hyumjim · 2 years
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221014 felix cr. OVERHEAT915
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souliebird · 11 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 7]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to protect his new family from not only Hell's Kitchen but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
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When you escaped your parents’ house and moved into the city for college, you already knew the basics of cooking. Since you had turned fourteen, it had been your responsibility to feed yourself. 'You are old enough to figure it out' was what your parents had told you. Living in the dorms didn't give you much opportunity to cook and when you finally had your own kitchen to really play around in, you didn't have the money to afford a full pantry. It was hard, but it never deterred you and you learned a couple of good recipes.
When Minnie came along and you were able to figure out her likes and dislikes, you made a few changes - you could finally afford to get all organic produce and bread not made from ninety percent sawdust and you started cooking even more because your little one didn't like things from a can. 
And despite what the experts and people online say, you give in to every one of Minnie's food whims. You don't want to force her to eat things she doesn't like. Your parents never listened to you, even if the food made you sick - you ate what was given to you or not at all. You are not going to do that to her and the rules you have come up with are she at least has to try something. If she doesn't like it, she doesn't need to eat it, and the past few months she's been pretty good at telling you why she doesn't like something. You don't always understand her reasoning, but you accept and tell her that she can try it again when she's bigger. 
Her favorite thing that you make is lasagna. You make it from scratch and she usually loves to help you and will spend all day excited for ooey-gooey cheese.
Today is not a usual day. Today your daughter is an upset little banshee. As soon as she woke up, she was in a bad mood. She didn't want to be touched at all and getting her dressed was a nightmare. Lots of 'no's and crying about how all her clothes were itchy until you finally allowed her to just wear her swimsuit. It was the only thing you could get her to stay in. You didn't even try with her hair, running your fingers through it to get out some knots, but that only lasted a full five seconds before she was running away from you.
You are trying to be patient with her - you know that something must be upsetting her, whether it be waking up on the wrong side of the bed or she's starting to get a cold and not feeling well. She doesn't know how to express herself beyond crying and you don't blame her. You want to cry when you don't feel well. 
That doesn't mean it isn't stressful for you. The back of your skull is throbbing from her screams and your own mood is sour because you don't know how to help. Hearing her so upset breaks your heart. 
Matt is supposed to come by, thus the homemade dinner, but part of you wonders if you should cancel. Minnie isn't going to calm down anytime soon and you would feel bad having him come over just to witness a tantrum. On the other hand, tantrums are a part of having a child. 
You decide to leave it up to him and send him a text letting him know Minnie is having a bad day. He quickly responds he still wants to come, so you return to working on your tomato sauce as quietly as you can.
Mouse has hidden herself under a throw blanket with her tablet and her plushies on the couch. You don't worry about her doing anything she shouldn't be - the tablet is child locked to hell and back - but it is a little hard to tell what she is doing since she's muted the tablet. There is an eerie purple glow coming from under the blanket, so you can guess she's playing one of her games. You've found a few that don't require sound that she enjoys - a few dress up games and matching things. 
Occasionally you hear her sniffle or mumble but she doesn't call for you, so you let her be. She didn't really nap today, so you're trying to avoid another meltdown. You are hoping when you remind her Matt is coming, it will help her mood. You're a little jealous he is obviously her new favorite person, but also you are so happy for it. 
Your original idea of taking things slow has been adjusted based on her reaction. You wanted to start talking to her about family today and build her up to the idea of having a dad, then have Matt over so she starts that association. That obviously is not going to happen. 
You finish up your prep and start to assemble the lasagna, laying sheets of pasta down before adding sauce and cheese then repeating the process until the pan is full. You made a little extra, with the intention of sending Matt home with leftovers. He had mentioned in passing that he doesn't get to cook much and living off take out is not ideal. 
The baking pan gets put into the oven and the timer is set, then you aren't sure what to do with yourself. It will take about an hour and Matt is scheduled to arrive then. 
You could do some cleaning, but with how Minnie is, you don't want to set her off. You know when she gets like this, any little thing can trigger her, so the best you can come up with is scrolling your phone. 
Still, you want to be with your baby, so you make your way to the couch. You keep your voice just above a whisper, knowing she's been itching at her ears all day, "Mouse, can I sit with you on the couch?"
You know she heard you based on the way the blanket moves. It takes a moment before you hear a tiny 'okay'.
You tuck yourself into the opposite corner and take out your phone to bring up something to look at. As soon as you start scrolling your feed, the glowing blanket mound starts moving towards you and you are easily overtaken by it. Minnie gets herself into your lap, still hidden away, then flops against your chest. You can feel her tablet against your thigh and you're pretty sure Scooby is jammed into your stomach, but as long as she's good, you're good. 
You keep an eye on the time as you flick through your phone. A majority of the news sites you follow are filling your feed with stories about the explosion in Connecticut. An uneasiness fills your stomach when you see the word 'attack' being thrown around. The headlines say they have determined the destruction was intentional and not an accident, though no one has claimed responsibility. Tony Stark gave some sort of press conference, so his face is all over your phone. 
You don't need this today, so you switch over to browsing some online shops. Minnie is getting too big for her winter coat, so you definitely need to get her one before the weather changes and prices go up. You'll have to get her approval before you make a final purchase, but it's good to check what is in the market. 
About twenty minutes before you are due to take the lasagna out of the oven, Matt texts you to let you know he is on his way. You confirm that you got his message, then gently run a hand over the mound in your lap, "Hey, sweetie. Dinner is almost ready. Do you remember what I said about dinner tonight?"
The blanket gets tugged and moved until Minnie can poke just the top of her head out. She squints at you, like she is judging you, before mumbling out, "Mister Matt is coming?"
You give her a soft smile, trying to comfort her in any way you can, "That's right, baby, Mister Matt is going to come over and have dinner with us."
She squirms in your lap, before flopping herself forward again and declaring, "I want juice."
"Okay, sweetie." 
You manage to gather her, her blanket, her tablet, and some plushies into your arms and get Minnie on your hip to carry her to the kitchen. You're an expert at doing things one handed and it only takes you a minute to make up a sippy cup. Once that is in her little hands, you deposit her into her seat at the dining table. You let her keep her blanket and toys, setting up Scooby and Pig so they are in the seat next to her and her tablet is on the table in front of her. 
She is indeed playing a dress up game and as she nurses her juice, she looks at each dress option for the character she's dressing. As she does that, you start to set the table around her. You can tell that despite the cuddles and quiet, your Mouse is still in a grumpy mood. You really, really hope that Matt will help her smile a little. 
Once everything is set, you check on the lasagna. It smells and looks delicious to you, and you take the sheet tray out a little early so it can start to cool. That gets Minnie's attention, and you can see her watching you out of the corner of your eye. She's stuck her fingers in her mouth, sucking on them as her eyes follow you around the kitchen.
You are so busy watching Mouse watch you, you don't keep track of the time and when there is a soft knock at the front door, you jump. 
You scurry to answer, putting your hand over your heart and telling yourself to chill out. You know who it is and why they are here, and you don't need to panic over it. It's just Matt, you tell yourself.
It's just Matt. 
You open the door and your breath catches. 
It is just Matt, but Matt is Matt, and he makes your heart pound in a different way. 
He's come right from work, so he's in one of his crisp, fitted suits. His hair is fluffed up, like he's run his fingers through it too many times, and he's got that permanent five o'clock shadow. He looks like some GQ model, standing in your doorway. 
Embarrassment runs through you. You're not nearly as dressed up as he is. Even on his casual days, he looks so fashionable and cool, and you are wearing biker shorts and a black T-shirt. You look by no means raggedy, but maybe you should have changed. Just because Matt can't see what you are wearing doesn't mean you can be a slob. 
"Hi," you eventually choke out and Matt's face lights up. 
"Hey there," he says back, then he's holding up a bottle of wine and smiling so sweetly, "I thought I'd try contributing this time and I figured you might need a glass." 
You can't help but flush. Today has been rather long and a glass of wine sounds amazing. You don't drink often, but he is right and a glass to unwind sounds perfect. 
"You're a saint," you praise, and step aside so he can come in. "How was your day? Oh, you can put your jacket and bag to your left. There's hooks about chest level." 
Matt thanks you, then reaches out to feel the wall. He finds the hooks quickly, then hangs his saddle bag before starting to remove his coat, "it was good. We were able to wrap up a few smaller cases - sometimes it just takes someone getting a lawyer for others to cave and do the right thing. Cheaper to just do the right thing than get sued and having to do it anyways, plus all the pay outs and fees."
"That is good," you hum, very much meaning it. You're glad those people got the help they needed. "You mentioned having a handful of cases, so that frees up your plate a little bit, right?"
Matt laughs a little, smile still wide, "A little bit. It's a nice change of things - we aren't hurting for paying clients, so we are going to try to take on a few more pro-bono things. We're getting into a nice groove - or so Foggy claims. He's leading that charge - making sure we aren't over working ourselves."
"I'll have to send him a thank you card," you tease, surprising yourself with it. 
"He'd like that, he'd get to lord it over me," he replies. Then he turns to you and steps forward, reaching out and finding your arm. He ghosts his fingers up until he oh-so-gently wraps them around your bicep and steps forward until you're a breath away from each other and you have to look down at his chest, so you are not staring at your own reflection in his glasses. His voice drops to something quiet and intimate, and you can barely hear him through the pounding of your heart in your ears.
"I told them. About you. About Minnie."
You find yourself smiling at the news. That makes it more real, doesn't it? It isn't just the courts acknowledging Matt is Minnie's father - it's the real world. It's Matt wanting her - wanting to show the world he wants his daughter. 
That's all you want. 
You step just a fraction closer, and to keep your balance and let Matt know how close you are, you place your hand in Matt's chest. Almost instantly, his free hand goes to your waist, and you feel steady. 
You bite your bottom lip, then ask, your curiosity so much bigger than your ability to keep your mouth shut, "What did they say?"
He huffs and lightly shakes his head, "After yelling at me for keeping it a secret? They want to meet you, properly. If that is okay. I told them I'd ask you before confirming anything." He hums, then drops his voice even more, "Karen got me magnets so I could hang all the work I got up on my fridge at home." 
"You're going to need a lot of them," you whisper back to him. "I ordered popsicle sticks and puff balls so she can make 3D things." 
"I can't wait. Karen got me a bulk pack of magnets."
You giggle at that, but before you can reply, a needy little voice calls out from the dining table, "Mommy!"
You pull away from Matt, his fingers tracing down from your bicep to your wrist before he drops his hand, and turn to walk towards your daughter, "Yes, Mouse?"
"I'm hungry!" 
She's poked her head out from under the blanket and is now wearing it like a cape and her chubby little cheeks are pulled down into an upset frown. You have a feeling a tantrum may be close - there's nothing worse than a hangry toddler. 
You take a breath, then smile at your daughter, "Okay. Mister Matt is here so we can have dinner now. Do you want to tell him what we are having?"
Matt taps his way into the main living space, and you know you should give him a quick tour, but you think if you delay dinner at all, Minnie is going to start crying, so you tell him instead where the table is. 
Minnie doesn't seem to want to engage, stuffing her fingers back into her mouth. Luckily, Matt isn't dissuaded by that. He sets the wine bottle down before taking the seat across from Minnie. 
"It smells like we're going to have lasagna for dinner. Is that what we are having?" he asks, voice soft and gentle. 
Your little one rocks side to side, keeping her fingers in her mouth before nodding. Normally, you would remind her to use her words, but you don't want to push, so you relay her message to Matt, "She nodded."
Matt hums softly in response. He tilts his head slightly, brows knitting together, before leaning forward just a fraction, "Do you want us to leave you alone until you eat?"
You are surprised by the question then even more surprised when he gets the tiniest, 'yes' in reply. Matt's face softens at that, and he nods to Minnie.
"Okay. Can I still talk to your Mommy, or do you want us to be quiet, too?"
You stand, dish towel in your hands, ready to bring the lasagna to the table, watching your daughter interact with her father. He's being so gentle and understanding with her and you can tell he's being genuine. You can hear the care in his words, how he's giving her choice and not pushing her to talk to him. 
You'll gladly eat dinner in silence if Minnie doesn't want either of you to talk. You don't know how it will work, but you'll try. 
Your little one doesn't answer the question right away. She looks between you and Matt, before pulling her fingers out of her mouth to speak, "You can talk to Mommy."
"Thank you, sweetheart. We'll be quiet, okay?" Matt promises. 
You quickly parrot him, giving your own soft smile, "Thank you, baby. We'll keep it down." 
Minnie snuggles herself tighter into her blanket and you take that as a sign to get yourself into gear. You carefully pick up the lasagna pan and bring it over to the table, setting it as far as possible away from your little one. 
Matt tilts his head towards you, and the food, "That smells delicious. Did you make it yourself?"
You go back to the kitchen to get your serving utensils and answer in the softest voice you can muster that isn't whispering, "Thank you, I did. I found an all organic, from scratch recipe online and have been using it ever since. It's even fancy, way too expensive, cheese. I, uh, made extra. For you to take home, if you want."
Matt licks his lips, and you can tell he's trying to hold back a big smile. It makes your insides turn in a funny way - his kindness and appreciation. You are, as sad as it is, not used to such treatment and for whatever reason that, combined with Minnie's attitude, and Matt being in your apartment for the first time kick starts your anxiety. You are definitely very aware of your heartbeat, and it feels like someone dipped your heart into ice water before it disappears into a hollowness. 
This feeling isn't new to you, so you try to push past it, not let your sudden panic ruin things, because despite your little one's sourness, things are okay. You tell yourself things are okay. 
Your tiny bout of distress goes unnoticed, as it lasts the blink of an eye. Matt leans back in his chair, letting his smile start to crack through, "You didn't have to do that, but I will definitely take you up on it. I can't turn away a home cooked meal."
You force yourself to smile and cut out a slice of lasagna for Matt, before leaning over to place it on his plate, "Guests first."
"Thank you," Matt practically cooes, "I don't think I've been this excited for a dinner in a long time."
The praise does all sorts of things to you, so instead you focus on cutting out a little slice for Minnie and serving it to her. As soon as the food is in front of her, she stabs her fork into it and shovels a piece into her pouty mouth. You don't blame her at all.
"Would you like a glass of wine…?" You ask Matt. Minnie has her sippy juice, but you haven't set out any other drinks. 
He gives you a soft, "Yes, please," and you go to get the two wine glasses you have and a cork screw. You bring them back to the table and set down the glasses before going to open the wine. You haven't done it in such a long time it takes you a minute of struggling to pop it.  Matt turns his head towards you, a little grin on his face until you start pouring. 
You give Matt his drink, then finally make your own plate before sitting beside Matt. Minnie is still angrily stabbing at her dinner and you feel so bad for her. Even with her favorite dinner and good company, she's not having it. You expect when you put her down, either she'll try to fight you or be asleep the moment she touches the covers. You very much hope for the latter. 
Matt, on the other hand, looks completely enthralled with his plate. You can tell his eyes are closed and he's clearly enjoying what he's eating. 
You don't press for conversation - instead reaching for your wine. It's a deep red and delicious on your tongue and you can't remember the last time you've had a good wine. You can feel your shoulders starting to loosen. 
Which of course means, everything needs to come crashing down. 
One moment everything is okay, then the next, Minnie is absolutely screeching. Her face is screwed up in pain and you scramble to get out of your chair to get to her.
"Minnie! What's wrong?!" You try to ask her over her wailing. 
Instead of any sort of answer, she grabs for her fork, which is stabbed into her food, and throws it as hard as she can. You watch in horror as the fork and a large chunk of lasagna still attached to it flies over the table and smacks right into Matt's chest. Panic surges through you as he also bends forward and covers his ears with a distressed face, ignoring the food staining his shirt.
You try to grab Minnie from her booster, but she does not want it and instantly starts to try and fight you, flinging her arms and legs everywhere. 
"Minnie, please," you beg as she kicks you in the hip, "What's wrong, baby?!"
The only reply you get is upset screaming. 
"Cover her ears!" 
Matt is very suddenly beside you and clapping his hands over your baby's ears. She fights it, squirming to get away and smacking at his arms with all her might, but he doesn't budge. You stare, not understanding what is going on, what set her off, and you don't know how to help. 
You don't know how to help and that sinking feeling in your chest is returning and you're scared. 
Matt says your name again, then almost barks at you, "Her headphones! Get her headphones, the strongest ones!" 
You don't understand why but it's something you can help with, something you can do, and you rush to the bedroom and grab her sleeping headband. Minnie has always told you this one works the best, despite the reviews of the others. You run back to the dining area and nearly stumble upon what you see.
Matt has somehow gotten Minnie out of her booster seat and into his arms, and she is octopus clinging to him. Her face is pressed into his neck, one ear on his shoulder, while he keeps his hand clamped over the other. He's lightly bouncing her in his arm as she cries against him and part of you becomes extremely distressed at seeing someone else comfort your child. 
You push that away quickly to hurry forward and hold up the headband, "I've got it." 
Matt nods, then turns his focus back to Minnie. He noses her hair, and you can just barely hear him over her, "It's okay, baby, Mommy has your headband. We're gonna make it quiet. I know it hurts, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."
You hesitate before stepping towards them. Minnie doesn't flail or pull away as you maneuver the headband and get it over both her ears. It feels so awkward to do as she cries and once it is on her head and over her ears, she reaches up and yanks on it until it is in place. Then she flops back down into the crook of Matt's neck, still crying but somehow not as urgently. 
You are unsure of what to do, but everything in you screams to touch your child, so you shuffle close to Matt until you can put a comforting hand on her back. 
"I'm right here, baby, it's okay," you whisper, gently rubbing a small circle along her spine. 
Matt shifts slightly, and the hand that was covering Minnie's ear drops and he instead wraps it around your waist and pulls you closer, so you are flush against him, with Minnie between the two of you. 
That seems to help with whatever has upset Minnie so much. She stays clinging to Matt while he oh so gently sways you back and forth. Her screeching dies down to tired-upset crying and you know she's going to keep going until she passes out. 
To your absolute amazement, Matt doesn't seem deterred at all. He keeps his nose buried into his daughter's hair, talking quietly to her as she sobs, "It's okay. Shhhh, shhh. Feel my heartbeat, sweetie. Focus on that. The bad noise will stop soon, I promise. Just listen to your Mommy and I." 
You have no idea what he is talking about - what the bad noise is - but it's calming Minnie down, so you let him keep going. You keep your hand on her back, gently doing your own 'shhh'ing, trying to encourage her to calm even more. 
"That's my good girl," Matt hums, before giving her the briefest kiss against her temple. "Do you want to go to Mommy now?" 
You don't hear Minnie respond, but she must in some way because soon enough she is being transferred into your arms. She clings to you loosely and you can feel her little body starting to droop. She must be close to wearing herself out.
She makes a little upset whine between her huffing and puffing, and you instantly take up gently bouncing her like Matt has been doing. Matt stays wrapped around both of you, taking over your role of rubbing Minnie's back. 
You don't know how long you stay there, curled together and soothing Minnie, both of you whispering little words of love and comfort to your daughter. 
You think you are past the worst of it, but of course that isn't the case.
Minnie starts squirming and fussing, reaching up and pressing at her ears over her headband. You look up to Matt, to see his reaction and your heart runs cold and fear spikes in you.
He looks absolutely murderous.
He's lifted his head and it is turned towards your living room, his brows scrunched and a scowl on his lips. You instinctively hug Minnie tight to you, but you quickly realize you have nothing to fear.
He stalks across your living room to your open window and yanks it shut. Right away, Minnie loops her arms back around your neck and settles with a sleepy sniffle. You press your face into her, rocking her a little more.
"I've got you, Mouse. It's okay. Mommy's right here."
You don't jump when Matt's hand brushes along your back and he once again wraps you in his arms. You allow yourself to turn ever so slightly and tuck yourself closer, lowering your head so it leans just barely against his shoulder, with Minnie hidden between your bodies.
You feel safe in that moment. You're confused why Minnie got so upset so suddenly and you're confused at how Matt knew how to handle it, but you feel safe, and even more so when Matt's arms tighten around you. 
"I've got you both," he practically breathes against you. "I won't let anything get you. I'm here now. I've got you." 
You close your eyes as the panic and adrenaline washes away from you and the exhaustion of your day starts to catch up to you. You very much understand how rubbing Minnie's back helps her sleep - Matt's started to drag his fingers up and down your spine and you know it could lull you into Dreamland.
Minnie's cries turn into sniffles and then quickly turn into quiet snores as the minutes pass.
You stay still until you are one hundred percent sure she's gone to the world before pulling back just slightly, and whisper, "I should go lay her down." 
Your face is so close to Matt's you can practically taste his breath and your heart starts to pound at the realization of it. 
You don't know if it is on account of your words or if he was also aware how tangled up the two of you were, but Matt drops his arms and steps away from you, nodding, "Yeah, she sounds pretty sleep now."
You chew your lip, not liking how your arms are suddenly chilly, but don't acknowledge it, "I'll be right back." 
You turn and grab Scooby and Pig, knowing another tantrum will happen if your daughter wakes up alone, and head towards the bedroom. It is surprisingly easy to get her to let go of you and you deposit Minnie into her bed. You place her toys beside her and tuck her in, careful to not jostle her. You dare to kiss her forehead before pulling away. 
As you turn to leave your bedroom, your window catches your eye. It is closed, but in front of it is a little table. 
Just like in your living room. There is a table under the window, with more than a few knick knacks on it. 
Your brow furrows and you return to the main living area. Matt has found his way back to the table and is drinking his glass of wine. 
"Is she good?" He asks, setting down his glass and turning to face you. 
"She didn't wake up at all, I think she's down for the count," you say, glancing towards where your window is before looking back to Matt. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course," is his instant reply. You take a moment to look him over, from his fluffy hair, to the tomato sauce now on his shirt, to his fancy loafers, before returning to his handsome face.
"Matt…how did you know where the window is?"
tags list:
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
@dorothleah @mattmurdocksstarlight @mars-on-vinyl @mywellspringoflife @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @simmilarly @soupyspence @darkened-writer @akila-twt
@murc0ckmurc0ck @groovycass @sumo-b98 @just3rowsing @tongueofcat @zoom1374
@theclassicvinyldragon @aoi-targaryen @lunaticgurly @nikitawolfxo @shireentapestry @snakevyro @yondiii @echos-muses @honeybug-victoria @the-bisaster @ristare @mrs-bellingham @eugene-emt-roe @cometenthusiast @stevenknightmarc @hunnybelha @
Specialagentjackbauer @yarrystyleeza @ofmusesandsecrets 
@mayp11-blog @danzer8705 @thinking-at-dusk @remuslupinwifee @akila-twt  @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @dil3mma @allllium @
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too-kinky-to-live · 3 years
this is my first attempt at writing a phantom thief au, as well as my first time writing feeder!kok.ichi. hope you enjoy! (contains force feeding [kinda] and light bondage)
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34774210
An abandoned warehouse was the last place Saihara wanted to wake up in. 
More specifically, a small room with a dim light covering it. Saihara groggily awoke to find his wrists and ankles were bound to the arms and legs of a wooden chair respectively. How did he get here…? 
Ah yes, it was coming back to him now. Detective Saihara was on the hunt for the notorious phantom thief, whom he learned of his true name Ouma Kokichi. A troublemaking boy known for his relatively harmless pranks that he and his unknown number of “organization members” brought upon the city. Saihara took on the case, thinking nothing of it; but numerous encounters they had with each other made their relationship blossom into something Saihara wasn’t quite sure how to describe. Ouma clearly had no intentions of harming the detective. Instead, the thief would casually flirt with him while being chased down. 
Saihara had to admit, Ouma was rather attractive, in both his personality and what little he could see under the phantom thief’s mask. It almost seemed cliche for the detective to fall for the criminal, but he just couldn’t help himself. 
Just yesterday, a note was left on Saihara’s desk with familiar glittery purple ink. The detective could only raise an eyebrow as he read the not-so-vague note asking him to meet the wanted criminal in a nearby empty warehouse. Saihara couldn’t pass up an opportunity to meet up with his cru- Culprit of multiple cases. Yep, definitely what he meant. 
The blue haired boy could only remember cautiously opening the warehouse doors in the dead of night before someone from behind pressed a small cloth against his face, before his vision went black. 
“You’re finally up, Saihara-chan!” 
A cheerful voice brought Saihara out of his drowsy trance. He looked up to see Ouma pushing a cart full of covered contents into the room, that almost looked like… food? 
“Sorry I had to drug you, but it was the only way I could get you set up like this. You’ll forgive me, right?” Ouma was right in Saihara’s face, giving what looked to be puppy eyes through his mask. 
The detective’s brain wasn’t fast enough to process this. “What… am I doing here? Why am I tied up?” He could feel himself heat up asking the latter. Stupid brain…. Now was not the time for those thoughts. 
“I brought you here to kill you! ....That was a lie. I brought you dinner, my beloved. I made it all just for you!” Ouma took off the cart cover to reveal a variety of prepared meals. 
Before he could properly respond, Ouma shoved an eggroll in the detective’s mouth. Saihara was tempted to spit it out, but he couldn’t waste this admittedly tasty food he was given. 
The thief merely rolled his eyes playfully. “Relax, Saihara-chan, I didn’t poison it. I would never drug my beloved!” 
Saihara gave him an unamused look but continued to chew. 
By all means, he really should be more upset about being drugged and kidnapped, but something about Ouma made the usually anxious detective feel at ease. There was also something rather intimate about being hand-fed food that your crush made himself, and the mere sensation of having Ouma’s fingers so close to his mouth made his face heat up even more. 
The hand-feeding of eggrolls to the detective continued until the plate was polished off. There were only six, but Saihara’s stomach gave him a low grumble to remind that he was, in fact, quite famished. Ouma took notice, smiling as he presented Saihara with a steaming bowl of homemade ramen. The tantalizing scent of the next meal made the taller boy lick his lips eagerly. 
“Wait, Ouma-kun.” 
“Could I at least see your face?”
Ouma paused. The detective knew his face was sensitive information for him to obtain. He wished he could convince the thief he wouldn’t tell, but… he wanted to look at the smaller boy’s face, just this once. 
“Just for you, my beloved… I get to see your pretty face all the time, after all.” Saihara couldn’t tell if the blush on his face was from that comment, or the steamy ramen that was suddenly pushed into his mouth. He watched Ouma remove his clown mask to reveal a stunning pale face with those gorgeous violet eyes of his. 
Was it normal to call a guy’s face kissable?
...Right, back to the food. Not only was Ouma impossibly cute, but also a great chef. The broth complimented the rest of the ingredients perfectly. Saihara slurped up the ramen contentedly, slightly embarrassed at the mess he was making on his face. The thief kept up his happy smile, occasionally reaching down to playfully pat the detective’s stomach. 
“You’re doing so good, Saihara-chan… You just finished the second course!”
Saihara slowly looked down to see his stomach pressing against his buttoned up uniform. The detective became aware of just how much he had eaten, and turned his head away. 
“How many courses did you say there were?”
“Nishishi! I never said, but since you asked, there’s four!” 
Saihara went pale.
He watched as Ouma grabbed yet another plate, this time with six pot stickers already coated in dipping sauce. Did the smaller boy really expect him to finish every meal? He was already comfortably full, but it wasn’t often he got to have such good food… Maybe a few more wouldn’t hurt?
His chewing became slower with his stomach starting to complain about the new company. Ouma began rubbing at Saihara’s more swollen belly forcing a couple burps out of the detective. 
“I never knew Shumai had such a big appetite! Maybe I should have brought him more, nishishi!” 
The taller boy blanched at the mention of more food, and yet he was presented with one last plate: a single slice of mouth-watering apple pie. “I know Saihara-chan isn’t big on sweets, but he’s gotta have a full course meal. Open wide~!”
Instead of getting a complaint out, a forkful of pie was inserted into his mouth, covering his taste buds with the sweetness. His overglutted stomach was screaming at him to spit it out, though the detective went against his better judgement and sent it down anyway. Ouma must have worked so hard on these, he couldn’t refuse. It seemed the thief cared about him too, in his own weird way. 
The final bite was closing in on the taller boy’s mouth, but Saihara’s stomach finally won the mental argument. 
“*burrrp* No more, Ouma… I’m too full,” he breathed, panting with his reddened face. 
“Aww… but it’s the last bite! Surely Saihara-chan can find some room,” Ouma teased, using his other hand to coax another belch out of Saihara’s belly. The detective was so close to the finish line, the small bite of pie taunting him on the fork. It was just one more, like the thief said. He could do this. He leaned forward and let Ouma slide the last piece into his mouth. It was a struggle to chew, but he finally gave a hard swallow and leaned back in the chair.
“I knew Shumai could do it! Now he’s nice and full~!” Ouma gave more gentle pats to the detective’s belly, which almost looked too big to be part of him anymore. The thief presented Saihara with a glass of water, the latter simply let his mouth hang open and gulped it down without complaints. As soon as he finished, he jolted up when he heard a popping noise. He tried bending over to see what ripped, but couldn’t see over his massive orb of a stomach. 
The smaller boy picked up one of Saihara’s shirt buttons and showed it to him smugly. “Nice one, my beloved!” Saihara could only give a loud belch in response, cursing the bindings for not letting him cover them up. 
“Now that you’re too fat to run away, I can untie you,” the thief whispered in Saihara’s ear, making him shiver. At least there was truth to Ouma’s words for once, as the detective was in no mood to get up anytime soon. 
“Why did you *urp* do this, Ouma-kun?”
The smaller boy swiveled around to face the poor boy rubbing his belly carefully. Maybe just this once, he could reveal his true intentions. 
“Your stupid boss is overworking my sweet little detective,” he whined. “I need Saihara-chan well-fed and healthy if he wants any chance of catching me. And if I catch you skipping meals again, well… I’ll make sure my skinny boy gets a great meal by yours truly!”
You’re one to talk, Saihara wanted to say, but was too worn out to reply. The fact that Ouma cared about him this much warmed him to his core… along with all the other warm meals inside him. The smaller boy helped Saihara up and held his noisy tummy, giggling whenever the detective failed to keep a burp in. 
Saihara didn’t see himself getting walked to his apartment by his crush, but sometimes he loved how unpredictable life could be. 
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script-nef · 4 years
#bokutoisblessed | Bokuto Koutarou
Category: crack, fluff
2.2k words; MSBY fans dying over Bokuto and his family
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Bokuto uploaded another photo
It seems like just yesterday little Hana was swaddled in his arms and now look at her. Like. Holy [censored] look at the [censored] post. 
Dudes like. She can walk now. Her steps are so wobbly but also so cute and my heart like????? Just exploded when we were gifted with the sight of her??? AND THE WAY SHE GIGGLED WHEN SHE ARRIVED AT HER MUM’S LAP A SAFJAKFDL I CAN’T BREATHE
Comments [Anon]: Honestly we the fans of Black Jackals are so blessed because we get to experience this joy and bundle of life thanks to our lord and saviour Bokuto Koutarou and his amazing wife, who will hereby be named Kami-sama. Because God is a woman I called it.
[Anon]: I agree with 97% of this, except for the Kami-sama part. She said it’s uncomfortable and embarrassing so we have to call her something else. How about Wife-sama. That should be fine, right?
[Anon]: Oh I saw that post Bokuto put up! Saying how much he’s thankful for the support but not to call her that! The upload was a short video of her turning red after he called her Kami-sama and it’s a treasure I will keep for the rest of my life. And into the afterlife. Death can try to pull it out of my cold, dead hand but I won’t let it. YOU HEAR ME DEATH???? YOU CAN’T TAKE THIS FROM MEEEEEE
[Anon]: Bokuto said Wife-sama is fine! Apparently she was still red and it was the cutest thing ever. Bokuto is so biased (*cough cough* whipped *cough cough*) but hey I’m not complaining. I don’t think my imagination will ever come close to the actual reaction but I hope it does.
[Anon]: Do you guys remember, when he just started dating her, how he flooded us with posts of her and her only? Like, practically 95% of my feed was her since he was putting so much of them up. She could literally be doing nothing and he’ll be like “HOLY [censored] LOOK AT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!” Without swearing because he doesn’t do that, but still.
[Anon]: And it started up again when she was pregnant with Hana. Like I could make a time-lapse video or whatever of her pregnancy just from the photos he put up
[Anon]: I honestly wonder how many photos he has of her and Hana
[Anon]: Probably a couple thousand. I mean like, I have a couple thousand of MBSY members but my love for them pales in front of Bokuto for Wife-sama, so.
→ Continue thread
Holy [censored] I just met Bokuto
Okay so there was news about a new resident coming into our apartment, more specifically my neighbouring unit. It was previously occupied by this really old couple and we had this small farewell party. They dropped hints that the new residents might be kind of loud but that they were great.
A few days later, my doorbell rings and who do I see? It’s [censored] Bokuto. Like, straight up. In his casual clothes. Exactly the same as the photo on his Insta page where he said he was moving. Which I liked practically a few hours ago.
He was standing there with the biggest smile and saying that he’s the new resident and that they’re giving out homemade cookies because of the baby and Bokuto’s volume. And invited me to a small dinner. And I’m. Like my brain. Literally. Like my brain is even blank now. Bokuto. Invited me. To his house. So I could have dinner. And see his wife. And little Hana. 
[Edit]: This was riddled with spelling mistakes because my hands were shaking from the aftershock.
Comments [Anon]: ???? What did you do in your past life to be awarded the opportunity of being neighbours with Bokuto???? Did you like, save the country or something? Is that what it takes to be blessed with him?
[Anon]: No you gotta at least save the entire Earth for this damn dude thanks for your service I guess
[Anon]: But if you gotta save the world to be neighbours with Bokuto, then what the hell did Wife-sama do to be married to him?
[Anon]: She saved the universe
[Anon]: But I think Bokuto will be the one to say he saved the universe to be with her that cheesy dork ugh I love you
[Anon]: Are you back yet? Are you alive? Are you blinded by the magnificence that is Bokuto Koutarou and his family? I know I would be. So in order to kill me as well, TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED YOU CAN’T KEEP US OUT LIKE THIS I AM KNEELING ON THE FLOOR AND BEGGING FOR THE INTERACTION PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I BEG OF THEE I WANT SOME MORE SIR
[OP]: That’s really weird so stop that. I’m just about to go out now! I’ll spend the dinner over there, experience heaven, hope I don’t die of heart failure and possibly come back with a war story. If they allow me. Wish me luck guys.
Okay so that could only be described as one of the best moments in my entire life. Don’t worry, they said it’s fine if I share this. #actualsaints
So I finally found an outfit and took the chocolate that I was saving for myself, but since I can give my arm and leg for Bokuto what the [censored] is a chocolate, right?
I’m greeted by Wife-sama herself. Like. Less than a metre from me, saying “good afternoon” and smiling like the saint of tranquillity. (A side note but how do you have that when you live with Bokuto? And a child? My brother wants to know your secrets.) And she’s wearing what I think is Bokuto’s shirt since it’s way too big for her, I mean the end comes to her thighs. Sharing shirts is the most romantic thing a couple can do I don’t make the rules I’m just the messenger.
Anyway she invites me into their house, their amazingly aesthetical and cozy house. There’s a display case for all of Bokuto’s trophies, awards, certificates and everything. There are photographs of them together all over the walls, hung from strings spanning the entire house. There was a wall section dedicated entirely to Hana-chan. I felt like an uncivilised cave gremlin there.
Wife-sama was still making dinner and I was going to help her but little Hana-chan came to me. Like, she tottered over to me in the blue frilly dresses and tugged on my pants, babbling and smiling. Y’all I nearly died. I literally saw the gates of heaven and had a foot in but Wife-sama saved me by pulling me back into reality. By asking me if I wanted to play with Hana-chan. Which killed me again. And she was apologetic about it too? Like she doesn’t think I would give my kidney to spend time with her?
So I was playing with Hana but sneakily looking at the two of them being cute as hell in the kitchen. Bokuto was attached to her at the hip for the whole time except for when she asked him to get some ingredients. He was a puppy incarnate. They were sneaking kisses, whispering to each other and it was honestly so cute like I was getting diabetes just from one night. 
The food was amazing, the dinner talk was so fun and delightful, Hana-chan was the cutest little angel ever, this was probably the best day of my life. AND WHEN I LEFT FOR THE NIGHT, THEY BOTH HUGGED ME AND IT WAS LIKE BEING HUGGED BY CLOUDS BUT THEY SMELLED SO NICE!!
I shall never forget this day. Mark my words y’all.
Comments [Anon]: How beautiful was their place? I feel like she would go with a pastel tone or black and white. And have cute things littered around everywhere.
[OP]: The house was really unique in the sense that it felt like two houses smashed together. Like they took turns decorating each section of the house. Looked like polar opposites. It was kind of weird at first but the aesthetics flowed well the longer I stayed there, if you can understand what I’m saying.
[Anon]: The fact that Bokuto and Wife-sama are practically opposites in many things but still formed a romantic relationship with each other and the fact that their taste or preferences complement each other perfectly is proof that they are soulmates. In this essay I will
[Anon]: Where’s the essay. Dude where’s the [censored] essay
[Anon]: Bruh just a kidney? Take my [censored] liver. Take my heart. Oh no wait, she already has it in her squishy widdle hands.
[Anon]: I bid my left arm
[Anon]: Right arm
[Anon]: Lungs
[Anon]: I really love my brain but I barely use it so off it goes I guess
[OP]: ???? Guys? What are you doing? Stop this illegal organ trade in my post.
[Anon]: Shhhhh we’re showing our love
I saw Bokuto shopping and it was so cute
I do not do clickbait, it was genuinely adorable and my cheeks are about to fall off. As was everyone else’s in the entire mall.
I was just doing some shopping, getting some snacks and popcorn for the movie marathon I was going to have and who do I hear? Yeah, it’s Bokuto. And little Hana-chan whining to Wife-sama about how she’s not getting the snacks they want. It’s from memory since I didn’t take a video, I’m not a creep and I understand boundaries unlike some of you assholes, but it went something like this.
Bokuto: But think of all the caramel popcorn we could eat! Hana: Mama, sweeties. Sweeties. (What an angel, am I right?) Wife-sama: I already said no, it’s going to ruin your dinner. Hana: But it’s tasty! Bokuto: Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase? I’ll do all of the dishes and cleaning today! Wife-sama: You already do that every day, Kou. It’s not much of a bribe. (Husband goals) And Hana, we have other snacks at home. Caramel is bad for your teeth. Bokuto: But babe! Wife-sama: I said no, and that’s it. Hana: Mama!
It was just this repeated for like 10 minutes with Bokuto and Hana-chan alternating their whines. I would have snapped after 5 times but wow, this lady has the mental fortitude of Fort Knox.
They both sulked and followed her around as she finished her shopping. I can tell Hana is Bokuto’s daughter because her hair droops down like his and a cloud forms over her head. It was practically magic.
In the end, they bought one (1) salted caramel popcorn because Wife-sama is too soft-hearted and they literally clung onto her for 5 minutes peppering her with kisses. And Bokuto actually lifted her in his embrace. In the middle of the sweets section. Where everyone was looking.
Needless to say, she was very very red.
Comments [Anon]: Conspiracy theory: factoring in Bokuto’s godlike physical ability, inhumane and endless sunny disposition, his hair’s ability to reflect his moods, it can be concluded that Bokuto is, in fact, a God.
[Anon]: Well someone has a big brain
[Anon]: Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
[Anon]: I can kind of see Bokuto and Hana sneaking in sweets and snacks into the trolley while Wife-sama isn’t looking lmao
[OP]: THEY ACTUALLY DID THAT I nearly ran into them again and heard her berating Bokuto for sneaking in chocolate and shoving it beneath all the meat so she wouldn’t notice. My man, please. You can never outsmart your wife.
[Anon]: Next time I go to the MSBY fan meeting, I’m bringing all the sweets I can for Bokuto and Hana. It’s the least I can do.
[Anon]: They’re so cute and I can’t wait for the MSBY match in three days where Bokuto’s family is going to attend. I promise I’ll post about it afterwards.
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mashedpotittiess · 4 years
Games of Tomorrow
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Header created by my muse and bb R. Title: Games of Tomorrow. Pairing: Taehyung x Reader. Mentions of: Hoseok, Jin, Subin (Victon) and OC’s Summary: A simple game of beer pong stirred up some not so innocent feelings between you and the man you held much disdain for. After all, he was your enemy. The person you couldn’t seem beat when it came to grades. You were never enough for the rich and popular but maybe just maybe you’d show them what you were all about.  Words: 13k Rating: M  Genre: Enemies to Lovers!au, College au!, Smut, Fluff, Angst.
This was all inspired by this photo which I just edited (color, background and the text)so all original photo credits go to the owner.
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A/N: What started as a simple short drabble ended in this much longer than intended fic. This is my first pic so pls be gentle. I am but a noob to tumblr writing. I hope you enjoy this craziness <3 this fic is dedicated to my friend who picked Tae to be the first character I wrote about and sat there and listened to me freaking out cause the fic kept getting longer. Ily R. This is Un-Edited so i apologize in advance for the mistakes. I’ll re-read it and fix mistakes as i come across them. Tags/Warnings: Smutty smut smut, Jealousy, Drinking, Mention of Marijuana, Oral (female receiving) Fingering (female receiving), Unprotected sex (wrap it up kids) Fluff, Angst, Size kink, Tae mentioning his DIG BICK, semi rough sex (not really though).
Fic inspired Playlist Link:
Taglist: @a-mess-of-fandoms @dnyad
“Absolutely not” you said calmly into the cellphone receiver. “But y/n! You need to let loose once in awhile, and no I’m not talking about sitting on your couch eating bowls of Ramen and cheese popcorn while watching re-runs of Boy Meets World with a big glass of too much Whiskey” Layla practically whined. She had been trying to convince you to go with her to Seokjin’s party on Saturday for an entire hour. She was right, you knew this coming weekend you’d be plopped onto that same blue couch in your big band t-shirt and fuzzy socks doing exactly that. “I’ll think about it” you finally mumbled out and could practically hear the smile in your best friends voice as she exclaimed a ‘woot woot’ “Okay Hot Stuff, i’ll text you later, gotta get to Volleyball Practice” with that she hung up and you continued your walk to what you’d call a ‘Headache’ of a class.  It’s not that you hated Econ per say, it’s that you studied your ass off, completed extra credit assignments with a flourish and took wonderfully color coded notes (if you say so yourself). But yet, HE still scored higher than you (even if it was just by one point) and what’s worse is that he NEVER seemed to study, never seemed to care.  Trudging into class you took your usual seat in the second row close to the middle. Organizing your laptop, books and assortment of pencils and pens on the table. As Professor Carmine began his lesson writing “Principles of Economics” onto the whiteboard with his usual navy blue marker, you diligently took notes and nodded along with his rhetorical questions.  “Before we end for today lets see who can answer this simple yet intriguing question, “Would you consider Inflation or Deflation of cost cycles to be more costly to a business?” You pondered on how to word your answer for about two seconds before raising your hand. “Yes Ms. Y/L/N” you shifted in your seat slightly. “While I know this question has no definite answer as it can be interpreted many ways, I would say with our current Economy, Inflation of prices would be more costly,” Before you could continue you heard a Deep Baritone voice that you knew too well scoff. “So you think Deflation would benefit a business? that’s essentially lowering your prices which in turn leads to loss of income” You rolled your eyes nonchalantly and turned around in your seat to look at the man in the fourth row who had not only interrupted you but disagreed and voiced his disagreement.  “I said with our current economy Inflation could hurt a business. Do you think regular people can afford to buy a $3,000 purse when they make minimum wage? It could cost a company to make said purse for $200 with cost of material and labor. If you lower those prices by a fraction, said company would still be making money and you could possibly have more demand as more people with regular paying jobs can afford you buy said purse. If you higher the price less  regular people can afford such a luxury item which could hurt the demand. Thus causing an issue with the income for a business”. You said staring at the red haired man pulling a cock of his right eyebrow from him. “Regular people don’t need a $3,000 bag, you want brands to lower the prices so poor people can buy their items? How sad. Tae is right, just higher the prices and get more money. Businesses will make their money regardless of the lower or middle class purchasing their items, as long as they have people like us,” a high pitched voice you recognized as Nami said gesturing to herself and the perfect barbies next to her “buying from them”. Before you continue the alarm from your Professors phone startled you and signaled the end of not only your Monday class but your discussion as well. You picked up your items, shoving them in your bag and trudged out of class. As you passed Taehyung with Nami, Michelle, Hoseok and Gigi at his back he smirked at you and you swore you heard Nami giggling ‘Bet she’s never even held a Chanel bag in her hands. she just wants everybody to be ratchet like people like her’. Smiling to yourself you turned around and flipped them the bird “At least I don’t have to go crying to daddy to buy me a new set of tits, I make my own money and work hard for it. Something you wouldn’t know a thing about, and THAT is what I find sad about your entailed fake ass”. your voice carrying through the hall as you turned back around and made your way back to your dorm. ——————————————— “You know what day it is? TACO Tuesday” You exclaimed while taking a shot of Jose Cuervo and stirring your meat to ensure its cooked properly. Your roommate Casey giggled and Layla downed a shot with you while blasting a Pitbull song. After plating your dinner of carne picada tacos topped with all your usual veggies and homemade Salsa you smiled while your friends posted pics to their instas, Captioning “BB y/n made us food”.  “I still can’t believe you told Nami her tits were fake” Casey giggled while shoving a fistful of popcorn into her mouth. “y/n said her tits and her ass were fake” Layla corrected and you smiled at your dorky friends. “She deserved it, nothing I said wasn’t true. You all were sprawled out on the couch pilled high with fluffy blankets watching a random episode of The Nanny and laughing at random jokes Layla said while scrolling through her Insta feed. “OOOOOOh Valeria is getting ice cream with Subin” Casey practically pouted at the post and you sighed knowing your roommates crush on Valeria which did not go unseen by Layla, causing a metaphorical lightbulb to go off in her head. “You know Casey, Valeria is going to be at Jin’s party on Saturday” Casey being held buzzed sat up catching the bait and worried her bottom lip “Is she?” Layla nodded “This could be your chance to get a fistful of all that Latina, metaphorically and not so metaphorically” she crudely added with a wiggle of her eyebrows and you literally face palmed at your best friends words. Instead of being equally gassed out, Casey however downed her coke and stood up triumphantly “It’s time I tell her!” Layla stood up with her screaming a loud ‘yaaaaas queen’ and both pairs of eyes looked towards you sitting their nursing your Sprite. “What?” you questioned and immediately regretted when both girls practically jumped on you, squishing you between their bodies. “I can’t confess without knowing you and Layla are both there” Casey pouted her soft pink colored lips causing you to shake your head. “You do not need me there while you confess to your crush.”  “But what if it goes bad? what if she rejects me, or worse; makes fun of me? What if i need to leave and I’m crying and I have snot everywhere an-“ Before she could continue you sighed and covered her mouth with your right hand. Nodding you stood up and smiled at both girls “Fuck it, Let’s get your Girl!” you knew Casey had liked her for literally an entire year and you knew you’d feel like shit if you weren’t there supporting your friend as she bared her heart. “I’m only doing this for you though, so know that I love you.” ——————————————— While the rest of the week you were dreading the party Saturday knowing Nami, Taehyung and the other were going to be there, it was Thursday night that was the straw that broke the Camels back. You had just finished returning your copy of Ulysses when you passed Nami practically hanging on the redhead talking about her Angel costume for Seokjins party. Rolling your eyes as you passed you stopped as you heard her ask “What are you rolling your eyes about? This is a private conversation” she flipped her hair over her left shoulder and you yet again rolled your eyes. “This is a public hallway, which means anything you say that can be heard by others can in fact get a response be it verbal or physical by someone other than the intended person in the conversation.” You were just about to turn around when she hmmphed “Whatever, mind your own business” turning around you were met with Layla jogging towards you. “Hot Stuff, what are we going to wear to the party? I’m thinking Doja Cat from the ‘Juicy’ MV, omg you should be -“ Before your best friend could continue, Nami stepped towards you with her arms crossed. “And how did someone like you, get an invitation?” punctuating the ‘you’ she pointed at you. “Jin and I are both on the Volleyball team” Layla stated and turned towards you “And he said I can bring whoever I wanted.” “I still don’t know why you hang around people like her” she once again pointed to you with her baby pink manicured index finger. You knew Layla had money and could very well fit in with their group. You sometimes felt like you were her downfall, the anchor to her social climb. But she always reassured you that she hated people like Nami and never understood why out of everyone, she hated you in particular for the passed two years. “Maybe because she’s my BEST friend, whoever gets invited to the party doesn’t involve you Nami. It’s JINS party, not yours.” Layla shook her head and you bit your bottom lip while curling your fists at your sides trying to calm yourself down.”Maybe she should be Donkey from Shrek, or maybe an edgy emo kid from 2010 with her ugly tattoos” Nami smirked and you heard Taehyung ‘who was scrolling on his phone let out a light laugh, his deep baritone further fueling Nami’s ego. “Have you ever even been to a party? like have you ever even left you dorm for something other than classes and your jobs” she sneered at the words jobs. “You should just reconsider coming, people like YOU don’t belong. People like YOU really should know your place” Your jaw visibly ticked “Seems like you have an obsession with anything my best friend does, is this like you having a big lesbian crush on her?” Layla said while placing a hand on your shoulder and doing her best Janice from Mean Girls impression. Before Nami could say anything back Taehyung nodded out a “Guess we will see you there then, bye Layla, bye y/n” turning to leave. Nami rolled her eyes and checked her phone “Not like it’ll matter what you wear, wait, OMG you should soo wear a ghost costume, it would suit you. Get it? cause you’ll be invisible and you don’t belong” then turned around, her yellow heels clacking against the tile as she following Taehyung down the hall cackling. “I still don’t know why she’s always hated you of all people? like it’s been two years of the same thing with her. I honestly don’t know how you haven’t hit her. I’ve seen you fight” She smiled and grabbed your hand, holding it while you all made your way down the hall, which made you smile and let out a small giggle at her comment about you fighting. She knew about your childhood and how you practically lived at you neighbors boxing gym to let off steam as a stress reliever. You had agreed to find a suitable costume as rage filled you from Navi’s moments and Taehyung’s lack of interest in the matter. (not that you would’ve expected much from him)
As you scanned the rows of costumes hung on the wall neatly you waited by the changing room while Layla and Casey tried on their costumes. “I think i’ll just go with this one” Casey smiled softly while twirling in her peter pan costume, her blond bob swishing lightly. “It’s so cute!” you hugged her and turned to see Layla emerging with a shake of her head “This isn’t giving me enough Doja Vibes”. You let out a hmm and pulled the pink/red mid length wig from your left and threw her a pair of red tights telling her to go put those on while you scoured the items on the racks.  Layla finally emerged from the dressing room after you finished giving her the scattered pieces you had found. Clutching the green watermelon rind skirt, she twirled around in the same manor Casey did earlier and shook her pinky/red bandeau covered chest at you. After tightening the green suspenders that were connected to the skirt she smirked “Now it’s your turn Babe, and Casey and i are paying” before you could interrupt her she continues “not buts! You agreed to find a costume” Shaking your head you said a chorus of “No’s” vehemently at every option she held in front of you. “Y/n you need something to accentuate how hot you are! make her eat her words” you huffed and shook your head “Naughty Nerd is not the way to go Nami” Hanging the customer back on the rack she mumbled a “she said nerd so i figured hot nerd would be well, hot”. You grabbed a simple Witch costume that consisted of a mid length purple dress and a black hat with matching stockings, something low key but still a costume. Before you could go pay for it Layla grabbed your hand and stopped you. “No, y/n that isn’t enough, plays were paying” she pointed to herself and Casey who nodded.  “Layla I don’t want to draw anymore attention to myself, I don’t need to look “hot” cause I’m not. I’m just a regular person who isn’t enough for these people. I’ll never be or do enough” You look down at your right arm and traced the intricate patterns of your black and white peonies and hibiscus that lined your inner arm. Your friends had never seemed you look so vulnerable, and something in Layla snapped.  “She called you invisible and said you weren’t enough but guess what? She knows all about you makes sure you’re always uncomfortable around them. Which means she sees you as a threat”. you bit your bottom lip at her words “She has called you ugly, ratchet ‘which who says that anymore, poor, insignificant and she made fun of you working your ass off to pay your tuition because your deadbeat parents can’t do shit for you. You’re the smartest person in class, you’ve got street smarts and fuck man, you can literally kick a grown mans ass. Remember when those guys were grabbing Casey at the club and you stood up for her and literally fought two of them and won? Little miss prissy bitch couldn’t stand a 5 secs with that y/n. I know you don’t bother with fighting her cause you’re afraid of her connections and getting kicked out of school but fuck y/n grow some balls”  Snapping your head in her direction you walking up to her standing in her face and exclaimed “Firstly Taehyung is the smartest in my Econ class. Secondly, don’t you think I’m already aware of what she says about me? don’t you think i want to punch that stupid smile off her face full of fillers? You wan’t me to grow some balls? FUCKING FINE, but I’m not wearing a “sexy nerd costume.” Smirking and trailing your fingers along a row of costumes  you looked at your friends. “I’ll show her just how hot I can be”  Layla smirked at you “That’s my girl, so what do you have in mind then” You slid your fingers along what felt like vinyl. Cocking your right eyebrow up you gripped the material. “What’s hotter than the Devil?” ——————————————— Standing in front of your mirror in your bedroom you were already regretting your choice in outfits for tonight. As you stared at yourself you reminded yourself why you were doing this. You were going to prove a point and that was all that mattered. you were going to prove you weren’t any of the negative things Nami said about you. Running your hands down the scrappy vinyl like material that was covering your chest and part of your upper body. Your hands stopped above your navel where the top stopped and you cocked your hip to the side, descending your hands further down your bare skin to the top of the matching vinyl like skin tight pants that resembled shiny black liquid covering your skin leaving little to the imagination. You plopped yourself in front of your desk to the makeshift vanity that was full of makeup products for the nights preparations. Curling the ends of your hair you laughed as Layla pranced around shimmying to Nasty by Brooke Candy. “Don’t trust that hoe he N A S T Y” you all yelled the lyrics.  Finishing your Deep Burgundy and black smokey eye, you applied a sharp winged eyeliner and smoked out the lower lash line. Applying small round black jewels under your eyes you finished the look with a deep burgundy matte lipstick, fluffy lashes and a soft pink toned blinding highlighter. “We have like 5 minutes, get your asses in gear” Layla announced as you were tying your simple black leather choker around your neck. After zipping up your over the knee 5 inch stiletto vinyl black boots, you placed your black horned headband on your head securing the little clips in your hair and primped the strands around your face to frame sexily.  The ride there was filled with bopping to music and Layla yelling that you were a bad bitch out of the windows for all of the campus to hear which caused you to yell as the Uber driver. Taking a deep breath, you exited the car and holding Layla and Caseys hands, you walked the short distance of the walkway to Seokjin’s Lavish off campus Townhome. The smell of weed and alcohol mixed with the sound of loud bass thumping greeted you as Layla pushed open the door. Walking through a sea of bodies you felt several pairs of eyes on you and you had to remind yourself it was fine. Settling yourselves in the kitchen, you started to make you all some drinks while Casey looked out for Valeria and Layla handed you cups and bottles. You decided simple Margaritas on the rocks were safe for the night and handed them to your friends. A tall and beautiful man you knew as Seokjin himself walked in and greeted you all, making sure to give Layla a hug to which you noticed her little blush creeping down her neck.  “I’m glad you all could make it! Layla are you Doja Cat? omg Casey you’re Peter Pan! y/n are you the devil? oooooh are those Margs I see?” SeokJin asked which you nodded and asked if he wanted one as well. “Yes please! I suck at making drinks, oh and please just call me Jin” Smiling you stirred the mixture into a clear cup and handed it to him earning a dazzling smile. As he took a sip, Jin pressed his right hand to his chest over his heart “You NEED to come to all of my parties and make me drinks. This is so delicious” As he mimicked the chefs kiss signal you laughed and Layla beamed a smile at him. “Y/n works as a bartender part time at Nely’s next to campus” You nodded and sipped you drink while surveying the beautiful white marble kitchen and chrome accents. “You have a beautiful Home Jin” you smiled to him which made him softly pat you on the back “Thank you! I take pride in my kitchen. It’s where I blow off steam from Volleyball practice” Layla shook her head “You need to blow off steam? you practically don’t even sweat while we run plays” to which Jin scoffed “We all need to blow off steam Layla” You and Casey watched as both people seemed really comfortable with being around each other. You noticed Layla blush and Jin smile every time their eyes met. “Oh you’re here” said a shrill voice you knew none other than Nami herself, dressed in a fluffy white see thru robe, white satin dress that barely covered her butt, knee high white vinyl go-go boots, white lace stockings and sitting atop her head a thin gold halo attached to a headband. Next to you Layla smiled and placed her hand on her hip “Yeah, we said we would be here so here we are” you heard the brattiness in her voice and giggled when you notice Jin staring at her hips. “Ew, don’t stay too long” Nami said while walking out. Jin shook his head which prompted Layla to ask why he had invited Nami. “Well our families are friends and my roommates are friends with her” You cocked an eyebrow” You have roommates?” Before Jin could answer you heard a deep baritone laugh getting closer, turning your head to the side you saw Taehyung accompanied by Hoseok walking into the safe haven of the kitchen. “Tae, Hoseok, come meet Layla and her friends Casey and y/n!” Jin smiled “These are my roommates” As the men stepped closer you tried your best to cover the shocked look on your face. “HEY we have two devils!” Hoseok yelled out and smirked.  Taehyungs hair was parted down the middle and some of his fringe was swept up into two red ‘horns’ he donned black skin tight vinyl pants, red shiny shoes that looked a lot like Gucci Mules, a sequined Blazer with only one button down right above his navel that accentuated his chest as he decided to forgo a shirt and a thing black choker similar to yours but tied in a small bow sitting in the hollow of his throat. Feeling his eyes roaming over your body and landing on you horns you busied yourself by chugging your drink and earned a holler from Hoseok. “Hey y/n can party!”  Before anything else could be said, Casey spotted Valeria who was waving at you all to join her in the living room. Throwing your cup in the trash you followed Casey out of the now suffocating kitchen and tried to hide your expression as your eyes met the Red Devil while you slid passed him.  “Hey girls!” Valeria smiled and hugged you both causing Casey to blush. Layla had stayed in the kitchen talking to Jin which made you smirk knowingly. “This is Subin” the man next to her looked up from his phone and sent a side your way, you noticed his costume as a werewolf from the looks of his tattered ripped shirt and what looked like a gnarly bite mark on his collarbone.  “Hi I’m y/n and this is Casey” Casey narrowed her eyes at the man and how close he was standing to Valeria mumbling out a ‘I know who Subin is’. As you four talked you noticed Valeria standing closer and closer to Casey while laughing at some inside joke they shared. Before you knew it Valeria had swung an arm around your friend and they shared a soft smile. You really hoped all went well for Casey, if not, you might have to kick some ass. While you were thinking of the cuteness overload that Casey and Valeria together could be you heard a shuffle from your right “you look nice when you smile” Subin smiled at you and you felt the pink tint forming on your cheeks. As Casey pulled Valeria with her outside for some “fresh air” which you knew as go time. You decided to get straight to it and ask Subin himself “Are you and Valeria a thing?” choking on his drink he coughed out a loud ‘no no no no’ and you cocked an eyebrow. “Val and I are just friends, plus she’s not really into someone like me like that?.” “Someone like you?” Nodding Subin smiled knowingly and looked towards the door both girls had just slipped through. “As in she like boobs, your friends boobs to be exact.” Your eyes widened “Wait no! not her boobs, she liked your friend in general i was just saying boobs to accentuate how Val wouldn’t like me anatomically.” You giggled at how flushed he had gotten and he smiled along with you. You hadn’t noticed a pair of eyes staring as you talking to the man dressed as a werewolf. Hoseok noticed the look in his friends eyes, it was the same one Taehyung had gotten anytime you rolled your eyes at him, ignored his presence or had gotten in a heated debate. He had been sporting that look every time he looked at you for a little over two years now. Since your first year of college when you had shared a Psych class and battled for top spot in class. He knew his friend had taken an interest in you and it never dissipated.  Taehyung sipped his beer and kept his eyes glued to your face while you smiled and laughed at something the man next to you had said. Hoseok was tired of nothing coming from this and slammed his beer down hopping onto the coffee table earning a ‘that wasn’t cheap get down!’ from Jin “It’s beer pong time!” Hopping off the table he stood in front of you in all of his Napoleon Dynamite Glory. “Y/n come play beer pong” he smiled at you and you could help but notice how beautiful Hoseoks smile was. Shaking your head “I don’t think i’ll be playing tonight Hoseok but than-“ Nami cackled at you from her band of barbies and interrupted “ Hope, don’t waste your time with her she isn’t worth it. Plus she probably can’t even play, she’s never even been to a party before.” Thats what caused you to roll your eyes and place your hand into Hoses outstretched one. “I’ll play”. You and Subin followed Hoseok to the side of the living room where a few beer pong tables were already set up. Layla and Jin had joined you as well, intrigued to see you playing. “Okay teams of two. Usual rules of no leaning over the table, must drink your drink if a ball is sunk, one re-rack per person on each team, and if a trick shot made with one hand behind your back and a foot away from the table is sunk by the opposing team they may make a request that you have to complete. Said request can’t be anything illegal or THAAAT bad. “Can I take a shot instead of drinking a beer? I don’t really do well with beer” you asked honestly which cause Hoseok to holler “Fuck yeah!”  Before you could pick a teammate Hoseok smiled and pulled Taehyung over “We have to have the two Devil’s playing” You shrugged and asked Subin if he would be your partner to which he smiled an ‘of course’ which earned a cock of an eyebrow from Taehyung which Hoseok noticed and smirked. “I’d be on Tae’s team but I think to make it fair we should have another female” Nami walked over laying her hand on Taehyung’s shoulder and smirked “I’ll play” you rolled your eyes and mumbled an ‘i’ll play’ mimicking her shrill voice which earned a chuckle from Subin. “Ooh an Angel and a Devil on the same team, how heaven and hell” Hoseok smirked and set up the cups handing each team their set of ping pong balls. Layla and Jin brought you a bottle of tequila (your eyebrows shot up when you noticed it was ‘Gran Patron’ and then you remembered these people are well off. You had made the marg’s with a different bottle of Patron which while not cheap wasn’t as expensive as this particular bottle was) and shot glasses to replace the typical drink of beer if a ball is sunk. Beer really didn’t sit well with your stomach, you assumed it was the carbonation.  “Layla you do know this is like a $500 bottle of alcohol right?” Layla smirked and Jin smiled responding “I don’t really drink Tequila unless it’s in a marg and my uncle left this bottle here from his last stay, as far as I’m concerned you can have it.” You opened the bottle letting the smell of Agave fill your senses and re capped it. “Ready?” Hoseok asked to which both teams agreed.  Taehyungs team started to which Nami missed her shot, the next shot was Subins and he sunk it, picking her to chug what looked like some sort of fruity cider. Taehyung was next and he lined up his shot before seemingly sinking it before he looked up “Subin drinks” he said smoothly and Subin drank what was left in his cup. You were up next, carefully lining up your shot you watched as the ball plopped right into the cup and looked at the duo in from of you. “Nami drinks” Nami rolled her eyes “Ughh again??” she exclaimed and you smirked “What? can’t keep up?” you asked to which she grumbled and drank what looked like another cider. Nami sunk her next shot and picked you to drink, as you poured the liquid into your shot glass you smirked right at her while downing the shot like it was water. Unknown to you, a pair of dark eyes watched as you licked your lips while placing the glass down. The game continued with each of the teams missing and sinking shots until you won the game, hugging Subin you both had only had around 3 drinks each and decimated the other team. Taehyung called for another game as in 2/3 wins to win the full game. You had surprisingly agreed but only because Nami wouldn’t shut the fuck up with her little snide comments and you loved the look on her face every time she missed or you sunk her shot.  The second game continued until there were only 4 cups left on your end and 3 on the opposing team. You and Subin hugged each other after your last shot that nailed Nami yet again and she held her stomach calling celebrity shot which basically called Hoseok into the game to replace her. You were 5 shots in and feeling light, not nearly drunk but nicely buzzing as you could hold your liquor well. Stepping in Hoseok smirked “Imma flip things up, If i sink this shot ya’ll gotta do my request” Folding his left arm around his back he took a few steps away from the table and focused on nailing the center shot, and to your surprise he actually did nail it. “Hmm little devil, I request that you take a shot” Your eyebrows shot up as that sounded easy enough. “Oh dear, not a normal shot. I’m talking about a body shot, your partner needs to lay on the table and you have to follow all body shot steps down to the lime in his mouth.” Rolling your eyes you turned to Subin to ask if it was okay with him. Your buzzing partner agreed and insisted after you asked if he was sure. Laying his body down on the table with the crown of his head facing Hoseok and Teahyung. He lifted his shirt up to his chest so that you could sprinkle salt from his navel up to his chest. Filling the shot glass, you placed it above his belly button and gave him the lime wedge to slip between his lips. Taehyung gritted his tech as you climbed onto the white table situating yourself above Subins lap. People who were watching the game from afar gathered closer to watch as you once again asked Subin if it was okay and he smiled a yes. Leaning down you tentatively dragged your tongue from his belly button up to his chest licking up the salt, then dipped back down to his belly button and wrapped your lips around the shot glass leaning up and getting the liquid pour into your mouth and down your throat. You crawled up his body and carefully took the lime from his mouth, making sure to dig into the flesh of the lime and not actually touch his mouth. After all, you just met him and didn’t want him to think you were taking advantage of anything. Throwing the wedge into a discarded cup you hopped off of the table and handed Subin a napkin to wipe the remnants of salt and tequila off of his body.  “Can we get on with the game?” Taehyung grumbled and you rolled your eyes nodding. Subin sunk his next shot and Hoseok took a shot of Tequila instead of chugging a beer. It was now 3 to 2 and Taehyung missed his next shot, too focused on the way you were fanning your hand over the back of your next from the warmth the liquor was giving you. It was your turn and you sunk your next shot causing Taehyung to chug the beer Jin handed to him. Hoseok smiled and once again moved his left arm around his back “Might as well make it interesting, another request for another trick shot” you rolled your eyes and smiled at the brunette as he wagged his eyebrows and closed his eyes. You truly did not think he would sink another trick shot, let along with his eyes closed. But as you watched the ball sink into one of your cups your eyes went wide. You heard hollers and screams hyping up the shot that Hoseok had just made and mentally readied yourself for another body shot. “If you’re thinking I’m going to have you do the same thing, you’re wrong” Your eyebrows furrowed and he smirked “It’s Subins turn to take a body shot” Taehyung let out a deep warning “Hoseok, don’t” You didn’t understand why he would have a problem with it but you turned around to look at Subin to ask if he was once again okay with such a thing. He nodded and in turn asked if you were okay. Smiling you handed him a shot glass. After you situated yourself the same way Subin had, you saw him falter on where to put the salt since your top stopped right above your navel, and you grabbed the bottle of salt from his hand and placed a trail from your collarbone up your next. You figured it was safer than your cleavage.  Subin handed you the lime wedge and you softly bit into it watching him fill the shot glass and place it above your belly button. Layla looked down at you and smiled as she saw you getting chorus of “Fuck yeah y/n” which had made Nami who was sitting down roll her eyes. Climbing into your body and leaning down, Subin let his tongue drag along your collarbone to your neck slowly before leaning down and wrapping his lips around the shot glass in the same way you had done to him and leaned up to gulp it down. Leaning down once again he was about to take the lime wedge from your mouth when a hand n his shoulder stopped him. Before you could ask what was going on you saw a strand of red and felt a pair of lips on yours pulling the lime away.  Taehyung had had enough, he was tired of seeing you with Subin and even more tired of the games Hoseok was playing. When he watched Subin lean down to your mouth he couldn’t take it anymore and his body reacted on it’s own. Doing what it had been wanting to do for years.  You watched as Taehyung spit out the lime wedge a leaned back down to capture your lips in his in an upside down kiss. A chorus of oohs and oh shits followed which caused you to push him off and jump off of the table. You shook your head at him and wrapped your arms around your body “What the fuck Taehyung?” you asked but before anybody could answer you, you asked Jin where the bathroom was to which he pointed out and you ran there hearing a “wait” being yelled but you didn’t care you needed to get out of there. You were being watched by everybody and that accompanied with the kiss from someone you thought you hated and assumed he hated you as well, well that was too much. Walking into the first floor bathroom you slammed the door and made your way to the sink. You looked at yourself in the mirror then looked down, bracing your hands on either side of the sink trying to calm yourself down.  You could hear the bass thumping, causing the walls to lightly vibrate. There was a loud knock on the door followed by a series of “y/n please please open the door.” Letting out a deep breath you ran your index finger along your lash line, wiping any excess makeup that had smudged during your beer pong game. Stepping towards the door you swung it open only to be greeted with your best friend flinging herself on your short frame despite the high heeled boots you donned. “Hi, I love you, and before you say it. I know you want to go home but please don’t let those people get to you. So what if Tae kissed you? Don’t even acknowledge that ass wipe, and omg you should’ve seen Navi’s face when he kissed you. She legit looked like she was going to blow up like some sort of doll filled with helium!” Layla placed her hands on either side of you, softly gripping your shoulders, her deep brown eyes staring into yours softly. “Hey, talk to me? If you really do want to go home, i’ll go with you. But I really think you shouldn’t let anything that just happened get you down. Let’s just go back to the living room and dance all these feelings away! You’ve got me, Jin, Subin and Casey and Val ‘not that i know where they are.” While she rambled on you took in your surroundings, noting the pristine glass shower situated in the corner followed by the chrome towel rack that supported plush light grey towels. The porcelain toilet stood across from it, tucked into a corner of the light grey walls that matched the towels. As she finished her speech you already knew what you had to do, you weren’t going to let this get you down. You were so fucking tired of letting people get to you, you had no control over your life growing up but you sure as hell had control over your current self. You had amazing friends, were incredibly intelligent, worked your ass off at both of your jobs and were happy with the way you looked. Quirking up the left corner of your mouth you leaned in and planted a big smooch on your besties left cheek. “Layla, you’re right” Surprise crossed your best friends face, followed by a knowing smirk. “That’s my best bitch! Let’s get our asses down there and show them what a bad bitch you are, not that you haven’t already. I mean, dude you totes slammed like 6 shots no problem and you look HOT AS HELL.”  Giggling you took her arm into yours and let her take you down the hallway into the crowded living area. The LED lights lit a soft purple hue that bounced off of the cream colored walls, further creating that fantasy look that enticed party goers to let all their inhibitions go. You noticed someone had moved the coffee table to a far corner closer to the beer pong tables, which had expanded the makeshift dance floor. The DJ was bopping his head to the current track he was mixing and the sea of bodies moving themselves to the beat was massive. You clutched Layla’s hand in yours as she pushed her way through the dancers and you all finally settled closer to one of the couches that had been pushed to a corner opposite of the tables where Jin, Subin and Hoseok had been waiting for you two. Jin placed a hand on your shoulder as if you check if you were alright and you smiled while nodding. “I’m so so sorry y/n, are you okay?” Subin asked and searched your face for an answer. Smiling at the man who had been your partner in crime for the passed hour, you nodded. “It’s all good, no need to be sorry. I do need another drink though. I think that little stint in the bathroom may have sobered be up more than i’m happy about.  Hoseok smiled and shouted a ‘Gotchu’ before he bounded back off to the kitchen mixing up some concoction you knew would be strong. “Theres seems to be a lot more dancing than before” you jutted your chin towards the sea of bodies and Jin laughed. “I think most people are in that drunks haze where dancing is all they can do since they can’t seem to stand straight.” You chucked softly as you knew all too well how dancing enticed drunk people. The brunette thrusted a clear cup into your hands, quirking an eyebrow at him he responded with a chuckle. “It’s just bourbon on the rocks” Testing the liquid in the cup you smiled confirming it was in fact bourbon and nothing gross. You spotted Nami hanging herself on Taehyung in the corner towards the tables, your eyes met as she looked back at you with what looked like rage. Leaning her body upwards she leaned in towards his right ear and appeared to be whispering something to which he shook his head while staring into his glass. This seemed to upset her, huffing she once again leaned back up and attached you pink gloss covered lip to his neck. For some reason this had annoyed you to no end. For years Nami had been al over the tall man, only to be semi rejected with her advances which had brought you an odd sense of joy and seeing her lips on his neck as he just stood there caused you to rip your gaze away fro the pair and bring your cup up to your still burgundy tinted lips as the lipstick had faded away and left you with a just bitten look. Leaning you head back you downed the contents of the glass and slammed it down on the nearby end table that was situated by the couch. “Let’s dance?” you handed Jin your purse pulling Layla to the dance floor with you, not needing an answer to your question. As you both pushed through to the middle of the grinding crowd you best friend leaned in to your ear letting you know she’d be right back. Before you could ask what she was doing you saw her watermelon headband bounding up to the DJ who nodded when she leaned in close to him. As the first notes of the beat started you couldn’t help the smirk that planted itself on your lips. You giggled as Layla shimmied her way towards you and the first lines of the song began. Letting your body sway to the music, Layla laid her hands on your hips. “That’s my best friend, she a real bad bitch. Got her own money.” You both sang as you moved your hips in her hands.  Placing both of your hands on her shoulders you turned her around and pulled her back close to your chest. Jin had been staring at your friend’s hips swaying along with yours and you decided you wanted to put on a show for him. Running your hands up her tight covered thighs up to her waist she leaned forward and gave her ass a little twerk causing you to chuckle. Turning her body around she gripped your hand in hers and spun you around, you made sure to wiggle your hips as you spun. “She been down since the jellies and the bow-bows” you shimmied your hips and saw Casey and Val bounding their way towards you two. As they got closer you noticed Caseys Peter Pan hat had gone missing and Vals pink lipstick was smudged, both girls walking hand in hand. Throwing Casey a knowing smirk she shrugged lightly and Layla wrapped her arms around both girls, creating a circle. “Where have you BEEN?” Layla yelled over the music at the two but shook her head after taking in their appearances “Nevermind I don’t want to know, wait, or do I?” wiggling her eyebrows she smoothed down Caseys wild blonde bob. Val seemed to enjoy the blush that had formed on Caseys cheek and she leaned close to place a kiss on either cheek, further fueling the crimson on her cheeks. As the intro to Bad Bitch by Bebe Rexha came into play you all raised your hands up into the air and swayed to the beat. Hoseok came into view, thrusting a shot into each of your friends hands and you all posed for his snapchat video while downing the shots of what tasted like whiskey. “Gross, I don’t know how you like liquor” Casey said, her cute face scrunching up into a sour expression and you giggled.  Leaning down you touched your toes and twerked your ass to the beat earning a “fuck it up” from Layla and Val. As you ground your hips back into your best friend you looked up catching Taehyungs burning gaze on your flushed face. Cocking an eyebrow up at him you turned around in Layla’s hold swaying your hips. “Ugh, prissy bitch incoming” Layla whispered into your ear and you followed her eyes to Nami who pulled Michelle and a bored looking Taehyung onto the dance floor. Your eyes followed Navi’s movements as they slid up and down the devils chest and Michelle settled her hands on his shoulders behind him. Your jaw tensed as Nami’s hands trailed up to his neck. Meeting his dark gaze you narrowed your eyes slightly and shook your head, turning around and grabbing Hoseoks hands pulling him closer to you. The LED lights turned a deep red hue as the opening to Streets - Silhouette remix started and Val exclaimed “Let me put this on insta, y/n your horns loom so good in this light!” Posing with your back towards Hoseoks with your head leaning onto his shoulder, the latter gripped your hips and leaned his face into your neck while Val took the picture.  As the tune changed and the beat dropped with it’s intoxicatingly slow beat you swayed your hips against Hoseoks, bending your knees and slowly sliding up and down his body. Trailing his fingers up your sides he grilled your hips and turned you around to face him. You heard Layla lean into Casey saying something along the lines of ‘oh shit’. ‘I found it hard to find someone like you’ you slid your body down the Brunettes, never leaving his gaze ‘send your location come thru’. Leaning back up you rolled your head around and he wrapped a hand into your hair, his other gripping your right hip tighter. your hands settled themself on his shoulders and you leaned towards his left, your eyes catching onto Taehyungs dark gaze, his eyes never leaving yours as Hoseok ground his hips into yours. Even as Nami wiggled her hips in front of his and trailed her hands under his blazer, his arms stayed at his sides, never touching the Angel nor the Bunny who still danced her body against his back. Hoseok knew his friend was watching and he couldn’t help but smirk, gripping your hair tighter he moved your face towards him and pulled you in until you were a few centimeters from his lips as he moved your hips along with his. ‘We belong and I can’t be without you’ Doja’s voice crooned through the speakers as Hoseok leaned in closer to your lips over the hazey cloud of smoke and tightly packed bodies. You internally debated wether or not you truly wanted him to close that gap and land his lips on yours, but the only thing you could think of was the gaze of a certain someone on yours.  Before you fully decided on if you wanted the man in front of you to kiss you, your body was pulled away from his. A strong grip was formed around your wrist and all you registered was Layla and Casey wide eyes before you were being pulled away from the dancing bodies and up the stairs. You barely registered the click of a door being opened followed by your back hitting the hard wood. “What the hell were you doing?” Taehyung rasped out staring deeply into your eyes with a mixture of what looked like want and fury. You placed your hands on his chest pushing him back slightly and jutted your chin upwards. “Excuse me? I was dancing with my friends and Hoseok, not that that’s any of you business” Taking a step towards him. “What the hell do YOU think you’re doing? dragging me up to this room and thinking you can manhandle me.” Receiving no answer you shook your head and were prepared to turn around and walk right back out of that door. “You drive me fucking insane. Seeing that Subin guys hands all over you and then you dancing like that with my best friend.” You felt yourself being pressed against the door once again with his large hands on either side of your head, his rings glinting against the soft light filtering in through the open curtains. Cocking your eyebrow up at him you stood your ground. “What? are you Jealous?” you snorted out. “Yeah, yeah I fucking am” At his surprising answer you looked up seeing nothing but want in his deep eyes with a glint of something else you couldn’t quite place. “You’re fucking insane. Don’t play with me” you rasped out, your voice hoarse from singing and dancing earlier. “I’m not playing” was all you heard before your head knocked back against the wooden frame of the door followed by a pair of plush lips crushing yours with a ferocity you suddenly craved. He tasted like cinnamon and liquor and you loved it. Something inside you both seemed to snap in that moment and you trailed one of your hands up, curling your fingers into his soft hair and tugging on the makeshift horns it was styled into. Your other hand settled itself onto his warm chest fingering the labels of his blazer. Taehyung growled out at you reciprocated the kiss and trailed his right hand down the door, settling on your hip and pulling you impossibly closer to his body. Feeling teeth nibbling at your lower lip you gasped out and he took the chance to slide his tongue into your mouth, your tongues immediately fighting for dominance. Tugging his hair harder you felt his hand that had been on your hip slide lower until it was gripping a handful of your ass cheek, followed by a grunt. You could still hear the music that was thumping downstairs but it was slowly being drowned out by the man in front of you. The plush pair of lips that was against yours slowly trailed down to your jaw, nipping at the flesh softly until they reached your neck. Nuzzling his face against your warm flesh as he littered the area with whisper soft kisses. Slipping your hand under his blazer you trailed your nails lightly along his skin earning a low hiss from his deep voice. Smirking, you dug you nails harder “You’re playing with fire babygirl” Taehyung gripped both of your hands into one of his large palms and pressed them against the door frame grinding his hips into yours. Feeling his length against your covered core you couldn’t help the soft whine that escaped your lips. Taehyung trailed his lips back to your neck and sucked on your pulse point causing you to arch your back. “Y/n i really don’t want to stop, but I need to know that you want this too” the man in front of you pulled back slightly while he waited for a response. Letting out a small ‘yes’ he leaned back down capturing you in another searing kiss. Flexing your wrists in an outwards circular motion you freed yourself from his grip and took a step forward placing your hands against his chest and effectively spinning him around so his back hit the door.  Despite the height different even with your heels you kept your palms flat on his chest with your strength, keeping him against the door. Arching a dark brow up at you Taehyung smirked. “Not going to lie, that was pretty hot” you felt him grumble against your mouth as it attached itself to his tan neck. Sucking a few bruises against his flesh you felt his need growing against your stomach and you couldn’t help your involuntary clench of your thighs. His smell was intoxicating, a mixture of fresh linen, cinnamon and musk. You felt his hands trail up the backs of your thighs and grind the flesh under your ass, signaling you to wrap your legs around his waist. Leaving one more bite against his neck you complied and jumped up latching your legs around his sturdy hips. Walking you both backwards, Taehyung leaned you downwards until your back was hitting the large bed tucked against the wall. Arching your back towards him you pulled him onto your body by his shoulder and moaned into his mouth as he captured your lips in his. Biting down on your lower lip hard, Taehyung ground his hips down against yours.  While his mouth felt incredible against yours you knew you wanted, no, needed more.“Need more” you whispered out causing his to chuckle against your lips and lean his body up. Smirking down at you he cocked his head to the side and trailed his index finger up your torso and chest. “Sorry love, I couldn’t hear you. What was that?” Rolling your eyes you reached up tugging his hair into your grip. “I said, I.Need.More” you said though gritted teeth at the knowing look in his eyes. “Why didn’t you say so earlier?” before you could retort you felt his mouth latch itself on your collarbone and his hands trailing down your legs, pulling the zippers to your boots down before tossing them on the floor somewhere. Trailing his hands behind your back he began trying to undo your top. “While these straps are hot, they aren’t fucking functional for shit. How the hell do I take this off?” Taehyung practically growled out causing a chuckle to leave your lips. Leaning up slightly you helped him unhook the main portion of the top and pull the strappy harness over your neck. Tossing the item he had been fumbling with to the side he couldn’t stop admiring your breasts covered only by your black lace bra.  You shivered as he trailed his hands up your chest, his cold rings causing your nipples to perk up and a gasp to leave your mouth. Leaning his face down, Taehyung started trailing soft kisses along your chest downwards to your torso and back up. His hands were once again at your back, this time working fast successfully unhooking your bra. Looking into your eyes he hooked his fingers under the straps on your shoulder and slowly pulled down releasing your breasts from their confinement. Biting down on his lip he started at your perky nipples and full breasts. He had always loved your curves and didn’t ever think he’d get to see them this way. You felt his soft lips wrap around one of your nipples and gasped as his tongue lightly flicked against the hard pebble. Your hand in his hair pulled him closer to your chest and he smirked. He pinched your other nipple between his fingers which earned a low moan. His mouth being soft on one of your nipples and his fingers being rough on your other one caused an intoxicating juxtaposition and you couldn’t help the little whines that left your throat. Fiddling with your button and zipper, Taehyung successfully started to pull your pants down, leaning up and leaving your nipple with a loud pop of his mouth. Tugging to pull your pants off of your legs he hissed when he saw your core only covered by your thin lace panties. You heard your pants hit the floor in a loud thump and bit your lip in nervousness as you realized just how exposed you were in front of this infuriatingly beautiful man. “You’re fucking beautiful” He rasped out, trailing his eyes up your body and landing on your face. Before he could hike your legs open and upwards you spoke up “You have way too many articles of clothing on” Smirking he complied with your request and popped the single button holding his blazer together, sliding it down his shoulders and throwing it in a heap on the floor. You heard his shoes being kicked off as well before he leaned back down to resume his earlier ministrations. His large hands slid down the insides of your thighs and pulled them open to reveal your soaked panty covered core. You swore you head him let out a low whine but before you could comment on it you felt a warm pair of lips latch onto your clit through the fabric. Arching your back off of the bed you gripped his shoulder in your hand. Taehyung rubbed his index and middle finger along your slit and hooked themselves around the fabric pulling it to the side and exposing yourself to the cool air and his waiting mouth. Laying his left palm flat against your lower tummy he leaned in giving you a soft tentative lick to your slit. Biting your lip between your teeth you moaned out when he latched his mouth around your clit and sucked harshly. “F..Fuck” Hearing your moan he sucked against and gripped the flesh of your thigh with his other hand keeping your legs open. Alternating between sucking and flicking his tongue against your sensitive nub he loved the way you tasted and couldn’t get enough of it. If it was up to him he would do this all day every day.  You ground your hips up into his mouth causing him to smirk against your cunt. “Needy” he growled out and trailed his fingers that had been on your thigh down to your slit, running the tip of his middle finger around your opening before sliding itself in to the knuckle. You brought your right fist to your mouth and bit down to keep yourself from moaning out. Slowly pumping his finger in and out, he watched as your finger disappeared into your wet heat taking him in so good. “Fuck you’re wet” Looking up into your eyes he saw you biting down onto your fist and stopped his ministrations “ If you want more I need to hear you babygirl” Muffling a ‘please’ you released your fist from your mouth and wove it into his hair. Pleased with your sounds he continued sliding his finger in and out of you, adding his index finger into your heat hissing at how tight you were. “Shit you’re tight, gotta make sure you’re nice and ready for my big cock babygirl” Arching your back, you felt his press against your inner walls and curl his fingers causing you to dig your fingernails into his shoulder and tug his hair harder with your other hand. Latching his mouth back onto your clit he lightly hummed which sent vibrations through your body. Whining with need you continued grinding your hips up onto his face and rolled your eyes closed. Taehyung looked up at you watching your fucked out expression and almost choked when he heard you whining his name. Working his tongue against your click he started to harshly pump his fingers into you before slowing down and inching his middle finger into your heat. You felt your cunt burning at the stretch but the look in his eyes caused another gush of arousal to seep out and coat his fingers further. “Jesus..fuck you’re so hot and you taste so fucking delicious” As he slowly pumped his fingers in and out you felt your stomach clenching, that familiar feeling on your realize building with each flick of his tongue against your clit. “Tae.. Tae i’m going to cum if you keep doing that.” Sucking harshly he curled his fingers and pressed against your g spot “Cum babygirl, let me taste you before I slid my fat cock into your needy cunt” Rolling your eyes back you felt your legs start to shake as you gripped his hair almost painfully between your fingers. Your stomach tightened and you felt yourself clench around his fingers. Your breath becoming shallow as you let out a series of ‘oh fuck yes’ and ‘omg omg’ your hand that had been on his shoulder came up to your chest as your pinched your nipple between your feelings and felt the metaphorical dam of your orgasm approaching.   Taehyung sucked harshly before grazing his teeth lightly against your clit and your eyes shot open feeling your legs convulse and your toes curl. With a final whine you felt yourself cum all over his tongue which he licked up like a starved man. Breathing deeply you felt the sweat drip down your brow for your intense orgasm and when he stood your eyes followed down his torso gleaming with sweat and down to the prominent bulge in his pants. Biting your lip you caught him staring at your cunt that had just cum around his finger and he started to pull your beyond soaked panties down and off of your legs. Looking back up into your eyes he slipped each finger between his plums lips and licked them clean.  Groaning at the action you felt yourself clench. “Think you can take more baby?” He smirked at you and you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him against you and ground your soaking cunt against his covered length. “You’re getting me all dirty, fuck that’s hot” He growled out and slid his fingers down unbuckling his belt. Popping the button of his pants, he pulled the zipper down with your eyes following every movement. Sliding his pants down his thighs he kicked them off and hooked him thumbs into his black briefs. You couldn’t tell if you were really drooling but once his slid his fried down and his cock sprang free you knew me heard your very audible groan followed by a clench of your thighs. Sliding his hand along his shaft, he pumped his leaking length a few times and reached to the side opening a drawer and seemingly looking for a condom. Gripping his arm you shook your head “I’m on the pill, are you clean?” His eyes widened at the possibility of what you were saying and he nodded “I haven’t had sex in a few months and when I did I wore a condom, I also get checked every month if you want to see the results I have them on my pho-“ You cut him off by leaned up and kissing him. As you layed back down against the pillows you smiled up at him an he swore he felt his heart flutter and his cock pulsate. Hooking his right index finger under your thin leather choker he pulled you up and he ground his uncovered cock against your dripping pussy. “As much as I love these, they have to come off they’re barely hanging on your head. Not knowing what he was talking abut you felt his fingers prodding at your scalp and finally run through your hair with the devil horned headband and clips in his hand. Setting them down on the beside table he leaned back piping his cock and wrapping his fingers around his thick head of his shaft. Leaning down he took your mouth against his and you felt his thick tip push against your slit. Locking your ankles around his back you ran your hands down his shoulder and gripped his back. Your walls pulsated around him as he slid in inch by inch and you threw your head back as your walls accommodated his thick size. When he finally bottomed out in your heat he stilled letting you relax as he filled you to the brim.  Sliding his tongue against your he grunted when you involuntarily clenched around him. “You're so fucking tight, you make me crazy” he growled out and settled his mouth against your neck, nipping and sucking the skin as he slowly pulled out only to ram himself back in. Moaning loudly your grip on his shoulders tightened and you knew you were leaving crescent moons on his luscious tan skin. “Crazy? you seem pretty soft to me. Why don’t you fuck me and show me just how crazy I make you” you teased. After sucking harshly on your neck he sat back up and gripped the undersides of your thighs pulling them apart from his hips. “You’re so bad, want me to ruin you? Open you up with my fat cock?” you nodded and  trailed your tongue along your lower lip preparing yourself for what he was about to do.  Ramming himself up into you again you grated your teeth and looked up into his dark eyes. His rhythm was slow and harsh, pounds into you with each thrust of his hips. Your walls enveloped him and he swore he wasn’t giving you up after this, hell he wasn’t giving you up after that first kiss on that beer pong table. He was going to make sure you knew how he felt and hopefully you felt the same way. If not, he’d respect it but at least he’d know you knew how he felt. Watching your tits bounce with each thrust he heard you mumble out a raspy ‘faster’ and he complied, pushing your thighs farther up against your chest. At this knew angle you swore you felt him in your stomach. “Oh god” you ground out and his eyes flashed even deeper if that was possible “Fuck yeah, moan for me y/n”  Sliding himself in and out of you at a fast pace, you could hear his balls slapping against your ass. The room filled with shallow breathes and curses spewing from either of your mouths.  Taehyung slid his palms under your ass and gripped your cheeks between his large hands, squeezing harshly before pulling you up so you were sitting on his lip with his cock still stuffed inside of you. As he thrusted upwards you met his thrusts by bouncing your hips and wrapping your legs around his waist. His hands held you by your ass, pushing and pulling your body on and off of his cock. Leaning towards him you sucked a bruise onto his neck and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. Feeling his cock his that sweet spot you shuddered and clenched around him tightly. “Stop doing that before I cum” he gritted out and you pulled back from his neck smirking. “mm maybe that’s what I want” With a sharp thrust upwards into your tight cunt he splayed his right hand agains the bottom of your spine and pulled you as close as you could get. “You’re devilish, I swear. You want me to fill up your little pussy with my cum? is that what you want? to get filled?” his deep baritone voice filled your ears and you clenched impossibly tighter around his shaft. “T..Tae fill me up..I need it!” you moaned out loudly and he pushed your body back down onto the bed, pushing your ankles towards your chest he situated himself on his knees and started ramming into you to the point where your body slid against the bed. Reaching one hand down, he lightly gripped your neck. “Yeah? want me to fill you up? Then cum baby, cum all over my cock.” “Tae..Tae..I’m going t..to cum. Fuck you’re so deep” your eyes fluttered closed as he gripped your throat and you held onto his back. “Cum for me y/n, let me feel you soak my cock as I fill you to the brim” Feeling your body start to convulse you opened your eyes to see his fucked out face, sweat dripping down his cherry colored hair and down his neck. His hand flexing on your neck and his abs flexing with every thrust. His low moan of your name sent you over the edge and you clenched around him. Your thighs closed around his hips and you moaned out his name. Curling your toes your this quivered and your inner walls fluttered around his throbbing shaft. Arching off of the bed and towards him his grip on your neck loosened and he leaned down capturing your hips in his as his hips stilled and you felt his warm cum spitting inside of your waiting heat. Thrusting his cock back in and out slowly he let out a low groan as the remnants of his cum filled you.  Taking deep breath he watched your face as he slowly slipped out of you and trailed his eyes down to watch the clear and white liquid leak out of you. Letting out a deep whine he leaned forward and captured your lips between his. His lips were soft against yours, still passionate but not as fiery as they had been earlier. Pulling back his gaze studied your face. “Tae..I” before you could continue he shook his head. “Wait before you say anything, please let me get this out. I’m sorry for the way things happened tonight but I don’t regret any of it. Iv’e literally liked you since we first argued about the attributes of the human brain during psych. That one time you called me an aloof imbecile I almost pulled you out of class and kissed that pretty look off of your face. I assumed you hated me and it made me mad, instead of being a normal human being and just asking you why you hated me I decided to take it out on you. If you didn’t like me, at least I could gain your attention arguing with you.” “And tonight, seeing you with those other guys..I couldn’t help but think it would’ve been better if it was me. I needed to stop being a pussy and just fucking tell you how i felt.” He shook his head as he spoke. “ What about you and Nami? and the fact that you laughed the other day when she made fun of what I should be for halloween and my tattoos” Scrunching his face he sighed. “First of all Nami is just a friend, well more like a family friend. Iv’e known her since I was young and I guess I was just used to her being there. Nami and i have never done anything and never will. Secondly, I didn’t laugh at whatever she said. to be completely honest I drowner out her voice after she asked how you got an invite. I has laughed at a meme Jin sent me of our other friend Namjoon whos away for a semester in Paris, with a bald cap on looking like a grandpa due to his old school vibe he always has. That being said, i’m sorry I never defended you when she said anything to or about you. I really wanted to but you were always so good at defending yourself and that one time Jose defended you, you had turned around and told him you didn’t ‘need a man’ to defend you. So that combined with me thinking you hated me, I just assumed you’d end up really hated me and wouldn’t give me the time of day when we argued anymore.” Climbing off of your body Taehyung sat down next to you and studied your expression. “I don’t hate you per say, I hated that you always argued with me, I hated that you scored higher than be despite never seeming to study while I worked my ass off, I hated that you came from money, you never had to fight for what you wanted or what you deserved. I hated that you were Nami’s friend and always seemed so aloof, like you really didn’t care about anything. But I didn’t..I don’t hate you as a person” you turned towards him. “Who said I never study? My parents would kill me if I scored sub-par. Hell, the only reason I can live here with Jin is if i keep up my grades and don’t disappoint them. If i didn’t care about anything my ass would be living in on campus housing and having an RA breath down my throat while my parents called me everyday asking if I was completing the study forms they sent over. Yeah I’m well off, but that’s my parents money and they worked hard for it. They put hard work and intelligence above all else.” your eyebrows rose at his confession and you get bad. You had assumed so much about him these passed two years and none of it seemed to be right. “I think that’s why I started to like you so much, you’re so intelligent, you work so hard at everything you do and you carry yourself like such a strong person. You kind of scare me if i’m honest” his deep voice chuckled and you smiled. “You’re beautiful inside and out”  Taehyung said softly brushing his thumbs against your cheeks. You could feel the tenderness in his chest and your heart fluttered. “Maybe I liked you too, maybe that’s why I always waited for you to argue with me. I like how intelligent you are, I like that you always have something to say about whatever point I’m trying to prove.” You said softly and the corner of his mouth lifter slightly “liked? past tense” Rolling your eyes you covered your face and grumbled. “fine, LIKE. As in present tense” Taehyung stepped off of the bed and chuckled “THE y/n likes me? i’m honored. Sure its not cause I just made you cum twice?” throwing your arm off of your eye you watched his figure retreating into another door before flicking a light on. “Shut up Tae!” Chuckling he emerged from what you assumed was an ensuite bathroom with a wet cloth and situated himself between your legs. “I like when you call me Tae” he said and you blushed, feeling the cool cloth wipe gently along your folds. Sliding the cloth along your legs he finished cleaning you up and smiled up at you gently with his every so beautiful boxy smile. Returning to the bathroom to drop off the cloth you heard the water turn on and assumed he was cleaning himself off as well. Letting your gaze look around the room you noticed the bookshelf across from the bed you were currently on. On its shelf sat different picture frames, books and what looked like plushies. On the other side of the same wall sat a dark grey desk complete with a laptop, a mini plant and various knickknacks and a chair with a navy blue hoodie that you noticed to be Taehyungs hanging off of the back of the chair. Next to the bed was a nightstand that had a lamp, an iPhone charging dock and a bottle of water. The door that connected to the rest of the house was on the same wall. Against the wall to the right of the bed was a large dark grey dresser that matched the desk and what you now noticed to be the bed frame. On the dresser sat bottles of cologne, accessories and a picture frame. Next to the dresser was the door Taehyung had disappeared into and another door you assumed to be maybe a closet. Furrowing your brows you realized this was Taehyung’s room and not just another guest room. Up until his confession earlier you assumed he lived in a luxurious off campus house paid for by his parents. While this was a luxurious Townhome it still wasn’t what you had pictured. As Taehyung walked out of the ensuite he opened a drawer and dug through until he found was he was looking for. Sauntering up to the bed he handed you a t-shirt and what had seemed to be your phone that had been tossed on the floor earlier and pulled on a pair of briefs over his legs. Holding the soft cotton material in your fingers you smiled and thanked him before slipping over your smaller frame. Checking your phone you immediately noticed a series of texts from Layla starting from concerned up to a text that had a winky face telling you to ‘get it, I came upstairs to check on you but your moaning let me know you were doing just fine’. Smacking your palm against your face you blushed bright crimson. Taehyung who had looking over your shoulder when you gasped at the text was giggling and you smacked his chest. “Ow, you hit hard” He said while still giggling. “So, would you..uh stay the night and maybe grab breakfast with me in the morning? I mean know that we’ve realized we both don’t hate each other and we kind of lik-“ Pressing your lips to his you felt him smile against your lips before you pulled back. “Yes, now can we sleep?.” Nodding Taehyung pulled you against his chest and brushed a few strands away from your face as your eyes fluttered closed. Running his hand along the flowers that decorated your right arm he smiled to himself before eventually closing his eyes as well. Interesting how Misunderstandings happen, isn’t it?
Omg this was supposed to just be a drabble from the pic of red haired Tae and inso from a game of beer pong, BUT ALAS this monster was born. this is my first fit so any constructive criticism is appreciated. Any love is beyond appreciated too <3 I have some ideas for other pics but i just want to get my page situated first. Any messages are welcome too <3 i lub talking to people.
-C otherwise known as, Potitties
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twstlotus · 4 years
Hi! Welcome to the fandom! Can i please request some fluffy headcanons for Azul, Jade, Rook and Malleus with a reader who brings them homemade lunches and eats with them? Thank you!
Will I ever learn how to condense the length of my writing? Stay tuned and find out!
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul’s face flushes a deep red when he sees the lunchbox you prepared for him after class, wrapped so lovingly and neatly. All while trying to hide the crimson color on his cheeks by pretending to fix his glasses. He knew you had a talent for cooking and working with knives (something that he finds trouble in), but to use that talent for him…
When he finally calms down, he unwraps the packaging somewhat gently. He was treating it as if it were a fragile cup of glass. Well, he wouldn’t want to ruin the handiwork you put into the packaging itself either. Wrapping paper with small, mini-octopuses drawn onto it? He finds it endearing.
The moment Azul opens the lunchbox is the moment that all the effort he put into trying to withhold the crimson shade on his cheeks immediately goes to waste— he’s a blushing mess, to say the least.
The smell of deep-fried shrimp, the sight of small octo-dogs, and heart-shaped rice; it’s the perfect recipe to have his heart explode into a million bits. He offers to have lunch with you at a bench outside near the cafeteria, though sometimes he stumbles on his words slightly.
The two of you share your lunch hours peacefully. Azul is savoring all the tastes and flavors from your cooking, especially the fried shrimp, while you giggle when you notice the wine-red color lingering on his cheeks.
You would sometimes try to spoon-feed him but he declines every time for the sake of his reputation. You don’t mind, though, you get to see his cheeks redden whenever you propose the idea so it’s a win-win!
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Jade Leech
Jade had never seen you cook, he didn’t doubt that you could, but he never even fathomed the idea that you’d use your skill for him— so imagine his surprise seeing you run along the halls with a lunchbox in your hands after class…
Before he opens the lunchbox, he suggests that the two of you have lunch in the Mostro Lounge instead. There are a few tables that are in a more secluded area of the Lounge so you could both have some peace while you eat; you agree.
Lady Luck seemed to favor both of you today— the Mostro Lounge wasn’t as hectic or full as it would have usually been and Floyd was still in classes, meaning that no you wouldn’t be disturbed! Of course, you kept the last part in your thoughts. No need to say something as rude as that, especially about Floyd to Jade.
When he opens the lunchbox, his eyes are greeted with the sight of his favorite octopus carpaccio, framed into a heart-shape and the parsleys above it made into a sort of v-shape, slightly resembling a heart; next to the carpaccio were a few onigiris, among other things as well.
Jade finds it endearing that you organized his meal into such an adorable way, it’s charming to him. He expresses his fondness with a sweet smile before digging in.
“Oya, oya, this is very…,” he pauses, “...delicious!” The eel states, giving you a somewhat teasing grin. My, did you think he was going to object against your cooking?
Jade continues to eat his meal until it’s finished, sharing you a portion as well despite your protests. He’ll express that he enjoyed your cooking greatly; perhaps even surpassing the Mostro Lounge’s exquisite cuisine! Ah, but don’t tell Azul that he said that. He also suggests that the two of you do this more often, he’ll also cook for you as a trade— he isn’t very skilled in such cutesy or casual ways of cooking, but he’ll try to cook something for you outside of what he usually serves for the Mostro Lounge.
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Rook Hunt
Rook lets out a delighted gasp when he sees you with a lunchbox from afar, calling out his name. Oh, mon! What has his little bird fetched him now?
A look of surprise and excitement paints his face when you say you cooked lunch for him. My, to think that a little bird such as yourself would cook something for him? The elusive hunter? Le chasseur d’amour? Regardless, he’ll be flattered.
The blonde suggests that you eat with him under a tree with lovely flowers he spotted before. It’s not very far from classes so if either of you needed to hurry back somewhere else, you’d get there promptly— but he’s not opposed to having to carry you back to class! With his speed and endurance, he can run quite swiftly if needed. 
You decline the offer; as nice as it would be in Rook’s arms, it’d be strange to see a teenager with a (girl/boy) in their arms being bridal carried, rushing through the halls.
The scene at the tree is as enchanting as Rook described it to be— flowers in full bloom in an array of colors, the grassy parts of it were all clean and it was trimmed neatly, and the tree was tall and large enough to provide you and Rook shade to sit under. It was as if Mother Nature built this entire area for you and Rook alone.
Rook opens his lunch and when he sees the katsu placed so neatly, sauce put in a small plastic cup to use for the katsu and small broccolis on the side; he puts a hand over his mouth, commenting that it looks and smells wonderful and exquis.
“Oh mon Dieu...c’est marvelous!” He loudly comments, happily eating more and more of everything served in his box. He also spoonfeeds some of it to you, stating that it wouldn’t be fair if he were to eat it all himself, and you deserve a reward for your gift!
After he’s done, he takes your hand in his own and brings it to his lips, kissing the knuckles of it and thanks you for the meal, praising you even more. He also states that he enjoyed his lunch greatly because of you and how he’d like to eat with you more often, whether it be you cooking or not!
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Malleus Draconia
The fae is puzzled as to why you requested him to come to Ramshackle dorm at lunch period, mentioning a small “surprise” for him (ah— but it wouldn’t be considered a surprise anymore if you just outright told him, now will it?)
Once he arrives, he’s greeted with your welcoming smile and you invite him inside— he’s just as puzzled as before. “Did something happen, Child of Man? Are you in need of help?”
You shush him and instead lead him to the Lounge and to a table near a lit fireplace you lit and a sofa on the side. On the table was a lunchbox neatly wrapped in green packaging with small lizard stickers on it.
Malleus seems dazed— far more confused than he was before! You giggle quietly to yourself at his confusion before stating that you invited Malleus here to have lunch with you, even if it was just for a short while! You mention that you don’t see him roaming around in the hallways or school often, and you thought it’d be better to make up for all that lost time together with lunch in Ramshackle!
He finally understands your message and once he does, he’s rather surprised. Inviting him here…? He’s shocked that you’d do such a thing, let alone think of it, but it doesn’t make his “thank you” any less sincere.
He thinks the packaging on his lunchbox is cute. Child of Man, what do you perceive him as? A toddler? He chuckles to himself. Regardless, he’s touched by the fact you made something just for him and wonders what you could’ve prepared for him.
Once he opens the lunchbox, he’s impressed by how neatly you organized it and how cute it looks! You have celery shaped similar to his precious Gao-Gao Dragon Kun friend and small slices of meat shaped into a heart. It’s a bit of a simple treat, but he knows how much love and effort you poured into his food and that’s already enough for this dragon fae!
While eating, he mentions how nicely you tidied up Ramshackle dorm. He was only ever able to see it when it was in a state of disrepair and abandoned-looking, and while he didn’t mind the dorm appearing as such, it was refreshing to see it look so homey.
He thanks you for the meal and says that he enjoyed it tremendously far better than what Lilia gives him, but it’s when you suggest that the two of you eat lunch together more often that his heart flutters at your offer— but despite being taken aback, he accepts gratefully with a sweet smile tugging on his lips.
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hc about iruka cooking
iruka absolutely knows how to cook. he started because there’s only so many times you can eat take-out before you can physically feel your organs failing and then it became a way to take care of his friends. 
the aunties in his apt building give him recipes and tips all the time. 
when anko came home after orochimaru took her, he fed her until she fell asleep. when she woke up the next morning to the sound of iruka making breakfast, warm and cozy on iruka’s spare futon with a belly full of food, she knew she’d be okay. 
he brings over bentos for genma and raidou cause he knows none of them can cook and he’d rather not have his big bros/older cousins die from kidney failure at age 22. 
when asuma is too mad at his father, he comes over and they eat barbecue on the roof and get absolutely smashed (after a certain amount of drinks asuma becomes a sentimental drunk and starts talking about his problems and as much iruka would like to take away his issues he unfortunately cannot punch the hokage without getting accused of treason) 
izumo and kotetsu come over every other weekend to check up on iruka and for their biweekly poker game (they’re both absolutely sure he’s cheating, they just haven’t proved it yet)
hayate becomes friends with iruka through genma and raidou. iruka comes over to their apt one day to drop off the bentos and hayate just happened to be crashing on the couch that day. they bond over trying to get genma and raidou together. now when hayate wants some peace he goes over to iruka’s and they drink tea on his balcony. (later when hayate gets sick, iruka starts making more medicinal teas. they both agree that it tastes like shit)
back when he was on team red flag, he used to make bentos for itachi and ibiki. (anko would just eat at home with him) near the dissolvement of their team (iruka would later learn it was because itachi slaughtered his entire clan), itachi kept coming to training with horrendous eye-bags and he kept refusing to talk about what was bothering him so iruka started leaving little notes in his bento. little post it notes in different shapes with words like “i believe in you itachi!” or “what would sasuke say if he saw those eye-bags” and “if you keep coming to training with those eye-bags i think ibiki sensei might actually force feed you a sleeping pill”. that last one gets a smile out of itachi, iruka counts it as win. (on the very last training before the massacre itachi gives iruka a homemade bento with a post-it note in the shape of the uchiha clan symbol that says “ ‘i’m sorry if the bento isn’t very good. you were a good teammate, thank you for everything.’ -uchiha itachi”) (the note sits in a box covered in 7 layers of seals in the back of iruka’s closet along with anything he could salvage from the wreckage of his home after the kyuubi attack, the team photo and few other items. iruka refuses to open that box)
iruka makes onigiri in different shapes for ibiki-sensei. at first iruka stuck to traditional triangle shaped onigiri but then he tries branching out. the first time iruka sees ibiki smile is when he made cute bunny shaped onigiri. (turns out ibiki-sensei is kind of a huge softie under his whole act of “i’m-the head-T&I-agent-at-the-tender-age-of-19-fear-me-young-shinobi!!!”)  
iruka finds naruto passed out in the bushes near the red light district. he carries naruto home. when naruto finally wakes up, iruka asks him “what were you doing so close to the red-light district?”
and naruto looks a little confused “i live there, why am i in your home?” 
“you live there?” 
“isn’t that what i just said mr. what, you cant hear?” 
“what do you mean you live in the red-light district?” 
“jeez if you need it spelled out for you fine. my apt is in that neighborhood. when i got old enough, the lady at the orphanage kicked me out and old man hokage gave me my own apt. said i was man enough to live by myself or whatever. do you understand now?” 
iruka’s so fucking close to just punching the hokage. what the fuck, making a child live in the red light neighborhood. anyway the more iruka thinks about, the more mad he gets.
so he changes the subject, “why were you passed in the bushes?” 
“oh sometimes i get dizzy and my eyesight blurs out and i just pass out” 
fuck iron deficiency, iruka remembers passing out all the time when he first started living alone after the attack. 
“what do you eat everyday?” 
“what kind of questions are these mr. first you ask me where i live, then you ask me about why i passed out, and now you’re asking what i eat everyday? you never answered my question. are you one of those creeps mr.? i’ll have you know i’m a super awesome ninja and i can totally take you down! i’ll even tell old man hokage about you.” 
“i’m asking cause you look hungry and passing out all the time is a definite sign that you’re not eating enough. anyway i’m making dinner and if you want you can have some before you leave. tonight is katsudon and rice.”
naruto thinks it over. on one hand he doesn’t know this man but on the other hand this man took naruto back to his apt and is now offering free food and naruto is so very hungry. well that’s an easy decision, naruto is definitely staying. 
“fine i’ll have some food”
iruka laughs “okay then! go wash your hands and if you want i can draw you bath. do you want me to draw you a bath?” 
“you’d let me shower at your home mr.?” 
“yeah why not?” 
“you’re not worried about me dirtying your house?”
iruka bends down to naruto’s height “well are you going to dirty my house?” 
“no mr. i promise! ninja’s honor!”
ninjas don’t have honor iruka thinks but it’s a cute promise from a kid who doesn’t know better so he’ll take it. 
“okay then let me draw you bath and lay out some clothes for you okay? dinner will be ready in an hour. take as long as you need in the bath. if you need help just call out for me okay?”
“yes mr.!” 
(after they’re done eating, naruto has rice grains all over his face, naruto asks “hey mr.? what is your name?” 
“jeez kid i thought you’d never ask. the name is umino iruka, you can call me iruka sensei.” 
“my name is naruto sensei!” 
“i know” 
“you do?” 
“of course who doesn’t know about the kid who painted the hokage monument. i’ve heard a lot about you naruto” 
“of course you have! i’m naruto uzumaki and i’m gonna be hokage one day, believe it!” 
“of that i have no doubt.”
naruto looks up at iruka in shock 
“now now don’t look so shocked. anyone with the kind of determination you have is bound to achieve their goals. my question is how is our hokage-to-be gonna become hokage if he only eats ramen?” 
“don’t worry, you can come over and eat food here. i’ll make sure our soon-to-be hokage gets all the nutrients he needs. so that when you’re giving your acceptance speech, i can tell everyone that i’m the reason their hokage made it to 20.” naruto is laughing now. 
“now” iruka says “ go brush your teeth, you can pick out which tooth brush you want, and go straight to bed. don’t start arguing, i saw you yawning. come you can sleep on my bed, i’ll take the couch.”
later as iruka watches naruto sleep, he thinks it’s time to move into a bigger apartment, preferably one away from the red-light district and one with 2 rooms. hayate always did say that he picked up strays, well what’s one more iruka thinks)                         
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let-it-raines · 4 years
your wonder under summer skies (9/?)
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Summer in Storybrooke, Maine means one thing for its residents: tourist season. This year, for Emma Swan and Killian Jones, it means relationships ending and friendships changing all the while they attempt to figure out just what their relationship is. It’s somewhere straddling the line between friends and lovers, and there’s no guarantee of a soft landing if they fall into new territory.
rating: mature
ao3: beginning | current
tumblr:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 
“Do you have on sunscreen?”
“I basically took a bath in it, Marg.”
“You’re looking a little red.”
Emma sighs and looks down at her chest before turning to her shoulders. She’s the slightest bit pink, and she sighs. Dammit. She sprayed herself down twice before she got here, and it’s only been an hour since she’s been outside.
“Do you want to finish the rest of these inside then?”
“We’ve only got a few left, but you need to make sure to reapply before we go out to the festival.”
Emma nods and keeps stuffing bags with water bottles and snacks. They’ve got to get these to Ashley and Aurora before lunchtime and then need to get to the dining rooms to check on their members. Mary Margaret can leave after that since the club is mostly shutting down early to encourage everyone to support local businesses and the festival, but Emma’s got to meet with two brides before she can go. She doesn’t know why the hell they picked her to coordinate over Mary Margaret, and if she got paid by commission, she’d really appreciate that. Since she doesn’t, though, and really only wants to get a tan and eat funnel cake, she’s not too interested in having to talk weddings for a few hours.
“So,” Mary Margaret hums, “have you met the new Sheriff?”
“Nope. David likes him, doesn’t he?”
“David loves him! Oh, Emma, he’s just great! David says he’s organized and always on time, and he’s great at building morale. We had him over for dinner last night, and he was the sweetest thing. Very handsome, too.”
Emma’s hand falters on the bag of animal crackers she’s holding before she drops them in the bag and glances over at Mary Margaret, who is doing her best to avoid looking Emma in the eye.
Smooth, Marg. Real smooth.
“No? I didn’t even say anything!”
“You are about as subtle as a gun, Mary Margaret Noland. You’re trying to set me up with the new Sheriff, and I’m not interested. I mean, I just broke up with Neal.”
“A month a half a go!”
“After five years, a month and a half doesn’t seem like that long, does it?”
Mary Margaret finally has the courage to look at her, and Emma wants to be annoyed. She really does. She just can’t seem to find it in her today to do that.
Good intentions, she reminds herself. Mary Margaret and David nearly always have good intentions.
Doesn’t mean she has to like them.
“I’m not ready to date someone, and I don’t think the new Sheriff is rebound material for me.”
“Well, why not?”
“Because you like him, and David works with him. Do you really want for things to be awkward when I inevitably break up with him?”
Mary Margaret’s sigh can probably be heard in Australia. “How do you know you’re going to break up with him?”
“Because I’m not ready to date! I just said that. I’m not too interested in getting hurt again.”
“Oh, Emma, those walls of yours may keep out pain, but they also may keep out love.”
She’s going to crush these poor kids’ animal crackers if her fist doesn’t loosen soon.
Good intentions.
Good intentions.
Good fucking intentions.
“Marg,” she whispers, “I had my trust ruined by a man I thought I could have been with forever. That doesn’t just go away, okay? You’ve been with David for your entire life. You guys have only been apart for two days in fifteen years. I’m sorry, but you can’t possibly understand what I’m going through right now or how damn hard it is to know that Neal is still in this town walking around with Tamara without a care in the world. I loved him, and that wasn’t enough yet again. So maybe just let me have some time, okay? Let me be able to see Neal walking down the street and not have a meltdown. I’m not ready to seriously date someone else.”
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean – ”
“It’s fine,” Emma lies as she inhales and tries to get some much-needed air into her lungs. “Let’s just finish up here. The sooner we’re done, the sooner I can get to my funnel cakes.”
“You and those funnel cakes.”
“They’re the best part of the holiday.”
“Not the fireworks?”
“Nah, it’s the funnel cakes.”
Mary Margaret drops the conversation, and she miraculously doesn’t bring up anything having to do with relationships for the rest of their day. It’s all updates on the bathroom renovation in the house and David’s new obsession with homemade lasagna, which Granny is definitely going to be pissed about. Then she moves onto Elsa and Liam’s wedding, which does verge a little into the relationship territory but is also their job, so she lets it slide.
Mary Margaret was very much meant to help others plan their wedding days. The sparkle in her eyes alone shows that.
After they check in with the two luncheons that are happening, Mary Margaret takes her leave and goes home, promising to meet Emma at Eric’s restaurant later tonight. Emma’s brides are both early, both far too overenthusiastic, but they keep under their hour-long appointments, and by four, Emma is in her car and on her way home to change and get ready for tonight.
The funnel cakes are still calling her name.
As soon as she gets home, she takes her shoes off at the door, heads back to her room and changes into a bikini before pulling on a pair of jean shorts and an old flannel shirt. It’s too big on her, and when she looks down at it, she realizes it’s Killian’s. For a moment, she considers changing, but it’s comfortable and will be warm for after the sun sets.
Plus, his cologne is still lingering, and he wears some damn good cologne.
It’ll also annoy the hell out of him if she doesn’t give his shirt back, so the benefits of keeping it on continue rolling in.
Getting to the boardwalk is nearly impossible with the roads blocked off for some of the rides and booths that have been brought in, so Emma ends up turning around and driving on the outskirts of downtown before finding parking outside of Killian’s place.
Skipper greets her through the window of a back office, and Emma taps on the window before looping around and heading through the back door so she doesn’t set off that damn alarm.
“Hey, boy,” she greets, “hey, you working hard, my friend? Giving yourself a case for employee of the month?”
“I am employee of the month, always.”
Emma jumps and backs up against the wall to close her eyes and take a few deep breaths to calm her heartbeat.
“Where did you come from?”
“So, my mum and dad, somehow, had sex, and then – ”
“Somehow? Do you think parents don’t have sex? That’s how we all get here.”
“My parents hated each other for most of my life. I can’t imagine them ever liking each other enough to want to sleep together.”
“Hate sex is a thing.”
“I will pay you to stop talking.”
“Really? How much?”
Killian steps up to her and dips his head until his lips brush across the shell of her ear. “Whatever your heart desires.”
A shiver works itself down her spine and up over her arms as gooseflesh appears, and Emma’s breath stutters. “I’ll stop talking if you buy me a funnel cake.”
“I’ll buy you two.” His teeth tug down on her ear before his lips brush against her cheek, and then he’s pulling back and putting some space between them. “Give me twenty minutes to set up the answering machine, and then we’ll walk to Ariel’s together. Can you feed Skipper for me?”
“Is he not coming with us?”
“No, I didn’t want to have to keep up with him tonight, and the fireworks scare him.”
“Do they scare you, buddy?” she says to the dog as she scratches his ears. “They scare you, and your dad is going to make you stay here all by yourself? That’s not very nice.”
“I’ll leave the TV on for him, Swan. He won’t hear a thing.”
“You love Killian so you can’t see his flaws, but a good owner would never leave you.”
Emma snickers as Killian groans behind her. “If you want to walk him for the next several hours, feel free.”
“Nah, I’m good. Is the food upstairs?”
“In the kitchen.”
Emma nods and starts walking up the stairs, whistling so Skipper will follow her up, and when she gets to the kitchen, she finds the bag of food, pours it in the bowl, and then refreshes his water bowl while he eats. A bit of water accidentally splashes on the counter, and Emma picks up the mail that got wet to try to keep it from getting even more wet.
“Going through my mail then?”
“Good God,” Emma breathes out, “do the two of you insist on scaring the shit out of me?”
“Excuse me?”
“Nothing, nothing,” Emma sighs, turning around to see Liam. “Your brother just scared me when I walked in the office downstairs. I swear the two of you don’t have footsteps sometimes.”
Liam shrugs. “Is he downstairs?”
“Yeah, he’s making sure everything’s all set for you two to take the night off. Elsa told me you found tuxes you like. You know, if you have enough groomsmen, they might give you a discount on rentals or on yours if you want to buy it. I know you haven’t decided on everyone, but it’s something to think about.”
Liam’s lips press into a forced smile. “I will keep that in mind.”
Silence falls between them, and Emma awkwardly shuffles the mail in her hand before dropping it back to the counter. She doesn’t remember the last time she was in a room alone with just Liam, and really, she should be better at coming up with small talk since she has to do it all day every day.
Or, maybe, she can’t do it now because she’s just so damn tired of doing it and can’t put in the effort.
“So, would you happen to know who my brother is seeing?”
Emma nearly chokes on air. “What?”
“Do you know who Killian is seeing?” Liam repeats, stepping closer as the floor creaks below him. “You two are close, and, I don’t know, he’s keeping who he’s seeing from me, which he’s never done before. I figured you…I guess I was curious and wanted to know.”
Oh God.
No. Just no.
She is not having this conversation, especially when this conversation is about her.
Not that Liam knows that.
Wait. Is it her? Or is he seeing someone else? He could definitely be seeing someone else at this point. She thought he would have told her, though. That was the agreement.
He definitely would have told her. Killian is a man of his word. Of that, she is sure.
“Is he seeing someone?”
Liam clicks his tongue, and damn, that is such a Jones thing to do. “I assume. He doesn’t come home some nights, occasionally takes a longer lunch than usual, and I swear he’s been sneaking someone in and out.”
Oh shit.
How many times has Liam almost caught them? That’s not good at all. At least she hasn’t had to jump out the window again. That was a pain in the ass. Literally.
“Look,” she sighs as she straightens her back, “even if did know who he was seeing, it wouldn’t be my place to tell you his secrets. If he’s not telling you, I’m sure he has his reasons.”
Liam’s eyes narrow as he crosses his arms over his chest, and if she got a dollar for every time he did that, she’d be rich. “So, he is seeing someone?”
“I don’t know. Let him tell you whatever he wants to tell you. He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.”
“Doesn’t hurt to have someone else helping him out.”
“It does if that someone can be overbearing.”
“Are you referring to me?”
“I really feel like I don’t have to say who I’m referring to.”
“Hey, you ready to go? Ariel texted and – oh, hey, Liam.”
Liam blinks, slowly, before turning from Emma to look at Killian. “What did Ariel say?”
“Just that she’s got the big table on the deck saved for all of us. Do you want to walk with us or are you waiting for Elsa?”
“I can walk with the two of you. Elsa is working in a booth, remember?”
“Of course. We’ll have to stop by and get some ice cream after we get Emma her funnel cakes.”
“Funnel cakes, ice cream, and dinner at Eric’s? That’s quite the spread, lass.”
Emma pats her stomach and smirks at Liam. She guesses their conversation from earlier is done. “What can I say? I like food, and the fair only comes to town once a year.”
“I thought the club put on a fair in August.”
“That’s for kids, and we don’t have funnel cakes. Come on, Joneses, I’m ready to go.”
Killian and Liam spend the entire walk talking about a baseball game from last night, and as much as Emma enjoys it, she really only enjoys watching it, not debating about it when the game is over and done with. She knows she’ll have to debate it when she and Killian go to New York next month, but for now, she drowns them out and looks around the boardwalk. String lights are hung above them, criss-crossing between buildings and stalls, and she can’t wait for the sun to set so they can be turned on. There’s something weirdly magical about fairy and bulb lights when they come on, and really, she’s looking forward to that more than the fireworks.
Obviously, she’s got high-standards for things that she enjoys.
Kids keep running in front of them, not looking where they’re going, and Emma almost trips at least twice before Killian tugs her back so she’s not walking slightly ahead of the two of them.
She would have loved being able to do things like this as a kid. It would have made her life just to be able to waste all of her money on these rigged games trying to win a stuffed animal, but she was never given the opportunity. Now, she knows better than to waste money on something she has no need for.
Except for the funnel cakes, which she can now smell.
“KJ, you owe me two funnel cakes. I’m cashing in on one now.”
He turns his head and raises his brow. “Now? We’re about to get dinner?”
Emma points to the stand a few feet ahead of her. “I can smell it. I need it.”
“There’s quite a line at that booth.”
Emma stops walking and tugs on Killian’s t-shirt while batting her eyelashes. She knows it doesn’t work, but it’s all she’s got. “C’mon. The table will still be waiting for us.”
“You two go,” Liam says. “I think I’m going to see if Elsa needs help. She said she her summer staff working, but I’m sure she might like the company.”
“You could also go let those teenagers enjoy the carnival.”
“That was my plan, little brother.”
Liam winks and smiles. “It’s the same.”
“No, it’s bloody well not,” Killian shouts as Liam walks away, waving as he goes.
“You two have a very weird relationship.”
“You have no idea,” he sighs, wrapping his arm around Emma’s shoulder and pulling her closer until his lips and lightly brushing against her temple, and she swears that he breathes her in. That would be ridiculous, though. “Let’s get you funnel cake one.”
“I would riot if you didn’t.”
The funnel cake is as delicious as she thought it would be, and she doesn’t even care that her lips and her fingers are undoubtedly covered in sugar now. She can look like a clown to everyone as long as she keeps getting to eat this pure, sweet sugar.
Even if Eric is a little agitated with her when they get to the restaurant.
“Are you bringing in outside food to my restaurant?”
“Yep.” She pops another piece in her mouth and makes sure to exaggerate her chewing. “And unless you made onion rings today, this is going to be the best thing here.”
“You do know I am an excellent chef, right? And I can make food other than junk food.”
“She has the palette of a child.” Killian gently tugs on a piece of her hair and pulls her in closer. “Don’t try forcing anything else. It’s not worth it. I, however, will take all of the good food you’ve got.”
“And that is why you’re my favorite.”
“Hey,” Ariel grumbles.
“Besides you, obviously.” Eric shakes his head and smiles. “You two go sit down. I have to get back to the kitchen.”
“It’s never going to be as good as this funnel cake.”
“Shut up.”
Emma sticks her tongue out at Eric because she is the height of maturity. Obviously.
She maneuvers out of Killian’s hold and walks to the table, pulling out the chair across from Ruby while Killian sits down next to her.
“Why are you two so late? Did you finally decide to fuck each other?”
The funnel cake she was chewing gets stuck in her throat, and Emma starts coughing, doing anything to try to get air while her cheeks have got to be turning the color of tomatoes.
“Ruby,” Mary Margaret hisses, “there are children around. Don’t use that word.”
“Why? That’s how they got here.”
“Funny, I feel like I’ve already had this conversation today.”
“So, you were fu – sleeping together then? I knew it!”
“We,” Emma breathes out as she still hits her chest, “are not sleeping together. Why is your mind always in the gutter?”
Ruby scoffs and picks up her wine. “My mind is not in the gutter. I’m just saying that you two are both very hot, and you’ve got this whole sexual tension thing going on. We’re all waiting for it to happen. One day you’re just going to show up and tell us that you’re secretly in love.”
Emma rolls her eyes as Killian’s hand falls against her thigh underneath the table. “We are not secretly in love. And we are not sleeping together.”
His fingers inch further up her thigh, and a shiver runs down her spine.
Killian is the better liar than Emma, so, really, he should be the one lying to all of their friends right now. It’s not really a conversation she thought would ever come up, but it’s Ruby: nothing is safe.
“I’ve always thought you two would be a nice couple,” Mary Margaret sighs. “I mean, you were always with Neal, so I never said anything but – ”
“Never said anything? You talk about it all the time, honey.”
“David, that is not true.”
“It is. You love meddling in other people’s business, and since Ruby is, well, Ruby, the only two you really like to plot about are Emma and Killian.”
“Excuse me? Plot?” Killian raises his brow before winking at Emma. “You’ve been plotting about us?”
Mary Margaret’s face is as red as Emma’s was earlier, and if the woman wasn’t at least showing some remorse, Emma would be agitated.
Maybe she still should be, but she’s obviously on some kind of funnel cake high where nothing can piss her off, even having her personal life examined for the second time in one day.
“I have not,” Mary Margaret protests, flustered. “All I want is for you two to be happy! I thought Emma was all settled, and I really wanted someone for Killian. Now, though, you’re both single, so you know…”
Killian’s fingers tickle along her thigh before he squeezes. She really hopes Ariel cannot see underneath the table.
“And Eric says I’m the meddler,” Ariel sighs.
“You are all meddlers,” Emma finally says. “Each and every one of you. You all need hobbies like painting or reading or, hell, crocheting. Anything to keep you occupied so that Killian and I can keep living our lives.”
“Yeah, living your lives totally wrong.” Ruby swishes her wine glass and tilts it toward Emma. “I’m just saying – when, and I do mean when, you two get together, I want a personalized gift and the ability to say ‘I told you so’ as much as I want without reproach.”
“What kind of personalized gift?” Killian asks. “Just so I can prepare for when Emma finally falls for my charms and kisses me.”
Emma laughs and turns to the side, gently pushing Killian’s arm.
Cocky, annoying asshole.
“Please,” she scoffs, “you couldn’t handle it.”
Killian leans in, eyes slanted and lips curled up to the right while his tongue flickers across his teeth. Emma gulps, but she doesn’t blink, even when Killian’s finger hooks inside the hem of her shorts.
“Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it.”
Glass rattles as someone smacks the table. “See,” Ruby groans, “just look at all of that untapped chemistry. I feel frustrated just looking at the two of you.”
“Okay,” David squawks, his voice breaking, “please change the subject. There’s only so much of this I can take. It’s like hearing about my little sister’s sex life.”
“See, maybe if you weren’t so overprotective of Emma, it wouldn’t be like that.”
“She’s our friend. I can’t help it if I am. And you’re one to talk, Mary Margaret.”
“What does that mean?”
“We just talked about what it means.”
Killian laughs at their friends bickering before leaning into Emma’s space even more. He never really moved out of it, but she didn’t notice.
“For the record,” he whispers as his nail traces along her skin, “we both know that I can handle it.”
Emma swallows the lump in her throat, and she can suddenly feel her heart beating, faster and faster and faster until she feels it between her ears while she blinks at Killian and tries to form some kind of coherent response.
Where the hell did all of her words go?
“Do you think Eric would hate us if we ordered the pizza?” Ruby asks.
“He just yelled at Emma for bringing in a funnel cake and wanting onion rings, so I think that’s a possibility.”
Killian winks once more and then turns from her so that all she can see is his jawline. “You guys do know this is a seafood restaurant, right? With damn good seafood. He only sells the other things for the tourists. We are not tourists.”
“It’s the fourth of July carnival. We’re all tourists for the night.”
They end up getting the pizza.
Eric is beyond pissed off at it, but absolutely no one cares, especially when Will and Belle walk in and order another one because the first two were completely obliterated. Robin stops by with Roland for five minutes to get food, but then Robin is being dragged off because Roland wants to do go on the spinning tea cups that are set up in city hall’s parking lot.
Emma has eaten so much tonight that she definitely can’t imagine being on anything that spins around.
Especially when Killian still owes her another funnel cake. It’s too bad they don’t keep well in the fridge.
“I have to go make some rounds,” David announces as he stands from the table. “Do we have any other plans for tonight?”
“I have to go back to work,” Ruby says.
“Yeah, me too,” Ariel adds in.
“Belle and I are free.”
“As are Emma and I,” Killian says. “Mary Margaret, what about you?”
“I think I might walk around with David, but do you all want to meet back at your place for the fireworks at ten? I think the roof will be the best place to view them.”
“Sounds perfect, lass. We’ll see you then.”
Belle suggests watching around to work off dinner and see if there’s anything new this year, so they start with the booths on the side of the boardwalk no one has been down yet. It’s emptier because it’s away from all of the rides, but there are plenty of food stalls, a few games, and several booths from small businesses around town. Belle immediately finds a stall selling books for a dollar a piece, and she ends up getting two tote bags that Will grumbles about carrying. Killian buys the one book Belle didn’t snatch up, folds it, and sticks it in the back pocket of his jeans.
Emma swears that Belle nearly has an aneurism over that.
“Hey, look, love.” Killian points over to a booth with balloons pinned to the wall.
“What exactly am I looking at?” He grabs her hand and pulls it in front of them to point back to the booth. “Still not getting it, KJ.”
“The prizes. I think there’s one you might like.”
Emma steps a little closer and then sees it at the very top of the shelf. It’s a giant white swan stuffed animal.
Well, yeah, that is kind of cute and very apt for her name, but it’s pointless to look at it. She has no need for a stuffed animal, even if she was thinking about it earlier, and she definitely isn’t about to waste money on it. But it was a nice thought.
“Cute,” Emma laughs as she keeps walking only for Killian to tug on her arm and pull her back. “What? What are you doing?”
His lips curl up. “I’m going to win you that damn swan, Swan.”
She rolls her eyes.
He’s an idiot.
Just…a big idiot, but there’s this feeling in her gut, this dumb one that she hates, that wants him to win her the damn swan. She wants to have that experience she so craved as a child, even if she does still think that games like this are still pointless.
She wants.
In the back of her mind, she thinks back to Neal never even offering to walk around the carnival with her. He always said it was stupid and that he would not be showing up. It was never so much that he wouldn’t come here, but it was more that he was like that with everything that was important to Emma.
How could she be so stupid?
And how could she still feel like she loves him?
Loved him? Definitely loved.
There are no feelings of affection left, not even in memories. She’s just so fucking pissed sometimes.
“Killian, you don’t have to – ”
But he’s not listening to her. Instead, he’s already standing in front of the booth, cash on the table, and darts in his hand.
He pops a balloon on the first try.
“Woah, were did that aim come from?”
“I’d say the Navy, but I think it might be natural talent.”
The guy in the booth rolls his eyes, but Emma doesn’t care. He’s probably dulled the darts and gotten some kind of indestructible balloons to make sure no one wins anything, but as Emma keeps watching, Killian keeps popping the balloons. It takes him several tries and far too much money, especially when Will rejoins them and starts heckling him, but eventually he gets the stuffed Swan from the top of the rack and hands it to Emma.
It’s so dumb.
(But it’s not.)
(Things like this never are.)
Emma holds onto the swan as they keep walking around until she stops and gets something to drink. Then she hands it to Killian, who holds it in his hand that’s draped over Emma’s shoulder so that the damn beak keeps hitting against her cheek as they walk.
“You’re being obnoxious,” Emma laughs as Killian keeps poking the beak against her cheek. “You’re an actual child, Jones.”
“I’ve never said I was mature. It might also be all of the sugar I’ve had today.”
“Having one bite of a funnel cake does not count as having a lot of sugar.”
He pokes the beak in her face one more time before she turns on him so she can see the frankly obnoxious grin he’s sporting.
Maybe that little bit of funnel cake was a lot of sugar for him.
“You know, Swan, I used to think you were kind to me, but that thought is disappearing.”
“Is it now?”
“Mhm.” He wraps the swan around her neck before placing his hands on her hips. Emma glances around, searching for Will and Belle, but they’re nowhere to be seen. When did they run off? “And apparently all of our friends think we have some kind of sexual tension going on, that we’re compatible, and that’s just not true.”
His fingers inch toward her ass, and Emma cranes her neck to try and figure out how long it would take to get to Killian’s place. That’s where they’re supposed to be headed anyway.
“Oh, no, it’s definitely not true. We don’t get along at all. You’re getting a little brave touching my ass right now. I don’t think we can, you know, on the middle of the boardwalk.”
“Well, we could, but then David would arrest us.”
Emma grabs onto his hand and moves it off her ass. “Then let’s not do that. Let’s – ”
Her words die on the tip of her tongue as her gaze falls upon the last person she ever expected to see here.
@qualitycoffeethings @mrtinski @klynn-stormz @scarletslippers @jonirobinson64 @snowbellewells @therealstartraveller776 @thejollyroger-writer @sherifemma​ @galaxyzxstark​ @galadriel26​ @idristardis​ @karenfrommisthaven​ @teamhook​ @spartanguard​ @searchingwardrobes​ @jamif​ @shireness-says​ @ultimiflos​ @nikkiemms​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @onepunintendid​ @bluewildcatfanatic​ @superchocovian​ @killianswannn​ @carpedzem​ @captainkillianswanjones​ @mayquita​ @mariakov81​ @jennjenn615​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @a-faekindagirl​ @scientificapricot​ @xellewoods​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @stahlop​ @kmomof4​ @tiganasummertree​ @singersdd​ @tornadoamy​ @cluttermind​ @lfh1226-linda​ @andiirivera​ @elizabeethan​ @captain-emmajones​ @csalltheway​ @itsfabianadocarmo​
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puyo-fever · 3 years
I don’t. Remember when I put this in my drafts but fuck it might as well finish it.
Who is the little spoon?
Klug usually, but they like switching places a lot bc they both like being embraced.
Who sings in the shower?
Klug, he’s the only one who gets the overwhelming urge to and Feli finds it amusing to hear it so she always pretends to be unaware after he comes out of the shower.
Who plays pranks on the other?
Feli definitely makes jokes with her fortune telling powers. She tries to keep it lighthearted though. smth like:
Feli: Your curtain call draws near….also can you stand near the window about an hour from now with your phone on hand. It’s very important.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Klug, probably. not that he particularly likes it but Amitie occassionally lets him listen to popular hits and he finds some more catchy than he lets on.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Feli, Klug is just. Terrible at maintaining his health and sometimes he needs caffeine.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Oh definitely Feli. She loves horror but next to that is romcoms that she and Klug laugh at.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
I like to think Feli becomes really openly affectionate once she gets over the general embarassment of “oh we’re dating now” and starts to go all out on the love aspect. Homemade bentos are a must.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Both! Feli will comment on how neat Klug looks and Klug will just call her cute out of nowhere.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
Feli: No thanks I’m not hungry just order for yourself.
Also Feli: *steals half of Klug’s food*
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
Feli I guess? Klug probably wouldn’t own one that isn’t a family car so Feli just lets him ride her around in one of her parent’s cars when they go out.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Both, but I guess more so Klug since he’s more organized.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
Both, they’d take care of each other, but I guess Feli would need to remind Klug more.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
Neither they’re both NERDS none of them know shit about sports.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Feli, bc Klug would 100% be the “five more minutes” person if he was in the middle of a book chapter.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
FJEHHD this one is so funny but. probably Klug because at least Felicity has a cool meaning. Feli wouldn’t get Klug on her body it’s too embarrassing to literally tattoo a word that means smart onto yourself.
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
My curiosity got me, so here is my submission for a match up.  Sorry it’s so long!  I look forward to seeing your reasoning.
MOM FRIEND:  I’m the friend that is almost over prepared for any situation and is protective, usually keeping others out of too much trouble or danger, but not stopping them from doing that stupid thing.  Some people will only learn from doing it and so long as it won’t seriously injure or kill them, go for it.  And I mean I am seriously prepared for most situations:  I have fluffy throw blankets and pillows in my car for those who get cold, extra towels just in case we somehow get wet, umbrellas/ponchos for those who need one, snacks/water just in case someone gets hungry/thirsty, first aid kit for small injuries, etc. Ironically, I am the only one without a kid so far.  
Extension of this would be my habit to act as the friend “nurse.”  Willing to spend hours taking care of a friend who isn’t feeling well and give platonic cuddles if needed.
Another extension of this is my need to feed anyone who comes over.  I think my love language is acts of service after typing all this. 
I’M LISTENING:  Always willing to offer an ear, even if I don’t believe I can council you.  Plus, for some reason, people just end up splurging life stories or something that is bothering them to me.  My life is mostly spent as that Naruto meme: “I have no clue what is going on, but I’ll pretend that I do.”  But I’m responsible about it, I won’t offer advice I’m not sure about and will usually refer you to someone else I feel is up to the task.
PATIENT:  Earned after years in customer service dealing with toddlers disguised as customers and also with friends who far exceed my energy levels.  It takes a good bit to anger me or very specific things to set me off, such as when I have asked you to please stop bringing up that stressful memory of mine again and again. 
I am told I am terrifying when I’m actually pissed.  Most times I don’t remember much when I actually snap, just that it happened, but details are fuzzy.  
CHILL:  My counselor once told me if I “Was any more laid back, I’d be on her floor.” And to a point, she is correct.  My house was on fire and my reaction wasn’t panic at the time, it was this odd calm that even when I reported the fire to my sister and authorities, they didn’t believe me until I showed them said fire.  I am reserved with those I don’t know well or are not comfortable around.  Once I trust you or you get me on a topic I love, I’m surprisingly passionate and animated.  
I feel this fits under here, but I also tend to do things at my own pace.  And not much can change that pace, but I will get what I set out to do done.
WHY ME?:  Too many people tell me I’m a natural leader, even got awards for it, but I never volunteer or want to be the leader in anything.  Usually, I just end up in that role somehow, some way.  Most times because I hate disorganized messes and those times the people I am with have trouble making concrete decisions and need some guidance to work out what they really want to do or the pressure to actually make a decision.  I may be an unwilling leader, but I will step up if needed.
WHIMSICAL:  Sarcasm, dry and sometimes cheesy humour, and an attitude to boot, but it’s rarely to be mean.  Most times it is me being playful and if I’m teasing you, that usually is a sign I like you and enjoy your company.  Plus, sometimes people need a little laugh or a spark of different emotion to get them out of a funk.  
INTEGRITY:  I could absolutely despise someone, but like hell I’m going watch them suffer.  In the same sense, if I take a job, I will do it right and not half ass it.  And far too many times I’ve had to step in and explain certain concepts in order to disperse negativity or help others see from another perspective to avoid adversity.  
CUDDLE BUG:  With people I am comfortable with, I am a cuddly person and do not mind a lot of skinship.  I am used to friends hanging all over me.  Plus, sometimes I just want to curl up someone as well.  
Good communication skills & honest
Responsible & reliable
Full Size Human Heater.  I am ridiculously warm and always putting off heat.  Friends and coworkers alike use me as a portable heater.
Surprisingly good at being sly and collecting information if needed, like getting a shoe or ring size without tipping the person off it’s for a gift.  If they manage to call it, I always fess up and playfully make a fuss they ruined the surprise.
Terrible at lying, so I tend to simply keep my mouth shut instead
Willfully oblivious to flirting and absolute flustered mess once I am forced to recognize said flirting
Vast open waters terrify me
Tendency to keep my troubles to myself and try to solve problems on my own (don’t want to be a burden)
Can become despondent if I feel useless at times
ART:  I’ve dabbled in several different medias, but my favorite is just a pencil or pen and any paper I can get my hands on.  I love drawing figures in dynamic poses.  Second favorite is sculptures built from wire.
COSTUMES:  I love Halloween, since it is the perfect excuse to make and wear my homemade costumes.  It also lets me challenge myself by making more complicated pieces like hooves, horns, and even chain mail.
BAKING/COOKING/CANDY MAKING:  I’m the cook in the house and I love it.  Seeing people enjoy my food is my favorite part.  Just don’t ask me for a recipe, I literally don’t have any and I won’t remember what I did.  
ORGANIZING/CLEANING:  I love puzzle games like Tetris and Catherine, and I love a challenge.  Combine the two by having me organize and rearrange a space to make it work and I am in heaven.
STORYTELLING:  When a story needs to be told, I am the one asked to tell it. Specifically I have such an entertaining way of telling it according to others.  Animated and colorful language, plus a few pit stops along the way with some side stories.  
CONTRARY:  Do not tell me to do something while I am doing it.  That will kill any motivation I had to do it.
BACKHANDED COMPLIMENTS:  It is possible to compliment someone without insulting them or others at the same time.  It just makes the compliment feel empty and negative.  And I tend to just hum and not reward that behaviour.  
TOO MUCH ATTENTION:  I don’t mind attention… from people I trust and are comfortable with.  Feel free to cuddle and coddle away.  But vast amounts of attention from those I feel are strangers or acquaintances will unnerve me (I have literally left functions immediately  where I walked in and was bombarded with shouts and attention aimed at me-sensory overload I guess).
NESTING:  No, I don’t think I have enough blankets and pillows.  Yes, the giant stuffed animal is needed and his name is Snuffie.  
CRUSH ME:  I’m serious, some days I need one of my friends or my bf to just lay all their dead weight on top of me.  It’s just oddly therapeutic.
NO, I’M NOT PREGNANT:  Just cause I ate that jar of olives in one sitting or suddenly was craving jalapeno juice and crushed ramen noodles.  There are never enough pickles and yes, I am determined to try every kind–I may have a vinegar addiction.
IRONY:  I bake some of the tastiest, sweetest desserts and make pralines and caramels, YET I myself do not favor sweet things. 
HANDS:  One thing I tended to do with nearly every boyfriend and guy friend I had was play with their hands and put their hands on my face/head.  I lived for being pet and having people play with my hair.    
NONVERBAL MOMENTS:  Sometimes words are just too much, so I instead make sounds.  Can be anywhere from a growl to a cat like noise, or the reliable “Nyeh.”
I think I listed a few as I went through everything else, but ignoring boundaries is the main one.  If I tell you I’m not comfortable with something, do not make me repeat myself.  And usually that something is given a pass the first few times it is done before I say something and explain why I’m not comfortable with it.   
Example:  I have thick, curly hair, a product of my mixed heritage.  Well, sometimes I like to straighten it and I did just that one day.  Well, a coworker decided to make a backhanded compliment, stating I should stick to what works: straight hair over my natural hair.  I had gotten on him about it, but I decided to vent to a friend about what happened as well.  She proceeded to constantly repeat those hurtful words and while I knew she meant it playfully during those times, I had to stop her and sit her down, explain I don’t find it funny cause the words are linked to a hurtful, possibly racist memory that I didn’t want brought up again and again.   Thankfully she understood and stopped.  So, I don’t snap immediately and I understand sometimes a sit down needs to be done.
Ok first of all I gotta say that I absolutely loved reading your matchup!!! It’s so well organized, detailed, and the descriptions are pretty creative!!! Do you do any writing yourself, because you should!!! alright, geek out moment over.
i’ve got three guys you’re perfect for, but let’s go for the obvious one. HONEY!! 
You’ve checked off everything on honey’s list: caring, organized, laid back, and good for cuddling. Now here’s what he has to offer to the table: he will cuddle you back. This guy is the ultimate cuddle slut. You’ll never feel unloved with him. Honey is also a very thoughtful and appreciative guy. He likes caring for his partners. You may be the mom friend, but he’ll do his best to return that love as well.
Honey is a little awkward, but he’s also sensitive and empathetic to how others feel. If he puts his foot in his mouth, just tell him and he’ll never bring it up again. Plus this guy is just so honest and genuine that backhanded compliments aren't really a thing with him. 
Also you like costumes!!! He’s always wanted to try cosplay or theatre. You just might be the person to give him the courage to finally stick to one. 
dating honey includes:
cuddles upon heaps of soft things. He has his own collections of ridiculously soft blankets and pillows that he’ll happily add to your collection. Honey is also a master at pillow forts. 
honey is a good listener. He’ll be happy to just sit back and enjoy the stories you tell. There is start though, who is also the storyteller of the underswap home. Any funny story you give about your time together will be rewarded by star with a funny story from his and honey’s childhood, much to honey’s embarrassment
if you don't really like sweet things but love baking them, then honey and star will happily finish them for you. People are usually surprised about how just how much skeleton monsters can pack away. 
he’s a picky eater and will give you the wtf face when you fufil your weird cravings though lol 
Oh! Also if you’re wondering, the other two would’ve been either oak or coffee
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atendersun-archived · 3 years
❣️ yeets this @ ur gay ass ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 lay it on me 😌
SEND ME ❣️ + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU… / Accepting
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Who is the little spoon?
Although it is admittedly more Muu than it is Hannah, there are also variables to consider. Since Muu is typically the more emotionally fragile and somber of the two while he works things out within himself, he finds himself being held more than he holds her. In the event it is her who needs the added consoling, or it just feels like he hasn't been in the position of big spoon in a while, that tends to be when he takes over. Other times he just really wants to cling onto her back more than he wishes for her to do it to him because he finds it equally as comforting as it finds it amusing to be a bit of a koala in those circumstances.
Who sings in the shower?
Muu. Out of any song it could possibly be, his latest is White Woman's Instagram by Bo Burnham. He's having a one man concert all by himself, so don't judge.
Who plays pranks on the other?
Both of them; however, Hannah is definitely better at getting results with hers whereas Muu is typically discovered very early on by not being as thoughtful and observant as he might think he is.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Both of them. Muu, though, even as his diverse as his music taste is, tends to listen to a lot of basic pop music made by performers that Hannah typically doesn't based on the fact that their morals don't align with her own. Muu, for example, is a big fan of Taylor Swift of all people due to her mainly romantic based lyrics. Hannah on the other hand wouldn't dare to stoop to that level of music taste when she could be supporting someone much better with her time and money instead.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Hannah. If Muu's doing it, it is definitely a homemade version of someone he saw someone ordering from Starbucks on Tiktok. Most of which are overly sugary and in need of some further adjustments as he attempts to make the entire thing as close to vegan as he can manage, but the thought is there. Hannah on the other hand does it with the purpose of just being considerate and domestic along with the process of prepping the two of them for the day, or by trying to just get a smile out of Muu in general, so she would do it with more consistently and care than he might.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Both. They can be a little limited in content they can mutually watch together as certain topics for either partner are a must to be avoided, and that usually requires a lot of prior made effort and research, so romantic comedies, or comedies in general, are usually a much safer bet than a drama or horror film would be. Plus they tend to be so hilariously mushy that they have fun repeating the most laughable yet cringy lines to one another for their own amusement.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
Hannah. I can guarantee this woman has caught herself going as far as cutting food up for him out of familiarity of taking care of Lucy, as well as himself even from the time they were only teens. She is a doting wife to be, and this man has no qualms about being seen eating from a fork she holds out for him. On the flipside, if it is something he has personally made by hand to expand his cooking skills in an organic and plant based direction, you can bet he is right there to feed her a bite in order to gain feedback on his work. Don't think she gets off too easy. Especially when they do end up moving onto the next step of having a baby together, and needs someone to assist in taste testing the homemade baby food he plans on making.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Hannah. This woman just breathes out positive affirmations, and Muu is right there to receive them every time.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
Hannah. Muu is very particular about what he eats on behalf of cutting out all meat and as dairy for sensory and health reasons, so he doesn't really pick from other people's plates to maintain that. If she eats French fries around him, he's definitely stealing a couple though.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
Neither since Muu can't drive and really has no ambition to learn since driving gives him an incredible amount of anxiety. He has no problems with managing his own way to places via the public transportation system, or by bike.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
They are both very practical in writing their own lists to follow for when they grocery shop for their own reasons, and yet both are equally as guilty of putting in snacks they didn't anticipate buying simply because it sounds good. Worse even when Lucy, and someday Daisy, is out shopping with them, because what babies want, babies get. That is at least what Muu holds himself to no matter how many times Lucy has to remind him of how old she is.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
Hannah. Same way with making sure enough rest and hydration is being considered as well. Her immune system is also better than his is on account of him working in education and catching germs quite often, and because of her being what she is in general. He's also quite the baby when ill. Definitely has this man asked her to make him some soup that then had to be fed to him because he was supposedly too tired and sickly to move his arm to do it himself.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
Muu. He may have gotten a tad bit too invested into Women's basketball after a player in the sport showed up on his fyp on Tiktok. His initial reasons for taking up watching the sport as a whole was just to support her career, and to admire tall, beautiful women that could either carry him, or beat him up with their muscular limbs, but eventually he managed to pick up more about the rules of the sport with each watch. He's attempted to then share that knowledge with Hannah, who just listens on account of just wanting to hear him talk about what he enjoys.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Muu. The man definitely loves his music. Hannah, however, is the one more likely to pull him in for hugs, such as comforting him when he is sad, as well as to bring him in close to her to present the mood of intimacy. These two have maybe managed to turn playful dances or attempt at wrestling with one another into full on sexual intercourse s couple of times. Neither is really sorry.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Muu. By God, if he is told a time that they will be leaving at, she had better bet that they really be out the door at least a couple minutes prior to that earlier discussed time, because he can not stand to not follow through with those things. It is a habit tied to him being autistic that will prove to be the most fun when they try and get out to places as parents with a baby.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
Neither would really go as far as to get each other's names permanently tattooed on them, but they' definitely consider something more along the lines of a symbol, or quote that best describes their relationship. Muu has considered the idea that they split the phrase "You are never too much for someone who can't get enough of you" into "You are never too much" and "Someone can't get enough of you" into a couple's tattoo idea. He already decided he'd get his on his side since he just likes the appeal of them. Actually he'd probably get a couple of them. Another one he'd want is of the wire robot in the Save Me by Gotye music video while she gets the other once, since, even today, that song still reminds him so much of how she has been there for him over the years that he can't help but think of her every time he hears it
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5hining-aus · 4 years
SHINee As Dads - The First Few Months
@kumabear15 said to 5hining-aus: i saw that you wrote about how SHINee welcomes their newborn baby and i don't know if someone asked this before, but how would each SHINee members' lives would be after the child comes out? like what kind of dad would they be?
I legitimately can’t believe I haven’t done this prompt yet. Like, I’ve written SHINee As Single Dads, I’ve written SHINee As Single Dads Throwing Birthday Parties, I’ve written SHINee As Dads During Their Firstborn’s Birth, I’ve even written SHINee As Disney Dads, but somehow I haven’t written SHINee As Everyday Non-Single Dads. That is being fixed right now. Enjoy!
Jinki’s a bit nervous for the first few days after your son comes home and it shows
Seriously, he’s like “oh no, I rocked him a certain way and he made a new sound. I’ve obviously done irreversible damage and now he’ll never get into a top university and it’s all my fault”
Jinki, dear, that was a sneeze
Though, once he realizes that the baby isn’t going to break if he breaths on it the wrong way, Onew settles into fatherhood rather well
You’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve woken up in the middle of the night, noticed that Jinki wasn’t in bed with you, and then found him in the nursery watching over your son as he slept
One of the first big movements that your son did was to grab Jinki’s nose while he was holding him. It was hilarious until you guys figured out that your son had no intention of letting go of his dad’s nose
Officially you two decided to alternate who was on night duty, switching every day or two. In practice, however, Jjong does about 95% of the night care
Your husband’s a night owl. If he’s already awake then what’s the point of you getting up to do something that he is very capable of doing himself
Some of the storage drawers in your daughter’s nursery double as a cute little window seat (sort of like THIS) and whenever Jonghyun can’t get her to sleep, he’ll sit there with her and show her the moon and all the stars. It utterly transfixes her and she’s usually out like a light in about 10 minutes
However, your guys’ dearest daughter is a very light sleeper, so if Jjong doesn’t get her in her crib fast enough and she falls asleep in his arms then he’s kind of stuck there until it’s time for her next feeding
More often than not, those scenarios end up with them both conked out on the window seat. It’s absolutely adorable and you definitely take multiple pictures whenever you see it
Kibum’s been 100% wrapped around his daughter’s little finger since the moment she came into the world and he doesn’t even try to deny it
He would die for this child, and he would kill for this child
He’s definitely that parent who insists on making homemade organic baby food once your daughter is old enough to eat solids
He doesn’t allow anybody in your house until they’ve thoroughly sanitized themselves
Comme Des and Garcons have apparently decided that it’s their joint duty to stand guard over the nursery. Odds are that if they aren’t with you and Key, they’re sitting outside the nursery
Your daughter may only be a few months old, but it’s already clear who her favourite parent is. Hint: It isn’t you
Minho is the only person she’ll smile for. It doesn’t matter that you carried her around inside of you for nine months, you aren’t appa so no smiles for you
He’s downright greedy when it comes to holding the baby
He probably takes some sort of extended paternity leave, just so he can spend that much more time with your daughter
He’s that parent who lowkey brags about his little one’s accomplishments, not because he’s an a**hole, but because he’s just so proud and wants to tell the world and his gushing unintentionally comes off as bragging
As mentioned in SHINee As Dads During Their Firstborn’s Birth, Taem is pretty much always shirtless for the first couple of months. He claims it’s because of the benefits of skin-to-skin contact, you think he just hates wearing shirts. Really, it’s a bit of both
He’s surprisingly quick at going into full-on Dad Mode. Like, Tae, is there a second family that you’re keeping a secret?
No, but really, he learned all he could about childcare before your son was born, so he’s actually doing pretty well at the whole parenting thing
The baby gets ahold of Taemin’s Gucci slippers when he starts teething. Yes, those Gucci slippers
(THIS ONE MIGHT BE KIND OF GROSS FOR SOME PEOPLE) Your son doesn’t spit-up a whole lot, but when he does, it’s almost always when Taemin is holding him and wearing freshly washed clothes
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Can I ask for hc about Undertaker trying to give a sign to the girl that he has a thing to her?
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Undertaker considers humans’ ways of flirting as quite funny, to be honest. People either give themselves little gifts, attend to feed ourselves together as if there was something unspeakably romantic about consuming and digesting food at the same time. Or they cut plants’ sexual organs and smell them. Lovely! Either way, he is aware that this kind of behaviour is a way to win someone’s heart and no matter how pointless it may seem for him, he will definitely try something out.
He will be so mysterious romantic you will be surprised that he could be able to act this way. Depending on your personal preferences and personality, he will send you a love letter with a lot of stickers a handwritten poem without mentioning his name underneath. It will give him the possibility to build the tense between you two.
Purchasing a gift should succed also, but Undertaker will be vary to not make you feel uncomfortable about it. It won’t be too fancy nor expensive, so he will most likely give you something he made, like a basket of homemade cookies, painted jewel case, a figurine to put on the shelf or a book of your favourite author.
After some time, he will reveal his true self to you and only then he will feel quite stressed about your reaction. His laid back attitude won’t always work when it comes to a person he will cherish as much, so he will be very hopeful about that. He might invite you for a picnic or a simple stroll through the park where he will put flowers in your hair, somewhere neutral to not make you feel as if he will be pushing you. You will always be allowed to decline and he won’t bother you anymore then, accepting and somehow understanding your decision.
But if you will accept him, damn, you might want to think twice because this will mean that all the formal border between you is now crossed. Undertaker will become more like his usual self, teasing you all the time and joking around. Surprisingly, it will be very charming of him.
Believing that a genuine smile is the prettiest thing you can wear on your face, he will do everything in his will to make you happy, even if it will mean making a clown of himself in the public. He totally won’t mind being your clown.
He will carry your purse or bag if it will be too heavy for you. Do you think he will care about the Hello Kitty pattern? Hell nah, he will only wear it with a proud smile on the face and show off, posing as if he would be on a catwalk. He will give you his coat if you will be cold and will have the tiny fan in the pocket in case you got too hot on a summer day. Undertaker will be very cautious when it comes to your well being, never forgetting that he shouldn’t give up on you simply because you will be in a relationship, that’s why his seducing will probably never end.
You will be old and wrinkled like a raisin and he will atill try races between shopping alleys with you on the wheelchair, he has no shame.
Undertaker will also enjoy holding your hand a lot and keeping physical contant with you in general. One thing you might need to get used to, will be his extraordinary compliments which might sound offending in the first place but will always mean the best about you.
He will want to show you how much you mean for him by taking you to almost every photo booth in his reach and collecting all those dumb photos taken with you. Some he will carry in the wallet, usually the most ridiculous ones so he could tease you about it.
“Why, don’t make this face, my love, you look lovely with this cucumber filter on!”
However, when it comes to him being seduced, his reaction will be the best described as surprised. At first, he won’t believe you are not playing some kind of game but after finding out the truth… well, no, he still will be surprised. And maybe a little bit taken aback by your preferences, but who is he to judge.
Other than that, he will be happy about it. He won’t decline your fondness unless you will be exceptionally pushy and getting in his way, prefering to see how will it go and believing that you will eventually just leave, tired of his attitude and job. It will be hard for him to believe that your feelings might be honest.
For a long period of time, he will consider it as a game, some fun to kill the time and nothing more, so you will have to be very patient to prove him that you won’t be meaning it as a joke.
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Hope
Ask: Hi! Will you please write a oneshot in which Arthur thinks he could never love again until he meets this woman he thinks is literally perfect? She's the definition of a southern belle, she lives on her own in a small house with some farm animals. He keeps finding excuses to come visit her, all the while filled with confusion, doubt, denial, etc?
Warning: Cursing, cringe amounts of fluff
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: I switched the P.O.V’s up a little bit so this is different than my other works. Please let me know if there are any mistakes.
Love? Sure. Arthur loved a lot of people. He loved Sadie, she was like his sister. John, like he was his little brother. Dutch, Hosea, Javier, he loved them all. They were his family.
“You know what I mean, Arthur. Not platonic love.” Mary-Beth nudged Arthur’s shoulder as they rode the cart into Rhodes. “There’s no one you want to marry? You don’t have dreams of marrying someone? Havin’ kids and settling down?”
Arthur shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you, I just don’t think about that stuff anymore. With the life I live, I don’t think I’ll find something like that.”
“That’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard.” She sighed.
Well, that made him feel no better about his situation. Ever since the other Mary he found it hard to have any kind of hope. Even if she did want to be with him it would be hard since he was in such a serious gang.
This was why he hated thinking about stuff like this. It always soured his mood and made him feel hopeless. He preferred pretending romantic love didn't exist. He was happy enough with his makeshift family. He didn’t need a wife.
That’s what he told himself.
“Arthur, slow down!” Mary-Beth grabbed his arm and yanked it back, pulling the horses to a stop. “You bout ran her over!”
Arthur saw a young woman carrying a few large tools, walking along the side of the road A rake, a shovel, and a pitchfork. She was struggling to carry them all and when Arthur stopped beside her she lost her grip, causing them to all spill out of her arms.
“You need a lift, ma’am?” He called out as he watched her fumble to pick up the tools from the grass.
You had gone to town to pick up a shovel from the general store, but the cashier ended up talking you into buying a pitchfork and a rake. You had only meant to get the shovel so you didn’t bother taking your horse, you needed to talk a walk anyways. The weather was beautiful and the sun was shining, why not enjoy it before it got too hot?
Now here you are, trying to balance all three large tools without looking like an idiot. And it didn’t help that a couple on a wagon almost ran you over.
“You need a lift, ma’am?”
You looked up from your fallen tools and squinted against the afternoon sun, adjusting your straw hat. “It would be nice, I didn’t come prepared to be carrying all this.” You laughed nervously and picked your shovel back up. “Can I just toss these in the back?”
“Sure can!” The woman smiled, patting the empty wagon behind them.
“There might be a little blood in there though, we just sold some game to the butcher down in Rhodes.” The man warned as you threw the shovel in the cart.
“Oh, that’s no problem!” You waved them off and threw the rest of the tools in the back. “I live by myself on my parent’s old farm, I do a lot of work so I’m not worried about a little blood.”
The couple exchanged an impressed look but you brushed it off, it probably wasn’t often they met a woman who wasn’t scared of blood and who owned and single-handedly managed her own farm. It was impressive, well, at least it was to them.
“Where do you live?” The man asked as walked around the cart to get in. “You don’t need to sit in the back, there’s enough room up here.”
The woman jumped down as if something bit her. “Let me help you up here.”
Little did you know, she was doing this on purpose in the hopes of more conversation between you and Arthur. She hated the idea of Arthur not finding the woman he deserved since she knew he was such a good man. He deserved the world and more.
“Thank you!” You smiled as she helped you into shotgun. When she climbed on behind you, you noticed how good she smelt. It was a lot like the gardenia perfume they sold in the Rhodes general store. “Anyways, I live a little while up the road. I was silly not to bring my horse but the weather was so nice I wanted to take a walk. Didn’t expect to buy such an armful, but you know those silver tongued salesman.”
“I sure do.” The man sighed and gave the horses a whip.
“How rude of us not to introduce ourselves!” Mary-Beth laughed as the cart started moving. “I’m M-” She stopped and paused for a second as if she forgot her own name. “Elizabeth. And this is my friend Andrew.”
“Wonderful to meet you both! It’s so nice of you two to pick me up! It would be a long walk home.” You wiped the sweat off your forehead with your handkerchief and leaned back against the cart seats.
The whole ride Elizabeth, who insisted you called her Beth, bragged about her friend Andrew. She talked about he was skilled in almost every profession, and would be a wonderful farm hand if you were ever looking for help.
Which, in fact, you were. So you took her up on the offer and he acted glad for the job, even though he hadn’t said a single thing when you and Beth were discussing it. It was as if he had no say in it at all, which was hilarious to you.
Arthur didn’t want to admit it to Mary-Beth but giving you a ride was the best decision he’d ever made. He knew her whole plan was exactly that, to find him someone to fall in love with, so he planned on doing the exact opposite.
But goddamn, it was so hard.
The first day he started helping out around your farm he caught himself staring at you five times. Five times! The first was when you were showing him around your horse stables. The wind was blowing just right and hit you in that perfect, dramatic way. That was the first time he noticed how beautiful you were. And after that, he just couldn’t stop.
The second time he was watching you carry hay bales around. He caught himself because you had dropped one, causing you to topple over it and fall into the grass on the other side. He went to help you but by the time he got to your side you were already standing up and picking the thing back up again.
The third was over lunch. You were both sitting together eating homemade chicken, rice and mixed vegetables with seasoning. When he looked up to compliment you on your food he just had to stare. His lips parted to say something but no words came out, he was helplessly hypnotized by how damn adorable you looked. Your cheeks were red from working, your skin had the slightest bit of sweat on it, and your lips were red and swollen from the spices in the vegetables. He remembered you made a remark about too much jalapeno juice, saying it was silly to use that much juice when it was so warm outside.
The fourth was when he was feeding your chickens. He stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead and noticed you leaning out the window in your house, sipping on a beer and watching the sun set. The golden glow hit you perfectly. He found himself wondering, how can someone be so effortlessly beautiful and adorable at the same time? It would be different if you were trying to look attractive, but you weren't at all. It was all pure, effortless, it came to you so naturally.
The last time was when you were paying him for the day. You were fumbling in your desk to get out the proper amount of money for the day, twenty dollars. You had laughed nervously when you couldn’t find the correct amount of money and brushed your hair out of your face, successfully capturing Arthur’s stare once again.
“Sorry, I’m not as organized as I should be.” You tried to ease your own awkwardness as you counted your money. “Is twenty enough?” You asked and looked at your new farmhand.
It took him a second to respond. “Oh, no, twenty? I didn’t do that much, ma’am.”
“(Y/N).” He smiled at your reminder and scratched the back of his neck. “But really, I only deserve ten.”
You laughed at that and closed your desk drawer. “No, you’re taking twenty. If I have to slip the extra money in your satchel when you leave, you’re taking twenty.”
He smiled wider at that and you felt your heart swell at his expression. You knew damn well you had formed a crush on him, there was no denying that. The first time you even looked at him you felt your heart skip a beat. Not only was he drop dead gorgeous, he was a good man as well. And a hard worker.
“Alright… fine. But that just means I’ll be workin’ harder tomorrow.” He took the money from your hand and started walking to the front door.
“Then I’ll pay you even more!” You crossed your arms as you watched him open the door.
He turned around, standing in the open door with a smirk on his face. “I guess I’ll just work harder the next day.” He said before tipping his hat and leaving.
For a few weeks, Arthur was in complete denial about his feelings for you. Which was pretty hard to keep up, considering every time he saw you he fell more and more in love. Everything about you was just so perfect to him. You were sweet, generous, selfless, you had guts, more guts than a lot of men he knew. You were funny and you had the same sense of humor as him. Even though he felt guilty about taking so much money from you, the fact that you paid so well only made him love you more.
And not to mention the mutual trust. It was obvious the both of you had so much trust in each other, which made him feel awful. He had told you his real name the second day he worked for you, explaining there were a few rich men that didn’t like him so he usually used an alias. But the fact that he trusted you enough to give you his real name made the feelings for both of you so much stronger.
Three weeks in and he had told you he was in a gang. You took it surprisingly well, saying your father had been in a gang before he settled down with your mother. You said if everyone else in the gang was as good as Arthur then you didn’t care one bit. He told you a few of them were, but some were a little rough around the edges. You simply replied that was good enough for you.
After two months of working for you, Arthur came to terms with the fact that he was smitten. He stopped denying it to himself, he even told Mary-Beth about the whole ordeal and thanked her for her small role in the whole situation. For a while he regretted that because she wouldn’t stop pestering him with questions, saying your relationship would make such a good love story.
The whole thing was mutual, thankfully, you were head over heels as well. You wrote about him all the time in your journal, wrote to your friends in Valentine about him, even found yourself dreaming about him. It was all perfect until the man who held your heart almost gave you a panic attack.
“(Y/N), could we talk?”
You looked up from the letter in your hands and smiled, seeing Arthur standing in front of you. “Of course, sit down. I was just reading a letter from my friend Jolene.”
Arthur sat down as you folded the letter, taking off his hat and setting it down on the table between you.
“I’m not good with words, not when it comes to you.” He started with his eyes locked on your folded letter.
“Oh, no.” You whispered under your breath, feeling your heart drop. That sounded bad. Did it, though? You had no idea. When it came to Arthur you were so in love that the thought of losing him scared the daylights out of you. So any sign of negativity in your mind meant that he was leaving and you’d never see him again. It was only because neither one of you had done anything about the obvious feelings. You knew he felt something for you and you damn well knew you felt something for him, but since you hadn’t talked about it a lot of things were still in gray.
“I’m not sure what I’m trying to say or do here.” He put his arms on the table and began picking at his nails, his eyes still lowered. “I guess, uh…” He trailed off and sighed before rubbing his face, laughing nervously. “Jesus, woman. You’ve got me so tied up I can’t figure out how to say I love you.”
Your heart stopped and your lungs froze. Did he really just say that? Did he say what you’d been praying he’d say every night since the day you met him?
You could see his jaw clench when he realized what he said and his eyes quickly darted up to meet yours, searching for a reaction. In that moment they had never looked so blue and so kind. His lips never so tempting. His hair never so soft.
He had never looked so perfect than he did when he confessed his love to you.
In an effort to calm your racing heart you placed your palm over your chest. “You just said it perfectly fine, Arthur.”
The look of relief that took place on his face was enough to make you weep. You both stood from your seats at the same time and rounded the table to embrace each other in one of the warmest hugs either of you had ever experienced.
For the both of you, that hug felt like it only lasted a few seconds before you parted to kiss, when in reality you had lost track of time and were in each others arms for a solid minute.
His lips were just as you imagined, soft, plump, and they tasted like the apple pie you had both shared after dinner with a small hint of expensive cigar smoke. You could kiss him forever. God knows you both wanted to.
When you finally parted to catch your breath you were met with a sweet smile.
“The day I met you I had just finished thinking about how I’ll never find something like this. Only a few month ago I thought I’d end up… jesus. I’ll be honest with you, (Y/N), this is one of the scariest things I’ve ever been through. I’ve been through a lot, things I don’t even wanna speak of again. I’ve lost the people closest to me more than once. Damnit, I don’t know what I’m getting at here, but-”
You cut him off with another kiss, running your fingers through his soft hair. When you parted you gave him an understanding smile. “I think I know what you’re saying. It’s okay. You ain’t gotta worry about losing me. I can take care of myself.”
It was a small assurance, but he was still grateful for it.
“And since I didn’t say it before, I love you too, Arthur. I really do.”
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weekendsinmaine · 4 years
There was a moment when I was focused on the trail ahead but sensed that there was someone close behind. Seconds later one of goats sprinted past, fully engaged on exploring the wooded countryside, far less interested in us than we were in them.
This past September, on a mild fall day, we found ourselves enjoying an educational and relaxing hike with a sweet, well-mannered tribe of Alpine dairy goats at Ten Apple Farm.
The day of our hike started off with a light rain, so our hosts flipped the schedule and we started off in the barn where we learned about the farm and the goats. It was hard to stay focused, even though the information was interesting.
As the farmer told us his stories, one of the smaller goats in the pen behind him kept repeatedly jumping straight up while bleating and crying as she desperately tried to see over the top of the pen. She’d get a fleeting glimpse of us and then disappear only to return seconds later to peek again. It was clear that our hiking companions would have some energy.
This first part of the tour was interactive. We could feed the goats and try our skills at giving a bottle to one the younger ones. The farmer also brought out another goat who was ready for milking. He placed her up on a platform with her head through an opening on one side where she could access a bucket filled with food. He put a stool down and the more adventurous could take a turn milking her. You had to time it to be sure she still had food available in the bucket to keep her focus away from all the activity happening under her belly.
The weather had cleared as we left the barn to begin our one mile hike through the woods of their property. The goats were definitely high energy, joy filled companions.
The trail had a few steep areas, but overall it was fairly relaxed and the real focus was enjoying the goats as they hiked along with us. Sometimes they strayed off to the side or ran ahead but for the most part they enjoyed being part of the group and stayed close to us.
The trail follows a path through the woods, eventually opening onto a field where we took a short break while the goats enjoyed some of the greenery. We then returned to the farm on the path we had come on, with a short stop to admire the extremely large hogs in a pen at the edge of the grass near the house. Their middle daughter is in the youth organization 4-H and raises them.
After returning the goats to the barn, we headed inside the house for some homemade cookies and goat’s milk. It was the perfect finish to a wonderful afternoon.
Why does this bring me bliss? Hiking brings me bliss because it recharges me and helps connect me to nature. I’ve never had long term success working out at a gym. I’ve done it in spurts but really it’s not for me. I prefer to be active by heading outside. I’m also a fan of new experiences so combining my love of hiking with an opportunity to have the goats along the trails with us was extra blissful.
Have you ever hiked with goats? 
things to know Place Ten Apple Farm Address 241 Yarmouth Road Gray, ME 04039 Phone (207) 657-7880 Website Ten Apple Farm Favorite ♥ The Goats!
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  I’m participating in a Blogging A-Z Challenge for April 2020. I will be posting new content every day this month except most Sundays. Each post is associated with a letter of the alphabet, starting with A and ending with Z. My theme for the challenge is Bliss. To read more of my A to Z posts from this year, click HERE.
My latest blog post... #AtoZChallenge | H is for Hiking with goats another tale from the trail. There was a moment when I was focused on the trail ahead but sensed that there was someone close behind.
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In which, on a Sunday morning Kara wakes up and muses about tickling, cold feet, green tea and someone’s glorious backside.
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Edited by my one and only @yeratimelordkatniss
Avaiable on AO3—-> (x)
Waking up to a smell of coffee, made by her unexpected-but-welcome-as-hell-hot-boyfriend, was her favorite way of waking up on Sundays.
You could have asked, why was it not waking up to the smell of pancakes or bacon, but Kara had an answer to that: the smell of pancakes and bacon meant the breakfast was already prepared.
And Kara was a simple girl and she loved watching her boyfriend making food. Yep, totally only that.
J’onn, if he had been able to read Krypotrnian’s minds, would have coughed awkwardly and said something about her little obsession about watching someone’s backside.
Uhm, where was she…?
Kara loved watching the WHOLE Mon-El, wearing his yellow “Kiss the cook” apron she’d bought for him some time ago.
The way he was giving his full attention to the ingredients that were always organized on saucers and containers like a little army, ready to be thrown into a pot. Focusing with furrowed brows on the vegetables, cutting identical slices and dices, like he’s been using a ruler. His natural, gracious moves around the kitchen, when, without even looking, grabbed cookware, seasoning or coconut oil. His quiet, happy hummings of Daxamite songs, if the dishes he was preparing looked perfectly, like on pics from food and cooking blogs. The way he exposed his back and swayed his hips while stirring in the pot - she was almost sure he was smirking while doing it, totally aware that she was drooling on the table.
(Did you hear that? That was J’onn coughing in the distance).
Mon-El from Daxam absolutely owned her kitchen in his calm, not invasive and relaxed way, like he was born to become a chef and she was incredibly grateful for that.
Sometimes, she wondered what kind of a man he would have become, if he had been born on a different planet, in a different family.
But did it really matter?
No, this Mon-El was the man for her, the one that Rao has sent to Kara Zor El, like a Space Sleeping Beauty (and hey!, she had a cape and she could totally fit the Prince Charming’s shoes!). Kara wanted him, no one else. Her intimidating, happy go lucky, funny, incredibly skilled in a kitchen and in a bed boyfriend…
Uhm, where was she…?
Lying on her side, Kara slowly opened her eyes.
He was sitting beside her, resting his (glorious) back on the wall, with Lord of The Rings on his lap and a mug in his hand (with a cute labrador puppy printed on it - another gift from her, did she mention that she loved buying him stuff? No?) filled with (Kara sniffed the air) green tea.
Kara grimaced, remembering that one dreadful morning, when he showed his mug into her sleepy hand and cheerfully informed her it was something much, much better than coffee.
Without thinking she took a sip, expecting hot chocolate. When the horrible, bitter green poison hit her taste buds she spat it right back into his mug.
That was the first time in their short but very active relationship, when Mon-El was not amused by her actions. Not. At. All.
But well, for sure it woken her up better than coffee…
The second time when he became fully offended, was during their first cooking-dates. Right after she threw a tomato at him.
The red vegetable splashed on his shirt (oops, the super strength). Mon-El blinked, looked at the stain, slowly raised his head and pierced her with a very disappointed and offended gaze. And then he explained with a cold voice that she wasted a perfectly ripped certified organic tomato from the best plantation in California. And explained in detail how wasting food and natural resources was bad for the environment and as a Krypotnian - she should have known that.
Kara felt like being lectured by a biology professor from her high school. In the end she humbly promised she was not going to waste more food in the future. And she really meant it.
Too bad they BOTH wasted some food during another date when-
Uhm, where was she…?
“How’re the hobbits?” she rubbed her eyes and yawned loudly.
“When I think about it, they remind me of you.” He said seriously.
Kara stopped yawning in the middle and looked at him with furrowed brows.
“You mean I have hairy, smelly big feet and I’m a glutton?” She felt her brows slowly rising and almost meeting her hairline.
“What?” he blinked and looked at her confusedly. “No! Like them, you appreciate good meal! Your feet are perfect! And-” he started frantically praising her body parts and Kara just had to smile.
She leaned into Mon-El and kissed him slowly and sweetly.
The tea in his mug swayed dangerously.
“Oops, we don’t want to kill the mood and waste the tea, hmm?” she mumbled, took the mug from his hand and placed it on a bedside table.
“Mhmmm?” he asked totally dazed, chasing her lips.
With a Kryptonian satisfaction she proudly noticed a small hill that appeared near the area of his covered with blanket hips.
Ha! She, Kara Zor El the prudish Kryptonian, did this!
“Mhmmm?” again, Mon-El mumbled very intelligently.
“Remember the pizza?” she said and smirked when his eyes widened.
Yep. The pizza.
The other time when they decided to combine a date with preparing homemade food. The problem was, that they were both a little more interested in each other than in the most famous Italian dish. Somehow, they managed to put it into the oven and then, rather quickly, they moved to the bedroom.
And when Kara was so, SO close to uhm, you know exactly to what, suddenly Mon-El lifted his head from between her legs, sniffed the air, his eyes widening like saucers as he squeeked, “PIZZA!” and ran to the kitchen with superspeed, almost tripping on his pants that were lying tangled on the floor.
Leaving behind a sweaty Kara, with slightly raised hips and her mouth wide open.
Did she feel offended? As hell! But then he started panicking rather loudly in the kitchen:
“Oh, my fucking Rao! Kara, cheese almost got burnt and it’s crispy! And nooooooo, tomatoes! My precious Californian tomatoes! GRIFE!”
Kara had started laughing so hard that she finally fell from the bed.
Uhm, where was she…?
“But we are not preparing food?” he said lowly, with that special Mon-Elish glint in his gray eyes that promised her something amazing.
Her stomach has had some different plans, tho.
They both blinked when it grumbled rather loudly.
“Are you sure you don’t have a lion there?” Mon-El asked seriously, looking at her stomach, hidden under one of his t-shirts she loved to wear to sleep.
“Yes, and it’s hungry for pancakes,” she said sweetly. “You better feed it or…”
“Or what?”
“Or it will make you sleep on the couch?”
“Sometimes, I think you keep me here only because I cook for you,” he pouted.
“And for sex. Let’s not forget about sex,” she smiled but froze when a shadow clouded over his gaze for a second.
Like he really believed what she’d said.
They really needed to talk about his self-esteem super soon, because on moments like this one, she was almost sure he thought he was not good enough for her.
What was absolutely ridiculous.
But before she could have apologized, he sneaked his hands under Kara’s shirt (well, technically his) and it was her time to squeak.
Kryptonians on Earth were immune to punches, kicks, bullets, hell!, even to rockets. But for some reason they were not immune to Daxamites’ hands tickling them mercilessly.
The first time, when Mon-El had done it, she almost died from laughter. How many years she has spent on Earth, not really feeling the touches humans were giving her?
And then, the former Prince(ss) of Daxam who fell from the sky, gave her something no one else could - an overwhelming feeling of normality.
Too bad Daxamites were immune to Kryptonian tickling. But well, cold Kryptonian feet, sneaked under the covers and laid flat on naked Daxamites’ chests (or asses) worked almost as good as tickling. Few of Kara’s neighbours, woken in the middle of the night by an extraordinary Daxamite scream, could confirm that.
They were lying on the bed, limbs tangled, Mon-El on top of Kara, who was panting and giggling almost hystercially.
And then her stomach grumbled again.
Mon-El sighed heavily and hid his face in the crook of her neck.
“Pancakes?” he moaned with a defeated voice.
“Yes, please,” Kara hiccuped and laughed again.
“Want to join me?”
“In a minute,” she kissed the tip of his nose and watched him leave.
Then she chuckled and spread her limbs on the bed, feeling incredibly happy and fulfilled.
Caresing softly a still warm side of his bed, she decided that she didn’t want to wake up in an empty bed ever again.
And then she smiled broadly when she heard him humming hakuna matata, while cracking eggs and mixing them with flour and milk.
Kara slowly got up and went to the kitchen with a strong resolution to allow him to make the pancakes.
While looking at his glorious ass, of course.
First of all, feel free to kill me. BUT, I’m dealing with fuckingly massive writer’s block and this one shot, submitted to me by an anon on tumblr, may be a light in the end of the tunnel (let’s hope it’s not a fucking train). I’m in the middle(ish) of writing the third part of The Jolly Disaster (the second is going to appear in few minutes) and then I will finish Accidentally in Love. Cross your salty fingers, guys.
Also, writing it was super fun, so if you have prompts for SHORT ONE SHOTS - send me a pigeon.
Thanks for reading :)
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