#A Dirt Wizard
edelgarfield · 1 month
HELP essek has known these people for half a day and he's like "im a reformed war criminal i'm partially responsible for the mess you're in now once upon a time i wouldve cut you to pieces but now i just want to study you under a microscope my boyfriend is extremely smart and kind and i send him messages before bed every night"
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gavamont · 3 months
There once was a wizard of dirt
Who was filthy from his shoes to his shirt
But he’s proud of his soil
The joy of his toil
Which allows him to make agricultural flirts
Seriously, he’s got that radish raising rizz, that garden guy glamour, that flax farming flare.
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bugwizard4lyfe · 11 months
working on a new spellbook with only dirt-related spells in it.
so far i’ve got Eat Dirt (puts dirt in the target’s mouth) and Dirt Organs (turns the target’s organs into dirt) and Dirt For Brains (makes the target’s brains into dirt) unfortunakty i have over-tested Dirt For Brains and i can’t think of anything else
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you-poopin · 1 year
Caleb being the first one to meet Beau and Yasha's new baby, just a few days after they bring them home from the orphanage.
He doesn't mean to be the first, he just wants to check on them, figures they're busy and wants to check on Yasha's garden to make sure it still looks alright.
Beau sees him outside, calls him a creep, invites him in. He tries to refuse, but Yasha steps behind her, baby on her hip and all but insists, so he caves.
And he meets this tiny little thing, who smiles at him and without asking, Yasha passes him the baby.
And Beau calls him Uncle Caleb.
And Caleb just melts.
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crabussy · 6 months
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they are very gorgeous to me
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sadtransboidyell · 3 months
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The one and only ✨Dirt wizard✨
Okay not my usual Hazbin content but I'm super proud of this piece 👀
"it takes time"
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I loved everything about the MN reveal tonight but I’m especially so happy for Liam. He didn’t get any of this shit with the VM cameos and his moment finally came. His dirt wizard has returned!
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natp20 · 1 year
so many things to fixate on from this last episode but the one at the top of my list is the 'deep purple' scarf that professor caleb 'browns and reds' widogast is wearing in the middle of the fucking desert
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stardusted-bookworm · 9 months
It'd been so long since he'd felt warm.
Sure, he'd felt the warmth of the sun. Of fire. Of lava. But external heat rarely thawed internal frost. And he had been cold for so, so long.
He had felt a brief warmth in the company of his two friends, only to be snuffed out by the one they'd called teacher.
After that? Eleven years of numbing frost had crawled through his insides, shutting off everything but the bare minimum.
He thought he'd never feel the warmth again. Had made himself content with the frost, for that would be all he'd know for the rest of his life.
Until it wasn't. Until the frost cracked and broke, shaking off little by little.
As he met a little goblin girl as filthy as he was. His loyal companion who did not belong to the skin she had been forced into.
As he met a blue tiefling girl with her love for pastries and unwavering devotion, a handsome half-orc with a loyalty that ran as deep as the oceans he dreamed about, and a brusque human woman who was running from her past with the same fervor as he was.
As he met a giant aasimar woman whose fearsome countenance was belied by her gentle nature.
As he met a beautiful lavender tiefling who sparkled brightly in order to bring joy to everyone around them. Their brilliance was so strong, he could not help but be drawn to them.
When they lost the lavender tiefling to powerful enemies.... Well, he had thought the frost would come back to stay. Felt the edges of a familiar coldness return and prepared for the worst.
Then, a wise firbolg taught him that death is not the end, that there are many, many ways to honor those who have passed.
He felt the last of the frost thaw completely, and he finally allowed himself to mourn. Allowed himself to trust. Allowed himself to love again.
And oh, how he loved.
He loved his friends, his family, the way a well-fed fire burns: brightly and unceasingly warm.
He loved his partner, his beautiful and intelligent and flawed partner, the way the stars shine: luminously and without end. For as long as they should live.
And as he lays here, on his deathbed, Caleb Widogast cannot help but think how lucky he is to be able to love and to be loved. How lucky to have known and seen as much as he did. How lucky he is to be filled with a warmth that so many spend their whole lives searching for.
I have lived my life well, he thinks, heartbeat slowing. I have no regrets.
And as he exhales his last breath, he smiles. I have so many stories to tell you, Mutter und Vater.
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gumclones · 10 months
pondery/theoretical thoughts on the Fionna and Cake premiere under the cut
my suspicion is that the "cool ice prince" Fionna keeps seeing in her dreams isn't a version of Simon, but is rather a representation of Ice Finn, sort of like Gunter's pigeon dream avatar in Hoots. this isn't really based on anything concrete except that we see that he has blue eyes, which doesn't necessarily mean anything - mainly I just think it'd be really neat!
I'm not sure exactly who or what is responsible for the glitched-out "normal" world that Fionna Campbell is set in! right now I'm dithering between Betty, Simon, or the crown acting autonomously somehow. my spouse pointed out that the glitches are somewhat inconsistent, which leads me to believe that someone is actively maintaining the world, and that in the city gardens there don't seem to be nearly as many glitches.
I'm pretty sure that all the inhabitants of Fionna's world (I hope we get a better name for it 😅) started out as denizens of Ooo, rather than having been born human. I think that whatever force put them there wanted to preserve their personalities, so I think that most of their memories of the human world are translated versions of their actual memories rather than fully fake.
Gary's behavior and demeanor is extremely interesting to me! it's clear that he's still very himself - there's his usage of very precise measurements and his fixation on making candy-I-mean-biscuit people, but he also seems… not all there? most obvious is when Fionna rhetorically asks him how long they've known each other and he says "hmm, I don't know. I guess, like, forever?" but there's also the way he seems to be slow on the uptake at times - when Fionna eats his prototype before he can frost it he stares at where it was for two full seconds before looking up. currently I have a theory that he's acting a little weird because it's really hard to fit him into a normal human world and keep his mind intact! after all, if he's around Fionna's age then he's about 30, which represents less than 4% of his true lifespan. in addition to that, he's got a very atypical childhood and family tree and he's not in the position of authority he's spent the majority of his life in.
another thing that my spouse pointed out is that the fight with the bear comes across as extremely staged, especially in light of Finn openly referring to Simon as "bait" after he catches the mudskipper. currently our guess is that the bear was a shapeshifted Huntress Wizard, especially since Finn encouraging Simon to stab it in the heart is reminiscent of Huntress Wizard trying to get Finn over his aversion to killing in The Wild Hunt.
Finn does the Martin wink and it makes me sad! 😅
I really hope that the gum family show up, because I think they have a lot of interesting commonalities with the situations of almost every character we've been shown so far! I think that the setup of Dirt Beer Guy's tavern could very easily lead to this, since we see Punch Bowl and Crunchy spending time socially with Dirt Beer Guy in the epilogue of Come Along With Me. there's also the possibility of seeing Gary's family, which I'd be thrilled to bits by.
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Ellis' expression when Fionna offered him the bagfood broke my heart a little :( on the plus side I love how he's living his purplest life!
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greenpa1nt · 11 months
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Widogast’s Web
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callowyn · 8 months
cr live show gave me the urge to rewatch campaign 2 (as one does) and I'm thinking about how for years caleb's disguise was just. dirt. being too filthy for anyone to look at closely. and how at the same time he's very meticulous with where he keeps his spell components and he counts things out loud to himself and do you think bren was a bit of a neat freak? the one who never showed up to class without washing his face first? did astrid and eadwulf make fun of him for being fussy and then smashcut to ten years later he looks at a pile of horse manure and thinks the bren they knew would never and dives into it? I bet the first few times of feeling the mud dry made his skin want to crawl off. I bet sometimes he was glad not to find a bath house because being dirty all over was easier than washing his body but not his head. but hey, if his outside is disgusting, at least it matches his insides. at least no one looks at him anymore.
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hinumay · 8 months
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i know how to draw again!!! T_T i can finally finish that commission ahhhh COMMISSIONS OPEN BTW also FRUMPKIN THERE..
this is to make up for whatever the heck this is
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thelocalwizardsblog · 11 months
anyone have any spare dirt i can eat? I fear if I dig my current pit any further I might reach the centre of the earth...
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elliotofmakinstuff · 8 months
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Widogast’s Web of Fire
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