mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
nap time - k. leona
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summary; being sent into this world wasn't so bad. at least you found people like you.
genre/extra tags; jaguar hybrid! reader, reader is mc but not really???, grim is their child and reader refuses to accept it, cat habits instilled into humans, fluff, comedy, consensual violence as affection, reader has vitiligo that looks like jaguar spots but i never address it in the story, reader is referred to as mc and prefect
word count; 1.07k
[gender neutral reader] [can be romantic or platonic? idk]
a/n; hey lol, i write for twst now ig. i wont do it often bc i think i havent grasped some of the characters well enough. but i'll take some requests
and im also on a stardew valley grind for this month so... not really playing twst often. but nonetheless, hope you enjoy. i wrote this thinking abt tank the jaguar. love that big cat fr.
anyways insert obligatory leona nap time fanfic.
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you were quite glad that you landed in a different world where beastmen/hybrids were just common occurance. it's not like you didn't have them before you got here, they were just not as common in your past home. though, you've been here for a while, can you even call your old world, home?
if you were being honest, you found a new home with the savanaclaw dorm. despite being a more solitary animai, you found some comfort in the other beastman. though ruggie liked to annoy you in your times of silence, you consider him a good friend. jack was nice, he was awkward at times but he meant well. but you were much more interested in leona.
something about being so similar yet so different attracted you to him. and also the fact that grim was more than willing to let you be friends with leona if it meant free cans of tuna and money.
but you really like the moments you had with leona.
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it was an unlucky day really. having to wake up to attend class, terrible. having to drag grim by the scruff to wake up, little brat gets an extra 5 minutes while you have to actually get ready. and then losing grim because... why would he listen to you for more than 5 minutes? sounded more like a normal day than you liked to admit.
"hey. herbivore." he chuffs. while it's typically a nice greeting between your shared kind with leona, you can't help but think it's more teasing than usual.
"i'm in the same family and genus as you. who are you calling herbivore?" you grunted. you bat at his arm once, causing the male to snicker.
"i believe you're looking for an annoying little cat?"
"myah! i'm not a cat!" you hear the familiar squeal of your tiny companion. "i don't want to go to class!" he's hanging by his scruff and being held by leona who's looking over at you in amusement.
"well, you cost us half an attendance mark!" you swipe him from leona's grip, pressing a hand against his cheek. "you can't just do what you please all the time! if i could, i would be sleeping right now!" you huffed. you turn to leona, who was watching you as if it was an interesting tv show, "thanks for finding him. i'm getting sick of chasing him all the time."
"ironic for a jaguar. don't you like the chase, being fast and all?" leona chuckles as you give him a pointed glare.
your arms soon cradle grim properly while your hand stays against the back of grim's neck. the loud cat yowls, "stop grabbing me there! myah!"
you ignore the small cat to answer the big cat, "i'm not that fast!"
he gives you a look, "jack thinks otherwise."
"jack is a wolf, completely different species!" you two bicker. but there's a growing grin on leona's face as you both start walking, grim wrapped up in your arms. "you better not leave this time, grim." he grumbles, eventually stopping his twisting and turning and gets comfortable in your arms. "as i said before, we're from the same genus, so naturally, we're gonna be built similar. but you're a big lazy cat who naps all day. of course you're gonna be slower than me!"
"for someone who is a solitary animal, you sure yap a lot. maybe you should be a chihuahua instead." his pointer and middle finger move to pinch your cheek for a second. "you like to scold me a lot. you're starting to sound like ruggie."
"you like being just as troublesome as grim." with a free hand, you push the side of leona's head.
"hey!" the cat shouts, offended.
"you need to relax a bit. i'm sure you're stressed out, right? grim doesn't really do much to help."
"so mean! and why does my henchman get to rest but i can't?!" grim whines. you shake your head.
"i'm not resting anytime soon. i have a lot to do. mostly just keeping grim in line but... no rest for me yet." you give a weary smile. "maybe later, i'll come by the gardens to see you." you hummed.
he huffs, "get someone else to care for grim. you need rest." you can't even say hi to your friends as leona grabs grim and tosses him to your friends, who are just as confused as you are.
"you didn't have to toss grim like that!" you slap the back of leona's head, "and i'll be fine!" you walk over to the adeuce duo, only to get tugged away again. you're tempted to throw hands as leona continues to have the audacity to try to get you to rest.
"the teachers like you anyways, you can skip one class to rest. we all know how biased crewel is when it comes to you." with enough bickering between you two, you make it to the gardens. the sun is warm against your skin as you huffed.
"do i really need to rest during classes?! i could just sleep after school!"
"do you really want to nap in your dorm, prefect?" he's already laying down on a comfortable spot. you stare at the already sleepy beastman, who only stares back as if to challenge you. it takes about two minutes for you to fold. might as well as this point. you grovel over in defeat as leona smiles smugly at your behavior.
you sort of force your way into his arms and rest your back against his chest, to which he presses his face to your neck. you can hear him chuffing. you can't help but comment, "you're chuffing an awful lot. sounds like you care for me. ack-!" his hand reaches over to your face, pressing his palm under your chin to tilt your head up.
"talking too much for a jaguar." your eyes are forced to stare into his own for a moment before he lets go and gets comfy. "just sleep." his face is buried against your head as he starts to fall asleep.
"well, you never denied it." you snicker as you turn to face him. "i don't know much about lions but something tells me you like me." he opens one eye to look at your cheeky smile.
"yeah, i do." he moves to kiss your forehead, "you're stupider than i thought, you should've figured it out sooner."
you can feel blood rushing to your face as you stammer, "y-you can't just drop that out of nowhere!" it's too late to scold him as he's already asleep.
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dykwdlo68wm4 · 5 months
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A picture of Bunty taken by them in the movie: "Flushed Away"
"Flushed Away" 2006
Plot (I told it myself): One day, all the pets in Buckingham Palace. Bunty is a young chicken with a light green jade necklace and an orange mane. When they took pictures of the animals, Bunty felt bored while they were taking pictures. After taking pictures, Bunty suddenly saw that their barn key had been dropped and they hadn't noticed. Bunty then hid the key. In the evening, everyone was gone to attend the ceremony tomorrow, Bunty successfully unlocked the iron cage and Bunty escaped into the ventilation duct so that they wouldn't bring her in for the ceremony. When Bunty escaped, suddenly Mrs. Tweedy was buying many new chickens and Mr. Tweedy was waiting outside. Bunty was trying to escape when Mrs. Tweedy discovered and caught Bunty in a cage and then, the couple go to Yorkshire. Bunty feels very sad that the two captured Bunty because the first time when Bunty only escaped the palace once. But at this time, Bunty met chickens like: Ginger, Babs, Mac, Fowler,… They felt happy because there was a new character and Ginger just wanted a plan to escape the farm. And Babs gives Bunty her new navy blue necklace and fixes her old mane, originally they were doing a mane makeover. Mac is confiding in Bunty but now she becomes brave. Fowler is just telling stories which makes Bunty a bit bored and they are becoming a team to get the escape plan from Tweedy Farm.
Enredo (eu mesmo contei): Um dia, todos os animais de estimação do Palácio de Buckingham. Bunty é uma galinha jovem com um colar de jade verde claro e uma crina laranja. Quando tiraram fotos dos animais, Bunty ficou entediado enquanto eles tiravam fotos. Depois de tirar fotos, Bunty de repente viu que a chave do celeiro havia caído e eles não perceberam. Bunty então escondeu a chave. À noite, todos foram assistir à cerimónia de amanhã, Bunty destrancou com sucesso a gaiola de ferro e Bunty escapou para a conduta de ventilação para que não a trouxessem para a cerimónia. Quando Bunty escapou, de repente a Sra. Tweedy estava comprando muitas galinhas novas e o Sr. Tweedy estava esperando do lado de fora. Bunty estava tentando escapar quando a Sra. Tweedy descobriu e pegou Bunty em uma gaiola e então o casal foi para Yorkshire. Bunty fica muito triste porque os dois capturaram Bunty porque foi a primeira vez que Bunty escapou do palácio apenas uma vez. Mas nessa época, Bunty conheceu galinhas como: Ginger, Babs, Mac, Fowler,… Eles ficaram felizes porque havia um novo personagem e Ginger só queria um plano para escapar da fazenda. E Babs dá a Bunty seu novo colar azul marinho e conserta sua antiga crina, originalmente eles estavam fazendo uma reforma na crina. Mac está confiando em Bunty, mas agora ela se torna corajosa. Fowler está apenas contando histórias que deixam Bunty um pouco entediado e eles estão se formando em uma equipe para conseguir o plano de fuga da Fazenda Tweedy.
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bombabo0 · 1 year
For all the support I've been receiving the past days, thought I be doing an art raflle as a thanks :D
So here it is!!
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A few rules to follow:
- I won't do nsfw or suggestive art
- The winners can use their prizes however they'd like as long as credit is given to me (no A.i or N.ft)
- Complex backgrounds are not included
I can draw pretty much anything you want :D
From animais to humans (with a little bit of struggle but we ball)
Since I will be hosting this on Twitter as well, one winner will be from here and the other from there! (the same person can not will twice, obviously)
That is all, thanks everyone so much again and good luck!!
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1vidapoeticando · 1 year
Desejo a você as melhores sensações da vida...O amor mais intenso verdadeiro...As mais lindas e doces palavras...Que se sinta feliz ouvindo suas músicas favoritas, e experimente comidas típicas de outros países e lugares...Que possa caminhar pela manhã, ou andar de bicicleta, ou apenas se sentir bem onde estiver...E se possível, que você viaje, passeie muito, e curta as viagens ao mundo, ou país com quem você ama e quer bem...Te desejo o céu mais lindo e azul, que você possa apreciar o nascer e o pôr do sol...Sentir o aroma das flores, e a brisa tocando em seu rosto...Que você viva os seus melhores dias com paz, saúde e tranquilidade... Que ame seus amigos(as) e familiares e animais... Que olhe com ternura e paixão pra todos que precisam... Que nunca se esqueça que temos a maior de todas as riquezas concedida por Deus, a nossa vida!!!.... Te desejo o melhor sempre!!!!
Te deseo las mejores sensaciones de la vida... El más intenso amor verdadero... Las más bellas y dulces palabras... Que te sientas feliz escuchando tus canciones favoritas, y pruebes comidas típicas de otros países y lugares... Que puedas caminar por la mañana, o andar en bicicleta, o simplemente sentirte bien estés donde estés... Y si es posible, que viajes, camines mucho, y disfrutes de los viajes por el mundo, o país con quien amas y quieres pues... te deseo el mas hermoso y azul cielo, que puedas disfrutar del amanecer y atardecer... Siente el aroma de las flores, y la brisa tocando tu rostro... Que vivas tus mejores dias en paz, salud y tranquilidad... Que ama a sus amigos ya su familia ya los animales... Que mire con ternura y pasión a todos los necesitados... Que nunca olvide que tenemos la mayor de todas las riquezas dada por Dios, nuestra vida!!! .... Te deseo lo mejor siempre!!!!
I wish you the best sensations in life... The most intense true love... The most beautiful and sweet words... May you feel happy listening to your favorite songs, and try typical foods from other countries and places... May you can walk in the morning, or ride a bicycle, or just feel good wherever you are... And if possible, that you travel, walk a lot, and enjoy trips to the world, or country with whom you love and want well... I wish you the most beautiful and blue sky, that you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset... Feel the aroma of flowers, and the breeze touching your face... May you live your best days in peace, health and tranquility... Who loves his friends and family and animals... May he look tenderly and passionately at everyone in need... May he never forget that we have the greatest of all riches given by God, ours life!!!.... I wish you the best always!!!!
Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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alissonwill2001 · 11 months
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Português: Alguns rascunhos que fiz da Sam interagindo com os personagens :) (Ela como uma ovelha realista é o meu favorito)
E curiosidades sobre ela:
*Ela tem PAVOR do Caine e um pouquinho de medo da Bubble, já que ela já tentou comer o cabelo dela.
*Ela dorme na mesma posição que ovelhas normalmente dormem na vida real.
*Ela amava pintar com o Kaufmo, antes dele ser abstraído (dor).
*Ela sabe que a Pomni não gosta muito de toque físico, então evita ao máximo abraça-la ou segurar a mão dela. Ela normalmente segura a roupa da Pomni quando está andando com ela ou quer chamar a atenção dela, ao invés de cutuca-la.
*Ela é FASCINADA por animais, principalmente coelhos, então ela tenta diariamente fazer carinho nas orelhas do Jax...E acho que eu não preciso nem falar que ela não consegue, né?
Acho que isso é tudo, ainda terá mais curiosidades e mais coisinhas sobre ela depois :)
English: Some sketches I made of Sam interacting with the characters :) (Her as a realistic sheep is my favorite)
And interesting facts about her:
*She is TERRIFIED of Caine and a little scared of Bubble, since she already tried to eat her hair.
*She sleeps in the same position that sheeps normally sleep in real life.
*She loved painting with Kaufmo, before he was abstracted (pain).
*She knows that Pomni doesn't really like physical touch, so she avoids hugging her or holding her hand as much as possible. She usually holds Pomni's clothes when she is walking with her or wants to get her attention, rather than poking her.
*She is FASCINATED with animals, especially rabbits, so she tries every day to pet Jax's ears...And I don't think I need to say that she can't, right?
I think that's all, there will be more curiosities and more about her :)
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moiteneia · 6 months
BRAVE: Guapoduo AU
AU Guapoduo - Valente:
Em uma terra de lordes e terras nobres, existe uma ilha dividida entre 4: Energia, Sangue, Morte, Conhecimento.
Séculos atrás, esses quatros eram um único reino, porém, em uma guerra travada entre cinco irmãos, esse reino caiu e foi dividido entre quatro deles.
Atualmente, nas terras do Conhecimento, os dois filhos mais velhos do Lorde chegaram a idade para casar e ele, contrariamente ao que sempre fizeram, decide marcar um encontro com os demais Lordes em busca de um acordo de paz por meio de dois casamentos. A filha, q!Bagi, rapidamente encontrou aquela que deveria se casar e o matrimônio aconteceu pouco depois disso, demarcando a união das terras do Conhecimento e de Morte* (eu n tenho ideia o elemento da Tina.)
Porém, o filho mais velho não se encanta com nenhum dos nobres (na verdade, sempre que ele era convocado para se encontrar com um deles, o garoto fugia para as terras caídas, onde ele gostava de desenhar mapas, ler ou simplesmente cavalgar entre os destroços que hoje eram cobertos por animais e plantas).
Até que o Lorde q!Philza decide dar um ultimato em seu filho mais velho - uma competição. Ele veria suas opções em jogos e poderia escolher entre eles quem era o seu noivo/noiva/noive. Ou, o Lorde escolheria por ele. O que surpreende a todos é que no dias dos jogos, em meio a todos aqueles que vieram de lugares distantes, estava o próprio herdeiro do Conhecimento, lutando pela sua própria mão…
Em todos os jogos ele é o vencedor. Até que ele chega no jogo de xadrez contra aquele que ficou em segundo lugar em todos os demais jogos, o herdeiro de Sangue (ou energia pensando que ele é filho do q!Foolish fica ai a dúvida). q!Roier e ele travam um jogo difícil que demora horas.
Até que… Q!Cellbit perde. Sem aceitar isso, ele sai. Pega o primeiro cavalo que encontra no estábulo e pensa em fugir. Mas o herdeiro de Sangue* vai atrás dele. Até que ambos chegam em um círculo de pedra iluminado por seres de luz azulada. (…)”
Bom, eu não vou continuar. Não sei se vc gostou e não sei se alguém vai gostar, mas essa é a ideia que eu tive. O que achou?
In a land of lords and noble lands, there is an island divided between 4: Energy, Blood, Death, Knowledge.
Centuries ago, these four were a single kingdom, however, in a war fought between five brothers, this kingdom fell and was divided between four of them.
Currently, in the lands of Knowledge, the Lord's two eldest sons have reached marriageable age and he, contrary to what they have always done, decides to arrange a meeting with the other Lords in search of a peace agreement through two marriages.
The daughter, q!Bagi, quickly found the one she should marry and the marriage took place shortly after that, demarcating the union of the lands of Knowledge and Death* (I have no idea what Tina's element is.)
However, the eldest son is not enchanted by any of the nobles (in fact, whenever he was summoned to meet one of them, the boy fled to the fallen lands, where he enjoyed drawing maps, reading or simply riding among the debris that today was covered by animals and plants).
Until Lord q!Philza decides to give his eldest son an ultimatum - a competition. He would see his options in games and could choose from them who his fiancé/fiancee was. Or, the Lord would choose for him.
What surprises everyone is that on the days of the games, in the midst of all those who came from distant places, there was the heir of Knowledge himself, fighting for his own hand... In every game he is the winner. Until he arrives in the chess game against the one who came second in all the other games, the heir of Blood (or energy thinking that he is the son of q!Foolish, the doubt remains).
q!Roier and he play a difficult game that takes hours. Until… Q!Cellbit loses.
Without accepting this, he leaves. He takes the first horse he finds in the stable and thinks about running away. But the heir of Blood* goes after him. Until they both arrive at a stone circle lit by beings of bluish light. (…)”
Well, I'm not going to continue. I don't know if you liked it and I don't know if anyone will like it, but that's the idea I had. What do you think?
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multlingvulo · 11 months
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Veganism isn't just a diet, it's a ethical position. We acknowledge animal suffering is just as real as human suffering. Thus, we try our best to avoid it. We understand, for example, that some scientifcic research requires animal testing, while others don't. We also understand that, although many crops impact the fauna much less than cattle, agriculture has to be sustainable. Veganism without sustainability and class conscience is just a diet. Are there ethical ways to get eggs? Ethical ways to use animals for transportation and work? What about surviving in extreme situations? We don't have all the answers. Don't expect us to. I also know I won't change anyone's mind about going vegan. So I don't judge. In fact, I know most people would be unable to stab a pig to eat it if I asked them too. So you're already much closer to veganism than you think. What vegan recipes would you like to see in a furry vegan cookbook? Let me know in the comments!
O veganismo não é só uma dieta, é uma posição ética. Reconhecemos que o sofrimento animal é tão real quanto o sofrimento humano. Por isso, tentamos ao máximo evitá-lo. Entendemos, por exemplo, que algumas pesquisas científicas exigem testes em animais, enquanto outras não. Também entendemos que, embora muitas safras impactem menos a fauna do que criação de gado, a agricultura tem que ser sustentável. Veganismo sem sustentabilidade e consciência de classe é só uma dieta. Há formas éticas de conseguir ovos? Formas éticas de usar animais para transporte e trabalho? E sobreviver em situações extremas? Não temos as respostas pra todas as perguntas. Não espere que tenhamos. Também sei que não vou convencer aninguém a ser vegan. Então não julgo. Na verdade, sei que a maioria das pessoas seria incapaz de abater um porco se as pedisse pra fazer. Você está mais perto do veganismo do que imagina. Que receitas veganas você gostaria de ver num livro de receitas veganas furry? Me diga nos comentários!
Veganismo ne estas nur dieto, ĝi estas pozicio etika. Ni komprenas, ke la sufero besta estas tiel vera kiel homa sufero. Tial ni provas eviti ĝin kiam eble. Ni komprenas, ekzemple, ke iuj sciencaj esploroj bezonas bestan provon, kaj aliaj ne. Ni ankaŭ scias ke, kvankam multaj kultivaĵoj damaĝas bestaron malpli ol brutobredado, agrikulturo devas esti daŭrigebla. Veganismo sen ekologio kaj klaskonscienco estas nur dieto. Ĉu ekzistas etikaj manieroj de preni ovojn? Etikaj manieroj de uzi bestojn por movi kaj labori? Kaj pluvivi ekstremaj situacioj? Ni ne havas ĉiujn respondojn. Ne esperu tion. Mi ankaŭ scias, ke mi ne ŝanĝigas nenion por igi vegana. Do mi ne juĝas. Verdire, mi scias, ke plej homoj ne mortigus porkon se iu petus. Do vi jam estas pli proksime al veganismo ol vi kredas. Kiun veganan manĝaĵon volas vi vidi en felana vegana kuirlibro? Diru al mi bonvolu!
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9 People You Want To Know Better
Whoops got tagged by @d-eats-dck ❤️
Last song: PUP - If This Tour Doesn’t Kill You, I Will
Currently watching: I watch like 6 different series at once because I’m a multitasker… Season 18 of SVU, Season 2 of the Bear, Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia
Currently reading: Face of Another by Kobo Abe
Current obsession: my dog, who i spend my entire day with and has the ability, intelligence, and mischief of a literal 5 year old with a defiance disorder so I’m doing doggie kindergarten all day with puzzles, chews, games, training, recess. She’s insane and my personal bodyguard.
Moots: @mystic-catgirl @suikoden-house2023 @aimless-spirit @puertohurraco @animay-tiddies @dykebian @grosslikebeer2 @0-24-m-r @odi-et-garfield
Don’t feel obligated, I am a hermit and love these
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #26 - Caiu do Céu
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Qabil encontrou a gênio que de quem ele queria vingança. Ela foi surprendida pelo rapaz ter poderes.
"Você não é o humano?!"
Qabil found the genie that he wanted revenge on. She was surprised that the boy had powers.
"Aren't you the human?!"
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"Deixei de ser humano há um tempo."
"I stopped being human a while ago."
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E ele a mordeu.
And he bit her.
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Bebeu dela o suficiente para que desmaiasse, o sangue de um jinn o deixou ainda mais porte, esperava ter oportunidade de beber outros jinns no futuro. Por enquanto, teria que cumprir seu acordo com Iblis.
He drank enough from her that he passed out, the blood of a jinn made him even great, he hoped to have the opportunity to drink other jinns in the future. For now, he would have to fulfill his agreement with Iblis.
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Layudha nem sabe nada do que o marido aprontava, não sabia dos acordos, nem do que ele fazia lá fora, apenas escondia seu segredo de que era um monstro que bebia sangue de animais durante a noite.
Layudha doesn't even know anything about what her husband was up to, she didn't know about the agreements, or what he was doing outside, she just hid her secret that he was a monster that drank animal blood at night.
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Durante o dia, Qabil escondia sua verdadeira identidade para as filhas.
During the day, Qabil hid his true identity from his daughters.
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De repente a terra começou a tremer.
"Será Deus me punindo outro vez?" ele pensou.
Suddenly the earth began to shake.
"Is God punishing me again?" he thought.
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Do céu caiu uma pedra em chamas.
A flaming stone fell from the sky.
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Qabil mandou suas mulheres e crianças ficarem em casa enquanto ele investigasse. A pedra estava em chamas e ele achou aquilo fascinante.
Qabil ordered his women and children to stay at home while he investigated. The stone was on fire and he found it fascinating.
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Ele tocou a pedra.
He touched the stone.
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Mas sua mão ficou em chamas.
But his hand went up in flames.
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Com o tempo a pedra esfriou.
Over time the stone cooled.
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Qabil aproveitou para saber o que teria dentro dela, se fosse algo perigoso, estava preparado. E de lá conseguiu um cristal muito bonito.
Qabil took the opportunity to know what was inside her, if it was something dangerous, he was prepared. And from there he got a very beautiful crystal.
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Qabil entrou em casa e se questionou sobre aquela bola de fogo. Teria sido um bom ou mau sinal? O que significa isso? Foi obra de algum jinn? De Deus? Há outras cristuras habitando a terra? Ele não tinha as respostas ainda.
Qabil entered the house and wondered about that fireball. Was it a good sign or a bad sign? What does that mean? Was it the work of some jinn? God's? Are there other creatures inhabiting the earth? He didn't have the answers yet.
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As filhas de Qabil aprontam todas pela casa enquanto ele pratica pintura.
Qabil's daughters roam around the house while he practices painting.
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Uma das nenéns ama a gatinha da casa.
One of the toddlers loves the house cat.
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De repente Qabil se viu na frente de sua casa sujo de sangue em busca de um alvo.
Suddenly Qabil found himself in front of his bloodstained house in search of a target.
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A sua frente estava a sua maior obcessão.
In front of him was his biggest obsession.
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"Eu venci Habil." disse ele "Agora você será minha!"
"Nunca!" ela o desafiou com o mesmo olhar ardiloso que o encarou da última vez que se viram.
"I beat Habil." said he "Now you will be mine!"
"Never!" she challenged him with the same sly gaze that had fixed him the last time they saw each other.
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"Infelizmente você não me deu escolha." ele lança um feitiço sobre ela.
"Unfortunately you didn't give me a choice." he casts a spell on her.
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E a morde, acreditando que assim ficariam juntos para toda eternidade.
And bites her, believing that this way they would be together for eternity.
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Tudo se passou de um sonho, Qabil dormia tranquilamente com Azura.
It was all a dream, Qabil was sleeping peacefully with Azura.
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Quando acordou e assustou sua mulher.
"O que houve?" perguntou ela.
When he woke up and scared his wife.
"What happened?" she asked.
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"Um pesadelo, tive um pesadelo" era frequente que os sonos fossem perturbadores para Qabil, relembrava da morte do irmão, de sua punição e as vezes Iqlimyia aparecia como um tesouro inalcançavel.
"A nightmare, I had a nightmare" sleep was often disturbing for Qabil, he remembered his brother's death, his punishment and sometimes Iqlimyia appeared as an unreachable treasure.
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"Ei, não se preocupe, foi só um sonho."
"As vezes Deus fala conosco nos sonhos"
"Hunf" Qabil resmungou "Ele nos abandonou a muito tempo, lembre-se de que agora somos queridos de Inanna"
"Hey, don't worry, it was just a dream."
"Sometimes God speaks to us in dreams"
"Hunf" Qabil grumbled "He abandoned us a long time ago, remember we are now dear to Inanna"
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Azura volta a se deitar ao seu lado, tudo ficou diferente desde que deixaram seus pais. Ela sabia que tinha que cuidar do lar, mas Qabil vinha se tornando um homem diferente a cada dia que passava.
Azura lies down beside her again, everything has been different since they left her parents. She knew she had to take care of the home, but Qabil was becoming a different man with each passing day.
Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae,
Skin: Myrica, Agave by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims, @simandy, @ellesmea, @maliamods
Scars: @helgatisha, @AlisterAzimuth
Hair by @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @simcelebrity00, @aharris00britney, @zurkdesign, @wistfulpoltergeist, @joliebean, @simandy, @simstrouble, @cazmari-mods
Face Hair by @nords-sims
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @blackyssims4zoo, @bekahluann, @sychik, @_Simalicious_, @dear-solar, @faded-springs, @someone-elsa, @Paogae, @natalia-auditore, @simmiev2, @sifix
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke, @natalia-auditore, @ilkup, @gilded-ghosts, @S-Club, @weepingsimmer, @stephanine-sims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses by @akuiyumi
Mods by @mizoreyukii
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thesims4-adventure · 2 years
Not So Berry Legacy Challenge
Generation  Two: Rose
EP. 56
The next day I went to talk to my most important constituents at Moonwood Mill. I didn't even realize I stayed so late.
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No dia seguinte fui conversar com meus eleitores mais importantes em Moonwood Mill. Nem percebi que fiquei até tão tarde.
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On my way back home I had missed the Mischief and Humor festival, well, I don't really like pranks and lame jokes. I can campaign elsewhere. Cody seems to prefer to stay home alone.
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Voltando para casa eu havia perdido o festival de Humor e Travessuras, bom, eu não gosto muito de travessuras e piadas sem graça. Posso fazer campanhas em outros lugares. Cody pelo jeito prefere ficar em casa, sozinho.
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The next day I went back to Moonwood Mill, but I wasn't in a good mood, I tried to calm down but it didn't work very well. I spent the day running, fighting, digging...
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No dia seguinte voltei para Moonwood Mill, mas eu não estava em uma bom dia, tentei me acalmar mas não tive muito resultado. Passei o dia correndo, brigando, cavando...
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...and at night the mood still hadn't improved. But that @#%# no one listens to my speech, maybe I need to invest more in fame.
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...e a noite o humor ainda não havia melhorado. Mas que @#%# que ninguém escuta meu discurso, talvez eu precise investir mais em fama.
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In the morning Cody was excited, his class was going to the zoo. He doesn't like people very much but he gets along very well with animals... should I be worried? Is he like that because he's going to become a wolf too...or a fish like my mother? Or will you know what a bizarre thing Bartolomeu can be in secret? We all have secrets don't we?
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Pela manhã Cody estava animado, sua turma ia ao zoológico. Ele não gosta muito das pessoas mas se dá muito bem com os animais...eu deveria me preocupar? Será que ele é assim porque vai virar um lobo também...ou um peixe igual minha mãe? Ou vai saber que coisa bizarra que Bartolomeu pode ser em segredo? Todos nós temos segredos não é?
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And I went campaigning in the fashion district today. Crystal helped me, but it was time for me to give her back to my stepdad.
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E eu fui fazer campanha no distrito da moda hoje. Crystal me ajudou, mas já era tempo de eu devolver ela para o meu padrasto.
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After taking her to her house I continued with my work.
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Depois de levá-la para a casa dela eu continuei com o meu trabalho.
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But soon I returned home.
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Mas logo voltei para casa.
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Just in time to pretend I didn't see Bo attacking my neighbor.
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A tempo de fingir que eu não vi Bo atacando o meu vizinho.
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When I entered the house I realized that it was Harvest Festival day. Better please those little rabid ones before something bad happens to us.
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Quando entrei em casa me dei conta que era dia de Festival de Colheita. Melhor agradar esses pequenos raivosos antes que algo de ruim nos aconteça.
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Cody went to make some decorations for us and I went to do the cooking. I invited my neighbor to supper, I thought it would be polite and could be a vote.
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Cody foi fazer algumas decorações de para nós e eu fui fazer a cozinhar. Convidei meu vizinho para a ceia, achei que seria educado e poderia ser um voto.
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I gave Bartolomeu the key to my apartment, so he can get in right away and stop making a fuss just because it took me a while to answer.
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"O que está cozinhando? O cheiro está ótimo aqui no corredor. O que você está cozinhando, eu posso provar um pouco? Sou uma ótima companhia."
"Eu acho que você não quer ser incomodada"
Dei a chave do meu apartamento para Bartolomeu, assim ele entra logo e para de fazer drama só porque eu demorei um pouco para atender.
━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━ It is not safe to leave food unattended in the kitchen.
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Não é seguro deixar a comida sozinha na cozinha.
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I think it was better than each spending the night alone, each in their own apartment. After all, I never had problems with my neighbors in this building.
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Acho que foi melhor do que cada um passar a noite sozinhos, cada um em seu apartamento. Afinal nunca tive problemas com meus vizinhos neste prédio.
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Despite Bartolomeu playing on my computer all night.
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Apesar de Bartolomeu te ficado jogando no meu computador a madrugada toda.
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But what mattered was that I had been promoted yet again, even though no one had heard my speeches or participated in my protests. The goal is to try to gain some fame points and kiss in the process...
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"Promovida a uma Líder de Respeito - Charlotte foi promovida a uma Líder de respeito! Ela agora ganhará US$ 53 adicionais por hora, totalizando US$ 231 por hora. Ela também recebeu o seguinte bônus: $4.268 e novas roupas para criar um sim!"
Mas o que importava é que eu havia sido promovida mais uma vez, mesmo sem ninguém escutar meus discursos ou participar dos meus protestos. A meta a tentar ganhar uns pontos de fama e dar uns beijinhos no processo...
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portalplugado · 3 months
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Why do cats sleep so much? | | | Por que gatos dormem tanto?
🇺🇸🇵🇹🇧🇷 This is a difficult question that even experts are not sure how to answer. Despite the fact that they seem to sleep a lot, cats are always very attentive, they can react to any sign of danger.
Domestic cats still retain many wild traits. For them something dangerous can happen at any time! That's why they love to play hunting or hide behind the door to attack, so they train for a real threat! Some studies show that this is also why these pets sleep so much.
When cats appear to be sleeping, they are actually napping. They are really resting, but in a light sleep, aware of everything that happens around them, being able to wake up in a jump if they smell a mouse or hear the almost inaudible noise of a fly.
Despite spending many hours with their eyes closed, cats are actually very attentive and can react to any sign of danger. As they spend less time in deep sleep, they need longer naps to recover.
They do not sleep all night, they have nocturnal habits, taking action when most other animals are sleeping and thus it is easier to find a prey. As much as they receive food every day, without having to hunt their food, cats still bring this memory.
Por que gato dorme tanto? Essa é uma pergunta difícil, que até especialistas não sabem ao certo como responder. Apesar de parecer que dormem muito, os gatos estão sempre bem atentos, podem reagir a qualquer sinal de perigo.
Gatos domésticos ainda guardam muitas características selvagens, para eles algo perigoso pode acontecer a qualquer momento! É por isso que adoram brincar de caçar ou se esconder atrás da porta para atacar, pois assim treinam para uma ameaça real! Alguns estudos mostram que é por isso, também, que esses pets dormem tanto.
Quando parece que estão dormindo, os gatos estão na verdade cochilando. Estão realmente descansando, mas em sono leve, conscientes de tudo que acontece em volta, podendo despertar em um pulo caso sintam o cheiro de um rato ou escutem o barulho quase inaudível de uma mosca.
Como passam menos tempo em sono profundo, precisam de sonecas maiores para se recuperar. Mas não dormem a noite toda, possuem hábitos noturnos, entrando em ação quando a maioria dos outros animais está dormindo e, assim, fica mais fácil encontrar uma presa. Por mais que recebam ração todos os dias, sem precisar caçar sua comida, os gatos ainda trazem essa memória.
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seentrying · 4 months
we here! my final post for animay 2024! i really enjoy how this turned out, we’re getting a little closer to what i see in my head!
attendance on this challenge was almost perfect until the last 3 days. the last week was comprised of a birthday trip for myself and while I animate every day i couldn’t finish any of the files i was making because i was so busy. then got back to work and got more busy, only getting back on the animation horse about a week later.
the idea for this personal challenge came to me about day 14 of pleinairpril 2024. that had been my first time completing and thoroughly enjoying an art challenge (my last attempts were failed 2016/2017 inktobers).
i’ve never been the most consistent person and totally expected to flop. but i didn’t this time… i learned so much about colour, backgrounds, landscapes, all subjects i was terrified of. all while learning HEAVYPAINT as my new programme of choice. my comfort zone has remained mediocre pencil portraits of girls for as long as i’ve been drawing. it was really important for me to break out of that and get more consistent.
having the expectation to at least animate one whole thing a day got me much more focused on understanding what animation expects from me. before this, i think i’d animated 3 things in my life. now i can say i’ve animated 34 things! and hopefully much, much more!
freedom, clarity on my weaknesses, what on earth timing is, and feelings of accomplishment are all awesome things this little challenge gave me. if you’d like to try it too, please, please do!
my lack of solid drawing across this challenge HUMBLED me.
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aamourumacrazythings · 4 months
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carneirodemercurio · 5 months
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Happy Earth Day to everyone! Above all other identities we may have, first and foremost all of us humans, alongside all the other animals, plants, fungi and other species we share the world with, are each and everyone one of us, of this beautiful planet. We are all Earthlings/Terrans/Tellurians. Let us care for our shared community.
Feliz día da terra! Máis importante de toda-las identidades que poidamos ter, é o feito que todo-los humanos, xuntos con todo-los animais, plantas, fungos e outras especies coas que compartimos o noso mundo, somos todos deste fermoso planeta. Por riba de todo, todos somos terrícolas! Coidémonos da nosa comunidade compartida.
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abraao-vidal-galdino · 6 months
Bom dia
Deus lembrou-se de Noé, de todos os animais e de todo o gado, que estavam com ele na arca; e Deus fez passar um vento sobre a terra, e as águas começaram a diminuir. Cerraram-se as fontes do abismo e as janelas do céu, e a chuva do céu se deteve; as águas se foram retirando de sobre a terra; no fim de cento e cinquenta dias começaram a minguar. No sétimo mês, no dia dezessete do mês, repousou a arca sobre os montes de Arará. E as águas foram minguando até o décimo mês; no décimo mês, no primeiro dia do mês, apareceram os cumes dos montes.
Gênesis 8:1-5
And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.
Genesis 8:1-5
APP Bíblia Bilingue - Disponível na Google Play
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edisonblog · 9 months
Hans Staden: The true story of the wild, naked and fierce man-eaters - 1548-1555
America is a vast land where many tribes of wild men live with many different languages. There are also many bizarre animals. This land has a friendly appearance, as the trees are green all year round, but the types of wood there are not comparable to ours. All men go naked, because in that part of the earth located between the tropics it is never as cold as, among us, on Saint Michael's day (…). Because of the strong sun, the inhabitants of the land have a reddish-brown skin color. They are a proud people, very cunning and always ready to pursue and devour their enemies. America stretches for a few hundred miles, both to the south and north. I have sailed 500 miles along the coast and been in many places, in one part of that land.
The discovery of the New World would give a radically new meaning to the barbarians, strangers to Greek civilization and language. The geography of navigation transposes barbarians into the figure of savages, associated with the enterprise of European conquest and domination. Anthropophagous, incapable, with cruel customs, the indigenous people were doomed to subjection by the colonizer. Visions more or less permeated by the survival of classics such as Ptolemy and renewed readings about the dangers of navigation or the discovery of transoceanic lands led to a series of reports and a somewhat fantastic iconographic production of both the natural environment and the inhabitants of America.
At the same time, the discoveries give rise to a true fury of knowledge about the indigenous people, in all their aspects – housing, customs, language, means of subsistence, among others – and give rise, above all, to a reflection that equally refers to the Europeans themselves, in contrast to the societies they face. Indigenous people were not always seen as outrageous or as deserving of metropolitan politics. The violence of colonization has been criticized since the 16th century, with examples being the work of Bartolomeu de Las Casas on Spanish explorers, as well as the writings of Michel de Montaigne, whose essays reverse the traditional relationship between civilized people and barbarians, stating that Europeans surpassed indigenous people in “all kinds of barbarism”.
In the 18th century, these texts were continually disseminated. Therefore, the image of free and rational inhabitants was constructed, contrasting with the European conquerors, in a clear allusion to the societies of the Old Regime, which were hierarchical, marked by censorship, religious oppression, and economic extortion by a parasitic nobility. The revaluation of so-called savage societies in the 18th century led to the use of new expressions: indigenous people and inhabitants, natives in English-speaking colonies, and even the term “nations”, recognizing complexity and organization in those cultures. But even among those who postulated the principles of equality and freedom, founded on the philosophical and anthropological program of the seventeenth century, the submission of the noble savage to illustrated pedagogy was implicit. In the 19th century, the Enlightenment tradition experienced the romantic ambivalence that introduced the “savage” into epic narratives and novelistic plots or into a scientific discourse that removed it from culture.
#edisonmariotti @edisonblog
Hans Staden: A verdadeira história dos selvagens, nus e ferozes devoradores de homens - 1548-1555
A América é uma terra vasta onde vivem muitas tribos de homens selvagens com diversas línguas diferentes. Também há muitos animais bizarros. Essa terra tem uma aparência amistosa, visto que as árvores ficam verdes por todo o ano, mas os tipos de madeira que existem lá não são comparáveis com os nossos. Todos os homens andam nus, pois naquela parte da terra situada entre os trópicos nunca faz tanto frio quanto, entre nós, no dia de São Miguel (…). Por causa do sol forte, os habitantes da terra têm uma cor de pele marrom-avermelhada. Trata-se de um povo orgulhoso, muito astuto e sempre pronto a perseguir e devorar seus inimigos. A América estende-se por algumas centenas de milhas, tanto ao sul quanto ao norte. Já velejei 500 milhas ao longo da costa e estive em muitos lugares, numa parte daquela terra.
A descoberta do Novo Mundo emprestaria um sentido radicalmente novo aos bárbaros, estranhos à civilização e à língua gregas. A geografia das navegações transpõe os bárbaros para a figura dos selvagens, associados à empresa de conquista e dominação europeia. Antropófago, incapaz, de costumes cruéis, os indígenas estavam fadados à sujeição pelo colonizador. Visões mais ou menos impregnadas pela sobrevivência de clássicos como Ptolomeu e leituras renovadas sobre os perigos da navegação ou o descobrimento de terras transoceânicas levaram a uma série de relatos e a uma produção iconográfica algo fantástica quer do meio natural, quer dos habitantes da América.
Simultaneamente, as descobertas dão lugar a uma verdadeira fúria de conhecimento sobre os indígenas, em todos os seus aspectos – habitação, costumes, língua, meios de subsistência, entre outros – e ensejam, sobretudo, uma reflexão que igualmente se refere aos próprios europeus, em contraponto às sociedades com que se defrontam. Nem sempre os indígenas foram vistos de modo ultrajante ou como merecedores da política metropolitana. A violência da colonização foi criticada desde o século XVI, sendo exemplares a obra de Bartolomeu de Las Casas sobre os exploradores espanhóis, assim como os escritos de Michel de Montaigne, cujos ensaios revertem a relação tradicional entre civilizados e bárbaros, afirmando que os europeus ultrapassavam os indígenas em “toda espécie de barbárie”.
No século XVIII, esses textos são continuamente divulgados. Construía-se, portanto, a imagem dos habitantes livres e racionais que contrastavam com os conquistadores europeus, em clara alusão às sociedades do Antigo Regime, hierarquizadas, marcadas pela censura, pela opressão religiosa, a extorsão econômica de uma nobreza parasitária. A revalorização das sociedades ditas selvagens no século XVIII leva ao uso de novas expressões: indígenas e habitantes, nativos nas colônias de língua inglesa, e mesmo o termo “nações”, reconhecendo complexidade e organização naquelas culturas. Mas até entre aqueles que postulavam os princípios de igualdade e liberdade, fundados no programa filosófico e antropológico dos setecentos, estava implícita a submissão do bom selvagem à pedagogia ilustrada. A tradição iluminista conhece no século XIX a ambivalência romântica que introduz o “selvagem” em narrativas épicas e tramas romanescas ou em um discurso científico que o destitui da cultura.
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