#ALRIGHT... i'll mature tag it i GUESS
melfiiis · 7 months
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do you think that while on rate up together they explored each other's bodies?
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
(Kalim's Part)
Previous part (Azul)
A/n: I forgot to add Vil omg, I'll write about him along with Malleus, I just wanted this out cause I enjoyed writing this so much, and I couldn't wait to post it! I hope you all like it! Kalim here is based on the Sultan in Aladdin so not the villain, but I didn't want to leave him out. Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Potential Inaccuracy in Indian Tradition, Indian and Greek clothing, if ever you see inaccuracy about it, please let me know, I only did a bit of research about it. The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personalities of our beloved boys. You have a child with Kalim here!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul
Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Kalim = The sultan Idia = Hades
─────❅───── Kalim: You didn’t know why you were sitting down on an extravagant throne, a dozen of people looking upfront and bowing to your presence when you awoke, feeling a gentle touch on your face, you stirred up from your slumber, looking at your side. Seeing Kalim in the flesh except, he looked more mature than your Kalim.
“My love are you feeling alright?” he traces his fingers lightly on your cheeks, careful not to smudge the makeup you were wearing, you didn’t pull away, but you kept staring at him, admiring his adorning features, earrings twinkling under the light, showing real gold on it, Kamar bands knotted gracefully around him, he looked the same except he seemed more kingly than your little boyfriend.
“Kalim?” you murmured, moving your hand, wanting to touch his hand which he took notice before smiling, he traced his fingers on yours. “You fell asleep during our daughter’s birthday” he clarified, suddenly confused why you looked surprised.
“Daughter?” you asked, the sari that adorned your figure, jewelry around your clothing as you stood up, hands squeezing a bit of your flesh in attempts to keep yourself calm in a stressful situation, Kalim took notice as he stood up with you, placing his hand on your waist and drawing you closer. "Ladies and gentlemen," he captured the attention of each guest, you two look like the perfect couple in each of family member there, "my wife seems to be feeling a bit under the weather. Please continue to enjoy the party! we'll be back shortly. “With that, he signaled the band to start playing music.
“My love, what’s wrong?” he asked gently, letting you go as you looked at him, you were confused and lost, where are you? Why do you have a daughter, wait YOUR daughter with Kalim right?
“Kalim” you fidget a bit, “Are we married?” you ask, your fingernails look really tempting to bite right now.
"Of course," he said almost immediately. "We got married on your 20th birthday." Cupping your cheeks, he pulled you closer and gave you a gentle kiss.  “Our daughter will get candidates from different families, you arranged it a few hours ago” he continued, when you kissed him back he felt relieved, you’ve been acting weird ever since you woke up from your sudden nap.
“I…” Feeling conflicted, Kalim couldn’t help but worry, He pulled away giving you a bit of space “If you want, we can cancel the candidates for now,” while that was frowned upon due to the disrespect, he’s not the one to force your kid with him to marry, although he would be happy if she found a lover and get married.
You had an inkling of what happened, vaguely remembering that potion you and Deuce created and exploded on your face, with the timeline, your first guess was it was the future, but you were younger/older than he indicated.
“We can take a break and rest,” Kalim kissed your hand, “I don’t want the guests to see you in such a state,”
Despite this Kalim potentially not being your Kalim, he was sweet. In your real world, he could be overbearing at times, but he always tried to improve and not treat you like a servant. This older version of Kalim seemed to have successfully overcome that habit, putting your needs first before his own desires.
"I’m fine” You showed a bit of affection by kissing his cheek, which made his heart beat faster, it was a gesture you often do with him that got him all flustered. “We should go back, I don’t want our daughter to feel abandoned there,” you said jokingly, making Kalim chuckle.
“She’s doing great honestly, she got your face and my personality” referencing to his extrovertedness when he was younger, and he still is, just more tamed.
You wouldn’t mind this dream of yours, after all, Kalim was still the same, the only downside was the sudden shove from being a commoner to a Rani, but it was a change you’re willing to adjust for… till you get back to your world, hopefully.
(Idia's Part) ─────❅───── A/n: here you go! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა @wisteriarose214
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
R Ace Trappola - Luxe Couture Vignette
"My perception just lagged hard"
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Ace: Alright, it's finally the free roam time I've been waiting for! That brand-name shop looks good, and so does that one… But I think I'll have to pass on 'em!
Azul: Oh? You don't plan on visiting those stores?
Ace: I mean, I'm not anywhere close to being able to afford all those high-brand clothes. But you already knew that when you asked, right, Azul-senpai?
Ace: But it's not like I've completely given up on doing any shopping, though. I'm thinkin' about checkin' out some of the secondary line shops.
Azul: Ah, yes, there are many high-end brands that are developing products aimed at the broader marked instead of just their main audience.
Ace: Yeah, yeah. I did some digging after heading back to the hotel yesterday, and…
Ace: Looks to me like those secondary line shops have fits that suit me better.
Azul: Hm. And what sort of look do you tend to like, Ace-san?
Ace: I guess my likes reflect my usual getup. I dress pretty casual.
Ace: I like clothes that are easy to move around in, and aren't really high-maintenance. And I can't really deal with looks that are too stiff.
Ace: I'd probably say that most of my outfits have a splash of the current trends, but also have a bit of an edge to it.
Ace: On the other hand, I can only imagine you wearing pretty stiff and formal stuff.
Azul: I suppose. Of course, it does depend on the time and occasion.
Ace: Maaan, I know you got some real good sense about these things. It'd be greaaat if you could tag along and pick out some clothes for me~
Azul: Well, let me see… I do have some interest in how those secondary line brands develop their merchandise.
Azul: There's no reason for me to not join you as I observe their establishments. HOWEVER! You will, of course, be paying for yourself.
Ace: Tch. Guess he saw right through me. Suuucks.
Ace: Oh well, let's go, then.
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Ace: Hmmm, where's the store I was checking out yesterday…? Oh, found it. Azul-senpai, it's over here.
Azul: The store does seem to have a grand appearance, yes… But I can see that the designs here are rather different from the signature line.
Ace: Looks pretty good, huh? Let's go in!
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Ace: Woah, check out this stylish sweater! The shape's pretty good, and I bet it'd work with all sorts of outfits. And the price…
Ace: ONLY 30,000 MADOL [300 Thaumarks]! THAT'S SO CHEAP!
Azul: Calm yourself, Ace-san. Is 30,000 Madol for one sweater considered cheap to you?
Ace: After seeing all those Luxe prices set for the rich and famous, I guess my perception just lagged hard.
Ace: But I think I should be able to buy at least one thing from this shop with my pocket money.
Ace: Azul-senpai, I'm countin' on you to pick out something nice for me.
Azul: What do you think about that black blazer on the mannequin over there? It has a stunning silhouette.
Ace: Ooh, you're right. It's got a pretty slender and sleek profile!
Azul: Underneath it… How about this collared white shirt? It would probably look good with a striped tie, as well.
Azul: If you combine it with these center-pressed slacks and leather shoes, you would do well in any establishment that requires a dress code.
Ace: Cool, I woulda expected nothing less from something you've selected, Azul-senpai. Pretty formal and mature.
Ace: It's a pretty different look than what I normally would go for, but I guess I should at least give it a try.
Azul: I am pleased you like it.
Ace: If I were to buy everything that you chose for me… Urgh, that's over 100,000 Madol [1,000 Thaumarks]!
Azul: Well, this might be a secondary line, but it is still a brand-named shop.
Ace: Hrrrngh, maybe I'll do just this blazer… It's not really something I already own or anything.
Ace: And black pretty much goes with anything, so it makes it easy to come up with outfits…
Ace: It's a shorter style, too, so it might actually go for a casual look with my hoody and jeans.
Azul: That is a combination that hadn't even crossed my mind… Yet, I agree, I'm sure it would suit you immensely.
Ace: So that look would be like a combination of our two fashion senses, then.
Ace: If it's just the blazer, I think I could just barely afford it, but… My funds when I return to campus'll be pretty low…
Ace: Ooh, I have an idea! Can you let me work some hours at the Mostro Lounge?
Ace: I can be pretty good with my hands. You've seen that before, right, Azul-senpai?
Azul: Yes, of course. And we have a mountain load of tasks to be done. I look forward to your wonderful hard work, Ace-san.
Ace: …Shoot. Did I just put myself up for something I shouldn't have?
Ace: Uhhh… Hope you'll go easy on me~
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Requested by @ordinaryanon.
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bingbongsupremacy · 19 days
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Pt. 3
Pairing: Father! Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: I've never been on tour so the set up with how it's planned is probably wrong.
Series Summary: Years ago you and Eddie used to be friends. After you graduated, you two fell out of contact. After years of not speaking to each other, Eddie offers you a job you can't resist; be a nanny for his little girl.
Part Summary: Being a nanny for the child of a famous man is a lot harder then you expected. Will you be able to handle it?
*Not Proof Read*
Tag List: @maskofmirrors @saucypeanuttt @hugdealer
Pt.1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
This is it. We're going to fly.
I look out of the small airplane window beside me. We're so high up.
The sky is bright blue with minimal clouds. That helps relieve some of my anxiety. At least we don't have to worry about a tropical storm or something.
We're still so high up though. If someone were to fall off the plane, even when it was touching the ground, it definitely wouldn't be pretty.
In a few minutes we're going to be thousands of feet in the air. That's terrifying.
" You alright? " Eddie's voice breaks through my thoughts. He glances up at me from a random rock magazine in his hands.
I nod stiffly, pulling my gaze from the window. I take a small breath to help myself calm down. " Yeah, I've just never been on a plane before. I guess I'm a little nervous. " I admit while beginning to play with my fingers. " Flying over the ocean is freaking me out a bit. "
Eddie sets his magazine on his lap and turns his full attention to me. " It's going to be alright. I've done this a million times. Nothing's happened then and nothing will happen now. Just try to distract yourself. " He reassures me. " Here. " He pulls out another magazine, this one also about metal music news. " It's band stuff so I hope you don't mind, but it might help to take your mind off of everything. Plus there's a pretty fire crossword puzzle in the back. " He says with a grin, trying to help me feel better.
I smile at him. " Thanks, Ed. "
Eddie's grin widens at the use of his nickname. " Why of course, m' lady. " He exaggerates a playful bow in his seat.
I roll my eyes. " You're a clown. "
" Actually, I prefer the term Jester. " Eddie laughs at my reaction. He glances to the chair next to him where Rose is curled up against the arm rest. The look of pure adoration in Eddie's eyes sends a flutter of happiness through my body.
He loves her so much. He's matured a lot since High school. I never would've pictured him to be this responsible. It's amazing what having a child can do to a person. He just wants the best for her.
" She's a great kid. " I compliment.
Eddie nods in agreement. " I'm very lucky. She's put up with a lot, especially with the tour and everything. "
I wonder where her mom is? I haven't heard Eddie mention anything about her and Rose never calls her.
" If you don't mind me asking, " I begin cautiously. " where's her mother? "
6 months seems very long for a kid to be apart from their parent, especially when they're as young as Rose.
A flicker of anger crosses Eddie's expression.
Worried I offended him, I try to fix it. " You don't have to tell me. Sorry, that was very personal, I shouldn't have asked. "
Eddie shakes his head. He gently pulls the blanket around Rose's small shoulder. " No, you didn't do anything wrong. " He sighs. " It's...it's a long story. "
Overhead the pilot announces that we will be taking off. My hands clamp onto my arm rests as we suddenly begin to move. I refuse to look out of the windows, focusing my attention on our conversation. " Well, lucky for you, I don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon. " I nod towards the window. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the ground rush by. We're going to fucking fast.
When we pick up from the ground my stomach drops. A weird unsettled feeling courses through my body. I try to ignore it.
It's okay. It's just a plane.
Yeah a plane thousands of feet in the fucking air.
Eddie seems to pick up on my distress. He leans forward in his seat, as well as forward as the seat belt will allow him to go, and he pats my knee. " It's gonna be alright, Y/N. " He glances over at Rose who's still sleeping and very much unbothered by what's going on around her. " Her mom is a model I met at a party a few years ago. We dated for a bit and then we found out she was pregnant. " Eddie sighs. " She wasn't that interested in being a mom, her career was just taking off. We tried to stay together at least until Rose was born but she wasn't happy. We decided it was best if we broke up. She isn't around much. She's still out there 'finding' herself. She's supposed to come see one of the shows when we get back into the States. She wants to see Rose. We'll see how that goes. She doesn't even bother with child support so I wouldn't be surprised if it's too difficult for her to make it out to see Rose. " He doesn't sound like he carries much belief in the woman.
" I'm so sorry. " I send him a sympathetic look. " That's very rough. "
Eddie shakes his head. " It's alright. I've got Rose and Rose's got me. She doesn't need anyone else. " He tenderly brushes a strand of hair out of the young girl's eyes. " Besides, now she's got an awesome nanny who will be there for here when I can't. " He sends me a smile.
" Of course. "
I've only been around the little girl for a little while but I'm starting to grow more and more protective over her.
Eddie and I continue to talk and eventually, my fears of flying begin to subside and I can finally relax.
It's nice catching up with Eddie. It's been so long since we've seen each other. I forgot how easy he is to be around. In many ways he's changed but in so many others he's exactly the same. He's kind and funny. He cares about what I have to say.
Things my ex struggled with at times.
I don't even realize when I begin to fall asleep. The peaceful atmosphere along with Eddie's soft voice lull me into a hazy state.
" Y/N? " Eddie's voice feels distant and quiet.
I don't respond, my lips feeling too heavy to move. I manage to muster up enough strength to crack my eyes open just enough to see through my lashes.
" Can I get a blanket please? " Eddie asks a nearby flight attendant. She quickly returns with a blanket which he opens up.
I hear the faint click of his seat belt as he takes it off. He shuffles around for a moment before leaning towards me.
My eyes, too heavy for me to keep open, close completely. I feel Eddie's gentle hands tuck the soft blanket around my shoulders. His touch is light as if he's scared of waking me up.
" Sleep well, Y/N. I'm so glad I ran into you. " His voice is so quiet I almost miss his words.
Too exhausted to think over his words, I let my mind slip into darkness, the feeling of safety and comfort completely surrounding me.
I missed Eddie.
" How the fuck did they find out we were going to be here? " Eddie's slightly panicked voice.
My eyes widen at the sight in front of us. Dozens-no hundreds- of people are gathered around the entrance of the hotel we're supposed to be staying. Some are carrying large cameras with blinding flashes that go off as they snap pictures of the car. Others are loudly screaming and carrying signs. Everyone is loud and their eyes are desperate for a chance to see or be noticed by one of the boys.
" Someone must've leaked where you're staying. " Eddie's body guard, Tony, sighs. " Don't worry Ed, we'll get you guys in there safely. " He leans over to say something to the driver.
Eddie turns to me. " I forgot to pack sun glasses for you guys so this is what we're going to do. I'm going to get out and cover you two with my jacket. Keep her face hidden. Try not to look into the flash, that shit can blind you. " He pulls a pair of sunglasses out of his backpack and slips them on. " Trust me, it's not fun stumbling around while not being able to see. Don't worry about the bags. I'll send someone back to grab everything. "
I take Rose out of her car seat and pull her hood up. Eddie waits for me to get ready before he finally opens the door.
Noise floods into the car and the light is so much brighter than what the tinted windows let through.
I'm terrified. The crowd looks uncontrollable and hungry for the attention of Eddie.
The hotel's security struggles to keep a clear path for us to walk through. They firmly tell the crowd to back up but their voices only end up blending with the chaos of the screaming fans and inquisitive paparazzi's.
Eddie keeps true to his word. As soon as he's out of the car he turns his back to the crowd and holds his jacket out.
I hurry towards him, terrified of being in this mess longer than we have to be.
One of Eddie's arms snakes around my shoulders to block out the flashing lights. I tuck into his side, pulling Rose closer.
I keep my head down to watch my feet and keep an eye on Rose who's now restlessly twisting in my arms. The noise and lights are too overwhelming for her, she looks like she's about to burst into tears.
" Daddy! " She squeaks while trying to reach for the man. I struggle to keep a good grasp on her.
" It's okay, Rosie. It's okay. " His voice is calm, but I can tell he's nervous. His body is tense against mine and he's basically holding onto my shoulder for his life.
" Eddie! Who's with you right now? It this a new partner? " Someone shouts from around us.
" Is Rose there? How old is she now? "
" What do you have to say about the band that allegedly copied one of your songs? "
" Show us who you're with! "
Questions dart through the air causing an overwhelming feeling to flood me. There's so much going on.
" Back up! Back up! " Tony demands ahead of us.
" Please give us some space. We're just trying to get into the hotel. " Eddie's voice is forcibly polite.
It'll be over soon. We're almost there, right?
Damn it this walk feels like it's taken an eternity. The entrance really didn't seem this far away from the car.
Out of the corner of my eye I spot of hand reach under the jacket. It roughly yanks me back, causing me to slam further into Eddie. I let out a small gasp in surprise, my eyes widening.
Eddie firmly holds me down so I don't fall backwards, both of his arms grabbing onto me. " What the fuck! " He exclaims, pulling me further towards him and away from the person who grabbed me.
The jacket slips down slightly and I'm able to peek out over the top.
Rose is now full on sobbing, terrified of the sudden rough movements. Her small hands cling onto my shirt, looking for any form of comfort. The top of her head slightly peers out from between Eddie and I revealing one of her tear filled eyes.
I pull one of my hands over her face, trying to bounce her slightly.
I don't know what the fuck to do? How am I supposed to comfort a child when I don't even feel safe myself.
Eddie's livid. He sends a rough look towards the paparazzi who yanked me. " What the fuck is your problem? Don't touch them! Back the fuck off, you entitled piece of shit. We're fucking people! My daughter's right here! You could've hurt them both. " His grip around me is tight and protective.
The man's eyes widen in surprise. He's momentarily paused from taking pictures. " Hey man, I didn't mean anything buy it. I was just trying to get your attention. "
" Well you fucking got it. " Eddie snaps.
I haven't seen him this mad since failed Mr. Ryan's chem class for the 3rd time.
" Eddie please, let's get inside. " I beg the man.
Eddie's eyes shift towards us. His anger seems to morph into slight concern at the sight of our state. " Yeah, I'm sorry. Let's go. "
He sends one last nasty look towards the man who pulled me before we continue towards the hotel.
Eddie was right. These lights are blinding. If Eddie wasn't holding my shoulder's I'd definitely fall.
We finally make inside and I let out a breath of relief.
The doors close behind us and immediately security guards stand in front of them to block the entry of the nosy mob.
Eddie lets go of me and immediately reaches for his daughter. He shields her from the windows by blocking everyone's view with his back. " Oh, baby. " He mumbles with guilt. " I'm so sorry. Daddy's sorry. " He gently rubs circles into her small shaking back.
We make our way further in to the hotel and finally out of the view of the mob outside.
The crying seems to have worn out Rose because by the time we reach the front desk she's passed out. Not that I blame her, the whole day's been exhausting.
We collect our keys from the front desk before beginning our journey to find our rooms.
" This was a mistake. I shouldn't have brought her here. What if she's like traumatized now? She's too young for all this crap. " Eddie mumbles in concern.
" Hey, she's going to be alright. " I try to reassure him. " She's a strong little kid, she'll be okay. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. "
Eddie doesn't look like he believes me. Instead of voicing his concerns further, he chooses to nod and remain silent.
We finally come across the massive suite we're staying in. As soon as we enter we're greeted by a large common area with a beautiful gift basket full of treats. To the side is a small kitchen and bathroom.
Eddie disappears into one of the other rooms, one I'm assuming is a bedroom.
I make my way into the other room and a rush of exhaustion hits my body. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I saw the bed.
I abandon my backpack near the door and flop onto the bed. A small sigh escapes my lips as I close my eyes to block out the bright lights.
This is going to be harder then I thought.
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okaihauexpress · 5 months
all my gen (non-shippy) jet lag fics!
i have included fics where you can read it as platonic or shippy, or where a ship is a background detail. i'll make sure to highlight these in the list! i'll also highlight what season the fic is set in, any special relationships or aus, and if there's any triggers (though make sure you still check the tags for any fics you click on) i've also only included completed fics for ease
wishing we were more than friends teen & up | sam & brian | background brian/ben | set in s4 | wc 1,521
holding back the flood teen & up | sam & brian, sam & toby | sam & toby are siblings! | big fantasy au prequel | wc 5,626
at the edge of lament general | sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 1,536
hauraki detour general | sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 3,957
everything is fine (but i guess i'm not okay) teen & up | sam & ben | set in s5 | wc 4,246
she will be the warrior of the north and southern seas general | sam & toby | fantasy au one-shot | wc 2,626
another moment would've been too much general | sam & brian | wc 2,659
sing you lullabies teen & up | sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 2,461
at least we're not alone general | sam & adam | set in s3 | wc 2,690
bulletproof general | sam & adam & ben & toby | wc 1,021
all i want is to be loved teen & up | sam & toby, sam & brian, sam & joseph, sam & adam | sam & toby are siblings! | background ben/adam | soulmates au! | wc 6,060
i'll die from the emotions that i kept down for years general | adam & ben | trans male ben | set in s5 | wc 2,007
Корона твоя general | sam & adam & ben & toby | set in s5 | wc 1,828
i'm scared that i'm falling behind general | sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 1,778
with broken wings we learn to fly teen & up | ben & toby | fantasy au one-shot | wc 4,313
i see you for who you are general | sam & toby | asexual sam! | set in s5 | wc 2,026
siamo i soli svegli in tutto l'universo general | ben & adam | can be read as shippy | set in s4 | wc 1,422
i'm a volcano that is going to explode teen & up | ben & adam | set in s5 | wc 1,636
take a little sip of venom now mature | sam & brian | tw: suicide attempt, major character death | nuclear war au | wc 4,186
dreams i have ignored teen & up | sam & brian | set in s4 | wc 2,162
you told me the right thing (at the right time) general | sam & ben | trans male ben | set in s3 | wc 3,613
victory's your only payment general | sam & brian | big fantasy au prequel | wc 2,324
i can smell you like an animal mature | sam & ben | tw: major character death | vampire au | wc 4,245
diçka mrena frymen ma nal teen & up | sam & ben | wc 3,119
i asked for nobody's help teen & up | sam & ben | wc 2,611
promise me it's gonna be alright general | ben & adam | set in s2 | wc 1,390
abriguito pa tus pena' general | sam & ben | wc 1,144
life is just a game (and i'm playing for the win) teen & up | sam & ben, sam & brian | tw: major character injury | formula 1 au | wc 8,411
colder by the minute teen & up | sam & adam | set in s6 | wc 6,652
you're alive general | sam & adam, adam & toby | star wars au! | wc 1,811
evolutionary advantage general | sam & ben | can be read as shippy | wc 1,184
it's ghost time! general | sam & ben & adam | wc 951
some kind of fairy tale general | ben & toby | star wars au! | wc 1,701
take a sip from the devil's cup mature | ben-centric | tw: murder | wc 1,377
safe with me general | sam & toby | set during s5 | wc 1,350
somebody's watching me general | sam & brian | wc 675
s'mores & spooks general | sam & brian & ben & adam | wc 1,441
kiss it better teen & up | sam & ben & adam | wc 2,938
australian sensibilities general | ben & toby | set in s5 | wc 646
avuncular energy general | sam & scotty | wc 1,851
meow meow ceo general | sam & dave | werewolf au | wc 700
together, or not at all general | sam & ben | weeping angels exist | wc 1,292
too late general | sam & michelle | fantasy au one-shot | wc 1,212
voice cracks teen & up | sam & ben | trans male ben | set in s8 | wc 3,093
a safe pair of hands teen & up | sam & brian | wc 1,348
things that go bump in the night teen & up | adam & sam & ben & toby & michelle | sam & toby are siblings! | background ben/adam | wc 7,659
cursed general | toby-centric | wc 1,224
trick or treat! general | adam & sam & ben & toby | sam & toby are siblings! | wc 1,621
a taste of love general | ben-centric | wc 1,323
blinded by the cold general | sam & ben & adam | wc 2,630
say "don't go" general | sam & brian | wc 1,049
the next hot chocolate general | sam & ben & adam | wc 1,019
lightly salted french fry general | sam & michelle & ben & adam | wc 1,528
summits & surprises general | sam & brian | wc 1,304
mirrors teen & up | adam-centric | trans female adam! | wc 1,858
too much general | sam & toby | can also be read as sam/toby pre-relationship | autistic sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 3,411
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thelaundrybitch · 2 years
Little Blue Hearts Update - Chapter 34
Good Saturday to you my Turtle Doves 😘
Guess who had some inspiration and time to write recently 😂
I'm hoping to get another few chapters written and out soon. I want to be able to post my Christmas Special by Christmas 😅
SO, no promises. Just hopes and dreams. I'll try not to shatter them this time 👀😬
💙💙💙ALSO!!! I apologize if you had asked to be put on the LBH tag-list, and I didn't tag you. My list got deleted, and I'm going off of who I tagged for the last chapter of LBH - Please let me know in the comments, through an ask, or you can even DM me to let me know that you want to be included. 💙💙💙
18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Reblogs only, please!
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Little Blue Hearts cover art by the lovely @leosgirl82
Proposal Cookies
My heart is so full.
Liv is awake.
Liv. Is. Awake.
I let out a sigh of relief as I take another sip of my tea.
I can't remember the last time I actually enjoyed my morning tea.
I can't remember the last time I had my morning tea.
As I'm thinking over the last few days' events, Mike stumbles into the kitchen.
He looks like hell.
"You're up awfully early," I tell him, furrowing my brow ridge as he spins to look at me in surprise.
Oh geez. He looks way worse than I initially thought.
"Rough night?" I ask as he stumbles to the chair across from me, cradling his head in his arms that are laying on the table.
"Ashley's having nightmares, still," he mumbles to his arm.
"The one about the police station with that creep?" Asks Don.
What the? I didn't even hear him come into the kitchen.
"Mhm…" agrees Mike, unphased by Don's magical appearance.
"You look like shit," Mike giggles, lifting his head as he stares at Don.
I turn to study my brother's face, and Mike is right. He looks like hell too.
"And you're the picture of beauty," Don sasses Mike, making me chuckle.
"Is everything alright, Don?" I ask him.
"Yea. I just… I'm having really strange dreams," he tells us.
"It's all that meditation. It's screwing with your brain," says Raph as he saunters into the kitchen, headed right for the pot of coffee Don is making.
Raph? Coffee? Alright. Maybe I'm still in bed asleep.
"You feeling alright there bro?" Mike asks Raph, concern spilled across his face as he watches Raph pouring himself some coffee.
"Hmm?" Raph hums, his eyes darting around the room to each of us, who are all staring at him in horror.
"Coffee??" squeaks Don.
"Oh!" He says with a smile, "Michelle is on her way down to join Dad for breakfast. I thought I'd make her some coffee," he says, suddenly shy.
I glance at my other two brothers and we all have the same knowing smirk on our faces.
They're adorable, really. Just oblivious.
"Breakfast! Oh shit," Mike says, jumping up. "That's the whole reason I came in here!" He says in half a panic.
"What's the big deal?" Asks Don.
"I wanted to make some of those oversized cinnamon rolls with glaze that Ashley loves so much, before she has to leave for work!" he tells us as he hurriedly gets out his ingredients and tools.
"You want help?" I ask him.
"I would love help. Do you mind starting the dough while I mash the bananas and the cinnamon together?" he pleads.
I smile and get up to make the dough.
Don and Raph take a seat at the table and watch as Mike and I dance around each other in the kitchen with practiced ease.
I've always loved helping Mike in the kitchen. It's really nice seeing him in his element, and taking directions from him while he's in the zone. He's undoubtedly a natural leader.
But what I especially enjoy is watching him get into what he's working on; he's always so relaxed and peaceful. His entire demeanor changes. It's almost like it's meditative for him.
I'm making two mugs of black tea just as the cinnamon buns are coming out of the oven. Black tea will compliment the cinnamon and sweetness of the breakfast pastry.
The kitchen suddenly becomes very lively as the rest of the household and Michelle make their way into the kitchen.
*Gasp* "You made cinnamon rolls?" asks Liv, a bright smile spreading across her face. She turns and looks at me, "Do you have any black tea I could have?" She asks sweetly, as Ashley walks with her arm in arm to the breakfast bar.
She knows how to pair tea to food…
That's it. 
I'm officially in love with this woman.
I walk over and set a tea mat and her mug of black tea down in front of her.
She wraps her hands around the mug and looks up at me, her gaze flicking from my eyes to my mouth and then back again. 
Those pretty lips of hers are begging for immediate attention.
I reach out and put her hair behind her ear, my hand cupping her face as it's on its way back.
One of her hands leaves the mug and wraps itself around the wrist of the hand that's cradling her face.
The movement is small, but I don't miss it.
She pulls my arm toward her - just a little - as her eyes stay focused on my lips.
I'm leaning in when I hear Master Splinter clearing his throat, effectively snapping me out of my descent to Liv's slightly parted lips, my hand slowly dropping down to my side.
"I have been informed that you make wonderful chocolate chip cookies, Evelyn," says Master Splinter.
But Liv is in her own world… as she stares at my lips.
"Liv," Ashley nudges her cousin, "Master Splinter is talking to you," she whispers.
Liv just nods, dreamily.
The whole kitchen has stopped and Liv is now the focal point of the room, while her eyes are still trained on my mouth.
I can't help but smirk.
I reach out again and cradle her face. She turns into my hand, causing my breath to catch momentarily as her pout brushes against my palm.
"Love… uh, Liv," I correct myself quickly, hoping no one caught my slip up.
She looks up at me with eyes that are begging me to bring her back to the bedroom.
"Master Splinter wants to know about the cookies you bake," I whisper to the blonde beauty in front of me.
It takes her a moment, but she blinks herself back to reality, her face flushing while her eyes grow to the size of Jupiter.
"Cookies?!" She panics through a whisper.
"You make chocolate chip cookies?" I ask softly.
She nods frantically, looking mortified that she has gotten caught up in our little moment.
"Proposal Cookies!" Ashley tells Master Splinter with a smile, trying to save her cousin from horrendous embarrassment.
"Proposal Cookies?" Inquires Michelle as Raph opens a folding chair for her, that he just brought into the kitchen.
Liv smiles bashfully, "Yeah… I get teased by this one," she says, pointing her thumb over her shoulder at Ashley, "because every time I make them for a company party or community event, people always tell me they'd marry me on the spot or they ask for my hand in marriage after their first bite," she explains, as her cheeks turn a pretty pink.
Well. There will be no more Proposal Cookies made for anyone outside of friends and family.
"These sound like quite the cookies," Master Splinter says with a smile on his lips.
"Liv! You should totally make some for everyone!" Ashley says excitedly, glancing at Mike.
The silent conversation is so quick I almost miss it.
"I can help if you'd like!" Mike says, glancing at me.
"What do you think?" I ask her. "I know I'd love to try these cookies," I smile warmly.
"Really? You wouldn't mind if I used your kitchen?" Liv asks Mike, hope and happiness brightening her already stunning features.
"I would be insulted if you didn't want to make these cookies in my kitchen," Mike tells her, pulling the biggest smile from her that I've seen in a while.
Good. Maybe this will raise her spirits.
"I, too, look forward to these cookies," says Master Splinter. "But perhaps we can rename them," he winks.
Little Blue Hearts Master list HERE
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@leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @drowninghell @mysticboombox @chicchanmooshy @roxosupreme @raphslovemuffin80 @nittleboo @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mistyroselove @ashleighclark98 @xanadu-702 @pheradream15 @jurikyu-blog @sewerninno @tmntspidergirl @raphielover @zombiesnips-blog @meowph-132 @superneko-chan @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @sharpwindow @8pmblackcoffee @soryuwifeyxx @clockworkmorningglory
*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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sharksa-shivers · 10 months
Hi lol
My name is Sharksa Shivers or Tiff, whatever, either works lol and i am migrating here now. I still have a twitter (i am not calling it X, fuck that lol, you know it's a twitter) The muskrat has been fucking up alot of shit over there so uhhhhhh might as well make another page online so people can find me cuz idk how long a burning building can stay standing so yknow...
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Just in case tho- twatter: https://twitter.com/Sharksa_Shivers Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ02ooJ9RYKAV9uIUQum1Gg Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/sharksa-shivers (ima be honest lads, i ain't reposting every art ever on here so check my DA for my full art gallary lol. All my art garbo is there lol)
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I'm p friendly but snarky and sometimes i got no chill but cuz of anxiety, that will probably be reeled in alot but i'd love to talk and make some more internet friends cuz i'm a lonely motherfucker, that'd be nice lol... Guess i will be trying to learn how this site works cuz i have no clue lol...Never had a tumblr before so uhhhhh yeah lol... Also i like to swear and say fuck and be edgy so uhhhh hopefully you're alright with self end life jokes and uhhhhh other stuff like that cuz otherwiseeeeeee you probs wanna head on out lmaoooo If you decide to show up and be a lil shit, i will not hesitate to use that block button lololol...Also if you decide to take my sfw art as weird fetish shit cuz i've had that prob on DA, that will absolutely earn you a block. Also peeps that make me uncomfy in general/spambots also will get hit with the blocc. I'll talk to anybody usually but if you wanna be rude, i'll probs block you if you decide to do that lol. Just be a normalass person and we won't have any issues. A new one too cuz of shit; uhhhh hazbin/helluva antis do not fucking talk to me or come near me, y'all make me feel so goddamn unsafe, i am not joking. You don't have to like the show but if you genuinely are like harassing people who like the show, you're getting hit with a fatass block so fast, i swear to god. Yes i'm serious and it's my page soooooooo i don't really have to explain myself either. Just leave. idc, leave, bye lmao.
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--- Kidnapped revolves around The Trio, a team of 3 demon fighters in training. Consisting of Sharky Sharkson, Max Bone and Kristy Miller, these 3 teenagers work towards the goal of defeating a genocidal immortal cult leader shadowdemon known as Demon Drop whenever he comes back from an alternative dimension. Training The Trio, powerful fire mer Orange Hair does her best to provide The Trio with the skills and resources they need to take down Demon Drop when he returns...Why is it called Kidnapped then? Because Orange Hair kidnapped Kristy to make this team happen and that's when our story begins, with Kristy having to come to terms with all of this...
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Roomies --- Skylar is a loud and asshole-y chameleon with dreams of becoming a musician. Axel is a very nerdy and nice dog dude whos trying his best to live a good life. Together, these 2 are polar opposites and roommates...Maybe even something more in the future if Axel can figure out his true feelings for Skylar over time. These 2 get into quite alot of shenaigans and have to deal with whatever life throws at them both.
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(Note: Roomies is my side series and it's undergoing some major needed work over time. It's probably not gonna be updated a ton as a result but i am working on it on and off whenever i get more inspired lol.)
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Plz tag art as #KidnappedSeriesFanart or #RoomiesSeriesFanart if you wanna give me fanart or something to...Or tag me, whatever, i'd love to see it!!! (am not expecting but people have wanted to a few times and i'm cool af with that as long as you aren't...Yknow, gross and whatever lol...)
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ALSO!!!! Just cuz i post dialog stuff/rambling stuff from/about Kidnapped/Roomies doesn't mean they will be in the final projects...But it doesn't mean it won't make it in either lol so take it with a grain of salt. I needa share more stuff to get any sort of audience imo sooooooooo ima share these cuz these get the points across more then random artpieces in my mind so yeah lol... EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE KEEP IN MIND...
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Ik fandoms are a big thing here sooooooo here's some stuff i'm super into lol: -Regular Show (hyperfixation atm) (Also simp king Mordecai is my fave character, argue with the wall lmaooooooo) -Owl House -Steven Universe -Final Space -Tangled The Series -Amphibia (less so after the finale tho, ngl, oof) -Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss (both lol, antis get the fuck lost, y'all make me feel real goddamn unsafe.) -If it's animated, i'm probably gonna be super into it lmao, i don't watch alotta live action stuff, i'm sorry oof X-X
Will say tho, i probably won't interact much other then like...Maybe an opinion here or there or just...Sharing art i like lol, i ain't lookin for drama or fights, plz no, i do not need it over silly cartoon shows that make my brain make seratonin juices lol
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Other shiz i like: -Hiveswap (Homestuck too but Hiveswap moreso ngl lol) -Castle Swimmer -BIG into Elemental rn, we'll see how long that sticks lol -Mystery Flesh Pit National Park (fave internet story, god, i love the cosmic abomination, horror pit lol) -If it is shark/ocean/mer related, yes i want to see it, give it to me NOW...
Uhhhhhrm, will update more later lolololol
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If you needa contact me, hmu lol (tho i am usually easier to reach later in the day/at night tbh...Ima lil night owl buttttttt sometimes i do have to get up earlier so yknow, i could surprise ya... XD
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Dividers are NOT MINE; Go check out cafekitsune for these, they got some really pretty ones lol Link to the galaxy banners: https://www.tumblr.com/cafekitsune/727305515676418048/%F0%9D%90%8F%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%8D-%F0%9D%90%81%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%92-galaxy
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Commissions? Nope, not atm. Idk if i will ever do those tbh lol... Art trades? Depends on the timing but hmu and we'll see!! Usually I'll say yes cuz it's p fun lol. (I would prefer to know the person/be mutuals tho so i am not doing free art for Johnny Mcrando yknow?) Gift art? I am always open to peeps making art for me so you can if you want. On my end, depends lol...Maybe if i'm up for it. Do you ever do fanart? I would do so much Regular Show fanart if my brain was not fried 24/7 with Kidnapped stuff so...dfhjfdhjfdhfd I wouldn't follow me for the hopes of that alas but perhaps someday, i have done it before!! :p
8 notes · View notes
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 41 - Danny. Episode 4.
--------Sparkles point of view---------- Sparkle: So what have you done the past year, I mean wooh!! I gave him the elevator look and sipped my coffee
Danny: Chuckled softly Well, I figured out you had left about a week after you were gone.
Sparkle: Sorry I smiled apologizing at him
Danny: Nah, it's okay, I get it now that you explained why. You had to. and it wasn't like you owed me anything. I tried to get in contact with you for about a month, with no luck, obviously. And one night I got a call from a friend, working on one of those big hangar ships. He told me they needed crew, a paid job for 10 months… so yeah, I just jumped the opportunity, figured I needed to get away too. So 10 months and 25 kilo later, here I am. He smiled warmly
Sparkle: I giggled softly Ahh so that's why you have this whole hipster sailor look now.
Danny: Chuckled softly A life at sea will do that to you.
Sparkle: I chuckled softly I'll try to remember that. So what's with the uh? I pointed at his throat as I could see a tattoo crawl over the neckline of his knitted pullover
Danny: If it wasn't so cold I would show you. I don't know. A few artists were on the ship, and when we got bored enough, they started tattooing people. One night I guess I got bored enough as well. Well, it was more nights really. He pointed at his throat That one is not the only one I have. But as mentioned, it's too cold right now to start showing tattoos. Some other time perhaps? He smiled softly
Sparkle: I nodded softly Yeah, I would like that, you have me curious now.
Danny: He nodded towards Daniel and Ruby So what's up with you and the military guy?
Sparkle: I chuckled softly First off, he's not a military man, he was never in the military. That's just his style.
Danny: Alright… he nodded with a small chuckle and sipped his coffee
Sparkle: And to answer your question, there isn't really anything with us. He's my friend… sometimes we fuck I blushed a bit as I said the words sorry, I don't mean to sound like a whore or something.
Danny: You could never sound like that to me, so don't worry.
Sparkle: I smiled softly at him and blushed further Thank you.
---------Daniel's point of view------------
Ruby: He's stealing your girl now…
Daniel: She's not my girl. I grunted and sipped the rest of my chocolate, throwing the paper mug in a trashcan few meters from us, lighting a joint, sighing deep as I blew out the smoke
Ruby: She quickly followed me Am I annoying you?
Daniel: I smiled softly No…. it takes much more to annoy me I reached the joint to her and smiled softly as she grabbed it and puffed it
Ruby: So don't tell me you have absolutely no problem with them sitting as close as they do right now? I actually think he's holding her hand? I mean, I have seen pics of the old Danny before, but that thing over there…. he's definitely her type.
Daniel: Yeah, I know.
Ruby: She smiled at me softly, almost like she pitied me
Daniel: I let my eyes fall back to Sparkle and Danny. Yup, he was holding her hand, and she was laughing at whatever he had just said. A lot. About an hour later I found myself, tipsy, at Sparkles place. We had agreed going to her place, as the cold had only gotten worse. And the now drunk Sparkle, had been running around taking pics of us all. I was no longer mildly annoyed by this evening, but full on irritated. I just needed my bed and a good night joint. Or to stick my dick in someone. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and quickly typed a message to Congo, smiling cheekily as he answered back a few seconds later
Congo: 'Yeah, I'm awake… are you okay?'
Daniel: 'Yeah. Stuck at Sparkles place, watching her and her new boy toy dancing. I'm bored with this night.'
Congo: 'Wanna come over?'
Daniel: 'Mmmh yeah, I could really need a place to stick my dick right now'.
Congo: 'I'm sure we can figure something out'.
Daniel: 'Sweet! I'll be there in 15!'
Congo: 'Daniel, please don't drive.'
Daniel: 'Nah, my bike is back at the university, don't worry, I'll call a cab.'
Congo: 'Thank you. I'll see you soon.'
Daniel: 'Yep. See you! Stay warm!'
Congo: 'Daniel, just lock yourself in, I'll be in the master bedroom.'
--------Congo's point of view----------
Congo: I was very tired, and had actually been asleep, but I could feel through the sms that he was frustrated. He had grown quite fond of her, so watching her with someone else was probably bound to bring his mood down. I turned around in bed slowly, I was very gentle not to wake Evan, as I lifted his hand from my hip. He was sleeping deep, I could hear that on his breath, but still wanted to be careful, just to be sure. He needed sleep on top of that night. It had ended well after the good news about the mate bond. But it had still drained him both mentally and physically. So he needed all the rest he could get. I silently got up, not bothering to put clothes on, as I knew it would come off soon anyway, and so I walked silently around the bed, bending down, planting a soft kiss on Andy's forehead.
Andy: He moaned softly Whaaat?
Congo: I smiled warmly and stroke his hair Sleep sweetheart. I'll go upstairs. Daniel sms'd, he will come by soon. So I'll go upstairs with him.
Andy: He nodded sleepy Okay… have fun he smiled warmly and turned to his other side, snuggling his face in Evan's armpit with a soft smile. I knew how the smell of both of us made him feel safe.
Congo: As I passed the fireplace on my way to the 3rd floor, I quickly threw a few more logs on, to keep the house warm till the morning. Then I grabbed a couple of water bottles, a sandwich and a can of whipped cream, quickly making my way to the master bedroom at the 3rd floor. Lighting a few candles around the room, to bring a cozy atmosphere. I laid down on the middle of the bed, opening a drawer in the small night stand, grabbing a lube, slowly preparing my hole. Stroking my dick to get hard, gently circling my entry before slowly gliding a finger inside, moaning softly. With the other hand I grabbed the can of whipped cream. I absolutely hated the taste of most can foods, but both Daniel and Andy seamed to love the stuff, as long as they could use it as a foreplay. So I chuckled softly as I made a thick ring of it around my dick, and a small dot on each of my nipples. It was a total kliche, but these things always seemed to send both of them right off. So here I were, reminding myself of a stuffed turkey. I smiled softly as I heard the front door, this was gonna be good. I added another finger, slowly stretching myself as I heard footsteps in the hallway, moaning softly at the thought of Daniel coming home.
Daniel: He opened the door rather quick, chuckling loudly as his conversation went on, and as he turned his face towards me, he froze. Oh!
Robert: Bumped into Daniel as Daniel stopped, chuckling warmly Oh sorry I didn't see you ther… he froze as well as he saw me on the bed.
Congo: I think it's safe to say this was one of the more embarrassing moments of my life, and I quickly got out of bed, grabbing a shirt from the floor, I used to desperately cover most parts of my naked body with. Not easy when you're caught of guard with shaky hands
Daniel: I'm so sorry, I ran into Robert in the drive way, and as I woke you up I assumed you were just snoozing here in bed until I would join you.
Robert: He chuckled warmly, clearly amused as he judging by his rather insecure wobbly legs had had more than plenty to drink
Congo: I sighed softly No harm done I guess, but I'm gonna go take a shower and get this stuff off me.
Daniel: He nodded with a small apologizing smile We will be downstairs for a drink
Congo: I nodded without looking at them, as I made my way to the bathroom, quickly turning on the tap in the shower cabin, sighing deeply as I got under the hot water, leaning my forehead against the wall. As much as I liked seeing Robert being more open minded towards gay love, I really wished I hadn't answered my phone when Daniel messaged. I sighed softly and started washing my body, all of the whipped cream was gone already, but it left as sticky feeling on my skin. As I was done washing my body I leaned back against the wall, closing my eyes, just letting the hot water caress my body. I quickly got stuck in thoughts of the mate bond, and the things Akin had said about Andy. So many things suddenly fell into place. I was happy with this new turn. Specially since Evan seemed to already open up. We had shared amazing sex, and even if we hadn't penetrated each other, a stronger bond had definitely grown between us. I smiled softly and thought of how he had leaned against me during sex, how I had observed him swim away in us, fully enjoying the satisfaction. My thoughts started drifting and for the next minutes I cannot remember what I was even thinking of, my thoughts were just moving around without me paying much attention. I was just, relaxing. Drifting away. But then I felt someone locking their lips around my dick. I moaned softly. Daniel. He had come back just as I had started getting hard. He always had a great timing like that, like he knew when I was hard. I sighed soft and relieved, digging my fingers into his hair. Hair? I quickly opened my eyes, but as water splashed into them I didn't see who it was at first, but as the door to the bathroom suddenly opened I clearly saw everything play out in front of my eyes. And I wish I hadn't.
Andy: Congo… can we join you… HOLY SHIT!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?! Something definitely got knocked over and broke as it hit the floor RO-ROBERT?!?! SHIT FUCK!!! EVAN!!! DON'T COME OUT HERE!!!!
Evan: What happe…. DAD?!?!?!
Congo: I looked at Robert kneeling in front of me, hardly believing my eyes, as his hand was still locked around my dick. Then my eyes found Andy and his horrified face, as he tried holding on to Evan, who mostly looked like he wanted to run to the moon.
Robert: I uh… he somehow managed to drag his drunken ass up from the ground, letting go of my dick, stumbling few steps towards Evan and Andy
Evan: Just looked at him with disbelief written all over his face
Andy: What the fuck is going on in here?!
Congo: I groaned and shook my head
Daniel: WOAH WOAH WOAH He laughed out loud as he joined the way too crowded bathroom I did NOT see that one coming! He pointed at Roberts wet clothes, then me, then Robert, me, Robert, me and started wiggling his eyebrows. Then a loud moan escaped his lips as Evan punched him straight in the face, making Daniel take few steps backwards, tripping over the tub, and landing on his ass inside it with a loud bump and a whimper
Andy: Looked at Robert and me with a glare as I watched Evan turn to leave the room, but he slipped, probably in the sea of water that was slowly gathering on the floor from Robert's wet clothes
Evan: He slammed face forwards down on the tile floor, yelping out loud as he turned to his side and grabbed his left hand with his right hand, yammering from pain. And then I noticed it, a piece of glass had cut into the pillow under his thumb
Andy: Evan! Oh fuck!!! He quickly grabbed Evan's wrist and looked at Evan with worried eyes Hold still please!! What the fuck do I do here?!?! He looked desperately at me, Robert, Daniel, then Evan's hand A bit of fucking help could be useful here!!!!
Lenny: He suddenly came bursting through the open door What's going on? Is everyone alright? I heard Evan screaming?! He quickly noticed the glass in Evan's hand Oh… I guess that would explain it. May I? He nodded at Andy and the hand
Andy: Yeah… I… he hesitated few seconds then let go of Evan's wrist
Lenny: Hmm… okay he turned Evan's hand a bit it looks bigger than it is, I doubt you will need stitches, and I know you aren't much for hospitals… I can get it out for you and clean it if you want? He looked questioning at Evan
Evan: Grunted and hissed from pain
Andy: Do it dad… please!!
Lenny: Alright… he smiled soft at Andy do you have a tweezer here somewhere?
Andy: He nodded and quickly found the first aid kit in the closet under the sink, handing it to Lenny with shaky hands Is he gonna be alright dad? He looked at Lenny with anxious eyes and pulled his mohawk nervously. It had been a long time since I last saw him do that, which explained well just how much this was messing him up. And it was partially my fault.
Lenny: He's gonna be as good as new sweetheart, relax. I have pulled all sorts of things out of your body when you were kid. Always climbing trees, getting splinters in your hands and feet. He chuckled softly and grabbed a disinfection spray, spraying it lightly on Evan's hand.
Evan: Moaned out in pain
Lenny: Sorry darling, I'll try to be more gentle. He smiled softly at Evan, and stroke his cheek a single time Alright, I'll remove the glass now. Luckily it's mostly out of your skin, it didn't cut deep, so it shouldn't hurt much. Just take a deep breath, please.
Evan: He nodded softly and did as Lenny told him, and I watched him cringe as Lenny pulled out the glass carefully
Lenny: Alright, it's over. I'll just spray it a couple more times to clean it, and put a small bandage on. As he was done about a minute later, he smiled softly at Evan You're all good again now, smile darling.
Evan: He grunted and glared at Lenny
Lenny: What's wrong? He slowly got up, and as he did he seemed to notice me, Daniel and Robert… quickly connecting the dots between me and Robert. Ahh… he frowned softly Andy… will you please get Evan to bed? I'll clean up here.
Andy: But dad…
Lenny: Andy… leave. I had never seen this face on him before, it was very firm, and I feared what was to come next. Daniel, help them downstairs and then go home.
---------Andy's point of view------------
Daniel: He didn't say anything, he just quickly got up, and helped me support Evan as we walked downstairs, in the kitchen, George was drinking some water
George: Oh, what happened? Are you guys
Andy: Don't ask! I shook my head and nodded towards the third floor, and then the roar met my ears
Daniel: Andy… let's go! He started dragging Evan towards the stairs
Andy: I quickly nodded agreeing and we all three fled downstairs, Evan and I quickly crawling up in bed, both of us only wearing boxers, so we were getting chilly
Daniel: I'm sorry if I in any way caused all of that. I'll leave before I mess more up tonight.
Evan: Please stay!
Andy: I looked at him concerned Are you sure?
Evan: He sighed deeply Yeah… I'm fine. I mean he sighed deep I could just really need a joint, and Daniel is the joint holder.
Daniel: He quickly grabbed his joint tin and threw it to Evan Take what you need, I'm sure you don't wanna look at my face right now. I really fucked up royally this time, so I'll just be next door if anyone needs me.
Evan: He frowned and sighed softly I would like you to stay. Please. He padded the bed next to him and sighed softly
Andy: Are you sure? I smiled at him softly
Evan: Yeah… I just need peace around me, please. I just can't deal with any drama. I just wanna lay down, with my mate, and relax he smiled at me softly and lit the joint
Andy: My stomach tickled as he called me his mate and I smiled bright, planting a soft kiss on his forehead
Daniel: Looked at us hesitating, then took off his hoodie, letting it dump to the floor, kicked off his boots, and then he crawled into bed, next to Evan, grabbing a joint and lighting it. Then quickly handing it to Evan.
Andy: We were just done smoking as Congo came down the stairs a bit hesitating, walking up to the bed rather shameful Evan… I eh… I had nothing to do with it. He was just suddenly there. But… your dad was very drunk, and very lonely I think… I don't think he really thought it through…. it just, happened.
Evan: He sighed softly and got up on his knees, reaching towards Congo, grabbing one of his hands gently Hey… can we just pretend it didn't happen, please? My brain is way too tired to deal with this… and that was before the joint he chuckled softly Besides we're good.
Congo: He smiled softly Are you sure?
Evan: He crawled a bit closer, planting both his hands on Congo's cheeks, caressing them softly This is how sure I am. He leaned in slowly, and planted a tender kiss on Congo's lips
Daniel: Eeeey he smiled cheekily and bit his lips
Andy: I chuckled hoarse and shook my head
Daniel: What? Not allowed to say eey any longer?
Evan: He smiled softly at Congo as he let go of him I didn't assume you had anything to do with it, and I kinda expected my dad to be very drunk to end up like that… so everyone is forgiven. I just…. can we just not talk about it, please? I don't want it replaying in my head… and I don't wanna see him right now either. I'm afraid I might just throw up. Sorry, not that there's anything yucky about you. But it really grossed me out! I mean… you and I… and then you and him… it's kinda like sharing…. he frowned deep
Daniel: Woah woah woah!! Does this mean you two fucked??!?! HA! I knew it!!!
Andy: I slapped his forehead No they didn't, not that it's any of your business. And this was your only warning. Next time you let your mouth run, I'll kick you out in the dog house to sleep! Is that understood? I glared at him and chuckled hoarse
Daniel: Yes master! He grinned wide and I could feel his boner against my butt cheek as he turned to his side. This was going to be a long night!
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rehkkuma · 3 years
Yasss the request are open!! Your writing is amazing so could i ask for Caesar and reader with the "there's only one bed" trope? That could lead to something more spicy 👀 if your comfortable with it of course
i haven't written anything caesar-related so i'm glad the one-bed trope is the first request!! ≧◡≦ i tried to make it a bit spicy but i just got carried away with the fluff lol. hope this is alright, anon!
a lucky coincidence | caesar x reader
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words: 1.48k.
disclaimers/tags: fem pronouns, fluff.
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"My body-" you muttered, hand covering your eyes. "I can't feel anything. I can't tell if I'm dying or already dead!"
Joseph scoffed. "Such a drama queen." He stretched his neck and cracked his knuckles. "Look at me right now! I was on the hell climb pillar the longest and I'm doing just great!"
"I guess that proves that Y/n and I are much more capable hamon users." Caesar interrupted. "I recall, we both finished earlier than you did."
The brown-haired boy let out an awkward cough. "10 minutes isn't that much anyway. You could finish a whole box of pizza in less than that time!"
Caesar gave Joseph an unimpressed look before smiling at you. "Let's just ignore him."
You chuckled, "Was planning to anyways."
Joseph crossed his arms with annoyance. "You guys are so boring." He then strutted off, heading off to the room he was given earlier.
You and Caesar turned around to laugh. Ever since the two of you started training under Lisa Lisa years ago, you had gotten unbelievably close. Back when you both lived with Lisa Lisa for everyday training, you only had each other. Since you both have given up on school to become stronger, no one knew you better than Caesar.
You were there to see him grow. From watching him mature from a young boy to a man, you couldn't help but fall in love with him. There had always been romantic tension between you two, but there was also a fair amount of friend-zoning. Since you practically grew up as teammates, it was hard to transform your relationship into something less platonic.
"I'm gonna head to my room now," you said. "I'll see you tomorrow! Sleep well, Caesar!"
Caesar nodded. "Sleep well."
You both parted ways to go to your rooms, but you were abruptly stopped by one of the island's maids, Suzie Q.
"Ah, Y/n!" the cute girl chirped. "I guess Lisa Lisa hasn't told you yet, but your room is under renovation!"
"O-Oh," you frowned.
"Yeah. It's been a while since that room's been occupied, so it's kind of falling apart now. I heard it'll all be fixed by the end of the week, though," she said.
Disappointed, you crossed your arms and let out a sigh. You turned to look behind you, noticing that Caesar was still there, listening intently.
"If it's not a problem, you could sleep in my room," he suggested. "There's only one bed, but I think it'll be big enough for the two of us."
You blushed at the thought of sleeping next to Caesar. When you were younger, he'd let you sleep in his bed whenever you had nightmares. But yet again, you were both young. Sleeping next to him now would be... a lot different.
"It's not a problem!" You smiled and walked beside Caesar. "Just don't snore too loud."
The blond laughed. "Of course I won't. Wouldn't want to wake up the princess now, do I?"
* * *
For the next hour, you and Caesar remained far apart in the room. You were on an armchair reading a book while Caesar was writing a letter to his family. He'd occasionally start small talk, but go back to his work minutes after. Eventually, he turned off his desk lamp and sealed his letter inside an envelope. He got up from his seat and stretched his body, walking to where you were sitting afterwards.
"Is the book that fun, Y/n?" Caesar said softly in your ear.
"Mhm! I'm on an interesting chapter right now." You slightly tilted the book for Caesar to see.
"Ah..." he mumbled. He brought his face closer to the book, now side-by-side with your face too. His eyes dashed across the pages, reading bits and pieces of the book. Every now and then, he'd mumble a sentence or two out loud. Once he believed he read enough, he moved back from your chair and nodded. "This book does seem fun, but I think it's getting late now. I don't want to see you tired during training tomorrow. I doubt she's going to go any easier on us."
You looked over to the bed you and Caesar would be sharing. Nervously, you closed your book and placed it on a small table beside the arm chair. "Yeah, you're right. Now would be a good time to sleep."
Caesar smiled and walked over to the bed. He was already in his pyjamas (his usual cropped tank top and loose pants), but you noticed him change out of his top. His shirt and arms above his head, abs flexing, and hair getting caught in the neck hole: was he just doing this on purpose?
Now shirtless, he folded the piece of clothing on a nightstand. With the moonlight shining into the bedroom, you could see the light shining off his abdomen, enhancing his muscles even more. You knew he was a well-built man, but you seriously underestimated his figure. You tried to recall when Caesar ever had the time to get so jacked, but stopped once you saw him looking back at you.
"Ah, sorry. I should've asked before. Is it alright if I sleep like this?" He asked.
You looked down at the carpet, blushing. "Y-Yeah, it's fine. I know it gets hot at night, so I don't mind..."
Caesar smiled. "Alright, then what are you waiting for? Come join me. You're going to be cold if you just stay there all night."
"Right..!" You turned off your reading lamp and skittishly walked to the bed. Awkwardly, you uncovered the bedsheets and laid next to the blond. Caesar was laying on his side towards your direction, so you instinctively turned the other way around.
"Goodnight," Caesar whispered.
"Goodnight." Your eyes slowly closed, ready to fall asleep. The pillows were comfy, the sheets were freshly cleaned, but you couldn't sleep no matter how hard you tried. The sound of your heart beating was too loud for you to ignore. You'd switch sleeping positions, hoping it would provide more comfort, but nothing worked. If you wanted to get good rest, you would've needed to not be sleeping next to Caesar (and shirtless nevertheless).
"Can't fall asleep?" Caesar asked in a sweet voice.
"No..." you said back. "I guess I'm just extremely stressed for Joseph's sake."
That wasn't a complete lie, but you knew very well that you were more anxious about your current situation.
"I am too, if I'm being honest." Caesar gently grabbed your shoulder and turned you to face him and his emerald eyes. "Remember when we were younger? You'd knock on my door, all teary-eyed from having nightmares?"
You nodded, embarrassed. "You don't need to remind me."
"Why not? You were so cute back then. You're still adorable now, but it's still kind of scary knowing that you're more well-versed with hamon now than before."
"Adorable?" you repeated. "Me?"
"Of course. You really should've seen yourself back then; young girl, knocking up into my room, proceeding to take the entire bed while drooling on my shoulder? Maybe right now is the karma you get for all the sleepless nights I've had in the past because of you."
"S-Sorry," you said.
"I'm just joking," Caesar chuckled. "I know we're not teenagers anymore, but you can sleep on my shoulder again if you're having trouble."
You were glad that all the lights were off. Otherwise, Caesar would've noticed the rosy look on your face.
"Thank you..." There was no point in declining his suggestion at this point. You shifted yourself closer to Caesar and laid on his chest. His skin was soft and his chest was like a pillow. Despite your heart beating fast before, you began to calm down from hearing Caesar's faint breaths. He moved his arm around your body and then stroked your arm. With your shared body heat, your whole body felt warm and fuzzy.
"Y/n..." Caesar said softly, almost falling asleep. "Sleep well." He leaned over and kissed tip of your nose before drifting off to sleep shortly after.
"H-Hey!" you called out, shaking Caesar to wake him up again.
"Hm? What seems to be the issue?"
You hated how calm he was being. He'd always pull off things like this and not say a word afterwords, wanting to watch you get flushed from his teasing. Did he like you? Was he being friendly? It didn't matter at this point because you were going to pull the same trick on him.
You leaned in towards Caesar's face and kissed him gently on the lips. Your mind was racing, but your lips acted like they knew what they were doing. Slowly, you parted away from Caesar with his taste still lingering on your mouth. With a small smirk, you turned to face the other way of Caesar. "Goodnight," you whispered.
For the first time, you heard Caesar stutter. "G-Goodnight," he replied.
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coming down (selfship post two)
part one selfship
song: coming down - the weeknd
pairing: sebastian michaelis x me
warning: orgasm denial, a tiny bit of bondage, teasing, big dick sebastian, and other mature warnings
a/n: ...i had too much fun writing this. enjoy yall.
tagging: @happygoluckyalexis
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"I noticed the sheets have been changed. You've decided to do the laundry yourself for a change?" He asked, standing in the doorway as I was wearing my pajamas and fixing up my bed. I had decided to go with a heavier comforter with gray sheets this time around.
"Well, I'd figured I'd give you a break for once..." I muttered, not looking at him as I walked over to the bathroom and closed the door.
"Is something wrong?" He asked.
"I'm fine, Sebastian." I quickly stripped down and got in the shower. "Just leave me out some clothes on my bed. Nothing sexy, got it?"
After taking a hot relaxing shower, I dried off and walked into the bedroom, towel wrapped around me. "What did this man leave me-" I cut myself off as I found a strapless short black dress with a plunging V neck, see-through black lacy lingerie, and matte black suede thigh length boots. "...what the fuck did I just tell this man." I quickly threw the clothes and shoes on the floor, opting for a pink long sleeve shirt and black tights which hugged my body in the greatest way. "Sebastian!"
"Yes, darling?" He appeared in front of me. "You don't like the dress?"
"Clearly, you've forgotten what I had said." I cleared my throat. "I said nothing sexy." I slapped him. "You misunderstood what the fuck I said. I said nothing sexy. You didn't understand the assignment." I slapped him again, anger in my eyes. "Learn to-" Suddenly, he grabs both of my wrists and puts them above my head as he turns me away from him. "W-What are you doing?!"
"I'm going to have so much fun with you tonight, my dear kitten." He whispered in my ear, pressing his chest against my back. "After all...you wouldn't want to be a naughty girl for me, would you?"
I blushed, gasping softly as I felt his fingers enter my core. "Gah..." I tensed up, shutting my legs.
"I guess you understood the assignment. You're all wet for me, my sweet." He teased, rubbing my clit and kissing my neck.
"S-Sebastian! S-Stop it..." I let out a breathless gasp, feeling his fingers deeper in my drenched cunt. "P-Please!" My legs started trembling.
"Alright, alright." He let go of my hands, removing his fingers out of my slit and licking them. "Meet me in the living room tonight in just the lingerie. I'll have a few surprises for you." He smirked, chuckling as he left my room.
I stumbled on the bed, panting for a few moments. "What are you planning, Sebastian..."
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After drifting off to sleep for a bit, I finally woke up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I got up and threw the dress back in the closet, stripping off my current clothing, and slid on the lingerie. "I'm gonna run this man's fade...." I quickly grabbed a button-up white dress shirt and black slacks, throwing those on and a pair of black dress shoes. "Lemme go see what this man wants." I sighed, walking downstairs, and was stunned by what I saw.
The living room lights were dimmed, curtains closed, and the door locked. I then glanced over in front of the TV and noticed that the glass coffee table was moved. "What the fuck is this man planning...?" I walked over, cutting the TV off.
"Hello, darling."
I jumped, turning around to find Sebastian wings out and shirtless, leaning forward and looking at me. His gloves were off, a devilish smirk across his face.
"I see you misunderstood what I told you." He patted his lap, spreading his legs. "Sit."
I scoffed, walking over and sitting next to him only for him to roughly pull me into his lap. "H-Hey- ah!" I felt a smack on my ass.
"You were expected to wear the dress, no?" He smiled, smacking my ass again.
"Yes..." I gasped.
"A little louder for me." He smacked it again, but a bit harder.
"Y-Yes!" My face was a little bit hot as he rubbed my ass and gripped it tightly, chuckling. My hands clenched his shoulders on instinct.
"Will you be good for me?" He whispered, slipping off my slacks and smacking my ass some more.
I gritted my teeth, not responding to him.
"Hm?" Sebastian grabbed my chin, causing my brown eyes to meet his lustful red orbs. "Not answering me?"
I gave a nod before feeling his hands travel up and down my sides, shuddering. "Nnn..." I looked away.
"Maybe I can get you to talk." He smirked, putting me on all fours, face down and ass up. The soft white carpet was all I saw.
I then felt my wrists tied up behind my back, shivering as I felt something cold run down my back all the way.
"You Ike that, don't you?" He whispered in my ear, licking my neck with that goddamned devilish tongue of his. "Hm?" He ripped my panties off.
"S-Shut up..." I mustered, gasping as I felt two fingers thrust deeply in my pussy. "G-Gah!"
"Darling...you're so fucking wet." He whispered in the other ear, leaving hickeys on my neck as he teased my core and used his thumb to run my clit.
"G-Gah..." I quivered. "S-Sebastian..."
"Yes?" He went faster, causing my legs to jerk shut and my walls tensed up around his fingers as he kept rubbing my clit.
"A-Ah, fuck, Sebastian! Sebastian!" I begged, sticking my tongue out and panting. "P-Please..."
He chuckled, pulling his fingers away from my soaking cunt. "What do you want daddy to do?" He smirked, grinding against me as he fondled my breasts.
"I-I..." I mustered before accidentally grinding against his massive dick upon feeling my hardened nipples being toyed with. "Nnn....!"
"Is my kitten ready for me?" He moves his hands away from my breasts, pulling the bra underneath them. He then slipped off his pants.
"P-Please..." I begged. "Put it in....please..."
"Good girl." He gripped my wrists with one hand, the other lining up my hips with his as he roughly thrusts inside my slutty cunt. "Oh my, you're taking in all of me. I should reward you handsomely afterwards."
I let out the loudest moan, arching my back. "Ah, fuck!" I was letting out gasps, whines, and moans as I was getting fucked silly.
"Ah...you feel so good." He then groaned in my ear, causing me to shudder and tense up around his cock. "Oh my...you want to cum early?"
"F-Fuck off-" I panted heavily before being placed on my back, my wrists held in front of me as his eyes started glowing that bright fuchsia, looking at my body.
"Bad girl. I should make you beg." He smirked, ramming deeply into me.
"A-Ah!" I was already seeing white in my vision as I was getting fucked stupid. My eyes almost rolled to the back of my head as my back was arched. My mind was putty in his hands.
"Hm...my darling kitty is enjoying this." His voice was seductive yet devilish, hovering over me and pushing my knees to my breasts. "Would you like daddy to fill you up?"
"Yes...please..." was all I could muster as my loud moans kept slipping from my mouth. "Yes, yes, yes...fuck!"
Sebastian smirked, banging my brains out. "Here's your reward for doing so well." He pulled out slowly and rammed into me one last time, filling me up with his cum.
"Sebastian...fuck..." I arched my back, taking it all in as I trembled and quivered. "Daddy...." I was so tired and worn out.
Sebastian peppered me with kisses, pulling his shaft out to marvel at his work. "Superb job, darling. You're such a beautiful mess for me, you know?" He then laid down, smirking as he held it in his hand.
I tiredly rolled on my knees and began cleaning his cock off with my mouth. It felt so hot that groans and moans left his lips, causing me to pull away and blush.
"Aren't you a little freak?" He winked, pulling me on his face. "Maybe my tongue will make you cum."
"You wish-! Oh, fuck..." I gripped his hair with both hands, his tongue and mouth dancing with my pussy as I let out more lewd moans. "Sebastian, please, please, please..." I was begging like a damn dog for some food. "Lemme fucking cum, please..."
Sebastian chuckled. "As you wish." He sucked and licked my pretty little clit so hard, I arched my back.
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" I cried out, revealing myself all over him. "Shit..." I panted, sliding off of his face and back onto the carpet.
Sebastian grabbed a towel to wipe his face off, glancing at me. "Do you feel better now?"
I caught my breath after a few moments, pushing up my glasses. "Just carry us to bed..."
Sebastian smiled, taking the both of us to my bedroom. "How was that, love?"
I slipped off the dress shirt, putting on a big enough t-shirt as I climbed into bed. "You took my breath away and then some..." I looked at him as he slipped his pants back on and kissed my forehead.
"Would you like for me to stay with you tonight?"
"That would be much appreciated."
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thejustmaiden · 3 years
So out of nowhere I was tagged and quoted by a SR shipper for a blog of mine posted in August of last year. Talk about throwback but, hey, gotta appreciate that level of snooping. 😉
Back in the day I actually used to encourage discourse amongst Inuyasha fans- both shippers and antis alike- but I've since realized that it's a lost cause. But for you, @feministmetalgreymon , I'll grant this exception. Just 'cause it's been a while so why the hell not. haha
I want to assure you, however, that nothing you say will ever convince me that Sesshomaru and Rin are meant to be together romantically or that the story intended it so. Nor will you find any validation here. You can ship them for all I care, but please for all that is good and holy while I have your attention try- I mean really try- to understand why it is so many of us Inuyasha fans are so against this pairing in the first place (newsflash: it's not about ship wars), and why we believe a romance between the two of them is completely and utterly out of character.
For those of you interested in reading this, the blog of mine in question that the above shipper mentions in their counter-argument is here for reference. It's titled "Jaken = Rin's Dad?" I'm going to try and keep this short, but I'm also making no such promises. After all, I'm not exactly known for my brevity. haha Now let's get crackin'!
Like you, feministmetalgreymon, did for your recent blog here where you took screenshots of mine to address certain parts, I will be doing the same and dissecting yours accordingly.
[Snippet 1]
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I worked with kids for many years as a teacher, and many people in my family have too or still do. Two of them happen to be just over 5 feet which is quite short for the average adult woman living here. I've also worked alongside many a women of short stature, and never did I hear any of them complaining of issues with their students having difficulty differentiating them from their own peers just because they were short as well. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Kids are quite smart and pick up on a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Height is not the only characteristic they look at to determine who's an adult and who's not, and it's foolish to suggest otherwise. So unless you're a babysitter who's still in their teens and/or who has very childlike features or behavior then I'm afraid what you're getting at is total hogwash. This is just another example of how you shippers offer nothing of real substance to your reasoning, it's only ever cherry-picking or strawmanning from you guys. Stop deflecting from the real issues please, because this certainly isn't one and only winds up being a complete waste of time for all parties involved.
[Snippet 2]
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Okay, calm down now. I wasn't insinuating that relationships between parents and children can't change over time in terms of how they get along. Of course that's possible, as all families experience their fair share of estrangement and abuse. What I was speaking about was in reference to the overall dynamic between the two. Because a bad mother or father can still be viewed as a parental figure to their child even if say they're not in said child's life anymore. Since Sesshomaru and Rin share a healthy bond- and just a friendly reminder that in my blog I even said that he doesn't have to necessarily be labeled her father but that a romantic relationship later would still be inappropriate- I didn't deem it necessary to address what you brought up. Plus, it kinda, umm, misses the point?? Please, let's stay on topic. And it's not captured in the screenshot, but stop acting like there isn't a small part of them that idolizes their parents at some point during childhood. Just like you mention later on how it's normal for kids to have innocent crushes on adults that they eventually grow out of? Well, guess what, the same concept applies here. Kids eventually learn that their parents are far from perfect and make mistakes too. Rin is so damn young in the OG series though that we never even get to see her reach that maturity level.
[Snippet 3]
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LOL! Alright, okay, so the "unbreakable bond" bit you're mentioning was actually me quoting you sessrinners. Did you not catch that? I literally spelled it out. *sigh* The whole point I was making is that shippers like yourself make hypocritical and contradictory statements all.the.goddamn.time. One moment you guys claim that Sesshomaru and Rin were essentially strangers and meant very little to each other, only to say in the same breath a few seconds later that they were destined to be together and their bond is like no other. I agree, their bond is special, but why must that mean they're going to fall in love?
That is the root of the matter here. Too many animes/mangas have romanticized this older adult man & young girl growing up falling in love trope that it's become way too normalized and widely accepted across the world- and yes, in some cultures more than others. Sadly, you lack the awareness to recognize how this all works. You know how we know that? When we see that you shippers are so desensitized to sexualized images of girls in the media that you share posts like this one below which *subtly* imply a future romance although one half of that pairing is still just a child in the pic and then try and pass it off as cute. That's like super fucking problematic and it scares me that you can't see that (or deny you do). 🤢
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After all that's said and done, Sesshomaru leaving Rin in the village with Kaede is to me the strongest indicator more than pretty much anything else he's done for Rin that proves he is her adoptive father. It's so funny to me how you somehow see the exact opposite though. 🤔 What I think is happening is that you got yourself on some squeaky clean ass shipper goggles fresh out of your little echo chamber. Because I hate to tell you, but what you're fantasizing is what you want to see and not what's actually there on screen or was written into the story. I'm strictly talking about Inuyasha and the manga of course. [For the TL; DR version skip to the last paragraph.]
Parents looking after their kids is what parents are supposed to do. A good parent will do anything to keep their child safe and ensure they are cared for, so what he did for her by leaving her there was in her best interests clearly. Besides, as a babysitter, you more than most people should understand that parents aren't always able to be there for their kids so sometimes others gotta step in to help. Haven't you heard of the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?" Which in Rin's case is literally true! 😂 Sometimes kids are even sent off to stay with grandparents and that's who raises them instead. Or maybe they have to temporarily live with an aunt or uncle because their single parent's job requires they work out of town 4-5 days of the week so they're hardly home. But that doesn't mean that the parents care or love their kids any less, and it's foolish to assume that Sesshomaru must have thought very little of Rin simply due to the fact that he made the decision to leave her in the village. Come on, y'all are acting like he abandoned her there!!
It's just given the circumstances Sesshomaru finally came to learn that Rin traveling with him was no longer safe. I also like to think it's because he wished for her to live a more normal life and to learn how to fully trust humans again. Plus, continuing to travel with him as young as she was would have proven dangerous and unwise. Now for you to know all this and still manage to turn his past actions towards her while she was just a child into a romantic gesture is what boggles my mind. Regardless of how you look at it, from my perspective or your own, Sesshomaru is in the wrong. Either he's a father figure who impregnates his daughter at the young age of approximately 14. OR he's this man she used to travel with who maybe isn't a father to her but who nonetheless basically rapes her since kids her age can't consent to sex with an adult. Idk about you but it sounds to me like nobody here wins with either scenario we're given. In other words, you should be just as mad as we are. If only one side didn't choose to forsake their morals they know we both have in common for the sake of a ship. Welp. 🤷‍♀️
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I agree, incest is disgusting but that's not the only problem we have with this pairing. A romantic bond forming between Sesshomaru and Rin would also constitute as grooming.
You realize that over the years he visited her in the village that he brought her gifts too and essentially watched her grow up right before his very eyes, right? I mean, I know you do, but I really shouldn't have to explain further why pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with each other is plain and simple wrong. And before you say it's not because he didn't have any malintent, please understand that considering their history and power dynamic up to then that yes this is still considered grooming even if Rin supposedly "wanted it" or "made the first move." Whether you consider him her father or not, as the adult who took on a role resembling that of a caretaker in her early life- a critical developmental time for a child- Sesshomaru is obligated to turn down any advances by Rin and most definitely should not initiate any himself. As the first close adult figure she's had in her life since her parents died, it's unfathomable to imagine how Sesshomaru could go through with taking advantage of this young girl who was under his care and supervision since they met. To think he could be capable of betraying that trust sickens me to the core.
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This. Now THIS is how a parent/guardian or a similar adult caretaker (babysitter, teacher, etc.) talks to a child. And, in turn, this is how some young children talk to adults. You'd be insane and delusional to deny it! We see it in our everyday lives, do we not? From where else do you think our stories draw most of their inspiration? Yes, obviously these fictional universes have aspects of fantasy that don't exist in the real world, but so how then do you suppose we're able to relate to them? The reason for that being is because these stories are written by people for people, so naturally there are going to be real life aspects embedded throughout. Sure, a little escapism doesn't hurt as we don't need to take everything so seriously, but ultimately we all need to recognize that the messages in the stories we tell matter. Most stories possess a combination of both light and dark themes, but when it specifically comes to the latter we gotta be careful with how we tackle this in children's media since kids are far more impressionable.
So if at the center of a story we have two of the main protagonists whose mom is basically their same age and to top it off she knew their dad when she was just a girl and who just so happened to help raise her, wouldn't you say that's beyond fucked up or at the very least so fucking weird? Like why would we think it's even remotely okay for our children to watch this garbage?? Really think about it. Try and be objective for once and think about how it would sound explaining this storyline to an outsider who's never watched IY or HNY. Well, antis have tried this before many times and we always get the same reaction: Ewww!
Like I said earlier, if you wanna ship it then fine, but 1) please stop seeking our approval or trying to change our minds - your ship wish came true didn't it, so why do you need us to validate it? 2) even though it's not canon, respect that we don't support this sequel portraying pedophilia in a positive light. It's harmful af to not only allow but glorify the continuation of sexualized images of young girls everywhere. And I shouldn't have to say this, but just because this trope is popular as you say does not make it right. Lolicon themes in the media have been an issue forever and it needs to stop. Yes, even some people in Japan or "the East" would agree. Shocker!
We're pissed off and rightfully so because Yashahime's TV rating is 14, not to mention it airs at the prime time kids in Japan watch TV after getting home from school. That's Towa and Setsuna's age, true, but if Rin being the mom when she's like only a year older than them (please don't argue w/ me about the math- antis have so far been right every time with it) is straight-up disgusting and not something we should be supporting or endorsing. Rin's a whole ass child!! Please don't start with the "but times were different then so her having kids at 15 is acceptable" argument either, because we've already debunked that and every other single excuse you guys throw at us. Besides, how or why would you expect young viewers to know these historical "facts" anyway, especially if as you suggest fiction doesn't affect reality so what does it matter? Yet here we are, arguing over a fictional show in real life almost a year and a half into the "Sesshomaru fucks?" sequel being announced. My ass, your ass, hell all our asses fiction doesn't affect reality!
Look, I do apologize if the tone of this blog came off as snippy or condescending at times. I do not wish you any ill will, it's just I'm not really sure what you expected to get out of all this besides maybe getting on my nerves perhaps. haha A lot of you shippers have been desperately scrambling to interact with us, lurking in our tags, jumping onto our posts screaming canon and getting so defensive even though you sought us out first. We've been sticking to our tags, so how about you stay in your lane too. By the way since we're on the topic, have you seen Twitter or Reddit?! SR shippers there are the actual worst and many Inuyasha fans (not just antis) have complained of not feeling welcomed to engage in fandom spaces anymore. Shippers swarm them and scare them off simply because fans don't like your ship and refuse to accept it. It's pathetic, really. No one should ever be bullied or harassed just because they don't like something you might. We're all fans of Inuyasha, aren't we? So let's act like it. Yashahime on the other hand, you guys are welcome to that pungent heap of trash. Fans have a right to criticize it too, but if you like it then good for you, so keep on liking it and don't mind us.
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I'm almost done, but real quick back to Jaken! Let's not forget about how the official Yashahime website- which came out after my blog, mind you- described Jaken. This translation isn't the best one available but it's the only version a fellow anti friend could track down. They do recall a better one done by a native Japanese speaker who was also an anti, and that member confirmed that Jaken is indeed called Rin's babysitter. So you see, I was right in my interpretation. In the original post I did compare Jaken to a brother, but after talking to others (some comments can be found under said post) I did acknowledge that he's more of a reluctant babysitter who's not related. And if he's not at least a brother to Rin, then he's definitely not her father.
At the end of the day, the creator Rumiko Takahashi has the final word. Which is guess what? Hogosha. 💖 Probably should've just started out with that and saved us all the trouble, huh? Good day/night to you.
Papamaru bids you adieu now. 🤞
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levbug · 3 years
𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 — 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐫.
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#pairing ー suna rintaro x gn! reader
#warnings ー nothing i think? best friends older brother! suna, which is a warning in of itself also, he knows.
#wc ー 1.3k
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happy holidays everyone !!!
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wandering the empty hallway of your best friend's insanely large house in the middle of the night was not a good idea. it didn't matter that you used to spend your free time as a child running down these halls, finding every nook and cranny, and squeezing yourself in it just to win another round of hide and seek; the house felt completely different at night. doors creaked as if they hadn't been oiled in centuries, floorboards squeaked beneath your feet, and strange shadows kept creeping up in the corner of your eye.
shuddering, you pull your cardigan tighter around you. despite being dressed in your warmest pajamas and thickest wool socks, the cold winter air still breezed past your garments and settled as an unshakeable chill deep in your bones. you'd think a house as fancy as this would at least have proper heating.
you squint as you navigate your way to the kitchen, your path is illuminated only by the twinkling christmas lights and dull streetlamps outside. one thing you had never gotten used to, even as a kid, was that the lights in the house were to be turned off by 9 o'clock, the only exception being if you were using the room. it was always a little silly in your opinion, but you respected the rule nonetheless. still, that didn't mean you hated it any less.
relief floods your being when you round the corner and see that the kitchen lights are on. good, someone else is awake too. you hurriedly scuttle towards the room, gasping when your sock-clad feet glide against the polished hardwood floors and you slide.
before you can fall, a hand shoots out and catches your wrist. "woah!" a familiar voice exclaims. "you okay there?"
embarrassment crawls through your being. "yes, thank you." you reply timidly, avoiding eye contact with the other person. slowly, you steady yourself with their assistance, shooting them a small, grimace-like smile when they ask you if you're sure you're okay. "i am, really. thank you."
"alright, just checking," he says, letting your wrist go. it isn't until he turns around that you allow yourself to look at him.
suna looks awfully different from the last time you saw him. maybe it was the fact that he recently just came back from college to visit home for the holidays, and he now he exudes an air of maturity that was foreign, yet befitting of him. or maybe it was because his hair is longer now, messy and disheveled and sticking up in different directions like arrowheads that can't decide where they wanna point. or maybe, you realize as suna now turns to face you, he just grew up.
long gone is the suna with cheeks filled with baby fat, the suna with a gummy smile and wobbly teeth. the boy who used to chase you and his sister around with snails and worms in hand and laughed when you would squeal in disgust. the boy who would talk endlessly about dinosaurs and robots, and how he wanted to be an astronaut so that he could take an alien from mars and keep him as a best friend. the boy who cried a river when he skinned his knee during a game of tag, and whose cries would only quieten if his mother bought him a character popsicle from the passing ice cream truck.
long gone is the boy.
instead, a man stood in front of you. a man who looked so familiar yet foreign at the same time. he was taller than you now, tall enough that you'd have to tilt your head up if you wanted to look him in the eye. his smile was more reserved, devoid of that childish glee it used to hold. he seemed to have gained confidence too: he no longer stood slouched, unsure of how to adjust to his sudden growth in height. suna was handsome now, and maybe he always had been, but you had never noticed because he was your best friend's brother.
maybe this change in him was the reason your heart was beating rapidly against your chest.when suna notices you staring, he smirks, the corners of his lips tugging upwards as dimples dig into the soft flesh of his cheeks. fortunately, he says nothing about it. "so," he says instead. "why are you up so late?"
"c-could ask you the same thing." your throat feels unnaturally dry, so you grab a clean glass from the counter and fill it with water. suna chuckles at your reply.
"never lost your wit, have you?" he asks, shooting you an amused smile from over his shoulder. it's then that you notice the twinkle in his eye. it's the same twinkle you used to see every time suna would receive a gift, like candy or toys. it comforts you to see that it hasn't diminished, that not everything about him has changed.
"suppose not," you respond dryly. inwardly cringing, you distract yourself by pouring yourself a cup of ice-cold water, the exact opposite of what you wanted. (you'd go heat some water, but the kettle is beside suna, and you're afraid to get too close to him.) swallowing thickly, you manage to ask, "uh, what about you? why are you awake?"
"me?" he hums, almost as if he wasn't expecting you to ask him. "ah well," he breathes out. "can't sleep. also, i remembered we still had cereal, and well, you know i could never resist." he adds, chuckling softly as he runs a hand through his hair.
you stifle a snort at his response by bringing the glass up to your lips. he seems tired, you realize. his movements are more sluggish and there's a slight drawl to his words. it's attractive on him. silence fills the air as you take a long gulp of water. you wince when the cold surface of the glass comes in contact with your lips, goosebumps rising on your arm when you swallow the cold liquid. from the corner of your eye, you can see suna staring at you with a thoughtful expression.
"you know," he says when you place your cup on the counter. "you haven't answered my question. why are you still awake?"
"uhm," you swallow thickly. "same reason as you, i guess. i couldn't sleep either."
"how come?" suna asks, stepping closer to you. the kitchen feels like it's getting smaller with each step he takes.
suna has never been shy, at least towards you. that fact is made apparent with how he keeps eye contact with you. it's the kind of eye contact that's uncomfortable, but you can't look away either.
"i-i've just had a lot on my mind," comes your breathless reply. he's closer to you now, close enough that if you wanted to, you could lean up and kiss his insanely soft-looking lips. but you don't.
the older boy hums, lips quirking up into a small smirk. "like what?"
warmth spreads across your cheeks. "things. l-like school, and stuff." you mentally curse yourself for your lame reply.
"really?" he leans down slightly, his face hovering just above yours. the warmth that radiates from him is comforting and intoxicating, and you want nothing more than to slam your lips against his.
"are you sure you haven't been thinking about someone?" his smirk widens into a knowing grin. it seems that your misfortune was the cause of his amusement.
before you can reply, suna pulls on the drawer just next to your thigh and pulls out a piece of silverware.
"heh," suna chuckles when he sees your mortified expression. "just needed a spoon." he smiles innocently as if he didn't just try to make your heart combust.
you watch, stunned to silence, as suna navigates his way through the kitchen and picks up his bowl of cereal.
"i'll see you around, (name). goodnight!" the boy waves his spoon at you. he doesn't even wait for you to register his words before he skips away gleefully.
when you come back to your senses, you slap your hand against your forehead. crap, you think to yourself, feeling the erratic beating of your heart against your rib cage.
suna rintaro left you feeling warmer than you've felt since summer that evening.
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WARNING! Looooooooooooong venting ahead about why d/h sucks. So if you ship it and have somehow Goren lost in this tag, turn around, cuz if you continue you might get hurt. You have been warned. Also I guess language warning and mature themes...? Just to be safe. I'd also like to give y'all a little side note: I guess I am what people would call a Hawks stan. I personally really like his character and find him intriguing, however I am completely capable of admitting that Hawks has done sum fucked up shit. I still however "stan" Hawks, so I'm going to show why d/h is shit from a logical Hawks stans point of view. Anyways, without delving too deep into the whole Dabi vs Hawks stuff, since I'm not here for it, I'm here to talk about the shitshow that's dabihawks. So, first of all I'll give y'all a lil back story as to why I'm here. Long story short: I accidentally stumbled upon some d/h art and people who still defend the ship (with already debunked theories mind you), I felt kinda sick to my stomach, so I need to vent. Like they were referring to the fight where Hawks killed Twice and basically said: "DiD yOu SeE hOw HaWkS wAs OnLy LoOkInG dAbI iN tHe EyEs ThE wHoLe TiMe. 🤪 ThAt'S sO gAy!?!?!??!??" Bish, where was Hawks and Dabi supposed to look at? THE WALL??? They were fighting! Of course they have to keep an eye on each other. They were also talking about how "DaBi JuSt GoT jElLy CaUsE HaWkS wAs HaNgInG oUt WiTh TwIcE, aNd Is JuSt ClAiMiNg HaWkS!" And they were saying so much more nasty shit that I'd like to write here, but I don't think I physically can, and I also want to spare everyones brains, cuz I already took the L, like if any of y'all know how to get back my brain cells hit me up. I also noticed a common theme of people making Hawks the bottom to like a point where they thirsted over the idea of Dabi "destroying" Hawks' insides, if you know what I mean. Which seems to be the opposite for many of you guys here with finding stuff where Dabi is the bottom? I mean I know many of you guys probably don't like Hawks, but you gotta admit that it's fucked up to think that these shippers think it's hot that one of the people in their makeshift relationship gets seriously hurt in the act without consent. Whether it is Dabi or Hawks they put in that position is irrelevant, they literally like the ship because it's toxic and someone gets hurt. Like in what world would Hawks let Dabi willingly even get close to him or vice versa. We all know damn well that they despise each other. Horikoshi has literally shown that these two never trusted each other, never even tolerated each others shit, so why oh why did this become a thing?! Also, and I know that this can sound annoying to some people... But as a Hawks stan, I don't understand how people can say: "YeAh, I sTaN HaWkS UwU 👉👈, hIm AnD dAbI dEsErVe eAcH oThEr AnD aRe So GoOd ToGeThEr." "ThEy DeFo FuKiN'! Is CaNoN! 🤪" Like:
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So... Are we just gonna forget that Dabi literally burnt Hawks' wings off? (Which was understandable looking at the context.) Or how Dabi sent some goons after his mother? Or the fact that Hawks literally idolised the very man that Dabi hates with a burning passion? The shippers: "Oh, BuT hIs WiNgS wIlL gRoW bA-" Bish! The fact that Hawks didn't die or that his wings are allegedly growing back doesn't mean the ship is relevant again. Hoooooo... it's like I can't catch a breather once in a while. How are people trynna stan someone and then say: "Yeah, let's pair our favourite person with the person that is trying to hurt them." HOW!? My initial reaction when Hawks and Dabi interact is: "Fuck. Someone's gonna get hurt." Like if I could have it my way Dabi wouldn't be anywhere near Hawks, they are a danger to eachother. There is no damn way I'd want to see the character I stan for hurt, so why do so many damn stans ship it! I just can't wrap my mind around the "appeal". I just don't see the sexual tension that these people talk about. Anyway I could probably write a whole ass book as to why I personally don't like this ship
but frankly I don't wanna waste your time since it's toxic.
I would like to however debunk a couple of already debunked theories that people use justify the relevance of d/h.
The "childhood friends" theory: Yup. People still cling to it. However Horikoshi literally trashed, stomped on and lit the theory on fire. We saw that Touya went to a regular school and was trained personally by Endeavor. While Hawks was in the commission. There is no way that they knew each other. The way Dabi got Hawks' real name was through his mother. Dabi ain't dumb, he's actually smart and calculating to a point it's almost a little scary.
The "Dabi freed Hawks and Hawks will turn into a villain": Boi.... Dabi didn't free Hawks off anything. Dabi tried to kill him and exposed Hawks and his wrongdoings to the world. That ain't love. Hawks isn't even Dabi's main focus, Hawks is literally just one insignificant part of Dabi's plan. Also, like Horikoshi has wonderfully brought into light, Hawks would never turn to villainy. He didn't even kill Best Jeanist. And he's still, after everything, saying "Endeavor is in trouble." Clearly insinuating that he's going to still help Endeavor. This man is the last person to just become a villain. And people have the audacity to say he'd become a villain because of Dabi. I have no words.
Besides even if for example the childhood friends theory was true (which it isn't, but let's humour the thought) or even IF they were foils, it wouldn't change shit. We'd still be in this situation where they despise each other. Childhood friends wouldn't automatically mean that they'd get along as adults.
Anyways, if you made it this far, you're a damn trooper. Thanks for letting me vent.
And as a short note to end on: I hope I didn't come off as too aggressive. That's not my intention here. Also the text is way less polished and thought out than I'd like it to be, but I honestly don't have the time or energy to give y'all a publishable version of "Why d/h sucks": the Book. So instead you get this. A hastily put together vent cuz I saw sum shit alright.
TLDR: People with a brain can see that these two aren't in love. There has to be some major mental gymnastics in play to get any whiff of chemistry from these two.
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latetheff · 3 years
Late - Chapter 1
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Turn Back Time
Chris Evans x Becky London Raiting: Mature Warnings: This is a grown up kind of story, people will make mistakes, do stupid shit and possibly treat each other in not the best way - if this is a problem for you, I advise you not to read. Other than that, I'll try to tag everything, if you see something that might be trigging and it's not tagged, please, let me know.
A/N: It would be great to read you opinion about this fic!
Is the past a happy place even when it is full of problems? Cause she’s not sure if it’s okay to want back so much a relationship that didn't even work. The short time they’ve been together is a confusing memory - everything was just too much. They had fun, they were absolutely delighted to be in each other's company and they clicked just so amazingly - the kiss, the hugs, the sex - it was just perfect. Everything but her jealousy. And her lack of communication skills. And the fact that she would lie and try to hurt him for hurting her - even if he wasn’t even aware of it. Yeah, she sucks pretty bad.
Becky learned very soon that things wouldn’t function between them. He’s prince charming in person and the only royal thing about her is the spoiled way she was raised. She didn’t consider herself an arrogant person, but she’s aware of all the things she should be able to do to be considered a competent adult and how far away from it she is. At first, she thought she would try and catch up, but the fact that he’s so independent and self-sufficient got her intimidated and she only knows how to fix her problems in a destructive defensive way. To be with him was an exercise in facing her own futility. She was certain the only reason for him to want her is her beauty, fame, intensity, cause she assumes she has nothing else to offer.
She’s talented - that’s something she believes in and the contracts and buzzing around her confirms it - so she puts all her energy into it. Since the break, all she did was work. Now when she looks back at the phone and sees his text, she feels tired like she’s been running and holding her breath for years, although it took only two corridors and an elevator ride. Entering the hotel room, she hurries to the bed, taking out her sandals in the way, and sits, hugging a pillow.
She knows she should have worked on all the things wrong that got her out of that relationship 7 years ago, but she didn’t! She ignored everything and now it won’t work again! Not that she expected to ever have another chance with him, but she should have done it for herself! Instead, she jumped into work and blocked any kind of relationship reflection. This is as close as being able to turn back time but can she do things differently when she hasn't grown or learned anything? Is the weight on her shoulder enough to make her better and actually deserve another chance? Well, here goes nothing.
Hi. - great, very eloquent, she thinks
Can I call you? - Call her? Becky can’t deal with hearing his voice when the words alone are driving her nuts.
No. - Damn, what can she say to avoid this call and keep texting? He didn’t text anything back after her negative, probably imagining she didn’t want to have any contact with him. The truth, Becky, go with the truth.
I want to talk to you. Really. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to hear your voice.
Fuck, I thought you wouldn’t want to talk at all. How are you?
I’m in New York, I have an interview tomorrow and will be filming a campaign in two days. How are you?
Filming in Europe...looking at pictures of you like a lost puppy.
I’m not sure, I miss you.
I miss you too. I’m so sorry, Chris.
I’m sorry, darling. I wish I could turn back time and make it alright.
It wasn't your fault. At all.
I know it’s too late but I really want to talk to you and see if maybe the good things are still there, you know?
I would really like that too.
Let me call you.
When he does, it’s a video call - not what she expected, but she accepts it anyway.
“Fuck, you look gorgeous” she hears him saying almost as if it’s a secret.
“You look tired” she whispers back, concerned about the weariness she can see in his eyes.
Chris gives her the most beautiful sarcastic smile before answering ”Thanks. It’s almost 4 am here, I couldn’t sleep.” He squinted his eyes trying to focus on a red stain on her pillow “Are you bleeding?"
“Oh, shit...yes.” Becky stands from the bed and hurries to the bathroom, taking the phone with her and placing it in front of the mirror as she gets her finger under the water, unaware of the way her dress is pulled to give him a view of her cleavage. “I cut my finger in a glass downstairs when you called and forgot to tend to it” the new information changes his attention away from the delicious curve of her breasts and all the flashbacks tempting him.
“What happened? Are you sure there’s no glass in it?” He asks worriedly, she can see his caring nature once again and it brings back a lot of good memories of the great guy he is.
“I was…” not sure if she should just say the truth and how she was about to fuck some essentially stranger; she looks down and closes the sink, toweling her hands “I want you back, Chris, but I don’t know if I deserve you.”
“Becky..” he tries to cut her but she keeps talking.
“No, that’s not true, I know I don’t. I wasn’t good to you back then and I didn’t work on my problems yet...You’re amazing, really, and I really do want you back, but I have to figure my mess out.”
“Darling, you talk as if you’re a monster. It didn’t work before but it doesn’t mean it was anyone’s fault...and anyway, we can talk and get everything straight. I really want to try again and if you want that too, the past doesn't matter much.”
She’s not sure if she agrees with his reasoning, but she wants to believe in it, in them. Smiling back at him, she gets the phone back and walks to the bed. “It’s been so long...we’ll have to get to know each other all over again.”
“I don’t mind that at all,” Chris tells her. “In fact, I look forward to it. Where are you living, darling?”
“I’m still with my parents...I mean, I’m never there so, it didn’t make sense to leave. You’re probably still in Mass, right?”
“Yep. New house, but yeah. I’ll be there in a month I guess...if it all goes well here. Are you able to visit?”
“I’ll make sure I am. You know this is one of the things I need to adjust in my life...I’m 32, I need to have my own house. I feel like I’m not even an adult, Chris...I don’t even drive! There you are trying to change the world and I can’t drive!”
He feels her getting anxious and the desire to hug her is so overwhelming that his eyes are filled with tears. “Babe, hey, it doesn’t matter. You’re 8 years younger than me. You have time to figure everything out and I’ll help if you let me. Don’t pressure yourself.”
“I miss you. One month you said?” she flirtatiously says.
“Yep,” he smiles, happy to know his feelings are being reciprocated. He tries hard but the yaws are not backing away anymore. She sees it and smiles softly at him, wishing she could be there to cuddle with him.
“Go to sleep, handsome. Call me tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I will. Hopefully this is not a dream.”
“Hopefully. I’ll wait for your call anyway.”
“Hey, I never asked where you were...you look really gorgeous.”
The call date was ending so well and this question will screw up everything. She wants him to go to sleep with a light heart and hope...not overthinking his decision of getting back together. So, she does one of the things that proves she’s not good enough for him. She lies.
“Photoshoot. I really need to take a bath and rest too. Good dreams, big guy.”
“Good night, babe.”
When they hung up, she threw herself back at the pillows - divided between opposite emotions - happiness for the new chance but disappointed with herself for ending the call with a lie. Old Becky says hi.
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 3,680 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Song And Story Inspiration: In The Still Of The Nite-Boyz II Men | Give Me One Reason-Tracy Chapman | Nobody’s Supposed To Be Here-Deborah Cox
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @choiceslady @queenjilian @bebepac @txemrn @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @hopefulmoonobject @lucy-268 @pixie88 @otherworldlypresents  @choicesficwriterscreations
TW: kidnapping. Read at your own discretion.
Chapter 5.) In The Still Of The Night.
In the still of the night.
I held you.
Held you tight.
'Cause I love.
Love you so.
Promise I'll never.
Let you go.
In the still of the night.
As she slept peacefully in her new bed, Naia dreamed that she was running through the forest. She felt strong. She felt invincible. She could feel the wind on her face as she ran. It was exhilarating. She felt free. When she came out of the woods, she was a wolf. And when she looked up, she saw him. It was the wolf she had seen in her dreams before. It was him. When he howled she did the same.
That’s when she woke up. She sat up in bed, panting with her heart thundering in her chest. She looked around her room in order to get her bearings. That’s when something compelled her to look out her bedroom window. And when she looked out the window she saw a wolf staring up at her. When she shook her head, the wolf was gone. The image of the wolf was still in her head when she went back to sleep.
After waking up later that morning and taking a good hot shower, Naia couldn’t get Roman out of her head. She wanted to feel his arms wrapped her again. He was seductive and mysterious and she wanted more. She could still feel his warm breath on her neck and the closeness of his body to hers. She thought it was insane but never actually questioned why she thought that way.
When she went to the kitchen for breakfast, she noticed a note on the counter. It was from her uncle.
“Good morning. Gone fishing. Be back later. Help yourself to whatever is in the fridge. Uncle Z.”
When she opened the fridge, she grimaced because there wasn’t much in there to begin with. When her stomach rumbled she knew she had to change that.
“Okay well since a home cooked breakfast is out of the question. I think I’ll try the breakfast place I saw when I drove into town. Also I’ll do some grocery shopping while I’m at it. Because this right here ain’t hitting on nothing.” She thought to herself.
With keys and wallet in hand Naia set off for town. After shopping at Banner’s Family Market, she was just about starved and stopped by Tucker’s diner.
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After getting a table she sat down and looked over the menu. As she looked over the menu, someone was watching her. Or so it looked that way.
I remember.
That night in May.
The stars were bright above.
I'll hope and I'll pray.
To keep.
Your precious love.
At another table, Trent was eating breakfast with a few members of his team when Naia walked in. He felt a pull towards where she was sitting.
“Yo T! What is it?” Jenkins, one of his team members asked.
“I don’t know. Something weird just happened. Like she just walked in.” He replies shaking his head.
“Man! Please tell me that you’re not talking about that so-called dream girl again!” Sergei said to him.
“If you must know, yes I am.”
His crew collectively groaned.
“Dude it’s been almost a whole 2 months! Let it go already!” Hugo told him.
“As I’ve told you idiots before: I can’t.”
“Can’t or won’t? Which one is it T?” Jenkins asked him.
Trent never answered. He just sipped his coffee. Even though he’s blind he could feel her presence. After going over the menu for a solid 20 minutes, Naia decided on the Lobster Eggs Benedict and a sweet tea. Just as she was about to put her order in, Layla walked in.
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“Layla! Over here!” She called out to her new friend.
Trent nearly dropped his cup of coffee. Hearing her voice in real time both scared and excited him.
“You almost dropped your cup. You okay man?” Jenkins asked him.
“Huh? Yeah! I’m…I’m good.” Trent replied, while trying to hide the crack in his voice. With his hearing being better than most, he tuned into her conversation
“Hey! What are you doing here?” Layla asked Naia as she sat down across from her.
“Since my uncle has gone fishing, I decided to do some grocery shopping and I was starving so here I am. What are you and the little one up to?” Naia replies.
“The same thing as you. Have you ordered yet?” Layla asks.
“Just about to. What about you?” Naia replies.
“Oh girl! They already know what I want. A pitcher each of cranberry juice and ice water, their triple berry cheesecake parfait, double blueberry pancakes and a ham, spinach and swiss omelette.” Layla replied.
Naia’s eyes went wide.
“You’re actually gonna eat all of that?!” She asked.
“I mean…I am eating for two, ya know?” Layla replied, rubbing her belly. The two shared a laugh as they continued their conversation.
Trent turned his attention back to his team just as the twins came strolling in. His boss Bernard Sayre is a blowhard who only cares about 3 things. Making money, being powerfully unstoppable and his twins Dylan and Tyler. The twin terrors as they’re known around town, just love getting their way no matter what they do or say. And although it annoyed Trent, he was powerless to stop them.
“Heyyyyy boys!” Dylan called out to Trent and his team. Her voice sounded like banshee screech.
“And here comes daddy’s two brats…” Jenkins groaned as the twins approached.
“So what are you guys up to?” Tyler asked.
“We’re eating. Why?” Trent asks.
“Because we were hoping that you’d join us at Buck’s for the Friday night sing a long and pool.” Tyler replies.
“You’d have to ask Layla if we’re allowed back in. Especially after what happened the last time.”
The twins groaned.
“Well she’s sitting at a table with some girl. So I guess it’s worth a shot.” Dylan said with a sigh.
Naia watched in amusement and shock, as she watched Layla polish off everything she ordered with ease.
“I can not believe that you ate EVERYTHING!”
“Told you!” Layla replied as she swiped her finger on the inside of her parfait cup.
“Uhhhhh Layla…”
“Huh?” She asked.
“It’s all gone! Put the cup down!” Naia replies.
The two laughed as the twins approached.
“Hiiiiiiiiiii Layla!” They say in unison causing Layla to groan.
“Ohhh and hi Layla’s friend!”
“What do you two want?” She asked the twins.
“Weeeeeellllllllllll…we were hoping you’d let us have Friday sing a long and pool.” Tyler said in a cloyingly sweet voice.
“After the shit you pulled the last time? NO!” Layla hissed at them.
“Come on Layla! Our dad paid for the damage!” Tyler whined.
“Yeah he did…after I threatened to sue his sorry ass!”
“Please!” The twins begged.
Layla rolled her eyes then replied, “fine! You can come tonight.”
“Thank you!” The twins squealed.
“Whatever. Go away!”
“You don’t have to be rude!” Dylan said.
“Which would you rather: me be rude or me ban you two from ever stepping foot into MY bar?” She asked them.
The twins stood stuck.
“I thought so. Now again: go away!”
The twins turned on their heels and stomped away. When they were far enough away for her pleasure, Layla turned her attention back to Naia.
“Sorry about that.”
“Who are they?” Naia asks.
“Tyler and Dylan Sayre. Their dad Bernard owns Sayre Energy and Power. They’re a public nuisance.” Layla replies.
“They look harmless to me.”
“That’s because you haven’t been around them when they’re drunk.”
“I guess since they’re having Friday sing a long and pool, you should come too.”
“Me?” Naia asks.
“Yes you! It’ll be fun as long as those two aren’t drinking.” Layla replies.
“I don’t know about all of that.”
“Also there’s normally a $1,000.00 cash prize for first place.”
“Why didn't you lead with that?!” Naia asks.
“Because Dylan normally wins because no one wants to challenge her.” Layla replies.
“Well as someone who’s still paying off student loans: Count me in!”
So before the light.
Hold me again.
With all of your might.
In the still of the night.
So before the light.
Hold me again.
With all of your might.
In the still…of the night.
That night at Buck’s the party was in full swing. People were dancing, drinking, playing pool and mingling amongst themselves. Naia stuck close to the bar and Layla as they watched the crowd. And like clockwork, Dylan was drunk and ready to sing her heart out.
“Alright you party animals! Let’s get this sing a long on the road! Now all of you know the rules. First place gets $1,000.00! And since that first place is always me I have nothing to worry about! So hit the music!”
“Ohhh God…” Layla groaned.
“What?!” Naia asks.
“Little Miss Banshee is about to assault our ears and sing Deborah Cox Nobody’s Supposed To Be Here.” Layla replies.
“It can’t be THAT bad, Layla.”
“Wanna bet?” She asks just as Dylan grabbed a mic.
After clearing her throat, Dylan began to sing. Sorta.
How did you get here?
Nobody's supposed to be here.
I tried that love thing for the last time.
My heart says "No, no." Nobody's supposed to be here.
But you came along and changed my mind.
I've spent all my life on a search to find. The love who'll stay for eternity. The heaven sent to fulfill my needs. But when I turn around, again, love has knocked me down. My heart got broken, oh it hurts so bad. I'm sad to say love wins again.
So I placed my heart under lock and key. To take some time to take care of me. But I turn around and you're standing here.
How did you get here? Nobody's supposed to be here.
I tried that love thing for the last time.
My heart says "No, no." Nobody's supposed to be here.
But you came along and changed my mind.
This time I swear I'm through. But, if only you knew how many times I've said those words. Then fall again, when will I ever learn? Knowing these tears I cry, this lovely black butterfly. Must take a chance, and spread my wings. Love can make you do some crazy things.
So I placed my heart under lock and key. To take some time to take care of me. But I turn around and you're standing here.
Standing here…
When Dylan got to the bridge, Naia thought her ears would bleed out.
No, nobody, no, no, no, no, no, no, ooh!
No, no, nooooooooo...
How did you get here? Nobody's supposed to be here I tried that love thing for the last time.
My heart says "No, no." Nobody's supposed to be here.
But you came along and changed my mind.
How did you get here? Nobody's supposed to be here.
I tried that love thing for the last time.
My heart says "No, no." Nobody's supposed to be here.
But you came along and changed my mind.
When she was done, Naia was ready to run out the door screaming.
“Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy God! That was fucking horrible!”
“Told you.” Layla deadpanned.
“She has to be stopped! What other songs are on that karaoke machine?” Naia asks.
“Hundreds! So if you’re gonna sing, pick one and make it good! That way ears will stop ringing.” Layla replies.
Naia left her seat at the bar and walked over to where the karaoke machine was and went through the list of songs. Doing so, caught the ire of a very drunk Dylan.
“Ummmmmm what do you think you’re doing?!” She asks.
“Picking a song obviously.” She replies over her shoulder.
Dylan huffed.
“You actually think you can beat my melodious voice?” She asks.
“A dead horse can beat your voice. And just like that I found my song.” Naia replies.
“Good luck beating me!” Dylan sneered.
“Watch and learn young grasshopper.”
Naia took the mic and began to sing Give Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman.
Give me one reason to stay here. And I'll turn right back around. Give me one reason to stay here. And I'll turn right back around. Said I don't want to leave you lonely. You got to make me change my mind.
Baby I got your number. Oh and I know that you got mine. You know that I called you. I called you many times. You can call me baby. You can call me anytime, you got to call me.
Give me one reason to stay here. And I'll turn right back around. (You can see me turnin') Give me one reason to stay here. And I'll turn right back around. (You can see me turnin') Said I don't want to leave you lonely. You got to make me change my mind.
I don't want no one to squeeze me. They might take away my life. I don't want no one to squeeze me. They might take away my life. I just want someone to hold me. Oh and rock me through the night.
People started to gather around Naia as she sang. When she looked towards the bar, she winked at Layla. Layla mouthed the words “next drink is on the house.”
This youthful heart can love you. Yes and give you what you need. I said this youthful heart can love you. Oh and give you what you need. But I'm too old to go chasin' you around. Wastin' my precious energy.
Give me one reason to stay here. Yes and I'll turn right back around. (You can see me turnin') Give me one reason to stay here. Oh I'll turn right back around. (You can see me turnin') Said I don't want to leave you lonely. You got to make me change my mind.
Baby just give me one reason. Oh give me just one reason why. Baby just give me one reason. Oh give me just one reason why I should stay. Said I told you that I loved you. And there ain't no more to say.
When she finished the applause was thunderous. She had everyone on their feet. When she looked out on the crowd, she saw a visibly angry Dylan. Naia smirked and winked at her, which further infuriated her.
When Naia walked back to the bar, she got the feeling someone was watching her but she didn’t know who that someone was.
“Soooooo…how was that?” Naia asked Layla as she reached the bar.
“AMAZING! Now if you can beat her brother at pool, the bar is on the house.” Layla replied.
“Well get to it girlie! Because you’ve been eyeing that bottle of tequila over my shoulder since you got here.”
Naia snickered then took off towards the crowd gathered around Tyler. As she went to WB w the crowd was she got the same feeling that she was being watched. And she was indeed being watched. Trent was tuned into her movements even through his blindness.
“Well this looks like fun!” Naia says as she reaches the pool table.
“Go away! Nobody wants you here!” Dylan hissed.
“What’s the matter princess? Scared I’ll beat your brother like I beat you?” Naia teased.
“You can’t beat me!” Tyler huffed.
“Wanna bet?” She asked him.
“Sure. How much are you willing to lose?”
“Since I beat your sister:  $1,000.00.” She replies. She didn’t think he’d take her seriously.
“You’re on! Best 2 out of 3?” He asks.
“Then you’ve got yourself a game.” She replies.
Once the balls were lined up and it was up to her to break. She got stripes while he got solid.
“Let’s go!” She tells him.
The two were evenly matched with the first game going to her and the second going to him. And it all came down to the last game. Naia had an impossible split. Or so that’s what Tyler and the crowd that was gathered around them thought.
“I’ll make you a deal new girl. If you bank this shot, I’ll up the bet from $1,000.00 to $3,000.00.” He said to her.
“Deal!” Naia replies.
Naia tucked a hair that out of place behind her ear, lined up her shot and sank both balls. Beating a very stunned Tyler.
“TAKE! THAT!” She squealed.
“But! But! I…we…” Tyler stammers as he goes pale.
“You lost just like your sister? Yeah I know. Now pay up!” She told him.
That’s when Dylan jumped into Naia’s face.
“You cheated!” She screeched.
“No, your brother ran his mouth and lost. And now he has to pay up. So give me my money!” Naia yelled back.
When Dylan reared back to slap Naia, Trent caught her hand.
“Hey! Let go T!” Dylan yelled.
“We’re not doing this again. Now Tyler pay the lady her money. You know you have it.” Trent said in a stern voice.
There was something about him that caught Naia’s eye.
“My dad will kill me if I pay her!” Tyler whined.
The twins looked at Trent with puppy dog eyes. But he didn’t budge.
“You’re no fun, T!” Tyler whined.
“Don’t care. Now pay her!”
Tyler groaned as he pulled money out of his pocket then handed it to Trent.
“Here!” Tyler pouted.
Trent took the money and handed it to Naia. When their hands touched, it set off a spark inside her. The same kind of spark she felt with Roman.
“Sorry about those two. They don’t know how to lose gracefully.” He said to her.
“Don’t worry about it. Thanks for getting my money.” She replied.
Trent turned to the twins then said, “beat it you two! We don’t need anymore trouble.”
The crowd dispersed after the twins huffed then walked out. And Naia found herself back at the bar gushing with Layla.
“Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy God! Look at this! I just won $3,000.00!”
“I can't believe you did that! No one has ever beaten the twins. Their dad will be so pissed that they lost that kind of money.”
“In the words of T.I. ‘it ain’t tricking if you got it!’”
They two laughed.
“Okay but in all seriousness, thank you! It’s about time that someone brought those two out of the clouds. So here’s your brand new shiny bottle of tequila!” Layla said as she gave Naia the bottle.
“Thank youuuuuu!” Naia squealed.
Just then Trent called out.
“Layla! Another round?”
Layla groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Who is that?” Naia asked.
“That’s Trent. He works for the twins dad.” Layla replied.
“Is he their bodyguard or something?” Naia asked.
“No but he’s always around when those two cause trouble. Let me go fill their orders.” Layla replies.
“Okay. I’ll be here with my brand new bottle.”
Layla shook her head and headed off towards Trent and his crew. Naia couldn’t help but look the same way. Her eyes instantly went to Trent. He was beautiful and there was something about him that stuck with her.
He enchanted her and what she didn’t know was she did the same for him. After the bar closed, Naia began walking back to her uncle’s house. She got halfway down the street when Trent caught up with her.
“Hey!” He said to her.
“Hi! How are you?” She replied.
“I’m good. You must be new in town. I’m Trent.”
“I know. Layla told me your name. I’m Naia.”
“It’s nice to meet you Naia.”
“Likewise. It’s nice to meet another friendly face outside of Layla and my uncle.“
“It’s dark out here. Mind if I walk you home?” He asked.
“Sure. Especially when I’m not sure which way to go.” She replied.
“Where does your uncle live?” He asked.
“Just outside of town. His house backs up to the woods.” She replied.
Even though it was nighttime, he flashed a smile at her that made her heart leap. As they walked they talked about what their lives were like growing up, what college life was like and past loves. She had just met him but she felt she knew him her whole life. When they got to her uncle’s front door, they weren’t ready to say goodbye.
“So this is me…”
“So it would seem. Thank you for letting me walk you home.”
“No thank you. Because I probably would’ve gotten lost and would’ve wandered around the woods for days.”
“I think you would’ve found your way home.”
There was a magnetic pull between them that neither could deny. Before either knew what they were doing, they kissed. It was a slow, sensual and deep  kiss. And when it ended both were desperate for more.
“What you said.”
“I better get inside.”
“Will I see you again?” He asked.
“Of course. I’ll be here for a while.” She replies.
“Good. Have a good night Naia.”
“Goodnight Trent.”
When she went inside her heart was racing. And she wanted more. She wanted him. This was the exact same way she felt when she kissed Roman.
The next morning after showering, she was in the kitchen fixing herself breakfast. 
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Her uncle still hadn’t returned from fishing. She had just sat down to eat her breakfast when the front door swung open. It was a man and a woman. They were two of the people she’d seen with Roman.
“Come! The ceremony awaits you!” He commanded.
“1.) no. 2.) WHAT THE HELL?!” Naia replies.
“We’re wasting time! Come now!” The woman demanded.
“What the hell? Get out!” Naia screamed.
When the woman went to grab Naia, she danced out the way. That’s when the man grabbed Naia and threw her over his shoulder. He dragged her out of the house, with her kicking and screaming.
“Let me go!” She screamed.
She struggled to get free but he was way too strong. She was thrown in the back of a van and a hood was placed over her head. Naia had no idea where they were taking her. And she was terrified of finding out.
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
Sunny's Haircut
Hello Turtle Doves!
I have jumped into something a bit new. This will not be for everyone, and that's ok.
This is an AxelShine story- a wlw series
This means Sunshine and Axel are girlfriends. There will be romance.
Just so there are no surprises when you get to the end of it.
Sunshine is my OC ☀️
Axel belongs to the amazing @shiftandshade 🔧
I have been given permission to borrow Axel, and I am forever grateful. 🫶🏼
**Since this is a new series, Please let me know if you want to be tagged. Feel free to leave it in the comments, or you can DM me.**
18+ content - for mature audiences only
Reblogs only, please!
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Artwork by @knightish-knight
Sunny's Haircut
There was fucking gum in her hair.
Sunshine let out an aggravated huff while the base hairdresser attempted to get the wad of pink atrocity out of her messy bun.
"Someone definitely stuck this in your hair," said the rabbit yokai from behind her. 
"Do you remember if anyone touched your hair somewhere today? That might help us find the culprit…" the elder Leonardo offered.
Sunshine watched in the mirror as Creepaw checked out the attractive male rabbit from behind. She gave him a devious smirk as their eyes met in the reflection, his eyes going wide at being caught window shopping.
She sighed, thinking back. She would've had to have been sitting in a public place. "Honestly, the only place that anyone would've had access to the top of my head would've been at lunch today. Unless they were hella tall. And I highly doubt that Jey or Eli would've done it," she assessed, her mind turning over all the people she'd seen in her laundry room that day. 
"Alright. I'll call up security and see if they have anything on the cameras," Leo said, eyes focused on Usagi's lower half.
"Cameras?" Sunshine inquired, doing her best not to laugh at Leo's blatant gawking.
Leonardo cleared his throat and looked at the ceiling, "Yeahhh… Deer demanded cameras after a few noodles had been oodled in their kitchen," the turtle replied, eyes darting nervously and looking anywhere but at the blonde, only proving he'd been one of those noodles.
"Gives a whole new meaning to Deer's all-you-can-eat buffet," mumbled the bunny through a snicker, sending the blonde into a fit of giggles.
“Maybe they need a sign that says “Liquor?”... Not allowed!” Sunny busted out, making the rabbit throw his head back in hysterics.
“You two are terrible. I’m leaving,” Leo said, annoyed anguish falling over his face. “I’ll get back to you later, Sunny.”
“Sunshine,” corrected Usagi, giving the elder Leonardo a look of warning.
Leo put his hands up placatingly, then turned to leave through the clear glass door that said “Barber” across the top.
After another twenty grueling minutes and a half dozen curses, Usagi came to the decision that the only way he could remove all the gum was with scissors.
Sunshine deflated in her seat, tears in her eyes. She knew how much Axel loved her hair. And loved to play with it… And pull it…
“Well, chop it then, I guess,” she pouted, unable to meet Usagi’s eyes in the mirror.
“I’m really sorry, Sunshine. This gum is more like glue, I swear.” He rested his hand gently on the sad woman’s shoulder, sitting in front of him. “Do you want to look for a picture of something you might like?” He asked her, stepping aside to grab a few books with samples of women’s haircuts in them. 
“Nah,” she sighed. “Do whatever you think will look good. I trust your decision.” She forced a smile at the rabbit, who was frowning back at her. He knew how upset she was. 
“Well, it’s probably going to be shorter than you’ve had it,” he tested, watching for her response. Sunshine just nodded.
“How about a pixie cut? You'd be absolutely adorable,” the bunny gushed, playing with her hair a moment while she thought about his suggestion.
“Mmm… Maybe not that short, there needs to be enough to…” her words died in her throat as the bunny grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her scalp and pulled, so she was looking up at him.
"Don't worry. I'll leave enough for your little girlfriend, love," he said with a naughty smirk.
Sunshine had never turned so many shades of red, so fast, in her entire life as Usagi winked at her, releasing her head so he could turn her seat. He spun the chair so she couldn’t see the mirror, and instead, she was watching out the door of the salon. 
He put a smock around her and tucked a towel into the back of her collar right before she heard the buzzers.
Sunshine nearly flew out of the seat, making the bunny laugh, “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” he chortled, turning the buzzers off and putting them back into the drawer. “Trust me. Women’s cuts are my favorite to do. It’s more of an artistic outlet for me,” he confided, spraying water over her hair.
Sunny felt her heart squeeze as the first few cuts were made, and her long hair fell to the floor.
“You alright?” Usagi asked quietly as he continued to snip away.
“Yeah…” Sunny replied, staring out the door.
After a few minutes, she spoke again.
“Hey, Usagi?”
“Yeah, Honeybee?”
Sunshine smirked at the cute nickname, “Why does the door say Barber if you’re a hairdresser?” she inquired.
Usagi stopped what he was doing and thought for a minute. “It was already on the door when I was hired, I suppose.”
“You know what I think?”
“What do you think, Honeybee?” Usagi smiled, knowing Sunshine was up to something good. She had that sassy tone in her question.
“I think you should change it.”
“To?” He was intrigued now, as he walked around the side of the seat and looked down at her.
“To *The Hare*,” she said, poking his arm, “Dresser,” she finished with a shit-eating grin as she looked up at him.
The smile that spread across Usagi’s face threatened to split it right in two. “I love you,” he snickered.
An hour later, Sunshine was in Usagi’s arms, professing her love for him and his magic scissors while he chuckled, reveling in her happiness.
“Now, go find your hot-ass mechanic and let her run her hands through it in the throes of passion,” he teased, winking at the blonde as he opened the glass door for her.
“And you go hunt down the sexy maintenance guy to fix the wording on your door,” she sassed right back, getting a good ruffle and wide-eyed look from the rabbit. Sunshine bit back a laugh as she leaned in and whispered, “You’ll have to let me know who finished first… The tortoise or the hare.”
“Sunshine, I swear to God…” Usagi warned, pushing the woman out of his shop as she laughed at the top of her lungs. 
She turned and made a zipping gesture across her lips and winked. “Your secret is safe with me. I promise. And thank you again, Usagi,” she said, giving him a genuine and loving smile.
“Anytime, Honeybee. Now go,” He shooed her in the direction of the garage and returned to his salon to clean up the used station.
Sunshine practically skipped to the garage. She was full of nervous excitement to see Axel with her new haircut. She loved it, and hoped that Axel would too.
Stepping through the door, she yelled, “Honey! I’m HOME!”
A quiet chuckle came from the other side of one of the vehicles, as Sunshine quickly made her way over to where her girlfriend was hunched under a hood. She grabbed Axel’s waist on either side and gently bumped her pelvis against the other woman’s ass.
Axel’s let out a husky growl. “Already being naughty, I see,” she said, removing her body from under the hood. She turned to face Sunshine, and the smile on her face sobered into surprise upon finding Sunny with very short hair.
Sunshine’s face dropped. “Does it look alright?” she whispered, fear flooding her veins as Axel studied her while she pulled her gloves off. “Someone put gum in it, and Usagi couldn’t get it out…”
Anger flared through the mechanic’s being for a split second before her heart sunk at how concerned the blonde looked. Axel searched Sunny’s pretty face for a second. “Sunshine, I don’t care how short or long your hair is. You’re beautiful no matter what,” she said, cupping Sunny’s cheek with one hand as the other made its way around the blonde’s waist.  
Sunshine swallowed hard, casting her eyes downward, “But you liked my long hair…”
“I liked it because it was your hair,” she said softly, lifting Sunny’s gaze back to her own. “It’s you, Sunshine. Not your hair.”
Sunny’s heart was overflowing with love for the woman standing before her, as her eyes pricked with tears of relief.
“And, actually, I really like it,” Axel said with a smirk, slipping her hand to the back of the blonde’s head to run her fingers through the shorter locks.
Sunshine closed her eyes and let out a small pleasurable shiver as Axel played back and forth between scritches, and grabbing small handfuls of Sunny’s hair.
A mischievous smirk tugged at one corner of Sunshine’s mouth upon one overzealous tug.
“I see what you’re thinking,” Axel husked, tightening her hold and yanking Sunshine’s hair, so she was facing the ceiling.
Lips and teeth grazed and ghosted over Sunshine’s soft skin, resulting in a small whimper.
“I did that on purpose,” she moaned as Axel sealed her lips to the junction of Sunny’s neck and shoulder.
“Mmm?” she hummed, before giving the blonde a good bite.
Sunshine grunted through gritted teeth and grabbed her girlfriend’s hand that was tangled in her short hair. She pulled Axel’s hand free and pressed her body against Axel’s, successfully pinning her to the vehicle next to them.
Sunshine gave Axel a sultry smirk and bumped the mechanic’s nose with her own. “Mmmm…” She hummed back. “I had Usagi leave enough to pull… You wanna go try it out?”
If you enjoyed it, Please reblog for others to enjoy 🤩💕
Enjoying my work? Find my 🔧AxelShine☀️ Master List HERE
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@turtle-babe83 @shiftandshade @sharpwindow @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @nittleboo
**If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in the AxelShine Series OR if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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