actually just bad at that.
The Sword in the Stone. 8/10. It’s less racist than the book which gets it points. It’s also not as *good* as the book.
Shrek 3. Both a 9/10 and a 2/10. Terrible Arthurian adaptation. But Shrek movies are so fun anyways.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. 9/10. Unironically one of the best Arthurian adaptations ever. It’s so funny and ads and discuss the canon in a fantastic way.
Knightriders. 8/10. It’s a Romero film, who lowkey *invented* the zombie film. But it’s also… anti-capitalist? And gay? Also trying to not be racist? (Trying. It’s the 80s. But p successful). They are also REN FAIRE ACTORS ON MOTORCYCLES.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2010). 4/10. I like this movie, but it’s, say it with me, a terrible Arthurian adaptation.
Transformers: the Last Knight. 2/10. I will not speak further on this.
The Kid Who Would Be King. 6/10. Bad movie. Decent adaptation with fun characters who understand their point in this story.
Merlin. 9/10. Honestly a really good Arthurian adaptation that understands it doesn’t need to be source accurate. Also while it doesn’t commit to the gay. It’s still gay-tinged.
Camelot. 3/10. I hate the lighting and everyone in this is weirdly angsty and incestual.
Cursed. 5/10. It’s not good enough to be more. It’s just not good enough. But I do appreciate the diversity and Nimue as the MC.
Stargate SG-1. 0/10. Racism. I hate stargate because it’s just so obnoxiously racist.
The Librarians. 3/10. It’s not a great arthurian adaptation and it drops all the arthurian bits after a while. But it is a 9/10 tv show.
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia. 6/10. Solid Arthurian adaptation. I just think it was a bit weak and put them in there to give credence to it’s magic things and system without having to justify them further to the watchers. Which makes this not really arthurian.
Fate/stay night. 8/10. I haven’t watched any of this. But Arthur is a woman who was called a man in this version because of sexism. And she’s kinda fruity. So that gives this an 8/10 in my book.
Hellboy. 4/10. I like Hellboy a lot. It’s just their Arthurian deal is just a single lone sad merlin.
Quest for Camelot. 2/10. It’s really just not worth watching.
A Kid in King Arthur’s Court. 1/10. I don’t even hate this one. It’s just so painfully mediocre it’s amazing.
Legends of Tomorrow. 7/10. It’s a really really good show and I like that it’s implied that King Arthur is Sara Lance who is just here to fuck.
TTRPGs + Video Games
Pendragon. 3/10. I appreciate it’s structure having read this entire game. It’s just… not got a great structure.
Runescape. 5/10. It’s fine. It’s just fine. It’s iconic. And it’s fine.
Sonic and the Black Knight. 1/10. Because I do actually have something against this. I hate the fact that Sonic is King Arthur and thus will be cuckooed. It causes me physical pain to think of this.
And that is literally every Arthurian adaptation I have consumed to date. I plan on reading Spear after I read this indigenous anti-colonial dragon fantasy book. I’m wary of Spear because although it’s gay, the author set it in ireland. And arthurian mythology isn’t fucking irish. Have respect and do what the rest of us do and set your arthurian adaptation on a different fucking continent.
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artekai · 11 months
tag game (Horizon)
Thanks @nerd-artist for tagging me!! I am flattered :3
1. ride or die ship (your otp): GAIA/Lis ❤️ I felt so validated when Sylens said the "two moms" thing, you have no idea.
2. most annoying ship: I plead the fifth
3. second favourite ship: Erevad! I never considered them until I read a really good fic about them and I was sold lol.
4. favourite platonic relationship: Hmm 🤔 I really enjoy Aloy & Sylens :D I missed him a lot in HFW (given he wasn't in our Focus any longer). mlm-wlw hostility real. Also, Aloy & Gildun and Aloy & Morlund are both very sweet but I suppose they have similar vibes lol.
5. underrated ship: Any of the ones I mentioned lol, I feel like they don't get as much love as others, haha. Which is understandable because it makes sense to gravitate more towards the GAIA gang! But other than that 🤔 I think Aloy/Zo and Aloy/Alva are pretty cute and underrated, even if I don't exactly ship them myself c:
6. overrated ship: I plead the fifth
7. one thing i would change in canon: *side eyes HFW hard*
Just one thing, though? I'd have to concur with most of the people I've seen do this tag game so far and say it's Varl's death. I'm pissed about that.
8. something canon did right: Other people have also mentioned it before me, but I think Horizon's writing excels at the datapoints. Just slowly having to figure out the past, putting the pieces together, getting glimpses of the tragedies (and the little joys) that once happened in those places, filling in the blanks... The environmental storytelling is amazing 👌. The intrigue, the curiosity, the mystery. It really scratches the urge to explore abandoned places and imagine what it was life was like for the people who once lived in them, so close yet so far away. HZD really did it well with the Zero Dawn facilities and I think HFW captured that magic again with Thebes. I crave more of that.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: I'm not sure I can say anything I make is "for the fandom" since I only make OC stuff 😭 Believe me, I want to be more integrated in the fandom, but not as much as I want to focus on the blorbos from my brain 😔
I guess I can mention To Err is Human, my vampire AU fic, since, if all goes according to plan, that should be relatively fairly split between my OCs and canon characters. Sorry that it's taken me so long to update tho :( As for art, please look at my man :) And here he is again with my favorite Aloy I've drawn lol. I also still really like this one! Also this. And this. And this. And
I've realized I could go on all day actually so I'll stop myself now lol.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Sylens. I love him, crimes and all.
11. the character I relate to the most and why: Beta. Something something about characters who have the same neuroses as you but in their world their neuroses are justified (sigh). And Gildun! His quest in Burning Shores really grabbed me by the throat, oof. In some ways I also relate to Aloy but not as much, I think.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: Well, I could just name the usuals, Ted Faro, the Ceo, Lansra, etc. But they're the characters we're meant to hate, so, ironically, it doesn't feel right to say I hate them, you know? I appreciate a well-crafted villain, and I definitely appreciate their role in the narrative. So, do I really hate them? Yes but actually no.
It's like that one post that goes "I don't care if a villain is redeemable or not but by god please make them interesting." I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit insane about the likes of Faro and the Ceo lol, so I'd say they did their job. I actually enjoy them being in the narrative.
As for the Zeniths... I used to just hate them straight up, not just for what we're meant to hate them, but for what they did to the narrative. I then started my quick descent into madness until I came to love to hate them lol. But I still think they deserve this spot more than anyone else given that they still make me see red half of the time.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: uhhhhh I'm not sure? Interesting to see the differences between the Persona fandom and the Horizon fandom I guess. In a lot of ways they have the same issues all fandoms have but idk, it's different. I'll leave it at that.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: I don't really read as much fic as I would like to because of readers' block... But when I do, I feel like I tend to look for Beta-centric stuff. And Nemesis stuff hehe but there's very little of that. I feel like, at least in this fandom, I tend to gravitate more towards genfic instead of ship-heavy stuff. Those aren't three tags but still three things so fair enough.
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: I have a few playlists but I'm not sure any songs in particular jump out to me as much as Sad Machine by Porter Robinson, which has been my quintessential Horizon song from the moment I finished HZD. It still gives me the same chills that going through ELEUTHIA-9 gave me... God, I really wish I could go back to when I was first playing it and experience that feeling again. I might actually cry listening to it now.
Tagging: @banukaihelpme, @cicadaknight, @thatpunnyperson, @snorkeldays and @hartlesshart, but absolutely no pressure to do it! I guess this is more of a [insert your fandom here] thing, so, for any other mutuals who see this, if you wanna do it for your fandom, please tag me as your tagger, I would love to see it 🙏
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morathicain · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
Thank you for tagging me @inrainprose :D
Here we go! ^^
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently at 227 on Ao3, which might change any day with how obsessed I currently am with writing for Kiseki XD Also have a few on animexx and fanfiktion.de from old old times which I probably should start transferring ^^°
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,120,354 so far which I'm quite proud of, especially since most of it was written during the past 4 years (3wbf be thanked)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A LOT! I constantly write for 3wbf and then whatever I am watching (whether it be show or movie that inspires me). Some fandoms appear more often or reappear after months or years again, others just once and then never again. Lots of niche stuff though (either the show or topic) XD
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wait what (My Engineer - RamKing) with 737 kudos
Mutual anything (KinnPorsche AU - KinnPorsche) with 7 chapters and 700 kudos
One Moment to adore you (My Engineer - RamKing) with 649 kudos
Now you know (Not me the series - SeanWhite) with 608 kudos
Loving you on my second thought (My Engineer - RamKing) with 536 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely, YES! I've met some of my best friends through comment-discussions and -talks and I also wanna thank the people who take the time to show their appreciation <3
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh ... PHU! Good question? I guess it would be "One last call", a JynCassian fic which of course ends with them dying?
Or "I wish you were mine but I wasn't yours", a Bad Buddy fic which has Pran push Pat away?
(if anyone has other contenders in mind, let me know, my brain is a bit overwhelmed XD I don't count the BMF one because while it ends with a breakup, for me it's a hopeful ending)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I ... I don't know? I suppose each fic that has Ter and Mae and Phon alive and together should be considered a worthy contender for that question! And I love them all <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. Got some when I started writing in English but I'm glad I managed to continue anyway ^^° only weird ones sometimes that are hard to interpret but are usually not meant in a mean way? I think?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. It always depends on the fandom actually. And ... I don't really know how to describe it but I'm usually not that explicit, I think? Lots of emotions are involved and I try to switch things up.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Probably the SPN One Piece crossover from over ten years ago? XD They were in a prompt I got, so I had to do it :P Otherwise the crossover between Manner of Death and My Engineer "It's all about the plants, babe" with King as TanBun's child. That was a lot of fun :D
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? Fingers crossed and wood gets tapped!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yessssss! A few into Russian and French and a Cherry Magic one into Vietnamese ^^
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
So many years back. One with a friend, another with my brother, a crack one with another friend XD Not sure we ever finished any of those and it was fun back then but I don't think I can do it again ^^°
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
To no one's surprise at all it's Shin/Neo/Miw <3
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
So far the wips I really want to finish are still on my list. I fear I might not be able to finish the one 3wbf one or the The Player one because other shows and ideas get in between, but it's still planned!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I was told I'm good at yearning and banter? Definitely like diving into angst XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Long plots, I tend to get distracted and also lose myself in the technicalities v.v
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it makes sense, why not? But not if it should be understood by everyone and happens more often.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Inu Yasha! It's been a long long time since then XD
20. Favorite fic you've written?
You ask WHAT of me????? askdjbaksjbdakjsbd
I can't say for sure. Like, I enjoy my own atots bodyguard AUs often enough, I love my own version for Moonlight Chicken more than the show itself, I very much love my current collection for Kiseki because they've taken over my whole soul. So many favourites when it comes to RamKing and omg, don't get me started on my 3wbf fics!
Me and you, both of you is one of my faves when it comes to giving Shin/Neo/Miw a happy ending though and when it's about underappreciated fics, I had a lot of fun with is "Revenge is a dish best served dead" with Ter and Phon killing Thana as ghosts :P And one I am still happy about, even if it's an old one, is a High&Low one: A kitten's persistence
Tagging now (but no pressure): @ommited-miscellaneously @nevaehs @himmelsstern ;)
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draconixiaa · 5 months
tired but i'll do a bit of this (will be a bit rambly:D)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
24,, wow not bad
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
165.5k wow thats a lot,, most of it comes from one tho; everything else are shortfics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DSMP and ive just started a bit of genshin at the behest of my Tartaglia-obsessed irl and he's kinda cool but like for 95% of my other fics its all cdream ahahahhh(dies)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
"Consequences" tops the charts obviously bc its my one and only longfic and it was written during the peak of dsmp and man id link it bc i love my storyline (cdream obviously gets messed up in prison but then gets a healing arc) there but at the same time i feel like the writing had too many grammar mistakes and could be better so nahh
"North Star to Freedom" is one im actually really proud of, like obviously the writing could be better bc ive improved, but i just like it and id deffo rewrite it too if i had time or steal it into an original fic (premise is that cdream escapes prison with the rebibe book and oh lord my lingo anyways (spoilers) he dies and he gives techno book)
"Persevere" is third, wow that's a long time ago, its alright, i like it in general, but it feels almost cheesy. idk. i like it, but i dont like it. its not mixed feelings, but eh. anyways, something about cdream getting captured by the egg which is about to take over the world but he sacrifices himself to cleanse it. the most acute thing i rember about it is that its a 3parter
"Coup de Grace" ok wth i didnt expect this to be on there it was a small little cdream suffering in prison and cphil comes over, sees him in pain, and cough relieves him of it, and i dont like the writing in a specific part of it, but i like it in some other parts, so eh
"turn the claret tides" whoops i forgot what this one was about ok i glanced through the doc its ctechno getting cdream out of prison wow that title was really vague but he gets the letter and things went on.. it was inspired by another fic and happened during the hype of the prison arc which is kinda cool
(man im looking at the amount of fics i want to rewrite but it aint happening sadge)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes, most of the times nowadays, if it particularly made my day or it has something deep and insightful or literally makes any observation on my fic. sometimes im just too tired to answer,, maybe laziness is a part of it too, but i stare and its like,, i cant generate a response . but nowadays, i do it most of the times bc i appreciate my commenters :D
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
my recent fics mostly have happy endings, but all my pre-like, mid 2023 fics were all sad sad sad. they all ended in cdream dying, one way or the other. so idk which ones the saddest now its been too long,, the one i personally think is the saddest is one that i like, was listening to sad music to, the song being 'sociopath,' an orchestral piece (or was it piano?)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
once on consequences bc that was max cdream apologists vs inniters era
9. Do you write smut?
nop never ever ever
10. Do you write crossovers?
dream + tartaglia is one i wrote in fudging october that i am still trying to find time to continue
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
prob not, if there is, then i wouldnt know of it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, if there was, i also dont know of it
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
wow thats crazy that i havent, but idk, teamwork and coordination just go meh when i only share my interests with online people
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
idk i dont do ships but my fav friendship is dream + techno or dream + punz
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
all my chapter continuations except the tartaglia + dream one i Need to finish that. but also the palace of stone idea will Never Ever get written
16. What’s your writing strengths?
descriptions idk they go lengthy but ive practiced with them a lot so ive gotten kinda good
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
dialogue, pacing, idk literally everything, i can prob improve on anything and every aspect of my writing rn, and i just need to practice more
19. First fandom you wrote for?
DSMP lmao
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
consequences i love the storyline + ending of that one even if the writing couldve been better
uhh tagging? idk if theres anyone that doesnt overlap wiht people whove been tagged b4 les see: @milktearosethorn , @victoriacoffee , ,, oh theres only two ok well, have fun if u decide to do this!
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cherishmangoes · 1 year
Life Taken for Granted
Guess what's making me write this stuff? A movie and I'll obviously mention its name later below. So what makes you think that you'll be alive tomorrow? You're 18? 10? 25? 50? name it, the youngest possible or even an age that seems to be where death doesn't knock its doors often, well lemme tell you if a guy at age 26 could have a heart attack, or a person who is 9 years old could go in a completely unresponsive state or god knows you're in a car accident and next time you wake up you have an episode of memory loss for whatever period of time, well you don't know what life could give you. It's funny how so many of us born so healthy yet don't question god or a doctor or whatever entity, why? Yet when an obstacle strikes us really bad of any kind, sometimes continuously, we always wonder "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why does it always happen to me?". We so many times forget to appreciate the simplest things in our life; our legs, they're able to walk mountains; our hands, so we could type or draw; our eyes see the most beautiful things like the people closest to us or the beauty of the world; or every little thing that people may do for us that goes unnoticed like the good mornings or the good nights, the breakfast that your parents have prepared for you or even the fact how clumsy/overprotective but cute your sibling can be or the time with your pet or the support of your friend even at the smallest times, its all really golden, and trust me there is so much more compared to what I have written, but well I bet you already know by now. My point for all of this? What guarantee you got that the person sitting across your dining table would be alive tomorrow? That could be anyone really. We have no idea about it yet we agonize about our life every minute of our precious time of what we're gonna do in the future. 10 years, 5 years down the lane where do you see yourself? Hell we don't even know what could happen the very next second. Look I get it we do set goals and have our dreams, ambitions and passion but
1. Don't get so lost in for the future that you forget to appreciate the now
2. If you don't know what you wanna do in life, or what you're gonna become, stop thinking and stressing about it so much, like stop and think just why are you so anxious about it? (Well this is coming from a person who has faced this and is probably facing it and trust me thinking about it wont do shit) well of course knowing your interests could help and one shouldn't be clueless about themselves or unaware of what's going around them but dude stop thinking and start trying out stuff, it could be jobs, programs, anything. Don't be so lost in thinking that you lose an amazing opportunity.
3. Start being grateful for life, I'm not saying that if you've faced something horrible or you are facing something like that right now, don't feel sad about it ,NO, that's wrong feel it, get help ,cry because you're only human but don't ever get so stuck in the void of darkness that all you do every time and all the time is sulk, whine, cry, become ungrateful and don't move past it. Instead of keeping it in your mind and not letting it go or trying to forget about it, keep it there but rather than crumbling it like a piece of paper and letting it occupy so much space in your mind, fold it neatly and keep it aside. Life is learning how to do that and life is so much more than just pain. So stop wasting your time on things that don't matter and start spending it with people and things that actually do. As it was once there in "In Time" the movie, if time was our currency rather than money, maybe we would know why to value it more than anything.
The movie that I teared up from was "The Awakenings" available on Netflix, revolves around mainly on a disorder which leads to a person becoming unresponsive. How people lose 10, 20, 30 years of life and come back to only know the whole world has changed, that they have aged. How sometimes people would like to be alive and normal, but what could be this normal? Just going on a walk or reading a book without any disturbances, enjoying such times. And so it leaves us with a lesson, a message that maybe its us who needs to be awakened to try and live life to its fullest extent, while we can by just talking, empathy, enjoying and gratitude. I hope this helped you or was maybe a useful piece of information. This is meant to be a reminder to people.
(My apologies for any grammatical errors or just errors in general, it's my first time writing a blog and don't forget to watch the movies I have mentioned above, both are totally worth your time and available on Netflix)
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moeitsu · 2 months
Number 7 pls!!
Also, who is that in your profile? If ya don’t mind me asking.
My profile pic is of Tamino Amir. He’s a Belgian-Egyptian artist and makes beautiful music. I would recommend him to anyone. I saw him live in February with Mitski and literally cried the entire time. He’s also drop dead gorgeous the man literally looks like a god.
I’m rambling.
Number 7: what tattoos i have and their meaning.
I’m actually really happy you asked that one because I have so many tattoos and i love them ALL!
Okay, I have 12 tattoos. I’ll try to keep it short tho.
1. “Spirit Lead Me” on my bicep. This was my 1st tattoo I got for my 18th bday. It’s from Psalm 143. I’m not really a religious person anymore, but I still appreciate the message. The whole verse is “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Show me what you want me to do, and let your gentle spirit lead me in the right path.”
2. A small bouquet of flowers on my hip. This one doesn’t have much meaning. It was a last minute tattoo i got because my friend was getting one and the artist was really chill and was like “you want one too?” And i just said sure and let him pick the art. Looking back, i don’t know why i did that😂
3. A Luna moth on my shoulder. I’ve always considered myself more of a moth than a butterfly, if that makes any sense. I took a picture of a Luna moth was i was 16 and i was obsessed with them ever since. Fun fact: the day i got it tattooed i got a Snapchat memory that i took that moth photo 3 years ago on the same day. It was just meant to be.
4. The master sword from Legend of Zelda on my arm. This one is kinda self explanatory. I just fucking love the games. I played my first was i was 9 years old and it became my entire personality for the rest of my life.
5. A soot sprite on my ankle. This one also doesn’t really have a meaning. A friend of mine had finished her tattoo apprenticeship and was doing small pieces on people as practice. So i asked her to practice on me and she gave me a cute little soot sprite.
6. “Set your heart ablaze” on my rib cage. I got this after the demon slayer movie. It’s one of my favorite animes, and Rengoku was such an important character to me.
7. An evil eye with a tear drop under the back of my neck. I’ve always worn the evil eye since i was young. I don’t remember when i started or why, but I’ve always had a necklace or a keychain or earrings with it on. I liked the idea of it on my back bc in my mind it wards off any negativity that people might send me when my back is turned.
8. A cecropia moth on my other shoulder. Not so much meaning behind this one. My other shoulder felt naked and i wanted to add symmetry with another insect. I chose the cecropia moth bc I found one in the woods one time and I felt like some kind of woodland fairy. It was literally the size of my hand.
9. 333. It’s my Angel number. I see it everywhere, and at least once a day. I was also born on the 3rd day of the 9th month and 3 was always a prevalent number growing up. (I was on bus #3. My childhood apt was #3. Me and my sibs make 3, ect)
10. A maple seed. I got this tattoo for my current partner. We’ve been together 7 years and on our second date we walked a nature trail and we had talked about watching the notebook later and I made a comment about “how romantic would it be if we kissed in the rain”, it was not raining that day. So he picked up handfuls of maple seeds and threw them in the air. They rained around us and he kissed me under them. It’s probably one of my favorite memories.
11. Peter Rabbit hugging his momma. This tattoo was dedicated to my mom. My nursery as a baby was Peter Rabbit themed, and I still have a lot of the decorations still in my room 24 years later :’) I also love my mom a lot.
12. A heart locket with my childhood cat in the frame. Pretty self explanatory. It was dedicated in his memory. He was literally the best cat ever and i miss him everyday. He passed on my 19th bday.
Thank you so much for asking Anon!!! I really enjoyed diving into this :)
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supernaturalgirl20 · 3 years
La Secretaria
Pairings: Javier Pena x reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, angst, fluff, men being sexist, mutual pining.
Summary: being Javier’s secretary isn’t easy. He’s hot headed, stubborn and aggressive, but so are you. What happens when he finally meets his match.
A/N: I wanted to writ pure smut for Javier, been in my feels today so I needed this.
{Comments and reblogs really appreciated}
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You’d heard the rumours, of course you had. There wasn’t one person in the DEA that didn’t know about thee Javier Pena. Hot headed, stubborn, flirt with anything in a skirt and his number one MO, visiting the local brothel. Stechner hired you to keep a close eye on Javier, or as he put it ‘tame the beast’. He’d gone through at least six secretaries since he arrived in Bogotá, which didn’t give you great odds but you were nothing if not a trier.
You arrived at the office early wanting to have everything set up before he came. At nine on the dot Javier arrived and when he opened the door to his office he was shocked to see you standing there, coffee in hand. He narrows his eyes at you before you feel his gaze roam over you. He runs a hand over his face before placing his hands on his hips.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Y/N, your new secretary Mr. Pena. I brought you you’re coffee and the file on the Rodriguez brothers. If you need anything else, I’ll be at my desk.”
He stares at you, if he was impressed, it didn’t show on his face. You walk towards the door, the one he’s standing in front of. You stop before him and look him in the eyes.
“Do you mind moving!”
His eyes lock with yours before glancing at your lips and then back to your eyes. He doesn’t say anything, just walks past you to his desk. Leaving the office you sit at your own desk and begin typing up some of his reports. The day passes quickly and as you get ready to go home, Javier pops his head out. “Where are you going? I haven’t finished for the day yet.”
“I can see that, Mr. Pena, but my schedule is 9-5, so seen as it’s 5:10 I’M finished for the day.”
You can tell he’s angry, see the thick in his jaw. “I have reports for you to type up, your schedule is whatever mine is, and I’m not done. So sit tight and type these up.”
“I will, in the morning. Goodnight Mr. Pena.”
“If you leave, your fired.” He has a sly smirk on his face, he’s waiting for you to put your things down and start working. He doesn’t know it yet, but your just as stubborn as him, so you call his bluff and leave. He quirks his eyebrow, he hadn’t expected you to disobey him.
The following morning Javier arrives to find you in his office again, files in one hand, coffee in the other.
“I fired you.”
“And yet here I am.” You hand him the file and coffee and walk out of his office. He’s speechless, and just stares after you. Continuing your work from the day before, your interrupted when an agent walks toward Javier’s door. Standing, blocking his way you put your hand out to stop him.
“He’s busy.”
“Who are you?”
“Mr. Pena’s secretary, and you are?”
“Agent Feistl, has he fucked you yet?”
“Excuse me?”
“That’s a no then. Early days I suppose, or,” he looks you up and down, “hmm not really his type are you. He likes them skinny and pretty..”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You think I haven’t heard all this shit before, you don’t intimidate me what was it Fritsle?”
“It’s Feis..”
“I don’t care, your not getting in. You want to see him, make an appointment.”
Feistl grumbles under his breath.
“What was that?”
Before he can say it again, Javier opens his office door and stands beside you. He places a hand on your lower back, “ why don’t you head out for lunch?”
“That’s it princess, run along.”
You stare daggers at him grabbing your bag and leaving. Feistl turns to Javier who has a stern look on his face.
“What did you want, I’m busy.”
“I want to go to Cali boss.”
“What, why not?”
“We’re not placing any agents there, not yet at least.”
“Right well if they do I’d like to go sir.”
“Gotta say boss, that’s one fine piece of ass you got out there.You mind if I have a go?”
Javier can feel his blood boil, how dare he talk about you like that. Sure he has a reputation but he treated women with respect. He didn’t really know you that well but you could stand your own which he respected. Your different from the others, your intelligent, stubborn and your absolutely beautiful.
“Don’t talk about Y/N like that, if you harass her again I’ll have you on the next flight home.”
“Ok, you got it boss.”
It’s been two months since you became his secretary and he has fired you at least fifty times. You know it’s a challenge, that he is testing you, but you don’t give up easy. He’s started being kinder with you, offering to buy lunch on occasion. Your currently sat with him in the meeting room taking notes as the ambassador rambles on. He’s berating Javier for sending Feistl and VanNess to Cali and you can tell from his shoulders that he’s angry. When the meetings over he stands abruptly and leaves. You follow behind him, staying silent, knowing he likes it like this when he’s mad. He gets into the elevator and holds it open for you before pressing the correct button for your floor.
“He’s a dick.”
Javier wasn’t expecting you to say anything, certainly not that. You think you see a hint of a smile on his face.
“I think you did the right thing sending them, fucking bullshit deal, it’s a cop out..”
You don’t get to finish what you we’re saying as Javier pushes you back against the metal wall. He’s on you like a rash. He’s kissing you passionately and you can feel the heat coming off of him. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you flush against him. You can feel his growing erection straining against his trousers. You run your fingers through his hair pulling a low moan from him, one that shoots right to your core. You can feel the elevator come to a stop, Javier does too as he slowly pulls away from you. He whispers in your ear, “come find me later when everyone else is gone.” Then your alone.
Finishing up some paperwork, making sure no one is left in the office, you slowly approach Javier’s door. You raise your hand to knock when the door suddenly opens and he’s standing there looking at you with hooded eyes. He pulls you into him and once he closes the door, your back is pressed against it. His kiss is rough, hungry, like a man dying of thirst and your his only source of water.
“Wanted this for so long.”
“Really? How long?”
“Since that first day.”
He makes quick work of taking off both your clothes before moving you to the couch. He sits and pats his thighs, “come here baby, want you to ride me.” You walk towards him with sway of your hips. He grabs you by the hips, helping you straddle him. You sink down onto him slowly, savouring the feel of him stretching you. He groans at the feel of you hot and tight around him.
“So….damn tight baby.”
You start moving your hips slowly against him as he grips your hips tighter. He sucks on your hardened bud earning a moan from you.
“Javi….oh god….I’m going to…come.”
“That’s it baby come all over my cock. Wanna feel you grip me tight.”
Your body tingles all over as it erupts in ecstasy. You come hard with his name rolling off your tongue. He begins you thrust up meeting your movements as he grows impatient. Suddenly he flips you over, your back hitting the leather on the couch. He grabs one of your legs and holds it against his hip as he thrusts into you without abandon. You can feel the beginning of another orgasm,
“I’m close baby, want to feel you come on my cock one more time before I come.” He can feel you clamp down on him as your orgasm washes over you.
“So beautiful baby, who do you belong to?”
“Yours , all yours Javi.”
That’s all he needed as he releases into you. He slumps on top of you, careful as to not crush you. You run your fingers through his hair and he sighs at the feeling. He pulls out of you slowly and grabs a cigarette. You sit up and fiddle with your fingers unsure of what to do now. Do you stay or get dressed and leave? You know his reputation with women, he doesn’t do relationships. Deciding it’s best to leave you get up and start dressing. He sits there watching you as he smokes his cigarette.
“If you wait we can go get something to eat?”
“I…I actually just want to go home, I’m exhausted.” You gather your things, not noticing the hurt flash in Javier’s eyes.
“Yeah, I might hit the bar.”
You say nothing else as you leave for the night.
Your relationship with Javi is complicated, you work together and most nights you end up fucking in one apartment or the other. You love him, you know you do, you have for a while. You also know that Javi doesn’t do commitment, honestly your afraid to even tell him how you feel. In work things remain professional, he’s your boss and no one suspects a thing. Feistl might have a hunch but that’s it. The only time he claims you in work is after a bad meeting with the ambassador or Stechner. Which brings you to your current situation, bent over his desk, him pounding into you from behind. He’s rough today, not that you mind, he pulls you towards him by the hair until your back hits his chest. He grabs your breast and gives it a tight squeeze. It’s slightly painful but it still elicits a moan from you.
“Shh baby, gotta be quiet. Don’t want the whole office to know how well you take my cock.”
“It’s….just so….good.”
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve come and you can feel another one hitting you. Javi is close too, you can tell from his sloppy thrusts.
“Can I…come inside you baby?”
“Yes….yes claim me, I’m yours.”
He’s quick to pull out of you and tuck himself back into his trousers. You pull down your skirt and put on your underwear. You both didn’t notice that Feistl had entered the room, catching you both fix yourselves up.
“I fucking knew it. You too have been fucking each other. VanNess you owe me 50 bucks.”
“Jesus will you keep it down.”
“How long has this been a thing?”
You don’t know what to say. It’s not really a thing you both just fuck each other nothing else, much as you would like. Javi comes up beside you placing his hand on your lower back. He pulls you into his side wrapping an arm around your waist. You look up at him stunned by his actions, only to find him already looking at you with adoration in his eyes.
“Not that’s it’s any of your business, but it’s been almost a year now, right baby?”
“Screwing the boss is the only way you’ll get anywhere darlin.”
You feel Javier’s grip on you tighten and you know he is going to blow.
“I wouldn’t get to comfortable either, he’ll kick you to curb as soon as he gets bored.”
“You need to shut the fuck up, or you’ll be out of here by the end of the day. While we’re at it, don’t ever speak about Y/N like that, she’s better than half of you idiots. Now get out of my sight.”
When’s he’s gone Javier turns you in his arms so your facing him.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, did that just happen?”
“Don’t worry about him. I’m not good with this stuff, but I… I eh…look Y/N I want to be with you. Not just for a night or her in the office, like actually be with you.” He’s fidgety and you can tell he’s not used to talking about how he feels.
“Is thee Javier Pena asking me to be his girlfriend?” Your teasing him but there’s a part of you that hopes that’s what he wants.
“Well I wouldn’t say…”
How could you have been so stupid, of course he wouldn’t want that. You pull away from him and make your way to the door. He grabs your wrist and pulls you to him.
“Where are you going?”
“Look Javi, it’s fine, we’re fine, I know what we have isn’t anything special.”
“Hey hold on, did you not hear me when I said I wanted to be with you?”
“Yeah I did, but I am with you, we fuck..”
“You didn’t let me finish. What I was trying to say is that we don’t have to use those titles, I mean we’re not teenagers.”
“What. I….we….”
He’s getting annoyed now and runs his hand over his face, “ ok if it’s not what you want that’s fine.”
“No hey I want you Javi, I want to be your girlfriend. I just didn’t think you’d want that, I mean you don’t exactly scream commitment.”
He kisses you and it’s one of those kisses that leaves you breathless. Pulling away he rests his head against yours.
“I love you. This is all new to me, I’ve never felt this way about anyone, not even Lorraine. I’m all in, for as long as you’ll have me.”
“I love you too Javi.”
@lunaserenade @anaaaispunk @librariantothejedi @day-off-inkyoto @asta-lily @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @dindjarinneedsahug @pascal-rascal424 @pintsizemama @seasonschange-butpeopledont @janelongxox @stevie75 @thorins-queen-of-erebor @dihra-vesa @loserrlauraa @kirsteng42 @ikinmahlen @almaeunice @jediknight122 @colorlesswhispersunknown @rosie-posie08 @alberta-sunrise @javierpinme @pascalisthepunkest
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tauremornalome · 3 years
so, while it's obviously not 100% true to the mandarin original, i counted how many times the word "fuck" appears in the ExiledRebels translation of MDZS (which i think most of the anglophone fandom is familiar with, and bases their takes on characters upon) and here are the results:
1. wei wuxian: 17 fucks said aloud + 3 "thought to himself" = record 20 fucks
2. the narrator: 11 fucks (9 of them to describe sexual acts)
tied for the third place:
3. jiang cheng: 9 fucks (way less than i expected of him tbh)
3. xue yang: 9 fucks (establishing the record of fucks per chapter in the extra "villainous friends")
4. wen chao: 2 fucks (surprisingly this is shouting at wang lingjiao and his servants)
characters who said fuck once: a-qing, nie huaisang, jin ling, anxin (a prostitute from meng shi's brothel), jin guangyao, two random cultivators in a tavern, he su, yunmeng jiang shidis
which all sums up to 59 f-words in the translation of the novel
some of my favourite fucks under the cut
starting with wei wuxian in chapter 2, commenting on mo xuanyu's situation (he's right):
The words on the paper were small and compact, which hurt Wei WuXian's eyes. He thought to himself, "How fucked up is this person's life?"
11/10 this use of the f-word is very much justified, poor mo xuanyu :(
next on the list: xue yang in chapter 40, upon meeting song lan:
"For once I actually wanted to shop for food, and here you fucking are, spoiling my mood!"
understandable, 9/10 (this doesn't get full notes because i like song lan and this is not fucking ideal for him either :c)
next we have this gem, nie huaisang in chapter 49:
Nie HuaiSang roared at Nie MingJue, "Saber, saber, saber! Who the fuck wants to practice the damn thing?!"
100/10 holy shit!! nie huaisang is braver than any u.s. marine, roaring at his easily irritable jock brother the famous chifeng-zun about not giving a damn about their family legacy
this cute fragment from chapter 55, wangxian in the xuanwu cave:
"And now, we finally have it dead, and the son-of-a-bitch made the hole collapse. Fuck!"
Hearing the 'fuck', Lan WangJi's brows twitched. He wanted to say something, but held it in.
8/10, kudos for calling the xuanwu of slaughter 'son of a bitch'
shoutout to jiang cheng's first use of the word fuck, which appears in chapter 73 (burial mounds flashback):
"I'm the one who fucking wants to give you a thrashing!"
directed obviously at wei wuxian. 5/10, i'm slightly disappointed, please support your brother through his necromancy phase
next, jin ling in chapter 98, must have been picking up bad words from his jiujiu:
"Fairy! Come back! Fuck!"
6/10 you're your uncle's nephew i guess but that's not how a 13 year old should talk to his dog >:(
coming next jiang cheng with his heartbreaking rhetorical question (chapter 102 - he really is having a rough time):
"Why do I have to feel like I'm a fucking clown all these years?!"
12/10, i think this is the only place in the novel where a character acknowledges the general clownery happening around them
followed by jc in chapter 104:
[JGY talking to WWX] "Someone like you is destined to have a short life. You see? Doesn't it feel a lot better if you think about it this way?"
Jiang Cheng raged, "You're the one who's got a fucking short life!"
10/10, a great sentence to say + he's defending his shixiong!!
jin guangyao's last words, as presented in chapter 108:
"Fuck you, Nie MingJue! You think I'm really scared of you?! I..."
and then he died. 3/10
wei wuxian being mean to lan zhan about the phoenix mountain incident (or rather about the fact that lwj thought wwx had plenty of ~experience~) in 111:
"Are you an idiot, Lan Zhan?! You fucking believed all that nonsense!"
4/10 i would say he's hurting lwj's innocent ears with swearing but next chapters are full of wwx begging lan zhan to fuck him, sooo...
xue yang making an epic come back in chapter 118, starting with critique of jin guangyao's interior design:
[about Suibian] "What's the use of keeping a fucking piece of decoration?"
6/10 i know xiao xingchen is blind but i'm sure he would appreciate some decorations in your cosy little house in yi city, not everything has to serve a purpose my dude
aaand in the same chapter dragging jin guangyao,
"You should've gotten a mirror and looked at your face. That smile was nasty. It was so fucking fake I could throw up."
15/10 accurate assesment
aaaaaand we're finishing with this slice of everyday life at lotus pier, yunmeng jiang shidis in chapter 125 reacting to wwx and jc arguing:
The shidi all complained, "Fight outside if you have to!" Please fuck off together, won't you? We're begging you!"
13/10 this is why i love the jiang sect. show me ONE lan disciple who would tell their sect heir and first disciple to fuck off. su she doesn't count
Thank you for your attention, I love science, while writing fic remember to have wwx swear like a sailor, also remember nie huaisang shouting "fuck sabres!" to nmj's face
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Unexpected Encounters (Adrenaline Junkie Part 8)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: minor swearing
Word count: 2,775
You walked down the now worn cobblestone path towards the main plaza of the village by Philza’s house. Whistling the first verse of the L’manberg national anthem, you wove slightly at the crowd of people gathered at the stands that littered the sides of the street. 
The village was much larger than the entire L’manberg nation. It had several different precincts with a large, diverse group of people and a few hybrids living there. It also had more amenities like shops, a library (which, to your delight, grew expansively to include more books on inventions, some being exclusively about yours. They were proud people that embraced whatever fame comes out of the area), and multiple towering office buildings.
Everything’s changed since you’ve last been here a year ago. What was now more modern used to be traditional. What was loosely populated was now bustling with people. What used to be barren was now chock full of shops and apartment complexes. It was kind of jarring to see this much change in a little over a year.
In retrospect, it was jarring how much you changed in a little over a year. The hallucinations have finally almost completely stopped along with the nightmares. They only came about once a week now. You were slowly reincorporating green back into your wardrobe. Your phantom pain has retreated into your subconscious. It was always going to be with you, so you got used to the constant pain and tingling feeling. You learned to appreciate the small things in life and just live in the moment so you would have something positive to look back on in the future.
You invented several different gadgets to help your brothers win the L’manberg War of Independence such as a portable TNT launcher, handheld long-distance communication devices (which you affectionately dubbed walkie talkies since you could walk and talk! Wilbur and Tommy were not as enthusiastic of the name as you were), and a redstone powered crossbow that continuously fired arrows until you released the trigger. Though all of your inventions were practically your babies, they did not come anywhere close to trumping your magnum opus: your metal fully functioning wing. 
After several mishaps and failed attempts, you finally made your wing correspond to the electrical impulses in your muscles so that it copied the movements of your flesh wing. It’s built out of a lightweight hollow iron and has feather shaped metal pieces protruding off from it to emulate your other wing. It was a sleek silver color that always caught a ray of sunshine and reflected it to another place. It was basically permanently attached to your body by now due to it being a pain to take on and off. It was just easier and more efficient to keep it on constantly. 
People around you stared, some in awe and some in admiration. A stark difference from when you first lost your wing. Sometimes, you resented them for treating you differently just because your name became more widely known, but you were always a firm believer that everyone deserves a second chance. Even attention seeking, unscrupulous assholes looking for cheap brownie points from their peers because ‘I knew them before they were discovered! I knew them personally, we were, like, really close!’ So for now, you tried to ignore the ugly indignation bubbling in your gut and threatening to spew out in a string of hurtful words. You were sick of being angry, especially now that L’manberg is at peace. 
You passed several people who pointed at you and whispered amongst themselves. Ignoring them, you continued onward with your head held high and your wings folded in tightly to avoid children grabbing and pulling them with their grubby little hands. It always took you a while to clean and preen them after people touched them. You hated cleaning off fingerprints and grime from the smooth metal.
Walking with a sense of purpose, you continued onwards passing multiple shops and stands until you finally reached the butcher. Opening the decorated glass door, a little bell chimed alerting the burly man behind the counter of your presence. Like the others, he stared wide-eyed at you with his lips slightly parted in shock. Great, another exhausting encounter. 
Putting on a polite smile, you broke the silence of the meat shop. “Hello, I’m here to buy half a pound of fresh ground beef. Would you by chance have any in stock?” That seemed to snap him out of his stupor.
“O-of course, I’ll get that for you right away.”
He disappeared into the backroom where frosty fog rolled out in tiny clouds. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. Maybe he wouldn’t ask any questions or try to get to know you on a personal level.
He returned in a hurry, slapping the wrapped beef onto the counter and giving you a price. Reaching into your wallet for the cash, you paid him generously. “Keep the change.”
“I-thank you, Mx. Minecraft.”
Putting the beef into your satchel, you gave him a more genuine smile. “Don’t mention it.”
Briskly walking out, you made a beeline for the village’s main entrance. You couldn’t stand the feeling of constantly being watched and talked about anymore. Why couldn’t they treat you like a normal person? In your opinion, you were, well, you. Nothing was special about you.
As you were about to cross the threshold of the village, you heard footsteps behind you.
Stopping dead in your tracks, you closed your eyes and took a few steadying breaths so that you wouldn’t lash out at this person. You just wanted to go to your childhood home and have a nice, peaceful dinner with your dad. Was that too much to ask? 
Opening your eyes and plastering on a fake smile, you turned around and greeted him. He was a young boy, probably around eleven or twelve years old. His clothes and shaggy auburn hair were disheveled and he had dirt smeared on his face. “Hello, to whom may I owe the pleasure?”
He put his hands on his knees and tried to talk between gasping breaths. “Mx, my name’s Arthur Fox, i-it’s truly an honor to meet you. I’ve admired your work since before the war in L’manberg. You’re an amazing inventor and I wanna be just like you when I grow up. I- oooh I’m sorry, I’m rambling aren’t I?” He kind of reminded you of Tubbo in a strange way.
“No, you’re fine Arthur. Thank you for being a fan of my work, but I must get going. I have an important meeting to attend to.” You weren’t exactly lying to the young boy. Turning on your heel, you started to walk off only to feel a hand on your arm.
“Mx, I need to talk to you.”
“I really have to get going, Arthur. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“No, it’s important.”
You struggled to keep the smile on your face as you shrugged his arm off as politely as you could. This kid is determined. Too determined. “So’s my meeting. I have to go.” You started to walk off into the beaten forest path.
“Do you know about The Warden?”
You halted abruptly and sharply turned around. You let your smile and polite stature drop into pursed lips and sharp eyes.
“...Of course I do. Everyone does.”
Flinching slightly, he quickly recovered his confident facade. “No, that’s not what I meant. Do you know about The Warden?”
“Like I said,” you played stupid, “everybody does. Who doesn’t?”
He puffed his cheeks out in frustration. “Ugh, how could someone so smart be so stupid at the same time? I mean you met it didn’t you? It took your wing.”
You took a step forward and narrowed your eyes, fully facing him now. “How do you know about that? Who told you?” 
He stepped back. “I-I heard rumors a couple of years back that it got someone. I heard your name thrown around here and there.”
You gave him enough of a warning that you didn’t want to talk, but he ignored it and now he has to reap the consequences. At this point, you were so tired and drained from everyone trying to be buddy-buddy with you that you finally snapped. The only thing you wanted was to go home, you did not need this right now. 
“Well, Arthur, you shouldn’t pry into other people’s business. I’ve told you time and time again that I have to leave, yet you persist to stop me. Why? And where are your parents, didn’t they teach you any manners?”
He looked downwards and fiddled with his fingers. “They’re dead. T-The Warden took someone important to me. I… I thought you might be able to help me.”
Shit, you just yelled at a grieving orphan. You were a massive asshole weren’t you? Your eyes softened slightly and you frowned. “...I’m sorry for your loss. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you? Dinner perhaps? We can talk about how I could help you afterwards.”
He glanced up at you. “But-but what about your meeting.”
You winced. “Uh, I’m moving it forward, we have more pressing matters.” You paused awkwardly. “Do… Do you have anybody to ask permission? Any siblings?”
His shoulders drooped. “...No. I’m all by myself.”
Shit, you yelled at a grieving homeless orphan? God what kind of role model were you? 
“C’mon, kid. We’re going to my house.” 
His wordlessly followed you and avoided looking into your eyes. The walk to your childhood home was very awkward, neither of you attempted starting conversation. You sighed.
“Look, Arthur I’m sorry for yelling at you like that. That was really uncalled for, I shouldn’t have yelled or gotten mad. It’s just that- The Warden’s a… touchy subject for me.”
“It’s alright, Mx. Minecraft. You can make it up to me by… making me dinner and showing me some of your blueprints?”
He looked up to you with hope filled, sparkling eyes. You snorted. “It’s a deal, kid. We’re almost there.” 
You could see the silhouette of the house in the nearly setting sun. It was still the same as when you left a year ago. 
“Ya know,” you sighed out, “this is actually my Dad’s house. I’m just visiting him for a couple of weeks.”
“Where do you live then?”
“I live in the heart of L’manberg with my brothers.”
“That’s cool…” He trailed off. You frowned, it seems that he was nervous to meet your Dad. You probably should’ve mentioned that Philza was there to him before taking him here.
You stopped, grabbing Arthur’s shoulders. “Kid, you don’t have to worry about meeting my dad. He’s probably the kindest, most genuine man I’ve ever met. He’ll welcome you with open arms, that’s what he did with me and my three brothers. He adopted us all.”
He gave you a small smile. “Alright, Mx. Minecraft, I trust you.”
“Oh, please don’t call me ‘Mx. Minecraft’, it makes me feel ancient,” you lolled your head back and dramatically groaned out, making him giggle. “I just turned twenty, buddy. Feel free to call me (y/n).”
 Putting your hand on his shoulder, you led him to the front door. You twisted the old door knob and pushed the wooden door open.
“Dad, I’m home and I brought the beef!”
He popped his head out from the kitchen, his messy blond hair flopping onto his face. He gave you a joking smile. “Took you long enough, any longer and I would’ve locked ya out.” 
You watched as his eyes wandered over to Arthur. He frowned, revealing his frilly pink apron that Wilbur got him as a joke. Oh, you could just hear the gears in his head churning.
“...(Y/n), who’s this?”
Grinning sheepishly, you replied. “Dad, this is Arthur Fox. Arthur, this is my dad Philza Minecraft. I promised him dinner and somewhere to stay for the night. Do you have some of Tommy’s old clothes Artie could borrow for the night?”
He sighed, shooting you a we’ll-talk-about-this-later look. “Yes, they’re in the attic. I’ll grab them after dinner so he could shower before going to bed.”
Arthur timidly spoke up. “Thank you, Mr. Minecraft.”
Your dad softened and gave him a gentle smile. “It’s no problem, Arthur. And please, call me Philza. Mr. Minecraft makes me feel old.”
Arthur let out a loud laugh. Despite everything he went through, his laugh still sounds like an innocent child’s laugh. You chuckled, kids always had a silly little laugh. Philza grinned at him, a child’s laughter was something that he missed.
Arthur wiped at his eyes as his laughter died down. “I’m sorry, (y/n) said the same outside.”
“I did,” you smiled lightly at Arthur before looking back at Philza with mischief, standing up straight and putting your hands on your hips. “But I was funnier.”
“Pft, you wish. I was saying that before you were even born. So, I win because I’ve been saying it longer.”
“Whatever ya say, old man. Funniness over age.”
He playfully glared at you, placing an offended hand over his heart. “I’m not that old.”
“Ya kinda are, Dad. You’re practically turning to dust!”
He gasped. “I am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Are too!”
“Am no- wait Dad, that’s cheating!”
“You still said it though!” He sang out, grinning at you cheekily.
“No, that doesn’t count!”
Arthur’s amused brown eyes bounced between you and Philza like he was watching a tennis match. Every so often, he would giggle at something one of you said. You both took your banter to the kitchen where you and Philza started to cook. Dinner was done and the table was set in no time. There was pleasant small talk as dinner neared an end
Your dad swallowed his last bite of beef and turned his attention towards Arthur. “So Arthur, how old are you?”
Arthur gave a small grin. “I’m ten.”
“Do your paren-”
You loudly coughed, throwing a discreet glare at Philza. Mouthing ‘don’t’ from behind your hand, you took a big sip of your water and stood up. “I’ll wash all the dishes. Arthur, would you like to look at some of my blueprints while we wait for my Dad to get you some clothes?”
His eyes shined with excitement. “Yes please!”
You chuckled, putting the plates in the sink and walking down to your old workshop to grab one of the blueprints you left in a filing cabinet. You grabbed the first draft for your prosthetic and the final draft for the automatic farm.
Upstairs, you situated the blueprints in front of Arthur at the dinner table. “Okay buddy, learn to your heart’s content. I’m gonna do the dishes. If you need something just give me a shout.”
Walking into the kitchen, you filled the sink with warm soapy water and got started scrubbing. You moved your wings around subconsciously as you wiped the pots and plates clean of grease. Humming in satisfaction when you were done, you dried your hands and sat next to Arthur who was looking at your designs with complete awe. 
“You like them?”
He nodded his head so fast you thought it might fall off and started to fling questions at you. You smiled fondly at him, it was nice to see someone so interested in how your inventions were made and not just how they worked. 
You two were mid conversation when Philza walked into the room with a bundle of clothes in his arms. You grabbed Arthur’s hand and led him up to the bathroom. You bent down and rested your hands on your knees, looking at him.
“Alright buddy, everything you need is in there, clean towels are in the closet. When you’re done, I’ll be in my room just over there,” you pointed to your door. “Last door on the left. I can show you where you’ll be sleeping for the night when you’re done. Does that sound okay?”
He gave you a gap-toothed smile. “Yes, thank you (y/n)! You’re the best!”
He closed the bathroom door and you stood there. You felt… oddly fond for the boy you just met only hours before. 
Philza cleared his throat and pinned you to the wall with a stern look. “(Y/n), explain now.”
“I will, but let’s talk in my room so Arthur can shower in peace. Poor boy needs it.”
He sighed and walked into your room. You had a long talk ahead of you.
(A/N): so, how do you guys like Arthur?
Taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @dirtydiavolo  @yeiras-world  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity  @camisascam
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Heloise's 3.5k Followers Sleepover [Closed!] and Writing Challenge [Closed!]
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Hello my lovelies <3
On Wednesday we reached another milestone once again! I can’t tell you how happy I am to know that so many of you have been enjoying my writing. All the support I’ve gotten from my followers has been beyond my expectations and I’m just so very grateful. I never imagined getting 50 let alone 3500 followers. Mind blowing really! I wanted to do something fun for such a huge milestone and as it’s a writing blog, I thought, let’s write. I want the writers to enjoy writing and the readers to enjoy reading. However, on the other hand, I didn’t want to leave out my non-writer followers so a sleepover should be in place as well.
Therefore, welcome to⁠—
Heloise’s 3.5k followers Sleepover and Writing Challenge
Part 1. Sleepover [Closed!] (Please click on the link above!)
Part 2. Writing Challenge [Closed!] (See below the Keep Reading option!)
Let's have fun and send your Ask! ^^
Heloise's Map | Masterlists
Heloise’s 3.5k Followers Writing Challenge Masterlist
Part 2. Writing Challenge!
Disclaimer! I do not own any of the prompts listed below, they all belong to @screnwriter and @dreamy-prose and each prompt list I have used for creating this event are listed at the bottom of the post. [Numbers] next to prompts refer to the prompt lists you can find them at.
➵ You don’t have to follow me to participate, although it would be much appreciated. ➵ Chose as many prompts as you’d like. No limits. ➵ Write for any universe and any pairings, I basically read everything. ➵ No incest, racial, religious, or sexual hate openly, not related to the story line, but to hurt others. If you have any of the above in your fic, I will not reblog it. ➵ Fluff, angst, smut, anything goes, just please use appropriate Warnings!  ➵ Use the Keep reading option above 500 words. Tutorial from phone is Here! ➵ No deadline for submission, but deadline for entry closes on 27 September 2021. Clarification: You can submit your fics even next year if you wish. End date is only for entering the event. I will not be able to accept entries after 27 September 2021. ➵ If you would like to participate, just send me an Ask with the prompt(s) and character and Reblog this post. ➵ Please use the tag #heloises3.5kcelebration and tag my name @heloisedaphnebrightmore when you post your fic. If it's not reblogged in 48 hours, please send me an Ask or DM. My tags seem to be funny at times. ➵ And most importantly, Have fun! :)
I decided to use both Scenario prompts and Dialogue prompts to take on a different approach compared to my last writing challenge.
Scenario prompts
Enemies to lovers / Tension prompts
1. “I’ll kiss you right now to prove that I don’t feel anything for you.” “Okay.” The two characters kiss, and whoops they felt something, followed by lingering, as they’re catching their breath, trying to make sense of what just happened, and the feelings rushing through them, and then there’s this urge to dive back in for another kiss. [5]
@goddessofdawns (x) Loki Laufeyson x Reader
2. Your enemy has never let anyone touch their scar, until you come along. [7]
@natashxromanovf (x) Bucky Barnes x Reader
3. Character A and B kiss each other to prove there's nothing going on between them, but they get so caught up in each other, they prove the exact opposite. [2]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
4. For one night, Character A and B give into temptation and sleep with each other, hoping it will solve the tension building between them. It does the opposite. [2]
5. Character A and B avoid each other after sharing an intimate moment, be it a kiss, a hug, holding hands, or just looking at each other's lips longer than appropriate. [1]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
6. You're upset one night, and you don't know where to go, so you end up at your enemy's house, and as they open the door, you stay silent for a second, before saying “I don't know where else to go.” Your enemy doesn't say anything, instead they pull you into their arms, giving you a shoulder to cry on. [1]
@goddessofdawns (x) Bucky Barnes x Reader
7. The best friends to lovers “Let’s just kiss to see what it’s like.” They kiss, followed by the characters pulling away, eyes still closed, forehead against forehead, lingering… and then they go in for the second kiss. [5]
@goddessofdawns (x) Newt (Maze Runner) x Reader
8. You threaten your enemy, and when they close the distance between you, you realize how attracted you truly are to them. [1]
9. Pinning your enemy against the wall. Or straddling your enemy’s hips whilst they pin your arms above your head. [1]
@theravenclawgal (x) Sirius Black x Reader
10. You end up on your enemy's lap, and you yank the belt from their pants “Let's just get this over with.” [1]
11. You're about to leave the room, but your enemy slams the door shut, and with one hand on either side of your head, barricade you against the wall... (cue the reckless make-out session). [2]
@band--psycho (x) James Potter x Reader
12. You’re sharing a bed with your enemy and being told “Stay on your side or I'll set this whole bed on fire”. Only to wake up the next day with your enemy's arms wrapped around you. [2]
@forever-and-more (x) Lorcan Salvaterre (Throne of Glass) x Reader
13. Your enemy has been badly wounded, and somebody needs to bandage them up, so you agree to help them, and suddenly they're shirtless, and you can't help but admire their body, something that cheeky bastard takes notice of. [1]
14. You've been wounded, your face is all bruised up. Your enemy puts a finger under your chin, bringing your eyes to theirs, asking “Who did this to you?”. When you don't answer, they ask you again “Who did this to you?”. [1]
@band--psycho (x) Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
@grimdevil (x) Regulus Black x Reader
15. You've just been hurt, you're bleeding out, and your enemy is freaking out, dropping the “I love you. I can't lose you” card, begging you not to close your eyes. [2]
@goddessofdawns (x) Loki Laufeyson x Reader
@forever-and-more (x) Lorcan Salvaterre (Throne of Glass) x Reader
16. Two characters look at each other, a tense silence between them and then bang, lips crash into each other as they can’t resist anymore and then one of them pins the other against the wall. [6]
@forever-and-more (x) Lorcan Salvaterre (Throne of Glass) x Reader
17. You had a really good time on the date tonight, and your date is asking for a good night kiss. It was only meant to be on the cheek, but then you pull back, our eyes meet, and there's a gravitational pull pulling you closer again. [6]
18. You’ve never been kissed before so your friend volunteers, but you decline because you’ve been best friends and it would be weird. But a couple hours later you lay awake in bed and can't stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss them and suddenly you regret what you said. [6]
@queen-of-brokenhearts (x) Hermione Granger x Female!Reader
Intimate / Domestic prompts
19. You are wearing your lover’s clothes when they say, “Can I get my shirt/hoodie back?” and you say “No.” or “Come and get it.”. [4]
@oliverwoodmarrymepls (x) Oliver Wood x Reader
20. You're talking on the phone and your lover quietly comes up behind you, wraps their arms around you, and starts gently kissing your neck. You begin to lose focus on your phone call as you concentrate on not making any noise. [3]
@band--psycho (x) Fred Weasley x Reader
21. You’re supposed to be mad at your lover but they’re holding your face and smiling, and you just can't resist it when they're pouting like that. [6]
22. You and your lover sitting next to each other at a table, and they rest their hand on your thigh, gently rubbing their thumb back and forth. [3]
23. Looking at your crush or lover only to find them already looking at you and when you make eye contact, they smile at you. [3]
@iliveiloveiwrite (x) - Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
24. You think mistletoe kisses are lame, but your love interest brings you under one, regardless of the season and suddenly you're all for it. [6]
25. You and your lover are in bed, when you say, “It’s time to get up.” and your lover pulls you back down, wraps their hands around your body, snuggles up close, preventing you from getting out of bed. [4]
26. Your lover is resting their head on your lap, falling asleep whilst you are playing with their hair. [4]
@oliverwoodmarrymepls (x) Oliver Wood x Reader
@band--psycho (x) Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
27. Having a piece of hair brushed off your face as you're reading or looking down. [3]
28. You're sick, and you can't kiss your lover, and it's an absolute torture. [6]
@msmarvelouswinchester (x) Jensen Ackles or Dean Winchester x Reader
29. Being asked “Are you sure?” (There's nothing sexier than consent) [3]
30. When it’s a slow burn, and the characters just look at each other like “Fuck it, I’m done with this.” and they finally kiss. [4]
@acourtofbooksandfantasy (x) Azriel (ACOTAR) x Reader
Dialogue prompts
Flirty / Sarcastic prompts
1. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I like the sound of your voice, because you don’t seem to ever shut up.” [9]
2. “Is that a challenge?” [9]
3. “You’re cute when you’re nervous.” [15]
@will-be-a-fineline (x) Harry Styles x reader
4. “When have I ever put you in danger? Actually, don't answer that.” [11]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
5. “I dare you.” [9]
6. “If you don’t shut up, I might as well kiss you to put that mouth to good use.” [9]
7. Character A: “Do yourself a favour, get laid.” Character B: “Why, are you offering?” [9]
@grimdevil (x) Draco Malfoy x Reader
@theravenclawgal (x) Sirius Black x Reader
8. Character A: “What if bite you?” Character B: “I’m into that.” [10]
9. Character A is returning a priced procession to Character B and says, “I want something in return.” Character B “What?”  Character A “You.” [2]
10. Character A: “What changed your mind? “ Character B: “You.” [7]
11. Character A: “What do you want?” Character B: “You.” [9]
12. Character A: “Just admit it.” Character B: “Admit what?” Character A: “I’m the best you’ve ever had.” [13]
13. Character A: “You haven’t listened to a word I’ve said, have you?” Character B: “And yet for some reason your mouth just keeps on going.” [8]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
@theravenclawgal (x) Sirius Black x Reader
14. Character A: “I shouldn't have kissed you” “ Character B: You're right. But I should've.” [7]
15. Character A: “Do you flirt with everyone?” Character B: “Unfortunately, you’re the only one who caught my attention.” Character A: “Unfortunately?” [8]
@sexysirius (x) Sirius Black x Reader
16. Character B: “I like to keep my options open.” [8]
17. “I hate you. Oh, I hate you so much right now.” [11]
18. “Jesus Christ, you're annoying.” [11]
First kiss / Confession prompts
19. Character A: “Come over here.” Character B: “Why?” Character A: “You said you’ve never been kissed before. I’m planning on changing that.” [10]
20. Character A: “Just… don’t make this weird, all right?” Character B: “Meaning what?” Character A: “Meaning, don’t treat me like I haven’t been kissed before.” Character B: “But you… haven’t been kissed before.” Character A: “Look, I just want this over and done with, okay. I don’t want to be treated like a delicate flower. Kiss me like you mean it.” [10]
@band--psycho (x) Damon Salvatore x Reader
21. Character A: “I love you.” Character B: “I know.” Character A: “You knew?” Character B: “You haven’t exactly been discreet.” [15]
@band--psycho (x) Natasha Romanoff x Reader
22. “Listen, I know you’re busy, but… it’s important.” [15]
23. “I love you, and I don’t care if you don’t love me back. I just need you to know that I do.” [15]
24. Character A: “Do you have feelings for me?” Character B: “What?” Character A: “Do you have feelings for me?” [14]
25. “Is that truly, all it is? Just, two friends, hanging out?” [14]
@pregnant-piggy (x) Sirius Black x Reader
26. “I need to ask you something and I don’t want you to brush off the subject or turn it into a joke… I need you to be honest with me.” [14]
@grimdevil (x) Young!Sirius Black
27. “Are you… are you in love with me?” [14]
28. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” [14]
29. “All this time I thought you didn’t want me.” [14]
30. “If there’s something you want to tell me, now’s the time.” [14]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
31. “There’s nothing going on between me and Character C. because the person I want to be with is standing right in front of me.” [14]
32. Character A: “I want this to work. I really do.” Character B: “Then we’re on the same page.” [16]
33. “I’ve missed you so much. I didn’t even think it was possible to miss someone this much.” [16]
34. “I know we're not together, but I might die today so I'm going to kiss you just in case there is no later.” [6]
Reassurance / Sweet prompts
35. “You could stay here, tonight. For as long as you'd like.” [7]
@oliverwoodmarrymepls (x) Oliver Wood x Reader
36. “Could you ever love someone like me?” [7]
37. Character A: “I've never been in love before.” Character B: “Then let me show you.” [7]
@goddessofdawns (x) Sam Wilson x Reader
38. “I can’t get up. You’re gonna have to carry me.” [11]
@goddessofdawns (x) Sam Wilson x Reader
39. “Are you okay with me kissing you?” [12]
@deanwanddamons (x) Jensen Ackles x Reader
40. “I feel safe with you. I always have.” [12]
@band--psycho (x) Newt (Maze Runner) x Reader
41. “I need you to know that you can always come to me.” [12]
@iliveiloveiwrite (x) - Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
42. Character A: “You’ll wait for me?” Character B: “For as long as I need to.” [12]
43. “I’ll always be there for you. Don’t you ever doubt that.” [12]
@band--psycho (x) George Weasley x Reader
44. “Don’t hide from me. you’re even more beautiful in the morning.” [13]
@will-be-a-fineline (x) Harry Styles x reader
45. “I’m going to kiss you until you’re sick of it.” [13]
@goddessofdawns (x) Sam Wilson x Reader
46. “Just hold me. I’m not ready to wake up.” [13]
@pregnant-piggy (x) Sirius Black x Reader
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If you have any questions, don’t be afraid of sending me a message. My inbox is always open for everyone :)
Prompt lists used from @screnwriter and @dreamy-prose
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
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fybillielourd · 5 years
I grew up with three parents: a mom, a dad and Princess Leia. I guess Princess Leia was kind of like my stepmom–technically family, but deep down I didn’t really like her. She literally and metaphorically lived on a planet I had never been to. When Leia was around, there wasn’t as much room for my mom–for Carrie. As a child, I couldn’t understand why people loved Leia as much as they did. I didn’t want to watch her movie, I didn’t want to dress up like her, I didn’t even want to talk about her. I just wanted my mom–the one who lived on Earth, not Tatooine. I didn’t watch Star Wars until I was about 6 years old. (And I technically didn’t finish it until I was 9 or 10. I’m sorry! Don’t judge me!) My mom used to love to tell people that every time she tried to put it on, I would cover my ears and yell, “It’s too loud, Mommy! Turn it off!”–or fearfully question, “Is that lady in the TV you?” It wasn’t until middle school that I finally decided to watch it of my own accord–not because I suddenly developed a keen interest in ’70s sci-fi, but because boys started coming up to me and saying they fantasized about my mom. My mom? The lady who wore glitter makeup like it was lotion and didn’t wear a bra to support her much-support-needed DD/F’s? They couldn’t be talking about her! I had to investigate who this person was they were talking about. So I went home and watched the movie I had forever considered too loud and finally figured out what all the fuss was about the lady in the TV. I’d wanted to hate it so I could tell her how lame she was. Like any kid, I didn’t want my mom to be “hot” or “cool”–she was my mom. I was supposed to be the “cool,” “hot” one–not her! But staring at the screen that day, I realized no one is, or ever will be, as hot or as cool as Princess F-cking Leia. (Excuse my language. She’s just that cool!) Later that year, I went to Comic-Con with my mom. It was the first time I realized how widespread and deep people’s love for Leia was, even after so many years. It was surreal: people of all ages from all over the world were dressed up like my mom, the lady who sang me to sleep at night and held me when I was scared. Watching the amount of joy it brought to people when she hugged them or threw glitter in their faces was incredible to witness. People waited in line for hours just to meet her. People had tattoos of her. People named their children after her. People had stories of how Leia saved their lives. It was a side of my mom I had never seen before. And it was magical. I realized then that Leia is more than just a character. She’s a feeling. She is strength. She is grace. She is wit. She is femininity at its finest. She knows what she wants, and she gets it. She doesn’t need anyone to defend her, because she defends herself. And no one could have played her like my mother. Princess Leia is Carrie Fisher. Carrie Fisher is Princess Leia. The two go hand in hand. When I graduated from college, like most folks, I was trying to figure out what the hell to do with my life. I went to school planning to throw music festivals, but always had this little sliver of me that wanted to do what my parents pushed me so hard not to do–act. I was embarrassed to admit I was even slightly interested. So when my mom called me and told me they wanted me to come in to audition for Star Wars, I pretended it wasn’t a big deal–I even laughed at the concept–but inside I couldn’t think of anything that would make me happier. A couple weeks later I went in for my audition. I probably had never been more nervous in my life. I was terrified and most likely made a fool of myself, but I kind of had a great time doing it. I assumed they would never call me, but after that audition, I realized I wanted to give the whole acting thing a shot. I was definitely afraid, but as a wise woman once said, “Stay afraid, but do it anyway … The confidence will follow.” About a month later, they somehow ended up calling. And there I was, on my way to be in motherf-cking Star Wars. Whoa. Growing up, my parents treated film sets like a house full of people with the flu: they kept me away from them at all costs. So on that fateful first day driving up to Pinewood, I was like a doe-eyed child. I couldn’t tell my mom, but little sassy, sarcastic, postcollege me felt like a giddy, grateful middle schooler showing up to a fancy new school. On that first day, my mom and I sat next to each other in the hair and makeup trailer. (Actually, she wasn’t really one for sitting, so she paced up and down and around me, occasionally reapplying her already overapplied glitter makeup and feeding Gary, her French bulldog.) Between glitterings, the hairstylist crafted what was to become General Leia’s hairstyle, then it was on to me: little Lieutenant Connix. Funnily enough, my mom had more to say about my hairstyle than her own. Even though she complained for years about how the iconic Leia buns “further widened my already wide face,” she desperately wanted me to carry on the face-widening family tradition! Some people carry on their family name, some people carry on holiday traditions–I was going to carry on the family hairstyle. So after we tested a few other space-appropriate hairstyles, we decided to embrace the weird galactic nepotism of it all and went with the mini–Leia buns. She stood in the mirror behind me and smiled like we had gotten matching tattoos. Our secret-handshake hairstyle. On the first day of this thing I could now call “work,” I walked into the Resistance Base set for rehearsal and J.J. Abrams, the director, told me where to stand and what to do–basically just press some pretty real-looking fake buttons. But I have to say, just pressing those buttons and observing the rest of the scene was one of the most fun things I had ever done. I had no lines in the scene, but my mom kept checking on me like I was delivering a Shakespearean monologue. “Are you O.K.?” she asked. “Do you need anything?” I scoffed at her maternal questions like a child embarrassed by her mother yelling goodbye too loud in a carpool line: “Mommy, go away! I’m fine. Focus on you, not me!” In the moment, I was humiliated that my mom was moming me on my first day of work, on the Star Wars set, of all places. But now I realize she was just being protective. Sets are extremely intimidating–I was too green at the time to know that–and she assumed I would be scared as hell. But weirdly, I wasn’t. At risk of sounding insane, something about this bizarre new world made me feel right at home. I had found a place with an empty puzzle slot that perfectly matched my weird-shaped puzzle piece. That night, on the long London-traffic-filled ride back from set, she turned to me and smiled. “Bits,” she said. “You know, most people aren’t as comfortable on sets as you were today. Especially on the f-cking Star Wars set, of all places!” (Excuse my language, but that was her language.) “This might be something you should think about doing.” At first I laughed, assuming she was kidding. But she continued to look me straight in the eye with no inkling of irony in sight. My mom was telling me I should act–my mom? The lady who spent my entire life convincing me acting was the last thing I should do? It couldn’t be true. But it was. I haven’t had many moments like this in my life–those aha moments everyone talks about. This was my first real one. My mom wanted me to be an actress. That was when I realized I had to give it a shot. She used to sarcastically quip that she knew all along what a massive hit Star Wars would be. As with most things, she was kidding. She was absolutely and totally beyond shocked by the massive global phenomenon that was the first Star Wars trilogy. It changed her life forever. Then, when it happened again almost 40 years later, she was even more absolutely and totally beyond shocked. It changed her life yet again. But that time, it changed my life too. I thought getting to make one Star Wars movie with her was a once-in-a-lifetime thing; then they asked me to come do the next movie and I got to do my once-in-a-lifetime twice. On our second movie together, I really tried to take a step back and appreciate what I was doing. I couldn’t tell her because she’d think I was lame, but getting to watch her be Leia this time made me feel like the proud mom. Watching the original Star Wars movies as a kid in my mom’s bed, I never imagined the lady in the TV would get older and get back in the TV. And I definitely never imagined we would end up in the TV together. But that’s where we ended up. Two little ladies in the TV together–Leia and little Lieutenant Connix. We wrapped The Last Jedi a little less than six months before she died. I went back to L.A. to film the show I was on, and she stayed in London to film the show she was on. One of the last times we spoke on the phone, she talked about how excited she was that the next movie in the trilogy was going to be Leia’s movie. Her movie. She used to say that in the original movies, she got to be “the only girl in an all-boys fantasy.” But with each new Star Wars movie, the all-boys fantasy started to become a boys-and-girls fantasy. She was no longer a part of a fantasy, but the fantasy herself. Leia was not just a sidekick one of the male leads had on his arm, or a damsel in distress. She was the hero herself. The princess became the general. My mom died on Dec. 27, 2016. Two days after Christmas, four days before New Year’s and about a year before she was supposed to appear in her final Star Wars film. Losing my mom is the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. I lost my best friend. My little lady in the TV. My Momby. And I inherited this weird, intimidating thing called her legacy. Suddenly I was in charge of what would come of her books, her movies and a bunch of other overwhelming things. I was now the keeper of Leia. About a year later, J.J. called me into his office to talk about the plans for Leia. We both agreed she was too important to be written off in the classic Star Wars introductory scroll. This last movie was supposed to be Leia’s movie, and we wanted it to remain that, as much as possible. What I hadn’t known–and what J.J. told me that day –was that there was footage of my mom that they had collected over the years that hadn’t made it into the movies, footage that J.J. told me would be enough to write an entire movie around. It was like she had left us a gift that would allow Leia’s story to be completed. I was speechless. (Anyone who knows me knows that doesn’t happen very often.) J.J. asked me if I would want to come back as Lieutenant Connix. I knew it would be one of the most painful, difficult things I would ever do, but I said yes for her–for my mom. For Leia. For everyone Leia means so much to. For everyone Leia gives strength to. For my future kids, so someday they’ll have one more movie to watch that Mommy and Grandma were in together. So they can ask me about the lady–now ladies–in the TV and tell me to turn it down because it’s too loud. I grew up with three parents: a mom, a dad and Princess Leia. Initially, Princess Leia was kind of like my stepmom. Now she’s my guardian angel. And I’m her keeper.
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