#A tale in the desert guide
youtubegreys · 2 years
A tale in the desert guide
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Merek always struck me as the older, calmer member of the pair.
That’s serious -serious- trust.) I learned how to find marble from them – though if you asked me at gunpoint now, I can’t remember how to save my life. (Spouses in ATITD can literally log on as each other’s characters. I remember we mined a decent amount of marble together as well. I still have some old screenshots of the pair dowsing for metals and me in the vicinity possibly doing the same thing? We were talking in chat, so I was probably learning how to do it from them? This is absolute bliss as an explorer motivated by discovery. It’s years ago now, but I seem to recall that I mostly provided cheerful conversational counterpoint, and the two veterans essentially took newbie me under their wing and taught me little interesting secrets that you couldn’t find on the standard wiki. The only thing I can do when trust is extended like that is accept the honor in the spirit that it is given, and not abuse it.
My possessions are mine, until I decide to stop playing, at which point, whoever wants them is free to declare open season and nab them for their own use. Every time I play ATITD, I have one personal guild that is only me and my alt. Significant levels of trust are involved with guild invites and guild ranks. Or even if you intended stuff to be shared, maybe you didn’t intend for one person to take ALL the resources overnight and use it all for personal profit. This in A Tale in the Desert, an MMO where if your ownership permissions are set carelessly, anyone can pretty much come along and loot you out of any and all possessions that you set to be shareable. (I was Isaiah, and my alt spouse was Juliana.) Imagine my surprise when one day, out of the blue, I got a guild invite to, pretty much, their personal guild. I did my usual solo self-sufficiency hermit thing, just being civil to all and sundry. Turns out that a pair of veteran players also had similar ideas and we ended up in the neighborhood near each other. I’d moved up to middle Egypt to have a change from my previous Tale 3 attempt down south Egypt near the Zfree guild. My second go at A Tale in the Desert was on Tale 4’s Bastet shard. Tehm (aka tehmoosh) and merek (aka Verix) were a very well known ATITD pairing since the early Tales. Sadly, one would rather not see familiar names pop up in this context: Something about just seeing the same names over and over again, and having the time and space to have civil conversations without getting interrupted by aggressive virtual wildlife and so on. It’s a very social, tight-knit, neighborly sort of community (including neighbors of the sort who hate each other.)īut now and then, neighbors become friends. I haven’t played the game for years, but I had a nice MMO time with it when I played. I end up joining a bunch of groups because people want me to listen in, and I join a few other groups of interest where I lurk and every once in a very rare blue moon, scroll through pages and pages of text chat of other peoples’ conversations weeks ago.)Ī Tale in the Desert’s Discord chat is one of the latter. Or I have no idea how to use it to its fullest potential, and very little impetus to do more with it. While mulling over his memory, wondering if the faint melancholy of the past few days was worth a post of some kind, what do I see while reviewing the immense Discord detritus I’d accumulated with the Dragon’s End metas and Aetherblade CM release? Touched enough lives that you can hang out with his virtual doppelganger and bring back his ten rats. No, what really got me was the commenter at the bottom of that post. Lifestyles were healthier in the old days. They made it into their 90s, which is likely far longer than I might achieve. Perspective, indeed.īoth elderly relatives have now already passed on, by the way. The old post took my mind off that rather neatly. A game that wasn’t supposed to be a traditional MMO ever. I’d been doomscrolling the GW2 reddit recently for far too obsessive a time for the last week or so, and getting somewhat unsettled by the seeming brigade of hardcore challenge-seekers clamoring for more rewards for their preferred game type – including exclusive mount skins and high profit rewards – so that they could resume their place on the traditional MMO pedestal of prestige. Going down the rabbit hole of my blog posts, probably the only one with the gumption to do so, I came across an old post that brought back serious memories. The plan is still in effect, but not today. It seems like I was a lot more excitable and passionate then, for one thing. Perhaps find the equivalent comparisons to the Flame and Frost story instances and Molten Facility / Molten Furnace instances and do a compare and contrast? The plan was to re-read some of my ancient posts way back in 2012 and early 2013 to remember how I felt about GW2’s Living Story World back then.
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andy-15-07 · 7 months
can you do a fic with Paul Atreides, where Y/n is a bene gesserit and they find he is the One
Our love is powerful
masterlist ! pairing: Paul Atreides x reader
Dune Masterlist
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In the mystical world of Arrakis, where sand dunes whispered ancient secrets, Paul Atreides and you, a Bene Gesserit, found yourselves entwined in a destiny written in the sands of time. The air in the Sietch was charged with anticipation as the Bene Gesserit sisterhood, with their millennia-old knowledge, discerned a truth that transcended the ordinary.
As you and Paul stood in the sacred chambers of the Bene Gesserit, the reverence in the air hinted at the gravity of the moment. The sisterhood, with their eyes that held the wisdom of countless generations, regarded Paul with a mix of expectation and acknowledgment.
"Y/N," one of the elder Bene Gesserit addressed you, "the threads of fate have woven a tapestry that binds your path with that of Paul Atreides. He is the One—the Kwisatz Haderach."
The realization hung in the air, a moment that echoed through the corridors of time. Paul, with his piercing blue eyes and a destiny that weighed heavily on his shoulders, looked at you with a mix of curiosity and acceptance.
"What does this mean?" Paul inquired, the weight of the prophecy settling on his young shoulders.
The elder Bene Gesserit stepped forward, her voice a melodic resonance that carried the echoes of ancient wisdom. "The Kwisatz Haderach—the One who can bridge space and time, unlocking the secrets of the universe. He who possesses both male and female ancestral memories, breaking the limitations that have bound humanity."
You, a Bene Gesserit bound by duty and destiny, met Paul's gaze with a depth of understanding. "Paul, you are the culmination of a plan set in motion by the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. The threads of our bloodlines converge in you."
The gravity of the revelation seemed to settle in the room. Paul, born into a lineage of political intrigue and ancient prophecy, found himself at the crossroads of destiny.
As you and Paul retreated from the sacred chambers, the Sietch buzzed with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The sands of Arrakis seemed to echo the whispers of the prophecy that had been unveiled.
"Y/N," Paul began, his voice a quiet contemplation, "what does it mean for us? For our relationship?"
You turned to him, your eyes reflecting the weight of the truth. "Paul, our connection goes beyond the prophecy. The Bene Gesserit may have seen the threads of fate, but our love is a force that transcends destiny. Together, we navigate the path that unfolds before us."
The days that followed were filled with the intensity of preparation, as Paul embraced the training and revelations that came with being the Kwisatz Haderach. The Bene Gesserit sisterhood, with their watchful eyes, guided him through the intricacies of their ancient knowledge.
Amidst the trials and tribulations, your connection with Paul deepened. As he grappled with the weight of his destiny, your presence became a source of solace and understanding. Late nights were spent beneath the stars, the two of you seeking refuge in each other's arms.
One evening, as the desert winds whispered tales of destiny, Paul looked at you with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "Y/N, I may be the Kwisatz Haderach, but my heart belongs to you. Our love will be the anchor as I navigate the complexities of this path."
You smiled, a reassurance that transcended words. "Paul, no prophecy can diminish the love we share. The threads of fate may guide your journey, but our connection is a beacon that lights the way."
As Paul embraced his destiny, the sands of Arrakis witnessed a love story that defied the limitations of prophecy. Together, you and Paul Atreides forged a path that merged ancient wisdom with the unwavering power of love—a journey that echoed through the sands of time, leaving an indelible mark on the destiny of Arrakis.
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windienine · 7 months
befriend rats & kill god in a lush portal fantasy adventure by jenna moran
come on a journey with me?
there - past the scaffolding, past the rafters, up above past the windows and gables and fire escapes, if you make it to the roofs -
you'll encounter environments not of this world. rooftop gardens that have twisted themselves into dense forests, church spires that have , tiled expanses that stretch into the horizon and become meadows, gutter-lakes, deserts, mountains...
you'll encounter them, too, if you really look: the rats.
they want to show you these places, navigate them, map them, study them, know them. they want to befriend you, guide you, tell you their stories and weave new ones where you feature alongside them. if you want to make any headway, up there on the roofs, you'll need their help.
after all,
this is a place where the gods do tread. if they find you creeping about their domains, they will find you, kill you, transform you, dig their hooks into your very soul and never let go.
the rats know a secret.
gods can be killed.
you are the key.
the far roofs, currently crowdfunding, is home to some of the best role-playing game i've ever had. participating in several playtests has completely sold me on its viability as a system. notable are its set of unique oracle mechanics that tie into its freeform roleplay system, determining the physical and emotional outcomes of different events. gather hands of cards and tiles to weave together magic that can alter even monumental fates, fight peril with dice rolls, and collect components for spells and make headway on character advancement by spending time getting to know your companions, both human and murine.
it is, of course, written by dr. jenna moran, best known for previous innovative ttrpg experiences about divinity, such as nobilis, glitch, chuubo's marvelous wish-granting engine, and wisher, theurger, fatalist (WTF).
the philosophy of the far roofs is that dungeoneering is about the journey - the sights you see, the meals you make, the tales you tell, the companions you gain and lose - as much as the monster-slaying. each combat is a descriptive crescendo of the experiences faced up until that point, encompassing everything you've felt thus far. if any of this intrigues you, then, well... come on a journey with me?
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aismoker · 22 days
A variation on a story
Red hung up his phone. That was his grandmother on the phone. She was sick... again. Red sighed. That old hag was basically "sick" every other week, coincidentally always when she was low on groceries. He knew she was faking it, that she was just doing it to check up on him, to show him who was in control. Red even suspected that she just got off on the power play. Red let it happen, he hated himself for it. He wished he could stand uo for himself, become the man HE wanted to be, but he felt most of the time that his grandmother was controlling his life. He was her little lapdog, rhat always came when she whistled. He couldn't help it. She was all the family he had and he felt obliged to take care of her. So he put on his red hoodie (the one his grandmother always said looked "so adorable" on him) and got on his bike.
It was already getting dark, so he drove as fast as he could. Unfortunately, he didn't see the glass on the road until it was too late. Within a few seconds both of his tires were completely empty. Red braked as hard as he could and almost fell off his bike. He stepped off his bike and checked if he could repair them.
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It only took him one glance to see that he was screwed. His tires were ripped to shreds. He wanted to call a taxi, but unfortunately, there was no signal. He looked around to see if there was anyone on the streets to help him, but there was no one to be seen. He realized he was in the bad side of town. His grandmother had always warned him not to go there, but the neighborhood lied directly in between their houses. He again checked on his phone. Still no signal. He cursed. He didn't know what to do.
Then, all of a sudden, he heard a heavy rumbling sound. A motorbike was approaching. It drove past him, but then it lowered its speed and turned around and stopped a few meters away from Red.
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The biker stepped off his bike and walked towards him. Red's mouth fell open. The guy that was approaching him seemed to come directly from his darkest, wettest dreams: shaved head, big bulging biceps, covered in tattoos of wolves and a big cigar in his jaws. "Got a problem, buddy?" "Y-yeah," Red stuttered, "I got a flat tire. Two, actually." The biker walked to the bike and looked at the tires. "I can see that. You need help with that?" "Y-yes, that... that would be great." Red blushed. There he was with the guy from his dreams and he stammered like a fool! The biker didn't seem to notice it, or at least he didn't show it. He walked up toward Red and said: "No worries, buddy, I will contact a buddy of mine and he will fix it in no time. In the meantime, follow me, you can have a drink with me and a few brothers while you wait." "Th-thanks, Red answered, that is amazing!" He wanted to walk to his bike to lock it, but the guy grapped said in a forceful, almost commanding, voice: "Just leave it there, buddy, your bike will be safe, you are in our territory." Red wanted to protest, but when he looked into the bikers golden, almost hypnotic eyes, his words got stuck in his throat. Those eyes... they were so big...
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The biker put his arm around Red and softly but firmly guided him into a deserted alley, steadily puffing on his cigar, filling the air around him and Red. Red didn't mind the smoke. In fact, he felt weirdly comfortable... safe even. He didn't mind this strong bulging arm around him and subtly he started walking closer to the biker. "So, what's your name, buddy?" "My name is Red," Red said. "It suits your hoodie," the biker replied.
"Yeah... and what's your name?"
"Name is Wolf."
"Like your tattoo?"
"Cool, I like your tattoos."
Wolf didn't say anything, but he pulled Red closer to him. Red shivered. His arms... they were so big...
They continued walking in silence. Red lost all sense of time. He was so wrapped up in the moment. Suddenly they came to a halt. Red looked up. They were standing in front of a bar called "The Wolf's Den". Wolf went inside, leading Red along.
As Red stepped over the threshold of the bar, it was like he stepped into another world. The atmosphere was hazy with smoke and the air was filled with a... musk? Yes, musk was the right word. It was very strong and made Red feel a bit dizzy, but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. Red looked around. The bar was small. There was only one table. Around it sat four men, all looking like Wolf, all having similar tattoos as Wolf and smoking the same cigar as Wolf.
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Wolf walked towards them, greeted them and introduced Red to them. Four pairs of golden eyes stared at Red. Red greeted them meekly. They kept looking at him. Red felt like he was a rabbit, being watched by troop of hungry wolves. One of the men broke the silence and asked Wolf: "You think he has it?" Wolf laughed. It almost sounded like an animalistic growl. "Oh, he deffinitely has it. He reeks of potential." Red didn't understand what they were talking about, but all of a sudden, the demeanor of the men changed. They started laughing and it was as if the earlier moment had not happened. They made room for him on the couch. "Come sit with us, buddy, we are glad you are here. Wolf will get you a drink!" Red sat next on them on the couch. The smell of smoke and musk grew stronger. It was as if it pervaded his mind. Thinking was getting harder. Red already had forgotten about the episode that had just happened in front of his own eyes.
A few seconds layer Wolf put a glass in front of him and sat next to him, closer than Red was normally comfortable with. "Here, buddy, drink it. It will make you feel better." Red had not a clue what was in the glass. Normally he would never accept a strange drink from a stranger he had met in the streets. But he had had a shitty day and he wanted to act like someone he usually was not, so he raised his glass. "Cheers!"
The men around him answered it and they all took a deep swigs of thwir drinks, Red included. The drink went down smoothly and Red could fwwl a warmth spreading through his body. But thatvwas not the only thing Red felt. It was as of the drink awoke something in him. Something Red had never known that was there. Something wild, something... animalistic.
Wolfbintroduced all the men. They were all called Wolf. Red thought it was a bit strange, but he didn't question it. The men started talking with Red. They asked him about his life and Red told them everything, even about his grandmother that dominated his life and how he hated it. That was a thing he had told no one, but somehow, he felt completely comfortable to twll Wolf and his brothers his deepest secrets. Of course it helped that his glass was non-stop being re-filled and he kept drinking.
After a while, Red started feeling warm. Wolf noticed in and said: "Why don't you get rid of that "adorable" hoodie? You don't need it, do you?" Red agreed, he pulled his hoodie over his head, taking the t-shirt under it along. As he wanted to pull the t-shirt back, Wolf said: "Leave it off, you are among brothers." This made perfect sense to Red and so he took the shirt off too and just dropped it along with the hoodie on the floor under the table. As he leaned back, he found that Wolf had put his arm there. He turned his head towards Wolf. Wolf just winked and blew out a cloud of smoke directly into Red's face. Red felt suddenly a wave of horniness wash over him and he couldn't surpress a moan. The moan sounded more like a growl. The other men looked at each other with knowing grins. Wolf pulled him in closer and Red nestled himself close against him. The conversation continued like nothing had happened. Even though Red didn't understand everything he heard, he was completely invested in it. As he reached for his glass glass, he saw that his arm looked strange. His arm looked bigger, more muscular and it seemed there were vague patterns on it, like tattoos. He shrugged it off. He probably had too much to drink, but he didn't care.
After a while, Wolf had finished his cigar and lit up a fresh one. Red looked at Wolf lighting the cigar. He couldn't pull his eyes away from it. Wolf noticed it. "You want to give it a try?" he asked. "N-no, thanks," Red replied, "I don't think it is my thing." Wolf grinned. His golden eyes glowed brightly, holding Red in his gaze. "But it could be. Look around, do you think we were born like this? No, we were like you, but we decided to let our wild side out, our inner wolves. You want that too, don't you. Be wild... be free... be a wolf." Red couldn't deny it. He wanted it. Wolf sensing Red caving in, brought the cigar to Red's mouth. Red, still looking into Wolf's eyes, opened his mouth. Wolf placed the cigar carefully into Red's mouth. Red felt his lips wrap around the cigar. "Now breathe in. You will love it, I promiss you." Red did as he was told to. As the smoke entered his lungs, Red felt like firework went off in his body. The animalistic feeling that had been stirred out of its slumber when he had had his first drink and had been steadily growing with every next drink, seemed to suddenly have bewn awakened. Red felt euphoric... no he felt alive! Like he could run all night and howl to the full moon!
Ted took the cigar out of his mouth and exhaled his first lungfull of smoke. He looked at the cigar in his muscular hand, covered in tattoos. A small voice in his head said this wasn't right. But another, stronger voice -the voice of the animal- shouted that it was right. That this was what he was meant to be. That this was who he really was. Red grinned and took another deep drag. Indeed, this was who he was meant to be. He looked at the men around the table. They stared at him with hunger in their eyes. This time, Red didn't feel uncomfortable. He now understood what they were feeling...and he felt the same.
Red suddenly heard Wolf's voice whispering in his ear. "I told you, you would love it, didn't I?" Red, fewling the warm smokey breathe of Wolf in hus neck, shivered. He could only let out a growl. "You want to feel like this forever, don't you. You want to be free... no longer constrained by the ties that bind you now. You want to be wild... an animal... You want to be our brother, part of our pack." Red was by now completely in ecstacy. Yes, he wanted it. He needed it. He needed it ALL. "Yes," he panted, "YES!"
"I thought so. In order to become part of the pack, we all need to share our essence with you. So, take your pants off." Red eagerly did as he was told. The small voice in hisnhead was shouting that he was crazy, but he didn't care. Wolf and thebrest of the pack did the same. When Red saw their cocks, he had to swallow. Their cocks... they were so big...
Wolf saw it and reassured Red, that they wouldn't hurt him. He then turned him around and guided him on his knees. A brother aligned himself to Red's hole and slowly started to enter. It didn't hurt, but Red felt how his ass stretched around the humongous cock. He clenched his teeth around the cigar and started inhaling the smoke deeper. Wolf, kneeling in front of Red, encouraged him, : "Yes, yes, smoke harder, deeper. It will help you relax!" And it did. It was like hisbass started to suck Wolf's cock in, welcoming it. Wolf was now completely inside him and started picking up thenpace. Red fell into the rhytm. Every trust flooded his body with pleasure. It added to the pleasure the cigar was giving him. The pace went up and up. Tension built. Red growled in pleasure, just like brother who was riding his ass. Then all of a sudden, the guy started howling and Red felt how streams of cum filled his ass. "Welcome, to the pack, brother," the guy said as he carefully went out of Red. He planted a kiss on his mouth. Red was in a daze. It felt like the seed of his brother strengthened the animal, the wolf, inside him.
Red had little time to think, as the next guybhad already lined up and slided his cock inside Red. The same ritual happened. Then came the next and the next. With each load, the wolf inside him grew stronger and stronger, devouring his old self. Moreober, he felt a bond with the guys thay had just fucked him, like they were his real brothers.
Atblast, Wolf stood behind Red. "Are you ready to becone one ofbus? Are you ready to become part of the pack?" "YES!" That was all Wolf needed tonhear. He rammed his cock deep inside Red. Red inhaled deeply on the now almost finished cigar. Not out of pain, but out of pure intense bliss. Wolf pounded him long and hard. Red felt his own cock grow bigger and harder than it ever had been. The tsmpo went up even more and Wolf went deeper and deeper into him. Then, at the moment Red thought he would pass out, he heard Wolf shot: "ARE YOU READY TO BECOME PART OF THE PACK, BROTHER? THEN LET YOUR OLD SELF GO!" And he howled. And he shot his load. Not just a normal load, volley after volley went deep into Red. Red, no longer able or willing to contain himself, took one last deep drag of his cigar and started cumming. As he exhaled the smoke, he hesrd himself howl with Wolf. Im fact, the whole pack was howling.
After what seemed to be an hour. Wolf stopped cumming and so did Red. But was he still Red? He looked down at the puddle of his cum. There were the last remnants of Red, his old self. He was now someone else... something else. He looked uo and saw himself in the mirror. A pair of brightly shining golden eyes looked back at him. He looked at himself in the mirror. Gone was his boyish features, his lanky frame and floppy brown hair. Instead he saw a strong bald man, covered intattoos. A tattoo of a wolf's head proudly on his chest. He grinned. From ow on, he would go by "wolf", just like his brothers.
He was helped up by a brother and another gave him a biker vest with his new name on it. "Thanks, brothers", the new Wolf said, while accepting a cigar that was handed to him by a third brother. He lit up the cigar as if he had done it a million times and as he exhaled, he continued: "I will have to return the favor... to all of you." The brothers cheered and howled and new Wolf couldn't help to let a howl out as well.
"Not just yet, brother," Wolf, the one who had lead him to the Den, said, "I have a surprise for you." He led the new Wolf outside. "We have fixed your bike." As they came outside, new Wolf didn't see his former self's bicycle. Instead he saw a motorbike like Wolf's one. "You can't be part of the pack without one of these."
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New Wolf was astounded. His cigar almost dropped from his mouth. Then an animalistic grin crept on his face and his golden eyes started shining brightly. He took a deep haul of his cigar and he pulled his brother in closely. "I am so gonna fuck you, right here, right now, brother." He then started kissing Wolf with a passion that even surprised himself. He felt his brother's cock swell again and heard him growl in horny bliss." With effort, Wolf broke off the kiss. He said, panting: "Not yet, brother. You first have to cut the last ties to your former life. So, let's make a visit to grandma. You can fuck me right in front of her, showing that hag your new self."
New Wolf grinned as he mounted his bike. Wolf followed suit. "Good idea, brother," new Wolf said, as he started the engine, "let's show her I am no longer her little lapdog." The brothers drove away. The sound of the engines mixed with their howls, leaving behind a trail of cigar smoke.
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n0tamused · 4 months
Can we have some fluff pining with Mortefi? Or just fluff in general pre relationship? Pls?
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A/N: Hope you enjoy, anon! <3
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-Ah, sweet old Mortefi, that grump is not the most open individual when it comes to his emotions. He doesn't even like bragging about his own genius inventions or ranting about the effort he had to put it, let alone be open about something as trivial as love
-Mortefi wasn't raised in an environment with the luxury of such emotional freedom, and for the biggest part of his childhood he only knew irritation and anger. Had he been younger, his approach to his current predicament would've been more aggressive, if nothing else
-But he is a man grown, and mature way past his years, and he knows the fragility and importance of these feelings he harbors so deep within himself
-So, when he began noticing tell-tale signs of love and longing forming and tying themselves around his heart all because of you, he began to wonder when these feelings began. 
-He softens towards this new wound in his heart that he couldn't complain about..he doesn't remember when he last felt this way and it was certainly new and worthy of his curiosity 
-Mortefi will not approach you for a long time in regards to these feelings, he'd much rather bury his nose in his works and overwork himself with endless projects 
-But ever so slowly you notice his lingering presence. It's not overwhelming, and you get rather comfortable with him around. He is always there if you run into any problems, how convenient.
-He still longs to be close to a person, to share company with someone dear to him, and he tries to make it as comfortable for you both as best as he can and as best as he knows how to. This would often be after work hours, inviting you over for deserts, be it at a restaurant or his own place where he makes dishes for you himself
-He isn’t a fan of the fast food industry so you won’t catch him buying anything of that kind, yet if he knows you like a certain fast food brand he may gift you a packet of your favorite snacks, or even better- he’d create something better than that brand. He has no lack of materials or knowledge on this, so in just a few days he’d present you with a box of your favorite flavors, just don’t press the issue too much, he may become a sassy or snappy
-A simple thanks will do.
-He expresses his care through these gifts and acts of service that aim to make your day better and easier and he is noticeably softer towards you, a bit kinder in his word choice. But he also never falters with guiding you through your problems with a firm but caring hand
-At times he may come to avoid too much eye contact with you, especially if he is too caught up thinking about these growing feelings he has
-It takes a long time until he comes to terms he will either have to fess up or learn to live with these feelings. The latter is more probable, as he doesn’t wish to make you uncomfortable by just admitting his feelings when you may not even return the sentiment
-But if you show the same interest back? And state it clearly without any mixed signals? Well, Mortefi couldn’t be more relieved and happy.
-He does go out of his way to make the confession sweet but not too flashy, he is not a man that likes that much attention in general and that hold up even stronger when it comes to his love life
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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000marie198 · 5 months
Are there any sonic au’s you would recommend? I am trying to find more to get into so would love to know if you have any favourites out there :D
Hello! Oh there are so many! :D I definitely have some favorites and some which aren't favs but are pretty great.
Putting these under the cut because there are so many! And there's definitely more cool AUs that I haven't seen or haven't saved.
Anyways, please enjoy my personal selection:
Seven Years Too Soon by NightFuchia. Basically what if a much younger Sonic accidentally set Shadow free from Prison Island. It has awesome characterization and happens to be one of my favorite stories. The rest of Team Sonic is also present
Brotherhood's Twist by @/drawloverlala even though I don't think it counts entirely as Au but it still sort of does. Unbreakable Bond ageswitch due to Zeti's meddling.
Passion's @sonic-tangled-au . I love it! So very much. The lore and backstories are so good.
Noonui's World Restored in Imbalanced Chaos au. Extremely engaging and good. Has a bunch of world building and fun concepts and lore.
Sonic's Super Totally Awesome Mixtape, though it seems to be discontinued, I'm not sure. It's pretty good so far! Takes place in the movie verse.
@brainworms-all-night-long is working on a Dreamtale Au which I'm hyped for. The tag in use is 'dreamtale and sonic tomfoolery'.
@/the-starlight-project comic is pretty good too. Mystery! And emotions. So many emotions ough.
And there's @the-emerald-isle-au by @0vergrowngraveyard . Very intriguing. 👀
Please do check out the Pandora Au by @/starrjoy. It's great!
The Fair Folk by Irritable_Fabulamancer, this fic is one of my favorites! Team Sonic as Fae my beloved! I love fae AUs.
On that note, if you're alright wanting to read a Fae!AU which is pretty much a sonadow fic, there is also I don't believe in fairy tales [but I believe in you and me]. Fantasy and Fae! Satbk inspired, another one that had me hooked.
My Arms Are Blue by thekyuubivixen and its unofficial, fan-continuation (My Arms Are Blue! Final Four Edition) by PlaystationPassenger. The story doesn't completely count as an AU but I'm recommending them anyway cuz they're really really good and has that watching your own show from different dimension trope. It's also hilarious and fun.
Burning Arrow, Wildfire Heart by Taranea is SatSR novelisation AU with Sonic's other friends present too, it's pretty fun. Not very accurate regarding the desert but it's a good read and I come back to reread it often. Must read in my opinion. Just don't dare use it as guide for desert travel or you'll be shriveled up in the sand somewhere
This fic. Read it, I will not elaborate this one. Just trust me :]
And don't miss out on @shadofiredragon's Legends Never Die fic. It's a future fic! And an awesome one. I won't spoil much but it is so good. She also has lots of fun AUs in the works.
Down the Foxhole series by MoonlitNightin. Sonic Prime AU series which is great! Tails' pov. The Shatterverses have their own Sonics. Engaging and great.
Feel free to check out @/Son1c's 10verse and other AUs. Those are some pretty great ones. Love the different lore and variants given to the Shatterverses in 10verse.
Spirit of the Wind by TrenchCoatGecko. Satbk inspired fantasy au. Sonamy, has focus on magic and lore and other characters as well.
If you'd like some Forces angst with Unbreakable Bond focus, please do read Illusionary are your arms around me by @nixoon-again. The feels will kill you /pos
Chaos Barren by but_why_not. I forgot to add this earlier (this is an edited addition). Takes place in the Blue Devils AU, great story!
Baby Tails shenanigans by @myymi . Tails got turned into itty bitty infant kit. (And also check @0vergrowngraveyard 'baby tails' tag for more little gremlin scenarios)
Myla is also working on @tails-and-the-ink-machine au
Feral au by Oneshot_bravo. Little short stories or drabbles taking place in Unleashed but the werehog is feral yet keeps his memories. Very lighthearted and fun and cute
Three or more foxes form a skulk by @/chiropter36 . Post Prime au fic, loved it! Go read.
Also, @donelywell 'roadtrip! sonic au' and 'Casino Nights Au'
Haven't yet started reading The Fox's Burrow by @/space-gutz but I'm planning to. Recommending it either way cuz I feel like it's gonna be good. Unbreakable Bond but ageswaped au.
@/sonicchaoscontrol comic. Another in-progress au which is also quite intriguing. Sonic jumps through a portal and exits in future where the planet is a mess. The mystery of what and how it all happened and what's going on slowly unfolds.
The Buzzsaw Dillemma by redpenship. I haven't personally read it myself but I've heard many good things about it, especially it's world building.
Incomplete and won't be updated anymore but if you haven't read them yet, DO NOT miss out on Ghosts of the Future and The Murder of Me fancomics by Evan Stanley (spiritsonic) and Gigi Deutrix (gigi-D) respectively. They're a must read. Both are available on DeviantArt.
The Heart of a Monster comic, @/the-heart-of-a-monster. It's in progress and updates regularly. Unleashed retelling, really really good with some extra lore and everyone involved.
Sometimes the Picket Fence isn’t Perfect and Sharp Edges (Sonic Prime AU) series by @/skimmingthesurfaces. I'm holding off the first one to read later, like that one book you've been saving so I'm not sure if it completely counts as an AU, still putting it in recs, and the second one is intriguing so far. I have heard a lot of good thing about the Picket Fence series.
Dark Boom by Smash50. The entirety of Team Dark in the Sonic Boom universe. Alongside it, there's also Boomtober by the same author.
It Always Snows by the 24th by Selendred had me hooked even though it's a oneshot. Great au and would love to see it explored more.
No One said I Wish by SylWritesStuff. One of my fav stories from the Sonic Platonic Fairytale Week event. It's really funny.
Sonic Phantom Forces (SPF) au comic. Sonic Forces au, blue boy gets taken away but not in the way you think, pretty cool story so far. It's in-progress and available on both Tumblr and DeviantArt. @/spfau
If Black Doom tried to be a better father by Tirainy. Don't take this one seriously. It's pure comedy and I love every second of it. Shadow is having a time for sure XD.
Silent Talkers by @brainworms-all-night-long. Takes place in the Prime Bros verse, feels intensified, all the good ones. A must read, trust me.
And speaking of the Prime Bros AU (in which all Shatterverse foxes also got adopted by Sonic and are now brothers), feel free to scroll through the 'prime bros' tag here. So many awesome posts for this particular au by everyone!
There's so many more, cool ones, epic ones. I haven't saved all and I'm probably forgetting some great ones too so I'm leaving this open for others to add. If y'all have more cool AUs, plz add to these (I wanna check em out too)
And now a few from the Fanfiction.net site because it doesn't have much audience compared to AO3 and there are some actual gems hidden there;
Premonition by thekiyuubivixen (not entirely an au but it feels like one due to the unique ability Sonic gains)
The Sonic Project by SconnieSA. Rated M but it's a pretty awesome AU and the rating is due to more serious themes and uncensored language in some parts. Highly recommending this one
Survivor's Resolve by DC111. Not entirely an AU but I must rec this fic it's so good and doea havs some AU vibes.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Attorney of Law by thedraconicwerewolf. Ace Attorney type AU with Sonic and Tails as main characters. Not too adventurous but very very fun and interesting and still managed to keep Sonic in character. Though it has a sequel started, I only rec the main story, not the sequal as it seems to be abandoned and isn't needed to be read like them cliffhanger stories.
beLIEve by Meow21. I have only read snippets from this, waiting for this story to continue but it seems to be discontinued. Felt like an epic story too and deserves to be recommended.
Sonic and the Golden Journey. Sonic gets thrown in another storybook, this time it's a children's classic fairytale. Short but very comedic and fun. Go read it.
Tales of a Samurai. I am begging you to read this one, please it's so good. Also by Taranea.
Wonderful and it's sequal Sanctuary by Inflamore for some Unbreakable Bond angst. (Kindly ignore the obliviousness of earlier ff.net for not knowing the meaning of certain symbols, there's nothing of the sort in story, trust me.)
Regrets by MazzyBooks. A high school au of sorts. Sonic centric with some heavy angst. I'm not kidding about the angst part, trust me. It had me hooked from the first chapter though and I believe it deserves a rec.
You need the cracks (to let the light shine through) by king.needlemouse. Istg this is the most underrated thing I've ever come across, it's one of my absolute favorite fics which I can never forget. Do read it.
Within this Nightmare by sonicfan1990. Sonic get transported to an alternate universe which has gone post apocalyptic and his counterpart in that universe has been dead. Pretty great story, lots of angst and everything.
And that's all I could remember and have saved for now. I'm leaving this open to more AU recs (yes even self plugs are welcome) so if you know any I missed, plz feel free to add. I hope you enjoy all these great AUs!
Thanks for the ask!
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tropinano · 1 year
List of As Many Fiction Podcasts As I Could Think Of
NOT ORGANIZED! This is a big list of fiction podcasts with no descriptions, meant for the sole purpose of picking one based on the title and just trying it out. Just a big ol' list of titles. Kindof like a blind date! Explore a couple of the ones that intrigue you and come back later for more.
The Hotel
The Night Post
I am in Eskew
Residents of Proserpina Park
The Daedalus Compound
The Magnus Archives
Francis Forever
Janus Descending
The Godfrey Audio Guide
Old Gods of Appalachia
Camp Here & There
The Way We Haunt Now
Jack of All Trades
Illuminati Interns
Death by Dying
Life with Leo(h)
Hello from the Hallowoods
The 12:37
Spirit Box Radio
Lost Terminal
The Switchboard
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality
Aurora Everlasting
The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society
The Amelia Project
Jar of Rebuke
Monstrous Agonies
Where the Stars Fell
Kisses In The Dark
The Town Whispers
Uncommon Commons
The Author's Anathema
Elevator Pitch
Brimstone Valley Mall
Kane & Feels
The McIlwraith Statements
Caledonian Gothic
I have seen Niagara
In Darkness Vast
The Outside Tapes
Gather the Suspects
This Foul Earth
John from Home
Glasgow Ghost Stories
The Tower
The Antique Shop
Tales from Aletheian Society
The Secret of St Kilda
The Green Horizon
Road X
Seven of Hearts
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio
SubverCity Transmit
The Nuclear Solution
Jim Robbie and the Wanderers
With Caulk and Candles
This Planet Needs a Name
The Glass Appeal
Mar's Best Brisket
Nym's Nebulous Notions
Midnight Radio
The Bright Sessions
When Angels Visit Armadillo
The Mysterious Secrets of Uncle Bertie's Botanarium
Nowhere, On Air
Dark Ages
Welcome to Night Vale
The Silt Verses
Care & Feeding of Werewolves
The Bridge
The Far Meridian
Among the Stars and Bones
Primordial Deep
Someone dies in this Elevator
Seen and Not Heard
Abyss FM
Bodies in Space
Among the Stacks
Station Arcadia
Station Blue
Wolf 359
Mx Bad Luck
What will be here?
Wake of Corrosion
The Pasithea Powder
Tell No Tales
The Vesta Clinic
Georgie Romero is Done For
The Domestic Life of Anthony Todd
Alice isn't Dead
Stellar Firma
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
The Heart of Ether
The Orbiting Human Circus
Wooden Overcoats
Greater Boston
Moonbase Theta Out
The Penumbra Podcast
Desert Skies
Leaving Corvat
Red Valley
Back Again Back Again
901 notes · View notes
lucrativesoul · 11 months
Divine Beings
Tumblr media
summary: your new job at the town's old mansion-museum is a dream, but it's even more so to be working within its centuries old library. this building is fueled by the ancient lore of the undead walking the halls. it's all just tales, right? your archive master and new boss, Leon, knows all about those divine beings.
pairing: leon kennedy x female reader
word count: 13.0k
warnings: smut, borderline public sex (no voyeurism), blood ingestion
a/n: i can't begin to tell you guys how excited i am to be posting this. consider this my halloween gift, but we all know the darker genres are not just for the season! I had so much fun writing this. diving head first into this has really helped me through this rough time in my life situationships are hell and if no one got me at least leon got me :') (and u guys ofc) thank you so much for stopping by and reading, i really really hope you enjoy, and I promise to be back soon with another one. <3
“It won’t be too much of a challenge.” The soft voice coming from the woman in front of you bounced off the walls and high ceilings, making her even harder to decipher than she was in the first place. “All questions about the archive can be redirected to the master archivist, and I’m sure sooner or later you will be retaining all of that important information.”
You said nothing as you followed her down the hall, the click of your heels ever prominent amongst the deserted expanse. For a mansion built hundreds of years ago, they did well to keep it tidy and up to standard. You were impressed.
At the end of the long hall, yellow from the lamps glittering in intervals in the hall, you could see a grand set of large mahogany doors, intricately carved with inlays that you can only imagine must have taken just as long to complete as the residence itself. The initial nerves of the morning were gone, and now you were just more excited than anything to be able to enter one of the oldest libraries in a hundred mile radius, and now you work here. 
The smaller lady who was guiding you, whose name you have already forgotten, leaned all her weight on the doors and pushed both of them inward, the two slabs of wood swinging open revealing possibly your most anticipated sight of your life.
The entryway was one tiny landing, with large staircases birthing off the sides to your left and right, making a gentle curve to the main floor. The walls, well, simply put, there were no walls, rather everything that would have been a wall was lined floor to ceiling with bookshelves, each one packed with differing widths, heights, colors of books, paperback, leather, hardcover, fabric. In the middle of the room were more free standing shelves, still packed to the brim, and the occasional long wooden table with seats scattered about the room. Directly opposite the entryway was a large window, facing the front of the mansion, and it served as the main attractor to the building. Rectangular at the bottom, it shaped off at the top, nearly fifty feet high, in a gothic style pointed arch, nestled gently in between two, much skinnier, similarly shaped windows, which were fixed off at the top with stained glass, giving the brown room rays of color on the sunny days.
You stepped forward, and having seemingly expected this reaction, your guide didn’t say a word for a moment while you took in your grand view. You almost couldn’t speak. It was more than you were expecting. It was everything.
Though it was a sunny day, you already found yourself anticipating the oncoming bad weather, knowing the treacherous drive through the rain would be so worth it to be here on a rainy day.
“Let’s go down to the archive office.” The woman’s tone was gentle, knowing you most likely would not have moved from your spot if she didn’t push you along. You followed her down the left staircase.
There were a few stragglers in the grand room. The manion’s open hours were not near close yet, but you were surprised there weren’t more people here at this hour. You doubted that it had anything to do with the age old rumors about the estate, there was no way people truly kept away because of those tall tales. 
After coming off the staircase, you craned your neck up high, reveling in the surrounding papers and scrolls adorning the walls. You tried your best to keep up with the woman while also having your attention diverted, but had to fully look down when she ducked into a corridor below the main landing. 
This hallway was plain and simple, and you felt your resolve slowly crumble away as you remembered why you were here–a job. 
“The furthest of my knowledge is to bring you into the archive office and wait for the master archivist to meet you here. If you want to take a seat, he should be here shortly. Welcome to the museum crew.” She smiled at you, and after a thank you, you pulled out the seat in front of the desk and sat down. Alone in the room now, you turned your head to look at the surroundings, trying to gauge what type of environment this would be.
Despite your history in the field, you were still surprised when you got a call back wanting to have an interview, and when that went well and you were hired a week later, shock still warmed your body, paired with the growing excitement when you realized you would be working in the epicenter of your old town’s rich history museum and archive, and the home of all the town’s tall tales.
With all your years of studying classic literature spinning the yarn of mythical creatures, it was a no brainer when you saw this opportunity present itself. 
You jumped in your chair when your name was spoken in a low rasp. You turned around briskly.
“I’m sorry, you startled me.” You stood in an instant, extending your hand, ready to introduce yourself, but it appeared the stranger already knew who you were.
“It’s alright, many say I have that effect.” You sat down at his gesture to do so, and he walked around the opposite side of the bland, deep wooden desk. This man, instantly captivating, wore a simple white button down with a crisp black vest over top. He had a wiry pair of glasses tucked into the collar, where the top button lay opened. His hair was a dirty blonde, browning at the roots. The sharp contours of his face showed years of experience, and you caught no air of uncertainty from the way he presented himself. Intrigued would be an understatement.
“Did our lobby host introduce you well? I know one walk down the foyer isn’t nearly a fraction of the time needed to look around, but, maybe it gave a taste to what’s to come.”
You nodded gently, your eyes still trained on his face. “Oh, yes, she most definitely let me take it in for a moment. I can’t wait to know everything better.”
He nodded, shifting through a folder and some papers. You were almost embarrassed at how you couldn’t take your eyes away from him, not even for a second, hoping the staring would come second to whatever information he was about to share with you. 
“What drew you here? It’s quite tucked away.” He was still not looking at you, so you made no move to avert your own gaze.
“Well,” You began, taking a second to form a proper sentence. “I’ve always wanted to work in a grand archive like this one. It is just so full of new opportunities, new experiences. I’ve always loved this place.”
He nodded. “I felt the same as well. I wish I could tell you how swelled I was when I walked in here the first time, but it was so long ago, I barely remember it. Anyway,” He studied the paper intensely, then looked back up at you. You felt heated suddenly. “You had a pretty extensive background in literary culture, criticism, and classic studies. You were with a publishing branch for a few years?”
You nodded. “It didn’t pan out to my hopes, and I jumped at this chance when I saw they were on the hunt for a new archivist.”
He hummed. “I was. I was looking for someone new. Our last had left us suddenly, we had a vacancy.” You nodded again, the innate curiosity taking over about the ex-archivist. “So, you understand the majority of your job title, yes?” Nodded again, but said nothing so he could continue. “Basically, working side by side with me, the better half of our tasks will unfortunately be rearranging once the public comes through, they tend to leave things everywhere, I’m sure you know, and the other half is once our doors are closed, we do many of the repairs on the classics, restocking our souvenir books, and the tedious paperwork that comes along with the museum establishment.”
For a final time, you nodded. “I’m greatly looking forward to it.” 
Now, he looked into your eyes, and he tilted his head gently forward. “I’m greatly looking forward to you joining us. As of right now, it’s just me and one other, so now it’s three.”
You smiled, then it faltered a moment once you remembered something. “I’m sorry, I don’t know if you said your name.”
His lopsided grin painted a picture in your mind that you knew you would be seeing even when you closed your eyes. “Leon Kennedy. Master archivist.”
You hadn’t imagined you would live to see a day when you were looking forward to stepping into your place of work, but this had proven you wrong. You were motivated by the mere thought of being surrounded by all the books and pages, all the knowledge you could possibly dream about, learning something new every day.
But, you knew secretly since starting, you would be lying to yourself if you denied the effect that Leon had on your willingness to come in everyday. He greeted you with gentleness, and you couldn't help but always match his energy when you walked into the office in the morning hours. Always spotting the grin on his face at the sight of you as well. It grew to a blazing heat in your chest to see this reaction.
There was a routine you followed with great ease after only a week. It truly was the most of what Leon had said it would be, and to your own surprise, when curious visitors asked about the archive’s collections, you picked up on the correct answers faster than you had expected.
One of your favorite end of day tasks, oddly enough, was replacing the books that visitors had taken off the shelves to browse. It exposed you to so much literature and titles that you had or hadn’t heard of, and gave you a better idea of the archive itself, and its shelf locations. There was nothing more relaxing in your life than admiring the centuries of artform adoring these bookcases.
Here, you found yourself sliding leather bounds back into their places, reveling at every cover for as long as you could get away with, feeling the slick material slide under your fingers as you pushed them into their homes on the shelves. Taking two steps forward, looking down at the engraving in the cover, embossed in golden letters, you startle when you knock into something hard, grip hardening on the book so as not to drop or damage it.
“I’m so sorry, Leon. I didn’t even hear you coming. Very quiet.” He looked down at you, his deep black shirt sucking the color out of everything around him. An amused expression danced on his features.
“So people have told me. I was trying to find you earlier for a question, but you’ve eluded me for the last thirty minutes.”
You smiled gently, but had to avert your eyes down to the books you were still caressing, lest your eyes should wander over the fabric stretched thin over his upper arms. You did not need this mental image lasting with you for who knows how long.
“Sorry for that, but, here I am. What’s up?” 
Leon, so you have come to the conclusion, is much different than any overseer of a job you have had in the past. HIs gentle authoritative style pushed you in the correct direction he wanted you to take as an archive employee, but he never became harsh or strict with any of his guidelines. In fact, the way he approached conversation felt much more like a casual coworker rather than a boss. 
“I had an opportunity you may be interested in. Finish your tasks here, and come up to my office. We can discuss it, I think you’ll be intrigued.”
You nodded, but grabbed his attention quickly at the notice of a small piece of information. “Wait, Leon,” He turned around at the sound of his name. “Your office? I don’t know where that is, I don't think I have been there yet.”
He nodded slowly. “Of course, I forgot. I’ll wait over by the information desk for you to finish. Don’t rush.” 
You nodded, though he had already turned around. You took an extra second to trace his path with your gaze, wondering what this tight, breathless feeling in your chest was every time he was in your presence. 
With empty hands, you stalked over to the center of the room, finding Leon’s back to you, hands shuffling through a stack of folders. He disregarded them when he heard you approach.
“Follow me.” Then, with a small impressed gesture on his face, “Faster than I expected.”
You said nothing as you followed him through the library, watching his back intently as if something were going to happen any second. Surely he could feel the way you were staring, how could he not? If this were you, you would have felt someone looking all over you.
He presented you to a discreet door tucked into the back wall of the archive, a mere few feet away from the large windows, now letting the dying sunset light in to paint the room orange. He stepped aside to let you in first, but what you were expecting to see was nowhere in sight. Instead of an office, a room, even a closet with a desk, chair, and maybe even a computer, it was a staircase. A spiral staircase at that, and it looked like it went up at least thirty feet.
“Your office is up there?” You couldn't help but ponder out loud while staring listlessly, yet amazed, above. You heard him snicker behind you.
“It is. How could I not have taken that one when presented to me? Go on. They won’t get any shorter.”
You shook your head to snap yourself out of the sudden daze, and carefully took the steps. This location was painfully plain compared to the rest of the archive, and part of you understood why, but also wished you had something to look at on the way up.
The tall, dark, wooden door presented in front of you looked like an import from the homes of the finest wood slabs of ebony, intricate carvings on each of the inlays. Not even the doors of the archive looked like this, it seemed such a waste to be hidden up these stairs, guarding Leon's private office. Maybe he personally requested this door to be here. What an interesting design choice, if so.
You pushed it open, not waiting for further instruction as there would have been nothing else to do. This office held far more personality than the one you were used to seeing on the ground floor, and you were positive you could spend just as many hours dissecting the shelves in this little room as you could on the main exhibit.
It was clear this room was built out of what might have been a buttress back in the gothic ages, the ceiling was high, circular and pointed, raw wooden beams were exposed to support the cone roof above you. The shelves were rounded, contrasted with the straight edge ones below. Books that looked as old as the dawn of time were cluttered on these shelves, a thought that almost made you panic, the treatment of them would make their casings fall off their backs faster than usual.
Leon didn’t miss any of your observations. “These are from a collection that I couldn’t possibly put down on the main floor, obviously they have seen better days. They don’t need more of the public’s touch to wither them even further.”
You swallowed, and forced yourself to face him. He was taking a seat in a grand maroon velvet desk chair. Even that looked ornate. “Aren’t you worried handling them like this is even worse?”
He gestured at the seat in front of the desk, then shook his head. He spoke only when you sat down. “They have been with me for years, I know how they behave by now.”
You had nothing to say in return, so you simply affixed your gaze onto his, waiting to hear the reason he brought you up here.
“You’ve found a passion in this place, I can tell.” His voice was low, and it made you shiver. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone treat this place like a living entity.”
“It feels alive…” You started, but had no way to finish. He was drawing the words right from your mind. 
“I do believe so as well. What brought you here? Besides what you studied making this a readily available opportunity.”
You looked down for a moment. Truthfully, it was a little childish why you were here. You knew that much and you could at least admit that to yourself. But, could you admit that to Leon? It had turned out that you loved this place as much as you would love a home you had been in for years, this place never became a burden to walk into, and you doubted that it would ever become that. You didn’t know what kind of answer he was expecting to hear from you, but Leon could be trusted. You knew that well enough by this point. He expressed his gratitude to your presence to the archive many times and surely, don’t you owe him the truth for that?
“To be honest with you…” You started tentatively. His face showed no shift in expression. “I have loved this place since I was a child. Something about it, maybe the aura, drew me to it. That’s why I think I feel it… why it feels so alive to me.” He nodded, not interrupting your thoughts. “This town’s folklore is something I loved for all my life.”
This time, he closed his eyes and nodded slowly, as if finally understanding why you had come here. And, he did, as that once sentence, you knew, would explain to any local why you chose this mansion. This archive.
“Maybe that’s silly of me,” You shook your head at yourself slightly. “But I think I owe it to the child who directed my path in life.”
He smiled at you, no sense of mockery on his face. “Let me ask you this, though,” You sat still, waiting. “Do you believe?”
You did not need to think this time. “Yes. I do.”
Leon leaned back in his chair and let his forearms lay on the armrests by his sides. “I think you are wise for that. Many choose to stop believing in folklore once they hit such an age where they know stories from historical recounts, but, don’t you think the two meld together at some point?”
You nodded. “I have always believed in that. And as soon as I stepped in here… the minute I came here to get this job, and even as a child, when I saw this place, I knew the stories were true. There’s no way that this place doesn’t have its hidden secrets.”
“Hidden in plain sight. Everyone talks of the vampire roaming the halls.” Leon added.
You quirked a smile– you couldn't help it. “What’s not to believe about that? I can feel it when I'm here.”
Leon nodded, his smile not fading. After this conversation, you knew you made the right choice in choosing to trust Leon. How could you not?
“People are drawn here on the idea that they will spot him somewhere, but look far too closely. They think every staff member could be him in disguise. They look down every dark hallway wishing to see him slinking around the corner, trying to hide. They look in every window from the outside, thinking he is hiding from the sun. But, there comes the melding, and the separating of truth and fiction. Why should he be doing those things, because they believe it to be true, or because they were told to believe it?”
You had nothing to say to this at first. You knew Leon would be holding a plethora of information on the mansion-museum’s lore as being home to the city's resident vampire from centuries ago. You couldn’t consume enough information on the idea, and yet, Leon still stunned you with what he had to say about it, simply because he had been here to see the behavior of those who believe in him. You wished he would keep talking about it, but knew that the premonition of a mythical being lurking the hallways was probably not the reason he brought you up here to talk about in the first place.
“Your candor is appreciated here.” He held his smile, and his eyes were sincere along with his spoken words. The windows didn’t allow an incredible amount of light into the room, the lamp sitting by his side on the desk casting a yellow haze over the space, the red lampshade drenching everything above in a blood tint. Even through this distortion, you could see how blue his irises were. Icy. A tingle ran across the skin of your arms.
“Now, for what you are actually up here for.” He broke the gaze, and you involuntarily released a sigh of relief. Looking down at his desk, in nothing in particular, you noticed there was nothing of importance on its surface, he continued. “Every so often, for no reason other than to bring variety in, we have a few shelves in the center of the floor that we rearrange to bring in new displays, or to shift the attention to something else.” You nodded, and you were sure you knew he was going to ask for your assistance in moving everything. You didn't mind. “Right now the table has displays of books on the history of witchcraft and others of the sort, quite fitting for the upcoming season, but quite the insult to the monument they’ve decided to promote within.” He sighed. You couldn’t help but smile. “But, I think we can get even better.”
“I have ideas. I think I could help with this.”
Leon smiled wider. A gesture he doesn't often show to the general patronage. It made you feel warm. “That’s what I was hoping you would say. Now, though, an unfortunate part.” He sighed, and his smile disappeared. More shivers took place in your body of the heat. “I would prefer it to be done by the end of this week, and because the mighty institution is using the Halloween season to promote museum ticket sales,” Another sigh. “They’ve extended our opening hours. Now, we, as the archive, do have the liberty to close our area before they close the museum’s doors, but I've been strongly advised against doing so.”
You nodded again, listening. He shrugged, looking at you, as if waiting for an input you didn’t know you should give. You squeaked out an agreement.
“I would like to shift two days of your hours to overnight. Would that be a problem?”
“It’s not. This is my full time job now, so I'm at your expense.”
He chuckled softly at your words. “Not an expense, just… assistance.”
Nonetheless, even if Leon did agree to your words of expense, you would be agreeing. He told you the guidelines, don’t come in for the day shifts, just come in for the nighttime. He handed over a key, an old, brass one that he told you would unlock the large archive doors after hours. You agreed with no hesitation, of course.
You had discovered soon after this, that fear could exist in the same plane as excitement. Really, isn’t fear just an overwhelming excitement of something unknown? Standing in front of the mansion, you craned your neck as far back as your body would allow. The looming building was dark, save for a few spotlights, but other than that, it was as dead as the night around you. The suspicious lack of insect and animal life noises was eerie, but you swallowed that lump of nerves, and walked up to the front.
As Leon instructed you, flashing your badge to the night guards let you right through, and you followed the path you have come to know so well that led right to the archive doors. 
It was a strange aura that surrounded you, one that made you hesitate briefly before unlocking, and relocking yourself inside. The air was so still, and that life you felt pulsing through the corridors on a daily basis was missing now. There was nothing, no one, no noise to fill your ears, so the blood pumping through was your only solace now. Before you could sit on this any longer and unease yourself further, you moved on.
The lock slid cleanly into place, and the resounding click that was heard resonated throughout the hall. You pushed the door open, wanting to get away from any undead lurking eyes that may be watching you. 
Not turning to shut the door behind you, you stared out into the vast expanse of the dark archive. The shelves were still, though shadows flitted in between them as if dancing with the moonlight. Every time you blinked, dark figures appeared at the edge of your vision, teasing your brain, making a shudder do its rounds throughout your nervous system. Though you loved this place, the nighttime gave it a whole new personality you weren’t sure you were quite ready to uncover. 
Turning to your right, you flipped the first two lightswitches, casting a spotlight down onto the center of the floor, and one at the door where you stood. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you turned back around.
“Leon!” You cried out.
Said man was in the center of the floor, as if coming out to greet you like it was the middle of the day. He had on a white button down, the first two loose around his neck, and his hair falling lazily over the left side of his forehead. It took even longer for your breath to still.
“You’re here?” You gasped out.
“Yes, I was wondering when you would get here. I guess you are right on schedule, though.” You carefully fled down the stairs, not taking your eyes off Leon, curious if he would disappear again. 
“Here with all the lights off? How could you see?” He didn’t answer your question until you were now face to face with him, having placed your belongings on the staircase, figuring you would not be spending much time in the office.
He shrugged slowly. “You get used to it after a while. There’s something about this place at night, I don’t get many chances to enjoy it with only myself.” You said nothing to this, just trying to digest his logic. There was no point in arguing it.
“Well, we should probably get started then?” He smiled softly at your words and flung instructions at you, making the night go by as if you were asleep through it all. 
With half of the display moved, Leon had stalked away to the main office, and you cleaned up the floor to pass until he let the both of you out. Standing next to the tall shelves, facing the window, you almost started to understand what Leon had said earlier. There is something about the place at night.
You had never thought you would get to experience that, though, of course. What other chance would you be wandering throughout these aisles all alone at night, with all the lights off? You were curious now, and jealous that Leon had been the one to experience that, and you might not ever.
You walked slowly towards the window, the lights behind you fading the further you went from them. Your fingertips grazed the edges of the shelves you walked along, as if picking up all the information held on them in one little touch. The night looked cold from where you stood, and you almost felt the temperature on your skin in that instant. The moon was full and bright, and it lit up your skin like the lights now behind you. Though these walls were thick and with plenty of objects in the room to muffle the sound, it could not drown out the roaring chorus of crickets perched in every branch right outside the glass. The chirps matched the beating of your heart, and soon the rush of blood was replaced by the insects' whispers, a cacophony of life, your vessel was the audience.
You saw yourself in the glass. Your skin lit up by the moon's graces, the hollows of your face carved out in deep shadows, you became painted into the history within these mansion walls, and you looked as if you always belonged. Eternal.
“The moon is bright.” 
You gasped and startled again, turning swiftly to see Leon peering over your shoulder, looking at the same illusive mirror that you were. “You should stop doing that Leon, I’m going to have a heart attack one of these days.” You breathed out a laugh. 
“I thought I was obvious enough, but I suppose not.” He looked past you back into the window again. “The moonlight makes you look marvelous.”
Your stomach twisted. You felt a blush rise to your cheeks, and couldn't help but turn back around to look again, and dare you say, you agreed. Your airbrushed skin, even flawless in the reflection of the glass, a gentle chiaroscuro against the vast emptiness behind you. Except for–
“Full moon nights are when I feel the most company here. I think she wants to be alive here as well.” You turned again, seeing Leon having unmoved from directly behind you. The cool blue light sitting atop his cheekbones, highlighting strands of blonde hair, contrasting the blaze of his hazel eyes, which were unrelenting on you. He, too, was a relief sculpture under the coalescence of the moon and the shadows. Where was his portrait to be viewed next to yours?
“Yeah, I… I agree now.” Though you felt a shiver crawl through you, you couldn’t make yourself turn around again to look. Your body was preventing you from doing so. Simply, you could only walk past Leon, back onto the main floor.
The ride home along in your car proved no more solace than you were hoping. You could see the silhouette of the mansion grow smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, and it felt like departing from a friend who did nothing but tell all their troubles. It was hard to believe how quickly your image of the place shifted, though, you still felt so drawn, and so attracted to the premises. And, not to mention, the man within its walls.
What you saw puzzled you. Simply, it had been a trick of the light. You knew that there was no way the light from the moon was able to reach every point of the floor, so he was standing in the shadow. But, how had he approached so silently? Leon was always so silent. This wasn’t the first time the man has snuck up on you. A few others have said he gives them a fright as well, but it seems to happen to you much more often.
Leon was an enigma, in more ways than one. He spoke in riddles, or it felt like it. You read plenty of classics in your time studying literature, and it was as if he had taken his vocabulary straight from works published a century ago. With a borderline transatlantic accent, it always took you a moment to decipher his sentences. It wasn’t as if he read too many of the classics, it was like he came from one. 
As silly as the idea might sound to others, you believed it fully. It was just a tall tale from times past, warning people of a monster that didn’t exist. They kept the legend going to fuel tourism and sell museum tickets, but some still believed, and one of those some was you. You felt this answer in your heart fully and truly, and while it scared you to a degree, it awoke an excitement as never before felt in you. That almost scared you more.
There was no way that Leon wasn’t the vampire roaming the halls of the old mansion and archive.
His aura was one you had never felt in a person before. You have been attracted to people in the past, but you never felt someone so physically radiant that it was almost tangible. His gaze cut right through you like the sharpest knife, bringing a stinging trail along your skin as well as the burning desire to feel it again. It was undeniable, you had never felt such an insane attraction to someone you barely knew, yet, knowing that plus your newfound discovery, which you fully believed in, you wanted to dive headfirst into this unknown territory to explore. 
All day this weighed on your mind. You couldn’t rid Leon’s image from your thoughts. You couldn’t deny, even without the personality that occupied your thoughts, he was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. He was picturesque in form, a painting made by the most skilled hands. You were ashamed to admit, only slightly, that you were dying to know more about the maps of his body. He always hid under button up shirts, but none that were ever too big that you couldn’t tell he had large biceps, most of the time the sleeves rolled up so the veins in his forearm protruded with movement. The sight always made your mouth dry.
You had to assume, only based on these facts, that he must have been fit, and if he was, which you had no doubt of, paired with his stunning profile, you weren’t sure how you made it so far into this job without making an attempt to pass out in his arms.
As expected, you could think of nothing else leading up to the hours you had to join him back for the second overnight shift. You honestly forgot the whole purpose of you going at this time, all of that having been pushed to the side in favor of thinking of the man in charge of the place. You were nervous, yet anticipated your arrival, hoping to gain more clues to back up your (unwavering, in your mind) hypothesis.
The guards let you in without the flash of your badge. You slinked quietly through the main hall, footsteps bouncing off of every surface. There wasn’t a soul in sight, yet you felt life all over your body. 
The key slid into the lock with ease, and the tell tale clink of the turn mechanism followed.
“Leon?” Your voice echoed through the archive as you shut the door behind you. The lights were off, once again.
You bound down the steps, dropping your belongings on the same stair as the previous night. This time, instead of heading right to the center of the floor to converge with Leon, you stood still on the last step.
“Leon?” You asked again after the man did not do his magical appearance trip at your entry. You felt a cold chill run over your skin. Now, you feel more alone than before. For the first time since becoming involved in the archive, the aisles and books were more sinister than inviting, and every dark corner had a spirit watching you.
You slowly left the stair you held solace on, and walked forward into the center of the room. It felt like every shelf and spine were staring at you with wide eyes, waiting for you to make a wrong move. You wanted to get to work, but you could barely will yourself back up the stairs to the lightswitch. You looked around again as if begging for help from a bystander who was not there.
There was a sudden shift in the air. You weren’t sure now if it was real or if you were hallucinating, but you felt a constricting sensation in your chest, and you felt not alone anymore. Leon was nowhere in sight, but you knew someone else was here.
Suddenly, you couldn’t take it anymore. The silence was enveloping you like a thick rope, and your breath was coming out sloppy. You had to leave.
You took one step backwards and hit a wall behind you. You yelped, not remembering stepping anywhere else besides the center of the room. You turned, and nearly jumped higher out of your body at the sight of what, or who, was behind you.
“You were down here with the lights off. Is something wrong or are you trying out my methods?”
Leon stood before you, in his usual uniform of a white button down shirt and black pants. His hair looked longer tonight, not pushed back with gel, but soft waves were falling across his face, pushed aside to let his sculpted face show through. Here, in the dark, he was much more brooding than he could have ever come across during your typical shifts. That gaze was not the friendly one you had seen in times past.
“No, no I just…” You swallowed, the words falling right out of your mouth. “I thought you would be here. Well, you are, now, but…” You gestured behind you, still feeling the presence of non-existent bodies. 
Leon slowly nodded at your words, not moving towards you, but you felt his presence getting closer. 
“I have been here. I was in the office.” He gestured behind him lazily, to the office you were used to frequenting as an employee. The door was closed.
You shook your head. “I didn’t hear you, though.” You looked again at the door, and when you looked back into his eyes, he knew what you were thinking. He was lying, and he knew you knew that. 
“You know I’m quiet.” His tone felt like a surge straight from your head to your feet, rooting you into place no matter how much you urged your brain to send movement to your limbs.
“Well…” You pushed words out of your throat. “I guess let’s finish this, then.” You broke eye contact and finally felt your body moving forward, but you knew he was still looking at you. You could feel it. 
The moon, if it were even possible, was even brighter this night. It’s full face projected into the windows like a spotlight, and once you were able to put your body into motion and further the project of moving book displays, you barely paid note of how Leon never turned the lights on for the both of you. Maybe he could see perfectly well.
It was nearing one in the morning at this point, and you had one last stack to move. You made gentle conversation with Leon throughout, refusing to put on a strange facade solely off of your own thoughts. He reverted back to his normal state, though normal is a generous word to use for a man like Leon. 
You walked back to the table being used to house books while they are moved, and picked up the last stack. Bram Stoker, Dracula.
This made you snap your head up. You were sure this hadn’t been on the list set to display, yet, here it was. You looked around, trying to search out Leon to question him about this last minute addition. But, as expected, you realized, he was nowhere to be seen. In fact, you don't remember what he was doing last.
“Leon?” You looked back over to the office door, still closed. You would have heard if he went in there and closed it behind him. You put the stack of books down and walked (slowly, you now felt that desolate aloneness again) over to the back right corner, towards Leon’s private office.
You could not make yourself walk any quicker than the snail pace you currently set. It was odd, and you knew if you were afraid you should be walking faster, but for some reason, surrounded by these books and shelves, you felt as if the faster you moved, the quicker you would be caught. Caught by what? You couldn’t answer that question, yet the word suddenly appeared in your head to describe the situation.
You were distracted on the way to the back. You thought, again, you saw a drift of black smoke waft by as if it were another hallucination. You stopped in your tracks, heart in your throat. You shifted paths, only momentarily, you were now desperate to be back in the company of Leon, your supposed vampire master archivist.
The carpet below you muffled your footsteps, but still, you noticed they were loud enough to be heard, unlike how Leon had been appearing from behind you out of thin air. You almost had to squint as you walked by the windows, the moonlight a sudden burst of fireworks in contrast to the dim workspace you had been habiting. As expected, after leering around the corners, hoping to sneak up on the entity, there was nothing but empty space.
There was a light pattering at the window, and you turned your head to see the sky spitting down on you. The window, slowly becoming stained with raindrops, still held that brush stroked image of you, forever intertwined within the archive. It was a hypnotizing image, as if you no longer recognized yourself the more the rain came down. It was a comforting sound, the taps of the drops on the glass filling the void. It felt like another presence, and it calmed you down to a degree, as calm as you could allow yourself to get.
There was a creak from behind you, as if someone had opened a door, or stepped on a stair. You whipped back around, hoping to see Leon at this point, but still, he was nowhere to be seen. The room was still, everything untouched, but your eyes still scanned every crevice, convinced you were going to miss something if you weren’t careful. 
The rain was still sounding off behind you, and you could see the bending of the light as it cast onto the floor. It was the only thing moving. You were far too on edge now.
You turned back to the window…
“Leon!” You took a step back, now more afraid than surprised at his sudden appearance. “Where did you come from? I’ve been looking for you.” You took a huff, trying to catch your breath from his genuinely scaring you. He was standing in front of the window, the moon behind him casting into a deep silhouette, face barely available. 
“I’ve been here the whole time.” His voice was lower than before now, and you could barely piece together thoughts. He turned his head to the side, as if surveying the room that you were just inspecting. His eyes caught a glimpse of the light, and you saw the deep yellow in them. It sent a sudden pit to your stomach, and a memory to flash in front of your eyes.
The day he had taken you up to his office, and you spoke about the legends of the vampire, and why you were drawn to the house. You remember the look he gave you when he had said he appreciated your honesty. 
Leon had blue eyes that day. That color was nowhere to be seen now.
You swallowed, trying to moisten your mouth in order to speak. “No… no you weren’t. I looked for you. You disappeared. And you just came out of nowhere. What is going on with you, Leon?” As hard as you tried to suppress it, you heard the trembling sounds that came out of your mouth. It was audible that you were panicking, and he knew it. 
He stared at you for another moment. His arms were clasped behind his back. “What are you afraid of?”
The rumbling of his voice shot straight through you, to your dismay, and you forced all your composure together to face him without folding.
You gave him a once over, trying to find… something, that might give him away. What you were looking for exactly, you couldn’t say, but you couldn’t stare into his eyes any longer, especially having realized they were not the same eyes you saw a few days ago.
“You’re just… being odd, Leon.” You looked back into his eyes, or what you could see of them from underneath the shadows. Being this close to him, you felt like you were suffocating, and you needed air. “I would like to finish this now.”
You slowly side stepped him, Leon still unmoving in his position against the window. You sighed and turned your head, catching your rain-distorted reflection once again. It was you, a mirror image of someone suffering the same mystifying scenarios as you were in the present moment, standing ever alone against the bookshelves, not offering the comfort they usually do. 
You stopped short in your tracks and did a double take. Now your body was fully turned toward the window. 
Your reflection stared at you, looking just as perplexed as you did. Without shifting your eyes to the side, you saw the equally distorted reflection of the wooden shelves, illuminated under the lunar glow. You saw your empty hands, you saw the dark hallway behind you, and out of your peripheral vision you saw that Leon had not moved from his spot yet… yet you could not see him.
Leon was not present in the reflection. 
You could do nothing but stare in shock and slight horror as you watched the whole scene unfold. A part of you was now realizing, though you had put two and two together in the comfort and safety of your own home, now in the presence of the man and seeing the evidence with your own two eyes, your veins ran cold, and you could not will yourself to move. Not until Leon did.
He shifted, you couldn’t even turn your head to watch. Now he was out of any point of view you had, but you felt his presence press himself against your back, staring into the same image you were. It was the most disorienting experience, feeling Leon’s body behind you, yet not seeing him peering over your shoulder. It didn’t take an expert for him to know how you were feeling in this moment, and you were also sure he knew exactly what conclusion you had just come to.
“What are you thinking?” His deep voice presented itself directly in your ear, and you felt the featherlight graze of his lips on the shell. You could feel the strands of his hanging blonde waves hit your cheek, and while your eyes stung like you wanted to cry, a blaze set itself alight within your body at his proximity.
You could only shake your head slowly at first. “You…” You fumbled over your words, unable to take your eyes off of the glass. The mysterious image of only you and not the person directly behind you will forever be burned into memory. “What are you?”
You heard him inhale slowly. You felt the heat from his face lift away from yours, but it only moved up a fraction, his mouth now pressing closely into your hairline. 
“Don’t you know already? You’re a smart girl.” He was condescending with his words, most surely using what you had told him a few days ago against you now. All that talk you did about you believing the legend of the mansion’s vampire, yet here you were, standing right in front of him and refusing to say it out loud.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Your voice was barely louder than a tremble. “You let me run my mouth like a fool in your office, and you didn’t even tell me that I was right this whole time.” Your tongue was so dry, speaking became a task. Your fingers were growing numb, but you still found it hard to move.
He snickered, and you felt the air from his breath fan your face. “And ruin the surprise? I’d much rather see the look on your face after you put it together yourself than having told you right then and there. There’s nothing I love more than when I see someone realize the reality of their convictions. Quite especially someone like you.”
You closed your eyes. It was all you could stand to do at this moment. You shot them back open, however, when you felt his broad hand at your back, pushing you forward, closer to the glass. 
Walking closer to the window with the rain now coming down steadily against it, he released where he had put his hand, but did not remove himself from your closeness. 
“What do you see?” 
He said nothing more, waiting for you to find the composure to be able to speak properly again. As hard as you tried to look past your bleary visage to the outside world, it was nearly impossible. It was dark as ever out there, the moon unrelenting in her radiance. 
After a few more seconds, “Myself.” You heard Leon hum from behind you. 
“And?” He egged you on.
You shook your head. “That’s it. I can see the moon. The rain.” Your voice grew softer, body relaxing slowly, but for what cause, you weren’t able to find. You involuntarily let out a low sigh when you felt the tips of his fingers crawl up the right side of your neck, settling on your jaw. He pushed your head to the side, enough to expose the canvas of flesh in the reflection.
“Curious… Don’t you think?” His hand flitted lower, raising a trail of goosebumps along the tender skin. A finger pressed inward, right underneath the crook of your jaw, feeling the pulse of your bloodstream. “How much of yourself you can see, the first thing you always notice, for the living must look and be vain.”
Chills spread quickly throughout your body. His hand felt shockingly warm, the opposite of what you would have expected from the typical vampirical lore. 
“You… you don’t know what you look like?” You whispered.
“How should I? I’m not able to unless someone lets me know, but even then, do I want to?”
You said nothing for a moment, trying to breathe through the weakness in your abdomen at his touch, which was still laid over the tender place on your throat.
“I’d like to think you still look the same as the day you stopped aging.” He hummed again at your words. Despite his remark of not knowing if he would like anyone to tell him what he looked like, he let you continue in your description. “You’re like a sculpture. Rough around the edges but so blended out, only made by hands whom the gods approved of.” His hand left your pulse, settling on the crook of your neck and shoulder, slightly squeezing. You couldn’t see, of course, but you felt that he still held his face close to yours. “You’d almost be better fitted walking the main halls as a work of art than hiding in these books.”
“That is very affirming to hear from a woman like you.” A breath of silence, then he continued. “You’ve always known, you always believed, and you know what I am. I’m quite drawn to you, I am long familiar with the feeling of someone who is covered in fear, it’s nowhere present on you.” He brought his lips down back to your ear, and you felt his left hand sneak around your waist. Your knees almost buckled. “You’re captivating… I cannot bring myself to keep things professional at all times.”
You were now, truly, at a loss for words, however he did not take your silence as resilience. The hand that was not around your waist was now pushing down the shoulder of your top, revealing the smooth skin. You shuddered again, letting your eyes close once more, and you gave in to the physical feelings over trying to rationalize anything verbally. 
“I can’t stand here and deny myself from trying to get to you any longer. I have to know… I must know…” His voice was a borderline growl in your ear now, and you shocked yourself with the smallest whimper that poured over your lips. It only fueled him. 
You were pushed forward by a sudden force from Leon, both hands coming up to brace yourself against the window. You were glad no one had ever turned the lights on, if any of the guards decided to walk the perimeter, surely you would have been seen.
Interestingly enough to you, despite being in the current position you were, you no longer felt any anxiety from being in the presence of your manifested form of Leon the vampire. Though he did stand there and confirm it all to you, no part of you felt like you needed to run away any longer. In fact, the contrast between the cold window and his warm body was all the convincing you needed to stay.
“I would never do this on an ordinary day, if it were anyone else I would fight these urges, but with you… I just find myself succumbing to something I wanted so suddenly.” His mouth moved against the skin of your neck, and you arched back into his body behind you. “I will not continue unless you tell me not to, but you should know I need more than just the one thing from you right now…” 
The deep octaves of his voice had your thoughts swimming, and any rational mind had flown far out the window. There was nothing to argue with when there was nothing you felt the need to refuse. 
“I…” A gasp from you, collecting breath you had not known you were holding. “I can’t let you do this then let you loose. This is too far beyond simplicity now.” Your breath fogged the window, and you couldn't help but notice once more how you could only see your bare shoulder in the glass, and not his large hand around the bone.
“I would never,” His lips were tucked up under your jawline, the vibrations from his voice being felt all over your body. A kiss would be less intimate. “You’re mine.”
At once, his hand on your waist tightened and he opened his mouth, his sharp fangs pierced the flesh right underneath your pulse and you gasped loudly, the pinch making you stiffen at first, then making your legs lose balance.
Leon’s hot mouth on your throat was like a painkiller compared to his teeth sunk into you, and his hand held you steady as you slowly felt the need to fall to your knees. He removed his right hand from your shoulder and wrapped it underneath your right arm, crossing over your chest to hold you steady against him, and the more you gasped and writhed at him feeding, the closer he pulled you into him.
He was groaning into your neck, his tongue swiping over the stinging wounds after he had retracted his fangs, and every time more blood pulsed out of the surface, he rocked his hips into you, and you could tell he was enjoying this in more ways than just the one. And, something you never would have believed you would get to admit, you were growing more excited with every passing second as well.
“Leon…” You whispered, unable to find strength to raise to your full voice. You clenched your eyelids shut, a burst of white filtering through the darkness. Your limbs started trembling. “Please…”
With a gasp from the man, he pulled his mouth off of your neck, the cold air stinging the once warm location. He pulled you close into his body. He was breathing heavily.
With his still low and raspy voice, he spoke again, his body twitching against yours from the rush of adrenaline. “With one taste now, I’m not sure I will ever be able to stay satiated without your blood again,” You tilted your head back, resting it on his. He held you up. “You remind me of a time when being alive meant something greater than just a state of being to me. For as long as I can…” He adjusted his head, and you felt the tip of his nose grace your jaw. It made you jump at first, afraid to feel those piercing teeth again, but he let you revel in the soft touch. “I cannot let another claim you to be theirs.”
Leon brought his left hand back upward on your body, caressing your face and directing it sideways to look at him. His eyes were burning bright with gold, and your hazy vision locked onto it like a target. 
“Tell me yes,” He whispered now, his mouth grazing yours. You were barely hanging on, the blood loss creating more of a haziness than you were expecting, but you would have been able to say this answer even if you could barely speak. You had made your mind up about this with Leon a long time ago. 
“Yes, Leon,” You breathily replied, and the grip on both of his hands intensified, capturing your body even closer to his if it was possible, and came down onto you in a heated kiss.
He held the side of your face to keep you upright, and it only made you melt further. His strong hands and arms were the sole reason you hadn't fallen to the floor by now, your mind was swimming and all of your nerves were aflame. You were barely paying any attention to the dull throbbing coming from the two pinpricks in your neck. 
Leon, you could tell immediately, was a passionate lover. He made sure to keep you close to him at all times, afraid at any moment you could run away, from him, from this archive, from this experience. You knew you could never do that, not after such a bond had already been created by letting him feed off of you. His arms were solace in this moment, and his mouth a lifesaver, ironically.
He gently bit at your lips, and when he pulled away for you to catch your breath, you could taste blood. It was your own, you knew, but some sick inner part of you loved the thrill it sent through you. You wanted more.
His mouth was back on your skin in an instant, this time by your cheek, ear, down to your jaw and neck. You flinched when he landed on the bite mark, but he only trailed over it with a light kiss, he didn’t intend on reopening them. One of your hands came down off of the cold glass, now fogged from the heat from the two of you, to wrap around his wrist. You could barely stand, and wanted to stay in his embrace, but needed to look at him.
At your touch, he slowly let you go, and when there was enough space for movement, you turned carefully, purposefully not leaving his contact.
You shuddered at the cold window on your back, but felt heat flood your senses again when you looked into his eyes. Leon loomed over you, gaze full of lust, chest heaving with having spent energy on you, but you knew he had more to give. And you had more you could take.
You grabbed the front of his shirt by the middle and pulled him closer to you. He wasted no time in coming where you had beckoned him, hand slithering around your waist to draw you in again. 
After a breath, you spoke, “I can’t… I don’t think I can stand for long,” Your eyes fluttered shut for a few seconds at a time, and you couldn’t help but to let them. 
The other hand that hadn’t worked its way around your waist trailed down your side, over the curve of your hips and thighs, and took solace underneath.
“Don’t worry about that,” It took only a second at most for him to lift you, settling himself in between your legs, back still pressed against the window. Leon’s hand was gripping your thigh, and the other was still behind you. Your own arms wrapped around his neck suddenly, and it brought you face to face with him once again. “I’ve got you. I won’t drop you.”
You sighed at his words, thankful he was now holding you, as that surely would have been the breaking point, and you would have been in a puddle on the floor by now. You let your head roll back, hitting the window with a dull thud, but any pain that might have happened due to it was nowhere to be felt, with other sensations at the forefront of your nerve system.
Leon had pressed himself against you again, the hardness of his cock through his pants pressing incessantly against your heat, he reattached his lips to your throat, nipping and sucking at the soft skin, eliciting mewls from your mouth at his touch.
Your hands explored ceaselessly along his strong arms, his biceps flexing from holding you, from the excitement coursing through his own body, and you couldn’t help but arch back into him, trying to get even closer than possibly allowed. You felt him pull away again, and you wrapped one hair through his soft blonde locks and pulled him back, connecting your lips in fervor, kissing him like your life source was dependent on you staying alive.
HIs lips were soft and hot, you were addicted to the taste. The tang of your blood mixed on his tongue danced with the shared saliva between you, and with every kiss you wished you could get even closer to him. You tugged on his hair, but it was as if he couldn’t even feel it, he was too wrapped up in you.
His tongue roamed your mouth, both soon becoming slick with spit and sweat between your bodies, and you couldn’t take the heat anymore. 
You pulled away, only by an inch but with enough space to whine out, “Leon, please,”
No more communication was needed, he understood your words. Maybe if you let it go on any longer, he would now just by whatever your body was telling him.
The arm he had around your waist snaked back to your side, and dipped down in between the two of you. Leon kissed your neck once, your head still relaxed against the window, unable to conjure the energy to move. You shivered with his touch along your thigh, the casual sweater dress you had on now becoming a good idea. You thanked your past self.
“If I continue will you let me,” He spoke into your neck, close enough to your ear for you to hear the low rumble of his voice. “I got a taste of you, but I know it won’t be enough.” His hand was already caressing the tender skin of your inner thigh, causing waves of chills and heat though your body and straight to your core. He was mere inches away from pulling aside your panties and running his fingers along your wetness, and you didn’t know if you could wait for that any longer.
“I need you Leon,” You whispered, and tried to turn your head to face him as best as you could. “I’ll let you forever.” 
He sighed, but it was closer to a growl. He thrust his hips forward, creating a delicious friction in between the two of you, and you couldn't stop the moan that escaped. Your hand was still laced in his hair, and he inhaled sharply, in pleasure rather than pain, every time you pulled hard. 
You whined out loud when he withdrew the hand that was so close to putting fingers inside of you, but you quickly quieted down when he utilized it instead to work apart the clasp of his belt and button of his pants. He had no intentions of wasting time, though this was a man that had all in the world. 
You lifted your head with the surge of energy you found at the sound of this and attempted to look down, needing to feed your eyes before he fed your pussy. He caught you before you could make the move, smashing your lips together once again, but you didn’t mind the distraction, it was a better way to pass the time rather than have your mouth empty. 
Leon wrigled himself around for a moment, attempting to pull himself out with one hand. He sighed after he accomplished this, pulling away from your mouth, but instantly was back on your neck. This time, he gave you what you wanted.
With his other hand still supporting your thigh, and showing no signs of getting tired of this action, he replaced his hand back inside your dress skirt, but skipping right over its previous position. Instead, he placed the pad of his thumb right onto the gusset of your panties, pressing with enough force to give you the friction you were desperate for. You gasped out loud, and he only continued this action to make you writhe against him.
The hand that was not tangled in his hair traveled down his chest, feeling the hard ridges of his muscles and bones, toying with the buttons of his shirt to pull them apart. When he felt your hand touch his bare chest, you could feel the muscles flex for a second. 
He decided he had had enough of the teasing, though he was the one doing it to you. He roughly pulled aside your panties, and your mouth dried up at the action. Your breath hitched, and you knew what was coming.
He pulled away from your skin for a second to look into your eyes. You could feel yourself slowly slipping away, the dizziness from the blood loss slowly fading, but that strength was whisked away instantly by the arousal pooling in every crevice of your body. Leon’s eyes were half lidded, pupils blown, mouth slightly parted. You could tell just by looking at him that he barely had anything else on his mind. Just the few sips of your elixir gave him enough energy to last the whole night, most likely.
“I’m sorry if I get rough,” You felt the vibrations of his words through his chest, which you still had one hand firmly planted on. “Everything is heightened now and…” He swiped through your clothed pussy again, making you buck your hips forward. “You are irresistible, and it’s doing something to me… That I haven’t felt in a long time.”
You said nothing, or rather, didn’t have the time to, as after he concluded speaking, his fingers breached the threshold of your panties and he slipped a finger through your wet folds, making you inhale sharply and press yourself further against him. He leaned forward, pinning you fully against himself and the window, using his teeth to gently bite at your neck again. 
He proceeded to stay buried in your neck for the next minute or so, his fingers going back and forth from teasing your entrance to applying pressure on your clit, making you whine and wiggle around in his hold. Every time you moaned breathily right next to his ear, he growled lowly.
The rain continued to pound on the window behind you, mirroring the feeling of your dripping heat, tightening around nothing as Leon continued to tease you, the feeling of his twitching head would occasionally press against you, and you desperately tried to rut forward to put it in, but he held you in place. 
Finally, when he did decide to show mercy on your state, you whined so sharply your voice cut in and out of audibility, his thick fingers stretching you in a way that felt like bliss, no matter if any pain occurred. He thumbed your clit while slowly pumping his fingers in and out of you, feeling yourself grow slicker with every stroke, the movement becoming less and less resistant as he worked you open.
Surely he was able to feel your thighs trembling in his hand, your legs twitching with the feeling of his fingers, paired with the tongue against your pulse, the non-bitten side, you were almost at the edge without anything major happening.
He pulled away, putting himself once again in front of your face, searching you for signs that he shouldn’t continue. Tears were brimming on your lower lash line, though not from pain, but from the lack of pleasure. He saw this as it was, knowing what you were feeling in this moment, knowing you needed more, needed him. 
Leon held one second of eye contact, then dipped into your mouth to kiss you chastely, and at the same time, sheathed himself inside of you. You gasped into the kiss, deepening it as you tried to thrust yourself forward to take more and more of him in. He held your hips firmly in place, not letting you take any of the control. Your fingers were tugging so harshly at his hair now, you would be surprised if you pulled away with no strands stuck between your fingers. He welcomed the sting of it though, pushing himself forward into you until he completely bottomed out, the feeling of his twitching cock in your walls made your whole body shiver, and you felt yourself pulsing around him, begging for some action to relieve your aching.
Your breath was stuck in your throat at this. The fullness you were experiencing made it difficult to inhale anything, and with Leon not only filling your insides, but still keeping his mouth connected to your neck, everything was making your head spin.
“Leon…” You breathed out, and you received a grunt in return. He pistoned his hips forward again, making you whine sharply, before pulling himself out and repeating the action. You quickly became loud.
There was nothing rough about the action. He was slow and thoughtful with every stroke, hands gripping your ass where he held you up, pushing bruises into the skin where his fingers made contact. He groaned with every other thrust, enjoying the feeling of you around him as you were of him inside of you. 
You could barely make any more noise at this point, just heavy breathing was coming from the both of you, a whine occasionally making its way out from your throat, but too many sensations were happening at once, it was all so overstimulating.
Your hands were roaming, trying to find any surface on him possible to steady yourself. You were clawing at him desperately, feeling a little sorry for the marks you were creating along his chest, but every line of pain was being pushed into his performance, and he was not relenting on his power.
“Fuck,” Leon moaned into your ear, and he took one second to collect himself before resuming his pace. You could feel how wet the both of you had become, as well as hear it. “You feel amazing…” Your head rolled back once more and thudded against the rain stricken window, but it was not loud enough to drown out the incessant squelching happening. Leon began to pick his pace up slightly, most likely your sign that he was getting close.
He thrust hard and stayed seated inside of you, making your legs tense up, and pleasure shoot throughout your entire body. Your hand had finally let go of his hair at this, squeezing with as much strength as you could muster up in your body on his thick shoulder, where you could feel every muscle as he struggled to hold you up and keep himself together.
“You’re too much for me,” He gasped into your ear, “I can’t hold on much longer,” 
You lifted your head off of the window and leaned down, he met you halfway and sealed his words with a deep kiss. Moving away from other spots on his body, your hands traveled back up and cupped both sides of his face, kissing him with passion as he tried to split focus between kissing you and fucking you.
You could feel his breath on your face as he began stuttering, and his sounds made your stomach tighten, and you clenched your walls around him, making it even harder for him to continue.
He pulled away by a mere centimeter, saliva stuck between you two in a string, the look in his eyes soft yet strong, he admired you in a way that made you forget he had seen a thousand other beautiful things in his lifetime. It made you feel like you topped the list. Sweat was beading on his forehead, it was catching the moonlight behind you, making his skin shine like silver. His eyes were blue again.
He furrowed his brow together, his hips losing its steady rhythm. “I–I can’t,” He almost whimpered, and you took pity on his state. It was arousing to see this man fall apart under you.
You tried your best to speak, voice cutting in between heavy breaths. “So don’t.” These words elicited a sob-like sound from the man in front of you. His mouth dropped open, eyelids scrunching together, letting the last of himself loose that he had been holding together barely at all. 
With broken gasps and groans, you felt Leon push himself for just a moment more, the pleasure on his face driving you right to your orgasm, and the knot inside of you came loose. Solace was found on his chest again, and your nails dug into him as you rode it out, knowing the feeling was going to push Leon over as well.
You felt it before you saw it on his face. You felt the throb of his thick cock inside of you, his hips unable to do anything steadily at this point, and he let himself go inside of you.
He was looking down between the two of you, though you were sure his eyes were closed as you were still pressed together. He groaned once, twice, and when he eventually looked up, in between his panting lips and huffs for air, you saw his shining fangs that had come out to play again.
You almost invited him to bite you again. Surely it would have allowed him to continue.
You blinked and they were gone. His facial features softened as he looked at you, your skin was on fire from the warm air settling in around you two, and your lungs wouldn’t fill efficiently enough.
He gulped, trying to wet his mouth. You were experiencing the same. “Are you alright to stand?”
You removed your hands from his chest and placed them on one of the panes of the window. “I think I will be, maybe… eventually.”
He huffed a laugh. He gently maneuvered his hands to let your feet plant back onto the ground. After being held up for so long, your knees felt like jelly. You stumbled.
He still loomed over you after you had regained your balance. He discreetly put himself away while you were busy controlling the rush of blood back to your head, and now he was keeping a watchful eye, scared, like you were fragile.
“I’m just unsteady. I won’t break.” You remarked. You pulled the hem of your dress down.
Leon smiled. It warmed you. “Of course I know that. I just…” He looked away for a moment, as if ashamed. “I drank a lot more than I should have. And then proceeded to heighten your heart rate, which was not my best course of action, but at times, I tend to get ahead of myself.” You stared at him as he talked. You felt endeared by his worries. 
“I feel fine, right now. But I was hazy. But…” You bit your lip, wondering if you should continue your train of thought. Why not, you concluded, the most intimate act was already water under the bridge. “I liked how it felt.”
You couldn’t help but smile, a slight difference to the tone of the moment, but you noticed his hair, which he hadn’t yet patted down from your fingers running wild in them. It made him look rugged, playful. Human.
“I…” Leon said nothing else for a few more seconds. You observed each other. Reveling in the events that just transpired, and exactly what this means moving forward. There was no more strictly professional relationship. You could feign it to the public, but you will always want him. He will always crave you.
He continued. “I meant what I said. I had a little too much just for a first taste, and it heightened every nerve ending in my body, you allowed me to continue, and I fear… Well, now I need to see where this takes our relations. I would like…” Another pause for humility. “I would like you to stay. Stay here, not for the building, but with me.”
You were the one to gulp this time. Even just his words had a sweeping effect like a wave, and you were desperately trying to breathe through the undertow. 
You walked forward, grabbing his shirt by the half undone buttons and pulled him into a kiss. You let the passion take over in place for the lust a few minutes prior, and you could feel the difference all over your body. You knew your answer.
You pulled away, both of you slightly dazed. You whispered into his lips, “That was already my plan.” 
The moonlight hugged you both goodnight.
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looseleafteeaves · 7 days
Skywalker and the Rug Merchant
Ekkreth-e-Ruklappa Veltak
I tell you this story to save your life. Ek marst te nao me lanal.
As everyone knows, Ekkreth is clever and cunning and the best at tricking Depur. But occasionally, Depur is able to trap Ekkreth for a little while. This is when Ar-Amu steps in.
This is one of those tales.
Ar-Amu looked upon her children, stone faced, and sad. Her children were still bound up in chains. Ekkreth was missing. So Ar-Amu spun the moonlight into water and gazed into the thin film in the bottom of the bowl, searching him out.
She found him, in a small town tucked far from the larger space ports. None of her people spoke her language, not even Ekkreth. None called each other by name. At night, no stories were shared, or dancing, or plays. They sat inside their homes and made useful things for their work the next day.
Ar-Amu was shocked-never had she seen some of her children this separated from her. So she called out to them from the desert. She called for any of her children to come.
None did.
Ar-Amu called for 7 days, and still none came to her.
Except for one figure, who was not one of her people. Everyday, they would cross the desert, heading to the slave quarters. And everyday, the figure- a simple rug maker- would pause, and stare out into the desert like they could hear Ar-Amu's voice.
Finally, on the 7th day, the Rug Maker stepped into the desert.
"Excuse me? I have heard you calling from the desert for 7 days. Do you need help?"
And Ar-Amu saw her chance.
"My people have lost themselves, and I need someone who can remind them of that. I need you to make a rug that tells them a story."
The rugmaker was shocked. "How can a rug tell a story? Why must it tell them a story?"
Ar-Amu's unveiled mouth turn from stone into a gentle smile. "Because a story can save your life. I will teach you to weave stories, and you will carry the stories to my people who do not have them."
The rug maker paused. "Who are your people?"
"My people are the ones bound in chains. The ones who must be enduring and sneaky and fierce and strong and pretty for the wishes of a being who calls them property. My people are slaves, and one day, they will be free."
The rug maker nodded. "So I will weave a story to save their lives. How do I do that?"
Ar-Amu turned and walked deeper into the desert.
"You follow me, and learn."
Now, while I am sharing the story, the secret of how to weave a story into a rug is not for you. Just know that Ar-Amu guides the Rug Maker into making a rug telling the story of Ar-Amu's promise. While the Rug Maker can't understand what they have woven, they can sense the importance of the task, and they do so with care. They study the pattern so they can weave the story again if they need.
They next day, the Rug Maker trekked into town from the desert, the pinks and reds of the dawns warming the sky. They guide the bantha who carries the rugs into the market, and they settle into an open spot, laying out the rugs and setting the one they had woven with Ar-Amu a little out of the way.
That day, many people stop by. Depur and freeborn and jawa and slaves. None of the people except the slaves stop and glance at the rug. And none ask for the cost except one.
"Rug maker, I am interested in this rug." The figure, bird like in facial structure, and built with hidden strength. Red embroidery wraps their old clothes.
The rug maker smiles. "But of course! It is one of my least popular- I would give it to you but for some water or pika juice."
The figure looks closer. "Why would you give something that takes many hours of work for so little?"
"Because the work does not belong to me, but to the people it was meant for."
The figure- Ekkreth - blinks, reaches into a pocket, and removes a small fruit, and a pouch with water. "You would trade the rug to me for so little?"
"Tell me, Customer, do you feel called by the threads?"
"I see myself in them, if I can look long enough."
"Then it is yours." The Rug maker says. "I gift it to you."
And the Rug maker packed up their supplies, and went on their way.
The slave who has the rug, took it to their home, and looked at it for a long time. But in daylight, it held nothing. After finishing their work for the day, is when the rug changed.
In the moonlight. the figure- Ekkreth gazed upon the story of Ar-Amu's promise, and remembered who they were. They turned into a red bird, and spread that knowledge across all of the slave quarters, and the quarters were able to find their names and their stories.
They could hear Ar-Amu calling from the desert.
They found their way to her.
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huihuiheart · 11 months
Kinktober D13: Three For The Price Of One - Jeonghan, Joshua, DK
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Seventeen Masterlist
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Pairing:  Elf Prince! Joshua x Human Princess Reader, Fey Prince! Jeonghan x Human Princess Reader, Desert Dweller Prince! DK x Human Princess Reader
Genre: Fluff, Tiny Bit of Angst, Smut
Summary: A week of diplomatic discussions between future rulers leads to life long friendships, and perhaps even more than that between the four kingdoms.
Warnings: Foursome, Somewhat implied virgin reader, oral (f! receiving, nipple play, unprotected sex, bathtub sex, light biting, dirty talk, some cockwarming themes, praise, cursing, alcohol.
Word Count: 5785
(A map to help you further understand)
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Trekking out of the familiar kingdom that you had always called home, the one built into the coastal cliffside was not an easy venture. It was however necessary as the discussions the previous generation had attempted had never ended well they decided to allow their heirs an attempt. At the very least the four would grow acquainted with one another and develop necessary skills for their future rulerships. So your personal guard and your few closest advisors had set out from Steilera to the long established meeting place near the center of the isle Sejan. Meeting the first of the others once you have reached Goshen about a days journey east of the tower. 
His golden hair so light you nearly mistook it for white, the hair looking delicate and soft as it was parting back off his forehead and down over her neck some. A ring of golden ivy around his forehead serves as a crown informing you he was the prince and not any of the other nearly as beautiful men along with him. The point to his ears and his build letting you know that this was the prince of the elves, the only others to the east of the tower. 
Your knees bend in a courtesy as he approaches, head bowing and hiding him from your gaze for a moment, before you’re looking up to smile at him, “Prince Joshua I presume? It is an honor to finally meet you. I have heard many good things.”
Joshua extends his hand for yours first, kissing the back of your knuckles first, before bowing his head until his forehead presses gently against where he just kissed as is their custom, “The honor truly is all mine princess. The tales regarding you since the joyous occasion of your birth truly do no justice.” 
You fluster, feeling a bit out of place as the simple statement reminds you the lifespan of elves in comparison to your own even if that hadn’t been the point, that and the attentions of the beautiful man before you, “You flatter me too much your highness. I’m certain I do not hold a candle to your or any of the others as I am simply human.” 
“Oh, but you could have fooled any man into believing you were a goddess.” Joshua assures easily, before offering you his arm, “Would you please join me for a bit? We were about to have dinner and I’m certain you could use it as well after a long day of travel. I’m certain we have much to discuss as well with how our parents have established relations between our kingdoms. After all, I'm certain that it is only the start of something great.” 
You nod, agreeing easily with him in regards to that sentiment as you allow him to guide you to a seat underneath a larger tent they have set up, the front pulled open so as to keep your pure image intact while still allowing you both to dine together just the two of you.
“Though I do have one piece of advice to offer you before we arrive princess.” Joshua changes from only praise itself as he reaches for a jar of one of the finest elven wines they have brought along to pour you each a glass as you wait for dinner to be brought. 
You thank him, brows furrowing in concern wondering if by chance you’d already done something to offend him, “What is it?”
“The way you spoke of yourself earlier… as almost distasteful… do not speak of yourself in such a light once we arrive. Remember you belong there no less than any of the rest of us. We are all equals. Though we are less familiar with the other two princes and so if they see a spot of weakness they very well just might try to trample you down. Don’t give them such an opportunity.” He settles back comfortably in his own seat, sipping on his wine as he makes that suggestion. Watching you take a shaky breath before sipping your own, knowing that he had a point even if your personality might make that slightly more of a challenge.
“I will bear that in mind, your highness.” You nod in assurance he smiles.
“Ahh that is enough formality don’t you think? We have a long week of discussions ahead and an even longer journey of kingdom agreements beyond that. We ought to grow comfortable with each other, so please do refer to me by my name. I will not be offended in the least. If anything I’d be offended by you not wanting to be friends.” His last statement is teasing and it makes you laugh, but it certainly does break any remaining tension. Something the gentlemanly elf seems to be rather good at throughout the evening and your dinner together.  You leave with cheeks warm at the mix of Joshua’s actions and the alcohol you both had shared that evening. 
The next morning Joshua is offering his hand out to you as you both decide to take on the final day of traveling together. His grip on you steady as you travel along paths not often seeing civilization and certainly ensuring your safety on more than one instance upon the journey. Arriving as the reddened hues of the setting sun begin to fill the sky. Entering the tower to find that one of the other princes has already arrived. Stepping forward to courtesy to the man. His hair is a more golden blonde than Joshuas and far longer, falling past his shoulders. The man having sat himself down at the head of the dining table with a smirk.
“Ahh Joshua you’ve arrived and I see you’ve brought the princess along.” The man announces as if there was a crowd needing to be informed and you see Joshua roll his eyes, but smile a little, going over to hug the man in greeting.
“Good to see you again too Jeonghan.” Joshua chuckles as they hug one another, “Surprised you made it not only on time, but first.” 
Jeonghan flicks Joshua at the playful teasing, “Oh hush, I figured we’d all be wanting to eat upon arriving so I figured we should get here first. That way I could decide on dinner.”
Then the prince who you’d put together based on name and personality must be the fey prince turning his attention to you again, motioning you forward with his fingers, “Come here princess, let me look at you.”  
You’re shyly walking forward, but move yourself to greet him, “It’s a pleasure Prince Jeonghan. I’ve heard much and have been looking forward to meeting you.”
Jeonghan’s finger is under your chin, lifting your head some to bring eye contact, “Such beauty are you sure you’re not part fey or elven? I’ve never heard of a human being so radiant in appearance so effortlessly.” 
“Yah! Jeonghan!” Joshua scolds, smacking him lightly when you’re too stunned by his words to speak. Though Jeonghan simply laughs.
“Apologies princess, I should have warned you about how I am before coming off as quite so overbearing.” Jeonghan apologizes though his grin says nothing about him is genuinely sorry and you are beginning to tell why people refer to this man as trouble, “Anywho dinner is done and seeing as how there is no sign of our fourth I say we begin.”
Joshua comes around to get the chair for you as Jeonghan begins to pour wine for the three of you, “Jeonghan.”
The man snickers at the warning, “Relax Joshua, I’m not giving her feywine. After all she needs to keep her senses for this week of diplomacy.” 
His statement makes your eyes widen a little, still slightly hesitant due to having picked up at his troublemaking nature. When Joshua takes a sip and seems content however you’re at ease and find it doesn’t take anything else for you to sip the liquid as well. Those who had come with Jeonghan and taken to the cooking that evening brought you each the foods you were accustomed to, though it seemed of such a high quality that it nearly overwhelmed you. Eating until you felt content, settling back into your seat for comfortable conversion and to finish your wine. That is until the door swung open to reveal the final royal diplomate to arrive. 
“My apologies for being late, everyone. There was a sudden dust storm that we hadn’t accounted for along the way.”  The prince apologizes with a bow, before standing to remove the opaque fabric he had wrapped around his head and neck for desert travel. Two large fluffy ears popping up, white on the inside and a light tan with just the faintest tinges of a burnt orange on the back. His tan muscular arms on display, gold bangles wrapped tightly around his biceps. The man rolling his shoulders as he gets settled, the action pulling his shirt open just a tad more as it has an open v, revealing some of his chest as well. He wears a necklace with a pendant that is a beautiful swirl of colors, the way they sway and clash reminding you of waves of the ocean only in a wider variety of colors. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“We’d just finished dinner and were getting acquainted.” You assured him, gesturing to the seat beside you, “Would you like to join us?” 
“I would be honored princess.” He smiles, but shakes his head, “I however think I am going to settle in for the night. We’re quite the mess of dirt and dust currently and I would hate to create a mess of anything. I look forward to truly making everyone’s acquaintance in the morning and may you all have a restful night.” 
His gaze lingers on you only a moment longer, smile remaining before he’s turning to leave for the evening, bushy tail now visible behind him. Something you’re doing not long after, still needing to rest and recover from the journey yourself. That and the other pair seemed as though they had some catching up to do and so you felt you should leave them to it.
After a restful night you put yourself together in a dress of purple and gold, one of your attendants helping to bustle the sides of it so that you can move around more freely despite working to look your absolute best for your interactions with the other princes today. Still you grab some of the skirt to walk down the hall rather quickly to where some of your advisors were staying, knocking and waiting for the door to open before requesting that they prepare the gifts you had brought for each of the princes. Once you were assured everything would be arranged you took a breath and started to make your way to the dining hall to join the others for breakfast. 
Seokmin the only one there upon your arrival, "Good morning princess. I hope I did not offend last night. I truly would have loved to accept your offer, but I didn't want to dirty you after my journey." 
"Don't fret your highness, I wasn't offended in the least. Are you feeling more refreshed now?" You inquire moving to find a seat, though he moves as well to pull it out for you something which you thank him for.
"I do. I feel much better. Eager to speak with everyone and hopefully create lasting friendships with each of you and your nations." He beams much like he had the previous night and then he's taking his seat again.
"Well if we are to be friends then you should use my name." You smile at him before looking over the table before your eyes land on a strange new fruit. A few varieties of colors in them as you're intrigued by them.
"Are you interested in them, princes- Y/N?" He asks moving to pluck one from the bowl with ease despite the thorns on them. 
“They can be eaten then?” You ask and he nods with a chuckle pulling out a knife to skin and slice it onto a plate before handing it over. 
“Different cacti in our desert fruit them, the varieties are slightly different, but we enjoy them all nonetheless. Go ahead and try it and if you like it feel free to have as many as you like this week.” He happily offers, ears twitching as he anticipates your reaction to the first bite. Beaming as you let out a happy hum at the taste and quickly go back for another bite.
“Don’t go spoiling breakfast now.” You hear Joshua’s voice tease with a soft chuckle as he enters the room now as well. “I’m assuming we’re all in agreement of no business at the table this week? We still need a space to enjoy some peace after all.” 
You two easily agree though you look around noticing that Jeonghan still hasn’t arrived, making Joshua laugh a little as he notices before speaking up, “Get used to waiting on him. It’ll happen often this week.” 
“I heard that Joshua!” Jeonghan’s voice calls out scoldingly from outside the room before he enters, “I won’t be late… not for food anyways.”
He goes around to greet everyone, stopping with you and bringing your hand to his lips before glancing over you with a hum, “Such a pretty dress on such a beautiful princess. The sleeves look like pretty little flowers, are they truly fabric? Or have you been graced with a dress of petals to make our acquaintance today?” 
“I’m not the fae here your highness, so I would not be adorned in such a way.” You tease just slightly and it makes the man have to hold back a smirk.
“Just Jeonghan is fine.” He simply says though he looks almost proud before going to sit down so that you could all enjoy breakfast together. The three then escort you to the room where most of your diplomatic discussions would take place throughout this week.
You smooth your hands down the front of your dress to settle the nerves you’re feeling in the moment before smiling at the three, “Before we begin. I would like to thank you all for being such gentlemen thus far and for your equal treatment of me being here. I would also like to present something that I have prepared for you all.”
The three look intrigued, but allow you to do this first even if they all have their own items to present to all as well.
You start with Joshua, some basic gifts of gold and sea salt and such, “For you specifically I have brought sea shells. I personally went out and found the most precious of them. I have been told that elves love crafts, but prefer the forest to the sea. So I thought I could collect them for you to use and enjoy.” 
Next you’re to Jeonghan the basics are the same, though with more honey and other food items, “ There are many dried flowers and herbs more unique to our coast in there for whatever you may desire to use them for. I also included a few candles of which I took the time to make and I hope there are to your liking.”
Finally you’re onto Seokmin, who has been eagerly anticipating your attention from the start up until now. “ I have heard that not only does nearly all of the finest glass come from your kingdom, but also that you quite like glass as well. So  I have brought all the seaglass that I could find for you… any colors I noticed that had washed ashore. Along with stones smoothed out by the ocean as I heard there aren’t often many smooth pebbles in the desert.”
They all seem rather pleased and then begin to take their turns presenting gifts to you. Joshua presents you with a wooden bow with golden engravings of ivy woven over it, much like the crown he had worn when you first met. As well as a dagger and a cloak. Though you flustered slightly as you admitted you weren’t a great shooter, something he offered to assist you with that week. Jeonghan gives you a crown of flowers with a matching bracelet which he helps you to put on.
“They will never die and they have protection bound into them. Each day you wear them they will grow even more.” He informs you with a smile as he steps back. 
Seokmin’s cheeks are dusted pink when it is his turn, “My gift is not nearly as extravagant, but I hope you’ll like it all the same.”
He gives you a necklace with pendants of blown glass. The centerpiece has swirling blues to mimic the ocean waves, then foaming as they crash against the tan and gold to mimic sand at the top of the pendant. Telling you that they do in fact love glass and they make different pendants and charms to tell stories that they wear with pride, now offering you one as well. 
“I must admit I have something else, though I wish to exchange it for a treaty of research.” You draw their attention again, “Some of you have already discovered my affinity for fruit. I have been looking into ways to allow them to grow in wider varieties of environments. Where it be more heat resistant or for a damper environment, however I can only mimic so much in my coastal home. Therefore I would like to offer fruits that I have been working with. To hopefully be able to grow in each of your homes based off my research. I simply ask that you inform me about how they do and perhaps of any further help they may need. Then possibly in the future I can come do the same with what is specific to some of your kingdoms as well.” 
To say you are not quite what they had expected would be an understatement. However, none of them had any complaints about that. If anything it only made them more eager to discuss things with you this week. The week progressed far too quickly. Spending much time with the four of you, though you did each spend time to yourselves and one on one with each other establishing friendships and discussing situations between your kingdoms specifically. It proves that the previous generation should have just left this up to the four of you from the start.
Seokmin clears his throat as you all sit around looking over recently shared research, breaking the silence, “Y/N I have been carefully considering and I think in the best interests of our kingdom and in the desires of my heart I would like to ask for your hand. This week has expressed something clear to me and that is that simply being neighbors will not be enough for me and if you would allow me the honor I would like your hand.” 
The question stuns the three of you, all looking at him in utter shock, you and Joshua sharing burning cheeks though the first to react is Jeonghan who bursts out laughing.
“Oh my gods Joshua I can’t believe he beat us both to it.” He nearly falls back out of his chair due to how hard he is laughing. You and Seokmin not looking at him with furrowed brows and confused nearly simultaneously asking what he means. “We had gotten a little heated two days ago because both had told the other we intended to ask for your hand. So we decided that we would both plan and see who got to it first. I can’t believe it was neither of us.” 
You blink, before feeling lightheaded suddenly. Joshua catching on and rushing over to move a chair over, helping ease you into it where you then fanned yourself looking between the three.
“So let me get this straight… All three of you wish to ask for my hand?” When they all confirm you take a shaky breath, your mind is overwhelmed at this. "I… Can you all…"
"Y/N." Joshua calls softly, getting your attention again, "Take a breath. We're in no rush."
At his assurance you take a breath helping your mind slowly begin to wrap around what was going on. Though now Jeonghan was looking at you confused.
"Princess, you're acting as though no one has ever asked for your hand before." He speaks up softly and it flusters you.
"Well they have, but not truly. No one has ever asked me. It is always my father they ask. No one has ever asked for it due to attraction to me, but rather to the position. This is….new." You explain, looking away at the astonishment on each of their faces. "Would it be alright if… if I had some time to consider?"
When they all agree you smile tentatively before walking out to go back to your own sitting room. Though it wasn't long before you were bombarded by your advisors and their man opinions. Being thoroughly reminded that not only was your own fate in your hands, but the entire kingdom's. At which point you had had enough and told everyone to promptly get out. Rubbing at your temples with a sigh and going out to your balcony to find a peaceful place. After some time there you notice how your messenger bird is around and work up a letter to write back home, specifically for your father and send it off. Though knowing you wouldn't get a response until it was nearly time to leave. Still pacing as the time for dinner comes around, the thought of it not even coming to mind until there's a gentle knock on the door. Peeking out to find Joshua and your breath stops for a moment.
"Y/N we'd all like you to come to dinner please. We all agreed not to bring anything about the proposals up, we just would like you to eat and relax. We do not mean for it to weigh this heavy on you, please." Joshua pleas with you softly. You worry your lip between your teeth before nodding and allowing him to guide you to dinner. Where the other two seem to relax some upon seeing you arrive with Joshua. You allow dinner to distract you some for the moment before speaking up.
"I am still overwhelmed and uncertain, but I do not want this to affect our other interactions this week. If this bothers anyone, feel free to withdraw your proposal with no hard feelings."  When none of them respond you nod softly, "When I have come to a decision I will present it to you all."
That's when you head off again hoping a night of sleep would help you settle before the next morning when discussions of kingdom relations would resume. And so it did for the next two days until your response arrived. Looking over the note from your father and sitting down as it made your head swim again.
"... follow your heart my daughter. I know you will make the right decision…."
It stuck with you making your thoughts swirl. What did your heart want? And was it something that you could even have. With a sigh you decided to return to the room where the three men were, drawing their attention when you entered. 
"I have been thinking and have spoken to my father. There are so many opinions of this decision and on what the decision will mean for my kingdom. However, my father simply told me to follow my heart. The problem that lies in that is that my heart cannot make a decision. It has grown fond of all of you and so choosing just one is presenting a challenge." You confess to them, unable to look at any of them. 
"So you're saying that you want all three of us?" Jeonghan inquires, raising a brow. When you nod shyly though he smirks, "Well I'm not one to deny you princess. What about you both?"
When they both agree seemingly as easy as Jeonghan did his smirk only grows while you’re stunned. Watching closely as Jeonghan comes over to tilt your head up to look at him.
“Well princess, what do you think? Would this idea suit you?” He asks as if it were so simple while your brain still continues to overthink things.
“That’ll only create more problems won’t it? Where would I live? In which kingdom? And with whom? Besides, how would any of us get our kingdom’s to agree to such terms? How would we ensure you’re all viewed as my husbands and no one considered an affair?” As you confess what is weighing on you, Jeonghan tsks softly. 
“It will only create problems if you allow it to. Who says we couldn’t just live here? Where we can get to any kingdom? Besides, relations would never be better than in this case, if we all became one. We are the future of the kingdom, what we determine here this week goes. Including wedding arrangements and happenings. As for your last question…we simply consummate the marriage together… all four of us.” He offers you some answers to calm your mind.
“Very well. Let’s plan something simple here for the four of us and prepare messages for back home. After it is already official and cannot be undone we can have a larger ceremony with our families present and honoring each of our customs.” You agree, smiling at them all only for Seokmin to lunge at you unable to hold back any longer as he presses his lips to your before pulling back and giggling shyly at your flustered face. 
“Sorry I just couldn’t wait any longer.” He apologizes, backing away a little to give you space.
“Kisses are fine, just no more until after we’re all married.” You tell them, it still feels foreign to consider being married to any of them, let alone all of them. Though that is all the permission Jeonghan needs to move in and kiss you as well. Joshua, letting them both have that chance before he kisses you next. 
You excuse yourself after going back to those with you and begin discussing arrangements. Getting most things in order in time along with a dress for you. The ladies you brought along helped you into it. The princess skirt settles around your waist, but only the lace overlay, underneath slightly more form fitting. The lace overlay also comes up around your neck, poofing into large sleeves that are fitted from the elbow to your wrists. The ladies help you button the front and sleeves before setting the overlay of lace daisies again. A bow tied around your waist and right under the poof of each sleeve. Your nerves ever present as you walk out to meet the three men that await you. The simple ceremony going off without a hitch. Followed by dinner where the four of you got privacy. Seokmin then took your hand and led you and the others off to the room he had been staying in, not that any room would have felt crowded with the four of you. He helps you sit back on the bed, arms on either side of you as he leans in. Jeonghan is about to impatiently express his discontent, but Joshua stops him, putting a hand out.
“Seokmin did ask for her hand first Jeonghan, it’s only right he’s the first to have what he wants.” Joshua offers though Seokmin is in his own world, working on all the buttons with a focused pout before he gives in.
“It’s taking too long. I can’t wait.” He huffs softly before getting onto his knees, pushing the skirt of your dress out of his way to reveal your panties. All the material nearly covers your face as you fall back when Seokmin pulls your legs closer. He nips at where your thigh meets your core and is most sensitive, then laving over the spot with his tongue. “You smell heavenly.”
He’s then ripping your panties to get to your arousal, quick to lap it up. Jeonghan moves to take over the buttons where Seokmin had left off, wanting to get access to your breasts. Joshua coming behind you to lay your head in his lap.
“What about you?” You ask him softly, noticing how he’s not getting access to any part of you like the other two currently are. He smiles down at you, gently brushing your hair away. 
“Don’t worry, I’m content to put you back together once they shatter you princess.” He says despite smiling so sweetly and you begin to wonder what exactly you’ve gotten yourself into. At least until Seokmin sucks on your clit and makes your brain go blank only moments later. The man hungry in his treatment of your core, eager to get all that he can from you. Pulling away only when you’ve cum, though his eyes are still clouded with hunger. Able to pull your dress off now that Jeonghan has undone all the buttons to be able to toy with your breasts. Before he can push in though Jeonghan stops him.
“I want to know what she tastes like untainted first, don’t you Joshua?” He expresses and when Joshua hums in approval he reaches down to swipe two fingers through your soaked lips. Cleaning you off one with a moan before offering the other to Joshua who you watch as his eyes flutter shut at the taste. “Okay Seokmin go ahead.” 
Seokmin grabs the back of each of your knees and folds you nearly in half, pressing them in closer to your chest before slowly pressing in until he’s all the way in. Letting you feel him so deep now, the feeling making your eyes glaze over as you’re already somewhat dazed at all the feelings. Jeonghan chuckles as he bites a little above your nipple to get your attention onto him for a moment.
“You gonna let the eager fox mate with you?” He teases though it’s not just you but also Seokmin who huffs in response, thrusting in harshly when you go to answer so that all you can do is squeak out a yes. 
“Not a fox, but I will mate you good princess.” Seokmin assures, pushing Jeonghan away from you so he can lean down and press his weight on you as he starts thrusting harder, nippling and licking at your neck as if he truly cannot get enough of you. Jeonghan weaving his hand in between you two to rub at your clit while Joshua gently strokes your hair.
“That’s it, being such a good girl and taking him so well. Are you going to cum for him, princess?” Joshua asks and when you moan out an affirmation while nodding he chuckles, “Hear that Seokmin, she’s gonna make a mess on your dick. Are you going to make a mess of her back?”
“Fuck yes, going to fill her with cum.” Seokmin moans out, keeping true to his word and coming when Jeonghan pinches your clit and makes you cum around him. Pumping every last drop deep inside of you before pulling out and gently easing your thighs down as he moves to the side to catch his breath and let someone else take his spot.
Jeonghan the next one to move in as Joshua stays where he is supporting your head. Jeonghan standing between your legs at the end of the bed and hooking one knee over his elbow while the other is around his hips and pulling him closer. That being all the encouragement he needs to push in. His fingers on your clit nearly immediately as he does.
“You came so fast when I played with your clit while Seokmin was in you. Will you cum that fast for me now too?” He questions though expects no answer as he picks up a brutal pace simply listening to you cry out in pleasure. Watching as you claw at the sheets. Joshua calls Seokmin over to whisper something to him before Seokmin leaves and Joshua has your nipples between his fingers to toy with. Your hypersensitive body is already on edge again. “It’s okay if you do princess, none of us will last long in this messy little cunt of yours, especially not when it’s squeezing us tighter right when you’re about to cum. So go on, give me a reason to fill you filthy fucking pussy.” 
His words are the final nail in the coffin as you’re cumming around him, him helping ride you through it before he’s cumming as well. Leaning down to kiss you softly as he slowly eases out, before him and Joshua are helping you to sit.
“Come with me princess.” Joshua urges, helping you off the bed and to the bathroom where Seokmin had drawn a bath. He gets in first before helping you in and to settle onto his hard cock, leaning against his chest while surrounded by the warm water. “Just relax and let the water ease your muscles.” 
You hum, eyes closing as you lay your head against his shoulder. Not sure how long you both stay like that before his hips start to grind just a little into you. Though you’re kept from sitting up as his arm slips around your waist holding you in place. 
“Easy princess, just keep relaxing while I make you feel good again.” He tells you, pelvic bone grinding against your clit with each small roll of his hips. The water sloshing around you both slightly but neither of you can find it in you to care as the slow sensual feelings make you both feel as though you’re floating. Joshua keeps that up until you’re both cumming. Then he’s gently moving you into a shower instead to wash you both up, helping you to dress before he’s taking your sleepy form to his room where Jeonghan and Seokmin have already cleaned up and settled for the evening. Allowing all four of you to settle into bed after the eventful day. 
There certainly were endless more details to resolve and no doubt challenges that would arise when news of what you four had done arrived home. However the four of you together worked better than anyone in history seemed to and therefore the four of you together had this chance that no one else would. A chance to make the island whole for once. A chance to make each of you whole for once.
If you enjoy my work please keep in mind how much time and effort goes into it and show support through comments and reblogs, or consider buying me a kofi. (Caffeine fuels the chaotic gremlin in me who creates content.)
127 notes · View notes
A lovely date
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A lovely date
Fandom Ikemen Prince
Pair Chevalier Michael x Tala Amouzgaar
Part of Mayday Heyday hosted by @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes
Thank you so much  for hosting such an original event I was so happy to have joined in. 🤗😊
This is my gift for the darling @m-mmiy. 
I really do hope you will like this work, but above all I wish is for my portrait of your OC to be faithful enough to the picture you have of her. 🤗😊
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It was a nice day, spring approached fast in Rhodolite in a much more gentle way she was used to.
The birds returned from afar told tales of exotic countries' wonders chirping excitedly waking ever so softly the animals from the hibernation of the winter whose chilly breeze still lingered in the air like the snow still present on the hilltop that was slowly but constantly melting under the tepid rays of a sun getting each day warmer. 
It seemed like a dream to her, familiar and strange at the same time.
The coming of season was nothing new to Tala but the sensations blooming in her heart like a rose surely were.
She shot a glance at him, the source of that feeling walking unfazed by her side.
Chevalier Michael a brutal beast for anyone but her the only man that before her heart captured her mind with his cleverness.
A genius admired and feared alike she would have never got tired of talking to. 
A source of everlasting knowledge whose discussion never failed to thrill her mind. 
In that instant he shot her a glance while his pale lips twitched upward in a light smile rare like the desert rose and like it breathtakingly beautiful. 
A gift for her alone to admire making her heart beat faster at the sight of his sky blue eyes glimmering with happiness. 
"Do you like spring ?"
His voice as cool as ever not revealing any emotion even though she could perceive the slightest hint of curiosity coloring his tone.
"I neither like nor dislike it."
"That's a peculiar answer."
"It's merely a season there is no need for me to favor it more than the others."
A shadow clouded over his features almost as he was genuinely curious to know her better but bad at communicating his desire he retorted to avoid speaking at all.
"I have to admit it's quite nice here."
Sun returned to his gorgeous features dripping over his smile.
"How so ?"
"It's less humid than in other countries I visited." 
They resumed their strolling basking in each other's presence, speaking no words for there was no need to. 
Suddenly something emerged from the bushes to cross their path.
Even with her expression hidden from the brown veil he could perceive her smile reaching to her amber eyes glimmering brighter than the sun as a small duck approached her. 
A jolt of warmth filled his heart at the endearing sight of the girl he came to grow fond of petting the small animal humming in delight as more ducks crowded around her for a chance she didn't deny them to be caressed by her delicate fingers. 
Noiselessly he accommodated himself under a tree far enough to admire her and avoid scaring away the ducks but he had just sat on the grass when a duck approached him only to pick on his leg.
He stared dumbfounded at the creature looking into his eyes with open defiance before walking confidently toward him. 
His bravery was rewarded as he stretched his long fingers to caress his feathered head so tiny in comparison to him and yet brazen enough to have him fascinating hom for reasons oddly resembling her/ that girl that caught his mind and heart.
It was the first time an animal approached him willingly it was strange but not unwelcome. 
The endearing sight sudden and warm like the spring rain her eyes crinkled with affection as his hand that so often were drenched in blood and calloused from holding swords  were now petting such a tiny creature delicately because there was gentleness underneath them.
A fresh breeze whistled among the garden guiding the ducks back in the luscious greenery where they came from.
It was like a dream if not for the tender smile he offered her as they resumed their pleasant date.
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27 notes · View notes
WOOO! 129 for time loop.
Tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
“Yeah, sure,” Buck replies. He feels like he’s been seeing a lot of sea otters lately. He saw them yesterday. Didn’t he? “They’re cute.”
“I know they’re cute,” Eddie nods. “I’m excited to see both of your reactions.”
Buck thinks his reaction today might not live up to expectations. But he follows the script he remembers anyway. 
“Well, then let’s get going,” he says, rolling out of bed. “Wake up Christopher.”
Eddie nods, expression tight. “Yeah. Yeah, let’s do that.”
When Buck stands, stretching his arms above his head, he finds himself staring at the old analog clock on the wall. Hideous thing, really. Still not telling the right time. It reads 12:03. Buck turns to look at the digital clock. 8:03 AM. There’s something about that. He just doesn’t know what. 
Half an hour later, they’re sitting on a big patio eating a complimentary hotel breakfast. Chris looks mildly zombified. Eddie and Buck are both trying to watch each other while they eat, but not look at the other person watching them. It’s strange and tense, and if Chris was any less tired, he’d probably ask them why they’re being weird. 
“View is nice right?” Eddie asks at one point, after taking a small sip of black coffee. 
Buck nods. “Same nice view as yesterday.” 
Eddie’s lip twitches. He looks unhappy, like Buck has said the wrong thing. Buck can’t tell if it’s because he’s being sort of bitchy, or if it’s because he went off the script he can feel playing out in his head. Does Eddie want him to stick to a script? Why would he? Unless he knows. 
Buck narrows his eyes. He needs to see what Eddie knows. 
“We should come back here again,” Buck says, following his sense of what he should say next. But his heart isn’t really in it.. “Some other time. A long weekend wasn’t enough.”
Eddie blinks, like he is surprised by the sudden swerve back onto course. Then, he smiles. And Buck knows that exact smile. Knows it because he knows Eddie. He knows all of Eddie’s smiles like a dream that stays with you forever. He works hard to make them appear, when he needs to. Finds it effortless, other times.
Eddie’s smile is relieved. 
“Anytime you want,” he says. 
Buck could cry. Why is Eddie lying to him? What is Eddie hiding from him? What is going on?
Never, not once since they’ve met, has Buck felt like he can’t trust Eddie. So why can’t he trust him now? 
Buck is very quiet during the entire guided kayaking tour of the estuary.
He’s frustrated and he’s scared. He’s also uncertain. He can’t know for sure, right? He doesn’t know that Eddie is lying to him or keeping things from him. He just suspects. So he watches. He gathers information. He builds his case. 
“When have you kayaked before?” Buck asks Eddie as he teaches Christopher how to paddle, just a little too deftly. He knows he’s heard this answer before. Knows Eddie has told him. How many times can he tell the same tale?
“Huh? Oh, uh… El Paso.” Eddie shrugs.
“El Paso? In the desert?” Buck challenges. 
“There was a lake near my house growing up. Like, the only lake around,” Eddie says. “Had to find things to do.” 
“Okay, so… Over a decade ago?” Buck presses. 
“Well, yeah,” Eddie says. “Wasn’t coming home from Afghanistan for kayaking trips.”
Christopher and their tour guide, Brittany, watch this exchange awkwardly. 
“Don’t you think you’re a little sharp for a decade of not using that skill?” Buck accuses.
Eddie’s mouth parts with surprise at Buck’s tone. 
“It’s muscle memory,” he says. “You don’t forget.”
“No,” Buck says. “I guess you don’t.”
Eddie’s expression tenses. “Buck-”
“Can we go already?” Chris interrupts. “I want to see the otters!”
So they go. And Buck hardly says a word. He hardly looks at the wildlife. All of it just serves to annoy him. 
He and Eddie help Brittany load the kayaks from the beach onto a rack. 
“Thank you!” She exclaims as they’re halting them. “Most visitors don’t stick around to help.”
“Of course,” Buck replies quietly. 
“They’re firefighters,” Chris says. “They lift heavy stuff all the time.”
“It’s true,” Eddie says, sliding a kayak onto the rack.
As soon as Buck puts the last kayak on the rack, he takes several large steps away from the rack. Eddie watches him, eyes bugging out, as he does. 
“Something wrong, Eddie?” Buck asks. 
“No,” Eddie replies. “Why would anything be wrong?”
Brittany frowns. “Well, uh, thanks again for the help, guys.”
They’re making total asses of themselves, and Buck knows it. Yet he can’t quite bring himself to care. Somehow, he thinks he may have the chance to redo this interaction tomorrow. 
Seemingly out of nowhere, but right out of Buck’s gut feeling, there’s  a strange metallic creaking sound, followed by a loud crack. The kayak rack lurches as a leg breaks, sending the top kayak sliding out, fast and hard onto the sand.
“Oh my god!” Brittany exclaims.
“Wow,” Buck says flatly. “That totally could have hit me in the back of the head.”
Eddie won’t look at him. 
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anon-e-miss · 8 months
The Desert Blooms - 9
“Where’d ya find the moonstone,” Ricochet asked. He and Jazz had not spoken about it but they seemed to be on the same wavelength so far as their “matches” were. Ricochet could not disagree with Ori’s subtle manoeuvring. The prince would suit Jazz better than the hot-helm and Ricochet supposed the hot-helm would suit him better than the stoic prince. Discovering Barricade’s interest in carving was a boon.
“A scrap heap,” Barricade replied. “Someone got a long way in carving a brick before they found a fissure.
“Barricade is forever searching scrap heaps for useful stones,” Prowl replied.
“Ya carve the table ‘n chairs?” Ricochet asked.
“Yes,” Barricade replied. “The Duke sent the granite from Praxus.”
“Did ya wanna see where ya can find some bigger pieces to work wit?” Ricochet asked.
“The private hoard Punch mentioned?” Barricade asked.
“Ori’s been tellin’ tales,” Ricochet exclaimed, with a chuckle. “Ain’t really my hoard. ‘M sure ‘m not the only carver that goes down there.
“Down where?” Barricade asked.
“Caves,” Ricochet said. “Most Polyhexian cities are mostly underground, outta the elements, except for businesses o’ trade ‘n the like. Ya seen how Darkmount is sorta in a bowl? That’s cause the walls o’ the main cavern collapsed. The smaller ones were abandoned outta... convenience? Who knows.”
“I do have something big I’d like to work on,” Barricade confessed.
Ori beamed and Ricochet rolled his optics behind his visor. Barricade was already standing before Ricochet thought he out to offer him a servo. He had been raised in camps and caves cut into the cliffs, not the court and he had no courtly manners. Jazz came to it naturally. His charm would make up for any misteps. Ricochet was rougher around the edges and with none of the charm. It would be Jazz who would lead the way when, eventually, envoys came to call, Ricochet thought he would do less damage if he smiled and nodded. Barricade may not have emerged to the Duke but he had been raised in his home a long time. Though how Praxian manners really translated in Polyhex’s court, Ricochet did not know. He tried to think of something to say but empty prattle had never been his thing.
“This way,” Ricochet scowled to himself as he realized these were the first glyphs he had spoken in the breams they had been walking. Barricade’s red optics narrowed. “Y’re fine. ‘M just thinkin’ I ain’t been much o’ a guide.”
“Oh?” Barricade asked.
“Well I outta be tellin’ ya where we’re walkin’,” Ricochet said. “What all this ‘n that is.”
“I don’t mind silence,” Barricade replied. “I grew up with Prowl.”
“He ain’t chatty?” Ricochet asked.
“He can be,” Barricade said. “If something interests him. You’ll see how he is eventually. When he gets into his own helm, he goes down deep. Whether he’s gardening, painting or just sitting at the same time, he only comes back up in his own time.”
“Ya don’t mind it,” Ricochet said.
“It’s how he is,” Barricade replied. “Enough mecha hate him for drawing breath, I figured as his brother, the least I could do is work with him.”
“How’d he react when the Duke brought ya home?” Ricochet asked.
“He took care of me,” Barricade replied.
“They did not even wait for the rent to come due,” Barricade peered up from under the box he was using to shield himself from the rain and saw an elegantly armoured mech, wearing a heavy velvet cloak looking down at him, sitting amongst the trash in the alley next to the boarding house he and his origin had lived, where his origin had died. Barricade scowled at the well-spoken stranger. The way his armour was cut reminded Barricade of his progenitor and he hated this mech on sight.
“What do you want?” He hissed. The stranger knelt in the puddle in front of him and pulled back his hood. Like Origin, the stranger’s faceplates were gold, though his optics were blue.
“I am designated Camshaft; your progenitor was my consort,” the mech said. Everything amount the mech, down to his accent, was so fine, unlike Barricade. “I found the letter you wrote him, telling of your originator’s death. He has passed as well. I am here to take you home, Barricade.”
“Home?” Barricade asked. “They kicked me out.”
“So I see,” Camshaft replied. “I will send someone to collect a refund on the rent remaining for this quartex. No, Barricade, I am taking you to my home, yours now as well.”
“I don’t understand,” Barricade said.
“I will explain,” Camshaft said. He took off his cloak and wrapped it around Barricade before picking him up. “My carriage is close.”
Origin had always told Barricade to be weary of strangers, even well armoured ones, but origin was gone. Barricade wrapped his arms around Camshaft’s neck and his legs around his waist. He shivered, the rains had soaked into his protoform. The strange mech crooned to him as he carried him down the block. Rain drenched Camshaft but he did not seem to care. He only paused a moment to pull the hood better over Barricade’s helm, shielding his faceplates from the rain. Barricade heard a scandalized gasp. Camshaft made no sound at all. Head heard doors creak as they were pulled open. When Camshaft set him down, Barricade pulled back the hood, far too big for his helm and looked around as the stranger climbed into the carriage with him.
“Take us home,” he ordered the coachmech. He turned to Barricade and gave him a soft look. “You are soaked to the struts, poor thing. Turn up the heat.”
“Where are we going?” Barricade asked. Hot air blasted all around him and Barricade was warm.
“To my home,” Camshaft replied. “I live on an estate in Petrex with my mechling, Prowl. You are his brother and thus you are mine so you will live with us now.”
“But... I’m just a bastard,” Barricade said. “I’m not even your bastard.”
“The only bastard in all of this was your progenitor,” Camshaft declared. Barricade could not argue that point.
At first, Origin had just had a little cough, something he had said, he figured, he had picked up backstage. But then the coughing had gotten so bad Origin’s armour rattled with the force of it and at the same time as he had spiked a fever, a rash had appeared on his chassis. His vocalizer had swollen so much he could not speak. Barricade had tried to fetch a medic but Origin had not been paid for his last performance. He had gone to the hall but the manager had said he had deducted fees because Origin had failed to appear for the last few shows. Only after exhausting these avenues had Barricade written to his progenitor, a mech he had only seen three times in his whole life. He had only answered once, to tell him his whore of an origin was not his concern. No matter how much Barricade had begged in letter after letter, he never sent a shanix, or another glyph. No medic had come, no matter how much he had begged them, no priest either, not even when Origin had ventilated his last.
“I am so sorry, Sweetspark,” Camshaft said as he wiped a tear from Barricade’s faceplates.
“They wouldn’t give him Last Rites,” Barricade cried. He wriggled out of he cloak so he could climb off of his bench and into Camshaft’s arms. “They didn’t want to catch it.”
“We will build your originator a shrine,” Camshaft promised as he stroked Barricade’s helm. “And we will light his path to the well.”
“Promise?” Barricade asked.
“I promise,” Camshaft said.
Barricade believed him. There was something about Camshaft, something different than his progenitor, that made Barricade feel like his glyphs were true. He set his helm on the stranger’s shoulder and closed his optics. Camshaft hummed and the lullaby, along with the rocking of the carriage, lulled Barricade into recharge. Sometime later he woke to the carriage rolling to a stop. Camshaft stroked his back and hummed a reassuring note. Soon the carriage was on the move again and Barricade looked out the window to see that they were riding down a long drive. Fields covered in wild blooming crystals stretched further than Barricade could see. When they came to a stop again, Barricade could not see the habsuite but he imagined it was huge. The doors opened and a coachmech stood in the opening.
“I’ll take him to the servants quarters,” the mech said.
“You will not,” Camshaft declared. “Barricade will live in the nursery with Prowl.”
“But that is... scandalous...”
“I am the Duke of Petrex,” Camshaft replied. “This is my estate and my household. I will manage it as I will. Let it be known to my staff, Barricade is equal to Prowl and should I find out he is being treated in any way less, there will be Pit to pay.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” the coachmech said, bowing low. Barricade looked up at Camshaft... highness?
“Good,” Camshaft said. “Come along, Barricade. It is time for you to meet your brother.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” Barricade replied. Camshaft smiled down at him.
“You do not need to address me as so,” he replied. “I am Camshaft. I am your caretaker. I am not your lord. Do you understand?”
“No,” Barricade replied. He really did not.
“That is alright,” Camshaft said. “You will.”
“You are back, Originator,” a new voice spoke. A mech Barricade’s age with a silver face and the Duke’s blue optics stood on the steps of the grandest home Barricade had ever seen. It must have been as long as the whole block Barricade had lived on.
“Yes, Prowl, I have brought you your brother,” Camshaft explained. “By your progenitor. He is designated Barricade.”
“Hello Barricade,” Prowl greeted Barricade. He had a funny tone. His accent was similar to Camshaft but different... almost flat. Barricade stood very still as the Duke’s creation walked down the steps at stops in front of him. Prowl looked Barricade up and down and then looked up to his originator and back down again. “You were caught in the rains, Barricade. I will draw you a bath and fetch some tea.”
“Just like that?” Ricochet asked.
“Camshaft said I was his brother and so in Prowl’s processor, it was so,” Barricade explained. “There were servants, of course there were servants but Camshaft mostly had them barred from the nursery. He, we, kept it up. The only servants allowed in were tutors and Camshaft kept a close optic on them.”
“Why?” Ricochet asked.
“Because he could never be sure who might be one of his brothers’ or originator’s assassins,” Barricade explained.
“Assassins?” Ricochet gasped. “They wanted your brother dead so bad.”
“Fratricide is the family business,” Barricade explained. “The first time Camshaft’s elder brother tried to kill him, he was a first tier sparkling and his brother a second tier. It did not get better as they got older and more brothers were added.”
“Fraggin’ Pit,” Ricochet gasped. “The Emperor is okay with this?”
“It’s tradition,” Barricade explained. “The strongest and smartest survives over his brothers to become emperor.”
“That’s insane,” Ricochet declared. “Ain’t sorry to say that… That’s just crazy.”
“It is,” Barricade agreed. “Camshaft stayed in his dukedom, he still does, versus court. It’s been a long time since they tried anything.”
“They don’t think he’s a threat?” Ricochet asked.
“No, they’re all terrified of him,” Barricade explained. “The last time he had to dine with them, he put every one of them into stasis with a bit of poison. When they came back on line, all hungover as Pit, he warned them to leave him be or the next time they wouldn’t wake up. The Emperor was furious.”
“Why?” Ricochet asked.
“Because poison is the coward’s way,” Barricade said. “And if he was going to go and do it, he should have at least done it properly and wiped them all out.”
“But he didn’t,” Ricochet said.
“He doesn’t want power,” Barricade said. “Not anymore than he has as Duke of Petrex. He loathes the court, loathes the tradition. He would have had a whole gaggle of sparkling but he only had Prowl because he didn’t want his creations pitted against each other.”
“He probably thought bringin’ ya home was a blessin’,” Ricochet said.
“That’s what he told me,” Barricade replied.
“He sounds like a good mech,” Ricochet declared.
“I’ve never met a better one,” Barricade replied.
There was love there, as deep and as loyal a love as Barricade had for his brother. Ricochet did not understand why he would not go home but then he supposed in their situation, nothing could convince Ricochet to leave Jazz’s side. Barricade and the prince might not have been twins or even full brothers, they had a powerful bond. It was something Ricochet could respect. He took Barricade’s servo and guided him over the rubble that partially barred the mouth of the cave. Barricade was sure of ped, the doorwings probably did not heard so far as balance went. He clicked his glossa as they descended into darkness, with only their headlights to light the way. Having evolved for low-light environments, Ricochet saw as clearly in the tunnel as he did on the surface, once he retracted his visor. Barricade clicked his glossa and walked along at Ricochet’s side as sure of ped as ever.
“Click,” Barricade clicked his glossa and walked along.
“What’re ya doin’?” Ricochet asked.
“Echolocation,” Barricade said.
“I didn’t know Praxians could do that,” Ricochet replied.
“Most can’t,” Barricade replied. “Camshaft taught us.”
“Sounds like the two o’ ya got an eclectic education,” Ricochet replied.
“That’s a good way to put it,” Barricade said.
“Here we are,” Ricochet replied.
“What am I looking at?” Barricade asked. “Since I don’t actually see anything.”
“Roots,” Ricochet explained. He lit a lamp and held it up. “From the trees that topped the oasis that used to sit above the cave.”
“Nice,” Barricade said. He ran his servos over a broken crystal root. Barricade took the lantern from Ricochet and studied the roots all around him. “Hmm.”
“What’re ya lookin’ to make?” Ricochet asked.
“A cradle for the bitlet,” Barricade said. “So if you have optics for something for a loftier project just tell me now.”
“I don’t,” Ricochet replied. “‘N anyways, makin’ a cradle seems like a pretty worthy purpose for any o’ these crystals.”
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https://discord.gg/yUEPQs4QAf The year is 2287 and the world is still recovering from the nuclear fallout that nearly wiped out all life 200 years ago.
Somewhere buried below the ground in the Commonwealth lays a frozen tomb, with one soul still yet to arise from the frigid depths and see the surface. What was once a massive prospering city is now little more than numerous smaller settlements and towns built up from the scrap of its remains. Paranoia reigns over the populace as friends and family turn on each other, echoing whispers of the great boogeyman of the Commonwealth—The Institute.
Out in the Mojave, tensions are high between the countless groups and factions as each waits for one to make a move. The Vegas Strip shines like a beacon in the center, guiding gamblers, tourists, and traders through desert to see the brilliant lights. A courier shot dead outside of Goodsprings marks another soul claimed by the wasteland, but the reason behind their murder remains a mystery.
In the Capital Wasteland, a different tale is told. One of hope, prosperity, and of sacrifice. The water has been slowly recovering its purity due to the efforts of a father and son, both of whom selflessly gave their lives several years ago to restore a small piece of the world destroyed at the hands of those brutal bombs. While violence persists there, most inhabiting the rubble of the Capital still speak of The Lone Wanderer and their ultimate sacrifice.
------------------------------------------------ Welcome to "Tales From The Wasteland", an 18+ Fallout roleplay server that takes place in 2287 and uses the locations of Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas. You can play canon characters or OCs, and there is even a texting system to communicate across the various apocalyptic settings your muses find themselves in.
Don't want to roleplay? That's fine too! Feel free to share art, memes, and everything in-between! We have a selection of fun bots for you to play around with, including blackjack and UNO! We'd love to have you! ------------------------------------------------
CURRENT CANON TAKEN LIST: Arthur Maxson Paladin Danse John Hancock Butch Deloria Arcade Gannon
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evolutionsvoid · 1 year
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Whenever I go to new regions, I always make sure to talk to the locals and get a read on the area. Indeed, bookstores sell all sorts of guides for new locales and exotic locations, but you will never get anything more reliable and informative than the word of those who live there. It is especially important to me, because my interests don't exactly fit in with the recommended restaurants or must-get souvenirs. I want animals, I want plants and I want weird locations and little known habitats for me to do my research. Most people don't care about that stuff, sometimes even the locals, but often they know enough about the lay of the land to point me in the right direction. It also helps because they can give me a heads up about any dangers I may encounter, be it aggressive animals or local laws that I am not fully aware of.
Like there was one time I was out studying Bladed Prowlers when some kind folk informed me of a nearby fellow who really didn't like people walking into his territory. They said he fancied himself a warlord and staked out a big chunk of land that he declared his kingdom. All who dare tread upon his rightful land would answer to him. So obviously they advised me to avoid this region, lest I get scooped up by his men and punished for my intrusion. This was awfully kind of them, as it let me know to be cautious where I studied and to be mindful of my surroundings! I trespassed on his land anyways, because that is where the Prowlers were nested, but I now I knew the importance of not being caught! It did work out in the end, as his troops never got a hold of me, but he did learn of my presence so I did kind of have the rest of my trip haunted by his search parties.
But as I was saying! Local information and knowledge is crucial for my work, and it helps me avoid real dangerous scenarios. I always ask about their legends and rumors, to see if there are any places one would consider "haunted" or "cursed." Now everyone knows I am not a real superstitious dryad, and I often hesitate to take fantastical tales of monsters and horror at face value. No doubt many of these stories have logical answers and real culprits, but that isn't to say they are all useless. By hearing these legends and learning how the stars of these tales perish horribly, I can get an idea of what is really out there. And sometimes what I learn is enough for me to steer clear of these places too! For example, when I am in arid rocky places, with plenty of canyons, crevices and caves, I keep an ear open for any stories of people who delve into these stony depths and never return. That or blackened figures are found burnt into the walls and floors, as if they turned to ash. While some claim ghosts and spirits are responsible for disappearances, I think more of Flayers and other such predators. But when I hear about scorched outlines in rock, I know what is responsible and I make sure to stay far away! A story like that means a Sulfrik is lurking in the darkness, and no living being should ever wish to cross paths with one!
The origins and nature of the Sulfrik can be summed up with two points. One, is that they are a True Dragon, not some regular beast given a fancy name. And the second point, to really drive that home, is that they are related to the Fuldruk, that terror of the volcanic deserts. If you have read my entry on them, then you should know exactly why I avoid Sulfriks! The two share many similarities with each other, like the serpentine bodies, reduced limbs, clawed tails and bulbous heads with slender jaws. The Sulfrik does have some key differences though. Their bodies are not so spiky and blue, instead with hardened bumps along their armor and a vibrant green to their form. Their tail pincer is more rounded and wide, with long hollow spikes that can easily drive into flesh when they grab hold. Their heads have less sharp bits and a more exposed cranium, one filled with a special fluid. Instead of hunting with electrical pulses like the Fuldruk, they use echolocation to navigate their surroundings. They send out clicks and whistles, then absorb the bouncing sound with that gelatinous dome. Their long snouts have noticeably less teeth than their cousins, and instead have large fangs that curve upwards and wrap around the jaws. Some would think that this would make it hard to open their mouths, and they are right! A full grown Sulfrik will have its jaws almost locked shut by their woven teeth, but it hardly causes them any issue. They don't need to open their mouths that wide to eat, as they prefer a squishier, more liquid diet. 
The mention of it drinking its meals may cause some to breath a sigh of relief, as that must mean flesh is off the menu. May I remind you that many spiders have a liquid diet, and that is because their turn their prey's internal organs into soup. Just because you are currently not in a drinkable state, doesn't mean you can't be painfully processed into a gory slurry. The Sulfrik does exactly that for its prey, and my bark shivers to think what it must be like to fall victim to one. These dragons live in caves and deep crevices, hiding within darkness when the sun is out and hot. In shadowy canyons, they may still stir and slither during the day, but they seem to be in a more lax and sluggish state then. When night falls, however, they wake to their true potential and go out on the hunt.
They emerge from their lairs and burrows, and stalk the darkness for food. What they eat seems to be everything, as they don't hesitate to drop whatever they encounter. They silently slither through the blackness, keeping out of sight and using the cloak of night to their advantage. Sleeping prey is mostly targeted, but they will also go after those who aren't fully aware of their surroundings. When they strike, it isn't physically, rather they unleash their horrid breath weapon upon their victims. Stored within their bodies is a potent acid, one that is incredibly caustic and flammable. With their snouts forever sealed by their teeth, they have the perfect tube for spraying out this fluid, and that is what they do. It comes out in a pressurized spray, hosing down victims directly, or easing up the pressure to let out more of a caustic fog. With a scrape of their wrapped teeth, they can create a spark that ignites this acid and unleash something that can only be described as "acid flame." In this state, the burning fluid eats through armor and flesh in seconds, and prey are reduced to blackened puddles of goo. These are then eagerly slurped up by the Sulfrik's straw-like mouth, and then it slinks off for more food.
When they are hunting, Sulfriks appear to be ravenous, happily consuming anything they encounter. Perhaps because their prey is already pre liquefied and cooked it means that the digestion process happens quite quickly. They will melt anything they can, and take time to reestablish any territory markings they have put out, spraying their acid on notable rocks and walls to show that this land is theirs. Due to their size and appetite, only a single Sulfrik can live within a territory that is dozens of square miles. This is a good thing, because I can't imagine dealing with more than one! A single Sulfrik is usually enough to terrify an entire village into fleeing and I don't blame them!
Like many True Dragons, there is an intelligence to them. Unfortunately like their cousins, they don't seem to use it for meaningful conversation or curious discovery. Rather, they seek to entertain themselves and find ways to liven up their day (or night in this case). On the nicer side of things, they appear to have an artistic streak to them, using their acid to burn intricate patterns into stone. Or perhaps melt pieces of the landscape then mold their molten forms into something fun. The lair of a Sulfrik has many such art pieces, and it is clear they like to decorate their homes. I wish this is how they spent their time entirely, but unfortunately they do also find fun in playing with their food. If one isn't starving, they may take time to torment their prey, creating walls of acid flame or chasing them around tight canyons to extend the hunt and make their victim's struggle that much more entertaining. Their tail claws can be used to grab victims and sling them about like a doll, or inject acid directly into them so they can watch them flail and melt from within. Prey can also be used in their art, searing them into blackened patterns onto stone, or attempting to sculpt their molten bones and armor into a fun little art installation. I have heard many artists say that suffering, pain and little body fluids can make for interesting art pieces, but I sure hope this doesn't count. It seems a bit morbid, though I have heard wealthy collectors paying top coin for some collected Sulfrik sculptures. I wonder what they do about the smell....
It should seem obvious at this point that most people view Sulfriks as a scourge, a monstrous menace that will happily melt down herds of livestock and leave villages in ruin. While I feel it is a tad melodramatic when people claim this for every dragon, I do understand their terror when faced with these fellows. When Sulfriks come across towns, they tend to get a mischievous side to them and find people to be amusing play things. They may light buildings aflame, ambush people at night or cause random death and destruction before slinking off into their labyrinthine homes. It is like the species is well aware that folks have a real hard time slaying them, so that means they can get away with a whole lot.
The narrow crevices and maze-like canyons let them hide and lose their pursuers with ease, and their acid flame eats through all non-magic armors. Their hide is heavily armored with plates, and their serpentine bodies are fast and lethal. Their claw tails snare hunters and smash them against the stone walls, while their flame devours the entire battlefield, reducing everyone to screaming bubbling soup. The only real hope is rupturing their fluid filled craniums, which will destroy their ability to properly echolocate. This means they are blind, which is good for getting in a sneak attack, but it also means they will flail and fire with wild abandon. With all this in mind, Sulfrik bounties tend to fetch an exorbitant prize, but they are very rarely claimed. There are few in this world that will happily hunt one of these things. In most cases, people find the lair of the Sulfrik and then seal it up during the day when they are slumbering within. The hope is that it dooms the creature, leaving them to starve in this stony prison. Often, though it seems they find their way out through tunnels or and other cracks, resulting in their territory changing as they pop out in some new area. That will mean the menace is gone for our poor besieged town, but unfortunately that often means it is now someone else's problem.   
Chlora Myron
Dryad Natural Historian
We got another dragon here, and one related to the Fuldruk! Couldn't let that concept just end at one! Especially with there being more weird cetacean skulls to base them on!
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tragedybunny · 5 months
The Song Divine - Chapter 1
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Astrid was an opera singer with a glowing future ahead of her when fate crosses her path with that of Prince Folwin, youngest son of the Emperor. The two begin what feels like a romance from tales of old. The closer the two become though, the more Astrid is pulled into the deepening conflict tearing the Imperial Family apart from within. One fateful night will shatter it entirely, leaving Astrid alone in the world and a fugitive. Just as she begins to find solace among the companions who took her in, her and Folwin are thrust back together for a grim mission that will have them pardoned if they can see it through. While the dangers they face are great, the biggest struggle might be having one another close through it all.
༺Warnings༻ Setting appropriate violence, sexual content
༺Word Count༻ 3011
༺A/N༻ Hi Lovelies. This is my first original work. It's been a labor of love for a year to get started on this. I hope you fall in love with these characters as much as I have. I will still be writing fanfic of course, I have so many plans for Astarion. The biggest thank you to @icybluepenguin for editing and being my support! I love you Icy, you're my partner in crime. And thank you for reading.
Also on AO3
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The night air was cool on Astrid's skin as she gazed at the sky and wondered if Volant had put a star there to guide her specifically. Perhaps she should pray on it, but religion was never close to her heart. A sentiment many in the Empire shared these days, some even replacing old gods with the Imperial family. It was whispered the Emperor had secretly begun to encourage the practice. 
Astrid shook her head to clear away those thoughts. Politics and state religions weren't her concern. The stage was. And she'd come to this deserted, neglected part of the Imperial Garden to practice. The great opera house, the Helentine, named after the Empress Helentia, was open to her, but there she might be observed and even heard, a mortifying idea.  
Pulling her shawl tight over the plain dress she wore, she began singing scales to warm up her voice. She kept glancing around at the paths through hedges around her, waiting to be interrupted. It seemed that this corner of the Imperial Garden was truly an untouched haven. Softly, she sung the first notes of an aria. In moments, she was lost in the song, transported to that place she could only get to when she sang - that wondrous, sacred place where there was only her and music. To Astrid, singing was divine bliss.
Her voice remained softer than the projection she’d use on stage. Even though she was reasonably sure she wouldn’t be found, no reason for extra risk. Eyes closed, she raised her arms, hands moving along with the melody, keeping time. Every note was effortless, and when the last one came, her heart surged with joy. As her voice died away, Astrid felt herself coming down from the high in a soft, joyous haze, the most relaxed she’d felt since she came to the Imperial complex. For a moment, it felt like things were going to be alright. 
Until she heard the sound of soft applause behind her. 
Blood turned to ice water in her veins as she turned to look behind her. A young man sat on one of the worn stone benches scattered amongst the neglected hedges and flowers. Though his silver eyes were friendly and a smile played about his full lips, she dread was building in her stomach. He was tall, taller than most men. Elven lineage, she surmised, noting the pointed ears almost lost in waves of platinum white hair, and the handsome yet fine features he bore. 
"Bravo, that was delightful, my dear," he said in a cultured and mellifluous tone. 
"T-thank you," Astrid stammered and he didn't seem to notice her struggle. 
"And what's your name? I haven't seen you at the Imperial Opera before and I'm sure I'd remember a voice like that." The smile never left him but it didn't do anything for her unease. 
"Astrid, Astrid Lucerne. I just arrived at the Opera company. And you, sir?" This time her voice sounded blessedly normal… She'd just been caught singing alone in an abandoned garden, she didn't need to embarrass herself further in front of this striking stranger. 
On his feet in an instant, he bowed with a dramatic flourish. "Prince Folwin, pleasure to meet you, Madame Astrid."
"Oh-" the air rushed from her lungs and she felt unsteady on her feet. She had just looked foolish and eccentric in front the most important audience she could ever have, an Imperial Royal. 
"Now I've gone and overwhelmed you, it would seem." Taking her hand with all gentleness, he guided her to sit on the bench next to him while her mind tried to catch up to the situation. “My sincerest apologies.” 
Shaking her head, she collected her scattered thoughts, black hair that had escaped its pins swirling around her. “No need, I had just thought I was alone…” 
“And then some nosy Prince shows up and spoils the evening,” he continued on, in the same lighthearted manner as before. 
Astrid had never had a stranger moment in her life than sitting on a cold bench next to her unexpected royal audience, hearing him poke fun at himself. Her panic was slowly succumbing to a fascination with him and why he was there. “I wouldn’t phrase it quite that way, Prince Folwin.”
“Just Folwin will do, given these rather informal circumstances. But I must beg you, indulge my curiosity,” he leaned in a conspiratorial manner, the two of them now far too close for any sense of propriety, “why are you out here, singing for the hedges?” 
The heady smell of something floral combined with a musky incense clouded her senses. The momentary reprieve from her panic vanished as she scrambled for a way to explain herself that didn’t make her look pathetic. “To be honest…” Her words fell away as she hesitated once again. Folwin rested a cheek in one of his perfect pale hands, eyeing her expectantly. No good excuses came to mind and, admitting defeat, she let the truth out, “I rather hate singing where people can hear me.” 
Folwin balked for a moment, as though he was unsure if she was joking. “Interesting, given your assignment to the Opera.” 
Astrid found a rather interesting spot on the ground to stare at. “My father's idea, he believes my voice is too good to hide from the world. He plays for the grand orchestra and he insisted I come here and begin my career.” 
“Ah, my sympathies. I can understand being subject to the whims of a parent.” 
Astrid chanced a glance back up to find those silver eyes studying her. 
“Although, if you don't mind me saying, I'm inclined to agree with him, your voice is very lovely, and it would be a shame to keep it hidden.” 
The compliment caused her heart to skip a beat and she worried her cheeks would begin to flush. “That's because you only heard me sing while I thought I was alone.” 
A hand of sculpted marble reached out and tilted up her chin, holding her eyes to his. “And what have you to be scared of, sounding as perfect as you do?” All the mirth had vanished from his words and he was suddenly quite serious. 
There was no answer that would come to her, try as she might to think of it; she could only stare into those hypnotic eyes of his. It was madness, being overwhelmed by the beauty of him, the intoxicating scent, the lilting sound of his voice. Astrid scolded herself - he was a Prince, this must just be some game to him. "Like many emotions, fear is not always rational. But I suppose I fear to fail, and to be on display while doing so. Sounds silly, doesn't it?"
Shaking his head, his hand slipped away and Astrid felt its departure keenly. "We all have that which we must overcome. How about a deal?" He didn't leave space for her to answer. "You face your fears and I'll make a point to attend your debut. It will be a glorious triumph then."
Astrid pictured herself waiting in the wings, watching the Royal Box for any glimpse of Folwin. An absurd fancy; he would most certainly forget his promise as soon as he walked away.  
"And how shall I hold you to this?" she asked.
A musical laugh escaped him and the world was light and jovial all over again. "If I fail to keep my word, you must come straight to court and tell my father about how feckless and irresponsible I am. You won't have a hard time convincing him." The bitterness of his last words didn't escape her. 
The great clock tower began to chime the hour and Folwin sighed. "Speaking of, I'm afraid I must bid you goodnight, Madame Astrid." He rose, now towering over her. "I do expect to hear word of your success soon."
"Goodnight, Pr-" she stopped at his sharp look, "Folwin. I'll hold you to your word." 
Sweeping her hand up, his lips brushed her knuckles before he vanished with an almost preternatural grace.
"There's just the two guards, that's all, once his Clerk is out of the way," Lyza nodded at Astrid from across the plans laid out in chalk on the floor. 
She sighed. This job was shaping up like so many others. What an odd thought, that criminality had become mundane. 
Two other faces turned her way. The room was crowded with the four of them crammed inside, the last one available at the inn last night. The tang of sea air drifting in through the windows and the crying of the gulls had awakened them this morning. They were as far north as one could get and still be in the Empire of Elyssia.  
“I'll handle him,” Astrid said.
Tallus nodded. “After Lyza and Brecken take the guards, I'll have the locks open and we'll be out before even the rats in this shithole know what we're about.”
"You had better be quick this time. We almost got caught in Gretz." Even as close as their little band had become, Lyza’s words carried a threat, if they faltered, she would save herself first. 
"Relax," soothed Brecken, the half-elf among three humans. 
Where Tallus was nervous ambition cloaked in charisma, and Lyza was staunch pragmatism, Brecken was the calm center of their group. Astrid wasn't sure yet what she was, other than a blind will to survive. 
"Tonight is the Sending Ceremony, and then tomorrow, the whole village will be at the docks, practically. No one will notice anything." Though Brecken didn't have the elven silver eyes - they were green flecked with gold - sometimes his fair features reminded her too much of Folwin and Astrid couldn’t stand to look at him. Even his hair was such a light gold it looked white in the dark. 
“I will relax when we’re out of here with our purses full.” Lyza had been more terse than usual since their near capture in Gertz and the wealthy merchant who’d sworn revenge on them. 
That failed job had brought them here, to Abyssus. Spring had come and with it, the Ebony Sea had calmed, meaning the residents could ply their trade, the hunting of the great beasts that stalked it. Tonight would be a ceremony and festival celebrating the start of the season, and tomorrow almost everyone in town would head to the docks to farewell the ships, including the local Lord.  Brecken was right, they would be done before anyone was the wiser. 
"Then you’ll take it all and retire to a big house in those fertile valleys to the south,” Tallus teased but got another sharp look from Lyza’s black eyes. 
“I’ll never stop taking from them,” Lyza said bitterly and Tallus let it rest… 
"And what about you, Astrid, didn't you say you had a cousin in Faemare? You've got enough from these last couple of jobs to make your way there." Tallus asked and the other two paused to watch her reaction.  
While he was right, she did have distant kin and no compulsion to hold her to this life, the thought of being on her own again made her insides quake. Astrid had spent her whole life either with her father guiding her or studying at the Grand Academy. Those few weeks after the terrible events, running aimless and alone, had nearly ended her. It was the three of them who had seen her weak and starving on the road and offered her a place with them. 
"Maybe someday," Astrid answered lightly, "for now I'll stick around if you don't mind." 
"Oh, you know I don't mind," Tallus's warm brown eyes danced, empty flirting as easy for him as breathing. 
Lyza loudly cleared her throat. "Is everyone clear? Any misgivings? Remember, we can't afford to fail."
They all nodded in unison and began to rise from the unforgiving wooden floor with various laments about their aches. 
"Astrid, would you?" Lyza gestured to their chalk plans. 
"Almost forgot." She hummed a few notes to set the tone and then, singing directly to the dust of the chalk, she wove a song commanding it to depart as though it had never been there. As she sang, she could feel the eyes of her companions on her, staring with wonder, almost as much as the first time they'd seen it. Songweaving was a rare art, only a few left in the whole world knew it. At least Folwin had given her one thing that lasted. 
"Let's get out and mingle, make ourselves too likable to be suspicious. Remember, we're here to invest in one of the companies if we like what we see." Lyza said. 
Moments later, Lyza was tugging Astrid after her toward the docks, dismissing Brecken and Tallus. Most of the locals were headed toward the market or they were at home making final preparations for the festival. The two of them traveled against the flow, out toward the ancient harbor that Abyssus was founded on. The whole town seemed to be made of wood weathered into full gray by the sea winds and battered by the storms that drifted in from it, all of it looking rundown and tired. 
The people though were like day to its night, cheerful, welcoming, and excited for the event. Endless friendly waves and morning greetings followed them as they walked. Mist still hung lightly to the ground as the spring sunshine struggled to burn it away. The gray woolen dress Astrid had favored for the last few weeks of dismal weather kept the chill at bay, while Lyza wrapped herself in a fur lined cloak over her dark tunic and trousers. 
The preparations for the Sending left the docks empty of all but the those working to ready the ships for the coming hunting season. A strange atmosphere hung about the place, sound but not the din of populace, noise but silence in a way.  Around thirty ships moored at the docks, ready to begin their bloody work. Sailors from not just the Empire but all over the world went about their labor in a synchronized harmony.  
Lyza had been strangely quiet as they walked but as they stopped at the edge of the harbor, Astrid could tell she was readying her thoughts. Lyza was quick to command, or become snappish when irritated, but when there was something important to say, she took her time with it. Breathing in the stinging sea air, Astrid gave her friend space to think, watching the great assembly before them work. 
Finally, Lyza drew in a breath. “You know, with what we have stashed away, you do have enough to get out of the Imperial borders. Doesn’t matter if that cousin in Faemare was a lie or not, you could get to any of the three southern Kingdoms, or even Greenhold, if the Wild Elves don’t overrun it first. If that’s what you want. You’re under no obligation to stay with us.”
Lyza cut right to the heart of the matter, instead of dancing and teasing as Tallus had. The thought of Astrid leaving must have been on her mind to bring it up again. Their little group had sworn no oaths to one another nor made any promises to the length of their arrangement, but with a few successful heists now stashed in a cave to the south, it meant there were opportunities to move on. And not just for Astrid. She wouldn’t be surprised if Lyza was going to have this talk with Brecken and Tallus as well. 
“I’m hurt you’d think my cousin is a lie,” she joked, trying to lighten up the dark expression on Lyza’s face. It worked for half a second. “But to be serious, I can’t think of what else I’d do with my life, even if I got there. I was dead. You all brought me back to life, this is where I belong. I’ll stay, as I told Tallus.” There was nothing else for her to do. 
“Astrid, that can’t be the whole basis for your decision. I know that man you were with did something terrible to you, but you still have your whole life ahead of you.” 
Guilt snaked its way around her chest, constricting her breathing. She had never quite gotten around to the truth of how she ended up on that roadside, at first being too terrified they would turn her over, and now worried they would never forgive her. For the hundredth time she resolved to tell them, after this job. 
“Promise me you’ll think about it,” Lyza said.
"I'll promise if you tell me one thing." 
In the space between their words, Astrid watched one ship in particular, the crew seeming a step more lively than those adjacent to it. They were supposed to be creating a cover, after all. With a gesture for Lyza to follow, she wandered a bit closer, trying to appear as though she knew what she was looking at. 
"Fine, what is it?" Lyza had stopped a short bit behind her, now out onto the planks of the docks themselves, playing along with the act. 
"Do you intend to chase us all out and keep going alone?"
"What?" Lyza's voice elevated for a moment, just enough to draw a couple of looks which she returned with a deep glare. The sailors went quickly back to their work and Lyza leaned in closer. "I just need to be sure where everyone's loyalty lies. I don't want anyone with us that's going to be dreaming of being somewhere else while we've got our lives on the line."
"Or maybe deep down, you do care about us and want what's best for us," Astrid teased, something she did less often with their serious leader than with the boys. 
"Hush, you know what you three mean to me. Now let's go make some more cover." Tugging Astrid by the sleeve, she headed towards the ship's foreman stationed at the gangplank,  overseeing the loading of supplies. 
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