#AGAIN I DONT DISLIKE HIM OR HIS CHARACTER OR HIS STORY. i kinda like him! hes just not for me
m0llymauk-tealeaf · 1 month
i think this is probably an unpopular opinion but i just. have such a hard time trying to get myself to care about ast*rion past how i would care about most strangers. wish them well, be polite and civil, but i’m not that interested in them. i’ve felt like this since i was like midway through my first run but it just feels like every other companion wants to change and improve themselves throughout the course of the game, even if you dont actively push them. but ast*rion isn’t really like that imo. it feels like unless you actively and consistently push him throughout the game, he stays pretty much the same person at the end of the game. i may be wrong, i’ve never fully played through his romance so maybe its different if youre romancing him? but i’m just really not interested in feeling like i’m parenting a 200 year old elf vampire. i don’t dislike astarion! i feel like his story is well written and he’s a complex, interesting character! i totally understand why so many people like him so much! hell i enjoy his character, i just dont particularly enjoy trying to get close to him. i dont like having to feel like i’m pushing him so much. i don’t want to feel responsible for a grown ass man in that way.
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goatpaste · 10 months
watching through p2 of jojos again and it never like, it never stop feeling weird to me how weirdly human araki wrote the pillar man. with so many traits and points make them feel like complex characters, heros of their own story, just weirdly feel sympathetic and human to the point of connection to them.
Like Josephs point in making on meeting santana that 'we can assume he's just bad, this is a fucked up situation to be in maybe so we should give him the benefit of the doubt'
whams WHOle character good god could i put a lot of talk into him
Esidisis behavior and way of acting
Kars enjoyment of animals and plants and for nature in general, a wish to walk in the sun and just kinda a dislike for human people. The way he violently mourns for his fallen family
but none of it matters because you know araki wanted them, even with flaws, to be the main villians. thats all it is. a greatest evil on earth to deal with even if they show human traits.
but it feels so weird, because when im like 'idk i dont think the pillar man did anything wrong, let them do what they want, like sorry joseph but im not rooting for your side' im kinda not kidding. like yes your supposes to assume the worst of the pillar men and their intentions and what they'll do to people if they can walk in the sun. but like, they barely did much when walking around people at night unless they deamed them a threat to themself or something they cared about.
idk i think this comes back around to my feelings that BT really should have been a lil bit longer and fleshed out. its such a shame because while i knoW araki was just wanting to get shit done and move onto his stand stuff, he introduced such a rich cast of characters who if given a bit more time i think could have made such a fucking wonderful and complex narrative... like to the point of the pillar man but to everyone else. Joseph got a strong character introduction only to just kinda get worse and stand still imo. i still like him but i think he could have done a lot more if the story was a bit more fleshed out. Him a caesar actually getting to develop some sort of actual relationship on screen that isnt the two of them fighting and sometimes caesar admires joseph's skills or whatever. JOSEPH AND LISA LISA TRAININGGG, i would have KILLEd to see joseph and lisa lisa do anYthing togeatherrrr... the subtle hints to be dropped of lisa lisa past and her connection to joseph..
idk what point im trying to make actually, im just thinking about how weirdly soft and kind we see the pillar men in moments at time and not just as pure evil being and it feels so weird to remember that were supposes to be rooting against them is all. i feel like we were should have had more insight into their group and lives and feelings and maybe even what they were up to while joseph trained. idk man idk, just kinda thinkin out loud
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dogydayz · 1 year
I think one of my favorite parts of the "autistic Shadow" headcanon is the fact that he's designed to be the Ultimate Lifeform. I don't mean this in an annoying, "autism is a superpower" dumb way (even if I do find my own autism to actually be quite helpful at times, the whole concept of calling it that is stupid and used to hurt people like us), I mean it in a "Shadow was genetically engineered to be an Ultimate Lifeform, he's designed to survive and be able to do things no one else can, yet he still struggles with something that could be classified as a disability in his daily life." I dont know if im wording it properly, but there's something about how he's still viewed as that Ultimate Lifeform despite dealing with something that many people would immediately label as a trait that makes someone "inherently" less capable of survival. I know that many folks struggle with autism in way more severe ways than I may (though much of me saying this is kinda me repressing and refusing to acknowledge that it IS still a disability for me, but still, i recognize others DO deal with more severe aspects than I do), however I really just dislike how autistic characters get labeled as inherently "unable" to live "right". He's a character whose whole thing is that he makes his own path for himself, he fights even if the world hates him, he doesn't back down and even when it looks like he is, he's just playing it smart. Even if he does have these struggles, he IS able to find a life for himself, he isn't held down by expectations or what people tell him he is. In fact, that's ANOTHER whole part of him as a character, that he breaks free from what others say he should be. Even if he were confirmed to be autistic, he wouldn't be "the autistic character". He'd still be himself, he'd be Shadow, they'd be confirming that he has certain struggles, but he'd still be /himself/.
His story wouldn't change, he wouldn't be bound by the chains of what people think an autistic character in media should look like, he wouldn't be "the character who's autistic" (as if they aren't all already autistic, but that's a whole different topic lol), he'd just be Shadow, and Shadow would just happen to be autistic.
Again, I may be wording this wrong and if i am PLEASE forgive me, I'm trying so hard to put my thoughts into words,,,
I think this is coming a bit from a place of me seeing Prime Sonic and thinking to myself "holy fucking shit he's got ADHD but it's not shown as all of him". Of course they havent truly confirmed Sonic to be ADHD but like, i think they probably did do it purposefully here, but maybe that's just me? I just see him do stuff and think "wow yeah, I've done that before! And I do it because i have ADHD! and he has some of my struggles!! But his friends still love him even if they're annoyed by him at times, and he still isn't a bad person even if he did fuck up! Any they handle it with nuance that real people experience in life!!"
And that's how I'd see autistic Shadow being handled. He already has a lotta the traits, but they don't confirm it being based on things like sensory overload or whatever, despite the fact that they really could. And even if they did, he'd be handled just as if it were another trait. It wouldn't be some defining attribute to him, him being autistic wouldn't be some selling point, there wouldn't be any "look! There's now an autistic character in this media!!".
But back to the main point.... Basically, him being autistic doesn't make him any less of the Ultimate Lifeform, and I think that's about the most extreme way to get across the point of "being autistic doesn't make you any less of a person or any less important". He was GENETICALLY ENGINEERED. Yet he still is autistic and it was decided "yep we succeeded in creating the Ultimate Lifeform!", so much so that the military wanted to use him as a WEAPON. Nothing about his potential disability made him any less of a success, or any less of a protector to Maria, or any less of a wonderful creation to Gerald, or any less of anything else to anyone he knows.
Something about that is just... a really nice idea to me. Maybe not for everyone, but to me that's inspiring as fuck, and reassuring to, to think about...
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morskisir · 4 months
i'm really curious why you dislike the comics? /genq /nm
ooooh the dreaded question. i can get really passionate about this (i care too much) so i'm going to be as brief and simple as i can. i'm aware many people enjoy the comics and that's fine. /gen you do you. like i said; i care too much
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: we have no clue how much time or dedication was given to the comics by valve; the poor writing isn't necessarily the fault of the writers and i have no personal beef with them! with that said, old man yells at cloud /ref under read more/keep reading.
the two main gripes i have with the comics are lack of planning and tone problems.
as i already said, the lack of planning- and therefore the poor writing- does not mean the comic team was incompetent (the art is quite good a lot of the time, actually), but this does mean it severely hurts the quality of the comics themselves. it's clear they aren't sure where they're taking this (as evident by whatever the fuck is going on with helen) and what the story is even supposed to mean. the tone goes hand in hand with the poor planning; the comics aren't sure whether they want to be purely comical and action-focused or a DARK comedy; having serious moments and themes in the story.
in the end, the serious moments come off as either manipulative (iykyk. i am not getting angry about this for 40 minutes again) or as if they're being made fun of (cough cough sniper).
they also struggle to really build up those moments, so sometimes it feels as if they just came out of nowhere. it's really jarring.
there's also just. not a lot of conflict between the main cast?? there isn't a lot of pressure put on pauling from the mercs via questioning her actions, etc. (we only slightly get this from spy. but like once) (i get that it's to show how much trust they have in her but, really? not a single thing?) (this could build up to like. a "grand betrayal" sort of thing but yknow. they didnt think about the build up to anything)
this is why i think making it JUST the RED team really hurts the story- they already have set dynamics and don't need to develop or sort through any conflicts they have with one another. medic only has conflict with sniper of all people. MEDIC. who went to join another team which was actively hunting his previous one.
the comics introduce conflict and new dynamics by straight up making up new characters?? as much as i love zhanna- she was primarily put into the story just to be soldier's love interest and have a fun dynamic with him.... i'm so sorry miss.
they could've done that with demo btw?? since demo and soldier are supposed to be friends?? unless actually the team differences DO matter (which the comics do not make clear at all, engie is randomly blue while the rest are red. okay. why? wouldn't you like to know.) so red soldier and red demo dont bounce off of eachother as much as blu soldier and red demo do.
i'm not formatting this at all but remember the poor planning? ahem. sniper timeline. why did you make him barely 30. i will fucking kill you he was always clearly meant to be, look, and sound like an old man. its in his concept art its in how he talks. raghghgh
they keep giving themselves problems by adding new characters cause then the main fucking mercs who people adore get no time for themselves (demo, pyro, scout, engie) they're just kinda......there. it sucks. but it's what we got, i guess. just how canon the comics are is questionable- but i don't care if they are.
it's free real estate i'm doing my own thing!!!!!!!!!!! fuck around find out!!!!! be gay do crime!!!!!!! *gets arrested by valve for tampering with copyrighted material*
anyways, after all that negativity; shoutout to the only stuff i enjoyed from the comics: pauling, heavy, the art. goob byeeeeeeee
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yuukei-yikes · 5 months
I read your analysis on how Takane's treated by the writing and you have opened my eyes as to what's been bothering me despite her being my favorite character, thank you. She's done so dirty by everyone in the series especially the writers omg (and you're so right about most of the kagerou girls' stories being about a guy)
Her scene with Kano and how they never interacted after caught me off guard and irritated me so bad that Kano was my least fave until I decided to just ignore it as canon and hc them as besties that bully Shintaro, and I might just do the same with other parts like the 2nd place thing and her *having no backstory or relationships outside of Haruka* wtf Jin. Jin might be the writer but you? You get it
yep yep yep!!!!
i dont "ignore" kano's behavior bc it sets up really interesting dynamics... i love kano and takane as friends because it makes so much. sense. and like i said in the takane post ur talking about i think they're an amazing duo it was a stupid move not making them friends and instead make kano sort of dislike takane. kano was such a spectacular choice for takane's "out of the quartet" buddy and jin somehow messed it up🙄🙄🙄
but it still gave us a lot of goodies because kano's thoughts over takane are sooooo good because he KEEPS comparing her to himself. there is also something here about kano's writing on his thoughts of takane make her revolve either around him or around shintaro, which is annoying, but it's not like i can expect much else from jin.
that aside: again!! gives us goodies. very interesting bits. i will always say kano is like... iffy? with takane because he sees himself on her except she is like. actually a good person and he's like Augh. bc he sees what he could be in her teehee.
i think post str they can be besties precisely cuz takane forgives people left and right and that just makes kano even angrier because how can she just forgive him like that... he could never do that. kano is incredibly resentful while takane kinda lives in the moment and i think he'd want to be like that so badly. he's jealous of her all the way, it's all over their fifth novel interaction (and he even admits it!) so them being friends despite what kano does makes perfect sense AND gives for very interesting dynamics. kano berating takane for essentially being good to him will never not be funny. that's what he does to her in the anime! he berates her for being good to shintaro. imagine if he did it for being good to HIM! so fun
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dontfuckingbother · 2 months
Overexplaining my hazbin kins etc
Angel dust - his character growth heals my soul. Best thing that happened to me since i found 10 bucks on a street when i was ten.
Sir Pentious - i would die for him, i would kill for him. Either way, what a bliss. I love him i love him i love him i-
Cherry bomb - she’s an icon, she’s a legend and she is the moment. -1 for wanting angeldust to loose his streak, +1 for respecting his choices.
Husk - half of the time i was sure his name was Hastur (for obvious reasons). He was kind of annoying but turned into one of the brightest green flags in Angel’s life. His voice made me shiver in embarassing ways.
Lucifer - apart from giving Charlie daddy issues, he was perfect. I would buy rubberducks from him.
Nifty - made adam shut up for good, was cute and chaotic evil. I love her.
Alastor - just expected more from him. Tbh, its almost a love. 50/50. I have set a high bar for him after pilot and i do not intend to lower it down.
Vaggi - i call her veggi all the time. She had some plot twists, but overall she was fine. Her singing voice was not good, expected more from stephanie beatriz after encanto and all of that.
Valentino - he is abusive and i have daddy issues so don’t judge me to hard. Fuck him tho.
Ahh a category for those who did not enough to hate them and not enough to like them. Or made everything to love them and hate them simultaneously.
Adam - jackass, dumbass, mean bitch. I love him.
Carmilla - i don’t like her design, her singing voice was fine. Kinda annoying. I like that she was defending her daughters so much. OUT FOR LOUOUOUOOVE
Charlie - i wish she had bigger character growth. She was kinda annoying and kinda likable. She was fine. I think i like her. 50/50.
Emily - basically charlie 2.0. A little lazy design and writing. I like that she joined charlie on the iconic IF HELL IS FOREVER THEN HEAVEN MUST BE A LIE (would love to see her actually fall - in the best way possible) but as an angel it doesnt really make much sense for her to doubt institution heaven as much as charlie does. She is not a kid anymore, and she still kinda acts like one.
Tv girl - idk what to sat, shes got the spirit, but i dont know what for.
Lute - same as adam.
Mimzy - she was likable and selfish. Shes okay.
*drumroll* Dislike:
Vox - a pretty big disappointment. Expected more from him. He was okay, kinda bringing Vees together, but also he didn’t really add more to them. Disappointing:(
Zestial - disappointed, again. It seemed that everybody fears him, but the writers didn’t really give us as a viewer a reason why to. He was just sort of there, to move the plot ahead and let other characters do the talking and have impact on the story. Had really high hopes for him:(
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sporkberries · 1 year
I saw your post about Tim and Jason and I’ve never agreed about something more. We need more fics where them getting closer is at least canon adjacent instead of the stuff we get in fanon. A lot of their fanon content really grosses me out because it sort of reads like Tim developing Stockholm syndrome for Jason who repeatedly abuses him but can’t be blamed for it because of “pit madness” 🤢. That might just be because of my personal experiences but it really grosses me out a lot of the time
YEAH NO I 100% AGREE. I think portraying Tim as automatically forgiving Jason for the awful things he does(TO TIM) and ohh Jason wants to hurt him but its not his faulltt. Is so fucking UEGH. I think its not only a disservice to both of their characters but a really weird dynamic to tag as “fluff” and “hurt/comfort”.
I especially dislike the Titan’s Tower stories not just because they misrepresent the actual scene(which is very ridiculous imo) but because having Jason beat the shit out of Tim and then WRITE ON THE WALLS WITH HIS BLOOD and then being like ohh no he’s his care taker now is so 😨. Like imagine someone beating you so bad THEY CAN WRITE WITH YOUR BLOOD and then them kidnapping you and “taking care of you” thats so fucked…
I think the fandom in general can turn Tim into a bit of a punching bag which… fair. Im not going to pretend like i dont like angst BUT when portraying these traumatic events or his interactions with the people around him they kinda make him… spineless? Which IS a valid trauma response but its not Tim. Tim can be literally on the verge of death and he’ll still probably be shit talking you y’know? He can be self sacrificing yeah but… come on.
IDK. Jason pre reboot is kinda not a great person and i think the fandom WANTS him to be and they want to twist it into “pit madness”(which isnt a long lasting thing) or “he protects women and kids”(does he?) when it just… isn’t true?
Fanon Jason as a whole is just kinda an OC with bits of current Jason mixed into him, he doesn’t exist outside the fandom. This is why i sometimes joke about being a “jason todd hater” when i dont really have much against the character(other than most his comics being shit 😔) but because i dislike some aspects of the fandom he represents.
I do think Tim and Jason have the POTENTIAL to get along. They’re both snarky bastards and that dynamic is fun to write and mess around with but there is A LOT of baggage to unpack. Titans tower stuff aside Tim broke Jason out of prison which resulted in Jason donning a batman suit and killing a bunch if people which Tim feels EXTREME guilt for. So even if pre reboot jason wants something to do with Tim(which i think he does as he continually reaches out to him) there is a lot they would need to work on. Which i admit would be interesting to read but sadly a lot of fics dont really follow the comics that well.
Anyhow closing this off i also want to mention again how the fandom prioritizes Tim’s largely fanon(or lobdell written so shouldnt be acknowledged ) relationship with jason over his long lasting canonical relationships with female characters( Cass and Helena[HELENA IS SUCH A VICTIM OF THIS OH MY GOD AND FANON JASON STEALS SO MANY OF HER TRAITS AN-]) 😔
But yeah fanon jason and tim is weird and i’d be interested to see an actual brotherhood develop between the two but i think it would take a lot of work from the both of them(which DC will definitely not put in 😔)
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heliomanteia · 4 months
sorry to ramble more but to elaborate on why i hate will and percy comparison so much is objectively because. percy's kinda lowkey very fucking mean to nico and that's mostly why i hate percico besides the age gap. he strangles him in the underworld. he gets pissed at the little baby child that just arrived at camp and is big,wide-eyed and curious about everything just because he asked if annabeth's his girlfriend. he questions why nico's so estranged from him in hoo, even though he knows how badly he treated him. he knows how betrayed nico felt after bianca's death because of the promise he made (which, i agree, wasn't completely his fault but it seemed that way to nico). i fucking hate it when people compare will to percy. i dont care if will's more bland personality-wise just because riordan didn't find a way to give him a defining personality, but that's in my opinion what makes solangelo work so well. besides the sun-moon dynamic, they literally balance each other out, nico's the more powerful one in the relationship, unlike how he was with percy who he very unhealthily idolised mostly due to his big powers and status at camp. i like will solace having no big powers. i like will solace just being. some guy. i like it all it's so.. equal. it's so complementary. percico is absolutely one of the greatest evils of the world it quite literally erases the whole fucking point of nico's arc and him getting over percy. also it's so clear that percy doesn't like him back so percico doesnt work in any way. sorry this turned into a huge rant i love nico di angelo so much and im too much of a coward to post this off anon but yea
I don't mind rambling that I agree with! Now let me rant on some more too:
I understand where you're coming from. I'll be honest, I don't remember much of the second saga in precise detail, I dropped it around House of Hades because characterization of both Percy and Nico just flew into Tartarus and never recovered. But...
First, blond curly-haired Percy doesn't exist to me and I don't think it's "better" than his book alternative because of the visual implications of that golden-hair kid looks. Book Percy looks like his father - Poseidon, given the epithet "dark-haired" because of the dark of the seas. I'm assuming Percy is somewhat curly-haired given he's compared to a Mediterranean God, etc. He gives off a certain Vibe that is lost when you replace him with a blond haired kid wearing green flannels. That is Will, that is not Percy.
Secondly, aside from a hard visual flop, my annoyance starts off with the whole "you're not my type" joke franchise. I wish people just let it go. Everything that surrounds Nico's first unequal, non-returned, power imbalance, trauma-fueled crush is so fucking sad to me and I'm not sure if it's because I Get Him or because I've witnessed too many sad stories like his. That's the queer tragedy, that's the loss we all in some sort of way relate to. Not only is it yet another thing he can't have because he's too different (and I'm reminding you that Otherness is Nico's entire character theme - he's an immigrant, he's a child of another century, he's a son of Hades, he's gay, etc.), it's also yet another thing for him to grieve, yet another reason to isolate, and yet another broken dream.
Thirdly, I don't like that RR goes back on his own character themes. Percy's an asshole to Nico most of the time and I dislike it a lot. Dark Percy and all of that is valid, for the lack of a better word, but it's LONG BEFORE dark Percy. He's just... irritated with this kid. For being inquisitive and emotional. Alright. I get that Percy is a kid too when they meet but what happened to unconditional love for other people. He's also one of the people who betray Nico again. It's just... Percy is Nico's idea of a hero being shattered, his introduction to the world outside of Mythomagic. And imo it works the best this way.
Lastly, there's a lot to say about TSATS from the literary perspective, it could be done better, but I love Will's characterization there. I like that Will actually remains with Nico in the darkest place you can go to instead of leaving him behind. That he's simple, and down to earth, and just assisting and helping and taking care of him because say what you want Nico needs someone to take care of him. I agree with what you said about the two, I do think they just fit in nicely together. Nico holding the power in a relationship for once is something that I like a lot because I'm still on RR's throat for writing the whole Cupid thing in and I'm tired of Nico's agency being taken away again, and again, and again. Will suits him because he lets Nico breathe and Percy suffocates him in more way than just physical.
So, overall thank you for giving me a reason to rant about this!
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whelmed-birdie · 6 months
Comic List + Thoughts
so basically i'm just gonna compile a list of all the comics i've read and write a little commentary about them - this is mostly for my own benefit because my memory is pitiful so i need physical evidence of what i've read.
Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping into the Light (2021)
I enjoyed this! I think it was a good beginner point for the most part because i came here with an interest mostly in Nightwing. I liked the art, and while i was a bit confused bc i knew next to nothing about this universe, so therefore did not understand any of the references they made. i still enjoyed it, the writers keep new readers in mind, and don't necessarily regret reading it first.
Robin/Batgirl: Year One (2002)
this one was good too. I got a bit bored at times but it was a good introduction to batgirl/barbara and how she started and got to be involved with the bats. (basically them just following her around while Barbara's like 'leave me alone tf')
Batman: Dark Victory (1999-2000)
also pretty good, I was kinda bored until Dick came in (mostly because he's the character i've really become invested in so far) but i loved seeing the very beginning of his character. sidenote: i love alfred
Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet (1997)
this one was fun to read! I dont have a whole lot of commentary on it but it was more good backstory and seeing dick as robin.
Robin and Batman (2022)
I LOVED the artwork. watercolor is loml. but about the actual story: i also enjoyed it. Baby Dick is unhinged i love it. also it was the beginning of me not really liking batman??? i wasnt really expecting that... WFA led me astray :') and honestly that dislike just carries on the more i read so idk whats going on
Teen Titans: Year One (2008)
MY JAW DROPPED. bro when batman straight up hit Dick i was BAFFLED. like i know he was mind controlled and what not but bro why is batman such an ass to dick??? like even after the mind control is gone like hes still just so?? like shut up and let this 13 year old have fun with his friends wtf. anyways i dont like him, sorry, but if im just reading the ooc comics then lmk but so far im 👎🏼 on batman
Teen Titans (1966)
I only read issues #1 to get the intro, and then #14 because i heard it was dick centered. I wish i liked the older comics more than i do but i'm not mad i read them. I do enjoy the titans storyline and characters though so i will definitely read more to do with them
The New Teen Titans (1980)
I dabbled but i cant tell you which issues i read- again i think i need to get used to reading comics as a whole and come back to the older ones :')
Nightwing: Year One (1996)
so i've almost finished this one! Its #101-106 and i'm on #105 rn. again I DON'T LIKE BATMAN. like he's such a man-child. he literally 'fired' and yelled at this 13 year old kid for helping his friends save people instead of being with him like okay bitch. but anyways i like this! its more good backstory plus him going back to the circus was a nice touch. also the nightwing origin!!! dick going to superman for advice :') I like it.
okay thats all i got so far, I'm excited to keep reading. I have definitely spent too much time worrying about backstory and reading orders ( ik i don't have to bc continuity is relative but my brain just wont let me go out of order) but i've gotten a reading list that i'm pretty comfortable with. Also pretty soon ill be reading more with the batfam (specifically batkids) and im excited for that!! (the batkids are most of the reason im here tbh...especially now bc batman is...not my favorite)
okay thats all :)
i might add to this as i go i might not, we shall see.
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kokiwiouma · 11 months
but if you guys wanna know my least favorite characters cause i dont hate any of the characters
i like all the characters but there are just some i don’t really care for all that much but i wont exclude them because the group of either class can’t function without those characters
so im gonna call it characters i dont really care for and i will tell my reasons why
Peko - the first time i was introduced to her i was watching a playthrough because i didn’t have the game and i had already watched the first anime and watched somebody play the first game. NOW, the person i watched play the game only wanted to talk to her and nobody else, maybe chiaki but i wanted them to talk to Nagito or Ibuki dont get me wrong shes pretty but she didn’t really bring anything to the party in the first chapters i thought the bathroom thing was funny but she was stand offish and i know why but ya know mehhh
i also dislike the she was raised with Fuyuhiko  thing because TO ME, listen to my full story before you say something i was under the impression they were like siblings, brother and sister cause she wanted to take care of him and he didn’t want her help. and she was raised to be a tool later on i find out he has a blood sister and im like “oh cool sibling trio” and i find out it was made clear that he loved her in a romantic way and i just thought it was weird and it didn’t vibe with me, it’s the experience of my introduction to her i can’t change my mind on how i feel if yall like Peko good for you however Peko is going to be portrayed as Fuyu’s sibling on my blog unless i say otherwise
The Monokubs - they don’t bring enough to the game for me compared to everything this franchise has to offer they are kinda weird
Kurokuma and Shirokuma - i was let down because i trusted Shirokuma and he betrayed me so i don’t like him anymore i never liked Kurokuma he ran his mouth too much and was just generally annoying.
Sakura - it’s kinda the Peko situation again i had to sit through people talking to her over Leon because i didn’t have the game but i wanted to watch the playthrough and im just not interested in what Sakura has to offer but we cool homie Sakura is a good character just not for me
Akane - the way she is portrayed and the way they make her act overly dumb i just can’t be with it cause we already have Ibuki for that we dont need two of them it’s probably just me liking Ibuki more but i also fine Akane’s design boring but i love how everybody in the fandom gives her sweats thats perfect for her.
almost Nekomaru - love the big guy, he’s honestly just there to do what hes supposed to do and thats be everybodys hypeman, love him and Akane together
Kinda Hifumi too - i thought he was funny i like him but he’s never at my forefront 
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
you mentioned malenia being kinda like an sjw and I realized smth.. radahns like the opposite, a status quo warrior. he looks up to powerful ppl like godfrey, follows his warmongering ways, hold the stars for sellia and ended up obstructing ppls fate. we only know he wants power during the war. dont know if he wants to change the structure in any way. maybe thats why radahn attracts many dudebros who tend to be sqws that hate non conforming characters like malenia
,,,shit I didn't even realize that, though that's probably because I never gave much thought to Radahn (he just bores me, nothing against him. I like Morgott + Mohg and Miquella + Malenia bc they're cursed. Radahn's just a bro). Personally, I'm kind of hesitant to fully agree because the comparison I made to Malenia being a sjw was just to explain why gamerbros seem to hate her so much more than Radahn, as they're both technically noble demigods who did horrible things post-shattering, but from an outsider perspective I do think that it makes sense as to why people dislike them, even though in-game they're both pretty much the exact same person- that being a highly respected, highly competent warlord who were made into rot-ravaged nightmares on the whims of an Outer God. Lemme compare 'em for example
-Buff woman who whoops ass with sword, which is not what women are supposed to be like
-Fights for brother, which further inverses the usual storied gender roles of a prince fighting for his sister's defense
-The cause that her brother is invested in is challenging the status quo and offering acceptance to all of those shunned/harmed by society
-Brusque and confident in herself; does not have the gentle maternal air that other female fromsoft bosses have. She reminds me more of a rabid wolf than a woman, which I personally really enjoy but again challenges gender roles
-People seem to consider her the warmongering conquering force more often than not, which doesn't make sense because, like...they all are? That's kind of the unifying point of the demigods, their hunger for power and their inability to give up. Also the campaign to Caelid seems to have been an attempt to retrieve her brother instead of actually capture land, so there's that
-Big buff man who whoops ass with sword. Literally every dude's gender presentation goal, including mine. Can't fault the beef here
-Fights for his country and his men, which is again what is expected from him as a demigod prince
-Looks up to Godfrey, a brutal conquerer, and actively made attempts to gain more land. Again, this is typical of the demigods, but a lot of people who focus on Radahn's 'haha horseman' vibes seem to forget that he marched on Leyndell with the attempt to conquer it, unless they're arguing about whether or not
-Given that he's holding back the stars to prevent Ranni's fate from becoming A Thing, I think it's fair to say that he's trying to maintain the status quo. This is most likely because if Ranni's fate aligns, his chances of becoming Elden Lord become slim to none, but it's still an example of keeping up the status quo
See the contrast now? While in-game, Malenia and Radahn are just two sides of the same coin, there's one thing that lead to Malenia getting nonstop hate and butthurt ranting while Radahn was universally enjoyed, and it's that Malenia flips the norms while Radahn abides by them. Again, this isn't really something that applies in-game, since gender in the Lands Between seems to mean basically nothing, but it does explain why people react differently when they encounter them; because Radahn is the token character that you're SUPPOSED to root for, while Malenia challenges socially-prevalent ideals and thus generates a certain level of discomfort in the viewer, even if again, she and Radahn are character parallels.
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macbethz · 4 months
I visited your blog to find that great edit you made of Alex Wilder again, because I think it's just great and one of the best edits i've seen of Alex. I was wondering though, what did you think of Rowell's time on the comic series. I really do admire how much she cares about the characters, I really do, but I had a massive problem with the progression of the stories. I just feel like it would have been better if it was in a show rather than a one comic that comes out once a month
OMG you came to the right person because i have many thoughts on Rowell's run...also thank you for the kind words abt my Alex edit its one of my favs and i always forget it exists
In terms of Rowell's run. It started off as one of my favorite runs and as time went on I grew to really dislike it.
I think there's some stuff she does I REALLY love - I think she gets Alex on a level a lot of writers really don't and does some genuinely interesting things with him which is very important to me personally since he's one of my favs. I sometimes like to look at the stuff she wrote for him in a vacuum and pretend the rest of that run doesn't exist LMAO. The stuff with Molly and her reluctance to abandon her parents because she was so young when she lost them I find very compelling as well, as well as stuff that begins to be explored with Chase in terms of How To Cope With Your Dead Girlfriend Coming Back to Life And Still Being 16, but unfortunately it isn't really resolved. Gib also is a fun addition to the cast and I like the parallels between him and the rest of the Runaways. Anka's art is ofc beautiful as always (kinda a minor issue tho but I wish he had gone less nugoth for Nico and stuck to her more classic romantic/trad goth looks - it makes her look so artificial to me)
It's been a hot second so I really need a reread but iirc i didn't have as much of an issue with pacing as I did with some weird characterization and plot choices so I don't really know if another format would have improved it, but maybe if a show or something stretched out the runtime of each arcs. I saw someone say once that Rowell is a fix-it writer and i think that really describes the problems with this run, which is that she's far more interested in resolving ""plot holes"" and bringing back old characters than telling new interesting stories. I put plot holes in quotation marks because frankly a lot of these things are not plot holes. The fact that we don't know how the staff of one works is NOT a plot hole, its part of it being a weird fucked magic artifact. Making it a person kind of undermines everything Nico has gone thru in the rest of her arc and adds some weird ass implications to every other writer's work. Even with things that actually are issues, comic history is full of holes not everything exists to be repaired especially if it comes at the cost of cool stories.
THE ROMANCE ARCS feel engineered just to kinda create cute moments rather than good stories. I didn't find Nico and Karolina's relationship issues believable or interesting at all especially considering their respective histories. I find them and a lot of the cast to be vastly OOC but that's pretty typical for comics I guess. Victor and Gert's romance is one of my main issues as well because it just seems kind of out of nowhere to me and just kind of an effort to pair off the cast. I don't feel like they have any chemistry, Vic (and the rest of the cast but mostly him) feels really dumbed down and his complex struggles with bodily autonomy are simplified down to him wanting to hold his new girlfriend. Just overall his characterization in this comic completely revolves around Gert and it sucks. Gert in general is a huge issue for me because while I find her an interesting character in her original form, in this run she kind of monopolizes the entire comic with her arcs always taking precedence. AND THEY DONT EVEN DO ANYTHING INTERESTING WITH HER. SHE LITERALLY DIED AND CAME BACK AND LOST YEARS OF TIME WITH HER FREINDS WHO HAVE GROWN CLOSER IN HER ABSENCE and instead they write this very like cartoonishly evil fatphobia plot which doesn't seem interested in saying anything besides "fatphobia bad :(" I normally hate to like try to read author intention but its difficult to me not to think Rowell did a bit of a self insert/authors pet situation here.
TLDR - OVERALL I think the comic could REALLY have benefited from less characters with longer arcs rather than trying to fit everything and the kitchen sink from the last 20 years of runaways history. But I also think it is unfortunately one of the best and only runaways comics we've gotten recently so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ def need a reread to fully collect my thoughts as well
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
What are you thoughts on GT Goku, GT Vegeta, GT Bulma, GT Krillin, GT Gohan and GT Chi-Chi?
GT Goku: Its dumb that he was wished into a becoming a child for most of the series. And what's dumber imo is that he even behaves like a child for most of it because the writers wanted to recapture Goku as a kid again. His personality as SSJ4 is cool & I think thats why ppl like SSJ4 so much. Its a huge physical and mental contrast to what we see GT Goku as most of the time. And that contrast makes people like it because it makes Goku an adult again who takes things more seriously but also is a bit careless as he shows off his strength. Ya know, like Goku was in DBZ. Its a return to what we wanted. (But those are just my thoughts.)
GT Vegeta: From what I can remember, I actually like him a lot. He feels like he progressed after the End of Z when he was more laid back. But I didn't like how much of a background character he was at first, then they rehashed Majin Vegeta with Baby Vegeta (rehashed Saiyan Saga Oozaru Vegeta a bit too). Then I think he just gets beat up by Hellfighter 17 after that. He wasn't really useful until the end and even then there wasn't much. I dont think the writers knew what to do with him since he was a calmer Vegeta. Also, how he gets SSJ4 doesn't bother me. He needed to be exposed to certain rays of light or energy, so Bulma created a means to expose him to that. The part I disliked was that he turned Golden Oozaru then pretended to be out of control & attack Goku. Why? Why play around at this point? And since he has always had control over his Oozaru form, why was he a Golden Oozaru for any amount of time longer than less than 10 seconds? He should've turned SSJ4 almost immediately. Another thing I didn't like was him crying about losing another home (this may be a English dub only thing). It makes sense for Vegeta to be upset about Earth being destroyed, but he didn't care for his home planet at all nor did he care about his own race. He wouldn't miss Planet Vegeta. And if he did care about that stuff, why didn't he talk to the growling Nappa that came back to life? He just kills him again. I don't think the writers knew what they wanted to do with him and kinda made a mess. A small mess, but still a mess. They didn't know if they wanted Vegeta to be stoic, caring, unfeeling, ect.
GT Bulma: I honestly don't recall much about her. She was okay from what I remember. Seems like she was relegated to a background character like others were. Being a background character works for some due to their personality, but it doesn't work for all. Like Tien. He works as a background character but he is more interesting as a foreground character. Same goes for Piccolo because both are stoic. But Bulma? She is Miss Personality. Not to mention she is a genius and could be involved in all of the adventures of GT. But they divided Bulma's characteristics into Pan, Trunks, Bra, & Marron then put Bulma in the background.
GT Krillin: Was used as a background character for most of GT, so his death wasn't impactful to me despite me being a Krillin fan. Plus the way his family treated him was terrible and out of character. They just killed Krillin for "nostalgia" reasons & it was sloppily done. His deaths mattered so much before in DB & DBZ because he was in the story and active and built relationships with other characters. GT didnt do any of that so his death felt cheap & forced. It was essentially turning Krillin into a random background character that is being shown for 2 minutes in about 5 episodes. The anime staff at that time weren't very good at character portrayal nor knew how to involve characters.
GT Gohan: He was okay but was also placed in the position of background character but not as much as Krillin was. He could have been used much more. Like him going with Goku on space adventures as they said he was going to do, and Gohan doing a little something against the Shadow Dragons (specifically Omega Shenron) would have been nice. Also, his relationship with Piccolo was kinda non existent unless you remember their friendship from DBZ. That could've been shown more during the Baby Saga.
GT Chi-Chi: I honestly don't remember much of her. But if my memory is right, she was shown more than Krillin. I remember she thought SSJ4 Goku was handsome. I think its more so because Goku was in an adult form again. Idk... Not much I have to say about her.
The problem with GT imo was that if you weren't named Goku or you weren't a Saiyan, then you got pushed to the background. The problem with Super imo was that if you weren't named Goku or Vegeta, you got pushed to the background but not as much as GT did to non-Saiyans.
One reason DBZ is still better than GT & DBS is that other characters did things. They were involved in the story in some sort of way. This is why I dislike GT & the DBS manga so much (DBS anime handles non-Saiyan characters better). GT & the DBS manga really push everyone to the side besides the Saiyans, but more specifically if they aren't Goku & Vegeta. Not to mention how OOC they make certain characters. But in the DBS manga's case, most characters are OOC (even Goku & Vegeta at many points).
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sketching-shark · 1 year
While I'm somewhat knowledgeable about JTTW, I don't dislike Monkie Kid doing it's own thing and telling it's own story. It allows for a lot of creative liberties when the show isn't shackled to the OG classic. However, I would say the change that is starting to become annoying, and that some fans are starting to take notice on, is SWK's portrayal. Again, I dont mind him being this flawed hero character that makes mistakes. But his flaws are starting to become...overwhelming. Like can anyone recall the last time he did something good or right in this series? Everywhere I turn, the show just points out the pain he causes people. The label of "hero" kinda doesn't fit anymore. And I feel like the writers keep digging a deeper hole with him. He's made so many bad decisions that I hesitate to call him a good person anymore. I think this is also because they use villains from the book instead of creating new villains for MK. So everything ends up being Wukong's fault because those OG villains are tied to him. And I question if this will continue to be the case until the show ends. Anyway, I'm just glad other fans are noticing this particular writing decision and criticizing it.
Monkie Kid spoilers & me being perhaps too mean & ungenerous to a cartoon monkey below so you know keep reading at your own risk aegesfaewf:
Well anon given that one of my favorite JTTW retellings is Monkey King: Hero Is Back on one hand I really have no right to criticize massive changes to the og classic in stories heavily based on Xiyouji sdfrae. ON THE OTHER HAND, when a good portion of those changes pretty consistently have the consequence of the great sage himself being characterized more and more as a stupid failure at best and a selfish asshole at worst (especially in the context of this characterization happening in a goofy lego show about going on fun adventures) it's like...what is sparking these writing decisions. Said this before, but yea for the past few seasons Monkie Kid's story lines has been in this loop of "some villain makes an appearance-->SWK ends up making the whole situation 1000 times worse even if inadvertedly-->Qi Xiaotian gets a lot more trauma-->villain gets exploded at the end which apparently means everything's okay now." And the entire time every character from Long Xiaojiao to the Six Eared Macaque to Li Nezha has some extended scene that's all about them stating with great conviction what a horrible person the Monkey King is. And then the show does very little to refute that. Everything he does, even if he's trying his best to do what he thinks is the right thing, just ends with giving the villain d'jour a massive power-up right up until it's time for the big explodey climax. Qi Xiaotian now seems to have gotten nothing out of being tudi to the Monkey King except having his friends put in mortal danger & routinely getting the tar beaten out of him from yaoguai who have a grudge against Sun Wukong & having his abandonment issues made worse. There is at this point literally not a single character whose life was made better from the monkey king being in it and many whose lives were objectively made much worse as a direct result of interacting with Sun Wukong. And so far, as others have pointed out, the ONLY TIME we got a flashback from SWK about what happened from his perspective was about him screwing up with the samadhi fire ritual and being responsible for the 4th ring getting created. So at this point, especially since only the audience has gotten the barest glimpse of the torture headband & some hint of what turned the Great Sage Equal to Heaven into what's essentially a perpetual screw-up...like why do any of the other characters, especially the members of SWK's former sworn brotherhood, give a single fig as to whether he lives or dies? Heck it wouldn't surprise me if at least a few of them celebrated SWK getting trapped in ink hell world because A) he's seen as responsible for trapping them in there for thousands of years in the first place B) they've finally dealt with the immortal evil betrayer who was responsible for ruining their lives and being an uncaring heaven's lapdog, and C) now he can't blunder around screwing everything up so badly that all of reality gets put in danger. So you know, SWK in ink hell world is a good thing either way!
IDK, I'm probably being too mean about this. Given the actions of other characters Sun Wukong can't be blamed for everything. Maybe things will later on be explained for why he acts the way he acts in a satisfying manner. But at this point the lego show really does seem to be going out of its way to paint Sun Wukong as someone everyone very justifiably despises, and personally I think if a writer for Monkie Kid felt compelled to go on twitter to try to make the Monkey King hate die down a bit then Flying Bark really needs to have a sit and a think as to why a not insignificant portion of their audience was primed to believe the absolute worst about Sun Wukong!
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arillusionist · 7 months
s&b season2ep4 reaction!! book update: i finished seige and storm. it was lwk boring and im literally so mad bc alina deserves SO much better than mal hes such a hoe. anyways
help whats going on i kinda forgot what happened in the last episode
time to go read my own reaction
HELL NAH ITS BEEN A WHOLE WEEK SINCE I WATCHED THIS SHOW?? anyways i kinda remember the last ep now but my reaction is mostly crows stuff so it wasnt That helpful
even though mal is muchhhhhh better in the show i like the direction theyre taking with alina actually marrying nikolai
then again i havent read the kos duology (yet) so i dont know anything abt his real romance story so thats probably why i dont mind
stop mal telling alina shes his nation is so cute unlike in the books
and the way they actually do have some chemistry?? im sorry for ever hating you show malina 😔😔
is that the brother i cant tell
why does baghra lwk piss me off ...i cant tell if its because she wont stfu or because shes js boring
GENYA ☹️☹️
"it'll give me some comfort to know you're with me" ohhhdhfmyygodddd and then her smile ahhhh
i cant tell if inej is mistaking kaz telling her to leave the city as him wanting her gone, when in reality hes js tryna protect her
or if shes just not promising it because she cant
theyre so complicated they make me sick (i love them 😭😭😭)
AWW THE I LIKE YOUR STUPID FACE LINE its different but whatever
no cuz i actually thought kaz was gnna punch him or something but thats nice
no mourners no funerals 🙏🙏
Dont take this as me disliking kaz btw hes my 2nd favorite character i js need to see him being put in his place
i have the most out of pocket thing to say but im not gnna say it
there are two heartrenders right there why dont they just check his pulse to see if hes lying
oh now they do it
i feel like maybe this is how they incorporate the crows into alina's plot - they'll ask them to find the sword since theyre criminals and know more than just the "wider black market"
they cant just show kaz and nina for two seconds and then cut to another scene hello
OH NVM its an inej scene 🙏🙏
its so dark i can barely tell whats happening
oh they did the pox thing too they really taking half of crooked kingdom's plot huh
yeah now they decide to explain the plan
kaz is actually being so much like book kaz in this scene
"the trick is not to love anything" YEAH YOU KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT... and with nina in the background too?? i wish inej was here tho like in the books
i think shes busy saving those randos
"something you'd sacrifice everything for and it makes you weak" stop projecting
see inej really needs to be here now nina and jesper kinda know his backstory but she doesnt
then again its more meaningful if he tells her on his own time
"im begging you" "are you?" hes not begging but i can
HIM ASKING FOR THE QUITCLAIM DEED FOR INEJ 🥺🥺 him liquifying everything he owns in the books is still better tho
THE LOOK IS HIS EYES - this is not freddy carter acting as kaz this is LITERALLY kaz
lmfaoo the offended look on toyla's face
WHYD THAT ACTUALLY SCARE ME (the guy sneaking up behind mal)
ok so i have a class so i'll watch the rest later
im backkk
seeing that vasily guys face after a few hours is such a jumpscare like why is he so ugly
bruh i jus realized theyre not gonna do the thing where inej cuts a line above pekkas heart 😐another kanej moment wasted
hjdkfk wylan hiding under the table when jesper asks him out
this conversation is so awkward i keep pausing it 😭
its cute tho
omg just kiss already the tension is getting to me
finally!!! 🙏🙏
im not really liking how they did wesper anyways.... with the whole one night stand thing... 😐
ok. yeah. wow. go from super cute fluffy wesper to kanej angst. yeah. remind me of what i dont have.
kaz saying that theres a weak link in the crew and inej thinks it means her but hes actually talking ab HIMSELF because shes his weakness and shes the person he would sacrifice everything for and AUGHHH
the difference between the show and the books when kaz gives her the paper is crazy
wish they had kept the book's scene fr
waittt is nikolai adopted??
oh he is
tamar and nadia definitely have something going on its already canon that nadia is into girls so!!
did the vasily guy die i hope he did 🙏🙏
why didn't baghra just. do that before. yk BEFORE she got her damn finger cut off
"your obsession with the fold is naive" is bro talking about alina or himself
and thats it watch me wait another week again before watching the next episode 💀
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aceaceace144616 · 10 months
Welcome, Caller
by M Dean Wright
my thoughts in a nutshell: "oh no hes just like me fr"
ok i dont really review books or anything, thats my friend's job (cheeky promo alana_the_bibliophile on instagram) nah yeah but this one was just so good.
firstly, as a neurodiverse bi trans dude i related so hard to Malcom (the main character) with the overloads and insecurities and just everything. i may or may not have to get this entire transcript tattooed upon my person cos it just hits so close to home in places i didnt even realise until the book brought them to my attention.
like the whole thing about Malcolm not going after things that will make him happy (Peter) just cause he feels like hes so fucked up ± messing something up on purpose before you can mess it up by accident vibes. i literally said (in a squidward impression cos that is important information) "oh no hes just like me for real" out loud on a bus (but it was a loud bus so no one heard) (hopefully). also another thing, Peter telling Malcolm about his auDHD and what he likes + dislikes about sensory stuff. and Malcolm believing and respecting him. i just. its such wish fulfilment. that along with the rest of the story, its all just wish fulfilment. having multiple queer and neurodiverse friends that help you when youre struggling and will beat up your unsupportive family members. (also having a dude think youre hot. wouldnt mind)
secondly, it was just a good read. like i really enjoyed reading it, which hasnt happened for a while. it made me smile and laugh in public (which i never do). fr i was having a giggle on the bus, in class, in doctors waiting rooms, everything. i actually looked forward to reading it as well and i had to trudge through other stuff just so i could get back to it.
lowkey gives love simon vibes (from what i remember of the book when i read it in like 2018), just chock full of natural and believable sounding dialogue and references to things im sure ill actually like. (in my notes app on my old phone i went through the book and wrote down all the references made in love simon and it was pretty extensive (and now i have to do this for this book. oh no guess ill have to read it again oh this is so sad whelp better start now see ya)).
and like the friendship between the characters, the dialogue never felt too forced and they talked like actual people id talk to. swearing at and bullying your friends is a love language and it was done pretty well in this, and also the sending of memes being like an important step in a friendship is too real. also the revival of interest in records, my cousins poor bank account is a testament to that being relatable.
thirdly, the story. we got enemies to friends to lovers, we got 'there was only one bed', we got a road trip, we got a sickfic, and so much more and you know that i ate it up every time.
that as well as the epic highs and lows of making friends in your 20s (lol).
the book follows Malcolm slowly becoming friends with this irl dude Peter while falling for this 'mysterious' radio host Rebo, with his friends supporting him the whole time.
like i dont really go for romantic style stories but this was just so good (but then again ive barely read anything since back when i used to inhale books at like age 12) + the chemistry between Malcolm and Peter was just chefs kiss so good man.
also, the name Goby (one of his friends) kinda got me tho ngl, gobby is australian slang for… something, and i got a jump scare whenever they showed up lol.
Edit: they Goby on my Gumby till I Cheese. I'm so fucking sorry I had to write that down I couldn't get to sleep.
the only bad thing about the book (not that its bad bad, just like if i had to pick something) would be that the ending was made out of like 3 epilogues with indeterminable time skips between them. unless i missed something idk. im just more about the 'the characters kept on living' kinda ending, less 'albus serverus potter' style stuff, not that it was even like that tho.
but also wanting to own and run an incredibly specific cafe+store with your partner is just so fucking gay. oh my god. fanfiction shit right there /pos.
lastly, i haven't read heaps of books in the last couple years, preferring movies and shows more than my childhood self who lived in books series, almost like i didnt like reality or something (unthinkable ik)(i literally had this printed out and hung on my wall)(and on me liking movies more, thats a whole nother fucking topic and a half so ill complain about it in another post)(but anyway).
like honestly, i think that i might get back into reading, even though i forgot how many hours just fly by when i read, cos this was just great. (dont tell my mum she'll throw a fucking party)(again, different topic).
also admittedly, i did sotra kinda maybe slightly pirated it and read it off a pdf BUT! cos i like it so much im probably going to buy a physical copy (for almost 40 fucking dollars including shipping Jesus fucking Christ)
ik not a single person but me will see this review but i dont care. this book was made for me about me
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