#A hardcase fic
sadiecoocoo · 4 months
Thinking abt an au where Rex and the 501st adopts Boba instead of letting him go to jail… I feel like Rex has a lot of the mando genes urging him to adopt feral children
Fives would tease boba and say that he’s like a little angry tooka
Tup would be happy to not be the youngest anymore and would be really sweet to him
Hardcase and fives would both help him cause chaos
Echo would try to teach him some of the regs but end up letting him do whatever because he has cute little tooka eyes that works very well
Rex would treat him sort of how he treats the domino twins, but would probably be more openly affectionate and would make sure that he’s never on the field (he totally doesn’t steal boba from the barracks and lets him sleep in Rex’s quarters and holds him like a pillow… it’s okay Boba likes it, he missed having a dad)
boba would try to sneak out on campaigns, but the 501st all collectively agreed that clone or not Boba was their baby brother and he is not going to an actual battlefield
they also have a teensy bet on who boba actually listens to the most (it’s echo but Fives refuses to accept it)
Anakin, to Rex’s dismay, would teach him how to be a pilot
Ahsoka would help with any chaos
The 212th would try to get him transferred to them because they want a baby brother too but Cody would just say “we already have a baby brother (Wooley) and they’d probably kill us if we took Boba”
Plo Koon would start trying to get the Wolfpack placed in more campaigns with the 501st and Wolffe also starts helping with a bit of chaos (both Wolffe and Boba are biters and you can’t convince me otherwise)
A lot of them would ask what Jango was like and Rex would storm up and cuff them on the back of the head because “wtf this kid is still grieving give him a god damned minute”
And yes they put him in the center of the clone piles when Rex doesn’t steal him (Rex will join usually anyway)
But the bad thing abt this would be when one clone doesn’t come back… after the citadel Boba would’ve been devastated to hear about Echo. After Umbara he would’ve been crying himself to sleep from all the deaths. When Ahsoka left he would’ve clung to Rex or one of his brothers because what if they leave too?
Boba is a hurt child and needs his brothers to fully heal, but when he’s with his brothers he can still get hurt
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Thought I would compile all the fics I read each month as a rec list, for anyone who missed the reblogs of each fic or wants a central place to find stuff. And also for my own tracking purposes as I continue to read based on my notifications.
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Period Headcanons by @kimiheartblade | Cody, Wolffe, Fives, Echo, Rex, Kix, Hunter x reader
To Speak Without Words - Ch. 1 by @stardusthuntress | Crosshair x reader
Awake series by @danceswithsporks | Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 | Crosshair x reader
"I think this is the part where you kiss me" by @wings-and-beskar | Hardcase x reader
"Need my mouth on you." by @littlemissmanga | Jesse x reader
I'm Not Alone (That's Good to Know) by @baby-i-just-wanna-kiss | Captain Rex x reader
Battle Scars by @just-here-with-my-thoughts | Tech x Phee
Slow Dancing by @coffeeandbatboys | Captain Vaughn x reader
Slow Dancing - Part 2 by @coffeeandbatboys | Captain Vaughn x reader
End of Avoidance by @hetalianskywalker | Commander Wolffe x reader
Midnight Dances by @dragonrider9905 | Wrecker x reader
A Kiss by @merkitty49 | Wrecker x reader
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arctrooper69 · 1 year
Born for This
This is my gift for @starborncyare-deactivated202303 as a part of the @cloneficgiftexchange (which you should go and check out bc there are a TON of amazing fic authors).
Prompt: "Cyar'ika no." // "But it followed me back to camp!"
P.S. Sorry for posting so late tonight. I meant to post it earlier but life got in the way. Hope you like it though!
Holy crap I tagged the wrong person 😱😱😱 I'm so sorry!
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Warnings: None?
"Where in the kriffing galaxy have you be -" Kix stuttered, cutting himself off as you walked through the door holding what looked like a large bundle of towels. Whatever you were carrying barely fit in your arms. "Uh...what is that?"
Before you could respond, the bundle began to wiggle and two long angular ears popped out of the top.
Kix's look of concern flipped to one of disbelief in a matter of nanoseconds.
Oh Force, not again.
Jesse and Hardcase had brought him an injured tooka the week before and it had wrecked havoc in his med bay when it got loose. Kix desperately hoped this wouldn't be a repeat of that disaster.
Though, despite his initial worries, he had to smile. You did look awfully cute sporting that wide grin of yours. He loved how the tip of your nose crinkled when you were truly happy.
Kix took a step forward, curiously peering at the creature cocooned in your arms.
Oh. Kriff.
He almost wished it was a feral tooka.
He slid his hand down his face and took a deep breath as he stepped back. "Cyar'ika," he said evenly, keeping his voice as calm as he could muster. "Please tell me that isn't what I think it is."
You looked down as the creature in question poked his head out from beneath the towel, large yellow eyes curiously gazing around the room.
"This little guy?" You cooed at the large cub. He barely fit in your arms.
"Little!?" Kix almost yelled, shooting you an incredulous look. "That thing is a gundark and could very easily tear you apart!"
As if on cue, the cub let out a purring growl before yawning, displaying rows of razor sharp teeth.
You frowned. "His name is Tiny and I don't think he likes what you just said about him."
Kix pinched the bridge of his nose, not quite believing the scene before him.
"You named it!?"
You nodded enthusiastically.
"And....what made you decide to bring it here?"
The gundark whined, knocking his head against your shoulder, blinking up at you.
"He was wandering around just outside the base. I think there's something wrong with his paw. He was limping and I thought you could help him!"
"It is a gundark, cyar'ika. Please get it out of my med bay before it eats someone."
Your expression fell. "But he's hurt! He doesn't have a mom anymore! We have to keep him!"
"No. Absolutely not. Go outside. Put it down immediately and go wash your hands."
"But he followed me back to camp! I think he thinks I'm his mom now. Please at least just help me patch him up!"
Kix sighed. Part of him wanted to yell at you, tell you that the cub was dangerous, that it could seriously hurt you. Kix had seen brothers be torn to pieces by these creatures. He could still hear their screams as they were eaten alive. He wanted that danger as far away from you as possible.
On the other hand, the amount of compassion you displayed towards this injured animal was the same kindness he'd seen you show daily as you helped nurse his wounded brothers back to health. You were born for this - he saw it everyday. Watching you be so gentle towards such a bloodthirsty creature stirred something inside of him. You were strong, he knew that, and as much as he tried to keep you out of trouble, danger just followed along behind, but you faced it head on with such a genuine, loving thoughtfulness. It was part of who you were.
Maybe it was time to act on those feelings that had been growing stronger day by day.
Kix chuckled softly as his hand grazed your shoulder. He smiled warmly, latching onto that growing sparkle of dedicated excitement in your eyes.
"Alright, cyar'ika. Let's see what we're working with."
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @rain-on-kamino @jiabeewrites @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampirerouge @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @blueink-bluesoul @sol-oya-6116
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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abstractppsychopomp · 27 days
┃➤ARC trooper Jesse and why he matters so much to me
Jesse is one of those characters we know so little about, that we can make up about them anything we want. Like with almost every clone.
Like many other clones in The Clone Wars, Jesse is seen only in a few battles and arcs, that tell us just what we need to know about him to feel bad when he inevitably dies, since clones are doomed in this franchise one way or another.
And what really treated us with a bunch of interesting characters and development arcs was, of course, the Umbara arc, where Jesse is one of the clones who rebels against Krell's unsuccessful strategies and his disregard of their lives, who gets almost executed by his own brothers because of it and survives to see Krell's death.
There are many little things that make us love him, first of all his acts of disobedience.
At first, as audience we can't really justify Krell's decisions with 'It's war, and sacrifices are to be made" like some of the characters who are soldiers do, so we can't help but wish that they would not follow his orders, and Jesse is one of the first ones to do so, with Fives and Hardcase- who we know for a fact Jesse has known for a long time, since Hardcase was there back when they met the clone deserter on Saleucami. Hardcase dies, but they respect his sacrifice.
The clones' loyalty is not to the Republic, or at least not as much as how they wrote it. They serve the Republic and they fight this war because without them the war would be lost, since they're the only thing fighting the Separatists. And, of course, because they were made to do so. They were created for this, and this is what they know. Their life is long enough that they will fight as long as the Republic (as the Sith) needs, and then they will die, maybe thirty-five years after their birth, and it will be like they never existed.
This was the plan behind their creation, and this happens in the Star Wars canon timeline.
What they know, other than war, are each other, and Hardcase's last words are "Live to fight another day". Funny that it isn't "Fight to live another day", but it's merely because they don't live, they fight. They weren't made to know anything other than fighting, not even living. They don't have to survive a battle so that they can live and be in peace, but because after one fight there's always another.
But by fighting they still survive, and they can save another clone.
With his sacrifice Hardcase saves his brothers, and even Jesse, and they "let him die" because they would do just the same.
"I'm only doing it because I don't like him", this is how Jesse tries to justify his insubordination. Humor is his way of deflecting and coping. Hardcase replies to this with "I'm only doing this for fun", which is just incompatible with what he does at the end and proves that the reason why he did it is was to save his brothers- just like Jesse, who cracked a joke like him but almost died all the same.
So he loves his brothers, and he wants to win the battles he fights, forced or not, and he has a sense of humor- which is great, since we all love some good humor.
He loses it, facing his brothers ready to execute him, but we know he has it, Fives said it.
He's loyal, just like Hardcase, just like every other clone. To whom?
The first answer could be the Republic.
Jesse has a Republic crest tattooed on his head, and also has it painted on his helmet, so of course he isn't neutral regarding the Republic.
But, and here I am with what could be called headcanons, but they're necessary because this show didn't care about clones as much as it should have (don't talk money, if you want to talk money a show about clones could make Star Wars great again).
Jesse is not loyal to the Republic.
What truly made me fall in love with him was the Siege of Mandalore, because we know that he's part of a group of soldiers way younger than him.
He is the personification of the "only one left" trope.
Because we know that, of the 501st clones we got to know and love, he, with Kix and Rex, is the only one left.
Fives, Hardcase, Tup, Dogma, they're all dead, and Echo is with the Bad Batch.
Jesse is a first generation. He's probably been around since Geonosis, as long as Rex, and by this point he still paints his helmet the same way.
How probable is it that, for all that time- and remember clones age twice as fast as humans, so three years are not only three years for him, he was loyal to the Republic, never changing his paint, always loyal, always dedicated?
The clones' loyalty is to their brothers.
Jesse may have been once loyal to the Republic, when he was forced into fighting a war after a life spent hearing that war was what he was made for, but after living out of Kamino for three years?
You know Plato's allegory of the Cave? This is the same.
If you want to believe that the clones were at any point loyal to the Republic, it's almost impossible for them to have still cared for it after having a chance to see, know and understand how the Republic doesn't deserve their loyalty. Not the Republic who bought them and thinks of them as non-sentients, and uses them to fight a senseless war.
To mark himself with the crest, forever, is to be loyal to the point of not only sacrificing himself, but sacrifice others, like what a good General like Krell was supposed to do, which Jesse does, but not of his own volition.
Now to his death.
Jesse dies, trying to kill Ahsoka. Obeying a order he couldn't disobey, controlled by a chip he didn't know the existence of, taking out with him so many of his brothers.
When he sacrifices himself to kill the enemy of the Republic, he does it because he's been forced to. He wouldn't have done it, without the chip.
Jesse is loyal to a fault.
We see it with Ahsoka, and with Anakin, and with Rex.
Do you really think that, had the order come without the chip influencing him, he would have tried to kill Ahsoka with Rex on the line? Rex, who he'd fought with for three years, who he protected so harshly with the Bad Batch, who's his brother?
He is loyal to a fault, just not to the Republic.
Maybe he got that tattoo and later realized how wrong he'd been to do it as he realizes that they're all glorified slaves, and as he goes on fighting for someone who owns him he paints his helmet always the same way almost as a joke, since we know he has humor. They own him, after all, so why not mark himself with their symbol forever? ┃
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“Babe. Babe. Babe.”
That’s the first thing you hear when you awake. 
With tired eyes and a heaving chest, you try to stir and fully jolt yourself awake in Hardcase’s arms. There aren’t any lights on, only the soft lumination of passing speeders at this unholy hour. 
You huff, turn over, and almost immediately collide with Hardcase’s watchful eye above you. Leaning on an elbow, he has an idea-struck face, as if anticipating anyone with willing ears to listen.
“What is it?” you rasp, yelping at how dry your throat feels as you speak. While swallowing down some gathered saliva and clearing your throat, Hardcase hums and leans further, riveting feelings of brilliance in his eyes. “It’s not even 0400 yet.”
He had better woken you up for something good.
Hardcase pouts at your foiling glare and continues without a moment to linger further.
“Do you think if the Jedi ever find out about General Skywalker and his wife, they’ll tell him ‘may divorce be with you’?”
Your jaw slacks, your elbow slowly sliding down, and you plop your head back down on your pillow, incredulously scoffing.
“Maker, `Case,” You groan, biting back a laugh. “You woke me up for this?”
“Yes!” He exclaims, shuffling to lean over you with a speculative eyebrow raise. “It’s genius. Do you think it isn’t?”
“I think it’s silly,” You retort. Hardcase whines and leans down as well, cradling his face with a forearm to keep his stare on you. How he manages to stay so wide-eyed at this hour, you’re unsure.
“Haters gonna hate,” is his only response. You sigh.
“I’m not a hater,” you bite your lip when you feel his breath on your creep closer, body heat radiating toward yours. He’s still got that pensive, mischievous look on his face. But you can feel yourself beginning to drift off. You yawn out, “Just a person who likes their sleep.”
“Hm,” Hardcase hums as though he doesn’t believe you yet.
Silence rushes over the two of you, and your eyelids weigh heavy, just as though you’re about to fall asleep. But then Hardcase talks again.
“How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk?”
Oh lord.
You try to stay silent so he thinks you’re asleep.
“With a wook-key.”
You’re unsuccessful.
The snicker that lurches in your mouth gets Hardcase smiling all smug and satisfied into your shoulder. 
You slap the back of his head lightly with a whine.
“That wasn’t funny!” You say in a whisper-yell.
“Is that so?” Hardcase mutters against the bare skin of your shoulder, vibrations of his voice sending relaxing yet rousing shivers through your chest. “Then why’d you laugh?”
Your mouth falls ajar, gasping softly as he continues giggling.
“I’m not laughing because it’s funny!” You snap back in your greatest attempt to convince him of your innocence. “I’m only laughing because you’re just so unbelievable.”
“But you love me,” Hardcase says in a cheerful, sing-song voice. With a roll of your eyes, everything softens as you feel a featherlight kiss against your neck, his lips lazily pursed and pressed to your skin.
“Yeah, I do.”
Silence finally rushes between you, but as you suddenly become restless, you decide to give him a taste of his own medicine.
“How do Jedi eat?” 
Hardcase perks up, reverence coating his stare for indulging him so. Your lips curl upwards in a tight, lovely grin.
“They force-feed themself.”
His incessant giggles make you bite your lip and bring him down into the crook of your neck and shoulder again.
“That’s a good one,” he compliments, hand crawling up from his side. As he talks, a cold hand slithers up your stomach, slipping under the fabric of your tank top to trace aimless patterns into your skin. “Where’d you learn it.”
“‘Heard it ‘round the base.”
You nod. “I know.”
“Makes sense that you didn’t make it yourself then.”
You gasp, flicking his forehead lightly when he erupts into childish giggles again. Despite it, you don’t shush him or urge him to stop. His laughter could fill you with more joy for twenty lifetimes.
He eventually comes up with a new reveling thought, tilting his head and leaning up again so you can look at each other.
“`You ever think about the fact that having sex on a lift is immoral on so many levels?”
Your nose scrunches with a soft chuckle, wincing at the cheesiness of his joke.
“Babe, that means we’re immoral on so many levels.”
Not even a second is spent processing your retort; Hardcase simply shrugs in response with a drifted-away gaze.
“I’m not saying otherwise.”
You purse your lips.
“Just stating the facts,” he continues, lying down again. “You can come to the conclusions for us.”
“Ah, yes,” you agree, coyly grinning at your next words before they even come out of your mouth. “As always, I’m the brains of this operation.”
Hardcase doesn’t properly respond to you; he only nods softly into your neck as he waits for you to continue.
“Yeah, I think we’re immoral on so many levels.”
Hardcase laughs harder and plants a kiss on your bare shoulder. Then another. He brushes all things obscuring his path to trail more over your collarbone to reach your other shoulder, hands pressed on either side of your arms as he moves. You sigh and smile, the softest laugh leaving your lips. They purse when your mind wanders, trying to devise another joke to continue the conversation.
“...Two clones walk into 79’s,” you begin, voice strained and dwindling with the uncertainty of your joke and where it should lead. “...And one tells the other.” You pause again, eyes drifting away when you feel Hardcase’s perky, awaiting look. “‘You look familiar.’”
Hardcase’s disbelieving cackle is hushed when he presses his face into the pillow, shaking his head.
“Babe, that was so bad,” he says, lifting his chin to speak more clearly. You shrug, eyebrows knitted while you whine out a measly defense.
“I don’t know!” Your response only elicits more laughter. You turn on your side, awaiting for Hardcase to meet your eyes again while you fend for yourself. “It’s too late for this. Just… let me get back to you in the morning.” 
Turning on his side and resting his cheek on his forearm, he nods with a perceptive fix of his lips.
“Fair enough,” he leans in further, resting his forehead on yours and shifting closer to your body. “I mean…”
You raise an eyebrow.
Hardcase shrugs, impishly grinning in entire admiration.
“There’s potential there for a good joke,” he says.
You nod with full agreement and a smug crook of your eyebrows.
“‘T’s why I said it instead of just shutting up.” Hardcase chuckles deep in his chest. You shove him lightly, just enough to get the message across but not hard enough so your foreheads disconnect. “We can workshop it in the morning.”
With a nod, he tilts his chin up and presses his pursed lips to the space between your eyebrows.
“Definitely,” he mutters against you. “Y’know what else we can workshop?”
You hum, slowly melting further into his touch. His hands have returned, rubbing circles over your collarbone and shoulders, and you keenly sigh as the caresses get deeper.
“I’ve got a great joke about construction I want to tell you, but I’m still working on it.”
In your state, you become susceptible to his silly jokes, and you snort unwisely. It goes to his head very quickly.
“See? I’m funny!” He argues with a victorious glint.
You sigh loudly and roll your eyes.
“I’m just more susceptible in this state.”
“That’s why I tell you at this time.”
You deadpan, frowning and rubbing your eyes with a yawn.
“Is that why you woke me up? To tell me your dumb jokes when I’m more likely to laugh?”
“Yep,” he answers, making a little pop sound at the end of the word. You scrunch your features.
“You’re a dork,” you tell him, adjusting on the bed and ruffling the sheets to go over your shoulders.
“And you’re still here.”
With the objective statement, you melt and nod, blinking with entirely smitten reverence.
“I am,” you assure.
With a soft smile, he leans in and pulls you by your shoulders, encouraging you to cuddle into him. You do enthusiastically, nuzzling your face into his chest. The sound of his heartbeat and steady breathing fills your eyes and becomes the only important thing you could possibly focus on for the rest of his night, your soothing bedtime lullaby.
But then he speaks again.
“What do Gungans put their food in? Jar jars.”
You tilt up, stare blank and deadly.
“That’s it, time for bed.”
And the sound of his laughter instead becomes the loudest noise to soothe you back to sleep.
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 10 months
Of Frogs and Clones
Hardcase x Fem!Reader
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Liquid
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Summary: It's the clone's last night in the barracks together as soldiers and Hardcase drinks a mysterious liquid from Jesse's duffle that turns him into a frog. With the help of his brothers and the Right To Love Matchmaking service, they work against the clock to find him "true love's kiss" and turn him back into a human.
Pairing: Hardcase x Fem!Reader
Characters: Hardcase, Jesse, Kix, Rex, Fives, Echo, Tup, Dogma
Tags & Warnings: matchmaking!au, fluff, humor, strange magic, clone shenanigans, unconventional love story, dialogue heavy
Word Count: 3.6k
Author's Note: My first entry for the @tcwmatchmakingau! This series is pure fun and ridiculousness. There's no angst, no hurt, no underlying themes, and no deep meanings. Only utter nonsense. Reader and RTL are not in the first chapter. I know I have other series to finish, but I needed to cross off another bingo square first 😅 As always, please enjoy 💚
@clonexreaderbingo Square: Mystery
Chapter 1
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The Clone Wars have finally drawn to a close, leaving the remaining clones in a precarious spot of facing the unknown civilian life before them. To aid in their assimilation, the senate passed legislation to give clones official citizenship status, government subsidized housing, a credit stipend, and help with job placement. Tonight is their last night sleeping in the barracks and as they pack their belongings and prepare for life outside of the GAR, things get a little hectic.
“What do you think it’s going to be like?” Jesse asks while pulling things out of his overstuffed duffle.
“Dunno,” Hardcase answers as he stares at the bunk above him, hands laced behind his head. His duffle doesn’t have much in it, so he finished packing a while ago.
“I bet it’s going to be fun,” Fives smiles while throwing his things haphazardly into his duffle. “No rules, no regulations, no chain of command.”
Echo stops folding his blacks and grimaces at the thought. “That sounds awful.”
“Lighten up,” Tup playfully punches Echo’s shoulder. “We can finally do whatever we want.”
“I’m with Echo,” Dogma adds. “A bunch of people doing whatever they want sounds chaotic. Where’s the order?”
“We make our own order,” Kix chimes in. “We follow the laws and do the right thing. Like we’ve always done.”
“What if we mess up?” Echo wonders, a twinge of apprehension in his voice. “I don’t want to be court-martialed on day one.”
“You can’t be court-martialed if you’re a civilian,” Fives chuckles. “But if you do mess up… Then Fox will get you!” Fives jumps on Echo’s back for dramatic effect.
Echo groans and pushes Fives off while the rest of the group laughs.
“As long as we stick together, we’ll be fine,” Jesse reassures.
Murmurs of agreements resound through the barracks and they resume organizing what little belongings they have.
Hardcase rolls onto his side and watches Jesse attempt to pack his duffle bag so that the zipper will close. He’s still unsure how Jesse accumulated so much junk over the past few years. The ARC has a souvenir from almost every planet he’s ever been on. Even after everyone else is done packing, Jesse is still sifting through his things, picking which ones to take with him and which ones to leave behind. He pulls out a bottle of green liquid and places it on the ground.
“What’s that?” Hardcase asks while pointing at the bottle.
“I’m not sure,” Jesse answers. He picks up the bottle and inspects it for a second before setting it back down. “It was given to me by a local at the beginning of the war. I must have forgotten about it.”
“Is it alcohol?” Hardcase asks curiously. He sits up in his bunk and grabs the bottle off the floor, tilting it from side to side to watch the strange liquid slosh around.
“Maybe,” Jesse shrugs. “I couldn’t understand the local language and I never opened it to try it.”
Hardcase wonders what it could be as he continues to turn the bottle in different directions, completely mesmerized by its shimmering contents. “Can I drink it?”
“I don’t see why not,” Jesse says.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Kix warns. He swipes the bottle from Hardcase’s hands.
“Hey,” Hardcase pouts. He sits back down on his bunk and crosses his arms. “That’s mine.”
“You don’t know what’s in it,” Kix interrupts Jesse’s rebuttal to give a warning. “It could be poisonous.”
“We won’t know that unless we try it,” Hardcase argues.
“Listen,” Kix sighs. “We’re one night away from being free men. I’m not going to let a bottle of suspicious liquid ruin that for you.”
“Isn’t that my choice now?” Hardcase questions.
“Not until 05:00,” Rex chimes in. Upon hearing their captain's voice, all of the Torrent Company stops what they’re doing and stands to attention.
In preparation for their official discharge from the GAR, Rex spent the entire day with the senate and a specialized CCL (civilian clone liaison) to make sure that his men’s transition was taken care of and that it would be as smooth as possible. He meticulously worked each clone’s case with the CCL to approve their housing, their new identichips, and their credit stipends. It was an exhausting process, but his signature was required on every form in the assimilation packets.
“At ease men,” Rex says.
“So,” Fives begins with anticipation. “What’s the word?”
Rex smiles and reveals a stack of identichips. “It’s official.”
Rex walks around to each one of his men and hands them their new identichip. The clones take them eagerly and marvel with wonder at the digital cards with their chosen names and faces inscribed on them. Not a CT number in sight. The excitement in the room is almost too much for the clones to contain. Whispers and wide-eyes turn into hollers, whoops, and hugs. They’re now official citizens of Coruscant and have the same rights as any other citizen.
“Settle down and listen up!” Rex exclaims. “These identichips are your key to life. Do not lose them. They will go into effect at 05:00 tomorrow morning, so until then, you are still under my command.”
The clones stop their chatter and nod their heads in understanding.
“Tomorrow, you’ll be free men,” he starts, “and I will no longer be your captain, but your friend. You’ll be able to make your own choices, live your own lives, and decide your own destinies.” Rex pauses and shifts his weight. “Help each other, help others, and be good citizens.” Rex pauses one more time, his voice wavering with emotion. “It truly has been an honor to serve alongside the finest men in the galaxy.”
The barrack of clones erupts with the sound of clapping and whistling. Rex takes in the moment before he puts up his hand to quiet the men and pull out his data-pad.
“A couple more things,” he begins while scrolling through a list. “Housing assignments have been allocated and your new addresses can be found on your identichips. The apartments are fully furnished, but you’ll have to buy your own clothes, food, and any extra comforts. Credit stipends will be automatically deposited monthly into your bank account until you gain employment. You can keep your armor, but they have asked that you not wear it in public. You are also allowed to own a single DC-17 hand blaster, but it must be registered with the Coruscant Police and tied to your identichips. Any questions?”
Hardcase raises his hand, a look of concern painting his face. “So, I can’t keep my Z-6?”
“No, you can’t,” Rex answers. “Anything that was considered infantry or heavy weaponry cannot be owned by civilians and must be turned in to the Coruscant Police. It was difficult enough to convince them to let us keep a single hand blaster.”
Hardcase plops onto his bunk and crosses his arms while grumbling to himself. That Z-6 was his best friend during the war and now he has to give it up. It really is a shame.
“Any other questions?” Rex asks as he scans the room. “Alright then. Get a good night's sleep and I’ll touch base with you in the morning.”
As Rex leaves the barracks, more chatter erupts amongst the clones. They are both excited and nervous to get their new lives started. The jitters are evident and no one is sure they can actually sleep tonight. They’re like children on Christmas Eve, wanting to stay up late and wait for their presents to arrive instead of sleeping. The anticipation is too much to contain. However, once curfew rolls around, the clones have to turn out the lights and at least try to go to sleep.
The clones all nestle into their bunks for one last night and fall into dreams of what their new lives will be like. Well, everyone that is except for Hardcase. He’s lying awake, staring up at the bunk above him and feeling restless. He’s still thinking about that bottle of green liquid Kix took away from him. He’s not sure what it is about that mysterious bottle that has him so enraptured. Maybe it’s the color, or the way the liquid moves from one end of the glass bottle to the other.
Unable to contain his curiosity, Hardcase decides he wants the bottle back. He waits a couple of hours, and when he hears some of his brothers snoring, he quietly gets out of his bunk and meanders his way to Kix’s bunk. Kix is sleeping on his stomach, one hand under his shirt and the other stretched out over his pillow, with his leg hanging off the side with the blanket falling off. Hardcase shakes his head. He’ll never understand how Kix finds that sleeping position comfortable.
He waves his hand near Kix’s face, checking to make sure he is asleep, then crouches down to look through his duffle. He quietly rummages around, being careful not to knock anything too far out of place, and eventually finds the little glass bottle of green liquid under a pack of gauze. He picks it up, smiles, and admires the bottle like it’s a precious jewel. He puts Kix’s duffle back together, brings the bottle back to his bunk, then looks around to make sure no one saw him.
Once he knows he’s alone and the only one awake, Hardcase pulls the cork off the top of the bottle and it makes a loud popping sound. He winces at the unexpected noise as it echoes through the barracks, then looks around to make sure no one woke up. He relaxes his shoulders and sighs when no one stirs. He looks into the glass bottle and swishes the green liquid around. It’s a shame to drink it when it’s so pretty, but he has to know what it tastes like.
“Bottoms up,” he whispers to himself. He knocks the drink back like a shot and swallows. His face scrunches at the bitter aftertaste and he makes an audible noise of disgust. “Yuck! Definitely not alcohol.”
Disappointed in the gross tasting drink, Hardcase flops back onto his bunk and sighs. He doesn’t feel any different, so it’s probably not poison. If he had to venture a guess, it’s probably some type of tribal medicine native to the planet Jesse got it from. Medicine is the only thing he’s ever tasted that matches that level of bitterness, and he hates medicine. He shutters at the residual taste in the back of his throat, then tucks himself into his bunk to finally go to sleep.
As dawn breaks and the light of the morning peeks into the barracks, Jesse stirs in his bunk. He stretches his limbs and yawns while sitting up, then breathes a contented sigh when he remembers that today is the day he’s a free man. He looks around the sunlit room and sees the rest of the clones stirring as their internal alarm clocks activate. Excited to get moving, he slides down the back ladder of the bunk, his bare feet hitting the barrack’s cold floor with a dull thud.
Jesse looks at Hardcase’s bunk, which sits right beneath his, but his brother is not in it. “Has anyone seen Hardcase?”
“Not since lights out,” Echo answers while stretching his arms.
“I haven’t seen him either,” Tup yawns.
“Got me,” Kix shrugs.
Out of the corner of his eye, Fives catches the blanket on Hardcase’s bunk move. “Did anyone else see that?”
“See what?” Dogma asks while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
Fives stares at the blanket and watches it move again. He points his finger at the lump in the center. “That!”
“What do you think it is?” Jesse asks as he moves to stand next to Fives.
“I don’t know,” Fives tilts his head to the side as he thinks.
“Only one way to find out,” Echo says as he grabs the corner of the blanket and rips it off, revealing what is underneath.
“It’s a… frog?” Kix raises an eyebrow at Fives.
“Don’t look at me!” Fives puts up his hands in defense. “I didn’t put it there.”
“Guys, it’s me,” a voice says.
The group of clones whip around looking for the source of the voice.
“That sounds like Hardcase,” Jesse says. “But I don’t see him.”
“Down here,” the voice says.
Tup crouches down on the ground and looks under the bunk, but there’s no one there.
“Too far,” the voice says. “On the bunk.”
Tup slowly peeks up from his crouched position and looks at the frog sitting on the bunk. They stare at each other for a moment.
“Hey,” the frog says.
“Ah!” Tup startles and crashes backwards into the adjacent bunk. “That frog just talked!”
Dogma rolls his eyes. “Frogs don’t talk.”
“I'm telling you that frog talked,” Tup argues.
Jesse snorts. “Tup, I think you’ve lost a few marbles.”
“You're the one who’s lost his marbles,” the frog says as it jumps from the bunk onto Jesse’s arm.
“Ah!” Jesse jerks and flings the frog off his arm.
“Catch it!” Tup yells.
Kix catches the frog in his hands and examines it curiously. It looks like a regular bullfrog to him. Mottled olive-green mucus-covered skin, a dull-yellow belly, raised eyes, short little forelegs, and long-webbed hind legs. The only strange thing about this bullfrog is the blue lines going down the left side of its body. He’s never seen a bullfrog with blue stripes before, but then again, he doesn’t claim to be an expert in frog species. Kix brings the frog closer to his face to look at the lines.
“Hi Kix,” the frog says.
Kix startles and opens his hands, dropping the talking frog onto the floor of the barracks.
“Hey!” the frog says. “Watch it!”
Fives kneels down in front of the frog. “Hardcase?”
“Yeah, it’s me,” Hardcase sighs.
“You’re a frog!” Fives exclaims as he picks him up.
“I noticed,” Hardcase says.
“How is that even possible?” Echo questions in bewilderment.
“I don’t know,” Hardcase says. “I just woke up like this. I had a heck of a time trying to find my way out of that blanket though. Thanks.”
“Kix?” Dogma looks at the shocked medic for an explanation.
“Don’t ask me,” Kix raises his hands. “There’s nothing in the medical texts about clones turning into frogs.”
Jesse looks at the frog, that is Hardcase, and narrows his eyes. “What did you do?”
“What do you mean, ‘what did I do’?” Hardcase retorts as he jumps from Fives’ hands to Jesse’s.
Jesse cups his hands together to catch Hardcase. “Kix is right, clones don’t just turn into frogs,” he says. "What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Hardcase shouts. “I just woke up like this. I’m as lost as you are!”
Kix gets curious and looks around Hardcase’s bunk area. He rifles through his duffle bag and grabs the empty bottle. He takes a deep breath, straightens up, and crosses his arms. “You drank it.”
“Oh, yeah,” Hardcase chuckles nervously. “I forgot about that.”
Kix grabs Hardcase out of Jesse’s hands, encircling his fingers around Hardcase’s stomach as his long hind legs dangle down freely. He brings Hardcase’s little frog face close to his. “You idiot!"
“How was I supposed to know this would happen?” Hardcase argues as he squirms to escape Kix’s grasp.
Kix closes his eyes and rubs his forehead with his free hand. “If you would've waited one rotation, I could have done an analysis!”
“Oops,” Hardcase says.
“Oops?” Kix scowls. “That’s all you have to say for yourself, oops? You’re a kriffing frog!”
Hardcase tries to roll his eyes, then spits out his tongue and whacks Kix’s nose to shut him up.
Kix scrunches his face in disgust, pulls Hardcase away, and places him back in Jesse’s hands.
“He’s your problem now,” Kix says as he wipes the slime off of his nose.
“Me?” Jesse protests as he looks between Hardcase and Kix. “What am I supposed to do with him?”
“I don’t know,” Kix says. “Figure it out.”
“Can someone please explain to me what is going on?” Dogma asks in confusion. “I’m so lost.”
“Hardcase drank some weird liquid and it turned him into a frog,” Fives recounts.
Dogma takes a moment to digest Fives’ words. “You’re joking, right?”
“Wait!” Tup interjects. “I’ve heard about this before.”
Everyone turns to look at Tup. “You have?” the group asks in unison.
“Yes!” Tup says. “I read it in a holo-book once.”
“Since when do you read?” Dogma asks with a raised eyebrow. “I’ve never seen you read before.”
Tup shoots Dogma an unamused look. “I did when I was a cadet.”
“So, what did the holo-book say?” Jesse eagerly asks.
Tup thinks for a moment. “There were a couple different stories. I can’t remember if this is the one where he’ll turn into a pumpkin at midnight or fall asleep and never wake up. Either way he needs a true love’s kiss to turn him back into a human.”
Silence fills the room.
“Jesse?” Hardcase asks while looking up at him.
“Yes,” Jesse answers while looking down at him.
“I don’t like squash,” Hardcase says.
Jesse sighs. “Then we’ll hope for the ‘sleep and never wake up’ one.”
Hardcase turns to face Tup. “So, if I get a girl to kiss me, I’ll turn back into a man?”
“According to the stories,” Tup explains. “Except it can’t be any random kiss. It has to be a true love’s kiss.”
“What’s the difference?” Hardcase asks.
Tup knits his eyebrows. “Not really sure to be honest.”
“Amateurs,” Fives says. “True love is when you love someone more than anyone else.”
“Oh,” Hardcase says. “I still don’t get it.”
Fives sighs. “You need to get a girl to fall in love with you.”
“In three days!” Tup interjects.
Fives nods his head. “Yes, in three day– Wait, what?”
“I think,” Tup says. “That might have been the seafoam story.”
“Can we focus on the frog story please?” Jesse says with exasperation.
“Does it really matter?” Hardcase asks. 
“Yes, it matters!” Jesse exclaims. “We don’t need you dying on us!”
The room goes silent at the words that everyone is thinking, but no one wants to say. As funny as the situation is, they really have no idea what will happen to him and it has them all worried. They're finally free men, but that freedom won’t mean much if one of them is missing from it. They can’t replace Hardcase and they don’t want to think about enjoying their new lives without him. Regardless of how dumb his action was, they all need to work together to try and save him.
“I think we should tell Rex,” Echo says. “Maybe he can–”
“Maybe he can do what?” Dogma interjects. “Look it up in a reg manual?”
Echo huffs. “I’m just trying to be helpful.”
“And we appreciate it,” Kix places a hand on Echo’s shoulder. “I agree with him. The next course of action is to tell Rex and then work together to turn him back to normal.”
As Kix finishes his sentence, Rex enters the barracks. The group of clones mumble amongst themselves on how they’ll break the news to their captain that one of his men is no longer a man, but a frog. It sounds like a joke, and maybe it is, but this is their reality at the moment and lying is not an option. They think about hiding Hardcase and telling Rex at a later time, but they can’t come up with a good excuse as to why he isn’t in the barracks and where he is.
“Morning,” Rex happily greets the clones with a smile.
Jesse hides Hardcase behind his back.
“Morning, captain,” Kix says.
Rex chuckles. “It’s just Rex now.”
“Oh, right,” Kix rubs his neck in embarrassment. “That’s gonna be an adjustment.”
“Are you boys ready to check out your new home?” Rex asks with excitement.
The room stays silent.
Rex furrows his brows. “Don’t everyone jump up at once…”
The room is still silent.
Rex puts his hands on his hips. “Alright, spit it out. What’s going on?”
“We have a slight problem,” Fives says.
Rex sighs. “What did you do this time?”
“It wasn’t Fives,” Echo answers quickly.
“Well, that’s a surprise,” Rex mumbles under his breath. “Then what is it?”
Jesse brings his hands around from his back to show Rex the frog.
Rex is confused. “Okay… It’s a frog. I don’t get it.”
“Hi Rex,” Hardcase says.
Rex jumps. “Kriffing stars! Did that thing just talk?”
“That thing,” Kix begins, “is Hardcase.”
“What?!” Rex asks, his mouth hung open in shock.
The group of clones explain to Rex the events leading up to this point. Rex listens intently, but maintains a bewildered expression on his face. He’s not surprised at Hardcase’s actions, but he’s not once in his life ever heard of a man changing into a frog. He wonders if the green bottle of liquid was some kind of magic potion. Unfortunately, Jesse can’t remember which planet it came from, so researching it is out. Rex ends up agreeing with the only other option, true love’s kiss.
“First things first,” Rex starts. “Let’s get moved out of the barracks and into our new apartments. Then we can strategize a plan of attack.”
The group of clones nod in agreement and disperse to grab their belongings. Jesse puts Hardcase down on his bunk while he grabs his things.
“Oh, and Hardcase,” Rex squats down to look Hardcase in his little frog eyes. “Don’t get squashed in the meantime.”
“Yes, sir,” Hardcase sighs.
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Chapter 1
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mandos-mind-trick · 11 months
Kinktober Day 20 - Watersports
Summary: Your boyfriend has an odd request, but with those eyes how can you say no? 
Pairing: Hardcase x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, unprotected sex, watersports, shower sex, Hardcase is a kinky bastard. 
A/N: I’d like to formally apologize to the Hardcase stans that this is the first fic you’re getting for him from me. Also a reminder it's very easy to keep scrolling if you see something you don't like.
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You hum in response, not looking up from the holofilm playing on the TV. 
“You have to go yet?” 
You do look up now, shifting away from him. “That’s the third time you’ve asked, Hardcase. Why is my needing to use the restroom so important to you?” 
He rubs the back of his head, looking a bit bashful. “I just...I had an idea...” 
You stare at him silently, waiting for him to continue. 
“I-I need your bladder full for it.” He says. 
You continue to stare at him, your brain trying to process his words. You usually don’t think much about anything he says. You’ve come to expect the unexpected with your energetic boyfriend. Odd requests, spur of the moment decisions, enthusiastic ramblings about anything he’s just discovered. Impulsive is practically his middle name. 
“And what is this...idea?” You ask hesitantly. 
“I...I want you to...piss on me.” He says slowly. “Before I fuck you senseless.” 
Your mouth drops open as you stare at him. You’re not quite sure what to say. You’ve done many things in your sexual adventures, but nothing quite like this. 
“Is...Is that why you keep refilling my caf?” You finally ask. “And why you keep asking if I need to pee?” 
He nods. “Yeah. I wanted to be sure...you were ready in case...you wanted to do it.” 
You stare up at him. He’s obviously been thinking about this for a while and planned it out. You’ve never thought about doing something like this before, but he seems like he’s interested and with the way he’s staring at you, you’re finding it hard to say no. 
What’s the harm in it anyway? 
“O-Okay.” You say, shifting in your seat. “Yeah, we can do that.” 
He breaks out in a wide grin and you’re suddenly very sure of your decision. “You’re the best babe.” He says, leaning down and kissing you. 
His arms snake around you, one hand coming to rest over your bladder. He applies gentle pressure and you find yourself clenching, suddenly aware of how full it really is. 
“Oh fuck.” You whisper against his lips. 
“You gotta go?” He asks. 
You nod. “Yeah. Worse than I thought.” 
He grins wickedly, pulling away from you to stand. He takes your hand, pulling you off the couch and down the hall to the fresher. An excited chill runs through you, and you find yourself getting wet at the thought of what’s going to happen.
Hardcase leads you to the shower, stripping out of his clothes before stepping inside. He situates himself as best he can on the floor, holding out a hand to you. You take a breath, pulling your own clothes off before you take his hand, stepping into the small shower. He pulls you down so you’re straddling his lap, his cock already half hard as you hover over him. 
You hold yourself up, staring down at him as his hands massage your sides. Your face is burning just a little at the thought of what you’re going to do. 
“Let go.” He says, his voice rough. 
You swallow thickly, trying to relax your body. It’s strange in this situation, in this position. At least you don’t have to worry about a mess. 
He really thought this all through. 
You force your body to relax, closing your eyes as you let yourself go. It begins as a small trickle, Hardcase’s eyes fluttering closed as the warm stream starts running over his stomach. You can’t stop it now, the stream coming steadily, sliding down his stomach and his hardening cock. 
“Oh kriff.” He groans. 
His head falls back against the shower wall, his arms wrapping around you and pressing you close against his chest as you continue to pee on him. You brace yourself on his shoulders, watching the pleasure morph on his face. You can feel his cock poking against your ass as you finish, his eyes cracking open to stare at you. 
“Kriff, thank you baby.” He groans, pressing his face into your neck. 
His lips press against your skin, one hand reaching around to drag through your folds. You gasp at the sensation, your folds slick and wet.
“Stand up.” He says, pulling away from you. 
You push yourself up to stand, a bit awkward in the tight space. He stands up after you, turning the water on. It sprays between you, neither of you moving until it’s warmed up, his hands pulling you against him. He leans down, pressing his lips to yours, his tongue slipping through your lips into your mouth. 
Your back meets the cool tile of the shower wall, his body pinning you in place. You wrap your arms around his neck, his cock pressing against your stomach. He grinds his hips against yours, smearing precum on your skin. 
You pull away from his lips, turning yourself so your front is pressed against the shower wall. You press your hips back, your ass pressing against his cock. 
“Kriff, baby, you’re too good to me.” He groans, one hand holding your hip while the other lines up his cock. 
“I just love you so much.” You say, turning your head to look over your shoulder as best you can. 
“Love you too, babe.” He groans, sinking into your wet pussy. 
Your lips part in a gasp, cheek resting against the cool tile as he presses into you. You brace yourself against the wall as he pulls back before snapping his hips into yours. Your entire body jolts from the force of his thrusts, your eyes rolling back at the sensation. 
He wasn’t kidding about fucking you senseless. 
He picks up the pace, fucking into you hard and fast, the sound of your skin slapping together echoing in the shower. His grip is tight on your hips, pulling your body back into his thrusts. You’re a moaning mess, every drag of his cock through your folds sending you spiraling closer and closer to your orgasm. 
“Gonna cum...kriff, Hardcase!” You cry, legs shaking as your orgasm washes over you. 
He groans, loud and shameless as he fucks you through your orgasm, his own hitting him as you milk his cock. He spills into you, hips jerking against your ass as he rides out his orgasm. 
He falls against your back, catching himself on the shower wall. You’re both breathing heavily, his face pressed against your shoulder. 
“Thank you, baby.” He groans, wrapping an arm around you to hold you up. 
“We should do that again more often.” You say, letting yourself relax in his hold. 
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I saw your requests are open so I hope it's alright if I ask for some Captain Rex headcanons with an anxious love interest or s/o? Like maybe she's nervous about working near/with the GAR as a civ but our 💙 good captain in blue 💙 makes sure she's doing okay whenever he gets a chance/wants an excuse to be near her >///< It's okay if you don't wanna do this or find it trickey, I don't wanna pressure you 💙💙
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More than alright, anon; plenty welcome, in fact! I'm feeling it for Rex lately myself, admittedly, so I hope I did him justice. I went with pre-relationship scenarios, so I hope that’s alright! If you’d like me to do a part a little differently, or follow up with the actual relationship, don’t hesitate to send in another request. 💙
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Warnings and Information: Our good Captain in Blue has taken an interest in a certain civilian employee of the GAR, and it seems he's not quite so alone in feeling those butterflies in his stomach around her like he thought… Undescribed fem!Reader with unspecified anxiety/anxious tendencies. Little bit of mutual pining and some fluff, primarily. Follows bullet point format. No Mando'a used this time. The reader is given different "nicknames" from the Clones to bypass the use of a name in some cases.
Word count: 2,531
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First meeting you
He wholeheartedly supported the inclusion of civilian staff in the Grand Army of the Republic. If there could be non-Jedi staff at the Jedi Temple, why not have non-Clones working alongside the soldiers? It only made sense, in a way. 
And despite initial (and natural) concerns from his men and brothers of the 501st Legion, they had no reason to feel wary about being treated unkindly or with prejudice by any who passed the background inspections to serve alongside the men in other manners. Clerical. Mechanics. Inventory specialists. A team of cooks and a handful of barbers were certainly popular rumors. The one thing in common was they were all kind and even friendly with his men, at the end of the day. 
So the Captain gave it little thought to see civilian staff on base between missions: after a certain point, you just get used to them being there and respond "It's good to be back." to everyone welcoming you back to your home away from home as you step off the LAATs. Another victory secured for the glory of the Republic. 
However, he'll always take notice of a new face. There's a young woman who has just transferred here in his absence. The polite thing to do is introduce himself, but when he approaches and goes to extend his hand, he's surprised to find you shy away in alarm - just a little. "Welcome to our humble little base. It's nice to meet you. I'm Captain Rex of the five-oh-fir- Ma'am, is… everything alright?" he asks, curious and a little concerned. 
Your smile is sweet and apologetic as you tuck an errant strand of hair back into place before introducing yourself with your name. "I'm sorry, Captain Rex, I wasn't expecting any introductions when you've just gotten back. You surprised me." you explain, now cradling the datapad against your chest, or morerather squeezing it against you almost. Oh, that explains it, he just startled you. "That's alright. Sorry for scaring you." 
He would have liked to continue to get to know you beyond the few little exchanges they had, before he was called to the war room for a debriefing and he needed to excuse himself to answer the comms. But he really wants to get to know you better. Learn where you had transferred from and why, and how recently. How you liked the base, so far, and how you were adjusting. Thankfully, there'll be time later, at least. 
One thing, when he gets the time to know you, that becomes immediately clear to Rex in very short order is that you deal with some degree of anxiety (or at least anxious tendencies) in your day-to-day beyond getting adjusted to the transfer. There's a few notable quirks and idiosyncrasies that come up whenever you're nervous, Rex notices. And the anxiety is not just a product of wartime, either. There's a way you just "know". 
Being helpful and sweet
Captain Rex asks a few of his brothers to try offering a little friendship to help ease you further into this transfer. Ideally, he'd do as much of this himself as he could, but he doesn't always have the time to spare. 
But he uses every opportunity he can to check on you himself, of course. As you start coming out of your shell, and your personality really starts to come through, that's when Rex thinks about inventing reasons to seek your company. He's got a few minutes free, he's already in the hangar, maybe he could swing by and see how you're doing, maybe have a quick chat. He picked up an extra drink from the canteen by mistake, maybe you'd like something to drink? Does he really need to run this little bit of paperwork by you if your job is minimally involved? No, not really, but he has a chance to talk to you. 
Jesse deduces early on that he “must really like our new transfer if you keep volunteering to take all the forms even remotely involved to her for everyone, Captain.” Jesse is being teasing and suggestive about it. Rex brushes it off and explains it away easily enough, kind of for himself as much as it is for Jesse and the others. “She wouldn’t admit to it, but I think the last time everyone was coming in and out of her office with all the forms and paperwork for her all day kind of sent her into a tizzy. If I just collect it now, and give it to her all at one time, it’ll make it easier on her. She’s still adjusting here. Just trying to make it easier on her until she’s settled in comfortably.” There’s a few sympathetic winces around the room, hearing that you ended up feeling anxious at the end of that day. And there’s a slightly cheeky grin from Fives that concerns him, only initially, but he finds it’s one of the agreeable smiles soon enough. “Makes sense, Captain. If there’s anything I can do to help-” Echo elbows his chest plate meaningfully, “If there’s anything we can do to help, Echo and I will be glad to do it.” Fives smoothly corrects himself as he volunteers to assist the Captain in assisting this new civ employee.
You who are so incredibly, incredibly kind, and compassionate to the needs of his men (and polite in your professional interactions with him). His men are always so kind to her in turn. Stars, he thinks he finds himself almost falling in love with you, bit by bit. You can be forgiven for your shyness when you're just so kind with everyone you meet. 
The way to his heart is through his brothers
You’re muttering worriedly as you shuffle all the stacks of flimsiplast and a few datapads you need to return to people, looking for something. Dogma notices, and starts walking towards you, clearing his throat from a distance to announce his presence. Give you a warning that someone is approaching. "You won't find it on your desk: I took that report to General Skywalker during his meeting for you, miss. I would have let you know, but I couldn't find you." You give Dogma a gracious smile in light of his act of kindness when you ask where a particular report on your desk went, rather than looking or acting upset any longer that it seemingly disappeared when you went to the ladies' fresher. "Oh, that was sweet of you, Dogma, thank you… I appreciate you doing that." It was no trouble, Dogma promises you. (Both Rex and Dogma silently reason with themselves that she didn't need to know Dogma had almost gotten into a little bit of trouble with the other Generals for being so focused on delivering the report on her behalf he completely forgot to knock before he came in.) 
You and Tup get along swimmingly. Rex finds himself - curiously - envying his brother only for a moment every time he finds Tup getting a little help with wrangling his hair. Thick and full of curls, the typical hair ties they can get their hands on often only last a mission or two before they can't contain his hair under his bucket. "Hey, Tup? You got a second?" He glances at Rex for approval for a moment; they're due to leave in a few minutes and are going over strategy. Rex nods. "What can I do for ya, darlin'?" You pull a little packet of hair ties from a pocket in your jumpsuit, and offer to redo the bun he has to throw together in a hurry with no time to replace a snapped band. "I went to a beauty salon yesterday on my day off, and I saw these. They're advertised to work better for your hair type than these." You explain as you pluck out the broken elastic and rebuild Tup's bun with ease. "There. Now I feel better. I hope those will work for you, Tup." Tup grins appreciatively, and promises he'll do his best when you wish them all luck and to come back safely before returning to your work. (Rex imagines your touch must be so gentle if Tup keeps touching his hair to check that it's truly tied up.) The hair tie outlasts the mission and then some. It’s weeks before Tup has to ask you for another, and he grins from ear to ear, eyes bright with surprise when you give him the remainder of the packet, promising the rest are his. “Oh darlin’, you’re too nice… Are you sure? Thank you.”
Captain Rex often finds Echo and Fives crowded near your desk while you work. The first instance of this, he's concerned about them bothering you of course, but just as he comes along to tell them to go share a shadow with someone else (Him. It's going to be him that they'll bother.) he finds that the three of you are figuring out the difference between form 1587-A and form A1587. "Hmm, look at this subsection here on 87-A, it's asking for things like what's been added to a materials manifest. That's not on the other form is it, Fives?" Echo asks, pouring over one form as Fives looks at the other for you. Three heads set to one task would get this sorted out. "Doesn't look like it. Oh, hey Captain. Need us for something? We're just helping her out with these forms." Fives replies before taking notice of the Captain, who's standing at a short distance. "No, no," Rex replies with an easy smile as you and Echo join Fives in looking up at him, "Only wondering what you three were up to. Don't mind me." he promises, only staying for a few more moments to watch as you and his men sort this mystery out. He's not sure if you're looking a little flushed in the face because of the paperwork debacle, or because he's watching you. 
You have to hunt him down one morning for a signature, dressed rather nicely today. You have a meeting with the head of the civilian staff, and you need one last thing before you attend. "Captain Rex? Could I get you to sign off on this paperwork for me please since it pertains to the manifest you sent me?" Rex apologizes earnestly to you as he scribbles down the approval. "I'm so sorry, I must have forgotten… Was so concerned about Denal that it just slipped my mind." Kix chuckles softly, reassuringly. "He'll be fine, Captain. That battle droid was in worse shape than Denal after Jesse got to his position." Kix quickly promises to give you the story later as Rex returns the datapad to you, his hands brushing against yours innocently. Something feels electric between you from such a simple gesture. "You look nice today, sweetheart. Good luck with your meeting." Kix calls after you, chuckling softly when you can do little more than smile over your shoulder, your face looking a mite flushed with color at the compliment. His team medic turns to him to say something, but changes course when he notices that Rex hasn’t moved a muscle since your fingers grazed over his own. “Hmm, maybe it’s a little warmer here than I realized. You’re also looking rather flushed, Captain.” 
He’s fine, just feels a little strange. He can’t explain why, though.  
Catching feelings for each other
It takes a while for it to happen, but while Hardcase’s runaway speederbike doesn’t hit him as he’s taking it to the hangar to get it repaired, the realization sure does when many of Torrent Company come back from their last assignment dirty, disheveled and oh-so-tired, and you just simply smile at him and his men and tell them all individually, by name, that you’re glad to see him safe? Oh Maker. That’s when he knows. Yes, he loves you. “It’s good to see you made it back safely, Captain Rex. Welcome back.” Like a few of his men before him, since you greeted him last, you give him the option for a welcoming friendly gesture, but there’s a moment where you hesitate before you decide you’ll be a little braver.
“You look like you could use a good hug rather than a handshake, Captain.” You promise him a little grease, ash and soot from the battlefield won’t hurt your jumpsuit - which are meant to get dirty, after all. You just feel a little something extra will do him some good, seeing that you can notice how simply tired he is. (It was a successful campaign and fortunately, they lost very few troops this time.) 
Seeing how serious you seem about it, Rex agrees. “That sounds nice.”
Both of you laugh and smile nervously, nerves buzzing with energy, by the time you and the Captain break the hug. You don’t want to risk getting in trouble when you’re still technically within your probationary period for anything like unprofessional conduct or PDA, but kriff it. The brief hug was worth any anxiety attacks that might be brought on by overthinking this later. 
And if you were disciplined for offering the hug, Captain Rex would absolutely lie and say it was his idea. He notices you seem to hug your arms across your chest whenever you get particularly anxious over some part of your work on occasion, seeing how you take deep, calming breaths before trying to tackle the problem again. He could play off the hug using that as an excuse should anyone come asking questions about it. It’s unlikely, but a man of his experience wants to be prepared for anything.
(Even your men who decide to give you a little ribbing about it.) 
“You’ve been smiling to yourself for the last ten minutes now, Captain. Any particular reason~?” He’s just glad to be home, Jesse. That’s a pretty good reason to smile.  “Oh, I’m sure… She must be glad too.” Jesse suggests with a short bark of laughter. He doesn’t pay it much mind, too busy calculating the days until the probationary period ends. 
That’s just a week away. “That’s when I can hopefully stop feeling so nervous, all the time… At least, when you’re away, Captain.” you had admitted to him, ignoring how hot your face felt, maybe even looked. "I really do appreciate how welcome you and your men have made me feel here… Thank you for that. I took a big chance on this job and a location transfer, but I’m glad I did. Otherwise I… wouldn’t have met you." 
And it’s more than okay when or if it turns out that your nervous tendencies don’t simply “disappear” by next week, too. Captain Rex has taken it into account and brushed up therapeutic and grounding techniques for those who live with anxiety as part of their daily lives, just in case he ever takes these feelings a step further, should he get an opportunity to. After all, his brothers are now taking bets on how long it is before the two of you are going to start doing things like getting lunch together from the mess…
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Don't have a fic taglist for the time being, but I'll likely start one soon if I can figure out how to make those fancy forms some people have since I write a variety of stuff.
[Masterlist] [Requests: OPEN]
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fandom-friday · 6 months
Hello friend Karrde!
I hope that all here have been well and prosperous, or at least not buried in snow like me. I have more offerings again for the rec list! I apologize because this is gonna be a whopper of a list too, totally understand if it doesn't make it in this week.
On the Art side of things:
@pinkiemme has been rocking our world with both Commanders Wolffe and Mayday... such scrumptiousness. But then I saw this panel of Captain Rex and... (crying).
@rexxdjarin again with the thick and healthy series latest Echo and Gregor... the study of muscular anatomy is so on point!
@sunshinesdaydream has given us the adorable duo of Hardcase and Sparks
@spicyclones79s has gifted us Omega & Hunter, Commander Wolffe, and a very sweet Foxio
@ladykagewaki always has my heart with the Bebe batch snuggles But also Ms. Fangirl has shared how to summon Echo (May contain spoilers!)
@cloned-eyes made me smile with Wrecker and his little friends but then sob when I saw Jenot.
Comic Recs!:
@paperback-rascal is back with mercy and co with an interesting neurologic finding on Major 40
Fic Recs!:
@pickleprickle 's Newest fic features an injured Mace Windu in the wake of the Empire's rise in Shattered Sunrise. When I say I binged the first two chapters... go read!
if anyone is in need of a Howzer Fic after @the-rain-on-kamino has just reposted their Exigency series. I didn't get a chance to read it the first time and am making my way through it now and let me tell ya... the love, the longing, the CAPTAIN! oh and the build up to the SMUT!
Hopefully I'll have the other comic pieces gathered together for next week and a few more recs. Till then happy reading!
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This is one HECK of a list that's got a little something for every TCW/TBB fan out there! I love all of the artwork, and the fics are phenomenal!!!
(Quick correction: the art of Hardcase and Sparks was a commission done by @cloned-eyes)
As always, THANK YOU for taking the time to pull all these together!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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aldrendaux · 2 months
Story: Dominoes
"So. We died." "Yes, we died," Fives confirms. Even though his hands are steady on Echo's shoulders, his voice trembles. "We all… remember?" Everyone nods. Droidbait shudders, and shuffles closer to Cutup. "How is that possible?" he mutters. "We're not Jedi. We can't… see the kriffing future, or whatever it was. We can't—it's not possible. How could we all have had the same dream?"
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Rated T, Language: English, Genre: Angst & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 47, words: 394k+, Characters: Echo, Fives, Hevy, Cutup, Droidbait, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, Vaughn, Del, Hardcase, Jesse, Kix, Denal
We got an update!!!
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sashketter · 5 months
Dancing The Blues Away
Summary: Padmé Amidala convinces Riyo Chuchi to go out dancing. They bump into a few men from the 501st, including Captain Rex and ARC trooper Echo. Padmé leaves Riyo with the clones. Years later, Rex, Echo, and Riyo reminisce about that night.
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: Mentions of Anidala. Hints of Echiyo and Rexiyo.
Notes: This starts during the Clone Wars and jumps ahead immediately after season 3 episode 15 of The Bad Batch, “The Calvary Has Arrived.” I can’t get over Echo’s throwaway line about Riyo sheltering clones on Pantora (THE QUEEN THE ABSOLUTE LEGEND THAT SHE IS). I figured that can’t be the only time she’s surrounded by our boys.
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Growl, growl, growl, growl.
Riyo Chuchi looks up from the packet on her desk. She stares in disbelief at the clock on the wall. She had missed dinner, and her stomach was protesting. She starts to remember her guards offering to fetch her food hours ago, but she had dismissed and ordered them to fetch their own meals instead. She reaches for her comlink when soft knocks land on her door.
“Come in.” Riyo’s voice cracks from disuse, so long had she been poring over papers in silence. She stands to greet her visitor. “Senator Amidala!”
“Good evening, Senator Chuchi.” Padmé opens and stands next to the door, her hand still on the knob. “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
“Not at all. Please come in.” Riyo gestures towards the two seats in front of her desk. As Padmé crosses the floor, a gloved hand from the hall reaches for the doorknob and closes the door quietly. “I’ve almost finished reading the revised refugee bill. Did you have something to add?”
“No, I think we’ve covered everything.” Padmé sits and takes in Riyo’s desk, bare of trimmings except a simple, gold lamp on the corner. “It’s a shame it’s taken so long for the Republic to provide aid to those displaced on the Outer Rim. I’m glad you decided to co-sponsor it.”
“Of course.” Riyo sits back down. “Naboo has been an inspiration to those like myself and a few in our moon’s Assembly who wish to take Pantora in a more active and humanitarian direction.”
Padmé nods and smiles at the compliment, but immediately changes direction. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t come to discuss legislation or diplomacy. Are you busy tonight?”
Riyo blushes. “Oh! Um, well, I had hoped to study the bill further in case the opposing—”
“We have the votes, Riyo,” Padmé soothes. “There’s not much the opposition can do.”
Riyo looks down at the packet and searches for another strategy. She doesn’t want to turn down the senator, but her body is screaming for sleep and sustenance.
Padmé senses Riyo’s hesitation and tries again. “It’s just we’ve been stuck in the Senate district for days, ironing out this bill, and I think we both deserve a break.”
“I agree,” Riyo concurs a little too quickly. “But I’m afraid I skipped dinner, and I don’t think I’ll make good company before—”
“Then it’s settled! Dinner it is.” Padmé is up and at the door in the blink of an eye. “I’ll meet you at your quarters in an hour.” She turns the door knob before whirling back around to clarify, “Oh, and don’t wear anything too fancy.”
Riyo blinks in confusion. “Why?”
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Padmé.” Riyo tugs at the hem of her dress as they cross the busy street. They land on an even busier sidewalk.
“Nonsense. A little music and some dancing won’t hurt.” Padmé manages to outpace Riyo’s guards who are losing their breaths trying to keep the two senators in sight. “Think of it as a treat after all our hard work.”
Riyo lost count of the number of levels they’d descended searching for whatever destination Padmé had in mind. She had simply said, “Trust me,” after dinner before grabbing Riyo by the wrist and venturing into Coruscant’s perpetual darkness. Each turn around a blind corner seems to reveal a new shade of neon lights, a deeper depth of dampness clinging to the walls, a more pungent smell of different species packed tight.
After what feels like a full rotation to Riyo, Padmé stops in front of a nondescript building. No signs, no crowds. Blue neon light bathes the alley from above the sole door. If not for the low thrum of the music within, Riyo would’ve thought these durasteel walls were empty.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Riyo looks at her guards who start to station themselves.
Padmé looks around until she spies some graffiti. “Yes. Senator Mothma said to look for that.” She points to an imperceptible rendering of a lotus blossom to the right of the door frame. It glows a faint blue. Riyo admires the simplicity of the blacklight above. “She used to come here as a junior senator, said it was safe and out of the way.”
Inside is only marginally brighter than outside, though with significantly more people per square meter. Padmé spots the bar at a distance and starts towards it. Riyo follows close behind, looking around the crowded floor before colliding into the senator’s back. She peers around her at the unmistakable armor of a trooper.
“Captain Rex?” The clone turns at the sound of his name and faces Padmé. His eyebrows shoot up in shock. “What are you doing here?”
“Senator!” He starts to stand at attention until he spies Riyo. “Uh, senators.” He plants his feet and points his thumb behind him. “Uh, some of the boys thought 79s was getting old and stuffy.”
“No, I mean what are you doing here on Coruscant?” Nearby patrons start to recognize Padmé’s voice. Elbows jab and eyes turn for quick glances; Rex’s peripheral vision serves him well. “I thought the 501st was on a mission to Saleucami.”
“Yes, we were. But you know General Skywalker, he—” Rex stops abruptly, eyes bulging, and blushes impossibly red. Padmé smirks and steps in to save the captain’s decorum.
“Let me guess: he saved the day and cut your stay short.” She shakes her head in amusement.
Rex clears his throat but finds himself coughing. “Y-yes, ma’am.”
“How long will you be on Coruscant?” Padmé somehow stretches the question several syllables longer.
“Just for tonight. We received orders as soon as we landed to support General Gallia in the Mid Rim. We leave at 0900.” Rex doesn’t miss the senator’s surprise.
“I see. Excuse me,” Padmé plans her escape, “have you met Senator Chuchi?”
Rex and Riyo exchange nods. “We’ve met. Senator.”
“Captain. Padmé, what—” A small hand and a passing group shove Riyo into Rex’s chest. His hands fly up to her arms to reestablish a respectable distance between them.
“I’m so sorry, Riyo,” Padmé starts to back away towards the exit, “but I need to— um—”
“Prepare for a briefing?” Rex raises an eyebrow and employs her and the general’s code word.
“Y-yes. My apologies, Riyo, really. I-I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Padmé disappears into the anonymous crowd. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Riyo stares in shock at being abandoned in the lower levels. She turns around and finds Rex pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Are you alright, captain?”
“Uh, yes, ma’a—uh, senator.”
“You don’t have to entertain me if—” She stops and squints at Rex. “How long have they roped you into their dates?”
Once again, Rex is caught off-guard to the amusement of the senator in front of him. “I, uh, I-I’m not sure what you—”
“Never mind.” Riyo doesn’t want to torture the man. “It’s none of my business.”
“Hey, Rex!” The captain looks over his shoulder as it’s enveloped by the hand of another trooper. The clone takes in Riyo with interest. “Hello there, sweetheart. Listen, if the captain here’s not showing you a good time, I—”
“Stow it, Hardcase,” Rex sneers. “The senator doesn’t want to hear your sithspit.”
Before Riyo can ease the tension, a voice from behind her chirps, “Senator Chuchi?”
Riyo turns around to a wall of white and blue armor. She recognizes the ARC trooper designation of the clone’s double pauldrons. “Yes?”
A second ARC trooper elbows the first. “Aiming a little high there, Echo.”
“What? No, I just—” Echo starts to double back. “I mean, not that I wouldn’t, but—” He lurches forward when the second ARC trooper slaps his back with a dull thud.
“Gentlemen, please.” Riyo is surrounded. She spies Rex start to laugh at her own befuddlement.
“Stand down, men.” The captain steps in. “Let the senator gain her bearings.” He puts a gentle hand on her back and leads her towards the bar. As they gain some distance, Riyo catches the sound of plastoid meeting plastoid before Echo growls, “You’re a karking sack of bantha fodder, Fives!”
Rex deposits Riyo on a stool before taking the seat to her left. “Sorry about that, senator. We don’t get a lot of opportunities to,” he searches for a less provocative word, “decompress.”
“No need to apologize, captain.”
The bartender ambles up to them. “The usual, Rex?”
“Yeah, thanks, Slice.”
Riyo recognizes the bottle as Slice pours a generous amount. “I’ll have the same.”
“Really?” Rex takes his glass and watches the bartender fill another. “I wouldn’t have thought you liked brandy.”
Twin glasses in hand, the captain and the senator toast and take big swigs. “Pantoran distilleries aren’t as famous as Corellia’s,” Riyo raises her glass to the light, “but we still make a good bottle.” She blinks at Rex above the rim of her glass and takes another mouthful. She suddenly remembers that she had had two glasses of wine at dinner with Padmé. She regrets the show of bravado and hopes her stomach won’t betray her.
They turn to face the crowd in time to see the second ARC trooper from before march up to the bar. A playful smirk wrinkles his eyes as he makes a beeline for the senator. He bows before her ceremoniously, his head nearly level with her lap, and raises his right hand to her. She puts her hand in his and turns to send a confused look at Rex who’s already shaking his head. The ARC trooper’s fingers curl around hers, and he looks up. “Care for a dance, senator?”
Riyo smiles wide. “What’s your name, trooper?”
“CT-5555, but they call me—”
“A real pain in my ass,” Rex bellows. The bar erupts in laughter.
Riyo’s sympathy starts to flare until Fives aims a finger gun with his free hand at Rex and winks. “Only to the best ass in the GAR, brother.”
The bar roars even louder. Rex rolls his eyes and turns to the bartender for another drink, blocking fists to his back and shoulders.
The force of Riyo’s laugh almost knocks her off her stool, her outstretched hand already disrupting her balance, but Fives straightens up and takes her other hand in his, steadying her.
“Don’t fall for me yet, senator.” Fives steps closer to balance her forearm on his.
Riyo laughs. “I suppose I can stand to—”
“Not sure you can stand at all, ma’am.” A new clone flanks her from the right. Riyo recognizes the medic by the insignia on his spaulder.
“I-I’ll be fine, trooper, thank you.” She looks up at Fives. “Unless you’ve gotten cold feet.”
Fives smiles broadly and swings her around to the dance floor. Riyo’s head spins, but the ARC trooper gives her all the support she needs. The rest of the night is a blur of flashing lights and reassuring baritones and white armor. She dances with Echo who keeps his kit to himself. She dances with Rex who keeps a hand on hers and twirls her around. She even dances with Hardcase whom Rex and Fives have to peel off her shoulders when his fifth shot of tihaar hits him hard. Between the warm treatment of the troopers and the lingering effects of the wine and brandy, Riyo floats. Her skin fizzes, and her mind empties of the galaxy, replaced by the simple desire to remain in the company of the clones.
Riyo sits on a crate and waits for the caf to finish brewing on the busy table next to her. From a distance, she watches her guards distribute food and water to the prisoners scattered in groups of twos and threes across the small airfield. Rex and Echo make their way to each group. At the edge of the Remora’s platform, the female clone speaks to Howzer whose face flickers between horror and curiosity.
Sunset drapes over Pantora. Pink and purple meet in the sky while the city past the airfield is cloaked in silhouette. The air starts to chill, but the atmosphere is filled with warm relief. Tantiss is destroyed, its prisoners freed, and a glimmer of hope spreads with Emerie’s arrival and intel. Riyo looks on with pride.
Rex and Echo start towards the caf table. Riyo stands as they reach her. “Good work, you two.” She’s always eager to comfort them.
“It’s a start.” The clones nod at each other, a shared thought voiced by Echo.
Without warning, music warbles out of the airfield’s PA system. The three turn towards the communications tower where they see Gregor wave and give a thumbs up. He bends to speak into a microphone. “It’s a party tonight, boys! You’re free men! Woohoo!”
Cheers and laughter drift through the airfield. In the distance, Riyo spies the city’s lights come on, a blessing on their festivities.
“Not exactly Lotus, is it?” Rex smirks down at Riyo. On her other side, Echo is simply stunned.
Riyo looks up at Rex. A hazy memory from a lifetime ago starts to sharpen. She remembers him escorting her to a waiting taxi away from the club, her guards securing the sidewalk. She thought they were alone and had left the other clones back inside until a chorus of jeers and laughter erupted behind them. Hardcase and the ARC troopers had run to catch up. “That was a fun night,” she recalls, surprised at the details coming back to her.
“The boys never let me live it down.” Rex crosses his arms. “For awhile, my kit was covered in blue lipstick every time I got out of the fresher.”
Riyo smiles fondly at the image of Fives and Hardcase pressing blue-painted lips to Rex’s armor. She looks between Rex and Echo and at the clones celebrating and marvels at how far they’ve all come since that night.
“It should’ve been purple,” Echo interjects, “but I could only find blue.”
Rex chokes on a curse, and Riyo bursts into laughter. She doubles over, clutching her sides and gasping for breath, while Echo blocks Rex’s punches over her head. For awhile, Rex finds a single stain of purple lips on his helmet every time he debriefs the senator.
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jedi-princess-kestis · 6 months
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Pairing: Clone Medic Kix / F! OC
Summery: After a long and tremendous battle, the 501st and the 212 have a moment to sit down and have a relaxing moment together. Kix and Brit make sure that they know their Brothers in arms know just how much they love them.... And the couple reminds each other how much they love one another.
Warnings: swearing, talk of war and blood, drinking, smut (minors be gone!), fluff.
Word Count: 3K +
Ha! That was an understatement.
More like dead inside.
That's how the 501st and the 212th felt after a week long battle. One that never seem to end. Clone medic Kix was tried from treating all the wounds and injuries among the men and the Jedi. He worked endlessly alongside his Partner and girlfriend Brit Jetmarr. She was a beautiful woman with a big heart. Her shoulder blade length blonde hair was piled up into a bun on top of her head. She had green eyes, green like the forests of Naboo. Her sunkissed skin seemed to glow in the soft sunlight of the early morning light. Dried blood was on her hands and arms, same as Kix's. They had spent most of the night patching up a badly wound clone trooper. It seemed like the blood and death and pain was never going to end In this campaign. Kix watched as Brit rolled her shoulders and hung her head trying to relieve some of the tension in them.
When he first met Brit it was a few short months after he became the head medic of the 501st. She was bright eyed and eager to learn. Only 21 when they met, having grown up learning to be a doctor her whole life. She was from Naboo, and was close friends with the Senator, having gone on mission with her as a healer till she become more intuned with surgeries and other things to turn her into a medic of war. Now her eyes seemed a bit duller, her skin a bit less smooth, her hair shorter and thicker. Her once pretty nails where now clipped close and dull. On Naboo she wore makeup, now she worn none. But to Kix she was still the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He hated how the war was taking a toll on her, aging her faster then she deserved. Draining the life from her tired soul.
"Come Darling, let's get something to eat. Maybe we can find a moment to rest." Kix said softly as he took her hand and brushed his thumb over her knuckles. He watched as she smiled tired at him and nodded her head.
"Come on then." Said in a honey like voice as she tugged his hand. They walked hand in hand to the dining hall of the camp. Kix opened the door and let her walk inside first, running a tired hand over hai short hair. The couple walked over to where the food was being served and grabbed a plate of food. Kix carried her plate for her, letting her pick a table. Brit sat down next to Jesse, who was sitting with Rex, Cody, Hardcase, Fives and Dogma.
"Hey boys, Captain, Commander." Kix said to his brothers.
"Hello Vod. Hello Brit." Jesse said as he patted Brit on the shoulder. Brit smiled up at the Arc trooper and ran a hand over his hair, messing it up. She laughed as Jesse groaned and tried to fix his hair.
"Did you two hear the news?" Rex asked.
Brit and Kix looked at each other before shaking their tired heads.
"We have been in the med tent all night. What's going on?" Answered Brit as she took a forkful of food.
"We won the campaign. The fighting is over on this planet." Cody spoke up.
"Mar'e!" At last! Kix cheered as he high fived Hardcase. The boys all cheered and Brit let out a long sigh of relief. She slumped back into her chair and smiled.
"Thank the Maker."
"Let's celebrate! It's been a week of hell. So let's do a bonfire tonight and just relax before we move on to the next fight." Declared Fives as he slammed a hand onto the table. Cody and Rex looked at each other before smiling at the troopers and medics.
Rex finally said "I think we earned it."
The table cheered and Brit and Kix smiled at each other. They were happy to have a night filled with drinking and relaxing and just some quiet. After a week of literal hell filled with blood and death, they needed a little happy to pull themselves back together. The gang finished eating their food, talking about the bonfire later that night. Cody and Rex were going to tell the Generals and Commander Ahsoka while Jesse and the rest of the boys told the others. Kix and Brit were going to clean up and take a well deserved nap so they could function better later in the day.
After they all were done eating Kix took Brit's hand and walked with her to their shared tent. They walked slowly among the other troopers, tanks and guns that lined their camp. Once they got to their tent near the medical tent, Kix held the flap open for Brit. He gave her ass a playful slap as she walked past him and he couldn't help but laugh at the dirty glare she shot over her shoulder.
Kix followed her inside and started to unclip his armour, taking off the top part so he was only in his Blacks. He watched as Brit pulled off her chest plate, and shoulder plates. She didnt wear a full Armor, but made sure her torso and arms where covered to protect her. He watched as she let her blonde hair out of it bun. The waves of gold framed her face and he smiled softly to himself. Brit looked up to see him staring at her and she raised an eyebrow at him with a small half smile.
"What are you looking at Kix?" She asked softly. He reached forward and brushed some hair off her face. She leaned into his touched and sighed.
"The most beautiful women I've ever seen." He whispered before leaning down to place a soft kiss on her lips. He felt her sigh against his lips and loop her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her hips and kissed her a bit deeper. Brit smiled against his lips and pushed her hands against his shoulders.
"We can do this later tonight. I need sleep handsome." She giggled as she ran a hand through his hair. "I miss your patterns.... and your tattoo." She smirked at him. Kix groaned at the mention of his tattoo.
"Not my proudest moment... getting that tattoo." He said rubbing the back of his neck. Brit chuckled before laying down on their sleeping mat. She held the blanket up so he could crawl under with her.
"Maybe not but its one of the reasons I fell for you. I thought you looked very badass for a medic with a head tattoo." She smirked up at him. Kix chuckled and nuzzled his face into her neck, leaving soft little kisses. He sighed and pulled her closer, letting their bodies mold into one.
"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum." I love you. Kix whispered to her before they both drifted off to sleep.
Sometime later that day, Brit and Kix woke up to see the sun had crossed the sky. It was evening by the time they woke up, and a few of the clones had already started getting a bonfire going, as well as moving logs and mats out to sit around the fire. Cody and Rex got food from the supply ship, and Fives, Echo and Hardcass hunted some of the local game to cook fresh meat. Brit decided against wearing her armour and wore a pair of tan pants and a black off the lose shoulder shirt to be comfortable on their night of freedom. Kix had just his Blacks on down to the waist, his white and blue armour still on his legs and hips. Kix had grabbed his guitar and followed Brit out to the bonfire. Soon most of the troopers of the 501st and 212th were around the huge fire, a smaller one going a few few away to cook the game. Brit and Kix sat next to Echo, Fives, Hardcase, Rex, Cody and Jesse. Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-wan sat a few spaces away, talking to Tup and Dogma.
"This is nice. After that week of hell, we needed this." Jesse said leaning back on his elbows letting the fire warm his feet. He sat next to Kix, eating some of the food that was available to the group. He looked over at Kix and Brit and gave them a light smile. "We have all done what we could."
"Its been alot. So many Vods dying. But their deaths are not in vain. We won this fight." He added to Jesse's statement. The others around him nodded their heads in agreement. Kix sighed and leaned against Brit, pulling her close.
"We did all we could. We saved who we could. Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la." Not gone, merely marching far away. Kix said as he stared at the fire.
The group grow quite as they remember the fallen, a peaceful hush with the roar of the blazing fire in front of them. Brit laid her head on Kix shoulder, feelings his arm pull her in tighter. The air was filled with the smell of smoke and the flowers in the trees around them. She looked around at the men that have become her family over the years. Fives and Echo picking on each other, Jesse and Hardcase talking about the latest blasters, Tup annoying Dogma, Anakin picking on Ahsoka and Obi-wan shaking his head trying not to laugh. These people have become her home, her life, her family.
Kix moved to grab his guitar, pulling it onto his lap. He leaned over and kissed Brit's cheek before he started strumming some cords. The clones around him, and the Jedi all turned to listen to him play the guitar, their eyes never leaving him.
"When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world
We smoked cigarettes man no regrets
Wish I could relive every single word." His voice was soft and clear, reaching the ears of those sitting around the huge fire.
"We've taken different paths
And travelled different roads
I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old
And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you." He glanced around at his brothers, meeting their eyes as he sang. He knew they knew this song was about them, about the fallen soldiers they did everything to save. He sang for the bond that couldn't be broken between them.
"I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er."
Brit watched as her lover sang. His voice clear and pure as he poured his heart into the lyrics, his soul bared for them all to see.
"Oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink
Beneath the skin of our tattoos
Though we do share the same blood
You're my brother and I love you that's the truth".
Fives sat up straighter as he listened to the music, his eyes never leaving his Vod. Jesse leaned against Hardcase who was sitting next to him. Echo had his arm resting on Fives' shoulder.
"We're living different lives
Heaven only knows
If we'll make it back With all our fingers and our toes
5 years, 20 years, come back
It will always be the same".
The emotion was raw in Kix's voice as he kept going, the lyrics pouring off his lips.
"If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I would give you my lungs so you could breathe
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er"
Then Cody and Brit joined in, matching their tones to Kix's, singing along matching harmonies with him.
"And if we hit on troubled waters
I'd be the one to keep you warm and safe
And we'll be carrying each other
Until we say goodbye on our dying day
Because I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I would give you my lungs so you could breathe"
Their voices were clear and bright, blending together perfectly. They sang with their hearts, pouring their love for their family onto the song. Then it dropped back down to Kix, as he finished the song.
"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er."
He strummed the last cord of the song, his heart filled with emotions. He glanced around at his Vods and his girlfriend, their eyes glassy with tears threatening to spill. They all began clapping, his brothers slapping his back and knees. The Generals and Commander Tano smiling at the group of clones around them. They knew what family meant to their men, how tight knit they are.
Kix felt Brit lean against him and he pulled her close, nuzzling his nose into her warm soft hair. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes as he let a tear slip down his face into her hair. He kissed her head and then looked around at his men. He would do anything to keep his brothers alive. For them to make it to the end of the war. For them to have a chance to live a life outside of the horror that followed them day and night.
"How about a game of Sabacc!?" Fives called out as he pulled out a deck of cards.
"Make it more interesting. Drinking Sabacc!" Hardcase grinned. He loved drinking games that laid to his brothers acting like idiots. Rex shock his head and Cody laughed. Soon bottles of liquor were being passed around as the game began. Shot being thrown back as losers had to take drinks. Kix and Birt watched Fives get his ass handed to him as they played, the couple choosing to watch instead of play. As the night went on and more and more soldiers got drunk, smiling and laughing for the first time in weeks. Kix placed his hand on Brit's thigh, giving it a squeeze. He saw her glance up at him through her eyelashes and he smiled softly before his lips found her neck behind her ear.
"Why dont we go back to our tent?" He whispered in her ear as he squeezed her thigh again. He felt her shiver against him, her head nodding yes. He smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her along. A few of the men whistled at them as they walked away from the group, but they paid them no mind. They hadn't had a moment, a real moment of intimacy in weeks. All's he wanted was to feel close to his love again. He pulled her along back to their shared tent. He pushed open the flap of the tent and let her walk past before pulling the flap shut, trying it on the inside so no one could open it from the outside.
Her turned and looked at Brit, her cheek flushed, her breathing a bit faster them normal. He stepped closer to her and ran his thumb over her lips.
"You are so beautiful." He whispered as he grabbed her belt lop, tagging her body sharply till it was flush with his. He grinned down at her as a small gasp left her lips. He crashed his lips to hers, nipping at her bottom lip. Soon their tongues were fighting for dominance, hands roaming each others bodies. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and tugged it up and over her head, their lips breaking apart of a split second before connecting again. His hands ran over the smooth skin of her back and sides, pulling her as close to his body as he could. He felt her hands start to pull at the straps of his armour around his hips and thighs and he pulled away to quickly aid in the removal of the heavy armour as it clattered to the ground. He smiled as she tugged at the zipper of his blacks, pulling it down till his chest was exposed. Brit pushed the skin tight material off his shoulders revealing his chiseled tanned chest and torso.
"I could see you a Thousand times without clothes and ever time you'll take my breath away." She whispered to him. Kix smiled and pulled her close once more, placing a soft and warm kiss on her lips.
"I want to make soft, sweet love to you. I want to savor the feel of your body and touch." He growled into her ear as he kissed down her jaw to her neck. He felt her shiver and sigh as his hands made their way down to her hips, pulling the belt around her pants free. He popped open the button and let her pants fall to the floor around her ankles. Brit shivered in the cooler night air that danced around her. Kid's hot breath fanned over her smooth skin at her collarbone and she let out a soft moan. He smiled against her skin before nipping at the soft columnof her neck, leaving a mark on her collarbone, marking what was his. His hands squeezed her hips, rubbing soft circles with his thumbs.
Brit tugged at the pants of his Blacks, trying to push them down his hips. She felt his cock spring free, standing solid like a rod of beskar. She ran her fingers up and down the shaft, feeling his body tremble under her touch. His fingers slipped under the band of her panties, running through her slick folds.
"Maker, Kix.... I need you." She panted as his tongue and teeth danced over the skin of her neck. She pushed is blacks all the way down his legs, his hands pulling her chest wrap off, he panties soon following. He pushed her down onto their sleep mat and crawled on top of her. His eyes were soft yet hungry, and it made her body shiver. Kix smirked up at her before slowing kissing down her body, to the soft curves of her breast. Taking a tight pink bud into his lips he sucked and swirled her nipple around. Her soft moans filled the air around them. Soon his hand joined, taking the other rounded bud, pinching and rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. He felt her nails rake through his hair, tugging it lightly.
"By Force!" Brit moaned as she arched her back. A light sheen of sweat clinged to her skin. Kix smiled against her skin, his lips slowly moving south leaving open mouthed kissed down the valley of her breast to her stomach. His tongue danced across her skin. He used his hands to push her hips down, holding her still as his hot breath fanned over her throbbing core.
His tongue darted out, licking a strip up her dripped core. Brit jumped, arched her hips into his face, trying to find the friction she was desperately craving.
"Marker. Plus don't tease me!" She cried out. Kix chuckled against her throbbing clit, sending a shiver through her body before his lips latched onto her, his tongue swirling and sucking making her head spin. He slipped a finger her her soaking wet pussy, moaning at the feeling of her tight walls pulling at him.
"Fuck you are so tight." He growled as he added another finger, pumping them in and out of her at a pounding pace. He went back to work with his tongue and lips on her clit, pushing her closer and closer to the edge. She tugged and pulled at his hair, bucking her hips against his face. He felt her body tremble, her legs tightened around his head. He back arched as a straggled cry left her lips as her high ripped through her body. Kix kept pumping his fingers and sucking on her clit, letting her ride out her blissful high. Once she started calming down he lapped up her juices, licking her clean before slowly crawling up her body. He kissed her lips, letting her taste herself on his lips. She moaned as he panted into the kiss, wrapping her legs around his hips.
"I want you." She panted as she pulled his body closer. He smirked and with a snap of his hips, drove himself deep into her still throbbing pussy. Her cry of pleasure filled his ears as he stalled for a second to let her adjust to his size. Once she nodded her head he began slowly thrusting into her, pulling almost all the way out before thrusting back in, bottoming out each time. Their bodies danced in a rythm of pushing and pulling, the sound of skin on skin and panting filled the tent. The air around them was hot and heavy, their bodies covered in sweat.
"I'm close darling. Come for me. Come on darling." He growled in her ear snapping his hips harshly against hers, trying to hold off till she stared chasing her high.
"Maker you are so wet and tight. So tight for me. So perfect." He praised her as he snapped his hips into her fast. Brit wrapped her legs around him tighter, her nails running down his back leaving long dark red lines in their wake. He growled as her nails dug into his skin as her high began to build.
"Let go baby." He moaned as his thrusts began to get harsher and faster. His words where all she needed for her high to crash over her body like the waves of Kamino. Kix captured her lips with his, her screams of pleasure melting into the kiss. The feeling of her walls tight and hot around his throbbing cock undid him as he spilled his seed deep into her pussy. Their bodies continued to rock together as they rode their highs together, pulling at each others to milk their highs as long as they could. Their breathing was fast and ridged as their broke their kiss, their highs starting to slowing slip away. Kix slipped out of her cunt, their cum mixing together as it spilled from her. He laid beside her, pulling her body to him as he nuzzled his nose into the skin of her neck.
"I'm so thankful for you. I dont think I could have gotten this far in the war without you Brit." He whispered into her ear as he ran his hand up and down her side. She turned her head to look at him, her eyes shining with love and desire.
"You will always have me beside you. Now and forever My Love." She said to him as she placed her hand on his cheek. He smiled before kissing her lips softly. He pulled her close till their bodies molded together as one, holding each other, drawing out the world outside and the horrors of the war. Right here, right now it was just them, together as close as two people could be. Right now it was just love that filled the air inside of the sounds of war.
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sergeantgoggles · 1 day
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Prompt: Surprise Ship: Hardcase/Dogma Rated: G .
“Close your eyes,” Hardcase instructs quietly and boops Dogma’s nose. 
“Absolutely not,” the younger trooper scoffs, though he doesn’t move from the spot in the bunk he’s sharing with Hardcase. 
“Come on, pleeeeeaaassssse? It’s a surprise!” Hardcase pleads, and Dogma rolls his eyes. There might have been some amount of affection there, but he isn’t going to tell Hardcase that. 
“Fine,” he relents and shuts them. He doesn’t like surprises, so he’s already on edge, but suddenly the bed is moving, and he can feel Hardcase’s breath on his lips before they connect in a soft, chaste kiss. 
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flyiingsly · 9 months
Secret Santa
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Pairing : Hardcase x medic!reader
Warnings : Mention of injuries, death and war, two idiots in love with each other, a bit of angst and mutual pining, fluff
Wordcount : 5,7k
Summary : The 501st boys are organizing a little event for Life Day, but the night took an unexpected turn when you receive a very special gift from your favorite trooper.
A/N : Heeere we are, my submission for the @cloneficgiftexchange ! I was assigned to @melliejellybellybean  and oh boy that one was so much fun to write ! (Telling a story about a Secret Santa event for a Secret Sant event, what a very cliché thing to do, I know, but I just couldn't resist it)
I'm soooo happy to be a part of this exchange ! Right after I've received your name, I immediately checked your blog to learn more about you, and then I discovered that you seem to be a very enthusiast Taylor Swift fan, and I was like OMG THAT’S SO COOL because I really love her music as well, and not gonna lie, it was that perfect excuse to listen to her songs like a maniac while writing this, it gave me a lot of inspiration and good vibes, that was amazing !
I really hope that you're gonna like it too 💜
Since you started to work as a medic for the 501st legion under the commands of General Skywalker, your days suddenly became more animated. But you couldn’t say that you weren’t enjoying it. In fact, it was quite the contrary : you loved working with them.
When you arrived at the GAR med bay, you were placed under the supervision of one of their best medics, Kix, who quickly became your best friend. Then, you were introduced to the rest of the company, and as you were getting to know them better, they soon adopted you as one of their own.
You were getting along with them very well, and they quickly became like your family more than just coworkers or patients. You were spending most of your time with them, whether on missions or on shore leaves.
Since you were following them on every battlefield they were sent to, going through the horrors of war together and saving their lives has created a very strong bond between you and them.
But fortunately, there wasn’t only bad stuff to share, and despite the fact that you were nervous and not very enthusiastic the first time they invited you to join them at the 79’, you were now used to it and really were enjoying those special and joyful moments spent together.
In addition of Kix, there was another person in the group you became particularly close to : Hardcase. He was one of your most recurrent patients, for he was admitted in the med bay every once in a while, for the most unexpected and silly reasons sometimes.
You used to worry for him the first couple of times you found him waiting in your examination room, covered in blood and bruises, but as the time passed by, you realized that his injuries were, in most cases, looking more serious and concerning than they actually were.
You both became attached to each other pretty quickly. You loved his sense of humor, his energy, and his adventurous temperament, and he grew very fond of your kindness, selflessness and thoughtfulness.
In fact, everyone who was at least a little close to him could easily notice that there was something more than just strong friendship and appreciation silently going on between you.
Hardcase wasn’t usually the kind of person to be shy or self-conscious, on the contrary, but with you, it was different.
He was often caught glancing and smiling dreamingly at you when you weren’t watching or found all flustered and blushing after talking to you or running unexpectedly into you in the GAR station’s corridors. Just the way he was talking about you was enough to anyone who was listening to him to catch a glimpse of his true feelings.
At some point, Kix even started to ask himself if his constant visits to the med bay weren’t an excuse to see you. He just couldn’t believe that someone could be that clumsy and careless without doing it on purpose. But you, on the other hand, as long as he wasn’t suffering too much, were always more than happy to see him pass the door.
He was making you laugh, and he was always finding a way to drag you along in his shenanigans and making you engage in silly and funny situations you would never have believed you’d be taking part of one day.
You were a steady and quiet person, and when he was near you, he seemed to become calmer and more relaxed too, like if your presence was soothing both his mind and his body.
To have you around was a true relief for his brothers sometimes, because his excess of energy could be a bit exhausting for them. It wasn’t a problem for you though, for you were never tired of him.
Each one of you seemed to be the perfect balance to the other, and everyone around was waiting for the moment when you will finally end up together.
So of course, when the company decided to put together a special little party to celebrate Life’s Day, you obviously were on top of the guest’s list. In fact, you were one of the first person to know about that idea, and they even asked you for help to plan the event.
The timing was perfect, for the exact day of the celebrations was coinciding with the day after returning from a mission, which meant that the company was, if everything went well, supposed to be on Coruscant for a several days shore leave at that time.
Commander Tano and General Skywalker were invited as well, and happily accepted to join. It was their idea to organize a Secret Santa at first. It apparently was a popular thing on various planets, and when they submitted it to the rest of the company, everyone enthusiastically agreed to give it a try.
When the time came to pick up a name in the basket, you got very lucky, for you immediately knew what would make that particular person happy.
What you didn’t know however, was that it was your beloved Hardcase who got you. But on top of that, what you both couldn’t imagined was that it wasn’t just fate who made him pick you up. In fact, it was mostly Jesse’s and Kix’s idea.
They knew how fond their brother was of you, so they decided to play a little trick on him, both to tease him, but also because they saw it as a perfect occasion to give him a little help to confess his feelings to you.
When he discovered your name written in capital letters, he got through a lot of different emotions in a couple of seconds. Fives and Echo, who volunteered to hand the names out, and who were flying around the GAR base with an upside-down helmet full a little piece of papers, tried their best not to sell themselves by laughing in front of him when they saw him froze on the spot, eyes wide, then smile excitedly with sparkling pupils, before an expression of pure shock and disbelieve pass on his face.
Little did he know that before reaching for him, the two ARCs took care of switching every remaining paper from the homemade basket with only covered in your name ones. He had absolutely no chances to escape it.
It took him several days of intense reflection to find something to offer to you. It seemed like an eternity to Kix, who had to answer numerous questions about whether or not you’ll appreciate his latest idea and who got asked for his opinion at the most unexpected times of the day. But seeing him that involved and entitled to make you happy was so adorable that he couldn’t really find it annoying.
But at last, he finally managed to find something special, really special and meaningful, something that you’ll be glad to receive, and that will, at the same time, perfectly embody how important you were for him.
I wasn’t going to be easy to make, but he knew it, he couldn’t have find a more perfect gift for you.
The event was taking place in one of the many GAR’s aircraft hangars, because of the open view its massive door and high level was offering on the city.
Lights were a very important and symbolic part of the Life Day, and the pick of the celebrations on Coruscant was the release of thousands of paper lanterns all around the planet. So being able to see the sky was very important for that night.
The evening started with a big feast.
You had worked for most of the day to prepare all of it with the boys, moving numerous tables and chairs from the mess hall, and placing them in a row between the ships resting in the hangar. It was a lot of organization, but it was more than worth it.
For the food, you had all voted for the simplest option : each guest ordered a meal of his choice from some delivery service, so everyone could eat exactly what they wanted. It wasn’t the most elaborate meal ever, nor the most traditional, but at least everyone was enjoying it, and the whole setting was still making it looks special and festive nonetheless.
The gifts from the Secret Santa were supposed to be exchanged at the end of the “banquet”, after the desert.
Just as they did with the names in the first place, it was Echo and Fives who were in charge of collecting the presents from the players in the morning, to make sure that nobody could see who was dropping which one off, and so they could be delivered all at the same time to their addressees.
But nobody was expecting them to enter the hangar the way they did, Fives wearing a full Santa costume, standing on top of a pallet truck next to a pile of colorful boxes, and carried around by a red nosed and covered in garlands Echo, both visibly very proud of their little show.
It was hilarious, and the fact that he was trying to make his voice even more deep than it already was added a layer of comic to the whole situation.
He then asked to everyone to stand up and come closer to the vehicle, and his request was soon followed by a big and noisy mess of swinging chair and people cheerfully gathering around them.
As they started to give out the gifts, picking them one by one and calling the names written on them, the atmosphere became electric, heavy with muffled cackles and whispers.
You were assigned to a bigger than expected wooden box, beautifully hand painted in blue and circled with a large white ribbon. It was very heavy, so heavy that Rex offered to help you carrying it for you.
Once every participant had been called, the twins enthusiastically started a countdown so all the boxes could be opened simultaneously. As soon as it hit zero, the sound of shredded paper filled the air, quickly followed by a concert of exclamations, laughs and surprised squeaks. You even caught a couple of “that’s exactly what I wanted !” and “I knew it !” in the middle of the various reactions.
Rex had settled the box on a corner of the table to make it easier for you to open it, and you were now examining it from every angle to figure out how to do so. It was that kind of ammunitions containers that could be found in every GAR armory, and that were usually requiring a special tool to unseal, but this one obviously had already been opened at least once.
You were so concentrated on it that you didn’t noticed the many pairs of eyes looking furtively at you, waiting for your reaction.
When you finally managed to open it, the first thing that you saw was styrofoam chips. You chuckled at the view, anticipating a prank and ready to find nothing but those in the box.
But as you dived your fingers inside, they quickly fell on a round, massive and cold shape.
“AHAH !” you exclaimed, grabbing the mysterious item with both hands and pulling it toward you in a burst of colorful little polystyrene bits.
But you weren’t expecting what you were about to find.
As soon as you saw and understood what it was, you immediately gasped, your eyes widening in surprise.
You were now holding a brand new and freshly painted armor cuirass, immaculately white.
“What the …” you mumbled, simultaneously confused and in awe.
You turned it between your fingers, examining every angle of it, admiring its curves and looking at it with glowing eyes.
You soon after put your hands back in, frantically searching for more parts, dying to know if there was something else in that box.
When you stumbled upon one, then two vambraces, you let out a squeak, and couldn’t help but immediately try them on on top of your medic long sleeved jacket.
“No way !!! you let out, when finding out that they were perfectly fitting to your forearms. You twirled and twisted your arms around several times, looking at them with eyes watery from excitement.
You never got the chance to have your own set of armor before, for as a nat born medic, you weren’t supposed to get exposed during conflicts. Only clone medics were usually taking part of the fights and following the troops in battles. You, on the other hand, were supposed to stay behind, keeping your distances with the front line and waiting for the soldiers to return to heal them.
Bu you weren’t following that guidelines most of the times. You were part of the 501st after all, and just like their General, you had your own and particular way of managing difficult situations. That’s how you find yourself running in the middle of the battlefield more than a couples of times, trying to rescue someone.
You even got injured once, not that severely, but still badly enough to frighten the hell out of Rex and get a full lecture from him. Needless to say that it didn’t stopped you from doing it again anyway. Everybody in the company perfectly knew that there was no way to prevent you from saving lives, even at the cost of your own safety.
Of course, you’ve already tried to borrow a spare one from the armory, but standard clone’s armors weren’t the right size for you, and the Jedi’s special lighter armors were way too expensive to equip a medic, so you just never really bother thinking much about it after that.
You kept exploring the depths of the box until there was nothing left inside but chips. You successively pulled out a pair of gauntlets, rerebraces, and elbows pieces, a plackart, and finally, a pair of spaulders. One of them was plastered with a bright red, perfectly hand traced medic emblem. It was absolutely gorgeous.
That’s when you noticed it. The little card stuck on the inside of one of the shoulders. You took it off from the plastoid surface and unfolded it carefully.
The note was handwritten, and the lettering was a bit messy, but you could still feel how much attention and care have been poured into it to make it as readable and beautiful as possible.
“For the best Medic in the GAR ! (Don’t tell Kix about that or he’s going to be jealous ^^ )
You’re always watching upon us to make sure we’re safe, and because you’re one of the most important persons to me, I wanted to return you the favor, and offer you a way to stay safe as well.
Happy Life Day.
Ps : Despite the design on the spaulder, it’s all white so you could customize it as you liked, just like ours ! Enjoy !”
Excitement suddenly turned into pure emotion as your eyes became even more teary. It was the most wholesome words you’ve have ever read, and you could barely believe that someone wrote that to you. You were so moved that you had to read it a second, then a third time to make sure that you had understood it correctly, and that it wasn’t just your brain playing a trick on you.
You instinctively raised your head to look around you, feeling taken aback and curious at the same time, staring at everyone around and scanning the hangar with your eyes for an answer, like if it was going to help you find out from who it was coming from. But it didn’t, of course.
You only knew it wasn’t from Kix, for he had already told you who he picked, but you had no idea who else it could have been. You felt lost for a moment, these words weren’t sounding like a simple note written to accompany a Secret Santa present, and you had the feeling that the person who put them on paper had waited for the occasion to come since a long time already, making it even more special.
When your eyes fell back on the pieces of armor scattered on the table, tears were rolling down your cheeks. Someone found a way to make you a whole made to measure upper armor, just because you were so important to them that they wanted you safer on the battlefield, and it was one of the most touching ways that someone could have ever expressed his care for you.
On the other side of the hangar, Hardcase had been giving you little discreet side glances from a distance since the moment your name was called. He felt proud at first when he caught a glimpse of you enthusiastically searching the box. He needed to make sure that you were happy with what he got you before allowing himself to open and enjoy his own present.
But he was now too absorbed in talking with his brothers to notice your change of expression.
“Hey, I didn’t know that making her cry was part of the plan !” Fives suddenly interrupted him with a worried look, giving him a nudge to catch his attention, and gesturing his head toward you.
His joy immediately faded when he noticed your tears, and he instantly started to feel bad for you. He wasn’t expected that, it was the very contrary of the effect he wanted his gift to have on you, and he couldn’t help but feel guilty about it.
“(y/n), are you okay ?” you suddenly heard Ahsoka’s voice softly asking you.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine ….” You mumbled, weeping your eyes with the back of our hand and smiling reassuringly at her.
“I’m just … a bit moved … This is … a lot, actually … I just can’t express how lucky I feel right now … I mean, I know that building a made to measure armor is awfully expensive, and I feel so blessed that someone actually put so much effort and energy into doing that for me … I …” you sighed, the words had escaped your mouth so hastily that you had forgot to breath, and you were now seeing stars from the lack of oxygen.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t find my words right now !” you chuckled, a bit embarrassed for being that overwhelmed.
“Don’t worry, I understand what you mean.“ she answered, trying not to sound too satisfied.
“Do you know who did this ?” you hopefully asked her.
“Hmmm, maybe …” she cracked a mischievous smile, “but I promised him to not tell you anything … All I can say is that the person who gifted you this really, really care about you, like, a lot ! But don’t worry, I have the feeling that you will know who it is soon enough …”
“I hope so, I really need to thank him for that ….” You whispered, looking deeply at the spaulder, absent mindlessly tracing the medic emblem with the tips of your fingers.
Little do you know that she has been involved in the whole project from the beginning. That gift was so close to Hardcase’s heart that he didn’t hesitated to ask her and Anakin for some advice.
Of course, his General, too, had noticed how fond his trooper was of you. But most of all, he particularly understood how important the lives of his men were to you, for just like you, he was close to them, and every lost life was a hard thing to accept for him as well.
So when Hardcase exposed his plan to him, he immediately agreed to help, offering him to negotiate a free and special access to all the required resources he needed to successfully fulfill it.
Since you were close friend with his Padawan, she volunteered to give them a hand on a delicate part of the plan, but the most crucial one : collecting your measurements. It was, of course, easier and less suspect for her to enter the women’s locker room of the GAR med bay rather than sending any other male member of the company there to do it.
That’s how she found herself sneaking into your locker several days in a row with a measuring tape, scrupulously noting the sizes and lengths of your different outfits, to make sure that they had the right dimensions for the future armor. You didn’t even noticed a thing, never catching  the way your clothes had moved from the moment you put them in and the moment you took them back after your shifts.
At this point, the entire battalion as well as their superiors knew about Hardcase’s gift, and several of its members helped him bringing it to life, in addition to all the persons who were involved in the fabrication of the armor itself.
The whole project had been a beautiful demonstration of solidarity and group work, and the amount of energy and care that had been poured into it was, indeed, very huge and even more consequent that you could have ever imagined.
It was probably one of the most interesting and funny spying mission the young togruta was sent on, and witnessing how big of an impact it had on you, feeling your emotion and your happiness, was the most beautiful reward she could have gotten for her participation.
You were still processing what had just happened, eyes still lost on what you were holding in your hands, when the voice of someone screaming from the hangar doorstep pulled you out of your thoughts.
“It’s beginning ! They’re releasing the lanterns !”
When you raised your head toward the origin of the scream, you just had enough time to see Tup excitedly weaving his arms, pointing at the sky and gesturing to his brothers to come nearer, before the entirety of the hangar’s lights suddenly shut down, leaving the vast space only bathed in the dimmed glow of the outside city lights.
The men quickly gathered on the edge of the wide entrance as you saw a couple of little glimmering flares ascending from the city below into the night sky.
One after the other, the biggest buildings around went dark as well, allowing a better look on the lanterns. It was the only day of the whole year when you could see the jedi temple and the senate completely plunge into darkness.
There were no more screams or laughs resonating through the air, only whisperings and muffled gasps of awe.
You couldn’t move at first, still stunned by the latest turn of events and mesmerized by what you were witnessing. Then you gently settled your spaulder on the nearest chair, before taking a few steps forwards as more and more lanterns were filling the sky, creating a big cloud of artificial stars.
You were a bit further back from the others, but still able to see everything from there, not missing a single bit of the show.
It was one of the most spectacular and mesmerizing thing that you have ever seen, and you were so focused on it that you didn’t hear the sound of approaching footsteps echoing against the durasteel floor.
“Hey …” a soft and familiar voice suddenly whispered on your left.
“Hey …” you whispered back, turning your head to face Hardcase, who was now standing right next to you as if he had appeared out of thin air.
There was enough light to clearly distinguish the blue lines of his tattoos, but not enough for you to notice the faint shade of red covering his cheeks.
“So, did you like your gift ?” you asked him with smile.
“Oh, yeah ! It was great ! Actually, I think that the person who offered it to me know a couple of things about me that I can’t remember telling anyone so far, so I guess I must have talked too much about some particular subjects the last time I was drunk, but yeah, I really appreciated it ! ” he lets out with an amused tone.
“Ahah, you’ll be surprised of all the things you’re saying when you’re drunk …” you teased him, as you felt the heat slowly raising to your face. You were so emotional right now that his very presence was enough to fluster you.
“Oh I know what you’re referring to, don’t get me started, you were as wasted as me that time !” he groaned, glaring at you with a falsely annoyed expression on his face.
His remark made you giggles, and your laugh must have been contagious, because he couldn’t help but start to chuckle as well.
Then, a silence fell between you, only disturbed by the distant buzzing of the city and the murmurs of your fellow troopers.
“Look, I’m sorry, I never meant to make you cry …” he breathed out after a moment.
You heart skipped a bit at his words, before starting to race faster when you understood what he was talking about, and you tried your best to keep your composure and refrain yourself from gasping in shock.
“So, it was you …”
“Yeah, it was me …” he awkwardly answered, “I know that we’re not supposed to tell the person we picked that … well, that we picked them, but … My gift seemed to have made you so sad, I just wanted to apology for that …”
“Sad ??!” you retorted, “No, it didn’t made me sad ! That wasn’t tears of sadness, it was the emotion, because your gift touched me ! Honestly, it’s the most meaningful thing someone ever gifted to me and … I just got overwhelmed ! I mean, I can’t imagine how much it must have costed you, that’s insane ! I’m so lucky to have been picked by you ! Thank you Hardcase, it means so much to me …”
You were stuttering, tripping over your words and feeling your eyes getting watery again.
The sparks of pure joy and gratitude that were making your pupils glimmer as you looked at him made him fondly smile at you, the faint blush on his cheeks becoming brighter.
“Oh well, not gonna lie, I got a lot of help on this one, but actually …“ his voice was laced with embarrassment, “I initially wanted to offer you the lower part as well, but we run out of time … But if you still like it that way, then that’s good enough I guess !”
“Of course I like it !” you let out in shock, astonished by what he had just said, “It’s absolutely perfect, I could never thank you enough for that, sincerely !”
You smiled back at him, your gaze meeting his. He instantly melts from the inside, trying his best not to look at your curled lips for too long, but still devouring you with his eyes.
You were so beautiful he couldn’t get them off of you. He could have admired you for the entire night if it was possible, and you both stayed like that for a moment, staring at each other in silence, the faint light of the sea of lantern reverberating on your faces, creating a very intimate atmosphere around you.
“Can I … Can I ask you a question ?” you shyly say after a moment.
“Yeah, whatever you want !”
“Do you … Do you really meant what you wrote on that card ?”
 “Well …” he paused, quickly turn looking away from you, his eyes landing on the floor, “Yes …” he quietly muttered.
The next silence that fell between you was a heavy one. You felt paralyzed, there was so much things that you wanted to say to him right now, but they were stuck in your throat, you just couldn’t seem to find the courage to speak them out loud.
You were trying to gather yourself to, at least, try to answer something, when he broke the silence first.
“I’m sorry about that too … Maybe I shouldn’t have wrote that, maybe it was too much and inappropriate, maybe …”
“No,” you cut him, “it wasn’t … To be honest, I think that I was waiting for that … Actually, when I read this card, I was praying for you to be the one behind it …”
His eyes widened, you were, too, avoiding his gaze, but you still caught his surprised expression from the corner of your own eyes.
“Rea .. Really ?” he mumbled.
“Yes …” you answered, trying to prevent your voice from trembling too much “I just hoped that I got the message right …”.
You were shaking from head to toes now. You felt his eyes land on you once again and his whole body turning to face you, and, without a warning, his hand softly took yours.
It was your turn to look at him with surprise. You opened your mouth to say something, but no words escaped it. You thought that your heart couldn’t beat faster than it already was, but you were wrong. You never knew that someone could have that much effect on you.
“I think that you got it right, yes ...” he simply whispered, taking a step toward you, and pulling you closer to him until your two bodies where leaned against each other, his forehead gently settling on yours, and his other hand rising toward your face to carefully cup it.
You shivered at his touch, instinctively closing your eyes, your whole attention focused on the sensation of his skin against yours. You were so close to each other that you could feel his heart racing just as fast as yours.
“And I think that I have something else to tell you …” the sound of his voice was making your legs feel weak under your body, you nearly couldn’t believe that you were that close to him.
The whole scene seemed to happen in slow motion, suspended in time, like if the world has suddenly paused around you and time has stopped as you waited for his next words, praying for all of this to be real and not just a dream.
“I love you, (y/n), I fell for you since the moment I saw you and … I’ve waited for that moment for so long …” he breathed out, his nose brushing against yours.
He couldn’t resist anymore, and with a rush of courage striking at him, he closed the tiny remaining gaps between your mouths, his lips hesitantly meeting yours.
Your whole body felt like melting under his kiss, and it took you a few seconds to process what was happening before being able to answer it. You could have never expected how careful and soft his gestures were.
When you finally get your composure back, you slowly let go of his hand to wrap both of your arms around his neck. Your move gave him more confidence, and you felt his fingers slowly caressing your arm, passing over your still vambraces covered forearms until they reached your face, cupping it with his second hand too and deepening the kiss.
When your lips parted, you were both panting, and he was tightly clinging onto you, afraid that you could suddenly disappeared from his grasp.
You reopened your eyes to find him looking at you with a look of pure fascination, as if he was holding the most precious jewel of the galaxy between his hands.
“I … I love you too”, you murmured, once you had caught your breath, “and I have to confess, I’ve been waiting for that too, actually, I wish I could have told you before but … I guess I wasn’t brave enough. In fact … I was too frightened that you might not feel the same …” your face tensed up as you were opening your heart to him.
His eyes started to sparkle with emotion, like if all of the lanterns currently flying in the Coruscant’s sky have been gathered in his pupils, and he softly brushed the tip of your finger against your cheeks in a reassuringly.
“I can’t blame you for that, we were in the same boat on that point … But know that I’ve never ceased to love you, I don’t think that I can ever be tired of you, and now that I have found enough courage to tell it to you once, I will do it over and over again, and I hope that you will never doubt my words, because they truly are sincere.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
“You’re so beautiful …” he whispered contemplatively, unable resist the urge to pull you in for another kiss, more passionate, but just as soft as the first one.
“Aren’t you … afraid that … the other could see us ?” you questioned in when remembering that you weren’t alone in that very vast hangar.
“Don’t worry,” he grinned “nobody is looking at us right now, they’re too concentrated on the outside !”
It was enough of an argument for you, and you weren’t, in the end, paying that much attention about whatever the other members of the company could think about it, quickly forgetting about their presence again right after, too focused on the mesmerizing smile of the man standing in front of you.
Little do you knew that, even if nobody was actually looking at you, everybody was still very aware about what was happening behind their turned back, and that they were all discreetly sharing winks, high fives and looks of victory, happy to know that two of their close friends were finally taking the chance to be happy together.
“Can I ask you a favor ?” you let out a moment later, as you were both watching the last released lanterns getting lost in the darkness, “Could we paint my armor together, please ?”
“Of course I will ! Not gonna lie, I was planning on asking you if you’ll need some help … I can’t wait for that !” he enthusiastically answered, a warm smile growing on his face.
“Thank you“ you whispered, before resting your head on his shoulder.
“Hey, I nearly forgot to say it, but Happy Life Day, Hardcase !” you suddenly exclaimed.
He giggled at your realization, looking dreamingly at you, before tightening his embrace around your hips and placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Happy Life Day, Mesh’la.”
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(hi thank you for being understanding about my question and being cool with doing this!) can I ask for headcanons for somethin like movie night with the 501st? Gender neutral reader is fine
Of course babes. 🩷 We can do movie night any night with the 501st!
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Warnings and Information: There’s nothing to do in the barracks tonight, and it’s been a long time since anyone’s seen a good movie. So, throw in like fifteen packets of popcorn in the microwave (one at a time, Hardcase) to get this popcorn poppin’, because the 501st + one good friend is having a movie night! (Once mostly everyone agrees on what to watch, of course…) Blankets, pillows, snacks, and cozy Clone cuddle-piles galore~ Who’s falling asleep first? 😴 2nd person POV with an undescribed reader who has a gender neutral nickname. Bullet point format. We’ll use a little Mando’a, as a treat. Fluff and good feelings all around. Everyone’s happy. Everyone’s safe. 💙
Word count: 1,652
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The previews
There’s no paperwork to do, there’s no assignment they need to ship out for in the morning, and they’ve gone ahead and tidied up the bed racks for good measure. They could play some Sabbac to kill the time, but they’ve either lost or misplaced more than half the deck, and they don’t feel like the lights and thumping bass of the local drinking hole tonight. (It’s just not quite the same as 79’s…) Nobody really has the energy to do much of anything, but given their purpose and training as soldiers, they don’t often have nights like this where they simply do… nothing. Being idle leaves a gnawing feeling of discomfort for many in the 501st, so they’re trying to come up with a plan.
“Uh-oh. Hardcase has his thinking face on.” someone mumbles, growing slightly uneasy. 
“I got it. I’m gonna call someone.” Hardcase declares, punching in one of his favorite contacts on the comlink. This makes the ARC troopers slightly nervous. “Not the Captain, I hope-” Fives chimes in warningly. “With any luck he’s just gone to the mess.”
Hardcase shakes his head, grinning broadly before he punches ENTER on the device. “Nah, I’m not calling the Captain right now, I’m callin’ Ember!”
You’re a favorite of the 501st. At least, that’s your theory. 
And through one series of events after the other, you've become well acquainted with them and their antics.
Why else would you possibly need to be commed in the middle of a meal? “Don’t answer that.” Captain Rex advises you. You both barely started eating. It’s not an emergency tone. It can wait. But… maybe you should see who it is, first? “Umm… Hardcase is calling me.” you reply. That means one of two likely scenarios.
Boredom, or trouble.
Specifically future trouble.
(Or he’s in trouble.)
You’re at least going to see how urgently you need to scarf down your meal so the Captain has time to enjoy his for once in three blue moons. “Hello? What's going on Hardcase?” 
“Hey little flame, you wanna do something tonight? We’re bored!”
“Define bored…” You’re gonna regret asking that, you’re sure. “And who’s “we” exactly, Hardcase? How many others are listening?” The jumbled cacophony of names and voices tells you it’s mostly Torrent Company, which you pretty much expected. “... hi Echo and Fives… hello Dogma … hey there Tup, I’m doing okay, thanks… yup, just trying to eat a little dinner, Kix…” 
So why exactly did he call you, you ask Hardcase, exchanging wary glances with the cobalt captain. What's going on? "Do you know where we can find a lot of popcorn for a movie night? You and the Captain are invited too of course, little flame!"
Grab your snacks…
The bunkroom has been torn apart by the time you and Captain Rex make your way in from the mess hall, and it smells better than you imagined for military sleeping quarters. Lots of beds are missing mattresses, bedding, and pillows. Except for Dogma's. His is untouched, saved for a slight rumple in the sheets. "Boys, we're here! … Where'd all the stuff go?" You step further into the room, and find all the missing mattresses laid side-by-side on the floor near one end of the room, where everyone's either currently wrangling with the holo-projector, or taking down a few posters from the wall to clear the space that will serve as your "screen". Tup spots the pair of you first. "Oh, good. Captain and Ember are here!" 
Hardcase is grateful that you found some popcorn for movie night, and that you could come join in for the fun. "There ya are, burc'ya! Just in time to start deciding on a movie!" He offers to get a jump on getting all the popcorn bags popped too, with the promise it's not going to be like last time. Trying to pop more than one bag resulted in a small fire, last time, evidently. 
Jesse and Kix are scouring over the descent film selection together, sorting them by type or genre. Action. Horror. Family-oriented. There's- how'd this kids movie end up in here? Eh, no thanks on the war films, we see enough of that. "What about a comedy?" you suggest, rifling through the stack to see what your pickings are there. There's a couple you do and don't recognize, and some that are tied to fond memories from before the war. "This is a good one, I think most of you guys will like it. I used to watch this a lot whenever I needed a good laugh, or some cheering up." 
Everyone agrees to give it a shot at least if that's what you recommend. In any case, it'll be difficult to get everyone to agree on one holo, and more than half of men squeezed around you on this giant raft of mattresses, blankets and pillows will probably fall asleep partway through it anyhow. 
… and enjoy the show!
"C'mon Dogma, come join us!" you urge with a friendly smile, seeing him return to his neatly-made bunk. "There's plenty of room, I'm sure." Tup and Hardcase, slightly sprawled next to you on your left, would need to move a bit to make it happen. Echo and Fives are sitting nearest the projector, their shoulders brushing against one another with every little movement. Jesse has positioned himself nearest the Captain, who is also beside you on your right. "It's okay if you don't, either. Nobody's gonna force you." you add pointedly, just as you feel someone start to pull his legs under him to go drag his brother into the tangle of limbs and bedding. Maybe he's more comfortable on his bunk. Or perhaps he's not interested in a film right now.
The lights are dimmed, the snacks are passed around, and the film begins. 
You only make it fifteen minutes into the film before there's a casualty: Kix, diligent man that he is to make sure all his brothers are taken care of, falls asleep behind you. "Psst! Kix, can you pass me the- oh nevermind. Ember, could you grab the candy under his arm before it melts?" You carefully wiggle it free and pass it up to Jesse before tucking a loose blanket kicking around over Kix. Generally, once Kix is out, he's out, so the group doesn't have to worry about waking him for a while. 
Hardcase stays surprisingly still through most of the movie so long as he keeps his hands mostly occupied in some capacity, or has one of his brothers leaning on him in some way. He's a very tactile person, so it's no surprise that he's slowly migrating around the raft of mattresses as each of his brothers either allow Hardcase to fiddle around with stuff he finds in their pockets, or just hold him close in a brotherly embrace for a bit if he's getting too disruptive. (He eventually settles down around the midpoint of the movie, and is one of the few who stays awake through the whole thing.)
Tup pays attention to most of the comedy film, occasionally conversing in whispers with Fives and Echo about their opinions on the jokes until Echo nods off for a bit, and the hushed conversation continues back up again when he wakes up before movie's end. It's Jesse who's not paying much attention to the film, but he's not too disruptive. Jesse almost makes it to the end of the movie before he falls asleep in the middle of scrolling through something on a datapad that's made its way into the nest of pillows and blankets and limbs, his head resting on Captain Rex's knee. 
Dogma does eventually join everyone on the floor. You suspect he was starting to feel a little left out, or maybe he changed his mind about the offer you made earlier, growing bored of whatever he'd been reading on his datapad, or deciding he'd give the movie a try. He tentatively makes his way over, and asks if he can still sit by you. "Of course, Dogma. Here, I saved some popcorn for you!" You give him the rest of the bowl you'd set aside for him, unable to get up and give it to him yourself since you've got multiple people surrounding you. (You didn't want Dogma to miss out on the snacks just because he wasn't initially watching the movie with everyone.) "Thanks for saving me some, Ember." Captain Rex reaches behind you and gives Dogma a warm pat on the shoulder. "Glad you joined us, brother." There's an unspoken finally in his words, but he's just glad to see that Dogma didn't end up isolating himself for long. 
You and Captain Rex, being firmly in the middle of the mattress pile, end up being the ones who become the human pillows of the group. It's nice to see all your friends having fun tonight, and be a part of enjoying a movie together. No stiff, uncomfortable armor; everyone's either in their fatigues or their blacks, and draped over and across their friends and brothers. Everyone is content and full of maybe a little too much popcorn and other snacks. You'll have a heck of a mess on your hands to clean up, either in the morning, or when everyone returns their respective mattresses to their bunks tonight, too.
Nights like this are how it should be. Everyone's happy and there are signs of trust everywhere you look. Brothers let their sleeping siblings rest on their shoulders, against their backs, their legs, or under their arms without complaint. There are sleepy smiles and shared blankets. Those who stayed awake until the end are now joking happily with one another and their Captain, and you too. 
And for a moment, in this night that will become a cherished memory no matter which way this war winds up, everyone you care about is safe. 
And what could be better than that?
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Don't have a fic taglist for the time being, but I'll likely start one soon if I can figure out how to make those forms some people have since I write a variety of stuff. For now, though, if you'd like to join a taglist for specific types of fics (for example: just TBB-centric or just TCW-centric (or both)) don't hesitate to ask. 🩷
[Masterlist] [Requests: OPEN]
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kimageddon · 8 months
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This is an archive of my one shots, prompt challenges and requests. If you are looking for my two main series, A Prince of Dathomir or Sins of the Father, please check out my pinned post or my AO3 account.
Fanfiction for characters in the Star Wars Universe
Reader Edition - The Wedding | The Reception | The Honeymoon
OC edition - The Wedding | The Reception | The Honeymoon
Shoot Me Down
Couldn't Resist (NSFW)
Boba Fett
Impatient (NSFW)
The Witch's Familiar (possible series, Fantasy AU)
Masterlist - Coming Soon
Introductory Blurb
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Comedic Series for the Star Wars characters and Universe - a cantina where all characters coalesce OOC, no timeline specifics
The Pants Challenge
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Prompt List - | - NSFW Prompt List - | - Who I write for
Ideas sent in via asks from the prompt list (CLOSED)
Clone Trooper Jesse
29: "I'm going to give you five seconds to take that back"
Cad Bane
34. “That’s it! I’m killing them all.” / “Wait, but what about the plan?” / “Forget the plan! These idiots keep getting on my nerves. They have no one to blame but themselves.”
31. "Good, I meant it to hurt."
ARC Trooper Fives
8. “I think I have found the cure for happiness.” / “What’s that?” / “Falling in love.”
Commander Wolffe
4. “But you…. You went drink for drink with Wolffe. How are you not hungover?” & 20. “You're so tiny compared to me.”
9. "“Have you lost your damn mind?!” / “Yes, but in all fairness, I was left alone.”
Clone Medic Kix
16. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
Clone Trooper Hardcase
1. "That was my favourite blaster.”
Commando Captain Gregor
23. “Don’t cry. We’ll find each other again.”
Sergeant Hunter
46. "Kiss me like you mean it."
Coruscant Guard Commander Fox
12. “Aaand just like that I have lost all the fucks I had to give.”
Lord Savage Opress
7. “I love you! No time to explain – gotta go.” / “Wait… WHAT?!” & 40. “I want to take you to all the beautiful places, sunsets over oceans and listen to the rain. I want to dance with you, make you smile and laugh… but– I also want to kiss you so hard it leaves marks on your body, I want to watch you writhe beneath me and scream my name until you can’t say anything else.”
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Requests from DMs of Ko-Fi
Maul and Savage - They discuss the dichotomy of siblings
Comfort with Darth Maul - Maul x Reader
Captain Rex - On shoreleave he decides to visit the barbers
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If you wish to be tagged in my fic posts or my art posts, join my tag list here.
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