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3 notes · View notes
alygator77 · 14 days
♬♪ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : beat of my heart ♬♪
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♬ pairing. college au // drummer! gojo x psychology major! reader (f)
♬ summary. being a psychology major with a passion for music, you're no stranger to chaos—between juggling school, caring for your mother, and working at a local music shop, you've learned to keep your cool. but when a cocky drummer pushes your patience to the limit, a chance encounter with satoru gojo—an enigmatic, sharp-tongued musician—turns your world upside down. as you're drawn to his dangerous charm, an unexpected connection deepens, but so do the secrets you've both been running from. will you get caught up in his rhythm before you realize it’s too late?
♬ warnings/tags. 18+ MDNI, nsfw, slow burn, smut, angst with comfort, some fluff, readers mom has dementia, mentions of suicide, alcohol/weed usage, unresolved trauma, commitment issues
♬ words: 7.3k
♬ a/n. hi lovelies, welcome to the debut of this fic :) very excited to explore this dynamic between satoru and y/n, thanks for reading ♡
♬ taglist: open
series masterlist ♬ next chapter → pending...
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ch 1 // the first measure
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“Emotional regulation is defined as the process by which individuals influence the emotions they experience, when they experience them, and how they express them in response to different stimuli.”
Staring at the neatly printed words in your psychology textbook, your mind automatically begins to dissect the concept.
Emotional regulation. The holy grail of human behavior, wrapped neatly in clinical terms. It’s the ability to keep yourself in check, to craft a perfect mask that hides what’s boiling beneath the surface. The world only gets to see what you allow. If it were as easy as the textbook made it sound, half your classes wouldn’t exist.
Letting out a breath, you sink deeper into your chair.
People aren’t simple equations you can balance, after all—people are… complicated.
Emotions, even more so.
They ebb and flow like unpredictable tides, swelling when you least expect them, crashing down when you think you’ve regained control. They are messy, stubborn, and relentless—especially when the brain stops following its own rules.
Your mothers face comes to mind—uninvited. Her once-bright eyes are now dull with confusion, emotions flickering in and out like static on a broken TV. Dementia has stolen the filter that once kept her reactions in line with reality. It’s as if her mind is betraying her, one piece at a time.
You press your fingers against the pages of the textbook. Will any amount of psychology truly prepare you to untangle the complexities of the human mind? Can it allow you to help her—or at least understand her—before she’s lost entirely?
Before you can sink further into that thought, an ear-splitting crash reverberates through the store, jolting you back into the present. Glancing up with a sigh, the peaceful hum of the music store is shattered by the clumsy cacophony of someone abusing a drum kit like it owes him money.
Clearly, emotional regulation isn’t on that guy’s radar.
Yet, somehow, you’ve grown used to it. Working part-time here has taught you how to tune out chaos, as if the dissonance of the store has become its own kind of background music.
It’s chaotic, but it’s your kind of chaos.
The strings of guitars being tested, the pounding of drum kits, the chattering of customers—it all blends into a rhythm you no longer notice.
You’ve been working part-time in this quaint little music shop for so long that silence has become unsettling. If it’s too quiet, your mind starts wandering, spiraling into places you don’t always want to go. And so, the chaos is your anchor—it helps you focus, keeps you present.
Studying in silence feels foreign.
“Ugh… I have such a headache,” Utahime’s voice breaks through your thoughts, her hand pressing to her temple. Standing a few feet away, she shoots a glare towards the drum section. “He’s been at it for practically an hour now. Like… come on. Is he trying to destroy that kit or learn how to play it?”
Glancing up from your textbook, you eyes land on a brawny guy with jet-black hair, slamming away on the drums with no sense of rhythm, no control—just brute force.
“Has it really been that long?” you ask, blinking at the scene. The noise had faded into the background for you, becoming just another layer of the store’s soundtrack.
Utahime gives you a look that screams disbelief.
“You didn’t notice?”
You shrug.
“Guess I’ve learned to tune it out.”
“Tch… wish I could do that,” she rolls her eyes, rubbing her temples like the sound is physically burrowing into her skull. “That guy is killing me.”
Oh, shit. Now that your attention is focused, you notice just how bad it really is. It’s not just noise—it’s borderline offensive to music. He’s not even playing the drums—he’s assaulting them—completely unaware of the sonic devastation he’s unleashing on the store.
Utahime lets out another long, exasperated groan, her entire body sagging as she leans forward in defeat.
“I swear, if he keeps going, I’m going to snap,” her elbows rest on the counter, and she presses her forehead into her hands. “y/nnnn,” she whines, lifting her head just enough to glimpse at you. “Can you please do something?”
Glancing around the store, you catch the irritated looks of other customers—one guy near the synthesizers is glaring openly at the drummer, his hand gripping a set of headphones so tightly you half expect him to snap them in half.
It’s like the whole store is holding its breath, waiting for someone—anyone—to make it stop.
A sigh escapes your lips as you close your textbook. It’s one thing to tune out the chaos when you’re focused on studying, but now that you’re paying attention, the noise feels like an assault on your senses too. You can’t blame Utahime for losing her patience—though she’s never been one to take matters into her own hands.
“Fine, I’ll handle it,” you mutter, pushing yourself up from your seat.
“Oh, thank God,” she breathes, finally peeling her hands away from her temples. “Please, work your magic. Before we all go deaf.”
You roll your eyes internally, though you can’t help the grin tugging at the corner of your mouth.
Magic. Sure—that’s one way to put it.
What Utahime calls ‘magic’ is really just years of learning how to manage other people’s shit without losing your cool.
It’s not magic—it’s survival. A skill you’ve honed out of necessity, not desire. And sure, maybe your love for psychology helps—you’ve got the theories to back up the practice—but most days it feels more like wrangling toddlers who never learned how to grow up.
Taking a steady breath, you step into the fray, weaving through the store’s labyrinth of instruments and displays. As you get closer, the vibrations from the drums rattle through your bones, crawling up your spine. The sound is unbearable, like nails on a chalkboard amplified through a megaphone.
The guy doesn’t even look up, his head bent low over the drum kit, raven hair falling in messy strands across his forehead. His arms move with the rhythm of someone who has no idea what rhythm actually is, and the muscles in his forearms ripple with each heavy-handed strike as he slams the sticks down like he’s personally offended by the drums.
You stand off to the side for a moment, watching him have at it. You’ve dealt with a lot of difficult people working here, but this guy? He’s so oblivious to the fact that the rest of the store is on the verge of mutiny.
Clearing your throat, you raise your voice, hoping to break through his focus.
“Excuse me!”
Another crash of the cymbals, loud enough to rattle your skull. Your jaw tightens as you try again, this time louder.
“Excuuuuse me!”
Still nothing. He’s completely in his own world, bashing away with reckless abandon. It’s like he’s in a vacuum, utterly disconnected from the chaos he’s creating around him.
Jesus this guy… your patience thins and you step closer—close enough now to feel the heat radiating off him from his overexertion. His shirt clings to his back with sweat, and the muscles in his arms continue to ripple with each reckless swing of the drumsticks.
He’s not just playing hard—he’s playing like he’s got something to prove.
As you reach out to tap his shoulder, you try to keep your touch firm but not aggressive, although, the moment your fingers make contact with him, his entire body jerks—drumsticks freezing mid-air as he whips his head around to face you.
His dark eyes lock onto yours, sharp and filled with a flicker of annoyance.
“What?” he snaps, voice dripping with irritation.
Keeping your expression neutral, you try not to let his attitude get to you.
“You’ve been at this for a while,” you begin, as calm as you can manage. “We have a limited selection and there are other customers who may be wanting to try this kit.”
His eyes narrow, clearly unimpressed.
“So?” he drawls, waving the drumsticks lazily, like your request is beneath him.
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you press your lips together in protest. Stay professional, you remind yourself. Shifting your weight slightly, you square your shoulders and look him directly in the eyes.
“So,” you continue, voice firmer this time, “store policy is thirty minutes per instrument. You’ve been playing for over an hour.”
A low, sarcastic laugh bubbles from his chest, the sound filled with mockery as he tilts his head back slightly.
“And… what are you gonna do about it?” leaning forward, he rests his elbows on his knees like he's settling for a show—eyes glimmering with amusement as his lips curl into a smirk. “Throw me out?”
You bite down on the inside of your cheek—every fiber of your being is itching to knock this guy down a peg.
Ugh. What a tool.
The condescension in his voice grates on you like sandpaper, but you force yourself to stay composed.
“Look…store policy is pretty clear,” you reply evenly, nodding towards the sign behind the counter. “You either give someone else a turn, or I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
Your words seem to pique his interest—his smirk widens, eyes flicking over you slowly, appraisingly. Suddenly you’re more interesting to him than this drum set. He pushes himself off the stool in a slow, deliberate movement, and you hold your breath the moment he towers over you.
He’s by no means, a small guy.
The light behind him is blocked from his broad shoulders, and there’s a new edge to his gaze now. The moment he invades your space, it is just a little too close for comfort.
“Oh yeah?” your stomach turns from the low suggestive timber of his voice, “And what if I don’t feel like leaving, sweetheart? You gonna make me?”
This guy might take the cake for being the most difficult prick you’ve had to deal with here, and that’s saying something. Working in this music shop, you’ve come across a lot of full of themselves wannabees, praising themselves like the next big thing—acting like God’s gift to music when all they want to play over and over again is ‘Stairway to Heaven,’ and ‘Wonderwall.’
A surge of discomfort ripples through your body, but you stand your ground. You know how this goes—he wants a reaction, and you’re not about to give him the satisfaction of seeing you flinch.
“Look dude, I’m not asking,” your tone sharpens, leaving no room for argument. “This is your last warning”
His eyebrows shoot up in mock surprise, and a low whistle escapes his lips, as if he’s impressed—but it’s the kind of faux admiration that makes your skin crawl.
“You’re a tough one, huh?” he muses, chuckling softly.
Leaning in, the heat of his breath brushes against your skin as he invades your space once again—far too close for comfort—and you feel his gaze sweep over you slowly, lingering in a way that feels slimy and unwelcome.
“I like a girl with a little fire,” he adds, voice dropping lower. “It always makes things more fun.”
Your hands curl into fists by your sides and you fight the urge to recoil as a surge of revulsion twists through you like a knife.
But before you can respond—before you even have the chance to formulate the sharp retort already forming on your tongue—the air shifts and a new voice cuts in.
“Wow, did I just walk in on the world’s worst pickup line, or are we about to throw hands over a drum kit?”
Turning your head towards the source of the voice, your eyes land on a tall figure standing a few feet away—his hair is a striking shade of snowy white, messy and untamed, falling in tousled strands that almost brush against the black sunglasses obscuring his eyes, and even with his face partially hidden, there’s no mistaking the mischievous glint tugging at the corners of his mouth—like he’s watching the scene unfold for his own amusement.
Despite the casual nature of his appearance—jeans slung low, a loose-fitting hoodie—there’s something undeniably striking about him. It’s the kind of presence that demands attention without asking for it
Who the hell is this guy?
Clearly irritated by the interruption, the drummer straightens up—his smirk faltering as he sizes up the newcomer.
“This doesn’t concern you, man,” he growls, tight with irritation. “I’m just having a little conversation with her.”
The snowy stranger’s grin turns sharp, though his voice remains light.
“Yeeeah, see, that’s where you’re wrong,” he steps up beside you, and without hesitation, his arm slips around your waist, pulling you smoothly into his side like you’ve always belonged there. “Everything concerning her concerns me.”
Your heart skips a beat, caught off guard by the sudden, possessive gesture. Part of you bristles at the boldness, but another part… feels oddly safe in his grasp—like he’s been by your side forever.
There’s a shift in the atmosphere as the drummer's eyes narrow—like the balance of power has tipped—the presence of this stranger throwing him off.
“Oh really? And just who the hell are you?” he snaps.
Your mysterious stranger doesn’t miss a beat—he chuckles softly, his sunglasses sliding down the bridge of his nose just enough for you to catch a glimpse of his eyes—brilliant, vivid blue, and gleaming with a spark that teeters between playful and dangerous. It’s the kind of look that makes your heart flip.
“Oh, me?” he feigns innocence with a nonchalant shrug, like this whole thing is just mildly amusing to him. “I’m nobody special.”
Sliding his sunglasses back into place, he casually pulls you in a bit closer, and you are met with the warmth of his body as he leans into you just slightly.
“Just here to make sure my girl doesn’t have to deal with assholes. Y’know how it is.”
Your mind scrambles to catch up.
Your girl? You blink, heat rushing to your cheeks as the words rolling off his tongue begin to register. You barely know this guy—hell, you don’t know him at all—and yet here he is, acting like the two of you are something.
But…maybe it’s working? Because the drummer’s eyes narrow further, his expression twisting as a furrow darkens over his features. Ah…but then you realize he’s not focused on the claim your stranger just made—no, his attention is locked on a different word entirely.
“Asshole?” he echoes, voice rising with indignation, practically spitting the word back. Clenching his fists, he steps forward with a scowl twisting upon you face. “You calling me an asshole?”
“Well, yeah,” your stranger remarks casually, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. He shrugs again, utterly unfazed by the tension mounting between them. “When the shoe fits…I mean, you’re acting like one, aren’t you?”
Pure rage flashes across the drummer’s face, and you can visibly see his fists trembling slightly.
Uhh… on second thought, is this guy even helping?
Now you’re not so sure if your so-called rescuer is making things better or worse, because clearly, the drummer is on the verge of snapping.
“You better watch your mouth man,” the drummer snarls, fury simmering beneath the surface.
But the stranger’s grin only widens, and he exudes a confidence that makes it clear he’s not worried in the slightest.
“Heh. That’s a warning I get a lot,” he muses, tilting his head slightly. “But y’know what? I don’t usually listen.”
It's a wonder the drumsticks the drummer is fisting haven't cracked under pressure, given how tightly he clenches them—his knuckles turn white.
“You think you’re funny, huh?” he growls through gritted teeth.
A low hum rumbles against your strangers’ lips as he ponders the question thoughtfully.
“I mean, I’ve been told I’m pretty hilarious,” he scratches the back of his head, like he’s seriously considering the statement, then, glancing at you, his eyes gleam with amusement as his sunglasses slide down the bridge of his nose slightly.
“Whatcha think babe? Am I funny?”
The question—and that pet name—catches you completely off guard, leaving you momentarily speechless.
But the drummer isn’t interested in the little game your stranger seems to be playing. His jaw clenches—teeth grinding audibly as his face hardens into something feral.
“I’m about two seconds away from wiping that stupid grin off your face,” he spits, taking another aggressive step forward.
Fucking hell, is a fight really about to break out at your work?
Your pulse quickens, and for a split second, you think he might actually swing at him.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” the stranger says, still grinning like none of this phases him.
He releases his hold on your waist and steps forward with a smooth, almost lazy movement, placing himself between you and the drummer. His hands slip casually into his pockets, posture relaxed, but the air around him shifts.
“Let’s pump the brakes, big guy,” he tilts his head slightly, a dangerous edge creeping into his tone. “You’re welcome to try. But I’ll tell ya right now—” his teasing lilt diminishes, replaced by something colder, more commanding, “you’re not gonna like how it ends.”
His words—a warning and a challenge wrapped in one—hang heavy, and for a moment it feels like the entire store is holding its breath, waiting to see what happens next. Glancing around, you notice a few customers watching the scene unfold.
Fucking hell—this has gone from bad to worse.
And yet…the drummer doesn’t swing. He doesn’t move—doesn’t even flinch.
He’s seething—rage evident in the set of his jaw, the clenched fists at his sides—but something about the stranger’s calm, unwavering demeanor is throwing him off balance. It’s almost impressive, really.
No, scratch that—it is impressive.
You misjudged this guy. He might have walked in here like a cocky troublemaker, throwing out cheesy one-liners and pushing your buttons, but now? Now, he’s cool under pressure, defusing a situation that could’ve easily escalated into violence.
Body language often says more than words ever could, and his is completely in control—relaxed, hands in his pockets, not a single muscle tensed for a fight, yet there’s a sharpness beneath the surface—an unspoken control that demands attention.
It’s brilliant in a way. He’s defusing the threat without lifting a finger—a textbook example of how to manage tension without aggression. This guy is winning a psychological game the drummer doesn’t even realize he’s playing.
Their silent standoff stretches, until finally, the stranger breaks the silence with his smooth and almost disarmingly casual voice.
“Look, man,” he shrugs one shoulder with a nonchalance that seems almost practiced. “This is me giving you a chance to walk away with your dignity intact.” Tilting his head slightly, he gestures toward you with a subtle nod. “She asked you politely to stop. This is a store, not your personal garage. So maybe it’s time you pack it up and go before you make things worse.”
There’s a moment—a pause that feels like it stretches just a beat too long—where you can practically see the drummer’s gears turning in his head, weighing his options, trying to hold onto whatever’s left of his bravado.
Then, finally, he mutters through gritted teeth,
The word is spat out, dripping with frustration and barely-contained rage, and with a sharp movement, he tosses the drumsticks onto the kit—the wooden sticks clattering against the drums in a final act of defiance.
“You’re not worth it, and this place sucks anyway,” he mutters, full of aggravation, but his heart no longer in it—it’s clear his fight has deflated.
Turning sharply on his heel, he shoves past both you and the stranger with a forceful shoulder, storming toward the exit, and once the door slams shut behind him, the sound reverberates through the store with an unmistakable finality.
Just like that, the tension breaks. It’s like the whole store exhales at once—the weight lifting from the air as the distant murmur of customers resumes.
Before you can fully process what just happened, the stranger beside you turns his attention back to you.
“Well, that was fun,” he remarks, “Could’ve gone worse though. I mean, I didn’t even get to throw a punch. Talk about anti-climactic, huh?”
You barely manage to take a breath as he closes the space between you just a little more, his movements slow and intentional, and your heart flutters the moment his sunglasses slip down slightly, just enough for you to get a direct glimpse of his eyes. They lock onto yours—those bright, vivid blues—and for a second, everything else around you fades into the background.
“Seriously though,” he murmurs, voice softer now. “You okay?”
There’s something undeniably genuine in his tone, something that cuts through the playful exterior and lands right in your chest. You weren’t expecting that—this tenderness from someone who moments ago had brushed off a near-fight like it was nothing.
His eyes—soft but still burning with intensity—hold yours captive, and for a second, you forget how to speak.
“Uh… yeah,” you manage, “I think so.”
“Good,” he says with a nod, pushing his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose. “Because I think you owe me a ‘thank you’ for that stellar rescue.”
You blink out of incredulity.
Thank you?
So much for tender—who does this guy think he is? You nearly scoff aloud. He wants a 'thank you' for a rescue that, truthfully, you weren’t even sure you needed?
Unsure whether you’re amused or annoyed by his arrogance, you open your mouth to respond—but before you can say anything, he cuts you off with a wink.
“Kidding,” he says with a chuckle, clearly enjoying your flustered reaction. “Always happy to help.” His hands settle into his pockets and he pauses, the corner of his mouth lifting just slightly. “Especially when it means I get to rescue a pretty girl like you.”
The compliment lands harder than you’d care to admit as you feel the warmth creeping up your neck and into your cheeks—betraying the fact that—against your better judgment—you’re not entirely immune to his charm.
A flicker of something stirs in your chest…
—nope. Let’s not go there.
Pushing it down before it can grow into something more, you refuse to let that feeling root itself.
You’re not looking for attention, especially not from a guy like this—a guy who flashes a cocky grin like he knows it works. The kind of guy who acts like the world bends to his whims.
Romance? No thanks. You’ve got bigger things to focus on. He’s exactly the kind of distraction you don’t need.
“Rescue might be a strong word,” you mutter, finally finding your voice again as you cross your arms over your chest. “I had it under control… mostly.”
“Oh, you did? My bad,” leaning in slightly, his voice lowers as if sharing a secret. “But trust me, that guy? He was one wrong word away from turning this into a full-on disaster. You’re lucky I stepped in when I did.”
You can’t help but raise an eyebrow at his comment, refusing to let him rattle you this time, and there’s a flicker of amusement creeping into your voice as you challenge him.
“Lucky, huh? So, what now? You expecting a medal or something?”
His grin widens—a grin that’s undeniably magnetic, but you resist being pulled into its orbit.
“Naaaah, I’m not that high maintenance,” straightening himself, he regards you with a slight tilt of the head. “But… I’ll take a coffee if you’re offering.”
You blink, momentarily thrown off by his response.
Did he just… ask you out?
“Wait, what?” you stammer, not quite sure you heard him right.
“A coffee,” he repeats smoothly. “Y’know, like a reward for my heroic efforts.” He pauses, just long enough to make it clear he’s toying with you. “Or is that too forward? I can settle for your number instead.”
You can’t help the scoff that escapes your lips—a sharp exhale that’s part disbelief, part amusement. This guy is unbelievable.
Nope. You’re not going to let him get to you that easily.
“I don’t even know your name,” you shoot back, lifting your chin just a little higher, “and you’re already angling for a reward?”
“Ouch, y/n,” he replies, placing a hand dramatically over his chest as if you’ve wounded him deeply—his grin, however, never falters. “That stings.”
You stare at him, your brows furrowing in confusion.
“How do you…?”
“How do I know your name?” he finishes for you, clearly enjoying this a little too much. He tilts his head. “Well, for starters, your nametag.”
You glance down quickly and—of course—there it is, printed neatly on the tag pinned to your shirt, and now you are mentally kicking yourself for not realizing sooner.
“Right… of course,” you shake your head in mild embarrassment. It’s infuriating how easily he’s messing with you.
An amused chuckle dances on his lips and he leans back ever so slightly—hands in his pockets like he has all the time in the world.
“But that’s not the only reason I know you,” he adds, voice taking on a more playful tone, almost like he’s daring you to figure it out. “You really don’t recognize me, do you?”
You blink, trying to piece together where you might’ve seen him before. There’s something vaguely familiar about his voice…have you heard it before? Do you know him?
“I don’t…” you start, trailing off, searching for any spark of recognition, but you come up blank. “Uhh… should I?”
Flashing you a toothy smile, he's clearly delighted by your confusion.
“Ouch again. Double whammy,” with a dramatic sigh, he shakes his head in mock disappointment as his crooked grin curves up. “I guess I’m not as memorable as I thought.”
Your eyebrow quirks up at his theatrics, and despite yourself, the corner of your lips do too. Ugh. You want to be irritated with him but somehow, he makes it incredibly hard to be.
“Right… well,” tilting your head, your voice dips with playful sarcasm, “maybe if you told me your name, it might jog my memory?”
With a soft chuckle, he slides his sunglasses off and rests them on top of his head, and just like that, you’re greeted with the full, unobstructed view of his eyes—striking, electric blue, so vivid they almost don’t seem real, and they lock onto yours with an intensity that sends a flutter through your chest.
“Satoru,” he says smoothly, as if his name alone should be enough to make everything click. “Gojo Satoru.”
The name floats in your mind, like it’s circling around something, but still, nothing concrete surfaces. He seems so confident—so sure that you should know who he is—and it only adds to your frustration.
Do you know him?
Generally, you keep to yourself, both at work and on campus—with your moms condition you don’t really have time for the exciting college life. Tilting your head, your eyes narrow as you study his face—surely, you would have remembered someone like him... wouldn’t you?
“Gojo Satoru…” you test the name on your tongue as if saying it aloud might unlock some hidden memory. But still—nothing. “Sorry, not ringing any bells.”
Satoru laughs again, rich and unbothered, like this is the highlight of his day.
“Wow, I’m really striking out today,” he shakes his head in mock dismay. “I guess I’ll have to try harder next time.”
Before you can muster a response, he reaches out casually, plucking a pair of drumsticks from an endcap display nearby, twirling them between his fingers like it’s second nature. He examines them for a moment, then looks back at you with a raised brow.
“So, since we’re here and I’m feeling generous… how about you check me out?”
You glance down at the drumsticks in his hand, then back up at him—his expression is unreadable, that signature smirk lingering as if he’s waiting for you to catch up.
“...you mean ring up the drumsticks, right?” you clarify, though your voice is uncertain.
“Sure, let’s go with that,” he murmurs, and then, with a sly wink, he adds, “But I don’t mind if you do both.”
For a beat, your breath hitches, and you fight back the urge to roll your eyes.
Okay—this is guy is definitely a flirt. You’re not falling for his trap.
“Wow… you’re really not subtle, are you?” reaching out, you snatch the drumsticks from his hand. “How many women actually fall for that?” you turn on your heel towards the counter, and he follows in step.
“Hmm…I’m not exactly keeping score,” he admits. “But let’s just say I don’t hear too many complaints.”
Glancing back at him, you arch an eyebrow as you approach the register—fingers automatically moving to unlock your cash drawer, and he leans casually against the counter beside you, propping his elbow on it—like he owns the space.
“Will say though,” he adds, voice dipping lower, “I don’t usually have to try this hard. You’re pretty special.”
You scoff, your fingers hesitating slightly over the keys, though you refuse to let him see how his words make a tiny flutter bloom in your chest.
“I bet you say that to all the girls,” you mutter under your breath, trying—and failing—to focus solely on the transaction.
Satoru hums, watching you with that same playful gleam in his eyes.
“Nah,” his tone drops to something almost conspiratorial, “you’re definitely one of a kind.”
Yup. He’s a smooth talker—and without a doubt, bad news.
Pressing your lips together, you force your gaze to remain on the screen in front of you. He’s playing a game, and you’re determined not to lose.
As you scan the barcode on the drumsticks, he casually pulls out his wallet to pay, and that’s when something catches your eye—a student ID peeking out from the clear pocket inside his wallet.
Narrowing your eyes slightly, your fingers hover mid-air as you get a better look. The ID is familiar—yet you can't make out the school’s name plastered right across it, but the logo and the colors are unmistakable.
Wait a second…
“We go to the same school?”
Satoru looks up, his grin stretching even wider and the glimmer in his eyes practically daring you to catch up—he’s been waiting for this moment.
“Took ya long enough,” he teases, playful but with a hint of smugness. “Yeah, we do.”
You blink, the pieces clicking together a little too late.
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” you demand, unable to stop the half-accusatory, half-embarrassed tone that underlines your voice. A groan slips past your lips and you shake your head in frustration. “I swear…you’ve been messing with me this whole time.”
With an amused chuckles, Satoru lifts his shoulders in a casual shrug.
“Hey, it’s more fun this way,” he leans in a little closer, and for a moment, the world narrows to just the two of you. “Besides,” he pauses, tilting his head just slightly while his lips curve into a sly grin. “I like watching you piece things together. You’ve got this cute little furrow in your brow when you’re thinking hard.”
The intensity in his eyes makes your breath hitch, and no matter how hard you resist, there’s that undeniable flutter in your chest, warm and unwanted.
“How come I’ve never seen you around?” you ask, trying to steer the conversation back onto safer ground.
“Oof. You’re killing me, y/n. I pass by you every day, actually.”
You frown, narrowing your eyes.
“Every day? Where?”
“The water fountain,” he says smoothly, tapping his fingers on the counter rhythmically, just a light touch. “Y’know, where you sit and study. Every afternoon, without fail. I walk by almost every day.”
Ah. That’s why his voice must’ve sounded familiar. You probably heard him—another voice blending into the background while you were studying.
“Really? Guess I never noticed you.”
Resting his chin in his hand, a dramatic huff falls from Satoru's lips as they form into a pout.
“Jeez…you don’t quit. I can’t believe I’m that forgettable.”
You can’t resist the soft laugh that escapes you, despite yourself—it’s hard not to find his antics at least a little amusing, and though you’d never admit it, the way he’s so desperate for your attention is almost… cute.
“Maybe you just blend into the background too much,” you shoot back, raising an eyebrow while extending your hand, silently gesturing for his payment.
“Ouch...” he winces dramatically, pulling out his card before placing it in your hand. “Okay, that one stung a little.”
“Yeah, well… I’m sure your ego will recover,” you quip, glancing up briefly before focusing back on the transaction. But there’s a brief pause as you swipe his card—a silence that suddenly feels charged with something else.
You can feel his gaze lingering on you, heavy and expectant, and you try your hardest not to give in to the pull to look at him again—but the heat of his attention is unmistakable, almost like a gravitational force pulling you in, and you can feel your pulse quicken under his scrutiny.
“I gotta say, you’ve got a sharp tongue—I like it,” he murmurs.
Your fingers freeze for just a second, your breath hitching slightly as his tone shifts, and you can’t resist—your eyes flick up and he holds your gaze captive yet again.
“But it’s a bad habit, y’know,” he continues, his voice dropping, growing more intent as his eyes flicker over your features. “Not being aware of your surroundings like that...” leaning in just a fraction, his words become a quiet murmur between the two of you. “What if some creep tried to take advantage of you?”
The gentleness in his demeanor… is he genuinely concerned? It’s hard to tell—harder than you’d like to admit—and it’s easier to convince yourself he isn’t—that this is all part of his charming routine, because that makes it easier to ignore the subtle pull he has on you.
“Well,” you keep your voice steady, despite the flutter in your chest, “lucky for me, no one’s tried. Unless…” tilting your head slightly, a teasing smirk tugs at your lips, “you’re secretly admitting to being a creep.”
Satoru’s laugh spills out, rich and warm, breaking the moment just enough for you to catch your breath.
“Nah, I’m not creep,” his voice lightens as he straightens up just a little. “Just a concerned citizen looking out for someone who’s too absorbed in her textbooks to notice the world around her.”
You huff, though the corners of your mouth twitch upward against your will.
“I can handle myself, thank you very much,” you quip back, determined to maintain control over the situation. In a quick, defiant motion, you grab the receipt and shove it into his hand, a small victorious gesture.
“Right, right. You definitely proved that today when I swooped in for the rescue,” he teases, and his hand brushes yours ever so briefly as he takes the receipt—a touch so light is sends a tiny spark up your arm. “But hey, what if you don’t show up at the fountain one day? I’m gonna have to file a missing person’s report.”
You can’t help but laugh at his ridiculousness, the sound escaping before you can stop it.
“A missing person’s report? Seriously?” you roll your eyes.
“Yup,” he grins, emphasizing the ‘p’. “You’re there so often it’s practically routine. Same spot. Same time. Every day. It’s kinda predictable, y/n. If I don’t see you there one day, I’ll just assume some creep finally got to you.”
You narrow your eyes at him, though you can’t help the faint heat rising in your cheeks.
“Predictable?” you retort, trying to sound indignant. “I don’t think so.”
“Oh, you are,” he counters, clearly reveling in your reaction as he slips the receipt in his pocket. “But hey, that’s not a bad thing. It makes you easier to find if you ever disappear.”
Shaking your head, you roll your eyes, a snappy reply ready on your tongue, but he’s already raising his hands with a dramatic flair, like he’s about to paint the scene in vivid detail.
“I can see it now: ‘Missing: Cute girl who spends way too much time by the water fountain. Last seen buried in a psychology textbook. Answers to y/n.’”
It’s impossible not to laugh again, the sound bubbling up as you watch him weave his ridiculous scenario with such confidence and flair. His eyes flick to yours, and a satisfied grin tugs at the corner of his mouth—clearly pleased with the effect he’s having on you.
“Wow,” you manage between chuckles. “You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?”
“Mhm,” he hums in agreement, leaning slightly closer. “Gotta be prepared. I don’t want anything happening to my favorite water fountain girl.”
Your heart flips—and for a second, it feels like he’s given you some kind of title you didn’t realize you wanted. You try to brush it off, to ignore the warmth spreading across your cheeks, but it’s not so easy with the way he’s looking at you.
“Riiiight… well, lucky for you,” you manage, attempting to sound nonchalant, “I’m not planning on disappearing anytime soon.”
“Good,” he murmurs, low and smooth. “Because I’d miss seeing you.”
You raise an eyebrow, trying to keep the upper hand, though the small smile that tugs at your lips betrays you.
“Uh-huh. Sure you would.”
There’s a brief moment, just the two of you—his gaze still locked onto yours, when—
You jump slightly at the sound, turning to see Utahime standing beside you, arms crossed, a knowing smile pulling at the corner of her lips. She gives you a look—a very knowing look—that sends heat rushing to your cheeks all over again.
“I’m taking my break,” she says, her tone casual but her eyes dancing with mischief as they flick between you and Satoru. “So… don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone.”
Suddenly hyper-aware of the tension in the air, you swallow hard and offer her a tight smile.
“No promises,” Satoru quips, that cocky grin returning to his face as he leans against the counter slightly—clearly unfazed by the interruption.
After Utahime saunters off, he continues smoothly, picking up right where he left off.
“So...” he starts again, “What do you say? How about you give me your number? Just in case I need it, y’know, for emergencies.”
He’s relentless, isn’t he?
Heat creeps up your neck as you blink from his boldness—with a soft, incredulous laugh, you desperately try to find your footing again.
“You really don’t give up, do you?”
That familiar and confident gleam glistens in his eyes as his grin widens.
“Not when it comes to someone as interesting as you.”
There’s a flicker of something in your chest—a flutter that you’re quick to squash.
“Mmm… sorry,” you murmur, tone sweet but firm. “But I don’t think you’re ready for that kind of disappointment. I’m really not interested in players.”
For the briefest moment, his grin falters, and something unreadable flashes behind his eyes—a momentary crack in his facade. It’s so quick, so subtle, that you almost miss it. But there’s just enough time to wonder if maybe you hit a nerve.
Still, Satoru recovers in an instant, his playful charm sliding back into place like nothing happened.
“That’s cold, y/n,” his voice light and teasing, though there’s a trace of something deeper, almost wounded, lurking beneath. “You really think I’m that kind of guy?”
Tilting your head slightly, you cross your arms over your chest as you study him—gaze sharp but not unkind.
“Yeah, well, I’ve met enough guys like you to know how this works.”
With a soft chuckle, and a smooth, almost lazy motion, he lowers his sunglasses from where they’re perched atop his head—resting them back on the bridge of his nose as the dark lenses now obscure his eyes from you.
He’s hiding behind them—letting them do the work of shielding his real thoughts. Huh. Typical behavior for someone who enjoys the chase but avoids real vulnerability.
“You’re quick to judge. I’m just a guy who knows what he wants. And right now? I just want your number.”
Classic deflection—you think. He’s not even denying it. Still... something about the way he says it makes that familiar flutter stir in your chest, and you hate it.
“Yeah... that’s not happening,” crossing your arms more tightly, you try to maintain control of the situation.
His hands come up in mock surrender as a small, amused sigh slips from his lips.
“Bummer,” he concedes, though there’s no real disappointment in his tone, only amusement. “But hey,” he picks up the drumsticks from the counter, “offer’s on the table if you ever change your mind.”
“Right... I’ll keep that in mind,” you dryly reply, knowing full well that you won’t.
“Please do,” he shoots back with that infuriatingly confident grin. “Besides, I’ll be seeing you around, water fountain girl.”
The familiar nickname brings an unwanted warmth that you attempt to shake off.
“I wouldn’t get your hopes up, Gojo.”
But Satoru just steps back toward the door, exuding that same unshakeable confidence. “Oh, I’m not worried,” he says with a cocky smirk. “You’re predictable, remember? I know exactly where to find you.”
You open your mouth, ready to fire back with something witty, but before you can, he’s already halfway out the door, twirling the drumsticks between his fingers with effortless ease.
“See ya around, y/n,” he calls over his shoulder, the door swinging shut behind him with a soft jingle before you even have a chance to respond.
And just like that, the store feels quiet again, as if the air shifted back to normal now that he’s gone. You stand there for a moment, blinking at the closed door. You should feel relieved that he’s gone, that the exchange is over, but instead, you’re left with this strange, restless feeling you can’t quite shake.
What the hell just happened?
Shaking your head, you exhale a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. There’s a part of you that’s frustrated—frustrated at how easily he slipped under your skin, how effortlessly he managed to unsettle you with nothing but a grin and a few flirtatious remarks.
You hate that you’re even thinking about it. About him. He’s just another guy with too much confidence for his own good.
But something about the brief crack in his facade sticks with you. That fleeting moment where his grin faltered, and something else—something almost vulnerable—flickered behind those cocky blue eyes.
What was that?
With another shake of your head, you push the thought aside. He’s a flirt. A player. The kind of guy who never takes anything seriously.
That’s all there is to it.
You don’t have time to psychoanalyze every flippant guy who crosses your path, even if there’s a part of you that’s still curious.
Just as you’re about to shake off the thoughts entirely, your phone buzzes in your pocket, snapping you out of your daze. You pull it out, glancing down at the screen.
Kyoko: Hey sweetie, just wanted to let you know your mom's been having a rough day today. She’s more confused than usual, keeps asking for you. Maybe you could visit soon?”
Reality crashes back in—grounding you in the weight of your responsibilities.
With a sigh, you run a hand through your hair, already mentally preparing yourself for the evening ahead.
You: Thanks for the update, Aunt Kyoko. My shift is almost over, I’ll be home soon.
Focus. There’s no room for distractions—not right now.
Not with Satoru Gojo. Not with anyone.
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a/n. thanks for reading the debut of bomh (or i guess the re-debut since this is a rewrite? hehe). i'm excited to explore a lot of topics in this fic, and rewriting it definitely helped rekindle my passion for this story. so, i'm looking forward with whats to come! hope ya'll enjoyed 💕 → you are currently all caught up ♪
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@gojoslefttoenail @satoryaa @ninjaturtletoes @murtabuckz @sorcerersseestars
@reagan707 @sakurasimppp @sugxryratz @tkyemfk @lovelyjkook
@lovebittenbyevans @kaemaybae @bloopsstuff
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311 notes · View notes
teatreeoilll · 8 months
I bring you a whipped Drummer!Yuji drabble
Yuji Itadori was in love. It was the blooming kind of love that he couldn't hide even when he was sitting behind the old drum set in the corner of the stage, pretending that cymbals (that were as thin as a hair from the angle you stood in) were hiding the blushing looks he was throwing at you.
"Looks like your drummer wants to bang something else," some drunk shouted from the bar, making the band members hiss at red-faced Yuji until he remembered it was time to cue the next song.
"Focus," Gojo Satoru leaned over the drum kit to stick out a long finger and tap it a few times between Yuji's eyebrows, "Fo-cus, yeah?" He tried to catch Yuji's gaze with his piercing blue eyes, which evidently worked only on women - since the boy couldn't focus on anything but how beautiful he thought you looked when you furrowed your brows and spouted insults at another overcharging supplier.
"Focus," Yuji finally uttered back, giving Gojo a resolute nod as he tightened the grip on his drumsticks, "Got it."
He didn't. He played every song far too fast, being too eager for the show to end because he had told himself for weeks that today would be the day he finally asked you out. He promised himself about thirty times he wouldn't back out this time - he even practiced in front of the mirror, although he wasn't proud of that.
When the show finally ended, he rushed off the stage, fearing his courage would disappear before he got to the wooden bar where you poured drinks to already tipsy customers.
"H-Hello," Yuji stuttered, fiddling with his drumsticks. How can you already stutter at hello?
"Oh, you must want the band's cut of the evening," you smiled, and his heart was about to leap out of his chest, "It will take about an hour to be ready."
"Oh, It's not that, I just wanted to - uh," his cheeks flushed bright pink.
You chuckled, "I promise we're not trying to rip you off. The boss is just a bit slow, that's all."
You could almost see the wheels in Yuji's mind stop turning, "Ah - sure, thank you."
But it's alright because he'll try again after the next show, and the one after that. Hell, he'll try every show until he'll finally squeeze out the words, will you go out with me?
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seuonji · 9 months
彡 my rockstar boyfriend — yoon jeonghan
★ his concept, cool, cold, calm and collected but when he’s with you he’s nothing but warm and loving.
notes ๑ goody two shoes reader, college setting, band au.
genre ๑ fluff
warnings ๑ non
word count ๑ —
from aya: my reqs are not open but if you want more scenarios in terms of rock svt bf MY REQS ARE OPEN FOR THAT<3
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drummer bf jeonghan left a message….”ynnie im almost done with practice, can i come over?”
actually he brings you to most of his practices but he understands you want to spend some nights studying or catching up with work. but even then he might barge into your apartment to bother you for a minute or few hours.
he loves it when you come to his practices cause it really motivates him 10x more to actually focus and learn the song properly. he would never mess up infront of you.
he totally sulks into your neck when he does tho.
free concerts ofc! he makes you stay backstage so you don’t have to stand in the humid crowd and his eyes are on you when he can take a peek. it was nice since eyes are usually on the vocalist, not the drummer.
fans make those videos ranking jeonghan the lowest when it come to boyfriend material due to his cold and mean-ish personality but that all goes away when they see how gentle he is with you.
jeonghan doesn’t know how to act when he’s out with you and he knows there’s fans watching. he loves his cold guy concept so he avoids showing how soft he is with you. ends up not being too affectionate with you but he keeps you close, always.
he’s also sooo possessive over you. like not extremely but he’s definitely covering your face with his hand or hiding you with his body when there’s cameras around. he knows how attractive you are and would hate to see the internet gush over you.
he makes up for his hiding of you by being extra sweet at home.
he would stop if you tell him to tho!
he claims to not have any social medias but he does and it’s just for personal use. his posts have too much (you can never have too much) of you and mentions you in most of his tweets, stories and posts in general.
like his instagram is just his selfies of him with you or just candid shots of you.
despite his secrecy on you about your face to the public, he still mentions you ever interview he can.
he’s a drummer but he hums for you so that you have a lullaby as you try to sleep.
he loves hearing your opinions on how you think of his performances. even if you don’t have a grain of knowledge in performing or music he takes your criticisms seriously and he treasures your compliments the most.
he massages your back with his drumsticks—
the end.
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662 notes · View notes
kupahdraws · 9 months
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WHALEFALL, a goth indie/rock band
Parsley, 24, he/him One of the few salmonids lucky to be an ingredient in the griller. However, he was flung out during a rough salmon run. His crispy grilled skin made him able to hide his salmonid identity and let him move into the Splatlands. He is now the drummer for WHALEFALL, with an enthusiastic passion for his craft.
Ossie, 23, she/her Ossie was raised as a denizen of the deep and was homeschooled her whole life. When she moved out, she had a hard time adjusting to surface society and all the trends of the time. But eventually she found parsley, stag, and eventually #9K and found a new band, and new friends. She is a bit strange, but very polite. She is also absolutely loaded due to inheritance from her old folks. She is the theremin/keyboardist of WHALEFALL.
Stag, 20, they/she/he Stag has lost their color due to a past toxic relationship causing them tons of stress. after meeting Ossie and getting a way out, that stress turned to unbridled rage and passion that she was able to strum out on the guitar. Stag has a short fuse and is a bit of a hardass, but loves her friends dearly and will stop at nothing to defend them. Stag is the bassist of WHALEFALL
#9K, 21, she/they Not much is known about #9K's past. All her band knows is that they found her after a show in one of the abandoned deep sea metro lines, and that she has alot of...something...pent up. #9K is very blunt and very stilted with her tone. Those who meet her almost consider her emotionless at first. But getting to know her reveals her blunt, snarky, yet caring and helpful nature. She wants the best for her friends. #9K is the lead singer of WHALEFALL.
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hwayangyeon · 1 year
nsfw bassist!heeseung x drummer!reader // heeseung and you sabotage your metal band's practices by constant fighting so jay tells you to fuck each other // smut, unprotected sex, bathroom sex, hate sex kinda, reader has a vagina, i don't know anything about metal, not proofread // 1k words
your band's practices have never been worse ever since a new bassist joined you. you disliked him the second you saw him, but for your group's sake, you tried to hide your feelings as hard as possible.
as a percussionist you usually start the songs and set up the pace, heeseung follows you right after but you just can't seem to synchronize. whatever you play sounds off, even for metal.
"why the fuck are you so fast? slow down, jesus. i can't keep up," heeseung complained after the 4th time you had to start over the song.
"speed up then? what are you doing with those slow fingers? fingering your mom?" you talked back to him and got ready to practice again.
"what did you just say?" he put his guitar aside and started walking in your direction with the angriest look on his face.
"enough," jay, your vocalist and leader, stopped him and stared at both of you, "you two - go to the bathroom and fuck each other. i'm growing sick of you"
"NOW. if jake and sunghoon don't get the chorus right, they just punch each other in the face and go back to playing. i don't want any more blood on my basement floor, so just go and fuck the shit out of each other."
you couldn't believe what you just heard. but, to be fair, it sounded better than having to deal with a black eye for two weeks. heeseung and you followed jay's finger pointing to his obscure bathroom.
the room was so small that you two barely fit in. unfortunately the ceiling lamp was still working (barely too) so you were able to see the black-haired guy's face. just looking at him makes you heat up.
"show me your tits."
"do you want me to get hard, or no? or should i fuck you with your drumsticks?"
"fine," you hissed and pulled up your shirt. you don't really wear bras to your concerts, so you don't bother putting one on to practices. he cupped your breast and the sudden touch sent a shiver down your spine. he's... bold. his finger brushed against your nipple, causing an even bigger pool in your panties.
he moved his hand to your other breast. it was pretty rough from the past 2 hours of playing the guitar, yet it felt like he was melting your skin.
"not bad."
"shut up," you pulled your shirt down and pushed his arm away. there's no way you'd let him do that in any other situation.
"bend over," he said and pointed at the sink behind you.
"you bend o-" you tried to say but he grabbed your hips, turned you around, and pinned you to the cabinet, trapping you with his hands on the counter.
you really couldn't help but push your butt back against him when you felt his bulge poking you as he pressed his whole body onto you. for two people hating each other's guts, your bodies felt like magnets.
he shoved your pants and panties down, then took out his dick and wasted no more time. you were so wet. he pushed his member between your thighs and you covered it completely in your juices. your folds were so slippery, he could barely put his cock in your pussy.
"fuck..." you sighed when he finally entered you after teasing your entrance.
he wrapped his arm around your waist and leaned over your shoulder. a gasp escaped his lips as he thrusts his whole length in.
he nibbled on your neck as his cold jewelry pressed on your back. his face was covered in his hair and a few strands of yours but you could see in the fogged mirror that he's furrowing his eyebrows.
his hand moved under your shirt from your waist to your breast and he squeezed it as he kept pounding into you.
your bodies moved in unison, both of you wanting to fuck the other.
the feeling of his dick stretching your walls apart became so overwhelming, you could barely keep your head up.
"come for me," he whispered into your ear, seeing your expression in the reflection.
"i'm not... coming for you," you struggled to say back.
"what are you going to tell jay then?" he continued kissing and licking your neck, extremely close to the sensitive spot under your ear.
you only gritted your teeth, wanting to stop the moans coming out of your mouth. thank god the guys started playing something the second you went into the bathroom, or else they'd be hearing all sorts of noises your bodies are making. with the guy you can't stand. fuck.
you brought your hand up to his still sweaty from the practice hair and pulled on it with the little power you had left. it was either the lack of oxygen in this small room or him fucking you brainless, but your vision became blurry and him pushing so much onto you didn't help either. you were so close. both to fainting and to your release.
he rode you off your orgasm so well, supporting your tired body with his hand on your chest and arm gripping the sink. he rested his head on your shoulder for a second to catch his breath with you before pulling away from you and brushing his hair away from his face.
even though you were still a little dizzy you quickly picked up your pants and left the bathroom. you both awkwardly walked back to your spots. you sat on your drum stool and he picked up his guitar.
as if nothing happened you resumed your practice and surprisingly, everything went well.
so now, whenever you and heeseung started jumping at each other's throats, jay just yells 'bathroom.' and you two obediently go there.
after hotel.
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magisland · 3 months
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“cmon, yn, just this time!” your best friend whines, “we’re gonna have fun, i swear!”
“seokmin, i told you a million times, i hate concerts! im not going” you say and watch your best friend pouts, already knowing what’s about to come: his endless sulking. “…fine! im going to the concert with you”
“youre the best!” he immediately smiles brightly and hugs you, “now lets go! we cant be late!”
arriving at the place, you already regret going, theres some many people talking and drinking, some of them already tipsy. you sigh and follow seokmin who’s walking towards the stage, wanting to get a clear vision of the concert when it starts.
the band finally appears and the vocalist introduces themselves, The Volunteers, before they start to play and sing. not gonna lie, the song is good and the vocalist has a pretty voice, but youre paying that much attention on that, your eyes are fixed on the drummer.
its like youre hypnotized by the way his blonde hair falls on his face while he plays and the way he smirks when he glances at you, like he noticed youre staring at him. youre mentally cursing yourself and trying to stop looking at him, but it seems like your eyes dont want to listen to you.
this keeps going until the end of the concert, your eyes leaving his sight only when he goes backstage. “so, what did you think? they’re so good, arent they?!” seokmin asks you all excited.
“yeah, they’re good… who is the drummer? do you his name?”
“the drummer? not sure, i think it starts with a j, jisung? juyeon?”
“jeonghan,” the person behind you says, you turn around and, to your surprise, its the drummer “its jeonghan. yoon jeonghan” he smiles while looking at you.
“bro, youre such a great drummer! i love your band and the concert was amazing!” seokmin says, but jeonghan only nods with a smile on his face before looking back at you “what about you? did you like the concert?”
your best friend gets the clue and start to walk away from you two, you look at jeonghan and nod “yeah.. it was good”
“good? only good? you seemed like you were enjoying the concert a little bit too much.. or should i say, enjoying the view a little too much?” he smirked.
“oh.. so you noticed, huh?” you chuckle, mentally wanting to hide yourself because of the feeling of embarrassment but trying to keep it together.
“how could i not notice? my first fan, which happens to be beautiful” he smiles proudly when he sees you blushing. “well, now you know my name, but i dont know yours”
“ah, its yn” you smile a bit shyly, trying your best to not look too shy around him.
“yn… your name is as beautiful as you. but i have to say, i want to know one more thing about you”
“what is it that you wanna know?”
“your number”
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
♫⋆。`♪ ₊゚.11:01 p.m. (m) — choi yeonjun
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genre: smսt, bratty sub!yeonjun, rockstar!yeonjun, dom!fem!reader, yj wears a collar at all times bc i said so, light petplay (he gets called pup, but nothing further than that) <3
wc: 2.9k
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yeonjun's little secret is hidden in plain sight.
his skeleton in the closet is encapsulated by a simple piece of leather wrapped around his throat — it's something that he nearly always has on, whether it be promotional photos, meet and greets, or concerts. his fans have spotted it on him when he's out partying, perusing festivals, even while he's simply out and about. sometimes, he even attaches a longer piece to it, wraps it around his wrist like a leash, and yet everyone always dismisses it as some sort of social commentary (he's honestly seen enough think pieces on twitter to last a lifetime). and when someone asks about it? he brushes it off and smoothly changes the subject.
because it's not just a plain old choker, or a collar worn to criticize an oppressive social regime — no, it is yeonjun's indirect way of telling the world that he belongs to you.
indeed, you, the pretty little girlfriend of tomorrow by together's famous drummer, have more power over him than anyone else. he's yours to keep in line, yours to ruin — yours to own, wholly and completely. sure, you keep your relationship with him fairly private, but the collar is your own way of staking claim on the man that is desired by everyone. what can you say? you’re a little territorial.
and maybe it makes your sex life just a bit more exciting.
yeonjun slams his sticks down on his drumset’s cymbals one final time before he’s ripping his in-ears out in order to hear the crowd. their screams heighten the adrenaline racing through his veins, his heart pounding against his ribcage so hard he thinks that it might burst from his chest. slick sweat shines against his bare, tanned skin under the blazing stage lights that illuminate him and the rest of the band. they blind the crowd from his eyes, but he can still hear the frenzied screams of “i love you!” and “fuck me please!” and the cries that beg them to continue the show — he eats it up, basks in the untouchable feeling as he stands on his chair and dramatically bows to his fans. hopping down to join the rest of his members at the front of the stage, they give their wild fans one last goodbye as the platform they stand upon begins to lower below the stage, each of them waving to fans. before he is fully off stage and the mic in his hand cuts off, he allows one last bellow of “thank you, chicago! good night!”
impatiently, he mumbles a quick “good job” to the other guys before he’s leaping off the moving platform, removing the stage gear that is strapped to his torso beneath his tank top and tossing it to the floor with little abandon. the staff can pick it up for him later, because all he can think about is finding you right now; he’s excited to hear what you think, always a glutton for your praises. 
frantic eyes scan the crowded backstage area, trying to spot you amongst the sea of staff. his steps grow faster when he realizes you’re nowhere to be found, his heart racing for entirely different reason now. where are you? are you in his dressing room? are you fucking hiding from him? 
his head whips around in a flash at the familiar call of his name, watching as you slink over to him in the most mouthwatering outfit he’s ever seen. your skintight black shirt leaves little to the imagination, with plunging cutouts that show off the curvature of your breasts and leave your navel bare, tucked into what can barely be called a mini skirt due to how little it covers. your eyes shine as you stare up at him, hands reaching up to cup his jaw before you pull him into a messy kiss full of teeth and tongue and passion, ignoring the chaos that whirls around your bodies. he moves down to trail his lips down your neck, but you stop him with a single finger slipping under his collar at the back of his neck, pulling him back by it. the feeling lights a fire within him.
“easy there, tiger,” you laugh, smirking as you meet his kohl-lined eyes. “we’re in public.”
“but baby,” he whines, hands wandering down to your ass, slipping under your skirt, and delivering a hard squeeze to the bare flesh. “need you s’bad.”
your tongue subconsciously runs over your front teeth while you watch his once clear eyes grow all hazy and hooded. brushing a thumb over his plump lips, you murmur, “so needy already, hm?” he nods, and you bite back a cruel comment. “then how about we go to your dressing room, pup?” 
yeonjun feels the fire inside his stomach roar to life at the pet name, no longer just a tiny flame, but something all-consuming and desperate. the next few seconds pass as a blur as he makes a beeline towards his room, adorned with a star and his name. the door slams behind you, your back pressed to the wood soon after as he cages you in, his lips crashing against yours with fervor. he brazenly gropes at your exposed flesh, his already hardened cock pressing against your thigh through his jeans. he’s getting too bold, isn’t allowing you to lead — and you’re becoming annoyed.
your fingers find the thin strip of leather around his throat once more, pulling harder this time. he chokes at the feeling, fingers pressing deeper into your flesh, refusing to move as he diverts his attention back to your neck again. annoyance brews into a bubbling anger, your fingers leaving the collar to twist in his hair and yank. a yelp sounds from his throat at the tingly pain branching across his scalp.
“already forgetting who’s in charge, pup?” you grit out, pulling harder all the while. he releases a shaky breath, but doesn’t move to give you an answer. scoffing, your gaze sharpens. “get on your knees.”
“no,” he replies, defiance coloring his tone and expression. “i don’t wanna.”
you use your free hand to grip his chin. “don’t you want to cum tonight?”
“obviously,” he says, rolling his eyes. 
squeezing his chin, your vision spots red, and you seethe, “then get on your fucking knees.”
he gives you a similar response as before. while yeonjun is usually obedient, there are times where he becomes too greedy, too bold in trying to steal the reins from you unrelenting hands — it seems tonight is one of those nights, but you know just how to put him back in his rightful place. he’s too easy, really. 
without warning, you shove him away, stalking over to the other side of the room where your purse lies. you ignore his questions of what you are doing as you dig through the bag, quickly locating what you want: his leash. the black leather is cool against your skin as you wrap it around your hand, the clip held between deft fingers. it matches his collar perfectly; simple yet effective, you surmise. his eyes widen at the sight of you returning to where he stands with it in hand, mouth going dry as he realizes you aren’t in the mood to play tonight. 
yeonjun freezes as the clip loops around the small chain that holds his collar together, biting his lips when you tug, testing the integrity. your expression betrays nothing of your inner thoughts, gaze steely and borderline bored — you refuse to look at him now, moving in silence. he feels a tug from behind now, and it presses the leather against his windpipe for a moment. his cock twitches, and he aches to touch himself, to relieve the unbearable pressure in his pelvis. 
“i was gonna reward you tonight, y’know, for doing so well,” you sigh while you step in front of him again. your calm yet venomous tone sends tingles down his spine and more blood towards his center. you poke at the center of his chest before you continue. “but you decided to be a stupid little brat and not listen. so!”
you’re just being cruel now, but the pathetic furrow of his brow and the pout forming on his lips is the least of your concern at this point. you saunter over to the couch that sits in the middle of the room, bend over right in front of him, and slip your thong down your legs. behind you, he audibly gasps, both of your holes on proud display in front of his eyes. his attempt to surge forward is quickly thwarted, the length of his leash too short to even come close to reaching you, and he turns back to find that you have tied it to the doorknob. he reaches for the knot—
“don’t even try it,” you call. “that isn’t one you know, stupid pup.”
turning back to you, he finds you leaned back on the couch with your legs spread wide, perfectly manicured fingers slowly circling your clit. you emit a quiet moan as you tease yourself, hips rolling up into your fingers to search for more stimulation. gulping, he remains silent, focused on the way your entrance flutters around nothing. 
“i get to touch, you get to watch,” you sigh, pressing harder against your bundle of nerves. “and don’t even think about touching yourself without permission.”
knees weak, he stands there, vision growing hazy around the edges at you prod and tease yourself, working yourself up at a painfully slow pace. he knows you’re doing it on purpose, but his cock is so hard and it’s so painful and he just wants to—
“put your hands back at your sides,” you order, further threats already pouring out of you before he can process the command. “or do you want a worse punishment? want me to go get your bandmates? i’m sure they’d love to fuck me, make you watch with no way to stop them from taking me, have them use me ‘til they’re satisfied— mh, just thinking about that is getting me close.”
across the room, yeonjun feels tears line his eyes. the fingers that have sunken into your entrance should be his. he should be the one between your legs right now, his lips wrapped around your clit and your thighs suffocating him until he’s dizzy on your taste and scent. he should be the one with his cock in you, not anyone else — and especially not his fucking bandmates. falling to his knees, a sob wracks his form, but you’re still not feeling particularly kind. 
“aw, are you crying? you’re such a pathetic little thing, jjunie. can’t even listen to basic fucking orders, but you cry when you don’t get your way?"
the first tears slip down his face when your first orgasm hits you, your legs struggling to remain open as you whimper and whine, exaggerating your moans on purpose. you throw your head back and arch your spine, giving him a better view of your soaked hole as you ride out the waves of pleasure. 
“‘m sorry,” he mumbles, cheeks streaked with tears and his head hanging low. his fingers dig into the meat of his thighs, but you can catch the shake of his fingers despite his grip. 
of course, you heard him well enough, but you decide to feign ignorance. “what was that, pup? look at me when you speak.”
“i’m sorry!” he shouts, his pupils blown out and blurry with lust. “‘m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, please— please let me touch you, wanna make you feel good. i can’t—”
“you’re sorry now?” you interrupt, his head nodding up and down in rapid succession. “huh, i’m not sure if i believe you.” 
“pleaseee!” your boyfriend sobs, disregarding anyone that may stand on the other side of the door, his voice thick and shaky. his collar has been pulled taut against his neck with how desperately he has tried to move towards you; his head is hazy and he can barely think about anything except pleasure, both his and yours. “please please please please—”
his begging continues as you rise from the cushions. you ignore the slight quake of your limbs, now leering over him while he stares back up at you, his shiny, swollen lips parted to allow soft pants to escape. crimson stains his cheeks and spreads down his neck, black streaks of ruined eyeliner mixing with it — an absolute painting.
extending a foot, you press the heel of your shoe against his erection. his jolts, a drawn-out whimper escaping him. your lips form a condescending pout as you press a little harder. “poor pup. so sensitive. so pathetic.”
“‘m not pathetic,” he whispers. with a single eyebrow raised and your head titled to the side, you crouch down to his level, gently gripping his chin.
“no?” you question softly. “then why are you so hard just from me degrading you?”
“‘m sorry, can’t— can’t help it.”
“aw, i know, baby.” you reach up to run your hand through his dusty rose hair, removing a few sweat-slicked strands from his forehead. “i’m gonna untie you. i want you to go sit on the couch, and take your pants and boxers off for me, okay?”
he does as promised once you untie the knot. he even went one step further and removed his tank top, his cock pressed against his abdomen, the entire shaft an angry red, his veins more pronounced than usual. precum beads at his tip, dribbling over the side of his cock. obediently, his hands lay at his sides against the cushions. his fingers curl as you undress.
you move to straddle his lap, cupping his face in your palms. “i’m gonna put it in, pup. you're gonna be good, right?”
he nods before he inhales sharply, your fingers touching him where he needs you most. you guide his leaky cock to your entrance with one hand, biting your lip as you begin to sink down on him. the stretch causes your head to spin and your walls to flutter around him. he whines. “don’t, ngh, don’t do that.”
“what? this?” you ask as you purposefully clench your walls. his whimper morphs into a shout when you sink down fully, taking him to the hilt and staying there. his dick presses against the spongy spot deep inside you, stretches your walls perfectly. your pussy was made to take him, just as he was made to listen to you. 
the rhythmic grinding of your hips is enough to have him crying out, tears flowing down his face once again. you lean down to kiss them away, hands finding his and pressing them against the cushion on either side of his head. sighing in delight, you begin to fuck him faster, bouncing up and down on his cock. his mouth is frozen in a permanant ‘o,’ head thrown back while he bucks up into you.
“feel so good inside me, jjunie. so big,” you moan. he twitches inside you at the words, which spurs you to keep going. “such a dumb little thing, just need my pussy and you’re gone? have to have me think for you? so— fuck, so cute. you’re all mine, aren’t you?”
“y-yes! all yours, ‘m only yours!” he replies. you smile at the admission, releasing one hand to pull at his collar. his thighs begin to quake below you, muscles contracting and relaxing sporadically. you lean in to kiss him and swallow his loud moans, holding him close by the strip of leather. power paired with pleasure surges through your veins, pleased at his ruined state. you smile against his mouth. 
“rub my clit,” you encourage, feeling his thumb move like lightning to the little bud, his sloppy circles causing your rhythm to falter. “i’m gonna cum, jjunie. want you to cum inside— fill me up, pup. don’t you want that too?”
“yes! yesyesyesyes-” he rambles and rambles until you feel him spill inside you, ropes of cum painting your walls and triggering your own orgasm, his cock pulsing inside you as he continues to cum. your walls flutter as you ride out your high, your fingers moving to press his face against your breasts. he kisses and sucks at the flesh between high-pitched whines until you finally come down, the pulsing of your walls ceasing. slowly, you lift yourself off him, ignoring how his seed spills from your hole and onto the couch. with one final peck to his lips, you adjust his collar and sit next to him, pulling him into an embrace and allowing him to bury his head into the junction between your neck and shoulder. 
“did so good for me, jjunie. i’m so proud of you,” you murmur against his hair, rubbing soothing circles against his back. you gently rock him back and forth with you, making sure that he’s comfortable. “do you need anything, baby?”
“nuh-uh,” he says, voice vibrating against your skin. “just wanna be held.”
with a fond smile, you nod to yourself and squeeze him a little tighter.
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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rock-in-peace-reita · 5 months
ガゼット history (1998-2002)
Ruki's first band was a punk rock band called 鎖鎌 (Kusarigama). He started it in high school with one of his classmates. After this band broke up, his friend asked him to be the drummer of a vkei band. This was Ruki's first vkei band, Sacrifice. According to vk.gy, Sacrifice formed in 1998 and disbanded in 1999.
Ruki and his friend eventually decided to leave 鎖鎌 to form a new band called 魅琴 (Mikoto). The timeline for 魅琴 is pretty messy, because Ruki and the band's vocalist have given slightly different timelines for the band. According to Ruki, he was there when they formed 魅琴. However, there are flyers that show the band had a lineup prior to Ruki joining.
According to Ruki, he and the guitarist found a vocalist for the band after seeing him perform in Yokohama. The vocalist brought along the guitarist and bassist from his band, and they formed the final lineup of 魅琴 (Mikoto).
魅琴 played their first live on 3/28/2000 at Yokohama 7th AVENUE. On 05/28/2000, both the guitarist and bassist left the band. Ruki joined as the drummer on 6/17/2000. Ruki and the guitarist 悲敬 (Hikei) joined vocalist 舞沙 (Casüga) and guitarist 憂葵 (Yuki) with support bassist 朋架 (Houka).
Meanwhile, Uruha and Reita had been in several bands throughout middle and high school. vk.gy lists Uruha's early band history as before christ → adolf → dis eine. Reita isn't listed as being in any of these bands, but he almost certainly was.
Ruki met Uruha and Reita when 魅琴 played with their band 鴉 (Karasu). Both bands were active in the Yokohama live scene, and they played together multiple times. Ruki and 舞沙 thought that Uruha and Reita were really cool, so 舞沙 eventually approached them about forming a new band with him and Ruki.
Meanwhile, Aoi moved from Mie to Tokyo in 1999/2000. He met Yune sometime after, and they formed a band called Melville. Melville played their first live on 1/27/2001 at hide MUSEUM in Yokosuka.
Mikoto played their last live on 3/22/2001 at Takadanobaba AREA. Ruki, Uruha, and Reita formed Ma'die Küsse on 4/13/2001. Ma'die Küsse played their first live a few months later on 6/13/2001 at Meguro Rock Maykan. Ruki had hoped his fans from 魅琴 would follow him to the new band, but Ma'die Küsse was a lot less popular and eventually ended up having only around 10 fans.
The band tried a few different concepts and sounds, before settling on the medical theme (with lab coats and bloody bandages). Their fans increased, but tensions built up between the members. Ruki, Uruha, and Reita formed a not-so-secret side band called L'ie:Chris ahead of Ma'die Küsse breaking up.
Melville disbanded a few months later, and played their final live on 4/14/2001 at Takadanobaba AREA. Aoi and Yune then went on to form a new band called Artia on 6/06/2001. Artia played their first live on 7/19/2001.
On 9/16/2001, L'ie:Chris played their first live as a “secret band” before the disbandment of Ma'die Küsse. Once they stopped playing secretly, they began going by Kar†te=zyAnose. They played their first official live as Kar†te=zyAnose on 11/12/2001.
Aoi and Yune met Ruki, Uruha, and Reita on 10/05/2001 when Ma'die Küsse and Artia played a live together at Meguro LIVE STATION.
Ma'die Küsse played their last live (at Takadanobaba AREA) before disbanding on 10/28/2001. On 11/04/2001, Artia then announced that they'll be disbanding after their live on 11/26/2001.
Ruki, Uruha, and Reita approached Yune about joining a new band. Yune suggested that they also let Aoi join. The members agreed, because they thought it would be good for the band to have an ikemen member.
Kar†te=zyAnose played their last live on 1/01/2002. ガゼット then formed a couple weeks later on 1/14/2001. ガゼット played their first live on 3/10/2002 at Meguro Rock Maykan.
About a year after their first live, Yune left the band, and Kai officially joined ガゼット on 2/02/2002. Yune did come back as a support drummer for a brief period when Kai suffered from hearing loss.
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hazbinwhoree · 7 months
reader that is related to one of adams band members. but has no interest in adam due to his reputation (at first) since she only bothers with long-term and committed stuff. tends to hide behind her sibling and snitch if adam ever tries to make a move. at some point its more to fuck with adam than actually avoid him, I assume it eventually works out, after more effort than expected from adam
My Bandmate’s Sister
A/N: The song is Like Real People Do by Hozier, my lord and savior.
Adam and his drummer, David, had beef. Was it because Adam constantly pursued David’s sister? Well that was David’s beef. Adam’s beef wasn’t exactly clear, but he had started pursuing David’s sister for the sole purpose of pissing David off.
(Name), David’s sister, came to all of their shows and had a free pass backstage due to being family. She had absolutely no interest in Adam. Every time Adam flirted with her, she would tell her brother and hide behind him, smirking as he and Adam got into a fight.
But Adam was nothing if not persistent.
His reputation was working against him, his fuckboy persona not benefitting him for the first time in his life. (Name) was a conservative girl, only interested in the long term and unconcerned with hookups and all things shallow. And in her mind, Adam was a shallow as they came.
“There are 206 bones in my body. Want to help me grow another one?”
Unimpressed, (Name) turned to face him. “I’m shocked you know how many bones you have in your body. I figured you were too stupid to know a fact like that.”
Adam placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt. “Babe, you wound me.”
“Leave me alone or I’ll tell David you’re trying to fuck me again.”
Adam pushed a little more, and true to her word, (Name) spun on her heel and marched over to the drummer, tapping his shoulder. She whispered in his ear and David looked over at Adam, pissed.
He stood up and just like that, he and Adam were in another fight.
See, maybe Adam would have given up by now. It was funny the first few times, but the constant fights with David were getting old. The problem was, Adam had legitimately started catching feelings for (Name). He supposed he’d just have to try harder.
Maybe heavy flirting wasn’t the way to go.
Instead of heavy flirting, Adam started asking her questions about herself instead. (Name) seemed skeptical and sometimes she’d tell on him to David just to fuck with Adam, but it was working much better than the heavy flirting was.
(Name) actually enjoyed having normal conversation with Adam. Once you got past his flirting and ego, he was actually a good conversationalist. (Name) came to learn more about him too. He only takes his mask off to sleep. He can’t cook. Doesn’t have any STDs (surprise), how that conversation even came to be, (Name) didn’t know.
It was kind of nice, but Adam could tell her guard was still up. He started ignoring his groupies in lieu of talking to (Name) after every show, much to David’s chagrin. If David had it his way, Adam wouldn’t interact with (Name) period, but she was more than capable of making her own decisions and if she wanted to talk to Adam, he couldn’t stop her.
(Name) felt slightly special that Adam blew off easy lays just to pursue her. Still, she was sure it was an act to get into her pants, so she was cautious.
Adam started dedicating sets to her at shows, and David hated it. (Name) found it kind of sweet that he was pubic about liking her. He was getting in his own way when it came to getting laid and he didn’t even care.
One night, after a show, (Name) was talking to her brother when Adam approached her. “Hey babe, can I steal you?” David scowled. “No–” (Name) silenced him with a hand on his shoulder. “Sure,” she agreed.
Adam grinned and led her away while David glared after them. He led her outside the venue before abruptly picking her up bridal-style and taking flight. (Name) shrieked. “I can fly by myself, asshole!” Adam just laughed at her.
They weren’t in the air for too long before Adam reached their destination. It was an open field, a beautiful clearing, where the stars and moon shone brightly. Adam carefully set her down on her feet before pulling his guitar off his back.
“I learned a new song, I want to play it for you.”
“Did we have to come all the way out here?”
“I needed to set the mood,” Adam rolled his eyes. “Just listen.”
He began to strum his guitar.
“I had a thought, dear, however scary
About that night, the bugs and the dirt
Why were you digging? What did you bury
Before those hands pulled me from the earth
I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask and neither should you
Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips
We should just kiss like real people do.”
(Name) was silent. Adam had such a nice voice. She’d never been serenaded by a guy before.
“I knew that look, dear, eyes always seeking
Was there in someone that dug long ago
So I will not ask you why you were creeping
In some sad way, I already know
So I will not ask you where you came from
I would not ask and neither would you
Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips
We should just kiss like real people do.”
(Name) couldn’t believe a metalhead like Adam had learned a love song just for her.
“I could not ask you where you came from
I could not ask and neither could you
Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips
We could just kiss like real people do.”
(Name) was quiet when Adam finished the song, and her heart fluttered when she noticed how nervous he looked. “Did I get the message across?” he asked.
“That you want to fuck me? You’ve made that very clear.”
“No,” Adam said exasperated. “That I like you.”
“Oh.” (Name) was quiet. He seemed so genuine she found herself believing him. It scared her.
“Oh?” Adam repeated. “Is that all you have to say?” (Name) shook her head. “I’m just… processing.” “I thought I’ve been making it pretty clear,” Adam said.
“Well sure, but you’re a fuckboy,” (Name) retorted.
Fair enough.
“Which is why I did all this. I wanted to ask you something and make it special.”
“Ask me what?”
Adam put his guitar back on his back, reaching his hands out for (Name) to take. Cautiously, she did.
“To be my girl.” “What?” “I’m asking you to be my girlfriend,” Adam said, tone devoid of all humor. “Are you serious?” Adam nodded. “Dead serious.”
Now (Name) looked unsure. “What is it?” Adam asked. “Anything you’re worried about, any questions you have, I’ll answer. Put your mind at ease.”
“I’m just having trouble believing the great Adam wants a serious relationship.”
“You’re forgetting I’ve been married twice. And I really loved Lilith and Eve. They left me, not the other way around. Fuck, Eve cheated on me. So I know that pain and I’d never be unfaithful. I know I’m kind of a man whore but who cares what I do when I’m single? I’m a man who can commit. To the right woman.”
(Name) had to admit he plead his case well. She couldn’t deny her own feelings for him any longer, not with that reassurance.
“...Okay.” “Okay?” “I’ll be your girlfriend.” “Really?” Adam almost looked like he didn’t believe her.
(Name) smiled. “The song kinda sold it. Did you really learn it just for me?” Adam blushed. “Yeah, I know you like Hozier and I figured that was the most applicable song so…”
(Name) took her hands in his. “That was sweet.”
They stared at one another, faces illuminated by moonlight, before Adam bent down and carefully connected their lips. He’d waited for this for so long.
The stars twinkle above they as they kiss like real people do.
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agaypanic · 3 months
Can you do a Rodrick fic where his band and the readers band are kinda like rivals but they end up falling for each other yknow? Sorry I’m so bad at detail lmao 💀
Battle of the Bands (Rodrick Heffley X Pop Singer!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: While wandering around during lunch, Rodrick sees a giant poster for Battle of the Bands, which immediately piques his interest. But while signing up, he meets the leader of a pop band.
A/N: lowkey famous au, reader is in a pop band based off of Citizen Queen (by based off of, i mean the band name is citizen queen and they sing a citizen queen song, but i just made up the other band members lol) (side note: just found out (writing this 6/6) that citizen queen is a three piece now AND grouptherapy is a duo?? Why was i not informed on this omg). Kinda inspired by some of the pop!reader x rocker!rodrick asks ive answered, also kinda inspired by metal lords 
Rodrick had a routine of wandering around the school during lunch. He didn’t really like the cafeteria. It was loud, not in a cool rock way, and was filled with his annoying peers. So he grabbed whatever sandwich his mom packed for him that morning and ate it as he walked around campus. Sure, he could just eat in his van. But knowing him, he would probably miss class if he went anywhere outside the building. He didn’t mind that much, but his parents were way more on his ass about grades and attendance than usual.
While walking down one of the hallways, a giant poster caught Rodrick’s attention. “Battle of the Bands.” He read, eyes soon widening as he registered what it meant. This wasn’t just some poster advertising the event; it was also a sign-up sheet. Shoving his half-eaten sandwich into his mouth, Rodrick ran to the poster while trying to pull a pen out of his backpack.
The sign-up sheet was blank, so the poster must have just been put up. This felt like fate to Rodrick, seeing this before anyone else. He wrote his band’s name quickly, taking up two entry lines in his excitement. 
He stared at the poster a bit longer before someone appeared behind him. “Excuse me?” Rodrick whipped his head around to see a pretty girl with a lopsided smile.
“Hi.” Rodrick didn’t know why you had approached him, but he wasn’t about to stop you.
“Hey.” You pointed to the poster behind him. “Are you done with this?”
“Huh?” He suddenly remembered that he was in your way. “Oh! Yeah, sorry.”
Rodrick stepped to the side, watching you laugh lightly and take out a pen. “It’s okay.” He watched as you wrote a name below his, only taking up one line instead of two like him. You read his band’s name. “Loded… Dipper?”
“It’s pronounced ‘diaper.’” He corrected proudly, missing your muffled laughter. “We’re a rock band. I’m the drummer and the founder, Rodrick.”
He thrust out his hand for you to shake. “Cool.” You said. “I’m Y/n, singer and founder of Citizen Queen.” You pointed to the name you had written down. “We’re a pop band.”
Rodrick didn’t have the same decency as you to hide his laugh. “Pop? That’s like, so overdone.” You raised your brows at him in surprise.
“Well, you know what they say. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” You retorted, giving the sign-up sheet and then giving him a once-over. “Why’s your band called ‘Löded Diper’? Is it because you guys are full of crap?”
Rodrick gasped dramatically, dropping your hand. He narrowed his eyes at you. “Toosh.”
“It’s touche.”
“I guess we’ll see you at auditions.” You say, giving Rodrick a sickly sweet smile. “Let’s hope you don’t stink as much as your name would suggest.”
Rodrick opened his mouth to say something but couldn’t think of anything. He groaned in frustration and pointed his finger at you. “I’ll think of a comeback to that.” You laughed, starting to walk away.
“Don’t hurt yourself thinking of one!”
Rodrick saw you at auditions before you saw him. You were with your friends, joking around and doing warmups. 
“Hey, who’s the hottie you’re staring at, Rodrick?” Chris hit his friend’s shoulder, following his eye line to see you do some half-hearted dance practice with the rest of your band.
“Don’t…” Rodrick trailed off, knowing he would call you the exact same thing. But he needed to focus. He looked at Chris with a stern look. “Don’t call her hot. She’s the enemy, Chris, she’s competition.”
“Chill, man.” Drew laughed.
Rodrick whipped around to look at his band. “No. We gotta focus if we’re gonna win this thing. You can start thinking about hot chicks when we need groupies on our big sold-out world tour.” His bandmates thought about it for a moment, before nodding in understanding. “Good, now start setting up. We go on first.”
The rock band moved their equipment to the auditorium stage to set up. Seeing that the first band was about to audition, everyone settled into seats.
Löded Diper’s performance was… interesting, to say the least. The music wasn’t exactly your taste, mainly the lyrics. And they were very… energetic. That was the nicest way you could describe the somewhat cringey spectacle. As soon as the boys were finished, the two people conducting the auditions scribbled down some notes and yelled out for the next performers: you and your band.
While Löded Diper packed up their equipment, you decided to go up to talk to Rodrick. You figured that you might as well try to be civil with him. You had to admit that when he wasn’t talking, Rodrick Heffley was kinda cute.
“Nice job.” Rodrick looked up from one of his drum pieces, trying to decide whether or not you were being sarcastic. Maybe you were a little bit, but you wanted to keep that to yourself. 
“Thanks.” He said a bit skeptically. Then suddenly, the skepticism turned into cockiness. “Don’t hurt yourself trying to top it, baby.”
You rolled your eyes a bit playfully. “My name’s not ‘baby,’ don’t call me that.” Then you laughed a little. “And good comeback… I guess.”
“It only hurt a little to come up with.” 
“Two minutes until the next band comes up!” One of the adults called out, and Rodrick jumped to pack up the rest of his drum set.
You didn’t think he’d trust you to help him put his stuff away, and frankly, you didn’t exactly want to in the first place. “So… maybe we’ll see each other at Battle of the Bands?”
“Depends on how good you do.” He teased. Annie, one of your friends, called you over to where the rest of your band was grouped. You gave Rodrick one last look before starting to walk away. “Baby.”
You whipped around and saw Rodrick smirking at you. Shaking your head, you kept walking.
You shouldn’t have been surprised to hear that almost every group that auditioned got into Battle of the Bands. The auditions were probably just a formality, at the most, making sure no one was gonna perform anything too explicit. 
The high school auditorium was completely packed, making you a little nervous. This wasn’t your band’s first performance, but it was your biggest so far. You tried to stay positive, though. You and your friends have run through this song probably a hundred times with barely any problems. Now, all you had to do was do it one more time in front of your entire town.
“Citizen Queen,” the stage manager read the band name from his clipboard. “You’re up next, get ready.”
You were about to move closer to your friends, who were huddling together when you felt a tap on your shoulder. “Hey.” You turned around to see Rodrick. 
“Hi.” You responded, squinting at him because of the slight darkness backstage. “Nice eyeliner.”
“Thanks, I used my mom’s.” You giggled at the response, and Rodrick cracked a smile at the sound. “Good luck out there.”
“Thanks. Good luck to you guys, too.” You put your hand out. “May the best band win.”
Rodrick shook your hand, repeating your words. Before you could let go, he squeezed your hand and looked at you hopefully. “Maybe… whoever wins should get treated to dinner by the other?”
You smiled, slowly starting to nod. “That sounds nice.” You decided not to mention that other bands were competing, so the chances of Löded Diper or Citizen Queen winning were slim. You leaned close to Rodrick. “Better get your wallet ready.”
“We’ll see about that, baby.” Rodrick teased before finally letting go of your hand.
With one last look, you skipped over to your friends, who were giving each other pep talks. You all talked for a quick minute before the announcer called your name. The five of you ran out on stage and got in your positions, waiting for the music to start.
Rodrick watched the entire performance, eyes intently focused on you. You moved fluidly with the rest of your friends, not singing until the pre-chorus. Rodrick was immediately taken away by your voice. “Keep my head up, head up, and heels high. I might be in love, but I don’t rely on someone to make me feel alive.” While walking around the stage, you suddenly made eye contact with Rodrick. “You keep calling me baby. But that’s not what my name is.” You winked at him before you and the rest of your friends started singing the chorus.
It felt like an eternity to Rodrick before the song ended, and that was meant in the best way possible. He honestly didn’t want it to end, because your voice was so lovely and you were so energetic. 
When you ran off stage, you and your friends tightly hugged each other, filled with adrenaline. “That was so awesome!” Nora squealed.
“They’re cheering so loud.” Stella laughed. “We’re totally gonna win this thing!”
Everyone started to pull away from each other. “No one speak too soon.” You said, slightly out of breath. “You might jinx us.”
“Come on,” Annie said, starting to walk away. “Let’s get some water.”
Everyone eagerly followed, but you started to stagger. You called out to your friends, saying you’d be there in a minute, before walking over to Rodrick, who seemed to already be waiting for you.
“That was awesome.” He said as soon as you were in earshot. “You were awesome.”
“Thanks.” You grinned. “Glad it didn’t sound too overdone.”
Rodrick laughed sheepishly, remembering his comment about your band’s genre from a few weeks ago. “No, it was, uh… It sounded just right.” Rodrick looked around, ensuring he still had time to talk to you before he and his band had to go on. “So, even though my band is pretty awesome, I have a feeling that you guys will win. But even if you don’t… can I still take you out to dinner?”
It amused you a bit, seeing this rocker boy look so shy. You took a step towards Rodrick and went up on your toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. “I’d like that.”
“Löded Diper, you’re on in five minutes!” The stage manager called out.
Rodrick took a deep breath, reeling from your affection and the fact that he and his band had to perform soon. “Awesome.” You both chuckled at the slight waver in his voice. “So, I guess I’ll see you later. Queen.”
You laughed at the new nickname. “I guess you will.”
Rodrick Heffley Taglist: @tweedledipshit @screechingsandwichtriumph
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
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Pin my Heart
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 3.2k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), Sexual innuendos, FLUFF.
*I don't consent to having my work translated/published on other platforms*
Main Masterlist
Thread the Needle Masterlist
Chapter 1 >>> Chapter 2
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Shielding yourself from the harsh rain with your windbreaker, you bravely wade through it, with one objective - convince Hobie to be your partner and model for your final project. The entire day you've been thinking if he still owes you a favour that you can maybe cash in, and you've got the perfect one. You think at least, You never know with Hobie really. You'd think after more than ten years of being friends, you can get a read on him, but alas he's quite unpredictable, maybe that's why you like him so much, he still has a few surprises up his leather sleeves even after years of friendship.
The loud music coming from Hobie's and his roommates' garage acts as a beacon for you to follow through the downpour.
Entering the band's domain, you wave at them since they wouldn't even hear your greeting with the loud music they're playing. You watch Hobie do his guitar solo as you wrangle your wet windbreaker off you, used to the loud music, you watch his long fingers expertly play with the guitar. You catch yourself staring, so you turn around to hang your soaking windbreaker on an empty shelf, using this excuse to hide your flustered state.
Hobie finishes his solo and you turn back around, avoiding the knowing stares from his bandmates.
"There's our number one fan!" Hobie screams, his ears still ringing from the loud guitar riffs, adrenaline still rushing through him.
"Hey, everyone" you awkwardly greet.
"Hi, shy girl!" Hobie gives you a hug, knowing he's all sweaty from rocking out.
You try to avoid his hug by putting your arms towards him, "Hobie! You're all sweaty! Stop!"
"Look who's talking! You're also wet!"
"Yeah! from the rain, not sweat, asshole!" You try to push him off, but he's too strong, damn him and his strong arms.
He hugs you fully, putting all his weight on you, chin on top of your shoulder, his breath tickles the shell of your ear. "How's your day?" The ringing in his ears finally stops, and he can finally talk without screaming at you.
"It would've been good, if I didn't get Hobie sweat all over me" you huff, leaning away so that Hobie couldn't hear your heart beat quickening.
"Don't act like you don't like it, sweets" he winks at you, releasing you from his grip, but he keeps his hands on your shoulders, you're an arms length away from him. He stares at you, head tilted to the side.
Yuri, their new drummer pipes up, she clears her throat, getting both your attention from eachother. "I'm making Tea, y/n you want some?"
"Yes please, thanks Yuri" You smile at the raven haired sweetly.
They all pile out of the garage, as Hobie manually closes the gate. He reaches up to grab the handle to pull it down, his shirt rides up, you ogle at the exposed skin on his hip. For the second time that day you look away immediately, finding the discarded drum kit more interesting than Hobie's toned back.
The loud crash of the gate closing signals you to look back at Hobie. A chill runs through your body, you wrap your arms around your shivering form.
"Shit, you're gonna catch a cold, let's get you warm, yeah?" Hobie rubs your arms. He grabs your backpack from the floor, and then slings his precious guitar on his back. Hobie leads you inside the house.
The house seems to be much cleaner than the last time you visited, probably thanks to Yuri. The warm aromatic smell of the tea hits you like a truck, you sneeze at the sudden change of smell, or it might just be from the rain soaking you.
"Bless you!" Ned, the band's bassist, yells from the living room.
"Thanks Ned" You sniff.
"C'mon, let's get you dry, don't want you getting sick on me now" Hobie hugs your shoulder with his free arm.
"That was one time, Hobart" you glare at him. He snickers at your comment.
You two stand in front of his door covered in various punk band stickers. He leads you in by your shoulders, and sits you down on the bed.
"I like the new song" you say as Hobie plugs in the portable heater, then places it in front of your shivering form.
"Thanks, we've been working on it for a while" he grabs a towel from his drawer, while rummaging through it for a clean shirt, he tosses the towel on your head.
"Is this even clean?" You get a whiff of soap from the towel, answering your question.
"I'm not a barbarian" Hobie takes off his shirt, before you could ogle at him once more, instead you watch the light on the heater flicker. It's not the first time you've seen him shirtless, so why are you feeling so flustered right now? "What do you wanna do today? Can't go out though 'cause of the rain"
"Can I ask you for a favour?" You try to be blunt, so you could get it over with, wrapping yourself in the towel.
Hobie leans against the door, hands on his hips, he's now wearing a grunge long sleeved shirt that's too big on his shoulders, you see a peek of his skin from the various tears of the shirt.
"Ah, already cashing in the favour I asked you last night?" He raises his pierced brow.
"Yeahh? It's - I need your help" You look at Hobie, determination in your eyes.
"Are you in some kind of trouble? Knew you had it in you" he smirks.
"No, it's not that, I need your help for my final project"
Hobie remembers the tea waiting for you, "hold that thought" he leaves the room, you try to call him back in, but he continues towards the kitchen, you huff but you still follow closely behind. There goes the privacy of convincing him.
Yuri, Ned and their other band mate, James stop their conversation in the kitchen when they see you both walk in.
"Alright, what kind of project?" He questions your intentions, while preparing your tea, your preferred mixture practically ingrained in his mind.
You swallow your nerves, "It's nothing too big really, I - no, we need to create a look that encompasses us both, and for you to model it in front of my class?" The end of your sentence unintentionally sounded like a question.
Hobie stops from pouring milk on your tea, you can't see the growing smirk on his face. You snuggle the towel closer to you. His housemates sip their tea simultaneously.
Hobie stirs your drink wordlessly. He composes himself, turns back towards you, still stirring your drink dramatically. He looks like a Bond villain who can't wait to tell you his master plan.
"What's in it for me?" There it is. He sips your drink loudly, knowing that he's annoying you with the sound.
He doesn't even like milk in his tea, you thought, you bite your tongue from saying it out loud, you need to sweeten him up, so you try playing the nice card.
"What do you want?" Saying it through gritted teeth, trying to give him your best smile, you probably look like you're in pain though.
"Hmm, let me think" he taps the teaspoon against the mug, it clinks against the ceramic, he then brings it to his mouth with a loud slurp, releasing it with a pop. He's doing this on purpose, you cringe at the sound.
"How about I do your laundry for a month?" You negotiate.
"Nah, I can do my own laundry"
"I'll wash your motorbike every month for the rest of the year" you counter.
"Y'know I never let anyone else touch my baby"
His band mates' heads move from Hobie back to you, like they're watching a tennis match.
"Ok, um I'll buy you a new guitar then!" Gotcha you finally got him, hook, line and sinker.
Hobie hums at that "hmm, tempting, but no"
Frustrated at his lack of cooperation, "You know what fine, James," you turn towards his equally punk friend, "you wanna do it with me instead?" You should have worded that out better.
Hobie widens his eyes at the unintentional innuendo, he smiles at the opportunity, "Hey! No! I'm the only one you can do it with!"
His friends snicker, James looks at you with a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Maybe you can ask Yuri, She might be more of your type." Ned teases.
Yuri winks at you. They laugh, Hobie looks at you through his mug with a smile, watching your reaction.
"Guys, really? You're a child, Hobie" You cross your arms over your chest.
"Wait, I've got an idea" Yuri runs off to her room before you could question her.
You and Hobie stare at each other, while he drinks your tea.
"You're lactose intolerant, you're gonna shit yourself later" you grin at him.
"I have lactaid," he says matter-of-fact.
Yuri comes back and gives you a card. "Here"
"What's this? A business card?" You ask.
"Oi, are you actually trying to get a lawyer involved?"
"Yeah, a divorce lawyer, with how you both are acting like you're married" Yuri sarcastically says.
"It's a rewards card from starbucks?" You show Hobie.
Hobie comes closer to see, you both look at Yuri questioningly.
"Since Hobie here can't figure out what to ask of you in exchange for his cooperation with your thing," Yuri points to the both of you. "I figured you both need a rewards system. You poke out a hole in the card every time Hobie wants you to do something for him"
You look at the card with ten logos you can poke out, words printed neatly on top 'buy ten drinks and get a free one!' you look at the back - it expired a year ago.
"So he can ask for ten things then?"
"That's right, better than what you were suggesting, and you can keep track of it all," Yuri adds.
"Nah, I don't think this is better" Hobie declines.
"Do you have any better ideas, genius? Or do you want us to keep going back and forth" you shove the card in his free hand.
"Fine, say pretty please first, lovey" Hobie walks closer to you, the tips of your sock clad toes kisses his bare ones with how close you two have gotten. He looks down at you with a smile.
If you didn't like Hobie so much you would've asked James or any of his punk friends. Honestly you just want an excuse to spend more time with him. With how busy your schedule is, the same goes for Hobie, compared to when you were younger, you two barely hung out this year.
Hobie hopes this project of yours makes you two closer than ever, he also hopes when you finally graduate you get to finally hang out more, but it's a stretch.
You exhale, you look up at him through your eyelashes, "Pretty please, Hobie" you say sweetly. You don't break eye contact, you're not going down without a fight "with cherry on top?" You bat your lashes for added effect.
With how pretty you look up at him, Hobie's breath hitches in his throat, he tries to play it cool though, so he lightly shoves his mug on your chest, signaling his defeat.
You take the mug to your lips, and sip victoriously. You lean against the kitchen island.
"Does that mean I'm out of the picture then" James says, you all look at him unsure if he's joking or if he actually means it.
"Come off it, mate" Hobie shuts him down.
You're sweating bullets, wringing your fingers over the other, you wonder where in the world is Hobie? You sneak glances over your classmates and their chosen partners.
You see Flash next to a bombshell of a woman- all high heels, and manicured nails. Compared to his sporty style, he chose well. But judging from how the woman picks at her nails, and sighing every now and then, she definitely did not want to be there.
Your other classmates also chose well, the differences between their partners a stark contrast to each other.
Then there's you, sitting alone, without a partner. You busy yourself by sketching out a prototype of your project, instead of letting your thoughts freak you out.
The creaky doors open, like nails on a chalkboard. You stop in your tracks, head perking up at the sound, is it Hobie?
Your hope fades when your professor's heels echo around the room.
I'm gonna kill him, you internally curse.
Your professor looks around the room, her nose held up high. She opens her mouth to speak—
The door opens in a loud bang, the familiar leather boots strides in nonchalantly.
You would've sighed in relief, if not for Mrs. Williams glaring at Hobie.
"Sorry I'm late, teach" Hobie's hands are tucked inside his leather jacket, your professor's eyes narrow as she looks him up and down.
His eyes zeroes in your form. He smiles lopsidedly, Mrs. Williams follows his gaze, sizing you both up, she finds your pale blue cardigan a glaringly obvious difference to Hobie's leather jacket.
Noticing eyes on both of you, you give Hobie a shy smile, waving to get his ass over to your station.
The various metal on his clothes swing loudly, grabbing attention from everybody else who wasn't already looking your way. You cringe at the unwanted attention.
"Hey, love" Hobie gives his signature smirk.
"You're late!" You whisper-shout.
"Y'know how much I hate waking up early"
"It's half past eleven, Hobie"
"I'm here now aren't I?" He raises a pierced eyebrow.
You would've scolded him more if it weren't for your professor, glaring daggers in your direction.
"Looks like you all partnered up well" Mrs. Williams says plainly "ready your photographs" as she strides up to the nearest station.
"What photograph?" Hobie mimics your professor's cadence.
You elbow him to stop, just in case Mrs Williams has super hearing.
"This picture" you show him a polaroid tucked inside your sketchbook.
Hobie grabs it carefully, it shows you both two years ago, you're smiling widely right next to Hobie as he slings his arm around your neck with his guitar on his back. Hobie grins at the camera as sweat drips on his face.
He chuckles at the memory "I remember this, battle of the bands, right?"
"Yeah, your band won second place" you point at the silver trophy that Hobie's holding in the photograph.
"Should've won though" he slides the picture back to you.
"Aww, still salty, huh"
He leans on your side of the table, hand on his chin "we were robbed, lovey"
"Mmhm, sure" you tease him, even though he's right.
From your peripheral you see your professor looking in your direction.
You swallow down your anxiety, leg bumping up and down, feeling a firm hand on your thigh, you stop, looking at Hobie, a comforting smile on his lips, but all you can give him is a tight lipped smile.
He rubs comforting circles over your thigh, leaning slightly towards you to whisper "it'll be alright, it's just an introduction, you've got this" you would be flustered at the contact, but your nervousness triumphs over it. Hobie shakes your leg, taking his hand back when the professor stops on your station.
She takes one look at the both of you, eyes darting between your forms, she watches as Hobie places an arm behind your chair, smirking at the woman.
You can feel the bead of sweat falling on your forehead, hands shaking.
Mrs. Williams extends a lithe hand to you, asking for the picture on your table. You quickly hand it over, you don't want to make her wait, fumbling a bit, scared to give her a papercut.
She flips the picture to face her, you try to read her reaction, but her straight face makes it hard for you to understand her emotion.
"Good" she hands it over to you after a quick scan of the picture.
"Thank you?" You hold the picture like it's your most precious possession (it is) you can't believe that you actually impressed her, not knowing that the word 'good' is even in her vocabulary.
She moves to the next student, Hobie leans back in his chair, looking at you through his lashes "good? That's it?" He watches as you look at the picture with stars in your eyes, disbelief on your pretty face, Hobie thinks he's gonna have a lot of fun with you in this project, before you inevitably leave him for greener pastures.
He sighs, trying to dampen his thoughts, he's not ready for you to leave his side yet. You've been through thick and thin with him for more than ten years, it's hard for Hobie to think of you not by his side. He's proud of you, truly, but he can't help feeling that you're gonna leave him behind for someone better. He wants to savor every last second with you.
Hobie flicks your cheek, trying to get your attention.
"Ow, what?" You whisper-shout.
"What're you gonna do after this?"
"I don't have other classes today, I guess just go back to the dorms and design?"
"That's loser talk" he pokes your cheeks, what is up with him and your cheeks these days? "Come with me after this snooze fest"
"Where to?" You swat at his hand.
"Somewhere" Hobie shrugs, leather jacket squeaking when he moves.
"Last time you said that, I had to haul your band's equipment, while you lot were blacked out drunk"
"I wasn't blackout drunk" he mimics your voice on the last two words, "I wasn't even drinking that much"
"You introduced me to Ned, I've known him for five years, Hobs"
"So? A reintroduction doesn't hurt?" He tries to play it off, fixing the collar of your shirt.
"Just promise me it's not a pub, I don't want to take care of drunk you again"
He grabs his chest, feigning hurt "I thought you liked taking care of me?"
"I do" his heart sings, you slap your palm over his chest, Hobie's hoping you don't feel the thudding of his chest. "I just don't like getting your sick all over my new trainers"
He winces at the memory, but he bounces back immediately "yeah, but I can't help getting sick over you" Hobie casually flirts, hoping you finally get the hint, ten years isn't too late, right?
You roll your eyes, used to his flirting "stop, my classmates could hear"
"Let 'em" He leans back in his chair, mission failed, he'll get you next time.
Mrs. Williams clasps her hands, one look from her gets the entire room quiet, Hobie doesn't seem fazed though, staring directly in her eyes.
"We'll reconvene next week with your sketches and fabric samples, your partners included. Is that understood?"
A collective "yes ma'am" can be heard from her students, even some of the non-students say it. Hobie mockingly salutes in her direction, you're horrified, good thing she missed it though.
"Hobie!" You say through gritted teeth, grabbing his half raised arm.
"What? She didn't even see" he stands up, heavy boots thudding on the linoleum floors. "C'mon then" Hobie beats you to your backpack, waiting hand stretched towards you.
You hear shuffled feet, your classmates and their partners slowly file out of the room.
"Where are we going?" You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously, he's being too nice.
"Told you, somewhere nice"
"Not a pub?"
"Not a bloody pub, it's too early anyway" he flexes his fingers, beckoning you over, "don't make me exercise my rights"
You chuckle "what?"
"The bloody card"
"You want to use one, for this?" You wave the rewards card after grabbing it from your pocket "must be some place important" you tease him.
"Yes, now give me the bloody thing" Hobie snatches it from your fingers, punching out the logo, you see it float down on the table. He hands it back to you, tucking it safely inside your pocket.
"Ooohh one down nine to go" you finally stand up.
"Let's go before they close" He slings his arm over your shoulders.
"Are we taking your bike?"
"Of course, I'm not letting you ride the tube, don't worry I brought your helmet"
"You're such a softie, y'know"
"Yeah, yeah" only for you, he wanted to add, maybe next time he gets to finally say it to you.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it, as always likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
*pictures above are from pinterest*
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franabz · 8 days
★ Task Force 141 Band AU
(my asks are open for whoever has questions or is interested in the concept!! feel free to slide in)
Soap would be the drummer, and a damn wild one at that. He was never really good at singing and has a tendency to hide away in his garage to slam away on his drum set like the gates of hell were opening up. He usually performs without a shirt due to how sweaty and overheated he gets while performing, simply personal preference. Like Price, he is also a massive enjoyer of mosh pits and sometimes begins playing even harder as he watches the crowd dance around and head-bang like a pile of fish. He loved it.
Gaz would be the bassist/background vocalist, always keeping on rhythm and adding that extra flair to each song that it just needed. He has a very nice singing voice, but is way too stage shy to be the lead vocalist, though many fans wonder how he could be so scared with the sultry voice of a godsend. Despite his shy demeanor on stage he is very upbeat and enthusiastic with each note played, whether it be head bobbing or full on hopping around stage like a lunatic when he is in the zone.
Price would be the manager and rhythm guitarist, easily the most experienced of the bunch. He is the one that organized the idea of a band and gets the group gigs and whatnot. On stage he is pretty laid back and reserved, though he does get very into the music. He also isn't very good of a singer due to constant voice cracks or flat notes because of his smoker lungs, something he refuses to quit despite best efforts. Despite his reserved demeanor, he absolutely loves it when mosh pits start, often tossing guitar picks into the crowd and watching the audience roar in shouting and cheers.
Ghost would be the lead guitarist and vocalist, though not very interactive with the fans. He has a deep and gruff baritone voice, one that makes the ladies swoon at just the mere thought, though he quickly learned to not pay any mind to it. When in the zone, he's an absolute beast. Fingers flying across the fretboard like it was the last song on earth, sometimes so hard his fingers would start bleeding all over his guitar; though he doesn't seem to care. Nobody had ever seen his face, which furthermore adds to the mystery of the masked guitarist.
The group was going through a dry spot in their gigs and decided it was time to find a new addition to the band; you.
Price decided to take the band to a local bar that was currently hosting a bands night, the perfect opportunity to find potential candidates to fill the secondary background vocals position. Everyone was on board with the idea of a new member, being enthusiastic about it if anything. But not Ghost.
"They'll all be shite." He'd repeat like a broken record, as if that would do anything to change Price's mind.
Now here they are, seated in a secluded part of the bar and scoping out the crowds like hawks, the soft intermission instrumentals and the dimmed yellow lights mixed with the lingering scent of alcohol and cigarettes filling the musky air.
Soap came back from the bar with four shots, setting the glasses onto the sticky wooden table and sliding into the booth beside Ghost, a small smirk across his lips.
"Figured ye needed some liquid courage b'fore tae bands c'me out." The Scotsman chuckled over the overlapping noise of crowded patrons, raising a hand to give Ghost a firm pat on the shoulder, one of which caused him to grumble something inaudible under his balaclava.
"Ts' all useless." Ghost grunted, raising the edge of his balaclava briefly to take a sip of his lukewarm bourbon, curling his lip in disgust. "You ever stop complainin', Si?" Price huffed, placing a cigar between his lips and lighting the other end with a cheep lighter, the thick smoke pooling from his lips and wafting into the air. "Jus' being realistic." He jeered, watching as the lights of the pub began to dim and the stage-lights brightened, illuminating the stage. A stage manager emerged from behind the wings and gently tapped the top of the microphone before clearing his throat and addressing the audience.
"Good 'fternoon everyone! I hope you are all havin' a good night!" The man spoke, his voice quickly followed by an uproar of applause and cheering. Gaz laughed lightly at the enthusiasm; mainly from the piss drunk bar patrons. "To start off this night, let's all give a warm welcome to the first band of the night, Woodland!" As he added that final segment, the audience roared even louder as the stage manager handed off the microphone to the lead vocalist of the band, a girl by the stage name Vixen.
As the band started loading on stage, Price was vigilantly scanning each member for potential candidates, already mentally rehearsing what he would say as a proposition to whoever he deemed fit for an invite. Ghost sat in his booth with a quiet scowl across his face, though it was mostly hidden by his balaclava. Everyone seemed the same as the rest; too cocky for their own damn good. He scoffed and leaned back in his seat, folding strong arms over his broad chest and reached for his shot glass, before pausing briefly, a flicker of interest crossing over his gaze as one member in specific crossed the stage and grabbed their microphone; you.
This was about to get interesting.
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korizzybee · 1 year
Imagine: being Hobie Brown’s little sister who’s also a spider
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Info: reader is a darkskin!black!fem, reader is age 12-13, Hobie is 17-18, SPIDERMAN ATSV SPOILERS‼️
For as long as you can remember it has just been you and Hobie against the world, I guess you had gotten your spider powers like a year after Hobie but you both joined the spider society at the same time
Hobie takes really good care of you seeing as how you’re his only family member left, he always makes sure you’re well fed and rested before taking care of himself
Since you’re still very young he lets you do a lot of the easy tasks when you’re doing your spider jobs like getting civilians to safety and stopping fallen debris from hitting people, of course you can help with villains but you just have to be on the sidelines so you don’t get hurt
You both def play hide n seek in the dark idc what anyone says YOU BOTH PLAY HIDE N SEEK IN THE DARK CUZ ITS SO FUN TO YOU TWO!!
I can not stress this enough when I say Hobie is always letting you be the first one to judge the song lyrics he writes
He’s the guitarist, Gwen’s the drummer, and you’re the singer
Your extra spider powers are sonic scream and x ray vision (Hobie thinks that’s hella cool)
He has a picture of you, him, Gwen at the park as his Lock Screen, for his Home Screen it’s a picture of Pavitr teaching you how to make tea
OMG Pav loves you smmm you’re like his little sister figure
He loves giving you piggy back rides and he lets you do his hair in any style you want
Two definitely have a handshake
You take a lot after Hobie minus the way you dress, he says he’s not a role model but he’s def your role model
You and Hobie had separate canon events, the person who died for you was a cafe worker who would look after you when Hobie was busy with the band and he couldn’t take you
For weeks you wouldn’t talk to anyone even Hobie, but he still made sure you were taken care of
You and Hobie have your own playlist, it’s a mixture between rock, punk, heavy metal, pop, hiphop, RnB, and bedroom pop
Idc what anyone says, you n Hobie share a bunk bed (he said he gets top bunk bc he’s older smh 🤦🏾‍♀️) and y’all have a matching pajama set that y’all wear on movie nights
One time Pav came over and teased Hobie about having matching pjs with you (he never came over again /j)
No one knows this, not even you, but Hobie still wears the colorful bracelet you made for him when you were 6 (it’s under he sleeve though so you never see)
Definitely the type of brother to sleep in your bed with you or let you sleep in his bed with him if you have a nightmare
By civilians, you two are nicknamed the Spider Siblings (he hates it bc he hates labels and you don’t mind it sorta)
As you can see my requests are back open ESPECIALLY FOR SPIDERMAN ATSV so send those requests!!
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spaceshipellie · 1 year
ellie x masc reader?? 😋 luv u
love you too anon 🖤 thanks you for requesting! i didn’t know if you wanted smut or not so i did smut with a plot lol hope you enjoy babes
ellie x masc!guitarist!reader
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summary: ellie goes to see a band play and takes a liking to the guitarist.
warnings: flirting (gasp), smut with plot, smoking, eating out (e receiving), fingering (both receiving), switch vibes???, 18+ mdni
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being a guitar player herself, ellie loved going to gigs. especially ones in tiny venues like this, to her it just felt more intimate. you could get a drink whenever you wanted and you could get up close and see the smiles on the band’s faces as they look out into the crowd. the band that were playing on this particular night had really caught her attention, more specifically, you had.
she could see just how immersed you were, ring clad fingers moving wildly on the strings, hips moving with the music, messy hair falling over your eyes occasionally. the mixture of watching you and the drink she had in her hand was intoxicating.
you were wearing a loose t-shirt that you had obviously cut the sleeves off and cropped slightly, meaning every once in a while ellie would see a slither of the skin above your boxers which poked out of your jeans. she watched how the muscles in your arms tensed during certain guitar riffs.
the current song then came to an end and the lead singer started talking into the microphone, asking how the crowd was and if they were having a good night. naturally, tipsy cheers followed. you and the rest of the band fiddled with your instruments and laughed about something together which no one else could hear. as the singer was introducing their next song, your eyes suddenly landed on ellie. a tiny smirk curved your lips as you noticed her already looking at you.
you thought she looked cool with her short, mullet type hairstyle and white tank, showing off her lean muscular arms which adorned a few tattoos. your eyes trailed down over her baggy black jeans that ended in beat up black converses. not to mention the silver chain she wore and silver rings similar to your own. she smirked herself before sipping her drink, not breaking eye contact with you.
you only looked away to start playing again. the intro of the next song required you to play a sustained note. your left fingers held the strings down and you shook your wrist slightly, your right hand hanging at your side after it had just strummed and the crowd was losing it.
throughout the song, you kept sneaking glances at ellie and noticed she didn’t hide the fact that she was looking at you too. you felt like yourself when you were up on stage and normally you dreaded the set coming to an end, but when a pretty girl was eyeing you up in the crowd, you actually couldn’t wait to finish.
you had a few more songs to play before your set was over. you and the rest of the band all said your good nights and started packing away your stuff. once that was done you all headed to the bar but you poked your head between two of your band mates who were leaning on the sticky bar mats, slapping your hands on their shoulders.
“i’m gonna maybe catch you later.”
“oh yeah, we all know what that means,” your drummer snickered.
“read me like a book, i don’t care, she’s hot,” you laughed, holding your hands up in defence as you started taking steps backwards.
you weaved through the crowd for a moment before you spotted her further down at the bar. walking over, she turned upon sensing your arrival and you were about to say hi when someone stopped you.
“sorry, are you in that band that just played?”
“h-oh, yeah, yeah i am,” you laughed awkwardly, aware that she was right there watching the encounter.
“i just wanted to say you sounded amazing!”
“oh cool, yeah thank you so much,” you smiled at them.
“that’s all i wanted to say, sorry to interrupt,”
“no no it’s fine, ‘ppreciate it,” you said as they gave you a little wave and left. you turned to her and she was grinning at you.
“ooh someone’s famous,” she teased.
“shut up,” you laughed. she drank the last bit of her beer.
“can i get you another?” you asked, head gesturing to her empty pint glass.
“sure,” she smiled, watching as your legs sat man spreading on the bar stool as you spoke to the bartender.
“you do this with all your fans?” she kept up the teasing tone. you both sat facing each other, each resting one arm in the bar.
“only the ones who look at me all night,” it was your turn to tease as you leant forward.
“oh yeah? you were looking at me too.” she also leant forward and her eyebrow raised for a second and you noticed the small scar in it.
“how’d you get that?” you quickly pointed to it before resting your hand back on your knee.
“slaying a dragon.”
“nice, that a regular hobby of yours or?”
“eh, just now and then, can’t over do it.”
“no, ‘cause that would be crazy.”
“yeah, much crazier than cutting your face in a skateboarding accident.”
“oh, i didn’t know dragons could skateboard.”
she laughed, dropping her head before looking back up at you. you sipped your beer, not breaking eye contact, just like she had done earlier when you were on stage. your knees bumped together as she reached for her own beer. you talked some more and exchanged names. you asked her about her art. she asked about your music and you found out she played guitar too. your beers were virtually empty now when she dug out a packet of marlboro cigarettes, opening them and placing one behind her ear.
“want one?”
“thanks,” you said, taking one from the packet before she shoved them back in her back pocket.
“lead the way,” she said and followed you outside. it was dark out, only street lamps lighting up the space. you leaned against the wall, crossing your feet and putting one hand in your pocket, holding the cigarette in the other. you placed it between your lips and she cupped her hands around the end, lighting it for you before lighting her own. you took a few drags, blowing the smoke away from each other before your eyes settled on her face.
“what?” she scrunched her face a little, smirking.
“was trying to weigh up if this was a good time to kiss you or not,” you snickered, taking another drag. she let out a small laugh as more grey smoke escaped her lips.
“well, what’s your verdict?”
you pulled your hand out of your pocket and uncrossed your feet, standing up properly but still leaning your back on the wall. you hooked a finger in her belt loop and pulled her into you, letting your lips ghost over hers for a moment before kissing her.
it started off soft and simple, but deepened after a couple of seconds. you moved your finger from her belt loop and spread your palm over her hip. she rested hers on your waist, her little finger touching your skin as it dipped under the loose hem of your top. your other hands still occupied with your cigarettes. after you pulled away, you flicked off the built up ash and took another drag.
“that answer your question?”
she bit her lip and squeezed your waist. she stubbed her cigarette out on the wall and flicked it in the general direction of the bin before pulling you into her more and kissing you again. your tongues fought for dominance and you stubbed your cigarette out too, bringing your now free hand to her other hip. her other hand slipped into your back pocket, groping your ass.
“wanna get out of here?” she breathed against your lips.
“my place is just round the corner,” you suggested and felt her nod.
you grabbed her hand and pulled her in that direction, giggling as you fumbled down the street.
when you got to yours, you knew your roommate/band member wouldn’t be home as they were still going to be at the bar for ages. you grabbed ellie’s ass as you got through the door and she grabbed your wrist, kissing you sloppily.
“where’s your room?”
“this way.”
you continued your kiss as you staggered your way through the already open door. you both collapsed on the bed but you quickly asserted yourself by grabbing her wrists and pinning them either side of her head, your leg flung over her hips, straddling her. leaning over her, your silver necklace dangled and you hovered your lips over hers. her hips tried to lift underneath you and you smiled before closing the gap between you again.
you began kissing down her neck, removing one of your hands from her wrist to push her top up until it exposed her braless tits. you cupped one and pinched her nipple lightly making her squirm a little. you latched your lips onto the other, scattering a few kissing across her chest before kissing down to the waistband of her boxers. undoing her jeans with one hand she helped you shuffle them off before you utilised both your hands in pushing her further up the bed so you had more room.
nestling in between her hips you pulled her boxers off and bit your lip at the sight of her. bring a finger to her hole, you collected some of the wetness and swirled it around her clit. your eyes found hers whilst you laid your tongue flat against her, lapping at her clit.
“fuck,” she groaned and her slender fingers groped at her boobs.
you slipped a finger in, pumping it in and out a few times before adding another. your free hand squeezed her waist. you moaned against her cunt, sending vibrations up through her body.
“so fucking hot,” you mumbled.
you kept fucking her until you felt her clench around you and shift her hips. she let out a mini string of hushed curses as she came and you slipped your fingers out. she then quickly sat up and pulled your face up to kiss her, tongues swirling together. she tangled one hand in your hair and the other started undoing your jeans as you knelt on the bed. you pushed them down and kicked them off along with your boxers and she pulled you to straddle her lap. her hand then dragged along your thigh, fingertips digging into the flesh and it made you buck your hips into her slightly.
your hands fumbled around at her boobs for a bit before breaking the kiss to peel her pushed up tank top right off. you also took the chance to throw yours off too, leaving you both completely naked. she trailed her hand along your thigh until it reached your folds. she circled a finger over your clit, emitting a moan from you. she played with your clit a little longer before dipping two of her fingers into you. she pumped and curled them, feeling your cum dripping slowly down her hand.
your head went back, exposing your neck for her to leave sloppy kisses on. her free hand aided your hips in grinding on her.
“fucking ride my fingers, baby.”
you brought a hand down to start rubbing circles on your clit and the sight of it made ellie gasp. your head then fell and buried itself in her neck, open lips brushing her skin. she grazed her teeth on your shoulder, practically biting it when your other hand tightened it’s grip on her bicep. the mix of slight pain and pleasure brought you to orgasm as you rode it out in her lap. when you were done she removed her hand and held your hips. you were both panting and took a minute to catch your breath. she looked up at you, giving you a lazy smile as she let out a short laugh.
“wanna give me an encore?”
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: tyler owens x rancher male reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: tyler's back in an old town he recognizes, and he recognizes someone else too.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.32k
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: suggestive, but nothing explicit (like 1 kiss), very suggestive flirting
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: cowboy slang vocabulary
Tyler shoulda known that riding 'round here, stopping in this specific town, would've earned him a run in with you.
In fact, maybe he did. Maybe, some part of that subconscious of his remembered that this was your town, and your old haunt, and it made him stop and get the whole group motel rooms for the night here.
He recognized this town, recognized the bar he led his friends to, recognized the stage in the corner. Maybe he didn't recognize the new teen band performing there today, but they're familiar anyway: a chill drummer and a bassist and guitarist that always bump heads.
And finally, of course he recognized you.
You raise your glass toward him as he enters, beckoning him to sit down next to you at the bar. The rest of the group settles for a booth near the dance floor, leaving Ben to stand nervously at the door. The journalist eventually follows the group, though his eyes don't leave outlier.
"Hey sweetheart." He greets with a lazy smirk, ordering his choice of poison without looking at the bartender so he can look you in the eye.
"Hey stranger." You greet in turn, tipping your hat. "What brings you to town?"
"Well, the season drives me everywhere in Tornado Alley, you know." The liquid courage that makes its way into his hands and later down his throat feeds his smile, which grows wider.
"Should I be worried?" You joke.
"No, sweetie." The name makes you roll your eyes, like you always do when his endearing nicknames get used like that. "You know the brunt of it doesn't get here."
As the two of you mostly catch up, with the nicknames and flirting taking a backseat, Ben looks on. For once, he's not thinking about getting it on a paper, he's just curious. Tyler seems to know at least one person at each town they go on, but he's never seen him so...touchy? No, there's something about it Ben can't put his finger on.
"Eavesdropping, huh?" Lilly chimes in, leaning around Ben the same way the man leans over the corner of the booth seat.
Ben yelps audibly, but thankfully for him, not too loud. "No. No, I can't hear them from here." He shakes his head. In an attempt to hide his embarrasment, he replaces it with a question that'll distract her. "Who's he?"
"(Y/N), our food supplier. He sells for cheap for the tornado recovery meals and stuff." Lilly explains.
Dani, who was previously looking at Boone making a fool of himself on the dancefloor, chimes in. "Because ranches don't run on hopes and rainbows."
Lilly nods her head along.
"That's it?" His eyebrows furrow, and he leans over the corner again to sneak a glance. The two of you are so engrossed in your conversation that you're definitely not going to turn towards the booth, even if Tyler mentions the group.
"Well, rumor has it he's an old link." Lilly suggests with a laugh.
Ben doesn't know what the word means. "A boyfriend?"
"No," She smiles, clearly amused, "but let's just say that. You're probably wondering why you haven't heard anything about him."
Boone practically collapses onto the booth table before Lilly can continue. He steals a tall glass of water from someone and practically gulps down half of it in one go. None of the group seems to mind so much. As he catches his breath, he follows the groups' gaze to the pair at the bar. "Oh, (Y/N)? I didn't even realize he was here."
Dani laughs and pats his shoulder. "Yep. You gonna say hi, steal him for the dance floor?"
"Nah." He waves his hand dissmissively. "I bet the lovebirds are gonna bone. I'll see him at the hotel tomorrow morning."
Ben doesn't know that word either. Dexter whispers the meaning in his ear and his eyebrows raise. "So he is a boyfriend?"
"No." Boone straightens up and stretches. "At least, not anymore. They might've been high school sweethearts or something, but not anymore. While Tyler became a bull rider after high school, (Y/N) inherited his grandparents' farm and got straight to work."
Ben nodded along with the story. So that's how they got you as their supplier. "So they broke up–"
"–allegedly because they went down different paths?" Ben huffed. "If it was me, I would've tried."
Dexter chuckled at how the journalist accidentally insulted Tyler. He shook his head. "They might not have broken up. We just know they had a falling out when Tyler officially settled into the storm chaser profession."
"When we first got to 10k subs!" Boone chimes in.
"The food supplying was handled over text, and storm chasing is busy business, you know?" Ben nodded, so Dexter continued. "So then their relationship turned mostly transactional, and their affectionate bonds kind of disappeared, because Tyler didn't have time to reply."
"Wow, that sucks." Ben's empathy showed physically as he frowned. "What about off-season?"
"Disaster recovery is an extensive process." Dani reminded him. "We use (Y/N)'s goods after we get the folks to temporary homes as a kind of food stamp."
"They moved on." Lilly patted Ben on the shoulder reassuringly. "Storm chasing ain't for the weak-willed, Ben. It's all or nothing. You live for it, or you leave it, and someone has to manage the ranch, right?"
"So, basically, Tyler is dating storm chasing," Boone says with a toothy grin, "and has no time to date anyone else."
That's never stopped you from having your fun everytime he shows up around town.
"Storm Par still on your ass?" You ask, swirling your glass absentmindedly.
"As always." He laughs, drumming his own fingers against the wood of the bar countertop. "But we have a new genius in the crew!"
"Do you?" You raise a brow. He gestures in the direction of the booth with the tip of his hat, making you look. Everyone waves at you enthusiastically, even Boone, who you'd caught mid-sip, except for the new guy who shrinks back into the cushions. "The one with the glasses?"
"Yep, that's Ben." Tyler speaking brings your eyes back to him, as it always tends to do. "Journalist, has a way with words. He's going to write about our Tornado Wrangling crew, and storm chasing."
"Hmm," You hum low, kind of with displeasure. "you're not going to make him write about Storm Par too, are you?"
You had him pegged down to a T. He sighed, "Well..."
"That'll get him in trouble and you know it." You shoot him a disappointed look. He's been getting those more and more these days; or he has, since you got that ranch of yours.
To hide himself from the simmering shame it gives him and to get more courage, he downs the rest of his drink. "Yeah, but, um...let's just talk about us, yeah?"
You exchange a look. He smiles, you frown, it's a battle. Eventually, he wins, because how can you say no to him?
You roll your eyes, "You're lucky I miss you, Ty."
"Do you?" His eyes light up and he takes your free hand in his. He can't hide his joy, despite the fact you always say that every time you see each other.
"Yes I do, poppet." You huff out a laugh, "You're a twister of your own, you know? Leaving damage that reverberates for years."
He feigns offense, a hand over his heart. "I leave damage, huh?"
"Yep. You know what? I'm not the only one who misses you. The chickens miss you, the goats miss you, the cows miss you, the ranch dogs miss you." The entire list makes him laugh, but you're not done yet. "So do my horses, and hell, the ranch cats too. You know how hard it is for a ranch cat to get attached?"
"And Brisket?" Brisket, the little indoor dog. He was a puppy when they last met, Tyler wonders how big he's gotten now.
"Of course Brisket misses you." You groan, like it's really a big problem. "You met him as a puppy, he's wondering where his second dad went."
His eyebrows raised. Second dad? Whew, the subtle flirting is making him swoon. "Buy him a couple treats for me." He playfully reaches into his pocket for his wallet to further the joke.
"What is this, child support?" You glare at him with a fake snarl.
That makes Tyler laugh out loud. He reaches for both your hands, hoping the creases on your scary look will smooth out. "I promise I'll be a present father someday."
You roll your eyes again, except this time when they return to him, they soften. "When will that be?"
"How's tomorrow sound?" The smile returns too, and he loves it. "Oh, and you don't mind having five more little helpers, do you?"
"Sounds perfect." You squeeze his hands. "For how long?"
"Ehm..." He bites his lip, and your smile falters. "A day, maybe?"
"Darling..." You sigh, "That's not exactly a present father."
"I know, I know." He shakes his head, letting his gaze fall to your connected hands. "I'm a terrible father, a terrible man as well, to boot. Useless for this family as a hill of beans."
"Well," You shrug your shoulders, disconnecting one of your hands to cup his cheek and pull his gaze back up to you. "season's just starting, so I understand. Make me a promise, though."
"Oh?" This is new, not that Tyler cares for the substance of the promise. "Anything for you, baby."
"God, hear me out first, will you?" You shake your head. "It's two promises, actually. For tonight," With the hand on his cheek, you boop his nose. "we'll dance on that dance floor back there, and–"
"Ugh, seriously?" He groans preemptively. "I don't want that picture on Ben's article."
Tyler is a good dancer, he really is, but he's almost entirely sure that the predominant style of dancing in this here town is silly to those Brits out there and he's going to get mocked 'till high hell. Oh, whatever. All publicity is good publicty, aye? The Brits ought to know how a real man dances, anyway.
"–and, then we'll share your room."
Tyler's sure that, even if it were anyone else you were flirting with, they'd have caught onto your drift, because you are one hot man and that wink you consequentially send him is sexier than anything he's ever seen. Out of the sheets, of course.
"Cat got your tongue, darl'?" You chuckle, patting his cheek before pulling away confidently.
"No, no, it's just," His mind's still boggled by how handsome you are, so he blinks repeatedly to register all of it. "I'm swoonin' alright? Give me a moment."
He loves that little proud look you give him, and realy wants to return the flirting, even if he's already messed up the flow. Luckily it looks like you'll allow him to.
"Okay," He clears his throat, "why share a room, rancher? You live right on the outskirts o' town. I'm sure that bed of yours with grandma's handmade quilt is a lot nicer than my little hotel room."
Tyler knows damn well what you're going to do in that room, but he's playing along.
"Sometimes the company beats comfort, love." The way you call him love makes his knees weak. "Not that I'm in search for comfort tonight."
He laughs, a little too prolonged as he comes up with something in return. "And why do you reckon I'm good company?"
"You might just be any Alfalfa Desperado's dream: a big, strong man who's technically unemployed and knows how to ride a horse." It's as much an excuse as it is a distraction to shock him more with what comes next. "Plus, a twister like yourself is sure to tumble the sheets well."
"Rougher than an earthquake, I can guarantee that." He grins, sending a smooth wink of his own.
"Don't guarantee it." You huff out a laugh, "I'd have to pay you a little extra."
"I want that little extra." He makes a show of licking his lips. "Anything you can offer, I'll make sure to match, sweetheart."
The both of you are leaning closer everytime you send a comment or compliment. He's missed this, missed you, so much: the easy intimacy and smiles, winks and eventual kisses.
As your lips near, he realizes that all this flirting's making him forget that second promise you spoke of. "What was that second promise, anyway? Do I gotta agree to both to get tonight's?"
"Well, no," The way your inconspicuous eyes snap to the high corner of the room earns his intrigue. "but it'd certainly earn you a little bit o' brownie points."
"Hit me." He grins wide.
"Make a little time for me off-season," The heated atmosphere leaves as you begin, because your flirty facade melting into something less confident, more nervous. "a week, two, or maybe a month...like I said, Brisket misses you... If you can, that is! If not, like, no hard feelings–"
He doesn't like the way you said all that in a rush. He doesn't like that you say it as if it were silly and something he'd never agree to.
He cuts off your doubts with a quick kiss. "I swear."
Because he means it. He will, he swears it.
The way your eyes are on his when they flutter back open makes his heart swell. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me." He knocks his nose softly against yours. "I should've done that along time ago."
"Yes indeed, you should've!" You're back to being sassy, and the easy atmosphere comes back. He laughs, but he can't deny you.
He should've made time for you long ago. It's not something he can say whatever to, but he can say it's in the past now, and when the season ends, he'll make up for it.
ɴᴏᴛᴇ: no bc how is this 2k words long
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