#90s lipstick inspiration
virgochalet · 4 months
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
lipstick on your cape
“Robbie?” Tabitha looked up from the phone she wasn’t supposed to have on patrol at Nightwing. Hopefully Peg wouldn’t tattle on her to Bruce. “You got a little something on your cape. I think it’s that dark red lipstick they can probably see from the Watchtower.”
Beth examined her cape and, sure enough, there were some mysterious red smudges on the inner yellow lining, just past the right shoulder. She scrubbed at it with her gloves, how’d that even get there? Alfred would have a fit if this stained. Peg grunted as she sat down next to Tab on the edge of the building.
“So, do you wanna talk about it?” Peg asked, deceptively casual.
“About what?” Beth questioned.
“About why you’ve been sporting colored lips the last week,” Peg said softly. “I mean it’s pretty and all but its very,“ she paused. “It’s grownup. Are you trying to impress someone? I know things with you and Arianna are over but maybe someone on your team?”
“No, it’s not like that!” Beth blushed. “I don’t know, I thought it looked nice?”
“You’re 15 baby girl,” Peg said with a little frown. “You don’t need to look nice, you just need to be yourself. Especially as Robin.”
“I am being myself. I don’t have a reason, okay! I just thought it would be fun. I don’t know, I like girly stuff I guess. Its a safety risk to wear fun earrings or necklaces on patrol so, I don’t know, the other day I put on some lipstick and thought it looked cute so I kept doing it.”
Her mother had been a tomboy, more at home in the dirt than society but Tabitha had always been impressed at how she could transform. The nights they were home, when they had to play the part of the Drakes, were special. Mom would do her hair, nails and make-up just so and become someone else. She went from Tab’s flighty, distracted but stubborn mom to a princess. Her smiles were calculated, her posture perfect and she could glide across a ballroom in six inch heels and a sleek dress like she was born for it. And she had been but she’d rejected it for her dad and archeology but mostly archeology.
Tabitha loved computers and skateboards and comics and cars but she’d spent so many hours learning to style her hair in different ways, to paint her nails like a pro and to layer her lipstick like she was ready for murder. It was a side she hadn’t indulged in much lately. Being Robin was it’s own sort of freedom but it had its restrictions as well.
“I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing,” Peg said thoughtfully, leaning back to look up at the moon. “I guess Jan and I set a bit of a precedent huh?” Robins were crime fighters. They laughed at criminals and fought against the worst of the worst. They were efficient, practical and inspiring. They didn’t wear lipstick. Beth brought a glove to cover her mouth.
“Sorry, I guess it’s not really appropriate, is it? I think I have some make up remover wipes in my belt.” Peg grabbed a hold of her wrist.
“No, no, keep it on,” Peg insisted. “It does look nice, you did a good job and it really compliments the red of your suit.” She shifted so they were holding hands. “My mom used to do me up in makeup before shows, so the audience could see our faces. I can still feel her fingertips running over my cheeks.” She said with a soft voice, eyes closed in memory. “Moving in with B, I couldn’t do makeup that extravagant. I had to make a good impression and then, as I got older, I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong impression from lipstick and eye shadow.” 
“It’s such a burden to be beautiful,” Tabitha said with an eye roll even though it kind of was. She saw the way people ogled Peg at events. Tab had tripped one particularly creepy guy right into the punch bowl. Bruce had given her a thumbs up across the hall.
“You’re not Jan, no one expects you to be,” Peg said softly. “We just want you to be yourself. That’s the beauty of being Robin, you get to be whoever you want to be.”
“And what about B?” Beth questioned.
“You introduced yourself by breaking B’s rules,” Peg said with a grin, breaking the hand hold to ruffle Tab’s hair. She angrily straightened her clip and re-fluffed her bangs. Just because Nightwing just had a simple ponytail doesn’t mean some vigilantes didn’t care about merging style and function. “I think you’ll be fine.”
“Hmm, okay,” Beth said, scooting over to lean on Peggy’s shoulder. She loved her mom, missed her a lot but having a big sister was pretty great too. “You could add a little color to your lips too if you want.”
“I think I’ll pass. I’ve seen the colors you wear, baby bird,” Peg chuckled.
“Well how about your hair?” Tab asked, sitting up. “I could teach you how to do a simple french braid, or more fancy if you’d like. Still be functional but adds a little bit of style.”
“Tomorrow, my place, my hands always cramp after too long using the grapples. I’ll order some of that disgusting pizza you like,” Peg grinned. Tabitha grinned, her lips a dark ruby red under the Gotham moonlight.
Robin didn’t do her make up every night. Some nights she was running late, finishing clipping on her cape as she ran to the Batmobile. Other times she was too tired, too pained, just not in the mood for such frivolities. But other nights, she sculpted her eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil. She rubbed primer, foundation, blush, sealant on her face that could hold up against wind, rain and rogues. She poured over her ever growing collection of lipsticks and lipstains and picked a color that spoke to her.
Red was for when she was feeling daring, bold, she had many different variations of the color but deliberately shied away from Joker red. When Spoiler took to the streets she acquired all sorts of different purples to complement the laughing boy’s costume. Pink was for when she felt soft but strong, when she was making a statement to the worst of Gotham that it couldn’t change her. Black was only to be used on the nights she knew would be bad. Bart got her a glittery gold one that she loved but used sparingly because it caught the light easily. Peg had laughed when when Tab shown up once with Nightwing blue lips, her braided hair dancing in the breeze.
She was Robin, she was a hero, a role model, a symbol. But she was also a girl, a girl who loved dresses that flared out when she spun and lots of shiny, sparkly dangles and doodads and she loved the taste of matte lipstick as she jumped into the fight. Sometimes people were just a pile of different things all mushed together. And the rest of the world was going to just have to get over it.
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spaghetti0star · 2 years
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A look I created recently that I’m proud of. I’ve been so hesitant for so long with creating aesthetics and expression I admire on myself, and I finally have the confidence to do so :)) .
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grungemakeup · 2 years
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90's Makeup Tutorial: UD Pulp Fiction Palette #90s Makeup #90s Makeup 90's Makeup Tutorial: UD Pulp Fiction Palette Hey everyone, so today I'm sharing with you all my 90s inspired makeup look and I'm using the urban decay Pulp Fiction palette which I think is perfect, perfect, perfect. If you want th...
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thesimline · 2 months
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"For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo".
I was a teenager in the 90s, so you better believe Baz Luhrmann's 'Romeo & Juliet' was a formative part of my childhood! I have vivid memories of all the girlies leaving the cinema in tears (rip Leo). I've even created a lookbook inspired by the film, which you can find here.
Juliet: Hair | Skin | Face Shading | Blush (High School Years) | Lipstick | Necklace | Dress (TSR)
Romeo: Hair | Skin | Face Shading | Blush (High School Years) | Outfit (retired - direct download)
With thanks to some amazing creators: @simstrouble @pralinesims @emmibouquet @serenity-cc @zurkdesign
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zedif-y · 6 months
Inspired by this post by @transfemzedaph
i did attempt to not make this zedango. alas it is inevitable when it comes to my writing
"Would you look at that," Zedaph mutters, mostly to himself. (Herself? She's trying to stay in character here.) He turns his face this way and that, drinking in his reflection, all long lashes and rosy cheeks. He never did get a good look at it in his hurry. "Don't I look gorgeous."
Zedaph makes a mental note to thank Cleo after all this.
...Though, honestly, whoever's in charge of shining this tray should also really get a round of applause, Zedaph thinks. It's like a mirror.
Footsteps come up behind him, stopping at his side. Ah.
"So," Tango starts, "Grian's dead."
"Griande," Zedaph corrects.
"Right, sorry. Griande's dead."
Tango's lips quirk up, "Did you kill her?" Zedaph sighs.
"Unfortunately not."
Tango laughs, "I don't know what I expected."
"Neither do I," Zedaph mutters. He— ah, to hell with it. She pulls her lipstick out of her purse, "The others seem to have it handled, though."
Zedaph touches up the lipstick, pressing her lips together the way she's seen others do, smiling a little just to see the way it looks. Tango quiets at her side.
Then, "Hate to break character here, but Zed, you helping or what?"
Zedaph tsks, not bothering to turn from the mirror. "I don't know a Zed. My name is Rosamund, darling."
Tango rolls his eyes. At least, Zed assumes he did. Very Tango thing to do, that.
"Well, Rosamund," Tango— Mr. Waltz, tonight. Grian thinks he's funny— says. "There's a super interesting murder mystery going on right now, and you've been in front of this tray for," He checks his watch. It's golden, fancy, and laughably easy to break. "About 90 percent of it. Care to share with the class?"
Zedaph doesn't answer. Instead, she pulls back, tucks her red lipstick away into her purse. She squints her eyes, messing with her curls.
"Do you think this suits me?" Zedaph asks, her voice smaller. Quieter. Almost a whisper. "I mean— the getup. Makeup and dress and all that."
"It does," Tango replies easily, voice softer to match hers. Zedaph's not good with tone on a good day, but... "You look pretty."
Her heart does a thing. She doesn't know what, but it did a thing. Should get that checked.
Zedaph turns to face Tango— she needs to know if he's joking, red eyes alight with humor and a stupid grin on his face. Needs to know if by pretty he meant pretty silly, why would you even ask—
She looks, and then her thoughts falter and fade into oblivion.
Tango's looking at her, too, something warm in his gaze that makes Zed want to squirm or wipe off with a stupid comment. His cheeks are flushed pink.
It's piercing in the way Tango's gaze always is, slightly intense and burning right through her. Zedaph thought she had gotten used to it, and she has, mostly.
But right now it's kind of disconcerting.
(...Or, it's kind of nice.)
(Who said that.)
"I might be a girl," Zedaph says, instead of literally any of that. Tango blinks. "Tonight has been pretty eye-opening."
Zedaph frowns, "Except for Griande, I guess."
That startles a laugh out of Tango. "That's messed up!"
"She's fake dead, it's fine!"
"She'll make you real dead if you aren't careful," Tango tells her. "But— yeah? You think so?"
Zedaph shrugs, "I've been wondering about it for a while. This just hammered it in."
"Well, congrats," Tango nudges her with his side, grinning as he looks back at their reflections, seeing them side by side. "And welcome to the club, uh...?"
Something blossoms in Zedaph's chest, happy and tingly as she leans against Tango.
"Still Zedaph," she says. "And... He or she works. I think."
Then, only loud enough for the two of them, "Thanks, Tango."
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seireitonin · 11 months
What alternative subcultures the Creepypastas would be in!!(pt 1)
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This was an ask I accidentally deleted! Oops! I also listen to all the music I put in here! So it’s also a small glimpse into what I listen to! Also as some of you know I’m in the scemo and goth subcultures! But I know a lot about alternative cultures period so this was fun to make!
LJ: VICTORIAN GOTH 100%!! / Victorian Circus Core
I mean he’s literally from that era
The feathered shaw, the black and white color scheme, the black lipstick and guy liner with the pale white face!!
Literally a goth king. That’s an outfit I would definitely see at a goth club!(I’ve been to many)
Another part of goth culture is liking horror/ monsters. Since LJ is a monster he’d fit right in!
He’d be accepted by most goths despite his looks bc goths have morbid dark fashion senses themselves!
So if they saw his swirly cone nose and sharp teeth they’d be like: omg! I love your look!
He’d definitely listen to classical music and other goth music Specifically Switchblade symphony and Cocteau Twins
He definitely listens to old PATD
I can see him wearing other Victorian inspired clothes too!
Like dis:
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Jeff: Metalhead/ with 90s emo(for nostalgia.)
I mean look at him
He’d definitely shit on nu metal and still listen to it
The long greasy black hair, not showering, thinking he’s better than everyone else yeah sounds like a metal head to me/ hj
He listens Cattle Decapitation, Peeling Flesh, Suicide Silence, Cannibal Corpse, Avatar and literally anything with machine gun drums
He listens to some 90s emo but will never admit
Definitely wears band shirts especially the ones he got from concerts when he was a teen
He loves a good mosh pit
You know, the ones where you come out all bloody?
Yeah he loves those
He can hurt people in them and it’ll be fine? Sign him up! (Man has no pit manners smh)
Definitely a metal elitist
“You like SOAD? Ugh that not REAL metal”
Stfu Jeff.
Yeah. Metalhead to his core.
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LJill (I love her, so underrated)
Victorian goth as well, but she leans more in the gothic Lolita side of it
Wears pretty gothic Lolita dresses with lots of black and white lace, buttons and she’ll have a matching bonnet and parasol to match when she’s feeling extra fancy!
She feels so elegant and feminine when she puts her multiple layers of petticoats on! She wouldn’t be caught dead without them!
Her makeup and lipstick is always perfect.
Her hair is always either perfectly curled or perfectly straightened
The goal is to look as doll like as possible ( also because she is one!)
She listens to music box like music if that makes sense?? For example Swan Lake by Fairy Lullaby or Porcelain Eyes
She, like LJ listens to classical music and goth music
But mainly classical and music box!
Will go to tea parties and knows how to make tea cakes and sandwiches
Just a lady all around!
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Jane: Trad Goth/ Casual Goth/ Amy Lee
Since Jane is always on the move and doesn’t really have time to get all dressed up
So she’ll usually be in a simple black dress or black pants and a turtleneck
But when she does get a chance to dress up
She dresses trad goth mixed with Amy Lee
She’ll have her hair long with bangs covering her forehead
Trad goth makeup, but a bit more modern,big eyeliner and arched brows
She’ll be wearing corsets and waist trainers
Long skirts, ripped leggings
High heel platforms
She goes all out and she looks great!
Listens to music like The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, New Years Day and The Birthday Massacre
Can do goth dances very well
God she’s beautiful
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Toby: Midwestern Emo/ early 2000s emo/ a tad grunge/ indie
He just looks like one tbh
But seriously he had a hard life and emo music gives him comfort
Toby wears flannel shirts, grandpa sweaters, simple tee shirts and pants that are loose but not too loose
Hiking boots, sneakers
He listens to Chidos, The Front Bottoms, State Champs, Real Friends, Nirvana, Yawning, Hail the Sun, The Used, A Lot Like Birds, Static Dress, Mild High Club and many many more
He can play the guitar, drums and sing pretty well
He needed something to keep him busy while he was homeschooled after all! And it took his mind off of the horrible things he was going through
Plus with him feeling no pain, he could practice his hands bleed so his hands are really calloused
He likes to sit in the woods and just listen to music sometimes
He’s a loner like that
Especially in the fall when the leaves are so pretty
He feels almost peaceful. Almost
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EJ: Tbh I can’t put him in a single box I feel like he’d be everything
He’ll listen to whatever whenever
Except religious music it freaks him out
Ya know because of the cult that took his eyes
But I see him liking dark ,dreamy music if that makes sense
His taste actually lines up with Toby’s pretty well
Static dress, MGMT, YKWIM by Yot Club, Homage by the Mild High club, My Bloody Valentine, Grouper
Also anything with sad guitars like wish by sign crushes motorist (Toby likes music like this too)
Sometimes even lo-fi if he has to unwind
Jack wears all black most of the time. Just so he doesn’t look too dirty
Black hoodie, black shirt, black pants, black shoes
He also feels like any other color won’t go with his now grey skin
But yeah EJ is just a dude with a wide music taste
We love that for him
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Nina: Obviously Scene+Emo= scemo
Do I even have to explain?
She listens to Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Bring Me the Horizon, Paramore, AFI, FOB, Get Scared, Hey Monday, MCR, Ghosttown, Millionaires, Brokencyde, Medic Driod, Dot Dot Curve, A Skylight Drive, ISMFOF ,everything Toby listens too as well(and many more)
Nina wears either all black with colorful hair or has her signature black and pink with more colorful outfits
Cheeta print, skulls, DIY stuff, band shirts, tube tops, tutus, skinny jeans, brass knuckle necklaces, hoop earrings, black eyeshadow, big teased hair with raccoon tails
Yeah she’s 2000s emo fs
Goes to raves and concerts like crazy
But she’s not opposed to any kind of music and will do goth makeup for fun
And wear Jane’s clothes
She thinks goth is really pretty but it’s just not her
She’ll stick with scemo lol
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Jason The Toymaker: Steampunk/ Victorian Circus Core
The copper in his clothes
The bright red hair
The long flowing jacket with intimate details
Yeah he’s definitely steam punk
Im not sure what kind of music steampunks listen to but I’d like to know!
Jason definitely listens to Emilie Autumn and old PATD
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I mean…it was obvious
Skillix, deadmouse, xxxanteria, Luci4, old Flying Lotus albums, 9lives
He’s literally code so I think he’d like it
Not much else to say here tbh
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I’m getting tired so lmk if you want a part 2 lol
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roseverie · 11 months
how to achieve the shalom harlow/ 90s gothic beauty supermodel look?
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01. makeup— I’d just keep the base natural and any sort of intrigue would be eyeshadow or lips. Colours leaning towards cool or neutral tones, deep wine red lipsticks, wash of greys/taupes on eyes, lip stain products, lash line enhancement with black or dark brown liners, blurred lipstick effect, everything looking quite effortless without too much precision/complicated details.
02. hair— I would get inspired by Victorian hairstyles but modernised. Updo’s with tendrils of hair framing the face and neck. Or just loosened curls made with hair rollers, whether you have long or short hair.
03. clothing stores— more for inspiration, as I often think going to local thrift stores are the best option for this type of vibe! but the following definitely has a few pieces here and there that fit the realm of gothic runway heroine meets 90s model street style etc.
all is a gentle spring / elywood / lost fairies (curated vintage) / efff (vintage) / oats the label /fffranshop (curated vintage) / reborne / sheerly touch ya (hosiery) / olivia hurst (staple basics) / allorae (currently has lace basics)
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oh-saints · 1 year
as a fellow ruben girlie here, i'm so happy for the anon! imagine seeing ruben's ass live 👀 BUT HERE ME OUT BESTIE can you please make something out of her (incoming) experience? pretty please? 🥹
you. did. not?!?! BCS YOU WON'T BELIEVE HOW FAST I MADE THIS i really need to stick with closing the request box bcs i've been getting so many 😭
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you hold up a sign that caught rúben’s attention… and he takes it in his liberty as a sign from the universe.
rúben dias x you
word count: 1.2k (short one because this is sort of a comeback/warm-up piece lol)
tw: brief mention of alcohol
note: this is inspired on this fellow ruben girlie’s incoming experience but let’s just think of this as manifesting *good things* from front row, yeah? as usual, i happen to write during work so this is ofc not beta-read. feedbacks are also welcome! i'm so torn on whether or not to be writing a follow-up to this tho><
your girlies’ idea of bachelorette party was, for the lack of words, non-traditional.
instead of penis-shaped cake and lipstick scribbles across the face or a heavily-drunken trip to and from the strip club, you were flying to Portugal to catch the male national team on action. per the soon-to-be-bride’s words, it was her last chance to fawn over handsome men she never gets the chance to have before settling with the reality that her fiancé is nowhere near the delicious set of men with stubbles and godly bodies.
in reality, you have to agree with the sentiment. there’s no way an ordinary girl like you, no matter how much you try to dream waking up beside rúben dias, is going to end up with a someone that shares one room with Cristiano Ronaldo in the camp. best choice you can have is probably the goalkeeper from your office’s football club.
so who are you to reject the offer of the front row access to see those muscular thighs up close and personal?
however, what your friends didn’t tell you about was the fact that the embarrassing element was going to still be present. it just wasn’t in the form of the lap dance you were getting from the strippers or the walk-of-shame you had to do when you walk out of a club pretty smashed.
it came in the form of the sign boards the upcoming bride had especially prepared for this very day.
everyone was designated for a sign board with different words respectively. it wasn’t provoking enough but the blurred lines were pretty obvious to imply you and your peer group were sexually frustrated in front of these hot guys. quoting the matron of the event, “there’s nothing wrong in trying to get their attention.”
but you’d like to think that wobbly walks you had to endure from the taxi to your flat on the 3rd floor would be much better than holding up the sign in your hands now. well, anything is better than waving “Marry me, Dias! I got the energy of a stallion!” placard from the side lines, to be honest.
you swore under your breath that if the bride wasn’t your best friend from the university days—who was truly having the time of her life, by the way, with the way she was screaming cancelo’s name like tomorrow’s ending—you’d ditch this event immediately. no matter how much you initially wanted the exquisite view of these stunning guys running and drenched in sweat sexily for 90 minutes.
“here, drink this.”
and you didn’t think twice before downing the bitter liquid from the flask another friend of yours managed to sneak in. how she did it—you didn’t want to know, but you got to admit there was a reason why she was the valedictorian. you needed the instant adrenaline injected to your bloodstream because there was no way in hell you were going to lift up the mortifying stack of words sober.
the alcohol effected the way you took on your surroundings, obviously. albeit you were still not as loose as the others, you came to accept your defeat when you started screaming for rúben, too, in the way the future bride was screaming for cancelo and the valedictorian for felix.
people around you were definitely throwing you and your girls various looks. some were disgusted at the dirty words indicating the bride’s dirtiest fantasies on cancelo—which you admitted went a bit too far sometimes—some were also laughing whenever she casted a curse on the opponents tackling the right winger. some others shook their heads in confusion because why the fuck was there a group of thirsty women in a very manly event?
but you could care less. your friends were having the best moments in their lives and you were not going to be a bitch about it. you were not going to even acknowledge the second-hand embarrassment you were internally having because of your friend’s peculiar antics, which had intensified as they ran out of liquid contents from the shared silver flask belonging to the valedictorian.
the rest of the girls—not you, who’d taken in a considerable amount of alcohol compared to others and could now be considered their sober friend—reached their peak when the whistle blew on the final minutes. the winning atmosphere kind of encouraged those crazy ladies to jump in their seats with their assigned sign boards. you even had to stop another friend of yours from flashing her boobs in public because dealing with police in a foreign country was the last thing in your bucket list.
you pleaded them to come down from their seats, as well. in your defence, they could fall off the seat flat on their faces and a swollen bride and her entourage were definitely not welcomed on the wedding day. but they didn’t give a shit about it and laughed at your face for not soaking up the moment as good as they were.
you turned away from the crazy bunch by facepalming your face, the tip of your thumb was massaging the space between your eyebrows. you thought it was working to ease off the headache, for suddenly the girls went silent in the background.
but you realised it wasn’t the case at all when you heard a familiar voice that you used to listen on several man of the match interview.
“hey, kid,” and you had to look up to make sure your head wasn’t playing tricks on you. “here’s for you.”
rúben was actually standing behind the barricade placed between the field and the audience seats. his hand was stretched to give the shirt he’d worn today to the little kid beside you, who’d been flailing his own sign board of can I have your shirt? throughout the match. the kid jumped at the opportunity, his father behind him thanking the football player for his generosity, and you were blinded by the smile etched on his face as wide as the Mississippi river.
you didn’t bother to blame your humiliating friends for shutting up anymore because you were as stunned as they were.
“and you, my lady,”
you turned your head to spot the person behind you, the one the defender was pointing at, so ready to congratulate whoever the lucky woman was for being able to entice the rúben dias’ attention. but you were met with bunch of men instead, shouting parabens, rúben!
so you twisted your body again, this time towards the towering number 3, with a rather perplexed expression because his line of sight hadn’t moved an inch from where you stood. your nearest friend was one or two feet away from you, and noticing how flustered you were in figuring out his call was meant for you, rúben let out a small laugh but enough to make your entire body trembled with overwhelming warmth.
“yes, you, the one who wears joao cancelo’s name on the back,” and that could be your entire team, for it was the bride’s request to wear her favourite player’s number. “I think you’d suit my last name better, no? your sign says you ask for it anyway.”
every power evaporated from your legs right away.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 6 months
i know that the show starts around 2010 so idk how to explain this but emma swan and regina mills just LOOK like they could be in a cheesy 90s romcom. like i need somebody to write a nancy meyers/nora ephron inspired swan queen AU asap. i can picture the background music perfectly. emma in old school straight leg levi’s with a 90s pantene commercial bounce to her princess curls!! regina in rum raisin lipstick and a wool turtleneck!! a picturesque small coastal town!!!!!!!! come ON
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cinnamonspicevanilla · 8 months
"in what way do you express coquette?"
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(a tag to talk about our inspirations, icons, basics and blueprints)
what are your main inspirations and in what way do you express your personal concept of coquette?
꩜ im a huge vintage girly, i grew up loving old movies and style, so i took a lot of inspiration from movie actresses and their characters, specially from exploitation or avant-garde movies from the 60s and 70s and cool girls that i saw on 90s tv shows, i would say that 50% of my personal style (that covers not only the way i dress, but also decor and lifestyle) stems from that, the other half ot it is influenced by my passion for gothic motifs, music and literature, which includes religious imagery, statues, a darker color palette, flowers (specially those saw on funerals) and the whole haunted aspect, that i like to mix with more delicate and feminine details to resemble a creepy, almost uncanny doll.
꩜ all those things help me to craft my perfect coquette look, that i would put on the coquette noir category. is also very inspired by aspects of my personality, which i consider to be sullen, sardonic and kind of mysterious but also very sweet, i think this goes too well with the mix of edgy with femininity.
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what media and people directly influence your look and lifestyle?
꩜ some of my favorite media that inspires me in the way i dress (also some personal philosophy) are movies like la ceremonie, as meninas, marie poupee, daisies, la belle personne, heavenly creatures, ms. 45, trashy europeans erotic films from the 70s and basically every godard movie from the 60s.
꩜ figures like tina aumont, anna karina, isabelle huppert, faye wong, early 90s mariah carey, strawberry switchblade, rachel weisz, sherilyn fenn, sade adu, hope sandoval, lana del rey, ayo edebiri and françoise dorleac also are big icons to me.
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finally, list some of your coquette basic staples.
꩜ i consider my basics to be denim, black or tartan miniskirts, thights (specially dark colored or printed with flowers), lace dark tops, chokers, necklaces with pendants, dark shoes such as boots, loafers and mary janes, mini dresses (either floral, tartan or plain black), lots of mascara with 90s lip combo, berry lipstick, nude or slightly dark eyeshadow,and obviously my fringe.
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do it too!: @lovesickbrat @lonelystarlet @iridescentdarliing @dark-nymph3t @miss-mademoiselle and basically everyone that want it
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mickimagnum · 2 years
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200 Followers Gift 💞
Since my Simblr has reached 200 AMAZING followers, I wanted to show my appreciation by making something special for you guys.
This bold 90s-inspired recolor is my second attempt at making CC. The original mesh is by the one and only @joliebean, and wouldn't have been made possible without her amazing work (thank you!).
Blake Set
Original Mesh & Fabric Texture by @joliebean
Patterns & Color Palette by me
Base Game Compatible
11 Swatches with Custom Thumbnails (all swatches after cut)
Disallowed for Random
SFS | Dropbox
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CC Credit:
Devin (Left)
hair | shoes | necklace | eyeshadow | lipstick
Marleigh (Center)
hair | shoes | eyeshadow | lipstick
Bliss (Right)
hair | shoes | earrings | eyeshadow | lipstick
@mmfinds @maxismatchccworld @public-ccfinds @simcelebrity00 @sentate @oydis @sugarowl @remussims @pralinesims
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
vil and prompt 33?
Hi! Sorry for the long wait. It's probably not my best work but I tried. I hope that you enjoy the fic!
Prompt: 33.  you’re a nobody actor who comes in for a chemistry read for the part of my love interest but we end up arguing instead of reading [maybe I like that about you and demand for you to be hired or maybe I’m annoyed that you spoke to me like that so I say that I don’t want to work with you and they hire you anyway]
Note: Modern au and enemies to friends (not lovers yet)
Word Count: 857
Warnings: not beta read, possible OOC characters (Vil is mean for 90% of this), and possibly inaccurate theater knowledge (I watched Tiktoks on it)
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"Rook, I have a dinner to attend in less than three hours. Where is this magnifique girl you keep talking about?
Rook sighed as he checked his phone for anything. I apologize, Roi du Poison, but she is on her way. I promise you, she is definitely the one for this role."
Vil rolled his eyes as he touched up his lipstick. "Her talent better make up for her lack of time management."
The door swung open, revealing a disheveled girl wearing the most atrocious color combination Vil had ever seen, trying to catch her breath. Vil sneered while eyeing her messy appearance. This was so the so-called upcoming star Rook kept babbling about? The one who supposedly matched him? Vil could not hide his disapproved stare as Rook approached the newcomer with a hug. 
"Ah, welcome, Madame Trickster! I'm happy that you made it safely."
The woman smiled and hugged Rook back. "It's good to see you." Her eyes looked over Rook's shoulder and landed on Vil's. "Oh my gosh! You're Vil Schoenheit!" She released Rook and ran up to Vil, who now had a neutral expression, and raised a hand to him. "I'm Yuu. I'm such a big fan of your work! It has inspired me so much to start acting!" She smiled, and Vil saw a golden aura coming off her. 
Vil stared at Yuu's hand before reluctantly shaking it. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you." He turned to the beaming Rook with a haughty look. "Tell me exactly how you know this potato?"
Yuu's mouth opened in shock. The aura broke like glass, and she felt a vein popping on her forehead, "Potato?! I have a name!"
"I watched one of her performances as a minor character in a short film. Her acting was magnifique! A 10/10 performance!"
"I see. Well, I hope your acting is better than your fashion sense. That needs some work." Vil muttered to himself, but it did not go unnoticed.
"What did you say?" Yuu gritted while marching up to Vil.
Vil crossed his arms. "I commented on your looks, Potato. That's all."
Yuu saw red. "THAT'S ALL? THAT IS NOT ALL OF IT, MISTER! I have seen how you looked at me since I entered, and I don't like your attitude towards me."
Vil scoffed. "Your inelegance will not be enough to stand next to me. It would help if you worked on it more to do that, or else you will look like a speck of dirt on my shiny crown. In fact, if you want my approval, then prove to me your worth."
Yuu felt a fire growing inside of her. She stared at him like he was crazy. "I do not need your approval for anything! I KNOW I am worthy enough to even be in the same room as you because SOMEONE-" Yuu pointed at Rook for emphasis, "-saw my worth, unlike you. I can't believe I actually looked up to you when you are nothing but a spoiled, bitchy, prick!" She pointed the finger at his chest during the last part. 
Vil narrowed his eyes while staring at the fire in Yuu's. "What did you say, potato?"
"I said. Fuck. You." Yuu immediately walked off, causing Rook and Vil to stare at her in shock. 
"Where are you going?" Vill called out as Yuu opened the door.
"Anyware away from you." With a final middle finger in Vil's direction, Yuu was gone. 
Violet eyes stared at where Yuu once was in silence. Vil felt the weight of his words crash on his shoulders after she left. He was used to people fawning over him, giving him gifts, or singing his praises. He had never met someone who talked back at him like that or called him names. Each word felt like a stab to his chest like he was the fair princess who got stabbed by the huntsman. 
"Maybe I was too harsh on her…." Vil whispered to himself, a guilty look on his face.
"Did you say something, Roi du Poison?"
Vil sighed, "No, I was just talking to myself. I will go to my dressing room and sit down for a moment."
A week later
Ring Ring
"Call from Rook Hunt."
"Answer it, Mira, and put it on speaker," Vil said while applying the nail polish coat. "This is Vil."
"Ah Roi du Poison! I wanted to share with you some good news!"
"What is it?"
Vil could practically hear the excitement coming from Rook's end. "I finally cast your love interest!"
This piqued Vil's interest, "Who did you choose?"
"Madame Trickster!"
If Vil was drinking something, then he would have choked right now. "YUU?"
"Oui! The chemistry was right there! Perfect for my movie! The banter, the passion, the love! It was all there!"
Vil's eyes went wide like saucers. "What?! Are you sure?"
Rook nodded, and his grin only grew brighter, "Oui! Oui! It was perfect! Just as I envisioned! It is perfect for enemies to lovers!"
Vil sighed as he set the brush down. "Rook, I need to ask you something."
“Oui. What is it?”
“Give me Yuu’s number. I need to apologize to her.”
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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fossil0000 · 1 year
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The following description was written by Sloane Angel Hilton, the creator of the facebook group for this aesthetic: Its rise and fall between the years 1996-2002 - a movement in pop culture that is spawned from the research of The Y2K Aesthetic Institute. A notable shift in the visual mood of pop culture happened during the turn of the millennium, but it wasn’t Y2K Aesthetic. One thing I have found is that it was en vogue to be between 25-35, the prime age of Gen X at this time. I think of the “Music First” era of Vh1 programming. Contrary to contemporaneous Y2K Aesthetic, and also McBling style of the early 2000s, Gen X Y/AC models in editorial fashion or artist marketing were much more "natural". You will see tons of nude lipstick, hair parted down the middle or natural textured hair, natural leathers, knee high boots, duster jackets, natural and muted colors - especially greens, beiges, tans, greys, and black. Design and fashion was moving from 60s revival into early 70s. Retro-futurism was Y2K Aesthetic, but Gen X YAC was more terrestrial. Its futurism was a mix of sterile and organic. McBling was a full blown disco revival, but here, we just see hints of the 70s. Depictions of city life through a colonialist lens. First wave gentrification. Urban life influenced graphic design, such as in the use of Helvetica as inspired by the NYC subway signs. The rise of a minimalist design revival. On the runway, the rise/peak of the modern supermodel - Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, and Linda Evangelista, who were all peaking at 25. In photography and film, prevalence of bleach bypass, cross processing, “Lomo effect”, and other color grading trends. Hit music in the US was heavily influenced or even imported from the UK and Europe. Notably, we saw a surge in french house/disco, big beat, electronic, trance, uk garage, and “easy listening”/adult contemporary marketed for Generation X. Less Pure Moods and more Cafe Del Mar. Pop artists were reinvented to fit, like Madonna (Ray of Light). "Soft Club" refers to club culture trickling down into mainstream culture. As the style shifts into McBling, club culture becomes so huge that only the rich can enjoy it in Ibiza. R&B + hip hop had a marked shift in production, due to producers like Soulshock and Karlin, Trackmasters, Darkchild/Rodney Jerkins, in addition to many more who formed top of the millennium sounds working with both these genres. Pop music was equally transformed by club music, R&B, and Latin pop. Rock, pop and poetry were put over trip/hip-hop & breakbeats. Songs that may not have been written for the dance floor were produced as club music. See: soft club. Get X young adults were into entrepreneurship, which supposedly fueled the 90s economic recovery, especially via tech industry. This is why they have been considered a generation which "sold out". Discussion is much deserved regarding the nature of media diversity, both genuine (largely POC in leading production roles across mediums) and as a marketing tool, and the start of gentrification as it would come to be known in post-industrial cities.
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belladoesmakeup · 6 months
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Hi guys,
I'm sure you all remember that a few blog posts ago, Charlotte Tilbury brought out a brand new collection of pink and red shades in her new Hollywood Beauty Icon collection. We all know I adore a pink lipstick over red any day and slowly I've been building up my collection so today I'm adding two new shades to my collection!
If you didn't know this collection consists of 5 very different pink tones in the K.I.S.S.I.N.G formula which is the more glossy, satin finish formula. Previously I got the shades Icon Baby which is the most nude toned everyday shade in the collection and Red Carpet Pink which is the second brightest pink in the collection after Candy Chic ( which I still need to add to my collection). The two shades I picked up this time are the more deeper toned pink shades because I don't have anything like them in my collection.
The first new shade I picked up is 90's Pink, this shade is described as a dreamy 90's-inspired warm rose pink (top swatch on image). The second new shade I got is Rose To Fame, this shade is the darkest in the collection and is described as a soft mauve rose lipstick. I would say this lipstick looks like it has a purple under tone when you see it on the lips (bottom swatch on image).
I love this new shades in my collection because they add more depth to my makeup look without needing to be a dark red lipstick. If you are a fan of pink lipsticks I think you'll appreciate the range of pinks on this collection. As always all products mentioned are linked above.
Lot's of love,
Bella x x
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shefanispeculator · 10 months
The Voice star Gwen Stefani and husband Blake Shelton are clearly still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship two years after getting married. Stefani, 54, shared a picture of herself posing next to Shelton on a boat, the singer looking incredible in a stripy one-piece swimsuit. "You guys look so cute!" a fan commented. Here's how Stefani keeps expanding into new businesses and shows no signs of slowing down.
Strong, Glamorous Woman
Stefani doesn't agree that strong women can't be glamorous. "You know how certain things just are and you don't really know why?" she says. "I was always into anything quite girly. It's weird because nowadays I feel like people don't want to say that—like, it's not cool and you're not a strong woman if you like to play with Barbies. I don't get that. I always played dress-up. I always played with glamor and makeup. I guess it's just part of my DNA."
Ageless Looks
Stefani credits good habits with her ageless looks. "Besides exercise and eating right, one skincare secret is hydration. I like my skin to look super dewy," she says. "I just want to look as good as I can at any age, like we all do, and share that quality makeup truly does make a big difference in how you feel. The magic is in the makeup."
She Does Her Own Makeup
Stefani does her own makeup, which is a soothing ritual before each show. "For every show I've ever played live, I've done my own makeup," she says. "That's part of the ritual to [become] the person that needs to be out there. Getting ready is my favorite part. Coming up with looks and hair and makeup is why I love being on The Voice. Now, I love coaching as well and I love being able to access my history and share that with people—but being in the glam chair? Maybe that's why I got this far, because I love it and a lot of people just can't tolerate sitting in the chair [laughs]."
Strong Work Ethic
Stefani started her own GXVE makeup line despite advice to the contrary. "My dad told me not to do it," she says. "Everyone was saying, 'Don't do it, Gwen! Just go sail away to Oklahoma and make out with Blake. Don't work anymore.' But I feel if I'm not creative in some way, that's my purpose. I have to do that."
That Famous Red Lip
Stefani is famous for her bold red lip. "I think that's what happens when you grow up next to Disneyland and you see princesses," she says of her Anaheim upbringing. "I've always been inspired by old movies and Hollywood starlets. When I was in high school, I can remember the moment that I first saw James Dean. It's probably how you are discovering the '80s and '90s now. My mom grew up in the '50s and '60s, so I was seeing pictures of her when she was young, and seeing my grandmas in the '40s. It was a fascination with those generations—how they were glamorous during the war, with their hair and the red lips. So, red lipstick was something that I always thought was glamorous and made you stand out and look so feminine. It's your mouth, it's your voice.
The Voice Star Gwen Stefani Shares Swimsuit Photo With Blake Shelton (celebwell.com)
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