#98% Ace Safe
twisted-king · 5 months
Salve!:D. I'm curious on how the vice-dormleaders would react(hc) if their S/O being like Silver. Not in a literal sense but in a "Always sleepy/sleeps in random places" sense. It would also be pretty funny if their S/O still aces their academics HAHA( ̄▽ ̄)~*
omg!! YES!!!
Vice Dormleaders x Silver-like!Reader
Trey Clover
He's a little worried... Like do you get enough sleep?
Are classes too stressful?
Trey finds it cute if you fall asleep on his shoulder while studying or having afternoon tea. He'd chuckle and give a "Is my shoulder that comfortable?" line as soon as you wake up.
Yes, you've heard it hundreds of times.
Trey kind of insists on studying with you, he (wrongly) thinks you might fall behind due to all the napping you do.
of course these study sessions are comfortable for you so you're usually lulled asleep by his voice
So imagine his suprise when he asks you about your text scores.
He's here, all ready to console you with your favorite tart, arms open to prepare to be a good boyfriend and hug you when youre sad
Only to be met with "Oh the midterm..? I aced it, why?"
You share the tart, he laments...
He likes to suprise you with little treats every now and again, he buys special little boxes to put them in all the time too.
one day, he happened upon you sleeping underneath the table in your dorm (he knows where to look at this point).
You woke up with a light weight on your chest, It was a small green box with a letter attached to it:
"A sweet treat after your sweet dreams,
- Trey Clover
Jade Leech
"Oh? How interesting..."
Jade is a little weirdo, so I think this unique trait of yours REALLY facinates him!
He kind of develops a sixth sense for your eepiness. Like he'll be in a middle of a shift and just randomly take a break, just to be there for you when you wake up.
Jade BEGS you to try a bunch of (non poisonous) mushrooms to see if they make your drowsiness worse or better
"Would you not consider it at leas.." "No." "please.." "Just once.."
He's really convincing (6'5 and in a suit).
If you fall asleep in the monstro lounge he is NOT stopping Floyd from doodling on your face
He isnt too suprised by your competency with grades, but then again he lives with Floyd, its kind of hard to suprise him.
He still rewards you with a lil kiss on the forehead
Jade LOVES when you fall asleep on him, it lets him know you feel safe around him!! He keeps a pleased smile on his face when youre near him and sleepy in any capacity.
He wants to go on hikes with you SO BADLY.
You agree one day, it kind of ends with you being carried when you eventually fall asleep on a particularly warm rock.
"Whatever will I do with you, Angelfish..."
-Said while lovingly scooping you up
Jamil Viper
How you two got together is a mystery
But he feels a bit calmer with you around.
He's pretty busy with Kalim, so a lot of time spent together is during school, school activities, and while he's cooking.
Jamil gets a little anxious when youre out of sights. like... what if you're sleeping somewhere dangerous, or you suddently decided to persue mountain climbing?
You go to a lot of his basketball practices, he claims he plays a little better when youre around anyway, even if you fall asleep in the middle fo the game
Stops both Ace AND Floyd from doodling on your face during practices.
Now, as for grades. He isnt too worried about you, he's got kalim to deal with an an exam to underperform on.
After midterms, he does ask about how you did (as seems to be customary)
"I did pretty well... got a 98" "You what"-
He's...pleaseantly suprised! one less thing to worry about (despite that not being his responsibility)
Jamil likes cooking spicier and spicier food for you, both to see if you can handle it (he's a little competitive), and to wake ypu up a lil <3
He presses a kiss to your cheek for every "level" you complete
"What do you think, Flower?... ah, you fell asleep"
Rook Hunt
I'm sorry.... he's a little weird about it.
He has a LOT of pictures of you sleeping in odd places
Rook's favorite is his homescreen on his phone, it's you sleeping in an impossibly high tree kind of just.. hanging there. Its in super high quality though.
He likes leaving little notes about how cute you look while sleeping around
its like a little gift for when you wake up!!!
When he isnt watch you sleep he keeps a bottle of water and some fruit snacks to munch on. Sleeping this often must be tiring after all, you need your energy!
You know you can call for him just as easily as Vil can (if not easier... you bagged a SIMP)
So, sometimes you jokingly put a hand to your forehead and Rook comes SPRINTING.
His arms are outstretched ready to catch you into a fall and dip you into a kiss
Sometimes though, it is not a joke, and Rook dutifully scoops you up before you make eye contact with him.
It's Rook, so he kind of knew about your good grades already, but every time you tell him he gives you a little "Magnifique~" and kisses your knuckles.
Your dates are very odd. one week it'll be a romantic picnic he preapred for you, the next you're hunting for Leonas together, and after that? movie night!
"Ah~ how delightful it must be to be graced with your beautiful viasge. How I long to be the lone tree stump that captured your affections so.
-Rook Hunt"
Lilia Vanrouge
Another one of them "ara ara?? how interesting" types
He's a father, whose had practice with Silver
Lilia always encourages you to do your best, he usually knows when to stop pushing you to study or focus by looking into your eyes.
He's huge on affections (touch starved Lilia HC my beloved), so Lilia sometimes conveniently floats on by if you start to get drowsy.
He would rather stroke your hair to sleep over you resting on the uncomfortable wooden desks
Also kind of a weirdo who isnt tooo suprised about your high grades. He kind of assumed you were studying in your free time without him.
However, that does not mean he doesnt want to reward your great scores!! He'll cook for you :)
"I was thinking of making a lovely lasagna, with some cinnamon and jalapeño for color.... oh dear, you seem to have fallen asleep."
"honk shmimimimimim" -you, clearly faking it
He always feigns hurt when you reject his cooking, but he knows of his reputation in the kitchen.
Lilia often takes you to new places, usually museums, but sometimes your dates are in a forest he recently discovered within Diasomnia's grounds. like a goth picnic
He has a photo album of your dates together, although he has a page or two dedicated to his favorite spots you've napped on.
Lils is super accomodating, as long as you dont mind his suprise hugs and some light jumpscaring
"Haha got you, little bat!"
-Lilia, after successfully scaring the HELL out of you
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What if Kaiju!Rook can mimic other Kaijus sounds and voice. It's almost the same sound, and when researchers analyze the sound Rook make with the Kaiju he was copying, the match of the vocalization is about 95-98%
I thought maybe this can be the equivalent of Rook's French.
In reference to this ask here:
Ooooooh, that’s an interesting theory there! In a way, it matches what marine biologists discovered when it came to orcas and dolphins: the orcas communicated with dolphins using dolphin-like whistles, clicks, and buzzes to communicate with their social partners!
If we take that into consideration with Rook and his normal language, it would be safe to say that—much like how he taught Ace how to talk to the lost hedgehogs Ace’s dorm uniform card—he’s very skilled at mimicry and communication. So how would this translate in Kaiju language? How would it sound to human ears?
Well, normally, when he speaks in his native language, it sounds musical—like windchimes mixed with a low rumbling tremor that fills the air with a thrum (kinda like a pleasant tingling sensation if he's right next to you). Which can be quite jarring hearing it come from something that looks like he should be as loud as Leona, given he looks like a lion made of stone (with mantis limbs for hunting/striking). Perhaps due to the nature of his body structure, there’s a hollowness in his chest or throat that allows wind to pass through and mimic the sounds of wind-based instruments like an ocarina made of clay? Hmm...something to think about. 🤔
Either way, this same skill allows him to replicate the tones and pitches of the other Kaiju so he can communicate with them, mimicking Vil and Epel more often than not since he spends more time with them as part of their pack (or perhaps Vil calls it a flock? Hmm…). Though on occasion when he either doesn’t know the word or doesn’t feel it would be strong enough, he will revert to his original language. This same skill—however—may also have been the catalyst for the researchers to get so close to making a breakthrough in communicating with the Kaiju themselves!
If only their efforts hadn’t been cut so short before Yuu’s awakening... U.U
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paperanddice · 4 months
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Ngobou are smaller than their more well known relative, the triceratops. This doesn't make them safe though, as they are still quite aggressive and their six horns can punch through armor and living bodies with shocking ease. Their true fury is saved for elephants however, which ngobou hate with an unbelievable passion. Even the scent of an elephant's recent passage can drive one into a rage, crushing and trampling objects and creatures that carry it and a herd of ngobou will mob elephants in an attempt to bring them down. The source of this fury is unknown, and thus far no one has been able to tame one of these dinosaurs enough to pacify its elephant hatred.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Ngobou Creature 5 Rare, Large, Animal, Dinosaur Perception +12; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet Skills Athletics +14 Str +5, Dex -1, Con +3, Int -4, Wis -1, Cha -2 AC 21; Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +10 HP 76 Speed 35 feet Melee horns +14 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+7 piercing plus Knockdown Melee foot +14, Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning Charge [1 action] The ngobou Strides up to 10 feet and then makes a Strike. Elephant's Bane The ngobou gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and a +4 circumstance bonus to damage rolls against elephants. Trample [3 actions] Medium or smaller, foot, DC 22
13th Age
Ngobou Large 3rd level wrecker [beast] Initiative: +5 Gore +8 vs. AC – 18 damage. Trampling Charge: The ngobou can make a stomp attack against the target if it first moved before attacking an enemy it was not engaged with at the start of its turn. [Special Trigger] Stomp +8 vs. PD – 10 damage. Natural 14+: The target is also hampered until the end of its next turn. AC 19 PD 16 MD 13 HP 98
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the-nysh · 2 years
All your posts abt Trigun has me wanting to watch/read it now. But like ... How much damage should I expect to recieve from this? Is it Evangelion level type of hurt or what? Is it tragic, traumatic, and homosexual(even just enough to feed my gay brain)? Pls advise.
Yes, there's MUCH emotional damage, but in a good way. That completely devastates and traumatizes you, then heals you with a genuinely hopeful message of love & peace. :'3 (So don't worry, bc despite all the fucked up tragedies and suffering, the ending is still a bittersweet happy one.) The manga is one of those gems that will probably change your life~ and/or go insane with the Feels, as I don't think I've seen any fan who has come out of it emotionally stable or 'ok' 8'D. Extremely worth it, but it's a hard seinen with some pretty difficult/heavy content for some to stomach. And oh yes, from my ace eyes, it was quite disastrously bi too (nothing explicit, but more...Victorian style longing for solace that's subtle/artful in a way I like) - swinging both ways that were meaningful, poignant, and important to the mc in different ways (so yes, Vash has two hands for Wolfwood & Meryl). However, as a fair warning, one of them is perpetually doomed by the narrative, which made me mentally bluescreen when [redacted] happened, that I probably still haven't recovered from to fully process it - so I'll just say, cherish it while it lasts. :')) And don't ignore the women also, because they rock~
Also fyi, the old 98 anime, manga, and new anime are all different tellings of the story. :O So to introduce yourself and get the most out of all the lore, trying it out in release order is probably what I'd recommend (as that's what I did, tho I grew up with the old anime-eng dub first as a kid too.) Note that the old anime has a lot more filler/humorous moments (as it was made before the manga finished, and they characterized the mc as a bit of a skirt-chaser for some outdated gags, when he's not Like That in the actual manga and new series at all, so just Be Aware that that's a thing you can ignore) so it tells a different story than what the manga becomes, but to slowly introduce you to [The Pain] that happens around mid-way, the old anime can 'gently' prepare you for the meat of the manga, because oh, it goes way harder than anything the old anime showed. :'3
And the current Stampede anime is utilizing manga-only endgame elements/lore in new ways that are fun to catch if you've already read the manga too (and I'd say in vibe it's much closer/accurate to the manga's too, meaning there's not much relation it has to the old anime, so you can safely separate them), but just don't expect the new anime to be exactly like the other two either, as it's still its own separate thing - so that means, all in all, Trigun is 'holy shit 3 cakes!' worth of content to enjoy~
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blackwoolncrown · 1 year
Plus like...the other day an abled friend of mine posted on her insta that she turned her AC down to 68 so she could be cold enough to snuggle under some blankets. It was 98 outside.
This is what the article is actually talking about when it references discomfort and convenience.
Like it or not, the ability to drastically separate yourself from nature is colonial. Staying cool and safe is one thing and it's good and necessary! Creating Winter conditions in a Florida livingroom in Summer is indulgent. and we can only do it because of a development that has dubious roots and like I keep saying, actually makes air hotter outside.
And when ppl get used to that, they aactually do stop being good at naturally regulating their body temperature. Why would they need to when their whole life they can just push a button to offset the slightest feeling of 'hm I'm a tad too warm'?
And that is a problem bc a lot of the cooling tech that we develop may, at first, not be as immediately satisfying as flipping a switch and having a massive jet of cold air come in. every new tech we try to develop and get people to support is competing with how habituated the average person is to the standards of central AC, which are actually quite exaggerated!
'Discomfort' in the article literally just means that. Like if you could safely cool your house (safe for you and the environment) but it couldn't give you icy cool in the summer, you'd see that as less comfortable. That's what it means!
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paper-pixies · 9 months
Me when I reblog an ask game hoping you’ll reblog it >:D I have questions about your guys for you <3
Let’s do 31 for Asylum/Bloodlust, 23 and/or 12 for Shilan, and 98 for Adriite to start :)
Oh nooo don't trick me into reblogging an ask game by putting it on your blog first....how awful.....anyway....
31. How would they describe one another? [Asylum/Bloodlust]
“Bloodlust is… well, he’s incredibly loyal to me. He may not be a complete buffoon but he certainly isn’t the brightest, and he does what I tell him with exceptional efficiency, so what more could I really ask for? He does my dirty work and cleans up the messes so that I rarely have to engage with the less savory parts of this lifestyle, knowing that I will reward him when the task is done. And yes, he may be something of an uneducated brute, but that’s exactly what I keep him for and, well, no one else is so absolutely devout as he is. He’s like my loyal hound, always obedient and eager to please, and I do love him for that. I mean, is there really any other sort of relationship worth having with a man?”
“Describe Asylum? I mean she’s a goddess, what more do you want? She does whatever she wants and gets whatever she wants and doesn’t give a shit about what anyone else tries to tell her to do. She’s fuckin’, crazy smart too, just always twenty steps ahead of everyone else, like she’s already got everyone in her spiderweb even if they don’t know it yet. She’s just in control of everything and if she’s not in control of something then it’s because it’s not important enough for her to waste her time on. She’s powerful as hell and damn scary, too. She put up with a lotta fucked up shit from people in the past and now she makes sure everyone knows they should be afraid of her. If she’s pissed at you? You’re already a dead man, doesn’t matter what you try— if you’re lucky maybe she’ll beat the shit out of you herself. She’s beautiful, just the most fucking beautiful woman to ever live, puts every topside and Midcrest bitch to shame without even trying. I swear she’s a gift from the spirits and we’re all just lucky enough to get to be alive at the same time she is.”
23. Who said "I love you" first? [Shilan]
As the one who takes most of the big steps in their relationship, Taylan said it first. And pretty soon into their relationship, too. Now that that door has been opened though, Shiloh absolutely says it more.
12. What is something their S/O does that makes them flustered? [Shilan]
Taylan doesn’t get flustered that much but despite his pacifism it does get him when Shiloh does/offers violence. Obviously, he would never want his partner to kill people ever if possible, but maybe sometimes when Shiloh says they would kill anyone who got in the way of their being together, maybe that makes Taylan a little flustered. And don’t get him started on the times Shiloh has jumped in to fight off some Forest monster or other to keep him safe.
Shiloh is easy to fluster purely because they just think Taylan is so incredibly attractive, so him showing any extent of skin will pretty much do it. Which is completely just a Shiloh thing, their clan isn’t stressed about covering up and it isn’t a thing with anyone else besides Taylan, they truly just think this man is so stunning that it’s likely to instantly get them even if Tay isn’t intentionally trying to fluster them in the slightest. It took them a while to get used to seeing him without a shirt lol
98. Who would burn the world down for who? [Adriite]
Ace, easily. Pyrite has too strict of a moral code to ever allow herself to do something like that for any one person, whereas Ace has been on the brink of snapping more than once and has always been more willing to prioritize those close to him above anything and everything else. Of course, it would take quite a bit for Ace to take that path if Pyre was actually with them. Just having her around is often enough to help Ace keep himself in check, but he’s also well aware of the fact that she would absolutely despise him if he ever did anything like that for her sake.
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starport-seven-five · 10 months
@dewdropreader asked for the WIP game:
Ah!! Love all of the ideas in progress! I’m frankly curious about the last four on your list but especially the untitled one and Sylvie vulnerability (bc 🥺🥺)
So the untitled outline is something I MAY repurpose a bit as a post-canon fic because a lot of my ideas could still work with it. It was supposed to be a really slow... Not even burn? Lol. Uh, tentative allies to lovers? Fic? With Sylvie and Mobius. Originally they would both be looking for Loki post-s1, ace and in the process they have a lot of arguments and good conversions and revelations and very eventually fall in love, at some point assuming Loki is dead, grieving together, and much later, making a life together. Loki is actually searching for them this entire time, and when he finds them at last, he almost leaves because they seem so happy and complete together. But they help him see how he's been part of their relationship the whole time, how he actually completes them.
Anyway I feel like a lot of my ideas could apply to a post-canon fic so we'll see what happens once I get over the shock lol
Sylvie vulnerability is (or should be, if it happens, lol) like a little overview of times that Sylvie and Loki (and later Sylvie and Loki and Mobius) have tried (at Sylvie's request of course) to have Sylvie be a little submissive in the bedroom, but she could never do it while they were still at the TVA because she couldn't feel that 100% safe- even if she was like 98%! -and then the first time they try it after they're in their home together (it's Sylkius Cottage of course!)
Both of these are big maybes with regards to whether or not they will happen, lol, so just be aware of that!😅
Thank you so much for the ask ❤️
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Hi Sex Witch! Love what you do here. I have a question about birth control! I've tried to do some reading on this but couldn't really find any information. Do you know if simple calendar-based fertility tracking can be used effectively in combination with hormonal birth control, in order to know when it's safer to have less-protected sex? My worry was that hormonal birth control would somehow throw off the cycle that the calendar method of fertility awareness relies on.
The general context is that I relatively recently became sexually active with my wonderful boyfriend (as a side note, discovering that you're demisexual after most of a lifetime thinking you're ace is a trip, but it's one I'm having an absolutely fantastic time on). I am on birth control (the generic equivalent of NuvaRing, specifically), and we've also mostly been using condoms, just to be safe. Thankfully STIs aren't an issue for us, since we're exclusive, he's been tested, and I came into this having only had solo sex. We're both very interested in the idea of having more condomless sex and I was basically just wondering if there's a way to be smarter about that when it comes to the risk of pregnancy!
hi anon,
there's no reason why you can't use fertility awareness. even if hormonal birth control has altered your menstrual cycle (extremely possible), it's entirely possible to take the time (and I do mean months) necessary to identify the norms of your new cycle and plan accordingly.
my bigger concern here is that while hormonal birth control is Good (nuvaring and it's off-brand cousins skew towards a 99% success rate when everything goes right) it's not infallible (please note the aforementioned 99%, which sounds great but means about 1 in 100 folks are still getting pregnant). fertility awareness has a success rate that, on average, hovers between about 77% and 98%; the disparity comes from the difficulty in perfectly predicting one's own fertility and the fact that you can, absolutely, get pregnant at any point in the cycle, including while you're actively menstruating.
so that would be a hard no for me, personally, but I'm not in charge of you or the risks you decide are worth taking! it's up to you and your partner to discuss whether unprotected sex is the right call for you.
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seasons-serenade · 2 years
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#growing up poor and having little choice of food really twisted my psyche and its really hard for me to understand ppl who are picky
My Top Posts in 2022:
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“But I’m Snotlout? I’m completely irresponsible.“ / “You listened to me? I’m an Idiot!”
Crash Course / Chain of Command
Two moments Snotlout acknowledges himself and how others observe him. One where he is ashamed and one where he embraces it.
46 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
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Wanted to draw him sewing <3
74 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
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Here’s some fanart for @emerialyncodevenice ‘s fanfiction, The Ripple of a Snowflake, featuring Jack and Aurora the Light Fury!
Base colors under the cut bc I like how they turned out
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Loved doing the light fury design.
82 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Just watched that rtte episode with the firewyrm queen and snotlout and just thinking- I know it was for a gag, but when the twins literally sculpted those rocks it made me realize how artistic they are
Tuff n Ruff the sculptors of all time. They do poetry, write stories, and sculpt! They’re literally so artistic I wish ppl would acknowledge that in their character
166 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I really feel like people forget that Snotlout is actually a really good leader in battle. He knows what his team needs to do and how to do it, and if not then he keeps them safe and does the best he can
230 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lost-on-kamino · 2 years
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#coruscant guard - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#fuckin nerd. absolute dork. how can you be so smart yet so dumb at the same time. introvert who got adopted by like five seperate extroverts
My Top Posts in 2022:
Terrifying Taungsday
A Captain and Commander experience something odd... And it’s up to their respective sides to work out what’s wrong. And the Force may have something to do with it.
&lt;Based on a few headcanons but I wanted to get to grips with Rex and Fox a bit. Might continue with this might not... we’ll see. And shhh about the title>
[A03 Link avaliable!]
Fox was acting weird.
He seemed startled when he woke up from his previous visit from the Chancellor. Thire didn’t imagine the lost look upon his face before an immediate solidification of his face, stating he needed to go to the fresher and vanish from sight. This was when Thorn had greeted his fellow commander and moved off to greet the new shinies dropped fresh from Kamino.
Fox returned to his desk moments later and sat down, looking at the mountain of flimsi and datapads before he got to work. Thire kept a watch before wondering if something had happened during that meeting. 
The Chancellor had stated that the Commander had simply fallen after finishing his report and that he had completely passed out much to his surprise. Some of the Shock troopers had dragged Fox home, to the medics who got to work to see if their lead commander had passed out due to lack of energy or if something else had gotten into his system.
He had been clean as far as they were concerned, but had a quiet word to keep watch. Fox had woken up briefly during the check up and panicked.
Thire, Stone and Thorn had made a note to have one of them with Fox during his recovery.
They had made it a rolling rotation that Stone would keep watch first. As much as Fox seemed to catch on, he made no note of it between cups of caf and paperwork. 
That was when Fox started to vanish on the commander’s watch… 
Which was more, avoiding the commanders’ watchful eyes considering the times that when they had managed to spot Fox, the leader of the Coruscant guard would instantly turn and rush off out of sight.
The one time they had managed to keep their grip on Fox, he had seemed to pause when Dogma had exited the archives and questioned the Commander on what he had to do next within the reports. Thire had taken over to speak to Dogma as Rhythm had been asked to guide Fox away to another commander, leaving Thire and Dogma to wonder what had happened to Fox… seeing as he wasn’t being himself. He was usually more guarded than this unless he felt safe enough.
Fox seemed… broken at seeing Dogma.
That was the first clue.
The second was when he almost threw his Datapad towards a Senator who was berating one of the newer Riot Troopers who seemed to be at fault for something or rather. Hound had managed to catch his arm; The trooper and Hound trading looks as Hound talked Fox down.
Fox seemed to be having a hard time in responding and was distraught at this.
He asked Hound if this was normal.
Thire and the others now weren’t taking chances.
They had met in private, the shinies of the guard expressed worry over their ori’vod’s recent behaviour… which had left the older members concerned that Fox was slowly breaking over whatever had happened in the Chancellor’s office.
The medics had joined forces to call Fox into their medbay to check over the commander. Fox came without a moment’s hesitation, something the Medics had noted as not usual behaviour, as he took his place on the bed.
Thire had brought in the big guns, and what that had meant was; they called Ponds in who was continuing his duty with the Jedi generals within the temple. They had expressed their fears about Fox and Ponds had asked General Windu if he could see his sibling.
That request had been somewhat denied due to the amount of paperwork needing to be completed… But when Ponds had appeared with his sightseeing Massif, Hiccup; he had explained the former Nautolan cook, who was actually a Clawdite that the guardsmen were fully familiar with, had decided to take his place and keep up the illusion that Ponds had not left, thus allowing the Commander to sneak out on his own terms.
Ponds took a seat as Hiccup sat at his feet, looking in the direction of Fox.
“You’re tense… Relax Fox.” Ponds smiled as Fox seemed to relax within Ponds’ presence as Thire looked over.
“Also please explain yourself.” Thire questioned as Fox glanced over.
“In… What way?”
“You’ve been more tense than usual. You almost attacked a Senator in which we do not have control over, and you’ve been asking the Guard questions… as if you don’t know this place.” Thire approached Fox, who seemed to tense up again as Ponds looked to Thire.
“Easy… We don’t want to cause him more distress… Do you remember anything the Chancellor asked…?” Ponds looked over as Stone heard a knock at the door, approaching to let what appeared to be Jek into the room who was carrying a datapad.
Jek paused and glanced at the group, trying to work out the situation within the medbay.
“What’s wrong…?” He had questioned softly to which Fox had watched the clone with such intensity. Jek turned to Fox, studying his face.
He caught sight of the clone dragging his fingers along his armour as if tracing markings… which Jek knew all too well.
‘Fox’ seems to relax before turning to Jek. Thorn gave a few disbelieving blinks.
“What do you mean Rex?”
“...Rex traces his tally marks. He does it as a way to keep his thoughts clear. He also had readable eyes, you could tell when he was distressed despite his body language hiding it.” Jek explained. “I’m one of his Batchmates along with Keeli, Styles and Howzer.”
Stone, Thorn and Thire all looked to one another. The medics in the area all did the same. A look of concern and worry.
“...I…” Rex took a shaky breath until-
Rex was acting weird.
Fives could instantly tell his Ori’vod had stiffened enough to when the Jedi had walked through the walls of the Venator. Jesse had caught onto Fives’ gaze as Rex seemed to carry himself a lot more. Responding in quick succession and agreeing with General Skywalker.
But there was also… this… sense of judgement on the rest of Torrent. Rex had been caught in a blast from a Seperatist cannon which had knocked him out the rest of this battle; But with quick work from the medics, He was back on his feet.
But Fives knew that the Captain… wasn’t his Captain.
After all, he refused to remove his bucket among the troops and he seemed weary of the Jedi, especially General Skywalker. As if he hadn’t been serving with the General since the start of this war.
The rest of Torrent had been watching every move. They knew the 212th would be meeting up with them eventually, meaning maybe Cody would get through to him.
Fives’ train of thought was brought to a halt when he overheard Kix and Sponge talking.
Something about Rex looking over his face while in the fresher and being… extremely concerned about something. That and he had commandeered the caf machine before any of the others.
Whatever it was… Fives wanted to get down to the bottom of this. Which is why Jesse was tracking Rex along the corridor and the rest of Torrent were awaiting the Captain in the barracks.
Commander Tano had raised an eyebrow at the clone’s antics but had made a passing comment when Twitch had spoken about being worried for Rex.
Ahsoka had spoken about how she felt Rex wasn’t himself… Like he was someone else.
That was what prompted the Arc Troopers to push in their plan, herding Rex along the corridors.
What they hadn’t expected was for Rex or ‘Rex’ to avoid the multiple limbs, getting out of each tight scrape before continuing on, hands neatly behind his back as he walked and a passing word.
“Got to try better, men.”
Plan after plan to capture the elusive captain had slowly failed, until Cody had stepped aboard. Fives and Jesse immediately brought their worries to his attention.
So when they had been asked to wait in the break room as Cody walked over with the caf machine (with assistance from Boil and Oddball).
That was when Rex appeared, helmet firmly on his head.
“Cody, that’s a low blow.” Rex commented as Cody raised an eyebrow.
“Remove your bucket, vod.”
Rex stood firm before his body dropped, as if all the weight fell from his shoulders and he slowly removed his bucket to a stern looking Rex… but his eyes…
They carried such a lack of energy than what their captain would show.
Cody watched quietly before approaching calmly.
‘Rex’ looked at Cody.
“I’ll admit… It’s weird being on a Venator… after so long.” He folded his arms and leaned back against the wall as Fives and the others turned quickly to Cody.
“Fox…? As in Commander Fox?”
“Correct” Fox confirmed.
“But if Fox is here… then… Rex is…” Tup spoke softly but with a worry. Dogma’s batchmate if he recalled the datapad correctly. But he couldn’t say about how Dogma had survived… or the whole of the Guard would be toppled. And he had too many people to protect from Armand Isard.
“He’s on Coruscant.”
Cody tilted his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Jetii osik… It’s too early…”
“But why Fox and Rex?” Kix questioned as he watched Fox and Cody.
“We look similar… Granted I have a few more scars than my Medics would like me to have.” Fox commented. “It’s why my Batch took Rex’s batch under our wings… they were afraid Rex would be taken. But I rarely cared and challenged our trainers. Rex was under my care and no one would make him leave until I was done and out.” Fox stated as he thought for a moment.
“Wait… I had a meeting with the Chancellor… I don’t remember much after… But…” Fox’s eyes lit up with worry that Cody caught onto.
“You think Rex is in danger.”
“...You don’t know how the Guard operates.”
That sentence had dug a pit of worry in the 501st and 212th troopers who stood within the room.
What did Commander Fox… mean?
58 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
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For a certain commander on his Day! Happy Fox day!
He gets a 10/10 from me :)
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66 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
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I’d like to think Palpatine can see Ghosts of Clones if he visits the Guard.
Chord just likes to let him know how he feels around his brother. 
Rhythm is worried about how the Chancellor is just staring.
Under the cut is the still frames i did!
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See the full post
75 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
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I can't believe Swaffle House is real....
Lego Star Wars is proving all things.
89 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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What the FUCK is your Damage over people having FUN?
Also screw you, More Transformers Star Wars and you can’t stop me >:C
153 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sexybabystevie · 2 years
I feel sad sometimes about loving Steve because I’m asexual (as in I never want to do it type) and the only way I’m having kids is if I’m super financially secure enough in the future to adopt. And Steve deserves the world. He’s into that sexual intimacy stuff, and while he would love any kids in his care, I think he’d want some nuggets of his own. If I existed in the ST universe, no matter how much I adored him, I would rather be miserably in love than to try and keep him from the happy future he deserves. Because not only has he been through enough shit, but he’s genuinely such a sweet guy and he deserves to “have fun” with his partner and dote on his lil nuggets. The truth hurts, but our futures would just be incompatible. Thanks for letting me let out this silly sadness <3 I hope you have a great day/night
i'm so sorry this response was so late; i had a big of a time last night and eventually passed out from exhaustion, and it was shortly after i answered your original ask!
also, for anyone else who may come across this, i'm marking it as a long post and i'm answering below!
first of all, i just wanna say that i totally get it. everything about sexuality is confusing to me, but i'm 98% sure i fall somewhere on the ace spectrum.
and it's not a silly sadness or anything like that! genuinely, i do believe that steve is a lover and while everything you've already said about him is true, i do think that loving someone enough would give him more than enough reason to still absolutely adore you, but i can also understand the point of view of wanting him to have what he deserves after having been through so much. the honest truth is that steve would do anything for anyone that he loves and considers part of his little family, even to the extent of ignoring his own needs or desires, so really i can understand the many layers and perspectives of this.
and i say this with no intent of disrespecting you or your decisions at ALL, because i totally get it and would probably feel the same in your position, but i do firmly believe that he would still love you more than anything and would be more than happy adopting if that's what you ended up wanting. (we always talk about steve having his own kids but!! i really do think there's something just so endearing and special about him adopting as well!! fic writers i beg of you to give us more of that kind of content :") )
ultimately, i want you to know that if you think you're alone, you're not. if you think you're less deserving than anyone else, you're not. you have every right to steve and to love him like the rest of us, and that doesn't change because of any part of your identity. he's ours, together (not even the duffer brothers' anymore, we're taking him), and that includes you! so while it's sad to imagine a real life scenario where things may or may not work out, we have our own little world of fics and ourselves and steve and robin and everyone else, and that means that we get to decide what we do and what happens, and i think that's wonderful. overall, i want you to know that you are loved, this is SUCH a safe space for you, and if you ever, and i mean ever want me to write you a little fic of something especially regarding this scenario or something else, please let me know! it does take me a while to fill out requests at the moment because of college, but my breaks are coming up and i'm going to try and be more active here! and overall, i know that you probably feel very isolated from most of the fics that are written here, and i want to try and cater to underrepresented or just underexplored areas in general! i want to make you feel welcome, so if there is anything that i can do for you at all, then just send me another anon or a message if you feel like it! i'm always here for you <3
and in general, that's something i want everyone to know, even though i doubt most people will read to this extent. i write for myself a lot of times, to share my own ideas or to comfort myself, but YOU are why i'm here, really. i can write for myself and keep it to myself if i really wanted and i would get the same sense of satisfaction, but you all are the reason why i'm still on this website. i wanna make you guys feel things, give you something that makes you smile or laugh or even cry when you need to. i wanna write things that make you feel special and to represent you or your ideas!! so ultimately i am here for you all, always. even if there's only 10 or 1 of you, i'll keep writing things for you :)
back to the topic at hand, thank you so much for sharing this. i know it can't be something easy to come to terms with - i feel similarly - but i greatly appreciate that you felt safe enough to share with me and i hope that my response was okay. i hope you have a great day or night or afternoon or morning as well!! <333
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aqurette · 1 month
New Technique Removes More than 98% of Nanoplastics from Water
To stop nanoplastic particles from penetrating deep into human bodies and brains, researchers at the University of Missouri have come up with a potentially sustainable and safe way to rid water of such pollutants. Read about it at the journal ACS Applied Engineering Materials. http://aqurette.blog/TCB9dD
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misswoozi · 2 months
5 different idiots within one day??😭 i’m sorry you had to deal with so many fuckass people today- hope you’re alright❤️ and stay safe from the storm, the weather we've had were i am has also been horrible lately, and it sucks so much- manifesting happiness, good weather and nice customers for you!🫶🏼
THIS ASK IS SO NICE 😭😭 Thank you for your supremely kind words, OP! I appreciate you endlessly!
I am home safe and in the AC and snacking HARD right now lmao today was a mess but it's all good! In general, I love my job. 98% of our customers are amazing. The fact that there were 5 idiots in such a short time span is honestly nuts. That's so atypical lmao BUT ITS FINE, THEY'RE HOME IN THEIR OWN DUMBASS HOUSES AND I'M IN BED WITH A NINTENDO SWITCH AND FRIENDS LIKE YOU 😍
I hope the weather in your area gets much better soon! This summer has been brutal so far and it's only mid-July 😭😭 MAY WE ALL STAY SAFE AND COOL AND DRY WHENEVER WE CAN
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acedolphinswim · 4 months
Top Swimming Lessons Singapore: Enroll in Swim Class Singapore
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Finding the best swim class Singapore for your child might be difficult. With so many possibilities, how can you select a safe, effective, and, most importantly, enjoyable program? Look no further than Ace Dolphin Swim School! We offer great swimming lessons Singapore for children ages 3.5 to 14, building their confidence and aquatic skills in a supportive environment.
Why Choose Ace Dolphin for Your Child's Swim Lessons Singapore
Expert and Enthusiastic Coaches: Our team includes handpicked, certified educators who are enthusiastic about creating engaging and practical sessions. Their competence guarantees a secure and enjoyable learning environment for your child.
Structured Curriculum: We use a rigorously created in-house curriculum to guide swimming lessons Singapore, ensuring a high-quality approach. This planned approach promotes consistent improvement for each youngster.
Small Class Sizes: Our small-size classes are limited to four beginners, allowing for personalized attention. It aids our coaches in maximizing the potential of every pupil by focusing on their learning needs and pace.
Verified Outcomes: Over the last ten years, over 4,000 students have completed our program, and our SwimSafer test pass percentage has consistently been 98%. It shows how effective our swim class Singapore is.
Insurance-Proof Peace of Mind: For extra protection, every student has a group accident insurance plan. It offers an extra security when taking classes.
Beyond Basic Swimming: Building Confidence and Lifelong Skills
We go beyond teaching basic swimming strokes. Our swimming lessons Singapore incorporate various elements to create well-rounded swimmers:
SwimSafer & Tatsuki Tests: Students are evaluated regularly using SwimSafer and Tatsuki tests, which track their development and inspire them to reach their objectives.
Distance Awards: By recognizing and celebrating milestones, Distance Awards help kids feel accomplished and driven.
Water Safety Education: Equipping children with water safety skills is paramount. We integrate life-saving techniques into our lessons, empowering them to handle unexpected situations.
Lifelong Skill & Enjoyment: Learning to swim is a gift that keeps on giving. It opens doors to water-based activities like snorkeling, diving, and various water sports.
Additional Benefits of Choosing Our Swimming Lessons Singapore
Improved Health & Fitness: Swimming is a fantastic all-around exercise, promoting cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and stamina. It's also gentle on joints, making it suitable for all ages.
Development & Confidence: Gaining proficiency in a new skill, such as swimming, fosters general development and increases self-confidence. We instill discipline and a sense of success in our students through stimulating lessons.
The lower danger of Drowning: The considerably lower risk of drowning is one of the most essential advantages of swim instruction in Singapore. Teaching your child to swim gives them access to a potentially life-saving skill.
Ready to Make a Splash? Select Ace Dolphin Swim School's Class Today!
We're devoted to nurturing a love for swimming while equipping children with valuable life prowess. Please explore our website to get informed about our programs, skilled coaches, and unwavering dedication to child security and aquatic excellence.
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teannathangrant43 · 11 months
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jointsolarrahul1 · 1 year
Are You Looking For Solar Lantern Manufacturer In India
Easy Photovoltech is the leading Solar Lantern Manufacturer in India. Our solar lanterns are light in weight and the perfect source of light in the dark. It can be easily carried like a traditional Lantern. Being a solar-operated product, it gives omnidirectional pure white light. Coming equipped with a sealed maintenance-free lead acid battery, solar photovoltaic module, charge controller & DC-AC inverter, they can light the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL).
Designed by our highly skilled and experienced professionals, the solar lanterns offered by Easy Photovoltech are highly efficient. Their two-step charge controller protects the battery from draining and overcharging. Besides, the lanterns use sunlight to power high-intensity LEDs that provide light for more than 10 Hours once the batter is fully charged. A high-frequency inverter ensures more light output, high efficiency, and long service life for the CFL lamp.
As a Solar Lantern Manufacturer, Some of the features of our solar lanterns are safe, efficiency, reliability, affordability, maximum light coverage, easy installation, no fumes, no smoke, no maintenance, long-lasting high-power LEDs, aesthetically designed portable light, microcontroller based high-efficiency electronics, different Models, and optional mobile charging
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Visit Us: Solar Lantern Manufacturer https://www.jointsolar.in/solar-lantern/
Contact Information:
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